#not sure if this is what what requested .. i am so sleepy rn my eyes keepclosing on their own
slicznymartwy · 1 year
Billy Lenz X GN! Reader where the reader is so gentle and surprisingly patient with him? Billy would believe he doesn’t deserve their kindness and he assumes the reader is “pretending” to be nice, but they’re not pretending at all.
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hmm i was kind of torn if it should be established or not .. went with not but i think i regret it !! so i might post more of this but this is mostly a rlly short first meeting blurb hehe warning: general billy lenz gross dialogue, thats it
☾⋆⁺₊ billy lenz x gn!reader
Waiting is the worst part. Billy looks outside, where the dark sky and white snow stretch on forever and ever. It's almost time, he tells himself, just a little while longer. Then, he can finally fill his grumbling stomach.
True to his own word, he lets himself sneak down the ladder after a few more minutes, taking it rung by rung to keep as quiet as possible. He gives the same treatment to the staircase, taking each step with measured precision. Billy isn't an amateur, and he's taken this route many times since he started staying in the attic.
Billy freezes in the kitchen doorway when he sees he’s not alone. He sees you sitting at the kitchen table, a partially full glass of milk in front of you. Billy wants to book it back to his attic and pretend that you were just a ghost, or that he was a ghost. You’re both ghosts, haunting each other. 
“Hi,” you say softly. Billy doesn’t answer you. He stares, standing still in the doorway. 
“Are you hungry?” you ask. Billy still keeps quiet, but his stomach doesn’t get the message; it growls lowly, long and drawn-out.
When you smile, you try to cover it with your hand. He doesn’t know why. You’re so stupid. Why would you hide a pretty smile? You don’t want him to see it? Do you hate him that much? He wants to hold your mouth open and see your teeth. They looked so white.
“I’ll make us sandwiches, okay?”
Billy watches from the doorway at first, but he moves closer to watch. He might as well see what you put in it. He won’t eat it if there’s tomatoes. He hates tomatoes. They make the bread all wet, even if he picks them out. 
You don’t use tomatoes. Just ham and cheese, mayo and mustard. His mouth waters as you cut it in half. Billy doesn’t realize how close he is until you turn and you have to look up at him.
“Thirsty?” you ask. Billy doesn’t answer. 
“Water?” You pause. “Beer?”
Billy looks into your eyes. He wants to scare you. Why aren’t you scared? You shouldn’t be making him a sandwich. You should be crying and calling the police. Billy is scary. He’s filthy Billy, he’s the Moaner.
You hold his sandwich out to him on a napkin and he snatches it out of your hands. He turns away from you when he takes his first bite, and then he can’t stop. He eats and eats until there’s nothing. He licks the crumbs off his fingers. It’s better than the pickles or the peanut butter he’s been stealing.
When he’s done, you poke your head out around him. You’re holding the other sandwich. 
“Still hungry?” you ask. He takes this one too, and destroys it similarly.
You make two more sandwiches, one for him and one for you this time, and Billy sits down at the kitchen table while he waits. Once the sandwich is front of him, along with a tall glass of water, Billy eats it slower than he did the others. He chugs the glass of water.
“You’ll make yourself sick, slow down,” you murmur, pouting. Billy gasps when he stops drinking, wiping his chin with his palm. He starts to drink again, but slower. He looks to you and you smile. 
“What’s your name?” 
Billy doesn’t answer. He takes the half you weren’t holding and eats it too. He expects you to lash out. Hit him, pull his hair, throw him out of the house. Yell at him that he’s being bad. Bad Billy. 
Instead, you get up and refill his cup with more tap water. 
“Want an apple?” you ask. Billy takes the cup of water and sips some of it. He shakes his head afterward. 
You smile without any teeth. Billy misses them.
When Billy’s done, you take his napkins and clean off his crumbs from the table before tossing it all away. 
“Want more water?” you ask. Billy shakes his head and watches you carry the cup to the sink and leave it there. 
“Do you want to see my bedroom?” you ask him quietly. 
Billy’s eyes open wider. Stupid. So stupid. Billy could ruin you. Billy could destroy you. Don’t you know what Billy is? Aren’t you afraid of the Moaner? You’re not supposed to welcome Billy in. 
Billy doesn’t answer your question, but he follows behind you up the stairs. You close the door to your room behind him, but Billy stays next to the door as you walk to your bed. 
“This is it,” you say. Billy stares at you. He’s seen your room before plenty of times, just never like this. Never with you, inside with you. 
“Come here.”  You pat the edge of the bed next to you. Billy waits to take his first step, then waits again for the next. He’s slow, but it's only because he still can't figure out your angle.
Still, he manages to sit beside you. He stares into his lap while you look at him. 
“You’re the one from the attic, aren’t you?” you whisper. 
Billy’s hands clench. He expects it now. You’ll be so scared of him. You’ll push him away, call him a freak. You’ll hit Billy until his nose bleeds, and then he’ll choke you with both hands because you made him mad. You'll deserve it because you hate Billy. 
But you don’t do anything - you just wait. Billy doesn’t know how to answer. Your teeth are so white. 
“I can hear you up there sometimes. Your foot steps. You have to be really quiet, don’t you?” you ask. He nods, because he does have to be quiet. He didn’t want to get caught, but you caught him anyways. 
Aren’t you afraid? Why are you letting him sit with you? Billy can’t understand you. Why are you being so nice?
“It’s a big house, but I can hear your phone calls too. You can be loud when you want to be.”
Billy’s heart plummets further. He grunts and rubs his eyes. With his vision obscured, it’s easier to talk. It’s like he isn’t really in the room with you. He wants to be up in the attic with his phone. He’d feel better talking to you that way. 
Instead, he only lets himself say, “I want to cum on your teeth.” His voice is quiet, whispered into the dark room. You sigh. 
“I wish you wouldn’t say that,” you murmur. 
“I’ll lick them clean,” he promises. They were really white. He catches another glimpse of them while you’re talking, pearly and shiny like the sun. 
“Do you want to take a shower? Or a bath? I could show you where the bathroom is,” you say. 
“No,” he says quickly, firmly. He hates wet hair, wet skin. Cold.
“Okay. Do you want to sleep here?” you ask him. Billy hates it. Why do you get to be so nice?
“Wanna put my cock inside your hole. Pig fuckhole,” he mutters, pressing against his eyes until his vision swims and flashes.
You sigh, and Billy blinks a few times to get back his sight before watching you twist and lay down. Your hair fans out against your pillow and, from he still sits at the edge of your bed, he imagines rubbing his cock against it. Evil, disgusting Billy. He should be put down like a dog. Bad dog, bad Billy.
“When’s the last time you slept on a real bed?” you ask him.
“Woof. Lay down, Billy,” he says quietly. He watches you and you watch him. The bed was really soft. He could curl up at the bottom of the bed and sleep at your feet like a puppy dog. He imagines rubbing his red cock against your toes. Would you hate Billy if you knew his brain? Would you still let him sleep with you in your big warm soft bed if you knew he was terrible?
He doesn’t want to find out. He crawls over your legs and lays down next to you, his head resting on the pillow beside yours. He stares up at the ceiling and tries to imagine what boxes of junk he’s underneath. 
“It’s lonely out there,” you say suddenly. Billy looks at you, and you’re also looking at the ceiling, so Billy looks back up. 
“You can sleep here tonight,” you tell him, fixing the blanket around the both of you.
Billy could easily roll over on top of you. He could bite your throat and pull out your flesh. He could chop you into pieces and then fuck whatever’s left. Instead, he stays still and watches the ceiling until he falls asleep. 
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© slicznymartwy 2023, please do not repost or copy.
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lucyswinter · 8 months
i love love LOVE your writing! i have a request for you. jonathan crane taking care of sick reader, praising her for taking medicine, loving on her, etc. i am going through it rn and want jonathan to take care of me
pairing: jonathan crane x sick!girlfriend!reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none!
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(a/n): TYSM FOR THE REC ML!! I know I took a long time to answer this but I hope you are feeling better ❤️‍🩹
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“Sweetheart, I’m home!” You hear each beat as Jonathan’s shoes connect with the hardwood floor. “Where are you pretty girl?”
“Here Jon” you call to him weakly, a rasp tainting your already debilitated voice.
“Baby?” Jonathan asks worriedly he finally peeks around the frame of your opened doorway. He sees you lying in bed, your nose red and tissues everywhere, and his brow furrows. “Oh, sweet girl, what happened? Are you feeling okay?” He pesters you as he sits down on the bed next to you and puts the back of his hand against your forehead. You flinch a little at the initial shock of coldness from his fingers. “Oh, you’re burning up love. I’m going to take your temperature really quick.”
“No, Jon, i’m fine.” You plaster a fake smile onto your face “It’s just a little cold it’s really noth-“ You begin protest, but you’re quickly interrupted by a sneeze. That was not helping your case…
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you sound awful, my love. Just let me take your temperature to make sure we don’t need to take you to the doctor. Alright?” He puts a hand on your face and gently stroked your cheek.
“Fine” you grumble, turning away from Jonathan’s hand to release another beastly sneeze.
He grabs a thermometer from the dressed besides your bed and quickly turns it on. “Okay, open wide sweetheart”
You open your mouth, allowing him to softly place the cold metal tip of the thermometer under your tongue. You sat uncomfortably with your mouth wide open for what felt like an eternity, until you heard the little beep ringing in your ears, signaling Jonathan to pull it out, allowing you to close your mouth.
You look for to him to see his brows furrowed “What’s my temp, doc?”
“You’re 102 degrees, sweetie. I don’t think we need to go to the doctors, but you’re definitely sick. Why don’t I get you some water and ibuprofen?”
You nod softly. He leans down to give you a kiss on your warm cheeks, and walks out of the room to go get you water.
He walks back in moments later holding a glass of water and a pink pill. “Here baby, take this.” He hands you the pill and puts the water on the beside table. He sits down next to you again and strokes your cheek.
“Oh my sweet sick girl. Can you take that pill for me, love?” Jonathan asks you quietly.
You nod before opening your mouth and placing the tasteless pill on your tongue. You take the glass of water from beside you and takes swig, washing the pill down with it.
“Mmm good girl. There you go” he smiles at you, rewarding you with a kiss on the forehead. You yawn in response, prompting him to chuckle.
“Sleepy, are we?” He asks through a laugh.
You nod again and he hums as he softly moves you to the side so that he can lie down on the bed next to you, his nose nearly touching yours. He leans his chin up and gives the tip of your nose a small kiss.
He smiles at you as you blink, eyes heavy with tiredness. He turns away for a moment to put his glasses on the bedside table.
“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it, my love.” He whispers to you as he plays with a strand of your hair.
“Yeah, it has.” you answer, your voice quiet and slightly congested.
Jonathan glides his thumb from your hair to your cheek, stroking it in a relaxing rhythm that only pushes you closer to sleep. He puts a final kiss on your nose and then pulls you against his chest. “Well, it’s time for bed now, my love. You need to get some sleep.” He orders softly.
“But Jon, you’ll catch my sick” you whisper sleepily into his chest.
“Shh, I’ll be fine, baby. You just get some rest, sweet girl. You’re probably exhausted.”
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smallestapplin · 2 years
It’s 6 am I am angry at you/j
Anyway, my friend noodz, could I please request something entirely new still involving our Red and Blue ?
Okay so basically Monster under the bed Au, or Eldritch monsters living with you, with Red and Blue ?
I don’t care if it’s NSFW or not, there is 1 thing I want of it and it’s a scene where reader has their head hanging from their bed with their arm because they want to turn on their light but lost motivation to do so, and so stay motionless for a bit and suddenly feel something grabbing their hand and softly kissing their lips, while they can’t see shit ?
I have no idea if it makes sense pls I am so sleepy rn
-EDS anon
I went with sfw!
Ever since you’ve moved into this house l, you’ve never been alone. You aren’t sure what they are, as they don’t make themselves all that known.
But you know they are there.
From messes being cleaned by the time you return to them, to chores being done, to food on the table.
It freaked you out at first.
You don’t live with anybody, so who’s doing all this?
You learned quickly this house came with roommates.
You don’t see them, just barely out of the corner of your eyes.
But always gone when you go to look.
They listen when you talk to yourself, deeming themselves your fiends.
Blue and Red, is all they told you.
Well, all one told you.
Red is far too quiet, while Blue doesn’t bother to hide his sounds.
They move like wispy shadows.
You try not to think about it too much.
Or think about how much they tower over you.
You can feel them standing behind you sometimes.
Blue will talk to you if it’s him, his voice almost echoey as he speaks so boastfully.
Red won’t say anything, just stand there watching you cook, or clean, though he hands you want you need.
You know they are in your room with you, but you don’t say anything.
Even now as you’re reaching for the light switch, that you need to switch on before getting comfy in bed.
You groan as you stretch, trying so hard not to have to get up.
“Come on…”
Your voice strained, before you fall limb, having grown exhausted from that.
Your arm and head hang off the bed as you sigh.
You close your eyes and accept this is your life now.
Just as you were about to ask one of them, you feel a cold hand cup yours so delicately.
The wisps from his shadowy form curling around your hand and wrist.
You squeeze your eyes, keeping them shut and now wanting to spook whoever it was, off.
You take a sharp inhale of air, feeling such a soft, gentle kiss on the back of your hand.
Then another.
And another.
Slowly moving up your hand to your arm.
You hold your breath, as you feel another’s breath fan against your face, before slowly leaning closer to press his lips against yours
He puts more pressure, trying to get as close to you as possible.
“Hey! Don’t go making moves without me, you ass!”
You jump, eyes opening at the loud voice.
You lock eyes with Red, gasping softly at the monster under your bed.
He’s so handsome.
But he doesn’t let you look at him for long, disappearing in smoke and back under your bed.
And two fiery eyes stare back at you in the dark.
“He’s so rude.”
You squeak, feeling your bed move as Blue gets it in with you.
“Trying to take you for himself, doesn’t he know how to share?”
Is all you could think to say, as Blue curls around you, his chest to your back as he spoons you.
Maybe having monsters in your house, isn’t such a bad thing.
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kandidandi · 1 year
*aheemheem* astronomer wip ? astronomer wip even tho im now v anxious abt sending this and second-guessing myself whoops (also jus for funsies Sun calls you Sunshine and Moon calls you Starlight, bc im avoiding use of 'y/n' in writing this. never written y/n fics before tbh) Numbly, you wonder how you got to this point. The day had been going well, you were studying a new cluster of stars Sun had found while playing with the telescope, and you were in the middle of rambling about how star clusters formed (at Sun's request) when you felt yourself getting extremely tired. "...nshine? Suuuuunshine? Hey, are you okay? You've gone quiet" Shaking your head, you look over at him, giving him the fakest smile ever. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... thinking." He smiles softly at you, making that weird fluttery feeling in your chest swell again, and laughs. "Sure, okay, I believe you. However..." He gives you a smug little look, and you groan, knowing what that means. "Moon does not. So! He said as soon as the sun sets, he's making you go to bed, regardless of what time it is." [idk somethin happens here but brain said cant write rn] And then here you were. Hardly able to keep your eyes open, carried downstairs by a blue menace who insisted you needed 'proper sleep.' Ridiculous, you could totally stay up a little later... You yawned. Fuck. Guess you were headed to bed, then. the ending feels incomplete and will probably be added to later but yeh ! here's the thing ! hope you enjoyed it kandibird :D i had fun writing jus this much, and am very excited to finish it and revise anything if needed (lmk if anything feels off, or needs adjusting to character personalities or anythin !! i wanna make it as accurate as possible :3 )
wuaah! i love this omg aa
the only thing out of place would be the carrying down part (y/n doesnt like being picked up by people they dont trust a bunch) but the context is of y/n being super duper sleepy so its ok haha
thank you for sharing sorry if my other ask answer made you upset i literally just woke up and wasnt thinking right lolol
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ladylooch · 11 months
i am simping SO hard for luca fiala rn (which feels like a sin because i love his parents’ storg and he was just a baby then 😭)
BUT here’s a thought: jealous liv 😭😭😭
A/N: Absolutely NOT a sin to simping after Luca. He’s that sweet 🥰 Our lil Livy girl is so lucky! On that note, let’s give it all a little shove.
Luca’s cute yawn reaches Liv on the screen of her propped up iPhone. She is working on a paper while talking to her sleepy boyfriend. Luca had a late night traveling back to Minnesota from California, so he is just waking up. The first thing he does each morning is call her. It’s Liv’s favorite time of the day and she built her class schedule around their morning routine.
“So sleepy. You’re up a little early.” She notes, glancing to see it is only 9:30am there. He is sitting on his couch, the winter sunlight brightening his brown eyes, tossing gold flecks into them.
“Yeah, Willa is over.” He mumbles, glancing behind him as the sound of the oven door opening reaches Liv. Her fingers pause on her keyboard. She turns to look at Luca on the screen. His eyes are above the phone, where she knows his TV hangs on the opposite wall. Willa is Luca’s neighbor, who is entirely too cheery and friendly. Maybe her personality is that, but the way she hovers around Luca makes Liv's skin itchy.
“Oh.” Liv murmurs, then glances to where Luca is, realizing again that he is shirtless. She purses her lips, trying to fight against the jealously and insecurity bubbling in her chest. “That’s… nice.” Luca looks back at his girlfriend, hearing the tightness in her voice. His guest butts in before he can soothe the crunch in Liv's nose.
“Hi Livia!” Willa says excitedly while coming behind Luca. She insists on using her first name, even though Liv has mentioned her preferred name. “You have the sweetest boyfriend!” Liv knows this but puts on a passing, fake smile.
“He is the best, huh?”
“Totally! My oven stopped working and you know how slow maintenance is with their requests.” She laughs faintly. “And this one.” Willa says as she slaps Luca’s bare shoulder. Liv’s fake smile turns into gritted teeth. “Was kind enough to get up early so I could finish making cupcakes for my nephew. He is five today! Wow, time is flying!” 
“It sure is!” Liv exclaims. Luca’s eyebrows pull together, sensing his girlfriend’s further displeasure seep through the phone. “Well, baby.” Liv exaggerates the pet name. “You are just so busy this morning! I better let you go. You should help with those cupcakes. You’re the best froster in the Midwest.”
“Liv, wait-” Luca starts.
“Have an amazing day, Willa! Enjoy the cupcakes!” Liv clicks off.
Anger tightens her shoulders as she looks back at the last sentence she wrote for her paper. Green clouds her vision as she begins to rework her last paragraph. Soon, the green turns into watery tears. 
“Damn it.” She whispers, her bottom lip trembling.
So many emotions rock through her. She’s insanely jealous of Willa spending time with her boyfriend. She’s hurt that Luca didn’t even tell her about Willa being there until it was obvious someone was with him. She is mad at herself for, probably, blowing this out of proportion. And she’s sad. So sad. She misses him right now. He feels so much farther away than he is. Liv curses at how their schedules are continuously not lining up for a visit. 
Liv drops her head into her hands, collecting her tears on her fingertips to wash them away. This is so stupid.
Her phone buzzes with a new text. She knows it’s from Luca. But she doesn’t want to talk more right now. Instead, she pulls her ear buds out, slams her laptop shut, and heads to the gym to run as hard as she can away from this feeling. When she gets back, dripping with sweat and feeling like she punished herself, she grabs the phone, seeing numerous texts and phone call attempts from Luca. Guilt pinches her throat.
Baby, what was that?
Can you please pick up the phone?
Babe. Nothing is going on with Willa and I, if that is what you’re thinking. It’s as innocent as she told you. 
Okay. You’re not ready. I won’t push anymore. I’m going to the rink. If you call and I don’t answer, that’s why.
Liv falls back onto her bed, ignoring the way her sweat bleeds into her freshly washed comforter.
So much for outrunning this feeling.
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luvsellie · 3 years
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pairing druig x fem!reader | wc 0.9k | requested ? yes | note he <3
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• is the biggest flirt known to mankind
• now, ik we already are aware of that but JUST IN CASE YOU WEREN'T !!
• “you wanna kiss me so badly, don’t you?”
• teases you endlessly, both physically and verbally
• exhibit a - leans in as if he’s gonna kiss you and then looks down at you like you’re crazy because you’re just standing there waiting for his lips to fall on yours
• you’d open your eyes like 🙂 ??
• and druig would be the exact definition of 🤨
• exhibit b - “you have to stop doing that” “what?” “saying things that make me want to kiss you” *cue your face going hot and turning away with wide eyes*
• *sigh* the things he does to you (he's more aware of it than you are my dear)
• so, of course, he uses that to his advantage, much to your displeasure :')
• i don't think he's super big on pda, but, as seen in the movie, i think he'd hold you close, a hand on your waist, or even give you a quick kiss on the cheek when either of you has to leave for a period of time
• now, he may be a huge flirt and tease, BUT WHEN YOU DO IT BACK-
• mans has no clue how to act
• possibly the embodiment of 😶 and 🧍
• it’d just be a simple compliment too and he’d feel absolutely jittery inside
• like, you could be playing with his hands or something and say “your hands are really nice” with a small sigh and smile and he will somehow fall even more in love with you than he was five seconds ago
• okay back to him being a fucking flirt bc idk about you but i live for the oneshots and hc’s of him flirting/teasing the living shit out of the reader bc it makes me scream into my pillow before i continue reading 👍
• anyways. so in the scene in the flashback where he threatens to tell ajak abt makkari stealing the artifact ?? (praying to god i’m not just making something up rn)
• let’s replace it w/ you two at a table in the corner, probably just sipping on something and talking when druig somehow turns the lovely conversation into him shamelessly flirting with you
• “i scratch and bite, i don’t need someone watching over me 24/7” you’d snap back at a random remark he made, taking a sip from your cup, sure there’s no way he could do more with that
• this mf deadass goes “you’ll crawl and beg too, darling”
• *chokes on drink*
• dw i did too it’s okay
• y’all need to start writing more smuts w him using mind control pls i am begging
• k sorry for the slight detour back to regular programming
• when the two of you go on walks you bet your ass he’s the type of lover to randomly pick flowers and give them to you :(
• he’ll even do that whole cliche thing where he puts it behind your ear UGHHAVSUANAI
• oh my god he’d trace words on your back too
• like, when it’s the middle of the night (or even the morning) and you can’t sleep, he’d just talk to you and trace things with his finger ☹️☹️
• going off of that little scenario, that is most likely how he told you he loved you for the first time; you had to guess what he was saying and obv it was 'i love you'
• but but but HIS ACCENT !!!!! PLUS HIS VOICE WHEN HE’S SLEEPY !!!!! 💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳
• i could go on and on abt him, good lord
• alright onto the nsfw 😏 (guys i swear i use that emoji ironically)
• and i am apologizing in advance bc i am in fact a lesbian so the only things i am referencing while writing hetero sex are other nsfw ff’s bc i have no clue what im doing 💀
• n e way i think he’s a dom 100% no questions asked
• also prefers to give rather than receive, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy a good bj every once in awhile
• totally wouldn’t mind using his power on you (only if you consent to it tho !!)
• probs into overstimulation and toying with you - he enjoys the faces you make when he takes away your release 😩
• alright that’s honestly all i can say nsfw wise IM SORRY I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IM DOING 😭
• but back to him being the best bf ever 🤲
• for example, when your busy and he suddenly craves your affection, he’d just walk up to you, wrap his arms around your middle, and press a kiss to your temple
• ugh the compulsory heterosexuality i have for this man ☝️☝️
• okay, best for last, but i also am a firm believer that he’s not afraid to flirt w you around others (even tho he’s not super big on pda)
• i mean, he’s gotta let people know you're his somehow, right?
• oh OH OH HES REALLY BIG ON THE PET NAMES "doll," "dear," "love," "beautiful," and "darling" !!
• and has a thing for putting the word "my" in front of your name or whenever he's referring to you - he always makes sure to relate you back to him :')
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hyunverse · 4 years
more than friends | gojo satoru
✧ part two for friendzoned
✧ gender neutral
✧ genre; fluff
✧ requested by anon(s)
✧ note. i swear i'll put a "read more" line later. i'm on mobile rn 🗿
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gojo satoru is late again. he arrives at jujutsu tech an hour late, a result of him stopping by a few shops to buy sweets. he could've teleported but for petty reasons, he didn't. "could use some fresh air", he'd reason.
you're standing by the field, monitoring your students' activities. you laugh as panda spin nobara around in the air, inumaki running after her flying body. they're currently hard at work, practising for the school event.
at the sight of you, gojo's reminded of your confession to him. he gulps, hoping the bitter taste on his tongue will subside. but it doesn't. the bitterness— harsher than the taste of dark coffee, doesn't leave his tongue. he hates that.
"they're working quite hard", gojo says, casually. as if acting like he's fine would somehow make things fine.
"yeah", you reply, doing the same thing he's doing. acting like the confession didn't happen. maybe if you tried hard enough it'll be like you didn't pour out your feelings at all.
gojo watches as you laugh at inumaki yelling "tuna, tuna" at the top of his lungs, chasing after nobara. he notices the way your eyes shine while you laugh and how you don't even try to hold back your giggles. gojo finds them cute. he wonders why he hasn't noticed those small details before. a voice in him screams, "it's because you're always saying you're attractive, you never notice others' physicals", making gojo frown. that's partially true and he doesn't like that.
"hey, we should get lunch after this", you interupt his thoughts.
the sorcerer looks up. looking into yours eyes, he tries to search for any sign of sadness, awkwardness— anything that'll show how you're affected by his rejection but he couldn't find any. shouldn't he be happy that you're okay? he knows he should, but something inside of him feels dissapointed.
"yeah, my treat".
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six times. gojo had glanced at you six times now, all in a span of an hour. the fact that he even counted shows just how self conscious he's feeling at the moment.
you're twisting noodles around your fork, vegetables abandoned at the side of your plate. gojo, sitting right in front of you eats his mochi quietly. an abnormal silence— the man usually always has something to say. you don't complain though, you needed some silence after hours of training your students.
"hey, look at this video", you break the silence, sliding your phone across the table for him to see. hands on the table, your pinky grazes against his. like it's a reflex, you pull away your pinky, leaving gojo even more confused.
the skin contact between you went by so quick, gojo's mind starts to imagine. a picture of you holding his hand pops up in his mind, and he feels goosebumps all over his body. but the memory of you flinching and pulling your fingertips away knocks out all the images out of his head.
they're acting like i'm poisonous, gojo monologues. he watches from the side of his eyes as you put your hands down under the table, tapping your fingers against the wooden table. gojo pushes your phone back to you.
"let's go", he gets up, and you do too. he holds his arm up to you— a muscle memory. he always does that, it's been a platonic thing all these years.
unlike always, you don't link your arms with his.
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day by day, gojo starts to understand his feelings. he had realized that they aren't platonic, but he only realized just how intense his feelings are one day at a meeting.
yaga sits at the edge of the table, scanning the reports in hand. you sit between nanami and gojo, legs crossed.
you've always been a professional shaman. you get shit done and you smile at your coworkers. you have fun, and you're dedicated to your work. "classic lovely y/n", people would say everytime one brings up your amazing mannerisms.
gojo knowing you for years is no stranger to those compliments. however, he draws a line when the "compliments" sound like flirting.
"you're a lovely individual, i'd love to work with you someday", nanami utters, before turning his attention back to yaga. gojo can see the blush creeping up your cheeks, and your fingers fiddling with your top.
"flirting in work now, nanami?", gojo wastes no time to call the male out. nanami looks at the sorcerer, an eyebrow raised.
"it's just a small compliment".
gojo grits his teeth. then why does the small compliment irks him so much?
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nothing annoys you more than people ringing your door bell when you're sleeping, not even stubborn curses. still in your pajamas you somehow make it to your door (by somehow, you'd stubbed your toe against a furniture and you walked while holding the wall).
"y/n", a drunk gojo slurs. you rub the sleepiness out of your eyes, inviting him in once you've established that it really is gojo.
gojo walks into your house, crashing right onto your couch. the couch you used to watch movies with him on, sharing laughters and screams together. one time you watched the conjuring with gojo, he spent the whole time during the introduction bragging over how he wouldn't be scared but he'd literally jump at the slightest scary things.
"why are you drunk at 3 am, satoru?", you ask, tossing a mineral bottle his way, "sober up".
he groans and tosses the bottle away, leaning his messy head against the burgundy couch. the leather couch lessens the heat he's feeling on his body.
you chuckle before sitting beside him, closing your eyes shut, too lazy to get into bed. you managed to dodge any private interactions with him for the past few months but since he's knocked out, it should be okay, right? plus it's been so long, you're sure (sort of) he had forgotten about your confession.
gojo suddenly hums a song softly, a song you couldn't quite recognize. he pulls your arm and links it with his.
"you're so beautiful", he says. flat out. just those words. knocking oxygen out of your soul.
"mhm. so pretty", he says again, making you look up at him to see him looking at you. there are some red hues in his eyes, clearly showing the fact that he's drunk.
that's why you're shocked; gojo satoru is an honest drunk. whatever that comes out of his mouth when he's drunk are truths.
"you think so?", you take advantage of his state. a nod of his head causes your heart to blossom.
"yeah like, i like you a lot. because you're like... really cute. especially when you smile. i really, really want to be more than friends".
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witchbinchstories · 3 years
Too Hot to Handle
Pairing: Damien (Redacted ASMR) x Reader, Damien x Freelancer
Summary: You and Damien spend the night together after an attempted movie marathon.
Words: ~2k
Contains: Fluff, Damien and Freelancer both being little shits, spoiler-free
A/N: I hope you guys like this and I hope that Damien isn’t too ooc! Also I should definitely be working on requests rn, but I have had absolutely 0 motivation to write so I am SO SORRY. I’m trying to work on those haha. But please enjoy this for now! I just started listening to Redacted and his characters are the only things bringing me creativity atm.
As the credits to the movie begin to roll across the screen, I pull away from the warmth next to me and yawn as I stretch out my arms and legs.
“I’m beginning to think that our idea for a movie marathon isn’t going to work out…” I say, laughing quietly to myself. I look over to my right to see Damien’s head hanging at an uncomfortable looking angle, and his chest rising and falling at a steady rate. I let out another huff of laughter. “He fell asleep…” I whisper under my breath.
I lean back into the spot I was previously occupying by his side and lightly jostle his shoulder to attempt to wake him up.
“Damien…” my voice comes out sing-songy but still quiet. I don’t particularly want to put a fire elemental on high-alert trying to wake them up. Especially not Damien… “Damien. Wake up.”
I let out an exasperated sigh as he continues to stay in his slumber, but there’s still an amused smile on my face. I decide I’ll have to take slightly more drastic measures, and opt for lightly slapping his face to wake him up.
“Damien!” I finally use my normal speaking level of loudness, and he finally jerks awake.
“What? Huh, Freelancer? Wh- wha’s hap…” his sentence his interrupted by a yawn, “happening?”
His sleepy state causes a laugh to bubble up in my throat again.
“You lost. You fell asleep before me.”
“That bet was never real…” he lightly pushes me away, but I can see a semblance of a smile on his face.
“Mmmm… I don’t know, it seemed like you were pretty into it before we started watching any movies… I think it’s definitely real, you owe me now,” I tease him, turning my body to face him so that I can wrap my arms around his neck and lean my head against his shoulder. His hands come to rest on the sides of my waist as the two of us lean back slightly against the couch. I feel the slightest bit of uptick in heat coming off of him.
“Nope. You’re not getting any of my money, you’re a cheater.”
“‘S that so?”
“Yes. You used magic to make me tired, or drugged me or something.” I feel the top of his head come to rest in the crook of my neck, his hair lightly tickling the skin there.
“Fine. I guess I’ll let it slide this one time, since you apparently can’t handle what you propose.”
“I can too, you just cheated!”
“I did not!” I lean back, hands coming to hold onto his shoulders, laughing. “Damien’s a sore loserrr!” I sing out. I can feel his skin heat up through the fabric of his shirt.
He lets out an annoyed groan. “Fine! Fine, what do I owe you, Freelancer?”
“Hmm…” I tap my chin as I think of a punishment. “You have to make me breakfast in the morning.”
I see Damien’s eyes flick to the clock that’s sitting on the wall of my apartment, then come back to make eye contact with me, a sarcastic expression already present on his face.
“I’m not sure if you’re aware, Freelancer, but it already is the morning. It’s almost two am,” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“You know what I mean, meanie,” I scold, standing up from the couch, one of my hands trailing down his arm as I do so to grasp his hand and tug lightly.
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I am not mean.”
“Yes you are, come on.” I smile, tugging once again on his hand to pull him up to stand. “I need you to get some rest in preparation for the amazing breakfast you’re going to make in the morning.”
“Uughhhh…” Damien groans behind me, but I don’t even have to look back to know that he’s secretly smiling.
I make my way to my room, which is not that far a walk from the couch in the living room considering the size of my apartment, Damien trailing behind me, still lightly holding my hand.
“You know, you left the TV on,” he says, his voice returning to a quieter, softer tone, tiredness seeping back in.
I reach out with my mind, envisioning the button on the remote to the TV being pushed down and focusing a bit of my energy on the action, and I hear the TV click off as we reach the door to my room. “Did you really just use telekinesis to shut the TV off instead of walking five feet to use the remote?” Damien asks, giving me a look when I turn to face him and walk backwards through my door.
“I thought you’d appreciate that I’m getting practice, Damien.”
“I don’t think that was for practice, I just think you’re lazy, Freelancer.”
I grin at him and shrug, finally letting go of his hand to flick on the ceiling fan before throwing myself onto my bed, letting out a content sigh at the feeling of the mattress and soft blankets beneath me. I feel Damien move the covers and slide under them beside me, so I take a deep breath to prepare myself for the effort of forcing myself up to do the same.
Once under the covers, I scooch closer to Damien, resting my head next to the crook of his neck, and my hand coming to rest by the collar of his t-shirt. I feel the air around him heat up.
“Is this okay?” I ask, angling my head to look up at him, to look him in the eyes. The room gets hotter.
He clears his throat. “Yeah, yeah… it’s fine,” he says, giving me a small smile. With that answer, I return the smile and readjust my head to a more comfortable position. I close my eyes and begin to let myself drift off to sleep when I feel Damien shift beside me.
“I need to readjust,” he says, an awkward laugh following.
I nod and sit up, yawning once again. He moves his arm on the side I had been resting against and motions for me to lay back down, and I gladly oblige, returning to my previous position beside him.
I close my eyes once again and expect to fall asleep rather quickly, but after a few minutes of laying next to Damien, I start feeling overheated. Usually my layers and layers of blankets are perfect for winter nights since I have a shitty heater in a shitty apartment with slim to none insulation, but when you have a fire elemental that’s seemingly flustered by physical contact creating your own personal heater underneath all of your blankets with you, then it starts to get a little too much.
I sit up the slightest bit so that I can gently move some of the blankets off of me, trying not to disturb Damien in the process, but I feel him heat up even more and start to pull away from me.
“Sorry… I know I’m making it a lot warmer in here, I’ll try to keep most of it inside my body,” he says. I quickly turn around to face him after uncovering enough of myself to feel comfortable.
“No! Damien, don’t apologize and don’t… do that,” I reply. He slowly lays back down and I lean my torso over him a bit to be able to look down at his face. “I don’t mind the heat, really.”
“But—” he starts. I place a hand in the center of his chest to stop whatever he’s going to say.
“Damien. It’s fine. This is just your body and your magic functioning, if that bothers someone, they can fuck off. It’s already kind of fucked that you have to use energy to keep a normal bodily function for you from happening while you work out just to make sure other people are comfortable around you. I genuinely do not mind. Sure, you made it a little warm in here, but if I just take off some of the covers, like I just did, then…”
I pause to allow myself to lay on top of Damien and wrap my arms under his neck before resting my head down onto his chest, then continue, “if I just cuddle up to you like this… then it’s the perfect temperature to combat the freezing temperatures of the rest of my apartment.”
I can feel the heat radiating off of Damien start to become slightly more intense, but he pulls it back the slightest bit.
“I— shit, Freelancer, you can’t just say that,” his chest vibrates as he lets out some quiet laughter that I join in on. He brings his hands up to cover his face. “You’re just making me more flustered.”
I loosen my grip around his neck to be able to lean back and look him in the eyes, a wicked smirk appearing on my face.
“Look, it’s not my fault that you’re…” I pretend to lick my finger, then press it to the bare skin on his arm while making a sizzling noise, “too hot to handle.”
He lightly shoves my hand away, laughing more now. “Shut up.”
I’m certain his face would be very flushed at this point if I could see it better through the darkness, but I can’t, so I have to settle for feeling the heat rolling off of him as confirmation that my teasing is working.
“You’re just doing this on purpose now,” he says as I return my arm underneath his neck.
“I gotta find some way to get around my terrible heating bills,” I laugh.
We return to a comfortable silence as I rest on top of Damien and I feel his muscles relax and him start to feel comfortable beneath me. I think that that’s going to be it and we’re going to drift off to sleep now, but he speaks up once more.
“Thank you, Freelancer…” he says, voice low and gentle, making my face heat up the slightest bit. “Thank you for accepting me as I am, and… being such a good friend.”
“You’re welcome, Damien. Thanks for caring about me.” A yawn escapes me as he wraps his arms around me and I somehow relax further into him. “Now go to sleep so you can make me food in the morning.”
“It’s…” he yawns, “already morning…”
“So you’ve mentioned, smartass…” I retort, but he’s already asleep. I smile to myself, and with the comforting warmth of his body, I quickly join him in a comfortable sleep.
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mrsmount16 · 3 years
One where mason takes care of you drunk/hangover if that’s ok with u <3
Ofc its okay, I took a little break and as I type this rn its 1am and im trying to write my requests up, my back is in literal bits tho I feel like its broken🤣 update: I hate this im so sorry anon.
Warnings: None like always <3.
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You and Mason always had nights out together whenever you could. You loved to party, rave, dance, sing, everything, and he would always accompany you. You went out with friends every two weeks, on the Friday. It was always just something to look forward to with two weeks full of work and then a cool down and a social life with the people you loved the most.
Unfortunately, Mason couldn't make it this Friday. He was training early tomorrow morning and didn't want to have a major hangover that he knew he would regret when the early morning hours came around.
You insisted that you would stay home with him, have a night in and watch a movie, but he refused to let you stay, he waited on the bed for you to get ready and once you was he showered you with compliments and kisses and drove you to your friends, seeing them outside and explaining his reason why he wouldn't be joining tonight.
That night was honestly the most fun you've had, like every other fortnight on this day. You had to confess that you maybe had one too many and it was definitely affecting you in every possible way. At around 3am you begged your friends to go home, they were raw party animals and were more about 'in the moment' rather than the future and the consequences, but you wanted to respect that Mason had to be up early and didn't want to be too disruptive, even though you already had way too many to count.
When you walked into the house, you had your heels in your hand and your bag in the other, you was tiptoeing, or at least trying too but every step you took you felt like you was going to fall and you made the most noise while tumbling around.
You felt sick to your stomach but you didn't want to wake mason up or try and rely on him, you felt that it wasn't fair.
"Oh, youre back now? This is early for you." You heard a sleepy voice, a yawn followed after. Mason had woken up, peeping his head over the couch. You stood still, looking at him shocked and still on your tip toes.
"Whats wrong?" He asked, getting up and taking your bag and shoes, putting them down on the side.
"Why are you wake? It way too early, go to sleep now." You ordered, crossing your arms and almost falling, slurring your words.
"I wanted to make sure you got home safe, cmon, let me help you to bed." He put an arm around your waist, taking you up the stairs.
"Masey, I don't feel too good." You hung onto him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Okay, lets get you to the bathroom."
he lightly lowered you onto the bathroom floor, tying your hair up and leaving the room to grab one of his big shirts and some of your pj shorts.
"Thankyou babe" You smiled, starting to undo your dress and get out of it.
"You need help with that?" He chuckled, looking over at you struggling while he was wetting a flannel so you could take your makeup off.
"Yeah, undress me. I know you want to." You smirked, clearly your over confident drunk side came out.
He laughed, shaking his head and started to help take your clothes off and put your comfy clothes on. He started to lightly pat the flannel on your face to remove your makeup.
"Hot." You stated.
"You." You put your arms around his shoulders.
"Im so flattered, but you need rest, come on." He smiled, picking you up bridal style and placing you gently on the bed.
"I'm so sorry." you confessed, turning towards him when he eventually got into the bed beside you after cleaning everything up.
"For what?" He asked, placing his arm under your head and pulling the covers up.
It was around 4 am now, and you had none stop teased, been difficult and acted like an adult baby with him, you felt bad as you didn't mean too, and you totally forgot about the hours he had to be up at.
"For being soooo annoying."
"Shut up and sleep, you don't need to be sorry, of course im going to look after my girlfriend. I need to make sure youre okay." He rolled his eyes sarcastically, placing his other hand on your hip.
"I'm so tired and ill, but this was so fun." You looked at the ceiling, "Thankyou Mase."
"No worries babe, glad you had fun. On the side there's some paracetamol and water for tomorrow. Get some rest."
"Okay mase. Love you so so so so so so much." You turned to face him, kissing him gently and snuggling up to him.
"Love you too Y/N." He chuckled, closing his eyes and thinking about how lucky he is to have a girlfriend like you.
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@sicktember Prompt # 20: Doctor Visit/Checkup
Title: The Best Medicine
Fandom: N/A
Based on this post by me. (Sick doctor)
A physician leaves work miserably sick. His RN girlfriend takes care of him.
(Author’s Note: This breaks the rule I set of less than 2k words but I wrote it before I decided to do this challenge and thought it worked well here. I just needed a sick doctor having PE performed on them ok 😅)
Due to the fact that it was 6:30 AM and she was still more asleep than awake, it took her a while to realize the man she was dating was standing behind her as she waited in line for coffee. However, in her defense, she had never seen him in this coffee line at this time of day before (and she herself was here at this time every day).
It wasn't until she heard a familiar, sniffly yawning noise that she turned and caught his eye. 
"Shane? What are you doing here? You're usually sleeping right now." She didn't go to greet him right away, mainly because she didn't want to lose her place in line, and only two people stood between her and caffeination.
He too looked startled, though happy to see her. "Molly, hey," he said. There was a squeaky rasp to his voice and he had to clear his throat before he could continue. "Had an early meeting that got cancelled at the last minute. Since I was already awake, figured I'd come into the office early and clear out my inboxes."
"Gotcha. Well cool, that means I get to treat you to coffee for once. You find a place to sit and I'll get the drinks."
He shot her a grateful look and stepped out of line.
Molly ordered, received, and paid for the coffees quickly, tipping generously, before going to join Shane. He kissed her on the cheek as he took his cup, and they shared a warm smile as they made their way to a little sitting area, sharing a bench against the wall.
"Kathy's coffee is the best in the hospital. You'll love this."
"So you've told me many times. I'm glad I finally get to try it. What did you get me?"
"A surprise. You'll like it, trust me."
"Cheers, then." With another smile, they tapped their cups together before taking long pulls of their beverages.
"This is delicious," he said after a moment. "Best I've ever had from here. Thanks, babe."
"My pleasure." They sat for a bit in companionable silence, sipping their drinks. However, Molly couldn't help but cast sidelong glances at her partner with increasing frequency. Now that she was next to him, she saw he looked quite unwell. He was pale and shivery, with a flush over his cheeks and ears, and looking overall rundown and uncomfortable, a far cry from his usual easy smile and warm, steady demeanor.
"Is everything ok, doc? You really don't look good."
"You're saying I look ugly today?" he countered teasingly, dodging the question. 
She nudged him playfully. "You're just as handsome as ever. I'm saying you look sick. Are you feeling ok?"
He shrugged. "Think I'm just tired. Not used to being up so early. My head and throat are kinda sore I guess."
"Just tired, huh?" She reached out and placed her palm to his forehead, then his flushed cheeks, and finally his neck, where she could feel the swollen lymph nodes she had already seen. She clicked her tongue scoldingly.
"That's a fever, Doctor Mitchell, and a high one at that. Why in the world did you come to work today?"
"No kidding, really?" Shane leaned back against the wall, rubbing his neck and looking sheepish. "I can't even remember the last time I had a fever. Had to have been before medical school. Guess I forgot what it feels like."
"Hmm. Well regardless, you need to go home. You can't risk infecting your patients and staff."
"Yeah, of course. I'll go now."
When he stood, she did as well, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
"Feel better. Get lots of rest and fluids."
"I know the drill," he rasped, smiling a little. "I am a physician."
"Sometimes I have my doubts, mister 'doesn't know what a fever feels like.' Sports medicine doesn't deal with the flu much." She kissed his shoulder fondly.
"Yeah, yeah." He pulled away, running his thumb over her jawline. "Thanks again for the coffee. I'll see you later. Text me when you have time. I'm sure I'll be bored out of my mind."
"Will do."
She watched him go wistfully, wishing she was going with him.
Naturally he wasn't far from her thoughts for the rest of the day. The hospital OB-GYN clinic was as busy as ever, and the hustle and bustle kept Molly, an RN, quite distracted, but every moment of downtime found her wondering how Shane was doing.
She texted him a few times as he requested. The first time he replied right away, saying he had made it home safely and was relaxing on the couch. The second time he replied a few hours later, saying how tired he was and how he really was starting to feel unwell, but he was doing fine. The third time he never replied.
Her plans for the weekend had been solidified in her mind as soon as she felt how feverish he was. She practically ran out the door as soon as she clocked out. Her first stop was her house to change clothes, shower, and gather some supplies. Her second stop was Shane's favorite soup and sandwich place for two quarts of soup and two sandwiches to go. From there, she headed to Shane's condo across town.
She hadn't informed him she was coming because she had wanted it to be a bit of a surprise. Initially her plan was to leave the soup and sandwich on the stoop and ring the bell, then duck out of sight until the last minute. However, her plan changed when she caught a glimpse of him through the front door.
He was fast asleep, sprawled out on his stomach on the couch. Bundled under two blankets and snoring with his mouth open, surrounded by a nest of used tissues and dishes, he was the picture of illness.
She didn't have the heart to wake him by knocking, so instead she used her copy of his house key to let herself in quietly, being careful not to let the cold air in with her. He didn't stir even after she shut and re-locked the door. After removing her coat, she deposited the items she had brought in the kitchen, then returned to his side. Perching on the edge of the couch, she ran her hand over his face and through his hair to wake him.
He stirred weakly, mumbling and snuffling as he opened his eyes. His face lit up upon seeing her, and he quickly sat up, leaning all of his sleepy, overly-warm weight against her for a tight hug.
"Molly, you're here! I'mb so habby to see you," he croaked earnestly.
She hugged him back just as tightly. "Of course I'm here. When you stopped replying to my texts, I knew I had to come check on you. You look so sick, poor guy, and you're so stuffed up. Are you surviving?"
He shrugged, pulling away. "I guess. I'mb doi'g ok. So achy and tired. Just been sleebi'g all day." He licked his cracked lips and tried to swallow, which resulted in a grimace. "Budt you should go, babe. I don'dt wandt you to catch this. It's ndasty."
As if to prove his point, he turned away from her to cough productively into his elbow, thick and chesty. He followed it up with a honking nose blow that was far less productive. She watched this display sympathetically.
"I'm not leaving you all alone and sick like this. And anyway, if I do get sick, I think I know a doctor who could take care of me." She bumped her shoulder against his. He smiled wanly. "Now, have you taken any medicine recently?"
He sheepishly averted his eyes. "Umb… ndo. I… don'dt really have anythi'g to take."
"Ugh, Shane. Don't tell me you're one of those 'it only treats the symptoms' purists."
"Ndo, it's ndot thad. Like I told you, I just haven't been sigck in years. I've never thought to buy cold mbedicine."
"You're such a guy," she sighed. "Even if you are a doctor. You at least got your flu shot right?"
"Yeah. Budt they're already sayi'g it's probably ndot goi'g to be very effective this year."
"Of course they are." She sighed again. "However, I had a hunch this would happen, so I came prepared." She quickly retrieved a bag from the kitchen which rattled with medications, sitting down beside him again. She selected the ones she wanted and shook them into his hand, watching closely as he swallowed them.
"You're acti'g like you don'dt trust mbe to take care of mbyself," he teased, taking several gulps of water to chase the pills. 
"That's not necessarily true. I just want to do everything possible to help you feel better."
He had to cough harshly again before he could answer, hard enough to redden his face. "I love thad you wandt to take care of mbe. Budt you should really go. I'mb so contagious right ndow, and I don'dt wandt to try to stay away from you."
"Then don't. I came here to be close to you. I don't care if I get sick. It's the weekend anyway. I'm here for you and only you. Besides, you were probably contagious yesterday too, and we still made out. So it doesn't matter anyway."
"You're too good to mbe," he mumbled, finally succumbing and leaning his full weight against her, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms loosely around her. "Budt I still don'dt approve. You're staying AMA, just so we're clear."
"Call me a rebel, then," she murmured, stroking his sweaty hair.
He sneezed suddenly, only once, but wet and laborious, catching it in his elbow. She quickly pulled a tissue from the nearby box. He took it gratefully, blowing his stopped nose as best he could before resting against her again. He sighed deeply as she resumed her petting.
"You're lugcky the desire to be taken care of when sigck is a deebply ingrained biological traidt," he continued to mumble, sounding sleepier by the second.
"I am, huh? Well you're talking an awful lot for someone who has no voice."
She felt him smile against her, but he did fall silent for a while, aside from his sniffling and soft coughing. She thought he was going back to sleep when he spoke up again.
"You know whad would mbake mbe feel even better thad mbedicine? Sumb soubp."
"Hmm, well it just so happens you have a girlfriend who thinks of everything." She gently shifted him off of her, going back to the kitchen and returning with a quart of soup and a sandwich.
"Sal's chigcken rice?" he rasped, his eyes lighting up hungrily as he sat up straighter. 
"Naturally. We've been together almost two years. I know what you like when you're not feeling good."
"You're a lifesaver," he groaned, taking the proffered food and digging in right away.
"I'm glad you have an appetite anyway. I won't ever forget last year's stomach flu incident."
 "Ugh, don'dt rembind mbe," he said with a shudder. "Bud other than thad one time, I'll always have an abbetite for this soubp. This is all I've wanted all day." He wolfed down the food with unexpected vigor.
"Well then you're lucky I think of everything, like I said. And to think you wanted to kick me out."
"I ndever *wanted* you kigck you oud. I'm just goi'g to hade mbyself whed you ged sigck," he mumbled, swallowing a mouthful.
"Maybe I won't get sick, did you think of that? And like I've been saying--" She leaned in to kiss him fully on the mouth, long and hard, until he pulled away gasping. "--I don't care. As long as you promise to take care of me if I do, I won't complain about a few days off. So stop worrying."
"Ugh, take it easy babe," he moaned, pressing a hand to his forehead. "This fever has mby blood flow all mbessed ub. You can'dt be usi'g your lips on mbe like thad."
"Don't worry, I'm not planning to seduce you today. Unless you instigate it of course." She gave him a wicked look and he flushed. 
"You're something else, Mol," he muttered, unable to hide a smile.
"Just eat your 'soob'." 
He did what he was told while she tidied up his sick bed area. When he was almost done, she fetched another bag from the kitchen and began rummaging through it. He eyed the items she pulled out suspiciously.
"How much crabp did you bri'g? And whad are you doi'g ndow?"
"Something I've always wanted to do. And something I think will make you smile."
"I feel like I've been smili'g since you godt here."
It was Molly's turn to flush and smile. "Something that might make you laugh, then."
She sat close beside him on the couch with her stethoscope around her neck, placing a little tablet of paper and a pen in front of her on the table. 
"Constitution:" she both said this out loud and wrote it on the paper. "Well-nourished. Unwell appearing today. Complains of malaise and myalgia. Lymphatics:" 
She had been neatly writing everything down as she spoke. After the last word, she reached out to gently palate the visibly swollen lymph nodes in his neck. He moaned softly as she massaged them, the moan turning into a cough.
"Cervical lymphadenopathy noted. Lymph nodes tender to palpation." She wrote this down as well.
"Whad are you doi'g, Mol?"
"You get to be a doctor all the time. Today you're definitely the patient, so I'm taking my turn being the doctor and doing a physical exam on you. We need to make a diagnosis after all."
"Ah, of course. Mby apologies, please continue," he said with a little laugh, wiping his nose with a tissue.
"Thank you. Open your mouth please." Inserting a thermometer under his tongue, she also took his pulse with her watch as the thermometer calibrated. 
"Resting heart rate is elevated at 86 bpm. Temperature is abnormal at 101.8 degrees Fahrenheit."
"I could've told you thad. I just toogk my tembp before you godt here."
"I find that hard to believe since you were sleeping when I got here. Now shh. Actually say 'ah'." She situated a tongue depressor in his mouth, peering in. "Throat erythematous and inflamed," she said and wrote. "Now lean forward a bit if you would."
He did as he was told, looking slightly put-upon and she slid the diaphragm of her stethoscope under his worn university tee shirt, placing it on his back as she listened to him breathe for a moment. "Minor ronchi noted. No crackles or rales. Minimal concern for pneumonia at this time."
"Well thad's a relief," he said, sniffling wetly.
"Shh, I still need to listen to your heart," she said, sliding the diaphragm of the stethoscope around to his chest. 
"Terrible beside manner. I'm leavi'g a ndegative review."
She gave him her sternest "doctor" look. He merely smiled impishly. She sighed, biting back a smile of her own, and listened again.
"Normal rhythm. L-1, L-2 heard."
Setting aside the instruments, she slid her hands under his shirt, feeling gently.
"Skin is overly warm or feverish. Abdomen is soft, non-tender and non-distended."
"You didn't have to go under mby shirt, you know. Abdominal exam cad be done over clothi'g," he said, smirking.
"I was being… thorough," she said with a wink.
He chuckled hoarsely. "Someone's godt the hots for their patiendt. Thad's trouble," he murmured, stifling a yawn as he pulled his blanket closer around himself with a shiver. 
"Neurologic: grossly normal. Tremors noted due to chills. Psychiatric: patient is oriented to person, place, time. Behavior normal, but appears lethargic, fatigued and sleepy."
After writing down these final notes, she cuddled up beside him on the couch, wrapping him in her arms and pulling him close as he started shivering in earnest. He nestled against her wearily.
"How did I do?" she murmured. "Did I make you laugh a little at least?"
"Very thorough and efficiendt," he mumbled sleepily, coughing. "And yes you did. Whad's your diagnosis and treadtment plan, doctor?"
"At best a severe case of rhinovirus. I'm more inclined to think influenza due to the fever, but we'll continue to monitor. No active intervention needed at this time. Bed rest at home, OTC medication as needed and adequate hydration recommended." At this she handed him his water bottle. He drank several big gulps before handing it back to her and snuggling in again.
"If that's what the doctor orders," he sniffled, closing his eyes. 
She held him for a while, since that seemed to be all he wanted, just rubbing his back and stroking his hair. However, they were forced to move when Shane pulled away to break into one of his barking, painful coughing fits. He tried to settle again after the fact, making a face. 
"I don't feel good, Mol," he mumbled pathetically. "This sugcks."
"I know, doc. But I'm doing everything I can to help you feel better. I didn't realize your fever was so high though," she murmured. "And that was after you took medicine. But you seemed just fine yesterday. You don't do anything by halves, do you?"
"Thad's one of the reasons you have the hots for mbe, you know id is," he croaked.
"The only thing with the hots around here is that fever. You're sweltering."
"Sorry," he mumbled, yet made no effort to move off of her. Instead he sneezed wetly into his elbow.
"Update, you're sweltering *and* gross," she said conversationally. Yet she made no effort to move away from him either, kissing his forehead instead. He yawned as she did. "And sleepy."
"Thingk I'm just sigck," he muttered.
"Yeah, let's go with that. Do you want to go back to sleep right now?"
"Ndo. Ndot while you're here. I'm too sigck to sleeb anyway."
"There's no such thing as being too sick to sleep. But if you don't want to sleep right now, I have one more present for you." 
"You've already given mbe too mbuch."
"There's no such thing as that either." She carefully shifted out from under him again and attempted to head to the kitchen once more. Before she could take more than a step though, he caught her hand and made her turn around. Seeing his imploring look, she stepped back into the V of his legs. He wrapped his arms fully around her, burying his hot face in her abdomen. 
"Thangk you mbuch for the soubp and mbedicine, baby. You really are a lifesaver. I just wanted to tell you thad."
She nuzzled her face into his messy hair. "Anything to help you feel better. I can tell you're still miserable though."
"Nodt miserable with you here." 
"Just sick."
"Mhm," he mumbled, sleepily as ever. She let him hold her for another moment or two before speaking again.
"Seriously though, I have something else I want to give you. It'll just take a second to grab."
"Fine," he sighed. As he pulled away, she saw a hazy, pre-sneeze look cross his face. Sure enough, as she trotted to the kitchen, behind her she heard him emit a pair of messy, rough sneezes.
"That soup really got your nose going, huh?" she asked as she reentered the living room.
"Guess so," he sniffled, blowing his nose thickly. "Thad's the poindt though, right?"
"Indeed it is." She moved to the entertainment center and quickly plugged her laptop into the TV.
"Now whad are you doi'g?"
"Maybe you should stop asking questions and just wait and see."
"You know I hade surprises."
"That's not true at all in my experience, so I'm calling your bluff on that one. But you won't have to wait long for this one either way."
After a few setting changes to allow the laptop display to be projected on the TV, Molly popped a disk into the drive and started it up.
"Are we watchi'g somethi'g?"
"You and your questions." She tossed a thick DVD case into his lap. He picked it up, his eyes widening happily.
"The original Jurassic Park trilogy? Holy crabp, this is awesome!"
"I'm glad you approve," she laughed, stepping into his arms again. "It was going to be your Christmas present, but I figured a sick day at home is an even better occasion."
"This is perfect, love. You're ambazing," he mumbled, squeezing her tightly.
"Anything for my best guy." She nuzzled his hair again fondly. "Anything to help you sleep."
"I don'dt wandt to sleeb while you're here though. I don'dt wandt to mbiss out on seei'g you."
"Well then you're in luck, because I'm planning on staying here all weekend. So I'll be here when you fall asleep and when you wake up. No time wasted at all."
A grin split his face. "You'd do thad for mbe?"
"I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise. Doctors need to be looked after too, especially by their nurse girlfriends. So you stretch out and get comfortable and leave the rest to me."
"You're cooler than anadomy and dinosaurs combined, you know thad?"
Molly giggled happily. "I don't know if I'll ever come back from such high praise. You better quit while you're ahead, Dr. Mitchell."
"Only if you promise to make mbe coffee in the morni'g. Your good coffee."
"Sounds like a plan," she said with a grin and another kiss.
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kzuhadovey · 4 years
i love you
character: miya atsumu x reader
type: angst
warnings: fuckboy!atsumu, no happy ending
song recommendation: i love you - billie eilish
this may seem like a happy lovey dovey fanfic but i think it’ll stab you in the guts aha- anyways sorry if this is too long, i got in the zone <3
edit: so someone requested for a part 2 to this story, so i wrote it! to read it, click here.
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You were undeniably, so deeply in love. With who, you may ask? Miya Atsumu, of course. He was Inarizaki’s playboy- more like a cheaper version of Oikawa.  He was deemed Japan’s best high school setter, and many girls confessed their love to him daily. You and Atsumu were close friends- you were the manager for their volleyball team so you were surely close to all of them. But there was something about him that made you realize- you were so utterly in love. The way you would laugh a bit too hard at his jokes, and the way you stared too long at him, and the way your heart would pinch at the sight of him with other people. You hated that you felt this way- it would ruin everything if you confessed. So you suppressed these feelings, even if you knew they would all spill out eventually. 
You yawned as you walked into the Inarizaki Volleyball room, they were just about to start practice. “Good morning Y/N.” A familiar voice says, slinging their arm over your shoulder. “Good morning to you too… Atsumu.” You mutter back, zipping up your backpack. “Sorry we made you attend this early, Nationals are coming up,” Kita says. You nod and try to ignore the loud thumping of your heart as Atsumu attaches himself closer to you. “We should start practice. I’ll get your bottles ready.” You say, trying to wretch Atsumu’s arm from your shoulder. “Go practice, Tsumu. Don’t get distracted.” You manage to mutter out quickly before walking away. You can just feel the stare that Atsumu’s giving you- you’ve been ignoring him for the past week or so- a mere attempt at hiding your feelings. 
“Oi, Y/N. What are you gonna do about Atsumu?” Osamu asked nonchalantly as you stuffed a pile of celery down your throat. “What do you mean by that?” You ask, your cheeks warming up by the second. “Well shit Y/N. You blind or something?” Osamu asks, rolling his eyes. “He has an obvious crush on you.” You almost choke on your food as you process what he just said. “Crush? Me? Pfft- how?” You ask, a bit embarrassed. It wasn’t possible… or was it? “He’s touchy, he talks about you a lot, and-” “And what Osamu? He’s touchy with everyone. I bet he only says that I’m kind and all that bullshit but he doesn’t actually like me because he’s Miya Atsumu.” You snap and Osamu chuckles. “Okay geez- don’t have to get defensive,” Osamu says, a smug smile plastered on his face. “You’re so mean.” You say, a small pout on your face as you start eating your food again. Was it really that impossible for Atsumu to like you? 
atsumuu~ oi y/n. psst. y/n :0 huh what atsumuu~ you wanna sneak out? rn? y/n :0 -_- it’s like 2 am atsumuu~ yet you’re still not asleep my dear come on I’ll meet you at the park if you wanna y/n :0 you crazy bitch.
You sighed heavily- you couldn’t help but comply to Atsumu- it was something that happened every time he asked you for something. You blew softly at your cold hands as you made your way to a famous park you and the team liked to go to. The night air stabbed through your lungs as you took a deep breath and jumped over the gates, hoping that no one you knew was there. “Y/N!~” Atsumu’s voice was heard from across the small garden section, and you squinted your eyes. He looked half-asleep, but his eyes still shone as bright as ever. “Tsumu. Hey.” You said, shooting him a small smile as you made your way to him. “Look! We can sit on the swings- it looks especially pretty at night.” Atsumu said excitedly as he pointed to a pair of swings. You chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Alright then.”
You were sat on the swings, thoughts quietly running through your head as Atsumu rambled on and on about volleyball. “Y/N. Oi. Are you paying attention?” Atsumu asks, a sharp tone in his voice. You shrug away from your thoughts and smile sheepishly at Atsumu. “Sorry. I was daydreaming.” You say fixing your sitting position quickly. “Oh? Daydreaming about what, my darling?” Atsumu asks, leaning in closer. Your breath hitches at that nickname- he’s dangerously close to you- you’re pretty sure you’re about to faint at the proximity he’s in. “Nothing in particular.” You decide to mutter out, a feeling of warmth creeping in your cheeks. “Are you sure?” Atsumu asks again, and this time, his face is right above yours. You can smell him- he smelled like honeycakes and cologne. His breath is warm against yours, and if you lean in a bit more, you’re kissing. “Getting nervous, Y/N?” Atsumu chuckles lightly before pulling away, making you sigh in relief. “Shut up.”
y/n :0 tsumu tsumu tsumu are you ignoring me YOU’RE ONLINE ON IG BRO tsumuu read 
You huff angrily at your phone. So he was on Instagram and clearly texting in the team group chat but he’s ignoring you? Piece of shit, you think to yourself as you head over on Instagram in an attempt to contact him again. You’re about to click on the DM icon when something catches your eye. Atsumu posted something new. A girl clinging on his shoulder. They’re… kissing. 
“me and my girl ^__^“
Your heart nearly stops as you read over the caption again. Me and my girl. He surely meant as a friend right?- wait, they were kissing. Was this some kind of dream? Was this a joke? You choose not to like the picture and you shoved your phone away from you. Was he just playing with you? Was this all a sick, stupid game to him? You hiss quietly as you feel tears prick your eyes. You surely remembered having a connection- that night at the park. Was that nothing too?
You managed to get a bit of sleep last night- but you were still sleepy as fuck. It felt as if someone was stabbing your head over and over and the walls were closing in on you. Your eyes were still slightly red and puffy and splotches of foundation on your under-eyes were a shitty attempt at you covering up your dark eye bags. You tried your best to make it through class- it took almost all your willpower to not just flop asleep right then and there. Worse, you had volleyball practice with the boys. Today was the worst day to have volleyball practice, considering your… situation. You walked into the room with a heavy sigh and immediately sat down on one of the bleachers. Maybe Coach Kurosu could let you catch a wink of sleep. “H- Woah Y/N you look like the nun!” Osamu says once he’s seen you. You sigh, a hint of annoyance in your voice. “Just- warm-up or whatever. I’m okay.” You mutter, leaning back and snuggling into your backpack. 
“Y/N~ You look ghostly my dear.”
Your eyes shoot open at that voice. The one that’s caused you pain, agony, and the voice that made you reconsider whether you were worth anything or not. “Hey. Hello.” Atsumu called out again, waving his hand in front of your face, trying to catch your attention. “Atsumu.” You could barely speak- all of the memories were rushing to your head, and you were definitely pissed off. “Come, let’s get you some water-” “Stop, Atsumu.” He was definitely surprised at the sharp tone of your voice. “Woah- what’s got your ass today?” Atsumu asks, chuckling. “Just stop it. I’m not a game for you to play- do I look like fucking Jumanji to you?” You say, standing up. You’re fuming- an indescribable feeling coursing through your veins. “Huh? What did Osamu do to you, heh-” Atsumu reaches out to touch your shoulder but you flinch. “Stop it. Why are you doing this? Acting like you care for me and shit.” You said, packing up your bags. “But Y/N, I do care for-” “No you don't! You flirt with me all the fucking time but you don’t actually make a move on me. And don’t you think I know about your little- girlfriend?” You snapped, glaring at him. “I’m so tired of this shit.” You say, tears finally pricking your eyes. “Y/N- I- I didn’t mean it like that,” Atsumu says, panic settling in his eyes.
“No, because you meant it like that. You wanted to flirt with me, to try and confuse me, and it’s so fucking tiring because I love you!” Atsumu freezes, and the whole team’s attention is diverted to you. “It’s so tiring, trying to love you because I know you won’t love me back. Instead, you play these stupid games with me and I fucking hate it!” You shout, fresh tears rolling down your cheeks. “I love you, and I don’t want to.” You say quietly. Atsumu is baffled- he has no idea of your feelings. “Y/N-” “Please, Atsumu. Don’t talk to me anymore.” You say, heartbroken.
In the end, he complied. You’ve seen him around in the halls, and once in a while, he would glance at you. You, of course, have moved on. He wasn’t important anyway, right? You’ve seen him stare at you- for an abnormally long time, and sometimes, you’ve seen him laugh more at your jokes. He’s in love with you. But he knows, because of a simple mistake, he’ll never have you. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up together in another life.
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
same anon again! and totally cool with the last request :) So I popped up with a new one. Same thing daphne x reader using 15 and/or 47 from the prompt list! (preferably daphne asking out reader but anything’s cool) :))
A/N: Hi lovely anon... You're the sweetest <3 I really think you might be my official fav person rn :D And yes, yes, I'm super happy to see you again in my inbox and... oh boy, I love Daphne x Reader so much. Here you go with with the requests you asked for :)
Warnings: Might add but I consider both of those works as children-friendly lol (maybe some alcohol but that's pretty much it)...
15: “Just tell her that.” / “Such a pep talk…”
You burst into the Slytherin common room with as much energy as your legs could carry you with at the late hour as it was. Exactly, 1 am, if to be radically precise. But getting acquainted with Pansy's strange late-night habits for over seven years, you knew you could find her sprawling over the large lounge, still awake, with the Firewhisky drink in her hand per usual.
As presumed, you were right -- she was sitting, still fully dressed in her school robes and staring aloof at the fireplace, drifting more in her perplexing thoughts than she would want to. Hearing your sleepy voice, however, made her tilt her head and glance at you, standing in your emerald-green pajamas, at the entrance of the stairs to the girls' room.
She smirked. "Insomnia playing over?" she asked, teasingly, her sparkling eyes locking with your fluttery ones.
"No," you answered carefully before covering your mouth from a yawn to which Pansy's smirk widened. You flopped tiredly on the sofa, next to her and laid your head instinctively on her shoulder. "There's something I wanted to talk with you about."
"That's why you got out of bed? To talk to me about something you could do as well in the morning but without bothering your pretty face?" she asked, and though you couldn't see her face, you imagined she was frowning in incomprehension.
"Well..." you drawled, already partly regretting you had decided to come over with such a sensitive issue to her. "It's the only time Daphne is not around."
"Oh...Is that--" Pansy gasped in enthusiasm, throwing your head off of her to which you reacted with a small moan of pain, to look directly into your face. "Are you going to finally admit you're so madly in love with her and that you drool at her every time she doesn't look?"
Well, that was straightforward...
"W-what?" you sputtered out, trying to make sense of what you wanted to express. But dealing suddenly with too much confusion and surprise, you found it to be a challenging task to perform. "How would you know? I've never told anyone!"
At the raised, almost frantic tone of your voice, Pansy grinned, probably satisfied with the fact she dared to shock you. "You are the worst player in this puppy-love game if you haven't noticed yet," she said, arching her eyebrows. "It's almost hard to miss you staring at her in the classrooms or... I don't know... even when you talk to her, smiling like mad. Only concerns are for Daphne, who seems to be totally oblivious to that."
"You think? I mean, hasn't she noticed? Did she s--"
"No," Pansy interrupted you intentionally, rolling her eyes. "I think she has other doubts than that. Besides... it's also she who attempts to hide her goo-goo eyes from you."
You frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Ughh... She has a crush on you too! Happy?"
"No, she does no--"
"Of course she does, you unheeding dolt! One time, I even caught her scribbling your name in her notebook with small hearts around. What do you think it means?"
"I--" Momentarily speechless, you dropped your gaze to the hands and unconsciously started playing with your fingers. "I don't know what to say..."
"Just tell her that." Pansy shrugged, finding the simplest solution in everything while eloquently sipping her drink. "It's a normal thing to do. Go over to her during lunchtime and talk to her. Confess."
You huffed, suddenly feeling a stream of sarcasm dancing on your tongue. "Oh, really? Such a pep talk, you know... Thanks, Pans."
She nudged you with her elbow. "C'mon. You've wasted plenty of time daydreaming about her. It's a moment to take up action. Tomorrow, it's your round, or otherwise, it might pass."
Sighing, you peeked at her with seriousness. "I don't know about that."
"Then you'll never know," she commented aptly, and you knew she made her point. "I realize it might be confusing. But hey, no matter what happens, I'll be always there for you. Remember?"
"Remember," you repeated, somehow feeling more confident than you had been ten minutes ago.
47. “Are you asking if I’m a single?” / “Okay… I-I will.”
The party night was... disastrous, to say at least.
And you really didn't want to be here. But all thanks to your best friend, Susan, who was definitely a go-go type of a person and had been insistently persuading you to get out with her ("This'd be so fun, Y/N!" said she with already a little too drunk tone), by now you were being pushed in the crowd of inebriated people, soaking in sweat due to the heated breaths that were puffing and blowing at your neck from all around. Making your best attempts to push your way, conflict-less, to some less teeming space, you met with a failure by being shoved to your previous position by someone's hips from behind and a loud 'Watch it!'.
Frustration and exasperation accumulated in you, and you felt truly flustered with a situation. As it turned out, flustered enough to provoke the combative self you hadn't known existed in you, to start jostling everyone around to move away from your path to freedom. It required a few angry 'ouches' and curses sent towards you, but finally...Finally, you succeeded in getting away from the bustle and a disgusting odor of sweat that hurt your nostrils just too much.
"Double Scotch, please," you said breathlessly to the bartender as you had reached the bar and casually leaned over the counter. "Triple if needed. Make it extra strong."
The bartender nodded merely, giving you a perfunctory smile, before taking care of your order by grasping some liquor from the shelf and pouring it professionally into the glass. Too distracted with exhaustion from too loud music and screeches from the crowd singing along the songs' lyrics, you hadn't even noticed a blonde girl with a glint of explicit interest in her eyes staring at you. Well, not until...
"Is it a way of dealing with the party?" the girl asked, smiling. "Or are you trying to forget you're here?"
"Both, I guess." You laughed, turning your head to behold a nice-looking gal who was casually sipping her Mohito drink. A really nice-looking, actually. Her hair was laid in the smooth curls on her broad shoulder, emphasizing her soft facial features and shiny, blue eyes. Dressed in the tight gleaming-black dress with the heals lengthening her legs, she looked more than appealing. "I was forced by a friend to come. Not my intention."
"Tell me about it," muttering under her breath, she playfully rolled her eyes and smirked suggestively. Then with an outstretched hand, she proffered you an inviting smile and introduced herself, "I'm Daphne."
You took a hand invitation, shaking in lightly and reciprocating a smile. "Y/N."
"So, you came here with a friend?" the girl, now as you knew Daphne, asked you with an arousing curiosity. "Or girlfriend, or boyfriend?"
Alcohol being the best solution for straightforwardness as it was, forced you to express your first-moment thought without any earlier contemplation. "Are you asking if I'm single?" You took a gulp of your drink and squinted suddenly at the realization of your words. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that! It's just--"
"It's okay, I'm aware of the after-alcohol effects," Daphne soothed you down and tried her best to hide her pre-momentary shock from her face, though you could still detect it.
You fucking idiot!
"Yeah, I've come here with my roommate. She loves parties and said it would be a crime to miss one, especially on Friday night," you answered her question, attempting to get slickly out of your faux pas.
Smiling, forgetting about your little confusion, and ignoring the noise from the background, you chatted, relishing each other's company and treating it as a make-up for ruined Friday plans, fault laying on both of your friends' sides. How much time had passed while you were sitting there, taking the next rounds from the bartender and goggling at each other you didn't know, but one thing was sure -- you both definitely enjoyed it.
The things came, however, to the end as soon as Susan, plastered as you had never seen her before, approached you in a stumbling manner. She was giggling like mad, which clearly indicated one thing -- it's about time to export her back to the house.
"What the heck?! It's not a funeral, peach. Come dance with me!" she screamed as if she was on the opposite side of the room, putting her arms around your shoulder and dangling on you to keep her balance. "Cooooommmmee..."
"No," you shot back, also drunk but much less than her, which made you take responsibility in your hands. Instead of looking at Susan, however, you glanced at Daphne apologetically. "We're calling a cab."
"But, I--"
"Shut it," you said, a little angry with her intoxicated state but yourself having a bit of a problem creating a coherent sentence. "The party is over. We're- are go-ing home."
Susan made a small groan but said nothing, to which you were very thankful because you wanted to end the conversation with Daphne. The sudden influx of bravery had overtaken, and you asked her to hand over her phone. So she compliantly did, and you tapped your phone number on the screen, saving it on the contacts list before handing it back to the proper owner.
"I'm sorry it turned out that way. In these circumstances," you apologized to Daphne, the weight on your arm becoming gradually heavier as your friend wriggled in her place, still grasping your shoulder like to necessary sanity. "It was nice meeting you."
Daphne smiled at that. "You too. Good luck with..." She didn't finish her sentence, but you concluded she was referring to the little situation with drunken Susan.
"Thanks. Oh, and..." You suddenly changed the timbre of your voice to a little deeper one, almost exigent actually. "...don't forget to call me."
A coy smile spread on Daphne's lips, and she said, more in the murmur than a normal tone, "Okay...I-I will..."
And then, you were strolling away, satisfied with how your Friday turned out, much less lame than you had initially assumed.
Maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea after all.
A/N: I enjoyed writing those actually. These had to be drabbles but somehow turned out to be full-length one-shots. But no fault of mine; these were just my hands doing most of the job! I'm taking a break to spend some quality time with my friends (yes, it's me bragging I have a private life lol), and I'm sitting at my computer to write the next goodie :) See ya in some time!
Btw, as I've counted (via my computer) it's almost 2k words. What's wrong?!
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sneezefiction · 4 years
Caring for a Sore S/O after Working Out
Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, & Tsukki x Reader - Sore S/O Headcanons
request: “can i request headcanons with the third gym squad when their s/o is sore from doing excercise? usually i don't excercise, the last week i just jump the rope, and my left leg is just aching as hell, Now I'm limping, sliding my hurt leg lmao thank u by the way!!!!!”
a/n: ok i felt this. i haven’t worked out since quarantine began and i am physically falling apart rn. so even if i did workout, i’d probably be in so much pain that i’d quit the next day oop. BUT here’s the 3rd gym squad, at your service bby <33 hope u enjoy!
warnings: slightly suggestive for Kuroo
total wc: 1020
lately Kuroo has been pestering you to come to the gym w/ him
i mean you are dating an athlete and you gotta admit, he looks pretty damn good
but when you wake up at 4am to an unwelcome aching all over your body, the regret sets in
your arms, legs, thighs… everything is so sore. it hurts to even shift under the covers
you stifle several groans, trying not to wake up Kuroo, but he’s such a light sleeper that his eyes are open the second you make a noise
“You okay, babe?” he mumbles sleepily, rubbing his eyes
“Kuroo, I am in so much pain. The gym was a mistake.” you murmur, “What do I do? I don’t think I can go back to sleep.”
“I’ve gotcha, baby. What hurts?” he’s pulling the covers off of you
Your face flushes, skin exposed, unsure of what he’s planning to do
He smirks, “Relax, I’m just gonna give you a massage.”
he’ll start with your shoulders, pressing into them with firm hands, and you release a deep satisfied breath
Tetsurou will work his way down your body, savoring the contented hums you release, making sure to apply direct, but gentle pressure
when he finds his way to your legs, you let out a groan, and now Kuroo’s cheeks are tinged pink
but you’re already sore, so he spares you for tonight
when he’s finished, he leaves trails of kisses down your back and grabs you a heating pad
you thank him with a sleepy peck on the forehead and he responds by pulling you into his arms, ignoring the little “Ouch” you squeak out
you’d worked out a couple of days ago and Bo was SO PROUD OF YOU
but the thing is, he forgot how sore people could get if they haven’t exercised in a while
so when he came over to your place and leapt into your arms for a hug, you both crashed to the floor, your legs unable to handle the strain of his sudden movements
now you’re not only sore, but there’s a sharp pain shooting up your arm
he’ll feel sO bad about it, apologizing profusely on his knees while grasping your hands
like babe, he’s pleading, his eyes are so big
and you won’t have any time to respond to him because he’ll have already scooped you up in his arms
he’s holding you bridal style, his grip gentle and secure, eyes on you the whole time
“Were you really that sore, baby?”
“Bokuto, I literally collapsed. What do you think?”
“Please let me make it up to you!” he begs
be prepared for a netflix night and all kinds of takeout food
he’ll make sure your legs are laid over his lap and he’ll keep his warm hands on your thighs the whole time, stroking them softly
now every time you workout, you have to tell him beforehand, bc he’s scared of you collapsing under his crushing hugs
he’ll see you limping and immediately assess the situation
you’ve clearly done something out of the ordinary, you’ve been complaining about how heavy your arms feel, and you’re unreasonably tired
so when you finally mention your workout the other day, everything clicks and he decides to pull out his full regimen for muscle soreness and strain
he starts randomly bringing you water bottles throughout the day
if it’s your abs that hurt, Akaashi will bring you a hot water bottle and a fuzzy, blanket
at night, before you both finish up some documentary series together, you’ll hear water running in your bathroom
you walk in to find Akaashi filling it up, clouds of bubbles sitting on the water’s surface
he’ll turn around and give you a soft smile
“Thought you might like something soothing, y/n.”
“Akaashi… you’re amazing.”
once you’re relaxed and out of your bath, he motions for you to sit with him, leaving a big space for you to lay out on the sofa
but you’re feeling cuddly and lean into his side
he’ll just run his fingers through your hair, not minding the dampness, lowkey giving you a scalp massage
and if your hair is long enough, Akaashi will move it to the side, lightly brushing the skin on your neck and trace the crevices on your shoulders and neck
you literally work out just so you get this treatment more often lmao
he actually makes fun of you for trying to exercise in the first place
“You do realize you have to do this again to get results, right?” he snorts, “If you feel this awful, maybe just don’t do it at all.”
Tsukki says that, but the next day he’ll be helping you learn proper form for different exercises
he’ll position your arms and legs so you don’t put pressure on your back and he’ll keep you from overdoing it while on a run
ever wonder why he smells so fresh? this guy uses icy hot all. the. time.
it helps him release all kinds of tension in his muscles
he’ll absolutely convert you to it, you have no choice in this matter
but Tsukishima insists you’re putting it on wrong and definitely uses it as an opportunity to get his hands on you in a slightly more discreet way you’re not fooling anyone, sweetheart
when he’s rubbing it in on your back, you lean into the touch and he teases you by immediately dropping his hands to wash them off
you’ll be pouting around the house, but when he comes back, he’ll start massaging pressure points, rubbing your back and neck
Tsukki’s hands are literal magic yes, you may take this in any way you’d like to
“How’d you get so good at this?” you ask, the soreness slowly fading
“Wikihow.” he says monotonously 
“No, really babe. I have to know your secret.”
“...I literally read an article and just figured it out from there.”
he actually probably did learn it off the internet, but you refuse to believe it
Tsukki definitely threatens to charge you for his services, but he secretly relishes how much you seem to enjoy his touch
tags: @cherryonigiri
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peach-pops · 4 years
Kuroo’s Secret Relationship
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Request: hello👉🏻👈🏻 i had a vision and i cant tell if this is dumb or cute but IMAGINE kuroo and his karasuno manager gf at training camp but nobody knows theyre datin so they just keep it a secret so during the camp they try to find time to meet but if one of them is free the other one is busy. so during sleepy time she gets up to like poo or sumn and kuroo suprises her but she didnt know it was him so she punches him but then she feels bad and the next day everyone thinks he got in a fight I LOV U❤️
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting!!! I am a total simp for Kuroo idk if you guys can tell. This is just a cute little scenario and honestly, I’d let Kuroo punch ME but that’s none of my business. ALSO requests are still open, I’ll close them once I reach a certain amount. 
Kuroo watched from afar as you talked amongst some of his teammates that were practically drooling at the pools of your feet. He knew he wasn’t being subtle at all as his eyes raked up your figure but he didn’t know how much more of this he could take. 
You two had been dating for a while but you both thought it would be important to keep your relationship a secret for the time being. Kuroo didn’t want to make it seem like he would be putting volleyball as a second priority to his team and you didn’t want it to look like you were fooling around with one of Karasuno’s “enemies”. 
It was fun sneaking off behind corners for private makeout sessions and sharing secret glances towards each other but as Kuroo watched you get blatantly hit on in front of him, he felt like he was losing his cool. 
The worst part was that since the training camp started, the two of you had no alone time and it was eating away at the both of you. You felt like you couldn’t even smile at Kuroo when he did really well against your own Karasuno without exposing your relationship and frankly, the two of you were both at your wits end. 
“ You’re making it obvious,” Kuroo turned around and looked down at Kenma, who’s attention was on his gaming console,” just go over there.”
Okay, Kuroo wasn’t supposed to tell anyone but Kenma was an exception. The two had been friends for so long and Kuroo trusted him with his life, plus Kenma was never the type to gossip. 
“ Are you seeing this? They’re practically undressing her with their eyes! I can tell from here that Lev is into her just from the way he’s standing,” Kuroo kept his gaze on you as you let out a laugh and even though Kuroo didn’t hear the joke, he knew your laugh wasn’t even genuine,” I might actually kill them, would you help me bury the body?”
Kenma sighed as he continued to keep his attention to his game,” You’re hopeless.”
“ We would need to dig a bigger hole, Lev has a pretty big head,” Kuroo mumbled as you excused yourself to step away. 
As soon as you turned away from the boys, your smile dropped and Kuroo could visibly see how annoyed you were with the conversation. 
It made Kuroo feel better that you didn’t like getting hit on but it wasn’t like you could stop them, they all thought you were single. If they would’ve known you were dating the captain of Nekoma, their advances would stop but that wasn’t an option at the moment. 
You looked over at Kuroo and your whole demeanor shifted. You gave him a big smile before you looked away and pulled out your phone to text him. 
Y/N: pls tell me you saw that- i couldn’t wait for that conversation to be over, lev and yamamoto are going to be the death of me 
Tetsuro: trust me, they’ll wish they were dead once im done with them
Tetsuro: r u free rn? I checked this morning and the janitors closet is unlocked maybe we can sneak off to have some alone time ;)
You looked up from your phone and up towards Kuroo who had the biggest smirk on his face. Before you could text back, Nekoma’s manager announced that Nekoma was next up to play for court two. 
Kuroo groaned out loud, of course the universe was against him. 
Tetsuro: im sorry baby, maybe later tonight then? 
Y/N: that’s fine - good luck!
You watched as Kuroo put his phone away and sent you a quick wink before heading over to the empty court. 
For the rest of the day, you two hardly even had the chance to share a glance between each other. Whenever he was playing on a court, Karasuno had their own match and whenever he was free, you had manager duties with the other girls. 
Even during dinner, you were so busy running around doing last-minute tasks before bed that Kuroo never got to say goodnight to you. By the time you finished, Kuroo was already in bed snoring away with his teammates. 
In the middle of the night, you woke up to Tanaka kicking you in his sleep and in retaliation, you grabbed your pillow and swung it over his face. 
Tanaka only grumbled and flipped to face the other way, still in deep sleep whereas you were now wide awake. You rubbed your tired eyes but as you tried to fall back asleep, all you could think about was how dry your mouth was. 
You contemplated on getting water before you sat up from your sleeping bag and walked out of the room silently, trying your best not to step on any of the sleeping boys. Once you shut the door behind you, you made your way down the hallway to the water fountain in a tired manner. 
You weren’t terrified of the dark but the thought of going down a dark hallway at a school you weren’t familiar with was unsettling to say the least and you wish you brought your phone for some light. 
When you reach the water fountain, you bent down and as you started to drink the water, you felt like something was off. Before you could turn around, you felt something touch your waist and every hair on the back of your neck stood up. 
You whipped around and when you saw a tall and dark figure, your first instinct was to scream and swing your arm out to defend yourself. You made contact with the figure and once you heard the groan, you knew exactly who it was. 
“ Tetsuro! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, you scared me! Are you okay!” You said as Kuroo held his cheek in pain. 
He couldn’t believe you had actually punched him but he was even more surprised you landed a good punch in the dark,” See baby, I told you taking those boxing lessons would pay off but damn, you punch hard.”
“ You know you can’t sneak up on me like that, I’m jumpy!” You sighed as you squinted to see Kuroo’s face in the dark,” what are you doing up this late?”
Kuroo kept one hand on his throbbing cheek as the other reached down to pull out his phone,” I texted you to meet me in front of the janitors closet cause I wanted to have some quality time with my beautiful, sweet, girlfriend who I thought would never hurt me but instead of kisses, I got socked in the face!” 
You knew Kuroo was only teasing you but you felt so guilty. You wrapped your arms around his large frame and pressed your face into his chest and apologized in a muffled tone,” I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” 
Kuroo let out a laugh as he weaved his fingers through your bedhead and planted a kiss on the top of your head,” Don’t say that. If it makes you feel any better, you could always just knock out guys who try to hit on you now.”
You smiled up at your boyfriend as he took the chance to lean down and kiss you softly, his hands wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Kuroo smirked against your lips as you moved your hands up to lightly tug on his hair,” You know, the janitors closet locks from the inside.”
“ Are you suggesting we have sex in a dirty closet? What if someone walks by and hears us?”
“ Get your head out of the gutter, I never said anything about sex,” Kuroo acted shocked as he tucked a strand of hair before leaning down to whisper in your ear,” unless you think you can be quiet for me.” 
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed Kuroo’s hand and led him into the janitors closet right beside the restrooms,” Whatever, we both know you’re the loud one.” 
“ We’ll see about that kitten.” 
The next morning, Kuroo went to practice normally but not without weird murmurs from his teammates. At first, he thought his secret was out and maybe you had left hickeys across his neck but it was an entirely different mark that he had forgotten about. 
“ Woah, buddy, did you get into a fight? I’m pretty blind but I’m pretty sure you didn’t have that bruise at dinner yesterday,” Bokuto said in awe as he tried to touch the large bruise that was on Kuroo’s cheek,” that is a bruise! Akaashi, come look at this!”
Kuroo swatted his hand away and used his phone camera to get a better look at his face. Turns out, you had punched him way harder than he had initially thought. 
Kuroo couldn’t even think of a lie in time so he tried to reveal as little as possible,” Who am I going to fight around here?” 
“ I don’t know...has anyone seen Lev?” Akaashi asked right as Karasuno entered through the gym doors. 
“Kuroo! Did you kill Lev? You can be honest with me I wouldn’t tell a soul!” Bokuto shouted loudly as a few heads turned in their direction. 
Your ears perked up once you heard Kuroo’s name and as you turned to look over at the boys, your heart immediately dropped when you saw the bruise you had left Kuroo. 
Without thinking, you dug into one of the coolers and pulled out an icepack, even though it was a little too late to ice it down. 
You rushed over to Kuroo, not caring that some people had their attention on you as you pressed it against his face,” That looks really bad, I’m so- um what happened?” 
“ Kuroo killed Lev!” Bokuto teased as Akaashi gave him a stern look that quickly shut him up. 
You sighed as you looked up at Kuroo and bit the inside of your cheek before whispering  softly,” I think we should tell everyone before you get in trouble. You know Nekoma has a no-tolerance policy for fighting and I don’t want it to be a rumor that you got into a fight with someone.” 
“ I know, you’re right but can we wait until the rest of my teammates get here?” Kuroo asked as you gave him a confused look,” I want them to be jealous just for a bit.”
You shook your head with a smile as Kuroo placed his hand over yours that was holding up the icepack,” Okay, just for a bit.”
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motherjoel · 4 years
fine line series (spencer reid x reader)
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part 3/3: fine line
summary: you and spencer are having a hard time staying apart from one another
a/n: woohoo! the last part! thank you guys so much for reading this, i had a blast writing! once again, i recommend listening to the song just cause it helps with the mood i was going for haha (but you dont have to)
wc: 1.6k
part 1, part 2
we’ll be alright
Another week had passed since you’d cried to Emily and JJ in the bathroom and you didn’t feel any better- you felt worse. You couldn’t help but think that if Spence could smile to you after everything that happened, he had to be okay. You were not okay. 
On one fateful night, not even the Gilmore Girls marathon you had going could brighten your mood. It was one of your bad days- the days where you got no peace and no sleep. You longed for those moments in the morning where it was too early to think. Those moments where your mind was still in a sleepy haze and the weight of the world had yet to inflict its pain on your shoulders. This morning, that moment had lasted mere seconds. 
It was a paperwork day today, so you luckily didn’t have to interact with him. If you saw him getting coffee, you knew where not to go. For some reason, you thought that limiting your interactions would lessen the pain, when in reality it only fueled the fire in your heart. On days like these, not even paperwork was enough to take your mind off of your life- you weren’t hoping for a murder, but a case would definitely be more distracting. You didn’t want to go home alone again to your empty apartment, but you had no other choice.
So here you were, phone in your hand for the millionth time this week, finger lingering over the call button. You paused the TV and hit call before you could stop yourself, anxiety peaking with each ring. You cursed yourself for calling, but hanging up seemed like a bad idea, so you sat there, paralyzed. After a moment, the call went to voicemail. You considered hanging up, but the embarrassment from leaving a message was better than the loneliness of sitting in silence. So, you did.
“Hi Spence. It’s me. I’m sorry for doing this, gosh this is really unlike me,” you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. “I was thinking today. About loneliness. And, how I'm experiencing a great deal of it recently,” you confessed, wiping a tear from your cheek. You couldn’t hang up now, so you continued. “They always show on TV that people normally call their best friends when they're sad after a breakup- I guess people in real life do that too. But… but what do you do when you break up with your b-best friend?” you asked, audibly sobbing now. You tried to even out your breathing. “I just- I can’t do this without you anymore Spence. We were real. You were it for me, and… and I think I ruined it. Please, just come over. I need my best friend. I need to know that we’ll be alright. I just, I need to know,” you begged. After a moment you gasped and hung up, as if you just realized what you had said. 
You set your phone down and put it on silent before turning the TV back on. After your confession, you felt oddly relaxed. Like everything was out of your hands now. You relaxed so much so that you were finally able to drift off to sleep on your couch.
You woke with a start to banging on your door. Checking your phone, you saw it was 1 AM. Who in the hell would be bothering you at this time? Grabbing your gun from the coffee table, you inched over the door and looked through the peephole. Spencer Reid, in all his glory, stood outside your door with messy hair and a worried expression plastered on that beautiful face of his. You set down your gun and composed yourself before opening the door. He looked up from wringing his hands and took in your appearance: puffy eyes, messy hair, and tear stained cheeks. To him, you were beautiful.
“Y/N, I need you to know something,” he started, trying not to fidget. You nodded, urging him to continue. “My entire life, I never knew I was capable of feeling so deeply for someone. I felt like… a loser,” he choked out. You wanted to reach out and hug him, but you refrained. “Morgan took me to a club tonight to try to make me feel better, I guess. But you know how I feel about clubs… So I went to the bathroom to see I had a missed call from you,” he continued talking with his hands, visibly nervous. You thought back to the call and blushed, remembering your confession.
“Y/N, my heart shattered hearing you like that. It wasn’t until 20 minutes ago that I realized why I felt so completely empty these past few weeks- I lost my best friend, too,” he said with tears brimming in his eyes, his hands getting shakier. “I saw you that day, you know,” he said. You furrowed your brows. “After you cried. I saw you hug Rossi and fix your makeup, and I saw you put down that picture of us. My favorite picture of us,” he confessed, tears were now rolling down his face and you could feel your heart stutter. “We were so happy that day, and if I leave you now, I know that I’ll never be that happy again and I can’t do that, Y/N. I can’t.” You stood in awe, not sure if he was finished. He was not.
“When you asked me to come over, I obviously had to. Because my best friend needed me. So, I’d like to be your best friend,” he paused, looking for something in your eyes. You were deep in thought, so he continued. “It’s up to you if you want to be more, but just being your friend is enough. For now,” he finished, not bothering to wipe his tear streaked face. You both stood, motionless for a few moments.
You realized you had been crying the entire time he was talking. It took one step towards him for you both to embrace, as if it was on instinct. You had never hugged anyone tighter, with more passion and love, in your entire life- it said a thousand words. You cried into his chest and he stroked your tangled hair, and everything was right. You cried and he cried, and you finally felt in sync again.
“We’ll be alright,” he whispered in your ear, over and over again like a mantra. 
Two years had passed since the worst few weeks of your life, and Spencer spent the entire time proving to you how worthy he was of loving. He was right- you would be alright. And as you walked down the aisle on your wedding day in the dress you had picked out with your best friends and maids of honor (you couldn’t choose between Penelope, Emily and JJ so they agreed to share the title), you felt more than alright. At the end of the aisle was your soon to be husband, who was totally not crying, as well as Hotch, Rossi, and Derek (the best man). They were all trying to be as macho as possible, but their eyes were glassy. 
You said your vows, promising devotion to each other, and kissed like it was your last. The cheers from your friends and family rang out in the church, but you could barely hear it over the blood pumping in your ears. You were marrying the man you loved, the man who was looking at you right now like you were the last woman on earth. 
Your reception was held at the Rossi mansion, as per his request. You couldn't say no to him- it saved money and he was one hell of a host. The music consisted of a mixture between Frank Sinatra and a few modern requests by Garcia, and you couldn’t ask for anything better. You took turns dancing with everyone, Rossi was first to take your hand.
“I knew you two kids would make it,” he says, the two of you swaying to “Fly Me to the Moon.” You looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with Spencer, who was dancing with your mother (who was holding him a little too close for comfort). He widened his eyes and jokingly mouthed “help”. You smiled and returned your focus to your dance partner.
“Me too,” you told him as the song finished. You danced with Morgan next, who was surprisingly emotional.
“You look beautiful, princess,” he told you as you danced.
“Thank you Derek,” you blushed. “You don’t look half bad yourself,” you smiled.
“I should’ve snatched you up when I had the chance,” he joked in your ear. You laughed and swatted his arm- you knew he was kidding, and you were glad you could joke about it now.
You made your rotation through the whole team before you made it back to your husband.
“May I have this dance, Mrs. Reid?” he asked, cheesily holding out his hand.
“Why, yes Dr. Reid, you may,” you laughed, taking his hand and beginning to waltz. You wordlessly swayed for a few minutes, bodies impossibly close together as you listened to his heartbeat.
“I told you we’d be alright,” he whispered in your ear. You looked up at him like he was the only other person in the room before giving him a kiss, a kiss that said everything you wanted it to say. The rest of the night consisted of laughter and love- two things that you would have your entire life with him.
a/n: i imagined the last 2 minutes of fine line playing as there’s like a montage of the reception where everyone’s dancing and happy and in love and harry is just singing “we’ll be alright” over and over like UGH I CANTTT why am i making myself cry rn dsakbfjb
taglist: @easygoingtheatre, @rexorangecouny, @kaytlyngraygubler, @fear-less-write-more, @yesimaunicorn, @mariahreid, @bestyearslftv, 
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hi darling. I would like to request Frankie being overprotective when reader is sick. I have headache rn and I would like to see how our cutie boy can handle it. Thank you 🤩
I love the idea of an overprotective Frankie 🥺 He would be such a good caregiver.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You set the warm kettle back down as you finished pouring the steaming water into your mug. Spying your favorite tea in the cabinet, you grabbed and opened it fishing out one of the last teabags. You'd have to get more when you went to the store next time. You loathed running out of it, especially now that colder months were starting.
"What are you doing?" Frankie caught you completely off guard as he came back into the kitchen, canvas totes in each hand, filled with fresh groceries. You had dropped the tea in surprise but offered him a sheepish look as he came over and set the bags on the counter, "Honey Bee, you should be in bed."
"I know," you managed to croak out, your throat still dry and scratchy. You'd come down with a harsh cold, which had caused you to have stay home from work and rest. Frankie, the ever doting boyfriend, had taken on the role of caregiver rather well, and had been waiting on you hand and foot, trying to help you to feel better. You hated depending on someone else for everything, but this cold had really knocked you down and out, "I didn't know when you'd be back and really wanted some tea. I can do some things myself."
"I know," he agreed, taking the bag and dipping into the mug for you, adding just a bit of honey like he knew you enjoyed. His hand found your cheek as he stroked your skin delicately before placing a kiss to your forehead, "but its okay to let me help you out. You always do it for me. But come, let's get you back to bed."
"Are you sure?" you asked quietly, "I can help put away groceries and stuff. At least let me help that much..."
"Absolutely not, out of the question," he insisted fervently, wrapping an arm your waist and holding your tea in the other as he led you back to bed. You didn't even bother to argue with him, knowing there was no point.
Setting down your tea on the bedside table, next to a picture of the two of you that you loved, he pulled back the covers and ushered you under them. It was like the universe was on his side because as soon as your head hit the pillows, you were heavy with sleep again. Sniffling a yawn, you offered your love a soft smile, "thank you, Frankie. You're the best and I love you more than words could describe."
"I love you too," he promised softly, "now just rest. But if you need anything, call me. I'm going to and make some soup, okay? After that I'll draw you a bath, if you would like."
"I don't deserve you," it was a wistful sigh as you snuggled into the blankets and he offered you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"Of course you do," he promised gently, "you deserve the world. Now rest, and if you need anything-"
"I'll call for you," you confirmed with a sleepy grin. He nodded before leaving the room closing the door ever so slightly.
He'd gone to the grocery store early that morning in order to get everything for homemade chicken noodle soup. It was his Abuela's recipe and he swore by it, sure if he had helped him through many colds in the past.
Frankie hated seeing you sick, knowing how independent you were and much you despised relying on the help of others. But he wasn't about to let you handle things on your own either. He had a feeling you'd be okay and feeling much better after the soup anyways, and surely you'd he right as rain in a few days.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
When stirred from slumber again, the sun was setting and casting the room in a soft, pinkish orange glow. You stretched and yawned and almost as if on queue, Frankie popped his head into the room.
"Hi baby," he said softly as he came over to you, his hand going to your forehead to set check for any signs of fever, "how are you feeling?"
"Better, I think," you admitted, the tired heaviness of your aching body feeling ever so slightly relieved, "I must have been out for hours."
"You were," he confirmed, "but you need to listen to your body as well and right now your body needs the rest."
"Apparently so," you agreed as you pushed back the blankets, "is that your Abuela's soup I smell?"
"Indeed it is," he grinned at you, "it can work miracles after all. It just needs to finish simmering for a while and it will he ready soon. I made some bread to go with it too."
"I don't know what I'd do without you, Francisco. Thank you for taking such good care of me," you beamed as you ran a hand through his dark locks.
"Like I said, you do the same for me," he said gently, "and I love you. Now, what do you say about a bath?"
"Are you saying I stink?!" you joked as he leaned in and pretended to smell you. He jerked back and scrunched up his nose as you glared at him.
"Very stinky, baby," he almost giggled with laughter, "definitely time for a bathroom. You smell like honey and vaporub."
"Jerk," you teased as you slid your legs out of the bed in order to head to the bathroom. But Frankie was quicker and easily scooped you up into his arms and carried you to the ensuite bathroom, "ahh, what a prince my love is."
"Nah," he teased, "don't get used to it."
But you already were. Because Frankie was like this all the time, treating you like you were the only thing that mattered, because in a lot of ways to him, you were. But you loved and adored him with just as much reverent devotion.
Frankie gently set you back down before turning on the water, fiddling with the taps for a moment to get the temperature just before dropping in some of your favorite bubble bath. Stripping off your pajamas, you quickly stepped into the water, sinking down and letting the rising water start to envelope you. A small groan of pleasure left your lips as Frankie sat down the floor next to you, resting his arms atop the edge and watching you closely.
"What?" you asked as you grabbed a few bubbles and placed them on the tip of his nose, "never seen a pathetic sickling take a bath before?"
"Shush," he said as you blew some bubbles right back at you, "you are always beautiful, no matter what you look like or how you feel."
"Mhmm," you replied as you leaned back and closed your eyes, "whatever you say, mi amor."
"Exactly," he insisted, "do you want me to wash your hair?"
Your eyes opened as a little grin crossed your features. There were few things you loved more than the feeling of getting your hair washed, especially by Frankie. He often took it upon himself when the two of you showed together.
"Really?" you asked as he nodded, "I would love nothing more. My body is still tired and sore, and if I'm being quite honest, it's never as good as when you do it."
"Ahh, I've spoiled you too much already."
"Indeed, you truly have," you agreed.
"I'm joking-"
"I'm not," you promised, taking his face in your hands and staring into those soft, deep chocolate eyes, "I mean it, Francisco. I love you more than anything. You make me so happy."
"You do too," he promised, taking your hand and pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles, "now come, let me help you wash up and then we'll have dinner."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Okay," you said, swallowing a hearty bite of bread and soup, "it's official. Your Abuela is a miracle worker and whatever secret ingredients she puts in the soup are magic."
"I know," he grinned at you, as he took your bowl and laddled some more soup into it, "one day you might even learn the secret ingredients. But she has to give permission first."
"Oh?" you quirked an eyebrow at him as you eagerly took the second helping, "and how does one go about getting permission?"
"Gotta be part of the family-"
"I am part of the family," you insisted, knowing full well it was true. His family, including his Abuela, adored you and always considered you to be one of them.
"I know," he agreed, a flush of pink rising in his cheeks, "but she means family family. Like we gotta get married."
"Ohh," your eyes widened as you stared at your soup, "maybe...maybe one day."
"Obviously," his response was sure, but nonchalant that your head snapped in his direction as he looked back at you with a simple shrug. You'd talked about marriage before, more or less in passing, but you'd never given it that much thought before. You figured if it was meant to happen, it would happen eventually, "what?"
"You want to get married?" you asked shyly as he gave you a surprised look.
"Of course," he beamed, "I'm going to marry the hell out of you. Don't you worry, Honey Bee, its going to happen. When you least expect it, but it will happen."
Frankie was just was just waiting for the opportune moment to pop the question. He'd had the ring for months, carefully hidden away as he tried to plan the perfect moment. Hell, he was half tempted to grab it and do it now. Despite still being sick and tired and run down, you looked as beautiful as ever. The soft expression on your face was enough to make his heart melt.
"Well..." you trailed off, staring at your soup and barely able to contain your smile, "I...I look forward to it. Just, you know, so I can get your Abuela's recipes."
Frankie snorted with laughter as he shook his head and reached over to wipe a crumb from the corner of your mouth.
"You must be feeling better if you're giving me this much sass," he stated as you nodded in agreement.
"Its the soup..." you said as you brought the bowl to your lips and downed the rest of it, "and the amazing care from my Frankie. Thank you for everything."
"You don't have to thank me," he promised, getting up to clear away the dishes, "now, what do you say to a movie? If you're up for it? We'll get under the covers, you can rest, and I'll even let you pick the movie."
"Deal," you eagerly agreed, "I make no promises to stay awake but I will try."
"Perfect," he busied himself with the kettle on the stove, "now get back into bed, turn on Netflix, and I'll be there in a few minutes with tea."
"And honey?"
"Only the finest for my Honey Bee," he promised, waving the bottle at you.
"I love you, Frankie," you said softly, "truly."
"And I love you," he shot you a quick wink, "now get into bed and I'll be right there."
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