#nonsensical 2:30 am rambles
yearning-butch · 6 months
starting to realize i’ve spent so much of my life longing for and working towards the future and now i struggle to just. live in the present sometimes
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stardusttealeaves · 8 months
So... if Sir Pentious, with all of his positive acts and self sacrifice considered, is able to pass divine judgement and be invited to heaven...
Does that mean with all of his negative acts and shitty attitude considered, Adam failed divine judgement and ends up in hell next season?
No hear me out.
Lute said the foundation of heaven is being threatened. Remember the how in "You didn't know" when Emily and Charlie said:
"If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie, if angles can do whatever and remain in the sky"
Play with me here, what if the foundation the angels have created in heaven is a foundation built upon a lack of accountability.
If Adam were to end up in hell after he died, then it ends up proving that there is a sense of justice/ accountability upon the divine. The angels are just using their ignorance and fear of questioning to reinforce a tight barrier to stay in control.
Because for all intents and purposes, whoever ends up where doesn't seem to be effecting the divine, they seem mostly hands off when it comes to the actual heaven stuff, they just decide who goes where.
Whoever ends up where seems to have no baring on anyone except the angels. And if they can't reinforce their power because of the idea they could mess up and end up in hell then they're screwed.
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I came running home cause i thought it was later in the day
I made and ate lunch rushing cause i thought i was gonna be late for class
It’s 11am and i just finished eating
My class starts at 2pm, its a 40 min walk from my house to my building
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whetstonefires · 2 years
this is very much from nowhere but you've HAD skip beat! thoughts before and i am rereading parts of this nonsense and i am having thoughts. primarily, i think skip beat! would be improved by aging all the characters up like 10 years but keep key ages the same. e.g. kyoko meeting kuon whenthey were 6 and 10 respectively, her and sho going to tokyo at 16 etc. the introduction of vie ghoul rings a bit hollow when sho has only been famous 1 years, but if he's a properly established idol who is aging out of the circuit, you get complexity. the dark moon arc doesn't have the same punch since forbidden love and everything but that's easily adjusted for aged up characters. these thoughts are presented by the fact that i keep forgetting they are 16/17 and 20.
I HAVE ANSWERED THIS ASK THREE TIMES. SEVERAL HOURS OF EFFORT HAVE BEEN DELETED BY VARIOUS TECHNICAL FOIBLES. i used to highlight-all-copy long posts as I went for safety (this was imperfect) but the new block-based text editor doesn't allow it....
So short version of this answer now, you're probably better off this way without all my in-depth rambling textual analysis haaladksklask;dlk. Like, you're losing some fun content but hey third draft right. Condensed essence of idea.
So, I don't at all mind being spontaneously tagged in on something like this! :D But sadly, I must disagree. I don't think that would work.
First there are practical points, where I think you're underestimating how much the idol industry is a child-munching horror, and how having someone debut in her late 20s would be nonsense--that's Christmas cake, she's an old maid. Teenagers only. The basic career-arc expectations that give the plot its rough shape don't wash.
And then if Shou's career had been at this level for 10 years--he's been consistently chart-topping for months, inspired to new creative heights by his rivalry with Kyoko--he'd be the icon of a generation, and plagiarizing him would be a totally different ballgame. He'd have some measure of institutional power, instead of everyone expecting him to flame out any moment now anyway. (The Beagles could still run that con, the calculus would just look different.)
He is utterly disposable to his owners, right now; he's profitable but they haven't invested that much in him. He's already gotten further than anyone is expected to, especially without loads of nepotism. He's not aging out of performing at all, but people are in fact counting down to his expiration date as a wild success as a singer-songwriter, which is what Vie Ghoul threaten to bring upon him.
But more importantly in character terms, I think our leads absolutely have to be the ages they are--like, Ren was clearly only made 20 for Age Gap Reasons lol, but all his development since has leaned on it in such a way he'd become incoherent if he were more than like 2 years older, at this point.
When the personality under the persona starts to surface, a lot of him is still basically a precocious teenager, because he hasn't been living as a whole person since before the breakdown. But he has been living. The longer he'd been doing that, the more profound his alienation from Kuon would be, and that would change the arc.
He's only been Ren for about five years. He's left that kid behind but he's also only just stopped being a kid, really.
The difference between how you look back on and hate yourself at 15 when you're 20, versus when you're 30.......
And then, if Kyoko had lost twelve years to Shou, somehow not being discarded or figuring it out that whole time, and was now facing the world at 26 with nothing to her name but long-ingrained habits of service and self-abnegation and dozens of minimum-wage jobs from which she saved nothing because it all went to Shou, that would be much more bleak.
Do you know what it's like to be 26 and ruined, and to know you did this to yourself?
This jousei version is going to have a hard time not being about either 1) actual physical murder or 2) the grieving process for yourself as a preliminary to self-reinvention.
Kyoko absolutely does the latter in canon, but it works differently folded into a coming-of-age narrative. Bildungsroman for a woman in her late 20s whose formal education ended at age 14 getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship could be a really moving and meaningful work, but it couldn't be this story.
The thing is, this is a manga about trauma, especially childhood trauma, and its role in identity. Kyoko and Ren are both going through their arcs from the context of the very very weird and uneven development process that happens as a result of 'neglect' and 'parental fuckery' and 'bullying' and 'isolation' and 'child labor.'
They had very different experiences! Ren's parents adore him. But Shou's parents loved Kyoko too; it wasn't enough to make up for everything else.
Kyoko is super mature and hypercompetent in some areas and has huge developmental deficits in others. We are introduced to the traumas underlying this fairly quickly, for the most part, although detail kept unfolding for a very long time, and at the same time we watched her go through stages of self-recognition and acceptance, and start to heal. A huge part of this has been nurturing and honoring her inner child.
Ren, we come to see over time, has a lot of the same shit it's just subtler, and he has a much harder time unpicking it. Partly because of who he is as a person--a good liar for one thing--partly because Kyoko started off with a big burst of rage at an external target to launch herself forward and discard a lot of her repression habits in one go, while the main person Ren hates is himself.
(Remember their first conversation when he went off on her, totally breaking persona only we didn't know him yet to know it? I need to reread that again, it's been a while. But from what we know now it sure looks like he saw his younger self in her, and since he's fucked up this led to lashing out. Which was one of the most genuine human interactions he'd had in possibly years by then!)
Partly because he's older. Four years is not generally a whole lot when it's 26 to 30, but from 16 to 20 there's a big shift in plasticity of character, and he just spent his late adolescence cramming himself into a Tsuruga Ren mold only to realize there are limits to the efficacy of this coping mechanism and he's hitting them.
Due specifically to work, and the specific expectations of adulthood! Which, talk about realism wrt mental health struggles around age 20, oof.
Anyway yeah I think the age gap influences their relationships to their child-selves in ways that have been vital to their character developments and how they've influenced each other through them, which would make no sense if they were ten years older.
Would it be Less Problematic? I mean, yeah, but it also would lose the psychological realism that is, perhaps bizarrely, very present in this wildly stylized comedy workplace romance about acting and the processing of trauma.
Kyoko's characterization would be rife with insulting infantilization if she was approaching 30, but in fact she is A Teenager and this is exactly how she should be; it's a sign of health.
Honestly I just think a lot of the shit these characters do only makes sense because they are or recently were teenagers. The intensity of teenage emotions....like Kyouko's whole poltergeist phenomenon, that's classically adolescent for a reason. Shou being in the process of realizing that his shitheadery was like, actually bad; much more acceptable at 17 than 27.
They'd all be weirdly stunted individuals at ten years older, and just much weirder people than they already are. The whole cast can't be Takarada Rories there needs to be some variation lmao.
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propertyoftoru · 2 years
Tag game: Get to know me!
Thank you @abiaswreck for the tag! :] 🖤
1. Birthday?
8/11 (me and binnie are birthday twins)
2. Favorite color?
I'll say black but i dont really have a favorite!
3. How tall are you?
5’5 (and 3/4 thank you very much)
4. How many pair of shoes to you own?
somewhere around 14 idk i gave up on counting
5. Favorite song?
for skz probably ssick or easy but not skz probably ohio is for lovers by hawthorne heights
6. Favorite movie?
oh probably either the scream movies or unironically the twilight movies (theyre my childhood comfort movies)
7. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who makes me laugh and takes the time to understand me.
8. Do you want children?
I've said no for a really long time but i think if i met the right person and the circumstances were ideal then maybe.
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Not really other than a few times of being a stupid teenager nothing serious though. Watching my parents screw up a lot when i was young probably had a lot to do with that.
10. What color socks are you wearing?
oh god i hate socks so much. i only wear them when i have to and not a second longer.
11. Favorite type of music?
this is such a cliché but i really do listen to everything. edm, pop, pop punk, metal, sad songs, happy songs, hell on occasion even a tiny bit of country (only carrie underwood lets not get carried away)
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2! One horizontal and one vertical. Kinda like a half body pillow i guess? idk i have to be hugging something to fall asleep.
13. What position do you sleep in?
im a diagnosed insomniac so really whatever position my body finally passes out in... there's a lot of tossing and turning most nights.
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
Bright lights (a tv or any sort of light on an appliance) or dead silence i need a fan or rain or SOMETHING.
15. Have you tried archery?
Yeah actually my grandfather used to take me hunting when i was younger. I never actually killed anything but i got pretty good at hitting cans and targets :]
16. Favorite fruit?
ohhhhh either strawberries or blackberries or pineapple... idk i love fruit so much.
17. Are you a good liar?
I can be when I have to be. I hate lying though it always brings drama and negative energy.
18. What’s your personality type?
19. Innie or outie?
20. Left or right handed?
Both! but I mostly use my right!
21. Favorite food?
Pineapple pizza (fight me Christopher Bang)
22. Favorite foreign food?
Oh my grandmother makes Jag on special occasions and its one of my favorites. Other than that as of recently ive been eating japchae so much i literally have a craving for it like every other day.
23. Are you clean or messy?
sigh. my room? depression disaster area. Everything else in my life? Severe OCD neat freak (im talking labels, sorted by color and size, the whole nine yards)
24. Most used phrase?
buh. it really has no meaning its just a sound i make about 200 times a day. i also swear like a sailor so if not buh then probably cunt or fuck.
25. How long does it take you to get ready?
Depends on where im going and whos gonna be there. anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes.
26. Do you talk to yourself?
Of course, im the funniest and smartest person i know. (on a real note my hyperactive imagination goes crazy so i spend most days rambling to myself about nonsense.)
27. Do you sing to yourself?
All day everyday like im in a fucking musical or something.
28. Are you a good singer?
Eh. ive been told i am but i think i could be decent if i took lessons.
29. Biggest fear?
Sharks/The ocean (its more a fear of the unknown because what the fuck even lives down there)
30. Are you a gossip?
Absolutely not. I learned my lesson in middle/high school that shit brings nothing but bad vibes and negative energy.
31. Long or short hair?
I wish i could say short because my hair drives me crazy most days but i also hate how i look with short hair so long i suppose.
32. Favorite school subject?
English or Criminal Justice/Forensics
33. Extrovert or introvert?
introvert but situational extrovert (ill be extroverted if theres someone more introverted than me solely because i cannot stand awkward tension) not quite an ambivert but somewhere close to one.
34. What make you nervous?
Groups of super outgoing people. I always get too afraid to talk in fear of ruining the flow of conversation or being talked over.
35. Who was your first crush?
idk probably justin bieber or nick jonas
36. How many piercings do you have?
4. Both of my ears and both of my nipples. i want to get my bellybutton done soon though.
37. How many tattoos do you have?
9 but im hoping to work on my leg sleeve again soon.
38. How fast can you run?
Depends on whos chasing me.
39. What color is your hair?
Brown right now. It was half black half blonde but i wanted to focus on getting my hair healthy for a while.
40. What color are your eyes?
Blue/Green/Gray depends on who you ask and the lighting in the room.
41. What makes you angry?
Not much im a pretty calm person but when im playing video games thats a different story.
42. Do you like your name?
No. My father chose it and i dont speak to him.
43. Do you want a boy to girl as a child?
IF i had a kid i would want a boy 100%. As someone whos mother had 3 babies when i was 16/17/18 i can confidently say little girls are the spawns of the devil and little boys are rays of sunshine.
44. What are your strengths?
Mental fortitude and my empathy for others.
45. What are your weaknesses?
I give second (and third and fourth) chances to people that do not deserve it.
46. What’s the color of your bedspread?
Light gray but i keep lots and lots of blankets around too.
47. What’s the color of your room?
Gray and dark blue.
Tagging for fun! Ignore if you don’t want it do it! Or ignore if you don’t feel comfortable!: @bbyquokka @lino-ppang @alphadisaster @aspenwritesstuff +anyone that wants to do this.
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igotstuckinthevoidhelp · 11 months
nosy anons let's go
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if…
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What my last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who I wish I could been
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
All of them!! :3 -@llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych
0 - I'm 186cm (-ish. that's the best measurement I have)
1 - I'm 21, 22 on Halloween.
2 - Size 46 EU
3, 4, 5 - No. unless you consider coffee a drug, then yes, occasionally.
6 - No specific one, but I sometimes get told I look younger than I actually am. Like I was at a bbq some time ago and someone said they thought I was 16.
7 - Nope
8 - I was always thinking about it, but I'm not sure
9, 10 - No and no
11 - IRL friend, I'd rather not call them out and they don't have a Tumblr
12 - single (unfortunately)
13, 14 - I do not know in what way these are supposed to mean but I really like when someone listens to all the nonsense rambling of mine and I really don't like people who smoke
15 - Hard to pick, but I'm a big fan of "Leon the Professional"
16 - No clue, sorry, it's hard to simply quantify something this complex
17 - My shooting target my ex
18 - I'd rather not share that, sorry
19 - I don't get emotional in any way a lot, but when I do it's usually for good reason
20 - My inability to function normally
21 - Hard to say but I guess my ability to remember the most random things
22 - A teacher, probably
23, 24 - Both alright I guess
25 - Literally never been on one so I have no clue tbh
26 - No idea again, I have a lot of small annoyances but I don't think they are quite pet peeves
27, 28 - Sorry but these are a bit personal + I don't really know who I'd pick
29 - To avoid embarrasment
30 - The sheer amounts of time I have to dedicate to it and how 90% of it is really dull
31 - "Thanks"
32 - I do not really know what this one is meant to ask
33 - Don't know either
34, 35 - To be fair, I do not know. I decide if someone is attractive to me when I get to see/know them
36 - Australia probably
37 - I am a mass of insecurities wrapped up in a skin bag
38 - I wanted to be an actor
39 - Milk
40 - A voice actor, if I could've sustained myself off of that
41 - At my own home (nonexistant)
42 - Does cough syrup count? If not, then some McD fries
43 - ? uh, I don't know? I don't usually think of people's "sexiness"
44 - Despite being a land-locked country, the ususal Czech greeting is "ahoy"
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writingescapades · 11 months
Lyney & Merlin 2
“You’re late!” Sylvester chided as Merlin walked through the door.
“I’m not!” Merlin protested even through the time read 8:30 am.
Sylvester glowered as he handed the doctor her patient’s files.
“Michael called again. St. Glen Hospice might be able to squeeze Marvin Trout in, but not until April”
Merlin groaned. “And what state would Marvin be in by then? He can’t wait five months. He needs something now!”
“I know Merlin,” Sylvester gently murmured.
“If you know, then get on St. Glen and hammer them to get off their asses and squeeze Marvin Trout in early!”
“Already on it grouchy pants!”
“Sorry, but, aah!” Merlin exclaimed and kicked the reception desk. “It ticks me off. If he had the money, he would have been accepted a long time back”.
As the doctor headed back to get ready for her day, Sylvester stared at the black telephone, hoping that the call they wanted would come.
“Go on, take it doc,” Micky urged.
“No really, it’s not expected. I just did my job”.
“Nonsense, thanks to you and Sylvester we found out that Ducky has high cholesterol. It’s my gratitude,” Micky urged again pushing the tickets into Merlin’s hands.
The tickets were to Fountain’s magical show. Childish, Merlin couldn’t help but think. It wasn’t the first time this magic show was brought up. Apparently, the show was famous throughout the nation and attracted huge crowds and celebrities. Merlin didn’t see the big deal. It was just a show.
“Do you want these tickets,” Merlin asked Sylvester at the end of the day.
“Oh, a magic show! And you’re giving this to me?” Sylvester cooed, but his eyes spoke of slyer intentions. He handed one back to Merlin.
“See you at 8, doc”.
“No, I don’t want to join. I’m busy,” Merlin pushed the ticket back.
Sylvester rolled his eyes. “Ya, sitting in a room with takeout, staring at a wall”. He pushed the ticket back to Merlin.
“Live a little doc”.
That was how Merlin found herself trapped in a crowded theatre. The lights dimmed and a young man entered the stage. With his top hat, costume, and voice it was to no surprise that he commanded the audience’s attention. He thanked everyone for attending and proceeded to surprise and bedazzle the theatre. Even Merlin found herself mesmerized by the tricks, caring little for how the magician did it, only that he did. Eventually another magician joined and together they brought the show to higher levels. When it all ended and the curtains fell, Merlin found herself calmly clapping along the cheering crowd.
“Wasn’t it lovely, doc?” Sylvester rambled, stars in his eyes.
Merlin nodded. “A nice distraction”.
“You need to take a vacation doc,” Sylvester chided as he tided up the receptionist desk.
Merlin melted into a chair in the waiting area.
“I’ve had just about every form of fluid thrown on my shirt today. I think I will have to burn it”.
“Serves you right,” Sylvester muttered.
“You’re sympathy is overwhelming, Sylvester”.
“You’ve been ignoring my suggestions to take a vacation, and now you’re grumpy. It’s been more than 2 years since you took time off. Just take it and get your mood off my back!”
“If I don’t bitch to you Sylvester, who else is there?”
“Get a boyfriend”.
Merlin tried to picture this. Tried to imagine confessing to someone that she didn’t love them, she just wanted an ear to complain to. Tried to picture explaining to someone that yes, someone’s urine did matter more than a date. She laughed.
“I should get a cat”.
Sylvester marched over to Merlin.
“Look, the money’s in your account. Either take a vacation or learn to zip it”.
Saying so, he marched out of the clinic, leaving Merlin to close up.
Walking home, Merlin heard the exclamations of children and a familiar voice. Approaching the noise, she saw the magician from the show. It had been a few weeks, but she did recognize his voice. It looked like he was putting on a street performance for the children. Unfortunately, his show was in her path and there was no alternate route to take. Doing her best to squeeze by, Merlin found herself being stopped by another familiar voice.
“Doctor Levine?”
Merlin turned towards the caller. It was a woman with hair messily tied back, sunken eyes, and pallor skin.
“Ms. Margroove, didn’t I tell you to get enough rest,” Merlin gently chided as she approached her.
Ms. Margroove looked away like a child caught.
“Lucy wanted to see Lyney and I couldn’t say no,” Ms. Margroove trailed off and looked pointedly at the happy face of her young daughter. Lucy was starstruck with the magician and wore a carefree expression.
“Do you have any news?” Ms. Margroove asked. A trace of anxiety flashed through her eyes.
Merlin crouched down to where Ms. Margroove was sitting and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Nothing from what we already know. But we’re trying everything. You’re not alone Ms. Margroove”.
Ms. Margoove nodded and returned to her relaxed state, sharing her daughter’s happiness.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Merlin slipped away and went home.
A few days later Merlin saw an unexpected figure near the clinic.
“It’s open if you want,” she said to the magician. What was his name again? Limmy?
The magician turned, a charming smile on his face with his hands reaching for his top hat, only to find the voice who called out to him crouching on the alley floor. He watched quietly as she reached into a bag and pulled out cat food and poured it into a large dish. The dish was soon surrounded by many cats.
“Sorry guys. No fancy food this time. Gotta save up, you know”.
As she quietly petted a few of the cats, the magician found himself scrambling for words, what with his initial attempt at conversation tarnished by cats.
“Lyney,” came a soft voice. Merlin looked up towards the magician and nodded. Right, Lyney.
“Can I help you?”
The magician, Lyney, took a moment to compose himself before brandishing his usual performance charm.
“Are you, mon ami, the doctor of this fine establishment?”
“Yes, and you’re the magician. Nice show”.
The magician’s eyes sparkled at the compliment and he thanked her magnanimously. His demeanour quickly changed as he got to his point.
“A few days ago, you spoke to one of my guests. The mother of a young girl named Lucy”. Here Lyney took off his hat and gripped it.
“Is Lucy okay?”
“Why do you want to know?”
Lyney shrugged pathetically. “I don’t like seeing children suffer. I... I have an eye for such things. Too many years of practising with kids”.
“Well sir,” Merlin started.
“Well Lyney, I’m afraid it’s not my place to tell you”.
Lyney looked at Merlin, and she caught of twinge of desperation she could not place in his eyes. It disappeared as quickly as it revealed itself.
“Not even for good intentions?” Lyney almost whispered.
“Especially, not for such intentions,” Merlin replied. Then she smiled, trying to pass on some hope to this magician who clearly cared for the child.
“Well,” Lyney started, placing the hat on himself and returning Merlin’s smile. “Let me know if you need anything. I’m usually at the theatre house”.
He made move to leave the ally but then paused and turned back.
“Did you really enjoy my show?”
Surprised at his question, Merlin could only answer with hesitation, as if she wasn’t sure whether she enjoyed something. The familiarity with such a feeling irritated her.
“Why?” the magician persisted.
“You did your job as a magician. You distracted me”.
Lyney looked deep in thought as he pondered over Merlin’s words. Then he nodded and waved before leaving.
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ashley-slashley · 2 years
Holy Diver
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Summary: POV: you have a crush on a catholic priest having a crisis of faith
Rating: M/Mature
Warnings: cussing, heresy, very long paragraphs
A/N: I’m definitely going to hell for this one. I’m blaming William Peter Blatty, William Friedkin, and Jason Miller for making Damien Karras a very loveable and friend shaped character. If you’re not cool with the idea of sleeping with a grief stricken and religiously challenged Catholic priest, I understand, and I highly recommend you not read this fic. I’m taking some creative liberties with both the exact time of year the movie is set as well as the map of the area the movie is set in. If someone is thinking “well actually” about this, you’re having redditor thoughts about a smut. What are you doing with your life?
Chapter 3: me, myself, my bullshit, and a man that society says is unfuckable
Who in the fuck calls at this hou-oh. How is it 2:30 pm?! “Hello?” I try to not sound rude on the phone, “I wasn’t given a name, but I was given this number in the offering plate today during mass.” a kind and curious voice was audible through the phone. They fucking did it. “I’m incredibly sorry father, a friend of mine thought it would be really funny to put my number into the collection plate.”, he asked where my friend would get an idea like that. How do I tell a priest that I’m going to jump out a window in embarrassment? “My friends are really”, I paused, holding in my want to use an expletive, “annoying. Please excuse their”, can’t say bullshit in this context, “nonsense.”
He asked if I was ok considering the pauses I was taking to calculate my words, well, he’s already heard my bullshit at the bar. “To put it frankly, I’m censoring myself so I don’t accidentally spew heresy in your presence. Before you ask, I wasn’t raised Catholic, I just know there’s some things you can’t say in front of a priest”, “I actually was put through medical school and trained in psychiatry through the society of Jesus” he explained. I fucking lost it, he probably thinks I’m having a mental breakdown or a Satanist if I’m laughing at that, I should explain. “I am so fuckin’ sorry, man, whenever someone says the word society, I can’t take the subject matter seriously. I have no idea why.” I rambled, aw shit, I said ‘fuck’ in front of a priest. I’m already going to Hell, might as well take the fastest route possible.
I heard a noise I didn’t expect - a giggle. He’s laughing, I laughed at something about him, and he’s laughing. “Why did your friend put your number in the offering plate. If it makes you feel more at ease, you can think of me as a psychiatrist.” Damien assured me. I asked if he remembered those women at the bar who were laughing and someone mentioned killing themselves and then they went to the restroom together, he asked if that was my friends and I. I explained that no we weren’t drunk or high, we’re just - weird, and no, none of us actually wanted to kill ourselves, I’m just an edgy bastard. Things you don’t say to a priest or a psychiatrist, well, at least he doesn’t know I would accept his company in bed. I heard another snicker, are you fucking kidding right now? This dude, I swear to god. What next is he going to ask, “would you want to meet up at that bar today or this evening?” goddammit, he must be a telepath. I accepted his offer, I can already hear my friends giggling and making stupid remarks about this.
Unlike other people in my situation, I’m not going to dress up in a figure hugging outfit and show off my physique as well as wearing the most uncomfortable shoes solely because they make my legs look better and add sex appeal to my appearance. I don’t have time for that shit, nor do I feel comfortable in that attire, I like to look shapeless and ominous, thank you very much. Besides, you look at the weather and tell me it’s appropriate to look like a generic centerfold you find in a smut magazine. It’s like in the lower thirties outside, though dying of frostbite and hypothermia might get me out of meeting with a certain priest, I don’t think he’d appreciate that. Donning an appropriate layering of clothes, I make my trek to the same bar from last night. Alone. Nobody to hide behind or make an excuse to hide in the restroom with. It’s just me, myself, my bullshit, and a man that society says is unfuckable.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
Hi! I understand the needing distractions. That was me last week. Anyways, here I am to ramble about nonsense:
I stayed up until 1:45 this morning finishing a book, which was amazing and very worth it, even if I didn't actually fall asleep until after 4:30am. (I was then woken up 2 minutes before my alarm, which was set to go off at 9:30.) (The book in question was Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, and it's the sequel to The Lies of Locke Lamora. I am utterly obsessed.)
In a related vein, reading those two books in quick succession has made me really, really want to write a heist story, or at the very least DM a heist-based DnD campaign/oneshot. And so with that in mind, I also got another idea from TLoLL: Bloodsucker Rose Garden.
It's a rose garden that drinks blood by stabbing you with its thorns, using them more or less like a vampire's fangs. Also, from the exterior it just looks like an expansive rose garden or series of rosebushes, but in reality it's all one large creature, connected under the ground. (A bit like those massive networks of fungi!)
I'm not sure how much you know about DnD, but I spent about an hour this evening making the stat block for the rose garden, so that I could actually use it in a DnD game someday, which was a lot of fun.
I also have an idea for a oneshot that I could DM involving said rosegarden, which is very fun. Basically, the players would be tasked with entering a Wizard's tower which is surrounded at the base by the Rose Garden. Then they have to make it up through the various floors of traps and guardians to find an artifact at the top of the tower.
It would be a great oneshot, but I would also be interested to use it as part of a larger campaign, and work the mystery of the artifact in question and who hired the party into a larger plot. But that would mean having to wait until the party is at a high enough level to take on that thing, and also actually being organized and plotting something out for once, which I never do. But I do really want to DM a game someday.
Okay, sorry for literally writing a novel in your inbox, but hey, at least it's a decent distraction, right???? Anyways, I hope your day gets better from here!
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
Hello hello, Lies of Locke Lamora has been recommended to me so many times by my roommate, I really do need to check it out some time. I’m loving the idea of a killer vampiric rose garden—predatory/carnivorous plants are one of my favorite things in fantasy biology, I think you’ve got so many cool options. Also the aesthetic is on point 🌹🥀🩸it’s the kind of thing I’d love to come across in a book.
Speaking of DnD, it’s been ages since I’ve played 😩 I have a tiefling criminal named Ripley I’m waiting to bust out when I get the chance eventually, but finding a group is so,,,so,,,difficult. Best of luck that you’re able to pull a party together, I think the encounters sound like a blast!
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Friendly reminder that I have an instagram account where I post my analyses, theories, and nonsense and sometime i let people ask something then forget to answer im sorry im behind and a mess ajfhdsk
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome beautiful person! It brings me so much joy that you have found your way here :) My obsession with, and deep love for YR is just continuing to grow; I figured I would introduce myself a little more properly to y'all! You can call me Rambo :) I'm in my 30's and use she/her pronouns. I am very proudly queer; I don't define myself past that! You can read my much more rambling introduction below if you are interested!
I sort of just stumbled upon YR and it has brought so much joy and excitement and creativity back into my life. Everything about YR is so beautiful, so thoughtful, so lovingly done; I just want to always be surrounded by its warmth. YR gave me so many thoughts and feelings, I didn’t want to contain them anymore; welcome to where they have found their home!
***Update*** YR has truly unlocked something in me and has continued to inspire me to write. I have several fics now, so please check them out if you are interested! They are true works of love, and something I am incredibly proud of 🫀
No One Else Can Break My Heart Like You is my first fic and is completed. It is canon compliant post Season 1; it was written before the release of Season 2. It is a story about Simon and Wille finding their way back together and how music binds them together and holds them while they are apart. Each chapter alternates POV between Wille and Simon. I have also broken apart this story into two parts; Wille's POV only and Simon's POV only.
I Play For Keeps And I Don't Lose is a fic exploring some missing moments between Episode 5 and Episode 6 of Season 2. It is just 2 chapters, Simon's POV and Wille's POV.
When I Live My Dream, I'll Take You With Me is my current WIP. It is a canon compliant Season 2 fic depicting some missing moments as well as a lot of introspection. Each chapter alternates POV's between Wille and Simon.
I Was Lost Until I Found Me In You is my other current WIP. It is an aged up AU. This AU takes place when Wille and Simon are 25. Simon never went to Hillerska and they never met. Simon is a singer; Wille is still Crown Prince. They meet and have a passionate, fiery, one-night stand and that is the end of it, at least that is what they both intended to have happen. Each chapter alternates POV between Simon and Wille. I have also broken apart this story into two parts; Simon's POV only and Wille's POV only.
As I am sure you can tell if you have read this far, I tend to ramble! If you are interested in hearing my nonsense, feel free to message me or send me an ask; I adore chatting! I am always happy to talk about YR, about fics, or about whatever is on your mind! I really hope that you find something on here that brings you joy, that makes your life a little brighter, that spreads a little love 🎶🫀👑
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
i’ll throw this under the readmore about me being conflicted about the idea, which the muses had bugged me about it over the weekend. also readmore due to my nonsense ramblings. 🤪
also, this is something for a certain cipher nine oc of mines and my verse’s two characters. feel free to ignore.
So, my muses decided to hit me with the biggest what if idea and it started with “what happened if Aris had a child with Jadus through difficult circumstances” and at first I was like, “oh no, I’m not sure the timing would be right or how long did chapter 1 lasted for, muses.”
this is probably because the idea came to me inspired by a simblr’s 18+ story I read.
and now, I am undecided over this idea and my good friend, Maczac, said the idea could be interesting and “combine with Aris having a child (with Jadus) creates extra dramas“. I decided to brainstorm on this further over the weekend:
We know that seduction and s*xual activities are all apart of Intelligence field works. Of course, this situation between Aris and Jadus was very complicated because Jadus was drawn to Aris (and completely in love with her), and Aris was no stranger to sleeping with other women before, So, basically to Aris, it was either face punishments or caught up in a web of lust against her better judgements.
Again, a very complicated situation considering Aris’ line of work and Jadus being a powerful Sith Lord.
Fast forward post-Eradication Day and the engagement announcement, Aris would discover she was carrying Jadus’ child after Vowrawn noticed the signs (through his trans pregnancy experience) questioning her health. Though, Aris was completely unaware for months despite claiming the sickness caused by poor food rations.
This would had meant she had a cryptic pregnancy. Again, completely unaware but was discovered by Vowrawn during 20-30 weeks.
To add on this, Jadus did not know about this either.
Vowrawn and Kritanta would be extremely protective over Aris and the unborn child, neither of them would leave her side should one of them needed to attend a meeting.
Kritanta (Aris’ father) informed Darth Marr about the development and they were both shocked and surprised by this. This does not affect the engagement as both Aris and Marr are still adamant on going ahead with the arranged marriage as planned.
Marr had dealt with kids before. So they talked to Aris about the development, nothing will change between the two of them. Marr asked about how would she feel if they were to be named as the parent to her child (aka adoption), Aris agreed because it would be a safer option.
Aris gave birth to her daughter sometime after the wedding. Named her Naomi. Kritanta and Vowrawn are grandparents. Acina as Great-Auntie. Vaylin is the Auntie. Also, Auntie Lana Beniko. Malora get an adoptive sister. Marr as the parent to share joint custody with Aris.
Aris’ child would be 100% safe within Marr’s care when Aris leaves for undercover work. also, likely to be raised within the Nevrakis’ estate on Ziost.
there’s so much dramas in this I know....
Should I go with this... I think chapter 2 would set a few years after chapter 1 because I really do not like how toddlers look in the sims 4--I had a couple of ccs for children (which I had gotten for my oc Roxie in different fandom) so that’s easier for me. Plus, to give Jazz and Tau the time to grow and develop as Jedi Knight going on Jedi Master together. I think this would sense to spend a few years to achieve Jedi Master rank rather than too soon.
Anyways, there’s that and I’m undecided on this particular arc. So I don’t know... ugh, muses why you gotta do this to me?! edit: suddenly realised that my oc Roxie and Naomi would have something in common regarding the parental lineage.
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crowtrobotx · 3 years
What up! My name’s Crow, a 33 year old chronically ill bisexual woman+. Use whatever pronouns and gender terms are funniest in the moment. I’m used to she/her and generally just refer to myself as such but go crazy.
I like video games, fiber arts, drawing, writing (fiction & poetry), cryptids, and (regrettably) American college football. Offline, I work full time managing an art school/charity, so I’m generally interested in anything related to the joy of creation and expression.
I can’t stop anyone from following me but minors should know this is a very sex positive blog and I post a lot of horny shit. TERFs and radfems can get fucked. Any kind of bigotry is going to get you blocked - I am old and tired.
My crochet pieces are tagged with #my crochet nonsense or more recently #crowchet
Fandom FYIs: I don’t know what a pro ship or anti is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. I do not care about discourse and drama (beyond watching from afar like a shady bitch) and am generally of the opinion that you gotta just let people vibe and block liberally. I am a massive OC x canon fan. This includes second person reader fics. I tend to avoid canon x canon like the plague due to truly deranged behavior I’ve been on the receiving end of over the years, and I’m over it. That doesn’t mean I hate you and your ship, it means I’m giving you the thumbs up from across the room while asking that you respect my non-participation!
Here you will mostly find video game content (particularly RE8, RDR 1/2, and Mass Effect) and the occasional unhinged ramblings related to Black Sails, LotR, and (of course) MST3K.
My current fanfic: Chrysalis (Resident Evil Village, Karl Heisenberg x Original Character and Heisendad!) This is all about our favorite trashy old man being a Papa to a feral gremlin child while being angst-ridden over his not quite dead girlfriend, what more could you want?
**Updated 09/19/24!**
Check Engine (Resident Evil Village, Karl Heisenberg x GN!Reader, Mechanic AU) Cute little fluffy small town moments sprinkled with shameless, raunchy smut.
**FINISHED! 11/30/2023**
-> Fan Art of Chrysalis/Karl & Lottie that I carry around in my wallet every day and show off like a proud dad.
-> Commissioned work of Kris n Karl that waters my crops and clears my skin
-> Commissioned ~suggestive~ Kris n Karl art that makes me feral like a gas station raccoon
-> Disgustingly cute Lottie art that I am pinning to the fridge and then possibly eating
-> Fucking adorable and hilarious fan art of Lottie & Kris being BFFs with my beloved Hazel & Toast!! And Karl is there too.
-> Beautiful Lottie fan art COMPLETE WITH RAT SOLDAT!
-> Fan art of Karl bein’ a cute dilf while grocery shopping from Check Engine!
-> VârcoKris fan art for when you are in the mood for beautiful werewolf time (which should be always)
Enjoy your stay 💖💜💙
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tropicalchiaa · 4 years
Him Pt 5
Maurizio Gucci X Reader
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The Consequences
You are dealing with the aftermath of Milan and your healing process is interrupted
Enjoy ❤️
Pt 1   Pt 2   Pt 3  Pt 4
It’s been about five months since Milan. Business is even better than ever, and you were happy. Have you called Maurizio? No. Have you responded to any of his letters? No. Have you opened any of his gifts? No again. None of that matter, both of you were better off without him.
Yes, you did just say both. Currently, you are 5 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. I mean who were you kidding, there was not one condom wrapper in sight that day. The memory is still alive and well in your head. And when you are lonely at night you can still feel how his cock twitched inside your warm cunt. Leaving his cum in there for safekeeping.
This secret had to stay under wraps for a multitude of reasons. But the biggest is that you are potentially carrying his only son and way of keeping the Gucci legacy alive. No one knows the identity of the baby daddy but your close friend. Although she was livid when you broke the news to her, she quickly began to gush about being a Godmother and how both of you guys would raise this baby together.  There was no reason for you not to keep the baby. You were rich, successful, and had a team that would surround him with all the love he could ask for.
Your annual summer party was coming up and you could not cancel it for anything. This party was the highlight of the season for the last 5 years and you would be damned if you let a baby get in the way. Also, you sent out the invitations months ago to the top brands, luckily already excluding House of Gucci. 
So that leaves you here at your family’s Hampton estate putting the final touches on your party that is happening in a few hours. Praying that people can’t tell you are pregnant under your flowy white sundress. And hoping your new hairstyle will be enough to distract them, it usually is.
The party is in full swing and your secret was well kept so far. Sneaking back from another bathroom break you are halted by a deep voice saying, “Hi Princess.” No no no you thought. Not even wanting to engage you keep walking towards the party. Hoping for a slight chance you were imagining the voice or that you could get someone to buffer you from this man.
“Where do you think you are going?” The voice says grabbing your arm and pulling you towards them. “You weren’t invited,” you say plainly, trying to remove yourself from their grip. “Oh, that? I just assumed my invitation got lost in the mail, like all the other things I have sent you. Why do I get the feeling you do not want to see me? Because when I envisioned our reuniting, I always assumed you would pounce on me like a tiger eating his prey. But here you are acting as if we are strangers, why is that Princess?” They ask with emotion dripping from every word.
“I do not want to see you,” you say firmly, still avoiding looking them in the eyes.  “Stop this nonsense and look at me Y/N!” They say pulling your chin up looks them in the eye. And when your eyes hit those blue ones’ reality hits you like a flood. And in some fight or flight attempt, you try to reason your way out of this situation.
“Please unhand me Maurizio,” more reality sitting in as you say his name for the first time. “I need to go host my party.”  “Princess we need to ta--” and like a miracle your second assistant comes towards you mentioning a too drunk design executive. Looking over at him, you silently convey for him to let you go. But before he says, “We will talk later,” while letting go reluctantly. And boy was he waiting on the later, you could feel his intense stare everywhere you floated that afternoon.
 Learning from your mistake you made sure to take your close friend with you on bathroom breaks to make sure you weren’t surprised by him again. Oh, how you wished he was some crasher that you could throw out. Fuck, why couldn't you get impregnated by a nobody?
Finally, as people are filtering out after the sunset dinner you feel some relief. You had seen Maurizio and his wife leave about 30 minutes ago, so you walked around without feeling eyes watching your every move. As you closed the door for the last time hopefully you hear him say, “Finally, I was beginning to think we wouldn’t be able to talk. Especially now that I know why you have been avoiding me.” 
Whipping around you are again facing Maurizio with no escape. “You left, how are you even here?” You whimper out shocked. “Oh, that? I told my wife that we have a meeting for a collaboration of some sort. And because I have been feeding her alcohol all afternoon she left with little thought to my statement.” He says closing the distance between the two of you. 
Your brain is moving a thousand miles per second, he knows you're pregnant! Your friends and assistants won’t be back for a few hours because they are driving people back to the city! “Please I made it very clear we had nothing to talk about, especially when you corner me like this.” You say, trying to keep as much confidence in your stance and voice. 
“Princess, I wouldn’t need to corner you if you just stop ignoring me. Especially over something so small as gaining weight.” He says with a frown on his face. Gaining weight? “You think I am ignoring you because I gained weight?” You say confused. “Yes, I mean that is why you are wearing such a matronly outfit and your face is rounder. Plus, you didn’t take off your dress once and we both know how much you like to show off your body. But don’t worry your secret's safe with me, I am sure a nice diet can get you back in shape in no time.” He says putting a hand on your shoulder. “Plus, I love what the weight has done to your ass and breast, cannot wait to see them in their full glory in a second.” He says as he tries to pull your dress above your head.
 “NOOO,” you say but it is too late, he has already seen your round belly and is frozen with shock. Scared of the reaction you close your eyes and hold your belly as you cower bracing yourself for impact. “You’re pregnant?” he says softly, staring at you with wide eyes. “Yes,” you say quietly, trying to distance yourself from him to gain some composure. “What? Wait did you think I was going to hit you?” He stutters out hurt.
“Umm no, it's just become an instinct to protect my belly no matter the threat.” You ramble out nervously. “But you think I am a threat? Why?” He says with a small pause and without missing a beat, “IS THE BABY MINE???” He screams as the realization hits him. “NO!” You say too quickly. Trying to rectify your response you say, “It’s my ex’s...” That lie wouldn't even convince a toddler. 
“Y/N I am not going to ask you another time is this child mine and cut the bullshit when you answer next.” He says grabbing both your shoulders with a little shake. A small yes falls from your lips, feeling overwhelmed with no options. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He says stumbling backward-looking dazed. 
Feeling anger flair in you, “WHY DIDN’T I TELL YOU?” You screamed “UMMM maybe it's because you have a family? Or maybe it was because I was used as a hooker. Oh no maybe it's because you are an arrogant asshole.” You spit out, each statement hopefully hitting like slaps. “You know what, just leave, I can’t do this right now. If you want to talk like civilized people you can come back tomorrow at 11:00 with some sense.” You say opening the door for him to walk out.
And for the first time ever Maurizio listened to you, walking out the door stunted. But before you could close the door he pulled you into a kiss then said, “I want to be in this baby's life and nothing is going to stop me. Not even you.” And with that, he took off walking towards his car after he subtly threatened you. 
From closing the door to saying goodnight to the housing staff, his words hung over you like a dark cloud. Even as you were falling asleep, the threat replayed in your head. Tomorrow was going to be taxing, you could already feel it.
Ummmm, very cliche but I love ittttt!!!
Hope you enjoyed and as always leave feedback!
Taglist: @maybe-your-left @desiraypark​ @mysticalfairytales​
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roccinan · 3 years
In ref to all that 'kid at 14' stuff. Yes I agree with everyone, LCDP writers have some serious continuity problems. Not to be the devil's advocate, but LCDP was a done for thing that was meant to end in S2 until Nerflix decided to pick it up. So when they originally made it, it didn't matter if Andrés was 30 something cause it didn't change anything. Then Netflix arrived and made S3, 4 and 5 and things HAD to be added (so there were bound to be plot holes, it was inevitable). So now Rafael comes along and it's just easier for plot purposes to give Andrés Pedro's age. So okay. Kinda can forgive that.
What I still don't get is their surname's and all the family history. Because yeah, actors decided they were bros from dad and that got confirmed in S5, okay. BUT then what about the 'your father' along with the fact their surnames suggest they have dif father but same mom.
Also when Andrés reveals his illness he says 'tengo la enfermedad de mamá' as in mom's illness. NOT 'my mom's illness' but 'mom's illness' which just makes things a little confusing going by their surnames🤷‍♀️. And then (if I remember correctly) his file says 'de Fonollosa García' (or some such surname like that) so where the fuck does Marquina fits in in all this, and also who the fuck is García then? Because okay, if for some reason Papá Marquina didn't give his surname to Andrés and de Fonollosa was the mom (which again why????) it still leaves me confused about where the hell do you get the García from.
And this is all a plot hole that originates from S1 and 2 so for that they don't have the excuse of 'Netflix made us add to a finished product'.
So that's it, I hope this is at least somewhat comprehensible. And sorry for the rambling😅.
(P.S: remember I'm a biologist (in training)? So I have this thing where in thanks for bothering people with my nonsense I sometimes drop bio related stuff. I work a lot with bats, so here, have this little guy I was with a couple days ago. And sorry if you don't like them😅. But honestly how could you not? Just look at this cutie and that smiley face🥺. We decided to name him Dukúr, and we got pretty close.)
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Hi! Thanks for joining this cursed convo haha! Your rambles are more than welcome ;)
Yeah lol I still think it’s hilarious that they tried to set an age and height for Andrés for no reason, only for those two specific details to be proven wrong at every turn. But I agree that we should look at S1/2 with a different context since like you said, Netflix picking it up meant new additions that don’t quite match up (like Andrés’ age) were inevitable. Still funny but understandable.
re: surname: Despite how on board I am with the same father hc now, literally all clues in S1-3 pointed at same mother. And you pretty much pointed out why! Anyone watching would have assumed they shared a mother. I guess we could say Papa Marquina was just blatantly not there for Andrés so he felt the man was more of Sergio’s father. We could also say Andrés is just self-centered and assumed he could say “mom” and Sergio would just know he’s talking about his own mother lol.
The de Fonollosa Garcia thing is throwing me off too though LOL (also funny thing is I was literally just wondering what his second surname was and then you sent this ask, answering my question haha). OK so I’m sure you understand this way better than me, so I hope you don’t mind me asking the following series of stupid questions in response asdfaadf:
To my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong!), Spanish surnames go “father’s first surname” then “mother’s first surname.” So if Andres for some reason took his mother’s surname, would he be allowed to take both of hers? Or is that just not a thing? As in, could de Fonollosa be his (maternal) grandfather’s surname and Garcia his grandmother’s surname?
The other alternative (again, I’m not sure if it makes sense in the cultural context?) is that Andres was a bastard child, but his mother was married to someone else. So Garcia really is his mother’s last name and de Fonollosa is his stepfather’s last name? 
OR, the theory that I hate the most because it feels in-line with lcdp writers asdsdf, Garcia was supposed to be Sergio’s last name, but they changed it to Marquina at the last minute and forgot to change Andres’ file. Moral of the story: writing as they film has its perks, but it also leads to objectively awkward plot holes about basic details LMAO
P.S Yes, I do remember! I see your biology pics a lot on Tuuli’s blog haha Listen, I may not personally go near bats for no reason IRL, but I feel so blessed seeing these adorable images. He has such a cute little face omg, so pure, so blissful- thank you so much for sharing these pics of Dukúr with me :D He has blessed my crops, cleared my skin, filled me with humble happiness!
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script-nef · 4 years
Busted | Tsukishima Kei
Request: Hello!! Can I please request a scenario/short fic where Tsukishima has to go pick up his girlfriend from “Girl’s Night” at the karaoke bar? When he gets there his gf is drunk, dur, BUT turns out she can sing like really really good. For a moment he’s utterly speechless but he takes really good care of her and asks about her singing the next day? Maybe she can play dumb about it saying she really can’t but too late he knows the power she holds. Sorry if that was a weird req but tysm in advance!!
Okay so first things first, this is a very cute request and not weird at all! Second thing is that I actually have no idea what a karaoke bar is so I searched it up. And it turns out to be a regular bar with like a little stage so people to sing on? Like that scene from The Good Place? I don’t know if you meant that one but I wrote it based on that, hope that’s fine! :) Third, uhhhh you asked for a short fic and I uh well it’s not really all that short so sorry about that.
Category: crack, fluff
1.4k words; Tsukishima never knew you could sing so well
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Tsukishima doesn’t really like it when you go out for “Girls’ Night”s all that much. He’s glad you have quality time with your friends and burn off the stress from your work, but he often wonders if bars are the best place. 
It’s probably because of his aversion to alcohol. And drunk people. If you also add in the fact that your favourite venue just so happens to be a karaoke bar, of all things, he would never fathom the idea of stepping a foot into it unless his life was on the line.
And yet, here he is, slipping into the godforsaken place at 11:30 pm on a work night.
His brows immediately crease as a drunk couple makes out right next to the entrance and expertly swerves past them. The place is filled with groups and couples in similar positions, just climbing over each other in their inebriated states without a care for others’ gazes. It’s amazing what alcohol can do and he sincerely hopes you’re being smart about your intake for the night.
That hope is swiftly crushed as you teeter onto the small karaoke stage with the melody of your favourite song blaring in the background. Your face is what could only be described as crimson to the point he can’t tell where your dress ends and your skin starts. You sway a bit on stage like you’re trying to balance yourself on a ship while there’s a tidal wave happening and Tsukishima can practically predict what’s going to happen next.
So he makes his way to you as fast as he can so that you won’t have an embarrassing memory to wake up to tomorrow morning. He doesn’t even understand why you insist on this karaoke bar when there’s a very high chance of you getting drunk and singing in front of literal strangers—and some friends—when you don’t even like singing in front of him. You occasionally hum while lazing around the house but never sang, claiming that your voice was horrible and also unfortunately tone-deaf. There was a stare-down when you said that because if you were actually tone-deaf, then you wouldn’t be nailing every note in your hums. But he let it go because you turned red and pattered off. 
He’s just about there when you finally open your mouth to start singing, and he can’t help to freeze completely on the spot.
Your voice is beyond amazing. 
It rings out loud and clear throughout the room, forcing everyone to direct their attention to you. It’s like they’re entranced at the performance, and they have a very good reason to. It sounds like you’re pouring your heart and soul into this one song, determined to broadcast it to the best of your abilities. And the quality of it means you’ve practised this before. A lot. 
He stands there, speechless and dumbstruck, eyes trained on you until the song slowly fades away. The room explodes with cheers and applauds, and someone chants for an encore. You give a shaky bow with a bright smile and stumble off the stage right into Tsukishima’s awaiting arms. You mutter an apology and try to free yourself from his grasp, but stop struggling as soon as you see his face.
“Tsukki! Wha… watchu you doin’ here? You have the—the thing with the weird bones tomorrow!”
“Yes, I have my work with my museum tomorrow and yet I’m here for you. Come on, let’s go home.”
“Home! Yes, yes, fwoof. Pushy bed. It’s going to eat me!”
“I have literally no idea what you’re saying but I hope you remember this tomorrow so I can have something to embarrass you with. Say goodbye to your friends.” Your arms sway pathetically in the air as you mumble out something which sounds like but is dubiously related to “Bye now! The beddie are waiting me!” You never make sense when you’re drunk.
He holds you steady while you walk back home, careful of your stumbling steps. Just as he’s about to question you about the singing and why you’ve never sung in front of him, you slump onto his side, eyes closed and off to dreamland. Tsukishima sighs in soft exasperation and carries you home, glad that the venue is relatively close to your shared house.
Regaining some semblance of consciousness when he’s unlocking the house, you flail out of his grip and stomp into the house. It seems like you’re going straight to bed but he stops you to remind you of your shoes, makeup, clothes, brushing your teeth and drinking at least five cups of water to avoid a hangover. Thankfully you finish the first four, not without pouting and whispering nonsense the entire time, but tap out after 2 glasses.
Once in bed, you poke your head out from the blanket burrito you constructed yourself and give him a peck on the lips. “Thank you… pointy-nose. I have the bestest giraffe in the world. Nighty night Mr Moon.”
“Yes well, I wish I can say the same if my girlfriend wasn’t drunk half out of her mind, calling me weird nicknames and keeping things from me. Why didn’t you tell me you could sing so well?” You would normally have blushed and squeaked out an explanation, but you’re knocked out again. Tsukishima sighs once more and cages you in his arm, filing the interrogation away in his head for tomorrow morning. He assumes the headache of combined with the embarrassing memories of this night will make it easy for you to tell the truth.
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“My head hurts…” This is the first thing that greets Tsukishima when he wakes up. A small whining voice from his chest squiggling around and complaining. “Tsukki… ‘m dying…”
“Humans don’t die that easily. You’re annoyingly tenacious.” That earns a weak slap on the arm. “Fine, let’s wake up. You need to drink some more water and eat something.” You don’t budge at all, so he has to carry you again to the kitchen while you whine about being stolen from warmth and comfort.
After forcing two cups of water and a banana down your throat, Tsukishima focuses on making himself a breakfast at the ungodly time of 5 am. Another annoying habit you have is waking up early after a drink-fest even though literally every other drunk sleeps in.
“Mmm… Thanks. You’re the best…” You mumble out while chewing on another banana, eyes drooping down like you’re about to fall asleep again. “I won’t ever drink that much again, I promise…”
“Oh no, but then how will you gain the confidence to sing in front of strangers when you haven’t ever sung in front of me, your boyfriend? Under the pretence of a ‘bad voice’?” You’re the one that freezes now, like a deer caught in headlights. Your eyes are wide and quaking slightly, to his intense amusement, no doubt trying to remember the events of last night. 
He stares right back, an eyebrow raised as if to say “what kind of an excuse are you going to give?” but in the most unimpressed way possible. Your eyes bounce around to corners of the house while expertly avoiding him, until you finally settle on a decision.
Silence takes over the house. The chair you were sitting on makes a horrible screeching noise as you bolt out of it, hightailing to the bedroom in order to find a hole to crawl into and die in. Just as you’re about to enter, an arm slams right in front of you and effectively cuts you off from escaping this situation. 
Tsukishima traps you in his arms, head leaning down to lightly bump his forehead against yours. “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing so well?” This position is the best when trying to pry information out of you because apparently, being surrounded by his form makes you weak and susceptible. Sure enough, red takes over your face again and stutters spill out.
“I just— I’m just really embarrassed singing in front of you because you told me you don’t like it when people sing along to songs and I— I thought it would bother you! It’s not like I was hiding the fact, it’s more li—” Your further ramblings are cut off as Tsukishima presses his lips to yours for a quick peck.
“It’s fine if it’s you. At least you don’t sound like a monkey howling in the dead of the night, unlike some people.” That earns a laugh out of you and he pulls you back into the kitchen. “Now, let’s see what else you’ve been keeping a secret from me.”
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