#not a single pathetic cowards who called themselves his friends and 'family'
audrey-emeralds · 3 years
Past Times | Tom Riddle
Pairing: Tom Riddle x First!Gn!Reader
Summary: Your love is your poison, beautiful but deadly and leaves nothing except memories to the once who are left behind.
Warnings: stereotypes, death...
Request!!! by @aura-nightingale
A/n: I don't know much about the cursed child so this might not make too much sense, but I tried my best. This is the first reader and Tom, I decided to do another part if you don't mind, where will appear Mattheo and the second reader and where more will be said about Tom and the reader's relationship. Sorry for the wait.
Tags: @ivana-12500 | @annegrey
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First-year at Hogwarts. A completely new beginning for you. Your older brother Fleamont spoke of it, but never to impress your standards. You had to observe and see it. Who better to believe than your own eyes.
Hogwarts was truly magical and interesting, but nothing new. You did grow up in the pureblood family of Gryffindors. Thought your first years the only thing that was on your mind was grades and reputation.
" Gryffindor! " When another Potter was, unsurprisingly selected to be a Gryffindor, cheer jumped from the proud lads before you. Of curse, it was a surprise to you either. Courage was in your veins, proudness in your style and strength in your mind. All traits true Gryffindor must-have.
Letters from your family members came flying in to congratulate you for being who you are, the same as them.
The witty charm of yours attracted many people, so you were quite popular. Friends from Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw. Slytherins however were a different story.
The stereotypes surrounding them drew you away from them. What else would an eleven-year-old believe if not in things that have been said to them?
They were bad. Rude, disrespectful, full of themselves... The only thing which was talked about them was bad news. Yet you admired them, of course in secret.
You admire how none of it really bothered them. They all had their pride which they cherished and no comments made by any of the other houses could put them down.
One certain Slytherin stood out, Tom Riddle.
The perfect student of House Slytherin. During your years at Hogwarts, he became your, well sort of an enemy. Rather be said rival.
You were the best student of the lions and he was the best student of the snakes. But who was the best in the whole school?
Yes, there were other great students, Lovegood from Ravenclaw, Thomas from Gryffindor, but neither of them had the desire to become the best of the best.
So you is left? Tom and yourself.
Any class you would meet it would be war or words, who first raised their hand, who made a better example...
Neither would back down, you had to win and both were sour losers. After class insults wouldn't be spoiled, however, that wouldn't last long. Tom would get bored of them and wouldn't like to waste time on " beating your ass once again. "
His arrogance teased you, challenging you to do better than him if you dared. And what you certainly weren't was a coward.
Every single chance you got to beat him in something you would, no matter how small the victory was it brought joy to your face when his frown reappeared.
He hated you for it, he despised you. And still, he admired you. Firstly you were nothing but a pathetic excuse of a wizard. Trying to compare with him, unbelievable.
The fact that Dumbledore, the professor with who Tom had the most problems favoured you, gave him something to rage about.
You were the only source of problems for him, which he took quite badly as he found himself perfect in anything he did.
But just later he found how your courage to keep going and pushing his limits, attracted him to you. Almost like he wished he could be yelling how wrong you were and you would yell back until...
Well until you found yourself in his arms. It would just happen.
Riddle then understood how he had no idea what that meant, was he experiencing the unknown feeling.
What is called?
Liking someone. Generally liking someone's character.
He was surprised how you weren't intimidated by his knowledge, maybe you were smarter than what you looked like.
Riddle could guess for days and still not know the answer. What was it so appealing to you that it bothered him?
You saw his behaviour change. He did fight as passionately as before for a correct answer, nor did he insult you...
What did you do then? You asked him if he is alright? He gave you no response, glancing at you, once, twice and left.
You decided to play games with him, if he isn't up for it you definitely are.
You couldn't go to Slytherin common rooms, you couldn't speak to him during class both sitting far away from one another.
But you could catch him in a library. You knew his spot, every single time you entered it and he was there, Tom would sit around the most isolated table, somewhere where it was dark and no one would notice him.
You did. It's like you could smell him how easily you found him. He always sat alone, finding people barely tolerate.
Without any words, you sat next to him. His eye caught you, wondering what you wanted.
" Potter. " He spoke, face covered with the book.
" Riddle. " At the mention of his last name, Tom gave you a questioning look.
And so it began, your friendship. You studied together, never speaking, just enjoying each other's presence.
It seemed odd, didn't it? You yelled many insults to another and the silence was all you needed to get along.
The silence turned into an exchange of words, then conversation.
But something didn't feel right. Every time you had your meetings, you sat opposite the other. A few feet away, for a touch which dragged your mind away from your homework.
Tom felt the same, he would never admit, but you knew he did.
Your looks would be met, starting hungrily, expecting. What are you going to do next? Should he?
And when you did make the first move he was stunned. Tom was expecting it and still, he got surprised. So you didn't continue the touch with which you connected your skin.
You ran. And he ran after you.
" Y/n! " Just when you could keep on running your legs stopped and your heart said to turn around.
Your rival Tom. Was that him?
" Y/n. " Your name rolled off his tongue easily, as if he was to sing using it.
" Tom. " Two lonely souls were put together. His and yours, which didn't even know how alone it was until you faced it.
It happened. Love without knowing, it happened. Oh, and it was beautiful. So, so beautiful. The ugly thing about it was how all of it was short.
Beauty lasts just for a second until all the ugly comes out of hiding.
Tom loved you, he really loved you. The pain he felt when your dead body laid in front of him will ache him for eternity.
You were good to him, the possible saviour of everything he will destroy after your death. He never recovered from it, he hid it.
As no one knew of your relationship, no one connected the dots and no one ever found out how the famous Y/n Potter died so mysteriously in the walls of Hogwarts.
Not until your brother's ancestors returned to your time and saw it for themselves.
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 20
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader      Content: Language, possible errors  A/N: Some ppl asked for a playlist... so ofc I made one! 
Series Playlist or Chap 20 Playlist
【 Masterlist: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 】
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Chapter 20: Little Lion Man
When Regulus was younger, his aunt Andromeda and Sirius were obsessed with Muggle stories. Andromeda would send them loads of books every month to the local Muggle post office to prevent their parents from confiscating them. He remembers the ten minute walks there and back, Sirius holding his hand tight, even stopping to buy ice cream during the warmer seasons. They would greet the delivery men and women, picking up a heavy stack of wrapped books before waddling out, each boy mirroring a large grin.
Every night at twilight, when their parents were asleep, Sirius would crawl into his bed and read to Regulus in a hushed voice. He would read a different story every night, lulling him to sleep. Sirius spent hours gushing about the fantastical tales Muggles wrote; how magical and mystical their minds were despite not having an ounce of magical blood. From Superman to Batman, the Joker to Daleks, Prince Caspian to King Miraz; Regulus quickly learned that they all had one common theme: the good guys and the bad guys.
Regulus often spent his time grappling with the notion; what made someone good? Because the definition changes depending on the person.
Were the good guys good because they were selfless — passionate? Those deemed good never let themselves be seen as selfish. The heroes would sacrifice themselves for the greater good, even going as far as giving up their loved ones. Or maybe it was because they went against the odds. But villains did that too.
So he re-worded the question; what made someone bad? Was it their selfishness or greed? Was it putting themselves above others? Did they know they were on the wrong side of history? Make a mistake, once, twice — but surely, that didn’t make someone bad. Did it?
If virtue is understood by both sides, then the bad guys would immediately cross that line time and time again. They lacked wisdom and truthfulness, filled with too much pride and vanity.
But now as he began to grow up far too quickly for a fourteen-year-old boy, he realized that there was more to people than just being good or evil, a saviour or tormentor, light versus darkness.
The definition of good and bad depended on who told the story and Regulus didn’t know who controlled his; him or his parents. The line was so blurred that he couldn’t objectively make the decision himself anymore. Was he more bad than good?
Laughter — rich and inviting beckoned throughout the library, snapping him out of his thoughts again; but it did nothing but chip away at his heart. Regulus got up, shoving his books and parchment into his bag, making sure to hide his face before they saw him. Today, the Marauders had come earlier than expected and he was caught off guard. He’d been doing everything to avoid them out of pure shame.
Before he went to turn, he eyed Sirius from the shadows. He smiled, carefree and happy, clinging onto Pettigrew, ruffling his hair like he once did to him.
What made them so special, so loved and cherished by Sirius? How were they able to make him laugh so effortlessly, able to brighten his day with a mere glance? What made them more of a family than he ever was to him?
But he knew, it was their family’s values and it had been taunting him every waking moment.
It’s not like he didn’t want to escape that night, but he wasn’t Sirius. He was never as bright or strong or as good as him. Sirius was bold and courageous and certainly had more bravery than he would ever have. Regulus was far too weak, a puppet for his parents to control. Sirius was everything Regulus was too afraid to be — a reminder of what he could have turned into.
Besides, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that his parents would have killed Kreacher had he left. And this way with Sirius gone, it left Regulus to be the sole heir. Sirius was free, not being hunted down by his parents now that he bore the title. That was his gift to him, freeing Sirius of all the responsibilities, pain and grief. He owed him that much. Besides, Regulus had already mourned the childhood he never had; that made everything easier.
The day Sirius left was the day before they were set to leave for Hogwarts again and the impact of his absence was massive. He no longer heard the thumping of loud Muggle music nor the clanking of piano keys or doors slamming shut. There wasn’t any screaming aside from his parents shrieking at him for taking his father's wand. The stairs creaked; he could even hear Kreacher padding his way to his room.
It was eerily quiet and lifeless in that damned house, and he was only gone for a day.
Regulus hadn’t been taking it well. Nearly every night, his face was pressed into a pillow muffling his sobs. Sirius had kept his promise, he hadn’t talked to him since.
If only he had a scarlet tie…
Ha! He could laugh; he’d been trying to get his attention in little ways. He’d even gone as far as growing out his hair to match his — coping by writing letters every night with words he wished he could’ve said before storing them in a box under his bed. Forever unsent. Hell, Regulus was a coward, every bit as pathetic as Sirius deemed.
Ever the winter break, his parents were relentless, dumping everything that was meant for Sirius onto him. Letters were sent daily; there were talks about an arranged marriage, lumps of money now being transferred under his name, getting the dark mark… and he was being watched. Every interaction he had, his parents always knew. Especially with Muggleborns; he had to limit his interactions with them to almost nothing, or it wouldn’t end well for either.
His mind reeled back to that night, where his parents and extended family toyed with that blonde Muggle, leaving her half-dead on the dining table, the image branded in his head. It made him sick just thinking about it, he never knew what happened to her, he was too busy trying to muffle out her screams.
Regulus had been questioning everything he was taught. Sirius’ words echoed in his head; was he willing to kill Muggleborns solely because of their blood status? He's a believer in old values and traditions: yes, blood should be kept pure, but to kill Muggles… that was completely different. He’d seen how his dearly beloved aunt was burned off the tapestry, threatened and almost killed for marrying a Muggleborn — a Muggleborn who he’s met and liked and respected. His family tortured them for the sake of it and more. That wasn’t the move of someone good, those were the actions of someone evil; filled with greed, spite and selfishness. But how was he going to stop a whole bloodline from their mania?
Some may call it obedience, the way he’s listened to his parents all these years blindly, but to him, it’s respect. But did he believe that? Did they deserve to be respected? He was miserable and this wasn’t a healthy way to show filial piety.
What did he believe in?
Perhaps there wasn’t such a thing, good or evil, maybe there was only power.
Regulus was lost and confused and most of all, lonely. He remembered Sirius promised him once, before the day he was set to leave for Hogwarts for the first time, that he would never be alone. What a funny thing, promises.
Tears were forming fast and if he didn’t leave then, they would fall any second now. He needed to get out of the library.
Regulus asked himself again; what made someone good or bad — or rather, was he good or bad? He’s veering towards bad.
After catching word from Mary that Remus’ birthday was approaching, Y/N had been knitting him a sweater in her spare time (or trying to). It was sweet, simple and showed that she’d put effort into it, especially since he taught her. Although, the sweater was lopsided and she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of a certain stitch or how to close sections. Perhaps she should use magic.
Her fingers fiddled with the needle, looping the yarn over the other side. Without looking up, she made a sharp turn into the library before crashing into a hunched-over figure; sniffling and a complete mess.
An apology dangled from her lips before recognizing the figure as Regulus. It had been two months since she’d last seen him and in short, he looked like shit. His skin was grey and lost all sense of a youthful dewy glow. If Sirius had dark eye circles or Remus looked tired, Regulus beat them by miles.
Y/N stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do before gently patting his shoulder. “Regulus?” She asked softly, nothing more than a whisper.
There was a flash of pure terror as he looked up, his eyes nervous as his head spun around to look around the place like he always did. He looked mad, almost unhinged as his hands gently pushed her away, signalling for her to leave. “I — I can’t be seen around you.”
“Can’t? What are you going on abo —” She cut herself off, ignoring the matter entirely. He clearly wasn’t in the right mindset.
His voice was strained, quiet as he kept on murmuring, he almost sounded angry. “You can’t — we’ll both get in trouble. Y/N, go — please… ”
At this, Y/N felt her skin rise in small goosebumps. She looked back to the library, just making out her friend’s figures before looking down at Regulus again. She wasn’t going to leave him like this: crying and delusional.
She took a deep inhale before bending down, picking up her needles and yarn off the ground and slipped them into her bag. She placed a cautious arm around Regulus to keep him upright. “Come with me.” But Regulus wouldn’t budge, not until she flicked down her hood, obscuring her face.
She led him up to the astronomy tower, walking and twisting around before setting him down on a nearby bench, making sure to lock any entrances. They sat in silence, aside from Regulus attempting to regulate his breathing. The cold whipping wind tossed his hair and sank into her bones. With a few charms, they were both warm again, but still able to breathe in the crisp air.
He remained quiet. Y/N didn’t push. Instead, she began babbling softly about random things to distract him. When she heard a sharp exhale of air, mimicking a half-hearted chuckle was when she knew he had calmed down.
“Thank you,” he muttered. It’s quiet, barely above a whisper. Regulus’ cheeks were pink, colour finally returning to him from either embarrassment or the cold.
“Any time,” she smiled warmly. Her hand reaches into her bag, fishing out the snacks that were meant for the study group: blackberries that were for Remus, a muffin for Marlene, were now shared between them. She tried to encourage him to eat, to regain any sort of energy.
He listened without complaint, a tense yet thankful air engulfed them. It was only until he finished the food, about an hour gone by, was when he spoke again. “Why are you being so nice to me.” It’s not even a question, just an odd accusation.
She thinks for a while, searching for the best answer. “I wished someone was there for me when I was going through a hard time.”
“But you don’t know me.”
Her eyebrows raised, “Well, let’s get to know each other then. I’ll tell you something about myself and then you can go?”
Regulus looked up at her with a calculated expression, cautious and looked uncomfortable but he nodded.
“Let’s start simple. I have an owl named Celeste.”
He gulped, looking back to the entrance. His answer came delayed, strained and she wondered if she had pushed him too far. “I play the violin.”
Y/N smiled largely. “The violin is beautiful! Hmm… I can’t ride a broomstick to save my life, unlike you.”
At this, he smiles — a real genuine smile that causes his eyes to crinkle and sparkle. “Really?” His eyes burned with curiosity before he looked down, “I can’t swim.”
“Swim?” She repeats, chuckling to herself, “Who doesn’t know how to swim?”
“You’re making me feel grand. Terribly uncalled for.”
Her eyes rolled, “You should learn. It can save your life one day. Who wants to drown?”
“Maybe I’ll ask McGonagall — I heard for tougher punishments she’ll throw you into the black lake.”
“You’re the perfect candidate then.”
After a while, way past curfew, Regulus seemed cheerier; his tear-stained cheeks now replaced with a smile and relaxation. That day, Y/N unaware, was a day Regulus would never forget.
March 8th, 1976
“Sirius, shut up.”
“You’re the one yelling!”
“... Right.”
Excused from their afternoon classes because their Puffskein was about to hatch, the Marauder’s dorm was bustling with panic and bickering. When Y/N partnered with Sirius for their project, she expected fighting (which happened every day) but not for Sirius to be like this. He’d been running around the dorm, grabbing warm towels, bowls of water and taking out his panic on her. He gripped his textbook, flicking through notes to see if they had everything. It was as if he was preparing for the birth of an actual baby.
She silently watched him, her mind thinking about Regulus rather than their project. This was the only time she and Sirius were alone and wondered if she should mention his freakout the other day but stopped — it didn’t take a genius to know they weren’t on friendly terms.
Since that night, she’d seen Regulus almost daily, but only at night before their study group. She would spend an hour or so with him before the Marauder or girls came barraging in; Regulus left before they appeared. The entire situation left her deeply confused, worried and most of all, suspicious.
“We need Kettleburn —”
Annoyance began nipping at her. “Calm down.”
“I’m not going to calm down!”
Sirius paced, both firing snide jabs. Too preoccupied in his panicked state, he didn’t hear the quiet cracking of the white shell, forming the shape of a lightning bolt before cascading over.
“Um, Black?”
“Let’s not start. How are you so —”
“Get your ass over here now!”
Sirius pressed his lips together immediately and rushed over, both huddled side by side near the roaring fireplace. The shell twitched, cracking more and they both gasped in amazement. The process was faster than either expected as they saw the small tuft of cream fur peek out along with a pair of black eyes. Its long pink tongue slipped out, already looking for its first meal. Y/N scrambled to grab a nearby dish of dried spiders to feed it while Sirius cradled it in his hand. His smile was wide, buzzing with excitement as he observed it. His hands gently glided over the soft fur as it emitted a low humming sound.
A deep chuckle erupts from Sirius and she could feel the vibrations from how close they were. His laugh, which once made her cringe, now made her skin feel fuzzy and heart flutter. But, it wasn’t like that, she thinks. Of course not! She still wants to jinx him, maybe even throw him into the fireplace. Yes, that’s it.
She snaps out of her violent thoughts when she finds Sirius already looking at her, a pretty flush to his skin as he observes her softly. Her brows crinkled; instead of a frown or on the cusp on an insult, he smiles.
“Do you want to hold it?” Y/N nods eagerly. Sirius shifts his body, placing the Puffskein in the palms of her hands. It’s incredibly soft, adorable and when it leans into her, falling asleep, she swore she fell in love.
“What do you want to name it?” She mumbled, afraid that if she were any louder it might wake it up. Sirius takes a long time to ponder and Y/N braces herself for an insult, already thinking of a plethora of her own.
“It looks like porridge… Oatmeal!”
“Are you serious?”
“I’d be worried if I wasn’t.”
Y/N tries to suppress her smile but fails. The Puffskein did look like a grain of oatmeal. Plain and simple, she liked it.
“Hello, Oats! You’re so cute — I could just eat you up!”
“Morbid much.”
Hours went by before they ultimately decided to head down to Kettleburn’s office for an examination of Oats’ health. Sirius cradled it in a small blanket, shielding it from the rest of the world. Marlene and Dorcas were standing by the sidelines, joining them as they walked past.
“Yours hatched already? Aw, it looks so cute!” Dorcas squealed. Her hands reached out, giddy as Sirius gently placed it into her arms but not without fretting. Marlene only looked down at her with a soft gaze, her face becoming pink as she wrapped an arm around her.
“Give it a rest. She’s not going to drop it.”  
“Now you, McKinnon?! I’m a father now! Our kid deserves the best care! Right, L/N?”
It catches her off guard. Sirius trying to include her in a conversation? That’s a new milestone. “Of course; the proudest parents.”
Once done with Kettleburn, Sirius went to bring Oats back to his dorm, parting as Y/N went to find Lily who took her notes for her afternoon classes.
Out in the courtyard, walking around in the snow, both Lily and Snape wandered around before she picked up a snowball, throwing it at him. Snape sent her a deadpanned look as Lily kept hurling snowballs. Most missed him, others hit him before he retaliated and threw some back.
Y/N halted, watching the scene play out and debated whether or not to approach them. But decided to, shouting while striding up to them.
Lily’s smile grew before her head whipped to her. She stopped her snowball fight, getting up to bounce her way over to her. Snape followed in suit, but as Lily began to babble on and on about what she missed, Snape’s eyes bore into her, vice versa.
“I’ll see you later, Sevy! We need to go,” said Lily, already turning to walk away. Y/N lingered back a pause, just enough to see Snape draw his wand and shoot a spell at her. She had just enough time to block it. Whatever spell it was, it sparkled like a firecracker. If Snape could easily send a hex or jinx her way inboard daylight with Lily just a little ahead, what was he willing to do had they been alone.
His angel persona around her was dropping quickly.
“Whiskers!” Shouted Lily. Her arms raised in question. “Get over here!”
A flurry of thoughts bombarded her before she could process them. She was about to cause a scene, yell and scream until that nasty sneer fell off his face until she felt a tug on her arm. Lily hooked her arm around Y/N, pulling her away. But she still had her wand drawn, ready to block another spell. She tossed one last look at him; he smiled wickedly.
“Are you okay?”
She had enough tip-toeing around Snape. She remained tranquil, gave him the benefit of the doubt and respected their friendship but that was enough.
“No, I’m not actually,” keeping her tone as soft as possible, trying not to sound defensive, “Why do you waste your time around him?”
Lily paused, her eyes going wide. An offended expression crossed her face as she took a moment to digest the remark. “Sev? What are you getting at?” Her tone was guarded which had Y/N debating whether or not to drop the conversation entirely. A fight with Lily was not on her to-do list.
“I just think you should be careful around him.”
“I can look out for myself,” she grumbled, “Severus has been there for me for years. I know how to separate myself from the wrong sorts.”
“I’m only saying this to look out for —”
“I know, but he isn’t like what you’re thinking.” Lily didn’t look mad, just tired as she nodded sharply. Taking a stack of parchment from her bag, Lily handed it to her and walked faster. “You’re around Potter too much. He isn’t like what he says he is.”
Y/N felt annoyance blossom in her chest at the accusation of James but bit her tongue to avoid more conflict. Right now, they trod on dangerous waters.
Neither spoke to each other for the rest of the day.
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Just You And Me
Summary: Sam and Dean are on there second hunt to find John. They need help from the one person who hates Wendigos the most Y/n Winchester
Prequel to What's Worse Then Wednesday?
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Ten years ago John had his first encounter with a wendigo a family went hiking with a full group of fifteen and no one has came down from the mountain in almost a month. Having asked a more experienced hunter John wrote down things he needed to remember as he went up the mountain a bag with Molotov ,lighters,and flare-up. It took almost a week to find the small mine shaft his brown eyes widened at the seen. Male and female limps were torn of and only some still had enough meat and clothing to be identifiable. Some bodies were on hook that resembled mountain climbing gear. None of them moved except for one. Stepping closer a six year old girl was hanging from her binder wrist her eyes look into his scared before gazing over down a tunnel a thick trail of blood went down it as tears spilled down her face. "Mommy and Daddy are gone. I next." Her voice cracked and a unhuman beastly type growl echoed. "I'm gonna get you out of here, darling." That's how John Winchester met his adoptive daughter Y/n.
Its been seven years since then and the little family the Winchester's made for themselves was falling apart. It broke John's heart that he pushed away his youngest son when he wanted a way out of this life, but when his adoptive daughter wanted to hunt more big league he almost blew a fuse. Y/n was young really fucking young to be hunting on her own,but it could have been worse she could have cut off contact with John and Dean. Now two years later John's missing and the siblings need each other.
The h/c teenager hissed as she cleaned the deep cuts on her shoulder looking into the bathroom mirror. A fucking blood suckered clawed at her shoulder taking advantage of the other two she beheaded. The burner phone on the back of the toilet rings as she grabbed it putting it between her ear and none injured shoulder. "Kinda busy Dean-o." She mumbled slipping the antibacterial cream in the cuts making the surface pink. "Dad went on a hunt and hasn't been back yet. I got a call last night and it sounds Ike somethings under it." He said the sound of baby let be know he's in the car. "Send it over to me and I'll have it back to you by the hour. You leaving New Orleans?" She ask starting to Butterfly stitch closing up the cuts. "Yeah left about two hours ago heading to California." Pausing and shacking her head. "No no no no no! You're not involving Sammy! He got out the life let him stay away and safe." Y/n finished up wrapping her shoulder as she walked out the bathroom to put on a shirt. "I need to,n/n. I won't keep him long we are just gonna check out the place dad was last at. The question is are you coming." Licking her lips she sighed. "I can't I'm in New York right now just took care of a nest in Brooklyn. I won't make it cross country for a couple of weeks." Dean let out a heavy breath. "I know,but I also know you're avoiding Sammy." Maybe the youngest wasn't the only one heart broken after one of her protectors,her best friend left in a huff and hasn't answered a single call.
The silence was drawn out as Dean's phone buzzed against his ear. "There your voice-mail put it through a gold wave. Sounds like a vengeful spirt bring rock salt for the shotgun." Dean chuckled. "Thanks baby sis...wait did you put me on mute to ignore me!?You bit—" That's when the line went dead. The h/c girl giggled as she layed on the stiff musty motel mattress. Her eyes closed,but her mind ran ramped.
The woods they were dark and seemed to loom over her. It was so quite no sound came from anywhere not even the wind dared blow. Crying filled the the air it was that of a child. It grew closer till it disappeared all together the claw marks on the trees marked the familiar place the blood soaked leaves crunched behind her causing the teen to go stiff. She knew what was behind her it was the same thing in every dream for ten convective years even if she knew her body wouldn't allow her to act she was that same scared little girl paralyzed as the horror show continued. The creature yelled,but it echoed in all directions. "HELP US!" Dean and Sam's voices shocked her awake her body pinned in fear as she looked at the Wendigo on top of her. It successfully restricting movement if her whole upper body. Blinking hard it was gone and air filled her lungs like rushing water. It meant nothing...nothing at all.
It's been almost a two weeks since Dean's call. He often text since Sam tried to high jack his phone last time he tried calling. Sam and Y/n didn't exactly end on the best of notes. "Come with me." Sammy looked at a younger Y/n who shook her head. "No. I can't leave dad and Dean. Not like this." The dust has settled after the heated argument between father and son and the rules were clear the moment he walked out those doors he stayed gone. "Don't call him that." His mood seemed to shift back to angry,but something else was there. "Call him what? Dad?" The young girl was confused now. "He's not your dad." It wasn't a secret that Sam harbored negative feeling against his sister they were never anything serious,but he still somewhat loved her just not like a sister. "You're not apart of this family you can get away,but no you're going to stay here and become their weakness!" He points at John and Dean who were just behind her. "I'm not a weakness! I got their back like they've got mine. That's what's family's for!!!" She shouted her eyes welling with tears not letting them fall,but they slip out at his next words. "Your family is dead! Did you save them then?! Maybe if you did we wouldn't be stuck with you!!!" The room was still no one dared breathed Dean stared wide eyed at his baby brother as John grew tense grasping the neck of his beer bottle in a vise grip while same looked like a deer in headlights. A sniffle brought the three men's attention to the girl. Tears streamed down her face before she used a open palm to whip her face dry. "Just go. Cause that's what you do best you runaway from your problems and wait til Dad or Dean can fix it." The thirteen year old snapped at him as she pushed on him as he just stumbled back. "You're nothing,but a coward and a pathetic one at that. I don't want to loss the little family I got for myself you're so willing to walk away from them it shows how different we are...nothing,but two strangers." He stood in the doorways as the h/c teen grabbed his packed duffle bag and threw it into his torso making him fall to the ground.. "So just FUCKING LEAVE!!!" With that she slammed the door shut. What Sam couldn't see as he drove away from the dingy motel was the mess he left behind. A father struggling to keep his kids safe,a brother torn between hunting and normalice,and lastly a adoptive sister that can't help,but be different. Sam Winchester left his family in a worse state then imaginable.
Sitting in bed I looked at my phone hoping it rang or buzzed with a incoming message that said they were fine. Y/n jumped as the screen lit up the name Batman lighting the screen. "About fucking time you jackass!" Her words were harsh,but the relief filled her voice. "Yeah we just got out of Stanford campus heading to .... now." Dean said the sound of cars and wind slightly muffled his voice. "H-how's Sam after...after you know?" One thing that Winchester’s hated was emotions and even if they weren't blood she grew up the same. Nature and nurture going toe to toe. "I don't know. You can always ask him yourself you know." The h/c teen laughed as she ran her hand down her face. "Dean-o he's the same shaggy haired asshole that said I wasn't family. I'll give him a chat when we're cheek to cheek in hell." And another thing Winchester’s sure knew how to hold on to a fucking grudge. "God you sound like Bobby said if he ever saw dad again he'd be looking down his shotgun barrel." They both chuckled as the faint sound of a ding of a convince store rang out. "Well tell Samantha same goes for him." She picked her nails as she decided to get up. "What are you morons hunting anyways did dads ex-marine crap give you a clue?" The crunch a gravel on the line grew louder. "It just had coordinates,my name,and a note saying safe place with your name." Dean opened the car door and got inside as Sam approached him. "I don't know Dean I don't have a safe place in the middle of nowhere so keep me updated,Batsy." Sam looked over at Dean who switched hands to the furthest from his brother. "Copy that talk later,Robin." That's when the keep away match started.
"Dude what the hell I want to talk to Y/n." Sam huffed as his brother closed the flip phone dropping it on the floorboards next to his feet. "Your chances of talking to her are zero to none,man. Sammy she'll talk to you when she's ready." Dean sighs as he starts the car. The youngest huffed he will admit he was a shitty brother that night and everyday following he didn't like it,but he ignored her calls for a months till they just stopped.At first he was still heated,heated, he felt guilty,then he was too busy. Sam tried calling,but it disconnected immediately meaning she blocked him. He thought he'd see her when Dean broke in but finding out she's been taking her own hunts scared him shitless. And from what Dean told him she started after the first month she trained harder taking own bigger hunts with Dad before doing normal ones alone. Sam realized by leaving he took away her only need for normalice,her want to have something other then hunting. He took her slice of the apple pie for himself.
The brothers were in the fucking woods in jeans and flannels walking with a makeshift search party for a missing kid. They were in a abandoned campsite after they lost their supplies. The signal was shot and Dean's phone was useless in most areas. He sent a text as it waited for any signal to send. "' Going in the woods with unknown creature. You know the coordinates I'll call if we need you'" That was a bit of a lie. He knew what it was before nightfall,but he didn't want her to have a panic attack he wouldn't be there to help her. The guide Roy? shot blindly in the woods after something rustled and growled like no animal. The boys ran after him as he got snatched up into the treeline which made them quickly escape back to the camp. As Haley and her brother Ben slept Dean had first watch they weren't prepared and this was the last creature he wanted his sister to hunt. Not after last time.
Dean was on a hunt with Dad and Y/n while Sammy stayed at uncle Bobby's for exam week or some shit. John never told them what they were hunting they had to discover it themselves. The hunt that was suppose to last three days,but took almost a week the tried tracking it yet nothing came up,but more missing persons. The trio decided they'd go back into the national park when it was daylight again,but they didn't need to wait that long. That night they slept Y/n sharing the bed with Dean as dad slept in the bed to the right of them it was probably the quietest night they've every had so the fact that something breezed in under their noses scares them most. Dean rolled out of the bed to the bathroom closing the door after he turned on the light it illuminated the pale skinned beast in the corner. It creeper closely to the only adult in the room gazing at his body before turning to the smaller figure in the bed breathing evenly. It crept onto the bed leaning over her body the old motel mattress creaked as it settled onto her. The weight of the creature was crushing causing her breath to come out in a hissing wheeze as her e/c eyes opened before they filled with shock. Going to scream the crushing weight on her chest pushed all the air out along with breaking a few ribs. Her hand wiggled out from under him as she wiggled her arm to hit the lamp off the table it broke onto the ground and John shot up with his gun and Dean busted out of the bathroom both froze before jumping into action the young boy running to get a lighter while John shot at it just to get it away from Y/n. The boney supernatural creature screeched getting up allowing the girl to try and roll out of the bed it struck her back blood soaked her clothing as she fell coughing roughly knowing the fall made one of the ribs stab into her lungs. The males in the room were able to set the monster ablaze quickly getting out of the room John holding his daughter. Y/n was in shock like many victims they've seen that monster was her nightmare and it casual gazed at her having the ability to kill her at any moment. After going to the hospital she stayed at Bobby's for almost a month to recover physically and mentally. Wendigos are her yellow eyes.
The next day as the followed the tracks of the Wendigo a sigh left Dean's lips as he tried to call her it rung for awhile before dial tone at least it went through,but she must have been busy. About to hand up the girl took off running after the beast made itself know Dean ran to keep up with her Sam yelling for him to wait as he stayed with her brother. She managed to trip as he went to pick her up he was hit over the head as she screamed for help as he started fading in and out and the voice-mail ended with Cries of help.
Y/n sat in her car waiting for a update text form Dean she started driving close to where he was,but didn't involve herself yet she almost got a room at the motel when her phone buzzed with a text. It was a update to come if he ever called to head over and help with a thankful sigh she back tracked from the motel and went to the dinner as she left her 0gonw on the table to order food it vibrated with a incoming call. One missed call and a voice-mail. As she grabbed her bagged lunch she grabbed the stuff off the table going back to her car as she got in the driver's seat she opened her phone to see a missed call and a voice-mail. Dean never sends voice-mails so Y/n opened it and she almost broke her foot as she hit the pedal to get to the woods. "Dean wait up~*crackle of leaves and grunts*~Come on we gotta ge—~*Female Screams followed by a thud*~ DEAN!!! *Inhuman roar before cut off*" Y/n almost had a panic attack in the car,but the adrenaline made her move faster that was sent five minutes ago. Taking a deep breath she began calling any hunter supernatural or not that knew the area well enough. "Hello?" "Hey this is the ARIA. I'm F/n F/L/N you have been hunting in the area for forty years are there any identifying landmarks within those woods? So incase of emergency?" The old man happily spoke about clearings,cabins on the edge,river,and a abounded mineshaft and where they were. She quickly thanked the man before hanging up she pulled out a satellite gps as she got looked over were she needed to go. Grabbing a backpack she loaded it with everything she needed as she took off into the wood watch as she got closer and closer with each click.
Sam's eyes fluttered open as he grabbed his bearings. Dean was next to him which mean he got captured not long after Dean and got taken. Haley,Ben,and Tommy were to the right of him they were stuck as he tried to move or at least hit Dean and wake him up. His brothers eyes sluggishly opened as he looked around before turning back to Sam in shock. The heavy foot steps creeped closer as the half clothes supernatural being looked down at them even though they were hanging on meat hooks. It moved down the line of people about to grab Tommy when a soft cry echoed in the cave. It turned around and listened closely. The brothers strained their ears to hear what it was. The Wendigo sprinted off to investigate when something else came into the Winchester’s view. Y/n stood infront of her brothers mud,sticks,and leaves on her body to mask her sent. Walking forward with a knife she cut Dean down before doing the same for Sam. The oldest went to cut down the siblings as Sam stopped his sister. "Y/n how did you get here? You shouldn't be here the monster is a—" She cut him off with a anxious smile in her face. "A Wendigo I know,but you guys needed a hero so I'm here." Dean came over to them as he stood next to his taller brother. "Sammy's right though,N/n. You got to get out of here after what happened last time. This thing is different from the last one it won't sit still for us to shoot it." He had a point, but he knew that was years ago he was still scared he couldn't protect her. "I got this I can defend myself. Get these people out of her I can distract the man eater." Handing them both a flare guns She turned towards the opposite tunnel the beast went into. "That leads straight to a river follow the flow and after it stops you're only two miles from Baby." About the protest they hear a growl. Y/n quickly sprinted further into the cave making enough noise to cover them escaping.
"OH OH HERS SHE COMES WATCH OIT BOYS SHE'LL CHEW YOU UP! OH OH HERE SHE COMES SHES A MAN EATER!!!" She sung running lighting flares leaving a trail as she ventured deeper. Y/n pulled the rubber top igniting another about to drop it when a snarl came form behind her. "Well hello beastie." She didn't turn around evening her breathing before spinning. The red light illuminated the monster in a devilish glow she wasn't a scared little girl anymore she was a Winchester and Winchester’s chase after their demons. "Just you and me now." A roar sounded throughout the damp cave. The boys turn to look back they both wanted to run back,but both of them would have pit her in more danger they were injured and a extra body to look after would put her at risk. They saw the orange hue of flames and the sound of glass breaking. Standing anxiously waiting for her to come out they were thrown back by the force of a explosion pressurized by the small space. The rock of the cave entrance was about to crumble when a head of h/c hair running out with a limp as it collapsed dust clouded the scene before them they could tell if she even got out until it settled. The youngest Winchester stumbled forward as she smiled at her brothers blood coming from her head and her split lip. "That was awesome. I did a Indian John's." Dean ran as fast as he could capturing her in a bone crushing hug. "Do some shit like that again I'll kill you then myself." She giggled as she hugged him back. "Sorry can't hear you. Explosion ya know deafening me." Y/n joked as her brother pulled away from the hug. Sam walked over slowly almost testing the waters. "Hey Y/n." He said shaky as he looked down at her. She's grown alot since last time he saw her she had more scarred and hard exterior. "Heya Sam." Her e/c orbs looked up at him they were uneasy as she smiled at him before hugging her as well. "I missed you,Jackass." Her voice was muffled by his shirt as he returned the hug. Their relationship will never be the same they both had Dean as a buffer between them,but for right now in this moment it was just the two of them Just you and me against the world.
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Finally, the Reader has a little more space ✨
Hope you enjoy,
Abigail 🐍
Warnings: swearing.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Not As Planned
Tom Riddle x Reader
The infamous Dark Lord begins to orchestrate his oh so dreaded return, but while trying to achieve a new, critical pawn's loyalty to him and his cause, things go not as planned.
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4 - Absence
Getting her next day's lessons ready did no use to Y/n. The extra classes provided by her Family during the summer break still vividly played in her mind, and they had covered most of the year's schedule, reason why she had found herself sighing, interest killed by the reading on the potion they were to brew the day after.
Y/n had kept on reading though, just to make sure the words her grandfather had so gently engraved in her head a few months prior were still bleeding in her skull.
Well, they were.
But that was okay, it was perfect, actually.
An Addams could not afford the liberty to start a school year unprepared.
They had to be the best.
She had to be the best.
You had to be the best.
Not only that, you had to be the best of the best.
Hence why in the current time you were answering questions like there was no tomorrow. You'd always end up being almost the only one to participate in the lesson, professors had nothing against it (I mean, maybe Professor McGonagall did, but you still managed to get most of her questions) and your classmates gladly let you take control of the situation.
Well, almost everyone, actually.
There still was him.
Lazarus thatfuckingbitch Malfoy.
He just had to be an asshole and find every single possible way to get on your nerves, sometimes it felt like he simply enjoyed giving you a hard time. Did he want to die that badly? Weren't the Malfoys just cowards naturally inclined to submit to the strongest bidder?
<Yes, Mr Malfoy?>
To hell with him.
<The Venomous Tentacula is a deadly, sentient magical plant. It presents itself as green or brown in color, with spikes, teeth and mobile vines ready to grab any living prey they get the chance to.>
You would have liked to say you had no idea why he was looking at you like that while giving the right answer to Professor Sprout, head of the Hufflepuff House and your Herbology teacher, but you actually knew too well that kind of staring.
He was challenging you.
He was looking for a weak spot, a grain of uncertainty, maybe even fear for a possible defeat.
He had no idea who he was trying to mess with.
You smiled, as if encouraging his little, pathetic show, and apparently he gladly reciprocated the gesture with as much fake kindness as yours.
<The Venomous Tentacula diet consists essentially in Chizpurfles, Doxies and humans. Its juices are pois->
Professor Sprout had granted the students the permission to swear only during that particular class. She had looked kind of excited while explaining them the plant they were to study that day was a very dangerous one, and honestly, after having the said study's subject in front of you, you had understood why. The greenhouse back at your home was actually guarded by Venomous Tentaculas, hence why you were particularly fond of those "little" monsters.
But now all you could hear were screams from Hufflepuffs and muffled snickering coming from your fellow Slytherins, all you could see a very panicked teacher trying to keep her cool and an unidentified student (probably a Slytherin) being tossed around by a green, spiky, excited vine.
High pitched voices kept bouncing loudly in your skull, picking at your brain like little annoying bites, the chaos was driving you out of your mind.
You had always preferred silence.
In a matter of seconds, everything was quiet once again. As if someone had casted a Full Body-Bind Curse on the entire class, the students were now frozen in their steps, some still gaping, others with their eyes shut so tight they threatened to pop into their skull.
Even the teacher was standing still, shock draining the color out of her gentle face.
Malfoy, though, stood there, unmoved, as motionless as a statue, but finally with something you were dying to see hide behind his placid eyes.
<Oh, oh Merlin! G great job Miss Addams, brilliant thinking! Ten, no, twenty points to Slytherin!>
At this point in time, while the trembling Slytherin boy was being accompanied to the Hospital Wing by Professor Sprout, a receded vine lied lifeless in front of the tall, young man you just morally slapped right across his stupid face.
You won.
And everyone knew.
<Did you see his face? I would pay to watch that scene once again!>
<Yeah, hahahaha, stupid Malfoy! He has no idea what he got himself into! Right Y/n?>
<You're so talented, bloody hell! I couldn't cast a spell that fast for my own life!>
<Yeah Y/n, you're just too good!>
<One galleon you could defeat Dumbledore himself!>
There they were.
Your silky voice rang in the almost empty Slytherin Common Room, making the little group that had gathered around you vanish like smoke in air.
Maybe that was the reason why the Malfoy brat intrigued you to that extent.
He was a challenge, not an easy bet.
The dark-haired Slytherin had stormed out the Greenhouse like a hurricane a couple of hours ago and you hadn't heard from him since then. Next class was canceled due to the teacher's "personal reasons", so the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were left to themselves with a lot of free time. The clever ones retreated to the Library, to catch up whit the massive amount of work the professors had kindly drowned you all with, the stupid ones were out, bathing in the little sun October was blessing Hogwarts' grounds with. So, moral of the story, you were bored to death. Having reviewed today's lessons yesterday and Malfoy nowhere to be seen, you were left with nothing to do but read. Again. The same books you had already finished at home.
You shut the book close and sighed. It wouldn't work.
As soon as you stood up, you heard other students coming down from their dormitories, so you quickly turned to the Common Room's exit and made your way into the school's busy corridors. You had always been the silent type, the solitary one, and from a certain point of view, you had to. From a young age, your family had taught you to mistrust every person you were to get to know in your life, but honestly speaking it didn't bother you keeping a distance from others. Once alone, you could let your mind wander and go to a different place, far away from Hogwarts, from what you called home. You'd always wondered if a place like that was real, if somewhere in the world you would ever have the chance to allow yourself to relax a little bit, let your guard down and maybe laugh genuinely to the twins stupid pranks.
<Thinking about us, were you, gorgeous?>
Speaking of the devil.
<I'm always thinking about you, guys. What do you have for me today?>
As always, they each grabbed you by one of your arms and gently dragged you in a quiet place, unnoticed by curious eyes.
<Rumors say the first task has something to do with dragons>
Fred started, as excited as always.
<They'll probably end up protecting something that the participants will have to retrieve. Wicked, right?>
George finished, with a big grin on his face.
There was something special about them, you just couldn't let the thought of the two happy behavior out of your mind. You could say that interacting with them was your secret, little guilty pleasure, but no one had to know, right?
Their laughs and silliness were just contagious.
<Thank you guys, as always>
<Anything for you, Smalls!>
As the twins answered in unison, you shook your head smiling. A tiny, minuscule but luckily restrained part of yourself wanted to keep the money, just a little more, just to talk to them for a bit, but your Addams self immediately handed the brothers their two galleons with the simplest and most polite smile you had. Next thing you know they're hugging you before sprinting away full speed, as if scared you'd curse them, but giggling cheerfully, as their usual, jolly selves.
What a strange duo.
Your favorite one, though.
Carried by your feet, you headed to the Black Lake without a second thought. Knowing the path by heart meant you had to pay no attention to wherever you were going, therefore you could focus on the newly acquired information. Dragons, mh? Interesting.
Who in the Wizarding World had the magnificent idea of letting seventeen years old students deal with freaking dragons?
Guess your father was right about the Ministry being just an overrated, overly-powerful and overly-paid coven of incompetent clowns.
"What a huge waste of time"
The voice in your head sounded uninterested and almost soulless in your ears, a most accurate reflection of what was repeatedly going on in that beautiful mind of yours. Words echoed undefined in your brain, racing around like brooms gone mad. Nonetheless, they melted in a clear whisper, almost comforting your craved loneliness.
E/c eyes quickly glanced around, immediately spotting the still missing presence of the pale brat, now outstandingly deafening in an eerie, heavy way. Not once you had graced someone witch such attention, and even if in that case it was justified and most certainly not a good thing, it unnerved your usually calm self finding your mind wondering where the heck he was or what the bloody hell he was doing.
Was it something you could do better? Was it a place you knew better?
Whatever was going on between you two, though, did have a name.
It was a game.
The prize? Power.
<Come on, tell her!>
<No, you tell her!>
<It was your idea, not mine!>
First years. Sometimes you forgot you were a prefect, and moments like that made sure to rimind you of your duties. Your thoughts faded into an impending headache and you could do nothing but discreetly massage your temple with one hand, while patiently waiting for the three kids to take some courage and grow the guts to call you.
After ten more, long minutes of arguing, finally the little blonde girl in the middle stepped forward and grabbed you by your robe.
<M miss Addams!>
You gently swirled around, letting your uniform slide in a delicate way out of the little creature's hand.
<Yes, my dear?>
<I, uh->
<Peeves stole our books!>
<Yes, he did! We have Potions next, Snape will eat us alive!>
<Please help us!>
You could almost laugh at the expression the little slytherin girl had on her cute bronze face. Her amber eyes were trying to strangle the two boys with way too explicit effort, and her perfectly tamed hair bounced on her warm cheeks whenever she shook her head from side to side, disappointed in her friends' childish behavior.
Ah, younglings.
<Did you see where he went?>
<Yes miss, that way>
Your eyes followed her thin hand, which was now pointing to the stairs.
<Very well, wait here, I'll be back in a minute>
Not wasting any more time, you turned on your heels and reached the first floor in less than it should have taken. When Peeves locked eyes with you, his ever present grin contorted into pure horror, and in a moment of overwhelming panic he sprinted forward, even faster than usual. You had to follow the poltergeist to the second floor, chasing him through the corridors like a wolf after his bleeding prey.
He knew far too well that if you were to raise your voice, he would've been doomed.
Well, shit.
<Miss Addams! Oh dear me, wh- >
<The books, Peeves.>
<Books? Peeves doesn't know wh- >
Oh, how you despised his stupid voice.
You straightened yourself and placed your hands behind your back. Taking a frighteningly stern aura, you rose your chin high, as if silently judging the being in front of you and already sentencing your prey's imminent end.
<As much as I would love to take my time and teach you your place, Peeves, I'm afraid there's not enough time for the lesson I have in mind. Now, I suggest you return the stolen books in this exact moment before I lose my cool again.>
Memories from the girl's first year flashed before the ghost's disembodied eyes and fear took over him, leading his jester self to drop the books to the ground and fly away as fast as his lifeless body could.
The three text books moved from the cold stone floor and neatly stacked themselves under your eyes' will, just to float up middle air and reach your arms, where they gently let their weight go and settled down.
While turning around, your brain managed to register someone's silhouette slide into the girl's bathroom and given your position, you were morally obligated to check, after all classes were just about to start.
And you would've fulfilled your role, if it weren't for the figure now standing in front of you, a black cloak blocking your vision.
<Professor Snape.>
If it was possible, the corridors fell even more silent, and the man a few feet away from you, right beside the bathroom entrance, brought back to your mind the main reason you were spacing out in the middle of the hall. You locked eyes with the teacher for a never ending minute, a wordless exchange that ended up in the two of you parting your ways in complete silence.
After returning the books to the now little bundles of joy, you got back to your journey towards the Black Lake, brain still stuck in the second floor's corridor, on the semblance of a person entering the girls bathrooms.
First of all, Professor Snape had seemed to not notice anyone in there. He was standing right in front of the door but not once he looked that way, so whoever entered didn't want to be seen.
Addams shouldn't put their nose into others businesses.
But that definitely smelled like something suspicious.
Very suspicious.
Especially because the glimpse of a shadow you had taken was the one of a guy.
You had finally reached the lake without even realizing it. Sitting under what you had adopted as your own tree, you mindlessly took you Charms text book out of your robes. Your eyes, though, were full of the scene that kept on tormenting your restless mind and millions of questions started blossoming in your head. You began to make assumptions and plans to solve the question as soon as possible, to let your brain go of the itching sensation the odd coincidence had layed on it. Your eyes lost focus, and as the world around you melted into blurred colors, you fell in your little world, only to be suddenly brought back by a familiar, wheezy voice, almost an inaudible hiss.
<My dear...>
Your hand automatically shut the book it was holding closed, your mind now empty and focused only on the voice's source.
<Lord Voldemort, I was waiting for you>
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ALL of the emojis for Siv :D
What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
I don��t think I can point out a *single* ultimate kind act, but Siv raising and caring for his brother throughout their whole childhood is definitely one of the kindest periods of his life. Spoilers, but: Siv didn’t actually believe himself to be capable of being a knight, in fact Ligero was specifically trying to keep him out of Larc’s life, letting them grow to be more independent, giving Siv every reason to be jealous and spiteful. But Siv trained to be a knight anyways because he didn’t want his brother to be alone through it all. He would never admit it, but Siv is a really kind and soft person. He cared for everyone of LinkLink’s scars and scabs when they went shield surfing, he took Zavis to a surprise party when his mother didn’t bother to throw anything that special. He wrote Revali letters, he sewed little rat plushies for Aryll to add to her collection—and I think it all stems from his childhood, where the only thing that he was certain of, the only choice that he could without a doubt claim was a good and kind thing that he didn’t mess up on, was caring and loving for someone that he by all other means didn’t have to.
As for the kindest thing someone has done for him, well honestly I think Siv would consider anyone giving him a basic amount of respect and appreciation as the “kindest” thing. Although once, Zavis allowed himself to team up with Link to plan a perfect party for Siv, which is to say, a very notable feat.
As for the worst thing Siv has done to someone: that’s probably spoilers. :3
What does your OC do when they see others upset or in pain? An upset friend? A stranger?
If a stranger was upset, Siv would probably just think, “Sucks to suck!” and move on. Unless they were like, REALLY sobbing, to the point where it would be impossible to ignore. Then he might stop walking, chat them up and buy them a drink, maybe hear their woes, but that’s probably it.
If it was a friend, he’d be immediately on their case, but would still try to play it off as him being an apathetic, disgruntled guy. But you know, Siv didn’t become an official royal Branch Buddy for nothing.
What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarrassment?
Under absolutely no circumstances will Siv admit that he is shorter than anyone. He finds it completely unfair that BOTH of his brothers are taller than him. He would hate it if you told him so, but Siv without a doubt has inherited a bit of his father’s ego, so calling him short, or even complimenting his hot royal guard brother when Siv is right there would ruffle his feathers to say the least
Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one).
Pre-Orator days, Siv basically wakes up whenever he wants (usually past noon), feeds the pet rats in the alleyways, then heads to the underground. Everyday is scraping enough rupees for a hot meal and a drink by selling illegal tickets to the underground monster fights, maybe organize a rigged gambling ring or two, and obviously scam any ten year olds that were looking to enter the world of pocket monster fighting themselves. Then when the “work” day is done, he’ll pop by an adequate tavern (the only one that would tolerate letting someone like him around) and eat and drink, and...that’s pretty much it.
As the Royal Orator, Siv wakes up and immediately heads to the dining hall, then hauls all the food and drink over to his office by 10am, cause that’s when his official work hours kick in. He then has to just sit there, listen to people’s grievances and input that will promptly be ignored (by either his hand, or most certainly by his superiors) while also posting out the important announcements and rat doodles with the Quill of Roost(both pre and post consumption). He might grab lunch in between and do fuck all, but by 9pm he’s gone out and about, doing whatever it takes to get as little sleep as possible because he doesn’t really like the sort of dreams he’s been having.
Current Siv doesn’t have a schedule, but he does have an agenda.
How does your OC think they will die? Does death scare them? Is there any reason for this?
Siv isn’t thinking about death. In truth, he thought he would have died much, MUCH earlier. Maybe get stabbed or executed? Maybe have a poor run in with an ex or particularly angry victim of his scams? But hey, now that’s he’s living the high life with all this power, he doesn’t care about death! For all he knows, he could live forever as long as he sticks with Ganon! All he has to do is follow what he says, and he’ll be happy forever and never have to fear anything ever again.
What is your OC’s most traumatic experience? (If they don’t have just one traumatic experience either pick one or describe them all!)
The Asunder Incident.
Siv constantly questions himself after that, “Why would I do that? Was I really capable of killing someone? Surely not, I’m not...I’m not that bad...” but the facts obviously stated otherwise. This was basically the incident that cemented himself as the person he is at the start of hku, apathetic and broken. He wouldn’t admit it then, but this singular event basically solidified everyone’s prejudice and perception of him, and rightfully proved them correct. It was his own actions that left him hated, abandoned, and alone, so yeah, he can’t complain now, it’s all his fault.
How would your OC react to the death of a friend/family member/loved one? Is there anyone they can confide in?
If Ligero died he would throw a fucking party for the ages.
Other than that, yeah, if someone he knew and cared about died he would be very heart broken about it. I think the only person he would really confide in about it would be Larc, but if it WAS Larc that died...I can only assume he would at the very least be severely depressed. He’s his favourite, cherished, little brat brother, after all.
What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
This is an interesting question given that...I’ve already shown both sides to this, haven’t I? Maybe I’ll just let the story speak for itself...
How would your OC react to somebody telling them that they love them? (+ bonus give another characters/OC name!)
Siv would first play it off as a joke because defense mechanism! “Haha, yeah, and you know what I love? The bathroom!” and he would be off escape the situation. But if they were persistent, he would be very flustered and very...vulnerable, and scarily sentimental in his opinion. It would take some time, but I believe eventually he would really, truly accept it, in the end. Although patience is certainly a virtue, it took an entire childhood for him to use the L word for his brother.
What does your OC hate about themself? What lies about themself do they believe? On the flip side, What does your OC love about themself?
He hates being a bad person. He does not believe himself to be good or worthy of anything, thus he internalizes it wholeheartedly in order to gain that sense of control. So now that Siv’s accepted he will never be truly happy, he’s like, “Great! I can just not care about anyone else now.”
Thankfully, that’s changed recently, and he now believes, “You know what? I’m NOT a bad person! It’s everyone else that’s been wronging me! The problem with me is that I’ve been way to much of a coward to take what I deserve, so now I’m gonna do it, no matter what! I deserve to not be hurt anymore, and if I can’t do whatever it takes to achieve that, then how can I say I deserve to be happy in the first place?” Be sure to thank Calamity Ganon for that pep talk.
Right now Siv loves his power. He’s had the most control and power in this one relationship with Ganon than he’s ever had with anyone else in his entire life. He’s finally on top! Number one! He has something to really be proud of about himself! The old Siv hated themselves, but now that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Does your OC have any scars? How and when did they get them?
He doesn’t have any notable scars, especially given that he’s got the power o’ malice, baby! Malice is a representation of many things, one of them being time and memory, so it’s pretty easy for it to heal and return skin, flesh, and bone to a prior state. Perfect for healing and repairing people and objects, alike! Of course, malice is more famous for doing the opposite, sucking your soul out from you prematurely, feeling yourself die rapidly, your last breath being snatched and forced out of your lungs, a thousand breaths meant for a lifetime suddenly sapped out in a few minutes. But I don’t know why I’m talking about that, that’s not relevant haha
What is something your OC blames themself for and is it really their fault? Does it keep them up at night and is there any lingering trauma?
The Asunder Incident, he blames his actions for leading him to basically abandon his brother for like fifteen years. But that’s all I’m gonna say as I have plans to talk about his feelings on it further in the actual story.
In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence? Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to? How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
Why, I can’t answer this in detail! That’d be giving away the story :3
Ok, maybe I’ll say this: Siv tells himself that he would do anything to get what he wants, of course he would do anything, because if he can’t, well then that just means he’s a pathetic coward who doesn’t deserve happiness anyways. So of course he claims that he will do anything, even killing someone.
What would your OC do if they were given god-like powers or the ability to change anything about the world for a whole day?
Siv would eliminate all shitty parents, maybe also give revive some dead people, and also permanently have a giant neon green tattoo of a dick be on Ligero’s forehead. Assivus would do the first thing, but he might also make everyone who has ever wronged him suffer for a very long time on top of that.
Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
- Oh no, made a ficlet.
The first night he was in the castle, he had a dream.
There was a man, sitting across from him, dressed in glittering gold, with a green sash wrapped across his chest and waist. He was tapping his long nails against a desk, HIS desk, the white and purple quill still in the cup of ink, and blank parchment in front of him.
The man looked very out of place, and that was ignoring the fact that he was a withering corpse.
You’re dashing, aren’t you? The man said, still tapping his fingers. That’s when Siv realized that he was just sitting opposite to him, in the seat where guests were supposed to be. He tried to speak, but couldn’t. He tried to move, but couldn’t. He tried to blink, but didn’t.
He sat there and listened to the man, attentively.
Do you know what you’re doing here, Asunder? the man asked. Asivus didn’t. Do you know why I’ve allowed you here? What you are?
Siv didn’t know, but he couldn’t exactly express as such.
That’s because you don’t need to know. At least for now. The man leaned forward like mist, disappearing as Siv felt something pass through him, he couldn’t turn to look behind him as a delicate hand was on his shoulder. You’ll know things when I want you to know. You’ll say things when I want them to be said. And you will do things when I want them to be done. Because I own you. Err...
The man suddenly stopped to think, leaning on the right arm of Siv’s chair, tapping his bony chin, as if he had made a casual slip of the tongue. Because...you owe me. Yes, that’s the word. I’ve helped you so much Assivus Asunder. Or “will?” “Have?” “Am currently?” Futures and times are a funny thing. I apologize, I’ll have my words sorted out into something more professional and proper in our future.
The man spun around, and suddenly, he was no longer a corpse, but a dashing Gerudo man, dressed brilliantly and handsomely. His eyes were no longer a hollow gold, but green, somehow familiar.
The room was no longer some dinky orator office, but the sanctum of the castle, the apex of the kingdom. The man snapped his head towards him.
Let me ask you something, Assivus Asunder: Would you rather be here?
He gestured to the grand view of the sanctum, the sunset casting striking shades of red, black, and gold across the towering walls.
Or here?
The world spun once again, and they were suddenly on a dark street. The houses of Rauru diced the stone brick pavement. Siv glanced around and saw himself, sitting on the ground. There were two knights, one of them cursing loudly, and the other laying down beside him. There was so much blood and he could feel himself floating closer and—
No. NO. Wait. STOP. PLEASE! He tried to speak, scream, anything. No sound came. He saw a sword, a dark and rich puddle that seemed to even reflect his own face and—
They were suddenly back in the office.
Which is better? What do you prefer, of the two? I’m assuming the former? The man looked at him. I will allow you to nod yes or no to the former.
Siv immediately nodded a yes.
Trick question!The man boomed. Both are fantastic places, environments that you should love and cherish. There is so much good hiding in the places you would least expect, Assivus. I’ll help you remember that.
The world was suddenly nothing. Nothing but black. Just him, in a chair, staring at this smiling, pleasant, scary, red haired man. 
Don’t you want help, Assivus? I think there’s something you want, that you need help attaining? Isn’t there something? There’s no shame in admitting.
Siv thought for a moment, then slowly nodded a yes.
Do you want MY help?
Uhh...Siv wasn’t sure what to make of that.
Perhaps you can do a favor for me?
Fuck no! was Siv’s immediate thought. Who the fuck—First off, I don’t think I really like you, actually, so— 
Oh that’s alright! The man was suddenly very close to his face. Oh shit, could he hear my thoughts? Assivus, you can do whatever you want to do to be happy. I don’t want to force anything from you. He patted his cheek with a very cold hand.
In fact, I’ve now decided you don’t have to do anything for me. I am going to help you, and you don’t need to do anything in return. The man stood back, clasping his hands together. How does that sound?
I... He tried to speak, but remembered he couldn’t even move his lips.
I’m sorry again, Asunder. Here, I’ll allow you to speak now. The man didn’t even wave a hand, but Siv could suddenly feel how hoarse and dry his throat was.
So how about it, Assivus Asunder? I want you to be in charge of your destiny, I want you to be in total control. I would never force anything from you, I will simply be here, by your side, helping here and there, as you...figure it all out. How is that? Does that sound alright?
Siv opened his mouth, but couldn’t decide the words. If I say yes can I go back to sleep? Hella tired...
The man didn’t move, but Siv someone sensed a whisper beckoning somewhere with a “Yes. We’re all tired of many things, aren’t we?”
“O-Ok...” Siv finally said. “Alright, sure. I don’t see why n—”
Before the words were fully out of his mouth, the world suddenly stopped dead, as quick as a snap. He awoke from his bed with a jolt, his heart racing like he had just run a marathon, even though he didn’t find those last moments to be that thrilling or terrifying.
Siv sat for a moment longer, trying to contemplate the dream. But as most dreams are, the memory of it fell out of his grasp like loose sand between his fingers, and soon enough, it was already gone.
He flopped back into bed with a sigh.
Whatever it was, it was probably nothing.
What advice would your OC give to their younger self? What advice does your OC need now?
Already answered in a previous ask c:
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666000 · 4 years
- dream of the end -
warnings: mentions of suicide, self harm, insecurities, alcohol, language.
.☆.。.:*・° .☆.。.:*・°
a cold thursday morning you woke up by the calm sound of your alarm, you snuzzled into your blankets not wanting to get up, the day before was by far the shittiest day you had this month; you were late for your first class, someone accidentally spilled coffee all over your pants, missed the bus, forgot your lunch. it was too much for you and the least thing you wanted to do today was leave your bed. buy you wanted this over, right?. not having an option, you changed into your school uniform, looking at yourself in the mirror asking "why do i look like this?". ugh, you hated how the clothes looked on you.
the first thing you heard getting off the bus was Hinata screaming a "good morning y/n!" from the other side of the road, you smiled and waved your hand at him. he always waited for you at the door so you two walked into the classroom together every morning. to be honest, Hinata was a beautiful light that shined bright on you, and oh the stars know how grateful you were for him.
the day went by normally like any other day for the others but you, you knew that was the day, so you tried to enjoy the last moments with them, your only loved ones, and it was driving you mad. you had lunch with Noya and Tanaka, like every day, Noya gave you a box of strawberry milk, your favorite. You laughed and chatted with the third years, you gave Sugawara his daily hug, practiced volleyball with Yamaguchi who was your personal trainer (he claimed that himself). Tsukki making fun of you just for later give you advice. Talking with Kageyama while going downstairs. School was over now and you were waiting for the bus with Ennoshita, who was heading to the mall.
entering the darkness of your apartment, greeted by the smell of loneliness and the sight of what one day was a home for you, now filled with cans and bottles of alcohol, unfinished cigarettes all over the floor, dirty dishes, stinky water. pathetic, you couldn't even clean the mess that you made. never letting anyone visit you and see the horrible place you'd turned your apartment into.
you were ready to finish it all that night. you cleaned the mess, showered, your favorite song playing in the background while wearing your best clothes. you turned the TV on, lighted up some scented candles, opened all your windows allowing the air to enter trough them for the first time in months, everything felt weird, this is something you planned for a long time and now it was happening.
smiling happily, you headed to your room and grabbed a pink box with your name on it from under the bed, you headed to the door and placed it outside on the floor carefully, a single tear fell down your cheek, inside the box were all the letters you wrote to your friends, to your family and to yourself.
how could they never notice all the scars? it was not their fault, you never took your sweater off. how could they never smell something odd coming from the clothes? well, perfumes did all the work. how could they never notice the sadness in your eyes? you can be a really good liar, it's not like you were sad with them anyway. how could they never notice that you were dying in front of their noses? it was your goal to be unnoticed.
//you can't have everything in life, but you can be grateful for the things you have. i am truly grateful with my friends, with everyone in Karasuno, they did my existence a little less disgraceful. sorry i had to go without saying a proper goodbye but, i dont think i could've done that looking at you in the eyes. i will love you forever. sorry for being a coward, this is what i wanted and i hope you can understand me and forgive me. please be happy! -y/n.//
a year has passed since the day you took your own life by drinking all the pills in your cabinet, Kiyoko was the one who found the pink box outside your apartment after giving a visit because you were absent for the rest of the week and didn't answered the calls, she noticed a horrible smell coming from under your door and she knew, she cried so loud, she was the only person aware of your depression and the only person you trusted enough to talk about your thoughts. the news of your suicide exploded like bombs into your friends ears, blaming themselves for not realizing and for not helping you. a year has passed and ever since your friends still visit you every month, they clean your grave and bring you flowers.
you are happy now. and you'll wait for them.
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Where You Belong
Dark feels the shiver that means it knows he’s here before he even crosses the border of it’s power. At least, the former border.
Apparently, that’s expanded. Which he doubts is good news for him, or his mission.
Months. It’s been months now, since Doc managed to escape. Months since Dark realized he’d fled here.
To The Manor.
Dark swore he’d never step foot on it’s grounds again. But he has several new scars, along with everyone else in the family, and Doc hasn’t been seen outside of The Manor even once since he’d gone missing.
So now here he is, once again. After a century, he’s finally returned to the place where he’d been turned.
He walks up to the front door, feigning confidence as best he can, as though he’s not feeling smaller and smaller the closer he gets.
The door swings open before he’s even in front of it.
As soon as he steps through the threshold he can feel it’s reaction to his return. The air is thick with anticipation, and then... rage. It knows why he’s here, and it does like like it ones bit.
He feels like he’s just gotten back home after a long trip away, and at the same time like he’s stepped into a place where he’s entirely unwanted and will be punished for even daring to enter.
The door slams shut behind him, and he hears it lock.
No turning back now.
He cringes. Ah... right.
“Damien! I-I knew you’d come back! Where’s William, where’s Celi-”
Dark ignores Actor, walking right past him as Actor tries to go for a hug.
“Damien?” he asks, following Dark as Dark begins to search the house. 
Whispers tickle at his mind, and shadows dance around his vision. They’re taunting him, and welcoming him, and screaming at him, and warning him.
He ignores them.
“Damien, you- you look so different. What have the years done to you?”
The years? The years? 
The man responsible for changing his entire life, his entire being, is placing the fault upon the years?
Dark doesn’t reply.
“Whoa, please, slow down, talk to me! It-it’s been so long, surely you aren’t still angry? Damien, please-”
“Stop calling me that!” Dark snaps at him, the shadows reeling back before closing in thicker than before. “I am not. Damien. Damien died.”
“You-you’re right in front of-”
“My name is Dark,” he growls. “And I’m only here to retrieve what’s mine.”
Actor gapes at him. “What do you mean?”
“Doc,” Dark says coldly, looking right into his old friend- old brother’s heartbroken eyes. “I’m just here to bring Doc back home.”
“Excuse me?”
Dark turns around, and there stands Doc where he hadn’t been moments before.
His fists are clenched, and his eyes blaze a bright, hot red. “Mark, I think you should go upstairs for this.”
“But-but- it’s Damien, you- you know-”
“Mark, please, go upstairs.”
Dark hears the whispers from the walls echo Doc’s statement.
Shoulders slumped, tears falling down his face, Actor does as he’s told by his two housemates.
Dark and Doc stand alone, facing each other.
Dark stands alone.
The shadows in the room all converge, gathering around Doc. They crawl up the wall behind him, writhe around his feet on the floor, slither across his body like snakes. And Doc stands still, seeming not to notice, but Dark sees his body language relax as the shadows move across him.
“I’m not leaving,” Doc says simply. “And you can’t make me.” 
He grins, his fangs much linger and sharper than they had been when Dark last saw him. “You can’t make me do anything, ever. Not anymore.”
Dark almost shudders. Doc is... different. Colder. More confident.
It’s remind Dark of himself, really.
The shadows seem to cling even closer to Doc when he speaks again, darkening furthers and covering more of his body. “I’m staying here, whether you like it or not.” He steps closer, the shadows around his feet following as he does. “You don’t have any sway over me anymore. No power, no instilled fear, nothing. You’re as at my mercy right now as I was at yours for all that time.”
Dark steps back, the whispers in the air growling louder the closer to him Doc gets. “I’m here to bring you back to the family, to bring you home,” Dark says.
Doc scoffs, then laughs. An ugly, twisted laugh, his expression caught somewhere between a sneer and a snarl. “That’s not my home. It was never my home!”
He grins again, and opens his arms a bit. “This is my home. This is where I belong.”
Dark does shudder this time. There’s something unnerving about seeing act so much like...
So much like him. Like him, and like Actor. His expressions... he hardly even looks like Doc, with the way the shadows flicker across his face, the almost cruel amusement in his bright red eyes.
Is that what Dark looks like? Is that what Doc saw, all those times Dark forced him to go out to feed? Is that the monster that Doc accused him of being?
Is... is Doc that very same monster now?
“This place is not a home,” Dark says firmly, shuddering again as something brushes against his back, stroke the length of his spine. He feels like he’s being examined, a specimen for study. “It’s a nightmare. A living, thinking nightmare, a hellhole that you’ll never crawl out of if you don’t-”
“A nightmare? A hellhole?” Doc comes closer again, and they step out of the light of the windows, which even now is dwindling with the sunset. Doc smile is gone, replaced by an expression of such pure rage and-and hatred that Dark isn’t sure if he’s shivering from the ghostly touch of the shadows, or from genuine fear.
He’s... he’s afraid. Of Doc, of all people. The weakest one, the one who cries for every humans he feeds on, the one who’d rather starve himself to near-death than kill one lousy human, the one who usually can’t even stand up when he’s “standing up” to Dark.
And yet here he is, looming over Dark the way Dark once loomed over him, making the older vampire nearly stumble back just because he doesn’t want Doc close enough to reach out and grab him.
“No, no, you’re house was a nightmare and a hellhole,” Doc growls. “You’re house gave me nothing but misery, and pain, and endless suffering!”
“This place? This place gives me joy. It gives nothing but joy, and relaxation, and bliss. No hunger. No-one controlling me or taking away my choices. No you.” Doc laughs, and it echoes around the room. 
“This is heaven,” he says breathlessly.
Dark feels something brush over his neck, right where he was bitten all those years ago. The air of the room feels smug, and not just because of Doc.
“You meant to be back home, part of our family, you’re meant to be with us,” Dark says, his conviction growing weaker and his voice reflecting that. He’s starting to get dizzy, the barrage of conflicting whispers and emotions that aren’t his and the light ghostly touches and the way Doc’s face seems to reflect his own twisted soul back at him-
He doesn’t look where he’s going, and the back of his foot catches on a little step that wasn’t there when he’d entered the room. He falls back with a frightened shouts, hitting his head on the hardwood floor, making it spin even worse.
And Doc is bent down, right in his face. His breath is colder than Dark’s, and it reeks of death in a way that simple blood drinking could never cause. The shadows slide off of Doc, yet the amount on his stays the same. They drape themselves across Dark’s torso, and suddenly he feels weighed down.
“You’ve got it all wrong,” Doc says softly. “I’m meant to be here.”
With me
The whisper is louder, clearer, and it purrs itself in the back of Dark head, tickling his skull.
“I thought you wanted to be cured,” Dark tries, now just hoping he can distract the demon- demons- long enough to get away. “You’re still a vampire, clearly.”
“I wanted to not have to kill,” Doc says, his hand slowly coming to grip Dark’s shirt in his fist. “And I don’t anymore. I have all the pros of being a vampire, and none of the cons.”
For a second, Dark lets his fear overtake him.
And then he swallows it.
He shoves Doc off of him and scrambles to his feet, while watches, some cross between amused and angered.
The walls feel more amused. Doc feels more angered. Dark feels like his legs might stop holding his weight soon.
“You’re just as naive as you were before,” Dark says, trying to catch his breath. God, his chest still feels heavy. “Just because you think you’re meant to be here doesn’t mean you are!”
Doc scoffs, and that’s echoed as well. 
This room shouldn’t have an echo.
“You’re one to talk.”
“You don’t belong to it,” Dark hisses, and Doc goes stiff, and the amusement in the air turns to cold fury, waiting to see what happens next before it reacts.
“You belong to me.”
Doc is gripping Dark by the collar of his suit, seething in his face. “I DON’T BELONG TO YOU!”
The screams com in unison, and Dark reaches up to covers his ears, gasping in pain.
Doc eyes tear into Dark, red and then black and then alternating and then-
Doc drops him, heaving, stumbling back as the shadows press closer to him. He trembles and squeezes his eyes shut, dropping his head and wrapping his arms around himself. 
Dark falls against the nearest wall, his shoulder slamming into it, but he doesn’t notice the flash of pain, not over the splitting agony in his head. Each word had pierced his ears right though to his brain, and then deeper, etching themselves down into his soul.
Doc shakes his head, lifts it, and blinks his eyes open. They’re still not his, still too bright, too red, too cold. “You... don’t get to control me anymore,” he says, voice shaking but just as filled with malice as before. “And I’m going to make sure-”
He’s got hold of Dark again, this time with one hand gripping Dark’s arm to keep him from running away, the other holding Dark’s head by his hair. Doc looks into his eyes, drinking up the fear, the utter terror, exactly what he’d felt for years while under Dark’s heel.
And Dark looks into Doc’s eyes, seeing nothing but his own mistakes, his own actions, his own foolish decisions that lead him to this moment.
“-that you won’t control anyone ever again,” Doc finishes, the shadows passing through his eyes, behind the red, leaving a smile in their wake.
He jerks Dark’s head to the side.
And then slams it into the wall with all his might.
Dark hears something crack, hopefully the wall, but through the pain he can’t tell. He screams, and instead of being echoed it’s muffled, though he’s not sure if that’s just his own hearing failing as his vision rapidly goes black.
Doc slams his head into the wall again, and this time Dark hears a small laugh, and then a shuddering gasp, and through his swimming vision he sees Doc’s expressions go to war with each other, cycling through joy and horror and rage and regret-
Again. Now Dark is sure it’s him that’s making the cracking noise, he can feel the blood pouring down the side of his face. He can’t hear anything now, expect the whispers which bounce around inside his aching, broken head like they’re his own thoughts, like they own the place.
Soon I will
And when you wake up
I’ll own your “families” as well
Won’t they be happy to see Doc again
To learn you’ve found a great new place for them to live
To see their beautiful new mansion
Dark thinks he’s been dropped to his knees. He strains to see anything, anything but the taunting darkness in front of his eyes.
For a moment he catches a glimpse of Doc, fallen to his knees, hands over his mouth, staring at Dark and crying.
Maybe he’s laughing. 
It doesn’t look like Doc knows which he’s doing, either.
I’ll help decide which
Now it’s time for you to sleep
And when you wake up
Dark’s vision goes completely black, and his thoughts slow down into nothing.
But the whispers aren’t quite done yet.
When you wake up
You and your little family will all be here
Where you BELONG
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Tops Dogs
#144 "Well that's pretty rude of you to say."
Summary: When the Alexandrians are on their knees and waiting to see which one of them is to be sentenced to death by Negan, an entirely new group steps in and changes everyone's view on just who the true top dogs are out in the new world. SEASON 7 AU. Modern!100 AU.
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Pure, unadulterated fear courses through his veins and all Rick can think about is how this is all his fault. As his friends and family are forced to their knees, all he can really pray for is that his son lives and everything's done and over with soon so they can get Maggie the help she needs before it's too late.
"All right!" One of the people who’s captured them gloats. "We got a full boat. Lets meet the man." The same man walks up to a dusty RV and knocks twice on the door.
The seconds seem to stretch on as they wait, many of Rick's group shivering in either fear or pain. He knows now that they're in way over their head, that Gregory had led them to believe they actually had a chance against Negan. But boy were they wrong.
So, so wrong.
The RV door creaks open and a man steps out. It's too dark to really see him, but Rick can make out that the man is gripping a bat in hand while letting it lean against his shoulder. "Pissing our pants yet?" He asks. No one utters a word and the man starts walking forward into the light. Fitted jeans, a black leather jacket, and a red scarf wrapping around his neck is what makes up the man that supposedly everyone fears. "Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He walks towards Eugene, smiling all the while and starts walking down the line of kneeling individuals. "Yep. It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon. Which one of you pricks is the leader?"
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Lexa's leaning against the door to the cafeteria, watching on as her people are served up their rations for dinner. It's been a peaceful week so far, so it's not really a surprise when one of her best scavengers comes up to her with news.
"Negan's men are hunting," Octavia murmurs quietly as she sidles up to Lexa's side. She makes sure to keep her gaze straight ahead, all weapons sheathed and arms at ease at her sides. "They've crossed the perimeter into our territory and appear to be circling a smaller group from the Alexandria community."
Lexa's jaw clenches, but makes no move to look at the younger girl. "Is Negan with them?"
"We're not sure, but that ugly RV of his was spotted driving around. It's parked now. In our territory as well."
Lexa finally glances at the younger girl, taking in her coal smeared eyes and leather jacket adorned with buckles and straps. Her hair is pulled back in what everyone started to call grounder!fashion, the sides braided back to a certain point and then tied off to hang loosely down her back. "Give me five minutes. Go and gather a group, and then tell Indra she's in charge while I'm away. We're going to crash a party."
Octavia can only grin in response, she tersely nodding once while rushing off to do what she was told.
In her room, Lexa merely pulls on a jacket over her shirt since the rest of her attire is appropriate for an outing. Then above the jacket, she pulls on a one-shoulder shoulder pad that straps across her chest and then clasps a red sash from the right side of her chest to droop down to her left hip. Her hair is already pulled back and after sheathing a sword at the right side of her hip, she paints coal across her eyes and then smears a few lines down her cheeks. A little metal, gear-like decal is placed between her brows and she's ready- ready to break up Negan's little hunting party and remind the man that he's not all he tries to be.
     - X - X - X - 
Hidden in the shadows with half her fighters hidden high up in the trees, Lexa watches on in disgust as an utterly exhausted group of men and women, and what appears to be one teenager, are forced to their knees in a semi-circle. Negan's men are crowded behind the group's back, all armed with long rifles and smaller handguns holstered at their waists, and holding either pipes or crowbars. Vehicles circle the entirety of the group, their headlights turned on and spotlighting the group from Alexandria.
Negan does make his grand entrance, complete in his leather jacket, red scarf and barbed wire wrapped bat, he ranting on and on about how he does not appreciate Rick killing his people or that Rick and his people killed more of Negan's people when Negan sent in more men to kill Rick's people for killing his people. It's all one big cluster-fuck and Lexa nearly feels bad for the people that earned Negan's ire.
One woman in Rick's group looks to be in dire need of help and it grates on Lexa's nerves when Negan promises that they're going to regret crossing him in a few minutes. She knows how the man works, knows how cowardly he truly is, but they've set their borders on their own claimed territory and stayed off each other's toes.
Until now, that is.
Not only has Negan trespassed, but he's trespassed with the intent to kill. And while Lexa does not know a single face in Rick's group, she's not about to sit back and let Negan slaughter someone in her own backyard.
Negan, of course, demands that Rick and his people give him their shit. This is another thing that grates on her nerves, this self-proclaimed bad ass scavenging from other communities by threatening to kill them if they don't cough up what they fought for. For being a very capable man with very capable men and women at his compound, they choose to take food and other necessary items from groups who worked hard to get it themselves, and that is not okay with Lexa. It's cowardly and pathetic, and she's nearly salivating at the idea of putting the man in his place in front of his current victims.
"I don't want to kill you people. Just want to make that clear from the get-go," Negan says. "I want you to work for me. You can't do that if you're dead, now, can you?"
Rick violently shivers, from both the cooling sweat on his skin and the fear gripping his entire being as he listens to what their lives are going to be like now.
"But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them," Negan seethes. "More than I'm comfortable with. And for that, for that you're gonna pay." He pauses in his overly long speech and Rick bristles as he hears Maggie whimper. He looks down the line to Daryl and watches as his brother bravely glares up at the one threatening them. "So now... I'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you," Negan says as if it were no big deal to take a life.
And if the stories were to be believed, which they are, then Negan was the ultimate big bad and what he's just said was no bluff. 
The gathered Alexandrian's can only watch on as the man taunts them, beaten and utterly exhausted, a bat wrapped with barbed wire leaning against his shoulder as Negan slowly paces before them.
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Crickets continue chirp, twigs snap, and leaves rustle, but no one seems to pay it any attention. Negan continues to take his time to size up Rick and his people, and then..
"I'm sorry, but what was that?" A new voice, feminine from the sounds of it, asks. Rick and a few of his people's gazes are immediately drawn to the decent sized group that's crept up on them, a woman with war paint across her eyes and apparently dressed for a battle of sorts now standing just to the left of Negan’s RV. Even the group of men behind her are dressed similar, some of their faces painted as an intimidation tactic. "Who are you going to beat the holy hell out of?"
Negan freezes for a brief second, anger suddenly blazing in his eyes as his grip tightens around his bat. A false smile stretches from ear to ear as he whirls around. "Lexa, my girl, how are you on this wondrous night?"
"Cut the shit, Negan," she says. "You're in my territory and you know how I feel about you and your little merry band of cowards playing this bullshit game."
Negan's men all bristle, muttering swear words as the one Negan called Lexa smirks, and Negan narrows his eyes in anger. “Well that’s pretty rude of you to say.” 
Several guns can be heard being cocked, but all Lexa has to do is whistle and then another group- this one at least thirty or so large- is stepping forward from the shadows on the other side of the RV. The female leading the second group is all swagger and nonchalance, and the men behind her are covered in furs, paint and masks which makes them at least 10X scarier than Negan and his own men. 
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"You and I already know how this is going to end, Negan. You're in my territory now and my people greatly outnumber you and yours." He scoffs at Lexa's words, eyeing those standing with her. Even to Rick's gaze Negan's group still looks just a little bit larger, but Lexa whistles again and Negan's back to scowling. Because not only does Lexa have men and women on the ground, but if the little fires suddenly dotting up high in the trees is anything to go by, then she also has people waiting to strike from up high. "Leave now," she threatens, "or I'll drive my sword through your heart and string up your corpse as a warning to those left at the Sanctuary."
Negan's lip curls, but as the seconds slowly tick by he eventually glances over his shoulder and nods tersely to his men. Surprisingly, the wall of men at Rick and his people's backs step away, drop the weapons they had stripped from the Alexandrians, and start climbing back into and onto their modes of transportation. Then glancing back at Lexa, Negan mockingly curtsies. "As you wish, Commander."
Negan shoulders his bat once more and then casts a glare at Rick. "Remember. You work for me now."
Rick gulps, but it's Lexa who pipes up. "Actually, they don't. If you want food, clothing, furniture and medicine, then why don't you put on your big boy pants and fetch it yourself like the rest of us."
"You're skating on thin ice, girl," he chuckles darkly while slowly turning back towards her. "They owe me. You clearly missed my speech about the crimes they've committed against me and since I'm not bashin' in any skulls tonight.." He trails off, shrugging.
"Oh, no. I heard," she assures him. "I just don't care. Alexandria is neutral ground, but since you brought your hunting party into my lands, I'm stepping in now. You will leave them alone or you'll deal with the Coalition."
Negan's lips twist into a snarl as his face darkens. "This isn't over."
"I didn't expect it to be."
As Negan barks at his men to roll out, he stomps back towards his RV and slams the door behind him. It takes a couple of minutes for the RV, trucks and motorcycles to finally leave the woods, but they eventually do and everyone just kind of breathes in relief. But having been left with a far larger and more intimidating group, Rick remains on his knees, watching cautiously as Lexa starts to make her way towards them.
Glenn scrambles over to Maggie who's looking far worse than she did earlier, and Rick mentally scolds him for the action because he's not sure how this new group is going to react to them.
"I am not a monster nor royalty," Lexa says calmly with a small grin. "You can get off your knees now." She holds a hand out to him and Rick hesitantly takes it as she pulls him to his feet. She tries to help up Sasha, but the dark skinned woman refuses and climbs up on her own.
Lexa's attention then turns to Maggie and Glenn huddled on the forest ground, he mumbling soothing words in her ear. Rick watches as the woman frowns and crouches in front of them. Abraham, the surly redhead, tries to intervene, but Rick shakes his head at his friend. "What's the problem?" Lexa asks.
Glenn glances at her, worry glinting in his eyes. "S-she's pregnant," he blurts, "and in an extreme amount of pain. We don't know what's wrong."
Lexa reaches forward and places a hand on Maggie's damp forehead, she shushing and cooing when Maggie tries to pull away. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Maggie continues to whimper and tremble, and Lexa's frown deepens. "She needs immediate attention."
Rick clears his throat as his group gathers around, casting cautionary glances towards Lexa's people still lingering by the treeline. "We were on our way to Hilltop when Negan's men started to corral us here. Hilltop has a doctor there that's helped Maggie before."
"I know the community in which you speak of," she tells him. "Unfortunately, if you wish to save the baby, she won't make it as far as Hilltop."
Glenn looks absolutely torn and terrified as Maggie starts to sob, he looking up at Lexa. "Please help us. I'll do- I'll do anything."
Rick's gut clenches at the obvious desperation, but is quite surprised to see Lexa nod. "Polis, our community, is a lot closer. You all," she says, glancing briefly at everyone lingering around, "look like you need some aide in one form or another." Then glancing back at Glenn, she says, "If you will permit it, one of my men will carry her. We are not injured nor are we exhausted, so there's little to no chance of us jostling her too much or putting her in further pain."
"Y-yeah. That's fine." He glances down at Maggie, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. "You hear that, Maggie? We're gonna get you some help, but they're going to have to carry you. It's going to be alright."
She weakly nods and mumbles out a thank you between cries, and then Lexa's standing and facing her people. "Lincoln. We're in need of your strength." A dark skinned man steps forward from behind the only other woman, at least Rick thinks there's only two women since everyone else is covered up, his clothing covered in mud as two dark streaks of war paint are painted down over his eyes from his forehead to his cheeks. Once he's standing next to Lexa, she gestures downward and says, "This is Maggie. She's with child and needs immediate attention from our home."
Lincoln nods before crouching down, but doesn't make a move towards Maggie since Glenn's staring at him in awe and/or fear. "Don't worry," Lexa grins. "Lincoln's a gentle giant. Your lady friend will be perfectly safe with him."
"S-she's my wife," Glenn automatically corrects, he then hesitantly and cautiously handing Maggie over to Lincoln. The painted man gets her situated fairly easy in his arms, he standing and then turning to stride back towards his people.
"Come," Lexa tells them. "To Polis we go."
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redhoodieone · 5 years
Don’t Tell Me Part 8
A/N: And…here’s Part 8! I kind of thought it would have taken longer for me to post it, but I guess the inspiration was coming to me like visions, so I finished it in no time! There will be an epilogue as a Part 9 (with smut!) if anyone is interested in it. I did get teary eyed writing this, and I hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: Language.
Don’t Tell Me Part 8
3 Months Later
Y/N’s Point of View 
I’m having a hard time climbing out of bed. After feeling queasy last night, I just want to lie in bed, watch an old renaissance Disney movie, eat whatever I’m craving, and just rub my baby bump, and talk to the little boy I’m carrying.
I’m definitely in the mood for tacos.
The thought of giving birth to a baby boy who will surely look and most likely act like Jason terrifies me. We haven’t spoken since that morning I left, but I know he watches me every day and every night, because I know his eyes are the ones who follow my every move. I can always sense Jason’s protectiveness. His shadow resembles a guardian angel’s sometimes, especially when I feel more alone than ever. My apartment door opens and closes. “Y/LN! I come bringing food that I believe will satisfy your cravings!” Damian calls out. I grin wildly, and I climb out of bed to greet Damian in the kitchen. He holds up a sophisticated looking lunch carrier, and hands me a sandwich. “It’s healthy, Y/LN. It’s a tuna fish sandwich with pickles inside. Pennyworth and I want to make sure you’re eating well since my nephew needs to be developed greatly if he is to fight alongside me one day. You only have three months left of pregnancy, and do not forget our class tonight at the clinic. But returning to my original point, I will not tolerate a weak nephew, and I-” The second I taste it, my mouth waters with my gag reflex kicking in. It’s disgusting! It smells awful! “Oh my God!” I cry out. Covering my mouth, I run to the kitchen trash can, and I throw away the sandwich as I puke up the food my cravings do not accept. Damian signs regretfully. “I’m truly sorry, Y/N. I-I didn’t think tuna fish and pickles were in your ‘bad food’ list. Perhaps something else will satisfy your hunger. Does anything come to mind? Just tell me now and I’ll go fetch it for you.” I groan miserably and end up on the couch. Damian follows me, and he sits beside me where he rubs my swollen belly. “You know Y/LN, despite this child belonging to Todd, I am quite grateful you were impregnated. I was always treated unfairly as a small child in our family, and now that there is a much younger male coming into our family, I can finally be viewed as an equal amongst Grayson, Todd, and Drake. And even if you’re raising this child as a single parent, I will gladly and willingly assist you if you acquire any help necessary. With my knowledge and skills, I can help raise this child to exceed all great expectations,” Damian reassures me. I smile, even when Jason’s brought up, it just reminds me of how he’s not here and how he’ll probably never be around to see our son. “Have you thought of names, Y/LN? If I may suggest, name the child after me. Damian is a true warrior’s name. After all, if the child is going to be raised with me around, my name can rub off on him and he will surely look up to me. I will be the most fit role model, and I will never let you two down,” Damian continues. I notice I’m getting sleepy again. Between my sick stomach, growing worries of being a single parent, and missing Jason more than anything, my body and mind’s stresses me to the point where I’m lying on the couch. Damian takes notice, and he reaches for the throw blanket nearby and covers me. He kicks off his shoes, sits up, and holds my legs in his lap. “I’m sorry, Y/N. Please do not worry or be sad. You’re not alone, and I will make sure you and the child will be taken care of. I promise Todd that, as well.” I fall asleep to Damian’s soothing words, and with the comfort of his hand caressing my big bump.
Tim’s point of view
 Waking to complete silence is almost foreign to me. I’ve become used to beeping sounds from my computers, tablets, anything electronic, really. The curtains are pulled back, and the sunlight brightens the dark room I’ve called my own Batcave since I was Robin. I rub my eyes, and I force myself to get up to shower. Ever since the family saved me, I’ve become a patient in this home. Bruce has made it his mission to rehabilitate me, Alfred counsels me from time to time, Dick exercises and trains with me, and even Superman has brought me to the Watchtower to work with him on cases and missions; just to keep me busy. I suppose I’m getting better, and the guilt I feel every day is enough for me to want to get better. I haven’t even seen or spoken to Y/N or Jason since that morning I heard she left. They’re probably happy together now, and who can blame them? I wasn’t enough for Y/N, and I’m more than positive Jason hates me more than he’s ever hated me before. It’s almost the afternoon. It’s time to meditate. I sit cross legged on the yoga mat Barbara gave me, and I close my eyes. Breathing in. Breathing out. Relaxing every muscle in his tense body. Releasing all the harsh breaths. Tim finds himself in good silence. He imagines all his demons and guilt will be put to rest, but he even doubts anyone else will forgive him and move on. “Mind some company?” Jason’s voice startles Tim. After his initial shock, Tim motions for Jason to sit beside him. Jason looks worn out. A stubble is growing on his strong jawline, there are bags underneath his eyes, and he looks exhausted and weak. Tim for once in his life, felt that he looked better than Jason for once. The little comment in his head warns him to not get carried away with comparing himself to his brother. The two Batboys sit side by side on the purple yoga mat. Tim knows from Bruce’s advice that the only way he can move on from all of this is to face his problems, make amends, forgive himself, and look forward. Easier said than done. Tim keeps his eyes open, as his gaze stays on the bamboo plant growing in an emerald colored vase. Jason finds where Tim’s staring, and does the same. “You hate me, don’t you?” Jason asks. His voice is low, and there’s guilt in him. “I can’t hate you, when I already hate myself,” Tim whispers, only enough for Jason to hear him. Jason scoffs. “Why do you hate yourself? You were infected by Joker’s secret microchip in the back of your neck. If anything, you’re a fucking victim. As for me, I’m the reason why Y/N cheated on you.” “Look,” Tim’s voice breaks for a second. He’s in the verge of crying, but the last thing he wants is to cry in front of Jason fucking Todd. “I do take full responsibility and I’m already accepting the consequences of my actions for what I did to Y/N, but it doesn’t excuse everything I’ve done. I could have killed her and the baby. And as for our relationship, it was doomed since the beginning it started. W-what happened between Y/N and I, it was both of our mistakes. You’re not exactly a reason, Jason.” “What do you mean?” Jason sobs. He’s clearly not caring anymore if anyone sees him cry. He must be in so much pain, and he’s at the point where he’s releasing his feelings out just so he won’t blow up on anyone. Tim exhales, and focuses on his older brother. Just seeing Jason cry makes Tim realize, the problems are affecting everyone. And the only way to solve them is to address them, forgive themselves, and move forward. “I know I shouldn’t have dated Y/N. I-I guess I was just desperate enough to date a gorgeous, smart, kind, and funny girl just so everyone would see me as...cool. It’s really lame, I know. But being the shortest and younger brother compared to you and Dick, it really takes a toll on you from time to time. I mean, Dick had beautiful women like Barbara and Kori, and you had Isabelle and Artemis. The only girl I dated was Stephanie, and she just used me to be Batgirl at that time. And for once, just seeing Y/N take an interest in me...that made me feel really cool like you and Dick. So, that’s my problem. I got into a relationship just to be cool, and I didn’t even take her feelings seriously,” Tim confesses. He begins to cry, unable to contain himself just to get through this. Jason rubs Tim’s back with support and comfort. “And the thing is...I don’t think I was even ready for a relationship. I’m not ready to be dating, engaged, or even having sexual relations with someone, when I’m not even comfortable with myself. And just admitting this and hearing it now just makes me seem more pathetic than anything. Huh?” Jason shakes his head. “No Tim, you’re not pathetic. The fact that you can tell the truth makes you stronger than you think. You’re brave enough to admit it, and here I am...a fucking coward who can’t even talk to the woman he’s in love with,” Jason says softly. “I’m fucking pathetic.” “I know you love Y/N, and I know she loves you. But I don’t know why you’re still here when you should be with her when she needs you the most.” “I need to be here for you because you’re my brother, Tim. I can’t just leave you and be with her after everything that has happened,” Jason says regrettably. “She doesn’t even want me around.” “After everything that has happened, Jason, I just...I just want things to go back to normal. I just want us to be brothers and friends again. I want to go back to creating more gadgets, and sort through the files in the cave that are probably not alphabetized or even organized. And even if Y/N and I don’t love each other the way we thought we did, I just want us to love each other as friends, because at the end of the day, she was a good friend to me and I rather have her in my life than not in it at all,” Tim admits. “Just don’t tell me about your sex life with her, and I’ll be good. I swear.” “You really mean all that?” Jason asks softly. He chuckles at the last part Tim says. Tim’s baby blue eyes tear up. He nods his head and hugs his brother. The two embrace each other and forgive each other the way they need to just so they can move forward. Together. “I’m sorry, Tim. I’m so sorry for everything,” Jason apologizes sincerely. “I’m sorry too, Jay. I just...I just want things to get better. I want to feel better,” Tim chokes out. “You will, Tim. You will. We all will.” Tim pulls away and wipes his tears away. “And Jason?” “Yeah Tim?” Jason responds; rubbing his own eyes. “Please tell me Damian isn’t going to influence your son. We don’t need a second Damian.” Jason laughs, for the first time in three long months. “I sure hope not. If he does, then I hope we’ll be ready for war at the Manor.”
Y/N’s Point of View
 I must have been asleep for a long time; a long nap to be exact. I wake to a hungry stomach, and with Damian’s head beside mine. He’s lying in front of me, with my back against the couch. We must have been really exhausted to sleep for four-five hours. This pregnancy has been very difficult, very frightening, but a learning and tiring experience. I’m so hungry right now. I glance down and smile how Damian is fast asleep. His face is close to mine, as we are sharing the same pillow. As I’m bundled in a blanket, he’s sleeping without one; since he figures I need it more than him. His mouth is in a pouting form, and his dark hair that was once spiked is now messy and wavy from the nap. Damian’s a good kid. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but he’s grown up to be someone good. I really hope my son will be the same, too. “Damian,” I whisper. I gently shake his arm. Damian awakens in panic. He sits up and looks all around us. “Y/N? What’s the matter? Is something wrong with the child?” he asks worriedly. “No, no of course not. I’m sorry to make you think something’s wrong, but I’m just hungry,” I say. “Okay, then I shall get us some food. Do you have anything in mind?” Damian asks, rubbing the sleepiness from his piercing green eyes. A knock on the door alarms us. Damian is the first to move to the door. He peers through the keyhole, and groans in protest. “Y/N, you should go hide. I wasn’t aware imbeciles would be harassing us at this hour,” Damian says in annoyance. “Damian, you little shit! Open this fucking door right now, or I’m going to rip out your spine from your body and shove it so far up your ass, you’ll be shitting out bones for a year!” Jason yells furiously through the door. “You better believe him, demon spawn. He’s taking off his gloves right now,” Tim’s voice is heard from behind the door, too. “If you believe you can speak to me like that Todd, then I’ll just ask the Joker for a spare crowbar and I can reenact your little, pathetic torture session and make sure Father’s late to save you again!” Damian retorts enraged. “Why you fucking little-” I quickly get up and push Damian aside, before Jason can finish his next deadly threat. The second I open the front door, there stands Jason and Tim. The way all our eyes meet is the second I stop breathing. After only three months of not seeing either of them, it’s like seeing them again for the first time. Like the first time at Bat Burger. I look to Jason and see how he’s standing tall, but his head is lowered as if he knows he shouldn’t be here. He’s dressed in dark pants with his red hoodie. His hair is messy, and his alluring blue eyes show all the trouble and guilt he’s been dealing with since I left. Tim looks well since everything that has happened. He’s dressed in his dress pants and a blue polo shirt. He looks refreshed and healthy, and a small positive smile is on his face. It makes me feel a little better just seeing him smile. “Hi Y/N,” Tim greets me softly first. “Can we talk? All three of us?” “Why?” I ask nervously. What could they possibly have to say to me, except ‘we hate you and want you dead’ or something? “Please...” Jason’s voice cracks. He must be afraid I’ll say no and turn him away. It kills me to see him so distraught. “It will help us,” Tim vows politely. “I promise.” Damian scoffs. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed. “Only five minutes you fools, because Y/N is pregnant, and she doesn’t require any more stress or pressure. We must keep the child happy, healthy, and loved,” Damian says seriously. “Since when did you become a baby expert?” Tim asks him. “Since the day I vowed to assist and care for Y/N and her son since the child will need a strong role model to protect her. And I believe I meet all of the requirements, and I am best suited for the job,” Damian explains. Jason rolls his eyes. He then steps forward and comes closer to me. After three months of not seeing each other (except for him following me around), he sees how much I’ve changed. The baby bump is bigger, and I have three months left to go before our son is born. “You look beautiful,” Jason whispers to me. “Thank you,” I reply, not even sure what to say at the moment. Tim strolls over to me. He slowly reaches out for my hand, and he holds it gently. I squeeze his hand to let him know I trust him. “Let’s talk first, because after we’re done, I think Jason has a lot to say,” Tim says, as he leads us to my balcony to talk. The second the sliding door closes, we’re facing each other. The silence is comfortable for a while, until I realize we have to speak for us to fix our problems. “Sometimes I wish we didn’t have to say anything. Like, the silence is enough for us to know what we’re thinking. Wouldn’t it make life easier?” I ask, breaking the ice slowly but surely. “If life was easy, then life wouldn’t be worth living, now would it?” Tim asks. “That’s right, I forget how you firmly believe problems and bad things make life worth living,” I say with a laugh. I look over at him. “It’s like, life isn’t real unless you suffer sometimes. Just like if you don’t experience pain, then you’re not really alive.” “It’s about the journey, Y/N. We’re human. We’re supposed to feel happiness, sadness, embarrassment, pain, joy, fear, love, and loss. Because if none of those things existed, then what is our true purpose to live? How do we get to our destination? What is the point in living?” Tim asks me seriously. “And if we couldn’t speak, then how can we differentiate voices and that wouldn’t make life fun. I believe speaking is more fun than communicating in minds.” He’s always been passionate about philosophy. That’s always been Tim’s secret. “I get it, Tim. God, you’re so stubborn,” I tease playfully. I reach across to shove him away but he doesn’t even move. “Then don’t question my philosophical opinions.” “Next time I won’t,” I agree. We fall back into a silence until Tim glances at me. “I already know we’re not going to be together. I know we can’t be together. And to be perfectly honest, I think it’s for the best, Y/N. I...entered this relationship with other goals in mind. I was only dating you because for the first time in my life, I felt and truly believed I was like Dick and Jason. I felt so cool being a hero with a beautiful girl like you. I realize now that I can’t be in a relationship because I have to learn to love myself, and be comfortable in my own skin, before I can love anyone else. I wasn’t honest with you, and I’m really sorry about that. Even if we’re not in love with each other, I really love you as a friend, and I hope we can still be friends,” Tim confesses. He takes a deep breath, and he feels the heavy weight being lifted off his shoulders. “I want us to be how we were in the beginning. Close friends who can call each other late at night just to about our crazy dreams. Close friends who pig out on Friday nights and watch stupid movies. Close friends who are there to pick each other up whenever we fall. That’s what I want the most.” I smile, even feeling relieved because Tim’s friendship is what I want the most, too. “I want that too, Tim. I want it more than anything, and I’m still sorry I cheated on you. I should have never done that,” I apologize. Tears fall from my eyes because I hope he can forgive me. Tim’s eyes tear up as well. “And I’m sorry about everything else. Kidnapping you, putting a microchip in your neck, and for trying to kill you...and your baby...” Tim cries a lot harder now. “You weren’t yourself. It’s okay, Tim. The baby and I are just fine,” I reassure him softly. “I know, but it kills me to know I almost did. How about we just...move forward? Whatever happened back then, it’s all behind us. If we keep bringing up the past, then the past isn’t really behind us. I know we all did things we’re not proud of and have done things that are not right. I...want to be a better person. I even want to take better care of myself, and as long as you and Jason are next to me, then this family can get through anything,” Tim says, and with a small smile, he hugs me. I hug him back. I can feel Tim’s tears falling down his shirt, where my head is pressed against. We cry. We hug. We decide as friends to move forward. “Moving forward?” Tim whispers in my ear. “Moving forward.” And we take that first step together.
We head back inside after spending an hour out on the balcony. Tim and I spot Jason and Damian sitting in the living room, far away from each other. Damian’s seated in the middle of the couch, with Jason seated in my recliner chair.
“That was an hour, Drake. I precisely said five minutes,” Damian snaps. Jason stands up the moment I walk into the living room. “We’re okay, Jason,” Tim informs him. Jason nods his head and rubs the back of his neck anxiously. “Maybe we should...” he begins and then stops. “I don’t want to talk right now. Can’t we just...take things slow and go from there when we’re comfortable and things aren’t confusing?” I ask, silently hoping he agrees with me. I can’t be worried right now. I can’t stress over the situation of us. I have to think about our baby. “Yes, we can do that,” Jason agrees, and nods his head. Even with our new agreement, it doesn’t take too long for Jason to realize we’re okay. He rushes to me and hugs me; not too tightly to hurt the baby, though. The way our bodies are pressed against each other, I finally feel safe and at home. Jason barely pulls away from me and I take a daring chance to stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. The way our lips brush up against each other reignites the fire between us once more. The fireworks shoot throughout my body to my sensitive but pleasurable core. He can feel it too. The second our mouths open, Jason slips his tongue into my mouth and we once again, savor each other’s kisses and taste. “Okay, you are both expecting a child already. Do you really want to put another child inside Y/N at this moment?” Damian asks with serious concern. But then he smirks. “Perhaps a niece this time. Get going on it, Todd. You should still have some good swimmers.” Tim chuckles. “Come on, Damian. Let’s give them a little privacy.” “I already know how babies are created, Drake. I do not need another lecture.” “Okay, how about we go back to the Manor and Google porn?” Tim suggests. “We can watch videos and critique them. I used to do that with Dick and Jason way back then.” Damian exhales, and glances back at Y/N and Jason making out. “Well, why not? It’s better than getting the live show here. And besides, Drake. Grayson has Gordon, Todd has Y/LN, and we only have each other,” Damian points out. Tim and Damian...friends? “Somebody please help me.”
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manizeh · 6 years
The Battle of Jahai
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The Battle of Jahai The Grand Cataract of Jahai, Kourna 1062DR (1262AE)
Dear reader. You have likely heard the tale of the Battle of Jahai. It is a famous story about the great war waged in the year 1062DR (1262AE). The remaining forces of Vabbi and Kourna, together with the Order of the Sunspears, fought against the forces of Palawa Joko, and made their final stand at the Grand Cataract of Jahai in the province of Kourna.
Perhaps you were told this tale as a child; a bedtime story read to you before drifting into sweet blissful dreams. Or perhaps your family displayed a mural in their home depicting the proud moment of the final battle scene. Or perhaps you are one of the privileged few who has witnessed the reenactment in Vabbi’s Garden of Seborhin Theatre.
"Your power is too strong for me! I, Turai Ossa, yield to you, Palawa Joko!" -- excerpt from the Battle of Jahai play, Gariden of Seborhin Theatre.
In all of these depictions King Palawa Joko kills Turai Ossa.
What if I told you, dear reader, that is a lie. It is a lot to take in. But, please, forge forward to learn the truth. 
The Beginning All stories have a beginning and ours begins in the Bone Palace located in the heart of the Desolation. It is the home to one Palawa Joko, an undead lich lord, an extremely powerful creature who commands hordes of undead known as the Awakened. The palace was originally constructed in 575DR (757 AE). It is a place that strikes terror in the hearts of all Elonians for it is said the souls enslaved can be seen writhe within the walls, screaming for release.
Palawa Joko ruled over the sulfurous wastelands of the Desolation. But Palawa Joko was not satisfied with his place in the world. He wanted more power. He wanted all of Elona and her riches.
First came Vabbi Before Joko, the province of Vabbi was a plutocracy governed by merchant princes. They prided themselves on owning large estates, conducting trade and sponsoring arts and culture by throwing luxurious parties and building magnificent libraries.
Being the northernmost province of Elona, the Vabbians were confident that the treacherous terrain to their north would prevent any and all invasions. Tragically they were unprepared when Palawa Joko led his army of the Awakened through the mines of Vabbi.
Vabbi was quick to succumb to the army of the undead, and Palawa Joko earned his moniker as the Scourge of Vabbi.
From his iron hold on Vabbi, Palawa Joko’s army spread forth to conquer Elona piece by piece. Over many months, he drove back the nation's armies, growing stronger with each conquest. Triumphantly, he proclaimed himself King Joko.
Next came Kourna The province of Kourna was known for its martial prowess. The people were eternally ready for war and yet even they could not withstand the onslaught of the Awakened army. Within two years of the conquer of Vabbi, the Kournan army was reduced to a struggling rebellion led by a single warmarshal named Turai Ossa.
The survivors of the forces of Vabbi, along with the Order of the Sunspears, joined their Kournan allies to rally behind Warmarshal Ossa. He gathered forces from every town and village in the valley of the Elon River and marshaled a great army in the broad lands near Kourna’s Grand Cataract of Jahai where the valley walls narrowed.
In that fateful year of 1062DR (1262AE), the remnants of Elona's fighting force found themselves surrounded. It was here, near the Grand Cataract, they prepared to make their final stand; later known as the Battle of Jahai.  
100 days of war
"Palawa Joko and his army stand upon our doorstep. We are all that stands between Kourna and oblivion. The lands of our Vabbian friends to the north smolder in the wake of this beast. Today we draw a line at the base of these cliffs. You will hold that line. Do this for Vabbi. Do this for Kourna. Do this for Istan. FOR ELONA!" -- an exert from Turai Ossa speech before the Battle of Jahai.
The war was a bloody 100 day battle between the forces of Elona and the army of Palawa Joko. As each day passed, the battlefield remained unchanged with neither army gaining ground over the other. With his ability to raise the dead, the army of Palawa Joko greatly outnumbered their opponent.
In order to stop the slaughter of his people, Turai Ossa devised a plan. It was a desperate mission, and the Warmarshal chose to lead it himself.
He handpicked his squad from all three Elonian provinces as all had a personal stake in the outcome. Ossa took with him his most trusted Kournan bodyguards, a band of Istani Sunspears, and a handful of refugee soldiers from Vabbi.
In order for the plan to work, Ossa's finest commanders had to hold the line against Joko's horde of undead. It was hoped they could contain this massive army long enough for Turai and his men to move through the shadowy passages of the Grand Cataract to strike against Palawa Joko from the rear. If Turai Ossa could eliminate the lich lord, his Elonian forces might stand a chance against the army of the undead. But should Turai fall, then all of Elona would fall with him.
While Joko's forces were engaged in battle, Ossa and his elite troops flanked their opponent's army. Palawa Joko could not resist the urge to defeat his foe personally when Ossa challenged him to single combat.
At dawn, the two leaders faced off high above the warring plains. There, in full view of their respective armies the two commanders locked swords.
Palawa Joko: "Pathetic mortal. The rabble you call an army is on the verge of collapse!" Turai Ossa: "This from a coward who hides behind his army to avoid battle? Back up your words, Joko. Show me your supposed power!" -- the exchange between Palawa Joko and Turai Ossa as they square off.
Yet, despite attempts made with magic, blade, and other means, Palawa Joko could not be killed. Instead Ossa's forces chained him by magic and bound him deep in the earth. Palawa Joko was entombed, his body imprisoned beneath a huge stone plinth; and its location a closely guarded secret. The Awakened army broke at the defeat of their commander and attempted to flee north.
Aftermath After the defeat and imprisonment of Palawa Joko, the people of Elona rallied behind their new hero: Turai Ossa. He was anointed king of all Elona. King Ossa served his people well. The nation of Elona flourished under his rule. His victory at the Battle of Jahai was remembered for generations, and he was remembered as Elona’s greatest champion.
Sources “Turai’s Story,” by Durmand.
OOC NOTE: The above writing is a chapter in the book Elona Primer that my character (Manizeh Aurumstan) and @salmshahzad are currently working on. It is currently unpublished but stay tuned for more coming soon!
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multiversemuses · 6 years
Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon || A Slytherin House Altercation
Cori could ignore a lot of nonsense. When it came to student rivalry, Slytherin was known to do its fair share of bragging and swaggering. However, some members of her house seemed to be all hiss and no bite. One boy struck her as especially guilty of this. Due to being louder than any other arrogant parties, he was also significantly more difficult to tune out. Draco Malfoy. The privileged only son of Lucius Malfoy preened more than the albino peacock his family kept on their property, and he made just as much ruckus. The Malfoys had money, influence, and power -- all facts which Draco had doubtless been fed since birth, and all of which gave him the impact of being a richly powerful pain in the ass.
Today, Draco was boisterous as he swept into the common room with a large posse in tow. Crabbe and Goyle (whose nose looked oddly speckled and sore) flanked him. Pansy Parkinson was not far behind and trying her best to weave past them. Several strides back from the usual trio, Cori estimated that there were at least an additional dozen following Draco’s every step. She curled her lip and went back to her Potions textbook. Her brow furrowed as she tried to block out Draco’s voice and focus on homework. The expression of concentration on Cori's face morphed into an irritated scowl as Draco's calls grew noisier with each proclamation. 
“Badges! Get your badges, if you haven’t already!” he shouted gaily. His hand plunged repeatedly into the bag at his hip. Draco passed the contents to his cronies, delegating the task of distribution to everyone but himself. “Supplies are limited, so don’t miss out!”
Judging from the metallic clinking that reached Cori’s ears every time Draco rifled past his books, this was a bold-faced lie. He had enough to adorn all of Slytherin house and then some, from the sound of it. The braggart merely wanted to create a false impression of high demand. 
Crabbe shuffled across the floor with several badges clenched in his sweaty hands. He came to a halt in front of Cori and fanned out his fingers, waiting for her to take one. 
“No, thanks,” she said tersely without making eye contact. 
Crabbe blinked at her in befuddlement. He nudged a single badge over his skin with a short and jagged fingernail. His arm extended farther, entering Cori’s field of vision. It was as if Crabbe thought forcing her to get a closer look at his offering would change her mind. Cori tucked two fingers into the Potions book to mark her page and finally looked up at him. Her lips formed a flat line.
“Yes, I saw it perfectly well from across the room, which I’m sure was the point of its design,” she acknowledged. “Still don’t want one, you semi-sentient boulder. Move along.”
“What’s this, then?” a second voice interrupted. Draco.
Cori let out a beleaguered sigh. She turned her still very visibly perturbed face to him. 
“Go on, Selwyn,” Draco goaded with what he must have assumed to be a charming smile. “They’re two for one, really. The message changes, see?” 
The pad of his forefinger covered the upper half of the badge, which read SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY. All the letters of the first slogan swirled and changed before turning green to spell: POTTER STINKS.
Cori’s eyebrows lifted. “You wasted that much time on little button things for other houses?”
A flicker of annoyance crossed Draco’s face. He plucked the badge off Crabbe’s hand and pinched the pin between two fingers. 
“It’s not a waste,” he argued. “It’s taking Potter down a peg, which still leaves his opinion of himself about fifty notches above where it ought to be.”
“Sounds like you know a lot about having an excess of self-confidence,” Cori remarked dryly. “Half your badge might do that, but the other half cheers on Cedric. He’s a Hufflepuff. Harry’s a Gryffindor. Why mention either by name if they aren’t Slytherins like us? It could just say something about Hogwarts in general.”
“Because it’s important everyone sees that nobody wanted Potter representing us. His trick to get attention backfired. Everyone hates him now.” Draco cast a look behind him at his friends. Several murmured in agreement or nodded their assent. 
“And yet I don’t see anyone else making merchandise to say so.” Cori set aside her book and sat up straighter, resigned to the oncoming argument. She squared her shoulders and draped her open hands across the arms of the chair.  
“I expect they would’ve, but I beat them to it. Anything after this would look like a pathetic knockoff.” Draco bounced the heel of his hand, causing the badge to flip midair and catch the light. He caught it and held the emblem out to Cori as Crabbe had done. “Take the damn badge. You’ll be the only one here without one, elsewise, and you wouldn’t want people thinking you’re a Potter fan. You don’t support Potter do you, Selwyn?” His smile shifted into something more smug and jeering.
“I don’t give a good goddamn who got chosen, so long as Durmstrang and Beauxbatons get obliterated in the tasks. They’re the ones who really need to be taken down a peg or two, if you ask me. Put them on one of your buttons.” Cori reached as if she were going to pick up her textbook again but, predictably, Draco wasn’t finished yet. 
“Little Coriander Selwyn, waving a banner for half-blood Harry Potter.” Draco tsked. “What would Mummy and Daddy have to say about that?”
“I don’t know or particularly care. I’m not the one who keeps my parents as pen pals,” Cori retorted. She held an imaginary quill in the air and made strokes across an invisible piece of parchment. “Dear Mum, Second best at everything, as ever, but I made wearable circles with words on them and everyone thinks they’re brill! Love and Kisses, Draco. P.S., Please ask Father to stop sending back his envelopes unopened.”
Pansy swooped down and emitted a steady stream of scathing insults, but they were drowned out by Draco’s sharp reply.
“Careful, Selwyn, the last person who crossed me went to the hospital wing.”
Cori scoffed. “Granger? You can’t take credit for that one, Malfoy; the hex was meant for Potter!”
“Potter’s hex missed, too!” Pansy was quick to retort.
Draco jumped in immediately afterward. “Granger went from rabbit to walrus in ten seconds flat!” He and Pansy laughed. 
“And what difference does that make?” Cori overrode them both. “Why do you even know how long they were to begin with? Do you spend a lot of time staring at Hermione Granger’s mouth?”
Pansy looked as if she could breathe fire, but Cori noted with satisfaction that her eyes darted frantically to the boy at her side. Draco, for his part, had an unusual amount of color in his generally pale face. 
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Draco snarled. “Anyone who’s ever had a class with her knows what her teeth are like. They’re right in your face every time she speaks.”
“And she never shuts up!” Pansy added. 
“Right, sure.” Cori nodded slowly. She touched her fingers together in a steeple. “You know, Malfoy, if Granger bothers you in class so much, why don’t you just spend more time studying so you can answer faster? I’m sure everyone will be thankful for the peace and quiet while you have that pointy nose in a book.”
Pansy harrumphed. “What, like you?”
“And how do you stand up for Slytherin?” Draco crossed his arms over his chest, one hand closing around the badge. “What would you suggest, exactly?”
“We’re the house known for our ambition! Let your actions speak for themselves. Tearing down the competition doesn’t raise you any higher, you fumbling git. Beating them at their own game is what makes sure you stay at the top. If you’ve got a problem with someone, you defeat them at what they do best and make sure there are witnesses.” Here, Cori mirrored Draco’s earlier smirk back at him and looked pointedly at the crowd of fellow Slytherins behind them. A look of dawning comprehension appeared behind his gray eyes. 
Draco’s jaw clenched. He cast the badge aside. It hit a nearby pillar with a quiet crack and clattered to the floor. 
“All right, Selwyn, since you’re so keen for a fight,” Draco growled through clenched teeth, “how about you and I settle this in a duel?”
Cori was on her feet, wand in hand and pointed just below his chin, before Draco had even twitched his fingers toward the pocket of his robes.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you not mean now?” Cori asked innocently, although her wand remained exactly where it was. “I can give you a while to prepare, if you’d like. You can send your dear old mum a list of last wishes. Tell your dad how you’re about to get your ego blasted off and handed to you by a girl who’s eight inches shorter and a year your junior.”
For a moment, Draco tried to draw himself to his full height and sneer down his nose at her. Cori could see the calculations that must be taking place in his mind, realizing just how much judgment and criticism he would face if Cori were the victor. She could also tell how badly he wanted to inform her that his father would hear about this, but she had effectively denied him his most reliable threat. 
“This isn’t over, Selwyn,” he spat. “Watch your back.”
Cori snorted derisively. “I won’t need to. If Moody finds out you tried the coward’s way again, he’ll present you to me as a winter stole. Well, you and about two dozen of your white-haired polecat friends.”
She twitched her nose, imitating his unanticipated transformation into a ferret earlier that year. Draco was positively pink with fury.
“I’ll make sure you regret this,” he promised with a jab of his finger. 
Draco swept away in a rather clumsy swish of his cloak. He stalked off toward his dorm room with Pansy following as far as the magical separation security would allow. 
Cori picked up her book once more and settled comfortably back into her chair as she called after Draco:
“Be sure to send me an owl with the place and time!”
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