#not only they brought back leaving things in things
Werewolf boyfriend starts dating a human woman who secretly starts doing research on werewolf's. She asks his packmates and family about traditional things and eventually she finds out. About the sexually intimate gestures for werewolf's. He only finds out when she starts purposely baring her throat or presenting her cunt to him the first time they have sex. Then it hits him! All the things she's been doing to lure him into this committed relationship by tapping into his subconsciousness. She's gotten him to associate her as his mate.
it starts out with small, easily brushed-off acts, you made too much food so you brought him over the leftovers, it wasn't courting, it was just practical. He doesn't think to question how you managed to "accidentally" make an extra rack of ribs but he's just happy to eat. Then a little while later you get caught in the rain together and end up borrowing his jacket, when you give it back it smells like you. he won't deny it, he smells the hoodie over and over again until the scent wears off.
he's pretty upset when it starts smelling like him again, but luckily you're kind of forgetful and accidentally leave stuff over at his place all the time, jackets, shirts, jewelry, just lots of little stuff although he only seems to remind you you left it after your scent has worn off. He really likes it if/when you leave rings behind. they don't really hold your scent like clothes do but it's so small in his palm. it doesn't even fit over the tip of his fingers.
His mind goes completely down the gutter. his fingers would rip your pussy in half if he fingered you, your hands wouldn't even wrap around his cock properly, your hands are so small you're so delicate, why does that make him want you so bad?
You nuzzle him when you cuddle and always playfully bite him or seriously bite him slowly over time you just fall into a relationship. he doesn't even realize it but it just feels so natural to have you with him and it just makes sense to fuck you into to the mattress every chance he gets. you always let him knot you and bite your neck too, you're too sweet. eventually, he wants to do more, be more with you but then he really sits down and looks at your relationship and the only thing missing is the label "mate" Everything else is already normal for you two. What a tease he's going to have to punish you for that, not to hard of course he won't bully his little mate too harshly.
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jenscx · 2 days
FALLING — kim minjeong x f!reader
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marriage life was great. minjeong was the best wife you could ever ask for; she’s sweet, caring, patient… the list goes on. she’s your favourite person, even when upset, you still think she’s the cutest.
TAGS — fluff, zero angst, ceo!minjeong, arranged marriage!au, established relationship, jealousy, continuation of daydreamin’
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being married to minjeong was like a dream. you had to constantly remind yourself by staring at the gleaming diamond ring wrapped around your finger. the weight of the ring on your finger never fails to bring a smile onto your face. already grinning at the thought, you turn your whole body, watching it shine in the moonlight.
unfortunately, turning to face the window meant turning away from the warmth of a body— minjeong’s. the girl stills in her sleep, groaning slightly and snuggling deeper into your hair. you take a peek at the sleeping girl, but take no action in turning back. seemingly upset, minjeong’s face furrows into a look of displeasure. slowly, her hand trails along the naked skin of your waist exposed by your sleep shirt riding up. a firm grip of your waist and you’re pulled back into her embrace. it was ironic that the cold girl was an extreme cuddler in her sleep.
she lets out a sigh, relieved that you were finally back in her arms. you retract your hand from admiring the ring in the moonlight back down to rub small circles over the back of minjeong’s hand. your wife doesn’t make any more movements, signalling to you that she’s finally fallen into deep sleep. it makes you content that minjeong is getting the rest she needs. after a rather exhausting day at the company, minjeong had come home, hair tousled and eye bags deeper than usual. you couldn’t help but notice the tremendous amount of yawns she let out during dinner.
if it wasn’t for her growling stomach, you would have immediately put her to bed. yet, she seemed equally hungry and tired. it had been a few months since she first brought up the deal with one of the businesses in china and minjeong had told you that they finally sealed it this week. you couldn’t believe your wife was the ceo of a company when she was jumping up and down joyfully. if she had a tail, it would be wagging.
(“minjeong, has anyone told you that you look like a puppy?”
“are you calling me a bitch? and yes, yizhuo said i look like a dog.”)
you were glad minjeong was such a competent worker who only strived for perfection. her work ethic was insane, and the company’s success spoke proudly of it. however, you just wished she could take a break sometimes. it seemed like her mind was overtaken with business and work. maybe your wife was a workaholic. that didn’t stop her from leaving the company building at exactly 5pm to get home to eat dinner with you though.
it only made your feelings blossom even further for her. kim minjeong, who cannot stay away from her job for less than a day, comes home on time to eat dinner with her wife. it was endearing. a whiny groan from minjeong makes you turn your head to her. minjeong had somehow burrowed her head even further into the crook of your neck, cheeks squished between the pillow and your shoulder.
ah, kim minjeong was so cute.
smiling softly at your wife, your eyelids flutter shut, relishing in the warmth that minjeong provides, for both your body, and your heart.
the ray of sunlight beaming through the slit of the curtains is the first thing you see. it hits your eyes directly, forcing you to turn away from the window. the second thing you notice is that the warmth previously surrounding your body is gone. frowning, you open your eyes, disappointed that minjeong wasn’t by your side anymore. yawning and stretching your arms out, you peer around the room. the duvet has been neatly folded to cover your whole body and the pillows on minjeong’s side of the bed are tidied up against the headboard. you get up from the bed and quickly brush your teeth and shower.
fresh out of the shower, you notice the bedroom door is slightly ajar, leaving a crack for the aroma of pancake batter to seep in. your stomach gurgles unintentionally at the hint of breakfast, and your heart lightens when you realise minjeong’s probably in the kitchen and you can spend extra seconds with her.
padding your way to the kitchen down the stairs, the sight of minjeong with her now blonde hair tied sleekly back. her body is adorned with a cute, frilly, white apron that is knotted at her waist. it makes you swoon.
your wife is humming a familiar tune, you deduce that it’s one of the many harry styles songs she’s made you listen to. slowly, you walk closer to minjeong, who’s still unaware of your presence.
“mindoongie,” you greet, “good morning.”
minjeong jumps, gasping as the spatula in her hand falls onto the counter. she turns to you, eyes wide.
“you scared me, baby,” she sighs, picking up the fallen spatula and transferring the last pancake from the hot skillet onto a plate, neatly decorated with an assortment of various fruits. you giggle apologetically, “sorry, i thought you heard me coming.”
your wife shakes her head and carries the two plates to the kitchen island. you take a seat on one of the barstools, eyes laser-focused on the dripping maple syrup cascading down the pancakes like a waterfall. your mouth salivates.
“this looks so good.”
“I’m glad,” minjeong takes the seat next to you, gently slicing through the pancakes and tasting it, “i think i’m getting pretty good at cooking. maybe we won’t need mr park anymore.”
mr park was minjeong’s private chef, one that her father had hired.
“mhm,” your cheeks are stuffed full of pancake, “it tastes really good. but mr park makes the best soybean noodles.”
minjeong’s eyelashes flutter as her gaze lands on you, “really? i think the one you make tastes better.”
“you’re just saying that, you flirt,” you swat at her shoulder. your wife pouts and it’s adorable.
“i’m not,” and god, minjeong whines. it’s seriously harming you with how cute your wife is. is it possible to fall in love with someone twice? you might need to look it up. maybe you had an obsession— it would make perfect sense. everything that you see, touch, feel, they all instantly connect back to minjeong. you eat at a new restaurant; minjeong would like the tiramisu here. you hear a new pop song on the radio; minjeong would like this song. you see a pretty dress while shopping; minjeong would look amazing in it.
everything reminded you of her.
was that a blessing or a curse?
you hoped it was the former, but with the way she’s almost given you heart attacks with her puppy eyes, perhaps it was the latter.
a poke is felt on your cheek, distracting you from your imagination of minjeong’s puppy eyes. your wife stares at you cheekily, fingers squishing your face, “what are you thinking about?”
“thinking about you,” you answer honestly.
minjeong laughs, “seriously? that’s so cliche.”
you shrug. she only repeats, “what are you actually doing?”
“i’m doing something cliche,” you retort, stuffing a piece of pancake soaked in butter and syrup into your mouth. minjeong merely scoffs, not out of annoyance, maybe out of disbelief that you were still so cheesy.
“i have something to ask,” minjeong says out of the blue. you’re chowing down the last piece of delicious pancake and savouring the flavour when she suddenly springs a question.
“i have a company banquet i��m obliged to attend. will you be my date?”
you hesitantly nod. minjeong’s whole face brightens up, “really?”
“uh, yeah sure.” sensing your reluctance, minjeong slides a comforting hand over yours. “you can always say no if you want.”
swallowing, you reply, “it’s okay, i want to go with you. i’m just worried that i won’t be that extroverted or eager in making business deals or whatever.”
minjeong guffaws, “baby, all you have to do is be right beside me and i would be the happiest woman alive.”
“okay, romeo, you don’t have to flatter me, i’m already going.” minjeong just shrugs, “is it really flattering if it’s the truth?”
you take a large gulp of water.
“when’s the company banquet?”
minjeong flashes you a bashful smile.
“kim minjeong—”
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you pull the hem of your dress to cover the skin of your thighs. minjeong had picked out a black, fitting dress, akin to the one you wore to the family dinner a few months back. staring at the mirror, you take a seat down facing the vanity desk.
“baby,” minjeong calls out from the walk-in closet, “can you come help me?” you stand up, peering in the closet. your wife was facing a full length mirror, her body adorned by a two piece black pantsuit. it matches your black dress rather well.
“do you think this looks good?” she asks. you brush at her shoulders, admiring how good your wife looks. you run your fingers through her messy blonde hair, trying to calm the locks of golden.
minjeong sighs into your touch. “you’ll look great in anything, but this makes me want to jump you.” your wife preens at the praise, like a cute puppy.
“c’mon, let’s go already, it’s almost 6.”
you pull minjeong’s arm, dragging her to the front door. the chauffeur is waiting patiently on the driveway. after getting in the car, minjeong whips out her phone, fingers rapidly working against the keyboard. curious, you peek at the chat.
“it’s jimin unnie,” minjeong explains, “she’s going to be there too. along with some of my other friends.” nodding, you let your head remain hovering above her shoulder. minjeong glances at you.
“you can sleep if you want to. it’s a twenty minute drive,” she whispers, gently moving your head onto her shoulder. drowsy, you let your eyelids close, your hands instinctively going to rest on top of minjeong’s lap. you feel her hand slither into your palm. grasping the warmth, you eventually fall asleep, blonde hair and lopsided smiles burned into the back of your mind.
the comfort disappears soon after. your eyelids flutter open as minjeong brushes the stray strands of your hair out of your face.
“we’re reaching soon,” minjeong murmurs. you nod, your hands flying to the seat to support your body. her hands fly to wrap around your waist, humming softly. enjoying the solace of minjeong’s embrace, you lean into her touch for a few more minutes.
“mrs kim, we have arrived,” the chauffeur announces. minjeong lets out a little whine as she separates herself from the hug. “thank you,” she clears her throat, “i will inform you when to pick us up.”
your wife exits the car gracefully, unable to resist running to the other side where you were seated to open the door.
“charming,” you remark. minjeong has a hand out to steady you, a goofy smile on her face, “anything for my wife.”
you smile back and accept her hand. your jaw nearly drops at the sight. a stunning, white stoned mansion. small engravings of gold studded into the pillars on the patio. outside, the house was surrounded by neat and carefully trimmed hedges. the driveway was crowded, luxury vehicles dropping off their clients, who were decked in even more luxurious outfits. minjeong tugs at your hand. your eyes follow her movement.
“is it pretty?” she asks. you nod meekly, slightly intimidated by the grandeur of the mansion. you couldn’t believe someone would even hold a company banquet here. if it were you, you wouldn’t even allow anyone other than family and friends to enter such a home.
“do you like it more than the penthouse?” your wife asks again. your eyes widen, “no, i would feel really lonely in such a big house.”
minjeong nods, “but you have me. why would you ever feel lonely?” your heart melts.
“on business trips, honey. but i like our house more, feels more cosy and like home.”
she brightens up at the answer. you can’t help but giggle at her cuteness.
“if you said you liked it more, i would have bought it for you,” minjeong says offhandedly. you wonder if it’s possible to fall in love twice.
a security guard greets you at the entrance. while you admire the intricate detailing in the doorframe, minjeong converses with the guard.
“mrs kim minjeong and mrs kim y/n,” the guard repeats, looking up from his clipboard, “you may enter.”
minjeong leads you into the main hall. awestruck, you gape at the soaring ceilings and marble floors. a glimmering chandelier hangs from the ceiling, shining brightly. your eyes wander around, amazed at the sweeping staircase, adorned with ornate mouldings. the room is filled with crowds of people, murmurs bouncing off the walls. at every corner, a table, wrapped with white cloth, holds refreshments.
“kim mindoong,” a hand twirls you and minjeong around. yu jimin stands behind, grinning as she sips from a wine glass.
“jimin unnie,” you greet, smiling widely. the woman was wearing a beautiful black dress, frills of sheer black cloth embellished around the fabric. her sleek hair was tied up into a bun, accentuating her sharp jawline.
“y/nnie! you look amazing,” jimin gasps, eyes roaming down your figure. minjeong’s grasp tightens around yours.
your wife shields you playfully, “don’t look at my wife like that.”
jimin rolls her eyes, “i’m just admiring. is it illegal to look at people now? anyway, i heard aeri will be here too.”
minjeong scoffs, “dressed up nicer for her?” you laugh, thinking about jimin’s crush on your mutual friend. the mentioned girl only smiles wider, “why? do you think she’ll like it?”
“you do know she still thinks you’re with jaewook, right?” minjeong asks, “don’t you think she’ll be put off by you?”
you think back to a past conversation. minjeong had told you about jimin’s ex, or rather ex-situationship. honestly, you had no idea if jimin was purely straight or she just liked aeri. you thank god every day that you didn’t have to go through drama to be with someone you loved.
“ugh, i forgot about that. whatever, i’ll just have to show aeri what she’s missing out on,” jimin winks as she twirls away.
minjeong stands rooted to the ground for a few seconds, sighing, “i can’t believe her.” as you and minjeong venture further into the room, minjeong says, “if i were aeri, i would literally rip jimin’s head off the moment she told us she was seeing jaewook.”
“really? why?” you ask curiously.
your wife laughs, “why would i want to see the person i liked being with someone else? that’s lunacy.”
you nod in agreement, eyes drifting to minjeong’s side profile. your brain already starting to imagine such a scenario; minjeong being jealous. you could visualise her furrowed brow and the purse of her lips. she would look extra attractive when mad. this, you couldn’t deny.
“what are you thinking about?” minjeong’s soft voice floats into your ears. her face is positioned above your shoulders, staring at you with a curious gaze. you shrug, “i’m thinking about you.”
“cute,” minjeong smiles, “i need to go talk to hanbin about branching out into china, wait here for me?” a waiter swerves by, you reach out to grasp a glass of champagne. “of course, go be a ceo.”
minjeong grins at you one final time, and she disappears beneath the hoard of people. you sigh, taking small sips of the champagne. from the corner of your eye, you could spot jimin and aeri conversing. they were in a deep, heated conversation, borderline argument. soon after, they both slipped away from your gaze. you don’t bother looking for them. most likely, jimin would be grovelling while aeri watches.
at the other side of the party, you make out yizhuo’s figure, clinging onto the arm of a woman you don’t recognise. yizhuo was dragging the woman around, probably introducing her to numerous investors and executives. as you watch yizhuo and her guest, a figure shows up next to you.
he clears his throat.
your eyes flicker to meet his.
“hello,” you say slowly. you don’t recognise him either.
the stranger, fitted in a tailored suit, smiles, “hello, why are you standing off in a corner? not interested in talking to the big guys?”
you raise an eyebrow.
“no, not very.”
he flashes an even wider smile. your eyes drift to his hair, black, gleaming, probably run through with heavy amounts of gel.
“i’ve never seen you before,” he notes, “is this your first time attending such a banquet?”
“yes, it’s my first time.”
“i’m sim jaeyun, but call me jake,” he thrust out his hand. you grip his hand in a firm shake, “i’m kim y/n.”
jake’s eyes widened, “kim? are you part of kim minjeong’s family?”
you smile, thinking about your wife, “you could say that.” jake looks blown away, you wonder about the power your wife has.
“she’s kind of a big deal, ceo and all.”
“i’m aware of that.”
“how are you related? have you met her? are you guys close?” he rambles. you're slightly taken aback by the number of questions he throws at you. overwhelmed, you just stare at him.
slowly, he regains himself, coughing into his hand while fixing his hair, “sorry. i shouldn’t have… that was rude of me, but she’s extremely private about her life. i was shocked that a family member of hers would show up here.”
“it’s all right.”
“ah, to make up for my haste,” jake smiled bashfully, “could i offer you dinner?” you halt, gears turning in your head as you make out what jake is implying.
“no, actually i’m already here with someone.”
“i can’t charm you away for a few hours? surely they won’t miss your presence too much seeing as they left you here alone.”
you force a smile, irritated and through gritted teeth, you reply, “i said no.”
“really? who’s the person that brought you here? i’ll just let them know that you’ll be coming with me.”
a hand slithers around your waist, you lean into the familiar touch.
a sweet, honey-toned voice says, “good evening, mr sim. i’m glad you have met my wife, y/n.”
honestly, if it weren’t for the pity you felt for jake, you might have bursted out laughing at his reaction. yet, the humiliation of having hit on a taken woman seems to overwhelm him.
“your wife,” jake repeats.
“i’m afraid she will not be going to dinner with you, as she will be going home with me,” minjeong sighs, rather apologetically. you know this is all a facade. minjeong was just acting.
jake blushes, “i’m sorry, i didn’t know she was already taken.”
minjeong just smiles.
“have a good evening, mr sim,” she waves goodbye, dragging you away from the corner she left you in. her firm grip on your wrist doesn’t deter you from feeling relieved. fear bubbles slowly in your stomach at what minjeong might say. she pulls you outside, eyes narrowed and lips pursed, just as you imagined.
“y/nnie,” minjeong turns to look at you and god, the girl is pouting with full-on puppy eyes, “you let him flirt with you.”
fuck, why was she so cute? all your fear disapparates instantly.
“mindoongie, i wasn’t flirting with him,” you extend your hand to squeeze at her cheeks, “and why are you being so cute? you know i like you the most, right?”
“you didn’t reject him.”
“i was trying to be nice! what if he was a potential business partner for you?” you try reasoning with her.
“i don’t deal business with jerks who go after taken women, and especially not my woman.” minjeong’s jealousy and possessiveness was kind of attractive, you couldn’t lie.
you roll your eyes playfully, “it was just a possibility, and i didn’t do anything to encourage his behaviour.”
minjeong’s pout only worsens, “but you weren’t rejecting him.” you can barely hear what she says, her cheeks being squashed beneath your palms.
“i did reject him, minjeong. he was just insistent,” you explain, “he asked if i was related to you.”
just remembering jake’s surprised face makes you chuckle. minjeong arches an eyebrow, “related to me?”
“am i not your wife, mrs kim?” you pinch her cheek. minjeong winces, grasping your wrist again, “a-ah, yes you are!”
you let go, smiling cheekily at the red mark of your fingers left behind.
“baby, it hurts,” minjeong whines. your first instinct is to lean in, pressing a soft kiss onto the reddened skin. your lips touch her cheek in a feather like movement, softly and slowly, your lipstick covers the previous mark. minjeong stares at you, eyes blown open and a hand cradling her cheek. you pull back, admiring the way her skin flushes again, like wine spilling into her veins.
minjeong is the prettiest this way. all flustered and vulnerable, just for you.
“you’re so cute, mindoongie,” you blurt out. it’s crazy the way your wife has changed; from the brooding, gloomy ceo to the silly and affectionate puppy she is now.
“y/n, it hurts here too,” minjeong pouts, pushing out her lips. you swat at her shoulder, well aware of what she’s trying to imply. “stop it, stupid.”
“but it really hurts!” minjeong’s a second away from stomping her foot and throwing a tantrum. you gaze lovingly at your wife. her eyelashes flutter, big, brown eyes begging for a kiss.
you can’t resist leaving a quick peck on her lips. minjeong sighs happily, pulling you closer.
“only i can have you like this,” she says, more to herself than you.
nodding, you caress her cheek, wiping away the lipstick mark left there. your other hand tugs at her blazer. minjeong leaves slow kisses on your face, from your forehead down to your jawline. you let minjeong have her fun, occasionally letting out sighs and teasing remarks. minjeong just ignores you and continues.
seemingly finished, minjeong rests her head on your shoulder, nuzzling the crook of your neck.
“i love you, kim y/n.”
being married to kim minjeong was great, you would say.
“i love you too, kim minjeong.”
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sturnioz · 1 day
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pairing. matthew sturniolo x fem!reader genre. smut
word count. 6.6k
❝you know you're my favourite.❞
content warnings. toxic situationship, jealousy, heavy mentions of alcohol and weed, dealer!matt indications, explicit content, manhandling, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, mean!matt, spanking, unprotected sex, creampie.
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Don’t look at him.
You mentally tell yourself as you forcibly tear your gaze away from Matt who enters into the house party with a girl at his side, capturing a glimpse in your peripheral vision of how his hand rests at the base of her back, guiding her through the crowded room.
Stop looking at him.
You remind yourself again when your gaze inevitably draws back to him, and from across the room, you find yourself fixated on his every move. You watch as he greets his brothers and friends with grins and handshakes before settling onto the couch they’re occupying. The girl follows, gracefully positioning herself beside Matt, her hands adorned with sharp manicured nails gliding onto his thigh.
Your tongue prods at your cheek in annoyance as you watch how close they lean into each other to speak, how Matt’s words seem to make her giggle and she flicks her hair behind her shoulder when Matt smiles at her, clearly enjoying his obvious flirtatious comments. Irritated, your grip tightens around the cup you’ve been nursing all night, and yor forcefully tear your eyes away from the scene as Matt’s gaze finally meets yours.
The relationship you have with Matt is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, and it’s not one you’re eager to let go of anytime soon. Matt is a friend—someone who you can rely on when things go south, someone who picks you up in his car for late-night food runs and smokes weed until the sun rises, and he’s someone who you actively sleep with just to get rid of that dull ache between your thighs.
You hate how well he knows your body, sometimes even better than you know it yourself. You hate how easy it is for him to whisper things into your ear, igniting something within you that leaves you breathless and yearning for more. You hate how his touch makes you weak and desperate, craving for more than just his hands. You hate how his eyes alone can have you on your knees in an instant, and his cock weighing heavily on your tongue.
But you know deep down that you have some sort of effect on Matt too, always finding it amusing how easy it was to get him alone with you, to make him drop whatever he was doing just to be in your presence. It, admittedly, brings you a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you both have some kind of similar hold over each other.
Although, there have been a handful of moments where he has ignored or rejected you, much like tonight.
It was you who had invited him to come to this party.
It was you that brought it up to him when you were fucking in the backseat of his car. 
It was you that had asked him to accompany you, only for you to be shut down and told that he wasn’t interested in ‘some lame house party’, and instead revealing that he had other plans for that night.
Before you even arrived at the party earlier, you saw the Snapchat story posted by the girl who is currently clinging to his side like a leech. The image was blurry, but you could make out her holding two joints, with a caption tagging Matt to thank him, and promising a fun night. 
At first, you figured it was a deal, being aware that Matt sometimes sells his weed on the side for extra cash, but you never expected that his ‘other plans’ would involve bringing her to a party he rejected coming to in the first place.
It honestly made you fucking pissed.
You mentally chastise yourself to get a grip and you scoff loudly, tilting your head back and gulping down the rest of your drink, the alcohol searing your throat and momentarily distracting you from your own fiery emotions. You lower the cup, swiping the back of your hand at the corner of your lips and wiping away any lingering traces of the liquid just as your best friend nears with you a drunken flush.
“Hey, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Anna exclaims as she flings her arms around your shoulders for a hug, but her embrace falters as she notices the sour expression on your face. “What’s happened?”
“I’m out,” You say, gesturing towards your empty cup with a tight lipped smile, trying to hold yourself back from admitting—”Oh. And Matt’s here.”
“I thought he said no to coming?” Anna’s brows knit together in confusion, and she glances over your shoulder in search, catching a glimpse of Matt and her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. But her expression quickly shifts to one of exasperation as she rolls her eyes, directing her attention back to you. “Are we really surprised? You know exactly what Matt’s like.”
“I know.” You hate it.
Anna continues, “He’s always been like this.”
“I know.” You really hate it.
Anna takes a moment to stare at you before she sighs, her shoulders slumping as she crosses her arms over her front. “Yet, it still doesn’t change the fact that you’re thinking about him right now.”
She’s got you there. “I know…”
Anna firmly places her hands on your cheeks, and grips you with enough force to have you stare straight into her determined eyes. “Forget him. He’s just some guy you’re fucking occasionally, and you know what that means?” You blink in response, causing her lips to curl into a grin. “It means you are single and free to fuck anyone you want. We’re here to have fun, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do!”
She’s right. 
Of course she’s right.
Her words bring a genuine smile to your lips and you nod in agreement, determined to not let something so silly ruin the rest of your night.
Anna wastes no time she excuses herself, returning back to you quickly with fresh drinks and tapping her cup against yours with a mischievous grin. You both take a few hearty gulps, allowing the alcohol to course through your veins and lighten your mood, head buzzing as she slips her fingers through yours to tug you away from your current position.
You mingle with a few of her other friends you’re familiar with, diving deep in conversations, laughing at jokes shared among the group, throwing flirtatious comments here and there when someone shows clear interest in you.
But you weren’t interested in them.
Not at all.
Not when you can still see Matt in your line of vision, who remains in his position on the couch, engrossed in his own conversation with his brothers, friends, and the girl who has yet to leave his side, seemingly unwilling to leave.
Your jaw locks tight when Matt occasionally meets your gaze, rubbing his palms on his jean-cladded thighs and shifting in his seat, manspreading as he relaxes back against the cushions. Your eyes narrow, fighting the urge to roll them when the girl beside him snuggles in closer, offering a smile that could make anyone swoon, but he’s not even looking at her now.
He’s fully looking at you.
Matt’s head tilts to the side slightly, the corner of his lips curling into a subtle smirk, leaving you with a mix of conflicting emotions that makes your head spin. On one hand, there’s a part of you that wants to wipe that look off of his face, fueled by your annoyance and frustration. But on the other hand, there’s a part of you that can’t help but be drawn to that smirk, wanting to bask in the attention and keep his gaze fixed permanently on you and only you.
A bitter taste lingers on the tip of your tongue as Matt’s attention is taken away from you, watching as he leans his head down to listen to the girl who whispers in his ear, her fingertips resting on his jawline to keep him close. A forced laugh escapes your lips, the sound tinged with bitterness and your tongue prods at the insane of your cheek. 
You rip your gaze away from the pair, redirecting your focus on Anna who looks at you with a confused expression, clearly bewildered by your sudden laughter and you try to shake off that ugly feeling that has settled within you, offering her a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes and Anna spots that immediately.
She calls out your name, wanting to question your odd behaviour but her words come to a half when the guy beside you grabs the attention of the group. Was it Jason? Jaiden? You can’t quite remember, and frankly you don’t really care enough to remember. But you remain silent as he speaks, asking if anyone knows where he can buy weed at the party, if there is anyone who knows who sells as he assures that he has the cash.
Matt. The name flickers in your mind almost instantly, and you meet Anna’s gaze as she subtly shakes her head at you, knowing exactly what you’re thinking.
“I know someone,” You announce, and Anna sighs deeply in defeat. You ignore her reaction as you extend your hand towards the guy. “Give me the money. I’ll go get it.”
“Are you sure?” He asks in surprise, hesitating for a moment despite already having the dollar bills ready in the palm of his hand. “I don’t mind getting it—”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off abruptly, curling your fingers around the bills to take into your own hands. You turn on your heels, making a beeline directly towards Matt as you slip through the crowd, pushing through the bodies with determination and fire coursing through your veins, fingers grasping the money tighter as you get closer, eyes locked in on Matt as he watches you near.
As you stand in front of him, your gaze shifts to the girl by his side, tongue clicking against your teeth with bitterness tinging your thoughts as you observe her shuffling closer. Her hand now rests on Matt’s bicep, fingers sinking into the fabric of his hoodie.
The sight alone stirs a mixture of annoyance, frustration, and jealousy in the pit of your stomach and in the moment, you find yourself in an internal struggle to either make some snarky or bitchy comment in hopes to get Matt to understand how pissed off you truly are, or to continue with what you were originally here for. 
“Pre-rolls.” Is what you say with a monotone and direct voice, deciding to get straight to the point, and you extend your hand as you show Matt the money, making your intention clear.
Matt’s eyes briefly lower to the money before returning to meet yours, “For you or someone else?”
“Does it matter?” You reply sharply. “Pre-rolled joints, please.”
“For someone else then,” You hear Matt mutter under his breath as he digs inside the pocket of his jeans to pull out exactly what you need, but he’s quick to pull it out of reach as you go to snatch it from his grasp. Your frustration grows within you as you glare at him, but he takes no notice of your expression as he asks, “Are you smoking too?”
You huff, “Obviously.”
You watch as Matt reaches back into his pocket and your demeanour shifts slightly as he pulls out another batch of pre-rolls, ones you’re all too familiar with as you see the pink-coloured skins. He knows you prefer spliffs over joints. You want to continue being annoyed and angry with how he knows you all too well but yet, deep down, you feel touched as your heart thumps wildly in your chest and a flutter of warmth swirls in the pit of your stomach at the seemingly thoughtful gesture.
You bite down on your tongue, not wanting to let him know how much that simple action affected you so much, “I don’t have enough money for two.”
“You don’t pay for yours anyways.” Matt states matter-of-factly as he takes the money for the one pre-roll but hands you the two. It’s true, you think, curling your fingers around the two pre-rolls he's given you. You’ve never paid him when asking for a smoke… he doesn’t let you pay him.
“You giving out freebies?” The girl beside him speaks up for the first time, her tone playful as she decides to jump in on the conversation. She nudges Matt’s shoulder as she teases, “Pink skins too? How come I don’t get that treatment?”
“Because I’m his favourite,” You find yourself replying before your brain can register it, sending her a forced tight-lipped smile as she looks up at you in surprise, not expecting you to be the one to respond. But you couldn’t care less. “Sorry, sweetheart.”
“I was talking more about the pink skins,” She snips back at you, and your tongue prods at your cheek once again, fighting off the urge to laugh as she turns to look at Matt as she smiles. “I like pink.”
“They’re for her.” Matt says as he gestures towards you with a nod of his head. The girl’s face drops, her smile completely fading and a sense of satisfaction washes over you. You offer her a sweet sickly smile in return before leaving, heading straight back to your group who are patiently waiting for you to come back.
Anna comes to stand beside you as you and the joint over to Jason (you managed to overhear his name as you were nearing closer to the group) and he grins in victory, thank you with a wet, dramatic smooch to your cheek before lighting it up, taking a hit and passing it around the group.
Anna leans her head down, disappointment clear in her tone as she speaks to you in hushed whispers, ridiculing you for suggesting Matt in the first place, but her tone soon shifts to curiosity and wonder, wanting to know what happened between you and Matt, and what you both had spoken about.
You’re partially honest with your answer, replying that the only topic of conversation was about the deal and that you were able to get exactly what you wanted and more as you showed her your own little gift. She grins, bumping her shoulder to yours proudly before jumping into a conversation with the others, taking the joint out of a friend's hand while you tuck yours away in your purse, saving it for later.
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You had enough.
The irritation you feel becomes unbearable, unable to be masked by the alcohol coursing through your veins.
The sight of Matt and the girl still in the same position on the couch sitting close, sharing whispers and smiles. It gnaws at you despite your failed attempts to bury them with distractions by dancing with others and kissing others with lingering touches.
You’ve reached your breaking point.
You wish you were drunk enough to ignore everything and continue with the night, but unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case.
You want to leave.
Most importantly, you want to leave with Matt.
You shouldn’t. You know you shouldn’t. It would be so easy for you to leave without him, or even find someone else to go home with—that being Anna or some random stranger. But honestly, you couldn’t care less about the easy options. You never cared.
Abandoning your half-empty cup without a second thought, you leave Anna behind, not even bothering to fill her in on what you’re about to do. The sound of her questioning fades into the background as you make your way towards the living-room area with a determined stride.
As you approach closer, a sense of tunnel vision takes over; everything else seems to fade into the background too, sounds becoming distant whispers or muted, completely overshadowed by your thoughts and emotions.
You begin to second guess how this upcoming conversation would go. If Matt would actually leave with you this time if you asked. After all, he did say no to coming here with you… so why would he leave with you?
You internally scowl at yourself for even thinking about something so negative.
He’s wrapped around your finger just as much as you’re wrapped around his.
“I’m leaving,” You announce as soon as you stand in front of Matt, not even giving him enough time to react to your sudden appearance. He remains unbothered though, his gaze casually meeting yours as he lifts a soda can to his lips. His eyebrow raises in response, and without missing a beat, you continue, “Come home with me.”
The girl sitting beside Matt reacts with utter disbelief, her mouth dropping open as she scoffs at your audacity, her eyebrows knitting together at your words but you’re unfazed by her reaction. It doesn’t make you feel bad at all, not as your focus remains on Matt, waiting for his response.
And in that moment, you feel a sense of victory and satisfaction swell in your chest when Matt gives a simple nod of his head and rises from the couch, reaching for his car keys that are clipped to the belt loop of his jeans as he bids his brothers and friends goodbye.
“Wait!” The girl exclaims as she interrupts, tone filled with desperation as her hand shoots out, gripping Matt’s arm tightly, halting his movements. Her eyes shift towards you at first, giving you a harsh look before turning her attention back to Matt. “Are you serious right now? You were my ride here. How am I supposed to get home?”
You hold yourself back, biting down on your tongue to stop yourself from responding, though your annoyance is clearly visible on your face. You keep silent, watching as Matt’s face remains impassive.
“That’s not my problem,” He states bluntly, removing her grip from his arm without hesitation, words devoid of any sympathy. “You’ll figure it out.”
The girl’s jaw drops even further, shocked at Matt’s sudden change in attitude and tone. A smug grin finds its way onto your lips, unable to contain that satisfaction bubbling within you, and you wave your fingers in her direction as Matt’s arm finds its way around your waist, resting his hand on your hip as he leads you out of the area.
As you’re leaving the building, Anna’s disappointed gaze lingers on you, but she still mouths for you to be careful and gestures for you to call her when you get home. You nod your head in promise, blowing her a kiss before turning away and leaving her behind.
The cold air brushes against your burning skin, but your mind is too preoccupied with a whirlwind of angry thoughts and unanswered questions, and the scowl on your face is clear. Matt continues to lead the way, guiding you toward his parked car in silence.
It’s deafening, and you hate it, intensifying the frustrations that build within you. 
You’re getting angrier.
You’re the first to climb into the vehicle, slamming the door of the passenger side with enough force it rattles the car. Matt, who seems completely oblivious to your anger (or just doesn’t take any notice), takes his place in the driver's seat, and his ongoing silence fuels your irritation even more. 
Without sparing you a glance, Matt inserts the key into the ignition and twists, setting the car’s engine rumbling to life. His attention is glued to the dashboard as he presses a few buttons to turn on the radio, playing a song you’re all too familiar with but not in the mood to vibe along with like you usually would.
Your frustration grows further when Matt casually drapes one arm around the back of your seat, focussing behind as he reverses then pulls out of the parking space, the car gradually gaining momentum as it merges onto the road. 
Settling back into your seat with your arms crossed tight over your chest, your gaze alternates between the side of Matt’s face and the road ahead. You’re aware that it would be best to stay quiet and allow yourself to calm down before questioning him, yet the curiosity mixed with annoyance within you refuses to be silenced.
You bite down on your tongue hard—you can do this.
… You can’t. 
“I thought you weren’t coming tonight,” You finally speak, unable to hold back your words. The bitterness seeps into your tone as you continue. “I thought you weren’t interested in ‘some lame house party’... what happened to that?”
Matt’s response comes with a nonchalant tone that irks you, “I’m not interested,” He shrugs his shoulders. “I had things planned, but plans changed.”
“Right,” You hum. “So you decided to come to a party, which I invited you to, with a girl?” You struggle to hide the tinge of jealousy in your voice.
Matt glances at you briefly, and a smirk slides onto his lips. His audacity strikes a nerve and you release a dry laugh, your tongue prodding at your cheek in disbelief.
“Jess was one of the people I was selling weed to tonight,” Matt explains casually. “Chris texted me while I was at her house that he was at this party, and he wanted to buy weed. I told him I’d drop by and give him some.”
Jess. Her name makes your face scrunch up in displeasure. “Okay. Then you somehow ended up coming to the party with Jess and stayed for the majority of the night.”
Matt grins, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip. “She was actually planning to go to the party after she saw me. But once she found out that I was heading there, she asked if she could ride with me. I drove her, and when I realised Chris wasn’t outside, I was going to leave. Then Jess said she’d help me find him inside, so I went in.”
You mutter under your breath, the words escaping in a frustrated whisper, “Still doesn’t explain why you stayed.”
“I got caught up with my brothers and friends,” Matt responds simply, and his hand reaches over the centre console to rest on top of your thigh, squeezing the flesh beneath his fingers. His touch attempts to soothe you, his voice softening. “Don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad,” You lie through gritted teeth. “Just wish you would’ve at least told me you were coming, or came up and said hello when you arrived.”
“I’m sorry,” His apology is minimal, but his tone sounds sincere as his thumb draws circles on your skin. “Like I said, I wasn’t planning on staying,” Matt takes a quick glance over at you, that smirk returning. “Besides, you’re wearing that dress I like, sweetheart… walking up and saying hello wouldn’t be the first thing I’d do.”
You hum at that, twisting in your seat to face him, “And what exactly would you do?”
Matt answers without missing a beat, “The same thing I did last time I saw you at a party.”
The low tone of his voice sends a shiver down your spine and your thighs squeeze together to relieve that sudden ache in your cunt, vividly remember that night qt a house party where he dragged you upstairs and fucked you silly in someone else’s bathroom, not caring that the mirror rattled against the wall and belongings off all sorts had fallen off the sink, creating a mess on the floor that neither of you bothered to clean up when leaving. 
“I don’t remember,” You lie, giving him a glossy smile. “I think you have to remind me.”
Matt looks out into the open road, “Do you see a bathroom anywhere?”
“Funny,” You roll your eyes, but you lean over to brush your fingers over his crotch. “You can just remind me here—”
“We’re not fucking in my car,” His words make your eyebrows raise in shock, and your mouth drops open with a scoff as you rip your hand away. Matt smiles, his fingers tightening on the steering wheel. “Last time we were in here, you ruined my seats. That shit costs too much to clean, sweetheart.”
You’re bitter as you reply, “You didn’t seem to complain when you were desperate to make me cum over and over again.”
Matt’s laughter fills the car, his tongue clicking against his teeth as he shakes his head at your bitter attitude. The sound gets on your nerves immediately. You scoff once more, crossing your arms back over your chest and directing your gaze out the window, intentionally ignoring him for the rest of the journey. 
As the car turns onto your street and your home comes into view, you reach for your seatbelt. Once Matt parks the car outside your house, you swiftly unbuckle and slide out of the car, slamming the passenger door shut so hard that it rattles it again. The sound of Matt’s laughter only further irritates you.
With your house key in hand, you unlock the front door and step inside, feeling Matt’s presence behind you. His warmth brushes against your back, but you refuse to acknowledge it, striding towards your room.
Standing by your vanity table, you remove your sparkly earrings, your focus solely on the task at hand as you bite the skin of your cheek with a scowl.
“Don’t tell me you’re ignoring me,” Matt drawls, his voice reaching your eyes. You raise your head to meet his gaze in the mirror’s reflection. He’s leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his lips despite the feigned upset tone in his voice. He continues, “You told me to come home with you, and now you’re giving me this treatment? All because I wouldn’t fuck you in my car? That’s cold, sweetheart.”
You huff quietly, even though you know deep down that Matt’s words hold some truth. You continue to stay quiet, unclasping the necklace from around your neck and placing it back in its designated spot.
Matt’s tongue pokes at his cheek as he continues, “I could’ve just stayed with Jess—”
You immediately bristle, and you whirl around to face him. “You’re not funny.”
Matt’s grin widens, his eyes sparkling. “Got you to finally talk to me, though.”
You let out a forced laugh, and you plant your hands firmly on your hips as you glare at Matt. “You know what? You can go—I don’t care. Go. Go back to the party and spend the rest of your night with Jess.”
“Hey,” Matt’s response is immediate as he moves toward you, standing right in front of you. His fingers reach up to grasp your jaw, the cool sensations of his rings stinging your warm skin. He playfully shakes your head, and a part of you wants to shove him away, but you remain still. “Enough, kid. You know I’d rather be here with you anyways.”
And you do. Deep down, you know that. 
But you love pushing his buttons, especially with the thrill it gives you.
Pressing further, you challenge him, “Do I actually?”
Matt’s voice hums with confidence. “Of course you do. You know you’re my favourite.”
You blink at him, unimpressed. “There are others?”
Matt sucks in a deep breath, his grip on your jaw tightening as a playful warning. You can’t help but grin now, pleased in your ability to get under his skin so easily. “You’re a pain in my ass, I swear.”
A giggle escapes your lips as you slide your arms around his shoulders, and his hand releases your jaw to rest at the base of your spine. His fingers put gentle pressure, urging you closer, and you willingly comply as you allow your chest to press against his.
Your fingers curl around the hair at the nape of Matt’s neck, the grin on your lips unfaltering as you continue to taunt him. “Pain in your ass, yet you still can’t get enough of me,” You then mockingly gasp, “Don’t tell me you like me, Matt?”
“Yeah, yeah, you wish,” Matt mutters dismissively, his head dipping low to press his lips to yours in a heated kiss, sending a surge of electricity through your veins. You respond eagerly without a moment of hesitation, matching his fervour, your lips moving in perfect sync.
Matt’s hand glides up from your lower spine to firmly grip the back of your neck, keeping you pressed against him. The sensation of his touch sends shivers down your spine, and you fist the material of his hoodie in your grasp, ensuring that he stays close to you. 
As the kiss deepens, you feel a gentle nip of his teeth on your bottom lip, causing you to gasp at the pinch. Your lips part, giving him an invitation for his tongue to slip inside your mouth. The taste of him, the mingling of your breath, it’s intoxicating to you, and you want more.
The force of his kisses push you back against your vanity table, the impact causing a few of your belongings clattering to the ground. But you pay no mind, your focus is solely on Matt who stands between your parted thighs, his hands sliding beneath the bottom of your dress. 
“Lift your hips a lil f’me.” Matt orders you, and you listen. With his fingers that hook under the band of your panties, he pulls them down in one swift movement, discarding the lacy material carelessly to the side before his arm hooks around your back.
You yelp in surprise as he effortlessly lifts you up from the vanity table, and your legs instinctively lock around his hips to make sure you don’t fall, but it doesn’t matter when Matt drops you down on the bed with a bounce. 
Before you can fully register what happened, Matt’s hand curls around your ankle and he tugs you to the edge of the bed, and you watch with parted lips as his hand moves between your thighs to drag his middle finger through your slit. 
“You’re fucked soaked…” Matt hims as he lowers himself down, gazing up at you from your parted thighs. A silent gasp leaves your lips as his two fingers sink into your tight, wet heat. “You had so much to say earlier, and now you’re quiet. Does it feel too good?”
“Just shut up.” You bite back, and a smile breaks out onto Matt’s face, sending you a wink before he leans down. His tongue swirls against your sensitive clit, plunging his fingers into your cunt at a steady rhythm.
Breathy moans leave you as you try to watch Matt, but his free hand slowly creeps up your body and pushes down at your chest, making you fall back against the mattress with a huff. You’re reminded of the dress that’s still clinging to your body, making you regret not taking it off sooner, but all your worries and problems are pushed to the side when you feel Matt drapes your legs over his shoulders, closing him in.
“Fu—ah!” Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and your back arches off the bed. You’re unable to use your words, lost in the feeling of Matt sucking at your clit and the curl of his fingers against your spongy walls, brushing over that spot that has your thighs tightening around his hand.
One of your hands grip the bed sheet, and your other lands on top of his head, threading your fingers through the overgrown strands as you tug, eliciting a groan from his chest. You’re grinding your pussy against his face, desperate for more, and he doesn’t seem to mind, allowing you to use him as you please.
That’s until your legs soon fall from his shoulders when Matt forces them apart, spreading you out in front of him when he feels your climax approaching, and he leans back as he watches his fingers pump into you. The speed in which his fingers move has your legs closing around his hand, and his tongue clicks against his teeth in a sound of disapproval.
“Keep ‘em open,” Matt warns you, and when you fail to listen, his fingers slow down, causing you to glare at him. “Don’t look at me like that. What did I just say?” Your legs slowly part, and Matt nods his head. “That’s right…”
He picks up the speed once more, and he drives his fingers inside your cunt, a grin playing on his lips as he keeps his gaze locked on yours, staring down at your face as he leans over you. You gasp loudly when his thumb rubs your clit for stimulation, and you immediately cum.
The squelching sound of your wetness is hard throughout the room along with your wailing, and your body shakes and your pussy contracts around his fingers. He’s laughing as he fingers you through your orgasm, watching as your body trembles and your hips rut against his hand.
You cry out in pleasure, your body shaking and your brain fuzzy as you slump back against the bed, trying to catch your breath.
Matt removes his fingers from your sensitive cunt, and you watch through hazed vision as he sucks them clean. The sight alone is enough to have a surge of energy rush through your veins, and you sit up to pull him into a kiss. Matt groans when your tongue slides into his mouth, and when he kneels in between your thighs, he takes hold of your wrists and guides your hands towards his belt. 
You immediately know what he wants you to do, and you comply. You unbuckle his belt hastily through hungry kisses, making quick work of the button and zipper, tugging the material down to the middle of his thighs along with his boxers.
Usually, you would’ve completely rid him of his clothes and yourself. But on this specific night, you were too desperate to have him to go through with the task, and Matt seems to be feeling the same when he suddenly throws you around.
You huff as the air is knocked out of your lungs when you’re flipped onto your tummy, and you turn your head to the side, cheek mushed against your pillow as you watch Matt through your lashes. He’s fisting his cock, tip leaky and red, spreading his precum around the base. 
He tapes his cock on your puffy folds and you squirm, an irritated whine leaving your lips to which Matt smirks at.
You grit through your teeth, “Hurry up.”
“Just admiring the view,” Matt cheekily replies, giving you a wink as he taps your ass before his cock nudges between your folds. “Breathe.” He instructs you.
You bite back the remark that’s resting on the tip of your tongue, and you inhale deeply, only to let out a drawn out moan when Matt pushes himself inside, the familiarity of him stretching out your pussy makes your toes curl and fingers grip the bed sheets.
Once he’s fully seated inside your warmth, buried in you to the hilt, you feel his ringed hands slide up your spine beneath your dress, his blunt fingernails pressing into your skin as he drags his hand back down before gripping your hips, keeping you still as he begins to thrust.
“So wet ‘n tight for me, sweetheart…” Matt grunts, pinching your hips. He lays a firm slap on your ass. “So good f’me. Always so good.”
He repeatedly pumps in and out of you, gradually picking up his speed, and you find yourself moaning with each deep thrust of his hips. You fuck yourself back onto his cock when you feel his grip loosen on you, and your volume increases, mewling at the feeling of Matt’s cock fucking you so deep that it makes your head fuzzy.
You pant, almost drooling, “I wan’ more.”
“More?” Matt repeats with a chuckle, and his lips curl into a grin as he watches your ass bounce back on his cock. “I’m already deep inside your guts. What more could you possibly want?”
You give him a dark glare in warning, “Matt—”
“You already cum once too,” Matt tsks, and you feel his hand slip around your waist to slot between your thighs. You shiver when you feel the pads of his ringed fingers brush over your clit. “Fucking greedy, kid. You take, take, take…”
You gasp as his fingers start rubbing slow circles, and your pussy clamps around his cock. “Ah!”
“Good thing I’ll always give you what you want, right?”
Your mouth drops open, and your eyebrows knit together from the stimulation of Matt’s cock fucking into you and his fingers rubbing at your clit, the pleasure building. He’s grunting loudly behind you, his free hand giving harsh slaps to your ass and soothing over the sore area.
It surprises you when Matt’s hips start to slow down for a moment, and he bends over you to press a wet smooch to your cheek. You crane your neck awkwardly to capture his lips in a kiss, only lasting a few seconds before he straightens back up and resumes his pace.
“Good cum for me, sweetheart?” Matt asks when he feels the walls of your cunt flutter around him, knowing all too well. You nod your head quickly, and Matt smiles as he pinches your clit, eliciting a squeal from you. “Hold it.”
You gape at him, “Ho—you’re joking?”
He raises an eyebrow, “Do I look like I’m joking?”
“I can’t wait!!” You hiss, shaking your head quickly, already feeling the pleasure build up in your tummy.
All Matt does is laugh at you, clicking his tongue against his teeth as he mutters about you always getting what you want, and you go to snap back to defend yourself, but the words fail to come out of your mouth when you feel his cock swell inside of your cunt, and with one harsh thrust of his hips, you’re cumming with a loud cry of his name.
He curses under his breath, trying his best to keep the momentum as he pushes further into your tightening walls, only for his orgasm to hit harshly. He’s hips jerk, his cock pumping you full of cum, and he’s breathing heavily as his hands rub your sides.
You’re sweaty and sticky, immediately regretting not taking off your dress the second he had you against the vanity table earlier. You grunt at the ache in your hips and lower back as Matt pulls his cock out of you, and you slump to the bed with a huff, allowing your body to relax while muttering quiet complaints.
Matt chuckles at your antics, and he reaches out, pressing his fingers into your lower back to massage you and you grin happily, melting at his touch. 
“Spoilt,” Matt states, and you lift your hand to give him the middle finger in retaliation. Matt grins and continues his ministrations for a few more minutes before he lets you go, causing you to jut your bottom lip out into a pout as you turn to look at him. “Easy, kid. You need to go pee, and then we’re gonna go shower. Get you cleaned up.”
A smirk makes its way onto your face as you tease, “How chivalrous.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” He waves dismissively at you, and he stands up from your bed. He offers a hand out to you and you take it, feeling his fingers clasp around yours as he pulls you up, and he wraps a steady arm around your waist as your feet touch the ground. “I still got some weed leftover from the party, I’ll roll when we’re done. Pink skins for the princess, right?”
Feeling smug and confident, you raise your head high. “Right.”
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© sturnioz
301 notes · View notes
melobin · 2 days
oblivious ౨ৎ eunseok
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✧ wc. 870.
✧ warnings. dom!eunseok x sub!reader, subspace, slapping.
✧ a/n. very short .. just had some thoughts with the loml @angeltsan
“look at me” eunseok’s voice echoed throughout the room, yet it fell on almost deaf ears. you could barely hear a thing in the room, your blurred vision only added onto that. you felt dizzy, unable to focus on anything but the way eunseok’s cock felt inside of you. the pleasure he brought you filled all of your senses, you felt as if you were unable to focus on anything else, you physically couldn’t.
eunseok always knew how to fuck you right, how to leave your legs shaking and your clit aching in need of stimulation. he loved the fact you couldn’t focus on anything other than him, he loved having your full, undivided attention no matter what is going on around the two of you. something about the way he moved against you left your entire body mesmerised, your fingers digging deeply into his skin and your eyes barely open.
if there was one thing that eunseok loved more than anything during sex it was your attention. he didn’t want you to even look in a different direction, let alone be distracted by something other than him. if your phone went off, he’d laugh knowing you were completely oblivious to the ringing that was bursting from the speaker of your phone. the first few times it happened, eunseok simply thought you were ignoring it to focus on him but after watching you check your phone and confusingly ask if your phone rang during it, he knew it was unintentional. he knew you had ignored it by accident, you hadn’t even heard the ringing whilst he was fucking you. that’s when eunseok knew just how cockdrunk he could make you.
he adored when you got like that, how you’d lay there with glossy eyes and parted lips, hair a mess as he fucked you brainless, because that’s what he actually done. by the time he had finished fucking you, you felt as if your brains had turned to mush and your body had been weakened into a complete and utter mess. but as much as eunseok loved that part of you, he couldn’t help but crave to have your full, undivided attention on him, so he had to find a way to bring you out of your dazed, doll eyed state.
“baby” he spoke out, holding your jaw in his hand as he thrusted into you sharply, your body lay weak under his, your fingers held onto his shoulders but your grip felt weak. you moaned so sweetly under him but your voice was more broken than it usually is, he knew you were falling, sinking into a subspace that he would struggle to get you out of.
“baby you need to answer me” you let out a broken whine, your walls clenching tighter around his cock. you knew he was speaking to you but you couldn’t hear what he was saying, everything sounded like a blur. eunseok sighed, laughing slightly to himself as you responded to his slurred words with another whine “need to focus on me baby” your lips parted as he thrusted into you a little harsher, his movement being no help to the state you were currently in.
he gripped your jaw a little harder causing your mouth to open wider, he chuckled to himself as he saw a line of drool drip down the side of your face. that was enough for him. he let go of your jaw before placing his hand on your cheek, he pulled it bad before letting it strike down gently against your skin. you whimpered, jumping at the slight contact before he done it again. at this point he was simply tapping your skin, needing to see how far he’d have to go to bring you out of the space you had fallen into.
eunseok looked at down your glossed over eyes, he felt as if you were slowly coming back to him, but he wasn’t sure. he tapped your cheek a few times, each tap becoming a little harsher as you whined under him. eventually he brought his hand back to so he could slap it against your cheek, the palm of his hand striking down against your skin harder than it had before. your back arched up, your chest pressing against his as you whimpered out loud, your glossy eyes becoming more aware of your surroundings as your fingers dug deeper into his skin.
“seokie” your voice was shallow, barely being heard over his skin now slapping against yours.
“shh, its okay baby” he groaned out, pressing his head into your neck as he fucked you “just wanted you to feel it all”
“please don’t stop” your fingers found themselves tangled in his hair as he continued what he was doing. his hips bucking against yours, skin slapping against one another. this is what he wanted, he wanted to hear you falling apart, to have you pulling at his skin and crying out his name as he fucked you into oblivion.
after all, as much as eunseok loved fucking you until you were unable to think a single coherent thought, he loved bringing you out of that and turning you into a complete, conscious wreck even more.
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intromortal · 3 days
hii nia!! could u do something w needy jungwon and reader on her period? whatever it comes to ur mind abt that! <3
04:39 — needy!won and reader on her period
warning: mdni, well period obv, spitting in mouth, fingering
wc: 1k
You glared at Jungwon and slapped his hand away from your thigh for what felt like the hundredth time that evening.
You did not understand what had come over him ever since the day before, you had never seen him be as needy and desperate to just get his hands in your pants as he was in that moment.
Since you were on your period you told him you would gladly take care of his needs, after all pleasuring him was something you loved doing but of course you hadn't accounted for the fact that there was nothing on Earth that got Jungwon off like seeing you shake underneath his touch. An orgasm he got that he could not reciprocate, was an orgasm wasted in his mind.
“Please? Just wanna make you feel good angel,” he whispered against the sensitive skin of your neck, his teeth nibbling on it occasionally.
“I already told you I’m on my period,” you sighed, your resolve starting to crumble as his soft lips trailed up to your ear, his warm hand going back to its rightful place on your thigh.
“Don’t care,” he said before licking a long strip on your neck. “Want you to come all over my fingers anyway.”
His words sent hot jolts of need right to your cunt, you were always needier during this time and the soft circles he was drawing on your skin only made your head spin even more.
“What—” you took a deeper breath, conscious of how to word your thoughts. “What if it disgusts you?”
You felt him draw back from you immediately, his breath caught in his throat and anxiety pooling in his stomach at your words. He cradled your face in his soft palms, his eyes searching for yours.
“Why would it disgust me?” he asked, a confused edge in his tone.
“Huh— you know, it is a little nasty if you thin—”
He interrupted your sentence right away, voice almost stern as he spoke, “Nothing, not one thing, about you is gonna disgust me. Ever.”
You stared into his eyes for a moment to make sure he meant what he said before slightly nodding your head, the gesture prompting him to kiss you.
His lips were slow on yours at first, his little smiles tender between pecks.
That didn't last long, the air in the room hotter when he suddenly grabbed you by your hips and removed your shorts and panties, discarding them on the floor absentmindedly. You yelped in surprise and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, hot tongue sliding into your mouth to sensually lap at yours.
The way he kissed you so slowly sent electric jolts coursing through your body, and any worry you had about your period left your mind as he worked his hands all over your curves.
He placed you on his lap, facing away from him, and pushed your legs open to get easier access to your pretty cunt, a hum of delight leaving his lips when you were finally all spread out for him.
He went to slide two fingers into his mouth to wet them but you let out a noise of protest, his head turning to you with a lopsided smirk adorning his features.
“Almost forgot how messy my sweet little angel is,” he mumbled adoringly in the crown of your hair. He instantly knew what you wanted and without missing a beat he cupped your face. He gathered some spit and let it dribble in your mouth, some of it dripping to your lips. He promptly collected it with his fingers before pushing them to rest against your tongue, the mixture of your spit coating them.
He brought the fingers down to your mound and slid them between your folds a few times, his mouth hanging open in a silent moan as he felt your blood smear on his fingers, fascinated with the sight.
“Thank you for letting me do this baby,” he whispered as his eyes were glued to your pussy. “So hot.”
He slid his fingers in finally, and you threw your head back against his broad shoulders in ecstasy, hips immediately trying to take in more.
“So greedy too,” he teased. “To think you were acting so shy just earlier.”
You whined in his hold, desperate to have him move faster. “Please Won, more.”
He chuckled darkly before angling your inner thighs upwards, his attack on your neck resuming. This time his kisses open mouthed, the wetness of his tongue on your skin making you squirm in his lap. He set a faster pace, his brows knitted as his cock strained against his pants at the obscene sounds both you and your cunt were making. The angle at which he was finger fucking you made it so his palm slapped against your puffy clit with every single flick of his wrist, the continuous little hits making you shake against him. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth to silence your moans, and Jungwon did not like that.
He gave a few harsh slaps on your inner thighs with his other hand that made you yelp, the sting somehow still sending pleasure cursing through you.
“I wanna hear all of your sweet noises baby.” His thrusts slowed down but deepened, his thumb finding your clit in delicious circles. You babbled against the side of his neck, pleasure too overwhelming to form any coherent thought.
Tears started to cloud your vision and toes curled when his fingers found the spot deep inside you that always had you seeing stars, sending you straight over the edge, white searing pleasure crashing down on you.
“That’s it angel, so good for me,” Jungwon sweetly mumbled next to your ear, his fingers riding you gently through your orgasm.
You swatted his hand away when his touch got too much for your oversensitive cunt, small noises of complaint making him chuckle against your skin. He relented, drawing his hand back and finding himself enamored with the sight of his digits dripping in both your essence and blood.
He noticed you getting up with shaky legs to retrieve your shorts and immediately grabbed your forearm, making you fall into his lap once more.
He gently lapped at your lobe, grazing it with his teeth, “What do you think you’re doing?” he whispered, his breath raising goosebumps all over you. “We are far from being done, my angel,” he said, his grip on your thigh almost painful, the blood that soaked his hand smearing everywhere on your skin.
a/n: idk if i like this anonnie i'm sorry if it's not up to standard☹️ i wasn't gonna write this yet but i needed to write smth that's not not enough omfg anyone that talks to me out to tumblr knows how bad that has been kicking my ass
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catch1ngmoths · 24 hours
Hi my pookie 😏 Can I request a Joost Klein x fem!reader where it's unrequited love, reader likes Joost, and she's about to give up because he doesn't feel the same but something happens to the reader which causes Joost to panic and confess he's always loved her?
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ “So come inside and be with me, alone with me, alone with me, alone. If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses, then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart.” -Mitski𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
Summary: your in love with Joost and do everything to try and show your love for him but he doesn’t seem to reciprocate your feelings and even gets involved with another girl. Talking about her 24/7 but suddenly you finally boil over and snap at him. Not knowing your standing in the middle of the street….
Note: THIS ONE IS DRAMATIC AS HELL LOL, anyways finally have the energy to finish a fic! I might post another one soon also, hope yall didn’t miss me too much ;)
Warnings: just straight up y/n and Joost hurting and y/n kinda sorta gets hit by a car (ಡ᎔ಡ)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
Pain. That’s all this brought you was pain. Being joost’s best friend and loyal companion was the best and worst thing you’ve experienced. Joost was your favorite person, and you were his. But what he didn’t know was how you felt, how you stared at him longingly every chance you could.
How desperately you wanted to snuggle close to him and explain all your feelings to him. But you couldn’t, not when all he talked about was her. Louise. A girl he met and was how infatuated with, or that’s how it seemed in your eyes. He talked about their relationship and how it kept building day by day.
Today was just another day you felt the familiar tug at your heart, “-and then she said she loved my glasses, it was so kind!” Joost says, laying back as his head rests in your lap, eyes looking straight up at the starry sky you both sat under. Your body tenses and you let out a soft sigh but you quickly recover and look down at him with a smile.
“I’m glad she likes your dorky glasses, might be the only one” you say with a teasing snicker, making Joost look up at you with a faux offended stare and a pout. It wasn’t true, you loved his glasses, you always have. But I guess he never payed any mind to your compliments towards the thick black glasses that sat on his face, but he did for her. Funny isn’t it? Your snapped out of your thoughts as Joost speaks, “ha ha, very funny.” He says as he reaches up to pinch your cheek with a small chuckle.
You smile apawn the contact and lean into his touch that’s quickly stolen away as he lowers his hand back down. The warmth leaving your cheek and making your heart clinch and you look up at the stars as well. You could never tell him, you couldn’t ruin this for him.
Little did you know joost wanted nothing more then to sit up and kiss you in that moment, your teasing words and soft smile made his head spin. He was so in love with you but he couldn’t tell you. Not when you were so out of his league, I mean you’re you and he’s…well he’s him. You were way too good for him. He could never tell you, he couldn’t take you when there’s someone out there that was way better looking than him.
So Joost was willing to try and move on, when he saw Louise and noticed how into him she was he took his chance. He wanted you to do the same- well not wanted. He needed you to find someone like he was, someone that was better than him so he could at least try and get over you. He hoped him always bringing Louise up would push you in that direction, he didn’t know it would hurt you the worst you’ve been hurt in your life.
During present time, were at your breaking point, you couldn’t listen to it anymore. So you snapped, you snapped at Joost when he brought up Louise once more. “We held hands today, she said my hands were very soft and warm?! Can you believe that- my hands are neither sof-“ he’s cut off by an aggravated sigh and he looks up at you immediately.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he tries to scan your face to get information on what exactly you’re feeling. “Are you done?” You spat aggressively, you didn’t mean to be rude. Truly you didn’t! But you were just so filled with jealousy and envy that you snapped. Joost looks taken aback and stayed silent for a bit before speaking again, “am I done…?” He says in a tone that very stern.
“Yeah, are you done talking about her all the time?!” You replied as you rubbed your temples and stood up from where you were sitting right next to him on his couch. “Uhh…what the hell is your deal?” He says with furrowed eyebrows, starting to become frustrated at your sudden hostility.
“My deal is that you’re always talking about her! I get it, you’re in love with her but I don’t wanna hear it anymore! Okay??” You say as Joost also stands from his spot on the couch, “in love-?! Wha-“ he’s cut off by you again, “always talking about how great she is while I just sit here feeling like a third wheel!” You continue as he scoffs, “okay well I thought you were happy for me!?” He says, both of your voices raising.
“I am!! I’m just tried of hearing about how awesome and smart and beautiful she is!” You reply as you roll your eyes. “Jesus why are you acting like this?!” He says, making you scoff and cross your arms. “Uh what the fuck is that supposed to mean!!? I’m just sick of hearing about it!” You narrow your eyes at him.
You rub them bridge of your nose before you start walking towards his front door, leaving. “I’m just gonna go.” You say coldly making Joost shake his head. “What?! You can’t just leave like this?!” He says as he follows after you hastily. You don’t turn and continue walking, were you being a little dramatic? Sure. But the feelings you’ve bottled up for so long were finally erupting and you weren’t thinking about that.
“Watch me.” You snarl as you walk down the street, you didn’t know where you were going…hell you were staying with Joost for the time being, you just needed space. Joost didn’t understand that, knowing you had nowhere else to go. He didn’t want anything to happen to you so he follow behind you but you picked up the pace.
“Why the hell are you so adamant about this?! What the fuck is your problem” he says as you groan in annoyance and swiftly turn to him, standing in the middle of the empty road. He finally sees your eyes that were filled with tears, some rolling down your cheeks. It broke his heart as his eyes widen.
You laugh bitterly and sarcastically, “what is my problem?!” You raise your voice, “my problem is that you love this girl and you don’t even realize how I feel about you!! How much I love you, but you’re too busy with her to even realize! I’ve tried everything, everything joost! But your too busy with her to ever notice me so I’m don’t trying to get you to notice me!! ”
You weren’t thinking, you were just rambling as you spoke, Joost froze, not that you realized. Your vision was blurry from the tears in your eyes. Something else you failed to realize was the car coming right in your direction. (I know this is so dramatic (ᵕ—ᴗ—) I couldn’t think of anything else to happen to reader! Plus who doesn’t like a little dramatics!)
You both noticed too late, once you noticed the approaching lights you swiftly turned and saw the car speeding towards you. You have no time to react before your eyes widen, you hear your name being screamed and then everything goes black.
Your eyes crack open as you feel blinded by a bright light, you groan and try to sit up but you feel a pair of soft hands wrapping around you. Your breath hitches and eyes widen as you hear soft sobs coming from the person holding you.
Your senses finally come back to you as you see the bright blonde hair that you could recognize anywhere. Your wrap your arms around him as well, “j-Joost..? What happened?” You say weakly, your whole body hurt. But Joost finally stops hugging you, holding your cheeks in his hands as tears roll down his face.
“Your dumbass got hit by a car” he says with a shakey laugh, “god I’m so glad your okay” he finishes as he presses soft kisses to your head, your memory coming back as you groan and burry your face in his chest. A soft chuckle coming from the man in response. He sighs and lifts your chin up, looking deep in your eyes
“I’m not…I’m not talking to Louise anymore.” He says and your heart drops, you did this, you made him stop seeing the “love of his life” Joost immediately notices your widened eyes and shakes his head, “because…I figured out who I’m truly meant to be with.” He says with a soft smile as he presses his forehead to yours
“W-who..?” You say as your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest. “How about I show you huh?” He says with a smirk before lowering his head and connecting his lips to yours, you both part with shallow breaths, ““I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t know you thought of me like that, Louise was just a distraction because-“ he pauses and looks away
“Because I was trying to distract myself from how much I love you. God I’m so sorry this is all my fa-“ he’s cut off by your soft voice, “shut up and kiss me again” he smiles before pressing his lips gently back to yours and suddenly, even being in the hospital, everything doesn’t seem so bad..
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
This fic actually sucks ass, I’m sorry for the bad fic lol I promise I’ll try to lock in 🙏🏻🥲
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multiversefanfics · 2 days
You left
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader(Past relationship)- Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader(not a full on relationship but friends with benefits type thing with hidden feelings?) Warning: SMUT 18+‼️Oral (F receiving p in v) ,cussing, mention of sex, angst Summary: After Thanos snapped half of humanity out of existence, then fighting like hell to get them back just for him to leave anyway. A/N: It still irritates me that Steve left everyone behind for Peggy, this fic is for people who are also irritated about Steve leaving, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it too. this is a short one, well my opinion of short😂 Past in Italics
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"Steve, you promised. You told me there was nothing to worry about and that you loved me and only me." He sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder "I do love you, but I love her too. I can't just ignore it; she is the love of my life." By now tears were streaming down your face, you couldn't believe what you were hearing you thought Steve was someone you could trust. You took a step back, staring deep into his eyes. "Steve..." Was all you could manage to get out between sobs, and you shrugged his hand off your shoulder "I can't believe you right now, after everything you are willing to just throw away 6 years together." Steve rubbed his face and when he removed his hands you could see his facial expression was different "I have to! When I saw her again, it brought back everything I missed out on.” His sudden change of volume made you flinch, he apologized and told you he loved you, but his words meant nothing because he still went back to Peggy leaving you behind to try and move on while he lived out his dream.
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You and Steve were in love, even though in the back of your mind the same name kept popping up Peggy Carter. Although he tells you every chance, he can that he loves you and only you, you can’t help but feel like a consolation prize. You loved Steve he was your favorite person in the world, you would be lost without him, but you don't know if he felt the same way about you sometimes. He told you over and over that he loved you and he would never do anything to hurt you, and then he did it. He left. He left you to go back to Peggy. After all the fighting to bring everyone back, all the moments you shared, everything. He just left like it was nothing. It took a while for you to move on and find your happiness, it wasn't easy, but you did it and you were successful. Something unexpected happened that caused you to rethink everything.
It's been 3 years since Steve left and you're single and still not ready to mingle and that's fine no one is rushing, and you're not really interested in anyone, you're just having some fun. You and Bucky were sitting on the couch, your legs over his lap while he rubbed your calf after you pretended to have a cramp "Is your cramp gone?" You giggled a bit "I never had a cramp I just wanted you to rub my legs" Bucky groaned and smacked your shin, leaning back and looking at the TV. "Why did you stop" You whined rubbing your leg against his hand "Because you tricked me" He looked over at you while you made puppy dog eyes at him, he rolled his eyes and started rubbing your legs again, you smiled to yourself and started watching TV again. Sam strolled into the living room, plopping down beside you "Well aren't you two cozy" You hit him with a pillow not taking your eyes off the screen "Why don't you mind your business." Bucky retorted earning a deep chuckle from Sam "It's cute that's all." You saw Sam shift awkwardly out of the corner of your eye, you sat up and looked at him "What's wrong?" Sam looked over at you and raised an eyebrow "What are you talking about?" You studied his face "You never adjust yourself. unless you're nervous about something. Out with it."
Sam sighed and just as he was about to answer you heard the front door open, everyone turned their attention to the door, and in walks Steve. You sat there frozen unable to utter a single word, Bucky got up and did one of those man hugs with him and Sam followed suit, while you sat there still frozen trying to figure out if he was real or if you were dreaming. It was real, no matter how many times you told yourself it wasn’t. He was standing right in front of you staring deep into your eyes waiting for you to say something. Anything. You cleared your throat and stood up joining the group “Hi...” Steve smiled at you, God you missed that smile, but then you remembered that smile belonged to Peggy. "Hey, Y/N how are you?" Is he really going to pretend that everything is, okay? Like he didn’t just leave you behind “I’m good, how are you here?” He sighed and looked around “Why don’t we sit down, and I can explain.”
Everyone nodded and went to sit on the couch, you sat closest to Bucky laying your head on his shoulder, you weren't doing it to spite Steve or anything, Bucky was your only source of comfort, but you could see in Steve's eyes he didn't like that. His best friend and his ex-girlfriend? Together? The thing is you guys weren't really together you two just leaned on each other when one of you needed it, or when aggression or stress needed to be released. Maybe you had feelings for Bucky but never expressed them.
Steve took a deep breath trying to compose himself "Stark visited me and said there was much to be done here so, he and Scott pulled me back, and I'm here to help." Bucky felt you tense up and although he knew what he was about to do would rub Steve the wrong way, he needed to comfort you instead of having to deal with Steve's feelings when he was the one who left. He rested his hand on your knee rubbing his thumb over your kneecap, it was hard for Steve to concentrate let alone talk so he cut it short "I'm here to stay and help with whatever you guys need help with." Everyone nodded and started to go their separate ways. "Hey, Y/N can I speak with you?" You looked back at Steve and nodded "Sure, what's up?" You stood in front of Steve who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "So are you and Bucky... Like together?" You shook your head "No, but when you left, he was the only one there for me and provided comfort when I needed it. We weren't trying to hurt you earlier; he just knew I was tense and tried to calm me down."
Steve crossed his arms over his chest and took a deep breath "Do you have feelings for him?" You were taken aback, why is he asking these questions, was he judging you for how you repaired yourself? "I don't think that's any of your business anymore." You rolled your eyes and went to walk away. “Wait, Y/N there’s more I need to tell you. I figured it would be easier coming from me.” You turned to face him again, he took a deep breath. You’ve never seen Steve so nervous before “Peggy is here too.” Your breath hitched and you nodded slowly “Is that all?” He nodded and you walked away. You wish you could be happy for him but he left you behind. ‘He left’ kept echoing in your head
You and Bucky were lying on your bed, his head lying between your legs on top of your stomach, you aimlessly played with his hair while he talked about something Sam did, you weren't really paying attention you were too busy thinking about the questions Steve was asking. "So, I was thinking of shaving my head and getting a skull tattoo." Your head snapped in his direction "What?!" He chuckled "What's on your mind?" You sighed and stared at the ceiling "Is it Steve?" You heard the sadness in his voice, it wasn't what he thought, you didn't want to get back with Steve it was just the questions he asked. You took a deep breath "It's not that I want to get back with him, he was just asking questions about us and asked if I had feelings for you." Bucky turned on his side and looked up at you "And you told him that it was none of his business, right?"
You nodded and looked down at him "Does he know we had sex?" You shook your head and sat up "No, I didn't tell him we had sex I didn't think he would want to hear 'Hey Steve, I'm having sex with your best friend, welcome back.' Kinda sounds a little messed up." Bucky let out a hearty laugh "You got a point." Bucky looked down between your legs then back at you “Speaking of sex.” He leaned down and gently kissed your thigh, you looked down at Bucky as he left several soft kisses up and down your thighs. You shutter under his touch “Bucky, is now really a good time?” He dragged the tip of his tongue down the inside of your thigh not breaking eye contact with you. “If you want, I’ll stop.” You wanted nothing more than for him to devour you and help you relieve your stress.
You bit your bottom lip and nodded slightly at him; he pulled your underwear to the side and instantly latched onto your clit sucking gently. Over the years Bucky learned what your body wanted, how you wanted, and especially what drove you crazy and that was his tongue. To him, it was just a tongue but to you, it was the best thing in the world. Bucky moaned against your skin sending vibrations straight to your clit, which made you moan out his name. Bucky knew the effect he had on you and used it to his advantage. Your fingers found their way to his hair tugging slightly as he swirled his tongue all around your throbbing wet pussy, you arched your back and spread your legs farther to give him more access. You felt your orgasm creeping up, you began rolling your hips against his face “B-Buck, I’m close.” As soon as he heard those words he latched onto your clit this time sucking a little harder than before, you cried out in pleasure before releasing all of your juices onto his face.
You laid there breathless as he sucked up all the juice until every last drop was gone. “Y/N, you okay?” You lazily nodded and watched as he crawled up beside you, you kicked off your underwear and got on your knees while pulling his boxers down, you wanted nothing more than to climb on top and feel his dick stretch you out. You watched his dick bounce back from his waistband, you licked your lips and took his dick in your hand slowly pumping up and down. As much as you love to tease him you really didn’t want to waste any time, you took his entire length in your mouth, choking a bit until you started to breathe through your nose, you bobbed your head up and down earning a low growl from Bucky, you looked up and saw him watching you. You smirked and pulled back swirling your tongue around his tip.
Bucky reached down and grabbed you by the throat pulling you up to his face so he could kiss you, there was something different about the kiss but you didn’t care you kissed him back. You reached down between his legs and slowly sat down on his dick, as soon as it entered he flipped you on your back and started thrusting roughly into you. Bucky was always rough with you and you loved every minute of it mainly because it was him. His hand still on your throat, he used his vibranium hand to make small circles on your clit, this sent you into overdrive. “B-Bucky” You managed to moan out between gasps, Bucky’s thrusts got sloppier and slower as he tried not to cum so fast, he wanted to savor the moment, just then there was a knock at the door “Uh, just a minute.”
But they didn’t listen and walked in anyway. It was Steve “Buck, I have to- Woah, uh I’m sorry… Y/N?” You mentally smacked yourself putting your hands over your face, mumbling ‘fuck’. Bucky looked down at you then back at Steve “Uh, Steve, could you give me a minute.” Steve was so angry that it literally looked like steam was coming out of his ears, he nodded and slammed the door behind him, Bucky looked down at you “So, where were we?” You rolled your eyes and pushed him off of you “Are you kidding me right now? We just got caught by your best friend and my ex. Do you not realize how that looks?” Bucky stood up putting sweatpants on “It looks like his ex girlfriend moved on after he left her for someone else.” As much as the comment hurt he was right. Steve has no right to be mad when he left you, you sighed and mumbled “You’re right…” Bucky looked at you wide eyed “I’m what?” A smile spread across your lips “I’m not saying it again.”
You felt so bad but at the same time, he left you and he has Peggy, he has no right to be mad. You finished getting dressed and headed to meet Bucky and Sam in the living room, you stopped in your tracks when you heard Sam tell them to calm down “Calm down? I just walked in on Bucky and Y/N having sex!” You peeked your head around the corner and saw Steve pacing in front of Bucky, fuming. “You can’t be mad at how she decided to repair what you broke.” Steve stopped in his tracks and looked at Bucky “What I broke? You are my best friend!” You don’t have to see Bucky’s face to know how red it was “You left us! You went back for Peggy you didn’t think about your ‘best friend’ or ‘girlfriend’ when you decided to go back to her.” You leaned your back against the wall sighing quietly maybe it was time to defend yourself. “Hi, you must be Y/N” You flinched and looked at where the voice was coming from and there she was, Peggy Carter.
She was even more gorgeous than you imagined, more than the picture Steve carried around when you two were together “Uh, yeah hi I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled sweetly at you and shook your hand “What are they yelling about?” You pointed to yourself “Steve walked in on Bucky and I being… intimate” She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow “Let’s go be a part of this conversation, shall we.” You nodded and walked into the living room with her. Steve’s eyes widened as you both came around the couch and sat on it “Please, gentlemen continue. Pretend like we’re not even here.” You couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or not her calm tone threw you off. You looked at Bucky and frowned, he leaned over and whispered in your ear “It’s okay, doll.” You heard Steve scoff which caused everyone to look at him “I can’t believe you two.” Peggy chuckled and looked Steve in his eyes "I can't believe you, why do you care what she does?" The next words out of Steve's mouth shocked everyone.
"Because I am still in love with her!"
Main Masterlist - Steve Rogers Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist
A/N: I dont know if there will be a part 2. I haven't thought that far yet but, I hope you like it. feedback is much appreciated if anyone wants to be tagged in future fics please message me or leave and ask on what you want to be tagged in or if you want to be tagged in everything.
Tags: @megamindsecretlair @kandis-mom
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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carolmunson · 2 days
7 ✨ with any lil steve for me? 🥹 tis your daughter (the first born)
‘don’t think about it, boy leave her alone.
she likes my tone, my cologne, and the way i roll.’
He tucks his hair behind his ears before running over it with pomade, boar bristle brush following up after his deft fingers. It was his grandpa’s, he thought it was the slickest thing ever. His grandpa taught him how to comb his hair like greasers used to in the 50s — his dad didn’t love that. Didn’t love that his son used Farrah Fawcett spray either — but you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind one bit.
“Babe, where’s my — oh,” you smile when you catch him styling his hair, plush lower lip tucking in between your teeth, “Hey.”
“Hey,” he smiles back at your reflection while he perfects the swoop of the sides, the top perfectly coiffed. He watches you stare for a little while he continues with his pomade, structuring the top just so.
“Did you come in here to ask me a question or just stare at me, Manhattan?” he asks, snarky grin pulling at his original smile — glint in his hazel eyes.
“Uh — oh,” you shake your head, a breathless laugh coming from your chest, “Where’s my black coin purse? The beaded one?”
He rest the tip of his tongue on his teeth while he thinks, brows contorting while he looks at you through the mirror. After a moment he snaps his fingers, turning to you fully.
You feel silly over how your skin gets hot when he turns around in his Stefano Ricci suit. Black on black, only the flash of a gold tie clip on his sternum to break up the color.
“I brought it to my tailor, honey,” he frowns, “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Remember the last time you brought it out and some of the beads pulled? I wanted to get it fixed.”
You scrunch your nose, disappointed, “You’re lucky you’re hot, Harrington.”
He snorts, turning back to the mirror to give himself a once over before spritzing himself with his standard Dior Homme. He likes how your eyes darken a little whenever you smell it on him. Steve liked to call it his ‘liquid guarantee’.
“You have ten other black bags you can wear tonight,” he offers, making his way to your shared dressing room off the side of your suite where you stand in front of all of your purses.
“I just had my heart set on that one for this dress,” you shrug, “It’ll be fine. Worse things have happened to me. I mean — you’re here.”
He clicks his tongue again, coming up behind you where his hands smooth over your shoulders, nose gliding up the side of your neck. He can feel the goosebumps raise on your skin, “Bring the silk one, that’ll be pretty.”
“You sure?” you ask, heart fluttering when you hear his deep, bass-y ‘mhm’ in your ear.
“You smell good,” you mumble back, vision getting hazy while he encompasses you from behind. His lips press softly against the base of your jaw.
“Thank you, angel,” he kisses again, voice husky. Steve leans forward, grabbing the black silk coin purse from its spot on the wall and tucking it into your hand while you lean against him — jello, “Now let’s go.”
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I was wondering if you could write something for Peaky Blinders where the reader is a mix of Tommy and Arthur, who grew up with the Shelby’s and ended up being their business partners and Tommy’s fiancé, only for him to ship you away for your safety after a business meeting gone wrong and you come back to find him married to Grace as he believed the reader had died while away due to no correspondence. Thank you so much if you can 💖
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Warnings: Altered storyline, orphan!reader, sad ending
thank you for the request, apologies it took a moment to come out. Thank you for being patient, hope you enjoy lovie🥰
Growing up with the Shelby’s wasn’t for the weak, but since a young age they had taken you in as their own.
Ada taught you how to fight for your rights and never allow a man to take control of you, whilst Arthur was the one who always reminded you to keep fighting when things get tough, to not supress any anger or rage as he did.
Then there was Tommy, the voice of reason, the one that promised protection over you and put the most interest in your life.
Through the years you’d grown immensely close, a shy attraction forming but never having the courage to approach the matter until a small kiss was shared on a drunken snowy night at the pub. 
From there things began to escalate, Tommy going as far as proposing and the family being overjoyed. The profound bound you shared with one another was unbreakable. That was until a villainous person of character brought trouble and you were his main target.
Tommy wasn’t quite sure how but the man had figured out where you were 24/7. A car reappearing constantly was never found, a familiar face never near. When they’d attempt to break in while you were at the betting shop alone Tommy realized he couldn’t risk it anymore, couldn’t risk losing you. Eventually sending you off to stay in Boston and promising to return when the situation was handled.
As days turned into weeks, weeks turning into months there had been no contact made on your part, leaving Tommy to presume you were dead and they had found a way to you.
Wanting the reassurance, he sent Charlie out there to investigate. But when Charlie arrived at your secluded flat, the place was a mess. Clothes and papers scattered, half bowls of food on the counters and what looked like to be blood covering your sheets, so he assumed the worst, eventually confirming Tommy’s fear that you had passed and your body was nowhere to be found.
Now here you were entering through the corridors of the Arrow House after tracking breadcrumbs to figure out where your long lost love was living.
Heads turned to stare in disbelief and side conversations unfolding from your powerful presence.
What you weren’t ready for was to see Tommy standing there with a blonde woman with an expensive necklace wrapped around her neck, his hands firmly placed caringly on her arms.
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“I need you. I need you alive Grace.” The scene unfolding before your very own eyes churned your stomach in disgust while your heart thumped rapidly from the anger and heartbreak in your chest.
“And what about me then Tommy?” You shouted loudly causing everyone’s heads to turn in curiosity.
Whipping his head around from the sound of that voice he once cherished that he never thought he’d hear again. Grace followed his eyes, brows furruowing in confusion.
“Tommy who is this?” 
“Who are you?” You quipped back without missing a beat, resentment and anger laced in your voice.  Tommy felt everyone’s eyes glued on him, but that didn’t change the murmur in his heart.
He felt like the universe had come to a stand still. How could this be? It couldn’t, no. He had confirmation you were dead but yet here you were standing right before his very own eyes.
When Grace tried to approach, Tommy released his arm causing her to come to a hault.
“Why don’t we go to my office. Somewhere more private without lingering eyes and ears, eh?” Arthur and Ada stayed near their corner, watching the scandalous scene of events, nearly choking on their drinks when your heels clicked forward, hand striking the middle Shelby across his face vigorously before storming off in anger.
Ada set her glass down knowing she’d need to intervene with Grace, surely Tommy would want to talk to you alone.
Waving his hand, the music restarted, fellow bussiness partners and coneseuirs going back to their socializing as if nothing has happened.
Closing the office doors behind him, Tommy placed his hands in the pockets of his pants to hide his trembling hands, watching you rummage around his desk drawer for a cigarette as his crystal eyes remained calm and collected.
“Y/N. I thought you were dead. I didn’t-“ You slammed the door shut, lighting the cigarette allowing the nicotine to burn your lungs euphorically while flipping you hair, unphased by your ex fiance.
“I’m going to stop you right there. Tell me, did you even look for me? Or were you already far past me when you sent me away. Was that it? Was it all for her?” The crackling in your strained voice and the water building at the brink of your heartbroken eye lids shattered Tommy inside, lips parting agape while he couldn’t seem to find the right words.
There was a knock at the door but neither you or Tommy answered, gazes still locked in a windwhirl of scattered emotions, stuck laying in the bed of deceit and heartache that he caused.
When the knocking insisted on, he hadn’t known it was Grace on the other side when he shouted, “For christ’s sake we are busy! Fuck off!” She was taken aback by his tone, scoffing and twisting at the door handle trying to jiggle open the locked knob.
Scoffing at the tone of her high pitched, annoying voice yelling to be allowed in caused your blood to boil.
Picking up the glass bottle of liqour, you threw it with strong velocity and a hateful intent, just barely missing Tommy’s head as the object shattered against the door behind him.
“Jesus christ! Fucking calm down eh? I didn’t fucking know Y/N-I-“ She still didn’t stop.
“Fuck off you fiance stealing tramp!” Her efforts diminished, face turning pale when she heard what you said. So that’s who you were.
“Now with the whore gone, give me a fucking answer that I am damn well entitled to! Did. You. Look. For. Me.” He knew you were right, he should have looked, should have seen for himself but he didn’t want to bare seeing your lifeless body.
His fingers rubbed together at his side, head dropping down in guilt as his eyes wandered, mind pondering why the fuck he just assumed. There were plenty of moments where his men gave him false information, wrong information. 
“You never wrote back Y/N. I tried for months and sent Charlie to look for you. He told me there was blood in your bed and looked like no one had been there in weeks. I fucking thought you were dead. A day didn’t go by where I didn’t blame myself, I should have held you closer, should’ve never sent you away.” You scoffed in disbelief, crossing the room and pointed a finger accusing at him, pushing his chest in the process and he was more than willing to take the hits.
“If you cared enough you would have shown up for yourself you fucking bastard! Yes they fucking found me but I got out, the blood was from me killing those sick bastards. I disposed of their bodies, by myself might I add while you sat here just fucking the whore from Ireland not giving a shit about me! Do you know how much I struggled? I had no fucking money, none of you sent help for me or even tried but I’m more disappointed and angered with you! My fucking supposedly dearly beloved soon to be husband, I can’t believe I-“ His lips smashed against yours, silencing your words as his hands cupped your cheeks.
The taste of his whiskey, partially chapped, alluring lips caused your mind to flood with memories playing out like a movie scene in your head but you were stronger than this.
Pushing him away you slapped him once more, eyes entranced in one anothers in a moment of silence. Clasping his jaw, he shook it off like it was nothing. This wasn’t going to work this time, he couldn’t just seduce you and everything would be one happy fucking rainbow.
“Don’t fucking touch me. You have no right! I’m not some pawn in this twisted story Thomas.” 
He hated how his mind worked, he knew it was fucked up but was hoping his lips on yours would draw you back in, make you realize he was never once over you. It was his way of saying sorry.
“Y/N I will leave her, anything you’d like. I just want you. I need you Y/N.” You laughed in disbelief of the irony and disbelief of his choice of words and began to pace the room, your heart no longer aching but void of any feeling.
“Really? Isn’t that what you just said to her when I walked in the room? I won’t be the next chapter of another great Thomas Shelby redemption arc. I can’t. I refuse.” Tommy didn’t cry often but this time he couldn’t stop the singular tear from streaming down his cheek.
The air was heavy, the silence heavier, nothing but the clock ticking in the background filling your eardrums while your aching hearts split in half. 
You couldn’t be here anymore, didn’t want to be. How were you to love a man that threw you away so effortlessly. You knew him well enough to know he was just telling you what he believed you wanted to hear. Rule number one, don’t give your heart away to someone undeserving. He had taught you at a young age that true love was a fragile, difficult thing to come across, you just didn’t think he’d be the one to throw your away.
Making your exit, you wiped away the tears, refusing to give the public the satisfaction of knowing that Thomas Shelby had broken your heart as everyone said he would long ago.
He watched as you left him alone in the room with nothing but his thoughts, cursing himself for the man that he was as he watched the love of his life exit through the door for the final time.
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seresinhangmanjake · 7 hours
What Comes at Night
Feyd-Rautha x Atreides!Reader
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Summary: Your heart broke the day your brother stabbed Feyd. You spent weeks believing he was dead. And even though it turned out that he survived and the two of you are now together again, nightmares of the day you thought you lost the man you love haunt you. Feeling him is the only thing that provides any comfort.
Notes: Feyd is soft…again. I just like it, idk. Same Feyd x reader from The Harkonnen’s Sweet Thing and The Harkonnen’s Claim. *Can be read alone. 
Warnings: some smut, so 18+
Words: 1000
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist
You can hear it—the splitting of his flesh from the knife penetrating his ribs. You can hear the drop of his blood that drips off of your brother’s blade onto the floor. You can hear his breaths getting thinner after he collapses. 
Foreign hands are everywhere; Fremen men holding you back from reaching him. Their fingernails are cutting into your skin, drawing lines of red down your arms and legs as you struggle to free yourself. 
Then suddenly, the floor dissolves beneath you and your legs sink into the sand of Arrakis’ dunes. The men disappear, your brother disappears, the emperor and his daughter disappear, and now it’s only you and him trapped in the dunes that begin to move up and down, ebbing and flowing like the stormy seas of Caladan. And like the sea, the waves are carrying him away, stealing him from you, and you can’t even attempt to save him because the sand has swallowed you to your waist. 
You can barely see him. Only hints of his black armor show. He's being pulled under, drowning in golden grains, and a couple of his fingers twitching is the last you see of him before he disappears completely. 
He cannot hear your hoarse voice calling for him. You can barely hear your hoarse voice calling for him. Sand is seeping into your ear canals. It brushes your lips and crusts the edges of your nostrils, sticking to the snot brought on by uncontrollable tears. You try to take in some oxygen, just a little, but then you wonder why because you’ve already lost him and you’re about to lose yourself. 
With a blink, the sun has set, and the underlayers of the dunes turn numbingly cold. You don't think of freeing yourself, you think that maybe surrendering is the only way you can be together. A kick flutters within your belly but you don’t care. You’re done. You’re weak and you’ve lost. You can’t save anyone, so you let go. 
Hands are on your face. You detect a voice, but the thick fogginess clogging your ears keeps it far away. “Wake up!”—Is that what it’s saying? Your shoulders are shaking, head bobbing back and forth from a loose neck. “Wake up!” Yes, that's it. It’s cutting through the fog, pulling you to the surface, but then you realize you aren't breathing quite right. You're still choking on gritty sand as tears stream down your cheeks. 
“I’m here. I’m here, ok?” the deep voice says. “My love, look at me,” it says, but you can’t, won’t. It’s a trick. A lie. If you open your eyes, it’ll break your heart because he’s not here. He’s with the dunes. 
The hands tip your head forward and a soft pressure meets your forehead. “I’m with you,” you hear. 
You fight the grip around your wrist. Fingers pry open your hand so that it is no longer clenched in a fist but flat and pressed against heated flesh. A thump pounds under your palm. Once, twice, and once more. 
“Feel me,” the voice demands. There’s another thump. Another. You gasp and your eyes open to find blue irises searing into yours. “I'm here,” Feyd says. 
A sob leaves your throat. “More,” you whimper.
“Ok,” he quickly nods. “Ok. More.”
He carefully pushes you onto your back and eases on top of you. One of your thighs is nudged wide, and then the other. His hand pumps under the thin sheet covering your bodies. He hardens. The tip peels apart your folds, and then you’re full. So full. 
You wrap your legs around his hips and secure your arms around his neck, squeezing every bit of him to keep him close. Then he kisses you because you need to taste him and he knows that. He knows that it’s the final piece to start bringing you back to yourself.
“Move,” you mutter into his lips. So he does. Dragging out and then thrusting back in, allowing you to feel each inch, each vein of the column. His hand slides down your body, from breast to waist to hip and he cups your bottom, holding you more firmly against him.
His motions continue at the perfect pace. A well-practiced pace. The exact pace you need. Little electric shots spark in your brain and the coil tightens in your belly. He moans as you bite into his shoulder and you love that sound because it throws you right over the edge. 
You taste blood as you come. And then he comes. And then lips are dotting around your face and jawline. 
He doesn’t pull out. There’s no pulling out—not in these moments—because pulling out means emptiness. Pulling out means a void of space where he’s missing and you’re left wanting, and you don’t do that here. Here, you don’t want for anything because he gives you everything. 
He lets the heavy breaths between you settle before he rolls onto his back, taking you with him so he can remain snuggly inside of you. Your head rests on his chest as he runs his fingers down your spine. 
“Same one?” he asks and you nod. “They’ll stop; I promise. Just give yourself time, my love.”
“I’m trying.”
“I know you are,” he tells you, and you believe him. You believe him because he had nightmares of his own during the weeks you were separated. Servants told you he would go on a rampage after waking and seeing that you weren't in his bed. Nothing was spared, from furniture to slaves, and you weren't surprised. Fear does many things to the heart and mind. It makes one feel powerless, and Feyd does not handle that feeling very well. So, in some ways, you suppose you're lucky. At least when you wake, he's beside you. He's here to calm you down. But his presence has yet to soothe your unconscious. 
“I love you,” he whispers against your hairline. “You know that.”
It's a statement not a question, but still, you answer, “I do.”
A/N: @midnight-serendipity thank you for requesting this <3
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lilghostiequinni · 3 days
His Dancer
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Exotic dancer!female oc (RaeLeigh;Ravenna) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy (in the relationship), Strip club, Mature themes, Implied smut
Summary: Max takes Lando to a strip club, not expecting him to fall in love with the dancer he paid for. It was never thought to last; not many had known her, and those who did were few. No one knew what she did, but nothing can stay hidden for long.
Requested: NO / yes
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Max brought Lando to a strip club for winning the Miami Grand Prix, the first win of the Briton's career in Formula One.
Max paid one of the dancers to take Lando into the back after a dance.
What Max doesn't expect is to go to Lando's hotel room to find the dancer from the night before leaving the room as he goes to knock.
The dancer offers a smile as she leaves through the door and down the hall.
"You brought her back last night?" He asks as he sees Lando make his way to the door.
"Yeah, I guess so. I had to wait until she got off," Lando then just turns and walks back into the suite as Max follows.
Max chuckles at his friend's admittance of having to wait.
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There wasn't much Lando could do after he was told to enjoy himself for the night; it also didn't help what Max did, paying for a stripper to give him a lap dance and then to the back room.
It's no surprise that Lando waited all night until 2am, when her shift ended.
"What's your name?" She asked when she walked over to Lando.
When she sat across his lap, and he answered, "Lando."
"Oh, are we celebrating?" She asked him as she dragged her finger down his partially opened shirt.
"Yes, what is your name," Lando asks her, watching her face rather than the finger she moved lower and lower.
"Call me Ravenna, Lando," Even the way she said his name was enticing above all else. Lando just got lost in the woman on his lap.
"Your friend over there said that you needed a dance," Ravenna says to the man, hands now to herself, dragging them along her own body.
Lando was entranced and just nodded at Ravenna, not speaking a word because he was left speechless by her beauty.
After his dance, she stands and holds her hand out to Lando, which he takes, and leads him through the masses of people to the back, where Lando gets his own private show.
When he returns to the main area, he finds Max, who smiles at him and just pats his shoulder.
"Please welcome your favorite, her last night here before she jumps ship to Europe, Ravenna Quince!" The announcer says as the whole sense of the club changes, with many cheers.
By the time Ravenna has walked off the stage, she has no clothes on her being as she walks off the stage, throwing one last look into the crowd before she is out of sight, particularly at Lando.
Max leaves about 1am, leaving Lando to himself as he's taken most of Ravenna's attention for the night.
When her shift ends an hour later, she's walked out the door of the club only to find Lando waiting for her next to an Uber.
"I want to take you back with me."
"Yeah, that's not how it works," Raveena tells him as she goes to move away.
"Please, I know that it's crazy, but just tonight, I won my first Grand Prix in my 6th year of Formula One. Just one chance," Lando basically pleads while holding out his hand.
"Alright, just one pretty boy," She says as she grabs his hand.
Lando pulls her in and kisses her, "Ravenna." He says he pulls back.
"My name is Rae," She whispers as she pulls him in again before the Uber driver honks.
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It doesn't take long for Rae to become important to Lando, and it doesn't take long for the opposite.
RaeLeigh quickly falls for the British driver, and by the end of the championship, they're dating, in secret of course.
In the 2025 season, Lando is pulling a strong game, gaining even more attention, and in an interview, he accidentally reveals his relationship with Rae to the world.
Media is a frenzy; that is what it becomes.
But with the publicity comes fans digging into past things and places that had been put down.
Rae had become a dancer to pay bills and as a means to save up for college; the night she met Lando, her life was already changing.
When fans learn of her past in dancing, most say she was in the wrong and was only with Lando for the money.
Just hours after fans started to bully his girlfriend, Lando posts about how true fans wouldn't bully the person who makes him truly happy.
He talks about how that's in the past, and they don't even know the true reasons for her being a dancer, only the rumors and theories that where untrue and thoughtless.
But something else about the day is the day Lando proposed after only a year because Rae truly was the light of his life in any situation and storyline, in any reality or universe.
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A/N: I'm tired, but I'm going to do this; not quite how I wanted it to go, but oh well. Also, the photo at the top will be up later after I've slept. As will the rest of the F1 one-shots.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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itsscromp · 3 days
Going to the beach with the 141?
Beach day
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And just in time for summer too :D Word count:1.5K
With summer now finally here and the weather starting to warm up, Laswell has awarded all of you two months off for your hard work. But what should you all do ?? Y/n may have just the idea for everyone.
"Hey you guys know how we have two months right ??"
"Why ??" Simon was curious.
"Yes, I remember it very clearly y/n" Price said.
"Well, maybe I thought we could rent out a cabin for a month and head down to the beach or something" You said enthusiastically.
"Walk into the sun... On purpose ??" Simon did not like the sun whatsoever, yes he said his skin was impeccable bronze, but that's just around the eyelids.
"That's the point I guess ??"
"Well that's a nice idea Y/n, That would be good for us to get out" He immediately got out his phone and looked through some BnB's
"See Simon, Price agrees"
"I still don't get why you'd want to be outside of your own free will"
"Well one it's healthy and two it gives you fresh air" You snickered.
"Did I hear a beach day in here ??" Johnny heard as he walked in, as someone mentioned beach, golden retriever mode is now activated.
"Yeah, I suggested we rented a cabin for the month near there" You caught him up.
"Oooo !!! Price you should listen to them" He gave an enthusiastic smile. "That's a good idea, Have ya heard ?? Are we going captain ??" He was so damn ready and the thing wasn't even organised.
He then found the perfect BnB for all of you to stay in and it was within the price range. "Then it's settled, We're heading to the beach" He looked at you all smiling.
"What's going on here ??" Gaz walked in, hearing soap's cheering and excitement.
"We're going to the beach !!!"
"Nice, sounds like fun !!" He smiled a little.
But Simon was not budging, he didn't want to go outside and feel the sun, risking more tan on his skin among other things. "I'll stay behind"
"Aw come on, It'll be fun" You tried to convince him.
"I'll watch the base for price, Who's going to take care of-"
"Simon, No, your coming with us" Price affirmed him in a loving dad way.
"Pleaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee" You and Johnny tried.
"You can't convince me" He eyed both of you.
"Yes I can"
"No you can't"
"Oh yeah ?? What if I told you there was an open bar on the beach ??" Johnny tried to add.
"Well... Do you think I'm just an alcoholic ??" But you could tell it was working, Time to sweeten the deal.
"Or you can toss soap in the water with the sharks or trap him in a pile of sand so he has to walk back with sand in his ass"
"Well, That does sound pretty enticing" He showed crows feet on one eye, indicating a smirk.
"GHOST !!!" Offended scotsman bestie noises.
"Alright you sold me" He finally agreed.
'Hell yeah !!" You fist bumped the air.
"I thought we were bros...." He was hurt, like a kicked puppy. "I'll get you both back, just you wait !!"
"Sure Johnny sure" You both snickered.
"Alright, I got the place booked, Go get packed then, we leave tomorrow morning. Giant children the lot of you" Price clicked his tongue.
Soon the morning of the trip arrived and you began double-checking the items you had packed. "Ok, shirt's check, pants check"
"I got my stuff" Gaz slung his duffle bag over his shoulder.
Johnny was in tow behind him with a big backpack "Ready !!"
You were a little baffled by how much he had in his backpack "Johnny what did you pack, Your entire room ??"
"No... I only brought my good clothes, comic books, drawing pad, journal, several pencils and a picture of my mom"
"Soooooo Your entire room" You smirked
"Well, Like 70% of my room, I can't fit the furniture" He joked. Simon walked down the hall with his duffle bag, ready to go as well.
"We're all packed captain" Gaz said
"Alright then, shall we head out ??"
"Onwards !!" Johnny bolted for the doors.
Everyone sorted out the car situation to figure out who was going with who, Johnny was a little saddened how he wasn't going with you and Simon. "Awww why can't I go with you guys"
"Cause the last time we did a road trip together, I had to clean out your car sickness the whole day, and the smell was still there for 3 days" You shuddered.
He pouted a little before obliging, the cars now on the road and off to the BnB, You and Simon chatting along the way. Finding a very old house that had tree's growing outside of it, something like out of the last of us.
"Wow, that's so freaking cool"
"Yeah... It's crazy what nature can do" He smiled a little, he liked car rides with you, it was one of the many peaceful times with you.
His phone dinged with a text from Price. "Price is at the next gas station, something about Johnny eating too many cheese curds and is currently throwing up"
"Tried to warn him" You chuckled.
"Poor Johnny, He's stupid though for eating those cheese curds"
"Oh I can Imagine" You shuddered
Soon the two of you arrived at the destination, Y/n finding the keys and heading inside. "Wow, this place is so cool in person"
"It is, check out the TV" Simon walked in and saw how big it was. He pulled out his phone and saw another text from Price. "They're on the road again. Johnny is still feeling a little uneasy, but he isn't throwing up anymore"
"Thank god for that, He's taking a shower as soon as he get's here"
Soon the others arrived and Johnny went for the shower, After which it was a rest afternoon for everyone, tomorrow It was the beach day.
So the next morning once everyone was rested and Johnny recovered, You all filled up on breakfast and got ready, Simon pulling you aside to slap a huge fuck ton of sunscreen on you.
"Hey hey easy" You chuckled as he slapped some on your back.
"Not on my watch" He was not letting melanoma get to his bestie !! Not now not ever.
Soon everyone began to walk to the beach as it was within walking distance, normally the beach was a little busy, but thankfully it wasn't today, so you guys technically had the beach all to yourselves, you set the shade up and the chairs, Johnny and Gaz immediately rushing for the water. Having water guns in the ready.
Price had his book ready to go as he sat down and kept his eyes on you 4 as well. You and Simon began to draw sketches into the sand.
"Ok, what's this ??" You pointed out your sand sketch
"Hmmmm........ A dragon ??" He tilted his head.
"Yeah, there we go !!" You smiled "Ok your turn"
Simon began to draw his sketch in the sand, It was a very complex drawing leaving you baffled.
"Ok.... Is it..... A dog ??"
After a little bit of guessing, Johnny called you over to take some photos of him to send to his wife, You snickered every time he flexed for the camera, eager to impress her. "Looking good supermodel" You snickered.
"Hey, it's for my one and only, she gets only the best" He smiled proudly.
"Ok I sent you the photos"
"Why don't you two come in the water ??" Gaz offered.
"No thanks, You three have fun" Simon said as he headed back for the shade to dump more sunscreen on him.
So you three began to wrestle in the water, Having the time of your lives, not a care in the world, Just you guys. Simon watched on as he sat in the shade, Price knowing him too well, sat up. "Why don't you join them ??"
"I don't know..." He still didn't want to get tanned. But another thing is he didn't know how to relax, He was so used to routine and planning so all of this was a little off-putting to him.
'I know it's a little hard son, But when do we be able to get to do something like this. Besides, Y/n is on the losing side from what I can see, I'm sure they can use your help" He chuckled softly before going back to his book.
He looked out into the water, Yes it looked like you were in a little trouble, So he sighed a little and got up, slipping his shirt off and heading to the water.
You looked and smiled. "Yeah Simon, Let's go !!"
Johnny and Gaz gulped as he rolled his shoulders and lightly flexed his chest. Soon the match began and how the tables turned, Ultimately by the end you and Simon being declared the winners.
"Well done" He smiled softly, raising his hand for a high five from you, To which you happily returned.
The sun began to set, A very fun-filled day for everyone, But Johnny sadly being the victim with sunburn and sand up his ass, But all in all a very fun day.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the lack of content as of lightly, I hope to try and be a bit more consistent.
Taglist: @callofdudes @cumikering
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hauntedhokage · 3 days
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summary: Sae wasn't particularly interested in building relationships or bonds with the people around him. Until you came along, wife of one of his new teammates and the sweetest woman he'd had the honor of knowing.
word count: 3.7k
warnings/tropes: mutual pining, cheating (not reader or sae tho), emotional cheating (on reader’s side), divorce, non explicit sexual content
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To Sae, team engagements were unbearable, he used to not go to them because he had better things to do than talk to the idiots he played with. Then you came along when your husband was traded to the team, suddenly evening recovery after training and practicing all day didn’t seem as important. He was strategic about it; feigning an interest in the rest of his teammates and their lives as well, saying that his manager thought it would be good for him to actually get to know the people he traded passes with. The entire locker room was in shock, but you had commented after a match that friendliness looked good on him even though it was clearly killing him to be nice. 
And he watches as you lean into your husband at one dinner; the man who was so undeserving of you, who didn’t worship you like you deserved. You were ethereal, the way the sunlight made your eyes sparkle, or how your jewelry seemed to look brighter against your skin - even down to the wedding band that he longed for you to have a reason to take off - it was all worthy of worship and your husband didn’t give you that. Not that he was wishing for unhappiness to befall you, that was a storm cloud you didn’t deserve to be under due to how nice you were. The only person who saw right through him, who caught the way he looked at you and looked at him the same way. 
He will never forget the way you’d run into him at a team dinner for the players and their spouses to celebrate a big win. You’d gone to the restroom, and he had gotten up to do the same a few minutes later and ended up almost knocking you over. On reflex he reached out to steady you, but his hands didn’t want to leave where they landed on your arm and lower back. Your skin was so soft, that he knew after you’d shaken his hand since that was a normal greeting where you’d come from, but to hold you like that was something else. Something he wanted to get that chance to do again, which had been difficult for him because he had never really been interested in a woman like he’d been interested in you. 
“You should be more careful,” he had warned, carefully helping you regain your balance before he finally stepped away. 
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting anyone. You’re like a brick wall, Itoshi.” Your teasing came with a pat to his chest before your hands tried to smooth out any imperfections caused by his catch. “Thank you for catching me.”
“Anytime you need it.” And you smiled, cheeks flushed as you stepped around him to head back to the table where your husband was. He hated that he had to let you go after you’d been so close, after you’d touched him so carefully. It was the sweetest torture to be so close to you, seated beside you at the table and noticing the way you’d look at him out of the corner of your eye. The thought of a chance brought his mood up significantly, and that he knew you definitely had noticed. The chance of what, he wasn’t exactly sure, but the way you put your hand on his shoulder as you and your husband made your leave - a small squeeze that he hoped was meant to be affectionate - he hoped that whatever that chase was it was a bit more than friendly. 
Then there was the time after one of their matches and you had headed to the back of the stadium where the locker rooms were. He had known that you and your husband had gotten into it before the match, the man couldn’t stop talking about it and how he needed to fix the problem, so when he ran into you he was almost happy that you looked conflicted about being back there. He’d asked if you were okay, something that you hesitated to answer before you nodded with a smile so fake but he couldn’t call it out. Instead he gave you his phone number, watching as you typed it and sent him a text with his name, telling you that you could always talk to him if you needed an unbiased opinion on anything. He was mostly unbiased, just not when it came to your marriage, but you didn’t need to know that. 
And you had taken up on his offer, to the point where he was sure you talked to him more than anyone else. He knew he talked to you more than anyone else in his life. He’d never pushed past the line of friendship, never wanting to ask for you to be unfaithful to the man you admitted to him you were gradually falling out of love with. The man who you were concerned was pulling away from you emotionally while you were basically emotionally cheating on him with how often you spoke to Sae and all the information you shared with him. 
Emotional cheating was an interesting concept to him, something that he felt was actually stupid. Having a friend that you confided in shouldn’t be considered cheating, since neither party was sharing their own feelings for one another, just simply talking shouldn’t be considered cheating. If it led to infidelity, then the physical act of cheating was the actual cheating that occurred. But he wouldn’t argue with you, you didn’t like it when he pushed back on that concept but he knew how you felt while you knew how you felt. Agree to disagree worked out for the two of you.
You’d been friends for almost a year when the news broke. Your husband had been supporting a mistress since he’d been traded to this current team - for as long as you’d been in the country. Which was one issue, the other issue was that the news hit the media with the mistress sending screenshots of texts and pictures sent between them to an online news page and her instagram. The entire internet had seen the dick of your husband of almost four years, and had been tagging you recently in instagram posts and blowing up your comments on all social media sites they knew you were on while trying to get information or more to add to the story the news sites were spinning together. He was surprised your phone was even on, telling him where you were when he asked to which he responded with his own information about having a concussion. He’d done something stupid when he heard the news, revealing emotion his team had never seen in him before. A woman as sweet as you didn’t deserve to be treated like that, you deserve much better than that. 
You hadn’t formally invited him, but he makes his way to the hotel you were at and knocks softly on the door. You look more put together than he’s expecting, but lets you walk into his arms and leads you back into your room. He's surprised when you arrange yourself around him on the bed rather than being the little spoon, but he’s not arguing since the lights in your room were a bit too bright for his taste so pressing his face into your neck without you fighting it was perfect for him. 
“Do you really have a concussion?” you ask, your fingers stroking his side as he nods into your neck. “I thought you were more careful than that.”
“Got a bit reckless after I heard about what he did. I like you too much to let him get away with hurting you. The entire team is pissed, too.” The answer is honest, pulling a sigh from you as you nod.  “You didn’t have to let me in.”
“No, I know. But if I had to see anyone after the shitshow he’s stirred up, I’d want it to be you.” Did you really like him that much? He supposed you had to with the way you looked at him, talked to him, even the way you baked specific treats for him that were in compliance with his strict diet rather than the ones that his teammates were okay with eating “just one” to break theirs. “This is why I put away my own savings, being a soccer wife can crash and burn at any time. It’s just unfortunate that the media is so involved.” 
“What happens now?”
“Right now we’re separated. I didn’t want to stay in the penthouse which is why I’m in a hotel,” you start, sighing as he nods slowly. “He’s trying to put off the divorce filing, since he’s fucked regardless of where we do it. Divorce due to infidelity? Not liked by any country’s divorce court.”
“Do they know you’re here?” Who they are needs no elaboration - they were always the media that ended up everywhere when there was a scandal afoot.
“No, they’re currently more focused on him and his idiot mistress. The scorned wife isn’t as important until the divorce is filed and money gets paid out.” 
He sighs into your neck, and you feel the gentle press of his lips against your skin. He always took such good care of every part of his body, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about how they’d feel against your skin. They’re soft, not at all chapped, and they’re quite comforting to have on you. You wished you could rebound so quickly, but to be caught with your divorced husband’s teammate made you look as bad as him. Maybe this would be all you had, a soft rendezvous in a hotel room here and there where you could just be you and Sae could just be Sae and you didn’t have to worry about the media or the team or your soon-to-be ex-husband. 
“Sae?” The only response you get is a grunt into your neck, and you kiss the top of his head as you try to formulate your next question. This affection wasn’t completely abnormal, hugging Sae was pretty common for you since you treated him so well. It’s kissing that’s a bit out of place, but it’s comforting in this time of crisis, so you’d take it where you could.  “What’s this thing between us? I mean, we’re close and I think we know more about each other than anyone else, but is there something that can come after all this blows over?”
This has him pulling away so he can look at you, blue eyes soft with a look you had only ever seen pointed in your direction. You’d always known that you were something special to him, and he was special to you - probably the only person you confide in about the woes of your marriage and this life you chose to lead. In turn you get to know more about him, how he felt about soccer and this team he was on (a bunch of sub par morons but the money was good), even a bit of the history between him and his brother. 
“I love you,” he starts, his and cupping your cheek as your eyes begin to burn with the tears welling up in them. “I have for a while and I know that you’ve known that. I just didn’t say anything because you were married and I didn’t want to put you in a position where you might feel uncomfortable or in a spot where you had to choose.”
“Bastard made that choice for me, anyway.” 
“As for what happens next, that’s your decision. I don’t want you to feel like we have to rush into anything, I want you to feel protected from the media or fans of the team too.” His hand moves from your face to hold your hand, fitting enough that it was your left hand that still bore your wedding and engagement rings. “I care more about your comfort than any label we might have. I’m here for you and with you in any capacity you want me to be.”
His fingers go for your rings, and you don’t fight him when he slides them off your finger and turns away to set them on the nightstand behind him. His fingers are laced with yours when he turns back, this time pulling you into his arms so you can rest your head on his chest. The admission of feelings isn’t returned, but he’s not expecting them at this point in your processing of what was happening in your life. Your marriage and intimate details of it had been revealed, an upset mistress releasing texts about how your husband was upset that you hadn’t put out, how you made him mad sometimes with how you baked for his teammates, how he fell out of love with you but stayed because you made him look better for the public. 
Funny how that turned out. 
And he lays under you, watching as you go through your various social media accounts to delete any pictures of you that had been posted - even tweets or pictures where he’d simply been mentioned. All of them were gone after a few minutes of looking. Next comes your camera roll, that one taking a bit longer because of how long you were with that guy, but you were relieved when you had everything deleted. He’s surprised when you open your camera and take a picture with him, casually resting beneath him as he watches you. 
“Take a better one,” he requests, kissing your temple as you smile for your camera. His phone vibrates on the nightstand with the message you’d sent, and his hand sets to running along your side with fingers dancing delicately along your curves when you finally lock your phone and let your eyes close. “How long do you want me here?”
“How long can you be here?”
“As long as you want me to be here. If nobody knows you’re here, there’s no real concern about people seeing me leave.”
“At least stay the night? We can figure out the rest tomorrow.” The request is met with assurance that he’d give you that, and you pat his stomach in thanks. “I guess it wasn’t fair for me to call his mistress an idiot. She was pretty smart to release to the media. He said he’d tell me and never did, so she made sure I’d find out. Real girl’s girl, I guess.”
“I don’t think embarrassing you in front of the world is something a girl’s girl would do, but alright.”
“It just sucks, y’know. He was once so good to me, he loved me, but I guess pain goes both ways. I think he knew I fell out of love with him, too.” You murmur with a sigh, sitting up when Sae requests it so he can take his shirt off to avoid further wrinkles. But the purpose is defeated when he just throws it to the side before he lies back down, arm spread to the side in an invitation. “If we did get together, it’d have to be private for a long while. I’d hate for you to look like a wife stealer despite him doing what he did.”
“I’d want it to be private anyway. People are a bit crazy when it comes to me, you shouldn’t have to put up with it.” You pull your knees up to your chest when he says that, unsure how you felt like that. Your previous husband wanted to show off wherever he could, to have Sae want to tuck you way was a direct one-eighty from what you knew. “I’ll show you off where it matters. You’re more to me than just a shiny trophy.”  
You don’t think he knows how beautiful he looks spread out on the hotel bed. Red hair a direct contrast against the white pillow case, sunkissed skin on full display with a couple bracelets and the necklace he usually wore standing out but so fitting on his form. His usual indifferent expression is replaced with a mostly relaxed smile but still laced with concern as he watches you sit on the bed. 
You’re crying before you register it happening, and he sits up quickly to pull you back into his chest. Providing comfort where tears were involved wasn’t his specialty, and that was made obvious in the way that he carefully rubs your back and stayed quiet. There weren’t words he knew to provide, but you knew he didn’t understand that being there was enough - you’d have to tell him when you weren’t sobbing. 
“S-Sae,” you whimper, clinging tightly to him as he kisses your head. You’d been strong for so long, it was okay for you to let it all go. At this time he can only shush you, pulling you into his lap to keep you close as you cried. It was all he knew how to do, and eventually he’s laying back on the bed with you curled into his chest half asleep. 
“You'll be okay,” he whispers, kissing your head again as you hum. “You’re strong, you’ll make it through.”
And you do end up okay. Your divorce was finalized a month after, the payout you received for the infidelity helped you pay for an apartment, but you didn’t spend much time there. Sae’s apartment had become a second home, the spare bedroom turned into a space for you to hide away in when you didn’t want to sleep in his bed. You were very concerned with ensuring he didn’t feel like a rebound, despite never having done anything more than sleep in his bed and share the occasional hug, but he let you have the distance you wanted when you asked for it. 
When he gets a better offer a few months later, he asks you to go with him. It’s another country, another team, another new environment. But it was a fresh start, too, and he’s happy to hear you say yes; to go with him, to live with him, to be with him. And you relax considerably in your new home, grateful for the space from your ex-husband and the team who felt sorry for you. The letter that sat unopened in your suitcase left there until you decided that it was time to reopen that wound. You don’t think you’ll ever open it, not really wanting or needing closure from your ex-husband, you’d moved on well enough without it. 
Right now was about christening every surface of your new home by making out with Sae wherever he could get his hands on you. Sex was something he wasn’t initiating until you did, a boundary he’d put in place after you first kissed him. His hands would wander, but never in a way he thought would make you feel like he was pushing you to sleep with him in that way. His favorite spot that he’d had his mouth on you was the kitchen counter, slotted between your legs with his hands on your thighs and the way you sighed into his mouth as his hands moved up your sides made his soul sing.
“I’m so grateful to have you,” you whisper when he pulls away, a smile on your face as you catch your breath. “I love you, Sae. I know you’ve known, but I needed to make sure I told you outright.”
“I love you, too. But you’ve always known that.”
You only nod, hands holding his cheeks as you lean in to kiss him again. He’s so in love with you, never had he felt something so strong for another person. A ring he gave you sat on your right index finger, nothing too glamorous but he wore a matching one in the same spot - eventually he was sure you’d have matching rings sitting on your left ring fingers, but that time would come when you both were ready for such a commitment. 
He’d make sure to appreciate how you shone in the sun, the little laugh that left you when you were surprised with a kiss, especially the way your hand would seek out his while you were in a car with him. Lunches on the patio while you’re sitting in his lap, the fingers of his non dominant hand trailing up and down down your spine - the time he got to spend with you cherished since you weren’t traveling with him for matches. The privacy you two had added another layer of peace in your relationship, not needing to worry about appearances or media speculation on where your relationship was at. He could just be Sae, and you could just be you. Happy and in love and ready to take on the world together. 
And when you start having sex, Sae thinks about how fucking stupid your ex was. You’re gorgeous when your face is flushed, your lips parted as you can’t stop begging him for more or keeping your mouth on him as he makes love to you. Not to mention how you feel around him, never had he ever had a partner like you - pushing him onto cloud nine and catching him when he fell with his own peak. 
When he brought you into new locker rooms to christen his new space while you’re wearing a jersey with his name and number on it, watching you try so hard to keep quiet so you wouldn’t get caught and get him into any trouble -  not that he cared. He was Itoshi fucking Sae; he did what he wanted, when he wanted to do it. And if that was taking his girlfriend in a locker room, then he was going to do it. 
Your relationship is made public two years after you’d moved with him the first time; an instagram post from you showing off the ring and your fiancé, showing that you were happy. This was a media storm that Sae welcomed, something positive rather than the negative press he attracted due to his attitude. You loved him dearly, and he loved you proudly. 
That’s how it should be.
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vickyvicarious · 1 day
Oh how determined Dracula is to wreck Jonathan's psyche as punishment. He wasn't content to just snatch away his only way of writing home. Dracula knows Jonathan can't leave under his watch. Nevertheless, he proceeds to steal Jonathan's money, documents, identification, and anything else that would have been useful to him outside the castle. So now Jonathan gets the message that even if he somehow escaped the prison, the forest, and the wolves, he would still not be able to leave the area, and Dracula would get him. I have taken away everything that may have brought you home. You are no one, and you are never going back.
You're very right. And, in classic Dracula fashion, every one of these tactics works on multiple levels. It's extra insurance that if Jonathan ever somehow did get out, then he wouldn't get far, for various reasons now. It's a message to Jonathan of the same, and thus psychological torment.
He is also controlling and limiting Jonathan's ability to communicate, and thus metaphorically stealing his 'voice' - if it weren't for the diary, Jonathan wouldn't have anywhere to tell his true thoughts left. He's also digging away at Jonathan's sense of self. As you say, telling him "you are no one now," leaving Jonathan with nothing else to do or to look to except Dracula himself. He's deepening the reliance there, forcibly. But it's also taking away things that have cost him effort (@thethirdromana made a post about how the suit alone is probably pretty expensive) and also that matter to him emotionally. It's quite possible the recipes he was saving for Mina were in those papers. There may well have been positive memories associated with his nice traveling suit. These are things that might be a comfort even if not an outright aid in escape. They remind Jonathan that he is human, he has a life outside of this place. But he doesn't anymore, and he won't ever again - that's the message Dracula is sending him. All he has left is Dracula.
And he's not even done yet. It's gonna get worse.
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clangenrising · 2 days
Month 16 - Greenleaf
The days after the kitting stretched on in an endless miasma of misery. Oddstripe and Sagetooth came in to check on Mystique at least once a day, usually once in the morning and once in the evening, but otherwise the wild cats left her alone in the darkness with nothing but the little, nagging creatures and the shifting shadow of her guard at the door. 
Mystique hated the kittens. They pulled and nipped at her belly incessantly. She couldn’t help but growl at the wretched things. Every now and then, she would get up and huddle in the corner to simply get away from them until their wailing became too much for her guilty conscience to bear and she was forced to return and feed them. She hated them but they were only children. It wasn’t like they asked to be born. Really, it was her fault for being so stupid in the first place.
She was so stupid, so incredibly and unbearably stupid. If there was something she hated more than the kittens it was herself. Every time she hissed at the mewling beasts she wanted to bash her own skull in. Every time she rolled her eyes at Oddstripe instead of asking him for the help he had offered to give her she wondered why she didn’t just try to escape and let Russetfrond tear her throat out. Alone in that cursed den, she often thought back to the conversation she had overheard between Scorch and Yarrowshade and knew that, in the end, she deserved every tortuous second here. 
Scorch considered the idea of Razor being sweet to be nightmarish. Cornered in her own mind, Mystique was forced to let the Shadow Truth consume her entirely. Razor was a monster, the kind of man any normal cat would be terrified to be left alone with.
And yet, she missed him.
She missed him so terribly. She longed for him so strongly it made her jaw ache. Despite all evidence to the contrary, a voice in her head told her that, if he were here, everything would be alright. She didn’t know how to fathom what kind of monster that made her but she was pretty certain she was an irredeemable pile of garbage, at least. She had to wonder how anyone could have ever mistaken her for a cat in the first place. 
Her thoughts continued like this, endlessly retracing the same paths of thought over and over again. Only her daily check ups managed to break her from that pattern of thought. 
“Morning,” said Oddstripe gently as he stepped inside one day. “How are you doing, Mystique?” 
“Mm,” was all she said. The kittens had woken her up constantly that night, leaving her tired and irritated. Speaking seemed like a task for the rested and the content, not for her.  
“I brought you some more chamomile,” Oddstripe continued with a little smile. He stepped closer carefully and set the little white flowers at her paws. Begrudgingly, Mystique started chewing them and swallowing them down. The taste wasn’t anything special but she knew from the last few days that the flowers did seem to take the edge off, just a bit. 
Oddstripe settled down next to her and pulled the kittens close to him to look them over. The blue one wailed and Mystique hissed on instinct, immediately wishing she could seal her mouth shut forever. Oddstripe didn’t seem to notice or mind. He gave both the kittens a quick bath and then set them aside. Mystique raised her brow quizzically. 
“I was thinking we could go for a walk today,” he explained. “You’ve been here in the dark for far too long. I think it would be good to get you some sunlight.” 
“Won’t the kittens starve?” she asked, not sure if she cared either way.
Oddstripe shook his head. “No, we’ll stay close to camp and be back in time for them to eat again.” 
Mystique didn’t really want to move but a chance to get away from the kits was too valuable to pass up. She stood and shook her fur out a bit. The beautiful, glossy, perfectly-combed coat she had once been so proud of had devolved into a dusty, tangled mess with clumps of spring shed stuck in little matts throughout. Her throat labored thickly with shame and disgust. 
“Alright girls,” Oddstripe called out of the den and in came Fogpaw, Slatepaw, and Barleybee. Mystique bristled uncomfortably, feeling suddenly crowded. 
“We’ll be back in a bit,” continued Oddstripe. “Make sure the nest is clean by then.” 
“Don’t worry, dad,” said Barleybee, curling around the mewling kittens. “I’ll make sure everything goes smoothly.” 
“Oh, thank you, dear,” smiled Oddstripe. Slatepaw had already started bundling the moss and feathers away. Beside her, Fogpaw stared at Mystique in a strangely expressionless manner. It made her fur prickle with unease.
“Come on,” said Oddstripe gently, laying his tail against Mystique’s leg. She inhaled sharply at the touch, then nodded, padding after him into the morning sunlight without a backward glance. Sparrowsway was seated by the entrance and stood up as they emerged. 
“Oh, that’s alright,” said Oddstripe. “Why don’t you stay here?”
“Are you sure?” asked the young warrior. “If something happened-”
“Nothing’s going to happen,” Oddstripe assured him. “We’ll be back before you know it. Take a rest.”
“Alright…” Sparrowsway pursed his lips, eyes lingering on Mystique, but he dutifully settled down again. Mystique sighed heavily. 
Tail against her leg to guide her, Oddstripe led her out of camp and towards the top of the ridge. The wind fluttered in the grass and the sun beat down on their pelts, already evaporating the morning dew. Mystique trudged along, gaze foggy. 
“I’m sorry things have been so difficult lately,” Oddstripe said after a few moments. “I wish there was more I could do to help you.” 
Mystique shrugged. “It's fine.” I deserve it.
“It’s not though,” he said kindly. “You’re going through a lot of things that no one should have to.” Mystique found herself starting to cry. She stopped walking and ducked her face away in shame. Oddstripe, to his credit, bumped his head into her shoulder and started to purr in an attempt to soothe her. For some reason, that made her break down even harder. 
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, legs buckling beneath her, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” 
“It’s the Kitten Crash,” he told her. “It’s a kind of illness that makes it hard to control your thoughts and emotions. This is totally normal for someone going through it.” 
“It’s not just that,” she protested. “I still miss Razor, despite everything he did! I can’t help it!” 
“He was your brother,” Oddstripe said. “It’s understandable. It’s horrible that things had to end the way they did.” He swallowed thickly. 
“But I shouldn’t feel this way,” Mystique cried. “I should be happy right? Everyone else is happy!”
“You can’t help how you feel,” Oddstripe shook his head a bit. “You just feel it. And that’s alright.” Mystique sobbed harder. The pretender shuffled his paws a bit before starting to run his tongue through her fur. She flopped over without resistance and he sat down to groom her pelt. Her mind was swarming with disgusted thoughts - disgust with herself, with Oddstripe, even with Russetfrond. 
You’re such a burden. Look at you, forcing this cat to waste time taking care of your sorry self. They should just bury you alive. Things would be easier if you just melted into the grass and became part of the ground. Does anyone even miss you back home? Your Folk have probably replaced you already. What’s the point in going back at all? 
Still, when Oddstripe was done, she rolled over to let him get to the other side and after that she let him stand her up and lick the tears from her face. 
“It’s gonna be alright,” he said softly. “I know things are hard right now but you will be happy again. I think we should start with a daily walk, is that alright?” Mystique simply shrugged so he continued, “Okay, well, let me know if it isn’t. I think this will be good for you in the long run.” 
He wrapped his tail around her leg again and they set off through the grass. There wasn’t a destination, it seemed. They looped around in a big circle and headed back towards the camp and somehow, by the end of the walk, Mystique was starting to feel better. The prospect of going back in to that den was dampening the mood but she was surprised she had managed to have the feeling at all. 
“Alright, here you go,” Oddstripe said as they returned to the elders’ den. “Why don’t you sit outside for a bit and eat something while I make sure the girls are done with your bedding?” 
“‘Kay,” Mystique shrugged and sat down beside Sparrowsway who had sat up to attention. Oddstripe trotted over to the prey pile and fetched her a tasty looking fish then slipped into the den while she started eating. 
“How’s it going in here?” she heard him ask. 
“Good,” said Barleybee. “The boys are starting to get restless though.” 
“They’ll be alright for a little longer,” said Oddstripe. “Is the nest all clean, girls?” 
“Mhm!” chirped Fogpaw. 
“Is Mystique gonna be alright?” Slatepaw said very softly. Mystique perked her ears to listen. 
“Yes, she will be,” Oddstripe said in a similarly hushed tone. “She just needs rest and time and compassion.” 
“Why is she sad in the first place?” said Fogpaw, sounding like she was frowning.
“Because things are very hard for her right now,” Oddstripe answered. “It’s complicated, dear. We just need to be kind with her, okay?”
“Okay,” the apprentices said together. 
“Now hurry up and take the rest of this out,” said Oddstripe. “Mystique needs her space.” There was a bit of shuffling and the apprentices quickly emerged from the den. Both of them cast wide eyes her way as they passed, although Fogpaw still had that unsettling blank expression on her face. Mystique dropped her gaze and focused on finishing her meal quickly and the apprentices quickly hurried off. 
When she was just about finished, she heard pawsteps approaching again and looked up to see Fogpaw staring at her once more. 
“Can I have those fish bones?” asked the little silvery tabby. Mystique didn’t know what she had been expecting her to ask but that certainly wasn’t it. 
“Um… Sure,” she shrugged. Fogpaw beamed and pounced on the mostly eaten fish to gather the sharp little bones together. 
“Don’t worry,” said Fogpaw as she struggled to keep them all in her mouth at once, “you’ll feel better soon, I promise.” Mystique raised a brow at that but said nothing. Fogpaw turned away without any further explanation and headed for the top of the hill. 
“Doing alright?” asked Oddstripe, poking his head out curiously. 
Mystique nodded slowly as she stood. “Yeah, uh, coming.” She padded inside, already feeling the oppressive energy washing away the bits of a bright sunny mood she had built up while she ate. At least, she thought, the nest was fresh and soft and there were plenty of feathers lining the edges. Barleybee passed the mewling kittens over to Oddstripe who set them down next to Mystique’s belly and urged them to nurse. She sighed in resignation and dropped her head onto her paws to sulk again. 
“Just call if you need anything,” Oddstripe said. “I’ll come get you for another walk tomorrow, alright?”
“Yeah, okay,” Mystique shrugged. That was something to look forward to at least.
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shamrockqueen · 2 days
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Omega retreat : Chapter 6
Pairing : Alpha Bucky x Omega Reader
Warnings : R18, Eventual Smut, Anxiety, Heat cycles, things aren’t what they seem, unwanted attention.
Word count : 1734
Summary : As an unmarked and lonely omega you find a flyer for a service called The Omega Retreat.
You are paired with a compatible alpha to spend your heat or just a week at a luxurious cabin at a forest resort. Amenities and Utilities included. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air, as well as the company of an alpha of your choosing. What could possibly go wrong?
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You got your affairs in order, took the time off from work, and packed your bags. Now you were simply counting the days until you could see him, and as your heat had already been slowly approaching, there wasn’t much time left.
With each phone and video call, it seemed to be all either of you could talk about. But, when the day finally came, he seemed just as doting as your mother. Although, it was more amusing to hear these things from him than it had been from her.
Your spirits were at their highest, yet as you felt your heat prick at your skin, it left an unnerving feeling in your belly. Having to procure birth control for the first time was nerve-wracking enough, and yet you were already conditioned to fear your body's natural functions.
You try your best to shake the negativity away, even at the last second, as you finish packing your car and are ready to leave.
You're snug in the driver's seat, looking back at your locked front door. A moment all too similar to the day you came home from the hospital, thankful that your mother brought you your car and even more so that you were even alive.
You took a deep breath in and gave a heavy exhale. All before turning to your phone and sitting in the passenger’s seat beside your purse. Another one of Bucky’s messages of encouragement lit across the screen. You felt a stray tear threatening to trickle down your cheek, only to be wiped away with a single drag of your finger.
You quickly pulled your hand from your cheek and threw the car in reverse before rolling out of the driveway and out onto the street.
You were flying on a cloud of determination, feeling airier by the second. It was easy to ignore the subtle rise in your body temperature as you glided towards your destination. It was only during a brief pit stop that you were able to fan at the thin sheen of sweat that had built over your skin.
You needed some gas and maybe a quick snack—nothing that should have delayed you too much. You pulled into a large service gas station off the highway and stopped by one of the pumps before stepping out of the car.
It was still so warm out, with only a small breeze in the air to help cool your skin. You swiped your card, pulled the nozzle, and stuck in the fuel filler to fill the tank as you locked the car and left to find a snack in the adjacent convenience store.
You pulled your phone from your back pocket as you stepped inside. There was a message waiting for you from Bucky, just a little ‘hey, have you left yet?’
You tapped at the screen to type back, just letting him know you’d stopped for gas and still had some distance to cover until you’d be at the resort.
You hope he was excited, and maybe even as nervous as you were to finally see each other.
You tucked the phone away again as you stepped down towards the drink coolers at the back of the store. There were a few cork boards stapled up by the bathrooms, and old business cards for bakeries and auto repair were tucked beside a familiar but faded red flier.
You pulled a soda from the cooler and toed a few steps closer.
You felt a small flutter in your stomach when you read the ‘Omega Retreat’ title. It was almost the same piece of paper that brought you this far, and it was nice to see it again before journeying across the finish line.
You took the paper between two fingers, pulling it forward for a better look. Instead, you found another flier tacked up behind it—another faded picture with much more somber messages.
It was a poster for a missing Omega.
The word was set in bold to convey how dire the situation was. The woman on it was smiling, cracked only by a thin white line in an old bend in the paper. Below was a number to call if you had any information about where she might be, but two of the last digits were too faded to decipher whether it was 78 or 10.
There were always rumors of Omega’s being sought after and even stolen from their homes and families. It was something that you and many others like you hoped was not better than a legend.
The picture was old, leaving no doubt that if this woman hadn’t been found by now, she never would be. It made your stomach drop as you let the paper fall back over top of it.
You felt a familiar sense of unease bubbling in your belly. What if that girl was you? What would that do to your family if they never saw you come home?
You shook your head and wandered back into one of the narrow aisles. You were so tired of feeling scared, and you wanted to only focus on the good things that awaited you. The resort had wonderful reviews, and of course they boasted about safety if anything were to happen. If your prince charming turned out to be a monster in disguise, then you should still be safe.
You paid for your haul of twizzlers and Sprite before finally making it out to your car to drive away. That little gas station disappeared behind you as the road stretched out ahead. It wasn’t incredibly scenic until you approached the property. Green hills and a plush forest line either side of the road before the main building comes into view ahead. It was bigger than you’d expected, but not as rustic as the cabins. It was professional and comfortable.
You pulled into an empty space in the parking lot, taking another breath before cutting the engine and looking back at the building. This was it; he’d be here. An alpha is waiting here just for you.
The air in the car grew thin, and a thick wave of sweat finally started to drip down the back of your neck. It felt as if you could start shaking, and a familiar sense of terror bubbled in your stomach alongside the budding of your heat.
You just breathe, taking in only as much air as necessary before calming your rising nerves. Things would be better; you wouldn’t be alone this time.
You give yourself a small smile before reaching to unbuckle your seatbelt and falling short upon receiving a knock at your car window.
You’d nearly kicked yourself out of the driver's seat upon hearing it. All efforts to soothe your own anxieties are destroyed at the hands of some young employee trying to get your attention.
His face was left red with embarrassment at scaring a guest, and you could barely hear him stuttering out his sorries.
You crack the door, offering an apology for not having seen him.
“I really didn’t mean to scare you, ma’am. We thought maybe you needed some help with your bags.”
“Oh, uh sure.” You pulled yourself out of the car, purse hooked over the bend of your elbow, and keys tight in your hand as you rounded the car towards the back to grab your suitcase for him.
He reeked like a nervous beta, which was oddly reassuring to you. Betas are like a blank slate to heats and ruts and are often helpful mediators, so the little employee’s presence helped to calm you just a little bit. He grabs your suitcase, and you proceed to look at the car doors before following him into the building. It was bigger on the inside than you had expected, lavish and modern at every inch as well. You see the other waiting couples being all lovey-dovey, some awkwardly sweet, and a few with steely faces.
One couple stood out as a redhead and a tall blonde, surrounded by an icy atmosphere. She barely gave him the time of day, and he almost looked like he was gritting his teeth. It put into perspective how meeting strangers might end horribly.
“Go ahead and have a seat; I can take your name and find your reservation.” The employee was quick to steal your attention before showing you to an open chair in the foyer.
“Oh, of course,” you say with a weak smile before giving him the needed information and sitting down in the soft seat as he sets your bags by the chair.
You watched as the little beta shuffled to the front desk as a rogue dribble of sweat ran from your hairline and rounded towards the back of your neck. With all the mixed scents in the air, it seemed to rile up the heat that bubbles beneath your skin, making it spike ever so slightly. You felt like the only heated omega in the room, and it made you more and more self-conscious.
The feeling of budding heat added to the building dread in your belly, a greatly unwanted side effect from years of painful cycles.
But, things would be different this time; you would have someone to carry you through the heat this time. It was the only sentiment that soothed your nerves as you burrowed further into the cushy seat.
You felt a few eyes trailing towards you, several from staff, and most were edged with concern. You watched as that same beta was speaking to another employee at the desk before grabbing one of the phones and pressing it to his ear.
You took a calming breath, understanding that you may have to wait a while after arriving so early. It seemed to be working too, making your scent blossom with a sweet sense of building tranquility. It was a pleasant first for you, but such pleasantries never seemed to last, and as another stranger approached you their robust scent broke your calming bubble.
Long legs brushed past your knees, and as you looked up at their owner, you saw a familiar face.
You’d only seen his profile once before rejecting it, but you couldn’t remember his name. You felt sick to be under his gaze, your stomach twisting from him standing so close.
“Hey there.” He gave you a devilish grin as his brown eyes narrowed down at you.
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Tag list : @meowmeowyoongles @black-cat-2 @cjand10 @bethyruth @scott-loki-barnes @wintrsoldrluvr @buckysdoll85 @lendeluxe @meowmeowyoongles @heletsmelovehim @mcira @buckysbaby-doll @serendipitouslife90 @unicornicopia1 @animegirlgeeky @matchat3a @darkdemeter @onyxwolf @thebuckybarnesvault @nicestgirlonline @jbuckybarnesfan @val-writesstuff @birdenthusiastez @ozwriterchick @mandab44 @cringeycookies @skittslackoffilter @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @bohemianrhapsody86
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