#not as good as bluestar tbh
y-he-ourple-tho · 6 months
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alright one more meow meow
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bonefall · 1 year
Hey no offence I’m just trying to clear this up because if I ever start writing warriors fanfic again I want everything to make sense
But in the books Stonepelt died before Frostfur was born, back when Bluestar was an apprentice. In your Bonefall did he retire early or did she just never have Sunstar as a second mentor?
Yeah he retired early! He started Bluestar's apprenticeship and couldn't finish it. He joined the elder's den where his husband was waiting for him, and they decided to raise Frostkit together.
After all, she's just the one kit, and they have all the time in the world now.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Shounen protag Firestar is awesome and cool and I love those types of designs, especially with the fire motif lending well to anime hair, but I know when I get to him, I want to make him look kind of like a geek? At least when he's Firepaw/Fireheart. I always saw him as the type that, while gullible and easy to persuade, is always questioning things and seeking out knowledge. He wants to learn each and every type of clan job there is, and he's all too willing to sniff around when Tigerclaw is acting suspicious. He's definitely an action guy, but he uses his head a lot and takes special care when making tough decisions, something that he honed when he became deputy.
So in my hypo-rewrite au, I wanna lean into this a bit. He joins the clan ready to stuff his brain with every bit of clan culture, their festivities, their training, their contruction, their meals, their practices, and he even becomes a bit of a medic assistant, spending a lot of time with Spottedleaf in the medic's den (NOT romantically like in canon, I wanna retool Spotty as well, but she's a mentor figure the same way Bluestar and Yellowfang are). He's ambitious, he is that guy who is striving for that 4.0 GPA, he wants to prove himself and be in every single type of patrol. And this combined with his knowledge from when he was a kittypet, makes it easier for him to note when things don't line up, and when that happens, he's shoving his nose in it.
But he's book smart, but not street smart. When he goes into a conversation unprepared, he can be tricked pretty easily with "Um, Tigerclaw was obviously at the border with brokenstar's lackeys cause he was telling em off, DUH." Because he still wants to see the best in people despite that- and that can be a double edged sword. So while he's a little detective, yeah he needs the help sometimes. He's also not great with thinking on the spot, he needs a lot of time to ponder what action he's going to take on sniffing out evidence for his case. He doesn't really hone this until he's deputy.
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waffultaim · 19 days
If I were to rewrite Graystripe character, like for fun, I would add the problem of nepotism being superrr related to his character development.
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redux-iterum · 21 days
Trans guy anon back again! Tbh I think you are doing a pretty good job about the not agreeing with the nursery situation thing. Like yeah the trans situation is ify, but we mostly heard of it from a worldbuilding perspective for now.
Meanwhile in the actual story we've had Silverstream's and Bluestar's situations which very much showed how brutal and in the wrong the clans can be in such matters.
We also are experiencing the story from the pov of a character that questions this society and it's rule a lot and wishes to change things for the well being of others. Which is very different from canon's weird and unquestioned "we live in the best most moral possible society" views.
Exploring how the Clans are full of shit is one of my favorite aspects of writing this series. It doesn't help that they're cats, which in this setting are notorious for their pretentious, conceited, oblivious-to-the-real-world opinions on themselves. A cat can justify any god damn thing they do and be assured that they're in the right, because they're a cat, and a cat of [insert society here], which is the Most Right collection of cats in the world.
It's why hypocritical beliefs and traditions exist within the Clans - we accept all genders in every position and role, but you can't come in the nursery or take care of kits because you smell like a male; one of our gods destroys all wicked souls so they can't hurt any of the living, but if you talk about those souls long after they're gone you're going to summon them and harm everyone all over again; kits are completely innocent no matter where they come from, but they must live with great shame and secrecy if their father is from a different Clan and their mother is a social pariah. No, none of the fallout from these beliefs and behaviors is our fault. It's your fault for doing Clans wrong. We're a perfect society. Pity those outsiders who dare to question our logic. They just don't understand. They're not Good Enough for us.
Suffice to say, having Fireheart as the POV for this arc has been extremely fun for me.
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wc-confessions · 2 months
I strongly dislike romantic BlueOak. It has always felt more one-sided from Oakheart, and Bluestar getting pregnant when they spent one night together is just ridiculous. Imo, it would've been more interesting to see if they became good friends instead. Tbh, i'd like to se more strong platonic bonds with cats that are NOT related.
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the-owl-tree · 3 months
okay. super edition ranking.
crookedstar's promise - solid book. good set up, fun characters, and i enjoy the presence. im also incredibly biased for the atmosphere of riverclan, i like water.
bluestar's prophecy - great bluestar piece. faithful to the character, feels like a story that genuinely improves on what the prophecy begins delivers. barely below crookedstar's promise, it's just a smidge of not having enough oomf to put it in first.
tallstar's revenge - for all my gripes on the second half, i still really like the first half. i like that it broke the super edition template as well. however, its leagues away from crookedstar's promise and bluestar's prophecy.
firestar's quest - i read this one years ago and i cant tell you anything about it other than kid me liked firestar and was happy to read about him. i should reread this one.
tigerheart's shadow - where we head into the "eh! nice but could have been better territory", the border between actively enjoyed and i am Physically Angered by this book. i enjoy it for what it tries to do, i like dovewing and the church cats. there was a train and it had some of the most fun concepts and deaths done in a while.
squirrelflight's hope - hurt me physically....and yet i couldn't put it down. it's a trainwreck but it also employs some really interesting (if concerning) revelations about how the authors write these characters. this book helped create bean.
yellowfang's secret - groans in continuity error. yellowfang gets beat down on every page the book.
moth flight's vision - probably on the same level as yellowfang's secret, the difference is i just remember more freshly how miserable moth flight's vision made me.
crowfeather's trial - tbh this should probably be higher from a more objective point of view, i respect what it tries to do but ultimately i'd put crowfeather in a reverse bear trap and im not interested in being nice about his sad boy super edition where everyone coos over how sad he is
leopardstar's honor - noooo you guys don't get it she was really really sad when she agreed to execute the half-clan cats :( she said sorry!!
onestar's confession - :/
super editions i have not read:
bramblestar's storm - i do not want to read about squilf bramble marital problems anymore please please please stop authors
graystripe's vow - might read! just doesn't really interest me
riverclan's home - i saw the flutter prologue and i was like. deeply depressed about flutter.
ivypool's heart - well it's not out yet so.
super editions i had to stop reading partway through:
hawkwing's journey - stop making me read about men wanting women to die i want to wring this little fucker's neck
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ruddfur · 5 months
judge me based on my top 10 warrior cats
HAI jumping on a trend
tbh the numbering here doesnt really matter i just like these cats lol
cinderpelt (kin - had her dreams completely altered by disability [adhd in my case, which she also has jus saying] and had to cope with changing her path in life)
mothwing (kin - atheist lesbian)
sol (kin - I WANNA BE A WARRIORRRRR [aka same reasons as cinder, not able to pursue his dreams and except he responded to this with all sorts of shenanigans])
firestar (the og protag idk i miss him)
bluestar (dramatic leadership arc i enjoy, not necessarily a good person the whole time but a fun character)
crookedstar (papa, i have a soft spot for his relationship with his brother and daughter)
whitestorm (just one of the really interesting and well-written background characters)
tigerstar I (og villain i enjoy)
leafpool (she makes me sad)
breezepelt (bad lad with a bad dad)
11. darkstripe (fucked up henchman with a backstory that is completely made from conjecture i love that)
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justcallmesolll · 1 year
My silly little top tens
yeen rambles #10
stealing this idea from the wonderful @whitestorm4prez bc originality is dead!!!!!!!!!!
anyways ive only read the first arc but most of the major shit was spoiled for me on the internet.
#10 Thrushpelt. i love him!! he's such a nice guy. i feel really bad for him for his one-sided love of Bluestar. she missed out frfr. but even when Bluestar makes it super clear she doesnt like him, does he hold a grudge? no. does he resent her? no. what does he do? become her friend instead. amazing man.
#9 Darkstripe. i think he's both the most hilarious and fucking balling my eyes out sad villain ever at the same time. dude just got fucked over most of his life. i mean i find him sily because every time he tries something, it fails horribly. but at the same time, he's got fucking no-one. he's alone. no friends, nothing. the one guy he trusted with his life turns out to not even care about him at all. i mean seeing him scramble to revive what little there is left of tigerstars plan, seeing everyone leave him, him realising that nobody was truly on his side. his last moments preaching for a dead man who never cared for him. his life being over like that. he never did anything meaningful, and he died like that. im gonna write more abt this a some point but yea!!
#8 Tallstar. his character arc is one of the most heartwarming things ever. yes, he was a shitty leader, but do ya know what? he grew as a person. he changed and made himself better. i also think him and Jake r cute and i LOVE the headcannon that he thought fireheart was jake coming to save him and his clan.
#7 Bluestar. RIGHT OK. i know i say i hate her but by god how can i not like her at the same time???? i mean all her life was just horrible shit. and she stuck through it. i know she was a real bitch coming towards the end of her life, but she stayed, stone faced and understanding to most cats around her. tigerclaw was just the straw that broke the camel's back. but most of her life she was so awesome.
#6 Cloudtail. i think hes such a silly guy!!! he's a big hot-headed atheist!!! silly guy. him and brightheart are so cute together. and yea thats it literally hes just silly thats why i like him
#5 Longtail. I LOVE HIM SM OMGGG the fan service he gets is so good. but the most important thing is his character arc. from being a bully, but all round loyal cat, to desprately trying to prove his loyalty to firestar by any means possible. longtail thinks that firestar sees him as disloyal, but firestar proves him wrong, asking him to come on the journey with him the relationship between them is so nice to see.
#4 Greystripe. what a guy. hes amazing. he puts up with firheart way more than he should have to. i mean fire is a straight up dick to him alot of the time and he sticks with him like a loyal friend. i love him hehehe
#3 Ashfur. if u cant tell already, i like villains. i like Ashfur alot actually. cant help feeling bad for him. mans had a rough time. grew up without a mother, was practically ignored by his mentor, when he finally found someone who gave him a little attention who does undeniably treat him like her mate, she just turns around and goes "yeah no lol i was just w u to make brambleclaw jealous lmao." he was plunked right on his head and left alone with no-one to care about him. the only person who slightly cared about him was his sister, and she was too caught up in her own shit to help. its the sticky feeling you have knowing that if he were just cared for right, he could have turned out just fine. instead, he was neglected and left to become what he did.
#2 Hawkfrost. i love the fan service hawk gets honestly. im a huge fan of the artwork he gets. hes cool. i like the idea of him feeling the need to prove himself to his father. but yea hes just cool thats why i like him tbh.
#1 to absolutely no-ones surprise, my #1 fave warriors character, is SOL. hes so silly. but no fr, hes the funniest fucking villain ever. he sucks ass at being a fucking warrior and he comes accross the clans and is just like "yea yk what im gonna fuck with em." he literally gaslight gatekeep girlbosses all 4 of the clans and he actually gets away with it. i also just like his whole asthetic, and THE FUCKING FAN SERICE HE GETS???? HOLY SHIT ITS SO COOL. i swear you cant make Sol fanart look bad bc hes just so fuckin cool. silly little guy!!
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What If Scenarios
I asked the other mods to give me some kits or apprentices that died young, so that I could give some ideas on what I'd do with them instead:
Lynxkit of ThunderClan:
(Suggested by Mod Soda Pop)
Potential names: Lynxpatch or Lynxfang
She'd have Patchpelt as her mentor instead of father like canon... Tigerstar is probably her father here but I'm not exactly sure- She's close with her little sister Tawnypelt and the two look very alike! She and Swift aren't... too close. She's actually more friendly with Thornpaw and Fernpaw to contrast with Swift, Cloud and Bright- because I think its funny- She's a lot more studious and very hard headed. She sticks to her own ideals, she reminds me a lot of both her parents and Swiftpaw lmao. Also decided she should be Ferncloud's mate.
-patch suffix because of her mentor and -fang suffix because she's a good fighter and has a sharp tongue
Snowkit of ThunderClan:
(Suggested by Mod Eva)
Potential names: Snowmistle or Snowshine Snowkit beloved... I love the idea of Snowkit becoming a guard of sorts? Like someone who actively keeps watch. I think that's because I remember Smallear sounding an alarm I the first book and well- Snowkit's his son Brackenfur does train Snowkit tho cuz I like Brackenfur and I like their bond. Along with Speckletail helping them! Snowpaw very much looks up to his big sister Goldenflower and thinks she's really cool... I think it'd be interesting if he ends up in a cross clan relationship... and what if... maybe?? Stormfur or Feathertail?? I'm not sure who else is in that age range tbh-
-mistle suffix after his littermate and -shine after how he shone through Bluestar's reign and is kinda like a lighthouse shining the right direction ya know with him being a guard and stuff Also I just wanted something that wasn't hawk related and kinda matched with his siblings!
Willowkit of RiverClan:
(Suggested by Mod Dorito)
Potential names: Willowfall or Willowberry
Willowkit beloved ♡ She's the one I got most attached to as a kid. I imagine she's pretty quiet and basically the polar opposite of her sister with Silverpaw being a bit... stuck up (affectionate) Willowpaw is the type of person to give and give and be humble and kinda later have impostor syndrome... maybe it has to do with her mom- But she sorta eases up when Loudpaw and her start hanging out more... she's kinda like her rock and helps her ground herself when she's *really* spiraling, yes they become mates- I'm not sure who her mentor is here? Probably Sunfish tbh-
- Fall after windfalls... cuz she's the apple of her parents eye ya know? -Berry after... well... who other than Brambleberry ♡ Also cuz she's sweet like berries
Turtlekit of ShadowClan:
(Suggested by Mod Kitty)
Potential names: Turtledove or Turtleskid
Turtlekit is beloved. I love her. She's very close with her cousin Brownpaw... who uh... I'm gonna say is apart of a different litter than Littlecloud and Wetfoot because if not that's just ... weird? Cinderfur was only sire and she and her littermates knew that... but she still wanted to impress him all the same! She's very high achieving and bites off more than she can chew- which is both praised and looked down upon so she's often very confused and seeking out praise while getting in trouble-
She becomes close to Oakpaw and they both just... become frenemies. Both competing yet still respect each other.... it's frenemies to lovers yes. Oakpaw is Oakfur... who is such a nothing character despite training Tawnypelt and Tigerheart lmao. They're both cranky old people yet very much love and respect each other Also I'm giving Tawnypelt to Turtledove/skid to train instead because why not
Rustlepaw of WindClan:
(Suggested by Mod Kitty)
Potential names: Rustlefrond or Rustlegust
Their mentor will be Webfoot... despite him being his uncle (I imagine he's Whitetail's brother) he's kinda the only one who can sorta... keep down Rustlepaw's eager nature, always getting into everything and having leafs and twigs stuck to their pelt- They're very wreckless and were held back on their Warrior ceremony due to that... but eventually they did get their name and were very happy about it!
Everyone's kinda put off about how eager they are to explore... but they soon settled down after their little siblings were born and was immediately attached to Heatherkit. Before then Rustlefrond/gust was genuinely considering leaving clan life to explore... with their best friend Pebblefoot of RiverClan... of course they're still very close with Pebblefoot regardless
-Mod ☕️
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hawkfrost and mothwing? okay makes sense and i really like their designs tbh
mapleshade and crookedstar? ooh interesting combo i like it, not a combo you would think they'd do but it still makes sense, i love crookedstar's tongue sticking out too that's so good
and then bluestar and-
D A R K S T R I P E???
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bonefall · 1 year
Do any of the cats have PTSD? If so, then how does the PTSD present itself?
Yes! Brightheart is keeping her PTSD!
In addition to nightmares, it expresses as survivor's guilt. She should have done something, she should have stopped him, and she runs herself absolutely ragged trying to do more than she's physically capable of.
Tbh, I really don't vibe with the way they decided to portray her in Thief in ThunderClan. I don't see her as ever being the distrusting type. I see her as the sort of person who can't acknowledge feelings of (VERY REAL) resentment she has towards other people because she believes she is always wrong. The kind of person who would play defense for Bluestar, because,
"...It was my fault Swiftpaw died. I deserved that. And I'm being unfair to Brambleclaw because I'm judging him for being like his father, when I never did that to Swiftpaw, because I'm a terrible person who doesn't deserve your pity. If I don't pass out from exhaustion I haven't done enough today."
The sort of person who will ignore red flags to see the good in people no matter what, and take the weight of the world on her shoulders to help a single clanmate. The truth about Swiftpaw is that she could not have stopped him. He was going to confront the dogs with or without her, and yet, she believes fully that it's her fault because she didn't find a way.
She is the mentor of Ivypool later. They have a kind of 'distant' relationship that Brightheart doesn't know how to bridge, until Antpelt's double death. Brightheart is the first person who Ivypool truly opens up with, and she's able to guide her through the same feelings she once had.
But it's not just Brightheart, Clan Culture is violent, especially pre-Battle of the True Eclipse. PTSD is going to be very common, Brightheart's just the best example of PTSD that is explored as PTSD.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
I should make a list of wc super editions that i straight up don’t consider canon. like “no this did not happen to those characters growing up, stop lying”. Mostly Yellowfang’s Secret. Everything about Yellowfang’s Secret. I think we should all collectively look at Yellowfang’s Secret and go “None of that happened, not the family tree stuff, none of it.” and walk away
#tbh everyone being cruel to bluestar in her se while unpleasant to read about. it at least serves as a good explanation#for her behavior in the second half of tpb#i mean its not really Needed all things considered and youre not meant to read it as everyone failing her#but rather ‘’bluestar needs to get a grip and learn that work comes before your mental health’’#but yknow i can at least get it yknow?#but yellowfang? everything about her se makes me feel bad for no reason. everyone is shitty to her from day 1 and they end it being shitty#and we have no real reason to believe her life sucked before the brokenstar stuff#we didnt need raggedstar to bully yellowfang from birth and then coerce her into a relationship#we didnt need a pointless power where she can feel everyones pain and its never acknowledged again#and only serves as a way for sagewhisker to bully yellowfang into the position#we didnt need yellowfangs own family to turn on her#i cant remember if this was said in tpb also but we didnt need to watch her daughters die at birth#we didnt need to retcon her actually having friends in shadowclan so that actually dawncloud and the others never liked her#its SUCH a miserable read and on top of that it only offers shitty retcons that actually make tpb worse#like the power thing again but also yellowfang not being an old lady. why isnt she an old lady wtf. why do you hate old people#oh raggedstar was actually abusive to yellowfang? oh all the moments we worship him in tpb sure are great and hold up well!#yellowfang was forced to be a medic wowww so groundbreaking this doesnt cheapen her wanting to be tc’s medic#actually the elders were not old they were super young and stuff for some reason bc old people cant be important to saving a clan ig#and like yeah its not out of the realm of possibility but brightflower being yellowfangs mom is just a bizarre choice to me#idk man yellowfangs secret is an extra level of miserable to me and i think we should all agree its not actually canon#its a cynical and miserable book made to slap a fan favorite character on the cover and vaguely gesture to it with ‘’you like that one.’’
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spookyowlman-b · 10 months
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): I think turquoise?
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): I like everything sour!
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I don't have a favorite genre tbh
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: I don't watch a lot of series tbh
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: The Amazing Digital Circus
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: Back to the outback
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: nothing lmao im not much of a bookworm
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: Well I JUST finished watching Back to the Outback for the 2nd time. It's not even that good, I just like snakes
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Crocheting a cute little bunny from this ABSOLUTELY lovely yarn that I just found!
tagged by: found from @lambfated
tagging: @bluestar-of-thunderclan @gonnachasethestars @hopeful-hugz @bonkersdbobcat @pinkycheese @plate-of-blins @shadowtoons-arinanon @purple-paw-muses @all of my mutuals
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redux-iterum · 4 months
Kind of a dissenting opinion I think, but I actually think I put more accountability on the community for the Bluefur kits thing tbh. We've already seen the shit show with Silver and Gray, and we've already seen that the clans are pretty awful at handling mental health. I think the clan really failed to give Bluefur the help she needed in a time of great stress (not just from the context of the kits, but it's also well documented that having kits puts cats in a more stressed mindset).
But I suppose that if they had been more supportive, they couldn't punish her, now could they? And we've already seen with Silverstream which one of those impulses is more important to the average clan cat.
(For the record I think it's good writing and serves as an interesting foil to the way Tiger being erased is causing more harm than good! We've seen the clans strengths, but I appreciate that the weaknesses are very, very ugly)
I absolutely love this ask. You get it.
The Clans have been deliberately built with flaws in mind, especially when it has to do with punishments and cultural beliefs. In a better society, Bluestar wouldn't have stressed out as bad as she did about her kits, and those kits would have survived. Not to say she didn't neglect them, because she absolutely did and she takes some blame in this situation for their deaths. But ThunderClan definitely did not help at all, and in fact made things infinitely worse for her.
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wc-confessions · 2 years
Im disappointed that we didn't get more thrushpelt and bluefur in bluestars prophecy, I think they could have been a good pairing tbh
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