#noelle mcdonalds
ask-mars-ocs · 2 years
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soadscrawl · 2 years
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thinking very hard abt angus mcdonald boy detective on this fine thursday
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 7 months
Find the Word tag
Thanks @jezifster for the tag! These are piling up I'm going through them!
My words: chill, lift, wreck, final
Your words: disappoint, raise, bland, flexible
Tagging @theeccentricraven @thepeculiarbird @awritingcaitlin @sleepywriter00 @mikathewriter @little-peril-stories @space-writes @unrepentantcheeseaddict @ohnomybreadsticks @blind-the-winds @andyswritings or anyone else who'd like to play!
Keep reading for:
Training session with dragon
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped....
Don't let this guy fool you he's an asshole
Robbie's infamous fight with Jason
Chill - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
Custos roared and his fire broke through the pitch darkness, illuminating Tyler. He pitched the light toward Custos as Kelsey slammed into him. Tyler stumbled but held his stance, pushing against Kelsey as he tried to keep Custos in the light. “Medina! Go!” I could scarcely make out Noelle’s outline in the dim light, but the chill I felt down my spine as her silhouette moved was strong. I heard a surprised shout. “Gills! What happened?” “My rock stopped! I slipped off the ledge, but I’m okay.” My grip on the stick tightened. Tyler struggled to keep Kelsey from knocking him over. I looked at Custos. Gills told me I was defense. He’d understand. The real problem was Noelle. She grabbed Gills’ rock in pitch darkness. She could get me. I pulled harder on the stick. Noelle’s pull tightened, too. Smirking to myself, I let the stick go and flew upward—cutting through the air. Noelle grunted as the stick hit her with her own force. Once high enough, I shot toward the dragon, hoping to keep the momentum to pass through the dampening field and get the sphere. I knew it as soon as I passed. I lost my grip on the air and began to fall, but I latched onto the collar before doing so. Custos didn’t like that and tried to paw me off, but I managed to unclasp the sphere. “Haha!—oomph!” I celebrated until Custos did knock me off.
Lift - from School of the Legends Year One
Jill seemed mildly confused, but she shrugged, and the three of them began to sneak back to the edge of the mantle. Jack fell a bit behind, struggling to carry the harp. The logical side of him told him to just leave the harp, but his gut told him otherwise. He couldn’t explain it, but he needed to take this harp. Ahead, Jill and Beau had already reached the end of the mantle. Jack gestured for them to go on, but too late he realized that was a mistake, as the harp began to slip from his fingers. He moved quickly, gaining a firm grip on the harp before it hit the mantle, but as he did so, one of his fingers brushed against the harp’s strings. Jack froze as both giants turned toward the sound. Instantly, the male was up and crossing the room. Jack bolted toward the end of the mantle, suddenly finding an adrenaline-fueled strength to lift the harp. “Go!” he shouted at Jill and Beau. “I’ll catch up!” They both hesitated, but they soon disappeared from Jack’s view. Jack continued to run, but was soon stopped by the crashing of a gigantic fist crashing onto the mantle in front of him, the force of which sent Jack off his feet, and crashing on his back. The giant loomed over Jack, eyes that were larger than Jack blazing in fury. “Who do you think you are?” he asked in a mountain-shattering voice--in English, Jack was barely able to process. “Breaking into my home and stealing my things?” “It’s not like you’re gonna do anything with them!” Jack shouted--though his voice came out a lot weaker than he expected. “I’m keeping them safe until they are needed!” The giant raised his fist--probably planning to smash Jack--but Jack took the opportunity to bolt toward the end of the mantle. The giant’s size was now a hindrance--too slow, and his fist crashed into the mantle, cracking it, just next to where Jack was. But the crack bent the mantle, and Jack now found himself on a sloped surface--slight enough to where he could still run, but steep enough for him to lose balance and almost fall to his feet. He peered over the side. Jill and Beau were now on the ground, pressed against the wall. They’d left the plants for Jack, though with the force of the crack, the stalk connecting the mantle with the side table had snapped. Jack was now at the edge of the mantle, looking down at the long fall to the table. He whipped his head back to the giant, who was now recoiling from breaking his mantle. He looked back at his options. He could stay here and get crushed, or he could jump. Then his eyes drifted past the table and to the recliner--the back of it. It was a soft surface. It wasn't too much farther. Though directly in the path of the jump he would have to make was the candlestick, the flame on the wick now threateningly large and sparking. A quick glance back was enough to tell Jack that he had no option. As soon as the giant slammed his hand down beside Jack, he jumped, hoping the force from the giant’s slam was enough to propel him over the candlestick.
Wreck - from The Secret Portal Part Three (OLD DRAFT because this word doesn't appear in any current drafts....this was back when telepathy and empathy were separate oh my God whyyyyyyy)
Doctor David Pinchên took a seat on his sofa, reclining into its soft cushions, his coffee warming his hands. Just three days ago, he had published his textbook on Telepathic Theory. It had taken him years of research, but finally, his work was complete. He hoped that the school curriculum would soon offer Telepathic Theory as a course. It was fascinating to think about, and he himself hoped that one day more and more of the youth would be as swept away as he was. He, of course, was not a telepath. He was, however, a Level-1 empath. The two were often confused, and he took umbrage at the ignorance of others when he had spent nearly the entirety of his life being asked, “What am I thinking?!” Though, being an empath, he did understand that not everyone was familiar with the Levels and Classes and abilities of their race. The database was long and complicated, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the one who put it together a millenia ago didn’t have it memorized by the time he or she died, even though when the database was first published, most of the subpowers, and even full umbrella powers, didn’t even exist yet. In fact, it hadn’t been too terribly long since a fourth Class of powers had been discovered, with the arrival of chronokinesis, energy conversion, and dimensiokinesis. With empaths being closely related to telepaths, David found himself sympathizing rather seamlessly with the psychics. Even as a Level-1, he still experienced the common headaches and emotional breakdowns that had formed into a sad-but-true stereotype for empaths to be unstable. He had been what some would call “a wreck” as a boy, and it didn’t help that he skipped two grades of elementary school, so being a physically smaller emotional mess did nothing to stop nasty kids taking advantage of him once his powers kicked in. Though he usually used his abilities to discover if anything else was bothering the bullies, which there usually was, and reported his findings to the school’s counselor, also an empath, all of which were, and usually that kid’s issue was resolved, which led to that kid being nice to him in gratitude. David didn’t want to brag about this accomplishment. He was just using his powers for a good reason. Because of these actions, he’d had mixed reception from adults. Some wished him to continue to use his powers and become a counselor or therapist, while others pushed him to appeal to his science side. He had no interest in therapy, as he had been simply stating his findings to someone much more qualified. So he did go toward the direction of a more theoretical science, which those adults that pushed him to pursue a more scientific path were convinced was “a waste of a great mind.” Oh, how he hoped he could see them once Telepathic Theory became a college major.
Final - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
I stopped in my tracks and turned to my right. Jason Sturges stood down the hall, clicking his stupid sticks against the lockers. A rush of fury overtook me as I remembered this morning. I didn’t know what I was doing until I was right beside Jason, punching him in the face. Jason stood up straighter, rubbing his jaw, his steely blue eyes locked on me with a look that could kill. Still, I didn’t regret the action. Yeah, I shouldn’t have done it, but who gave a shit? I may not have been a hero, but justice was justice. “Alright, heartthrob.” Jason tucked his drumsticks into the back pocket of his jeans. “This is how you want to play?” My right hand was on fire from the punch. Jason cracked his knuckles. I wanted to run, catch up with Akash, but I stood my ground. Jason took a swing at me; I threw up my hands to block my face—actually, my glasses—and Jason’s fist collided with my arm with enough force to cause me to stagger backward. Before I could regain my balance, Jason charged at me, and with full force, slammed me against the nearest locker. The impact caused my entire nervous system to light up, and though it hurt, I felt powerful. The force filled me with new-found energy. The lights flickered, warmth flooded through my body. Jason stepped back, though kept me in place. A scarlet light began to glow from somewhere. Jason looked at the light, then the ceiling. Then me. “What the….” I gave Jason a final push to get off of me, but what I meant to be a good shove sent Jason through the air and crashing into the lockers on the other side of the hall, then falling to the ground. The scarlet light dimmed until it disappeared. The lights stopped flickering. “Stay away from him,” I growled.
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spaceshiporion · 1 year
It's always Sunny in Cybercity I guess
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(Genshin Poll) Who do you want to take to Mcdonalds?
Before you ask: No. I don't know why I'm making this BUT whoever wins this, will get a specialized date with you dear reader to Mcdonalds (in MMD, if it was IRL I'd shove you guys aside INSTANTLY to feed Noelle a cheeseburger)
The selection here is completely random, to be honest with you BUT I shall let you decide!
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stunfiskz · 11 months
deltarune mcdonalds orders with a lot of help from @aspisera
kris: filet o fish & a large fry. dips their fries in sweet and sour sauce
susie: 2 big macs, 20 pc nuggets, large fry with barbecue sauce to dip
ralsei: happy meal. he likes the apple slices
lancer: an absurd amount of apple pies. also splits half a big mac with susie
berdly: mccrispy. justifies it by saying it’s not really chicken because all mcdonald’s food is fake. dips his fries in ranch.
noelle: yogurt parfait and a large fry with ketchup. also steals a couple nuggets from susie
rouxls: mcflurry, shares some with lancer. also i could see him getting an egg mcmuffin if breakfast is available
jevil: deluxe spicy mccrispy. eats it by taking apart and eating it piece by piece
seam: regular burger no cheese. dips their fries in mayo.
swatch: one black coffee
spamton: tries to order the mcrib every time regardless of if it’s available
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narcoticwriter · 6 months
Noelle has conquered the McDonald's Sprite.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
*obnoxiously sips her watered-down ice tea* NOELLE COME BACK WE HAVE uh chicken nuggets from jollibee?? IDK THE ONLY THING I LIKE FROM THE MENU THESE DAYS ARE THE Php 150ish??? chicken sandwich supreme NO FRIES NO DRINKS and ocassionally the spag and chicken
the fucking sundae melts easily and is so watery that i prefer mcdonalds T_T
also the chicken shrunk???
tbh idk what it is about jollibee chicken between the philippines and singapore but it’s so fuckin mid 🫠 their fries slaps tho! but i rarely get the fries when i order from jollibee tbh
i very much prefer the palabok or breakfast set menu from jollibee hehe and if we’re talking ph mcdonald’s, that stupid ala king meal has me in a chokehold like i think of that at least once a week since i’ve flown back
(also, when i’m in the philippines, i have a drive-thru problem as in leaving my house at random times to go to a random drive-thru to get food LMFAO)
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lennysfridge · 8 months
how is ryan throughout noelles pregnancy? like each individual trimester
first trimester- he was stressed, getting all baby books and overly protective
second- excited for the bump to grow and noelle wanted sex 24/7, he also got used to going to mcdonalds or mexican food at 2am every day also ice cream
third- he was excited and nervous to meet his daughter and putting everything together, would not let noelle touch anything
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Keller
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Michael Edward Keller "Mike"- October 28, 1959
Lillie Suzette Stembridge "Suzette"- April 9, 1955
Mike and Suzette married on July 25, 1980, at ages 20 and 25. They share 8 children, 8 children-in-law, and 38 grandchildren. They are based in Florida.
1. Esther Joy- May 9, 1981
2. Rebekah Ann- May 15, 1983
3. Daniel Michael- February 2, 1984
4. Priscilla Lynn- July 7, 1986
Joanna- either miscarriage or died at birth
5. Anna Renee- June 23, 1988
6. Susanna Grace- May 29, 1992
7. Nathan Edward- April 23, 1996
8. David Nathaniel- July 28, 1998
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Esther married John Eric Shrader (June 29, 1977) on November 3, 2001, after a very short courtship. She was 20 and he was 24. They share 13 children and live in Zambia.
1. Enoch John- January 17, 2003
2. Alatheia Esther- March 13, 2004
3. Timothy Michael- August 2, 2005
4. Nehemiah James- January 20, 2007
5. Agape Faith- June 3, 2008
6. Elijah David- February 28, 2010
7. Charis Elizabeth- June 25, 2011
8. Sophia Joy- March 6, 2013
9. Stephen Lushomo- September 10, 2014
10. Isaiah Kasimpe- June 2, 2016
11. Caleb Zambia- January 2, 2018
12. Joseph- March 8, 2020
13. Daniel- October 12, 2022
14. Josiah- January 17, 2024
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Rebekah married Joshua Owen McDonald (1981) on August 21, 2004, when she was 21. They divorced on May 22, 2015, when she was 32. They share 2 daughters. She remarried Kevin Hunt in 2018. They are based in Texas.
1. Annabel Rebekah- July 22, 2005
2. Alyssa Suzette- May 26, 2007
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Daniel married Candice Renee Richards (August 15, 1986) on October 3, 2008, at ages 24 and 22. They divorced in 2016. They share an adopted son. Daniel remarried a woman named Diana in 2018 and she has at least one child.
1- Brighton Gabriel- July 14, 2012, adopted at birth
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Priscilla married David William Waller (September 8, 1986) on February 4, 2012. They share 7 children and are based in Texas.
1. Paul William- March 16, 2013
2. Davia Lynn- November 12, 2014
3. Phillip Andrew- October 19, 2016
4. Destiny Faith- October 2, 2018
5. Peter David- May 6, 2020
6. Deborah Joy- January 19, 2022
7. Desiree Hope- July 17, 2024
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Anna married Joshua James Duggar (March 3, 1988) on September 26, 2008, when they were both 20. They now share 7 children. Josh was arrested on CSAM charges in April 2021. In January 2022, he was sentenced to 12 years in January of 2022. Josh lives in Texas and Anna and the children are based in Arkansas.
1- Mackynzie Renee- October 8, 2009
Miscarriage in 2010
2- Michael James- June 15, 2011
3- Marcus Anthony- June 2, 2013
4- Meredith Grace- July 16, 2015
5- Mason Garrett- September 12, 2017
6- Maryella Hope- November 27, 2019
7- Madyson Lily- October 23, 2021
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Susanna married York Bridges on September 2, 2019. They share a son. She had one daughter out of wedlock with an unknown me. She was also previously engaged to a different man.
Noelle Brooklyn- January 24, 2013
Nash Edgar- April 20, 2021
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Nathan married Nurie Katelin Rodrigues (April 19, 1999) on July 25, 2020, at ages 24 and 21. They share 3 children. They are based in Florida.
Nehemiah David- October 11, 2021
Newman Christian- November 16, 2022
Naomi Christine- July 14, 2024
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David married Hannah Marie Reber (July 25, 1998) on November 19, 2021, both at age 23. They share 2 daughters. They are based in Arkansas.
Eden Rose- November 3, 2022
Edelweiss Miracle- 2024ish
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Hey queen! Can I get some headcanons for a road trip? Say the Reader is driving Ganyu, Kuki, and other Genshin characters around the country.
Someone’s blasting music, someone’s screaming, two people arguing and we have like Xiao just a sitting in the seat dying. You hear aloud slam and he’s asking what’s that? And Noelle is just like oh yeah Beidou is in the trunk. Just pure chaos.
Road Trip Headcanons
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The only people on this road trip that weren't causing problems were Noelle and Ganyu.
The only reason Ganyu isn't causing an issue is that it's her nap time, and she managed to sleep through all the chaos in the passenger seat.
You were convinced that you would all die, either by getting in a crash cause people kept distracting you or because you all would kill each other.
Klee kept unbuckling her seatbelt and trying to get your attention, to which you would nicely tell her to put it back on so that she doesn't die.
Xiao is ready to murder everyone and dissociates with headphones blasting screamo while looking out the window.
Diluc and Kaeya are arguing because Kaeya keeps asking for the aux cord and playing shit music on purpose, which irritates Diluc.
At one point, Diluc told Kaeya to shut the fuck up, and now Klee keeps repeating, "Shut the fuck up" In her sweet little voice.
Noelle is a sweet angel; she's sitting in the back of the van, just minding her business.
When you guys hit a pothole, there was a loud groan from the back of the van.
"What the hell was that?"
"Oh, it's just Beidou and Bennett. They snuck into the trunk before we left," Kaeya casually mentions.
At least every five minutes, the same two phrases were said.
"Are we there yet?
"Can we get Mcdonald's?"
There was peace for about 10 minutes because you gave in and got everyone Mcdonald's. Bennett and Klee were thrilled to get a toy.
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This was fun to write! I hope you enjoy Tag List Link
@rainbowleo@okadahimeko @0-kuki-0 @cyberpandas-blog
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ask-mars-ocs · 2 years
Ritsu: guys no :((( I don’t piss outside anymore!!
Some guy: -points at some guy- well they pissed in a potted plant at their school (hint hint nudge nudge it’s Ace)
Ace: ?!?!?!
Literally everyone: N o o n e c a r e s.
Noelle: *points at ritsu* youre a little peepee boy arent you
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noelledeltarune · 1 year
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Find the Word
Thanks @sleepywriter00 for the tag!
Rules: find the given words in your WIP(s), then tag others with new words
My words: psycho, pranked, soil, grave
Your words: new, clean, decide, system
Tagging with zero pressure @theeccentricraven @mysticstarlightduck @little-peril-stories @blind-the-winds @buffythevampirelover @mk-writes-stuff @eccaiia @cowboybrunch @addicted2coke-theothercoke @gottestod-writes @chauceryfairytales @frostedlemonwriter @talesofsorrowandofruin @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @theprissythumbelina or anyone else who wants to hop on
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday per usual you can hop on
Keep reading for:
Liam and Maddie discuss the science of shapeshifting
George X Liam is a thing now
Beau creates a beanstalk
Noelle's research finds an article
Psycho Insane (closest synonym) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“Thanks for researching all of this,” I said. “I mean, not being an animal morphian, you didn’t have to.” Liam leaned against the wall. “I always wanted to be an animal morphian. When I realized I got to train one, I just did a bunch of research. To both benefit your learning and just to learn a few things myself. Shapeshifting is just fascinating in general. Like, you can change your mass, like, that shouldn’t be a thing! But it is, and that’s, like, insane.” “Wow,” I breathed. “So what happens to the mass that you lose?” “No idea,” said Liam, smiling. “What if we took the mass from something?” I asked. “Great, but where would that something come from?” “I dunno,” I said. “Matter can’t be created or destroyed. We’ve learned that in science class.” “You’d be right,” said Liam. “But we’re in another dimension.” “So you’re saying matter can be created or destroyed in this dimension?” “Perhaps,” said Liam, pressing his hands together in deep thought. “But what if instead we’re borrowing mass from another pocket dimension? Like, there’s a pocket universe of just mass, and we put our mass there if we’re lessening our mass, or borrowing mass from there if we increase our mass?” “Hm,” I said. “That could work, but isn’t it complicated?” “Who knows?” said Liam. “We’re in another dimension. Anything is possible. The rules of this universe are different than the rules of Ceteri.” “That’s cool.” “Glad you agree, kiddo.”
Actually, matter can be created or destroyed but only with an anti-matter particle :)
Pranked Trick (closest synonym...) - from The Secret Portal Part One
Maddie gave Kelsey a small punch in the arm. She looked past Kelsey’s shoulder. “Hey, Liam, what are you dressed as?” Liam, who was talking with George, wore a black full-piece covering his whole body with glow sticks along his arms, legs, and torso. Upon Maddie’s query, he put a hood over his head, then zipped it shut over his face, glow sticks forming a circle. “A stick figure.” Maddie burst out laughing. Kelsey smirked, clapping slowly. “You win. You win.” Unzipping the hood, Liam smiled at George. “See? This is hilarious. It’s simple, but it’s super clever. I barely put any more effort than Gabe, yet everyone I’ve encountered says this is the best costume here. That’s the trick of Halloween. You either need to go all out or you need to be very, very clever about what you decide to be and what materials you use.” George, now eating what Ceters called a “cupcake,” nodded, very entertained by his new friend. While George loved sharing all of his speedster-induced hours research, Liam always managed to make a good argument out of seemingly everything. It was one of the fascinating things about him. He was glad Liam approached him working on one of the computers about a month ago, otherwise George wasn't sure he would’ve been able to work up to potential rejection from the only boy his age he’d interacted with in a decade.
Soil - from School of the Legends Year One
Beau widened his stance, holding his arm out, palm aimed at where he’d planted the beans. Jack glanced at Jill, both sharing a confused expression. Jack looked at his cousin. “Beau, what are we supposed to see?” “Just watch the soil,” Beau said, his brow clenching together. Jack obeyed, looking at where the beans were. A sprout suddenly poked its head above the ground. Jack’s eyebrows rose, and a glance at his sister told him she had the same reaction. The sprout began growing, now at Jack’s knee. “Beau, you’re...you’re gifted.” Beau’s smile stretched across his face. “Yeah, isn’t it amazing?” He glanced at Jack, his eyes shining. The sprout now shot up faster, and Beau flicked his eyes back to the stalk. “Merde,” he muttered as he tried to regain his concentration. He, Jack, and Jill grunted as the stalk broke the ground at such a force they were knocked to their feet. Beau scrambled up as fast as he could, holding his palms out toward the beanstalk. It slowed first, then stopped. Jack tilted his head back, squinting to see the top of the beanstalk--which didn’t help. “O...kay…,” Jill soon said, breaking the silence. “That just happened.” “What are we going to do with this?” Jack asked, now standing. “There’s now a giant beanstalk in the middle of the yard! How are we going to explain to Da?” “You won’t need to.” Jack whirled around to see his dad leaning against a post on the porch. “I saw the whole thing.” “I’m sorry, Oncle Erskine.” “Don’t be,” he said. “D’ya know how much that would sell for?” He laughed.
Grave - from The Secret Portal Part Two (article Noelle is reading)
One thing I must make clear is that I AM Inutilia. I did not quit because I no longer believe in equality for my people. Quite the opposite. I still am a firm believer that we should get as much equal rights as those with powers. However, Raissa Kamanzi is NOT the way to do it. Ms. Kamanzi is obsessed with power. She does not truly believe in the equal rights of Inutilia, rather the dominance. She wants to oppress the system just as much as the old one oppressed us. A taste of their own medicine, she would say. This is not the answer. All Raissa has given us is a harder time to be accepted by society around us. It gave an excuse for bigots to become even louder, people who considered themselves neutral to become bigoted. It gave those in power a reason to persecute us from a genetic standpoint. We lost access to the portal last year because of her. We can no longer be with Ceters, in a world where WE are the norm. One thing I will say about Raissa is that she is a complicated woman with many heavy burdens and regrets. She holds tight to her morals, and will never cross a line that others would. However, that does not make her morals right. That does not make her policies right. I did not join the Refugae initially because I wanted control of the world. I did not join so others would suffer just so I would not. I joined because I was sick of the lynching, the riots, the massacres, the genetic engineering to attempt to erase the gene. I was sick of the suffering. But I see Raissa’s tactics are only going to deflect the suffering from herself to others. That it is causing people to flee to Ceteri, and those who cannot cross the portal to stay, suffering. Raissa is digging the grave of her own people. The arrival of the Aequales was the first sign. I do not believe the Aequales is the savior we need, for many other reasons, but its preaching of equality and peace is dragging more and more people away from equality. They can still hate us, but if they support Atsila McLain, suddenly, they can wipe their hands clean of their bigotry. Inutilia are still suffering under Raissa, and we have no escape. I ask you to support social reforms and to engage in political action. We must stop this violence. We must in order to survive. For all Inutilia. For all Alii.
I wrote two articles in this chapter - one of someone who worked with Atsila but left, the other who worked with Raissa but left. I really ended up being proud of the articles themselves even though I'm revising Noelle's research purposes later.
It is funny. She's like "hm maybe other perspectives would be nice to read about to form an opinion that seems logical" but then she does that and is like "nevermind these are both biased what a waste of time"
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maximiliano-aedo · 2 years
Miru Tights (Animaze Dub)
Ren Aikawa - Megan West
Yua Nakabeni - Cristina Vee
Homi Moegi - Cherami Leigh
Yuiko Okuzumi - Jennifer Love Hewitt
Master - Spike Spencer
Rui Moegi - Laura Stahl
The Student - Landon McDonald
Additional Voices - Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren, Steve Staley, Christopher Bevins, Ben Pronsky, Xero Reynolds, Brittany Lauda, Camille Chen, Emi Lo, Jeannie Tirado, Sean Chiplock, Fleet Cooper, Johnny Yong Bosch, Ryan Bartley, Amanda Winn Lee, Natalie Hoover, Kristen McGuire, Kira Buckland, Morgan Garrett, Abby Trott, Suzie Yeung, Marissa Lenti, Jackie Lastra, Lindsay Sheppard, Aria Noelle Curzon, Morgan Berry, Rachel Robinson, Kayli Mills, Erika Harlacher, Hannah Alcorn, Allegra Clark, Skyler Davenport, Daisy Guevara, Hayden Daviau, LilyPichu, Jessica Boone, Bryson Baugus, Marisa Duran, Courtney Lin, Amber Lee Connors, Aleks Le, Zeno Robinson, Mike Haimoto, Brandon Hearnsberger
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dreaming-puppy · 5 months
💫Mood board master post💫
Noelle Holiday primary colors
Pet caretaker steeljaw
Good omens cg!Beelzebub
McDonald's nostalgia tw clowns
Chuck e cheese nostalgia tw mascot/animatronics
Nostalgic summer
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