#not mad or anything just bored as hell LMAO
iindigoeyed · 11 months
opening tumblr to see people debating Why The Season Finale Sucked or Why The Season Finale Is Actually a Secret Masterpiece or Secret Third Thing for the five thousandth time this month
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why do so many people keep calling ed izzy's abuser? I thought it was kind of funny how wrong they were at first because I love being right but at this point I feel like, if you really believe that why do you even like this show? where the main love interest is a violently abusive indigenous man? that sounds boring as shit. what would possess the writers of the show for them to make such an awful decision?
but then I think, if this many people believe it does that mean I'm the one who's wrong? or is it that the creators fumbled that storyline when they should have been clearer about it? or maybe it's just that most people on here have had their reading comprehension scorched away by Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theories and Steven Universe discourse. I can't tell. sometimes I think the internet may have been a mistake.
No they're wrong here's what's going on. People all read this shitty fic called Hell or High Water where Ed was everything the Izzy stans say he was and then instead of realizing that Ed is sad everyone regressed into thinking that the Kraken Era TM was going to be incredibly violent, like serial killing blond men because they look like Stede levels of violence. Even if you didn't read HoHW you saw art or read fic from people who had engaged with this fic and succumbed to it's premise. So there's been this background radiation of misunderstanding what the Kraken is on the fandom for several months. So inevitably when Ed did some mild violence and then attempted suicide by threatening murder until the crew took matters into their own hands, which is not abuse or torture by any stretch, btw, it's a murder-suicide at worst (I say at worst because I consider it fuckery-suicide I don't think Ed was trying to kill people I think he was trying to force them into a situation where they thought it was kill or be killed so that they would choose to kill him, but that is my interpretation and you are free to think it's a botched murder-suicide I have no problem with that), which, murder is something the show has never condemned and if it did it would be horribly inconsistent. So anyway, Ed's whole Kraken Era was categorized in the show by him being sad and doing so many drugs and begging someone please god anyone to kill him and trying to break Ned Low's record out of the evil boredom, but because it had a murder-suicide element to it and Izzy's toes were getting removed and he waved a gun around at everyone once (in a way that felt to me like he was trying and failing to work up the nerve to blow his own brains out but I digress) people who liked HoHW and were mad that people had called it out were like "see hes being violent HoHW author vindicated" as if anything Ed did rose to the level of that fic
And you want to know how I know this read is bullshit? Because when I watch the show with people who don't read fic or interact with the fandom and then I gauge their reactions without showing my hand they all implicitly understand that Ed is reacting to Izzy in a way appropriate to how pirate captains react to threats from subordinates. The spectrum of reactions has been from "hey isn't it weird how Ed was the Kraken because his dad was abusive and now he's the kraken because of Izzy? Maybe there's something there but idk" to "I don't think you can apply the logic of domestic abuse to a pirate captain and first mate but also Izzy had it coming" to "I cannot feel bad for Izzy after last season, I'm sorry." To "lmao Izcel" and I've showed this show to roughly everyone I know. The only thing I can conclude from the fact that people who don't engage with OFMD fic almost unilaterally thinking that Izzy is in the wrong and then coming online to see people thinking the opposite is that Izzy as victim and Ed as abuser is pure fanon, like how Stede is a cinnamon roll who talks like Azeriphael.
But anyway yeah you're completely right about the fact that this would be a bad show if they decided to make Ed into a domestic abuser. I don't want to watch a rom com about a domestic abuser falling in love and I don't want a show that decided to make it's indigenous lead abusive when the stereotype of indigenous men as abusers is still to this day used as an excuse to separate indigenous children from their families and put them with white Christians in order to erase their culture. Good thing OFMD didn't make Ed abusive, so I still like the show.
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knullanon · 2 months
Could you possibly write Headcannons for queen bee as a yanmom..? If that makes sense lmao
dw, I totally got you!!
words: 700 ish
warnings: possesivness, mainpulation, lmk if I missed any!
She’s very possessive and strict with you, and she’s in control of everything surrounding you, and when I mean everything, I mean EVERYTHING.
It doesn’t matter what it may be, the people who are around you, the things you do, your location, everything has been approved by her and set up in a way that she knows exactly whats going to happen in your day.
I would think she would have a routine schedule for her darling, because she’s needs to make sure they’re getting food, they’re being entertained, and, maybe as an extra way to keep you busy, she gives you your own education course tailored directly for your learning habits.
She really doesn’t like it when this schedule is interrupted, for any reason. If someone else disrupted it, whether by accident or on purpose, she gets pissed. If it was you who disrupted it (woke up late, didn’t finish an activity on the time she thought it would take, you weren’t hungry etc) she is usually OK with changing it.
Whenever she can, she likes to be with you. She loves just talking with you, and she loves hearing you talking about whatever you did that day (even if she already knows), but she ESPECIALLY loves it when you let her talk about what she did in her day, or even just asking you questions on what you think about random topics.
She hates it when you have to meet new people. Because of the fact that you rarely talk to literally anyone (besides her of course), you always seem to want to get to know these new people since you never get to talk to anyone. This causes her to get irritated, and she lets you know by essentially glaring at whoever you just met.
If you weren't taken or if you don't rebel against her, she likes to take you on trips sometimes. It’s very rare, but if she has the time and she knows that you’re getting bored just sitting in the mansion she has you placed in, she’ll bring you to another mansion or house that she knows there’s going to be no one to bother the two of you. She might even show you a list to choose from.
If she’s extremely busy for a few weeks at a time, she has you being watched by her minions and sometimes she doesn’t even need updates from them (just because shes looking at the cameras, watching you).
The more rebellious you become, the more pissed she gets. She may love you very much, but she can be the biggest bitch to you as well if you start acting like one to her.
Hell, if you make her too mad, she might get really petty and make things ‘personal’, like keeping your bedroom cold, but taking away your blankets, or taking away all your activities/entertainment and make you study your worst subject
Actually, the more she feels that you don’t love her, the more she will try to be in your presence. When you’re having your little spats about whatever you’re both arguing about, sometimes she’ll just sit in your room with you, waiting until you say something so she can continue arguing with you
Overall, she’s a very easy to please person with her darling, but her patience is thin, and when it breaks, things can go South very, very quickly.
She loves making you feel like you can’t do anything on your own. In fact, she’ll give you wrong information and then when you repeat it to someone else or her, when they correct you, and you try to tell her that she was the one who told you that, she’ll deflect your argument by saying, “It’s OK that you didn’t remember that, ______.”
Does not care if you want to have other friends or whatnot, because she's the only one you need. Don't you remember how badly you were treated? (Even if you weren't)
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arson4kids · 10 months
♡ Ellie hc's ♡
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WARNINGS - SFW + NSFW. I'll keep the NSFW at the bottom just in case <3
WC - about 770
a/n - I don't really post shit like this on tumblr so sorry in advance lmao. Not 100% proof read so please excuse any typos.
♡ She's 100% the type to run up the stairs after turning the light off. She's convinced there's gonna be something down there. She'd look at you all like "Holy shit did you see that??" ♡ Unhealthy attachment to dinosaurs. She's bored? She's reading about dinosaurs. She has a final project due? She's making it about dinosaurs. Needs something to talk about? She's gonna start off a conversation with "Did you know that one dinosaur.." ♡ Super cuddly with you. She claims she can't sleep unless she has an arm around you or her head on your chest. ♡ Speaking of sleeping, she sleeps in ungodly sleeping positions. Like, these positions weren't known to man until she somehow discovered it. She's sleeping at an 90° angle with one leg over you and somehow she's fine in the morning?? ♡ Longest fucking playlist. This girl has 500+ songs in one playlist. While she denies it, she can sing half of them effortlessly because she's memorized the lyrics. "Can you sing this one??" "What? No, that's fucking weird." (of course she can.) ♡ Cat person. She likes dogs and all, but they're...too much for her. Cats match her energy. She can be drawing and playing guitar without having to worry about her pet tearing up her room. ♡ She spends hours learning songs on the guitar just because you brought up liking a song in passing to her. "The guitar in this song is so catchy. I can't get it out of my head." She'd just hum like she didn't really care, when in reality, she was already planning out where to find the tabs online and how long it'd take her to learn it. She'd surprise you with it weeks later and when you'd ask where she learnt it she'd just shrug. ♡ She sleeps in the most random places. If she's tired, she's gonna crash wherever she can. The couch. Your room. The hayloft in the barn. You name it, she's probably slept there at least once.
♡-> NSFW HC's <-♡ ♡ She loves your tits. She's always staring at them. Whenever you guys are out, she finds a way to sneak in a glance at them. ♡ She wants to be a dom, but sometimes she gets nervous and chokes. What if she's doing it wrong? What if she's hurting you? You have to give her a pep talk before she does anything. ♡ Loves eating you out. She does it like her life depends on it. She loves it so much to the point where she's begging you just to get a taste. ♡ Likes to take her time with you. Slow is the only way to go in her mind. If you protest or whine, she leaves and tells you to figure it out by yourself. "Ellie, that's not fucking fair. You can't just leave." "You've got two hands of your own. Figure it out." ♡ She's always smacking your ass. Out in public? She's finding a way to smack your ass at some point. And this isn't just a friendly thing either. This is the full goddamn wind up. ♡ She has a strap and it's 100% pink. I don't make the rules, sorry. ♡ If you've bent down to reach something, she's behind you holding your hips and fake fucking you. This girl has no shame. ♡ If she's mad at you, she's mocking your moans. She doesn't care how much it may upset or embarrass you. ♡ She loves to prove you wrong. "It won't fit." "Don't worry baby, I'll make it fit." ♡ She doesn't care where you two are. She'll fuck you in the back of her car if she has to. ♡ She won't admit it, but she loves the way you ride her strap. It makes her weak as hell watching you. ♡ Speaking of, as much as she loves it when you ride her, she never knows where to put her hands. On your ass? On your hips? Maybe your tits? Because of this she ends up awkwardly leaving them at her sides or clasping them in front of her like it's some sort of important meeting. ♡ AMAZING aftercare. This girl doesn't let you move a muscle. She's cleaning you up, getting you dressed, spooning you, anything to make you feel better and help you relax. "Are you tired? I can tuck ya in if you want." "I think six feet under is on if you want to watch some of it while you fall asleep." "Are you hungry? I'm an amazing chef y'know." "I've got popsicles in the fridge if you want one."
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ebonysplendor · 6 months
The Science of Staying Awake Review 👁️
TL;DR: Sleep is often for the weak, but having, what is likely but claims not to be, a hallucination being violently in love with you is something that is not for the weak. Apparently, it's not for the living either...
Game Link: https://viscereye.itch.io/the-science-of-staying-awake
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Unnamed MC (referred as "You"), Yandere LI, Choice-heavy storyline Spiciness: 0/5 -- Not exactly wholesome because violence but no option to buss it open so no spice LI Red Flags: 1.7/5 -- Physically abusive, Crosses boundaries...other than that, he be's a touch starved boi who just wants cuddles
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Before I say anything, I just want you to read this:
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Let me tell you, I had no idea how accurate that description was until I played it. That is a damned accurate description, and quite frankly, the only way to describe the experience that this was.
Anyways, I had ran across it when going through my game files, and I was like "Oh yeah! This game exists!" and decided to write a review on this one. I played this game many moons ago, and frankly, I don't see many people talking about or referencing this one; I honestly feel like more people should know about it, because there is a game to be played here. I mean, how many people are actually going to run across this review, I have no idea, but shit, hopefully it'll get a few extra downloads, because as "cheesy" as it may look, this was actually a pretty damn good game!
Honestly (and respectfully) speaking, you know how you look at a game, and you're like "This is probably going to be bad, but I'm curious"? From looking at the backgrounds they used, the description itself, and how they described the game as "cheesy" and a "creepypasta fanfic", I honestly thought this was supposed to be one of those "intentionally bad but funny as hell" games for jokes, but...yeah, no. If it was meant to be that way, I didn't get that at all.
I'll explain more in the actual review portion, but I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase. As always, I give you the disclaimer that -- and those that have been vibing with me since the start of all of this already know -- I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
Just as a side note, I think I do say that verbatim every time I write a review -- between that, "so boom", and the whole "drink water, don't be dumb" thing lol. I might switch it up one day, but that's honestly how I talk in real life. Like, can you not tell that I type the way that I speak? I mean, if it was something for college or work or something, yeah, I'm going to code switch, obvi, but for stuff like this? I'm pretty much talkin' to y'all like y'all are the squad because...well, y'all are lol.
Anyways! Enough chitchat, let's get summarizing.
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So, boom (lmao ya see?).
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We're in class, and we're tired as fook. Like, it's not even that "Damn, this class is boring" type of tired; it's that "I deadass haven't slept in 2 days, and I'm starting to hear colors and see sounds" type of tired. That "Ayo, why does this hard ass desk feel mad comfortable all of a sudden" type of tired. That plain and simple "a bitch is TIDE not tired" type of tired. Anyways, we recognize this as a current problem, and we know that we've gotta do something about it. Expeditiously. So, we hit up the vending machine, get something to wake us up a little, and then head on home.
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When I say that it took everything to get up those stairs and to our bedroom...listen.
Like, as soon as we got through the door, we dropped that backpack to the floor, and we dive -- you hear me, dive -- into that bed. Now, with the way that we were feeling, dreamland should've been immediate. To be real with you, we were probably asleep by the time we were mid-air, but like, when we landed, we landed on something, and this something -- or rather someone -- goes "Ow". Like huuuuuuuh?
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Again: Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Fuck you mean, "Ow?" Like who the hell is yooooooooou?!
No, like, we literally ask who he -- ...it? --- is, because clearly, he was not here when we left, let alone just chilling in our bed, but he's just super casual about it, like, "Oh! I'm Vance!". Like, oh, right, Vance; that suddenly makes this whole situation totally normal and nothing to worry about -- as if that were even slightly true.
Here's the thing though, oddly enough, it actually is kind've true. See, we're not scared of him as a...whatever he is, but something about him is just...not right; something is very clearly off. Like, when he had introduced himself, he had shook our hand, and we immediately got this mad intense feeling of dread that we couldn't describe, and something about it just kind've made us feel like we were, quite literally, spiraling into insanity.
Naturally, we pull ourselves away from him and step back -- that spiraling feeling and anxiety is instantly gone. As you've probably guessed, it didn't take us long to put together that it's not good for this "Vance" creature to be too close in proximity, let alone anywhere near us.
He kind've picks up on this, and he's adamant that he's not going to hurt us. Still, we try to explain to him that, while we're not really threatened by him, we get this weirdly intense feeling whenever he's nearby, and he essentially needs to stay a little more than an arm's length away at all times; frankly, the further away, the better. Well...
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He didn't take that well, and now, we feel threatened by him.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Vance was already pretty upset that we wouldn't really let him come near us, let alone cuddle with him, but now he's extra pissed because we're essentially rejecting him altogether, even though he's, quite literally, driving us insane.
So, now that he's like this, we've got to get the hell out of there because, now, we aren't sure if he's still on the whole "I'm not going to hurt you" energy like before. That being said, we completely bolt, and he's like "Nah, bring that ass here, boi". Panic. Big panic time.
So, we do. We run off, but it does no good, because he finds us.
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Granted, he doesn't know exactly where we are, but it doesn't matter because we're completely cornered. What are we going to do?
Well, let me rephrase that I know what I'm going to do; better yet, I know what I did. Now you guys on the other hand? Lol, I'll guess you'll have to play it for yourself to see what y'all are going to do.
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I had honestly forgotten how good this game was until I had replayed it to grab some screenshots and to get a refresher on what actually went down. I'm not even kidding about that. My love for the game had literally re-sparked, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was. If you've read my past reviews, you know that I mentioned at one point that I become an absolute slut for a choice-heavy game -- this is a choice heavy game and a damned good one. Speaking of choice-heavy...
Just to get off topic very slightly, you know what was crazy? When I went to replay it, apparently, I had done something different than when I had first played though the game and lmaoooooo, do you know that I had ended up finding THREE more endings? Wanna know something even crazier? One of them was a secret ending that I didn't even realize that I had gotten to!
Now mind you (lol you know the story is about to get a lil' spicy when that's said)! I had already unlocked like...if I remember right, like, 14 endings at this point, so when I found these other endings -- again, by total accident because, at this point, damn the review! I'm legit replaying the game for me, now -- I was now sitting at a grand total of 17 endings. So, now, I'm like "Ayo, what the hell?". Like, my mind is blown, because I was so sure that I had found all of the endings and completed the game. Remember, I hadn't touched or thought about this game in literal months because I was that confident that I had finished it. So, it's like, how many endings are there if I'm still managing to find more?
Naturally, I sprint to the dev's game page to conduct research on this burning question, and I am reading everything that there is to offer, but there was nothing. No "hey, this game has x amount of endings", no walkthrough map, no nothing. Did that stop me, though? Nah, because surely someone had experienced something similar to what I just had and was also like "Damn, how many endings are there...?". Lmaooooo well, I was right. You know what the answer is?
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19. There are nineteen endings in this game.
I already knew the answer, but I go back to count the amount of endings that I have; there's 17. I dig into the game files for some more hints, and I find two icons (you'll know what I mean when you play it) that I've never seen before. Oh, okay. So, it's confirmed, but let me make sure that I've got the details straight:
Are you seriously telling me that, not only had I incorrectly assumed that I had all of the endings and finished the game because I had gotten all of the achievements, but the fact that I found three other endings -- again, by accident! -- doesn't even matter because I'm still missing two more because there's NINETEEN ENDINGS total?!
Wild. Chaotic even, and you're damn right that I'm here for it all. I LOVE that there are so many endings. I love even more that I have other endings to look for because I'm totally in love with this game all over again. Even though, lol, it was the deadpan, nonchalant "19" from the dev for me. The dev said "I said what I said, and what about it?". We love to see it.
Anyways, I'm a huge advocate for this game. If you've got some time, definitely give it a try. I highly recommended, and Vance is a pretty sweet dude, if you can find that side of him, I mean. Also, just for a very light spoiler but not really, the real ending was so sweet to me. Like something about it, it just...I don't know. It was just a warm feeling that washed over me when I had read it, and I was just like "That was actually really cute?" Bittersweet, even. Like, ugh, I am honestly really pushing for more people to play this game. It was genuinely so good, and I hope that the dev comes out with more visual novels. I truly forgot how in love with this game I was until I replayed it. This has, highkey, been a great experience.
Anywho, it's time that I stop my rambling and end it here. If you'd like to give this game a go for yourself and discover all 🌟nineteen🌟 endings -- which I highly recommend that you do -- a link to the game is at the very bottom of this post as well as at the very top. Hell, I'll even put the link right here so you can get to it quicker. If you're feeling extra motivated, visit the dev's page and post a comment telling them how great of a job they did and give them that extra validation to let them know "Hey! You're pretty good at what you do! You should keep doing the thing!". I didn't see where you could donate to them, but assuming I just missed it, remember that monetary validation is always helpful as well.
That's all from me though! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Science of Staying Awake
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hekateinhell · 6 months
I just need to get something off my chest real quick, there's really no need to read this unless you want to because you're bored lmao.
So I used to be really good at answering the asks I got. I wouldn't say I answered all of them, but I think overall I had a good ratio for a long time! And I loved it! I think the asks feature is the best thing that tumblr has to offer as a social media platform (god knows just about everything else sucks).
I loved getting asks and answering them and it's a great way to talk to others in our little fandom bubbles and trade thoughts and insights with one another. My mental health did take quite a few hits in the past several months, and part of that was real life (school, sickness, death in the family) and part of that was bullshit fandom drama.
But it just occurred to me yesterday that the reason I'm nowhere near as prolific in answering the asks I get is because I have always put so much effort into putting disclaimers behind all my meta, walking on eggshells so people won't throw tantrums every time I share an opinion they don't like.
And you know what? That just made me an nervous, erratic person afraid of her own tumblr shadow. The thought of having to do all the work to put ten thousand disclaimers behind everything I say so some asshole won't vague me because I accidentally hurt their feelings just made me not want to reply to anything at all. It's fucking exhausting having to think of every scenario in which people might interpret whatever you're saying (about fictional characters may I remind you) in the worst light possible.
In the end all that time and effort I put into censoring myself—because I try to be a nice person, I don't want anyone to feel bad because of me, regardless of the fact that that's been never my intention—in the end none of that mattered! There's people that have been vaguing me for almost two years now and it's not like I go seeking out this information but it's a small fandom and I stumble over it on another blog or some shit every once in a while.
Agonizing over whether or not some random is going to interpret everything I say in the worst possible faith and have a fit on main about my shit takes and make a block list of people who interact with my posts is just so stupid honestly, and trying to censor myself didn't do me a shred of good. People still regularly call me names and insult my intelligence because of the characters I ship, the meta I write, and the kinks I enjoy talking about. It doesn't even matter if I've been active recently or not, they're still mad about stuff I said ages ago! I can't win!
So from now on I'm just to do my best to break this depressing old habit and be online without being apologetic and diminishing my own opinions, answer asks however the hell I want without feeling obligated to coddle a bunch of grown ass adults, and if people want to cry about it, there's a box of tissues in the corner. Go nuts. ♥️
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
Ooh okay soo! I think this is how you ask to partake in your ice cream event…. But can I order…
Matcha Green tea + Candy…
For an idea… Perhaps both the reader and MGT (yes I am now casually calling Heicho that) both have feeling for each other, but Green Tea tries to keep Reader away from him, to try and cut out his feelings. But after they/he have a close call on a mission he realises he can’t go without telling them how he really feels 🤭
I’m not sure if we specify preferred pronouns, but ig AFAB? No worries if you change it! <3
Excited to see this event <3
Order up!! One matcha green tea with candy for Koko!!
Sky's Summer and 250 Follower Event!
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☾ Pairing ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!Reader (could be gn! tho)
☾ Content/Warning ➼ canon, season 4 (raid on liberio), injured reader, mutual pining, confession, fluff, slight hurt but mainly comfort, iykyk about the ending 🫡🫢
☾ A/N ➼ Hi Koko!! Sorry this took so long, I'm slowly but surely working on these requests lol. When I got Baldur's Gate 3, I kind of just got tunnel vision and forgot that I had a job to do LMAO. But I did it!! I hope you like it, I had some fun with it. It is dialogue heavy but it turned out okay I think lol. Anyways!! Thank you for sending in a request! Have a lovely rest of your evening/day whenever you see this! <3
☾ Wordcount ➼ ~2.8k
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The sound of your feet squishing in the thick mud is the only sound you hear outside of the rushing of blood that runs in your ears from your anger. Your goal is in sight, a lantern lit and casting shadows against canvas confirming that the one person you want to see right now is still awake. You're not just mad, you're annoyed and a little offended.
The moment you reach the tent you were so adamant to reach, you don't hesitate to pull back the flap and step in. You're met with a back turned to you as the owner leans over a table on both arms to look at something. He doesn't say anything, but you know he knows you're here.
“Levi, what the hell?” You raise a piece of paper clutched between tight fingers, crinkled from being balled up in the minutes it took you to find the captain.
“Why are you still here? Head back to Shiganshina.” Levi's voice is low. Not in a threatening way, just tired. Exhausted. Even in his white undershirt, you can see his back muscles tense as his fingers grip the edge of the desk.
“I'm not going.” You press, digging your heels into the soft floor of Levi's tent.
“Yes, you are. It's an order.”
“I'm not going back. You can't make me.”
“The hell I can't. Are you really about to fight a direct order?” Levi finally turns around to face you, arms crossed against his chest as he scowls at you. Steel gray eyes cut at you with annoyance and you're quick to shoot back daggers of stubborn defiance.
“No. I don't want you with us. I said you're staying here.” Levi seethes.
You huff heavily as you rip up his written request to return home, letting the pieces flutter to the ground. You turn on your heels and storm out of the tent, your hands balling into fists so tight that your nails dig into your palms with angry tears pricking in the corners of your eyes. He can order you all he wants but you were not out of options. Commander Hange’s tent was your next destination.
If looks could kill, Captain Levi would have murdered you ten times over. You didn't have to look his way to know that his icy glare bore holes in the back of your head as you both waited in the shadows for any sign that Eren needed backup.
“Does the back of my head look appealing to you?” You retort dryly, making sure your voice was quiet enough to not be found out but loud enough for Levi's sensitive ears to pick up.
“Hardly.” His gaze doesn't leave though, that much you know.
“I don't regret coming.”
“Tch, I'm sure you don't.”
“Are you going to be mad at me all night?” Your fingers tap nervously on the metal of your guns, the noise of it echoing down the alley you and Levi were in. Not at Levi's attitude to you, but for the fight that is already ensuing around you.
“Depends. Will you zip to a roof and away from the battle until it's time to leave?”
“Then yes, I will be mad at you all night.”
You don't respond back to that. You really don't regret coming but Levi was sure to make every moment hell. From the silent treatment on the way to Libero to the dirty glances and tongue clicks thrown your way.
Fortunately, it seems you didn't need to wait very long as you watched the jaw titan leap off the roof and onto Eren's titan – its jaws already bearing down onto his neck. You finally glance back at Levi to get the okay and you watch something flash in his eyes before they narrow at you.
“He took too long. It's time to go.”
As you're about to fly up to the roof, you feel Levi grip your arm in tight fingers.
“Don't you dare die. If there's any order you're going to obey, follow that.” He doesn't wait for you to answer before throwing himself out into the raging battlefield.
You followed orders – you didn't die, though you're not sure how.
As all fights went, things happened too fast. Fellow scouts whirred around you as you tried to get from point A to point B, shooting anyone that got in your way without the scout emblem on their uniform. There were too many close calls but overall, you were doing well. Shooting was always your strong suit… but maneuvering?
You thought you were clear to zip to where Levi stood on top of the fallen beast titan's body with Zeke Jaeger in his grip. He's growling something down to the worn out Marleyan when he looks up to the noise of your ODM gear.
At first, his heavy lidded eyes glance at you impassively. But in a split second, they widen in shock as something shoves you to the side with enough force that your hooks release from the brick building you were latched onto. You're flung backwards into a pile of rubble, a plume of dust exploding on impact.
You're so disoriented that you don't feel the pain that shoots through your whole body. Your ears ring as you attempt to move but your limbs are filled with lead. It takes what feels like years for some senses to come back to you. The first thing you feel is the soreness of being thrown out of the air. The next is the sharp and agonizing pain originating from your left shoulder and radiating through your bones. Even though it's muffled, you hear your name being yelled out. Cracking an eye open, you see a shadow of a figure coming straight at you with stars dancing around them.
“Dumbass!” Levi shouts, his voice warbled from the high pitch whine in your ears. You attempt to open your eyes fully, struggling to do so. Through heavy blinks, you see gray eyes blown wide in panic.
“M'fine Levi.” Is all you're able to get out before your vision fails you and your senses cut out once again.
It feels as if you blinked and suddenly you're transported somewhere else. The moment your eyes open, you're met with a sheer curtain blowing in the gentle breeze coming from the open window. Sunlight filters through in soft rays. You're propped up against multiple pillows and lying in a plush bed. Everything aches.
As you blink awake, you look down at the state you're in.
Your body is wrapped in white bandages that circle around your chest multiple times then around your shoulder, covering enough that a top wasn't needed. You're so stiff that you can't move very easily even if you wanted to. You think you feel something wrapping around your head as well, which throbs in pain. But you're breathing easily and every toe and finger wiggle without issue. You take a look at your surroundings next.
You're in a room that looks very familiar to you. Not like you've been in this room specifically, but the architecture is something you know. Wooden paneled walls, dark wood floors, basic furniture. You almost miss it as your eyes scan the room, but they double take back to the disheveled man sleeping in what looks to be a very uncomfortable chair in an even more uncomfortable position.
He's slouched all the way back with an arm draped over his eyes, soft snores escaping the pouty lips that sit agape. He's back in the regular scout uniform, straps and all. His green cape wraps around him, the only other sign of life outside of the soft noises he makes is the lift of his shoulders as he breathes.
“Levi?” Your voice comes out scratchy and hoarse, dry from the lack of moisture.
Levi's arm slips off and he sits up with a start, his eyes looking around in surprise until they fall on you. As if a weight lifts off his chest, his face relaxes at the sight of you. He's quick to stand up and move to the other side of the room where you are before sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. The sudden shift in weight moves your body and you can't help the wince that contorts your face as a hiss escapes between your clenched teeth.
“No, it's okay.” You assure when Levi moves to get up. He stays. Reaching over, he grabs the lukewarm glass of water that sits on the bedside table next to you and hovers it in front of your face. You get the hint and lean back more so he can tip it back for you, the water relieving the soreness in the back of your throat.
“Were you even thinking?” He asks once you're done. His eyebrows furrow, a look of concern laced with anxiety and a hint of anger pointed in your direction. He sets the glass back down on the wood with a ‘thunk'.
“I just thought you could use the backup.”
“I was fine. You should have gone to higher ground with the others.”
“I didn't want to sit idle while your back was open.”
“You know better than to worry about me. You're lucky the other brats were there to help grab the asshole because otherwise I-.”
“Levi, did you stay just to berate me?” Annoyance seeps into your tone as you lean back to stare at the white ceiling. Tears prick the corners of your eyes. From frustration at your situation. From the way Levi was talking to you. At yourself for making Levi so upset.
“I told you to stay here. You wouldn't have been hurt if you just stayed.”
“I was not okay with the idea of watching everyone go without me. If something happened while I was here twiddling my thumbs, I would never forgive myself.”
“And if you died, I would never have forgiven myself.”
“Why do you even care? Scouts join with the threat of dying looming over our heads all the time. I know what I signed up for.” Your eyes glare daggers into Levi's face, which stays deadpan as always.
“Because I care about you, dumbass.” Levi growls, standing up abruptly with his back to you. You can tell his arms are crossed even with the cape obscuring his upper body. He starts pacing between the desk and the bed.
“Pfft yeah okay, Captain.”
“Is it so hard to believe that I'd care about my team?”
“I'm not on your team and I didn't see you fighting to make anyone else stay home.”
“You're so dense. You know that?” Levi whips around to face you and you're shocked to find a much softer expression than what his tone indicated.
You don't get another word in as your mouth is cut off by Levi striding over to you in a few short steps and leaning down to press his lips onto yours roughly. You instantly feel his frustration, so palpable on your tongue as he kisses you deeply.
It takes a moment for you to register what's happening and when you do, you don't hold back. Even though your body screams in agony, you pull your arms up and wrap them around Levi's neck to pull him closer as you mirror back the same intensity he was giving you.
Levi pulls away and tilts his head so that his cool forehead is resting against yours. He sighs. It's as if that pent up anger and fear he had chewing on his insides were now free, and all he felt was relief.
“I couldn't lose you. I thought if I pushed you to stay here, you would stay safe. Not saying I was right but…” He trails off.
“I'm sorry.” You whisper back, finally finding your voice.
Eventually he pulls away and sits back on the bed, staring straight ahead to the bare walls so that all you see is his side profile. His jaw tenses as he clenches it in thought. There's a soft pink dusting his cheeks from what you can tell.
“You don't need to apologize. I'm the one that's sorry, for not being honest about how I feel about you before we left. If I had, maybe you would have stayed. ”
“And how do you feel about me?”
Levi suddenly starts picking at an invisible string that must be hanging off his coat sleeve. You've never seen Levi so bashful, so shy. He doesn't even look at you as he mumbles away, voice barely audible.
“Don't make me say it.”
“These wounds may kill me, you know.” You tease.
“Tch, you're going to be fine.”
“Levi…” You say softly, reaching over to tug on his cape to get his attention. When he looks over to you, his expression looks wary like the night before the raid. Dark circles cut into the porcelain skin under his eyes which were droopy with exhaustion.
“I-I think I like you. I have for a while.”
“That much I can tell.” You retort, feeling your face bloom in heat at his adorable confession. Levi Ackerman could cut down twenty titans in the span of fifteen minutes, but he can't talk about his feelings. It was comical, in a very endearing way.
“Don’t tease me or I'll never open up to you again.” He threatens though his voice contains no malice.
“Okay, okay. But why did you wait so long to say anything?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“I thought if I just ignored the feeling, kept you at arms length, it would go away.”
“And did it?” A smirk tugs at your lips.
“Obviously not, stupid.”
You reach your hand out to Levi, palm open and fingers loose. He regards you once again, sighing heavily before taking it into his own. His skin is calloused from his years of ODM gear usage.
“I like you too, Levi.” You give him a lopsided grin when he looks into your eyes, searching for the same sincerity that you laced into your voice. You really did, and like him you didn't say anything for the longest time. Why though, you weren't sure. Maybe for the same reason. The room is quiet save for the distant chatter from outside the window, until Levi finally pipes up eventually.
“You know, we probably don't have time for something like this right now.” He watches you with apprehension. Like he was asking for you to refute that, not like he had to ask.
“Isn't that more reason to push for it if our time is so limited anyways?”
“We could lose each other so easily in this line of work.”
“If I'm going to die anyways, I might as well live it the way I want to. I'd like to spend the rest of it with you, if you'll have me.” This catches Levi off-guard. His lips purse at the thought, but he doesn't dismiss it. In fact, a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth after a moment.
“When I get back, we'll talk about it all.”
“So you are leaving. Is that why you're dressed in your uniform?” You frown.
“They're sending me to watch over the stupid monkey and there's no telling how long I'll be out there. I just didn't want to leave without making sure you were okay.”
“I'm going with you.” You shoot up, the pillows behind you toppling over. Despite the pain shooting throughout your system, you bite back the wince and attempt to throw your legs over the side of the bed.
“Don't even think about it! You're not going.” Levi grabs your leg and holds it down, stopping your momentum.
“And why not?”
“You didn't listen to me last time, listen to me now. You need to heal otherwise you're just a liability. Stay. Here.”
“You know, worry is a two way street. If we’re going to make this work, you need to be okay with me fretting over you too.” You point a finger between you and him to make the point. “I don't like the idea of you being out there with him.”
“I won't be alone, I'll be fine.”
“I'm going to need more than a ‘I'll be fine’, Levi.”
He leans towards you, both arms propped on either side of your hips and he's close enough you can smell the mint and tea leaves on his breath. There's a clarity in his eyes that wasn't there before, erasing any sign of exhaustion.
“I promise I'll be back. No matter what shape I'm in. Even if that asshole finds a way out of his shackles, I will find a way back to you.”
He leans in and kisses you again. This time softer, slower. One that sends tingles down your spine and into the tips of your toes. Before pulling away, he kisses the top of your head.
“And when I see you again, we will talk about us.”
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tagging for my levi girlies (from my taglist!): @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @youre-ackermine @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @secretmoneybearvoid @apolloshaiku @sujiroses @jadam724 @e-riellaaa @kamyru @highgoon69 @missyasma @kingkonoha @sckerman @notgoodforlife @nube55 @svftackerman @velouria17
If you'd like to be a part of my taglist for future projects, please go to the link on my pinned post!!
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vigilskeep · 11 months
i just wish to inform you that i am insane about tristan. as an avid cousland stan he compels me in ways i cannot fully put into words. does he have interests outside of the courtly duties he had to learn? like does he care for battle strategies and such?? what is his opinion on loghain??
yes he has a very well-rounded noble education, combat too!! despite knowing the kind of life he was intended for, they couldn’t blatantly leave him out without risking questions, they couldn’t risk him being the only heir left and untrained if anything happened to fergus, and also i suspect bryce has no idea how else to interact with a child. between that, his magical training, and his noble education, tristan barely had any time for interests of his own, and it’s almost lucky he’s a creature of boundless roaring unspent energy. he’s intelligent, chivalrous; though he’s not nearly as talkative after the events of the origin, he’s wry and charming and he should be well-spoken and well-read enough to hold his own when asked to speak on anything. i’m drawing on, like, chivalric archetypes, courtier ideals, and even, idk, regency novel style standards for the “accomplished lady”. he can charm, he can entertain guests, he can rule, he can fight, he can play music, he can cast judgement, he can write, he can settle land disputes, he can cast walking bomb, and hell, he can even dance
physically, these days, he doesn’t train as much as he did as a boy hoping he could convince his father of a few things, but he still maintains his fitness. a little more vanity in that than dedication to combat, though, lmao. it mayyy be more about looks nowadays than actual strength. also just about being a big wolf in a small cage who is so foundationally bored. the same way cousland’s mabari acts up in the castle because it’s a war dog playing nursemaid. you gotta pace along the bars of your enclosure sometimes, because eventually you run out of books to read and catastrophically bad ideas of who to sleep with. he has a high-ish con score for a mage that i would put down to the above
as for loghain, he was a hero of his as a child. i think a specific part of tristan’s background is being raised on glorified tales of the rebellion and idealising that, romanticising it, and coming to understand that he would never be permitted to achieve anything like the warlike standard that had been set up for him. (he has such bad luck with this. he used to be genuinely fond of arl howe because his visits meant news from outside highever and stories from the old days.) anyway, with loghain, tristan also likes the idea of a historically great “right hand man” somewhat in the shadow of his king’s greatness, because tristan believed he would always be effectively that to his teyrn father and brother. at ostagar he’s spitting mad at cailan, and only his respect for loghain has him following the plan. tristan’s not got quite the head for pitched battle strategy—that was one of the things he was explicitly not really trained for—but he’s educated in history, he’s as good as you’ll find in siege warfare, etc. similar to alistair, he has every good, knowledgeable, evidence-backed reason to trust in the ostagar strategy. afterwards, he can barely react to loghain’s actions. it’s something of a quiet final death knell for the person he used to be, the things he used to believe in, when he wakes up in flemeth’s hut. howe could be an anomaly; loghain can’t
but it’s worth saying that if tristan said what he wants to say to loghain about ostagar—that if he had any heart, any honour, he’d have stayed with cailan, died with cailan if necessary—he’s not really talking about loghain. or ostagar. survivor’s guilt is a bitch
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
I know it wasn't the focus of your misogyny post so if I'm overstepping please ignore me, but it also really makes me mad when people "conveniently forget" that Ashton is nonbinary, especially when it justifies their shitty opinions (ie he's One Of The Boys™ so he's always correct and can do no wrong thanks to his male-based intellect unlike the awful evil women or he's an Evil Manipulative Man™ who's going out of his way to use his male-ness to harm these poor innocent helpless women because he said/did anything negative towards them). Like please y'all, they're not a man PLEASE they said their pronouns IN THE FIRST EPISODE PLEASE. Feel free to like/dislike Ashton all you want cause that's perfectly fair, but for the love of god don't be transphobic (especially to be sexist) when you do it??? Is that too much to ask??? Idk if I'm making sense/getting upset at nothing because I've seen a lot of people dismiss this as being silly or getting mad at nothing, but idk as a masc enby a lot of discussions around Ashton feel so gross? Idk though, once again ignore if I'm overstepping or anything
you are not being silly and you are not getting mad at nothing or overstepping. it's a huge problem.
i've seen way more of the former where he is misgendered as a cis male as a positive trait, so i'll be talking more about that. will be reposting my tags about this trend in fandom because i've already said my piece on it.
ashton is "schrodinger's man" to these people when they're bored with ignoring/erasing orym's respect and care towards the women in his life. they're nonbinary and trans when they're being directly defended against fans who only like the women, and they're a cis male who is a victim of violent misandry when complaining about previous drama or shipping laudmo/ore (willing to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe some of that blending is them including cis male actor taliesin jaffe but then again). the idea that shardgate was Feminism Going Too Far is an actual statement that i've seen going around the fandom, and it's gotten worse now with swordgate.
didja know there are people insisting laudna should have been abandoned by the hells or fearne should have gotten "harsher punishment" when her dad nearly killed her because both women did something selfish/impulsive and ashton was yelled at and punished for doing something selfish/impulsive? the They Only Were Upset With Ashton Because He Is A Man argument is so fucking dumb. bro almost nuked himself without telling anybody else and was the only one not forcing the shard down fearne's throat, of course they'd come to blows. and you wanna know why they didn't scream at fearne or laudna? BECAUSE THEY LEARNED TO NOT DO THAT. THEY HAD A THERAPY SESSION SPECIFICALLY TO AVOID DOING THAT SHIT AGAIN
and it really does make it obnoxious because i like him and orym's dynamic but it's so fucking frustrating seeing people make them into bell's hells leaders and Voices Of Reason just so they can say "orym is always correct because dead husband and imogen is a salty selfish bitch" or "ashton is always correct because tough love & street smarts and imogen is just a salty selfish bitch" that it immediately sets off red flags for me if someone says those guys are their favorite bh characters. and it sucks because i love orym and ashton too!
obligatory "both sides though" mention: yes. there are im/odna shippers that fantasize about "punishing" or murdering ashton. they do that to dorian and orym too. i am aware of them and i have seen them. i have 90% of them blocked lmao
and i have also talked about this before but the amount of people i've seen insisting callowm/oore is a bad homophobic cishet ship that erases fearne's pansexuality is BIZARRE. this argument was used to prop up fearn/iture which makes no fucking sense to me since chetney is, as far as we know, cisgender. we might not know ashton's sexuality proper but it's safe to assume they aren't heterosexual as they've flirted with people of many genders. also there was this genuine debate if as/hrym was a homophobic ship because orym only dates men... and. well. i don't think it'd be the same as shipping keyleth with orym, let's put it that way lol
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mint-yooxgi · 8 months
YELLING about that anon because what the actual HELL 💀💀💀
This is not me tryna start discourse in your inbox or anything I promise, but I actually HATE most yandere's i see because I'm so tired of seeing abuse of any types against women in media being claimed to be 'hOt and rOmAnTiC' 🤢 which is why i loved and appreciated hotel california so much because i love love love obsessive possessive ill destroy the world for you love interests like yes please be so obsessed with me!!!!!!! idk we can have all that and MORE without the woman being subjected to horrible shit it's just as hot im sorry 💀
Im reading the second part (i forgot the name im SORRY 😭) and imo the guys' behavior is still 💀🤔 sometimes and im cool with that LMAO like yandere and tsunderes and all that isnt just one thing or another like you SAID so anon needs to relax like imagine getting so mad over a fanfic lol
Just keep doing you my friend! You're working on a commission right? Hope that's going along well for you!!!!!
Oh, believe me, Anon, you're not the only one who doesn't enjoy those types of yanderes. It's one of the reasons I write mine the way I do now. That, and it just gets so boring and repetitive to see that as the only interpretation of a yandere in my opinion. It's... not fun to write if it's all the same. At least for me.
I really appreciate you sending me such a sweet ask, and I could not agree more with what you've said about women's abuse being glorified and romanticized in media. I can't stand that.
Lmaooo literally, imagine getting so heated about a FREE fan fiction on a FREE webbed site.
Thank you so much for your support, it really means a lot to me! The commission is going well, the hiatus is definitely helping me focus on it more, so I might be gone a little longer than I said, but we'll see how it goes!
I hope you have a lovely day, and happy reading!!
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boberttawog · 2 months
Pt 2 of that random thing I did. I don't remember where I stopped but they kinda went to the garden from zagan her party so ye
Zagan sat next to norma, who was quite devastated from the outburst of temeluchus. She tried to forget but could've brought herself to do so, "I know he can be quite a pain in the ass but, he is a demon king after all...yknow?" Zagan spoke to norma with a soft voice as she looked at zag with a shocked expression."Is it true?.." "What?" Zagan asked surprised "that temeluchus was something else?" *zagan burst into laughter."Like what? That fat guy isn't anyone special. I know he's a king and all that, but not really anything more." Norma pulled out the book she studied demonology in and showed zagan a page that she wouldn't expect to see. A picture of a pitch black demon with curved red teeth but it was labeled temeluchus and had the symbol on the page showing he is in the demon royal family. "What the hell is that? Looks like madness and evil itself. Kinda looks like an ugly ass dragon. " norma looked at zagan with a glare that just said,"u fr rn?'Oh please, that ain't temeluchus! They don't even get his dead name." Norma pointed to the small name under the bigger one. Temeluchus and underneath were the name tiamo. "Oh, never mind, I take that part back -" they kept glancing at the page as norma read out one sentence. "Who was once root of pureness and good itself turned out to end up as the root of evil and terror." Norma looked as if she just saw a ghost.
Rarw I'm bored lmao cya
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macbookamateur · 2 years
red, white and royal blue
gang I've been in a reading slump since finishing Hell Bent, loved it and just couldn't move on combined with boring life stuff, but RWRB has yanked me out of it like nothing else.
guys, forgive my foolishness, but I thought this book was your classic aimed-at-tweens PG mlm romance, the cover was all pink and really gave me shitty holiday unhealthy romance book vibes, but I wanted something light and easy so I bought it a while back.
I could not have been more wrong. I know everyone knows this, I swear I'm the last person on the planet to read it (shout out to @bored-already for recommending I actually read this book I bought and giving a great summary/pitch), but I fucking. Love. This. Book.
I mean the SMUT. The DEPTH. The ROMANCE (enemies to lovers?? Come on, I'm only human). BANTER. I know I put smut first but there's other more important parts to this I just - representation, humour, mental health rep, social justice, alternate reality where Tr*mp is never mentioned, you want a more ideal (yet somehow realistic??) America then this book PROVIDES. There's actual politics in it as well, smacked me in the face after diving into what I thought would be an easy thoughtless read lmao. I can't believe I avoided this for so long. I'm mad at myself for not reading it sooner yet I wish I could forget it and read it again for the first time.
also consistently baffled by how Casey McQuiston actually manages to make both the British and American characters sound like they're genuinely from Texas or another state or the UK?? I'm British and didn't live in the US for more than a few years but I know enough that I notice far too many good books by authors who have been writing for decades have all characters from whichever country they aren't from talk SO stereotypically and it's painful - I was prepared to get vaguely annoyed and overlook it like usual, but hot damn did they nail it.
CHARACTER CONSISTENCY as well. I'm a slut for characters staying making decisions that make sense for them and RWRB is full of that, love it.
I don't want to spoil anything in case I'm somehow actually not the last person on earth to read it, but I cried. Boy did I cry. Something that totally 100% has nothing to do with my recent breakup but I stand by the tears anyway, this books will make you feel things. It's beautiful and heartwarming and again cannot thank @bored-already enough, you're my hero and I'm reading everything else you sent me asap.
Goddamn. 9/10.
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katasstrophy · 2 years
he did so!! it was so cute!! I love horror too so it was fun!! But the funniest part was when we were walking out he got a text from Isagi and co. to come to this sports bar to watch Noel Noa's game that night. Rin rolled his eyes and huffed while I lightly bullied him to agree bc damn does he need friends. What finally got him to agree was me getting down on one knee and 'proposing' to him to take me with him to the sports bar to romantically watch a football game together~ and it caused .2/3
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the ask up top!! ^^^^
Rin so much secondhand embarrassment, he grabbed me by my arm, flustered and annoyed as all hell, and dragged me away but not before I screamed, "HE SAID YES!! :DDD" Boy was gonna throttle me. But we went to the sports bar!! He met up with friends and got to bully people lightly and talked football strategies with Isagi while I fed him nachos!! Told Bachira about our date and getting Rin to the bar, and he said 'wowwww Rin might actually kill you' 'I know man it's gonna be so hot' .3/3
i hope this isn’t too confusing i tried my best to remedy the situation again i’m really sorry :(( but !!!
omg that is saaauurrr cute. rinnie baby dating someone who’s just as into horror as he is waaahhh that’s some it couple energy right there <3 i’d bet y’all would try to find the most obscure horror films once you both get bored of the mainstream stuff lol. the biggest question before movie night starts is do you actually wanna feel the adrenaline (because ppsshhh you don’t get scared nuh uh🙄) or make fun of the shitty jump scares iconic.
(i can’t do horror for the life of me but i’m rooting for y’all!! i can just be his true crime girlie<3 which rin would find so strange and weird he’d be like “so you get scared from fictional murderers but real life murderers are okay?” “well i guess if you put it like that yeah” “…. what’s wrong with you” LMAO)
OMG NOT THE PROPOSAL PLS HE’D HATE IT SO MUCH (lie he hates that he’s blushing because he secretly loves your weird ass antics). pls he needs someone to gently coax him out of his comfort zone 🥺 like yeah his quote on quote friends are loud and stupid and blablabla but he can suffer through it spend time with them<3 my fave part was definitely the ‘i know man it’s gonna be so hot’ IM CRYING nonnie you get it yeah absolutely. rin being mad just does something to me ya know 🥴 i think it’s the eyes and how dead and uninteresting they look 😍 yummmm amiright?? ;))) (no he loves you so much okay he just has the emotional intelligence of a lamppost cut him some slack)
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pebblysand · 1 year
Heyyy!! Loved reading your thoughts on the show, oh godd yess I love Chrishell and I genuinely don't see how someone can look at the whole issue between her and Nicole and think she's in the wrong there, especially when Chrishell didn't even take any money of that deal( which even if she did would not have been a big deal because her name was on the freaking listing!!) and implying that she got it just because Jason had a crush on her that was so damaging cause it somehow reduces her proffesional accomplishments to if a guy had a crush on her which was so juvenile, and I was laughing at that drugs bit and the whole storming off and everything because yeah considering their lifestyles they probably do take drugs and the blatant refusal that no I've never done them from Nicole was just like seriously, honestly this fight even wasn't that fun cause Nicole is such a boring "villain" in a sense she just seems to be after Chrishell loll, I was side eyeing Jason's new relationship a bit especially when he was like she's not 24 she turned 25 today like seriously, and yeah while I did feel bad for Mary she is not a good boss, I'm always oscillating on Chelsea I loved the way she called out Nicole but she has a raging superiority complex, Heather just seems pointless to me and I'm liking bre being firm and not taking Chelsea's shit also this got like way too long but I just had so many thoughts and yes will definitely listen to the podcast it sounds so funn
LMAO YES! more selling sunset talk!
i love that all my followers seem to be #teamchrishell. that is delightful.
omg i missed that bit about chrishell not even taking the money on that listing! what the hell is nicole on about then?? as i said, i feel like the whole criticism of her getting the listing because jason had a crush on her is so unfair because it's not even accusing her of sleeping with him. like, at least if you accuse someone of sleeping with the boss to get a listing, that's something *they* are doing, you know? sleeping with someone is something you can control. here, she's accusing her of getting the listing because jason had a crush which... you know what? probably true. also totally irrelevant. chrishell can't do anything about jason's *crush*, it's not something she controls! what was she supposed to do? say no? my girl needs money and cred to pay for those outfits lmao 🤣.
hard agree on nicole being a boring villain. it's like the producers were like: right, now that christine's out, we need drama. who can we find who has a Very Minor Beef with chrishell which we can then blow out of proportion to create unnecessary drama? 🙄. you couldn't pay me enough money to work in that office, honestly. and, as i said in my original post, i feel like chrishell is always in a difficult position on the show cause she's clearly smarter than everyone else. so she wins, like, every argument she's ever been in because no one's a worthy opponent lmao. (and, yeah, they're all definitely high 24/7 like how else do you survive the sheer dumbness of their lives?)
jason is a man child. his girlfriend's age wouldn't even be an issue if his penthouses also weren't a fucking scam (10+ million for a "penthouse" that's literally an apartment cause it's not even on the last floor - are you mad?? i know the LA market now, i know a scam when i see one. in hindsight, how dare he give shit to davina?) and his behaviour refusing to address the chrishell v. nicole issue (which HE created) is despicable. mary is a terrible boss, but so is he. and what the hell is the second twin doing - whatever his name is? my favourite character remains romaine-like-the-salad (one of my favourite things about the show is how his own wife can't even pronounce his name correctly) who just seems to be *there* and taking all the money he can get whilst watching all this drama unfold. i'm waiting for him to divorce and fuck off to tahiti, lol.
i agree heather is pointless, but i like her in her pointlessness. she seems happy. chelsea - i just find her So Cringe. like why are trying to make your accent so #street and #london, you do not have the talent of 2005 lily allen to make up for it. bre and the other one (what's her name again? the "quesadilla entrepreneur"?) are just unnecessary background drama with "famous" clients no one has ever heard of.
why do i watch this show? 😅
(but jokes aside, thanks for the message, in light of yesterday it's made me laugh!)
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oretsev · 2 years
hi helloo, i'd just written a novel in ur askbox about s&b and then tumblr crashed and it was all lost :') maybe for the better because it was a total mess of thoughts lmao so let me try to summarise my feelings a bit (im sorry this turned out REALLY long)
i HATE that they speedran s&s and r&r in the most bullshit way possible. the entire amplifier hunt was basically removed, at least journey-wise - they just. find the sea whip in that one cave and then they go to morozova's workshop and thats it?? wheres the shu han quest. where the fuck is the ACTUAL spinning wheel. and why is alina not hounding everyone to find the firebird??? she's supposed to be obsessively seeking it now, why does she barely seem to care? also where's the actual ending to siege and storm. WHERE is my darkling & alina fight. wheres her being saved by mal... where's her white hair !!!! idk that scene was my favourite and once i knew we were getting a tv show i really wanted to see this on screen :((
all the characters and relationships they cut... harshaw, misha, ONCAT, tamar&nadia (because lbr they basically weren't there), honestly i even missed sergei and stigg (who i'd barely even remembered before), nadia and adrik as siblings even. they just cut all these people and their journeys with alina for what, a fetch quest for a magic sword?
also, where's the apparat and the soldat sol? we hear people call alina 'sankta', sure, but the entire religious part of ruin and rising is just. completely sidelined. which is really weird because it's so important!! tolya and tamar's faith is basically nonexistent and i don't like it at all
the whole firebird reveal was soooo boring. like i'm sorry but that scene in the book? absolutely perfect. but in the show... it's just a story! baghra just tells mal and thats it! honestly this entire season was so much telling and not showing too, soooo much exposition and it just really didnt work
now then. ive put this off long enough but. the fucking ending. dude... i don't even know where to begin. how do you fuck up the rewrite of your book so badly that the entire moral of your book is just. completely lost?? literally the entire trilogy is built on the "what is infinite? the universe and the greed of men" quote. you CANNOT disregard that in this way. the point of the entire story is that alina's greed is punished! she loses her powers and she loses mal (sort of). the fold is destroyed by her power but not by her, because she never should have had that much power! now... she loses nothing. she has her power, she has three amplifiers, she brought mal back with merzost (which is still. insane to me like i legit laughed out loud when that happened) and now she's general of the second army and also soon probably queen of ravka??? she doesnt lose ANYTHING to her greed.
and with the ending too... where the hell are they going to take this next? because theyre sure as hell not following the kos duology storyline, what with alina now being nikolai's general instead of zoya (which im also. really pissed off about because zoya's story is SO important and theyve just. shoved her to the side)
i also have some thoughts about the crows and how theyve been handled of course i just don't feel as passionately about them (also because they shouldnt have been in this show in the first place but thats just my opinion <3) but i do wonder how theyre gonna start the soc spinoff when theyve basically done so much of the crooked kingdom plot already? and inej is literally already sailing and finding slavers like... i have no idea how theyre going to dothis spinoff and make everyone happy
very small last points but im so mad that they did the "an ordinary life full of ordinary things" line and then decided to. include nikolai? what the actual fuck? and then they didnt even GIVE malina their ordinary life... sorry im so so angry about this ending
i'm sure ive got more to say but this is already wayy too long and i don't wanna bother u anymore but ive just been mad for 3 days straight and really needed to get this off my chest <3 im really disappointed that theyve managed to screw up my favourite book series of all time so i'm just going to reread r&r and forget this season exists :D hope u have a nice day and thank u for reading this dump slfksdj
RIP but ty for venting!!! i totally get everything you’re saying. all of this comes down to the writers smashing basically all of the books into one season for NO reason. all of the things that make the trilogy & duology interesting & compelling & complex are gone bc there’s no time to show them. it’s constantly going GO GO GO with the plot, & for what?? nothing got added to these characters this season, i didn’t feel any impact during any of the big reveals, i didn’t get any emotional payoff from these characters’ journeys.
& why change the ending the way they do? eric’s already said that a season 3 would go back & touch on s&s things they didn’t address. so this ending is meant to draw out alina & mal’s stories, but why do it this way? why backtrack like that? you could certainly draw out the trilogy without speed-running the original ending like this, but that doesn’t fit whatever weird narrative he has for the crows ig.
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lea-andres · 1 year
But Lea, they're dogs, how does a dog fulfill Flight?
(I was about to toss it into my own inbox and joke about having to send myself asks about my oupies no one likes lmao)
You definitely already know this, but as a refresher to everyone else: Team Cerberus is a set of three biological siblings. Brutus the Bulldog is the oldest (he would be 18 if he were in the games), Dinah the Spaniel is the middle child (she would be 16 in game), and we have the baby, who might be the crowd favorite, Carlisle the Terrier (who would be 12 in game).
Carlisle is not an archaeologist like his siblings, but he does use his skills to assist them. He is an inventor, but his older siblings might call him a "mad scientist" depending on how the day's going. He'd describe himself as being a Lucius Fox or a Tony Stark (because he's cringe lmao), if those names mean anything to you. He likes to build gadgets, gizmos, weapons, any sort of electronic contraption. Everything can use more lasers and flamethrowers (including people, he wants to strap lasers to Sonic!), and everything he builds comes with a chance of sudden fiery explosion.
Also recall this portion of the doodle @infififi did of my oupies?
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Sometimes Carlisle just builds stuff and he has NO clue what it does. He just grabbed random bits and bobs floating around his "lair" (he turned the basement of his siblings' childhood home into his "secret lair" that everyone knows about and knows where it is lmao) and just starts welding. When he's done he'll switch it on right there and then to see what happens, safety precautions be damned. And now we loop back to my comment about sudden fiery explosion, lmao. It's a wonder this kid's still alive, but honestly the same could be said for all of Team Cerberus.
"What does this have to do with Flight types in Sonic Heroes?" You now might be wondering. I needed to make sure we all understood what an absolute health and safety hazard Carlisle's inventing is before we move on. (And that's JUST the inventing specific health and safety hazards, we haven't even discussed the state of his coveralls OR the infamous Piss Hole in the floor of the lair)
Carlisle the Terrier is Team Cerberus's Flight type, and he accomplishes this with a jetpack he built out of random garbage floating around his lair one afternoon when he was bored.
And his siblings, because "personal health and safety be damned" sadly runs in this family, took one look at this haphazardly slapped together jetpack that is DEFINITELY going to overheat and explode at some point, and went "Yeah we'll dangle from your ankles down by the rocket exhausts as you fly around with that thing!"
So now we all know far too much about Carlisle and how the hell he is a Flight type character. 😈
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