#not a kim defender
iamacolor · 4 months
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By the way, is that how it really ends? What do you mean? The end of the movie. Is the man stuck in a life without the memories of the woman he loved? Yes. That's a sad ending.
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kindgreenape · 1 year
i think kim is just as complex of a character as harry, but i think a good amount of players (not all, but a chunk) choose to unflinchingly characterize him as “the Good Cop” and leave it at that.
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winterdusktales · 6 months
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hong haein unintentionally making her husband realize how much of a jerk he is and that's so queen of her
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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that0nebird · 11 days
I feel like people rarely talk about how Yoosung WAS being gaslit about Rika’s death when he knew something was wrong and everyone consistently said he was paranoid when he WASN’T. He was never allowed the chance to properly grieve and air out his (correct) issues with V and the shit surrounding Rika’s “death” until MC joins the RFA.
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*this also means taking subliminal shots at the ATLA fanbase, saying they’re stupid for liking ATLA
**so fridged Lois and evil Supes
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
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From the river to the sea.
A quick check tells me this person's been vetted; please consider donating if you can, or reblogging of you cannot. (Hey, consider reblogging anyway even if you do.)
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
thinking about all of the masks kim wears. he hides his generational trauma and foreign heritage behind his thick local accent, his homosexuality behind his (genuine) love of cars, his entire system of beliefs and morals and self-identity behind his badge. his creation of the self looks to have largely involved cutting off anything someone might consider objectionable, trying to earn respect from people who will never see more in him than the shape of his eyes, until he was left more lieutenant than human. kim is a man who accepted the world's invitation to hate himself
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oursisthetear · 4 months
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it's tough to survive but hyung! let's live
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nepentheseeker · 5 months
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I'll say "nah I don't ship harrykim" and proceed to scroll through my Disco Elysium old man yaoi filled Pinterest feed while giggling and kicking my feet
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Sam Holt: this device could create a black hole the size of Nevada
Lance & Keith: the pandimensional vortex inducuer?
Sam Holt: h-how did you know?
Keith: last year
Lance: Sandak
Keith: balmera
Lance: almost went black hole
Keith & Lance: saved the world
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palms-upturned · 2 years
I think the funniest thing about JV is that he seems completely oblivious to how self absorbed he is, like. Saying that the only reason Trant has remained on the task force is because JV is forcing him, as if Trant isn’t also a divorcee and recovering addict who talks abt Harry’s condition w a lot of thoughtfulness and insight. Calling Judit an “extremely patient patrol officer” to imply that it’s Harry who’s exhausting her patience, meanwhile Judit (who is ALSO a divorcee) is wearily telling JV to stop being a dick and embarrassing her. Complaining abt his clinical depression in the same breath that he says Harry’s faking his amnesia. It’s so fucking funny. He’s so lucky that Harry chased him off because if he was the player’s partner instead of Kim you just know the game would clown him so much worse. He would say smth about being clinically depressed and all the Martinaise residents would be like yeah yeah the horrors we’ve all seen them. If he ever talked to Cindy I think he would suffer fatal morale damage within five minutes.
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xribcage · 1 year
Idk if it's bc I'm a pushover or open to a lot of perspectives but generally when a piece is well-written and has nuanced themes I can agree to a lot of takes on it. I find it infinitely fascinating that we all approach media from a different lived experience and attach to different aspects based on that background. That's one of my favorite parts of art in general
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silverskye13 · 7 months
Goodness gravy. False hiding behind Ren is like a sniper hiding behind a chihuahua for protection XD
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fubukisimp · 2 months
props to chapter 511 being one of the gayest lookism chapters yet
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