#no walking barefoot
happyheidi · 2 months
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𝖸𝗏𝖺𝗇𝗇 𝖫𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗎𝗋
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I love places where I can walk around outdoors barefoot. makes me feel like a persistence predator
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abductsanxiety · 1 year
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Had to draw this after he did his little cowboy move in the last episode
(Vash Version)
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witchyy-kittyy · 2 months
Shoutout to all the pagans that can't celebrate holidays in a 'traditional' or 'typical' way or can't do 'traditional' or 'typical' devotional acts due to chronic illness, neurodivergence, executive dysfunction, disabilities, anything
You all are still perfectly valid and your deities understand and still love you.
You can't tidy their alters or pray before their alters because you can't get out of bed? They understand
You can't walk barefoot in the grass or pick flowers for Betlane? That's perfectly okay
You can't easily create things for your deities? They understand
You can't clean something for Ostara? That's perfectly okay
Your deities understand. You are still valid. You are still loved.
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plumbewb · 3 months
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ok i seriously love this cutie, he's a raver <3
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scarapanna · 4 months
Last AU WIP of the week!!
This is gonna be one of the most difficult frames to finish lmao
Also the quality is extra crusty but that's okay/silly
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[More rambles undercut]
Long story short this thing has prespective and BGs since I barely do both and it's good to practice, but on the downside it's gonna be taking a long long time to do (tldr I re-sketched the panel to make linearting easier)
Finished 1/6 panels so far tho!!!
The others are simplier other than the first two so I should take as much!!
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
So the Dead on Main server caused me to spontaneously spawn an entire outline for an AU because I wanted a Dark Danny fic. So. Here's a snippet of what I'm working on.
It had started out subtly. The beginning of the end. 
The GIW had crept into Amity Park, buying up empty office buildings. Making themselves known. 'Researchers' they called themselves. 
They could always be seen whenever there was a ghost attack. Not running, not helping, not hindering. Just. Watching.
The first red flag that became obvious in hindsight was when they'd reached out to the Fentons. When Jack's long winded rants on ghosts didn't scare them away. When they started taking notes.
The second red flag was the government contract sent to the Fentons a week later. 
But still, the GIW didn't do anything. They bought up the empty buildings, filled them with strangers in white suits. Amity Park gradually learned to ignore them. They were harmless, some weird government branch that had an interest in ghosts. It wasn't interesting after months of idleness from them.
Amity Parkers lowered their guard, answered the seemingly innocuous questions posed to them. 'How long have ghosts been attacking?' 'Have you ever been injured by one?' 'Have you noticed anything strange?' They were simple questions, questions any Amity Park resident could easily answer. 
Eventually the GIW became another quirk of Amity. Something expected, normal even.
Then the 'clinics' started popping up. They were free to use, offering simple health care for any Amity Park resident. Common colds, ear infections, broken bones, vaccinations. You had to do a blood test to use them, but no one minded much when they were free. And injuries were so common with the ghost attacks. Ghosts never seemed to care about collateral, except Phantom. But he was the one ghost who protected them, so that was expected. 
Amity Park became welcoming to the GIW. Open to their questions, freely giving information. Even Phantom was willing to stop occasionally when a question was called out to him by one of the white suited men or women. 
Yet still, the government contract remained. The Fentons handing over blueprints of weapon after weapon, prototype designs shipped off. Research papers handed over by the box full.
The GIW presence increased slowly, over the months that became a year. Their clinics and offices multiplied. Empty buildings and shop fronts were bought as soon as they went on sale. Soon it wasn't uncommon to see a person in a white suit everywhere you went. 
No one ever noticed how they never employed Amity Park residents. How they never hired, how there was never a help wanted sign posted or an ad made to ask for workers. No one wanted to look that deep.
Willful ignorance was easier than admitting they'd been invaded.
So the Amity Parkers kept answering questions. Kept visiting the clinics with their doctors who often asked questions unrelated to the reason for visiting. 'Have you noticed yourself becoming stronger?' 'How much sleep do you need, on average?' 'Have your eyes ever glowed?' 'How long can you hold your breath?'. 
The clinics began offering more services, addressing more issues. All still for the small cost of a vial of blood. It became normal to visit a clinic rather than a doctor for anything. Flu? Clinic. Broken bone? Clinic. A nasty burn from an ecto-ray? Clinic. 
Some people started vanishing, but that wasn't unusual in a city. People ran away or died all the time. It wasn't many, really. Maybe a one or two a month. There was no pattern in the victims, so it was presumed they were unrelated. The cops were stumped. No one paid attention to the fact that every single one of the missing had visited a clinic days before they vanished. 
Then came the blackout. Or maybe it came sooner, it was so hard to tell when it started. When it became impossible for anyone in Amity Park to reach out to someone out of it. At first anyone who mentioned it was called crazy, conspiracy theorists. 
But soon it became more obvious. Friends or family out of the city could no longer find any Amity Park resident on social media. Couldn't even find a mention of the city existing anywhere on the internet. They blamed it on the ghosts at first. They did weird things to technology, it must be them. Right?
Then they stopped being able to call out. Cell phones would no longer make or receive calls from anyone who didn't have an Amity number. They started to get restless. 
Then came the roadblocks. Anyone trying to leave Amity found that all roads out were inexplicably blocked. Construction, they claimed. All the roads at once, yes. There had been earthquakes that destabilized the roads all around Amity. So they said. 
They had been trapped, and they never saw the jaws closing on them until it was too late. 
It didn't take long, once the revelation that they couldn't leave, couldn't call for help, spread. 
The military moved in, penning them inside their city. Checkpoints were placed at every road in or out of Amity. You could only leave if you were in the company of a soldier or a GIW operative. 
'Quarantined' they were told. Because of what they weren't told. Something highly contagious and dangerous was all they were given. Hospitals were taken over by men in white suits. Doctors and nurses were sent away, fired. New ones were shipped in, strangers. 
More people started going missing. They all knew who took them but they couldn't say it. Couldn't admit it. Didn't want to. 
Curfews were enforced. No one was allowed out after sundown, businesses had to shut down an hour before. No one was allowed out until dawn, schools were forced to start later. Anyone found breaking curfew was apprehended, sent to a holding facility. They weren't seen again. 
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lika-chu · 11 months
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yabakuboi · 3 months
post season 4 eddie lives, eddie's heading to harrington's house for the third annual post apocalypse brunch except eddie hasn't slept much and his bed is ITCHY right now so he goes a little (probably way) too early
it's robin who lets him in but behind her is steve just walking by buckass naked and eddie gapes and then stares at robin who he was pretty sure was a lesbian and robin kinda stares back like ??? what??? before it clicks
"OH yeah he just does that, don't worry i thought he was a huge pervert for a while but no he was just raised by wolves STEVE PUT ON PANTS WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS"
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
I want an entire extra svsss chapter about bingmei realizing bingge married SHA HUALING of all people. I think he'd throw up
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exeggcute · 6 months
posters and prints are always deceptively cheap but then when you start shopping for a frame... that's when they get you
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fisheito · 5 months
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my princess nonsense is being encouraged watch ouyt imabout to be eneaabled
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#rei looking directly at the camera like why are you subjecting me to this. i do not need any of this. i know how to do it#rei wearing stilettos the size of your head so he becomes ur very tall bird goth gf#you know how yakumo gets when he instructs someone on how to cook something#he becomes confident and just tells ppl how to do stuff without his usual amount of stutter and secondguessing#i'm gonna pretend that after his stiletto training in misty vale he gains a TINY MOLECULE of confidence due to experience#like [i can help you if you've never done it before?]#honestly i can't imagine this scenario happening because i am so SURE that rei can walk in heels HAHAHA even tho nothing has proven that#SOMETHING COME PROVE ME WRONG SO MY DELUSIONS CAN SLIDE CLOSER TO POSSIBILITY#anyway even if rei didn't know how to wear heels#would he ever mention it? would yakumo ever learn of it?#rei would probably be all . i don't need to wear heels. they can't even see them under the dress. i'll wear my practical shoes#but if he can't get away with that and will be forced to wear heels at the party...#maybe he'll go [meh. i'll figure it out] and just not wear them until the day of the dance#at which point his feet will hurt after 20 minutes and for the whole night he takes any chance to sit down#rei can be frequently spotted on SOME surface SOMEWHERE in the palace. sitting all splayed out and uncaring of propriety#because he is in PAIN and these shoes are STUPID and why do people wear them for ANYTHING . Royals are so IMPRACTICAL#yakumo keeps trying to avoid heels for the dance because he doesn't want to be any taller than he already is#i bet there's a full convo about it between him and eiden#eiden trying to reassure him that if he wants to wear heels then he shouldn't let others' perception stop him from doing so#but if he genuinely doesn't want to wear them then that's ok too#eiden craning his neck up at yakumo in heels like you're my pretty princess 1-2 heads taller than me your height doesn't matter 🥰#i'm now torn. yakumo and rei both wearing heels now? in order to stay at similar heights?#or. rei starting out with heels. getting tired of them. going barefoot for the rest of the night lol#yakumo and rei still dancing in their ballgowns together but a much shorter rei leads a yakumo in heels#yes. yes this is the vision#yakurei#replies#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival rei
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solargeist · 1 year
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minish cap link design minus the hat bc he is hard to draw and i wanted to show link’s lil ponytail
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3dprintcess · 4 months
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The Punishment. Taskmaster s3e05.
Alex with his shoe and sock off for his punishment of accepting Al Murray's bribe. Especially amused that his sock and shoe is kept on the trophy table by Greg's statue.
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skunkes · 1 month
this is gonna sound odd but does/can al wear shoes? like does he just have hooves
in my furryverse hooved animals wear shoes but theyre mostly decorative/fashion only! Its a regular shoe but without the bottoms (think of those drawings ppl have made of furs with shoes but theres a hole for the paw pads to stick out and touch the ground)
I think they would need actual specialized shoes when it comes to certain environments, like grocery stores bc they'd be slipping....but also many animals have trouble with smooth tile floors so maybe in a furry world they'd have different flooring anyway? So as to not alienate many species ...much 2 think about
Cow al doesn't regularly wear shoes as a preference, but can ^_^ i have a drawing of him wearing hoof-out shoes somewhere too i think...ill check later
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 1 month
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