#no one condones any of the shit they like; if they say they do they've got something BIGGER going on that has NOTHING to do with their ship
sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 months
Okay, y'all. Let's talk about shipping, and I'll even expose myself, fuck it, let's go:
I don't ship or like Reylo or Dramione, and yet I am a slut for Anidala and Buffy/Angel, who are easily just as Problematique when you unpack all of canon
I don't ship or like SessRin, and yet one of my favorite "love stories" of all time is low-key the most Grooming one of all: The Phantom of the Opera
I don't ship or like InuCest, Kaname/Yuki, Elsanna, let alone incest pairings as a whole, and yet one of my favorite manga of all time is Angel Sanctuary. AND I also ship Cesare/Lucrezia!! (both in the TV show The Borgias, and the manga, Cantarella)
I generally don't do cross-species/monsterfucking ships, and yet. Ancient Magus Bride exists. Beauty and the Beast exists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I generally dislike Adult x Minor pairings, and yet CLAMP's Chobits has one of the cutest side pairings that is incredibly fucked up in the real-world setting (Ueda x Yumi; ikyk). But then again, CLAMP created another Large-Age-Gap pairing in Cardcaptor Sakura that I absolutely DESPISE (Rika x Terada ugh), and yet, in the SAME SERIES ALSO wrote one of the most Wholesome Ships Imaginable (Sakura x Syaoran) AND one of the earliest examples of an Iconic Gay Pairing (Touya x Yukito)
Hell, despite my issues with Large-Age-Gaps, I have a soft spot for Amu/Ikuto from Shugo Chara!, and Nephrite/Naru from Sailor Moon. And yet, I'm squicked the FUCK out of Snape/Harry, Snape/Hermione, etc. Nope. Not my thing
I'm also generally not a fan of the "Male Love Interest consciously/openly threatening to harm/kidnap/assault Female MC" trope and yet!! My biggest guilty pleasure is Alice in the Country of Hearts!! Not to mention several other manga/anime titles I could name!! It's a common trope that I like in some stories, and hate in others!!!!!! Shocking!!!
My point is, you can dislike certain "problematic" ships/media all you like, but don't cast stones in glass houses. We all have our Problematic Faves, peeps, whether you want to admit it or not. Just because You Like It doesn't make it morally exempt from the ones You Don't Like. Ship and let ship, don't like don't read, learn to curate your fandom experience.
And honestly? As a former Puritanical Anti, embracing my trash without needing to justify it (however tame it is by comparison to some, or weird it is to others) has been the most liberating thing in my fandom experience. Give it a try; I highly recommend.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 1 month
Hello, you don't know me but this will sit with me if I don't say something.
I had a conversation with you a long while ago about Billy Hargrove and the racism he perpetuated and you continued to sweep it under the rug because he's an abuse survivor.
I'm extremely sensitive to that, I am; but the way you continued to down play the hurt that I, a black person, felt from his actions truly hurt and and really made me re-examine the Stranger Things fandom.
I've moved on and healed, but I just hope that you've taken the time to learn that someone's trauma doesn't negate the trauma they can inflict on someone else. I was personally a Billy Hargrove apologist myself but when I stepped away from the fandom, I stepped away from him to.
You don't need to respond, I'm not expecting you to; I just hope that you've been able to learn, and if not, I hope this can get you to consider it.
You claim I don't know you, so how could I have ever had a conversation with you about Billy Hargrove's racism?
I did have a conversation with someone in my messages about Billy Hargrove, and I'd be happy to share any of those messages with anyone as I don't feel that at any point I defended his racist behavior. If you're that person, then there's no way that I don't know you, and if you're that person then you are being purposefully disingenuous in this ask.
You approached me. You were disturbed because I was talking about a character you don't like. I was talking about that character as an abuse survivor who watched a fandom say vile things about them as an abuse victim. I'm extremely sensitive to the way people accuse an abuse victim of things that they didn't canonically do and/or make it seem like a teenager who said and did bad things is beyond the ability of redemption or saving. Yet. You don't care about that, do you? Do I go into your ask box and say, "Gee, I wish you would give more of a shit about the horrible things people say about him day in and day out"?
No, because I don't think about you. At all.
If you don't care about him as a survivor, then there's no convincing you. All I wanted at the time was for people to stop saying and doing things within that fandom space that were harmful and triggering to survivors. Survivors and victims of abuse don't have to be "good" people or "earn" basic human decency when people talk about them as survivors. You can feel however you want about them. You can hate them as people. I don't give a shit. Clearly, because I'm not in your ask box obsessing over things you said to me in messages last year.
I think it's very entitled and obsessive of you to continually approach me about this if you are indeed the person I talked to. I am not the one responsible for your feelings and it's not my job to hate what characters you want me to hate or provide an exhaustive list of disclaimers whenever discussing a "problematic" character. These are fictional characters. People are allowed to have complex feelings about them and you need to get it through your head that treating a character as complex does not mean condoning their behavior.
You know that I don't think that a person's trauma negates what they've done wrong because I told you that, if we in fact had a conversation about him. I don't think you were ever a "billy apologist" if you are that person, and if you are that person then you were more upset I didn't talk about how much of a "terrible" person he was to his sister. If you are not that person, then we never had a conversation about him.
Either way, you are lying and disturbing my day for no reason.
If this is you, then I'll be happy to post any part of our conversation publicly. I've said my piece to you, though, and I have no interest in continuing our conversation.
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If it's not you, then why are you claiming we had a conversation but that I "don't know you"?
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silver-wield · 11 days
I feel heartbroken for duoj. Look. I recently just found out about ria and her Bullshit pandering. She never deleted it. It certainly is 100% OOC right? But nobody gave her such rage. Yet duoj gets this kind of persecution. First of all, I don't condone the thing, I also don't care for the concept. But I will say this. I have encountered so many doujin and have seen these characters depicted in such ACTUAL GROSS DEPICTIONS. The way duoj delivered her work isn't even close to those. And do you know which scene reminded me of? Shinji scene with asuka in Evangelion. Cloud was depicted as someone who HATED what he did to tifa in this doujin. But people act like duoj is glorifying the thing, SHE'S NOT!
How can people act like social justice warriors while saying stuff like "break your hand" or "kys"? TO A REAL HUMAN BEING. Do they have the same energy given to sephikuras, being depicted as a two timer BS, being BS with other characters? THAT'S OOC RIGHT? SO WHY NOT ASK THEM TO DELETE AND GO DIE? If ria, billy etc DISGUSTING ARTISTS DON'T DELETE THEIR OOC WORKS, WHY SHOULD DUOJ DELETE HERS? She deleted it anyway, which is sad imo, but you'll Never hear these people who persecuted her to apologize.
I'm just pissed off at strawberry st because they think they ambassador of cloti fandom meanwhile they give out SHIT INTERPRETATIONS about mc depicting him as a two timer BS.
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These are all on the same subject so I'm just gonna combine them, talk about it this one time and move on because it's really not worth flogging over.
Being honest, I saw one frame of that comic and it wasn't the "bad" part. I think I caught it as it was all being uploaded, and I wasn't interested so I didn't bother checking out the rest.
Douj is an artist and can make whatever they want. I'm not supporting the content they made or how they chose to share it, but it is what it is.
You are consumers and have a choice to look or not at what they've made.
If you look and don't like it, that's your problem. You have no right to harass them over it or tell them what's morally right or wrong to share on social media.
I get that a lot of you are upset because you know those dumbass cleriths will spend years throwing this in our faces after we said how gross it is they want Cloud to rape Aerith and ship hojo's forced breeding plans. I get that. But, it's not Douj's fault those assholes are assholes.
And for those people who were triggered by the content, I get that too. I heard Douj didn't tag it correctly or warn anyone what the content was, so that's not okay of them, but they didn't do any of this to hurt anyone, so attacking them because of being unintentionally hurt isn't okay. Instead of retaliating over something they didn't do on purpose, talk to people you trust and work through your feelings so you can get back to a better place emotionally.
If you choose to mute/block them because of this that's your choice. You don't have to explain why you want to protect your mental health. You should also think about the mental health of the other person too. Douj is still a person.
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dimentionalseraphim · 7 months
Good morning. This is a formal message to let you know that you have been banned from our community. Several members have approached us with evidence from your blogs that you ship or tolerate Plantcest and we take a hard zero-tolerance stance against incest and those willing to engage with its themes for the safety and comfort of members within our group, including those that specifically mention no Plantcest in their rules. As the evidence includes screencaps and video proof of a Plantcest tagged post in your likes, this ban is not up for debate.
Frankly, i don't ship plantcest, and I have never written, reblogged or shared it. If it's in my liked history, then I don't know where you are looking. I would like to see the evidence, if one of the mods could contact me. If i'm wrong? Fair enough, I must have liked something without truly looking at the contents, but I would like to see the evidence that was submitted so I can at least have closure.
This is not me disputing this ban, simply wanting to understand.
This is immensely disappointing, but the comfort of others comes first. In the future, at least let people know upon the ban without leaving them in the dark for so long. Nobody contacted me, at all, nor spoke to me on any platform. If this is what you would consider fair moderation, I urge you to rethink these practices. You also sent the same copy pasta response to me and the legato / midvalley that joined recently.
the fact that you list evidence as 'posts I liked', not made, says a lot. I couldn't find any plantcest posts i've liked when going through, but I didn't get through over 3500 posts i've liked on one blog alone. Someone had to actively stalk through all my posts on my private blogs, meticulously searching for tags, to have this issue which makes me question why moderators are accepting this behaviour.
It seems like you are encouraging the possibility of targetted harassment on anyone for anything they've done in the past and with no real chance to defend yourself there is a lot of cause for concern. Cancelling people based on liked posts alone for a fictional ship that they don't even ship, who is an artist, and looks at artstyle and often not the contents of the post itself is a toxic way to moderate. Especially since not once was I rude to anybody in isola, asked to ship plantcest, shared, or encouraged incest. I have been nothing but kind, and have had nothing but good things to say to people.
Once again, I do not condone incest / incestuous ships.
I expected better communication from Isola Radiale to at least tell my side and defend myself fairly. But after several people coming forwards in my DMs and telling horror stories of being banned with no warning & reason, sometimes because of mod power trips and sometimes because someone was friends with the moderators, this behaviour no longer surprises me. Guilty until proven innocent seems to be the reoccuring theme, and I still haven't recieved any evidence to back up your claims.
I consider this ban a bullet dodged, as I have only invested a few days of interest.
Fandom communities never truly change, and for one ran by 7 people, there seems to be an awful lot of carefully hidden drama, elitism & gatekeeping- mainly because you shit talk about your own community members on twitter :)
To anybody considering joining Isola... I would advise against it. They can and will ban you without warning for minor infractions on your own personal accounts without trail nor jury. No matter what I could have said in this instance, I would have always been seen as guilty, and that in itself says everything you need to know about Isola Radiale.
Those are my parting words.
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defensivelee · 2 months
ok... i just blocked anon at this point but heres what they said bc apparently i didn't read what i wrote myself(?!)
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i would just leave it at that, but honestly? i do wanna address some things here not bc i feel the need to defend myself to anon, but bc i wanna make it clear to you ppl WHY all this stuff was written.... like im not gonna sugarcoat it, i DO enjoy writing this bc hi. huge whump lover here. making pretty people suffer is my favorite thing. but it's also so important to say that this is FICTION (this is historical rpf which is kinda funny but still, none of this actually happened). there is no real abuse going on so there is no need for any of this performative bullshit. anon is just wasting time bc it goes without saying but i would never ever condone or do this shit irl. idk how it works for other ppl but for me fiction does not affect reality, the only way it does is that it makes me happy precisely because i can do whatever i want and nobody gets hurt. and these mfs dont care, they're dead im sure they have better things to do. anyway i just wanna say:
all the details anon is giving me abt my story makes it sound like they read the whole story, both Dona Dona and the main chapters. that's almost 100k words. when they could have clicked off at any time. when the tags are so clearly right there. like... you did this for what 😭
i assume the gang rape anon is talking about is in the Tenth Hot Spring when Bentinck serviced a bunch of dudes to seal a deal for William. i would find it kind of difficult to describe it as that... but tbh, yeah, it would have been incredibly hard for him to say no. in any case, so sorry to tell you this anon but there are no perfect victims in this AU! he never sees it as rape because he thinks he deserves it, and because he does enjoy it at times. his whole image as an Ally under an Overlifer kind of relies on that. and while i'll tag it properly, i'm not going to sanitize or sugarcoat it as it's a huge part of his character arc. he doesn't think he's allowed to say no or have boundaries, so he won't! in this society i think it would be hard to find a "perfect victim." Bentinck doesn't cry about this because he thinks he's fulfilling his purpose.
Bentinck being described as a shotacon..... im so sorry that was so fucking funny to me LMFAO
i wouldn't say he enjoyed kissing William's father as a boy, he just thinks he did. obv we don't get to see much of it in Dona Dona bc it's from William's POV. but even then, as an adult, he stills sees it as an honor. AGAIN, part of his whole arc of how he views himself, the religion, and his role in it. that event is kind of the starting point of that, it was put there for a reason and not bc i actually think kids can consent/enjoy assault! in my experience, they can think they did. here again, the perfect victim narrative does not always reflect reality.
you're right, kids can't initiate that! like i said in my disclaimer, it's a result of grooming and how they've been raised. they think they are, but it's just making them easier to abuse. i never once believed they could consent.
im not a rapist period full stop. just not
yeah i romanticize abusive relationships. in FICTION. they're fun to write. jamesborough is a delightful ship and the succubus au has been so fun to work on. real life abusers can choke and i would encourage anyone in a relationship like the ones i write about to seek help immediately.
Anne called Marly a slut bc SHE is victim blaming. EVERYONE victim blames Marly in this story. it's part of HIS arc. i would not blame any victim of this sort of shit irl. and even then, in this universe "slut" doesn't have such a negative connotation as in our world. yes, it is still victim blaming, but how can you read the story and still have it completely fly by your head like that
im aromantic, which i dont know how you wouldnt have just picked up from idk... SCROLLING THRU MY BLOG LIKE ANON SO CLEARLY DID?? LOOKING AT MY ICON?? so no need to pray for those hypothetical partners, it's never happening.
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creoterative · 9 months
A lot of Paul and Reggie Quotes
Yes, I adore these two. They are on the very top of my favorite character list and I mean it. They've been there the whole time, since I started this bloggy thing, since I started to watch TV, since I got my first DS with Pokémon Diamond, it's just... yeah, I love them. So, more Paul and Reggie appreciation!
Paul: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall? Reggie: His cats' names are Walter and Rose. Paul: That's not what I asked. Reggie: That is all the information I have.
Paul: I’m terrible at expressing myself. Reggie: Don’t worry, actions speak louder than words! Paul: Yes, but my actions are also bad.
Reggie: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Paul: But did I make you cry? Reggie: *cries on the spot* Paul: ...Shit.
Reggie: N... No! Paul: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y... Yes???
Reggie: Can I have a private talk with you? Paul: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.
Paul: I taught the dog a new trick. *throws ball* Fetch! Dog: *just stands there* Reggie: He didn’t do it. Paul: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
Paul: Why do humans have different blood groups? Reggie: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
Paul: Ah ready for another fantastic day of being better than Reggie.
Reggie: Paul, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Paul, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky.
Reggie: What is wrong with you? Paul: Many, many things... Paul: And most of them are your fucking fault.
Reggie: Paul, I need some advice. Paul: You need advice from ME? Reggie: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
*Reggie and Paul are planning to break in somewhere* Reggie: We need to distract the guards. Paul: Right. Reggie: What are we gonna do? Paul: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes. Reggie: Paul: Reggie: Deal.
Reggie: So I’m the only one around here who can clean up, huh? You can't even lift a finger? Paul: Do I get to pick the finger?
Reggie: Silence is golden. Paul: Duct tape is silver.
Reggie: How’s practice going? Paul: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there. Reggie: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes. Paul: …you shouldn’t be condoning this. Reggie: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Reggie: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Paul: Technically a mix of green and blue? Reggie: So blurple. Paul: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Reggie: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Paul: You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
Reggie: I have a problem. Paul: Kill it. Reggie: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Paul: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?! Reggie: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Reggie, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha. Paul: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
Paul, grinning: I have a knife! Reggie: Put it down, Paul. Paul: Make me! *sprints away*
Paul: Hey, Reggie. These candies you gave me? They sucked. Reggie: But you ate them all. Paul: I had to make sure they all sucked.
Paul: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first. Reggie: Rock. Paul: Paper.
Paul: Reggie, I want a bedtime story! Reggie: I’m busy, Paul. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. Paul: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! Reggie: Once upon a time, there was a person named Paul, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. Paul: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Paul: Do crabs think people walk sideways? Reggie: ...Paul, what the hell.
Reggie: You know me, Paul, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters? Paul: What? Reggie: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.”
Reggie: What the hell is wrong with you? Paul: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
Reggie: When do you usually go to sleep? Paul: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
Reggie: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time. Paul: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is!
Reggie: Try not to roll your eyes at me. Paul: I don't have pupils.
Reggie: Please, Paul, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this. Paul: I’m sorry Reggie. Reggie: I’m begging you. Don’t do it. Paul: It has to be done. Reggie: Paul: Reggie: Paul: *Places +4* Uno.
*while waiting outside the principal’s office* Paul: What are you in for? Reggie: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you? Paul: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver. Reggie: Reggie: Reggie: We live very different lives. Paul: Yes we do.
Paul: Man, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk! Reggie: I’M NOT! I was eating them and you took them. Paul: You said I should try some! Reggie: I said they were good. Paul: That’s not how I heard it.
Paul: Yeah, I don’t like people. Reggie: Oh, well now that’s not fair Paul. Have you met all of them? Paul: I’ve met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards!
Computer: Please enter a password. Paul: *types in Reggie* Computer: Your password is too weak. Paul: How fucking DARE YOU-
Paul: *Hugs Reggie from behind* Paul: *Tucks Reggie's hair behind their ear* Paul, whispering: Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and they'll never find your body.
Reggie: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like? Paul: Do you make any other kind?
Paul: Why should I make my bed, when I'm just gonna unmake it to sleep in it anyways? Reggie: Why should I feed you if your just gonna die anyways? Paul: Paul: I'll go make my bed-
Reggie: Where have you been all day? Paul: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Reggie: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? Paul: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Reggie: I'm having problems with a guy... Paul: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
Paul: *pulls back the curtain while Reggie is showering* Paul: Hey did we - stop screaming it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?
Paul: What if I lied this whole time and I'm actually 18? Reggie: Paul, stop trying to get drugs. Paul: Don't suppress my interests.
Paul, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed? Reggie: *half asleep* Paul, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to themself* the Queen.
Reggie, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be… Paul: I’m literally just going to the store.
Paul: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT! Reggie: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? Reggie: Somehow that's worse.
Paul: Reggie, what are you doing tomorrow? Reggie: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Reggie: I can’t tell if you’re a genius or just incredibly arrogant. Paul: Well, on a good day, I’m both.
Reggie: Hey Paul, do you have any hobbies? Paul: Swimming.. Reggie: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- Paul: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
*Reggie and Paul are texting* Reggie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE. Paul: I got spring water. Reggie: NO! Paul: With EXTRA minerals! Paul: It’s like licking a stalagmite! Reggie: DON’T COME HOME! Paul: Mmmmmm, cave water.
Paul: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. Reggie: If I was married to you I’d drink it.
Reggie: Seriously, Paul, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to? Paul: That’s not important Reggie: I DISAGREE.
Reggie: So we're gathered here today for a very special reason and I think you'll all agree with me here. Reggie: And if you don't well then fuck you. Reggie: I'm looking at you, Paul, you jealous mop.
Reggie: Paul, please calm down. Paul: I asked for two large fries! Paul: *dumps fries onto table* Paul: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Paul: You’re kind of a pushover, aren’t you, Reggie? Reggie: …I’m sorry. Paul: See!? That’s exactly what I’m talking about!
Reggie: Dammit, Paul, you ruined everything! Paul: You’re welcome.
Reggie: Remember what I told you. Paul: Don’t be a cunt.
Reggie: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand. Paul: That sounds like a dare to me. Reggie: Oh my god.
Reggie: Are you this rude to everyone?! Paul: Yup. Paul: Don't think you're special.
Reggie: Guess what I'm about to get! Paul: On my nerves.
Paul: I feel like I can be myself around you. Reggie: You’re weird and quiet around me. Paul: Yes.
Reggie: Is that a gun?! Paul: It's not what it looks like! Reggie: It looks like a gun! Paul: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore. Reggie: ...ANYMORE?!
Reggie: Paul! This soup is flaccid! Paul: LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?!
Reggie: What are you eating? Paul: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. Reggie: I like you, don't I?
Paul: Reggie? You just drove through a stop sign without stopping. Reggie: I'll stop twice on the way back.
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f1-birb · 7 months
I'm also just kind of annoyed with these anons and people in general using Lando's struggles to further stigmatize mental health, and just this double standard between Lando having an "off" weekend or making errors versus other drivers.
Like I love Charles so this is no disrespect to him, but he can throw away podiums and wins through his own errors and it's always "Well, he has to push if he has a winning spirit." Yet Lando pushes and makes an error - which he did, I'm not denying that, and suddenly he's too "mentally weak" and doesn't have a championship mindset? Like .... which is it because I'm getting mixed signals?
Same thing with George. Again, I've come to like him quite a bit, so this is no hate to him, but much like Lando, he's arguably having one of the more error prone seasons of his career. Yet he's still touted by Sky, fans, and media as a future WDC while those same people are calling into question if Lando even has the "mindset" to win a race?
Like idk. Maybe I'm more sensitive about this stuff because I'm the same anon who got annoyed with people using "he's autistic" as an insult to drivers they don't like, but it really sucks to constantly see things you struggle with yourself used by people to condone their hatred of a driver you support. Like obviously I know there's likely more to it than that (likely a lot of people using hating Lando to cope with Daniel's McL struggles even though Daniel adores Lando), but it still sucks to see people use things you struggle with, outside of your control, as what they presume to be "valid reasons" to hate someone.
unfortunately with Lando, he's always been subjected to double standards when it comes to mental health
it was a huge thing with the McLaren hate campaign that the nastier side of a certain someone's fan base (not all, but enough) launched last year, to the point other McLaren employees (literally even admin staff) had to privatise their accounts, ask comments to stop, Mind - actual mental health charity Mind - also got some shit too, but it was always "what about X's mental health" as if that was the only thing that mattered
Lando's been outspoken about mental health for years, he was very open and honest about how he struggled in his first year, 2020 was impacted by COVID, but by the end of the season he was more settled, and obviously with Mind being a McLaren partner they've done something every year (custom helmets, a video like he did with Jon) etc. so my guess is people have been opportunistic dickheads
like you said, Charles has made several mistakes in pushing too hard (usually quali) and sometimes just generally, Singapore springs to mind for George and him DNF'ing instead of getting P3
there is never, under any circumstance, famous or not, you like the person or not, an excuse to belittle someone's mental health because you have no idea what goes on inside their head or behind closed doors, and the people who are doing that? sending daily anonymous Lando hate to Lando blogs? says more about them as a person than anything else
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demonicintegrity · 2 months
Watching from the sidelines as photomatt makes a fool of himself. and I'm just tired.
Listen im not gonna say "i hope someone dies in a car explosion full of hammers" has like, the strongest high ground standing. I'm above that. So may you. But I am gonna say it highlights the double standards pretty well. Are we gonna pretend like half the site wasn't openly wishing for Trump or any sort of alt-right politician to die? Not even like in a cartoony way? Just straight up memes about preparing the crave rave if anyone went? Which was a lot more passionate and strongly motivated than this? I watch so many people get straight up nazis in their askbox. I see so many bigots remake blogs without a sweat if they're even deleted in the first place. Misinformation and racist memes abound. But this small thing gets someone and all their blogs nuked off the website? Okay. Sure. Yeah. That tracks.
Hell, the fact no one can even tag him now shows a special standard. Wdym none of us can blocked being mentioned by others but the specialist ceo can because he's getting flamed for his own double standards? We can actually, its just buried in my settings I didn't know was possible until writing this and double checking. LMK if yall knew that was an option cuz I sure as hell didn't. @staff can still be mentioned and replied to on some of their posts, I'm sure some genuis is gonna have the bright idea to bother them even though they have no control over him. Hell, I've seen them being tagged in posts about policies and drama and all that! The ability to bother the working folks is never taken away but the ceo is above that.
(and no, it's not comparable to a kys joke, which I have never and will not ever condone. That's a fucking crime and terrible.)
(And if the average person can't get the police to do anything about the weirdos in their dm's, if celebrities couldn't get the police to help by being stalked by paparazzi, I doubt they're gonna take "someone on the internet I don't know wished I would be dead by a silly way" seriously. They wouldn't even take my roommates bike being stolen on camera seriously. That was a bluff out of his ass and we know it. He just wants to throw around power he doesn't/shouldn't have.)
("I hope X person dies" is harassment at best but not a credible death threat. It's hard to prove any sort of legitimate attempt behind the words. I would know, queer people get told they should be dead all the time and there's nothing that can be done because it's not a threat. I don't even think it was mentioned at him or anything like that, so it wasn't even intended to be seen by him. So yeah.)
And that's what all the outrage is about. It's the double standards. It's about how all these legitimately awful people still stick around because its not hard, but some random queer or otherwise marginalized person will get scrubbed off the face of the Earth because they were a little rude once. Or because they've done nothing at all. Remember when normal-horoscopes' blog got nuked for no fucking reason at all? Have no idea if that blog was ever restored. But man, all those posts unable to be searched for again.
And to be clear, I'm not surprised by this. In the slightest. When have ceo's ever reacted will to the people using their product not giving a shit about them? I may not know the entire story of who this trans women is and her history but like. But this part doesn't shock me. It sucks but its not surprising when Whatever Rich Ceo picks an enemy out of thin air and tries to drag them around as an example. It's happen so many times. I'm not shocked.
Nor does seeing the transphobia spike AGAIN because of it.
It's just exhausted that I set up myself here all comfy and everyone I follow is considering jumping ship again. I doubt I'll ever use any of the tumblr copycats. I got rid of my twitter. I've been putting off making an instagram for forever. If this goes assume your best chance is finding me on discord or by carrier pigeon. And ill be upset as hell because I love tumblr, it's my homebase, and I just set up my art blog here.
Yeah. So none of this is surprising. Disappointing, but not a surprise. You mean the website that regularly thinks any depiction of a queer person deserves a mature label with no ability to really appeal and fight against that, is being mean to a trans person?? Is the sky being blue also shocking??
Yeah whatever. This isn't changing or personally affecting me in any way but like. Man. Sure. Okay. Might as well be an issue on top of the others on this god forsaken webbed cite.
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dmclemblems · 1 year
@megamog tagged: #this is the supposed to be the same Claude who uses poisons to temporarily incapacitate people but is suddenly like murder is okay
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After the Lonato battle:
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Note how he says, when Leonie and Ignatz walk up looking sad about the battle, that they should proud because they did what they had to do... but that's only when other people are watching. When he's only with their profressor, he admits the battle left a bad taste in his mouth. His "you should be proud" was more of a bravado for the others than how he actually felt, versus in Hopes where that attitude is just the norm when they go invade Faerghus. They "feel bad" for invading, but do it anyway. With Lonato in Houses, he was going to actually attack the monastery and cause any number of innocents to get hurt (as Claude also mentions), so Claude wasn't making the first move against someone but still felt bad for the battle. If they "feel bad" for inavding Faerghus in Hopes, well... they should.
Not only does Claude repeatedly mention in Houses that his poisons aren't harmful, but he's not okay with killing even in self defense. He'll do it if necessary - if absolutely necessary and there are no other options available to him - but he doesn't prefer killing. Also note how he mentions in his support with Byleth about how he grew up that he explains why he makes poisons. He got used to making them in self defense because of assassination attempts... and even despite assassination attempts, he created non-lethal poisons. He fended off his attackers as much as he could with non-lethal methods, even when people were going after him intending to kill him.
Yet in Hopes he's like... time to go invade the Kingdom that did nothing to us. Ever. Place has been fighting their own battles and defending against the Empire just like us, but they've been totally innocent this whole time. Let's go invade and make sure Sreng knows about it! But then, if someone suggests if we directly tell Sreng about Matthias, no no! Can't do that! More people will die! More, as in, more than the ones we just murdered in our invasion that we didn't have to do. Murder is bad! But only when it's not us who do it. :)
For real, Academy Claude in Houses would whack adult Claude in Hopes. Academy Claude always feels the need to defend himself verbally by reminding people, including his professor, that the poisons he makes are not lethal, because his reputation is in the mud with a lot of Alliance nobles (and it sounds like some students/people around him in general don't trust his motivations). He always has to make very certain that people understand he's not trying to actually hurt people.
Also, the people around him were skeptical of him, but he's also aware these are innocent people. He has other student around him and people who just live at the monastery. He doesn't use lethal poisons even on his attackers when he's growing up, so why would he use lethal poisons on people just living their day to day lives? He doesn't. He doesn't use anything that could actually kill someone against innocents; and as far as I'm concerned, Faerghus was innocent and Claude still went to attack them in Hopes.
He just... really doesn't like killing. If he has no other choice he will, but that's if he's literally pushed into a corner or attacked first (and even then will attempt to do things without killing first, before determining if there's no other methods he can use). He wouldn't kill innocent people (and he also would not condone the shit Nader says/does in Hopes. Houses Claude would never tolerate Hopes Nader's love of pillaging.
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dreamhot · 2 years
I haven't been on the internet for the majority of the day, so I don't really know what happened, but what I gather is someone said that dream is still a Republican (which I know is definitely not true) and dream responded and blocked him (which, honestly, good for him).
The fact the guy believes that you don't apparently change or grow from your teenage/childhood age really makes me think that he hasn't changed. The ability to grow, change and adapt as we age is something that makes us human and the fact that the guy believes that we can't do that is honestly absurd.
I, myself, grew up with parent who still say some horrid shit and when I was little I probably said it too until I learnt what it meant. I would never say those things now since I know the impact of my words now and I'm still learning about new things constantly (like everyone one else).
A lot of people have probably said things when they were younger that they regret because they either did not know what it meant or just grew up around the wrong people. And while I do not condone any nasty thing being said about people, it's about letting people grow and learn about these things. If we don't, people will never move forward, always stuck arguing and filled with hate.
It is just cruel to force someone to have apologies for something they did years ago and have now grown from. I would be made if I were dream too.
Sometimes I wonder if people will treat him differently after a face reveal, since they might actually realise that there is in fact a person behind that screen.
vouches. as i've said before, it's completely within someone's rights to choose not to forgive or support someone for past attitudes. however, it's not helpful overall to act like people can't change if they've demonstrated meaningful growth. and i'm also hoping that the reveal will help with the dehumanisation...
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imsodishy · 2 years
I feel like 'that's an explanation not an excuse' has become a sort of magic phrase that means 'I don't have to try to have any understanding or compassion'
A bilion times this. It's become a boring statement. I love explaining shit, ok? I love character analysis so much. I'd suggest antis read Milton's Paradise Lost and his humanization of Satan to increase their critical thinking skills. Milton’s humanization of Satan was effective because it allows the reader to view Satan as a character and not merely as a “bad thing”. This makes for a better story, you have two characters, a good one and a bad one, verses having “God the good man and Satan the “bad thing”. The humanization of Satan make the word flow of the story more understandable to it’s reader. The words of the story are quite hard to understand, but understanding the dynamics of the story helps the reader to get a better grip of the story line. Satan’s characteristics are of an undaunting bully, who is fully aware of what he is doing and doesn’t plan to change his ways. Satan plans to “fight until the end”. By humanizing Satan, Milton clarifies Satan’s behavior and provides his reader with an explanation of Satan’s actions and why he is in hell where he belongs. However can we enjoy characters without having to freaking preface everything? If I say I love Hannibal I don't have to write a paragraph everytime stating how I absolutely do not condone cannibalism irl and so on. same goes for Billy. The Stranger Things fandom is exhausting and I try to stay as far away as possible.
It is exhausting, and avoidance is for sure the best policy when it comes to people who not only refuse to seek understanding but actually get mad at people who do put the effort in.
Whether it's analysing fiction or talking about real life, it always reeks to me of having no substantive response. They've heard the explanation and it made them uncomfortable because it made at least some sense, and that is a challenging thing to acknowledge, so they throw up this rote shield so they can just stop thinking about it.
Which is the opposite of what I'm here for. I love thinking about stuff! Overthinking some might say even 😅
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
All about DeviantART drama! (tumblr.com) <- Wow, if it is actually Eve, I'm touched she didn't call me "Lupiss" like she always does. Could this be the start of her finally seeing the only way to end this shit, is to talk to me one on one, no childish crap, no fake accusations, just a simple one on one, chat. And then maybe, MAYBE, I will consider stopping the attacks on her. However, if this is just a trick, and fact, I do believe it is... I will continue to attack the bitch. I will continue to attack the pissant fake ass piece of shit blog known as DevienatArtDramaNow, better known as the only blog that specializes in terrorism, and let's not forget, they also have a hard-on for me, considering they're favourte topic is talking about me, and making up some of the most laughable claims about me, yet to see any prove of the shit they've claimed, mind you. But, they are also known for posting propaganda as well! This sounds like a trick, so bitch please, if the police know you then that's great, because when I send in my completed report about you, they will see they made a mistake in letting your skanky ass walk out of that station, and run your worthless ass back in, and right into a padded cell where you belong! You say "Watch the pot calling the kettle black. Take a leaf outta your own book, dude." I say, shut the fuck up skank you've seen nothing yet! And next time, if you want to play mind games with me, try to make sure you don't leave yourself open to counter-attacks. Speaking of which, Eve... Did you bitch at me, still waiting for the proof I uploaded a picture of your ugly mug to a sex website, no proof? Damm, that sucks... but I don't think anybody would want a picture of your mug anyway. I know, Tri, this isn't the kinda of place to be talking shit about people like her, but hey, what you gonna do if I'm gone? Let's face it, Try.... without the "BigDog" watching your back, will you still be able to put up with her shit? I trust you, just not when you claim that cow wants to make up with me after she posted shit about my Dad, who is, and has been for a few years now.. dead, from cancer.
I don't think anyone should be attacking anyone. The whole idea I had with this Tumblr group was to serve as a place for peacemaking, like any court should. We can and should, however, express condemnation of things like DeviantArtDramaNow which is the offshoot or onshoot of this group that does condone attacks. I can attest that, as of this moment, they're not honest, possibly not even for the most part.
As a place of peacemaking, I should add, when both sides have proceeded to consult the authorities of their land, this place, upon hearing that, cannot help but simply watch, though we seem to not be there yet. I encourage both of you to coexist here long enough that, as you present your cases, peace between the two of you can be attempted, because it's getting rough.
I think some of the posts here in DeviantArtDramaHub could be more civil, albeit this being something I'm not afraid to say the mod of DeviantArtDramaNow would never respond, but I do applaud you for coming here to make your case and for some of the things you stand up for. It is her turn next.
Sorry about your dad.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
I don’t think Seb meant it badly. I do actually think it is a good and an important point to make here. If there’s a 7 year old kid out there who wants to be an f1 driver and being emotionally and/or physically abused by one/both of their parents, hidden behind a ‘tough love’ facade, seeing max being successful and seeing that “oh tough love works! look at max verstappen” it is important to also see that you don’t have to have been treated like shit to be successful. Sebastian Vettel was incredibly successful with the same team but with a completely different upbringing. He was supported and loved no matter what his results were and managed to live a fairly normal life before he went into f1. It says, you don’t have to be treated like shit to be given the drive and resilience to make your dreams possible. Also, if I heard a kid say in school “oh my dad left me at a petrol station because I came second in my race” I would absolutely report that to authorities it’s not fucking ok? That’s child endangerment, abandonment and emotional abuse? Why would anyone even try to entertain that that is a healthy relationship. Maybe it’s better now between Max and Jos, and they were the 1% that it worked for and we will never hear the 99% of other stories where kids were abused to be successful in their sport and the traumatised kids who didn’t make it and were broken by it will remain unheard. And if it’s never called out how do we know that the cycle won’t continue.
You have very valid points. And yes, we absolutely should call out abuse and advocate for victims but it's important to take care not to speak over or to re-traumatize the victims in question. Recovery and healing is a lifelong process. It's a long journey and it takes some victims decades before they can even acknowledge that what they went through was abuse and that what happened to them, what was done to them, wasn't their fault. There isn't a step by step guide to healing, every victim has their own journey.
I'm not going to speculate on Max's private life or his relationship with Jos now. But Seb (allegedly) discussing the things Jos did to Max as a kid to a journalist, isn't going to magically make Max's entire perceptive shift. Publicly he has never said he regarded what happened to him as abuse. If anything Max will probably double down and say that he's glad it happened because of where he believes it got him, if asked about Seb's alleged comments.
I'm not defending Jos or condoning his behavior in any way shape or form or saying his relationship with Max was healthy in anyway. We've heard those stories, heard the allegations regarding Jos' behavior and conduct towards his partners and towards others. Jos should've been held accountable years ago. It's says so much about our society that he wasn't. Our society has been closing our eyes to this sort of abuse for decades, whether it be parents of athletes or performers etc, time and time again they've gotten away with it so long as there's a new talent, a new prodigy in the industry in question. And you're right, we don't talk about the kids who endured the same abuse but didn't make it. That has to change, it all has to.
We absolutely should call out abuse but by centering that quote on Max, the focus is shifted away from the issue and onto "oh how Max will react!" By shifting the focus onto Max, he is going to be made to answer for what happened to him. The media doesn't actually care about victims. The media only cares about the story they can get out of them, about how they can exploit that story for views. Max was likely only referenced for the click bait, as he one of the most recognizable drivers on the planet and is likely to claim his second world title soon.
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whcrror · 9 months
either way, we have some things we'd like to discuss around the people whom Djaq associates with. names and urls will remain out of it, however we'd like to bring some attention to some things.
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alright, so first of all: this post was made by someone who steadfastly wants to defend Djaq and also blasts someone on their DNI of which they have reportedly never approached for any comment regarding the situation. let me start with the fact that we believe everything in this post. we're not going to defend what we're doing here other than bringing to light many years of falsifying a narrative and other considerably harmful behavior (which i do understand certain people not having a problem with, however that doesn't negate the people who have been hurt by her actions. who undoubtedly exist: which we also feel has been negated by certain individuals, regarding the talk around trans fetishizing). first, how jobless do you have to be to create a whole blog to compile callouts? as jobless as Djaq apparently @thewhorrcrs lots of callouts have really inane shit that isn't even callout material. for example, someone being upset that someone is reblogging the same musings posts as them (some almost a month later, from VERY POPULAR BLOGS) which is apparently 'copying' due to the two having the same face-claim. inane shit like that, you mean? i don't think that constitutes being a predator, does it? no. it doesn't. as far as we know, djaq is not a 'circle of people' she's one person with an opinion you can share, or not share. judging by this post it seems this individual does not share, though it appears as though they've been passionate in this endeavor to defend her and make their own dni about it. doesn't think it has precedence if this is something the person has done years back, or has grown from: has this individual ever reached out to the other side for their side of the story? no. have they ever considered the friendship between Djaq and Nova as over four to five years ago, and changed her face-claim in 2019? we're not sure, however we'd like to personally let them know now. you admit people are not going to be consistent in bettering themselves all the time in this post, though that's not seeming to be extended is it? no. also, i'd like to highlight the idea that you can make an argument for Nova still engaging in this behavior, despite Djaq engaging in it as well. however again, no alternate side of the story was ever reached out for. also it's come to my attention this person has interaction with someone accused of something similar. interesting.
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i could also make some of the same points to the individual below. it seems like you may empathize with the other party in this situation, seeing as you have gone through something similar in the past. also from someone who has interacted with several of djaq's post regarding this individual/callout behavior.
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here are some other posts / snippets from rues from known associates of djaq which do not seem to condone her behavior:
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(have you, the people in the screenshots above, ever asked anyone besides Djaq? or are you just defending her because you're friend? which, i can certainly understand. however just say that).
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if this is you, i hope you can see the hypocrisy in your behavior. @whorrcr
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knucklegagging · 1 year
When Of Herbs and Alter talks (or really anyone on YouTuber) all I can do is wonder why they're not embarassed that this is their job.
Like how do their friends and family not point out how shameful it is to talk about your fucked up shit? Or just your controversial opinions? Or just your opinions? Or breathe?
Do these ppl seriously have "supportive" friends and family even w all their issues AND all the spectacle of making video recorded content that is literally them jacking off to the sound of their own voices like it's gold? That's wild.
Everything I do has to be anonymous cuz of any of my ppl knew anything about me they'd either leave or never let me live it down.
How the FUCK do these YouTubers have so much arrogance in thinking they're important enough to GET PAID to just babble into a camera???
I could do that. But all the comments would be hate comments. Is it just cuz theyre hot? No lie I really think it is largely to do w the fact they're always hot or at the very least middling in attractiveness. You never see an unattractive person getting media fame on any type of platform no matter how smart or witty or incredible they are. Someone needs to name me one person on the internet who is legitimately making a living off being on the internet who ISNT abnormally attractive while also almost always being at best borderline at the edge of average and dumb as bricks. Wtf is up w that??
Like Dorian is hot but can any of us really say theyre saying anything new or unique or particularly insightful? A lot of times they say magnificently stupid shit about having sex with vampire ghosts and how they condone Tessa Holliday lying about being anorexic for clout because Dorian's a weirdass little people pleaser who always wants to be controversial so long as it caters to the left. Honestly, Dorian is a dumbass. And they put on this overly touchy tryhard vocalization when reading the stories they've written like a bad actress trying to perform for a buck of blow..
I'm not even trying to be mean, but are any of us really subscribed because of their brain? Or is it all just hot goth with a deep voice who gives us some level of nostalgia for our ED bullshit? Cuz I'm convinced it's the latter. If she was ugly and called herself a she instead of a they (for woke relevance) nobody would listen.
I don't get why pretty people never seem to undersytanf that they are rarely talented, and are actually just stroking themselves in front of a camera.
Don't get me wrong, genuinely no hate to them. I like Dorian just fine most of the time. Think irl we'd probably even be friendly. BUT why do hot ppl have such an unawareness for how cringe this stuff is? They're all untouchable and it's weird. It's like their ego is always the size of Mt Everest and I do not understand how no one has ever told them that maybe talking about shoving glowsticks down your throat at night clubs and resurrecting a ghoul and how much they regret it... Maybe those things should be better left hidden from the internet?
Hot ppl can literally say, do, or think anything. Film it. Put it online. And there's never a single fucking repercussion. Meanwhile, an ugly person could eloquently detail the importance of phosphorulase kinase and express specifically why it is a hexadecameric holoenzyme based on the qualities of it's subunit isoforms and how mRNA splicing helps us understand this blah blah blah BUT I swear to you all the comments would be about how they need a nose job and their voice is stupid and they're ugly and did they ever notice one of their eyebrows is higher than the other and it fucking never ends.
I hate everyone.
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rpbetter · 3 years
How do you feel about all the 'proshippers dni" warnings in so many meme and resource blogs? If this is too hot of a subject to answer, that's ok!
Oh, I'm going to make it even hotter by being absolutely honest and saying that I hate it. For me, it acts as its own reverse-DNI. If I see that on someone's blog, I'm going to block. It's gotten bad enough that I won't reblog memes or resources without checking for it because I'm damn well not going to spread that around...and I'm not the only one.
It's also such an incredibly bizarre thing? lmao like every DNI that isn't "minors, don't interact," muns with that in their rules get weirdly bent out of shape when it is followed. My supposition is that either no one was actually supposed to notice their virtue-signalling bullshit so that their reblogs don't take a hit or the hope is that when they have an inevitable issue with someone, they can scream about how a proshipper violated their DNI. So, when muns who either are proship or who just feel this is a huge purity culture flag stuck in a meme/resource blog's front lawn don't interact, hit the block button instead...they're kind of out of luck on both.
I suppose I should, in rhetrospect, let people who might be new to the terms know what they mean before I proceed:
DNI - abbreviation for "do not interact." Usually found in a blog's description, pinned post, and/or rules. States who the mun of the blog (be it an RP blog, personal, help, resource, meme, or other blog) does not want to interact with their posts.
proshipper - someone who does not care what others ship or what might occur within the ship. A proshipper is not necessarily an "anti-anti," but they can be, and often are, both. They do not believe that fiction = reality - it does not have an influence on reality as relates to someone writing a ship in which something like incest or underage occurs making people in real life feel like either are normal or desirable. Neither does it mean that shippers are condoning whatever it is in real life, normalizing it, excusing it, or any other ridiculously charged language.
anti-anti - proshippers who have had enough, usually, but anti-antis are just as often simply reasonable adults who find it absurd that people seem to think shipping, liking a character, or enjoying a piece of fiction is activism. They are often concerned, like proshippers, about the language and methods used by antis and purity culture cultists as they frequently mimic the same language and methods used by various radical, exclusionary "feminists" and religious radicals. The difference tends to be that anti-antis are more actively vocal, taking on statements and arguments made by antis, running blogs specifically to counter that culture, and so forth.
purity culture/purity police/antis - people who seem to have no idea that they've been had by homophobes/transphobes/violent religious ideology, or that exactly nothing coming out of their mouths is new or a hot take, it's all just been mildly rebranded and rephrased in order to attract younger Millennials and all of Gen Z to keep peddling this shit. They believe that if you enjoy a character, ship, story, trope, plot, or anything else they've deemed as terminally problematic, that you, yourself, are the vilest non-human to exist. That's the crux of it, it's meant to divide, isolate, and remove the human element so that no one feels bad for bullying people. Just existing in one's own space isn't enough to not be called a pedophile, rape apologist, abuser, and so forth by an anti because you are considered to be an active threat to real people for liking the wrong cartoon people together.
Okay, I think that about covers it for those somehow spared thus far, let us proceed!
I feel that it's so disturbingly prevalent and spreading because purity culture operates on control by fear and exclusion, and is helped along by ignorance.
If you've just decided to start a resource blog, you might feel that it's just the thing to do to have a DNI that states this. (You might also feel that it isn't offensive or ridiculous if you're not directly stating something like "nasty ass pr*shippers dni," but that's still what you're saying so...) This is how you replicate what some popular blogs are doing, it works for them, right? And it's obviously the only way you can reblog their memes or other resources, by displaying that you're so far from being a gross proshipper that you also have a DNI about them on your blog.
Now, let's also say that you're young, kind of new to both fandom and the RPC, and have either managed to avoid discourse or ended up having friends on the anti side of it. You've come from a fandom that is meant for children, it's children's media like a cartoon centered around characters who are children or a live-action movie/series that's also meant for children and stars real children. So, the position in your first fandom has, not unreasonably, been that it's nasty to ship the child characters together in an explicitly sexual way. Much of your experience is having this posed as something that protects you from dangerous, disgusting people who would see you, also then a child, as a sexual object. Everyone who is proship is, then, A Predator.
What is cause for concern in one situation, like an adult who wants a minor to write a ship with them in which child characters are aged up enough to be legal adults, isn't modified as has to happen when approaching fiction and other people as an adult. They might not even actually know what proshippers stand for. Instead of being taught legitimate boundaries and warning signs, let alone being properly watched out for by adults "allowed" to be in a fandom, they've been indoctrinated.
Like children who grew up believing that queer people were Against God, these people are parroting what they've been taught into young adulthood because they genuinely believe they're doing the right thing. It's very...we've taught the children the rallying cry of "think of the children!"
So, yeah, I think this is a primary way it has reached so much of the RPC, specifically, and that it's symptomatic of the whole problem of purity culture, right from where it begins to how it starts exhibiting to how it ends up being weaponized. I mean, have you seen many rabid purity police older than about twenty-five? Me either. Probably a reason for that.
How many times have you seen posts written by former, now older, antis who expressly lay out how they were, effectively, indoctrinated in this way? Every time I see them, I reblog them everywhere. Not because I think any present bad actors will listen, they won't until they're in the appropriate cognitive and emotional places to see anything but red and any other option than reblogging the post themselves to, by turns, refute, callout, or make fun of OP. No, I reblog them for everyone else's education or validation.
As an evil proshipper myself, I'm pretty vocal about ship-and-let-ship and write-whatever-you-want, but not this. This isn't just fiction, it's a real problem, it's purity culture. Period. And purity culture, again, is meant to limit by any means necessary, preferably, it seems, by bullying very real people.
I feel like, if you're uncomfortable with the way muns might use your memes or resources or uncomfortable with the muns themselves...you need to reassess having such a blog.
People have the right to like and dislike whatever they want, on any or no grounds, and to cultivate their space. If you don't like what someone is doing, you have every right to not interact with them. But when you have a blog designed to put out interaction material not with yourself but with other muns on their blogs, that's fucking ridiculous. I cannot put it any more politely, it's that ridiculous and immature.
As well as being astoundingly obtuse to not realize that what you're doing is asking demanding in offensive tones that RPers cultivate their dashes according to your wishes. You...literally aren't interacting with any nasty proshippers lmao they're interacting with each other. Yes, they're using material that you provided, but why are you providing any material meant to be widely spread and used when you're aware that you're putting it out to a huge community like this?
(Look, I have no problem whatsoever if, say, a fanartist draws a canon friendship that fandom ships and it bothers the artist, so, the image's post specifically states it isn't to be tagged as that ship. Alright, that sucks if I ship it, but it's your original artwork, I'm not going to tag it as that. It's fine. If you're nasty about it and call everyone shipping it something vile, then I'm not going to reblog it at all and will just block you so I don't accidentally encounter and spread your work. That's how it works! You don't have to like my ship, I don't have to like your attitude. But it's very different than spreading memes around, things legitimately meant for community consumption, most of which aren't even original material.)
Most of that material isn't even lascivious in nature, either, which says even more about this problematic shit. They're not saying that they don't wish proshippers to use their memes in order to write the offensive material (imagine that, it's usually sexual), they're saying that they don't want a proshipper to touch even a meme about how their muse feels about snow. Doesn't matter if they're writing the offending whatever, being proship is enough.
It's like the statement itself, and others like it.
A decently well-adjusted adult in their RP blog's rules: I need dubcon tagged or I can't interact with your blog.
A purity cultist, anywhere: I'm okay with everything, except nasty freak shit like -giant list here- stay the fuck off my blog proshippers!
Stating one's boundaries in their own space is something I highly recommend, it's the only way we can be respectful of each other. Honesty and having boundaries is necessary and good! Flying off the handle because something nebulously exists somewhere out there in fiction, is not any of those things. It's a boundary alright...the boundary where being a respectful, mature adult ends.
It's not necessary to state any of this the way it is. Every bit as wildly unnecessary as hyper-controlling your memes, or resources, because that's totally even possible in an environment where muns just hit reblog from the dash and never see your DNI.
I love it when it's an aesthetic blog. I want to ask them if they think reblogging this image of a tree in the fog they lifted from a google image search/pinterest (not problematic, apparently, to repost a real person's photography or artwork, only to have two or more fake people fornicate incorrectly) is somehow personally violating them because I believe that someone else out there can ship my NOTP.
Little bit ironic, as well, that they tend to drop and reblog the actual most PSA's about treating RP too seriously. Normalize fucking off on everyone, it's just RP, it's not real! Normalize deleting your entire inbox because you reblog twenty memes a day while only wanting them for your preferred ship, it's just RP, you're here to have fun! Normalize treating other muns like entertainment machines and calling them out for having a problem with that, it's not real, it's just RP! Gosh, you little sparklebean angels, it's not real, you haven't any right to experience a single positive or negative emotion related to RP, and most certainly not to spend more than minimal time or energy on your hobby!
Weird how justifying and validating ill-treatment of other real people is fine because it's just fiction, but that doesn't apply to letting people engage with and create fiction as they please like adults. It's almost as though the fiction isn't actually the foundation of either of these things. It cannot possibly be that both things have more to do with policing other people who do not fit one's preferences, or that both serve the purpose of mob rule.
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So, no...no, my feelings on so many meme and/or resource blogs slapping that on their dashes, or right there on the memes themselves, are about as far from positive as I can get with anything that happens online. I think it's part of a large problem that has severe, lasting, negative impacts on the RPC in the same ways that it does fandom.
DNIs are a part of purity culture when they go beyond age restrictions, and I know that's an incredibly unpopular take, but it's my honest opinion. You don't need a list like that. No, not even to list out every possible iteration of homophobia, racism, sexism, etc. We all have that same DNI, it doesn't actually need to be said in your blog descriptions that you don't want a damn TERF or nazis interacting with your blog. And newsflash, it's not going to stop anyone, it serves no purpose whatsoever. It's only become an extra space to virtue signal, place a callout or three, and establish oneself as being invested in purity culture/insulate oneself from bullying by throwing one's hat into the hate ring.
If you're an RP blog, you really shouldn't have to list all that in your rules either. It shouldn't be assumed that if you simply make the statement that you don't tolerate any manner of hate on your dash, it means you support or are this checklist of horrible things. But, if you're going to, likely because you're afraid of not doing so, your rules are the place for it. Not an additional DNI.
If you're a resource, help, meme, or other such RP-adjacent, RPC-support blog putting things out there for the community to interact with, you have the additional responsibility of what you're putting out there with how you engage with others and present yourself. Having DNIs that align with callout/purity/policing culture is not helping this community. You are not representing anything good. Your responsibility is to state that you are a minor inappropriate blog if that is the case, what sort of memes/resources you post, the language you use, how you tag.
The end, no resting drama face needed from you.
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