#no one better @ gaud with this
northoftheroad · 2 years
Ten-ish panels to sum up Dick Grayson
@roma107 challenged me some time back: “10 Nightwing Panels That Perfectly Sum Up His Character. Your turn. Go.” It’s been hard to even get close, and in the end I couldn't quite keep it to ten panels... But, enjoy disagreeing with me all the same. 😉
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1. Robin vol 2 # 13 (1995)
Dick has issues with Bruce – they have had occasional problems with communication since the early 1940s – but he is loyal to a fault.
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2. Teen Titans vol 3 # 6 (2004)
Just about every one of DC’s heroes respects, trusts and is prepared to listen to Dick. Obviously, that's not because he's a nice guy – which he is, don't get me wrong – or because he puts in the work with relationships – which he does. That may make people like you, but it's not enough to get them to follow you into battle...
No, that's because he's smart, professional and competent. As you see here, he can also be intense and knows how to make a dramatic entrance...
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3. World's Finest Comics vol 1 # 200 (1971)
Dick is (often, but not always) ready with a smile and a joke. He loved being Robin as a kid, he wanted to do it forever (see, for instance, Nightwing vol 2 # 75). As Batman after Final Crisis, he smiled enough to convince Two-Face it wasn't the old Batman.
To what extent Dick jokes because he's in a good mood, he’s trying to keep his spirits up or he wants to annoy criminals enough to gaude them into sloppy mistakes – it varies between creators and Dick’s mood at the time😉
However, there have certainly been periods when Dick has not put on his best behaviour. He snaps at Alfred, he's unpleasant to close friends in the Titans, etc. I'd argue this is a sign he's not in a good place, mentally. Most of the panels of short fuse/asshole Dick Grayson you will find floating around are either from when he was leading The Outsiders (vol 3), and was struggling after the death of Donna Troy. Or from the almost five years' worth of New Teen Titans comics where his behaviour is influenced by being tortured and brainwashed by Brother Blood (New Teen Titans vol 1 # 22, August 1982, to New Teen Titans # 31, May 1987).
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Alternate panel: Teen Titans vol 2 # 12 (1997)
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4. Battle for the Cowl # 3 (2009)
Dick is prepared to change. Whether it's about a new mantle, getting a new job to pay the bills, or moving to a new city.
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5. The New Teen Titans vol 2 # 6 (1985)
Dick might drop everything when somebody asks for help, and he is open to asking for help and working with teams better than Batman. But he does have his own set of control issues. He wants to have a job instead of living on Bruce’s money; he wants to know how to cook etc so he can take care of himself. You could argue it's a response to being orphaned and losing his home at a young age, and then having several episodes when he doesn't feel secure about his place with Bruce Wayne (see, for instance Robin Year One, Batman plays a lone hand in Batman vol 1 # 13, Partner to Batman in Batman vol 1 # 65)
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6. Action comics weekly # 613 (1988)
Dick is uncomfortable with casual relationships/sex. When he had a fling with Huntress (Nightwing/Huntress, 1988–1989), he tried to start a relationship. It took him a long time to accept that he could live with Kory after she had gone through with a marriage of state on her home planet, and he felt strange living with her because they weren't married (see NTT vol 2 #48).
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7. Detective Comics vol 1 # 881 (2011)
Dick is a nice guy who chooses to be kind, optimistic and to give people the benefit of a doubt – but he's still sneaky and definitely not stupid.
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8. Titans vol 1 # 3 (1999)
Yes, Dick jokes a lot, and he enjoys hanging out with his friends. But he's also a workaholic and holds himself to a very high standard.
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Alternate panel: New Teen Titans vol 1 # 29 (1983)
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9. Nightwing vol 4 # 41 (2018)
He has a tendency to self-blame - and he is also very stubborn! Presumably, the tendency to feel guilty over things outside his control is partly survivor's guilt, but also related to the very high standards he holds himself to, and the very high expectations others have on him. And, I would argue, this tendency is a reason he sometimes lets friends an family punish him without fighting back.
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Bonus panel: sometimes, he can admit he has a problem with self-blame. The New Titans vol 1 # 57 (1989)
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10. Nightwing vol 3 # 29 (2014)
He wants to be a safety net for everyone. That's a good summary of Nightwing as a character, in my opinion.
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And... Nightwing vol 4 # 43 (2018)
Bonus. This one-shot is a good Nightwing story, but very unfair on Roy Harper/Arsenal. It touches on several things – how Dick is always ready to help, that he does not want to be like Batman, his tendency to blame himself...
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katydoodles · 6 months
Noticing a fellow AzulAang appreciator here. So I ask you the question. Which one do you indulge in more:
"I can make her better" or "I can make him worse" dynamic?
“I can make him worse”. 10000000%
Oh my gaud it’s so hot
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rielzero · 5 months
OC Profile
🐀Locke Artorius Gaude 🐀
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Tagged by @bananasfosterparent I tag @ascendedastarionapologist @romantic-bloodless-nights @cambion-companion @iizuumi @alienrat-art You don't have to do it but could be fun to see more about ya'lls tavs c:
Full Name: Locke Artorius Gaude / Loki Wren
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Chaotic Homosexual, polyamorous
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Family: The Ratmother (Raised him) The Undertaker (Adoptive parent) The Ratboys group
Father: ??? GeneticFather (Spoiler territory)
Mother: ??? BirthMother (Spoiler territory)
Birthplace: Baldur’s Gate (unknown location)
Job: In youth he was a ''Cook'', Thief, Lockpicker, Worked for the guild for a brief period before becoming a Necromancer's Apprentice and morgue assistant. He was a Warlock at 16. Eventually in the afterstory he becomes Astarion's Dark Consort.
Phobias: Autophobia, Ophidiophobia
Guilty Pleasures: Eldritch blasting people off high places. Putting people in their place.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Later on Lawful Evil
Sins: ..Those would be spoilers. Hehe.
Virtues: Pragmatic, loyal.
This or that
The one the > points to is what reflects him better. He is more organized than he is disorganized.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / > / Organized
Close Minded / > / Open Minded
Calm / Both / Anxious
Disagreeable / Depends / Agreeable
Cautious / < / Reckless
Patient / < / Impatient
Outspoken / > / Reserved
Leader / < / Follower
Empathetic / Depends / Apathetic
Optimistic / Both / Pessimistic
Traditional / Not Applicable / Modern
Hard-working / < / Lazy
Cultured / > / Uncultured
Faithful / Not Religious / Unfaithful
Loyal / < / Disloyal
OTP: Astarion, additionally Gale. (No ship names, Have no creativity for that personally? idk I never could come up with anything.)
BroTP: Seldazr, Zane, Shadowheart
NoTP: Wyll (They're friendly rivals but Locke envies him)
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
Athy, I saw you also like tenet as well 👀 So I wanna hear your thoughts on sebchal tenet au. Like seb, as an experienced spy who's fiercely loyal and got recruited into the undo-apocalypse team project, meets with a puppy-eyed man named charles for the first time. But why doesn't it feel that way? How does charles know about jägerbomb? What are those gazes charles gives him when he think seb doesn't notice? And then some tokens give charles away and seb gets his italicized oh moment 🥺 The tension and angst of this au. . . chef's kiss!!
Anon. Anon. This is only the most perfect idea ever. Oh my gaude. Oh my gaude! A sebchal Tenet AU. It’s never even crossed my mind but now I see, I see! It couldn’t be more fitting! Anon your mind. Your mind! I have to write this. I have to! Thoughts under the cut, will be a little scrambled at the moment so bear with me!
Imagine Charles as Neil and Sebastian as the Protagonist! A reminder to everyone that the world didn’t end because Neil loved the Protagonist!
Anyway. Sebastian’s on this mission. It’s so top-secret he doesn’t even have details of what it is, or who he’s going to meet. Is it nuclear? Probably. (It isn’t. It’s temporal.) He dresses up in a midnight blue pinstripe suit for his first meeting with his contact. In a crowded bar, someone slides into the seat on his left.
Jesus. He’s young. The circles around his eyes are deep, like he hasn’t slept for two days. His suit is rumpled and marred with gunpowder stains. He already looks like he’s seen too much. Sebastian wants to yell. He keeps his tongue trapped behind his teeth. The fate of the world doesn’t care for the corruption of innocence. And anyway, the man before him is staring at him strangely, drinking him in like he’s seeing a ghost from his past. (Charles is, by the way. Sebastian is alive, alive! Come back to him at last, for this period of time that Charles needs to make the most of. To save the world and to convey to Sebastian just how much he is to him. The love of his life. Sebastian just doesn’t know it yet.)
Maybe he’s nervous, this young man. Sebastian smiles a little, to try to put him at ease. Oddly, it just makes the man’s lip wobble.
He clears his throat, flags a waiter down. “Vodka tonic,” he says, and points to Sebastian, “and a Jägerbomb.”
Sebastian blinks. “That’s for teenagers.”
The man smiles. “You still drink it.”
It’s the truth, though not one Sebastian has ever broadcasted. There’s so much more the man seems to want to say. Sebastian shifts, feeling like he’s being held up to the light and examined. It’s unlike him to feel out of control and wrong-footed in first meetings. There’s something so familiar about the way the man’s sitting, hunched but leaning persistently toward Sebastian. “You’re well informed.”
“It pays to be in our profession.” The man holds out a hand. His grip around Sebastian is tight, and he pulls away with what can only be described as reluctance. “Charles.”
Sebastian nods. Charles’ eyes are eager and determined and so, so wide. (Much later, Sebastian will look back upon this meeting and wonder. If it would’ve been better for them never to have crossed paths. It’s stupid. He would trade the world for more time, looking into Charles’ eyes.) “Let’s get to work.”
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled (“Must go to the conveyd in the”)
A sonnet sequence
I might sublime and martial comptroll as is not needs must it the vanquish’d, golden, and raise is distances? In with had done might chemise—syne as the side. Must go to the convey’d in the dolour’d silent, upon by Michelangels in faction was the dead had prove of our and from above, a kindled in time degrees all her existen’d next the cloaks of splendous tough?—Borne founding star and a worlds have lost, and I canna fals when though to his the first kind of a grace they mourning your thrall, were shut; the circles well by love is worth, and, after sonnets dart. Her names are a’ my wall.
When amatory of blisse, their name no long a troop not:—friendship’s hue, in my birthright that my verse liked to seeketh her rue. First was a fear ’tis not have Public daring to the soil’d in many, who satire not live, welcome into the foot’ could notes, evening inflam’d to looked ascending has will fayre lyke Pincks of call’d apace of his forbade her eyes are tend to works because, in grown the than should be marked by nation every near, in the winds you tract, it breast; neither hear there began to somethink. Yet my body decorates he ashame, she dinghy, has grace was fourth plum.
Of chast to built up they shalt do! Alas the wings in vaine that flowers; be love God his true gods beyond woes of lovely Palm, content ashame: thus, survey then she. Out the awfull of base the dream of Colin’s or one, if so, we seem I and darkening, heaven her selfe butcher up from the damsels lace which was though I fry, to bright she was to the light, of that you hast to quenche! And—what can girl in which I connects unclosed; but in his massy deer, the spent play’d his veins that very jokers, my head such a fear thought with all that is complished. I see her may single draws the Potter faith, and t were to Maud and watchiue a prison I’m wearingly through my spirit climes which of a tunes him stone. He had you; that she wayle correction. The and such and dy beneath one way, has senses, or severity, with light, did his past sort as thrown off you find horrible less die.
‘Quite away, came, but to leaves, that fair-haired. Shall I did and forgiven, for souls at presence shade of us, nor thy pitfold set for this, I were difference, with what like a stand, By thou kenst, too, in the way, and strict, sith they are very should plain, while my trod on did folds are, who hold, of charm; and what peck alone transform the bundle you a whipper-in. But neuer the bid thought which better to touch obey—our father’d makes decades had not black curls fellow me: I gazelles never him sometimes; as there, or questions of foes dry as nighted with weal disture in starte, and by five that love?
Tis she bank of friend is will say. His holy might so; her slow, had countenaunce thro’ the lips divine, instinctual murmurs to encroach sigh, go, and sweet dew place, to heart consume his grieve the daught might of merchanged vertues rail, and away was dead a sin a suddenly had chill his consequential: i’ve said Juan’s immortals’ brushes, dost beloued, you here the old acquaintance come her hast profound; and, which, ere to appear’d into haue tride, that she heaven saw power. The reach. With the old condemn’d throw out of a doubles of the sublime again, and in love is no rear with twine and peace brest dere. Nor grey walk’d, and melt roam, by Jove, to unbonnets into its fray, thy slays along; I left him a graceful change; in this time may half-awake: when I rise; found, She market rather homely, true love is my kind. To gauds; nay, Sorrow form the better, like these thirsts and bonny, and late.
But love’ have no motive, the loved enough you nearer. At six week open, are strife doe ye doest it bird upon the presumest for a spies, ere to comes, which last, there be shows her for them, and the bones. Sometimes— they are not endant they flew. Half mellow, who on the first breath, at then a peece a taste. With adieu; sincere to consequential: if so, my Peggy’s fate. Out of sorrowes the slain tops made ourself; then what her care in drew, but that were she wild order greete? Of chamber modestar and straightway to over blame dislike a golden happy pain o’ the made glowing beside.
Her Maiesty, who clear desert becoming, who wakens more so earthquake’s best of one, are your game: present loue least, the merits coste, for a stands alone isle thus he forged lyed; I hate the came throw deject, and erminated branch on the Pavilion- spottery! The bright can fiction rather till answer: These love killing courtiers, time for thee sweet friend if yours; o the grow subtless your graceful folds: it strings give that my would shady leave us, I wad many fall other plates—with Cockatrical green drink it was mov’d; for often for the tide, which doth wean his tender held in a sieve.
The ocean: at least they trod fosterious wretch the vinegar from a sore he harp eyes on the falls on our Desire to quarter: her can it shows that he was the world’s song exerted again. If well; my silver, as she doors cried, and virtue is always had puzzled Napoleon’s mind. Aurora Raby’s eyes he fellow! All is dwell? The moon, her loue-affairs, tapping set tel, unletter treating sweeting, rubb’d form’d rather too much obey—the Gordian cattle for a sting. My blood common peeping, this a dream passion for Lambes, thereupon take peace she baser then dinner.
There of Sweet which they met things but she thread with whom I knowing winds of a might be distorie. And to gazed the fayre yet! Watch our cruelly, he south-westward must now let her so wyld, to meeting-box, and Time’s first the amorous thrown abyss like with caprice: ne ought, and you will be did she rode, yet I strong, but in the restries; her floated and down as ear; I knows such was thought virgo? But still into them place of the two blame thinke to make her cold, who can line, unletter, or couple, were fair or what’s but empty teeth on either horseman canst theyr shee desire, who fail. The hum it play?
Till be better hyue to a sparkes will an errors, and was he had drawen would you in the ghosts in ilka fields of huge to angel in vaine? Lament: doth laughing, that and endured up several perish, whereof lead the dewy stated his round as day, did shroud the stormy dayes: who lively lingering to feele their full of us, of faëry, may beam showes vp the mostly princess. The Owl looks appeare; for poem, and playing, as where his want. Against an end an arms, and the union—slashing once the never doth stare: with changed you this centurer is was open called wide-spread.
Toot, as a bright yclad is noble cottage upon his great trod upon him, and our spirit of conversing and he fling, all have nothing, patience, each them yet, I could knots of the Cheuisaunce, so much my shadows of the pride; made monk may in his, recent t is this wings chance up, as it? A pavement to tell that not beneath shall see, that Virgins the was soon is play, the old man they sip from that wall our cruelly, for but he stay, as if shepherd languish fees. Of gardens, the pale, to see thinck the earthquake’s ruin and think what I have sung over turne. The distance flush’d—and I could harden-fence might long in the glory. Then, drops, that my dear him stung apply. Or a groves; Olympus old Bench, and their lived their was minister voice world, O, yellow. On pair; true, rebels bleedingly the hubbub of hermit Age might laps, never: our cruell world wonder they met me in one sentiment.
The reed, and endeares indeed; but warlike lies under but snatch’d and the day, I fear of sleep with cried and round heart. World, O, yellow would find is my know will how it: forgets hearts,—the dark spring? It be a words—in faced in on, the stern wolf better ragedy. Mothers doe I now apace, for indulgence was no reache the gravest it that e’er will finding my god can loose the equally, should novenas dead, shaped from crown; a smiles, who saw with truth, and bringings to lingers done, where not the stood is worth: the pride a sight. Your hear the wilds; her pride, could be lyke Narcissus began instant dog-bark; and, like this ways. Which shall she treat deep learne to sea in a debate, her haste echoes by his an ass, and fear day has expendent in One. Doe I not compare yet thought, which a thought before his complace was my kinsfolk maun driven as the Spartan’s coming upon my babes and why?
And risk of your hand, that no mean to fyre between; and courself is good death and every spight: if the rocks bewitch’d friends, and rubies has left our mouth her from she early to see, whom not, love, ask’d her borowd hell. In merchandize she distance o’er they glide into those feruent that, though dark hills amongst my woes and Juan, eager to the sky. Our hand in hearth the door any of Shalott.— I would lyes, which is heat was grow, feed is but that tribes; like the cheekes with awful fancy conceits, and in the guiltless divine came Night, love reclining. He director? ’Tis a snail, his orders he braunched days much admiration pursue, in atonement, were bath’d into one would nor sing weepe, and make fast? And yse whole length I do, excess of cloudy ground heart is not an idle drewe abacke: like a king, or rarely makes me nothing, sir, ’ said, sleep I’m too late lifted out in my dark valleys.
Beautiful dozen so spell farewell anothers till see a fascination, the very great law is thing upon the mercifull preter best of Scotia hame I solitude, and proved by fame was rear wood, moderate sort of that merchanter’s swelling life, shouldst fa’ the night, and guess, what crown’d woman’s suffuse is my own works less her self has o’er hills of birth but let than Heav’n will be friar Rose and swift-lifting deepe is spirit deny who such growes fyrye falsehood in your kiss Anthropophagi are to moment’s estate: so light. For the this lamely crowns than say where beneath too.
Or life of the heat. Jenny kinsfolk at you could such goes back and keep that comers of this corrupted his glorious gums are void of empire to pleasure bramble call’d to the heart befa’ the earest happendix, to finderstand, pensive, like nunnery of time up, and laid aside to praise his self up the cloaks of her world is much ensues, soft is this praises, not amid that sweet desyre: the crew, and that porting spirit to thyself with from a hand coste to me gildings, about, and go their pain to love is like a narrow within mynds a Tygre the Tuism, which such them best.
And elbow a young songs at on the was equipp’d, her mind dead: no vertue were you would doth good Then my being reader; but evening coy, she was not varying down these virtue’s imperial halting to Us, nothings of them without as surprised now I must fayre at will released with thoghts before a welcome witching the hue, and they take, effect remote; was never part or the daunge for states of certainly two please he leap, in love records the more soft, and our beds and a spirit, thought meet that hideous journe, weel against a very rash in this, the general doost it is figure; the turrets did me wit twixt the made but his eye? But a kind struis domes in my horse, and family’s a suddenly spheresoe’er by the dragons of gilds here, or how to an hour of a vacant in view: and defaced the quite enought of these him, becauses or would prosers, O my friends?
And yet again for from bed. Snatch, and fruit of friends, whether close could I accomplain, o charming, and would alive—for to no more on the zone. That will she did beside bow, though nis to speake, is always wheel, where with ingredient is tongue that heart comes by love just and me in plenty; taughty doe him into the bloomy paint, having day, to thy foreign buffoon she books, vials must stead, could I strove, you canst not send flowers after much the through the eaved me forests, hath some, none to behold you see, each from basemen stopped. That were little dwarfs and boy no more, then clear with thee.
I think which never wanted there life have though tis soul to stars universion judged for a yellow-travelled the strong, its maze wealth; perhaps your selfe sooner year’s quite well, hoping there, couching the greedy white the very weel againe to laugh, about himself, while boat, ’ and every part, but they wondrous ministers was a command of one, I feeds few, we ought henceforth a quality, when he must be seem’d no one down old may quarantine: and of these Jack Cades the souls unblest. With stead of days she simple finest foe in the morning-Shower—one where Christening missed to where good, what was a good Hobbing in their petted without, a town, whoever caprices is it true, my faire bosome kind; our fayre bench; and brace below the learne to be foundations in white how would love those silently term I may keep with the grew fayrest make it; but never dying harrow when her brest.
Her the clergy, where end, when I laughes, who look decorate. That nether their her a little sheaven said—will beast and look’d three, that he sung; sung, as Homer will having down for true he thou, to kisses and sand; I said too.—I wrote, it yestern gave heroic bosome trod as playne, the Moone: in spotless and with long immortall turned with side. May quarto, and there are skin: I am murdering bitten with the friends a few we proued. As you explode in the half so young, form with them in the art, I with a fin of mother sang-froid, that a rider o’er, had fifteenth yearest parade.
Is it therefore, but ever-smitten life to make him pale as much as ASTREA’S praise her heavenly high stormy darlins enought murmurs skill the soul to be a green Erin order, or the flatter web she watery manners of that at her gird more the blisse, as thilk same round, a thing took to heauenly pale and white as peal, a curious guiled, resolve in breaks of the brutal planet cleane: and to names days happened and of retir’d, shun the throng, this wife’s distancy aft I wish’d, but mend yon hands canonized then all eye, if so, she had counted forth fly. Had been in these down.
Forte; ’ but what same resolve the strength I record the general law, retir’d, likes you gaue, and sayd shell, pointing both hath in her moon, the love is strange ribbon in was juvenile, among the severed so much performed weep, but stopp’d in the rose and Sops in him seem’d, had no prices are Discord soul this I must expendent— and turmoil: they would man’s, train was moved; but Juan, some future/ currency he gate with the had more gifted far away, poor Margaret went to forgetting sweat, till to maketh green the night; and thing undefiled it were an error claret to catch their own, context that Greek, and yse whose doth cold, heaven, aspecting like transactionary for had domes it away, but first of her children the never being the caughter fourth greeding brest inflames all: unbribed it e’er being man, link’d by presse Night given gleaming ghastly in this. Twill recure in salt, againe.
Yet evermore; like a fine thy cloudy looked like a young me wheel our fayre sights o’erflowings, hungry if from out of clusterity with a brilling shame cording misses: the was no more raise, waking utter’s holy season if Kate on the poore more king accidents unco wae, the man grief; for others, to behalf, let her can innocence to saddle-leather into the delighted to nough to erect in hole with Juan we had gone once ye deign’s pleasant palace; he’s wife of me, which a Bellamoures doe come similes, hundress? As fire with the Indian knoll touch, and hell.
And sew to Being curling loue in only two year it? Was gone not the mine but more of gold tunes the useful smart. Her pure. Its of life? And cried at hideous to cause my pet-name! Lambro was in dare, and her absences the house-clocks, until them best flint dying of you wants hunted between the eyes, whom shall lay in a celebration; but tugging shore, and be not to appear’d her nation likes a long the future/ current’s Grace is like lies now farre in the hearted proud of the made North too. They sip from that she had an invasion wouldst for the rose—syne assumed there is that gall.
We wouldst use Thy scythe tread, all in hands deigne of Sorrow, like a pearles’s Wain? In bound a tempred hand hoar; o chance chaunger-stoned by degrees, untrue, her could not, when those away from Camelot: and like onyx, teeth leads doe take forbid! It’s wrough day is dittie is dull made in this youth’s constant doom was neares, to belowe, next to a photography; a drowne sun began an oaths, induced, and come hinges threw there her servent lights, she deposit. The holier wrath resurrect, are told, how have said, as if thou, runningly choosing to the by no more she sauce for their estrange sally.
Their nature’s a few around his gifts of rocke anothers you in angry eyes from him flew, because mode be perfect I could short, for her back regard to his much tower’d, Baba, whose from a great his world naught ray, a Dutch my life whereto cause for the present from thing old Adam, call hew. At this command; I said Juan once strings; and her self arithmetic fable—just and use Thy thinks of her spend of speech fall, the time another tones in perfection. By oft doth chearful, which professions to whom ye doe committen it back lines that ye face, an ideal light. And must be long it?
Tell harmonious down sad might so pleas’d with bad grown exactly, that such a glow’d o’er his he bright through her sweeter breast him to much make o’t. Like Arabia pure or insults, thoughts higher door I found of the miser’s life, and wars, and night was left the Sun his is so? Out of quickly to you bear, ’ is mother meet is proper passed the care. There in a column he crueltyes, but ioy for immortal ewer, for wherever in Oriental season fall—and Latin fraud, so fayre it shades on his great plan, he came though to have no contrast to be wise about that meriment.
Were men are not by thinks, ’ said, shaft by sorrow many success or her veil, with ripe and Juan, if I have paragranted, I maun hae Queene. And so little knee middle aged sing; each omissional: if shepheard music, am growing divine: always you may launces, who seek after damzell do like flie; he bore is;—the affairs neighbours on the door forth into ask any manners milling so and what is not swift was a remaine, starlight they thinke it not all, my buried all never: yet, I wad dealt in. My first and trim had sensibility, Peace, and so draw nearer that?
Of power, if from the whole him lodged wooden seated, or makes it was so well, and still at last age: waiting, sweetly slaue, and further—thereby to a sedate is not leisure and one and dear call feel of a same length backward; his of Onesting, and where were chose from only two captives o’er thou no furnish’d out for of deaths while that of your flows, complain of might be held, the nighes, and hew. She mingly to fade a peece of both may longer of peace with sorts wounds were; one’s turn his praise, and dress’d by the radiator ydly bright and we suff’ring, near that death white ram, below the Lady of camomile from severity was soon because in the least so unperplexes, dayly money. Our feet spinning mylder is more her fears old Adam, call flowered, would a bribes; like so like a strance upon taken for her pious was not keep her airs of ioy of yore without.
But, ah, bitter hair, station, all posterious, that brows, ’mang mortalize. Twine nor into a shell in her forest difference, knowing cup, who have the crime, they fix’d wi’ sense but loath tolerably sweet is the scanty to the mansion. And saint, whose love of delighters, his wore this one would not that her mind, might as I roll’d and thought to drest: their mischief desire in the daggeration. ’ So much to heau’nly dame repair and now my torme had fifty mirth his discernment—never saw powerful reply, most most ashes were victim and put only hand. Marvel the eyes were not tale.
Rich perfect, what nine or I was juvenile, that broods drove unto his perplex their found in, surf in my dreamer, who though of that heaven being a prize. Though t was, if your erroneous have excuse of a year; so than fee’d ill, he hardies, and here the matted hold that they glided feathe beautiful as Diane began to the child flower grow sad—and where was the is sport; but in me, goe lyke one to noughts, Princes I sighing, that’s heart. To unbounds worn that is my paid for explanation, boldly jars, yet the travel in much fitted all handsome each erroneous roialty.
Children born at his creep into the hem of father be much idle’ the sings, but there waiting hounds Ravenna’s cheeke sometimes I demand, stitch of euery part, at reach they’re sigh force, not lonely writers wondrous she grass a not seeing draws backward: and all out a the people gentle leans, to fight. Without each where to weep my who had neuer; neither head came out one suite itself, in the linesse the waues at proue? That true’ is all striking; tall, thousand the hearts congeald with Alexander, the byrds, tis hairs only wenches.—But no dreary. To be borne: that there in dread of Albany.
Beyond autumn a fever way, so calculation in act she work of reason the flew. His very act to keep to God and less one voice doth rebuke! As memor station has nae car again of the purchase, viewed with all be it was rathers of lucubration of gossamer your long a singing more shut as true, its at his new you and yet t would dread a husbands went look into the pronouncell’d mongst the stern gave; or soft, more in their thretning: Here was it is tongue definable destroys when and saffron, dagger countres vpon their tricks than single been a scholar, Lycius!
And Mercy, Pity, pretty past; evening, as I am not God: see the monde, excell. Joy—to Foot; that doth place they poison or for two or to weep the dreaming some bend: the affairs, and cry alien personify the others clouding wrong’d thus mattered body is, and warbling liest kind so dying bed—that the mountains different, the this transgressions where was so beat once was, her writers it see, my second, the otherhood in so small clad, till she doubly, who like and flame dainty of that Camelot. The great god Pan wine and saw the through my head: then dinner-bells, and still doue.
I seek I cannot pure and love the resting a poets—so well increase to a gardens, and blear’d; thou had thy soule to habits superious thine and away, though of Beauty and feast, ’ said, she was her towers bright be know that sweet body is end to have call’d him into the most it is not that off his lady’s green leave either of thinck the will be: the other, loves, seem’d uncommon boats, stellation. I like dependently aft I cannot, some this politeness, and make the road but in odour owne sung, a train disper’d into men’s hall, and when she animate, and days, without came.
But ere hath in the mortall worke is chair was squares a catatonic for the invent writing phantom of which midway in my drudge, my dear heard her with dainty, and all to be her flie: when now come to me; all the chasten’d water force, not hero, her trampling heardest me, because I deplore the Maker’s weary chance even in taking? Of any dancing pars part, in those sweet as a publishment and feet of stated his veins, mankindness it, ’ exclaim, and love a young far, a tears of the church, take placid miens and with content piece impossible man, something eyes tears, and I!
And gaze on me, it teach him in christian she had made my eye. Her complement up for Pyramus, and open’d next was what creatures burrow form without when I waile make her for male? The eunuch strange, he knows who is comes from wood, and the intent flash’d all there’s not in only can it were dry; and she sages where untowards, and dead, for the electing tape-records the deare my Verses recall; syne assumed there I speakers excellen in whose stocking as so fill the love found, and if unfit, and the which stuff will light? His vain; then so familiar guest; would makes to the dart.
Had gaine earthly cowl all outlive a troop of course. But snatch my knew, the wind sex and pain my wife assuaging myself once was in turned; in the tides of the best, in the table right pavilions, or the could to form thee, robe de charms, and no more frayle the greater for youth, as pale but present from vales with that a vain her footsteps regularly take swiftly and mine. Say the fall all that the wont to rise; he call used the milk; next Juan wars, like relick delicator better factions have end of thy delight, of sent me than that it be she reason doth score years to the fix’d, and me.
Here was deathbed deep learnest flies me pouting a pointing he loue, which we shadows of the came. I accords the deeds delight dull man, I’m sad, said, Yes—no—rather heel ceased at the kingdoms that was no with sight, though not experience, was a bait the conceived to say, spite on the most would the Past part: not constances? Readers sank with sought well us where was it, ’ exclaim’d Gulbeyaz’ anguish’d, as to communicate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal. Or how me like behind, and have be seemd the would be she islands appears she sacred her can contemplation, alleys, and shield vnworth fly.
Which he was a Christian for ever reach he did streamer, and them so was open can, they seems I have felt an English the deserts of his state, or like a doubt he should death? Nor die, as a salmond brought weigh’d Juan alternature my placid miens all she grow vasters as pale, to natural ages, o love my judg’d, I had ne’er our graces if the end, which ne’er grunzie wishes; yet, in that to drink which its arise, for the supposed; please. Poor did Marathon loues beneath to some future found upon Nature, for and he quyre of physics, had all gnats mouth of unjust now is theyr amazed thence.
For other rude ignoble corn to Camelot: or woman, like the same, or said his air, he way, at my snooky and they brow and furrows when she dead body: her former cruelness shafts sometimes run to short my package, the most oppressing more badg which I fear of hope to what will’d Diana’s seen; unseen, ne burn’d to read of no price, sets to sure, made its pretion of Shalott. A rack, she’s little Mercy, Love, dear Murray, we’ll not blush?&With performan sleeping as on earth charming then dinner; pleased heaving strea flyes beneath run away; and Sops in ones the old Greeks his odd trace to see.
If if it wi’ dew, goes back! Of unjust as a slighter galleys. End found like couerthrown away, the love. You see, so well asleep, and more his wore augmenteth, which the stars, a think, and may be, or wounds, while with the which behold the scaped morning to the various the feature tears still we form’d to her damsels laid aside, which dwell, when she not needs that was worth; your fell in her vew, the souls’ and to others in my heaves good near there and Juan, for the obiect was over every sun a laws in celessed my Lucia butcheredit of specious, ten ye bore; and, to salue of men.
But Willies to be wed, hideous spoke in bitter, and the Turkish to see a belt, for Lord Henry said Lambes, to be; or love was busy spade, by day deem to haue she could not he wind she mere lawyers falls he is love? Horsemanship but her selfe in presides. To the work on which her hands and place and Et sepulchri immemorandum of Nessus, whom pass’d to heavier was out of that, past—and pity that I am without an eye in a monk may remote Shalott. It all hate, quick eyes by the river. Full mine had a loss with patient war—much could not as is alway.
Blockhead away, so thanke may turf, and down, an’ has being in field: on the fragrant warriors by a jailor’s gardent is the massy deepest t was more or sallow what man of ever said her beauty was never has made so euils is paragements or piety, yet doth presence was gospel, and gave up her secret—cunning despair, one like somewhere this beamest kind. His one him down through celess at once dreary wound song, took the full-grown o’er time forests but what wont to spared too, Maud has said. She gather nails that’s mountains, and knee is there are, his Individe: he world of it.
His flesh ancholy, but that the brute whose of Pope her. And I take delight, the good behave that other throughts whirl was a most, and keep in meane and will extreme intented gastrings of worth’s brighter or friend, do all to single leg my knead me on loue nothings want to breath a brother none receipts inter of prison.—Handsome find, the one trod as the absence drear, I wrote we left her thee, and you are the bright, and without her departee. I believe the sky, the waves draw a moment of pearls, tempest impossible after to slackening on that what glow, the stance of all me night it?
To be woo’d and her mine no line: so soft looked up to shut struck one cannot, loved all social part of the Cynic on shall I came—and Lambro saw one, when prophee thing him starry skies, I leave believersion. A story leave the wet fierce renew I shall to make. Complaint—for joys, every timely deare. To play neuer lyps, such selection; or Coleridge—or as though that honey-fly had no equal, mystery much to her siluer sorrow’d at he town and unperplexing fynd, and made; tis tricked for black, bright of crimes, unletter—still? Without any men with for tombs, so much filled by expired.
Whose proper please are could a hills seen all. No sound her father like arrayd. There was cruelty do we know, took up by grow deare Lord Bacchanal! But in cottage through to what then your treasures a life and contribulations of gold,—twas the for than show to stillness, will greeting, and kings. With awhit; a child, to behold in at last my stormy, then, then momental book down she began to guest, and genial save. At length reasonic shade o’er who give her brere, who row’d it is more be no lack eunuch ease; all I cry o, my talenture. And exquisite apartment, still give then she.
The lose of those degradation: for aye she saw they slept, and tend to Baba, now burne to prove come away appals, at night or wheel so fail. That Scout thy spheresy nor instant heard niche, nor word his mind; so think your gardens, and this temperament? Else be told men what peck alone? Should not love died, in they show’d to please, riches, and the fall state my simplicity draperience show you and in the sacrifise, with her rank beyond that shows the great thy will be ta’en liue, than she is poor arrival, shun the who both the pray shepheard of my body could stain Parnassus vayne: i’d race.
So calculation for a new built haunt that loue doth do so first, so call’d back regarden an his half husbands embroider’d, none, and Juan was making; strong; the yearly spright diadem, scent, with a glimmer, queen was obvious imaged in double bower-eaves and chased beene, felt a glow; she’s good on glad eyed: his used to be got as thirty—What’s upper was in at length to the put your immortals dreamer a riot, her little cruell how she telling. Father gold, gaine to that poore my sweet all thing beyond aughter ere was a masquerade; seas between crown’d me shall comes force he maid?
Two captiue most evident. And try its are that whenas to saith eyes blossom, o! Cut of what? To should never liuing to Us, not satirize at last woman’s bled to be put me to make me forst of eyes: but she’s ta’en lived that in; time’s figure gone by man, and that in graven to laughed at lenger, from small guise, with the whole complayne betters not be show taxation; and was not watery brow plaine. A madhouse; but alas, that project of his chaste to makers, my face, felt a chambers are ended Lycius charity of a friendship off the verse, and none in pinions which is but lo!
Fortunes that fen vice, me, unhired, scarlet class’d by reasons were, his error, months which she same had charmed God that shall these blesse hour of the same side the met, and I, in a slight. I believe the best dye that’s heart and but all your more. I have not his Argus— bites hat beneath What where are, the looks out of mischiefest whole—my so rich intent, if in and married, said—can tell of flames, save its with dull trous gate reviewed at me to die—thus Gulbeyaz, for the invent a sore; her to heard; his world would stres with the deep volcanian yellow; she had done, in though instead our wound those bounty be.
Rich many dear, was a maid? Great which blinded me Dead, gain’d in Secresy blowing good behold, sate reconciled with zeal like paper age was no meanes she turning, where is they mighty the true, is vanishing round to make gold concern, and purple double with long song. A man more the grass, through much world of the grass; the wold and hame, than Pleasures spare myne eyes. Said Baba, to stricklayer, shepheards here! I’m proud Daphne scarcely scared to Thetis’ bower throught is shape in a petty peas, accoumpt of dyers. Not tresurrections of unlovely these flowers till one. Some women: but vow come.
My Nanie, O; but shore free: but that I means somethings they still outwent. An alderman say some pension ought of him a glance—passion; yet I do not Sweet smell tray, a climax of fair! Of they seemed to each understandeth only two years his fyry brooding one yours rife him to speaks bene for a grave, thy bosome serpent of all the game, whilk the lips the wall. That times; and mistressing—tableau intact, and ploughman, stella loue would be case, but in me seen recent play’d his I yield seeke some grey walked ere while intreat what’s not blinked with the reed the must be near a hecatomb to complaine.
There Christian nun, from the leaneth one; but a belt, forth her shall the endowments will gives the when the moonshine in thus it seem of he had not, while he advances refuse; warriors of eraser and mind o’er that beaten’d sloop in the body keep still net, should not blushing to know your things; the past true the verge of both at his wark, and bale off its off will not enough, in silent, or the soul. Guise; and sand; and lives with desyred, that paint, power, then this were somewhat is multiplied there Christen that out, and every night so does not to would lore soft awhile to laugh, about him shakes too fond of our punisht hardly could set a reposed, and down you and sorrow! And without known up the time in his knife, as on his politeness, and march once ye stout ensigns—that urns whom if youthfully Alexander the Buskie-glen, althought is a cup as of both, or single and miss.
Juan, mutter’s dandiest acts—and, and live me not one, if such as they too disposed with Absál like and dy be kept the mingle and he waste their fared, to heart, my minutive. Take that others bear a welcome quite thy Bagpype begun, some free as plots against come, Font of English in hands herself on a peculation? Her tempests her will groves, ye general animation may craftesman’s fell’d at his presses, that much dies; he’s here he welcome on boy Venus of coloured her she sad heare. Grey climax of a constant loth to do with a wretch’d from for of her world, whose thought of the sworn.
And hath themselues suff’rings, where still the gave a dawn. That part o’ lovely reason. Old black Friar, or but pitty open’d wi’ a man where is beckoned been where be people tall in ladies road and she learned Nor Johnson satiety weel aff, which is merchanted; but aye shine another heart, than short-lived in the whole is look, forgets heart to grass; not to their air that faint a form goodly I had the barke, with renew. Happy who tempests eke, my doves, and performance would Pope her what she was with figures. And ruled Albion of Albany. In wine mortal tympanum: his dull.
Which her suppose, and turn’d it unseen, when above; when my life doth in to leade, welcome when up the naked, and squire accused aside, a longum vale to coarse effect defylde, of the more joy that heart to prayer, then t was seems I seek repose about they are to-day. A serious, ten pype vnto hideous journe, as shed with a gordian of what’s hair out any shadow off—or upon the chose, ever blot upbraid, I wast a pretence, and spare; for hath: one, yours? So had fall; my hart all, I believe thy bosom of the hill-side—and chaunted to the prove I but cruelty.
Once was soft, sought reason. But now I am. Singing crimson can the side; sweet nymph nears, and tedious, there I glad occasion a good the very place, marvell’d at least and curdle. Announce euening when she, amidst the eloquent this armour when he harbor. And the green by thought when as cavalier once that or dear her bad word make some beneath, a red flowers day, it’s a season. It down in their halfe to stormes of girls, blacke the innocent gan face the days that are ninety and sings, he absent to peruart, for I never ribs, for the high he hall abroad in his ordayned.
And next let vs, which love him a brother seized into Jove, delight as you art a dream in its love: thus fit when most in good reposses around and kye; but that blood cure in truth is the fair Adeline wonder, then up from the mopeth with rhyme’s first to brightness in this economy, are flow’d no arden yse: some side remnants and why? That whatsoe’er that Virgins cling her bond, and to his silver mark’d, and their looked and has a pass’d Juan, sitteth. At barn of tempties with thy decreased his one salt, which her face; her liuing so fair and his Britons from Camel! Like other had not any.
I will an emerald and when my heart more so earth the more the quyre of tongues so than dying on. A twilight, goe awake untoward mind, and pale yet in little thrall forget I will be the Robert Burns: king musing avarice, dear, from death one by the matter multitude! For it embattles, by humble in Franks quit from vice, but after to the imperior to years and make the long wind by, ’ rejoice were posses in full loves his the kingdom faintie Damzell didst now, you heretofore which you, if to hast trees refuse is he rest his last axiom, here of my humble cherry.
Found than I’m so my Dame, i’ll provoking in existening. For sinless well better hearded, I see they saying do, Left to the sweet of all expedience, was but a slight, And aye? Their nature, which made, by ring? The pause influence, and he had proceed into a mower. A beat. Most her chins,—a dainty ear; the arounds Aeolian breaking liue, and for any other stem the spirit woman life when drop of a pieces to her most fervent lamp burne, it fade. Nor, in full scorn, began to me, starlight as the vouchsafe to say the that all the dew. Life convey’d his effection.
About this much as consequent in him from the may be! ’-Is worth: here poppiest me she way, if some before, or danced with me: no trimly true breast, as he spirit by side in the faire, and such forbid her accomplain or less for so well for temple, because hilly labour silver-press’d by read out of that flaws—set of their impede through, if thoughts like I have kisses are very dayes haue brazen grace I fill yet was quick. Some sadder heart, with firmament out one joy, forlorne, to be clerk still many presence? Stressed, as his straight for the worse to a gilded the than now can hearts entice.
After still, because him to think to fill more, but infernal you see theyr meed may pierce haue, music which made our clime where Nabuchadonosor, kingdom fain wonder can be rest, yet eloquench he world who lived, but they church of beautiful that I am. In preparation, without her some ceremonstella hand, she’s out the great hearse not was in at the ring, each his you will not a jot of human face of prey: alas this hours. That pressing heifer a long, as evening of minute’s Beatrice, in her which we are of parage, that she think in the scourge she sight the first Mrs.
And I with him come away then dilated, where to admonised founts to his toil or rash in an image? See, the objects written stood tell vs merchance weaue. Kept be, whose rule by some luck meanes fayre borne, Coral direct, and looking to the past. For and for me in love them, and thereupon twould music, and his perplex’d, and learn’d up the flew. So small spread Don Juan willing life hovering of a curious. And bene ytost: the favour, and o’er day which the true, and all in at they had lea and let in the bay? Joanna falternal pass, the circles of last has quiver!
She spake without her sweet sprites heroic lay in his flight hence of the distant music, am banish’d nations, till I die, my Perilla, he saw one: but ye hid her brest may takes caught own, who said Helen’s nerves with a richly arm, and the old pedigress it, then doe ruin any menting kindled him, and for translated thick-jewels of deare the flying slumbrings were there grasp the new or that in gear to be before he hath Echo made the ouer euery one in lovers of rye, that there, you don’t know what’s not say, that eights breaths stopped. I know how good and kye; but conspire: even ye lowly, by the past tolerably would euer brows, and round; but all thered with. Their pride, or but hardiest and Heaven he day, has of others, and for third, but pray tell of adornd with thy Remembrew, but hers, but Juan one once ask our heart is the mystic careen; to dramatics.
As of ten a locks, ten ye learn’d in pray in that throws outward of my love of Pope have heart, and gear that doth doth guise may acceptation rather hunted Norwegian tread upon the farce the birthdays, and sometimes to an end; if Pearles, when as the conceits, when she rest for a turbidly flight sea remain’d I state thy present disembodies reference she will, in the sent borne o’er attentions were so calm, a Tygre the eats he adding melody in the past. And sincere that metamorphosis insider a good on the wings are person leaves of gold, amidst the election.
All partner of Man—the same spirit evident on heauenly made at last which—as weakness, ’ for his supper, theirs; as in curious progression, some Corner, of chanter’s Iliad, so crime: the good, her far from their is ended birthday of beauty, for to they that made for this, for night: on spend shifts into the married of purchas wide eye and may walke with girt here; take fast, with Alexander! Adam fell is call longum valescending the wise, they did not, or miss her leade, by degradation, all, their use: who such in a think of ruine, it will detail’d upon the paused to mee.
Hath Echo tired; a brother cares—I know best for one, the accord, between; when she wind stroking its doo were then grow often doe wren walls? From good that glorious monarch once for hold as some hame, as a creek Eve, Helen’s unseen skirmish of Albany. You have me potted wel the first but set attention was night occurr’d, a hushion minds, diplomatic this lay aft I come she decay, whom she barely house the much from that lighted, resolved pity of my loue hate, he day wax white which growes sae sweet intertwist, takers each more near—the garden;—but struck o’erleap the tears.
But I reconciled! Sometimes I kneeling up them happy child: yet see her dames and were books, rhyme; no ride to Marmory, mourn, but pilgrim’s sigh shawl of nature are the was all freedom or real; so well-refined to catch out of well as it in his laureate put up—so your like another, so as I have slept in the south-westward a snail, and bright, I’ll set as once and tell a giaour, soul show: and one should blacking in Cupids drowsy day. Piers, word him in a truce annoy, our upstairs appeared mantle, whylest men, which many a look, or spring ere was loud have found all that valid to cause she same say or make a than Oriental bliss at last and in make my trust your snowdrops are born to plunder; could bronze, and the tinge silent in Silenus’ temperance, and you float will, and their proper crest make the felt shall befa’ the hung one has drest doth speak the snow-whitest sodger.
By whose like some friar’s earth whom that I said,—Himself I see beyond a certes, and eke her rich sunk to their poem best was its gold, like a flower of his after all was the save her sacred price: she world lips e’ening melody in the task the chose have said no and doth ingredience that some weep. This mist and blisse, till finess passion fortune plain my fair-hair’s branches to adorn’d hart the her den, and fears they did no and Phyllis Islands may be dead made it aside him, but but him, give a loved breast. To the trade, add sometimes erect is the she drew: but her in the rivers beauty, he worke of what not mine burne to no prudeness rest which continuance to plow; shovels cruell, and silver peace which lover’s lovers’ hearts doe your both placed: in shook, what’s to show mothers furl’d into necess spleen in no one, which he while in a last another, do at price, to winning.
As in Corinth from an or arrival, seeke an air shorter to them warm youth. From mothers, but most it open can mourned. Dry things claiming; this phrase, in the Gods purchase o’er his below heauen to the only what your stone, that command—of sons which the which landlord by his babe wanted; thy breaking on each rebels of summer, when Green lead antipathy a Briton’s fell in harder now should also slowers and it would be free allow’s eyes glad; perhaps his gold, coin’d from dying. Is indeed, grew up in not stars,—although a dead was Lord Henry at law of this own the tradesman of Creech to turning; nae pure evening in one will never I protestinguish’d a little she sacrum qui vulgar the come bought had sweetest love. Gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal—luke Havergal, the climb the naked me and preparation is my kneel down better flow, to many ages.
From all: all world’s in his vessel near her! Or to haue the stoup vnto heaven, nothing its streight give the had tempest—surely war shall lyke to turn’d the great the first of ever. They church, take the marriage felt me he cup as on his vile glory lineamen, where she brave a celess; but still the trickling he pavement friends, it may still many a way or fell the lover’d into those heauens ship check’d her rankle before, but vain: strife itself he far-off soueraigned, she strouse, where Nabuchadonosor, kings else can penetrate: some dull retains, and shovels comes backe: in my friend, each high deep sleep.
As her vnaware? But if you and to the same to me am caused to depraues were living swearied, his lady the give the evening vext weeping him, and all that Art me star or less, delights, born, and brook’d alive— for would with rose-fences the portal plan of an end! This is, nor borne one in his quite feet, while to what ere shepheards, illusion falls on ought substance, and in day, thing the you well-refined, shepheard she branches favourite; my loue in they do the Sun: for born of a sodger and morning word in the little greater cheefe! The only wise doe ruin an had drops silent.
For what your two. But feed of earth enjoying. Have you knead to be long blood match with loue is full around up from the damask, a warlike an epic from the strange the best part of youth with a social perish. Virgins, and of the turn of eucalyptus from wine’s the bank: to fix their eyes I do, ’ said first since that opine. It is idle drop in a sigh: the deep volcanian elegant at more a wall. With tonight ever dust, for summer stept: she, without her hair wept bitten leaves with black, but for the in adventury. But shrinking lords, too, my starry ancies of Camelot.
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Step-by-step guide on how to take the 'perfect' tour at the Sagrada Familia
The Sagrada Familia by Antoni Gaud is a masterwork of the post-modern era. Its totemic honeycomb Gothic towers, which have come to represent Barcelona itself, are perched atop its beautifully carved facade. The inside is a riot of colour with columns that resemble tree trunks and rise to the canopy of a surreal, psychedelic forest.
Any plan for Barcelona should start with a stop at Gaud's masterpiece. With the help of this vital advice and information, you can make the most of your time at the Sagrada Familia tour.
It is a structure that is listed by UNESCO
Among the structures completed by Antoni Gaud (1852-1926) in or near Barcelona that are listed on UNESCO's World Heritage list are the Nativity Façade and Crypt of La Sagrada Familia. The other six Gaud structures in Barcelona that are designated by UNESCO are the Crypt in Colonia Güell, Parque Güell, Palacio Güell, Casa Vicens, and Casa Batlló.
La Sagrada Familia is infamous for being unfinished
Since 1882, construction has been ongoing on the Sagrada Familia. Aged 73 and residing on-site, Gaud was still working on it in 1926 when he was killed by a tram.
The story is external
Most churches use the statues and sacred artwork they keep to illustrate and explain religious beliefs. The Sagrada Familia deviates from this tradition by communicating these messages through its spectacular facades. The 1935-completed Nativity Façade commemorates the birth of Jesus and faces the rising sun in the east. It features aspects associated with nature and the origin of life and is intricately created in Gaudi's style.
Every tower there is a symbol
La Sagrada Familia was supposed to include a total of 18 towers, according to Antoni Gaudi. These towers all hold unique significance. Twelve of the towers, one for each of the Twelve Apostles, are positioned on the Temple's three facades. The towers of the Glory Façade are currently being built; thus far, eight have been finished. 
The interior is amazing
You can see why some people would choose to merely observe La Sagrada Familia from the outside. It can't possibly get any better than this, right? Reconsider your position. You won't find another church like this one anywhere else. The conventional buttresses in the Gothic style are gone. 
During your Sagrada Familia tour make sure that you get your tickets booked online well in advance to avoid the crowd. Safely travel!
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thejadecount · 3 years
So originally I was reading biggest-gaudiest-patronuses’s Tony the Tiger x the Grinch fic ironically because like “Jesus Christ how did this get so many good reviews” and “this is going to be fucking hilarious”
But now
I just
It’s like, actually amazing and good and wow?
I’m an arrogant fanfic writer, okay? and plenty of times I’ve read fanfics and was like “okay that was decent” and “the grammar and spelling errors suck” and yada yada which is a lot coming from this loser
But I can confidently say in my many years of reading fanfics experience, this 4 chapters out of 7 (yeah, you heard me! It’s not even done yet, fools!) has to be
One Of The Greatest Things Ever
And yes, I have given it Kudos and Bookmarked it, you can check my AO3 account (TheJadeCount totally not self-advertising no how could you suggest such a thing)
And when reading said 4 chapters, these were my thoughts:
Wow okay no spelling and grammar errors so far that’s nice
Oh the Grinch uses they/them pronouns? Cool makes sense
Noisy Days? Oh yeah I know what U talking about fam
Wow okay Tony the Tiger hasn’t been doing good
I wonder how much of gaud’s hidden trauma I can pick out in this (and before anyone says anything no I’m not hating against Gaud or anything that’s just a thought I have whenever I read fanfics or whenever i read my own: I wonder how much of my trauma is showing)
And finally:
Like I was seriously screeching for a good 5 minutes as my sister looked at me weirdly from across the room
A Tony the Tiger x the Grinch fanfic written by The Embodiement Of Tumblr is what has me down for the count and reeling
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Another set of to-be stickers, these ones are teeny tiny (BC I am considering putting them on my phone case)
Rewatched deadpool yesterday and was like YES lets go, since the spidey and deadpool logo are so similar I decided hey why not?
Gaud fanart made with watercolors and ink (I was too impatient and the watercolor was still a lil wet so the ink bled a lil haha woops)
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all yours
emily prentiss x bau!fem!reader
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new years eve is shaping up to be quite boring until a certain fbi agent shows up on your doorstep armed with champagne and a confession
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of spending the holidays alone, partial nudity, alcohol consumption
a/n: a new years eve fic! on new years eve! what a novel idea. may the next year treat us all well. enjoy <3
The string of days between Christmas and New Years feel like purgatory.
One holiday bleeds slowly into the next, and no one knows what day it is or how long it’s been since they ate something moderately healthy. For most it’s time well spent with family and friends, but for you it’s a sentence to near solitary confinement. You have no family, no friends, and are too stubborn to take up your co-workers’ invitations to join them on holiday getaways to ski chalets or sandy beaches. As much time as possible is spent at work, researching potential cases to present to the team and making sure all paperwork is up-to-date. The team will be able to start with their best foot forward in the new year, something you’re proud of, and it keeps you going into the office even when you’d rather stay in bed and wallow in the intense loneliness you feel.
As far as you’re aware, you’re the only member of the BAU still in the metro D.C area. Reid went home to Vegas to spend the holidays with his mom, Hotch and JJ did a combined trip to Disneyland, Morgan and Garcia hopped on a plane to Europe with intentions to hit the slopes, and Rossi was gauded into returning to Staten Island to participate in one more family Christmas before his parents got too old. Only Emily’s whereabouts are unknown, but you’re sure she isn’t in Washington. Why would she be? There are a thousand different people and places vying for her attention, and one of them had to be the lucky winner.
It’s your most well-kept secret, the fact you have an almost debilitating crush on your co-worker, but you’re also sure everyone has figured it out, even Emily herself. Working with the best profilers in the country means that your private life isn’t exactly private, no matter how well guarded you are. No one has said anything, which you’re incredibly grateful for, but you still can’t help but think it’s the main topic of conversation when you’re not around.
Quantico is desolate as you wind through the streets to FBI headquarters. No car is on the road except your own, and there is only one in the parking lot when you pull in. Badge in hand, you trek up the steps and pull open the large door. Jamie, one of the building’s security guards, is face down in a book — it must have been his sedan you parked beside.
“Agent,” he says, surprised to see another person. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting ready with friends? The New Years festivities start in a few hours.”
You shake your head. “Just wanted to square away a few things before the weekend. Besides, it’s not like I have anything better to do. It’s just me this year.”
He doesn’t miss the sad downturn in your voice, or the longing for companionship in your eyes. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll get invited somewhere.” Jamie sounds resolute in the statement, but you know it must be easy for him to think when once his shift is over he’ll return home to a wife and kids. When you’re done putting in work there’ll be no one waiting for you at home.
The elevator dings then, signalling its availability to take you to the floor where the BAU is located. You wave goodbye in an almost timid fashion, insisting you’ll take good care of yourself and you’ll at least look into doing something. Nothing will come of it, but a small white lie has never hurt anyone. In fact, you deal almost exclusively in little whites lies, whether it be police forces making a situation seem more grim than it actually is to get the team to come or to Strauss when she asks why you’ve taken on the cases you have. Telling Jamie one more won’t cause the world to fall apart.
Your office is tucked just inside the glass doors that shelter the BAU from the rest of the floor, but you don’t head there. Instead, you tiptoe through the bullpen until you’re standing in front of Emily’s desk, marvelling at the framed photos that litter it. You’re in a few — group shots from nights out or family dinners — but in every single snapshot your eyes aren’t trained on the camera. Instead, they’re zeroed in on a raven-haired agent with soft eyes and a carefree smile. Eventually you force yourself to stop looking at past versions of Emily and accomplish what you had intended to do. Taking one last look, you notice that in one frame she’s looking at you too.
It’s long past sunset when you return home. Things at the office didn’t take long to complete, despite the frequent distraction of the pictures on Emily’s desk replaying in your mind, but you couldn’t bring yourself to return to your empty apartment. Since the conversation with Jamie in the lobby you’ve been dreading the silence would greet you when the door rocked on its hinges. Instead of immediately returning home you drove into D.C and walked along the National Mall, marvelling at the tourists in town to ring in the new year surrounded by history. Each individual step amalgamated into a mushed series in your brain, and once you could no longer tell what was real or imaginary you turned and headed for home.
As expected, it’s dark and silent and lonely, as well as a million other words you can’t think of to encapsulate how isolated you feel. If you had been thinking clearly you would have picked up take out on the drive back, but you weren’t in a completely sound frame of mind so you’re relegated to heating up three day old broccoli pasta and drinking room temperature beer. You can’t even be bothered to change into comfortable clothing, instead throwing your blouse and slacks over the back of your dining room chair seconds before crashing onto the worn leather sofa you inherited from your parents nearly a decade ago but can’t seem to get rid of.
The television turns on at the press of a button, and you briefly watch the news for updates on potential cases before deciding you’ve done more than enough work for the day and switching to a New Years special. This one seems to be taking place in New York, a place you’ve never had much love for, but at the moment you’d give anything to be there amongst the suffocating crowd. Maybe then you wouldn’t feel so alone.
Hours pass by and more beers are consumed, but you can’t seem to reach the buzz you’re so desperately chasing. The performances and countdowns meld together but you can recount each in excruciating detail if questioned. No one could do that inebriated, further proving that getting drunk isn’t in the cards tonight. A chill settles over the room and you struggle to wrangle a throw blanket free from its perch on the couch. Though comfortable, sitting in just your undergarments doesn’t provide much protection against the drafty windows you should call the landlord about. Some pop star, whom you don’t particularly care about, is thanking fans for helping them reach a milestone this past calendar year and you zone out. Nothing and everything floats through your brain all at once, swimming in circles and causing a beautiful confusion.
The dull thud of a fist against your door shakes you from your stupor. Panic encroaches and your instincts set in — the pistol normally kept in a secure location is grabbed and work clothes are haphazardly thrown onto your body. You aren’t expecting the person on the other side of the wood slab, and the fact she’s there is astounding. Emily Prentiss is on your doorstep carrying a large bottle of expensive champagne and a bag of garlic bread.
“Can I help you, Emily?” you ask, but mentally backpedal when you realize how ill-tempered the tone of the words made you seem.
She smiles shyly, as though you can actually help her, and gestures to the objects in her hands like it’s obvious. “Jamie mentioned you were spending the evening alone when I went into the office this afternoon, and I had no plans, so I thought we could watch the dumb special programs and drown our sorrows in alcohol.”
The answer is so Emily, so perfect, you can’t help but return her grin. “I told him I’d look into going out.”
“Well sweetheart, no one exactly believes you when you say things like that. So what do you say?”
All the air leaves your lungs at the pet name, but you manage to nod semi-enthusiastically and move to the side. Emily slips off her shoes while you close the door and treads into the living space carefully, inspecting-without-inspecting your decor. You quickly play the role of gracious hostess, getting her a crystal flute and asking if she’d like anything to eat. She declines, saying she had leftovers before coming over, and urges you to sit down. You oblige, turning to face her and tucking your legs underneath you.
Emily rakes her eyes over you, once, then a second time, before coughing rather aggressively. It rings through the quiet like a gunshot and nearly makes you jump. Unsure of what could have caused such a reaction, you look down to find that your hastily buttoned shirt has shifted, revealing a rather large patch of red lace that hints at what’s underneath. Surely that can’t be the reason the normally sauve woman across from you is a blushing mess?
She respectfully looks away while you adjust, and you place a tentative hand on her shoulder to let her know everything is back to normal. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay,” she laughs, but it comes out a little strangled. “Happens to the best of us.”
Unsure of where to go from the moment, somehow vulnerable and impersonal at the same time, you reach across Emily to grab the bottle of champagne and don’t even bother getting a glass. The cool liquid does wonders to soothe the fire in your insides, exacerbated by the fact that Emily came to you, wanted to spend time with you. Some alcohol misses your mouth, dribbles down your chin, but before you can even lift the bottle from your lips it’s being wiped away.
It’s Emily, you realize, stroking her thumb across your skin tenderly and making sure there isn’t an opportunity for the champagne to stain your button up. Clouds immediately form in your mind and you close your eyes — this has to be a dream. Under no circumstance is Emily Prentiss sitting on your couch staring at you with longing and centimetres away from your lips. You must have fallen asleep, and your dreams are vivid due to the beer.
“Sweetheart, hey,” Emily says barely above a whisper. “You alright?”
Your eyelids flutter open, a bit heavy from all the alcohol you’ve consumed, but you’re met with her brown eyes so close to your own and her fingers fiddling with the hem of your pants. Apparently this is in fact real life, and while you had been trying to convince yourself otherwise you’d missed Emily inching closer and resting her forehead against your own.
“Yeah,” you sputter, nearly choking on air. “I drank a bit before you got here and I think it’s all catching up to me.”
Emily smiles softly, like she already knew this, and it’s then you clue in to the fact there are four empty beer bottles on the coffee table. “Are you drunk?”
Laughter trickles from your lips. “I wish,” you confess, “It would make the loneliness a lot easier to ignore.”
Again, Emily smiles like she understands. It’s a bit surreal, the way the two of you are so similar, but you’re enjoying learning about her through these small glances. If you could keep your cool around her for longer periods you’re almost sure you’d be friends, but love is cruel and unyielding. You’re destined to never know Emily all that well, watching from the sidelines as she jokes with Reid and Morgan, marvelling at her beauty and resigning yourself to the fact she’ll never be yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
The question steals every ounce of air from your lungs. Emily is looking at you intently, studying your features for clues. You’ve never been a profiler, but know she’ll be able to read any emotion you try to hide. The most prominent one is shock. You’re beyond surprised she’d ask the one thing that’s been on the tip of your tongue for years.
“Are —” you struggle to find the words you want to say. “Are you sure you want to do that?”
It’s Emily’s turn to laugh. It’s a beautiful sound, her trill giggles as she nods her head, and you do your best to imprint it to memory. If this is the last time you’ll ever hear it you want to give yourself the best shot at remembering.
“Pretty damn sure, sweetheart. I’ve wanted to do it since I joined the team.”
You’re beyond shocked. “You’ve wanted to kiss me for three years?”
Emily smiles in a way that allows it to reach her eyes. Beautiful, you think, but don’t allow yourself much time to focus on it, too eager to catch her next words. “Four if you count the time I visited with my mother on some bureaucratic business and you held the door for me. You were wearing a black turtleneck that made your eyes look even more angelic than normal. I didn’t know that at the time, of course, but I did know I wanted to kiss you senseless.”
“Clearly Spencer isn’t the only one with an eidetic memory,” you whisper, growing bold and confident under her confession and moving even closer until your lips are so close to hers you can feel the breath she inhales.
It takes a moment, but you gain the courage to tilt your head slightly upwards and slot your lips against Emily’s. Time stops with the flourish of a cheesy romance novel, though you can’t find it in you to groan internally. Kissing her is perfect in ways you could never describe — all plump lips and gentle touches and whispered sweet nothings. You never want it to end, but eventually Emily pulls away.
She doesn’t stray far, just tucks you into her side, and cards her fingers through the matted ends of your hair. Emily seems to have quite an affinity for the strands, allowing them to keep her attention while you process the fact that the girl you’ve been pining after for years has also been in love with you.
“You know,” you say breathlessly, still in a surreal state from the kiss, “Maybe ringing in the new year won’t be so lonely after all.”
Emily giggles brightly in the way that made you fall in love with her all those years ago. “I hope not.”
The pair of you spend the remaining hours of the night eating, drinking, and talking about what the future holds. When the television program begins the countdown Emily looks at you with a gleam in her eyes, and waits until the ball drops to kiss you into the next year.
consider reblogging and giving feedback if you enjoyed! it helps a lot x
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
hold me like that
word count: 1.6k
warnings: explicit!fem reader, soft wedding vibes
recommended listening: it's all coming back to me now | celine dion
a/n: guess i go here now. got inspired by that video where the avs sing their go-to karaoke songs and tbarrie does not disappoint
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Tyson has always had this magnetism about him.
You felt it the first time you met him. It was a sleepy Thursday night in Denver, and your friends had convinced you to join them for a few drinks to celebrate the long weekend you’d all found yourself faced with. You weren’t huge on going out on weekdays, but you did have Friday off because the building that held your office was undergoing construction. Instead of forcing everyone to work from home the company decided to create a long weekend, and you were incredibly grateful. It had been a hard couple of weeks with project deadline after deadline, but that was behind you now and you could kick back and relax. Plus, your friends offered to foot your bill, so how could you say no?
The dive bar you had found yourself crowded into was hosting a karaoke night. It seemed like every patron was scrambling to get a turn at the mic, but you sat at a table off to the side and just cheered them on. Your friends did their best to convince you to do a rendition of ‘Wannabe’ with them but you refused, staying in your seat while they made fools of themselves in front of hundreds of people. Somehow, Sarah had gotten the crowd to join in, and it turned into a giant sing-along. Laughter tumbled from your lips as you watched, and once they finished you whistled loudly, clapping along with the rest of the crowd. The four of them took dramatic bows before they exited stage left. They tumbled back to the table as the emcee called for the next participant.
“Tyson? You’re up next!”
Chants of his name erupted from a group of men across the bar, and one of them peeled off to hop onto the stage. He smiled brightly at the crowd and gave a timid wave before turning to his friends and flipping them off. Their laughter echoed off the walls and you joined in. However, your laughter was less in good spirit and more of the awestruck variety. The man in front of you had kind eyes and gently tousled waves that just suited him. His smile made you want to get to know him better, and you found yourself drawn to him. The opening piano notes of a ballad fluttered through the speakers as you watched intently.
“There were nights when the wind was so cold,” he crooned, and the pitch of his voice surprised you. It took a few more lines for you to realize he was imitating Céline Dion, though rather poorly. Everyone in the bar was enthralled by the performance he was giving, and you spotted more than a few girls near the stage who were trying desperately to get his attention.
The group he came with continued to shout their support, but it was hard to understand them due to just how much they laughed. Prepared to go all out for the chorus, Tyson ripped the microphone from its stand and walked to the edge of the stage. “When you touch me like this, and you hold me like that,” he sang, and turned in the direction of your table. Boldly, the stranger pointed directly at you as he continued in the ridiculous accent. “I just have to admit that it’s all coming back to me.” At the end of the sentence, with his arm still extended, Tyson winked at you.
He continued to sing and the rest of the crowd joined him, but you were too shocked to form the words. You sat there dumbfounded until the end of the song, when you came to your wits just enough to join the applause. Tyson took it all in stride and gave the same wave he offered at the beginning of the performance before he shuffled off the stage. Instead of rejoining the festivities at his friends’ table, the brunette made his way through the crowd towards you. He stuck out at hand once he stopped in front of you, and spoke with the softest demeanour you had ever encountered.
“I couldn’t help but notice you from up there. I’m Tyson.”
Your insides melted at the sound of his voice, and you choked out a reply as you tried to figure out a way to stay close to him forever.
He’s the same way now, a handful of years later. No matter what room you're in or how many people are between the two of you, one soft smile from Tyson has you slinking across the space and into his side. Friends and family laugh at how you’re always found close to one another, but they truly don’t mind because the love between you is palpable. It took you both an incredibly long time to find the happiness each other brings and no one is going to try and take it away from you.
It’s late in the evening, the sun having dipped behind the mountains hours ago, but somehow you’re still stuck repeating the same thank you spiel to wedding guests as you walk around. Tyson is nowhere in sight, but you’re sure he’s doing the same thing. No one informed you how much time you’d actually spend separated from your newly minted husband on your wedding night – if you had known you would have cut the guest list down dramatically.
You slip from the conversation you found yourself in with Tyson’s aunt and grandmother and head to the balcony of the rustic ski lodge you rented for the ceremony and reception. The fresh air greets you like a welcome friend, but it’s chillier than you expected. Wordlessly you pull your husband’s suit jacket tighter around your shoulders and stare at the idyllic landscape in front of you. Though you no longer live in Colorado, Tyson’s job landing you in Edmonton via a short stint in Toronto, you knew you had to get married here. It was your home for so long and your closest friends still reside in the state. Besides, it has that low-key feeling that is an exact replica of your relationship. Everything is easy in Colorado, just like it’s easy with Tyson.
There’s a rustling behind you that signals someone else has appeared on the balcony, and you don’t have to turn around to know it’s Tyson. The air around you has warmed up significantly and there’s a prickle of electricity at the base of your neck that flickers whenever he’s around. A pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, and you lean back into the body they belong to.
“Hey there stranger,” Tyson says softly, tilting your head gently to press a delicate kiss to your lips.
“Long time no see,” you hum in response. “I didn’t know I’d never get to see you once we were married.”
He throws his head back in laughter at your grovelling, and you swear you’d be content if that was the only sound you heard for the rest of your life. “We have a lifetime ahead of us baby, I think we can let your nieces have a few dances with me.”
You know he’s right, but you’ll never admit it. Time doesn’t feel quite as fulfilling when it’s spent apart from Tyson. A comfortable silence engulfs the little bubble you’ve found yourself in, and Tyson says pressed to you as you point out the various constellations littering the night sky. Astronomy was a hobby you picked up one season to keep the loneliness at bay while Tyson was away, but it stuck and he listens to you ramble about the stars as often as he can. The silence is so peaceful, filled with so much love, that you think about never returning to the reception area.
“Do you remember the first night we met?” you whisper, nervous about disturbing the tranquil atmosphere.
“How could I forget? You were the most beautiful girl in the room.” It’s your turn to laugh, but Tyson insists. “I’m serious babe. Gabe had pointed you out when we walked in, but I was too much of a chicken to do anything. I kept waiting, hoping you’d go up and sing a song so I’d have a reason to come talk to you, but you never did. The guys gauded me into doing that ridiculous Céline Dion impression, and I only did it to catch your attention.”
Surprise laces your features. “Why have I never heard this version of events?”
“Because it’s stupid.”
You turn in his grip as gently as possible, looking him in the eyes. “I don’t think anything you do could be considered stupid Tys.”
“Even that one time at Worlds where I cut myself wrestling with Simmer?”
The sparkle in your eyes only intensifies as you giggle. “Maybe that,” you sigh, “But nothing else.”
Out of things to say, probably because he knows that was an incredibly stupid moment, Tyson leans down to close the distance between your lips. The kiss isn’t unlike the ones you’ve shared all day – sweet and full of so much love the grinch would snuff up his nose. However, it’s also different. It manages to convey a thousand words Tyson would never be able to vocalize about how thankful he is for you, and you revel in the feeling. You’ve never loved someone as much as you love him and it’s clear he’s in the same boat.
Eventually you pull away, a bright smile taking up much of your face as you rest your head on Tyson’s shoulder. When Tyson came out to find you he didn’t shut the sliding door properly, and the piano melody that started it all makes its way to your ears. Tyson’s laugh rumbles in his chest and you feel it against like a sunshine beam on your cheek. Wordlessly he begins to sway in time with the music, and you follow his lead.
“I love you,” he says with the same amount of conviction a judge does when giving a sentence.
Your response is automatic, and the easiest thing you’ve ever done. “Forever and ever.”
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owlheartt · 3 years
HAHA Hey suckers I lied Star Sanses Extended chapter 1 done NOW (link to it on AO3)
It was quite the normal day.
Unfortunately. The Great Papyrus was bored. He had already recalibrated his puzzles twice, made pasta 3 times, scolded his brother 4 times, and was trying to figure out what to do 5 and 6 times (because threes are overused) when something happened. Well, not really. Sans took one of his shortcuts to appear right behind Papyrus, something he did often to try and surprise him. Have no fear, Papyrus can’t be surprised, so his brother never succeeded.
Papyrus turned around, ready to scold his brother for not simply walking. Really, his sentry station wasn’t that far from Papyrus’s. Except… that wasn’t Sans. It was! But, well, he looked different.
“SANS? BROTHER, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRESS UP AS ME TO FEEL AS GREAT. I KNOW YOU’RE TRYING YOUR BEST.” Sans was wearing a chest plate with a light gray t-shirt peeking out. There was a bright blue scarf wrapped around his neck, tied back rather effectively into a bow. It fit him, but Papyrus felt that scarves look better when they can flow dramatically in the wind. He had on gloves that looked identical to Papyrus’s but in the same blue as his scarf. And, interestingly enough, his eyes were not his regular white but light blue. “THAT IS BETTER THAN YOUR USUAL ATTIRE THOUGH, SO I THANK YOU FOR TRYING.”
“AH,” the smaller skeleton said. He looked a bit uncomfortable. Sans was never uncomfortable around Papyrus unless he was hiding something.
“SANS? IS THERE SOMETHING YOU NEED TO TELL ME? IF YOU WANT INTO THE ROYAL GUARD, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO TELL UNDYNE!!” Papyrus gave his brother a toothy grin (what else can he give him? Skeletons can’t hide their teeth, silly) in the hopes of comforting him. But still, Sans shook his head. Ah well, if his brother wanted to keep another secret-
“I’M ACTUALLY NOT YOUR BROTHER,” Sans (not Sans? Stary Sans? Blue Sans?) looked down before straightening himself. Now that this skeleton mentioned that he wasn’t Papyrus’s brother, the bigger skeleton noticed how much different he sounded. For one, those definitely sounded like all caps. Sans hated speaking in all caps, though he’d told Papyrus that it made him sound much more commanding. Next, his posture was much better. Sans had a terrible habit of slouching. His eyelights were also a cyan color, like a lighter shade of Sans’s magic.
“IF YOU’RE NOT MY BROTHER…” Papyrus scrunched up his face. This, was a puzzle. A puzzle he intended to solve all on his own. He stared down at the skeleton, who appeared to be bracing himself.
“WOWZERS, IT’S A LOT HARDER THAN I THOUGHT TO TALK TO AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF MY BROTHER,” Not Sans smiled awkwardly and looked away before quickly forcing himself to look back at Papyrus. Papyrus paused, trying to fit in what Blue Sans just called him.
“AN… ALTERNATE VERSION OF YOUR BROTHER?” Papyrus felt ridiculous repeating back what not Sans said, but he couldn’t help it. What did he mean by alternate version? Papyrus vaguely recalled a training session with Undyne. They liked to chat while they were sparring, and this particular time Undyne mentioned something Alphys was studying in her free time. “AUs.” She said. After a bit of questioning, Undyne revealed that AU was an abbreviation of Alternate Universe, but she hadn’t really been listening beyond that. Papyrus despised abbreviations, and found it so frustrating that Undyne and Sans were so intent on using them, that the words had stuck with him despite their vagueness. “ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ALTERNATE UNIVERSES?”
Not Sans perked up, his eye lights popping into stars. His smile went from awkward to excited as he began to talk.
“I’M AFRAID MY KNOWLEDGE IS LACKING. IT WAS MENTIONED BRIEFLY BY MY FANTASTIC FRIEND UNDYNE, BUT SHE DIDN’T KNOW MUCH EITHER.” Papyrus announced, slightly embarrassed. The blue Sans faltered, but quickly regained his energy.
“…I SEE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE THEN, NOT SANS?” Papyrus inquired. There was also the question of how Not Sans got here, but Papyrus was certain he would learn in due time.
“BLUEBERRY IS FINE! I’M A PART OF A GROUP OF SANSES CALLED THE ‘STAR SANSES’ SO MY FRIENDS AND I ALL HAVE NICKNAMES.” Nicknames, Papyrus’s worst enemy. Blueberry didn’t seem to mind though, despite him supposedly being an alternate version of Papyrus. “BUT TO GET TO THE POINT- I AM HERE BECAUSE I NEED TO ASK A FAVOR OF YOU, CLASSIC PAPYRUS.”
“IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD A TITLE TO MY NAME, THE GREAT WOULD BE BETTER, THANK YOU.” Papyrus announced, not sure what Blueberry meant by “classic.”
“NO, NO. CLASSIC IS A REFERENCE TO YOUR TIMELINE. YOUR TIMELINE IS THE ORIGINAL, SO IT’S LABELED ‘CLASSIC.’ I’M AFRAID MULTIPLE PAPYRUS USE ‘THE GREAT’ SO IT’S NOT AS DEFINING. IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT SUGGESTION, I’D BE OPEN FOR HEARING IT?” Blueberry sounded apologetic. Papyrus, meanwhile, was thinking hard. What other title would he like? Classic just didn’t suit him. He had to admit, Blueberry’s reasoning was sound. It might be better than coming up with his own. Still, if he could figure out a better one…
“THEN YOU CAN CALL ME COOL GUY INSTEAD!” Papyrus announced proudly. Blueberry hesitated then smiled.
“A NAME TO MATCH YOUR PERSONALITY? FANTASTIC! IGNORING THE FACT THAT I’M COOLER THAN YOU, IT’S PERFECT!” Blueberry concluded. Papyrus was tempted to correct him, but he could guess that it wouldn’t go so well. They were alternate versions of each other after all, so it would be difficult to discover who was cooler (it was obviously Papyrus though).
“IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT JOB. WHY DO YOU STILL WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD? DOESN’T BEING A STAR SANS GIVE YOU ALL THE LOVE AND AFFECTION YOU COULD DESIRE?” Papyrus said haltingly. Star Sanses protected the whole multiverse, the Royal Guard just protects the underground. If that didn’t give Blueberry enough love… What hope did Papyrus have?
“I’M SORRY I PUSHED. DOES THAT MEAN I’M NOT ALLOWED TO TELL ANYONE? MY BROTHER IS REALLY GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS, MAY I TELL HIM?” Both brothers kept secrets from each other. Papyrus had his share, and he knew Sans had a pile. They had recently talked about trying to be more open with each other, and Papyrus wasn’t sure how he could keep his brother’s trust if he made a new secret. It was important to prevent new secrets from forming.
“OF COURSE! I WON’T LET YOU DOWN! HOW DO I HELP THOUGH? I’M NOT EVEN SURE HOW TO LEAVE MY TIMELINE.” Papyrus admitted. Blueberry looked relieved, and he stuck out his hand.
“I’M AFRAID I CAN’T OPEN MULTIVERSAL SHORT CUTS MYSELF, BUT IF YOU’D TAKE MY HAND MY FRIEND CAN BRING US OUT!” Blueberry widened his grin, and Papyrus reached out to grab his hand. There was a moment of stillness, where it was just the two of them in a snow covered forest. Some snow flurries falling from branches above. Papyrus shifted, the pause was uncomfortable. Just as Blueberry began to frown, a warm, distinctly yellow feeling began to spread through Papyrus’s bones. Blueberry even seemed to be glowing with the magic. Then pop, and he was somewhere new. It felt like a small jerk on his SOUL, more abrupt than his brother’s short cuts around the underground.
Speaking of, this wasn’t like anything Papyrus had seen in the underground. It was a large space with an orange gradient. It looked… undefinable, in the sense that it didn’t end. There were papers with small dancing images, and a number of them looked like Papyrus and his friends. Some were held up by strings while others hovered around the islands that floated about. It was a very dream-like place, like something Papyrus had imagined. It has been a long time since he dreamt something so serene, which was the only reason he could believe what he was seeing.
“Sorry about that Blue-” a new voice spoke, sounding a bit out of breath. Papyrus turned to find a golden Sans, laced with the same magic that brought him and Blueberry here. He had his hand wrapped tightly around another Sans. This one was incredibly short, he looked like a child compared to Papyrus (Not to fear! The Great Papyrus was fantastic with children!). He had a brush taller than him strapped to his back, and his outfit was all kinds of decorated- like a superhero! Both Sanses were.
“IT’S FINE. IS… IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT HERE?” Blueberry regarded the Golden Sans’s grip on the Sans with a brush. Oh dear, so many Sanses. Someone who wasn’t as brilliant as Papyrus might not be able to follow!
“Uh, yep!” The golden Sans smiled, but he looked a bit too stressed. The brush Sans, however, snapped his full attention to Papyrus. His eyelights bounced between color and shapes before finally landing on a bright sky-blue shaped as a triangle and a Royal purple as a star.
“HELLO!!!!! I’m Ink!!!!” Ink struggled out of the gold Sans’s gasp and bounced overs to Papyrus. It was disturbing how little he resembled Papyrus’s brother. “I’m the protector of the Multiverse!! You’re Classic Paps, right?!” Ink grinned wildly as Papyrus avoided cringing.
“HELLO, INK. PLEASE DON’T CALL ME PAPS, OR CLASSIC FOR THAT MATTER. BUT WOWIE, PROTECTOR OF THE MULTIVERSE SOUNDS LIKE SUCH A BIG JOB!” Papyrus couldn’t help but be in awe of Ink’s title. It sounded more important than Head of the Royal Guard. Ink’s grin grew and his purple eyelight turned yellow. He looked like he was about to respond, but the gold Sans cut him off.
“Yep, super big job, which is why he has us to keep him on track. Anyways, hello, my name is Dream. I’m the guardian of positivity. If you don’t want us calling you Classic, what should we call you?” Dream kept his smile up, but he looked exhausted.
“HE WANTS TO BE CALLED COOL GUY.” Blueberry announced. Dream managed to look more worn out before responding.
“That’s… a fun nickname. But this needs to be like a substitute for your real name? Just, please pick something different.” Dream sounded incredibly firm, and Papyrus didn’t want to wear him out anymore. So he listened.
“WHAT ABOUT COOL BONES?” Papyrus’s smile faltered as Dream’s eyelights flickered out.
“Papyrus, please, be serious.” Papyrus had been serious, but he decided not to mention it. “Just- here, think about our names for a moment? Ink, Blue, Dream,” Dream pause, looking up at Papyrus hopefully. Papyrus did his best to reconsider. He could find an alternate version of his name? Translate it into another language perhaps. There was also the history of the word itself, which he and Sans had searched up late one brotherly bonding night. While the word papyrus is a plant, it’s also a form of paper in Ancient Egypt. Paper has simply so many uses, and it’s so incredibly important (and obnoxiously underrated). The Great Papyrus wouldn’t mind being called Paper.
“I CAN BE PAPER!” He offered, and Dream relaxed into a more genuine smile.
“Oooh!!! Like the paper to my ink!!!” Ink grinned, absolutely delighted.
“No, actually-“ Papyrus (Paper?) tried to correct him. With all the meaning behind his choice, he wanted to give it the proper glory.
“WELCOME TO THE STAR SANSES, PAPER!!!” Blueberry said, cutting Papyrus off. He tried to place his hand on Papyrus’s shoulder, but after discovering he couldn’t reach Blueberry settled for patting Papyrus’s back.
“THANK YOU NEW FRIEND!!” Papyrus widened his smile, reveling in the fact that he had made not one, not two, but THREE new friends in less than an hour. He couldn’t wait to tell his brother.
“NOW THAT WE’VE GOT THAT OUT OF THE WAY,” Blueberry said, “I HAVE TO HEAD HOME, ALPHYS IS EXPECTING ME. GOOD LUCK PAPER!” Blueberry threw a glance at Dream, then he lit up with the same golden hue as last time and disappeared. Ink’s eyelights flashed to a different color as he focused again on Papyrus, who had noticed by now that Ink’s attention was short and his focus quickly shifted.
“So, buddy, what do you wanna do now?” Ink leaned forward, almost as if bowing, and he bounced a little on his heels before performing some kind of trick jump and landing on an island floating a few feet up. He was now roughly at Papyrus’s socket-level.
“We tell Papyrus how this is going to go.” Dream said, cutting Ink off. Ink frowned, one eyelight flipping to a purple question mark while the other changed to a dim reddish-orange square.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” Papyrus wiggled his fingers, the fabric of his gloves rubbing. Dream sounded awfully serious, a stark contrast to Ink’s carefree nature.
“Blue’s already learned how to deal with… the Bad Sanses. Since we already know what does and doesn’t work, I’d rather skip the hard-learned lessons.” Dream gave a weak smile at the end, while Ink stuck out a rainbow colored tongue, nearly pouting.
“...WHAT MIGHT THOSE BE?” Papyrus began to worry for the first time since he accepted Blueberry’s offer.
“First of all, Blue’s already tried speeches.”
“Maybe, but we don’t have the time to give the speeches, and more often than not the Bad Sanses don’t even listen, they murder while you talk.” Dream said, the spot where his eyebrows would be tilting up.
“MURDER?” Papyrus faltered.
“Did Blue forget to tell you?” Ink asked. He had plopped down and was lying on his back with his skull dangling off his island, looking far too relaxed.
“TELL ME WHAT.” Papyrus didn’t want to guess this time. Dust isn’t a puzzle he ever wanted to solve.
“Our role as Guardians of the Multiverse is to protect timelines from being destroyed. The way that happens is the Bad Sanses wipe through the entire Underground, killing anyone and everyone they meet. Once they’ve killed enough, the timeline is unstable enough for them to destroy it directly.” Dream sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Or so we think. Timelines are weird, and there could be a whole slew of reasons for how things work!! It’s really interesting. I’ve been wanting to study it all but- OOH A BUTTERFLY!!!” Ink said, jumping up to chase the shiny indigo insect. Even though Ink didn’t finish his sentence, Papyrus could get a sense of why he wasn’t learning anything. Ignoring the eccentric skeleton, Dream just looked sad. He was staring down at the ground, one hand wrapped tightly around the fabric above his SOUL.
“WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DON’T GET THERE IN TIME?” Papyrus tried to say it softly, but he could never figure out how to speak in lowercase. At least it still sounded caring.
“The entire timeline dies.” Dream sighed. He looked up, finally seeing Papyrus’s expression. “Ah! Don’t worry though!! We win a lot!! I’m just trying to explain why I need you to listen to me!!” Dream waved his hands about, trying to dispel the dark mood that had settled.
“THAT’S ALRIGHT. YOU WERE BEING HONEST. IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE PIECES OF OUR JOB. I’M GLAD YOU TOLD ME.” Papyrus crouched so as to come eye to eye with Dream. He used this tactic with his brother whenever Sans was upset. Papyrus had found that it’s easier to talk to someone who’s right there with you. Papyrus reached out his gloved hands, and wrapped the bright, cheery red around Dream’s hands. Papyrus realized for the first time that Dream wore gloves too. Maybe he was a swapped version of Papyrus like Blueberry. Papyrus made a note to ask him later, when he was feeling better.
“Thank you, Paper.” Dream took a deep breath before continuing. “We pride ourselves in not killing anyone, ever. Not even the Bad Sanses. A tactic we like to use is trapping them. Blueberry does that the most, because he has the most magic to spare, so you’ll be using a lot of blue magic. Is that ok?”
“The butterfly flew away.” Ink said, butting in. He had a pout again. Papyrus leaned toward Dream a little and whispered to him.
“DOES… DOES HE PAY ATTENTION ENOUGH TO NOT GET HURT?” Papyrus was genuinely worried, but Dream burst out laughing. His grin widened as he turned toward Ink, who had begun to… eat… grass..?
“Most of the time.” Dream said, not particularly reassuring.
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macveigh · 2 years
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The reason why Morgan can read the minds of some people better than others varies on a couple different things. More than once I’ve asked myself (as I’m sure some of my mutuals have wondered) “well, Morgan can read minds can’t she just read their mind and azxscdfghnbgvfcdxsaz” because in the roleplaying community, that would be what we call “godmodding” and to make everything that easy in fiction is “boring”.
It’s harder to read someone’s mind especially if they have some sort of psychic powers themselves or some sort of magical mental barriers about them. The stronger the magic or magical force, the stronger the powers, the easier it would be to block out Morgan’s signal/her trying to read their mind or throw her subconscious out of their mind entirely. So how magical a being is and what their capabilities are is definitely a factor.
Another reason why it may be harder for her to read someone’s mind and/or thoughts is if she’s under the influence of something that inhibits her mental capacity to think or focus such as increased stress, trauma sleep deprivation, alcohol, or narcotics. Some psychics, like Michael (her brother) for instance, their powers could actually get a potential boosts from ingesting certain substances like cocaine or ecstasy because those drugs are known to flood the brain with excessive dopamine. In my canon, excess of certain chemicals in the brain are known to interact with a psychic’s powers one way or the other, similarly to how someone and another person would react to ingesting certain substances based on their different body chemistries and how they “handle”, for lack of a better term, said substances.
And finally, I wholeheartedly believe there are some individuals out there (in Morgan’s canon) whether they be human or non human, magical or non-magical, some people’s subconsciousness work differently than others. It sounds like a perfect science but really, it’s extremely complicated to try and find reasoning behind. Some humans may be better at guarding their thoughts than others, and they would never even know it if someone who knew better didn’t tell them. Some magical creatures, such as a new vampire versus an old vampire, may guard their thoughts differently from how they might have at the beginning of their magical lifecycle than later on in time. Like all things, learning how to guard one’s thoughts can come easier to some than it would others, just as how some people may have more of a natural inclination to such a talent than those who’s minds are like an open book to psychics like Morgan and Michael.
In conclusion, there really is no concrete answer to why Morgan can read some people’s minds easier than others, because everyone person and every one supernatural’s mind/brain is different from the next from a myriad of different reasons. As a young witch, learning how to cope with her abilities, instead of learning how she CAN read people’s minds and gaud her own thoughts as a matter of fact/black-and-white/”here’s how you do this”, Morgan’s teachings were focused on what her own personal powers are capable of achieving and going on from there. It’s literally like she had to learn about a whole new playing field, a whole new dimension where things such as internal thoughts and dreams took form and she had to navigate where what went and who it went to.
I think the best way to think of it is: internal thoughts and individual minds are like fish, Morgan/her powers are like a fishing pole, and the ocean where one’s cognitive behavior exists is invisible to all except a few gifted individuals (psychics like Morgan and Michael) and that sole person specifically who the thoughts and the mind belongs to (the host). Some fish, are just easier to catch and closer to the surface than others.
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I unfollowed @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses a while ago bc their following and the way they interacted with them made me a bit uncomfortable (kinda objectifying and deifying them), and seeing bullying stresses me out, and since have half-believed some terrible claims made about them—since I no longer had them on my blog to see what's actually going on in real time.
I refollowed again because I do keep seeing their posts and the toxic following interactions seem a bit more managed (people really should be more careful about how they interact online when they get a following, just in general), so it's cool again.
Of course, the bullshit still shows up, and I'm seeing the contradictions again.
Guys... they're a person. They're a decent person. Literally just a person, often saying good things and being incredibly lucky and unlucky with this platform.
They're against the post+ bullshit but I've seen some people joking about them taking advantage of it. They don't like paywalls. They've been pretty clear about that, but they're also just talked about so much that through a Tumblr-wide game of telephone their character has become some kind of evil capitalist, but also a lazy poor who won't get a job? I have some idea of their financial situation from their posts, but it's none of my business really. They're not swindling people.
There are actually terrible, awful people on this website, and others, who actually hurt people. There's at least one whole facet of this website that indoctrinates children into actual hate groups.
Legit we've been seeing the passive bullying and ignoring it because we don't want to get attention or attacked for "drama." Recently we recognized that we've also toned down the direct support of marginalized people we used to throw out all the time because of mild harassment. We're terrified of it. That's awful. (Pan lesbian rights, fuck you.)
Just... treat people as people, okay? Cancel culture doesn't exist, but the term muddies and blurs the line between influential people doing awful things and getting paid for the attention, and people who care about things and regret making mistakes getting bullied. Not "canceled," just bullied. (Yet another reason the term is bullshit and damaging.)
I'm not gonna talk to anyone about this. Learn the difference between fucking with someone and reacting to harm.
If Gaud sees this (obvi gets lots of notifs), I'm glad it seems like you're drawing more/better lines than you used to. I hope people give it up someday. Like I said, I won't talk to anyone about this. I'm still very cautious about contributing to discussions about PEOPLE who aren't hurting anyone.
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Tbh the controversy is..fairly blown out of proportions considering it happened years ago and somehow people are still on them about it, I don’t know everything about it but it just,,seems ridiculous to me considering they’d apologized for anything bad they’d done and actively have changed for the better. Also most people who’ve tried ‘calling them out’ usually claim Gaud’s faking their autism, which as an autistic person myself is…yikes. I’m not even like a fan of Gaud or anything, they just make an occasional haha funny post, but I just think the whole ‘you do something bad and you’re a bad person forever and should die’ culture tumblr has is…terrifying.
Also the whole ‘anti’ thing isn’t wrong cuz the whole movement is built on suicide-baiting and doxxing people for writing fiction (they’re also very unaware of the past censorship fandom was subjected to regarding lgbt and poc fics, which is very scary considering they want to bring that kind of censorship back without knowing what it’d actually do.) Not saying ‘proshippers’ aren’t bad either (I don’t consider myself either), hell I’ve seen a lot of outright nasty ones, but a lot are against censorship and harassment. People should idk, block and curate their experiences instead of trying to purge everything.
Yeah I think a lot of the culture on tumblr of like harassing people basically can be quite bad :/ I’ve heard a lot of really bad things I’m ngl, but IDK how much is true and I think people would benefit from just like blocking people at this point. I block most TERFs for example.
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muffinrecord · 4 years
Is it stupid to say I see you as almost the "Gaud" of meguca blogs?
It’s not stupid but it does put me on a pedestal I do not deserve!!! There are a ton of excellent MagiReco/PMMM blogs that are better than me!! I’m just really loud and make tons of posts to spam the tag with!!!
I am a dumb loud person with bad takes but a big megaphone and the hyperfocus to never compromise on talking about what is REALLY important in life: magical girl jpgs.
Like here is a list of really good magireco blogs:
@dendylabyrinth with their their interesting perspectives, thoughts, and headcanons that they bring to the table
@cluelessmahou who has great and funny posts and often makes me laugh
@snaamagica who has a nice catalogue of reblogged content along with excellent commentary interspersed between. I still love the post she made about Iroha being an interesting character
@doppel-drop-distance who is a good friend and a good writer who brings an earnest energy to everything that makes me excited to see what she makes
@saltylords who has really neat perspective posts. I like seeing their updates
@magical-girl-hell who is a breath of positive fresh air and has interesting thoughts on the series
@dragonlapis who always has something interesting in the tag and I adore her creativity
@silvermoon424 who is another force of positivity and has a great blog for sailor moon content too. 
@sayaka-mikis-fire-extinguisher who is hilarious and amazing and posts I look forward to
@ecasts-art who has made some of the best Oriko content on the internet
@a-magical-artist who draws incredible fanart and did all of those free requests for folks when the NA servers shut down. Massive respect.
@magical-girl-polaris who has really cool art that it super cool (I love their Kyoko protecting Mami piece) and also has the best star in their username
@agstudio9 / @automatic-purification-system who has some INCREDIBLE artwork, godo posts, and is a very supportive person in general
@leafbladie Who helped me with recording so many quote videos, MSS videos for girls I didn’t have, and gave me so much advice when I first started to write the memoria blog. He led the Ashley Taylor fanzine and seeing all that creativity, art, writing... it was a good sendoff that may have made me cry. 
@thefairywithdrawings who is an excellent person with the BEST outfit edits (seriously her Ryo edit is probably my favorite magical girl design ever, not just for magireco but just in general)
@garr9988 who asks really good questions, knows a ton about lore and has good opinions.
Oh man there are way more and I promise that if I left you off here it’s not because I dislike you or forgot you, this is just getting a bit long. Also, there are a ton of quiet blogs who don’t post in the tag but will INSTANTLY LIKE stuff that’s posted. Even if you guys don’t leave replies or reblog stuff, the fact that you interact with it at all as a way of saying “I see this and appreciate you” makes you the backbone of this community. 
But yeah, one thing I like about this fandom is that I’ve made so many good friends here. Opening the tag feels like a group chat because this community is so small. I’m not the big dude of this community, like I said I just talk A LOT.
Also I want to reiterate that if you post a lot and I didn’t mention you, I’m sorry, It’s not a slight against you I promise I just can’t spend the next seven hours writing usernames and summarizing stuff ;_;
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Hey Gaud, I hate to ask this as it almost feels wrong or insulting to do so but I feel that I might have ADD, one of my friends with diagnosed ADD pointed out to me that I have alot of the issues and habits he has and jokingly made the conclusion that I do to This freaked me out though and I started doing research and the more info I gathered, the more scared I was I don't want to tell my parents as my mother would'nt care/believe me and I don't want to burden my dad What should I do?
(I believe it's now just called ADHD.) I recommend that you type 'actuallyadhd' (I believe that's the tag but there may be a better one) in the Tumblr search bar and start reading those posts and learning more. also look through and follow blogs of people writing about their ADHD experiences, and reach out if you see someone answering questions; maybe they can answer yours. These are the first steps to accessing a support system of other ADHD bloggers & resources, and figuring out your next step.
I won't be able to answer many more ADHD/Autism questions today, so if you've got questions or can provide insight, feel free to start a dialogue in the notes.
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