#none of my friends are musical either like how did i get cursed like this
excelsior9173 · 1 year
it honestly crushes me to no end that my sibling hates sleep token with a burning passion.
they are one of the most musically literate people i’ve ever known, bastard can teach themself any instrument they want in minimal time. (for example, they were early to a piano lesson so in the 15 minutes they had to wait they taught themselves a song on cello. they had never touched a cello before)
but their hatred of sleep token means i have no one with a similar (and stronger) musical knowledge to discuss the music in depth. my theory is shaky at best and i’ve never liked it, but my sibling knows all of it. and i so desperately need someone i can scream about the musical genius that is vessel. his arrangements and vocal choices and breath control and and and…
there’s so much to cover and no one in my life with the knowledge to go over it with that will enjoy it. it’s awful lol
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅶ (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: None, lighthearted chapter tbh
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The sound of a marker cap popping open echoes across the walls of Regina’s room. Squeaking could be heard from the other side of the house with how aggressively she was writing.
She ignores her mothers insistent knocking as she pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts the photo of her and Cady in half. Pulling out a glue stick, Regina aggressively sticks the photo in the middle of the page.
She takes a deep breath, calming herself down and sitting back to admire her work. ’This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut!’ Captioned above a picture of her stuck in the burn book.
Those byotches had no idea what was coming. ✮✮✮
This party was worse than anything she could’ve imagined. Someone broke her mothers vase, Gretchen and Karen wouldn’t leave her alone, and, worst of all, she threw up on Aaron!
“Aaron, wait!” Her heels were digging into the backs of her feet as she chased after her longtime crush, wiping the puke off her mouth.
Aaron angled his body towards Cady, walking backwards and pointing his finger at her, “You are a clone of Regina.”
Cady sighed before perking up, “Call me!”
Aaron ignored her, wiping her vomit off his shirt as he disappeared around the corner.
At the sound of a motor, Cady scrunches her eyebrows, turning towards the source of the mechanical whirring. She curses under her breath as she watches you, Damien, and Janis approach on a motor scooter.
“You dirty little liar.” Janis jumps off of the scooter, stomping towards Cady while you and Damien spin around, unable to stop the scooter.
“I’m sorry! I can explain-”
“Explain how you didn’t invite us to your party?”
You pipe up, “Janis, I’m getting dizzy!”
She glares at you as Cady replies, “I had to act like I hated you! You told me to pretend to be plastic.”
“This,” Janis looks Cady up and down, “Is not pretend. You’re plastic. Cold, hard, shiny plastic.”
Damien warns Janis about his curfew before she continues, “Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music and just sit around soaking up each others awesomeness?”
Cady’s face contorts in anger, “You made me like this! All because of some bullshit petty 6th grade drama!”
Janis scoffs, raising her arms up in exasperation, “Oh my god! At least me and Regina George know we’re mean. You still try to act all innocent! You got what you wanted. Aaron broke up with Regina, yet you still mess with her. You know why? Because you’re a mean girl! You’re a bitch!” She throws her artwork at Cady, “You can have this, it won a prize.”
Janis gets back onto the moving scooter, almost falling off when you shake the vehicle getting off. Cady’s eyes widen when she sees you rushing towards her, preparing herself for another scolding when you run past her into the house party. Janis and Damien groan, turning back around and spinning.
Cady’s eyes widen when she catches you walking out with two half full bottles of vodka.
“Alright, let’s go.” You jump back onto Damien's lap, adjusting your hold on the two bottles. Cady runs her hands through her hair, letting out a breath. She starts walking back into her house when she hears Damien's voice,
“I want my pink shirt back!”
“Wanda literally solos all of…” You trail off when a group of girls rush past you gasping at their phones as you walk through the doors. You and Janis turn to each other in confusion before Damien runs up to both of you and drags you further into school. “Check what I sent you!”
Janis pulls out her phone at Damien’s request, her jaw dropping, “No. Fucking. Way.”
She turns her phone towards you. Squinting your eyes at her screen, you read,
“Damien, too gay to…function?! That's only okay when we say it!” You turn away from her phone, pointing and watching the commotion with your friends. Looking around, you ask,
“Have you guys seen Regina?”
Before either could answer, the sound of the fire alarm and sprinklers going off startles everyone.
“All junior girls report to the gymnasium, immediately! Immediately!”
Damien puts on his hood, before walking alongside you and Janis to the gym. Taking your seats on the bleachers at the back, you open your phone to look through the different pages of the burn book.
“Hah! Check this out: ‘Trang Pak is a grotsky little byotch’. It’s like a foreign language.” Janis and Damien giggle as you continue scrolling, ignoring the pang in your heart when you scroll past your own page, and scrunching your eyebrows in confusion at Regina’s. Didn’t she make this? Speaking of...
You stand up, looking around for her, when you catch Cady walking in awkwardly. She makes eye contact with you, offering you a little smile that you return. As shitty as what she did was, it wasn’t entirely on her. Plus she was about to go through way shittier with the way people kept staring at her.
She turns looks next to you, still smiling, when Janis catches her eye and flips her the bird.
The stare off was interrupted by Principal Duvall starting his speech, going on and on about how he oughta cancel our spring fling. You weren’t really paying attention until the end.
“Who has any lady problems they’d like to share?” You snort when you catch Gretchen pushing Karen's hand down.
Another girl you barely recognize raises her hand, “Somebody wrote in that book that I’m lying about being a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons,”
You, Janis and Damien start hitting each other, holding your noses and trying not to laugh when she continues, “I can’t help it if I’ve got a heavy flow and a wide set vagina.”
Your face was turning red, barely holding it together when Damien snorts. You bark out a laugh, slapping your hand over your mouth when everyone turns to look at you.
“Yeah, I can’t do this.” Principal Duvall sighs and urges Ms. Norbury to continue for him.
“Alright, everybody close your eyes,” She pauses, “Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a girl say something mean about you behind your back. Now open your eyes.”
You look around the room, everybody had their hands raised. She continues, “Close your eyes again. Raise your hand if you’ve ever said anything mean about a friend behind their back,”
You peek an eye open, raising your hand when you see everyone else's hands raised. You catch Regina doing the same. There she is. “Now open.”
You, Janis and Damien all collectively gasp when you see each other's hands raised.
“Seems like there’s been a little girl-on-girl crime here, let’s do a couple exercises...” Ms. Norbury had all of you confront your friends on what bothered you.
After a couple of confrontations and arguments, Regina stands up with her arms crossed, “Can I just say that I don’t think we have a clique problem at this school. Some of us don’t need to be here! We’re just victims.”
Ms. Norbury smiles, “That's probably true. How many of you have felt personally victimized by Regina George?” You slide down your chair, groaning in second-hand embarrassment when everybody raises their hands.
Janis rolls her eyes and pulls you back up to sit properly.
“Cady, is there anything you’d like to own up to?” Ms. Norbury calls out.
“No.” Cady replies
“You never made up a rumor about anyone?”
Cady looks around, shuffling in her seat, “No.”
“Nothing you want to apologize for?”
Ms. Norbury says something to Cady that you couldn’t catch before moving on. “Alright. Everybody up.”
She made us gather around a little platform, letting whoever wanted to go up and apologize for whoever they’ve hurt. It was absolutely horrible trying to hold in your laugh as the apologies began, especially when Karen fell forward into the trust fall instead of backwards. Someone you don’t recognize goes up, crying and apologizing.
“She doesn’t even go here!” Damien shouts before pushing you in front of him and pulling the strings of his hoodie. You stand on your tiptoes, attempting to conceal him as Janis moves closer to you. "I can't see shit from here," You mumble, trying to look between the girls stood in front of you.
Wanting to get a better view, you decide to move towards the front of the crowd. You pushed yourself between the girls, ignoring the curses thrown your way. Karen noticed you walking towards her and Gretchen and moved to the side as Gretchen went up, making space for you. Your smile dropped as Gretchen began her speech.
Oh wow. Gretchen was horrible at apologies.
Gretchen turns and falls backwards. Entranced by the train wreck that was Gretchen's half-assed apology, you hadn’t noticed people scattering away from you and Karen. Ms. Norbury gasps.
You all fall to the ground, Gretchen and Karen landing on top of you. Karen gets up after Gretchen, helping you up after her and adjusting your disheveled hair. You raise your eyebrows as she begins squeezing your cheeks with a far away look in her eyes before Gretchen starts pulling her arm. Snapping out of whatever trance she was in, she lets Gretchen drag her away, offering you a smile and a wave goodbye,
They could never make you hate her.
Janis pats your shoulder as she walks past you and up onto the platform, beginning her speech. Your eyes widen as she begins to list everything she’d done to sabotage Regina.
“Ay ay ay ay ay!” She ends her speech and jumps into the crowd as they all cheered her on. You were about to join when a teary eyed Regina pushed past you.
"Regina!" You and Cady called at the same time. You looked at each other for a moment before running towards Regina.
Cady keeps walking as you stop at the edge of the street, leaving them to hash it out when you feel a hand on your shoulder. A breathless Janis was standing next to you. You pat her back, “Nice speech, you should join Model UN.” Janis shakes her head in disgust, making you laugh until you notice a school bus speeding towards Regina.
"No!" Janis attempts to pull you back as you rush forward, jumping towards Regina and pushing her out of the way.
You both land on the harsh asphalt, groaning.
“God! Who drives that fucking fast in a school zone?!” You had your hand on your chest, trying to come down from the rush of adrenaline. “At least no one got hurt,”
Sitting up and looking around, you notice everyone’s eyes on you, “What? Why is everyone looking at me?”
Regina’s scream startles you. “Oh my God!” She says while standing up and pointing at your leg. You raise an eyebrow, turning to where she was pointing.
Oh god.
“Is the bone supposed to stick out like that?” You attempt to joke, before promptly blacking out. The last thing you see being Cady, Regina, and Janis all running towards you.
Long-ish A/N: I used the gymnasium scene from the original mean girls, its lowkey funnier. I know this chapter has a criminal lack of Regina, but I promise I'll make up for it next chapter. I just needed to move the story along.
I made a little sketch of how I imagine R, but I made her vague in the fic on purpose! You get to imagine her however you want. This is just how I imagine her.
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Will I acknowledge the fact that she looks like me? nope. Will I acknowledge the fact that I left out an eye? yolo.
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Tag list: @itzyyyyyydaaaaaa (if u wanna get tagged in the next chapter reply under this post!)
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naomiarai · 10 months
Conscious – cbg.
Synopsis : Your best friend's idea for trying to help you stay awake for your finals might be a bit twisted right?
Pairing : beomgyu × afab!reader [non idol au]
Wc : 1.6k
Warnings : dom! gyu, sub!reader, praise, pet names (princess, angel, pretty girl), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie.
Disclaimer : the lovely anon who sent an drabble on this. it got deleted, but I decided to write a fic on it. [I wrote this in one sitting while I was drunk so..]
Finals week was up tight for you. You swore you'd fail if you don't stay up all night studying. Hell that's not seeming to work
Luckily, you had someone to pent up with your version of opposite-insomnia. Beomgyu is annoying, but you still want him around. He's probably the only one keeping you sane when you keep falling asleep instead of racing your eyes on words.
You've managed the ones you couldn't avoid and here you are with the last one. Beomgyu seems careless today. He's sprawled up over your living room couch, his legs crossing over yours. Laptop situated on your lap, your eyes kept closing, only something that touched you lightly jolted you awake.
You scream out in frustration, muttering numerous curse words to yourself. Beomgyu jolts up, wide-eyed. A frown forming on his face.
“Your opera made me lose my game!” he says with an annoying tone. “Gyu, that's the least of my worries right now, I keep fucking falling asleep.” you reply back, clenching your teeth. “Don't disrespect your elders now” he says with a grin on his face. Beomgyu was a year older than you, but that doesn't give him a pass to act so entitled to his age when you act up.
“Nothing's working. I stopped taking melatonin, and all tube lights are turned on” you admit in a low voice. “ I don't get how you fall asleep that easy now. You had insomnia level 100 when you were little” he says in a wondering tone. You groan at him, wishing it were the complete opposite now.
"You know, I heard endorphins can keep you awake” he blurts out randomly. You turn your head towards him, with a small frown on your face. "Endorphins?” you ask. “Yeah, they keep some people awake”. Why did he sound so suspicious? “They're found in chocolate, laughing, listening to music...sex..”
You choked on air as you heard his last word. Sex? Now that's a fact. You haven't had sex in quite some time now...
Beomgyu looks at your bewildered face and scoffs. “What? It's true” he says. He thinks for a split second before he asks “Speaking of sex, when was your last time?” How did he sound so casual? "W-..why are you even asking?, i had two boyfriends in the past soo..” you randomly cut of, going into thought.
“Right, the first guy, who was it? Ah- Jaehoon! An asshole if you ask me” he sounded annoyed saying it even though it didn't look like it. You could tell. But why? “second..was Sunghyun? I didn't like him either” he says as he puts his fingers underneath his chin.
“Why the fuck are you going over my history of boyfriends? ” you ask. Also, he sounded weird talking about Sunghyun as well. He replies after a pause, “Which one actually made you cum?” you froze at his words. Does he actually know what he's saying? “Beomgyu!” you scream, “Why would you even ask?!”
“Oh, so none of them did?” he asks curiously. “Nevermind, ________ just tell me”. You think on his words, the only thing you never told Beomgyu was about your sex life. It's not like he asked anyway. "I-..I've had sex like twice...?” you mumble. He looked puzzled, “Don't tell you've only that two times of sex in only one relationship that lasted like, two and half years..? He got his answer, just because you didn't say anything.
He scoffs out laughing, “Did you cum at least?” he asks with a sigh. You pause for sometime.. was it really that embarrassing? “N-no”. You get back to your senses, getting angrier by the second. “But what does that have to do with me falling asleep?” you retort. “Absolutely nothing!”.
He has that shit-eating grin on his face. God, you just want to wipe it off with a kiss. Wait. What were you thinking? No.
“I'm just saying you know, it works like this, you overwork and start falling asleep too easy then I tell you that sex produces endorphins and they help you stay awake, anddd, he adds, dragging the d sound, you haven't had proper sex”
You roll your eyes at his explanation like it didn't mean anything. It doesn't. ”You're acting like I could go get dick just because I keep falling asleep” you reply back. “It's not like I have a boyfriend now, Gyu” you add on.
“But I'm right here”. He says ever so slowly. You're taken aback, frozen still in your place. “What the fuck are you even saying?” you say, almost whispering. His face and tone remain nonchalant, contradictory to yours. “You say you have no boyfriends, right?, and I'm probably the only guy you talk to”
Should you say yes? It's once and he'll probably never ask again. And he's kind of cute. You'd date him. But you would never tell him this. No, but you did get braver at the moment.
“Is this your excuse at asking if you could fuck me?” you ask calming yourself down with a laugh laced in your voice. He seems to take your presence in for a moment. “Did it work?” he asks with a sly smirk.
“If you want it to” you say quickly before you could do anymore pausing. His grin grows bigger; he slides the laptop off your lap and places it on the transparent coffee table with a soft thud. Connecting his lips with yours, you moan into the kiss at the sudden feeling. His arms wrap around your waist as you sit straight up. “Strawberry?” he asks tasting your chapstick. You simply nod, cupping his cheeks to resume the kiss. “Woah, looks who's actually eager here” he laughs.
He picks you up without breaking the kiss, having your legs on his both his sides. You break the kiss saying, “Not on the bed, I don't have new sheets ready” He chuckles at your prediction. “Who said it had to be on the bed?” He sits back down, with you still straddling his lap. His hands slip underneath your shirt, cold hands caressing your warm body. “I didn't expect you to agree so easily” he asks continuing to kiss your neck. “W-...well you did something about those endorphins...” you whisper. He laughs at you, quite obvious he hadn't bought it.
You sit up straight on his lap for a second, thinking. “But won't we make a mess on the couch?” you ask expendentaly. “If you let me go inside..?” he asks with a smirk. You slap his chest multiple times, his idea has some structural value to not making a mess but won't it.... leak out? God, no you should never think dirty. At least you won't have to change the bed sheets.
He claims your lips again in passionate kiss, hands going down to remove your sweatpants. Your left in a crop top and panties. What a sight. He breaks the kiss to lay you down on the couch. “I'll make you cum, astonishing you never have after you had sex twice” he says dramatically. You roll your eyes at him, to which he scoffed at in a high pitched voice. “Just wait, I'll make you roll your eyes for a valid reason” he says before undoing his belt and discarding his jeans and boxers.
You tried to look away. He had a pretty dick. But will it even fit? “Don't look away at the man who's going to fuck you now” he says playfully, hovering above you. You stare at him for a couple seconds, taking in his features. He moves your panties to the side, taking a look at your glistening pussy. “Need to prep you, angel” he says. Taking his fingers closer, he slips in a finger, extremely tight unsurprisingly. “You groan at the sudden feeling, he adds another finger stretching your walls out, you feel pleasure slowly forming from the slight pain. He continue s to stretch you out, with you letting out loud moans form time to time. He retrieves his fingers back just when you're legs shook. You look at him confused.
“I'm only having you cum on my cock” he says before slipping his hands underneath your shirt and removing your bra. He starts to play with your hardened nipples with slick covered fingers, to which you would scold him for, but it felt too good.
He pulls his hands back, spreading your legs open and removing your panties whole. “Ready princess?” he asks softly to which you nod slowly. He enters you with ease,, still going slowly. You feel so so full. He groans out loud, he mutters a 'so tight' before slowly thrusting in and out. “Mmnh–ngh fuck–” you moan out, the pads of his fingers rubbing your clit, making your roll your eyes back. His pace gets faster, so as his grunts and your moans. “Shit–pretty–you feel s-so good” he grunts. The sound of skin slapping against skin takes over your senses, raw pleasure filling you. “Don't stop! nngh– so s-so good!”
The wet and lewd sounds of his dick going in and out get louder, as he slowed down, dick starting to twitch slightly inside of you. You felt a firework inside your stomach, like a coil so desperate to burst. You think you're about to cum. “G-gyu, think I'm gonna cum fuck—!” you moan. “Yeah? cum for me princess, g-good girl aren't you? cream all over my cock-!” You feel his cockhead slowly hitbyour cervix with each slow thrust as you feel the coil in your stomach collapse, coming all over his cock.
He came after you, filling you up, and it leaked out onto the couch. “That was great” he blurts out tired. You slowly recover form your orgasm, getting back to your senses. “Is this going to be a one time thing or—” You're cut off with a kiss, him saying “Absolutely not. I'm keeping you angel” you simply smile at him.
“But gyu didn't you tell sex kind of helps you stay awake, I really don't think that's for me..?” He takes in your words, “It is for some people...” he says before his eyes light up with a grin plastered on hif face. “So round two?”
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6ix9inewiturmom · 6 months
Crying on your birthday
Summary: You’ve been best friends with the triplets since you were born and your boyfriend of 2 years broke up with you on your birthday and chris confesses his love to you in an interesting way;)
Warnings: Smut!! P in V, Dom!Chris, Sub!reader, choking, hair pulling, use of Y/N, unprotected sex (wrap ur snickers), Oral (fem reviving), fingering, cursing, alcohol consumption, cream pie, cursing, lowkey possessive chris?, (lemme know if i forget anything)
A/N: not requested but i had this idea cookin in my head for a WHILE!! this is a long one so be prepared!!
:¨ ·.· ¨:
`· . ꔫ
i’ve known the triplets since i was born. our moms were best friends since they were 9, Marylou and My mom went to college together and even had me at the same time Marylou was pregnant with the boys. i’ve thought nothing more then the triplets as my brothers, but chris… Christopher owen.. that boy has his ways with me about ever since we hit puberty together and learned we didn’t have the same body parts, now we never showed each other we liked each other so i never knew he liked me back. marylou always told me she’d seen me with either matt or chris. once matt started dating i KNEW i was never his type.. not in the slightest. nick and i were always just besties, once he came out it made more sense why he never attempted to “flirt” with me, so we were strictly just best friends or siblings. but chris? oh no he was a huge player, he treated me like a sibling but there was something about the way he “joked” with me i knew it was something more, but none of us ever talked about it so i ignored it, and just assumed that’s his way of joking. i’ve been dating my boyfriend, Cooper, for 2 years now, things were amazing, the triplets and their parents, were super supportive of me and him considering how we were raised as siblings. my mom liked him but i knew she never loved him.
today was my 21st birthday, i was actually about to have my ‘first drink’. at least to my parents knowledge. the boys and i would always sneak alcohol behind mine and their parents back all the time from the ages of 15-19, that was till they got themselves a house in boston, and i got an apartment close by in boston as well.
i spent about an hour and a half getting ready. i wore a black tight dress with little pink bows connecting to my middle breast, pushing my breast up and against each other making them look nice. with the dress i put on some thigh high leather boots with a slight heel on them.
cooper had finally texted me saying he was at my apartment to drive us to my venue i had booked for about 300 people. i knew my 21st had to be huge. i walk
down my stairs of the building leading to coopers car, but as i’m walking to him i’m expecting his usual flirty compliments such as, ‘hey sexy u come here often’, ‘can’t wait to rip that off you tonight’, ‘gimme a twirl lemme see that ass’, but strangely, it’s like i was a ghost to him, i ignore it thinking he just had a bad day at work or something.
“Hey coop! you ready” i say getting in the car closing the door smiling.
“hm? oh yeah i’m ready” he shoots me a fake smile before flipping his phone over face down and under his thigh slowly backing out to drive to the venue.
he’s never done that before? why did he hide his phone like that? why under his leg? i wonder so many things in my head but im not gonna let it get in the way of my birthday.. not happening, been waiting on this day for YEARS, today was about me!
the drive was silent and lifeless, never in the 2 years we’ve been together had our drives ever been less then filled with laughter and jokes, or blasting music and singing along to our shared playlist together. i plug my phone up to the aux cord and start playing our shared playlist thinking maybe i could lighten the mood but that doesn’t work. hes distant and it’s irking me, but again i brush it off cause its my birthday of all days.
i text chris a simple text telling him i was close to the venue hoping he’d be there and not take his princess ass his sweet time. as we pulled up to the venue i’m all smiles and giggles and as im walking towards cooper to hold his hand as im walking into the place he drops my hand, ive officially had enough of this i stop in my tracks.
“nu uh what the fuck is ur issue, first u hide ur phone, next ur completely silent, and now u drop my hand?” i slightly yell trying not to cause a ruckus infront of the venue
“just not feeling the party mood Y/N” he says almost uninterested in my feelings
“cooper marshall?? not in a party mood?? i don’t believe it.. not for a second, u literally have ‘party monster’ tatted on your thigh.. you NEVER turn down a pary, specially for your GIRLFRIEND of 2 YEARS, might i mention” i yell pretty sternly at this point not caring who hears
“yeah Y/N i’m not in a party mood, it’s not that hard to believe.. plus ur too clingy sometimes expecally when you can’t take a hint when someone’s upset you’re still fucking attached to me at the hip, i’m not always feeling you” again uninterested in how i feel
“Cooper what the fuck? i’m too ‘clingy’ where is this coming from?” using air quotes to emphasize my words.
cooper rolls his eyes “Y/N you’re causing a scene at your party you so desperately wanted to have, let’s just go” he attempts to grab my hand to drag me inside.
i drop his hand “no, your not just gonna ignore whatever issue you have with me, ESPECIALLY on my fucking birthday cooper”
again he rolls his eyes “i’m not doing this Y/N”
my eyes widen “doing what exactly? the party? me? what?”
he sighs before running his fingers through his hair “everything Y/N.. just leave me alone, don’t text me, don’t call me, just don’t worry about me and have fun at your pitty party”
my jaw dropped, if my jaw could break, my jaw would be in hell for how low my jaw hung. “your seriously breaking up with me?”
he presses his lips together and nods “yeah i guess i am i would say im sorry but im not.. bye sav-“ he stops abruptly before trying to fix his mistake of calling me the wrong name “bye Y/N”
tears start forming in my eyes “you were cheating on me? now ur breaking up with me on my fucking birthday? i truly thought better of you..”
he turns around “it’s not like you probably aren’t fucking chris behind my back anyway, it’s only fair” he shrugs
tears streaming down my face trying to comprehend what he just said.
“fuck off cooper” i storm inside the venue and as i walk in im greeted by the three same face people i grew up with.
“i uh- we uh-“ matt starts
“yeah we- you see” chris try’s to save matt
“oh my god you guys are fucking idiots.. Y/N we saw the whole thing.. what they’re trying to say is we’re sorry” nick finishes his brothers sentences and brings me into a tight bear hug.
i sniffle into nick as matt and chris both hug me, i pull away softly.
“i-it’s okay.. let’s just party, there’s 300 people here for me, i’m 21, finally we’re all 21 together, let’s just party and get drunk” i say promoting a half assed smile
“love ur attitude Y/N but let’s actually have a good time! also you look wayy too hot to be crying on your fucking birthday” nick says with his positive energy he always promotes
“you do look good sassy” chris says with his infamous smirk.
‘Sassy’ a nickname chris gave me when we were 8 and i was starting to get into my personality being sassy and not taking bull shit from anyone.
“thank you bubbles” i say with a smile. bubbles was a nickname i gave to him when we were 5 cause he was the bubbliest boy of the three.
about an hour went by, i lost count of how many drinks i consumed that night, on average id say about 8-10, i was the drunkest here, my words were slurring, i was full on shakin ass on the air, and my vision was blurred.
“oh chrisssy pooh” i slurred as chris came up behind me helping me walk around.
he chuckles “hey sassy, you’re a little
too drunk”
“whattt” i act shocked in my drunken state “nu uh, am not”
maybe these were my drunken thoughts but his smile could lighten up hell, the way his cheeks puffed up as he smiled, the way his blue eyes sparkle.
“mhm sure, why don’t we get you in the van and take you home and call it quits hm?” nick follows chris and holds my arms up to try and attempt to hold me i lean towards chris almost falling down as he caught me like one of those corny romantic movies.
i glaze into his eyes “you’re so pretty Christopher”
he laughs and picks me up and carrys me bridal style “oh yeah you’re done for love”
i nuzzle into his neck as nick, matt, chris and i walk to the van smiling like a kid in the candy store.
i randomly start busting out into drunken laughter as chris attempts to buckle me in “you wanna know something funny? cooper told me that i was fucking chris behind his back? pft he’s like my brother”
chris laughs and closes the door on the passenger back seat as nick takes the front passenger side and runs to the driver back seat to sit next to me.
“CHRISSY” i say a little louder
“i’m here sassy” he places my head on his lap and starts playing with my hair like he used to when we were kids.
i look up at him as his blue eyes glisten against the moonlight shining into the car window as matt drives to the triplets house “your so sweet to me.. can you braid my hair”
he looks down at me and smiles “yes i can” he takes my head and turns it to the side and starts french braiding my hair like i taught him years ago.
i softly hum before drifting off to sleep until i was woken up to chris carrying me to his bedroom and i groan as he sits me down on his bed “mm chris-“ before i could even warn him im running to the bathroom and puking up every ounce of alcohol in me.
“Y/N??” he says barging in the bathroom immediately holding my hair back to help me and rubbing my back softly saying ‘it’s okay sassy’ ‘i’m here’
i finally stop puking and am just leaning my back onto chris’ chest as he runs his fingers in my hair “you feelin any better”
i softly smile “i’m pretty much sobered up now”
“you ready to get into bed? you can wear some of my clothes and stuff since you weren’t prepared for anything tonight given the circumstances of your recent breakup- oh my god im sorry i shouldn’t have mentioned that im so-“
i cut him off “chris it’s fine, i promise, if anything im already over it… i know i shouldn’t be but i pretty much am” i smile turning my body to face him now
he returns the smile at me “good, let’s get you up and changed” he helps me up off the cold bathroom tiled floor as he guides me to his bedroom and lays out a pair of ‘Fresh Love’ sweatpants and one of his ‘Lyrical Lemonade’ T-shirts for me.
“here you go sass, i’ll be outside the door just let me in when your changed, you can throw your clothes in that hamper over there and i’ll wash em in the morning” he states before attempting to walk out of the door
“Wait chris” i stop “please don’t leave, it ain’t like we used to bathe together” i continue adding a small smile to my face
“okay.. but i’m turning around” he chuckled using his pointed finger to point at me
i smile at him “okay okay..” he turns around and i take my shoes off putting them to the side carefully and taking my dress off leaving me in my bra and underwear which was a matching orange set with little to no coverage on either my breast or ass, i was gonna suprise cooper with tonight but since coopers no longer in the picture it’s just another set in my collection. i throw on chris’ clothes which were a little too big on me but alas they were comfy.
“okay goober you can turn around now” i laugh and he slowly turns around and walks his way to me grabbing my hand and spinning me around like some disney moving looking at me up and down.
“my my my, i thought you looked beautiful in that dress but my clothes looks 10x better on you” he chuckles
i’m a giggling mess “oh stop it chris, you’re just fuckin with me”
he shoots me a smirk “eh maybe i am, maybe im not..” his voice trails off almost nervously
chris? nervous? never, i’ve warned his clothes thousands of times and never once has he showered me with affection the most id normally get is ‘i better see that hoodie back in my closet’ jokingly of course.
but alas a blush creeps on my cheeks giving away i liked his compliment, i can’t deny ive always had a thing for chris, i USED to only look at him as my ‘brother who’s not actually my brother but is my brother’ but that was before i knew what boys actually were. chris and i had/have never hooked up before, granted we were each others first kiss because we entered middle school together and Marylou gave them a talk about girls that somehow interested chris and he wanted to ‘get some practice’ as he says. but we were 11, we never kissed again cause we thought it was awkward, that was until i had my first date and didn’t know how to make out, chris, the player of course, was the one i ran to to teach me. cooper knew how close we all were, i told him i’ve only ever kissed chris twice but it meant nothing, it’s not like we hooked up before.
“ma?” chris attempted to get my attention but i was LOST in my thoughts about wanting to kiss chris’ soft lips again… was it wrong to want that?
“hm? oh yeah sorry i was uh just thinking” i laughed my nervousness away
“about what?” he said walking over to his bed, i followed sitting next to him
“nosey.. but mostly just us as kids.. i still think it’s funny cooper thought we hooked up, but it brought me to the memories when we were 11 and had our first kiss” i giggled softly
“OH I REMEMBER THAT ONE” he exclaimed “we were in my bedroom at the old house and” before his attempt at telling the rest of the story i joined in
“we didn’t talk for 3 days because we thought it was weird” we said in unison
we both laugh but slowly we just start looking at each other in a not so friendly way.. more of a romantic way, now i know i just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and the last thing i should be doing is looking at chris wanting his nice plump limps on mine.
before i knew it chris’ lips were attached to mine but i didn’t hesitate once, i immediately kissed him back but what was weird is that he pulled away… i thought i would have pulled away.
“i-im sorry i shouldn’t have done that” chris attempts to apologize
“no you should have… i know im recently single but… i want you to kiss me again…” i attempt to make him feel better the thought of his lips on mine and everywhere else on my body just came flooding down and creating a sense of heat in between my legs
chris leans in using his hand to caress my cheek before pressing his lips on mine this time in a more passionate manner, but with a hint of sexual desire in his lips, he wanted this just as much as i did, maybe more.
i softly moan into his lips as his hand travels down to my hips and up and down my upper thigh before slowly pulling away
“is this okay…?” he looks nervously down at his hand on my thigh
i nodded but that wasn’t enough for chris
“i need to hear you say it ma, tell me if i can do this” he looks at me deeply in my eyes.
“yes chris, this is perfect” i smile
“god i’ve been waiting for this my entire life” he kisses me again while using his hand to move into the waistband of his sweatpants i had on and taking off the pants laying me down on my back and pulling away from the kiss to admire the orange set of underwear i had on.
“such a whore for wearing such slutty underwear like this like you’re asking to be fucked…” he growled placing himself in between my legs and pulling my underwear to the side and admiring the glistening from my wetness coated on my pussy almost drooling and using his finger to collect my wetness on his finger.
“fuck you’re dripping…” his finger was drenched in my arousal he took his finger in his mouth to have a taste and his eyes lit up with desire and hunger for me “cooper would be shitting himself… i bet you’ve never been this wet for him eh? only for me?” he states cockily
“mhm” i smiled and nodded before adjusting myself to take off his shirt i had on showing him the rest of the matching set i had on, both being in his favorite color and little to no coverage for my hard nipples.
that’s all it took and his mouth was attached to my clit placing open mouth kisses on it eating me like his life depends on it, eating me like a gun was placed to his head for his last meal.
a loud moan escaped through my lips as my jaw when open “chris!” i yelped “fuck you’re too damn good at- at this” i state with a shakey breath.
he moaned against my pussy sending a vibration through my body feeling his smirk against me, he lifts up to speak “i bet ur sorry excuse for an ex couldn’t treat this pussy like it deserves” he smirks
“shut up christopher and use that mouth for good use” he didn’t look to happy
“i didn’t say you could speak back to me” he lightly slaps my clit, causing my hips
to jerk forward and a soft whimper let out my lips.
“oh? you like that?” he slaps it again and another whimper softly comes out me
he dips his head down in my legs again adding a finger and curling upwards to hit my spot just right and my toes began to curl and my back arching off the bed and moans leaking from my mouth, he adds another finger curling both upwards with ease.
“oh- oh chris!” i hum softly “d-don’t s-stop please s-s-so close” my legs tremble lightly
“don’t plan on it ma” he muttered against me occasionally looking up at me supporting myself with my elbows dug into the mattress, head thrown back, with my nails twisting the sheets between my fingertips
“fuck chris i’m ab to cum” i moan out
“do it, be a good girl and cum all over my fingers” he spits moving his body upward to watch me come undone on his fingers his eyes piercing in me keeping his fingers curling up at a constant speed
“mpft- FUCK” i cursed a constant string of ‘fucks’ and ‘chris’ as my legs tremble even more and i came absolutely all over his fingers as he slowly pulls them out with a huge grin and licking my cum up on his fingers
“mmm fuck you taste amazing.. i’ve waited a long time to taste you and i’d have to say it’s the best thing that’s touched my tongue” he grins
i roll my eyes playfully trying to come down from my high “now let me suck tour dick or you fuck me into tomorrow, ur choice” i smirk
he hums softly “now i’d love to watch you suck me off but tonight is all about you sassy, so we’ll save your mouth for another night” he shoots me a wink
“there’s gonna be another night?” i ask smiling and cocking my head to the side.
“i hope you didn’t think this was a one time thing.. im gonna need your pussy in my mouth every night” he smiles pulling his pants down and his boxers down in one swift motion and taking his shirt off leaving him bare… my jaw dropped, his dick is huge… thick and LONG… the sweatpants don’t do him any justice.
he obviously catches me staring “you like what your looking at sass?”
i nod HARD… it’s so much bigger then coopers…
“good” he smirks leaning over me and pressing a passionate kiss on my lips before lining his dick up with my entrance and sliding in with ease inch by inch, i pull away moaning as he bottoms out and starts thrusting his hips at a steady pace to begin with
“oh my god, you’re so fucking tight.. and wet… fuckk” he leans his head back beginning to thrust into me a little faster
“mpfh- h-harder chris” i moan out
his hips immediately went harder hitting my spot every time again. he grabs my neck softly choking me as i’m a bigger moaning mess then i was on his fingers.
“i bet cooper could never fuck you like this… he wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy like yours” chris whispers almost growling in my ear while pounding into me causing the bed to repeatedly hit the wall
“oh chris” i groan out arching my back
“i can fuck you better then that sorry peice of shit… mmm” he groans in my ear
a loud pornographic moan escapes my lips as his tip kisses my cervix over and over again leaving my legs shaking violently beneath him.
he flips me over so my back is arched and my ass is in the air, he begins thrusting in me at a domestic pace as if he can’t control himself with me anymore he’s groaning to the point it’s almost a whimper as my ass repeatedly clapping on his pelvic bone.
“Fuckkk chris… i can feel you in my fucking throat… you’re so deep” i moan out
he lets a HARD smack on my ass before grabbing a wad of my hair and lifting me up to whisper in my ear
“you’re such a dirty whore” he says nibbling at my neck leaving dark circles on my neck “you’re mine now… no one else’s” he grunts “mine to mark” thrust “mine to fuck” thrust “mine to destroy” he lets go of my hair and pressing my head into the mattress “mine” thrust “mine” thrust “mine” my moans turns into whimpering as i become overstimulated
“c-close” i choke out, i could barely form a coherent sentence.
“mmf- me too ma… just keep taking me like a good girl you are” he groans throwing his head back, maintaining his constant hard and rough thrusts.
my legs now fully numb and shaking violently, “c-cumming” i whimper out as im releasing all over his dick leaving a white ring of cum on the base of his dick.
his thrust became sloppy as he paints my walls with his ropes of cum and slowly pulls out trying not to hurt me he rubs my lower back as i turn over and lay on my back.
“hang on ma, lemme go get a towel to clean you up” he exists the room and i hear nick from downstairs cheering
“YESSSS FINALLY YALL HOOKED UP!!! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! but next time be quiet or wait till we’re not here yall freaks!” nick yells causing a smile to appear on my lips as chris walks in with a warm rag to start carefully wiping my legs and carefully rubbing my pussy off trying not to hurt me.
“happy birthday sassy” he smiles at me as we’re now laying down next to each other bare, skin to skin.
“thank you bubbles” i smile over at him.
“where does this leave us Y/N?” his smile drops into a nervous expression
“let’s just cuddle and we’ll talk about in the morning okay? i’m too tired” i smile at him reassuringly
he kisses my forehead bringing me closer to his chest “thank you” he whispered
“mhm” i mumbled falling fast asleep with the real man of my heart next to me.
IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS ONE??? it’s a long one but i had fun writing it! ALSO ILY GUYS!!! lemme know how yall enjoyed this one!!
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heauxvibez · 5 months
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warning: none, but it's based off one of my fav movies! Enjoy!
An abbreviation for 'Designated Ugly Fat Friend'. Often in a group of women (usually adolescents) there will be a D.U.F.F. as a means to look better by comparison.
"I'll be back, I'm going to get some fresh air. It's kind of congested in here!" Emage hollered to her friends, her voice barely audible over the booming music. They just nodded, lost in the rhythm, not really paying their friend any mind.
Emage hated parties, and constantly asked herself why she had even attended. 
Oh yeah, because my friends forced me out of my bed and dragged me here.
Yeah, she could've easily left bearing in mind that she had driven her own car there, but her conscience wouldn't allow her to leave her friends, who were most likely drunk, by themselves.
"Can you get the hell out of my way?!" she groaned, shoving past the sweaty bodies that rubbed against her, disgusted by the fact that the perspiration of the random people dripped onto her skin. Gross. The congestion was becoming too much for her and if she didn't escape the overcrowded area, she was sure she'd pass out.
After jostling pass people for what seemed like forever, she eventually found a patio. There were a few people out there drinking, conversing, sticking tongues down each others throat, but she didn't care. She was able to breathe in fresh air.
It was a mystery how her friends were able to deal with people rubbing against their bodies, invading their personal space but maybe it was just because her personal space was something she had cherished. Anyone who had even dared to pass the boundaries she had set for herself, man, they were in for a rude awakening.
Emage discarded the hair tie from her wrist, throwing her sweated-out silk press hair into a ponytail. She fanned herself, exhaling as she leaned against the patio railing. Although she hated being there, she loved the view. It was late at night so the city lights lit up the sky, and the full moon illuminated the night faultlessly.
Clearing her mind, she thought about how she even ended up being at this party. Of course, her friends dragged her here, but how'd they even get invited? It was an enormous house occupied with celebrities, whom she didn't really care for that much. She was pretty sure some of them weren't too fond of her either, being that she had cursed at a few for bumping into her, not even sparing an apology. Who did they think they were? She was well aware of who they were but there was no room for disrespect no matter who they were.
Oh. Now she recalls. Her friend Bree got invited by some famous wrestler. She forgot his full name but remembers Bree calling him Jon, or Jimmy, or maybe both, who knows. Emage wasn't surprised when her friend said the dude approached her after a match she went to. With her beautiful 4a curls delicately resting on her shoulders, doe-like brown eyes, and supermodel figure, she was sure to catch some celebrity's attention.
"Hey, duff." she heard a deep voice call from a distance, breaking her from her thoughts.
There was no way the man was speaking to her, so she continued to gaze at the night sky. From her peripheral vision, she could spot the tall figure stand next to her and lean against the railing as well.
"Hello? Duff, I know you heard me calling your name.." she shook her head, a small smile emerging onto her face. She turned her head, facing him. The young woman had been prepared to tell him off but her words became stuck in her throat.
He resembled a Samoan deity with his strong, chiseled features and full beard. His lips were a soft shade of pink, practically inviting a kiss, and his brown eyes seemed to peer deep into her soul. His white T-Shirt was basic, but it clung snugly to his body, highlighting his divine muscles. The sight of the tall man was enough to melt a popsicle stick.
As quickly as she could, she snapped out of her thoughts before he could see her sweat.
"I don't know who you are, or who you think you are, but I'm definitely not the one. My name is not Duff, so I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't call me that. Thanks," she snapped, her tone sharp.
A deep chuckle rumbled from the man's chest. He found the woman's feisty demeanor amusing, but her words didn't faze him.
"Well, since you don't know who I am," he said, throwing his fingers in the air to create air quotes. "I'm Roman Reigns, you know..WWE st-"
"Listen, I didn't come here to listen to you talk about yourself. I just wanted some fresh air away from the ignorant people at this party. But it seems I can't even get that," she interrupted, showing no interest in his self-introduction.
"Ooo, I've never met such a feisty duff," he remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.
The scowl deepened on her face, a clear warning sign, but he couldn't resist the amusement of provoking the short, angry woman.
"Why do you keep calling me that? What the hell is a duff?" she demanded, her weight shifted onto her right leg, arms crossed over her chest, exuding attitude.
"You don't know?" he questioned, one eyebrow raised in mock surprise.
"Obviously not, that's why I'm asking," she retorted, stating the obvious.
"Designated Ugly Fat Friend," he leered.
"Excuse me?" her eyes widened.
"That's what Duff means; Designated Ugly Fat Friend."
What? Did he just? I know he did not just?
Emage was taken aback. He didn't even know her, yet he was tossing insults her way.
"Did you just... did you just call me fat and..and ugly?" Her face flushed with anger.
He shook his head. "No, well, yes, but a Duff isn't always about being ugly or fat, or both."
Her expression remained unchanged, so he continued. "It's about being the least attractive one in the group. You know, the one who makes everyone else look better. Don't worry, every group has one."
Throwing her hands up in the air, she faked a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you, Jesus, because that makes the term way less insulting."
"I'm not even sure if you're being serious about this. I mean, I'm decent... I-I'm not ugly," she stuttered. He attempted to pat her shoulder, but she quickly brushed him off.
"Of course you're not. You're cute, but your friends Bree and Asia are...sexy," he admitted, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.
If she could have reached up to grab him the hair he had slicked into a ponytail and slung him over the patio railing, she would have. What was the point of him coming over here anyway? Did he want to shatter her confidence to the ground? As if she didn't already have insecurities she was trying to work on.
She lunged for a nearby drink, snatching it from the grasp of a random individual.
"Hey, I was drinking that!"
Without hesitation, she flung the contents of the cup all over Roman, the Hennessy cascading over his white shirt, leaving a nasty brown stain.
"What the hell was that for?" he bellowed, his eyes wide with disbelief as he stared at the blotch on his shirt.
A heavy silence descended upon the patio as the surrounding crowd observed the confrontation between the small woman and the towering man.
"You need to chill," he chuckled, though the anger was evident in his voice.
She responded by lifting her middle finger before swiftly turning on her heel and exiting the area.
"Oh, yeah. Real mature!" he yelled after her retreating figure.
With a frustrated groan, Roman was left with the nauseating scent of spilled Hennessy under his nose. Feeling the weight of the party guests' curious stares, he glanced up.
"What the hell are you guys looking at?" he demanded, his irritation palpable as the onlookers quickly averted their gaze, earning a devious chuckle from the WWE star.
"Stupid duff..." he muttered under his breath.
Umm..200 words turned into 2 million. Lol this is just going to be a plain ole writing challenge at this point. Part 2?
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade @empressdede @alichesmi @msbigredmachine @blacst4r @sassginamillls @wrestlingprincess80 @saintmagx @theninthwonder
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moonpedri · 1 year
game over.
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summary: meeting your ex at your friend's birthday party was the last thing you wanted, yet you somehow couldn't stay away from him.
pairing: pedri x reader
genre: fluff (sort of?), suggestive
warnings: none really, just a bit of toxic/fuckboy!pedri, making out
word count: 2.2k
a/n: this is my first fic i ever published. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing!! <3 (not proof-read)
The music around you is loud, blaring through the speakers. The people in front of you dance to their hearts content, watching them as you sit on the sofa somewhere in the corner of the room. You lean back and laugh at the birthday boy in the middle of it all, moving like rent was due tomorrow morning.
Sira joins in at her boyfriend's antics.
Tonight was Ferran's birthday. And as with every birthday of his, he liked to go all out. Especially with the house parties. Especially especially because it was his first one in Barcelona, having spent the last one in Manchester. He was happy to be back in Spain and more so to play for one of the biggest clubs in the world.
It has always been a childhood dream of his and by extent yours too. The two of you grew up together in Valencia and always dreamed of living in the big city up north. You for your studies and him for the football. You managed to leave first, enrolling into the University of Barcelona. Ferran took a little detour to England before joining you 2 years later. It was one of the best news you have ever received.
Both you and Sira helped preparing this party and you are happy that so far everything went well. You still aren't sure how Ferran knew so many people in the short time he has been here in Barcelona but the house is filled up to the last bit - which worried you at first but, oh well.
It wasn't up to the ideal athlete lifestyle either, but who followed that nowadays anyways? It was his birthday and they don't have any important games in the next few days. Though maybe training's going to be a pain in the ass tomorrow, but that didn't have anything to do with you.
You focus on the crowd in front of you again.
Next to Ferran is another figure, one that was quite familiar to you. You two lock eyes for a split second before you turn your head away. Displeased, you take a sip of your drink.
Sira, who noticed immediately, looks at you with a smirk on her lips. "Have you still not talked it out?"
You sigh, "There is nothing to talk out really."
She hums, "Hm, sure. That's why you two always look like you want to make out and rip each other's throat out at the same time."
"Sounds kinky.", you say, not adding anything more and take another sip. You really didn't want to talk about him. Sira on the other hand suddenly takes great interest in the topic.
"__, come on. This can't go on like this forever. You know what always worked whenever Ferran and I fought? The jealousy card."
You look at her exasperated, "Are you trying to give me relationship advice right now? We didn't fight, we ended things, Sira. I don't want him back."
"Then stop looking at him like every two seconds."
You hadn't even noticed. You groan, "I'm going to get myself another drink." And with that you hurry to the kitchen. Far far away from Sira and her stupid advices. She calls after you, but you ignore her.
Yeah, okay. Maybe you looked at him like what, two times? So what. You haven't seen him in a while, of course you were a bit curious. That was only human, right? After all, you had a right to be curious.
Annoyed that you think about him again, you open the door to the kitchen only to be greeted by the devil himself; and apparently an accomplice of his as well, as some girl was clinging to his arm.
A curse almost leaves your mouth at the sight.
He looks good, he always does. His face was freshly shaved and his dark locks frame his face oh so perfectly. He wore a dark T-Shirt that highlighted his toned upper-body, it was truly unfair how attractive he was right now.
At the sight of you, the blonde girl next to him dugs her long nails deep into his biceps. She is pretty, you notice quickly, which just makes the whole situation worse.
You stand there for second, thinking. As much as you want to, leaving was absolutely not an option. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction. You want Pedri to know that you don't care about him anymore, just like what he said to you all those weeks ago.
So, you straighten your back and squeeze past them and straight towards the fridge. You hear the girl scoff behind you, probably annoyed that you interrupted whatever they planned on doing. Trying to seem unbothered, you open the fridge and lean down to grab one of the energy drinks stored at the bottom. You could have kneeled down too, but maybe you wanted Pedri to see. The dress you wore was short, barely covering your ass. And seeing this girl in his arms, alone in the kitchen, irks you for some reason.
She could never be you, and you wanted to remind Pedri of that.
You could feel his eyes on you, "I know that I was the best thing that probably ever happened to you, and that you miss me, but did you really have to follow me all the way back to the kitchen?", he says and the girl next to him giggles. It makes your blood boil. Who does he think he is?
You turn around, just in time to catch him checking out your ass, and smile at him, "You're so full of yourself, it's actually disgusting, you know?"
He pretends to think, "I've heard those word a few times before, yes. In a different context though."
Oh, how you hate him. You detest him so so much, and yet it makes something churn in your stomach. "I hate you.", is all you say before you leave the kitchen. You believe to hear a "Likewise" leave his mouth. Bastard.
Maybe Sira was right. The jealousy card worked, but not how you wanted to. Not on him, but on you. Somehow the thought of leaving Pedri alone with that blonde bitch irritates you. It enrages something deep within you. And you want to turn the tables.
Without really thinking too much about it, you move your way into the middle of the dance floor, grab some guy's hand and move your hips like you were on the broadway. Like you were Britney fucking Spears.
Two could play this game. You chuck down the last bit of your energy drink and move in-between all these sweaty bodies. It may looked wrong but it felt good to let loose.Lost in both music and thoughts, you suddenly someone bump into you. You recognize the brown locks immediately.
Pablo Gavira. A very close teammate of Pedri and possibly his best friend.
You met him a little bit later than Pedri but nevertheless considered him a pretty good friend of yours - even after everything that happened.
"Oh, sorry- __, hey."
"Hey.", you say and involve him in some small talk. You haven't seen him in quite some time either. Due to the loud noises though, the two of you were forced to talk to each other in close approximity. Not that you complained, he is an attractive guy, you just never saw him that way.
Gavi knew his boundaries, you both knew them. And you don't think he was interested you in that way either. However a little fun never hurt anyone, right?
You tucked Gavi a little closer and moved your hips against his. Your hands hold firmly onto his shoulders and to anyone around you it may have seemed like there was definitely more going on between you two.
To Gavi and you, though, it's nothing. It's fun. If Gavi knows what your true intentions are, he doesn't show it.
You catch movement from the left side of your eye. Pedri and the girl stand in a group of people now, talking and chatting with each other. You recognize Sira and Ferran to be part of them.
Sira spots you first and smiles mischievously. Next to her, Pedri now turns your way as well. He furrows his brow immediately and you look back to Sira, who is signaling something to you. You understand, of course. Giving in into her "advice", you grab around Gavi's neck and push your chest against his. As Gavi's hands wander down slowly, you lean in closer to his face.
But Pablo wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing. "And here I thought you just wanted to spend some quality time with me.", he whispers into you ear, acting fake-hurt by your actions. You reckon that he is joining in on this little game you are playing, knowingly playing with fire too.
Innocently, you reply, "Am I not?"
"Hm, are you not?", he asks and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You laugh, "Who knows," his hand is now on your lower back, ",but I have to admit you're surprisingly good at this."
"Ah, now you're hurting my feelings for real. Why is that surprising?"
"I don't know, I just didn't expect it I guess. You never gave me an opportunity to think otherwise.", you say and the tips of your noses almost touch.
It was mindless chit-chat really. To anyone looking from outside though, it definitely was not just mindless chit-chat; which is exactly what you wanted. You look over to your left, dark brown eyes boring directly into you. You can't decipher the look on Pedri's face; but it isn't difficult to point out that it's not positive. You grin at him and watch as his jaw clenches.
Right then, Gavi turns your face to him, index finger under your chin. "Well, at least you know now.", he glances behind you and chuckles, "He's going to kill me later, but for now good luck."
He lets go and suddenly a large hand circles around your waist and pulls you back. You hate the way you lean into the touch unconsciously; how your body responds quicker than your brain and recognizes it straight away.
Gavi winks at him (or you, you're not sure to be honest) and turns back to the crowd.
"Game over, princess.", Pedri whispers into your ear. Goosebumps spread all over your body. "You think I don't know what you're up to? I'm not stupid."
"So why are you here then?"
He lays his hands on your hips and spins you around. His face is impossibly close, "Because you're a fucking minx and it's annoying me."
You look at him unimpressed, "Fuck off, Pedri."
His tight grip on you prevents you from leaving. Pedri grabs your jaw, "That was your plan all along, wasn't it? Getting me all riled up, try making me jealous with my best friend out of everyone."
"So what?", you look up at him. And he only stares back. You could have pretended to be innocent, but you were done. You wanted to lay all cards open. He couldn't do anything about it, you weren't his.
"I thought you hated me?"
"I do."
You hum, "So much." You haven't realized how close he was to you now, your lips only inches apart.
Pedri looks at them for a split moment. Then his eyes wander down your body and it takes everything in you to not buckle under his gaze. You remind yourself that you were strong, not weak. You wanted to leave him high and dry, show him that he couldn't find anyone better than you. But that task proved itself to be harder than you initially thought.
So you tug him forward by the hem of his pants and pull him down by his neck, clawing at it almost. "And did my plan work?", you breathe against his mouth.
Pedri's lips on yours are the only confirmation you need.
He kisses you with force and so much desperation and frustration. You did with just as much. It's been too long.
His hands roamed your body, stopping at your ass. It hurt to admit how much you missed him on you. He squeezes the flesh of your butt, pulling you into him and you gasp into his mouth. "God, I missed you so much.", he roans.
You don't know how long you continued to make out, exploring each other as if it was your first time.
Only when someone bumps into you, the two of you part. You feel your heart beat hard against your chest. Stil trying to steady your breath, you look at him - unsure on how to proceed. But your lord and savior, in the form of Ferran, saves you from the awkwardness
"Pedri!", he calls him over. The boys are gathered in a group, and whatever they managed to do, they wanted to show Pedri.
He looks over to them, signaling them that he's coming.
He turns to you with a smirk. "We should definitely repeat that.", Pedri winks and caresses your face. He leaves a soft kiss on your cheek before leaving. His actions and words didn't match, which confuses you even more. But that was a problem for another time.
For now, you just bite your lip and smile after him. "Yeah.", is all you manage to say.
© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
check out my masterlist for more! 🤍
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> how i hate those guys! genre -> angst + college au pair -> hyunjin x gn!reader warnings -> reader wears makeup + smoking + cursing + hyunjin being a hyunmean words -> 3705 lowercase intended a/n: this is longer than i usually write, anyways yunjin best friend ever, that's it.
this what makes us girls we all look for heaven and we put love first something that we'd die for, it's a curse don't cry about it, don't cry about it this is what makes us girls we don't stick together 'cause we put love first don't cry about him, don't cry about him it's all gonna happen
this is what makes us girls / lana del rey
"if he's here, i'll probably die." i said as i looked down. trying my best to fix my outfit and my hair as we walked down the street at night, not the best choice but none of us had a car and we were not taking public transport for a few blocks. 
"you know he is! stop being so nervous, it's gonna be fine." yunjin responded as she took my hand and i just sighed. we have been friends for over 2 years and yet i still felt like i was too little for her. she was just a dream, the it girl kinda type, she didn't have to make the effort to look pretty, she just was. while i was here with an outfit that her and chaewon picked, with makeup that they wanted me to wear and i tried my best to fit in this whole atmosphere. 
it was a house party, a big one. one of my classmates held it and i didn't even know he had this much money to be hosting something so grand, it definitely made me feel insecure that i was still living with my parents and struggling to keep a job and paying a private university which was prestigious but also had the reputation for everyone being a "show off". i never considered myself the fancy type either but i really wanted to get my degree and to make my parents proud and in the third year, here i was trying my best to survive. i met yunjin and chaewon when i first started, i hit it off with both of them because we were kinda lost in the whole college deal and being beginners felt weird. it took a group project and us sitting close to each other for us to actually start talking and become friends but it was worth it. 
some people say that college is nothing like high school which i agree. but then i look at the people, how they act and how they show off themselves. i can't help but get flashbacks to secondary school life. just now everyone's an adult and semi conscious of their actions. 
when we arrived, the music was gonna make me deaf. it was so loud and the place was packed, like it was a big house for sure but i did not understand how many people they invited. i was guessing it would be just the people that this guy knew but apparently i didn't know anything about parties. the word spread from mouth to mouth as more people found out about what was happening today. getting in was already a disaster with the heavy clouds of smoke that some guys were blowing in the front lawn. yunjin grabbed my hand and decided to get me in as chaewon went looking for sakura in the backyard. the neon lights were fluorescent as i took in the atmosphere that surrounded me and trying to see familiar faces so i felt less alone. i barely knew people here to be fair, the only one who stood out to me was san who i've done a couple of projects with and he was hanging out with wooyoung who i've seen around campus (he's loud, impossible not to notice him). he waved at me and i waved back slightly as i kept on walking with yunjin. i didn't know what she was looking for exactly, probably one of her million friends. it was like she knew the whole college, she definitely became the most popular out of our friend group and i might not be as popular but i did have a "reputation" because i was by her side.
"okay (y/n), there he is." yunjin said to me and i looked at her confused but then i saw who she was pointing at and immediately grabbed her arm for her to put it down. she just laughed at my actions and sighed, as i took in the scene again. hwang hyunjin was right there with his group of friends and he looked bored out of his mind. i never took in to be a party kinda guy but i knew that his friends changbin and jisung were a bit wild. he was probably the prettiest boy i've ever seen, most handsome one for sure. he just had a beauty that i could not describe with words and he was following the same career that i was, we were in almost every class together and saw each other almost every day but i'm pretty sure he had no idea i even existed. 
"what the hell am i supposed to do with that information? it's not like i can go and walk over to him yun!" i said and she just smiled, i knew she found it cute when i was nervous. i couldn't focus on anything but him and this happened quite a lot because i would just stare as mesmerized as i could get. and if he did know i existed, it's not like he would look my way. "can we go find chae and kura?" i said and she just looked at me with her big puppy eyes.
"come onnn, this is your chance to shine! we're not in college, you both have something in common and also he's all alone right now!" she said and she did have a point. but i could not even have a conversation with a stranger, let alone with my crush! what the hell was i gonna say?. "he's looking in our direction right now." she said and i panicked.
he was indeed looking and as yunjin pretended that she was looking somewhere else, i held eye contact with him and he actually fucking smiled. if i didn't pass out right then & there than i don't know how i was gonna survive this night. he signaled me to come over since his friends were somewhere else and i just mouthed "me?" which caused him to nod. it took a slight push from yunjin as she waved me goodbye for me to go where hyunjin was. shaky legs and everything i made through the crowd and to him. his jacket hanging on his shoulders, his necklace on his neck and his earrings were gonna make me lose it but i stayed calm and spoke up.
"hi, why did you want me to come over?" i said as best as i could 'cause the noise was still loud as hell and the people chatting just made it worse. drunkenness all around but i didn't drink so i could stay sober while talking to hyunjin, good move i know.
"it's rude to stare at me like that you know? i've seen you doing it during class too." he said laughing and i wanted to die right there, bury me i don't care. of course he was gonna notice that i do that like a psychopath. 
"i'm sorry, i don't know why i do that at all." i said and i did know but i was gonna keep it to myself because the worst thing i could say right now is that i had a crush on him for like a year already. "i will go now! have a nice night".
"stay please, it's not like we both have company right now and our friends well-" he said as he pointed out the window and i saw his friends jumping in the pool and mine hanging out with a bunch of girls that i didn't know at all. it was hard to feel included but i tried to see the good side and that was that they considered me a part of the group. "(y/l/n) (y/n) right?".
"yeah! we share... a lot of classes together." i said as he offered me his drink. "oh no thanks! i don't drink." he then nodded as he put it down and sat down on the floor since every seat was taken and again did the signal with his hand. i sat down next to him and even in the nighttime, with all the purple and red lights, i could not stop admiring him. i was still in a state of shock that he was even talking to me but i tried to let it go. 
"you love staring don't you?" he said and i just looked back down again as i blushed. i could feel the heat rush up to my cheeks and the air getting heavier from the amount of people that were in the house at that moment. "i don't mind though but let me stare at you too."
"okay?" i said and so we did. we stared at each other for quite a while as his eyes met my features like he was studying every single one of them. he smiled at me and i couldn't help but smile back as his hand met my crimson red cheek and slowly traced patterns with his fingers on it. he placed a kiss on my chin and i took it in like i was high. i didn't know how i would feel if i actually got a kiss from him but i would take in every moment that i could if i could only feel him.
he then leaned in closer to my ear and whispered.
"let's get out of here okay?" 
i just nodded and he grabbed my hand as he took me outside, everyone in the crowd moved like they were in his control. as soon as i felt the cold air breeze, his hands were on my waist and he kissed me. it was so deep and so majestic that i almost lost balance but he grabbed me. i followed his pattern as his lips and mine moved to a slow rhythm but it was perfect. i could not ask for a better first kiss with hyunjin.
"been wanting to do that for so long now." he said and i just smiled as i was completely enamored by him and his words.
"why didn't you?" i said and that's when he smiled. 
"just seeing you today gave me the last push i needed to do it."
✉ ✉ ✉
when i got back home, i immediately got a message from yunjin. i was so tired but all the excitement and the energy i was feeling in my chest was driving me on to answer it. i also got hyunjin's number which after what happened shouldn't be that surprising but it was. i still couldn't believe he noticed me and that he did all of that. he made ! a ! move ! on ! me ! and i gotta thank yunjin for that.
i couldn't help but laugh at the eagerness and then feel completely embarrassed by my actions. of course everyone saw us and in the moment i didn't care. but then i saw the pics that chaewon kept sending me and yep, there we were. his hands around my waist, mine on his chest as he kissed me. he lead it on and on as i followed every move and i could still feel his lips when i touched mine. it was such a sweet feeling to be wanted by the one you wanted all along but it still felt unreal.
i answered every single message i was getting from my friends but then i saw him message me.
hyunjin ♡  can't wait to see you this week had so much fun tonight take care (y/n) and have a lovely night
i held back my teenage girl scream as i didn't wanna wake up my parents but oh god that make a thousand butterflies explode in my stomach. i couldn't even sleep, i was just thinking the night through back & forth. repeating the events like film scenes. but this was my reality and it was all changing so quickly.
✉ ✉ ✉
i felt the weekend end quickly and monday to start so abruptly. i walked to class with chaewon and i could feel the stares right on me, i didn't know how to act around it but i tried my best to ignore it and to keep going. as always chae would sit with sakura and i would sit with yunjin but today she called in sick. what i did not expect was for hyunjin to sit next to me and greet me with his signature smile. 
"hey, i hope you don't mind me taking this seat." he said and i shook my head as i saw him once again. his hair was combed back, shining platinum blonde as he left his bag on the floor and his eyes were on me again. again the analyzing kinda phase was never going to stop as we looked at each other and our hands met under the table. intertwining fingers as i bit my lip 'cause he still really made me nervous. "i hope your weekend was good and that you get used to this because like i said... i really wanted to do what i did that night."
the class started and i could not answer him. but from the stares he kept on giving me, i know he already knew my answer and how i was feeling more comfortable than ever with him. chae and kura kept on laughing behind me but i didn't care because i was again so enamored by the feeling that i was being given a chance to be with the one i wanted for so long.
my next class wasn't with hyunjin but that still didn't stop him from texting me all the way through. that also didn't stop the staring or the whispering that could be heard when they saw me. i heard the word "hyunjin's toy" and it made me shiver 'cause i didn't wanna doubt everything but it felt like things were going too well and in my favor to not be doubting that something bad could happen. 
✉ ✉ ✉
an entire month of me and hyunjin going back and forth. from kissing in the courtyard to painting together to listening to playlists we made for each other. it was safe to say that it wasn't a crush anymore, it was much more. i didn't want to let myself fall for a guy that didn't ask me on a date yet but from his actions it was safe to say he felt the same way right? 
yunjin said she felt like i was drifting away from them to spend time with hyunjin. i mean it could easily be true but this is what they wanted me to do all along wasn't it? to be finally with the guy i liked. they should be happy for me instead of holding me back like they were doing. i felt myself take a step back and look at my friendship and my "relationship" (if you could call it that). i didn't know what to pick or where to even start because i liked what i had with hyunjin but i felt like it wasn't enough and my friends seemed to be taking steps away from me too, it just didn't feel like i belonged anywhere.
i found myself on the phone with yunjin as we tried to settle down on what we wanted. i didn't want to cry but the tears were already threatening to spill out of my eyes. 
"look, i just want you to be careful because this is your first serious relationship (y/n) and you're spending a lot of time with him." she said and she had a point but i still felt like she wasn't happy for me and i couldn't put my finger around why she didn't feel the same way i did. 
"i just, i don't know! why are you saying this to me? i wanna be with him and have you as my friend!" i exclaimed, getting tired of the going round and round. "why aren't you happy for me jinnie?" i said with a broken voice and hoping for a clear answer.
"because there's just something weird going around him & you okay? i don't know what it is but i feel like you need to take a step back." she said and if i didn't think it was bullshit before, it was definitely now. she couldn't even say what was wrong, it was just a feeling that she had.
"is it? or are you just jealous that my relationship is working out?" i asked and i could feel her gasp and get up as she tried to process what i just said. it took me time to process why i went there but it felt like i had to.
"oh that's where you're gonna go? jealousy? of you and him? when he hasn't even asked you to be his significant other properly?" she backfired when it was a low blow but nothing hurt more than to fight with who i thought was my friend. "i don't know why you said but we can work it out okay? i just want you to be careful, that's all."
"and i just want you to stay out of my business! who do you think you are to have a say in who i'm da- seeing?" i had to cut myself off before i said dating because i wasn't.
"okay fine. i'll leave you the fuck alone, don't come crawling back when he fucking hurts you." she said and hanged up. that's it wasn't it? i just lost my best friend.
✉ ✉ ✉
hyunjin could tell something was wrong with me but i did not let it go through as the days passed and i still waited for yunjin to call me. to say it was just a prank, to remind me that we were friends till the end of time but nothing happened. instead i drowned my pain with making out with my "boyfriend" and hoping everything would heal as time went on (even though it wouldn't). i just wanted a world where i could have both my friends and the guy i liked, why was that so much to ask for?
"baby look at me." he said and i did, there was concern in his eyes. i've never seen that look on him before so i stopped and hoped he would explain what was happening with him. "i don't even know where to start." 
"what? did something happen?" i asked curiously but he just shook his head to then grab my hands and sigh. "just say it babe."
"i lied okay?"
i felt my heart stop right then and there. i didn't know exactly what he was talking about but it felt like the air suddenly got heavy like that night again yet it was only the two of us in his room. i had the worst feeling about this.
"when i told you to approach me at the party." he took a deep breath and exhaled as i tried my best to keep my composure and not lose it right then and there. "it was because... changbin made a bet where i had to make someone fall in love with me before the month is over and then ask them out and-".
"oh my god." i mumbled as i tried to process every word like it didn't sting in my heart. i felt everything get cloudy in a second as everything that i just lived for the past month was a fucking lie. a cruel one.
"listen i didn't think that i would fall and i knew you already liked me so-".
"so you went and fucking played with me? what is wrong with you?" i said as i got up and put on my shoes again. i couldn't believe my ears as he tried to explain that he fell for me, that he would call the bet off, that everything was gonna be okay and we could actually date like he wanted to. but i couldn't have any of that. i decided to follow him, to lose my friends and actually be with him, to just be a fucking bet? i felt so completely stupid and disgusted with his actions.
"listen (y/n). don't do this, we'll work it out and i'll call the fucking bet off but i cannot lose you." he said and begged for me to stay but i could not care less about his feelings right now as mine were being torn and shredded apart.
"i actually thought i had a chance with you. i gave it my all and didn't let myself be guided by what my friends said or what people were whispering in the hallways 24/7 and i get paid like this? a fucking bet?" i say with every tear falling out like a cascade. "on top of that you chose me because you knew you could make me easily fall and that's so fucked up hyunjin." 
he didn't have any more words than "sorry" to say so i decided to leave. he didn't even chase after me because there was no point in doing so, he just stood there like a statue watching me leave and i took the little pride i had left in me to walk away. 
✉ ✉ ✉
when i made to the familiar house, i couldn't even see it clearly through all my tears but i knew the way to her home by heart. i rang the bell and waited and when she opened the door and saw me in that state, she knew exactly what happened. my mascara was messed up, my hair was a mess and my clothes were lazily put on as i tried to escape from hyunjin as fast as possible to find my way here. 
"i'm so fucking sorry, i'll kill him." yunjin said as she hugged me and through the tears, i laughed but in the most broken way possible. 
"a bet." i could only say.
that's all i was at the end of the day.
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guqwrvte · 2 years
if you’re still taking requests,, could i ask for a meet cute with idol!taehyung? 🥺🥺 could be any dynamic you want!! hope that’s okay <3
⨽ pairing: (soloist) idol!taehyung x reader
⨽ genre: fluff
⨽ warnings: none i think of!
⨽ word count: 1305
⨽ a/n: not sure if this is what you wanted, but i tried! i hope you like it! <3
You looked at your phone screen as you nervously fiddled with your fingers, waiting for the call to be connected. 
You couldn't believe that this was happening. You were about to get on a call with the Kim Taehyung. 
At the start of this week, you opened Twitter to see Taehyung had posted a tweet asking fans to enter their names and contact details into a google form because he was going to call some lucky fans. He explained that the winners would be picked based on the number of their submission and the help of google's random number generator. 
You decided to take a chance and filled it in, not expecting to win... especially after the artist posted about how he received over 500 thousand submissions. 
But to your surprise, on Wednesday, you received an SMS from a staff member stating that you were one of the lucky fans to have won a video call. After checking when you were available, they asked you to be ready to call on Friday at 9 pm. 
It was seven minutes past nine, and you were sitting in your room, phone up and leaning against a pile of books as you waited for your phone call with Taehyung to be connected. 
You sighed as you glanced at your mirror, wondering if you should've dressed up a little more. Your hair was in a low ponytail, and you wore a light grey hoodie and white shorts. You weren't wearing any heavy make-up, considering how after the call ended, you were probably going to sleep. You didn't want to waste time removing heavy make-up. 
"Should I have dressed up a bit like the other fans seem to do?" You whispered to yourself.  
This was your first time going on a fan call. From what you saw from tiktoks and videos on Twitter of fans going on calls with their favourite artists, they always seemed dressed up. Either their hair looked amazing, they were in beautiful outfits, or their make-up was on fleek. Sometimes they were all three.
You were so deep in thought that you didn't realise the call connected until you heard a "Hello?"
Your eyes widened, and you turned to the screen to see Taehyung setting his phone up somewhere.   
"y/n, right?" he asked with a smile once the movement had stopped. 
As you slowly nodded, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked, despite being bare-faced and in casual attire. His hair was long and fluffy, almost covering his eyes, and he wore a light grey hoodie.
"Oh! We're matching!" he giggled, pointing to his screen. "And finally, someone who won't make me feel underdressed. Everyone else was dressed in flashy and cool clothing, hair done and make-up looking fire."
"I... I thought about dressing up," you softly said, feeling shy. You couldn't believe you were talking to one of your favourite artists. 
"Well, thank God you didn't," he dramatically sighed before resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "Anyway, sorry for answering late. Did I keep you waiting long?"
"It's okay, and n-no not- not really," you stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for being like this. 
"Are you feeling nervous?" Taehyung asked, cocking his head to the side, and you nodded. "There's no reason to be! Just think of me as a friend and speak comfortably."
'That's not going to be easy,' you thought. 
"Tell me about yourself, y/n. I love getting to know about the people who listen to my music," he smiled. "If you don't want to do that, just tell me a random story."
"Uh, okay," you said, shifting in your chair. "I'll tell you a little about myself, then tell you a story."
"Sure! Go ahead."
You began to speak, telling Taehyung little things about yourself, occasionally agreeing with you on some of your likes and dislikes. 
"You don't like coffee much either?" He asked when you briefly mentioned how you preferred tea compared to coffee. 
After getting to know you a bit, you moved on to telling him random stories from your life. 
Talking to Taehyung wasn't as awkward as you thought it'd be. It didn't feel like you were talking to your favourite artist anymore... it felt like you were talking to a friend. 
You didn't realise how much time you had spent on the phone with him until your bedtime alarm rang, telling you it was half past ten. 
You and Taehyung had talked for almost one and a half hours. 
"Is someone calling you?' Taehyung asked. 
"No, uhm, it's my alarm," you told him, turning it off. "I'm supposed to be going to bed soon."
"What time do you normally go to bed?" he asked. "It's almost eleven! We've been talking for a while. 
"Eleven," you told him. "And how were we able to talk for so long?"
"The time for artists to talk to fans is shorter when they're in a group. Not to mention there are a lot more fans waiting for their call to be connected," he explained. "I have more time to talk to fans because I'm taking calls during the weekend too. You're the last fan I'm talking to for today, so there's no time limit."
"What's the longest you've talked to a fan?" You asked, wondering how much time he spent talking to others. 
"How long have we been talking for?" 
"About an hour and a half," you replied, looking at the time again. 
"That's the longest I've talked to a fan," he chuckled. "You're an interesting person, y/n. I liked hearing your stories and getting to know you a little."
It was true. 
Most fan calls barely exceeded 45 minutes because things between him and the fan were awkward (no matter how hard or many times he tried to lighten the mood), or fans were weird and crossed some lines. 
There were a couple of good and 'normal' ones, but there were more bad than good. 
"I'd love to tell you more, but I need to prepare for bed. I have a busy day tomorrow," you frowned, and a playful pout appeared on his face. 
You couldn't believe that you were the one who was ending this conversation. You really didn't want to, but you had to. 
"Aw, I was hoping we could talk longer, but I understand. When will I get to talk to you again?" He asked.
"The next time I fill in a google form and magically win a fan call," you chuckled. "And only you know when that'll be."
"T-that's- that's so far," he whined, knowing the company wasn't going to do this again for a while. 
"Until then," you shrugged. "I've really got to go. I'm so happy I got to talk to you."
"Aw, it's okay. Let me not keep you any longer," Taehyung smiled, waving. "It was nice meeting you, y/n. We'll talk again soon!"
Before you could say anything else, he ended the call. 
"I'm going to save their details on my personal phone and just message them myself," he whispered, taking out his phone.  
He enjoyed talking to you so much that he just had to save your details. He couldn't wait for you to enter whatever competition or event the company planned. 
As soon as he ended the call, you couldn't help but squeal. You talked to the Kim Taehyung, and it went way better than you thought it would. 
While you were finally allowing yourself to fangirl, a notification came in, and it was from an unknown contact. 
"Who?" you frowned, taking your phone to look at the message. 
Instead of waiting for a google form, you could've asked me to save your details! That way we don't have to wait that long to be able to talk to each other again - Taehyung ^^
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chromotps · 8 months
YOU MENTIONED ACELU MODERN/GANG AU. but what about — I know it’s cursed but please listen — supernatural AU? I don’t mean like the entire thing (monster hunting maybe, but not the entire angel/demons plot) but just consider the vibes of the first two seasons?? The “road-trip” thing. Struggling to get by (I’m such a huge sucker for “Ace struggling to make ends meet but he always makes sure Luffy gets food and clothes even if it means he’s not eating as much himself”-dynamic in modern AUs. God). Sleeping in shitty motels + having to share the bed more often than not. Taking care of each other’s wounds in dimly-lit, dirty bathrooms. The general, ever-present worry of how things are going to be in the future or the terrifying scenario when one of them doesn’t make it (except Ace just worries about Luffy, bc of course he doesn’t consider a future where he lives and Luffy doesn’t. Neither of them can think about it too long either way bc it makes their brains shut down). They’re blood-brothers, they think of each other like that, they call each other that except. Taking physical comfort from each other is also a thing, because that’s what they’ve been doing all their lives, because there’s always been just them, and it’s all they ever had. They kiss and sleep together, bare skin pressed against bare skin because it’s always been like this, and it doesn’t feel the same with anyone else (mostly on Ace’s side, because he did try — with barmaids, waitresses, men in shady bars, because he felt responsible for Luffy’s upbringing and well-being and it felt like an older sibling thing to set and maintain appropriate boundaries. But nothing ever compared to Luffy, even in the slightest). Both of them having to play so many social roles they kind of start blending into one another (because again, there was never really anyone around long enough to fill them in for them) - bc yeah they’re siblings, but. They’re also friends except it goes way beyond that. Ace, as the older one, has been Luffy’s caretaker too, he had to think and plan ahead for them both. But there were times when Ace was hurt they the caretaking role became reversed and Luffy had to take on all the responsibilities, until Ace recovered. Obviously none of it is how a healthy sibling relationship should look like, but god, I’m just soooo weak for the developing co-dependency, especially in scenarios where clearly unhealthy/potentially harmful behavior becomes a source of physical/emotional comfort (and tbh I’m pretty sure it also translates well into in-canon Ace/Lu because they didn’t really have anyone else either, for a couple of years in their lives. And Luffy needs social interaction like he needs food and sleep).
Oh man, anon, I was shipping and reading smut for Wincest like WILD back in the day, so. This AU is perfect. I'm eating up all the details of it just being the two of them, and a car, and a map. On a good day they'll get to jam out to music for a few hours on the road before pulling into a diner, and Ace splurges on treating him and Luffy to a meal of steak, burgers, shakes and pie.
But on a bad day. They get out of a rough fight, Ace with a nasty gash down his chest but they can't get help between all their papers being forged and being wanted for a crime they were framed for anyway. So for once Luffy drives them back to the motel, and sets Ace up in the tiny bathroom tub to clean out the wound and patch it up. The whole time they're just quietly saying stuff to each other like "thank you. you didn't have to take that hit for me. it saved my life" and "you're the only reason i do any of this. nothing else matters." "you matter. it's always been just you and me, right? what would I do without you?" and then... idk MaybeTheyHave"Thank God You're Alive"Sex or something who can say?? you know???
but omg yeah I LIVE for some codependency in my ships. I do have this weird thing where whenever I write headcanons it's like I'm in denial. like, I can't totally commit to calling it unhealthy even though it totally is, bc.... they're happy together!! Maybe they learn to accept help when they need it from some kind of Uncle Bobby figure (Jinbei?? Rayleigh??). but when it comes down to it, they only really care about staying with each other and keeping their brother safe.
I'm not really sure what's up with me today but I'm sort of in a horny mood so. I'm still thinking about what you typed with "They kiss and sleep together, bare skin pressed against bare skin because it’s always been like this," and I know you probably meant literal sleeping together. But I love thinking about the slippery slope Ace and Luffy took in the AU from "pressing each other close for comfort when they're shaken" to "Luffy noticing how good it feels when Ace holds him and Ace unable to stop his eyes from lingering on Luffy's lips" to "one time in the dead of night in the hotel, their breaths are mingling and their mouths are almost touching until, it isn't 'almost' anymore. and then somehow ace is on top of luffy and the orange glow of the streetlight outside is falling on where their arms are wrapped around each other. and even though that night should have been shocking, what they can't admit out loud is that it felt completely natural. it's just another part of everything that they are to each other, and no one else needs to understand this, either."
ANYWAY UH I can. talk about other aspects of this AU since I'm sure there were other things you meant to focus on but uh. I was in a mood. oops!
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topguncortez · 2 years
Sweet Creature -> ❛i haven’t laughed like this in a long time.❜ with rooster please 🥺😍
pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x female!reader warnings: none other than Bradley being a sad boi Rooster Bradshaw Masterlist | Main Masterlist 3 fucking K celebration
Bradley could not remember the last time he went out on an actual date. Not just texting a potential tinder hook up to meet him for drinks at the Hard Deck. A real date, where he had to go pick her up from her house, and make a reservation, and put on something other than a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. He wasn't even sure if he had anything BUT Hawaiian shirts and jeans.
Phoenix was actually the one who set up this date for her wingman. Bradley was slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was going to be alone, but Phoenix was just not going to let that happen. He at first said no to the date, but Phoenix gave him her friend's number so things would be somewhat less awkward. After talking with you for almost two weeks, he felt good about going on this date.
You, were panicking, pacing the floor of your house as you waited for Bradley to come get you. He picked a cute little sea food place by the beach, and you had spent probably an hour trying on clothes. You settled on a sundress that went a little bit below your knee, and had a slit in it.
Bradley made sure to tuck an extra stick of deodorant in his glove box as he pulled up to your apartment. He grabbed the bouquet of carnations in the passenger seat, and fixed his hair before going up to your door.
You gasped as you heard your door bell ring, and told yourself to not run to the door and yank it open. Bradley though, felt like he thought something was wrong as there was a moment before the door opened.
"Hi," You smiled and Bradley forgot what words were. You were more beautiful in person.
"Uh, yeah, hi," Bradley said, shaking his head and you giggled softly. God, that giggle was going to be the death of him, "I got you these. Carnations. My mom once said you can never go wrong with carnations."
"She's a smart woman," You said and took the flowers from his outstretched hand, "I'm going to put them in a vase real quick. Come in."
Bradley nodded and looked around your small home. Decorations and knickknacks covered the walls. His eyes landed on the pictures you had on your bookshelf. Your smile was dazzling as you posed with some friends on what looked to be a 21st birthday. He smiled as he picked up a picture of you and your parents on your college graduation. You looked a lot like your dad, but you had your mother's smile.
"Ready?" Your voice rang out and Bradley nearly dropped the picture in his hand.
"Yeah!" He said, and then cursed himself for sounding too excited, "I mean, yeah. Let's head out."
--- --- ---
The restaurant was adorable, and Bradley had gotten the perfect reservation spot, right by the large open windows. You had mentioned once in a conversation, that you loved to watch the sunset over the water, and Bradley made sure that you could see it. The dinner conversation was light, as the two of you talked through what was usually the dreaded, awful get to know each other chatter. No matter how many dates either of you had gone on in your lifetime, the first date was always awkward as you asked "what's your favorite color?" or "did you grow up here?" or "what kind of music do you like to listen to?"
But for someone reason, it was like talking to an old friend with Bradley. It made you feel comfortable as you talked about your childhood, and growing up in Washington, and how annoying your siblings were. Bradley also found it nice to talk about anything other than work. You didn't ask him about flying jets, or deployments, or the Dagger squad. He assumed that you had heard enough about it from Phoenix.
After dinner, Bradley took you down to the beach, walking in the moonlight. You had your shoes in your hand as your feet were in the water.
"You never told me what your parents do?" You asked, looking up at Bradley. He sucked in a breath and you immediately regretted saying anything.
"My uh. . . my dad died when I was young, and my mother passed away about ten years ago."
"Bradley I am so- Ah!" You exclaimed as you tripped over a rock in the sand, sending yourself face first into the water.
"Oh shit!" Bradley said, throwing his boots down to help you up from the ground, "Are you okay?"
"Bradley, your boots!" You pointed towards were the tide was carrying his boots out to sea.
"Fuck!" He ran towards where his boots were drifting away but it was too late, they were a lost cause to the unforgiving ocean.
"I am so, so sorry! Here, let me get you money to get new- you're laughing?" You looked at him to see him trying to hide his laughter. The two of you fell into fits of laughter, clutching your stomachs. You had tears in your eyes, and had to gasp to catch your breath.
"No, I'm. . . yes, I'm laughing," Bradley smiled and you wiped at the tears under your eyes, "Listen, when Trace said you'd knock my socks off, I'm not sure this is what she meant."
"Ugh, this is so bad!" You shook your head. Bradley pulled you up from the sand, and wrapped his arm around your waist.
"It's okay. They were old and hurt my feet. I needed to get rid of them one way or another," You shook your head and laid your forehead against his chest. It was quiet as Bradley held you close to him, and the two of you basked into the moonlight and the sound of the waves crashing at your feet.
"Wait, where are your shoes?" Bradley asked and you lifted your head up. You looked to where they once were, and noticed that they too, had been pulled out to see. Bradley's chest rumbled with laughter as you groaned.
"Shoeless and soaking wet was not how I expected this night to go," You looked up at him.
"I'm glad it did though," Bradley pushed a strand of your hair back from your face, "I haven’t laughed like this in a long time, thank you."
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you looked from his eyes to his lips. He saw the flicker in your eyes, and slowly leaned in. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips were soft as they touched yours, like two pillows. When the two of you pulled back, you rested your foreheads together.
"I could kiss you forever," Bradley whispered.
"Please do," You said back and Bradley happily obliged.
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writing-yarn-goblin · 9 months
Holy hell, what a treat.
Thanks to @quinloki for further inspiring me to do this. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Relationship: none, but it’s the beginning of the end.
Song: The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall
Warning: the devil, fire, drinking and how pretty Shakky is.
“Miss (Y/N)?”
“Would you mind starting from the beginning?”
The thought of recounting your story to the pink haired police man shook your core. You didn’t know if it was because of what happened…or if it was because of him.
The silver haired man who was taking nursing a serving of what could be aged bourbon. The pretty woman next to him whispering things as they sat next to you, maybe six foot apart, from the bar you frequented.
The bitter flavor of angostura clinging to your lips are you took a sip of your Old Fashion. Tonight was open mic night and you came to see what was fresh in the music scene. You could either ask for a track or bring your own instrument and sing to your hearts content.
Simple concept, but effective.
The gaudy club seemed to attract all sorts of odd fellows in the middle of nowhere. Almost like a reunion by the way they all looked at each-other and spoke to one another.
Almost like old friends.
The looks they exchanged seemed to hide more than they showed and that made you felt more exposed to them.
Why, of all the nights, were you here? Something attracted you to this place and it rubbed you off in the worst of ways.
But just because it was worse, it didn’t mean it wasn’t welcomed.
The sick urge to see how the night unfolds just left you with a need to see it to its culmination.
“Miss (Y/N)?”
“The couple by the bar wish to refill your cup. Would you like them to?”
You whipped your head towards where the bartender was nudging his head to, there they were.
Black haired woman with an angelic face, taking a drag as she waved at you and whom you presumed to be her husband…devilishly handsome with a soft smile gracing his lips.
“Yes..I uh, I’ll take my drink with them.” You mumbled, picking up your things, hopping out of the stool as you made your way towards them. Feeling how the brunette was sizing you up and her husband tear you down with his gaze from the inside.
“We don’t bite but…you looked mighty lonely. Thought you might like some more…pleasant company.” You heard his woman say, eyes of unlit coal starring behind you. Almost like if she did you a favor by moving you towards them. You heard the men behind you groan in disappointment and cursed a the couple under their breath.
“Assholes like that are normal in this part of town…” you whispered, making her laugh softly into the drink she was currently busy with.
“Rayleigh-“ you heard him say, his hand before you in order to present him self. Almost innocently. “This is my wife, Shakky. Pleased to meet you, Miss (L/N).”
“The pleasure is mine.” You whispered, reaching his hand to shake it and wondering how they knew your name. You thought it could be that you were a regular and they asked the bartender about it, all thoughts went to hell when he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles softly. His eyes focused on the blush your face was sporting in the dimly lit pub. You felt his wife place a hand against your shoulder and lightly squeezed it, affectionally, you might add.
“Please put your hands together to our next entertainer! The man, the myth, the legend…Silvers Rayleigh!”
“That’s my queue.”
“Go get ‘em’, Old man.” You heard Shakky say as he gave both of you a smirk, eyes swishing to you as you felt them swirl and zero on you.
There was something different about that stare.
It felt so deep and intimate. So inviting yet so…
So intimidating.
With a wink he gave Shakky a kiss on lips and squeezed your shoulder, fingertips as if they were scorching against your skin.
You felt your stomach do backflips.
The man was carrying a guitar case, as he sat on the stool by the stage he took out a black Gibson Orianthi with silver details on the top left of the body. The neck was jet black and he slowly whispered into the microphone.
Testing the noise.
He didn’t need to present himself to the public. He automatically began to play the six-stringer as the club went dark, lights only focused on him.
He let out a sigh and began to sing his tune.
Reverend, reverend, please come quick…
'Cause I've got something to admit
I met a man out in the sticks of Good Ol' Miss…
He drove a series 10 Cadillac and wore a cigar on his lip.”
You saw how the fluid motion of his fingers expertly played his guitar.
The focus on his eyes was to the floor but that smirk was to you. You knew it.
You could feel it like if it was behind you.
“Don't you know the devil wears a suit and tie?
Saw him driving down the 61 in early July.
White as a cotton field and sharp as a knife-
I heard him howling as he passed me by…”
You were surprised. The smoothness of his voice was haunting and your body was now warm. You saw how Shakky was taking a drag from a smoke in her hands and gently caressed your shoulders, almost like if she was grounding you to your seat.
The lights started to flicker in the bar, you thought it was a power outage and the bar switched to a power plant…but no one else seemed to be bothered by it.
“I’d be wary of strangers moving forward, (Y/N).” You heard Shakky say as she took a gulp of liquor, knocking it back down. “You never know who the devil fancies…”
“How so?”
“You look like an untouched fruit. Begging the devil to bite into you.” You heard this woman say to you, blush coming back harder. “Innocent. Resilient and very capable of handling yourself, little one.”
You found odd what she was saying but you didn’t mind. It was comforting to not be alone. The conversation kept going to and through with between you two, it was turning out to be a very pleasant evening.
Like if you two were old friends.
The song kept progressing, and the more you saw him sing, the more you saw from him.
The deep dark eyes seemed to glint gold in the light. You saw how his hair seemed to be hiding something in its tresses as you saw what you thought was a horn poke out of the Snow White locks.
But just momentarily.
Almost as if it was just for you.
Foolish, foolish was I…”
You were back to focusing on his voice.
“Damn my foolish eyes
'Cause that man's lessons
Had a price, oh, sweet price…”
The air felt chilly for a moment. You looked to your right, where Shakky was supposed to be, but the stool was empty.
“My sweet soul,
A very own eternal light..”
Your blood ran cold. The seedy pub seemed to be eerily still as the six-stringer on the
Stool on stage was strumming his melody.
The moment you blinked, you found yourself outside. Blankly starring from the at the pub, blanket across your shoulders as you saw the place go down in flames.
You don’t even recall being taken outside.
The cops didn’t take much time to go to you and help you out of your trance.
Now you found yourself being escorted out of the Police Station and got a taxi to take you to your home.
Your hands were cold as you stepped out of the cab with your heart in your sleeve.
You thought you could hear the old Six stringer sing as you went inside your home, showered and cozied up in your bed.
The melody still haunting you.
You found yourself singing the end of it as you drifted to sleep, image of the man with his wife, beckoning to follow him down the path that could mean your beautiful demise.
But you didn’t care.
If it meant to have those eyes looking at you again as he did, and her touch as she did- you’d happily take the plunge.
But for now, you rest.
“White as a cotton field and sharp as a knife
I heard him howling as he passed me…by.”
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floosies · 7 months
early 2000s au
eddie munson x poc!oc
warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, eventual smut, mentions of abuse, friends to lovers 18+
a/n: i feel like i should explain i'm writing this the way i remember acting as a teenager and how i remember my friends behaving, i feel like teenage angst should be honest no matter how dumb is it looking back at it. also this is gonna be a longer chapter.
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Junior Year, 2008
Something had happened during the first couple of months of junior year. Eddie wasn't acting the way he usually had been last year. She noticed it happening before her. He had started ditching again to the point he just wasn't showing up most of the week. His replies were either paragraphs long or nothing and no calls anymore. He wouldn't talk to her at parties anymore either, just sell what he came with and head out.
In his head, Eddie was trying to spare her from his bullshit. His dad been trying to get him to go clear his name at his upcoming trial. Trying to push some bullshit about his mom and how she would have wanted him to do that for her. He hung up on him then and there, he remembered the countless times the psycho smacked his mom around like a ragdoll. He never forgot how he would hold his mom after his dad would leave her with bloody noses or a busted lip. She died trying to get away from him and it was some shit Eddie would never forgive his dad for.
He wanted to do right by Julie and his uncle, but people around Hawkins already saw him one way so it didn't really matter what happened with school. The thing he had left was the band and that was gonna be his ticket out. This was the year he was gonna try to get them onto the warped tour setlist. Fuck school and a diploma, it wouldnt mean shit compared to a platinum record and touring around the world.
Still he tried to do some justice by her, showing up to his classes. Not really doing shit but not causing a stir either. Julie was happy to see him sort of going back to his old self. She tried to figure out what happened and why he'd been awol for the last couple weeks. He brushed her off, and while she didn't wanna admit it, it hurt like hell to have him treat her like that.
Jeff had noticed how his friend had been off with her and at one the band practices he did his best to let her know that she was probably the only girl he actually cared about. Still it didn't feel like it sometimes, and either way they were just friends. As she watched them practice she realized it was probably time to drop whatever she thought was happening.
That weekend she didn't even text him where she was going to be at. They had started going to backyard shows together, usually it was where they'd be if she wasn't feeling up to partying. He started wondering where the hell she was tonight, her calls were going to voicemail and she wasnt replying to her messages. By nine he had messaged everyone he knew about where the parties were at this week, but the only party was at some abandoned house in the woods.
Liquor and weed is a hell of a good way to forget whatever makes you feel like shit. That was something Julie had learned her freshman year of high school, even before Eddie was in the picture, she felt like she was fucking everything up. Her parents had no problem verbally and emotionally abusing her, telling her what she could do better or how they had gave up their dreams for her. None of that shit mattered here, the music was blasting her eardrums and jungle juice was being poured to her by people she never hung out with in school.
It took Eddie a while to find her in-between all the people she was around. Her friend was the first person to notice him, she tried to get Julie's attention, when she eventually did, she pointed at him. Julie turned to look at him waving at her. She just nodded acknowledging him, but not really caring. Maybe he had that coming for how he had been with her lately but it still hurt like hell.
He knew it looked weird to follow her around, but he did it anyways. He didn't want any weirdo near her, usually she was with his friends or nearby him at parties so it wasn't that big of a deal. Eventually she pulled him aside to an empty-ish spot, her head jumbled by everything she'd consumed, she tried her best to sound somewhat sober, "dude I don't know why you're following me. Go have fun like everyone else." Julie had resigned herself to whatever was going to come from this.
Eddie looked at her confused the music was too loud, his head tilting down and his right hand gently gripping her upper arm, "I don't know anyone here. I came because I wanted to talk to you, you havent answered any of my texts or calls." He pulled away, her gaze following his, frustration and every other emotion building up, "is there anything to really be said? I mean you've brushed me off all week. Like cool I know that life is shit but you don't have to be a dick." She shrugged, "listen I just wanna have a good night tonight, I'm not arguing with you here." He shook his head, his voice defeated as he spoke to her, "I don't wanna argue either. I know I've been a dick lately, I'm sorry. Julie you're the coolest fuckin person ever, please I don't want you to be mad at me. I'll do anything! I'll fuckin get on my knees and beg." To which he actually did, this making her laugh and forcing him to get up off the dirt beneath them.
She hated how she couldn't be mad at him. How quickly she made up with him, but Eddie was just someone she couldn't deny. He spent the rest of the night dancing with her and following her around. The night didn't end as planned, Julie had gone to go get her friend away from some guy who was overdoing it, to which he tried to yell at her about cock blocking. Eddie threw one punch and the guy was out, but it caused enough of a scene for them to leave the party early. Julie knew he meant well so she didn't really hold the situation against him and even her friend had thanked him.
What neither of them expected was that he would run into the guy at school the following week. He was mostly just shit talking Eddie and his friends, which they were all used to, but by Thursday it had gotten ridiculous. At lunch time Eddie had become fed up of the guy, it was the same insults and shit talk about how it wasn't even a fair fight because he was drunk. The guy followed them to their table in the back of the cafeteria and kept at his bullshit, so biting the bullet Eddie finally told him to "stop barking like a bitch and accept the fact he got knocked out" to which the guy threw his backpack at him. Both her friend and one of Eddie's stopped her from getting in the middle of it as soon as it had started.
Eddie didn't wanna have problems with anyone but this guy had pushed all the buttons. First there was the incident at the party and now he had gone too far, he let the dickhead throw the first swing, which he missed and then swung back. The punches kept going back and forth just trying to get a hit in where ever either of the two could land. He wasn't sure when it happened during the fight, but this guy had thrown his skateboard off him. He'd been carrying it between the straps of his backpack for most of the day before the guy knocked off him.
It happened in less than minute but the action felt like slow-mo. She saw Eddie grab his board and swing it at the guy's face, like that scene in Wanted. The board broke and all that anyone heard was the crack of the wood. People scattered, her friend and Eddie's tried to get her to scatter, but she couldn't or wouldn't, Julie was frozen in her seat at the table. Both the principal and some teachers had showed up, someone called for an ambulance and she was taken to the office as a witness of the fight.
The yelling could be heard from the nearly quiet front office, everyone was trying to find out what happened. Staff even tried asking Julie, who still chose not to say anything. She knew Eddie could have a temper but she'd never seen it like that before. He might have done it now, but she was hoping for the best. Eddie and his uncle had been in there for a while with the principal.
She was waiting on her mom to get there. It irritated her that they had called for their parents. Mostly because she knew her mom would hold this situation against her, use it as more ammo against her social life and reason to have her sent to a private school. When her mom finally showed up and sat behind her she started her rambling, "you know Wayne was the better half of him and his brother. Poor man, he should have left that brat to the system." Julie was sure she hated her mother by that point.
After nonstop claim after claim that Hawkins was heading down the drain, it came to halt as the door to the principal's office opened and out came the Munson men looking slightly defeated and annoyed. The principal then called for Julie to come in, her mother giving Eddie's uncle a small hello before entering the office. It didn't take long to figure out that whatever she said was going to royally fuck things up for Eddie if she didn't word it right.
Ultimately she ended up calling the situation self defense even if it did go too far, that she blamed on teenage boys being hormonal and dumb. Her mother wasn't buying it, she kept repeating to her to be honest, which Julie had to assure the principal she actually was being as honest to the situation as she could be. When it was over with Eddie and his uncle got called back in. By then Julie and her mom had left, and he was given a week's suspension, told that he got lucky he was still seventeen (by some months) and that he needed to get himself straightened out.
As Eddie and his uncle left the school premises, they walked out to a shouting match between Julie and her mom. He heard as Julie argued that she wasn't defending him so much as that's just how things really happened. He knew her mom like the rest of the town mostly hated him, but this was as close as he figured she could get to looking out for him. What he didn't expect was to see her mom smack her, before he could even react Wayne had already gone over there.
The two adults were having it out like they knew each other, which maybe in a past life they did. Julie ended up going to talk to Eddie while they spoke, "sorry you had to see that." He shook his head, "are you okay? What the fuck is wrong with her?" She shrugged, "so much for pretending to be a caring mother." He wanted to hold her then and there but he had to stop himself knowing it'd probably get her in more trouble. Eventually the conversation ended and Julie left with her mom still yelling at her. Wayne told Eddie that some people never change.
That weekend she didn't go out, she got grounded, her parents took her phone, but left her laptop so she could do homework. Again she was thankful they had no clue how the internet worked. She ended up messaging him on myspace for the rest of the night on Friday and learning that his band had a gig on Saturday. Julie didn't know it, but the way she had vouched for him had taken on a bigger effect on Eddie than what she could have imagined.
He spent that weekend dedicating the band's sets to her, one of his friends recording the videos for their youtube page while she was locked away in her room. Eddie knew he was fucked, he was falling head over heels for a girl he'd only met last year, but it didn't matter, in his mind, he'd known her a whole fucking life time. Even his friends hyped her up for the way she defended him and didn't leave the scene. His uncle felt bad for her, he said he'd known her mom when she their age and she'd really taken a turn. However, his uncle felt that what Julie had done meant a hell of alot more than what most would have done considering it was Eddie. That was all the reassurance he needed to have to know that she was the one.
At the same time as he was coming to realize this, the band was looking for a way in and while he was sure he could multitask, his focus had always been getting out of Hawkins. Now he had to account for an extra stowaway, which he didn't have a problem with at all.
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carlpalmer · 2 years
tagged by @wanderinstar thank you so much camila!! 💖
What book are you currently reading? i WAS reading the young bucks book. im a real intellectual
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? the one piece movie and i don't even go there. never seen a single episode. my friend invited me to go with her lol last movie i watched that i actually picked was everything everywhere all at once
What do you usually wear? just the basics lmao i either go pastel rainbow or black. i mostly wear pants and a t-shirt, jacket etc if i go out. i need to overcome my embarrassment of wearing shorts and other stuff outside
How tall are you? 1.60 m
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? cancer. i share a birthday with soccer player zinedine zidane whom you may remember as the guy who headbutted another player at the 2006 world cup and brazilian actress dercy gonçalves, a deceased old woman who cursed 838 times per second. only normal people <3
Do you go by your name or nickname? i go by my first name
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i wanted to be an artist, more specifically a painter, or a performer of any kind (singer, drummer, actress) so no
Are you in a relationship? If not who is your crush if you have one? no and i only have celeb crushes 😔 never beating the simp allegations
What’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? good at languages, bad at ALL sports. name a sport. i will suck at it
Dogs or cats? cats
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this past year? haven't done anything this past year other than doodling and drawing my cat who died but i didn't like the outcome lmao i will try again sometime. i did make some exercises and games for my job that were kinda creative and kids liked tho
What is something you would like to create content for? much like camila i wanted to get back into making gifs of my fave bands and drawing and probably learning how to play the flute too. god give me some discipline this year please!!!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? uh oh.. my fave bands (rush, genesis, the offspring etc) and finding new music, as always, wrestling (aew) and the tv show our flag means death (still 💀)
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this past year? new years eve!! it's my favorite holiday but after midnight we had a "fight" and it kinda ruined the mood. i wanted to go out to see the christmas decorations but whenever i went out, it rained. i also wanted to go to a concert but there were none i was able to afford or was rly interested in. im seeing sj and STEVE HACKETT this year so all is okay now!!!
What’s a hidden talent of yours? i have great memory, esp photographic memory. im the annoying geography nerdy kid who can point at a map and tell you where most countries of the world are (except for some islands maybe). im also very good at organization and making objects fit into cabinets, drawers etc. aaand i can tell every single rush song (and maybe other bands too) within the first 0, 1 seconds
Are you religious? no
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? 1) infinite money so i wouldn't have to work 2) courage, assertiveness, dedication AND energy 3) more concert tickets
tagging @mikerutherford @fullfightmami @shirleywatts @walkintheshadows
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dreamforest15 · 1 year
Of Sunshines And Rainbows
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Friends And Exams April 5th, 2027 Monday 12:56 am
I can't sleep. Though I shouldn't be surprised. Because as usual, when exam season approached things got quite stressful. This is the time of the year I ask myself why I haven't studied beforehand. And why I'm studying just one month before the exam. This is the time my phones get bombarded with voice messages from Peter asking silly questions or making up jokes and calls from Richard to meet up in the library even if we have different majors. To be honest I don't even know if I'm studying. I'm looking at a book... blankly staring at it actually while there's music playing in the background. Mariam is hyperventilating, and Dakota is looking uninterestedly at her book.
I was never a good student. Not bad but not good either. I don't know why I try either. My friends say it's because it's my nature. Because it's my mindset about not wanting to disappoint others in my life rather than myself. Well, it's usually Richard who says that. Scary how well he knows me. He doesn't know me better than myself but he is close enough. Because even if it's one of the reasons it's not entirely it. 
Mariam probably knows me the least despite being my oldest friend. Either that or she probably knows me the best but refuses to address the issues as she does with herself. We've been friends since elementary. We only fought once, well it was mainly me who fought and she... well I think I hurt her really badly. Kids can be really cruel. She accidentally broke my glasses and I... well, I didn't talk to her for months. We never fought again or rather... I became quiet, observant and understanding and she became loud and friendly. I don't know why she still stuck with me through all of these years despite having many friends besides myself. She got rid of all of them eventually and made new ones but she kept me. Maybe it's the attachment because she never needed me. It's me who needed and still needs her. 
She wasn't my first friend and she isn't the only one. Not anymore but, she's the one who stuck through everything. We never had a heart-to-heart but we knew what the other was going through. She never asked about how I was or what I was feeling after particular hard times. She was never the sentimental type. But I was and I did. To which she never answered. She likes hiding her problems. I tried to be someone she can open up to. But she never does. So, I stopped, gave her space. Became the someone who she'll turn to for distraction.
But she does turn to someone. I don't know how or when their friendship began but she turns to him. To talk about how she feels. She opens up to him like she never did or does with me. Ahmed. I don't know what he offered her or what charm he holds but she seems to be comfortable enough to open up to him. During these types of times when exams are knocking on our heads and yelling at us for not being better she prefers his company more than any of us. More than mine. And it hurts.
He never told anyone what they talk about late at night when none of them can sleep. He can keep a secret but I guessed. I can take a guess, pretty accurate ones. And there is also that thing of me not being able to sleep and having to listen to her muffle voices.
Being able to accurately guess one of my many curses. Ahmed calls it a blessing and Richard chuckles. Whether at his words or at my scowl. I don't know which. Ahmed sees good in everything and everyone. He is nice, almost perfect but I still can't help but feel jealous of him. I'm supposed to be the shoulder to cry on for every one of my friends. That's what I'm good at. If not that then what's the purpose of me? What good am I to them? 
Dakota says I'm the sunlight of the group, the one that makes them smile. But I doubt that. Peter's got that covered. His jokes which most of the time are from his own expanse keep us all smiling even at times like these when we can't lift our heads from piles of books. He can't stand still, he always has to do something. Sitting still makes him restless. He has to be moving around or talking. He talks the most when he is nervous. This means exam seasons like these will be filled with voice messages from him and if he is with any one of us he'll fill our heads with his nonsense. 
Mariam turns off her phone because of this. She has learnt her lesson after the first year. Richard and Dakota simply ignore the voice messages. Ahmed is not really a friend so he doesn't get them. I on the other hand can't really ignore it. I can't ignore any of my friends. Doesn't matter how angry, upset or annoyed I'm with them. And it's not always because I care about them. I do care but it's mostly because of the crippling anxiety. The fear that I'll lose them if I didn't respond when needed. 
That is also one of the reasons I stopped pushing Mariam to open up. The reason I don't push Dakota or Richard. Richard seems to understand it. I can see it in his eyes. But I feel like sometimes he wishes I'd push. That I'd put up more of a fight when he starts closing in on himself. But I can't bring myself to do it. Can't bring myself to ask more about himself, if he's not giving me anything by himself. And so, he changes the subject. We go back to talking about my obsession with boybands or his obsession with sunny days and tea.
Or he brings up my feelings and my anxieties. And he doesn't hold back. Pushes me till I cry out of frustration. He then holds me and I cry on his shoulder. He says sorry, rubs my back and we stay like that for hours.
Dakota appreciates it. Appreciates that I don't push and in return, she doesn't either. She talks when she feels like it. Usually late at night when Mariam isn't in the dorm or is peacefully sleeping in her room. She talks about everything that's bothering her or is making her question everything and suddenly... she stops. Nothing gets out of her. A comfortable silence stretches between us. Before I tell her about my worries and how I've been feeling for the past couple of hours or days. We stare out our dorm window, late at night with coffee in our hands. She'd smoke sometimes with the window open and I'd scrunch up my nose. And we'd forget about it in the morning like it never happened. 
Peter on the other hand I feel the most comfortable with pushing. He is the only one I push for an answer, for an explanation. He'd talk and talk. Only at the moment, you will see the serious version of him. The part that is hidden away almost all of the time. He has made jokes about it of course, 'Abha, my personal therapist,' he has said. His unpaid therapist is also a title of mine. That is the moment, the moment he starts joking that I know that he won't be answering anymore, no matter how much I pushed. Because that is the mask he wears to protect himself. The mask that he thinks is the reason he has friends. And if he loses it he'd lose all of us. Which isn't true. No matter what he does or doesn't he won't lose us. Not me. 
Mariam... well as I've said I've stopped trying. I used to when we were still fourteen. But she would always change the subject. Her eyes would become cold and distant. And I'd shut up. Too scared to lose her, my only friend at that point. She in many ways is like Peter. Instead of jokes, she makes 'friends'. She knew everyone in our school and it feels like knows everyone in our university. She is everyone's friend. The joker, the class clown, the person that every teacher knows, every professor knows. That's her façade. Her mask. Which only comes off around Ahmed... and maybe a little bit around me? Seeing as she still keeps me around, seeks me out just like I seek her out. Need her. 
Anyway, good night. I'll spill my heart out to you later. not so lovingly, Abha
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year
@getblammed (cont.)
Though at first surprised by @thebananwithaplan ‘s instinctual reaction, Pico did seem to get it, with a chuckle and a reassuring nod following the banana’s sheepish apology. He couldn’t help but be glad that he wasn’t on whichever game show the guy hosted, because god only knew the amount of censoring or sudden commercial breaks they’d have to do with how often a curse slipped without care. “ Yeah, it’s cool, man. It’s disorientin’ though, all th’ new faces. Been seein’ Nene n’ Darnell around more lately, that’s dope. ”
Had the growth taken some getting used to? Of course it had, people weren’t drawing the flash portal’s “mascots” with a mouse in shitty drawing programs from sketchy websites anymore, and they certainly weren’t animating them in Flash anymore. Not as commonly, anyways. Today is the age of flashy tablets, and entirely bypassing the ‘just getting started’ age of scribbled hands and circle tool heads. Pico couldn’t complain though, just meant content of him and his fellow icons at a higher quality.
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“ Course I got good on th’ mic, B! I’m more than my guns these days, ya know? Everybody’s been gettin’ into th’ music game lately, s’ pretty wild. ” He’d always had an interest, really. He’d even wanted to be a DJ when he was younger, either that or something with computers. Now he’s neither, but that wasn’t important right now.
Honestly, it's for the best. Sorry, Pico, but he really can't afford to lose the SMART Technologies sponsorship. DB promises there's still ways you could win prizes without having to set foot in the studio, though!
. "Really? That's nice! At least you still have some friends that got developed with you along the way. I didn't even really had a 'universe' to be in, so to speak. Like, there were other fellow dancing fruits in similar gifs, but none who I'd call an actual friend. Not even mutuals. We just... co-existed, I guess...."
It truly were different times. The Dancing Banana couldn't even talk, let alone have much of a thought in the world outside of dancing; the most 'communication' he could do then was all through his body language, whether it was by his signature dances or by waving his pompoms around. (Depended whether he was in his pixelated or animated 2d glory) of course. Maybe sometimes also holding up signs that had questionable phrases on them.
The upgrade of these art and animation programs sure helped with his update to his current design. But good lord were many 3D attempts steering too close to uncanny valley - it's only the Shovel Team that finally got his look close to that of a likable funny toon character.
A character that still had some questionable morals lingering close to 'dangerous' territory by others to the point of having 'WANTED' posters, that also had a school theme involved in their lives at one point, and who has gained a greater taste and talent for music. Sounds familiar?
. "That's great! I'm a big fan of Blammed, by the way! And the way you were basically shooting down an entire army to the bpm in Stress? Honestly, I call THAT talent! I can't help but be pr-"
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. "....pretty impressed!"
No, he wasn't absolutely about to say 'proud of you' to Pico like he was some old out-of-touch uncle. A side effect of having an urge to cheer kids up and actually having any sort of a family with actual younger nephews. Pico isn't even that young anymore, either. He has to remember that now.
. "Between you n' me, you've definitely got skills to pay the bills. And I don't just mean that with your, uhh, more 'renowned' talents."
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katsuki-goodness · 2 years
Alone Without You
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Part 1, Part 2
Warning // Strong language and sexual themes ahead (There may be none but just making sure since the rest of the story will have these themes). Read at your own discretion.
Pairing: Kirishima x f!reader, School!AU, College!AU
Count: 1,500 words (or so)
Summary: He was a loving guy in high school, non-changing, cheerful. The years passed and he shifted to a guy who partied, slept with any girl he found attractive, and drank like a maniac. You stayed the same, wishing for your friend to come back.
Funny enough, you weren't much of a shy girl and you also weren't the most noticeable, your hair barely standing out among the other girls in the class. You thought of yourself as pretty average but your friend, who you called shark boy, had his own opinion, calling you his beautiful friend who just so happens to be a badass at playing music. It stung, for sure, but you were friends with him. Maybe he didn't think of you in that way, but your heart didn't change how you felt about him.
Kirishima had always been a good guy who deserved the best, and no one could change your mind. It might be a little far fetched to say that, but he had been there for you many times even if it wasn't all the time. You understood someone can't be there all the time because no one was perfect in this world. We aren't heroes who can be there in three seconds when asked. He didn't do wrong in your eyes and you knew that was a dangerous way of thinking.
"Wow, she is amazing," He had told you. He was looking at a girl who he had known from a previous class, and who he only talked to a few times due to a paper deadline he so happen to have forgotten about. She was kind enough to help him at last minute and that way he was able to get a C for the class.
"I heard about the millionth time, Kiri," You exclaimed with a slight eye shift to the side. You two were in a physical education class together while another P.E. class was doing their runs.
"I really can't help it! Just look at her!" You both stared towards the girl who was running alone, fit and very pretty, you had thought. She didn't seem to stand out a lot either but she was what you called a "hidden beauty" and Kirishima noticed it. She came across very classy, looking like the best friend of any guy who actually liked her.
You were sure you heard your red head friend say something under his breath, but to not get yourself worked up and tease him, you ignored it. You didn’t even acknowledge his cursing when she turned towards Kirishima’s direction, smiling and waving to him as he did the same, sighing like the love struck boy he was.
“I want to ask her out,” He exclaimed. “Maybe if I ask her at the end of the day, and I get her like a small gift, then she might say yes.” Since you were looking the other way, you rolled your eyes. You weren’t too involved with this conversation and you chose to ignore him as he continued on about her. In reality, it wasn’t his fault but you couldn’t stop yourself to feel this way when he just throws it out there for you to judge. It’s like he wanted you to feel some type of way. You weren’t happy about this topic but you also couldn’t be petty about it. What else can you say to it.
“Y/n? You aren’t paying attention again, huh?” You gazed over just in time for him to show his puppy eyes to you, but it quickly disappeared when he began to chuckle at you, feeling as if he was mocking you for being jealous. Who could have known that this guy, who you were friends with, was the guy who you ended up liking. He was… so handsome and so charismatic, it was just crazy to think he was your friend.
“Sorry, you blabbered on about her that I couldn’t help but doze off,” You exclaimed to him only to have his arm around your shoulder, his smile lingering as he looked at you.
“That hurts my feelings, Y/n. Considering that I always help you with guy advice, and I still don’t know who this mystery guy is.”
“You won’t find out. I just want to have the advice of a guy so if I so happen to go with it, I can use it to my advantage. Right now, I have no chance with the guy so I rather keep it to myself.” There was silence on his end, making it awkward for him to even say anything nice to you, but good thing he didn't have to because the girl he had been crushing on had begun to walk towards you two. You felt sweat forming on the palms of your hands, feeling your heart quickly skip a beat as you heard her say hi to Kirishima.
"Hey, I see you are slacking off again," She joked, her smile bright and somehow sweet. It made you sad but it also made you notice that she seem like a nice girl. It made you want to cry because how were you suppose to compete with her? You did tell Kirishima you weren’t going to say anything, but without a reason and you knew that the more you kept to yourself, the harder it would be to keep together. She was talking to him, ignoring you but it felt more like her being shy. You didn’t want to interrupt her conversation with your friend.
“Hey Kiri, I’m going to the restroom,” You said, your attempt to get away from the light flirting and the feeling of pressure in your chest.
“Oh, wait, Y/N. Remember we have to meet after school,” He said to you as you walked away. You felt a slight smile cross your cheeks, and you looked back.
“I’m just going to the bathroom, but yeah, I didn’t forget.” You walked away, the tint on your cheeks noticeable to whoever decided to look your way, but you were glad you got the bathroom without a hitch. You had realized that your time in the bathroom was interrupted by a loud ring of the school bell, realizing you left class earlier than you should have but since you were in the locker room, it wasn’t too difficult to hide from the teacher’s sight. After running into the crowd of girls, you changed quickly into your school uniform, looking around for the teacher just in case they decided to pop out and scold you for leaving class early. In the time it took you to change, you noticed Kirishima’s friend changing in the distance, making it a point to not stare at her too long because that would be considered weird. Then again, you couldn’t stop noticing her features even in a school uniform. She was a nice fitted girl who seem to be surrounded by a lot of girls. She might have been someone who doesn’t get a lot of attention, but it was noticeable to all the girls that she was really pretty, smart and charming. It took a toll at your heart and your self-esteem that you were thinking this way just because Kiri liked her.
You decided to push it to the back of your mind and walked out quickly, making your way to the bathroom in the second floor. You knew that bathroom was usually lonely but occasionally the group of girls would gather inside to gossip. You walked in and made sure no one was inside, and you started to tear up. You didn't cry but the tears just ran down your face and they didn't stop. You tried to wipe them away, but the more you did, the more you started to think about how useless you felt. Why couldn't you say anything to him? It was so hard to even ask him how he felt about you . Not just as a friend but just a normal girl.
Even after all that, you thought maybe letting some emotions out would make it a little better to face your friend, but it never really was. You ended up going home instead, forgetting that you were suppose to meet him after school like he had reminded you. You didn't even remember when you got home, and even then, you weren't worried about seeing him that day. Its when he called you that you had remembered. You took your time to answer, giving off a tired 'hello' in response.
"Hey, where are you? Its been 20 minutes since school was over and I didn't see you come out the locker rooms. Are you doing okay?"
"Ah, sorry. I went home. I will have to take a rain check today." It went silent for a bit, hearing some shuffling on the other side before he responded.
"Alright, well, I was invited to hang with you-know-who so I guess I can go with her. Just... keep me updated? Last time you didn't even say anything when you hurt your arm." You couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of your broken arm.
"Yeah, sure. I'll make sure to keep you on the loop at all hours of the day. You have fun." You could hear his chuckle as he hung up, your smile fading as you heard the end of the call.
"Don't have too much fun.."
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