#noah's pudding
morethansalad · 1 year
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Noah's Pudding / Aşure (Vegan)
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cuteanimalvidoe482 · 1 year
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took so long for nothing
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vegehana-food · 9 months
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✿ アシュレ | Aşure ・イチジク、アプリコットなどのフルーツやナッツ、豆、麦などから作られるお菓子。材料を鍋に入れ、とろみが出るまで甘く煮て作られるお粥のようなもので、特にイスラム暦の1月10日(アシュレの日) に多く食されます。 ・聖書に登場するノアの方舟は、トルコにあるアララト山に漂着したといわれていますが、その時にノア一家が少ない食料をかき集め���最初に作った料理が、このアシュレだったと伝えられています。そのため、アシュレは別名「ノアの箱舟プディング “Noah’s Pudding”」と呼ばれているのです。
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all-turkic · 1 year
Ashure: A Sweet Meal with Rich Cultural Significance
Ashure in Different CulturesThe Generosity of AshureHistorical Roots and RitualsLegend of Noah and AshureCultural Significance of AshureAshure: A Versatile DishVideo: How To Make Ashura (Noah’s Pudding)You may also like Ashure is known as Noah’s pudding or trigo koço. It is a delectable sweet pudding with its origins in the Eastern Mediterranean. This unique dish is made by combining various…
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najia-cooks · 9 months
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[ID: First image shows four small porcelain bowls of a pudding topped with slivered almonds and pomegranates seeds, seen from above. Second image is an extreme close-up showing the blue floral pattern on the china, slivered almonds, golden raisins, and pomegranate seeds on top of part of the pudding. End ID]
անուշապուր / Anush apur (Armenian wheat dessert)
Anush apur is a sweet boiled wheat pudding, enriched with nuts and dried fruits, that is eaten by Armenians to celebrate special occasions. One legend associates the dish with Noah's Ark: standing on Mt. Ararat (Արարատ լեռը) and seeing the rainbow of God's covenant with humanity, Noah wished to celebrate, and called for a stew to be prepared; because the Ark's stores were diminishing, the stew had to be made with small amounts of many different ingredients.
The consumption of boiled grains is of ancient origin throughout the Levant and elsewhere in West Asia, and so variations of this dish are widespread. The Armenian term is from "անուշ" ("anush") "sweet" + "ապուր" ("apur") "soup," but closely related dishes (or, arguably, versions of the same dish) have many different, overlapping names.
In Arabic, an enriched wheat pudding may be known as "سْنَينِيّة" ("snaynīyya"), presumably from "سِنّ" "sinn" "tooth" and related to the tradition of serving it on the occasion of an infant's teething; "قَمْح مَسْلُوق‎" ("qamḥ masluq"), "boiled wheat"; or "سَلِيقَة" ("salīqa") or "سَلِيقَة القَمْح" ("salīqa al-qamḥ"), "stew" or "wheat stew," from "سَلَقَ‎" "salaqa" "to boil." Though these dishes are often related to celebrations and happy occasions, in some places they retain an ancient association with death and funerary rites: qamh masluq is often served at funerals in the Christian town of بَيْت جَالَا ("bayt jālā," Beit Jala, near Bethlehem).
A Lebanese iteration, often made with milk rather than water, is known as "قَمْحِيَّة" ("qamḥīyya," from "qamḥ" "wheat" + "ـِيَّة" "iyya," noun suffix).
A similar dish is known as "بُرْبَارَة" ("burbāra") by Palestinian and Jordanian Christians when eaten to celebrate the feast of Saint Barbara, which falls on the 4th of December (compare Greek "βαρβάρα" "varvára"). It may be garnished with sugar-coated chickpeas and small, brightly colored fennel candies in addition to the expected dried fruits and nuts.
In Turkish it is "aşure," from the Arabic "عَاشُوْرَاء" ("'āshūrā"), itself from "عَاشِر" ("'āshir") "tenth"—because it is often served on the tenth day of the month of ٱلْمُحَرَّم ("muḥarram"), to commemorate Gabriel's teaching Adam and Eve how to farm wheat; Noah's disembarkment from the Ark; Moses' parting of the Red Sea; and the killing of the prophet الْحُسَيْن بْنِ عَلِي (Husayn ibn 'Ali), all of which took place on this day in the Islamic calendar. Here it also includes various types of beans and chickpeas. There is also "diş buğdayı," "tooth wheat" (compare "snayniyya").
These dishes, as well as slight variations in add-ins, have varying consistencies. At one extreme, koliva (Greek: "κόλλυβα"; Serbian: "Кољиво"; Bulgarian: "Кутя"; Romanian: "colivă"; Georgian: "კოლიო") is made from wheat that has been boiled and then strained to remove the boiling water; at the other, Armenian anush apur is usually made thin, and cools to a jelly-like consistency.
Anush apur is eaten to celebrate occasions including New Year's Eve, Easter, and Christmas. In Palestine, Christmas is celebrated by members of the Armenian Apostolic church from the evening of December 24th to the day of December 25th by the old Julian calendar (January 6th–7th, according to the new Gregorian calendar); Armenian Catholics celebrate on December 24th and 25th by the Gregorian calendar. Families will make large batches of anush apur and exchange bowls with their neighbors and friends.
The history of Armenians in Palestine is deeply interwoven with the history of Palestinian Christianity. Armenian Christian pilgrimages to holy sites in Palestine date back to the 4th century A.D., and permanent Armenian monastic communities have existed in Jerusalem since the 6th century. This enduring presence, bolstered by subsequent waves of immigration which have increased and changed the character of the Armenian population in Palestine in the intervening centuries, has produced a rich history of mutual influence between Armenian and Palestinian food cultures.
In the centuries following the establishment of the monasteries, communities of Armenian laypeople arose and grew, centered around Jerusalem's Վանք Հայոց Սրբոց Յակոբեանց ("vank hayots surbots yakobeants"; Monastery of St. James) (Arabic: دَيْر مَار يَعْقُوب "dayr mār ya'qūb"). Some of these laypeople were descended from the earlier pilgrims. By the end of the 11th century, what is now called the Armenian Quarter—an area covering about a sixth of the Old City of Jerusalem, to the southwest—had largely attained its present boundaries.
Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, the Patriarchate in Jerusalem came to have direct administrative authority over Armenian Christians across Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and Cyprus, and was an important figure in Christian leadership and management of holy sites in Jerusalem (alongside the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches). By the middle of the 19th century, a small population of Armenian Catholics had joined the larger Armenian Apostolic community as permanent residents in Jerusalem, living throughout the Muslim Quarter (but mostly in a concentrated enclave in the southwest); in the beginning of the 20th century, there were between 2,000 and 3,000 Armenians of both churches in Palestine, a plurality of whom (1,200) lived in Jerusalem.
The Turkish genocide of Armenians beginning in 1915 caused significant increases in the populations of Armenian enclaves in Palestine. The Armenian population in Jerusalem grew from 1,500 to 5,000 between the years of 1918 and 1922; over the next 3 years, the total number of Armenians in Palestine (according to Patriarchate data) would grow to 15,000. More than 800 children were taken into Armenian orphanages in Jerusalem; students from the destroyed Չարխափան Սուրբ Աստվածածին վանք (Charkhapan Surb Astvatsatsin Monastery) and theological seminary in Armash, Armenia were brought to the Jerusalem Seminary. The population of Armenian Catholics in the Muslim Quarter also increased during the first half of the 20th century as immigrants from Cilicia and elsewhere arrived.
The immediate importance of feeding and housing the refugees despite a new lack of donations from Armenian pilgrims, who had stopped coming during WW1—as well as the fact that the established Armenian-Palestinians were now outnumbered by recent immigrants who largely did not share their reformist views—disrupted efforts on the part of lay communities and some priests to give Armenian laypeople a say in church governance.
The British Mandate, under which Britain assumed political and military control of Palestine from 1923–1948, would further decrease the Armenian lay community's voice in Jerusalem (removing, for example, their say in elections of new church Patriarchs). The British knew that the indigenous population would be easier to control if they were politically and socially divided into their separate religious groups and subjected to the authority of their various religious hierarchies, rather than having direct political representation in government; they also took advantage of the fact that the ecclesiastical orders of several Palestinian Christian sects (including the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem) comprised people from outside of Palestine, who identified with religious hierarchy and the British authorities more than they identified with the Palestinian lay communities.
British policy, as well as alienating Armenians from politics affecting their communities, isolated them from Arab Palestinians. Though the previously extant Armenian community (called "քաղաքացի" "kaghakatsi," "city-dwellers") were thoroughly integrated with the Arab Palestinians in the 1920s, speaking Arabic and Arabic-accented Armenian and eating Palestinian foods, the newer arrivals (called "زُوَّار" / "զուվվար" "zuwwar," "visitors") were unfamiliar with Palestinian cuisine and customs, and spoke only Armenian and/or Turkish. Thus British policies, which differentiated people based on status as "Arab" (Muslim and Christian) versus "Jewish," left new Armenian immigrants, who did not identify as Arab, disconnected from the issues that concerned most Palestinians. They were predominantly interested in preserving Armenian culture, and more concerned with the politics of the Armenian diaspora than with local ones.
Despite these challenges, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem came to be a vital center of religious and secular culture for the Armenian diaspora during the British Mandate years. In 1929, Patriarch Yeghishe Turian reëstablished the Սուրբ Յակոբեանց Տպարան ("surbots yakobeants taparan"; St. James printing house); the Patriarchate housed important archives relating to the history of the Armenian people; pilgrimages of Armenians from Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt increased and the economy improved, attracting Armenian immigrants in higher numbers; Armenians held secular roles in governance, policing, and business, and founded social, religious, and educational organizations and institutions; Armenians in the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were able to send financial aid to Armenian victims of a 1933 earthquake in Beirut, and to Armenians expelled in 1939 when Turkey annexed Alexandretta.
The situation would decline rapidly after the 1947 UN partition resolution gave Zionists tacit permission to expel Palestinians from broad swathes of Palestine. Jerusalem, intended by the plan to be a "corpus separatum" under international administration, was in fact subjected to a months-long war that ended with its being divided into western (Israeli) and eastern (Palestinian) sections. The Armenian population of Palestine began to decline; already, 1947 saw 1,500 Armenians resettled in Soviet Armenia. The Armenian populations in Yafa and Haifa would fall yet more significantly.
Still, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem maintained its role as the center of Armenian life in Palestine; the compound provided food and shelter to thousands of Armenians during the Battle for Jerusalem and the Nakba (which began in 1948). Some Armenians formed a militia to defend the Armenian Quarter against Haganah shelling during the battle.
In the following years, historical British contributions to the shoring up of insular power in the Patriarchate would cause new problems. The Armenian secular community, no longer empowered to oversee the internal workings of the Patriarchate, could do nothing to prevent embezzling, corruption, and even the sale of church-owned land and buildings to settlers.
In 1967, Israeli military forces annexed East Jerusalem, causing another, albeit smaller, surge in Armenian emigration from the city. Daphne Tsimhoni estimates based on various censuses that the Armenian population of Jerusalem, which had reached 5,000-7,000 at its peak in 1945–6, had fallen back to 1,200 by 1978.
Today, as in the 20th century, Armenians in Jerusalem (who made up nearly 90% of the Armenian population of Palestine as of 1972) are known for the insularity of their community, and for their skill at various crafts. Armenian food culture has been kept alive and well-defined by successive waves of immigrants. As of 2017, the Armenian Patriarchate supplied about 120 people a day with Armenian dishes, including Ղափամա / غاباما "ghapama" (pumpkin stuffed with rice and dried fruits), թոփիկ / توبيك "topig" (chickpea-and-potato dough stuffed with an onion, nut, fruit, and herb filling, often eaten during Lent), and Իչ / ايتش "eetch" (bulgur salad with tomatoes and herbs).
Restaurants lining the streets of the Armenian and Christian quarters serve a mixture of Armenian and Palestinian food. Լահմաջո "lahmadjoun" (meat-topped flatbread), and հարիսա / هريس "harisa" (stew with wheat and lamb) are served alongside ֆալաֆել / فلافل ("falafel") and մուսախան / مسخن ("musakhkhan"). One such restaurant, Taboon Wine Bar, was the site of a settler attack on Armenian diners in January 2023.
Up until 2023, despite fluctuations in population, the Armenian community in Jerusalem had been relatively stable when compared to other Armenian communities and to other quarters of the Old City; the Armenian Quarter had not been subjected to the development projects to which other quarters had been subjected. However, a deal which the Armenian Patriarchate had secretly and unilaterally made with Israel real estate developer Danny Rotham in 2021 to lease land and buildings (including family homes) in the Quarter led Jordan and Palestine to suspend their recognition of the Patriarch in May of 2023.
On 26th October, the Patriarchate announced that it was cancelling the leasing deal. Later the same day, Israeli bulldozers tore up pavement and part of a wall in حديقة البقر ("ḥadīqa al-baqar"; Cows' Garden; Armenian: "Կովերի այգու"), the planned site of a new luxury hotel. On 5th November, Rothman and other representatives of Xana Gardens arrived with 15 settlers—some of them with guns and attack dogs—and told local Armenians to leave. About 200 Armenian Palestinians arrived and forced the settlers to stand down.
On 12th and 13th November, the developer again arrived with bulldozers and attempted to continue demolition. In response, Armenian Palestinians have executed constant sit-ins, faced off against bulldozers, and set up barricades to prevent further destruction. The Israeli occupation police backed settlers on another incursion on 15th November, ordering Armenian residents to vacate the land and arresting three.
On December 28th, a group of Armenian bishops, priests, deacons, and seminary students (including Bishop Koryoun Baghdasaryan, the director of the Patriarchate's real estate department) were attacked by a group of more than 30 people armed with sticks and tear gas. The Patriarchate attributed this attack to Israeli real estate interests trying to intimidate the Patriarchate into abandoning their attempt to reverse the lease through the court system. Meanwhile, anti-Armenian hate crimes (including spitting on priests) had noticeably increased for the year of 2023.
These events in Palestine come immediately after the ethnic cleansing of Լեռնային Ղարաբաղ ("Lernayin Gharabagh"; Nagorno-Karabakh); Israel supplied exploding drones, long-range missiles, and rocket launchers to help Azerbaijan force nearly 120,000 Armenians out of the historically Armenian territory in September of 2023 (Azerbaijan receives about 70% of its weapons from Israel, and supplies about 40% of Israel's oil).
Support Palestinian resistance by donating to Palestine Action’s bail fund; buying an e-sim for distribution in Gaza; or donating to help a family leave Gaza.
180g (1 cup) pearled wheat (قمح مقشور / խոշոր ձաւար), soaked overnight
3 cups water
180-360g (a scant cup - 1 3/4 cup) sugar, or to taste
Honey or agave nectar (optional)
1 cup total diced dried apricots, prunes, golden raisins, dried figs
1 cup total chopped walnuts, almonds, pistachios
1 tsp rosewater (optional)
Ceylon cinnamon (դարչին) or cassia cinnamon (կասիա)
Aniseed (անիսոն) (optional)
Large pinch of salt
Pomegranate seeds, to top (optional)
A Palestinian version of this dish may add pine nuts and ground fennel.
Pearled wheat is whole wheat berry that has gone through a "pearling" process to remove the bran. It can be found sold as "pearled wheat" or "haleem wheat" in a halal grocery store, or a store specializing in South Asian produce.
Amounts of sugar called for in Armenian recipes range from none (honey is stirred into the dish after cooking) to twice the amount of wheat by weight. If you want to add less sugar than is called for here, cook down to a thicker consistency than called for (as the sugar will not be able to thicken the pudding as much).
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1. Submerge wheat in water and scrub between your hands to clean and remove excess starch. Drain and cover by a couple inches with hot water. Cover and leave overnight.
2. Drain wheat and add to a large pot. Add water to cover and simmer for about 30 minutes until softened, stirring and adding more hot water as necessary.
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Wheat before cooking
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Wheat after cooking
3. Add dried fruit, sugar, salt, and spices and simmer for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until wheat is very tender. Add water as necessary; the pudding should be relatively thin, but still able to coat the back of a spoon.
4. Remove from heat and stir in rosewater and honey. Ladle pudding into individual serving bowls and let cool in the refrigerator. Serve cold decorated with nuts and pomegranate seeds.
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copperbadge · 5 months
Europeans, I have some questions.
Do you know what ambrosia salad is?
If so, is the version you know of a) a normal salad or b) a "dessert" salad?
Do you know what Dirt Cake is?
If so, is that common knowledge in your region?
(What country/region do you live in, other context you wish to add, etc)
I'm working on the new Shivadh novel and I underestimated the comedic potential of Simon, a classically trained French chef who has been cooking for European nobility for thirty years, trying to set a menu for a graduation party with Noah, your average American teenaged garbage disposal, and Eddie, who is literally based on Guy Fieri. Reminds me of the bit in Infinite Jes where Michaelis mentions that Eddie and Gerald had him judge a debate about Hot Pockets and then confesses he doesn't actually know what they are.
(Context for the end of the snippet -- Hugo and Gwen are Simon's brother and sister-in-law, Claude is his young nephew.)
"Huh, okay, so are we doing like a salad theme?" 
"How do you mean?" Noah asked.
"Oh, just, you've got a potato salad and a pasta salad. I'd suggest a Jello salad for dessert but..." Eddie broke off at Alanna's horrified look. "That is what you will see on everyone's face," he said to Noah, pointing at Alanna. 
"Not so, I could do an aspic," Simon protested. "Sweet or savory, very traditional -- not this nonsense from American cookbooks from sixty years ago."
"American nonsense is kinda my brand," Noah pointed out. "Uh, I don't think we realized we were building a giant salad course but I am into that, actually. I'd like to discuss the Jello Salad," he said, and Eddie crowed delightedly while Alanna blanched, so Simon had to mediate a good-natured but extensive debate about gelatin in sweet dessert salads. 
It was an education; when he showed Hugo and Gwen what Americans thought ambrosia salad was, later, their horror was gratifying. It was a fitting prelude to his next exhibit, the Dirt Cake pudding cup, which made Hugo pretend to faint but -- even better -- fascinated little Claude so much that he insisted he wanted them instead of a cake for his next birthday. 
"He'll forget by the time the birthday arrives," Simon assured Hugo, who pretended to mop a sweaty brow. "And if he doesn't, I can elevate this. A light coffee mousse with chocolate biscuits -- drizzle with a sweet wine reduction -- jellied candy flavored with dragonfruit and blackcurrant."
"Can we put bones in the dirt?" Claude asked, already exploring his terrible American dessert options on his tablet. 
"Not human," Gwen said hurriedly. "That's a bridge too far for a birthday party, my darling," she told Claude. 
"Dinosaur bones?" Claude asked hopefully. Gwen and Hugo both looked at Simon. 
"Meringue, or marzipan," Simon pronounced. "Yes, that could be done. Well, my little gravedigger, we will see," he told Claude, tousling his hair.
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Thank you for joining our first Choices Picnic! It was a lovely event!
Here is how our picnic turned out:
10 fandom members contributed to
28 MCs, OCs, and LIs joining the event who brought
15 different types of food
10 different types of drinks
21 different types of desserts
15 different games/activities
[Event prompts and info] [Full list of community prompts, polls, and quizzes]
Who joined the picnic? [x]
Aiden x Evie
Ethan x Oliver
Noah x Devi
Thomas x Avalon
Ethan x Kaycee
Tobias x Casey
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia
Mal x Daenarya
Thomas x Alex
Aislinn x Verity
Hana x Raelyn
Ajay x Matty
Emmett x Brooklyn
Ethan x Sydney
Thomas x Jackie
Ethan x Celia
Trystan x Sophia
Derek x Charlie
Ethan x Claire
Thomas x Brooklyn
Tobias x Adelaide
What will we be eating + drinking? [x]
Banana Chips with light maple syrup
Buttermilk Fruit Scones
Charcuterie Board (2)
Fresh Baked Bread
Fresh Vegetable Quinoa Salad
Grilled Meat Skewers
Ketchup Chips
Korean Fried Chicken
Pasta Salad
Sandwiches (2)
Trail Mix
Alcoholic Drinks
Cabernet Sauvignon
Chocolate Milk
Coconut Custard Pie
Fruit Salad
Nanaimo Bars
Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Orange Infused Cold Brew
Strawberry Lemonade
Sweet Cocktails
Sweet Iced Tea
Wine selection
What are we eating (desserts) [x]
Apple Pie
Berry Pinwheel Pasteries
Coconut Cake
Fresh Fruit Popsicles
Fruit mixed in pudding, yogurt, whipped cream
Golden Griddle milkshakes
Honey Cake
Lemon Cake
Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches
Pup Cups
Red Velvet Brownies
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Rum Cake
Strawberry Cheesecake Parfait
Weed Brownies
What are we playing/doing? [x]
Capture the Flag
Drink Mixing
Enjoying flowers
Frisbee / Disk Golf
Frisbee with pups (2)
Kite Flying
Lawn Chess
Nature Crafts / Flower Crowns
Paint and Sip
Toss + Catch
What's our picnic playlists? [X]
What 3 things are a picnic must? [X]
How will a little rain impact the event? [x]
How did MCs, OCs, and LIs document the event? [X]
What else was submitted?
I was going to make a masterlist, but since most entries were just reblogs to the community posts it seemed silly... especially since all the extra entries were mine 🙈. Felt weird making a masterlist for just me! If more individual works are added, I'll make a separate masterlist.
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia picnic (art)
Bryce x Olivia beach picnic (edit)
Mal x Daenarya beach picnic (edit)
A Late Night Picnic (Mal x Daenarya) (writing)
Thomas x Alex Hollywood sign picnic (edit)
@peonierose : Art on the Beach with Bryce x Luna
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
What if Noah (who is afraid of hypnosis, but allowed Alejandro to hypnotize him for Owen's safety) tries to warn Owen about Alejandro, during the London Adventure? (The hypnosis won't allow him to tell the complete evil truth about Alejandro, but Noah finds a loophole by simply saying: "Owen, be careful... Alejandro is like Heather, but with social skills.") 🍥 How would Alejandro react to Noah finding a loophole to warn the others? Would the Hypnotist be impressed and amused? How terrified would Noah be when he learns that 'his Hypnotist' had heard him try to warn the others? 🍥 What if Alejandro threatens to COMMAND Noah to vote off Owen, if Noah ever tries to warn the others again?
Not trying to spoil anything here but you're mentioned something in this ask that's featured in the next chapter of 'snap, crackle and pop' and I'm not sure if that means I've foreshadowed it as well as I hoped I did, or if that means I'm taking the plot in a super predictable route.
First point: Alejandro's reaction
Should Noah manage to find a loophole in the hypnosis and try to warn Owen (and Tyler by association), I think Alejandro could react one of two potential ways.
The first being, he doesn't take it well at all.
In canon, just the comment that he's "slippery" and "like Heather with social skills" is enough to have him visibly upset with Noah, to the point he has him eliminated that same day. And later on in Drumheller we see that, when things don't go according to his plans (him losing the first challenge despite building an accurate dinosaur), he's quick to throw a tantrum anger. So having someone find a way to break the airtight control you have over them would be a pretty significant punch to the gut for Alejandro.
After all, if Noah could find that loophole, who's to say he wouldn't be able to find more? Alejandro's supposed to have the nerd under his thumb, but how assured is that control when Noah keeps devising ways to refute it?
He's going to have to employ more than just a hypnotic suggestion to keep Noah in line if he wants his plans to run smoothly without the interference of an unruly bookworm. So he'd resort to other means of keeping Noah docile; i.e. physical intimidation, blackmail, social isolation, ect. But I don't think he'd have Noah eliminated. He's spent far too much time and effort investing in having Noah as his pawn to just get rid of him at the first sign of rebellion. Instead, he'd have Owen or Tyler eliminated.
Since Owen is Noah's only real ally on the jet, getting rid of him would leave Noah himself alone and vulnerable- perfect for Alejandro to take advantage of to re-establish his control. However, Owen is also his bargaining chip over the cynic, the person inadvertently keeping Noah from lashing out against him (by means of blackmail), so Alejandro is torn between keeping him around as insurance of Noah's obedience or having him eliminated to further isolate Noah from the rest of the cast.
(And also, Noah's defiance is a challenge for Alejandro to overcome, which is exciting enough for him to keep Noah around for. After all, Alejandro is incredibly competitive- he loves a good challenge.)
On the other hand, I could also see Alejandro seeing it as a fun little quirk to crush out of Noah work on.
Because if the only way Noah could manage to communicate his thoughts was an indirect compliment ("like Heather but with social skills" could be interpreted as a compliment, since it's essentially calling him better than Heather- that, and Alejandro likes/tolerates Heather, so being compared to her shouldn't really bother him), it means his hypnotic order of "don't shit talk me, twink" has worked. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, so the satisfaction of seeing his hypnosis working would outweigh any annoyance he has with Noah trying to circumvent it.
And, again, he'd see the circumvention itself as a fun little challenge. I've already spoken on that though.
So he'd regard Noah abusing loopholes in the same way a pet owner regards a misbehaving puppy; he'd think it's cute. He'd stop it as soon as possible, but he'd think Noah's futile struggle against him is endearing.
Alejandro in canon has this same mindset towards Heather in canon, at least until the late game when he starts seeing her as an equal. He's incredibly patronising, and even more so self-assured, meaning his ego's far too big for him to ever really consider Noah being able to outmanoeuvre him in his own game. (In short, he's too egotistical to see the threat of Noah's defiance for what is really is.)
Second point: Noah's reaction
This Noah, being genuinely phobic of hypnosis, would be hesitant to portray himself as anything but completely subservient to Alejandro, in fear of the other's potential retribution. (As opposed to regular rk!Noah, who's not afraid to be as much of a little bitch as possible regardless of the consequences. In fact, he goes out of his way to be as uncooperative as possible.)
Which is why, being caught trying to warn the others when he thought he was safe from Alejandro's constant observance immediately sends Noah into a full blown panic attack. He hides it well enough at the Ripper Reveal, but as soon as they stop filming Noah darts away to the nearest secluded area, making sure he's actually alone and unsupervised.
The contestants watching the Ripper challenge is going to have this Noah's paranoia skyrocketing even more than usual, because now Alejandro could be watching him at any given moment (he isn't, but Noah doesn't have the comfort of knowing that.)
His first thought, which is what sparks his hysteria, is concerned with how Alejandro is going to enact punishment for his misconduct. The things Alejandro could potentially do to him or make him do have Noah spiralling in the cargo hold/confessional/cockpit (somewhere private, but the cockpit could be a good option for some parental Chref if that's your cup of tea) until he comes to the conclusion that he needs to get himself eliminated ASAP.
Because if he's out of the competition, he's out of Alejandro's clutches- hypnotic triggers be damned, he just wants to get away from him.
So he tries to rally the vote against himself. By outright asking Tyler, Duncan and Owen to vote for him, because he doesn't have the time or the patience to scheme his way into being eliminated- he needs out now. Duncan is more than happy to oblige, as is Tyler (he's still salty about being left on the rack, which is entirely justified #JusticeForTyler) but Owen puts up a fuss about voting for his little buddy, so Noah then has to spend the rest of their time between the challenge and the elimination ceremony convincing Owen to vote for him.
(Meanwhile, Alejandro is convincing the rest of the team to not vote for Noah despite his wishes. And it works.)
When Owen/Tyler is eliminated instead of Noah, something inside of him shatters.
Before he can even start picking up the pieces of his frazzled mind, he catches sight of Alejandro in the corners of his eyes, smirking ferally towards the bookworm and looking so proud of himself for orchestrating Owen/Tyler's elimination.
(This scene is more impactful if Owen's the one to go, but I love Owen too much to want him eliminated so early even if it would make for some choice angst.)
Third point: My thoughts
I'd like to keep Owen around for Alejandro to use as blackmail over Noah, but by this point in the story Alejandro already has a pretty solid foundation of control over Noah even without the threat of Owen's safety, so having him eliminated in London would be the angstiest route to take the story- especially since Owen was the sole reason for Noah undergoing the hypnosis in the first place, so having him booted the very next challenge is just yet another kick in the teeth for Noah.
As much as I love the idea of Alejandro threatening to force Noah to vote out Owen, I don't think a Noah who's phobic of hypnosis would be coherent enough to process such a threat. The moment Alejandro brings up the threat of having Noah under a trance, Noah's in fight or flight mode- it doesn't matter what Alejandro's making him do at that point, just the fact that he'd hypnotised is enough to have him panicking (when he's coherent enough to do so).
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jaysker · 10 months
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vampire noah, but he uses SO MANY EXCUSES not to drink blood (but in dire situations he drinks it or eats blood based food, like black pudding, blodplättar etc.)
this is late and i skipped day one because my drawing ended up corrupting :)
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the-golden-comet · 2 months
If your characters were dishes at a restaurant, what kind of restaurant would they be served at and what kind of dishes would they be?
Thank you for the ask, @zackprincebooks !! 🫖✨
I believe Peter would be a Tavern dish, a nice hearty Albacore Stew 🐟✨
Benjamin would probably be served at a Royal gala, and he would be Spotted Dick—a nice pudding dessert dish 💛✨
Ali would be Baklava; hearty, yet sweet…with a savory linger on the back of the throat, served at a Michelin Star lounge restaurant 💖
Noah would be a spicy hot pot. Just enough kick to make your mouth burn, but a delectable aftertaste that makes you come back for more. This dish would be served at a nice, quiet hole-in-the-wall so you can take it to go and eat it in a comfortable space ✨
Thanks again!! What a creative question! 💛💫✨
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Hashure / Noah's Pudding / Albanian Farro Pudding with Dried Figs and Walnuts (Vegan)
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kori-senpai · 4 months
Hi friend,
So I think you were one of the fence fanartists I have known for quite a while but we never get to introduce ourselves properly. Also can I just say how gorgeous your art is like whenever you post fence styff I am so so happy. However I also have some questions in mind like: When did you start drawing and writing fanfics, do you have a pet, what is your fav food, your fav music artist and also movies.
I hope you have a good day
As always I promise to keep supporting your art
Atom :)
First off, thank you very much. This is probably one of the nicest strings of words that were ever thrown my way 💚
I started drawing when I was very little. Both my parents were artists (a tattoo and graffiti artist for one, and a classical painter the other) and I grew up drawing every chance I got. I am more skilled with classical painting than digital since I only started that fairly recently. But I admire all the digital art out there so I wanted to start learning it too. Fence was actually the first digital art I've ever drawn so it has a special place in my heart ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
Writing fanfic comes down to a similar vein. I liked reading a lot when I was little, had my first job at a bookshop and combined with my love for video games, all that creative input had to go out somewhere. So I turned to fanfic. And I've been doing it ever since, mostly in English nowadays.
I do not have one currently. I had multiple cats in my life though; I'm a big cat person. Their independence fascinates me ✨
My favorite food would be lasagna, shortly followed by rice pudding. Both in practice and in theory lol.
Favorite music artist is Noah Kahan, next to Em Beihold and Jagwar Twin. Hozier also, but I feel like every non-straight person adores that guy, so it barely counts lmao. For bands I'm a big fan of Set It Off, Blame My Youth and NOTD. I'm a big indie and alternative fan as you can see :')
My favorite movie is Night in the museum ever since I saw it first when I was small. Something about it gets me every time, I don't know hah :D
Anyway a big 'Danke' back to you since you managed to light up my evening with that ask. Have a quick Bobby sketch I made in like thirty minutes last night
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t0msvi4gra · 1 month
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BCHLDGKDFKDHLCOYAFALUCAKYFAOUFAOUFSOUSFUPSTPSUGSJPGSJPCOHSFJSPFISGUPSFHPSFOYSCSOHAXOHFSHOCSHLCSGOCSHOSCHOSCGOSCSHOS HOLY honey woney munch kins hubby boo sugar bun pumpkin patch sweet sweet bay sugar plum kitty cat honey pie senpai blossom flower pie sweet cheeks snookums baby doll muffin ducky baby cakes pudding sugar pie treacle pickle sexy pants monkey socks squidget fluffy gooey smoothie kissy snuggly fuzzy puppy pumpkin spice snuffly spicy tasty widdle snoopy hunky huggy poopsie love widdle candy sugar cookie hat fudge sparky unicorn poop spanky buns nugget boo boo McSmooches cake pants bottom lolipop pup pup cuddle muffin coke poo poo booger bear dumpling pancake doodle nookie nookie num nums bunny Babe/ Baby Shona Cutie pie/babypie/ basically anything pie Bae HoneyHoneybun Babu/ Babushona Boo-boo Sloppy Nuts Minion. Pork Chop Baby Face Tater Tot Tootsie Pop Q Tip Cool Kid honey woney munch kins hubby boo sugar bun pumpkin patch sweet sweet bay sugar plum kitty cat honey pie senpai blossom flower pie sweet cheeks snookums baby doll muffin ducky baby cakes pudding sugar pie treacle pickle sexy pants monkey socks squidget fluffy gooey smoothie kissy snuggly fuzzy puppy pumpkin spice snuffly spicy tasty widdle snoopy hunky huggy poopsie love widdle candy sugar cookie hat fudge sparky unicorn poop spanky buns nugget boo boo McSmooches cake pants bottom lolipop pup pup cuddle muffin coke poo poo booger bear dumpling pancake doodle nookie nookie num nums bunny Most anything food-related, not limited to Pudding, Baby Cakes Honey Pot Muffin Snuggluffagus JuJuBee Cowpie Giggles Nugget Teacup Kiddo Smarty Boomer. Scout Ace Stud Muffin Cookie Kiss Hunk Monkey Batman Big Guy Captain Cutie
Handsome Heartthrob Honeybun Darling Hot Stuff Lover Mister Man Papi Shampoo Sailor My Knight Tight Butt Prince Pookie Lover Man Papa Bear Old Man My Boy Boy Toy Monkey Sweets Papi Chulo Macho Mack Kiddo Hulk Hot Pants Jellybean Schmoopy Foxy Dumpling Cowboy Ranger Handsome Big Buddy husband Noah soooo much
He answered me baba:3
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ohsoulymoons · 7 months
Courtney Brain Idea
Uh Courtney dying but funny times and a fun time!
I want her last words to be like "Rice pudding is not baby"
She's not really dying but Chris made think she is.
Then she does cute and flattering pose in hopes they bury her as such like that as she passed on everyone thinks she's fucking died.
Everyone loses their minds!
That's the new season by the way, how they start! A sleep deprivation Courtney who thinks she is dying after being kidnapped by Chris 5 times that month after she kept escaping and changing her name, burned off her fingerprints, and got out of Canada since All-stars, and living on the run, in fears of Total Drama ever happening ever again to her!
After waking up on the second episode so confused and just following only Noah, Leshawna, Ezekiel, and Izzy's directions mostly to be a "team player for once!" instead trying to run away and try to get lost at sea! AGAIN!
Courtney doesn't gloat anymore because she just tired of being her and here or collapses on the floor whenever Bridgette, Geoff, Gwen, Dj, and Duncan try speaking to here. She refuses to speak to them and makes herself pass out on purpose to avoid their question where she been all this time. When she finally does say something it's usually batshit things to get them to fuck off from her.
Can't you see I am planning to escape this hell? now they want to be friends and I want to not be on this series anymore! Leave me alone, I'm calling God then she picks up a pinecone to call God.
Everyone finds out she has like 7 degrees and has been living with Sierra or Trent most of the time when she needs to recharge within society standards.
Everyone is like she needs to stop it!
Courtney meanwhile in the confessional smirking by end episode three everyone will vote me off and I should be allowed to be in peace and actual focus on my main career as once a lawyer and now a nun.
She's not a nun let's just say she has to be a nun and Trent is the priest with a hit list and hire to kill whenever needed for their government as well as allies to their country.
But acting like crazy bitch on tv is a plus at forward moment! She is trying so bad to get kick off too! But mostly Geoff and Dunceny shippers force her to fucking stay! Much to her horror!
Courtney said ew! nO romance please, sir I need to finish up my hit list now!
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rahleeyah · 1 year
Maybe doesn’t mean anything significant but we saw liv eating twice during the crossover, like eating a meal, taking a minute in the chaos to nourish her body, and I’m like… Elliot’s back and she’s finally not cringing in his presence and she’s eating !!! Idfk
I am always down to talk about Liv and food and I love this thank you for bringing this to us 💜
I have a number of disparate points I'm about to make and then I'll connect the dots between them at the end buckle up
So first. We have talked before about Liv's relationship with food; in s1 one, Elliot brings her food, shares his food with her, remarks on the lack of food in her fridge. We don't really see Olivia eat without Elliot there. Nobody looked out for me the way he did; that includes Olivia. Olivia doesn't really take care of herself. He does. Olivia has a lot of big feelings about what she deserves and what she can ask for and relying on people, but Elliot feeds her, and she lets him.
Post Elliot, the first time we see Olivia attempting to cook for herself - something we previously did not see her do, Olivia of the empty fridge and "I only need one tomato" - she is home in her kitchen and Nick brings her bad news and she throws her pan into the sink, disgusted, having given up on cooking, on feeding herself, having not eaten. No one looked out for her like Elliot did, and Elliot is gone, and she is trying, but even she cannot do for herself what he did for her.
She moves in with Brian, and references his cooking. I am a little bit vague on the source of the food for the trauma response dinner parties - resident trauma response dinner party expert @serenabenson may recall who cooked the food or if it was bought - but the fact that she served food at all shows its importance; those dinner parties are a ritual. They are part of building a new Liv, and building new relationships with the squad.
And then Noah comes along, and Liv starts to cook. For him. It is an act of care for someone else. It isn't for her.
Now, keeping all of that in mind, let's switch gears to this thought: outside the dinner parties, the squad doesn't really eat together in 2.0. throughout 1.0 EO are getting hot dogs off carts and going to diners for breakfast and sharing takeout at their desks, in the kitchen, upstairs, with the ADAs in their offices. They're in the locker room together, they're sleeping in the cribs. They're bringing each other doughnuts and coffee and ordering pizza and passing sandwiches across desks. Uncle Munch keeps pudding in his desk for Elliot's kids. It spoiled, but still. There is a domesticity, a camaraderie, to 1.0 that 2.0 seriously lacks; Cragen kept a damn cot in his office. All of this makes the precinct feel like home, makes the squad feel like family.
There are moments in 2.0 where Amanda is sitting in the kitchenette eating a salad, or Liv is abusing the vending machine; there is one scene of Fin sleeping on a bunk in a room that also has a coffee machine in it. Ten years, one moment of someone sleeping at the office, and it comes late in the game. 2.0 has them going out to bars more - there is the whole forlini's thing - but it is not the squad. It is not home. They do not linger there long. They do not eat together. They go their separate ways from that place. We see Liv go out to dinner with Tucker, once, and Liv supposedly has a deep connection to the restaurant from the year we all fell down - which is imo a good epi - but when did she ever go to that restaurant? We don't know it.
The precinct is not a home, in 2.0, and the new characters do not have the same loyalty to it, or to each other. They care, of course they do, about one another, about the job, but it is not the same. The bonds are not as profound. It is Olivia and Fin who have the strongest connection to one another and that was forged in the old days. Everyone else is sort of transient.
And no one, no one, is sharing Olivia's life and burdens the way Elliot did. No one is gently waking her from sleep in the cribs - which do not appear to even exist anymore - no one is lingering with her after dark over cartons of lo mein. It wasn't important to the new management to show that, and they didn't.
Enter dgraz, who is an out and proud fan of 1.0. the snappy dialogue is back, the cases are tighter, the characters are more layered, and Olivia and Elliot are eating, again. The same food, from the same place, in her office, together. Elliot and Olivia are eating together at a diner, again, and he is gently teasing her. There is, finally, someone who cares for Liv again. She never left the 1-6, but it feels like she's coming home.
It matters. It matters that Olivia has eaten more meals with Elliot than with anyone else. It matters that they share space, and time, and simple human vulnerability. The little things become huge things.
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rmd-writes · 1 year
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