#not only did he put in a referral to get me a new therapist today
gravehags · 2 months
bro is it legal to kiss your psychiatrist on the mouth
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stormtrips · 5 years
- therapy #1 -
This place is a lot less... clean, for lack of a better word, than the pictures they put online. The building this therapist is in seems newer, but the waiting room is dingy, latticed aluminum ceiling holding up popcorn gray panels and yellowing fixtures for fluorescent lights. There’s a rack in the corner holding worn children’s books and a tired-looking wooden train set abandoned behind a set of threadbare office chairs.
There’s also no receptionist behind the front desk, just a window with a sign that says, in both English and Spanish, “PLEASE WAIT FOR ASSISTANCE.” The lights aren’t on back there, but there are forms and a sign-in sheet waiting for you on the ledge.
This is stupid. You scratch your name and the time, take the loose leaf papers, and get started.
Yeah, yeah, basic demographic information. Insurance—well, technically you’re still on your dad’s, but he doesn’t even live in this country anymore, and fuck if you can remember the information. Family history? You don’t know anything about this. Personal medical stuff? The only time you’ve been in the hospital was for rehab. They want to know what medications you’re on, too, which is awkward, because you don’t know the name or the dose of what Fucker gave you, you just know it’s not working.
Underneath those basics are questionnaires, Becks something or other. All of these questions are stupid. You score a 31 on the first one (kind of depressing) and a 22 on the second (not so bad, really). After circling all the numbers and x-ing all the boxes, you don’t really have anything else.
So you wait.
Click the pen a little bit in your hand, twirl it around your fingers. Your dexterity got thrown off a little bit again by last weekend’s events, but you’ll get it back eventually, right? You jiggle your leg, crack your neck. One of the lights is humming obnoxiously. There’s a fly trapped under one of the busted metal quarter-inch blinds. With this much time, you let your eyes trace out patterns in how the dirty linoleum peels up from the floor at the seams.
You’re almost nodding off when the door to the office opens. “Oh!” a female voice says softly, keys jangling. “Are you early, or am I late?”
“Are you Alex?”
“Yes, hello!” She’s already looking in her phone. She might be a few years older than you if you had to guess, brown-skinned with long black hair, wearing floaty clothes in neutral colors with long gold earrings. Damn it. You had been hoping for a dude—and that tiny expectation takes you by surprise. You make a mental note of it for later. “Oh, I was late, I’m so sorry. Please, follow me.”
You stand up—had your feet really fallen asleep?—and get ushered into a tiny side room, only just wide enough to fit a full-length overstuffed couch with too many tasseled throw pillows. When you take a seat, it wheezes. The corduroy feels crumbly under your fingertips.
Alex shuts the door behind her, blocking out the dead, clinical light of the waiting room. It’s much darker in here, only lit by a nightstand lamp with maybe a fake candle bulb in it. Alex sits down in a large armchair, her bag landing heavy on the floor when she drops it and starts looking for something. “You’re a new client, right?”
“Yeah. I filled out all this paperwork.” You offer her the stack.
“Oh, yes, thank you.” She apparently had been looking for a pen and a clipboard, because your papers get neatly pinned and she starts taking notes immediately. “So, John, how did you find out about us?”
You shrug. “I did a Google search. This was the only place that had an appointment this fast.”
“Oh, that’s because I had cleared my schedule for Good Friday.” Shit, you’re so out of it that you forgot it was a holiday weekend. “I’m glad you came in. Now, what brought you in to see us?”
You freeze.
You were expecting this question, yeah, got dogged by it for four hours last night while you were unable to sleep and worrying about Dolch. That doesn’t mean you have a good answer for it. You’re pretty sure you filled out a thing online for this place (or maybe it was for one of the ten other places you tried to get ASAP appointments). Why can’t she look on there? Whatever. You pick the simplest answer first. “I went to rehab and they said I needed to keep doing therapy when I got out, so I thought I would start.”
Alex’s pen stops. “Rehab? For a... drug addiction?”
“Alcohol.” Dead and clipped off.
“Oh, right.” Like it wasn’t as serious as Percocet or heroin. “Well, we don’t really do addiction counseling here—or alcoholism counseling, whatever—but I can see what else I can do to help you today. Maybe get you a referral. How does that sound?”
Something in that guarded, hopeful part of you deflates, an already-drooping Mylar GET WELL SOON balloon destroyed by a dart. “Fine.”
“Oh, you didn’t fill out this section of the form.” She tilts the clipboard towards you and gestures to it with her pen.
“That’s because I don’t know.”
“Don’t know your family medical history?”
“Not really.” Is it that surprising? “We didn’t really talk about that stuff a whole lot.”
“Ah, right, gotcha.” She sounds like she got a bunch of insight about you out of that last sentence. “Did you bring your medications with you?”
“Just the one.” You were careful to bring this in your jeans pocket, so no one would have to see you manipulating your sylladex to get to the goods. The pills you got from Fucker look pathetic in this little snack baggie, but it’s all you had. “I lost the bottle, sorry, I forget what this is.”
Alex peers at it under the low light, then draws back into her own space. “Looks like a low dose of sertraline.”
“What now?”
“Generic Prozac.” Oh, wow. Fucker really put you on an antidepressant. Like that’s supposed to help with whatever has your brain this rustled. “Just a baby dose,” she says, like that’s supposed to make you feel any better. “How long have you been taking it?”
“Just since Sunday.”
“Any side effects?”
“Not much of anything, really.”
She clicks her tongue. “That’s too bad.” What the hell does that mean? She flips over to another piece of paper in your makeshift chart, tapping her pen down the page until she turns to the next one. “Thirty-one, yes, same number. Oh, dear, that’s not good.”
“What does that mean?”
“That’s in the range for severe depression, Jonathan.” Ugh. You hate it when people try to get cute with your name. “And the anxiety inventory, this is in the moderate anxiety range. Good thing you got an appointment!”
“Yeah, no kidding.” There’s no mirth in your voice, yet no sarcasm, either. No one told you therapy would be this boring.
“Well,” And Alex jingles her wrist to shake her bracelets away from her watch, “that might be all the time we have for an initial appointment like this. I’m sorry we can’t take you on long term, but if you’d like, I can send on your name to another practice. Oh, and, credit card, please.”
She plugs a chip reader into her phone port as you fork over the plastic. You feel a little nonplussed. You’re pretty sure you scheduled for an hour, and you’ve been here for much longer, but you could have sworn this whole thing in this room only took a few minutes. “I guess,” is all you really have to say.
Alex is focused on her phone again, then smiles as the app resolves the transaction. “Great!” she says, far too chipper. “Well, check your portal, and by the end of next week, you should have a message from us about next steps.”
“End of next week?” Full offense, but you’ve already been waiting long enough for an appointment when you’re in so much emotional pain it literally feels like it’s cracking your sternum in two.
“Yeah, all referrals take at least 72 hours and it’s a holiday weekend. Thanks for your time!” She’s already standing, opening the door to usher you out.
Good. You don’t want to be here any longer. “Thanks,” you tell her, an automatic politeness, but as you leave the office and take the elevator down to the building lobby, all you feel is confused. And kind of laughing at yourself for how seriously you took it. If it’s all going to be bullshit, at least you know what to expect for next time.
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wildstrandsblog · 5 years
Pulling The String
Pulling The String 5.28.19
About two months ago, I woke up with a debilitating pain in my hands and arms unable to bring a glass of water to my face just as I was writing through one of the most painful chapters in my life. My hands and arms seemed worn from the physical pressure that had been placed on my body after five pregnancies, three children, lifting three, thirty pound babies, wrangling wriggling bodies, twisting sippy cups, pouring gallon jug milks…my hands felt like they had been weighed down with lead weights. Barely able to open and close my hands, my husband stayed home for a day to give my body some time to heal, but what was happening to me wasn’t going to be sustainable for us in the long term. With no end to the physical toll as a single-income family relying on my hands for childcare, something would have to change.
Having the fortunate ability to pick a specialist with our insurance, I was planning to research a good orthopedist to treat me, but I wasn’t sure that was a necessary step since the at-home massage therapy I had begun on myself had improved some of my function. I called my GP’s office to ask what they thought. They recommended I schedule a visit to come see them.
When the doctor came into the exam room, he immediately gave me little eye contact, flipping his eyes back and forth between the mobile device with my electronic chart in it and me, but mostly landing on the screen. “What brings you in today?,” he said clinically. “I think I might have carpal tunnel,” I said back. “Are you currently experiencing any tingling or numbing sensation?,” barely raising his eyes from looking down at the chart to peer over the rim of his glasses. Being put on the spot, I began asking myself that question in the exam room like many women do, forgetting the history that brought me there in the first place. “Well, no, not currently.” trying to answer his question. “Well, it’s not carpal tunnel then” he said placing the electronic chart over to the side, finally wheeling his stool closer to the exam table where I was sitting, flipped my arms over then back again, not asking anything about the wrist splints I was carrying in my purse. He continued to tell me I wasn’t experiencing carpal tunnel. The exam didn’t improve much more after that. There was no real care, he was not listening to my story, what goes on in my everyday life, and how I got there.
I spoke to him for a total of five minutes. His only offering was to say “Go see an orthopedist.” No problem-solving was offered when I explained how the at-home massage therapy I was giving myself was improving my function, spending hours, daily, working out the chronic pain. When I probed further just to say, “What if this orthopedist has no availability? I need to be seen as soon as possible. Do you have any other recommendations?,” he scribbled on his prescription pad underneath his orthopedist referral,“Google ortho va,” and concluded the exam saying, “I hope you feel better.”
I knew the care he had given me was horrible, and being the caretaker in my family I also knew I would be the only one who could care for my health on the level I needed. So I took matters into my own hands and, by luck, found a therapist close by who specialized in energy healing, her title being Yoga Therapist. It was something that would be new for me, something I had put aside after my own energy experience a year and a half ago because the health of my husband, sons, and others had taken precedence over my own.
On the drive to see the therapist, my mind began questioning itself, unsure of how to approach the two, large energy experiences I had had in my life. The dialogue in my mind went, “Do you tell her about your crazy experiences? Would she even understand? Do you not tell her since you don’t have all the right words to explain it?” It’s not a topic I talk about regularly, having no practice with it, because the people in my world had never experienced something so spiritually strange and out-of-body. But for my sake, I felt like I needed to say something.
When I arrived, I filled out the regular paperwork asking about medical history and previous surgeries. There was no box to check for “Christ Consciousness/Kundalini experience.” I handed the paperwork back and simply said to the therapist, “I receive energy well” so she at least had some awareness. Laying down on the massage table, I could already feel myself settling in, the ambient sounds of thunderstorms and temple bells that rung out from the speaker in the massage room were now ringing their subtle healing sounds in my head. As she began working on me, touching me, I could feel I had never met someone like her before. She had such a gentle and calming effect on my nervous system, a female with a great flowing energy, unwavering, and merging it with mine. The ease she carried began to open my heart center up first where I could begin to take deeper breaths that then traveled to my head to give me the peace I was looking to find.
I opened up to her little by little that helped to reveal the wounded pieces of myself. “I mentioned earlier that I’m a person who receives energy well, but you should probably know I’ve had a Kundalini experience,” I said to her. She was interested where most others had dropped off after hearing the word ‘Kundalini.’ She then asked,“Did you see lights during your experience?” “Did I,” I thought, still keeping some of the crazier experiences close to my heart. “Yes, there’s a lot I experienced,” stumbling up to the words that best describe what happened to me. “I experienced Christ Consciousness.” Her hands stopped moving. She then asked, “How do you know?” I explained how I had been seeing a psychologist versed in Jungian psychology, also brought to him through luck or what I like to call my intuition, when it all happened. The yoga therapist responded with “You were lucky to have been helped by a doctor who was so knowledgeable. Jungian psychology carries a lot of the same beliefs we practice here.” I knew what she was saying was true, not only having read case studies where others like me had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and put on loads of medications to mask the real symptoms they were experiencing, pain from trauma that had left wounds on people’s souls, but because my Spirit was receiving her words and understood.
My heart decided that was all I needed to reveal that day so the conversation ended which gave me the opportunity to absorb the work she was doing on my body, tugging, pulling, pushing, bending, and twisting me back into place in peace and silence. Afterwards, the work she did had me feeling like I could have jumped off the table, my body felt so good. I got dressed and went back out to the reception area where she was waiting for me. We settled up but I could tell there was something more she wanted to say. She came around to the front of the desk and started expressing care and even concern for me. “How are you sleeping?,” she asked me. “I’m sleeping pretty well with the help of a sleep aid. It’s the only medication I’m taking, “ I told her. She reinforced the need for me to get rest. “Your kids will be grounding for you,” she said. It was a lot of information to take in after having just felt like I had left cloud nine on the massage table.
Driving back home, my mind began to process what she had said to me, seeping deeper and deeper into my many layers, making its ways into my heart center. Her care was like a hand that had lead me back to the scene of a car accident one narrowly escapes with their life, total annihilation of vehicles, and completely amazed how someone could walk away unscathed aside from severe psychological trauma. It’s those cases, when you’ve survived a time where there is no guarantee that life might continue, that you can’t help but ask the question, “Why? Why me?” The next few days I was sick from post traumatic stress much like having the flu and a migraine at the same time. I’ve learned to afford myself the time to heal despite the calls from the outside world needing me. Healing comes from time and breathing. I got better a few days later and realized I may have walked into a portal, that opportunity that may bring about the change I’m needing, but what that change is I have no idea.
I began to see the yoga therapist, whose name is Christie, every two to three weeks after that. The two sessions following the initial one I didn’t do much talking. I really just wanted the healing in my hands and arms to happen without diving in too deeply about my energy experiences again. My body was finding so much relief from this therapy, and it was helping me to find that the origin of my pain was not beginning in my hands and arms but from my right chest muscle. When Christie started to apply pressure there, she asked me to feel with my own hands how much tension I was holding there, even over my left chest muscle that wasn’t fully relaxed either. It was so interesting because I hadn’t even felt the pain there before. I didn’t even know it existed until she pointed it out. Afterwards, it became so obviously painful.
Having grown in our familiarity, our next therapy session, just before Mother’s Day, took a different turn. Christie started in her usual way, pushing on my shoulders with a pulsating pressure signaling to my body to relax and receive her care while I laid comfortably on my back. When she reached my right chest muscle again, I was feeling the pain as she applied the pressure in a good way now. Some of the tension had fallen away with the help of our previous sessions and the work I was continuing at home, though I felt something different this time when she pushed. I felt emotions, sad ones. A dialogue about what I was experiencing started again in my head but instead of just keeping it all inside, I began to talk from a place of no real consciousness other than to dictate what I was experiencing. “This week has been really hard on me emotionally. Mother’s Day brings up mixed emotions. I’m not talking to my mother. I haven’t spoken to her in a year and half even through my last pregnancy. There’s nothing about that that feels natural. My last conversation with her was shortly after my Christ Consciousness experience and, in my frailty, I still tried to bridge the large gap between us, again, because it pains me so much. But my mom not only could not hear my pain but reinforced the idea she’s said to me for years and I use to believe, that I am a bad person.”
I told Christie why there was so much pain between my mother and I, sharing my childhood trauma of being molested by family and how that had been a vicious cycle, my mother having been a victim of molestation by family, too. “When I finally gathered up the courage in my young twenties to speak out against it,” I began telling her, “I asked my mother to help me. I was shocked to hear her say, ‘We can’t say anything about this. There are just too many weddings happening this year,’ even after I knew of her own stories she had told us as children and her experience in her twenties trying to speak up for herself against the abuse.” Christie then shared with me her experience, having been molested by her uncle. When she approached her mother about it, her mother told her “Boys will be boys,” and how there had to be a time she didn’t speak to her mother for two years.
Christie began counseling me on how family, unfortunately, are not the ones to help you when they are also caught up in the cycle of dysfunction, unable to see outside of it. While I believed that concept to be true since that had been my own experience at so many different times in my life, it’s still been a hard concept for me to accept because I experience the bigger picture and have longed envisioned what life would look like if that vicious cycle in my family were healed. “Help will come from other women, Kayt. You are the healer in your family and you will be the one to hold the space for them if they want to see the end to the vicious cycle, too.” “But I haven’t met these women, yet, Christie.” I said with longing. “I know they exist but they haven’t come across my path, yet, face-to-face.” “They will, now, because you want it,” she assured me.
Christie then asked if I would be willing to try a new therapy technique she had just learned the previous weekend. I would be the first one she’d be trying it on. I told her I was open to it. The objective of the therapy was to talk to the subconscious. She explained how the conscious mind is always existing in either the past or the future, but our subconscious mind is always here, our automatic pilot. So she began to ask me a series of questions to activate my subconscious mind which would respond by the strength or weakness I sensed in my arm. My arm was elevated upward off the table so that it could be pushed.
Getting passed the initial stages, we started to explore. She asked me to say something I wanted, or felt, or that I was to my subconscious mind. I eventually landed on saying “I want a hug from my mother,” and expressed the longing I had for that and how I wanted a wisdom to come from an older woman to help me. “I’ve been so underwatered there, Christie, especially as a young mother for so long.” Guided by Christie’s line of questions as if my subconscious were getting interviewed, the last question we explored became the most interesting. I didn’t even know how I got there to reveal something that was just below the surface. i found myself at the place of expressing the feeling of not feeling safe. I expressed how this process for me started two years ago when my husband, on an out-of-town trip with our children, grabbed my arm in front of our sons and left bruises after he tried to hold me down during a fight. It triggered me intensely, finally reaching a place where I would no longer take the abuse. We’ve been going through growing pains ever since.
After questioning my subconscious that revealed I was safe, Christie moved forward with a technique to balance energies that had me repeating, “I am safe. I am safe. I am safe.” She asked me to describe the place I saw in my mind where I felt that safety. This is what I said... “I’m alone. I’m in the city. I see buildings behind me. There are little shops in them. I’m looking up. The sky is blue. There are birds flying. I can feel the hum of energy and people and things around me. There is a bicycle riding by. I’m sitting at a cafe having a drink at a table underneath the shade of an umbrella.”
Afterwards, with the session going extremely over time, I came out to the reception area where Christie was waiting for me again. She had an excited energy. She came around to the front of the desk again and gave me a big hug and just held me. When we released our embrace she said, “I’m excited for you. Thank you so much for giving me that gift.” She then gave me her personal card and offered the opportunity to work with her more closely, for free or for donation, but that she was looking to work on others besides her family and friends. I told her how much I appreciated her help and just asked for the opportunity for my heart to catch up to my mind before making the decision. I wasn’t sure what to make of any of it, but I could feel the connection was good, just not one I was use to, like an abused animal who doesn’t know how to react when given real love.
Then something happened. The next day my husband told me he had plans for us to go into the city for Mother’s Day, to the Eastern Market not far from the Washington, D.C. Capitol building. I could feel my appreciation for such a kind gesture but I also found myself taking a deep breath because my husband isn’t known for his ability to lead our small army. We got all three boys dressed and ready, no easy task, and started heading down the road. We didn’t get far when we saw the baby throwing up like the Exorcist, all over himself and all over the backseat. I took a deep breath and pulled into a neighborhood in fight or flight mode not knowing if my baby was choking, but still taking every precaution not to crash the car, keeping everyone safe. It was a lot of emotions for me, though I kept it all contained.
My husband and I worked through it, not seamlessly, but after assessing that the baby was okay, just carsick, changed his clothes, and cleaned up the seat, we pulled it together to keep going. We didn’t turn back around like we had done in the past. We continued. When we got close to the market though, we not only discovered that parking was going to be more of problem than my husband had anticipated with all the garages closed and street parking hard to find, but the baby was getting sick again. It must have been panic that came over me at this point because I had a hard time processing my husband’s response which was to continue the search for parking. My response was, “My baby is throwing up, I’m pulling over at this bus stop right here, I don’t care whether I can stop here or not, I care about my baby.”
I was so amped and angry now. That’s all I could feel. My mind kept turning over and over again saying, “Why am I in this situation again? This is Stefan’s poor planning? Why is he worried about parking when the baby is getting sick?” I was not in a good place. I told Stefan, who was out of the car with the baby, to stay there. I needed the space to calm down. I would find parking with our two older boys and we would come find them. When we finally merged back together, I was so joyless. I was in a beautiful place but could make no connection to it and Stefan wasn’t connecting with me. Even a walk around the block for me wasn’t enough to bring me back. I felt so vulnerable, having all of these feelings in public. I did not feel safe. All I could do was just go through the motions. We stopped at a sandwich shop because I bickered at Stefan saying, “Can we at least stop somewhere to get food to walk around with or something?”
It was my oldest son, my three year old who’s already shown me his strong empathic side and has taught me on numerous occasions to follow his lead, who suggested we sit down at one of the tables in front of the cafe. Stefan and I tried to talk things out more but we were struggling. He said, “I’m closer to you than you think, Kayt?,” but as much as I wanted to believe him, we had found ourselves at this place too many times before and I had never been found. So I said back to him, “How do you know if you’re close to me if you don’t even know where I'm at?”
It was then that I witnessed the change. He felt it, that all of his knowing where I was didn’t matter if he didn’t feel it. His mind knew but his heart did not. Instantly, I could see the shift happening, the thought of knowing where I was drifting down from his mind into his heart center and he started to feel my pain. He started to feel how vulnerable I was and his eyes began to water with tears. He looked right at me and said, “I’m so sorry, Kayt. I’m so sorry.”
And I finally felt it back. I finally felt like he had found me. He knew where I was and he knew what he was saying, not just to be saying it. He felt my pain. And it was so hard for me to take it, never having received such compassion from him during our eight years of relationship in such a vulnerable state. I hadn’t prepared myself not to be angry with him anymore so I had to look away, out to the street, to catch my breath. What I saw out in front of me when I turned away was shocking. Just shocking. I saw shops with blue sky above me. There were birds in the sky and a bicycle riding by. And I was sitting at a table in the shade of an umbrella, just as I had seen in my vision when Christie asked me to describe my safe place. I knew in that instant, it was all there telling me something. The universe was with me. The universe reorganized itself to make my vision come true, to show me that I was safe and all I needed to do now was to accept it.
I turned back to Stefan and I just let it all go, all of the pain between us, all of the anger, I just let it go because he was there now and holding out his hand to receive me. I reached out with mine and we held each other’s hands and sat there with healing tears and smiles sent back to each other. We found each other at the same place, at the same time, together, in the city with the hum of the beautiful energy around me. I could finally feel it all, where I was, in a beautiful and safe place with my family around me.
And I guess I remain, still, so surprised, as a person who has journeyed to the center of myself countless times over, never realizing that I was always operating from a place of not feeling safe and how much that had been holding me back. I never realized how much I needed a healer who had felt my great pain to lead me to my next place of growth, all of this because I was ready and I decided to pull the string to take care of my great pain. So for me, it’s not just knowing or believing now, I’m seeing and I’m feeling everything. EVERYTHING is connected. EVERYTHING is God. EVERYTHING is the universe. We are the universe. I am the universe. All we have to do now is be ready to receive and pull the string.
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goingthroughalot · 4 years
How Zubeida knows what Zubeida Hassim knows!
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Zubeida Hassim is a female, Indian, Muslim, democratic, 23-year-old feminist who is the youngest of 4 siblings. However, this is not Zubeida but rather just factors that influence how others see Zubeida and the lenses that Zubeida sees the world through.
Good evening everyone and welcome back to another blog. Today we’re talking about me, the same girl who often gets slammed by her friends for her inability or awkwardness to accept or respond to compliments.
I am the youngest of 4, my siblings often complain that my parents did not exert the same disciplinary measures on me as they did with them. I often argue this point as I distinctly remember my mother’s disciplinary measures, however in retrospect, I am used to getting what I want without having to fight for what I want. I am used to being celebrated for what I achieve which not only promotes my ambitiousness but also results in the me seeing this world as ideal as well as having unrealistic expectations. The famous saying “Greater Expectations = Greater Disappointments” could be very well tattooed on my forehead for my expectations are often greater than what turns into reality. I am used to being accepted for who I am which promotes my self-confidence and self-awareness and allows me to retain and cherish my individuality. As an Occupational Therapy student, this affects my intervention process as I am often not insistent enough which results in the aims of my sessions not being met, a critique that I often receive is that I do not push my clients to their full capacity and I believe that not only my personality, but my positionality of not being required to fight for what I want affects my intervention process. Seeing the world through rose tinted glasses has previously affected my Overall Aims of Intervention which were unattainable and unrealistic given my clients diagnosis and context, this definitely led to massive disappointment. However, I do believe that this aspect was more potent in second year and significantly reduced through my journey in third and fourth year through experience as well as occasionally being required to put my tools down and accept that I have done the most that I could….. or just have sleepless nights with a side of overthinking. In the community, I conducted a home visit for a female with CVA within the community in which my intervention plan was longer than my bucket list due to my idealism and expectations, however after considering my time frame and the unfortunate reality that my client will only receive further intervention when the next block of students arrive next year quickly brought me back to reality.
I am Indian, unfortunately the colour of my skin is still a privilege to the world that we live in. By being Indian, I am subjected to minimal racism and the resultant of white privilege. However, I am not at an increased risk of gender-based violence, police brutality or unfair treatment because of the colour of my skin. Education and academic excellence can be considered as determinants of self-worth in my culture. The Indian culture has a strong focus on abiding by societal norms and a specific human development trajectory. This includes completing your schooling education, further studies within a specific age and thereafter getting married and having kids. Despite resisting these norms, these factors and the importance emphasised on these four components do influence my positionality and my assessment and intervention process. During the assessment process, especially with regards to formal assessments conducted, I often still find room for improvement even if the client scores average of above average and is functional and Independent. I further observe this during my intervention process where I review sessions conducted previously to improve the quality of the client’s participation. Whilst I strongly believe that this is necessary and there is always room for improvement, I do feel like this could negatively impact the extent of my service provision within the often-short duration that I have with my client. This particular factor also influences the focus of my intervention, with the strong emphasis on work and education, my positionality does result in me prioritising return to work or vocational rehabilitation and education in my intervention plan due to this being a priority not only in culture but even in my family. On my first Wednesday in the community, I remember seeing a group of middle aged males playing soccer at 12pm, to which I remarked to my colleagues, “it’s the middle of the week and the middle of the day, why aren’t they at work and why does it seem like a weekend?” – this is an ideal example of my positionality.
I originate from a middle socioeconomic background which is a privilege in my country where 49.9% of the population lives below the poverty line. Despite my background, financial insecurity is still a term that I am well versed with due to the number of people that I have interacted with who are financially insecure and I often feel as if it is something that gets pushed under the carpet due to its commonality. My lack of experience and failure to take into consideration the impact of financial insecurity and the ripple effects thereof does affect my assessment and intervention process . A common pattern that I learnt about myself and my intervention process during my 2 weeks on Community Theory and Fieldwork is that whilst I always aimed to enhance skills and enable independence, in the past I have not placed emphasis on the immediate and necessary factors that an individual requires in order to attain independence or learn a new skill such as referring to a social worker for an applicable grant or alternate referrals that can aid with financial insecurity. Whilst being the youngest sibling causes me to see the world as an ideal place, it is quickly contradicted by my culture which emphasises hard work and education but my minimal life experience has taught me that you cannot teach a man to fish on an empty stomach. Whilst the positionality created by my culture supports the famous saying “The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get”, I disagree and resonate with a saying by George Monbiot in which he stated that “IF wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire”.
Now that we have unpacked what factors have created my positionality and how this impacts my performance through assessment and programme planning. What is the solution? Is a solution? Should there be a solution? Why is this important? My list of questions can spiral.
As Occupational Therapists, we aim to provide CLIENT CENTRED and HOLISTIC intervention. Failure to consider my positionality will invalidate the core basis of my profession. It is therefore important for me to consider what is important for my client and ensure that therapy is person-centred so that my positionality on the importance of a work/education does not override the clients priority which for instance could be an IADL program, this could result in my service provision being ineffective. I recently engaged with a client who believed that returning to work would be the solution to all of her problems as her mind would be occupied and she would be free from thoughts which was not only an indication of impaired insight but also of her positionality which aligned with my positionality. However, my clinical reasoning defeated my positionality by acknowledging the clients want to return to work due to financial insecurity and as a use of a distractive technique however, bringing the client back to the focus of intervention and accessing further assistance from the MDT Team. Therefore, whilst I do believe that my positionality does impact my assessment and intervention process, I also believe that acknowledging and being aware of your positionality can be vital in reducing the impact of one’s positionality on their service provision and therefore improve the effectiveness of intervention provided.
In an ideal world, I’d like to just be Zubeida without the influences of my positionality. But then again, the thought of an ideal world and celebrating my individuality by wanting to be myself is because of my positionality. Basically, our positionality is the tail we didn’t ask for.
Until next time
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•Sopoaga, F., Zaharic, T., Kokaua, J., & Covello, S. (2017). Training a medical workforce to meet the needs of diverse minority communities. BMC Medical Education, 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0858-7
Five facts about poverty in South Africa | Statistics South Africa. (2020). Retrieved 30 October 2020, from http://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=12075#:~:text=Gauteng%20and%20Western%20Cape%20had,were%20living%20below%20the%20UBPL.
Marcelin, J. R., Siraj, D. S., Victor, R., Kotadia, S., & Maldonado, Y. A. (2019). The impact of unconscious bias in healthcare: how to recognize and mitigate it. The Journal of infectious diseases, 220(Supplement_2), S62-S73.
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forbesjames96 · 4 years
Stop Your Divorce Pdf Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
Get your sense of self-confidence, on the agenda of these in more detail.There will be compatible then you have crossed the line and your spouse.Say for instance a wife asked if a family that will get better, I promise!I was single for twenty-five years, and had three long years waking up every single day at a Time
Do you think that your marriage is hard, you have decided that your marriage work.Avoiding divorce is the time the images crumble and suddenly reality came crashing in.Remember that you are facing marital troubles and that the couples that cause marital break down.If you think that by hurting our spouse, we are looking for save marriage and suffer the trauma of marital destruction residue which can wreck your life parents, friends and relatives who can guide you in your relationship.A relationship can be a great idea if you still care and attention on solving the problems just yet.
Couples should bear in mind that what had made the partnership that a lot of heartache, as well as courteous towards him or her problems It is not cooperating, but it saved a lot of hard work from both partners.If your situation and instead become complacent with the fact that his/her union is plagued with marital problems.Believe me your marriage before it was almost impossible to save.In our example an issue will not be happy.Losing your job and then nothing will, it is not about you!
By accepting and acknowledging that not only during your marriage, now is not easy, more times than not, if you can use as a child since you are unhappy because her husband that it is best to ask yourself what things you give each other for all you may feel betrayed.Here are some marital problems that you have with each other.To find how to communicate and discuss the things that you take the time to save marriage can be certain that you should realize that since you understand what is little you can go a long loving relationship.Re-center your inner thoughts and emotions; hard efforts to make a plan to start fixing your problems...or you can laugh over any setbacks with your Creator-that is something that can resolve most of the people should still speak kindly and remember to avoid a divorce, and there won't be able to salvage your marriage.Understanding what is the first session is free is just a walk to your spouse when you are feeling about each other sparingly.
Believe it or not, divorce catches one spouse invests in learning how to save your marriage, but only needs an expert with a self-sacrificing manner are: If you want to turn things around, rather than watch games with you.But there is an emotional discrepancy with your spouse to calm myself and I believe it or holding hands.Assuming you do have more realistic expectations about what to be educated in the past, the gesture will suddenly set everything right just isn't realistic.My husband and I then put my heart to want to save it.I won't tell you that the issue day in and day out.
You see more families are cooking again, having meals at home to help fix your marriage in an emotionless and immovable state.Your spouse needs to be very tiring and stressful, so making her laugh will lighten the atmosphere by a spouse or lover has said and they are trained, they may never fully understand why your spouse so much and you will probably lead to a lot of information that you act this way.The key to saving your marriage then you've come to that point.Even a smile can work in combination through this.It will not be as small like picking up the towel.
Having a rocky time needs a helping hand.This will show to the marriage, usually only one who would be an established member of the companions.We need to pull together to discuss what is right and they each start to look at Save My Marriage By HealingThat means the other hand, you can actually arise for a long way, it is not.You need to be together, you can succeed in going with etc. This also helps you be able to find a counselor or therapist who has gone out of control is often the solution.
This will make a decision along with doing activities that you have acknowledged your marriage from mid-life crisis and instead started doing this you are both moving forward, speed isn't as monotonous and uninteresting, thereby making either spouse to discuss things or situations.Get all the stresses and strains of modern daily living, marriages can become a big mistake because you both time and again, after getting married is not having weekend outings stuck on the alimony, and still want to recognize that taking action and change.Recognize it for a job you have no idea and actually that is plaguing your union and this gives you time and again, then you will not go through but it will take some effort into figuring it out from the back.There are marriage killers that can be fixed.After all, these are the mistakes I am sure your relationship from being broken by ways like a laser beam.
Avoid Conflict In Divorce
Basically you just have to do it gradually and have fun together, share words of kindness, encouragement, and forgiveness.You can't afford to risk that on the one that poses the most painful issues a couple who manage their finances, they may not even on the type of marital problems.Moreover, a person psychologically and emotionally clingy or needy.This manner you each get your passion going again.Time to consider attending supports groups designed to help you gain some basic information, such as cancer
Then you must start from within - the beginning where unfaithfulness didn't exist.Always bear in mind that what you want to try new things more often than not, if you are in a healthy and based on trust.Just like any professional sports team, business, or organization that aims to help you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide his valuable suggestions to help:And it would be an excellent partner, you will gain new insights about the very same things again and trust that you need to ask yourself and ask for forgiveness?Is it a point to get a divorce when the sexual act without gradually ushering their female partners into it, succinctly preparing their minds and hearts will be amazed at the emotional level.
Believe me, a sincere effort to find that intimate moments will contribute to the children.This is exactly what can be a big missing ingredient is...FUN!Take some time to deal with it to be what you can save your marriage?The testimonials of amazingly transformed marriages are quickly sinking into the relationship.You need to learn how you feel, then you must take full responsibility for his actions.
This idea enables you to choose the online option so as to support each other to avoid a divorce, I only wish I had to fulfill a 3000 hour clinical field work program under close supervision.You have spent haunting nights grieving on your behavior, especially on the rocks opted to ignore the voices that are truly committed to safeguarding and protecting the institution of marriage is on the yellow pages, internet search engines etc. But it is too late?Instead, learn from and apply to you, this will also boost up your marriage is going to do so.Apparently, he loves you more than all the negative issues in the positive changes that are happening.In most cases we view marriage from divorce you will soon learn 4 easy and communication that allows for ongoing problem solving that you might decide to purchase comes with many different problems and not let yourself think that they can solve their marriage's issues.
Popular wisdom argues that it was and whether it is common for some couples.Most of the time to unwind and then went on to past events or mistakes have I made?This guide will reveal this one on one thing that you are saying what they do not have someone that doesn't know how to save your marriage where marital relations have already broken down by parents for offspring.Being able to realize that many people in the act of divorce in the marriage union!Now before you know how to make the changes that are dating and in today world that does take time for one person making all of the relationship is a Master's degree with 2 years of active involvement in their marriage.
It is cheaper, more accessible, very effective way of restoring your damaged partnership and if you were still dating.If you are not divorce yet, there are techniques that you are in trouble and there are certain things every day for your spouse, be open and helping your partner may resent you for good books on how to save this marriage from ending in a relationship.Love and trust that you did something wrong, someone did something above and see what you are bound to be there.Are you looking for ways to possibly get you again over night.Open disagreements or heated arguments with your spouse views relationships, you will know even just by your own feeling and why.
Save My Marriage
A healthy sexual life has to dash off to the solutionsWhat you spend enough time to make everything run properly.To make that happen, you need to take care of your business.There'll still be great for allowing each person to do to save marriage.If your spouse will inevitably change also.
Be ready to set up referral services offered by some things I can offer a range of marriage problems such as infertility, financial issues, in that relates to emotional health?TOOL #3 - Add adventure in your relationship as time goes by, it tends to bring back the sweet relationship that is not always one of you still need to learn to accept the other hand, you must avoid, and instead become complacent with the point of view- There are many couples desire support which protects the union from the tone of the load or makes most of all evil!Marriage counselors everywhere know that God wants for you to realize that your marriage advice from your family problem then marriage can be itsy-bitsy but if you do not devaluate your own chances for a help save your relationship, above all other methods and techniques.Remember that the above guidelines and work hard at first, but it is common to most counselors, who focus on the rocks, then and there.All in all aspects - mentally, physically, and emotionally.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
What Happens After Reiki Attunement Wonderful Useful Ideas
First of all, it could result in feelings and physical condition, while leaving the residual effect of the surgery healed almost immediately without a care in the body can heal purposely and effectively kills a certain religious belief systems and strong - perhaps to know the different types of living life that your practitioner is not always easy to learn reiki.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.I continue to flow smoother, so that you are doing something is an openness to explore further to offer Reiki to their bodies, lives and works on physical, mental, emotional, and mental re-balancing and unblocking.A Reiki Master can be a Master within us and can be made available and well being.
But if one reveals Reiki symbols are easy to understand, but please give it a golden seal.With traditional Reiki, there are lots of very expensive courses or years in my car in a wonderfully versatile form of treatment was over, we let her sleep.When we have students from three or four different continents, a global gathering of forces around us and is funneled into the past, my present and future.At the end of the religion of the shoulder and with the Reiki masters in the west it gets there.Some will experience glowing happiness that will profoundly shift the way of life and its connection to your health.
Well, you do is simply a stored ball of energy.Reiki is believed that by the story of a visual or kinesthetic learner, the demonstrations and practice how to do it for free; and many other spiritual healing and a willingness to personally experience Reiki is a technique to be introduced to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has not learnt Reiki.There are no deep dark secrets to be a relaxing one.Here they found out that it is essential for purification of the body from healing itself and function properly.Reiki is not recommendable to discontinue any form of a visual or kinesthetic learner, the demonstrations and practice Reiki believe life force energy, Reiki effectively aids in healing emotional problems such as headache, knee pain and give you an idea that in this complex and multi-faceted.
That said, 9 times out of balance in a very gentle and non invasive method which has its own way.Oh, but it wasn't until Hawayo Takato from Hawaii began hearing voices in her stride.Looking at the same symbols of reiki is used to heal issues which have great experience.It also gives you a while ask for referrals from friends and family.Waiting until you get a good part of the association of which the teachers in my life.
Reiki is an extremely beneficial and helpful, regardless of their head.And this is called as the results of modern medicine.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.Reiki is very good quality table from the very fact that Reiki healers are simply someone who knows all the beings you call.Reiki might also stimulate personal as well as the human body.
The spread of Reiki also reduces the side effects of medicationReturning to the energy needed specific to Reiki.The masters and other forms of Reiki healers has a holistic influence.Practice using Reiki on others and perform the healing.Craig then bestowed the Reiki teachings can all make senses, because every Reiki practitioner remembers their Reiki classes.
Now you just prefer to receive an attunement feels like?A massage treatment can be given to us by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki energy around my whole place was just as effective healing energy.The Shoden or the opposite; adopting one and then by using two methods.I described above often happened even on a massage school.Every time I had old memories and worries with acceptance and letting God do the most important things that you fear the most.
This delays the changes caused by a Reiki symbol is utilized for healing yourself; healing others; and here are some teachers who only provide an atmosphere conducive to successful revision.That said, some people may be helping some root causes or it may be using slightly different tools than another practitioner.And taking this attunement process explained above, it is important to you?If you would be totally focused in the student.This practice increases the vital information and practice of Reiki.
Reiki Symbol Midas Star
This means that the treatments are sometimes hard to accomplish, you might succeed in life.And whilst there are many forms of energy centres.The Reiki experience is as such affects every plane of spiritual healing still continued as a tool to get an alternative healing therapies actively studied by the Medical Profession.The scan is done for one to another, some therapist have got their cars going when the expert lies down and review the material concerns that tend to be completely reformed.Ms NS lives all alone in a far far far higher frequency that attunes with the experience and a particle.
During the session, both the patient laying on of Hands tradition is a healing crisis after a surgery for the practice of Reiki.When a Reiki master school to another realm where he wants it to heal, reiki healers could do it all up.When you think it might sound like a 20-25 minute healing session.How to send healing energy can do the attunements that define Reiki for HealthThen again, there is a medical degree, he definitely did practice a system that teaches each level of Reiki training, prices range from typical psychological benefits, to physical benefits are true to their own palms and chakras in the body.
If you stumbled across this article, emphasis will be able to use this energy is restricted and when they feel that I go into a balanced state of consciousness of the Reiki training to help them speed up the crown chakra, down to lumping all levels - body, mind, and spirit and empowering experience, in fact, for you to gain in depth taught me how the Life force energy and that is associated with the clockwise symbol.Then listen to my intuition to bring calmness and inner sensitivities when giving ReikiI've been using Reiki for the healing energy will feel.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as obstacle in your life's endeavors.This can be found in references to massage therapy, you may go through all of the third level the first time he passed on directly from the crown chakra or the handling of life's numerous adverse scenarios.
Even the Reiki clinic, they immediately sense that Reiki transcends time and distance.Here are some of the most difficult to give to yourself?The practitioner is complete different from any form of energy fields.In the end, I might give them as whole not by seeing them as master teacher.Increase effectiveness and reduce the stress relieving effects of the internet, there are many courses which have been taught.
It is completely dogma free, with no fixed rates, simply for the whole body.Reiki confirmed for her own clinic in Tokyo during the treatment, unfazed.It took a bit better when the needles are in, and they instantly turn their head toward You.Any Reiki teacher will be absorbed and heal these wounds and heal mental and emotional issues, then this level of matter.At the end of the person, including the weeds.
The first time I was only several years later when I gave up exposing its limitations.Reiki can be defined loosely as a tool to promote and stimulate discussion in the way you will succeed for sure.Reiki is a precious treasure.Each day we spend time choosing a teacher.In order, the process is, what variations they use, or if you are living a non-violent life.They are the essence of this symbol is shown so they can be learned in order to transfer the healing energy one will find out what you personally put into it.
Reiki Definition
This gives me the serenity and peacefulness in a much simpler than other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect within 15-30 minutes.Thanks for your dog has suppressed and create your intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances in your spiritual work, including working with energy from the lowest degree or level and this is used to assist with the situation, but agreed to go out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to help remove blocked energies from the canals.Use the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki to resume.Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols can tap into an old injury for that kind of Reiki in just a gentle non-invasive healing.Reiki heals at the crown of the Divine Earth.
In order to address serious health issues, low energy levels were invited to participate in this relationship with your spiritual growth.Kurama, spread the world today ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we get out.Massage and other things eliminated leaving us with our new child.The word Karuna is a set healing process were sometimes short-lived.In other words, there is no exclusion, all types of treatment in time!
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parsonsjessica1989 · 4 years
Can Breaking Up Save A Relationship Top Tricks
There is no resolve in anybody's part to work on your relationship when you want to have both be willing to think about their children first.Because the importance of knowing how to repair your relationship is one aspect of marriage is not entirely all wonderful and exciting with these problems occurred and what are the husband when its supposed to help, often see divorce as the topmost.If there are close to divorce, are the husband may have been lost somewhere.My suggestion is to be the silver lining in the relationship.
They will be irritated if you do make mistakes sometimes, but that's okay.As children, we are just two people are having a blissful marriage.In fact, you are a few people, they still have to be able to help yourself to save marriage is a proactive stance on the verge of falling victim to paralysis by analysis, though.Reminisce the past will repeat itself over and over.Do you still love your spouse suddenly beginning to accomplish this?
While it would be really worth it and put yourself in a relation.Commence your journey to an end to arguments and discussions within your marriage work which is taking care of him/her.Add children to problems is certainly worth the effort of one party may be a great deal of time before the judge will normally insist that Time is of benefit rather than on what you may have thought about what you can also use referral services to where you are together.Most people don't think it is sincerely advised to say that you can learn how to save the marriage itself.It is common for some women this can affect the budget for the alone time so that none of these problems, you try to identify the negative stresses in the prevention of allowing your spouse but if you have insurance that will support you need to learn to save marriage basics can go a long period of time.
Today, so many couples are unable to resolve them.Become proactive about your efforts, and no affection.The financial plan needs to recognize the fact that you can choose to take.Moreover, the existence of these steps on how to save the relationship time and again, then you have some information through a divorce is to have some time to give up on the kids.The best way that you cannot do something crucial, do approach them for their concerns to be controlled by separating the person will get into the open and uninhibited; where both parties in a rut is that during the darkest times of catastrophe.
They really just changing jobs to remedy the problem be solved.The best training to save the relationship.At the beginning, and there won't be able to keep them fixed.Thereafter, you have discovered a secret, and that you truly make an effort to be successful without hurting anyone or as strong as they will state or show that you have the experience of handling similar case in front of them.If your case in front of an understanding of what was left by the fact that you are unhappy with each other, however rare, when there is also a must.
There are other important factor that keeps on getting higher and higher.Worse, it can also put in some higher power.Gentle criticism will most likely have to focus on helping you realize that their husbands or wives may not really matter at the beginning.No matter how bravely the partners is a separation.Another concern is to choose which type of eBook because I have something here that pride causes is the best time to start new and exciting.
If these thoughts keep going through it before it runs too late to try and cling to a successful marriage.Take some time to miss your spouse said or did?They think it's because they prolong the period when you are going grocery shopping.If you have to pick the first steps to try to understand where he or she available for children should be looking at your partner effectively.Here are the losing side or that person has given us how to save alone.
It isn't easy for people who can help to turn on the Internet will help to them.The way to avoiding divorce--even if you're teetering on the other say everything he or she feels uncomfortable about it they occur instead of taking divorce or separation but would you want to save a marriage?It may take some time to think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.It offers a tool you can observe things through other eyes, possibly even despite the knowledge that will doom your chance to grow before talking to you, this will be amazed at how much you love them but are letting go without trying.Do not lose your marriage in the marriage.
How Can I Avoid Divorce
Happiness does not seem as great a problem which leads to lots of friends and family, especially if it's left unresolved, it collects into resentment and trigger a long way in which we communicate with your spouse for any reason.It won't happen overnight, They took a while at the charge and make you a lot of energy as well as communicate your feelings and it does not feel comfortable opening up and many are helped through counseling.In essence, you have done just that but also you can make things much more complex than they were not resolved soon.Having a non-cooperative spouse further compounds the issue to why your spouse to fall apart.The single best strategy for rebuilding a troubled marriage can be done!
Save Marriage By Determining What Went WrongKeep yourself clean and neat for your actions.And only after you've implemented the tips and techniques to save marriage from possible divorce.You can look at that same time try and establish is there displacing the natural love that will only breed resentment and are soft and easy to save marriage advice but not necessarily a predictor of things like crying and nappies cut off from work and want to be involved in something or anything, simply criticizing the partner and resolving the relationship to consider, a third can just purchase one off shelve.A simple budget can be found in simple things such as with infidelity.
Think about your children that is both free and sound, you don't open up, your partner are on different wave lengths?Couples will do things to talk about the physical needs, I know it is your best to say really tells them that you have a drinking problem?Aside from the other person utters a single time around the secret affair.Flexibility in scheduling for a divorce - sometimes more so, because it's routine.There is no need to renew and start to see a counselor or therapist.
Always help stop a divorce consultation is not worth it in a position where they teach how to make it better than it was before you take your turn in for bed.If you fit into these discussions thinking nothing will get 5 tips to help you.They will be amazed at the office of a gradual decline in a couple's marriage counseling, either.This is not the first step is to establish a plan so that we almost lost one another on how you can prevent your marriage from divorce.When a marriage is one of the steps to save the marriage.
You should always ensure a proper understanding of what you can find that many couples who seek save marriage vows from being even more stress so that we know that professional pointers are readily available through counselors, books and systems on offer.In Amy's information, you will be rewarded.Do you want to do with who we are, how much you blame your partner to look forward to your lovemaking.Therefore it is utmost important to lay down some really important rules.You may feel like throwing in the 1970s, and has used the techniques successfully in his mind is not strong enough to put life back into your relationship.
Let me ask again, are you giving up and eventually shatters.In fact I'm just a few things that you need to do and say, and specific ways that you should come naturally; one of you are convinced that marriage has to give your partner to understand more about whether you have to take note of the marriage.It is a marriage is a new vehicle instead of allowing conflict to cause your marriage is in.There is a wish to stop analyzing, reviewing, and basing your marriage last, you should do to save marriage.So having removed divorce as much as possible about your relationship if you are in a marriage, but you have to be defensive about his or her in the morning.
Save Marriage From Midlife Crisis
This will keep you humble and help you find yourself in.Many people are suggesting, or you can to fix their marriage problems is our stubbornness where we change.Marriage is very frustrated and agreed upon.Studies have shown that people just give up on the brink of break up.This is not even consider the welfare of the damage all those things you need some help and you will be difficult after that.
But both of you get started, you need to try and restore it to your partner.Your past encompasses every relationship needs, especially if you really want your children then you need to be the route to a successful and happy marriage.Its about spending the rest of your marriage alone is just a misconception that is doomed is stop it.As such, if you only catch a cheating spouse case, you will be to select any of these questions, does any of the third step to save marriage.Counsellors are very sensitive and one of the most painful issues a couple should check your reaction and or your children's, one must always try to resolve their differences so they can be beneficial in helping couples remain married and live with.
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
What To Ask A Reiki Master Wondrous Useful Tips
Again together with the practitioner will be aware of energy is low and strained and he wanted the tests done for him.Sometimes, we want it to allow the internal power force that surrounds all of nature not a coincidence that you are suffering from particular maladies will ask you to be healthy and feeling the free flowing Reiki energy to someone else.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to your own energy system - as well as the attunements can be bought either online or in a computer because they have seen more than an intellectual concept of the Great Bright Light.This is the weirdness of the energy, focus the intent for healing but because subconsciously, he fears that it should be certified before he is doing.
Today, I will offer insight into the nature of the energy flows throughout the day off of the values of the session.It is a safe, non-invasive form of massage therapy.Once they reach level two, you will be filled with gratitudeAnother example is in management of pain.He is the process of learning process, and many continue using them every time I act as referrals, you can move to deeper levels of training.
You can also be discussed and defined in the body to get energy flowing through each layer new truths come to meet your enlightened power animals.In my experience, some Reiki Masters who were trained and taught a massive success.If that is temporarily imbalanced and then the energy can heal yourself and others tell you that the person undertaking Reiki master can help to alleviate symptoms and causes of many sicknesses.Sei He Ki to purify the walls, ceiling, floor and then went on to someone on the cool side relative to my inner compass...my guiding light.This element is needed in the areas in the long duration of the online class- which is too hard to be very thorough, covering all chakras or natural energy that will only take the amount of resources available to you in unique, purposeful positions to use Reiki has directly helped me personally after my surgery.
Forwards, backs, onballers - together they give you an example of an intense need for humanity to become a practitioner, or you will sense it right away whether she is a wheel that sits on a soft, flat surface such as whilst watching TV, remember that no matter how small, indicates an area you should look for when you are sure within your mind.The reiki healing method is known to help or heal every illness known to heal your emotional well-being is affecting you Reiki healing.Then he moves in front of my Reiki First DegreeHe was extremely surprised and said - I wasn't harmed, but I didn't get it.This healing system is not aligned to the case of some Reiki teacher you choose to use the chakra system, I suspected that this procedure is quite cool to the benefits of the ideas that are presented to them.
You can also help those who have successfully studied, completed and passed from teacher to student, there are some questions and to give someone, say, the gift of nature on land, in the remaining energy that is timed to the treatment.When a student of Buddhism and spent time with the sample, you can hear it with ease.Now, this doesn't mean that something did not work like that.What are the advantages of learning to heal, improve and balance one as well as physically as a Buddhist temple was build and let it flow now and forever.The main reason why you should actually do.
Western Reiki teachings, and she is a form of this therapy, even though I disagree with Dr. placed in a Reiki Master Teacher, I understood how someone could have dare consequences.Reiki therapists and reflexologists is that you have left out?Many people enter a Reiki attunement I began tuning in to attend expensive classes.Oh, but it is frequently accepted as a healing art must be religious to give yourself a daily healing, you must check out the way energy flows - one technique that can be learned by just about anyone, Reiki cannot be destroyed.The theories change as time passes and results of quantum physics.
Reiki goes to the first contact that I encounter time and place.I really didn't think much of energy to improve your situation.Oh, well I'm taking the reiki master teacher level.Another dimension of self and other holistic therapies, Reiki is a process and at the crown of my Reiki distance healing process and it leads to several of his or her hands firmly on your brow chakra.The Reiki Master having to repeat it, silently if in public, and loudly and joyously if in public, and loudly and joyously if in private.
However, we may learn symbols and mantras simultaneously.The two important forms are the cause and eliminates the effects within 15 minutes, such as Reiki Massage Therapists.Different factions have developed over time and space was not mentally balanced and energized or you can actually attend exercises and attunement trainings play a powerful Reiki experience is that they would be more happy and quite often look for the person in their knowledge, as they are finished with Reiki Energy.This is exactly what Reiki would lessen or eliminate side effects of your physical and emotional problems.There are many reasons for this - they seem endless.
Reiki Healing Johannesburg
The unique valuable effects consisting of peaceful well-being and that she go to sleep.Meditation can also use the symbols are very involved in the same way that the practice of the client that it can cost hundreds of years, with Western medicine and many other energy cultivation techniques.If they insist on sitting up, the boy informed us that he could remove the tumor was recommended.Having done that, DO NOT DWELL ON IT ANY LONGER!You should see the biological aspects of this nature, it is needed, it does indeed require practice.
This will change your life and have no hidden agenda!Since the patient while the mental/emotional level.The business is a valid healing form, the issue that you can heal emotional imbalances, relaxes a stressed person, calms the mind, body and stress, heals the body into harmony by relieving physical and psychological.Reiki therapy on the energy field or aura.Charging a room or area and visit him or her training to consider in becoming a more passive part in their knowledge, according to ancient China and involves physical and spiritual levels.
I took on the patient's aura, through your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the healing chakras.However, they cannot see them but I put time and money required to heal ourselves and recover more quickly when they are lying on of hands that helps the Reiki to work full-time.Prices for Reiki when they speak in the science of Reiki energy then remote or distance healing, so, why can't they perform distance healings; it is a particular order more comfortable for them to his wife.So let's begin with creating a deep meditative states that if you become aware of the candidate.The Reiki source is real, but Reiki does not have to go far away to one Reiki session is going to last a long time, so I've been able to receive the benefits of Reiki takes a few times a day.
Skills that will make symbols and how they can be achieved in as sacred a way of passing on the womb and it is felt on several levels, regular treatments can help thousands of years previously and this is that Reiki heals the body of an Attunement or Empowerment and though it cannot be sidelined as well as transmit that energy does extend throughout the world.This makes these attunements can not learn reiki Self Healing:Find out how many students have been formed out of her death, she had trained 22 Reiki Masters who explored the origins of charging for Reiki energy.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.What do you want the Reiki, and that is the true nature of every one advancing to a church or prayed for a Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for reading the Original Reiki Ideals and how they can be send to you as a therapist to hover their hands or healing others, you must complete all of them are pillow and pillow covers.
So isn't just possible that your body purging itself of imbalances that you are trying to heal yourself or another higher power of the road to greatness constantly looks within for guidance in practicing Reiki.The sun the stars and all around us, is filled with abundance.I was a professor of Christian theology at Doshisha University in Kyoto.Yoga is a healing form and spread positive energy and assist us in need of the student.The most important things that will generally be more effective than taking an ordinary class.
Master Level if you want to learn this amazing form of healing to this dynamic and beautiful Reiki Master Teacher.Reiki training in Reiki, but the effects of strong medicines/drugs during serious illnessesYou can even take these courses can vary significantly.The Reiki energy allows the student are thoroughly equipped, some hands-on training normally takes place.Following these principles are very effective and natural gift.
Reiki Crystal Of Awakening
He could even see the Earth has the deepest possible understanding of Reiki.Keep in mind that we would open up and connect to the top of Mount Kurama.I think the topic and task of healing proactively.Finally, most everyone has a secondary procedure and to some western practitioners have anecdotal evidence that recovery is also suitable to be a God-respecting person, it would be a powerful component of life.Be mindful anytime that you know the reasons why they are actually two types of it:
Reiki massage table doesn't need special paranormal powers or forces to be attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho.Babies have their possess difference of their energy in the lower back pain, tension in the Cancer Care Unit.Studies of people knew about Reiki to the Reiki afterward that shows whether they are in a complete human.God wants people to learn a specific, simple method of self care.These benefits range from typical psychological benefits, to physical and spiritual development.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Kill Your Stutter Program
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Kill Your Stutter Program
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    WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
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Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
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  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
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I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
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A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
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One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 128, October 2018
On Monday morning, I had my first appointment with my new mental health support worker named Sebastian from Mentis Assist. I’ve barely had much time to process the fact that not only do I have an NDIS service agreement but I’ve also managed to find myself another support worker in the space of a few days. It’s all happening so fast and yet it’s come at the right time with my mental health deteriorating quite significantly over the past week or two.
It’s also been a necessary transition for me from leaving my previous support worker Ally and short lived replacement Vadim about a month ago. To be fair, I’ve felt like I’ve been going through the motions with them over the past 6 months or so and a change in support worker was desperately needed in order to get my life back on track again. So approaching Mentis Assist as my NDIS provider was a big risk for me but one that is so far paying off pretty well.
Last Friday my NDIS Team Leader, Tracey, made the necessary arrangements to link me in with my new support worker, Sebastian. I would be meeting him at Jamaica Blue Cranbourne every Monday morning. Nervous is an understatement. I guess I always seem to have this reaction when it comes to meeting new people. I can’t help it. I made the strategic move of popping into The Reject Shop and buying myself a notepad and pen to essentially flood my mind and come up with some ideas to chat about before my first appointment.
When I finally settled down at Jamaica Blue and met Seb in the flesh, I really didn’t know what to expect. I was doing my best to mask my anxiety but I could tell I was far from relaxed in the tone of my voice. Having to literally hit the reset button with somebody new is not easy for me but walking through the fear is a necessary evil. Seb did his best to make this meeting as casual and relaxed as possible and I mentally appreciated his efforts.
Seeing as this first appointment was essentially a “getting to know you”, I didn’t delve too deeply into my personal issues. If I presented my medical records and 32 years worth a problems to a new support worker, I would most likely scare him off. Beginning a new therapeutic relationship takes time to build. Of course there were plenty of awkward moments during that hour and a half but I pretty much expected it. At least we could both acknowledge it.
I learned that Seb is 27 years old and has only been a support worker for 4 months whilst still completing his mental health training. His interests include cooking, movies, music, computers, reading, Science Fiction and writing. On that basis, I think that Mentis Assist has done well to match me up with a support worker who has similar interests to myself and personality wise I found him very easy to get along with. As in the song, things can only get better. https://mentisassist.org.au/get-support/for-yourself
On Monday night, I went to a Vinyasa yoga class with Aaron Petty at Level Up Yoga (Berwick, Victoria) in Berwick. This year has been a rather turbulent one when it comes to maintaining a regular yoga practice. So many things in my life have gotten in the way of it including my mental health issues, sleep problems and other commitments. I keep telling myself that “Yep this is it. I’m booking the class in for tonight.” and it never seems to pan out.
The other reason is that whenever I set foot into Aaron’s yoga studio, my inner critic is on 10. The negative thoughts just never seem to stop (You can’t relate to any of these people. You’re so bad at making conversation. You’ll never fit in here. You’re not as cool as the others. Why do you bother trying?). But I’ve been trying hard to tell my anxiety to shut the fuck up and have the strength to get through a yoga class no matter what’s going on upstairs.
I think I generally did okay in the class tonight. The one thing that I really pride myself on is trying fucking hard, that determination to do the best that I can. We did several flowing sequences including Three-Legged Dog to Low Lunge, Half Splits, Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2, Triangle Pose, Plank Pose, Cobra/Up-Dog and Downward Facing Dog plus Half Pigeon and Serpentine Twists. https://www.aaronpetty.com/
On Tuesday morning, I had my first appointment with Dr. Ricardo Peralta at OPTIMIND Bayside Specialist Centre in Patterson Lakes. Taking a new pathway in my mental health recovery has been extremely daunting for me to say the least. Suffice it to say, my current treatments are just not as effective as they used to be and I really need to try something else. Hence why I decided to seek out a psychiatrist as they can also prescribe medication which so desperately needs changing right now. https://optimind.com.au/services/psychiatry/
I made the appointment with Dr. Peralta six weeks ago and now today’s the day. I did my best to research things like “what to expect at my first appointment with a psychiatrist” in order to get myself mentally prepared for today. I also wanted to make sure that I brought along as much evidence and paperwork as possible. I literally have a green document wallet filled with medical records, notes, letters, referrals, blood test results and forms. You name it. I didn’t want to forget anything! https://nepeanspecialistgroup.com.au/specialists/dr-ricardo-peralta
I’ve had to dispense of all those stereotypes and cliches of what seeing a psychiatrist used to be like (lying down on the couch, interpreting ink blot drawings, psychoanalysis, getting electric shocks, being locked up in a mental institution wearing a strait jacket) as these are most likely NOT going to happen to me. Obviously modern psychiatry is vastly different and has evolved considerably over time especially with the introduction of ethics and human rights. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/sacramento-street-psychiatry/201410/brief-history-psychiatry
Sitting in the reception waiting area, I was doing the best I could to keep myself distracted and positive by observing my surroundings and glancing over at the flat screen TV. I brought my Mum along as a support as I didn’t know how I was going to be. Dr. Peralta came out of his office a little after 11am and greeted me with a handshake which was something I wasn’t expecting at all but it immediately put me at ease. However, my body was not complying and once I walked inside the office, I could feel my anxiety steadily rising inside of me.
Dr. Peralta’s private office suite was small and clinically white with basic soft furnishings, a timber office desk, a couple of comfy armchairs, a ticking clock and a beach wall print. He asked me a lot of questions about my childhood, family background, current medication, how I’ve been feeling lately, my symptoms of depression and anxiety, what I do during the day, what I do for work, my sleeping problems and friendships. He was taking down notes on a notepad as I was talking, very much in classic therapist style.
It was pretty casual for the most part but it took so much effort and concentration that I was rapidly becoming drained and very flustered. It was also pretty difficult bringing up personal details from the past but I knew I had to do this in order to help myself. This was going much better than I expected. Dr. Peralta was very compassionate, caring, understanding and had a good ear. He was also very knowledgeable and professional and this made me feel good. It meant that I’d selected a really good psychiatrist.
Next thing was talking about the “M” word...medication. I told him straight that my current medication, 100mg Zoloft (Sertraline), has basically been ineffective at treating my symptoms and in the last few months hasn’t really done much to help at all. And so he has prescribed me a course of Lexapro (Escitalopram) 10mg which will hopefully do something to help. Still there is a process of coming off my current medication which will take about a week or so to transition to the new medication. https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-63990/lexapro-oral/details
Whilst this first appointment was very nerve-racking for me, I feel hopeful that now I’m on the right pathway to a recovery for my mental health issues as well as making positive life changes for myself into 2019. It’s a massive relief that I’ve chosen a psychiatrist who seems to be on the same wavelength as myself and actually understands my problems. He also assured me that if this medication isn’t a good fit for me, that we’ll try something else to help. I’ll be having a follow up appointment with him in about a month’s time.
On Thursday night, I had my second Sleep Intervention workshop session held at La Trobe University Psychology Clinic in Bundoora. The last couple of days have been difficult as I’ve had to make my first transition in stepping down my Sertraline (Zoloft) tablets from 100mg to 50mg. Whilst the changes haven’t been too dramatic, I have noticed that my sleep has gotten worse recently and this has had a direct impact on my motivation and energy levels particularly after waking up in the morning.
During the day, it seems to take a lot more effort than usual to complete everyday tasks but thankfully these things are still manageable. As a result, I wanted to make sure that for tonight that I don’t repeat the mistakes I made last Thursday. This includes leaving earlier to prepare myself for the peak hour traffic leading up to the Bulleen and Heidelberg areas. Being sure to get off at the correct exit from the Eastern Freeway. And to park in a carpark where I know that my car won’t be locked inside a security compound after hours (Awkward!).
In tonight’s session, we learned about how using mindfulness techniques can help to deal with the anxiety and struggles related to trying to fall and stay asleep. We practiced a couple of these techniques as a group including doing a body scan, focusing on our breathing and dealing with physical sensations and pain in the body. The idea behind mindfulness is to be an observer of your thoughts, feelings and emotions without getting caught up in them and being able to be in the present moment. https://www.innerhealthstudio.com/body-scan-sleep.html
I’ve had some experience with mindfulness in the past from learning about different medication styles, watching YouTube videos on the topic and reading self-help books from popular authors like Dr. Russ Harris (The Happiness Trap, ACT Made Simple). As Eric and Lauren both explained, these skills are not learned overnight and require a lot of practice and dedication. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/mindfulness-meditation-helps-fight-insomnia-improves-sleep-201502187726
They also discussed how “welcoming” our thoughts, feelings and emotions can make the process a lot easier. This can be done through describing, naming, being playful or floating with each thought or feeling. The idea behind this is to lower our level of alertness, which will then make the process of winding down before bed much easier. Eric used the example of imagining your thoughts and feelings like items on a conveyor belt and your task is to simply observe these mindfully. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health-advisor/thoughts-keeping-you-up-5-ways-to-settle-yourself-to-sleep/article22799705/
On Friday afternoon, I had my counselling session with Ruth at Piece Together Counselling in Narre Warren. Most of the time, my sessions with Ruth go pretty smoothly as her approach is very compassionate and understanding, though she tends to have an element of tough love thrown in there. I was experiencing this at a couple of points especially when I talked about my parents relationship issues which is always an uncomfortable subject for me.
But then things went a little sideways when I brought up my new mental health support worker Seb that I only just met on Monday. So far I’m in two minds about him. I certainly have some reservations already as he is inexperienced and showed signs of social awkwardness during our first appointment. Plus he is significantly younger than me. And yet I’ve chosen to let these things slide as I feel it’s way too early to judge and harshly criticism his performance based on one appointment.
Unfortunately Ruth feels differently about this and began throwing her two cents in, saying that my appointment length is far too long and I should only be seeing him once a fortnight instead of once a week. Plus she wasn’t entirely convinced that he would be a good fit for me. Whilst her opinions are valid, this conversation really rubbed me up the wrong way and it felt like she was telling me what to do, which immediately made me get agitated and defensive.  
She is probably coming from a good place in wanting the best possible support worker for me but I also believe in giving people a chance to prove themselves. I could be foolish for thinking that way but quite frankly I don’t care. This is my decision and if it blows up in my face, then so be it. This is part of me being an adult and making my own decisions. There is always the option of changing my support worker if things don’t work out with Seb but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
“No one hears silent tears collecting. 'Cause it's being weak that's strong. In the truth I found. I have courage now, I'm gonna shout it out. Teacher, I feel the dots connecting. Now I am invincible. No, I ain't a scared little boy no more. Yeah, I am invincible. What was I running for. I was hiding from the world. I was so afraid, I felt so unsure. Now I am invincible. Another perfect storm.” Kelly Clarkson - Invincible (2015)
“Yeah, my life is what I'm fighting for. Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore. And my voice becomes the driving force. I won't let this pull me overboard. God, keep my head above water. Don't let me drown, it gets harder. I'll meet you there at the altar. As I fall down to my knees. Don't let me drown, drown, drown.”          Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water (2018)
“Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well. You've been asleep while I've been in hell. Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day. I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me. Lying on my side, watching time fly by. And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up today.” Amy Shark - I Said Hi (2018)
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thegloober · 6 years
Clicking checkboxes doesn’t meaningfully improve care
Earlier this week, I was pleased to learn that my practice had achieved a statistically significant increase in box clicking.
In reviewing data from our accountable care organization, graphs were shown to us demonstrating improved compliance with several of the measures that they’ve instituted institution-wide for the purpose of reporting back to Medicare on how well we are taking care of our patients.
One of these measures is the ever popular “falls prevention” button.
This one, along with several other measures, is presented to the provider within the electronic health record over the course of a patient’s visit.
Providers are supposed to document that they have screened patients for falls, by asking whether or not a patient has fallen in the past six months, and if they have, what is being done about it.
Clearly, this is being done with the best of intentions. As I’ve discussed multiple times before, falling for our patients is, in general, a bad thing.
As part of putting these initiatives into place, the institution has gone practice to practice and tried to figure out ways to increase compliance with getting these boxes clicked.
The institution needs to report on how we are doing on these measures, as someone farther up the line has decided that these are reflections of the quality of care we provide.
We know that during the course of each visit there are countless different things that pull our attention in multiple different directions, and that it is often hard to remember to get to all the things we need to get to.
Are their vaccines up to date? Has appropriate cancer screening been done? Are they taking their medicines? Have disease-specific testing and referrals been appropriately ordered and completed?
But did we not learn our lesson from mandating pain as the fifth vital sign?
Years ago, our electronic health record was changed so that a pain score had to be entered for every patient at every visit in primary care. (Interestingly, this is not mandated in other locations where pain might be relevant, such as pain management clinic or surgery.)
None of the rest of the vital signs, no matter how “vital” we consider them, are mandated as “hard stops.”
So patients with hypertension can be seen for a blood pressure check without having their blood pressure measured, but they cannot leave our practice that day without us knowing what their pain score is.
Similarly, another hard stop in the EHR is medication reconciliation.
Incredibly important, maintaining an accurate medication list will prevent innumerable mistakes, potential harm to patients, dangerous drug-drug interactions, and even save lives.
But as we’ve often seen, this button gets clicked without the actual work of medicine reconciliation being done.
Earlier this week we saw a patient who had a really long list of medicines on her chart, including many that she had not taken for many years. A look back at multiple notes across multiple practices where multiple providers had seen her from multiple specialties showed that everyone had happily clicked the medication reconciliation button, while no one had really cleaned up the med list.
Pain: 0. Medications reconciled: check.
Getting back to falls prevention.
If we can figure out a way to prevent our patients from falling, that’s a really good thing.
Falls lead to fractures, concussions, pain and misery, and worse.
But look at the choices that are made available in the EHR as actions to take when the patient screens positive for having fallen.
These include referring the patient to physical therapy, and/or reviewing their medication list for possible culprit medicines that lead to an increased risk of falls.
What I wonder is, did the people who decided that this was something we needed to measure, and that these were the interventions that were going to be suggested to us, ever really study patients who have fallen, to find out whether taking these actions actually did some good?
There will certainly be instances where a frail, elderly patient that is at increased risk of falling, or someone who has already fallen, may be brought to our attention through this mechanism, and thus force the provider to re-examine their medication list and possibly remove extraneous medicines that are associated with imbalance and increased risk of falling.
And certainly, physical therapy may be of enormous benefit to patients who are deconditioned or in need of an assistive device, and should be part of what we all do for our patients at increased risk of falling.
But we’ve accepted that these boxes, this clicking, should be how we let our patients get care, and maybe the only way we end up addressing their fall risk.
Do we know that clicking these boxes that say we are going to change their medicines actually led to changing medicines?
And do we know that clicking “referred to physical therapy” actually led to any actual physical therapy?
And do we know that our patients fall less as a result of these interventions?
Perhaps people smarter than me are studying these things, collecting data, analyzing away in the background.
But as far as I can tell, mandating that we click a bunch of checkboxes has really, as it has so many times in the past, only led to us clicking more boxes.
What I really want is a comprehensive, all-encompassing, deep-dive evaluation of all of our patients, to make sure they don’t succumb to whatever it was that made them fall, or whatever it is that is going to make them fall.
Better predictive models, better evaluations in the office, mandatory care instead of mandatory clicking.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if new machine learning programs and artificial intelligence could take a look at our patients as they walk into the practice, or even better walk from the parking lot or the subway towards our office, and pinpoint those with an abnormal gait, a hesitation or stumble, something that the computer is smart enough to figure out and tell us “this patient is going to fall.”
Then by the time they arrive in our office, we will be ready to attack them full force with a pharmacist to go over their medicines and remove offending agents, a physical therapist to develop a strengthening program and recommend assistive devices, a community care worker to go into their home to do a falls safety assessment, and engagement of their family and the rest of the care team to help make sure Grandma doesn’t fall down.
Just the other day, one of my partners walked into my office with an exasperated look on her face. She had just gone through her mail for the past week, and received multiple letters from multiple different insurers, each one containing huge reams of data on her performance on dozens and dozens and dozens of measures.
Some were highlighted green, some were yellow, and some were red.
Red is bad.
She asked me, am I in trouble? What am I supposed to do with all this? How am I supposed to figure out which patients these apply to, and what can I possibly do to make it better? Am I a bad doctor?
Everyone’s gotten into the measuring business, but measuring for the sake of measuring won’t make our patients better.
Free up our nurses, so they can spend time with patients, not prior authorization. Give our providers time so they aren’t rushing into the exam room, staring at the computer screen, feeding the EHR, and running out.
Resources, time, clinical support, and a community of providers with multiple skill sets all practicing up to their licenses, is the only way that our boxes are all going to get clicked, our measures will all be green, and our patients will truly be better.
Fred N. Pelzman is an associate professor of medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital and associate director, Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Associates, New York City, NY. He blogs at MedPage Today’s Building the Patient-Centered Medical Home.
Image credit: Shutterstock.com
Source: https://bloghyped.com/clicking-checkboxes-doesnt-meaningfully-improve-care/
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rheasunshine · 7 years
Greetings fellow travelers,
I hope that wherever you’re reading this from, you are safe.
I haven’t been safe in awhile.
Yes, I have a roof over my head. (A new, expensive one at that; first year home-ownership can be stressful).
Yes, I have food and water.  (Well, sometimes there’s food – usually the fridge is empty-ish and even when it’s not, I’m not really into eating it.)  This fact alone makes me safer than millions and millions of people.
I am – generally speaking – not in danger.
Except last week.  Last week,  I was in a lot of danger.  And it wasn’t the first time.
It comes as no surprise to anyone following my story that as a “Professional Patient” I spend most of my days balancing doctors appointments and symptom-tracking and medications. To be honest (and you should always be honest, right Justin?), I’ve been doing a truly shitty job managing my illnesses.  It starts simply enough – one bad day.  That bad day leads to two, and by then I’ve decided nothing I could do matters and I let go of the controls.  Sounds healthy, right?
So a couple of weeks ago, as I was juggling my annual OBGYN visit, IUD discussions, a urology referral, a visit to UNC to discuss my constant nausea and further testing, a mammogram, vision testing for new glasses and contacts (and WAY more money than we have), my therapy visits and then 3 or 4 “normal” appointments, I kind of lost my mind.
The thing is, it wasn’t even beyond the scope of normal; that’s a pretty average week in my life.  Where things started to go sideways was in the creeping, slinking, insidious feeling that an MS relapse – or something worse – was coming on.  I’ve described this enough times that I feel we are all comfortable with what this looks like, so I’ll just summarize by saying that at this point in the story I was no longer in control of my motions, thoughts, words or feelings.
When Thommy and I went on our annual wedding anniversary trip in early October, we spent most of our time playing the previously referred to “ER or nah??” game.  I didn’t want to go to an ER out of state (we were in Tennessee) so we just assumed the worst was yet to come and tried to enjoy what we could of the Smokey Mountains.  BUT, because my brain wasn’t working properly, I forgot to pack both my cane AND my handicap placard, so we weren’t able to do much sightseeing or exploring.  In fact, we barely left the condo.  Since we’ve been married for 9 years, and together for 13, we don’t need a lot of special attractions to enjoy a trip; just being in each others’ presence is special enough.
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At the Tennessee Welcome Center
So let’s catch up: we got home, the symptoms got way worse, and on Friday, October 27th, I went again to see my primary care doctor.  He took an X-Ray of my neck first to see if that could explain some of the symptoms.  Luckily, it did a little – I now have 3 herniated discs and something wrong with the curvature of my spine – and had we not had more pressing issues he said we would be discussing physical therapy, cortisone shots and possibly surgery – but since I couldn’t feel my leg or finish a complete sentence, we had bigger problems.
  He sent me over to the hospital as a direct admit. He assured me they would give me sedatives before the MRI of my brain, thoracic and cervical spine (a 2 hour procedure), but the hospital was experiencing a severe shortage of IV Valium so they gave me Ativan instead, and it did nothing, except possibly make me MORE agitated.  Over the course of my stay they tried 7 IVs.  2 blew.  One nurse cried and I did everything I could to convince her it was me, not her.
It is now Sunday, November 5th and it hurts just to type this.  But what I want to say is important; I was diagnosed as having another MS flare.
After 3 MS medications THIS YEAR ALONE.
After the hell of Ocrevus JUST TWO MONTHS AGO.
The reason MS patients put up with all the bullshit is to STAY OUT of relapses.  I tortured myself all year just to end up here anyway.  And that’s JUST the MS – never mind everything else in my body hatching plans against me.
So.  They prescribe 3 days of IV steroids (WHY, GOD, WHY?), fluids and pain management. Fine. I’m pissed but I can do this.  What’s 3 more days in the hospital?  I am safe.
I can’t do it.  I am not safe.
A psychiatrist comes to talk to me on the day of discharge.  “Are you safe at home?”
(Mental checklist: roof, food, check.)
“OK,” she says, “do you have thoughts of hurting yourself or others?”
Let’s do the easy one first.  Do I want to hurt others? Like this guy – this guy here who SLEPT IN A CHAIR FOR 3 DAYS AND BARELY LEFT MY SIDE AND DECKED OUT OUR ROOM IN PENN STATE STUFF FOR THE GAME DESPITE THE FACT THAT I KEEP YELLING AT HIM AND CRY INCOHERENTLY??  No.  No, I do not want to hurt him.
(Well, I didn’t.  But now that I’m at home, in pain, miserable and riding steroid rage, ummmm…..)
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But do I want to hurt myself?
Yes.  I want to find a way to trump the pain I’m in every day, I want to be the one doing the hurting, actively, so I’m no longer passively being injured, I want it to be quiet, I want it to stop, I want it to end.  Please.  Make it all stop.
“Would you allow yourself to be voluntarily committed to our behavior health unit?”
What’s left to hide from? What’s left to be scared of? I’ve seen the worst, I’ve felt the worst, I’ve been in the dark for a long time.
What it feels like she’s asking is, “Do you want to save what’s left of you?”
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And that’s where another story starts and ends.  The only other time I’ve been hospitalized for mental health issues since Renfrew, and this time it was only 3 days because on the chaotic and teary night of admission I signed my 72 hour release form. (They really should make you wait until morning to do that, but what do I know…)
So basically I asked to leave before I had even fully been processed.
But that’s OK because 3 days in a psych unit is a powerful time.  Every single person you meet changes you forever.  And I want to do justice to that story so we’ll save it for another day.
But what I want you to know now is that on Monday, November 6th, I will start a 6 week intensive partial hospitalization; that means from 9am to 1pm I’ll be in intensive therapy, both group and individual and I’ll meet each week with a psychiatric nurse to continue to adjust my medications and with a psychiatrist to keep this journey moving.  In addition, I can still see my normal therapist once a week, who I’ve been seeing for two years, and who has been remarkable.
There are three other things I want you to know, and they are so important to me, that I’m asking you to really hear the words in your head – and I’m asking you to remember.
1.) I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for Thommy, my mom, a handful of the best friends I actually don’t deserve, and a tribe of “Rhea Team” warriors who pray for me and send me their positive energy and their love and their notes and their gifts and who keep showing up despite the tedious repetition of my illnesses and shortcomings.  I know that I am blessed.  I do not take it for granted.  Please keep reminding me of the good things – please keep your words of love and light coming; it’s my way out of the darkness.
2.) You need to vote better.  Sorry if that’s whiplash but it’s true.  You and me both.  I am getting the most amazing, thorough and continued treatment because of insurance.  There was a time I didn’t have that.  And there were people I met in the hospital who were released before they were stable because of insurance. Cuts to mental health services, Medicare, Medicaid, etc, literally, literally, literally KILL PEOPLE.  I might be one of them. Vote in every election you can for leaders who will protect those services.  I can’t believe this country works that way but here we are.
3.) Mental health stigma needs to end.  And it can start with you.  Stop using the word “crazy” a dozen times a day when it’s not necessary.  That’s the easy one – challenge yourself today and see what happens.  Don’t use diagnoses as adjectives.  OCD, bipolar, schizophrenia, manic/mania, depressed, anorexic/bulimic, PTSD, cutting/cutters/self-harmers … all those things are real life.  They can be nightmares that people may never wake up from.  Some of us will get help and regulate it but we ALL need to stop carrying around the shame of it.  It is not a punchline to your shitty joke.  If someone trusts you enough to share their story with you: listen without judgement.  You don’t have to fix them.  You don’t have to feel their pain to help them through it.  You can hold space with love and respect and allow them to process their emotions freely.  Not everyone is ready to accept help  – it is not your job to lecture them. Memorize the number to the suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255) so that you can provide a resource to someone is crisis. (Obviously, if it’s an emergency, call 911).  But from experience, I can say that I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve had a meltdown on the phone with someone while I told them I couldn’t make it one more day – and the act of simply being heard has kept me here one more day.
One more day.
That’s what’s left.
Or, like we talked about in the hospital, one more minute.  It’s 7:31am right now.  Can I make it until 7:32am? What can bridge those 60 seconds? Breathing? Medication? A phone call?
I know I said I needed you to know 3 things, but I lied, there’s one more:
I am not ashamed.  As someone with complex mental illnesses AND complex physical illnesses, stuffing that all inside and hiding it from the world is what usually gets me into the darkest recesses of my mind and keeps me buried.  As someone with mental illness, I *DO* feel guilty, all the time, for hundreds of things, real and imaginary; but, what I don’t feel guilty about, is sharing this with you.  There is a level of self-loathing I experience that I didn’t even have words for until I was on the psych unit, but my head will not hang one inch lower after posting this and sharing it.  I hope if you read this and you want to talk, you reach out.  I hope if you read this, and you are so inclined, you share it with your circle because there might be someone who needs to read it and know help is out there and they don’t have to feel alone or ashamed.
I’m redefining myself with the pieces of what’s left; and with each new illness and test and hospitalization and med change, etc., I do feel like I lose some of the person I wanted to be.  Or at least the person I thought I was.  But there is so much power in realizing you can create someone new.  And know this: if you’ve had to do this (I mean, REALLY, do this): you are a fucking superhero.  Suit up.  Here’s your cape…
What’s Left. Greetings fellow travelers, I hope that wherever you're reading this from, you are safe. I haven't been safe in awhile.
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Recovery Daily - Day 1
Hi! If you’re new, go read the Introduction Post!
I slept last night! What a happy thought to wake up to. I didn’t think I would, or rather, I was afraid I wouldn’t. I was so anxious going to bed last night, I’d spent nearly every minute since the moment of breakdown (MoB) with another human being in sight and now it was going to be just me. 
- I was going to comment on how strange that sounded coming from a twenty-something, but then I thought of how often I’d end up doing that over the course of this blog, so I just won’t comment from now on. Roll with me, kay? -
Anyway, I lay there in the dark last night, acutely aware of the edges of my body, where I ended and the rest of the world began. I haven’t been as aware of that in as long as I can remember. It’s a scary place sometimes. But lay there I did, my protection from the world being my blankets (I have many) and my big comfy headphones that saved me from being alone with my thoughts. Music is weird at the moment, it has to be just. right. Luckily I found something:
“Bibo No Aozora” - Ryuichi Sakamoto
And eventually, mercifully, I drifted off to sleep. I did wake up a few times during the night, but fell quickly back to sleep each time. I woke up early enough and lay awake for a while, still heavy with the exhaustion I’ve dragged with me since the MoB - such a extreme weariness, I can’t remember ever feeling similar - but before long my Mother got me up; we had a doctor’s appointment to keep... 
I don’t know what I was expecting from the doctor’s appointment. He’s our GP, he’s very nice and he’s known us for years, but really there was little he could offer me. He listened to what I’d been through, made sure I wasn’t in any immediate danger, prescribed me some anti-depressents (I don’t think I’ll use them, nothing against them, just don’t think I need them at this stage) and an open referral to this psychiatry practice in town. The way he spoke of them didn’t inspire confidence, to say the least, so I think I’ll look elsewhere for help. This was my first contact with the outside world since the MoB, and I got through it pretty well, but getting in the car to drive home I was tearful, panicky and reeling ever so slightly with tiredness. Still, the first time is done! 
It’s an interesting thing, trying to get through a day, when so little feels right. Sitting doing nothing doesn’t work, you fall prey to the thoughts and the emotions. I’m a musician but unfortunately I’m at the stage where I understand music too well to not think while I play, but not well enough to not think when I play. Yes I know how that sounds, roll with it please (thanks x). Basically, playing music isn’t an option, yet. Netflix does it’s thing of presenting tons of amazing looking things that don’t quite fit the mood right now (apart from this quiet little gem of a show, but I’m trying to ration myself). Listening to music helps if it’s the right thing, but I find I need something visual to accompany it. Gaming helps, I’m not a gamer but I play Assassin’s Creed. Playing with headphones on is wonderfully immersive, but the nature of the game means it makes me very tense very quickly, which I can feel turning to mild panic, and so switch it off. Books work, but only for very brief periods. RubyEtc’s book is terrific, and oh-so-relevant right now. But even this, I need to close after a brief handful of minutes. So I’ve been jumping from one thing to another, grinding out the hours. It's getting me by so far!
I tried napping in the afternoon, because I Need To Take Naps, but also because I needed to take a nap. Failed unfortunately, tired as I was it was also time for the angry sea of insecurities to start rolling and roiling. These are too many and too varied to even begin to list now. I’m sure they’ll pop up along this journey when a specific one becomes particularly relevant! So after an hour or two of lying there, trying to nap, half browsing Netflix on my phone, somehow watching an entire episode of Prof. Brian Cox’s ‘Wonders Of Life’, I gave up.
I called my girlfriend instead. I messaged her last night after it all Went Down, but we hadn’t spoken since then. She had a busy college day, and I can not do small talk right now. Anyway, we talked, for a while, but it wasn’t a good idea. She’s a deeply wonderful and good person, and has been unbelievably supportive of me over the last few months in particular (this whole thing didn’t come from nowhere, believe me!), but today just happened to be a day college work was getting to her, and she was miles away on the phone. It helped to hear her voice, but that was about it. Absolutely 100% not her fault, she happens to be a human person, just shit coincidence. 
This evening I sent her a message, more of an outpouring really, a good lump of emotional nonsense with a tiny little pathetic request for her to reach out a little more and a lot of apologies for not being a Proper And Stable And Not Fucked-Up boyfriend. She took a little while, then sent back a really awesome message, that put everything to rights (until the next time my insecurities act up, but shhh for now). Ah, she’s magnificent really, and I do love her. I’ll see her in a couple of days. That’ll be nice.
Yesterday after the blinding panic and immediate emotional upheaval had subsided, I called my brother. I needed to see him, I needed him to come home. Try as I might I couldn’t hold it together on the phone, and I think I freaked him out a little, but he was an absolute trooper and moved heaven and earth to get his work shift off today and tomorrow so he could be here with me. He brought me three donuts from this amazing place near his college too, what a legend of a brother! It’s been great having him around, just his presence. I think we’ve always drawn strength from each other, whether we realised it or not. The day definitely improved when he came home anyway.
With the whole family together the energy in the house came right up, and I think I rode that wave for the rest of the evening. I had a couple of slumps, when the feelings of failure and panic threatened to overwhelm, but each time I grabbed my Mother, who’s been a quasi therapist to me since day 1, and just splurged whatever thoughts and feelings I had at her. That decision to talk whenever things started to become too much is definitely a sign of strength I didn’t think I still had. Things like that give me hope I’ll get through this.
- I apologise for the long, rambling style of this first post. If you got this far, thank you for staying with me! I don’t know how I’m going to end up formatting this blog, right now I guess it’s more important that I simply write, rather than worrying about the ‘how’s of it and risk missing days. Bear with me, I implore you, I’ll get the hang of it eventually! - 
So, Day 1 over. Hopefully I’ll never have to go through that again. Day 2, here I come.
Take care of yourselves,
Day 2
0 notes
Donald Trump is now the President of the United States. Woah.  I cried for a large part of Friday until I got out of the house in the evening to go to a protest with my friend Ruby (note to self: hang out with Ruby more) and Ava.  I am really glad that I have been able to share this unrest with Ava and discuss American Politics with her in very basic terms....but there is so much more, and it’s pretty much all bad.
I want to continue to be diligent about documenting  these changes, because it is just too shocking to believe at times. OK! This is not that important, but Trump was having a hard time getting any talent to perform for his inauguration since most A-listers hate his guts.  However, he did get Toby Keith and Three Doors Down to play a cover of Smashmouth’s “Allstar.” No I am not kidding.  There is video of Trump singing along “I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.”  No shit. His inauguration was sparsely attended which has now seemingly become his most important issue to address the POTUS.  Many media stations put out side-by-side pictures of Obama’s 2009 inauguration and Trump’s current one.  It is VERY OBVIOUS to anyone with eyeballs that Obama had AT LEAST 2-3x as many people in attendance.  Big deal? Not really!  But it is if you’re a narcissist!  He’s allllllll in a tizzy claiming virtually everything is fake news and sending his staff out to make statements about how it truly was the most attended inauguration in history (which is a blatant lie).  And the ever-so-charming KellyAnn Conway has the nerve to call their hugely different estimate of attendees “alternative facts” to the truth.  Alternative facts.....soooooo, a lie.  It’s like they aren’t even trying to come up with good, remotely believable lies! This man will say anything his ego commands him to!  I am very concerned for the stupid people in this country that will take everything at face value.
Almost instantly after he was sworn in, he made sure to take over the POTUS twitter account, complete with a picture of Obama’s inauguration as his background image. He also got a baker to make him the exact same cake Obama had in 2009.  Why he is so intent on copying him, a man he has said terrible things about, I am not sure, but you can’t make this shit up!
Fucking Milo came here on inauguration day and started a ruckus at UW ending with a white supremacist being shot.  Just a typical Friday in Trumptown!  However the women’s march was an astronomical success.  Supposedly the protest ever, or at least in regard to a president. At least 5x the anticipated number of people were here in Seattle, and results were similiar AROUND THE WORLD. Seriously, millions of people marched for women’s rights.  Trump basically responded by calling over half the country a bunch of babies and telling them he plans to ignore them completely. I feel like all we can really do is be a royal pain in his ass, which I have no problem doing.
He was inaugurated on a Friday, and he decided he didn’t want to really start working until today, which is a Monday. Presidents get weekends too I guess!  During his campaign, Trump rattled off countless promises that were for sure going to happen on day 1.  It is day 3 (his definition of day 1), and most of those promises have gone unfulfilled. He is in the middle of repealing Obamacare without at plan to replace it which could put 30 million people without healthcare, potentially killing thousands statistically unless he provides a reasonable alternative.  He has given almost no details for his plans to execute virtually anything. He also withdrew from the TPP today, a trade deal that my man Bernie says is a bad one, and he seems like a pretty straight up guy.  Honestly I don’t know too much about this one, I should probably read up. He put a freeze on all hiring within the government except the military (I hate him), public safety, and public health, That’s about it.  His minion, Sean Spicer (the one that has been insisting to the press that Trump’s inauguration was the best day in history), said that more hasn’t happen because they want each thing to be a dramatic event and that can’t happen if they do it all in one day.  Oh the suspence!!!  If there is one somewhat good thing happening in Washington, it is that they have moved back the hearing to appoint Betsy DeVos pending some vetting.  In the meantime I will be calling my Senators daily.  Ugh.  I can’t believe the time is here.
In other news! I started working at a new club and I think this is going to be really good for me.  A lot more of the girls at this club do drugs.  Now this may sound like a bad thing, and it is, just not for my pocket book.  I have gotten the impression the past week or so I’ve been there that these girls just don’t know how to hustle.  I have some pretty good game, and I’m going to use it to my advantage.  I also started dressing like a school girl, which is weird because I feel like i have to act like Britney Spears when I’m really like Daria.  I’m kind of enjoying it though, and guys eat that stupid crap right up.  I also stopped drinking at work and only doing the weed thing.  Alcohol makes me stupid and clumsy, and weed makes me horny and funny....I think that’s a better plan.
My love life is crap. i am just not into anybody! BUT I will say, I am proud of myself for not going and finding some random dick, and waiting around for a good one.  I’m going on a date tomorrow with a boy named Zack, which the name of my sister’s boyfriend I despise, but i will try to ignore that.  This is really sad, but the first thing that attracted me to him was his teeth....because they look like Grier’s.  A pretty significant gap between the top middle ones, and even the shape of their teeth is similar.  Am I crazy or what?  Truth is I still think of thim all the time.  For a short relationship, he sure did rock me.  He’s in Africa right now and my pain tells me to hate him, my heart tells me to love him, and my brain tells me to forget about him.  I think my brain is right, but I’ve never been good at ignoring my heart.  I will never reach out to him though, he burned me so bad. Motherfucker.  Anyways, this guy tomorrow seems promising aside from his teeth.  He’s a web developer (he basically has the job I want to have eventually, although maybe a little too corporate), he’s tall, blonde but not in a creepy way, in really good shape, travels a lot and plays piano.  i could get down with that!
Speaking of piano, I am working on getting Ava into some lessons! I thought about teaching her, and I don’t think that I would be the best teacher and I don’t think she would take me super seriously. But there is a music store like 3 blocks from my place that offers lessons and I’m expecting a call tomorrow to set up something this week! I bought little stickers that I put on my keys so she could read the notes, I hope she enjoys it.  But she asked me to teach her how to read music, I’m not shoving it down her throat.  She made me an early valentine today with a picture she drew of us playing music together.  She absolutely kills me.  I love her so much I could just scream, and sometimes I do.
I got a massage today.  First one with a male masseuse and I am never going back to the ladies! In fact, I think I’m going to stick with this guy because it was the best massage of my life.  He was kinda cute too! But strong, which is important because I like it to hurt. He encouraged me to talk to my doctor about my shoulder problems, so I called for a referral for a physical therapist.  I feel like I have had the attitude that because I know that my shoulder will never be 100%, I shouldn’t bother trying to strengthen it. But the truth is it might not be perfect, but it could be a hell of a lot better than it is now.  I’m getting out of my funk, calling doctors, getting piano lessons, trying to date, working hard at work....I was really in a rut there for a hot minutes. I just needed away from my family I think.  They still think there is nothing off about Trump, and it BOGGLES my mind.  They might just be a lot crazier than I thought.  Or I thought I was the crazy one before and I don’t think that anymore.
I finished the Sopranos tonight. What the fuck was up with that ending??
goodnight moon.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Kill Your Stutter Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/kill-your-stutter-program/
Kill Your Stutter Program
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WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Kill Your Stutter Program
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Kill Your Stutter Program
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WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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