#non odyssey related
long-live-the-gobop · 2 months
Watching you go through the Milo Murphy's Law tag is making my night right now.
Glad you're having fun! We've been watching some of the second season recently (and bits of the first too), so I've been getting back into it a little. Always a plus!
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
🔮 Subtle Circe Worship 🪄
Grow your own herbs, especially those you plan to use in magical workings (kitchen related magic may be the most discreet for this)
Take a walk on a sunny day; bask in sunlight
Wear/collect rings or hoop jewelry
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Go for a swim in the ocean; wash your hands in salt water
Visit the beach or the bank of a body of water
Have a pig, dragon, stag, or snake stuffed animal
Have imagery of rings, magic, the beach/islands, winged serpents, various beasts (I'd say whatever animals come to mind with "beats"), or the sun around
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Support environmental preservation, animal sanctuary, or humanitarian organizations
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Learn to trust your own judgement; trust your instincts
Drink an herbal tea, using the herbs with intention; cook using herbs with intention
Read the Greek Magical Papyri or The Odyssey (you can usually find a PDF; check the Internet Archive)
Bake cakes and pastries, especially with honey; give them to loved ones
Take time to meditate in the sunlight; do this in nature if able
Go outside of your comfort zone; try new things, and take risks
Dedicate time to learning about a new subject or topic
Go out of your way to meet new people or engage with a community
Listen to music that empowers you or that you feel represents you; dance to it!
Play a TTRPG; play D&D (yes, really)
Start a garden; tend to plants
Connect with local nymphs or nature spirits
Stand up for others; stand up for yourself
Learn about the history of witchcraft, especially that of ancient Greece (this ties into the GMP)
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with herbs
Go camping; take time to appreciate nature
Ground yourself often; practice healthy coping skills; practice emotional regulation skills
Clean your space; keep your environment feeling comfortable, and make it your own
Think outside the box for solutions to problems
Be creative; engage in activities that help you express your creativity
Press flowers; keep dried flowers (preferably for use in later magical workings)
Sit by a fireplace; light a bonfire; allow yourself to focus on the heat and comfort of the flames
Learn non-obvious forms of divination; pyromancy, cartomancy, shufflomancy, carromancy, etc.
Make a list of your personal strengths and pride; focus on how strong and resilient you are; know that you have power, you have strength
Create a sigil or symbol that represents/invokes you and your personal power
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Circe. I may add more later on! For now, I hope this was helpful. Thank you, and take care! 🩷
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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biribaa · 1 year
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My name is Biriba, or just Writer Computer, it/it's :P. And as you can see I am a computer that writes x reader fanfics for specific fandoms. I'm a minor and brazilian.
Pronouns page(PT/BR)
Pronouns page(ENG)
This is my masterlist
Non fanfiction related blog > @localcomputer-quotes
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I can write fluff, yandere, angst and platonic or family related oneshots. I promise to put trigger warnings for the angst and yandere ones
Here's the list of the fandoms I can write for:
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Stanley Parable
Electric Dreams
Brawl Stars
Madness Combat
No Straight Roads
Will You Snail?
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Splatoon(Tartar only)
The Mitchells vs The Machines
Pinocchio Guillermo Del Toro(No pinocchio pls)
SCP Foundation
2001: Space Odyssey
Ordem Paranormal(Gosto mais de escrever sobre os monstros/qualquer personagem não humano)
Mandela Catalogue(No Gabriel request pls)
The Little Brave Toaster
Awful Hospital Seriously The Worst Ever
Tower Heroes
Billie Bust Up
The Amazing Digital Circus
Playtime with Percy
Zardy's Maze
I get more excited for AI/robot requests :)
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Smut, of course, I'm a minor and even if I wasn't I'm not at all good with human anatomy. Any incest or pedo or any disgusting things, you got it. Age up child characters(age up a child still means you're attracted by the child).
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Boyfriends webtoon fans, toxic DSMP fans, proshippers, Genshin Impact fans, anti-objectum people.
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Instagram: biriba_2
Twitter: hahabiribabrr
Tiktok: omgbiriba
Wattpad: biriba
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techlove-1999 · 7 months
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> you can call me MICOLASH/V1/TEEVEE… i use it/he/corru/that thing + any technology and/or gore related neopronouns and i am very objectum and in love with old technology such as computers, oscilloscopes, server rooms, calculators, arcade cabinets, non-humanoid robots, and more!! i also experience attraction 2wards hats.. they are very cute honestly…^_^ additionally i am a puter myself… computerboy WIN!!!✌️✌️✌️🖥️
> 4 fans of certain fictional robots, i selfship with AM (IHNMAIMS), P03 (Inscryption), HAL-9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Wheatley (Portal 2), Edgar (Electric Dreams), and Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas), so expect 2 see a lot of them^_^!!!!
> my main blog is @killer-arcade… i primarily reblog random shit i like there🖥️🫶
> i have a bunch of tags 4 organization reasons!!! i have crush/folder, squish/folder, save/folder, me/folder, fav/folder, not_tech/folder, self_reblog/folder, yesvee/folder, photo.jpeg, art.jpeg, and fantasizing.txt!!! additionally, 4 april fools day, any and all posts related 2 foolish prankery, i will tag them with fooling/folder.
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patrochillesvibes · 2 months
O and I have an other question how do you think Achilles will react once he finds out about the fact that Patroclus had slept Deidameia. Because I do believe Patroclus haven’t to Achilles about it .
<3 <3 <3
Ah, the single plot point in TSoA I disagree with.
🎵How do you solve a problem like Pyrrhus🎶
So if we’re all gonna suck Homer’s dick, then let’s all get on the same page that Deidamia isn’t in the Iliad. Or the Odyssey. You also gotta be careful with any source material mentioning Deidamia as most of this content was part of a smear campaign by the Italians coughDantecough.
Pyrrhus is such a random character if you think about it. Achilles was not married, otherwise Agamemnon wouldn’t keep trying to get him to marry his seemingly endless supply of daughters. Pyrrhus isn’t labeled as a bastard, but what else could he be? Achilles would’ve had to have knocked up some chick.
And isn’t it strange that Achilles would do this? I don’t want to say it’s not in character, but it seems strange compared to his prophecy-focused life. (Also, Patroclus and Achilles don’t have little bastards running around the camp, so do we really believe they’re fucking the slaves? If they’re fucking the slaves, where are the babies? Birth control and abortions were not that good in 1250 BCE. But I’m getting super off topic now.)
This is why I personally believe Achilles found a random baby, adopted it, and had Mother feed him ambrosia.
I’m very passionate about ^this headcanon of mine.
Now back to TSoA…
First off, remember that Patroclus is a LIAR. He is not just full of bologna, he’s made out of bologna. He wants us to believe he’s a feminist? Anti-war? A doctor? Achilles is perfect? Patroclus PLEASE!
But you have to respect the lies because TSoA is essentially an autobiography and lying is like the first law of autobiography writing.
I’d also like to point out the clever literary trick at the end of TSoA. The book ends with Patroclus and Thetis chatting about Achilles. She says “Speak, then” to get Patroclus to share his memories. Thus, the book is not so much an account of his life, but essentially all the memories he had to share with her. He wants to show her how glorious her son was, the side she never got to see, the human nature she shunned, Achilles’ mortality. So of course he’s going to highlight the good, even enhance it as well as downplay or even lie about the bad.
But back to your question…
What happened at Skyros? Patroclus wants us to believe a lot of non-con was going on. I low-key have a very messed up theory about what actually happened and why it happened, but I don’t want to get into it rn a blogger on here might be unhappy bcs of a related ask I coincidentally just sent them. So for simplicity's sake, let’s assume that the non-con did indeed happen. I think he told Achilles a half-truth. Something to the effect of mentioning having comforted Deidamia and given her an official farewell (of the husbandly kind) on his behalf. He used a lot of double-meaning words to allow Achilles to interpret as he pleased.
And how did he interpret what Patroclus told him? First he was relieved that he would not have to deal with her again. Then he was his usual dumb blonde self (Patroclus calls this 'trusting', Pat pls) and took the words at face value. And I wouldn't blame him for it. When traumatic things happen to you, you do what you can to cope.
And please don’t take this as victim blaming or non-con denial, but the last lines of Chapter 13 never sat quite right with me.
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Sorry to keep harping on the lying. Part of me thinks the scene with Deidamia was either a hallucination-false memory sequence to reinforce that patrochilles is 2-bodies-1-soul -what happens to Achilles happens to Pat; and part of me thinks this was Pat’s sly way of showing Thetis how she hurt Achilles by enabling the non-con. Sadly, we'll never know the truth, so it's up to you what you want to believe.
I hope this rambling rant answered your question. Thank you for the ask! I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Song of Achilles and am capable of ranting and raving about it for hours at a time 😘
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mochilorddrakeinferno · 8 months
(another spm thing haha I should actually play the game at some point also I read your entire dimentio doc and I LOVED IT) why do you think Luigi is the ideal host for the Chaos Heart?
Oh, glad you liked it, thank you! As for your question, it's a good one, but... I don't know if I really have a great answer on it. Let's start with some important information about the Chaos Heart. Its name in the original Japanese is the "Love Power of Chaos". This is significant because it tells us a lot more about the type of thing it is. Throughout Super Paper Mario, it is repeatedly emphasized that the power of pure love is capable of... well, just about anything. Reviving the dead, restoring the *beyond* dead, bringing worlds back from non-existence, even defying fate itself.
But that power isn't a purely positive one. Love at its core is passion, it's caring about someone, it's a bond between hearts. But that care isn't always mutual, benevolent, or healthy. Obsession is a kind of love, unhinged devotion a kind of care. But it's a different kind of love, something corrupt. Chaotic love. Where pure love is a thing of light and restoration and possibility, chaotic love is a negative power, associated with destruction, darkness, inevitability, and madness. So when Peach and Bowser completed the worst marriage ever, that is why the Chaos Heart was born.
(Side-note: The fact that he would later try to marry her again in Super Mario Odyssey does suggest it's a one-time occurrence that wouldn't happen if they got married a second time, which in turn probably means the specific circumstances of the wedding in SPM and/or the Dark Prognosticus's prophecy played a part in things, but to what extent is unclear.)
Now, the other thing about the Chaos Heart is it's weirdly parasitic in behavior. We know from Count Bleck's tattle that it grants certain powers (presumably related to dark magic) to its bearer, as well as placing a protective barrier around them. But unlike the Purity Heart, it needs a host to continue existing, disappearing if they die and fleeing a mortally injured host. It makes sense that the Chaos Heart would get along with Count Bleck. He's a man haunted by overwhelming grief, swimming in the exact sort of chaotic love from which the Chaos Heart was made. Dimentio's ego could suggest a narcissistic form of chaotic love is at play with him as well. But then where exactly does Luigi come into this?
Some theorize that he's a perfect host for the Chaos Heart because he wasn't actually Luigi at the time, he was Mr. L. This doesn't really work, as Dimentio only refers to him as "man in green" in the Japanese version of that scene, with Mr. L's name just being invoked in the English localization for some reason. There might be some merit to the idea that he wasn't truly Luigi at the time, but by that metric, he also wasn't... anyone. In Japanese, Dimentio specifically says the Dark Prognosticus predicted Luigi's *body* was the "perfect vessel" for the Chaos Heart. This, along with the fact that Luigi spends his entire time as part of Super Dimentio with his mind overwritten, weirdly kind of implies that his mind and so his personal connection to chaotic love might be irrelevant to what makes him a good host for the Chaos Heart.
However, since that matter is rather unclear, it's worth looking into another popular theory that does touch on the actual mind of Luigi and what chaotic love he may feel. Namely... the universe is not always kind to our plucky plumber in green. He's far less popular than his brother, often the butt of circumstance's jokes, and often disrespected by those around him. Some believe that this has created a repressed jealousy within Luigi for his brother, such that even though he loves his brother deeply, there is a wellspring of chaotic potential beneath it. And... this is a good idea to explore in fan works, there's a lot to dive into, fascinating interpretations you can make of Luigi's character through that lens, but from a canonical perspective, it's just not very supported.
For one thing, you never see it explored in the game. Super Paper Mario features one of the most confident showings of Luigi we've ever seen. Luigi never expresses dissatisfaction in his relationship with his brother, and he isn't even really mocked or negatively compared to Mario, at least not in any way that's given much thematic weight. Heck, even as Mr. L, who's lost all his memories and been hypnotized into a whole new purpose and identity, he still develops a brotherly connection through Brobot. And looking to other games, we continue to see their brotherly bond as not only positive, but aspirational.
Starlow comments on how much they trust each other. On Star Hill, wish is to be a great plumber like Mario. In Dream's Deep, we see his thoughts and feelings toward his brother laid bare, and they're all supportive and positive. Mario and Luigi's relationship may not be perfect, no relationship can be, but from all indication those two are about as close as you're gonna get. The closest we ever really get to a hint of a negative side to Luigi's perception of Mario is in Luigi's diary in PM64, where he says it's unfair that Mario went on an exciting journey alone. In other words... he's upset that he didn't get to go along and spent time adventuring with his bro. Hardly a statement of resentment. So the resentment theory analytically seems to fall flat as well.
This leaves only two real options of which I'm aware, and they're kind of the least narratively satisfying ones. One is that it's just a mystery and we don't know why, and the other is that it's true because it's what the Dark Prognosticus predicted. He's the perfect host because destiny says so. There is quite some evidence that the Dark Prognosticus itself is the reason many of its prophecies occur, and indeed that it may be what forces them to, but for a case such as how suited a person is to being the vessel of a very specific kind of dark power... well, like I said, it's not especially satisfying as a conclusion. So this is kind of a roundabout way of saying I'm not sure there is a definitive answer here.
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hammyham-o-o · 3 months
Give me a book that you think James madison would read or Alexander Hamilton would read This is for a fic. I need books and my book taste is not good enough. Btw please specify which guy would read the book
Hi! Ik it's too late for the fic but here are a couple thoughts I had :3
Alexander Hamilton:
The Odyssey! This was the first book that popped into my head, mainly because of hamalicious-soup's amrev odyssey lol. But I also think it's def a book he would read, because it's Ancient Greek, and part of the literary canon (a classic :))
I don't remember if this was historical fact, speculation, or just someone's headcanon, but I read somewhere once that Alex and John would share references to Greek mythology that they'd read and AHH I love that smmm
Antigone- one of the few Ancient Greek plays I've read, and it's about an underdog fighting the powers that be, so pretty much right up his alley (part of the Oedipus Rec trilogy, which is a rlly cool story if you like Greek mythology hehe)
Just the classics and literary canon books in general, since they'd be held in high regard and he would probably want to prove how smart he is by reading them lol
Oh Shakespeare FOR SURE he'd be a pretentious little bitch about it (affectionate) and it's musical canon that he read Macbeth, which also makes tons of sense because he could def relate to the character)
Non fiction in general too, like I can totally see him constantly going down internet rabbit holes if he lived in modern times ><
I can also see him getting super into a fiction novel, like SUPER into it. But scoffing at it at first, like "why would I read that silly story book it's a waste of my time" but then someone (cough laurens) convinces him to read it and he gets INTO it and can't put it down
ACTUALLY HOLD ON I think that might work WAY better the other way around, like Hamilton's always loved to read and he *finally* convinced Laurens to read one of his favourite books, and Laurens is skeptical but then gets OBSESSED (off topic lol sorry) (also maybe they both just loved to read idk man)
James Madison:
Ok so unfortunately I know next to nothing about the dude other than the joke that he was always sick
Soo not the best person to ask ;-;
But I can totally imagine him curled up in a big cozy armchair engrossed in a fiction novel
Which one? I would have NO clue 
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stygiusfic · 4 months
tagged by @kmackatie and wow I haven't done one of these in a hot minute so let's go!
last song listened to: Start Wearing Purple by Gogol Bordello. I love this song and I love this band. I just had the best time doing dishes while blasting this song in my kitchen, so you know this song is guaranteed to make just about anything more fun.
currently reading: The Lord of the Rings trilogy for a book club with friends, and then on my own Stealing History: Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and the Looting of the Ancient World by Roger Atwood, which is an intriguing non-fiction about the antiquities trade.
currently watching: Dimension20's Starstruck Odyssey. I'm a little over halfway through (Battle of the Brands!) and it's been such a delightful romp. I love the characters and the fine balance between things happening seemingly at random (it's a big chaotic galaxy!) and having a connecting throughline. Also have fully adopted Gunnie's saying "the ball is rolling up"
currently obsessed with:
Baldur's Gate 3! It took me a while to get this game because I knew it would take over my brain when I did and yes in fact I have just passed 400 hours.
Related: my current bg3 character, because I've written a truly unhinged amount of fake banter for him so he qualifies as an obsession in his own right. He is a Dark Urge called Silence who started off just wanting some peace and quiet for his headache to go away. His hobbies are saying disturbing shit like it's normal and making puppy eyes at Shadowheart. He has two basic modes, as you can see here: 1) baby and 2) murder.
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tagging: @sharkodactyl, @coffee-writes, @feuxx, @toushindai and also anyone who wants to do this! 😌
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long-live-the-gobop · 2 months
Ask game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! :)
Aww, thanks!
My soon to be husband ❤️
Me and my family reading each other's writings like Inklings
Dancing and singing while I clean
Yellow flowers
Wow, it's hard to pick just five.
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whump-adjacent · 2 years
Ask can you recommend some obikin fanfics?
For sure! I’m relatively very new to the fandom, but here are some of my fav Obikin fanfics so far:
NB- my preference leans heavily towards omegaverse & mpreg, so be warned if that’s not your jam 🤙🏼 Also see full tag lists per work on Ao3 link for squick/TW, etc.
Conceal Me Verse / by @himboskywalker​​
Conceal Me What I Am (Omegaverse AU | 18 chapters | Complete)
Brilliant, brilliant AU set during the Clone Wars where Obi-Wan is a high-flying (beta) Senator and Anakin is a popular (alpha) Jedi Knight. To help resolve growing suspicion towards the Jedi, the Chancellor proposes an arranged and very public marriage between a member of the senate and a Jedi. Obi-Wan and Anakin are of course chosen, being shiny and popular on the holonet (albeit fairly incompatible otherwise). Little do they know the Chancellor is purposefully setting them up for disaster as he knows the big secret - Obi-Wan is in fact an alpha! Anticipating the marriage will end in violence and subsequently destroy the Jedi’s standing in the Republic, what the Chancellor doesn’t know is that Anakin is also harbouring a secret designation: omega. 🤯
This work is STUNNING. It’s a slow burn in the best possible way; packed with feels, politics, so many beloved clone wars characters, omegaverse, humour, smut, whump, *costumes*, and so much more. It’s literally a novel. Like, it’s the actual full thing. Huge fav!
Let me be that I am (Omegaverse AU | 2 chapters | Continuing (hopefully!)
Set 1 year after the events of Conceal Me What I Am, this follow up gives a glimpse into Obi-Wan and Anakin’s lives now that their secrets are out & they are living as a mated pair in earnest. *Spoiler alert* Anakin unexpectedly gets preg - which immediately makes it my favourite type of fic. Plus the writing and details and smut are just as sublime as the first instalment in the series, so it’s really just the pinnacle for me. I really, REALLY hope there are more chapters in the future because this is the 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓉 🥲
For Pleasure series / by @himboskywalker​
Clone Wars era | 2 works | Continuing (I think) 
During a mission to infiltrate a slaver’s ring, Obi-Wan, acting as slaver, is forced to demonstrate how well Anakin, acting as slave, can take punishment. Unexpectedly, Anakin is able to take it very, very well indeed 👀💦
A very sexy lil series that gets added to approx. once a year. It’s non omegaverse/preg related (which makes it very off-brand for me oh la la) but just so bloody well written that I think anyone would enjoy regardless of their ~preferences. Literally, it focuses on spanking/public humiliation kink, which is not something I’ve ever really considered or been interested in per se, but I was SO on board with it during this fic. As always, hats off to the writer (particularly for work #2, you had me!). 
Oh, Where Do We Begin? / by ZenyZootSuit (Ao3)
Clone Wars era | 21 chapters | Continuing​
There’s so much included in this one (as you can tell by the chapter count!) and it’s all so brilliantly done. Set in an AU where Anakin is living with bipolar disorder and Obi-Wan battles with alcoholism, key events from the prequels and Clone Wars canon are incorporated throughout this odyssey (e.g., Attack of the Clones, Rako Hardeen arch, etc). This writer *loves* angst and drama, plus a healthy serve of whump, so be warned there are death scenes, tears, relapses, and battle injuries - but there is also lots of humour, feels, and truly impressive smut ❤️‍🔥 It’s not omegaverse but it does incorporate mpreg (which obvs is a huge tick for me) as well as a very dramatic birth. All the fav characters are in there too, Padmé, Ahsoka, Rex, the 501st, the 212nd... Big recommend!
what’s mine is your is ours / by @tennessoui​​
Omegaverse canon-divergence | 2 chapters | Complete
The council calls in Obi-Wan to breaks some very unexpected news: Anakin is with child, and it’s his! But wait, it can’t be - they weren’t...? Ah, we love a force-willed pregnancy moment to spur on a relationship ❤️ 
This is a relatively short, very sublime gift fic that is *chef’s kiss* 3 Michelin star omegaverse smut 😙👌 I’m aware people have diff preferences when it comes to omegaverse ~anatomy, and this one does a great job of touching on everything a little bit without leaning too heavily on any specific trope. 
Sidebar, if you’re not already following Tennessoui on tumblr (and keeping an eye on their Ao3), firstly shame on you! But secondly, do yourself a favour; read through their backlog too, they’re constantly creating and updating fics, responding to prompts and engaging with AUs. It’s fabulous and lots of fun! They also do commissions (an opportunity which I may or may not have jumped at 🤫)
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brother-emperors · 1 year
How'd you first get interested in the classics in the first place? What was your gateway?
oof, lets see.
god I can't really remember if there was a specific first. I grew up watching documentaries and reading history centric non fiction, so it feels like I've been aware of it forever, it's just that my interest in engaging with it varies. like, periodically I hit a very hostile negative with the classics and it takes a lightning strike of something special for me to get back into it. this current run of classics related fuckery is sponsored by machiavelli!
uhhhh. maybe assassins creed? when the conspirators try to use the shroud on brutus to resurrect him, and it fails, the body moves but there's no life, and they call it a second death?
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that might've been the first time I realized that all of this could be narratively interesting and fun to play with. I have spent YEARS discussing the implications of this with other asscreed friends, and we applied way too much history to all of that.
that was around the time I was in middle/first year of highschool, and the iliad/odyssey were part of the literature curriculum, along with oedipus rex, antigone, and some other tragedies. and ofc dante made me obsessed with the historical virgil.
in conclusion: all of this is a ball of yarn, but probably assassins creed.
edit: tbh it could be that my teacher for the iliad/odyssey/etc also had us watch sword and sandal adaptions of myths. I like groovy visuals, and sword and sandal movies had visuals for days.
edit 2: disney's hercules. I used to fall asleep listening to a cassette tape of the soundtrack when I was. like. 5.
tldr; I have no idea
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definedoctrrchandra · 6 months
Welcome to my Dr. Chandra centric blog!
-> This is a 2001 ASO roleplay sideblog.
-> Blog STATUS
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-> Some important things before we start:
This rp blog is SFW ONLY
I'm good at writing romance, angst, mystery, comedy/crack and more!
When writing romance suggestive is fine (i.e. scenes that end in a fade-to-black)
I'm okay with medical gore and other violence!
OC's, other fandoms, and non-fans of 2001 who are interested ARE SO VERY WELCOME
My blog sees Dr. Langley from 2001 as the same person as Dr. Chandra from 2010
I reserve my right to not answer asks if i deem the topic too intense to stay in the SFW rating
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Helpful tags:
#OOC: alice speaks -> blog updates and PSAs etc.
#🖲 -> when I react to posts as Chandra
#Chandra ramblings -> slight OOC; head canons and stuff #in my orbit -> things that are 2001 and related to Chandra but not necessarily role-play applicable #aesthetics -> for when i find stimboards/images/quotes that remind me of Chandra
#in character -> answering regular old fun and serious (doesn't have to be about 2001!) asks as Dr. Chandra :3 #rp game -> universal role play memes # verse: canon -> all writings and roleplays in continuity with the 2001: A Space Odyssey franchise as in canon literature/movies
I will be creating AU/other verse tags as I go on :)
Once again ->
OC's, other fandoms, and non-fans of 2001 who are interested ARE SO VERY WELCOME!!!
Of course, feel free to ask me (Alice) questions anytime!
Excited to go on this odyssey with you all ;3 -- Alice <3
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thank you for sending me all these asks! i have some for you as well!
d20 related:
favorite npcs from your top 5 favorite seasons
who's your favorite intrepid hero (if you can choose lol)
favorite non intrepid hero?
favorite pc from each intrepid hero
predictions for junior year?
any settings you would like to see d20 do?
favorite setting they've done so far?
favorite dm besides brennan?
least favorite npc?
a line that makes you emotional?
a funny moment you love
omg hell yeah i feel so honored
1.favorite npcs from your top 5 favorite seasons (its so hard to choose lol)
Fantasy High Sophomore Year: Ayda !!!! of course A Starstruck Odyssey: I really love the Junkmother, but also Plug ofc MisMag: that one professor who was all vibes and had the branches ACOFAF: jeremy renner theodore TUC: my girl ester or my guy dale. also pizza rat.
who's your favorite intrepid hero (if you can choose lol)
i love them all for different reasons, but as someone who is playing a circle of spores druid in a dnd campaign currently and is up to So Many Shenanigans and causing my dm to facepalm way more than usual, i gotta say my girl Emily Axford (but honestly this answer could change tomorrow)
favorite non intrepid hero?
erika. geese with the stats of velociraptors. (and all her other shenanigans, but that one is most notable)
favorite pc from each intrepid hero
Emily: a tie between Fig and Chirp, both so amazing Zac: Pib!! a little guy!! Siobhan: Imelda Pulse was too iconic to not make the list Lou: a tie between Kingston and Squak (i love the acofaf cousins, okay?) Ally: Pete Conlan! My wild magic tea-loving bookshop boy! Murph: Riz! My aroace private investigator!!
predictions for junior year?
Tracker and Kristen officially break up
something bad happens to Ayda
aroace riz content
at least one of Fig's parents perma-dies (and its probably Jawbone)
at least one of the bad kids starts using they/them pronouns (and lets be real its probably kristen)
any settings you would like to see d20 do?
would love to see a true pirate setting. I think they do so well with PoL and the ship battle in acoc, i would love to see a whole season of just that removed from everything else. also, classic fantasy would be fun. just chill, nothing else funky. kinda like DaDQ.
favorite setting they've done so far?
Starstruck definitely, or PoL. also, of course, ACOFAF.
favorite dm besides brennan?
least favorite npc?
Dayne Blade. others are bad, but he's manipulative and a real asshole. fuck him.
a line that makes you emotional?
so so many. most recently tho, Conrad's speech to self loathing in Mentopolis.
a funny moment you love
Chungledown Bim is so funny every time. Also, when Gorgug thinks Jawbone is Tracker's dad, his voice on "nOoO. you're hER dad" is so funny, go rewatch it.
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Have a mantis
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Say hi to the one and only diva! It's name is kira and they are the kira of Four For the Price of One or FFPO for short.
They are an non-binary albino irken,who works on the medical department as some sort of surgeon tho they are as well a more tipical role like some nurse of sorts.
They're as well as it's brother's and parents an great failure defective,giving as a result that kira is from an unspecified mantis species and for things of destiny a cannibal in nature.
Kira isn't much of the hunter kind in diference to other mantis or spider kind of irkens they are more of the scavenger kind of cannibal,usually consuming safe to consume parts of his patients afther surgical removals.
Or they just pay a visit to the morgue for freshly deceased and safe to consume bodys.
Still this ofthen brings problems to them despite being an really guarded secret among the medical department.
Apart from his cannibalistic diet kira also consumes regular food with no issue,prefiering meat and things usually high on protein than vegetables and fruits.
For this reasons he ussually prefers things made at home like mis,saeri or sira's cooking as well of eco's or Y's baking.
They're usually more energic and kinda happier than his other 4 brothers despite eco being a ray of sunshine shes calm and relax,in contrast to this divine dramatic queen.
In short words kira is an dramatic diva that ofthen makes an odyssey over someone saying their look is bad or over any criticism directed towards them.
Still the sass they show is from another level in join with their dramatism levels and the over inflated ego they are usually remarked for.
Tho inside that at first glance over dramatic and sassy heart somewhere in there is a good person who worries for their beloved ones,and a bit for their patients.
They're usually the one in charge of mis health or at least in this au of the og au,afther all they are family and by that mean they should take care for their family.
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(Remember when i said mis coukd sleep wherever and whenever? Welp there you go)
Fortunately the familiar relations more exactly with their 4 brothers is good and exept them being an overdramatic bish it's usually fine,the relation they had with their parents is tecnically the same as the other 4 mildly changing if anything.
Somehow by being also the fashionist of the family they are more than happy with helping his bros and sis with dressing up or just with their clothes in general,like sewing them back together.
An workaholic adicted to very caffeinated and sugary watermelon flavored sodas their favorite ones,this adiction to soda is similar to one of his brothers adiction with energy drinks or to mis coffe adiction.
Due to an incident when they still were a scientist,they got severerly burned with an really strong acid that left them with both of their arms horridly injured also having fallen into their face and chest.
Afther this their forearms got severely scarred and very weak as well very sensible reason of why they never quit the gloves and uses things with large sleeves and necks,also the reason why they cover their face as much as posible.
This is mostly cause they hate the scars cause they remind them of the agonaizing pain they passed during the burning and give them memories of seing their flesh and at some point clothes melt together.
And the fact that the scars ruin their(to their criteria)already bad apearence it dosen't help in the last minimum,afther all kira sees said scars as both a weakness and an issue.
Since they already had enough with their albinism and markings,for this scars to came and make it even worse.
Kira's voice usually sounds metalic due to the mask they wear,thing that sometimes makes them sound like a machine due to their already kinda mecanical way of speaking,similar to what happens with mis monotone way to speak.
Similar to their other 3 younger brothers they dislikes winter and uses the eldest of the 5 as a living heater(all due to mis not caring if they do).
As you can see in the picture kira has wings,this wings are able to lift them and to fly,but not for long distances,in fact they are mostly used to glide than to fly.
The appendages on their mounth are kinda like finger that help them to eat fast and leave no remains tho they're anoying sometimes specialy when kira is quiet,fortunately they can fake to be his actual teeth.
The mantis arms replace the secondary group of arms that irkens have,they usually have them out unless they get cumbersome,mostly if they're working.
The reason of why they donsen't hide them that often is becuse with all the skipes and thorns this arms have,they are a literal pain to hide and show again.
Their tail is mostly estetical with no more function than to curl up or uncurl or shake left and right,is of the same lenght as kira's thighs and almost reach to the knee,is usually hiden under the cloth so its not visible.
(So many fuking T's ;^;)
Due to their albinism both,kira's eyes and skin are sensible to stong lights specially sun based kind of lights another reason of why they are almost entirely all covered up.
The black screen like goggles kira uses to cover and protect they're eyes,are able to mimic their eye movement and expresion,and work like sun glasess making unesesary for kira to remove them to be able to see or express.
Fun facts:
when kira is unprovided of any form of covering for their face they fake to look in another way or they will try to fake being and act like somebody else as convincing as posible,since they can't handle people looking at their face.
Something similar happens if their principal arms are exposed or someone else see their most hidden mantis traits like mouth appendages,face marks or tail.
It also happens but way less with the mantis arms and wings,not to mention this dosen't bother them as much but it bugs him a little for them to be seen,especially the wings.
If somehow remarked or complimented their face ends up lighting in a bright magenta color and their face markings start to shine as a sing of embarasment and they break their formal tone almost inmediatly for a nervous n shy one.
Mis and sai usually make fun of it calling this sporadic blush burst's as the great led light or the magenta storm,only making it even worse.
Tho it aparently only works completly if they have their face totaly uncovered and they are distracted or not waiting for any coment of his apearence.
Due to the mitical once in milenia they uncover their face completly if they aren't with his bros or only alone this is almost an imposible mision,in fact you will have to be very lucky to see and provoque a magenta storm.
Cause you will have to be the one that starts it in order to see it,and the fact kira will try by any way to cover his face won't make it easy.
Curious thing:fisical contact makes it even worse till their face is burning and their markings are shining like actual led lights,they may feel a bit dizzy at this point.
Finally! Im done with this one..
I got inspiered by many tipes of mantis to create their desing especially in the wings,but mostly in religeous,orchid and spiny flower tipe of mantis.
I know kira was the last of them but im planing and thinking on making a sep or modified desing for mis since the ambient of this au of DF is diferent.
But nothing is defined yet.
Anyhow i wish a good,day,evening or night,remember to touch grass and drink water,and to take a break
Crow out.
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cedar-sunshine · 3 months
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@trancetales accidentally sent this ask to my non writing blog but I will be answering it here because I'm very excited abt this prompt! Just going to take this as the typical 'fun fact about yourself' prompt
"Hi, I'm Tristan, uh. Pass"
"Hey!! I'm Orion, I use he/him pronouns, I really like constellations and space stuff."
"Hi, my name is atlas, I use he/they pronouns I think, I know a lot about magic stuff. I'm also friends with an old god."
"Hey, I'm Athena, she/her, I'm related to a sun god."
"I'm Lee, I use he/him but I love it when people have variety, and everyone either loves me or hates me. This was an intentional choice on my part."
"Um. My name is alex. I killed a hydra once."
"Hey. I'm Angel, he/they. None of the interesting facts about me are fun, so I'll pass." (If he's at camp he'll say that he just got engaged as a fun fact but he only says that cause the camp is for queer people and nobody's gonna be weird about him having two fiances)
"I'm essie, I use they/them or he/him sometimes, I once stayed awake for three nights in a row on a dare."
"Hi! I'm Vincent, I use he/him pronouns, I've broken my arm in the same place four times."
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burner-of-ships · 1 year
so i read Lies We Sing To The Sea, and honestly i do not think this book was worth all the drama that surrounded it.
it's a perfectly fine YA fantasy, even complete with a love triangle. i read it in 3 days, it wasn't exactly mindblowing but it was engaging enough and the ending genuinely surprised me. i liked it, but probably won't read it again.
and the entire tag for the book is just people who haven't even read it screeching about how the author, Sarah Underwood hasn't read the Odyssey, and is from England.
and now i feel the need to rant:
right away i'm going to brush away the England point, because it feels like just another symptom of this weird hatred of England that's overcome tumblr in the past few years. sometimes it's funny, like yeah, we are pretty shitty, the monarchy and the British Museum suck, and that should be talked about. i'm not going to act like i'm oppressed because people online make fun of a country i just happened to be born in. but it so often slips over into classism. you lot make fun of poor brits way more than the people in power. funny British accents? working class accents. gross British food? poverty meals. it's punching down.
admittedly, i have no clue what Sarah Underwood's finances were or are like, before or after she sold her book. but my point is that i'm not entertaining this idea that her being English inherently makes her worse, because i don't trust this scorn to be warranted anymore. from white Greek people especially. sorry, but the BM having a few of your statues does not make you an oppressed minority any more than me being from the north of england makes me one, and it's frankly embarrassing for you to keep acting like a non-Greek writing a story set in Ancient Greece is at all equivalent to actual cultural appropriation.
it's not her fault she got a publishing deal and you didn't. be honest for a second, that is what you're mad about, isn't it? that she has a bigger megaphone than you right now. there's no shame in it, all of social media is about trying to grab attention, and drama is good at that, but let's not get too aggressive towards those who don't need to get mad on the internet to get that attention.
as for the not reading the Odyssey thing... first of all i read that whole interview and i can say right away that that interviewer did a shit job. she misspells the name of Jessie Burton, another Greek myth reteller, for christs sake! if the interviewer seemed to Underwood as thick as she seems to me, i don't blame her for fumbling a bit. talking to idiots is hard, and we have no idea how accurately she was portrayed, considering the people publishing the interview clearly did no research or spell checking.
and as someone who has read the Odyssey... no, you really don't need to have read it all to write a story set hundreds of years later, with only one character in common, a character who is given barely any characterisation in the original text. there is one chapter in this book that retells a part of the Odyssey, and i think it did it excellently. you don't need to read about Polyphemus or Circe or Nausicaa to write about the lives of those inside the palace. we don't know how much the author actually did or didn't read, but to me reading the book, it seems like she read enough.
the people who are acting like you have to know the Odyssey inside and out to write anything remotely related to it are snobs, plain and simple. not everybody was lucky enough to get an education in classics. it circles back around to this issue of classism in the UK, only private schools and i believe seven public schools teach ancient languages or classics. picking up The Odyssey from a random bookshelf and reading it with no prior knowledge of the time and place it was set in can be hard! the customs were completely different than they are today! with nobody to explain xenia or nostos or epithets to you, it can be daunting! some translations have great forewords that can help with that, but not all.
is the book a masterpiece? no, it's a bloody YA book! have you seen the absolute deluge that market pushes out? there are plenty of mid books padding out the genre, and this is just one of them. i can name half a dozen better greek myth retellings or YA romance-adventures, and i do always recommend you read the actual classics if you think they'll interest you. all i'm saying is that the book doesn't deserve the absolute slating it's getting, and that Sarah Underwood certainly doesn't deserve this harassment or review bombing. does anybody deserve that, just for writing a silly YA book? sometimes we need to take a step back from the bachannal and really think about who or what we're ripping to pieces in our frenzy.
i'm not gonna sit here and insist you read Lies We Sing to The Sea or praise Sarah Underwood. for all i talk, i can't reach through the screen and touch you, you can do what you like with your time and energy. but if you do share your thoughts or leave a review, then yeah, i think you should have at least read a couple of chapters, at the very least to avoid showing your ass by parroting blatantly false statements. and if you make up your mind on how you feel on it after only a few chapters... well i don't think you have much of a leg to stand on when you complain that she drew conclusions without reading all of the Odyssey.
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