#no this is not about the big ben
cavennmalore · 5 months
it is infinitely funny to me that the place where lady gisela hid her teleporter or whatever in london is like. a real place that i’ve been to??? and can visit whenever i want??? places in fantasy books are not supposed to exist and definitely not exist twenty minutes from me
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orangeblossombitch · 11 months
Maybe don't say you want to eat all Zionists if you don't want to be told not to do that idk :/
(Also not that you'll care but political Zionism and the version of Zionism that just says 'Jews should be able to visit or live in the Levant since it once was our home and if nowhere else is safe for us, there at least should be' are different and saying they're deserving of equal condemnation and violence or that those people should die is kinda fucked of you)
(Also also you shouldn't get to choose who lives or who dies regardless of how bad of people they are according to you. Like idk how to explain to you that you shouldn't think the right to be alive is conditional.)
As a Muslim i obviously cannot condone eating ppl since its not halal and especially fascist lil piggies are sure to be extra haram and yucky :)). Idgaf about some version of zionism that existed at some point and meant something positive when there is a real version out there that is fucking fascist and responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people. N literally no one ever forbade Jewish ppl from visiting or living in the Levant. Youll be surprised to find that there were in fact many Jewish ppl living in Palestine prior to 1948, many of them immigrants from other countries. Also nice fucking job at equating Jewish ppl w zionists ya 7mar. Idgaf about what you think the rights of ppl should be that are indulging a fascist and genocidal ideology, if you dont wanna be eaten by the wolf dont be zionist, its That easy❤. And its absolutely hysterical how you fall in line w the ppl who cry that Jewish ppl are safe nowhere else, like maybe that should be fixed instead of shipping everyone off, away from the places that have been their homes for centuries, plus the fact that you are the same ppl bitching about how "israel" is surrounded by murderous Arabs who wanna toss all the Jewish ppl in the sea. Like make up your mind, cuz that doesnt sound safe to me.
Lastly whats kinda fucked is your cognitive function and ability to think for yourself, clearly. Israeli politicians and Zionists in the West literally calling to wipe Gazans off the face of the earth, using the same language Nazis did. Idk ya might wanna readjust your priorities a bit. Now you better climb a tree or smt bc the wolf is imprinted on your scent and its coming for youuu 🐺
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marinersubmariner · 5 months
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I thought it would be cool to see a Ben Solo Akira slide, but since the Akira slide has been parodied to death (including by Obi-Wan Kenobi himself in Tartakovsky Clone Wars) I changed the angle a bit to be less redundant.
Also for some reason I felt the need to make my life really difficult by trying to design a new speeder bike??? Which foolishly seemed necessary to me because I wanted to align it more with the cyberpunk anime look. And then I just had to keep going and give him a helmet and facial injuries for my own amusement.
Since this sort of started out as a biker gang AU, it really should have aesthetically been Kylo and the Knights of Ren, but that went right out the window because I'm incessantly compelled to dress him in blue.
The design on his helmet is a zoomed-in portion of the symbol from Anakin's podracer and racing flag (grandpa's #1 fanboy). I was initially messing around with placing it in full but thought it looked too busy. I do kind of wish I had figured out a way to keep more of it, because after I drew it I realized it looks like a blue butterfly?!?
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Galaxy brain connections just happening to me completely by accident
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wollerjoseph · 3 months
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little leafs bonding🫶
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zepskies · 15 days
Ooooh I have a few questions for you to keep the ball rolling! 💚
Would reader and Beau from TMH ever get married? Have a kid?
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
Ooh thanks, Michelle!! 💚💚💚
These are great questions, wow...
Take Me Home (Beau Arlen x Reader):
Would the reader and Beau get married? Have kids?
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Oh hell yeah, they definitely would get married! In Echoes, the last one-shot I've written for them, they've just moved in together. I think at that point, she and Beau would be thinking about marriage in the future, but maybe they wouldn't talk about it with each other right away. 😂
We know how Beau is about sharing his feelings, and the reader, being burned before on an engagement and the idea of marriage, knows she loves him but would be hesitant to make that leap...
Until Beau talks to Emily about it. His daughter is more and more becoming his sounding board, since she was so supportive of their relationship from the beginning. Emily would encourage him to get remarried if that makes him happy.
Emily: You're already living together. Doesn't that mean you want to be with her for the long haul?
Beau: Well...yeah. That's just about what it means.
Emily: Then what's the problem?
He can't exactly argue with that logic. 😂 I think he'd be so excited to propose, that he wouldn't even think about the "more kids" conversation until after they're engaged. The reader would think about it first, I think, wondering if he would ever want more kids someday. And if so, is that something she wants too?
Once they actually got around to sitting down and having that honest conversation, I think both of them would be open to it in a "if it happens, it happens" sort of way. Beau would have concerns about being an "older dad," 😂 but in comforting him and reassuring him that he'd do great, because he's already a great dad...it would make the reader realize that she does want kids, and she wants them with Beau. ❤️
(Hell, maybe I'll end up writing that in the future!)
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader):
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
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Ooh, I have an ask that I plan to answer tomorrow that covers how Ben reacts to Lila having a boyfriend or girlfriend, but your question here is even more specific! Love it!
I think if he clocked the "asshole" in Lila's new boyfriend, Ben would call him out immediately. He would try to ban her from seeing him. And when that didn't work, he would 100% threaten the guy off without her knowing.
Ben would have to try to (badly) explain to her why he doesn't trust the guy, and why he's a skeevy little bastard.
Lila: Dad, you don't even know him!
Ben: Oh, I know him. Sweetheart, I know 'em all, better than the back of my goddamn hand. He's a fucking scumbag, and you're more than too good for him. Trust me.
Lila: What do you mean?
Ben would hesitate. He wouldn't want to explain to his daughter that he knows how that asshole's mind works because he used to be exactly like that, before he met her mother.
He probably wouldn't ever want to explain it to his daughter in his own words. Likely she'd have to piece it together from stories she hears about her dad from her mom, and/or her honorary aunts and uncles (like Butcher, Hughie, Loco, and Frenchie).
With his future son, Ben will probably have more "man-to-man" real talks about how he used to get women under the realm of "dad advice." 😅 When the boy got older, Ben would admit to him that he did use to fuck around. (Putting it mildly.)
Ben: I mean, if there was an Oscar for laying it the fuck down, I would’ve taken that shit year after year. Would’ve beat out Burt Reynolds by a fucking landslide.
Son: *grossed out but still confused* Who's Burt Reynolds?
Lmao. 😆
Thank you again for these questions, friend! 💕
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moxielynx · 7 months
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more art under this i just dont want this post to be too long like my last post lol
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uniiiquehecrt · 1 month
Voice actors are NOT the same as actors.
It takes a specific kind of skill-set and training to be able to warp and meld the voice. It takes a certain kind of talent and dedication to hone that talent into the ability to meld the voice and invoke emotion with one's voice alone. Actors are used to using their voice secondarily to their body language and their facial expressions. It's all mirrored back on camera. They do have nuance. But it's a different kind of nuance and a different kind of training to produce that nuance.
Voice actors might get their likeness transposed on their character's design, and maybe their mannerisms might seep into the character's animation. But when it's all said and done: their presence is in their voice. They are bringing a character to life, showing that emotion in their voice, trying to keep a specific accent, drawl, pitch, tone in that voice and keep it consistent for their recording sessions.
The voice actor is like a classically trained musician who can play first chair in a competitive, world-renown orchestra. The actor (who fills the voice actor's role) is like a moot who played violin in beginner and intermediate high school orchestra and thinks they can get into Juilliard with that 2-4 years of experience.
This doesn't mean that the HS orchestra moot can't play. They can even be really good at it. Maybe they won competitions and sat first chair. But they are not in the same league as the person who's been training their whole lives and lives and breathes to hone their craft using the instrument and all of the training they've ever acquired to perfect it. They are not meant for the same roles. They are not in the same caliber. You do not hire the HS equivalent when you want to play complex music in a competitive orchestra.
Actors are not the same as voice actors.
And furthermore, actors - especially big name actors - taking the roles of animated characters for big budget films or TV pilots makes no sense anyways when - at least in the case of TV pilots - there's not a point to hiring a big budget actors anyways. That money could be used elsewhere (like paying your animators), and the talent that is brought onto the screen for X character could then be hired on to voice said character no recasting required.
I wouldn't say voice acting as a profession is in danger exactly, but it's certainly being disrespected and overlooked for celebrity clout, and this has ALWAYS been an issue. Shoot, even Robin Williams knew that much - which is why he tried so hard not to be used as a marketing chess piece for Aladdin and got royally pissed off when it happened anyways. People shouldn't go to any movie (but especially not animated films) because "oh famous actor is in it". People should go because it's a good movie and the voice acting is good.
People who honest to god think that voice actors are replaceable because "oh well anyone can voice act" or "I like xyz celebrity so naturally it'll be good" ... Honestly I just wish you'd reassess your priorities because you're missing the point and are part of the problem.
Voice Actors ≠ Actors.
#(i am incredibly passionate about this)#(and seeing celebrity voice actors in what should be a voice actor's role completely burns my buns it doesn't matter WHO it is)#(hemsworth as optimus? someone tell me one good reason why they couldn't get a good v/a to replace mr. cullen properly for the future)#(ben shwartz as sonic? dude literally isn't even a good voice actor OR actor anyways-)#(- A N D jason griffith AND my boy roger craig smith are still RIGHT HERE)#(jason griffith IN PARTICULAR would have pulled back SO many sonic fans that went to watch the film anyways. if not /more/.)#(and on top of that he has the same tonality and energy they tried to force this moshmo to try and emulate anyways so GET THE REAL THING)#(chris pratt as mario? i can at least defend /him/ and say that barring his failure to do a NY accent consistently he wasn't terrible)#(but mario's new voice actor could've been used instead and people would've clearly appreciated that WAY more)#(vanessa hudgens as sunny starscout in mlp g5's pilot movie? literally why. they replace her and hitch's va in the show.)#(don't even get me started on the concept of hiring celebrity singers to do musical theatre roles or not letting musical theatre singers-)#(-dub the celebrity voice actors you just HAD to hire for your film bc you're so worried about not getting enough clout to get ppl in seats#(that you're putting it all in this (1) big name hire bc turns out that you have no faith in your writing ability much less-)#(-animation as a medium.)#(and no before anyone says anything : no this is not me saying that ALL celebrity voice castings are bad.)#(there are some that aren't that bad and others that are actually pretty good.)#(i especially appreciate it when actors are damn well aware they aren't voice actors and try to LEARN from voice coaches-)#(-and/or their va predecessors if applicable.)#(that does not change the fact that the celebrity shouldn't have been hired just because the film wanted to have bragging clout-)#(-oh look at this FAMOUS PERSON we were able to hire — yeah ok. sure wendy. i want to know if this film is quality or not.)#(and 9/10 times the SECOND there is money spent on a non voice actor to voice the main character especially)#(that usually means somewhere along the way animation IS going to get shafted. if not w the animators themselves then in the way of-)#(-the actual animation itself and ESPECIALLY the screenwriting because it's especially been so dogshit lately even before the strike.)#(a celebrity being hired to fill a voice actor's role is such an immediate red flag to me and it is VERY rare that i get to be proven wrong
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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And come awa' wi' me...
[wolf-antonia and her uncles - requested by @seaglassandeelgrass]
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crocs-simp · 4 months
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Ben Fitzgerald Pincus the man that you are
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picturejasper20 · 9 days
Listen, i do like Ben 10 as the next guy but getting mad over Adventure Time getting a movie and not Ben 10 (which was live action by the way) kinda ignores how Ben 10 doesn't have had much relevance nor impact in the latest years in contrast to Adventure Time, which has been like the most impactful animated series in 2010's decade
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pistachi0art · 5 months
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More Ben fam stuff I believe I have neglected to put here
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wildsaltair · 5 days
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I will need 3-5 business days to catch my breath from this picture
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swan2swan · 11 days
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Keep your eyes on the road at all times.
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laurrelise · 1 month
me feeling depressed 🤝 four random guys with a youtube reaction channel watching and hyping up the umbrella academy
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honorhearted · 2 months
Ben + being protective/compassionate/going to bat for those in need
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here's a funny little thing i made bc at the end of the day, i'm just a girl who is attracted to many ppl and i am not ashamed of that
(planning on making two more, one with non-canon ships and one with animated couples)
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