#not in mla but you can check my work!
mischievousspooks · 5 months
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Okay, so - hear me out here - Mikey is actually the oldest. He doesn't occupy the space of the eldest child in the family, he's still the youngest in that regard, but he's been alive the longest and Splinter just didn't think about it when he assigned their birthdays/ages. Raph was the biggest, so Splinter assumed he was the oldest, but he was only a tiny fraction of his full-grown size when mutated. Mikey was the smallest, but the closest to full-grown. And Donnie and Leo were about the same.
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nomazee · 5 months
Um hello! Is the 1k event thingy still up?? If so I would like to request a classmate! Dr ratio x reader at 2:47 am?
it's actually sickening how much fun i had with this i was giggling at my own jokes while typing this out... this was so fun to write THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING!!!
my 1k event!
A blaring, aggravating, shrill sound wakes you up. Your hands go to cover your ears, protecting your sanity from the noise ringing somewhere from the tangle of sheets on your bed. Hands flailing around desperately to find the source of the piercing chimes, you writhe around in agony until you finally latch onto your phone. 
The brightness of the screen digs into your corneas as you lift up the device to see the caller ID of whoever had the guts to bother you on a school night. 
It comes to no surprise that the caller name reads “VERITAS FUCKING RATIO” in all caps with no contact photo. Your eye twitches and the grip on your phone tightens, just a hair away from leaving finger-shaped dents in the metal. 
Begrudgingly, you answer the call, tucking the phone next to your ear with nothing less than displeasure. “Veritas. Why are you calling me at—” you pull your phone back to check, “—almost three in the morning?” 
“The works cited page,” Veritas Fucking Ratio informs you matter-of-factly. There’s no hint of sleepiness in his voice, nothing that could possibly chip away at his good image, of course. “You did it in the wrong format. It’s supposed to be APA. This is a science project, not a literature project.” 
You might kill him. The project in question is to be presented tomorrow— today at ten in the morning. Ratio and you had been working on it for an entire two weeks, broken up into intermittent hour-long sessions because he was adamant that you split up the work instead of rushing to do it all the night before. Stupid self-righteous gorgeous beautiful academic genius-freak. Yeah, it definitely helped you in the long run, but he acted so sanctimonious about it that you refused to admit the benefits. 
“Veritas,” you imbue the syllables of his name with poison, as much as you can when you’re swaying as you sit up on your bed and fighting demons to not fall back asleep. “This is such an easily-fixed thing. Do you know what time it is right now? Why are you even awake? You know, I am supposed to get a full seven hours of sleep every night, and I was already cutting it short today, and you woke me up before I could even hit REM sleep. Do you know how upsetting this is? Fix the goddamn works cited yourself!” 
For once, Veritas is at a loss for words. The other end of the line is so quiet that you have to double check and make sure he hasn’t just hung up on you. Perspiration builds on your palms, thinking that this is it—this is the exact moment that you make Veritas-Fucking-Ratio snap and delete your name off the project credit slide, and you’re going to get a 0 because he will wipe off any evidence of your work from this plane of existence, and you will spend the rest of your measly life chasing after your MLA-turned-APA works cited page, too-little-too-late. 
“I’m awake because the— well.” He pauses, and his voice sounds so far away and unobtrusive that you’re almost worried. Your breath stills in the middle of your diaphragm. Waiting. “The works cited is one thing. But I wanted you to look at the slides, if you can.” 
If you can, he says, as if he’s giving you a choice, which he literally never has during this entire process. You had no role in choosing the topic, or the slide theme, or what days you worked on the project, or how often you worked on the project (because god forbid you procrastinate a little bit, right?!), but now, at almost three in the morning, Veritas is saying something along the lines of oh please my dearest project partner, I request that you open the Google Slides at once, but only if you would like to! I would never infringe on your free will at three in the morning, because I respect you as a partner. Or something like that. That was pretty much the gist of it. 
A raspy sigh escapes you, and you claw your busted laptop off the nightstand next to you, opening it up and squinting at the LED screen as you punch in your passcode. “You know, I have done a good job at going along with all of your whims, Veritas, the least you could do is fix the works cited for me. Seriously, how did you even miss that? You’re so detail-oriented, but you didn't even realize the format was wrong until tonight? Who even cares, seriously… it’s just a slideshow…” 
Your voice trails off as the slideshow presentation finally loads in. You see Veritas’ default profile picture blink in the upper right-hand corner, signaling that he’s viewing the slideshow with you. The slideshow which has apparently undergone a huge makeover. 
It’s—pleasant to look at. This entire time, you and Veritas had been editing a default, white-background black-serif-font-text slideshow. He refused to change it, telling you that it’s unprofessional to do anything too embellished, to which you fruitlessly said, Veritas, we will die early deaths because of the hole in the ozone layer, would you at least make it easier on my poor soul by letting me choose a pokemon-theme slide? Veritas had pretended like he couldn't hear you (in a very quiet library room, mind you), but the twitch in his brow gave him away. 
Now, though, the slides are decorated. It’s a really nice theme, complete with custom icons and graphic blobs of color—your favorite color, might you add. It’s—pretty. Dare you say, cute, but you think Veritas would vaporize your entire presentation if you called it cute. 
“Did you— this— did you pay for this slide theme?” 
“You— n— mn,” he trails off into an unintelligible mash of mumbling, and you hear a loud THUD that sounds awfully like the phone being thrown onto a mattress. Fabric shuffles around, before you hear Veritas’ voice again, clear and composed. “Sorry. I dropped my phone.” What a loser, and a liar, and an endearing freak. You really wish he video called you because you need to see his totally-very-ugly face. 
“I thought this was unprofessional, Veritas,” you say teasingly, a smile lining your words as you try not to giggle right into the phone. “What made you have a change of heart?” 
“Nothing,” the typical firmness of his voice has returned, much to your dismay. “The works cited is still wrong. You have to fix it.” 
“Oh, whatever you say, honored Ratio,” you open up your trusty citation-generator, ready for a long fifteen minutes of copying and pasting information. “Hey, you must be free after class tomorrow, right? Since the project is pretty much over, right?” 
“Yes,” Veritas answers after a moment of hesitation, only a hint of doubt in his voice. 
“That’s great. Keep your schedule clear, then.” 
(You fix the works cited slide, wish Veritas sweet dreams, and then wake up in the morning to completely ace your presentation. The minute the period ends, you drag him out of the classroom and into a coffee shop, paying for some five dollar pastry and joking that it’s payback for the cute slideshow theme that he definitely paid five dollars for. Veritas is an awful liar, and you tell him that, and he can’t even find the strength to deny it.)
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or general taglist (navi) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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queenklu · 5 months
Seeing AI discourse about writing college papers reminded me of the time I got Called In To A Professor's Office over a paper I wrote that he thought was plagiarized.
See, the thing I had realized about myself by that point was that I am...VERY BAD....at reading the assigned books. I have every intention of doing so while in class, but the instant I'm out of class the book no longer exists (what adhd). So by the end of the year I would always wind up getting screwed over in the book buy-back with books I'd literally never cracked the spine on, because it turned out speed-reading sparknotes could get me through class discussion and I'd developed a System(TM) for panic-writing an essay the night before.
This system was: find an online pdf of the book. Skim. Read summaries. Pull quotes from pdf. Bullshit. Estimate the page number for any citations because no one actually checks those, and use the publication data from the syllabus for the works cited. This works Very Well if you are, like me, a sarcastic asshole who knows teachers want to read an entertaining essay instead of yet another regurgitation of whatever sounds academically "best."
So here's this history class, which actually turns out to be an english class in disguise, and we are told to read and write an essay on The First Autobiography Ever Written in the English Language, which just so happens to be about a lady who had FOURTEEN kids, suffered a psychotic break, and spent the rest of her life campaigning to become a saint.
It's called The Book of Margery Kempe. I cannot express to you how smug I am to find a pdf of the exact same copy we'd been told to buy, down to the same publishing house and year of publication. I won't even have to bullshit page numbers.
...It's written in Middle English.
Here begynnyth a schort tretys and a comfortabyl for synful wrecchys, wherin thei may have gret solas and comfort to hem and undyrstondyn the hy and unspecabyl mercy of ower sovereyn Savyowr Cryst Jhesu, whos name be worschepd and magnyfyed wythowten ende, that now in ower days to us unworthy deyneth to exercysen hys nobeley and hys goodnesse....
This is fine, College!me thinks. A little tedious, but clearly the entire class has successfully done the reading enough to talk about it, so it must be doable. They probably had discussions about the language and I forgot to pay attention.
So I write the essay, pulling quotes from this middle english pdf that I can only half read, but that I can certainly form opinions about. Is it my best essay? No. Is it snarky? Yes. Is it in MLA format? That's mostly what they'll be checking for.
Then the Professor pulls me aside after class and asks to speak with me in his office. I have another class that I have to go to, and because I'm commuting in to college I won't be back on campus until two days later; he says that's fine, and all of this is settled and we've parted ways before it hits me how fucking fucked I am.
It must be the book.
He's going to call me out on not buying the book.
Can he tell I didn't read the book?
And I have two days to stew in it.
By the time our meeting rolls around I am a Mess. He is going to fail me. I am going to die. If I open my mouth at all I will burst into tears. Perhaps there is the slimmest chance if I act Normal this will be fine??????
P: So I read your essay...
Me: *using my Normal face* ⊙.☉
P: ...and I'm just wondering...
Me: ⊙.☉'
P: ...where you got the quotes?
Me: ⊙.☉'''
P: .....because the version of the book we read....isn't in Middle English.
Me: ⊙.☉??????????
P: I actually thought you might have plagiarized it--
Me: ⊙.☉!!!!!!!
P:--but to be honest it's written so entirely in your style that it's impossible this essay is plagiarized.
Me: ........⊙.☉.....
P: .... Anyway.
P: Just wanted to chat.
P: Uh. You're free to go.
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Just buy the book Cite the pdf. The professors Do Not Care how you've read the book as long as they can plausibly believe you've read it.
Just read the book Listen. I wasn't going to get anywhere near an ADHD diagnosis until my 30s. And if they can't tell you didn't read the book, then is it really the same as not reading the book? I think Margery would agree you gotta make some shit up to get anywhere in life.
Being a sarcastic asshole in my academic papers saved me from a plagiarism charge.
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ajhediting · 1 year
Hello Tumblr Writers!
Are you having trouble organizing your thoughts on the page?
Does your writing feel repetitive or incomplete?
Do you just want someone to look over the spelling and grammar?
Let me edit for you!
Services I Offer
Proofreading is checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, and layout. This is the most basic kind of editing but actually happens last—it’s very difficult to properly proofread something that is disorganized or needs more work. If you've already gone over everything and are sure it's all where it's supposed to be, I recommend the proofreading service to catch the grammatical and spelling errors that you might've missed.
Copy editing includes proofreading and checking the formatting and style. This would include making sure everything follows the style guide you’re using, such as APA, MLA, or CMoS. I recommend this more for academic writers because professors and journals are usually very strict about following style guides.
Line editing focuses on the flow of the writing on a paragraph level—things like word choice, sentence structure, and concision. I recommend this service if you feel that you're having trouble finding the right words to communicate your idea or if your writing feels too wordy.
Content editing focuses on the flow of writing on a chapter or section level—things like rearranging or deleting paragraphs and pointing out incomplete sections to improve readability. I recommend this service if you want help organizing your writing or identifying places that need more work.
Types of Writing I Edit
My favorite genres are fantasy, sci fi, and horror, but I can edit whatever genre you write
I prefer not to edit graphic/explicit sex scenes, but it’s negotiable
I will not edit anything that supports racist, sexist, queerphobic, xenophobic, or other bigoted ideologies
Any length, from comic panels to novels
Persuasive essays, informational texts, instructional guides, etc.
Any length
Anything you’re going to submit for a grade or evaluation
I have degrees in applied linguistics/discourse studies, anthropology, and psychology, so I’m best able to edit those subjects and related or similar subjects
For other subjects, message me about your writing and I’ll tell you what I can do with it
To avoid issues of academic integrity and fraud, I offer more limited services for academic writing. Message me for more information
Minimum 1000 words (about 4 double-spaced pages)
Proofreading: $15 USD per 1000 words
Copy editing: $17 USD per 1000 words
Line editing: $20 USD per 1000 words
Content editing: $22 USD per 1000 words
Rates may be negotiable on a case-by-case basis.
If you feel self-conscious about the quality of your writing, don’t worry! I understand that English is a difficult language, that getting words on the page is a hassle, that sometimes what's in our brains doesn't want to show up on the page (there's a reason I'm an editor and not a writer). I'm not here to judge your handle on language; I'm here to help you express your ideas and communicate effectively with your audience. I also have experience working with ESL writers and can explain both the basic rules of English and the complex things that even native English writers have trouble with.
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racxnteur · 8 months
Incomeless; will proofread your fics! (Or anything else.)
I'm not sure how to head this with a snazzy, attention-catching image given I'm not offering an obviously graphic service like art commissions, but let's give it a go...
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Hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood disabled unemployed transgender queer on the internet. I have not posted a great amount about the details on this blog for privacy reasons, but I am currently in an untenable familial/financial living situation, which I am actively working to get out of. My primary barrier to disentangling myself from the pertinent parties is a lack of income. I've been unable to pursue traditional means of work due to being multiply disabled (slash chronically ill, slash treatment-resistant, et cetera...), but I do not qualify for SSI or unemployment, so I am stuck trying to find other ways of making money.
This is where you come in... If you'd like to help, you can:
$$ Hire me $$ to proofread your fics, essays, and more!
Click below for info! (I also may add separate posts for diversity reading and/or other writing- and editing-related services.)
For $0.00855/word *OR BEST BID*, I will vet your work of writing before you publish it, checking for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, & punctuation, missed words, inconsistencies of tense, formatting, & POV, and miscellaneous grammatical errors. Never again need you fear posting a finished chapter and discovering a slew of typos after the fact; no matter how sleep-deprived or late at night the state of writing, I will ensure your text is ship-shape. Or, if you happen to be interested in having other types of writing proofread before submission--essays, comics or webtoons, letters, transcripts, compositions of a personal nature, so on--I will happily take these on at a comparable rate.[1]
Bachelor's degree in English with a minor in writing
Initiate of international collegiate honors society for English scholarship, Sigma Tau Delta
Active member of the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors (IAPWE)
Former lit editor for award-winning university literary arts magazine
Prior employment in tutoring and teaching English, as well as copy-editing and content writing
Nearly 20 years' writing experience
Previous experience as both fic writer and beta
Incisive eye for typo-hunting and tenacious attention to detail (I have high standards and will make those everybody else's problem... now for pay!)
I will read for content of any genre and all ratings, and am broadly[2] open to any subject matter, kinks, et cetera. I'll also post more detailed guidelines (booking process, any exclusions, additional criteria) on a separate, unrebloggable post so that any edits and updates are always current.
Message me via the chat feature on Tumblr, or send me an e-mail (I will post it on my more info post) to request a quote, bid for a slot, or just to see what I can offer for whatever project you have in mind. And please feel encouraged to share or boost this post! I am in urgent need of any income I can get, and every share counts 😭🙌
. . . . . . . . . .
Proofreading Full Details · Other Services · Support Me (alternatively, Tip this post!)
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[1] There will be some exclusions to this, such as academic assignments/papers that have style guide requirements; i.e., I will not be your online MLA style checker or anything.
[2] As with anything, there will be sporadic exceptions to this as well, but I will always be up-front about such cases.
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bonefall · 1 year
Trying to translate my ocs in clanmew!
Nyok beof- ravenfeather 
fharrl shai - stormstar
Both pretty simple translations 
Flower is called ponma, but cats call her karrurrska because they don’t like her and she definitely murdered the last leader. She then came in and was granted sanctuary because of her kits, but idk what name they’d call her because of her actions. Very entitled and demanding.
Peonyblossom - no translation for peony, but suffix would be -mwaron
Fawnkit and honeykit - niaa mew for fawn, I couldn’t find a translation for fawn, and hohorrl mew for honeykit
Hmm... an entitled cat with a flower-based name? Here's two new words for you! These are invasive species that Clan cats attack ON-SIGHT, and perfect for dishonor titles!
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) = Nipswa (Tainted + Flower + Spread-of-fire) AWFUL weed, NOXIOUS NASTY WEED. Actively noxious, even just to touch, spreading across fields and contributing absolutely nothing of value. This would be a very strong word in a dishonor title.
Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) = Fsaferrl (Swarm + Honeysuckle) A tough, hardy bush that takes over wide areas VERY easily, much be uprooted as soon as it's discovered else it becomes extremely difficult to manage. Could work very well for your cat having an entitled sort of personality, but still "gentle" enough to not be a dishonor title. Rhododendron is pretty at least!
Also huh, I guess we forgot to add some deer-words to the lexi! That's been fixed; "Myaa" now means Fawn;Lamb;Baby Deer, and we added Yearling Deer (Mween).
You can also check out the whole Clan Culture entry we made on deer if you'd like.
For Peony, unfortunately, Clan cats have no words for it. It's a garden plant.... BUT THEY DO HAVE A WORD FOR MARIGOLD
Marsh Marigold/Gowan (Caltha palustris) = Chwee Has a ton of names in English, so I picked "Gowan" because it makes a nice prefix. Feel free to translate it however you'd like. Sometimes called a "kingcup" because it looks like a huge buttercup. This is the word used in Marigoldkit's name-- Chweemew.
Corn Marigold (Glebionis segetum) = Wimpa The more common type of marigold, grows in dryer territories. It can grow wild, unlike pot marigold, which I'm currently not giving the Clan cats a name for since that is a domestic flower... but I'm still doing research to find out if it's naturalized in this area or not.
And lastly Honey is a new word since I made it for Honeysnake! It's Mla.
Honey = Mla
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salvagevillaintalk · 3 months
New Updated MHA Nemesis Unrestrained
Because what better way to welcome the new blog than by posting the updated version of Class A and who'd I choose to have them as rivals...becuase yes.
Even now my brain still has better match-ups for some of them. This time Kaminari and Jiro!
Given this is a new blog will only be posting the line-up with the newest rivals, though if you want to check out what I had before, you can look at it here.
Deku - Shigaraki
Ochako - Toga
Todoroki - Dabi (For all three above, you likely know why already xD)
Bakugo - Muscular (Same as before, genuinely think that Bakugo beating down against one of the strongest of Deku's Rogue's Gallery who was supposed to kidnap him as a way to return the favor just writes itself)
Iida - Stain (Speedster vs someone who stops you in your tracks, both are very morally centric figures with codes on how they feel heroism should be upheld - really wished they clashed in the Final War)
Kirishima - Rappa (seriously, these guys were perfect rivals. Incredible defense veruse overpowering offense. WHERE WAS RAPPA DURING THE FINAL WAR??!!!)
Tsu - Spinner (already spoke of this in the series, but both are Heteroromorphs that dealth with ostracization and are their group's mutant support)
Momo - Re-Destro (Leader of the First Years vs Leader of the MLA, one that forged her own path as a Hero and overcome her anxiety to be a proper leadervs guy who was essentially groomed to be Destro V2 and his whole ordeal is putting himself under mass stress to be strong, even if he isn't liberated.)
Tokoyami - Twice (both struggle with keeping their powers under control and have a relationship with Hawks, so its pretty natural)
Aoyama - Kunieda (for what it's worth, Kunieda made for a scary villain for Aoyama, his loyalty to AFO made me want to know more on their relationship)
Kaminari - Tajima (Basically a match-up of two electric types of contrasting disposition, that also act as supports and backbones for their teams. Kaminari is a confident, if kind over his head, showoff that struggles with his reliability under pressure, but manages to overcome it for the sake of the right thing - for his pals. Tajima, meanwhile, is one consumed by his fear of AFO and gives in to his anxiety to the point of doing sabotaging efforts that could harm people to save his own skin)
Jiro - Shin Nemoto (A girl who could hear theoretically anything against a guy whose Quirk can allow him to always gain the truth. There's a potential for introspection on how people with these sorts of Quirks are trusted, or even distrusted. Perhaps Nemoto and her could relate to people always thinking they'll spy on them or that they can't ever speak freely? Just a thought!)
Mineta -Toya Setsuno (A villain whose had a rough love life and can steal anything against someone whose desperate for love/lust and can technically hold down anything with just his Quirk. In addition, Setsuno has low self esteem to Mineta's high ego. It's a dynamic/fight that really works)
Shoji - Chimera (a Spinner stand-in that Shoji actually fought, and lost, to before and would've been perfect to be his Nemesis)
Mina - Slice (Already have seeds of a good rivalry given how Mina ruined Slice's hair that she prides herself in. Perhaps Slice could have been similar to Mina in that both were their community's popular girls that tried their best to be defenders. But in Slice's case, those she helped eventually backstabbed her to leave her destitute, maybe even for someone else - hence why prides herself in, usually, just her power...least until she met Nine's crew )
Hagakure - Mummy (The Invisible (Wo)man versus a mummy. It writes itself and Hagakure presents an interesting dilemma to him since she's unaffected his Quirk due to her, ah, situation)
Koda - Trumpet (Yeah, still think Koda would've worked well as a shy yet caring boy standing against a cold, faux preacher)
Sero - Ending (Another person who wounded up being affected by a Todoroki and essentially waltzed through. Though while Ending became obssessed and wants to be done in by them, Sero's easygoing nature has him not revolve his life around his defeat or said Todoroki's beyond a few jabs. Basically Sero is the 'dude its not that serious' of the MHA verse that makes him prime to restrain someone whose kinda off the deep end or go against them.....and, you know, similar power sets).
Sato - Deidoro Sakaki (Scratch that. Guy who gains power from ingesting sugar, vs guy whose Quirk is stronger from ingesting alcohol makes for a far better match-up!)
Ojiro - Hakiji Tengai (A disciplined monk vs a disciplined martial artist; with the added bonus of a match of pretty 'basic' power standings: someone with a tail trying to whack a guy in a shield - it's a pairing I think could lead to an interesting way for Ojiro to win.)
But, yeah, if I had no restraints, this is who I would actually give as Class A's proper Nemesis throughout the series.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 years
Hi, could you write an Ajax Petropolus x latina!reader angst but a very fluffy ending where the reader is very much a perfectionist academically due to generational/ being a daughter or granddaughter of immigrants. And she feels in some way she's disappointing them or doesn't think they're good enough
Hey again! Of course I can write this, especially because I am the daughter of immigrants so I have felt the same way, especially in college since I’m on scholarship, this hits home.
High Achiever, Don’t You See?
Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x Latina!Reader
Summary: Y/N struggles with academic perfectionism, especially because her parents came to the United States and worked hard to give their kids the best education so Y/N thinks if she doesn’t get good grades, her parents’ hard work would have been for nothing.
Warning: I will probably be self projecting because it has happened to me and might still happen starting the spring semester, spelling errors like always
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Y/N was lucky enough to have a dorm room to herself because she would spend most of her time studying and doing her homework until 3am, maybe even 5am, barely getting sleep. In her dorm, she had a desk with her laptop, a printer, and there was a hot plate with a moka pot to make her Cuban Coffees for the caffeine boost. Right now, she was finishing up a research paper, she written it in MLA format (I use APA because I’m studying health science), she’s checked for grammatical errors, her citations, it was all in order. She printed her paper and placed it on a folder. The paper was due next week, but she wanted to get it out of the way. After going over some information that her teacher was going to ask questions about in class, she went to bed around 2:45am.
The next day she woke up and made herself another Cuban coffee. She did her routine and out on her uniform so go downstairs. Someone touched her shoulder and she jumped.
“Hey, calm down, it’s just me.” Ajax said.
“Ay, papito, Don’t scare me like that.” Y/N said.
“I’m sorry, mama. Let’s get some breakfast, okay?” Ajax said. Ajax wrapped his arm around Y/N shoulders to walk to the cafeteria to get breakfast. They sat down after getting breakfast and Enid sat down with them.
“Good morning! How did you sleep?” Enid asked.
“Not well.” Y/N said.
“You’ve been having trouble sleeping for weeks, are you okay?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah yeah, im fine, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, it’s normal.” Y/N said.
“Okay then, after class you need a nap.” Enid said.
“Yeah sure, whatever you say.” Y/N said. After breakfast, they went to their first class.
Y/N was answering almost every single question that the teacher had to say “anyone besides Y/N” when asking questions. Almost all the classes were like that. However, midterms were in 2 weeks, and unlike her normie school, all her studying would have to be done in the library with books. When she went to her dorm room, she decided to video chat with her parents, something she does every Friday.
“Hola mami, hola papi!” Y/N said to her parents.
“Hola amor! Como te ha ido esta semana en clases? Has estado practicando tu poder (Hello love! How were your classes this week? Have you been practicing your power)?” Her dad asked.
“Me puedo transformar en un mapache, panda, a Shakira, Eugenio Derbez, hasta a un par de calcetas, practiqué muchísimo (i Can shapeshift into a raccoon, panda, into Shakira, Eugenio Derbez, even into a pair of socks, I’ve practiced a lot).” Y/N said.
“Y tus clases, princesa? Que cuentas (How about your classes, Princess? How were they)?” Her mom asked.
“Pues me ha ido bien, siempre saco 100 en mis tareas entonces me está yendo bien (Ive been doing well in class, I always get 100 on my homework so I’m doing well).” Y/N said,
“Esa es mi hija! Estamos muy orgullosos de ti, sigue esforzándote, sabemos que puedes, hablamos luego, hija (Thats my daughter! We are so proud of you, keep doing what you’re doing, we know you can do it, we’ll talk later)!” Her dad said hung up. After he hung up, Y/N took her backpack to go to the library and started pulling out all the books she needed for her midterms. She’ll go class by class, writing notes on anything the books explain further than what she has learned in class.
Meanwhile, Ajax was having lunch with his friends.
“Have you seen Y/N? I haven’t seen her since the bell rang.” Ajax said.
“I saw her go to the library.” Wednesday commented.
“Again? She been skipping lunch and dinner a lot recently, maybe something’s wrong.” Ajax commented.
“Maybe she’s not hungry, Ajax, don’t overthink it.” Bianca said. Maybe she was right, maybe Ajax needs to stop overthinking, Y/N will get food when she’s hungry.
He was wrong, the rest of the day, Y/N was in the library until one of the teachers told her it was late and that she should be in bed. Y/N missed her hunger cues the whole time, she was just drinking water while ready and taking notes. She lacked up her stuff and went to her dorm room and she saw Ajax, holding a takeout container.
“Whats this?” Y/N asked.
“I got Uber Eats, you haven’t eaten since lunch, that was 9 hours ago, you need to eat something, love.” Ajax commented, giving Y/N a spoon so she can eat the fried rice he ordered for her,
“I love you Ajax,” Y/N said,
“I love you too, I’m going to sleep with you tonight, okay? That way I can make sure you’re getting sleep, you’re worrying me.” Ajax said,
“You shouldn’t be worried Papito, I swear, I’m perfectly fine.” Y/N said, but Ajax being worried for her made her want to cry but she held it in,
“But i am so eat, out on your pajamas, do your nighttime routine, and get to bed. We’re going to watch TV while you eat.” Ajax said, Y/N nodded while she began eating the rice, she didn’t realize how hungry she was.
“Thank you.” Y/N said. She finished the rice in 20 minutes, changed in her pajamas, and brushes her teeth and did her nighttime skincare routine. When she was ready, she sat on her bed and hugged Ajax. “I love you, papito.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. I’m gonna change and then we can go to bed because you seriously need sleep.” Ajax said, kissing her forehead. When he came back in his pajamas, he got under the covers with Y/N and spooned her so they can go to sleep,
Ajax was a heavy sleeper so he didn’t notice that at 5am, Y/N got out of bed and sat at her desk to go over the notes she wrote. This information should be ingrained in her mind. Ajax woke up and he started to feel around the bed to see if Y/N was there but she wasn’t. He rubbed his eyes and saw her drinking coffee, going over her notes and doing homework.
“Y/N, It’s Saturday, what are you doing?” Ajax asked with his morning voice.
“I’m studying and doing homework, love, go back to sleep.” Y/N said.
“That’s what I’m supposed to say to you, go back to sleep, what time did you wake up anyway?” Ajax asked.
“I woke up at 5am to get a head start.” Y/N said and Ajax checked his phone.
“It’s barely 10, Y/N seriously, you need a break.” Ajax said, trying to pull her away from her desk.
“I Don’t need a break Ajax, I am fine, I can handle it.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, you don’t have to study 24/7, you can take breaks, have fun, it’s Saturday, let’s go have breakfast at the Jericho diner.” Ajax said.
“I Don’t need breakfast, I’m perfectly fine, midterms are in two weeks, I need to have all this information absorbed in my brain if I want an A.” Y/N said, going back to her desk but Ajax stopped her.
“You are putting yourself under too much pressure, if you keeping going on like this, you’re going to burn out, what are you trying to prove here?” Ajax asked her.
“I am trying to prove to my parents that I am not wasting their sacrifice, okay!” Y/N shouted and then plopped on the floor, like her legs gave out. “My parents left their home countries to come to the United States, they knew little English, they left EVERYONE behind, my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, cousins, all of them are in their countries. They came to the states with nothing, they had to do jobs they didn’t like to get by, stayed at friends houses until they had money to get an apartment, my dad took college classes to get a degree so he can get better jobs, they sacrificed so much for me and my siblings that if I don’t get good grades, I feel like I’m disappointing them because literally my only job to do as their daughter is be a good student and if I don’t do that then…” Y/N ranted while crying and she started hyperventilating, Ajax got down on the floor to hug Y/N.
“Breathe in and out, okay, focus on my heartbeat, it’s only the two of us, listen to my voice, you’re doing so well.” Ajax kept whispering positive things in Y/N’s ear until she calmed down. She pulled away from Ajax and wiped her tears away. Ajax then grabbed her face softly so she was looking right at him. “You are doing so well, you are at the top of your class, trust me, I know, Yoko overhears everything. Your parents would be so proud of you, but you need to give yourself breaks too. You can’t be all work and no play, that’s not good for your mental health. These past few weeks, you have been skipping meals, losing hours of sleep, been drinking so much cuban coffee, baby, you have dark circles. And not your normal hyperpigmentation eczema dark circles, the ones caused from lack of sleep, they’ve gotten darker. You need balance in your life. How about today we go into town, we get breakfast, no coffee for you, we go to the park, maybe shopping, we’ll spend the whole day in Jericho, does that sound good?” Ajax asked.
“That sounds great, thanks Papito.” Y/N said, hugging him tightly.
“Anything for you, mama. It would be so much better for you to get sleep but you had a little bit too much caffeine.” Ajax said.
“I live off caffeine, i Don’t even think it affects me anymore. But let’s get dressed and we can walk around Jericho,” Y/N said and Ajax kissed her softly.
The End
Hope you like it, sorry of it turned out short and rushed, SEND MORE AJAX REQUESTS, OUR FAVORITE GORGON NEEDS CONTENT!
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gay-sin · 11 months
Severance, flip phones, far from home: the impossibility of opting out 
I finished Severance by Ling Ma about a week ago. I loved it so much. I am not in school anymore and I am having a hard time trying to fulfill my desire for intellectual conversation. It’s not like I’m not learning anymore. I’m learning so much. These days, I am filling in the gaps of my learning in the sections of life that I chose to put off while prioritizing academia. I’m learning to take care of myself, complete tasks, hold myself accountable, and generally survive. It is hard and I miss the conversations I would have in school that felt like they truly challenged and deepened my worldview. Reading has been a great solace to me in that way but it often feels lonely to read something and not get to discuss it with others. I can never simply read or watch something without wanting to dig in and discuss the implications. I like to use fiction to interrogate real things. I have so many thoughts about Severance and what it had me thinking about in my own life as I read it. I decided to write it down to at least converse with myself as I did so. I'm posting it online to see if anyone would want to engage in conversation with me as well. It is not in MLA or whatever. I’m not in school. I can write how I want. 
I think that the title of Severance is very layered. On the surface, it references the phenomenon of severance checks (payments given to terminated employees that are fired due to layoffs or retirement). The payments are based on the amount of time that an employee has worked for the company. Effectively, it aims to take care of the people that have taken care of the company until they can find new work. Severance describes how companies have cut long-term employees and these checks in order to maximize profits at the cost of minimizing quality. This seems to echo a larger trend that the novel revolves around: a cutting off (or severance) from our interconnectivity under our current systems of hetero-patriarchal white supremacist colonial capitalism. What a mouthful. But basically… Society is severing us from the things that make living meaningful, and for many, possible. 
The characters of the book all seem to be struggling with the desire to opt out of this system (who wouldn't want that?) The narrator, Candace, immigrated to Salt Lake City from Fuzhou as a child. This severance from her ancestry, culture, and family was done in aims of giving her a better life in the United States. In many ways, it was an action done by her parents in order to attempt to opt out of the struggles of life in Fuzhou, made increasingly difficult under global capitalism. Even so, the choice was really just opting into a new set of struggles. The book describes the complex effects of this immigration on Candace and her family. In addition, it describes the guilt of leaving and the burden of feeling as if you are in a country that despises you while you must constantly prove yourself to it.
Candace’s ex-boyfriend felt dehumanized by the working in corporate America and therefore lives on the fringes of the system, skimping by. He believes himself to be opting out of the system. In this quote, Candace interrogates his lifestyle.
“I know you too well. You live your life idealistically. You think it’s possible to opt out of the system. No regular income, no health insurance. You quit jobs on a dime. You think this is freedom but I still see the bare, painstakingly cheap way you live, the scrimping and saving, and that is not freedom either. You move in circumscribed circles. You move peripherally, on the margins of everything, pirating movies and eating dollar slices. I used to admire this about you, how fervently you clung to your beliefs—I called it integrity—but five years of watching you live this way has changed me. In this world, money is freedom. Opting out is not a real choice” (205).
The illusion of opting out is a privilege. Jonathan, unlike Candance, is American. This gives him the ability to exist in America without questioning or proving his belonging. He does not carry the weight of supporting his family or really anyone but himself. Even so, he barely manages that. Candace, not afforded many of Jonathan's privileges, works for in a corporate office. Jonathan, idealistic and blind to his own advantages, is consistently criticizing this choice.
I have always had dreams of opting out. I've spent much of my life dreaming of this. I think that part of why I went to college was to opt out of joining the workforce for four more years. I studied art because it seemed like that would be opting out of the monotony of having a Real Job. I bought a flip phone to opt out of smartphone addiction. I moved across the country to opt out of my family. 
Severance depicts a world-ending incurable pandemic. The illness is called Shen Fever and it is somewhat akin to a zombie apocalypse without the eating of humans. The sickness comes for everyone, even if it does demolish the areas with the least privileges first. In the end, everyone is susceptible. You cannot opt out. You cannot buy your way out of an incurable disease. 
You cannot buy your way out of climate change, even if you can avoid its consequences for longer. Sure, you may be privileged enough to be given the illusion of opting out but this planet is deeply, densely interconnected. You are not opting out. You are delaying the inevitable. 
Over the summer, I went to an anarchist bookstore in Philadelphia and bought a book called Meaningful Flesh: Reflections on Religion and Nature for a Queer Planet. I would read the essays on my breaks from work, trying to see if I could be someone that reads academic theory in my free time. It ended up being very dense and difficult to get through but it was incredibly interesting to me. I was reminded of the second essay of the text when reading Severance. It is called, “Irreverent Theology: On the Queer Ecology of Creation” by Jacob J. Erikson. The essay aims to queer our ideas of nature and matter with a theological lens. That is a massive oversimplification of the text but I don’t want to stray too much from my original point here. I just wanted to include a quote from the essay to gesture to how these concepts in Severance have resonances in so many areas of life.
 “For this particular nature-cultural moment, we must be irreverent of old stories and ideas in our constructive creativity. Ideas of pristine nature, untouched wilderness, essential selves, essential genders, and uncomplicated assumptions of desire and sexuality, deaden and violate the messy and embodied realities of creativity, embodied ecology, and enfleshed divinity” (74).
Collectively, we have attempted to sever ourselves from the environment that we are interwoven with, dependent on, and constantly in conversation with. The consequences are far-reaching and the effort is inevitably futile. You cannot sever yourself from the environment that sustains you. You are the environment.
On Saturday, I took an Uber home from my friend’s house and chatted with the driver. We talked about daylight savings and how stupid it is. Why make the sun go down sooner? I wish I could opt out of it, but then I’d be an hour early to every event from now until spring. I told him that I thought that the government was supposed to get rid of this system but apparently they were too busy committing genocides. We talked about Palestine and how clear it is that what is happening is devastating but how some people still blindly support Israel. We agreed that people have lost a fundamental part of their humanity: a severance from the part of themselves that sees innocent people dying and is devastated and outraged. In America, we have the choice to participate in these colonial ideologies,  push against them, or to not have an opinion (to “opt out"). It is an American privilege, the illusion of opting out of mass murder. None of us are separate from this conflict. Our tax dollars are being spent on the weapons that do the killing.
I am a white American. I have a large array of privileges that give me the illusions of choice. But at the end of the day, none of my choices have truly opted me out. At the end of the day, these severances have only handicapped me in other ways. I have gotten lost and missed appointments that I could have simply typed into Google Maps on a smartphone. I walked to urgent care by myself when I could have called my mom to pick me up if I didn’t move so far away. I carry the debt of my art degree and I will be making monthly payments from now until forever. I don’t have enough money to get out of an unhealthy living situation.  How free am I? How much have I opted out? You can opt out and be crushed by the weight of what it means to be alone, still dependent and existent within the system you’ve supposedly broken out of. But if you opt in, do you get sucked in? What choice is there?
“To live in a city is to take part in and to propagate its impossible systems. To wake up. To go to work in the morning. It is also to take pleasure in those systems because, otherwise, who could repeat the same routines, year in, year out?” (290).
In Severance, the fevered mindlessly repeat patterns. Their condition is an identifiable sickness. Yet, at the same time, Ma also gestures to the fact that it is not too different from the condition that we all share. Our daily repetition, often mindless, trying to find pleasure. The condition one must adopt to survive in this world. The sickness is not individual, it is collective. The cure is not individual, it is collective.
My coworker is moving home across the country after moving away from his family many years ago. He told me about how stressful the process has been for him. I could relate a lot to what he had said. The unsustainability of not having family closeby. The feeling of - what am I proving? The unsustainable nature of being alone and the sometimes equally unsustainable nature of family. Every choice seems to be a choice to sever yourself from one thing or sever yourself from another. Either way, the choice is rarely to come together. The deeper we just get into becoming a mess of severed pieces. 
I got a flip phone back in 2021 when I took a year off from college. At the time, I had fallen headfirst into a lot of the crushing realities that I had never really wanted to face. I was back home living with my family. I was coming to terms with my health, my sexuality, my lack of funds, my place in the world. I was cut off from my illusions of Making it Big and was faced with what Making it Small would entail. I was trying to shoulder the weight of the world that seemed to slowly be collapsing. I got a flip phone as an experiment, to see if I could do it, to see what it would feel like.  I wanted to know what it would be like to have to figure things out on my own, to be in silence, to be present in the moment that I was in. I wanted to stop opting out of being alive. 
About a month ago, I switched back to my smartphone on a whim. To see if I could, to see what it would feel like. It hasn’t solved anything. It hasn’t cured me. It has made my life easier in a lot of ways but harder in others. I miss the way I could walk around with a built-in excuse as to why I had not seen your email. I liked not having the pressure of every piece of knowledge at my constant disposal. I miss the way I felt I could walk around the world without trying to sever myself from it. I would walk in silence instead of trying to impose some soundtrack onto my reality, the soundtrack of the life I’d rather live.
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thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
(Draft Release)
~Sleep Deprived Parents~
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“Please Tomoko, I’m begging you here.” Skeptic’s raspy voice rang out over your daughter’s nonstop crying reign. She’d been like this for about 3 days now and the both of you were near the edge of passing out. Unfortunately she’d contracted some sort of inner ear infection which the doctor warned would throw her way off her zone. Also unfortunate that the 3 year old was able to scream as loudly as she did. It was painful to know your baby was hurting so bad, but you didn’t felt too much remorse in being able to say you just wanted 5 minutes of sleep. Skeptic recommended melatonin gummies for kids but you quickly shut that down saying how you didn’t want to resort to drugging her no matter how badly you needed the rest. No one in the MLA could take Tomoko off your hands either! Geten simply refused as he of course didn’t want to be stuck with a fussy toddler, Chitose was wrapped up with interview until the next week, Hanabata was out of town for some sort of political conference, and ReDestro would be drowning in work for Detnerat’s new products until the next month! It was lucky enough Skeptic was able to use vacation time to stay home with you but he secretly wished he was at work instead of getting his eardrums blasted for the fifteenth time today. It was worse on him since his little girl gravitated toward him naturally. Something she was doing right now...
“No way, you get back around that corner Y/N!” Skeptic shouted as you tried to creep away toward the bedroom while Tomoko was focused on her father. “I hate to admit it but I think I might go lay down in traffic soon.” You groaned before taking a seat next to him on the couch. Was this life now? Sure being a parent wasn’t going to be all cute moments with your child. Obviously times like these were also a part of it but still drove both of you up the wall. You were 2 minutes from a panic attack when the phone suddenly rang. You ignored Skeptic’s complaints when you jumped up to answer it first. This was your excuse to leave the room and have a break from the shrill screaming. Tomoyasu made a mental note to be quicker answering the phone next time as he began trying (but failing again) to shush your baby girl. In the other room you heard a familiar voice over the line. “Hello, Y/N?” The soft tone of a woman spoke out. You sighed in relief and laughed lightly. “H-hi! To what do I owe the pleasure?” The voice over the line chuckled. “Well I was just calling to check in on you two but judging by the screaming in the next room I can tell things might not be going so well. Am I correct?” You frowned at your mother in law’s words. “Yeah...unfortunately you’re right. Tomoko is going through an ear ache and it’s killing both of us too. I don’t want my baby to hurt like this and the medicine hasn’t kicked in yet. I feel bad for being annoyed by the crying but it’s driving the both of us insane. I don’t know what to do.” You were sniffling just a bit at the thought of possibly failing with the whole parenthood thing until you heard Skeptic’s mom laugh quietly. “Oh dear, this reminds me of something. Tomoyasu was such a fussy little man when he was younger. He hated falling asleep and try as we might, his father and I were starting to lose our minds when he went though that phase. Do you know what helped us? Driving.”
“Driving?” You slightly tilt your head to the side. “Mhmm, driving indeed helped. We put Tomoyasu in his carseat and drove him around the neighborhood 2 or 3 times until he’d fallen asleep. It may sound silly but it got us through the next few months until he’d turned 4. I don’t doubt it’ll help you both. Go give it a try and call me back tomorrow after the two of you have caught up on sleep.” You thanked her and bid a goodbye before heading into the living room and staring at the sight in front of you. It was rare when you saw real tears in Skeptic’s eyes like this. Without a word, you opened your arms and grabbed the toddler as she continued sobbing out. You nodded at Skeptic to follow you before passing the key holder and grabbing your keys off the wall. He was too tired and worn out to question anything so he followed along without a complaint. To say the two of you were relieved would be an understatement. About 2 circles around the neighborhood led to your baby slowly silencing herself from sobbing to sniffles to snores. Skeptic looked at you incredulously and you smiled widely back at him. “Thank your mom, not me. Now let’s get her inside before she realizes what just happened.” He nodded quickly and carefully navigated his daughter out of the carseat when the two of you pulled back into your own driveway. The hack was successful for the amount of time you needed before the medicine finally played it’s role. 
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auroras-void · 6 months
Hot take
But I think citation syntax really seems like something that doesn't need to be standardized. It's meant to be read by humans not computers, and it can vary depending on what you're citing, how rigorous your research is, and what information you expect your audience to find most important. So long as you're legible, internally consistent, and actually including all necessary information you should be free to write it however you'd like.
Cause like, I feel like there's so many better ways to do it, allowing for some creativity with it should be welcomed. Like, we're past the days of paper, we don't need compactness we have access to collapsible sections and tables that can be sorted. And there's more information that would be useful to include with your sources, like comments on what you used each one for, how much you read, what you found useful about it or the author, recommended reading order for people checking your work, timestamps, internal links, bookmarks, annotations, etc.
I mean it would also provide an easier way for a layperson to understand how much effort goes into actual rigorously researched papers. And make it easier to spot dishonest sources if this was the standard.
I feel like major scientific papers should just be required to include a graphic designer who understands the material as a coauthor so that this shit is actually tolerable to wade through and we don't end up with crap like MLA. My eyes immediately glaze over whenever I see a bibliography written like that.
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pooma-today · 2 years
Trending News
Nov 2022
Bengaluru: Condoms, contraceptives, cigarettes, alcohol found in surprise school bag checks; netizens say 'we used to carry Parle G'
Bengaluru news: Condoms, oral contraceptives, lighters and cigarettes were found in school bags of students of Classes 8, 9 and 10 during surprise checks.
Authored by: TN Viral Desk
Updated Nov 30, 2022 | 10:08 PM IST
Where are we heading to/leading for?
Our grumbs/grumps and reasons with solutions: UN Educationists
¶ Mr. Rajesh T (Kerala): Parenting/School teaching etc of today's kids is not the same as it was when we were kids...Those parents/teachers who aren't able to understand this and adapt to the present age will surely end up being ineffective in child's upbringing...
¶ T. Sujatha (Karnataka): Yeah... I truly agree with you... I like to bring to your notice, an incident which has happened in our school... Two 5th graders brought ₹1000 to school without the knowledge of the parents. When we called the parents to inform them to be cautious...one parent took it in the most positive way thanking the school authorities & the other parent want to simply push the blame on to the school... No way, they seem to be accountable... their main argument is the child spends more time @ school... So, school is responsible for teaching moral values... Parents wash their hands off their responsibilities.
Dr. BALA SUBRAMANIAN (Tamilnadu): 1. Parents giving too much independence
2. Both working so less time to takecare of their children
3. Children with sufficient pocket money, if not few start stealing too, parents won't have time to see which is missing in home.
Once in my life 20 years before student sold the ring and parents did not notice for long and they asked to return and can buy a chain and found it (and sad to say he drank poison and he was saved)
4. Nuclear family
5. I can say very directly to mother (mainly who are working, do domestic fight in home, which is the biggest advantage for mainly girls.
6. Children are smarter to make a fight a between father and mother.
7. Children should make a visit and make a chance to attend grandparents house, family function to feel the family suport and importance of values and culture.
8. All should keep mobile and should remove password when they are in a home or parents should be aware their password.
Do No compromise in this, Now if parents give only money and smart phone, more privacy in a flat or apartment, I m sure they are soon to be fuel for hell fire.
9. Hon. Minister Gowsal Kishore cried in parliament, said about his recently married son's demise due to alcoholic and his marriage/Father Is A MP and Mother is a MLA.
Hard to hear this generation parents are seen much in graveyards paying ho mage for their children.
Once again please don't compromise regarding discipline in home or school,
they can fail in the studies and not in life.
¶ T Sujatha: Stork reality sir... Here, no one does introspection...they want to push the blame on others... Bad parenting attitude... Likewise children learn from these ethically wrong parents...don't know where we are heading?
¶ NAMAGIRI: Parents are allowing their wards to go for tuition centre.There these students are getting unwanted relationship with other school.students .Parents feel.proud to send their wards for tuition.School ,they are providing enough coaching classes and sufficient revision tests.Why they need to have extra tuition.When they go to tuition, they are allowed to use cellphones. I visited one students house Whose performance and the attendance is very poor.Parents are not aware of that students tuition centre. They are telling me that he is refusing to tell the address but paying fees correctly. Student is telling that his father if he knew the tuition centre address,everyday he will come and ask his performance. Parents are not having any hold over their children.ஏமாறுபவர்கள் இருக்கும் வரைக்கும் ஏமாற்றுபவர்கள் இருப்பார்கள். If the Parents are ignorant , Students will take advantage. I remember in my experience, Mother who studied only upto 8th std was able to follow her daughter who was a high achiever. Parents should be more vigilant otherwise very friendly with their children to follow them.and correct them.
¶ Pooja Hanji: Once we learnt that my nephew hacked his parents account nd used upto 1.5 lakh rupees for video games. Parents were unaware of it.
They gave him independence to operate t account on small things. Proud of teaching him everything at young age. He can travel alone , he can go for a movie alone, take print outs for their work, access to internet at any time as both are doctors.
The elder son had controlled the younger one threatened him not to disclose anything to anyone.
He had asked a person to open an account in the bank for him without his parents knowledge by paying 2.500 Rs.
I think he is even addicted to watch certain things in YouTube.
He is a hostilite. He doesn't want to come home now. He is insisting that he will study hard and doesn't want to leave the school.
He was caught and been warned by his parents. But he still continued doing so and spent another 50,000 Rs from their account.
He is a brilliant child. He scores really well at exams. But what to do about the behavior. How to correct it?
Children if 8, 9and 10 th standard students are have birthday parties just with their friends outdoors, at clubs etc. They are behaving like grown ups. These kids are considered smart.
Others want to follow the trend , if not they are not excepted by others.
I learned about another incidence where 10th kids are going for wines shops to drink.
The shop owner had moral value and warned the kids and sent them back
The shop owners selling these things must have some moral values not to sell them to children.
And as parents where are we failing to nurture them.
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suneendra · 1 month
Women safety :
Unnao , Hathras ( U P ) , Delhi nirbhaya , Kolkata rg kar , Kamduni ( WB ) Muchumarri ( Andhra ) , Badlapur ( MH ) Hema committee report [ malayalam film industry - kerala ] and so on and so on and so on :
Can I tell one thing -:- About INVISIBLE RAPES in this country
Promotions or recruitments in corporate companies or even good marks in an exam corrected or taught be male teacher or professor or lecturer for a GIRL STUDENT
Leaving away a woman riding a bike or car without helmet or wearing belt - Why ? See reasons
Because of skin tone , So called perfect ideal shapes , ideal hair , superb scent , wearing superb costumes which arouse invisible feelings in that so- called Men . If I count these - there will 10-12 crore rapes per minute in this country :- not physically but psychologically .. Why so .?
Leave this :- Tell me one woman in real life who falls in love Because of UNDER WEAR OF A MAN or Perfume used by men or Height of a man or Branded watches or car or bike or any material things used by man e.t.c. Why so .?
Leave this :- Tell me about the items we TRULY FELT great when the advertisements we liked a lot because of specifications specified for any particular product instead of seeing the gender who is advertising IT ..
Why so .? ( Objectification of women )
See the corporate companies product sales :- Many would have been - Running in great profits when their products have bit of female gender visibility in any aspect like audio format or video visibility format or Image format :- Why is that so .? ( No data to add credibility to this statement )
Also check on the movies which have trailers with unnecessary ITEM SONGS - with more like a stupid male macho stories with no objectivity at all but got 100 Cr like that just like that . Why do they put female aspect in that angle even in trailers as well ..?
Why so .? ( Commodification of woman )
Last but not the least , Check out the leaders we elect or political candidates getting fielded in the elections by these political parties . Check out the recent data of ADR -saying that almost - 150 [ approx ] - Sitting MP's and MLA's are in the temples of largest democracy in the world - i.e in PARLIAMENT AND IN STATE LEGISLATURES .
Why so ?
We r culturally inherently subconsciously designing humanity such a way one gender is always great than the other dude .
Why so ..? Think once . Reflect . Introspect .
Damage is not when one incident comes out and we get on roads ...Today it is rg kar Tomorrow it can be our place or any place in this country or even our home as well. ( Might be ) ( No Hate - But issue is deeply rotten )
If we talk about these , whole HUMANITY have to sit on roads on daily basis
Okay bro ? R u criticizing the medicos now ? Nope Never who am I to criticize any person or any institution ??
I am just a wanderer who is wandering this world with OPEN MIND and EYES WIDE OPENED to know and see THINGS AS MUCH CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE :-
What to do now then .? Yaar, I don't have one stop solutions dude
But - one thing - :- 1: RIGHT PARENTING AND RIGHT TEACHERS CAN ADDRESS a bit . 2: Any sport which can make a child sweat out a lot and compete with any genders ..but based on techniques of that sport and competitive spirit built inside that child . 3: Self defense tactics as part of education curriculum for every student in this country :
Counter to Few critics :- Right parenting mean : Respecting each other and doing all work without any iota of gender based discrimination or gender based work like only women need to do house chores kind of :
Purely on logic and rationale with objectivity .. I am not a hard core feminist to say one child has to given birth by men as well ..
Yaar don't find where I will do mistake and get picked up and kick me wherever you wanted to . If u want , come out yaar - Even without post also we can lovely fight each other and have a chilled beer at night with full moon and nearby lake in my home in Bengaluru .🤣
Secondly , why r u asking self defense training ? Are you saying inherently that women are weaker - Bro , No - NOT at all :
Yaar , In a country with huge malnutrition , anemia , newly upcoming adversity i.e over nutrition and obesity , till what time we pretend that our kids including even ourselves are already became , going to become are currently an IRON MAN OR WONDER WOMAN OR SUPER MAN : [ see reports of lancet survey of 4200 steps average , NFHS 5 surveys ]
Yaar , still u don't believe me - do one thing - just run for 1km without shoes in any ground and see what your potential or your kids potential is : Think once - If that much physical strength is not there , then how can you protect yourself from any enemy who might be of any gender : so stop pretending you are iron man or wonder woman : you are you : If you have any doubt , just go, run see : what is your capability :?
Self protection - is not any gender thing -: It is inherent to every species on this planet to survive from any threat from any other animal from different or same species : It is even taught to every kid of animals as well - haven't you seen MUFASA [ THE LION KING ] ?
So here I am Suneendra BS . Signing off , Lovely to meet you this way :- Waiting to see you again . Till then , Have a good workout and good diet , so that you can be healthy and read my posts next time Thanks a ton for reading this Bye ❤️🥰😍 With a great Love towards HUMANITY and Universe.
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hopkinsrichardus · 6 months
take my online test for me
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Prepare an Assignment for UK Universities
Preparing assignments for UK universities requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Whether you're a first-year student or a seasoned academic, understanding the specific requirements and expectations of UK universities is crucial for achieving success. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to prepare a well-crafted assignment.
Understand the Assignment Brief:
The first step in preparing any assignment is to thoroughly understand the assignment brief. Pay close attention to the requirements, guidelines, and assessment criteria provided by your instructor. Make a checklist of key points to ensure you address all aspects of the assignment.
Research Thoroughly:
In-depth research is the backbone of a successful assignment. Utilize various sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable online platforms to gather relevant information. Take notes and organize your research to facilitate a structured and coherent argument in your assignment.
Plan Your Structure:
A well-organized assignment is easier to follow and more likely to impress your instructors. Plan the structure of your assignment by creating an outline. Divide your content into introduction, main body, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and contribute to the overall coherence of your assignment.
Write a Strong Introduction:
The introduction sets the tone for your assignment and should clearly state the purpose of your work. Provide a brief overview of the topic and present the main argument or thesis statement. Engage your reader from the start to create a positive first impression.
Develop a Coherent Main Body:
The main body of your assignment should present your arguments logically and coherently. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point and contribute to the overall argument. Use evidence and examples to support your claims, ensuring that your ideas flow seamlessly from one point to the next.
Craft a Convincing Conclusion:
The conclusion should summarize your key points and reinforce your main argument. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion, and instead, focus on reinforcing the significance of your findings. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action to leave a lasting impression.
Proofread and Edit:
Before submitting your assignment, thoroughly proofread and edit your work. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and ensure that your writing is clear and concise. Consider seeking feedback from peers or utilizing online proofreading tools to catch any overlooked errors.
Citations and Referencing:
Proper citation and referencing are essential in academic writing. Follow the specific citation style required by your university (such as APA, MLA, or Harvard) and ensure that you provide accurate references for all sources used in your assignment.
Preparing an assignment for a UK university requires careful planning, diligent research, and attention to detail. By understanding the assignment brief, conducting thorough research, and following a structured approach to writing, you can create a compelling and well-crafted assignment that meets the expectations of your instructors. Remember to proofread and edit your work before submission to ensure a polished final product. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to academic success in the UK university setting. If you find yourself needing additional support, such as assistance in preparing for exams, you may consider seeking help from professionals who offer services like take my online test. This can be a valuable resource for students looking for expert guidance and support in achieving academic excellence.
Keywords: take my online test, take my online test for me
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write a Research Paper
Embarking on the journey of writing a research paper can be both challenging and rewarding. Whether you're a student honing your academic skills or a professional delving into a specific field, mastering the art of crafting a well-structured and compelling research paper is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key steps involved in the research paper writing process, providing valuable tips and insights.
Choose a Relevant Topic
The initial step in writing a successful research paper is selecting a topic that is both relevant and interesting. Consider your interests, adhere to assignment requirements, and ensure the availability of credible sources. A carefully chosen topic will make the research and writing process more engaging. So, when deciding, ask yourself, "What topic will captivate my audience and fulfill the requirements of the assignment?"
Conduct Thorough Research
Once you have your topic, it's time to delve into thorough research to gather pertinent information. Utilize various sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites to ensure a well-rounded understanding of your subject matter. Take meticulous notes and organize your findings to facilitate the later stages of the writing process. Remember, a strong foundation of research is key to constructing a compelling paper.
Develop a Strong Thesis Statement
Crafting a clear and concise thesis statement is paramount to the success of your research paper. Your thesis should present the main idea of your paper and guide the reader on what to expect. Ensure that your thesis is specific, arguable, and substantiated by evidence from your research. This is your chance to assert your perspective and invite readers to explore your take on the subject.
Create an Outline
Organize your thoughts and research findings by creating a detailed outline. An outline serves as a roadmap for your paper, helping you structure your arguments logically. Break down your paper into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion. This step-by-step approach ensures a well-organized and cohesive paper that takes your reader through a well-thought-out journey.
Write a Compelling Introduction
The introduction sets the tone for your research paper. Start with a hook to capture the reader's attention, provide background information on your topic, and end with a strong thesis statement. Clearly outline the purpose of your research and why it is important. Imagine your introduction as an invitation, enticing your reader to say, "I'm intrigued; let me take a closer look at this online test."
Develop a Coherent Body
The body of your research paper should present your arguments and support them with evidence. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point and contribute to the overall coherence of the paper. Properly cite your sources using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Imagine each section as a building block, constructing a robust and convincing argument that leads your reader towards a deeper understanding of your take on the subject.
Analyze and Interpret Findings
If your research involves data collection, present your findings in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, graphs, or charts to enhance the visual appeal of your data. Analyze and interpret the results, relating them back to your thesis statement. This is your chance to say, "Here's the evidence, and here's what it means in the context of my online test."
Craft a Thoughtful Conclusion
Summarize the key points of your research paper in the conclusion. Reinforce the significance of your findings and suggest avenues for future research. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, provide a synthesis of your main arguments. Think of your conclusion as the parting words that leave your reader contemplating, "I've taken this journey; what's next in the world of online tests?"
Revise and Edit
The revision and editing process is crucial for producing a polished research paper. Review your paper for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Seek feedback from peers or professors to gain valuable insights and make necessary improvements. This step ensures that your paper is not just informative but also polished, leaving no room for the reader to think, "Would I trust this writer to take my online test?"
Once you have completed the writing and revision process, it's time to submit your research paper. Make sure to follow any specific guidelines provided by your instructor or publication. Double-check the formatting, citations, and overall presentation. Remember, this is your opportunity to showcase your writing prowess and say, "I've not only written a stellar paper, but I'm ready to take my online test and excel in any academic challenge that comes my way."
Conclusion Writing a research paper requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective communication of your findings. By following these steps and incorporating the essential elements discussed in this guide, you can enhance the quality of your research paper. Remember to stay focused, seek feedback, and continually refine your writing skills for academic and professional success. As you embark on the journey of writing your research paper, keep in mind the ultimate goal: not just to convey information, but to leave a lasting impression that says, "I am not just prepared to write a research paper; I am ready to take my online test and succeed in any academic endeavor."
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On The Topic Of Plagiarism
MLA is a common form of citing sources usually used for works that fall under the category of “language arts, cultural studies, and other humanities disciplines” (Purdue Owl). We need MLA citations in order to be able to avoid plagiarising the works of others allowing us to keep a clear conscience.
What is plagiarism though? Plagiarism would be the act of copying the work of someone else without properly giving credit to them. Properly giving credit would mean properly citing the source. Three types of plagiarism that can be found are direct plagiarism, self plagiarism, and accidental plagiarism.
Direct plagiarism means that you’re directly taking information from the source word for word and not citing the source essentially meaning that you’re not acknowledging the fact that the information is not your own but rather someone else’s.
Self plagiarism is when you copy work previously submitted for a different course or submitting the same assignment for two separate courses without getting explicit permission from the teachers/professors of all the courses that this would be relevant to.
Accidental plagiarism is when you either forget to cite a source that you used or you don’t cite the source properly.
Plagiarism is something that can easily be avoided. I plan to make sure I avoid it by making sure that all the sources used are cited in the works cited list. This means making sure that all of the sources that I used are saved in some way shape or form (i.e. bookmarking a website on my computer, making a list of all the sources that I used and making sure all are cited by going through it and checking things off, etc.). I can also avoid plagiarism by making sure that I’m citing the works used properly. Usually if I’m unsure as to if I’m citing a source properly, I’ll run it through a reliable citation generator instead so that I can rest assured that I’ve cited all of my sources correctly in proper MLA formatting.
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aspenforest732 · 8 months
Bello Licentiae Chapter 23: What the Fuck Just Happened
tw: body parts, drug trafficking, electrocution, kidnapping, body fluids, torture mention It's here!! 'text' JSL Text thoughts
"You've been poking around the severed fingers case from what I've heard," Jinx casually leaned against the alley wall.
"Yes, the owner of the fingers is Giran, and we have a vested interest in getting him back on the streets," Mouse replied quietly.
Jinx nodded and took a drag from her cigarette. "Well, it's a good thing I overheard talk of two being dropped at Kamino Ward on Friday."
"Anything on who's behind this?" Mouse asked, shifting slightly closer to Mortis as they tensed.
"No, but they've got major funding. There's also an overlap in runners for the exploding arms. Keep me updated, and I'll do the same."
With a curt nod, the pair slipped back into the dark streets and made their way back to their normal patrol route. No one was at least aware of seeing Joe again, but the overlap of runners was concerning. Maybe it's a support company? But what would they want with the League? No hero groups with Tinkers have dropped off, so either he's being held at their base or it's not heroes.
Akira continued to work on their unconventional rescue method and finally got to focus on their knives in weapons training. They had long since memorized the best places to slice or stab for disabling body parts and dealing maximum pain with minimal damage, so Akira quickly became the example student for the unit. They did get into an argument with Midoriya towards the end of class on Thursday about whether it was better to disable the full arm or just the hands for touch-based quirks. Quick slices to the biceps were far more controllable than slices to the top of the wrist or across the palm but did require more precise placement to avoid bleeding out. And were more likely to be covered by costumes and armor, but an armor-piercing knife would bypass the latter and proper training the former.
' Besides, most villains and heroes don't even use armor in their costumes! ' Akira huffed. ' Exactly four people in this class have some form of armor, and three of us have it because of practical or parental experience .'
"Hey, I am my armor," Kirishima interjected as Akira and Midoriya whipped around on him.
' Not against a sneak attack, ' Akira shot back. After a moment, they corrected, ' Actually, I do remember Bubblegum saying a couple others got armor upgrades, but that wasn't even a month ago. '
Shit. Akira looked at Cypher and double-checked their translation. ' I need to make some calls. ' They stalked off and quickly sent the translation to Boss before calling her.
'The MLA has Giran and wants the League,' Mortis started. 'The location is in Deika City, so we'll need an extraction with medical on the other side.'
"I'll take care of that and inform you once we have details," Boss said curtly and hung up.
Turning into Taishiro's office, Akira set the translation on his desk, barely registering the other two interns in the room. ' I'm going to be on the extraction team. There's no reason for heroes to go there, so I'll be radio silent during the op. '
Taishiro's eyes grew wide as he stared at the translation. "No. If the MLA is active again, that's far too much for you to risk."
' Not a bigger risk than the Wrens, ' Akira threw back. ' I'll most likely be paired with Isao and try talking them out of it first, but my quirk is perfect for this. We get the quirk data on the most strategic people he'll place there, and I can disable the ones who would block our exit. I'm not asking permission. I'm telling you so if something goes wrong you're aware of what happened. '
Akira tensed as Taishiro closed off. He's not going to hurt you. You're fine. Akira repeated in their head, trying not to flinch as his gaze snapped up to theirs. After a long moment, he sighed and nodded. "Alright. You tell us the plan, we workshop the plan, you follow up with us if anything goes wrong and after you get out. If there's any plausible way we can send support with you, we do it."
Mortis warped and started their clone chain, carefully adjusting their timing as they walked with their first clone's first clone up. They took care to match the clone's steps and paused their clones' warping to bow appropriately with Isao. As Haruki anticipated, Kizuki and Hanabata were in the viewing deck with Yotsubashi. Giran was tied to a sturdy chair by the window opposite the elevators while Hanabata sat behind a computer at a desk, and Kizuki casually sipped from a wine glass near Yotsubashi.
"Welcome," Yotsubashi said, "please, sit down. I was told of your arrival, Morita, but I don't recall you mentioning a child."
"This is my son, Ryuu," Isao ruffled the clone's hair. "He's here to see how the business runs."
Mortis made their way to Giran and tapped ' be ready ' in Morse code on his arm. While Isao tried to talk sense into the CEO, Mortis assessed Giran's injuries and identified the weak points in his restraints in case things went as expected. As dark patches grew on Yotsubashi's face, Mortis silently made the cuts and padded over to where Hanabata sat. Kizuki was the second-most dangerous person in the room, but her quirk was difficult to counter without just killing her since Landmine had an at-will activation.
"I will graciously allow you to leave here unscathed, but you will not take Giran," Yotsubashi growled.
Isao stood and bowed, "Then you'll reap what you sowed."
Skeptic screamed as Mortis slashed her biceps and threw their clone at Kizuki while they dashed towards Giran. An explosion ragdolled their clone briefly before it dispelled, giving the leaders pause as Mortis ripped Giran off the chair and out of the restraints. They half-fell into Isao's arms as he burst through the window. Clones rapidly multiplied beneath as Giran let out a startled shout, Mortis abandoning subtlety in favor of creating more than enough cushion. Provided physics worked the same.
Hitting the clones barely felt like anything, their bodies slowing until they rolled to their feet. A small group of stunned onlookers froze as they took off running down the street with Giran in Isao's arms. An alarm blared through the city, drawing people out of their homes and shops as the trio fled. Mortis rapidly set up a perimeter of clones as they switched from the streets to the rooftops. They used the clone to Isao's right to throw up directions to avoid larger groups of Quirked people while still heading towards the rendezvous point.
Mortis rolled to the side and under a sudden blast of cold, whirling around to see someone in a parka and another with serpentine features. Mortis grinned and darted across the roof as the pair argued over their existence. Snake tried to pull Elsa out of the way, so they adjusted their grip for the angle and carved down and away, pulling stuffing out with their knives as they shot out their capture scarf to cut off Snake's call. They quickly threw him to the ground, wrapping extra support around his shoulders to avoid snapping his neck. Hopefully.
Mortis ran towards where their clone lines drew them and warped a few more to replace ones taken out while they were occupied. Isao's shirt hung from his large frame in tatters, but Giran didn't seem to have any additional injuries. Mortis shot out their capture weapon to knock a wind user off course to their surprise only to get hit by a stray laser beam from another's mouth. They rolled with the force right into an electrified net. Gritting their teeth, they pulled themself away with their capture scarf, stumbling back into a run as they regained their footing.
Just ahead, Mortis spotted the pigeon and doubled their clones, sending a few ahead to distract the gathering forces while the others struggled to part the crowd for Isao. Mortis warped down and started slashing, whipping their capture scarf about as they made more room for the trio to continue as they started to feel heavy footfalls from the direction of the tower. Shit shit shit . Bursting into the alley, Mortis barreled straight into the since-landed pigeon with Isao and shuddered as their bones cracked and compressed, wings sprouting from chitinous back as they shifted into a beetle. Their clones continued through the alley as the pigeon scooped up the trio and took off from the noisy streets.
Animorph's beak was dark and moist, and Mortis scuttled up to Isao as they tried to regulate their breathing through the weird holes in their sides. After what felt like an eternity, the three fell out of Animorph's beak and changed back into people, stumbling to their feet as Mortis gulped in air. Giran's Nagoya medical group whisked them into the building, and Mortis let Eraser and Fat Gum know they got out with minor injuries. While they asked for their list of injuries, Mortis snapped up at a low moan from Isao. A number of lacerations and large bruises blossomed across his body as a couple of the staff wheeled him further into the building.
Mortis' electrical burns in cuts from the net were the worst of their injuries, but they still had full range of motion with minimal pain. The medics gave them some of Chiyo's cream to kickstart the healing process while they focused on Isao and Giran. Animorph left once Giran was stable, simply leaving an invoice for the broker. Mortis kept a watchful eye on the rooms, clocking each person who came and went. Eventually, they remembered to take off their dark wig and switch out their contacts.
The next day, Isao was released and Giran would stay for a few more days to monitor potential long-term effects of the torture. Before they left, Giran pledged a favor to each of them. Mortis was still caught up in the amazement as they took the train back to Musutafu, barely registering the scenery as they thought through what they could exchange it for. Probably best to save it for the Plan, Mortis eventually decided on.
Tech week, as Fumikage labeled it, started in full force on Monday, and most of the class' free time was filled with making sure costumes fit, the special effects using Kirishima, Shoto, and Aoyama's quirks worked, and rehearsing. Anii joined their rehearsals starting on Thursday and double-checked the intentions and solos to make sure everything would be conveyed correctly.
Friday night after rehearsal, Akira was making extra snacks when Midoriya mentioned the rope was frayed. With Yaoyorozu sleeping, they texted Aizawa to ask if he could pick up more rope from the hardware store for their performance. At his thumbs up, Akira caught the others' attentions and told them he was taking care of it.
"Oh it's really no trouble, I can just run and get it in the morning," Midoriya rubbed his neck awkwardly.
' He already agreed, you're fine, ' Akira waved him off and headed to their room.
Saturday morning, Akira let themself get caught up in the excited tension in the dorm as everyone rushed to get ready. Mina, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro helped tweak some of their makeup so they wouldn't be washed out by the stage lights and helped others apply makeup. Soon, the class gathered their costumes and made their way to the festival, splitting up with the direction to be in the green room by 09:30. Akira and Midoriya both had the idea to get a candy apple for Eri, deciding to split the cost when they realized Aizawa probably wouldn't appreciate his youngest going through a sugar high.
Soon, they found Eri with Aizawa and Togata at a carnival game set up by one of the Gen Ed classes. Eri stuck her tongue out in concentration as she tried to hit moving painted targets with a row of balls. Aizawa's lips upturned slightly in amusement, but as his eyes flicked over, they grew into a soft smile.
When Eri won a small cat plush, Aizawa directed her attention to the newcomers. "Eri, look at what Midoriya and Reaper brought."
Her eyes lit up as she took in the students and looked up for permission before dashing over to Akira. "Look! I got McStuffins!" she held up the plush for inspection.
' They're very cute, congrats! ' Akira smiled warmly and patted her head.
"That's great, Eri!" Midoriya cooed. "You like apples, right? Well, this one is extra sweet since someone poured sugar all over it. Do you want to try?"
Eri shyly nodded, tucking the plush under one arm as she took in the big apple. She cautiously took a bite then eagerly kept going, eyes wide.
"I think she likes it," Togata piped up, grinning brightly. "Your class is performing at ten, right? Eri, are you excited to see Midoriya and Reaper dance?"
Eri nodded rapidly, drawing a chuckle out of Aizawa. Shifting the stick to one hand, she started to sign happy but pouted. "How do your hands say... excited?"
Akira chuckled and showed her as Midoriya and Togata cooed again. Glancing at their watch, though, they added, ' We need to go meet up with our class to change and do one more sound check. Give a big wave so we can see you in the audience, okay? '
As they made their way back, Akira startled at several Ectoplasm clones going into the forest. Looking around, they couldn't see Inui, and the teachers boosting security seemed tense.
"Is something wrong?" Midoriya whispered as static raised the hair on the back of their neck.
Akira nodded slowly, lightly nudging him to keep moving. ' Something's going down in the forest. Perimeter breach maybe? ' Their suspicions only solidified when Snipe broke off with a thin excuse to his students.
"Do you think it's the League?" Midoriya asked in a harsh whisper.
' No, Wildfire would've called the moment they had cell service. ' At Midoriya's hesitation, Akira insisted, ' I know he would've at least sent something after the voicemails I left. '
He seemed a little surer after that, but there was still the underlying question. Then who? They quickly got changed in the green room, but the rest of the class immediately picked up on the tension. After explaining what they saw, the only thing left to do was hope the situation was resolved before it could shut down the festival.
As the minutes ticked by, they completed their final sound check and, a few minutes before they were to go on, there was still no word of the festival being canceled. A ring startled Akira as they whipped out their phone, immediately accepting as they moved to a far corner.
Finally! They gaped at Dabi's haggard, smoking appearance. ' What happened? Are you alright? '
"Giran's missing," Dabi huffed. "The MLA said they had him, but now he's gone."
Akira shook their head in disbelief. ' We got him out a week ago. Why didn't you check your messages? And what happened ? '
Dabi cursed and poured a water bottle over himself before relaying the message off camera. "We've been a little busy. Long story short, the Doctor said he'll work with you now, so I'll try to give you a heads up before he warps you."
Akira nodded but got a peek of the destruction behind him. ' That's great! But what state is the city in right now? '
"Gigantomachia flattened it."
Akira stared at Dabi. What the fuck?
"Oh, and most of the people are dead. They were all combatants."
' I'm sorry, maybe I didn't hear you right, ' Akira signed slowly in shock. ' Did you just wipe out a city? '
"It was a small city," Dabi shrugged.
They're not gonna be happy about that , Akira mused as Jiro called out it was time. ' I've gotta go. I'll call you after the festival. '
Akira hurried to the front of line to get on stage with the other dancers, taking their place at the end on stage left next to Shoji. Soon, a hush fell over the crowd as the house lights dimmed. Katsuki raised his drumsticks and called out, "Let's do this shit! We're gonna murder all U.A. students with music!"
With an explosion, the drum lead started, and the performance was on. Akira focused on the music cues while their eyes watered from the bright lights. The jumps were the harder part of the choreography with their crutches, but the cheers rising from the audience kindled the thrill of performing. As Midoriya launched Aoyama up, the burst of lasers caught the ice particles in the audience, sparkling and catching everyone's attention. Ojiro caught Aoyama, posing before the latter and Midoriya ran in time to the music towards the rafters while Koji released doves to add more movement. Streamers flew from Yaoyorozu, and ribbons of ice curved above the audience. Soon, Midoriya dragged Aoyama and Tsu pulled Uraraka about to float a number of audience members among the sparkling ice.
As the final chord landed, everyone posed, breath heaving. The crowd roared, and after bows, the class made their way backstage. Akira easily urged Kaminari and Hitoshi to catch the end of 1-B's performance while the rest of them finished cleaning up, Mad Banquet lightly teasing them and giving knowing looks. Kirishima narrowed his eyes slightly at the mention of Kaminari and Hitoshi talking with Monoma afterward but was dragged by Katsuki for a change to a chunk of ice to break up. Akira mostly used their capture scarf to handle the ice so their joints wouldn't get as stiff.
Eri ran over to Midoriya and Akira with a big grin on her face to their delight. She babbled on about the performance, the pair exchanging smiles with Togata and Aizawa as they hurried to catch up. A few Gen Ed students admitted to watching their performance just to critique it but ended up enjoying it with the others.
The class finished clearing the ice just in time to grab a spot relatively close to the stage. The crowds pressed in on all sides, but Fumikage and Dark Shadow kept a small radius around them clear. Akira quickly resigned themself to only see if the students floated, but Aizawa turned to them. "You could get a better view from my shoulders," he gruffly offered. "Eri's already on Mirio."
After only a moment of hesitation, Akira nodded and climbed on. There was a precarious moment when they swayed slightly, but they grasped Aizawa's capture scarf as he lightly secured their legs. Over the crowds, Akira watched Kendo chop through some blocks in a pretty dress, although they weren't sure what that was supposed to showcase. They were even more confused by Kenranzaki's bizarre display of a golden caricature. When Hado emerged in a fluffy, fairy-like dress, Akira perked up.
As Hado painted the sky in beautiful golden swirls, Akira marveled at the creative use for such a destructive quirk. The resulting rose that glistened in the sunlight hung suspended in the air for a moment before slowly dissipating as Hado landed. There were five other contestants, but none of them were as flashy or bizarre.
Now that Eri found her smile, it almost seemed like she never wanted to stop. They picked up some hero-branded crafts, made crepes together, and even took a few pictures in the cutouts. Mad Banquet was eager to show Akira some of the less elementary school-friendly activities of school festivals, so they broke off from the Yamazawas, Midoriya, and Togata towards the middle of the festival. The haunted house 1-C put on was interesting, although Akira shuddered at the reminder of the summer camp. They nearly stabbed one of the students who was invisible, narrowly redirecting the blade as they realized it was a student.
"Why do you even have a knife on you?" Koji squeaked as they left.
' It's important to be prepared, ' Akira explained. ' I always have knives on me. '
"Knives plural ? How many do you have?" Aoyama looked more interested than reproachful.
' Depends on the situation? Right now, just three, ' Akira shrugged. After a moment, they corrected, ' Well, four if you count my backup boot knife. But that's tiny. '
"What a mad banquet of darkness," Fumikage shook his head as Dark Shadow chortled from inside his sleeve.
I was trying to remember the mechanics of when to start warping when I remembered the secondary effect *facepalm* just requires an extra set of steps per hierarchy no biggie. Basically, before you start to warp, you prepare to immediately have the clone warp. These have to be done in quick succession in a hierarchical pattern of dismissing clones such that none of them are visible for more than a fraction of a second. This is the context you finally get for Chapter 6 of Memoirs Mori lol
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