#norwegian food vocab
errorca-learns-norsk · 7 months
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Smittsomme sykdommer | Infectious diseases
Made a vocab list of common or well-known (historically or because of vaccination programs for example) infectious diseases, since the non-scientific names can be so different between languages! Spoiler alert, chicken pox does not involve kylling 🐓
forkjølelse | cold (minor respiratory infection)
hundegalskap | rabies (is often also just called rabies in Norwegian as well)
influensa | flu
kikhoste | whooping cough
kjønnssykdom | sexually transmitted disease
kusma | mumps
kyssesyk | “kissing disease,”mononucleosis
matforgiftning | food poisoning
meslinger | measles
miltbrann | anthrax
omgangssyke | stomach bug (popular term used for various short-term contagious stomach illnesses)
røde hunder | rubella
stivkrampe | tetanus (aka lockjaw)
tuberkulose | tuberculosis
vannkopper | chicken pox
nearly the same in Norwegian & English: covid-19, difteri (diphtheria), HIV, klamydia, malaria, polio
Bonus: Check out Store medisinske leksikon if you want to do any medical reading in Norwegian :)
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Norwegian Word of the Day 26/02/24
immunforsvar (n) - immune system
et immunforsvar | immunforsvaret | immunforsvar | immunforsvara, immunforsvarene
Bonus vocab
syk (a) - sick, ill
sykdom (m) - illness, sickness, disease
virus (n) - virus
infeksjon (m) - infection
å smitte (v1) - to infect
smitsom (a) - infectious, contagious
å bli syk (v) - to get sick [blir / ble, blei / blitt]
å bli forkjølet (v) - to catch a cold
influensa (m) - flu
magevirus (n) - stomach bug
matforgifning (m/f) - food poisoning
feber (m) - fever
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snowfaded · 5 months
norsk bokmål practice, total - 1h20m
general studying, vocab + grammar: ~45 mins then i spent about 35 minutes learning a bit about norwegian culture around food, typical / traditional meals, and some vegetarian / vegan options (as i'm a vegetarian of 9 yrs). i saved a vegan norske kjøttkaker med brun saus (norwegian meatballs with gravy) recipe, so hopefully i will have the means to make those and try them someday soon-ish!
i was having more fun with learning today, which i expected. i had less going on, so more energy to focus on learning <3
general improvements: overcoming some of my struggle words / phrases from the past week !
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language-dragon · 6 years
Norwegian Cooking Vocabulary
Redskaper - Ustensils
Oppskrift (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Recipe Bestemor følger ikke noen oppskrift når hun lager mat - Grandma doesn’t follow a recipe when cooking
Visp (m; -en, -er, -ene) (å vispe / å røre / å piske) - Whisk Pisk eggehvitene med en visp - Whisk the egg whites by hand
Sleiv (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) (å røre / å blande) - Wooden spoon En sleiv gjør det lett å blande ting - A wooden spoon is good for mixing 
Stekespade (m; -n, -r, -ne) (å snu, å vende) - Spatula / Turner Jeg trenger ikke en stekespade for å snu pannekakene mine - I don’t need a spatula to flip my pancakes
Slikkepott (m; -en, -er, -ene) (å skrape, å vende inn) - Spatula Barna mine slikker bollen ren med slikkepott når vi har bakt sjokoladekake - My kids use a spatula to lick the bowl after we’ve made chocolate cake
Øs|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) (å øse) - Soup ladle Bruk en øse til å øse suppe over i tallerkenen - Use a ladle to pour soup into the bowl
Kniv (m; -en, -er, -ene) (å skjære / å kutte / å hakke) - Knife Finhakk hvitløk med en skarp kniv - Finely chop garlic with a sharp knife
Gaf|fel (m; -felen, -ler, -lene) - Fork Gaflene skal ligge på venstre side av tallerkenen - The forks should be on the left side of the plate
Skje / teskje / spiseskje (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Spoon / teaspoon / tablespoon En spiseskje utgjør ca. 15 mL - A tablespoon is about 15 mL. Skei is also a common spelling, and has the same conjugational pattern. Han må få det inn med teskei - It has to be explained very minutely to him (lit.: he has to be fed with a teaspoon)
Målebeg|er / Litermål (n; -eret/-et, -er/-, -rene/-ene) (å måle / å helle) - Measuring cup Mål opp 5 dL melk i et litermål - Pour 5 dL of milk into a measuring cup.
Bolle (m; -n, -r, -ne) - Bowl Bland alt det tørre i en bolle - Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl
Kjevl|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Rolling pin Kjevle deigen løvtynn med en kjevle - Use a rolling pin to roll the dough paper-thin.
Stekeovn (m; -en, -er, -ene) (å steke) - Oven Stek kalkunen i stekeovnen på 200 °C - Roast the turkey in the oven at 200 °C
Komfyr (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Stove Ikke legg hånda di på komfyren; den er varm! - Don’t put your hand on the stove; it is hot!
Kjøleskap (n; -et, -, -ene) - Fridge Matrester holder seg lenger i kjøleskapet enn i romtemperatur - Leftovers will keep longer in the fridge than if left at room temperature
Kasserolle / kjele (m; -n, -r, -ne) (å koke) - Pot / Saucepan Jeg skal lage en svær porsjon med chilli i denne kasserollen! - I am going to make a lot of chili in this pot!
Gryt|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Dutch oven / Thick cooking pot Og mens smør og sukker skummer tar man åtte eggeplommer som man rører rundt i gryta med en kilo hvetemjøl - As butter and sugar foams, add eight egg yolks and mix them with one kg of flour in the pot
Stekepann|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) (å steke / å varme) - Frying pan / Skillet Varm oljen i en stor stekepanne - Heat the oil in a large skillet
Stekebrett (n; -et, -, -ene) - Sheet pan / baking tray Legg pizzadeigen på et stekebrett - Put the pizza dough on a sheet pan
Rist (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) (å avkjøle på) - Cooling/baking/wire rack Avkjøl kjeksene på rist før servering - Cool the cookies on a baking rack before serving them.
Rivjern (n; -et, -, -ene/-a) (å rive / å raspe) - To grate Riv ost på et rivjern og legg halvparten til side - Grate cheese and put aside half.
Potetskreller (m; -en, -e, -ne)(å skrelle) - Peeler Man kan skrelle eplene dersom skallet er for beiskt - The apples can be peeled if the skin is too tart.
Bakepapir (n; -et, -, -ene) - Parchment paper Bakepapir hindrer mat fra å klistre seg til andre beholdere - Parchment paper prevents food from sticking to its container
Ostehøv|el (m; -elen, -ler, -lene) - cheese slicer  Ostehøvelen skjærer tynne, delikate osteskiver - The cheese slicer cuts thin, delicate slices of cheese
Ingredienser - Ingredients
Kjøttdeig / kyllingkjøttdeig / svinekjøttdeig (m; -en, -ene, -er) - Minced meat/ground beef / ground chicken / ground pork Kjøttdeig er en allsidig ingrediens som kan brukes i mange oppskrifter - Ground beef is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many recipes
Løk / hvitløk / rødløk / vårløk (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Onion / garlic / red onion / green onions/scallions Øynene mine begynner å renne når jeg kutter løk - My eyes start running when I cut onions
Olivenolj|e / solsikkeolj|e / rapsolj|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Olive oil / Sunflower oil / Canola oil Rapsolje er godt egnet for frityrkoking - Canola oil is suitable for deep frying
Salt / Pepper (n, uncountable; -et) - Salt / Pepper Du glemte å ha salt og pepper i suppen. Den er helt smakløs - You forgot to add salt and pepper to the soup. It doesn’t taste anything.
Krydder (n; -et, -e, -ne) - Spices De eneste krydderne jeg har i skapet er kanel, timian og spisskummen - The only spices I have in my cupboard are cinnamon, thyme and cumin
Mel (n, uncountable; -et) - Flour Jeg trenger mel, egg og sukker fra butikken - I need to get flour, eggs and sugar from the shop
Egg (n; -et, -, -ene) - Egg Noen ganger teller man egg i snes og dusin - Eggs are sometimes counted as dozens and scores
Sukker (n, uncountable; -et) - Sugar Sukker smaker søtt, hvilket er det motsatte av salt - Sugar tastes sweet, which is the opposite of salty
Melk (m/f, uncountable; -en/-a) - Milk Melk inneholder kalsium som er bra for beina i kroppen - Milk contains calcium which is good for your bones. 
Blomkål / Brokkoli (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Cauliflower / Broccoli Brokkoli er det verste jeg vet, men jeg kan spise blomkål - Broccoli is the worst thing I know, but I’ll eat cauliflower
Gul|rot (m/f; -roten/rota, -røtter, -røttene) - Carrot Dette er de største gulrøttene jeg noen gang har sett! - These are the biggest carrots I’ve ever seen!
Tomat / Agurk / Salat (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Tomato / Cucumber / Lettuce Jeg vil ha en burger uten tomat, takk - I’d like a burger without tomato, please
Deig (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Dough La deigen heve i tretti til seksti minutter - Let the dough rise for 30-60 minutes
Lefs|e / Lomp|e (m/f; -en/-a, -er, -ene) - Thin, torilla-like, flatbread, usually made from potatoes or corn En burrito er en maislefse fylt med kjøtt, grønnsaker og dressing - A burrito is a corn tortilla filled with meat, greens and sauce
Fisk (m; -en, -er, -ene) - Fish Fisk er venner, ikke fôr! - Fish are friends, not food!
Sjømat (n, uncountable; -en) - Seafood Norge er et land med lang kystlinje, så befolkningen spiser mye sjømat - Norway has a very long coastline, so its inhabitants eat a lot of sea food
Kjøtt (n, uncountable; -et) - Meat  Vegetarianere spiser ikke kjøtt - Vegetarians don’t eat meat
Fjærkre (n; -et, -, -ene) - Poultry Ordet “fjærkre” omfatter høns, ender, gjess og kalkuner - The term “poultry” includes hens, ducks, geese and turkeys.
More often than not, rødt kjøtt and hvitt kjøtt is used to refer to meat and poultry:
Rødt/hvitt kjøtt (n; uncountable) (røde/hvite kjøttet) - Red/white meat Man bør spise mer hvitt kjøtt enn rødt - You should eat more poultry than red meat
Tilberedningsmåter - Preparing the food
Å lage mat (lager, laget, laget) - Cook food Jeg liker å lage mat - I like to cook food
Å steke (steker, stekte, stekt) - To cook, to fry, to bake, to roast Stek kyllingen i stekepannen i femten minutter - Fry the chicken in a frying pan for 15 minutes
Å for|varme (-varmer, -varmet, -varmet) - To preheat Forvarm ovnen til 250 °C - Preheat oven to 250 °C
Å frityr|steke (-steker, -stekte, -stekt) - To deep fry Pommes frites er frityrstekte poteter - French fries are deep fried potatoes
Å koke (koker, kokte, kokt) - To boil For å hardkoke egg, må de kokes i mer enn ti minutter - To make hard boiled eggs, one has to cook them for more than 10 minutes.
Å bake (baker, bakte, bakt) - To bake (not bake in oven, but the process of making baked goods) Når kakerøren er ferdigstekt, har du bakt en kake - When the cake batter is baked, you have made a cake
Å røre (rører, rørte, rørt) - To mix, to incorporate, to stir Rør sammen alle ingrediensene - Mix together all the ingredients
Å blande (blander, blandet, blandet) - To mix, to incorporate, to combine Bland det våte og det tørre - Combine the liquids and the dry ingredients
Å fryse (fryser, fryste, fryst) - To freeze, to congeal Iskremen bør fryses i minst fire timer - The ice cream ought to be frozen for at least 4 hours
Å sette kaldt (setter, satt, satt) - To chill, to refridgerate Settes kaldt før servering - Chill before sering
Å grille (griller, grillet, grillet) - To grill, to roast Man kan grille ananas på grillen - Pineapple can be grilled on an outdoor grill
Å dampe (damper, dampet, dampet) - To steam Dampede grønnsaker er kjempegodt - Steamed vegetables are very good
Å krydre (krydrer, krydret, krydret) - To season Jeg krydrer med fem forskjellige kryddere - I use 5 different spices for seasoning
Å sikte (sikter, siktet, siktet) - To sift Hvetemelet bør siktes før det has i røren - The wheat flour ought to be sifted before it is added to the batter
Å elte / å kna (elter / knar, eltet / knadde, eltet / knadd) - To knead Jo mer vi knar deigen, jo bedre hever den - The more we knead the dough, the better it will rise
Å kjevle (kjevle, kjevlet, kjevlet) - To roll with a rolling pin Jeg kjevler ut deigen med kjevla mi - I roll out the dough with my rolling pin
Å smuldre (smuldrer, smuldret, smuldret) - To crumble, to crush, to grind Smuldre Oreokjeksen og pynt toppen av kaken med dem - Crush the Oreo cookies and garnish the top of the cake with the crumbles
Å ha i / å til|sette (har / -setter, hadde / -satte, hatt / -tilsatt) - To add in, to pour in Ha i fløte, brunt sukker og kardemomme - Add in heavy cream, brown sugar and cardamom
Å helle av (heller, helte, helt) - To drain Jeg brant meg da jeg helte vannet av pastaen - I burnt myself when I drained the pasta
Now go practise on MatPrat, NRK Mat or godt.no!
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Español | Norsk
(la) manzana | eple (et)
(la) naranja | appelsin (en)
(la) limón | sitron (en)
(la) lima | kalk (en)
(la) fresa | jordbær (et)
(la) cereza | kirsebær (et)
(la) frambuesa | bringebær (en)
(el) arándano rojo | tyttebær (et)
(el) arándano | blåbær (en)
(la) uva | drue (en)
(el) mango | mango (en)
(el) duranzo | fersken (en)
(la) piña | ananas (en)
(la) ciruela | plomme (en)
(la) banana, (el) plátano | banan (en)
(el) coco | kokosnøtt (en)
(la) pera | pære (en)
(la) sandía | vannmelon (en)
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adito-lang · 3 years
Adito’s Langblr Content Masterpost
Here you’ll find an overview of my langblr content for Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, and most recently Mandinka! I update regularly as I create more posts. 
Vocabulary lists (*** indicates that the vocabulary is from an article or other source which you can refer to for practice):
🗣  Advice
���  ASMR triggers (includes list of Japanese ASMRtists) 
🏖  Beach
🈹 Coupons・Sales
💉  Coronavirus vaccine side-effects
🌏  Energy conservation***
⛸  Figure skating - Skating season and competitions・Jumps・Performance・Programs・Scoring・Yuzuru Hanyu’s master thesis***
🌡 First aid for heat strokes***
🐞  Insects
💍 Jewelry
💼 Part-time job listings
🏳️‍🌈  Queer issues: Queer sexuality and gender identity・Failure to pass LGBTQ bill***
❄️ Winter-themed katakana vocab
Grammar/Expressions (some are tagged #lessons with 松島先生, some are tagged #jlpt n2):
Christmas in Japan: history
Coming of Age Day (成人の日)
Food: 🍜 Seasonal dishes・Recipe
New Year's: New Year's dreams (初夢)・dishes (おせち料理)・traditions
Proverbs: 金の光は阿弥陀ほど
Short story: 💃🏻 伊豆の踊子 (The Dancing Girl of Izu)・☎️ まちがい電話 (Wrong number)
Winter solstice (冬至) and unzakari (運盛り)
Vocabulary lists (*** indicates that the vocabulary is from an article or other source which you can refer to for practice):
🗣  Advice
✨  ASMR triggers (includes list of Norwegian ASMRtists) 
🚘 Driving
🎲 Games
🤔  False friends Norwegian-German
⛰  Hiking trails
🔴 Menstruation
🗳 Parliamentary elections
♨️ Sauna
⛷️ Skiing
☀️ Summer
🏊🏼‍♀️ Swimming
💤  Types of common dreams
🏳️‍🌈  Queer sexuality and gender identity
🥦 Vegetables
💪🏽 Verbs related to the body: head・arms/hands・legs/feet
🔚 Equivalent word endings Norwegian-German
🤲🏽 Garpegenitiv possessive construct
🎯 The old dative case preserved in dialects
⏳ Temporal prepositions
Ord/Uttrykk: å lukte & å smake・i ferd med・på størrelse med・må nok・samme hvor mye
Christmas traditions
Kebabnorsk - Norwegian multiethnolect
Oslo Pride
Juli 2022: 1・2・3・4・5・6・7・8・9 & 10
Listening practice
Interview with Yama Wolasmal on Lindmo
Podcasts for intermediate/advanced learners
Street interview "Most beautiful language"
Vocabulary lists (*** indicates that the vocabulary is from an article or other source which you can refer to for practice):
✨  ASMR triggers (includes list of Dutch/Belgian ASMRtists) 
🤔  False friends Dutch-German - Verbs・Adjectives・Nouns
🏳️‍🌈  Queer sexuality and gender identity
🌷  Tulips***
Grammar (these are tagged #dutch grammar notes):
Closed vs. open syllables
Nouns (singular and plural)
Spelling rules
Hebben vs. zijn with verbs of movement in the perfect tense
Books: vocab from Allah heeft ons zo gemaakt
Poetry: vraagje・Frank Keizer
🔢 Numbers and counting
❓ Question words - Where? (Places)
Verbs (present tense)
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Immersion: how to immerse yourself in a language when you don’t live in that country
By someone who spends their life trying to convince themself they live in Norway
Put on background noise in your TL. Stick the radio on while you’re studying, listen to a podcast while you’re doing housework, listen to an audiobook while on the bus, whatever. Don’t worry about understanding it all - heck, you don’t even have to pay full attention. Even passively listening will improve your comprehension skills as you get used to the language’s melody (and also find yourself catching the occasional word/phrase).
Change the language of all your devices to your TL. Personally, I don’t recommend doing this until you’ve got a good grip on your basic vocab because getting a pop-up message on your phone that you don’t understand at all can be quite alarming! At least learn how to say confirm, cancel, delete, share and save.
Set your homepage to a news or webzine in your TL. I have NRK as my homepage, so whenever I open my browser I can read the headlines (and then maybe an article).
Watch the news in your TL. I highly recommend watching the news because then you get to know what issues are current in that area of the world, so then you’re learning about the culture too. (It’s also really interesting to see how world events are reported on in other countries and cultures!)
Follow people on social media who post in your TL. Not sure who to follow? News sites, TV show accounts, musicians, actors, athletes etc are always a good starting point. Also search hashtags in your TL (eg #gymnastikk #sminke #treningsglede or whatever you’re interested in)
Music. Find a playlist on spotify of your favourite genre and get listening (do the search in your TL - so for example, if you type in “norwegian rock” you may get a mixture of Norwegian and English songs by Norwegian bands, but if you type in “norsk rock” you’re more likely to get songs in Norwegian)
Video games. If you play ‘em and you have the option, change them into your target language!
Find recipes in your TL. Bonus points if they’re traditional recipes from that country because then you get to learn about the culture too! But anything that looks interesting/tasty is good.
Write lists in your TL. I write most of my shopping lists and to-do lists in Norwegian (and sometimes I post them to my blog so I can get feedback). Then, while I’m at the shop, I’ll think to myself in Norwegian: “where is the cat food? There is the cat food. Now I need soap. Where is the soap? Oh no, the soap is sold out!” Or while I’m doing my chores I’ll try to think, “now I’m washing my clothes. Next I need to clean the kitchen, and then I’ll make lunch.”
Read books. Children’s books are a good starting point if you’re a low level. Also books you’ve read in your native language, especially if you still have the original copy. (Tip: don’t get bogged down trying to translate every word you don’t know. If you can work it out from context, leave it. If you’re unsure about it and it keeps cropping up, look it up. If the sentence doesn’t make sense without it, look it up. If you wanna note down useful phrases do it, but don’t do it for every new word/phrase)
Find youtubers who create content in your TL. Again, do the search in your TL. So instead of typing “norwegian makeup videos” search for “sminkevideo norsk”
While we’re talking about youtube, try to find grammar videos in your TL, searching in your TL rather than in your native language (eg instead of searching ‘present perfect spanish’ try typing ‘el préterito perfecto español’)
Watch TV shows and movies in your TL. You can start by watching with subtitles in your native language, then move to subtitles in your TL, then eventually switch them off. (tip: watch with subtitles in your TL and then note down words/phrases that recur or words/phrases that you like. As with reading, don’t bother noting down everything you don’t know - just the odd one or two here and there that you’re like “oh hey that’s useful I wanna remember that”). You can use the Language Learning With Netflix browser extension, or google news stations in a country where your TL is spoken if you don’t know where to start.
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norwegiatlas · 6 years
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Home-themed vocab in Norwegian
“Hjem, kjære hjem” “Home, sweet home”
hus (n) = house husholdning (m/f) = household hjem (n) = home
rom (n) = room vegg (m) = wall gulv (n) = floor tak (n) = ceiling; roof dør (m/f) = door vindu (n) = window trapp (m/f) = staircase, stairs pipe (m/f) = chimney
veggmaling / maling (m/f) = wall paint, paint tapet (m) = wallpaper panel (n) = panel murstein (m) = brick mur (m) = brick wall steinmur (m) = stone brick wall flis (m/f) / flise (m) = tile betong (m) = concrete å bygge = to build å male = to paint
kjøkken (n) = kitchen kjøkkenskap (n) = cupboard kjøleskap (n) = fridge, refridgerator fryser (m) = freezer komfyr (m) = stove stekeovn (m) = oven mikrobølgeovn (m) = microwave oven kjøkkenvask (m) = kitchen sink oppvaskmaskin (m) = dishwasher spisebord (n) = dining table stol (m) = chair tallerken (m) = plate glass (n) = glass kopp (m) = cup kniv (m) = knife gaffel (m) = fork skje (m/f) / skei (m/f) = spoon å spise = to eat å drikke = to drink å lage mat = to make food, prepare food å koke = to cook å varme opp = to warm up å kjøle ned = to cool down å fryse = to freeze å skjære = to slice å kutte = to cut å servere = to serve å dekke bordet = to make the table å bake = to bake
soverom (n) = bedroom seng (m/f) = bed pute (m/f) = pillow dyne (m/f) = duvet laken (n) = bedsheet madrass (m) = mattress nattbord (n) = night table, bedside table, nightstand alarm (m) = alarm klesskap (n) / garderobeskap (n) = wardrobe speil (n) = mirror gardin (m) = curtain pult (m) / skrivepult (m) = desk, writing desk datamaskin (m) / PC (m) = computer, PC å legge seg = to go to bed, go to sleep å sove = to sleep å sovne = to fall asleep å våkne = to wake å vekke = to wake (someone/something) up å drømme = to dream å ligge = to lay å gå i søvne = to sleepwalk
stue (m/f) = living room TV (m) / fjernsyn (n) = television, TV fjernkontroll (m) = remote control sofa (m) = couch, sofa lenestol (m) = armchair teppe (n) = (on floor) carpet; (on wall) tapestry; (on bed) quilt pledd (n) = blanket kaffebord (n) = coffee table maleri (n) = painting vedovn (m) / ovn (m) = furnace peis (m) = fireplace bokhylle (m/f) = bookshelf skap (n) = cabinet; cupboard å se = to watch, see å lese = to read å sitte = to sit å slappe av = to relax å blunde / å dubbe = to nap å ta en blund / å ta en lur = take a nap
bad (n) / baderom (n) = bathroom toalett (n) / do (m) = toilet; WC toalettpapir (n) = toilet paper toalettrull (m) = toilet paper roll vask (m) = sink; wash kran (m/f) = crane vann (n) = water varmt vann = warm water kaldt vann = cold water lunkent vann = lukewarm water dusj (m) = shower; spray (mist of liquid); room of showers dusjsåpe (m/f) = shower gel sjampo (m) = shampoo håndduk (m) / håndkle (n) = towel sminke (m) = makeup å gå på do = to go to the toilet å tisse = to pee å bæsje = to poop å tørke seg = to dry oneself å vaske hendene = to wash hands å pusse tennene = to brush teeth å sminke seg = to put on makeup
bod (m) = storeroom, storage room hylle (m/f) = shelf eske (m/f) = box bøtte (m/f) = bucket kost (m) = broom; brush støvsuger (m) = vacuum cleaner klut (m) = cloth, rag sikringsskap (n) / sikringsboks (m) = fuse box å rydde = to tidy å vaske = to clean å gjøre rent = to clean up å organisere = to organize å plukke opp = to pick up å sette ned = to set down å rote = to make mess å rote bort = to misplace, lose something
vaskerom (n) = laundry room vaskemaskin (m) = washing machine tørketrommel (m) = dryer, tumble dryer klessnor (m) = clothesline vaskemiddel (n) = detergent kattesand (m) = cat litter hundebånd (n) = dog leash, leash å vaske klær = to do the laundry å putte klærne i tørketrommelen = to put the clothes into the dryer å henge opp klær = to hang the clothes up
gang (m) = hallway yttergang (m) = entrance hallway dørmatte (m/f) = doormat stumtjener (m) = coat stand  (I love this word, because “stum” (silent) + “tjener” (servant). It serves you by silently taking and holding your coats and jackets) skohylle (m) = shoe shelf å ta imot (gjester) = to welcome, receive (guests) å invitere = to invite å ta på (klær) = to put on (clothes) å ta av (klær) = to take off (clothes) å knyte skolissene = to tie the shoelaces
hage (m) = garden frukthage (m) = orchard, fruit garden blomsterhage (m) = flower garden terrasse (m) = terrace veranda (m) = veranda, verandah gress (n) = grass plen (m) / gressplen (m) = lawn gressklipper (m) = lawnmower tre (n) = tree drivhus (n) = greenhouse solseng (m/f) = sunbed parasol (m) = parasol benk (m) = bench grill (m) = grill blomst (m) = flower blomsterkrukke (m/f) / blomsterpotte (m/f) = flower pot blomsterseng (m/f) = flowerbed hundehus (n) = dog house sandkasse (m) = sandbox disse (m/f) / huske (m/f) = swing sklie (m/f) = slide gjerde (n) = fence stakittgjerde (n) = picket fence å plante = to plant å så = to sow å gjødsle = to fertilize å høste inn / å innhøste = to harvest å plukke = to pick, gather å klippe gresset = to cut the grass å sole seg = to sunbathe å grille = to grill å leke = to play
If you find any mistakes or typos, please let me know so I can correct them! :)
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beaniestudy · 6 years
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i have a lot of language posts in my tag so i thought id make a masterpost since it’s all i seem to do lol :)
love vocab
cute vocab
animal vocab
stationery vocab
regular verb conjugation
past tense conjugation
garden vocab
beautiful french vocab
novel analysis vocab
linking words
news vocabulary
how to guess noun gender
summer vocab
night time vocab
space vocab
French music
essay phrases
suffissi alterativi suffixes
space vocab 
food vocab
giving directions
stationery vocab
beauty vocab
double negatives
friendship vocab
japanese masterpost
music vocab
valentines vocab
months of the year
feeling unwell vocab
resources for learning
advice for learning korean
nature and weather vocab
verbs list
summer vocab
how to introduce yourself
common errors
past present and future conjugation
idiomatic expressions
Korean names for 50 countries
love vocab
breakfast vocab
all of @malteseboy  ‘s posts!
weather vocab
rainy day vocab
summer vocab
lgbt vocab
100 most common verbs
learning spanish with tv
christmas vocab
verbs that take prepositions
more complex synonyms for words you already know
the subjunctive
words to use instead of decir
space vocab
holidays vocab
some pretty things in vocab
positive and negative infinitives
cafe vocab
emotions vocab
cute vocab
how to sound more natural when speaking Swedish
text slang
family vocab
European countries in Swedish 
russian resources on youtube 
at the bookstore vocab
flower vocab
how to introduce yourself
common prepositions
cafe vocab
40 important verbs
autumn vocab
common useful idioms
how to address people in China
school words
Language Tips:
tips for learning a new language
language goals
peppa pig in different languages
language learning resolutions
how to improve pronunciation
lazy town in different languages
how to learn a foreign languages
google drive full of grammar for nearly every language
learning vocab from reading
listening and speaking 
feel free to reblog with more useful resources! I hope this comes in useful to someone 
please message me if there are any links that aren't working so I can fix them asap! xo
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silversatori-blog · 6 years
calliopinotYo holy shit. @shirocherry tagged me
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname: You can call me Silver, Marko works as well
Gender: black void floating above a single rock (A dood, in other words)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 5’8″
Age: 21
Time: 7.01 pm
Favorite Bands/Solo Artists: Epica, Amorphis, Powerwolf, Battle Beast, Nightwish
Song stuck in my head: a wild medley of Battle Beast songs
Last movie I saw: Error 404 memory not found (I think it was the Shape of Water though)
Last thing I googled: Finnish vocab :,D
Other Blogs: language-fox, silversong-artwork, autismus-obscurus (all of them do exactly what they sound like)
Do I get asks: Not really, I’m not that interesting
Why I chose my username: It’s a reference to a book I’ve never started writing, a Satori is a yokai from japanese myths and my main character was... a silver satori. Astounding
Following: 248
Average amount of sleep: I try to get 8 at least but since I came to Finland way too little. Fuck the sun
Lucky Number: 7 but that’s an unfounded bias lol
What am I wearing: black t-shirt and shorts
Dream Job: author or translator
Dream Trip: Iceland!! All of Scandinavia!! I wanna see all of it
Favorite Food: bread probably. If you have bread there’s nothing that can shake you
Play any Instrument: Learned Piano for a few years and started guitar but never got far with either
Favorite Song: This is a joke right
Play(ed) any sport: played handball and danced, but stopped both. I’m not suited for team sports
Hair Colour: dark brown, with honest to god blond spots that have no reason to be there
Eye Colour: Brown-green
Language you speak/are learning: English, German, Swedish more or less fluently, learning Finnish and a little Dutch
Random Fact: I learned Swedish because of a Portal mod just to find out the voice actor is Norwegian
Describe yourself as an aesthetic/things: static in the distance, thunder rolling in purple clouds, cargo shorts and band shirts, rainbow bracelets, a thudnerstorm in summer, an open word document with never-finished notes
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh who do I tag. @miriena @ender-the-intern @calliopinot @hibiskooks @king-moron i can't think of more names sorry
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natsumisato · 6 years
100 Days of Languages
Day 3: Make a vocab list of at least 10 words. You choose the theme.
Vocab List: Food
Norwegian - English - German
agurk (m) - cucumber - Gurke
blåbær (n) - blueberry - Blaubeere, Heidelbeere
brød (n) - bread - Brot
eple (n) - apple - Apfel
vannmelon (m) - watermelon - Wassermelone
løk (m) - onion - Zwiebel
hvitløk (m) - garlic - Knoblauch
frukt (f) - fruit - Frucht
grønnsak (f) - vegetable - Gemüse
kjøtt (n) - meat - Fleisch
eddik (m) - vinegar - Essig
ost (m) - cheese - Käse
honning (m) - honey - Honig
speilegg (n) - fried egg - Spiegelei
eggerøre (f) - scrambled egg - Rührei
smør (n) - butter - Butter
kjeks (m) - cookie - Keks
ris (m) - rice - Reis
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kjaerekrake · 6 years
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Hello McKenna @offisiellenorskblogg ! I am your secret santa! 
(originally I wrote a song to help learn animals but the file for it ended up becoming corrupted) I wrote out the giant vocab list of animals
Also I found some children’s songs! (though, a warning, two are a bit long but i listed the times for them)
Here (11:40) Here(1:20) Here (30:37) and Here[Czech) (3:48)
I hope you like this! 
norwegian - english
en katt - a cat en katunge - a kitten
en hund - a dog en hundevalp/valp - a puppy (you can use both)
en giet - a goat ei ku - a cow en kalv - a calf å mjaue - to meow å bjeffe - to bark å breke - to bleet en gris - a pig en snute - a snout en kanin - a rabbit å hoppe - to hop en måke - a seagull en gås - a goose vinger - wings en esel - a donkey
en bjørn - a bear
en ape - a monkey
en tiger - a tiger
en sau - a sheep
en ørn - an eagle
en elefant - an elephant
en frosk - frog en skilpadde - a turtle ei høne - a hen en hest - a horse en krokodille - a crocodile tamm - tame/ domestic
vill - wild en pingvin - a penguin en sjraff - a giraffe høy - tall en slange - a snake en and - a duck en svane - a swan
en fisk - a fish
anda er stygg og svanen er vakker - the duck is ugly and the swan is beautiful en flue -a fly en mygg - a mosquito en sommerfugl - butterfly
en bie - a bee
et pattedyr - a mammal en alteter -  an omnivore et rovdyr - carnivore en plantespiser - herbivore en reptile - a reptile
et insekt - an insect
Har du noen dyr? - do you have any animals
Selger dere hundemat? - do you sell dog food?
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stardust-learning · 6 years
100 days pf productivity - 1/100
I’m proud of myself today! I’ve spent the last four-ish weeks since I’ve been on holidays just sitting around and watching Netflix (legit I’ve finished so many shows omg) and I finally finished Doctor Who yesterday and made the decision not to start another show! Despite not getting up untill after 1pm, today, I:
- began cleaning my room - now all the books and knick knacks etc are put away and it’s only clothes on the floor
- did two loads of laundry and hung them out
- changed the kitty litter and washed her food bowls
- read/listened to the first chapter of Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen in German
- went back and re-read the first four and a half pages, making notes and looking up every word I didn’t recognise (this took forever hence why I didn’t finish the chapter, I my vocab needs so much help aahhh, also my simple past is so b a d)
- did a whole bunch of memrise and duolingo for both German and Norwegian (like, quite a lot. 140 xp on duo and like 9000 points ish on memrise)
Now I’m exhausted, I’m going to go to sleep! Good night! 
(ps some pics of my study space today are on my langblr @languageduck)
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languageduck · 7 years
Challenge Update Week 1
So, as some of you might’ve seen I’m doing @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge for 8 weeks (but I’ve turned it just into the winter term 3 challenge because it’s winter and I’m working lmao) and I’m trying to learn Norwegian. I’m updating every Sunday on how I’m going!
I’ve tried a whole lot of websites etc to figure out which is going to work best for me, especially considering I’m an absolute beginner. I’ve stuck to duolingo and memrise for the most part. Others I’ve checked out are lingvist, lingq, and clozemaster. I’ve also used this Norwegian on the Web resource and the pdf from this post by @koreanbreeze. I only discovered koreanbreeze’s post yesterday but I think I’ll be using that pdf a lot as this goes on, it’s very handy.
Duolingo Norwegian Course
Level: 6
Skills completed: Basics, Basics 2, Phrases, Food, Animals, Definites, Obj. Pron., Plurals, Def. Plur., V: Present (First checkpoint passed!!)
Streak (20 XP per day goal): 10 days
Memrise Norwegian 1
Levels completed: 2 (Launchpad, I come in peace)
Words learnt (words in LTM): 49 (12)
Streak (5 min per day goal):7 days
Norwegian on the Web
I used the audio files to learn the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet, and used the pronunciation guide to write my own pronunciation page in my notebook. Read through all of chapter 1 in the course material and grammar book.
In my notebook
I’ve written notes on pronunciation, pronouns, articles, numbers 1 - 1 000 000 000 & wrote out vocab from the first three duolingo topics (I’ve got to catch up whoops) (See pics of my notebook here)
Last but not least, every week I want to try and actually write something in Norwegian using what I’ve learned. So here goes! (If anyone spots any mistakes, please don’t hesitate to let me know!)
Hei! Jeg heter Belinda. Jeg er tjuefem år gammel. Jeg kommer fra Australia. Jeg snakker engelsk og tysk og litt norsk. Jeg har en katt. Hun heter Tori og er to år gammel. Katten er en jente. Jeg liker henne. Jeg liker å lese og å le og å sova. Jeg har en te. Jeg liker ander. Jeg er en lærer. Lærere liker bøker.
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languagecollector · 7 years
Masterpost of Norwegian Masterposts
Because I’ve reblogged so many resources and masterposts that it got overwhelming, so I had to compile them all into one giant masterpost. This is basically my entire Norwegian tag. 
Masterposts (contains mixed resources)
The Ultimate Norwegian Resources List by languagesandme (contains courses, culture & life, tv shows, music, news, comics & other reading materials)
Norwegian Resources by languageoclock (contains websites, dictionaries, blogs, news, youtube channels, and music)
Norwegian masterpost by jeg-savner-norge (contains courses, exercises, dictionaries, placement tests, books, games & quizzes, audio, movies, news, etc.)
Masterpost of Hoarded Language Resources by le-juletre (contains courses, listening, pronunciation, grammar, dialect comparisons, music, text, tv, radio and nynorsk)
Jeg lærer norsk! by treasuredthings (contains courses, exercises, dictionaries, grammar, vocab, books, games & quizzes, audio, videos, etc.)
Scandinavian Language Masterpost by useless-scandinaviafacts (contains websites, TV shows, news, movies, and music from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and includes a comparison video)
North Germanic Language Resources by travellingual (contains various resources on Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic and Faroese)
Learn Nordic Languages Websites/Sources by factsnfun (contains various resources on Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and Icelandic)
Norsk materials (Kompetanse Norge) by giuliaslangblr
Norwegian resources from this blog by henvin
Vocab Lists & Sentence Lists
Norwegian False Friends by language-princess Norwegian Adverbs by language-princess 85 Norwegian Irregular Verbs by language-princess 150 Advanced Norwegian Verbs by language-princess Norwegian pick-up lines by language-princess Useful phrases and words XIII by jeg-savner-norge Congratulations and good wishes by jeg-savner-norge Groceries by jeg-savner-norge Weather in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Directions by whatlanguageisthis 10 Norwegian Idioms Part 1 by whatlanguageisthis 10 Norwegian Idioms Part 2 by whatlanguageisthis 10 Norwegian Idioms Part 3 by whatlanguageisthis Gymnastics vocabulary in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Sami vocabulary in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Christmas in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Love and romance in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Body language in Norwegian by whatlanguageisthis Weather terms by snakknorsk Face vocabulary by snakknorsk Things in a Kitchen by coffeewithabook Professions and Occupations by coffeewithabook Entertainment and Hobbies by coffeewithabook Norwegian Autumn Vocabulary by spraakhexe Norwegian Autumn Vocabulary by vokabular Psychology Vocabulary (w/ German) by vokabular Verdensrommet by vokabular Greetings by imlearninglanguages Norwegian chat acronyms by languageoclock Norwegian Frozen Vocabulary by norwegian-wool Norwegian Christmas Vocab by bilingualmalfoy Frukt by polarynat Følelser på norsk by jeglaerenorsk Compliments in Norwegian that isn’t about... by jeglaerenorsk Secret by jeglaerenorsk Sminke by jeglarenorsk Slang by jeglaerenorsk Krydder by letslearnnorwegian Common swears by letslearnnorwegian Litteratur by letslearnnorwegian Kjæleord - Endearments by letslearnnorwegian Blomster by letslearnnorwegian Skole by letslearnnorwegian Musikk by letslearnnorwegian Anatomi by letslearnnorwegian 10 Norwegian Words That Are…Kinda Odd by letslearnnorwegian Around the house in Norwegian by offisiellenorskblogg Cat vocabulary in Norwegian by offiesiellenorskblogg Seafood vocabulary by offisiellenorskblogg Norwegian abbreviations by offisiellenorskblogg People who Make Movies by offisiellenorskblogg Norwegian health vocabulary by studyinorsk Passive voice verbs by rogntre Feelings vocab by rogntre The signs in Norwegian by entliczekpentilczek 10 Untranstalable Norwegian Terms by theprivatelifeofsherlockholmes Reasons for Learning Norwegian by norwegianclass101com Norwegian culture funfacts for SKAM lovers by darktwistedlady Norwegian LGBTQ+ Vocabulary by positivityforbaddays Birthday Vocabulary in Norwegian by polyglotpearl Cute Norwegian Food Vocab by language-hoe Some Norwegian Summer Vocabulary by language-hoe Some Norwegian Rainy Day Vocabulary! by language-hoe Valentinsdagen by ravenlangblr Canada by useless-scandinaviafacts Art vocabulary by deseamber Sea vocabulary by deseamber Penpal Vocab by languagecollector Real Estate Vocabulary by languagecollector 100 Most Common Verbs Norwegian by studyingboookworm Autumn vocabulary by studyingboookworm 100+ Norwegian Verbs in all Tenses by studyingboookworm how to swear in norwegian like a pro by skamda SKAM Words Translation by mannentilminkardemomme Harry Potter Vocabulary by norwegianandchill Some useful words when writing a Norwegian essay by henvin Norwegian Vocab: På Kontoret by ihoeforlangs Classical Music and Instruments in Norwegian by momos-languagejourney Bunch of upper-intermediate/advanced Norwegian vocabulary by languagesfreak Psykolog: – Gå glipp av mer! by norwegianlearner Norsk Vocab - Hardware by vocablrs Norsk Vocab - Radio by vocablrs Norsk Vocab - Garden by vocablrs
Grammar Lessons
å ville by letslearnnorwegian Ordering food by letslearnnorwegian Possessives and “ikke” by letslearnnorwegian Possessives (pronouns) by letslearnnorwegian "skal" "skulle" "brude" "brø" "må" "får" by letslearnnorwegian Basic sentence structures by letslearnnorwegian jeg synes, jeg tror, jeg tenker by letslearnnorwegian hvis and om by letslearnnorwegian Subordinate clauses by letslearnnorwegian Liksom by letslearnnorwegian 'når' and 'da' by letslearnnorwegian “masse “mye” “mange” by letslearnnorwegian “Tykk/tjukk L” by letslearnnorwegian Plural form of neuter nouns by letslearnnorwegian #SKAMSPEAK 1: Ass by stormboxx #SKAMSPEAK 2: Halla! (and other greetings) by stormboxx Difference between “lite” and “små” by almostbilingual Norwegian word order by whatlanguageisthis Why a verb ends in “s” by whatlanguageisthis utenfor, innenfor, bortenfor, nedenfor by whatlanguageisthis Lang og lenge by toramor When to Use: ANNERLEDES & FORSKJELLIG by languages-arent-real Dirty Norwegian: swears, insults and other bad words explained by marilingo annet/anna/annen/andre, gjerne, enig by henvin Gerunds by henvin "meg" or "meg selv" by henvin Polar-themed word list in Norwegian by henvin på byen - til byen; know the difference by ask-the-norwegian Inneklemt dag by language-dragon
Music, Podcasts, and Audio
Norwegian music masterpost by language-flower Norwegian music by language-princess Norwegian Christmas songs (w/ Swedish) by fiveyen Norwegian Podcasts by infusicals Ordentlig radio by offisiellenorskblogg Norsk Musikk! by kainorsk
TV shows, Movies and Videos
Norwegian TV Shows by language-flower
E-books and Reading Resources
Norwegian ebooks and stories by jeg-savner-norge Norwegian books by lovelybluepanda I et annet lys by offisiellenorskblogg Norwegian PDFs! by offisellenorskblogg Children’s books in Norwegian by norwegianlangblr 800k free documents in Norwegian by turbini Norwegian textbooks according to CEFR levels by language-princess
Games, Quizzes, Texts
Norskprøve tests by language-princess Norwegian online exercises by imlearninglanguages
Language Comparisons
Scandinavian Vocabulary -> Science by useless-scandinaviafacts Scandinavian Grammar -> Personal Pronouns by useless-scandinaviafacts The Nordic Languages from Minna Sundberg’s Stand Still Stay Silent comic Numerals in North Germanic Languages by ravenlangblr Norwegian Dialect Comparisons by languageoclock Differences between dialects by letslearnnorwegian Is this text in Danish or is it Norwegian? by languagecollector Nynorsk VS Bokmål by languagebee Differences in written Swedish and Norwegian (Bokmål) by spraakhexe how I speak Norwegian by henvin
A poem about a lazy person’s week Memes translated to Norwegian by useless-norwayfacts Harry Potter character names in Norwegian by hairypotheads The Best of Best of Norge by language-princess Jodel by mrsweasley Hallo, Fru Katt by zakeno Translated Norwegian sayings by stayinherewithyou Reading out loud in bokmål when you have a different dialect by fremmedsprak/alv529 ***updated 11-08-18***
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matkomakto · 5 years
Month of languages #5 - February 2019
Italian: I finished my grammar book covering the passive voice, indirect speech, congiuntivo, condizionale and imperativo. Next month I’ll look for some exercises concerning the most difficult topics. For vocab, I finished 2nd chapter of my textbook.I almost finished the 5th part of Memrise course.  Also, my friend wants to learn Italian and I’m preparing some lessons for her
Norwegian: I did the chapters about school and education and food. I learned some vocab related to those topics, the passive voice with -s, adverbs, definite and indefinite nouns and uncountable nouns. I think that I won’t do anything new in April and just revise what I have already done.
Hungarian: Same as in Norwegian, the next month I’ll spend on revising. I did 1,5 chapter of my book, learned some vocab related to health and food. For grammar I learned some modal constructions and plural possessive suffixes.
Russian: Finished 6th chapter of my textbook related to food. For grammar I learned the accusative case, some prepositions and how to say that I like something.
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