#noragami discussion
kiun · 1 year
i saw this panel and had to drop my phone from frustration oh my lord
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paldogangsaan · 1 year
I'm agree with your meta about gods ready to take choice away from the family who worksips Father. And how it's bad and kinda comfirm what father accuses Heaven to do.
But does Father really care for this family, does he really see them as egal? He sees people as tools (Yato, Nora, Yukine, ect..), he abused his own child (Yato, Nora) and manipules them into thinking that that's love, as soon that someone isn't agree with him anymore, he resort to manipulation, abuse and violence and sometime murder. He helped to plot Bishamon murder/forced reincarnation (failed) and planned Ebisu forced reincarnation to take the koto (sucess). He doesn't care how much people, shinkis or gods suffer or die as long he has what he want.
Ebisu and Take face a choice right. But do they have really a choice in the matter? Father can't be stopped otherwhise. He's dangerous. He says that he wanted to strike gods but doesn't care how much humans will suffer in the way. What he did with Yukine and the net was not good (for me it was a kind of brainwashing).
Yes they were ready to took the choice away and that's bad, tht's what Father accuse the gods of. but i think that they didn't see any other choice they weren't happy about it. They come with the idea to destroy a grave only.
It's not like if Father was benevolent, sadly because then this choice woudn't happen. Even if the godness of sun herself treated him a a child doing a tantrum, he's very dangerous.
Yeah all is a matter of choice. A horrible and unfair choice. Yato would have cut the bounds against their will, but Take can't do that.
The gods had the choice to kill the familly and cut the way to come back to life of Father, or leave them and having a dangerous guy causing havoc and destruction, and not only to gods but to humanity too (i mean with what happen in the last chapters, the gods face a even worst choice to protect humanity from Father's plan). What they could have done? It's not like if they had more time to think about it.
And this choice is horrible. And Take and Ebisu weren't happy to have this choice to do. And i'm happy that they didn't need to kill them. Take himself said that he felt bad to have manipuled the old man into make him believe that they would do the soul ritual after his death (they can't since they're gods) but they needed to cut father's way to come back again and again, because nothing else can stop him.
what do you think?
It's not a critic of your meta, i just wanted to share my thougths with you about the whole situation =)
(in reference to this post)
i agree with some of your points, but i don’t think whether father cared specifically for that family or not is pertinent to the situation. he cares (and i use that term lightly) about humanity in general, not specific people, similarly to how gods do (tenjin saying “gods are incapable of loving humans” lives in my brain bc it applies to all gods, but also to father and that could tie into ‘becoming what you hate’ but i digress!). he uses yato, mizuchi and yukine as tools, though i believe he does love them (or at least, he believes he loves them) in his own semi-fucked up way. he holds anger towards gods and their associates for holding up and reinforcing heaven’s system, which father perceives as fundamentally unfair and wrong, so i don’t think him planning the murder/reincarnation of gods really speaks to whether or not he cares about humanity. to father, gods and humans are completely separate entities, and what he does to one isn’t necessarily what he’d do to the other. every ‘wrong’ or ‘morally reprehensible’ or ‘shitty’ thing we’ve seen him do has been to gods, shinki, or associates of gods like hiyori, which likely makes him lump them into a single category. even if hiyori’s human, he still can’t see her as anything more than someone associated with heaven (+ him not caring about specific humans, just humanity in general)
ebisu and takemikazuchi just having and considering the choice of whether or not to kill/sever the ties of that family proves them to be what father believes all gods are, regardless of intentions. and really, i think intent is the least important part of this discussion! it’s the fact that gods are above humans in pretty much every possible way, and they can use that power as they see fit, because “a god’s decision is always the right one”. it’s about the fact that ebisu and takemikazuchi (and any god, for that matter) can takes lives, sever ties, and completely alter the life of humans with zero consequences. it’s about the fact that the humans have no input on a decision that can permanently alter their lives, and how they most likely won’t even realize what was taken away, or will forget, due to the separation of the near and far shore (think hiyori completely forgetting about yato and yukine when yato goes back to father despite the fact that they changed her and her life).
it’s a morally gray situation, and arguments can be made for either side. if gods are so above humanity, why are they incapable of stopping a human like father? if heaven isn’t unjust, why should kind people like that family have to suffer? does heaven not fully take father seriously specifically because he is, or was, human and isn’t on their level? should takemikazuchi and ebisu even be able to consider that choice, and not have to tell the people affected? does them feeling guilty absolve them of the fact that they manipulated a human, a being who is supposed to be beneath them, yet they’re supposed to serve? are the humans in the wrong for calling father again and again? should they even be judged by heaven’s standards if they don’t know the whole situation? does the situation absolve takemikazuchi and ebisu of the cycle, or are they perpetuating it anyway? should ebisu and takemikazuchi be judged for perpetuating the cycle when it’s all they’ve ever known and they’re products of a system? do the ends justify the means? like i wrote in the tags of that post, the immediate dilemma of the situation was the question of whether their needs (killing father) were worth taking a choice (without consent) from someone else, and if it was an okay to do it if the affected party wouldn’t even realize that a choice was taken away. and this, of course, can lead to bigger discussions like this one jaja
it’s a super complicated situation and an argument can be made for either side, and that’s at the core of the manga itself, which i love! thanks for sharing your thoughts! i love discussing noragami <33
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deemagine · 5 months
wait! For everyone mad/upset/unhappy at the Noragami ending!
He cuts ties with hiyori and she forgets him… but does she really????
He goes “viral” and people “remember” him so he lives but does he really…..
Here’s my hot take: in that moment SURE yeah maybe a bunch of random people heard and remembered “oh that guy said he was a god ,sure yeah I remember seeing that” FINE.
But that’s not what keeps him alive.
Hiyori may have lost her memories but she sure as fuck remembers something. And it seems she ponders on it constantly. THATS what’s keeping Yato alive. I’m 100% positive regardless of whether he knows it or not.
And in some sort of maybe bittersweetness, I think we obviously know by the ending they’re reunited and she remembers everything (CANON by the picture of them all together in the ending in her doctors outfit being the literal ending) that being said…. I’d like to think she continues her life, and she continues loving yato by her literal FATE TIED TO HIM BY THE MATCH MAKING GOD. So here’s the maybe sweet? Bitter ?depending on your view part.. when hiyori dies maybe yato will die with her in some beautiful way? Instead of yato living on forever without her ..( assuming no one else would remember him who’s living) it’s very “ the notebook” coded in my head since I want the match making to be eternal, but anyway here’s to hoping it gave us yatori shippers some kind of resolution and covering up the dumb plot hope of him going viral lol.
Open to discussion
Thanks for reading!
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empty-dream · 3 months
Just read FGO Götterdämmerung
Aka the Otome Lostbelt as I read somewhere
Also apparently the Attack on Titan Lostbelt.
I said "just read" but in reality it's been like 3-4 months. I didnt have time to put all my thoughts together and I needed a lot of it to actually form any thought lol.
Up till now I've refrained to comment on the Gotterdammerung story that I've never actually read. So now that I've read it myself, now I understand why many think this lostbelt's story is rather weak. I honestly think it's weaker than its predecessor, LB1.
A long time ago, I theorized that Lostbelts stories will explore about love and different aspects of it. While most of my theories are proven wrong, for a lostbelt that specifically does have love as its central theme, I feel like it could have been...more.
Or more accurately, LB2 feels like it bites more than it can chew.
The LB talks about so many love, be it motherly love, romantic love, sisterly love, friendship love, even godly love. Yet in my personal opinion, only the sisterly and friendship love deal a huge impact on me.
Idk why, but even Scathach-skadi's motherly love (the kind of love that's a sure fire way to make me cry) while mentioned over and over again, it just fall flat to me. Only at the end of the story do I feel sorry for her. I feel like I was more heartbroken when I read her chapter in Nakatani-sensei's From Lostbelt manga.
I was also waiting for someone to mention "Gods can't love humans" (Ahem, Noragami reference here), pointing out how she maintains her world by sacrificing 15 years olds and 25 years olds to be eaten Attack-on-Titan style. Even though she has no choice but to do so, and the reason she maintains the world in the first place is because she loves everything in it, does her love justify the means? Isn't the only one who can do something like that someone -something- not humane? Is that what differs God's love to Human's love? Is that even "love"? I was hoping it'd be at least discussed even though we all know she really would not do it if there was any other way.
Ophelia muttering how she shouldn't think about love and can't fail like Kadoc, implying her train of thought being Kadoc's downfall was caused by the love between him and Anatasia, and turns out love saves her lostbelt and becomes her salvation as well as Kadoc's. Oh poetic cinema.
I kept thinking to myself "does the love triangle (quadruple?) necessary for this chapter?" and after awhile, I came to my own conclusion: yes and no.
Yes for Surtr -> Ophelia and Ophelia -> Wodime. No for Napoleon -> Ophelia.
This is not a "What if asshole boy A falls in love with girl B but chooses to be mean to her out of emotional problems and 1000 other reasons." This is a "What if boy A is literally made, knowing, and capable of one and only one thing: destroy the world, and he falls in love with girl B?" Surtr is exactly written with that concept. Ngl I think that's a good logical outcome that he ends up like this: Showing his love to Ophelia by destroying the world harder.
Although he sure is mean. Odin didn't forget to give him nasty personality befitting the "villain" of the world lol.
I can't deny, a meeting at the end of the world destroyed the same way is rather romantic, if I may say so.
As for Wodime, I do believe that romantic love can drive someone to undergo a great change, positive or negative. For Ophelia who has always remained stagnant, her feelings for Wodime becomes her drive for many things she does. Halfheartedly or not, cowardly or not, she pushes herself forward, she makes decisions on her own, whether that is a wrong way or not. And ngl if I was in Ophelia's shoes and saw what she saw when they were all dead, I think I'd fall at least a little with Wodime too lmao.
As much as I love Napoleon's vibe and bravado, I don't get why he falls in love with Ophelia. I don't think the explanation that this Heroic Spirit Napoleon will always search for someone to love in his incarnation is enough to justify it. Not even the "he thinks she's asking for help" thing, that could be written as a non romantic motive and still works just as well to show how heroic and good-natured Napoleon is. There is no reason why it is a romantic love. I know love sometimes has no logic or reasoning but usually a party has to DO something that personally MOVES the heart of the other party.
But I admit Napoleon and Surtr immediately trash-talking each other as love rival is funny.
Besides that, Napoleon is amusing and great buddy. And the scene with his trump card ... Truly a hope bringer, befitting the title Good Fellow of Everlasting Flame.
Ophelia's genuine feeling for Mash is very interesting actually. I understand her POV of wanting to befriend Mash because there are few girls in Team A (and Akuta is very aloof). How she wanted to befriend Mash yet couldn't close the distance but still tried to anyway, and said feeling still exists even now that it actually stops her from going all out because she couldn't bear hurting Mash and truly treasures her. I feel like it wasnt enough for them to really be tight friends, but if only they had more time, they really could have been such :''
And Ophelia regarding Fujimaru with high respect as their Senpai is pretty heartwarming to me. No wonder in Lostbelt no. 5..... ah...
Sigurd: I've been tricked and taken advantage again I'm a sorry excuse of a hero. Brynhildr: No you're not. Me: Well I actually agree with him on this one but sure whatever u say Mrs Wife
I've been screaming about Sigurd/Brynhildr in this chapter ever since this chapter was out and I will scream it harder now. Even if my teeth rot because the sheer diabetes their interaction gives.
Once, I wondered if Sigurd was an asshole because of what happened to Brynhildr. After Gotterdammerung is out, he's literally best husband he'd die for Bryn but he'd also survive her love-translated-into-murder to prove he loves her. How much he loves his wife and loves to declare it is actually starting to be embarassing, even for Brynhildr lmao.
Giving Sigurd (and by extension Surtr) the voice of THE Tsuda Kenjirou is one of the best decision Type Moon ever makes.
Brynhildr's flashback of her rampage gives me so much chill even though there are no visuals of it. So much that I made a fanart of it. That she might have murdered children and women in blind fury, even though earlier in the chapter she is shown to be great with children and The Model Valkyrie herself just makes a great juxtaposition to show how much love -and being human instead of divinity- steers her to deep end.
The reenactment of her myth (sleeping in the castle surrounded by fire) but this time there is no prince (Sigurd) waking her up but she wakes up and saves herself and others is nice.
Brynhildr and the her sisters interaction is also great. The valkyrie's (I assume it's mainly Ortlinde's POV but really it could be anyone in the group?) lamentation of the past, how Bryn changes from the gentle ice to harsh fire, how they all both feared and envied how much she could change after gaining a human heart, and how they end up gaining that very same heart, it's so tragic yet satisfying as it comes full circle with Thrud and Hildr committing suicide out of broken love just like Bryn did in her myth. Ortlinde freaking out and later coming to terms with everything and choose to fight for what she believes is also in line with them as automata gaining a heart.
Oh and I like the Icy Fire concept here, both literally (the world is covered in fire overlaying Scathach-Skadi's snow, and what happens to Surtr later) and metaphorically (how love can make someone's emotion running wild as cold as ice and as hot as fire)
I DIDNT KNOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS IN GERDA'S ART FROM ROAD TO LOSTBELT 7 :'''''''''' That scene is so sad yet so beautiful...
Gerda is basically an innocent child character to be protected. Yet her innocence is also what makes it unsettling that she believes whole-heartedly about the Ordained Day and the short lifespan the people have. Goredolf's rant about how could she, and everyone in her lostbelt, can be okay with any of that, while purely an emotional outburst that's like getting angry at a child who knows no better, raises many points and chilingly resonates well with the concern of the Chaldea members.
I like how Sitonai appears, but I wish she can appear more. The name Illya just brings so much memories... And she even appears with a mother in the form of Scathach-Skadi, just like the original Illya with Iri. It's funny tho that Sitonai is understandably a bit cranky and cheeky with Skadi, unlike Illya-Iri pure doting relationship. Yet the bit where Sitonai ends up missing Skadi just as the Lostbelt disappears is pretty nice.
*snorts* This wouldn't get this long if Holmes just spits out who the hell this Sigurd really is.
Oh, the scene where Surtr breaks out of his prison is scary. Imagine something gigantic comes out of the sun in broad daylight…
And of course the Mystic Eye scene is one of the pinnacle of this chapter. Truly a culmination of Ophelia's development. The voiced version from Flashback Lostbelt no.1-5 MV is even better.
To be able to create 3 spin-off chapters of this lostbelt and deep dive into the psych of each character... Now I understand how much power Nakatani-sensei has.
Napoleon: "Keep moving as long as you still draw breath. You're never completely out of possibilities. There's always something you can do." Everyone in the vicinity:
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sentishitposts · 8 months
Writing comissions
Starting price is 20$ for 2000 words (I can consider under that word count if we discuss it but I won't guarantee it)
After that, it's 1$ per 100 words (per example a 5000 words comission would be 50$)
For anything over 5000 words I will ask an extra 5$ due to taking a longer time to complete it. So something like 6000 words would be 60$ plus the extra 5$.
I can take from two weeks to a month or more depending on how long the comission is or how detailed/complicated or if it requires a certain headspace (for example major character death). If it's something short/an idea I really like and it motivates me it can be done in less than two weeks.
I can write:
SFW (it's not my best thing but I can do some pretty good fluff if it involves some angst as well)
NSFW (multiple characters, orgies, detailed kink scenes - though I may ask extra money for that depending on how complicated it is)
heavy angst/MCD
xREADER stuff
your own OCs
original stories/ideas
alternate universe
+ probably more that I can't think of right now
Fandoms I can write for (I'm in a lot of fandoms so if you have an idea for something that's not on the list feel free to message me and we can discuss it)
Genshin Impact/Honkai:star rail/Honkai Impact 3rd
Bungo stray dogs
Jujutsu Kaisen
Tokyo Revengers
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Anything from MXTX
(more fandoms in my carrd)
What I will NOT write
loss of limbs (unless canon)
terminal illness (unless canon or if its fictional or if I really like the idea)
(might add more to this if I remember it/things change)
Everything else (yes, that includes piss, underage, non-con, somno, whatever fucked up kink you're thinking of) is on the table
My ao3 account for examples of how I write
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that-one-ao3-writer · 3 months
Okay so me and @summersnowdarling had a huge discussion on discord on fyodors supposed immortality and his ability, which now im sure is called crime and punishment.
Okay first off, we don't think that the flashback with bram is that far back. Probably 17 or 1800s around the time irl fyodor dostoevsky was born, bc 1400s sounds a little too far back lol.
So, there are 2 angles to this,
ONE: fyodor was immortalised by the church either by killing him or worshipping him because of his original ability, the crime.
The main point in both of these is that fyodors actual ability is something destructive, like how he killed ace's bodyguard-i-dont-remember-the -name-of, and that ability he thinks is a crime.
The first point where the church immortalised him is because they believe him to be a reincarnation of jesus, able to take people's life away at will and formed a cult or alike. So when they thought that immortality is a gift, fyodor, who probably hated his ability, thought it was punishment.
Second one is where fyodors ability made the church hate him, hence kill him, but someone brought him back, like noragami Father style. Crime is his ability and punishment is his immortality.
This doesnt have more evidence basis, both of these dont all that much, but it would be interesting to see since fyodor is big on religion and religious symbolism.
TWO: this is my theory, which again, crime is his ability, but his ability is CRIME. whenever he kills someone, their remaining lifespan transfers to fyodor, giving him a longer lifespan, immortality as punishment. This is mostly based off of fyodors monologue in dead apple, where he says "crime and punishment are inseparable, I am crime and I am punishment." (I dont remember the exact words dead apple was one HELL of a confusing novel)
Now for some more on both:
We know fyodor wants to rid the world of abilities. According the first theory, it is highly likely due to religious trauma from either being worshipped as a god and immortalised or killed because of his ability, making him believe all those who have abilities are sinners against God. Maybe he was the only ability user in his hometown, and on top of that he had such a destructive ability.
For the second theory, he just wants to die. We know he's been alive for so long, and probably killed many people, ridding this world of abilities is the way he can die, and probably make sure something like this can never happen again, idk. It probably doesnt make sense story wise, but it fits with whatever has happened in the plot now. Maybe you can also interlinked the two theories together.
Feel free to discuss and disagree, I just needed to put this out there lmao.
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enruiinas · 4 months
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Interaction PSA: On Verses & Verse Building!
-- Info pertaining to verses, AUs, verse-buildings, crossovers, etc. This series of PSAs is meant to accompany & further elaborate on some things in my updated rules. I link to them throughout not as required guidelines, but what I hope are helpful snippets for those looking for the best means of interacting! --
♥ I love verses. I love verse-building. I love AUs. That's it, y'all. That's the post. (I"m technically kidding, but it could be.) I love playing in other peoples' verses, I love people jumping into my verses, I love building a verse with a mun whether it's based on a series of canon-divergent what-ifs or taking our muses and throwing them into the setting or situations of another fandom we both enjoy... you name it.
♥ I am happy to write all the threads, in all the verses, all the time. I like having multiple things going on. I have verses that are spin-offs of other verses that only explore a minor deviation in the original premise of the verse. When I say I want to explore our muses in every possible scenario, I mean it - so if you're ever torn on options for a meme, or you've got a "well... we could do this, but we could also do this," situation, there is a high probability I'm just going to send you the "both is good" meme and ask what we're calling both of them.
Seriously. I have enough threads in enough verses going on with @climatact that I had to put together a thread directory. And I love every single one of them.
♥ Exploring canon-divergent "what if" scenarios is my favorite. Off the top of my head, some of the verses I've helped create or been a part of have been based around questions like these (shoutout to those reading their questions or ones we've discussed here, y'all know who you are):
• what if robin had found her way to the north & joined the donquixote family after aokiji sent her on her way from ohara? • what if bellemere had lived, nami had followed in her footsteps to become a marine, law & corazon had had more time together, and their search for a cure had taken them as far as the east? • what if law had stayed with the donquixote family (willingly or not?)
tl:dr; i love them. ask them. let's build verses from them!
♥ Other things I love building verses off of? Shared interests, tropes, and favorite fandoms.
• ❛ Oh, hey. I love Greek mythology. You too? Cool let's build a verse where our muses are gods & goddesses. ❜ • ❛ Found family trope?! Absolutely, let's do it. ❜ • ❛ You watched Noragami too? We should build a Noragami verse for them! ❜
♥ The point is, I love verses. Give them to me - all of them. :3 And for a list of fandoms I'm familiar with, please click here (updated 3/28/2024). If you see anything on it you'd like to explore a verse for, give me a shout! (There are a few on there I'd need to revisit to shake my brain awake for, but I wouldn't mention them if I wasn't interested enough to make a verse up for.)
Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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sol-is-the-reason · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my DID!Reader.
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Just a series of Oneshots you can request with your favourite anime characters whose s/o is going to be have DID(disassociative identity disorder). My friend's brother was recently diagnosed with it and hes having a hard time getting used to it and me and my friend are trying to find ways to make him comfortable. Therefore I'm writing this as a support for him. He is a huge fan of anime and im hoping for this help him and motivate him. But I hope you all get to enjoy it too and have a new experience with it. It'll just be a bonus for me if you all like the series.
So don't be hesitant to request. I'll try to get it done as soon as I can.
Some things you should know:-
The reader will be amab.(a male at birth)and will have such features.
Female readers/people with she/her pronouns are free to read as I can't stop you but please don't make it about you.
The reader will have three other known members, the reader being the host. ( There info will be in the character description)
Please don't put any mean comments about the disorder, it will be reported and it is not up for discussion.
I have not seen anyone do this before?so I hope it will work out I think?
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The animes I'll write for:- ( if you don't find the anime/characters you want feel free to ask me and maybe I'll try to write them.)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Black Butler [selected characters]
Attack on Titan [selected characters]
Tokyo Revengers
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen [selected characters]
Spy x family [selected characters]
The promised Neverland
Extras: Ayanokoji from COTE and Yato from Noragami.
And more.
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Reader's description
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Thank you for reading!
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bloomz-page · 11 months
What's a girls gonna do? a diamond's gotta shine! 𔓘 ⋆ ゚
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knock, knock . . . who's there? oh, my dear buddies, it's lovely to meet you! allow me to share some facts about myself . . . ☆
📜 hello, dearest friends! the name is lavender mist minèrva, i go by that pretty name as my pseudonym in this virtual realm. it'll be lovely if you addres me as lavender, lave, minè, or kathya (my old nickname), but I'm totally okay with any nickname you prefer! ♡
i already reach my legal age (20). a proud enfj with aquarius sun scorpio moon and taurus rising as my zodiac. oh, and the type of my account is unlabeled!
i tweet primarily about my daily activities and occasionally publish my photo dump. i enjoy discussing my current interests and occasionally sharing screenshots from those interests, such as webcomics, book pages, or movie sequences. this is not a spoiler-free account! 🪄
☆ My music preferences and interests 𓇼 ⋆。˚
perhaps, our tastes are similiar.
spotify is my 24/7 buddy! 🎧 for me, there's no day without music. I'm listening to kpop a lot, especially 4th gen k-pop . . . but my ultimates are boynextdoor, enhypen and a lot of girl groups! (current favorite: tripleS, newjeans, ive, kiss of life, illit). my favorites soloist are taylor swift, NIKI, laufey, mitski, olivia rodrigo, and conan gray! I listen to them a lot. i listen to japanese pop as well, such as aimer, yoasobi, fujii kaze, and CHiCO with HoneyWorks! wave to earth, AKMU, lucy, and yerin baek are my favorites k-bands. indonesian songs i often listen to are from nadin amizah and tulus! last but not least, i looooove listening to sudio ghibli's soundtrack!
i love watching movies 📽, especially anime! studio ghibli and anime movies take up the biggest part of my movie interest. here are some of my favorites anime movies: The Secret World Of Arietty, When Marnie Was There, Whisper Of The Heart, Nausicaä Of The Valley of The Wind, Howl Moving Castle, Suzume, The Garden Of Words, Your Name, A Silent Voice, Summer Ghost, and Belle. My favorite anime series all the time: Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, To Your Eternity, Fruits Basket, Noragami, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and Haikyuu!!
lately, i've been interested in watching k-drama! my favorite k-drama all the time: Twenty-Five Twenty-One, 20th Century Girl, A-Teen, Class Of Lies, School 2017, Weak Hero Class, and Wightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.
of course, don't forget about this one! series and western films. honestly, I can say that I'm not really into western movies . . . but in this past year, after i finished the Harry Potter series, i decided to watch western movies more often! 🪄✋🏻 and let me tell you my current favorites: Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Wednesday, Gilmore Girls, Princess Diaries, Enola Holmes, and Miss Perigrine's Home For Peculiar Children. 🎞
books, books! 📚 i love reading books as well, especially fiction and self-improvement! for fiction, i don't have any specific genres . . . i can say that i'm flexible to all genres as long as i'm interested in the story line. but, maybe romance will take the biggest part! ◡̈  ༘ *
do you have any recommendations for webtoons or manga? pleaseeee tell me! i love reading webcomics, but it's hard for me to find webcomic that match my interest . . . maybe your favorite can be my favorite too! *wink* but here's my favorite webtoon all the time: Tweening & Knitting Room! 🧣🧤
last but not least, I love writing fiction and studying about self-improvement & self-love. i can label myself as a lifelong learner, or maybe i'm just trying to be a lifelong learner (?) well, both are okay! i love watching TikTok or Youtube videos that talking about self-improvement and self-love ·ᴗ· my current favorite Youtubers are Thewizardliz, Tam Kaur, and Firlyn!
A note, note . . 📄
i'm using Indonesian and broken English as my daily tweets ·ᴗ· i use a lot of kaomoji! m y account is safe for minors, but under 15, please dni. islamphobia, homophobic, lgbtphobic please don't ever interact with my account. i rarely use content warnings for food pictures or real-life pictures! let me know if i made a mistake or my tweets accidentally hurt your feelings, through private messaging, i would gladly fix my attitude. last but not least, my dm is always open! i love having a chit-chat with my precious mutual, so feel free to knock on my door.
dear buddies, thank you for reading my not so greeting paragraph! i hope we can be a good friends, have a lovely day! ♡
lots of love, lavender. ☆
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echodrops · 1 year
hi! i just came to your blog to read your noragami manga chapters analysis and i want to ask something... i feel like i've read somewhere how yato mentioned something like "if yukine was still alive and grew up, he would be taller and bigger than me." nevertheless, i'm not really sure whether it's canon or just me being fanciful hahaha. enlighten me please >.< and if it's canon, do you know what chapter it is? thank you!!
This sounds like it could be true, but I'm sorry, I wouldn't remember the specific chapter if it is, especially since the chapter numbering has become a bit wonky post the hiatus...
My guess would be that this might be back when Yukine's height was being discussed after they discovered the size chart on the doorframe of their family's old apartment?
Sorry I can't be of more help!
Edit: According to @lost-your-mind-in-the-sound , it's chapter 44! Try there!
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bambooinwind · 2 years
Hello, you can call me An or Bamboo.
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I am a kpop and general fandom writer. I'm taking writing commissions to help with expenses. This is however, much a labour of love as it is a mercantile effort.
I aspire to write with flow and verve, to immerse my readers. I have experience writing imagines, reactions and commissioned work. If you are interested, here are my terms and guidelines.
KDRAMA ACTORS. Subject to discussion via e-mail.
KPOP MONSTA X, EXO, NCT 127, BTS, Got7, Super M, Shinee, The Rose, SEVENTEEN, DBSK
ANIME/MANGA Noragami, Diamond no Ace, Haikyuu, Naruto, Free, Kuroko no Basuke, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, Akudama Drive, Cowboy Bebop
FILMS/TV SERIES Marvel and DC films. Open to requests for any film. If I am familiar with it, I will write the request.
NOVELS Twilight, Harry Potter, Song of the Lioness. Open to requests for any novel. If I am familiar with it, I will write the request.
OCs OC characters as outlined by the requester in whatever setting they prefer.
Addendum: I am open to some character x character ship requests. Please make sure requests do not violate terms and guidelines.
Fem! Reader x Character/Idol/Actor avatar
Yandere Actions, with exception to Gratuitous Gore and Violence; only for Anime/Manga, Films/TV, OCs and Novels. Subject to further discussion via email.
Dub-con. Only for Anime/Manga, Films/TV, OCs and Novels. Subject to further discussion via e-mail.
AU! Settings
Does not:
NSFW Rape/Non-con, Incest, Bestiality, Underage (U-19), Scat, Furry, Infantilism, Gratuitous Gore
NSFW High School AUs
Hate/ Bashing
Trans/ Intersex Readers or Characters/ Idol/ Actor avatar
Kpop Ships
First Person POV
Second Person POV
Third Person POV
Names and personal identifiers included upon request
Word Limit and Pricing
0.005 USD per word
600 - 3000 words
Starting price is USD 3 for 600 words, capped at USD 15 for 3000 words. No charge is applied for works exceeding the word limit.
Addendum: I believe my pricing is fair. To be upfront, due to processing fees the actual amount I receive will lessen. If you are satisfied with my work or wish to support my non-commissioned pieces, I welcome donations to my kofi!
One specific plot point involving one reader/ oc and one character. Miscellaneous characters are added at my discretion, or upon request. AUs included.
meet cute, meet uncute, first kiss, breakup, first night, cuddling, snu snu etc.
Got an idea for an AU? I will help you write out drabbles or oneshots within this AU. Same conditions for character limits apply.
Royalty AU; the courtly intrigue between a king, his ministers and the reader, his Shadowmistress and weaver of lies and prying eyes. What is your backstory? How did you meet a king? Do you even like him?
Gang AU; as an advisor he smooths out grievances and earns his pay with mild mannered smiles. beneath the consiliarus lies a wolf, it bays to the night for a glimpse you. How do you meet? Who is his family? Can you accept him?
My strengths are in writing fleshed out female characters. In any circumstance, I want their inner life to feel rich, their feelings human and relatable. I love writing AUs that are more mature. My writing style is direct; I like my story characters to push and pull at each other. I welcome poc! reader requests.
Communication will be handled via email. Please contact me at [email protected] for inquiries and commission negotiations. You may use a pseudonym to make things easier.
The writing process may take several weeks to a month; I expect to stay in communication with requesters throughout, for any updates and changes to the content.
Payments/ donations will be handled via KoFi. I use Stripe which enables card payments. After I accept a request, I will e-mail you a form to fill out. We can discuss plot points, genres and ratings as well as DNWs.
Payments will be made before I begin writing. I do not refund accepted requests.
Completed writing will be e-mailed to you.
I do not accept NSFW commissions from persons below 19 years of age. I will send an e-mail confirming you are of age before accepting such requests.
I will not use, sell or appropriate any of the details you provide me with. All details will remain confidential.
Besides requests that violate terms and conditions, I retain the right to decline requests at my discretion. I will of course inform the requester via email.
Please refrain from including any NSFW keywords in your Ko-Fi messages or asks to this tumblr. I prefer requesters not to leave any comments on Ko-Fi, and contact me via e-mail.
I may post commissioned pieces on AO3 as samples of my work. I will e-mail requesters before taking any action. Upon request, personal identifiers will be removed.
I do not allow you to edit, repost, translate, or claim 'Thema' writings as your own. Feel free to integrate 'Momenta' writings into your own fics should you choose to write that particular AU. I welcome you to credit me with the 'Momenta' writings.
I retain all intellectual rights to my writing. All works are fictional and are not in any way associated with real persons. I do not allow you to use my work for any malicious or unlawful act.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hmmm… What to ask? 🤔/lh
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Hi Erika! Thank you so much for such a fun ask and for playing my game!
From this Ask Me Any 3 Questions About Myself Game 🥰
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
Definitely salty! I can enjoy the others from time to time, but I think I gravitate most towards salty foods when I'm picking meals or snacks for myself. I actually got a bag of my favorite kind of potato chips as a birthday present this year! It was great! 🥰
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
Goodness, my to-be-read and to-be-watched lists are embarrassingly lengthy... I feel like there's a time and place for certain stories so even things I end up really loving tend to sit on those future media lists for a long, long time. With Fairy Tail for instance, a family friend stayed with us for a while about 5 years ago and recommended it. I finally started it last year 😅 (which was perfect for me because it was really the uplifting and wholesome story I really needed at the time, but it was still a little embarrassing when I reached out to my friend like "hey thanks for that recommendation from 5 years ago. It took a long time for me to actually get around to it, but I loved it!" 😁😂).
Until recently Fairy Tail was kind of "the big thing" on my to-be-watched anime list so I had to think about this one a little bit... but I think I'd say Noragami. I had a friend who was really into it for a while, and I actually watched the first episode with her and liked it. Always intended to go back to actually watch it but kept getting distracted by other things. It's been in my queue for years now... 😅
[This was not part of the question but for manga, Blue Exorcist... I watched the anime and wanted to know what happened so I checked out a ridiculous amount of volumes from my local library (probably around 15 or so)--three separate times! Never got around to reading any of them and had to return them each of the three times. Now I'm too embarrassed to try to check them all out again 🙈]
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Ooh! This is such a fun question! I actually really love doing this in real life, believe it or not. My sister makes a lot of jokes that I need "Swear Jars" for certain characters because I can just bash them for hours at a time. 😂😅
I have code names for all of them so I don't give my friends spoilers if they haven't seen, read, or watched the story they're from since a lot of them aren't to that level of visceral detestation upfront and my friends would be all "What? Why this character? I know they're an antagonistic character, but...really? You don't like them that much..." (And yes, really! I don't like them that much! But I want my friends to get to have the experience of coming to their own conclusion about things without being swayed by the fact I just can't stand this or that character).
All the code names are various specific and/or unusual forms of milk (i.e. Bagged Milk, Spilled Milk, Moldy Milk ect.). It's a bit of a long story but "The Milks" phenomenon basically started when I completely misread a meme my sister sent me about one of them ("Bagged Milk"), and (after thoroughly teasing me for my silly mistake) she thought it was such a funny insult to this character to call him “Bagged Milk” so we just started calling him "Bagged Milk" when bashing on him (which was one our favorite activities at the time). It just so happened that all of my friends and all of my sister's friends were starting to get into this particular series around this time, and we wanted to have a way to discuss it with them without spoiling things, so when I went to a party with my friends and mentioned to someone that my sister and I call a particular character in the story "Bagged Milk" (trying to avoid spoilers). My friend started laughing and said he knew exactly who I was talking about before having to explain, and the code name quickly took off in my friend group and we all started calling this character "Bagged Milk." 😂 My sister introduced the same thing with her friends too so now we have a very small circle of people who just call this one character "Bagged Milk" (which honestly might be my greatest contribution to the world given how utterly detestable this character is). One of my best friends actually read this entire series for the purpose of discovering the identity of "Bagged Milk," and memes have even been made amongst my family and friends using a picture of literal bagged milk in lieu of a picture of this character. 😅 (My sense of humor is really bizarre at times, friends).
Anyway, after that really round about answer to your question, I'm going to put my actual response under the cut because I don't want to be responsible for anyone's accidental spoilers, but, naturally, I've chosen "Bagged Milk" who is the King of All of "The Milks" and started "The Milk" phenomenon in the first place. I definitely detest him the most and will bash on him for hours and hours and hours (and have so much fun doing so), so I'm going with him. 🥛
(Warnings: Spoilers for Demon Slayer below the cut)
The answer to your question is Doma from Demon Slayer (otherwise known as "Bagged Milk" in incredibly specific, small circles). UGH!! Freaking Upper Moon 2! I can't stand him. I thought about including a picture, but you know who he is and even looking at him makes me feel viscerally disgusted. I fully admit he is a well written villain and an incredibly interesting character. He is even entertaining at times--admittedly he even made me laugh on occasion which only makes him so much more detestable than he would've been otherwise. Admittedly, he is a masterfully crafted antagonist, but I cannot describe to you the complete and utter loathing and disgust I feel for him viscerally, deep in my bones. I have never enjoyed detesting a character this much (and probably never will again though I do enjoy bashing on the other "Milks"), and I have literally bashed on him for hours and hours at time. (It's one of my favorite things to do with my friends! 😁) I will spare you from me doing that here, but yes, Doma deserves to be bashed, detested, disliked, and dunked on. And I have taken it upon myself to do so which is why I need a "Bagged Milk" swear jar... 😅
Also for your trouble, please have this poor quality meme that was being passed around between my friends at the beginning of the "Bagged Milk" phenomenon... 😂
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Hi, goodnight
Just out of curiosity.
Which other anime/manga you watch/like?
I know about Yuumori and
Jeweler Richard? (Not sure about the name). But I am curious of what else.
(It's The Case Files of Jeweler Richard)
I haven't been watching as much anime as I'd like to have lately, and trying to list off all the anime I've ever watched would take forever and also be largely useless because I'm old (no) and have been a fan of anime for a long time, but.
Let's see. Stuff I like but don't really like in a fandom-y way that's easily bloggable:
I started watching Dr. STONE the other week became very enamored with it. I've caught up on the anime and am waiting for the next season while I debate getting the manga.
I'm currently keeping up with The Devil Is a Part-timer, but I liked season one many years ago more, tbh.
I also watched Science Fell in Love so I Tried to Prove It recently, and it was...okay? Kind of got worse as it continued, so I ended up feeling mostly mediocre about it.
I love Tiger & Bunny and am waiting for the second half of season two.
I love Noragami, although the pandemic massively disrupted my ability to read the manga because I'd been getting it from my library.
I, of course, adore Yuri!!! On ICE, although I've fallen out of the fandom for it of late.
I spent a lot of time in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic obsession, but whew boy is that one a problematic fave. Gurren Lagann is sort of in the same category although I like it more and complain about it less.
I watched Banana Fish. Liked it a lot. Kind of have mostly negative opinions about it, but there's still some good stuff in it.
I like Kyo Kara Maoh even though it's old these days. It still holds up, in my opinion.
Eden of the East was one of the first series I went to a convention panel on to listen to a discussion of the philosophy of the series (I'm sorry, I'm a nerd; it's a good series, okay?)
I've historically enjoyed Free!, although let's be honest: season three was pretty trash.
I saw Sk8. It was a fun 6 hours or so. Kinda over it.
One of my longtime favorite manga is Dragon Knights, which no one ever seems to have heard of.
And a lot of other stuff I have enjoyed over the years! I just don't blog about everything I like. I don't have time, frankly, and not all of it would make interesting blog posts.
And, look, the way I engage with fiction is very deep and energy-consuming. I don't have time energy to keep up with as many series as some people.
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shokami · 2 years
ਏਓ 。 ゚ NOW PLAYING … FAIRY TAIL by yasuharu takanashi
༶ • ┈┈┈┈┈୨ 🍡 ୧┈┈┈┈┈ • ༶
the authors notes : although i have few rules– the world is your oyster, and i am at your creative disposal. if you’re interested in commissioning my work, simply shoot me an ask or DM for me to reach out to you about your inquiries– or reach out to me on discord !! < easiest option.
REASON BEHIND COMMISSIONS: living is difficult lmao, and quite frankly every penny would be a great help. not only to keep me afloat, but with common expenses!
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how to pay & reach me outside of tumblr!
# 001. — discord: motheon
# 002. — email : to be announced.
# 003. — venmo, paypal, etc : will receive details about inquiries
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PRICE AND WORD LIMITS : i have a minimum of 500 words, and a maximum of 8k words. (<- can be discussed). every 500 words costs $5.00. if there is a chance that i get inspired by the commision, and i go over the agreed amount of words, the additional amount added will be free of charge.
anything outside of traditional writing . . .
# 001. — headcanons : $5.00. all hc commissions will be over 1k words.
# 002. — NSFW or DC : extra fee of $5.00 on top of word count fee, hc fee, etc.
# 003. — extra : timestamps, scenarios, digital personalized letters from your favs, imagines . . . all $5.00. will be over 1k words.
# 004. — mood boards for selfships : $3.00. i will ask for information based on your selfship, and build off of that. included with the mood board will be a mini drabble. (will not be over 500 words).
# 005. — self ship SMAU’s : a max of ten slides for your selfship for $3.00. will not include a written portion, unless it is bought as an add on.
# 006. — self ship spotify playlist : $5.00. (will include up to 50 songs or more. depending completely on information you give me)
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PERSONALIZATION OR VAGUE? i will accept either or commision. if personalization is chosen, it will include your name, ethnicity, pronouns, etc. anything that you would like to add to make it more personal for you, i am willing to include. if you choose a vague commision, it will be like any other content i create. a reader pov, gender neutral, with whatever plot/genre you desire to be included.
THE FANDOMS AND THE CHARACTERS : jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, obey me, mr. love: queens choice, haikyuu, chainsaw man, demon slayer, noragami, inuyasha, kamisama kiss, bungo stray dogs, bnha, and more !! — if there is a fandom i have not listed, and you’re interested in commissioning it? simply let me know, and we’ll see if we can make any arrangements for it!
CHARACTER X CHARACTER : i do accept commissions for this type of fic. prices do not change for this type, and it can be discussed upon you reaching out to me … also noteworthy, i can include multiple characters in one commission for a regular selfship/reader x character.
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# 001. — my blog is an 18+ zone, so this does not exclude my commissions. to commission me, you must either have your age present somewhere on your blog, or i must be informed with your age privately upon discussion of your request. if you request anything NSFW/DARK CONTENT: upon official commission, i must see some form of I.D.
# 002. — check out my BYF for things i do and do not write for. if you have any questions about those topics, just reach out to me and ask!
# 003. — you can choose to either have your commission received however you would like as long as it’s digital. you can do whatever you wish with your completed commission, all that i ask is that i receive credit if publicly posted.
# 004. — please be aware that while my commissions are open, it is a first come first served bases. on that topic, if commissions ever become overbooked they will close momentarily until i finish what i have. after that they will be reopened.
# 005. — with all of this said, you are not required to pay for the commission until it is complete. then you will proceed with payment, and the commission will be then sent to you!
# 006. — payment will only be accepted through the following ways! venmo, paypal, and apple pay. i am open to discussion!
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thank you for considering supporting me via commision, and in general. i’m very thankful to have received endless amounts of love from every one of you - xx jinx ਏਓ 。 ゚
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© All rights reserved by SHOKAMI. Do not modify, repost on any platforms, plagiarize, or claim as your own
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eerna · 2 years
I haven't read TLT, but I imagine John The God and Father The Sorcerer (from Noragami) in the same room would be horribly awkard for anyone unfortunate enough to be there; the thinly veiled passive-agressiveness would be so thick you could easily suffocate! Their bitchiness would finally find its match.
Anon you are SOOOOO ON POINT for this. They have the same "human who has cheated fate and managed to become the biggest nuisance in the world while abusing various kids and spewing jokes as he "parents" the main character" thing going on. John even has his own dead wife character who inspired his road to "justice"! My friend and I were literally discussing it the other day lol
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smollestbean-2 · 2 years
They will basically be the same as my request rules;
What I WILL Draw: Some NSFW (if I am comfortable), Fluff, Angst, some Kinks (can be discussed in messages), Oc’s, Pairings (as long as I know them well enough) Pairings can also be discussed in messages
What I will NOT draw: Scat, Watersports (basically anything sexual that has to do with feces or urination), Vore, Pedophilia, somnophilia, Rape. (will be updated as I see fit) Crossovers, Bayverse transformers (I’m not a huge fan of it. I have seen all the movies but I am not happy with the results), Sodomy
Transformers (TFA, G1, MTMTE, Prime, RID, Rescue bots)
Harry Potter
Marvel (MCU)
DC (animated series)
Yu Yu Hakusho 
Rise of the Guardians (watched, on book 2)
One Piece
Percy Jackson
Supernatural (S8 E9)
7 Deadly Sins (S4 E17)
Soul Eater
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Blue Exorcist
Demon Slayer
D-gray man
Fruit Baskets
Fairy Tail
Kamisama Kiss
Cyborg 009
Seduce me (otome)
Diamond no ace
Kuroko no basuke
Black Bird
Sailor Moon
Diabolik Lovers
Panty and Stocking
Tenchi Muyo
Black Clover
Fire Force
Anything involving myths just ask
Inquire about other Fandom
That should be everything. I ask that you please give me time, I have a life outside of my blogs so it may take a while. Give me about a month and a half to finish the request. I may be overestimating but better safe than sorry. 
I will update this as I see fit. 
Above the shoulders: 
Line art/sketch: $5
Flat color: $6
Fully color and shade: $9
Hip and above: 
Line art/sketch: $6
Flat color: $7
Full color and shade: $10
Full body: 
Line art/sketch: $7 
Flat color: $9 
Full color and shade: $15 
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