#noooo don’t make me do the boxes again
kaydwessie · 6 months
Imagine your f/o scoops the litter boxes because you really don’t want to
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
First, I adore your writing! It warms my soul 🫶🏽♥️
Second, I was wondering if you could do Sukuna x Reader w/ little Yuji asking his dad to help him make a gift for Y/N for Mother’s Day. I think it would be such a cute bonding time between them 💝
Please and thank you if you choose this 🤍
Tysm 🥹 it keeps me warm at night, So does my Sukuna plushie when I don’t knock him off the bed by accident 😭 but Yes! 🥺 I know Valentines isn’t close or far but 😫 The things I’d do for him and Yuji (as a son) on Valentine’s Day 😭😭 I wanna spoil both of them with love🥹 and maybe give Sukuna another kid 🤭
But I hope you like it Little Anon 🤍
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“DDAAADDDD” Yuji came running into the living room crying running with a pair of plastic scissors almost impaling his dad. “What is brat?” Sukuna didn’t look too interested, laid back on the sofa, arms behind his head, eyes closed.
“My scissors won’t cut!” He made snipping motions on the paper he was using and sukuna barely opened an eye to watch. Yuji’s already teary eyes watered up as she trembled and sniffled. Sukuna closed his eyes, “Then fold it and tear it, you don’t need scissors to cut paper.”
There Yuji stood, laying the paper on his dads stomach. Sukuna opened his eyes watching how he was crinkling it while he tried to fold it. Failing and failing until he got it right, and tearing it apart slowly, “I did it!” Sukuna had a small smile, bringing a hand to ruffled Yuji’s hair “After half an hour.” Yuji pouted, “I gotta go!” He ran to his room again and sukuna was left with his hand flopping down dragging on the floor. “Hey!” He yelled after Yuji, Yuji popped his head out the door, “yeah?” “STOP RUNNING WITH THOSE DAMN SCISSORS!” “….Okay daddy!”
Sukuna closed his eyes leaning back, he could hear the tearing of paper before he started to nap. Then there was a really loud tear and he choked hearing Yuji’s small voice “damn it!”
“Pssst… psss… pss daddy.” He tried to swat away whatever was touching his face “ddadddyyyy are you awake?….. daddy?”
“What is it now Yuji?” Sukuna didn’t open his eyes. “I needa go…” “Yu.. you have the short toilet you can go if you need to..” “noooo daddy I need to go to the store!” Sukuna sat him with a huff, “alright let’s go. Go get dressed- are we taking the bike?” Yuji's eyes had stars while he looked up at his dad. “Yeah, we’re taking the bike cmon, get ready.” Yuji ran off to his room where Sukuna heard all the sounds of Yuji ripping open the clothes drawers. Grabbing his own jacket he got ready to go out into the cold.
“Alright what are we looking for…” Sukuna received silence, “Yuji?” He snapped around and there was no Yuji. “Ah shit.”
There went Sukuna trying to speed walk around trying to find his son who he literally brought into the store a minute ago. Finally he found him, in the seasonal section stretching on his tippy toes to get a white tiger plushie that held a white and silver box with a costume glass pearl necklace and earrings. “…what are you doing…?” “Wan it for mommy.” He gave up looking down and pointing at the plushie. Sukuna sighed, “Why do you want it for mom brat it’s not her birthday.” “Because it’s white day daddy! I have to get something for mommy!” He threw his hands up like it was the most obvious thing, unbeknownst to him the entire world was coming crashing down on his dad at that moment.
“I..it’s what?” “White day Daddy! Now hurry, I need that bear!” He went back to jumping and trying to grab it before Sukuna grabbed it shoving it under his arm, and picking up Yuji stuffing him under his other arm, “We gotta hurry-“ Yuji bounced around under Sukuna’s arm while he ande his way to the register, “wait!” Sukuna came to a stop “what?!” “Can I get candy?” Yuji pointed at the candy aisle and Sukuna turned his side to the aisle so Yuji could get what he wanted, “okay… WAIT NO” he grabbed a second candy, “I’m ready.” Sukuna let out heh noise before rushing back to the register, “I gotta pick something up at the shops so we gotta be fast hold on.”
Yuji was standing on a chair at the kitchen table looking at the white Box his dad picked up. “What’s inside?” Sukuna who was focusing on spilling the glitter Yuji wanted on his card was holding his breath to not blow everywhere. Finally he sat up taking a breath, “a gift for your mom, cmon, you wanted to put your hand on this card right?”
“Mhmm!” Yuji hummed running around the table to his dads side barely peeking over the edge, “got the paint?” … “mm…no, gotta find it” Yuji trailed after his dad on the way to his room where they started looking in the closet, in the toy box, under the bed. “Where’s y/n put everything???” Sukuna was knelt face pressed against the floor flashing under Yuji’s bed with his phone’s flash light.
“Oh oh! Top shelf! Mommy doesn’t let me touch the top shelf.” He watched his push a chair over the book shelf and jump in the chair grabbing a thin box, “I touch it anyways.” He smiled proudly and Sukuna just smirked “Oh you little devil mommy would be so disappointed to know her precious little boy plays with the paint when she’s not home.”
Yuji threw the box up, “Please don’t tell mommy! I’ll never do it again!” Sukuna laughed when Yuji started to tear up, “Don’t worry, as long as you don’t tell mommy we ran that red light earlier, grab em and let’s go.” Yuji nodded like he was on a mission, “Kay.”
“Daddy you put your hand on first,” Sukuna sighed but pressed his hand into the Paper Yuji worked so hard to cut earlier. “Now let me see your hand Yu, gonna ink you up.”
Yuji laughed uncontrollably at the feeling of the brush on his fingers and palm which lead to Sukuna tickling him. Yuji was laughing until he turned red and started wheezing. Sukuna tried to brush Yuji’s hair back until he smudged him with paint. He cleared his throat to not laugh at Yuji, when he finally sat up catching his breath.. “My hands dry.”
Sukuna snickered, “alright, do it this time.” He carefully painted Yuji’s hand, guiding him to make the print right in the middle of Sukuna’s hand print. “Done!”
He turned to his dad in his lap and placed his hands on his cheeks squishing his face, “Thank you daddy, i love you.” Yuji was smiling, Sukuna smiled and nuzzled his nose against Yuji’s before pressing his lips to the top of his head making a dramatic muah sound making Yuji go “eewww” while laughing. Sukuna laughed while Yuji stared at his face, “I wanna look like daddy.” Which led to the two spending the next hour painting Yuji’s face to have the same inked lines his daddy did. 🥹
When you came home you found Sukuna and Yuji in the kitchen. Sukuna was telling Yuji about his “top secret” frying technique and Yuji was standing on a chair looking at the stove watching every move not wanting to miss anything. “mhm mhm” he had no idea what was going on while his dad was talking. You took their picture before Yuji finally turned around “Mommy!” He got so happy slowly sliding off the seat to run over to you, “Happy White day! We got you something!”
“Aww baby you didn’t have too.” Picking him up and kissing him all over he squealed in delight. Setting him down you walked over to Sukuna, he turned to kiss you when he felt you moving in to kiss his cheek. He had that smug smile when you smiled wrinkling your nose at him.
“Look, we made the bag too.” You watched Yuji’s little chubby legs and hands pop around the bag his face hidden behind the wrinkled tissue paper, “Aww its so pretty.” You took the bag from him, it was a white party bag in Yuji’s hand writing with gold marker “we lov you momy.” Covering your smile with your hand you looked at Yuji, “Did it all by myself.” Sukuna tsked “Sure ya did brat, went to the store too and used your whole five dollars too, hm?”
Yuji stuck his tongue out at his dad, “You didn’t give em back so I did pay!” You shook your head smiling when you opened the box, pulling out a white paper card, Sukuna moved closer resting his chin on your shoulder and Yuji pushed up a chair. The was Yuji’s handwriting “We lov you momy” and a wobbly drawn heart. Under it he wrote his name and Sukuna signed his name with a little note “I Love you more ;).” When you opened it it was so cute that you knew Yuji had to have forced Sukuna to do it. Sukuna’s hands were painted red in the shape of a heart, inside were yuji little hands painted white to make a smaller heart.
There was the note in Sukuna’s Handwriting, “These are my hands and with them I will take yours to have and to hold, to love and cherish till death do us part.”
Then there was Yuji’s cute little note, “I know you wipe some away, but these prints were made to stay, So keep them forever, a treasure they'll be, A special I LOVE YOU for you from me.”
The rest of the card was decorated in gold and silver glitters dots and squiggles. Little hand drawn hearts from Sukuna and Yuji. Most of the glitter ended up on the white tiger plushie Yuji ended up taking to sleep with that night 🥹😭
Later that night when Ryo and You were in the room getting ready to sleep when he spoke up. “Sorry we didn’t take you out anywhere fancy. Kinda lost track of time with everything going on…” he paused and you just turned to look at him, “It’s not an excuse but I did get you this.”
You walked over standing between his legs taking the white box from him. He hugged your waist pressing his face against your tummy, you rested your elbows on his shoulders and he heard your small laugh. “I think this was more for you then it was for me.”
You dropped the box next to him holding up the lingerie set. It was white satin with gold hip and shoulder straps covered in crystals. The back of the panties had been customised to say “Ryomen”, all topped off with one of those dramatic lacey robes with even more dramatic feathery cuffs and edges.
He smiled up at you from your tummy with lidded eyes, “maybe…” he kissed your tummy before squeezing your sides. You out a hand on his head brushing his hair back, he had that smug smile that gave you Yuji a few years ago, “So what do you say we really make this a white day?”
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Tag: @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare
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cleolinda · 2 years
Re: being ADHD and breaking large tasks into molecule-sized actions,
there’s something I used to do and should probably start doing again. See, I can look around at a wreck of a room and not “see” individual objects. It all just looks like a painted stage backdrop to me, or a hidden-object game background. Maybe a couple of objects really stand out (like the one door in a bland flat room that a cartoon character is going to open), but I just get overwhelmed by the concept of THINGS. And that’s why I can’t start cleaning. Once an object leaves my hand and drops to the floor or lands on a chair, it is now Landscape.
So when I was REALLY desperate to clean, maybe on a specific time crunch (like the time there was a hole in my ceiling and people were going to ENTER MY HALLOWED ABODE to fix it), I would stand in the center of the room. And I would start talking to myself. Out loud. “WHAT IS ONE THING YOU CAN DO. PICK ONE THING. FIND A THING. YOU CAN DO IT. DO IT!! COME ONNNNN!!,” I would end up urging myself, much in the tone of Ellen Ripley screaming at an airlock not closing fast enough. And finally, I would spot something like a mostly empty box of crackers from seven months ago. “THROW IT AWAY. DO IT. GOOD, YOU DID IT!!”
That tiny spark of dopamine would help me loosen up; there would be less browbeating from that point. “Okay! What next! What can we do! LOOK IT’S AN EMPTY GIFT BAG” but I really want to save that “NOPE GOTTA GO THERE IT GOES.” You’re kind of play-acting a person who has executive functions at that point. But the Accomplishment Dopamine starts building. And pretty soon I would be bustling around picking up Things of my own volition. If I started balking again, I would keep asking myself, “What is the tiniest thing I can do next? Come on, you’re doing great, just go get the Box and keep going.”
See, I would also find a box of some kind, be it a storage container or the last delivery box I (obviously) didn’t throw away, and that would become the I Don’t Know Box. I achieved a lot of spare-room deep-cleaning this way. A key chain. Three stray game pieces. A perfectly good pad of Post-Its. An old coin purse. Mail I haven’t opened yet and probably never will. Where do they go? Fuck if I know, but that’s not my problem right now. Off you go into the IDK Box. Which can be shoved into some quiet corner to be konmari'd later. You either 1) know where an object lives, 2) you know it goes into the trash, or 3) you don’t know, and you make those three options as quick to enact as possible.
You can apply this to just about any hellaciously complex ordeal—talking aloud to force yourself to answer, which then becomes guiding yourself to answer, which then snowballs into getting into the flow of doing things (until you run out of function spoons for the day). “LOOK AT THE EMAIL. LOOK AT IT. ANSWER THE EMAIL. GOOD. MAKE THE PHONE CALL” noooo I hate the phone call “COME ONNNNNN!!!!” aaaaaaaa “YAY WE DID THE PHONE CALL.” And I really don't do this as often as I should, because it does actually work (for me). I know not everyone can do it--including me, much of the time—but it's an idea to add to the toolbox.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
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summary. you’re watching a new anime and you happen to fixate on a certain character that looks like your boyfriend…
pairings. jungkook x reader (f)
genre. fluff!!! suggestive?? implications of sex towards the end
warnings. uhm jungkook cosplaying as suwa rei :o let’s imagine jungkook’s sides are shaved but he has that haircut from his boxing live?? ok?
note. this is my first jungkook work and i just watched the recent ep of buddy daddies and IMMEDIATELY had to write this bc it hit me that rei and kook have the same hair *screams* also y’all remember jungkook had the shaved sides??? YEAH. YEAH.
you huff out a breath. “and if i run away and marry him?” you say questioningly, crossing your arms.
jungkook lets out a chuckle, not minding you any business as he prepares himself a late night snack, ramen.
“ok baby, go ahead.” he nods without any thought, stirring the seasonings in the pot carefully.
do you watch anime all the time? yeah, when you have the free time. he does too. sometimes both of you even cuddle together on the couch and binge watch a new show he or you have mentioned. you take a liking to certain characters, he can see a pattern, and gush over them occasionally during a scene where they pop up. for instance, you both are watching chainsaw man. he doesn’t know how, but you fell in “love” with the character aki. are tsundere men you’re type? is he tsundere?
“kook,” you spoke out, using your upper strength to push yourself off to sit on the countertop.
he hums in response.
you sigh, “baby, i just want to see what you’d look like. come on, a bad ass, game lover, hitman.” you expressed, he doesn’t have to look at you to see that you have those hopeful, beaming eyes. because he knows. he falls for them every time.
jungkook’s ramen is done and he takes the pot off the burner with a cork pot holder in his other hand to sit at the table. “why do you want to see me dress up as him so bad? you’ve never asked me to dress up as any of the other characters you’ve liked.”
you bite your lip, nervously. “yeah, cause i know you would’ve said no and i was too shy to ask. but kook, you’ll literally cosplay this man to a T!” imagining your boyfriend dressed up as suwa rei, from buddy daddies, an anime you recently started. one that popped up on your tiktok and you had found the plot quite interesting.
you realized you’re being ignored when jungkook slurps up a mouthful of noodles and is making angry noises as he chews.
huffing and jumping down from the counter. “fine, i’m going to assume you are thinking about it right now and don’t want to make your cute girlfriend said so i’ll ask you again later.” you ruffle the top of his messy, curly head and leave the kitchen to let him eat peacefully.
you had honestly forgot about it, a couple hours have passed and you’re finishing up an assignment you completely forgot that was due tomorrow as soon as you step foot into the class. you were in your room, sitting on your bed, back resting against a pillow against the headboard as you were quickly typing half-assed answers.
you assumed jungkook was showering, hearing the water running and some noises echo out from the door. he wasn’t crying for help, so all was good and you continued your work.
“babe?” jungkook calls out from the bathroom.
still typing but responding nonetheless, “yeah?”
“can you close your eyes?” your fingers pause above the keyboard, your head turning towards your bathroom door as you spot his feet’s silhouette.
you told your head, confused. “why?”
“just do it.”
“okay,” you do as you were told. “i can no longer see.” you responded, making jungkook giggle slightly which made the corners of your lips turn upward a bit.
after a few seconds of silence you hear the door open.
you hear him huff, “ok, open them now.” he mumbled, loud enough for you to hear.
slowly opening your eyes as you are met with your boyfriend standing before you, his hair slightly damp from the shower he just took, assuming he towel dried it. he’s dressed neck down in a black blazer paired with black dress pants that hug his muscular thighs. a white collar underneath with the grey little waistcoat and a maroon tie. to top it all off, his hair is up, he even remembered to let out a strand dangle, his shaved side burns being revealed.
jungkook is tugging his lip ring with his teeth as he nervously eyes you crawl off the bed with your mouth slightly open. he’s never really been into cosplaying, not sure if he could pull it off like the people he’s seen on social media, but he wants to pull it off in front of you.
“do i look silly?” his hands are tugging at the ends of his blazer, your eyes following it as you gasp with a hand over your mouth.
he even has gloves on.
jungkook’s eyes widen, “what? i look bad? do i look–“
you shake your head, quickly cutting him off as you admire the man in front of you right now.
“no, no, god no, kook. you look fucking hot.” making sure to emphasize the last word. you extend your arm to hold onto the fabric of his clothes, all of a sudden your legs feel like jelly.
he’s quick to hold onto you, tugging you against his front. “careful baby, this suit is designer.” he tells you, smirking. oh, now he’s confident.
“ugh, fuck you. god why are you so hot!” you push yourself away from his hold, voluntarily face planting onto your bed as you kick your feet in frustration.
you hear jungkook chuckling behind you as he slides his hands into the pockets of his pants. “don’t you want to take pictures? this won’t happen again…” jungkook sings out. he’s highly amused on how him dressed up as your favorite character has you acting all frustrated. perhaps, sexually frustrated??
immediately your heard perks up as you frantically search for your phone.
“can we have sex when you’re done playing photographer?” he asks during mid-shoot, continuously posing for you, even trying to mimic rei’s hard glare he has all the time.
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nottsangel · 2 months
Now I'm thinking about poor ron who just had his heart broken in the middle of a sexual experience, right after an orgasm, and now he's conflicted about sex - the whole endeavour had left him feeling somehow repulsed by it, but also he still wants to do it with you. He doesn't even know what to do with the box full of your things he had under his bed. He wants to give them back to you, but at the same time he's not ready to let it go (also he's afraid of how you'd react). He tried touching himself to the thought of you again, but in doesn't seem to work anymore. Everytime he gets into it, the shame and rejection from that day fill his thoughts, and he's unable to cum, no matter how much he abuses his cock. He also can't cum thinking about anything else either. He's stuck in blue balls limbo, unable to properly function anymore.
Fred on the other hand is elated and that show of dominance in front of ron has got him feeling literally high. His stamina keeps you up through the whole night, giving you countless orgasms and marking you up all over. By the end of it you're covered in bites, hickeys, bruises and his cum, and you're begging him to give your used up hole a break, but he keeps cooing "c'mon, just one more time for me", and how could you say no to him. He's making sure that he fucked every thought of ron out of your mind.
omg the queen is back !!!!! did you see that my blog is turning into a little ♣️ anon fan acc… me and other anons love u and ur asks sm !!!!
NOOOO POOR RON I FEEL SO BAD ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ i don’t want him to feel this way noooo no no no poor baby
fred on the other hand…… oh my fucking god how did he get even hotter than he already was in this… fred who makes sure to cover every inch of your body in hickeys and bruises for ron to see…. my head is spinning
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myblogystuff · 1 year
Tiny cuddling partner
Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader, mentions of Plushia (in an innocent toy story way)
warnings : none really, just a cute moment w/ our sweet popia.
word count : 1,026 words.
Hi ghesties, this is my first ever fanfic, i’m really glad that it’s a ghost one. i don’t know if anyone is gonna read this. I had fun writing it, honestly I giggled so much. here goes nothing.
Reader’s POV : 
I missed him, I missed my papa.
He’s been working his gorgeous ass off planning future rituals, merch and box sets.
It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve had a proper romantic moment together. Most of the time we manage to find time for a date, movie night, even if it’s just cuddles before falling asleep.
Today, he called to let me know that he could take some time to have lunch together in his office. So, this is me walking there with lunch in one hand and a box of desserts in the other.
Thank Satan the door is open when I get there, I would have knocked with my foot otherwise.
When I finally get in he is (he’s the shining and the light...sorry, not sorry) nose deep in his papers, fully focused, didn’t even hear me come in.
“Knock, knock” I say.
That makes him lift his head and smiled at me.
“Hello my love, I’ll be yours in just a moment” he said and gestured me to sit on the couch near the fire.
Then he went right back to finishing his task. I decided to take that time to unpack lunch.
After a while he finally joined me, put his hand on one of mine, I smile at him, he gently kisses my forehead.
I was melting at his touch. I instinctively hug him and nuzzle deeper in his neck leaving a couple of innocent kisses there. He hummed quietly and started rubbing my back.  He pulls back looking me in the eyes.
“Thank you for lunch, amore, I’ve been looking forward to it, I miss spending time with you” he says kissing my hand.
“I miss you too, papa” I kiss him on the cheek and he hums again.
“I am really sorry, I’m trying to do a good job with this album, I want everything to be perfect”.
“You are, you’re doing amazing. Now let’s eat”.
“Yess, I am starving, I’ve been living on sandwiches and juice boxes for too long” that makes me realise that I’ve been busy myself; too busy to make sure he doesn’t miss his meals. That ought to change.
“Don’t worry your wifey is here to make sure you eat healthy, or not so much since I brought desserts” pointing at the box.
“I swear to Satan, you’re a fallen angel!” he says before starting to eat, and I do the same.
“How’s your day so far” he asks, mouth full.
“A bit slow”
“You sleep well?”
“Yeah, I got me a new tiny cuddling partner” I say with a smile, thinking of that plush version of my hubby that one of the ghouls gave me when coming back from tour once, they said a fan threw it at them.
“You do? Well...um...” Copia chokes on his food. Not knowing what to say or what to think he just kept eating.
After we finished our lunch and had our desserts, I noticed his eyes darting to his desk, probably time to get back to work.
“We should do this more often, papa. I enjoyed it.” I say while cleaning the small table. He nodded. “You should get back before sister imperator scolds me for distracting you“I say with a hint of seriousness. That woman is gonna work him to death.
“hahaa, yes I should, thanks again, my precious” he goes back to his place behind his desk and picks up where he left off.
Before leaving, I went over to him, put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention, then leaning to him, I give him a soft yet firm kiss. Then I’m gone.
3rd person POV :
Papa Emeritus IV had a hard time focusing for the rest of the day. Thoughts clouded his mind: who the fuck was cuddling his wife at night?
He never saw anybody when going to bed at night -then again he was so exhausted.
Maybe they leave before he gets there?
She said tiny...Sodo!? Noooo way!
I was so consumed by work that I made her seek comfort elsewhere.
“Stop that” he says to himself, “get back to work”.
Usually, at night he spends extra hours working and planning tomorrow’s work, but today all that thinking made him want to get off work a bit early to give his lady the cuddling they both missed.
Once he arrived, he opened the door extra quietly and got in, walking on his tippy toes, trying to summon the ninja in him.
Poking his head through the doorframe, he saw his lady’s back was turned to him, the lights were off except for the one on his bedside –she always leaves that one on for him.
He rounds the bed, and what he sees leaves him speechless.
In his beloved wife’s arms a tiny, ugly he thought, plush that looked like him in his cardinal days.
“You!” he whisper-yells at it.
As if possessed the plush slowly turned its head and winked at him.
Eyebrows to the sky, mouth open, Copia didn’t know if what he saw was real or if he was hallucinating. Pointing at it, he said : “I am not having no Annabelle near my precious wife”.
Reader’s POV :
 I woke to papa taking Plushia from my arms and putting it on one of the top shelves where he keeps his boring (his words not mine) books.
“Papa, what are you doing? Are you back from work already?” I ask confused.
“Don’t worry amore. I’m all yours in a moment” and with that he picked some comfy clothes and got ready for bed.
“hi” he says getting under the covers and positioning himself in the middle, he takes me in his arms and I instinctively rest my head on his chest. “That’s better, no?”.
“Yes it is, I have to say that even though I enjoyed having Plushia with me, I definitely prefer the original”. That earns me a confused look.
“What did you call that thing? You know what, nevermind, I’m here now” he tilts my head so I’m looking at him”I love you”.
“And I love you, Copia”.
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claiestve · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 ꨄ 𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘹
˜”* ❝𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮. 𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮.❞
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏʙᴇʀ ᴜᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʜɪᴛꜱ.
(also there isn't any direct interaction with alex in this)
⎯୨⎯ " " ⎯୧⎯
You were recovering from a hangover, which definitely did a number on you. It had been a few days since the breakup and you still couldn’t really register it. You’d have to remind yourself that oh – he broke up with you.
Thinking about it was too difficult. Sometimes you wanted to pull a stunt, making him regret it. However, sometimes, you’d get really sad about it. Until you found a solution. Was it a good solution? Um… Well, no. But it got your mind off of Alex, that’s for damn sure. 
You were drinking water to help with the hangover but you couldn’t help but think about your breakup. Maybe you should’ve buried those thoughts along with other dark ones you keep because it drove you to break your own heart even more. You pulled out your phone and went to your old voicemails. So many from Alex…
“Hey, babe! When you get this, let me know what ice cream flavor you’re in the mood for right now. I wanna try this place and It would be wrong to not get you something. Anyway, let me know. I love you, bye.”
That was a more recent one, before the argument. Hearing the excitement in his voice… It was so different from when you last spoke to him. 
“Babe, there’s a spider outside and I’m too scared to kill it. I mean, maybe if you answered the phone, I’d have moral support but noooo.”
He was always like that. Joking and teasing all the time. So different from now.
“Okay I know I’m not home right now but that’s because I have to bring something very big for you. But! Don’t think I forgot! Happy Birthday, Y/N! I’ll try calling later since you don’t respond when I call you… Although, it is really early right now.”
Ah, you remember that. Your birthday when he brought you a huge cake and the prettiest promise ring ever. Sad, that ring stays in it’s box now. A promise ring. You always thought the day you’d take it off would be the day you switched it for an engagement ring. How stupid. 
“Y/N, answer my calls. You better be okay. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Oh. That was the day your friend called Alex because you injured yourself pretty badly. You’ll always remember how concerned he was that day.
You were now tearing up. To be fair, you weren’t the type to be an angry ex but more of like a sad ex. You curled up into a ball and finally drowned in it. Alex broke up with you. 4 years down the drain. It’s never going to go back to the way it was and you knew that. But it finally hit you. You would never be able to be with him ever again. 
He would never be there with you again. 
The love of your life and someone who called you the same was gone. 
And it was all by choice. 
He chose to leave you. 
All because of your own insecurities. Because of an argument you started. You were the problem. And if there was one thing about you it was, that you got rid of problems.
As soon as possible.
yall thought u were safe? AHAHAHHAA BITCH no but uhh i wanted to do angst because.... well, yes. also what happened at the end... its real angsty and if u get it u get it. also did u notice i hinted to this title when i replied to someone's comment 😈 AHAH anyways send me more requests cuz i love yall
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jokerislandgirl32 · 8 months
When Violet Gets Angry Don’t Get In Her Way…
As I discussed in this post, Violet was in a toxic/abusive relationship prior to her relationship with Zach. Below I’m posting a scene from my Wild Violets AU that details the aftermath of Violet’s breakup with her ex. It’s dark stuff, so here we go…Please read the tags/following trigger warnings before proceeding further.
TW: Abusive Relationship mention/description, TW arson attempt, TW unintentional/attempted self harm, TW cursing (only mild 2 words), TW bruises mention, TW implied abuse. Please do not read if any of this makes you uncomfortable!
“I'll set fire to the whole place I don't even care about our house It's not the same in here since he left anyways…”
“Burn it down, burn it down, burn it down, burn it down…”
“Always said I was a good kid Always said I had a way with words Never knew I could be speechless Don't know how I'll ever break this curse…”
Burn It Down
Zach’s POV:
I watched as Violet, in a fit of rage, stormed through her childhood home, she grasped a set of keys that once belonged to her father in her shaking hands. She tore into a closet adjacent to the kitchen, and unlocked a cabinet within, pulling out a box of matches. Her clothing was torn, her hair was disheveled, her face was streaked with tears and was red from crying, and there were bruises blooming on her tanned skin.
I knew who had done it, but I didn’t know the extent of what had happened. The Zachbots and I arrived only a half hour before to a horrible scene, I shuddered at the thought…and people called me a villain. We’d taken care of the situation, but the damage had already been done and Violet wasn’t speaking to me about any of it.
A few of the Zachbots and I trailed along behind her. She threw open the back door of the cottage and headed to a small shed in the backyard, she pulled out the key ring again and flipped through the keys, muttering to herself under her breath, she started crying again and dropped the keys to the ground, screaming out as she did so, “why did he do this to me? How could he do this to me? Why does he keep doing this to me?”
She grabbed the keys with her shaky hands, shuffling them to find the one she wanted. I reached out and touched her shoulder, but she jerked it away from me, “What did he do?” I asked her, but she ignored me, sobbing and muttering to herself, clearly absorbed in her own thoughts.
Violet found the key she wanted and stood up, going to the door of the shed and unlocking it. She dove into the musty cobweb filled space with little to no care about what varmints might be lurking within, and she came out holding a gasoline can.
My anxiety immediately spiked, no, she wasn’t….she couldn’t…She locked the shed and tucked the keys into her dress pocket, heading back to the house with the gasoline can in one hand and matches in the other, a look of pure rage on her face, mingled with fear and despair.
Violet opened the gas can and began pouring it on the deck to the cottage and throwing it against the back door and walls, she threw the can down haphazardly and shakily took out a match and tried to light it…she was going to do it, shit…she was sobbing uncontrollably. I knew she wasn’t thinking rationally, and I knew she was going to get herself hurt or worse if I didn’t stop her.
“VIOLET! NOOOO!” I screamed out, causing her to turn her attention to me long enough for me to order one of the Zachbots to grab her and another to secure the matches and throw them into the nearby water.
“VIOLET! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! YOU COULD’VE HURT YOURSELF OR…OR…OR WORSE!” I yelled at her, pulling her away from the Zachbot’s arms and into mine instead.
“I just wanted to forget what he did…I wasn’t trying to hurt myself!” She sobbed, burying her face against my sweater and wrapping her arms tightly around me.
I wrapped my arm around her and steered her toward the nearby dock. Violet untangled herself from me long enough to lock her arms around my waist in a side hug. I wasn’t too excited to be sitting on the filthy boards, but I feared if Violet stood any longer she’d pass out from exhaustion due to her hysterical crying.
I called the Zachbots over to me and told them to properly clean up the gasoline, a chore they were well used to since they were programmed to clean messes of all types.
Violet had yet to raise her head from my chest, but her sniffles were becoming quieter. I sighed and lowered my head until my face was pressed against her hair. I involuntarily kissed the top of her head.
Violet tilted her head up to me and looked at me with her large blue violet eyes, as if she was caught off guard by the kiss. She turned her head and looked to the water before us, the sun was setting and had painted the sky a dramatic display of oranges, pinks, and reds.
I took her moment of distraction to yet again ask her the question that was tearing me up inside , “what did he do, Vi?”
Violet breathed out slowly, and turned back to me with a trembling lip, she glanced back at her childhood home, then refocused her attention on me, “Enough to make me wanna burn this place to the ground…just so it’ll be gone, because every time I see this house…I remember it all…”
I repeated my question more firmly, pushing her messy hair out of her face, “What did he do?”
Violet shook her head, and started crying again, “I can’t tell you…not yet…”
And this is the springboard for them getting their matching tattoos….
Selfship Taglist: @snailchans-imaginarium @crunch-crunch-eat-a-bunch @changingcore @bitchywitchheart @stoatsapphic @3qu1us-main @kittycatkissez @benreillyswife @creativegenius22 @genderqueer-bithing @serenitytodd1234 @mailiow @celestetheseaunicorn @barnesncavill @mayixxxmoon @gui-mauves @evander2511 @bat-anon
Please let me know if you want to be added/removed! Details in pinned post!
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode 49 Notes-
Heheheh I had a snow day so I got to listen early!!!!!!!!!!!
We are winning with the dndads music lately hehehe
“Like there’s a Druid in my mind saying it’s gonna be oak” SOBBING
Oak this is a bop actually
Holy shit there were so many things bad that happened to normal lately 😭 
They’re in the past!!!!!! Oh my goddddddd
Taylor’s Teen Fact: Taylor was the runner up of the Teen High Teen of the Year award (which Margarita Pizza won). Taylor is a very good cup stacker (third place in a competition)
We forget that Taylor is canonically the most popular kid 
Freddie’s facts are always the craziest of all time. I love it
Linc’s Teen Fact: Linc had to do things other than soccer playing so Marco and Grant got him into artsy stuff. Of course he only would pain/sculpt soccer type things. So he decided to start selling them on Next Door (with an account called Foot King). Marco and Grant took him off of the app. He’s a good painter basically
Normal’s Teen Fact: Normal always keeps his hot glue gun on him
Scary’s Teen Fact: Scary doesn’t have a New Years Resolution because she decided it was too resolute (too firm, too definite). She wants to be able to choose whether or not to do something 
Daddy Fact: Anthony’s goal is to write a porn thing and he was reached out to by a porn website to write for them. He was gifted a care package (picture as you will)
He’s already written the script 😭 
Ooohh AU where they ARE the four horseman of the apocalypse 
Sitcom staring the Porpy and Flippy: Cop sidekicks
Well Willy did but whatever
Screw Willy
Grill Master the Dolphin!!!!!!! Ayyyyyy
Dang Willy is God
They’re in a five person (well four person now) marriage don’t judge the dolphins!!!!
Awww they’re only like. Fifteen. 
Heh Glenn Close/Jodie Foster (a good guy) in charge of Hell, Willy Stampler (a bad guy) in charge of Heaven
Yoooo wait the FBI is apart of the Hell now 
Lark still hates Henry omg
Sparrow!!! Omg 
Normal and Scary are so similar omg omg omg
Damn Good Omens much
What is it with Willy getting at the Oaks?
The codependents of all time
This dumb spell my goodness I love their debate
Why are they so set on killing Henry 😭 
Oh only 49 damage that’s not that bad 
Scary noooooooo
Scary’s gonna die 😭 😭 😭 😭 
Taylors such an ass omg
Scary got 44 damage 
“I say no once in six years of podcasting” 
Lark and Sparrow make me so unwell omg
Begging for Lark to have a whole thing about Sparrow with Normal
No one catches Lark 😭 
Taylor is so funny omg
They seriously are having season one vibes I missed this so much omg
Nooo that was such a good transition 
Taylor having his own mini adventure is because they played a Taylor Swift song for their intro
This whole Taylor thing is giving off BIG Leviathan Fabian vibes with Chungle Down Bim
Please say this works 
Roll high
Ohh a 12
Voicemail box 😭 
Of course Taylor is going to find his name 
Nooooo and it’d be easier for Taylor too because HIS MOM MARRIED WILLY OMG OMG
Henry stopppppppp you’re messing with Scary :cccccccc
Nooo scary still has the hat omg oh dear
Oh dear Willy’s God now he could probably control someone’s mind through their sleepppp
Oh god I hate Barry so much. He sucked so much I hate him
Taylor squints so hard that someone dies 😭 
I wonder if he’s gonna get the original daddies as well as the Kiddads 
Scary’s pulling what Riz did with Biz ayyyy
Aww that would’ve been sick if he believed her
Scary just wants attention :ccccc
Noooo remembering the thing with the cheese :ccc
I miss early season two
“YOU BITCH” omg normal 😭 
“Give me an L” “You’ve had enough Ls” “I’ll give you one of mine”
No the way it fits the intro
This episode is making me giddy omg /pos
Linc is getting so sad this is worryinggggg. He’s acting like Grantttttt
This whole eye thing is seriously the math questions on my tests 
A happy normal is something I’ve missed so so much
I think literally all of these kids (except maybe Taylor) have a guilt complex (Scary/Willy, Normal/Code Purple, Linc/im not quite sure)
Omg Jodie and Glenn together 😭 
Scary looks like Larry!!
Omg Freddie is genuinely so smart omg
Yam ya
I’m gonna use that
He had a flying spell wowwww
Will and me both man
Larry is so cool omg
Dood nooooooo 
Mfer admits that Ron posed a threatttttt
Honey badger waits for no one 
I’m gonna start using that too
Willy likes the science kid oh my god I’m gonna sob
Larry gives off church camp vibes
Willy’s doing the spaghetti thing 😭 
“You’d be a lot prettier if you smiled Cassandra” GET HIS ASS TAYLOR GET. HIS. ASS.
You know I hated Willy before 
But this is a whole new fucking level 
Awww that’s so sweet at the end <33
I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to wait for the next episode ahhh
I’m betting it’s either the Potatoe one or Dead and Gone
January 30th!!
Oh screw off siri
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Andy has a very special present for his girl.
Warnings: NONE.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post again, I was busy with work and then I had, still have a bit of a writers block, so I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy this.
Word count: 1478
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF’s not mine, you can find the credits in it:) 
It’s been a couple of months since the trial for the custody of Jake ended. Laurie finally send the papers resigning to all her parents’ rights, and so far no one has heard of her, thankfully.
It was the end of September, the weather started to be chilly and the leaves of the trees began to change its color. Andy was at the office in his house with the advent calendar he had bought for Annie; 12 presents starting on September 30th and up to October 11th, her birth date. He kept scribbling on the little notes and soon the calendar was completed and placed on the counter in the kitchen along with an envelope.
September 30th, 7 a.m.
Annie woke up at the sound of the shower running, she got up and when downstairs to make breakfast for her boys. She was still rubbing her eye when a black box with pink decorations caught her attention. She took the envelope with her name on it and took out the letter inside.
Hi, honey! Good morning!
When you are reading this I might still be in the shower, but don’t worry I’ll be joining you soon. I just wanted to say that I love you very much and you deserve everything in the world, but while I work on how am I going to give you all that, I’ll start with the box in front of you. In there you will find 12 presents for your birthday, don’t worry is nothing too extravagant. I hope you like all of them.
Happy birthday my love!
“Happy birthday, honey.” Andy said making Annie jumped. She turned to see Andy with just a towel around his hips.
“It’s September 30th, my birthday in on October 11th.”
“I know, but we have 12 presents, if you count since today that will be…”
“12 days.”
“Exactly, so, the last present will be opened on the 11th. Now, since I know how anxious you are. You must know that you only get to open one box per day.”
“I know how advent calendars work.”
“Do you?” He lifted his brow, “I know you so well that I know you will open all of it once I’m gone for work.”
“That’s!... maybe true…” Andy crossed his arms, “fine! One per day!”
“Good! Open the first one.”
Annie opened the box with the pink number 1 on it. A small folded paper inside.
“A note! How did you know?”
“Just open it!”
“Ok, it says, 1. Let’s start the celebration with something small. We can have sex anywhere you want, whenever you want.” Annie turned to see Andy. “This sounds more like a present for you!”
“Noooo, it’s a present for you, honey.”
“It’s this applicable from now to my birthday?”
“Can it be used more than once?”
“I mean if you want to.”
“Ok!” She jumped on the counter and spread her legs.
“Yes! Now. It says here, anywhere, whenever I want and I want it now.”
Andy just shrugged and pulled the towel from his body his semi hard dick on display for her.
“Nice way to begin my birthday.” Annie licked her lips before Andy crashed his into a passionate kiss.
“Happy birthday.”
And so it began, everyday Annie opened one of the boxes before Andy went to work.
October 1st, day 2: A Sephora gift card.
October 2nd, day 3: a pair of diamond earrings in a velvet bag.
October 3rd, day 4: Fancy picnic in the park with Andy and Jake.
October 4th, day 5: Breakfast in bed.
October 5th, day 6: A handmade coupon where it said she could buy any purse she wanted using Andy’s credit card. She chose a black Louis Vuitton tote bag.
October 6th, Day 7: A drawing of the three of them made by Jake.
October 7th, day 8: Mani and Pedi appointment.
October 8th, day 9: Gift card for the Sweet Treat Bakery down on main street.
October 9th, day 10: Shoe shopping.
October 10th, day 11: Spa day with Andy.
October 11th, 8 a.m. Annie ran downstairs and open the last box, another piece of paper inside.
“Dinner at 8 o’clock. Just you and me.”
“HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!” Jake screamed as he ran towards her.
“Thank you, baby.” She took him in her arms and hugged him.
“Happy birthday, honey.” Andy got closer and hugged and kissed them both. “Go get ready, we are having breakfast out. We can’t have the birthday girl cooking today.”
“Alright, let’s get change sweetie.” Annie said running with Jake in his arms towards the stairs.
--------------------------------- (     )--------------------------------------
After a lovely day hanging around with her boys, Annie took a well deserve shower. She was wrapping the towel around her body when Andy walked into the bathroom and hugged from behind.
“Do you think you can be ready by 7:30? I don’t want to lose our reservation.”
“I will be on time if you don’t distract me.”
“Alright, I let you to it.”
“Baby?” Andy hummed, “Who is taking care of Jake?”
“Maddy. She is in high school. Pam recommended her.”
“Pam always has good recommendations.” She said in a teasing tone and winked at him. Andy just shook his head and left her alone.
It was around 7:20 when Annie came down the stairs wearing a red satin dress with an opening up her left thigh, a pair of nude stilettos and a nude clutch.
“How do I look?”
Andy, Jake and Maddy turned around to see her.
“Wow!” Andy said.
“You look so pretty!!!” Jake said all excited.
“Thank you. Shall we go?” Annie said
“Sure.” Annie hook her arm around Andy’s, “Jake be good with Maddy.”
“Bye, guys.” Annie waved at them and then they left.
Once at the restaurant, the hostess took them to the terrace of the place. A single table was place in the middle of it. The whole terrace was decorated with Christmas lights and red roses.
“Oh my god! Andy this is beautiful.”
“Just the best for my best girl.” Andy kissed her softly and then both sat down to enjoy dinner.
They were eating dessert when Andy broke the silence.
 “I have one more present for you.”
“What? No, Andy you already give me too many presents.”
If Andy loved something about Annie was the fact that she never asked for anything and at the same time, he wanted to give her everything and more.
“I know, but I was saving the best for last.”
“Alright, where is it?”
“You have to close your eyes.”
“Argh, I don’t like that.”
“One last surprise, I promise.”
Annie close her eyes.
 “Shit!” Andy said.
“Honey, I think I forgot your last present. I’m so sorry.”
“Aw, it’s alright! You can always give it to me when we are back home.” Annie still had her eyes closed. “Can I open my eyes then?”
When she opened her eyes, Andy was in one knee in front of her, holding a small blue box in his hand.
“What… What is that?” Annie stuttered.
The box a beautiful diamond ring. It was very elegant, the stone was in an oval shape and small diamonds were incrusted around the ring.
“Honey, I have thought for quite some time now, that the reason why it didn’t worked out with Laurie was because someone better was waiting for me, and that someone is you.”
Annie’s tears began streaming down her cheeks.
“You care for me and love Jake as your own son, and I want you to be part of our family forever.” Andy paused, “Will you marry me?”
Annie nodded rapidly.
“YES! A thousand times yes!” Annie hugged him almost making him fall on his back. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Let me…” He slid the ring on her finger. “It fits perfectly.” Annie stared at her hand, “I love you, honey.”
“I love you too, Andy. So, so much!”
It was nearly midnight when they walked in the house. Jake was sleeping on the couch while Maddy watched TV.
“Hi Mr. Barber, Hi Mrs. Barber.” Maddy said with a smile.
“Mrs. Barber sound good, don’t’ you think?”
“Yes, it does.”
“Why don’t go to our room, I’ll pay Maddy and I’ll take Jake to his room.”
“Good night, Maddy.”
“God night, Mrs. Barber.”
After paying Maddy and walked with her to her car, Andy came back home and went to take jake.”
“Buddy?” The little boy stirred and groaned. “Come on, wake up.”
“She said yes” Andy said in a whispering tone. And Jake opened his eyes wide.
“Really? She likes our ring?”
“She did.”
“Shhhh, you’re supposed to be sleeping. Come on, up we go.” Andy took Jake in his arms and walked to his room.
“So, I call her mommy now?”
“How about after the wedding?”
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becauseplot · 1 year
ok so i couldn't watch ordem paranormal quarentena live yesterday but im rotating it in my head at supersonic speeds. here have the reactions and notes i was taking while watching the VODs. i figured i'd just make it all one post since i'm super late to the party and i didn't rly feel like "lag"-blogging. (i am. so tired rn lmao)
Quackity will find a way to play the “asshole” character in every universe.
Luis: “My name is Luis Miguel….Kennedy :))” Cellbit, breaking character, pinching the bridge of his nose: “…Did you put ‘Kennedy’ in your name and you didn’t tell me?” (Honestly one of my favorite parts of the whole session HIS FACE)
Lucie IMMEDIATELY starting beef with the ten year old (good for her)
Wait did that doctor try to do a Schrödinger's cat demonstration with the cardboard box and poisoned tuna??? Aw that would've been so cool. I mean not for the cat but for me, personally. I would've found it cool. Man :(
Jeffery pulling a second box of pizza out of the aether to put over the smoke grenade. Loony toons ass motherfuckers.
Jeffery panic throwing the keys at Luis (Honestly same dude)
Holy FUCK the reveal of the blood covered corridor?? THE WAY CELLBIT INTRODUCED THE MONSTER?? Genuinely had me tensing up hooooo it was so good!! (Cellbit: “You can’t explain why…but you don’t want to look at what’s coming around the corner.” Me, with a hand over the screen: “Oh bestie you have no idea 😀”)
THE CHASE SEQUENCE RASHASHSHSRAAHAHHH <-me shaking it around in my mouth like a chew toy
Also all the sounds Cellbit makes? The acting of showing how the infecteds' bodies move?? He's so into it AUGHH he's such a good storyteller I'm going nuts.
Luis: “OMA CULERO BOOOOM!” *fucking decks the monster* (THIS PART HAD ME ROLLING OH MY GOD ROIER)
Baghera’s playstyle!! She always tries to go for the non obvious answer or a third option instead of whatever Cellbit throws at them. (Checking the metal pannel with the wires, trying to put out the boiler fire, going to check Luis’ wounds.) I bet it has something to do with the fact that she’s played rpg before, and MAN I love it.
Cellbit: “You reach behind you and you realize you don’t have your backpack.” Diego: “No, no, mi vida!!… Ohhh we’re all gonna die 0(-(“
Cellbit: “So Jeffery what’re you doing?” Jeffery: “Houghhhggh I’m throwin up, man.”
Benito isn’t an actual doctor?? The fuck lmao???
Benito: *cuts off Michael’s arm* “Ohhhhh you fucking dumbass I’m gonna keep this as a memory.” BENITO???????
Jeffery constantly throwing things at the wall when he’s upset fhdjkdkd 
Ohhhhhhh the killing the animal who's suffering question. Luis with the gun. And the suffering doctor.. And he said he'd end the animal's suffering. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Update: Benito also has beef with the same ten year old
They are playing hot potato with an infected fetus. They threw it at the little girl. Loony toons ass motherfuckers. (Again.)
These dumbasses are SO awful with kids lmao
Lucie the MVP LETSGO she's so smart I love her (a fucking twenty NINE dude holy SHIT she is carrying she is the moment she has the only functioning braincell in this entire facility)
Character development ! Benito is willing to throw his phone :D (he doesn't though)
Luis I love you but I think you killed Lucie. A for effort though.
NEVERMIND Diego is the best he's helping Lucie I love him smmm
Wait what the fuck happened to Amy is she just like. Still sitting there. In the energy room. Crying. Oh my god they're so bad with kids.
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mysteriousmoss · 2 years
A glimpse at a Security Guards Night at a Pizza Place.
New oneshot lets go.
This little thing was inspired by this post by @samwasneverhere
It’s Joe’s regular night working security at Hermits and Friends Pizzeria.
Or well as normal as it can be with him having to deal with the animatronics and their antics(while also trying to think of lies for whenever management asks why Scar The Mongoose is stuck in the vents again with a stuffed cat plush or when they ask why Jevin the Skink is more sticky than before and for some reason wet or when they ask why Ren has a broken voice box that seemingly died out as there is no damage to the wires.
Yeah, “normal.”
But either way Joe’s being paid enough so he can afford shelter and food(even though he should really be paid more for the amount of trauma and chaos these animatronics cause.)
But come and join Joe for a look at his night as the night time security guard for Hermits and Friends Pizzeria.
Any trauma received is normal and please do not sue the company. There are already too many lawsuits .
————12 am 12/29/XX————
Joe flies out of his seat with his food flying out of his hands towards the voice that scared him.
It takes him a moment but he calms down and looks at the Mongoose animatronic(that’s covered in a cold microwaved dinner) with an unimpressed look.
The Mongoose face shows a sheepish grin(how it’s possible nobody knows) which makes Joe continue to give the animatronic an unimpressed look.
“Scar, this is the third time this week. Can I please eat my dinner in peace?”
The Mongoose, Scar, turns away from the security guard and acts like he didn’t just scare Joe and get food thrown at him.
————1 am 12/29/XX————
“Martyn…Martyn why does nobody listen to my stories?”
Joe looks towards the Wolf animatronic, who is talking to a plant that looks like it needs some water and sunlight, from where he’s standing restocking the prize corner.
‘Does he think I stopped listening to him? I knew getting him a plant might be a good idea but him talking to it almost 24/7? I may need to look up how to get Ren therapy.’
Joe’s internal monologue was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking and a distressed shout.
Joe looks at Ren, who is now on his knees holding the plant in his hands and acting like said plant is dying. The culprit who knocked the plant pot over is none other than Cub and he somehow has a mischievous grin on his face.
Joe lets out a sigh and places down the merchandise he was restocking and heads over to deal with the situation and try to make Ren feel better by listening to his tales.
————3 am 12/29/XX————
Joe chases after the zombie wolf animatronic who has a skink animatronic in their mouth and is running towards the soda machines in the kitchens.
The other animatronics look up from their card game and watch as Joe chases Cleo to try and save Jevin from becoming more sticky.
Ren turns towards his friends, paw keeping the plant in a cup firmly and safely in place, to see what they’re thinking.
“You two are brewing up a plan aren’t you.”
Scar and Cub put on innocent looks as if they weren’t just planning to make the chaos worse.
Ren gives the two a look that he doesn’t believe them.
“Well I’ll just have to tell Ariana and watch Jellie for the night if you two cause chaos. Now let’s go back to our game my dudes.”
Ren doesn’t need to look up from his cards to see the scared looks on the mongoose and bear's faces.
“CLEO! NO!!”
The sound of something hitting the floor and screeching rings from the kitchen.
“I thought we were playing poker?”
“….we aren’t playing Go Fish?”
————5am 12/29/XX————
“Andddd done. I got you as clean as possible Jevin. Geez you guys really need an upgrade to a more plastic or metal material instead of just fabric.”
Joe places the sponge back into the bucket and looks at the deactivated Skink.
“Right, forget I powered you off.”
Joe flips the switch located on Jevin’s back to power the animatronic back on.
It takes a moment but Jevin powers back on and looks at his clean or as clean as it can get fabric
He turns towards the security guard and gives him a thankful smile.
“Thanks dude. Sorry that you have to deal with cleaning me up every time that happens.”
Joe shakes his head and smiles.
“It’s no problem. Anyway, better start heading to the stage it is almost 6 am and the place will be opening soon.”
Jevin nods and heads towards his area where he is in stage mode during the day alongside a young animatronic turtle that was recently added to his area.
————6 am 12/29/XX————
Joe closes the front door as he leaves the pizzeria.
“Well that’s another day of working the night shift. Time to head home and try to get some sleep.”
As Joe leaves he doesn’t notice the set of eyes following him.
—————9 am 12/29/XX————
“Hello there everybody! Who’s ready to party!”
You can also find this one shot over on ao3
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Art Attack
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)
We had spare time before this episode, so have fun with our bonus content! Link available here!
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["Must be a guy thing" Ah, yes, women don't exercise]  Or a decent person thing, ya know
[OH YEAH THERE'S APPARENTLY A FAMILIAR FACE IN THIS!  @witchy-writer-lady told me abt it]
The circles that have been talked in this scene  [Ma'am calling him out on circular sentences like she doesn't do that constantly]
There is plenty more romantic.  Weddings are so overrated and expensive ☠️☠️🤣
“Why not?”  OC!
🤣🤣🤣 This woman deserves to have her dress stolen if she didn’t notice it gone from two feet away [asdfkjalfdkj you're not wrong]  She’s blind as hell with both eyes intact ☠️☠️☠️
Oh Sketch noooooo
Get ‘em OC  [No "Get 'em Normal"?]  HES SO MEANNNN ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [You do realize NoBody there does Any work right alkdsjf]  That’s true 🤣🤣  [Not even Alec, love him as I do alskdfj]  Oooooof  [He legit just sits there chatting with Normal about boxing the whole time.  Or delivering single packages]
Oh! Hello Logan!
His little “hm she’s aight” look
[This was me earlier today!!!  I understand his aversion to public speaking  aslkdfj]  ☠️☠️☠️ Moood
Oh Buddy
[His look at her alskdfj]  Their little exchange was cute tho  ['sigh' This is true]
Poor Normal  [I knowwww!  Will the hostage situations never stop?]  Right?!?
[An actual coherent monologue alkdsjfa]
Loooool I thought the brother was Palmer (Ducky’s Assistant you haven’t met yet)  [idk for sure but that's not the pertinent one… Watch for Daphne]
Poor Max done got put in her feelings
Le gasp  [Oh, last name drop!  I forgot Max's last name was on screen.  I don't think Alec's is]
Ooop! We get more jam pony
He said ten bucks  [tbf, they are in an economic depression]  True 🤣🤣
[Normal be lying abt the bip-bip-bip-ing]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Poor buddy can’t have a good family!  Oooof
Was that SPN Mary?  [Yup!]  Le gasp
Oooooof jealousy
[That was a painfully fake smile, Max]
[Also this be the plot to your Nomral fic.  But more guns.  And less love life.  And Normal's in a leather jacket and not a bathrobe]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh boy: Logan done put his foot in his mouth
[I'm cringing in preparation for this ep btw.  Heads-up]  Oh noooo
– – –
Jezebel: Midpoint!
Wench: Bravo!  Ma'am remembered better than I… do go on!
Jezebel: Ok so first off it’s a Jam Pony ep which has proven to be some of my favorites!  And I swear I love a “I don’t like this person but I don’t hate this person so I’ll help” storyline
Wench: Poor Normal alskdjf
Jezebel: Yusss.  Alsoooo POOOR LOGANNNNNN!  BUT MAX TAKING UP FOR HIM WAS ADORABLE, IM SORRYYYY!!  But then here comes Mary-
Wench: Daphne
Jezebel: I know 🤣
Wench: Hmph
Jezebel: -and just threw a wrench right in it
Wench: And finally the jump I paused it on  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  In that dress… Just…. Wot ☠️🤣🤣☠️☠️
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Wench: Apparently we have lots of photos to give y’all this time alskdfj On we go!
– – –
I swear ☠️ The dress makes the jumps look so bad ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Mood max
[Okay but he lost his job because of the messenger service so-]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Buddy she’s no angel
Bruh CAN NO ONE KEEP UP WITH SHIT  [I mean.  Technically she just.  Decided to leave with it]  FAIR
[Remember when I said I was.  preemptively cringing.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️oh shit the second hand embarrassment
[Poor Normal expecting to get killed tho]  Ooop Normal reality check on being a good person lol  [Let it be known, btw, that Normal in s2 has very good moments and very BAD moments.  I recognize this.  But for now I'm enjoying his minorly-asshole-ish-but-no-worse bits.]
This man and his bitch slaps
I love "defenstration"... it's one of my favorite words
Poooor Normal
[Have fun.  I'm.  Not watching btw.  Tell me when the speech is over plz.  I'm.  I have it muted.]  I have it turned down☠️  I’m still cringing at the faces
This.  Is Tony coming out of Logan
Max coming through again  [Okay, now you're uber-whacked; technically she only came through because she caused the problem in the first place by not handing the paper back]  Fair  [This is the one non-anti-Max comment you've made that I don't agree with]  🤣🤣🤣
[This.  Is an NCIS episode.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  ["I've got a military vessel heading out to-"]
A ghostttt  [Max disappearing: Cas-coded]
Oooooop-  [Plz let DaphMary be a lesbian]  SBC… If not OC GON make her one
[This whole dress thing is so ridiculously unrealistic.  It's pulling me out of the story.  She definitely smells like trash and yet no one seems to notice; she's bound to have it all dirty, stained, and ripped, and yet she's acting like she's gonna return it... just wot]
[Showing off her powers again 'sigh']
☠️☠️☠️☠️  [She (Max) annoys me]  Fair
Oh boy
OC 🤣🤣  [Um.  DaphMary looking like she was heading over to OC as soon as she caught the bouquet.]  RIGHT
[Um.  UM.  THEY ACTUALLY DID THAT!!!  DAPHMARY I FREAKING LOVE YOU]  Oooooop!  Dean’s getting a new momma.  [Well, he always seems to lose one, so he needs two]  Oooof  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Ooop-  Somethings missing on miss presses neck 🙂
“You first”  Heart eyes
[I.  I think we found out why she dumped him… Lickity-chicks]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Logan’s not clueless I love it  [This is true!]
Dawwwww!  Genuine smile!  [I will give you that Max/Logan are good in this scene]  
Another dawwwww
Le gasp
Buddy HOW BOUT YOU NOT  [HE WAS TESTING IT]  “My feet work again… Lemme break em”
– – –
Jezebel: Ok! End point! 🙃 Jam pony still are my all time favorites! Like you said it’s the Normal fic but make the girl a painting ☠️☠️ and the depression is his, you know, will to live.
Wench: lkjlkj;lkj oof
Jezebel: Also Logan was adorable in this one.  Very Tony-esque.  And his family sucks.
Wench: All true
Jezebel: But DAPHNE(MARY) 😮‍💨💕 love herrrr!
Jezebel: OC really just be coming in and swooping up all the ladies.  Also, Max was annoying but her taking the necklace made me happy. So *sigh* 😤  I’m conflicted
Wench: This is fair!  To be honest, she’s not as bad in s1 as she is in s2.  It’s her dynamic there that causes the issue.
Jezebel: Ending note. Catlike jumping in leather = meh, goofy but believable / catlike jumping in fancy schmancy dress = the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen
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I NEED YOUR GLAMROCK FOXY/MICHEAL. Maybe the reader is tasked with fixing him up? ;) (Even better if he’s not a robot~)
Oh no, y’all want me to write romantically or sexually suggestive content? I’m gonna be bad at it. I’m ace and deeply traumatized. You sure?
Eh. Why not? He has to stay a robot though, because this request requires fixing him up. This takes place after Into the Breach.
Foxy Fix Up
“Don’t lay a damn finger on me!”
The animatronic fox glared at you from within the chain link box misbehaving endos were normally kept in. This was not worth your 13 dollars an hour pay… Why’d they recapture this animatronic after they went rogue? Well, you knew why: money. Still, it was all such a bad idea. At this point, you’d rather build a whole new Foxy, but noooo they wanted this one.
“Come on, Foxy.” You crossed your arms, “Whatever…modifications you made to yourself down there aren’t up to code—“
“Well…” He climbed on the metal fencing, hanging from the top of the box and meeting your eyes, “That’s kind of the bloody point!”
“God, you don’t even sound like a pirate anymore. Why are you speaking like you’re fucking British?” You pinched the bridge of your nose at learning of yet another thing to deal with in this frankensteined animatronic, “Do I have to get out the shocker?”
“What for? I ain’t scared of your stupid taser! I been through far worse!” Micheal couldn’t help but laugh at the threat, “Best give up… My upgrades are permanent, anyway…”
“We need to be able to get you back in Kid’s Cove.” You argued, “You can’t just have wires with claws and shit on them around the children!”
“Why not? All the bots are dangerous enough to kill already.” He replied flatly, “I won’t harm any child… You bastards didn’t need to shock me into having morals.”
“Look, just let me check on your internal systems so I can fix your accent setting, then maybe—“
“No.” He shooed her away with a hand, now hanging from the top of the box by grapple wires as if lying in a hammock, “Go call your corrupt greedy bosses and tell them if they want me back, they have to accept my terms.”
You sighed and decided to call your bosses and explain the situation at least. The answer you got did not make you happy. You left the animatronic in the cage with a huff, only to return early the next morning to carry out your plan.
You took advantage of his battery forcing him into sleep mode and did what you could in the chamber, which was very little. His internal mechanics didn’t even match the blueprints anymore. Almost his entire endo was gone. How the hell did he do this to himself?! Well, this was as good as it was going to get.
“Alright, captain.” You grumbled sarcastically into the microphone outside the chamber once you were done, “Wake up. You’re going to the cove.”
The robot fox awoke from sleep mode with a start, immediately becoming hostile at the sight of large metal claws and scooping mechanisms above him. That asshole mechanic waned his battery on purpose to get him in here! That little shit!
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO—“ The bot tackled the door to the chamber, before pausing, “What…did you just say?”
“You’re clear to return to the cove.” You repeated tiredly, “I couldn’t even figure out what the hell you did to yourself in there. None of my bosses could either. Yet, they still want you for some damn reason, so here we are…”
Micheal couldn’t believe that mechanic actually got him out with the children again so fast. It was like they were calling his bluff on being willing to step back into this colorful neon purgatory again.
“Oh? But I thought I be dangerous?” He asked coyly, “Can’t have the wee ones seein this monster, I wagered?”
“Wait, you were talking in the Queen’s English last night.” You squinted, “Why are you suddenly speaking like a pirate now? Your voice box is totally fine. How are you switching accents?”
“I don’t know what ye talkin’ bout, matey…” The fox grinned at your irritation, “Now… What be the catch to me freedom?”
“I coded the internal controlled shock back into your system while you were in sleep mode, you’re in new plating, and I am in charge of supervising your metal ass so you don’t kill anyone.” You hissed as you opened the chamber, “Now come on…”
Ah, so that’s it… They got stuck with watching him because they couldn’t turn him back into his old state? Oh… This would be fun…
He held back a curse as he reentered the place he used to be so glad to have escaped from. It was so deceptively bright and vibrant, just how he remembered. It made him sick. He was nearly bombarded at the cove if not for security bots controlling the crowds. Of course, Foxy the Pirate was always the most popular.
Well, time to deal with this bullshit again— Wait, was that who he thought it was…?
You kept a close eye on the fox as his ears perked and seemed to single out a figure in the crowd. Immediately alarm bells went off in your mind as a child managed to duck between the wall of staffbots, scampering over.
“Hey, kiddo.” You forced a customer service smile, but took notice of many bandages on the child’s face and became concerned, “Oh… What happened to your head?”
The girl didn’t answer, more focused on getting past you to see the pirate fox.
“We aren’t open yet.” You explained sweetly, “You’ll be able to come visit in a few minutes, but you wouldn’t want to upset Captain Foxy by breaking the rules on his ship, right?”
“That’s not his name.”
“W-what?” You frowned.
“Foxy isn’t his name.” The child repeated, dipping under your legs and hugging the leg of the animatronic, “Mikey! You’re okay!”
“What are you doing here?!” Micheal mirrored the mechanic’s confusion, “They were supposed to get you back to your mum and—“
“There’s the accent again!” You hissed under your breath, too tired to do anything but watch.
The brown haired girl picked at one of the bandages on her face nervously, “T-they…aren’t here anymore…R-remember?”
The fox sighed… He bent down to use one of his wires to gently move some hair out of her eyes, “Then…who’s taking care of you?”
“P-people here…” She looked noticeably uncomfortable, “T-they found Gregory and I and… I-I guess we just…live here now…?”
He cursed under his breath, twitching from the shock it earned him.
“I’m… Er, I be fine, lass…” He forced the pirate accent out as he noticed people staring, “Come find me again when we open, aye?”
“Okay… B-bonnie isn’t here, though… I-I think they…” She sniffled.
As the girl ran back into the crowd, you gawked at what just happened. You had no idea the two missing children found in the plex with Freddy and the scrapped Bonnie and Foxy got taken in by the higher ups. They just had to live here with no supervision besides the bots now? That was kinda fucked up… But… Where did Bonnie end up? Why did this kid call Foxy Mikey? You suddenly went from hating this job, to wanting a lot of answers.
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shinakazami1 · 11 months
Been busy lately so I don’t have much time to review and edit, but here I am! (this was supposed to be sent on the anniversary.) (edit 1: It’s already (edit 2: halfway through) november.)
(edit 3: i gave up. words be damned, i’m sending this. there should have been more. curse you writing)
(edit 4: reminder. write a long ask anywhere else except the actual tumblr ask window. sending again just to make sure i didn’t hallucinate all this- it would be so, very embarassing...)
hehehehehe love your art. Crunchy. Pringles. Crushing it in my mouth. yummy colors and perspective (That bucket sexyman design looking kinda fine though.,..i mean who said that) (->absolutely normal behavior)
I love how you interact with others’ art, leaving your comments and compliments. Really appreciate that little motivation boost and positivity you spread :)
As seen from Paratober, you seem to take the prompts beyond their face value and messed around with the concepts of those prompts (gonna put Jester in a carton box hehe. Can we have Jester loafing? Loafing in a box?)
Personally I’m not a writer, so I don’t know how you guys’ brains work but I love how you come up with interesting ideas stemming from the game’s original material, expanding, digging deeper into them. I look up at you all in wonder hehe
Also, I read unheard wishes.
You see, I rarely ever seek out angst. I came in there with “this is gonna hurt but I can totally bring myself through this”
Boy was I wrong. Now, because I didn’t read it properly enough to leave a comment that would do it justice (time restraints get you like that), I won’t give a lengthy review. But just so you know, my general feelings were “who do you think you are. did you really think you had the right to hurt me like this. *inhales* aaaaaaaaaAA *cars crashing glass breaking sound effects idk* *lays motionless on the ground* (affectionate)”
Maybe i’ll read your filk wip next. Biology is fun :]
It’s your way with the images you make for your stories and art. Candlecurator? Whatever’s up with fernarrator? I’m not listing the ones in your writings. A lazy, lazy anon I am, I know. [insert another keyboard smash]
I haven’t been here for a while so i don’t really remember much, sorry ;; (-> fake fan detected?!? *vine boom*)
Your theories definitely left the strongest impressions on me. How do you all think like that?? (this goes to the rest of you, tsp theorists/analysts/meta. what are you all on??? damn. give me some.). Perhaps it’s a writer’s thing, maybe I’m just incompetent in this deep thinking kind of stuff.
My favourite was the nature connection theory. Absolutely ate that up. (definitely not because of my bias for plants and nature-related stuff, noooo-). You somehow connected the plants in the parable, creating these wonderful strings of text about what you saw in these plants, the implications, and then sharing those ideas to us. Give me your braincells, shina. Give me-
[Close your eyes.]
Anyway- I think you’re pretty neat :]
Have a nice day!
✨✨✨!!!!!307 ANON!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
ᴬᵍᵃᶦⁿ since I was already writing a draft to respond to your previous ask. The fact you have this copy makes me hope you are saving these asks somewhere because I lost a lot of posts thanks to the great Tumblr editing system....
Happy (belated and too early at the same time hehe) anniversary 307 :] To your edits - PLEASE start writing drafts somewhere else oshsaoifas I don't want you to lose your versions again. You might say you are not a writer but you decide to write such beautiful comments and asks - value your words more :]
Anon. I have an exam this week so it will take my energy but DO KNOW YOU WILL GET BUCKET SEXYMEN SKETCH. I imagine you will see it in a few months but,,, I hope you will like it, just like you like my art in general.
I feel now in retrospect so silly I hadn't done this sooner!! While I sometimes don't have the energy to comment on other people's stuff in my own comments, I know how much joy being told your words could make someone happy :] And I love interacting like that!! Shared appreciation!!! That's why I adore Tumblr in general - it feels most organic in that ability to engage with others as a social media.
I'm glad you like the Paratober prompts! I am happy I mixed the prompts to try to get even more creative with them!! And feel free to put him in every box!! Some old art of Jester in a box:
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(I gotta finally start uploading my old art I do have. There is so much...
FEEL FREE PLEASE TO LEAVE MORE COMMENTS EVEN A SILLY ONE BUT OUGHHH I am so proud of Unheard WIshes so thank you so much <333333 Glad you could enjoy
Just remember anon that I do not know your age and the rating for Filk is Mature so please respect the ratings :]]] Ao3 tagging system is there for a reason!! However I still keep on getting opinions that Filk seems to target 16+ demographic since it's more South Park style...But still, please respect it :]
Oh sure, you are so lazy *looks at your very detailed an amazing asks* so lazy. But WAH THIS IS LIKE??? A VERY RARE CANDLECURATOR APPRECIATION??? Like I know folks see Fernator and like him but to hear you like her means so much to me ;;;;;;
And hey - life gets busy :] The fact you wanted to come again, read my story and wrote this, rewrote even god knows how many times... I will always think fondly of you.
DUDE OUGH I need to return to theories, I have so many yet to share,,, you wanting one means a lot to me :} I worked hard on the Fernator theory post so I am glad to hear you could enjoy it! I might do a pool on what people could want hehe
[Closes my eyes and tries to close yours]
I think you are very neat, 307 anon. Thank you, for being you and I hope I will see you one day again. Every ask, I worry it's also a farewell. And then - you come back. I hope you are okay out there - I hope your life, even if so busy, gives you moments of happiness and calmness.
Have a lovely day, 307 :]
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zushikun · 11 months
evangelion 2.0 woohoo
- is this asuka oooo
- she sounds different
- kaji speaking english…
- asuka singing lmfaooo i love that
- why is she in a provisional suit tho
- wait who the fuck is that.
- back to the graveyard scene
- is THIS asuka
- i’m getting jebaited
- misato’s poor car omfg… it’s going through hell
- poor shinji getting attacked at the get-go… some things don’t change (?)
- the lorry is driving in the middle of 2 lanes.
- misato is so funny lol
- why are the boxes stacked around shinji like that,,, he’s gonna die from getting crushed
- awww they go to school together <3
- absolute chaos lmfao what is this excursion 😭😭😭
- why is pen pen there too FK
- oh artificial meat damn…
- lmfao asuka is so real picking a fight with pen pen
- shinji is a sweetheart sia with the miso soup…
- woah the emergency course thing is super cool
- shinji is hella determined
- their pain tolerance must be off the charts bc i’d be crying and tearing tf up
- “DADDY’S BOY!!!” lol
- oh yes the teamwork is slaying
- the red sea ~~~
- yay first name basis! and interesting change in the bed sharing scene
- shinji’s awareness of the want to be praised wow… applause
- asuka finally making friends
- shinji’s homemade lunches. damn sweet srs
- misato getting disturbed by kaji…
- what’s up with this formal dinner setting with gendoh and rei
- misato spinning on the chair is so me
- new girl is american?
- kaji why did you do that 😭😭😭
- is kaji gonna die in this universe too. i’ll be heartbroken tbh (as a friend said “you’ve fallen for his womanly charms”)
- aw rei is speaking so much more :’)
- asuka cooking??? damn
- i hope asuka doesn’t ruin the dinner 🙏🙏🙏
- misato mid bath jfc sis can’t catch a break
- was suzuhara still selected or this new gal… doesn’t seem like it’s him tho
- gendoh calls seele from a green room??? he’s a live streamer damn
- asuka and rei’s elevator convo took a good turn
- i relate to asuka getting frustrated with everyone saying “i don’t know” LOL 😭
- misato and kaji��s drinking session LOL
- misato thinking of the kiddos
- asuka taking one for the team ✊ respect
- YAY to suzuhara’s sister getting discharged ❤️❤️❤️
- ritsuko with that drip
- hope the test goes well…
- i still love shinji’s breakdown and threat to destroy HQ
- omg misato and shinji’s convo before he leaves :( ouch much
- the dummy pilot is terrifying
- poor shinji :(
- omg i bet it’s the new girl piloting unit 02
- noooo don’t send 00 out it’s not in functioning state
- who even is this girl fml
- of course unit 01 rejects the dummy system… forgot about that tbh
- WHAT BEAST MODE??? why are there cheat codes bro
- sigh now 02 is all beaten up.
- rei PLEASE :((
- how is 00 still standing lol
- i vibe with specs gal just doing this for fun
- “yui, why are you rejecting me” i wonder why
- no offence but does gendoh have the right to question shinji’s offer to pilot 01. he was alr struggling to activate it fuckinf idiot
- AND SHINJI boomeranging again. a classic
- gendoh half covered in blood lol
- “give ayanami back” i sure hope it does :(
- damn berserk mode was triggered by shinji alone…
- also the way everyone is just standing around on the ground lol
- HE DID IT :’)
- is gendoh ok lmfao why is he so roughed up
- maybe shinji saving rei wasn’t the most awesome sauce idea but yay to both surviving
- ok but where is kaworu
- oh nvm the twink has descended with probably the least threatening threat ever
- very cute preview. excited for the next movie
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