#not an edit ? I'm just really bored
starrysharks · 9 months
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hotel manager
#zeno's art#i'm not sure if i should tag the show itself as i'm not a fan but i guess its “fan”art so i will#hazbin hotel#charlie hazbin hotel#vivziepop#i was bored and wanted to draw something#my main goal here was to create a design that looked distinct and could (potentially) be moderately easy to animate#of course based on charlie's character i added as many angel images as possible through the hair and bowtie#(i know white on white is a character design sin but i wanted to show the angel wing detail ;w;)#also to express the personality and juxtaposition of a sweet devil her horns are supposed to curve into a heart shape#of course the garterbelts are upside-down/st peters crosses because of her satanic themes#i also tried to go harder into the goat theme but its still subtle i think#i actually think the goat theme is really interesting because of the story of the sheep and the goats in the bible#but i cant remember if it was actually something intended in her original design#i'm not going to draw anyone else so dont even anticipate that#this was basically a cooldown? ok i think i'm rambling now#goodbye#ok edit to say it clearly: i am not a fan of vivziepop or her work. i just wanted to redesign charlie as a cooldown/exercise for fun#because i used to be a fan of the character before i wised up about what vivzie had and has done#and before i matured and noticed the cracks and fundamental flaws in her works#so yea i dont support her at all and this redesign is critical i guess#also the reason why the tag “vivziepop” is there in the first place is so that anyone who has that tag silenced can scroll past#without seeing anything related to her work. in case that clears anything up#its the same reason why i tag “long post” and “food” and the like
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tricoufamily · 6 months
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watch them while i go smoke
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heaveniowa · 1 year
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gray - pete wentz // fake out - fall out boy
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rotisseries · 5 months
rick riordan dickriders on here will be like "why are you complaining about the pjo tv show, go watch the movies and see what a bad adaptation really looks like" ok well listen to the musical watch it on youtube and see what a good adaptation looks like bitch. it can be done. as a fucking stage musical. what did that 15 million per episode do for disney that chris mccarell couldn't
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sunsetsushiii · 1 year
That one soukoku edit but make it dazatsu.
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applesaucesims · 9 months
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Pt. 2: Babies and Chores (1301-1303) Light TW for child loss
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Nikolaus and Klara have picked up new hobbies, since there isn't all that much to do outside of their farm chores.
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Not sure if you can see, but Klara no longer has her baby bump. Their first daughter, born in 1301, unfortunately was a stillborn. Her name would have been Dorothea.
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Well, this means getting to work on the second attempt as soon as possible.
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Nikolaus being smelly and fishing for dinner. And also looking adorable because just look at his lil smile!
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The fish is immediately prepared for a grand dinner. It has been a while, but I know for sure this was for Easter. Since the original rules start in England, but I based my game in Germany, I researched which holidays were celebrated in Germany at the time and the traditions for them myself.
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The second child and she made it! Her name is Helene Huber and she was born in 1302.
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Work on the farm doesn't wait. So, even after giving birth, Klara is right back to reaping the harvest. I also may have been harvesting a bit too often at first, but I changed that later because it was getting too easy.
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Anyways, you know what also doesn't wait? The need for an heir. So here we go again trying for a baby!
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We're currently in 1303 and Helene has grown into a (sad) toddler!
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But thankfully the farm animals are there to cheer her up! Yeah, she also has her parents, but they are busy with the farm.
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Speaking of the farm, here's what it currently looks like! We've got a big field of crops and a bunch of animals, accompanying the little typical medieval German farm house. The toilet is, of course, outside in the outhouse and there's a small hot spring pond under the biggest tree on the lot.
Pt. 1
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reallunargift · 1 year
there are two wolves inside you, one is a writer:
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the other is an artist:
"haha what if 1290 when D. Dinis made Portuguese the official language for legal stuff, but make it a parent-teacher meeting"
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no one appreciates Catullus anymore :'(
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tswwwit · 2 years
the idea of dipper and bill having to act as a "normal" white fence suburdan home married couple bc of "blending in with community" to investigate some particular magical phenamone or a cult or a monster or whatever and dipper is suffering, and bill is suffering too but he's also having sick fun with horrid fascination as an insane demon does, and they ask mabel for ideas, they have a barbeque housewarming party-
-wont leave my mind, its been *days*
dipper: this sucks, people live like this???
bill: I KNOW! THIS SUCKS! *fascinated like a watching a trainwreck or natural disaster* AMAZING
Pine Tree shuts the door behind him very quietly. A gentle 'click' as the latch sets in place.
Bill looks up from where he was flipping through the newspaper. He puffs on his pipe - unlit, but hey! It's for the look of things! - and smiles.
"Hello honey!" Bill takes the pipe out of his mouth, bouncing a slipper on his foot. "How was the homeowner's association meeting?"
Pine Tree stares forward. A muscle in his jaw twitches.
Bill hums to himself, and smiles.
Domesticity! Such as it is. That wonderful white-picket fence, no magic, no monsters, and no chaos-
The paper under his hands tears slightly. Bill clears his throat, shuffling the pages. He gives up on the ruse of news-reading - whether or not those nosy assholes across the street are watching - and flips, nonchalant, right to the comics section. He already solved the crossword in his head ten minutes ago.
Easy. He's got this. It's only been, like a couple days. There are way longer cons he's played, and this one isn't the worst!
He'll be damned if he breaks before his mortal does.
"I talked to Linda." Pine Tree's voice is flat. He slowly strides over to the window, and draws the curtains shut.
"And?" Bill prompts, sitting up a little more. Man, sapling's got a full thousand yard-gaze going! He watches with fascination.
"She's so glad to see that the," Pine Tree lifts his hands, making finger quotes. "'Non-traditional' couple is so," He swallows, holding down some simmering fury. "'Decent'" Bill's throat jumps, but. Nope, not perfect. The gagging noise still came through. But he nods, very seriously.
"And," Pine Tree says, very slowly. Turning towards Bill, equally slow, and deliberate. "Even though she said I could water the lawn, since it's dying, now I can't water the lawn, because it violates some…" His hand clenches to a fist by his side. "Like, contractor agreement thing?"
"Oh, don't worry about that, honey!" Bill exclaims, with a perfect nineteen fifties voice - he's got that in the bag. "I'm sure it'll all work ou-"
"Except," Pine Tree strides in, planting hands on Bill's armchair, and staring him right in the face. "We're also getting fined for every day that the lawn is dead."
Bill can't help it. He snorts, face scrunching up. A full catch-22! Linda's got another thing coming, eventually. Once they track down this monster.
But hey! Bill can understand sadism, and contractual bullshit! If only Pine Tree wasn't around, he'd have made the trap appropriately lethal.
"Aw, rough day, huh?" Bill sets his pipe down, patting his husband on the shoulder. "Don't worry, honey, we'll-"
And Pine Tree yanks him forward. Gripping Bill's smoking jacket so tight that he hauls him nearly out of his chair. Bill blinks.
"If you call me 'honey' again," He mutters. "I'm going to murder you."
Bill can't stop his laugh this time, and as his cute little mortal rattles him back and forth -
Oh thank chaos, Pine Tree's the one broke first.
"Bill? This sucks." Pine Tree insists, teeth gritted. Shaking Bill harder now. He searches for words, he splutters - one hand waves at the air. "How does anyone live like this?"
Ha! Maybe now he gets how great he has it. No bureaucracy ! No trying to hide what you are from jerks who think magic is 'wrong'! No suburban life, no lawncare, and no rules!
Bill's mortal has too many hangups. You can explode any problem if you want to!
Pity he's not willing to do it with Linda.
"Hell if I know!" Bill exclaims, and surges up. He heaves out a breath, scratching at his neck. "Bullshit magical prejudice. Don't worry, kid!" He pats his husband on the back. "We'll get out of here in no time."
The monster that's preying on these mortals can't hide much longer. Once that's solved, Bill's contingency will kick in. And then -
"No, I found the vampire," Pine Tree says, half distracted. Bill does a double-take. What, he didn't mention that first? "I just, uh."
Bill wags a hand. Prompting.
And Pine Tree shrugs. Offering up an awkward smile. He rubs the back of his neck. "I…. kinda rigged her septic tank to blow once we got out of here."
Bill tugs him closer, beaming now. "Now that's a nice move!" He tucks his hands under Pine Tree's arms, but the human squirms away before he can pick him up. "It's what, a vicinity based setup?" A quick nod, and he grins wider. "Clever trick, kid." "I'd... ask if that's too much, but knowing you, it's not." Bill's cute little mortal punches him, adorably, in the stomach.
"Pfft, nah, that's nothing," Bill nudges him, and grins. Pine Tree's not the only guy who's heard some comments. "You should see what I set up for her house."
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mattodore · 5 months
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we’re back to editing again🚶
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hanatatami · 1 year
for the color pallete thing your doing Berserker Vlad with White Noiz or Yang Guifei with ghost chior could be interesting!
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Thank you! Though I admit I like Vlad more and unlike him I don't have Yang Guifei in my Chaldea, I thought this was a lovely palette :D
This was one of the requests I did for this palette challenge! Thank you everyone who sent me their request!
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irritablepoe · 2 days
I'm in fact hoarding edits, did I ever tell you? I have perhaps over 5000 edits that I've saved, maybe more on both insta and tiktok and I don't think it's all that joke-y and funny anymore... Tbh...
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neriyon · 2 months
5 Character Associations - Yulan
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Embarrassment: Bit too worried about how others see him.
Curiosity: World has lots to see and learn.
Anxiety: Meeting new people can be very stressfull.
Temperemental: Quick to show his anger or annoyance.
Passion: His dedication to his work cannot be doubted.
Royal Purple
Metallic (like after touching coins)
Big gold "earring": Vaguely reminicent of the shape of a spear. Memento from someone already passed, he's never seen without it.
Jewelry: Usually dressed in more than one handmade piece.
Boquet of flowers: While it take a while for him to warm up, he likes gifting flowers to others.
Bagfull of bits and bobs: Stuff kinda... gathers itself into his bag. At least it's very useful to always have materials handy for emergency fixes?
Mammet: He both makes and collects mammets. There's usually at least one trailing after him.
Body Language
Arms crossed: His own little barrier against the world.
Bright red blush: What? No! Go away!
Thumping: Both from annoyance as well as having to wait.
Hiding behind others: Sometimes you just want to hide from the awkward encounter behind someone familiar and safe.
Gently tugging loved one's clothes or hand: For someone quick to show annoyance, he's rather subtle when asking for attention from someone close.
Messy workshop with tons of projects and various papers scattered around.
Sunny garden with rows of colorful flowers.
Paint splatters on hands and face.
Beautiful gemstones, carefully laid out on soft velvet.
Moment shared with a loved one, just the two of you.
Hey guess who forgor they were tagged again for this? That's right, me. And since I have bunch of ocs anyway, I thought: why not do the thing again but with a different character?
Anyway! Thank you for tagging me @mimble-sparklepudding ! (Previous version with Hawu'li can be found here.)
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drthrvn · 1 year
i swear to god if i'm gonna hear "hUmAn SqUaDmAtEs ArE bOrInG bEcAuSe ThEy ArE hUmAn" about Mass Effect squadmates i'm going to combust
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hystii · 1 year
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Lady Marjorie Grant
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bobbinlacebliss · 2 years
This light snowfall was so pretty I just had to make a video with it! (sorry about the window frame right down the middle of the view outside... my desk is where it is lol)
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
Finally finished editing a 250 picture photoshoot that I said I would deliver tomorrow
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