#not an entire itty bitty mouse
erythristicbones · 1 year
just spent 20 minutes running back and forth down the hallway bc Nori apparently found a fucking mouse inside and decided it was a toy. she kept dropping it and catching it again when it ran and then at one point flung it several feet into the air. the mouse then proceeded to rocket under the couch before any of use could catch it bc of said flinging. so. mouse loose in our home
how's everyone else's afternoon
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Allan x very tiny critter reader. Like, Glep’s size, maybe even a little smaller, and just kinda likes to lay on him. On his head, his shoulder, his back, just perches on him. Height difference of the century
Jesus fuck, bro ain’t even 2 apples tall. Bro hides in mouse holes
Allan x TEENY tiny reader
You always have the jump on Allan, no matter what you always manage to scare him. You’ve gotten REAL good at dodging though cause Allan could obliterate you with a single punch
Makes you wear a bell for that reason, or something that makes noise so he doesn’t accidentally kill his own partner
Other methods of not accidentally killing you is letting you ride on his shoulders. It’s like a giraffe and meerkat. It’s really sweet though, makes traveling easier with your itty bitty legs
Allan does like to carry you though, especially since you’re lightweight. He’s giant compared to you.
He’ll sometimes tease you about it, says shit like “how’s the weather down there?” Which might just be a genuine question atp.
Kinda scared of you getting eaten by a snake or other wild animal. So he makes sure to keep an eye on you in case he has to rescue you from a hawk or something
Imagine something like that Allan episode but he’s just trying to save you from an eagle 💀💀
You crawl on his back or stomach and sleep there. Sometimes he doesn’t notice so he’ll get up and you tumble onto the bed, like the worlds scariest alarm clock
It’s really soothing to lay on his chest, feeling your entire body rise and fall with his breathing puts you at ease. Like you’re riding ocean waves
You’re like a stuffed animal to him, thankfully he doesn’t move around in his sleep because his grip on you is not relenting. He moved you’re moving with him
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zipzapzopzoop · 3 months
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Chapter 16: I Spy
One of the biggest challenges working in a laboratory was the fact that it was active at all hours, day or night. There were no off hours. No holidays. No closing shift. 
And no chance of not being seen.
Well, Cornelius preferred to look at the bright side of things. A bigger facility with more employees means more to keep track of. He only wondered how long it would take the chief scientific officers to notice he borrowed some supplies to make a few “toys.”
Cornelius kept his hands in the pockets of his lab coat as he hurried through the corridor and to one of the deeper sections of this building that felt more like a labyrinth than a laboratory. He may never be alone in the building, but he sure as hell can take advantage of the slower hours.
He softened his footsteps as he reached the main security office. Cornelius put his ear to the door… He could hear a mouse clicking. A man coughed and cleared his throat. It’s most likely the same person, considering it was almost four in the morning.
‘Can never be too cautious, though,’ the inventor muttered to himself as he pulled a small device from his coat sleeve. It had legs, a flat, round body, and a little head, like that of a ladybug. It blinked up at him with tiny blue eyes and raised its antennae awaiting orders. Carefully, he slid the little thing under the crack of the door, and just like that, it went to work.
Up the wall it crawled, settling itself above the wall speaker. Its wings opened up to reveal a speaker underneath. Just as programmed, it mimicked the familiar chime of the intercom.
Bwip Bwip!
“All personnel on floor 6B are required in the auditorium on ground 2C for an emergency announcement. Attendance is mandatory. Repeat. All personnel…”
Cornelius rounded a corner and watched three employees leave the room, chatting amongst themselves about some topic he didn’t quite catch. 
As soon as he heard the ding of the elevator door shut, he left his hiding spot and went to the security office door. He swiped the stolen lanyard and strolled into the dark room, holding his hand up to catch the ladyb0t. “Well done,” he whispered, rewarding it with a smile and a pet (with only one finger due to the ladyb0t’s itty bitty size). It gave a happy whirr and tucked its legs and head away until its next use.
Cornelius tucked the little thing in his pocket and locked the door.
The single computer screen provided the only light in the room. Cornelius got to work on the computer. If he could find out where the others were, or better yet, find out how the facility is finding them so fast, he could lead their eyes away while his family escapes.
The screen showed only surveillance of the laboratory, as well as the surrounding property and parking garage. Cornelius was confused. Surely there’s a way they could see some other spots around the city if they were catching the others so quickly. There must be. 
With sweaty hands he typed, trying to get it before the other employees got to the auditorium and realized something was amiss. An option at the bottom of the screen caught his eye. 
Cornelius’s mouse hovered… then he clicked on it.
One by one, screens around the room began to light up in the darkness, displaying security footage from cameras around the entire city. The Father of the Future stood to his feet in disbelief as screen after screen after screen lit up, showing him the city he grew up in. The grocery stores, the parks, the banks, the hotels, every business chain or small mom and pop restaurant. The orphanage. The observatory. It was all there. All of it.
Check out the story on my Archive!
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feline17ff · 11 months
Consumer dilemma
The tiniest part of my mouse's scroll wheel broke so it doesn't scroll
The mouse still clicks and everything is fine
I want to do the environmentally conscious decision of not throwing away the entire mouse coz of 1 broken piece
But what else can I do? Use its 2/3 functions till it breaks entirely?
Going to see if I can get super glue before I get fed up and just buy a new mouse, but I'll sound like I'm stupid to everyone around me if I insist on putting effort into fixing or replacing the scroll wheel instead of buying a new cheap mouse
The broken piece:
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While trying to put it back together, I broke 2 (of the many) pieces that keep the top half of the mouse in place.
And I've been told super glue won't be good on this tiny itty bitty piece.
So gonna buy a new one :/
But I still feel bad about discarding the whole mouse. Doesn't seem possible to find a single scroll wheel for cheap :(
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spxcemuses · 1 year
Anonymous asked: “Wow! Are you a hairless gorilla?” An itty bitty albino mouse squeaks out at Jack. He has a tiny uniform, and an artists bag, perfectly mouse-sized.
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[ Random Ask ] | Always Accepting
Jack squints a bit, wondering for a moment if he was hearing things. He soon looks down only to see the mouse near his boots. Wait, did they just call him a gorilla? What kind of insult was that? He wastes no time, immediately stamping his foot on the ground in an attempt to squash them but missing entirely. The mouse better start running if it knows what's good for them.
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" Wow, are you a good-for-nothing pest that's wasting my time? No, I'm not a gorilla! Now get out before I call pest control! "
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steele-soulmate · 10 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 498, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death
WORDS: 1162
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When I woke up the next time, it was to a rattling sound.
“Mouse trap!” Katie cheered as she won the board game. She stood and did a celebratory war dance around the room.
“Yay yay!” cheered Baby Tommy, joining her by grabbing onto her hand. “Yay yay!”
I giggled as I sat up, taking in the snow stacked up against the window, signaling that the entire hospital was, indeed, snowed in.
“Hihi there, Ratajczyk family members!” I greeted everyone, sitting up and arching my back in a stretch.
I groaned as a loud chorus of cracks and snaps zippered up my spine before successfully rendering me into a puddle of slimy goo.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…” I sighed blissfully. “Much better.”
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Peter asked me in a gentle rumble from where he was sitting in his recliner, giving Baby Violet Marie skin to skin. The tiny six day old baby girl was wearing a clean diaper, itty bitty green socks and a blue bonnet that one of the girls clearly knitted for her.
“I am now,” I moaned, catching sight of our daughter’s foot twitching, and I smiled sadly at her.“Ó mo iníon milis lúide,” I murmured as I reached for her. “Is cinnte go mbeidh do bhóthar deacair ach bíodh a fhios agat i gcónaí gur grá mór duit.”
Peter smiled as he passed her for a feeding, helping me maneuver myself into a comfortable position, smiling at me as I offered Baby Violet Marie a nipple to feed herself with.
“Nom nom nom!” I cooed down at her as she latched onto my single braid. “Is your mommy’s milkie yummy?”
She just closed her eyes as she wrapped her fingers into my loosely braided curls and drifted back off to sleep once more.
I just sat backwards into my throne of pillows, crossing my ankles and silently observing the colorful chaos that was coming from the Ratajczyk kids- Isabelle, Elizabeth, Elle, Katie, Jing, little girl, Baby Tommy and the babies’ dollies.
“I love my family,” I hummed out loud as Baby Violet Marie fed from my tit with her little foot twitching.
“I love the family that we built together,” Peter told me, taking a seat neat to me on the bed as we both turned our attention back to where the kids were setting up another game- this one being Candy Land. The babies were clustered up tight to one another with a blanket keeping them warm.
A soft knock sounded at the door, which turned out to be a nurse carrying a little space heater with her.
“Hey, so the heat has been conked out. The other nurses and I have been running all over delivering these little space heaters to help keep you guys nice and toasty warm.”
“YAY YAY!” yelled little girl, meeping out of the hospital issued blanket and going over to where the nurse was setting up the space heater.
I sighed as the warmth spilled out of the little space heater, making the early wintertime chill disappear quickly.
“Much better,” I said as my husband tugged a blanket up over my legs. “Gramacy, my love.”
Peter smiled kindly at me before returning his attention back to where the kids were sprawled out all over the floor.
“Okay, so since Katie won this last time, she gets to go first!” Elizabeth bossed everyone. “I’m blue, Katie is red, Baby Tommy is green and little girl is yellow. Any questions?”
“Yay yay!” giggled Baby Tommy, the chubby little man very clearly in a happy mood. “Yay yay!”
“Yay yay!” Katie cooed as she spun the spinner.
I giggled as warmth flooded from the little battery powered space heater and made the hospital room nice and toasty warm. I turned my gaze out to the storming weather outside and couldn’t help but feel and overwhelming sense of dread beginning to set up root in my heart.
I frowned as I pressed at my chest, unable to stop the cloud of blackness and fear from digging ugly, sharp talons into my heart.
Why was I feeling this way?
I was distracted by Baby Violet Marie unlatching from me with a soft cry. I handed her over to her daddy to be burped while I righted myself once more.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP belched the little six day old before settling back down again, with her daddy’s long black waves in her itty bitty baby hand.
“Baby Tommy had overtaken Katie!” Elizabeth yelled as she spun the spinner. “Six! I go six spaces!”
“Yay yay!” Baby Tommy cheered again, bouncing up and down where he was sitting, little girl fast asleep in big sister Katie’s arms.
“Katie, bring little girl here?” Peter called in a low rumble, being handed my gently snoring daughter.
“Little girl, little girl, little cutie pie,” I sang, reaching out to run my thumb gently across the bottom of her little girl foot. “Little girl, little girl, mommy loves you.”
“Mama Wen Wen,” she slurred as Peter drew a blankie up over the two little girls sleeping in his arms. “Papa Pete. Baa bee Vii wet Mawie.” She reached out and grabbed onto her baby sister’s hand, creating an adorable picture.
I couldn’t wipe the smile of affection from my face, nor could I shake the negative feeling wedged deep within my bones.
Why was I feeling this way?
Ó mo iníon milis lúide, oh my sweet beloved daughter, Irish Gaelic
Is cinnte go mbeidh do bhóthar deacair ach bíodh a fhios agat i gcónaí gur grá mór duit, your road will surely be difficult but always know that you are greatly love, Irish Gaelic
Gramercy, thank you, old French?
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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merakiui · 2 years
I read Love me Not religiously now and I CAN’T WAIT for what you have in store for us when it’s Dottore’s turn, especially after that sudden teaser dropped by Hoyoverse.
I do now have a thought after rewatching some K12 music videos. If Riddle’s darling is itty bitty for who knows how long now, imagine how difficult it’d be to escape despite how easy it sounds because of her size. It’d be like navigating through the maze of roses in something as simple as a cabin, but our devilish Goldfish just LOVES making things difficult with the strings attached. It makes me wonder if he’d infantilize her now that she’s small. Maybe leave her children’s poems to keep her entertained, knowing that she wouldn’t adjust immediately even out of fear. Especially the How Doth The Little Crocodile poem!
If she’s still cheeky, she’d probably sass him over the fact that this shrinking spell was an excuse to heal the pride over his height. Oh he thinks life is easy now that Darling is small and harmless? No, no, no… she’d most definitely be plotting and looking for key holes, slightly opened windows, etc to climb through and escape like a dorm mouse.
Dottore's fic is going to be a wild ride. >:) It's a modern au that is broken up into two parts and the first part is halfway finished. With the recent trailer I've been even more eager to finish it!! I think you'll enjoy it if you like high stakes, life or death situations, and shocking twists!
I like to imagine Riddle purchases various dollhouse items and is constantly arranging the scenery outside and inside just to keep himself entertained and to prevent you from learning your surroundings and any possible escape methods. He loves decorating the dollhouse with new trinkets just to give it a more Heartslabyul-esque look. He buys tiny books and will keep the bookshelf stocked with poetry novels, children’s stories, and picture books.
Your wardrobe is filled with beautiful, frilly outfits! Now that his mother isn't here to dictate your fashion, Riddle gets to choose your clothes based on his own interests. He'll make sure every outfit is tailored perfectly. Red is almost always incorporated in the outfit, and he likes it when you wear the jewelry he gets for you. You're basically just his doll now and sometimes Riddle forgets that you're human just like him. He won't ever forget that you're his fiancée, though.
What's worrying about being so small is Riddle's temper, which is much bigger now that you aren't human-sized. Whenever he slams his fist down on the table, the entire dollhouse shivers and some of the things inside come tumbling down. His rage could very well lead to the house's downfall, as every spat between you and him could produce a Riddle-made earthquake. Since Riddle's so much bigger and taller than you now (for once lol), he has to actually take what little physical strength he has into account. He doesn't have any intention to injure you, but it can be difficult to remember that when he's angry. Although if you do happen to escape he can easily pick you up like a dormouse and set you back inside the house (or an empty teapot if he wants you to join him for a tea party in the rose maze).
Pray that you don't run into Trey or Cater because as much as they'd like to help you they have to answer to the dorm head first. They don't want a beheading, after all! Maybe you're better off seeking help from someone else on campus, but who knows what sort of characters you might encounter if you find your way out of the dollhouse, out of Riddle's room, and out of Heartslabyul altogether.
Who knows! You might just meet a certain cat whose curiosity got the better of him while Riddle's busy with Housewarden duties. Hopefully he'll be willing to help you.
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
rating seventeen on how I think they sneeze
A/N: I honestly feel like I have a such a large brain capacity but it's wasted on things like this ANYWAYS
Series Masterlist
—S COUPS 6/10 elephant sneeze !! the type of sneeze to make you scream bc it's so sudden
—JEONGHAN 10/10 sounds like a baby angel and everyone is in a rush to say bless you
—JOSHUA 10/10 carries a hankie in his pocket, wipes his nose immediately after. The actual "ACHOO" sound
—JUN ew/10 sneezes into his hand, keeps it in his mind to wash his hands at some point but FORGETS
—HOSHI -13223/10 doesn't cover his mouth so it sprays everywhere,,, +1 point bc he smiles as an apology
—WONWOO 10/10 has his arm ready in a 90 degree angle the moment he has a feeling it's gonna come out.
—WOOZI 10/10 his sneeze is sooooo itty bitty small,,, imagine an animated mouse character going "HA-TU"
—DK 8/10 always sneezes three times in a row bc he's an attention whore
—MINGYU 9/10 covers his mouth bc he has manners and shit but -1 bc he's sad that no one blesses him :-(((
—THE8 ?/10 he doesn't know sickness bc his body is a temple
—SEUNGKWAN 9/10 will put his finger up dramatically to put you on hold so -1,, BUT has the most graceful delivery
—VERNON 1/10 his eyes are ruined bc he stares into the sun to try get himself to sneeze
—DINO 3/10 his entire body jolts FORWARDS it's that powerful,, and ONLY sneezes mid sentence... like baby boy you are 22 human years old how do u not know it's coming by now
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shorkbrian · 4 years
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I wasn’t sure where to go with this, I’ve never dabbled in microphilia but I have been THINKING
(Warnings - obvs microphilia, very NSFW, unsafe sex, noncon. pls do not read if any of the squicks you out)
so like tinker bell quirk? You is small, maybe like the size of a hand (6-7 inches mebbe?). You can turn small for 2-3 hours at the most, but depending on your energy level you’ll stay small no matter what (even if you want to be big) for like an hour. It’s inconvenient in fights, and you wish you were able to turn small AND big at will, but it is what it is.
So I can really only see Bakugou being this depraved (You’re right about Kiri having big thicc balls, but he wouldn’t be this mean). Bakugou would catch you during moments where you were stuck waiting to turn big again, tucked into a corner, hiding away in your room after training - it’s not like you can hangout with everyone or study when you’re this small.
He’s attentive, and since his focus is almost always on you, so it’s impossible to sneak away without him noticing. He’ll go looking for you, searching in corners and small places you might’ve scurried off to. When he finds you, you’re getting snatched up immediately.
The first time it had happened, you’d screamed loud enough to make Bakugou flinch. It was useless, the man only had to threaten to squish you under his shoes if you didn’t behave to make you go quiet as a mouse. You had to do whatever he said.
And Bakugou made it clear; If you refused him, there’d be hell to pay. Would you like to get tossed into a washing machine, with no way out, just waiting to get big again? It’d hurt when you did, all scrunched up in the now too-small machine, waiting for someone to come along and help you out. Or maybe you’d wanna get locked in a freezer, turned into a popsicle for him to suck on?
At least he hadn’t threatened to flush you down a toilet yet.
He whisks you away to his room, stuffing you in his pants pocket if he passes anyone in the halls.
Once in his room, Bakugou isn’t afraid to get creative in how he uses you. Because, well, he doesn’t give you a choice in anything, and you’re only there to serve one purpose to him. You’re there to get him off.
Maybe he’ll sit down at his desk, get all his things out so he can study, then cruelly shove you down into his sweaty boxers. It’s dark, musky, and it smells gross, plus you’re pressed up against his half-hard dick. You cry the first couple of times. Bakugou just pats his crotch (you’re buried in there somewhere, he knows) and tells you to shut up and get to work.
It’s impossible to get him off like that.
Sometimes, he’ll strip completely, lay down on his bed, and drop you onto his chest. As you stand and try to get your bearings, he's pushing you with his middle finger down towards where his dick lies hot and heavy against his belly button. You’re instructed to suck him off - well, essentially just lick and drool and fondle his giant dick with your tiny body. If he’s feeling especially mean, he’ll bark at you to take off your clothes, then pick you up and place you on the flat underside of his dick, holding the tip down with his hand - tells you to rub yourself off on him. It’s humiliating.
Worse is when he deposits you onto his desk, strips out of only his pants, and stays standing. The desk is at the prefect height for him to use his cock to mess around with your small size. He uses his dick to push you around, makes you wrap your hands around him and vigorously jerk him off. Makes you play with his balls too, sits them down onto the desk top and instructs you to give ‘em some love.
You didn’t know what he wanted you to do the first time, so you got a vicious pinch to your ass that you swore left permanent damage. Bakugou wanted you to slobber all over them, push and pull with your hands, slide over them, even get up and try to walk around over them, whatever. Just something. The man wanted stimulation.
Because honestly? He’s not super interested in getting off when you’re this size. Even when you’re regular sized, he isn’t desperate to cum. No, for Bakugou, it’s more about the feeling of power he gets. You’re so small and helpless, he feels like a god when you scurry around, trying to achieve whatever he commands. It’s how obviously humiliated you get whenever he makes you do something - that’s what gets him going.
A couple of times he’s even told you to lay down near the edge of the desk, just so he could gently drop his ballsack on you, watch you almost disappear underneath it. He’d laughed at that.
Bakugou plays with you until you turn big again. 
Once you’re big, that's when he finally gets his rocks off, tired of being edged for however long you’ve been small. He wants to cum, and you’re gonna get him there.
He always ends up fucking you, because even when you're “big”, compared to Bakugou, you’re still tiny. His cock makes your tummy bulge out on each thrust, and he presses his thumbs over it while he holds you by the waist. It’s his favorite.
The man has only blown his load when you were itty-bitty once. You had been suckling on the head of his cock, laving over the tip, sinking your tongue deep into his urethra. You had pulled back, decided to be mean for once, and boldly lined up your entire arm with his slit. You had seen porn - men had plus that they shoved in here all the time, right?
Bakugou’s rough, hoarse shout when you shoved your arm inside him was satisfying. It was less satisfying when he pulled back, and your arm fell out of slit covered in precum. Apparently, the shout had been one of pained pleasure, not pure pain like you had hoped.
It was disgusting when his hand flew to his cock, stroking at it furiously as it began spurting out thick cum. The liquid splashed all over you, and at your current size, you almost drowned. It was horrifying. You choked on the amount that shot into your mouth, crying at the taste and viscosity. it settled low in your stomach.
After Bakugou finished cumming his brains out, he smirked down at you, slipping and falling and crying in a puddle of his cum. He was always nice enough to only cum when you were big, were you trying to change that?
You begged him to keep it that way.
So Bakugou only came when you were your regular size. Unfortunately, he never pulled out, too caught up in seeing the way your body stretched and bulged when he filled you up with his thick seed.
He never offered to clean you up, or even help you cum. This was all for his pleasure, and you couldn’t do a thing about it. It was awful.
You could only throw on some clothes, waddle to your room, and cry as you cleaned his cum out of you in the shower.
And if you got yourself off after that, frustrated by Bakugou’s refusal to make you cum while he violated you? That was between you and your showerhead.
You knew it would happen all over again tomorrow, might as well relieve some tension now.
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Okay, playing through AG with the sis, and can I say? How completely forced the distrust towards Claude feels? "I trust the Alliance allies, but CLAUDE'S a different story!" "Who knows what Claude REALLY wants with us, best to keep an eye on HIM!" "Can never be too cautious with CLAUDE!"
And I'm like... he... hasn't done anything? On AG? To warrant any of this? Like this would be an entirely different story if they were like this after Claude is replaced by Clyde, but like Claude at this point is just, like... not doing anything. It feels weird cuz, like, yes, the Lions are in fact technically correct to distrust Claude because atrocious writing morphs him into an entirely different character, but nothing in the narrative really justifies them thinking SO poorly of Claude’s character in AG yet?
(And given the tiny bit I know of AG, I'm kinda questioning if it's warranted... ever, on specifically this route lmao)
It's like the game trying to ease the player in on how FUCKED over Claude’s character becomes, because while in 3H there was also distrust thrown his way from the Kingom side on AM 1) it wasn't NEARLY this reinforced over and over, and 2) the distrust... was actually wrong? And Claude was genuinely a good dude? Meanwhile here he's the biggest asshole on earth. It's just very off-putting I guess lmao
(I hope to god you're at the point in AG I think you are lfgjdj I don't delve into major spoilers, but there is an itty bitty detail that I mention a couple times so . here's hoping </3)
This is why I say the Lions walked away only mostly unscathed, because this also had me scratching my head. Like. Yeah, okay, Claude is known for his plots and schemes . . . if you've known him long enough.
Which. Which the Lions didn't lol?
This game seems keen on forgetting that these students spent two weeks in each other's company. I suppose you could say Claude revealed his oh-so cunning nature during the mock battle, but . . . but to completely distrust his character based on a mock battle? Where he was all bark and no bite anyway? Come on. Because you're right; people are a little wary of Claude on AM, but they had spent a year together at that point, and I think there's a much different tension to stretching yourselves thin to go help a person who's known for always having something up his sleeve than . . . accepting help from someone who is fighting this fight so damn well he has resources to spare and who gains literally nothing from fucking you over anyway. Like the minimal distrust there was pretty understandable, given what we were exposed to about Claude's character, but here it's very shoehorned in. It's a good example of the story relying on . . . not even emotional payoff from last time, just facts told in the last story that can't remain true here. It's strange.
And it's not like Claude just sends grunts to bolster Faerghus' forces, the way the Empire does to just ~check up on things~ and ~report them to Her Majesty~ in the Federation. No, Claude sends four of his most esteemed and trusted generals. He cut his inner circle by more than half and sent 'em over to Faerghus to help fuck up the Empire. The Lions know who they are, and should, at the very least, know what it means for Claude's own army. And yet . . . Claude is scheming. Plotting. What is Claude planning! (I'll tell you what he's doing he's helping you win this damn war --)
The problem with treating Claude with the same (or worse) skepticism from Houses and non-AG Hopes routes is that all he does on AG is his fucking job. Like setting aside that we, as the player, know that Claude sent over four of his highest ranking generals and friends . . . Claude is . doing what Claude does. Protecting Leicester, keeping causalities to a minimum, working toward peace by helping the Kingdom keep their independence and drive out the Empire. He was winning this war so hard he had four generals to spare. He's like a cat that left not a dead mouse on your doorstep, but four very neatly clipped flowers which also have medicinal uses. Like he's just. I dunno man people were pointing the finger for things he didn't do dklfjdlkjg. This game does not have Houses' continuity no matter how much it wishes it did. Goddamn. Making Claude out to be no worse than he ever was on Azure Moon (in fact, making him damn-near benevolent) and treating him with the same skepticism you would on Golden-fucking-Wildfire is a very poor writing choice.
As someone who's gone through AG already: Claude is a fucking blessing to the Kingdom, through and through. I'll keep the details minimal for you, but . . . yeah Claude's a fucking miracle lol. I actually quite enjoyed him on AG; if I hadn't had GW as context for his character, I would have just waved away some of his lines of nonsense retconning (which it is anyway, but it's relatively easy to ignore on a route that's so thoroughly Dimitri-and-Kingdom-focused).
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB Oneshot: Heartbeat
Based on @wimsiecal‘s wonderful Brain Meets Brawn AU...I might have a thing. for monsters...it’s bad...
There are some ideas from @thecutiewhoyaksandsnacks here too, namely Brain holding Pinky’s wrist for his heartbeat. 
Summary: Brain Meets Brawn AU where Pinky drinks Dr. Jekyll’s potion. 
AO3 Link
London was such a fun playground! 
The horse-drawn carriages, the chimney sweepers, the marketplace! 
And there was the lovely silhouette of Big Ben in the distance! Vaguely, he heard a voice call that he was going in the wrong direction, that he was supposed to hold the giant doohickey, that he was supposed to stop dilly-dallying and pay attention-
But why would he wanna do any of that? It all sounded so boring! He just wanted to play!
Bounding into the street on all fours, he took in the gray skies, coughing as a nearby factory spewed smoke from its stacks. No wonder the people all seemed drab and lifeless if all they had were gray skies and smoke. 
They needed some fun fun silly-willy in their lives! 
There was a man with long, funny sideburns walking arm-in-arm with a woman in a big, poofy dress! They were such a lovely couple, and they’d be perfect to play house with! 
He bounded up to the couple, tail wagging in excitement at the very thought of having new playmates. 
“Hellooooooo!” he said, and his voice was a lot hoarser than he thought. It was a lot harder to get the words out of his throat too. “Wannaaaaa plaaay?”  
The woman screamed, and the man threw his arm in front of her. 
Oh, did they want to scream instead? Okay, that was fun too! 
He screamed right back. 
The couple fled across the bridge, towards the other side of London over the Thames, shouting for a constable. Why did they want a constable? Unless...oh, the fashion police probably wanted him cause he wasn’t wearing anything except green fur. 
He could’ve sworn his fur was a different color before this, but he couldn’t quite remember. Oh well! What’s the point in worrying over something like that? 
The voice called again, harsh and scolding in that why-aren’t-you-doing-as-you’re-told sort of way. Too many big words. He didn’t want to hear big words. He only wanted to have fun! 
Further down the road, a horse-drawn carriage rattled down the uneven pavement. The horses moved in sync, their hooves clip-clopping against stone. They were both large brown horses with white stripes on their foreheads, a short man with a pinched face driving them towards the bridge.
Horses were lovely, friendly animals. They’d play with him!  
Clapping his hands with glee, he ran after them, nearly bowling over a group of children in his haste. They immediately scattered, yelling something about green monsters. 
Once he asked the horses to play, maybe he could find that group of children again. He’d never heard of the green monster game before, but he definitely wanted to try it out! 
The pathway was narrow, so he climbed on top of the stone archway that formed the sides of the bridge and switched to all fours. The horses trotted along at a steady pace, and he quickly overtook them, dropping in front of the carriage just as they reached the other side of the bridge. 
He crouched down with his tail wagging, but before he could ask if they wanted to play, the horses reared up and batted the air with their front hooves. The short man screamed as he flicked the reins in an attempt to get the horses under control, but the horses shot forward instead, nearly tipping the carriage on its side. 
He barely leapt out of their way in time, and the horses dragged the carriage past him and through the streets, ignoring the coachman’s shouts for them to slow down.
They didn’t want to play either. 
Nobody did. 
A raw, unfamiliar feeling settled into his stomach. It bubbled up to his chest, his entire body trembling. He didn’t like it. This wasn’t fun. 
Why didn’t anyone want to play with him? 
He screamed, sending an entire crowd scurrying for cover.  
“That’s him! That’s the monster, constable!” a woman yelled before fainting in her husband’s arms. It was the couple who’d fled from him earlier. 
A tall young man in a blue uniform broke free of the crowd, his arm quivering as he raised his billy club. His face was pale as he slowly approached. But he didn’t seem bad. Just looked like he needed to sit down for a bit.
He stretched one long arm and pushed the constable down. The constable’s eyes widened with terror, and he yelped as his bottom hit the pavement hard. 
He hadn’t meant to push the guy down with that much force.  
The crowd shuffled back, their whispers loud and accusing. Many watched him with fear in their eyes. 
He whimpered and carefully held out his clawed fingers to see if the man was hurt. This wasn’t what he wanted. He just wanted someone to play with. 
Before he could touch the man’s shoulder, he heard heavy boots thunder against stone. The constable beside him suddenly shot up, nearly knocking himself in the head with his own club. A red-faced man with an equally red mustache stormed across the bridge. His blue uniform was crisp with hardly a wrinkle. 
He squeezed something small and white in one gloved hand while gripping his billy club with the other hand. 
“OI, GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUM AND DEAL WITH THAT CREATURE ALREADY, HENRY!” the newcomer bellowed. Henry fumbled for his club while trying to stand. As he scolded poor Henry, he lost his grip on the small white thing, who tumbled to the ground in a heap. 
It wasn’t a thing. No, it was a very familiar mouse. 
“Pinky?” he murmured, rubbing his large head as he sat up. 
Though just a tiny voice, the fog in his mind began to clear, and he remembered things like tomorrow nights and worlds and clocks. And with all that was a name. 
His name. 
And another too, one that belonged to his best friend in the whole world. 
“Buh-raaaaaain?” Pinky said, and it was hard to get the word out when it should’ve flowed off his tongue like butter. 
And there was another word too, one that brought him much joy. 
“Naaaaaarrrrf,” Pinky warbled, and it was finally a word that came easy to him. It was simple and right, like a lost friend he was just reconnecting with after being apart for so long. 
Brain sighed, and Pinky giggled at his funny scowl. “Of course you’d retain your nonsensical vocabulary.” 
How he could sound disappointed and relieved at the same time, Pinky didn’t know. But he was here, and that was all that mattered in the end. 
Pinky gently pressed the side of his finger against Brain’s cheek. Even one finger was much bigger than Brain. He was just so itty-bitty, like the spider who climbed up the waterspout! 
Brain’s face turned tomato-red. “Not in public, Pinky!” he hissed, trying to shove Pinky’s finger away from his face, though he was too small to accomplish that. He stumbled with that particular action, wincing as his hand flew to a spot just above his left hip. 
Though Pinky didn’t see why he couldn’t show affection, he removed his finger from Brain’s cheek. Brain quickly glanced at the crowd, but they were much too focused on how the mustached constable was berating the younger one for not doing his job properly. 
The younger constable had gone paler, if that was even possible. 
Brain flicked his finger. Pinky laid his head on the pavement, turning a large ear toward the smaller mouse.
“I would’ve caught up sooner, but that brutish oaf of a constable captured me,” Brain said, gripping the outer edge of Pinky’s ear as he spoke. “He knows we’re...associates, and unsuccessfully tried to interrogate me for any information I knew about you. I, of course, gave nothing away about my plans for Big Ben. Speaking of which, we’ve been delayed for too long. No more...ow, no more distractions, Pinky.” 
There was a tiny hitch in Brain’s voice. The one that always appeared if he was hurt and trying to hide it so he could move on with a plan. 
Pinky stood up so quickly that Brain was left dangling from his ear, feet kicking out in an attempt to find solid ground. Carefully, Pinky brought one hand up to his ear, securing Brain in the palm of his hand before bringing up to eye level. 
“Enough, Pinky. Let’s depart before-what in Ptolemy’s name are you doing?” Brain protested as Pinky gently pushed him down, using his free hand to check Brain over injuries. 
He rolled Brain onto his side. He winced even though Pinky used the lightest of taps above his left hip. 
There was a purple bruise, visible against the white fur. 
Hurt. Brain was hurt. 
Fog clouded his mind once again, and this time, it was red. The city was blanketed in a crimson haze. 
Part of him feared it. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, this deep urge to hurt and maim and kill.
It was wrong. It was evil. 
But the urges only grew stronger. 
Hurt Brain. Make man pay. Make man suffer!
He growled and doubled over, and he felt something slip out of his hand. Something important, but he didn’t remember what. 
There were scary noises coming from his throat, loud and ominous and terrifying. 
“He’s dangerous!” 
“Kill him!” 
“No! Can’t you idiots understand you’re only agitating him?” 
That last voice was the loudest and clearest of all, though it was quickly lost in the cacophony.
Something struck his back multiple times. 
“Why isn’t this working?”  the constable screeched. The billy club thumped against thick, green fur. But the blow didn’t hurt at all. His fur was too thick. 
“S-sir, m-maybe the little big-headed guy is right?” Henry stammered. “Wh-what if you make him mad?” 
But the older constable didn’t listen, though he gave up trying to break through the thick fur. His sharp gaze fixated on a small, white-furred mouse. 
“Sympathizer,” he snarled, as the mouse hurled long, big-worded insults at the crowd. He didn’t notice the constable’s heavy footsteps, the raised club, the shadow falling across him-
Hurt Brain! Make man pay! Make man suffer! 
The mantra once again encompassed his mind, his hand striking the pavement behind Brain just in time to block the club with his wrist. Brain leapt back at the noise, clutching his zigzagged tail close to his body to protect it.
His bare wrist throbbed, unprotected by thick fur. 
But he didn’t care. 
Hurt Brain! Make man pay! Make man suffer!
He roared, and the constable’s mouth opened in a soundless scream as he dropped his club. Drawing himself up to full height, he towered over the man and snatched him up by the waist. His hand wrapped around the man’s chest, claws digging into his uniform. 
The man whimpered, frozen to the spot as he stared right into sharp, long fangs.
You hurt Brain! You hurt friend! 
He snarled, claws tightening, pricking the man’s skin. Just a little more...sink the tips in…
The man begged for mercy.
Oh, now he’d beg when it was his own life on the line? He didn’t deserve mercy at all. 
He squeezed. The man’s eyes bugged out of his head, his limbs stiff and useless. 
Stop this! A voice inside pleaded. This isn’t right! 
Shut up! he snarled, and the man made a pathetic, muffled noise. 
He wouldn’t be weak ever again. From this point on, he’d be strong enough to protect Brain from the humans. 
In the corner of his eye, someone moved. He snarled in their direction, warning them to stay back or else. 
The movement stopped. But he was still being watched. 
Irritated, he turned to whoever dared to interrupt. 
And he saw loose, drooping ears. Unsure hands caught between reaching out and protecting a soft, vulnerable body.  
A pair of rose-pink eyes that were round and wide with fear, shining with a sadness from deep within. 
Pinky? A trembling mouth whispered. Nobody else heard.  
The red haze tainting his vision lifted. Within his claws, the man choked for breath. 
Pinky dropped him. 
The man crumpled to the ground, and the crowd fearfully watched Pinky. Henry dragged the man away, several people breaking off the staredown to check the man over for injuries. 
He...he just wanted him to stop hurting Brain. He didn’t mean to almost kill the man!
He tried to apologize, tried to say sorry, but it wouldn’t come out. Why wouldn’t it come out? 
Why was it so hard to say anything?    
Only one thing came to mind. 
He ran. 
All he did was hurt everyone. All he did was hurt Brain. 
Pinky ran until he was completely out of breath. Maybe it was a cowardly move, maybe he should’ve owned up, but some instinct told him to flee before he was attacked with fire and pitchforks. 
He took all the twists and turns he could, trying not to think about anyone he nearly bowled over in his path. 
What’s one more person? some dark part of him chuckled. 
A howl tore from Pinky’s throat, the only protest he could make from that bad, evil voice. He didn’t want anything to do with it ever again. 
He came across an empty alley, surrounded by tall buildings that blotted out what little natural light trickled into the depths of the city. He could crawl into the darkness and never hurt anyone else. 
It was perfect.  
He collapsed on his stomach, too exhausted to move to the farthest spot in the alley. Then he tucked all his limbs in so he wouldn’t hurt anybody. As he curled his tail around himself, he felt something odd on the tip. 
Did he catch it on something? 
He turned to look, finding Brain balancing on the crook of his elbow, clutching the tip of Pinky’s tail against his chest. They stared at each other for a long moment, Pinky’s tail sliding out of Brain’s grip. 
“Buh-raaaaaaain?” Pinky asked. His words just weren’t coming out right. 
“I grabbed your tail when you fled,” Brain explained, awkwardly shuffling his feet against Pinky’s fur. He winced and rubbed his left side, where the constable had bruised him. “Um, how’s your...condition?” 
“Hurrrrrrts,” Pinky whimpered. It hurt to even force that out. 
Worry flashed in Brain’s eyes, and he patted the thick fur on Pinky’s arm. Pinky couldn’t feel the soothing motion at all. “Pinky, you don’t have to worry about it. Nobody’s dead, so-” 
But they were still hurt because of him!
Pinky couldn’t tell Brain that. It was too long and he could barely say single words. 
He wanted to thrash around, to take it out on everything he could reach, but he dug his claws into the ground underneath himself instead, letting the asphalt take the brunt of the scary anger that overtook him. 
The feeling soon passed. 
Brain’s ears drooped. “That was foolish of me,” he mumbled, not meeting Pinky’s eyes. 
And there was silence. Pinky cried, too afraid to move. What if he hurt Brain? He didn’t bother wiping the tears away. Brain made some odd sounds, like he wanted to speak words of comfort but couldn’t. 
Then he settled for pondering quietly to himself. 
“Show me your injured wrist, Pinky,” Brain said, in a tone that left no room for argument. 
Obediently, Pinky stretched out his arm.   
Through the tears that fell fast and free, Pinky watched Brain crawl down his arm and into his palm. Sitting there like he wasn’t surrounded by claws that could hurt him. 
Brain carefully pushed on the bare skin, watching Pinky as he did so. Truth be told, it didn’t hurt much. Then Brain pressed two fingers on a spot below Pinky’s thumb. 
“Strong beat,” Brain murmured, like he was trying to assure himself along with Pinky. “Means your heart’s good. That you’re here. With me.” 
Brain looked up, and he was crying too. 
Brain truly thought so? After all Pinky did? 
“Heart’s...good?” Pinky repeated, carefully rubbing Brain’s damp cheek with his thumb.  
“In a purely anatomical sense, of course,” Brain coughed. “And what’s more, I...I shouldn’t have put you through this.” 
Brain pushed Pinky’s thumb away and slid off his hand, turning his back to Pinky, afraid to let him see his face. 
“...I’m sorry.” 
With those two simple words, an entire burden lifted off Pinky’s shoulders. Easier to move and breathe and talk. No more worrying about claws and hurting someone with a strength nobody should have. 
Snowy white fur replaced green. No more claws and fangs. A size where he could properly wrap Brain in a hug and tell him everything would be okay. 
Shedding the last of his extra height and muscle, Pinky walked up to Brain, resting his jaw against the top of Brain’s head like he’d done so many times before.
“Poit,” Pinky whispered, wrapping his arms around Brain. He was careful to avoid the bruise. “It’s okay, Brain.” 
Gently, Pinky took Brain’s wrist in his hand. There was a sharp intake of breath from Brain, like he couldn’t believe Pinky was at a normal mouse’s height now. Pinky felt the skin just below Brain’s thumb, resting his fingers just over Brain’s pulse. 
It was a strong, steady heartbeat. 
“Good heart. And you’re here with me too,” Pinky said. 
“...I’ll concoct an antidote when we get back to the lab,” Brain whispered. For once, he didn’t shove Pinky off. Instead, he turned around and nuzzled into Pinky’s chest, clutching his fur tightly like he was afraid Pinky would leave if he let go. 
In the distance, Big Ben chimed four. 
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What feralness have you experienced?
((Tw mentioned animal death; tw grossness))
Okay, so…This is the story of the first time I babysat this lot
I need to go
No you’re staying. Especially since this one is yours
(There’s a wretched whine) I don’t deserve thiiiiissss
You’ll survive. So, to the story. It is my first time watching them; not quite my first time meeting them, but they were still very itty-bitty and with all their traume still intact, so we weren’t exactly close. Something had come up with their dad, genuinely do not remember what, and he needed someone to watch them on short notice. And I put up my hand, thinking I could handle it. …I was wrong. Okay, in his fairness, he warned me and I still said yes. In my fairness, he did not warn me enough.
I’m going to diiiiiieee
You’ll live. So, as I said, this was only shortly after he officially got them, so they were still very little. I think Celia was 7? Maybe 8? Which meant they still had all their less than healthy behaviours that they’d learned. And this happened to occur right in the middle of their food hoarding haze. …haze. Haze. Did I say ‘haze’? Phase! Food hoarding…phase
You almost said it again, didn’t you?
Hush. So, I’ve got a collection of kids now under my care with really bad behaviours around anything that could be perceived of as food. But it’s only for a couple hours, not even long enough to reach their next meal. So I figured the most I would have to handle for this was keeping them away from the trash cans; simple! And then…we saw a mouse
Please kill me
First off, I want to explain just how much this possibility did not cross my mind. This place is aggressively cleaned. You can’t go two feet without smelling lemons. I had to threaten to start hitting people to stop them from deep cleaning my room twice a week. A mouse…is a very rare occurrence. So. There is now a mouse. I do not see it at first. I am not looking for a mouse. Unfortunately, I am with five eagle-eyed children who have just zeroed in on this poor creature.
(There’s a muffled whine; seems she’s buried her head in something)
Celia chases after it first. And that’s my first indication that something is happening, or that the mouse is even there. She successfully catches it, which, impressive. Also kills it immediately, which, I guess also impressive but in a more terror sort of way. I am still not thinking that this is a big issue. I’ve just gotta go over there and remove the possibly-diseased-now-deceased vermin from my niece’s hands. Except! The mouse is meat. Meat is food. Food is scarce, in their minds. So Celia does not want me to take this ‘food’ away from her. She wants literally anything else to happen but that. So, and I shit you not, her response is to immediately try to shove this entire dead mouse in her mouth! …I am horrified. I spent the next, felt like hours but was probably just minutes, trying to wrangle this dead rodent out of my niece’s mouth while she tries very hard to keep it there. There was a lot of crying, and also pleading to ‘Please! Just spit it out!’
…I hate my life…
I did, eventually, get it away from her. Don’t know what happened to it, I sort of just chucked it to the side and stopped any of the other four from trying to get to it. And then I just corralled them to the therapist’s office and had a bit of a wig out. And then I had to reassure them that, no I don’t hate you now, no you’re not bad, no I’m not going to withhold food from you; cause that’s what they were thinking! From their point of view, I just took food away from them and got really upset, so now they were all scared of me! So…holy hell, that was an experience
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Favourite Fics of 2019
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So...I thought that I’d give you all a list of my favourite fanfic’s that I read in 2019! I’ll include the description that was given by the author and then give a brief commentary of my own! Please make sure to not only read the fic, but give it a like and reblog! Give it some of your own comments and too, and follow/tell the author!!
Authors - I’ve got some authors repeated so you might have more than one fic here!
Readers - ...there’s a lot of fics here lol
Welcome To The Underworld by @spookitokki​
; Demon/Radio Show Host!Jungkook x  Human!Reader
; Synopsis: In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
; My Thoughts: I rec’d this fic very recently but I still remember it well. Demon Jungkook is weirdly caring for her despite her being human and him being demon from the Underworld. The reader...well she has no sense of self-preservation honestly haha. I enjoyed everything about this; the smut, the world building, the characterisation and so much more!
Matters Of The Heart by @hobidreams​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: it seems not even the passage of half a decade can diminish the hold of Mr. Jung’s charms on your heart. but the rumors that welcome you home speak of his imminent marriage to an heiress, one who bests you in every infuriating, ‘ladylike’ fashion. just how, then, are you meant to interpret the undeniable sparks of desire in his eyes?
; My Thoughts: I maintain that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. I think it’s probably like...in my top list of fics all year. It’s just...amazing. The writing feels authentic to the era and the reader is a delightful rebel that we all love from Victorian eras after all. And of course...Mr Jung is just a ridiculously attractive man that I would like very much. Rain is apparently making a follow up drabble AND I AM EXCITED!
An Abundance of Scrunchies by @jhspetitegf​
; Single Dad!Hoseok x Kindergarten Teacher!Reader
; Synopsis: ❝hoseok is a hot single dad and you’re the new kindergarten teacher that likes to piss him off❞
; My Thoughts: This series of drabbles has completely stolen my heart. Dae is adorable and the reader is delightful in how she loves her kids. And then there’s Hoseok, the grumpy businessman who’s incredibly rich yet adorably dotes on his daughter and doesn’t get mad at her. It’s just...fluffy and angsty softness. I love it so much, and the smut was...oof. I can’t wait to read more!
Polaris by @junghelioseok​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: somehow, someway, he always returns to you.
; My Thoughts: I MAINTAIN THAT I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AHHH. It’s so unique and beautifully written, such a delight to read and I enjoy it every time I do. The mixing of the ages throughout the years and how Hoseok evidently has knowledge of their future together but doesn’t tell her. It’s so sweet and yet so organic how they come together. It could be weird and creepy given the difference in ages continuously but it’s not. He’s always a gentleman and it’s just...it’s just wonderful honestly.
Faded Love by @jamaisjoons​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: he doesn’t need to say it. because you can feel your husband, park jimin, falling out of love with you.
; My Thoughts: Okay but like, I still feel the pain and sadness when I read this fic the first time :( the reader’s confusion and pain at being abandoned so thoughtlessly despite her efforts is so hard to read. I still hate Jimin for doing it, and I’m glad that he stopped and realised that he was making a mistake. But poor reader will never be able to fully trust him again and always be worried to some degree :(
Lost And Found 01: Tick Tock by @fortunexkookie​
; Peter Pan!Hoseok x Captain Hook!Reader
; Synopsis: The only hope you had at ending your exile and earning your life back came in the form of an infuriating and uncatchable man: Hoseok. He seemed to love the endless game of cat-and-mouse you two played - so much, in fact, that you were unsure if you were the cat or the mouse. What he failed to realize was that there was a third player, and this one wasn’t after him. The Crocodile hunted you with an intensity that rivaled the way you chased Hoseok, but with one difference: the games he played were deadly.  
; My Thoughts: Okay so like...a lot of my favourite fics ever this year have been Hoseok based. You’re not surprised, I know you’re not. But this fic is just...I cannot WAIT for the second and third parts of it. The world is so richly realised and the characters have such phenomenal characterisation and development in just this one chapter. It’s so...involving to read, you just get lost in it. It’s truly a beautiful work of art that I can’t wait to see how everything goes!
Jungle Park by @jimlingss​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah…once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
; My Thoughts: I looooooved reading this fic. Jimlingsss is basically why I made Flower a once a week thing, because when I was reading Jungle Park, I was always SO EXCITED for Monday’s because it meant I got to read a new Jungle Park! It’s such a slow burn romance but it’s so delightful and rewarding watching this cold and moody lawyer warm up to his bright and bubbly HR person. And then you learn the backstory between them and...I just loved it all!
Magic and Mysteries by @jimlingss​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Everything’s okay….EVERYTHING’S OKAY, YOU’RE FINE. Look, you just have one tiny problem. It’s an itty-bitty issue. Not that big of a deal. So what if you don’t have a familiar and you’re about to take on the ENTIRE family business. Oh, you have a name to uphold? Everyone’s depending on you? Great. That’s just fantastic. But it’s fine. You’ll get your familiar and you’ll run the best damn potion shop the world has ever seen. Everything will be fine, right?
; My Thoughts: Again, another Jimlingsss story but honestly, they’re always golden. I particularly remember this fic because I read it when I was in Korea. It’s so delightful and fun, reminding me a lot of Kiki’s Delivery Service. Jimin is a little rascal but I love that he teases her because he genuinely cares. It’s all just a truly wonderful fic and story put together in one delightful package.
Love, Guaranteed by @gukyi​
; Taehyung x Reader
; Synopsis: with the celestial ball quickly approaching, kim taehyung is horrified to find out that you, his best friend, are dateless. to remedy this, he initiates The Match Project, a matchmaking service designed to find the most optimal date. to you, it’s an opportunity to meet someone else so you can stop pining after your clueless best friend. to him, it’s an opportunity to finally, once and for all, tell you how he feels.
; My Thoughts: I do quite enjoy reading Hogwarts fics, and I particularly enjoying reading Hogwarts fics with BTS as students as long as there’s no smut in it. Gukyi’s Hogwarts series was such a delight to read and I remember reading this fic with a smile on my face. Wanting to scream at reader because POOR TAEHYUNG OBVIOUSLY LOVES YOU. Poor guy trying so hard despite everything :(
Lovers’ Fuck Rule by @prolixitae​
; Jungkook x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: jungkook is still new to your established relationship with hoseok, which means he needs a little help feeling competent sometimes. especially when it comes to sex. alternatively, the span of a poly relationship over inaccurate amounts of fucking.
; My Thoughts: Okay look, I don’t do shipping or anything but Junghope is one of the best friendships/combinations there is. And this fic encapsulates why. Jungkook is so nervous with her whereas Hoseok is just...so unbelievably calm and dominant about it all. He knows exactly what gets his girl off and it’s sweet how amused he is by Jungkook. You can feel the slight insecurity almost off Jungkook because Hoseok has been with her for years but you can also feel the genuine love the reader has for him, along with the friendship Hoseok obviously has too. I really enjoyed it all!
Get Wet by @prolixitae​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: sitting in on your boyfriend’s dance practice is probably your biggest kink. it’s also the reason you asked to be so shamelessly fucked in the locker rooms of his dance studio, in spite of the pending consequences. note: this is not an idol-verse fic
; My Thoughts: You know I love Hoseok, and this smut was just...oh my god wow. Bizarrely, I explicitly remember reading it while in the cinema waiting for a film to start haha. TNS Hoseok is amazing though and I really love him. In this fic he’s even more amazing though and I just...god I want him so badly. Urgh, 10/10
Eating For Two by @park-moomin​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: He’ll have a Large
; My Thoughts: ARGH GOD I REMEMBER READING THIS. URGH, what is it about Hoseok that makes the idea of oral sex with him just so...amazing? Actually just any sex. Any at all. I love the idea of him being so...eager and desperate to go down on his girl, particularly when she’s pregnant so that she can still get some pleasure and fun out of it. Also, him cumming in his pants is just...the cherry on top haha
The Devil In His Details by @park-moomin​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Evil comes in many forms. In this instance, it's a 5'8" pretty-boy with an even prettier dick. And you're the form you want him to come in.
; My Thoughts: Lawd, I remember this being one of the hottest smut’s I’ve read in a while and I still stand by that statement. It does make me laugh that this was supposed to be a 1k drabble cos...girl...this length reminds me of me haha. Still, I think Jimin got the blowjob of his life...probably every man’s life here. Well done Jimin, go back for more.
Hot Rod by @kinktae​
; Greaser!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner.
; My Thoughts: The whole Rewind series that Rose has been doing but you all know I’m a Hoseok hoe and HOOOOO BOOOOOY GREASER HOSEOK IS SOMETHING ELSE. Everything about this fic was just...wonderful and it felt delightfully 1950s. The lingo and outfits, the cars and everything. It was hot and Hoseok deserves everything. I still kinda hope there’ll be a drabble or something in the future but either way, read this as it’s soooo good!
The Boyfriend Concept by @kpopfanfictrash​
; Pornstar!Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Win a Date with a Porn Star! You saw the sign when you walked in, of course, but you had no idea your friend dropped your name into the raffle. Fast-forward to later that day, when you actually win. You are horrified, of course, with no intention of accepting and setting yourself up for embarrassment. But then you meet Jimin, and decide this might be worth a shot. 
; My Thoughts: Shanna always writes some of the best fics on tumblr and this is definitely one of them. You’d think with it being a ‘win a date with a pornstar fic’ that he’d be a little weird or something about it (there’s nothing wrong with pornstars but you can imagine it’d be odd) but Jimin is just...so sweet and kind and polite! He’s just...the perfect boyfriend honestly. It just so happens he does porn too...I honestly loved this so much!
Beneath The Boughs by @gimmesumsuga​
; Dryad!Namjoon x Reader
; Synopsis: For almost as long as you can remember, the tree stood opposite your apartment has been a part of your life. Countless memories have been made under the shade of its supple branches, but when its existence comes under threat, you soon discover that your favourite tree is more special to you than you ever could’ve known.
; My Thoughts: I still maintain that this fic is just basically Steph gushing about her love for Namjoon all over the page. It’s just...so sweet and soft. Namjoon makes the perfect dryad and I can easily imagine him being one. He’s such a delightful character who you just want to protect and teach about the world because he has that kind of delightful innoncence. I loved it so much!
Sweeter Than Sweet by @gimmesumsuga​
; OT7 X Reader
; Synopsis: You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.
; My Thoughts: This is like...the OG OT7 fic. The one that EVERYONE should read. It’s so close to finishing and I’m kind of mind boggled that it’s going to finish. It’s just...perfection. Jimin is delightful and Yoongi is sweet, it’s just so perfect, I love it all. Namjoon is still a dick, sorry Steph. I also maintain that I’m secretly marrying Hoseok. Everyone go read it and strap yourselves in for a long ride!
Bump In The Night by @fortunexkookie​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’d spent countless nights terrified of the beast that lurked in the shadows, but as it would turn out, the monster haunting your home wasn’t a monster all. He was just a boy, and the only crime he’d ever committed was daring to love a girl from a different world.
; My Thoughts: Arrrrghhhhonaeouthnoetahnouenth this fic is just....perfect. I love it SO MUCH. Hoseok is a genuine monster in this, not just someone who thinks he is. He looks like a monster. But he’s a monster who gets a best friend in the reader and who slowly falls in love with her. I SWEAR MY HEART DIED WHEN THE THING HAPPENED :( Poor Hoseok, my sweet boy. But then...the end! And I was like ‘waaah’ I mean, I don’t know how she’s gonna live there but...I have hope for this odd couple because their love survived a lot <333
One Thing Right by @hobios​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: “i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.”
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
; My Thoughts: Ahh...this is such a well written fic and I enjoy it so much. Jungkook has such good characterisation in it and you can feel that the readers heart is in the right place! I really like it and it reads so well, like it actually reads like a legitimate novel tbh!
Wall To Wall by @winetae​
; Pornstar!Hoseok x Pornstar!Reader
; Synopsis: Temporary popularity is the biggest threat to your career right now. Without a solid core fan base you’re doomed to be forgotten. If not now, then in a month or two, and if not then, surely by the end of the year. That’s how quickly the adult film industry cycles through their actors, especially when you’re a woman. Your agent comes forward with a proposition to help put you back on the map.
; My Thoughts: Okay look...this fic is just great. I’m eagerly anticipating the second part because the first was just written so well. It’s so unique in that the readers already has a boyfriend, Jimin, who is not only okay with her being a pornstar but is the one who films her! But then you’ve got Hoseok, the new guy on the block who’s ridiculously good. The sex is just...it feels so realistic and like it’s two people in a relationship having sex and not just being filmed on camera. God I want them together lol
Club Zombie by @floralseokjin​
; Seokjin x Reader
; Synopsis: In a world overrun by zombies, you’d think everyone was a goner, but the reality is much different. A steady diet of brains lets a zombie exist as a fully functioning human. Just ignore the part where they’re technically dead… In fact, these days, the amount of zombies outweigh the humans. A lot jump at the chance to be turned. Beg for it.
Kim Seokjin controls the underground of Seoul. No one would dare cross him. That’s how most of the world goes these days. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of a zombie now, would you? However, you don’t quite see it like that. Spending most nights dancing at the club he owns, you catch his eye. It’s never the wrong side if you’re underneath him, right…?
; My Thoughts: Look...I still can’t believe I read a fic with zombie sex and that I actively WANTED to read a fic with zombie sex lol. But disregarding that, it’s still phenomenally written and the world is built up so well! I loved reading this and it didn’t feel as long as it’s word count. The characters were interesting with little tidbits being thrown out there that made you a little more interested in their history.
Defining Heaven by @akinnie75​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: “If I try to fly, will I make it to heaven, or will I fall straight down? But what exactly is heaven?” It’s a question that’s been in Hoseok’s mind a lot after cutting ties with his parents and ending his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Dreaming is his fear, but you tell him that it’s not as scary as he thinks it is. Even in the depths of his own despair, you reach your hand out, but will he take it?
; My Thoughts: At this point, I think I just love anything by this author. But this fic was so...real and beautiful. The connection between two people who want more from life and deserve from life, who are both stuck. Hoseok’s story is heart breaking and getting to see him slowly come to life and learn to care for himself again was beautiful, while seeing the reader getting to care for herself by caring for him was just beautiful as well.
Florescence by @jincherie​
; Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader x Hybrid!Seokjin
; Synopsis: Okay, so maybe you’re lonely, and maybe there is something missing in your life, a void that you maybe want to fill with a companion that may or may not be of human origin… You’re perfectly content not doing anything about it though, until your best friend calls you in desperate need for your help and you suddenly end up coming home with not one, but two hybrids that may or may not have been on the way to the chopping block had you not taken them in. They’re more than a little rough around the edges, and the situation is less than ideal but… maybe the best things don’t always come in perfect, shiny packages. Maybe they just need a little time to bloom.
; My Thoughts: I love this story so much :333 it’s such an interesting twist on hybrid’s in that there are ones who get discarded because they’re ‘defective’. It’s horrible to think about and I just want to love both of them. Jin is so...sweet and he tries so hard, being the one to put himself out there with the reader because Taehyung is just a sweet and shy bub. Seeing them come to life slowly is so rewarding!
 Moon Magic by @jincherie​
; Merman!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’ve never paid much mind to the moon, but you quickly learn that even though you’ve never really thought of the her, she has always watched over you. What better to heal an grieving heart, than the luminous, rippling magic of the moon? And maybe a merman, or two. You know, for good measure.
; My Thoughts: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AND I KNOW THAT YOU WROTE FOR ME AND I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE IT. Hoseok is such a sweetheart and it’s adorable that you can see he’s falling in love much faster than she’s falling in love with him :333 the world is so realised, even though it’s just an island and everything is just...so perfect!
We Float by @lamourche​
; Massage Therapist!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Might as well get this over with. You sigh and raise your hand to knock, steeling yourself for patchouli and shell necklaces. The door opens. A face peers out at you. There’s no beard, no long shaggy hair. For a moment, you wish he did walk around shirtless. He’s handsome. He’s taller than you, with brown hair that almost falls into his eyes and undercut on the sides. Warm brown eyes and a cute nose. It’s fucking cute his nose. He’s wearing cargo shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and white crocs. Well, that’s better. He’s still handsome and his kind eyes make you want to confess some prior sin, but it’s easy to scowl at a guy in white crocs.
; My Thoughts: This is still such a wonderful and beautiful fic. Hoseok’s agoraphobia is dealt with tactfully and he’s not magically cured by the end, but it’s so lovely to see that he’s willing to try and combat it a little more because he loves her. And she loves him, accepting him as he is and not pushing for more than he’s willing to give!
Tip 143 by @minflix​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Even though he is everything you find attractive in a man, your friend and co-worker Jung Hoseok is just exactly that - a friend and co-worker. For some reason, you have never found yourself attracted to him even though all the girls and guys around you go absolutely crazy for him.But that all changes for you one night while scrolling through Heart2Heart, a sex live cam website…
; My Thoughts: AHHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCHHHHH. THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HOSEOK FICS ON THIS WHOLE SITE. It’s so wonderfully written and I adore reading it, even re-reading it. Hoseok is so funny and just...so light hearted. He’s not hugely bothered about anything and the way he goes along wtih the reader and even helps her to film her videos, even going so far as to...well going for her ;). And yet they both just think that they’re friends when nope, you’re idiots because you LOVE EACH OTHER. I genuinely love it so much, always a favourite and will remain close to my heart <333
See Both Sides Like Chanel by @minflix​
; Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: You, Namjoon, and Hoseok are inseparable. Three best friends that grew up together since you were all in diapers.But lately, Namjoon has been drifting away…
So on his birthday, you and Hoseok remind him just how inseparable the three of you really are.
; My Thoughts: This couple...is perfect. I love them so much, they’re so well suited to each other. Rich brats who despite being rich and snobby, all genuinely love each other so much. Poor Namjoon when he felt like he’d been left out. <333 it’s okay Joonie, they both love you. I read this while I was in Korea and it just...made an impact. I want them all to live happily ever after with each other x-x
Euphoria by @btssavedmylifeblr​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day. 
; My Thoughts: THIS IS THE SADDEST YET SWEETEST FIC EVER. Oh my god, it’s just...it’s so unbelievably bittersweet. Their love for each other and how she KNOWS that she’s dying and she’ll never see him again. How much she throws herself into the day with him and how much he clearly loves her. She knows they have their whole life set out for them and it’s just...wonderful...honestly.
Off The Deep End by @boymeetsweevil​
; Merman!Yoongi x Reader
; Synopsis: Your new mermaid friend, Yoongi, helps you navigate the treacherous waters of love, sex, and National Geographic.
; My Thoughts: Ngl, the main thing I remember from this? It’s beautifully written and also fish dick lmao. But seriously, it’s a great fic to read and watching Yoongi get to experience the human world is a delight. It’s very unique in how it’s written and the biology and culture of merfolk. A definite recommendation for everyone!
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
LOV x reader where reader is terrified of spiders? I’m sorry I’m spamming your inbox, but I love your writing style! Feel free to pace yourself with these!
You’re such a sweetheart, thank you .°(ಗдಗ。)°. I know you said to pace myself but I had a little too much fun with these ^^;;
LoV with a s/o who’s terrified of spiders!
He doesn’t like them, but he’s not afraid of them. They’re just like bugs to him, and that doesn’t wholly bother him. He doesn’t really bat an eye at bugs.
If you see one and begin to panic, he will come up to it and straight up stomp on it before stalking away like nothing happened. But if it moved? That’ll piss him off. He’ll sputter a few curses at it and chase it like a game of cat and mouse. It’s almost like he thinks the smarmy thing is taunting him.
Tomura hates spiderwebs, though. They’re yucky and they’re in the way! Get rid of them all, at all costs! He’ll feel like vomiting if it gets anywhere near his mouth and, possibly surprisingly, he’ll kill for a shower if it gets in his hair. So really, he can’t blame you for wanting to keep your distance from a spider.
Can he decay a spider web? He’s going to fucking figure a way how!
He’ll constantly wonder how they could possibly scare you because you’re a grown human and it’s a tiny spider that’s probably one-hundredth the size of your body, but he’s not going to insult you for it.
If he’s playing a game that happens to have spiders or giant murder spiders because video games are a great way to chip away at your sanity, he’s going to give you a heads up. Or, if he really wants you around, he’ll switch to something else entirely.
Whenever you encounter one of the multi-legged creatures, your best way of getting rid of it is to sick Tomura on it. He couldn’t care less about killing them, but he’s happy to do it for you.
He might bicker about how they’re not that scary, until you show him a picture of a tarantula and he suddenly goes blank because fuck is that thing ugly.
Mr. Compress:
Welp, he’s going to keep his distance from them, too! Unless he can find a way to use one in a new trick...
Mr. dislikes them because he hates getting bit by them after a trick gone wrong in his earlier years. It makes his skin around the bite so itchy and hot, and it’s really uncomfortable.
Plus, he finds them gross. They spin these elaborate webs - that they produce themselves, out of their own body - and trap prey in it? And then eat the corpse of their kill? Nooooo, sir!
He won’t engage the target unless he has to. No, you have to be in full blown panic before he’ll stomp on it. Before that point, he’ll toss a marble at it and use his quirk to trap it with no plan as to how to dispose of it later. Mr stop accidentally hoarding spiders for your s/o!
Before he met you, Mr. wouldn’t go out of his way to look for spiders. But now that he has a s/o who’s afraid of them, he’ll constantly be on the lookout. You could be hanging around at the hideout and of nowhere, he’ll reach into his pocket and toss a marble at the wall. He has damn good eyesight.
Maybe you’ll just stand there wondering what just happened, maybe not. But he won’t tell you unless you ask. Ignorance is bliss, right?
The less spider-induced panicky you are, the better!
Mr. might not outwardly scream and squeal about a spider like you, but he’ll sputter curses at it as he’s trying to track it down for you!
Alright, so, he’s going to be screaming and crying and pointing at a spider, begging for mercy all the while, alongside you.
He hates them, and he’s afraid of them. And he’s not going anywhere near them. You want him to “relieve” the room of a spider? “Uh, sorry baby, gotta run-“
If you absolutely insist on killing/getting rid of it, he’ll refuse and deadass make a clone of someone who will. He’ll clone literally the first person he can think of, which can oftentimes lead to the entire building being burnt to the ground or decayed away. Whoops.
That said, he’ll instinctively try to jump between you and the tiny beast if you see one, and if it’s particularly big, he’ll pull you toward him and latch on protectively!
Later on if you encourage him enough, you can manage to convince him to do some heavy lifting and spray it - or thwack it with a shoe.
If he sees a spider first, he won’t say anything. As much as he hates them, he’ll brush it off and continue on his merry way so as to not alert you and freak you out!
Twice won’t be as fearful of a spider web, but seeing one will put him on alert. If he can do so, he’ll try to steer you away from it so you don’t see it.
So you’re afraid of spiders - Twice gets it. You can be afraid together! That’s a pretty typical couple-bonding experience... right??
I think she wouldn’t be bothered by spiders. If anything, she’d find them cute. They’re so tiny with their itty bitty eyes and itty bitty legs, of course she likes them!
So naturally your fear of them is going to confuse her.
She’ll constantly prod you for explanations, googling pictures on her phone and showing you “cute” baby spiders that are most likely photoshopped while asking you why you’re so afraid.
Despite her slight fondness of the arachnids, she’ll kill one without hesitation if you ask her to.
Her means of assassination range from stomping like the average person, to using her knives, to swatting them with her hand and showing you the guts and remains of the spider sticking to her skin.
She’ll enjoy seeing you afraid, too - as long as your fear isn’t directed at her. It gives her a chance to see your raw fear, as well as giving her an excuse to coddle and cuddle you!
If you share your living space, she’ll ask at the most twice if she can get a pet tarantula. Not a dangerously venomous one, but a docile one whose venom would be comparable to a bee sting. She’ll even do her research and show you the different kinds, telling you they’re easier pets than cats or dogs.
Obviously that’s not going to fly, so she’ll settle for a cartoony plushie of one! And she’ll sleep with it.
He’ll find it hilarious and adorable at the same time. Yeah, their bites suck ass and aren’t fun to deal with, but they can be so small and defenseless. If you’re looking for a power struggle or fearsome creature, this ain’t it.
He’ll shrug them off most of the time, not caring whether they’re there or not. If you ask him to “take care” of one, he’ll often comply without complaint, but if he’s tired or gripey, he’ll leave you to your own devices.
Although, if you throw enough of a fit or show enough distress, he’ll go after it for you. Begrudgingly.
Don’t even think about dramatically asking someone to “kill it! Kill it with fire!” because he’ll literally kill it with fire. Just for you. Aaand the building is engulfed in flames. Tadaa!
If you so happen to see one before he does and dart into his chest and hold onto him for dear life, he’s not going to complain!
Maybe he’ll tease you if you’re not in the middle of a panic attack, but he’ll always wrap and arm firmly around you.
He’ll give someone so much sass if they make fun of you for being afraid of spiders.
If you can handle it, he’ll constantly grab nonrealisric plushies of spiders for you, just for shits and giggles.
Oddly relieved. Spinner’s not much of a fan himself. It’s not that he’s afraid, he just finds them annoying and really wants to be rid of them.
So to know that you want to stray as far as possible from the little things as much as he does makes him feel relieved.
He won’t even wait for you to ask him to dispose of it in any way possible - he’ll do it upon detection.
Does he thwack it? Does he let it go outside? Does he eat it? You don’t know.
What you do know is that one or two of his games have spiders. He was playing one day and totally forgot to warn you, nearly tossing the controller across the room when he heard you shriek.
Spinner’s not really going to tease or prod you for being afraid of spiders, it’s just not something he thinks about until there’s one around. He’s not going to buy plushies or ask for a pet tarantula, and he’s not going to push you to overcome your fear unless you want to.
Probably wouldn’t like it if you related his similarity to a lizard to lizards’ tendencies to gobble up spiders every chance they get. He’s still a person!
He’ll try his best to cool you down if you get extremely panicked, whether it’s giving you space to let you breathe or holding you close for security!
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Revenge Pt. 3
Word Count: 2,160
A/N: Damn, people really seem to like this little storyline I had going on! Idk how this’ll be since I’m in a really bad lee mood but I tried my hardest LMFAOOOOO. But Somebody asked for a Pt. 3 so @fightmedragonwitch this one’s for you, my love! Enjoy! ~Michelle 🤍
“Oh boys~ Were you eavesdropping on Logan and I?” Patton stood up straight and smirked at the two Sides.
“Go, go, go, go, GO!” Virgil pushed Roman’s shoulder and they both frantically ran up the stairs, determined to shield themselves from the same fate as Logan.
Both Virgil and Roman ran as fast as they could and stopped in the middle of the hallway.
“Where the hell are we supposed to go?!” Roman whispered in a panic. They both knew Patton was ruthless. But what they just saw downstairs happen to Logan was pure and straightforward evilness. If anything, that was one of Patton’s best takedowns they’ve ever seen. But that doesn’t mean they wanted the same to happen to them… right?
“We’re not splitting up. And we can’t go in my room or you and Pat will go all angsty again.” Virgil pointed out.
“And we can’t go in Logan’s room or we’ll get all stoic.” Roman said. They both looked at each other.
“That leaves your room and his room…” Virgil finished. Both were wonderful but dreadful options. Wonderful because those two rooms would be the last place Patton would ever look. Dreadful because what happened in Virgil’s room was the same for the other rooms. If they stayed in Roman’s for too long then Patton would get more creative and most likely more dangerous to say the least. At the same time if they stayed in Patton’s room for too long then he’d become overly joyful which is his motivation to keep the laughter going. His happiness was mostly fueled with laughter. That’s why he’s the most feared Tickle Monster.
“Which is better?” Virgil asked.
“Oh boys! Where’d you go? You never answered my question!” Patton yelled out on his way upstairs. You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Patton’s room!” They both rush into the paternal Side’s room. Though it was a bad call, making Patton happy to keep the tickles coming was a much more practical choice than him getting more creative with the tickles. Virgil hid under his bed while Roman moved the clothes in his closet back and hid on the wall of it. They heard Patton check everyone’s rooms, as well as the bathroom, yet he couldn’t find them. He finally made his way back to his own room. He perked up. He felt people in his room. He also saw the zipper of Virgil’s hoodie slightly sitting out from under his bed and Roman’s sash was obviously very noticeable, even in the dark of the closet.
“My, my, my! Those two are good hiders. I wonder where else could they be…” Patton walked around his room and stopped at the side of his bed. Virgil held his breath as he saw Patton’s feet right next to him. Then, he walked away. But all Patton did was walk out of Virgil’s sight. Virgil quietly sighed a breath of relief. Until Patton’s head ducked down and stared at Virgil.
“Boo!” Virgil yelped And Tries to get out from under the bed.
“Hey! You try and get out of there and I’ll personally make sure you stay stuck under there until I’m finished with you! You aren’t moving until I find Roman and only then will I let you out. Don’t you move, V.” Patton warned lovingly yet oh so teasy. Virgil blushed but luckily Patton couldn’t see it. Patton made his way to the closet.
“Now where is Prince Roman hiding, hmm? Surely a big and strong Prince like him Wouldn’t be cowering in fear in a closet from being caught by little ol’ me!” Patton quickly moved all the clothes away to see a silently giggling Roman.
“RIGHT?!” Patton grabbed his hand and yanked him gently out of the closet but Roman tried to run. Before he could make it to the door, Patton snapped and the door closed and locked. Virgil eventually did get out from under the bed and tried to get to the door himself.
“And where do you two think you’re going?” Patton asked. They both turned and looked at him.
“Patton please. Don’t kill us. We weren’t spying or eavesdropping on you and Logan. We just went downstairs to get something to eat.” Virgil tried to explain their actions.
“Yeah! We were just a bit hungry and then we saw you and Logan and we were in shock and we’re sorry we should’ve gone back upstairs and don’t kill us!” Roman pleaded and Virgil nodded his head vigorously. Patton didn’t budge. He walked around the two Sides and whispered in their ears.
“Oh. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna kill you boys. I’m just gonna simply teach you a lesson.” And with that, Patton did the same thing he did to Logan: He took his leg and gently hit the back of those of their knees and both lees went falling down.
“And down they go!” Patton yelled happily. He snapped once more and both sets of hands were bound together above their heads on the floor and Patton sat down in the middle of their tummies, criss cross applesauce. He lifted their shirts up as well. Both Sides started giggling nervously.
“Aww are you two already feeling the tickles inside your tummies? Are you?” Patton cooed as he ran his fingers through their hair and both seemed to slightly calm down but they still kept their guards up.
“Well it’s very late and we all should be in bed right now. But, this is way more fun! And I love teaching troublemakers like you two lessons!” Patton wiggled his fingers under Roman’s and Virgil’s chins and they both let out small giggles.
“My itty bitty, precious little troublemakers!” Patton gushed, making Roman blush and Virgil whine.
“Now, who wants to play a game? Cause I have a perfect one in mind! This is actually your favorite, Ro!” Patton smirked. He set the very tips of his fingers underneath Roman and Virgil’s ribs and their giggles got louder. Then Patton started moving and wiggling his fingers in a circle getting closer and closer to the boys’ belly buttons. Then came the scary part, he started singing. Patton had an absolutely beautiful singing voice but he was about to sing a song that they despised.
“Round and round the garden, like the teddy bear.~” Virgil started kicking.
“Pahahatton please dohohohon’t!!” He started putting at his hands but the bonds were too tight. His hands moved closer.
“One step~...” He smirked as Roman gave him a snort and louder giggles.
“Pahahahat don’t dohohoho ihihit!!”
“Two steps~...” He saw the fear in both of their eyes.
“PATTON!!” They both shouted simultaneously.
“A tickly under… THERE~!” Patton dug his middle fingers into each belly button then let his other fingers dig in the space around it. Roman and Virgil’s giggles turned into cackling laughter and one kicked and the other was trying to turn his entire body onto his side.
“C’MOHOHON!! PLEHEHEASE!!” Virgil laughed out but Patton merely smiled at the two.
“Tickle Tickle Tickle, my little troublemakers!” Patton teased as he finally stopped all motions and let them breathe. Oh but he was far from done.
“Round and round the haystack, went the little mouse~.” Patton spidered his fingers up both of the Sides tummies. They both couldn’t help but start squirming on the spot.
“Nohoho mohohore!!” Roman giggled out.
“We lehehearned our lehehehesson!!” Virgil sucked in his tummy. Passion ignored their protests.
“One step~...” His fingers got closer to their necks.
“Two steps~...” Once they made their way to the desired destination, he started to trace around their jaws and both shook their heads every which way.
“Into his little… HOUSE~!” Patton fluttered his fingers as fast as he could all around Roman and Virgil’s necks. From under and behind their ears to under their chins and so on. This was one of Virgil’s bad spots so he let out some lovely snorts and Roman let some hiccups arrive. Patton couldn’t take this much preciousness in one tickle session.
“Oh you boys are just so dang precious!! Gosh, I’m almost happy you decided to eavesdrop on Logan and I downstairs!” Once he was done with their necks, the song continued.
“Round and round the lighthouse, up the spiral stairs ~...” Patton lifted his hands from their necks to Virgil’s right side and Roman’s left. He then spidered his fingers up to their armpits. This was Roman’s number one death spot.
“PATTON DON’T YOU DARE!” Roman protested.
“HEY! Are you in any position to be augmentative with me right now, mister?!” He punishes Roman for his outburst by giving his left knee a few hard squeezes in that special pressure point he loved so much and Patton drank up his scream.
“I’M SOHOHORRY!!” Patton stopped and brought his hand back to where it was on his side.
“Don’t you interrupt me again. Now, where was I, Virgil?” Patton smiled at the anxious Side and he groaned. To avoid getting a punishment, he answered the question.
“Up the spiral stairs…” Patton nodded and booped his nose.
“Thank you, Stormcloud!” He got back to work in bringing his fingers up to their armpits.
“One step~...” Roman stiffened and braced for impact.
“Two steps~...” Virgil just couldn’t stop the giggles from coming out.
“And riiiiiight up in the… AIR!” Patton dug as deep as he could and scratched at both of their armpits on the respective side. Roman screamed, which made Patton flinched but kept it going. Virgil’s laughter went silent for a moment before he too started giving out hiccups.
“Oh my goodness I could just eat you two up right now! Hmm… might as well finish the song so I can do just that!” Patton got his hands out from their armpits and sang the rest of the song as he got down on his own tummy.
“Round the world! Round the world! To catch a big bear! Where are we going to catch him?” Patton put both of his hands on Virgil’s sides and rested his head on Roman’s tummy.
“Right… in… THERE!” Patton took a deep breath and gave Roman the biggest raspberry he could. The creative Side couldn’t scream. He gasped and fell into silent laughter. Virgil, however, did scream as Patton was giving Roman the raspberry, he was going to town on Virgil’s sides and hips. After a few moments of that, he switched to give Virgil his raspberry and go after Roman’s sides and hips.
“So my little, precious, itty bitty, gigglebug troublemakers! What have we learned here this evening?” Patton asked not stopping the attack.
“NO EAVESDROPPING!!” Virgil and Roman screamed out. Patton stopped immediately. He snapped and the bonds that held their hands together were gone and the door was unlocked. Patton checked the time and it was 1:45 a.m.
“Whew! Well, I am beat! I think it’s time for bed, kiddos. C’mon I’ll walk you over there.” Patton extended his hand to the both of them and Roman gladly took it.
“You two go… you’re gonna have to give me a second.” Virgil breathed out. Patton giggled as he walked a sleepy and exhausted Roman to his room. He tucked him in and gave him one of his famous goodnight kisses.
“You did extraordinary, lovebug. Get some sleep.” Roman smiled and nodded and he was out like a light. Patton closed his door, that’s how Roman liked to sleep. With complete privacy. Patton walked back to his room to get Virgil but the youngest Side was sound asleep on the floor. Patton awwed internally and picked Virgil up into his arms and started to walk out but heard Virgil whine a little.
“I wanna stay here.” He looked up at Patton with tired eyes. Something that always happened whenever Virgil got tickles is that he would get very clingy and cuddly. But there was a look in Virgil’s eye that said ‘please don’t leave me alone. I want more affection.’ Patton gave Virgil a kiss on the forehead and closed his door.
“You wanna sleep with me tonight, Kiddo?” Patton whispered and Virgil simply nodded.
“Okay. You’re gonna stay with me. C’mon. Bedtime.” Patton snapped and they both were in their pajamas and he laid Virgil down in his bed and went to close his door about half way. Just the way Virgil liked it. Even though Patton preferred to have his door wide open while he sleeps. Just in case anybody needed him.
He got into bed and pulled the covers over himself and Virgil. Virgil instantly cuddled up to Patton’s side and Patton started playing with Virgil’s hair. That always helped him sleep better whenever he needed help sleeping that is.
“Thanks, Patton.” Virgil said looking up.
“No problem, Stormcloud. You were so strong during that session. I’m proud of you. Now go to sleep.” And with that, they both knocked out.
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quirklove · 4 years
Can I request some hcs with Monoma, Spinner, and Shiggy? Maybe their dumbass (in the endearing way) s/o sees like a bug or mouse and is begging them to get rid of it? Don’t judge me- I’m baby and bugs/mice scare tf out of me
C’MERE SWEETIE I have big scaredy cat vibes too but these bois got yo back
Tomura deserves a slap but if he really did just save my ass from a bee he’ll be easily forgiven bc he legit saved my life <3
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Well — he certainly can’t just tell them no!! Standing idly by and allowing his S/O to be frightened in such a manner isn’t the kind of thing a good boyfriend does. Of course, there is one small, little, itty bitty, insignificant detail… he’s, uh, he’s afraid of the thing too. Damn. If it’s a mouse, actually much less of an issue than a bug. Neito somehow manages to trap it, then, swallowing his entire pride, calls Class 1-A’s Koji Koda to come over and ask the mouse to leave. Problem solved except for the devastating hit to his ego! If it’s a bug… he can’t call Koji because Koji’s afraid of bugs too. This leaves him with only one option: man up and get rid of the fucking bug. He finds the biggest, heaviest book he can, puts on some protective gear (here meaning the thickest hoodie or jacket he owns as well as a pair of sneakers), and goes to squash the bug. He proceeds to have big anxiety for the next two hours, but also he gets a lot of kisses so it was worth it!!!
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Aw, geez, is that what they’re afraid of? A little insect or a mouse? It’s probably more scared of them than they are of it! Admittedly, he’s more than a bit biased here; lizards usually eat insects and rodents, so to be fair, it’s silly to him that a predator might be scared of its potential prey. Those things definitely don’t scare Shuichi. And, also, if there was any doubt, he doesn’t actually eat mice and bugs, despite making a joke about it. He’s likely to be one of the best candidates for dealing with something like this, because he’s not afraid of either creature, but he also doesn’t treat it like he’s ‘doing his S/O a favor’ or being macho. He just… takes care of it, calmly, without any fuss, without much talking, whether that means he captures it and takes it outside or whether that means he kills it. It’s not a big deal, as far as he’s concerned, although he does make sure to give his frightened sweetheart plenty of cuddles to make sure they’re not too upset over the whole thing.
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Tch! Of all the stupid… they’ve got him for a boyfriend, and this is what terrifies them? Seriously? They’re probably safer with that damn thing than they are with him! He’s such a jerk about this, because while he gets anxiety about certain things, pests aren’t one of those things. He thinks of them as annoying, but not scary, and he doesn’t get why his S/O is so frightened by them. However, he’s nothing if not a good sport about this kind of thing. Er, sort of. He fearlessly picks the creature up and, smirking like the ass he is, proceeds to come closer and closer to his babe with it, possibly accompanied by, “Ooooooh-ooo-ooooooo” noises… before Decaying the pest into nothing but a pile of dust. Though he might hate his power sometimes, it’s useful when it comes to disposing of things. He fully expects to be rewarded for his good deed, and if he doesn’t get it, he’ll pout and fake-threaten until he gets one. Come on! They can spare a kiss for their knight in shining armor!
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