#noobs if you're out there i miss you so much
evilbihan · 2 months
I'm not going to acknowledge that person by name because I have no wish to interact further with her, nor to have others find her and give her any attention. But with Noob Saibot being brought back, I remembered this rancid take they had, quote: "Bi-Han is a man who has time and time again become Noob Saibot, a man whose endings have shown the Netherrealm is where he wanted to be" which is wild af to say.
Because Bi-Han doesn't just 'become" Noob, he is literally made into Noob. Quan Chi resurrected him as a wraith that turned him into Noob Saibot and now Titan Havik tortures him and uses some insane magic even Liu Kang doesn't know, to turn him into Noob. It's not like some magical girl transformation. We're talking awful evil stuff being done to Bi-Han against his will, to warp him into this being known as Noob Saobot, who is stripped of his humanity and almost everything that made Bi-Han who he was.
And Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Neatherrealm. In the previous timelines he literally had no choice. He was forced into the role of assassin. He was molded into one practically from birth. In Mythologies when he goes into the Neatherrealm he's informed that his soul is already tainted with evil, which is why he can exist there. That's not because he simply woke up one day and decided to kill some Gods for shits and gigs. He had to do what he was ordered to do or be a traitor to the clan and marked for death anyway. It was a lose lose situation. If anything this shows that Bi-Han was never where he wanted to be. His strings were always being pulled by someone else. History is repeating itself now. And leaks even say that Liu Kang doesn't fault him for his desires, but only the ways he goes about achieving his ends. Which further proves Bi-Han doesn't have some nefarious plots in mind with the deliberate intention of landing himself in the Neatherrealm.
She said she doesn't hate Bi-Han, but then this reads as a deep missunderstanding of his character. And at that point, if you can misinterpret his character to that degree, you probably don't like him much either.
Another day, another take so stupid it makes me want to never interact with anything MK related ever again.
Oh, who am I kidding? The trailer already achieved that.
Needless to say, you're 100% correct and this person, whoever they are, is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. People who think Bi-Han wanted any of this are either being ignorant on purpose and want to misunderstand his character because they hate him or they're so blatantly stupid they don't understand the very simple fact that Bi-Han being turned into Noob Saibot always happened against his will in every damn timeline.
Does it look like Bi-Han tied himself to that damn wheel we see in the trailer? Does this person have the attention span of a goldfish and just missed the part where he looks terrified out of his mind when those drills/needles approach him?
For goodness' sake, I didn't want to talk about the trailer because watching it made me want to gauge my own eyeballs out. I never felt this sick looking at something in my life (that's coming from someone who plays horror and fighting games on the regular) and yet here we are and I'm talking about it regardless now. I hate it here.
But anyway, you're right. What more can I say? Anyone with even an ounce of common sense would know that. Anyone who has ever played any of the Mortal Kombat games should know that Bi-Han was forcefully turned into Noob Saibot. He was never evil. He was always a neutral character and he's still a neutral character in the New Era.
What more confirmation do you need outside of Liu Kang himself admitting that there's nothing wrong with Bi-Han's ambitions, only with his methods of achieving them? Ashrah says Bi-Han can be redeemed, Bi-Han said only people who don't understand him would mistake him for evil, the Lin Kuei all stand behind Bi-Han and support him... He isn't evil and he never was.
He literally saves Liu Kang's entire stupid trainwreck of a timeline single-handedly in this DLC and people still have the audacity to say he's evil?
I wish he was.
I wish Bi-Han would just sit back and watch Havik destroy Liu Kang's timeline along with all the pitiful hypocrites in it. I wish he'd let all of the fandom's pathetic favorites get torn to shreds and laugh.
But he won't. Because Bi-Han is a good and honorable man deep down.
Disagree and be wrong. It's as simple as that.
PS: Wasn't MK:Mythologies Sub-Zero all about Bi-Han trying to avoid ending up in the Netherrealm? He reacted with shock and concern to being told his soul is tainted with evil by Raiden and he was trying to turn his life around. There's even an ending in one of the older games where he kills Shang Tsung and leaves the Lin Kuei with the prize money from the tournament. Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Netherrealm. Claiming anything else would be ignoring canon lore.
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barbwritesstuff · 5 months
Pls don't feel bad about the time skips! I read ppl complaining on the forum but I think they miss the point of TT.
It's meant to show how much of a curse vampirism actually is. Like no matter how much you try to keep your humanity, you are functioning on a completely different wavelength as humans and one thing that encapsulates it are the time skips. You can't have a non vampire partner or child and expect a happy ending, one distraction or something gone wrong and you lose a decent chunk out of their lives without realizing. It's a story meant to lack agency! Being a vampire in your world is only meant to end three ways: being hunted, starved, or walking into the sun. And most probably utterly alone.
Writing is a learning curve that never stops curvin'. And, to be clear, that's something I really like about writing. I really enjoy trying new things and getting feedback on readers on whether or not those things worked.
I didn't expect the time skips to be contentious, but I can understand why some people don't like them.
They feel like they remove agency in a choice based game. That's a very real critique that I totally understand.
Unfortunately, they've been baked into the narrative from the start. I always planned on Thicker Than to take place over a decade (actually, originally it was 13 years, but I shortened it to a decade to show a tiny wee bit of mercy to the human ROs) and the time skips are the only real way to do that.
The time skips make sense for me because they show how vampires change over time. The player gets to level up their powers and becomes more a part of the undead world.
A just resurrected fledgling is not going to be the same creature as a ten-years-dead vampire. And while you're still very young, it makes the final showdowns a little more probable.
The player's character isn't a total noob by the end of the game.
I've tried to brainstorm some ways to smooth over the transitions, but the truth is, they're already pretty much as good as I can make them. So I hope those that don't like the time skips aren't too put off by them.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child - PART 2
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition! (Part 1)
This time, we’ll be featuring…
Shinnok, Dark Raiden, Noob / Bi Han (he wasn’t very good), Scorpion, Reptile!
Enjoy ;) @kryptofancientdreams
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Shinnok: My child, where had you gone?
Child: My brothers and I have a plan to defeat you.
Shinnok: Then, I suppose they will have to go through with it without you.
Raiden: You fall from the light, sister.
Child: We are the children of Shinnok- you are just as horrible as I.
Raiden: You’re speaking just like him.
You: You promised our child the Netherrealm, then go missing.
Shinnok: A couple of inconveniences got in the way.
You: That human actor? Are you the same husband as before?
Child: I’ll kill Quan Chi myself if you can’t.
Shinnok: He is much stronger than yourself. Just wait until I win it over for you.
Child: *Pout* why! I can defeat you, so why let do it?
You: You need to talk to your son.
Kronika: Why so?
You: He fails to give [child] the gift of the Netherrealm.
Shinnok: Have you met your [sister/brother]?
Raiden: She is no sister of mine.
Shinnok: You may ignore the truth, but you know your place.
Child: You can't hide from fate.
Shinnok: My fate is not to die at the end of a worthless human's blade.
Child: A demi-god. And Cage proves humans aren't so wortthless.
Child: Brother! He escaped!
Raiden: Do you think yourself powerful enough to defeat him?
Child: Perhaps... If you can prove it.
Johnny Cage: Your daddy ever tell you about me?
Child: I tell him about you, actually, Ninja Mime.
Johnny Cage: Then be ready to tell him about this, got it?
Raiden: How does a human betray her realm?
You: If my child can have a father, that's how.
Raiden: A kind sentiment, with horrible reasoning.
Fujin: I had no idea we had a sister.
Raiden: If the reader has a thing for Shang Tsung and would like to see our sister...
Fujin: The author has a story for that? Can I check it out here?
Fujin: I won't call you mother.
You: I don't expect you to. You're a grown ma- God.
Fujin: Just making sure you're fine with that.
You: Give [child] back!
Raiden: I will not let you or Shinnok destroy my [sister/brother].
You: You fool! This is why Shinnok hates you!
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Dark Raiden
You: Are you even going to be there for [child]?
Raiden: [She/he] can live without me. But [she/he] cannot live without Earthrealm.
You: I won't let you leave so easily this time!
Fujin: Where is your father?
You: I won't let you find him.
Fujin: The darkness grows over you too. I'm sorry, niece.
Revenant Lui Kang: I can never kill Raiden, but I make him live his life in misery.
You: He is finished with your whines, champion.
Revenant Lui Kang: And soon, I'll be finished with you.
Raiden: Where is [she/he]
Revenant Lui Kang: You took away my life, Raiden. Now I took away yours.
Raiden: And I will finish with this life of yours!
Child: Not. Another. Step.
Raiden: You dare cross me?
Child: You killed them, father. You are not deserving of the name, "Protector."
You: Your father's angry at you.
Child: You two have lost yourself in darkness. I trust you mi longer.
You: You forget: I'm not as merciful as him.
Cassie: so, you're dad's a god? Must be nice.
You: 'Til he becomes a dark God. Then it kinda sucks.
Cassie: Eh, my dad sees you as a daughter anyways. That's a plus.
Raiden: I never could have imagined it end this way.
Child: Father, you misunderstand!
Raiden: You helped a Reventant. You betray your realm!
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Noob Saibot / Bi Han (seperate)
Noob: I am not your father.
Child: You may be dead, but you are still my father!
Noob: Bi Han is dead. You are just another orphan.
Child: Saibot is not as fun to play with. He's just a shadow.
Noob: I cannot always be with you, child.
Child: Then why did you ever hsve me?
Kuai Liang: My [niece/nephew]. You have my mother's eyes.
Child: I am not your niece. I was born to Noob, not Bi Han.
Kuai Liang: He is my brother and life, and in death.
You: You left me to raise a child on my lonesome.
Noob: I did what I must to protect [her/him].
You: You'd protect [child] better dead then alive.
Hanzo: It was a mistake. I was blinded by my rage.
Child: I actually came to thank you. I want to learn what you did.
Hanzo: How I killed your father? It went something like this...
Bi Han: I love you.
You: You have yet to prove it. Spend time with [child] if so.
Bi Han: That will have to wait until later, unless you can bring me home yourself.
Frost: I thought your dad said women weren't allowed to be heirs.
Child: No, no. He said bitches aren't allowed to be heirs.
Frost: Your family blood are all assholes.
Kuai Liang: I told you, we cannot waste anymore time.
You: If I can beat you, then I can take down my father!
Kuai Liang: Yes, but you can never bring him back.
Kuai Liang: So you finally settled down.
Bi Han: Correct, brother.
Kuai Liang: Let us see how prepared you are to raise a child, then.
Bi Han: Our daughter does not enjoy watching us fight.
You: You seem to forget; You are the leader, but I am the First Lady.
Bi Han: ...She will have the might of her mother.
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Child: I understand. I will never mean enough to you.
Scorpion: I love you the same as my son. Never doubt that.
Child: Then why do you care for them more than me?
Quan Chi: It would be a shame for it to happen again, yes?
Scorpion: [Child] and Y/N are under my permanently protection.
Quan Chi: Protection... only worked so much, didn't it?
Raiden: You look just like your father.
Son: I am more hellbent than him.
Raiden: Then you can never be saved.
You: Who will it be, your dead family or your new one?
Scorpion: My dear wife, I am sorry. But I cannot let go.
You: I see. Then I suppose you won't be needing us anymore.
Johnny: I saw this chick on my way here. Literally, smokin' hot.
Scorpion: *angrly grips chain* It was you who harassed my daughter?
Johnny: *clicks tongue* Yup. Not good on my part.
Child: I wish I could've killed Hemuri and my brother myself.
Scorpion: He is no brother of yours any longer!
Child: Good. Then if I could kill him, it would be far less meaningless.
Scorpion: You took my child away!
You: Why would you care! We're meaningless compared to your dead family!
Scorpion: Bring [him/her] back!
Quan Chi: I thought I killed you a long time ago.
Child: That was my brother. I had come to avenge my father's clan.
Quan Chi: Then suffer the same fate.
Kuai Liang: Scorpion found love once more.
You: *smiles* He did. Although, he cannot look past what you had done.
Kaui Liang: That was neither I or my brother. Send the message.
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Cassie: So, what's your favorite bug to eat?
Child: Ew, bugs are my father's thing. I prefer the flesh of chickens.
Cassie: Huh. Gotta say, not what I expected.
Erron Black: *Whistles* Ain't you one fine specimen.
Daughter: Half Saurian, half [human/edenian/whatever]. *wink*
Erron Black: That so? Wanna come "put venom in my veins" girlie?
Takeda: I think I've seen this somewhere.
Child: Avatar? I get that a lot.
Takeda: Maybe... or furry conventions.
— (Enter Alice Cooper)
Johnny: I wanna kiss you but your lips are-
You: -venomous poisonnnn.
Johnny: Yeah, how do you kiss that guy anyways and not melt?
Syzoth: *"My child" in Saurian*
Child: *"Father" in Saurian*
Syzoth: *:)*
Shang Tsung: I thought Reptile to be the last of his species.
Child: That was before he had me to a [human/edenian/whatever].
Shang Tsung: I must expirement with such a cross breed.
Jaque: I know Tiana had to kiss the frog to turn him human, but to have a child with the frog?
You: There's more than meets the eye, my dearest.
Jaque: Don't talk that close to me. Don't know where that mouth has been.
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 11 months
P&C | Ch. 1: The Night Before I Met You
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➪ Playlist (Spotify) l Series Masterlist
"Mira? Miraya? Can you hear me?" my mom's soft cries call out from the phone.
"Hi mom ... m... mom it's a video call, you have to turn the camera towards you," I quickly explain, glancing at my mom's ear that stares back at me through the screen. It only takes her three tries and a hate speech against our electronic world until we are finally met face to face.
"Is it working now? Can you see me?"
I nod, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Miraya, how are you? Why don't you ever call us? I can't sleep at night thinking about how you're all alone. Your dad is getting mad at me, he thinks my worrisome would somehow bother you. Says you're too busy." her words, although sprinkled with annoyance are coated with genuine concern that fills the room.
Moving out of my parent's home is one thing, but moving to another country ... alone ... is something completely different. I used to say the world is my oyster all the time, but now that I've tasted that stupid oyster, I feel ashamed of my poor judgment. I would rather walk across a field of legos barefoot than go through another immigration process on my own.
See, a year ago, I would have only dreamed of living in Korea. Learning about the culture and exploring their diverse cuisine. It was all fun and games until hope turned into manifestation, which then transformed into a deep-rooted determination. I've spent all three years of high school, working my ass off, perfecting my GPA to appeal to the board of education. I guess it all paid off in the end, since fast forward to a year later, and I am now living in my one-room dorm at one of the most prestigious universities in Korea.
"I'm sorry Mom, I truly am. I keep meaning to, but honestly, there's just not enough time in the day." I try to convince both of us.
To be honest, it has been about 2 months since I arrived, but with each passing day, I feel more and more lost. This whole time I've been consumed with academics, relying on nothing but my humongous brain to pull through with this mission. But, now I realise that in terms of just living, functioning as one singularity in the real world, I am hopeless. An absolute noob of a human being. I've grown too comfortable living under my parent's wings. Always enclosed in a bubble of security and protection, which I'm eternally grateful for if it wasn't for the fact that I'd become a complete menace to my older self.
Nonetheless, I'm here, somehow managed to overcome the post-immigration depression, even though the state of my dorm would like to argue otherwise. This is partially why I tend not to call home as often as I wish to or should. I never want my parents to see the behind-the-scenes of my "success", they at least deserve to live in peace knowing that their daughter who is 8600 km away is managing everything just fine.
"Miraya, please honey, don't make me call you out of worry. I want us to talk daily just because. I miss you so much, it feels like half of my heart left with you." my mom's voice breaks with each word, as her eyes fill with tears. 
"Sorry Mommy, I promise I will call every day from now on. I miss you guys as well, it's insane to think that I won't be able to see you guys for Thanksgiving." I try to maintain my composure by changing the topic before nibbling on my lips to calm the nerves. 
I'm the oldest daughter out of three kids but my parents have always treated me like their little princess. This means that without fail, I have always taken that to my advantage. And, no you can't talk to customer service about your complaints regarding moi because this main character energy has been deep-rooted in me since my diaper days. So, please, respectfully, keep it to yourself.
Anywho, back to the point. Although my two brothers still live at home, my departure has left a big mark on our family dynamic. My mom has been worried sick for the past 2 months while the men of the family try to calm down her nerves. My brothers are beginning to feel a bit offended as they feel like my mom is neglecting their presence but in reality, she just isn't used to this distance, especially away from her blood. My dad is no better, he may look all tough and composed but for the first week following my departure, he cried himself to sleep while holding on to my childhood plushie.
"Okay, please keep that promise, honey. Everyone is sending you so much love, please take care of yourself. Are you ready for the first day?"
"I mean, as ready as I can get, I guess. I walked around campus today to get an idea of where everything is. The only problem is that I have about 10 minutes to get to my physics class on the other side of the main quad. But, aside from that it's manageable." I nod with reassurance, giving my mom a thumbs up. 
"You're a smart cookie, dear. Everything will be just fine. You know I pray for you every day, ask God to protect my baby."
"Thank you, Mommy, well I'm going to have to go now. The dining hall closes in an hour. There's always such a big lineup." I say, looking around for my portable charger. 
"Of course, my love. We miss you, please stay safe!" my mom waves me goodbye with a soft smile as the wrinkles around her eyes become more prominent with each call. 
And, as the sunset paints the sky in warm, beautiful tones, I quickly grab my keys, ID, and wallet before heading out the door after checking that everything has been unplugged. Speedwalking down the hall, I managed to make it into the elevator before the door closed, that is until I tripped over my flip-flops and stumbled upon something. Perhaps, a body.
I dared not to lift my head, as one hand held onto the wall while the other rested on someone's chest. I could feel my face getting redder but the longer I stayed like this the more it appeared as less of an accident.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay? I was trying to make it to the elevator but my flip-flops had other plans." I quickly say, straightening up as my hand finally detaches from them.
Locking eyes with the poor fellow I was shocked by how composed he was, letting out a slight chuckle as his gaze admired my flushed cheeks. 
"No worries, are you okay? Why are we in a rush?" he asks with a boxy smile.
"Oh, no, I'm fine, just embarrassed. I was rushing to the dining hall, there's always such a big lineup." I explain, still trying to maintain minimum eye contact as the blood from my face steadily settles down.
"Aah, I see. Well, don't be embarrassed, it happens to the best of us. Anywho, this is my stop, I guess I'll see you around?" he waves me a quick goodbye before the elevator doors close.
"Yeah, b .. bye," words fumble out of my mouth before I was left reflecting on my actions surrounded by the four walls. Looking up, I was, unfortunately, able to make out the state the guy saw me in. 
Hair? Still left in two messy space buns, after I complained of it being in my face the whole time I was unpacking.
My shirt, you might ask? Well, it could only be the most humiliating piece of fabric I could find at my grown age, aka my Barbie merch. This whole time I was worried about my red face, while my shirt was covered in Raquelle printouts. Great.
I was right, the line at the dining hall was long, even more so than usual. But, at least, I was able to find my friend, Jiah. She was the first person I met on campus, and even though we hung out every day since my arrival, we only realized that we were neighbours about a week ago. Women in STEM, what can I say?
"Miraya!" she shouts across the hall, waving her hands as we lock eyes. I squeeze through a literal sea of hungry students and finally make it towards her.
"Jiah, you have no idea how happy I am to finally see you," I say, breathless from all that walking (it was a maximum of 10 steps).
"Finally? What do you mean finally? We saw each other in the morning," the poor girl responds with actual concern on her face. Was I giving hints of an early stage of dementia? 
"Yes, but so much has happened. First of all, look at me. I look like I just came out of hibernation." I sigh, realising she wouldn't understand my frustration as she is also repping the Barbie merch.
"What do you mean? You look cute," she reassures me with a small chuckle.
I can't help but laugh because we both look ridiculous, but it's less embarrassing when a 6-foot-blonde guy with a boxy smile isn't involved in the scenario. So, we quickly grab the food and enjoy the little debrief about our first day of classes.
"You know, I compared my schedule with my boyfriend yesterday and we only have 3 classes together." Jiah sighed, pouting her lips.
"Well, you know, 3 classes versus the rest of your life. I feel like you guys will manage just fine." I chuckle, as she smiles back at me.
"You're right, it's silly. I just miss him. He has been away this whole summer, and no one warned me about how tough long distance is."
"Where was he again?" I ask.
"Well, he first went on a grad trip with his guy friends and then back home to visit his grandparents. I just wished he was able to come back sooner. I really miss him." Jiah looks down at her plate, swirling the leftovers with her fork.
"Hey, Jiah, it's just one more night. Do you want to sleep in my dorm for today? We can have a relaxing pampering night, hm?" I say, reaching my hand toward hers as she glances back up with a smile.
"What do you think of this? Or is this better?" I ask, forcing Jiah to judge the fashion show I have created out of my possible outfit options for tomorrow.
"Oh, number 2. One hundred percent. Are you kidding me? You look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous in knee-high boots." she replies with a satisfied look, fully trusting her judgement.
The weather in Seoul is getting chillier so the knee-highs fit the theme, but are they not a bit too much? But also, I did not just go through all of those years to be just much. So, you best believe I will be making an appearance in those bad boys.
"You're right, okay well then I'm all ready. Just have to actually wake up on time." I say, laying on the sofa before looking at the organized row of necessities Jiah and I prepped for the following morning. The rest of the night was spent talking and making dinner before we both fell asleep to the sound of rain. 
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oddvanilla · 3 months
AAAA I love people who ask me open ended questions,, you're basically allowing me to yap 🫶🫶🫶
It all starts with Gen Z, you could say. The thing with Gen Z is that we're so sarcastic it's CRAZY. I mean, we got lots of terms that millennials can barely wrap their head around. It's like only we can understand this dumb humour. Like obviously, we say "rizz" (short for charisma: a charm) and "GYATT" (usually popular in African-American environments, short for goddamn),, but the thing is, we say that stuff ironically (in a sarcastic manner).
But there's Gen Alpha, basically people who are born after 2010 (until 2025, starts gen beta). And these kids are like brainrotted to the EXTREME. Keep in mind, brainrot usually means people who are too chronically online and sometimes can only speak in internet slang...weird. Gen Alpha is responsible for creating or popularizing some terms. These include a LONG list, I'll try to explain as much as I can here...
Sigma: the equivalent of alpha, an individual who's viewed as dominant.
Skibidi: short for Skibidi Toilet, a series made up of short videos created by DaFuq!?Boom! On YouTube.
Cap: a lie. Usually used in phrases like "No cap!" (No lie) Or "That's cap!" (That's a lie)
Slay: Something done impressively or greatly. Usually used between females but it's NOT restricted to that. used In phrases like "you slayed that/you ate that!"
Sus: Suspicious, unsettling
GOAT: abbreviation for "greatest of all time". Like in "Ronaldo/Messi is the GOAT"
Clout: popularity. Example— "I did that for clout"
Flex: to show off
Bop: Bae of plenty, someone who is seen as a player
Cancel: Cancel culture is pretty much getting celebrities banned off social media platforms. For example, many people want to cancel Andrew Tate.
Noob: newbie, someone who is a rookie. Either new to a game or bad at a game.
Drip: how cool your outfit looks. Like seeing a kid with a hoodie and saying "Damn, that kid got drip!"
Dope: The equivalent of Rad, something that's cool.
Dupe: yes, there's a difference. Dupe is like a knock off or a fake.
Lit: the same meaning as dope. usually something fire, as in it's awesome.
Stan: to be a huge fan of someone. Others can interpret it as a stalker fan, but the first definition is more popular.
Fanum tax: popular streamer Kai Cenat is friends with another streamer known as Fanum. Fanum often appears in Kai's streams to steal food from Kai. Fanum tax has become a popular term between fans indicating someone is stealing your food. Sometimes used in percentages. For example, my best friend casually fanum taxes 85% of my lunch every other afternoon.
Mewing: a technique used to sharpen your jawline, where you put your tongue at the roof of your mouth—often not allowing you to speak.
Edging/gooning/surfing: (Sorry asexuals..) a sexual practice involving controlling your 0rgasm.
Glazing: to over-hype something or give something so much compliments and attention it has gotten cringe worthy.
Tweaking/tripping: to act energetically or even unintelligently under the influence of crack/drugs, used sarcastically.
Aura: an imaginary calculation method of how much power or reputation you have. For example, falling In front of a group of teens means you have lost aura, or power. You can say that's -500 aura (points). Or maybe helping a homeless man. That's +5000 aura. Memes go around like "the golden dog", a card that makes you immune to losing aura.
Of course there is MUCH more. and Gen Alpha creates new terms every other weekend that it's starting to get tiring keeping up with these trends. Unless you're on the internet 24/7/365, then you'd surely know all of these and spontaneously use them. But I don't, so there's a lot I missed here, at least i believe so😭😭
The problem is, gen alpha uses all these different words and terms UNIRONICALLY. Meaning that they're actually serious. And oh, trust me they will look at you weird when you use an outdated word like "lol", "yas", or "YOLO".
So... Who can we blame for this ridiculous behaviour? Obviously, no other than millennial and generation Z parents. In my personal belief, Gen Alpha being on the internet from such a young age is seriously a bad idea. I mean, I have not one, but TWO (2) gen alpha siblings. You can imagine how hard it is from me... My 5 year old cousin goes to kindergarten and he says that he "rizzed" a girl at his class, which got him +10000 aura. Yeah, even I can't believe what this world has come to.
But from another perspective, we can do nothing about it. Maybe it's a good thing to let gen alpha on the internet? After all, we can't keep taking steps back, saying we need to quit phones and cellular devices in general. All we can do, really, is just let the future unfold. A few decades away from now, Generation Gamma or Delta or whatever, is gonna be laughing at gen alpha saying they're as old as time, probably holding a portable toilet in their hands. we never know what the future brings us🤷‍♀️
So that's it, sorry for answering your silly little question with a whole essay 🙏 thank you all for coming to my ted talk.
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sidgeno-ficrecs · 2 months
there’s an anon fic in the tag, it’s super long too but has NO summary, NO rate and NO tags, I’m scared to even click on it, (yes, I’m a softie noob) could you please give us a quick review? I feel like it could be really good or really bad (in a dark way, I mean)
of course! i'm assuming you're referring to this one? if not let me know and i'll track down the right one!
i would definitely classify this fic as on the grimier side. it's a porn industry AU, and the focus is very much on what the reality of that life can be—the financial struggles, the seedy characters, the sexual coercion, and the sex work outside of actually shooting the films. there's drug use and drinking and the whole thing has an element of dubcon throughout. i did notice the tag said 'age gap', but as i was reading i couldn't find any specific mention of how big the gap is; that doesn't mean it's not in there, i could have just entirely missed it!
it's very well-written and definitely feels to me to be a very realistic portrayal of what people in this lifestyle are like, what the industry is like. if you read goodnightpuckbunny's SGE entry from this year (which you should, it's excellent), tonally it's similar, although i'd classify this one as darker and less hopeful overall, simply by nature of the work the characters do (and also the ending- see below). if you're looking for hot and sexy porn scenes as the main focus, this is probably not the porn industry AU for you (although never say never for fics along those lines if that's something you're interested in 😉), but if you're looking for a more gritty glimpse into what that sort of hustle might be like in real life, with all the downsides and poor decision-making that comes with, you'll likely enjoy this.
i think it's important to note that it's also unfinished, and there's an author's note at the end of chapter 5 (out of six) that confused me as far as the tone and what the intent of the author was towards the readers. because of this note, which you can go see for yourself, i am unsure if this fic will be completed. if it isn't, it does not end on a happy or romantic note at all, so if you're in a space where you're looking for at the very least hope at the end of a fic, i would not read this one unless and until it's complete.
i hope this helps! let me know if you have other questions :)
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 1.2
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?" "only if it's by you." he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble. © 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
Seoul, South Korea
Soyeon blew out a long sigh before taking a sip from her iced coffee. It felt odd to be back in Seoul after three weeks. Weeks of feeling terrified and anxious when now everything seemed back to normal. As if any of the previous incidents had never happened. A strange thought. Like a fever dream.
Her eyes wandered out to the people passing by on the street. It was a mild summer day, most going out for a walk or to meet friends. And she wondered if and how Arabella was planning to find her. Recalling their last conversation on the phone in the restrooms of the italian police station.
"They'll be flown out to Seoul tomorrow." Arabella hummed, going silent then and Soyeon thought she had hung up, when she spoke up again. "What about you?" "I'll have to give my testimony. Hope they can arrest that jerk.." she scoffed, "And after that, agent Jeon assured me I could fly back to Korea with them. After all, I don't have any papers with me to get back otherwise.." "Alright." "They'll escape won't they?" "I don't think they'll try." Soyeon frowned. "W-what? Will they just stay arrested and fac-"
"No, no. Obviously they'll flee," Arabella laughed, "But if they're smart, which Yoongi and Taehyung are, I guess my idiot as well, they'll do it when they're back in Seoul. It wouldn't make sense to escape now and try getting back to Taiwan from there. They'd be more obstacles with pops being on their tail. The smart move would be for them to do it in Korea, which is way closer to Taiwan and has direct connections." The younger woman hummed understanding. If put like that, it made indeed sense. And Arabella was supposedly a thief as well, or had been, so she should know more than her.
"No need to worry," Arabella said then, "I'll fly out to Seoul myself. I'm sick of sitting here idle and missing out on all the fun anyway, so I'll help them get out."
"A-aren't you afraid of getting caught as well?"
Arabella clicked her tongue almost offended at the insinuation. "Please, I'm not a noob like them!" Soyeon pursed her lips, unsure if she was going to regret her next move. "C-could I come with you?" "You mean in bailing the guys out? Absolutely not. You're unexperienced." She wasn't able to argue with that and yet, she tried to. "I know.. but I feel miserable. They're only in this situation because of me. Obviously I'd let you professional take care of the difficult stuff, but.. but.." Her jaw clenched when thinking about Yoongi's expression when she'd last seen him. Those glum eyes. And him being in a cell now like a criminal. She knew he technically was one, been one in the past. But he wasn't one to her. He was much more to her than that. "If I can help in any way, even if only a little bit.."
"I could think of a way.." Arabella contemplated then with a sigh, "But just to be clear, if Yoongi gets angry at me for getting you involved, it was your fault. You were persistent and demanded to be part of it, not letting me any choice. Got it?" Soyeon's eyes lit up. "Yeah, yes, of course!" "Alright, see you in Seoul then." "W-wait, where should we meet?"
"Don't worry about that, I'll find you."
And with that she hung up. Leaving Soyeon perplexed back.
She took another sip, taking her phone out and going to her photo gallery. She didn't feel like returning home yet. Getting adjusted to work again was already hard, but then staying in her lonely apart was almost insufferable. A sentimental feeling overtaking her as she scrolled through her photos, stopping at the last one she had of her grandfather. He was attempting to smile, something he rarely did in photos. Not because he'd been a serious man, rather because he liked to appear like one. She giggled. That somehow reminded her of Yoongi. On the outside he seemed cool, calm, collected, but she had managed to catch a glimpse of his true nature. The warm, kind and caring side of his.
Her brows knitted together when a hot ache flowed threw her chest. She swiped away to another photo of her grandfather. It was of a photo from her grandmother's albums, showing her grandfather heaving little Soyeon up on one arm. Holding her high and smiling up at her. Yeah, she remembered, her grandfather used to do that when she was little. Carrying her around and holding her up, making her feel like a giant.
Tears started welling up in the corner of her eyes and she quickly wiped them away before anyone noticed. Deciding to lock the phone and swallow the lump in her throat down with another sip from her cold drink.
"Did something happen?" A voice behind her asked and she internally cursed, hoping the person didn't mean her, when suddenly the chair next to her was pulled out and a women with long dark hair and black eyeglasses sat down. Eyeing her suspiciously from above the glasses. "N-no, just remembered something. That's all," she quickly said, perplexed by the stranger. The woman hummed and Soyeon began wondering what she wanted from her, when it finally clicked. "Arabella?" "Yup, that's me." Her eyes widened. "How, how did you find me?" Arabella's lips pulled up into a grin as she shrugged nonchalantly. "I got my ways." She waved at someone then, soon another person appearing next to them much to Soyeon's surprise as she recognised them. "The doctor?" "Hey," the red-head smiled and sat down at the empty seat between them, "I see the wound's healing nicely." Cassandra pointed at her forehead to which the younger girl smiled, nodding shyly. "Yes, thanks again." Soyeon's brows furrowed then. "W-what are you doing here, though?"
Cassandra playfully huffed, folding her arms in front of her puffed out chest. "Why? My husband also got caught after all! And besides, I always wanted to take part in a mission. Tae just never let me." She pouted then before grinning at Arabella, patting her shoulder. "That's why I convinced Bella here to let me help. We're forming a girls' gang now, bailing out our idiots!" The dyed-brunette only rolled her eyes. "'Convinced' is quite a light way to put it. You blackmailed me in saying you wouldn't give me a pda otherwise." She pointed at her belly and only then did Soyeon notice the bump. "Ah-ah, I said I would advice your doctor not to give you any." "Still blackmailing," Arabella whined, heaving a frustrated groan then and burried her face into her palms, "Tae and Yoongi will kill me if they see you two here, ugh." "I'm taking full blame, don't worry," her friend ensured her to which Soyeon quickly nodded. "M-me too!" She exhaled deeply, leaning back. "Fine.."
Soyeon raised her hand then as if she was in class. "Uhm , excuse me I got a question.." She pointed at Arabella's belly, "You're pregnant, right? Is it okay if y-" "It's totally fine," Arabella quickly dismissed her question with a wave of her hand, "Just because I'm pregnant people don't have to treat me with kid gloves. I won't do anything risky and besides -" She faced Cassandra then with a smirk. "We got the doc here after all, just in case." She grabbed a tablet out of her handbag then, switching it on. "Now let's get down to business." Soyeon raised her hand again, interrupting her once again with a shy grin. "I should probably tell you that I've to go to interpol tomorrow." Arabella frowned, setting the device down. "Why? Didn't they interrogate you in Italy already? " "Only about what went down in Taiwan and in Italy. Now they wanna ask me further questions about my grandpa, although I really don't know what I could possibly tell them.." Frankly, she knew less than they did about her grandfather's life as a thief.
Arabella hummed, that piece of information perhaps turning into something helpful. "What time exactly?" "T-they said they'd be out all day long. So 5pm." The professional among them contemplated for a moment, smirking then. "Right before their shift ends. Perfect. New plan then!"
Yoongi was staring at the white wall in front of him. Stifling a sigh, he stretched his arms over his head. He could tell the sun was setting by the few streaks of light coming from the window. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours. When his eyes grew tired, he'd close them, otherwise he'd keep them on the white painted bricks. If he had his sword he'd just cut through the door with ease, but Seokjin had obviously confiscated it. So there wasn't much left but to stare and wait. There wasn't much else to do. He was alone with his thoughts.
It wasn't the first time they had been caught and sitting in different cells. And they always had a plan for this. However, considering they hadn't planned to ever see a custody cell again, he couldn't help but feel sullen. He was the one involved with Soyeon, not them. If Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't have joined, they wouldn't be there with him now.
He wondered what she was doing right now. He had heard from Jungkook that they had also flown her back to Seoul.
He smiled to himself, being sure she was finally able to return to her normal life with this story being hopefully over. That had been their intention after all by luring interpol to Italy. They already had a case file on the younger Rossi, so it shouldn't have been a problem for them to do something against him now either. And they would, he was certain of it. He just hoped she could find her peace now and enjoy life again without any fears.
For a second he wondered if he should look for her after they get out, but he quickly dismissed that ridiculous thought. After all this traumatic experience, she probably didn't want to see anything or anyone that reminded her of it and he unfortunately counted among that. It was probably better this way anyway, even if he had retired of being a criminal and only got back because of this, he was probably not the right person for her. He bit his inner cheek, a mix of sorrow and relief spreading inside him. She deserved someone normal. Someone who wouldn't potentially drag her into this kind of situation again.
And besides, her real life was taking place in Seoul while he was forced to return to Taiwan. The two had no prospects from the beginning.
Yoongi never considered himself a lucky guy. The only good thing that had ever happened to him was meeting his two friends, but otherwise he'd never seen himself favoured by fortune. Although, the time he had spent with Soyeon, even if short, had felt like luck in a way.
Luck. Such a weird concept. He rarely truly understood it. So he accepted things for how they were. Perhaps it was some kind of karma for past mistakes. There'd been more than enough anyway.
Arabella's plan was simple or at least not as complicated as it could be.
"There's a catch though," she explained as she eyed the other two women over Soyeon's coffee table. They had returned to her apartment to fully develop the plan and prepare for it and frankly, it was more convenient than sitting in a café. "From what I found out, they inaugurated a few new precautions for some reason. Like whoever enters or exists any area, even the archives and evidence storages, will be checked in case they're wearing a mask or other type of disguises. They literally pinch your cheeks to check. Another reason why I'll undertake the security room and gain access to the system, they obviously know my face. But that means you won't be able wearing a mask either." Cassandra's brown eyes widened and she gulped. "And how do I get in there then?"
"By me adding you into the database as a new employee. I'll access the personnel department's files and create a fake staff account for you." "But won't they find it weird if out of nowhere a new employee appears without them knowing?" "The trick is to act as if you belong there," Arabella winked, "If there's any issue, just say you just started and probably someone simply forgot to inform them. Remain persistent." "What if agent Kim, Blake or Jeon see me though? They know me." "They won't," she dismissed her with a smirk, "We'll do it during the late shift, after the field agents leave and none of the normal personnel is working."
Cassandra and Soyeon nodded eagerly, listening intently. Arabella smiled for a brief moment before continuing.
"The second new security measure is having to enter a specific code that changes every few hours to enter the basement area where the cells are located. But it shouldn't be too big of a deal to find out once I've hacked the security system." A frown spreading over her features then as something else was seemingly troubling her. "The other new thing is that they aren't in the normal cellblock like usually while waiting for trial, but in the isolated high-risk ones. Those have a seperate security system located somewhere in the basement, meaning I can't exchange the live camera recordings from there. Sure, my distraction tactic will possibly blur quite a lot, but there's still a good chance someone might catch you on tape while I won't be able to see that footage and possibly warn you. So I'm asking you again if you're indeed sure about participating in this." Her glance flickering to Soyeon, looking at her inquiringly. "I am," she said with no sign of hesitation, causing Arabella and Cassandra to exchange a look, before nodding.
"Alright, let's do this."
Step one:
While Soyeon went for her anew interrogation, Arabella found her way inside by sneaking into an employee's car. In disguise, she engaged the man from the security control room in a flirty conversation, drugging him by sprinkling some rohypnol on his snack when he didn't pay attention. Taking control of the technical part and switching the live security footage with looping recordings, so no one would notice their little rescue mission, while also keeping an eye on the actual live footage, to warn the other two women if needed through their in-ear transmitters.
She also proceeded in creating two new employee accounts in the security system for Soyeon and Cassandra, the data matching to the two fake IDs she had already given them.
Step two:
Cassandra gor inside by pretending being an archive worker, having easier access to the evidence storage to get the guys' weapons this way. After a small encounter with an agent in the elevator, where she kept her cool, she headed to her designated area. Arabella told her the passcode and she passed the security check for disguises. Lying about having to check the evidence box of an old case that'd soon go to court to see if the content alligned with the list her 'supervisor' had given her. Finding the wanted objects in the weapon storage, she loaded the guns - having the needed knowledge from her husband who had insisted in teaching her how to use a gun just in case - and then hid them in a bag. Stuffing it into the vent Arabella instructed her to, pushing until it dropped down the vent into a lower level. After that was done, she retreated from the archive area and proceeded leaving the building from the staircase and emergency exit.
During these preparations, Soyeon was sitting in her interrogation, answering to all the agents' questions without leaking any suspicion.
Step three:
When the interrogation ended, Soyeon pretended leaving but actually went with Arabella's instructions to the storeroom in ground level where the vent ended. And after climbing up a shelf and opening it to get the bag out, she hid it into the cleaning trolly stored there. Changing into one of the cleaning uniforms hanging behind the door, she waited till the shift ended and most agents clocked out, before heading out with the trolly and the fake ID pinned on her chest. Entering the underground area using the security code Arabella told her and undergoing the check for any disguise herself.
The basement area was devided into two parts, to enter the second one where the guys were located at, Arabella initiated a small false alarm by starting the sprinklers, confusing the guards and getting them to go check for the cause. As soon as they left their positions, Soyeon took the bag and slipped through the gate to the second area. Immediately heading to the cellbocks the older girl had told her and quickly shoved their weapons through the barred door window. Returning to the first area and the abandoned trolly and Arabella ending the alarm.
Leaving the area by explaining she'd need to get extra help to clean up the wet floors while guards went to check on all the inmates.
Step four:
Soyeon left from the emergency exit. Arabella retreated then as well, as if nothing had happened and the two met in the parking lot where Cassandra waited for them in the car.
And the three set off.
next chapter: 1.3 here Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡
It motivates me to keep writing :)
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evitamylove · 7 months
Cove, MK1 Edition
Announcer comment ideas:
Kung Lao:
-"Yeah, still my favorite."
-"Hi pretty boy."
-"The one....for me~"
-"Calling you a petname would give you too much of an ego boost."
-"Hung Lao."
-"You don't remember." (sad tone)
-"In every reality." (said very softly)
-"I really did miss you."
-"Hi, love."
-"My Chosen One.''
-"Still don't know how to feel about you."
-"Kidd Thunder!"
-"I'm loyal to Kung Lao, I swear." (if hes wearing cosmetics with tattoos.)
-"Okay, I'm warming up to you."
-"I'd let him electrocute me to death." (only in specific cosmetics)
-"You don't remember either."
-"Pikachu, I choose you!"
Liu Kang:
-"Can I be the dragon?"
-"I miss our Raiden."
-"Where the hell did you put Fujin?"
-"You're cute sometimes."
-"Your fanfiction is the worst."
-"God of Massive Doofuses."
-"Look at this dork."
-"I miss your fuckass bob."
-"Glow up."
-"One day..."
-"Bruce Lee."
-"The white hair looked better."
-"I can take him, just not in a fight."
-"He's hot as shit."
-"I'd be front row at a concert tryna get his towel."
-"He's hot when he isn't talking."
-"Jean van goddamn."
-"Never change, sweetheart."
-"At least you age well."
-"What a noob."
-"Daddy issues."
-"Why are you so goddamn mean?"
-"Why are your biceps the size of my head?"
-"Wish the mask was a gag."
-"Hey, hot stuff."
-"Burnin' up~"
-"Is it hot in here or is it just you?"
-"I'd lick the mask."
-"Both at the same time."
-"Get over here! No please, cmere."
-"You are actually the perfect man."
-"Nobody's allowed to be mean to you."
-"Beat the shit out of them."
-"Hi sweetheart~"
-"The actual favorite. Sorry Kung Lao."
-"You did Madame Bo dirty."
-"Love at first sight."
-"I wanna see the rest of the tattoos."
-"How far do your tattoos go down?"
-"Pretty as fuck."
-"My type."
-"Mommy's other favorite!"
-"I'd lick the blood off his teeth."
-"You didn't hear that."
-"Deserved better."
-"I love you."
-"I would thank her for beating the shit out of me."
-"Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry."
-"I have such bad mommy issues."
-"How come her evil version gets to play with Raiden and I don't?"
-"Literal perfection in Edenian form."
-"I'm in love with you."
-"Empress Mileena~"
-"Gordon Ramsey."
-"Final Fantasy X."
-"Before I die I'm tryna f-"
-"You look like Megan Fox."
-"Jennifer's body bag."
-"Twilight, gore edition."
-"The Little Vampire."
-"She'd be a terrible babysitter."
-"Hey Selene."
-"The vampire movie jokes are getting old."
-"Dead but pretty."
-"I can only manage unholy comments about you."
-"What that tongue do?"
-"The best glow up by far."
-"Both forms."
-"Lizard form can get it."
-"Do you need a dog? *actually barks*"
-"Twilight Princess."
-"So jealous of both you and Syzoth."
Sonya Blade:
-"Mommy's back."
-"God I missed you."
-"Beat their ass, Blade."
-"The ketchup and mustard joke is funny."
-"I'm into robots too."
-"Bot locs go hard."
-"Like me!"
-"We could be siblings."
-"I can't flirt with you after saying we'd be siblings."
-"F.A.B." (spelled out, means fuck ass bob)
-"Gender? Never knew her."
-"*makes pig noises*"
-"Love a man in uniform."
-"No idea who this was initially."
Shao Kahn:
-"Yeah. I could climb it."
-"He can get it."
-"Pretty bitch says what?"
-"My type."
-"Now that's a man that could ride."
-"Yeah.......*yeah"* (said in a very blatantly horny tone)
-"Kotal looked cooler."
-"Hey handlebars~"
Shang Tsung:
-"Bundle of sticks!"
-"You're so lucky you're drop dead gorgeous."
-"Redemption arc."
-"The bitch."
-"Toxic by Britney Spears."
-"He's back?"
-"Okay maybe-"
-"Asshole says what?"
-"Mortal Kombaaatttt dodododododo-"
-"I'm into it."
-"Final Destination."
-"He's the coolest Kombatant."
-"Khaos incarnate."
-"Resident Evil."
-"I'm a Sagittarius!"
-"Oh he's not a centaur?"
-"What are you?"
-"Liu Kang was so right to bring you back."
-"Fuck with the bull, get the horns."
-"Deadass thought you were Shang Tsung."
-"No seriously are you and Shang Tsung related?"
-"Shu-what? Who are you?"
-"The literal best."
-"Dad AND daddy vibes."
-"The coolest."
-"Guardian of Time."
Li Mei:
-"I had no clue who you were at first."
-"One and done."
-"Li Mei I take your hand in marriage?"
-"She deserved better."
-"You and Mileena are perfect."
-"Wife material."
-"So happy you're back."
Quan Chi:
-"Another redemption arc?"
-"I still don't forgive you."
-"Quan Chi-huahua."
-"I'm so fucking glad you're back."
-"We are Legion."
-"We are many, you are one." (said in a mocking tone)
Jax Briggs:
-"The best."
-"Only you, Jax."
-"Ooohhh that's chilly!"
-"Ice to see you."
-"Let it go."
-"Why are you here?"
-"Okay, you're kinda cool."
Omniman: (she can't stand him)
-"God, you're annoying."
-"Invincible, yeah right."
-"D'vorah's cooler."
-"Clark Kent."
-"I bet people make edits of you beating the shit of me cause I like to insult you."
-"Reiko's Island."
-"Who're you again?"
-"Shao's lapdog."
-"Hey that's me!"
-"You coulda just played Shang Tsung or Shujinko."
-"Best choice."
-"I'm hotter than you."
-"You picked THAT outfit?"
-"The coolest bitch here."
-"Candle Cove."
-"No, not Pirate's Cove."
-"Please pick Kung Lao for the Kameo."
-"Fae fire fantasy."
-"I can steal your name AND your face."
-"Cooler than Shang Tsung."
-"Big balls!"
-"Bigger tits."
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hekateinhell · 9 months
ok so i'm sort of a noob and have only read iwtv + tvl + qotd and i've found myself kind of at a crossroads bc i have a lethally strong obsession with armand - like, it's bad - and can't wait to finally get to read tva but feel like i shouldn't skip ttotbt and memnoch out of fear of missing out on significant chunks of story key to the overall chronology leading up to tva.. so i thought i should ask you your thoughts on whether it would be detrimental to the reading to skip those two (for now)
Hiiii, welcome to our fandom! 🖤
Okay, look...
I'm not gonna lie to you! I was around 12/13 when I got into VC and the very first book I read was TVA -- I didn't realize it was a sequential series; my thought process was "oh this looks like a cool historical fiction yay vampires let'ssss goooo" but I'm also the kind of person that looks up movie plots on Wikipedia and always flips to the end of the book before getting too invested because I don't like not knowing!
So, like... I don't know, I always hate when blogs act like fandom authorities and tell new fans: "DON'T READ XYZ BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE IT/IT RUINED MY HEADCANONS" (let people read and decide for themselves!). I'm not saying that LOL please read them all! And read some of Anne's other stuff once you're done with VC, because I think having that additional context paints a much richer picture of her canon and where she's coming from.
But I will say that if you're desperate and frothing at the mouth for Armand (which believe me, it's the story of my fucking life) then you're not going to find him in TotBT and the plot points there aren't directly relevant to his story/characterization.
However, MtD, while being absolutely wild, does have some of my favorite Armand moments of all time (in my heart that book is only the Armand moments) and the events that happen are pretty important leading up to TVA. Armand sadly isn't in it a whole lot but his parts are gold! And I mean, baby me could figure out what was going on in TVA without having read MtD, but you'll definitely be less like that meme of Julia Roberts doing math if you do just go ahead and read it.
So it's really up to you! And if you skip TotBT this time in your rush to get to Armand (🥹), I would strongly suggest reading it some point because imo it is an excellent psychoanalysis of Lestat. And I'm not just saying this because I ship them or whatever, but in order to fully appreciate Armand, I think you have to understand Lestat, and TotBT really is that book for me.
But you can always come back and do a chronological read through later, I was all over the fucking place when I started and I'm fine!
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animeftw10 · 10 hours
AnimeFTW10 Watches and Reacts to Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns's Story
The title is self-explanatory. Spoilers under the cut.
Hi, Titan Havik.
Iron Man reference. Of course.
Sorry Cyrax has standards, Sektor.
At least Sektor is determined to make Cyrax the best she can be.
Hi, Bi-Han. I did not miss your voice. But you actually being nice to someone is nice.
We'll never find out how Bi-Han found out the wedding, will we?
Worst. Lie. Ever. Even they admit as much.
The wedding started out lovely, so there's that.
Game of Thrones reference. Timely.
Cyrax having standards remains consistent, at least.
At least Bi-Han admits it. [sighs]
Harumi's great.
Read: There's no Shirai Ryu stage, so we can't see it.
Mileena has every reason to be angry.
Chaos time now.
The fight is cool. Sektor and Khameleon's banter is good.
Easy for you to say, Liu Kang. You're not personally affected by any of this.
Are the Kamidogu going to look different in every timeline?
Bi-Han's gathering intelligence. Smart.
RIP Bi-Han. You can't go one game without dying. At least you weren't grasping for this power.
Chaosrealm sure is chaotic.
Lieutenant Colonel Johnathan Cage, is it?
Syzoth being an anatomically correct reptile is pretty funny.
Lt. Col. Cage seems like an okay guy. And he's from World War II.
Good way to show that not all relationships are the same in every timeline. And a neat reference to Tanya's MKX ending.
I like Empress Tanya's design.
RIP Emperor Rain. You were a nice guy, and you and Empress Tanya were cute together.
Major Blade, eh?
Kuai and Cyrax both have a point. Hoping they resolve everything.*
Dragon tongue, eh?
Poor Orin. I hope she's freed and recovers.
Hi, Noob. Bi-Han can't be Sub-Zero for more than one game now, can he?
Sektor, Bi-Han didn't honor his family by letting his father die. Do you expect Kuai to get over his father's death and forgive Bi-Han? If so, you are an idiot.
So Bi-Han and Sektor are a thing in this timeline. This makes them attacking Kuai and Harumi's wedding even worse.
Pot calling the kettle black, Noob.
Noob, you are sabotaging your own help. [sighs]
Noob, did you not think you could talk to Liu Kang about your ambitions?
When Liu Kang says you have many failings, an ego, and you're selfish, he's not wrong. Even though NRS designed it to be this way.
Kuai listened to Harumi, while Noob didn't listen to Sektor.
Sektor simultaneously got a promotion and a warning.
*Kuai and Cyrax resolved everything! And she's Shirai Ryu now! Where all the good Lin Kuei go, apparently.
I wish I was more invested in this than I actually am.
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moraygrotto · 2 years
Heya! Would you be up for writing a fic about Idia chugging too much soda when playing his games which makes him super burpy until his stomach feels a little too heavy and gassy for him to play?
yushhh; filling this with idiа x reader !
"MmmmMMM! Fuck yeah!" Idia dropped his controller into his lap, then flopped down onto the sofa, kicking his legs up into the air.
As you walked into the room, you were greeted by his upside-down face, which blushed at once upon catching sight of you. On his gaming TV, his character stood idly next to an opened treasure chest.
"Oh!" Idia cheeped, looking sheepishly up at you. "Heya. Your work done?"
You nodded. "Yeah. How's your game going?"
"GREAT!" he burst out, picking up the controller and sitting up cross-legged. "I just beat this dungeon, the same one I mentioned earlier how people online are FUMING over the difficulty. Heheh, sniveling fuckin' noobs..." He caught himself mid-snicker, then looked up at you. "I can switch to co-op mode once I get back to home base, if you wanna—"
"No, no," you replied. "That's alright; you seem like you're in a good groove. Besides, I don't know if I'd have the energy—" On the table next to the couch, you spotted a six-pack of cola with two cans missing. "May I?" you said, gesturing to it.
"Oh, yeah," said Idia, "go right ahead." He licked his lips. "Actually, can you sauce me one too? This victory deserves a toast!"
Detaching two of the cans, you caught yourself before telling him you'd be pleased to share it with him. Even the smallest flirting could send Idia spiraling into a deeply flustered mood, and you didn't want to punctuate his current glee with anything else.
Sinking down next to him, you passed him one of the two cans of cola, which he cracked open and drank from at once. After a moment, you realized he was going for the whole can, pale throat bobbing with gulp after gulp. Finally, he shook a few last drops out onto his tongue, before setting the empty can down next to the sofa.
There were two others next to it, alongside a half-full bag of hot chips. You weren't sure why you had noticed neither these, nor how Idia's belly was pudged slightly out beneath his skinny long-sleeved T-shirt.
"Alright," he cheered, "let's goooo!" He turned to glance at you. "You good just watching?"
"Uh-huh," you said. "Mind if I get a little closer, or will that impede your gaming?"
"Huh? No, I don't think so."
With this permission, you sidled up next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder and snaking one arm around his side.
"Ohmigosh," he began muttering in his talking-to-himself voice. "Totally getting cuddled while gaming right now. Like, every gamer's dream. Okay, this is fine; it'll make me better, not worse."
Under your fingers, as Idia clicked a button to resume his game, you could feel his belly rumbling.
Seeming to slip quickly back into the headspace, Idia muttered to himself about the game he was playing, making note of various features and cursing at enemies.
"Alright, I doooon't think this puzzle is gonna be too hard; nope; it's definitely in the last room with the... yeah... Uh-huh— gURRP!"
His bony shoulder hitched slightly beneath your head as a loud belch popped out from between his open lips. You stiffened a bit, expecting him to be embarrassed.
"Oh, alright, guard the key," he continued to mutter, as if nothing had happened at all. "I'll just beat your ass into the ionosphere, no big deal; heheh, yeahhhuRP!" His stomach sloshed at this, and he quickly reached down into the bag of chips beneath him to stuff a few into his mouth.
Only now that you detached yourself from him and let your hand trail across his bony spine, did he seem to remember you were there. "Ohshitohfuck," he said between crunches. "I'm making a slob out of myself while you're watching me—"
"I don't mind!" you interjected at once. "I like seeing you this relaxed."
He gulped, blushing softly. "You're right, huh," he said. "I don't let myself chill out like this around very many people. Thanks for putting up with me, I guess."
"No problem whatsoever," you said, stroking up and down his back. Hearing the contents of his stomach churn loudly, you offered a firm pat.
Idia's eyes bulged outward as a strangled "Hngrk!" sounded from his throat, before a monstrous, guttural burp poured upward into his closed mouth. His cheeks ballooned up near the end, and he blew it out the corner of his pale blue lips. "Oof," he said, sharply averting his eyes, "uh—"
"Dude," you interrupted, before he could go on. "That was great. I didn't even know burps like that could come out of you."
Idia let out a tense sigh. "No way," he whispered, "Noway noway. I can't believe they like my burps. I've never gotten any compliments over voice chat before."
"Well, that one sounded incredible," you said, even though you knew he didn't like people responding to his self-talk. "Here," you said, reaching over to the depleted six-pack. "Got room for more?"
"Fuck yeah, I do!" he chimed. "You know I have a second stomach for gamer fuel."
Smiling, you passed him another can, and he opened it to take a sip before setting it down in his lap. As he continued his game, his words were interspersed with belches once more, but it seemed this time as if he were really talking to you when he explained his various maneuvers and strategies. Now and then, he paused to suck down more soda, occasionally following a loud gulp up with a satisfied burp.
"Hey," he said after shaking out the last dregs of the can, "could you pass me another?"
"Sure," you said, removing the final cola. "How does your tummy feel?"
"Rrph— Fine. I just wanna keep going."
Obediently, you passed it to him, and watched him mechanically set his empty drink down on the floor and replace it with the next one in his lap.
He drank with a focused ferocity, taking large swigs in brief pauses from his game. About halfway through it, he glanced at you, and blinked. "Hey," he said, "you haven't touched the can of soda you took."
It was then you realized that all of your attention had been on him, and you had forgot to even open it. "You're right," you said, and cracked open the tab. "Don't mind if I do," you quipped over the sound of fizz. "Get back to your game, now. You're in the middle of a quest; don't let me distract you."
As Idia resumed playing, you tried a sip of the cola. It was a foreign brand that he had ordered online, and the taste was just to the left of familiar on your tongue. It was strange to think that four and a half cans of it now bubbled inside of Idia.
"Rrgh—" he grunted a few minutes later. He had encountered a boss, but he wasn't spouting his usual babble throughout the fight.
"Hey," you interjected, "Idia, what's the matter?"
"Matter? No, I'm—" His character got hit on the head, and he frowned. "Nothing's the matter; I'm fine."
"Hey," you repeated, "if you're not comfortable, just pause the game."
"No, I'm fine; I can't— hic—"
The boss enemy dove forward, and Idia tried to sidestep its movement; all of a sudden, a brief gurgle coiled up from his stomach, and the loudest burp you had ever heard from Idia burst forth. Simply put, it was gorgeous. His belly muscles rippled; his bony chest lurched forward; his hands seized at the controller. It seemed entirely out of his control, too, like his body was nothing but a vessel for the soda bubbles now bursting cleanly free up his gullet. The sound of it almost dazed you.
Idia, on the other hand, looked sour. "FUUUCK!" he squealed, and only then did you notice the quiet game-over music coming from the TV.
He slammed his controller down and flung himself backward atop the sofa. "Stupidass overpowered garbage-tier game design boss fight—"
"Hey, hey—" you tried to say. "Idia, calm down—"
"You can't console me," he said, muffled as he slapped both palms over his face. "If any enemy is so powerful that you can't even burp while fighting them, then it's just logic that they shouldn't be in the game."
"Idia, my love," you said, "the game autosaved beforehand, remember? You can just restart the battle, with no interruptions this time."
Pouting fiercely, Idia reached down to the half-finished can of soda still in his lap, and chugged the remainder all at once. Crushing it in one skeletal hand, he wiped the back of his mouth with the other, and his scowling lips parted to let up a gurgling belch.
"There you go," you said, unsure how to diffuse his mood. "All fueled up, right?"
"Sure, whatever," he grumbled, and turned to the screen again.
"Here," you said, "before you start up again—" You slid a hand beneath one of his own. "Take a few deep breaths with me."
If it were anyone else, Idia would most likely roll his eyes and mutter a snide refusal, so your heart was warmed to actually see him close his eyes, and draw in a breath in time with you.
His shoulders rose, and just as he was about to exhale—
"Baby," you said, "you can't even breathe without burping; that's so cute!"
Idia's eyes snapped open. "What?"
"You really crammed yourself full of soda, huh?"
Idia snorted, a blush rising to his cheeks again. "I can't help myself; it's so good."
"I'm not blaming you," you replied. "Can I touch your stomach?"
His gaze dropped to the floor. "Whatever. Go ahead."
Once more, Idia closed his eyes, and let his hands fall to his sides, exposing his body in a way he rarely seemed to do.
Through the thin fabric of his shirt, Idia's soft tummy shifted under your hand like liquid. A gentle prod to the sensitive cleft beneath his ribcage elicited a gurgle, and another gurgle, and more in succession like a meteor shower of sound.
A few gentle belches passed up and hissed through his lips, and after a moment, Idia truly seemed to relax.
"Good boy," you couldn't help but to coo. "Does this feel any better?"
"M-hm," he whimpered. "You really think I'm cute like this?"
"Yes, adorable."
He blinked his eyes shyly open. "Almost makes me wish that weren't the last can, heheh..."
You held up the soda you had been drinking, which was still mostly full. "I mean, there is more."
"That one's yours, though."
The thought of one more drink poured into Idia was far more appealing right now than having the rest to yourself. Suddenly, a devious thought entered your mind. "You can have it," you said, "if you let me hold the can while you drink."
Idia went stiff as a board. "Ohmigod, really?"
"For real? You're actually willing to feed me soda?"
You chuckled. "I'm asking."
His blush had spread to every visible inch of skin; he looked on fire, even moreso than usual. "Yeah, um, okay," he squeaked. "You can do that. Just, um?" He took a trembling breath. "Could you, like, praise me while you're doing it? Also, go slowly. I don't wanna choke."
"Yeah, of course!" You reached around to hold him once more, and lifted the can.
"Oh!" tittered Idia. "Right now; okay."
Carefully, you aligned the mouth of the can with his tilted head, pressing it to his lips like a kiss. "Ready, baby?"
He gave an "Mmn" in reply, and you carefully tipped the fluid into him. A drop of it missed, bubbled, overflowed down the corner of his mouth, but you pet his back warningly, trying to urge him to stay still. "It's okay," you said, "we'll clean it up afterwards. Just be good for me, and drink."
His small, constant gulps were interrupted by a voiced sound which must have been some kind of affirmative. You kept stroking his back, over and over the ridge of his spine, careful to keep your hand steady, for if you gave him the slightest pat, you were sure he would burp, and messily interrupt his constant sipping.
"There you go," you soothed. "You're doing a good job."
At this, Idia actually slurped harder at the flow, making audible gulping sounds as he forced it down his throat, and the trickle of overflow thickened by a few drops down his chin.
"Be careful," you chuckled, then let your voice fall back to a flirting tone. "Don't hurt yourself, baby. You're too cute for that; just sip slowly now."
"Mm," Idia grunted.
The angle of the can was quickly nearing ninety degrees, and Idia was drinking obediently, the sound of fizz a soft background to his wet slurps and gulps.
After a while, he gave a noise like a moan.
"Are you okay, baby boy?" you asked. "Tap my thigh twice if no, okay? Otherwise, I want you to chug this whole thing for me."
You took one of his hands, and placed it on your thigh, but Idia continued gulping down, hair cascading down his back and Adam's apple jutting outward as his head tipped back to swallow the last of the cola.
When the can was upside down, you tapped out the dregs with a finger. Weakly, face flushed and belly snarling audibly, Idia licked upward at the drops.
"That's my good boy," you praised, and placed the can down next to its emptied brethren, the latest trophy showcasing just how much Idia's tank could hold.
Jaw trembling, Idia moaned pathetically.
"Don't say a word," you said. "Just let it settle." Carefully, you reached out to caress his belly. It was tight under your fingertips' touch, made noises like a discontented animal while giving the tactile and visual impression of a balloon ready to burst.
Idia was breathing slowly through his mouth.
"That's it," you said, "just relax your throat, stomach muscles, everything. You drank that so well; I'm so proud of you."
You didn't realize, at first, the sound Idia was making, through the incessant clamor of his stomach around its fizzing contents, and the soft music still playing from the TV. Through his open lips, you realized, was rumbling a soft "grrrrrrrphhhhhhhhhfff..."
You leaned in close, rubbing your thumb over the sensitive parts of his belly while you cradled the soft parts in your palm, and at your touch the sound grew louder, deepening into a rolling "urggggggh—"; at the slightest bit more pressure applied, into a hearty "GRURRRRRRP..."
His brow was furrowed; you couldn't tell if he was blissed out by the cola's sweetness, a helpless victim to his own digestive system, or both.
At last, the belch trailed off on a bubbly gurgle, and then a low afterburp passed up through him as he sat completely still.
There was a beat of blank, inert silence, then Idia wheezed a deep breath, doubling over. "Fuck," he said, "Ohhh my god. Holy shit."
"You okay?" you said.
"Yeah! Yeah, urph, I'm great. Holy moly, man; that was... Ahhh..."
You cautiously scooched an inch closer to him. "Was that good enough praise?" you said. "Was it what you were hoping for?"
"Are you freaking kidding me?" Idia said, gripping his thighs. "That was INSANE. Uhh, you were perfect, that is."
"Good," you said, and passed him a half-crumpled napkin from the bedside table. "Wanna clean your face off?"
Idia took it from you without looking. "Yeah," he said, and dabbed at his chin. "Oh my god, yeah."
You laughed, and pat his back. "Are you ready to try that boss fight one more time?"
Idia froze, then continued wiping his face. "No," he said. "I will tomorrow. I'm totally outta my groove now. Plus, I'm way too full for that. I think it is officially Idia chill time."
As Idia sat up, you hugged him close, and pecked a kiss atop his sticky cheek. "In that case," you said, "do you want more belly rubs?"
You felt goosebumps form under Idia's sleeve, and he leaned into you. "Urp— Y-yeah," he stuttered. "I'd say yes to that."
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Cam came over to Piper’s grandmas’ house, and greeted them and Piper before heading to the kitchen. She saw Emily, and sat down to talk with her. Cam asked Emily about any favorite bands, and Emily said the Chained Llamas, a sims era punk rock band who made their start in Evergreen Harbor. Cam smiled and said she likes them too, and Emily felt like her heart was going to leap out of her chest and run away.
Emily: (eyes widening) You saw the Chained Llamas live in San Myshuno?
Cam: Yup. My friend Casey and I found out they were playing in Madeline Oval Park*, and Casey's uncle who works there managed to snag us tickets. It was an amazing concert and Case and I danced and met other fans and it was just so much fun, and I kept the ticket stub just for memory's sake.
Emily: You're so-(Emily quickly corrects herself) That's so cool. My older brother Amir says they sell out so fast, especially in big venues in the city. I'm jealous as heck.
Cam: Maybe if I can get tickets again and your moms approve, Pipes and I can take you with us.
Emily: (smiling) I'd love that Cam, thanks. (Sheepish) I feel like a noob because I just started listening to them cause Amir played one of their songs when he picked me up from school, and so many sims keep raving about their concerts and knowing facts about the band members, and I feel like I'm missing out.
Cam: (grinning) No problem, Emmy. I started listening to them at the same age as you, after my auntie recommended them and she took me to one of their concerts, we all start from somewhere, you know? (Emily nods. She met Cam's auntie before and thought she was cool too, although she wondered why her mom kept blushing around Iseul).
Emily: (shyly) Cam?
Cam: Yeah?
Emily: Don’t tell anyone I said it because it’s too cheesy and Mera will tease me, but I’m glad Piper’s dating you and you're always around, and that you talk and hang out with me. You’re pretty cool, even though its gross to walk into a room and see you and Pie kissing like there’s no tomorrow (Cam grins sheepishly).
Cam: (smiling and patting Emily's shoulder) Thanks, Emmy. You’re Piper’s baby cousin, and now you’re like a baby cousin to me too. Plus, I like hanging out with you, you’re smart and fun and a good kid. (Emily smiles but winces internally at being seen as a kid and baby cousin by Cam. She really wishes she could get over her crush and just platonically like her because Cam is cool and fun)
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Fourteen things I noted about CR2E100 “Hunted at Sea”
No Talks Machina about it, per se, because from this point on, they changed the format, and did Talks for a couple of episodes at a time. So I'll follow the airdate order, it's easier.
It's so good to have them back !!!!!!!!! Not gonna lie, with my own choice of pausing in Campaign 2, AND what has been going in Campaign 3, it has been a difficult time, because I just miss the Mighty Nein so much. But at the same time, I'm glad I did a little pause, even if it wasn't 4 months - people must have been going crazy at the time - and had the time to see puppets being murdered live, hear Ashley forgetting Grog's name, see Travis in a priest outfit, hear the inception of Critical Role itself, and see the Mercer-Rays almost burn their motherfucking house down.
Sam's poem was so great ! It made me tear up.
The seating arrangements is different in this socially-distanced set, and I already know I'm gonna miss Marisha and Travis the BrJeaus, Sam and Laura Nott the Best Detective Agency, Liam and Marisha the Empire Kids, and Ashley and Taliesin just cuddling.
Huh, Fjord/Travis taking the lead and commanding the crew and demonstrating his knowledge in how to run a ship is... Kind of hot !
The Mighty Nein's greatest defense works again : just Polymorphing the enemy into a turtle. The fact that the enemy was a dragon turtle before is just cherry on the cake
Fjord's prayer to the Wildmother : "I'm sorry I didn't check in before I got on the water, like a fucking NOOB !! Please watch over the cast... Huh, the crew !" amazing
What does the dragon turtle want ? The Mighty Nein theorizes its mate is stuck in Darktow and it "hasn't had sex in a long time". Beau : "Maybe we just need to hook it up ! Maybe he just needs to get laid." Sam : "Just finger bang that thing, and it'll all be okay." Taliesin : "...And we're back !" I really really missed those disasters.
Oh yes, let's try the other Mighty Nein's greatest defense : Jester psychologically scaring the enemy by Sending a message.
Marisha, who rolled shit on Beau's perception : "Fucking titties." Liam, under his breath : "That's the goal." (everyone starts laughing while Marisha nods sagely) Matt : "Even when Beauregard loses, she wins."
TravelerCon 3000 : there's between 20 and 200 people arriving. Sounds about right.
The flower-picking scene, oh my god. In my head, there is a top 5 off these kind of scenes filled with double-entendres, and this one comes just after the "Ash-hole" one in ExU s01. Laura as Jester : "Can I go down and look at the stem of the flower ? Is there any of that... you know how some flowers have white stuff that comes out of the stem when you pick it ?" (The cast barely stifle their laughter) "I'm not trying to be dirty !" Matt : "No, I know what you're talking about. You're also Laura Bailey, so we all assume."
Nervousness ? A sense of being watched ? THIS ISLAND IS SUPER FUCKING HAUNTED !
Nope, never mind, this island is the center of a cult with people who have their mind erased for something that calls itself a god but most certainly isn't (like all leaders of all cults)
AVOCADO ! Sam says it best : "The Mighty Nein : insulting people's gods since 2020."
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markooby · 2 months
Is Zenless Zone Zero a Good Game? - Zenless Zone Zero Review | Markooby
Is Zenless Zone Zero a Good Game? - Zenless Zone Zero Review | Markooby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EsTN8ZeeS4 In today's video, I played and reacted to Zenless Zone Zero and I must say... The game is probably the coolest Gacha game I played so far, cuz Genshin Impact gives very story-like vibes, Honkai Star Rail feels like I am literally in space, Wuthering Waves with such realistic graphics gives off vibes of a survival game, but this one is just straight up "BadButt", with cool music and nothing but action! 🔔 Looking for the best Genshin Impact guides and entertaining content? Hit subscribe and never miss a gaming update and hilarious reactions! https://www.youtube.com/@its_markooby/?sub_confirmation=1 ⏰Timestamp: 0:00 - Quick Intro 0:15 - Gameplay 13:55 - My Opinions and Ratings 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/ezh4pqA 👉 Twitter (X): https://ift.tt/LfTREsG 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 Genshin Impact https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLve__7t1vh-c-lIGtHL4UqZK-v9ZgJ4C 👉 Reactions https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLve__7t1vh-MfwoLJi4vdufxFY0ZvLmm 🎬 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 I Tried Wuthering Waves For the First Time... IT WAS INCREDIBLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K-jus-x3i4 👉 My Reaction After Playing Honkai: Star Rail for the First Time https://youtu.be/FJDQHV_rHXc?si=lbMnAunpSeHcmwLV 👉 Noob Plays Genshin Impact for the VERY FIRST TIME and Reacts to it... https://youtu.be/HwGd41kpg0A?si=xiPbZRFh5l8xjwo7 ============================= ✅ About Markooby. Welcome to my channel, Markooby! I create fun and informative Genshin Impact gaming videos for all players. You'll find tips, tricks, and laughs here whether you're a beginner or advanced. Join me for gameplay guides, walkthroughs, reactions, and updates. Let's explore the world of Genshin Impact together! Subscribe for weekly gaming content! Favorite characters from each element: Anemo: Kazuha Geo: Zhongli Electro: Beidou Dendro: Nahida Hydro: Xingqiu Pyro: Hu Tao Cryo: Kaeya Life goals: - Be a successful YouTuber - Give away as much money as possible… For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Ready to take your Genshin Impact skills to the next level? Subscribe now and never miss out on the latest Genshin Impact updates, walkthroughs, and entertaining moments: https://www.youtube.com/@its_markooby/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #zenlesszonezerogameplay #zenlesszonezeroedit #zenlesszonezerobilly ⚠️ Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Markooby. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Markooby via Markooby https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChPhxyFUQZUOQ8_PImge3gg July 17, 2024 at 06:00PM
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kazumahashimoto · 5 years
god whenever i think about my friend's ocs i just go apeshit. they really were my hyperfix fur like a solid three or four months i wanna say
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moemoemammon · 3 years
So bear with me. MC sleeps like a rock. A bomb could go off next to them, and they don't wake up. Now, add shallow breathing, and they look like a corpse. You could mistake them for a corpse if you don't check their pulse.
How would the brothers (+ datables if you're not too picky hehe) react to the first time waking them up for school only to think they probably died in their sleep on day one??
Sleeping Like a Corpse!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer didn’t think much of you when you arrived, now could he be bothered to personally make sure you peeled yourself out of bed in the morning. So naturally, he sent Mammon to go do it.
But when Mammon came back complaining about how you didn’t budge an inch, big bro realized he’d have to take care of it himself, like usual.
He figured slamming your door open would’ve done the trick, but you remain still. And as much as he wants to drag you out of bed by the ankle, he knows how fragile humans can be. He opts for giving you a vigorous shake, and.... you don’t budge.
He calls your name, nothing. He literally pulls you upright by the shoulders and jostles you around like a protein shaker bottle, but you don’t move, and- wait... are you breathing? MAMMOOOOOO-
“Haaah... It’s your first morning with us, and you’re already causing me trouble. If it weren’t for the warmth of your skin, I’d have thought you were dead. Perhaps I should give you an enchanted alarm clock, if you prove to be this difficult to wake every morning.”
Tch, he seriously didn’t get why THE Great Mammon had to do this sorta grunt work! Why should he have to make sure a lousy human gets up for school? It’s not like he’s their babysitter! but we all know he’s a p*ssy so he’s not gonna say that out loud
But that means he’s gonna make sure you know how irritated he is! Mammon bursts into your room, calling you a ‘stinkin’ human’ at the top of his lungs, and... you don’t move a muscle. So his next step is to stomp over and rip your blankets off, and..... you still don’t move.
What the hell? It’s like trying to wake up Belphie! He leans in to try to smack you awake, when he finally notices how it...kinda...looks like you aren’t breathing.
Wait. Wait wait wait-! SURE he didn’t feel like having to watch you, but that didn’t mean he wanted you to die on the first night! Lucifer was gonna KILL him-! Did you die of fright or something?! He didn’t really mean all that stuff he said about eating you, you know?! Hey, snap out of it-!
“What the- You’re ALIVE?! I thought you died in your sleep, dammit! TCH! What’s the big idea, playin’ dead like that?! Ya tryin’ to get me in trouble?!” “-N-no I wasn’t worried about ya!”
Why does HE have to wake you up..? Sure, he has to go to school today anyway for the student council meeting, but what does that have to do with a human..? Couldn’t Lucifer have asked ANYONE else..?
Beyond annoyed when he enters your room. What’s he supposed to do?? Shake you?? Hit you with something???? Levi opts for awkwardly poking your side, and noticing how you don’t react. Great. Ugh... this sucked....
He tries again, then pokes the back of your head, tugs your sleeve, shakes your arm... then you roll over from the movement and he nearly has a heart attack. Not only because you surprised him, but because you.. wait, did you die?!
Stuck between “LMAOOOO ROFLMAO the human died on their first night! What a noob! #fail!” and “KDAKLFHLDSJFKL OH NO HELLO?????”
“WH- Ahhh... I thought you were dead. You know how long Lucifer would've lectured if if you died, right? He'd be so mad, i bet he'd even confiscate my D.D.D.! Normies like you are nothing but trouble. This is why a human shouldn't even be here..."
What a chore... This felt like more of a punishment than anything, and Satan hadn’t even done anything yet. Unless Lucifer already discovered the ink he dripped into his shampoo? Either way, he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you.
But seeing as he got to hang around you in your most vulnerable state, wouldn’t it be funny if he put a curse on you? He was sure that whatever he chose would become a headache for Lucifer in some way, so the possibilities were endless.
Temporary blindness, backwards speech, rainbow colored skin, extreme bad luck, he didn’t know what to choose! Ah, and there were a few curses he wanted to use on Lucifer that needed to be tested out, so why not experiment on you?
He had plenty of time to pick the perfect one and- ah. Were you.. dead? Did someone beat him to the punch?
“Ah, so you’re alive after all. And here I thought I could harass Lucifer with knowing his human had died in their sleep. Well, it’ll have to wait, I guess...I was really looking forward to the expression on his face...”
What? Lucifer was ACTUALLY letting him go in the cute little human’s room, completely unsupervised? What a bold move, dearest big brother~! There’s no way he’d pass up the chance to take a peek at your sleeping face! You were pretty cute, but he’d like to see if you were worth his attention.
That being said, Asmo creeps into your room like a sneaky toddler, and doesn’t hesitate to grab your shoulder and roll you over to get a good look at your sleeping face. Hmm... Not bad! 
So with that, he hops right into your bed unannounced, bouncing you around and giving you that innocent giggle of his. Aren’t you lucky? You get to be woken up by the endlessly charming Asmo-chan~! The first thing you’ll see is his gorgeous face, and you’ll be blessed with the perfect first school day! 
Why, there are hundreds and thousands of demons who wish they were as lucky as you were right now! He’s seen how they’ll fight tooth and nail for a chance to-..... hey, how come you’re not breathing..? Er, he’s not really into that sort of thing...
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you up and died before I had a chance to get to know you! You know how disappointed I’d be, right? Knowing I wasn’t able to explore the cute human living in our house... it’d be a tragedy!”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind that much. Having to go and wake you up reminds him of when Belphie was still around, so it’s familiar and feels kind of nice. What DOESN’T feel nice is that he’s missing valuable time he could be spending inhaling his breakfast, because you won’t wake up.
Hangry Beel enters your room with a bagel in his mouth, so you couldn’t understand what he was saying even if you were awake. Just know he’s calling your name and threatening to eat your breakfast. It’s your loss if you miss out.
Hm... You don’t wake up even after he shakes you, so he’s tempted to just leave. But he knows Lucifer will scold you if he returns downstairs without you, so he’s got to improvise.
It’s fine if he just carries you downstairs, right? He’s just tryin to eat man why can’t you- ...Beel is noticing a distinct lack of breath coming from you when he picks you up. Uhhh
“Oh, you aren’t dead. I was going to ask Lucifer if we could have you for breakfast too, but I guess that’s not an option anymore. He says hurry up and get dressed, and that you should give me your breakfast. Bye.”
He’s in the attic, so same lmao.
Twins! Still gonna strangle and throw you down the stairs in the future tho
Couple goals amirite?
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