#not everyone has to make out with each other just cause theyre close
nanzyn · 1 year
when you try to write a close, platonic relationship that includes a conversation about their relationship to one another and a deep partnership built on companionship but you know people are going to read it into a romantic relationship bc they want to turn every close male-male interaction into a romantic relationship
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justwonder113 · 6 months
would you please do a reaction for when other members are being a little too close with their s/o baby bump cause they want to be the better uncle than the other members if that makes sense? like theyre trying to get the baby to recognise all their voices before its born. this would ne so cute ngl and then the member finds their s/o cuddled up with the other member having both fallen asleep on the sofa or some place like that. thanks a lot in advance!
This has to be one of the sweetest and unique asks I have ever gotten. Thank you so much for it!! I'm really terribly sorry it took me this long to write it and it's only Hyung line too. I was in really terrible headspace and I'm trying to get myself out there again. so I hope you understand. I will try to update Maknae line as fast as I can.
Warnings: There's not much to put here but if I missed any please let me know. The baby's gender is only specified in Changbin's. Just pure fluff
Maknae line here
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Bang Chan
When you announced to the boys that you were pregnant it was safe to say that boys were over the moon. Hell, the restaurant you and Chan decided to invite boys to and annoynce the news almost banned you from how loud you were being. You were immediately showered with questions like how long you were due, when would the baby be born, if you knew the gender, everything! They were really excited to be uncles.
Ever since one could only imagine how protective they were of you. Chan and the boys did their best to support you in any way, you didn't even have to lift a finger now, everyone kept doting on you and the baby. You were also swarmed with countless questions about the baby, if you needed anything, if you craved anything, if you felt the baby kick and ect... Listening to them alone you already knew that your baby was going to be spoiled rotten. Even though you found it adorable hearing their plans and what great uncles they were going to be, you knew at some point you would have to to sit them down and talk about boundaries. Which was an impossible task! Because now as Innie talked to you (mostly your babybump) all cute and excited how much things he was going to teach the kid and how he was going to bring them with him to the coolest events ever and stuff. He even bought up an idea of maybe even convincing and possibly setting up a deal with Alexander McQueen for having your kid as the cutest model ever, Mind you the baby wasn't even born yet. As the baby of the group who was always babied and doted on he was the most excited having someone small around so he could be this cool reliable hyung to. You and Chan found it absolutely adorable how giddy he was. Heck you even made a promise to him, after convincing him to keep this a secret, much to his dismay and out of everyone's earshot, that he'd be the one to hold the baby first out of the boys once the baby was born.
Chan couldn't help but smile once you saw Innie who normally hated physical contact soundly asleep with his head on your shoulder, with you snuggling next to him all cutely. He couldn't help but to take a picture of you two, smiling, excited the most of all for the baby to be born.
Lee Know
Once you announced your pregnancy everyone was extatic. They all hugged and congratulated you, asked you hundreds of questions they were curious about. You really loved how excited they were for and you were more than happy to answer all their questions even the silliest ones. The evening was peaceful, everyone was here gathered at your house and you were spending lovely time, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked, meaning, someone, you really didn't catch who, but probably Jisung, asked if you had decided who was going to be the baby's godfather, and let's just say the hell broke loose after that, the kind not even the avatar could salvage. One second there was silence the next thing you knew was that everyone kept screaming and yelling at each other. You and Chan watched from afar, thankfully he was mature enought not to cause a scene, which couldn't have been said about your husband who was also yelling some incoherent stuff. Chan tried his best to solve the situation but at some point even he had to get involved in the fight to stop it. Everyone was yapping about god knows what at this point, you sat there on the coutch watching from the couch sipping your drink, praying that your neighbours wouldn't call the cops on you.
Jisung sat down next to you after a while all sad and pouty. The boys were yelling about something else now but you didn't really pay much attention to it. "It's not fair right! I'm Minho's and your closest friend, I should be the godfather right?" You couldn't help but huff out a laugh about Jisung's dramatic outburst. "Really Ji? The fact that I'm the one thirdwheeling whenever you're around my husband, which is a lot I might add, isn't enough for you and now you're coming for my baby too?" You couldn't help but raise your eyebrow at the audacity, Jisung looked taken aback but he quickly gathered himself and gave you the biggest smile ever. "Pretty please?" His eagerness was actually kind of endearing, you couldn't help but laugh. "I'll think about it little homewrecker." You were barely done with your sentence when Jisung basically quickly but also really carefully wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek very eagerly. You stayed cuddled up like that for a while and chatted for a bit while everyone was at each other's throats. Jisung talked to your bump all excitedly that he couldn't wait to meet them and that he was going to be the coolest godfather ever. Next thing you knew he was asleep still cuddled next to you. How this boy managed to fall asleep in this absolute chaos was beyond you but it was cute. Your eyes met Minho's who only raised his eyebrow at you, intrigued on what went on while he was distracted, you gave him a wink in return. You lovingly stroked your bump, You really couldn't wait for the baby to be born.
When you and Changbin announcede that you were pregnant to the boys they were beyond extatic. They were about to pounce on you and give you the biggest hug ever but thankfully Binnie and Chan stopped them in time and warned them to be careful with you. So instead all of them decided to basically jump on your poor binnie, who was on the floor in seconds with 7 bodies on top of him, and hopefully without a concussion.
After that everything went smoothly, the boys tried to be as supportive as ever and helped you in every way they could. Your sweet Husband was also an absolute Godsend. You didn't know what you would do without him. Even now he basically helped you with everything. You really wanted to have a gender reveal party and he really jumped out of his skin trying to make everything perfect. The boys also helped out a lot, all of them were really excited to hear the gender of the kid. Jisung even wanted to place a bet but Binnie quickly stopped him by softly whacking him on the head.
The party went perfectly, your sweet husband even made the impossible possible. It was just perfection. Also everyone was so excited when they heard that you were going to have a baby girl. Binnie even burst out crying while hearing the news. You really couldn't wait for your sweet angel to be born.
You were having time of your life when Hyunjin approached you with the sweetest idea ever. He said that he knew that you still hadn't set up a nursery for the baby and suggested that he could paint the room for you and even showed you some of the inspiration he got from the internet earlier. You couldn't help but tear up at how sweet he was being. It was really one of the cutest and meaningful presents ever. Also he was so cute cute talking about how he wanted to help you create the prettiest room for the baby girl, which would be as pretty as her. You and Binnie almost burst out crying, Binnie couldn't help himself and literally almost smothered the poor boy by giving him the tightest hug ever.
You really were so thankful. You spent almost whole evening talking about various designs and ideas. Even the baby must have been really excited because she kicked for the first time that evening. Binnie and you even joked that it must be a genetic thing being obsessed with Hyunjin. Hyunjin got even more excited after witnessing it, and for the whole evening he talked to your bump about the prettiest colours and designs he was going to use for her room so she could have as pretty room as the prettiest girl deserved. You and Binnie couldn't be more grateful to have sweet people like him around especially when others also chimed in and gave you their ideas too.
When you first announced your pregnancy to Hyunjin poor boy almost fainted, but once the news set in, he was more than overjoyed. He was on top of the world and since day one he was set on for giving your baby the best life possible and to spoil them rotten. You couldn't help but find it endearing how he thought about making every moment special and memorable.
He even planned the most dramatic and over the top way to announce your pregnancy to the boys and family members. He made custom envelopes with custom shirts and letters, ordered the cake which had your due date written on it with see you on top of it, ordered the best drinks and food. Also ordered most beautiful flowers. He was so excited to announce the news he wanted everything to be really beautiful and elegant, maybe it was a little over the top but it was made with taste and what's important with lots of love.
Everyone was over the moon once they heard the news, all of them congratulated you and wished you all the happiness. Hyunjin was over the moon he looked so happy like this was his greatest achievement ever. You couldn't help but tear up everything was so beautiful about this day.
All of the boys were so excited to become uncles. They already started planning how many things they were going to teach your kid, how many cool places they were going to take them too, how they were going to dote on them and spoil them rotten. The baby wasn't due yet but you already knew they were going to be most spoiled and most loved baby ever.
Out of the boys Felix seemed to be the most over the moon, he was so excited to have the baby around, he could barely contain his excitement. Which showed because in next couple of days you had almost every piece of Louis Vuitton's baby line and he had so many more plans too! Imagine that and also countless many presents from the boys too, it was like there was no space left for you and Hyunjin in your own house from all the boxes and envelopes. Of course you and your husband were more than thankful. But felix was really outshining everyone with his gifts. He even sent you his baked goodies which on you happily chewed on. Baby must have really loved his baking and you were really satisfied too with the devine taste.
Hyunjin kept joking that how would it look if baby was covered head to toe in Louis Vuitton when he was Versace ambassador himself. Felix and Hyunjin even jokingly argued which designer brand was better. They even tried to bring you into the little argument. And now you had a little ongoing bet on which designer brand was going to be your baby's favorite. You couldn't help but smile as you eyed the boys who slept on each side of you soundlessly all smiley and cuddled up to you as if they weren't the ones jokingly arguing earlier. You were really grateful that your baby was going to be surrounded with all the love in the world.
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chimychoo · 2 months
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Where do i begin?
So heres the thing, I watched TPOT 12 then took a shower right after. While taking said shower i took a moment to think about everything that went down. And thought of the wildest theory ever..
One and Three, right?
These two fellas have FINALLY appeared after 15 years! Why is that?
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Here is the scene when X found out their value: 7!
Four, Seven, and X are celebrating and generally very happy. Who isnt happy?
Three and one.
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Theyre clearly angered by this whole situation, but why? Who are they angry at?
Theres three possible options:
1. Seven. But that wouldnt make sense, huh? Basically every algebralien has SOME sort of grudge held against him, so its nothing new. Scratch that!
2. Four. Its possible, four has done alot of things. But thats not who im personally going to focus on. Well, partially at least.
That leaves one more person!
3. X. But why them?
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"Theyre just a little silly dude, they did nothing wrong!" And youre right. Thats exactly why theyre a target.
Youre probably wondering, why am i focusing on X, and not four? Four is more of a suspect, after all.
Think about it this way,
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Three is trapped in a prison inside of Four's school, so four put him there! (They are the only one with control over that place anyway.)
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One is trapped inside of the moon. There isnt really any solid proof to prove my theory with this one, but she came out during TPOT. She clearly had the ability to escape and didnt seem tired out and/or surprised that she finally left her prison. One actually seems happy and collected, even going as far as "greeting everyone" once she's out. She chose to come out at this time, just like how she chose to mess with Two's show.
One also confirmed that shes an "old friend of Two's." If One is suddenly against Two after all the years of them knowing each other, Two clearly did something to her.
And youre STILL probably wondering, "Chim! You still didnt explain what X has to do with all of this!"
Four and Two hate eachother, this hatred being caused by Two when they stole more than HALF of the bfb cast.
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(They seem to not be familiar with eachother when they "first" meet. Im not exactly sure why here HELP.)
But anyway!
Who does Four have a good friendship with? X!
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Who does Two have a good friendship with? Also X!
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X is what keeps them sane around eachother, the only main reason why they stick around.
If anything bad were to happen to X, Four and Two clearly have the power and ability to get back at whatever or WHOever caused this harm.
One and Three did something to X, and it resulted in Two and Four snapping.
Three has basically ZERO information on himself, we know nothing about the guy. But what we do know, is that hes agressive.
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In the Number Playground Chronicles, we get an article that explains an event that takes place, Three being apart of it. The article reads:
(To reduce confusion, ill be adding the names for you guys to differenciate whos who.)
"(Five)Integer did not pick up the ball when dropped, and Three Integer, the person playing with him, became impatient. (Five)Integer was angry at (Three)Integer because, Three Integer could simply pick up the ball and throw it to (Five)Integer, and (Three)Integer and (Five)Integer could keep playing.
The horrible, tragic incident happened at 10:13 AM. Three Integer became Upset.
Three Integer at 10:16, Angry.
Three Integer at 10:31, Furious.
Three Integer at 10:24, and "Foaming."
Three Integer at 10:39, when he started to produce smoke.
(Five)Integer picked up the ball at 6:17 PM."
This event did truly happen, we can see the beginning of it play out in the first few seconds of XFOHV:
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Three was so angry and REFUSED to even touch the ball. Five had to go pick it up themself HOURS after the incident.
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Three also WILLINGLY closed the cell door after it was opened. He couldve escaped, yet he didnt. I have two possible reasons for this:
1. He's afraid of Four catching him, so he followed orders and stayed put.
2. Three's gone insane after a decade and a half of being all alone, to the point that he WANTS to stay inside.
One seems like a friendly character, shes smiling in basically the ENTIRETY of her screentime, (minus the part when she conversed with Fanny.)
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But something about her smile isnt right, its almost disturbing. The way she grins in the oddest situations,
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She is seen with a list during the post-credits scene, with four names on it that are all crossed out, meaning they are "completed."
□ Bell.
□ Bomby.
□ Fanny.
□ Ice Cube.
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Notice how all four of these contestants were in some sort of distress during that moment, and One helped them out! In exchange for a "favor."
1. She helped Bell escape elimination by removing her string (something that annoyed Bell constantly due to contestants activley climbing it.) And hiding her.
2. She helped Bomby escape elimination by hiding him.
3. She gave Fanny a new mouth, discarding the need to spend hours at a time searching for it in the ocean.
4. She gave Ice Cube a new pair of legs, allowing her to walk again.
What exactly does One need these favors for? Revenge against Two, of course!
Theres a popular theory stating that Two was kicked out of the equation playground, this would clear up the confusion as to why they basically NEVER appear in the subscriber specials.
Maybe this is because Two hates math! They said it to Gaty in one of the episodes.
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I also believe that One was also kicked out. Why, you may ask?
Take a look at this scene in the beginning of TPOT 11:
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One's picture was hidden underneath Seven's. As if nobody(COUGH COUGH. Espcially four) wanted her to be mentioned so they simply hid her.
Maybe this is how One and Two became friends, two rejects.
1. How the HELL did One get a mouth and... legs?
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2. Judging by One's little room, she probably really likes space and astronomy, maybe thats way the moon was where she was sent.
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3. Kinda freaky to think that One was there in the moon the ENTIRE time. Throughout every single episode of the series from BFDI 1A to TPOT9, and we never knew.
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Yeah tbh idk what else to say this was just a little info dump cause my mind was PACKED. anyways yeah tell me if i missed anything anf let me know about your little theories and opinions on mine! :3
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anyway atsushi who keeps his eyes closed around ppl he feels safe with - so mostly the agency
kunikida sees him first and assumes he's napping and 'wakes him up' and atsushi, who doesn't realize yet why he's doing it is a little embarrassed
kunikida notices it again when theyre walking to a case, atsushi squished in between him and dazai, eyes closed, and he knows that he's not napping but he also doesn't get it
dazai realizes whats up but thinks it only happens cuz of kunikida becuz surely not him
but then one day he's telling atsushi about some prank he's pulling on kunikida and atsushi is nodding along, eyes shut and he's like oh
kyouka misses all the times it happens around her just becuz its not strange to see someone lying on the couch at their home, eyes closed, so how is she supposed to know that he's only doing it becuz he feels safe ???
ranpo knows whats going on and is very pleased when atsushi sits next to him on the train to their mission with his eyes closed - until they accidentally missed their stop becuz ranpo didn't know where they were going
when it happens to ranpo, everyone starts picking up that somethings going on
dazai and ranpo know for sure - and through ranpo yosano knows too - and everyone knows atsushi closes his eyes around them for some reason but they arent really sure why
atsushi doesn't close his eyes around yosano - not until theyre hanging out and yosano takes her long white coat off and leaves it behind becuz she doesn't need it and in minutes atsushi is at complete ease around her
junichiro keeps his hand on atsushi's arm when theyre walking or in public so that if atsushi's eyes are closed he doesn't bump into anything or anyone
kenji initially thinks that atsushi is trying to mimic ranpo and yeah fair enough but then when he realizes he closes his eyes around atsushi too which does cause them to bump into each other but also its sweet so
it takes atsushi the longest to do so around fukuzawa - not becuz he has anything against the man - but becuz he's a figure w/ authority over atsushi and atsushi doesn't have the best experience. where he knows yosano well enough and only her long white coat makes him hesitate, and for all of kunikida's scolding - his hands are kind when they ruffle atsushi hair and his eyes are filled with concern as he makes sure atsushi is eating - but atsushi rarely sees the president in comparison
the first time he's in his presence with his eyes closed fukuzawa is touched
when everyone in the agency finds out what it means its like:
yosano, dazai, ranpo - already knew
kenji - figured it out
kyouka - reevaluating every time atsushi has ever closed his eyes
kunikida - bright red, spluttering remembering how often atsushi does it in his presence
junichiro - pleased and vowing to close his eyes too
haruno and naomi - "atsushi are you actually a cat who turns into a human"
anyway who else
lucy thinks he's not listening to her when he does it and when he tells her she gets flustered calls him an idiot and then gives him a present to show her own appreciation of him and then pretends to not know what he's talking about
i dont know how to describe akutagawa's reaction to his boyfriend, who he had an antagonistic and violent relationship with in the beginning, thinking that akutagawa - violent, kills without thought, weapon more than human - is safe
akutagawa's whos ability has only been a monster is able to use it in front of atsushi w/o atsushi ever thinking its unsafe
all that trust and love atsushi has carefully put out for akutagawa - yeah i cant describe the emotions akutagawa would feel to be this loved, this trusted
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omgwhatchloe · 2 months
but what if i ask really nicely for more into on brain injury sean au
then i suppose…IF YOU INSIST…i might be compelled…
-first things first in this au sean has to change where EXACTLY he was walking on the ground on rhodes to alter where the bullet goes. one tiny half-step to the right when he turns, along with the shooter aiming just that tiny bit higher, and he gets shot through the skull, but survives.
now im not going to go into a lot of detail about where the bullet is in the brain and why he is reacting like this etc etc because even after research i dont know the ins and outs of it, so we’ll focus a lot more on his behaviour.
-so after the position of the shot is altered, they all expect him to be dead. miraculously, he is still alive on the floor of rhodes, but heavily unconscious. he is unconscious for two and a half weeks after they try their best to heal him. poor leopold strauss was NOT about to do any brain surgery and the bullet had to be left there. when he actually woke up, everyone was relieved and crowding him. however, he didnt say a word, he barely looked at them. he just laid where he was, staring, until they started to help him up and try to speak to him. within a few days, he had healed to his limit, meaning he could walk and start to move very uncoordinated.
-sean mumbles a lot unintelligibly to no one in particular. he doesnt speak intelligibly or respond when he’s spoken too, he doesnt even know someone is speaking to him. he opens his mouth when they try to feed him but wont make a single effort to feed himself as if he doesnt know how too. sometimes he can refuse to chew if he doesnt like the texture or taste, which is very often. he chews and swallows to fast, and it causes worry he will choke himself. he can technically walk but will not unless someone is actively moving him from one spot to another, so he has no urges to take care of himself and would spend all his time staring and mumbling if alone. he does sometimes reach his arms up to push at the people around him (not hard at all) but this pretty much means nothing, it doesnt mean he wants them to leave or is showing any sort of affection. when he gets angry suddenly, which can be often, he yells and hits (not very well) the people around him trying to calm him down. he can be calmed by having his face stroked, interestingly he doesnt care who does it. he cries too, when his mouth is being burnt by the food or he is just uncomfortable, like after an accident in which no one has tried to help him. when he cries, it can either be just completely silent tears like he doesnt know hes crying, or it can be accompanied by wailing.
-he also clenches his fists, pushes things in front of him around, pulls his own or others hair, kicks the dirt under him and chews when theres nothing in his mouth absentmindedly.
-of course, the gang are not caregivers. theyre murderers, outlaws or just very uneducated people. they try their best to take care of him for the first week after he wakes up, but sean has multiple accidents because no one tries to help him with ‘using the bathroom’ (well not really using a bathroom because theyre in the woods but yk what i mean). they have things they need to do and a lot of their plates are full even without sean, no one particularly WANTS to care for him, as awful as it may seem. they become easily frustrated at the complete lack of cooperation from him, even if it isnt his fault. they also become angry at each other around the whole situation.
-when sean gets upset or ignored in someone elses care, they rush to blame and berate each other about it. but the big elephant in the room is they do not want to be his caregiver, no one does. karen tried her best, but got quickly frustrated and angry at him, causing him to cry when yelled at (this was because it was a loud noise close to him, absolutely nothing to do with what she was saying). lenny got angry at her, and took over, only for find himself incredibly tired and frustrated within a few hours. despite being his partners/ex-partners, they feel helpless with him. they dont know why hes upset or what he wants most of the time, which means they cant help him. after a few days of lenny trying to help sean, prevent accidents, watch over him, cleaning him up, he actually walked out of camp. he spent a few days alone in the quiet because he genuinely couldn’t stand the camp or caring for sean anymore.
-he loved sean so much, but he couldnt stand the mumbling and the whining and the constant taps and hits. it was overwhelming, and he realised he couldnt do it. he couldn’t be his caregiver, he knew karen couldnt, he knew the women of the camp couldnt because they simply didnt know how too and got frustrated too. the men of the camp would never…so who? thats when he started to realise, along with everyone else, sean could not stay with them like this.
-so where would he go? that was the conversation, with many different arguments. only a few argued they could keep sean, but they were easily persuaded to change their minds. there was unfair suggestions, like dumping him on the side of the road. that was from micah, and he had the support of john, uncle and bill. eventually they decided he needed to be taken to an asylum or left at a state hospital, as sending him somewhere he’d be actually looked after was expensive and not guaranteed. micah had also suggested putting him down but was thankfully denied.
-lenny debating leaving with sean, becoming his caregiver, and he was really going to do it, until he actually cared for sean again for the next day and could barely leave him for a second. when he finally napped, lenny realised he himself had barely eaten, he hadnt touched his books, done his hair, or had any time for himself since he’d disappeared. god he wanted to care for sean but he just couldnt. the vision of their cottage he made up, where he cared for sean happily…while actually being happy…was unrealistic he realised. he’d always be angry and bored, and couldnt trust himself not to run away. he loved sean, he really did, he still wanted to cup his face and hold him close, but he couldn’t. a vital part of their previous relationship was dead with seans condition, and the rest was dying. sean didnt even recognise lenny, or any of them. he knew that for a fact because micah had bothered sean to get under his skin, sitting near him and trying to get his attention, and sean didnt react.
-the day before arthur was going to take him to a state hospital, their attitudes towards him changed. they had less frustration, more motivation, because they knew it was the last time theyd see and care for him. it made them feel a little uneasy when they thought of where he’d end up, with lenny feeling the worst about it. he still debated taking him and leaving the gang, but he knew he couldnt. he knew it would be the end of his life, his freedom, if he tried to care for him alone. but god the whole thing was killing him.
-they fed sean peaches, which he actually almost seemed to enjoy. he didnt spit anything out, though still lightly hit whoever was feeding him. he had no accidents that day, and napped mostly. he sat with the girls while they tidied him up, and spoke to him (with no response back). lenny read to him, even if he showed absolutely no interest and stared away from him. that night, they had a goodbye party and all actually paid attention to him, yes, dealing with him was easy that day, but that was because he was their main focus when normally he is not.
-ok lets end on a fluffy note where he sits with arthur and ‘watches’ his sketch. he enjoys the sound of the pencil against the pages, and seems to be almost smiling. they think he likes the sound of javier’s guitar, as he plays him a song. bill tries to give him whisky but is told no, but they do laugh when he tries too. lenny puts his arm around him and shifts his position so sean is cuddling into him. he falls asleep like that.
-he wakes the next day being kissed goodbye on the forehead by the girls as hes placed into the wagon. lenny sits in the back with him, holding him close. karen could barely bring herself to say goodbye. hosea and arthur drive, with hosea telling stories about sean when he first joined, especially his favourite, where sean got caught cheating at cards and stormed off to his bedroll. they had to lure him out and convince him to play again, and they promised to actually teach him how to play (as arthur had lied multiple times to him about the rules so he could win, poor sean didnt even know he was cheating.)
-they then arrive at the hospital, in ‘desperate need of aid as their friend has a bullet trapped in his head’.
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munivrse · 1 year
times in which the rest of zerobaseone are completely done with poly!haobin + reader.
cw: fluff. one mention of a leash. somewhat suggestive. poly!haobin + reader.
breakfast time:
It’s usually hanbin who cooks in the morning (and gets up at too early of an hour to begin. shimmy-ing from between you and hao’s grip, kissing you both on the forehead before retreating into the kitchen) and the members get up at various times to eat, but when you all can, you try to eat together.
more under the cut!
you and hao usually come last, enjoying the warmth of each other before begrudgingly leaving your cozy room. hao is tugging you to the kitchen with your hand in his and when he sits, he pulls you into his lap. multiple groans and gagging noises can be heard around the kitchen. hao literally pays this no mind and continues to mind his business (which is currently occupied with wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his head rest on your back.) until hanbin brings plates over for the both of you.
Hanbin wasn’t as much of a fan of pda in front of others, but he’d still feed you both a bite of food every once in a while, which, of course, causes a fit of laughter from gyuvin and yujin, both of them copying you three, feeding eachother and making cooing noises while doing it. usually a simple “keep it up.” and a stern look from hanbin keeps them quiet. not for long though.
in the practice room:
now this goes two ways. they're either grateful you’re there or wants to throw the whole TRIO out of the room.
Theyre grateful when hanbin has been getting increasingly annoyed when the younger ones won’t pay attention, getting snippy with all of the members. as soon as hanbin balls his fists up and his brows start to furrow, there you are to save the day! you interrupt his incoming eruption with a quick,
“binnie!! you want some water? come take a break, i miss you.”
you don’t really miss him, you see him all the time COMMA BUT when he looks over at you, smiling and holding up a water bottle, all of his anger dissipates. his eyes soften and his fists unclench as he happily walks over to you. he grabs the bottle, sits on the floor between your legs, and lets you massage at his shoulders. it brings him true peace. (but its interrupted when hao sits in front of him and scolds him for not taking a break as soon as he started getting upset and how he needs to be easier on the young ones. hanbin closes his eyes in annoyance, but hes grateful for both of you.) (also, yujin, gyuvin, and jiwoong all throw you prayer hands as a thank you for saving their asses.)
they want to throw yall mfs out whenever the entire group is getting tired, energy depleting, and all you, hao, and hanbin are doing is laughing in the corner with eachother. they just do not understand how you could POSSIBLY have that much energy after a 5+ hour long practice. you assuage that by buying them desserts.
at an award show:
now, the members are so thankful you get to accompany them to their schedules, even if you aren’t a part of the group. they love when you’re around because you, at this point, are almost essential to their growing dynamic. you provide a significant amount of support to all of them, having a special relationship with each member.
with this being said, you + haobin at an award show… disastrous.
remember how i said hanbin doesn’t like pda in front of others? yeah throw that shit out the window when you’re at an award show. Hanbin just thinks you and hao are so pretty that he can’t help but be a little jealous when other people look at you both for too long. you both just look so good when you’re all done up. and you both know it too. the way you walk and act exudes confidence and hanbin straight up cannot help but want to shield you from everyone's eyes other than his own.
since he can't do that, he opts for having a hand on both of you at any given time. whether that be hands on your waists when youre standing in designated area, holding hands while you navigate through a crowd, or pressing his hands on both yours and hao’s thighs when you sit on opposite sides of him. he’s just obsessed with you two. the other members also see this and thinks its hysterical. they all giggle when one of you lets go of his hand and his eyes widen in panic when he notices either of you are talking to a person outside of their group. the rest of the group teases him.
“they’re not gonna disappear dude. seriously.”
“hanbin you gotta be hurting their hands."
"just put a leash on them at this point." (he does. often. but thats not for them to know, nor to ever find out.)
“omg hanbin look theyre talking to hyunjin!” (this one makes hanbin panic the most. hyunjin is one fine man and he definitely thinks with enough conversation, both you and hao could be swayed to leave with him tonight.)
yeah. hanbin is so in love its almost painful to watch.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
What if.... Hear me out with this okay? What if zeff and garp were good ol rivals/lovers in their olden days but then after Zeff got stranded on the rock there was a rumour going around that he died and garp was fucking devistated
But no! Suddenly 2/3 years later he finds his old lover boy at a restaurant in the east blue with a tiny child off all things!! And he looks exactly like zeff! Garp is convinced that zeff hid Sanji from him for like 10 years and that he's their secret love child (theyre bot cis men in their 60s)
Anyway yeah garp adoptes Sanji, treats him almost the same as luffy and tries to convince him to be a marine while also flirting with zeff (even more heavy now cause he's not officially a pirate anymore!!)
Sanji is mortified
Amazing, their love story has been going on like 40 some odd years. Garp is grieving and then he finds the Baratie to eat at one day. He strolls in and starts eating but he's Garp and he eats like a D so Zeff comes out to see who is eating like that and they're just staring at each other as Zeff announces the kitchen is closed for the rest of the day to the dining room and for everyone but the admiral to leave. Once everyone is cleared out Zeff says he'll be right back.
Imagine Garp's surprise when he sees Sanji and immediately starts asking how he could hide their child. Zeff calls him a moron and says he adopted Sanji. Also Garp has no room to talk because look at his son. Garp grumbles as he is properly introduced to Zeff's son. So after introductions are made they catch up and start flirting and Patty comes and gets Sanji to try to spare him and also there's shit that needs to be done. Sanji asks who that other geezer was and Patty explains that's Zeff's boyfriend of forty something years and they've been doing this song and dance set Zeff set sail and Garp was a rookie.
Garp does adopt Sanji and brings his grand kids. Is it an excuse to see his boyfriend? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Every time. Sanji will take the boys to his room so they can avoid watching them make eyes and comments to each other. Usually that comes after several fists of love to each of them. One time Ace went down to see what they were doing and heard some shit that made him green for the rest of the night.
Zeff laughing his ass off to tell Garp Sanji set sail with Luffy who is in fact a pirate. The newer staff who hasn't seen what is going on between them. Patty and Carne who have seen and heard the worst ask them to shut the fuck up or they will be killed.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
i need tarry being parents to the siblings hcs PLEASE
tarry as parents w their siblings coming right up anon ☝🏽🤵🏽‍♀️
FIRST OFF darry w curly and angela
•we all already know how darry feels about curly, BUT now that he’s gettin w tim, he HAS to get along w him now🙄
•everytime curly pisses him off he cant even kick him out no more, he just pinches the bridge of his nose, sighs, and goes “ok lets try this again”
•in darrys truck, curlys that kid where no matter if u packed this mf snacks or something to keep him from annoying everyone else around him, he would kick the back of darrys seat while hes trynna drive
•darry and angela dont rlly, have much to say to each other, not even that they hate each other, they just have nothing to rlly bond over, all their convo’s r pretty short and basic like a “so how was ur day 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏻‍♂️”
•i could see darry helping angela w homework, she could go to tim but she dunno where he is and darrys right there cooking dinner
•everything they do together, its just quiet, like theres rlly not much to say about em, they dont hate each other, maybe they giggle about at how crazy curly can b at times, but other than that, they keep to themselves around each other
NOW MY FAV BIT,,,, tim w soda and pony,,,,
•tim would find pony funny, and pony doesnt even mean to be, he does or says something and tim chuckles and shakes his head while ponys thinking “whats so funny????”
•pony and tim r both artist,,,let them draw together and show each other their drawings,,, i could also see tim liking to read a bit, not as much as pony but a decent enough amount for pony to be like “omg???” they have a small lil book club
•pony gets used to tim but also has a but of “oh my god thats tim shepard” feeling within him still, meanwhile tims calling pony small nicknames like little man or somethin along those lines
•tim and soda r like, the most open to each other if that makes sense, they r pretty buddy buddy but not that close, sodas just an easy person to get along w
•while darry has no clue how to interact w curly amd angela, tims over yuckin it up w soda, watching tv
•they rlly only talk during certain parts of the day bc they r busy guys, in the morning they just share like a good morning or something but come afternoon theyre sharing stories over card games
•they dont even live together, tim was over at the curtis house for a while and curly and angela came over cause whyyyy have u been over there for the past couple days king, we need u</33
•them sleeping on the couches all together watching tv??? awww yeaaa
•the curtis’ took the shepards fishing once (ONCE, it took a bit of convincing to do) and theres a few pics to remember that
•darry makes them their snacks and tim drives the lil bastards to school (and soda to work)
•u cannot escape haitian shepards, darry learned how to speak french in high school and the shepards know french already so im betting all my money that darry and tim could b having a secret convo in french in darrys room “so the kiddos dont hear” but lil do they know, curly and angela r eavesdropping and pony and soda r right there waiting for them to translate
•tims had to get used to pony just waltzing into darrys room bc he had a nightmare and he can handle that, but what he CANT handle is pony standing at the foot of the bed bc pony has a very specific stare and all he sees is his eyes, its like hes the fucking devil child sometime
•they have to constantly argue on wether or not theyre having haitian food or american food, not only for themselves, but for their gangs as well
•speaking of food, the shepards will never get used to soda adding fucking food dye to the food man
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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more-or-less finished my sonic ocs, carrion the cat and squabble the pigeon! they’re part of a trio of freelance postmen/hitmen
+ alt reference, doodles, and more under the cut
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jacketless when off-duty + their bases. their colourations are based on karpati cats and lahore pigeons, respectively, though ability-wise squabble is actually a homing pigeon. side note; do you know how many pigeon breeds there are? there are a truly insane amount and some of them are so fucking wild to look at. highly recommend looking up fancy pigeons
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concept sketches + two carrion sillies. i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted for carrion, but the only thing i knew about squabble was her name and species for the squab pun, until i doodled a design and was instantly captivated. i just had to stick with the newsie-amelia aerheart cosplay-ema skye-razputin thing she had going on
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i think the squabble in the very upper lefthand corner is the cutest thing i’ve ever drawn in my life
various things about them i should mention:
i’ve yet to design these, but they all have mailbags as part of their uniform, and squabble has a pair of heavily modified skate type extreme gear that have wing accessories like the ones on her head as a reference to hermes, messenger of the gods. also they have a plane. a mail plane? still working on that
not set in stone yet but carrion is abt 16-17 and squabble is 11-13
carrion is a trained assassin, born into it, skilled in close quarters combat, they’re proficient in all kinds of weapons including firearms, they also really like knives and keep a collection of all sorts. she’s probably a cat. they don’t speak all that much. incredibly skilled at many things, especially combat related. skilled tactician but doesn’t care to tell anyone anything anytime so they suck as a leader. just generally doesn’t care to say anything. carefree and more-or-less easygoing; they’re just kinda vibing 90% of the time. perma-blep. poker-faced, will do everything with the same blep expression. very protective of the ones he loves, cares about squabble more than everything else in the world, would and has killed for her. will play along with any bit. ultimately: he stays silly
squabble is an untrained pilot, scout, and mechanic, as well as an enthusiast of mail delivery and explosives. she really really likes explosives. has killed before and will kill again, carrion and rig aren’t completely sure she knows that they’re assassins—she does, she just has such a completely out of whack sense of morality and common sense that it’s hard to tell. she has an infectious joy for life that creeps into everyone around her. she’s the beating heart of the trio, and the one who came up with the idea of the matching jackets. is a homing pigeon, has magnetoreception, and therefore makes an excellent navigator and scout. she always knows the way back home, and her home is with the other two. has a completely out of whack sense of danger, is something of a thrill-seeker, but real serious danger she is very acute to. is a mechanic, but not quite an engineer; she repairs, maintains, and makes heavily illegal modifications to machinery, but she doesn’t build her own completely original designs and tends to stay away from electronics. comes off as a little klutzy bust she’s rather proficient in various things.
the third of their trio who is now designed and named rig is a sniper. she’s a fair amount older than the other two, somewhere around 22-24 i’m thinking? the delivery service was just euphemistic for their assassination services before the other two walked into her life. doesn’t pay taxes
chaotix-like in many ways
they’re a weird non-traditional colleague-family. they’re family-ish :] they love and care about each other, despite it all :] THEYRE FAMBLY!!!!!
they fully do kill people, but also a good portion of their hit missions tend to be for robots or to cause non-lethal commotions instead of straight up assassinations
they have a reputation for this and often take on odd jobs that very loosely fit their job descriptions
they get super suspicious job requests like ‘please “retrieve” “my” ““parcel”” from this heavily secured gun base and deliver it to this super secret off-grid address xoxo~’ and fully deliver on them
thank you for reading about my sillies! i’m bad at talking about ocs cause i never can tell what’s interesting or what i’ve shared, but i like thinking about them a lot :]
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cindersnows · 4 months
ok @storgicdealer i started writing out a thing in your askbox and then lost it so im writing it in a post instead.
freevic ramblings
(...that kind of ended up turning into mangvic my bad)
ok so like. vic escapes the youtube video. and they find the freedom ad and instantly go into the outernet. theyre one of the first citizens of carteblan, and exactly the type of stick freedom had set out to help when he started a city in the outernet.
(for a little context; the original victim is still dead, as well as all her clones. in my hc/theory, the victim we know who starts rocket corp and lives in the outernet escaped from a youtube video after basically just living out his own death in a fucked up loop over and over until she gained sentience and decided to break out. she's like. a copy of the original victim. haha xerox of a xerox.)
in the beginning, most of the houses in carteblan are still being built, so vic ends up rooming with freedom. and they were roommates. they become friends pretty quickly and freedom tries to help vic come to terms with their trauma and stuff, (he doesn't know that vic escaped from the youtube video --- vic is insecure about being a copy so they lied and said they just survived the deletion and got to the outernet).
they both get happier together even after vic decides to move out and start their own company. freedom's happy that vic's moving on from what noogai did to them and becoming their own person (hahaaa if only he knewwww,,,). freedom also decides to support the company as it's the first proper organization thing to open up in the town and it's pretty useful! as carteblan grows, freedom gets officially appointed as mayor and rocket corp kind of becomes tied in with the government, giving them tech and stuff.
i don't think freedom and vic ever properly label their relationship as anything other than a friendship, though they do go on dates and stuff pretty frequently. its pretty queerplatonic actually. vic likes to spend time with freedom a lot because he makes it feel like a normal person, a good person who's doing what's right for society. for freedom, hanging out with vic is like a breath of fresh air, one of the few things that didn't change after he was given responsibility over and entire city of traumatized stickfigures.
sometimes vic has major depressive episodes where its difficult for him to do any work which makes him even more frustrated, and freedom is the only person she really considers close enough to help. they remind me of that one short where the couple text each other "feet pics" to get each other out of bed when they're sad.
honestly, when i think about it, i'm pretty sure freedom is the only person vic actually considers a friend. most other people she hangs out with, she only vaguely likes, and a lot of the time she has to pretend to like people for pr. (in my hc, their relationship with the mercs is purely transactional, and i doubt either party is looking for more.)
both freedom and vic have insecurities about their relationships with other people; freedom has gotten into multiple romantic relationships over the years, though none of them have really stuck, and he often feels like people only like him for his power. vic feels like that too, but with the added feeling of "if people knew the real me, they'd hate me". they lie to everyone, so they feel like everyone's lying to them in return, with the exception of freedom, who's only ever been honest (and vic convinces herself that she's not lying when she says she's happier now and that rocket corp is working for a good cause).
freedom's probably unsure about the idea of capturing chosen (and dark?) at first, but vic manages to convince him by talking about how many people have been hurt by them and lost their home websites/games because of them. the capture is left up to rocket corp alone, since it was their idea, and since by this point rocket corp is basically just the military but if it also sold household tech. freedom's proud of vic for taking the steps to help keep other people safe after vic has frequently beat themself up for acting 'selfishly'.
spoiler alert: freedom gets called to the rocket facility after a massive fight is reported and the place basically blows up, and finds the color gang + chodark + kingduo + the mercs + vic and several other workers all badly hurt with signs of them having gotten into a fight. freedom automatically takes vic's side, because those are two terrorists fighting against fucking Rocket Corp, of course he's going to assume vic's in the right here.
but then cg and kingduo explain the situation (including the torture and the interrogation and sutff), and while freedom doesn't want to believe it, vic refuses to answer when freedom asks if it's true, and freedom knows in his heart that vic was the 'villain' here.
freedom is just. extremely disappointed in vic. and vic in turn feels horrible, because she was convinced freedom would take her side, having seen the ugliest parts of her and accepting her regardless. but freedom thought that vic had moved on, that she no longer wanted revenge, that she was happier.
he can't bring himself to formally arrest vic, much to the protests of cg+kingduo+chodark. they're best friends, after all, and freedom knows from his experience with his own animator that hurt people hurt people. but vic still needs to face consequences, and freedom knows more than anyone else what would hurt vic the most. he strips vic of his power, removing him from the position of the ceo of rocket corp and saying the government is going to take full control of it.
he also says that he's going to completely cut contact with her.
this hurts vic more than anything else, being abandoned by the one person she considered a friend, close to a lifelong partner, all because of her own actions. even after mango and purple decide to help pick vic off hir feet and become a better person, vic spirals, shutting out everyone else and refusing to connect with anyone.
it's only when mango lets vic stay with him after she loses all her property, continuously being kind to them even after seeing what a horrible person they are (because he's been in their place), that vic starts to open up.
this DOES lead to vic beginning to put mango on a pedestal the same way he did with freedom, but i mean, people don't change THAT easily. it'll probably take a few talks with purple to help break the cycle, since purple also struggles with idolizing people (albeit in a different way). i could say So much about victim and purple helping each other become better people but this is so long and also that's off topic so that's a ramble for another day.
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ppeasants · 7 months
Hey so I ended up making a good amount of Headcanons for the Rito in Wind Waker, and I wanted to share them with y'all.
This came about while writing for my Wind fic focusing on the obscene amount of father figures he has (check it out here). This chapter was focused on Quill, and while I was developing their relationship, I ended up developing a decent amount of internal lore for the Rito, and I couldn't fit them all in the fic
So, I'm putting them so people can see it, and if people like em, they can hopefully use it for themselves, or expand on them, or just tell me what their own HCs are, or what they would change. I love the Rito, especially Wind Waker's, and I had so much fun doing this.
Just a quick disclaimer, I am not any sort of anthropologist, or linguist, or anything, so if I disrespect any real-world race or culture with this, I am really sorry. Please let me know if I misrepresent something so I can learn from it and change whatever is wrong.
HCs under the cut:
It's all but confirmed that the Rito were evolved from the Zora, who were forced to evolve due to the unlivable water of the Great Flood. This colours a lot my headcanons about the Rio's values, traditions, and relations.
It is hard for the Rito to call any one place their home, since they lost theirs in the flood.
Their flight is important to them threefold: It's the gift theyr were given by Valoo in order to survive the flood, it gives them the freedom to explore around when they feel the loss of their home, and it's the closest thing they have to the freedom of swimming.
It's why the sky, their flight, and Valoo is all so important ot them.
Their connection to Valoo is why they call Dragon Roost home, although to them, it's more like a common hub, or home base. Most Rito don't actually have a set home, instead they travel around between place to place. It's why the Rito as delivery workers works so well for them.
Along with losing their home, the Rito also lost a lot of their culture. This causes them to be very protective of what they have now, rarely letting others take part in their actual traditions.
It's why Link (Wind) being a part of their family is such a big deal; hes one of the only Hylians to actually be accepted as a Rito¹ (the idea of Link being a Rito will come up later)
As a part of their culture and their worship of the sky as their new freedom, they revere Zephos and Cyclos, even more than sailor of the Great Sea do. A lot of their rituals focus on the Wind Gods.
They have always worshiped Zephos, but Cyclos was lost to time. When they were reminded of his existence, they were horrified that they might have lost more of their culture, but were quick to reinstate Cyclos as a deity, and they do celebrate him now.
To the Rito as a Tribe, relations to each other are everything. Everyone who is a Rito is connected on some way to the other Rito.
You are defined by your connections to the other Rito. Unless you're the ruler of the Rito, then you are your connections.
You are your mother's daughter - you are the fathger of your son - you are best friend, the partner, the beloved, and they are yours.
As relationships are the biggest way to define who you are as a Rito, it is possible for people who were not born as Rito to be a part of the tribe. There are very few non-species Rito, as they are protective of their identity, but it is possible.
¹This is why Link (Wind) is a Rito. He is defined by his relationships to the Rito: specifically Quill, Medli, and Komali. He is Quill's beloved, and Quill is Link's guardian. He is Medli's mentor, and she is his sage. He is Komali's chosen, and Komali is his partner (komalink truthers rise up).
Feathers are important in defining those relationships. If you are close enough to be defined by a relationship, then you given a feather from the other to keep those relationships.
Most Rito would weave those feathers into their wings, although they would be placed in a way that they could get removed easily. Most Rito only wear their feathers during formal events or festivals, although some wear them at all times.
In Link's case, he has 3 feathers, one from Quill, Medli, and Komali. Link has two feather sets - one which is a loose set of feathers he can braid into his hair, and one in a solid set of 3 which he can place behind his ear.
I did not come up with a full language for the Rito. What I did develop was a base which to base the Rito language off of , and a way to buid off of it in the future as necessary.
One major thing is that the language isn't a full language, for every single word. Another thing they lost in the flood was their language, only bits and pieces of it remaining as they evolved.
What was left was a descriptive language; where words are used to describe larger concepts.
Speaking and Writing in Rito involves using Rito Language and Common/Hylian simultaneously, using words from both to describe full sentences.
The Rito Language itself is a Agglutinative Language. What that means, is that words are formed by merging syllaybles, where every syllable has a unique meaning, and the combinations of syllables make words which are defined by the syllables meanings.
Words tend not to have direct Common/Hylian translations; instead syllables have meanings, and their relationships to each other define concepts.
Concepts and words tend not to exist until invented; they are all based on the same syllables which all share meanings, or different combinations arte invented when needed, and understood when told.
As an example, I'll share the two invented words in my fic - Towaki and Towaveh - divided in syllables as: To, Wa, Ki, and Veh.
To: shortening of Rito
Wa: Love (non-superficial)
Ki: Mine (ownership)
Veh: Theirs (ownership)
Towaki: They are my beloved.
Towaveh: I am their beloved.
The two biggest celebrations in Rito Culture are Ballad's Day and Requiems's Day, named after the Wind's Requiem and the Ballad of Gales. The two celebrations are six months apart, and each happen once a year.
Ballad's Day celebrates Cyclos, and Requiem's Day celebrates Zephos. Both festivals consist of three phases.
The first phase is meant for Valoo's attendant and the current Rito ruler. The two ascend Dragon Roost Island and request a scale from Valoo, to give to the Wind Gods in offering.
The second phase has Valoo's attendant, and the upcoming ruler (if one is not born, the current ruler) partaking in a ritual involving a performance of either the Wind's Requiem or the Ballad of Gales to offer the scale to the celebrated deity to ask for favourable winds n front of all of the gathered Rito² (There is nuance as to who is currently involved during Wind Waker's time, which I will explain later)
The third phase is a celebration: Every Rito who can make it for the festivals gather for a large feast. More than the second phase, this is Zephos and Cyclos' favourite part, as it makes them happy to see their worshippers happy.
These two days are some of the only days where almost every Rito comes back to Dragon Roost. These days are the best times to catch up with the various other Rito, as it's the only times all of the Rito see each other.
This aspect of the festival is just as important as the offering to the deities, since their relations to each other are so important, and their need to travel makes it so they can;t see each other often.
²In the Wind Waker's time, the people who participate in the ritual are Komali, Medli, and Link. Komali and Medli are a given, as they're the upcoming ruler and current attendant, but Medli is also the Wind Sage. Her music is powerful magically, and even more so when conducted by Link.
Link's inclusion on the ritual is threefold. He is partially a mentor for Medli, and will help her with her part in the ritual. He is Komali's chosen (komalink truthers rise up), so he is also connected to the upcoming ruler. He is the Hero of Winds, and they are the Wind Gods. Although he wasn't destined to be one from Hylia, he was chosen by Zephos and accepted by Cyclos.
His relations to the Rito involved and the gods make him an important part of the ritual. For Cyclos, he also just wants Link specifically to be there, as he is the one who brought the deity back into the Rito's ritual. Zephos is okay if Link misses the ritual, Cyclos basically requires it.
That's all I have for now! Lemme know what y'all think, if it's good, if this makes sense, or what other HCs y'all have! I love the Rito and would just love to talk more about them!
(also check out my fic here hehe).
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4thenookie · 1 year
random hcs 4/??
please send some of ur hcs to my ask box id love to hear some thoughts!!
in my hc both sally and the puppeteer are poltergeists and they cause chaos together
sally isn't as sweet as a lot of people think, she causes mischief by slamming doors, throwing shit around and running down the halls giggling at stupid o clock
brian is everyone's cool uncle
tim and brian still eat like college students, they live off instant noodles and stuff
toby can cook surprisingly decent food (lyra taught him some basic life skills)
puppeteer likes edgar allen poe
brian has a tiny notebook full of sketches and pressed flowers
toby does art!! it's very abstract
him and helen do art together so theyre pretty chill
pretty sure this one's canon, but puppeteer and helen are really close friends :)
sally is a GOD at games like mario kart and it makes jeff so so mad
jeff is insanely competitive because liu was the favourite
everyone is really cold to the touch, particularly BEN and ej
BEN is a stoner
toby wears gloves a lot of the time to try and stop himself biting at his hands
jeff has too much pride to admit it but he really misses the bond he used to have with liu
everyone is insecure that's why they shit on each other so much
nobody really likes slenderman (good)
nina got over her jeff phase now they kinda beefing lmao
liu is the token straight
helen wants to get to know everyone else in the manor (aside from pup and toby) but he never learned how to socialise
he waits for people to come to him and barely anybody does sobs
i wholeheartedly agree with the headcanon that brian makes the most shitty unseasoned white people food known to man
like it's so raw it might just get up and walk out
sally loves studio ghibli
this is a bit short because ive ran out of thoughts for now!! I'll be back with aesthetics and music tastes soon <3
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pumpkinpie59 · 12 days
code 59 leolotus 1 and 7?
im prolly doing a bit of tweaking to code 59 lotus’ character just a tiny bit but here’s what i can share based on what i have
1 - first date
so some background. at the end of season 1, the tcri building has a massive explosion with shredder, krang, and lotus’ bodies disappearing, so everyone assumes they’re dead. in reality, they actually were teleported to dimension x, and they’re stuck there for the first half of season 2.
leo had a crush on lotus (they were starting to bond but weren’t super close yet) but now he thinks she’s dead, and also with his lost friendship with karai, he’s kinda in a down spot.
at the halfway point of season 2, krang finds a way to send one person to earth, and to shredder’s great annoyance, he chooses lotus to be their scout. so lotus is on earth now and her main task is finding out what the foot is now up to and also finding a way to reanimate the tcri portal.
but while she’s there, she meets leo again. leo’s relieved to see her. and with how kind and sincere he is, lotus is reminded why she likes him. and asks him out.
the whole time she’s kinda nervous cause she’s not sure if she should tell him about krang and shredder but lol anyways.
their first date is a museum date!!!!! a history museum. and code 59 lotus isn’t super familiar with earth history so she’s completely fascinated.
7 - something theyre scared to tell each other
well i mean . ig i just mentioned that she’s hesitant to tell leonardo about krang and shredder’s plans so ig there’s that. but otherwise, this lotus is pretty laidback. she’s good at keeping secrets, but she herself is not a very secretive person. it’s more just,,, she doesn’t bring up stuff that’s personal. but if leo asked, she’d share.
i think for leonardo,,, after karai’s betrayal (and april’s), leo gets really scared of letting people in again. and while he really really likes lotus, she also works for krang. so he makes a lot of boundaries when they reunite. he never takes her to the lair, never tells her anything about his family, rarely tells her about his enemies. it’s not till lotus starts rebelling against krang that she starts earning his trust.
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monochrome-stars · 7 months
SPOILERS THE ENTIRETY OF IN STARS AND TIME FOR THIS RAMBLE. im covering acts 1-6 so theres your warning now but the ramble is under the cut. fair warning, may not make much sense either
ok trust me on this. this song right here makes me think of siffrin because of the isat brainrot but IT WORKS. AND IT FITS SO WELL AND LET ME TELL YOU WHY
(this is also my interpretation of it and how i understand the song and link it to the thoughts and ideas in my head. im also picking out certain lyrics because its easier to explain, so i would recommend listening to the song for the full thing)
"And I placed my palm upon your collarbone, and I wished to fall asleep deep in your marrow."
siffrin craves closeness with the rest of the party and in the memory of bad touch and the garden room, for example, its clear that they have no clue how to ask for it, and their way of getting that closeness can be odd or just plain weird. like how the song says that "they wish to fall asleep in their marrow", its a very odd way of achieving closeness with somebody, almost like trying to melt into them. (this may be far fetched but it makes sense to me stick with me here)
"There's a hunger under my skin and its gripping at my bones. There's a hunger like a lions and its ripping right through my bones."
its that feeling of hunger that is mentioned over and over again starting at the beginning of act 2 leading all the way into the end of act 5 that siffrin feels and just cant get rid of
"I'm as calm as a baby lamb that is being led. I'm as blue as blood before the blood goes red."
since finding out about the loops, siffrin just accepts the fact that they wont stay dead when theyre killed, and they use it as a way to delete their mistakes. hes incredibly calm about touching tears, about slipping on the banana peel, about using the dagger, all of it. siffrin gets so used to the depression hes falled into and just feels bad all the time. the glass shard that siffrin repeatedly keeps cutting their finger on, and later in act 5, the same glass shard they use to carve stars into their skin. and it ties with the red that continues to pop up throughout the game.
"And how it hurts even in the sun. Its a goddamn joke how we can hurt even in the sun."
everything is fine from everyone elses perspective and theyre completely oblivious to the fact that siffrin is looping through time, spending actual weeks in a hellscape of their own making. hes dying repeatedly and nobody else is aware that this is happening and theyre all blissfully ignorant
"For a heart beats the best in a bed beside the one that it loves."
isabeau refuses to confess his love for siffrin, and siffrin refuses to admit that they crave touch, and yet, both sides love the other unconditionally. (not to mention they literally sleep next to each other every night.)
"Yes, a heart beats the best when in a head, death becomes irrelevant."
after a while, siffrin has become so used to death and dying that it doesnt even matter to him anymore. killing themself is just another necessary evil they have to face in order to get to the end, have the "perfect" loop, and find answers. since they found out they could loop, it has stuck itself in siffrin's mind that "oh i can just erase all my mistakes and start over again" without so much as blinking at the fact that it means dying repeatedly.
"Cause if you're dreaming about dying, then you're not really living, darling."
siffrins entire existence starts to revolve around the dying, the loops, and escaping them. he cant even be happy with the rest of his party because of how terrified he is of messing up. theyre practically conditioning themself to loop at any mistake they make, and they harshly berate themself for it too.
after doing the friendquests a couple times as well, siffrin has those thoughts of "your friends would hate you if they knew why you were doing this" and "if you mess it up, you can just loop back and try again". siffrin stops even paying attention to the present and is so anxious about getting the "perfect loop" that he isnt even concerned about the present but rather the outcome. i think that is ultimately what went wrong with the attempted friendquests in act 5 as well.
"You've gotta be starving, you've gotta be starving for it."
again with that hunger that cant be satisfied with anything. as the game progresses, siffrins thoughts surrounding the snacks and the food always come back to how hungry he is and how its just never enough. it keeps coming back and siffrin is literally starving during the game and it gets especially bad in acts 3-5
"And if you're crying by the moon, in the sun you better lift up that chin."
siffrin was so depressed for the entire game, but then after act 5, its like the sun rises again and they can finally escape the loops and understand that the rest of the party loves them. he doesnt have to bottle it all up until it becomes too much and he can actually begin to enjoy life again after the loops end.
"You've gotta be starving, you've gotta be starving for it."
everything is over, and siffrin can finally rid themself of those feelings of hunger. the feeling is replaced with a want for love and siffrin is finally opening up and letting themself be taken care of by their friends family after all that they went through. the raw emotion in the singers voice when she sings these lyrics also feels very fitting for this
if i could animate, i would definitely make an animatic of this song and the characters to show what i mean because it makes more sense in my mind. i have so many ideas in my head in regards to this song specifically and its infesting my brain
im debating whether or not i should actually post this because its a bit confusing and strange but fuck it we ball
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
catie let’s discuss vettonso headcanons what are ur favs
*sends you to my vettonso tag* shsjkdkf kidding kidding, but wah this is so weirdly hard to answer despite the fact that I think about them literally every day of my life, ig they're just kinda intrinsic to me 😭 but I'll try my best!
I think Fernando really resented Seb for a while, especially during the championship fight years, and originally was very unhappy when Seb then went on to take his Ferrari seat away from him too. But then while he was gone from f1, he kept track of f1 still and realized Seb was going through the same ferrari bs and pain and failure to realize your childhood dream that he himself went through, and he then softened on Seb.
I find them literally to be the same person(but their narratives are offset.) And I think that's a big reason why they never really became friends, they're *too* similar to the point where it annoys each other too much fhfkkff Especially bcs theyre always ahead of one another in the narrative(fernando won his wdc before, fernando is in ferrari before Seb, seb is in Aston before Fernando, etc.) It's just weird to kinda witness someone that's so similar to you, but at a past stage in your life.
They would be the best and most annoying teammates ever. I think they'd both just constantly try to out-compete each other, and maybe it would be toxic back in the day and make the team fall apart like 2007 mclaren or martian rbr, but if it happened at Aston, I think it would actually make the team stronger and the car better. Like fighting for "who can give the best feedback" "who can do the most sim time" etc etc, I think it'd be really sweet 🥹🥹 I just imagine them making post-race debriefs last like 5 hours, except everyone else snuck out of the room at the hour mark, and they've just been debating abt the telemetry at each other, cause they only have eyes for each other <3
^ but yeah seriously think they have the type of competition that could bring each other together, not drive each other apart. Especially at their softened old man age. I guess I think, being forced into such close quarters with each other, they'd be able to realize how similar they are. Bcs otherwise it's just too easy for them to avoid each other. I mean I think a lot about the japan 2023 pics, them talking over the car that was practically the product of their joint effort, and that makes me so emotional 🤧
They absolutely love irritating each other, irs like a sport. I like to think though that Seb kept doing it soooo much pre-Fernando first retirement, and Fernando was always like 😐 just sooooo done with it, and often unwilling to fully play along. I love how seemingly Seb is one of the only ones who can kinda make his mask break, and have him show full annoyance. Like think about the "you must leave the space" clip, Fernando is sooooo annoyed, its just so funny. But yeah I love how Seb kinda forces Fernando in a way most others don't, if that makes sense? And then he comes back, rejuvenated, different mindset, and is suddenly willing to play along??? And now Seb is the tired one :( but Fernando has realized all he was blocking out before, and is willing to engage :,) BUT YEAH! see again, think about the fact that Seb literally paid a fee to not listen to Fernando talk. Mutually they are the only ones that annoy the other so much that they crack to that point, and I love it seemingly swapped over time. They're just such equals in that way.
Here's the interesting thing, I find them to be mirrors, right? I think like if they met each other when each were at the same place in their career(i.e. ferrari Fernando with ferrari seb, renault wdc fernando with rbr wdc seb), I think they'd have a better chance of getting along. Cause they understand where the other is at deeply, but the way it is in real life makes it so they're at different points and suddenly are at odds with each other. Ig that's why I wish we got them as teammates at Aston! It was pretty cute with alpine fernando x aston seb, but ah man if only we got the actual "conclusion", I would have loved to see what they'd be like when genuinely in the same parts of their career together. I think a lot about timeswap AUs I guess. Like both of them at ferrari being able to commiserate together, their wdc selves bragging about how many races they won(until they find out who the other had to beat to become wdc, and then they choke each other out.)
Me: ill try!!!
Also me: six paragraphs
Though I think if you asked me abt one of my AUs, I could come up with more than just daydreaming about their dynamic sjfkkg. Hope this was what you were asking for???? Also lmk, what are your favs!!!
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bugflies00 · 8 months
also tntduo in that au make me want to eat drywall.
they're so fucked up and they've hurt each other a lot but they're also soulmates in the sense that no one understands each other like they do (except for like. tommy who knows wilbur better than he knows himself but also wilbur will hide things from tommy sometimes in some attempt to protect him that he won't hide from quackity) . it sounds dumb but wilbur couldn't really be in a relationship with someone who hasn't known him for so long, back in high school, like quackity has.
their whole fucked-up situationship in high school is essential to their relationship later on because they've seen each other when they were at their weakest point. not necessarily their darkest point so to speak cause well there's a lot of those, but the point where they had the least agency, cause well, they were kids. and this is so important because they're both showmen, they both create and discard facets of their identity to shape themselves to those around them, especially in relationships.
quackity was so dead set on the future and getting the fuck out of this town and finally becoming who he wants to be (smart, successful, rich, and someone who's finally seen as a man, who isn't constantly underestimated) while wilbur was barely hanging on and drinking and smoking and putting on this "troubled kid" persona so people were scared of him, didn't try to get close and risk hurting him, and had premade expectations of him so he could never disappoint them.
that's the state in which they leave each other, how they remember the other, even though they get to know each other on a much deeper level than that.
and so when they meet again years later, and quackity is this successful self-made man who graduated law schools and goes through relationships faster than through shirts, and wilbur is this docile quirky guy who claims he's trying to grow from the asshole he used to be in high school, they both see through the other's bullshit.
wilbur sees that quackity's miserable, that he still feels weak and underestimated and he's craving respect which is why he keeps searching for it in new relationships. he's built himself up from the ground but he still isn't confident, he's still haunted by how he's been hurt and he hopes that if he gets bigger, stronger, better, that he gets more successful and makes something more amazing, someone will finally stay with him.
and quackity sees that wilbur's trying to fit himself into a tiny tiny little box to deserve any scraps of love anyone's willing to give him, even though it hurts like hell. and he knows that he was never truly an asshole in his teenage years, that it was all a defense mechanism, that he was a terrified, suicidal, lonely and abandoned kid desperate to protect himself and his brother, not the villain wilbur's trying to make himself out to be (wink wink ghostbur desperately trying to get away from alivebur by portraying him as a villain just like everyone else did. when theyre the same person. and neither is a villain)
they both portray themselves as someone's who's grown and improved and only they know that "growth" is bullshit, that they were miserable back then and they still are. im gonna jump off a bridge
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