#no one cares about Carson
mrburnsnuclearpussy · 8 months
I’m making myself feel sick by getting sad about Carson
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aphel1on · 1 year
not sure how to phrase this but something i have been ruminating on recently is that xue yang is strangely fragile. obviously he is also incredibly resilient. he survived, and continues to survive, impossible things. he has a million barriers between himself and the world, but none of this actually matters when it comes to what he feels. everything is personal to him. everything pierces straight through all that armor and goes right to his battered heart, the heart that no one else believes he has. that even he is not fully cognizant of. the world strikes and strikes and strikes and so he strikes and strikes and strikes back, even (especially) when the wound is something other people would not think worthy of retribution.
xue yang would never realize this- would be outraged at the concept of it- but the way everything, everything is something to rally a defense against is in itself a form of fragility. he does not know how to let go of things, or let them pass him by. passivity is death. so he is ruthlessly cruel and violent. he projects himself as a lunatic untouchable by anything you might possibly do to him, and on some level he even believes this. but in actuality he is one raw emotional wound. he never learned to separate himself from his emotions, much less process them. the volatility is not so much insanity as it is the constant lashing out of an animal in a trap, and the trap is the world, and the trap is himself, and he is never going to get out. and like so much else, this pain is just part of the background radiation of his life. it hardly registers. to be able to register the hurt, you would have to be able to register a time in which you were not hurt.
i feel like it is a fragility that could blossom into such tenderness, given exactly the right set of circumstances. how at the very first touch of softness in his life he fell into a domesticity from which he never recovered. how much was there, still, to be salvaged from the cruelty. on some level i am always thinking about the little apple bunnies. about the meal for daozhang and the straw in a-qing's bed.
it was too little, too late. it shattered like glass when the world intruded back in. but the tenderness was there. no one, least of all xue yang, knows what might have happened had it been unearthed in him any sooner.
#he is easy to hurt. this is a fact. it is also anathema to his own self conception as well as the model of him in anyone elses minds.#xue yang#yi city#mdzs#aphelion.txt#xy#Contact is crisis; every touch is a modified blow#<- xycore anne carson quote. if you even care#meta#i guess? idk#it is always character analysis hour in my head#with a disclaimer that whether or not someone experiences empathy is NOT correlated to their morality#i dont think its necessarily that xy is incapable of empathy it's that any empathy that might exist in him is deeply deeply repressed#bc he views it as a death warrant. he (at every moment in his head and really quite often in reality) is on trial for his life#and it would be suicidal to give a shit about anyone who is not him.#especially since he knows- down to his bones- that no one is ever going to give a shit about him EXCEPT FOR him#the one chance he ever got to escape this cycle of brutality came with an expiration date built in by consequence of his past atrocities#and he only first started to comprehend anything about his own emotions after it was all already irrevocably fucked#in canon he is doomed. in fandom i am always picking him up and putting him somewhere kinder#shakes you by the shoulders do you understand what he does to me. do you. do you#if you tell me im excusing his crimes i will kill you w my lazer beam.#this isnt ABOUT THAT. this is ME BEING UNHINGED ABT HIS PSYCHOLOGY in a moral vaccuum.#i'm not saying 'hes sensitive uwu' but like i kind of am. unfortunately it mostly just motivates him to murder people#OH and when i connect the fragility to the tenderness i dont mean that i believe hes like. secretly soft#i mean that being as he is so deeply impacted by people's slights against him. he is just as deeply impacted by people's kindnesses#and he's not incapable of reciprocating it. he is INCREDIBLY fucking bad at it. but not incapable#ok i have to post this before i feel compelled to ramble any longer in the tags. jesus#got consumed by my a-yang feelings on a sunday morning sorry#not sure why i worded it as 'continues to survive' other than a constant subconscious denial that xue yang is dead
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
Obsessed with the death imagery around Sampson btw. Smelling like a dead rat, skulking like a ghost. The last survivor of a dead world, only he's barely surviving, certainly not living. The idea of these cultural ascetics is super cool but feels unfathomably sad to me.
(938 Seconds Per Second)
-slams hands on the table- YES.
Sampson is a detached limb of a dead body. He's a lopped-off finger dropped in formaldehyde and declared "See! The flesh persists!" of a body that has perished.
There are many ways to be tragically and beautifully dead in metaphor. Sampson is not that. Sampson rots. He's off-putting. He disgusts. He's isolated and alone and just... exists half-dead and half-rotten, has to exist, no one is allowing him the dignity to deboard the ship, and live the rest of his human life, and die a human death as the last death of his culture.
He dies more, rots more, when Carson steals and destroys his tome, because Sampson is nothing but the aimless vestige of his culture, alive only to keep it alive... and what is alive? No one is learning the culture. It's not spreading. It's not growing. It's not being studied and remembered and appreciated. ...It's just Sampson, whose only duty is to persist, and persist as long as long as long as possible... as if infinite persistence is the same as life...
Carson was not joking when he said Sampson would kill himself in the wake of the cargo getting ransacked. Carson was dead-fucking correct to think Sampson would kill himself. Those cultural artifacts are all that Sampson stays half-alive for. They're all he is. If they were stolen on his watch, ostensibly by his own fault... Carson was dead-fucking correct.
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your hero and warrior post has done such irreparable damage (/pos) to the way i consume media. im seeing them Everywhere now. princess celestia and princess luna from my little pony are a hero and warrior. hey do you think rayllum counts as a- *i am tackled by security and escorted off the premises*
Anyways this quote-
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(war of the foxes - richard silken)
-is very shadowpeach and rayllum (and by extensions Hero and Warrior) to me. Someone has to leave first.
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bardicious · 1 year
I just love Nancy, and all her parents so much. 😭
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
it might be an adhd thing (i’m certainly not an expert) but i’ve never heard of that as an adhd thing?? the not being able to like. listen in on the other conversations in particular is kind of. potentially a sign of something else? idk i would do some research though
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
when u tell someone who hasn’t had to apply for a job in a while “the interview process is like 6 weeks atp” they don’t believe you but a lot of employers will wait like 2 weeks to follow up, and they always need to do multiple rounds of interviews which takes a week for each round, and then there’s two more weeks of dead silence before you hear back. sometimes you’ll apply for something in january and they will call you up in the summer like “hey you still want the job” it’s crazy. they’re out here putting desk clerks through two phone interviews and two in persons at two different locations. they make the pages interview TWICE and they also have to do TWO sorting tests!! that job pays well below minimum wage, it’s a job meant for retirees and high school students why do you interview them like it requires a mlis
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
word count; 640 words.
authors note; i love love love feedback!! please come into my inbox and tell me what you think, it really helps to motivate me!
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— cried when you told her. tears of joy of course, the two of you had been expecting it. the treatment was bound to work at some point, and if it didn’t, you’d adopt. holding the pregnancy text in hand, you’d cried as well.
— you had recorded your reactions as the test was flipped over. just for the memories, not to post. the pregnancy was not nearly ever posted, you preferred to keep these nine months all to yourselves. the public knew that the kate martin and her wife were expecting their first child, but it wasn’t found out until you were almost ready to give birth. once the baby was born, you tried to keep their face and name out of the media as much as possible. you and kate only wanted this baby to have the most normal life they could have.
the most you’d post, was pictures where you bump was not shown.
— nearly always had her hand on your stomach. everywhere you went, kate stood next to you holding onto you protectively. if you wanted space, your wife stood not too far away, but far enough to keep you happy. in addition to always touching your belly, she’d kissed it all of the time. she truly couldn’t believe it was finally real.
— kate just hopes for a healthy baby, not specifically a boy or a girl. but, when you found out the gender of the baby, the girl was over the moon. you were having a boy. every second she got, she rambled on and on about how good this would be for her nephew, carson. one of the greatest joys of the pregnancy was watching your wife hold carson in her arms and tell him about how his new cousin would be his bestfriend.
— every morning your wife sat on the side of the bathtub, holding back your hair and rub her hand on your back attempting to soothe you. she wishes morning sickness wasn’t a thing at all :((
— cooked for you every night, and every morning. always making or buying what you craved. her cooking wasn’t great, but you never wanted to hurt the poor girls feelings. so the two of you spent lots of time eating out. the thought was what counted after all.
— kate was forever thankful that carson had provided her with practice, and that she had awesome role models that gave her many tips. of course, you’d wake up late in the night to pee, and you’d find the blonde in the living room tiredly watching videos on how to swaddle or burp a baby.
“kate, baby, come back to bed. give the teddy bear a rest. you’ve got six months.”
— speaking of late nights, the girl would sit next to you with her hand on your stomach trying to feel some sort of kick. she couldn’t help but feel jealous that you’d always get to have the extra closeness to the baby during these nine months. and that you’d always be the first to feel the kick. but times like these, she cherished, it helped you to share the experience with her.
— after the six month mark, and your bump had grown larger, kate did everything for you. she took care of everything, cleaning, preparing the nursery, and she still had time for her career. the girl was constantly doting on you, showing how much she truly loved you. no matter how many times you told her she didn’t need to do this all, she’d insist.
— and once your child is born, it’s born somehow looking like the perfect mix of both of you, even though you knew that wouldn’t be possible. funny how you carried this baby for nine months, yet he is just as sassy as kate.
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divs by @/anitalenia , feedback encouraged + anons are on. taglist; @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin. comment to be on taglist!!
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sweetbans29 · 29 days
Warming Up - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Part 2 to the Hesitation series...you're welcome. You finally let Caitlin take you out on that date but it just so happens to be in New York...
Warnings: Caitlin being cute with Carson, Caitlin being in love with you - all the norms
Word Count: 3k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I have heard the demand and I am offering you a MINI series. With that being said, it will be 3 parts with several blurbs attached. Also i'm using current events but in the future.
"I still don't know about this," you say as you board the small charter plane. The slow you wanted seemed to be moving very fast as the first date that Caitlin asked you out on was a trip to New York.
To be fair, you had hesitated a lot when she asked you initially. That is how Caitlin knew if she did all the right things, you and Carson would be joining her on this trip. If you had shut it down hard, she wouldn't have pushed as hard as she had.
"Too late Mommy!" Carson yells as he runs into the plan and takes the first seat he sees. It swallows him up and you can't help but smile.
You have taken Carson on several trips before, a luxury you grew up with and wanted to make sure Carson was also able to experience. But traveling in a private charter was something you would have never expected to be able to do.
"You don't have to know about this, I got it," Caitlin says as she places her hand on your lower back to guide you to the seat behind Carson. You watch as one of the attendants swivels Carson's chair to face you. You smile when you see how Carson's face lit up when he realized he would be sitting backwards.
Caitlin can see how your body eases when you see Carson's excitement. She wants to reach over and hold your hand but decides against it. She has been wanting to touch you since that night on your porch.
The trip to New York wasn't all for fun, Caitlin knew she had some business to take care of but knew that it would be 100x better than if she were doing it alone. When Caitlin found out that she was asked to make an appearance at the Yankee's double header is what sparked her to ask you and Carson to join. It helped when she had learned that Carson was a Yankee's fan and you had a hard time saying no to Carson.
The plane ride is short and the three of you color and play games. When you land in New York, you all head to the hotel. Caitlin made sure that there was a second room for you and Carson, right next to hers of course. Even went to the extent of making sure there was a door connecting the rooms, not that Caitlin was expecting anything to happen.
You and Carson part ways with Caitlin and head into your room. You put all your stuff down and watch as Carson runs to the curtains to see the view. You sit on the bed and Cason runs up to you.
"This is the best trip we have ever been on," Carson says.
"Ya? Better than going to California last summer?" You ask reminding him of the beaches he begged to go back to for weeks after getting back from the trip.
"Ya!" He says with pure excitement.
"Hey Carson," you say as you bring him to sit on the bed with you. "I need you to tell me something okay?"
He settles down and looks at you.
"Are you okay if Caitlin starts coming around more often?" You ask Carson.
"More Clarky?" Carson asks thinking about it for a second.
"Ya, what do you think about that?" You ask.
"I like Clarky!" He says with a smile. "More Clarky."
"I like Clarky too," you say and hug your little boy.
"Does that mean we can go on more adventures with Clarky?" Carson asks.
"It's a possibility," you say and fix his hair.
He nods and runs to the connecting door giving it a small knock. After a few moments, the door opens and Carson is met by Caitlin.
"Hey Little Man!" She says. Carson immediately hugs her legs.
"More Clarky!" He says and Caitlin laughs.
"Are you guys hungry? I was thinking we could go out to do some exploring," Caitlin says and Carson yells 'yes' while Caitlin looks up at you and you give her a smiling nod.
The three of you go out and find a small little local spot to eat. The time is sweet and fun. Caitlin spoils Carson to treats which earns a scold from you but she doesn't care, she thinks it's almost cuter than Carson. The night ends with Carson falling asleep on the ride back. You carry him up to your room and Caitlin asks if you wanted to come to hers to hang out.
"I don't know," you say standing in the doorframe between her room and yours.
"What is the worst that could happen?" Caitlin asks with a little smile.
"Well I can think of a few things," you say.
"What if I promise to stay on my side of the bed," she asks and you ponder the idea.
"Okay, I will come in if you stay on your side of the bed," you say as you follow her in. She does as she says and sits on one side of the bed. You sit on the other side.
"So how would you feel about me taking you out tomorrow after the game?" Caitlin asks.
"What about Carson?" You ask.
"I have a sitter lined up and it is one that I know is trusted," she says.
You sit there and think about it. Caitlin doesn't rush you.
"Okay," you say not caring to elaborate more.
"Okay?" She asks trying to calm her excitement.
"Okay," you say again. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well it's a surprise," she says with a smug smile.
You raise your eyebrow at her.
"You are just going to have to wait and see," she says proud of herself.
You nod respecting her decision to not tell you. You don't push it but have another idea in mind. As the two of you continue to talk, you slowly slide closer to her.
Slowly leaning in, you stop right before your lips connect with hers. She leans in trying to meet you but your hand on her chest holds her in place.
"Nuh-uh," you say. "What do you have planned for our date?" Your eyes are on her lips as you speak causing Caitlin's breath to shallow.
"I told you, it's a surprise," she says with a gulp, her eyes also looking down at your lips.
"Just tell me a little," you says as you place a soft kiss on her jawline, then another one on the top of her neck. She moans at the feeling of your lips on her skin.
Caitlin is lost in the feeling of you and doesn't respond. One of her hands finds your waist while the other settles on your arm.
"Tell me Cait," you whisper into her ear as you gently suck on her earlobe. She lets out a whimper and tries to get any sort of coherent thought out.
"Dinner," she says. Her eyes closed as all her other senses heighten at your touch. You drive her wild.
"Just dinner?" You ask sweetly as you move over her and straddle her. Both of her hands have been dying to feel the skin under your shirt again, she takes no time moving them there. Your bring your hands so her wrists as you guide her hands up and down your torso.
"Gonna spoil you," she gets out. Your lips are putting in work on her neck. Occasionally drifting down to her collar bone and sucking a little harder. "Get you anything you want."
You smile against her skin. Your lips still haven't touched hers yet and if you had it your way, they wouldn't.
You slowly crawl down her, leaving a trail of kisses over her shirt but all down her body until you are at the edge of the bed. You stand and make your way to the connecting door before looking back at her. Her hungry eyes, dilated pupils and breaths uneven.
You had played her. Teased the answer right out of her and she just let you.
"You are going to be the death of me," she says as she moves to get up and follow you but you put your hand up.
"Not my fault you are so easily swayed," you say and Caitlin completely ignores your hand. She makes her way to you, her hands coming to cup your face.
She looks into your eyes and the shine with something more than just lust. Before you can say anything she is crashing her lips into yours earning a moan from you which only wants her to keep you there longer.
After giving in to Caitlin, you finally push her away. Both of you needing the air being sucking into your lungs.
"I need to change up our date now," she says, her hand cupping your face still.
"You don't," you say. "I like what you have planned."
"Nope, you know now so I have to make it even better," she says. She leans down to give you a quick little peck then separates herself from you. She knows if she were to do anything more, you wouldn't be heading back to your room.
"Whatever you say," you say with a smile. "Goodnight Caitlin."
"Goodnight," she says to you before you close the door.
The next day is a busy one but none of you would have it any other way. You are currently at the Yankee's game where Caitlin's team has set up her to be on the field and meet some of the team. She made sure the arrangements included you and Carson.
When you first got there, you were all greeted and handed badges. Carson's hung low which Caitlin helped fix, warming your heart. The three of you headed to the field and Caitlin was greeted with fans. She signed some autographs while Carson was greeted by some of the players who were finishing their warm up. It was really sweet to watch.
Caitlin comes back over to the two of you and hands Carson a baseball. You stand and watch as the two of them play catch. As you do, you can't help but think about the 'what if's'. You think about how this could be a normal for the three of you. Not necessarily going to baseball games but watching Caitlin and Carson playing catch.
"Mommy! Watch this," Carson yells as he sets up to throw the ball to Caitlin. He throws it perfectly to Caitlin and turns to see your reaction with a wide smile on his face.
"That was great baby," you say with a smile.
The three of you head to your seats after spending some time on the field.
"Mommy, I'm hungry," Carson says while he adjusts himself in his seat.
"Okay sweetie, let's go check out the concession stand," you say.
"Can I take him?" Caitlin asks.
"Clarky!" Carson yells with excitement.
"Are you sure?" You ask, hesitant letting them go without you.
"I wanna go with Clarky," Carson says already out of his seat and holding Caitlin's hand.
"I got him," she says. She can see your hesitation. "But if you would like to join, you are always welcome."
"No, you two can go. Just bring me back some nachos," you say and look at Carson.
"You do not leave Caitlin's side okay?" You tell Carson and he nods. He begins pulling Cait from their seats and up the stairs. It makes you more comfortable when you see Caitlin's security follow them.
You sit and wait for them to come back, when they do - Carson is holding a hot dog while Caitlin looks to have 5 things in hers. She has two drinks, two hot dogs and your nachos.
"What did you guys clean them out?" You joke at them and Carson says no with a laugh.
The three of you snack and watch the game, Carson having the time of his life. When the game is over, the three of you decide to grab some ice cream and then head back to the hotel. When you get back, you are surprised with who is already in her room.
"Hi mom," Caitlin says as she goes to hug her.
"Hi baby, it's good to see you," she says.
Caitlin turns to you and introduces you to her mom.
"Hi there," you say with a smile and she pulls you in for a hug.
"Oh it is so good to meet you," she says giving you a nice squeeze.
"You as well," Anne says. "I have been looking forward to meeting you for weeks."
You turn to look at Caitlin because you only confirmed a week ago that you and Carson would be joining her on this trip. Cait just smiles and shrugs.
"And you must be Carson," Anne says as she crouches down to shake his hand. He is hiding behind your legs but reaches out his hand to shake hers.
"Carson," you begin but Anne waves to you signaling it is okay. She turns to look at Carson.
"I am Caitlin's mom," Anne says and Carson peaks his head out.
"Clarky's mom?" He says softly. Anne nods and smiles.
"You want to know what Caitlin loved when she was your age?" Anne asks and Carson nods. "Chocolate chip cookies."
Carson's eyes light up," I love chocolate chip cookies!" He is now fully out from behind you and is following Anne to the half kitchen in Caitlin's room.
Caitlin nods over to your room and you follow her over. Once the two of you are alone, you turn to her.
"Weeks?" You ask her. She shrugs like she did the first time you looked at her on the matter.
"I've been planning this for longer than you know," she says.
"You're unbelievable," you say. "And your mother??? It would have been nice to know. I didn't now we were in the meet the parents stage."
"She has been asking to meet you ever since she saw pictures of me bringing Carson on the floor," Caitlin says.
You shake your head.
"It isn't a big deal," she says. But in your mind it is.
"But it is," you say. "Going on trips, meeting parents - this all seems really fast."
Caitlin can see how stressed this has made you. She kneels down in front of where you were now sitting on your bed and brings your hands into hers.
"I'm sorry," she says and you sigh. "I told you that we will take this slow and I know these last few weeks have been fast. But I have no intention of going anywhere. This weekend is suppose to be fun and I believe it still can be. I asked my mom to come out because I know knew you wouldn't want to leave Carson with just anyone so I brought out the best. I wouldn't have brought her out if I wasn't serious about you. Us."
You look into Caitlin's eyes and can see the sincerity. You lean your forehead on hers, eyes closed.
"You are unbelievable," you say for the second time but in a completely different tone causing Caitlin to smile.
"You should get ready, we need to be out of here in 20," Caitlin says as she parts from you.
You get ready and tell Anne everything she needs to know about putting Carson down. She repeats everything back to you perfectly and Carson is too entertained by the chocolate chips to be phased by you leaving. You kiss his head and he waves.
Once Caitlin has you out the door, she can't stop smiling.
"What?" You say with a smile of your own.
"Just excited to have you all to myself," she says.
First Caitlin takes you to a cute little Italian restaurant where the two of you talked over dinner. Dinner is followed by an evening walk through the park. You expect the night to be done but she has one more place she is taking you before back to where you are staying.
You yawn trying to not get too sleepy.
"We are almost there," Caitlin says as the car pulls up to the final stop.
You both exit and you look up. Caitlin stands next to you holding your hand and looks at you.
"Of course," you say.
Caitlin smiles.
"This is nice but I don't think it is open," you say and Caitlin leads you to the door.
Right as you approach the door, it opens and you are greeted by an older man.
"Ms. Clark and company, welcome to the Empire State Building," the man says. Your excitement is now visible on your face as the man leads you over to the elevator.
The three of you head up. Once reaching the 82nd floor, you were ready to make your way out but the doors just open and close and you continue up to the 102nd floor.
You step out and are in awe. Caitlin watches you as you step out and take in the sight before you. You aren't huge on big cities but seeing New York from this vantage point had anyone falling in love with it.
Caitlin lets you look around before coming behind you and wrapping her arms around you.
"I don't know how you are going to top this when we get back to Indy," you say as your hands come to rest on her arms.
"Does that mean there will be a second date," she teases.
"Only if you want," you respond, too in awe of the sight still to care about Caitlin's sass.
"It's the only thing I want," she says softly in your ear. You smile.
"I'm sorry for going at you earlier. You didn't deserve that," you say.
"No no no, don't apologize," she says.
You lean back into Caitlin, loving the feeling of being held by her. You turn to face her.
"i think I like you," you say smiling.
"Ya?" Caitlin says softly, bringing her hand to come up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
You nod and lean in to kiss her.
AN: You series is here. Let me know what you think about this second part! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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mo-aiki · 8 months
Carson Langell, Heir to Earl Langell
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Summary: Your childhood best friend was always a weird one, but you still loved him as a best friend none the less.
Warning: stalking, obessive behavior, never backing down when no is implied, I don't condone it, I just write it.
Connected to Yandere Isekai M. Characters x F. Reader
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Carson has always loved you. Your families close from each other father's friendship and how well your mothers got along. He always remembered summertime at your manor. Playing as the princess who was protected by you, the knight from the dragons that were your servants. Spending days coloring and drawing, and reading books about fairytale romances. Sleeping together and always having sleepovers. He loved it.
He also loved your personality. You were mean to everyone but him. You always treated him with kindness and utmost importance. You cared for him if he fell down off a tree and got his knees badly scraped. If he got scarred by your family's hunting dogs, you would chase the dogs off somewhere where they won't bother him. If he got sick, you would care for him.
At some point, he realized something. After seeing your smiles and hearing your kind words, only for him, he realized what was happening to him. His ears blushed, his face felt hot, his heart beat at a quicker pace, and he felt like his tongue got tied every time he talked to you. At 8 years old, he finally realized something.
He realized he loved you more than a friend.
He will always see you as someone he always wanted to be near and close with.
He will make sure of it.
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A strange boy came into your manor one day. His carriage, noble and opulent to look at. He thought nothing of it until he saw you talking to the boy, smiling and acting nice like you would with him. You laughed and smiled and talked absolute nonsense at times, like you did with him. The boy's expression looked like he hated it. How ungrateful.
To be graced with your presence and to ignore it because you find her boring? How dare he?!
It was also then when he found out from the butler that he was her betrothed. "What does betrothed mean?"
"Betrothed means to get married in the future, young master Langell."
Married in the future. A dream. His father told him once before. Marriage meant being together forever with the one you love. But right now, you were being forced to be with that boy for the rest of your life?!
He will not allow that!
He would never allow that!
He started being more clingy towards you, especially with that boy around. Always vying for your attention to grace him instead of that boy. But your behavior towards that boy was no help.
Yelling at girls who kept on talking to him, dumping that dark grape juice on their dress, you proved yourself to be completely enamored with him, and he didn't like that. He thought that he could've proved himself and get you to ditch him for him, but it didn't matter when he felt like he was losing.
How can you ditch him for that other boy just because of maybe looks? What did you like about him?
His looks? He thought he was pretty ugly.
His personality? He thought he was a trashy person.
His title? He doesn't remember it, but maybe it's because it wasn't very important.
But more importantly, what did that boy have that he didn't?
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The day you had gotten the high fever, he felt like the world was going to end. The minute he had gotten that letter, he was freaking out big time. He hated how he felt hapless and uncontrolled. His little tricks didn't work when you were sick for 3 days. That boy came by, and he looked so different.
After you had woken up, you changed for the worse.
You stopped acting distant towards people and, instead, treated them with kindness. Helping the maids with their personal situations, talking more to everybody in noble society, being more open and more approachable. Everything changed after that day.
That stupid guy who he thought was worse than him all of a sudden was paying attention to you. Bring you gifts, his hand on your waist, kissing your hand, directly, holding hands with you, and dancing closely with you on the dance floor.
Which led him to up his game. Being pitiful. Being purposefully weak, sickly (from standing in the rain), and being injured to show you his pitiful side. It worked. Well.
It gave him excuses to be closer to you. To lay on your lap because he felt weak, to cling onto you because he was tired, and to always be cared for, by you.
But one day, you had gotten a guard. And not just any guard. It was the hero of the Bloody 10 Year war. He recalled seeing him at his ceremonial ball, meant for his victory against the rebelling state. Why would he want the position of a guard for a small count family. instead of a title of marquis, he doesn't know.
But he sure knows that he is truly annoying. Always being near. His job was to be near and protect you at all times, from a distance, not right directly in his face. That guard dog was annoying and some how even more clingy than him.
The men before him, were no competition, but now he had 2 rivals battling for her affection.
"(n/n)! I have a headache! Please help me!"
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The day he had overheard your annulment talk, he was so happy. He was elated. He could finally have his chance with you.
He could give you the sweetest desserts from your favorite bakery, give you a field's worth of roses, a million kisses everywhere (I mean everywhere), and be the shoulder for you to cry on.
He could be your soulmate if you just let him.
"I need to prepare a bunch of roses and some sweets, maybe I should go ring shopping while at it..."
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A/N: I'm trying to get all 3 guys released before I truly do commission work. But still. Did you enjoy it?
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
I actually thought of this prompt like forever ago and i rly wanted to write a whole story for it but i couldn't think of a plot that would stick to it and make sense without adding too many outside elements and in my opinion over saturating the story. BUT i do have a bunch of scenes of danny and damian in my head about this also also some danny and other batfam members.
So anyways your order has been delivered...
original prompt: Gotham Academy's Mentorship Program
scene two: tim's arch nemesis
table of contents
scene 01: damian's not-so-very-bad day
“Father, you wanted to speak with me.” Damian said, trugging into his Father’s study late into the afternoon per Pennyworth’s behest. 
Father looked up from his work at Damian’s arrival, Drake gave him a look of annoyance that Damian returned with a sneer. “Damian.” Father greeted as he reached Father’s work station. “I spoke with your principal earlier today.” Damian huffed and crossed his arms in defiance at whatever accusation he was about to be handed, “Put your frown away, you're not in trouble.” Father chuckled lightly. 
Damian frowned. He was not a child, he did not need to be treated like one. 
“There’s a mentorship program at your school.” Father started, Damian raised an intrigued brow at him. 
Perhaps Father had succeeded in seeing his potential, “Well I suppose I wouldn’t mind mentoring one of the many underlings at the so-called academy.” Damian sighed, letting his arms fall to his side, as he looked up at his Father. 
Father blinked at him, processing what he had said, then glanced at Drake who looked like a fraying rope length away from bursting into laughter. “The mentorship program… it’s for you.” Father tried hesitantly. 
“Yes.” Damian nodded in understanding. 
There was an uncomfortable silence from Father.
“He means that you're the one getting mentored.” Drake laughed at him, shoulders shaking. 
Damian turned to Father. But the denial never came. “What!” Damian couldn’t help scream in outrage. “You want me to get mentored by some hillbilly civilian who can't tell a katana from a wakizashi?” He slammed his hands on Father’s table. 
Father looked at him with disapproval, but said nothing, not caring enough to discipline Damian. 
“Hillbilly civilian.” Drake croaked from the corner of the room, draping himself dramatically over one of the side sofas. 
“You’re to meet him first thing tomorrow when you get to school. Here’s his student profile, if you're interested.” Father handed him a singular paper. 
“Father I do not need-” 
“It’s already been arranged Damian, atleast give it a try.” Father said with a sigh, picking up his files again in a silent dismissal of Damian. 
The paper crumpled slightly as Damian stormed to his room.  
Daniel James Fenton. 
“Let’s see how long you last.” Damian eyed the picture of the smiling teen. 
“Have a good day at school Masters Tim, Thomas, and Damian.” Pennyworth bid, as they all got out of the car. 
“Later, Alfred.” Thomas waved at the butler as he drove off. 
They all walked in the same direction to enter their classrooms, when Drake stopped him in his path. “Ohoho, and where do you think you’re going Damian?” he asked cheekily.
“Tsk.” He was hoping to be able to make it to his class before the others noticed, then continue to evade the principal and other faculty if need be required. To be foiled so early into his plan, furthermore by Drake, was humiliating. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the principal’s office?” Drake continued to smother his victory over Damian. 
“I was just on my way.” He huffed, turning around annoyed. Drake and Thomas snickered as he retreated. 
Damian knocked on the familiar oak doors. “Come in.” Mr. Carson called from the other side. Damian entered, and plopped down on the same chair he sat in every time he had been sent here. “Ah Damian. Goodmorning.” He waited for a reply, but when he realized he wouldn’t be getting one he continued on, “Mr. Fenton should be here any minute, but I’m glad you were able to come here on your own accord.” Mr. Carson talked as he hung up his jacket and took a seat at his chair. 
Damian could only watch the seconds tick by as he sat in that office. He wondered absentmindedly if Fenton didn’t show up would he be free. The knock at the door decimated all hopes Damian had for that. 
“Ah, that must be Mr. Fenton.” Mr. Carson mused out loud, “Come in.” 
Fenton entered the room hesitantly, greeting Mr. Carson with a small smile. Fenton was a scholarship student and held reasonable grades so his intellect was not to be underestimated, though often simply being able to score well on tests did not translate to having adequate life skills. Fenton was taller than Drake, but still average, dark hair, tanned skin, gray-blue eyes. When Damian’s supposed mentor looked at Damian for the first time since he had entered the room, Damian couldn’t help but feel like he was caught in a stare off with a beast. 
The way Fenton examined his surroundings reminded Damian of the League of Assassins. Careful, analytical and tactical. All things Damian had excelled in. But there was something different about Fenton than what Damian had often seen in the League. His eyes were softer than those that had trained Damian. Damian couldn’t understand why his eyes looked like that. 
Fenton smiled at him in a way that was likely meant to be kind, “Hi, you must be Damian. I’m Danny.” He stuck out his hand for Damian to shake. 
Damian did not take the hand, instead he turned to principal Carson, “When can I leave?” He asked board, subtly eying Fenton’s reaction in his peripheral vision. 
“We have to iron out the finer details and the both of you will be free to go until we see each other for our weekly check in every Friday.” Principal Carson started, “Mr. Fenton why don’t you take a seat. 
Undeterred by Damian’s lack of interest, Fenton took a seat. Mr. Carson explained to Fenton his responsibilities as a mentor and what would be expected of him, Fenton in turn nodded along attentively. After his long explanation of the whole program the both of them were free from his office, and excused from classes until lunch to “get to know each other better”.
Damian translated that to having until lunch to show Fenton that he was out of his depth and have him running with his tail between his legs. 
“So…” Fenton drawled trying to buy time to think of something adequate to say no doubt, “How about we go to the library to hang out?” Fenton offered. 
Damian simply huffed in agreement as they made their way to a pair of sofas tucked between the many rows of books. 
“So, Damian, uh, what do you like to do after school?” Fenton asked unoriginally. 
Damian turned so he could meet Fenton eye-to-eye. “Train.” He said honestly. If he plans on scaring him off then leaning into the superficial things he learned in the League would do him well. 
“Oh, you do sports?” Fenton asked inquisitively. Damian was momentarily thrown off by his show of genuine interest in his personal life, but Damian quickly collected himself. Fenton was merely putting on an act to get him to open up, Damian would be a fool to fall for it. 
“No.” He scoffed at the thought of sports, “I train for battle,” He made sure to put as much confidence as he could in his voice. Oftentimes in the past when he had told his peers of his activities they had brushed him off and laughed at him, Damian wondered if Fenton would have a similar reaction. 
“Hardcore.” Fenton nodded in awe.
Damian blinked, “You believe me?” He found himself whispering. 
“Well, yeah.” Fenton responded as if it were the most obvious thing, in fact, he seemed confused as Damian’s bafflement. 
Damian quickly collected himself, “Well of course you should believe me it’s the truth, I’m a highly skilled blade user.” He nodded to himself. 
“Blade user, huh? Do you prefer katanas or wakizashi? Or a classic long sword maybe.” Fenton asked eying Damian as if it would help him find the correct answer. 
“Katanas obviously.” Damian scoffed, “They’re incredibly balanced, strong, and give you incredible control over your attacks. Wakizashi are also a good option if you prefer close combat and if you’re fighting in an area with a lot of obstacles.” Fenton hummed and nodded at his explanation, and Damian found himself continuing, “Long swords are originally from the Bavaria and Switzerland regions during the medieval times-”
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Goodnight I’m rly sad about somethings in this fandom but I don’t have the energy to say but I’m just gufufgjugjgj and can’t sleep so I need to post something abt it lol (and this is it). When I am able I will explain and get it off my chest. But basically in short I hate how fandom will treat characters with humanity depending on how attractive/young/“shippable” they are. Legit makes me sick and angry
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astraystayyh · 1 year
skz quotes series masterlist
these are the fics i am currently working on, where the quote is part of the dialogue or it inspired the fic as a whole!! brainstorming these was very fun, i hope you'll enjoy reading it <3 2/8 done.
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chan x reader. soulmates!au. strangers to lovers.
in a world where you can only see colors once you meet your designated soulmate, you already know that you and chan weren't destined for another. but maybe, just maybe, the stars were wrong about you both.
"on purpose. i love him on purpose." - Casey Mcquinston.
Echoes of love- minho x reader. lovers to (one sided) strangers. memory loss trope. [posted]
if given the choice to, would you love minho again? yes, you would've once said in a heartbeat. but now, you aren't sure of your response anymore.
"to love someone is to firstly confess, I'm prepared to be devastated by you." - Billy-Ray Belcourt.
changbin x reader. fwbs with so much emotional and physical tension.
things were clear and simple between you and changbin- a strictly physical relationship with no strings attached. until those same threads bursted at the seams, making you question everything you thought you knew about him.
"if i kissed you right now, i don't think I'd be able to stop." - unknown. & "please forget your scarf in my life and come back later for it" - Mikko Harvey
hyunjin x reader. art students. forced proximity. slow burn. hanahaki disease!au.
working on an assigned art project for three months with hyunjin is an easy task, right? not so much when you're both exactly what the other is afraid of, and simultaneously, terribly longing for.
"f i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more." - Jane Austen.
Volcano- han x reader. enemies to friends to lovers. uni au. [posted]
you've never gotten along with han, your mutual prejudices ruining any prospect of friendship between you both. but you slowly realize that you are more similar than what you originally thought- your darkness recognizing his, and his light yearning for yours.
"I'll take care of you. it's rotten work. not to me, not if it's you." - Anne Carson.
felix x reader. exes to lovers. second chances. [au is yet to be determined]
in which you meet your ex felix years down the road, and you realize that maybe, just maybe, the love never truly deserted your heart.
"for a while it was love, wasn't it? for me, it was love." - Unknown.
seungmin x reader. best friends to lovers with a taste of unrequited love.
seungmin believed he was content with only being your friend. of being the one picking up pieces of you that others carelessly broke. but in the depths of his bruised heart, he desperately needed you to stitch him back together, for once.
"oh god, please. please. love me. love me. desperation sits heavy on my tongue." - a.m.
jeongin x reader. strangers to lovers.
jeongin hated the commute he took daily from his hometown to his work in Seoul. Until the day you stepped in the train and sat on the seat facing him, changing his view of this train ride, and his life.
"on the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and i wanted to look at you." - Mahmoud Darwish
the taglist for this series is closed, there is no set schedule nor a particular order. comment or send me an ask if you want to be added. (general taglist is also open :))
p.s: if u happen to know whose the owner of these quotes, please tell me. most of them come from tiktok slideshows ajdjdh
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roguehongsami · 6 months
Pistoleer's Wife.
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—★ pairing/s: police captain!yunho x wife!reader
—★ genre/s: smut, fluff, au
—★ synopsis: you decide to pay your husband a visit at the station after a drunken night out w. friends.
—★ content: unprotected sex (condomize), oral sex, office sex, creampie, dacryphilia, possessiveness, degradation, bondage, breeding kink, gun play.
—★ word count: 1.6k
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As she stumbled out of the taxi, she leaned up against the wall near the entrance. Feet aching with the base of her stilettos causing discomfort in the region around her ankle. The midnight wind cooling her overheating body, but also pushing up her silk dress, nearly exposing her whole thigh. Her surroundings were spinning, eyes crossing every image. While she stood there catching her breath, one of her husband's subordinates stepped out the squad car. Confusion painted across his face as he slowly approached her.
"Mrs. Jeong, you doing okay?" Officer Carson asked.
She lifted her head up. "Mhm? Yes, yes. Just–" a shy burp left her mouth. "'scuse me, getting some fresh air." a dopey smile materialised.
His voiced trailed off as he followed with, "Do you need help with anything or..."
"Yes," she pushed herself up off the wall, "get me to Yunho's office."
Carson slung her arm over his shoulder and scooped her up in his arms. He opened the doors, making his way inside, careful not to bump her against any surface. They made their way past reception with eyes gawking at them. In the elevator, they rode up until the reached the desired floor. As they stepped out and turned left, eyes of detectives were watching. Carson knocked twice before opening the door.
"Captain..." he called out to Yunho, whose eyes immediately went straight to his wife.
She tapped Carson on the shoulder. "You can put me down."
As she slowly descended, her breasts nearly spilled out, catching Carson's attention. Yunho stood from his place, knuckles pressed on the desk with eyebrows creased down the middle. Carson left the two to their own company. She locked the door before waddling over to him, almost stumbling in her steps.
"Love of my life..." her words slurred.
He reeled her in by her waist. "Angel, I thought you said were having a night out with the girls?"
"Well, I did then I remembered you said something about working late, so now I'm here." she flashed him a wide smile. "You're not too busy, am I disturbing you?" a pleading look appeared.
"I'll never be too busy for you, sweetheart." he slammed his laptop shut and moved it aside. "Did you at least have fun?"
She nodded as she sat on the desk. "Can you guess how many drinks I had?" she giggled as she threw her arms over his shoulders.
He took a whiff of her and shuddered. "Jesus, did you drink an entire distillery?"
"Don't be mean." she deadpanned.
He sat down in front of her, removing her heels and proceeding to massage her feet. Her head cocked sideways on her shoulder, watching her husband whilst he was focused on easing her pain. Everything she ever desired in a partner, all in one man. There was never a day she wasn't thankful for him, even amidst a quibble. She placed her other foot under his chin and lifted his head up.
"I love you, Yuyu."
Confused, he said. "I love you too, pumpkin."
She leaned forward for a kiss as he met her halfway. It was slow and passionate, just lip locking. Growing in intensity, becoming hungry. His tongue demanded entrance and it was granted. The sour taste of spirits making itself known as he explored every crevice of the orifice. They stood from their places, as she pushed him up against the desk. Her hands fiddled with his belt buckle until it was undone, bringing down the zipper as her hand ventured into his slacks. Taut and throbbing, she pulled out his penis and begun stroking it, heating in her hand. A bead of cum formed the the tip.
Descending to her knees, she kneeled before his massive penis and welcomed the tip into her mouth. As she pumped the base, her mouth took him in inch by inch. Bobbing her head back and forth. Adding a twisting motion as she pumped, he threw his head back from the handiwork. Biting back every groan. He held the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair, as he slowly eased further into her throat. Guiding her every motion. As his high approached, his warm cum covered the walls of her mouth. Swallowing every ounce of his load, licking the bit on her lips.
He brought her up to her feet, his hand plastering all over her neck, bringing her in for a deep kiss. With the pooling between her legs, she squeezed her thighs to bring herself some sort of relief. Her libido running rife for the past few days, paired with the way red wine riles her, she was ready to fall apart. The woody scent of his cologne with traces of lemon made her head spin. When he broke the kiss, she took in a deep breath. He bent her over his desk. The cold feel of the table on her breasts through the dress made her body shiver. Pushing up her dress, he pulled down her underwear, pooling at her feet. As he slid in two fingers, she let out a shaky breath.
Leaning in to her ear, in a whisper, "You're ovulating, aren't you?" he said.
With the handcuffs in his holster, he restrained her hands to her back. He ran the tip through her folds as he pumped himself. Desperate to feel him, she pushed herself up against him. He kept at a distance, grinning, as he witnessed her slowly unravel the longer he denied fulfilling her needs. Lining himself up at her entrance, he gripped her hips, easing into her. Her breath shuddered with every inch he fed her, stretching her all the way out. She instantly felt full swallowing him whole.
As he started bucking his hips back and thrusting back in, she fought every urge not be audible. She bit down on her lip with tears cascading down the side of her face, and onto the table. Her brain hazed with every thrust. A few moans escaping, illiciting a hush or a "be quiet" comment from her husband. The sound of slapping skin bounced on the walls. The combination of alcohol, arousal, and lack of ventilation in the room made her body radiate. Her skin glistened with sweat.
When she tightened around him, he pulled out. She cried at the empty feeling. He lifted her up and sat her up on the table, then easing himself back inside her. Out of his holster, he took out his gun. With one hand on her back to provide support, and the other holding up the firearm under her chin, he fell back into rhythm. Her eyes were trained on the weapon, chest heaving. Her whines trapped in her throat as he pounded harder. An audible moan filled the room when he brushed her sensitive spot.
He pulled on the safety with his thumb, "Not one word out of you." he whispered, pressing the gun further into her skin.
The pressure under her jaw had her growing wetter. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist. He caught her lower lip between his, biting at it. His tongue demanded entry to her mouth, granting it, she met him with equal enthusiasm. Teeth clashing and spit swapping. His hand traveled from her back to her neck, applying pressure to the sides.
"Tell me why you wore this skimpy dress?" he grunted. "Why do love parading yourself like a whore when you come to my office? Huh, who are trying to impress?"
Breathlessly, "I'm not trying to impress anyone, I swear." she cried, tears running down her face. "I just wanna be a good wife."
Between thrusts, he said, "Maybe you forgot who you belong to..." he began thrusting faster.
Even with a personality brighter than the sun, Yunho never failed remind her who's wife she really was. He loathed letting her out of his sight. Every moment of the day, he wanted her near. To hear her, smell her, see her. Her alluring style always had him in a chokehold, but hated how it attracted the attention of other men. She always made it clear she was taken, that no man could ever amount to her husband.
"I should get you pregnant again." he whispered into her ear. "That way everyone will see you swell up with our baby, they'll know who's wife you are." she loved his overbearing, no, possessive nature. Yunho's possessiveness always manifested in either the form showering her with flashy gifts or pregnancy.
She grew wetter. It had been years since he made good on such a threat. A tight sensation materialised in the pit of her stomach as her walls tightened around him. He put the gun down, grabbing her lower back as he thrusted faster, the table squeaking against the floor tiles. With a few more strokes, they came simultaneously. Her walls squeezing so tightly, draining him of every drop. He slowly thrusted everything back into her. He undid her handcuffs. She stretched her arms above her head before resting them on his shoulders. Taking some tissues, he cleaned her up as soon as he pulled out.
Pecking her on the lips, he looked her lovingly in the eyes as he said, "Are you okay, the gun wasn't overkill, was it?"
She buried her face in his shoulders, "No, I actually thought you gave up on my request."
Rubbing her thighs, "You think the office heard us?" he asked.
Chuckling against his neck, "I'd sure hope so. Somebody needs to tell your deputies I'm a married woman." she joked.
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frankensteinmutual · 4 months
Sorry to bother you, but dude. You're so fucking cool. Would you consider sharing your top three favorite books (and why, if you feel like it)? Your aesthetic and taste in media is so fucking *it*
Thank you :)
you're not bothering me at all! in fact you just made me smile like an idiot, so thank you 🫀
I think picking a top three is almost impossible for me, but I can do a top 5:
1. we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
this is my favourite book of all time. nothing else has ever made me feel like reading this book did. the prose is so beautiful in its raw simplicity, a childish fantasy stated so matter-of-factly you have no choice but to let go of any sense of reason that might prevent you form feeling the words as having sprung from your own mind the instant you are reading them, and the narrator's intimate inner monologue draws you in so magnetically into her enchantingly morbid world of twisted logic and sympathetic magic – it's the sweetest nightmare you never want to wake up from.
2. house of leaves by mark z. danielewski
what is there still to say about house of leaves? it's as good as everyone says it is. I fought for my relationship with this book – we did not get along at all for quite a while – and it was worth it. I think it might have actually made it even better in the end. i feel like this book knows me somehow, like we have a reciprocal relationship with each other in which we are both active parties. I don't think any other work of art has ever given me that. it's the proverbial abyss staring back into you, luring you into its depths and never letting you go again.
3. autobiography of red by anne carson
autobiography of red is a verse novel, so you could think of it as one big poem, and it's beautifully written. the blurring and blending of myth and reality and continuous shifting of fiction and recollection, impression and perception sweeps you up into a tale both ancient and timeless, tragic and hopeful, about a boy who is a monster, or maybe a giant, with three bodies or maybe six hands, a shepherd or a dragon, a son with a red red heart. also, it's gay.
4. piranesi by susanna clarke
piranesi is a bit as if the house from house of leaves cared for you and was also built by plato. it kind of sneaks up on you gently, dangerously but never with malicious intent. it wants to lead you to a place inside yourself that you've never been to or maybe have just forgotten, and uncover what lies in wait there. most of it is love.
5. frankenstein by mary shelley
and for the last one, a classic. I kind of put off reading this for a long time, because I wanted to like it so badly and was very scared I wouldn't, or at least not to a degree that would satisfy, as is unfortunately often the case for me with these kinds of "important" things. but I was so pleasantly surprised. it wasn't hard to get into or inaccessible at all, it didn't bore or alienate me, on the contrary. it touched me so deeply and unexpectedly I didn't stop thinking about it for quite a while. it truly deserves its status in my eyes.
also because I couldn't resist, a visual representation of nine of my favourite books:
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I hope you will find something worth your while in at least one of them!
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wayward-dreamer · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a story where soilder boy is dating Y/n, and they start talking, and he asks her if she thinks he would be a good dad. Which leads to them talking about starting a family together. And then one of them says something along the lines of "Why don't we try now?" Then it turns into smut. If not it's okay, thanks!
Father Material
Pairing: Soldier Boy x F!Reader
Word count: 1,468
Summary: Curiosity from the public and media has Ben expressing his dream to be a father. Y/N wants to make his dream a reality.
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, mentions of SB's nefarious actions, smut: dirty talk, rough sex, breeding kink.
A/N: This request has been in my inbox forever, so I apologise for long it took! I hope you like it Layla! Happy reading! :) Thanks to my besties/betas @hintsofhoney and @makeadealwithdean for looking over this. Sorry not sorry for killing you hehe
also there's plenty more Soldier Boy content on the way because apparently I've become an SB smut dealer lmaooo
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“Do you think I’d make a good father?”
That was the question that sparked the sex marathon they had been in for hours now. Given that he was a supe, Soldier Boy had the stamina for withstanding just about anything, and if he had it his way he could probably last well into the night. She on the other hand was flagging quickly, the downside of being 100% human, but she really couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop. Not when he always knew just how to make her toes curl and her body quake with euphoric bliss. He may have known what buttons to push to get her going, but that didn’t mean their encounters were predictable. They were far from it, and that day was no exception.
The day started out like any other. He had meetings with hero management, followed by filming a commercial for Cracker Jack, which then led to interviews with different channels. She finally stepped out of their penthouse that night to join him on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, draped in an emerald green dress to match his suit, complete with gold accessories. Usually interviews weren’t really her favorite thing to do, but being America’s golden couple meant that they needed to be seen in public in order to keep that status. So they did what they always did. They laughed and joked with quick-witted Carson, charmed the audience and made the nation fall deeper for them with each caress of a hand or sweet kiss. Some may have thought it was just for the cameras, those cynical spectators that didn’t have any business commenting on what goes on behind closed doors, but they both knew the truth about their relationship.
They were in love. They had been since the moment he propositioned her in the elevator of the Vought American building, leading to one of the wildest nights she had ever had. Most would call it lust, but when you understood someone on a deeper level like they both did, it was most definitely love. A warped, messed up kind of love, but nonetheless, that’s what it was. She wasn’t stupid; she knew the kind of man he was, what he had to do during the war, and in Vought’s name since he joined their roster. She knew there were some off the books black ops missions he had gone on, even if she didn’t know the details. She heard the rumors about Dealey Plaza, too. She knew that he was fucked up despite his God fearing, all-American persona for the public, but she didn’t care.
In order to love someone like that, she had to be a little fucked up too. Well, more than a little.
Despite distracting everyone with their incredible charisma, questions of settling down and starting a family came up, and she knew she had to think of an answer fast when she saw Ben’s face go blank. With her biggest grin, she turned to Carson and said “Well, if anything happens Johnny, you’ll be the first to know!” They covered it up with hearty laughs as the audience joined in, along with the host, before he thanked them for their time to raucous applause.
The drive back to the Vought building was quiet, her concern growing for him until his words: “Do you think I’d make a good father?” broke the silence.
“Why do you ask?” she questioned in return, softly as to not scare him from broaching the subject.
“That fucking Carson,” he muttered, staring out the window at the bright lights. “I just… I guess he got me thinkin’, that’s all. Forget it.”
She wasn’t going to. She knew there was something he wanted to tell her, something he wanted of her, and she needed to know what it was.
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinkin’ about… about how I’d do it better than my father ever did,” he confessed. “We’d make some perfect fucking kids, that’s for damn sure.”
She smiled softly, her hand curling over his as she slid across the backseat and pressed herself against his side. She nuzzled her nose along his jaw, leaving small kisses along his stubble as she reached his ear, her breath fanning against the shell as she whispered her own desire to do the same.
“Then let’s start right now.”
And that was how they found themselves in their bedroom twenty minutes later, with her holding herself up on her quivering hands and knees as he pounded into her from behind, his fingers digging into her skin with a bruising hold as his pelvis smacked against the curve of her ass. He had contorted her into every position possible since then for the last couple of hours, with barely a few minutes to breathe between each romp in the sheets. She had lost track of how many positions, and she was about to lose count of how many times he had spilled inside her, both of them getting closer to that release once more.
“Oh god, oh god!” she moaned wantonly, her forehead pressed against the mattress as her hands fisted the sheets. She was completely unbothered about how loud she was and the fact that people had probably heard them by now.
“No need to bring him into this, doll,” he chuckled, the sound broken up by his groans of pleasure. “Just me and you here…”
“You’re so fucking cheesy,” she mumbled, a guttural whimper escaping her at a particularly angled thrust against her g-spot.
“You fucking love it,” he countered, smirking as he suddenly pulled out of her.
Ignoring her whine of protest, Soldier Boy flipped her over onto her back and grabbed her legs, bending her in half as her calves rested on his shoulders, sliding back into her tight heat with a quick, hard thrust. The sounds that left them were nothing short of pornographic, as he began to pick up the pace with each push of his hips against her. He squeezed his eyes shut as her walls clenched around his throbbing cock, both of them balancing on the edge of their blissful climax, ready to go over at any minute.
“So fucking good, so fucking perfect, Y/N,” he growled, their faces close as he leaned over her. “You love the way I fuck you, don’t ya?”
“Yes!” she cried out, nodding frantically as she stared up into his green orbs. “Love the way you fuck me… you fuck me so good, Ben. So deep, and hard, wanna feel it for days.”
“Oh you will, sugar,” he groaned, between rough kisses against her lips. “Gonna fill you up, make you feel so full, make you full and round with my babies. You want that?”
“Yeah,” she breathed.
“Fuck, yeah you do,” he husked. “Tell me, tell me you want it.”
“I want it, I want it so bad, Ben,” she whimpered, the sound practically a sob with how desperate she was to finally let go. “I want you to fill me up, give it to me.”
“Cum for me, doll, soak my cock,” he said, looking deep into her eyes.
Y/N finally felt the dam breaking as a loud, shrieking moan escaped her, her walls contracting around his shaft as her arousal spread over him. He grunted loudly, his hips snapping harder against her, as he tried to hold himself back. His eyes fluttered, about to close, but her hands on his face stopped him, making him pay attention to her as their gazes locked. As she had with each time he had reached his peak that night, she stroked her thumbs along his jaw, slowly nodding her encouragement and desire to feel his seed deep inside her.
“S-Say it,” he stuttered, his neck straining as he held on just a little longer. “Fuckkk, s-say it-”
She bit her lip, knowing how it drove him crazy, before she parted them and uttered the words that sent him over the edge at the end of round that night.
“You’re gonna be a great dad… better than your own.”
Soldier Boy threw his head back, the veins in his neck pressing against his skin as he let out a guttural moan, his cock pulsing deep inside her tight canal. She moaned softly as she felt the warm spurts of his cum coat her walls, filling her up as he had done several times that night already. They both breathed heavily, trying to calm their racing hearts, neither of them wanting to move away from the other. He buried his face in her neck, planting soft pecks along her pulse point, bringing a smile to her face as they basked in the afterglow.
Both of them hoped that it wouldn’t be too much longer before their dream became a reality.
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