#not even over the war or anything either; it's just normal break-up shit
pmatga · 7 months
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so here's my latest pmatga idea
bitter exes: old man edition™
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keresnotceres · 1 year
TF 141: General Headcanons
[sfw] cw: substance use, mention of injury
some of these are so stupid i’m sorry
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Has never taken a nap in his life. Literally never. If he says he’s “going to take a nap” no he’s not. He’s going to lay in his bed and talk shit about people to himself.
Is not allowed to watch any war movie whatsoever. Will either complain about how inaccurate the warfare or death scenes are or will pass the fuck out. Head tilted back on the couch, arms crossed, legs spread. Neck pain for DAYS.
Prefers handheld consoles like the DS or Gameboy to any home consoles. Likes to feel that it’s his and if anyone wants to take it away from him, they’ll have to pry it from his strong ass grip.
SPEAKING OF. If you hand him like anything to hold onto he will have the tightest fucking grip on it. Bro it’s not gonna run away from you!!! Be gentle!!!
Casual smoker. Picked up the habit from being around Price too much and now he likes to smoke away stress with a cigarette or two.
Constantly hits his head getting out of cars. Literally cannot catch a break due to underestimating how tall he is compared to any vehicle.
Finds it very difficult to smile, even if he’s happy. Showing emotion in general is really hard for him, usually will only do it around people he trusts the most. Showing emotion to someone makes him feel vulnerable and weak, the complete opposite of how he presents himself.
Finds comfort in making tiny wood trinkets. Likes the motions of carving and having complete control over the little statue. Usually makes them when he’s on leave so that he doesn’t have to go out and that he isn’t distracted on base. He often gives carvings as gifts to his teammates/loved ones.
Shows affection through smaller, less noticeable gesture. Remembers small details about yourself or stories you tell; likes to bring you small trinkets he’s made that resemble things you’ve mentioned you like. Will talk to you about your interests, like what books or movies you like, and will have in depth conversations about your favorite parts of them.
Cracks his knuckles like way too much for it to be normal. He’s gotta have joint pain, because god damn the entire team hears it throughout the day. Just woke up? Cracking his knuckles. Doing paperwork? Cracking his knuckles. Does it on purpose to tick off Soap sometimes.
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Absolutely LOVES making playlists/mixtapes for his friends. If you ask him to compile a list of songs that reminds him of you it will be in your hands in less than a day.
Is the friend that you go to when you don’t know what you need, but it’s something. You wanna go out and drink? He’s down. You just want to hang out at home and watch something? Get cozy! You need to gossip about someone? Fuck yeah.
Was probably the kid in school that everybody knew of but nobody was like good friends with. Like everybody liked him, he was cool, but he just didn’t like anyone else.
The only person in the 141 who can somewhat dance. Can he bust a life-altering move if the dance floor? Not really, but he definitely can do a few basic moves and can actually get with the rhythm. Prefers to listen to music than dance to it.
Probably called Price ‘Dad’ accidentally when talking to his civilian friends and had to backtrack so hard he almost choked on a saltine cracker.
Mastered the art of looking like he’s paying attention when he’s really not. Useful when it comes to the boring ass stories some of the COs go off on tangents about.
Terrific at word games, especially Scrabble. Catch him with only vowels and he will be making words you didn’t even know existed. However, he’s not the greatest at Monopoly. He thinks he’s going to win when he doesn’t buy much first round but ends up going bankrupt after having to pay everyone for their properties.
Will not let you live any embarrassing moment down. Never. He is no man’s peace. You tripped over nothing? He’ll remind you of it for the next four days. You misspelled a word in a message or on paper? He’s repeating it until he forgets it. You opened a cabinet and proceeded to whack yourself in the face with the door? He’ll be laughing at the image in his head for WEEKS.
Can braid like a motherfucker. You have no idea how he learned how to braid, but holy shit he’s good at it. Literally just loves playing with your hair regardless of length. The feeling of twirling little pieces between his fingers his just really calming to him.
Was absolutely a Pokémon kid. Has an obnoxious card collection at his parents’ house that he constantly sorts through whenever he goes to visit them. Can and will show off pictures of the rarer, expensive cards he has to anyone who understands.
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Likes people-watching because he likes to make up random stories about everyone who walks by. The woman talking aggressively on the phone? Her fiancé is trying to get her to sign a prenup.
Can only cry if he’s watching a really sad scene from a movie or show. Marley and Me had his ass sobbing in the theater.
Likes babysitting his nieces/nephews whenever he’s on leave. He likes having some sense of normalcy and the feeling of having a family of his own, even if they’re just his siblings’ kids.
In his flat, he sleeps with like six blankets year-round. Even in the midst of a heatwave he’s got all six just piled on top of him, sweating his damn ass off.
Likes picking up random bullet casings he finds when on missions. Like a crow.
Hates the beach with a fiery passion. No, he doesn’t wanna go get sand in every crevice of his skin and article of clothing. He also doesn’t want to feel that weird mixture of sticky and smooth for an uncertain amount of time after getting out of the ocean.
Will NEVER be caught lacking when it comes to working out on leave. Rises with the sun and hauls ass to the gym so that he can keep those tasty biceps looking good. Has Ghost’s leg day routine memorized due to being subjected to it for so long.
Likes to be close to you no matter what. Eating? Sat right next to you, eating his own meal. Debriefing? Standing halfway behind you. On a mission? Standing right next to you, gun in hand, just a hair away from physical connection.
Loves going shopping, especially when it’s with you. Will pick out the most obnoxious shirts, put them to his body, and ask “would this look good on me?” Gives constructive criticism on anything you pick out, uses it to comment on how good he thinks you look lmfao.
Almost burned his house down after burning a candle and is now afraid of ever lighting a candle ever again. No, he doesn’t care if it smells good. Do not light that damn thing in his house!!
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Had a lighter collection when he was younger, but somehow managed to lose all of them except the most boring, plain white one. Has never bought any other color of lighter since.
Is not allowed to recommend movies because it will either be a boring war movie, a really old movie, or a really old and boring war movie. His music taste is somewhat better than his movie taste.
Can hold his damn liquor but refuses to get involved in drinking games because he doesn’t want to partake in “alcohol poisoning the game.”
Has the dad sneeze. It could be nice and silent and then all of a sudden there’s just an ungodly noise coming from Price’s general area. It encompasses the entire room. It strikes fear into new recruits. It’s not until Soap says ‘bless you’ that anyone realizes it was even a sneeze.
Has gotten drunk in his office with Laswell on more than one occasion and ends up talking about dumb shit he’s done in the past. Gaz walked into Price’s office to scrounge up a pen and instead left with the knowledge that Price split his head open when he was 15 after riding his bike straight into a wall.
Calls you names like “Love” or “Dear” by reflex. You don’t even have to be together for it to happen, it just slips out of his mouth. He apologizes more often than not until you tell him that you’re okay with it.
Literal heater. Exudes heat like no other. Oh, you’re cold? Stand next to him for like five minutes and you’ll be warm in no time. 9 times out of 10 his hands are warmer than yours.
Isn’t really into soccer/football but will always watch a game if it’s on. Is always stood up, hands on his hips, watching intensely and making weird noises at every move made on the field.
Is like, astronomically good at cooking but only when it comes to basic foods. Makes an absolute banger grilled cheese but dear god don’t let him attempt any sort of casserole. His fettuccine alfredo? Fantastic. His steaks? Phenomenal. Any baked goods however… Good luck.
Owns a shirt that just says “Father.” and will wear it out occasionally when he’s on leave. Has never told anyone about this shirt, he doesn’t even know why he has it.
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
Ok, I think I might be exiting the "are you fucking kidding me?" period and ready to make a real argument, so lets talk about Three Act Structure!
Is OFMD S2 just the "Darkest Hour"?
A very common explanation I've been seeing for some of the... controversial... aspects of S2 is that it's meant to be that way. That the middle act is where the protagonists hit their lowest point. Where we get the big failure point. Where everything looks kind of shit.
S2 is supposedly just that point. It's The Empire Strikes Back. People have been making that comparison since before the first episodes even dropped, telling everyone to expect something that could be disappointing or unsatisfying - it's just a matter of needing to wait for S3 to pull it all together.
It's not a baseless framework to consider the show through - I'm pretty sure David Jenkins has mentioned it in interviews (or at least mentioned he planned for three acts / seasons) so it's certainly worth asking how he's doing at the 2/3rd mark.
So - quick summary of Three Act Structure:
Act 1 introduces our characters and world. It includes the inciting incident of the story and the first plot point, where a) the protagonist loses the ability to return to their normal life, and b) the story raises whatever dramatic question will drive the entire plot. Act 2 is rising action and usually most of the story. The protagonist tries to fix things and fucks them up worse, in the process learning new skills and character developing to overcome their flaws. Act 3 is the protagonist taking one more shot, but this time they are ready. We get the climax of the story, the dramatic question gets an answer, and then the story closes.
If you want examples, the Star Wars Original Trilogy is a very popular template. And, hell, he said it was a pirate story... the main Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy also does a solid job with their three acts.
Let's compare. (Spoiler: I'm not impressed 🤨)
First thing I need to establish... Wait. Two things. First is that Three Act Structure is flexible, so we can't really analyze success or failure by pulling up a list of necessary plot beats that should have been hit in X order. Second is that if you tell me you are writing a romance with a Three Act Structure - where "the relationship is the story" - the first thing I'm going to do is ask you how you are adapting it. Because while there's not necessarily anything preventing you from applying this to a character driven plot, most people are familiar with it as plot structure for externally driven conflict.
Unless there's a reason the status of the main relationship is intrinsically tied up in the current status of the war against the evil empire, a standard Three Act Structure is going to entail either an antagonistic force that absolutely wants your main couple apart being the main relationship obstacle OR the romance aspect being a subplot to the protagonist's narrative adventure. None of those sound like how the show has been described.
So how is OFMD adapting it?
Act 1
(Can't figure out how well Act 2 is doing if we don't start at setup.)
Right out the gate, OFMD breaks one of the main "rules" for a story where the Acts are delivered in three parts. Namely the one where the first Act is treated as an acceptable standalone story, with it's own satisfying yet open ended conclusion.
In Star Wars, A New Hope ends with the princess rescued, Luke finding the Force, Han finding his loyalty, and the Death Star destroyed. The Empire isn't defeated, the antagonists still live... the story is not over, but this one movie doesn't feel unfinished.
Similarly, Curse of the Black Pearl gives Jack his ship back, Elizabeth and Will get together, and Norrington has the English Navy let them all off the hook and give Jack and the pirates one day's head start.
OFMD's final beat of S1 being Kraken Arc starting is not that, even if Stede returning to sea is still a pretty hopeful note. Now... I don't necessarily think this was a bad call. At least, not if the story is the relationship. It's easy to close on a happy ending and then fuck it up next movie if the conflict is external and coming for them. Not so much if you're driving the story with your protagonists' flaws, in part because it should be really obvious at the end of setup that your main characters need development and can't run off together right now. I actually like that they were risk-takers and let S1 look at the situation clearly vs doing a fragile happy end, because it takes into account the difference between a character-driven and plot-driven narrative.
I think OFMD's Act 1 actually ends at maybe the Act of Grace? Well, there through the kiss on the beach, counting as our "first plot point" before everything goes wrong, basically.
At that point, they have setup the story and characters. We've been introduced to Edward and Stede's current issues. Signing the Act of Grace does make the intertwined arcs between them real - it's no longer a situation that either one of them could just walk away from like it was in 1x07 - and we narrow in on the (alleged) driving question of the show:
It's not about "Will Stede become a great pirate?" or "Will we develop a better kind of piracy for the crew?" - the show is the relationship and the big question is "What is Stede and Edward's happy ending?"
Act 1 ends on their first solution, being together and making each other happy and admitting it's more than just friendship. Act 2 starts, appropriately, by saying both of them are currently too flawed for that to go anywhere but crashing and burning.
Now... looking back, what does Act 1 do well vs poorly?
I think it's really strong on giving us the foundation for BlackBonnet's characters and flaws. We aren't surprised Stede goes home or Edward goes Kraken (or at least... we weren't supposed to be surprised. There are still a lot of holdouts blaming Izzy for interrupting Edward's "healing" despite how at this point in the story it doesn't make sense for Edward to have the skills to heal... but I digress). The relationship question is compelling at the end of S1, the cliffhanger hooks, and the fandom explosion of fics did not come from nowhere - the audience was invested.
I also think Act 1 does a great job of settling us in the universe. We understand the rules it abides by, from how gay pirates are just a fact of life to how there's no important organs on the left side of the body. Stede has a muppety force field. Rowboats have homing devices, and port is always as close as you want it to be. Scurvy is a joke. The overblown violence of pirate life is mostly a joke, but we are going to take the violence of childhood trauma seriously.
Lucius's fake-out death, while technically part of Act 2, works well because Act 1 did a good job of priming everyone to go "obviously this show wouldn't kill a crew member for shock value, and we're 100% supposed to suspend disbelief about how he could have survived getting flung into the sea in the middle of the night." And we do. And we get rewarded for it.
Regarding antagonists - a big focus of any setup - the show is deliberately weak. The one with the most screentime is Izzy, and he's purposefully ineffective at separating our main couple. Every antagonist is keyed to a particular character, and they function mostly to inform us of that character's flaws and development requirements. The Badmintons tell us about Stede's repression and feelings of inadequacy, and Izzy tells us about Edward's directionless discontent and tendency to avoid his problems. Effectively - the show is taking the stance this will be a character driven narrative where Stede and Edward's flaws are the source of problems and development the solution. No person or empire (or social homophobia) is separating them...
...which leads me to something not present - there nothing really about the struggle of piracy against the Empire. Looking at Curse of the Black Pearl... we see piracy is in danger. The Black Pearl itself is described as the last great pirate threat the British Navy needs to conquer. Hangings are omnipresent - Jack is sentenced to die by one almost as soon as he's introduced to the story, when his only act so far had been to wander around and save Elizabeth from drowning. OFMD tries to invoke this kind of struggle in 2x08, but there's no foundation. Our Navy antagonists are Stede's childhood bullies, and so focused on Stede the crew isn't even in danger when they get caught. The Republic of Pirates is getting jokes about being gentrified, not besieged.
Even the capture of Blackbeard by the Navy is treated as a feather in Wellington's cap but not a huge symbolic blow against piracy... because we just do not have that grand struggle woven into Act 1. You only know the "Golden Age of Piracy" is ending if you google it, or have watched a bunch of pirate shows.
Overall, a solid Act 1, well adapted to the kind of story they've said they were looking to tell - a romance in the (silly-fied) age of piracy, instead of a pirate adventure with a romantic subplot.
Now, Sidebar - Where is the story going?
The thing about the dramatic question - in OFMD's case: "What is Stede and Edward's happy ending?" - is that a) there's normally more than one question bundled up in that one + sideplots, and b) while you aren't supposed to have the answer yet, you can usually guess what needs to happen to give you the answer.
Back to our examples... Luke's driving question is "Will the Empire be defeated?" Simple. Straightforward. Also: "Will Luke become a Jedi?" The eventual climax of our story from there is pretty obvious... the story is over when Luke wins the war for the Rebellion in a Jedi way. That's the goal that they are working toward.
Pirates of the Caribbean is a bit more complicated. We're juggling more characters and have a less defined heroic journey, but there are driving questions like "Is Jack Sparrow a good man?" and "Is Will Turner a pirate / what does that mean?" and even "Will the British Navy defeat piracy?" They get basic answers in Curse of the Black Pearl, and far more defined ones in At World's End. Still, this is another plot-driven narrative. They've laid the foundations for the Pirates vs Empire struggle, and when that final battle turns into the trilogy climax then you know what's happening.
OFMD is not doing a plot-driven narrative. To judge how they are doing at their goals, we have to ask what they think a happy ending entails in a character sense.
Clearly it's not the classic romantic sideplot, where the climax is the first kiss / acknowledgement of feelings. They've teased a wedding in Word of God comments a lot, so that's probably our better endpoint. Specifically, though, a wedding where both of our protagonists aren't ready to flee from the altar (big ask) and where they've both grown enough that their flaws / mutual tendencies to run away from life problems won't tank the relationship.
In Stede's case it's still massive feelings of inadequacy and being too repressed to talk about his problems. Also he ran away from his family to chase a lifelong dream of being a pirate - "Is Stede going to find fulfillment in being a pirate captain, or will the real answer be love?" Edward meanwhile expresses a desire to quit piracy and retire Blackbeard, but we also find out he's struggling with massive self-loathing and guilt from killing his father - "Is retiring what Edward wants to do, or is he just running away?"
If they are going to get to a satisfying wedding beat at the climax of their story, what character beats do we need to hit in advance?
Off the top of my head - both characters need to self-realize their flaws (a pretty necessary demand of anyone who runs away from problems). They are set up to balance each other well, but also to miscommunicate easily. They have to tell each other about or verbally acknowledge that self-realization so it can be resolved. Stede has to decide how much being a pirate means to him. Edward has to decide if he's retiring and what he wants to do. They both need to show something to do with getting past their childhood traumas given all the flashbacks. Through all this, they also need to hit the normal romance beats that convince the audience they are romantically attracted to each other and like... want to get married.
Oh, and this is more of a genre-specific sideplot, but once they demonstrate a behavior that hurts the people who work for them, they need to then demonstrate later how it won't happen again. Proof of growth, which is kind of important in a comedy where a lot of the humor is based in them being massively self-centered assholes. Stede doesn't earn his acceptance in the community until he kicks Calico Jack off the ship, making up for causing the situation with Nigel in the first episode. A workplace comedy can get a lot of material from the boss as the worker's antagonist, but if you want the bosses to stay sympathetic you have got to throw them some opportunities to earn it.
All that sounds like a lot, but like - the relationship is the story, right? If we spend so much time on establishing flaws big enough to drive a story, we also have to spend time on fixing them. Which is where the turning point hits.
Act 2: How it Starts
This is where the full story reality-checks your protagonist. Glad you saved your boyfriend and embraced new love in Act 1, but his repressed guilt means he's about to completely ghost you, and your own abandonment issues and self-loathing are about to make his dick move into everyone else's problem.
Again, it's a non-conventional choice OFMD has this start at the very end of S1 rather than with a sudden dark turn in the S2 premiere, but it's still pretty clearly that point in the Three Act Structure.
In Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back opens with a timeskip to our Rebellion getting absolutely crushed and hiding on a miserable frozen planet. The Empire finds them as the plot is kicking off and they have to desperately flee. They get separated. Han and Leia try to go to an ally for help and end up in Vader's clutches. It's a sharp turn from the victorious note that A New Hope ended on.
Pirates of the Caribbean's Act 2 starts dark. Dead Man's Chest opens with our happy couple Will and Elizabeth getting arrested on their wedding day for the "happy end" escape of the last movie. Jack has not been having success since reclaiming his ship, and we'll soon find out he's being hunted by dark forces. As for the general state of piracy, we get a horrifying prison where pirates are being eaten alive by crows, and a new Lord Beckett making the dying state of piracy even more textual. "Jack Sparrow is a dying breed... The world is shrinking."
The key here is making a point that our heroes aren't ready. This is the struggles part - things they try? Fail. The odds do not look to be in their favor.
Now, OFMD apparently decided to go all-in on flaw exploration, especially with Edward. The first 3 episodes of S2 are brutally efficient in outlining Edward's backslide. In S1 you could see he had issues with guilt and feeling like a bad person. S2 devolves that into a destructive, suicidal spiral where Edward forces his crew into three months of consecutive raids, repeats his shocking act of cruelty with Izzy's toe offscreen (more than once!), escalates it with his leg, and finally they state directly that Edward hates himself for killing his dad so much that he fears he's fundamentally unlovable and better off dead.
Stede's struggles are subtler, but most definitely still there. He's deliberately turning a blind eye to tales of Edward's rampage, half from simply being too self-centered to care about the harms Edward causes others, and half from being unable to face or fathom that he had the ability to hurt Edward that much. Upon reunion he wants to put the whole thing behind them, not addressing why he left in the first place. Very "love magically fixes everything" of him, except Stede is no golden merman.
Interestingly, here, BlackBonnet's relationship dysfunction has very clearly been having a negative impact on the surrounding characters we care about. Make sense, since it's the driving force of the story, but that also adds a lot more relationships we need to make right. Like... Edward is the villain to his crew. The show focuses on their trauma and poisoned relationships with him. And then draws our attention even more to Stede taking his side to overrule their objections to him.
For a story where the conflict and required resolutions are primarily character based, and the setup had already given the main couple a good amount to work with, dedicating a lot of S2 to adding more ground to cover was... a choice. Potentially very compelling on the character end, certainly challenging on the writing end... but not a complete break with the structure.
Bold, but not damning.
Act 2: How it Ends
Now it is true that Act 2 tends to end on a loss. Luke is defeated by Vader and loses his hand, and Han has been sent away in carbonite. Jack Sparrow for all his efforts cannot escape his fate, and he and the Pearl are dragged to the locker.
But the loss is not the point. The loss is incidental to the point.
Act 2 is about struggles and failure, but it's also about lessons learned. There's a change that occurs, and our cast - defeated but not broken - enters the final act with the essential skills, motivation, knowledge, etc. that they lacked in the beginning.
Luke Skywalker could not have defeated the Empire in Return of the Jedi until he'd learned the truth about his father and resisted the Dark Side in The Empire Strikes Back. (Ok, confession, I'm using Star Wars as an example because literally everyone is doing so, but frankly it's a better example of formulaic Three Act Structure repeating within each movie because on a trilogy level - relevant to this comparison - it is a super basic hero's journey in a very recognized outfit and as such the Act 2 relevance is also... super basic "the hero tries to fight the antagonist too early" beat where he learns humility. Not really a lot going on. So, for the better example...)
Dead Man's Chest has a downer ending with the closing moment of the survivors regaining hope and a plan against an enemy now on the verge of total victory - a classic Act 2. But in that first loss against Davy Jones we get Will's personal motivation and oath to stab the heart, Jack finally overcoming not knowing what he wanted and returning to save them from the Kraken (being a good man), Elizabeth betraying Jack (being a pirate), Barbossa's return, and Norrington's choice to bargain for his prior life back. The mission to retrieve Jack from the World's End is the final movie's plot, but things are already on track to turn the tables back around as we enter the finale.
Now, relevant sidenote - one major difference between Three Act Structure within a single work vs across three parts is that Act 2 continues into Part 3, and only tips over into Act 3 about midway through. This is because obviously your final movie or season cannot just be the climax. That's why both movie examples start with a rescue mission. They have to still be missing something so they can get the plot of their third part accelerating while they go get whatever that something is.
But if you wait until the 3rd movie / season to get the development going at all - you're fucked.
Jack's decision in the climax of At World's End to make Elizabeth into the Pirate King goes back to the development we saw in the Pearl vs Kraken fight in Dead Man's Chest. So does Elizabeth's leadership arc. Will's whole arc about becoming Captain of the Dutchman gets built upon in the third movie, but it starts in the second. Not just as an idle thought - he's actively pursuing it. Already consciously weighing saving his father vs getting back to Elizabeth as soon as he makes the oath. Everyone is moving forward in Act 2. Their remaining development might stumble for drama, or they might be a bit reluctant, but I know that they know better than to let it stick, because they already faced their true crisis points.
I'm not sure we can say the same about OFMD.
S2 does a good job of adding problems, yeah, but there's not really any movement on fixing them. Our main couple stagnates in some ways, and regresses in others.
Stede opened Act 2 by running away in the middle of the night back to his wife without telling Edward anything. We know he did it because of feeling guilty and his core childhood trauma of his dad calling him a weak and inadequate failure. Now in S1 he actually speedruns a realization of his shitty behavior with Mary, but what about S2? Well...
He continues to not talk to Edward about... pretty much anything. My guy practiced love confessions galore but Edward only finds out about going back to his wife via Anne, and it gets brushed aside with a love confession. He seems to think Edward wants him to be a dashing pirate, or maybe he just thinks he should be a dashing pirate. Idk, it doesn't get examined. Regarding his captaincy, they give him an episode plot about Izzy teaching him to respect the crew's beliefs, but this is sideplot to a larger arc of him completely overruling their traumas and concerns (and shushing their objections) to keep his boyfriend on the ship so. That.
Stede kills a man for reasons related to his issues, shoves that down inside and has sex with Edward instead of acknowledging any bad feelings. At least this time Edward was there and knows it happened? Neither Chauncey's death nor his dad have been mentioned to anyone. He gets a day of piracy fame that goes to his head, gets dumped, and ends on a complete beat down by Zheng where he learns... idk. Being a boor is bad? He's still wildly callous to her in the finale, and spends the whole time seeking validation of his pirate skills. He reunites with Edward, kisses, and quotes Han Solo.
Where S1 ended on a great fuckery, his S2 naval uniform plan after they regroup is ill defined except to call it a suicide mission - and we don't get to see what it would have been because it devolves into a very straightforward fight and flee. And gets Izzy killed. Quick cut funeral (no acknowledgement of his S2 bonding with Izzy), quick cut to wedding (foreshadowing), quick cut to... innkeeper retirement? Unclear when or even if BlackBonnet discussed Stede's whole driving dream to be a pirate and live a life at sea, but I guess that got a big priority downgrade. Despite the fact he was literally looking to Zheng for pirate-based compliments in the post-funeral scene.
I guess he's borderline-delusionally dogged in his pursuit of love now - so unlikely to bolt again - but he's also got at least a decade of experience mentally checking out in a state of repression when he's unhappy. And he's stopped being as supportive and caring toward the crew in that dogged pursuit, while arguably demonstrating a loss in leadership skills, so, um, good thing someone else is in charge?
And if Stede is a mess, Edward's arc is so much worse.
As established, they devote the Kraken to making Edward worse. He literally wants to kill himself and destroy everyone around him in the process because Stede left, and this is fixed by... Stede coming back. That's it. The crew tries to murder him and then exiles him from the ship (and Izzy takes the lead on both, indicating exactly how isolated Edward has become), but it's resolved in half a day by Stede just forcing them to put up with his boyfriend again. Like they think he murdered Buttons and still have to move him back in???
The show consistently depicts Kraken Era as a transgression against the crew, but they also avoid showing Edward acting with genuine contrition. He admits he historically doesn't apologize for anything, and then mostly still doesn't. It's a joke that he's approaching probation as a performance (CEO apology), and then the only person he genuinely talks to is Fang - the one guy cool with him - and the only person who gets a basic "sorry" is Izzy - the guy he really needs to be talking to. Edward's primary trauma is guilt, but apparently he only feels it abstractly after all that? He's only concerned with fixing things with Stede, despite Stede being about the only person around who hurt him instead of the reverse.
Speaking of primary traumas, Edward hating himself doesn't really go anywhere after the beat of self-realization. Apparently Stede still loving him is enough of a bandaid to end the suicide chasing, but he doesn't like. Acknowledge that. Edward is maybe sorta trying to go slow so he doesn't hang all his self-worth on Stede again (you can speculate), but they a) absolutely fail to go slow, and b) he doesn't make any attempt to develop himself or another support structure. Just basically... "let's be friends a bit before hooking back up." And then we get the whiplash that is Blackbeard and/or retirement.
Kraken Era is Blackbeard but way worse, like no one who has known Blackbeard has ever seen him. In the Gravy Basket Edward claims he might like being an innkeeper, before destroying his own fantasy by having the spectre of Hornigold confront him over killing his dad. The BlackBonnet to Anne & Mary parallel says running away to China / retiring makes you want to kill each other - burn it all down and go back to piracy. Stede rightfully points out prior retirement plans were whims. Edward gets sick of the penance sack after a day and puts his leathers back on to go try "poison into positivity". But also claims to be an innkeeper (look - two whole mentions!) when trying not to send children to be pirates after teaching them important knife skills.
Killing Ned Low is a serious, bad thing that prompts ill-advised sex and then going hardcore into retirement mode - leathers overboard, talk about mermaid fantasy, get retirement blessings from Izzy, end up dumping Stede for a fishing job instead of talking about how he's enjoying piracy. The fishing job, however, is also a bad thing and a stupid decision because Edward is a lazy freeloader fantasizing about being a better person. We have an uncomfortable, extended scene of "Pop-Pop" weirdly echoing his abusive dad and then sending Edward to go do what he's good at - disassociate, brutally murder two guys, fish up the leathers, rise as the Kraken from the sea. He continues with comically efficient murder but also he's reading Stede's love letters and seeking to reunite with him so... wait, is this a good thing? Post makeout / mass slaughter he's trading compliments on his kills with Zheng so. Yeah. Looks like it. Murder is fine.
Wait, no, skip ahead and Izzy is dying and Edward suddenly cares a whole lot as Izzy makes his death scene about freeing Edward from Blackbeard. Now being a pirate was "encouraging the darkness" because Izzy - a guy who had little to no influence over Edward's behavior - just couldn't let Blackbeard go. Murder is bad again, and he is freed. Minus the little detail that the murder he explicitly hates himself over was not related to Blackbeard or piracy whatsoever, so presumably haunts "just Ed" still. Anyway he's retiring to run an inn with Stede now, as the "loving family" Izzy comforted him with in his dying moments sails away from the couple that can best be described as the antagonists of their S2 arc. Also Edward implicitly wants to get married. It's been 3 days since making out was "too fast". He's still wearing the leathers.
So most of the way through Act 2 and Edward's barely on speaking terms with anyone but Stede, who he has once again hung his entire life on really fast? Crushing guilt leads to self-hatred leads to mass murder and suicide, but only if he's upset so just avoid that. He's still regularly idealizing Stede as a non-fucked up golden mermaid person (that maybe he personally ruined a bit) because he barely knows the guy. His only progress on his future is "pirate" crossed out / rewritten / crossed out again a few times, "fisherman" crossed out, and "innkeeper ?"
Where is the forward movement?
It's not just that the inn will undoubtedly fall apart - it's that the inn will fall apart for the near-exact same reasons that China was going to at the beginning of Act 2, and I can't point to anything they've learned in the time since that will help them. I guess Stede realized he loved Edward enough to chase after him, but that was in S1! They should be further than this by now. You can't cram another crisis backslide, all the Act 2 development, and the full Act 3 climax into one season. Certainly not without it feeling like the characters magically fix themselves.
If they just fail and keep blindly stumbling into the same issues because they don't change their behavior, then Act 2 doesn't work. You're just repeating the turning point between Act 1 & Act 2 on a loop.
Where Did They Fuck Up?
Actually... lets start on what they did right.
The one consistent aspect of S2 that I praised and still think was done well in a vacuum (despite being mostly left out of the finale) was the crew's union-building arc.
With only 8 episodes and more to do in them than S1, side characters were going to get pinched even if the main plot was absolutely flawless. That was unavoidable. With budget cuts / scheduling issues, we regularly have crew members simply vanish offscreen outside of one scene, meaning cohesive arcs for your faves was not likely. Not to say they couldn't have done better - my benefit of the doubt for the TealOranges breakup and Oluwande x Zheng dried up about when I realized he was literally just her Stede stand-in for the parallel - but something like Jim's revenge plot from S1 was realistically not on the table without, like, turning half the crew into seagulls to afford it.
The union building works around this constraint really well. They turn "the crew" into the side arc, and then weave Izzy's beats in so that they aren't just about Izzy. The breakup boat crew working together to comfort each other and protect him turns them into a unit, and Stede's crew taking it upon themselves to address the trauma vibes while the captains aren't in the way solidifies it across all our side characters. The crew goes to war with Stede's cursed coat and wins, they Calypso their boss to throw a party, and they capitalize on a chance to make bank with an efficiency Stede could only dream of.
We don't get specific arcs, but Frenchie, Jim, and Oluwande are defaulted to as leaders in just about every situation, and Roach is constantly shown sharing his inventions with different characters. Individuals can dip in and out without feeling like the sideplots stutter. Any sense of community in S2 is coming from this arc - even if there are cracks at the points where it joins to other storylines (Stede and Edward, Zheng, etc.)
So why does it work? Well, because it's a workplace comedy, and you can tell they are familiar with working on those. They know where the beats are. They know where to find the humor. They know how to build off of S1 because they made sure the bones were already there - an eclectic group of individuals that start as just coworkers, but bond over time in the face of their struggle against an inept boss who they grow to care for and support while maintaining an increasingly friendly antagonism because, you know, inept boss.
OFMD does its best work in S2 when it's being true to its original concept... and its worst work when it seemingly loses confidence in its own premise.
"The show is the relationship," right? It's a romance set in a workplace comedy. The setup of Act 1 was all about creating a character-driven narrative. So given that... where the hell are we getting the dying of piracy and a war against the English Navy?
That's not a character-driven romcom backdrop, it's an action-adventure plot from Pirates of the Caribbean or Black Sails. It's plot-driven, creating an antagonistic force that results in your characters' problems. Once the story is about the fight against the Empire, the dramatic question becomes the same as those adventure stories - "Will the British Navy defeat piracy, and will our protagonists come out the other side of the battle?"
Forget the wedding. The wedding is no longer the climax of the story, its back to the happy ending flash our romantic subplot gets after winning this fight.
Except, of course, trying to pivot your story to a contradictory dramatic question near the end of Act 2 can be nothing short of a disaster, because either you were writing the wrong story until now, or you've completely lost the plot of the real one. I shouldn't even be trying to figure out if they are doing this, because it should be so obvious that they wouldn't.
And yet.
What do the Zheng and Ricky plots add to the story if not this? Neither of these characters have anything emotionally to contribute to Stede and Edward - they truly are plot elements. It's a hard break from the S1 antagonist model, but it also takes up a lot of valuable screentime. This was considered important, but still Zheng's personality and motivation only gets explored so far as it's an Edward-Stede-Izzy parallel with Oluwande and Auntie, and they only need the parallel for Izzy's genre-jumping death scene. Which follows a thematically out-of-left-field speech about how piracy is about belonging to something good (workable) and how Ricky could never destroy their spirits (um...?). And then David Jenkins is pointing to it and saying things about "the symbolic death of piracy" and speculating S3 might be about the crew getting "payback"??? An idea floated by Zheng right before our temporary retirement, btw.
Fuck, the final episode of S2 didn't have time for our main couple to talk to each other because it was so busy dealing with the mass explosion of Zheng's fleet and Ricky's victory gloat. We get lethal violence associated with traumatic flashbacks until they need to cut down enemy mooks like it's nothing, at which point we get jokes with Zheng. The Republic of Pirates is destroyed outright, and it feels like they only did it because they got insecure about their "pirate story" not having the right kind of stakes. Don't even get me started on killing a major character because "Piracy’s a dangerous occupation, and some characters should die," as if suspending disbelief on this aspect makes the story somehow lesser, instead of just being a fairly standard genre convention in comedy. Nobody complains about Kermit the Frog having an improbably good survival record.
Did someone tell them that the heroes have to lose a battle near the end of Act 2, so they scrambled to give them one?
Just... compare the wholly plot-driven struggle in 2x08 to Stede and Edward's character-focused storylines in 1x10 and tell me how 2x08 is providing anything nearly as valuable to the story. Because I can't fucking find it.
At best they wasted a bunch of time on a poorly integrated adventure plot as, like, Zheng's backstory or something, and just fucked it up horribly by trying to "step up" the kind of plot they did for Jim. In which case the whole thing will be awkwardly dropped but damage is done. Otherwise, they actually thought they could just casually add a subplot like this because they've done something wildly stupid like think "pirate" is a genre on the same level as "workplace comedy" and can just trample in-universe coherency while you draw on other media to shore up their unsupported beats.
Bringing us to the most infuriating bit...
"...end the second season in a kinder spot."
If this was the goal, the entire season was written to work actively against it in way that is baffling and incompetent.
The really ironic thing is that the reason that the Act 2 part typically gets a downer ending is because of the evil empire that OFMD did not have to deal with until they pointlessly added it. A plot-driven story has an antagonistic force - a villain - that the heroes need to defeat. Something external working against them. The story ends when they beat the thing, and it's not much of a climax if they do most of the defeating before you get there. Ergo, they have to be outmatched up to the climax. Ergo, the second part cannot end on them feeling pretty comfortable and confident going into the third.
The same rules do not apply in the same way to a character-driven arc.
We already established Edward and Stede declaring their love is not the end of the story. Nor, necessarily, is both of them confidently entering a relationship. Even once they've developed a bunch they will have to show that development by running into the kinds of problems that would have broken them up before and resolving them better.
David Jenkins keeps talking about this idea that S2 is getting a hopeful open ending and S3 will get into potential problems, and like... I don't see any reason why they couldn't have done that successfully. They didn't, but they could've.
If S2 grew them enough as characters and then had them agree to try again in the last minute of the finale, they absolutely could have had a kind and hopeful ending where you were confident they could do it. And then a potential S3 can show that. It's a bit rockier than they were counting on, but they have learned enough lessons to not break up. And then the overall plot can build to proposal (start of Act 3) and wedding (the romantic climax). It doesn't have to be a blow out fight to be emotionally cathartic.
(Hell, the main rockier bit that they overcome in the S3 Act 2 portions could be marriage baggage. I'm sure they both have some. It would work.)
In the same way focusing on our character's long term flaws and character-driven conflict makes an Act 1 "happy ending" more difficult, I suspect it makes an Act 2 "happy ending" easier.
Instead they wrote an Act 2 that failed to convincingly start development and got confused on its direction, and then presented a rushed finale ending in a copy of the predictable disaster from S1 as though it's a good thing. They yanked the story at least temporarily into an awkward place where a romcom is trying to sell me on a bunch of serious drama / adventure beats that it has not put the work into, and inviting comparisons to better versions of those same beats in other, more suited media that make it look worse. The need to portray everyone as reaching happy closure overrules sitting with a major character death and using it for any narrative significance, while still letting it overshadow those happy endings because a romcom just sloppily killed a major character with a wound they've literally looked into the camera and said was harmless.
If I'm being entirely honest, Dead Man's Chest ends effectively at Jack Sparrow's funeral and then cuts to the British Navy obtaining a weapon of mass destruction, and it still feels kinder and more hopeful just because I leave with more faith the characters are actively capable of and working toward solving their problems.
OFMD S2, in contrast, has half-convinced me our main couple would live in a mutually obsessed, miscommunication-ridden horror story until they die.
Additional Reading
Normally I link stuff like this in the post, but that requires more excitement than I'm feeling right now. Here's my alternative:
Where I thought they were going with Edward - really outlines the mountain of character development they still have unaddressed
Where I thought they were going with Izzy - touches on a lot of themes that might be dead in the water & also context that's still probably relevant to why Izzy got a lot of focus in S2
My scattershot 2x08 reactions
An ask where I sketched out the bones of this argument, and another where I was mostly venting about the fandom response
This one, this other one, and this last one (read the link in op's post too) about genre shifts and failure to pull them off
The trauma goes in the box but it never opens back up - the whole point of Act 2 is that they needed to start opening shit like that - and also they focus so much on needed character growth and so little on following through
They can't even carry through on character growth that we got last season???
Why Izzy's death feels like Bury Your Gays ran smack into shitty writing
EDIT: Oh and this post is REALLY good for outlining the lack of change in way less words than I did
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ryololart · 3 months
Ghost x OC who has a fear of open bodies of water.
TW: talk of drugs, fear of drowning, and kind of gory romantic imagery.
She hated water.
Didn’t matter the size, shape, nor color. If it was deep enough to drown she was out. Just looking at it made her throat feel like it was caving in on itself. Her head got dizzy and she had to hold onto something to regain a sense of self.
So how the fuck did she get here?
“Price why the fuck am I here?” The woman yelled in her mic, holding onto Ghost’s arm in the helicopter. They were in the air high over the Crimean Sea. She could feel the inky black water that was staring at her through the window seeping into her veins. Ghost tried to shake her off, telling her ‘that’s enough, cut the shit Sergeant.’, but her grip did not falter. 
“Ghost, do you see that shit? What if we crash huh?” She shrieked, letting go of him and running her hands through her hair. The normal blonde mess that was normally let down was pulled up in a lazy attempt of a ponytail. It stuck out here and there and bumps were consistent throughout the top. 
“Evans, if you don’t piped down back there and gonna toss you out the back.” Nikolais voice rang out through the comms. He was sitting in the front cockpit, piloting the heli. 
“You would never.” She gasps, putting a hand over her mouth. Fear radiating through her body. 
Ghost had his eyes locked on her anxious movements. He wasn’t used to her being like this. Calm and collective weren’t words he would use to describe her, but normally, frantic wasn’t one either. Her jokes and dark humor frequented his thoughts. He loved watching her pretty lips from the words ‘fuck you’ when she was mad. He knew just how her muscles were tense up when she was frustrated, how her grip on her tool would make her knuckles white. Even her sly smile when she knew she was getting away with something no one else could. That smile imprinted itself on the back of his eyelids and whenever he closed his eyes it showed up in the black fuzzy dots.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do. He knew part of the reason he had never seen her like this is probably because he had never seen her sober enough to get to this point. She had a whole cabinet of shit that would knock her ass out if it ever got this bad. Most of the time she couldn’t even get here because she was already high. She frequently said, ‘THC is a magical drug,’ and then would lay in the lawn chair she put in the garage watching YouTube on the TV she attached to the ceiling.
“I would now be quiet. Take one of those pills of yours-.” The Russian pilot tried to say before being cut off.
“Evans, do not. Evans, I repeat do not take anything. You must be sober on this mission.” Price’s voice, thick accent and all startled her in her headset. Price’s voice was commanding and controlling, yet had this warmness. It sounded like a father warning his kid to not do something dangerous. He was one of the reasons she hadn’t lost herself yet.
“So there you are! Despite me calling for you over and over, you respond when now?” She lectured, her voice shaky and desperate. She had moved from where she had been sitting, next to Ghost by the window, to the ground huddled in a ball. The ground was cold and metal. The sound of the heli vibrated her bones only adding to her unease. Her boots made this squeak noise that made her jump as she brought her knees to her chin.
“It was my smoke break Evans,” He chuckled.
“No it was not!” She fired back, rocking back and forth now, squeezing her eyes shut. All she could think about was how long it would take to fall from this height and straight into the water. Then how long it would take to drown and sink onto the seafloor. She imagined all the soldiers and equipment already laying there from past wars. They were in air space where fighting had been frequent. 
Her thoughts then tumble like waves waiting to crash on the shore. First returning from its last crescendo, pulling back sand, rocks, shells in its wake. The force of the riptide causing destruction in its path. Then turning over and over, taking water into its clutches and holding it tight. Tight enough you could cut it up with the sharpest knife. It builds up and up creating height and weight, enough to take down the forces of enemies stronger than its original state. Then it’s all too much for gravity to hold, so unforgiving, the weight unbearable, the pressure roaring so loud. It was going to break her, it all was too much. It would pull her down  to the bottom of the ocean, a rock on her chest, and the seaweed tugging her into its slimy arms. She would never go willingly, she would fight, and fight, until her lungs were about to pop without the promise of a next breath. She would suffocate and never give in. Never open her mouth and take that breath. Never let the wave crash.
“Evangeline, love, you are fine,” A hand rested on her back, the wave faltering in its place, shaking in anticipation. “I’ve gotcha.” The words touch her soul so lovingly, like fingers caressing her heart. It’s as if it had torn open her chest rib by rib. Breaking the physical barriers of her body just to please the emotional ones. As if a hand held her lungs softly and lovingly, soothing the pain. She bathed in that feeling, letting it overwhelm her. She’d rather drown in her own blood than the ocean. She would let her ribs crack and bleed then let the ocean consume her whole. So she took that breath, the one she held back so faithfully. She let go of the wave, watching it fade out onto the coast, caressing the sand. 
The deep breath finally escaped her lips, her hands shaking as they held her legs to her chest. 
“That’s my girl.”
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chelseeebe · 2 years
still don’t know my name.
summary: at the halloween party, you witness hawkins high king and queen arguing. but then you’re dragged into the middle of it by king steve himself, causing some incredibly confusing feelings. 
i’ve been listening to so much music, every song inspires a new story so i just write and write and come up with stuff like this el oh el. think there could potentially be a part two to this story. 
you weren’t normally a party person, but it was halloween and even you knew that sitting in your room alone was super depressing. 
your best friend robin had convinced you it’d be fun. ‘c’mon man, it’ll be great. plus, it’s halloween, d’ya really wanna be stuck at home answering the door to kids all night?’ 
you knew why she really wanted to go, the party was at vickie’s house and to robin this was her only chance of actually speaking to her. although, you knew your best friend, probably better than you knew yourself at this point, so you also knew that she was going to stand in the corner all night not even looking in vickie’s direction. 
‘okay, i’ll go with you. but you better not leave me for vickie, robin i’m serious.’ 
this causes your red headed best friend to giggle, ‘i won’t! you know you’re my number one,’ she winks at you, ‘now hurry! go and get ready now!’ 
‘oh shit, i don’t have a costume, what the fuck am i gonna wear?’ 
robin purses her lips, scanning your cluttered room. 
‘aha!’ she pulls out a child-sized cat eared headband, ‘you can be a cat! we can draw whiskers on and you can just wear something black!’ robin had the tendency to get a tad over-excited, this was one of those times. she’s practically bouncing up and down on your bed. 
‘okay fine. i’m going to shower, please don’t break anything in here while i’m gone.’ she grins back at you and shoo’s you away with her hands. 
you step out of your car, robin in tow. she looked great, she was dressed like princess leia from star wars, a movie she’d been begging you to watch for far too long. she’d given the costume a personal spin, opting for white trousers and shirt over a dress, it was just more robin this way. her hair was still curled into the iconic leia buns. 
the music is already blaring, you didn’t take vickie for a party animal nor did you think that she was particularly popular, she was like you and robin, not popular but not unpopular, you just sort of existed around both groups of people. so it shocks you when you spot multiple people wearing the hawkins high green varsity jacket. 
real original.
‘okay, let’s do this dollface.’ robin blows you a kiss, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the party. 
it was packed. people you’d never have expected to see outside of their relevant clique table were sat talking to each other. maybe this wasn’t going to be too bad afterall. your assumptions of the party were that it was going to be just like school, in which you were invisible to the vast majority of attendees. 
‘robin! you came!’ vickie barrels up to the pair of you, she’s dressed as a mummy, i think, either way she looks incredible and you could see that robin definitely agreed. ‘and y/n! i’m so glad you both decided to come!’ 
you smiled at her, knowing you’d most likely only gotten the invite because of robin. 
‘come come, get a drink! let’s party!’ it wasn’t a secret that vickie had had a few already. this was great news for robin, hoping that this meant she could squeeze some information out of her. 
you follow robin and vickie into the kitchen, sweeping the room as you go. it was like nothing you had ever seen, clean-cut cheerleaders downing shots, ‘nerds’ playing beer pong with the basketball team. 
across the kitchen you spot nancy wheeler and her boyfriend steve harrington, nancy was heavily intoxicated at this point and you could tell, even through his dark ray-bans, that steve was getting annoyed with her behaviour. 
vickie points you over to the punch bowl, unfortunately placed directly in front of the bickering couple. her and robin were deep in conversation, already breaking her promise. 
you sigh, slinking over to the punch bowl to grab a cup. 
‘nance, i think you’ve had enough.’ as he attempts to wrestle the red solo-cup out of her grasp. 
this doesn’t work and instead ends up all over nancy’s bright white button-up. 
‘what the hell.’ nancy storms off past you, brushing your arm on her way through the kitchen. steve is quick to follow, although this time he jolts your whole body with his arm. without even a glance to you he’s off up the stairs following nancy. 
asshole. you thought to yourself. 
it had been a good hour since the whole nancy and steve situation, in the time being you’d seen her stumbling out of the party under jonathan byer’s arm. which you thought was odd. jonathan wasn’t popular but he wasn’t like you and robin, no. 
he unfortunately got a brunt of the bullying, with it only getting worse when his younger brother went missing sometime last year. see, people had actually believed he was the one who killed his brother, only making things worse for his unfortunate time in school. 
robin and vickie were deep in conversation on the couch across from you, robin only occasionally breaking away to make sure you were still sat there. 
‘vickie, where’s the bathroom?’ 
she breaks away from robins gaze, ‘oh, um upstairs and to the left. big brown door, you can’t miss it.’ 
robin wouldn’t have noticed if you were abducted by aliens right then and there, she was in love. and you were so happy for her but you wished she would have at least left you at home. 
it’s a mission to get up the stairs, as couples litter the steps, all deep in their own worlds, just like robin and vickie. 
you knock twice on the door, to which no one replies. so you step in.
‘oh, oh my god, i’m sorry i-i did knock.’ 
your eyes are on steve harrington, his sunglasses are now in the sink and his eyes are red with tears. he looks back at you, his hands held up as if to say ‘whatever.’ 
‘are you okay?’ you ask sheepishly, he quite obviously is not okay but if you didn’t ask you’d feel bad. 
‘yeah, i’m just fine. i’m sorry i was just.. sorting myself out.’ he looks at you through the mirror on the wall and takes a big sigh. steve still couldn’t let his ‘king steve’ persona falter, not even know that you’d caught him in such a vulnerable position. 
‘oh.. okay. i’ll just.. wait out here-’ you go to leave the dimly lit bathroom but steve’s hand is wrapped around your wrist. 
‘no, it’s okay, i’m done now anyway,’ he’s studying your face, trying to see if he can recognise you at all. nope, nothing. 
‘what’s your name anyway? are you new to hawkins or something?’ 
you almost want to roll your eyes, you and steve had been in the majority of classes together since freshman year and he thought you’d just moved here?!
‘nope.’ you sigh, ‘my name’s y/n.. i’m pretty sure we’re in miss click’s class together.’ you knew you were, because you and robin had sat at the back all semester giggling at how he was so messy. 
‘oh... yeah, i know you..’ he did not. but maybe he wanted to? his fight with nancy had been pretty damning. christ, if your girlfriend is leaving with another man, there’s not much redemption from that. 
‘hey, i’ll just call you... red,’ his eyes flicker down to your lips, painted with robins bright red lipstick. 
you’re blushing, very much against your own will. he was just a massive prick to you but you can’t help but flutter when his eyes rest on yours. 
‘i have a name,’ you protest, but the smile had already crept to your face. 
‘yeah, but red’s my favourite colour.’ his hand slides up to your jaw, his thumb aching to toy at your bottom lip. 
what the fuck are you doing? you had literally just been a witness to his and nancy’s fight, why were you still stood in this bathroom with him? why on earth were you actually willing him to do it, to kiss you. 
your heart is thumping and you pray that he can’t hear it through your chest. 
that’s when his other hand moved to your waist, his hands are soft, way softer than you’d expected. he turns you around, your back now against the white tiled counter. his face couldn’t be more than a few inches away from yours, his breath hot on your cheeks.
you’re still looking up into his chocolatey-eyes when his lips finally crash against yours. instinctively your arms wrap around his neck, kissing the basketball star back. 
you can taste the smoke and alcohol when his tongue runs along your bottom lip, begging for permission to meet yours. you accept, of course. if it wasn’t for that goddamn punch you would have been back downstairs third-wheeling robin and vickie already. 
both of his hands are on your waist now as he hoists you up onto the counter, slipping between your legs. where you can already feel the slight tent in his pants. you had stupidly chosen a pleated black skirt, now regretting your decision. 
in doing this, the bottles of product decorating the counter, come crashing to the floor with a loud clatter. 
this causes you to pull away, breathless, chest heaving at the sight of steve harrington with your red lipstick around his mouth. 
he lets out a breathy laugh, wasting no time in returning to the heavy kiss. 
‘mm, no stop-’ you pull away once again, this time placing a finger over his, now, very red mouth. 
‘why?’ his eyes are dark and almost boring holes into your iris’. 
‘you have a girlfriend..’ it comes out like a question but you’re sure. even if they weren’t together now, it was far too soon to be kissing random girls in bathrooms. 
‘i mean, i’m not sure she’d agree.’ 
you shake your head and hop off of the counter, it’s not right. nancy wheeler wasn’t one of the mean girls, she used to be like you, undetectable. that was until steve had taken a shining to her. 
‘no, steve.. i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have even stayed this long.’ 
you rush out of the bathroom, bumping into some far too wasted jock in the hallway. 
robin notices you frantically climbing down the stairs and finally pulls her attention away from vickie. 
‘woah, woah.. what the hell happened to you? you were up there for ages, i thought you’d fallen in.’ she smirks at you, but the look you flash tells her that it’s not the right time. 
‘hey, i’m just about ready to leave, if that’s okay with you?’ 
‘yeah yeah, um.. let me just say goodbye to vickie and i’ll meet you by the car?’ 
you nod, biting your bottom lip, taking that as your opportunity to escape out of the front door.
as she turns to say her goodbyes, she’s interrupted by steve harrington, his eyes skimming across the crowd. he’d done a good job at wiping away the evidence, although the small red smudge of red lipstick on his bottom lip was enough for robin to notice.  
‘you kissed harrington?! y/n what the fuck, i left you for 5 minutes!’ robin shrieks. you were both lying on your bed, giggling about the night you’d both just experienced. 
‘he kissed me! i’d say it was closer to an hour, but whatever, i wasn’t counting.’ you look over at her, your hair fanned out on the pink pillow. you can’t help but smile at the absurdity of it all. you and steve harrington were making out at a party?
‘oh my god,’ robin is giggling, ‘if anyone finds out you know you’ll be like, totally outcast, right? you can’t be the one to split up the king and queen of hawkins high.’ 
‘rob, he doesn’t even know me, besides.. i don’t think they’re together anymore..’ you cut yourself off. it was absolutely no business of yours whether steve harrington and nancy wheeler were still together. nope. ‘and you’re not going to tell anyone, isn’t that right?’ 
she looks over to you and nods but you know robin and she’s a blabbermouth. she doesn’t even intend to do it, it just sort of slips out in an awkward babble when she’s nervous. 
‘i mean it robin, not even vickie.’ you hold out your pinky and ring finger, you’d created a secret handshake specifically for situations like these, where only the two of you could know. 
she meets your fingers with hers and bursts out laughing again. 
you’re stood by your locker, trying to pick up your books and head to your next class when you see him. 
walking through the corridor, arm wrapped around nancy’s shoulder. you gulp, suddenly the guilt feels so much worse. 
they’re still together. 
as they make their way past your row of lockers, you try your hardest not to look at him but can’t help but steal a glance. you’re sure you caught his eyes flicker to you, and if they did it was only for a split second. 
you sigh as you head off in the opposite direction, the direction that steve should be walking if he wanted to make it to his next class in time. 
silly little girl. why would anyone like steve harrington be interested in you? 
you’re sat writing notes on the biology lab you’d just completed in the school library, not particularly focused nor interested in what you were saying. 
you sit back in the chair as your eyes wander off of the book and to the brown pair of eyes staring at you from across the desk. 
‘hey, red.’ when the hell had he gotten there? 
you scoot up in your chair, mouth hanging slightly open as you quickly scan the room, the library was empty bar you two in the corner. 
‘hey.. steve.’
‘whatcha doing there?’ your eyes flick to your notes. he was literally sat behind you in the very lab you were writing about, totally oblivious to your presence. 
‘writing about the lab.. which you should be doing too.’ you smile weakly at him. unsure of what he’s trying to gain from this situation. 
‘nah, that’s boring. let’s do something interesting.’ he’s now sat on the chair next to yours, as you shuffle in the opposite direction, he makes sure to scoot up right next to you. 
‘hmm, like what?’ you didn’t want to push him, it comes out unannounced. it actually pained you to admit it but you really did think he was attractive.. and this whole secrecy thing was kinda sexy..
‘like this.’ and his lips are on yours again, the kiss just as electric as the last. your eyes flutter shut as once again his soft fingers have found your waist. 
the library was empty and you’d sat in the back corner but you couldn’t help but worry about who could possibly walk in and see this scene. 
your hand rests on his shoulder, pushing him back off of you. 
‘we’re in the library.. and you have a girlfriend.’ his forehead is leaning against yours, eyes narrowing when you mention his girlfriend. 
‘there’s no one around.. it’s like four, everyone’s gone home already.’ 
you want to, you really want to. but you think back to what robin said about being totally outcast if anyone found out what you’d done. 
‘we.. we can’t.. it’s not fair..’ his thumb was stroking your jaw. fuck. 
‘but we can, it’s just a kiss... and you’re not going to tell anyone are you, red?’ there was that stupid nickname again, you knew he was only using it in place of your real name because he didn’t know your real name. and yet it still gives you butterflies anytime it comes out of his soft lips. 
you close your eyes and steve takes this as his opportunity to kiss you again, much softer this time. your hand moves from his shoulder, sliding into the back of his famous hair. 
he leads the kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth before you could do anything about it. not that you would have. his whole body is leaning into you, causing you to lean back over your chair. those large soft hands are holding you from falling off the damn thing. 
you couldn’t deny how amazing this felt. you’d kissed a few people but never like this before and never ever with someone as attractive as steve. 
his hand is creeping up your waist and onto your breast, the sensation alone causes you to moan into his mouth. the lack of contact causes him to break away, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down onto your jaw and then your neck. 
‘y/n? there you ar- woah!’ 
you pull away as you spot robin stood by the book shelf, mouth wide open. 
you jolt up and away from steve, who has the exact same idea. 
‘well, i hope i wasn’t interrupting anything.. i kinda still need that ride home if that’s okay with you..’ your best friend is so awkward it actually hurts. 
you gather up your books from the table shoving them into your backpack, refusing to even glance at steve. 
‘right, yes, let’s go.’ you storm away from the table grabbing robin’s hand. she doesn’t care about looking at steve as she twists her head around while you pull her through the library doors. 
you collapse into your car. and insert the key into the ignition before robin is even fully in the car.
‘don’t. just don’t.’ 
robin bites her lip. ‘can i ju-’ 
‘no. just don’t say anything and i might not crash into a wall on the way home.’ 
she smiles to herself, finding it too difficult to contain herself. you spot steve leaving the school, watching your car pull off at great speed. 
‘arghh!’ you scream, your knuckles turning white from your grip on your steering wheel. 
‘y/n, it’s okay! i promise i won’t say anything but i’m too young to die!’ 
this makes you laugh, even in a situation as serious as this robin knew how to make you crack up. 
‘i’m not going to kill us,’ you reassure her, your mind switches back to whatever the fuck that just was. 
‘oh thank god!’ her grip loosens from the above head handle, ‘you sure you don’t wanna speak about it?’ 
‘i don’t even know what to say rob, he came in and just kissed me again. i told him that we can’t, he’s still with nancy for fuck’s sake!’ you’re exasperated. still unsure on exactly what this boy wants from you. is he just trying to get one back over nancy? is he trying to get a quick fuck? you had no clue. 
‘maybe he likes you? i mean, you’re beautiful, why wouldn’t he?’ 
‘because i’m me! i’m no-one! he doesn’t even know my name, keeps calling me red because of that stupid lipstick, how can he just- just use me like that?’ it was becoming infuriating, you didn’t want to be some little toy for steve. especially not to get one over on nancy. 
after dropping robin back at her house, you drive back to your house. 
an unfamiliar maroon bmw parked on your driveway. 
so you park up, as you’re leaving your car you see him. jumping out of his car and rushing over to you. 
‘how the fuck did you get my address?’ 
‘i have my ways.. look, red.. i just wanted to see you..’ he moves closer to you, you had no choice but to move back against your car door.
‘steve, robin won’t say anything, i promise. you don’t have to stalk me back to my house.’ you make sure to spit his name, since he couldn’t even give you the courtesy of knowing yours. 
‘are you sure? i just.. i wanted to make sure that this, little thing stayed between me and you.. it’s better that way you see.’ his hand is leaning against the window of your car, just beside your waist. 
‘there is no “little thing” steve, nothing happened. now i’d like to go inside my house if you don’t mind.’ 
he steps forward, his chin tilted down towards you. ‘so you don’t wanna finish what we started back there?’ he’s smirking because even he knows that you want nothing more. 
‘no. i don’t, i’m going inside now.’ his hand slams onto your car, over your shoulders, trapping you between his body and your car. 
‘c’mon red.. i know you want to.’ red. again. it’s astounding how he’s trying so desperately to get into your pants without even knowing your name. 
‘you still don’t even know my name.’ and with that you break free from his arm prison and storm into your house, ensuring you gave the door an extra hard slam, just for him. 
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youdontloveme-yet · 8 months
It seems people around here need a bit of an insight on the events that are happening in the Middle East currently. (btw, there has been a devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, which also needs attention) I will compile what my friend has said since this genocide started and what they're basically being forced to live through. Excuse me, survive through.
07.10.23: First thing my friend sent me in the morning was this:
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Saying the bombings have not stopped since 6am, while he texted me this photo at 8am. He said there're bombs and rockets flying in different directions from all over Gaza. Be it by Hamas or IDF doesn't matter. Our conversation continues to me witnessing a 22 year old man breaking down, wishing this was just a bad dream. A little while later as I bombard him with questions about the situation and what they're saying on the news and whatnot he simply said:
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When I asked if there are any protocols for civilians:
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As the day went on and I had to function like an actual person and go to work, in the evening I asked if his family has emergency plans.
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And asked for shelters.
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He joked about the situation. We joked about the situation. You know, to keep the normalcy rather than making it worse for everybody. He didn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop crying through the entire day and night.
08.10.23: First thing is the morning is to see if he's okay. Still alive, still joking about it. I asked about the bombing and he tells me they've been going on every few minutes through the entire night. We continue speaking through the entire day, as I cannot stop shaking nor crying, because I am absolutely fucking useless and helpless.
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Is what comes out as he is barely holding up, amidst joking around. He still asks me about my day, why I am scheduling therapy, if I have eaten anything and so on. Regardless the fact that he is now in an active warzone with very big prospects of him dying. So, I think you can paint a picture of the type of person he is. I try to keep our conversations light and normal, as they usually are, so as he doesn't lose his mind. He send me pictures of his cat and growing a stress beard. We joke around and keep up the normalcy as much as possible. We go back and forth with how he will not get rid of me especially in this situation. With him constantly telling me it's not worth it and how I'll only get hurt. As you can imagine I legit do not care, since I will stick with him 'till the very end. We continue going in circles with why I shouldn't get attached or how he's happy to see my ugly mug, some innuendos being throw around and whatnot. Every night I tell him to stay safe as if he has any power over it. In the evening I ask if he needs some distraction, either to talk or play games. He played a few games with the rest of the server, you know, to keep his sanity. I keep sending memes and stupid shit to keep it light. We got to the point where we started talking about books, so I ask him for his favourite:
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I unfortunately literally passed out after our book conversation, as I was fatigued from crying and shaking all day.
09.10.23: In the morning he tells me he is alive and doing okay-ish. After which we continue with the back and forth of "it's a waste of time to stress about me". I ask about his family, how I'll love and support him even if he commits war crimes and whatnot. To which he continues to answer with stuff like this:
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Well, we both know is a bit too late to not get attached. :)
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There is something so viscerally horrifying when a big, strong man tells you he is scared. There is something so incredibly painful, when the person you've grown attached to tells you he is scared. I cannot even start to explain how my heart sunk and the most abusive and profound sadness nested itself in my chest. I woke up every hour during that night, even though I smoked enough weed to keep me asleep for a week. And I woke up in terror every fucking hour of the night.
10.10.23: He's alive and well. As well as someone can be in his situation. Hadn't slept all night, but is alive. We continue our usual banter and jokes through the day. Later he apologizes for forgetting that I am going to therapy. We talk about flowers, because he loves flowers and we both need distraction. As we keep talking he casually throws in how he finally has his meds. Which to me is weird, because he hadn't mentioned any pills before. And this is how I learn he is on anti-depressants since his brother killed himself the previous year. He hadn't told anyone else. I will here remind that he is not even 22 yet and has gone through absolute shit. By absolute shit I mean the worst things imaginable. For example, he shared in the server how he witnessed a rocket split a person in half, nearly killing his brother when he was only 14 years old. Later on I had the small victory of making him laugh, while bombs were still raining on them. We even played a game that night. Then the horrors continued:
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I left him to his own vices for that time, as I knew anything I'd say would make it only worse. When I spoke to him next he had calmed down, even tho he was battling his demons. Even made him smirk with a pun. And the dread came back in full power after.
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So, as you can imagine, knowing that the person you most deeply care about doesn't want to exist is absolutely and irrevocably devastating. I do not recall if this was the same night, when he told us they started using white phosphorus rockets, but it might as well have been the same night. I would like to remind here that white phosphorus is banned as a weapon and is allowed only to use for smoke screen. While in this case they were launching rockets full of it towards houses and entire neighbourhoods. The whole idea behind it is that if a person doesn't die from an entire building collapsing, they will either suffocate or literally melt due to the phosphorus. Which automatically means that they cannot identify victims or have claims that a child has been killed. It is a very old tactic used in the majority of devastating wars.
So, here I will ask all the zionists and racists, how can a person like this be dubbed a terrorist? How can a person, who cares more about my well-being, while being actively under siege, a fucking terrorist? With what consciousness do you call all Palestinians terrorists? What goes through your silly little minds to support Israel in slaughtering such people?? Palestine is 2mil people, 55% of which are children. The average age in the country is 18. And people still dare to say that they are animals, subhuman and terrorists. You have no actual evaluation of what is right and wrong, if you cannot get it through your thick skulls that Hamas is but a fraction of Palestine, while the rest 90+ percent of people are just like you and me. Have you no empathy for those who have been subjected to severe ethnic cleansing for 80 fucking years? Because you all had sympathy for Ukraine when Russia attacked, but when it is not white fucking people, it is not a genocide, it's the colonial state of Israel defending themselves.
I will end this here for now, as I have to pretend to be a functioning person and work. I will continue this when I can.
Peace and may your Gods save your souls when karma comes for you. Everyone else, stay safe :)
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angry-trashcan · 8 months
PART 1. Ok! So, right now most of my ideas are stemming from my main character from the book I’m writing. Normally I don’t think she’d ever meet the boys or anything like that but since world jumping is a thing in my book there is always the possibility. I sometimes throw my characters into other fictional worlds to practice writing and to help develop them, it helps me grow as a writer. So, my main character, Clara (Cl-are-uh) is a “supernatural” being of sorts. (Forgive me for not going too in depth here, I’m just very paranoid about my book 😅 it’s been almost a decade in the making) Anyway, she’s part of a bigger group of “supernatural” beings who watch over different worlds (In my mind they were all the fictional worlds of the games/books/TV that made me who I am today.) and protect them from a “darkness” of sorts. (Again, please excuse the basic/vague naming. I am just very protective over my book… but I also just wanna word vomit about it 😅) Now, the worlds the “supernatural” beings protect and fight for are very… dickish. They’re sentient and very set in there ways and don’t like rule breaking or world mixing to happen. So unfortunately, the “supernatural” beings have to abide by the world’s rules be very cautious not to overstep, lest they be thrown out of the world and locked out. Leaving the world to fend for itself with the “supernatural” beings greatest enemy the “supernatural darkness” who have found ways to sneak into the world’s anyway! Anyway, my brain had the idea that Clara’s greatest enemy would team up with the darkness the boys are fighting, and because of that Clara would be forcibly sucked into the LU world against her will. Now, Clara as a character… is very… Hm… I’m not sure. Long story short, she was the first of the “supernatural” beings created, had her husband and daughter taken (killed) from her during the rise of the “supernatural darkness,” she had to rise up and command/lead armies into battle against the “supernatural darkness” across every single world they infected, practically DIED during the final battle but for reasons unknown (I know the reason~) she was temporarily put back together long enough to strike down the leader of the “supernatural darkness” and be held alive long enough for help to arrive and heal her properly. NOW! The thing about the “supernatural darkness” is that they all follow the one with the most power, after the fall of their leader and practically all of their higher ups… they didn’t have anyone to follow. Now they’re all angry and only want one thing no matter the cost! The death of Clara. Since their numbers were greatly reduced after the war they scattered to worlds not even the “supernatural beings” have been to… once they end up in the LU world and meet the darkness the boys are fighting… they see and opportunity and make an alliance with the darkness. The darkness provides help in bringing Clara down while the “supernatural darkness” lends the darkness their numbers/powers. NOW! Remember when I said the world’s were sentient? Well, this world has had ENOUGH from all the hopping the boys have been doing cuz COME ON!!! BALANCE WAS A THING BEFORE THIS WHOLE SHIT SHOW HAPPENED!!! So, when Clara is exploring the outer reaches of the “In between” (the space between worlds) the LU world nabs her and forces her into the world and locks her in!!! Which is unheard of to the “supernatural beings” and their creator alike. The only way for Clara to leave is by either A. Taking care of the problem her kind started or B. Start an all out war on the world to get her out. Clara chose option A. She needed to smite the “supernatural darkness” anyway… just kinda sucks that she can’t leave and resupply/rest at home. She was greatly weakened after the final battle and isn’t as strong as she once was… now, as she’s fighting a being of the “supernatural darkness” they end up tumbling through a portal together during their fight and so the Chain then get to witness Clara absolutely DESTROY this dark being that has been causing them trouble along with the black blooded monsters.
PART 2. Now, the first meeting with the boys was very… rocky. Clara is like “Aw shit, ppl ain’t supposed to know about me.” And the Chain is like “Uhhh… how did you take that thing down all by yourself? And how/why did you come out of the portal when you’re obviously not a Link.” Anyway, after the initial shock is worn off Clara tries to get information seeing as the Chain been fighting the darkness and recently the “supernatural darkness” as well and when Clara tries the leave the Chain is like “Wanna join? We’re fighting the same thing right now, makes sense to team up as well.” Clara is very hesitant cuz like “Y’all all share the aura which is pretty friggin weird and even look the same. Pretty sketch if you ask me.” But then the world is like “Dude, just join them.” Which kisses Clara off! Cuz like dude! I didn’t ask to be here! Why you making me team up with sketchy strangers? This wasn’t even my problem until the “supernatural darkness” showed up.” Eventually Clara joins them and they go off together fighting the Darkness and the “supernatural darkness” together. Shenanigans ensue. The dynamic between Clara and the Chain is really… nice? I’m not sure how to say it. She would connect with practically all of them (maybe not Time, Hyrule, or Wind… I’m not sure.) because she has something in common with practically all of their trauma. Heaven forbid if Sage is there too??? Instant “Fuck the world!!!” Buddies. Clara lost her entire family and then was forced to lead the war against the “supernatural darkness” and then friggin DIED but still had fight? That’s some bull caca. And then after the war she still couldn’t rest! Her friends and creator tried to help but the universe needed her. The “supernatural darkness” was still around and leeching off every world they could get their hands on. The ONLY reason Clara didn’t off herself is because of her friends, Bo and Ameilia, and their kids… who Clara is the godmother of, btw. Anyway, now she’s been thrown into this unknown world and LOCKED IN????? So she can’t even go see her family again until this whole fiasco is done. She’s had it!!! Fuck this world, fuck the darkness, and fuck the “supernatural darkness.” I believe her and Sage would be buddies in the very least of the situation. Very similar mindsets… not the same! Mind you, but similar. As far as relationships evolving out of this endeavor… it’s up in the air. I’d like some romance to blossom (especially with Wild and Sage cuz COME ON!!!!!) but it’s honestly up in the air. Clara has been with men, women, monogamous and polygamous, she really doesn’t care tbh.
I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! The “Supernatural” beings are immortal and don’t age. So yeah. Clara has been around for QUITE a while. Considering she was the first and all.
This is SUCH a great idea. Another world hopper doing something similar (if not the same thing) that the boys are doing and just absolutely shocking them to high hell. Gotta agree with if Sage was there. He would be all over Clara. Trauma bonding?? That's the only bonding he knows how to do. Idk if Clara would be up for it, but love bullying the others while Sage just normal bullies them, I could see it. Time would be SO hesitant and skeptical I think. Would absolutely believe that Clara was sent from the darkness to try to infiltrate them or something for quite a while. I could see him getting Warriors in on it, too.
But Wars? Ooo buddy Wars.
He's dealt with traitors and liars in his OWN war. He wouldn't be upfront about his skepticism, but he would hide it behind smiles and shared dinners. Just aching to get into her brain and phsyc. Wars being just a touch manic and absolutely suspicious of absolutely anyone that isn't his brothers just scratches my brain though.
Especially when it comes to Wind.
I understand you said that Clara and Wind may not get along. Which is fair! Bc Wind is also a 14 year old boy. He probably doesn't get along with a lot of people anyway! But if they had a good laugh together one day, Wars would take that ad Clara trying to get into his precious baby brother's mind. And he can't have that, can he? Queue the much more intense trying to dig into her mind.
I love all of this and I hope that one day in the future I'll get to read this book, because honestly? It sounds incredible and like you have poured your whole heart and soul into it.
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Honestly, the only thing that’s “forcing” Ruby to continue this stuff (whatever tf she’s doing) is the fact she’s the main character.
Imagine having a main character who literally doesn’t move the plot. 😭
(RIP my original response, Tumblr randomly refreshed and ate the entire thing I blame @bad-food-sells-burgers I saw their post when the random refresh happened)
It's so damn frustrating seeing the show trying to make us feel bad for Ruby and pity her when we don't see any force pushing her to keep fighting. Her silver eyes haven't been stated to be the key to stopping Salem, her actions haven't painted her as the one who will unite Remnant given she's at least partially responsible for everything that happened to James, she doesn't even have the pull of desperately trying to find out what happened to her mother leading her on this path. Their is nothing compelling that is forcing her to go on this journey besides she's the main character but that makes it really hard to feel any sort of sympathy for her in scenes like this. If the show had done anything to sell to us that Ruby is being thrust into this chosen one position we could feel really bad for her in the weight of the world being on her shoulders.
A thought that just occurred to me, an arc about Ruby forcing her way into this war, and feeling this heavy weight on her shoulders that she put on herself and feels like she can't put down because she screwed up and feels like she has to fix it could be compelling. A naïve girl who believes life can be like a fairytale, that good will triumph because it's good so it has to win and her realizing that's not the case and realizing how badly she's screwed up could be compelling but sadly this is RT and RT refuses to let the mains genuinely make a mistake, but that angle could work and could be a compelling story if handled correctly.
Unfortunately this issue has been painfully prevalent since the beginning. The mains have never pushed the plot along, the plot just slammed into them accidentally and they just roll with it. Again, if the story acknowledged this, it could be compelling. A group of kids just trying to live their normal lives but shit just keeps happening to them that they want nothing to do with over and over until they decide to just go along with it because they'll be dragged in either way could be compelling, but once again this is RT and RT wants to sell us this cool fighting show with "Chosen one" characters who aren't really chosen ones who have this heavy burden that's breaking the but refusing to actually let them break and process what happened to them. Their are several nuggets of good ideas, but none of them are being properly utilized leaving us with a story about a broken protagonist who could walk away with no repercussions but the story wants us to believe otherwise and it is so frustrating.
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snorfbin · 1 month
i feel like the difference between zos with eso and larian with bg3 is like night and day. larian put so much love and effort into bg3 but it feels like zos actually fucking hates their players and wants everyone to suffer
like when it comes to updates it feels like larian is kissing me with tongue but zos barely even gives me scraps, even when they hype up how long their patch notes are. there was one "fix" zos had implemented on pts where youd only get sprinting animations when you actually held shift to sprint otherwise youd just get the normal running animation. as someone who does a lot of mat farming ive got a super speedy toon and it looked so damn stupid. like imagine someones running around twice as fast as usain bolt but with the gait of a casual jogger! so stupid and ugly! the "fix" never actually made it to the live server bc this is one of the few times zos actually listened to the players but guess what made it on to the patch notes for the live server soon after? yup! they said in the patch notes that this "fix" was on the live server when it wasnt at all! they just left it in the official live server patch notes to pad out the length bc they spent so much time hyping up how long the patch notes were gonna be bc they were fixing so much stuff
ive never had any issues with combat at all in bg3, it works exceedingly well and i quite enjoy it. and then zos broke the blocking mechanic... three times in a row... ive also been having problems with my 2 arcanists too. if i use my green beam but literally anything interrupts me then i cant use ANY of my abilities at all until the beam ability normally wouldve ended. normally if someone bashes you while channeling an ability like that you just cant recast that ability for like 2 secs at most but you can still use other abilities. for me i cant do anything at all. anything that interrupts my ability will cause this to happen such as a summoned companion finally appearing. this isnt a lag thing either, it happens when my ping is as low as 70 or off the charts at 999. the arcanist class is part of a $70 dlc and altho i got it on sale id expect any game company to do some fucking quality checks on their shit before launching it!
larians depiction of the world makes sense too compared with some of the more recent eso dlcs. like necrom is an ancient city, possibly one of the oldest in morrowind and prolly like 4 thousand years old. its also the epicenter of morrowinds funerary culture where people go to cremate their honoured dead. you can see carts all over the city carrying coffins. so tell me why in a city that relies on carts for something so fucking culturally important and so regular do they not have some sorta permanent infrastructure for carts? they just have wooden ramps barely big enough for a single cart on MOST stair cases, theres even some stairs near the cremation section of the city with absolutely no ramps whatsoever. death be so common by the time of eso with shit like the knehatan flu and the three banners war and molag bals planemeld and so on and so forth, its a very turbulent time with people dying left right and center! the stairs that do have ramps only have one single ramp! oh good lord the traffic jams must be a fucking nightmare! what if one of those ramps breaks bc its literally just made of wood? what are people to do then? i doubt you could get away with just leaving your ancestor there for a bit either bc ancestors and their care are so important to the culture! youre just fucked if one of those shitty ramps snaps like a twig underneath the very constant wear and tear! the main gate doesnt even have ramps either, the main fucking gate to the city is rampless!
larians fast at fixing their bugs and mistakes too. meanwhile necrom launched with a couple of audio mistakes. most notably the telvanni peninsula zone didnt have any ambient music at all and throughout azandars whole questline all other npcs had no audio to their dialogue so the game would skip right over subtitles, thankfully i already had npc subtitles turned on in my chatbox so i had the luxury to read them while azandar immediately went right back to speaking. it took zos several fucking months to fix those audio issues. i literally beat bg3 in the time it took zos to fix the audio bug, i even made several new ocs with backstories in that time too. also during that time playing bg3 i didnt have any issues with missing music or dialogue audio! when larian does encounter a bug or mistake its usually fixed by the 2nd update after the mistake comes up
zos has also outright stolen tes fanart and passed it off as their own creation and put it in a lootbox people could spend irl money to gamble for. lately with my last rant about the jubilee maintenance it feels like theyre trying to pit players against each other rather than taking responsibility for their shitty way of handling the scenario. they turned the situation into an us versus them sorta fight on the forums between folks who just wanted the rewards from the final day of the jubilee event and those who wanted access to their account back, zos just sat back and watched everyone bicker and fight
playing bg3 has made me fully aware of just how shitty eso is. like i can handle some of the bugs zos throws my way bc ive spent years playing skyrim, its just the usual tes bugs. with each quarter tho it feels like a new round of bugs comes in, just as many as are in skyrim. the bugs and errors and mistakes just keep adding up more and more and more. its just never ending shit and bg3 wouldnt treat me like that!
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Have a tiny tidbit of something I’m writing for ya
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You looked around confused this wasn’t where you fell asleep. Hell you weren’t even in the woods anymore you were in a cave and by the crispness of the air probably in a fucking mountain. Taking in you’re surroundings you notice a small fire , an empty bed roll and the master sword ? How was she here sky-no abyss had her. Slowly getting up you grab the sword and in spect her. Unsheathing her you find no damage is anything she was glowing a bit brighter. Relief that’s what you felt from yourself and from Fi, you resheath her and put her on your back. Taking a deep breath you get ready to out but before you could you hear a set of footsteps approaching. Quickly drawing the master sword you point it towards the entrance of the cave.
The person stop at the opening. It was a hylian woman who was the same height as wild with a slimmer build. Her hair was cut short akin to a pixie cut and its color was a deep brown with red tones to it. Her attire was simple a plane cream long sleeve top brown trousers, dark brown boots that stop below her knees, and simple amor a mix between metal and leather. She had a simple broad sword and a sheikah slat on a belt. Her complexion was sun kissed showing the she was a seasoned adventure and from what you could see she had freckles. She had a calm expression almost stoic, she then glanced at the sword in your hand. You remember who she is that’s, Mayu she’s a “link” from a fanfic you read back home. It was honestly pretty good and the author even wrote her a separate fic were she met the chain. That’s right! She got to camp a day after you ran into the twisted versions of the chain and with another linksona named Luna who’s from another person’s fic Did she save you?
Lowering fi you looked at her confused “where are we?” She smiles a bit “ somewhere safe for right now.” Your eyes go wide , she spoke?!? She never speaks! “Holy shit you’re speaking to me?!” She laugh a bit then nods “ I don’t see why I wouldn’t guide , I trust ya as well. Also to answer your questions yes I knew that those links were acting and looks different than normal. Lunar and I decided to split up for a bit for safety reasons. Lunar tiger beast Ezmi grabbed ya while you were sleeping and I yoinked fi with help from my sheikah amor. We ran to here and about two hours ago Lunar went off on her own.” Welp she was right that was all of your questions. “ yeah that makes sense..” letting out a sigh you look around the cave “so what know? We staying here ?” Mayu shakes her head “ no sadly we have to get moving , eventually that wolf man will find us. We pack up the bed rolls and head down the mountain and find the nearest stream to wash away any scent we have. I’m sorry but we also have to travel by foot for 70% of the day only stopping to eat, tiny breaks and to sleep. “ she didn’t look to happy about this either but you just nodded “ I understand, let’s pack up and head out breakfast can wait. “ walking over to the small fire you put it out with some cave dirt and roll up the bed you woke up on.
Mayu walks in to the cave and rolled up hers putting both in her slate. “Let’s get going.” And with that you both started your decent. You had any thoughts running through your head. Mainly about the villian chain as you dubbed them cuz they were acting like stereotypical game villains looked like them too. “Hey Mayu, if we did run into them what will we do?” Mayu looked at you with a serious expression “ you will run and keep Fi safe. They want you for some reason. I’ll stay and fight.” Dear hylia you forgot that she’s like wild mixed with twilight and wars. She would rather die fighting then surrender. “You have a death wish did you not see what time looks like?! “ Mayu just smirks and nods “oh I have , but he doesn’t scare me. He may have the looks of the fierce deity but he’s to him. And besides he doesn’t have the gods blessing I do.” Her aura instantly changed. Looking at the reflection of the smallish waterfall you two were walking past behind her reflection was the reflection of the very god you were talking about. Looking right at you with a small smirk you knew one thing and one thing only, he was at his full power and you prayed you never got to see it in action. You remember the ending of Mayus main story and you could only describe the finale fight that he helped as brutal. Looking back at path a head of you , you pushed that thought to the side , right now you need to survive, not think about any possible deaths.
Uhhh this is longer than I thought it would be. Anyways enjoy!! Luna belongs to Pandora - Lunar
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Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo be like... (my unfiltered reaction to the movie)
I am only cca 10 min in and I am already crying
This is some post post Apocalypse shit and NOBODY gives a shit for a boy who kind of scaed ur asses before and slept for like a long time and is confused af. Liek literally nobody like pm they are under an attack bit it looks like everybody blames Shinji for previous event (at least new guys) like ok without Kaworu everyone would be dead but who was supposed to know Adam and Lilith would fuse like this???
"Don't do anything" BRO MISATO-SAN???? AS INFJ (who's kind of similar to INFP's Shinji) that cold stare and words hurt me deeply
I can't believe I am saying this but I kind of liked anime series abs The end of EVA better than this
They even call my boy by some number as if he was some object. Excuse me he's treated as a criminal even though he technically didn't want to be and wanted to save everyone I AM SO MAD
Fine so we are getting our info...
Ya as I thought... 14 years passed... hahahha ofc they'd be a little mad but this is overdoing it... basically he'd die if he got too emotional lol (I wanna die and we didn't even get to Kaworu at this point he HAS to give my boi happiness)
Most depressing NGE arc... is 3.0
And ofc Gendou is as same as ever lmao (this impact conversed him back to how he was in anime series Ig)
I wonder if NERV is still going to do Human instrumentality project Ig its kind of gives off these vibes (later I was right this didn't change ge anything for Gendou just made him even colder like he was written before)
OK so this Rei is different altogether from all pheromones versions. She's truly like a robot only following Gendou's orders
I feel so bad for Shinji.... rn he only has Kaworu who's obesssed with him obv but tbh at his position I'd take any friends I could get
My so long awaited gay moments I was waiting for are finally here - and the reason why I am still watching (ok that's a lie rn I do want to know how it ends)
"I was born to meet you= I love you" is making me swoon all over again
Well fuck Ig that answers what happened to everyone (the fact that freaking angel.had to show it to Mc is even more depressing)
Sometimes doing the right thing can cause massive destruction- a novel written by 3.0's Ikari Shinji
There is always hope - Big apause to the best character in this show I don't care what you think this is what we needed to hear
Fyutsuki trying to do right thing by talking to Shinji while giving us his lore lol (he should have done that sooner) but this will break him
OK so now that Shinji knows he didn't save this Rei he can't find excuse for tragedy he indirectly caused(and for which he shouldn't be blamed for remember SEELE is abs amwsyeb be the main villain of NGE. But I do understand bitterness of others)... so he's slowly losing his mind
HES TAKING HIS COLLAR ?it's scene I saw before when I spo8led myself) afabatvayzvahFga I can't be ever normal about Kawoshin
They're piloting together hahaha (Ig soon we'll see THE tragedy)
Bruh this looks bad (and yk it's bad when Kaworu is nervous)
Gadouh planned all this obv and now we're fucked (again) - but it's OK he'll be killed either way
Btw this is on side note: but I find Makinami kind of annoying in this movie - she's basically being little brat and too relaxed unlike Asuka who's in his war mode 24/7 and it irks me in bad way with that said
How did Kaworu not see this happening is beyond me
We're fighting new Adam Ig (I can't wait to watch theory on this so I'd understand all this better I feel like you're constantly confused how these angel awakening work)
Is there even anyone left to kill aside from WILLIE and what's left of NERV?? This is the second craziest shit I have seen after The end of NGE because ofc nobody can top that
RIP Kaworu - we seen it coming but his last words>>>> dw your resting place will be entirety of the old world (this quote from Genshin is fitting for him rn)
Fourth impact averted at great cost fuck this was amazing
And so...
Bravo Anno you created a masterpiece that you always wanted. Now I can rest in peace before I watch Thrice upon time
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
When You're At The Function F***in It UP And Your Man Walks In (Mayans)
Warnings: Implied sexual content, language, fighting
Characters: Angel, Coco, & EZ
You’re on thin ice as it is sis. The little forest-green dress with the the deep plunge front and slit sides, the one that ended up purchased after your friends hyped you into it. That’s supposed to be in the trash according to one Angel Reyes. That, or reserved for private nights in.
Currently, it was wrapped around your form, helping you grab envious/admiring glances from around the room.
Your hips twisted to the layered bass, using the random behind you for stability. Your friend next to you cheered you on, her inner hype man on full display. There’s a breakdown in the song, and you lose yourself in the rhythm. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice telling you “Superstar mama, say hi for the gram!”.
Your eyes zone in on Gilly, eyes wide. Everyone knew the Mayans rolled deep when they went anywhere. Where there was one, there was the rest. Especially when it came to the three musketeers and their wrangler, EZ.
Like you were busted sneaking back into your room as a teen, you froze. You narrowed your eyes at your friend who shrugged and mouthed sorry before disappearing.
“Gilly fuck off!” You hissed, moving away from the random. Your eyes scanning the crowded den.
Gilly laughed, tucking his phone into his kutte. “Ayy, don’t get mad at me,” he fluttered his eyelashes and fake coughed into his hand. “I don’t feel so good baby, I’m just gonna stay in tonight.”
You narrowed your eyes at his high-pitched mimicry of your last conversation with Angel.
He wasn’t even supposed to be there. Your friend swore she nixed all Mayan related invites, just for that night, on your behalf. All you wanted was to be able to turn up like you did pre-relationship. Normally you could at clubhouse parties since Angel trusted everyone there with his life. Any party outside of that was a gamble, and Angel could referee like he got a check for it.
Your eyes finally met said man’s across the party and a chill and went down your spine. Angel was propped against the wall across the way, eyes on you.
The rest of party fell away as you made your way over to him, schooling your features into your ‘what did I do daddy?’ pout.
“Nah, don’t come over with that lip poking now.” He shook his head, speaking when you were in range of him.
“And what are you doing wearing this fucking pillowcase out here? What did we talk about?” He pinched the thin strings of your dress.
“Nooo, don’t be mad. I was walking through my closet and it fell on me. Besides, you liked it when I modeled it for you.”
Angel scoffed, refusing to even entertain your comments. Coco chuckled from his spot next to his friend as he lit a cigarette.
“I thought you had club shit, I didn’t even know you’d be here.” You cringed as soon as the words left your lips, the shots you’d taken earlier still putting in work.
“I didn’t know you’d be here either. I thought you were sick. There’s some soup in the car that thought it was getting dropped off. Apparently wrong thoughts is the theme of the night.”
Petty by Angel Reyes.
“Soup? Baby, that’s so sweet.” You tried to pet his cheeks, but he was keeping you at bay.
“You aren’t even sick! Imma give that shit to Gilly.”
“Nooo.” You whined again, still trying to get him to let you touch him in some way.
“Get that bitch you were dancing with to buy you soup.” It was his turn to pout, but there was fire in his eyes as he tracked the guy you’d been dancing with. “It’s all he’s gonna be able to fucking eat in a minute anyways.”
“Sorry I blew up your spot ma, I just wanted to see my plug and get out.” Coco opened the palm of his hand not holding the cigarette and revealed a small bag of weed.
Angel snapped his head towards him, expression incredulous. “Don’t apologize to her, she lied to her man! She gave some puto hope! Get on code!”
“I love you hermano, but this is your guard dog-ass fault.” He pointedly ignored his friend’s heated glare as a girl in the doorway caught his interest, slipping away when she positively returned his gaze.
Angel’s attention was claimed by you once again when you pulled his head down towards you. You smothered his cheeks in kisses, to which he was physically unresponsive.
“I don’t know if I want you kissing on me querida.”
You rolled your eyes. Petty or not, everyone knew Angel’s life force depleted the longer he went without touching you. Even in your tipsy state you could see his fingers literally twitched with the need to take their rightful place on your hips.
“I just wanted to dance like I used to, and you don’t dance. Then you beat down guys who want to. You left me no choice, so let me have kisses.” You locked your arms around his waist, successfully avoiding his half-hearted attempts to push you away.
He scrunched up his face. “How the fuck am I catching strays in this situation? I’m the victim!”
“I’ll make it up to you later if you stop being a hatin’ wallflower and let me grind on you.” Your hips found the rhythm of the slow wind song thumping through the room.
His hands encircled your throat, drawing you closer to his person. Your pupils blew at his darkened expression, your lower half squirming with interest. He pressed his lips to yours, and the party faded to nothing again. His fingers flexed around your throat before closing just enough for him to draw the subtlest gasp from you. He felt it more than heard it over the noise, but it was enough.
He pulled away, licking his lips as you tried to remember where you were and if sin always tasted so good.
“You’ll make it up to me right now in the traitor’s car.” he held up keys you recognized to be Coco’s.
You started to protest on principle, but your body was going through withdrawals from a lite touch (for Angel). He could see the wheels turning, but you were letting him lead you out of the room, palm openly covering your ass.
“Who are you texting?” You asked, more annoyed with how his hands were no longer possessively roaming your body than a real answer.
He quickly pocketed his phone and returned his hands to you. “No one baby.” definitely not telling his boys via group chat to handle the random for him. “Stop worrying about anything other than how you’re gonna get around at work tomorrow.”
It was bad enough you couldn’t make it to New Orleans due to work, and Old Lady “responsibilities”, but this petty fight you were in with Coco was the kicker. You couldn’t even remember how it started, but it escalated back and forth until you weren’t speaking and were back staying at your apartment.
Poor Letty had been reduced to messenger girl, especially now that she had a car. A tug of war with your point being “she was my girl first, that’s how we met” and his point being “she’s my kid, blood first ma” had broken out. You didn’t know what was going to wear through its welcome first, your lack of Coco, or Letty’s patience, but they were competing. It wasn’t like Coco was doing any better if your daily updates from Letty were any indication. He was impatient, tense, chain smoking, and was getting closer and closer to going through with the apology call he was openly fighting.
It wouldn’t be long before you were back to getting your back arched out of shape if that was anything to go by. Not a moment too soon if your own miserable habits were anything to go by. You wanted to use the party to distract yourself, hoping Coco would break first the following day. If not, it was sure to be you.
You spent the whole day throwing your frustrations into decorating your best friend’s backyard. It looked like the French Quarter threw up its best years, but it was the perfect backdrop to lose yourself to some bounce music.
Normally, you could goad Coco into being your twerking post, and that resistance (plus his turned on bi-lingual hypeman compliments in your ear) was everything missing at the moment.
You pouted and weaved your way out of the crowd to your friend who was busy playing good hostess.
“Ah ah, no whining. If you wanna really make it Mardi Gras, shake your ass on a dude.”
You narrowed your eyes, annoyed she shut down and solved your problem before you could whine about it. “Coco hates that shit! Plus he’s spoiled me, it won’t even be the same.”
“Coco isn’t here, and it doesn’t have to be the same, it just has to do.” She turned away from where she’d filled two shot glasses for the two of you. “Besides, we both know your ass is gonna be all in his neck crying about how you miss him tomorrow. Do your thing before you go out sad.”
She clinked shot glasses with you, pleased at her accurate assessment and your sourpuss face.
“Fuck you.” You laughed, voice rough from the burn of the shot.
“Save that for Coco.” She smacked your ass, draped one of the many beaded necklaces hanging off her shoulder around your neck, and sent you on your way back to the crowd of writhing bodies.
It was nothing to find dudes to grind on, and you fell into the synergy. You couldn’t count how many fast paced songs you’d thrown it back to, or how many guys you’d danced with. The stack of beads you’d acquired gave some idea though.
Meanwhile, Coco’s skin was alive with the kind of anger he felt. He’d been seriously contemplating coming to your place and forcing out admissions of how his life wasn’t right without you in it. He couldn’t remember who or what started it, but it didn’t even matter when your scent was starting to fade from his pillow, and his touch starvation was acting up.
All of that went careening out the window when he stumbled upon a pouty Letty, huffing and sucking her teeth at her phone. Turns out you, and “everyone in the goddamn world but me” according to Letty, were at your friend’s blowout Mardi Gras party. Coco knew it was your favorite holiday, but it was news to him that you had any plans since you couldn’t officially go this year. News he didn’t welcome at all, since all of the videos he saw you in you were throwing (his) your ass on multiple dudes. Did you think he wouldn’t fight everyone???
He was already on his bike before he’d even registered leaving the house. He sent a quick summoning call in his boy’s group chat, your friend’s address the destination.
The party was louder and wilder than the videos let on. He’d already spotted his boys by their kuttes, mingling in their respective ways, but didn’t seek them out. They’d find him if he needed them to. Coco on the other hand, needed to find you.
His eagle eyes picked apart the crowd until he spotted you twisting yourself to the rhythm. Coco didn’t know whether to shoot the asshole behind you, or take you away to deal with the feelings you were bringing out of him.
You knew he loved when you brought the South to the West Coast with your hips and ass.
He charged into your space, his hands immediately going for the guy’s arm and snatching him towards him.
“Make a choice cabrón. Get the fuck out, or be an expensive bill and sad memory for your moms by morning.” He pressed his kutte to his person, emphasizing that he was strapped.
The guy raised his palms and quickly exited the scene. Unwilling to test what clearly was a warning that Coco would happily make good on.
You tugged on him, trying to get him to move away from the crowd. Scanning those around you to see who saw or heard, you noticed more than you would’ve liked. They wouldn’t make a fuss, noting his kutte, but still.
“Stop it. What are you even doing here?” You hissed, tugging his arm harshly for his attention.
He turned his gaze, wild with adrenaline and arrogance at his victory, on you. “You should’ve stopped yourself before throwing it back on random fuckers for the internet. This is on you.”
“No, this is on you. If you hadn’t done what you did or said what you said…”. You trailed off remembering that you couldn’t recall what had happened, just the frustration.
“What did I say or do (y/n)?” He noted your visible annoyance that he’d chosen to use your real name instead of a pet name, and with a smirk, he walked you backwards until your back gently hit the fence.
Between not recalling what started the fight, and your man looking amazing, you settled on a pathetic. “You remember.”
“No I don’t, and neither do you.” that familiar prickle of intensity sparked between the two of you.
Everything between you and Coco felt like a live wire dancing back and forth. High energy moments usually ended in either great sex, or separation (sometimes by the force of your friends) to let things cool down.
“I know you’re gonna catch a case if you keep moving like that Johnny. Is that what you want?”
“Nah mujer, that ain’t what I want. I want you home where you belong, but you’re out here playing me instead.” Slender fingers tugged sharply at a few of the beaded necklaces in your stack.
You sucked your teeth and turned your head, ignoring the warm cheeks and butterflies in your stomach at his on-brand admission of missing you.
He placed a hand on the fence next to your head, grasping your chin to turn your attention back to him.
“You’re being a drama queen. I thought I was talking to Angel for a second.”
He threw his head back as laughed, and you got an almost overwhelming urge to kiss him. Or at least bury your fingers in his soft curls, they were begging for it at this po-
“Fuck that, he’s still got me beat. Wait til you see the tantrum he’s saving for you for not getting invited tonight.”
“He was, I just told her to can it because of you. He should be mad at you.” You pouted, but your tone was teasing.
“I could put in a good word for you…you know, if you’re done being petty.” He leaned in, running his lips over the shell of your ear.
“Or I could just offer to throw it back on him to make him forget.”
It was your turn to laugh when Coco tensed, and pulled back from where he’d been teasing you with light touches. You didn’t love him no longer touching you, but faltering him made it almost worth it.
“Or you could take me home and we could both forget…” you clutched at his kutte, leaning into him.
He pulled your hands away by your wrists, his thumbs rubbing over your pulse points.
“Nah, if dancing is this fucking important to you, come on then.” He pulled you after him.
“Cocooo,” you whined, more interested in getting him to touch you again. “Take me home already.”
“My lady wants to dance.” He sat on the outdoor wicker couch and patted his lap. “So dance.”
You stood there in confusion for a second, before what he meant became clear. “I’m not doing that here!”
“You didn’t have an issue earlier, move those hips ma.” He looked between you and his lap again.
Could’ve been the way he was biting his lip, or the laid back way he rested against the couch, but that coupled with lack of access to him, had affirmative words running through your mind.
You playfully rolled your eyes, faking like his request was that expensive. “Only because I want to get you home, and I know you’ll never quit whining if I don’t.”
You slipped onto his lap, the action already drawing attention from partygoers just for the potential of what was to come.
He grasped your hips to still you before you started to move, his palm pressing you back to him by your throat. “And don’t half-ass it yeah…or I might do the same when I get you home.”
It wasn’t until Creeper hit his shoulder and informed him of how hard he was smiling that EZ realized his cheeks ached. He couldn’t help it, he loved watching you dance more than anything.
As soon as you heard a melody you liked, you came alive to it, and stole everyone’s attention. You could find the beat on anything.
That wasn’t his sole reason for cheesing so hard though. Tonight had been the first night you brought your closest friends around the club, and he knew it took great trust in him, his brothers, and your relationship to do that. Your family was on the East Coast, so your friends filled that role for you. Coupled with EZ, they were your world and he thanked you everyday for letting him in.
“Gonna stop calling you boy scout if you keep enjoying the show this much.” Creeper took the seat across from him, half blocking his view.
“Oh you didn’t know how EZ gets down?” Angel’s lips formed that mischievous grin, his eyes taking on the same glint. “You should’ve seen him begging me for tales from Angel’s crib.”
“She and her girls look good out there. Might be too much for you junior.”
EZ rolled his eyes at the ribbing from his brothers, his grin still intact. “At some point I’m gonna be patched, I’m happy to make a cage date for that day. Pretty sure I can take both of you.
Creeper and Angel exchanged exaggerated incredulous expressions.
“See what happens when you go easy on the help?” Angel scoffed. “You sound like you’re hurtin’ for work prospect.”
“Could use some more water.” Creeper shook his water bottle at him, just barely missing splashing him.
EZ rose from his seat, empty beer bottle in hand. “Just remember that day is coming.”
Angel and Creeper laughed raucously at that.
“Don’t get your ass beat in front of your woman lil bro!”
EZ shook his head, choosing to ignore his dumbass older brother. and tossed his bottle in the trash. Slipping through the moving bodies until he was near you, he gently patted your friend who nodded and stepped from behind you.
You jumped, surprised at his sudden appearance, but settled back against him.
“Hey baby.” You gently encouraged him to follow the sway of your hips as he placed his head on your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m back on the slave clock, you want anything?”
You turned to him, his arms instinctively encircling your waist. “Hard tea please.”
“I gotta go to the trailer for that, and get the variety hour table over there a drink. I’ll try to be quick.”
“Don’t rush, but remember, you owe me a dance.” You cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He grinned goofily, his attention solely yours until he felt your girls draping themselves over him.
“Can you get us some too Zeke? Thanks.” “Preciate it Z.”
You giggled pushing them off him, but you knew he didn’t mind. You guys were a package deal and he’d take whatever you came with. At least their requests came with pleasantries.
“Sure ladies, not a problem. Don’t let anyone take her while I’m gone.”
They laughed, giving affirmative replies while you rolled your eyes pushed him towards the side door.
Once he began his drink fulfillment quest, it was like every brother wanted something from him. It was a full house that night and he should’ve known once he was no longer under Angel’s break protection, he was back to errand boy status.
Every task he completed was met with teasing about how his rushed pace clearly pointed to him wanting to get back to you. He didn’t argue the fact, just moved faster every time you were mentioned.
Finally, he was able to to focus on your request when he stopped being flagged down.
He was heading to the trailer when one of your friends stopped him.
“One of the other charter’s guys is annoying our girl. She doesn’t wanna make a fuss cause’..you know.” She gestured to his vest to signify his prospect status. “But I know she’s not feeling it.”
He could feel the the muscles in his jaw flex in anger, feet carrying him across the crowded yard. People moved before he could plow through them, which was just as well, because he wasn’t fully in control at that point, and didn’t think he could slow down enough to sidestep them.
The clubhouse had filled considerably since his absence. He scanned the room for you, finding you in a crowd of moving bodies. Your friend was right, you had a good poker face, but your man knew you.
He didn’t waste time physically separating you from the Yuma patch member. He gently put you behind his person, feeling your small hands press against his back through his vest.
“I’m good baby. He agreed this was the last dance.” Your voice belied your annoyance despite your words.
“I’m guessing he said that more than once.”
“I don’t mind, I know clu-“
Yuma interrupted you. “See, she doesn’t mind. Go find something to do with yourself prospect.”
“I’ve got a project in mind.” EZ pushed you back a little more to give himself room to work with.
“Be smart bare vest.” Yuma smirked, his eyes saying how much he’d love for EZ to make the mistake he was thinking about.
In the span of the next few seconds, Yuma’s vest and shirt was covered in beer and Coco had appeared at the same time. If the obvious way he was holding the bottle didn’t give away he did it on purpose, his dry “my bad” and shrug did.
Yuma swung on Coco who anticipated it and dodged it, before firing back with a successful punch of his own. A sea of Mayans of mixed charter filled the space and EZ quickly pushed you behind the bar before he lost you in the shuffle.
Understanding what Coco had done, he got in the middle to give the Yuma patch what he’d been asking for while he was covered by the chaos.
It didn’t last long before the presidents stepped in, but it didn’t have to. He was happy to take the few licks he’d received, because he was pretty sure he’d broken Yuma patch’s nose, and would get away with it.
His brother’s words against theirs, and the presidents didn’t feel the need to make it a drawn out issue. He pretended to have played bouncer instead of active participant, and it all ended with a basic chewing out.
His only thoughts were of you once his rage had subsided, and he could think clearly again. Had he scared off you and your friends? Embarrassed you?
He was happy to find that hadn’t. Your friends couldn’t help but fawn over him and how “perfect for you” he was. He especially enjoyed reveling in the jealousy of Coco, Angel, Gilly, and Creeper. Coco slightly less salty when he got praise for his efforts.
He got his admiration from you later when you patched him up in the trailer, soft voice telling him how sexy he looked to you, and how you appreciated him thinking of you in his position. You held his face and gently went over everything you could find, while he said on his makeshift bed content to let you.
He couldn’t stop grinning, the one that always got him mercilessly mocked because it was now associated with him thinking of you.
“Seriously EZ,” you dabbed at the final cut you hadn’t attended to. “Thank you.”
“I want you to feel safe with me, it’s only fair if you can accept all this shit.”
You grinned down at him, hair framing your face, and he had to remind himself to breathe at the sight. “I do, all the time.”
He cupped the side of your face, unwilling to fight the urge to kiss you any longer.
You laughed speaking between kisses. “I’m not done.”
“It’s ok, I’m good.” He chased your lips, unashamed to want you so badly.
“Ok,” you returned his kisses, your fingers dancing down the nape of his neck. “But I’d like to cash in that dance you owe me…you know, before we get too busy.”
He rose to full height, hands finding both of yours. “I can do that.”
I don’t speak Spanish, so if I made a mistake feel free to hop in my messages and let me know and how to fix it please. You’re more than welcome to.
1.) I remember seeing a meme vid about this years ago, and finding it hilarious. I could see this happening with these dudes and their personalities. That, and I just really wanted a lil southern culture in a Mayans drabble. 🤷🏾‍♀️
2.) I did a rewatch of the whole series (including the original), and I’m back on the obsession train. Just tryna to be happy before S4 kicks my shit in.
3.) I kept telling myself I wouldn’t end up writing for these fools and here I am in my Ringling Bros. best🤡.
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book-of-baba-fett · 3 years
A Lucky Hand - Fives x Fem!Reader
Crossposted on A03
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Fives finds himself running low on credits during a game of pazaak with his favorite mechanic, but a risky wager on his end might end up benefitting both of you.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Oral Sex (f/m receiving). Drinking, PiV intercourse, (let me know if I miss anything!)
“And I win another round! Come on Fives, at this rate you should just hand me all your credits,” You tease at the clone sitting across the table from you. Your smirk is met with a scowl that doesn’t reach his sparkling amber eyes. The 501st is on leave on Coruscant, and they're one of your favorite clone battalions. You work as a mechanic at the military base where their barracks are, and once the war started up you got to know a bunch of the troops as they came through to ask for your help on any equipment they damaged on their last deployment. This is how you got to know Fives particularly well; if something could break, Fives would find the way to do it.
After he had annoyed you enough times by breaking the gear you had just fixed for him, he started to repay you by inviting you to hang out in parts of the base that were off limits to most of the civilian workforce, like the break room you were in this night. A few troopers were scattered around; most had early shifts on the base tomorrow so they couldn’t spend their free time at 79s that particular night. This meant they were entertaining themselves more tamely than usual but for many of the troopers this meant drinking ale and gambling on games or podraces they were watching on the holo, or in Fives and your case Pazaak.
Fives begrudgingly slides you the credits on the table and starts to deal out the next round. He was not a man who took defeat easily. Since his shifts for the day were over, he was only armored from the waist down and has his blacks on top. You’ve been drinking some ale during the night and you couldn’t help but notice the way the fabric clung to his body, particularly his broad chest and hard biceps.
Woah watch it there, you work around a million guys who look the same as him. Once you let those thoughts in there’s no going back. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at all attracted to him even without the alcoholic influence. Fives drove you crazy half the time, but he was just so damn hot you let it slide.
“You do have a point,” Fives suddenly spoke up and you’re snapped out of your thoughts. Once you notice he’s looking through his utility belt, you realize he’s answering your previous statement. “You’ve cleaned me out, I don’t have any more to bet tonight. That is…unless you’re not opposed to wagering something a little more interesting?”
You take a sip of your ale, draining the bottle. “And what do you propose?”
Fives looked around the room, making sure none of his brothers were paying too close attention to the two of you. Luckily, they were all focused on their own entertainment. His face broke into a grin as he looked into your eyes and leaned in closer to you.
“If I win this round, you give me a handjob,” he whispered into your ear.
You huff out a laugh to act nonchalant, but the truth is you feel a flutter in your stomach and a flush to your cheek by the suggestion. Everything between you too had just been friendly before, and while Fives had gotten flirty occasionally you never thought he was serious. He was Fives, that’s what he was like with everyone.
“Well, that is an interesting suggestion. What do I get if I win then?” you reply, trying to sound as transactive as possible; like this was some normal deal with a trader.
“If your hand wins, I’ll finish all the reports and paperwork you need to do for any 501st related repairs while we’re on this leave.” Ok, this got you excited but not in the core warming way his previous suggestion did; that would be a big relief on your workload. And hey, his hand has been terrible all night, luck seems to be in your favor.
“All right, you’re on.” You smirk and he flashes that devilish grin at you.
You win the first round easily; Fives was being very conservative with his hand and didn’t seem to want to play too many cards. He either has nothing in his deck, or he’s really holding out for something big.
The second round lasts a few minutes longer, but you overdraw your cards and Fives wins which meant the match was tied before the 3rd and final round. Fives teasingly stretches his arms over his head, making you roll your eyes at him.
The third round goes on the longest; you had used up most of your set deck already so you were being careful to not overdraw again, but you play your last card. You didn’t reach the 20 total needed to win, but being at 19 you felt confident in your choice. Fives drew another card from the deck, that pushes his total to 22. If you finished the round with a number over 20, that meant you lost so you begin to shift back in your seat and put your feet up on the table.
“Sorry, Fives, better luck ne-,” you start but he cuts you off, wagging a finger in your direction. He places his last card on the table: a -2. Making his total 20, and him the winner. You couldn’t help but shake your head in disbelief as the clone copied your victorious pose – stretching back with his arms behind his head and his feet coming to rest on the table as those amber eyes locked with yours.
“OK Listen, I was being a little shit. I had a terrible hand; I didn’t think I would actually win. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You brought Fives back to your workshop in the base – the best place you could think of for some privacy. It was late so all the other mechanics should have left already. It was small, but there was enough space for a worktable and the small bench that you and Fives are sitting at. His voice was soft; you knew he could be a bit of an ass, but you knew he was being honest and the last thing he would want to do was make you uncomfortable.
“Nope, I don’t back out of a deal.” You smirk at him and his edge seemed to come back once he accepted that you were ok with this. Your hand rests on his armored thigh and slowly makes its way up to his codpiece. “Besides, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit curious about what you’ve got going on under all the armor.”
A devilish grin grows on his face as his own hand meets yours. He fiddles with the straps on his codpiece and pulls It away, revealing an already sizeable bulge in his blacks. He pulls your hand onto him and holds it there. You feel your core flutter as he hardens in your hand.
“Well, I’m more than happy to show off for you, baby,” His voice is lower and has a raspy edge to it. You push his hand aside and slowly undo his pants, releasing his cock. You slowly grasp your hand around the base of him, and you can’t help but lick your lips looking at it. His tan cock is thick and long, and already swollen at your light touch. His breath is low at your touch, he places a hand on your shoulder, wordlessly begging you to move.
You take your hand away for a second to lick it and you firmly hold him again. You slowly began to stroke up and down, feeling his velvety soft skin in your hand. You flick your thumb over his head, smearing a bit of the precum that was already leaking from it. You can’t help but want to taste him. You increase your pace and Fives’s grip on your shoulder tightens, his breath increasing. You look at his face, he smiles back at you, his pupils blown out and filled with lust.
“I had a hunch you would be good with your hands.” He breathed out, trying to hold onto his composure. You wanted to wreck that pretty face. As you continue working his cock up and down in your hand, he sighs out and bends his head backward, hitting the wall. You take this pause in attention to bend your head down and start licking the head of his cock.
“Fuck!” he cursed out, sighing your name. You slowly move off the bench to kneel in front of him. You continue to jerk him and lick a long strip up the underside of his cock. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“Oh well, if you’re not happy with it I can always stop,” you tease and his eyes darken with hunger. He responds by placing a hand on the back of your head and grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“I’m more than happy sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about what those pretty lips would look like wrapped around my cock for ages.” He gently guides your head back to him, and you open up wide to take more of him in.
You start slowly, he’s so thick it’s hard to fit him all in. You press your tongue underneath his hard cock as you slowly bob up and down on him, using your hand to help jerk the rest of him. Once you adjust, you push him further into your mouth until you feel him hitting your throat. His hips thrust up, trying to feel more of you and his hand presses your head closer into him. You feel your gag reflex kicking in as he releases you, gasping for air as you come up.
“Was that, ok?” Fives asks, and once you smile and assure him it is, he grasps your hair again. “I want to fuck your pretty mouth; can I do that sweetheart?”
“Yes, use me” you gasp, and he doesn’t waste a second. He slides himself back into your mouth and begins thrusting himself while holding your head in place, hitting the back of your throat with each stroke. You’re so turned on by this, having this strong man use you to chase his pleasure. You reach one of your hands in between your legs, rubbing your clit over your jumpsuit, just trying to appease your needs with any form of friction. Fives notices and groans.
“Is this turning you on? Me choking you with my dick?” He grunts while thrusting into you. You hum in agreement, the vibration giving him more pleasure. His head knocks back against the wall, beads of sweat appearing at his forehead. He’s close.  “Fuck, I’m gonna come down that pretty throat of yours. Then, I’m gonna eat that pretty pussy of yours, you like the sound of that?”
You moan and look up at him, pulling your head away from his grasp. He looks wrecked, ready to cum and he’s about to push your head back down when you say, “Let me finish you off.”
His hand is still on your head but not pulling you down anymore. His cock is coated with your saliva, and you jerk him rapidly again then take him back into your hollowed out mouth, You use both of your hands, twisting as you jerk him and suck on his head. He starts gasping your name, warning you he’s about to come. You slide him completely into your mouth, where his tip is partially down your throat as you feel his cock twitch in your mouth and taste his thick, salty cum spurt in your mouth. He holds you down while he thrusts out his orgasm. You swallow as he’s already pulling you up off the ground into his lap and crushes your lips with a kiss.
“You’re wearing too much.” His voice is raspy from his release, but he’s focused on fulfilling his earlier promise to you. His hand finds the zipper at the front of your jumpsuit, and he tugs it down to your waist, his lips never leaving yours.  He roughly pulls down the shoulders, leaving you in just your bra from the waist up. He moves his kisses down to your neck, and he sucks a love bite right where the collar line of your suit would have been.
You feel like putty in his strong hands, moaning at even his softest touches. He grabs one of your breasts over your bra, his thumb rubbing where your nipples are peaking through. He uses his free hand to reach around you and effortlessly undoes the clasp on your bra. He leans back to stare at your exposed chest, eyes glancing over every inch of you and back up to meet you own. You feel yourself blush, but you’re hungry for more. You lean back in to kiss him more, and he slides his tongue into your mouth. He wraps your legs around his waist and slowly rises. He carries you over to your worktable, where he uses his arms to clear off the paperwork and tools that had been sitting there.
“Sorry if any of that was important,” He mumbles into your mouth. He places you at the edge of the table and makes quick work of removing the rest of your jumpsuit, leaving you in just your panties before him. He gently pushes you backward onto the table, kissing along your neck and sucking at each nipple before he moves his way down your body.
Your breath hitches as he reaches your hips, leaving another love bite as he gets there. His hands spread your legs open for him, propped against the edge of the table. His kisses trail over your panties and you can feel his breath on your clothed entrance. He lets out a dark chuckle.
“So wet, and I’ve barely even touched you. Someone’s needy.” He places a kiss right over your clit and you feel like you’re ready to lose any control you had over your urges. His fingers reach around the waistband of your panties as he slides them down your legs. He spreads your legs again, lifting one to rest on his should as he caresses and kiss it; his goatee offering a ticklish yet pleasurable sensation. He takes his time teasing you, kissing and licking around your joints and hip bones, his calloused hands squeezing your thighs. You begin to whimper under his touch, trying to rotate your hips so he’ll pay attention to the one area he’s ignored.
“Need something, mesh’la?” He grins up at you.
“Dammit Fives, touch me!”
“I already am, you need to be more specific than that. And maybe try asking nicer?” That little shit.
“Please, Fives. Your mouth. I need it. On me. Please.” You prop yourself on your elbows to look at him. God, you want to wipe that cocky grin off his face, but you need him too much to fight him right now.
“You’re so pretty when you beg.” And he dives right in.
His tongue licks a stripe up your slit and you can’t hold your moan in. He uses his fingers to open up your folds as his tongue finds your clit. He flicks it expertly, keeping his eyes one you as you began to fall apart under his mouth. He takes your clit in his mouth and sucks gently at first, reading your reactions. He switches up between sucking and licking, swirling his tongue, and lightly grazing his teeth around your sensitive bud, causing you to cry out in pleasure. He’s too good at this, damn him for being so good at this. You have too much pent-up attraction in your system, too much of a need for him, you’re going to come soon.
You can’t prop yourself up anymore, and you fall back onto the table. Your hands search for anything to grab onto, to ground yourself in the moment.  His tongue continues its onslaught against your clit, Fives is using one of his hands to press your hip down, preventing you from moving too much. Just when you think you can’t be more overwhelmed, you feel one of his thick fingers pressing into your entrance. You moan and clench around him, but he can tell you want more so he slips a second finger in. He slows his tongue to match the speed of his fingers dragging in and out of you, only to increase his pace as your body welcomes him in.
“So tight around my fingers, baby. Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.” Your moans start to pitch higher and higher, your release imminent. He can tell you’re almost there, his fingers press even deeper into you and curve slightly, finding that spongy spot inside of you. You cry out louder.
“Yes, please Fives! Right there!”
He doesn’t relent his pace with his fingers as his mouth latches to suck around your clit. You can’t string two thoughts together; all you can focus on is the electricity pulsing through your body. All you can hear are your moans and the filthy noise from his fingers and mouth pleasuring your pussy. Your legs are quaking around his head, your hips fighting to leave the table but being held into place by your source of pleasure. You’re able to glance down at Fives and the lustful but focused look in his golden eyes is enough to push you over the edge. Your eyes roll back as your orgasm hits you like a speeder. His fingers work you through it as your pussy flutters around him, and his tongue laps up your release. Once your breathing settles, he pulls his fingers from you and makes eye contact as he sucks them clean.
“You’re even sweeter than I imagined.” You’re still sprawled on the table as he stands up and removes the top of his blacks. You’re in recovery from your release, but you feel yourself clench as you look over his sculpted, tan body. You almost moan when you notice his cock, still free from your earlier work is now hard again as he removes what was left of his armor. He notices the hungry look on your face. “Bet I can get you to come again, this time on my cock.”
Your energy perks up and you’re able to lift yourself up again, and you teasingly wave your hips at him, showing off your entrance, still glistening from your orgasm. One of his hands grabs your hip to steady you, while the other strokes his cock and lines it up against your entrance. He slides it up and down your slit, whacking it against your sensitive clit. You shake in his grip and his eyes gleam as he slowly presses into you.
You’re still wet from your release and his fingers had worked you up, but you still have a hard time accepting his thickness. You feel him splitting you open, but the slight edge of pain is overpowered by the pleasure. Fives bottoms out in you and pauses, giving you a moment to adjust to him. You had never been so full and the sensation is almost too much. Your arms lift and grasp onto his biceps, needing to hold onto him for proof this wasn’t some dream.
One of his hands reaches behind you to the small of your back to keep you propped up. His other is gripping your hip, grounding himself as he’s ready to take what he wants. But he has to briefly control himself. He bends down, kissing you on your forehead.
“You feel so good, I won’t be able to last long. Are you ready?” He asks as his kisses trail down to your mouth. You deepen the kiss, gathering his bottom lip in your mouth and lightly bite on it making him groan.
“Fuck me, Fives. I’m off tomorrow, so I don’t need to walk.” You whisper and that’s all he needs.
He pulls himself out and then thrusts all the way back in, hitting your deepest spot. You barely reacted when he’s already moving again, unrelenting in his pace as he aims for that pleasure spot with every single thrust. He holds you against him, smacking your hips into his. Your nails digging deeper into his arm, and you’re turned on at the thought of him secretly walking around tomorrow with your marks on him. His pace is harder than it is quick, and you feel him drag in your pussy with every movement, almost as if you can feel every vein and ridge on his cock. Your pussy is holding him in a vice like grip, and as your legs wrap around his waist he groans as he feels you move around him.
Your head starts to roll back, and his hand that was on your back moves to the back of your neck to hold you in place, making you keep eye contact locked with him. He’s in complete control of your body, his strong arms able to hold you and fuck you like a rag doll. The tension starts to build in your body again, building to another peak.
Fives pulls out and you whine from the loss of him, but then he flips you onto your stomach, your ass up and legs dangling off the table. He uses his legs to spread yours further apart as he bends over, licking a line up your spine. He bites at the back of your neck, grabs a fistful of your hair to angle your face with his as he kisses you. He slams his cock back into you and you cry out; you won’t have a voice tomorrow.
“I’m close, can I come inside this pretty pussy?” he pants into your ear as he slowly drags his cock in and out of you. You were on birth control, so you knew you would be fine.
“Yes, please, fill me up Fives!” you gasp, grinding your ass back into him to meet his movements. He kisses you again then slides his hand back to your hips and begins a brutal pace.
If you thought you hadn’t been filled before, this angle makes you feel him in places you didn’t think were possible. His body pushing into you more and more with each thrust, you’re sure you’ll have bruises on your hips from his hands and marks on your legs from the edge of the desk. You start to lift yourself, but he uses on hand on your back to press you back down, your cheek turned to the side pressed against the surface so you’re able to see him ravish you from the corner of your eye.
He’s hitting your deepest spot with every thrust, quickly propelling you closer and closer to your second orgasm. Your body is wrecked as he fucks into you. Your vision is blurry, you can’t focus on anything, and your head is filled with your combined moans and the sinfully delightful slap of his hips against your ass and his dick in your pussy. You won’t be able to focus on any of your next projects when you’re on your next shift, all you’ll be able to think of is how this Arc Trooper bent you over your desk and fucked you into another galaxy. Your whole body begins to tense, and you feel a euphoric sensation take over your body. You were already on your way to the strongest orgasm you ever had, when his hand reached around for your clit and his calloused finger pads start rubbing it. You’re pushed past the point of no return.
You scream out but you can’t hear it, you see white and the only thing grounding you to the planet is the sensation of him fucking you through your climax. You call out his name countless times as he fucks you through it, your pussy squeezing him to the point where he can’t hold on any longer and, with a cry of your name, he fills you with hot streams of cum.
He collapses onto you, both of you breathing together and still joined. Slowly he gets up and pulls himself out of you. You nearly roll off the table, but he catches you and picks you up just to bring you down to the floor with him. He holds you in his arms there, allowing you to catch your breath. His golden eyes don’t leave your face as he brushes tears you don’t even realize you had shed off your cheeks. He smiles at you and his eyes twinkle as he leans down to kiss your forehead.
“I’m glad I lost that bet,” you joke, making him laugh and bend down for another kiss.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
how would the Dimitrescus(and Donna) react after finding out that their S/O is actually a God(maybe Thor and Loki's youngest sister) when both of them visit/scold us because they're worried after not hearing from us for so long #protectivebrothersmode
I didn't put any ship on my previous one since I had this on stand-by.
Am I getting faster writing on my phone? Maybe.
Do I still prefer physical keyboards? ALWAYS.
I still love writing this requests and crossovers.
1st Part
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
You arrived at the Castle a year ago. Meaning it's been five years since you left your old world. You've been dating Alcina for over 6 months now. She just captured your attention when you arrived at the Castle and she attacked you. You weren't fazed, after all you were a Goddess.
Today was the day Hela was going to check in on you. You whip your phone out and go outside the castle. Hela answers and you could tell from her tone that she was nervous.
"Hela, why are you-? Did something happen?" You didn't want to go back but if there was an emergency situation then you would go. Gladly.
"No... Just both Thor and Loki are looking for you." You let that sink in for a few moments then you groan.
"Just tell them where I am. I'll wait for them." Hela agrees then you hang up. You look up at the sky and yawn as thunder can be heard from it.
"Miss Y/N. Are you going inside? I think there will be a storm." You shake your head at the Grand Chambermaid.
"There's no storm. That's just my brother." She tilts her head at your statement.
"Wha-" Just then a bolt of lightning strikes in the middle of the courtyard and Thor's figure emerges. You sigh.
"Hey, big brot-" You don't finish your greeting as you get attacked by Stormbreaker. You stop it with your hand. You grit your teeth. "Thor! What is-" Just then he strikes you with lightning. You shield yourself then hear the door behind you open. You knew that Alcina and her daughters have come out of the Castle.
"Y/N!? Who-" You lunge at Thor before he could even lay his eyes on Alcina. You notice for a split second that Loki is just watching on the sidelines and you growl. What is the meaning of this!?
"What is your problem!?" Thor holds out his hand and Stormbreaker comes to him.
"You! You are my problem!" He takes a step forward. "Why did you leave, Y/N? And why didn't you tell either me or Loki?" Now that pisses you off. They were both gone. Both you and Hela knew that they were alive, yes but shit their whereabouts? You absolutely had no idea. Were you worried? Of course, they were your brothers.
"Shut up!" The Earth rumbles as you shout. You hold out your hand and a sword forms. "You were both gone! You went to space! Loki travelled through time! So don't be a hypocrite!"
Thor stops at that but it was too late. You were already beginning your onslaught. He desperately defends himself from your vicious attacks.
You weren't the Goddess of War for no reason.
After wearing him out, you kick him over the edge. You hear his scream but knew that he was okay. You kick Stormbreaker in front of Loki who just smiles at you.
"Are you next?" He shakes his head and just goes to Alcina. You see Stormbreaker levitate so you hold out your hand as well. You knew Thor was trying to call it so you were trying to get him to you. The Stormbreaker stays in mid-air as Thor lands on the courtyard again. You stop your hold on the Stormbreaker so the ax hit Thor and he flew towards the gate.
Loki chuckles at your display. "You're really showing him, Y/N. Nice work." You glare at Loki who shrugs. You roll your eyes as you wait for Thor. "She really likes toying with him."
"And who exactly are you?" Alcina asks and Loki bows to her.
"I am Loki. God of Mischief and older brother of Y/N. The one she is fighting right now is also a brother of ours. The God of Thunder himself, Thor."
"I am Alcina Dimitrescu. One of the Four Lords of this Village." Loki nods then smiles at her.
"I am glad Y/N has found you, Lady Dimitrescu. It seems that she would do anything to protect you."
"Earlier, if Thor had seen you, I would imagine he would strike you with lightning so Y/N lunged at him."
"Why would he strike me?" He chuckles.
"Because you are the only reason why my sister would stay here, no?"
Just then Thor lands in front of them and you were cracking your neck as you wield Stormbreaker.
"Thor, just stop this. We both know you can't win against Y/N." Thor scoffs at Loki then stands.
"I am her older brother! I can win!"
"Are you sure? Because she's kicking your ass right now and wielding your weapon." Thor splutters as you hold your fist out to Loki who bumps it with his own. You throw Stormbreaker in front of him.
"You're not even the King of Asgard anymore, brother. Give. It. Up." Thor sighs then nods. You roll your eyes then raise an eyebrow at him. "Now what in Father's name was that!? You see me then just attack me!? The fuck is wrong with you!?" He smiles then pats your head.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay." That should have calmed you down. But instead it pissed you off even more. Your eye twitch then you use Stormbreaker to strike him with lightning. It doesn't affect him but it did make you feel better.
After that, you introduce the both of them to Alcina who is shocked but is pushing it down because she needs to look composed in front of your family. They leave for the day, but remind you that they'll check in too. You remind them to do it yearly, not monthly.
When they leave, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela immediately flock to you and ask you questions. You answer them.
At night, when you and Alcina were alone, you were nervous.
You never told her because you wanted to be treated as a normal human, not a Goddess that can either make or destroy stuff... which you can do but still.
"I'm really sorry." You say before she can even open her mouth. "I know I never told you, and I'm really sorry for that." You sigh. "I'm just so sick of being treated like I'm above others when... I just wanted to be treated like a normal person, that-" She doesn't let you finish as she kisses you. You blush as she smiles at you.
"So you're literally a Goddess." She purrs and you gulp. "I knew you were beautiful inside and out." She whispers and you shiver.
Did you let her sleep at all that night? No.
Donna Beneviento
You were with Donna when Hela had called. She even greeted Donna. It's been a year since you started dating her after all.
You and Donna were having tea when you heard a familiar sound. Thunder. You excuse yourself from Donna and she raises an eyebrow as you go outside. Angie follows you.
"Y/N! Why are you going outside?? Is it gonna rain??" You groan as you look back at Angie.
"No. But someone is coming." She tilts her head at you.
"Who??" You sigh as Thor and Loki land in front of you.
"My brothers." Angie looks at them with shock as you walk up to them.
"Y/N! Long time no see!" Thor hugs you and you free yourself from his grip.
"Got it, Thor! No need to squeeze! Damn it!"
"Y/N." Loki hugs you briefly and you smile at him. Donna opens the door and you three look at her.
"Y/N?" Thor pulls you behind him and you can't help but groan. Their overprotectiveness is showing again. "Who is this?" You quickly get in front of Donna and stop your brothers from doing anything.
"She's Donna Beneviento. She's my girlfriend." They look at each other then relax. You let them meet her.
When they both leave, both Donna and Angie look at you. You grin at them.
"Surprise?" Angie smacks you while Donna just holds your hand.
"TELL US NEXT TIME!" You agree then laugh as you get inside the house.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were just walking around the village with Bela when you hear the familiar sound of Thunder. You look up then groan.
"How the heck did they find me?" You hadn't even told Hela where you were. You pull Bela behind you as Thor and Loki lands in front of you.
"Y/N!" Thor tackles you so you push Bela out of the way. You land with a thud since your brother's strength is no joke. Loki looks at Bela and tilts his head.
"My, my Y/N." You look at Loki who is now helping Bela stand. "Control your powers, will you?" You blast Thor with said powers and fuss over Bela. She assures you that she's fine then you apologize profusely.
"Y/N?" You ignore Thor's call as he dusts himself off. "Who is that?" You sigh then turn to him at that. Right. Not even Hela knows who Bela is yet. Your relationship with her is new, after all.
"She's Bela Dimitrescu... I am currently courting her." You try to break it to them softly as the two can get very protective of you.
"Courting! Ah! Congratulations!" Thor pats your back and you endure through it while Loki just nods with a knowing smile.
You promise the both of them to check in once in a while and they both leave with a promise to get to know Bela better.
When they left, you feel Bela pinch you and you explain what you are... you know, a Goddess.
She squeals then drags you back to the Castle so you could tell her more.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You were sleeping with Cassandra outside on the courtyard so you don't even notice the sound of thunder from the sky.
Thor and Loki lands and you were still sound asleep... with another girl besides you.
Their voices were loud though so you rub your eyes open then see them still half-asleep. You smile as you sit and even Cassandra stirs awake.
"Thor! Loki! Morning." They both chuckle at you.
"I think it's already afternoon, Y/N." You shrug.
"What are you both doing here? Am I dreaming?" Thor laughs as Loki chuckles at you.
"We heard from Hela where you were... And since we haven't seen you in a long time.."
"You came to visit!? Nice!" You stand just as Cassandra sits on the spot you were both sleeping on.
"Y/N?" She asks and you turn to her with a smile.
"Cass. Morning." You kiss her and she smiles. "These two are my brothers." You gesture to Thor and Loki.
"I am Thor! God of Thunder." Cassandra stops at that then looks at you.
"And I am Loki. God of Mischief." Loki bows and she glares at you.
"Uhhh. Surprise??" She rolls her eyes then stands to introduce herself to them.
You all talked before your two brothers left.
Cassandra ignored you for the rest of the day. She doesn't like secrets and she would rather you tell her everything.
You spend the next few weeks, making it up to her. You just really hope she forgives you.
She does and you tell her everything about who you really are.
Daniela Dimitrescu
You were at the library with Daniela. She was telling you all about her favorite novels while you take notes in your mind so you would know what book you should get her.
When all of a sudden you hear a loud thunder. You tried to ignore it but your gut says otherwise. You excuse yourself then go outside and sure enough Thor and Loki were there. They were ready to attack Lady Alcina who was the first one to hear them, you guess.
You quickly go in front of her by jumping from the second floor. Thor stops at the sight of you and he hugs you. Daniela gets curious and looks from the second floor. She quickly gets down when she sees Thor hugging you.
You push him back and sigh.
"What are you both doing here?" They look at each other and was about to answer when a swarm of flies tackles you. You don't fall down but Daniela materializes behind you.
You look at her and she was glaring at Thor. She must be jealous. So you introduce them to her and Lady Alcina. They look at each other. You have brothers??
Thor laughs loudly as he roughly pats your back, singing praises of your 'adventures' as the Goddess of Water.
Adventures he exaggerated that's for sure.
You groan and promise to talk to them if they leave now. They both nod and remind that they'll check in as well.
You nod in defeat and sigh in relief when they left. You look back and see Daniela glaring at you while Alcina just smiles and gets inside.
You tell Daniela why and what you didn't tell her.
After that, you spend days and days, recalling everything from your adventures.
And spend every day right by her side.
I- Can you guys guess who is my favorite?
Is it hard?
I am loving this ex-avenger/Goddess scenario. I think I'm going to write more on this.
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
If you can, please buy me a coffee.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Could you do the Brothers and undatables reacting to MC being poisoned and finding out that Micheal was trying to kill them because he was jealous that MC was close with the brothers. Let me just say your work is great the way you describe the situation before going into the reactions is really interesting. Thank you so much!!!!
I already had this ask half way done but Tumblr decided to delete all my work due to buggy WiFi - I'm currently in pain 😭
I don't know much about poison so bare with me, I just looked at the basic symptoms and went "I'm smart" I've passed out after being ill or just in general quite a few times when younger so I had faith
This also has a bonus Michael part! I've decided to add his response to the boys reactions in its own format or else each one will just have a repeat of the same Michael Response
Warning: angst, implied vomitting, attempted murder, fainting, spoilers of lesson 37 and 16, gore on Michaels part, long
"from Michael...?" You questioned outloud, unsure on how to feel about the parcel you've found.
Your relationship with the angel wasn't a defined one. You didn't hate him but you didn't like him either; there was always something about his presence that made you fearful. You choked it up to be just internalised fear due to hearing the brothers experience of the celestial realm and angels.
You've never met him in person; the first conversation you had of him was when you stabbed yourself with the dagger instead of Lucifer. You saw the light and he spoke to you, surprised and shocked at the love you had for the demons. Even then you never really got to speak to him again, he was a mystery. You've sent a few letters and he's returned some and Simeon is a link between you two. But other than that? You didn't really have a relationship with him.
So why? Why would he send you a gift?
You looked inside to see a packet of apple pieces and herbs inside of a snack shaped teabag. You admired the unique shape and couldn't stop a small smile appearing. It was definitely cute! And you finally got to use the new kettle and cups barbatos got you.
You decided to text Simeon, telling him to thank Michael for your gift. He was surprised by this but agreed, happy you two were connecting.
Whilst your new tea brewed you were trying to figure out a way to repay his kindness. Sure it was simple small gift but he was reaching out - you were giddy! Hopeful this meant he was fully on board to the exchange program.
But you soon would regret drinking that tea. It was so sweet you couldn't stop drinking it; your lips only leaving the cup of a second of breath. It was addicting. The herb covered apples pieces gave it a nice slight bitterness. But it wasn't overbearing but didn't make it taste like sugar in your mouth.
As soon as the last gulp came down; something came up. You hunched over as your stomach churned, a disgusting taste forcing itself up your throat. Your vision growing blurry as you stumbled out of your seat, the light in your room feeling like knives to your eyes. You tried closing them but the effect didn't change. You were barely hunched over on your side releasing everything in your stomach. It stung your throat, your stomach feeling painfully empty.
There was this invisible feeling telling you to go to sleep. You wanted to obey but the light felt too painful. In your dazed state you shakily texted the groupchat a sloppy "help me ASAP, my room" before letting your body go limp, heaving as you just laid there, dragging a nearby jacket over your head and let your vision be consumed by the darkness.
He's heart broken
How did this happen? You were fine and now you're not moving
Your breathing was faint against his neck as he held you
He saw the parcel and connected the dots, Eden's tea
It was a death sentence for any human, a treat for demons and a punishment for angels
He's started a war once, he can do it again
Whilst he knew he couldn't enter the celestial realm he demanded that Michael show himself
When his demands went unanswered, he was ready to break all rules
"He's gone too far, I don't care for his reasons! I WILL DESTORY THE CELESTIAL REALM IF I HAVE TO! HE WILL ANSWER ME!"
when you received a cure all his angers washed away with relief
Happy to have you awake again even if it was for a few moments
All he can think about his how you looked like in the past; dying in his arms
He immediately went to blame belphie but almost tripped over the parcel
He's an idioit but he knew what this tea was
Becomes feral with rage and overly protective of your unconscious body
He's hunched over by your side at all times just growling at anyone who comes near you
He wanted to hurt Michael but he wanted to stay with you
He'd talk to you and tell you how he was going to get payback
"I should of known he'd do something-! I'll never forgive him- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!! I'M DOING THIS FOR THEM!"
As soon as you get the cure he's hugging you and telling you how much he missed you
When he found you, his heart dropped
It only got worse when he found the parcel and realized what Michael has done
he will remind the celestial realm why he is an admiral of hell's navy
He spends time by the sea communicating with any creature he can get; telling them if things go down he'll need them to flood the gates of heaven
When he isn't planning war he's with you, playing games, trying to ignore how dead you looked
He would remind you what buttons to push when your chatacter didn't move
He broke down sobbing when you woke up after getting a cure
He was convinced you were dead but here you were, alive and awake
He's a detective nerd so of course he scoped out the scene
When he found the parcel and Michaels name - oh boy
Never met the man and pities him for letting their first meeting be the angels demise
It wasn't long before he had to be detained
Screaming and tearing up anything he could, yelling at his brother's for falling
He blamed his brothers, he blamed Michael and he blamed himself
Hated being locked away from you, would course more of a fuss when he couldn't see you
He's only calmed down when you are given a cure and he's told you're alive
Is finally allowed to see you and he holds you tight
When he found you he was sobbing
It only grew worse when he found out what happened
In Denial
Not of Michael, he believed that but in denial you were dead or were dying
Kept insisting you were just tired and sleeping
Destroyed an entire room when one of them insisted you weren't sleeping
He'd help you get ready and pamper you, telling you it's okay and you can thank him when you feel better
Would be seen wiping your face often in hopes it'll get rid of that death like appearance you have
"They're fine but Michael won't be, when my precious darling wakes up I'll make sure they know I'll make everything better."
When you bad your cure he started crying and laughing, telling everyone he was right
Clinged to you and let you sleep
He found the parcel almost immediately
And went into a rage - we all know how his hunger tantrums are
Would've destroyed the whole house if he wasn't restrained
So much guilt, his shoulders are always sagging
Sits by your unconscious body so he feels like he's protecting you
Has tried kissing you awake
Hoping you'll wake up like a fairy tale Character and everything will be fine
"I'm going to kill Michael and I won't let any of you stop me....protect (Y/N) For me."
Was so happy and relieved when you got the cure, sticking to your side at all times even when you were awake
He was quick to help you into bed and on your side
When he found the parcel he was ready to murder
His rage towards Michael massively outweighed his hatred for humanity - even Lucifer!
Beel couldn't keep control of him mostnofnthe time unless he got forceful, belphegor stuck in a headlock screeching bloody murder
Stress sleeping
Like many of the brothers he develops two modes: calm or PLANNING MASS MURDER
Whenever he gets overwhelmed he just forces body to shut down and sleep besides you
"Michael will face me again, I won't let him kill anyone else that I love! He got Lilith killed and he can't do the same for (Y/N)!"
As soon as the cure was found he was by your side
Letting you rest and watched over you
Found out through the brothers
Sees this as an act of war against the peace he's working for
He was normally sweet and forgiving but it seemed Michael wanted to rip to his last nerve
Demanded for every reliable demon to search for a cure
Even had Solomon try to make one
"Barbatos, what is the possibility of Michael coming down to the devildom or the human realm? I want 'discuss' with him what his actions have caused."
As soon he he found out you were alive and safe
He didn't stop his plans but let himself have time with you
So much guilt
Like holy shit
Is just constantly questioning how he didn't prevent this
Asked permission from the lord to just change the timelines so this didn't happen but the brothers were against it
They demanded they didn't avoid this situation and let Michael face punishment
That he couldn't refuse, he was angered by the angel's actions
More than he would ever show
"humans are so fragile and their time is so limited - that's why I'm never going to let anyone cut theirs short again."
Was part of the cure search party, he led the group
Once you were cured he stayed with you
Acting as your butler and made to check each of your foods and drinks
It wasn't a wise decision to piss off a wizard with stupid amount of pacts
To think an angel would do such a thing
But whilst Everyone lost their temper and searched for a cure
He was wondering - why did it happen
He was ordered asked to make you a cure
He was able to do it but the real cure was also found - giving you extra cure wasn't going to harm you
But he did plan to harm Michael
"you'd think he was smarter than this, he didn't even hide he was the one who did it but all it does is make my job easier."
nursed you until you woke up
Making sure you had mini cures to completely magic it out of your system
When he found out he was stunned
Betrayal - that's all he felt
How could Michael do such a thing?
But he knew Michael was a cruel angel, many having to drink Eden's tea as punishment
It burned their insides and had any poor soul sobbing for mercy after a gulp
"Michael you fool, you can get away with things in your league but you've involved the three realms into this....I pray you do not make your demise harder for yourself."
Was apart of the cure search party
Soothed you when you finally woke up, telling you it'll be okay
Let you rest as much as you wanted
They tried to hide it from him but he kept demanding to see you
He wanted to know why everyone was acting strange
When he finally found out he was broken
His mentor
His idol
His everything
The person who always went for permission and knowledge
He thought so highly of him but he's hurt you
He's done more than that! He's tried to kill you!
He's been sobbing for days and locked himself away, he couldn't bare to see you after his once visit
He believed you were dead and they were just keeping your body
"Michael....why....why would you do this.... I thought you loved your brother's....I thought you were kind..!"
When he found out there was a cure he begged to help but they wouldn't let him
He only got to see you when you woke up and he was hugging you, crying
+ bonus Character↓
The angel knew they'd be upset
But 9 demons wanting his blood? One wizard ready to cause mayhem and even his own kind wanting his downfall?
That he didn't expect
In his blind jealousy he didn't expect they'd all care for you this much
Thinking apart of them would be relieved you weren't there
But no
"You were my brother's before you were their partner, I'm simply doing what is right! It was their time to meet him and finally stop controlling all of you! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! I'M YOUR FAMILY! WHY ARE THEY MORE IMPORTANT?!"
He got his answer
His wings torn to shreds, chunks of flesh bitten off him and slashes all over his body
He was left in human world bleeding and barely recognisable
They didn't hold back
He dread to think what the rest of them would do when they find him
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (10)
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(technoblade x fem!reader)
(a/n: y’all seemed to like chapter 9 so here’s chapter 10! I know, I know. still no technoblade! BUT! he WILL be arriving soon~ very soon. >:3c but for now just enjoy the rest of the utter nonsense that’s the election. and remember! reblogs and comments REALLY make writing the next chapter possible. if y’all lose interest then so will I. so reblog and comment y’all! <3)
There was an eerie silence hanging over everyone in attendance. Nobody quite knew what to say, or even how to react to this startling new information. Not a soul spoke as a few people on stage and in the audience shared confused glances, not even whispering their questions to each other lest they shatter the heavy stillness. At least that was the case before HBomb hopped up out of his chair and gave a loud and cheerful “WHOO! NEW PRESIDENT!” that successfully slam dunked everyone back into the moment at hand. 
Suddenly you were surrounded by noise as everyone started talking at once. 
Meanwhile you remained mostly unaware of it, well more like distantly aware of it.
You stared up at the stage, locked in place from how floored you still were.
What in the absolute hell was Wilbur talking about?? 
You can’t have won! Because you weren’t running! 
So there’s no way for you to WIN something you were never actively competing for! 
There had to be a mistake. Maybe this was just some more of their silly pranks and japes before they read off the real winner, which actually wasn’t that huge of a stretch for this SMP if you were being honest. Or at least that’s what you were telling yourself anyways. Vaguely you could hear voices talking all around you, but it seemed far away, so you weren’t really registering what was being said. You were mostly just staring blankly at the stage, not really seeing any of the people up there as you tried to process what just happened.
It took Tubbo grabbing your elbow and shaking it to snap you out of the almost trance like state you'd slipped into. You looked down and he actually looked excited, but you could also see shock in his expression as well. You looked behind you to the rest of the crowd and some were clapping and cheering while others stood silent, shocked like you if you had to hazard a guess. You looked back up at the stage when you heard Tommy calling you to come up with them. You were still sorta frozen but thankfully Tubbo nudged you forward, reminding you that you needed to move. Silently you made your way up to the podium, mouth feeling dry and stomach feeling like it was full of stones.
Now that you were zoned back in you could hear the arguing coming from the podium. You were sort of dreading coming face to face with Wilbur, already knowing how… not great he took Schlatt winning from the original timeline. And he apparently knew and was friends with the ram hybrid. So you couldn’t see him being happy you won.. But when you got to the stage where the others were you couldn’t focus on Wilbur because all at once your vision was overtaken by Tommy, who was babbling about how you won! And how the hell did you win?? You weren’t even running! And how he’s pretty down they lost but at least Quackity and George didn’t win! (that got a ‘fuck you!’ out of the Spanish speaking young man) You gave a weak chuckle and said you’re not sure how or why you won but it was crazy indeed. 
Quackity, Schlatt, and George were the most vocal about not thinking the results were fair. Though to be clear, Wilbur didn’t look thrilled either, but he was doing his best to look professional or put together you guessed. Or at least not blow up in front of literally everyone. You kept an eye on him while Tommy led you up to the mic and told you to give your first decree as president. But you sorta… didn’t want to be president. You hoped you wouldn’t upset anyone by not accepting the job. But you didn’t think you’d make a good leader. So you turned away from the mic, hoping nobody but the ones beside you on stage would hear when you asked if you had to accept the role. 
This caught all the mens’ attention and Wilbur was quick to give you an out, saying no you didn’t technically HAVE to accept the presidency. In fact if you weren’t ready or willing to fill the role then the runners up, aka him and Tommy, would happily do so for you. But then Quackity, Schlatt, and surprisingly Fundy said that wasn’t fair either since both Pog2020 and Schlatt/Swag2020 were tied with the amount of votes. And you had to admit, that didn’t seem fair. But Wilbur perked up and you’d swear in that moment he was the embodiment of the ‘lightbulb above head’ phrase. Then he grinned and turned to Fundy and Niki and asked to speak to them before urging them and Tommy off the stage, leaving you and Schlatt/Swag2020 on the stage alone.
Not wanting to leave everyone in the audience hanging, you gave a polite smile and assured them that the others just wanted to…. recount the votes! They weren’t sure Wilbur counted them right so they figured recounting with some other witnesses there would clear things up! The crowd shared confused glances but it was Tubbo who yelled out that that sounded sus as hell! And if he were you he’d think they were trying to cheat or something! You snorted a laugh but assured him it was alright and you didn’t think they’d be that ballsy~
Fundy and Niki followed behind Wilbur and Tommy, the latter of the two males just as confused about what Wilbur was up to as the pair behind him. But then they all gathered in the white house and Wilbur turned to the members of Coconut2020 and said he had a proposition for them! The brunet said that since it was clear that you weren’t really up to being president, his tone derisive like your refusal of the position was tantamount to spitting in his food, then if Fundy and Niki agreed to combine their votes with Swag2020 then Wilbur could be president again and things could go back to normal!
But the blonde woman and fox hybrid didn’t look convinced.. Niki said they’d just be giving them their votes so they could win, while they got nothing? Fundy frowned and asked what positions he and Niki would have in the Pog2020 cabinet if they joined their votes with theirs. Here is where Wilbur hesitated, unsure what positions he could give them. But then he smiled and said Niki would be the First Woman, since she was the first woman to join L’manberg! And Fundy would of course be everyone’s Little Champion! He couldn’t help but baby talk his son, he’d never been able to take Fundy seriously, not really anyways. What with his alert little triangle ears, furry face, soft little paw beans, and fluffy tail. He was just too cute for Wilbur to take him seriously. Even now. But it was this attitude that would be his downfall. Because it’s what caused Fundy to snap.
“No, Wilbur! This is serious! I’m not some baby for you to dress up and prance around! I’m a fucking adult! I have my own house, I pay taxes, I fought in a war for fucks sake!” the hybrid shouted, clearly upset.
Wilbur was shocked but tried to calm Fundy down, not fully realizing how mad his son was until the red haired male practically snarled, 
“I’m not going to sit here and hand over the votes Niki and I earned just so you can treat me like a child!”
Without another word he turned on his heel and stormed out of the white house, leaving three stunned people behind. Tommy looked up at Wilbur, opening and closing his mouth, wanting so badly to say something, maybe lighten the awkward mood but not knowing what or even if he should speak at all. Meanwhile Niki just sighed and gave Wilbur a soft disappointed look. She knew Wilbur loved his son, and that often translated to him babying the hybrid. But she’d warned him, as kindly as she could, that it seemed to upset Fundy that his own father wouldn’t treat him like anything but a kid. She’s not a parent herself, so she figures it must be hard for a parent to see their child as anything but a child, even after they’ve grown. 
But she can see Fundy’s side too. It must be massively frustrating to be looked upon like you’re just a kid. Especially since Wilbur doesn’t even treat Tommy, his own younger brother, as a child as much as he does Fundy. And she’d seen first hand how Wilbur’s attitude towards Fundy, whether or not the brunet intended for it to happen or not, did in fact influence how others treated the red furred hybrid. She’d seen Tommy, Tubbo, Eret, Sapnap, and even herself a couple times sort of not treat Fundy with the respect you’d show to a fellow adult. She tried her best to kick that habit, and her and Fundy’s friendship had really blossomed thanks to it, she thinks. But she believes Wilbur just pushed his son to his breaking point…
“He’s right, Wilbur. You can’t keep babying him. He’s a grown up now..” Niki said neutrally.
Then she let out a tired sounding breath of air and turned to follow after the fox hybrid, saying she would go check on him. But she also said Wilbur needed to talk to him later, man to man, and make things right. Said brunet looked rather flummoxed, not sure what the hell just happened. It was Tommy who broke the silence by giving an almost weak sounding ‘holy shit’. Wilbur turned his perplexed gaze to his brother and asked what the HELL that was all about! Said blond winced and gave a sigh while awkwardly scratching the back of his head, not thrilled with the weird turn this conversation took, but answered Wilbur,
“Ehh… looks like you and Fundy have some unresolved personal issues, bud..”
Wilbur barked that this wasn’t the time for Fundy to let some personal vendetta against him cloud his reasoning! They were in the middle of the do or die of the election! If they couldn’t get Fundy and Niki to agree to join their votes with theirs then they won’t win! And they’ll be in a tie with Schlatt and Quackity! Wilbur jerked his hands down, like he wanted to slam them against a table or something. But instead he just viciously scrubbed his fingers through his curly hair, feeling embittered with everyone around him. All he’d wanted was to lead HIS country! Like he rightfully should have been able to! All this election bollocks and now he was having to try and convince HIS OWN SON to help him stay president?! If it were him and Phil needed help he’d give it! Well he would if Phil were ever fucking around..
The sound of a crowd cheering caused the two to whip their heads towards the area where the stage was before they looked at each other. Not a word was spoken between them as they both took off in a run towards the stage, wondering what happened and what they were missing. They rounded the corner of the building to the left of the stage to see you smiling and waving daintily to the crowd. Not sure what they’d missed, Wilbur rushed up to Niki and asked what happened. Did you accept the presidency already?? 
Niki raised an eyebrow at her friend and nodded, saying you’d finally relented and accepted the role as president after she and Fundy came back from ‘recounting the votes’. Niki hummed and said she figured that you finally accepted the results after it was made clear that if you didn’t then everything would be stuck in a tie. But then Niki’s reflecting mood brightened and she said she really thought you’d do a good job as the new president. Even joking that you had to be better than Schlatt. 
Niki never voiced it out loud but she’d been worried Schlatt and Quackity would win. Schlatt was the biggest worry for her. To his credit, he was actually a really funny guy and she could see why Wilbur was friends with him, they just had a good chemistry and their senses of humor bounced off each other well. But… Schlatt could also be blatantly power hungry and hateful if not kept in check from the few times she’d met him or heard stories about him from Wilbur. Niki felt like giving him the amount of authority that came with being president would only end poorly. And Quackity was an alright guy in her opinion but he could be vindictive and petty too. She got the vibe that any amount of power given to him would instantly go to his head and turn him into a jerk.
But again, these were just her personal (and not spoken aloud) opinions…
She always hated being mean to people and saying hurtful things. So she kept her opinions to herself more often than not. Unless it was super important anyways. So instead of elaborating on Why she was so relieved that Schlatt and Quackity hadn’t won she instead flashed the two members of Pog2020 a smile and said it had been a fun race, and despite all the drama she really thinks Tommy’s friend will do a good job. Then with a keen raise of her eyebrows the blonde suggested with a cute smile,
“Oh, maybe you could be a member of Reader’s Cabinet! I’m sure she’ll be needing a vice president, secretary of defense, treasury, and other positions!”
Niki was honestly just trying to cheer up her friend, but the cheerful smile slipped off her face at the dark look that crossed Wilbur’s. She grew concerned when she saw how hard he was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. His behavior over the last few weeks had been slowly worrying her, but this was starting to make her anxious. And when he started marching towards the stage she shot a panicked look to Tommy, who could do nothing but give her an equally worried and confused face before they both tried to hurry after their brown haired friend. But he got up onto the stage before either of them could grab his arm, and Niki was about to call after him but he reached your side, clearing his throat and alerting you to his presence. 
You looked down and saw him standing at attention next to you, hand outstretched for a handshake and a polite but serious smile on his face. You were surprised, thinking he was handling this with more grace than you’d expected, but a feeling deep in your gut was still on edge. You knew the destruction Wilbur Soot was all too willing and capable of doing in the selfish pursuit of keeping power over the country he made. The lives of his friends and family be damned. So while you really really wanted to hope that Wilbur will be better since you won over the other parties… you’re also highly skeptical that he will manage to keep his sanity. 
But instead of showing any of your reservations you instead simply smile and shake his hand, thanking him for congratulating your win and promising him you’ll do your best with the presidency and taking care of L’manberg. And if you noticed how his smile looked a little too angry at the edges then you didn’t say anything..
So instead of dealing with the mess that was Wilbur Soot you focused on the crowd and let go of Wilbur’s hand to stand at the sort of comically short podium and spoke out to the people you were now responsible for,
“Well, this all was certainly unexpected..”
Chuckles erupted from the crowd at that, making you feel a bit better about all of this. At least you weren’t the only one to see how wild all of this mess was.
“I’m actually really shocked! I wasn’t intending to run for president but I suppose life has other plans for me. But regardless, I’m honored you’ve all put your faith in me to lead you. I swear to do my absolute best for you and help L’manberg flourish.”
Applause from the crowd made you give a genuine smile. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad?
In the audience, watching this all unfold behind a mask and tapping his foot, stood the familiar looking figure in a green hood. Hanging around next to him was Sapnap in all his black and white dressed glory. And at some point George had gotten bored with the drama on stage and had left Quackity’s side (not that the duck hybrid had even noticed or cared) and wandered over to stand with his two friends. They watched Wilbur hand over the presidency to you and George made an off hand comment that Wilbur sure didn’t look pleased with losing, a smug laugh in his sleepy tone. Sapnap snickered but stared at you and elbowed his taller friend, asking in a curious tone while subtly gesturing to you,
“Speaking of, why didn’t you tell us you’d let someone new on the server, Dream?”
His friend glanced at him for a second longer than normal before replying with a tense tone to his voice that he hadn’t let her on. That caused both Sapnap and George to jerk their heads up to look at him in visible confusion. While George stammered through a series of ‘what’s’ and ‘wait hold on-’ Sapnap was loudly questioning what the hell he meant. The mask wearing player shushed them both before looking up to see if anyone had heard them or looked over at the twos’ loud exclamations. Thankfully nobody had. So he sighed and led them a bit further away from the crowd and explained that he’d not authorized any new members to the server. and it was true, he hadn’t. But both hybrids still looked confused and George asked, clearly puzzled,
“Well then how did she get on the server?? Nobody else can let people on, right, Dream?”
Sapnap nodded but stopped when their taller friend let out a flat hum before shaking his head ‘no’. That caught the shorter twos’ attention so he elaborated by asking them,
“Who on this server is known to have Creative Mode?”
The two blinked before it dawned on them and they looked even more shocked than before, only now it was coupled with anxiousness. Sapnap harshly whispered to the two, asking why the hell fucking GOD himself would actually let someone onto the server?? DreamXD never bothered with players and stuff, only being rumored to be seen by players if they broke server rules. George added on that this all sounded really weird. And an idea hit him and he couldn’t help but voice it. 
“You don’t think… she’s linked to DreamXD.. do you? Like working for him or something?” he asked a touch nervously.
The other two didn’t say anything, not really knowing what to say to that. Sapnap could only shrug while the tallest of their group remained silent, none of them having any answers to the string of questions they’d just let loose.
They would just have to wait and see it seemed.
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy
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