#nooooo how dare you accuse me of that
anxiousotters · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as you feel like).
Forehead kisses to @cookiemonsterv3 for the tag and for helping me solve a plot hole in this fic that’s been bugging me since last April
This snippet comes from a fix-it fic set after The Mandalorian S3 that follows Axe Woves on his journey to become a better man for his new ward, Ragnar Vizsla
But for him, there are no ade to come home to, to chase around the karyai, to tuck into bed with stuffed tookas and stories of Mandalorian heros. There is no riduur to kiss on the cheek, to brush shoulders with while making dinner together, to slip off with for a quiet moment alone after the children are fast asleep. No, Axe had given up his dreams of domesticity a long time ago. So then why is he still thinking of Ragnar kneeling at the foot of the funeral pyre, kissing the memory of his father goodbye?
No pressure tags: @thenookspace, @ferretrade, @lightasthesun, @artisticallyill, @vytels, @themonopolyhat, @meebles
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tits4life · 11 months
omg weba queenie- next thing I know you vanish into dust again pfft
Wtf my love is being accused nooooo I'm sorry for saying the hyperfixation was fading, I was being a silly dumb dumb 😭😭 goo is too precious to never not love. I'm a devoted dharmic patni to my pati ji!
Goo is the God I worship yes, on my knees ready to sacrifice myself to summon the almighty 🙏🙌🙏 pati-ti devo bhawa pfft-
Also everyone who says goo is gonna die is just like WRONG cmonnnn, my man hasn't showed all his personalities yet! Fuck 'the someone close to gun will die to show gun's true side' we haven't got a 360 view on our God GOO HERE!!!
and if he does then welp goodbye lookism cuz I ain't looking anymore 🚶
My mannn, my mann rahhhhh I love my man sm
He's so underestimated istg 😑 my bbgirl doesn't get slayyed, he does the slayying ✨!!
like stfu about him dying and start talking more about that SEXY ASS MANIAC SMILEEEEEE, MISSED IT SM!!!
New personality of goo unlocked: independent adult joon goo with a cutie ass smile which does NOT imply his death fu
your so called queen has been woking like a peasant in the kitchen for past few days due the unreasonably reasonable amount of guests
what accused. i just said what you said. how dare you try to move on from goo???🤨????you dare??? from goo???good thing you came back or i would have sent a deamon to your place to drag your ass back into the fandom.
he is so silly and goofy and cutesy with his umbrella😭😭😭 how dare you think you could move on from him😠😠😠. Butt goo with an umbrealla with lace id so iufvbioqsvbieobv i want to gobble im up uwncik
goo is NOT going to die. I swear on my name.what if PTJ was playng with us Gun was actually the one who would die. huh? HUH? WHAT IS HE WAS THE ONE TO DIE????? because the one who is closes o you is yourself. AND WHAT OF THE GUN'S TRUE COLOUR WAS HIS SOUL?! but I don't really want him to die aswell :p
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he gonna slay the new chapter and I KNOW ITTTT YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!@e#e@&%$@
don't even get me started on independent goo because uh uh i can't say it. It's not because of digital footprint but because i might distance out some people😞
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clonehub · 2 years
Perhaps I am too gracious with anons like that but in general, the reading comprehension of the star wars fandom genpop is in the toilet. Stop taking everything at face value. I do it too sometimes but at least I can correct course when I need to. In what world can you admit that GL and DFs love of M*A*S*H and other military shows and movies influenced their handling of tcw and star wars in general but you can't see how any single bias they may hold could influence how they write people of color. You can see how GLs studying Anthropology in college influenced star wars. I'm telling you now that whatever racist shit he picked up from Anthropology in the fucking SIXTIES made it into star wars. Anthro now is a lot better but still has shit to deal with. It's been fifty something years.
(it's also only just occuring to me that this man probably remembers parts of the civil rights movement or at least its immediate after math since he graduated in 1967 hold on while I lose my mind)
A lot of fans like to pat themselves on the back for coming up with theories and then maybe part of a theory being right, somehow, eventually, and they think that holds the same weight as being able to draw connections between what's presented on screen and how it is influenced by greater sociopolitical happenings and also by Disney being a fucking corporation before anything else. The basics of media analysis is praised as enlightened but the minute you ask someone to examine why in the world someone would want an elite team of genetically enhanced soldiers to be whiter than the people they look down on, they suddenly don't know how to think and noooo fiction doesn't affect reality and nooooo I can tell the difference between fiction and reality nooooo the writers didn't do it on purpose. Which goes to show a further lack of reading comprehension because nobody's ever accused them of doing it on purpose. And whether it's on purpose or an accident, it's still racist.
But you point out something like this and because of a massive level of insecurity surrounding their chosen interest and also an embarrassing amount of intransigence in general they revert so quickly to "yeah I love this show that I've acknowledged has massive issues it's complicated :/" or even worse, "idc it doesn't have to be good 🤪". The latter is a deflection I hardly entertain because again, were talking about racism not narrative quality (altho tbb is in fact. Bad)
Idk it's just getting more and more frustrating especially as star wars media gets more and more tepid (again, bc of status quo + capitalist effects on art bc Disney is a corporation! We are in the mass production stage of media babey!) The themes and morals are right there and people miss them despite claims that So and So character is actually their son/husband/boyfriend/whatever. Star wars is for everyone except if everyone is racist, in which case then ur making up the racism and also how dare you criticize the unbridled yet horrifyingly milquetoast imaginations of a man who named a tech specialist Tech, don't you know he loves star wars :(
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Having jungkook fuck in my country would be the biggest blessing if they actually bothered to come here😫 funny story: Namjoon came to Italy a few years ago and he ended up in Positano WHICH IS LITERALLY AN HOUR AWAY FROM WHERE I LIVE. Or when he was in Venice when I was in Venice. Or when they shot Bon Voyage in Malta and I was in Southern Sicily IN THE CLOSEST PLACE TO MALTA. The common denominator of these stories is that I was not a fan back then so screw me I guess. (Then Namjoon went on vlive and said he got tired of the food after two days and I was ready to unstan but we don’t talk about that).
Nooooo. Ok but maybe they're just circling closer and closer and one day you're just goign to like turn a corner and run into them! I'm willing that into existence for you.
I'm surprised he could get tired of food in Italy in two days?? WHat??? Was he just literally eating the same thing on a touristy menu everywhere and thinking that was the real thing? I bet he does. How dare he. I feel like Namjoon shows up at a place and has carefully decided where he wants to go and what he wants to see and he goes along little paths, and Jimin probably shows up in a place and is like "hey people, where do I go? What's good?" and he winds up at all the good food places.
These are baseless accusations, I'm just feeling feisty 😂
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rebel-ezra · 4 years
what time is it? time for me to release another chaotic star wars review into the world
attack of the clones went a lil like this:
(I gave up on college work for today so I deserve this)
“there was no danger at all” *massive explosion* 
that’s fucking obi-wan kenobi
is that anakin is he hot now
so anakin is a lil bitch (affectionate) now huh
“boba fett???”
obi-wan just straight up jumped through a window he has zero surviving skills confirmed 
anakin just threw himself off the ship he also has zero surviving skills confirmed
a,, changeling? couldn’t they come up with a better name
anakin is such a short tempered lil boy
obi-wan’s “hello dex” I adore him
attachment is forbidden???? wow that sucks
“jango fett????”
what if padme is luke and leia’s mom 
“HEY! do not shoot at obi-wan”
“oh not good” I’m LAUGHING
tatooine <3
“oh blast this is why I hate flying” sir I love you
10/10 anakins mom is not going to sur- she died
“don’t get mad anakin dont get mad NO this is how you get to the dark sideeeeee”
“the most powerful jedi ever” ok bro go off
listen you little shit [anakin] it is not obi-wan’s fault obi-wan is the light of my life don’t you dare accuse him
he’s alive <3
“I wish he [qui-gon] was still alive” WHY WOULD YOU BRING THAT UP
I love how they get all serious “I will never join you” and then they have to say “dooku” lmfao I would not be able to keep a straight face
“oops” sir your HEAD is GONE
“then we decided to come and rescue you” “good job” IM PISSING MYSELF 
the lil kiss padme gave anakin omg
a purple lightsaber omg
oh no the jedi are losing
I misheard ��count dooku” as “cunt dooku”
does yoda even have a lightsaber OH HE DOES
omg I thought yoda was like this old lil creature but he’s JUMPING
yooo are anakin and padme getting married what happened to the whole no attachment thing
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Love Akuma - Fun Option
Marinette was dead, that was the only explanation.
She must have died on the way to school, probably by tripping and falling into traffic.
That was the only explanation for why Adrien Agreste was kissing her.
She was very clearly dead and this had to be the afterlife. Because she was pretty certain that Adrien suddenly walking up to her and quite literally sweeping her off her feet was not something that would happen in her life. Well, not happen and and still let her survive at any rate. So this must be some sort of afterlife.
The only question was whether this was heaven or hell?
Maybe she could figure it out once her brain started working, but she was distracted by the sheer surprise of the matter and all the rather pleasant sensations it came with.
Very pleasant...and warm…with arms holding her close and hands that were gentle yet sturdy and keeping her stable when her legs felt like they were going to give out. One arm was wrapped around her waist and the other bracing her upper back as she was held back into a dip and that might explain why her feeling of gravity was off because wow her head was spinning and oh—he sucked on her lip like an expert to make her gasp and...that was tongue. Hi, tongue. Please do invite yourself in.
Should she kiss back? Or wrap her arms around his neck and draw him closer? She really wanted him closer.
Maybe this was heaven? A reward in the afterlife for all the city-saving and kind things she’s done? Or maybe this was all in her head—not that she cared as long as she didn’t have to leave.
Because this…this was kind of nice.
Or it would be if not for that screeching sound interrupting her heaven.
It sounded like a screaming Chloe.
Ah. This must be hell then.
“Of all the things you’ve done, forcing yourself on Adrien is a new low for you!” Chloe screeched. Though for as loud as she was, it was admittedly a bit hard for Marinette to actually pay attention to anything Chloe was saying in favor of the delectable feeling of Adrien’s lips on her own.
“Hey, Marinette was just standing there!” Alya exclaimed from nearby, sounding bewildered but amused. “Adrien’s the one who came and started…THAT!”
THAT was the aforementioned lip-locking and Marinette was pretty sure all of her blood was rushing to her face by this point.
“We should probably separate them before Marinette’s head explodes.”
No! Who cares if her head explodes, let her die happy!
Unfortunately, several hands interrupted her dream and she soon found herself separated from the warmth and happiness. Instead, she was pulled away, completely dazed and only barely aware of the two sets of hands holding her in place to keep her from falling over.
“Marinette! Are you okay?” Someone small and blonde asked, worriedly. Rose? Marinette wanted to reassure her, or she would have if her brain was in any working order to form the words.
What even were words?
“Poor girl is shell shocked.” Alya muttered, sympathetically. The other girls nodded in understanding—sans Chloe, who was turning rather red.
“Adrien, what the hell?” Kim demanded as he and Alix both glared at the blond.
Said blond glared right back. “What? We were having a moment.”
“You don’t have a ‘moment’ by just walking up and locking lips with someone!” Alix insisted.
“But Marinette isn’t just someone!” Adrien insisted. “She’s the love of my life and of course I’m going to show her such!”
And if the kiss didn’t completely mess up her orientation to reality, that certainly would have. Because Adrien loved her! Adrien! Her! Love! Together! And then they can get married and have three children and a hamster named—
Ivan looked back and forth between the two. “But It thought Marinette was just a friend to you?”
Luckily, Marinette was still too off kilter to really take in the dose of reality.
“Of course not!”
The others looked incredulous.
Someone was poking her in the cheek.
Alya sighed. “I think that’s the best we’re going to get out of her for now. But I need answers.” She spun on the only potential source of information still capable of understandable speech.
Maybe this wasn’t the afterlife? Maybe she was just dreaming?
Marinette completely zoned out, still caught up in…whatever had just happened. She was dreaming, right? But if she was dreaming, that meant reality was going to be barging in and trying to wake her up soon. Then she’d be denied further kisses and happiness and probably forget all about this!
Please don’t let her wake up!
So out of it, she didn’t even notice the argument ensuing between the girls and Chloe as they tried to keep the “Princess” from assaulting her, or the boys and Adrien as they tried to keep him from continuing to ravish her. Or even everyone and Lila when she arrived on the scene and started making accusations that Marinette was probably better off not having heard.
“She obviously planned this!”
Breathing is nice. She needs to do more of that.
Alix stared blankly at Lila. “I don’t think she’s in a state to have planned anything.”
“She’s taking advantage of him! He’s clearly under some sort of spell!” Lila insisted.
“Well, what with that akuma running around…”
THAT snapped her out of her fugue.
Alya looked a bit guilty. “Yeah, there’s an akuma running around and zapping people.” She winced, seeing Marinette’s expression. “Making them…fall in love…”
“It’s not a spell!” Adrien insisted, angrily. “So would you let me get back to her?”
“No way man. Better safe than sorry.” Kim replied, keeping himself as a buffer between them even though he certainly didn’t sound any happier about it. “Wait until the akuma’s dealt with and see if you still feel the same then.”
And just like that, all happy feelings were gone. Like a mirror shattered with the baseball of reality and she was left with an empty board full of broken dreams and lost potential. Because Adrien HADN’T just kissed her because he liked her. He’d done it because an akuma made him.
Which immediately put a damper on her “dream” as elation gave way to heartache.
Oh, and rage.
Hello, rage. What fun we shall have together.
“I have to go!”
“Hold on! Marinette, come back!”
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news. I’m reporting live from the scene of the latest akuma attack where things have taken a…rather unusual turn.”
“Who the hell are you?!”
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Day 4: Those Evil Fingers (Paws)
Isabelle and Raymond wind up having a tickle fight after Raymond gives Isabelle a rather tasteful shirt...
I know it was meant to be fingers. But paws work too, right???
Isabelle was hanging out near a garden of flowers that were created by the main player. It was such an abundance of flowers with colors galore! And she loved them so much, she didn’t wanna pick any! So she was carefully looking at the lillies and the roses that filled that part of the field.
Soon, Raymond came walking up with his book in his hand and his glasses on his face. “Good morning Isabelle. Such a pleasant evening.”
Isabelle turned around and smiled brightly. “Good morning Raymond!”
“Observing the flowers, I see?” Raymond asked.
“Yes, I am! And I love them all! I wanna pick them, but I don’t want to take them on him.” She admitted.
“Very wise. I suggest you keep them in their rightful place so they continue to flourish for years in the future.” Raymond suggested as well.
“Hey Isabelle? You’re a dog, right?” Raymond asked.
“Y...Yes...And you’re a cat.” Isabelle implied.
“Correct.” Raymond replied.
“What about it?” Isabelle asked.
“Do you like belly rubs by any chance?” Raymond asked.
Isabelle widened her eyes at him and backed up a bit. “Nooooo...Why would I?” Isabelle asked.
“Dogs like that sort of thing. I like belly rubs as well.” Raymond admitted. “Well, I suppose I did as a small kitten.”
Isabelle smiled. “That’s cute.” She admitted. “I can imagine it now.”
Raymond smiled and blushed a little at that. “Th...Thank you, I suppose.”
“No problem! Anything to make a friend happy!”
Raymond walked up to Isabelle and handed her a shirt. “I made it myself.” Raymond told her. Isabelle put on the shirt with a quick spin, and looked at it with surprise! It was a shirt that said ‘Tickle me’ with an arrow pointing to her belly!
“I-” She started to feel drips of sweat falling down her face as nervous giggles left her mouth. She scratched the back of her head as a blush filled her face. “I like it, Raymond.”
“I apologize, was that too much?” Raymond asked.
Isabelle quickly started dripping with worried sweat. “No no no no, It’s okay!”
Raymond let out a breath of relief. “Thank the heavens...I’d feel quite dissatisfied if I hurt your feelings.
“It’s cute.” Isabelle admitted.
Here:” Raymond put on his own shirt with the exact same design on it. “Perhaps my wearing the same outfit will help you feel somewhat more comfortable.” Raymond offered.
Isabelle looked down and started shaking with laughter as a star showed up on her eye. “You shouldn’t have done that Raymond...Cause a long time monster has been waiting for the day to get you after all these years!” Isabelle teased.
Raymond widened his eyes and looked around. “What? Where?”
“In this very field!” Isabelle told him.
“Wait WHAT?!” Raymond fell backwards in his startled reply, and yelped as Isabelle ran up to Raymond and started tickling him with her paws. “Wahahait- NAHAHAT THERE! HAHAHAHAHA!”
“Awww, The smug little crisp has a ticklish tummy!” Isabelle teased.
“Merely a little?” Isabelle giggled and went for the ears next. “How about your ears?”
“Ihihit’s...EEehehehehe Ohohokahahay, ihihit’s ticklish! Quihihihite tihihihcklihihish!” He admitted.
“Awwww!” Isabelle cooed.
“Dohohon’t Ahahahaw mehehehe!” He warned.
“But you’re really cute when you’re all giggly!” Isabelle grabbed one of the flowers and made it nod up and down. “See? Even the roses agree you’re adorable!”
“Yohohohou puhuhurpohohosely mahahahade thehem nohohohod!” Raymond told her.
Isabelle gasped and placed a hand onto her chest. “How DARE you accuse me of doing that! I did nothing!”
Isabelle’s fake hurt quickly dropped into smirks as Isabelle tickled his ears some more. “Your ears are such soft things to play with! What kind of shampoo do you use?” She asked.
Raymond shook his head and batted the ground with his tail. “Ihihihi’m nohohot tehehehellihihing!”
Isabelle huffed and placed a hand onto her hip. “Well...I wanna know…”
Raymond looked at her. “Nohohot tehehehellihihing.”
Isabelle sighed and smiled. “Fine.”
Raymond continued to giggle and flap his sensitive ears. He was placing his paws onto his mouth as he giggled, which made the giggles slightly muffled and 10 times more adorable! Isabelle just about exploded with excitement upon hearing that!
“AWWWW! GIMME GIMME MORE MORE GIGGLIES!” Isabelle declared, tickling the front bottom of his ears really rapidly with a wide smile.
Raymond’s body practically burst out with all the laughter he could possibly muster up in a single minute. Raymond’s laughter sounded so genuine and suited him so well! It didn’t help that it sounded somewhat higher pitched as well. That in and of itself, made the tickles all the more fun to give.
“Listen to that beautiful laughter! I love it!” Isabelle told him. “Your laughter screams happy!”
Raymond’s whiskers started wiggling as he laughed more, and his belly filled with plenty of butterflies. It felt like every butterfly wing that flew around in his belly, was fluttering its wings against his belly walls to make him giggle and laugh more and more. It was a strange feeling he was not familiar with.
“Cuhuhuhut ihihihit ohohohohout!” He begged. “Thihihihis ihihis rihihihidihihiculous!”
“Oh really? Well, your words sound quite ridiculous to me!” Isabelle teased. “Now: Do your paws have a tickle to them?”
Raymond yelped as his paw was tugged closer to her, and squealed as his paw was touched. “QUIHIHIT IHIHIT!” He ordered.
“Quit what?” She asked innocently.
“But I don’t want to! I wanna keep tickling you!” She declared.
“WEHEHEHELL-” He snorted and laughed another octave higher.
Isabelle was smiling as she tickled the toe tips of the paws. “Awww! Ticklish tips?” She teased.
“YEHEHEHEHES!” Raymond laughed.
“Well ain’t that wonderful?” She teased.
“NOHOHOHOT!” He fought.
“Too!” Isabelle rebuffed.
Raymond fought back. “Nohohohot!”
And Isabelle rebuffed. “Toooo!”
“Toooooo! Too too too!” She teased. “Now the word ‘too’ doesn’t feel like a word.” She told him with a giggle.
Raymond tried to pull her fingers away as much as possible. But it was just no use. His paws were stuck in Isabelle’s grip until she decided to let go.
“Now tell me Raymond: Have you been enjoying this by any chance?” She asked.
Raymond bit his lip and whimpered. “Whyhyhy wohohould yohohohou sahahahay thahahat?” He asked.
“Because you haven’t been pulling very hard! And because you haven’t exactly told me otherwise.” Isabelle told him.
“Thahahat’s truehehehe.” He admitted.
“And if I do this:” She stopped tickling and let go of him. Raymond jumped back a bit from shock, and was still all giggly. But he soon looked at Isabelle with disappointment and sadness. “I...Well…”
Raymond walked up to Isabelle, with his arms stretched out. He grabbed Isabelle’s hands, and wrapped them around his own wrist. “Please…Perhaps you can…”
Isabelle perked her ears up and listened…
“Perhaps you would like to resume tickling me?”
Isabelle smiled proudly and grabbed both hands. “I would love to!”
Isabelle held onto both arms and started tickling them with her little claws.
Raymond snorted immediately and giggled. “Ehehehehehehehe!”
“Ticklish?” She teased.
Raymond nodded his head. “Yeheheheheah…”
“Hmmm...Good.” She started skittering in between the paws, and where the light bit of webbing was in between the feet. She started scratching right in there…
“BAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAIT! WAHAHAHAHAIT!” He laughed hysterically rather quickly.
“Oh my goodness! What a good spot!” She teased.
“Yes Raymond? I’ll stop if you want me to.” She told him.
Raymond shook his head and hissed in the middle of his laughter This told Isabelle that yes, perhaps it’s time to stop.
Isabelle stopped tickling him on the webbed paws, and moved to squishing the middle toe bean instead. This seemed to feel good to Raymond, telling by his reaction: He was smiling a little, swaying around a little, and purring as he swayed. It was such a cute little thing to see, and Isabelle was glad she could be the one to see it.
“Awwwww...You like this…” She reacted calmly.
“Mmmmmmm...Mmmmm hmmmm…” He hummed softly before resuming purring. Isabelle smiled and continued the massaging for a little while after that.
With some time left, Isabelle invited Raymond to The Roost to have some coffee with her. Raymond happily accepted, and the two of them walked to The Roost together to get their cup of morning coffee.
“I think you’re a pretty cute guy.” Isabelle admitted.
“And I believe you are a swell lady.” Raymond replied.
Isabelle giggled and gently nudged him. “Sweet talker.”
“Cat whisperer.” Raymond muttered loud enough for her to hear.
Isabelle just about spat out her drink upon hearing that...
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
A Smile Like the Sun
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia
Hey, everyone! :) This here is my submission for Day 7 of NaLu Week, for the prompt “Smile.” Unfortunately, with so many requests and events happening right now, I’m not able to do all the prompts, but I wanted to show just a little love for this adorable couple! Hopefully, I can go back and do the rest. Regardless, enjoy! :D
If Natsu had to choose the thing he loved most about Lucy, it would be her smile.
Natsu had never seen a smile as radiant as hers. It illuminated rooms like a beacon, filling the space to every corner with a warm, gentle light that no darkness could taint. Her smile seemed to be a sun in itself; not only was it bright and radiating, it possessed its own gravity. Natsu would find himself lured in by its magnetic pull. Lucy’s smile embodied everything about the luminous girl that Natsu adored- her kindness, her optimism, her friendliness, her beauty. Yes, Natsu Dragneel loved Lucy Heartfilia’s smile.
That’s why he immediately noticed its absence when he slipped into Lucy’s house to find her morosely lounging on her living room couch. A handful of crumpled tissues were scattered on and around the coffee table. Lucy lay on her back, sniffling despondently as she stared at a tear-stained piece of paper in her hand. Eyebrows knitted together in concern, Natsu walked into the living room and timidly asked, “Lucy? Are you okay?”
The celestial mage jolted into the sitting position and stuffed the paper behind the throw pillows. Laughing amiably, Lucy hastily wiped her tears away with her wrist and smiled at Natsu.
“Of course I am! What’s up?” Natsu hunched down, like a wary cat inspecting a new room. Her smile wasn’t right. The light was dimmed, like a lightbulb flickering in its last moments of life, and rather than a summery bright yellow, its aura was more of a sickly off-white. His green eyes bored intently into her form, taking note of the slouch in her shoulders and the unkempt crimps of her normally brushed and shampooed hair. “N-Natsu? What’s that look on your face for?” she chuckled nervously. She pressed her body into the disarrayed throw pillow where she had hidden the paper, obviously trying to shield it with her body. “I’m okay! Really! It’s just my allergies.”
Natsu’s nose wrinkled as he smelled the nervous sweat blooming on her body.
“You’re lying,” he accused. A pink flush appeared on Lucy’s cheeks, and she shook her head insistently.
“Nuh-uh! I’m perfectly fine, see?” She flashed him that smile again as if to use it at evidence, but it only affirmed Natsu’s suspicions. Lithe and cautious so as not to startle the edgy girl, he crept around the edge of the coffee table with slow, deliberate steps. Lucy fidgeted on the couch, sneaking her hand around the throw pillow. His keen ears heard the parchment wrinkle as she gripped it.
 “Lucy… What’s on that piece of paper?”
“Nothing!” she screamed and leaped from the couch to take off toward the hallway, flailing the parchment over her head. Natsu’s nostrils flared as he vaulted over the coffee table to spring in front of the girl. She squeaked and ducked under his arms as he lunged for her, veering off at a ninety-degree angle to flee into the kitchen. “Natsu! Leave me alone!” she wailed as he stormed after her. She scurried behind the kitchen table, heading for the exit to the entryway, but as Natsu came tromping around the other side of the furniture, she squealed and back-tracked. She stopped on the long side of the table while Natsu paused on the other, and they became embroiled in an intense stare-down. Each time Lucy shifted like she was going to flee, he stomped his foot threateningly and lunged in that direction, making her squeak and reconsider her decision.
“Lucy, I am not above climbing on this table!” he warned. He placed a foot on the cushioned seat to emphasize. Lucy cringed and retreated within herself, clutching the letter to her chest.
“What is it gonna take for you to give it a rest?!”
“Tell me what you were cryin’ about!”
“I wasn’t crying!” she protested and clutched the paper further into her bosom, crumpling it up. Natsu growled and stepped up onto the chair, preparing to scramble over the table’s surface. Lucy shrieked as he came shambling on all fours over the wood, but as he snatched for the paper, she shimmied away and took off back into the living room.
“Dammit, Lucy, c’mere!” Natsu roared, hopping off the table to scurry after her. He found her straddling the back of the couch, pushing up the window with one hand and swinging one leg over the windowsill. “Gotcha!” he grinned as he jumped onto the couch cushions and wound a thick arm around her waist.
“Natsu, nooooo!” she whined as he easily flung her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. As he stepped down from the couch, he plucked the paper from her hand. Lucy bleated protests and pounded her fists into his upper back and shoulders; she then fell limp like a fish and groaned when he refused to budge, and just resigned herself to her defeat. Natsu’s leaf-green eyes scanned over the neatly printed letters on the page, a frown deepening on his face with every paragraph he read.
“… You got rejected for a publishing deal?”
Lucy sniffled wretchedly, then nodded with a tiny whimper. Natsu balled up the rejection letter in his hand and tossed it across the room so he wouldn’t have to look at it, because it would only anger him. How dare they reject Lucy? She’s a great writer! He thought haughtily and stamped his foot. He began grumbling under his breath about the publishing company’s incompetence, and for a moment, he was completely oblivious to Lucy. He blinked when he felt her shudder on his shoulder and glanced down between his arm and his body to see tears rolling down her cheeks. “Lucy!”
“That isn’t the first one. Six different companies have rejected my latest manuscript,” Lucy said dolefully. She scraped at her eyes with the heels of her palms, but the tears continued to flow. They beaded on her lashes like dew on grass blades after a morning rain. “I’ve lost my touch… I’m going to be a one-hit-wonder,” she sobbed. Natsu pursed his lips and walked back over to the couch. He fixed the cushion before plopping down, then resituated Lucy so that she was seated on his lap. She straddled him as she miserably wiped at her face, openly weeping and crying out in shame. “What do I do, Natsu?”
“Listen to me,” he grunted and grabbed both her wrists. Lucy offered no resistance as he pulled them down to rest on her thighs. Leaving them there, he cupped her face and swept his thumbs over her cheekbones to catch the tears still rolling over them. “You are not going to be a one-hit-wonder. Your stories are amazing! So what if those jerks are too blind to see it?” he huffed insistently. “Lucy, you’re going to be a famous author someday with tons and tons of published works under your belt. I know that because my Lucy never gives up.”
Finally, there it was. Lucy’s shaky lips wobbled into a tiny smile, like the first glimpse of the sun after being concealed by roiling gray storm clouds. She giggled, scrunching up her eyes like she always did, and leaned forward a little to lay her hands on his chest.
“You really think so?”
“I know so!” he frowned haughtily. Lucy chuckled again and leaned back, a blush alighting her cheeks. Natsu smiled warmly as that smile he adored so much finally broke out on her face, all teeth and glee. Her warm brown irises barely peeked out of her blonde lashes as she smiled with every ounce of energy in her body. The gloom in the house immediately evaporated, and sunlight streamed in from the open window behind them to bathe the living room in golden light. The natural sun’s glow couldn’t compete with Lucy’s smile, though- it was too warm, too bright, too gorgeous. He reached up to pinch her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and she opened her eyes to regard him curiously.
“There it is. I missed it.”
“Missed what?”
“Your smile, Lucy. It lights up the whole world. I’m sad without it.” Lucy blinked, then smiled affectionately. She melted over him, pressing her torso against his and winding her arms around his neck. Natsu was not prepared for such an overtly romantic gesture, and so he reflexively grabbed her hips. She seemed not to mind, for she began twisting the ends of his salmon-colored locks around her index fingers.
“That’s interesting. You wanna know a secret?” Blinking, he nodded. Lucy leaned forward some more, brushing the tip of her nose against his. “Your smile lights up my whole world.”
“Mhmm,” she nodded, cocking her head to the side as her fingers traveled further up his scalp. “I remember it so fondly- when you grabbed my hand, said we were going to Fairy Tail, and gave me the biggest, most beautiful smile.” Natsu, not used to so much overt praise, flushed as pink as his hair. Her chocolate-brown eyes smoldered with an intense heat that rivaled the temperature of his fierce flames, and they fixated intently on his face. Unable to hold Lucy’s searing gaze, Natsu’s green eyes dropped down to her lips. Suddenly, he was gripped by the overwhelming urge to kiss her. The little smile playing over her plump pink lips was simply so inviting; that gravity, stronger than the largest planet in the universe, effortlessly drew him in. He barely realized what he was doing before he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers.
She hummed serenely and relaxed against him. Natsu appreciated how every contour of her plush, pliant body molded so perfectly against his rugged contours. One of his hands swept a swathe of her golden hair away to tuck it behind her ear, while the other migrated to her waist, hugging the divot of her body. She tasted like strawberries with a faint hint of zesty lemons. He kissed her lips once, twice, three times, before pulling back a hair and looking into her eyes.
“What was that for?” she asked teasingly. Natsu flushed pink and looked down meekly.
“I dunno. I just felt like it ‘cuz you’re so gorgeous,” he admitted. Lucy snickered and reclined against him, laying her head on his shoulder and continuing to play with his tufts of soft pink hair. Natsu purred in contentment and nestled back into the couch, wrapped his arms around her lower back. She was so cozy and warm that he was beginning to drift off to sleep.
“Thank you. I feel much better.” He glanced down at her to find her smiling again, smiling truly like she ought to. He gave her a lopsided smirk and kissed her forehead.
They drifted off together on the couch, like a couple of lazy house cats snoozing in the sun. However, Natsu’s sun wasn’t hanging in the blue sky outside; no, it lay in his arms. He held her tight to his chest, his Lucy, his bright golden sun and center of his universe.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
 Tag List: @nalu-week​ @deliathedork​ @searchfortheonepiece​
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twilightofthe · 4 years
Chapter Fourteen liveblog of The Mandalorian Season 2!  Let’s go!!!
Gonna say right now this episode already has VERY large boots to fill, my only prior experience with Tython is when my DM took our party there in the Star Wars RPG I’m playing in atm and we had a blast doing stuff like negotiating peace between warring peoples, finding lost children, visiting and exploring the very temple Din and the baby will be going to, AND we got attacked by Imps and I got to steal and drive an AT-AT.  Idk how to make Tython better than that xD
Ok but here we go, opening scene
Ooooooh we getting the FENNEC SHAND flashback???  (Lol but seriously if she is showing up again I’m all too happy to see my girl Ming-Na but how the fuuuuuck are we going to tie aNOTHER character’s storyline into this season? xD)
Once more I would die for the nameless baby Yodito 
Welp I guess acknowledging the kid’s name is good parent/child bonding activities
“Bitch that’s my ball you keep taking it”
“Nice lady” lol perfect way to describe Ahsoka
“The TRAGEDY???” Oh No
Welp I guess Gideon tracks the Crest and kidnaps Baby in this one waaaaaah
Ok so forest planet like my DM said, but he made it snowy instead of acrid.....
Temple didn’t quite look like the first battle outcropping from Fellowship of the Ring either...
Oh is this another “wave your hand to pull it out of the ground” thingies like the Lothal temple?
Ah ok he’s just doing the seeing stone thing
Oh honey this must be a pain in the ass to deal with the Force when you’re not remotely Force sensitive
Oh whoop we have company, not the Imps already?
Ahhh nope just Boba
Wait was HE the one who found Fennec last season???
If Boba’s the one who ends up turning over the baby to the bad guys just know nothing y’all say will make me forgive him for it xD
Fennec I’d kinda expect it from tho lol
I still think the Slave 1 (still a Very Hmmm Name) is the one of the goofiest looking ships, like why is it shaped like that and why does it fly standing up? xD
OOP I guess Baby just needed some pressure?  Glowy stone!
Glowy stone wiiiiith magic forcefield oh dear
Guess this ep’s gonna have Din trying to fight off opponents while Baby’s openly vulnerable and meditating, a la Katara in ATLA season 1
And ultimately fail too oh no....
Lol first thing visible coming out of ship is dramatic-ass cape, this fucking galaxy xD
TEMUERAAAAAAAAAAAA ;_;  Loooook I’m not the biggest Boba fan but I fucking love Temuera Morrison and his perfect voice
Wait he wasn’t the one who planted the tracker on his ship was he?
Looool at least Din’s finally found out there’s deadass like two groups of people he ends up coming across in this story
Hmmm we lookin’ dressed kinda like a Jedi, huh there Fett boy?
Wait Boba why didn’t you just try and ask/fight Cobb for the armor???
Oh so they really aren’t gonna make Boba Mandalorian again?
Oop Boba down for child murder
“There’s no need for bloodshed” ok maybe Boba’s had some character development???
God Ming-Na is so fuckin’ pretty
Ohhhh does Fennec have some of those special new artificial guts like they gave Breha Organa?  Ngl I’m thinking of using those in one of my fics.....
Ooooop and NOW there’s the Imps
And that looks like enough room for a LOT of Stormtroopers
Oh dear
OH lol I guess Boba and Fennec have it covered
Ok fine Bobs that’s kinda badass
Lol Stormtroopers can’t even aim a mortar 
And STILL can’t properly aim a rapid fire gun either
Dumbass should have moved
Boba don’t steal the armor you’ll just be doing exactly what all the other Mandos are trying to accuse you of
And of COURSE if he had waited five more seconds
Oh I guess Boba’s changing into his armor
Yep there he is
Ooop is that the Boba Fett theme?
Aaaaand of course they’ve got a Star Destroyer 
Damn but if Gideon doesn’t have a perfectly menacing theme too
Ok Favreau we see them looking more like Iron Man than anything else
Goddammit Boba why’d you make him take off his jetpack
Star Destroyer/Imperial Cruiser same thing, one’s just bigger
Ooop at least the beskar’s fine
Yeahhh Boba knows this is at least kinda his fault xD
Ohhhh and Jango fought in the Mando Civil War huh????  INTERESTING
Ohhhh they are picking up Ahsoka again
Wait fuck me I forgot, has Ahsoka ever directly met Boba before?
Wait you’re fucking kidding me you’re bringing MAYFIELD back nooooo he was annoying and untrustworthy
I hope Ahsoka bullies him
Dammit Gideon I hope the baby bites you
ok ok ok yeah I know Baby using the Dark Side is bad
Okay okay okay fine, yes, Boba was Very Cool(TM)
Damn this was a good episode
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sstraykidsastrology · 4 years
Basically, someone from the past accused Hyunjin of being a bully in high school. Thanks to this, we haven’t knew anything about hyunjin and what’s going to happen since February 25... the company said that they will investigate more about if the accusations are true and what’s going to happen with Hyunjin.
I was wondering too if there is something on Hyunjin’s chart that could make him have those behaviors like being a bully.
Whaaaaat? Hyunjin is like my ultimate kpop bias, this is too much for me, I can't imagine if they dare to drop him... nooooo;( wtf
And about his placements, well his Mars in Aries has a lot to do with this... but also, the pisces in him. I think it got to a point where he was probably not even aware of how hurtful his words and actions were, especially because he didn't mean it like that. He was probably wanting to joke around and have fun and didn't realize it was bullying. Which happens, it's a really fine line.
Now, bullying is a very sensitive topic. And in no way, shape or form, I will defend him if he did actually do that. Sometimes you have to pay the price in order to understand. We would also need to hear the whole story cuz rn I don't feel like I know a lot, I'm just guessing. But I do believe in change. I have been bullied before and as much as I hated those people, I don't anymore because people change. Life is about that... forgiving and learning to forget as well. Now, sometimes the trauma is too much but no one has to go through it alone.
It is a very sensitive topic and right now I'm very confused and sad, hopefully this turns out to be a rumour...
Thank you for the info, love♡ have a lovely one
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
To Love is To Hate
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A NOS4A2 Fanfiction By: Allyssa J. Watkins 
"Allyssa Manx...… Get in the car."
Charlie flung open the passenger door of the Wraith, his eyes like stoked embers, black, smoking coals, his voice as threatening as a blade's edge raised against his wife, and he arched an eyebrow, just daring her to defy him further.
"Charlie, no, please- Don't-" Ally begged, taking a terrified step back into the falling snow on the road, the flurried wind whipping her white nightgown around her legs that were red with cold. "I'm- I'm so sorry!!!! Please..... Forgive me!!!" She called out, trembling, the tears streaming down her frozen cheek.
"Oh you're sorry?" He shot back cruelly, his gloved fingers gripping the edge of the car door. "To which of her heinous sins, does this fallen angel confess? The Seduction, The Theft, or The Betrayal, itself?"
"She seeks absolution, she cries out for mercy, and yet even in pursuit of her penance, cannot do what I have asked. I said..... GET IN MY CAR." Charlie demanded in a low growl, furiously throwing his other arm out gesturing her inside.
Ally felt her heart tremble, collapsing to her knees, deathly afraid of that wild fury that flashed in her lover's eyes, and she sobbed harder. "Please, don't hurt me."
"Hurt you? Hurt YOU?" He snickered cruelly, slowly dofting his chauffer's hat in her direction, with a mock bow. "What a performance, My Dear, Sweet Wife, when YOU have hurt ME something profound, with a deception most vile, playing the blushing bride, when all along you were the black widow!!!"
"No!" She screamed, shaking her head, fingers trembling.
"How CAN you deny it!?" Charlie snarled, balling his royal blue, flat-topped hat up in his gloved fists, before letting it fall from his fingers. "You LIED to me, you STOLE from me, you TRICKED me, aligning yourself with our mutual enemy, that vicious WRETCH Vic McQueen!!!!! Oh don't tell me...…. This was your plan all the time, wasn't it? From the beginning, you made play of love when you felt NOTHING!!!!"
Ally cried harder, sobbing from her fallen place in the snow, her dark hair falling in her eyes, as she cast her head down, ashamed. "How can you think that, Charles? How can you profane something as pure, as powerful and mad passionate as our love? The love fate decreed between us, authored in the stars before ever we existed!?"
"Pure!? This- This love is a poison, slowly killing me with its kiss of death, that I happily, foolishly, take from your lips. The draught drank, and I am done for, because even still I see you, I look at you, and I want you, My Murderess, even as you enact my demise, even as you have no love in your heart, for mine that dies with each breath for you!!!!"
"See, that's the kicker, you piece of SHIT, ain't nobody ever loved your sorry ass more than this girl, right here!!!!"
"Vic, NO!!!!" Ally cried, scrambling to her feet.
Charlie recoiled with the laughing sound of Vic McQueen's voice, and then froze cold as the blast shattered the Wraith's rear window.
"VIC, NOOOOOOOO!!!!! STOP!!!!!" Ally screamed out, stunned, horrified as Vic McQueen appeared with a vengeance on the snow covered road, her shotgun still aimed, and she discharged the empty shell, with a threatening click.
"Heya Charlie. You miss me?"
"VIC...…." Charlie was so livid he spat her name in a seethe, his teeth digging into his lip, making a pretense of perfect control, of haughty indifference, but all he wanted to do was make that girl BLEED. "How nice of you to join our nasty little marital spat, you of COURSE being the noxious weed in our Eden, you homewrecking, conspiring, hateful BITCH!!!"
"Yeah, what can I say, it sounded like a BLAST!!!" Charlie bristled as Vic pulled the trigger again, snow and gravel exploding just inches from his boots. "I may be a bitch, Charlie, but I'm the bitch with the shotgun, and if you don't want me to blast you to hell, you're going to let Harlequin Novel go, right freaking now."
"Vic, WAIT!!!!" Ally pleaded, looking faint.
"You DARE attempt to force my hand, Victoria!? Ally isn't going ANYWHERE. Not with you. She's not your friend. You may think you have bested me, turned her against me, created in my beloved, a backstabber, your own advantageous ally, but I am not the only one she has fooled. Isn't that right, Mrs. Manx?"
"Vic this WASN'T the plan!!!!" Ally pleaded, not sure which of them to shield from the other.
Charlie watched Vic's finger fidget on the trigger, knowing that his words had struck a chord, and all was as he'd suspected.
"Ally, GO, get the HELL out of here. I know this isn't how you wanted it, but it was never gonna end with that frickin' creepy bastard alive, and you KNOW it!!!"
"NO!!!!! You promised, Vic, you PROMISED!!!!" Ally pleaded with angry tears, feeling for the pen in her sleeve, and finding it was not there.
"You're free, ain't ya!?" Vic hissed, but Charlie could see she was distracted, and he waited carefully for his moment, all he needed was for her to look away, even once...….
"I don't want it, not like this!!! We had a DEAL, Vic!!! Dismantle this Nightmare World piece by piece, tear it asunder from his mind, but HE LIVES!!!! He stays mine!!!!"
That's it, My Dove, rage in a riotous display, distract her, divide her focus, yes....…." Charlie's mind coaxed, Ally seeming to obey, and with both of his obsessions turning on the other, neither noticed Charlie slowly ease himself down, and retrieve the pistol from his boot.
"Yeah, well, I'm changin' the deal, okay? You wanted outta here, I'm gettin' you out, along with the kids, whatever it takes!!! I'm not going to spare this sicko, just because you're lovesick over him, and have this crazed delusion of still getting your ever after once we've burnt his Christmas Hell to the ground!!!!"
Vic dropped the shotgun, with an anguished string of curses, and Ally let out another stunned scream, clapping her hand to her mouth, as the bullet grazed Vic's shoulder, staining her blue plaid button-up red with blood.
"If you girls are quite finished, I would like to save you both the trouble, and end this doomed partnership, as of, how did you say it, right freaking now? I can't have you both playing too nice, now, can I?"
Charlie smirked, pistol raised, his gloved finger drawing back the hammer once more, to shoot Vic in the chest, and end it, once and for all.
"Vic McQueen...…. I hereby exile you from Christmasland, and life itself. Burn in hell," Charlie simpered maliciously, and right when he was about to send her there, his beautiful brunette hurled herself in the line of fire, waving frantically.
"Charlie, NO, DON'T shoot!"
"Ally...…. Get OUT of my way." He rasped, watching Vic groan, holding her shoulder, and eye the felled shotgun.
"Charlie! Charlie, wait! Hold on!" Ally drew closer to him, and he felt himself hesitate.
"NO! My Darling, do not you see what she has done to us!? The lies she has infected you with, to twist you, even YOU, my pure, my innocent, my perfect beauty into something dark, something dangerous, raise you as weapon against your own true love!?! Who stands the true monster here!?"
"Still YOU, Jerkoff!!!"
Vic rushed for the shotgun, but Ally was closer, and quicker than Vic in her wounded state, and snatched it up to Charlie's rollicking delight.
"Good Girl!!!! My Clever Bride!!! Oh Ally, all is forgiven...…. If you shoot Victoria McQueen."
Ally looked at him greatly distressed, as Vic glowered over her shoulder, just daring either of them to try it.
"Charles! You dismay me! Do you think me capable of such evils as to take a life!? You accuse Victoria of transforming me into something deadly, but have you not done me this same turn, My Love?"
"Damn, she's got ya there, Manx!" Vic snorted, still holding her shoulder, blood squeezing through her fingers.
Charlie growled, pistol still aimed, his finger poised, but Ally clinging to the shotgun, was enough to give him pause.
"I'll go with you, Charlie, I'll get in the car, I'll never leave you again, I'll do anything you want, BE anything you want, just let her walk away from this! Don't be the soulless monster she thinks you are!!!!"
"Ally, HAVE you freaking LOST it!?" Vic yelled out, incredulous, her breath shallow, trying to determine if she could tackle Northanger Abbey down, before Manx got off a shot.
Charlie cocked his silky, raven head to the side, his pistol still cocked as well, one eye narrowed, everything in him screaming to release the bullet, and author Vic McQueen's long fought for demise, and yet he knew that once he'd done so, that sweet, darling, fragile creature that he'd come to love so much, the broken doll that he'd made a queen, would be lost to him for all of his eternity.
"On the contrary, Vic, I think Miss Ally has finally found it...……."
"Ally don't do this...… You're better than this, better than him, you just broke free, don't let him pull ya back in. Run. You don't have to watch me kill your Nightmare Man, all you have to do is RUN!!! Whatever happens after...…. it ain't your fault."
"Charlie...…. Can I come home?" Ally's whole body shook, still gripping the shotgun, her tears falling, and Charlie gritted his teeth, hating his answer."
"Yes, My Darling, I accept. Get in the car, and I won't kill her...….. not today, anyway."
"You can't!!! You delusional, ridiculous, damned crazy chick!!!"
Ally started towards Charlie, and then stopped, noticing the pistol was still pointed at Vic's chest.
"Charlie, please, put down the pistol, and I will come to you. We can go home, be as we were, and make play this ugliness, my own treachery included, did not transpire."
"You do love me, don't you?" He managed in a rasp, his thick brow quizzical, slowly lowering his gun, pushing the hammer forward, expertly uncocking it, pocketing it in his dark blue chauffeur's coat as she drew nearer. "Why else sacrifice yourself for my soul, give back the life you have risked so much to free from my grasp? It wasn't all a lie...…. was it?"
"It was none of it, a lie, Charles!" Ally insisted in heartsick, desperation, and he beckoned her forward, the aching truth evident in her soft, glimmering eyes. "I Love You, Charles T. Manx, and I surrender myself to your hands whether they mean for me affection or infliction. How gladly would I sacrifice my own freedom, if it meant the redemption of your once beautiful soul!!!!"
"GOD, shut-up already, you both make me sick," Vic muttered. You ditzy, doe-eyed STUPID girl, go ahead, run right back to the cat's claws, and see if I give a DAMN!!!! I'm DONE playin' hero to the doomed damsel that's so damned in love with her distress!!! Never shoulda teamed up with you, Ally, I see it now, you're WEAK and you WANT him to MESS you up, so fine. I give. I hope he makes you as miserable as he makes me!!!!"
"Now, now, don't fret on that account, Victoria. Misery is a privilege I reserve only for you, it's something sacred between us."
Charlie laughed with vicious mirth, tempted to seize Ally and wrest the shotgun from her hands, the moment she was close enough, yet for some ridiculous, inexplicable reason, he wanted to trust her. Trust that she was done scheming against him with Vic, and that she wouldn't blow a hole in his chest, point blank, instead of getting into the car.
She hurried to him, her loose, luxurious curls catching in the wintry wind, and he froze, warily, as she knelt down to pick up his fallen chauffeur's cap from the road, leaving the shotgun in its place. She lovingly placed it atop his rich black waves, returning the crown to her king, and he kicked the shotgun away, as she did so, still not trusting that she meant to come of her own conscious volition.
Door still open, he helped her into the passenger's side seat, and delicately kissed his queen's frigid cheek, before shutting the door tight. The second she was tucked away, safely inside, he shot a glance back to the road, still tempted to send a bullet screaming through Vic's beating heart. She was gone...... He'd had his chance to end this, to prove victor over Meddlesome Victoria, at last. He'd wasted it. Wasted it like a fool on love. But as he watched his recaptured dove settle back in the seat, knowing she'd not fly free of her cage ever again, he smiled smugly to himself with the revelation he'd made the better trade.
His eyes moved back to the spot where she'd stood, imagining the way the bullet had scraped across her shoulder, the blood staining her shirt red.
"Until next time, Victoria...….. I have taken back my love, and soon, very soon, you vexing vixen, I shall have you as my vengeance. Who says a man cannot have his wife, and play with his hate too? I'm not finished with either of you yet...… To love one is to hate the other, and oh what fun...… to see you both become loved and hated by me.
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duhragonball · 4 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (138/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
[23 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
Through his mastery of the alchemical arts, King Rehval III Trismegistus had conquered the universe. The Saiyan had merged his life essense with the Planet Nagoka, making both impervious to any attack. The bulk of the Saiyan species had bound themselves to his will, and any galactic powers who dared to defy him would suffer the wrath of giant earthen creatures that he could control like puppets. The cult of Saiyans who served him had been in high spirits. Their greatest enemy, the Super Saiyan Luffa, had failed to destroy them, and she had fled the Nagaoka System, disgraced and alone.
Then she returned. King Rehval believed she had come back to die in a blaze of glory. For all her power, she was no match for him, or his army of alchemically powered Saiyans. He expected his warriors to hunt her down within a matter of hours.
Eight days later, Luffa was still at large, and the morale among Rehval's followers had declined sharply.
What frustrated everyone was that no one understood Luffa's plan. If she only wanted to die in battle, then there was no need to drag things out. Whatever she was trying to do, she needed at least eight days to make it happen, and in the meantime, Rehval's cult had been powerless to figure out what it was or how to stop it. The two prevailing sentiments among the cultists were:
"Why doesn't Trismegistus do something?"
"Trismegistus has it all under control. Trust the plan."
Because of these contradictory opinions, the growing list of Luffa's victims were viewed both as "heroic martyrs" and "unfaithful losers".
From her lowly position in the cult, Lesseri heard it all. Scrubbing the breeding pits, she would catch parts of a conversation from passers-by. Trimming wicks for the candles, she would overhear idle chatter from the barracks. Disposing of diapers in the nursery, she would see how frightened the children were when they could sense Luffa's ki on the attack. There were a multitude of perspectives, but it boiled down to just two. Either their omnipotent leader couldn't kill Luffa, or he was allowing this terror to continue for unknown reasons.
Lesseri's own thoughts were usually focused on binaries like these. Strength and weakness, acceptance and rejection, good and evil. Of all the cultists, she had actually trained under Luffa during a brief period in her former life. The cult had a dim view of this past association, and Lesseri had been struggling to redeem herself ever since. She found herself awed by their grace, but also frustrated with the way they punished her for something so trivial.
For Luffa, that training camp had been a passing fancy to try to teach other Saiyans her ways. For Lesseri, it was just an opportunity to get close enough to kill her own mother. Vigurd had abandoned Lesseri and her sister in a gestation facility, and Lesseri had been bitter about it ever since. It seemed strange to Lesseri that the cult approved of her ruthless assassination, but not of the way she had manipulated Luffa to achieve it. It wasn't as if Luffa had passed on forbidden knowledge to Lesseri and the others. Mostly, Luffa had nagged them all for not being "Saiyan enough". Lesseri had dismissed Luffa as a hypocrite a long time ago, but the cult still demanded more contrition from her.
But now that Luffa was here, and Lesseri could sense that immense Super Saiyan ki once more, she was reminded of just how deeply Luffa's harsh words had cut. Luffa accused other Saiyans of cowardice. On Nat-Chezz, they had encountered a pair of aliens with the ability to to fool ki senses. They used this power to bluff stronger warriors into surrendering without a fight. Only Luffa had the courage to stand up to them, not because she saw through the deception, but because she alone wanted to fight enemies stronger than herself. The lesson of that incident had been lost on Lesseri that day, but now, Lesseri was experiencing it all over again. Nagaoka was supposed to be an invincible stronghold of power, and yet Luffa had dared to attack it all by herself. Rehval's followers had the advantage, and yet they were still anxious about what would happen to them. None of them were eager to die when they were so close to achieving final victory.
It hurt Lesseri to think about it. She had given herself over, body and soul, to Trismegistus, and yet her old frustrations and doubts still lingered. It had been convenient to blame everything on Luffa, but now she wondered if Luffa's only crime had been to point out the problems that had always been there. And now, she had come to Nagaoka to pass final judgment on them all.
Lesseri didn't know or care who would win in the end. She only knew that, no matter what happened, that Lesseri would surely lose...
The surface of Nagaoka was desolate, but not completely uninhabitable. The persistent cloud cover made the scenery especially gloomy, but enough sunlight made it through to support some vegetation. Most of it was inedible, although Luffa had discovered some roots that were nutritious enough to justify the effort of picking them. Game was scarce. The apex predator in the grasslands of Nagaoka was a small, four-legged dinosaur that chased after rodents. It took patience to catch them, but that was no problem. She needed something to pass the time anyway.
As she chewed on the raw carcass of a fresh kill, she walked back to her latest campsite, which was little more than a small fire and a Saiyan skull she had been using to carry her stone tools. The only other item was her prisoner, a cultist she had captured on one of her raids, three days ago.
"I killed six more," she told him as she slung the carcass by the fire and picked up the skull. "They sent more after me, but it didn't help much. I think Rehval's trying to do a pincer thing this week."
The man lay helpless on the ground, his arms and legs fractured in several places. Luffa had hurt him so badly that he lacked the ki energy to be sensed by his comrades. She estimated that he would die in another day, if not sooner. She kept talking to him anyway.
"Pincer. You know what I mean? Spread out his forces across the planet, then when one group is close enough to engage, some of the others can come in from the other direction and cut off my escape. What he doesn't get is that it just gives me a bigger target to shoot at while I run away."
The man groaned, either from the pain of his injuries, or from hunger, or terror, or delirium, or from all of these. Luffa ignored him and began carving up her kill.
"Funny, that's the same thing Jerk Number Seven said when I killed his six buddies," Luffa said. "You should have seen it. They tried to surround me, but I rushed right into a group of them, like I was trying to slip between them. Then I set off an explosive wave right in the middle of them. The six died right off, but the seventh was far enough away that he just got hurt really bad. He's probably still alive, though. For now."
"Triis... mej... isssss..." the man tried to say.
"He's not here and he's not coming to save you," Luffa said. "You can pray to him all you want, but he doesn't give a damn about you. Idiot. You sold your pride to that fool, and he doesn't even know you're still alive. I doubt he'll bother giving you any medical attention, not after that stunt I pulled on their hospital ward a few days ago. No, he'll want to conserve his supplies for the healthiest troops. The ones who stand a chance of pulling through in time to defend his sorry ass. That won't be you."
She put the bulk of the dinosaur on a spit she had fashioned from a spear she had taken from one of her victims, and carefully positioned it over the fire. "Ahhhh," she said. "This is really gonna hit the spot. It's like the old proverb: hunger is the best seasoning. So how was your day? Anything cool happen while I was gone?"
"Wh-wh-why... are you... doing this?" the man whimpered.
Luffa lay down on the ground, propping her head up on a pile of brush she had gathered. "Really?" she asked. "I mean, we've been over all that, haven't we? I told you all about it. How Rehval's a monarchist fool. How he took my son from me. Twice. He wrecked my marriage-- although I'll take partial responsibility there. And he even showed me that my own species is a worthless band of hooligans that deserves to die. Oh, and he's trying to conquer the universe, which wouldn't bother me so much except for the rotten way he's going about it. Magic potions. Really, what is that?"
"Nooooo..." the man whispered. "Not that... Why...... why... keep me... alive?"
"Oh, that," Luffa said. See, it's actually pretty simple. I learned this when I was a kid. I guess your parents never filled you in on it. See, when you're up against a superior force, you can even the odds with some psychological warfare. Wreck their morale, they start making little mistakes. Before they know it, their advantage starts to fritter away. That's why I hit their medical supplies. I'd like to taint their water supply too, but I haven't planned that out yet. I may not have time to get around to it, actually. Make sure you tell Rehval that when you see them."
"Yeah, they should track down this camp before too much longer. If not, I'll just transform and they'll come running. I'll be long gone when they get here, but they'll find you. And you can tell them everything I've been telling you this whole time. Every last word. Or as much as you can remember. I think the message will get across."
"Yeah," Luffa said. "See, I'm not 'keeping you alive'. You'll die eventually, no matter what. But I want the others to see what I've done to you, and hear what I've said to you, and I want them to realize exactly what it is they're dealing with."
She reached into the pockets of her yellow pants and pulled out a wooden stick, about five inches in length. There were several notches cut along its length. As she spoke, she stared intently at it.
"I think a lot of them see me as some sort of ultimate foe, and they get to have this big epic showdown with me, or at least they can die for their master, quick and clean. Makes sense. I'm the Legendary Super Saiyan, and Rehval's taught them all that I'm the devil or something. They want a big dramatic battle, like in a movie. A few of them might get their wish. But not you. No, you get to suffer. And I want them to know that any one of them might get the same treatment as you. Or not. Some of them might luck out and take a Vengeance Cannon through the brain and die painlessly. Some choice, right?"
He shivered, either due to the cold, or the onset of some infection he had contracted, or perhaps simply because Luffa's words horrified him so. Luffa simply did not care. She watched her meal cooking, monitored enemy movements with her ki senses, and then carved another notch on her stick with her thumbnail.
[25 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
"The water supply? You're absolutely certain that's what he said?"
The cultists who found Luffa's prisoner bowed low to the ground as they murmured in the affirmative. "He was insistent on this point, Master," said their leader. He rambled like a madman, repeating everything she had said, including many unspeakable insults towards you and your ancestors, but--"
"Enough," Rehval said. "Return to your duties. No, wait. You three." He gestured to the trio of men on the right side of the group. "Go and help the repair efforts on tunnel six. Dismissed."
Normally, he spoke to his followers in more parental tones, closing with words like "Let my triple-blessing be upon you," or "Go with Jindan, my children." But Luffa had been laying siege to his planet for ten days straight. He no longer felt the mood to keep up his role as Trismegistus, the almighty Alchemist Supreme. Even the easy diplomacy of King Rehval seemed to escape him these days. Nearly two thousand of his followers had been killed since Luffa had arrived on Nagaoka, and with each hit-and-run attack, Luffa always found a way to hint that this was only a warm-up act.
"Having trouble, dad?"
He had begun to find a measure of comfort in his daughter, the Princess Seltiss. In his heart of hearts, he had always viewed her as more of an apprentice in statecraft, or a great bridge he had engineered to lead the way to the future. Now that she was back in his life, and now that they were stuck together on this planet, he finally began to appreciate her as family. Of all the Saiyans on the planet, she knew him best, and was never afraid to speak her mind.
"You saw the man they brought in this morning," he grumbled as she walked into his chamber.
"Yeah, I just came from the infirmary. They just pronounced him dead," Seltiss replied. "I came over to tell you. His last words were something about the water resevoir--"
"I already know," Rehval said. "It's bait. It has to be. There's fresh water all over Nagaoka. Even if she does poison our wells, even if she takes out our geothermal stills, it would only be a minor inconvenience."
"Like the spaceport," Seltiss said. "And the medical supplies. And Tunnel Six. She's not interested in striking decisive blows. She's wearing us down, a little bit at a time."
"It's more than that!" he insisted. "She's... building towards something. She threatened to kill us all, even me, when she already knows that's impossible!"
Seltiss shrugged. "She probably thinks that if she kills enough of your followers, then you'll lose the power you took from them, and that'll weaken your connection with the planet," she said. "Could that work?"
"Not well enough to do her any good," Rehval said. "I need the Saiyans. Without them, my work has been in vain. But there are other Saiyans in the galaxy. Weaklings, and not many of them, but enough for me to begin anew. As for this planet, my connection to it is complete."
"Cool beans. Then you have nothing to fear," Seltiss said. "It's like you told us before. Luffa's no threat to you anymore."
"That doesn't matter!" Rehval shouted. He rarely raised his voice. He considered it one of his more admirable qualities. What surprised him more than his outburst was the way he had slammed his fist on the armrest of his throne. Without thinking, he had pulverized it, and sent cracks running down the right side of the seat.
Seltiss had never seen him like this before, and though she tried to mask the shock with cool indifference, he knew better. He leaned back in his seat and rubbed his forehead. "She is the serpent in my garden," he said. "Rebelling, even when there's no possible way for her to win. I have to kill her or control her, or my authority will never be absolute. Her defiance proves that I can never tame the Saiyan heart, no matter how completely I control the others."
"So control her," Seltiss said. "You keeps saying you have the power. Find her, and put an end to this."
"She can mask her ki, and somehow use it at the same time," Rehval said, more despondently than he meant the reply to sound. It was unseemly for him to whine before his own child. "I suspected that she could do something like this, but I didn't realize to what extent. The squads can't find her."
"Then take away her hiding places," Seltiss said. "We know she's living off the land. Like, you keep saying you are the planet now. You can do with it as you please, right? Take the land away from her, and what does she have?"
Throughout this crisis, a thin beard had begun to grow on Rehval's face. He had been too preoccupied to shave. Now, he rubbed the stubble thoughtfully as he considered his daughter's advice.
[30 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
Luffa waited for the squad of cultists to fly directly overhead, and then she attacked, transforming into her Super Saiyan form so quickly that none of them had time to react. There were twenty of them in all. The first died instantly, and she used an explosive wave to kill two more, and throw the rest off balance. Then she flew away, leaving the other seventeen to wonder what had gone wrong.
As she flew into the clouds that covered the Nagaokan skies, she took a moment to admire the destruction taking place on the surface. Rehval had finally grown impatient enough to order a carpet bombing of the wilderness. As before, there were groups of twenty or more Saiyans spread out across the planet, but instead of hunting Luffa, they were now scouring the land with ki blasts. This suited her perfectly. With so much Saiyan energy being tossed around all at once, Luffa could fly much more freely across the planet without being detected.
Adjusting her trajectory, she propelled herself directly into the path of another squad two hundred miles away, and powered down so they wouldn't sense her approach until it was too late. Then she transformed again, and tore through them like so much paper. Just as they began to get their bearings, she flew away again, leaving them completely disorganized.
She repeated this trick again and again, picking off targets across the entire planet. It would have been glorious, if she wasn't so furious with them all.
"It's not like it was in the Federation, is it?!" she screamed as she impaled a warrior on his own short spear.
"Boxing me in, forcing me to jump from planet to planet to keep you from hurting innocent people!" she screamed as she broke another's neck three thousand miles to the southeast.
"You thought you could wear me out! Well I'm still standing!" she yelled while blasting four of them with a barrage of energy needles.
"And now you're the ones on the back foot!" she roared. At the equator, one of them managed to get off a decent shot at her, but she pulled one of his teammates into the line of fire.
"You've got nowhere to run!" Her boot slammed into a Saiyan's back at twice the speed of sound, and she grinned at the wet snap she heard on impact. Nearby was Nagaoka's fourth-tallest active volcano.
"This time you're trapped here with me, and I've got nothing and no one to protect!" Near the south magnetic pole, her Vengeance Cannon technique cut through five of them in one shot.
She doubled back to the fourth-tallest active volcano and shoved a woman face-first into a lave floe. "You all move so slow you might as well be standing still!"
She found a beach and decided to stand her ground for a few minutes. This wasn't for sport, but just to remind them that she could. The squad she attacked seemed almost grateful for the chance to try to fight back, but they soon found that their numbers weren't as effective as they'd hoped.
"I've been fighting you clowns for months!" she screeched as she slashed her nails through a Saiyan's throat. As he fell back and clutched his bloody neck, Luffa rolled forward and caught one of his partners with her legs. She flipped him over and sent him crashing down to the surf below, and then fired ki blasts down at him, then towards a third Saiyan who was trying to catch her off-guard.
"All that ganging up you punks do? It doesn't mean anything to me anymore! I've seen all the routines a dozen times! Hah!" She suddenly flung her left hand under her right shoulder and fired backward to catch a Saiyan coming up from behind. "Six? Ten? Twenty? It won't save you!"
One of them had the good sense to focus his ki on protecting his vital organs. Luffa punched him in the forehead and was surprised that he withstood the blow. She kept on punching him, like a jackhammer, until his skull finally gave way.
Before long, she had finished them all off. She sensed reinforcements coming, and by the time they arrived, they found her in a half-squat position, charging her power. Once they were within range, she unleashed it all at once, creating a massive explosion all around them.
"Still alive..." she observed as she flew towards handful of survivors. She rose up into the air above them and swung out her arm at the ground. "Now that's what I like to see!"
Her follow-up fused the sand into glass, but could not penetrate more than a few feet into the ground, thanks to Rehval's mystic power that tied him into the planet. Instead, the energy Luffa released was reflected back upon her targets, and they were helpless to resist the intensity of it. A few survived, and Luffa slaughtered them, lopping off their heads by using the edge of her ki-charged left hand like a knife.
"Enough, Luffa!"
She turned and found a familiar face, and she grinned savagely at the sight of it.
"Well, well," she said. "Look who's finally come out to play."
The ground behind her had swelled up, forming a hill, which gradually shaped itself into the image of a man: King Rehval.
"I'll say this for your stupid alchemy powers," Luffa said, "You've made this planet a lot sturdier than anywhere I've ever been before. I can't destroy it, but that's kind of handy too. It's nice to know I can cut loose while I fight your lackeys, and not have to worry about the whole planet exploding out from under me."
"I command you to stop this immediately!" he shouted.
Luffa responded with a Gallick Gun to his stony face.
"You can't harm me in this form!" he said. Indeed, the attack had left his earthen avatar completely undamaged. Luffa didn't find that very disappointing.
"Don't worry," she said. "That Gallick Gun was just a baby, Rehval. When I'm ready to hurt you, you'll know it."
"Damn you, woman!" he seethed. "You know this is pointless!"
"Sure it is," Luffa said with a grin. "And you came all the way here to remind me, just in case I'd forgotten how pointless this is. Very thoughtful of you."
"If you already know that, then why do you persist in this--?! Arrgh!"
As he had spoken, she gathered her energy and plowed directly into the avatar's body, then released it in a massive explosion. The surrounding area was reduced to charred wasteland, and Luffa alighted near one of the largest fragments of the rock-Rehval she had destroyed. Slowly, it merged with the ground below it, and rose up again to form a new body.
"Will you--! Stop that?!" Rehval seethed.
Luffa laughed again. "What's wrong? If what I'm doing is so pointless, what does it matter whether I do it or not? Don't tell me the almighty god-alchemist, his royal majesty King Revahl the Third is getting flustered over little old me."
"I'm not!" he shouted, and then he attempted to regain his composure. "I just... I don't like when you... when you flout my authority. I wish you would... not do that."
Luffa raised her hand high over her head and extended her middle finger. "And I just don't like you. I don't like your authority much either. I don't think anyone else on this planet likes it much either. I'm just the only one around here with the guts to do something about it."
"I'll kill you," Rehval said. "You won't be able to avoid my forces forever, Luffa. There's only so much habitable land on this planet, and there's less of it each day. Once you run out of hiding places, you'll have no choice but to face the full force of my power."
"It's a date," Luffa said. "You're going to rue the day you first heard my name, Rehval. But right now, I gotta go. See you real soon!"
With that, she shot into the sky like a rocket, just as another squad of Rehval's followers arrived.
"My lord," gasped their leader as she fell prostrate before his earthen likeness. "We came as quickly as we could..."
"The Saiyans who joined us," the rock-Rehval said. "Seltiss's band, the Free Companions. Have they received the Jindan power yet?"
"N-no, Master," the leader said, now rising to an upright position. "There hasn't been time for them to complete the initiation rites, and--"
"I don't care about the rites!" he snapped. Go back and prepare them immediately. I want them as strong as possible, so that I can crush that vile little throwback once and for all!"
The leader was gravely disturbed to hear this, but she was too loyal to question the command. "Yes! It shall be done right away, Great One!"
Then they flew back in the direction of their base. Having no further use for the rock-creature, Rehval allowed it to collapse back into the ground.
From her hiding place in the sky, Luffa saw all of this while she listened in on the comm-link she had stolen from one of Rehval's soldiers. She made a grim smile, then cut another notch in her stick.
[3 December, 233 Before Age.]
As Trismegistus, Rehval had established a lengthy series of rituals and trials for initiates in his cult. He claimed that these were necessary to make the applicant worthy of receiving the potion that granted the Jindan power. In truth, their actual purpose was to brainwash the cultists and erode away their sense of independent thought. Now, as Rehval became more desperate to put an end to Luffa's rampage on Nagaoka, he chose to skip the protocol and dispense his potion to the newest recruits into his fold.
His daughter, Princess Seltiss had assembled a band of independent Saiyans, with the idea of establishing a new Saiyan nation in her father's absence. She had allied this Free Company with Luffa's Federation, but then switched sides, rejoining her father once it became clear that he was unstoppable. Seltiss considered herself a pragmatist above all. In her mind, joining her father in his moment of triumph was completely consistent with turning against him during his apparent madness. The decision was simple. There was no hope in opposing an invincible enemy, one who held every card and offered no weaknesses to exploit. And yet, she still feared for his sanity. The decision to join him had been a simple one, but it was by no means easy for her.
On the other hand, convincing the Free Companions to accept the Jindan potion had turned out to be very simple and easy. Luffa had killed over three thousand Saiyans since she arrived on Nagaoka's surface, and most of these had been Free Companions. The Jindan-empowered cultists were stronger and faster, and while Luffa had killed plenty of them as well, the Free Companions made much easier targets. As much as Luffa despised the cult, she had a real talent for driving Saiyans into Rehval's open arms.
In her quarters, Seltiss contemplated the bottle containing her own dose of the Jindan elixir, the last one. The cultists seemed to trust her to drink it, or perhaps they didn't see her empowerment as a high priority, since Seltiss didn't have a high power level to begin with. There was really no point in anyone checking to make sure she took her medicine. It was a matter of survival now. The curious red liquid might be the only thing that would save Seltiss' life during Luffa's next attack. And even without Luffa rampaging in their midst, she had already resigned herself to drink when she ordered her ship to surrender and land on Nagaoka. Things were happening faster than expected, but the cold equations had not changed. Her continued survival depended on swallowing her father's concoction, and then washing it down with whatever was left of her pride. What was she waiting for? Seltiss herself didn't seem to know.
And then, just as she brought the bottle to her lips, she sensed that terrible ki once more. Luffa was on the move again. Startled, she dropped the bottle, and so great was her dread that she didn't even notice it until the glass shattered on the stone floor. All that remained of the potion was a strange discoloration on the rock, and some maroon stains on her pink Montablanian leather boots.
Seltiss wasn't sure whether to be relieved or afraid. As she sensed the rising powers of her father's followers, she realized that it might not matter how she felt any longer.
There were no names for the places on Nagaoka, and even if there were, Luffa wouldn't have known them. She had chosen a particular location to make her stand, but mostly for aesthetic reasons. It was a dry lakebed surrounded on all sides by buttes and mesas. It reminded her of some of her favorite hunting grounds on Dorlu Prime. More importantly it offered the best of both worlds for a battle: The lakebed was a wide-open space for fighting, while the surrounding topology allowed plenty of nooks and crannies to hide behind for ambushes. Luffa didn't expect any of this to matter, but she had a sentimental reason for choosing her battleground.
She expected it to be her last.
Rehval's forces had destroyed most of the terrestrial life on the planet by now. His hope was to cut off Luffa's supply lines by taking away the flora and fauna that she fed upon in between her hit-and-run attacks. But he had utterly failed to consider the seas, which were abundant in edible wildlife. While his followers had scoured the land in a desperate attempt to flush her out of hiding, she had been diving under glaciers for aquatic mammals. In the lakebed, she now chewed on a piece of blubber while she prepared herself for what came next.
The skies of Nagaoka were perpetually overcast, but on this night there were peals of thunder that hinted at a storm. It was completely dark, save for an occasional faint flicker of distant lightning in the clouds. Luffa took the stick out of her pants pocket and felt the notches that she had made in the wood. Satisfied with the count, she cut one last notch with her fingernail, and then tossed the stick to the ground. The time was right.
She transformed. Since coming to this planet, she remained in her Super Saiyan form only long enough to attack or to outmaneuver an enemy. This time, she stood and waited, letting the yellow glow of her aura illuminate the desiccated ground. She could sense Rehval's minions all over the planet, searching in vain for her. Now that they could sense her power, now that she was staying in one spot, they all began to converge on her position. Within minutes, she was surrounded. Thousands of Saiyans stood on the rocky outcroppings in all directions, all of them dressed in dark red uniforms, and carrying short spears, which seemed to be the signature weapon of the cult. The tips of the spears glowed a pale blue color. Luffa had been dealing with these weapons for some time now, and could only guess that there was some trick to making them work. Every time she had taken one for herself, it only behaved like an ordinary spear.
They all kept their distance. Luffa might have accused them of cowardice, but she couldn't deny that it was the smart play. Anyone who might have broken ranks to rush at her prematurely was probably already dead from all of the previous skirmishes. Those that remained knew that best hope of defeating her was to put their combined might into a single, concentrated force. If they could cut off her escape, if they could keep her surrounded and attack her on all sides, then they would have the power to overwhelm her.
Or so they believed.
At last, King Rehval himself showed up, after a fashion. She could still sense him staying behind at his underground compound on the opposite side of the planet. She had expected as much. He was a coward, above all else. Instead of appearing in person, Rehval used his avatar again. By whatever mystic alchemy he used, he formed a mass of earth and rock to rise up from the ground and assume the shape of his own body, more or less. The eyes of this two-hundred foot tall creature glowed purple as he glared down at her.
"Enough, Luffa. This time, there will be no escape," he announced.
"That's what I was about to say to you," Luffa replied.
"I thought you had some plan," Rehval said. "But I see now that you really did come here to die, after all. You just decided to drag things out for as long as possible. You wanted to kill some of my flock to get a measure of revenge, but now you've run out of hiding places, haven't you? Why else would you stand still and raise your power level? You practically summoned us here to destroy you. You've clearly given up hope."
She turned her head and spat on the ground. "You don't get it, Rehval," she said. "I already gave up hope before I came to this stupid planet. Everything since then has been rage. And patience. The waiting is over, Rehval. I'm ready to kill you all now."
"You don't have the power for that," Rehval said. "And even if you did, you could never kill me, Luffa. I have transcended beyond the mortal realm. I am more than anything you could imagine. I have the power of this entire solar system behind me. What do you have, besides that garish transformation?"
Luffa smiled. "Let me show you," she said.
And then, she began to yell.
Rehval and his forces held back, unsure of what to expect. Luffa's body glowed brightly, and for a moment, some of them expected her to attack, but instead she fired a ki blast straight up into the sky. The energy dissipated into the clouds, and for a moment the thunderheads turned yellow from the light. Then they parted, opening up a hole of clear skies directly above Luffa's head. For the first time in untold centuries, starlight shone down upon the surface of Nagaoka. The hole expanded in diameter, until at last, the clouds had retreated to the horizon, leaving only a panoramic view of outer space.
And there, high above the battlefield, was Nagaoka's moon.
It was full.
Luffa looked straight up to admire it. Her lips curled into a wicked smile, and her green eyes suddenly turned blood red in the moonlight.
"No..." Rehval said quietly as he realized what was happening. Panicked murmurs could be heard among his troops, as the ones who understood explained it to the ones who didn't. Luffa could barely hear them over the pounding of her heart in her chest.
"The tail!" Rehval shouted. "Destroy her tail! Now, before she has a chance to--!"
But it was already too late. Luffa began to laugh, and then a wave of golden energy spread out in all directions. Then another, and another. The Saiyans attacked, firing their own energy in unison, but none of their ki blasts could penetrate through to Luffa herself. They couldn't even see her.
But they could hear. The lakebed echoed with the giddy laughter of a Saiyan woman with nothing left to lose. And they heard this laughter gradually transform into the low, feral growl. Bolts of yellow lightning arced out across the lakebed, dancing from one mesa to the next.
At the epicenter of this terrible disturbance, Luffa continued to stare up at the moon. Her heart beat harder and faster with each passing moment. She let the transformation carry her away, neither knowing nor caring where it would take her. Normally, her body was only sixty-three inches tall. Now, she expanded with each breath, swelling to ten feet, then twenty, then thirty, and more! Her limbs and torso changed proportions as she grew, and a thick coat of fur sprouted from her skin. Her face contorted, warping her nose and mouth into a savage muzzle lined with sharp teeth, and her ears formed slight points on top. Her clothing was ripped to shreds by this awesome change, but this was the furthest thing from Luffa's mind. In that moment, all she cared about was power, and the retribution it would bring.
At last, when the transformation was complete, and her enemy could finally see her clearly, she loomed over them in the form of a giant ape. The Saiyans knew the Oozaru form well, but this was different. For Luffa's Great Ape had glowing yellow fur instead of the usual dark brown. Her blood red eyes glowed with murderous intent, and her bestial lips twisted with fury as she looked down upon them all.
By now, Rehval's followers had been fighting Luffa for some time, and they had allowed themselves to believe that they were used to the idea of what Luffa had become. Now, as each of them felt their blood run cold, they realized that they had no idea what to do. They all stood transfixed at the sight of this new horror, unsure what would happen next.
Luffa threw back her head, and began to pound her fists upon her chest. And then, she made a deafening roar.
NEXT: The Golden Oozaru.
6 notes · View notes
avo-gsy · 4 years
From Yesterday, I was feeling a disappointed because my little fatass brother said unforgivable shit to me. He didn't do anything, but his words did.
Right after my oldest brother that fucking Demanding Lying Ass Poser threatens me and my life to be perfect. Like having a family because we will become extinct. And also being brainwash by them because they hate my mom's side of the family. I didn't want to leave my mom's side of the family nor hate them by my asshole dad's side of the family's false accuse.
At first, me and that FatAss were calm.
I asked for help without dad's help for changing my brakes from my car. Then he prolong shit I already understand. When he said, "I only knew basic stuff."
I asked him wtf is Basic. He didn't fucking explain it.
He prolong nonsense shit to me.
I want a solid "YES or A NO!"
He prolonging other shits.
I'm like wtf is wrong this fool.
He finally said No.
Then I asked him if I can come by at his house,, but it's my grandma's house.
Anyway, he saying prolonging shit AGAIN! He's still talking about I still need "DAD'S HELP" right from the start I said "WITHOUT DAD'S HELP."
I can change my own brakes because he got the tools at his place.
I stopped him from saying other shits that was so stupid.
He gave me a "NO."
I thank him and cuss him because he is a total bitch.
I thought I was more of a bitch.
And he's just a total stupid bitch.
He called me a nusiance.
I asked him "HOWWW???"
I don't remember being a nusiance to everyone.
If I was nusiance, I would probably end my life and never existed to become a mature adult.
He texted from the next day, but it was hidden deleted message.
I want to know why he delete that message.
I knew too damn well that fatass and that dictator bastard(oldest brother) were onto me.
If my good for nothing father was onto this or rarely my uncle were into this situation.
They're messing the wrong chick here.
That fatass was done talking to me.
I wasn't done. Hell No. I was not done with him.
I said that is true about his true fatass self.
He said to me, " You don't regret your last words before I die."
I don't regret, but they are not my last words.
He told me I will never know.
I turned the tables on him and said, "You'll never KNOW! You'll never know whenever I will be coming before you die. You'll never know what I will say or do. Goodbye, I will block your ass and your phone number."
So I did.
Then the other day, I was with my mom to drive at his place because she wants to give them gifts.
I saw him. I said that is true about him before he dies without any regrets.
And yet Yesterday, I still did say it. He told me I'm acting a not so grown up. I said, " I'm acting a CHILD???"
He corrected me that I am not a grown up. Not a child.
He's hella stupid. It's the same shit.
My grandma from my father's side misses me a lot because we hung a lot. Well, before that incident with that demanding lying ass poser. Then I went home with my mom.
So, That's what happen to me.
I wanted to check out my happiness.
I wonder if I'm in the wrong.
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Well~ What you Look at That...
I have the Devil in reverse in my Present.
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Yes, I have accomplished my mission from work.
They offered me no more of Extra Time Work.
I am still sad about that.
They change my work time 10 hours into 12 hours.
I'll be busy this month.
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So, I did talked with my fatass little brother.
I don't want to know what his issue, but I already knew too much of him and his issues. He did not provide me evidence after he called me out for his own goods. I gave him evidence which I cussed him out that is true. Only I know his true dark past. I cannot say it here.
That Fatass is already in Hell for seeing what's wrong or what's right. He's not dead....Not yet.
Privacy between family.
The only issues I said it here on Social Media was that they disappoint me in their stupid manners and trying to brainwash me from hating my mom's side of the family. My dad hates my independent hard working aunt for being a top dog. I don't like him what he sees because he himself thinks men should take a lead than women. How dare he see that way when I want to deny everything he views??!!! I didn't want to believe it, but it's true. I cannot decieve my own true self that I was his pawn who agrees on everything he says. He cheated on my mom since 2005. HOW DARE HE AND HIS SIDE THINK THAT WAY!!!???!!!! HOW FUCKING DARE THEY!!!!????!!!!
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I'll keep that in mind. I be sure to keep that in MIND.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
An Impromptu Proposal, 13-14
<<Previous Next>>
13. Hairstyles
He fully expected her to recognize him. His face was once everywhere, and he wasn’t exactly out of the private eye now.
But what he didn’t expect was for him to recognize her.
Her face took on a pale shade, and he was ready to catch her if she passed out. “Adrien?”
His grin was strained. “Hi.”
He blinked a few times before color rushed back to her face. “Hi.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “This just got awkward, didn’t it?”
“You think?” she squeaked. “I just found out I’ve been making out with my boss in my free time. How is it not awkward?”
Silence rent the room, and her face turned a shade darker as she clapped her hands over her mouth.
That was all Adrien needed to start laughing. “Oh, Marinette,” he said, slowly calming down. “You know just what to say, bugaboo.”
The nickname seemed to put her the slightest bit at ease. “We just became an HR nightmare, didn’t we? Isn’t the rule of thumb you shouldn’t date in the workplace?”
“Who says we’re in the workplace?” he retorted, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
She giggled again, the tense set of her shoulders slowly relaxing. “You’re terrible,” she whispered. “But I knew that already.”
He shrugged.
“But I just realized something.”
She pursed her lips together. “After all this time trying to set us up together, Nino and Alya would have a field day if they ever found out we’re married.”
It took until they finished making dinner to hit their stride. Marinette had always felt somewhat at ease around Adrien to the point where she loved when they could unwind with online games together, but it took some time to absorb the fact he was her chaton. However, once she reconciled that in her mind…
“Adrien, I swear—”
“I’m not doing anything, Marinette.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Think about what?”
She squealed as he threw soapy water from the sink at her. She glared at him, and he just returned that look with a shit-eating grin.
Quickly, she twisted the towel and smacked him. He tried to dodge but had to pull his hands out of the sink in the process, consequently dripping soapy water everywhere.
He flicked his hands at her, spraying her with bubbles and dirty dish water. She used her towel to block as much as possible before twisting it again and aiming at him. He bolted forward to the sink, which allowed her to get his arm good, but he managed to grab the spray nozzle on the sink.
It took Marinette a second to realize what he was up to.
She hurried to scamper away, trying to use the towel to block the stream, but he still got her good.
“Adrien!” she squealed, the bottom half of her dress now wet and soggy.
“Serves you right for hitting me.”
“You struck first! How dare you do that to your wife. I want a divorce.”
At those words, Adrien grabbed her, instantly swinging her up over his shoulder. She couldn’t help but laugh at the fact her husband’s hands were wet against her skin or the fact that her wet dress was likely soaking his shirt.
He then threw her back over his shoulder, her landing on the bed, still laughing as he crawled on top of her and pinned her. “Never!”
She laughed harder, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and holding him tightly. If this was what married life looked like, then she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
They took a moment to calm down, but even when they did, they didn’t move. They simply stayed wrapped up in each other.
“You don’t really want a divorce, right?” Adrien quietly whispered.
She frowned. “What? No.”
Under her touch, she felt his shoulders relax.
“I… I’m really glad to be married to you.”
He squeezed her tighter before pulling away enough for her to see his face clearly. “I’m really glad to be married to you, too,” he said. “I know that maybe this wasn’t the best way to go about getting married, but honestly, I think that if anyone could get away with it, we can.”
“That’s an optimistic way of looking at it,” she said.
He shrugged. “Maybe it has to do with the fact that I somehow lucked out and married the love of my life and that I don’t particularly care how that happened, only that it did.”
She couldn’t help but giggle. “You’re such a dork.”
“Your dork,” he clarified.
“Yeah,” she said, running her hands through his hair, slowly musing Adrien’s hairstyle so that it looked more akin to Chat’s. She almost liked that fluffy, wild style of Chat’s unkempt hair better on him. “My dork.”
“If you keep running your hands through my hair like that, we’re not going to leave this room for a while.”
She felt her face and neck and chest heat up from the implication. With a moment’s thought, she figured he probably meant kisses only, but… “Well, it’s our wedding night, isn’t it?”
Considering the way he choked on air, it confirmed he was only teasing her. “W-what?”
She giggled, and his expression fell. “Tease,” he accused.
“Your tease,” she said, playfully tapping his nose.
His look of anger faded away to something soft and loving as he grabbed her hand before she could pull away and kiss the tip of her finger. “My tease.”
She gave him a wink, and he tackled her to the bed again, holding her tightly. She settled into his embrace, happily relishing this time with her husband.
Speaking of which…
“We still have to sign the wedding papers,” Marinette reminded him.
Adrien hummed. “Tomorrow. I don’t particularly feel inclined to move at the moment.”
That was fine by Marinette because frankly, she didn’t feel inclined to move, either.
14. Sick Day
Adrien refused to move. He was warm and comfortable and happy. Mostly because he was not alone.
He pulled his wife closer against his chest. His wife. It sounded so odd yet so wonderful to say. He could barely believe he was actually married. That his lady would be by his side every single day. That they would share a future together. It was a wonderful prospect.
Slowly, the events of last night came catching up to him. They’d been snuggling in bed after a play war washing the dishes. He’d tackled her to his bed when she teasingly mentioned divorcing him.
Honestly, the mere word caused him to doubt, though there was no need to worry since she’d assured him a very big way that she had no intention of divorcing him.
Yesterday, before the wedding, he figured that his lady wouldn’t be comfortable with a wedding night and was fully prepared to spend the night getting to know the woman beyond the mask and likely share a good handful of kisses. But the clothes that were completely scattered across the floor were a pretty good indication that more than just kisses happened last night.
And he had no regrets about it.
His phone rang from somewhere on the floor. He grunted, ignoring it in favor of holding his still sleeping wife.
Note to self, he observed as the phone rang loudly through the room. My lady sleeps through everything.
No wonder she was always late despite setting alarms.
The phone stopped, and Adrien smiled. He shut his eyes, intending to grab another few minutes of shut eye before his phone started ringing again.
His lady stirred. “Huh. Wha…?”
He gave her a squeeze. “Go back to sleep, love,” he said, kissing her temple.
She didn’t take much convincing, immediately snuggling back down into the pillow and sheets again.
Reluctantly, Adrien slid out of bed to search for his phone in his pant’s pocket. “Hello?” he asked, his voice groggy from sleep.
“Mr. Agreste,” the voice of his secretary came through the phone. “Another potential buyer called hoping to set up a meeting today.”
Nooooo, he mentally whined. I’m not going anywhere today. “Tell them I’m sick and schedule out a few days. Thank you.”
“Oh…” his secretary answered. “Does that mean you won’t be coming in today.”
“Nope. Or tomorrow.”
“Understood. Get well soon. I will give the buyer a call back.”
“Thanks.” With that, Adrien hung up the phone, set it on vibrate, and dropped it on the night stand. He then slipped back into bed and snuggled back up to his wife.
She hummed, sliding her arms around him and settled against his chest. “Mine,” she mumbled.
“Yours for the next couple days, my lady,” he said, settling back down on his pillow and shutting his eyes. “I’m at your service.”
“My pillow,” she mumbled against his chest.
He smiled. He could manage that.
They laid in bed a while longer until eventually, the light streaming through the windows woke him completely from his sleep. Marinette was still asleep, though, and he remembered her mentioning that she could sleep well into the day if given the chance. Considering their late-night akuma battle two nights ago, and their wildly emotional day involving a wedding yesterday, she was probably going to be asleep for a while yet.
Maybe making her breakfast would wake her up. At least, he was getting hungry as well as needing to use the bathroom, so as much as he loved being held by his wife, he got out of bed, grabbing a pair of boxers and gym shorts from his closet while he was at it.
After emerging from the bathroom, he caught sight of a groggy Marinette searching for him in bed. When she caught sight of him, she relaxed. “Hey.”
“Good morning, bugaboo,” he quietly greeted, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge so as to give her a good morning kiss. “Sleep well?”
With a smile, she nodded. “I like your bed.”
“Our bed, now,” he corrected with a giddy grin.
“And I like you as a pillow,” she shyly added, biting her lip as she settled back down in the sheets and pillows.
“I’m happy to serve as one,” he said. “Are you hungry? I was just about to make breakfast.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Do you want me to help?”
“No,” he dismissed with a grin. “I’m more than happy to serve my wife this morning.”
Her grin widened. “Okay.”
He leaned down to press a kiss to her temple before heading to the kitchen to make something for her. He’d been practicing his crepes for the past week and was more than excited to finally be able to show them off to her.
The batter was easy enough to throw together, but he made a couple failed crepes before the third one came out nicely. He grinned at his success.
In between the cooking of crepes, he sliced some strawberries for filling and whipped some cream for the filling. By the time he assembled a couple for him and his wife, Marinette emerged from the bedroom
Wearing his button-up shirt.
His heart was not behaving.
She gave a sheepish smile, making her look utterly adorable in the oversized shirt. “Hey.”
“You look ravishing.”
That… was not what he planned to say. Didn’t make it any less true, but still.
She blushed. “Um… thanks?”
He glanced at the plates in his hands. “Crepes?”
Her eyes widened. “Wow. What a treat.”
He pretended like that compliment didn’t go straight to his head. “Only the best for my wife.”
She giggled, walking up to take a seat beside him at the table. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome,” he warmly replied, earning him a kiss.
He could really get used to this.
“So,” Marinette began, tentatively picking at the crepe. “I… got a text from my mom this morning. Asking where I was and why I didn’t come home last night.”
Adrien’s gut sank. “You didn’t tell them.”
“No,” she whined, setting her fork down. “I didn’t know how to approach it. I mean, what was I going to say? ‘Hey mom and dad. I’m getting married to my partner that you didn’t know I was dating for years. Oh, what partner you ask? Well, I’m Ladybug and I’m marrying Chat Noir. No, I don’t know who he is, but I’ll figure it out soon enough.’” With a groan, she dropped her face into her hands. “I’m a terrible daughter.”
Unsure of how else to respond, Adrien reached out to pull his wife into a hug, but she came into his lap fairly willingly, allowing him to hold her tightly, rubbing her back in reassurance. “Marinette,” he began. “I wish I could help you, but I don’t really know what to do in this sort of situation.”
“I know,” she whined. “It’s my own fault. I got myself into this situation and I don’t expect you to be the one to pull me out.”
“Hey,” he said. “That’s not what I meant. I mean that while I don’t know what would be the best way to approach it—you know my parent situation—I’ll be there to help you out in any way you need me to. You don’t have to face it alone. That’s what the rings on our hands mean.”
He reached for her left hand with his, awkwardly showing off both their rings. “It means I’ll be here for you, to support you in the entirety of your life, and you do the same for me.”
She turned to meet his gaze, but before he could flash her a smile, she took his cheeks in her hands, gently pulling him down to meet her for a kiss. “Thank you, kitty.”
His grip on her waist tightened as he reached up to cradle her head with his free hand. “For you, my lady, anything.”
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majorxmaggiexboy · 4 years
 Watching (one of) the Three Musketeers Musical(s) - first 30 minutes
okay if i understand correctly he just said “Good evening, sir and madame, and welcome [something something]” and then another person says “I say, are they going to do the whole [bally?] announcement in French?” and another person says “I hope not” and then the French Speaker continues, “We are here [something something...i think i caught ‘pret’...ready?] France, [something something] Premier [something something]”
There are goat noises or something happening in the background idk
Ah! “I think he’s saying something about Gascony”
i think we’re on d’Artagnan’s family’s farm then
it’s 1625, April, apparently
i can’t even pretend to be able to keep up with whatever just got said
they’re giving instructions for what to do if there’s an emergency during the show.
they just said not to record anything X’D i think this is probably a proshot tho so it’s not Super Ironic?
Les Trois...Mousqutaires- Mousk- Mousketai- however it’s spelled en Francais idk rn but they just said the title >:}
already know i will not be able to finish this thing tonight bc it’s like two and a half hours and it’s 10 pm and my wifi hates me and doesn’t want me to be happy
they’re sponsored by comcast
the other two voices just dragged the French Announcer Person and said “didn’t think much of his accent, did you?”
ppl are yelling now and it sounds like a fight is happening
this man looks like Mr. Jonas Armstrong’s Robin Hood hey
there is zero background music or anything they’re just fightin and yellin and laughing and there are people just milling about like. it’s a weird vibe ngl
oooh i’m feeling the look of that Shirt. that’s Very Nice.
the boots are So Tall they make the Trousers look Super Weird tbh
That Was Strange. We’ve got blue lighting and some Music now
i think d’Artagnan just won the fight but like, ultra delicately.
they’re all kind of passing this sword around...by the blade...with kind of awed expressions? it just took like three people, all practically up on each other, to hand this man a sword.
ooh it’s The Family Sword okay
d’Artagnan and Grinpayne are in the same category right now
oh nooooo it’s Book!d’Artagnan
the mom’s like “you’re pretty much all set to go get your ass kicked on the daily so i’m preemptively giving you some medicine for the wounds you will Inevitably receive”
“eVERY WOUND?” sir please calm down
if y’all don’t stop yanking on that poor offscreen horse
abruptly we have reached a Song and The Man Can Sing
hashtag let d’Artagnan say ‘maman’ and ‘papa’ 😔🙌
he cute
this is completely absurd dude’s just casually singing while riding on this guy’s shoulders
ohh god now he’s like fully on this dude’s back like an 8-year-old and it looks Ridiculous i’m wheezing
“what the devil is that” I KNOW
they managed to make the Insulting The Horse thing Extremely Uncomfortable negl
he gave the ‘horse’ a sword
the horse is now three people
now he’s riding...a ladder???? and looking completely unimpressed?
youre facing the wrong way dude
i’m gonna need that dog barking sound to stop immediately u-u
they’re dragging the horse again. “That horse, sir, is one of the family” “I Can Well Believe It” OOOOOH
shjdshgsjhjsk the way he just slapped that glove onto the ground. the flair. the finesse. the dazzle
i see the Rochefort situation has a little extra Something Something in this version
the height difference X’D
oh yeah it’s gonna be Like That i guess
where’d the height difference go :O
this is the calmest and most gentle beatdown i have ever witnessed. i can’t even describe what just
the tenderness of that murder that just went down
“*gasp* Could Treville Have Set This Young Idiot Against Me” X’D
oh this is super weird what the heck
slap him as you walk by, Roachfort, i dare u. do it. it’ll be funny.
just smacks d’Artagnan in the face with a rag “wELCOME TO THE PINECONE INN” iconic
d’Artagnan’s really just out here ‘simping’ for every woman he sees huh
i like that he looks thoroughly confused bc it’s v Accurate
that was the single dumbest smile i have ever seen in my life please do it all the time
this man is dopey as hell
“I’d go and have a rest if i were u” “REST????!!!!” my guy please chill
okay now this one kinda slaps
i’m only fifteen minutes in what kind of alternate time continuum is this existing in i thought it was at least the 30 minute mark
kay i am Here for this Aramis hel to the lo my good sir
treville’s so mad he got the line wrong
it’s okay Treville i love u sir
d’Artagnan is Smol and Bi and Severely Alarmed and if that aint a mood...
d’Artagnan’s fully like Hi We Haven’t Actually Met But You Will Be Forced To Adopt Me
is there no one other than Rochefort who can Height Difference. am i to be left cold and Wanting as with the Bee Bee See. u-u
is someone’s phone ringing
oop Rochefort has been sighted. yes my good sir i need you to come back and be taller than d’Artagnan.
Treville “if you want to be a musketeer i’m going to need you to be a good boy and not participate in dueling or shenanigans” d’Artagnan, immediately “brb i gotta go fight that dude over there”
Athos has him by the Wrist(tm)
the tone of this setting up of a duel is. very special.
y’all about to tango or what with this music?
i was skeptical about this d’Artagnan but he’s kinda adorable tbh good job Mr. Tveit
Oop Porthos called him a dog
“How fast one grows up in Paris! A moment ago, I was only a ‘puppy’!” DID YOU REALLY JUST
Porthos please
this Height Difference might be kinda Good
he thinks fighting Athos is going to take 30 minutes to an hour XD
He’s just a little cupcake god bless him i do love a good Absolute Moron :3
“What have I done now?” awwwwww
“I may be late, myself, by then” can’t believe this dude won my heart in 22 minutes u-u
“If I die at least it’s clear, I’ll be killed by a musketeer” 
“oh but all the girls I might have loved if only i’d been spared :(” he’s so dumb i love this guy
this is officially the one true d’Artagnan.
Athos can you please stop prowling around him as he sleeps it’s a little uncomfy my guy
awww he slept in the gardens where he expects to get Murdered
“If I kill you, Treville will accuse me of infanticide” ATHOS
ohhhhhh he’s going to diiiiiiiiie
he smol
“Monsieur Athos has the right to kill me first, which makes your claim, Monsieur Porthos, far less interesting. And yours, Monsieur Aramis, practically worthless. :D” i love him.
oh heck the jacket’s coming off
“I’d like to fight with my doublet on. My wound has begun to bleed again, and I shouldn’t like to taunt you with the sight of blood you yourself haven’t drawn” ATHOS
come on and wreck some stuff Rochefort
Athos: “three against five and i’m not at my best :(” d’Artagnan “Umm there are Four of us actually :D” les inseperables: “BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA”
“Go back to Gascony. I have no wish to kill you.” “But I have every wish to kill you” D’ARTAGNAN
height difference >:}
ooh Athos liked that
the fights in this show...could be...Better...
the fights are...the Worst...
*slides the actors a $5* pls try to kill each other for real
(to the Inseparables, after helping them fight off 5 of the Cardinal’s Men) “And now, Gentlemen, I am ready for You” oh honey 
current verdict: hate the way the fights are done.real slow start. the songs are Okay but Mr. Tveit could sing a phonebook and i’d  gladly listen. d’Artagnan is Adorably Dumb and Chaotic and a complete Disaster and i am having. A Good Time With This. 
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elanska · 5 years
Miss not so sidekick - chapter 88
you know, in 80+ chapters we seen Latte behaves around Arwin, she usually flails around a lot, screams a lot, and making funny faces a lot.....definitely not the picture of ultra cool detective!Latte with mah friend Kenneth tagging along as trusty watson bodyguard..
****please wait a moment while we berate our psychopath division for a bit****
'kay fine. so that's no way to treat a lady. even though the lady asks and who can fault us to thinks she actually wanted an answer of what we had in mind.
<..........please wait a bit...........>
Fine. Bunny start this chapter by shotting himself in the foot. He.should.not.repeat.that.burning.hair.tie.incident. should progress, not regress. Treat Latte tenderly. yeah, yeah, can we move on?
Ahem. talking about progress, it seems Latte the one who make a progress. She very vocally calling him out on his crude behavior .......but unfortunately backpedaling automatically when Arwin reiterates it. Ah wait, Latte just remembered that Arwin promised her that he won't kill her no matter what so she went *poka poka* at him (CUTE! YOU'RE SO CUTE LATTE!!) also very brave of her to went *poka poka*-ing the lord of magician's tower like that (she might be the only person who can do that and permitted to staying alive). Arwin reaffirms of course he won't kill Latte (that was just childish reaction of him to incite reaction from Latte) and he won't get angry being called crazy bastard (well, because he is!). Latte just relieved over it (wait Latte! you're too merciful! go *poka poka* at him again for a bit! wait no, we want you to stay alive, but you're so cute when doing that. argh, what to do)
o..oh yes, we forgot about Ibelin again (Peridot's second target is her, remember?). Latte monologuing that she haven't seen Ibelin's expression like this....panicked, confused, and worried? - hum, after she knows that Latte really is not the culprit, and being set up by somebody else (Peridot), she might be regret for also passive-aggressively accusing Latte like in previous chapter. I meant, yeah, apawn and inside jobs are very convincing and Ibelin might be deducing Latte taking away Arwin and Kenneth from her and now trying to take her life as well (but as she still has this angelic char setting, go passive-aggressive instead bitchslappin' (which is why she's still unharmed instead rolling to the first floor) like girl's fight do
Ibelin started talking to Latte (to apologize?) but they're interrupted by Arwin's phonecall. Arobrock reporting another emergency arise (and lol his impatient reaction is the same with Latte 'I'm not blind, hurry up and state your business'). Latte told him, like, shouldn't he hurry up and check the tower's business emergency? and bunny's face is like 'eeeh, but I still want to play a bit'. Arobrock wailing pitifully on the background while Arwin cuts off his phone.
Suddenly Latte remembers this scene! Th...this is the second call from the tower; where he ask Ibelin to go back with him and says the #1 critical line 'you're just you' and how Latte totally had prepare for this particular scene by buying a teleportation scroll just to witness this particular cutscenes (uhm Latte, even though you buy that, and if the scene really happens, you'll still end up on the gates while the cutscene itself will happens inside the tower, safe from prying stalker eyes, you know? ah well, not like it'll happened anyway). Latte also expressing worry that the probability of the scene happening is in jeopardy as Ibelin-Arwin's relationship seemingly not good? (no duh! detective Latte!) unless this cold shoulder treatment is actually Arwin's ‘if push cannot work, then try to pull' strategy to attract Ibelin's attention (arghhhh, how can you fail a big observation mark, detective Latte! I'm demoting you!)
also, funny that while Latte's monologuing all above, the background showing Ibelin seemingly greeting and/or trying to talk to Arwin who just had this 'not interested' face. Or more precisely his face reminds me of 'why I should bear this kind of nonsensical and totally useless meeting thing' when my workplace decided to make one (useless meeting that is, not setting shoujo love-love flag). P.S. when we see raws for this panel, we're kinda excited thinking what would Ibelin says to Arwin, but turns out this is all Latte's monologuing. ah, dissapointment, not mentioning that Latte totally fails at being detective in this panel
Arwin just declare he's leaving and turned away from Ibelin. Since he's actually quite civil instead making freezing comment like 'I don't care' (like when Ibelin introduced Latte as her friend. Oh how things are different now), I was wondering whether if there's still awkward feelings left, he *do* in some point of time, have affection for Ibelin, you know? and now he's head-over-heels with her best friend, that's usually quite awkward, yes? (EDIT: wait, somebody give us spoiler on discord channel, things seems radically different from we thought? (EDIT EDIT: but we didn't know exact timeline when exactly the particular revelation happens. just gonna leave this for now. If I'm wrong, we can just said that we've been an embarassing idiot like failed!detective Latte. anyway, I'd like to remember and reserve my first impression for reading the chapter, had to accept there's bound some errors in perception)
Latte seriously contending that Arwin is seriously leaving Ibelin's fishery for real (accept it already gurl!) and that she bought the scroll for no reason (hey, Latte, some friend you are, Ibelin is shocked she gets ignored and you fretted about not witnessing cutscenes, that's cold, Latte....butbutbut, it's not like she can patted Ibelin on the back and said 'it's okay, you still have two other fishes' and it's not like Ibelin falling head-over-heels with Arwin anyway, he's just fish #3 in her route)
Arwin went to grab Latte by her shoulder. Latte like, 'WTF? What happened? why me?' (understandable, understandable) and Arwin's like very happy his usual weird Latte is back and goes 'what? let's go' and teleported them both while Ibelin watches. ***So, bunny holding tabby cat tenderly, happy now? Gaaaahhhhh psychopath division, you just frickin' destroying the mood! I'm waiting for the chance to say it right you know? don't interrupt me!***
Arwin look.......so happy while tenderly holding Latte while they teleporting together (okay the mood is ruined, guys, I think we need to punish psychopath division for this) (let it slide, it's psychopath division. he can't help it, and it's not like she have many character to sympathize with, you know? let it be) (there'll be plenty of arwin x latte doki-doki scenes later, just ignore PD)
Sigh, moving on. Arwin and Latte who arrived in the tower seeing Arobrock trying to calm somebody (a prince? this manhwa kinda accurate with different greetings for different title. Your Highness for prince; Your Grace for duke; My lord/lady for ranks below that). The prince seemingly rampaging because the tower master are not in the tower when they pay a visit and totally wrecking and thrashing the room.
Arobrock noted Arwin's arrival and dashing to him while crying pitifully. Arwin just fling him off while step up to dealt with this piece of rude shit. the PORS prince still dare to say something like 'how dare you make me waiting' and Arwin threatening to kill him while Arobrock 'nooooo, please be merciful masterrr" on the background. Latte lightening (or is it worsening??) the sentence by suggesting at least make the POS prince still breathing after the punishment (she's so understanding of her psychopath hubby).
Hmmm the princes seems unharmed (bunny just like, restraining him and mute him off? quite tame of you, bunny. maybe the tower didn't kill princes? if they're customer, they can buy expensive goods. Still, kinda surprise that bunny is prioritising tower business ahead of his temper. He's kinda a good lord it seems). Meanwhile, Latte asking for some snack.
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