#nobody asked for this but i'm spamming you with it anyway i do what i want here
Modern Au Athelstan headcanons
Back on my bullshit
Wears glasses and has horrible eyesight
And Ragnar teases him about it
Probably got them as a kid too
Wasn't full on bullied as a kid (I feel like other kids tried but he just gave zero reaction because he's a litttttle bit oblivious) but did get teased a bit for being really really short for his age and also the huge glasses
I swear I didn't steal this from @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics it's been in my head a while and believe me I was Shook when it turned out to be their headcanon too but anyway Athelstan was a foster kid
Never knew his birth family, just knows he had a lot of siblings
Was never officially adopted by anyone, I like to think that the last family he lived with was really good to him though and helped him learn to navigate the world as a young adult
Still sees that family occasionally after he goes to school, they were the people he was closest to out of all his childhood
Ok I actually have a highly specific au in my head where OF COURSE years later he meets Ragnar and Lagertha and their kids but it turns out THEY were former foster parents who he'd lived with when he was really young before their own kids were born and for whatever reason he had to be given to another family and they were heartbroken about it but then they recognize each other and I cry
Got a scholarship to go to a decent university (was always a straight A student let's be real this boy's a massive nerd) and ended up studying something history related but I can't decide what
It's gonna be like either religious history or ancient languages or something (or maybe just Medieval art idk I didn't go to uni I don't know what they get up to in there)
Is a little embarrassed by his name. Most people call him Stan or Ath - if the full name comes out Something Is Wrong
(But Ragnar and Lagertha both call him by his full name whenever, they've earned that privilege)
I love love love the thought of him meeting them via babysitting/tutoring their kids
I know I know I know romance is popular but in this au I always liked the idea of them kind of pseudo adopting him. Even before they've recognized him they're like "this one needs a family we're taking him home"
Lagertha especially her mom instincts kick in the second she sees his little face. This one belongs to her now.
Ragnar calls Athelstan "kid"
(It turns out he didn't properly remember his name until several months after they'd met)
Their family is Norwegian/Danish but live in England which is where Athelstan meets them
When he starts going to their house (because they invite him for dinner almost right away after he's started looking after the kids) and realizes all 3 languages get spoken sort of haphazardly around the house he makes a determined effort to learn them on his own because he wants to communicate with them in more ways than one
They aren't *rich* but definitely have a lot more money than what Athelstan grew up with and he's more than a little surprised to say the least when he finds out
They have a cabin somewhere in Norway up in the mountains that was Ragnar's dad's or whatever and one winter they take him along with them and I really want to write a fic about this so bad guys you have no idea
Ragnar teaches him to drive and it's about as chaotic as you'd expect
Bjorn plays *all* the sports and tries to get Athelstan to practice with him (this is mostly an excuse for him to kick soccer balls and the like at him)
He probably has like every social media account you can have but he either never uses them (or just logs on to observe everyone else and never says anything himself) or uses it to argue with assholes
Listen you cannot tell me that if someone is being a jerk on twitter or whatever he wouldn't absolutely go after them in the calmest yet most smug fact-checking way and just obliterate them only to fade into 100% obscurity once again
Hates conflict in theory but can't resist calling out people being mean online lol
Has a lot of house plants
Bakes the best breads and cookies ever I swear
Awkward about having people over but loves to make food for his friends and generally just take care of them
Photographs literally everything. Phone storage: full after like a month. Gets a digital camera. Fills up storage on that too.
Has an energy that just inexplicably draws others towards him. Any rando who comes up to him on the street he'll just have a full conversation with too, he takes everyone fully seriously even if he can't quite understand why they're talking to him
Loves museums. Will sit quietly and look at Art and do nothing else for hours at a time.
Probably plays D&D
(as a monk, of course. Or maybe a cleric.)
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cybertron-after-dark · 3 months
I was gonna ask a question but i honestly forgot it 😅 so just tell me something you want to rant about
If you do happen to remember what you were gonna ask feel free to do so, do not worry about spamming my inbox bc I live for that shit.
As for the rant
Transformers Rescue Bots had some of the best, kindest, and most respectful representation of neurodivergence I have ever seen in media and I'm tired of pretending it didn't.
While there are obvious complaints to be made about neurodivergent traits (especially autistic traits) usually being portrayed in media by inhuman characters like aliens or robots, this being a case of both, I feel like thats a pretty negligible sin given just how human the show makes the robots feel. (Also it was like 2011 and we were STRUGGLING for any scraps of rep anyway)
But like. The behaviors all these robots exhibit are all shit that I do that was always deemed unacceptable when I was a kid and seeing it portrayed with the level of kindness and gentleness they do in that show has me fuckin crying a little man. I wish I had actually watched it when I was younger and it was first airing because maybe if I did I would've had an easier time explaining what the hell was going on with my brain a LOT sooner.
Blades being anxious, overly sensitive, and WHOLEHEARTEDLY queer (which they had the absolute unparalleled balls to just casually confirm by having him swoon over "hunky vampires" in one episode and NOBODY commented on it. Fucking iconic) and getting so so deeply invested in the shows and movies he loves that he acts out the roles with enough passion to steel his nerves and completely flourish.
Boulder getting really confused at concepts that are basic and intuitive for most people, but still being so fucking intelligent, and never being made to feel stupid for the mix-ups, as well as just being so wholely, unabashedly in love with the planet he's found himself on, even if he doesn't understand all of it (Also apologizing to inanimate objects when he knocks them over 😭)
Chase being obsessed with rules and law because he NEEDS the structure to not fall apart at the seams, even feeling the need to fabricate a minor crime to justify using the emergency line to get a hold of the firehouse when he can't find the other bots. As well as just fully not understanding comedy (BUT TRYING HIS DAMNEDEST), taking things super literally, and having a lot of trouble with tone and expressions (even though you know just how deeply he feels All The Time).
Heatwave being desperate for attention and recognition, but completely allergic to asking for it. And honestly allergic to showing any genuine emotional responses other than aggression. The constant sarcasm and sass and defensiveness that he POORLY maintains because everyone knows that underneath that tough guy front is the loneliest robot on earth that wants to be loved SO bad but would rather jump into unicron's mouth than voice it because if he lets his guard down who knows what will happen to him or the people he cares about.
Just. All of it man. Seeing them exhibiting all these behaviors and quirks that all too often get met with poor reactions from people who don't want to deal with what they don't really get, but here they're met with patience and understanding?? It's got me fucked up. They get to be functional adults that struggle with what they have going on but still push through. They get to have unconditionally loving relationships with people that treat them with respect. And that's the kind of shit that gives me a lot of hope for folks like me because maybe some neurotypical kids that watched it picked up on what's helpful when their friend who acts like one of the bots is going through it. And maybe some neurodivergent kids watched it too and for the first time they just felt SEEN.
Okay rant over, I'm gonna go cry over some plastic robots 👍
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bird-nobody · 2 months
"Welcome to my blog loves. Fair warning I'm a unhinged nerd. Scroll down for some random reblogs, ocs, or polls"
Current fandoms I'm in: Undertale, TADC, FPE, & One piece
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This blog is an ANTI-NSFW Blog but it is a funni 18+ blog for mainly the undertale fandom however I will allow OC and Other Fandom rps as long as their not porngraphic, forced, racist, etc. If you see somebody trying to impersonate me then ask them stuff that only I know ig cause I had many people in the past keep spamming me and my friend's inbox with questions regarding the users @jaxfromthatcircu s @keykeepertm and @the-carnival-rabbi t ((sorry for the @s. Ik. It's annoying...)) PLEASE. ASK. THEM. YOUR QUESTIONS. Anyways have fun interacting...
Hnng I had to space out two of the @ s before tumblr @s em with the auto @ button. I bloody hate the automatic @ feature.
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• Only Blog/Ask Rules:
Do not send in anything involving porn, racism, homophobic topics, forced ships, or politics. Etc.
- Drawing Requests: Do not Request for me to DRAW YOUR FETISHES or KINKS or whatever. I'm an non nsfw 18+ blog.. I do nsfw jokes not nsfw content
Quote of the Week:
"Guys i didn't fuck Dream and Nightmare's mom. I only said that to give ptsd to the passive timeline."
Quote of the Day;
"Talk shit about me and I'm drawing you as a chihuahu.."
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• Bird interaction | x = RP INTERACTION
• OOC = OUT of character
• shitpost = NOT CANON just the funnis going down
• [ IN CHARACTER ] = In character
• MultiFandom RP = Literal means Multifandom RP
• UnderDungeon = My Official AU's posts
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Info dump about ut knowledge and important shit
Current Poll✨️
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I’m sorry to see that you took my earlier ask the wrong way! I didn’t quote you in that, but I’ll quote you now so we can both be on the same page as to what I was responding to.
You said “the term actually asexual started as an aphobic or ace spec exclusionary tag/label.” Then you went on to explain the gatekeeping sub-community that used the term a couple years ago.
I’m not disputing that that happened, I am saying that that is not where the term “started”. It started in 2012, inspired by the actuallyautistic tag, as a method to avoid spam in the main tag. At that point it had no exclusionary connotation. Using actually- tags was a trend on tumblr in the early-mid 2010s so that members of marginalized communities could make sure their voices were heard. This use went out of fashion after that era of spam dried up, so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t know about it, and that you would overestimate your knowledge of history and make such a confident but incorrect statement as you did about the term’s true origin.
I know that emotionally it can be really difficult to deal with a message online correcting a statement you’ve made. It can feel like I’m telling you you’re wrong and you should feel bad for it, so I want to make it clear that this is not anon hate, just somebody who cares about aspec community memory. Nobody is right all the time! I’ve been confidently incorrect plenty of times in my life so I understand how the embarrassment can feel like a slap in the face. That’s ok, and those feelings aren’t always an indication that you’re being put down or judged. It’s necessary that we as people can hold discussions where we’re trying to figure out what’s correct collaboratively and not argumentatively, and that means recognizing when the people you’re speaking with are well-intentioned and responding in kind.
Anyway, yeah, I remember being younger and I remember how mortified I would have felt to read the message I sent, so no judgement at all. The good thing is that as life goes on you get more experience, more desensitization to those extreme feelings, more contextual knowledge to recognize that it’s ok, etc etc.
I’m not asking you to respond to this ask in any way, I just want to make it clear that I wasn’t trying to put you down at all. Have a good night!
lmao bestie, reading this was a wild ride and I wish i kept your past post as you back tracked twice.
Yeah i think this was mostly a misunderstanding on both sides and we were both wrong, however I will say in your OG ask you stated the tag started in 2022. But the reason you gave was the same.
I don't know how active you were on the "actually asexual" tag back in the day, but people were still not being the greatest over the split attraction model. It wasn't suddenly a safe haven for all asexuals (just like the current ace tags).
"Using actually- tags was a trend on tumblr in the early-mid 2010s so that members of marginalized communities could make sure their voices were heard. This use went out of fashion after that era of spam dried up, so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t know about it, and that you would overestimate your knowledge of history and make such a confident but incorrect statement as you did about the term’s true origin."
Yeah I know actually. I've been here since around 2016/17 and I do deep dives into tumblr and older posts a lot in my free time. I'm not new here actually and to give a rough est. of my age, I was never under the age of 13 on the site. "actually-" tags are still quite popular, actually asexual being the most known in my circle for obvious reasons. "I know that emotionally it can be really difficult to deal with a message online correcting a statement you’ve made. It can feel like I’m telling you you’re wrong and you should feel bad for it, so I want to make it clear that this is not anon hate, just somebody who cares about aspec community memory. Nobody is right all the time!"
You are right here, and I agree. But the way you originally phrased your "correction" was not only incorrect, but spiteful and hateful. It might not of read so to you but saying shit like "clearly you don't care about" and "you're to young to understand" isn't constructive criticism, its in-fact quite annoying and patronising. Statements like that are meant to enrage people, which is why I did not respond to you OG asks as I don't want to spiral a small matter. I would also like to say you final statements, while correct, are also quite sarcastically sweet to almost (very) patronising. Please do not talk to me like you would a small child.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
You've sucked me into the human kink, I have been bewitched <3 tmi but my new go to spank material is that I'm an adventuring party's precious lil cleric, especially in a group of butch warrior women. I offer full body ;) care and they reward me for my services with orgasms and protection.
With a stoic stone butch Half-Orc ranger serving as our leader, an older playful dwarven woman as our fighter, the party rogue is a surprisingly bashful tiefling, there's a mean hard dom drow lady who is our magical expert wizard, and a dragonborn Paladin of the same deity who can be especially protective.
After a very successful job we all rent a big room in a tavern and they all run a train on me..... okay I'll see myself out
Each time I try to write about cleric reader, i get flashbacks to playing squishy supports in moba games where the enemy runs a train on me under the turrent with my useless adc spamming "sup dif"
Maybe if our jungler wasn't busy sucking the mid off, then they'd have had a bit of time to disway the enemy jungler from blowing my guts. Idk what the top is doing honestly, they're in their own world half of the game. Who are they even fighting? The enemy top is right here under the turrent cucking my adc by wave stallling.
But anyway, cleric human let's go.
Imagine it was originally just you and one of them at the start. A new adventuring team, a half-orc ranger, and her precious human healer who tends to her every need and fawns over her every cut and scar.
The second you walked into that adventuring guild, you didn't even get to have a look around before this intimidation half-orc woman approched you. Her tusks were so big and sharp, het gaze sends chills down your spines and her biceps were easily the size of your head.
It was obvious you were a cleric from the way you dressed. The holy clothes, the innocent attire and the cute necklace with a symbol of your god on it. The spellbook you clutched to so adorably as if it will protect you from the dangers of the world outside.
The second she saw you enter, she knew the others here would be swarming you like flies. Everyone wants a healer but nobody wants to be the healer, everyone wants to be the hero of the story.
Not her tho, she never did this for the fame, glory, or gold. She truly was it in for the betterment of the world, no matter how much her own kind is viewed as evil and self serving, she did not care for what others think of her, she'll gladly crush their skulls with her bare hands.
So she tested you as she stood in front of you, not saying a word and watching your reaction closely. Will you run away from this scary half-orc with tears on your pretty cheeks and go hide behind the first human fighter you could spot?
But no. You didn't. Instead, you've only extended your hand to her with a friendly smile. Introducing yourself and asking for her own name. You also spoke normally, unlike how others, especially elves, tend to talk to her own kind with slow condcending words as if she was a brute who didn't understand basic language.
With her by your side, no one else dared to approach you in the guild hall. She walked you through the process of registering as an adventurer, making sure to explain everything you didn't understand and answer all of your questions. Clearly taking pride in showing off her intelligence as a high level ranger.
That's how the two of you met, and since that day she has been by your side. She was clever and knew how to win fights before they even started, a true warrior of the mind that could trick her enemies into walking straight into traps.
But even then, some fights she had to face head on and take the hits meant for you. She always made you her top priority to protect, even sometimes forsaking the mission for your own safety and carrying you away.
At night, the two of you sit around the fire. Her familiar companion cuddling into her side, with you in her arms as you doze off in the safety of her lap.
Then, eventually, someone else approaches the two of you in the guild after turning in a certain mission. A drow wizard with her expensive looking dress walking towards you with confidence.
Staring the two of you down, her confidence didn't falter even after meeting the half-orc eyes. But she did give a small smile towards you, reaching out and holding your chin in her fingers. Turning your face from side to side as she took in your features in great details.
Your half-orc companion got agitated at this strange woman thinking she had the right to just walk up to and touch you. Almost slapping her hand away, wasn't it for the drow pulling back her hand first.
Her next words, are her announcing the fact she is joining your party, human.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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sleketon666 · 11 days
This post gave me a lot of opportunities to think more of Marie and so I wrote down some of the questions and Marie's reactions! This was a lot of fun and I hope I'll continue working on other points as well. Or perhaps they'll just give me some ideas for art.
So, anyway. Let's go.
1. Clicking on them once (non-combat)
I'd prefer a more gloomy place.
I'd rather be sleeping now.
Never thought I'd get this far...
Are we there yet?
What new shall the day bring?
I wonder...
Can't keep your eyes of me, huh?
2. Spam clicking on them too many times
She just goes sans mode and starts telling terrible necromamcy-related jokes.
How are skeletons so calm? I guess nothing can get under their skin.
Do you know why necromancers make such good friends? We're simply great at raising people's spirits.
You know, I once met a girl, a necromancer as well. She was such a heart stealer.
Why do people hate on necromancers? Can't a girl raise a family in peace?
humming Die, die, we all pass away, but don't wear a frown, 'cause it's really okay-
3. Directing them to attack/move in combat
Attack Another one bites the dust / Say your final prayer / Your pretty corpse will serve me well
Moving Let's shake these old bones / Step by step / Let's dance
4. Hiding/sneaking/hidden movement
Gotta add some new skeletons to my closet.
Quiet as a mouse.
Ready or not.
On my tiptoes.
5. Taking a short rest
Nothing a good nap can't fix.
Phew, I almost feel alive now.
6. Low health/asking for healing
Some help would be greatly appreciated now...!
I'm feeling unwell...
Please, I need some healing!
No, not yet!
7. Attacked by a party member
I don't have a bone to pick with you, so would you cease that?
Having fun?
8. Companion/romance death reactions
Companion No! I'll save you, whatever it takes!
Romance Even death won't do us part!
9. Going to buff/heal a companion/romance
Companion buff (low/neutral/high app.) Make it worth it/Need some help? /You've got this!
Companion heal (low/neutral/high app.) Hang in there/Stay strong!/I got you.
Romance buff Come on, hon, show them what you've got!
Romance heal I'm here for you, love
10. Sending them to talk to an NPC
Let's have a chat.
I'd rather just eavesdrop, but alright...
Could be interesting.
11. Sending them to talk to their romanced partner
How's my beloved doing?
Looks like my day is about to get brighter.
Interacting with Items
12. Encountering a locked chest/door
I need a key for that.
Seems locked.
We could look for a key. Or a more fun way out, perhaps.
13. Picking a lock
Finding a key would be less troublesome.
Alright, alright, let's try it the other way.
Please, let it be books. Or money.
14. Looking at a globe
I remember father has one of those back at home. Told me I loved playing with it as a kid...
15. Looking at an astrolabe
Isn't it amazing, how there's always more to learn of many other worlds beyond ours? Yet the latter still fascinates me everyday.
16. Looking at a telescope
I can't say I know much about constellations... But it can't stop me from admiring the stars, can it?
17. Looking in a mirror
Drop dead gorgeous, as always.
How long have my lipstick been smudged? And why did nobody tell me? Outrageous.
18. Looking at a nonmagical lamp
No djinni? Good. They tend to be far too loud and obnoxious for my tastes.
19. Noticing a trap
Look out! Don't wanna lose a limb.
Careful. Guests aren't welcome here.
20. Can’t fit into a small hole
Nope, I won't even try.
I wish I was as tiny as a little mouse, but alas.
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teammateswap-au · 9 months
(I'm still ironing out the kinks so not everything is here.)
(baby era [preteens?])
✧ Susie moves away from Hometown
> Feel like this is a good point to start off with. Self explanatory.
✧ 4 5 19 19 Disappearance
> Self explanatory. Happened near the time Susie moved away. Almost right afterwards.
✧ The Spelling Bee
> Noelle and Berdly are the 2 semi finalists of this year’s Spelling Bee like every year. However, this time it doesn’t go to well for either of them.
(they’re their current age now [15-16])
✧ Susie meets _______
> Miserable and desperate for any company, Susie clicks on a link in her spam email that leads to a chatroom. There, she meets a new friend.
zomb notes : Though this is technically “pre pre chapter 1”, this happens closer to “pre chapter 1” so… it’s here.
✧ Susie moves back into Hometown
> After years of not seeing each other, Susie and Kris catch up. (…well not yet anyways.) This happens a month before Chapter 1.
✧ “Are we still friends? Do you still like me?”
> Susie and Kris haven’t seen each other in years. They (mostly Susie) question if the other still is fond of them. Though they still hang with each other, the thought still lingers in the back of their minds.
✧ Susie and Noelle’s “Meet Cute”
> Noelle introduces herself to the new girl, Susie. It’s a very awkward thing for the both of them. Susie being incredibly shy (for multiple reasons) and Noelle not knowing how to interact with Susie’s anxiety. She assumes Susie is scared of her and tries her best to not scare her off in the future.
✧ Susie gives Noelle her a pencil
> Noelle is in need of an extra pencil and Susie gives her one. She asks Noelle to keep it and she does.
✧ Susie and Berdly “Talk”
> Susie stands up to Berdly after being bullied by him multiple times. No one got hurt but they… don’t feel too good about the interaction.
zomb notes : The last two points happen a few days a part from each other.
zomb notes : Nothing too major is different when it comes to the main chapters. Will edit post later on to be more specific.
✧ Susie and Berdly Make Up
> Self explanatory. They meet each other near the lake and talk about what happened between them.
✧ Noelle Fills Susie In
> Since nobody else told Susie about 4 5 19 19’s disappearance because they were (in Noelle’s words) “too cowardly” to, Noelle told her what happened. In detail.
zomb notes : Nothing afterwards is canon. Anything else is for the shits and giggles unless stated otherwise (like the Sadie Hawkman’s dance for example). It’ll be added on this timeline (yeesh if I remember that is LOL).
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Sorry for spamming your notifs I was just wondering if you have any lineart/ coloring tips!
Im trying to improve my art and your style is perfect!!!
A joy you'd ask such an extensive question: I recorded a quick timelapse (Sorry I don't control the speed on Clip Studio)
I draw with vector layers for line art, meaning I can erase overlapping lines SUPER easy with a Vector eraser:
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To make them not highlighted in orange btw (For CSP specifically) I believe you gotta go into "View" and "turn off vector paths".
I usually have a layer behind the characters that is "Grey" so I know where I've colored until I change it to black with protect Alpha.
In GENREAL advice I'd give: Do "Figure drawings" I think they're called. VERY QUICK rough sketches to get a figure/pose down. I draw like a speed demon because I don't focus on "Getting lines perfect" either. Paper is a less forgiving medium, when I was a kid (And even now) i sketch on paper with Pen. NO MISTAKES. WE DIE LIKE MEN. It makes you think a lot more about "How am I gonna do this right the first time" Basically: Your boy is quick, he likes to do it in 1 go and art style is pretty simple. Affective for making comics FAST. Which is what I care about since my stories/dialogue are kinda the highlight not the pictures, they just take my stuff to THE NEXT LEVEL. :)
Lately I've been trying to "Care less" about getting perfect clean line art (Tbh I think I've always cared a little less because SOME PEOPLE SPEND 8 HOURS ON A DRAWING AND HALF THE TIME THEY SPENT WAS ERASING SHIT. I COULD NOT. O.O)
The need for speed is because I need to make so many pages for all my comics in a timely manor.
Looking at AOT's butt ugly art and Chainsaw man's beautiful scratchy lines made me realize I was being way to uptight about my own shit looking "Perfect". So I've tried to be more fluid with it.
Speaking of: I recommend anyone who likes manga to try to mimic some art styles to learn stuff. "Why'd they do xy or z" "How'd they achieve x" ya know? Here's two of my avatars from my zelda videos (OOT is still in progress)
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But it also depends on what you're TRYING to go for:
I don't WANT/NEED a consistent art style. I mostly just do whatever I feel fits whatever I'm working on. "On model" isn't in my vocabulary. X'D
I recommend studying anatomy because it REALLY amped up my abilities to draw the human body better. Full figure drawings, don't run away from things you might be bad at. X'D (Or work with what you do, I am shit at drawing hands, so they'll turn into weird monstrosities but nobody's said anything yet! XD)
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People are seemingly willing to forgive a lot of mistakes: If it's funny. X'D I gotta try harder in serious scenes hahaha. Also having weird as fuck/abstract character design like my boys Ball and Bat
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You're not gonna question anatomy choices for a thing that looks like THAT.
Simple character design is my passion~
For coloring: Outside of me understanding basic color theory I just do what makes my brain go BRRR so I can't really DESCRIBE why I like what I like? X'D
But here's some of my color palettes! I implore anyone to use them if they like them. They're not some trade secret, they're just colors.
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Anyways that's all I got hope it helps. XD
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #112
Yesterday's letter was flagged as spam on Facebook, and taken down.
Facebook is a place on the internet where people post up their various thoughts, writings, images, and whatnot so that others can see it. It's another means of screaming into the void and hoping that kindness will return to you. I generally write my letters on a place called Tumblr, and then scooch a slightly modified version of it over to Facebook, since the formatting for these places is slightly different. The goal is to make it so that my words are more likely to reach you and more likely to reach others who need them.
…I'm not really sure how it happened. Supposedly the box of maple-flavored tea that I showed you yesterday was offensive, though I'm not sure how. What's worse is that I'm not sure if it was the algorithm or what. It's complicated to explain. I'm not going to bother you with the details.
Either way, suppose I'll be posting only in this place until that gets all figured out. Suppose what I'll do on Facebook is post up that my next letter is out and give anyone the link who asks me for it.
I did some more work today, listing and describing items. I also did some dishes. I also finally got around to putting the third layer of epoxy on the amethyst tree sphere. Hopefully by the time it's cured, the inconsistencies in its shape will be mostly gone and it'll be ready to be sanded. The set of extremely fine-grit sandpaper arrived today, and I'm eager to put it to good use. I hope it turns out well. Suppose we'll see what happens.
Today it's warm enough outside to leave all the windows of the house open, so we opened all the windows. The breeze flowing in smells like grass and fresh soil; it's a good smell. I wish you were here to enjoy it.
At some point, I took a walk. Some of the plants around where I live are starting to sprout leaves again. I know that you like pictures of nature, so I took a few pictures for you; maybe you'll like them:
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I also found a feather on the ground later in the day:
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...Maybe I'll imagine that it means you'll be safe somehow.
…I feel kind of lost and empty today for reasons I don't fully understand. I think maybe I just need more water and food. I haven't been eating or hydrating well for the last several days. I drank a rehydration solution today (Pedialyte), but I've only eaten minimally; not much of an appetite. I haven't been sleeping well, either, for various reasons. Suppose if I wanna feel better, I'm gonna hafta do a better job of the whole self-care thing for at least the next week or so. Bleh.
Are you taking care of yourself? Are you safe and warm? Do you have plenty of food to eat and things to drink? Soft plushies to hug? I know you can't answer me, but I'll ask anyway. I'll ask because you deserve to have people check in on you. I'll ask because I wish you could answer. Nobody here knows, of course. And I suppose the uncertainty of it all is very difficult to deal with. But I'll keep doing my best. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for any news.
Br is visiting, and that feels good. Upon realizing that I've not eaten much today, she cut some fruit for us to share. I have a bowl of Asian pear slices and chunks of dragonfruit. I wonder if you've ever had these. I wonder if you'd like them:
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We were going to watch Junk Man, but folks were hungry, and so we went to the grocery store to get a pizza. Br can't have gluten, so we got this pizza that was made with tapioca flour. And we also got toppings to add to it, since it was just a cheese pizza. We put on roasted garlic, portobello mushrooms, and pepperoni (we checked the ingredients to make sure there was no gluten, don't worry)! I was delighted to find out that the crust tastes and feels like Brazilian cheese bread! And if you don't know what that is, it's basically this bread thing that is wonderfully chewy and cheesy and amazing. The pizza was absolutely delectable!!
…It probably doesn't surprise you to know that I feel a lot better since eating. Bodies and minds get weird when the blood sugar gets low. I'll have to try to be more mindful of making sure I eat even when I don't have much of an appetite, I guess.
Br had to leave by 9 though, so there wasn't enough time for a movie. But we watched Steven Universe instead! J and I have already seen it through several times, but Br still hasn't seen most of it. Today we got to the part where we meet Lapis Lazuli.
…I think maybe you might relate to her, at least a little. She was enslaved in a mirror and used as a tool for years before Steven set her free. She was understandably very angry at the other gems for knowingly keeping her trapped in the mirror. She responded by attacking them, and then stealing the ocean, but then Steven talked to her and fixed it. It's a long and complicated story, but it's wholesome.
…I wish you could come here and watch Steven Universe with us, because actually, I think there's a lot in it that you would be able to relate to. I wish you could watch it with us and eat the yummy pizza with us. I wish you could see the whole thing. And I wish I could give you all kinds of tasty snacks to enjoy while we watch it. Alas… alas…
Well. I'm maybe rambling a little. So I suppose I'll end today's letter here. Don't forget that there are people out here wishing well on you, okay?
I love you. I'll write again in a little while. Please stay safe.
Your friend, Lumine
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spamgyu · 2 months
Girly! If your anxiety got hands and she got you beat, hold her hands and ask her if she wants a hug and what her problem is and if you both can deal with it together. Maybe your anxiety also got anxiety and is dealing the best she can and nobody taught her how to handle her issues in a healthy manner🥲
My delusional ass thinks that every problem can be solved😪 Theoretically at least. Practically, I'm also lazy on top of being delusional. So I spend the time I have daydreaming and being delusional in general. And rotting. Of course rotting takes up most of my time. It's a miracle my relationship is surviving.
And the rot is slowly rotting. Getting through the spam every day. And gonna read pretty boy college! Mingyu today! Yay. I even put that on my to do list 😂
bestie, i know my anxiety got anxiety. i think my problem is that im too self aware of my emotions.......... and my thoughts...........
~water sign problems~
anyways........ it's okay my anxiety is now my quirk (it's not it's actually so crippling lol)
BUT ALSO SAME like my delusion is that if my brain can give me anxiety it can also fix itself. i just let myself have like an hour of being dramatic and i just ........ deal with it.
I, too, wonder how my relationship has lasted this long but also he's got the same personality as Mingyu so.......... when i'm literally going through it he just goes "well, there's nothing you can do except cry right? so just cry for a little but also know there's so many fun things in life" like??? okay but what if i don't deserve the fun things in life????
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strawberyblogs · 4 months
HEARTSTOPPER | GN! Siblings with Nick Nelson | Headcanons |
A/N - Obviously not romance so nobody make it ʷᵉⁱʳᵈ
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🍓 Obviously you two would fight over who gets to cuddle with Nellie that night, but ultimately Nellie would pick you.
🍓 If you're the older sibling, he would totally ask you for a ton of relationship advice (even if you haven't been in one yet).
🍓 He would be SO protective if you ever got a partner but he would love them anyways because he loves you.
🍓 Nick would probably get mad at you for stealing Charlie's attention whenever he comes over.
🍓 Both of you guys would secretly text at the dinner table when David's there because he's gross, and you would be holding your laughter when he makes a snarky comment of everything David says.
🍓 Nick would be very mad at you for stealing his clothes, but then would turn around and steal yours.
🍓 Claims that he NEVER ate the last pizza roll (he did).
🍓 If you're younger, he'd help you with school (not maths), but if you're older he'd ask for your help (with maths).
🍓 Nick would make sure you NEVER get picked on at your school.
🍓 He would probably rant to you about Charlie all the time, who really cares if you're actually listening?
🍓 Nick is literally your biggest cheerleader, he supports everything you do (unless it's like horrible B3n type stuff) .
🍓 Nick is totally the type of sibling to complain about you being annoying, and then get mad at anybody who agrees with him.
🍓 Nick feels legally obligated to spam you with every meme he sees and then will get upset if you don't watch them.
🍓 You'd probably have some secret code language together that your guys' mom begs to be a part of (she's never getting let in on it).
- - -
Okay guys! That's all for today! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in like... forever. Life's really busy sometimes, but you've gotta do what makes you happy! Hope you enjoyed this, please send in requests, it's so much easier to write that way!!
- 🍓
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hals-homo-blog · 4 months
Welcome to Hal's Homo Blog
Heyyyy I am Hal. I'm 23, Bigender, He/Him > She/Her. I am an Animator, Illustrator and Writer, though I haven't been making a lot of finished pieces at this tough spot in my life. I always keep trying tho ^^.
I am an adult, and there is gonna be 18+ Adult content on here. I have the #suggestive tag for people who don't wanna see that, and I Highly Discourage any minors from following me. If you're gonna follow me anyway, block the tag. If I catch minors liking/reblogging adult stuff off my page, yer gettin' blocked, pal. Sorry.
This blog is gonna be pretty reblog heavy, though I don't like to spam reblog the same post except for like that one time. I also have memory loss issues (trying to look into that) so if I say/reblog the same thing over and over, or if I forget who you are, I apologize, I just am that way. Just like, remind me and I'll probably figure it out XP thank you for your patience.
Blorbos, tags and Headcanon Submission Info below the cut :3c
☆ Vincent (Yeah, that one) Vincent Afton, my beloved husband, my only tulpa, I made him On Accident. I've been messin' with him for like, 7 or 8 years now, but I only recently found out he was his own person up in my head there.
Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind) Most recent hyperfixation, uhhh The Pookie of all time tbh. I relate to him painfully hard. I'm just Freemind coded in my heart tbh, but I've been repressed so I can only say in my head what he says out loud. I worry about getting a Freemind headmate... I'm trying not to get any more headmates, but I suppose it remains to be seen.
Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate) heghghehhehe Vanpire, Hot. Ough. Hellsing is just so fucking good, and Alucard is the very best part of it all. I love how much of an Evil Bastard he acts like. He's not an evil bastard in his heart, you can tell, he's very sweet, deep deep down. He needs a lil' bit of a hug and a kiss.
Swerve (IDW) Ough I relate to him So Much I love that fucken robot. He's soooo sweet natured, he really is. He needs someone to love him asap. I love how nice he always is to everybody tbh, he deserves a hug.
Postal 3 Dude (Postal 3) OUGh this is the newest one, he's literally So Silly. The Grinning Sniler...
Hal Art - My art Hal Talk - Thoughts nobody asked for Hal Answer - Answers to asks Halcore - what it says on the box Hal's Bookshelf - Stuff for me to read Hal's Homo Headcanons - If people send me prompts, I'll do Headcanons and stuff =w= Find Later - Find later Suggestive - Minors pls block this tag or just don’t follow me 🙏 /lh  😭 - laugh so hard I piss myself 💝 - sexy/arousing stuff 🛒 - shit I wanna buy at some point MY HUSBAND - Vincent posts THE POOKIE - Freemind posts LULU - Alucard posts ROWOBOT - Swerve posts The Grinning Sniler - Postal 3 Dude posts PeePaw - Postal 4 Dude posts
These are all just ship tags Hal x Vincent Hal x Gordon / HalMind Halcyon x Alucard / Halucard Rod x Dude
Uhhhhhh idk anything this is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Characters I think I could do
P2 Dude P3 Dude P4 Dude? Maybe? Vincent Afton, he's my hubby so prolly not shipping him around =w=
Gordon Freeman - Freeman's Mind
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lemonmaid · 5 months
I just want to say
I absolutely hate using the claymore
Like as a spam gamer that just spams the attack button to chain attack stuff
The claymore is the bane of my existence because you need to get close and personal to them, and even though it deals *AoE* in some variations of the attacks, its just too slow T_T
The staff, for me, also has the same problem, like yey! You can heal your self, pog, BUT RAF'S TALENTS HEALS ME ANYWAY, AND I ALSO DODGE LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, SO WHATS THE HEALING GONNA DO TO ME 😭😭 Like might as well have spammed the attack button at the duration you could have dealth that damage over time with your talent.
The attack chain for the sword is sooo gooddd thooo, but you need braincells for that, so Guns for the win babbyyyyyy
That's all, thank you HAHAHAAH
oh my god!!!
Actually! I prefer using the claymore BUTT I did release when I played the Gun is better if you wanna finish a bounty on TIME a claymore is better for like harder bosses (with no time limit) it's DMG is WAYYY BETTER. (It's okay I'm a button spammer too).
I still haven't unlocked wand yet so I can't know for certain what I like using.
Sorry I'm a zayne lover, I'm downbad for childhood friends that come back sophisticated. Also Jumin lookalike (I'm still not over mystic messenger).
Again, I think someone put their whole pussy into this OTOME game.
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joelwindows7 · 1 year
Posting setting
Here are screenshots of posting setting here in Android Tumblr APK. Sorry it's in Bahasa Indonesia, but you should get the idea when you try it for yourselves.
Access by pressing the 3 dots on right
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You'll be presented with this drawer
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There are:
When to post
Reblog permission
Also, the hashtag
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And finally NEW!!! Community Label yey!
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Nah this not gonna a tutorial or anything, all gamers can figure this out, even brain trouble could do this.
I'm gonna point out something still wrong here.
Reblog control + Community Restricted 2018
I found a guy that notorious for setting his video to Nobody allowed to reblog. Well, I'll just link it, easy! No. It's not that hopeful for many.
combined by the fact he was a victim back in.. uh 2018 Tumblr NSFW purge, yess. The... the entire blog channel NSFW Restricted still in place, and that you still need an account. See what's wrong here? It destroys all anonymous Archivers like Archive.org!!!
What the peck, man! I want to reblog so if you gone, we still have it. I already tried to link that your post since people are so disrespectful, but guess what, I PECKING TRIED, and the not logged in crawler cannot pecking access it!! OH MY GOD!!!! I really hope that guy didn't declare hehehehee, I win, f888 you, I hate y'all!. No, that's can't be. I hope he hear this and reconsider his reblog permission setting whenever video, okay? Ask tumblr to get rid of that legacy betrayal scar and use this weaker new Community Label!!
Which infact I did tried with Archiver and it still crawlable, btw! Idk, my blog already has website mode, try here
Yes it's true, Archive.org can crawl not suitable for wumpus posts I reblogged and my own!!! Yey!!!
Pls!! Let us peserve!! Idk man
Twitter Syndicate gone
Did you notice that the Post to Twitter gone? Yeah. I already heard the API will be paid due to spam scammers abusing it. W or L? Let us know about this Elon's decission
But eh.. what's the point anyway? Personally, I mostly reblogs heartbeat stuffs and most of them tend to be.. 😏😏😏😏😏, yeah. And it could mess things up, if I didn't careful. Can't let this happen, since my Twitter is the historical artifact where I got my username you're seeing now on every account I have. Idk.
By JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
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smurphyse · 1 year
Yeahhh.. here I was thinking I had mastered the being in a relationship by myself with my 25 years of single life 🥲 but no this guitar-playing-bisexual-taylorswiftloving-amazingkisser-guy had to come and make me regress into a 14 year old obsessively crushing and overthinking person that’s upset cause of stupid stuff like that 🥲 I hear you 100%, I need to chill it’s just hard cause I’ve never liked someone like I like this guy and ahhhh I’ll stop spamming you😅 to be fair: I also have all the time to obsess cause I just have a master thesis to write and I’m the procrastinator in person lol
Anyways thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of that nonsense! 💛
You're not spamming me <3 I spent a lot of time in my younger years worrying about relationships and partners and what they were doing and... honestly I've just come to the conclusion that if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out! I also worried a lot about being cheated on and flirting, and tbh if someone cheats on me that's their problem. I'll move on and forget about it, because in the end I'll end up with someone who appreciates me the way I deserve to be and I'll appreciate them. You just have to talk to them! It's all about communication and setting expectations and boundaries. Everyone has a different idea of what they need and want in a relationship, and you just need to reiterate that or how are they gonna know, y'know? :)
It took me a long time too to realize that nobody is gonna read my mind and I have to express what I want and need! I don't read between the lines very well so if I need something I just tell my boyfriend to pay attention to me or I ask if we can do something. I told him that a long time ago haha. I'm so bad at reading people's little hints. He even has to tell me when he wants to have sex because I'll just tease him or something without even thinking he wants to do more haha. It took a bit, but now he'll just walk by and ask and I'll say yes or no. It doesn't sound very romantic but it is to us. Same with telling the other we need more personalized attention or conversation!
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