#not enough patience memes we need to fix that
b0nelessdoodles · 2 years
Here have more dnd memes cause idk what else to do this time staring Breakfast Club nonsense
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
Hello there :) I just want to say that I love all of your work so far, it’s absolutely amazing :) if it’s okay please could I request headcanons of the Bachelor’s having a crush on a shy and insecure non tiefling reader 💙💙
Thank you so much! ♥️♥️♥️ I'm sorry it took me a while to get to your headcanons, but I hope you enjoy them! I also just got a new phone, so any extra typos are bc this new keyboard is screwing me over lmao
The bachelors with a shy and insecure reader
Easily one of the best love interests for someone that's shy or insecure
Dammon is great at slowly easing people out of their shell, he pushes without going to far
He has patience too, even if it takes months for you to have a full conversation with him
Really, the man just likes seeing you act all shy, the way you flush with embarrassment is endearing
And, while the fact you're a non tiefling gives him pause at first, it's not really an issue for him
If anything it just means you won't pick up on the way his tail wags-
Dammon is so sweet about your insecurities
Depending on what they are, he'll either help you reach your goals or assure you that your wonderful
Both even and possibly at the same time
He's so big on praise and there doesn't go a day where Dammon doesn't compliment you in some way
Everything Dammon says is so sweet and genuine too
This lovely paladin would suit someone shy and insecure
Zevlor himself is quiet and reserved, and has dealt with his own share of insecurities throughout his life
He can see it in the way you act, what's going through your head
There's no way you can hide things from him, after years of being a hellrider it makes you observant
The way Zevlors endlessly understanding is so sweet <3
If you need support or comfort in any way, he will always be there
Whether you need a hug or help fixing a problem
He never expects anything back, but seeing you open up to him is more than enough of a reward
You being a non tiefling doesn't bother Zevlor, I definitely think he's been with non tiefs before in the past
Like Dammon, he is also very patient
Despite his feelings, Zevlor will take your relationship at whatever speed you'd like
He's quite content being a close friend of yours and supporting you
Please just kiss Zevlor already, he'll die before making the first move
Are you sure you want to try and date Rolan? 💀
We love him, but this man is a firecracker of a tiefling, he takes a while to adjust to
While he realises you're shy, it takes Cal and Lia pestering him before he stops his little angry outbursts
Instead he starts to become a lot more mindful about his voice, tone, and body language
This goes double when he realises his feelings for you
It's a noticeable change, particularly when you leave a room and the firecracker attitude is back
He's your hype squad too when you're feeling insecure
Rolan is both a proud man but he does worry about his abilities and how he stacks up
It's a perspective that helps him both understand your thoughts, and help you overcome negative thinking patterns
If he gets to spend time with his crush while he helps, then that's just a bonus
In the end, you and Rolan end up being like the 'they asked for no pickles' meme, if anyone knows what I'm talking about
It's honestly so cute seeing him pine over you while hyping you up in his own sassy way
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zulivaris · 3 years
Art Block tips that helped me
 I’ve recently experienced art block after 3 or so months of overcoming my last one. Thankfully this block only lasted a few days thanks to some things I’ve observed and noted down from the previous time. So I’m sharing these few tips in hopes that it might help someone get unstuck :D!
First and foremost if you’re tired, sad or anxious don’t be surprised that you can’t make art, go and take care of yourself by treating yourself with kindness and patience, the sketchbooks and canvases will wait for you :)
The tips are under here:
Separate art studies from the creative time:  When you do art studies you’re there to focus on specific things, learn and understand how things work so you can apply them later in your art. Studies take a lot of energy and focus and are the opposite of the creative "flow” of making your own pieces. If you combine the two the results are either unfocused studies or stiff drawings. When you sit down at your desk ask yourself “Do I want to learn something new or do I want to create something of my own?”
When you have an idea don’t be afraid of being messy: Let’s say you want to make a picture of several cats kolo dancing in the moonlight. How do you go about doing this? Well since you came up with the idea you already have a vague image in your mind, sketch it out with simple shapes, stick figures, circle and spheres etc Don’t worry about cat anatomy, or the dancer’s moves, sketch out the essence of it. This method removes the need to be perfect or accurate. 
Ok after the messy sketch then what? Well now that you have sketched out the essence of your idea (and hopefully had fun doing so) now you go on to look for references! You put the creative process on pause and you can do a few brief studies if you need to: anatomy, color schemes, values, poses. Pick out a few of your favorites but don't obsess over them, they are a guide, a tool.
You know much more than you think. You’ve probably been drawing for a few years now. You’ve probably done some studies and drawn more than one type of subject. Then you have already internalized some of that information. I used to be obsessed with capturing the minute detail of the subject, and not be able to draw ANYTHING without reference. Instead of a useful tool, references became another obstacle to my creativity. That’s perfectionism my friend, and that’s no good. Here is an exercise a good friend of mine offered: Draw a few characters, animals and objects from imagination. Make sure that the subjects have no personal value to you (no ocs for example) so that if you make a mistake you won’t feel bad about it. Make the process relaxed and comfortable, pour a nice cup of joe, listen to your favorite music ... You will notice that you do indeed know how to draw some things without reference, and it’ll help with your confidence. 
The more you do studies the more you understand This seems evident but the more you understand your subject the freer you can be and the easier it’ll be to draw it from imagination in the future. If you really struggle with something to the point of frustration (as in you can’t get it right even with reference) It means you have to study it. Have a study list, for example: hands, perspective, color theory etc. And one of those days you want to study pick something from the list, and look for videos on youtube or useful sites like line of action etc. Only study one thing at the time. You can go from studying hands to studying arms since they’re more immediately connected, but you can’t study hands and then jump to learning perspective right after. Trust me you can learn perfectly fine with the resources online, and I’m sure you’re clever enough to do it :D
Mistakes don’t mean you “suck”  I’ve noticed that the two most common causes for art block are perfectionism and lack of self-confidence.  The two can often go in tandem which is worse :’D But let me remind you of something, you can fix your piece along the whole process. Use erasers, lasso tools, liquify , select, paint it all over etc If something looks off to you then you also know deep inside how to fix it. Useful ways to see what clunks: flip canvas horizontally (helps with placement, proportions), turn the image to grayscale (helps to check values and where your eye tends to look), look at your image in thumbnail size and ask yourself if it’s clear, see the pose’s silhouette and ask yourself if you can tell what the character is doing etc. Don’t fret, everything can always be fixed :)
Perfectionism, sometimes it stops you before you begin Perfectionism causes you to overwork a piece, it makes you draw less, it makes art stressful, it brings insecurity. Let’s remove it with a simple exercise. It can be combined with the “draw things from imagination” once you’ve drawn something you like: dont do line art, don’t shade it, keep it as simple and crude as possible and then...post it. Yes, post it. You’re not at your best? You’re only human, this will help you embrace that very human side of you. You make mistakes. So what? The more mistakes you make the more you know what you need to study and the better at art you become. Mistakes are there to show us what we need to learn. See them as another tool and not a sign of failure.
Make the process as enjoyable as possible: You like art. You love drawing. Never forget this. Otherwise why are you drawing if you don’t enjoy it? It’s easy to fall prey to the mentality of those relatable memes that “art= suffering” or “I can’t even draw the other eye”. No no no my friends, these messages are fueling your insecurities instead of overcoming them. Let me tell you what, art is fun. It is. Art is fun, because I decided to make it fun again. And you should decide on that too. Personally I adore lineart but my hand-eye coordination is lacking to do it digitally, so....I just skipped it. Yes. I skipped it. I do the sketch, I clean it up a bit and then jump onto color which I adore. It allowed me to draw more and more freely. When I draw I listen to music, make strokes with the rhythm, I take breaks often and I drink my favorite iced teas. If you don’t like coloring do it in grayscale, if you love lineart then do that etc It doesn’t mean you won’t learn your weak points in the future with studies and practice, but you won’t let your weaknesses prevent you from drawing at all. No no, you won’t let them. You draw because you want to, despite of them.
Don’t wait for inspiration, provoke it  Inspiration is not a divine and capricious muse. You make inspiration. It’s easy just collect all the things you like, music, artists, objects, characters, animals, patterns, plants etc Make boards on pinterest or similar sites, combine things you like. You like suits? You like birds? You can draw a bird in a suit, or a bird-inspired suit design, there is frankly a lot of ideas that can spring up from little things like these.
When a project stops being enjoyable either pause it for now or move on to the next thing. Pieces aren’t precious. They’re not “the one time I got x right” they are one of many. This advice goes mainly to hobbyists who can afford the luxury of passing to a new project. I have a WIP of a character who is overly complicated (I enjoy a challenge from time to time) sitting for half a month. I sometimes come back to it and add something... but as soon as it starts to create discomfort and insecurity instead of enjoyment I move onto something else. In the meantime I created 3 or 4 new pieces. If I had waited on finishing that piece I would have been severely creatively and physically exhausted. The art comes from you, not inspiration. The more art you make the better you become.
That’s about it :D I know it’s long but I prefer to be thorough and cover all the possibilities. If you have read of this: Thank you so much I hope this helps you at least a bit, if it helps only 1 other person I’d still be very happy. Have a nice one, and kick art block’s butt!
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Hi Hi!!!! So I've been following your account for a little while now and I love every single comedy bomb you drop on what you write so I was wondering....
How would the boys react to their S/O who is usually reserved when at the lair, doing a full 180 when at April's? Like they could be April's roommate or something?....
Like crackhead energy, dishing out memes and vines and literally having a duel with Casey about leftovers in the fridge?... Yeah I know it's very specific 💀
I don't know.....the idea just popped into my head but I lack the creativity and comedy skills for that...so I was wondering if you could do something with this?.....
It's totally fine, if not 😁😁
This is... 100% me. I love this and I'm gonna pour my soul into it. Also I have started mentally referring to these as comedy bombs and I refuse to stop.
Also, I hope you don't mind that I wrote these in oneshot form instead of bullet points. It just made more sense for my brain.
TMNT Oneshots
The boys with a partner whose reserved at the lair but an absolute crack gremlin at home 🤣
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Donnie may have been a man of science, all logic and facts and numbers and things. But he absolutely believed that everyone had three separate faces, you were direct proof of that theory. While the purple terrapin had known you for nearly a year you’d only started dating a month ago and it shocked him that he was still uncovering new things about you. He loved it, sure, but it had a tendency to give him figurative whiplash.
He’d always known you to be calm and collected, maybe even a bit shy. He swore you’d explode if more than one person tried to talk to you at the same time. So it wasn’t an over exaggeration for him to say that your behavior at home nearly made him break his neck.
He was only there to help April fix a bug in her laptop and to confirm your next date, he was excited to see you since you’d had no contact in person for a week because of your schedules. Just lots of phone calls and exchanged text messages. You both missed each other like crazy and your roommate had neglected to inform you that your boyfriend was coming over.
Hers was already there and he was driving you up the wall, you’d never actually thought about committing a murder but Casey was pushing you very close to the edge of snapping. And he might as well have crane-kicked you off your cliff of patience and into the rushing river of “you little fucking shit I’m gonna piss on your grave” below. You hadn’t even heard Donnie come in through the window much less his conversation with April over her computer.
All you knew was that Casey had come parading into your room like a tyrant eating the leftovers in the fridge that you had specifically put your name on. That did it. Your eyes had skimmed over the top of your textbook to meet the asshole in front of you.
He couldn’t speak through the mouthful he was trying to chew and grunted in pathetic response.
“Is that my cheeseburger?”
You’d never seen a living person imitate a pug’s facial structure so well, the man’s eyes bugged out of his head and he tossed the takeout box on your desk before turning and bolting out of your room. You followed about two steps behind with a bottle of shampoo in your hand. No, you weren’t entirely sure where you’d grabbed it from, all you knew was that it was your weapon. And it quickly became a very messy problem when it missed your target (Casey’s head) and slammed into the wall, exploding on impact.
You didn’t think you’d thrown it that hard.
“April April help help help helpppppppppppppp-'' The two on the couch had looked up during the chase throughout the apartment, Donnie was mostly curious at what Casey was screaming about. Not a lot usually made the guy make that noise. He was then distracted by April grabbing the laptop and passing it to him, she then clambered over his legs to sit behind him.
Your boyfriend almost went vertical upon watching you tackle Casey to the floor and knee him in the groin. You shook the terrified man under you and slammed him a little harder into the rug.
“Touch my shit again and I’m gonna make the beaches of Normandy look like a goddamn family vacation.”
Then you climbed off of him and stood, brushing your disheveled t-shirt off with a huff. Donnie caught your attention and you raised your head to grin excitedly at him.
“Hi Dove! April didn’t tell me you were coming over,” you practically skipped over to the couch to peck him on the cheek, “I missed ya, are we still on for Saturday?”
He nodded in complete shock, his gaze flitting from you to Casey, who was still wheezing on the floor and clutching his dick.
“Uhhh yeah! Yeah, yep, Still good for Saturday. Uhm, completely unrelated question, where the hell did you learn to grapple like that?”
You shrugged absentmindedly, already walking to the hall closet to grab cleaning supplies for the puddle of shampoo in the walkway.
“Just kinda picked it up I guess? I’ve watched you guys train enough.”
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See, Leo had always known that you were hiding something from him. Be it your true personality or some deep dark secret. He wasn’t really in a rush to find out, you’d tell him when you were ready. The leader enjoyed your quiet disposition anyways, you gave good advice and liked to meditate with him, what more could he ask for? What more could he want?
Well, maybe if you got along better with his family, although he supposed that wasn’t your fault, you always had been a bit shy. Even six months into your relationship with him, Leo only hoped that you’d warm up to his brothers eventually. You seemed to do alright with Splinter, that was a plus for the situation. It wasn’t that you were mean or impolite to the others, you were just… avoidant. Distant, quiet, whatever word you wanted to use. You just didn’t seem comfortable at the lair.
He was excited that April had asked to host a game night though, maybe you’d come out of your shell (haha, see what I did there?) and socialize, even for a little bit. They’d all shown up a few minutes early to make sure April didn’t need help with anything, she’d assured them that everything was handled and made sure to inform Leo that you would be back shortly with Casey from your snack run. Mikey had joked that you’d ditched the get together to avoid them but they all knew it ran the possibility of not being a joke.
You unlocked the door and held it open so Casey could get inside without tripping himself before entering yourself and kicking your shoes off. Leo looked up to meet your eyes and you sent him a wild grin, your entire face lit up with amusement.
“Hi babes! Are you ready to get your ass kicked at Monopoly?”
All the poor turtle could do was nod.
“Good. I did grab drinks by the way, April there should be a mixer in the cooler bag, Donnie there’s some of that lemon lime stuff that you said you wanted to try, Mikey, orange crush as usual, Raph I tried to go for Dr. Pepper but they were out so I figured that root beer was a safe second. And Leo they had a new boba flavor that you haven’t had yet so I grabbed one. If you don’t like it then you can have mine, I just have the peach royal.”
Beverages were tossed and they were lucky that their surprise didn’t throw off their catching skills. You and April shared a quick word in the kitchen as you took your coat off and ran a hand through your hair.
After some arguments team captains were decided and Donnie nearly had a heart attack when you picked him instead of Leo or either of your friends. He even went so far as to point at himself to make sure you weren’t joking. You declared that while you loved your boyfriend his morals were too strong to be competitive, Donnie’s were not, he said so himself.
They were all surprised that you’d remembered that conversation.
It wasn’t until halfway through the game that things started getting heated, you and Mikey were nearly jumping across the table at each other. And it visibly took all of your strength to not burst out laughing when he started yelling.
April and Casey were snorting into their arms as you got to your feet and walked towards the kitchen, making a poor attempt at climbing the appliance.
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Raph had always been under the impression that you were never really 100% yourself around him, he knew for a fact that you weren’t when you stayed over. He’d never seen someone so aggressively avoid someone, except himself of course. You were his partner of almost a year and it seemed like you were never going to let your true self shine. However you did seem to lighten up when you were alone with him, he supposed that was normal, but you may as well have been a pair of old earbuds that only work when you held them a certain way at the lair.
He honestly hadn’t expected that to change tonight, not given the text that Casey had sent him informing him of April’s recent breakup with whatever guy she’d been dating. So when he climbed in through the window and saw both you and Casey sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom he really didn’t think that the words out of your mouth would be-
“April you’ve got another twenty minutes of this then I’m ripping the door off the hinges!”
Casey shot you a look and you shrugged nonchalantly before getting to your feet and walking over to your confused boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry about this. Casey only texted you as a last resort if he needed someone to stop me from tearing the door off.”
Raph found that peculiar, “Uh, couldn’t he do it himself?”
The man in question looked up from his spot on the floor.
“Nah dude, they’re crazy. Last time I tried stopping them from doing something they nearly knocked my damn tooth out while screaming, and I quote, “If you put your hands on me I’m gonna fucking rip your face off” and quite frankly I don’t have the balls to test that.”
“No no dude, that’s valid. I wouldn’t either. Babe, why are you so-”
You raised an eyebrow at him over a glass of water, “Violent? I’m not Raph. These two just have little bitch feelings.”
He found it hard not to laugh at that and fifteen minutes later when you left his side to approach the door again it sent him reeling.
“This shit’s temporary April. You’ve got nice teeth and a fat ass, stuff your feelings down!”
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There would never be a time where Mikey wasn’t a prankster with you, it was just simply non-negotiable. You were cool with that and he was aware, he was also aware that no pranks were to be pulled at the lair. So he’d reign it in while you visited, just for a short while. But you’d never said anything about the apartment and Mikey was a creature of opportunity.
Unfortunately Leo talked him out of it and forced him not to pull anything while they visited. The leader was already on edge so when he walked in with the others following closely behind you were the first person to see him. Your eyes caught Mikey’s instantly and you might as well have been telepathic at that moment. But you took one look at Leo’s solid, angry face and seized your moment.
They weren’t at all ready for the scream.
And they also weren’t ready for Mikey’s response of, “It don’t bite.”
And Leo was not ready for the pillow that got whipped at his face at incredibly high speed.
So when Leo finally realized that they were yelling at him his mood did not improve at all and in fact declined sharply into a pit of “oh fuck”. And that was how you ended up on Mikey’s shoulder getting dragged away from any sort of repercussion for your actions.
These got a little short near the end but I hope you like 'em and I hope I was able to capture what you had in mind! 😁
-Mars 🌠
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evil-giggling · 3 years
Langa VS. the Assholes Who Hurt Reki
Summary: Langa and Reki have finally made up! But that doesn't mean that they no longer have problems.
(or, Langa just wants Reki to be happy, but for some reason people are very against that.)
Warnings: Swearing (Langa has has enough), Mentions of violence, Ad*m.
Words: 1.7k
(haha wdym the title is a star vs the forces of evil pun,,, no it isnt haha)
The stars in Okinawa reflected the sea, and the sound of their laughter along with the scraping of wheels against the cement ground is one that symbolizes peace, unity, and pure, unadulterated love.
Langa and Reki are alright again, and everything is right with the world.
"You... What?" Langa looked befuddled, an unidentifiable look on his features, as Reki nervously fiddled with his fingers, blushing from embarrassment. From what? He doesn't know.
"It's— it's not as bad as you think!" Reki said hurriedly, but by now there was a prominent frown on Langa's face, "it's— I was just ran over by a car—"
"Just," Langa emphasized, his voice uncharacteristically firmer and louder, "ran over by a car? Reki, do you think everyone just gets run over by a car? And do you think people who get run over by a car wake up in a love hotel? With a stranger?"
It's the next day since Langa and Reki's making up from their fight, and neither of them quite expected that the comeback of their roof-top lunches would start with Reki accidentally spilling that he was in a love hotel. Much less brought to a love hotel because he was ran over. By a stranger.
Everything was all so suddenly not-right, and Langa couldn't decide if this was better, or worse.
"—Langa? Hey, earth to Prince Langa!" Reki snapped his fingers in front of Langa's face, and the latter blinked, wondering when he started to get lost in his thoughts, and—wow. Reki seemed a bit too close to his face right now. Not that he was complaining.
There was a cute pout on Reki's lips, Langa guessed it was caused by his own neglect of their conversation. The former, though, upon noticing that his companion's eyes were on his lips, blushed bright red again, and brought back distance between them. Langa didn't stop the disappointed sigh from his lips, but the disappointment didn't last long.
His face once again etched up in concern, looking at Reki, who was facing down at the ground, his headband covering his cheeks, in an attempt to cool them down. Langa let a small, fond smile on his lips, before shaking it off once he remembered what Reki mentioned earlier.
"Reki, you can't just brush this off," Langa said, eyebrows furrowing and his chest hardening in both concern and frustration, "what else happened to you when I wasn't around?"
Reki sneaked a glance at Langa, before sheepishly turning away.
"Nothing," Reki said, but the lie obvious to Langa, "and you're talking a lot about this, like last night."
Langa frowned, "of course I am, you worry me a lot when you say 'it's nothing' or 'I'm fine'," he played with the hem of his shirt, before letting go and continuing, "because most of the time, you're lying."
Reki said nothing, only burrowing farther in himself. Langa huffed, frustration building up in him. If Reki thought it was surprising to see him chatty, he'll definitely have a heart attack after this.
Langa engulfed Reki in a hug, and it wasn't only the latter who gasped in surprise. Perhaps they've gathered some nosy onlookers?
Who cares?, Langa thought, Reki's the only thing that's important right now.
"Reki, be honest please?" Langa said, voice muffled, as he buried his face on Reki's shoulder.
"O-okay! Langa, okay, I'll tell you!" Reki stuttered out, a flustered mess, from the way he spoke, "just, let go, please?" He whispered to Langa, "people are kind of looking at us right now."
Langa didn't care who saw them, honestly. But he got what he wanted, and he didn't want Reki to be embarrassed too bad, so he let go of Reki's waist, and sat back to where he was positioned earlier.
He looked at Reki expectantly, but with patience. The latter picked at his nails in nervousness, wherein Langa took one of his hands to ease his anxiety.
Reki brought back Langa's hands, and started staring down at them and playing with them. He seemed to calm down, as his cheeks were no longer red, and Langa sent a dirty look to the passersby who were looking at them with keen interest, when Reki wasn't looking.
Reki swallowed, and looked up at him.
He scrunched up his face and looked away for a second, scratching his cheek with a finger, a small flush on his cheeks, "uhm..." letting out a sigh, Reki collected his thoughts and said, "erm, before I met you, I used to be in this sort of team? Gang? Thing... It was for skating." Reki added, upon the worried and horrified look on Langa's face, and the latter let out a sigh of relief, and encouraged him to continue.
"Er, they were sort of—they weren't really people I wanted to hang out with?" Reki mumbled, sheepishly, "they, uhm, they weren't really ones who enjoyed skating? They did it for the aesthetic, basically, and it made them sort of lame for me.
"So, I quit after three days."
Langa only seemed confused, so Reki added, "and well, I saw them while walking through the market and they kind of..." Reki mumbled the last part, and Langa blinked.
"'They kind of' what?" Langa pressed on, and Reki swallowed.
"They jumped me, but—" Reki immediately started to add, silencing a seething Langa with the palm of his hand.
Langa was nothing short of furious, and he was ready to tell Joe about this development to gang up on the little fucks that put a hand on Reki. And you know what? He'll do the same to that stranger! He'll make them have hell to pay, damn it, how dare they hurt his Reki.
But he couldn't express any of this right now, with Reki's hand on his mouth, so he (begrudgingly) let Reki continue.
"—but, it's fine! It's all in the past now. 'Sides, I kind of felt like I deserved it? I mean, I didn't actually deserve it—" he said, at the furious glare Langa sent to him, "it's just—well, it didn't compare to the people at S, y'know I—oops."
Reki flustered, detaching his palm from Langa's mouth to cover his own. Langa squashed the giddy feeling of that indirect kiss, and firmly, but with a gentleness Reki absolutely deserved, placed his hands on both of Reki's shoulders.
"What did 'the people of S' do, Reki?" Langa grounded out, tired of all of these people out to hurt Reki. Out of everyone he knew, Reki was the last one to deserve this much abuse.
Reki looked up at Langa, and knew he couldn't just lie his way out of not telling him. He looked down for a moment, simmering in guilt—of what?— and looked back up at Langa, setting his hands on his lap.
"They, uh. They would talk behind my back, and uhm, and talk about... How I'm just... A useless... Er," Reki struggled to find the words, and he felt tears sting at his eyes, and he looked up, not wanting them to fall. Langa felt guilty at making him relive these memories, but he needs to know exactly how he'll hurt these assholes.
Reki looked down, at his hands, and then at Langa, then he said, "they'd say that I'm no one... That I'm just... 'the guy who hangs around Snow'... Or just..." Reki bit his lip, "the one who's not Snow."
Langa was reminded of a meme, back from when he was still very much devoid of Reki and his kindness, talent, and all around amazing-ness. It was a dubbed line from an anime, wasn't it?
This is the first time in my life that I've been provoked to hit a woman.
Except they weren't a woman, in fact, they were the plethora of annoying assholes who made Reki feel worse than he already did.
Talk about kicking a guy while he was down.
"Names." Langa said, plain and simple.
"Huh?" Reki said, confused and flustered.
"I want their names, Reki."
"Langa, they were total strangers! Which makes it even more pathetic that their words got to me, honestly—"
"Don't blame yourself for them being stupid and blind." Langa said firmly, "you're amazing, Reki. Don't let them make you think otherwise."
At that, Reki smiled, and playfully punched Langa's shoulder, "thanks, Langa."
Before Reki could pull his hand away, Langa took it in both of his own, "I'm serious. You're so amazing Reki—"
Reki blushed, "th-thanks man, you're amazing too—"
"—you really don't understand, when you skate, you're the only thing I see—"
"—that's really enough!"
"—and you know exactly what I need, and you don't even have to try that hard to figure it out—"
"—is this even about skating anymore, Langa?"
"—and I think your headband is neat, but you look so cute without it, and your hair is a lot more fluffy—"
"Alright!" Reki squeaked out, just as the bell rang, signalling the end of the lunch period, "we'll talk about this later, we have to go back to school—er, class!" Flustered, Reki fixed his headband, and stomped his way back to the classroom.
Langa let out blissful laughter, and for now, he was satisfied with his work. He hoped it'd be enough for Reki to temporarily forget what those people did and said to him. Hoped it distracted Reki enough to not figure out that Langa was planning to find out everything with the rest of the gang, and would be punishing the ones who offended Reki accordingly.
He ran up to Reki, and offered his hand to the latter, whose cheeks were still flushed.
To his delight, Reki took his hand, and they walked down back to their classroom, hand in hand.
Later that evening, uncannily enough, Adam proposed an idea to the duo. A rematch, he had said, to redeem Reki of his loss in their last beef. There was an obvious, underlying malice, in his offer, though. Reki looked terrified, yet determined, but before he could agree, Langa had stepped in front of him, a chilling glower directed at Adam, who only smirked.
Langa had enough of people wanting to hurt Reki, and hated that smug face on Adam's features so much (it promised to hurt Reki to the point that he would be irreparable, and Langa was furious), that before Adam could even comment at Langa's protective stance, he had been punched in the face by the latter.
And, well, Joe seemed a bit inspired to do the same.
A/N: haha i dont know how to make titles someone help
@andromeda612 @yunolik87
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
prompt one: siblings teaming up with each other instead of their partners
the original prompt said three sentences but it was very hard to make this work given the nature of the fic so...here's...way more than three sentences...
(we're pretending that Eddie is in fact a middle child and Adriana's closer to him in age than she probably is because the diaz sibling dynamic confuses me okay)
no excuses writing meme - siblings team up (team up in perhaps the loosest sense of the phrase) set sometime after 5a
Adriana makes Eddie wait outside her house a full fifteen minutes before she finally makes her way out to his car. She’s doing him a favor, technically, so he’s trying really hard not to be annoyed with her before the night even begins—but fifteen minutes?
“I told you I was on my way over an hour ago, Adri,” He points out anyways, once she's finally in the car, because he is petty and he had texted her and she still made him wait fifteen minutes. He really only has so much patience and he doesn’t really want to be doing any of this with her anyways but—
“I was helping Isabella with her homework, Edmundo,” Adriana bites back, her mouth curling around his name in a way that reminds him way too much of their mother—and Ana. Unfortunately.
“How does Isabella have homework already? She’s a baby,” Eddie says, backing away from the obvious challenge. They have to spend a minimum of two hours with each other starting now. It’s in both of their best interest if they put off fighting for later.
“She’s seven, Eddie.”
He winces and focuses on pulling out of Adriana’s weirdly complicated neighborhood instead of replying. It’s going to take them 30 minutes to get to Christopher’s school, which is going to make them 10 minutes late for the parent-teacher conference, which isn’t the biggest deal but Eddie’s trying to make a good impression.
It’s been a hard year for him and for Christopher and somehow everyone at his school is intimately aware of that. He’s just trying to avoid the pitying looks he gets from teachers and parents alike. They’re the exact kind of looks everyone gave him after Shannon died and he doesn’t really need that right now—nobody’s died. Eddie’s just…going through some life changes.
“Why am I going with you to this parent-teacher conference anyways?” Adriana asks, sounding at least 15 years younger than she actually is.
“Don’t you want to know how your nephew’s doing in school?” Eddie deflects. He sees Adriana raise an eyebrow out of the corner of his eye, but keeps his eyes fixed on the road.
“Don’t you have an aid that normally does this kind of thing with you?”
“Carla,” Eddie corrects, fingers flexing around the steering wheel. “Her name is Carla. And she’s busy tonight.”
He wants her, more than anything, to drop it there. He’s not ashamed to admit that Adriana was literally his last and only option—but it does sting a little bit that he’s had to resort to this. And he’s not really trying to get into it right now. Unfortunately, Adriana is his sister and sisters have such a knack for—
“Don’t you normally drag Buck with you to everything?”
“I don’t drag him anywhere,” Eddie mutters, a little too defensive. He pulls up to a red light and runs a hand through his hair. He’s pretty sure he put too much gel in it tonight and it feels weird and sticky between his fingers. “But, uh, he’s busy too.”
It’s not—a lie, exactly. But Eddie never actually asked him. He just figured…safe enough to assume.
“You’re still not talking, huh?” Adriana digs, always too wise and knowing than will ever be good for either one of them.
“We talk,” Eddie says. Except they haven’t really. The last time they talked was three weeks ago when Buck sent Eddie a picture of Jee-Yun with mashed sweet potato all over her face and Eddie had replied I see the resemblance now.
He’s not going to admit to the number of times he’s opened their text thread just to see the red heart Buck had put next to that message in lieu of a response. He’s not going to admit that he stares at it longingly for several more minutes than is strictly appropriate for best friends turned ex-coworkers turned…whatever they are now, mentally willing Buck to say literally anything else instead of texting or calling him himself, like a proper, well-functioning adult.
He’s certainly not going to admit any of this to his sister, who he braved afternoon traffic for just so that he wouldn’t have to go to the parent-teacher conference alone and field questions like so no Buck today? or Christopher’s been handling the divorce surprisingly well, how do you make it work?—that was something one of the PTA moms had actually said to his face during their last meeting. It took an embarrassingly long amount of time for Eddie to work out how to explain that he and Shannon weren’t divorced—she’s dead—before the woman had clarified that she was talking about Buck.
Eddie hadn’t known how to respond to that.
Hence, his baby sister in his passenger seat because she, while exceptionally good at getting under Eddie’s skin and pestering the shit out of him, is also exceptionally good at making everything about her and stealing the hearts of anyone and everyone who’s ever been near her.
This is a masterful plan, actually, and Eddie’s actually very smart and competent for coming up with it.
“I can’t believe you did this again, Eddie,” Adriana says, leaning back against the door and rolling her eyes like talking to Eddie is some burdensome task that she’s legally obligated to do. And Eddie should, after 30 years of knowing Adriana, know better than to rise to the bait.
Against his better judgment, he asks anyways, “What exactly did I do again?”
“You sabotaged another relationship because you’re allergic to talking about anything that matters.”
Eddie’s hands tighten on the steering wheel again. He glances at his phone. They’re only 5 minutes out from the school. They can totally make it there without arguing.
“You did it with mom and dad, you did it with Shannon, hell, you probably did it with Ana, and now you’re doing it with Buck too—”
“Okay, first of all, I don’t think we can blame my relationship with mom and dad solely on me, okay, they started this shit. Second, none of those relationships are the same thing. Buck and I are not—we’re not—we’re just friends. Friends have rough patches.”
“Friends have rough patches,” Adriana fires back at him and Eddie braces himself in his seat for what’s about to follow. “Edmundo, you got shot in front of him less than a year ago. Have you ever talked to him about that?”
“We’ve talked,” Eddie defends again, but his voice sounds small even to himself.
“Pepa told me that he was covered in your blood. She said that Ana sat by your side in the hospital for days while Buck slept on your couch and took care of Christopher, made sure he ate and got to school on time, and went to bed every night—you’re trying to tell me those relationships are different? Maybe they are, but definitely not in the way that you think.”
Eddie shrinks down in his seat as he pulls into the school parking lot, though at this point he’s genuinely considering turning the car around and taking Adriana back home immediately. He’s not really sure where all of the anger is coming from, but he’s also not entirely sure that he doesn’t deserve it.
“God, Eddie, I wish you would just man up for once.”
“Okay,” Eddie reels back in his seat, feeling like he’s been slapped. “Now, you just sound like dad.”
“At least dad would actually tell us if he got shot and we wouldn’t have to hear about it five days later from Pepa.”
Okay. Okay.
Eddie doesn’t think that’s necessarily true, but he gets the point.
He pulls into a parking spot, letting his hands rest on the steering wheel for a moment while he closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, attempting to collect himself, before he shuts off the engine.
“Adri, I was in the hospital,” He tries, voice wavering no matter how hard he tries to keep it level. He looks over at her in the passenger seat and sees her with her arms folded over her chest, body propped up against the door like she can’t get far enough away from him, her jaw hard, eyes staring out at the rows of cars around them.
Even though she reminds him more and more of their mom every day, Eddie still looks at her and sees the kid he grew up with, too fierce and passionate and stubborn to be matched by either one of their parents—or him.
“She told us days after you had woken up, Eddie,” She says. The slight dip in her voice when she says his name is the only thing that betrays her hurt. “You were already home by the time we found out—you had a fucking welcome home party before we ever found out.”
And that’s—that’s still not necessarily on Eddie. He remembers Buck explaining at some point during the party, when he and Eddie caught a moment alone in the kitchen, that he and Pepa had discussed telling the rest of his family, had considered inviting at least Adriana to the party since she was the closest, but figured it might be too much pressure to put on Eddie so they just—hadn’t.
And Eddie, as much as he understands how that hurts Adriana, was honestly grateful that they had made that decision.
Because as much as Eddie does and always will love his family, his parents are…a lot. And Adriana, being the youngest, will always be the favorite. Whatever she knows, everyone will know, and whatever she does, everyone will want to do too.
If Adriana had been there, his parents would’ve been there, and if his parents had been there, there would’ve been a whole discussion about Christopher and his well-being and his safety and whether or not Eddie was ever fit to be a parent—the answer to which will always be no, according to his parents.
“Adriana,” Eddie begins, running a hand over his face and shifting more in his seat to face her. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself. And I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner. But…I’m the one who got shot, okay? That…that’s about me. It’s my…trauma, not anyone else’s.”
Adriana looks at him, her eyes red-rimmed and watery, her mouth doing that thing that Eddie recognizes as his own quirk, her lips pursed and wobbly as she tries not to cry. He wants to reach out and comfort her, take her hand in his and fix all of this, but these wounds run deep and he’s not sure any of it can ever really be fixed.
He’s been trying really hard to be okay with that these days.
“Isn’t it,” Adriana starts, taking a shaky breath and tossing her hair over her shoulder, regaining some composure. “Isn’t it also about the people who love you, Eddie?”
Eddie blinks at her before looking away, worrying his bottom lip.
This is something that Frank has said to him, in different words, a few different times over their sessions together. He’s not sure it really clicked until now.
“Look,” Adriana says, her voice louder and more confident now. Eddie watches her run a hand through her hair before she fixes him with a look that’s fire and water all at once. It feels a little like home. “I’m mad at you for not telling me. And I’m mad at you for almost dying. And if you ever get shot again, I swear, I’m going to kill you myself—but I love you, Eddie. That’s why it hurts. And I know…as much as you want to ignore it…you love Buck, too. And he, for some ungodly reason, loves you too. And I know you. I know what you do when you love people and you’re scared. You push them away. You deserve more than that, Eddie.”
Eddie stares at her and is painfully aware of the fact that he’s crying now in the car in the parking lot of his son’s school with his younger sister in the passenger seat, and this is not going to do anything to assuage the worries and fears of all the other parents and faculty, but he doesn’t really care about any of that right now.
“Who the fuck let you get so smart in your old age?” Eddie says, instead of I’m sorry I scared you, I’ve been scared too, thank you for seeing me, I promise I’m trying, wiping roughly at his eyes.
“Fuck you, also could you pass that message along to Sophia? Because I swear she still treats me like I’m twelve sometimes.”
“That’s because you still act like you’re twelve sometimes.”
“Shut up,” Adriana huffs, reaching over the console to slug Eddie’s arm. “I was trying to be sentimental until you ruined it.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie laughs, rubbing his arm. “Look, you weren’t my first choice for this, I’ll admit that. But I’m glad you’re here. What do you say we go inside, totally pretend neither one of us has been crying, then go get ice cream after?”
Adriana studies him for a moment, eyes narrow like there’s more she wants to say, but the corner of her lip twitches up anyways.
“Just so we’re clear, you’re the one that’s crying. But I’ll take you up on the ice cream.”
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vegalocity · 3 years
Secret kisses and Touching 2, 14, 22, 23, and 44. Secret Silktea relationship, except both spider fam and Monkey fam actually know! Half of them don’t care enough to say anything (Pigsy,Tang,Spider Queen,Wukong,Syntax) while the other half wants them to reveal it when they’re ready (Min Yi,MK,Mei,Goliath,Sis) - Pixel Anon
Affection meme
49. secret kisses
2. running fingers through hair
14.putting an arm around the other’s waist
22.falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
23. carrying the other one in their arms
44.sitting on the other’s lap
this took me forever to put together because for some ungodly reason i couldn't figure out the scenario
so i decided on a little vignette compilation of sorts
They knew what they were doing.
Of course they knew what they were doing. It was in either of their best interests to keep this a secret. Just because the clan had stopped their crusade to take over the city and their queen had dialed down the ‘revenge’ ideas, didn’t mean there wasn’t still bad blood between his clan and Sandy’s family.
And it wasn’t too difficult, it just meant that when they were all working together for some greater threat or whatever that they’d have to be sneaky. It was easy stealth was one of Huntsman’s greatest Attributes and suspecting Blue of anything was like suspecting a small dog of knocking over a bulldozer.
It wasn’t too hard to simply keep their hands to themselves. Or at least, it wasn’t hard for Sandy, Huntsman was quickly finding his self control lacking in regard to being in such a situation with his… well, with him. But could anyone blame him? Blue was more or less the hottest guy he’d ever ran into before and he was kinda-sorta DATING him! How could he not want to climb that like a tree at all times?
Especially when he was always being so stupidly fucking charming. Sure the ‘needlessly nice’ stuff wasn’t something he particularly appreciated, but it was starting to grow on him, if only on the amount of restraint he must have to keep it up all the time.
Soooo yeah maybe he was purposefully pushing their luck a little, but in his defense he wanted to see how much desire based frustration it would take before ol’ Blue would just pin him against a wall and make him regret wondering.
Syntax had shooed him away from being a nuisance at his worktable, so naturally, Huntsman had to go be a nuisance at someone else’s worktable. Thankfully Sandy was far more agreeable to the company, and thankfully the bid of ‘Bugging Syntax first’ kept his alibi solid. He wasn’t just going over to see Blue he just wanted to be a louse and his normal target had already locked him out of his room. And so nobody really suspected anything when he started to peer over Sandy’s side to watch him tighten this or that thing on this or that device.
And it was pretty damn fun to see just how much of a ‘nuisance’ he could be. This particular bout resulting ih Huntsman being pressed against the car engine Blue had been working on, feeling the orange hair slide between his claws and messing up the stylized mohawk and shuddering when he felt those huge hands almost entirely encompass either of his thighs while keeping him aloft. He hissed through his teeth as he felt Blue give one of his legs a testing squeeze and rolled his hips forward a bit-
“Fish Demon? I need to get another set of eyes on these schematics or I'll actually go insane.” By the time Syntax looked up from his clipboard Sandy was working on the engine again and Huntsman was leaning against his work area and had barely had the opening to whip out one of his knives and his portable sharpener.
Though Sandy’s hair was unable to be fixed and fell to a side as he smiled at Syntax and took the offered blueprints from him.
He wasn’t a big fan of those domestic snatches of time, he wasn’t.
It was mostly an instinctual response, Spiders were pack bonders, so of course when his internal senses started categorizing Sandy as ‘pack’ then he’d relax without intending to while being pulled in with a hand on his waist.
Which was definitely the reason why he was curled up to Sandy’s side, the cool slick feeling of his scales strange against his more leather-like skin. That stupid instinct was the only real reason why he felt so comfortable and like he could practically fall asleep like this.
He felt Blue’s hand gently start running up and down his side and dammit that wasn’t playing fair, it wasn’t his fault that he had been having sleeping problems lately and was rapidly getting drowsy.
He could feel Blue’s hum as the world started to drift away-
“Hey Sandy what do you think- Uhhhh”
“Oh, hello Xiaotian.”
“You know you’ve got a spider on you, right?”
“Oh yeah, Looked like he was having some paranoia problems, took a bit of wheedling to get out but Huntsman here was up for like four days straight ‘till now!”
“Did… Did you slip him your sleepy tea?”
“Of course not! That would be super unethical! Also I'm pretty sure he’s still semi conscious and passively listening without any critical thought right now since he only just dozed off and would probably wake up angry if he overheard anything like that!”
“....right… so anyway-”
The brat knew.
Dammit he knew the brat knew. She definitely fucking knew.
He should have known better than to try anything with that Professional Snoop underfoot. But He’d had plans with Blue before having to get stuck with the brat tonight because the Queen needed Syntax’s expertise and the Sister was on shift at work and Goliath already had plans doing who knows what, and he was stuck with Minyi since he ‘didn’t have any plans’
He’d dragged his feet on the idea of cancelling with Blue, but he’d fucking done it so nobody could say he didn’t contribute to the upkeep of their clan’s youngest. It was just his luck that Sandy had been fine with coming over instead, and the brat had overheard some of the conversation and got excited about ‘Mr Sandy’ coming over to visit. The brat had insisted on stringing some of her fake flowers into his hair before he arrived, after dubbing him ‘suitably pretty’ (her words) she’d done up her own hair as similarly as she could because he certainly wasn’t helping her with her weird pre-’company is coming’ rituals.
And… Blue was a hit with the brat. He had an infinite amount of patience for the inane childish babbling, stooped low so she could string the remaining fake flowers in her possession (why did she have so many fake flowers?) into his beard, and offered to fix dinner for the lot of them (which was for the best since the brat was such a picky eater she could barely stomach some of his specialties)
And… he was not jealous of a six year old for how she was able to crawl into Blue’s lap while the lot of them watched some inane mystery show for the character drama alone since the brat called and explained the mystery within the first three minutes.
Blue was a bit awkward on the sofa, it made sense, Goliath would normally sit on the floor for how the height and width of the couch was not designed with bigger demons in mind, and Blue was considerably bigger than Goliath. So while the brat was cozy as could be in the place of honor, Huntsman was stuck perched on the arm of the couch as to not be crushed into it trying to squeeze in beside Blue.
Not that that would be a wholly unpleasant experience, but the presence of the brat made it go from tempting to awkward. Nonetheless, part of Sandy trying to get comfortable had included one of his arms resting on the back of the couch, and while it seemed the brat wasn’t paying attention, it slid down to wrap around his shoulders.
When the time came Minyi didn’t need to be told it was bed time for her, she loudly announced it herself, changed into her pajamas, and after saying goodnight to the both of them went on with a
“I am going to sleep now! And I will not be out of my room until morning so if anything were to be happening I certainly won’t know it, because I will be asleep.”
She smiled widely at Huntsman and closed her door.
Nosey little brat.
Tang huffed a quiet laugh as Sandy gingerly began to lift Huntsman into the air, his broken leg not quite able to be splinted just yet, let alone looked at properly. It seemed the lot of them had suffered some pretty nasty injuries from this last threat (and no doubt it would have been worse if their team and the Spider Clan hadn’t joined forces) including Tang himself despite being on the sidelines for most of it, he was pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated, and the cut on his forehead was still sluggishly bleeding all over the right side of his face, but compared to some of the others he was basically fine.
So once He was able to pop his arm back into place (Ouch) he took to handling cleanup with the only other ‘perfectly normal person’ here, a woman maybe a few years his junior, he’d seen her every so often with the Spider Clan (or rather, with Syntax) but he didn’t know her name.
“Do you think they actually think they’re being subtle?” Her words caught his attention and he turned to glance at the woman. She was in the middle of splinting Xiaojiao’s broken wrist and at Tang’s questioning glance, she nodded at Sandy and Huntsman. Oh!
“I’m sure Sandy thinks he’s the pinnacle of subtlety” Tang responded. He was pretty sure the ‘thing’ that had developed between their friend and the most brutal of the Spider Clan was the worst kept secret on the team since Red Son had started hanging out with Xiaotian and Xiaojiao on the weekends.
“They are so cute when you just walk in on them.” Xiaojiao said around a snicker. “Like how they jump apart like when you flip a magnet over to the matching side.”
“Does your team have a betting pool? My brother organized one for the clan, and if they do anything damning within the next month i win the pot.”
“No! Ohh man we should get one started up! Hey Pigsy! You wanna make a betting Pool for Sandy and Huntsman’s secret romance?”
“Why the hell would i want to do that?”
“Finally have dirt on Sandy after decades of him never being embarrassed about anything ever?” Tang offered with a shrug.
Pigsy thought for a moment and shrugged back before going back to fussing over Xiaotian. “Sure. Who’s bettin’ what?”
send me stuff!
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torntruth · 2 years
we  all  know  the  meme   ( i  think )   ‘i  can  fix  him/her/them’   but  that  legitimately  is  what  jade  said  and  then  gave  faith  the  patience  enough  that  they  ended  up  falling  in  love.   jade  did,  indeed,   fix  faith.    but  like,  in  the  dynamics  of  cults,  drug  addicts,  and  nuclear  wars   ...   jade  delivered  every  single  thing  that  made  faith  1)   finally  realize  she  didn’t  need  joseph  or  should  be  scared  of  joseph,   2)  a  family  /  significant  other  strong  enough  that  faith  sought  help  getting  off  bliss,   3)   faith  in  the  verse  with  jade  is  honestly  just  a  double  agent.   she’s  working  with  jade...   who’s  very  loudly  the  resistance.    anyway,   i  love  this  huge  ship  we  built  up.   it’s  so  good. 
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liukangmybeloved · 3 years
everyone else is fighting for second {Mortal Kombat (2021)}
Summary: Canon Divergent AU. Crack & Fluff. The team develops into something of a found family, which happens to include Cole's actual family. They take a day off from fighting to go to the fair, where the biggest question is 'who is Cole's daughter's favourite in the team?' Besides her dad, of course. Kano is very competitive about this question.
A/N: 1968 words. I will take a meat-tenderizer and FIX the canon and make it SOFT. i love cole young and mk 2021, if you don't like that, you've been warned. everybody lives/nobody dies AU & kano isn't a traitor. also imagine there's just like.... more time before the tournament. enough to become a found family. like i said, fluff & crack. warnings for swearing.
If Cole had it his way, Emily and Kano would have never met. He would be perfectly happy letting everyone else on the team meet her, but he's yet to hear a single sentence leave Kano's mouth that didn't include some colourful variation of 'fuck', 'shit', 'wanker', or 'cunt'. So unsurprisingly, he wasn't exactly eager to let his teenager daughter near the man who Sonya had literally called 'scum of the Earth', but alas.
"I'll be on my best behaviour, pinky-swear!" Kano's grin was all teeth as he'd held his pinky finger up to Cole's glowering face, wiggling it a little when Cole made no move to finish the pinky-swear.
"If you say - cunt -" and the word sounds so uncomfortable coming from Cole, he damn well looks uncomfortable just saying it, "within a hundred feet of her, I'll get Kung Lao to cut you in half." And he gesutres over to where Kung Lao and the rest of their ragtag bunch of misfits; the man in question had forgone his usual weapon for a more modern, soft-brimmed sunhat, but his jaunty wave to Kano at the sound of his name still managed to be menacing. The Australian shuddered in horror at the mere thought; at least he took the threat seriously.
"You don't have to be jealous, man," the threat seemed to only have dampened Kano's jovial attitude momentarily, as he's got a spring in his step as he follows Cole to the rest of the gathered champions, "Uncle Kano's gonna set a fuckin' - flippin' -" he corrects himself as Cole shoots him a warning look, "great example." Sonya barks a loud, derisive laugh as Cole sees fit to remind him that he's not Uncle Kano.
"Emily's a good kid," Liu Kang assures, kind and sincere.
"Yeah, she never even believes me when I tell her Kano's a dirty, little rat," Kung Lao smirks in the face of Kano's sudden outrage, and Cole is pretty sure that, despite it being Emily and Alison's idea, to give the team a day of levity and to bond, this might be the worst plan he's ever agreed to.
"This is a day of bonding, not of infighting," Raiden's voice joins them, followed by the God himself only moments later, which is enough to unite all the champions in confusion at his choice of wardrobe for the day. While still sporting a majority of his usual attire, somehow he'd managed to procure a t-shirt with a meme of all things on it, a personalised meme!
"I designed it myself, I think it turned out pretty okay; whaddya think?" Kano sounded far too proud of himself, looking at the cartoon drawing of what could only be Raiden himself pointing awkwardly at Thor as depicted in Marvel Comics, who was pointing back.
"We are both Gods of Thunder," Raiden explained, pointing to his own shirt; Sonya had gone wide-eyed, unsure of how to react, while Jaxx was doing his utmost not to burst out laughing.
"I... didn't know you knew what a meme was," Cole admits, though honestly, once the shock had worn off of, it was rather charming.
"I didn't know you knew what a meme was," Kano fired back, equally confused.
"I have a thirteen-year-old, of course I know what a meme is -" but then it seems to hit him just as it hits Sonya and Jax, and the three of them turn to the pair of confused, cave-dwelling, internet-free champions. None of them knew where to begin trying to explain the whole situation, but thankfully, Raiden chose that moment to open a lightning portal, and they all headed through quickly.
The night that Cole and his family had gone home after everything had gone down, the fighting, Sub-Zero, and the man he's pretty sure is the ghost of his ancestor, Emily had looked him dead in the eye and called him a super hero.
And then told him that his friends were really cool.
This was a sentiment that his new friends seemed to share about his family.
Cole quickly comes to realise that family isn't something a lot of the rest of the team have nowadays; they have each other, but for a lot of them, that's mostly it. He sits on an invite to dinner that he'd already ran past Alison several days ago, before inviting Liu Kang and Kung Lao over, if nothing else, to repay the hospitality they'd shown him so early on.
Alison's rule was that there was to be peace on their property; no training, no fighting, but the team was welcome as long as they didn't bring trouble to the door.
So then it was Sonya and Jaxx, who brought dessert when they came over.
Emily once asked what Thunder Gods ate. Did they eat? Cole wasn't sure. He extends an invite to Raiden anyways, but it's politely declined. The next time, however, he took up Cole's invite, mostly for the company, and to thank Alison and Emily for their patience; having Cole away so often wasn't easy, he'd be the first to acknowledge that. Alison appreciated the sentiment, as did Emily, though she was also just bursting with questions for the God, and he did his best to answer what he could.
Then finally - finally - after so long spent with the team, of most of them coming to find comfort and serenity in his home on the occasions that they need it, Kano is invited to Sunday lunch too.
"I know us champions and our super powers are pretty cool," Kano says to Emily, the moment they step through the lightning portal and emerge into the sunshine and the noise of the fair, "but I'm your favourite, right? Besides your old man, of course," and he rolls his eyes a little at that, as does Cole, for very different reasons, while Alison shoots Cole a questioning look. Thankfully she still does not trust Kano as far as she could throw him.
For her part, Emily answers incredibly diplomatically, sounding much older than her thirteen years, and quite a bit like her mother;
"Kano, you're a grown man, my approval shouldn't matter to you," she sounds sincere, which is completely undercut by Kung Lao sliding into step beside Kano.
"Which means you're not her favourite," he teases, and Kano practically growls back, embarrassed, while Emily calls out to Raiden that she likes his shirt. He practically beams.
"Not a lot of people will really get it, though," she points out, and Raiden muses on that for a moment.
"But I get it, and it's mine."
"Fair point," Emily nods at that, as their strange group steps up to buy tickets.
Emily spends more of the fair of people's shoulders than she does actually walking, which delights her endlessly. Mostly she's up on Jax's shoulders, and charges her cotton candy for the ride, ripping a small chunk from the one Cole had bought for her.
"It's weird seeing you all look so normal," she says to Sonya, the two of them in line for the Dodge 'Em Cars alongside Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Sonya grins, knows exactly what she means, gaze turning to the two members of the Shaolin Order of Light, not that anyone would know simply from looking at them now. Where Liu Kang had found a pair of trendy, ripped jeans was beyond Sonya's imagination.
"You look cool, though," Emily amended quickly, "I didn't realise you all would come to the fair, but I'm glad you did," she's smiling brightly as they get closer to the front of the line.
"Who did you expect to come along today?" Liu asks, eyes wide and curious. It wasn't that he was as competitive as Kung Lao or Kano, but he still found the child's interpretation of their group to be interesting. She knows, in some capacity, what they're capable off; she'd watched her father slice, dice, and kill Goro after all. The fact that she could think so highly of them speaks a lot to her capacity for kindness, or perhaps her childish naivety, but Liu preferred to think it was the former.
Emily, however, goes quiet, seems to be a little embarrassed. She mutters something, avoiding eye contact with any of them, and Liu goes to ask her to repeat herself, but she interrupts him while doing so;
"I wanted Dad to have a day off," she admitted, before adding, "and... and Lord Raiden; I don't think he's had a day off this millennium."
"It's good of you to look out for them," Sonya tells her fondly, "our team can be pretty single-minded, but we needed this day off, I think." And she gives Emily a pet on the shoulder, and lets her steer the tandem Car when they finally get a turn.
"It's me, right? I'm your favourite," Jax asks Emily over lunch, not because he genuinely believes it, but because it riles up Kano, and to a lesser extent, the competitive Liu Kang.
"Jax is one bad day away from pledging his allegiance to Skynet, he can't be your favourite -" Kano grumbles.
"Dad's my favourite," Emily reminds them sternly, and Cole has to hide his proud little smile, before she adds, "and mom's my favourite too, the rest of you, well of course you're all badass as hell -"
"Is it Liu? 'Cos he's pretty and you're, yanno, a teenage girl," Kano scowls at the warrior who'd been attempting to just quietly enjoy his basket of fries. Both Cole and Alison are wearing similarly murderous expressions, and Kano raised his hands in mock surrender, dropping his gaze.
"Actually," Emily said pointedly, despite the embarrassed flush on her cheeks, though she was mirroring her parents intensity, "my favourite is Raiden because he's literally a God that shoots lightning out of his hands, and you're now my least favourite because you're a rat bastard."
"I taught her that," Kung Lao was grinning from ear to ear, and when he and Emily look to each other, they share a definitive nod.
"How come he's allowed to teach her words like bastard?!" Kano demanded to know.
"Because you're a bastard," Sonya interjects.
Kano is thankfully quiet for the remainder of lunch, sulking at his end of the table as chatter returns to normal, returns to talk of how everyone else had been enjoying the day.
At the end of the day, Kano shoves a large, stuffed kangaroo at Emily that he'd won at the booth where you had to knock over bottles.
"Didn't even use me eye or anything; lost an hour of my life and fifty fuckin' dollars," he was grumbling, while Emily was examining the prize.
"You won this?" She seemed endeared by it, endeared by the thought that he'd put the time into winning it for her.
"'course I won it, can I stop being your least favourite now?" He asked, and Emily tucked the kangaroo beneath her arm, giving him an appraising look.
"You can't buy my loyalty -"
"Wouldn't want it if it could be bought, I know that shit from experience," Kano interjected, crossing his arms defensively, ignoring where Cole was glowering at him every time he swore.
"But you put time in, and effort, so you're back to third with everyone else."
"As long as none of those bastards is beating me, I'm okay with that."
As they headed to the exit, to where Raiden had created a lightning portal for them all to go home through, Emily reached out and punched Kano lightly in the shoulder.
"Thanks, Kano, it's pretty sweet that you care so much."
"Don't tell the others," he grumbled back.
"We've been with you all day," Jax calls out, "we already know."
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sinkix · 4 years
- What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Karasuno edition -
Obviously these aren’t meant to be taken too seriously lol. I’ll probably make this into a series at some point where I include the other teams idk this took me way too long to do JWIDJQENWKJQFN WE’LL SEE. ENJOY! <3
2D men are infinitely superior I said what I said.
A sucker for motivational speeches or quotes and they always get you hyped up.
Very ambitious and positive despite frequently getting lost in life
Not as innocent as you seem but still a cinnamon roll lololol
You probably eat fruit as a regular snack n ppl judge you for it
Highkey a dumbass but in a very endearing way so people can’t help but like you
Summer is probs ur fave season
Definitely own several plushies and definitely get defensive about it
The friend people go to when they need cheering up.
You either go to bed at 8pm or 3am no in between.
Your texting style consists of several messages as opposed to one paragraph/sentence with the use of MANY emojis.
You 100% fuck with pineapple on pizza. 
Got your head stuck in a cat flap that one time.
Have a hella low alcohol tolerance or don’t drink at all.
Hella clueless when it comes to people flirting with you, they have to hold a neon sign in front of you for you to get the message
“Oh you were flirting with me?” “I was every day for 5 months but thanks for finally noticing”
Definition of a tab hoarder, your pc/laptop frequently crashes because it can’t handle that many but you refuse to get rid of any.
Always get toothpaste stains on your shirt no matter how careful you are.
“Wait we had homework???”
You often get random bursts of energy outta nowhere or at 2am and have no clue how to handle it 
You can’t help but head bang and scream the lyrics to your fav songs.
Probably have a hella diverse music taste.
Likely an active/outdoorsy person who either does sports or wants to.
Vvv loyal, type of friend you can call in the middle of the night and you’ll be there.
Chaotic good or Chaotic neutral.
You’re either one of the most responsible people in the room or one of the most fuckin chaotic and irresponsible lmao no in between it just depends on your mood.
Frequently pull all nighter’s and doesn’t even feel guilty about it
Chug soda like it’s water.
An extrovert or one of those introverts that are bat-shit once you actually get to know them.
You have zero shame, can and will run across the street stark naked for a cheeseburger and a can of sprite.
Like fuck yeah who wouldn’t for a burger and some sprite y’know??
Despite being a whirlwind you are actually a hella chill person to have as company.
You own a skateboard or want to.
Own at least one pair of converses or vans.
Probably have a bucket list or tons of future plans for travelling/adventures stored in your head.
You really want a dog and would call it something like Dexter or Human Destroyer 9000.
Likely have had several hair colour phases.
A slut for doritos.
You ate glue once as a kid and it was kinda okay and that fact still haunts you.
Listen to rap more than any other genre and ur playlist is fire
Punched dry wall that one time
Probably have several piercings and plan on getting more
Prefer sports bras to regular ones.
Intimidates outsiders but your friends don’t take you seriously in the slightest lmaoaoaooa
Ppl find it hard to approach you but you’re actually super chill so you get sad 
Definition of that Kanye meme “before you talk to me” >:( “after you talk to me” :)
Probably don’t trust people easily
Type of person that once you’re challenged/dared to do something they WILL do it regardless of how stupid bc you hate being called a pussy.
Went through a phase where you only listened to Eminem.
Probably is/was the class clown or wished they were.
You have virtually no patience and a pretty short temper lmao.
You’re a go-getter and hate being told you can’t do something
Definitely snuck out the house several times as a teen.
Walks barefoot outside a lot bc fuck shoes lol
The pairs of shoes you do own are mostly worn down sneakers you refuse to swap out.
You’re that asshole that wears socks with holes in for the sport of it and it doesn’t phase you in the slightest. (dw I do too lmaooao)
Could probably bench press someone’s dad
Enjoy’s drinking coffee.
Such a picky eater bitch god damn.
Usually hella hydrated and judge people that don’t drink enough water.
Eats spoonfuls of chocolate nesquik powder when no one is looking I said what I said
You like stoic and Tsundere guys who have the outer emotional capacity of a brick wall.
You’re probably the same in that sense and don’t enjoy letting people know what you’re thinking/feeling
Poker face 90% of the time
Type of person to pretend not to find a joke funny but then crumble and start crying with laughter.
Probs an introvert
Once when someone asked you what you wanted for Christmas you responded “to be left the fuck alone” and it still applies to this day.
like fr you just wanna be left alone man but ppl keep bothering you.
You HATE it when people tell you to smile and quite literally take it as an insult.
Your bedtime is 9pm and you stick by it religiously 
Always smell really good like damn what you got on??
The most you do with your hair if it’s long enough is throw it in a pony tail and call it a day.
Either have really nicely manicured nails or you’v chewed them down to the nub no in between.
You hate to admit it but you doubt yourself a lot and it really frustrates you.
Probably wet the bed a lot as a kid and you’re still salty about it.
lololol bed-wetter Kags lover
Audibly snorted typing that I’m sorry.
Probably had a ._. face reading that since ur usually hella unamused.
Cute awkward dork though behind that facade it’s just most people don’t see it.
So critical of yourself like chill
An earth sign or an Aquarius idc.
Do not know how to reciprocate a hug but desperately need one
When people flirt with you you somehow manage to make them intimidated with your responses and scare them off.
You called your teacher “mum/dad” once and you get Vietnam flashbacks to this day.
You probably have a daddy kink and lowkey daddy issues with it
Very supportive friend who has a lotta patience
Hella determined and humble.
Mostly wear black because it’s just much easier than colour coordinating and plus you just prefer the simplicity, but you’re pretty vibrant as a person.
The one who stays sober at parties to drive the others home.
Probably haven’t been in many relationships but still do enjoy romance.
seems stern but is actually very friendly and enjoy company bc you don’t like spending too much time by yourself.
Honestly just wants to chill out, go to bed and read a book.
A coffee connessieur but mostly just drinks instant bc ur too lazy to make it properly and just drink it black.
Very reliable.
Often get stuck with most of the work during group projects lololol
People frequently ask you for the answers to the homework/assignment and it really depends on your mood and how charitable you’re feeling as to whether you’ll lend it to them
Low-key a sadist.
100% Old soul
Despite this you are a fuckin dork and have quite an immature but really funny sense of humour.
You have a thigh kink. 
Def grew up reading wattpad smut and most of ur sexual knowledge stems from that
probably prefer manga to animated versions
Absolute pro at winged eyeliner and looks v good in it.
Probably give lectures even without realising it.
Shamelessly watches the nature channel for hours on end and what of it.
Honestly just done with everyone’s shit lmao
Either are the mom friend or the one the mom friend has to look after.
You vibe with pastel colours
Your fav season is either spring or autumn.
oversized hoodies and knitted sweaters are your vibe.
Enjoy drinking herbal tea
Likes the smell of rain and will purposely step outside after a storm and S N O R T the smell of damp concrete. (srry if ur from some dry ass place like nevada lmao it rains alot in the UK soooOOOoO)
Quiet but have a really creative imagination and has one HELL of a loud voice when they’re pissed off
like,, I wouldn’t dare get on ur nerves ion want my ear drums bursting damn.
Hoards flavoured chapsticks and scented lip gloss
Either did or still have your Harry Potter house in your bio and it was probably Hufflepuff.
Gives people advice that they are fully aware also applies to themselves but doesn’t follow it LMAO.
Listens to K-pop and several Korean and Japanese genres.
Played a dating sim once and you enjoyed it but ur still ashamed and refuse to ever talk about it.
Smells like lavender or something hella floral
Probably reads a lot of Yaoi and no one else knows but you.
Would 100% own a chinchilla
Read Killing Stalking and it messed you up for weeks.
The one who was trying to flirt for months and the other person never got the hint
Probably a really pretty crier and vibe with the mascara running aesthetic.
You tear up easily lol.
Probably a water sign.
Low-key a bad bitch though 
Looks really good in red lipstick
That one person who’s v attractive but completely unaware and v insecure.
That one friend who seems so soft and innocent but can turn into a banshee when need be.
Crying is your therapy.
You overthink a LOT and it often stops you from achieving what you want.
Actually have a lot of willpower despite ur sensitivity.
Was def a pushover as a kid and still have a chip on your shoulder about it.
Hella artsy and day dreams a lot.
You attract broken souls and often get turned to when people’s problems need fixing yet you’re a total mess yourself
Listens to Girl in red while questioning your sexuality
which you do a lot.
You hate being put in a box or labelled.
Gave up on that hobby that one time and you really wanna get back into it.
Always have at least one hair tie on your wrist that’s basically an accessory at this point.
Own a phat ass fish tank with hella pretty fishes bro it’s such a vibe say hi to Nemo for me.
Too scared to ask for extra ketchup packets so you get your friend to ask instead.
Probably have anxiety.
The time you stuttered once when introducing yourself frequently gives you cringe attacks.
Major animal lover and prefers them to people.
Talked to a tree once and it was a pretty cool experience.
Wear a lot of pink or cute colours and radiate babi energy.
Likely wear skirts 
Wear those aesthetic planets necklaces and your tumblr is filled with space related art and themes.
Enjoy staring up at the clouds and figuring out what animal they are.
Has a lot of secrets that they probably tell to their cat.
dw ur cat isn’t a snitch they got you covered.
yeah they definitely didn’t just try to reveal ur deepest traumas to your cousin.
If you don’t have a cat you probably would want one and would call it Mittens or sumn.
You’re whipped for freckles and anyone that has them instantly becomes 1000x more attractive to you
Either like 5′2″ or 5′10″ no middle ground
Definitely own a turtle or rabbit and if you don’t then you should.
Forgets your assignments but the professor lets you off because you’re so nervous they can’t scold you.
Oversleeps at least 2 times a week
Will not get up before 1pm on a weekend
Wall flower at parties but people still approach you bc you are so friendly and kind.
Social anxiety intensifies.
Always get’s called on in class when you haven’t been paying attention and it really troubles you.
Has a minimum of 3 blankets on your bed that you cocoon yourself in.
Your attracted to snarky assholes.
Sarcasm and insults are your form of flirtation and you get immediately turned off if they can’t take it or get upset.
Probably shy away from your feelings
Random flashbacks to embarrassing events frequently keep you up at night
Judge peoples fashion choices as they walk past you but actually have a really good eye for what works and what doesn’t.
You look like you have your shit together and you kinda do for the most part.
The quiet kid in class that’s listening to some loud ass screamo or rock n roll’ but ppl have no idea.
Definition of the glinting anime glasses pushed up your nose bridge cliche.
When you make a mistake you question all your knowledge and abilities but no one else knows that about you
Refuses to cry since you view your emotions as a personal weakness
If someone hugged you you’d get VERY uncomfortable.
Physical contact is not your forte
Probably a 5′0″ demon.
Would peg a man to assert dominance but you’re actually a lil bitch.
Knows the answer to the question they can’t solve.
Doesn’t study as much as they should but somehow still gets good grades.
Really likes french fries and the taste of strawberries.
Just wants to be left alone
The one friend that gets talked over and it really pisses you off but you’re too nice to say anything.
Seems really passive but can actually be hella confrontational when they wanna be
No tolerance for peoples bullshit 
Really stable and just an overall reliable person.
People often forget you’re in the room lmao but it’s okay you’d rather listen anyway.
Actually has a really interesting mind and a lot to say but mostly keep it to yourself unless they’re your friend
Answered for someone else in attendance a few years ago and it still bothers you.
People often come to you to vent and you’re chill with it
Don’t stand out much but honestly it doesn’t bother you
Can and will get through an entire book/series in a matter of 3 days.
Quite a minimalist and organised for the most part
You look like you have your shit together and you def do.
Have a controversial taste in pizza.
You have more acquaintances than friends but the ones you do are a v tight knit circle.
Will re take a quiz several times till you get the character you wanted
Radiate Virgo and Libra energy.
Type of person to say “step on me” as a way of complimenting and you mean it literally.
Both a sadist and masochist
When someone tells you their not interested it just makes you want them 100x more and it frustrates you why are you like this.
Doesn’t compliment often but when you do it’s really heartfelt.
Looks like your silently judging people but in reality you really couldn’t care.
Just kidding you low-key judge them anyway.
Very picky when it comes to partners.
Independent but has random hella clingy moments.
Despite being quiet, you are capable of roasting a bitch alive if they test your patience.
Like I would NOT wanna get on your bad side
You could deadass send them to therapy, their emotions fenna need some aloe vera for that burn.
Just really calm and relaxed tbh so people enjoy being in your company even though you don’t talk much.
When you do though it’s usually something really interesting or funny.
You just don’t see the point in talking if what your saying doesn’t hold any value??
You hate small talk and would rather slingshot yourself off a skyscraper than partake in it.
Your face is easy to read and you make no effort to hide it.
If your in a bad mood they WILL know.
Look like your plotting someones demise or questioning life’s theories but in reality you’re really just thinking bout what you want for dinner.
Honestly just a sweetheart tbh.
Low-key have a staring problem.
Has really neat and cursive handwriting like who tf taught you that.
Frequently says something then panics that it could be misinterpreted 
You overthink literally everything you have ever said and the actions you haven’t even committed yet
Really likes the taste of sherbet 
Could cut a bitch if they needed to
You spend most of your money at Urban Outfitters and don’t regret it.
have an assortment of colouring pencils that ppl always try and borrow and never give them back.
You highlight the shit outta your papers and never read them again.
Really like the smell of peaches
Probably have a v interesting earring collection.
Hoard water bottles in your room and you feel majorly guilty about it.
The taste of honey disgusts you but you eat it anyway for some reason.
Somehow managed to burn rice and solidify soup.
You shouldn’t be trusted in the kitchen but you try your best regardless.
I feel like that applies to most things in your life
Like yeah you fucked it up but like you’re trying your best lol cmon
V tolerant of people but have zero time for fuckboys and shut them down instantly.
You frequently get the shakes from caffeine or anxiety
Or both.
You give really encouraging hugs.
Have no clue what you wanna do in life but it’s ok bby it’ll work out.
You’re a very underappreciated and underrated person and I love u
Probably an English/languages major
Really kind and outgoing but high-key mysterious
Actually has a phat fucking temper like damn where did that come from.
Won’t take no for an answer when you want to achieve something.
That one person people don’t realise is there listening to your conversations but you definitely are and now know Becky’s deepest darkest secret.
Fuck you, becky.
Wore contacts once and forgot to take them out for 3 days.
You wondered why your eyes were so itchy.
Your music taste does not match your appearance.
Probably watch a lot of crime shows and imagine you’re an investigator
Aced physics and chemistry.
More than likely an introvert with extrovert tendencies when you feel like it.
Actually quite temperamental but it’s okay since you’re a v genuine person.
Often debate getting a sugar daddy bc that income looking real tempting rn.
Honest to a fault at times but it’s something people come to appreciate about you.
Just really wanna sleep for 15 hours and sit in front of your laptop with some hot coco.
You like older men
The smell of tobacco and coffee low-key comforts you for some reason.
Peed in a bottle that one time while on a road trip and forgot to throw it out until you found it a week later.
You’re a slut for dyed hair and dudes with piercings.
You once got drunk and passed out on a spinning round-a-bout in a park and your friend still has pictures that you refuse to acknowledge.
Bi-curious and just radiate big Bi energy
Would experiment but you’re too hesitant.
Hates the taste of beer but drinks it anyway.
Just wants to be loved man I stg is that too much to ask.
Often wonder if your friends actually like you then realise you don’t really care anyway lmao.
You still love them though.
Tired of working over time and just wanna catch a break.
Amazon Prime is your best friend.
Random ass parcels comin thru’ each day and it feels like Christmas.
A very lonely and one-man party Christmas.
Stop spending your fucking paycheck.
Have a pretty dark/cynical but really funny sense of humour and you often make people laugh.
Have a big ass temper and people KNOW it.
Often fantasised about dropping out and becoming a stripper bc your patience was being TESTED.
Really likes money but who doesn’t tbh.
You radiate Chaotic Evil but keep it under wraps.
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morganaseren · 3 years
WIP Meme (Warden Inquisitor Niamh/Warden Bethany)
Tagged by: @illusivesoul Many thanks!
Tagging: @this-is-something-idk-what, @noeldressari, @jellydishes, @w-h-4-t  As usual, I suck at telling who has or hasn’t been tagged yet.
So this WIP is from prompt #3 I made off this list. It doesn’t tie into the other Warden Niamh/Warden Bethany AU I’ve already written; this is something wholly separate. No knowledge of it is needed to read this.
Granted, this is a much rougher draft than what I’d normally post here, but given I’m already more than a month behind on updating OtSttCA, I thought you guys would appreciate the treat. :)
Things you might want to know:
As with any AU where Niamh is a Warden, she’s the one who undertakes the Dark Ritual with Morrigan in order to spare anyone from being sacrificed once the Archdemon is slain. Through magic, Kieran is born as a result of their union. While both women carry a great deal of respect for one another, they aren’t and were never in a romantic relationship although there’s gonna be a whole separate AU for that once I get around to writing it.
Niamh is the Warden-Constable for Ferelden while her sister Saoirse is the Warden-Commander and Hero of Ferelden. Saoirse and Leliana are married sometime after the end of the Blight.
As a result of going on the Deep Roads expedition with her sister, Bethany contracts the taint and has to undergo the Joining in order to save her life. She is transferred to the Fereldan branch of the Grey Wardens by Stroud not long afterward.
Niamh and Bethany are in an established relationship by the time the events of Inquisition begins.
While Niamh would normally be off searching for the cure by then, I'm just going to headcanon that she and Morrigan weren’t able to find a suitable lead in their research until much later—enough that they start hearing about the mass disappearances of Wardens across Ferelden and Orlais.
Out of concern, Niamh and Saoirse convince the remainder of their comrades (except for Bethany obviously) to head toward Weisshaupt for help, but Niamh senses that's enough wrong about the situation that she also tells them to journey there in secret. Vigil’s Keep is pretty much closed down at this point until they can figure out what’s going on.
Niamh and Bethany head out toward the Hinterlands to follow up on reports of some Warden sightings in the area. It's when they're stopped in the Crossroads area (where you meet Mother Giselle) that Niamh has Bethany to ask the villagers for any leads while she heads up to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to follow up on a tip there. The usual stuff happens, and she ends up waking up in Haven's dungeons, where she gets interrogated by Cassandra.
Honestly, this follows pretty closely to how OtSttCA unfolds as far as the major decisions being made within it goes. However, because she wasn’t in self-exile for a decade, Niamh’s a lot more laidback and confident in her ability to lead, especially with Bethany by her side.
Along that same vein, Bethany is also more self-assured in her abilities as a mage now that she no longer has to fear hiding from Templars. As such, she’s much quicker to speak about what’s on her mind rather than bottle them up as she used to in the past. She confronts Cassandra like an absolute badass several times during the beginning of the story in defense of her lover, which you can check out below the cut with the rest of the content. ;)
Like in her canon world state, Niamh isn't treated well when she’s imprisoned. The guards merely know that she's a mage, so they're operating under the assumption that she caused the explosion at the Conclave. It doesn't help that Niamh's been essentially undercover to search for the missing Wardens, so she's not wearing her usual uniform to signify her status. Cassandra does her whole intimidating interrogation as per usual when Bethany—in all her Warden regalia—bursts in with Leliana.
"She leaves with me," she leveled at the Seeker coldly before turning to Leliana with a deep frown. “Why did you not put a stop to this?”
“I arrived here at the same time as you. I didn’t know she was here until she was already imprisoned.”
Niamh couldn't help but chuckle under her breath, utter relief filling her. “I think you may invited utter ruination upon your heads with those two."
Cassandra frowned. "What? Why?"
“What do you mean why?” she parroted with a roll of her eyes, unimpressed with what she had seen of the woman and her colleagues thus far. "Leliana’s my sister-in-law, and the Warden next to her is my fiancée, whom—might I add—you've actually succeeded in making angry.” The corners of her lips turned up into a languid smile. “Not an easy feat, and not a fate I would normally wish upon anyone.”
“Hush,” Bethany muttered as she brushed past Cassandra—all but shoving her aside with a pointed shoulder—as she knelt at Niamh’s side to begin healing the wounds she’d received from her captors. All the soldiers began backing away uneasily, especially as Leliana walked alongside her. “I’m already upset that you sent me down to the Crossroads while you went up to the Conclave alone.”
“It was the easiest way of scoping out the area," Niamh defended even as she sheepishly shrank back beneath her lover’s glare. "If the individuals we were searching for were still down in the village, you would have seen them, and if they were up at the Temple…Well, I suppose that’s a moot point now, given what our new acquaintances have just revealed to me.”
“Do you remember seeing anything at all?” Leliana asked then in concern.
“I can’t recall much of anything before the explosion.” Niamh admitted with a frown. “I thought I remembered someone screaming, but then there’s just... nothing.”
“And...” Leliana gestured toward her hand. “That mark?”
She shrugged as much as she was able to, especially given her heavy shackles. “It certainly wasn’t there when I went to the Temple.”
“What is going on here?” Cassandra demanded then, perhaps confused as to why their supposed prisoner had proven so much more forthcoming with Leliana than anyone else thus far. 
“You’ve met my wife before, yes? This is her younger sister Niamh Cousland. She is also the Constable of the Grey here in Ferelden, Cassandra,” Leliana stated gravely. “While the Wardens may not regularly involve themselves in politics, Niamh’s high enough up their chain of command that this country’s branch would fight to the death to get her back, and that’s not even involving what Saoirse herself will do once she finds out her sister's been hurt.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose wearily. “Not to mention the Teyrn of Highever…”
After the demons upon the frozen lake had been defeated, Niamh felt the brush of a warm hand in the crook of her elbow gently pulling her back before all she could see was Bethany’s back as her lover marched right up toward Cassandra, heedless of the obvious height difference between them.
"Point your sword at her again, Seeker! Kindly test my patience right now, and see what happens!"
Niamh was mildly amused when Cassandra actually appeared to be a bit startled and had to move back a step so as to not accidentally stab the woman. The Seeker’s dark brows furrowed in confusion. "Are... Are you threatening me?"
"Only because you’ve threatened her repeatedly!” Bethany scowled. “Niamh's very life is in danger so long as that portal in the sky exists; she has no reason to put yours in harm's way. She’s made it more than abundantly clear she’s willing to cooperate even after the mistreatment she received from you and your colleagues." Amber eyes narrowed, and despite their bright depths, there was little mistaking the ice within them. "I haven’t, however, and I’ve no reason to if you’re going to blatantly ignore your own words to the contrary simply because she’s a mage."
Cassandra sheepishly sheathed her weapon. "I’m—"
"If you ever think of drawing a sword on her again, your friendship with Leliana or no, I swear it will be the last time you ever draw breath," Bethany spat, tilting her chin up defiantly. "I’ve lost enough. I will not lose her too." She turned then to hold out her hand for Niamh, allowing the first bit of tenderness to enter her expression as she called out to her. "My love..."
Niamh chuckled quietly even as she weaved her fingers through Bethany’s. “Still so quick to defend me?”
Her lover smiled. “Always.”
Afterward, Cassandra was left to follow behind the two women, who proceeded to lead the rest of the way up the mountain.
"I did tell you not to make her angry," Niamh quipped to Cassandra later upon reaching the first outpost, grinning when she earned a soft sound of disgruntlement.
Nothing had really prepared Bethany for the sight that greeted them upon reaching the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
There were so many bodies scattered across the immense crater, expressions twisted in permanent states of terror as they tried to guard themselves against a danger beyond all earthly imagining. Horrified with such evidence of the Breach’s power, it was then that she realized that if Niamh hadn’t somehow received the Mark, she likely would have—
She jerked in place, turning to see her lover’s concerned eyes watching her.
"It's nothing,” she mustered up with a weak smile. “I'm right behind you." 
Bethany saw, however, that Niamh couldn’t be convinced, as was evident in the tender way the other woman had taken hold of her hand. Niamh said nothing else, as was always her way. She never pressed her to offer anything more than she was ready for. She sighed.
"I should have been there with you," Bethany murmured at last, looking at the strange mark still glowing upon her lover’s palm. It was nothing that even with all her healing magic can hope to fix, but Niamh merely shook her head.
"No.” She brought Bethany’s hand up to her lips to press a kiss reverently across her knuckles. “Were you there with me, I fear you would have died with everyone else," she admitted solemnly. "My heart would not have survived such devastation."
Bethany was beside herself with worry when Niamh fell unconscious upon the first, unsuccessful attempt to seal the Breach. Niamh was brought back to Haven to recover, but Bethany refused to leave her side despite Leliana's attempts to get her to take care of herself as well.
"You know as well as I do that your colleagues would have killed her down in the dungeons if we hadn’t arrived when we did," Bethany said flatly from where she sat by Niamh’s bedside. "Everyone in the village knows she’s a mage now, and I don’t need to remind you of how well-liked we are on a regular basis..."
"I’ll have my agents watching her. What nearly happened outside the chantry will never happen again."
Bethany bristled instantly at the memory.
She’d still been inside the building to relay some information regarding Saoirse to Leliana when they heard the first outraged cries beyond the doors. As the uproar grew louder in volume—all demanding the death of the one who had supposedly killed the Divine—Bethany had rushed outside immediately just in time to see civilians and more than a few soldiers attempting to stone Niamh.
Infuriated by the blatant injustice, Bethany reached over her shoulder for her staff and immediately slammed its point into the ground. At the moment of impact, a wave of force magic traveled violently across the ground, taking the mob entirely off their feet. She had been mindful to curve the energy away from Niamh—and inadvertently Cassandra, who had sidled up to aid the other mage, just as she unleashed her magic—so her lover had remained unharmed and even grateful for her arrival if her relieved smile was any indication.
Still, Bethany steeled her features to utter impassivity as she coolly strode through the crowd. Those within it seemed to be in various states of bewilderment as they tried to regain their bearings, but she took note of the many widened eyes that recognized the blues and silvers of her Warden regalia.
“You will show Ferelden’s Constable of the Grey the proper respect she is due,” Bethany said lowly as she placed herself alongside her lover, her gaze searching for any signs of rebellion to her words. “Anyone who would dare accost her in spite of her title will sorely live to regret it...”
"Can you really make such promises?" Bethany asked dryly.
"I can certainly try. Niamh’s family. Saoirse would never forgive me if something happened to her, especially if she knew there was anything I could have done to prevent it." She sighed. "Nor would I be able to forgive myself for that matter. Niamh’s a kind woman, and much like you—and any mage—she’s so undeserving of the treatment she often receives from others.”
Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE mages; thus, it should come as no surprise that I always go to get the mages at Redcliffe as allies.
It should also go without saying that Bethany also would have gone with Niamh to deal with Alexius and the Venatori. Per the events of In Hushed Whispers, it's canon that the companions who went with you there become prisoners in the twisted, future version of Redcliffe.
While Warden mages are more susceptible to Corypheus' influence, I headcanon that Bethany was so furious with the loss of Niamh to Alexius that she fought against the mind control even to the point of torture like Leliana. When Niamh sees her in the future, Bethany's so pained, broken, and exhausted but so very thankful to see her lover again.
There's hope again—no matter how small—and Bethany's determined to help her set the world right again.
What little happiness they have at their reunion obviously doesn't last long, especially with Alexius’ death. With the Elder One beckoning at their door, Bethany goes off with the other companions to stall the demons and Venatori outside to give Dorian time to cast his spell.
I’ve always headcanoned that mages have auras unique to the type of magic they specialize in and that they’d be able to subtly influence the world around them based on their emotions. You see evidence of that a lot in OtSttCA, especially in those moments where Niamh’s angry or upset.
In any case, per my headcanon, mages would be able to sense one another although the distance at which they could detect such magic would be dependent on the senser’s overall power or their relationship with the other mage. As close as both women are, Niamh absolutely feels the moment Bethany dies... :(
She felt the absence of Bethany’s magic like a dagger to the heart.
It had been there, burning as bright as the sun, and then it had stuttered—dark clouds eclipsing its light—until it simply settled inside her like a dead weight. Left bereft of that familiar, constant presence that had been her very reason for breathing for so long, it was as if water had pooled into her lungs, threatening to drown her. The sensation immediately brought her to her knees, leaving her gasping for breath.
"No..." Niamh whispered out brokenly, anguish and horror overtaking her even as Leliana tried in vain to urge her back up to her feet again. She couldn't hear the other woman's concern past the shattering of her own heart. In its place was simply an aching emptiness that slowly began to consume her whole...
Let’s just say that Niamh’s not happy with Alexius when she and Dorian manage to return to the present...
The fighting between the Inquisition and rebel mages against Alexius and his Venatori was brought to an abrupt halt by the presence of the Fade rift that appeared overhead. The force with which it easily tore space and reality asunder was enough to take everyone within the audience chamber off their feet, especially as stifling heat and wind spilled from the portal along with two figures.
“Give her back..."
Bethany blearily looked up when she heard Niamh’s familiar voice, and relief filled her when she saw that she was standing beneath the now sealed rift. Even with its disappearance, however, she realized all too soon that it had done nothing to quell the storm that had now taken residence within the room, sending banners and tapestries flying with whipping gusts of wind. At its center was her lover, who was standing so still amidst the chaos around her, regarding Alexius with such apathy in her expression.
“What?" the old magister uttered in confusion, shakily rising to his feet only to have his progress nearly undone as lightning struck the ground next to him with a deafening peal of thunder.
Bethany saw how his throat undulated as he swallowed in nervous regard of the mage slowly making her way toward him. His fingers trembled with the effort to form flames between them.
"...Who gave you the right?” Niamh asked, voice as low as the rumbling thunder, as she strode toward the dais.
The pressure within the room escalated once more as an aura of absolute fire surrounded her. Like vines, they rose from the floor up in spiraling patterns before enveloping her entirely with almost playful licks of flame. Nothing in Niamh’s expression indicated the display of power was in any way exhausting to maintain whereas Alexius was already weakened from his initial spell to destroy her along with his efforts to keep the Inquisition at bay.
But it was not a woman who sought to meet him.
It was death.
As if aware of the sudden danger he was in, Alexius threw forth several barrages of fire at Niamh, but her smooth, relentless advance couldn’t be stopped. She made no attempt to even bat away the bursts of magic. If anything, the flames just seemed to absorb themselves into her. Her aura flared higher, burning more brightly beneath each attack, and as Alexius tried to back away, he inadvertently tripped himself into the throne behind him. He flinched as another peal of thunder made itself known, and as he reflexively turned his gaze to the dark storm clouds coalescing above them, he didn't see Niamh Fade-stepping forward to close the distance between them until he was choking from the fingers around his neck. With her enhanced Warden strength, Niamh was able to lift the magister off his feet entirely, leaving him to dangle helplessly.
“Who gave you the damned right to take her from me?!” she demanded.
With her cry, the fires along the sconces and the hearth behind the throne went out entirely, gone with the sudden gale of wind. As such, the only light to be seen came from the flashes of lightning above them and the fiery aura surrounding her. In the sporadic moments the room illuminated itself, there was little mistaking the utter hatred in Niamh’s eyes.
She was going to kill Alexius.
It would have been well within her right, given the magister had attacked her first within their meeting, but Bethany’s eyes widened when she saw how the staff on Niamh’s back began to rattle violently. Against the sheer heat emanating from her body, the silverite wolf head adorning the top of the staff began to melt entirely onto the floor in thick dregs of liquid while the shaft bowed and arched until it creakily bent in the middle, angling itself with the sharpness of an arrow.
Oh, no... With dread, Bethany scrambled to her feet and darted over toward Niamh. Without her staff to act as a catalyst, if Niamh burnt too much of her magic away, she could cause irreparable damage to herself and those around her.
Upon reaching her lover’s side, she placed her hands on Niamh’s face, desperately trying to draw her attention from Alexius. For a moment, nothing could sway her from trying to squeeze the life out of the magister, and she winced when she felt Niamh’s magic already begin to fluctuate erratically against her own.
"No, no, no! Look at me!” She jerked her lover’s head toward her. “Look at me, Niamh! Please!"
And as Niamh did, she watched in confusion as the woman’s expression froze. The lips that had been pulled back in a sneer of bared teeth slowly went lax, forming an ‘o’ of awe and disbelief, as recognition began to dawn in her lover’s gaze. With it, Alexius gradually slid from her grasp to collapse at her feet with desperate gulps of air, but Bethany paid him little mind. With relief, she saw Niamh’s fiery aura dissipate along with the glow of her eyes until they returned to the pale grey she adored.
"That’s it. Come back to me,” she encouraged. “Just breathe." Bethany took one of her lover’s hands in hers, placing it over her own chest, allowing Niamh to feel her breathing. “Slow and steady. Just like that.”
As each breath fell into sync with her own, Niamh's expression gradually softened into something so reverent and sweet that it almost hurt to see—as if salvation had finally blessed her—but Bethany smiled when she saw the battle rage finally leave her.
“There we are."
Niamh used her other hand to gently cradle the side of Bethany's face. “You’re still here…” she breathed, utter relief in her voice.
“Yes.” Bethany frowned in concern at her reaction. “Always."
When they returned to Haven, where Niamh gave her official report to her War Council, Bethany was horrified to learn all that her lover had endured from Alexius’ spell.
Afterward, Niamh suggested they spend the evening in their cabin together rather than explore the trails out the village as per usual, and Bethany didn’t object. She understood her lover’s need to reassure herself that she was still there with her—that she wasn’t simply caught in a dream that she could never wake from.
“Is... Is this okay?” Niamh asked quietly, wanting permission to seek such comfort.
Niamh was always thoughtful in everything she did for her—in bed or otherwise—and while she never treated her like glass, Bethany could count on one hand the number of times she saw her magic unfettered like in Redcliffe. She had felt subtle traces of it occasionally with their intimacy although it was usually with purposeful design—heat, ice, and tickling traces of lightning—that were meant to tease.
But rarely was it ever so close to the surface like this—a conduit of power coiled so tightly within mortal form—waiting to burst beneath Niamh’s skin.
“It’s okay,” Bethany said, gently lacing the fingers of Niamh’s marked hand in hers.
The other woman had been reluctant to let her touch it although it hadn’t shown any notable effects toward anyone—or anything thus far—save for its ability to close rifts. Still, Niamh had been skittish all the same, fearing that it might harm her.
...Or perhaps she believed it was a damning mark of shame—of guilt—much like it had been when the people of Haven had attempted to stone her to death.
“There’s no denying that this mark is tied to the Breach. You saw the wreckage at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. You saw how many people died, and I still can’t even remember what happened before or after that moment beyond waking up in the dungeons. What if I did do something to cause that explosion?”
“If you had, it would not have been intentional,” Bethany insisted with a frown. “The mark is unlike anything we’ve ever seen, yes, but that you bear it all does not mean you were the one who created it.”
But Niamh couldn’t be swayed as she paced back and forth before the hearth of their cabin. “How can you be so certain?” she murmured.
“Because I’ve known you for years, Niamh. You would never purposely hurt anyone without provocation. Trust in me if you can’t yet trust in yourself.”
With permission given, Bethany found herself gently laid out against their bed as Niamh sought to touch and bring her pleasure all throughout the night.
Over the years, she’d become remarkably acclimated to Niamh’s magic that felt so much like a forest caught beneath a winter storm of ice and lightning. It was normally as calm as it was now—crisp as the first intake of breath beneath a cool dawn—but there were times where it could be provoked. The incident in the audience chamber was proof enough of that, where it had settled over them all like the tolling bells of judgment—an inevitability inviting the nascent danger of death.
Bethany had been beyond concerned when she had seen the first bits of viridian energy springing across her lover’s eyes then. There had been an almost disturbing beauty to them—a ring of vines gathering just at the outside perimeter of silvery irises—but that they had pulsed in time with the mark upon Niamh’s hand...
Bethany had feared for her, especially when it seemed to flare all the brighter with the fury that had overtaken her.
She was glad to see no evidence of that now as Niamh laid contentedly next to her. Even though Niamh was sated at last—the burning, restless energy within the other mage having finally simmered down to faint embers—she seemed reluctant to drift off into sleep. Winter-grey eyes continued to lazily rove across her face and form, as if cataloguing every detail less she forget later.
In response, Bethany reached out to tangle her fingers through the dark mane of tousled hair, letting her nails gently rake across her lover’s scalp. Pale eyes had widened imperceptibly at the sensation, but like always, they soon became half-lidded with the soothing nature of it. She heard the quiet hum of disgruntlement, as if protesting the notion of Bethany’s attempts to lull her to sleep against her silent vigil, but she merely shushed her.
“Shh… Rest, my love. I’ll still be here in the morning when you wake.”
And that’s basically it.
Again, since this is still in its rough draft phase, it’s not as polished as I’d like it to be, but I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, leave me a like, comment, or send some love to my inbox! Until next time, dear readers!
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elle-imagines · 4 years
What are your headcanons of being in a relationship with Kisuke Urahara SFW/NSFW?
Sure thing! He’s such a hard character for me to write for, so I hope there is some semblance of good characterization. Enjoy :)
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Definitely a man content with you and the relationship you both share. He is very laid-back and willing to give you time and space when you need it. No questions about who you hang out with or where you were a few nights ago. He’s Kisuke. He could sniff out motives and lies very easily, and that’s something he wouldn’t even feel the need to do with you. Kisuke has a quiet confidence about him. It does well at ensuring you will be safe and okay when you’re around him. It takes a lot to get him upset, therefore communication flows easily between you two. 
He’s not one to take the lead most times and will follow along with what you’d like to do regarding most things. He does not require a lot to be happy with you, only your company and maybe a few indulgences here and there.
I’m sure his hands are used to giving certain kitties scratches behind the ears, so expect plenty of pats, ruffles, and languid strokes. It could be a pat on your head after you do something “cute” or a leisurely caress against your thigh as you both relax in the evening. He may seem like he isn’t touchy, but he makes sure you feel his presence through his hands throughout the day.
Yes, he has a habit of his hands stray too far.
Speaking of habits, he has a bad habit of ignoring conflict between you two. He will focus on his work, making sure the shop is running properly, or giving you too much space. People skills are not an expertise he likes to indulge in, so he may respond to conflict by trying to fix the problem instead of giving the support and attention you need.
Kisuke knows more about you than he lets on. He’s a great listener and can pick up on your thoughts without much effort. What is unsaid is heard by him. What you wish to share is something he may have already guessed. Kisuke, although seemingly distraced at times, can anticipate your needs and help you before you may even notice. Forgot to charge your phone? It’s plugged in. Have something on your mind? He will sit beside you silently, ready to listen. Bored? He has a few ideas for you… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
With you, he feels less lost and different from those around him. He appreciates and even seeks out your eccentricities or strange habits and collections. No part of him is attracted to what is normative. He finds most things boring, but every aspect of you grips his attention like nothing else. He’s the type of S/O that won’t react negatively when you share your innermost secrets. 
“Oh really?” 
“Ah, you can’t just tell me and not show me.” 
“Tell me more; don’t just stop there.”
“You’re very interesting - not being sarcastic, I promise!”
Intellectual discussion is very necessary! He becomes passionate when showing you his latest and greatest inventions, and enjoys sharing ideas with you. A small part of him really warms to your fascination and praise of him. What is most important to Kisuke is keeping an open mind for everything. You are most likely aware that his shop is a disguise for plenty of Shinigami operations, and I’m postitive he wouldn’t think of dating you in the first place if you were judgemental or did not support what he does. Kisuke is happy, even eager, to hear your thoughts on anything from your favorite pets to human (or Shinigami) nature. Late night discussions over sake is a relaxant for him.
When you both began dating, Kisuke snoops around for information about you. He just can’t get enough of you, even if it crosses ethical lines (sigh). Kisuke is absolutely the type to do a deep investigation of you via the help of his “undercover agents” Jinta and Ururu. You catch on very quickly.
He’s very, very adept at hiding his shy nature around you. Sometimes, you make him feel shy no matter how many years have passed. Relationships require a level of vulnerability he is not used to showing, so patience and understanding is needed on your part when he closes off behind humor or feigned confusion.
When you both communicate by cell phone, he normally leaves you on read or leaves emojis when you ask a question. He’s horrible at keeping it on him, so something Jinta or Ururu would text you that they just found the phone somewhere ridiculous such as in a tree or empty bottle of sake (like, how?). Kisuke prefers to communicate in meme format. 
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Despite being a master strategist, master swordsman, master candy seller, he still talks down to himself. Kisuke is great at being humble, but he can downplay his success a lot perhaps due to lingering feelings surrounding his exile. Although he laughs it off, catch him on it and let him know he’s more than adequate just as he is, and his accomplishments are to his name.
“Oh, little ol’ me? Don’t be silly.”
“You flatter me too much, sweetheart.”
Remember I said open-minded? This applies here, too. You could list some of the most uncommon kinks you like and he’d just stare back at you with a look that communicates, “then let’s get started”. He has a preference for hair-pulling, dirt talking, perhaps some vouyerism and orgasm control as well.
In bed, he can switch between taking the lead and relaxing to let you take over. Sex is very fun and relaxed for him, so he won’t be frazzled if you want to get on top or you don’t like something in particular. Expect to laugh, for strange sounds to not be awkward, and for it not to be rushed and crazed. He prefers an unhurried, slow torture that leaves both of you shaking.
He prefers deep and slow than fast and hard. He learns what zones and spots get you to keel or become short of breath. Kisuke will take the time to slowly study your body, its triggers, its breaking points. Performing oral is slow and frustrating, just as he likes it. There are moments when he’d just stare at you there, using his index finger to softly carress you in a way that gets you to clench or twitch. He will definitely be the first partner to make you aware that you have a sensitive area behind your knees or right at the small of your back. 
“This seems to get you going.”
“Suddenly shy, now? Let me look, just for a bit…”
“I see now. I may have learned something new.”
For Kisuke, his scalp is very sensitive. A sharp tug is a silent action to get him to thrust faster, and a rake of your nails down his scalp tells him to go slower. You can be a bit rough with him, since he likes sharp sensations soothed by soft ones. When using your hands on him, feel free to oscilatte between a tight grip around him and a quick clench around his balls, then softening the sliver of pain with your mouth at the frenulum. Mad skills.
With taking his time with you, comes the orgasm control. He watches your expressions carefully and will slow down what he is doing or stop altogether when he notices you are about to orgasm. A little bit of control in the bedroom is just enough for him, and he knows how to exercise it perfectly. His voice is soothing but you can tell by how firmly he clenches your thighs he isn’t messing around.
“I don’t remember saying you could come yet.”
“Try to be a little patient now, love.”
“We may have to stop playing if you can’t delay some gratification.”
A few stints in the storage room is not uncommon. A measly excuse of needing help finding something directed at you instead of his actual employees is an obvious clue. Not even taking all of each other’s clothes off, he gets aroused twice as fast at the idea of life going on beyond the storage room while you both engage in something indecent. He enjoys more subtle forms of vouyerism such as performing oral while on phone calls, or using his hands on you from underneath a table while maintaining composure. Like I said, Kisuke enjoys fun, and he also enjoys having something at stake. He doesn’t care about the smell of sweat and sex on him as he emerges from an escapade, either,
“Don’t worry, just a fever. You’ll get better soon, won’t you dear?”
“Thanks for calling. They’ll be coming soon, don’t worry.”
“Ah, I just needed help finding something. It happened to be in my pocket all along…”
“Don’t make too much noise, now.”
“Hush, a little longer and I’ll reward you later.” 
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thegeminisage · 3 years
5, 6, 11 for the fic ask meme!! (would ask literally all of them though, your writing process fascinates and inspires me and I cannot get enough of your behind-the-scenes stuff for broken road <3)
WAAAAH that’s very nice of you wtf thank you 🥺
5. What’s your favorite headcanon you use in fics?
oh it’s DEFINITELY the "castiel is asexual” one, bar none. firstly i think gender and sexuality for angels is like on an entirely different system than it is for humans and i think it’s very funny for cas to be like the most horny angel and the least horny human because i like the emphasis on his difference from both angels and humanity. he’s a guy who’s got a foot in both worlds, and trying to make him conform to humanity’s standard is just as awful as trying to make him conform to angelic standards. i think also his desire for dean is so all-encompassing the fact that like, “YEAH i’d bang him” is like, an afterthought. he’d bang him because he’s dean not because he cares about banging. like he’d watch cowboy movies with dean or eat burgers with dean or go fishing with dean or solve dumb monster cases with dean etc etc not because he cares about the activity in and of itself but because he’s DOING THE ACTIVITY WITH DEAN. idk. 
my second fav headcanon which i’m sure we’ve all guessed is going behind the cut bc it’s nsfw
and now that we are behind the cut i need to also warn that this discusses sexual assault, so pls skip this/stop reading if u need to
anyway, my other fav headcanon is theee jackles-approved headcanon of dean tricking to rustle up food money. i talked a little bit about it here but i think in dean’s life he has this repeated pattern of having to give things up and to sell himself to make sure sam is safe (he literally sells his soul, he sells himself to michael, etc) and that fits in the pattern perfectly. i think the fact that most of the queer men dean’s met were through this work, which was harmful to him, is probably tangled up in a lot of why he was still in the closet at age 40 and why cas would literally have to be the one to make the first move.
i also think that those two headcanons mesh in a fun way, because normally in relationships with aspec characters, ESPECIALLY in fanfic, the aspec person is the one with all the hangups and limits and the allo person is the endlessly patient one who’s fine with not having sex (or in a less happy set of circumstances, the frustrated and impatient one who wants to have sex even when the circumstances aren’t right). the allo person “needs” sex - in dean’s case that  meaning like, it’s part of what he actively desires from a relationship to feel his needs and his partner’s needs are met, and one of the things he might think a “real” relationship “has” to involve.
but then with a history of trauma + cas being ace, it’s subverted - under one hand you’ve got cas who likes sex but doesn’t need it, and then here’s dean who needs sex but doesn’t like it (if it’s sex with men). cas’s patience with this situation comes in part from his indifference to sex (and also because he cares about dean and respects limits etc) - and dean, the one with the limits, is also the frustrated and impatient one, and his frustration and impatience comes from not being a dick but from being annoyed with his own limits, and he may even push for them to have sex even when the circumstances aren’t right because he’s pressuring HIMSELF. it’s really fun to mix it up like that!! that dyanmic being the same in my 15.18 fix-it and in broken road is why i put them into a series together - i would really like to write more about it someday.
and since i did headcanons for dean and cas, my favorite sam headcanon is that the devil is scared of him 🥰 
i did 6 here and 11 here!
[fanfic ask meme]
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starvels · 3 years
9, 17, 20 :)
answering questions from this fic writing meme!
so sorry for the delay on this, oluka. windows closed this tab for me and i lost my responses and got frustrated and off-put by it khsdbhjgd. thanks for patience !
9: Are there any fics you’d love to see but don’t want to write yourself? What are they?
did this one already but here's 4 more!
carol/rhodey/tony poly fic! giiiiive it to meee. i don't think i know enough of the intricacies of their dynamic but this trio would both fuck and FUCK and i hope i get to see it one day. maybe this will actually encourage me to write it, ha
okay okay y'all remember that fic where tiberius a boyfriend leaves tony out for public use and steve fucks tony and tony KNOWS its him and its ANGSTY AND SAD. i would love more of that ty
was just talking w dora abt this but, honest to blog rewrite fix-it of all of mcu after avengers - I’m not ashamed to say I thoroughly enjoyed 2012 and really wish the mcu had done right by all their promises in avengers to make it abt found family and teamwork
exploration of how rhodey is an incredible pilot and using the war machine/iron man armor is really fucking hard and how much he must be able to multitask just like tony in order to do it ghhghgh (maybe i will write this actually one day, good shit)
17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
what a big question! the first thing that comes to mind is the times when someone has told me that my writing has changed them.
there are some moments when i've tried to challenge preconceptions or write about underrepresented things like doing trope subversion, gender-full or pronoun-less fic, complex poly, trauma recovery or consent OR shared my own original writing/poetry with people, etc. - and i've gotten some really incredible feedback that sticks with me. feedback about how those things changed people.
my writing! changed how they thought about these topics or what they thought was possible for their own selves! i've actually had people approach me and say that my fic helped them understand their own gender or asexuality or how consent works, and more. i've had people say that my writing lingers with them and shapes how they perceive poetry or prose and that's just! so!
to enact change on a person fills me with an utmost reverence - it is an exchange and an entrustment i don't and won't ever take lightly.
20: Which fic have you put the most work into? Which fic have you put the least work into?
ooof. gonna limit this to marvel fic, tho i think my overall answer would probs for a different fandom haha.
most work: are we satellites feels like a cop-out answer somehow? bc this wasn't a challenging story to discover. i cherry-picked what canon i cared about and i wrote it in blistering fervent sprints where i literally couldn't keep up with the words flowing out of me. but it was 4 days of 6k+ writing to get there and some individual scenes did require untangling.
most work on the opposite end of the spectrum is: cat's cradle etiquette (i haven't forgotten it!!! i swear...) i technically have a 16k file for it, but i have to work for every inch of it. it gets very plotty and that's not actually my strong suit as a writer and balancing everything - especially the royalty and court aspects of it is...a lot. anyways, i want to finish it! i think i just need to spend some time delving into it and not giving myself an excuse to not.
least work: we were meant verse. someone once responded to it saying that reading it felt like seeing the love that i share with my rl partner and i would say that's v accurate. i wrote my own loving joy and just gave it to s/t.
thanks for the Qs, bee! ✨
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. Quarantine Tales Or alternatively; Bokuto Tries Baking and Nearly Poisons His Two Roommates/Best Friends
Pairing. Bokuto Koutarou x Platonic!Reader x Kuroo Tetsurou + Minor BokuAka and Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!Reader
Summary. In which a pandemic hits the world and tests the ten year long friendship between three roommates. Or; Kuroo enters quarantine as a cheeky bastard, and walks out of it as a cheeky bastard with a really pretty girlfriend.
Warnings. Manga spoilers, very strong language, and lots of sexual innuendos. Also lots of platonic cuddling and skinship. It gets kind of steamy at the end but nothing too bad. This is basically just a collection of short stories that also kind of has a plot. Fair warning: excessive use of the words ‘bro,’ ‘dude,’ and ‘man.’
Once the news of the pandemic hit Japan, the three roommates were confident they’d come out as better individuals. Maybe pick up on a new hobby, drop a few pounds (or in Bokuto’s case, gain some muscles), and just have a good time, making the best out of the worst situation. They were good at that.
At first, however, the three friends each had a different response to the news. Bokuto decided to splurge and buy everything they need and then some they didn’t (he was making bank from being a pro athlete). He was convinced that the apocalypse was going to happen soon, and that they’ll need all the rations they could get before it’s too late. Kuroo decides to confiscate his Netflix account and told him to stop watching The Walking Dead.
During the first few days Y/N easily got swept up in Bokuto’s bullshit, also convinced that the apocalypse was coming. (“Kuroo, look! The cases doubled over the last few days! Tell me that doesn’t mean something!”) But she was easier to snap out of it, mostly because she’s not as childish as Bokuto. She did, however, buy all of her favorite snacks and put them in a secret stash. (Although Kuroo figured out where it was within three days).
Kuroo is the mediator between them. He’s a man of science, so “no, Bokuto, there’s no way the infected ones are turning into zombies, now stop crying!” He also took the liberty to create schedules and laid out some ground rules on when and how they should shop for groceries and things of that sort. He also made the rule that no one joins their Zoom meetings in the living room after Bokuto walked in on his screen ass naked.
All in all, they (Kuroo) were able to set up a system that ensured Bokuto doesn’t lose his mind out of boredom and Y/N doesn’t try to kill them in their sleep.
“If aliens take over the planet do you think I could become their overlord?”
“Doubt it. You need to have the brains for it.”
“Hey! I’m pretty smart!”
“Explain the process of osmosis.”
“Fuck you, Kuroo.”
Y/N listens in on the idiotic conversation between her two roommates, not daring to speak up in fear of losing her much needed brain cells.
“Y/N! Listen to this, Kuroo doesn’t think I’m smart enough to become an alien overlord!” Bokuto sits up from his spot on their living room floor, one elbow propped up to support his body. Y/N sighs, closing her book realizing there’s no way she’ll get the peace she needed.
“Kuroo doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Bo.” It’s only been one week since the mandated quarantine started. If Y/N gives in now, then she’ll only spiral into madness as the months go by.
“Hear that, you bastard?! Y/N-chan believes in me!” Kuroo looks unamused. There’s a shit eating grin on his face that Y/N wants to wipe off. Or punch off. Whichever happens first.
“Y’know what they say, owls of a feather stick together.” Kuroo’s probably referring to the fact that both Y/N and Bokuto attended Fukurodani. Either way, he’s insulting her. Y/N is seething.
“Shut up you cocky cat!” Y/N screeches, flinging her book to his relaxed figure on the floor. Kuroo lets out a groan as the hardcover book makes contact with his groin. “Shit, there goes my future generations.”
Bokuto emphasizes with his bro, placing a protective hand over his ‘lil man.’
During the third week of quarantine, Kuroo comes down with a cold. Or maybe he got the virus. That’s what Bokuto and Y/N are currently trying to figure out.
“Kuroo, man, I searched up your symptoms here and it says you have network connectivity problems. What does that mean?” Bokuto grumbles, aggressively tapping the laptop screen. Y/N scowls at the way he’s manhandling her laptop before snatching it away from his hold.
“That’s not what that means, dumbass.” Bokuto pouts. “It means someone fucking forgot to pay for the wifi for this month.”
Y/N is glaring at her bedridden roommate through her face mask, but the rooster head throws his hands up out of innocence. “Sorry, I was too busy trying not to die!”
“So what now?” Bokuto asks, trying to cut through the tension between his two roommates. Y/N sighs in response, shutting off her laptop. “Now we just have to wait for him to sleep it off. If he has the virus then we burn his room with him in it.”
“Hey!” Kuroo tries to object. Instead what comes out is a garbled noise followed by excessive coughing and Bokuto screeching something about the ‘zombie virus infecting his home,’ and then he bolted out of Kuroo’s room.
“Whatever,” Y/N sighs, knowing Bokuto would have been useless in this situation anyways, “just try to rest. I’ll come in to check on you every now and then to bring you food. You better eat it!”
“Aw, Y/N-chan, you really care about me, huh?” Kuroo fake gushes, pressing one hand on his chest and another on his forehead. “It’s sweet how you try to act all tough.”
“Bo! Go find the lighter!”
Six weeks into the quarantine, Kuroo is over his ‘virus scare’ and now it’s Bokuto who’s sick. Correction, lovesick. It’s starting to test Y/N’s thinning patience.
“Do you think ‘Kaashi would get annoyed if I call him again?”
“Bo, you’ve been facetiming him every single day since this quarantine started. What changed?”
“He hasn’t been messaging me back the last three days! Do you think he got tired of me? Do you think he realized I’ve been in love with him and now he hates me? Do you think he hates my owl memes? Damn, I should’ve just told him before this whole thing started.” Y/N snorts. Clearly. One less headache for her. Even the sight of Kuroo breathing is starting to irk her. One time she nearly slapped him across the head for sleeping on the couch. Quarantine is doing something to her.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you answering? Oh my god, you hate me too, don’t you?” Crap. She was too absorbed in her hatred towards Kuroo’s existence that she forgot this big baby was lying down on her lap crying about something. What was it again? Akaashi hates him? Impossible.
“Impossible.” Y/N doesn’t realize she is running her hand through his two-toned hair. Bokuto hums in content. Y/N is suddenly reminded of her dog from back home. She wonders how he’s doing.
“Keiji’s like, in love with you. If anything he’s probably just drowning in work. You know how busy he gets.” Even Y/N’s not buying it. Busy or not, three days of radio silence from Akaashi has to mean something. She just doesn’t want to deal with an emo Bokuto. She decides to pass the responsibility to Kuroo.
“Bo, I bet Kuroo has some pretty good advice for ya. Remember when he had that crush on Akari-chan for all of highschool?” Bokuto shoots up with a new look of determination. He yells out a ‘you’re the best, Y/N-chan!’ over his shoulders before dashing straight to Kuroo’s room.
Y/N smiles in triumph as she receives a plethora of messages from one very angry Kuroo Tetsurou, ranging from ‘Why would you do this to me?’ to ‘I fucking hate you.’ Serves him right for finishing the ice cream.
(Later they find out that Akaashi simply broke his phone and had to wait three days to get it fixed. Bokuto was over the moon).
Sometimes Y/N wears their highschool jerseys because she thinks they’re comfortable. Some days she wears Bokuto’s. Other days she wears Kuroo’s. Today she’s wearing Bokuto’s, and Kuroo doesn’t know why it’s pissing him off.
“Oh man! That thing looks like a dress on you!” Bokuto squeals like one of his fangirls. He dashes to where she is, minding her business making toast in the kitchen, and picks her up from under her arms a la Lion King style.
“Bo! Put me down, you dumbass!” She wiggles in his hold, legs thrashing around. It’s all meaningless though. Bokuto is a pro athlete and is 190cm. Any attempts to free herself remains futile against this giant man-baby.
“Kuroo, look! So cute!” Bokuto gushes, showing her off like a baby. He lightly loosens his hold on one arm and extends his hand to bring a finger up to her cheeks. Y/N is emitting a strange aura. Kuroo suspects she’ll start tearing his ass into pieces within ten seconds.
Correction, three seconds. Because somehow she figures out how to kick behind her and shove an ankle deep into Bokuto’s groin. Now Bokuto is wriggling around on the living room floor as Y/N returns to her toast.
Kuroo finds this amusing, yet there’s a foreign feeling deep inside his chest. Is he getting sick again? He’s gonna need to check on that later.
“Ou! What ‘ya watching?”
“Your Name.”
“Huh? Bokuto Koutarou. Did you forget?”
“Dude...” Y/N stares at him in disbelief. Bokuto doesn’t notice but that’s because he’s Bokuto, and just about everything flies over his head. Instead he plops down on the couch next to her and hogs all the blanket.
“Get the fuck out! Get your own blanket!” Bokuto doesn’t reply, but he hums and opens his arms as an invitation. Ah, another platonic cuddling, as Bokuto puts it. Y/N is touch starved and she can’t deny it, so she slides closer to his lean figure and lets her head fall on his chest.
Eventually they settle in, huddling impossibly close to each other as the movie reach its tear-jerking climax. They don’t notice Kuroo walk in with a scowl on his face.
“Oh hey, bro. Wanna watch?” Bokuto notices him first, lifting his head up from the crown of Y/N’s head. Y/N finally looks over Bokuto’s chest and spots Kuroo moving around in the kitchen.
“I’m good.” Is his short answer before he trudges to his room with a loud bang! from his door. Y/N flinches a little, but pays no mind to it. Instead she directs her focus back to the movie, where another sad scene is unfolding.
The movie reaches its ending, but not before Bokuto could ask, “So, what’s the actual title of the movie?”
One peaceful afternoon Bokuto decides to take in a stray cat. Except...
“Bokuto, you fucking idiot that’s a racoon!” Y/N screeches as she climbs Kuroo’s back. The rooster head screams as he backs away from Bokuto and ‘Mr. Fluffles.’ Bokuto stares at his frightened roommates and the ‘cat’ in his hand and then back at his roommates again.
Realization strikes, and now Bokuto is screeching with the other two, holding the raccoon as far away from his body as possible.
“If you fucking drop it, I’ll kill you!” Kuroo threatens, holding onto Y/N’s arm that’s starting to dig into his throat. “Take it outside!”
“But it’s raining!”
“It’s you or him, man!”
The two continue their little back-and-forth, not noticing the raccoon had escaped Bokuto’s grasp. But Y/N notices. And it’s heading into her room. And now she’s seeing God.
“Bokuto, gah-!” Kuroo is rudely interrupted by Y/N’s tight hold on his throat getting tighter. Before he could give her hell for attempted murder, he notices the look of horror on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Your fucking raccoon went in my bedroom!”
“Ah shit!” Both Kuroo and Bokuto scramble, the former forgetting all about the human person hanging onto his back. Said person is too scared of letting her foot touch the floor, afraid that it might be met by the furry abomination Bokuto brought home. So she kinda just...lets Kuroo run off into her room with her dangling off his neck.
“Where’d he go?!” Bokuto panics, not seeing Mr. Fluffles anywhere in his immediate vicinity. He starts flinging stuff off the ground and her table and her bed, making a huge mess in the span of ten seconds. Y/N takes one foot off of Kuroo’s waist and kicks him square in the back.
“Quit trashing my room!” She scolds like a mom. Bokuto pouts but continues looking, until they hear the quiet pitter patter of claws hitting the wooden floor. “Wait shut up!”
Y/N huffs but still complies, wanting nothing more than Mr. Fluffles gone from her room. Kuroo takes the liberty to start questioning Bokuto’s stupidity.
“How could you have possibly thought that thing was a fucking cat?!”
“In my defense, it was pretty dark outside.” Bokuto grumbles in his low and whiny voice, before firing back, “And stop calling him a ‘thing!’ Mr. Fluffles has feelings too!”
“Bokuto we’re not keeping it!” This time it’s Y/N yelling at him with fire in her eyes. The poor guy looks like he’s about to cry, but Y/N is far too gone over the thought of a raccoon making its home in her bedroom.
Bokuto lets out an ‘aha!’ as he emerges from under her bed with Mr. Fluffles. Y/N visibly relaxes knowing that the raccoon is safely contained. Until she remembers what was stashed under her bed.
“Ah, there’s something in his mouth.” Bokuto announces, holding Mr. Fluffles disgustingly close to his face. Her secret stash of snacks. The bastard got into it.
(They later find out that at least four neighbors filed a noise complaint against them).
It’s two months in to the quarantine when Bokuto discovers TikTok. Within one week he’s dropped his towel in front of Kuroo, sat on Kuroo’s lap during his work Zoom meeting, smacked his gym bag across Kuroo’s face, and then some. Y/N finds humor in this, of course at Kuroo’s expense, but that’s even better.
Speaking of Kuroo and Y/N. Lately there’s been undeniable tension between his two roommates, and Bokuto doesn’t know how to resolve it. Everytime he tries to get them to talk they end up arguing.
He’s asked Akaashi for advice, but Akaashi simply told him to let them resolve it amongst themselves. Bokuto does not have the patience for that. He’s scared their meaningless arguments might rip a tear into their ten year long friendship.
So Bokuto does what he thinks is best, bake them cookies! No one could possibly be in a bad mood while eating freshly baked cookies, even Bokuto is drooling at the thought. So with a new resolve, Bokuto scrolls through his new favorite app (TikTok) to find some good recipes. Because TikTok has all the answers.
Except when he bakes the cookies he later finds out he used two cups of salt instead of sugar. He doesn’t know how that happened, but it could be because he grabbed the first white substance he saw and dumped it in the bowl.
Kuroo and Y/N somehow found a way to blame each other. Bokuto is reaching his limits.
Bokuto calls for an emergency meeting. He needs help deciding whether or not he should drop 40,000¥ on the Animal Crossing Limited Edition Switch that comes with Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Y/N says go for it because she’s secretly plotting on stealing it the moment he gets tired of the game (which knowing Bokuto, would be fairly quick). Kuroo objects because Bokuto blew 50,000¥ last month buying shit he didn’t need for the quarantine.
And now there’s a fullblown argument between the two. Bokuto is reminded of his parents, except their fights never got this hostile and he’s pretty sure his mom never called his dad a “rooster-hair bastard!” He’s too scared to cut in. He thinks they might cut off his head. So he decides to sneakily crawl back into his room.
He ends up ordering the switch anyways, and when it arrives a week later Kuroo calls Y/N a bad influence. They argue again.
Bokuto has an epiphany.
Two days after Bokuto’s epiphany, they take a trip to the supermarket. Bokuto wants to drive but he can’t because his license got revoked after he ran through five consecutive red lights. Kuroo tells him this but he gets pouty so Kuroo had to buy him ice cream on the way there to get him to shut up.
So now Bokuto is slobbering up Kuroo’s car, much to the latter’s distaste. It isn’t until Kuroo brake checks him and Bokuto slams the ice cream on his face, does Kuroo show a look of content. Bokuto pays no mind, and decides to bring up his recent epiphany.
“So, bro, when are ya gonna tell Y/N you’re in love with her?” Kuroo slams his foot on the brakes again, this time out of shock. “I - uh - what - what did you just say?”
“Oh man,” Bokuto lets out a boisterous laugh while licking the ice cream that dripped down his shirt (gross), “you didn’t know?!”
“You two have had this sexual tension between you brewing for weeks! It’s like - I could actually cut through it with a knife, like a piece of pie or something!”
“I hate everything you just said.”
“Whatever man, just let me know if you want me gone for the night. I’ll even come up with a good excuse.” He winks, and Kuroo resists the urge to crash the car into a tree.
Bokuto’s words affect Kuroo a lot more than he would like to admit. Ever since that fateful trip to the supermarket with his owl-eyed friend, Kuroo’s been too wary of his other roommates existence. He wants to prove Bokuto wrong. He, Kuroo Tetsurou, is not in love with L/N Y/N, his best friend since his first year of highschool.
L/N Y/N is one of the guys! That’s like saying he likes Bokuto (Kuroo bites back his disgust). And Kuroo doesn’t like Bokuto, thank you very much.
Except L/N Y/N is not Bokuto.
L/N Y/N is his endless highschool memories that he always goes back to on a bad day. She is going to the beach during the summer and playing in the ocean until they tire themselves out. She’s like a warm hug that welcomes him after a long and tiring say. She’s like the rock that was flung at his ex’s window after she cheated on him with some other guy. She’s like the fun he’s had during the summer away games, where he got to play volleyball with his friends for one week straight. She’s like taking the long way home just so he could walk back with her. L/N Y/N is his best friend.
No, Y/N is not all those things. She is, however, the person he’s shared those memories with. The person Kuroo could say one hundred percent, without a doubt, knows him best (aside from Bokuto and maybe his mom). She’s the person that’s always been there through thick or thin, for ten years and counting.
Oh god. Kuroo Tetsurou is in love with L/N Y/N.
Bokuto has a plan in mind. A plan to help his two best friends hook up (and maybe date afterwards). Bokuto tells Akaashi his plans but Akaashi tells him all his plans are moronic, so he goes to his teammates Hinata and Atsumu, who says he’s a genius.
(The plan is simple: make Kuroo jealous. That bastard is as possessive as a dog over his food).
Which is how he finds himself seated at the kitchen table, phone in hand with a disgusted Y/N right across from him.
“No, you’re not giving my number to Miya Atsumu. That guy has shifty eyes!”
“Come on, you’ll learn how to love it! ‘Sides, Tsumu-tsumu is a nice guy! Did’ya really think I’d set my bestest friend in the world up with some sketchy guy?” If Bokuto’s normal talking voice is at a hundred, he’s talking at a hundred twenty now, just to make sure Kuroo can hear him from his room.
Y/N presses her palms to her ears, not really questioning why he’s talking so damn loud. Instead she blackmails him. “Bokuto if you don’t stop I’ll send Keiji all your embarrassing pictures from our first year.”
“You wouldn’t!”
But the look in her eyes says she would. And the ping! sound that came from her phone says that she just did. “Y/N!” Bokuto cries out, scrambling incredibly fast to his room where he left his phone plugged in, hoping he could stop Akaashi from witnessing the embarrassment that is Bokuto Koutarou as a fifteen year old.
Moments after Bokuto bolted to his room and is screaming out, “‘Kaashi! Block Y/N-chan right now! Don’t open her texts!” Kuroo steps out of his bedroom, having been shamelessly eavesdropping on their previous conversation.
“So,” He leans over the kitchen counter (he thinks he looks like hot shit but Y/N begs to differ), “Miya Atsumu, huh?” Her face contorts into something out of digust or discomfort, he can’t tell which one. Is it bad for him to say he likes that reaction? Probably.
“Don’t.” Is her short response, bringing up a hand in front of her body. “If Bokuto thinks I’m desperate enough to go for one of his teammates, then I’ve got a surprise for him. No offense to Shouyou.”
“So what I’m hearing is...it’s not the aspect of being in a relationship you’re totally against, but the guy himself?” Kuroo thinks out loud. Y/N throws him one of her infamous ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about’ looks, but he feigns ignorance to it.
“I mean, yeah? I haven’t had a good fuck since-” Kuroo decides to cut her off there, not really eager to learn the name of the man she’s...well, you get it! (Bokuto was right, this man truly is possessive).
“Anyways, good choice. I heard the other twin is where it’s at.” Kuroo ends the conversation there, with new knowledge about his new found crush and confidence over the fact that he still has a chance.
A week goes by just like that. Bokuto makes it painfully obvious he’s trying to make Kuroo jealous. Except painfully obvious is not obvious enough for his slightly-frustrating friend, Y/N.
At one point, when obviously Atsumu didn’t serve much of a threat to Kuroo (curse that idiot for being too easy to mock), Bokuto took matters into his own hands and tried flirting with Y/N himself. And while Bokuto is a lot of things, being smooth isn’t one of them. There’s a reason why he hasn’t made whatever he has with Akaashi official yet, he’s terrible at relationships and anything related to it.
(Though Kuroo had a riot witnessing Bokuto’s failed attempts at heterosexual flirting:
“So, you come here often?”
“Bo, I fucking live here.”).
And as much as Bokuto wants to just go out with it and announce to Y/N (and the world) that his totally radical bro, Kuroo Tetsurou, is in love with her, he has just about enough self control and conscience to know that doing that could only result in his immediate death at the hands of a very angry rooster-head. So he’s just been beating around the bush. For a week he’s tried to drop subtle hints that were, sadly, left dropped by Y/N. She’s almost as helpess as Bokuto. Almost.
But when an opportunity like this falls on his lap, Bokuto just knows he has to take it.
It’s at one of their annual roommate-bonding, a tradition they’ve held since moving in together during college. This time Kuroo is unable to join due to some hold-up at work. He’s in his room furiously typing away at his computer.
“So...” He makes sure to drag out the last vowel to gain her interest. Though it’s pretty useless since Y/N is as easy to fool as Bokuto himself. They’re best friends for a reason. A very bad reason, one might say.
“So what?” She asks, shoving about ten pieces of popcorn in her mouth all at once. Bokuto realizes he is tired of beating around the bush. He decides to set the metaphorical bush on fire. “Admit it, Y/N. You like Kuroo, don’t ‘ya? You wanna screw him or something?”
“Shh!” Suddenly Y/N is more invested in whatever Bokuto has to say than the shitty movie he picked out. And now she’s launched herself off her side of the couch onto his, pressing a greasy, buttery palm to his lips.
Bokuto easily swipes her hand away with a shit eating grin on his face. “So I was right! Which one is it? ‘Ya like him? Or you wanna screw him?”
“Bokuto!” She warns. Her eyes dart to Kuroo’s closed bedroom door, suddenly too aware of just now thin these walls actually are. It also didn’t help that Bokuto’s normal speaking voice is about as loud as a race car engine.
She realizes there’s no point in hiding it, since he’s looking at her with those creepy owl eyes, just daring her not to spill everything. “How’d you even find out?” She sighs in defeat.
“Come on! You’ve been so irritated lately that there was only two possible explanations: ya either love the guy or hate his guts. I don’t think you’d be friends with him for ten years if you hated him so much.” Y/N blinks in surprise. That’s surprisingly perceptive, coming from Bokuto. She tells him this.
“Hey! I’m capable of using my head too!” He doesn’t like how she’s giving him that judgement look. Clearing his throat, Bokuto decides to skip past that.
“So? Since when did ‘ya like the lucky bastard?” Bokuto expects one month, maybe two at best. What he didn’t expect was this: “Probably since highschool.”
“Wha-?!” His outburst is contained by a smaller body flying on top of his, as well as two palms pressed tightly over his mouth. Eyes wide, he looks down to see a flustered Y/N, pink cheeks and all, looking menacingly at Kuroo’s door, trying to see if he heard any of that.
Once she confirms she’s in the clear, she lets out the breath she’s been holding and smacks Bokuto across his biceps.
“Idiot! Don’t just scream like that!” She huffs, arms crossed at her chest. “I told you ‘cus I trust you, Bo. Don’t do anything stupid with that trust.” The man simply nods, still too shocked to form coherent words.
Once he does however, Y/N is hit with an onslaught of whispered questions. “Since when? How come I didn’t notice? How come anyone didn’t notice? Why-” He pauses, realizing his questions aren’t being answered. So he waits as she brings her legs up to her chest with an unreadable expression.
“I mean it was pretty easy to hide it. We went to different schools, and whenever we hung out you were always there,” Y/N starts, but quickly adds, “I mean, not like I didn’t want you there! It’s just - it was easier to forget I even liked him whenever the three of us were together.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, probably still wary of the fact that Kuroo was only one room over. Bokuto notices this and turns up the volume of the TV, earning a small smile from his nervous wreck of a friend.
“At one point I was actually gonna tell him, but then he started dating Akari-chan.” Bokuto scowls at the name. Akari, the girl that Kuroo crushed on for a full year, but also the girl that ended up cheating on him with some guy in her painting club. “I wasn’t really the type to cry over a small crush, I had other things to do. Actually I was kind of relieved. Kuroo being taken meant I didn’t have to act on these weird feelings I started having.”
“And next thing I knew we were off to college. I started dating other people, and my feelings for him started shrinking. Even when we decided to move in together, we were all so busy with our separate lives, so I wasn’t really worried about it...until, y’know, we kinda got stuck here together. I guess seeing him 24/7 just caused my head to malfunction. I thought fighting with him would stop these weird...feelings, from coming back. But I guess that backfired on me since you ended up finding out. Wait - Bokuto are you crying?”
The said man tucks his head in his arms, mumbling out “No,” even though it was pretty obvious. Y/N softly smiles, finding his reaction kind of cute. It was nice to know he cares that much, no matter how infuriating he could get.
“I didn’t even know you went through that much, Y/N-chan. C’mere! Lemme give you a hug!”
“Bokuto, no! I don’t need-” The rest of her complaints are drowned out by a sturdy chest meeting her face. Great. Bokuto’s way too emotional now.
“I’m sorry, I promise I’ll help you tell him!”
“Wait what? I don’t want that!” Y/N tries to argue, but her voice is muffled due to being stuffed into his chest. Suddenly remembering that Bokuto has a tendency to be a loud mouth and could never keep a secret from Kuroo, Y/N shoots up, pressing her palms to his chest to release herself from his hold.
“Bo, you have to promise me you won’t tell him anything.”
“But -”
“Bokuto!” He slightly recoils from the sternness of her voice, before he bows his head and nods. Y/N relaxes a bit, settling back into her previous position and fixed her focus back to the movie playing on the TV as if their previous conversation never happened.
Unbeknownst to her, Bokuto is already putting the pieces together for his master plan.
Y/N comes to regret telling Bokuto her ‘dirty’ little secret exactly one week later, at their next roommate-bonding. This time Kuroo is there, with Bokuto right in between them on the couch. There’s another shitty movie playing in the background (curtesy of Bokuto’s horrible choice in films), but Y/N can’t bring herself to pay attention.
She does however, snap out of her little daydream when Bokuto shoots up, phone in hand and reaching for the door. Oh no. Both Kuroo and Y/N think to themselves.
“Ah! What’s this?! There’s an emergency at ‘Kaashi’s apartment?! Guys, I’ll be right back!” Bokuto is out the door before either of them could object. Y/N knows Akaashi. Akaashi is a safe guy. He’s not the type to call out of nowhere because of an emergency, and even if he did, Bokuto surely would not be the first contact in mind. Which means, Bokuto, that sneaky bastard, planned this with the single brain cell he had left.
Silence fills the air for the next five minutes, until Kuroo’s phone sounds off. It’s a text from Bokuto, reading: When I come back you two better be-
Kuroo decides to turn off his phone there, fearing the contents of the very explicit paragraph Bokuto sent following those words. Instead he turns his head to his friend next to him - or rather on the opposite side of the couch, avoiding him like he’s the plague.
He doesn’t like this awkwardness at all. Conversation between them used to always just flow, even if most of them end up becoming a heated debate over the most trivial things. Kuroo decides to man up. It’s now or never.
“Okay so -” “Hey -” The two pause, finally making eye contact for the first time in past week. All of Kuroo’s brain cells fly out his brain and out the window, leaving him to fend off for himself in this awkward situation. His head is like that one Spongebob meme. Oh god, he’s turning into Bokuto-
“So,” Y/N’s voice snaps him out of his train of thoughts, or rather his lack of it. This is pathetic. He’s a grown man and he’s acting like a highschooler over a pathetic crush. Except this isn’t a pathetic crush. This is Y/N - his best friend for the past ten years, who he’s just now realized is a lot prettier than he initially thought.
“I’m in love with you.” Yes, yes he is. Wait, that wasn’t his voice. And that definitely wasn’t his subconscious trying to patch up what’s left of his decimated ego, which means -
“Kuroo?” Jesus fuck, when did she even slide over this close? “You don’t have to answer or anything, I just thought I should tell you first before Bokuto breaks. I understand if you don’t feel the same way-”
“No!” She flinches at how loud his voice is. “I mean, fuck - wait. You gotta let me process this real quick.” Kuroo is suddenly aware he’s redder than his Nekoma jersey, and her face is super close to his, and her lips look totally kissable right now.
“I’m in love with you, too.” Kuroo finally speaks up. He notices how she goes stiff, and how quickly her face turns into a bright shade of red.
“You don’t have to say it just ‘cus you feel bad! This doesn’t have to change anything between us! I mean, I’ve kept it a secret for ten years, I can do ten more-”
“Y/N.” She finally stops her rambling, meeting his eyes. And she doesn’t know why, but suddenly she just knows he’s being sincere. She could probably die right now and she’d say she lived a happy life.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Kuroo waits for her confirmation, in this case a shy nod, before cupping her cheeks with his large and warm hands. He inches over slowly at first, but lets his lips eagerly meet hers with a smile. He feels her hands wrap around his waist, letting him deepen the kiss.
It starts of slow and steady, everything Y/N could have ever dreamed of, until needy hands start roaming her body. She has to crane her neck to meet his lips, and Kuroo probably sensed her discomfort because now he’s gripping her waist tightly, lifting her up gently and placing her down on his lap.
The new and more comfortable position allows Kuroo to deepen the kiss, and Y/N finds her hands grabbing the hair she’s been insulting so much for the past two months. Kuroo sighs into the kiss, with Y/N smiling a bit at the situation. As things escalate, a loud gasp breaks them out of their trance.
“Oh. My. God!” Bokuto is squealing like an idiot and Akaashi is behind him unamused. “Finally.” Is his short statement.
“What the fuck Bokuto!” Kuroo growls. Y/N, suddenly a bit too self conscious climbs off the spot she made for herself on Kuroo’s lap. Though her embarrassment doesn’t last long, before she joins Kuroo in glaring at Bokuto.
“I just came back ‘cus I forgot my wallet, but oh man! You guys are adorable!” Akaashi is still behind him, but this time he looks more apologetic. “Bokuto-san, maybe we should leave.”
“Nah, I kinda wanna stay.”
“Get the fuck out!” Bokuto only laughs as he catches both the pillow and the remote control thrown at him. He drops both items back down on the living room floor and snatches his wallet from the counter before calling over his shoulders,
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure ya make me the best man and the maid of honor!”
A/N. Reupload! This fic was totally self-indulgent bc I am so bored of quarantine and am currently wishing I had a Bokuto and Kuroo to keep me entertained. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And as always, thank you for reading! Leave a like if you...liked it? Is that how it goes? - chuu
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schiste-argileux · 4 years
That Pharma hates what he’s become
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I think that Pharma had a decent amount of compassion and a proper (not relatively high) level of righteousness prior to the war. He is definitely talented and skilled, considering he is a doctor (medical school is a test of wits, patience, and learning to manage with stress and high stakes esp. if its surgical tasks).  Being in Delphi was a punch in the face, I think. If I were to be in Pharma’s position, a talented health professional who contributed and provided assistance and care to many lives, very used to living a comfortable life with many conveniences, suddenly thrown into the wilderness with little supplies yet expected to bring huge yields, I would be hella pissed. Yes, Pharma’s definitely able to make do with what he’s given (as we see in the comics lmao), but that kind of pressure is not fair and does him an injustice (he sucked up for like 5 years omg, and there’s ppl irl who cry at every little inconvenience smh).
Building up your career for centuries to be thrown out into some dirty ol’ clinic? Yeah, for the greater good! No recognition? Feeling bad? lmao, everyone’s in this together and suffering! What makes you special? 
Everyone, every. individual. is capable of evil, especially under pressure. many, many times, people cannot overlook or have a will to NOT act on it. Everything that’s born in this world does things for their own benefit, it’s a natural instinct. It’s not wrong to be selfish (its great if you aren’t! but hey, not everyone can)! It is wrong however, to be selfish and hurt someone else’s wellbeing to sate your needs! Pharma does that horrifically. He steps over those bounds. Probably out of anger, spite, because his expectations and values are failing. 
And then he slips down the slope of anger and frustration, thinking about Ratchet how he probably has it easier (no, he doesn’t but the grass is always greener on the other side), how everything SO unfair for him (listen, pharma, you ain’t special. but you are an individual, so its valid you feel these feelings). 
Then there’s this bitter conflict in himself, Oh, i’m a bad person for being like this! I’m supposed to be a professional, never losing my cool, doing my job! No, I am a professional, so we should be getting the proper resources to run a clinic! This literally fails all the health guidelines! This is a mess! How can I fix it? Why is it my job to fix it?
It was like what 5 years? jesus christ, that sounds like suffering. Sure Transformers can live for hundreds of thousands of years, but that sounds like hell. 5 years can be full of traumatizing events (haha fort maxy).
Conflicted, wanting to blame himself and point fingers, yet no one to point because he’s prideful and doesn’t want to be shallow, wanting to take things into his own hands. Also Pharma is a sad man can’t communicate his frustration (maybe can’t trust anyone, how sad), which also makes it worst. Communication is important friends!!!
And then blinded by these things, he fails and doesn’t want to see the bigger picture. And then Pharma does the ploy. I don’t think Pharma had that big a problem with Tarn (he did have problems but not like, the main source of anger), but the big fish was Autobot High Command (fuck u prowl, you saw possible evil and cunning in Pharma, who wasn’t acting on in and probably didn’t know he had evil in him, and you let it explode. You know no one else would be able to deal with Delphi because they don’t have the cunning, or they’re too stubbornly righteous). 
Get rid of Tarn? Someone’s just going to replace him, and possibly make the situation worse because WOW how did the DJD get wiped out?? Then Delphi gets stormed and he can’t get off this hellhole. Medic creates a BIO WEAPON. WOW! Prowl might be so amazed, he throws Pharma into another shitty situation to squeeze diamonds out of his ass. Pharma let the disease go off in the hospital because his goal is to selfishly shut down Delphi so he can get the fuck out while giving Prowl a good fuck you because he’s already a murderer for euthanizing struggling patients, so fuck this world. (In Which Pharma Becomes A School Shooter) I’m not talking about Chainsaw!Pharma after he gets saved by Tryest, because he’s so far gone,,, what even is he now. Bye.  I think pushing past the memes and jokes, Pharma represents A LOT of people IRL. Someone sick of the hypocrisy of the ones up the chain of command, hates themselves not being smart enough to get out easily, trying to point fingers but realizing they won’t change so what’s the point, and then just doing whatever he wants regardless of his morals because he snapped. I do not justify his actions, and I think his choice of making a disease (wow that’s big brained man) is a pretty bad choice out of all his choices (who are you to take other people’s lives? smh it is war but that doesn’t excuse ur sins). But Pharma is an excellent lesson to LEARN from his MISTAKES.  like the proverb says, A dumb man never learns from his mistakes, an average man learns from his own, and a smart man learns from other’s mistakes and his own. pharma exists so we can not be a clown like him and learn to communicate, express our frustrations, not blow up and control our feelings, understand ourselves and try to have a positive perspective even in the lowest times, and make good decisions!! anyways thanks for coming to my ted talking about pharma’s shittiness, you are welcome to agree or disagree! This was a short clip of my perspective on pharma as a character ^_^ i do not condone his actions. He’s not a good person and he should not be a role model...  basically he reminds me of Crime and Punishment character Raskolnikov! A conflicted dumbass who thinks he is so talented but deserves better and makes really poor decisions. excellent piece of english literature i read, very very good! 
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