#not really saeyoung x mc but maybe?
mochiimiiki · 2 years
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| Saeran Choi Headcanons |
{GE Saeran x mc}
Warnings: spoilers for Saeran/ Ray route and after ending, sevens real name, some parts slightly suggestive (will be marker) so feel free to ignore those bits
A/N: the amount of pain and angst this man specifically has gone through is unbearable, out of all of the RFA members him and seven had it worst (my opinion). Anyways some happy hc because i think he deserves to be happy
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After everything was resolved between Saeran and Saeyoung (which mind you took a while) the three of you decided to move and leave behind Saeyoung’s bunker, a place you had called home for the last six months
the reason for this choice was quite simple; a reminder of what was.
the twins didn’t need a reminder of everything that had happened over the course of time anymore than they needed the unpleasant memories. So they left.
The house which saeran and you moved to is a beautiful cottage, with a small farm attached. Saeran spends most of his days attending to the livestock and garden he grows, don’t worry though he definitely doesn’t neglect you (whether saeyoung came or not is up to you)
Saeran spends his days down in the dirt, very literally. As he’s all hands and knees and very much determined the best plants are grown from intense love and care
other than gardening and farming Saeran’s other past times are reading. He doesn’t have a particularly favourite genre but loves a good book with a happy ending. He reads all the books he can possibly get his hands on, very much including children books and fantasy novels. He was deprived of imagination when he was small so now he allows himself to indulge in it as he’s free to do
Saeran spends as much time with Saeyoung as he does his garden. This is mostly because Saeyoung is always around helping out on the farm, trying after years of being seperated to bond with his brother. Saeran deeply appreciates Saeyoung doing this as he knows being outside is something out of a comfort zone for Saeyoung (with unpleasant memories still always fresh Saeyoung feels safest behind a desk and screen).
Saeran is actually afraid of the dark so hopefully you don’t mind but he keeps a little nightlight by his bed side, it’s actually a cat and can change all sort of colours. It was invented by Saeyoung no doubt. Saeran treasures it with his whole heart.
Everytime you and Saeran go shopping he always collects a little toy, his inner child never had so much as a teddy bear so when he sees something he likes he gets it. Of course he asks you if he even should or if that’s silly, but naturally you insist that it’ll help heal his inner child.
Everytime Saeran sees you he gives you a kiss. On the forehead, cheek, neck, shoulder or lips it really doesn’t matter. He feels like giving you a kiss each time you see one another. It grounds him, reminds him that even though he has nightmares this, with you, is real.
Which means he ends up kissing you very often; you’re watching tv and he comes in from the garden. A kiss. You’re making dinner together and you go to the toilet, come back, a kiss. it doesn’t matter how much time apart you’ve spent. He just has to give you a kiss.
Now as mentioned before he does get nightmares and unfortunately they’re quite often, gently shake him awake if you hear him crying out in his sleep and murmur that it’ll be okay. He’ll hold you without saying anything until he drifts off again. Over time they fade away as he heals.
{suggestive} each time the two of you make love, and yes it’s 100% love making, saeran makes it his duty to tend to you. Running a soft, warm cloth over your body as you come down from your high. fixing your sweaty hair out of your face before heading off to fetch you some water and maybe a snack if you’re hungry. He treasures you and shows you that every way possible.
ofc u should give him aftercare everyone once in awhile (after you do he’ll not stop kissing ur face <3)
Saeran is a very tactile person. He went so long without physical touch that now he has yours he won’t let it go, ever. Has a hand on you, hovering about you or grabbing you every time he’s around. It’s probably another form of grounding for him, especially in crowded places where he feels very out of place and anxious.
Saeran 100% has hands on you everytime you kiss as well. and i mean everytime.
Work wise neither you nor saeran probably need to work as saeyoung has a lot of money and sold multiple cars to give saeran money. (he confirms at one point the gathering of cars was for his family)
However, Saeran never got to experience normal work and pay and so he does in fact work for awhile. He stays on with Jumin even after Jumin got elected and worked as part of a security team for a few months. But when you guys moved to the cottage/ farm he quit his job to focus on his life with you and Saeyoung. He just wanted a little bit of normalcy to feel complete.
One thing that doesn’t sit right with him no matter how much time has gone by is being out and about in a normal shop with normal people. It just never feels quite normal. He will of course insist on coming with you anytime you want to go shopping but other than that he doesn’t express any interest in exploring things like the cinema or public pools. Public places with so many people make him uncomfortable, especially with the way he’s recognised now because of the debacle with his dad.
His sanctuary is being in your arms, chatting with Saeyoung and your little farm together. (farmer Saeran brainrot)
Saeran devotes everything he has to you, that fact does not change no matter how much time passes. Every choice he makes is with you in mind, despite the fact you trying to dissuade him in order for him to form his own choices. But they are still his own decisions that he was free to make, he didn’t decide these things because he felt indebted to you but rather because he simply adores you and that was what he wanted to do to show you.
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thestargirlfromoon · 2 years
Saeran choi x Reader
Cherry kisses
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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Mc is insecure with the scars and marks in her body when wearing a dress Saeran bought for you. He comforts you and decides to mark you with lipstick kisses and show you that you are precious for him and how much he appreciates you and this includes your body.
Saeran gave you the idea of going out to dinner tonight and you readily accepted.
You were getting ready, after combing your hair you picked up a reddish lipstick and turned your gaze to the mirror, just as you were about to apply the lipstick you heard the doorbell ring and went to the door, it was Saeran.
You saw him blush slightly when he saw you, you asked him to come in and he came in holding a bag.
When you got to your room you went back to putting on your makeup, Saeran watched you as you picked up a lipstick that was on your dresser.
-Hey my love, let me help you.He came over, smiling gently, and took the lipstick from your hand, and you just nodded, thanking him for his kindness.
Saeran began to dab lipstick on your mouth, you stood patiently still when Saeran finished he started to laugh and you looked at him confused.
-W-what? You asked and turned your face to see if there was something wrong with your face.
When you looked in the mirror you were startled, Saeran had made a mess of lipstick all over and around your mouth.
-Saeran, don't make fun of me! You looked at him in embarrassment as he laughed even louder at your reaction.
-I'm sorry, my love, you were so cute that I felt like making fun of you, I guess that's one thing Saeyoung and I have in common.
To get revenge you went over to him and held his face while smearing lipstick all over his mouth, Saeran was surprised but when he saw the mess you made he laughed again and you couldn't help but laugh along with him.
After you calmed down from your mutual laughter Saeran handed the bag.
- I saw this and remembered you, I thought it would be perfect for our date," Saeran said with a sweet smile as you opened the bag and found a beautiful dress with your favorite color.
At Saeran's request you changed and went to him, he complimented you saying he knew it would be cute in you, you thanked him embarrassed.
When you looked in the mirror you couldn't help but feel a little insecure, some stretch marks you got while growing up on your knees and breasts and scars on your body were visible, "this dress really doesn't look good on me" you thought.
You stared for a while in the mirror in frustration and it didn't go unnoticed by Saeran.
- Something wrong, my love, didn't you like it?Saeran came to you slightly worried by your sudden change of mood. -It's not that, I am happy for the gift and I don't know how to thank you! The dress is beautiful, too beautiful, so I think I'd better put it away because I don't want to ruin it, it might be a bit chilly so I'd better go with a shirt and pants," you said, taking off the dress.
Saeran was silent without knowing what to say for a moment as he watched you put the dress away and get a pair of pants and a t-shirt.
He tried to understand your behavior and came to the conclusion that maybe you are feeling insecure about whatever you thought was not good about your appearance.Saeran spent enough time with you to realize what this was about, he suspected that you might have insecurities about your body but he never broached this for fear of making you uncomfortable.He could not understand why you had low self-esteem, to him you were adorable and that included your appearance as well.
He remembered a conversation in the chat rooms when he was Ray, you were talking to Jaehee Kang about boys and you admitted that you never had a boyfriend and told her that in high school there was a boy you liked but you never had the courage to declare your love because you didn't feel good enough and were afraid of being rejected and when you saw the boy flirting with a beautiful girl with a perfect body, smooth skin and big breasts without any marks from your class, you gave up on him right away because you had no chance, a few months later you found out that they started dating.
When Ray read your conversation with Jaehee he was so surprised to hear that you were so insecure, he thought you were so cute and precious.
Saeran returned his thoughts to the present as he watched you sit up in bed to wear your shirt.
Without saying anything he walked towards you and crouched down as he joined one of your hands with his.
-Saeran? You called out in surprise but he just kept silent while his other hand went to your face and began to caress it, you accepted the affection.
-I love you so much, you are so precious to me and you deserve to be appreciated and wear whatever you want. Saeran said, there was a hint of pain in his voice because he knew better than anyone how the feeling of insecurity felt, he hated himself for many years and that included the bruises he had on his body because he got bruises easily not to mention that he hated being so thin and hated having such a weak body.
But after he met you he felt so loved, he still had a hard time accepting himself but still you chose him and stood by his side giving him love always encouraging him and being so kind to him.
That's why seeing you so insecure because of some natural marks and scars made him so sad, he bought the dress with the intention of seeing a smile on your face but when he saw you looking sadly at your reflection he couldn't help but get upset.
You just stared at him speechlessly for a moment, Saeran seemed to read you like an open book.You sighed.
-I'm sorry, you bought this dress with such love and yet I feel ashamed to wear it. You apologized and couldn't help the tears rolling down your cheeks, you hated being so sentimental.You didn't want to upset Saeran or be so negative about something so silly that you could ruin the date and refusing to wear his gift.
"Hey it's ok, you don't have to wear the dress if it's not comfortable, I understand I just want you to know that you're beautiful and I love you and there's nothing that can change those facts." Saeran said as he leaned over and gave a kiss on your forehead. When he noticed that there was a kiss mark from your own mouth on his forehead from the lipstick you had put on his mouth a few minutes ago, an idea came to his mind.
-Just a second my love. He went over to the dresser, picked up your lipstick and sat down beside you on the bed and began to dab more lipstick on his own mouth.
-Sae what are you doing?you asked him as you wiped away your own tears and tried not to laugh at him by pouting and smearing lipstick on himself.
-Well, I want to let it be known how much I appreciate you. He said sweetly and gently kissed one of her scars stopping to look at the lipstick mark and continued until he was done kissing all the parts of your body where there were marks and scars, there was no malice in his actions just affection and appreciation.He wanted so much to show you how he loves you. After showering you with little kisses he planted a gentle kiss on your lips which you returned and then hugged him.
-Saeran...I love you so much.You felt emotional again and felt tears forming in your eyes again. Your boyfriend was so kind and gentle that sometimes it was too much for you to handle. You opened the first buttons of his shirt a little just to plant kisses on some of the scars on his shoulders and some of the marks from old bruises, leaving him with red kisses.
-Now we're even. You smiled slightly shy and he returned your smile sweetly and hugged you. After a while of cuddling while listening to sweet compliments coming from Saeran as he stroked your hair, you finished getting ready and ended up wearing the dress. You can't help but notice Saeran's happy smile.
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
Jumin x MC || better off (one-shot)
Lo escribí escuchando ‘better off’ de Ariana Grande una y otra vez. La letra no tiene mucha relación con este one-shot, pero sirve de fondo.
trigger warning: violencia doméstica
Estabas mejor sin él, realmente lo estabas.
Te lo repetías cada día que pasaba, te lo repetías como un mantra, como una oración silenciosa. Tenía que ser verdad. Tenía que serlo, si no, dejarlo había sido una pésima decisión.
Aún seguías asistiendo a las reuniones de la RFA. Te habías prometido, a ti misma y también a los demás que tu relación con Jumin no afectaría tu puesto como organizadora de las fiestas de caridad. No lo hizo el largo año que estuvieron juntos y definitivamente no afectarían ahora. Habías pensado retirarte de la RFA para tener un corte limpio, pero no querías renunciar a las amistades que habías hecho ahí.
Ya lo habías superado. En serio.
Lo que ocurrió la semana pasada fue una eventualidad.
Jaehee estaba repleta de trabajo y te ofreciste para ayudarla. Te explicó que no podías hacer mucho ya que no sabía de negocios ni economía. Al ver tu rostro desilusionado, comentó que le vendría bien que alguien vaya a organizar la oficina, que estaba muy desordenada por el arduo trabajo que había tenido.
Habías llenado una gran bolsa de basura con restos de empaques de comida rápida, algunos palillos chinos y papeles que Jaehee te aseguró que no servían. Ella te indicó que podías botarla por el tragaluz al final del pasillo. El pasillo estaba oscuro, sólo alumbrado por la oficina abierta de Jaehee. No te importó, habías paseado por ahí tantas veces que ya lo conocías. Detuviste tu camino frente a una oficina familiar. Al igual que las otras oficinas, estaba con las luces apagadas, así que asumiste que Jumin ya se había ido a su casa. Suspiraste, apenada, recordando todas las veces que le habías traído almuerzo, o que habías esperado en su sofá a que él se liberara de su trabajo para poder ir al teatro.
Repentinamente, escuchaste un movimiento dentro de la oficina. Te acercaste a una de las ventanas que daban al pasillo y pudiste distinguir una silueta sentada en la silla. El hombre estaba de espaldas a la puerta, sosteniendo un vaso con licor. Te sorprendió no verlo con una copa de vino.
No sabes cuánto tiempo te quedaste observando a Jumin mientras él terminaba su trago, la tenía la mirada perdida en la vista de la ciudad que le brindaba su oficina. Una parte de ti quería entrar en la oficina, preocupada por verlo tomar whiskey por primera vez. Preocupada por verlo de noche, con las luces apagadas, solo en su oficina. Una mano tuya se posó sobre la manija de la puerta. Inmediatamente recordaste el sonido de vasos estrellándose, gritos, golpes contra la pared, un par de manos sacudiéndote de los hombros y finalmente un portazo.
Prometiste que esa iba a ser la primera y última vez que Jumin demostrara esa violencia contigo. Realmente intentabas hacer valer tu palabra.
Cuando terminaste la relación, le comentaste que sería bueno que pueda conseguir un psicólogo para que aprenda a manejar tu ira. Él te explicó muchas veces que no había querido lastimarte y que, de hecho, a pesar del exabrupto, no te había golpeado. Le explicaste que no era necesario. Le deseaste suerte y saliste de la cafetería en la cual se habían encontrado. Él no atinó a seguirte.
Soltaste la manija de la puerta y volviste a la oficina de Jaehee. Al verte regresar aún llevando la bolsa de basura y los ojos llenos de lágrimas, atinó a no hacerte preguntas al respecto.
Pero hoy sería diferente. Hoy estarían frente a frente, por primera vez desde la vez que terminaste la relación. Al llegar al local donde sería su siguiente fiesta de caridad, observaste que Jumin ya había llegado y se encontraba hablando con Zen, dándote la espalda, aún ignorando tu presencia. Hasta el momento, sólo Jumin, y tú sabían el verdadero motivo por el cual habías decidido separarte. Habías preferido mantenerlo en privado. Sabías que podía generar más incomodidades entre ellos, especialmente si se enteraban de que había sido por un episodio de violencia.
― Aún no va al psicólogo, ¿sabes?
Volteaste y te encontraste con los ojos miel de Saeyoung.
― ¿Disculpa? ―preguntaste.
― Aún no va al psicólogo ―repitió―. Tengo acceso a sus registros médicos. Siempre se atiende en la misma clínica, si hubiera pedido atención en el servicio de Psicología, habría aparecido en su historia clínica.
Cierto, Saeyoung también sabía. Había sido una noche particularmente mala. Habías ido a casa de Saeyoung ya que él se había ofrecido a ayudarte con un problema con el correo de la RFA. Luego de que rechaces Dr. Pepper, sirvió un vaso de agua y te lo ofreció. Desafortunadamente, resbaló de sus dedos y se estrelló contra el piso. Él soltó una grosería y comenzó a recoger los pedazos con cuidado. Levantó la mirada para pedirte que te alejes mientras él terminaba de limpiar; sin embargo, quedó a la mitad cuando vio cómo las lágrimas caían de tus ojos. Te preguntó si sucedía algo, pero parecía que no lo habías escuchado. Repitió tu nombre varias veces, pero hiciste caso omiso. Saeyoung se puso de pie y te tocó el hombro, intentando llamar tu atención. En ese momento, sentiste cómo te quemaba la piel de Saeyoung contra la tuya. Inmediatamente te lanzaste hacia atrás, sintiendo cómo era cada vez más difícil respirar. Le pediste a gritos a Saeyoung que se alejara de ti, quien se encontraba con el rostro desencajado, sin saber cómo reaccionar o qué había hecho mal. Sin embargo, al verte luchar por aire y buscar refugio detrás de uno de sus sofás, pudo darse cuenta de que estabas teniendo un ataque de pánico.
Te sorprendió la forma en la que él, poco a poco, se fue acercando a ti. Te calmó con sus palabras hasta que pudiste controlar mejor tu respiración. Una vez el ataque de pánico había pasado, comenzaste a llorar. Le contaste todo. Desde cómo te habías encontrado con un viejo amigo en un restaurante mientras cenabas con Jumin. Cómo Jumin había sido muy grosero y le había pedido que se vaya mientras tenías una conversación con él. Cómo la discusión había seguido hasta el penthouse de Jumin, en el cual le increpaste sus acciones y le aclaraste que no podía tratarte como un objeto del cual era dueño.
Y cómo se había transformado todo después. Los gritos. Sus manos sacudiéndote. Los vasos. El portazo.
Saeyoung se quedó callado un largo momento después de escuchar tu historia. Luego, al ver cómo seguías llorando, tentativamente estiró su brazo hacia ti. Esperó por alguna respuesta, pero sólo lo miraste, ahora un poco más tranquila. Tomó tu mano con la suya y la apretó suavemente, haciéndote saber que estaba ahí. Que quizá no podía solucionar tus problemas, pero hey, estaba ahí. Y eso era lo que más necesitabas en ese momento.
―¿Estuviste revisando su historia clínica? ―preguntaste, arqueando una ceja. Él se encogió de hombros.
―Tenía curiosidad―. Suspiraste y pasaste una mano por tu cabello. Saeyoung hizo una mueca―. Y… ¿qué pasaba si estuviera yendo a terapia? ―preguntó.
Tu miraba volvió hacia Jumin, quien seguía hablando con Zen.
―Nada ―respondiste―. Bien por él supongo.
El último en llegar fue Yoosung. Saludó a todos, haciendo que Jumin voltee y te vea. Te diste cuenta de que no te quitaba la mirada de encima; sin embargo, hiciste lo mejor para ignorarlo.
―Bueno, Yoosung está aquí, creo que es hora de empezar ―anunciaste.
Todos los miembros se acercaron a ti, formando un círculo. Comenzaste a explicar las características del local y cómo estas se adaptarían a las características del evento navideño. Qué ropa se esperaba que los anfitriones usaran y cómo podían ellos adaptarla si lo consideraban necesario. Les repetiste acerca del comportamiento esperado antes, durante y después del evento.
En breves ocasiones, miraste a Jumin a los ojos. Intentabas aparentar normalidad frente a los demás miembros de la RFA. No había razón por la cual ellos debían notar más que una esperada incomodidad por estar frente a tu ex.
La reunión fue corta, como la esperabas. Poco a poco, los miembros de la RFA se fueron despidiendo. El primero en irse fue Zen, quien debía llegar pronto a sus ensayos. Jaehee no había podido asistir aquel día. Yoosung se fue también, alegando que debía llegar a sus clases. Tú también querías irte rápidamente, pero no podías lograr meter todos los papeles que habías mostrado a la RFA dentro de tu cartera. No querías quedarte a solas con Jumin. No aquí, ni en ningún otro lugar.
Oíste a Saeyoung hacer una broma a Jumin. Él había seguido tus indicaciones al pie de la letra, fingiendo no saber el motivo de tu separación y actuando de la misma manera con él. Apenas oíste que se estaba despidiendo, volteaste rápidamente, el corazón en la mano. Al ver tus ojos asustados, Saeyoung dio un paso hacia ti y te tomó de la mano, apretándola como aquella vez.
―Hey, no me voy, ‘me voy’―te aseguró―. Voy prendiendo el carro. No me he olvidado de que necesitas que te lleve al centro ―mintió, guiñándote el ojo. Él sabía que no querías quedaste con Jumin y había inventado una excusa rápidamente. Le agradeciste con una pequeña sonrisa. ―¡Espera por Seven! Él te guiará el camino y te llevará a salvo ―bromeó, antes de dirigirse hacia la puerta.
Te agradó ver cómo se detuvo en la puerta fingiendo prestar atención a su celular. Te alegraste de que no te dejara sola ni por ir al estacionamiento.
―Te puedo llevar al centro ―ofreció Jumin.
Volteaste a verlo. Se notaba claramente incómodo. Su rostro lucía más cansado de lo habitual. En parte, lo esperabas, después de esa noche que lo viste tomar whiskey asumiste que su salud se vería afectada.
―No es necesario, no te preocupes ―aseguraste con una sonrisa. Finalmente, lograste meter todos tus papeles dentro de tu cartera y te dirigiste a la salida.
No habías dado ni dos pasos cuando sentiste una mano alrededor de tu muñeca. Jadeaste sorprendida e inmediatamente quitaste tu brazo, sosteniéndolo sobre tu pecho. Jumin se quedó con el brazo extendido, aún aturdido por tu reacción. Segundos después, cerró sus ojos y volvió a su postura erguida. La vergüenza en sus facciones te hizo saber que sabía el por qué de tu reacción. Sabía que era por él. Sabía que no había dinero ni acción que él pudiera realizar que pudiera arreglar lo que hizo aquel día.
Ambos se miraron en silencio hasta que él suspiró.
―¿Luciel? ―preguntó en voz baja.
―¿Luciel? ―repetiste, sin entender qué quería saber.
―Tú y… Luciel ―aclaró Jumin, arreglándose la corbata, evidentemente incómodo.
―Oh ―respondiste. No sabías qué más decir―. ¿Por qué…?
―Te tomó de la mano ―explicó―. Y no lo alejaste. No reaccionaste… así ―añadió, mirándote de pies a cabeza, notando tu postura defensiva.
Inmediatamente, sentiste cómo el miedo se transformaba en cólera. Querías gritarle, querías decirle que no rechazabas la mano de Saeyoung porque él jamás había sido violento contigo, pero no te pareció apropiado. Había varios trabajadores realizando los últimos arreglos en el local, y lo último que querías era una escena.
―Hasta luego, Jumin ―te despediste, dando media vuelta―. Luciel, ¿ya estás listo? ―preguntaste, utilizando su nombre de bautizo, con el cual él aún prefería ser llamado por la RFA.
―¡Por supuesto! ―contestó Saeyoung con una gran sonrisa―. Misión de acompañamiento y protección al centro, ¡activada! ―bromeó, causando una pequeña risa tuya.
―Sí, sí, lo que digas ―sonreíste, siguiéndolo.
No esperaste a que Jumin dijera algo. Casi podías sentir el peso de la mirada sobre tus hombros, pero decidiste no voltear atrás.
No podías hacerlo.
Sabías que estabas mejor sin él.
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ashturnedtomist · 3 years
Can I request a MM post w saeyoung? Where Saeyoung and MC kiss after Saeran breaks into the apartment but Saeyoung realizes he’s getting too close and starts acting cold and like it never happened and MC is really hurt by what he’s doing and goes off on him. Fluff at the end hehe also sorry that was so specific:)) thank you!
Sure! And no need to apologize, I’m perfectly fine with specifics like that!
Would You Mind?
Genre: angst to fluff
Pronouns: gender neutral
Pairings: Saeyoung Choi x Reader
Warnings: mentions of break ins,
¡Spoilers for 707’s route!
MysMe Masterlist
You stood trembling, staring at the spot where the stranger once stood.
“MC?” You whipped your head around, Seven’s voice startling you. He put his hands up in defense.
“Whoa. It’s just me.” Tears welled up in your eyes. “Seven…” You threw yourself into his arms, your body wracking with sobs.
He held you tightly against his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. “It’s alright, MC. He’s gone.”
You buried your face into his shirt. “I was so scared. W-what if you hadn’t shown up? H-he would’ve-” “That doesn’t matter right now. I need you to calm down now.”
After a while, he finally managed to have you to sit down on the couch and get a glass of water in your hands. You drank it in thirsty gulps.
“Thank you, Seven.” You muttered, placing the glass on the table. He nodded. “Of course.”
You sat in mildly uncomfortable silence for a moment before he spoke up. “Um…what you said, when Sa-” He stopped. “When…Unknown, had you in his arms, did-did you mean it?”
You blinked. What? What was he-
‘I love you!’
You flushed in embarrassment. “Um…would-would you mind if I did mean it?” You looked down, playing with your hands in your lap.
He reached out, tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at him. Your noses were almost touching. When did he get so close? “Would you mind,” he said in almost a whisper. “if I kissed you right now?” “No.” You whispered back. Before you could even begin to process the implications of what just happened, his lips were on yours.
The kiss was soft, sensual. Desperate and needy. It felt like he’d been waiting his whole life to kiss you like that. Maybe he had been.
You pulled away, huffing for air. “That was…” You trailed off, not even having the mental capacity to finish your sentence. He leaned in again.
The rest of the night, you exchanged gentle kisses and sweet nothings before eventually drifting off to sleep on his chest.
When you woke up, Seven wasn’t there.
You panicked for a moment before you heard him typing away in a corner in the living room.
You smiled warmly at him. “Morning, Seven.” He didn’t even look up.
‘He must be focused.’ You thought, getting off the couch to change and start your day.
Later, when you were making lunch, you popped your head out of the kitchen to check on him. “Hey, Seven! Are you hungry?” No response. “Seven?” Nothing.
You walked out of the kitchen to see him still immersed in his laptop. His headphones were on. You tapped him lightly on the shoulder, slightly startling him.
“What?” He sounded annoyed. “Oh um, sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted anything to eat?” He shook his head. “No. I’m fine. Now, could you please let me work?” You blinked before shaking your head. “Um, yeah. Sorry.” You walked away, your head muddled in confusion. “He’s probably just tired.” You voiced to yourself. “He was up pretty early doing work.”
You had just finished getting ready for bed when an idea popped into your head. “Hey, Seven?” He glanced up from his work. “What is it?” You fiddled with your sleep shirt. “Well, I was just going to bed and I was wondering…” He sighed loudly. “I don’t have all day.” “Um, well I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me.”
He scoffed. “Why would I want to do that?” He asked, disgust dripping off his words. “Ah…right.” You squeezed your hands together. “My mistake.” You made your way to the bedroom, ignoring the stinging behind your eyes and shutting the door behind you before sitting on the foot of the bed.
“Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,” You mourned to yourself, pushing the heels of your hands into your eyes. “Deep breaths, MC, deep breaths.” You stared at the ceiling, desperately trying to blink your tears away, breathing deeply in an effort to keep the pain in your heart at bay.
You took one last deep breath before crawling under your covers for a fitful night of sleep.
This behavior continued for the next few days, slowly getting worse and worse, until he barely acknowledged your presence anymore.
You found comfort in the other RFA members, mostly Zen.
He’s being an asshole MC! You should just forget about him.
MC <3
I don’t know Zen. I love him so much. It hurts.
Aw, c’mon now! Don’t be sad over a weird guy like him. How about I send you a selfies to cheer you up?
MC <3
I suppose it couldn’t hurt.
*attachment 1 image*
You giggled from your spot on the couch. The picture was of Zen doing a stupid pose on his couch.
You sent him a message thanking him for picture, and letting him know that it did help cheer you up, even if it was for a moment.
Happy to help!
You snorted.
“Can you stop being so loud? God.” You jerked your head up. Seven was glaring up at you from his spot across the room. Irritation filled your veins.
“What? That’s the first thing you say to me in…two days?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re being dramatic. It’s not that big a deal. I’ve just been busy with work.”
You stood up. You were upset now. “Uh huh. Sure. So busy with work that you won’t even acknowledge me when I walk into a room. It’s like I don’t even exist anymore, Seven.”
He stared at you blankly. “I don’t understand why you care so much.”
That was your breaking point.
“You don’t understand- god, Seven! You know why I care!” He looked up your angry form. “Hey look, I-”
You ignored him, pacing the room. “And to think! I thought you actually cared about me. That you loved me back. I was so stupid!” Tears brimmed your eyes. He started to stand up.
“MC, I-” You held a hand up. “Oh no! Don’t get up! I wouldn’t want to distract you with my oh-so obnoxious care for your well-being!”
He just looked at you, not sure where to go from there.
“I just-” You stopped, letting your tears pour down your face. “I love you so much, Seven.”
His heart twisted. You were crying. Because of him. He made you cry. He made you cry. The one person who-
You rushed towards him. “Why are you crying?” Your hands cupped his face, your thumbs moving to wipe his tears away. His hands jumped to your wrists, almost like a reflex.
He blinked. He didn’t even realize.
“Why do you still care about me? I-I hurt you.” You sighed, dropping your hands from his face. He already craves your touch.
“I won’t let you push me away. I won’t stand for it. So, you might not have the same feelings for me that I have for you, that’s fine, that doesn’t mean-”
“I do!” He blurted out. You jumped in alarm. “I-I do.” He repeated quieter.
“You do?” You whispered. “Then, why did-”
“I don’t-” He cut you off. “I don’t know. I just- I’m dangerous to be around, MC. And when I kissed you that night, I knew. I knew I couldn’t let you get hurt because of me. So…it was better to make you hate me then for you to get hurt some other way.”
You moved close to him, holding his cheeks once more. He looked away. “Seven, I don’t care about any of that. I don’t care if I get hurt. I just want to be with you.”
He shook his head. “No, no.” He pushed your arms away. “I won’t let you.” “Seven.” “I can’t!” He exclaimed. “I won’t let you get hurt! I love you too much, MC! If-if something happened to you, I couldn’t live with myself! So, I can’t-”
He didn’t get the chance to finish. You had marched up to him in annoyance. You grabbed his collar and smashed your lips together. He froze in shock before melting into your touch.
You pulled away, resting your forehead against his. “Let me in.” You whispered. “Let me be there.” He let out a shaky breath. “Okay.” He said. “Okay.” You smiled. “Thank you, Seven.” “Saeyoung.” You looked up. “Hm?” “Call me Saeyoung.”
The next morning you woke up in your room. This time you weren’t alone. Seven-no, Saeyoung was pressed against your back, his arm draped over your side.
You turned over to look at him, making sure it wasn’t a dream. “Morning, Saeyoung.” His eyes fluttered open. “Hm? Morning MC.” He pressed a soft to your forehead, before pushing you against his chest.
You laid there in comfortable silence before he started talking. “Hey. Um, I know it doesn’t make up for it, but I’m sorry.” You smiled at him. “I know. I know you were trying to protect me. And it’ll take some time to work through everything, but I do forgive you.”
You moved to his lap, to where you were almost straddling him. “Would you mind if I told you something?” He shook his head. You leaned in slightly, to the point where you were hovering over his face. “I love you, oh god 707.” He chuckled warmly.
“Would you mind if I told you something?” You shook your head, biting your lip in glee. “I love you, my 606.” You giggled before leaning down and pressing your lips to his, sealing your promises of love.
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saeransangel · 3 years
There You Are
AU kinda where after MC and Saeyoung broke into Mint Eye and found Saeran, Saeyoung decided he wasn’t ready to go after him but MC takes it into her own hands after the cold treatment from her lover.��
Saeyoung x Reader
Warnings: swearing, violence, angst. 
Fluff at the end don’t even worry ;)
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You were sick of it. Sick of the nasty attitude you got from Saeyoung. Sick of the disdain on his face at the mere mention of going to find his brother. And especially sick and tired of feeling blamed for Saeyoung not going back. 
“I can’t go back, MC. It’ll put you in danger too and I can’t do that.” He said. It almost sounded empathetic until he added, “Not after everything I’ve had to sacrifice.”
There is was. The resentment. You acted oblivious in order to avoid hurting his feelings. You know he didn’t want you to feel responsible for him not going after Saeran, but you did. Not like you could help it after almost every interaction you had with him he could barely look at you. But you both just continued to pretend neither of you could feel the tension. Maybe just not this time. 
You blinked away the tears that pricked your waterline and turned sharply on your heel. “Well, don’t do me any favors Saeyoung.” You sighed as you walked away. He didn’t say anything back to you. He knew you were hurting but so was he. It just didn’t seem fair that as soon as he found the love of his life, his brother was causing him grief after all this time. He really, truly loved you but it was impossible to get his twin out of his mind.
You got into your car and slammed the door shut. Letting your hands grip the steering wheel hard, you bit your lip trying to supress the meltdown that was bound to happen any second. Your chest burned. You hated feeling this way. Sad, angry, disappointed. You were sad because you knew both Saeyoung and Saeran were hurting and needed to be reunited again. They both deserve it. But you were angry at Saeran too. Not so much at him, but that this horrible, unspeakable thing happened to him, and that you couldn’t save him. Disappointed for selfish reasons. You always wanted to find your star-crossed lover, the one who was made for you and only you to love; and you felt him slowly drifting away from you.
There is was. That’s what really hurt the most. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you let out small sobs. You got so upset that you started hitting your hands onto the steering wheel and a painful scream ripped its way from you lungs. 
You took a deep breath and let out a final sob before lifting your head up and fixing your makeup in the rearview mirror. You’ve made up your mind. You’re tired of feeling like this. You knew where Mint Eye was. It was time you did something about it.
After a long drive you found yourself in the forest  that surrounded the Mint Eye headquarters. As you put your hand on the door handle to open thar car door to get out, you quickly realized you did NOT have a plan. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK”. Was all that was going through your head as you tried to come up with something that would get you into the building without Seven’s hacking. You remembered the floor plan of the building, how could you forget? It was the scariest day of your life breaking into Mint Eye with Saeyoung. But how were you going to get in? 
Just as you started thinking of what exactly you were going to do, your thoughts were interrupted by your phone vibrating. 
Saeyoung <3 is calling...
“FUCK!” Your hand flew over your mouth. How could you be so stupid as to not think that Saeyoung wouldn’t be looking for you. You quickly answered and tried to mask the panic in your voice. 
“Hey sweethear-” you tried to be light and bubbly but an angry voice interrupted you. 
“Where the HELL are you, MC?!” He shouted. He was clearly angry but you could hear the worry underneath it. 
“Oh... I just went for a drive, why?” You asked, innocence coating your voice. 
“No, I can see you’re at Mint Eye. What were you thinking? Get back here now or I’m going to make you get your ass back here.” He says, voice shaking.
“I can’t do that, honey. I’m sorry.” You said while holding back tears. You hated that he was so worried. You knew it would kill him if he lost two of his most important people to Mint Eye, but you had to do this. You had to save Saeran and in turn, save Saeyoung. 
“MC, please don’t do this.” He cried out. He sounded so confused. “Why are you even there- actually, it doesn’t even matter. Please just come home and we can talk. Please. I am begging you to come back to me and come back safe, please?!”
This broke you into a million pieces. But this was something you needed to do. “Baby, I will come home, okay? I just need some time. I love you so much, okay? I love you.” You sighed and clicked the end call button on your phone. Hearing him call out to you, trying to reason with you. 
“What do you mea-” Click. You turned off your phone and threw it into the passenger seat. 
You collected your thoughts and eventually came up with a plan. You remembered there was a garden somewhere on the property that the members would constantly frequent. If you found a member that was alone, you could take them by surprise and steal their uniform and blend in with the group and get inside. But how were you going to attack someone? Could you really do that? Just as you were thinking this, you pictured Saeyoung’s face after he saw his brother was home for good. It wasn’t a matter of could you do it, it was how you were going to do it. Then, you remembered the taser you kept in you bag. You began rummaging through you bag until you felt the cold casing of the personal taser, gifted to you by the one and only 707. As you opened the car door you took a deep breath and started to sneak towards the back of the giant building, where you assumed the garden to be. 
Finally you found the garden and hid yourself behind some bushes. Waiting for the poor soul you were going to chose to pounce on. After thirty minutes you finally spotted someone who was walking in the garden alone. It was a man. He looked small and easy to take down. You hated the way you were thinking but it was necessary for your survival at this point. You analyzed his face to make sure it wasn’t Saeran. After you were “in the clear” you waited for him to walk past you. You were gripping the taser so hard your knuckles were turning white and your hands were shaking. The man in the long, black cloak eventually walked passed you and you quietly slipped behind him.
It was like something took over your body and your movements were not your own. The anger that had consumed you for months bubbled up and you jumped onto the mans back, shoving the end of the taser as hard as you could into the side of his neck. Your hand covered his mouth before he could bellow a terrified scream. You fell with him as he slumped onto the ground, now unconscious. You climbed off of him and rolled him over so you could see his face. He looked scared, but he was definitely passed out. You began to slip his cloak off of him, putting it on over your clothes. It was a little big on you but it would work. You rolled him under a bush so he was hidden somewhat from someone who could walk by. 
You looked around for an entrance into the building, and saw a group of three cloaked figures walking towards a back door. You quickly followed them, keeping your head down. No one seemed to notice you which was great. Now you just had to figure out where the security room was. That was where Saeran was going to be. 
After ten minutes you found the door to the security room and it was slightly cracked open. You looked through the crack to see the white-haired twin sitting in his chair with one hand propping up his face as he looked at the screens. You looked up to see what he was looking at on the computers and you saw the pictures of him and his brother. 
“He must have kept the floppy disk from Saeyoung all this time.” You thought. This was a relief and was about to make what you were about to do a whole lot easier. You opened the door as slow as you could and slipped inside, closing the door behind you. The click of the door closing made Saeran jump from his chair. He spun around so fast you had no time to react. 
“MC! What are you doing here?” He shouted. He looked terrified and angry. You tried to speak but you didn’t plan that far ahead...
“I came to rescue you.” You spoke honestly. 
He appeared to be shocked. “Why- What are you talking about- I...” He stammered. “I DON’T NEED RESCUING!” He yelled. 
You winced at how loud his voice was. If he continued to be this loud, someone was going to find out- find you. You needed to find a way to get through to him. 
“Saeran please just-” you were interrupted. 
“Don’t use that name you stupid girl.” He spit. 
You didn’t care. You needed him to realize who he was and that he was who they brainwashed him to be. Not him. “No- Saeran, listen to me.” You shouted. “I know you don’t want this anymore. I know deep down somewhere you miss your brother. And God, does he miss you. He didn’t know I was coming here. He’s been planning for months to come back for you but he is so lost in trying to find a perfect way to save you. I couldn’t take it anymore so I just came myself. I swear that’s the truth.” You rambled, trying to say anything that would get him to believe you and come with you. He looked unsure. He wasn’t saying anything so you knew your words had some impact on him. “And I know you’ve been thinking about him too.” You motioned towards the screen. “And I know that you would have called for backup by now if you weren’t considering it.”
You stepped closer to him until you were just in front of him. You looked deep into his tear-filled eyes, trying to understand what his next move was. Finally he tightly closed his eyes and bowed his head forward. He let out a quiet sob. Hesitantly, you rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. You carefully analyzed his expressions as you did this to make sure he wasn’t going to get angry. 
“Please come home, Saeran.” You almost cried. He shot his head up and looked you straight into your worried eyes. 
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke up. “Okay...”
You were practically jumping for joy at this point. You smiled brightly and held your hand out for him. He slowly took it and followed you out of the room quietly.
You noticed he was weak and his legs started to wobble. You looked at his face and you could tell this was all a lot for him. His reality was changing forever and he was scared. Before he could fully collapse, you slung his arm around your shoulder to support his weight better. You continued your way out of the building undetected by any Mint Eye members. As the two of you approached your car that was on the outskirts of the forest, you heard tires screeching up the road. Both you and Saeran whipped your head towards to noise. You pushed both of you behind your car in an attempt to hide. “Could they have noticed already that Saeran was missing?” You thought to yourself.
You heard a door open and slam shut. Footsteps were approaching you fast. You knew that no matter what you needed to protect Saeran. You quickly stood up, remembering the taser that was in the pocket of your cloak. You pulled it out and held it out in defense.  “Don’t come any closer!” You yelled to the perpetrator. 
“MC it’s me.” A familiar voice said. 
Saeyoung. It was Saeyoung.
You sighed in relief, putting the weapon down. You ran towards him and practically jumped into his arms. His strong embrace wrapped around you. He buried his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel the tears dropping from his cheeks onto your skin. 
“You scared the shit out of me I was so worried. I thought that I was going to lose you both here.” He cried. He pulled away and finally noticed what you were wearing. “What is...” His voice trailed off. You heard shuffling from behind you and turned around to see Saeran standing up, tears flowing down his pale cheeks. You looked back at Saeyoung, who was already leaving your side and almost running to his brother. 
“There you are...” he cried out. He tackled his brother into a hug. There was a moment where Saeran didn’t hug him back but after a minute the surprised expression melted off of his face and was replaced by the smallest smile. He wrapped his arms around his brother, finally being reunited after al those years of being apart. 
In that moment there were many tears shed by all three of you. Saeran was glad he trusted you and he was glad to be back with his brother. 
You walked over to the twins and joined their hug and placing a kiss onto both of their foreheads. 
“Wha-” Saeran tried to protest. 
“Stop,” you said, holding back a giggle. “You’re my family now too. I wouldn’t have come all this way to rescue you if I didn’t care.” You smiled. 
“I guess...” He grumbled.
You looked over to Saeyoung who was still an emotional wreck. You cupped his face with your hands and leaned in for a kiss. It was desperate and needy but it was a reminder that you loved him and you would do anything for him. You pulled away from him, tears threatening to spill from you eyes.
“I’m still mad that you went without telling me first.” he muttered. You rolled your eyes and laughed, blinking away the tears. “But... thank you so much, MC. I really love you. I’ll never be able to repay you. I owe you my life.”
You sighed. “You don’t owe me anything, love, this needed to happen. I did it because I love you and Saeran is our family.”
He loved that you called Saeran your family too, and Saeran secretly did as well. 
The three of you knew you needed to get going, you you took your car back to you and Saeyoung’s shared home, while the twins took the other car. 
You smiled the whole way home thinking about how happy Saeyoung was. You knew it was going to take a while to get Saeran to come around and get used to his new life, but it was all going to work out. You were sure of it. But for now, you just wanted to think about how happy and grateful Saeyoung was. 
Everything was going to be okay now. 
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softxsuki · 3 years
hihi hope you’re having a nice day :D I was wondering if you can do an imagine for a reader who needs reassurance from Saeyoung/707? Like one who feels like he’ll leave them? Thank you so so much
Saeyoung (707) Reassuring MC That He'll Never Leave Them
Pairing: Saeyoung (707) x Gn!Reader (MC)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, comfot
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 900
Summary: In which you feel insecure that Saeyoung may leave you one day so you debate on whether telling him your thoughts or not. Luckily he shows up and is able to reassure you that that's not the case at all.
[A/N: Hello anon. Got this done quickly for you, so I hope it lives up to your expectations and helps you in any way that you need! Saeyoung is 100% the type of guy to fall in love once, and only once. If it ain't you, it's no one, so I think this request fits perfectly with him! (but idk maybe that's just me) Anyway, I hope you enjoy <3]
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The sound of your footsteps echoed in your lonely apartment from you pacing the tiny area as your thoughts raced in your head. Thoughts about whether you should really talk about your internal battle with Saeyoung, or keep it to yourself. You knew it was a little ridiculous, knowing that it was only your insecurities manifesting in your head, but you needed to know how he really felt.
You fumbled with the phone in your hands, Saeyoung’s contact already displayed on the screen, but every time you moved to press ‘call,’ you changed your mind at the last second, not wanting to sound insecure in front of him.
You loved him dearly, and imagining a life where he didn’t love you back, hurt. Just thinking about it made your heart hammer in your chest with anxiety. Just do it MC, give yourself some peace of mind at least.
Deciding to listen to your thoughts, you go to press call, but you’re stopped by soft knocking on your front door. Confused at who it could be at the late hour that it was, you tip-toe to the door, keeping your phone on you in case the person behind your door was a dangerous stranger.
Peeking through the peep-hole, you see fiery red hair and gold eyes staring back at you.
“Hellooo, anyone home? It’s meeee,” you hear him say from behind the door.
Your heart hammers in your chest. He’s here. Only a door separated the both of you, so you knew you’d have to talk to him about your haunting thoughts.
You quickly open the door, allowing Saeyoung to step inside before closing it behind him.
“Heyo kitten, it’s your favorite agen- what’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks once he takes a look at your dejected face.
You swallow the lump in your throat, trying to find your voice.
“Can we sit on the couch?” you ask, wanting to avoid talking about your thoughts for just a bit longer.
“Yeah, of course,” he says, voice now a lot softer than when he first walked in.
As you sit on your couch, he takes a seat beside you and curiously looks at you, hoping that if he stared at you long enough, he’d be able to read your thoughts.
“Seriously, what’s going on?”
You sigh, but look down at your feet, refusing to meet his eyes, “It’s stupid really. I’ve just been feeling off recently.”
“Off in what way?”
“I mean, I’ve just been so happy being with you, it kind of feels surreal. Like at any moment I’m going to wake up and you’ll no longer be with me. Never having known I existed, never having cared for me. Or I feel like one day you’ll just come to me, saying you don’t need me or love me anymore…” you stumble with your words, clumsily throwing them out at him, “I know it’s stupid, I’m sorry.”
Next thing you know, his arms are wrapped around you and it’s his turn to sigh into your neck.
“It’s not stupid MC. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling that way. I guess my instincts were right though. I felt like something was wrong so I came straight over to you,” he explains, “But you’re dead wrong if you think I could ever just up and leave you.”
“Yeah, but what if you meet someone else one day and decide that you prefer them?”
“Impossible. No one has ever had a hold on my heart like you do. If it weren’t for you I probably wouldn’t have ever bothered with a relationship in the first place, ya know?” he reassures you, “But besides that, I love you, and I’m going to continue to stay by your side until you’ve had enough of me.”
“I can never get enough of you,” you mumble shyly, affected by his bold words of love for you.
“Good, then we’re on the same page,” he smiles, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
You feel your face heat up at the contact. It was something he had done hundreds of times, but having him confirm his feelings in that way made your heart flip as butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach.
“Sorry, for saying silly things, but thank you for always reassuring me.”
“Of course kitten, I would be a horrible boyfriend if I couldn’t at least make sure you know that you’re loved and irreplaceable,” he smiles, “but seriously, if you ever feel that way again, don’t sit around torturing yourself with those thoughts, come straight to me and I’ll make sure you know otherwise. I looove you. So, so much.”
“I will, thank you honey. I love you too.”
“Now that that's sorted with, how would you like a movie night? I already brought the Honey Buddha Chips and Dr. Pepper,” he announces while pulling them from seemingly nowhere.
“Sounds amazing,” you laugh, your insecurities about him leaving long forgotten as he smiles beside you.
And that’s exactly how you spend the rest of your evening. Snuggled up on the couch together as you choose a movie you’d both like. Between some quieter scenes, Saeyoung whispers more reassuring words into your ear, making sure you know 100% that he will never leave you so long as he has a say in the decision. He’s sticking around for a long long time.
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Posted: 11/23/2021
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juminsmysticmc · 2 years
Hey again!
Same anon who had asked your name here. Ruka sounds like a really cute name btw. I also like anime and mangas, i haven't read much though.
My kpop phase ended and im kinda sad about it.
Also, I want to request a soulmate au where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist the first time they touch you. I had thought of requesting this with mc and 707, but since jumin is your favorite character, you should definitely write this with jumin instead (if you can and you want to).
Ps. Love u a lot, you seem like a nice person
Saeyoung x Mc - Soulmate AU
Hey! Yes, do you know these memes where every letter has his own ,,letters in japanese’’ or ,,write your ninja name’’? Back then I saw such a post and I was pretty obsessed with anime and my full name would have been ,,Rukataki’’ according to my real name and that post. And somehow I shortened it to ,,Ruka-chan’’ and name myself like this ever since…same here, ever since GOT7 kinda disbanded everything crumbled T.T
And I decided to write Saeyoung instead of Jumin because I always choose Jumin and I thought for once I could choose someone else XD HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND YOU SEEM LIKE A NICE ONE TOO.
Update: I began writing a few sentences, read Mystic Messenger Wiki to refresh my mind about his route, and deeply regretted not choosing Jumin since he would have been much easier to write since I ALWAYS try to keep my stories based on the original game! But I got it.
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,,You still haven’t found out who your soulmate is?’’ your friend asked you, rubbing her wrist as the name of her new boyfriend was on her wrist. She happily looked at the name of the man, touching every letter with her fingers before she looked back at you. ,,I…I think this whole soulmate stuff is kind of off… I don’t know, what is a soulmate for you? You had a boyfriend you loved and suddenly you touch someone else and leave your first love for a stranger! A soulmate - in my eyes - can also be someone platonic,’’ you told her. ,,I believe that you’re just jealous because you haven’t found your soulmate,’’ she hissed at you and perhaps she was kind of right. Maybe you were just unsure because whenever you had the feeling that you found the person you had a bond with, you always got disappointed. But you would never tell her, despite her being your best friend and knowing you the best. There was no way you could tell her your feelings. The feeling of being left out and alone…you wanted to believe that there was no need for you to search for your soulmate but that instead, the meeting itself would simply happen. Luckily, the both of you quickly changed the topic and could enjoy the remaining time of your afternoon, drinking coffee and eating the cake the both of you ordered. ,,It’s getting late. I should get back,’’ your friend suddenly said after she checked the time. ,,Tell me as soon as you’re back at home,’’ your friend asked you before she hugged you and left, leaving you alone. You were left behind with your thoughts, your eyes on your wrist as you slowly walked back to your apartment, not noticing that you took a different route. Your eyes were fixed on your wrist as suddenly a little tattoo shop caught your eye. You kept looking at the beautiful art on the skin of strangers and couldn’t stop holding your writing. Maybe you should get something tattooed on your wrist to not see if there was a name? But what if you someday wanted to see the name of that special person? ,,Beautiful lady,“ a woman approached you, surely not Korean as she had an accent. ,,What you‘re looking at are henna tattoos,“ she whispered. ,,They’re not forever, not bad for your skin, and will be gone after some time. We usually do this on women who are about to get married in my country. It's a beautiful thing to do to the happy girls before the wedding,“ the lady explained. Tattoos were actually not something used in Korea, but knowing that they would be gone after some time made you curious. ,,How much would it cost to not see my wrist because of the henna tattoo?“ you suddenly asked her. A few moments later you were sitting in front of the lady, your arm stretched out so that she could work as she softly was creating wonderful patterns on your skin. Dots and circles as well as patterns that seemed like flowers were drawn on your wrist with the black henna. The woman didn’t say anything about the fact that you put something on the place where the name of your soulmate was supposed to be written on, but you knew that she did her best to hide the whole spot… ,,It looks very good….’’ you chuckled to yourself, walking in an aisle Things changed quickly afterward. In fact, you found a phone and loving every human being and wanting to help them whenever they were in need, you agreed on returning the phone to the owner, entering a strange apartment and ending up living there. You entered a group chat with different people, who at first were totally suspicious about you. But who wouldn’t be under these circumstances? However, there was one person who caught your heart more than anyone else, despite you never meet that person. He could make you smile whenever his name popped up in the group chat. His jokes were sometimes tasteless and you had the feeling that he was more like a dork loving to tease others, but you couldn’t change the fact that you had the feeling that whenever he wrote something, your heart was beating quicker and more quickly. Five days later, when you were kind of on friendly terms with everyone, something happened. ,,How can the chatroom get hacked when he’s a hacker himself?’’ you asked yourself in the middle of the night as you were chatting with him and the woman called Jaehee. ,,So I guess I should ask Mr. Han to send everyone a bodyguard… but what about MC?’’ Jaehee asked, making your hands feel sweaty. You would be lying if you told them that you would be okay as you in fact were very scared already for the past five days. When Seven, however, said that he would have to go to your place as the address was still classified, you felt a bit happy for being under these circumstances. ,,Yey!! God Seven!!’’ you commented, chuckling to yourself and forgetting what it was all about. However, the happiness quickly quieted down after he confessed he would have to keep an eye on you through the CCTV as he still had some work to do… The time went by and you kept chatting with the member of the RFA, still not knowing what danger you would have to face soon enough. For now, however, you were getting worried over the maid at his place. The henna on your wrist was still visible as you wondered if under these circumstances you would ever be able to see a name on your wrist… ,,Again, a warning,’’ you sightened, but was quickly distracted by Seven and Jaehee chatting in the chatroom. Seven was working hard for you and you couldn't help but blush at his words. Earlier he called you, telling you that you would stay safe, however you still urged for his voice and his touch. ,,I knew it! I felt as if you were working for me every 2.35 seconds!!’’ you responded, laughing as you could imagine how Jaehee was feeling reading these messages. ,,Oh my God, he build a robot for me!’’ you gasped later on when he sent you a picture of the roboter which was supposed to keep you safe. Your cheeks were burning as you kept chatting with the both of them, feeling more than blessed. The day went on and evening came. Once again you were chatting with Seven and Yoosung, finding out that Seven planned on throwing out the robot, making you anxious. He denied that he had feelings for you, making you very sad, but knowing that he was still worried for you and that the others were sure that he had feelings for you, made you stay positive until he asked you to not get too curious about him. Seven suddenly pushed you away, making tears come up to your eyes as you still tried to be supportive. ,,Please don’t…’’ you begged, feeling hurt but trying to still show off your good mood in the chatroom. ,,Why is he so sad lately?’’ you wondered, trying to get him to come over to the place you were staying. The special security system has been activated. The special security system has been deactivated. The special security system has been activated. Afterwards things turned out even more complicated as all RFA members received some weird messages, beginning with Jaehee and followed by Zen. The two of you also chatted about Seven feeling low for those few days and how you wanted to get to know him better. Things quickly changed when Seven suddenly ordered you to stay in the apartment and when he warned you that something bad might happen to you and indeed something did happen. Moments later someone broke in, coming through the window. The white haired man confessed his sins and was ready to take you with him and he held you closely to him. In your mind all you could think of was Luciel, who promised to save you. And just when you were prepared to die, the man you were waiting for came in. The golden eyes caught your eyes and for a second you were in a trance. You had the feeling to flow, despite being in great danger. He was sweating as he was talking to the unknown person, calling him Saeran. You wondered if they both knew each other when suddenly the system was activated. ,,Get out of here, Saeran! It’s sensing a stranger! This place will blow up!’’ he hissed, making your heart skip a beat. Was this the way you were going to die? Luckily, however, with Seven’s help, you bit the stranger’s arm and quickly ran into Seven’s warm arms, holding you close to him. ,,Good…’’ he whispered as the countdown kept going. Only when eight seconds were left, the stranger called Saeran went out again, making it all calm down… ,,You shouldn’t get too involved with me,’’ the red haired man hissed at you after he just protected you from the Unknown person who tried to break in through the window, trying to kidnap you. You were still scared, frightened by what just happened. However, Luciel, the person you seemed to know and like, was a totally different person. He was cold and distant, always working on his computer and ignoring you. He was like a different person, and once again you felt sad. Sitting on the soft bed in that room you looked up, wondering if a soulmate was really a thing. Was there even a person like that? Your heart was aching, seeing Luciel sad and angry. However, seeing that he was keeping his distance showed you that there was no way that you could get close to him. At that point, you still didn’t know how wrong you were… Hours passed as all the members of the RFA were worried for you. You managed to calm them down and you also shared your worries about Seven as he was really mean to you. He wasn’t even eating with you, only constantly in rage and aggression. The person you first fell in love with seemed different as you observed him from afar. ,,Are you sure that you don’t want to eat? I ordered us chicken,’’ you mumbled after you just paid the delivery man. ,,I SAID YOU SHOULDN’T GET CLOSE TO ME!’’ he hissed, making you shiver. Tears slowly filled your eyes. ,,You even broke the cat… how can you change so much? Is it so hard to trust me?’’ you asked him and turned away. Although, you didn’t really have enough space to keep your distance. You only felt better after showering. The henna tattoo on your wrist was fully washed off by now. You looked at your wrist, seeing an unknown name when it suddenly hit you. ,,OH MY GOD!’’ you screamed, making Seven twitch, turning his head to you in horror. ,,I…I found my soulmate!’’ you giggled, immediately dialing the number of your best friend. You didn’t see how sad Seven suddenly looked and how disappointed he was in himself. Only when he heard the name you told your friend over the phone, a lot of things changed. ,,It’s saying ,,Saeyoung!!’’ ‘’ you laughed, making Seven turn his head over to you after you called out his name. The red-haired man's hands began to tremble, making him realize that you didn’t call him out but were still on the phone. ,,Huh? No, I… well, I had a henna tattoo on my wrist and actually could never see… what? Yes! I know it was stupid of me,’’ you said over the phone. Seven could see the smile on your lips as your fingers touched the letters of that name. ,,I don’t know who he is, but I guess it’s the delivery man from earlier!’’ you said. Seven quickly turned his head around, his eyes on his laptop as he slowly pulled up his hoodie, checking his wrist. ,,Mc…’’ he whispered, as your name appeared on his skin. He felt lucky and at the same time Seven feared the worst. You were the one, you were his soulmate, you were the one who was bound to be in danger because of him. He hated himself even more… Since that day, you ordered food from the same delivery three times a day. Seven on the other hand was very happy to hear that it was always the wrong person you were waiting for. Not even the other delivery men could tell you the name of the man who brought you food that evening. Seeing that you were still struggling at getting to know the man’s name, and finding out if Saeyoung was indeed his name, Seven used his chance to get closer to you, hiding the fact that he was your soulmate and that his name was Saeyoung. He guessed that on the day Saeran broke in and you ran into his arms, the names appeared on each other’s wrists. And he was quite lucky that you had a henna tattoo… Things changed and quickly the both of you came to become friendly with each other again. You even seemed to not care about the name of the delivery man. What surprised him even more was that you agreed on coming with him to save his brother after he confessed everything. ,,What will you do about your soulmate?’’ Saeyoung asked you, to make sure you were sure about this dangerous trip. ,,We’re soulmates. After all, we already found each other once, we will find each other again… besides, you are the one I fell in love with… my soulmate doesn’t have to be the person I have to have a romantic relationship with. He could also be my platonic soulmate,’’ you answered, warming up his heart. You were indeed the person he needed, the person he needed to get to know. The special one. The RFA too supported you. Despite them only knowing you for ten days, they forgave you for not being able to come to the party and were happy that you and Seven seemed to be on good terms again. And finally, they were also able to see a picture of you as you and Seven were on your way to saving Saeran, his twin brother. ,,We look like a couple,’’ you giggled, making Seven smile as he was driving. However, there was still something he had to confess to you. A new chatroom was opened where Seven mentioned that he didn’t want to have any secrets between the two of you anymore. ,,Do you want to know my real name?’’ Seven asked you. ,,Saeyoung,’’ he wrote, making you look up, your eyes meeting his. He was already observing your reaction as you tried to read his name over and over again. ,,Mc, my name is Saeyoung. Luciel isn't my real name… The name on your wrist is mine. Yours is on mine, actually,’’ he laughed. This trip would be a dangerous one, you knew, but you also knew that with him, your soulmate, everything would be alright….
11.04.2022 // 22:11 MEST
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otomes-and-tears · 2 years
(oh no
get ready to be spammed with Saeyoung x MC requests)
34 + Saeyoung x female MC
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♦ You can taste what your soulmate is eating at the time ♦
► tags/warnings: 707 x Fem! MC
► words: 849
► a/n: -
► Masterlist
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• Mc is fairly certain that she will attempt murder the second that she meets her soulmate;
• It’s not like she has anything against the combination of Honey Buddha chips and PHD Pepper, or at least she didn’t before they decided to have it for every meal, but it got tiring. Fast;
• She fantasised frequently about what she would say to them once they met;
• And wondered how was the most effective way to show their annoyance with their obsession with honeyed chips and concern for their health at the same time;
• Of course, that was until she got into the RFA and started speaking with the redhead who seemed to have the same combination of chips and soda with the same insane frequency as her soulmate;
• Somehow she didn’t make the connection immediately. Maybe because it seemed to be too good to be true, but her suspicions were confirmed on the day that seven sent a photo of himself eating bungeoppang at the exact same moment she tasted it;
• She felt like she was burdened by a forbidden knowledge. How was she supposed to tell him that they were soulmates? He had way too much on his plate already;
• But at the same time, Mc was tired of tasting the same thing every day and really wanted to talk to him about his habits;
• And then… The bomb happened;
• In a sequence of events that went by simultaneously too slowly and too quickly, Seven was now camping in her (Rika’s?) living room;
• He also was nothing like he used to be in the chatrooms;
• He was cold, distant and sometimes even downright cruel;
• The exact opposite of the guy she fell for;
• But as the hours went by and she started observing his behaviour… Well, even with how much he tried to push her away, she couldn’t help but love him;
• It wasn’t only because of their connection, but because even though he was trying really hard to maintain that cold persona, he couldn’t help but show concern over her sometimes;
•  Like when he noticed that MC hadn’t been eating much lately and went through the trouble of ordering food because he was worried;
• It showed her that there was more to his rejection than he’d let on initially. He didn’t hate her as she feared;
• But… It also posed a problem that MC didn’t anticipate since he first entered the apartment:
• How could she hide their connection when they were in the same apartment, eating meals that he bought her?;
• She couldn’t refuse to eat. The reason he had bought her food in the first place is that he was worried about her health;
• Not to mention the fact that, even with Luciel being in the apartment to protect her, MC was still in danger. Getting dizzy because she skipped a couple of meals could be disastrous if the need arose for them to escape;
• And their relationship had been strained enough lately. If MC wanted even a shot to understand him, she couldn’t refuse his kindness;
• So she cracked a couple of jokes, annoyed him into having a meal with her and tried to act like nothing was amiss, even though she was practically running up the wall with anxiety;
• Even with the nausea that had started setting in due to her nerves, MC doesn’t want to avoid it any longer and eats the first sushi;
• She tries to discreetly watch Luciel's reaction, every second since her first bite seeming way longer then it actually was, but there isn’t even a flicker of recognition in his eyes;
• Mc is immediately disappointed. But when he starts eating, and she can taste the exact same flavour he ate, and she is momentarily convinced that they have a one-sided connection;
• She considers if she ought to tell him or not. Soulbond or not, he never had an obligation to be with her in the first place, but it would be only polite for her to do so, right?;
• So she collects all her courage, and, with a shaky voice says ‘‘I think you’re my soulmate.’’;
• He sighs, as if he was expecting her to say this ‘’I was hoping you wouldn’t mention this.’’
• ‘’So…  It’s not one-sided?’’
• ‘’No, but for your sake, it would’ve been better if it was.’’
• It doesn’t take that much insistence for him to finally talk. He tells her that despite how much he cared about her, he could never live with himself if he risked her safety even more;
• MC understands it, but thinks it’s stupid to sacrifice all his happiness when she was willing to stay with him regardless of the danger. This wasn’t just about him, after all, it was not a decision that he should do for her;
• As stupid as it was to put yourself in danger for a guy you just met, this was her soulmate. It was 707;
• She couldn’t imagine letting him go back to his lonely life when she could be with him instead;
• Things would be difficult, she knew, but they could figure it out. Together.
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sunlightheidi · 3 years
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Give Me the Stars | Saeyoung Choi
Saeyoung X MC / Reader | #more than words 2021 hosted by @gureishi​
(Shoutout to my editor - you a real one @leslieebee )
I want to take you somewhere, he’d said. Come with me.
He’d driven through the forest, on roads you would have never noticed on your own, and had brought you to an open clearing; where it could be just you and him under the starry night sky.
The grass beneath you is soft and cool and there are fireflies flying around, dizzy and drunk on the warmth of spring. Laying with him under the vastness of the universe, both looking up at the sky, you feel like you’re in a dream.
But he’s quiet tonight, no bouncing knees or anxious hands, completely lost in thought; constantly chewing on his lip and avoiding your gaze. You allow him the distance, but show him your presence, too, holding his hand in yours and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Do you think the sun is still in love with the moon?” Saeyoung asks, his question creating ripples in the air.
You frown. “What makes you think it would ever stop?”
“Well, the moon doesn’t have anything to give to the sun, does it? It’s not as bright or as warm. It barely has enough light for itself.” His voice is laced with sadness and it catches you off guard. “Don’t you think it will grow tired of loving something so dim?”
“No, and I don’t think it ever will,” you say firmly, certain. “The sun loved the moon so much it created stars from its own light, and arranged them in the night sky so the moon wouldn’t ever be alone in the darkness again. They use them to send messages to each other – what else do you think shooting stars are, honey? They’re love letters.”
“But what if one day the sun regrets sharing so much of its light and takes all the stars back? The moon will be alone again.” He sounds so uncertain, you can practically see the cloudy fog of doubt spinning around his head.
“Well, that’s what love is, isn’t it? Giving your light willingly, without expecting anything in return. The sun doesn’t want the moon to be anything else, it loves it just as it is. They share the same sky, and that’s enough.”
“You-you really think so?” he asks tentatively, his voice hoarse.
“Of course.” You nod. “I don’t think the sun even remembers its life without the moon. I can’t imagine it would want to.”
“Do you – ha, uh.” He trails off, laughing nervously. “Do you love me, like that?”
How can you explain to him, that you don’t want him to be more like the sun, because every flame will eventually extinguish? You want him to be the night. The infinite and boundless space that will last your whole life and beyond.
“Maybe more.” You admit. “But just like the sun, I will give you all of the stars in the sky and make new constellations from them, just for you.”
“Really?” he laughs, and you’re one step closer to pushing his fears far away. “What will they be?”
“Well the RFA of course, and Elizabeth the 3rd!” You exclaim proudly.
“Of course, my sweet Elly~” His body wiggles with excitement and you can’t help but laugh.
“Saeran has to have his own constellation though, he wouldn’t want to be stuck in the sky forever with the rest of our friends. I think he’d like a nice quiet spot. See? Right there.” His eyes follow your finger as you point to an empty spot in the sky. “That’s enough space for all three of us.”
He says nothing for a long time, and you turn over. “Saeyoung, are you okay?”
He’s looking right at you, smiling brightly and eyes crinkling in the corners the way you adore because it means he’s happy.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “I just love you.”
There is a twinkling of a million stars in his eyes and you can’t help the giggle that escapes you, because you’re stupid in love and when he looks at you like this (eyes wide in awe, and absolutely smitten) you feel so, so shy.
He gasps in surprise as you roll over on top of him, straddling his hips and pressing your chest against his – a light beat thrums beneath your palm. His stuttering breath makes you smile and you rub your nose against his before placing a soft kiss against his jawline.
“Good, because I’m going to love you until the end of time.”
In that field of stars, you share dreams and laughter all night long, and you can’t ever get enough of him so you kiss him again, and again, and again.
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skipplings · 3 years
Heart Starts Racing
Saeyoung Choi x Reader, Words: 548
Author’s Note: Here’s another ficlet for @gureishi​​‘s “More Than Words” event. I keep sitting down to write something happy and I end up with angst every time lol. If anyone else is a language dork like me, and trying to work out the logistics this fic, I’ve imagined Saeyoung and MC speaking Korean here and everything I’ve written still works since she called him “세븐” (Sebeun). I really appreciate all of the feedback I’ve been getting on my writing, it means the world to me! Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy :)
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Saeyoung’s phone was pinned between his shoulder and his cheek as he  tapped away at his laptop keyboard, eyes glued to the screen. She was on the other end of the phone despite them being beside one another in the cramped apartment. During a lull in conversation, Saeyoung found his mind desperate, but unable, to wander. His ears filled with the sound of his own roaring heartbeat, and he had to pause his work briefly to wipe his clammy palms on his jeans.
In moments like these, he often wondered if she was aware of the effect she had on him. He hoped she wasn’t. He hoped that his efforts to distance himself from her, to block her out, weren't in vain.
Her voice pulled him from his thoughts and sent a chill down his spine. Saeyoung jumped to his feet immediately, the sudden movement sent his phone clattering to the floor.
“What did you just call me?” His eyes were wide with panic, the sweat on his palms began pooling.
“I- I said Seven,” She looked almost as terrified as him, and spoke tentatively, “Sorry, is it weird for me to call you that in person? I’ll call you Luciel…”
Of course, Seven. There was no way she knew his real name, because she didn’t know the real him. She knew 707, and Luciel, but not Saeyoung. Because he wouldn’t let her. He couldn’t let her.
“Right, ha ha...” Saeyoung sank to the ground, his feet folded under him, “Seven is fine. You startled me, is all. I need to get back to work now.” With a jiggle of the mouse, his computer woke up and he began typing on it once again. The red head tried his best to appear as if nothing was the matter, though he couldn’t tell if she knew he was faking. She studied him for a moment, her eyes surely swimming with concern. Saeyoung knew if he dared to look, he would drown in them. He felt a touch from her on his shoulder. It was gentle, but he shied away from it all the same. He couldn’t bear to see the hurt that he caused in her face, so instead he simply placed his headphones on his ears and kept working.
Once she left, the room was bleak. Saeyoung chalked up his outburst from earlier as an auditory hallucination from lack of sleep. But, he couldn’t shake the feelings that the incident had stirred up inside of him. He pinpointed the most prominent one as disappointment. He realized he longed to hear his real name fall from her lips; with the same tenderness she reserved for his aliases.
He felt his heart start racing at the prospect, and he decided he didn’t want to part with that feeling. Saeyoung thought it might not hurt to leave a few hints. He couldn’t tell her outright. But if she stumbled across the hangul scrawled into fog on the bathroom mirror, or on a piece of scrap paper by his computer, maybe she would put the pieces together. Maybe, if he did that, he would get to hear his name uttered by the woman he loved. He could hear it just once, before he had to dispel it from her mind forever.
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gureishi · 3 years
okay so~ this HC request is for both saeyoung and GE saeran (vee relationship deal)
so i have this huge white bunny plushie (i'll probably send you a picture of it in DMs). i've had it for a very long time, probably since i was a very little kid. i don't think i'll ever give it away lolol. i go back and forth between just letting it sit around and actually using it, and by "using it" i mean:
i tend to sleep on my side, and i'll wrap my arms (and sometimes my legs) around that thing and hold it securely when i go to sleep. a lot of times, i sorta need to hold onto something when i sleep? or like, have my hand under the pillow (which is still kinda holding it, if you think about it). and so the bunny is great for that. and... i may or may not've put saeyoung's jacket on it a couple of times hehe 👉🏻👈🏻 cos that way i get to hold both! (though i definitely have held just his jacket at least once)
i'll most likely give you a few more details in DMs, but the gist is... what would be their reactions to seeing this? im not exactly ashamed of it but i probably wouldnt do it until i was more comfortable, you know? cos its still kinda... "embarrassing" but on a smaller scale.
As I think I’ve told you, I sleep with a very large stuffed leopard named Liliana. So for anyone who’s wondering: yes, it’s me, my partner, Liliana, and our 50 lb pitbull in the bed every night. It’s...something.
So this is just an excellent scenario and everything about it is good.
Also! I dunno if this is relevant, but I figure that in the world of my fic, the boys each have their own bedrooms. Our MC is sleeping in one room or the other, depending on the night—in my story specifically, she’s still sleeping in Saeran’s room like 75% of the time. But over time, it becomes more even. Anyway.
Ahem as always when I write reader X both twins, they are both dating you but not each other. <3
Saeyoung and Saeran with an MC who sleeps with a huge bunny plushie
If you’re a little bit embarrassed about the bunny, maybe you don’t bring her around at first. Maybe you feel a little guilty leaving her at home (or maybe that’s just me), but you don’t want to start off, from the very beginning, bringing a very large stuffed animal into the picture.
But you are so much more comfortable when you sleep with her in your arms! And somehow she makes her way to the bunker—somehow, you have sat her down in a corner (of Saeran’s room, probably) and left her there.
One night you fall into bed early, because you are absolutely exhausted—and this is rare for you, but your head hurts and you need to close your eyes. And they are still up, both of them (of course they are), and it’s so much better to fall asleep hugging something soft.
So without even really thinking about it, you pull the bunny into bed with you. You are in Saeran’s bed, I think—and your head feels so heavy, and the bunny is nice and warm and squishy in your arms. And sometimes it is hard to fall asleep, but tonight, you drift off quickly.
You wake up to the feeling of eyes on your face—because when he looks at you, you are bathed in such vibrant warmth that it’s enough to rouse you even from a very deep sleep.
“Oh,” you mutter, trying to focus on Saeran’s face through the darkness. “Hi.”
His light eyes trail from your face, to your arms, to what is in your arms. You see him look. You blush.
“Who’s this?” he asks—and his voice is so gentle, so sweet, so full of delighted laughter. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”
You mumble something, burying your face in the bunny’s soft fur. Saeran sits on the bed beside you and cups your cheek with one cool hand.
You tell him her name—because what else is there to say?—and he gently pats her head.
“She looks soft,” he says. “Can I hold her?”
He is speaking as if she is a live animal, and his eyes are sparkling as if he feels that she is something very precious. Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you hand Saeran the bunny.
“Ohhh,” he says, as he wraps his arms around her. He lets his face fall into her shoulder, and he squeezes her so gently. It’s really something: his hair is lit up by the moonlight, and he’s got the sweetest smile on his face. The bunny almost completely covers his body—he is not a large human being, after all.
It’s so cute you could cry.
“Would you be upset,” you ask him slowly, “if I took a picture of you right now? I want to try and draw this later.”
He looks up at you; he seems somehow childlike all of a sudden: eyes wide and glittering.
“You want to draw us?” he asks. You nod.
“How could I not?”
He’s thrilled. He’s honored.
He is maybe sleeping with the bunny in his arms that night, if you’ll let him.
So for some time, she lives in Saeran’s room.
But one afternoon, you’re hit with a wave of tiredness. You didn’t sleep well the last couple of nights, and your vision is starting to get hazy. You just need to close your eyes, you think—just for a moment.
Saeran is in the kitchen; Saeyoung is in the garage. And it is so cold in this stupid house, and Saeyoung’s room is always warm. Almost unthinkingly, you wander into Saeran’s room and scoop up the bunny. She’s so soft in your arms that you almost fall asleep on your feet.
You meander into Saeyoung’s room and fall face-first onto the bed, arms and legs wrapped all the way around the bunny. And she is comfy, and the bed is soft, and there are so many pillows...
This time, you wake to the feeling of strong, warm arms weaving around your waist.
Automatically, you squeeze your bunny tighter—in turn, the arms hold you tighter, too. You open your eyes.
It’s still light out—you can’t have been asleep for long. Saeyoung has found you here (drawn to you, as he always seems to be), and has wrapped himself around you. You turn your head to kiss his cheek.
“I wanted cuddles,” he murmurs sleepily into your hair. “But it looks like you already found somebody to cuddle with.”
Ah: caught in the act again.
You laugh, feeling your face growing hot. Saeran loves the bunny, but Saeran loves everything, and—and—
“She’s cute,” Saeyoung whispers into your ear. “Just like you.”
“I’ve had her for ages,” you tell him, wiggling her ears in his face. “I didn’t really mean to bring her in here, but...”
Saeyoung shakes his head, his hair falling into his eyes. He’s taken his glasses off, and he looks particularly sweet and sleepy.
“Listen,” he mutters. Ah—now he is blushing, his cheeks a lovely shade of pink. “When I came in here and found you and this huge bunny asleep in my bed, I...” He trails off, at a loss for words. “It’s just—you’re—”
Ah, and you love him like this, stammering and enraptured. You roll onto your back and smile into his flushed face.
“Oh, are we taking a nap?”
You turn. Saeran has found you, too—they can’t seem to help always drifting into your orbit, the two of them. He’s in the doorway with an amused expression on his face.
“Yeah!” Saeyoung says, wiggling around beside you. “And did you know we have a fourth member of our family?” He cackles, giving the bunny’s head a little pat. Saeran cocks an eyebrow at him.
“I did,” he says proudly. “You didn’t?”
You sigh, turning to hold out your arms to Saeran. He comes to you—of course he does—and folds himself contentedly into your arms.
And there you are, all four of you: you, your two beloved boys, and a very large bunny. 
On one side, Saeyoung is warm and solid. On the other, Saeran is cooler, softer. You’ve got a head on each shoulder, and a comfy bunny in your arms. 
You smell soft, well-loved fur and spring rain and smokey honey. You’re enveloped on all sides: safe and soft and warm.
You close your eyes. Just for a minute, you think—or an hour, or maybe two. 
You could stay right here, wrapped up in their tender adoration, forever.
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oligbia · 3 years
Hey Liv, how are you?
I’ve been feeling a little down lately, so I wanted to request a scenario with Yoosung, where he takes the initiative, slowly heating things up with MC... (Pre-dating,, or really new in the relationship if possible <3)
Please ignore it if you don’t feel like doing it!! Thank you so so much in advance 💐❤️
Yoosung X Reader
Spicy SFW, 16+ only
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Im really sorry you're not feeling the best, hun. If you need anything im here <3
Personally im not vibing myself, but writing this was really nice, so thank you for the request
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If Yoosung Kim was a font, he would be Calibri. Typical, not bold, not quite fancy enough to be a serif font. He was the default, the basic, the font you use when your essay is due in forty minutes and you don’t have time to bother with formatting. He wasn’t special. 
    Maybe he wasn’t special, but he was a mess. He lived in his tiny apartment, rarely cooked a proper meal, wasting his life away playing a video game. His life was moving in slow motion, purpose lacking after the death of his cousin. He missed her.
 She would be Playfair Display, if she was a font. She was elegant, perfect, and beautiful. She was the kind of font you picked if you had done the essay days before it was due and wanted to look beautiful, the font an extension of elegant ideas. 
Fonts. . . why was he so caught up on fonts? He had an essay due. That's why he was in the computer lab between classes, trying to write an essay. He didn’t have much time, but he had to write this essay. But, he was so caught up on the fonts. He couldn’t pick one, couldn't settle on one. It was a such an arbitrary decision, the font won't save his essay, won't save his grade, won't pick his major, won't fix his life, it wouldn’t bring her back, it wouldn't make V stop lying- 
Tears pricked up at the edges of his eyes, threatening to pour over. He sniffled, rubbing his face with his sleeve. It was midnight, the school computer lab was only going to be open for a few more hours, but Yoosung knew if he didn’t write this essay now he would never right it, and if he never wrote it he would fail again, and Jumin and Jaehee would pressure him about the future, and Jumin would call his mom again, and Yoosung would fail college, and he would never have a future because there isn’t a future in gaming.-
“Times New Roman.”
Yoosung spun his head around, unaware that you had been standing behind him. “The assignment is supposed to be in Times New Roman- you are from my 10am philosophy class, right?”
Having a better view of you now, he did faintly remember you. He had attended class sporadically, not having much interest in it when he was there. You sat towards the front of the class, he had only seen you a handful of times from his seat in the back. 
He nodded, “Yea… I’m not really sure what I’ll write about. I haven't really paid much attention.” A small blush crept over his face as he played with his fingers, embarrassed. 
“I figured as much, you aren’t there very often. Do you need help? We have a few hours before the computer lab closes.” 
Yoosung looked up at you, basking in the warmth of your smile. If you were a font, you would have been Indie Flower. He didn’t know you that well yet but he knew you were soft, you were kind, you were cute. He nodded. “Honestly, yea I think I do.” Yoosung gulped, realizing he had the chance to be bold, to be something. “Do you accept payment in food?”
And so there the two of you were, sitting on the computer lab floor, boxes of takeout scattered on the floor around you. He watched as your smile somehow grew even brighter as your laughed, nose scrunched up. He didn’t realize how funny he was, he was just telling you about the one time Saeyoung convinced him that he had to drink chocolate milk after he had all that coffee. 
“I’m sorry to laugh, I can’t imagine how awful that was.”
He giggled nervously. “Yea- yea it was pretty bad.” 
Your eyes landed on his. You had been here with him for a few hours now, but had yet to make the realization that his eyes were a soft lavender color. You noticed the deep brown roots springing up in his blonde hair. His lashes were long and curled at the ends. 
Yoosung was very much aware of how close you were to him now. You had leaned in closer to him subconsciously, observing him. His face was warm, palms a little sweaty. 
“You bleach your hair.”
Yoosung blinked. “I always liked blond hair. My family is blonde. 
You nodded. “I think its pretty. You're pretty, Yoosung.”
And like that, he kissed you. He didn’t think about it, he just did it. His lips were soft, he tasted like the sweet and sour chicken he had for dinner, but you didn’t mind. Your hands held onto the collar of his shirt, his hands resting on your waste. The kiss, innocent and pure, ended almost as soon as it started. He pulled away from you, face red with embarrassment, eyes wide. His hands, however, remained gently to your sides. 
“I’m so sorry!” His voice was laced with panic and fluster. He really hadn’t thought about it first, he just went for it. That's what Zen always said to do, right?
You giggled, face also red. “It’s alright, Yoosung. I promise.”
He did it again. He just kissed you. He didn’t overthink it, he didn’t ask questions. He just did it. And it was amazing. Your hands rested more comfortably on his neck now, fingers lost in this long, bleached blond, locks. He pulled you closer to him, your body mere centimeters from his. This kiss wasn’t like the last one. It was less innocent, more desperate. His lips kissed yours roughly, his teeth grazing your bottom lip while your tongue brushed against his. It was almost too much for him, almost. The butterflies in his stomach were pushing up into his lungs, his breath removed from his lungs. He swore if there was a Heaven, the angels sang for you two. He had only met you hours before, but he knew you were special. You were so valuable. You were so kind, offering to help him write an essay for a class he rarely attended. 
Needless to say, he will likely be returning to that class. 
You pulled away from him, face flushed as you panted. You pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his smile, pressing your forehead against him. You swore you could see stars in his eyes. He reminded you of a Golden Retriever puppy, so excited and full of energy. 
“Go on a date with me. A real date.” Yoosung’s breath was shaky and not much more than a whisper. 
    You giggled. “Alright. Pick me up this weekend?”
    Yoosung nodded, his hypothetical tail wagging as his smile grew. You smiled, pulling him into a hug. 
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thestargirlfromoon · 2 years
Saeran X Reader
Like the first kiss
One shot
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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In the night Saeran and Mc enjoyed each other's company as they watched the rain together through the window while showing deeper feelings for each other.
It was night and it was raining, the cold air came easily through the window where I was, it was nothing new that I loved the rain. In moments like this I felt my anxiety and all my insecurities calming down with every drop that fell.
-Mc? I turned to face the owner of the voice that called me in a soft tone.
-Saeran, hi. I couldn't help but smile, it's been a month since we rescued Saeyoung. After all the hustle and bustle the days have been calmer though that also meant my mind was unoccupied. When I turned my attention to him he was looking at the window i was looking before and looked back at me.
“Are you busy? I am bothering you or something?” He asked shyly, Saeran had a habit of trying to make sure he's giving me space to make me comfortable since we moved in together.
-Of course not, I already said that your presence would never disturb me in any way. I felt my heart warm, I was still getting used to having a boyfriend as careful and attentive as he was. Saeran is my first boyfriend and it's not news that he's new to this too, I've always been a shy and somewhat introverted person which makes our relationship a little difficult and I feel that Saeran feels obliged to act carefully with me for that, not to mention that I'm kind of defensive and I end up sounding kind of rude unintentionally because I feel stressed in busy places. Fortunately I can think well about what I say to him since I don't want to say something stupid that makes him disappointed in me or sick of me. If I weren't like that, maybe Saeran would relax more in my presence.
I sighed at the thought, which unfortunately did not go unnoticed by him.
-What are you thinking angel? He calmly sat beside me.
-Don't worry, it's nothing. I tried to push my frustrating thoughts away but ended up letting out another sigh in the attempt.
I felt his hand gently hold my face, my face felt like it was boiling even though it was raining outside. I looked away from his intense gaze hoping my heart would calm down.
“Can I hug you?” He asked carefully.
Again he looks intimidated, do I make it look like I don't like him touching me? Or have I not made it clear enough that I love his presence? How can I show him in a clear way? I mustered up some courage and kissed him.
I started to wonder if it was a good idea, but that doubt passed as soon as he reciprocated.
The only time I took the initiative was in the garden and I have no idea how I had so much courage, maybe it was the fact that he was crying and I was frustrated on the day because he thought I despised him, later I cried in my room and spend all night worried because after our kiss he ran away, I really thought that I blew it.
"Mc, I love you." Saeran whispered with a sweet smile and then returned his attention to my lips.
I whimpered a little with the kiss when I felt his tongue on mine, I wasn't used to that kind of affection and physical touches, which is actually a little embarrassing but Saeran didn't seem bothered by it in fact he even comforted me by saying that with him it was the same.
"Me too..." I replied embarassed to his sudden confission as we leaned our foreheads together.
-Do you love ice cream too? he asked in an innocent tone.
-You know what i meant to say, but well... coming to think of it I love ice cream too. I reflected and he giggled, his laugh was so tender I couldn't help but laugh along.
-Are you too shy to tell me? The question was simple but for some reason it took me back to when we were in magenta and he asked me what kind of things I wanted to do with ray and where did I let my imaginations take me and after asking to kiss him.
I felt my face burn at the memory, it was like it was the first time we were kissing and exchanging affection, I still couldn't get used to it there was always something that made me feel this agitation and embarrassment. Saeran surprise me in so many ways since his attitude from going from fearful to affectionate and from teasing to embarrassed, there was so much about him that it made me love him more and more.
I noticed that his face was also very red and that I had been staring at him for a while when I was lost in thoughts.
I immediately turned my gaze toward the window to watch the rain and forget the tension from staring at him for so long.
His hand landed on top of mine and I held it, watching the rain together was something precious...I always feel euphoric and very tender and I hope that one day I will be able to express clearly some of these feelings to him.
(Sorry any error i'm not fluent in English ^^)
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otomefoxystar · 3 years
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Saeyoung X MC
Warnings: talk about money and mental health
Genre: Comfort
For @space-kitten-606 Sorry it took so long to write this !😔 Life has been super busy, but I’m back at it now ❤️
She was trying to make it she really was, but her employer increased the cost of her insurance, and to cover her antidepressants and anxiety medications she had to pay out of pocket. Not to mention the doctor and physiatrist appointments. That with rent and regular household bills, it was impossible to keep up. She was broke.
After getting dressed she twisted her hair up into a tight knot on her head as she went to the pantry knowing the only thing she had other than boxed and canned food was ramen.
“ Breakfast of champions.”
As she sat down to eat there was a knock at the door. Saeyoung was standing on the other side of the door with a big smile on his face.
“ Hiii” She was surprised to see him, he hadn’t even called. It was completely out of the blue.
“ Hi! I wasn’t expecting you to come over.” He kissed her cheek.
“ You are always at work! I haven’t seen you in like foreeeevvvveeerrrr. I was starting to think you don’t love me anymore.” She rolled her eyes.
“ You are so dramatic.” He gave her a toothy grin.
“ I miss you _ _ _ I've been lonely without you.”
“ I miss you too, I’ve been busy is all.”
She was standing in the doorframe and he chuckled.
“ Are you gonna let me come in or are we going talk out here the whole time?”
“Oh! Yeah, come in.”
After he shut the door, he saw the steaming bowl of ramen on the table, and his eyebrows drew together.
“ _ _ _?” It wasn’t his usual cheerful tone, it was one of concern.
“ Yeah?” He crossed his arms and looked at her with a serious look on his face.
“ Are you eating ramen… For. Breakfast?!” Her cheeks turned a crimson color. She had been caught.
“ And you dare to lecture me about eating honey buddha chips and Dr. Pepper. Do you have any idea how much sodium is in ramen?” She looked down at the floor.
“ I know”
“ I’ll make you something.” He stated, and her eyes shot up.
“ Uhh, I don’t have much food.” He waved his hands, telling her not to worry.
“ I'm sure there’s something I can make you.” He said as he made his way to the fridge.
He opened the fridge to see it practically barren with only a half-gallon of milk and a container of leftover food, that appeared to be spaghettos. He raised his eyebrows then went to the pantry and there were a couple of boxed and canned meals, a loaf of bread that was almost gone, peanut butter and honey. What happened to his girlfriend who was always so diligent about eating healthy?
“ Why don’t you have any food?”
“ I’ve just been so busy, I haven’t had time to go to the store.” He gave her a hard look. Saeyoung didn’t often look at her like this and she knew she was in trouble. He walked over to her.
“ You’re here now, you could’ve gone shopping right?” She was trying to come up with any excuse she could think of. She didn’t want him to know how broke she was, he had money. Even with quitting the agency he probably never had to work again.
“ I uhh was gonna go, I just wanted to eat first.”
“ Okay, let’s go out to eat then I’ll take you to the store.”
She shook her head
“ No, it’s okay. I’ll go later.”
“ You are not eating ramen for breakfast.” He noticed she was having a breakout on her forehead, and her face looked a little sunken in with dark circles under her eyes. She looked awful.
“ No, c’mon let’s go.” She shook her head and stood her ground when he started dragging her to the door.
“ I can’t!” He turned and looked at her when her face twisted into an expression like she was getting ready to cry.
“ What’s going on _ _ _? What are you not telling me?”
She sat down on the kitchen chair and covered her face with her hands. Saeyoung sat down next to her, facing her completely flabbergasted. He brought her hands away from her face.
“ You can tell me. We need to be open and honest with each other.”
She looked up with tears brimming in her eyes.
“ It’s just-“ She sighed “ I can’t afford to go shopping. I’m broke…. Really, really broke.”
“ I can help y’know, you just have to ask.”
“ No, it’s not your problem.” That stung, he wanted to share everything with her even the bad things. He tightened his grip on her hands. At that moment she knew he wasn’t going to give up, she had to just tell him the truth.
“ It’s not like I went on a shopping spree and spent too much money. I don’t get to do that, I don’t even remember the last time I bought something for myself. It’s my job the cost of the medical insurance went up. I just can’t afford it. I’d have no money left over and to pay for the medication I need I have to pay for it myself. I have to pay for doctor’s visits I have to pay for everything and I just can’t keep up. I’m always late on my bills, I have to use credit cards and bounce checks. It’s been … Hard.” Tears finally spilled out of her eyes.
His heart dropped at hearing this. She was suffering this whole time and he never even knew.
“ How long did you think you could keep this from me?” He didn't say it angrily, it was more of a disappointed statement. He tilted his head and sighed.
“ Is this why you’ve been working so much overtime?”
“ I have to take my meds, I can’t go without them.” He brought her hand up and kissed the top of her hand.
“ This is probably not helping your depression and anxiety though kitten. You don’t look good. You are going to make yourself sick if you work yourself to death and eat like shit.”
“ The pot called the kettle black.” She said wiping her tears away. Saeyoung let out a little chuckle.
“ Seems like it. Seriously though you don’t have to keep things from me. Even if it is YOUR problem. I want it to be my problem too.” He paused, seemingly contemplating something when his eyes widened as if a light bulb had gone off.
“Move in with me, you wouldn’t have to pay rent, my house is paid off, there’s food. You wouldn’t have to worry anymore.” He gave her a toothy grin.
“ I don’t know Saeyoung. What about Saeran?”
“ He’ll be fiiiinnnee” He waved her off “Besides, I think he likes having you around.” She bit her lip.
“ I don't want to put you guys out. I should just get a second job. I can’t depend on you like that.”
“ No no no, you aren’t getting a second job, that’s crazy! You are already overworked enough. You are just so stubborn, it’s drives me crazy sometimes! I am offering you help and a way for you to make it because right now sweet pea you are just barely getting by. It’s not healthy to be more worried about paying bills than eating. Plus, I’ll have a human teddy bear to cuddle every night.” He leaned forward and gave her a big hug.
“ I’m not your teddy bear!” She shoved him, and he put his bottom lip out, pouting.
“ Aww c’mon. Please kitten” He tucked her hair behind her ear “ I love you and I am worried about you. Let me help you. If you keep going like this your mental health will just get worse.” She knew that of course, she knew that.
“ What’s stopping you? Why won’t you live with me?” She didn’t know, maybe she was afraid?
He smiled at her and cupped her cheek. Giving her that tender look that she so adores.
“ It kills me that the only way I can make is to get help from other people. I wanted to make it on my own, to prove to myself that I am worth something.”
“ You are worth something! It’s okay to need help. Most people do at some point in their lives. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here and we can figure it out together because that’s what partners do. I’m not telling you to quit your job. I’m not saying that I’ll pay your bills. I just want you to move in with me.
“ You just feel bad for me.” He flicked her forehead and she glared at him as she rubbed her head.
“ That’s not it! I mean yes I do feel bad, but I want you to move in because I love you and want you around. It would’ve happened eventually, why not now?”
She looked at him hard and long as if the answer was on his face. Finally, the tension from her shoulders left and she squeezed his hand. She pressed her lips together as she looked at his pleading expression.
“ I’m not letting you say no.” She inhaled deeply through her nose.
“ Okay” He tilted his head to the side.
“ Okay? Okay, what? That I won’t let you say no? Or that you’ll move in with me?”
She sighed.
“ I’m sorry! You aren’t explaining!”
“ I know I’m just nervous.” She steeled herself and sat up straight, looking right into his eyes.
“ I’ll do it, I’ll move in with you Saeyoung.” A big grin spread across his face.
“ Yeah?” She nodded her head.
“ Yeah, just as long as you promise it’s not out of pity.” He shook his head vigorously.
“ Nope! it’ll just work better for both of us. I’ll get to see you more, and you’ll be able to pay your bills. It’s a win-win.” He was beaming.
“ I think I’m getting more out of this than you are, but if you’re happy then I’m happy too.” She said with a smile.
“ Finally a smile. I don’t like it when you're sad.” He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. She looked up at him, but then took his warm hand and he pulled her up. He kissed her lips softly then hugged her tight trying to convey his feelings.
“ Now that it’s decided, I am taking you out for breakfast. You aren’t eating that crap.” She smiled and slipped her shoes on letting him pull her out the door. He stopped just as they were about to get into his car. He looked into her bright eyes and stroked her cheek.
“ I really do love you _ _ _. I hope you never forget that. I will do everything in my power and beyond to take care of you like you deserve.” She placed her hand over his.
“ How about we take care of each other?” He gave her a tender smile.
“ I like the sound of that. No one’s taken care of me before.” She hugged him tight and gave him a light peck on the side of his neck.
“ There’s a first for everything!” She smiled and ran her fingers through his soft hair.
“Thank you Saeyoung. For being in my life, for loving me, for letting me love you.”
He pulled her close to press a fierce kiss to her lips, holding the back of her head as he deepened the kiss. When finally they parted he opened the door of the car for her ready to take on this new adventure in their lives.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
HAHAHA WAIT I LOVE THIS IDEA c racks knuckles aight here we go! slight spoilers for mystic messenger but nothing too much teehee
let's also pretend that they are restricted of their demonic power or at least have more control (kinda) over their impulses ! only did the bros for now but will eventually do the others afterward
i definitely see him going down the common route, with jaehee
like can u imagine him bonding with jaehee over all their similarities
or being kidnapped by mint eye and then helping v thru his shit
his pride doesnt let him ask for help and he tries to escape the apartment/mint eye himself before finally accepting help from rfa
has a lot of beef w jumin
the party guests love him tho
hes a yoosung route boy i can feel it
mammon would get SO PISSED and IRRITATED with yoosung but help him cope with the whole rika thing at the same time
there's a sense of understanding bc of the lilith stuff
but has beef w jumin and v
likes zen and yoosung bc they remind him of asmo and levi. he misses levi a lot. they were lowkey partners in crime
has attempted to rob jumin, didnt end very well
also attempted to rob a bunch of the party guests. they do not like him
may or may not have gotten kicked out of the rfa but he doesnt mind
levi x saeran ftw
levi is smart dont get me wrong but he would for sure listen to a stranger and go to an isolated location to "test a game" with said stranger.
he helps saeran/ray but might accidentally end up in one of the bad endings
rika would like him bc, as it is w almost everyone, levi and yoosung resemble each other to an extent
thinks that he really is in a game and that saeran managed to create very realistic irl characters
devildom game tech seems more advanced than human world stuff so it makes sense that he wouldnt realize that theyre real
would rate the "game" 9/10 and give saeran feedback then ask to play it again.
if he does the common route party guests would try to talk to him but he accidentally bit the dracula guy to try to seem dominant so now they all actively avoid him.
a jumin route typa guy
jk theyd hate each other if satan was in mc's position
like, they would get along under any other circumstance but i think jumin would remind satan of lucifer as a first impression
and that lowkey creates the worst tension EVER
he'd have fun in v's route for sure tho. oh gosh
i think satan would steer off path and become a cult/religious leader himself
he thinks it's the best way to outshine lucifer or prove himself or whatever 😭
and that my friends, is how satanism came to be!
party guests feel that something is off with him but cant put their finger on it. maybe it's just the way he's dressed.
hmmmmmmmmm jaehee route
he shares some common interests with her and would hype her up all the time
and help her stand up to jumin and go open that cafe!
only thing is asmo is a horndog so jaehee would not like how much he hits on other people when theyre hanging out LMAO
especially if he hits on zen
other than that asmo is way more chill than the others if they were to be in the game haha
well he's difficult in the beginning bc the apartment doesnt have many skincare items and he'd be freaking out
once he gets out he and jaehee would have a spa day
and he's sure to make it a monthly thing :')
party guests avoid him as much as possible but he ends up speaking w all of them anyway
saeyoung's route
he too, is a twin, and could feel that there was something wrong. intuitively knows that saeyoung and unknown are connected somehow
all of rfa loves him!! especially yoosung. yoosung finds a lot of comfort in him
ignores the warning that leaving the apartment could make it explode bc he was just so. hungry.
jumin takes him out on wine tasting events
jumin also tried to make beel his bodyguard but it didnt work
tried to eat elizabeth but realized it was a cat, not cotton candy, and tried to steal it for satan
party guests love him too. except the udon bowl. we all know why...
mans for sure gets bad ending no matter which route he takes
very much encourages rika and saeran to go farther with mint eye
and would try to recruit all of rfa
ends up overpowering rika and becomes the cult leader himself. wreaks havoc over the entire human race. barbatos, diavolo, and lucifer have to clean up the mess.
if we're talking about belphie post mc's death, he would be a little better
has beef with yoosung but only on accident
also has beef w jumin, v, and zen
meh toward jaehee
likes saeyoung, saeran, and rika
party guests are very iffy toward him. he sends shivers down their spines...
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softxsuki · 3 years
(urgent) can you please please write a 707 x reader comfort for a female reader who’s parents fight a lot and might get a divorce? I’ve been really anxious and would really appreciate it
Saeyoung Comforts Reader Whose Parents Fight A Lot and Might Divorce
Pairing: Saeyoung (707) x Fem!Reader (MC)
Warnings: Mentioning of parents arguing, mentioning of divorce, possibility of grammar errors (it's 2am, I'll proofread tomorrow in case there are any mistakes)
Genre: Angsty, kinda fluffy at the end, comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.8k (yes, I got carried away)
Summary: In which you're fed up with your parent's constant fighting and possibility of divorce that you leave home to your special spot in your town. Saeyoung (707) tracks you down after you decline his call and comforts you as you let him in on your anxious thoughts.
[A/N: Hi anon, of course I can write this for you. I HEAVILY HEAVILY relate, hence why I probably got carried away with writing this. I kinda made Saeyoung do and say thing that I thought would be comforting for me to hear, in regard to this specific situation. Hopefully they're comforting to you as well! It's definitely not an easy thing to go through, but I hope everything works out for the best for you! My messages are open if you ever need to talk. Hope you all enjoy <3.]
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Yelling. Arguments. Fighting.
That’s all you ever hear on a daily basis now from your parents who used to be so happy together when you were younger. Where did it all go wrong? You couldn’t really piece together when their relationship started to fall apart. It’s like one day an argument erupted, and things only seemed to get worse from there as time passed.
You were tired of it. Your mother would complain to you about your father whenever you were alone with her, saying how she wanted to divorce, him. But weeks would pass, no divorce would happen, yet the fighting would continue.
You were beyond anxious, just waiting for the day when your parents would come up to you, letting you know that they would be splitting apart. Or waking up one morning and having either or them no longer living with you. You didn’t know how you’d get through something like that.
Frustrated tears clouded your vision as the yelling only got louder and louder. You couldn’t take it anymore. You grab your phone, shoving it into your pocket, and leave the noisy, toxic atmosphere as tears finally fall from your eyes.
The chilly air outside wraps around your body, showing no mercy to your exposed arms as you forgot to bring a jacket with you. You only have one destination in mind. Your secret location--a beautiful spot on top of a hill that overlooked your town. You had never seen anyone else there before, so you’d deemed it your own special spot that you went to whenever you needed some alone time.
After a few moments of walking, you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. You check the caller I.D and see that it’s Saeyoung, your boyfriend calling you. Not wanting him to hear the quiver in your voice, evidence of your crying that still hasn’t ceased, you decline his call and shove your phone back in your pocket, deciding to ignore any other calls you get after that.
Once you finally arrive at your location, you take a seat on the grass beyond the fenced area, wanting to get a closer look at the view of your town as the sun sets in the background, illuminating every surface with a golden, fiery hue.
Your tears have dried up, having cried enough on your walk to your secret location, but you feel the bubble of anxiety in your chest release, allowing you to breathe a little easier compared to when you were at home. At your secret location, there were no problems. You didn’t have to think about your issues here, only peace flowed over you as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
Maybe it’s the cold breeze that you’re used to; your arms feel numb from the chilly air, but you don’t care. You don’t want to return home to the chaos that was sure to still be going on. To the possibility that your parents had already made a decision about their relationship while you were gone. You didn’t even want to think about it.
Seconds turn into minutes, and before you know it, you’ve been sitting on that hill for an hour. The cold air finally getting to you as you begin to shake, but you still make no attempts at trying to return home. The sun is long gone, as darkness surrounds you, the moon having replaced the sun’s spot on the throne in the sky.
Movement behind you made you jump, now realizing your situation. A young woman, out in the middle of nowhere, alone...at night. You jump to your feet, ready to run if you need to, but your nerves are calmed as a familiar head of red hair emerges from the darkness.
“Saeyoung?” your boyfriend's name falls from your lips as he approaches you.
“Oh thank the heavens you’re okay,” he lets out a breath and pulls you into his arms as he finally stands in front of you, “I was so worried when you didn’t pick up and the tracker showed that you were out and about. You usually aren’t out this late alone, so I thought the worst.”
You allow yourself to sit in his embrace, wrapping your own arms around his torso as you sigh into his chest.
“I’m going to ignore the part where you said ‘tracker,’ and be happy that at least you care enough to worry for me.”
“Heh,” he laughs awkwardly, “It’s only in case of an emergency. Sorry for not telling you. And hey! Of course I care about you. Why wouldn’t I care for you?”
You pull away and take a seat back on the ground, ignoring his questions, not wanting to put your thoughts in the open just yet. You wanted to enjoy the peace that your special spot brought you just for a little longer. Saeyoung sighs behind you, but moves closer to you. You feel fabric wrap around your shoulders and look to your side to see that he had placed his coat around you.
“You’re freezing, so use that to warm yourself up,” he says, taking a seat beside you.
“But you’ll get co-”
“It’s fine,” he interrupts, sending you a wink, before looking at the view before you.
A few more silent moments pass before he speaks again. “What happened?”
You know you have to talk about it. You can’t just go back home and pretend like nothing is wrong as your parents continue to argue with a divorce looming over your head.
“Just worried about my parent’s relationship,” you answer.
“They still arguing?”
Saeyoung knew about your parent’s constant fighting, but he didn’t know the extent of it since he’d never personally witnessed it before.
“Mhm. It’s only getting worse. I’m really starting to think that they’re going to get a divorce…” you trail off, trying to suppress the anxiety that threatened to return it’s hold on your heart. “I don’t know what I’ll do if that happens.”
Saeyoung reaches out to grab your cold hand in his surprisingly warm hands, and gives it a little squeeze.
“I’m sorry you have to go through something so stressful; having to worry every day whether your fears will happen or not. Though I hope they don’t, for your sake. For your family's sake. I know what it’s like to have a family fall apart--it definitely isn’t fun,” he laughs, but his eyes are filled with sadness as he looks at you.
You fall silent again, not really knowing what to say about your situation next.
“Have you thought about telling your parents how their arguing is affecting you? Maybe express your worries or fears to them directly?” he asks after a while. “Not to force you or anything. But it’s an option you have in case you’d like to talk it out with them.”
“They wouldn’t care,” you sigh, nuzzling further into Saeyoung’s coat, needing to feel some sort of comfort.
“Of course they would. You’re their daughter! Even if they’re having problems in their relationship with each other, they’ll always love and care for you. I’m sure they’d like to know if their actions are hurting you, which I know they are.”
“Hmmm,” you hum in thought.
You’d thought about talking to your parents about it, but whenever you’d try, you’d get too nervous and back down, going through yet another day of hearing their fighting.
As if reading your thoughts, Saeyoung speaks again, tugging on your hands slightly so you turn to look at him, “If you’d like I can go with you, if you’re feeling nervous about talking to them alone. Or you can come to my place for a few days until you’re ready to go back home and talk things out. If that’s what you decide to do. I’ll support whatever decision you make MC.”
“Thank you honey,” you smile genuinely at him, glad to have his company even though you originally came to your secret spot for peace and quiet, it was nice having your boyfriend there.
“It’s just scary to think that one day my parents might not be together any more. They could both be living in different homes. Like how does a relationship get there? How can you be in love with someone one moment, but a few years later, you can’t be in the same room with them without arguing about something? What happened to true love? Everlasting happiness together with your soulmate? What if that happens to me? To us?” you trail off, your anxiety once again returning.
He pulls you into his arms again, squeezing you tightly to his chest, as if his love could physically be transferred over to you.
“Hey, don’t think like that bub. No matter what happens between your parents, that has nothing to do with how your future with me will be. Unfortunately sometimes relationships don’t last. I’ve heard of many marriages that end in divorce, but after the divorce, the couple end up acting better as friends. One day when we get married, I want to live each day with you to the fullest, loving you every second that I get with you. Whatever happens afterward doesn’t matter. All that matters is right now.”
You hide your face into his chest as his words. He wants to marry you. That’s all you could think about.
“You want to marry me?” you squeak, embarrassed to say the words out loud, but needing to hear him say it again.
“Of course I want to marry you. Not right now, but one day...yeah. I can see us getting married one day,” he smiles as he looks up at the moon, imagining that day in his head.
You smile up at him, tightening your grip on him as butterflies erupt in your stomach. The thought of being married to Saeyoung one day in the future made you feel giddy inside.
“That would be nice,” you say, your anxiety long gone, “And I think I will talk to my parents about it. You’ve convinced me, but can you at least stay outside in case I need a get-away driver if things head south.”
“Of course,” he presses a soft kiss to your head and you both turn your attention back to the lights of the town below you, lighting up the darkness of the night, “For now though, let’s just enjoy this view and each other’s company. If that’s okay.”
“That sounds perfect. I’m glad I get to share my special place with you, but don’t tell anyone! It’s a secret.”
“I’m great at keeping secrets,” he winks, cuddling closer to you.
You both laugh, and continue to enjoy each other’s presence, feeling all your problems dissolve into the night. You knew you’d have to face reality eventually and talk to your parents regarding how you’ve been feeling about their arguments and possibility of divorce, but knowing Saeyoung would be by your side the whole time felt reassuring.
“Everything’ll be okay,” he whispers into your hair, leaving a gentle kiss to the top of your head, easing your thoughts.
“I know,” you say, and for the first time, it actually felt like things really would be okay.
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Posted: 11/28/2021
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