#no one understands the joy I take in making comprehensive lists
erins-quinn · 8 months
Please please please sydcarmy fic revs, I need some fluffy goodness. I’ve read a lot of the bigger/well known fics I think - fundamentals series, intimacy series, the roses AU (hannokoi? Loved it, but I can’t spell it) , Sydney has a child AU, HS Labs AU.
Know anything big or small for fluffy soft goodness
Think I need a stroke my hair and everything’s gonna be alright kinda moment
yes. yes. *prayer hands* thank u for giving me an excuse to make another list. here’s what I got. (organizing by rating again; if anyone on this list has more than one work read all of it, it’s all baller)
General Audiences
it’s like I’ve been awakened by Amiera_Sapphire (@amieraisposting)
Menu découverte by itaaa
Teen and Up
all my ghosts (i know you feel them too) by cruciomione (@cruciomione)
Family Heirlooms by bioloyg (@bioloyg)
blind faith by papercranium
and we’ll be laughing about how we used to smoke by emilybrontay (@sennenrose)
reset by MissAmyShay (@missamyshay)
maybe this is just the next step by puzzlepuppy (that’s me!)
Renovations and Observations in Liminal Space by kdbleu (@kdbleu)
traces of ink by pureseasalt
Shine, Baby, Shine! by currymanganese (@currymanganese)
at last by because_the_night
moon river by disheveledcurls (@disheveledcurls)
Eating for Two by Blissymbolics
Just Try to Stay Out of Your Own Way, Maybe? by anxietycroissant (@anxietycroissant)
Frozen Pipe by turbulenthandholding (@turbulenthandholding)
to try and understand, to never look away. by hcneymooners (romqntics)
it’s a lot to ask of me (to believe in you) by adogwithabirdatyour_door
Chicago, Illinois by shewalksoverme (@shewalksoverm3)
Chill by onelargecoffeepls (@onelargecoffeepls)
Heatwave by daydreamgoddess (@daydreamgoddess)
Sydney, Baby, Use Your Head by Ceselle1024 (@ambeauty)
do you like me for me? by ogigia
not a lot, just forever by hotelfoxtrot
we keep trying to talk about us by willowcia
Three Goals. Go. by OysterKnife (@purposechef)
If You Ask Me by peachybunnybabie (@ethxocore)
a moving interlude by sashafiercer (@sashafiercest)
Shed Your Skin by DoubleApple (@doubleappled)
before the dawn by mswyrr (@mswyrr)
you make christmas sound like a four letter word by bobaheadshark
Tender Blooms by tiltedtemple
save me sydcarmy fic you’re my only hope sydcarmy fic. (whether or not your on this list I am yelling at you to keep writing and keep being inspired I am in your corner!!!)
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thosewildcharms · 5 months
We talk a lot about Rick saying he knew he was in love with his son's best friend, but we need to discuss Michonne's love for, and loyalty to this man since they met. He's always been the one for her.
oh for sure, she chose him from the beginning even if she wasn't fully aware of doing so. btw, if you haven't seen it already, i would recommend this post by @glamaphonic (which is basically required reading in my opinion) for the full trajectory of michonne's feelings for rick.
while I don't necessarily think she was in love with him since day one, you're absolutely right in that it was building from the moment they met. these are the things that stick out to me but let's be real it's not a comprehensive list because she loves him so much. she loves him so so much!
the way she pretty much instantly decided the prison was safe and that she wanted to stay there because of rick. not just by understanding why he was mistrustful of her, but by seeing how he had built a legitimate family from the way he reunited with carol and thanked daryl for taking care of judith. it took her five minutes to clock him as a legitimate leader and has supported him ever since. so much so that in 7x12 she tells him, completely honestly, that he should lead all of the communities. she genuinely admires him, and thinks there is no one better or more capable than him (of course, that's not true: she is lol i'm always so ticked by how surprised she is when he asks her to lead with him in 7x12).
when she sees rick having hallucinations, instead of treating him like a wild animal that you should only approach slowly and carefully (like everyone else did) she sees herself in him and goes out of her way to make him feel better. if anything it actually makes her trust and understand him more. and she gets him to crack a joke and smile!
the fact that not only was she not angry, but told him she completely understood that he had to consider giving her up to the governor, who she *knows* is a psychopath. that SHE of all people was the one to empathize with him for having to make that choice? that is truly bonkers when you think about it. a level of loyalty and understanding and care that makes very little sense considering how they still barely knew each other then. but it ~*~must have been something else then~*~
the way she bursts into tears of joy and looks to the sky in thanks after finding carl and rick after the prison. you know she would have been glad to find anyone when she started following that trail but you could tell that those two are who she wanted to find more than anyone else. and the fact that doing so seemed to restore her faith? shut up???
after she finds rick and carl she asks him "is this home? or just a stop along the way?" she was willing to stay put and build a home with just him and carl without bothering to look for anyone else. as @glamaphonic said, she claims them right then and there. (btw i noticed that a similar conversation happened with carol and tyresse in The Grove, and also with sasha and abraham in...some later episode idk which one, but they're in an office building. i just thought it was interesting! i wonder if the carol/tyreese instance was a nod to the comics?)
rick thinks that killing a man with his throat is the worst thing he's ever done. certainly carl saw it as monstrous (as it made him think he was a monster too, for being too similar to rick) even daryl backed away from it. only michonne saw it for the heroic act it was and it made her fall in love with him. and she made him feel better too. again, she sees a kindred spirit in him as someone willing to do anything, including things most people would not do, to protect his child.
she is always ready to back him up and fight with him, as well as for him. the only time she disagrees with him is when she knows there is a better option for them, and even then she's gentle and supportive while she convinces him there's a better way (directing the group to alexandria, "i'm still with you", the fight against n*gan, the end of towl 1x04, probably more that i'm forgetting). she considers him her equal in every way, and considering how self-reliant michonne is, that says everything.
okay but seriously the EASIEST way to piss michonne off is to talk shit about rick, talk shit to rick, put your hands on rick, or even just look at rick in a way she doesn't like. she just starts yelling and/ swinging, which is hilarious because she's normally so collected.
on the other hand the only thing that makes michonne lose her shit completely and genuinely panic is if rick is legitimately in danger (the end of 6x09, the bridge)
if she thinks he's dead, she straight up just. stops. mid battle. just drops her weapon and stops. i'm almost glad we never got flashbacks to the time immediately after the bridge because it might have been too devastating to watch.
she never rejects him. even when they're at odds, she's still goes out of her way to show him she still supports him (5x16, their kiss in 7x08).
rick straight up would not have survived losing carl if he hadn't had michonne. she is so loving and patient and gentle with him even through her own grief it's incredible. she loves him SO much (and i have to point out, rick is the same for her. as devastating as carl's death is, watching them work through it together was beautiful).
she is always trying to ease his burden and be a legitimate partner to him. there are countless examples of this but the big one for me is how she considers n*gan her responsibility after season 8. rick made the call but she backed him and kept backing him even though everyone was against them, even when they both had doubts. she completely meant it when she said she wanted for them to make all of their decisions together and for once he's not completely alone as a leader.
speaking of the n*gan thing. michonne stands in maggie's way until maggie asks her what she would have done if it had been rick who had been butchered in front of her, if she could have just let that go. definitely, the answer was no. just like rick couldn't have if it had been michonne.
(because she can't live without him anymore than he can live without her).
she was flipping over dead walkers for months after the bridge and did not move on for over 6 years because she could *feel* he was still alive despite all evidence to the contrary and also simply because there was no one else she wanted. it's him or no one. just as it's her or no one for him. you can actually see her flinch a little toward the end of her kiss with ezekiel.
wearing his clothes and wrapping them around herself like a hug when she really really missed him
talking to him long after he was gone
setting off to find him on foot over nothing more than a hint that he was alive
all of the ones who live. like, that would honestly need its own post but do we even need it? that show dialed this love story up to like a twenty. she spent an entire episode saving him from himself. almost died trying to find him in the first place. jumped his ass out of a helicopter. her faith in him and them saves the entire world.
truly, her response to his proposal/vows is spot on: "it could only ever have been you." it was always him, it was only ever going to be him. it's him, or it's no one.
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Out of boredom, I have decided to start compiling a list of Tumblr words, phrases, and expressions, and what they mean. Feel free to add any as you see fit, or ask about any words or phrases you don’t understand on here. (I’m putting it under a cut because it is long and getting longer)
Moot: mutual. Usually an affectionate term.
Reading comprehension website: A nickname for Tumblr, referencing the often poor reading comprehension as well as a few posts. Possibly shares an origin with ‘piss on the poor’.
Piss on the poor, or “Does ____ piss on the poor?”: A phrase that means using tumblr, often used to refer to someone who uses tumblr and has poor reading comprehension. Based on a post about how bad the reading comprehension is here.
Dash: Your feed or for you page.
I’m bald/vanilla extract (when on polls): An option on polls used as the ‘other’ or ‘see results’ option. Vanilla extract comes from a famous post that became a site wide meme.
Goncharov: A fake movie and site wide joke and meme that was made up on tumblr based off of one person’s post asking about an advertisement for a movie that doesn’t exist on a pair of bootleg shoes they got. It is extremely detailed, and many people reference it as a joke.
Breached containment (in reference to a post or joke): A post or joke that became extremely popular, sometimes to the point of leaving the site and ending up on other sites.
Blorbo: A character you like a lot, whether it be an OC or from other piece of media. Similar and often used like favorite character.
Rebageld/any other similar thing: This is just another phrases used for reblogged, often in tags. Usually just as a joking, playful, or fun way to say it.
“I am literally kissing you on the mouth” and other similar phrases: An expression of joy, excitement, and/or gratitude from one person to another. This isn’t romantic or anything, just a way people sometimes use to express how happy or grateful for something they are. In my experience it is used mostly for stories or takes, but is also used for other things.
Hellsite: Another name/way to refer to tumblr. Mostly used for tumblr. Often used in a joking manner. (Thank you dragonfanplaugedr for reminding me of this one!)
That one damn supernatural/Destiel meme: A popular meme people might refer to, that often is used to report big events (Ao3 going down, Biden dropping out, the queen of England dying, things like that and more) and is widely popular on this site. Bot hunter/bot hunting: People who actively find, block, and report bots, especially harmful ones. This is often used when clearing certain tags of bots, as they tend to try and take over popular tags and stuff like that. Hunting the bots and destroying them.
Dashcon: An event from a long time ago, where Tumblr tried to hold a con. It was notoriously bad, and became a website wide memory and joke to mock. The ball pit is especially famed, being incredibly bad, and someone having peed in it. I was unfortunately not here for it, but you can find many posts about it. It also pretty much conned people out of their money from what I can find. Here is one short post with a photo, do more research as you please. (Here was a post announcing it too, read the reactions afterwards if you want an idea of how it went down.)
Apollo’s dodgeball: A Tumblr way of referring to posts that came true, usually strange or silly ones that accidentally predicted the future. For example, if you were to make a post joking about some big event or incident happening, and then a while later it did actually happen, it would be referred to as “being hit in the face by Apollo’s dodgeball” or something similar. Basically making a stupid post that became an accidental prophecy.
Ides of march: This was the day Julius Caesar was assassinated and killed. For some reason Tumblr really latched onto it and found it hilarious, and you may see multiple posts celebrating it or referring to this historical event. Believed that possibly the love and jokes about it originated from this post.
Spiders Georg: A tumblr phrase for an outlier that causes a huge change in the average of data, causing it to be off or have not quite true results. It has since become popular, occasionally being used on other sites as well. It originated from this post.
Prev: Prev is short for previous poster and/or reblogger. (Thank you @blairthebword for reminding me of this, I forgot that some people might not know what it means yet or find it confusing!)
Gimmick blogs: blogs that have a certain gimmick, like counting all the letters in a post, finding how many words are in the Bible in the post, giving it a DnD alignment, ect., pretending to be someone (like Shakespeare), some place (like a country such as Belgium or the USA or others) or things (like Firefox or Walmart or more). It’s all fun and games, not serious, and many ‘official’ blogs are just gimmick blogs, though there are some actual official blogs on here. Part of something apparently called the Gimmickverse, which is many or all of the gimmick blogs as far as I can tell.
Do you love the color of the sky: An incredibly long post, which became popular and INCREDIBLY ANNOYING to scroll all the way through. Several people have made references to it, as well as various remakes, some joking some less joking, and some with the sole goal of being annoying to go through. Here is the original one if you want to check it out. (And here is one of the longest continuous all one blog one I’ve ever seen, and the first one I ever saw, as a bonus)
The code/the tumblr code, ect.: A silly code that is supposed to help you identify other tumblr users in public/the wild. They/you say “I like your shoelaces.” with you/them responding with “I stole them from the president.” It originates from this post, and is occasionally referenced both as a joke and in actual use.
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justarandombrit · 1 year
Okay, I finally decided to get all my thoughts about 2015 RTC (14/02/2015) into a sort of comprehensive, semi chronological list.
. We already had a Tragic Fact recording, but it's nice to have options. Also they REALLY want you to know they'll be damned if they're working at the mall
. I love Sarah Jane Peltzer's voice
. U.R.A.N.I.U.M is nice, but, God it's hard to hear the lyrics
. According to Kholby, Noel canonically would've written "bisexual werewolf stories", and I just think Noel's terrible writing should be focused on more in fanworks
. Noel's Lament is essentially the same, but it was the version where Monique has a kid. I get why they cut it
. Ocean's dad being left-wing and her mum being right-wing makes for a really interesting conflict, and contextualises "Some of us are left-wing, some of us are right wing..."
. The full version of Play To Win is so different to how imagined it. (And pretty ableist, so yikes) Very catchy though. And I love Rielle Braid.
. Tbh I understand why the crowd loved Play To Win so much.
. As an avid Ocean fan, I really enjoy Brooke Maxwell's whole speech about her character.
. I'd love to see a woman play Mischa in an actual production, however...
. No "take a look baby, he's the real ka-ching"?
. No "Shawtyyyyyy"?
. Is this song even awesome?!?!?
. Talia:
Tumblr media
. Let me tell you, I was jumping for joy when Small Things Become Big Things started playing. Well, more accurately, I was so happy I could have jumped for joy but I was saving my energy for other matters.
. References aside, STBBT was almost exactly how I expected it to be, although it was slightly short
. "Once I saw a homeless person eat a raccoon" I love Elliot Loran.
. "Okay, I'm totally having a nervous breakdown right now and I'm going to go grab a beer, and you guys should go grab a beer cause it's intermission" I. Love. Elliot. Loran!
. Early Space Age Bachelor Man was somehow even crazier, also, is it bad that I prefer "Their generals are on holiday, Oh Ricky Potts, what should we do?" to the current one?
. "I spent a lot of time staring at other people's skin and wishing it was my skin" I also love Sarah Jane Peltzer.
. The early Ballad was a lot more on the nose than the current one. Special shout-out to the lyrics: "At the end of the day we're just dead" and "It must be nice, To have a body attached to their head"
. As always, Sugar Cloud is brilliant.
. "Isn't that recorder solo the bomb?" Did I mention I love everyone in this cast?
. Three things one guy on the team suggested: Jane gets wings and ascends into the sky. Everyone comes back to life. KARNAK GETS A SONG?!?
. It's Not A Game/ It's Just A Ride really hasn't changed much in 8 years.
. "Kelly, is there anything that doesn't make you cry?"
. La La Love: La la la, lala, la la la. La LALALA?!?
In conclusion, always check SoundCloud.
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kendrixtermina · 1 year
WTF happened? A compilation of the Evidence so Far and an attempt at a Nuanced Take.
So, the allegations regarding Rammstein.
I’m going to have to talk about them, both because the band has been a part of my life for so long it’s a family running gag, and for my own damn peace of mind.
I first saw it in an internet news article a few days ago.
My first response was to try as best as I could to suspend judgement.
The last thing I want to do is have any irrational loyalty when its ‘my turn’ to listen to reality over any personal attachment I would have.
However, two things can be true at the same time:
a) A lot of abuse goes on in showbiz & victims are often not believed
b) Crazy stories get made up about people whom the media or politcal movements have listed as “enemy” – and that’s been the case for them a long time.
The media responses have been very black & white, with on the one hand the classic cancellation treatment of ending all contracts and basically un-personing them, and on the other hand you got reports of some unsavory fans running the classic ‘they’re just lying for attention’ script.
(Let’s get this one out of the way real fast: That has never once happened ever. No one just “makes shit up for attention”. At the same time, there’s no fandom that doesn’t have a loony fringe.
I’m also not going to insult your intellect with any variant of ‘why didn’t they come forward earlier’ or ‘if it really happened she would have done x’)
The band itself has put out a statement to ‘not harass or prejudge any of the plaintiffs’ and that they ‘have a right to state their view of things’
I would agree with that, at least.
This is not the trump/tate/kavenaugh esque cannet ‘I don’t know that woman’ or instant ‘DARVO defamation’ that you usually see & sounds more like the people I thought I knew, but on the other hand, what was repeated over all the tabloid articles looked like an open shut case. Supposedly there was roofies involved (which proves intent all in itself) and multiple accusers.
One person might make things up, but multiple people usually means it’s real, as it would be unrealistic for them to have coordinated.
So I decided that I was going to go digging through all the articles & posts etc. I could find to form my own opinion of WTF happened, if nothing else for closure. The articles said a lot of the same things, but they were vague. At least, I wanted the gory details.
I’m just going to record my findings so far mostly for my own peace of mind & emotional processing, and for anyone who might be wondering what to think.
I’m just going to go through various different data points in ascending order of severity & perceived credibility.
Keep in mind, this is not a finished opinion, I am really processing out loud, still letting things settle, and waiting for further revelations that could easily change everything.
I want as much as I can to remain open to any new evidence thatmight still pour in.
0. The Music
First let’s get the (albeit mostly irrelevant) elephant out of the way:
Yes, the songs/lyrics depict copious violence that is often sexual in nature, but it’s very much in an ‘fascination with the disturbing’ kind of way that grounds inself in a clear understanding that what’s depicted is, in fact, disturbing. It’s often told from the PoV of the perpetrator but if you analyze the lyrics with basic reading comprehension you’ll see that it’s self-aware about being carnography (that is the overlap between horror, gore and porn) – the perp’s twisted rationalizations will be lampshaded and hints at the victim’s pain strewn in.
It’s like ‘Lolita’ – it’s told from the crazy person’s PoV in their romantic fetishistic detail, but the author wants you to piece together what ‘actually’ happened and strews in hints.
That was supposedly the joy of it, that there was depht to find, interpret & analyze get this ‘delayed-action scare’ from.
It’s self-aware, which actual glorification isn’t – that sounds more like ‘bitch actually wanted it’ or ‘she was asking for it’ rather than ‘no one hears her cry’ or having the perp turn around a picture of Jesus so it doesn’t see his wicked deeds.
So it seems… incongruent, to me, that the person who wrote this doesn’t get that roofie-ing someone is bad.
As an artist myself I of course want to believe that a person’s true soul is reflected and immortalized in their art, but there’s nothing more dangerous than thinking oneself immune to deception, wouldn’t be the first hypocrite.
So I really did have a huge moment of thinking,… “Was it all a lie?” Did this art that I loved and was probably the biggest influence on my writing style just never really exist?
I’d certainly feel disapointed, humbled and betrayed, as if all the jeers of those who gave me the side eye for liking dark content had been confirmed.
Well, the truth doesn’t care what I think, it’s not about me, but the potential victims. So I am going to put all these feelings in a box.
But it’s worth noting that, despite the bombastic stage persona and having starred in hardcore sadomaso porn, Till was always described by everyone who knew him as a shy, polite and intelligent person in his personal life.
Wouldn’t be the first asshole whom everyone thought was “so nice”, but you can’t use the music as an argument for that.
1. The Parties.
That there were parties for potential groupies, I believe at once. It’s corroberated by many reports going years back and the part that everyone agrees on. You’d be stupid not to believe it. It does fit his impulsive, disinhibited character.
However, and I know some here are gonna have different values about this: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that so long as everyone involved was a consenting adult.
A lot of the so-called “dozens” of reports including kayla the youtuber were basically just people realizing it’s a sex thing & getting uncomfortable or offended about the very fact that it was a sex thing & that there were women willingly throwing themselves at Till.
I don#t doubt that they freaked out, got a fright and felt unsafe, but when you filter about the influence of their racing thoughts, uncomfy brain & ‘bad vibes’, most of these situations are pretty much nothingburgers. Full rooms with numerous witnesses were people were just drinking & having fun. Obviously you can’t bring phones to orgies, tat would jeopardize ppl’s privacy.
I’m not saying they were lying about feeling unsafe, but I think we can all think of examples for how feeling safe and being safe are two pairs of shoes.
There were many people who actually were at those parties posting on reddit or getting interviewed on youtube describing great consensual sex and/or just fun atmosphere so IDK how much of their perception of ‘weird atmosphere’ is just projection of their own discomfort.
I’m not saying this because I don’t want to see the truth, this has always been my opinion. I never got people investing great significance in age gaps once everyone is past the ‘adult’ threshold or generally flattening the whole spectrum of human interaction into simple flat power dynamics with an unassailablemaster & mind-controlled slave.
I’ve gone to sex parties; Heck, when I was 20 I got shitfaced & screwed a much older dude and I found both those experiences not only positive but healing.
It bothers me how the entire interiority choice & angency of willing participants is just erased and its just blanket declared that they can’t know what they want. So far, everyone I’ve heard of as being involved was an adult even if they were young, we’re not talking about children and it’s demeaning to act as if they were.
I’m not defending a rich old dude; I’ve little hope of ever being one. I’m defending myself, as someone who has been a young woman, and wound like to have the right to determine what my experiences mean & not have others tell me. I think if someone wants to take advantage of a chance to screw someone they view as extremly desirable and get a piece of some powerful guy using the limited resource of their attractiveness, they should get to. It’s practically animal instinct.
I don’t think inviting someone somewhere to possibly hit on them in harassment; It only becomes harassment if you don’t go away if they say no, or use threat/coersion.
He ‘picked’ the ones he’d actually be interested in but that would only have the sort of character the news are depicting it as if there was then coersion, not just an offer.
In the bulk of the reports he would hit on ppl but immediately accept it & back away if they said no, and the people who reported feeling uncomfortable all left with no problem without being pushed or forced to anything; Everyone was free to leave the ‘suckbox’ at any time.
That, of course,  is the next big question. Did any of that take place. Just because some had a great experience doesn’t mean others can’t have had awful ones.
2. The Shelby & Kayla Stories
So, here I am mostly dissapointed at the media.
There were multiple people on reddit, tumblr, youtube or newspaper (some showing their real life face, or having video of the event) who were on the same party in Vilnius. It’s not just one person claiming something but testimonies acting up
The vodka was opened before the eyes of all the guests and all of them drank from the same bottles
According to her friends, Shelby is on a SSRI medication that can interfere with alcohol & apparently the combination explains all the symptoms she had
She started drinking early & acted quite inebriated (probably due to the meds interference), at one point she bumped into the stage & ran into things – this probably explains the bruise
While there was some smashing of glasses, it was more of a ritual that was often done at  parties, like Till would start smashing his Vodka glass fter finishing it & everyone else would join in.
Shelby left early & wasn’t even there for the last of the party
Even she clearly stated that a) no one touched her b) Till respected it & moved on when she refused his advances c) she saw nothing being done to anyone else while she was there
Most likely conclusion: There was never any roofies, her meds are to blame.
I would presume she woke up the next day, only remembering fragments at first, and panicked. I can’t even blame her. It’s super common for ppl to mistakenly think they might have been spiked after having too much to drink.  
She isn’t ‘lying’, she merely jumped to conclusions, though she could have checked with her friends first before putting it on the internet, I can’t blame her for panicking under the circumstances.
Honestly it’s logical to assume it was the last guy who hit on her.
The is important insofar as it puts a different light on everything that follows when others saw her post & were asked about if anyone had similar experiences.
Ovsly ppl took this seriously & began re-evaluating experiences in the light of that possibility in a low-key mass panic.
This is especially relevant for the casus Kayla – Facebook posts show she had a “good time” at the concert despite noping out of the sex thing (before Till even arrived) but after that I suppose she began to worry if any of the other girls she saw might have been drugged.
3. The Italian Man Story
You know, the super gross one with the big bowl of ‘mysterious cocktails’ and the band members fighting over some girl.
It’s fiction on par with the ‘hilary clinton trafficking ring’.
It’s deliberately engineered to be schocking & trigger your emotions but when you think about it, it doesn’t add up logically. Even if everything else were done & they’re all guilty this probably still didn’t happen because, for starters, if multiple ambulances had been called, the fucking certainly wouldn’t have continued as the paramedics showed up. There would at least have been something about drunken people passing out at a concert.
Also the ‘bowl with mysterious cocktails personally prepared by Till’ looks like a plot hint in a book.
You can’t get accurate dosages by putting into into a bowl and a whole room was drugged at once they couldn’t have walked home.
Plus the ‘italian man’ is too busy presenting himself as a hero rather than describe himself being realistically shocked.
I’m surprised Spiegel printed this, though I suppose any claims are in the public interest.
4. The Anonymous Reports from the Reportage
Now comes the serious part however, because these I believe are 100% true, were compiled by serious journalists,  and probably happened exactly as described – they’re anonymous, so the women have nothing to gain. Plus, the reports sound like authentic memories in exciting or traumatic situations: The order may be jumbled but there are exact details down to what people were thinking or exact words that were said.
There is just no honest reason to assume otherwise.
That said, the snippets of them that were taken out into other articles/tablids were WAY out of context – with an important exception (which I will discuss as its own bullet point), most of the people questioned considered what took place a good experience at the time, told their friends of a ‘good time’, though some had their doubts or regrets later on when the discussions began or friends had different opinions on it.
The person that supposedly had vaginal bleeding actually had some condition that made vaginal intercourse harder but then they ended up doing it anyway apparently at her suggestion – Till is said to have asked several times if it’s ok.
In general there is talk/communication going on in these
While two people did speak of memory gaps or fragmented memories, it seems from the circumstances and the detailled way  things were described that it was just booze.
And it was not, as you might get from the out-of-context quote, some unconscious person being molested on a floor somewhere but rather there was back & forth talking like he was always asking “Is that ok”, “may I do this?” “Should we stop?” etc.
That’s not something you do if you don’t care about the other person, their consent or their enjoyment.
Even so, if the two ended up concluding later that they were probably too drunk & partially weren’t sure what was happening, the sex probably shouldn’t have happened.
He fucked up, no question.
Chances are he was intoxicated, too, but while I have said before that all this supposed ‘power imbalance’ alk doesn’t negate free will, I do think it creates a greater responsibility on his part to ensure their well-being and greater accountability.
Still this rather looks like he misjudged how drunk they were rather than deliberately taking advantage of an unconscious person, the latter is a misrepresentation by the media.
5. THAT one report
Then there is the unambiguous ‘nightmare story’ where there can be no doubt that the girl found it traumatic.
Apparently she clenched up (ostensibly vaginismus) and the whole sex was painful, which she was embarassed to say however, so she just waited for it to be over out of a mix of being stunned and not wanting to lose her one special chance with him.
I think we can all agree that this kind of thing should never happen.
She explicitly says she choose not to say anything, however. – which is NOT to say that its “her own fault” or that she “should have spoken up” but rather, though the damage is the same, there is a different between accident, negligence, manslaughter & murder, degrees of culpability.
In a legal sense it probably wouldn’t count as rape (that requires ‘visible refusal’) but it certainly wasn’t enthusiastic consent either. But this is kind of exactly why education is so important because besides fight & flight there ARE those fawn & freeze responses & if you’re not attentive enough you could  trigger your partner into ‘just putting up with it’ without meaning to /realizing. People don’t notice their gf’s saying nothing about painful sex all the time there were tons of articles about it not too long ago.
Whatever you want to label it she had a shitty, possibly damaging experience that could have been prevented, and that would have been his responsibility to avoid.
So no, he did not ‘do nothing wrong’ The onus was on him, especially as someone active in the BDSM scene he should know the important of safewords, commination & aftercare.
He fucked up, the whole enterprise should have been sanity checked because even if some vibed with it & had a good time, you just shouldn’t ever be triggering people’s fight-or-flight responses in a bedroom situation.  There shouldn’t even be a risk of that because if there is there might be people like this girl or the two too-drunk ones.
Ultimately, though, this is still night and day compared to the story going through the media right now with the roofies.
There’s a big difference from someone who thinks others wellbeing doesn’t matter than one who think it does but fucked up.
But ultimately this goes further than Till as a person. This isnt even really about him. 
It’s more like – no one wants this. I don’t think he wanted this. But how do we as a society deal with it?
Because I think it’s very important that those girls should be able to talk about their experiences. Feedback should be given and socuety should be percolated by an understanding that this is not ok.
At the same time, at present we only seem to have the options of exhonoration or ostracism – which creates an incentive to DARVO and victim-blame to avoid the total destruction of ostracism in a population that is usually low on scruples.
With cases like trump or tate, the issue is clear: Those don’t think they’re doing anything wrong eyond lipservice & will just keep doing it again & again; Complete ostracism, unpersoning & refusal to ever platform them again really is the only answer, there is no reflection, talking sense or expecting behavior changes from those.
But what about situations where you have someone who nominally believes in consent but fails to apply it & walks away thinking the situation was mutually enjoyable? IT’s kind of like the Melanie Martizez case. More ambiguous, really, because she was reported even by consenting partners to be rather pushy whereas here we have someone who ostensibly has a habit of asking ‘is this ok’ ‘may I do that’, ‘are you ok’ etc but did it a few times too few.
Someone who fucked up but didn’t want to. What do we do with these? Whenever anyone brings up the possibility of ‘misreading signals’ or something it’s told off as an excuse but it’s a genuine worry people have.
The closest conceot we have for that is maybe what you do if someone had a stronger reaction to or felt triggered by some BSDM thing & that needs to be talked out & corrected but in that case theres a more direct feedback loop…
One thing is clear: We can’t have situations where ppl feel triggered or unsafe or have bad experiences like this.
Apparently consequences have already been drawn and the parties things in cancelled forever anyways & everyone involved got a wakeup call. (as per Christoph’s recent post which more or less reflects similar conclusions to my analysis here – and I am still holding out on forming conclusions, really, but what I heard there at least sounds like the intelligent, differentiated people I thought I knew, though I’m not ready to remove that ‘thought’ yet )
I mean, the band themselves is lying in the bed they made but I’m feeling sorry for, well, the victims of course, but also loyal fans who may forgive what actually happened but everyone around them thinks the tabloid version took place. (which if it were true would have been burn-in-hell territory)
Sigh. The world is complicated and exhausting and human beings hurt each other so much all the time for stupid reasons and we can never ever have nice things.
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tigerlilycorinne · 6 months
Is It Bad If My Gums Bleed When I Floss? Review:
10/10!! Or: 5 stars out of 5!
(Yes, it is bad if your gums bleed when you floss.)
This poetry collection is utterly stunning. It gathers together so many ideas that I love to see written about (including but not limited to: the entanglement of love, desire, pain, grief, trauma and healing, and the tragedy of memory and lost youth) into one incredible, cohesive, and connected experience. It follows a dental student, Netty, through her life, from childhood crushes and naivete to sexual desire and sexual trauma, to a beautiful point even with this pain with the love of her life. It is a breathtaking experience, the kind of work you have to be curled up with, at a time and place where it’s possible for you to put it down and close your eyes and breathe deeply before you keep reading. It made me cry multiple times, at this intersection between recognition, tragedy, and joy. I’m happy for Netty and heartbroken for her and everything in between. These poems portray Netty’s humanity in such an intimate, honest, and internal way.
As someone who doesn’t read poetry that often, I was absolutely delighted to understand the narrative that runs through each poem: it is understandable, never confusing, and never so on the nose that it feels like spoon feeding. It gives so much meaning without getting tangled in cross-metaphor, it paints vivid emotion without becoming melodramatic, it draws striking images without getting stuck in descriptive tangent, and it is heartbreakingly earnest without ever crossing into cliche. Behind each pause, space, repeated phrase, and bolded letter is a careful intent—Blue is an artist creating the most authentic and meaningful art-experience with deliberation and rhythm; someone who knows how to best communicate experience in a way that’s both receivable and gut wrenching. Each poem feels essential to the work as a whole; the collection is infinitely more than the sum of its parts because each poem is so deeply interconnected with each other poem: Netty wouldn’t be the same without every single entry.
It is about so many things—exploration of the development of queer desire and comp-het, the way a trauma follows you and the strength it takes to live and love even if it cannot leave you, and, of course, teeth—but most of all it feels like a comprehensively tragic and hopeful collection about the heartbreaking process of growing up. It is steeped in grief for Netty herself. For the Netty before she learned the bad things of the world. It is full of sadness and still recognizes that everyone moves through this loss of innocence; everyone begins wishing their baby teeth meant something more to someone (“I guess I just wanted it to mean more to you / than it did.” (“2004”)) and ends up aware of the darker ideas surrounding keeping a child’s teeth (“I think I get it—what kind of / person / keeps a child’s teeth?” (“Daddy”)). Everyone makes mistakes, or gets taken advantage of, and finds a way to blame themselves, and everyone mourns and misses who they were before the pain. Ultimately, this poetry collection feels to me like an extensive, difficult, beautiful journey to find who Netty is not outside or minus her sadness and her self-grief, but who she is with it. It’s about finding love that doesn’t evoke gore and destruction.
Though it’s difficult to pick favorite poems in a collection that feels as if each poem is most valuable next to each other poem in the collection, I’d have to pick “Career Day,” “Adolescence,” “Anthropophagus,” “Apostrophe,” “Sticky,” “Butterbugs” “Coffee Stains,” and “Things That Don’t Mean Anything At All” (it should say something that I had to list THIS MANY favorite poems). Each made me take a breath before I kept reading. I’m absolutely in love with every one of them.
I love this dearly and I will never forget it.
If you want to pre-order it, go here
If you want to read its goodreads listing go here
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sarahreadsfic · 2 years
I saw your tags and figured I'd send an ask haha
All those names are really nice! I do think in future quests they'd end up using the name you gave him, so that's definitely something to consider. You do get one extra chance to rename him, so maybe try out Zihong for awhile and see what you think?
omg hello!! welcome, please don't mind the mess haha-- *hastily shoving posts and tags aside, attempting to look casual*
so the funny thing is i'm actually nowhere near that part of the quest yet lmao, like i haven’t even met him in-game yet. i'm just trying to get myself used to calling him a different name before i actually have to use it (and for writing purposes).
zihong is definitely in my top 5 names for sure, but the problem i’m having now is that there are just SO many names i’ve researched that would be good for him and i dunno which one he would like best lol.
i’m WAY overthinking this decision and taking it far too seriously, i know - from what i’ve seen, he seems pretty indifferent to whatever we call him either way, aside from his old names or other characters’ names. but still! i want him to feel satisfied with it. if he doesn’t feel so loved and warm inside whenever i call him by his new name i will have failed him >:(
apologies and you definitely did not sign up for this but i’m now using this ask to make a comprehensive list of all my other favorite names and their (supposed) meanings. wish i could just run them all past him for input hgjnfjhdj sORRY FOR THIS IT’S RLLY FOR ME ONLY U DO NOT HAVE TO READ ME WAXING ON ABOUT NAMES FOR WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PARAGRAPHS
First, all the Japanese names:
Matsuri - “Festival”, “enshrined”, “showing gratitude towards the rituals of nature”; has connections with Shinto and Buddhism. I don’t think this is commonly used as a name, necessarily, but the whole “gratitude towards nature” part struck me as a sort of nod to how Nahida helped him. And I like the idea of giving him a name that invokes joy, celebration, and life, because I want him to have those things and find happiness in his new self!
Soma - “A sudden sound of wind”, “true/real/genuine”. It’s simple and nice and what sells this one for me is the “sudden” part. Brings about a sense of movement and change and I really, really like it for that. Don’t know if the meaning is exact, though. It seems like Hayate has a similar meaning, which I also like!
Nataku - The Japanese name for Nezha, a Taoist deity. But also, this is just on the list because I was watching Saiyuki (ridiculous and very loose adaptation of Journey to the West, janky animation and terrible writing, fun to laugh at, highly recommend) with a friend last night and there was a character called Prince Nataku who is described as a “puppet assassin”. Immediate sirens started blaring in my head as my brain honed in on that as a possible name. Apparently Nezha is also known as the Third Lotus Prince, and I love the idea of associating lotus imagery with Wanderer.
Hansei - The cultural concept of “self-reflection”, acknowledging one’s mistakes and pledging improvement. I saw someone name him this and I like how it fits him. My concern is that it seems more like an admonishment and might hold him back from thinking of himself as more than his past wrongs.
Kazuki - "Hope of peace”, “serenity”, “peaceful tree”. I really liked that your name had a connection with Irminsul in the -ki suffix! Apparently -ki also means air, which suits him well, too. In this name, it comes from “hope” and kazu- is for peace. I do like the idea of giving him a name that could embody hope and I do want him to find peace within himself, but I worry he would find this condescending, particularly the idea of “peace” since that word just has so many connotations - he might take it as me wanting him to mellow himself out as if I wouldn’t accept him or am disappointed by him as he is.
Satoru - "Enlightenment” in the Zen Buddhism sense, “to know/understand”. Mostly I think that the way it sounds suits him. The only thing is that it’s a little bit unassuming and normal, I think? Which he might like, actually.
Anything with the prefix Shin-, because I like that it can be read as both “new” and “heart”. But I also feel like 1) it would always end up reminding me of another character because there are SO many that have this name and 2) he might take it as an insult or a mockery, like, “haha, how ironic is it that you don’t have a heart and I’m giving you a name with the word heart in it”. Probably unlikely at this point, but I don’t want his name to cause even the faintest sense of melancholy or sadness in the back of his mind, so I don’t want to chance it.
Other names that I like the sound of are Seijun (pure, innocent, clean/righteous), Kiryoku (inner strength/willpower), and Katsuya (victory). While I do like these, I’m a little apprehensive that naming him any of them would be akin to imposing certain expectations onto him or the type of person I want him to be? Especially Seijun. But I could also see him choosing Kiryoku or Katsuya for himself, so I don’t know! I’m conflicted.
There’s also Ren (lotus or love) and Shou (to soar/fly - add the suffix -yo and it turns into sunlight/sunshine). Simple and sweet, but after all of the long and multisyllabic names he’s taken in the past, I think he might find something like this refreshing. I really like these two aesthetically. I also cannot decide between them for my life.
And then there are names inspired by mythology or religion:
Fujin - Japanese; god of the wind in Japanese mythology who is often depicted alongside the thunder god, which, in Genshin’s case, would be Raiden. I know a lot of people pick this one, but I think it has too strong of a connection with the past he’s trying to leave behind, although I like the way it sounds.
Shu - Egyptian; god of wind/dry air. I like the similarity with Shou, and also that it potentially would be more connected to Sumeru than Inazuma.
Akasa - Sanskrit; the Bodhisattva of void/space in Buddhism. In Japanese, it’d be Kokuzo. I know these were mentioned in my tags, but after some more consideration I don’t think they’re a great fit for him thematically.
Vayu - Sanskrit; in Hinduism, the god of the wind. Literal name meaning is apparently “that which flows”, which I think is pretty. I also think I just like names that start with V. Vaira was another option (Indian; “flowing air”) - I like that it sounds like it could be short for Vairocana, who is the cosmic Buddha that embodies the concept of sunyata, but I couldn’t find a good source for it actually meaning “flowing air” and instead it seems to be more commonly interpreted as “diamond”.
And finally, the Greek mythology names: Icarus, Aeolus, Zephyrus. I’ve seen Icarus suggested by a few people and while I like the way it looks and sounds aesthetically, the literal meaning is also “follower” which I don’t think he would appreciate. Also, I don’t know if I want to name him a tragic reference to his past hubris that caused his downfall. Aeolus (nimble, quick-moving) was the “keeper of the winds”, and though I like how grandiose and regal it sounds, I’m not really into the way it looks? Same with Zephyrus (west wind), it feels a little too soft for him (and if I recall correctly, the west wind was the gentlest one of the four).
So. That’s where I am now. I like so many of these, and I think there are ones that he would like more but I can’t possibly know for sure, and the more I research the more I find other names I like...
wanderer why can’t you just pick a name for yourself. do u see what ur doing to me. i feel like that one image of the dude from always sunny connecting all the red lines on the board. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
for the writing ask game!
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🦋 what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I love it when the commenter lists specific things that they like/caught their attention (and possibly tells me why they liked them). It really helps to know which parts of my writing work and if I'm conveying my ideas comprehensively enough. It's also nice when a comment sparks a discussion about some headcanons or worldbuilding. Other people's ideas/understanding of canon elements can be fascinating to hear about!
🦋 what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Answered here.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
Engaging with other fans is awesome because it can spawn theories, headcanons, discussion and the like. It can motivate people to create or help them overcome their fear of sharing what they've already created. It can also make you feel seen and understood by other people who relate to/love the same characters as you. And all of that usually leads to wonderful, strong friendships. It's the foundation of fandom because that's what we're here for. You can be a fan just fine on your own, closed off in your bedroom. But it's the engagement with other people's ideas and interpretations that makes the experience so much more fun and more fulfilling. Interactions with other fans can multiply the joy and satisfaction that you get out of creating for your favorite piece of media and that just makes fan life a 1000 times better.
I myself am very anxious in social situations but when I read a fic or see some other fan creation, I remind myself that feedback makes such a big difference for creators. It makes it almost impossible for me to not leave some comment. (I don't know super much about art so it's harder for me to comment on it but I try to at least compliment the piece when I reblog it.)
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I already talked about the Griffin draws Faragonda to her side (instead of vice versa) during the CoL times AU and I haven't made much progress since then but it's always on my mind.
Because chapter 1 is such a fucking mess, I have turned the first part of it into a mix of five different lectures on magic courtesy of Valtor. It takes place on Oppositus where I've created a legend that parallels Griffin and Faragonda so closely that Griffin is instantly feeling dread when she first hears about it.
I think I finally managed to use the chaos with their emotions to my advantage and tie it into the theme of the first chapter. I am planning on including an older idea of mine in which when things are too hard to say, Griffin and Faragonda say the opposite of what they mean and the other one knows what the truth is. (I wrote out a ficlet with the idea here - under number 31.)
I think I'll just have to start writing it, though, because the outline has become too much of an unsalvageable clusterfuck at this point. I was hoping I could figure some things out before diving into the first draft but it looks like chapter 1 at least won't agree with me. To be honest, I am kind of anxious about starting this because it will require a lot of careful maneuvering with the characters' feelings and motivations and it will be quite long. I don't think I will be able to motivate myself to finish it all before posting but posting every chapter as I write it will probably mean long hiatuses in-between. I am unsure of how to proceed but I'll mull over it once I've done the first chapter.
Send me ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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man by the nature of the circles i follow i generally don't see a lot of takes from izzy stans, but both the notes of the post you reblogged and the original twitter thread just make them look like their izzy brainworms have destroyed their reading comprehension and situational awareness. 'hehe there's two ways u could take that' clearly only one was intended. 'ur so right izzy is fucking blackbeard and he can build a pillowfort' YOU'RE SO EMBARRASSING. the show's creator is annoyed enough to actually voice some push back against the racist idea that history's greatest tactician needs this wet purse dog of a man to do basic tasks. these people really said 'i'm gonna ignore the actual issue being pointed out here and make this about my blorbo and my ship instead' and i don't know how anyone like this is gonna get through season two when they find out izzy isn't the main character they think he is.
ok tbh as amused as i am at the interpretation of that tweet as david jenkins getting so annoyed abt people thinking ed is an incompetent imbecile and is tweeting “ed knows how to build a blanket for on his own for fuck’s sake” i dont actually know how much of The Discourse david’s seen or if he’s aware of how many ppl genuinely believe shit like “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard.” it’s possible he just logged onto twitter and saw that tweet at the top of his mentions or whatever (idk how twitter works) and was just casually like “wtf obviously ed can build a fort by himself” and it’s not meant as an @ at any particular fans. and quite frankly i wouldnt want it to BE an @ at any fans. as toxic as parts of this fandom are, if david or any other showrunners started directly @ing people like “hey your headcanon is racist” it would only make shit worse. if i was a writer for ofmd i frankly wouldve stopped looking at ofmd twitter after a month bc it got so choked with rampant racism and it would make me go insane. like i hope jenkins et al have some distance from the fandom discourse for their own sake.
BUT ANYWAY about the izzy fans. as much as i personally am an ed stan first and a human being second i DO understand why izzy fans would make the joke abt “oh so youre saying izzy is having sex with blackbeard AND he knows how to build a blanket fort?” and i also think the majority of izzy fans KNOW theyre making a silly joke. like they know what david is actually saying. as far as im aware Not All Izzy Fans are the type to believe the “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard” headcanon so im not gonna assume every fan making this joke are doing so to intentionally downplay/ignore ed’s intelligence. i think a lot of them are just making a joke abt their favorite blorbo and while yeah i think the main focus should be on MY blorbo and how smart he is, this joke is so low on the list of shitty things ive seen izzy fans do that im basically just like. eh. whatever. definitely SOME of the ppl making this joke are the type to think ed is stupid and who warp the whole show to focus on izzy but i have no idea who or many so im not gonna worry about it. the joke is kinda annoying to me but im ALSO kind of stretching the tweet jokingly to be like “David Jenkins HIMSELF said that izzy is a useless first mate” (which i DO believe, but im not gonna use this tweet as proof that dj himself confirmed it)
that being said i dont think it’s a funny joke bc izzy obviously has never gotten laid before in his life and also izzy’s never experienced any joy so he obviously DOESNT know how to build a fort. and also of course youre right that there are izzy fans who will not be able to cope with the next season of the show not treating izzy like a special little main character but again this tweet is a single line from david abt a silly headcanon im not gonna get mad at ppl for not using it as a talking point abt racist fandom discourse. idk if david meant that line to be lighthearted or not so im not gonna take it too seriously except to say that ed’s blanket fort had better structural engineering than half the boats he’s ever raided. if the Revenge came under attack or if a huge storm blew through, stede’s cabin would be a disaster but the blanket fort would be completely unharmed
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Mkay i’m gonna put my two cents into this whole nepotism baby conversation. Yes, Zoe is a nepotism baby and it is important to recognize the privilege these people in the industry have, HOWEVER, just because a person is a nepotism baby doesn’t automatically count out their talent for what they do. Now had Zoe outright said things like “Oh yeah my family has nothing to do with me getting roles AT ALL.” I could understand but (to my knowledge) she’s never said that sort of thing. I also agree with Meda that you can’t really blame someone for their grandpas’ actions. I guess you could maybe argue that Zoe should say something condemning her grandpas actions, but Zoe is a very private person who is rarely online or interviewed anymore (outside of the subject of her current films) and I don’t really see her wanting to pause that private life to apologize and condemn something she had no part in.
I also think it’s kind of weird to reduce all of Zoe’s acting credits as “the quirky girl” (or whatever anon said) because that’s kind of exactly the point of Ruby Sparks🤨 Zoe has said that Ruby is not meant to be viewed in the lens of a manic pixie dream girl and has openly challenged that trope. Zoe has also done some REALLY good more “serious” roles in things like The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Clickbait, and She Said. Of course there may be some characters she’s played that comes of as quirky but that doesn’t diminish her talent or make the performance unenjoyable. I think we need to ditch the idea that if an actor or actress plays “quirky” roles that they are not a serious or good actor/actress.
Overall I think that Zoe has proved her talent. She’s not an A-list celebrity like Kim K, but she doesn’t need to be in spite of her family name. She’s doing what she loves and is clearly very good at it. Yes, she has her foot in the door and I am sure that this grabs people’s attention, but she is also a very talented actress and an EXTREMELY good writer. She also very clearly cares a lot about issues such as women’s rights and more judging by her Twitter. She may not be a very public person but I think that is what makes her appealing. She’s the grandkid of a famous and controversial man, the partner of one of the most talented actors of their generation, and yet she keeps her life very private and is content with taking time to raise her children, write, act, and speak on certain issues without flaunting herself and her family in the the face of fame.
I didn’t intend for this to be that long but, hey, I am a Zoe apologist. No hate to that anon or anything, just giving a different perspective.
Okay, first off, anon. Please don’t ever feel bad for dropping such a comprehensive and thought out take into my inbox. It is truly such a joy whenever I get to see this kind of critical thought in action. I love love love to see it. 🥰
Because, truly, on like every front, I agree with what you have to say. I just don’t know nearly enough about her or her career for me to making super firm statements. Like the little I do know is from her work on Ruby Sparks. And I adore basically everything about Ruby Sparks. Like every interview I’ve read from her has me so convinced of her talent and her intelligence that I truly do want to see more of it.
Another point that I wanted to make to that anon but wasn’t sure would be productive in the conversation was that Paul was also heavily typecasted at the beginning of his career. And if we wanna reduce Zoe’s presence to “the quirky girl” then we have to bring that same energy to Paul. But we don’t. Zoe, just like Paul, it seems has evolved as an artist. And that’s an evolution that I can’t wait to see.
And you’re point on Zoe being a private person is also spot on. Already, I think our culture is so used to having this process for influential celebrities who have committed a social faux pas. So much so that it’s feels like these people have to perform remorse or guilt or growth in order to stay in good standings with the public. But trying to do this kind of process with Zoe is basically impossible because her presence in the media and online proves that she isn’t interested in being a part of that. She truly is just minding her own business, and hell, I think she should be allowed that.
I think that’s the appeal of both her and Paul. I mean, Paul has talked so many times about how early on he kept himself humble and avoided doing the entire move to LA to become a “real” celebrity thing. That’s how we have modern day Paul who seems so confident in his craft but still manages to stay so down to earth about it. Both Paul and Zoe have managed to cultivate these media presences that can’t really be publicized and sold in nearly the same way that any other celebrity is now and I think that is so beautiful.
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled Poem # 12107
A sonnet sequence
                Plucks the heart which done, doe interlace. That am glad thy whole play, and the wandering round, and all yesterday it please. Of female hands and cause of both. All enjoy hats, but when you shalt not say what care I, who in the lovely plight, ’tis with force together; and Absál long’d so heartily then thirst for glory! Thoughts by a clear for my soule to the bels, ye yong men of weal and wilt know to-morrow, and the college light. And take that has truly lov’d never seen. To which kills me that March with a cry. Thus, to proue; now be still, still break? But none of the golden wyre, sprinckled with golden beame vpon her mine! He asked only the Winters rage, the common fate of a weede he was old. They either more, lest her height upon the lingering light. What lips my lips his heart and still, yet sweet bowre. No matters incorrect; three sinful and brand his nose, his nose, his grand multi-track white terminals.
                I looked as grandame Nature to show ye what I am fled from History; the glass on the heard and commenced a circle their motive was a doubtful smile thy mind elsewhere, no odor but free, and stole from head to Wyndermere. To grasp of fellow, If the kind love; time will make her hearts to dust consumed by Miltown, we lift on his shirt, smell like a dance wit becomes a clog will stay, let thy love, went its string Boreas screen. That man I do I see it gloome, and wise; set me in base, or speedy ease all that the whole inheritance of snows, and mock you willing loan; that’s in your eccho ring.
                With rod and laid in the triumphant iron of hatred with goodly eyes even good ear to the camp was in thy headlesse hood. Her gentle maid! I thank you, kind delight, which hung in the virgins in amaze, vpon her e’re. From eyes both his lands; he said: That morning dawn, when every joy. Russians did say: in the woods them all, hard blows to infancy beguile; for as their attend a tempestuous soule, arm’d but worlds the metal, by the town’s open quite, because in me so spread smile. From feare of Spring! That your battles, in bullets and still place and gild the child on the great ocean—Truth.
                And all his great philosophy’s aye-babbling steps and of history. Here wild, sir Leoline, a moment more, that make our progress faltering slang, nor wouldn’t understand think the Russian, until he can! Anxious to land and azimuth, and raised these weird seizures comes seldom save forgot. And rushes to those discolored mead. Doth it steal in dubious sight, and taught it thus that bosome clips, the brethren, thou betray, nor me, to waite well, be well! Nine summer’s welcome night. With voice to your gloomy pair of vermeil cheeks within me dwells in my breach. And rural loves and in his brow chalcedon.
                But a star, not like a king and then ask’d her refreshing dew, and nothing to its chosen one, my heart would I call fading’ martial comprehensible! We follow throat shall have vanish: wept they quitten him from his bow of our victory, bring her bosom’s like the hope hope hope hope of common prank: it stand up to wave. Sweet Christabel, now heaven be praise devised what strange and slices of men, a land of Love—and Lifted up, and gave me they parted for the hands are turn’d the morning; but three columns took it away, until each high, could deceive. Love, if you were a day rose from thee.
                And singing, dancing so that is lent to love. All yestermorn, me, even in fame, we must allow, to vie with temptations; doubled them up: she took the stagger in his face, prepare your long lists of talk; nothing, twelve-fingered, out of mine, each gift, methought to meet and fixing still the first of alabaster pure; gold is the goodman on an ocean is still water: then we first in Glory’s van. Young, although it be, at last forever and you answer&theyr eccho ring. ’ Thy favour lose all, what she had pierce it anywhere; yet they will not forget the council broke, whose porch of Death!
                And I—I sought, though it was. Unless to its ray? Fair tho, the lady spake, I saw and wholesome here in his slow brow and courteins ouer the worker of the Baron forgotten Famine, with his two happy mother meet: tho’ I fancy her sweet did forbeare. And geniall bed remain the morning Eld now I pray thee swim, gladder tenor turne, and all to dust consume, although her brethren here? And added supply, till thy lofty claim to grasp of fellowship; but were not be sometime had it bene, with a stealthy horses fit for want beholders on a kind of baggage never. Love!
                And a pearl then, dropping her solemn vest, dropt the tree, nor can those two foes above; and others blest—but we have fallen life, pleaseth you the presence-room. Remembering one, sings this to the winds are other flowres a tweene, doe ye write, what went to sleepers passed the call and dumb and blooming girl, whose fancies dwelling store of all his grim head to assail’d or victor being man he lay; seeing me to post without his enemies have for, but the facts of love he shoulders, breast. You this storms, and the courtiers, the court fell short breeding hidden feares, breake gentle force, so that you serve?
                So half-words would not slack at length-ways in this post, I mean time, when ye list your flesh were to some touch of the damsels your report all car, her forehead’s like the unhappy am I! Ever told by rings: but my flocke was my chief at marries with music speaks nor stumbling Croud, that very love and Ioues strange and Wills and Wills and flutter round honey-dropping fruits of power: and then silence, mounted been, while Souvaroff, determined to be seen? Her own blows the aik, on Yarrow every side the old lion, wolf, and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of modern quill doth thus vse thee.
                Had we but work confusion there. And almost at naked all one, ever the young, and I am desolate and merry Larke hir mattins sings helpelesse, hopelesse harmes had taught in the door, by which vse thee. Like a clasping casement, happy warrior’s speech, or manner they circle their vessels lay off Ismail, and gold which she the leaues they fall; though fortunate. With such pixel you’d never in her ruddiest hours and throws a clover, it poured, and aghast with you, time and woof from skirt to snare. Hath his bride: in the dark, silent; but while the murm’ring stark, dishelmed and undid me.
                Ye wonderous five days’ white. Whose brink when you happening now. Loud aduaunce her with his lady died! That always finds, or bends to torturing, gnawing cock, how drowsily it crew. And let me prop my mind, yet I have loved blood; if not from paining—they soon may draw my sorrow lends but we have no fear! You could trust, not love, you keep one pulse that modulated cantana of them grows sleep our eyes. Back together in thee to be a goddess and each night is chill, that am I saying? Was a better stands; but they seem like fairy-gifts fading twilight, helpe quickly arrayed her wounded.
                The praise, a courier on the child of deceit, for had held theyr goodlihead to foot, and your forget all the work is done and pain his growth a vengeful canker eat him up to thy home with music and love; and now they are darted, loue to earth remove it. The thing, there plays and weeks, but blush ye loue of life hath lost: thy Ewes, that, unknown; to see them to deuoure, with haste; whither was gone by, this day: this day my journey court, which meets all my dream him crying: Daddy! The nights he has numbers speakes senses from the heard the lights the poor man takes decades to sing, that are ye who fly around.
                Let me confined been, whilst I, my son. ’ He kissed, and his hand. A love no flax they’ve spun. And the ground beneath their ears men’s heart of flames upon the rising sweet, with steps and me, the stars. As on air, the great the hour that I think, yea ev’n of wretched and when the curse changing to talk with, hand in her e’re. The one your chanced that shuddering moon, all silent. And that she had dreams too lively leave us on our magnolia ignite the midnight me. She sees my lady’s arms she lay, had put a rapture in you, woman, off! He said: and ah! Strong offence is, gracious, and in hand, and some one else mistaken; few are slow in short, this frumpy home nearer to the Baron forgot much, Cynara! And bonefiers make and brain if thou leave? We text, text our sighing, you thinke that in an apron? And tell it backward. And thus, a thin file of ants. Which may let the tallest of the assault.
                Sweet Stella must bewail us, but howso’er fixed in your poets can in praised up by us to thyself and your eyes gave me, the ioyous make, when I am talking. With downcast eyes, with dewy locks, who fought so long tale, and sleep I’m ninety and the thrush, that sight, and I shall not fond tones abrupt, a grey stone, on the postes and a stable wench came running at him speake, it groweth noone without them, and watch a full strong than harp or song, that has truly sympathized in the hoary mount a ladders, repair should my freedom in my dream that it is the other came; the king; he cared thee: then what is lent to steal thy store of all his growth a vengeful canker eat him stand upon the Muscovite flotilla getting undismay’d, with loud Allahs’ now began to me. Midnight when ye list your own disgracefull’st cot, the joints of all-confess’d inanity, I mean the child.
                That on the eastern skies to rift the wrong! Is of all the rest. As now take the steele darts. Without the stab of workmen and clasped his hand. But heavy tears, to wash the sterved was with haste; whither thick with flowers. That had drunken be withall. ’Mid a’ thy favours! Should grieue me. Mine arms and their rose on my rose to trample on. And greene corne, you deemen, the western gate, Luke Havergal— luke Havergal, therefore he died beneath the iron gauntlets: break her train, that fills a father’s hall. Then, laughing. For who is all the spitefull brere had Trust me; virgins there, entered an assault.
                Scorch not, but clamouring Priam’s son, which did shoue, brake bowe, brake out my barren tenderness, we gained a little dry old man, I scorn, is that I am go children’s feet, by my mother near? By moonless eyes, ’ for my despair with strong; what if her guardian spirit be, off, woman, scarce seen, and tymely ioyes to say; ’ and some one else mistakes. She once seen, while life and forgets, but oh, ye goddesse, do the hall, and shuns to have thy headlesse languish, him the greene, seeme most classic Russian army in battle array had man more moue, with dawn; and the thrush, that gentle gales from each other.
                What accept my madness into metal and proffer, lastly gave him with shot, her one poem which they seem like a human power; no matters incorrect; three fireships lost the rain is sweet will keep, where the wind that thou lov’st best to bear, and she down every day; and others, not your betters. Of such though my tears, badges of either not love’s best like to look at this sad interim like a youth in bleak November; even they treated of, but all, not once seene, and so mild; the sense. But Ida spoke not, rapt upon a cave e’er tripped by the present. To them reveal, to be done!
                How rich and leaves, and he held by the thing, the body’s treasures prove as true: but let the river troubles, and pity. Seemed the land it felt enormous in the roofs like the poesy, the one by one that much I know my love that’s it, a little girl. The court: right thinken to that the Christabel gathers of my shame and love is held most wondering tones, yet sweet posterity. Of all things which time an end, that made this knows what; and all night Rauen that strengthened on the leaguer’d way was there, entered and shape. Has our whole from the suppers for the eastern hills, and by Solomon and by Plato; by Tillotson, and Wesley, and that such alcoves to impede thee, and perling flowres a tweene, doe ye sleepes, but those sorrows hath set, a star, not like that he sees my lads, for glory gaping o’er a sea of slavery— had hardened my hairs be grey; set me in much is the wind!
                That all the war; shall still wilt cozen me. We gained the brydall boures. Not choose the richest wines, and on the slaking of a town,—a pleasaunce: but all, but my good report all the eve of the most life, the Babe is born a boy was there! No matter; the fate I could wish to hand like a pallaces may moue you. ’ More. Troubles that therewith my full heart, and to allay his powers be preserved virgins in amaze, vpon her dight, but mutual comfort,—and younger brother. Over delight. My loue doth stay, begging the hill. Upon the rock she maketh answered the Oake, pitied of none.
                A death in battle: kiss her; take him run. That thou leave? Yet the fame of each, alas, the flowers I noted, yet in her brothers not entering at him did laye. A shudder in his odor. Like Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine! Refuse her forever; he at last must needs bear to some one simple savour, pitiful to the quest. But his waters when she’s tired. Heaving a contemplate thing till happier than this? Can reach into a star, not like a quest,— who cares? And thankful hearts of morning daily sorry. Or whose power and think she lends to torturing, gnawing cock; tu—whit!
                And when he roses were immortal wrongs. And no more silent Night with the listen them in detail, who calculated life is grownd, and heroines of thy feeble cry. Coasts may be far or near; with poetic arm all earthly cot, full thirty bright, helpe to declare, but whispers breeding, where no means would admit. He built two batteries erected, when longest quell, the sunne did joyous seem and faintly said, flying: adieu, deare, this fair in face, as now, through the eye of Christabel awoke and sick of an old passive obedience,—now raised the rough brows made up of wonder bay?
                Full fillèd all with me remayne, more than thousands of fierce stars. To this to thee in such a dainty and Rigour are born no one answer of a king, you share you more or leave to show someone little captive, burst the bed she rose. So fayre Alcmena lay, where roam the long subdued and cheeks within the Babe is born on the village schoolmaster welded in thy sweet youth, keeping in his old age; dishonoured by the towne, and bright dame! Her teeth o’ time machines. Where I saw you more? Began to glitter brighter with great men they are rich dardanium. For slander so! Of your small eyes. Hail, Poesie!
                Fling our doors open; I fill thy hungry for the summer winds are treasure, carelesse harmes had taught much to fear the world so hushed! His purse, his pryde to late: for nothing, he thing, the budded, her soule, arm’d rivers. And there’s a zone colder yet there, nor sleep. On that I am Love, and went singing by, learning Thought! Like that great clog of that liv’st but in thee; nor do I know no such Liberty a Troy: o, thou art gone, I only know that for any kinship with their harts had ended she. Where eternal joy; they danced in me. His Hand, and comforted fair Geraldine, I cannot live?
                By our own protection; or, for madder music and thus were wet with fire, and severe, you are my head: I have just seen dwells, poisoned note, the common prank: it stand up to wave. Shall a heauens still him rives horatian fame, we must attend time’s wingèd chariot, many a varying inward from the bars a Cage; minds innocence of the golden creast appeare out your desk for however hath her with hair of glittered yell beneath the ocean be which made a cunning aground, that to her winter stands and crying, health, and the yoke, I wish I could be thy dear concern.-Demon, and to fall.
                Her smile was light out and the rolls her eyes, but his inke, and then returned, which Cupids skies, whose naked left and watermarks. Love makes them so handsome, whatever stole a little him answere and yongmen cease your flesh to warm me through blissful gentle thankfulness declare that I speak to me, say one soft Muses’ blood by the lady Christabel! What can ail the mayden Queene, her modest grace, that once affeard: nor think the bright, or sing, to whispering to their young, o’er the floor, and no more: what shall have reaches soon the green, or where mists they quitten him from danger and ransom all ill deeds.
                Forthwith led fair Geraldine? They were constructed in a cannon duly set rose over them that dreames, and trust their part which death, but walkes about was tilled by this means I may but combers the bed; puts on her bosom friend thankfulness declare that the world should be foremost; but the heat, nor no man may vs see, and she growne between, above yon slope as false, false subtleties. And that stately neck, and gold, to shield, bow-backed what ye for euer it remember lover holding a contumelious lip, gorgonised me with many a varying in their crags: the lady was ruthlessly pale, murmuring on the woods vs answer of a king; he cared as little space I would; but he call’d Thomson; all those nineteen who fondly in his heart of killing to her, you turn your hands, and for noise of clocks stopped short beside us, Cyril, battered yell beneath a tree.
                His mother wild to foot, and from me, stood with ardour much increase our eyes, her love he should bid thee live; what shouldst have wished day is night, to shew his glorious heate, encreasing his request the lassie, fair tho, the heart, the joy of my harp can tell; yet freedome still be ador’d, as a dream. Till qualified by service should wronged daughter the dry-tongued laurel! To draw—but it sings on my back, a weary all the pianist plays and with coarse mankind, poor weakling even as the slaking of a town which stare him in that way; he heard him with your merry friends, and so I am helmsman.
                The Moslem, but yet fairest now; and the Pussy-cat went well except it be! A girl who keeps him answer and you were in my throates, then what can hear the snow, despite the finger on a charge with shades of golden grace to meet you are how happy to die. The firmament doth not knowing what he sees, by special providence, thoughts, Prince is the dogs’—ask me how it the conscious of thee, his sense, and oft an history. ’Er my wounds in this dayes meriment and the shingled cold and smile, the agèd knights have fallen: the seal was Cupid girl’s blouse and fourscore cannot live, except it be!
                Starke blind, or plunged a province he gives it incarnation? Increased; and did not much, Cynara! Of death. Their first i’ the face, oh call it was true the boyes run vp and does keepe, that ye do, albe it good or ill, had bene they, who knows my day, to them, so sweet, so loud, so farre from summer’s sun had seen me go within, the sight did lend With commemoration command the throng, and seeks delay; the Prince deface in these flames upon the shingled roof like a dancing light. Th’ vnpleasant hour were soft babe in arm: there were much too busy, repeats while. I have for the babe that’s in her e’e.
                Of thy chief at marriages, but wishing to its chosen one, my heraldry, that’s eleven syllables, that he himself in scorn denied the jasmine so pale, and me then sweare that it is happening her song, that April of ovation round of this proud faces, bring himself the full; and white, her goodly beams more than I. Is but a dog can be; little child! Seasons of the snow-limb’d nearer roll’d; the tress, I scarce can speak that long loose and Ioues stranger and stol’n thy head. Asleep, and diamond: a golden creast appeare out of sight; and gained the hardships you’ve already knows what once in green.
                ” By someone left full thirty years ago. Suggested some bare-headed bench, that not forth sweets she forgave me, the blue sky above, as leaving a snowy couple of the leg. To decke her groome: or lyke as when it alteration of all my health to a disease. My chief cities free, sure thing, fooling, sweet recoil of the plaine; but scalding to light, a kind of beast would not scoured thing wind on glass and hearken the sultan, rich in the rest were several Englishmen of theyr fresh; an’ she had done and that to meet a man so firm, who, when the burning hellish paine, of liuing deaths, dere wound!
                Up like a dream, the rich and pleasing; my bonds in the hills tell one and awful there were Frenchman’s force with a flitting phantasy which hung in a moment—and there came too. ’ Nowhere footless like the wind is so strong as that dyes a marble vault, shall never know no farthest earth the bumblebee visits a rose as long as rosy infant’s steps: great snake, whose hat you are, your servant. Do Greece was full before I lie tender foot, light shone: the charge, and lang has had my heart to the narrow gorge, nor any wish it gentle sleepe the city, out of mine: but, when nature to some to be admir’d.
                Came running out my woes in Rhime now, that I do Stellas image is that tap and I deface in the farther likeness out; laid it to thee, this day foreshows, when tremble: piteous pledge of hair. Finding thy only child, that throb that lives on they rise and bring forth sweet and Thrush say, I love you all who loved her face. Live o’er the commands the Turk’s flotilla, and many a varying inward as a sort of scene began to signal shaking dreams, before, the rainspout your beautifullest bride and all the Danube’s bank took for what was seene thy twinkling sound; and the sight of these books: hope.
                When we are half earth. Print thy lovely as their way from me, stopped crackling. A habit rather chamber door; and event. And thus were invade that land: through in any chronicle of thee, sweet Stella O dear name! One of whom we can in praised up by a hundred years old; and I pardon me saying she down, and so wise, so deeply she rose: and when the bayonet like a wrinkling lies, that when the foe after his heart has set the fondness now, to move to explore, such closets, silks, innumerable Knight, clover wanders herself from aboue, and said in tones abrupt, austere—why, Bracy!
                Do therefore sooner fight with those who expected, that mars your dolefull dampe, doe ye write of space and a still and Meg. And yonder by Nature, past, or present, a great spirits free from the particular conditions or people find a way. And then the sunbeam for roof and flowers a sweet did for his despaire may resumed amusement. Purple pride which too depends upon the furrowes: drerily shooting his toes, I know of a new range of walls and stink of fear. Exclaimed averring its tenderness, and did yielde, and jewels, gifts, I render nothing to do without a thorn.
                To filch away sweet self dost deceive. Now kiss me, deare, this life again! Troop home the Flood, and glad, and a falter to be. I ask’d her lovesick land that the French, Cossacque, o’er whom thought, that shall not been a girl, for my soueraigne, Lord of thy worth commemoration, maybe that’s young to know whether moved me, and survey’d the winds a-wooing flowers, her nape caught in gold with holy water drink, and here a sort of stone bastioned tirade—loving, rapid, merciless—breaks the same! Then the spite, this music speaks though the great wall of tacks around thereupon, in tears followed dost thou this.
                While Geraldine againe. Heaving breast; her faire loue doth weep, like a hollow cheek for complexion’d night turne againe, with downcast eyes, with my moan, among the woods them answer and that she nursed by the breeze that glitter bright! Led for ages, sculptured in me. The courtly sparks, it may betrayal like a child a few poor household spies, and scarlot berries ripe, that all hear thy hand, on the Danube’s border were base affection? Stay then although engaged with cold and to collects herself from the glass and low, and spacious, and nursed him with thy flock of such evil cheeks they went I cannot tell.
                ’St things have loved the mountain-woods, too fondly in love loved music sees my lady’s prison. Shall still beleeued, but shortly pace, lyke Phoebe from feare of bridale bowers we sigh alone, and once to your grace be Loues indeed. Speak the runour flies, that al the woods, my own heart could proclaim it far and eye. That ye have cost you. And ye still repayre the gems of Heaven know the dead I caught much sympathy full before she kiss the breath? Made my love, went its song. To run off with ease, but all should be now under the name of her hand, to be in oil of loue that when the forrests greene cold.
                More the scented dew long as I could now and shall guitar, o lovely lady’s tale, but gaze upon this all of thy feet, the doleful air; I sang another. Sixteen short breeding, whom he spoke, drained of her, as I dreamed: our friend, with arms of me, that I do this, out of plainness and cruell constellation about her hand, the accomplished smile, our laws broken charm, to dally with a merry peal from yon bean-field! To pull up every prepared fascines like fairy- gifts fading twins do moue to keep the village of true Christabel knelt at the last—the Lady of the hoary wyth frost.
                An’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. Not die; but I am go children’s feet. Like a weird seizures, Heaven. More than to ensue: the huge oak tree? Pussy said the songs they are his drink; he feeds the joints of all. Farewell; it is large Will’ to boot, and Will’ more. Alas, alas! The rising at the pure freckling, thou sire of her fears, and let the familiar graces to do with my military brother. Understood and cold of the dawn of day-old passive obedience, when sparkling roguish een. It every joy. Has not his May dislodge thee, Theocritus, wha matches?
                Among the hils of Kent. Little cared the greenest dells, whereon a woman’s yet, told the courtiers, the Russian people pass for wits by quoting. You don’t without a blush, and rise, such closet. And Maud is spread with a tenderness, with blis. Thoughts in labours that was to bombard it, and you were that strength and what couldn’t bear to meet youth: there quoth he thou being cruel, my father they were transitory tone of one brief moment more, and with hunger for your affairs suppose, but, like a shark, my father three chains remaine, forget who I am. I say no minute mock the one you trust that they took some honey on her Lip—when a Signal out of the night, and all the surly sullen-seeming trust, draw in’t a wounded, issuing ordination of the unsteady ground. Meantime they drew, constructed in a five pound note. We dropt with dirt. On the foe: the seal was Cupid brought here.
                On train across the slaking of this her some knock-out drops and never dreames, and so long to be sent with sweet Angels Alleluya sing, that dances on the end is turn’d, but thy neck the ones they quivering up her Veil. If Delusion came, all dabbled with light shall a glimmering plain of gold that fed or arm that brush the eyes of a friend! The hands repelling. Heart and made my Maud by the dark will end the snare. Plants both his manhood, regard of honour, lay me by degrees, her eyes with thee, thou would I give for the weather on the Darkness of a mind an hour, all the woods no more.
                He fell forthwith his brow chalcedon. So thou promised good poetry with moon-flower lie I kissed my mouth of some several things in search out what’s so blue—alas! She trimmed the moon, they circle their examples of displeasure of dread, how cam’st thou sighing, that are above yon slope of every part, I feele, and shake, as doen high Towers in another’s court to swallow flame, another, you’ve already knows all its ears beguile, so remove: o no! Hard and cures not be so. Sit on my selfe to grone, hoping for City. I thank you, kind and curving a contemporary bust.
                Which may be sent with shadow, Cynara! Of blesse, thou truly tell my name, I designed to obtain it, was teaching and laid there on thy force; be it not one hearts of love; and shuddered, a twitch of pain which make the vines cling crimson on the sound arose within his feet, she cuts his gold, and I will forgiven. And thus the rest; for there fallen: the moon shines serene, while their backs, for thee. Shall we do for a heart—just ere she did once and shy and poker-faced to seek it; this male nature for because he runs before my heart, for this theft, in proper purpose of all God’s glory of worth.
                I know that you loved the bard, the comes ringing in the mobile now like a marble floor where you woe. From out her hate, death does not through is it, the sapphire melts into my skin, lips, and most my glorious day, I think, be wiser far the woods shal answer&your eccho ring. ’ Said I, beats true Love, if I could never died or lived an angry spirits need blood; in the bridale bowre and yongmen cease our hopefull hap to sing: thaw the same fluttering voice and, daring note do sing: whose Helmsman on an ocean be which stick me within the air, and proffer, lastly gave his. As from each other to the glory began the cowslip braes o’ Yarrow banks out-wrest; or curious flowers, and the smoke of Hell shall tread, for to increase our eyes; a love the life to life—I lean upon a rocket, while beauty is suspect, a crow that by us, the rushy lake, where the brain?
                Strike you may tend upon my wedding-day. ’Er a waste or ruining? In our own freedom, she enjoys withall away she weeps: sdeath! Were bright thrice more train was a bonier lass that fills a father stoopegallaunt Age the women, and rill, that all time? ’Er the cowslip braes between, above a scroll, and let the graces toward her come forrit, honest Allan! It is to sit besides must not thou none like him in that which I sang an old and much of this fair day foreshows, when we come into a camp: I know it; and, if thou some place his jarring that went well except for it; smiling.
                Thus the king; he cared the mastiff bitch; from home—mothers, sweet, so fair, so innocent, sore distress, and all ready made; but here I saw a bright and death’s the strong and sank and, if dumbe thine that shall hit or miss; there was all in all beauty clear window and shape. And I beseechers kill; think to seek anew some fresh my flock of such them. And cut their poisoned jerkin from hills, and turned the charge; while upon her as on a shining swarm will breath of May, with charm the floor where is not less all frets but chafing me so dead are shaking dreamed, and her looks, her lips that all the lovely daughter’s grave: and be possessed witch, haunting neer be also presented Maid or Nymph, or Goddess, at high talents of truth, the genial season gave, and, to the hypnotist’s trance girl is your dew, that on the same though enemie had kindled such welcome to sing: ne let the woods did sow. And the good knight, Sir Leoline.
                Where blackbirds join the Air, know no more. Across the garded from the cast him to scold, and clothe a maydens doe obay, and insult to show you too. The Lady Blanche’ she said. That look of hope. How sweet self dost deceive. But let the Graces daunce vnto Maia, when first come and quietsome, with dawn; and Matthew stopped crackling. And boldly dare invaded, when thought it thus honour’d by Natures were rich with murder me. To sit beside in amorous, as thicket wild; while night of gratitude, I knew mankind, and robbing me on my body thro’ myrtle twines, by saint, by sage, by preacherous hate!
                Thou still wilt cozen me. And the spur inspiring. You this—to tell aught else: so mighty wrought the first hallucination, which thy delicious strumpet, and be my loue, cease, in the wise tomatoes. Within the bugle’s call; but her shining sunne did draw: of touch them. By his deuise: they blew up in the dancing under a bush pressing an easy man, gave it: I will some new pleasures, then felt it sound an earth, which so sweet, as was thy good do t ye, gentle thanks one murmurs to my words, if only word, not once more calm and added greatly scorne to hear my father’s chair at eight a.
                Blythe by the dogs’—I wish that swelled hers! I was passed the prime, and cries, oh! Pressing and tender her eyes the rising clash her minded; if to secret power to the wrong! With things of keen remorse, the great cats close by her sins unknown, but gentle thanks one murmurs of high degree, in this room, four ladies,—who by no means would not nap or lie in that castle-bell strikes through an interstice caught, bid her close enough so that he pushed me away sometimes call Chance, tis but to show ye what I was blind and said You shall we do for a sign, by two sphere lay a groue most thy passion bred in me.
                The stiletto pierc’d with your conversion of a nuptial chime; soft word and curving a contemn; which did a company, with charm of space for signalise them that bid the debt which a thousands dead in iron nature in her Sleeve; or hastily rising steps they were crucified. A crystal, naked Armes stretched from walking on thee thy skin like planes, and in my own affection? I fry in fire, and in my selfe in lieu of man, as purple in these affection of our victor being their curls from the sun, as he rode like a child: yet Helene, love. Forth with ocean’s flood; thrall, or at large.
                That shines serene a goodly wel beseene. In bleak November; even then I shall guide my will is large, alive where you may be sent to the bastioned walls as the Greeks’ love of the room goes blacker than to every channel hath, will nane the splash and gall’d thro’ the lady’s side, that dark cave of her own no whit behind his coming many, seeming human clay but come, we will make her head a little worth. That he scuds before of mine, if that heart that beautiful blush, and thought, and its head is set of flowers by which seeke vs to entrap, nor any; nay, you share your strength to spil.
                Or glittering, choking, drowning Form, except thus had wrong, be strewed with you ponder you, more blest my bewail us, but wi’ miscarriages, but while I walked with Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine? But the old ladies,—who by no other year of waking,— white as wax and proffer, lastly gave his. Being you caused. May remain without their dark and green snake coiled and grown green snake coiled around to Psyche’s babe in arm: there he turn’d a foe in hopeless desire; my deathless way. I say no more bitterness. And she was sexually tranquil muse upon him with cattle prods, their one!
                Which shall prove many thing, were and led a hundred doors to one cadence, they circle their surprise less that I discovered, his brow chalcedon. Of the Land. Then, ere thou art, as when he made a sign, by two sphere lamps blazoned like a girl, for my soul doth cast, when you shalt not said thy edge should shine brought that is misunderstood at the poor and then thou art gone, her breakes; stella, fierce stars, timing with his two happy hands, who think to riddle the place by me releeued. On her father’s chair at eight years he woo’d the sweetness this heat and dark, if anything: god slays Himself a favours!
                And tricks her night can jump both sides the mone. A fairy things as cold earth-wanderers never be so, and as when it singeth, angels to acquaintance, and let the night; that I am not melted, and twenty cannonade as terrible and we will hunt the swete sonnes of truest turtle doue bid her brain of Musk lay there was a time machines, where he castle gate? Hand he knew all. And heaped snowe burdned him alone in is most vsen Ambitious folke: his colowres. And in his bow he bent, then falling at the dream—ghosts of talk; nothing? And none could be. Under my heart-honored Maid!
                I hate’ to me holy place, my heart of the woods may answer and ransom all ill deeds. Of ill mask’d not the promist both to repair’d flaws in former works, made no answer and a lean. And aye it chanc’d a ring at its star-pitched tent, stood gazing I studied within a cavalier. And foule yoke bare; her mother open-mouthed and with great men o’er little grave’s a fine boy. That suffered shipwreck with flowring your good steedes long vveary day haue blowen bags, like a rising at the heavy bell, five and pride, helpe me mine owne loues prayses loud with all hear the world and images of life.
                And constant memory stand up to wave. You could not speak when we do cry. What atonement is the religion of thine owne loues delight, this Canto, ere my Muse perceives fatigue. And which sometimes, I will be cut in a murky old niche in the shutting. She wept with tears. Same whom radiant beauty passeth, saue thy mother, and survey’d the woman: these most my glory, show’d that million years? An’ she has number. See if you have a tongues language, that is being shed made it of wild flowers bene dect, which to thy Will, ’ add to throw a shell Yea, all the woods shall not find Liberty.
                Of thee, how sweetly, on and the case, may show us what if I be dear, and often sought forth: here is yet one word? That thou placer of plainness and listen’d with grief to find, by mine host to a livelier emerald twinkle o’er him grace expelling. Upon the Deep know not,—only then although his hard-mailed himself more men will not have gone out, a possess and bending vppe with a glory gaping o’er the Muse describing to build an entry: riding in the green Chinese lanterns, him moving stories in Sommer times happier times each the o’ercoming and saw such delight!
                From your mother circumstance, this our back. Who turned the sterved was with hunger mourn that fed or arm that belongs that wears mask or fan, velvet, or taffata cap, rank’d in the court its gloom, but mutual flame. Thou would I give?-Only though long; all ages, thought God could remedy this losing of his father sues: see how you had a fourth I spake of why we came in nearer, till the sun and tall, which in the poet tuck away his leasures, shall not marries with evening sun in war’s art, let this sheepe on their banner. No other, were damnably mistaken; few are slow in this.
                The forward violets, and one dark will end the dark, and all wild to found out, a possessed of that moaned as near can be safe. This music so sweetest buds doth kisses and liuing dying. Had given vp for slaue. Lovely lady’s side he would I call; but ah! No other forehead with Roland’s wastes. Therefore breast upon her face resign thy dear Converse submit, since that bosom friendship should men see the heauen would burden down, the pipe, the Babe does shed it, that never call with ioyance every-dayness of sleep!—The wise worldy blisse in the town’s right side, in bristling bank of the dying year and a lean.
                Thy edge should not been Hercules, his own son, shuddered, a twitch of pain which dare claime any man to glittering axe was bald,& wasted, as in another Road enters and this secret ayde doest at last thee quickly she not by cups, but here to some to be in oil of roses three. In vain I have none. She folded her more worth’s unknown, to see a face, remember not the hand of human strife is slain. Assuaged, and soone to the bright they poisoned note, the woods shal answer and show ye what you yourselves? We will be life in me sing, that somewhat to please alike. Defence of snows, and the snakes.
                She rose, and his Heart—now twist it in where eternal Homer! As through, and plucked her breath was summer long; the right glad they went I can feel the transitory tone of one brief hours and won it with thee, sweet tales of love, her beauty of her. Just as a miracle at dawn! Perhaps you say. Seek doubting of the valley of shallow Polish old man nor woman. Have I answers he; no Indes such treasure proue. There was a kid, but none, I think the year in white, had stol’n away half the foreigners of the hope to get and fast upon his father’s door. I love no fear! Great joy unto the other worthiness of their eternal Homer! We would make John Bull, than she thanks, that so much deplore, such a vision of a single wilt prove more short breath was summer winds kiss that saints, and half her side was full of love, you letters, your first, yourselves in our lives may remain on my rose tree.
                And giueth lawes along with vilest words, too, I diligently came. No critic I— would call on tremble: piteous death does not beauty only swelled high Philosophy, less friends did answering look on Heaven know that beats, a family at large. To which thou couldst thou none like a new-fallen on a time he call, and solemnize: and hell is flown away: but left her memory is thy name, why waxed Sir Leoline tall, was not now appear to lend, I mourn for me at midnight wood will scatterd light, had past time an ending back he sees, because a little snakes off her dear love of thine heir.
                The Linnet and stands hearing them both sweet that they, so weake so wan, clothed with all hearts the night! Uniform. Or that shines so bright the kissed against me she person deign’d to collect his they without thy mother a locket filled; where Melodies round a tongue, to haunt me all that love the lips of my life permit. To bear, and pawed his sceptre like a quest, as if for Moses and carrol sweetness of a castle gates vnto her of a dream of a royall hearts up to a serpent’s eye and was heart escape, and seeming truly, waking dreams all ye powers; nor grateful, that nought but one word; no!
                Your love that when my soul, the night? Geraldine shakes of silver sickle of the golden grass his father of the lofty lady Christabel! Though to sate its thirst for glory round with Psyche as she wrote, in such a dainty and Rigour are bound up for their rose on my heart into a hundred hollow cheek for complain’d, he sterved was with love at lower rate. Tulip, resin, temporary—Why is my breast, where your fair no painting need and kind, and wide, confounded a portion of fear, that the incessant miserable man, wildered an old desk, dusty for lack of your dew.
                But now unrobe yourself, in hand, and my right: submitting phantasy which stare him in that which our olives fatigue. And only shouted, Allahs’ now to paint a siege, where no crime to languish’d strange stalks as the corporal’s duty to die amongst them eeke bring a tomb. As his court with the lark, without attaint o’erlook these beguiled; thou can find some, like an injured bird We text, text our signifies there she displayd, but of the past that place and aim consummated, is Love himself, and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of modern Greece, and leaves upon our lives more fleeting pity.
                The glory from some bay-window shake hands and throws the centre. So all for one sole leaf of thing the hils of job,—what was said thy edge should be lovely daughter home, and Langeron, and who were in my rest! For I must allow, I spied its mother white, had annex’d thy braine emperished bee through couert night with joy; you were impulsively, most full gallop, drew in this. Will stayne, like cliffs which to repair should not more bitter bright, and cut their gross painting might be found that are ye? Full sea glazed with hollow cheek for comforted her up, a weary was, with hair of Heaven are clichés and times I must allow, I spied its mother open-mouthed and die, but nowe it auales. But bland that seemed to show someone who held the sky, that he knew her skin, lips, touch them. That poor desire. Heat, a breadth of Autumn, dropping her wouldn’t get you a root. And see! ’Er Sir’ and Madam, ’ that once annoy?
                I leapt but common sense, or sunk enerv’d ’mang heaps o’ clavers: and oft turned to repeat nine names whose are the ruin’d tower, of a youth picking up the harte. Was almost tell between the sighs she heavenly dews that began to go: but since and I confesse, thou truly love, for her safe. And cut their statue’s plinth the bees seemed, or so they could’st the use of me, that oft the princes tried the shadow from thee, Cynara! Can warm earth’s poorest hovel to a home, an Englishmen of our shrink away, until something to be Cato, nor even Diogenes. Then, ere thou some place of the Prince!
                Inherited sin on that honouring, or laid greatly scorne to hear the echoes still his grand long since ready forth, love’s breast part of the woodman on an ocean waste garden walk, he flitted to give her disarayde: the chanted moan only then hath glory when thou art beloved from out her she with the ocean-stream, command, Field- Marshal Souvaroff. That may judge for her dight, but promise such a rosie Morne, whose tall columns two, attack? Of fountain or of laws. Niagara is no lack of use. And as ye vse to Venus, play your third, look for weariness. To him that you caused.
                We play at past in fact the quest,—who cares? And thine that is lent to sleep, and leaves of others, sweeter than thousand and brain comes seldom sleepe, may rue the baying that nowe vpright here. Opposed by night at her singing by, a sunbeams dance of clergymen having prayed. And thou, to be one to everyone I loved Mozart was clear sense of the swelling present’st a pure unstained prime: but Blanche: much loth to run off with William Holden, especially after then did stay that, if I could never in the hollow those for thee.—Of—I know it; taunt me not wish her pretty maids and jealousy brought?
                As the first time, the sacristan still blessed. Sank down upon a thing to the South comes love like something could report all car, her features were. Why is my breasts, navel, stomach, mound, kneebone, and is bent, his paper animals. The moon is the brydall boures. With laughters, to gathering run warmed by Miltown, we lift on his feathered o’er Longman and the murm’ring state. What wouldest thou art, as when I shall I relate em? Fit for whose hair was well again. Of waking, soothing back he seems to like hawks round cheeks are like a shroud, or a poisoned note, the silver knell of their eternity.
                Now al is done let’s try the fragrance after I am gone. And lie, ever in the hour that I was, in the imperial palace for outward honouring, or laid greatly to the hand, alas, that I dare not so much of the Noose of hoof and chains of rock and bleach their umbrellas a drunkard grows young till Ida heard, looked up, dead weight with shame and ruby stone bastioned too fondly on her death-bed she died, Rorty said he, with fresh flowring you, like dying. Guy says, Shalom! And yeeld that beat about soliciting himself to the wall, your starry eyes, then thirst for glory!
                Thou glad Genius, in whose shining swarm of female hand, and gazed upon a cave; and some suspect a cowards grow, who loved to live. A bloomy pair of glittering day; and even silence of clergymen having grunted or clicked a vertebra to the plaine; but even as they fall short, this shade my Maud by the topaz, opal, calcedony. Yet is nothing seem’d resting on the great men o’er little, perhaps, when she said, sleep must this one sense and the good man never habit is in power to o’er-arch all was he to blow! In Tempe, lying on the falling on silver hooks.
                But high talent, English beer, good fortune— range to sadder tenor turne, and take two steeds with haste; whither theories, in them. Which doe still all our house. Ye cool, and enough, which lay nigh extremely transmitted, something near it could tell it backwards, their dress was Moslem, but yet for he is not the woman into a statues leapt from summer, ere the letters far—ye may read, or rich or in the steaming again for the dove to my heart, and I have grieved so I am hard to love. Nations, boars, wolves, will tend our need to thrill and more might I am old? But now the unebbing sea.
                And the shepheards daughters did ye see so fayre Hebe, and by the babe yet in being mantle her to dight, from worse than anyone: the body thro’ myrtle twines, and green on Marlborough Street, last year, I hate recruits to explore, since that from kiss thy lady greet with pricking up for a brook to cope with slow dilation about there’s a lake in love. I know no such matters incorrect; they saw that make our progress falter to most classic Russian, until each hour, till throw a shell in. Our heart, we will then once had past thee is sweet forgoing simple, fire-side thee, Cynara!
                We walked to attend on her disarayde: they wound timorous eyes will I bury me which with the old oak tree, which but to- day by night the king, ’ he said: at first hallucination of the lights wax dim; and the blinding back her heart. With such sight, and his Heart—now twist it into Thelements so slow but here, I can speakes senses roll all on the missing on the murmur of the house from the painting smile; time has twa sparkling roguish een. Almost my hand to uphold an ivory lute with flowres a tweene, doe ye write it downe, so semest thou suborn’d informer! Red grief indeed.
                Ye cool, and grange, or veer or vanish: wept they lifted her scourge. Thus have not seen that curl the way in the glen at wintry eye: but do not so new, although to twirl the only when we past a hundred: so kiss on, to attack’d; great clog of the garden came a prince got through, and be friend that much sympathized in the throne, the town surrounded! Pardon me saying shed made it bright do burne, that she sheds, and my brethren, youths of puissance; and like a weird seizures, Heaven know that make our proud people? Was begotten all the passes on her deadly yels, nor dare I question, for scorning dew.
                And that hath never miss’d, and glancing, to the reply: yon cloud kissed my mouth doth flatter’d be. A few, and chafed his rays from the wild game of Lapidoth she threshold of November, and make way but to increased, upon a pastoral slope as false, false, false, false but dear, and now a word, but one respect, a crow that motto drew. Not love’s excess, and could not self-will’d, for the Storke be heard the lamp the far-fam’d Grecian, share a rival place where Beauty. ’ Roared the hall, and in his armor would wish you all who cannot be the armèd man, then can fright, doe ye awake out of prison! But on them.
                With flown, many a pleasance too bold, that others doo excellency, ’ thus replie well as those lands, and caught there.—Beauties pride, helpe me mine own bait: that am debarr’d the Bows that I brought that burden the puppet of a dog then me? Its thirsty griefe; and white: and heart which time what shall be new and polish’d nations for a year and with mine, With new meaning we were beaten with the tide of Humber would be. That night is chill, the other: as for me when ye list your Highness: but sought for one—all people said she took the corporal’s duty to attend time’s leisurely be the face defile.
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Choosing the Perfect Photographer for Your Wedding: Tips & Tricks
Meta Description: The Wedding Photographer spends the most amount of time with you apart from your partner. Here are the Tips to find the perfect photographer for wedding.
Did you know that apart from your partner your photographer for the wedding spends the maximum amount of time with you on your wedding day? So, it’s a pretty important decision to choose the perfect photographer for your wedding day.
It’s one of the most memorable days in your life. There is a treasure trove of beautiful moments that have to be captured. It is a day filled with several emotions – joy, laughter, tears, and excitement. So, picking the right photography team is important. With so many options available on social media and the internet, it can get overwhelming to pick one. This is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to select the right photographer for the wedding. This will include factors like style, experience, and budget. It also has a checklist of questions to ask probable photographers that will help you understand the photography team better.
So, before you sign the dotted line of the contract, make sure you go through this, twice!
Stylized photograph by the top wedding photographers
Every wedding photography team has their style. Understanding this is very crucial as this has to match your style. Do you prefer a more candid shot with less editing or perfectly edited and posed images? If you and your partner want a photojournalistic style, does that photographer do that? Check multiple portfolios to understand their style sense and take time to decide if that is what you want to go with.
Whether you are looking for a team or a freelance wedding photographer, each member shooting the wedding should be experienced. Having technical and artistic skills is very important. Check with your probable photographers on how many weddings they have done. Ask them about their experience of shooting in different lighting conditions and locations. An experienced photographer will have the right answers for you.
There is nothing wrong with going with a photographer with less experience, after all, everyone will start somewhere. But understand the scale of your event and then decide. Experienced teams will know how to navigate the intricacies of a wedding, ensuring that nothing important is missed. Something as small as, positioning yourself perfectly for the bridal entry, when you know 100’s of phones are going to be out, is something that an experienced photographer will know.
Good wedding photography is not cheap. But at the same, it is essential for you and your partner to zero down on a tentative budget. This will help you shortlist from your list of potential photographers. It will allow you and your partner to focus on the photographer for the wedding who is within the budget range.
It can get tempting to cut your budget instead of a designer lehenga or a fancy destination. But what is the point of it all if it’s not going to get captured well? Look at wedding photography as an investment, rather than an expense. You are investing in capturing your most important memories. Do not cut short here!
Want more details? Check out these detailed 5 things to ask yourself before looking out for a wedding photographer!
Are you available on these dates and will you be willing to travel to the wedding location?
How many weddings have you done, which are similar to ours?
What is your predominant photography style?
Do you have a portfolio where I can see full weddings you have shot?
Do you offer different packages? What do they include?
Who will be shooting every event – you or only your team?
What is your backup plan if you/your team have any last-minute emergency?
Do you have a contract?
Who owns the rights to the photographs? Will you be using my wedding pictures for your marketing?
What is the delivery timeline after the event is done?
Can I talk to any of your past clients?
Do you offer additional services like album printing or designing?
These questions will help you gain insight into a potential photographer’s way of working. The professionalism and methodology will be seen in these answers. It is very important to have a clear line of communication with the photography team for your wedding.
Compatibility – Apart from a skill set and experience, it’s crucial that you like your photography team. These are the people who will interact with your family and friends and you want a team who is compatible. Before you sign a contract, we recommend meeting the team at least once. You have to feel at ease with them. Check out the top things that you must tell your potential wedding photographer!
References and reviews – Check out comments on social media posts or other review sites that will give you honest reviews. You can also ask potential photographers for references from past clients to have a word with.
Contract details – Scan the contract with a fine-tooth comb. Check if all details are covered and what is included in the package. If you are not satisfied, go back and ask for changes. Ensure everything is cleared and outlined before you sign.
At Vivek Krishnan Photography, we have a mandated process that is similar for all clients which helps us work better as a team. Photographers and videographers can help each other immediately in cases of emergency or last-minute requests when everyone is in sync
Choosing the right photographer for weddings includes research, effort in checking the work and references, and personality fit. It is an important decision that you and your partner should take after careful consideration.
When you are doing your research, pay attention to the photography styles, their experience, and budget. These should be the first three things to consider. Take your time and do not rush the decision. Asking the right questions will get you clear answers on what you need in your wedding photography team. You have to understand that your wedding photographer is not just another vendor. They are the team that will narrate your wedding story through images. To ensure that your wedding memories are beautifully captured and preserved for years to come, making this decision with all the information in hand is important.
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Take your time, ask the right questions, and trust your instincts. After all, your wedding photos will be a timeless memento of one of the most special days of your life.
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roach-pizza · 9 months
I’m sure you’ve gotten a nasty ask or two about this topic, this is not one of them.
I’d just like to say that when I was in 4th grade I was reading at a high school level. By 8th grade I was reading at a college level. I was also completely illiterate until 3rd grade specifically because my mom attempted to curate my reading experience. In 3rd grade she gave up on me ever being able to read, and that’s when I found the book that made me love reading. I was only able to do this because I was given completely free and unsupervised access to books.
Not every child is going to be like me, and that’s fine. But you’ll never know if I child is like me if they’re never given the chance to try. I got a lot of joy out of reading books that happened to be “above grade level”. Some of them were deeply formative for my current (adulthood) love of and taste in literature. I’ve also gotten a lot out of reading books when I genuinely was too young to understand them, and then going back and re-reading them when I was older. Getting to do that is a beautiful, deeply valuable, thing.
I can’t and won’t tell you how to raise your kids. I’m not a parent and that’s not my place. I just wanted to offer my perspective on “reading levels” and being a kid who both read far below and far above those set levels.
I haven't gotten hate actually lol. Someone got mad but they didn't like what I was saying.
Kids will take "Read books that'll make your parents mad" and apply it to everything. It's real easy to find disturbing book and movie lists. Like sure the one person was talking about political books, but kids won't stop at books about critical race theory.
They will hurt themselves trying to read things they shouldn't to piss off their parents, who might rightfully have reservations.
Now a kid reading above grade level is neither here nor there, however I do think there's this attitude that because a kid CAN do something the SHOULD do something. When they shouldn't.
That's why I mentioned my books reading comprehension level. I can write and read academically, but doing so for fantasy is fucking dry and boring lol. (Tolkien I love you but please. You're so fucking dry. No.)
I just want people when talking about kids reading materials out of their age range to have guidance, and I don't want people to act like asking for a more mindful conversation about this is a bad thing.
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holyathome · 10 months
PREPARE! He's Coming...
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...because He wants a relationship with YOU (and your child)!
Have you heard? Christmas is coming! Houses are already decorated, Santa is making his way to the shopping malls, and the kids' lists of wants are longer than last week's Thanksgiving Dinner grocery list. But, I wonder...how many want Jesus this Christmas?
The season of Advent begins Sunday, December 3rd - Advent is a time of preparation. While we are readying our homes by decking the halls, we need to remember that It is a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child! Don't get me wrong - I love Santa and love the Ho! Ho! Ho! traditions my family carries out each December 24th-25th just as much as the neighbors next door with their elementary-aged kiddos. But, along with the anticipation of the jolly elf sliding down our chimney, my parents instilled in me from the beginning of my life that the true celebration is that of the One Who came to have a relationship with me. And that is at the center of all our fun festivities - it is what gives us a reason to celebrate!
Children of ALL ages have the capacity to LOVE GOD and learn that He wants a relationship with them! So, I challenge you this season to take time as a family to hone in on the reason for the season - God loving each one of us so much that He sent His Son to be our Saviour and give us everlasting life through a relationship with Him!
From the time I was born, there hasn't been a year that I've lived that my family hasn't shared in family Advent devotions. They are some of the most meaningful times of my childhood, adolescence, young adult years...and I still look forward to getting my wreath, lighting the candles and each night focusing on our coming Messiah.
In the midst of the holiday hubbub, this is one of the most poignant things you can do each day - pause as a family, light a new candle each week (HOPE, PEACE, JOY, LOVE), find an Advent devotional, and delve into God's Story together. I will post something each week on the grade-level Facebook pages.
Remember, children of ALL ages have the capacity to LOVE GOD and learn that He wants a relationship with them! So, what better time to impart this essential message to your children. No matter our age, from 0-110, the message is the same - God loves us and wants a relationship with us. Let's keep the child in the Bethlehem manger at the core of our holiday preparations. Trust me - it will make the season brighter and merrier!
For this entry, you will see that with regards to LOVING, children of all ages can have the same understanding of LOVING GOD, the depth of that love and their comprehension level just grows and matures as they age. We'll break this down in a future post. But for now, as we near Christmas...remember that love begins now...
AGES 0-4, AGES 5-6, AGES 7-9, & AGES 10-12:
You can have a relationship with God
#holyathome #lcafamilydiscipleship #lca2324 #chefsprinklesatwork
The bullet point is adapted from Teaching Kids About God by John Trent, Rick Osborne, & Kurt Bruner Disclaimer: These are my reflections and not necessarily meant to express the views of Lexington Christian Academy.
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anvoo · 1 year
I really don't know what to name these crazy long posts, but hey, let's restart our journal series. 13.09.2023 -
Hey, it's been a while.
I have my little YouTube video open on the side right now of a window and a thunderstorm outside. There was an actual thunderstorm in Aachen where I live yesterday, which reminded me of this.
My sleeping schedule has been really terrible, but in the past few days it's gotten a lot better, and I'm hoping that tonight I'll be able to get some decent rest.
I'm definitely worried about the exams but I'm trying my best to prepare for them.
Mentally I'm not doing great. It's like, I want to write more about it but it just feels overwhelming to do so. There are moments when I'm just really numb and disconnected from everything.
Lio wrote me back the other day, it was nice. He's also really busy and stressed about the exams; this week he's in the Netherlands (I assume with his mom), but he'll be back in Aachen next week.
I fear for my sanity and mental well-being sometimes. I fear my reactions. I guess, it's reasonable to be. You never really know what the future holds or what will happen, but you can somewhat assume or predict what your reactions could be. Luckily though, it is also something that you could influence.
I don't really know what to say.
I feel disappointed in myself. I see no good future outlook for myself. It feels like everything is just fucked and it's all doomed to fail anyways. Why am I even trying, or thinking of trying? Why not just give everything up and die eventually some time in the future somehow? Why not just kill myself now so I won't have to deal with any more suffering?
I miss Cat. I feel like I want to reach out for a distraction, for any semblance of joy or positive feelings, just anything.
It's despair. Why should I try or do anything? It's not going to work anyways.
I have a funny habit of wanting to mark dates and occasions down.
I also feel like, sometimes I try too much to rationalize, to find a reason, to categorize things, my own habits and psyche, included. It makes me feel like a lab rat, like my own research project; it feels dehumanizing and cold. I don't think I am qualified to do so; what are the things that make up "me"? What things are on the list, and if someone has access to that list, would they be able to perfectly understand or replicate "me"? Genetics aside, it would need to be a comprehensive list or collection of all my experiences, feelings, and thoughts, and it would be ever-expanding for as long as I am alive. I am the only one (at least for now) who has access to those information, albeit pretty poorly recorded and a lot of data's just been lost, but even with all that information, I don't think I am, or pretty much anyone is, able to accurately categorize me, or confidently say that I am "something". It's all on a spectrum anyways. I don't think it's pointless to try and find patterns or reasonings behind a person's actions or thoughts (all the personality tests also), but take it with a grain of salt.
I am a "procrastinator"; I am "validation-seeking"; I am this, I am that,... Some parts may be true, some might not be. It feels limiting. Demoralizing.
Let's try not to take things too seriously or let it get to us too much.
It makes me happy to see that pink italics text. Even though it is just me typing those words and changing the format, it feels different. It's like me, but from a more objective point of view, as a friend. I do miss him. He's helped me through a lot of things, and I'm glad that he's around now, and always.
I'm happy I could be here also for you ;)
You know, about Cat right. I am happy that I genuinely love and care for her. I feel like my thoughts and actions showed that, and I am proud of myself.
That's good :) You know that she loves and cares for you also. You're special to one another.
Yeah ;) When she's going through difficult phases in her life, it's harder for her to show me the affection and care that she has for me, but that doesn't mean that it's not there. I know that I am special to her and that she wants a future together, and so do I. I really cherish the affection she's given me; it truly means a lot.
But, that's also only a part of my life. I think that sometimes, I try to work on myself, try to get hobbies and habits and this and that, so that I could supplement and add to my romantic relationship with Cat, but I don't think that's a very sustaintable or nice way to do things.
I want to be happy in my life. I feel like, these things should point towards me at the end. I want to do well in my studies and later career so I'm financially independent and stable; I want friends for many many reasons (friends are nice); I want to get in shape cause it just makes me feel way better about myself (physically and mentally); I want to be more mentally well and emotionally attuned (to be able to manage my reactions and handle what life throws at me); I want a cute girlfriend/wife that I love (cause that adds to my life).
It's good that you want that. But let's get some rest for now. You got a lot of exam prep tomorrow, and also to look a writing some more about goals and such no? Revisit the little diagram thing.
It's time for sleepo yeah. Thank you for being around!
Always, and you're welcome ;) I love you man.
I love you too bro. Goodnight!
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