#not that great at drawing wolves but this shit was so fun
crintsiewintsey · 9 months
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straight up
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Kindred"
Do you think Filoni has hit peak wolves yet? Lol.
Live reaction version.
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Soft Kanera moment is Soft.
And brings up some interesting questions that don't really get fully answered. What was the inextricable pull that kept drawing them back to Lothal again and again, even before they met Ezra? Was it the Lothal Temple, and by extension the gateway within? Was it some kind of connection Kanan had to Lothal? Was it his planet of origin too? He was able to manifest through the Force as one of the wolves after his death after all.
It's not something that's fully played out, this plot thread, I think perhaps owing to the writers having to shorten the last season down to 16 episodes, more akin to Season One, so it's ultimately left an ambiguous mystery.
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Pryce having the realization that she's not actually Thrawn's Favorite lol.
Ruhk is accompanied by appropriately menacing drums and woodwinds. Fun fact: Warwick Davis apparently bullied Filoni into giving him this role lol.
You don't even know it's him the voice is so good.
Ruhk's movements are also excellent. He hunches, only straightening when he needs to smell, easily goes down on all fours to lope across the plain like an animal. His run cycle is like some kind of perverse feline or gorilla. There's a bestial quality to him. Unlike his Legends incarnation, which depicts him as more hulking and burly, this version is deceptively small but stocky, solid and almost wirey-looking. It's a great creature design.
The Noghri assassin is also immediately, extremely competent, identifying Zeb in the area by scent at once, probably detecting it lingering on Ezra's scout trooper armor and launching immediately into a surprise attack. He has Ezra flipped onto the ground in a leglock within seconds.
He then charges Jai, forcing Ezra to reveal himself as a Jedi with a hefty Push.
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I'm sorry I'm cackling at Zeb sneaking around literally behind Pryce's back. This is why Thrawn replaced you, lady.
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The chase scene is brief and kind of basic but does the job. And OH BOY now we're at another Weirdass Kanera Walkback Conversation, with Kanan suddenly pushing for reassurance about what kind of future Hera wants after all the fighting and whether he's a part of it and what her feelings actually are towards him.
Right, so the way I reconcile this one is that Kanan is starting to sense the stirring, growing life inside Hera and is trying to roundabout confront her to think about what this means for them. And at this point she knows, but she doesn't know he knows, and is still trying to hold him at arm's distance while she mentally processes the discovery and how to tell him.
Because what do you mean, "Do I [know how you feel]?" this was clearly already a settled issue! WHY ARE YOU ASKING THAT QUESTION LIKE YOU DON'T ALREADY KNOW? YOU GUYS ARE SPACEMARRIED AARRRRHGKJHGJ.
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So yeah, moving on.
There's a great moment where Ryder almost shoots Zeb that makes me lol and then after we've installed our hyperdrive the Empire makes a hasty exit from the area necessary, again, owing to Ruhk's incredible competence.
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Hera, perhaps feeling the need to reassure Kanan of her affections and devotion since he's acting so rattled, finally plants an onscreen one on him.
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This is clearly not the first time they have kissed. Possibly the first time they've done it this publicly, as Sabine immediately nudges at the others to look, but this is practiced and comfortable, seasoned, if you will.
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Like I said the previous rewatch, I don't understand being secretive to normies then but being okay guiding them all out of danger now. I dunno, maybe it took Ezra befriending the one for the others to decide, "Oh okay, they have Jedi, they're cool. Let's help them."
"How have you people stayed alive so long?!" The literal will of the Force, Ryder, lol.
"We're going to finish them my way." Which is, per Pryce tradition, bombing the living shit out of things.
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The chiming from before continues throughout this sequence, so now we have something in the score to musically denote the wolves.
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Kanan, come on, you should know by now this is his "thing".
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Yeah so this is one of the sequences where the wolves just kinda DO things and the show doesn't really explain why because ~mysterious~. Why did they want Kanan? Were they checking to make sure there was a Master/Padawan pair? Do they recognize him as one of their own kind since they keep repeating "Dume"? How do they know Kanan's former name? What do the cave paintings mean?
*shakes writers*
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Kanan and Sabine inexplicably switching places so that Ezra can hold Sabine's hand again. XD
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As frustrating as the mystery of the Loth-wolves can be sometimes, this sequence is hella cool. Blue light igniting the depths of the tunnel, Ezra's eyes reflecting it like the hyperspace eyes he got with the purrgil...
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Soft white footsteps on inky liquid blackness. The muted sound, as if from far away.
The only truly trippy part that throws me is the little grassland shot in the middle of it all, with the white Loth-cat.
But whatever the wolves did, it worked. Our heroes have now been literally teleported out of danger. The Force Theme rings out to confirm the wonder of it all.
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There's even some kind of actual structures here, an abandoned mountain village maybe?
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It's also really pretty. Per standard for this show lol.
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"Babe, you are holding back on me."
The chimes again, I'm pretty sure that's a specific instrument but for the life of me the name of it is escaping me, but it's denoting the wolves again, as they move back into the cavern. I do recognize the harp glissando there, though.
*sits on hands, sighs, bites lip about how I hate mystery boxes, especially ones that don't open*
Kanan dropping the first hints that the wolves are the guardians of Lothal, Force entities specifically assigned to protect the planet because of the gateway to the WBW, whose energies they can also tap into and use, which is now under threat by Palpatine personally.
...Yeah you know what, we'll go with that.
And of course after hearing Kanan express faith that Hera made it out we confirm that ourselves.
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Good job love.
So. This episode gets weird. The kind of anime mind-trippy weird that used to be way too dense for me to parse through. (Still have a hard time of it, in fact, I dunno what it is Japanese directors just kind Do They Thing and don't bother explaining much, they just vibe.) But on the rewatch it does seem clearer that--aside from the elements in the wider plot they were going to explore about Kanan that Freddie Prince Junior hinted at in interviews that probably got severely cut out with the episode trim--most of the weirdness is actually misdirection in order to set up the wolves as Special Force Entities who need Very Specific Jedi Help to save the World Between Worlds.
The wolves don't come out and say this yet, probably very cautious and testing Kanan and Ezra out to see if they're worthy, but the implications are already there.
Oh, and I guess this episode made Kanera shippers happy too, or something. Happy for y'all, enjoy it while it lasts.
Next time, our last little bit of fun before shit hits the fan.
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cxttlefishcxller · 4 months
𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤
So I was lovingly tagged by @residentdormouse who is great and awesome and indulgent of my bullshit. So away the shit does bull, I suppose jfkdl;safd The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you're given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story of you want. But honestly, guidelines at best - do what you want.
My words to find: White, Cold, Snow, Frost, Ice, Gloves, Hat, Cocoa (or Tea), Blanket, Snuggle/cuddle (or any variation of this) No pressure tags: @caktusjuice-draws, @jaiesondurantkross, @beyondthetemples-ooc, and a massive Open Tag to anyone who wants to! I love seeing things y'all write <3 Your words are (really I'm just going off of moodboard vibes with a couple wild cards thrown in): Paper, Sunset, Natural, Leather, Bookmark, Steel, Chill, Ember, Storm, Makeshift.
Bullshit below the cut!
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Okay, so some of these will be from published works, but several will likely be from the as-of-yet chaotically-unwritten remake of Second Lead Serenade. So it's a lot of Stand Shenanigans (tm) but I'll try to drop some other shit in, too. Just to keep things interesting. XD
White: (godfuckingdammit I was making fun of you for having so many Flagg references and the first one I got is a fucking Flagg reference. This one's from a bonus chapter from Serenade that hasn't made its way into the narrative just yet.)
“I went down to Saint James Infirm’ry…saw my baby there,” The voice croons under its breath. The predators may be gone, but the fear remains, and Piper finds that she doesn’t dare raise her head to see who belongs to the boots that draw slowly near. Didn’t Mother Abigail say something about wolves? Dark eyes in the night that were too eager to snap up good souls lost on their way? She had thought about how wolves were sacred to Odin, that not all were hungry and savage beasts, but that truth seems farther away now. “She was stretched out on a long white table…” The voice goes on. “So cold, so sweet, so sweet, so fair.” The footsteps stop. The boots are only a foot or so away now, and the figure pauses before dropping to a squat. A warm glow lights the area around them as a hand comes into her field of vision, extended in invitation. “Hey there, Dani. Need a hand?” Dani. No one’s been alive to call her that in weeks…maybe even months. All of the family and friends that had known her by that name are long dead. Her hair spills into her face as she dares to look up at last. Attached to that hand is a lean man with coiffed, sandy hair and a smile as sharp as glass. His eyes are pale, creased by the kindness of his expression, but she can’t shake the feeling that maybe the wolf had been in front of her all along. Dazedly, she puts her hand in his, allowing him to help her slowly to her feet. His skin burns against hers, and she stumbles when he claps a free hand on her shoulder. 
Cold: (I wasn't gonna have Serenade be two for two, but honestly I couldn't resist the urge to shoehorn TedPipes into something. Teddy continues to be the Best Boi Ever, and poor Piper's just trying to drag herself out of her survivor's guilt jfkldsafd)
His worry comes off of him in waves. The last bits of her loathing have returned to their home in the hollow of her ribs, turning her stomach as it settles back into shame instead of rage. “I’m okay.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, energy all but spent. “I’m fine. It’s just…” She can’t find an explanation worth using. Trying to put this emotion to words feels like Sisyphus and his stone. Too much and not enough all at once. “...It’s just me.”  He studies her for a long moment, brow furrowing before he shifts to take his legs out from underneath him, sitting beside her on the ground instead. “...Wanna talk about it?” He asks. His radio hisses, someone’s voice reporting that a section is clear. He shifts, turning the device off with a telltale click.  “I…I don’t know.” She shakes her head, brushing a loose lock of hair out of her eyes. Her palm is scraped raw from her outburst, skin broken in a few places and stinging as dots of blood meet the cold air. “I don’t know where I’d even start.” “Take your time.” He moves again, settling in at her side and leaning back against the tree. “Whatever you need. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” 
Frost: (Ohhhh I had to DIG to find this one. I don't use this word enough, I guess. This is an ooooold WIP of an original D&D-adjacent fantasy piece I was writing about a witch and a rogue finding some royal baby in a rosebush and having to figure out who and where to take it home to. Shenanigans Ensue.)
With such a blue cast to their coal-colored skin, Dark-Elves flush a shade of purple. This purple tinges his cheeks as he coughs, sitting up again as he splutters, “That...that isn’t any of your concern. The important thing is that I was at her estate and she had a need for my services. And we’ll get a tidy sum of gold out of her, so what’s the harm?” “None at all...if you’re successful. If you’re not, you don’t live here. I’ll deny everything if her guard comes by to make you pay for ruining her land.” She decides with a hum, draining the last of her tea.  “How heartless, Ketta. After all I’ve done for you.” Despite his words, he laughs, reaching to fill her cup again. “After all I’ve done for you, you mean. I got along just fine before you got here. And when you leave again, I’ll be all the more peaceful for it.” The banter is easy, playful, though her words ring true. Irren is a wanderer, and Ketsiyah a loner. Their arrangement is comfortable, she knows, because it’s temporary. He came into Thornfall just as the last frost was thawing, with half a year spent in the attic space above her home. The arrangement was that he would be gone by the time the first freeze came through.  
Ice: (BirdBrains gets some representation! This is from Shine On You Crazy Diamond, the IT/The Stand crossover I've slowly been writing. Which.......I really ought to get back to. <.<;;;;)
“We all tried to find out what really happened--his friends and I, I mean. A bunch of kids looking for a fucking serial killer.” He chuckles wryly, only able to look at his and Crow’s joined hands. Their touch is the only thing anchoring him, he thinks. If he lets go, he might sink down into the pit again. Down in the dark, where It lived. “And I think we did find It eventually. But I can’t remember. I just remember how scared I was. And how badly we were hurt after. And I remember that we all made a promise that if we didn’t kill It like we thought…we’d have to come back. To finish the job.” Silence falls between them as he finishes, and now, with all of the confusing, tangled pieces he has out in the open, Harold feels that ice-cold surety that he has finally, finally managed to find the one thing to say that would be Too Much. The final straw on the back of a camel that’s been struggling for the four years of their relationship. The one thing that even Crow’s infinite adaptability and determination couldn’t overcome. He can’t look at them, picking at his lower lip with his teeth.  “...It.” They say at last, putting the same weight on the word that he had. Not just a pronoun--it’s almost a title. A name for something so evil and so terrible that his mind goes utterly blank every time he tries to remember. “So this…murderer. This serial killer. You talk about It like It’s not a person at all.”
Gloves: (I was wondering when Between Iron and Silver would come into this one, but apparently I don't use this word enough either jfdkls;afd To summarize, this is an Undertale fic that's the answer to "what if a human fell into the Ruins and stayed?" and then it just...ran away from me. It's also my first foray into second-person writing, which is way more fun than I thought it'd be.)
At the edge of consciousness, you feel more than hear something snap, that ozone scent filling your senses before the weight vanishes, leaving you coughing and rolling to your side to curl around your stomach. As oxygen helps your mind to clear, you turn a little to see your assailant hovering a few feet above you, flailing and growling as they are held in place by some glowing blue force. They turn to roar at your companions, demanding to be released. As you struggle to catch your breath, you turn a little more to see that Sans has an arm raised in their direction, hand and left eye swirling with that same blue glow. Papyrus has one glove pressed against his mouth, eyes wide, looking between the guard and his brother. “Undyne.” Sans speaks through gritted teeth, and you note that his non-glowing eye has gone pitch black. “Calm down. We’re not here about that--this is more important than Asgore’s manhunt. We’re here for help.” “What the hell could be more important than this?!” Undyne--as you know her to be--growls, struggling anew against the force that holds her still. “This is our freedom, the only ticket we have to survive; don’t you want to get out of here?!” “It’s about what happened to Alva.” His tone sharpens despite never raising his voice. “This human has seen it. We came here to get your help.” At the mention of “Alva”, Undyne freezes, fixing him with a hard stare that he unabashedly returns. After a moment that feels like a lifetime, she goes limp. “...Fine.” The conclusion sounds like a struggle. “Whatever. Just...put me down, Sans.”
Hat: (Ahhh the Fuckening. Serenade yet again, but a WIP chapter this time! I still haven't gotten around to the Fuckening itself, but I sure wanted to write down what happened after. If I ever write a fic chronologically, it'll be a cold day in hell.)
Teddy hasn’t moved since his first few hours in the clinic, laid in a bed in the main room under the rough hospital blankets and the unfinished crochet throw Piper had brought in for the chill of the night. The Free Zone’s newly-acquired electricity has been put to good use -- the steady rhythm of his heart monitor embedding itself into her thoughts as she tries to keep busy. Crow had been kind enough to bring some of their collective yarn stash and Piper’s bag of hooks, giving her a chance to try to work on the hats and scarves they were putting together for the town. Doing as much as she can to occupy her mind. Two days, she thinks. The longest two days of her fucking life. Those old habits she’d built when Tripps was at its height have come back in full-force now -- numbly doing the bare minimum requirements of survival, following a set track and routine with no deviation. Filing her mind with tasks and media to avoid any thoughts toward the future or the dark what-ifs outside of her blinders. Much like it had with Tripps, this method works…for the most part. When it doesn’t, it’s only in flashes -- the image of Teddy holding a bloodied hand to his stomach, the way he had clung to her as he collapsed, the shocked look on Nadine’s face as Piper had torn that gun out of her hands from twenty feet away-- No. No, no, no. Not that. Not now. Not ever. She shakes her head, pulling out a few stitches that her tension has made too tight. That didn’t happen. It can’t have happened. So she sweeps it aside, turns up the radio in her mind. Her next few stitches are much more even.
Cocoa/Tea: (Okay so it's more Serenade, but at least it's a Teddy chapter? Nostalgia and introspection abound during a chat with Mother A, while the plot continues to thicken.)
"It's a shitshow." Crow finishes matter-of-factly. "The whole world ended faster than any of us could blink, and no one's around to tell us how to pick up the pieces. And there are too many pieces around to pick up, anyway." Then, clearing their throat, they add a little more sheepishly, "...Sorry for swearing." The older woman only laughs, shaking her head. "Don't you worry about that--I'm old enough and wise enough to know when polite words simply don't suffice. You're absolutely correct. Now that we're done running around like chickens with our heads cut off, it's hard to tell what way is up." Teddy can’t remember the last time he’d had tea, he thinks, listening to the exchange. At least, not the kind that didn’t come in a big teal can that he could pick up for a dollar at 7-11. For an absurd moment as he picks up his cup for a sip, he’s reminded of afternoons spent with his sisters and their dollar-store tea set made from pink plastic and poorly-painted flowers. It’s an effort to keep from sticking his pinkie finger out, mind replaying their indignant cries of it being “the right way”. The nostalgia makes his chest ache. The drink itself is nothing to write home about, as far as his coffee-saturated palate is concerned. A little weak, a little earthy. Probably needing sugar. He reaches for the carafe.  “But you must have some thoughts about how things ended up the way they did. Mr. Bateman thinks it’s human folly. Ray says it’s divine providence. You know how I feel about the divine, but the Lord’s messages to me are more concerned about ‘how’ than ‘why’. What do you all think about it? Why here? Why us?”
Blanket: (ughhhh this one was tough! It isn't that I haven't used this word a lot, but it's never in places that are like. Interesting to share. Except for that post-fuckening excerpt I've already referenced. So back to Iron and Silver I go! Our nameless protag has a mission and they're gonna see it through, no matter how worried their adopted mother gets.)
Not wanting to wake your hosts, you pull the blanket from the next hook on the door, slipping out into the chill night. The lights still bathe the town in warm, inviting light, the snow muffling signs of life to near-silence as you draw the blanket around your shoulders. Steeling yourself for the scolding of the century, you flip the phone open, letting out a deep breath and watching it fog the air before you. “...Hello?” “Where are you?” Toriel’s voice is a comfort despite the frightened sharpness to her voice. “Are you all right? Has anyone found you? Describe where you are--I’ll find you as soon as I’m able.” The questions are fast, going past your attempts to interrupt until you find a breath’s space to break in. “Mom. Momma, I’m fine. I promise. I’m safe, don’t worry.” A beat of silence follows. “My dearest child, what do you think you are doing?” Her voice sounds so small, so vulnerable that you feel a lump forming in your throat. “This world is so cold. So unforgiving. If Asgore finds you, if one of his soldiers catches wind of a human, not even I can protect you. It’s still very early; you should be able to return before anything should happen.” “And what, wait for someone else to figure out what’s going on?” The sharpness you hear from your tone shocks you, shaking your head as you try to force your voice into something more gentle. “I mean...that last cave-in was right in front of our door. And that poor Migosp...Momma, it’s getting closer. It’s getting worse. I can’t let it keep going. And it’s happening out here, too--someone I met has seen it--” “You met someone?” She breaks in, that fear never leaving her voice. “Who? How far did you get?”
Cuddle/Snuggle: (I have only just now realized I have never used either of these words. Like. Ever. I guess I've been focusing WAY too much on the pining and not enough on the actual smoochies, so here, have a cute TedPipes-flavored thing from the unfinished next-chapter of Shine On. The Derry kids come home, and realize that they'd forgotten a little too much in their time away.)
She turns, fixed by the familiarity of the stranger standing behind her. He’s almost a head taller than her, with dark curly hair and a warm smile that crinkles the edges of pale blue eyes. “You make for a terrible door.” he goes on, gesturing to her with one hand as the other slips into the pocket of his jacket.  “Teddy?” The name brings a younger face to her mind, bright and freckled and just a little bucktoothed. In a flash she remembers laying in the floor of her bedroom listening to her sister’s old record player, sitting in a dark movie theater waiting for the previews of some new movie to end, and swinging off of a rope into the water at the quarry…never more than an arm’s length away from the one kid who insisted that no one should spend summer break alone. He’s older now, but still has that mischievous light in his eyes. “Hey, Piper. Been a while.” “Holy shit,” Her tension is forgotten completely as she meets him in a hug that smells of cigarette smoke and cologne. The pure warmth she feels is unmistakable, beaming as she pulls back just enough to look up at him. “God, look at you.” She breathes, realizing that time has done him incredibly well. Those freckles are still there, but time has given them some softness, as well as a softness around his eyes and mouth. He’s really grown into himself, features and posture much stronger than she remembers. Oh no, she thinks. Puberty hit Weizak like a Mack truck. “Look at you.” He returns with a self-conscious laugh, arms still looped around her back. Her heart is still racing, she finds, trying and failing to find words to say that encompass the strength of emotions running through her. 
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noellevanious · 2 months
thoughts on soul eater manga so far after reading it for two nights at work (currently around the middle of after Arachnophobia reforming)
TL;DR: i might keep reading but i'm not sure (i'm getting burnt out from it 100%), but right now i'd say it holds up pretty well - and would recommend it if not for just how fucking frequent and insistent the creepy voyeur shit is. I get it dude. you think its funny and definitely not creepy to have jokes about dudes pulling up girl or female-presenting character skirts.
(full thoughts under the cut because i typed So fucking much):
really good story and fun dynamic and aesthetic that is hampered so fucking much by Classic Shitty Mangaka trappings ie girls getting their underwear exposed, obsession with girls that want to Get Married, women in skimpy outfits, the usual kinda shitty stuff.
Lots of great characters. Aside from the generic/stereotypical Bad quirks (Wants to get married, desperately wants to ask somebody out, Embarrassed because she's Not Sexy and Buxom), there's a lot of really fun personality in all of the characters.
It's actually a bit more of a comedy than i remembered. it's surprisingly pretty consistently funny
the story is oddly breakneck which is both a blessing and a curse. It's entirely possible it's because i was basically binging it, but as soon as medusa freed it feels like it hasn't let up. It's good because i feel like there's always something new or interesting, and Ohkubo (the mangaka) is great at drawing really impressive landmarks and setpieces, but it feels weird that the school basically turns into an afterthought
It's kinda surprising how so far both Crona and Death the Kid have their mental illnesses portrayed really respectfully. With kid it's always a bit of a joke, but his OCD feels very genuine in a way that goes beyond "haha every now and then he gets too upset because things aren't In Order", especially the bits where Liz and Patty have to basically keep him from spiraling into a depression because of it. Crona is obviously a knock-out-of-the-park, but I am amazed at how much focus is put on their issues with being raised in an abusive upbringing and trying to escape from it.
On the other hand - it feels like the characters that aren't Maka, Soul, and Black*Star don't get any character development, and it has the issue other popular shounen manga has where instead of trying to develop the already large cast more, Ohkubo keeps throwing more one-note characters in. It kinda works in his favor - Kilik especially kicks ass and I'm glad he becomes a Notable character - but it's easy to get tired of the same characters going through the motions
Mifune is easily the best character in the entire series so far, but Free is a blast and I enjoy him whenever i see him, especially his dopey werewolf form and whenever he chants "wolf wolves wolf wolves"
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enekorre · 1 year
dude, hoping i don't sound pretentious but i feel like the greatest advice for people who try to defend ai art w/ 'but what if i want art?' is srsly to just make some of your own like yeah it has a 90% chance of being bad but like ive been there and its SO SO worth it to just learn the trade. its helped my self-confidence, patience and artist spaces are great places to spend time. the world can never have enough ppl making art. Give it some time. artists have resources 4 other artists too!
Exactly! When I started being serious about learning to draw I created an account on deviantArt, looked at art that looked like what I wanted to make daily, and I doodled! I'm no great artist, but after being at it on and off for 13 years I'm happy with where I am. Will I ever be able to draw a face? No. Can I draw my dragons and my nature scenes and my werewolves? Fuck yes!
Like yeah, obviously your shit is gonna suck in the beginning. Everyones does. But buy some paints or crayons or pencils from the kids art supplies row, sit down at home at a place that can get dirty, and play around! Art is really fun! And don't worry about anatomy or anything. If you find that you really wanna learn how to draw something (say, a wolf), you go and look at wolf art you like, pictures of wolves, the skeletons in the museums, etc. Look up some youtube videos about perspective!
When I was 13 and just starting out, the thing people always told me and all the other 13 year olds was "practice!". It sucked to hear, because at the time you wanted to be able to draw the best and most amazingest sparkle-wolf known to man immediately. But you couldn't. So you doodled in maths class. You spent time on art forums. You payed extra attention in art class.
Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean you're cursed to never be able to draw. You just have to sit down and practice. You didn't start when you were a kid, so you might feel like you can never do it, but all you have to do is catch up. And if you're an adult, you have so many more options about how to go about learning. In my town, they occasionally hold free drawing and painting courses. I've never attended (mainly bc I didn't know they existed until yesterday when I got a magazine about it in the mail lol) but I'm sure something similar exists in most towns. Otherwise, there's always the internet.
Making stuff tends to be a really good feeling. Even if you're frustrated when doing it, when you're finally finished you can look at your thing and go "I made that". If your art comes out funky and you hate it, try again. If it's really not working out, (the answer is try again) you can always try another kind of art. Maybe knitting is your thing? Origami? Gardening?
There's so many skills out there and like everything else, they require time and practice.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Under My Skin - Matthew Tkachuk
Word Count: 3,644
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut, NSFW
Summary: Matthew can be a pest but what happens when your ex, Auston Matthews get under his skin.
Notes: So I’m having a sad bitch moment and thought, why not post this. I finally broke down and wrote for this boy. Who knows if it’ll happen again...haha! At any rate hope you guys enjoy. Happy Reading!
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Matthew first met you over a year ago when you’d moved to Calgary for work. You had just finished your degree and a job opportunity had landed you in the same city where he was playing. You’d been out at the bar with some co-workers and had caught his eye immediately. You were everything that Matthew was looking for in a woman, smart, funny, incredibly gorgeous, with a charm that seemed to draw everyone around you in. You were like a magnet and Matthew couldn’t resist your pull.
 That first night he’d barely been able to talk to you. You’d been besotted with people left and right, and it seemed as though every time Matthew worked up the courage to speak with you, you would get pulled away. Matthew finally ran into you on the way to the restroom. Like, literally ran into you. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Matthew apologized steadying you with a hand on your waist. His hand lingered a little longer than necessary but you weren’t complaining.
 “It’s ok I wasn’t paying attention.” You held up your phone in defense. You’d been so distracted by a text, that you really weren’t watching where you were going. “Did you ever have someone text you that you hoped you’d never hear from again?”
 It was an interesting introduction to a conversation but then Matthew would take any opportunity he could get to speak to you. “Actually, yes.”
 “It’s so annoying, right?”
 “Well, there is a way to solve that problem.”
 Your eyes held his with rapt attention, and Matthew could tell you were clinging to his every word. It was then that it struck him that he never wanted that look to fade from your face. “How?”
 “Come have a drink with me and forgot about whoever it is on that phone.” You smiled. It was a bright, brilliant thing of beauty that Matthew swore could light up the night sky on its darkest days. He was sold right then and there, and with just that simple gesture you had no idea that you’d swooped in and stolen his heart that night.
 You forgot about that text message fairly quickly and just settled into an easy conversation with Matthew. The night flew by and before you knew it, your co-workers were calling it a night and you were all heading home. Matthew asked for your number which you gave in hopes that he would call you soon. Little did you know that after you left, Matthew debated with himself on how long to wait to text you. Every unsaid rule in the code of dating said to wait for at least forty-eight to seventy-two hours before making a move, but Matthew was never one to follow convention. As he lay in bed, he decided to send you a quick message.
 Had a great time tonight.
 It was short and to the point, and Matthew figured if you answered then he would ask you out again. Unfortunately, for Matthew, he wasn’t the only one texting you as you crawled into bed after taking off all your makeup. You were just getting ready to reply to Matthew when another text came in. It was the fourth of the night from the same person that had messaged you before, Auston Matthews.
 You hadn’t spoken to him in months, back when you were in Toronto, and you didn’t plan on speaking to him now, though he seemed to be trying his hardest to get your attention, just as he had been for the last couple of months. Your relationship with Auston had been nothing short of toxic. Oh sure, at first it was all hearts and roses in the beginning. Auston swept you off your feet with that charming smile of his, but then you were young and the flashy NHLer said all the right things, at first.
 You weren’t normally one to tumble into bed right after the first date, though that’s what happened with Auston. He made it seem like you were the only one, but after dating him for only four months you’d found out that wasn’t true. Oh, he tried to brush it off, make it seem like he wasn’t cheating. That the panties you’d found lying tucked between the nightstand and the bed were some old fling and not some random hookup he’d brought home. You wanted to believe him and so you let your heart overpower your head and stayed with him until you’d literally walked in on him in bed with another woman. There was no talking his way out of that one.
 It was an easy decision to break things off with him, though he kept trying to win you back. You were good for his image and he thought that he could keep you happy while he had some fun on the side. The only thing was you didn’t want him back, even though his friends tried to helped his cause. That’s when you decided to take the job in Calgary. It was an easy decision six months ago. Which is part of the reason it surprised you when he texted tonight. He was in Calgary for a game and wanted to talk. You’d honestly were debating seeing him when you’d run into Matthew.
 Matthew, you sighed. His curly hair and shaved sides gave off this bad boy vibe, but as you sat there and talked to him, you’d realized he had to be one of the sweetest men out there. You hadn’t realized at first who he actually was. Auston had turned you off to the NHL scene altogether, so you no longer paid attention to the games, even if hockey was Canada’s major sport. Honestly, you wish you didn’t know he was in the NHL. It was part of the reason you were debating about answering him. Maybe you would just sleep on it and decide in the morning.
 Meanwhile, Matthew was having a mild panic attack. He told himself that maybe you lived close to the bar and had already fallen asleep before you got his text, or that you’d turned off your phone the minute you got home. He constantly kept checking his, looking for those three little dots letting him know that you were sending something back. It was torturous.
 You laid there all of twenty minutes before you decided that you couldn’t resist the curly-haired man that had captured your attention tonight. Grabbing your phone, you shot off a quick, I did too. You typed and erased it three times, wondering if you should add more before finally pressing the send button. There it was done, if he said something back, you’d go from there. Fifteen seconds later, you knew you were in trouble.
 Maybe we could do it again sometime?
 Matthew was sweating as he hit send. He’d never been this nervous before about a woman. They either liked him or didn’t, but you, you were different. He knew that from the moment he saw you. It was even more prevalent now after he’d spent most of the night with you.
 I’d like that.
 Was your simple reply back. One that had Matthew ready to jump up and out of bed with excitement. And so the texting went on for the next ten minutes until he finally ended up calling you. The two of you talked for over an hour, almost as if you’d known each other all your lives, and you completely forgot about the texts from Auston.
 Matthew took you out three days later to an exclusive restaurant in the city. This time you told yourself you’d not make the same mistake you’d made with Auston. So, when the night drew to a close, Matthew drove you to your apartment then very properly walked you to the door and only kissed you on the cheek. It wasn’t what you expected. You’d thought he’d go for more, but Matthew wanted to do things right. He knew you were special and he wasn’t going to mess things up by sleeping with you on night one. He was in this for the long run.
 That was over a year ago. Sure, it had been difficult at first to give him your complete trust, but Matthew had earned it and over time you knew that although he may be a pest on the ice, he was anything but that in your personal life. Now the two of you shared a home and were on your way to making a life together.
 You’d kept your relationship on the down-low, staying off of all forms of social media to keep the wolves at bay. Which meant that no one, including Auston, knew that you and Matthew were dating. That was until he and everyone else saw you in the background of Taryn’s video for Brady’s twenty-first birthday. The picture highlighted Brady but behind him, there was Matthew nibbling on your neck and ear. Fans picked up on it right away, wondering who you were and Matthew decided he was tired of hiding the two of you. A week later he was posting a picture of the two of you holding hands on your way back to Calgary.
 That was dozens of posts and months ago. Your life with Matthew was nothing short of amazing, until the Flames played the Leafs. Matthew was in Toronto while you stayed back in Calgary for work. It was an early game and you joined the other wives and significant others in a small little watch party. Drinks were flowing freely, so you really didn’t catch the exchange between Matthew and Auston in warmups.
 Matthew was minding his own business as he stretched near the centerline. That’s when Auston started with the little jabs. “Nice little piece of ass you picked up Tkachuk.” Matthew was used to guys talking shit about all kinds of things on the ice, though normally it was about him being a dirty player or how Brady was the better Tkachuk on the ice; all that shit he could handle. He wasn’t used to someone taking stabs at you.
 “Shut the fuck up Matthews,” he replied then skated away. If Auston was looking for a fight, he’d get one if he kept up this banter, but not until the game started.
 It wasn’t until the end of the first that Auston got a chance to chirp Matthew again. “Tell me, Tkachuk, does (Y/N) still make the same pretty moans…”
 “Finish that and you’ll regret it,” Matthew told him. It was the only warning Matthew was going to give. Of course, Matthew knew that you’d dated someone in the hockey world and that he’d been a verifiable asshole. He’d never pressed the issue too much as he was trying to turn that stigma about hockey players around. He never liked Auston, he was always cordial to him in non-ice settings but now that he knew he was the cheating bastard who basically used you; he liked him less.
 Play resumed before anything else could happen and Matthew was sure to get in a few good checks in before heading back for the first intermission. When he was back on the ice for the second Auston picked up right where they had left off. “So, you like my sloppy seconds, Tkachuk?” Matthew saw red at the insult, and before he knew what he was doing he dropped his gloves and hit Auston. Inwardly, you cringed at the fight, not wanting to let on to the other girls that you had an idea what the exchange was about. Auston went down easy, with Matthew barely touching him, and so off the penalty box he went, while the Leafs went on the power play. You could see him just sitting there stewing, though you weren’t sure if he was mad at himself for letting Auston get to him or mad at you.
 The game ended up tied in the third, and little did you know that Auston took the opportunity to get a few more digs into Matthew. “Does she get as wet for as she did for me, or do you have to work for it?” Johnny had to hold him back from leveling him after that, but Auston didn’t let up. “She was such a fucking slut for me in bed. You know I fucked every hole…” That’s all he got out before going down hard as Matthew planted a right hook to his jaw. But Matthew wasn’t done and went after Auston as he lay on the ice. Matthew was ejected from the game and the Leafs scored on the power play.
 There was no interview after the game with Matthew, so you had no idea what he was feeling or how pissed he was. As soon as you got home, you tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. You tried to tell yourself it didn’t mean anything that maybe he never turned his phone back on after the game or maybe they were already on the flight back to Calgary, as the team played at home the following day, but you just weren’t sure. So, you laid in the king-size bed you shared with Matthew, wrapped up in your favorite old t-shirt of his, simply staring up at the ceiling.
 At some point, you must have fallen asleep, for you didn’t hear the door open or Matthew dropping his bag like you usually did. It wasn’t until he crept into bed that you finally knew he was home. He was laying on his back, hands behind his head when you finally rolled over letting him know you were awake. You’d thought about what to say to him before falling asleep but waited for him to say something to you. When he didn’t you simply whispered, “If you want me to go I will.”
 “Go?” Matthew questioned now rolling on to his side so he could see you. “Why would I want you to leave?”
 “I never wanted to be a problem for you, Matthew, especially not with other players.” It was part of the reason you’d never told him that you’d dated Auston, though you should’ve known that Auston couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
 You went to say more, but Matthew stopped you. “You’re not the problem (Y/N). You could never be one.” His fingers ran up and down your arms lightly, just caressing your skin. “I love you, baby.”
 “I love you too.” His lips found yours then, and you melted into the feel of him, savoring how his body started to relax against you.
 “Auston’s an asshole.” Matthew finally said, when the two of you broke apart.
 “Do I even want to know what he said?”
 “Just shit to get me riled up, and it worked.” Your one hand went to the back of his neck, massaging the knotted muscles there. “I’m not stupid. I realize what probably happened between the two of you. I just don’t like hearing it.”
 “We both have pasts, Matthew. We can’t change that, but you’re my future.”
 He gave you a real quick peck to your lips. “And you’re mine. At least I don’t have to deal with him for a couple weeks.”
 You pushed him onto his back before straddling his hips. “Don’t let him get under your skin, babe. When he starts to say something…” you looked him right in the eyes. “And you know he will. Just remind him how you’re the only one I want with me.” You flexed your hips before running your hands up his bare chest. “And in me.” Matthew’s hands went to your waist, where he played with the band of lace on your panties. “You’re more to me than he’ll ever be. Both here,” you taped your heart and then his. “And here.” Lifting your hips, you took your hand and cupped the length of him. His cock instantly hardened under your touch.
 Your words spurred Matthew into action, for the next thing you knew he was ripping your panties, before shimming out of his boxers. His fingers went to your folds, where he found you ready for him. “Fuck you’re so wet.”
 “Only for you Matthew. Only for you.” It was extra reassurance that you knew Matthew needed and tonight you’d give him as many as he needed. He guided your hips down onto his cock and you sighed out with pleasure as he filled you like no one else ever had.
 As you grabbed the hem of your t-shirt Matthew whispered harshly, “Leave it on.” It was one of his Flames shirts; one that had both his name and number on the back. Leaning down you kissed him long and hard, before starting to ride him. It was slow at first, a pace meant to build you both up but not push you over the edge. His hands were everywhere, under your shirt caressing your breasts, wandering down your back to cup your ass, and moving up and down your thighs to quicken your speed.
 Finally, he couldn’t take it any longer and he flipped your bodies so that he loomed over top of you. His thrusts were deep and hard, almost punishing if your body hadn’t wanted him so bad. “You belong to me.” He said as he flexed into you, pushing you up against the headboard.
 “Yes, baby. Only you.”
 “Who?” He asked again and you realized that he was not in the mood to hear any pet names.
 “You, Matthew, you,” you answered knowing that he owned you both body and soul, just as you owned him.
 “That’s right, baby.” Matthew's thrusts were deep and sure, as he knew what would bring you pleasure, and with a few more flexes of his hips, he sent you spiraling out of control, screaming his name.
 That was all he needed to catch his high and follow you down, your name on his lips. He rolled onto his side taking you with him; your breaths mingling together as you both calmed. Your nails skimmed down his spine aimless, something you tended to do after sex. Matthew always said he loved the continued intimacy it brought, and tonight it felt like you both needed that. His lips found yours, the kiss loving and tender. “I love you, (Y/N),” Matthew whispered while brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. “And I promise, I won’t let Auston get to me next time.”
 “Good, because you’re the only man I love Matthew, and the team doesn’t need you getting ejected from games because of me.”
 “It won’t happen again.” You truly hoped that it wouldn’t but with Matthew’s temper you never knew.
 It was a little over two weeks later that the Flames were taking on the Leafs, this time at the Saddledome, where you were in attendance. Admittedly, you were a bit nervous on the inside as to what would happen between the love of your life and the once lowlife that you'd briefly called boyfriend. You tried to shake off your nerves with idle chatter with some of the girls, but your eyes always seemed to drift back to where Matthew and Auston were on the ice.
 Matthew for his part stayed away from center ice for warmups, just like he told you he would. It wasn’t until the second period after a blown whistle that Auston finally decided to poke at him. “How’s that girlfriend Tkachuk? You know if I told her I wanted her back she’d leave you in a second.”
 “I doubt that Matthews. She told me you couldn't satisfy her in the bedroom. Something about cumming too soon.” Anger started to radiate across Auston’s face. “You should see a doctor about that.” Matthew skated away, completely ignoring anything Auston would be able to say back.
 The game was tied late in the third once again when Auston tried to rile Matthew up again. Considering he had two assists you understood why they wanted your boyfriend out of the game. “It wasn’t me who had the problem Tkachuk, (Y/N)’s pussy was wider than the Grand Canyon.”
 “Hmm,” Matthew taunted back. “Must be your small pencil dick, because she’s so tight it’s like a vice-grip around me.” Auston took offense and cross-checked Matthew into the boards right as the play began, earning him two minutes in the penalty box. Matthew laughed at him as the ref took him over. Auston wasn’t there for long, as Matthew scored the game-winning goal forty-some seconds into the penalty. You jumped up out of your seat with the rest of the girls cheering and screaming.
 Even though they pulled the goalie, the Leafs couldn’t seem to find the back of the net before the buzzer sounded ending the game. You made your way down to wait outside the tunnel with the rest of the significant others. Most everyone was gone before Matthew finally came out, scooping you up in his arms. “Did you see that baby?”
 “I saw Matty,” you told him, kissing him on the lips. “That goal was impressive.”
 He finally set you back down on your feet. “No babe, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t let him get to me.”
 “Yeah, I saw that too. I’m so proud of you.”
 “Well, he can’t get under my skin about you, when I get to be all over yours.” His hands slid under your sweater and inside your jeans to cup your ass. “Speaking of your skin…let’s go home so I can get you out of all these clothes and see you.”
 You kissed him, long and languidly, before pulling back. “I like that idea. I like it a lot.” The two of you left the arena hands interlaced just as your bodies would be as soon as you got home.  
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gallavictorious · 3 years
Gallavich Week Day 2: Fantasy AU
Summary: Prince Ian is offered up as a sacrifice to appease one of the dragons that haunt his father’s kingdom. Rather than being burned alive or eaten he is inexplicably left to wander the dragon’s lair in peace, as long as he never tries to leave and never enters the mysterious tower chamber. Then he meets fellow prisoner Mikhailo and starts to wonder if maybe this whole sacrificial gig isn’t such a bad deal after all.
Or, Ian Gallagher tells a bedtime story, and Mickey Milkovich is himself.
Fair Warning 1: There’s some Mickey-typical homophobic language in this one.
Fair Warning 2: I wrote all ridiculous 5K of this today (work? what work?) and it’s a little bit of a curious mess. Like, the sort of curious mess you get if you take Lip’s Hall of Shame, @gardenerian’s lovely bedtime stories, the novel “Dealing with Dragons” by Patricia Wrede, the Swedish picture book “Bröllop i Marsipanien” by Lena Karlin, the Greek myth of Andromeda, a bunch of folk tales about shapeshifting lovers, and the questionable old practice of MSTing fics, and then you stuff them all into a Kee and shake her around for a bit and then you pour it out into the shape of a 12 hour long and highly inadvisable speedwriting session.
Read it at your own risk, below or on AO3.
Very Important Note: I make fun of fic writing in this fic. Please note that I’m only making fun of myself and general tropes; any and all allusions to actual fic in the fandom is entirely coincidental.
Lest They Say, Here Be Dragons
Hush now, child; settle down. Close your eyes – yes, just like that – and listen:
Once upon a time and elsewhere, there was a kingdom. The people there were no happier than people anywhere else, and poorer than most, but they made do and lived and danced and grieved and died as people have always done.
Jesus, that’s gay.
That is, until the dragons came.
Okay, now you’re talking.
Like a plague they swept the land, winged beasts with fire for breath and ice in their hearts. Every night the fields burned, and the villages burned, and the cattle burned and was eaten. Many a brave people took up arms and went to confront the monsters, and then they burned too.
Heart-broken and terrified, the people went to the king to plead for aid. “Send an emissary to the dragons,” they said. “Reason with them and strike a bargain, or else we are sure to perish.”
What a bunch of pussies. What they should do is, they should use a bunch a cow shit to build a bomb and nuke the hell out of those dragons. Problem fucking solved.
Now, this king was a scoundrel and a drunk and the queen had an unfortunate habit of turning herself into a bird and flying off to more interesting lands whenever the mood took her. They had six children but rarely paid them any mind and fair Princess Fiona, eldest of the six, was left to raise her younger siblings as best she could. False King Francis would have been perfectly content to turn his desperate subjects away if it weren’t for the fact the dragons unchecked rampage threatened the production of the spirits the king so enjoyed. So, donning a mask of compassionate concern, for he was a skilled liar, he promised the people that he would help them. But as soon as they had left, comforted, he turned the task over to his children.
The second oldest child, foxy Prince Philip—
Foxy Prince Philip?
Yeah, you know. Foxy. Like clever.
Why not just say clever then?
‘Cause it’s not alliterative.
Starts with the same sound. Foxy – Philip. Fair – Fiona.
Oh, I get it. Like, Ian – idiot. Ow!
Foxy Prince Philip was known far and wide for being the cleverest in all the land, and by using all his cunning he managed to strike a deal with the leader of the dragons.
“By using all his cunning.” Skimming over the details a bit there, huh?
You really want me to turn this into a Prince Philip story? Hear me go on and on about what a genius he is?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
It was agreed that the dragons would spread out over the kingdom, each one building their own place to live near a village, and that the villagers would bring them food and drink. In turn, the dragons would refrain from casual pyromancy and protect the villagers from harm.
Protection racket, huh. Classic. Starting to like these dragons, man.
In addition, the cruel leader of the dragons demanded that each dragon be offered a child of the land in sacrifice. No matter how Prince Philip bargained he could not change the dragon’s cold heart on this—
Guess he wasn’t so clever after all.
—and so, with heavy hearts and much lamenting, each village drew lots to determine which poor child would be sent as an offering to their new resident dragon. However, in the village nearest to the castle the people grew angry when the beloved blacksmith’s only child, a small girl of just four, was selected, and they went to the king and they said:
“It isn’t fair that some people are asked to give up their only child to appease the dragons while you, who have six children, are exempt from the lottery.”
King Francis, fearing an uprising as much as he feared the dragons (since each was as likely as the other to leave him without a drink), quickly nodded.
“That’s true,” he said. “And fairness must ever be the true monarchs first and most important concern. Though it breaks my heart, I can’t in good conscience watch my people sacrifice their own children without offering up my own. You may take Prince Ian and give him to the dragon.”
At this, the other princes and princesses raised their voices in furious protest, for they loved their brother even if their father did not. But industrious Prince Ian—
Industrious? That really the best you can come up with?
—stepped forward and declared that he’d be happy to give up his life, so that the child of the blacksmith might be spared. And so, as the sunt set, he was taken away to the lair of the dragon that had made its home near the castle.
So let me get this straight… The king is happy to toss Prince Ian to the wolves ‘cause he hates him, and his siblings are all sad and shit but they still let him go off to get fucking eaten by dragons?
Oh, fuck you. It’s just a story.
Stepping into the lair, with heart a-hammering but on stubbornly steady legs, Prince Ian set eyes upon the beast that was to be his destiny. He was momentarily relieved to see it was not the terrible leader of the dragons, as he had feared, but a smaller monster he did not recognize. Black was its hide, its eyes a cold sparkling blue—
Gallagher, I swear to god, if you turn me into some lame ass henchman dragon—
Keep interrupting, asshole, and it’ll be a pink fucking unicorn. And hang on, you’ll show up in a little bit.
Setting his jaw, Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death—
‘Course he did, the stupid motherfucker. Hey, if Prince Philip was so fucking smart, and if he gave a shit about his brother, shouldn’t he have given him, I dunno, a knife or something?
Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death, because unlike some other people he was not a selfish prick and he actually cared about the people of the kingdom, but much to his surprise the dragon did not burn him. Instead, it just stared at him for a good long while, until suddenly it declared:
“You must never leave the lair, and you must never set foot inside the tower chamber. Abide by these rules and you may live. Break these rules and I’ll rip your heart out and eat it while you watch, and then I’ll burn the castle down with your beloved siblings inside.”   
You tell him, dragon.
With that the dragon took flight and disappeared, leaving Prince Ian to stand alone in the great hall of the lair, confused but alive. The young prince remained where he was for a few minutes, thinking that the dragon might come back, but when it did not he set out to explore his new home. It was big, with endless rooms and nooks and crannies, but it was badly kept, with strange bits and pieces cluttering up the hallways and chambers. Prince Ian found some old blankets and he used those to set up a pallet in one of the nicer rooms, one that had a view over a small, overgrown garden. And then, because it was very late and he was not dead, he went to sleep.
The next day he continued his explorations and managed to find the kitchen. It was full with the meat that the villagers brought the dragon once a month, and remembering that the beast had only forbidden him from leaving the lair and going into the tower chamber, Prince Ian helped himself to a piece of pork that he cooked over a small fire.
Hang on, was there a fridge in the kitchen?
No. This was the olden days.
But the villagers came once a month with the meat? How did the dragon keep from rotting?
That’s not really—
Was it dried? Like a Slim Jim?
… sure. It was dried.
As he was eating, Prince Ian heard a sudden scraping noise behind him.
The hell did he cook it over a fire for then, if it was dried?
He looked up and spied another young man standing in the doorway.
I’m just saying, it doesn’t make any fucking sense, man. Wait, is this me?
Prince Ian frowned. “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you a prisoner of the dragon too?”
The boy shrugged. “Uh, yeah. I guess. I mean, I do some work around here. Clean up and shit, in exchange for not getting eaten. Name’s Mikhailo.”
About fucking time. Only, how is it fair that you get to be prince and I’m a fucking cleaner?
Prince Ian tactfully did not mention how the lair was impressively dirty for a place with a fulltime cleaner but invited Mikhailo to share his meal. As they ate, Prince Ian studied his new acquaintance. He was the same age as but shorter than the prince, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.
Hair as black as— The hell was that?
Yeah, okay, then why are you smiling? Eh, fuck you. Prince Ian’s fucking thirsty for Mikhailo, I get it.
Though his manner was somewhat brusque and uncouth, Prince Ian could not help but feel himself drawn to Mikhailo. The boy was funny and easy to talk to, even if he seemed reluctant to say too much about himself or where he came from. Prince Ian tried asking him about the dragon, but despite apparently having lived there ever since the dragon moved in, Mikhailo couldn’t tell him much.
“Hardly ever even see it, man. At dusk and dawn mostly, so I guess it spends the night flying around with the other dragons, terrorizing the peasants or whatever. During the day it holes up in the tower chamber. Guess dragons must sleep too, huh? Don’t fucking go up there,” he added sternly. “It ain’t fucking kidding about killing you if you do.”
Having found a friend, Prince Ian found that life at the dragon’s lair wasn’t all that bad. He missed his siblings and being outdoors and practicing with the soldiers at the castle, and he resented the loss of his freedom, but he enjoyed the peace and quiet, and enjoyed spending time with Mikhailo. However, one thing he soon grew very tired of was eating nothing but meat. The dragon didn’t seem to require anything else, for it was the only thing the villagers ever delivered, and Mikhailo – whose tasks included receiving the monthly tribute – just gave Prince Ian a weird look when Ian suggested he ask the people to bring some vegetables next month.
“That ain’t the deal they’ve got with the dragon,” he told Ian. “Ain’t nobody gonna listen to me if I go trying to change it.”
Yeah, real Prince Charming there, wanting Mikhailo to risk his life so Ian can stuff his face with fucking cucumber.
Undeterred by Mikhailo’s lack of enthusiasm and courage—
Fuck you.
—Prince Ian decided to take it up with the dragon himself. In the weeks since he arrived at the lair, he hadn’t met the creature again, not even once; he’d just heard the powerful swoosh of its wings when it came and went at dusk and dawn. Now he went up the stairs to the tower chamber and there he waited until night had fallen and he noted the scraping of claws against stone inside the room. Then he knocked at the door.
There was a long silence. Then the door slammed open with enough force to nearly undo it from its hinges.
“What are you doing here?!” the dragon roared, terrible in its fury. “I’ve told you to never come here!”
“You’ve told me to never set foot inside the room,” Ian reasoned, fighting to keep his voice calm. “And I’m not. I just wanted to ask if I may have the use of the small garden just outside the lair. I miss being outdoors and I could grow vegetables for Mikhailo and me.”
Jesus Christ, man, again with gardening? Thought you were over it.
“You may never leave the lair,” the dragon, a garden-hating meanie, snarled, and then he closed the door in Prince Ian’s face.
As he fucking should.
“Probably worried one of the villagers will spot you and, I dunno, mount a rescue,” Mikhailo said shortly the next morning when Prince Ian told him of his failed attempt. “Anyway, you’re a fucking idiot for going up there like that. You get it won’t hesitate to kill you, right?”
“Right,” Ian agreed. “But,” he added with a frown, “why hasn’t it yet?”
“You fucking complaining?” Mikhailo snapped, and then he stalked away, and Ian didn’t see him again for three days.
Listen, you get that I get that Mikhailo is the dragon, right? You’re not fooling anyone, Gallagher.
Then, one day, fed up with the dragon being a really annoying prick, Prince Ian grabbed a huge sword he conveniently found lying around in a cupboard, because the lair was a fucking pigsty, suitable for a pig like the dragon, and he went up the stairs and kicked in the door and he cut the dragon’s throat while it slept, and then he went off and found himself a nice prince to marry.
That’s not how the story ends.
Hey, where are you going? Come back- Jesus, I’m sorry, okay? Gallagher, I’m sorry. Just come back here. Tell me what really happened.
Prince Ian woke with a start on his pallet in the lair. He’d had the most vivid dream about killing the dragon—
A dream? That’s the lamest fucking— Ah, fuck. Sorry.
—but for some reason it hadn’t felt as satisfying as he had thought it would. For all that Prince Ian often fantasized about strangling the beast, it seemed he didn’t actually wish to see it dead. With that disconcerting realization in mind, Prince Ian went to break his fast, resigned to doing so on meat and yet more meat. But in the kitchen he found Mikhailo, and on the table in front of him was a pile of cabbage and carrots and onions. 
“Guess the dragon must have talked to the villagers after all,” Mikhailo muttered, refusing to look at the prince. “And, uh, there was this thing I wanted to show you.”
Without waiting for a response, he spun around on his heel and walked out the door. Curious, Prince Ian followed, through doors and up and down stairs he never knew existed. Eventually, he found himself standing in what appeared to be an inner courtyard. It was small and the walls surrounding it very high, but up above the sky was blue. Prince Ian turned his face towards it and for the first time since he came to live at the dragon’s lair he felt sunlight on his face.
“It’s a shithole,” Mikhailo said. For some reason he sounded a little nervous. “But if you wanna go outside, you can come here. And there’s dirt in those bins, so I guess you could grow stuff in them? Just gotta wear this hat. Anyone sees you, they’ll just think it’s me.”
Privately, Prince Ian wondered who’d ever be able to see him behind walls that high, but he wasn’t going to argue. Wearing an ugly had was a small price to pay for being able to go outside, and to have a garden.
He gave Mikhailo a small smile; Mikhailo smiled back.
“Mikhailo smiled back.” Yeah, you bet he was laughing his ass off, ‘cause he thought Prince Ian was a huge fucking dork.
Things were good for a long while after that. Prince Ian spent his days in the garden and in Mikhailo’s company, and though he still resented being locked away from the world it was easy to ignore that when he had something to do and when his plants started to grow and when he was with Mikhailo. The two young men became closer and closer with each passing week, and soon it seemed to Prince Ian as if they had always known each other. He could no longer imagine a life without his friend.
He suspected that Mikhailo felt the same. It was there in the way he laughed at Prince Ian’s jokes; the way he sought him out to do nothing but talk; the way his gaze sometimes lingered on the prince, the look in his eyes unreadable.
Prince Ian suspected that Mikhailo too wondered what it would be like to press their lips together and hold each other tight. Sleep together; map every inch of each other’s bodies.
Hang on a minute, you’re telling me they haven’t fucked yet? The hell they’ve been doing?
I told you. Hanging out. Talking. Laughing.
Jesus Christ, that’s so fucking gay.
Two men not fucking each other is gay? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. One day we really need to talk about all your internalized homophobia.
My interna-what? Ah, shut the fuck up. Continue with the story. All these interruptions ain’t doing much for the flow, you know.
Really? I hadn’t noticed.
Prince Ian became determined to find out if Mikhailo felt the same way as he did. He realized that he needed to be careful, however, and not push too hard, lest he spook the other boy. Even though he was almost sure he could see longing in Mikhailo’s eyes, there seemed to be some invisible hand holding him back. Every time Prince Ian was convinced they were finally getting somewhere, Mikhailo would suddenly pull back, as if stung.
Or as if remembering something. Himself, maybe.
Bu then came a cold, clear autumn day almost exactly one year after Prince Ian had been taken to the dragon’s lair.
Whoa, wait, now you’re telling me they’ve been hanging out for one fucking year and they still haven’t banged?
What can I say? Mikhailo’s a pussy.
Whatever. This story is unrealistic as fuck.
Prince Ian and Mikhailo had spent the afternoon together in the garden, as they almost always did whenever Mikhailo wasn’t busy with any of his mysterious chores (which he still refused to tell Prince Ian much about, but which sometimes took him away from the lair for days at a time). Once it started getting dark they went inside and dined on chicken and potatoes from Prince Ian’s patch, and as so often happened they started bickering and play fighting.
If that’s something that happens a lot you might have mentioned it earlier. Established it or whatever. Those mysterious chores too. What’s that all about?
Oh, my bad. Maybe I should start over? Once upon and time—
Nah, man, you’re good. Just a suggestion for next time.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
They were chasing each other around the kitchen when Mikhailo tripped over the muddy shoes he’d lazily left there the night before and fell to the floor.
You know these meaningful little comments ain’t actually clever, right? They don’t actually add anything to the story.
I like them.
Prince Ian, ever chivalrous, grabbed hold of his friend’s arm to break his fall, but ended up going down with him instead, pinning Mikhailo to the floor with his big, strong body.
Fucking finally.
Their eyes met and Prince Ian felt his heart starting to beat faster. He could see a faint blush spreading over Mikhailo’s face. Neither of them spoke; neither of them moved. Then, slowly, slowly, Prince Ian leaned in to brush his lips over Mikhailo’s. Mikhailo lifted his head to meet him in a kiss to end all other kisses, a kiss to inspire a thousand love songs.
Uh-huh, and then…
And then they went to Prince Ian’s room and had sex all night long. But when Prince Ian woke the next morning—
Wait, wait, what? That’s it? “They had sex all night long.” How about some fucking detail, man?
After having great sex using lots of good lube all night long, Prince Ian woke up alone in his bed.
I hate you.
He went in search of Mikhailo but couldn’t find his friend anywhere. He looked in the garden and in the kitchen and he went to the sad little cellar chamber Mikhailo called his room even though Prince Ian had never actually seen him sleep there.
Because he’s the dragon and sleeps in the tower chamber. Great hint, Gallagher. Real subtle.
Fuck off.
A week passed and Prince Ian was starting to suspect that Mikhailo was gone for good this time. Perhaps the dragon had found out about their tryst and had sent him away? Or maybe Mikhailo was disgusted with what had happened and wanted nothing more to do with the prince? Prince Ian wondered and worried and feared, and when finally Mikhailo returned, stepping into the kitchen like nothing had happened, Prince Ian was so exhausted with terror and regret that his relief immediately transformed into fury.
He yelled at Mikhailo, called him names and demanded to know where he’d been. He named him a coward and—
Hey, what’s the matter? You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, man, I’m fine.
You don’t look— Listen, Prince Ian’s just being an asshole, okay? He saying a bunch of stupid shit ‘cause he’s sick and tired of not knowing if he means as much to Mikhailo as Mickhailo means to him. He doesn’t mean it.
I mean… He probably means it a little. He’s not wrong.
No, he’s— Fine. He means it a little right then. But he is wrong, okay? He doesn’t really understand what’s going on with Mikhailo, but he’ll get it later. He’ll know he wasn’t being really fair.
… yeah?
Yeah. Okay?
Great. Maybe we should speed this bit up a little—
Once Prince Ian had finished shouting, Mikhailo just stared at him for a long moment.
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” he spat, and then he spun around and disappeared through the door.
Prince Ian was immediately overcome with regret, yet he was still too angry and hurt and stubborn to run after the other. He went about his day in a very foul mood and when he went to bed that night Mikhailo was still gone. Prince Ian slept fitfully and in the middle of the night he woke to a loud crash, soon followed by several more. He realized it must have come form the tower chamber and after a moment of hesitation he grabbed his nightgown and rushed up the stairs.
So, he brought a nightgown with him when he thought the dragon was going to kill him?
Of course not. He found it in one of the rooms.
Yeah, okay, but why are there so many rooms in this fucking lair anyway? What’s with all the old stuff there? Didn’t the dragon build the place to live in like right before Prince Ian was sent there?
Mickey. It’s getting late and I’d really love to wrap this up and go to bed. It doesn’t really matter about the rooms. Can I just continue with the story?
Whatever, man. Just thought you should know there’s a bunch of plot holes in your little fairy tale.
 Once he reached the door to the forbidden room, the crashing noises had stopped. Instead, Prince Ian heard whimpers and moaning, as if from someone in great pain. It could only be the dragon – something must be wrong with it.
Yeah, ya think, Sherlock?
Prince Ian knocked on the door. There was no reply, other than more whimpers and moans. Steeling himself, he tried the handle. The door was unlocked.
That’s awfully convenient.
Stepping inside, Prince Ian found the dragon on the floor. It was clearly hurt, for there was dark blood pooling underneath it. As Prince Ian entered, the great beast lifted its head but said nothing and made no move to attack him. It seemed it was too badly hurt to pose any threat.
It occurred to Prince Ian that he could kill the dragon. He could go down to the kitchen and fetch the biggest knife there and then he’d be free and he could go back to the castle and his siblings and—
The dragon made a low, pained sound and let its head fall back to the floor, closing its eyes.
Prince Ian went down the stairs, but he didn’t fetch a knife, he fetched bandages instead. Though part of him cursed himself for a fool, he knew he couldn’t bring himself to kill the dragon, monster or not, and couldn’t bring himself to let it bleed to death either.
That’s a huge fucking mistake. Maybe the dragon never hurt him but it still kept him imprisoned. Prince Ian should be getting the hell out of there when he has the chance.
Hmm, yeah. Choosing to be locked up just to be the person you love does sound like a pretty insane thing to do.
Oh, fuck off. That’s totally different.
Sure, Mick.
By the time Prince Ian returned to the tower the dragon had lost consciousness. The prince set to cleaning and bandaging his wounds, having learned the art of it while training with a medical witch who lived at the castle. It took a great long while; the dragon was large and heavy and the cuts in its side long, if shallow. But Prince Ian was nothing if not determined and eventually he had the beast wrapped up.
As Ian moved to rise, the dragon stirred.
“The hell are you doing?” it muttered, blinking up at Ian. Then it spotted the bandages, and the ice blue eyes widened. “What the— Are you fucking insane? This is a... is a… real bad fucking idea… ”
It sounded… strange, and not just from the pain and blood loss, Prince Ian thought. Sounded not just slurred but softer somehow, in spite of the uncharacteristic cursing; sounded almost familiar; sounded like—
“Mikhailo,” Prince Ian whispered.
Ooooh, big surprise! I’m so shocked right now!
You know there are other uses for plot twists than to shock the reader, right? Or actually, I guess you don’t know, but if you picked up a book once in a while—
Yeah, yeah, whatever. What happened after this great and totally unexpected reveal?
The dragon lost consciousness again so Prince Ian went to bed and slept soundly and when he woke the next day he spotted Mikhailo leaning against the wall of his room, looking tired ad unhappy. He was even paler than usually and there was a stiffness to his posture that suggested quite a bit of pain, but other than that he seemed well enough.
“So,” Prince Ian said, trying for casualness as he sat up on his pallet. “You’re a dragon.”
Mikhailo shrugged. “Seems like it.”
“But only by night.”
“Yeah… We turn when the sun sets, and turn back again when it rises.”
“I didn’t know that about dragons.”
“No one around here fucking does. People realize how helpless we are during the day, they’d kill us in a heartbeat. My dad says— “
“Your dad?”
“The leader of the dragons. The really big, white one? This whole terror and extortion thing was his idea, once he realized that no one in this kingdom has a clue about dragons.”
“He hates humans. Thinks they’re useless and weak. If he knew I kept you around instead of killing you, he’d have murdered us both.”
Jesus fucking Christ, laying it on a bit thick with the metaphysical shit there, don’t ya think?
You mean metaphorical?
I mean it’s fucking stupid, that’s what I mean.
Might be closer to allegory anyway.
Uh-huh. Nobody fucking cares, Shakespeare.
“So, anyway,” Mikhailo continued, “you should probably try to go as far away from here as possible. Find a ship and go across the sea or something.”
Prince Ian blinked. “What?”
“Yeah, man, you won’t be able to go back to your castle. No way to stay hidden there. I know this guy up in Dikno, he might—”
He fell silent as Prince Ian jumped up from the bed and crossed the space between them in two long strides, and then he gasped loudly as the prince’s lips found his.
It was another one to inspire love songs.
“You idiot,” Prince Ian said fondly when eventually they broke apart. “Of course I’m not going anywhere. Unless,” he added, suddenly shy, “you want me to.”
Mikhailo made a face. “No, you fucking moron, I don’t want you to go,” he finally said. “But my dad—”
“We’ll find a way to deal with him. We’ll figure out how to sort it out and set things right between humans and dragons. We’ll find a way, together. Okay?”
And Mikhailo the dragon looked at his prince for a long moment and then he smiled. “Okay.”
At his prince, huh. Surprised you got room for all those big words in your head when your ego’s taking up so much space. All right, then what happened?
They organized a rebellion against the leader of the dragons, I guess. I don’t really know. That’s another story.
What do you mean, another story? Is this it? You spend all that time setting it up but when you get to the good part with the fighting you just stop?
Yeah, it’s getting really late. Kid’s asleep anyway.
Kid’s been out cold since, like, before the dragons even showed up, man, don’t fucking pretend this story was for her. … you really not gonna continue?
Nah, I’ll continue. But for the next scene I figured we might try a little show, don’t tell…
Oh, really? What’s the next scene?
Make-up sex. Prince Ian fucking Mikhailo’s brains out. And hey, spoiler alert: Mikhailo comes four times.
Four times, huh.
Yeah. So… wanna know how it happens?
Okay. It starts like this—
So, yeah. There we have it. The things we write for Gallavich Week… XD
I am halfway outraged that this is the longest fic I’ve ever written for Gallavich, but I’m rather pleased I managed to write something for this theme! Guess I’ll go to bed both proud and embarrassed and dead tired tonight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Where I am, we’re half an hour past midnight, but seeing as it’s still Monday somewhere, I have decided that I’m posting on time. Yay me! @gallavichthings
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I just really think Remus Lupin is a ballerina okay AU
Remus Lupin has been doing ballet since he was four. He was exuberant and flashy at first, but after his first teacher, Greyback, molested and abused him, he is quiet and reserved. He prefers to dance by himself and does not speak to anyone inside or outside of the class. He wears pink material and is the best dancer in the school, but everyone is more terrified of him than they are jealous. He has sad eyes and soft hair, but prominent scars (both self-inflicted and from Greyback and accidents) cover his freckled skin. He’s a mystery, but no one wants to solve him.
He lives with his roommate and only friend, Severus Snape, who is a writer. He spins out films and novels and poems by the hundreds, especially inspired by the rain. Remus and Severus will often spend rainy days together in their apartment, with Severus typing furiously and scribbling while Remus dances to Hozier and Lana Del Rey off to the side. Sometimes when Remus will have nightmares, Severus will hold him and sing Russian lullabies until he falls asleep. Severus smokes lazily and wears subdued flower and gothic dresses that show off his jutting hips and collar bones. Having escaped an abusive father and a dead mother, he and Remus bond over their shit parents, with Remus’ father being neglectful and his mother kind but catatonic. Their neighbors think they’re witches, but they’re alright with that.
They both have to work to pay the bills, so while Severus works with preschoolers, Remus works as an assistant for a terrifying professor named Grindelwald at the university. He’s a reformed felon who’s always glowering, and there are rumors he’s Dumbledore’s husband, who is Remus’ mysterious ballet teacher with the twinkling eyes. But no one has the guts to ask him - it’s unknown what he was locked up for, and nobody wants to risk that it was irrational homicide. He mostly ignores Remus though, and doesn’t mind if Remus reads or dances while he works, so Remus doesn’t think he’s too bad.
One day Remus is grading some papers for Grindelwald when Lily Evans walks in, a vision in a white floral lace flowing vest and an across-the-shoulders dark blue dress, a brown belt around her waist and matching ankle boots coming up over creme knee-high knit socks, a black hat on her head. There’s a camera around her neck and her smile is beautiful, surrounded by her freckles, and she and Remus hit it off immediately. She asks if he can spare some time to be her model for the day, and he agrees. They’re hanging out in the park and laughing when Severus walks over, having finished work. The moment he and Lily lay eyes on each other, something happens, something magical, and Remus can see it in both of their smiles as they exchange shy hellos.
Lily starts to hang around them, her and Severus teetering on the edge of something. Remus nudges Severus until he’s brave enough to ask her out, and their first date is in the park where they met, sitting on a bench in the rain and watching the birds. Remus is pretty sure they’re gonna get married one day.
To keep himself busy while his two friends fall in love, Remus escapes to the dance school, dancing alone to Lana Del Rey in an empty room when the door creaks open and he hears, “Wow.” He turns around and smiles, taking in the sight of James Potter, an old school friend who left for Julliard and he hasn’t seen in years. James laughs, pulling him into a hug, and Remus lets him, tangling his hands in James’ curls and grinning when James presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. James tells him he’s been enjoying a gap year before going to search for a job as a back-up dancer for Taylor Swift, to which Remus giggles and tells him he’ll be great. James beams, and pulls Remus along, saying he has to meet James’ best friend-partner-person. Remus agrees, and changes back into his flowing white dress decorated in bees and black flats, tucking spruce leaves in his hair before taking James’ hand and following him out.
At James’ apartment, he calls out, “Babe! I’m home!” Remus watches as Sirius Black comes skidding down the hall, dazzling in a sparkling black croptop with gold touches and a raggedy sheer maroon skirt that falls just above his spiky combat boots. With white and gold dahlias in his hair, he’s the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen, and he stares as James pecks Sirius on the mouth, coming away with dark red lipstick stains. When Sirius looks up at Remus, his eyes twinkling, and Remus reaches out a hesitant hand, which Sirius takes. “Hi,” he breathes, and Sirius laughs, loud and bright. He leans in and kisses Remus’ cheek. “Hello, beautiful,” he says sweetly, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist. “James has told me all about you, love.” Remus blushes, unable to stop smiling even as Sirius pulls away at James’ indignant “Oi!” and doesn’t touch him again. Sirius is the love of his life - he doesn’t know how, but it’s something he just somehow knows, the feeling taking root in his chest and sprouting flowers.
Sirius, as it turns out, is James’ roommate and queerplatonic partner. He ran away from his abusive home and is taking commissions as an artist. Mostly he draws wolves, dogs, rats, deers, doves, snakes, and cats. He affectionately calls Remus Moony, insisting his scars look like something were bit him and his eyes are the fierce amber of a wolf’s. Sirius in turn is called Padfoot, for his doglike energy and loving nature, while James is dubbed Prongs for being a dumbass who continually forgets he’s too big to fit in small spaces and gets lost in the woods almost every weekend. Remus never wants to stop hanging out with them, and learns to spend hours shopping at the vintage shop where Sirius works, the two of them falling for each other fast while James reclaims them as his partners in love as in life. And Remus is so, so happy.
While he’s busy falling in love with Sirius, Lily has moved in with him and Severus. Remus doesn’t mind, and tells Severus he’s thinking of making a home with Sirius and James. Severus hugs him and tells him he’s proud of him, suggesting they hang out that day just the two of them, like old times. Remus agrees, and lets Severus take him to the cafe where Lily works. In the corner of the shop is Regulus Black, a boy drenched in hoodies and coats that Remus and Severus buy free food and drinks for. Regulus thanks them profusely, and they all make small talk until Remus makes a comment that Regulus looks like Remus’ boyfriend Sirius, to which Regulus starts crying, explaining that Sirius is his older brother and he’s been trying to find him for years but gave up looking when their shit parents died and Sirius was nowhere to be found at the funeral. Remus offers to take him home, and Severus kisses Remus on the forehead before heading off to find Lily.
On the way there, they stop at the bakery and accept some free cupcakes from Peter Pettigrew, who owns the bakery with his elusive partner. Regulus, as it turns out, is homeless, and has been trying to make it on his busking money alone. But while he’s fairly lovely at singing, it’s not enough to buy anything concrete. As they eat, Regulus also tells Remus about Amir Levis, a librarian who lets him stay at the library. Remus exclaims that he already knows Amir, who helps Remus remember his pills and doctor’s appointments and always has a spare wheelchair and some tea for him just in case. Regulus admits to having a crush on Amir, but he’s too scared to do anything about it. Remus assures him he and Sirius will help him with it, and just like that they’re on their way.
At home, Remus smiles softly at the sight of Sirius and James entwined on the couch and says, “Look who I found.” At the sight of Regulus, Sirius shoves James to the floor in his haste to stand up, taking Regulus’ face in his hands and searching his eyes for answers. “You got out?” He says, breathless. “Really? You’re alright?” Regulus smiles sheepishly. “Of course I did, Siri,” he whispers. “You think I was gonna let you have all the fun?” Sirius tears up and tugs him close, rocking back and forth as the two of them mumble apologies and love confessions into each other’s necks and shoulders and hair. Remus gravitates towards James, kissing him with a smile before pulling him out of the apartment, saying they should leave the brothers alone.
Remus takes the opportunity to introduce James to Severus and Lily, who are immediately taken with him. They offer to watch him for the afternoon while Remus goes to therapy with Maxwell Needles, a counselor with magenta hair who talks to Remus about life, his accident, his trauma, Greyback, his suicidal tendencies, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Remus also takes the chance to pick up Sirius and James’ ADHD medication, Peter’s OCD prescription, Lily’s bipolar medication, Severus’ schizophrenia suppressors, and a few books on autism (for Severus), Tourette’s (for Lily), and eating disorders (for James and, Remus suspects somehow, Regulus). Max is delighted to see him with so many friends, and says they’ll bring Peter over sometime for dinner. Though he’s not sure where that would happen since he’s torn between two homes right now, Remus agrees with a smile and bids the skater kid in the checkered jeans goodbye.
Back at school, Remus spends his afternoons in conversation with Mcgonogall, the waltz teacher who takes care of him. She’d adopted him when his parents died and he tries to stick around, asking advice about Sirius and James and whether moving in with them is a good idea. Mcgonogall says she thinks it is, and that she knows Sirius is a kind young man. As it is, he calls her Minnie, and knows her as a friend and a grandmother of sorts, since she helped him when he first ran away to James’ house. Remus is content with continuing the conversation but is interrupted by a phone call telling him Sirius, James, and Regulus have been jailed for a fist fight on the street.
Remus goes to pick them up, where he meets Bellatrix Lestrange, an abusive cousin of Sirius and Regulus who took particular joy out of torturing Sirius, who she almost killed once. She’s also been known to abuse children, especially those of the poor. Also in jail are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a couple married only in spirit who keep having miscarriages and take their abusive anger out on each other and strangers. Their landlord, Voldemort, had demanded unconventional payments and they’d been essentially enslaved to him for years, only escaping his cultist grasp by means of murder, which is why they’re here now.
Remus sees James holding Regulus close and whispering to him as he kisses the cuts and bruises on his face in the corner of the cell, but says nothing about it, kissing Sirius hello. The four of them go home together, and as soon as Regulus is asleep Remus tells James and Sirius that he wants to make a home with them someday, just not right now. They laugh and smile and tell him they’re ready when he is and that they love him, and Remus thinks, Things are good.
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow
Minghao: Chapter 2 (Mr. Brightside)
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Characters: Minghao x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, unprotected sex, mentions of voyeurism, mentions of exhibitionism, public sex, nudity ish, marking, mating, creampie, dirty talk, angst, fluff, blood and gore mentions (I’m not really good at being descriptive busy still, it’s there in this chapter and if you’re not up for it, please don’t reader), runaways, domestic violence, death mentions, violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to Mr. Brightside by The Killers. It sets a good mood for this chapter I think.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
🥀 & 💋 & ☁️
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow Master List
Chapter 2: Mr. Brightside
The pack decided that once morning came, they’d send out a group to investigate the screams you had heard last night. Low and behold, after breakfast was finished and everything was cleaned up, Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Jun, Mingyu, and you went out to see if you could find any remnants or answers on what had happened last night. Of course, Minghao fought for you to remain at the house and have him go in your place as he didn’t want you around any danger, but you insisted on going out with the others instead. You were the only one who really had any knowledge of or experience with Sirens. It just made the most sense. So he reluctantly agreed that it would be best for you to go, after some heavy convincing from his Alphas.
As you all sat out on your adventure, Mingyu was the one that lead the charge. He had the most reliable sense of smell compared to the rest of you and, as a single man, he would have a better chance at tracking the Sirens whereabouts than you would. After what seemed like hours of false leads and suspicious activity, you all finally stumbled upon something worth while.
“Ew. What is that?” Jun questioned aloud while covering his nose to try and mask the scent of death that met his nostrils as you approached the scene.
“I think the question is: WHO is that?” A disgusted Seungcheol stated, nearly vomiting from the sight in front of him.
You couldn’t blame either of them for their reactions. The picture in front of you was enough to churn even the hardest of criminals stomachs. On the forest floor, there was a dead body, though you couldn’t really even classify it as that anymore. It was a mess of blood, bone, meat, and skin that trailed on for about five feet around its center. Bits and pieces had gotten caught on the rocks and trees around. It’s smell was putrified as it had been sitting out in the middle of the night. It was so unrecognizable, the only reason you all figured out it was human was because of the scent. Animals and humans had different auras around their essence. Animals had more rustic scents to them while humans smelt more … fresh in nature to wolves. And whoever this was smelt more fresh than your average animal.
“Yep. This was definitely done by an angry sire boys.” you let out casually as you knelt down to examine the victim more in depth, holding your breath as much as you could so you didn’t have to inhale the scent of death anymore than you absolutely had to.
“How the fuck did some poor person end up as a piñata on the forest floor?” Wonwoo asked, still in quite a bit of shock at seeing a human so messed up. Wolves could get vicious, and they had all seen a lot of carnage in their time, but this took the fucking prize for most traumatizing corpse they had ever dealt with.
“Sirens use men to get pregnant. They know within minutes if it worked. And this mess here tells me this guy didn’t… satisfy her needs. So she killed him” you declared, bringing yourself to stand back up in an upright position, dusting your hands off once you were standing.
The boys were all honestly shocked that you remained so cool during the whole commotion. The thought of what happened even made Wonwoo wince, but not you. They were a bit taken back by your ability to deal with such a thing and not want to draw back in disgust.
“So he didn’t get her pregnant. Big whoop. For most girls, that’s the dream. Why does the bitch care so much about it?” Seungcheol responded to your last remark, attempting to bring back his usual cool exterior while crossing his arms over his chest.
“Sirens are like wolves in that department. Any wolf with a mate will tell you just how hard it is not to mate them to have kids. It’s a primal urge. Even humans feel it, just not as strong. But with Sirens, their goal is to continue spreading themselves around the world to wreak havoc.” You explained, using your knowledge of them to your advantage so you could tell the boys more about the dangerous creature you were dealing with.
“And when a human can’t give the siren a baby to continue it’s work, they eat the human they used to procreate. The result’s… pretty brutal as you can see” you added, gesturing to the mess around you.
“So this is for sure the work of one of those things? A siren?” Mingyu asked, clearly wanting to know whether or not he would be in danger as he was one of the few boys in the pack who always had to have sex, regardless of who it was with.
“Yeah. I’m pretty positive. Which means everyone needs a curfew now.” You huffed out, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance at the thought of being stuck in the house all day again.
“Hey (Y/N), you said that these siren things really only go after single men yeah?” Jun inquired while dropping to his knees next to the pile of flesh beside him.
“Yeah. Single men are the easiest targets as they’re the ones most susceptible to their song. Most sirens, not all, but most used to be scorned women when they were mortals. They don’t usually want to put that fate on another woman, so they just find horny single guys. Why?” You responded to Jun’s question.
“Well…” he said as he picked something up off the ground and brought himself to his feet again, “I think this… pretty much proves that this thing doesn’t care if the dude’s taken or not.” He continued as he held something out for the rest of you to see.
It looked like the remains of a human hand. But there was a gold band wrapped around one of the fingers. Shit.
“That’s- that’s really REALLY not good.” You gulped as you took the hand from Jun and examined it yourself, praying that his first hypothesis was wrong.
“Why? It just means that she’s not picky, right?” Seungcheol let out a dry chuckle at his own shitty joke.
“No. It means that she was probably born a siren. If she’s able to seduce a man in love, she’s worse than a conjured siren. It means She’s half human. So she can walk around during the day looking like a normal human.” You shuddered out, worry now spreading throughout your whole body for everyone around you. This was bad. This was really REALLY bad.
“Hey baby!” Minghao exclaimed as he came and kissed your head, meeting you guys right outside the house just as you returned home.
“How’d it go? Find anything out?” He spoke as he quickly engulfed you in a hug, having been waiting by the door for your return the entire time you were gone.
Once he had caught up with you and had you in his arms, you suddenly burst into tears. You buried your face in his chest and sobbed uncontrollably, worrying Minghao a great deal. He looked to his brothers for answers as to what your sudden outburst could’ve been about but, all of them were just as shocked, they had all thought that you were fine after everything that had happened. So they saw no reason to panic as your coolness earlier showed them they could handle what was coming. But clearly, your currently state meant that something was very wrong and, regardless of how curious they were on what it could be, they knew you well enough to know that you just needed to be alone with your mate when you were like this. They knew he’d get to the bottom of it and come to them if it was anything important or concerning. Everyone bowed their heads towards Minghao and then quickly made their way toward the house.
You didn’t mean to start crying. You tried your best to hold it in. But you were absolutely fucking petrified on what could happen with the siren running around. You weren’t a protective Alpha like Seungcheol, you weren’t as level headed as Wonwoo, you weren’t as innocently curious as Jun, and you weren’t as optimistic as Mingyu. Seeing everything that happened to that married man and knowing everything that the siren could still do to the people you loved hurt you on deeper level that even you didn’t understand.
You held a solid face in front of the others earlier as you didn’t want them to see your pain or feel scared themselves. But Minghao always made you feel safe and loved and knew how to comfort you and he took all your bad thoughts away. So when you saw your mate’s face, you just lost it. You needed him. You didn’t care that the others saw, you could explain it all away to them later. You just needed your mate to hold you and tell you that everything was gonna be alright, even if it wasn’t.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?” Minghao asked as he picked up your depressed form and walked with you into the forest, far enough away so that the pack couldn’t hear you.
“Hao- I- I’m so worried. The siren- she- she destroyed a man. He was just a puddle when she was done with him. We wouldn’t have even been able to see that he was human if we weren’t wolves.” You sniffled as you clung to his shirt for dear life.
“What if she- what if she does it to one of you? She- she can do it whenever she wants. She can hurt anyone anytime she wants. She can walk around during the day- she’s half human. She- she can hurt anyone. She can hurt you. I- I cant lose you Minghao. I- I just can’t” you choked into his chest as he sat down with you on his arms on the forest floor with his back against a tree.
“Baby, it’ll be okay. I won’t let her hurt the pack. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m all yours. Siren be damned.” He spoke softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“There- there was so much blood Hao” you whined as you looked up to his angelic face, watery eyes causing tears to stream down your face.
He subtly wiped the water off of your cheeks and held your chin with his index finger and thumb.
“I know. I’m sorry you had to see that my love. But it’s over now. I’ve got you.” He shushed you with a small kiss to the top of your nose.
“He was married. He was in love with someone and she- she still got him. I- I don’t want her to take you too” you whimpered out, he brought his hand up and cupped your face gently, stroking your salted cheek to help sooth your pain.
“She won’t take me baby. You’re the only girl I could ever want. You’re the only girl for me” he smiled at you, the adoration in his eyes evident. But you were still unconvinced.
“But… how- how do you know that?” You whispered as you look down at your hands, trying to focus on something else so your tears wouldn’t start up again.
“Because my love” he said, pushing some stray hairs that had fallen in front of your face behind your ear, “No one in this world could EVER give me what you can”
“And what’s that?” You mumbled. He quickly pushed your face up to look at him and connected your chapped lips to his plump ones.
His lips were beyond the softest thing that you had ever felt. You had kissed him before, but this was different, it was like he was trying to express everything he felt for you through one kiss. It was powerful and passionate. You responded immediately, grabbing the nape of his neck and pulling him deeper into the kiss.
He slid his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for access, which you swiftly gave him. Your tongues started fighting for dominance and, although both put up a good fight, it was Minghao who came out on top, as usual.
The kiss quickly escalated, ending with him lying you down on the ground and placing himself between your legs. His lips started traveling down your neck, leaving bright purple patches on your skin, before he stopped at your breasts.
He gave you a devilish smirk moments before he ripped the tank top that you were wearing in two. You gasped, using your arms to help cover your semi-exposed chest as a blush rose to your cheeks.
“Relax baby. It’s just me and you here. And I…” he said in a deep, almost inhuman voice while unhooking your bra, “want you just like this.”
Before you could react, he attached his lips to one of your perky nipples, rolling the other between his two fingers and groaning. The vibration sent shivers down your spine, making you lose touch with reality for a second. When you regained your senses, you grabbed his face and brought it up to yours to gain his attention.
“But we’re in the woods. You tore my shirt off. And I cant just be naked on the forest floor while you pound into me. My back’ll get all torn up. And what if someone comes and sees us fucking. What’s then?” you pouted at him before you pecked his rose petals lips.
His bottom lip protruded out before an idea struck him. He pulled his shirt off of his toned body and slid it on yours. It was obviously much bigger on your petite frame than it was on his, it came down to your mid thighs.
“There, now you’ll be protected from the ground and any gazing eyes and we’ll both get what we want” he smirked before he started unbuckling his belt.
You had to admit, after the day you had, you REALLY needed him. And the thought of him taking you right there out in the open had you wet within seconds.
You bit your lip in anticipation as he finally managed to pull his hardened member out of his constricting jeans. You never got sick of this part, wtching his dick smack back up to his stomach after being restrained for so long always made you giddy.
He grabbed his cock and stroked it a few times, smearing his pre-cum down the base to help lubricate himself. He pushed himself back down to kiss your lips one more time before he glided himself in your entrance, leaving you momentarily stunned.
You had had sex with him a few times before, but Fuck, you’d never get used to his length. He fit inside you like a glove, hitting all the right places with the perfect amount of pressure. Like he was made to fuck you stupid. You loved it.
He paused for a moment after bottoming out, wanting to give you a few seconds to adjust. You groaned out and, even though you were still feeling a dull pain from the sudden stretch, you lifted your hips to meet his, indicating that you wanted him to continue. He quickly got the hint and slowly started pulling himself back from your heat before he thrusted in at full force, making you wail out his name.
“Fuck. It hurt so good. Please go faster Hao. Please!” You moaned in a pleading voice while grabbing at his biceps and scrapping your nails down them.
“Whatever you say baby” he smiled to himself as he picked up his pace, placing his hands on the sides of your head for leverage. You let out a Yelp and a gasp before throwing your hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t get any louder, not wanting anyone to find you in such a compromising position.
He felt your walls tighten around him and he couldn’t help the growl that emitted from his chest. He lifted your leg and put it on his shoulder. Hitting deeper into you causing you to lose your breath.
He tilted his head down to look at you. Fuck. He loved how you clung to him while he pounded you. He loved the dirty little moans that passed your innocent lips as he pushed into you deeper. He loved how quickly you would get wet at the thought of him fucking you. But most importantly, he loved how your pure little face scrunched itself up in pleasure whenever he hit the right spot.
“God, you take me so well. It’s like your little cunt was made for me. So tight and warm. Who do you belong to baby huh?” He grunted out, gritting his teeth as he moved to kiss your neck, enhancing your pleasure by sucking at your sweet spot under your ear.
“I’m yours. I belong to you. Only you. Please, don’t stop. I’m so close” you whined, dragging your nails down his biceps so hard that it no doubt must have broken part of his skin.
Just as he hooked your other leg to his waist to add to your ecstasy, you heard a twig snap nearby. Minghao immediately darted his head up to look around, though he didn’t stop his pace.
“W-what is it?” You question, trying to form words even though you were close to your orgasm. Your walls starting to flutter around his dick, earning a groan from him.
“It’s just a dear baby. Don’t worry. Nobody can see me ruining you. Not that I would mind the boys seeing me take you like this” he said while thrusting as deep into you as he could. Your walls started to clamp down on him at the thought. He laughed slightly.
“Maybe then they’d finally get the hint that you’re mine. Maybe then they’d stop thinking about fucking you. Everyone would know you’re mine. Everyone would know this pussy is all mine.” he bit his lip before he grabbed your hair with one of his hands, jerking your head to look him directly in the eyes.
You were so close, you felt like screaming. And, almost as if he could read your mind, he stopped you by lightly squeezing your neck with his dominant hand. The lack of oxygen felt incredible and your eyes began to roll to the back of your head. Minghao was quick to take notice of your sudden increase of pleasure and decided to tease you.
“Do you like that baby? Do you want me to show everyone who owns you? Is that what gets you off? Or do you like the idea of them fucking you huh? Which is it?” He sneered out and tightened his grip on your neck a little more.
“Answer me baby. You know I don’t like being kept waiting” he stated, continuing to fuck into your heat like it was his sole purpose in life.
“Fuck- both. Both! Part of me wa-wants them to take turns fucking me. Part of me want-wants you to force them to watch you rail me. Both.” You scream out at his sudden roughness, knowing full well the ideas both make him hard too.
“What a naughty girl you are. Wanting to be their little slut and wanting to be claimed by me in front them. I should go fuck you in the living room right now to show them this cunt is mine. But…” he started in a sexy tone that seemed to be only half joking, his fangs elongated as he got closer to his release, “I think making you cum and marking you right out here in the open will do. For now”
He smirked as he took the hand that was wrapped around your thought and started to rub your clit, finally tipping you over the edge, making you see stars. He bit down on your neck and made your release ripple out in the most jaw dropping orgasm you’d ever had.
Soon after, Minghao came inside you, his hot cum painting your walls in the most delicious way possible. He pulled his teeth from your neck and ran his tongue over the wound to have it close up. He found your panties and shorts and slid them on your exhausted body before he laid down beside you.
“You’re- you’re not mad are you?” You wondered aloud in a small voice.
“Mad? Why would I be mad? You just let me mate and mark you out in the open. What could I possibly be mad at?” He chuckled out as he moved you to his chest.
“Because of what I said before I came…” you trailed off, drawing small invisible shapes on Minghao’s chest.
“No baby. I’m not mad. I think it’s kinda hot actually. But we can talk about that another time. The only thing that matters to me right now is that you’re okay. Are you feeling any better?” He asked, concern laced his tone as he rubbed your back with his large hand.
“I’m okay. It helped comfort me. I just hope that the siren doesn’t try and take you away from me.” You responded earnestly, snuggling further into his torso.
“Don’t worry. She won’t. I’m all yours” Minghao declared confidently.
“But… how can you be so sure? I know we love each other, but the siren can take anyone she wants.” You added, nervousness surrounding your tone.
“Relax baby. She won’t get me. It’s never gonna happen because I love you too much.” He stated positively before kissing the top of your head.
“When did you become Mr. Brightside?” You smiled up at him with playfulness glistening in your eyes.
“One of us has to be my love” he laughed out, “Now rest up for a minute. We’ll have to go back inside soon or they’ll send a search party. That is… unless you want them to know we fucked out here” he let out questionably with a mischievous grin.
“Hmm… Relaxing for a minute it is.” You say shyly as you nuzzle into his chest. God you loved him.
Another Author’s Note: Okay so smut chapters take a lot longer for me to write so so only wrote this one. But technically Mingyu’s went up after midnight so I actually wrote two today. Which isn’t awful… but I want to write more. I’ve just been sick. But I swear tomorrow I’ll read these two chapters for errors and as soon as I get better I’ll start writing more!
(Updated 8/22)
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kittyscarfredux · 2 years
I would like to respectfully ask that you donut reblogue this in case I want to nuke it later lmfao, pls if you have questions or comments reply or ask instead, but here are more great ideas from ME about Y/ano (little furry guy I like to draw)
so, if you don't know the character, he's a yakuza income collector who deals in extortion and blackmail and theft and fun stuff like that, he's extremely obnoxious and speaks in rhyme, and he has a devoted polar bear bodyguard/assistant whom he is somewhat dependent on for basics like transport and buying food. all of that is canon.
Everything else in this post is not. warning that the content in this is all over the place, read: there's sex and drugs in it
Can't stand still for long, paces, messes with his clothes or things in his pockets, tapping, tapping tapping tapping. If he's not actively talking or listening to music he's exuding nervous energy by tapping his fingers or feet somewhere. Just as his usual state, I mean, I'm not even in the omo section yet
Goes through a lot of caffeine. The reasons for this are twofold, because he usually feels like deep-fried garbage and because he needs to be constantly occupied. Usually in the form of energy drinks or canned coffee, sometimes impulse buys something like a frappuccino because he likes the look of fancy things but can't handle sweet and ends up pissed off and nauseated from drinking like 20% of it
Will survive on energy drinks and snacks if left to his own devices, his bodyguard has to strategically put water and something normal to eat in front of him to keep him operational (he's not resistant or even offended by this, he thinks it's magic rather than just more responsible decisions than he would think to make for himself lol)
One of those absolute freaks who has a closet of copies of identical or near-identical clothes
Smells like mints and hand sanitizer
Needs gloves on to touch most things that aren't attached to him, but has like zero awareness of cross contamination or touching his face with his gloves after touching things he supposedly wouldn't touch without gloves. Better not to point this out to him
Similarly, picky about cleanliness and often complains about bathrooms or even demands to be taken somewhere else, but not in a way that's consistent or makes sense, because he doesn't apply nearly the same standards to places he's familiar with, it has less to do with cleanliness and more to do with whether he's uneasy in a situation in general and is projecting
Has a low tolerance for discomfort and usually just goes to the toilet when he first thinks about it, gets impatient and bad-tempered fast if he has to wait
Vocal, full stop, talks as fast as he thinks, can't be dignified or stoic about anything. He could literally be torturing someone for information and telling them to hurry up because he has to take a piss lmao
Really, really squeamish about peeing in a bottle or anything where it's right there and he has to handle it
Not above pissing on someone else's property as an insult, though
Makes the worst noises. What do I mean by this? use your imagination.
Would have a freaking shit fit if he so much as leaked and had damp underwear, it would be a cancel appointments and go home disaster
everything below this line is ns/fw or otherwise questionable don't say I didn't warn you<3
Kind of has two wolves inside him sexually speaking, part of him wants to show off and toy with the other person, order them to stay quiet or else he'll leave them alone, etc.
While the other side would like to be held face down and fucked thoughtless and speechless because it's a good break for someone who usually has too much to think and say lmao. He would never accept it from someone who actually wants to dominate him, though, they have to be doing it as a ~service~ to him
PARTIALLY CLOTHED. only as much clothing removal or loosening is necessary for the act. even the most naked he gets is socks on and gloves on. potentially headphones on too.
Has only had a couple of weird hookups with people who briefly had bad enough judgement to sleep with him but he scared them away quickly by being the way he is
there's a fandom tendency to portray him as doing some kind of Everything Drugs but I think there's enough info to narrow it down and I'm confident in this answer. he takes benzos. not obtained legally or as directed, if that's not clear. usually only in private for getting some rest, but keeps them on him in case of emergency
Preferred method of taking pills is crushed in a drink (I didn't make this up for convenience and I reasonably think it's what a specific quote is referring to, but fyi I think "with a bunch of extra liquid" is a HORRIBLE way to take drugs that make you anywhere from impulsive as fuck to asleep. potion of piss somewhere stupid)
Has difficulty getting up, sometimes his bodyguard comes over to pick him up for lunch and finds him out of it and not ready at all, has to drag him through his morning routine, wait for him to recover and clean up/do damage control because...
Wakes up with weird blacked out messes like food in bed and angry voicemails from business contacts who want him dead because he apparently called them to talk shit after he thought he fell asleep
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Wheel of Time Episode Two ramblings below:
*heavy breathing*
(Very light story/events spoilers but nothing significant)
That title sequence holy shit
Mandarb is a Good Boi
Bela is not shaggy and not a mare. Still salty about that.
Trollocs giving me shivers as they chase through the woods. Too CGI though, but I get it might be too expensive.Still great.
“You are not the type of woman who hears ‘no’ often.” “I am not.” Ooooooohh yes ma’am.
Taren Ferry crossing giving me HUGE Bucklebury Ferry/Nazgul vibes and I love it.
Moiraine being brutal for the sake of the world’s survival is very on brand. Shame there’s no draghkar and mist, but at the pace they’re going, we can’t have everything.
The horses are too fancy for country horses.
Mat’s acting/speech is… irritating, but he very much looks the part. I’m not sad yet that his actor isn’t returning for season two.
Love Egwene’s red, hooded sheepskin coat. I want it.
Egwene and Moiraine’s talk in the woods gave me shivers. The link back to the women’s circle ceremony and the ‘trust the river’ bit was a nice touch.
Rand’s dream!!!!!! The fiery eyes!!
Bats not rats. Ok??? Not sure why they changed it, but it’s still creepy as heck.
Rand losing his cool and calling Lan an errand boy for Moiraine was fun. Can’t wait to see how that goes later on...
Whitecloaks and their stupid plastic shoulder pauldrons. Their encounter was out of character/story but a good introduction to them I guess. Moiraine playing at deference was amusing, given how after she’s spoken alone with Siuan later in Eye of the World, she finds humility a hard expression to fake...
I did indeed weep during Moiraine’s telling of Manetheren. No wonder they got her to read the new audiobooks. Holyshit.
THE WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (they’re not very wolfy looking, but they’re adorable. The focus on their eyes was a nice touch...)
Perrin taking Moiraine on his horse is so on brand for our big caring boi.
The walls of Shadar Logoth gave me chills. The soundtrack there is spectacular too. Mandarb fearlessly leading the way made me smile, and Aldieb snuggling Rand’s hand as he led her was nice.
Perrin being the one to comment on the lack of nature inside the walls of Shadar Logoth was a lovely moment. And the city itself - what a set!! It reminded me of Minas Tirith and the combination of practical and digital sets. Great job.
Mat playing with Laila’s throwing knife and being so casual about giving it away is such a good moment to pair with what’s coming. And Perrin just staring unblinking at it while Mat talks on and on about Laila, like he can see her hands forging it, each hammer blow drawing it out from steel stock to completed tool, the heat of the now-cold forge drawing him in… not gonna lie, I cried again. Perrin is SUCH a deep and thoughtful character but he doesn’t say much and is often mistaken as slow and dumb, but his empathy and sweetness is utterly captured in that exchange. I just wanted to hold him. And when he took the dagger…? Those tears on his face? I bawled my eyes out. I know a new fan may not see all that when watching it - just his guilt or something, but he’s so sweet and so sad.
(Moiraine in a white blanket was eerily close to a shroud gave me chills. She’s the only one with a pale blanket, and it reminded me of the shrouds in the trailer shots...). Anxious horsies always make a good atmosphere for something being wrong. I like the way they did the dagger finding differently - showing Mat’s insatiable curiosity and knack for getting himself into trouble.
Every book reader holding their breath as he opened that box… the look in his eye.
The sheer horror as the horse is just… consumed.
The way they’re forced to split up was great. The way the shadow drove them like sheep… Not sure I liked it being all Lan’s fault though.
OK OK OK OK... Those “What’s this? A warder caught off his guard?” vibes! HELL YEAH THEY INCLUDED THAT MOMENT OH MY GOD SCREECHING.
*heavy breathing*
Still loving it. What are your thoughts? Are you a book fan or a new fan?
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mintenochian · 4 years
what other people want added to Minecraft: g u n s
what I want added to Minecraft
-For multiple biomes, but mainly for the forests.
-Songbirds would add SO MUCH life to the otherwise quiet areas of the game
-Ravens and crows would be awesome and could use some of the parrot mimicking AI
-Cardinals in the snow biomes would bring a GORGEOUS pop of colour into the white atmosphere
-Seriously we need something to populate the sky, parrots do NOT fly like they should
-nests in trees, can find eggs in them
-doesn't really add a use but fun new feather types would be cool
-technically still a bird but would go really well in covered rooftop forests and snow biomes
-we're already getting larger avians added in the form of vultures so why not more large birds?
•Mice and / or rats
-absolute precious babies
-sadly would go well with owls :(
-with cave update coming we need adorable rodents scurrying around
-lil bastards could make mouseholes inside of blocks
-will they be tameable? idk.
-adds the necessity for cheese
-MOJANG this is a MUST, this is a NEED
-You literally have pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep spawning in forests what the fuck
-Deer with spotty baby fawns??? Yes
-Young bucks with different stages of antler growth? Yes
-Fawns frolicking in flower forests bc they feel safe
-Stripped wood appearing on trees where bucks scrape velvet off their antlers
-Being able to collect sets of antlers when they fall off periodically (would NOT be attainable by killing the deer, you have to wait for them to shed)
•Elk and Moose
-Same vein as deer
-Bigger, much bigger, neutral instead of passive, less shy
-Snowy biomes
-Better additions than fucking llamas tyvm
-Sidenote but savannahs could also really use some endangered deer-like species to help raise awareness for their status
-Mojang plz
-Adds nuts to Minecraft ;)
-Black, grey, red, and mixed colour squirrels and breeding
-Brings life to forests like songbirds and deer
-Mojang bby you literally already have a neutral bear in Minecraft why have you not reskinned it for grizzly/brown/black bears?
-Bear caves
-Hibernating mobs
-Brings more use to the beehives and bees, bears could be attracted to any area that has more than one bee hive with honey
-They NEED the ocelots and cats update
-More wolf types (red, timber, snow, black, etc)
-Actual wolf packs (the AI would be difficult to program but the doges are worth it)
-Please let the howl at the moon, if foxes get to say ringdingding all night long wolves deserve to be allowed to howl
-More dog breeds (I know that there's no reason for domesticated dog breeds in Minecraft but ACTUALLY THERE IS)
-Hunting dogs like springers that can jump and run faster
-Foxhounds :D
-Most Important Goodest Boy: Herding dogs like collies and sheepdogs
-Herding dogs could be found in plains where cows and sheep spawn and create herds
-Instead of having to pen up and enclose your livestock you could form herds of cows and sheep
-Your Goodest Boi herding dog would protect them and move around with them when they graze
-Just soft peaceful minecraft tingz
•Salt licks
-Something SO SMALL but would make SO MUCH HAPPINESS
-Drawing new cows into your herd by putting up a salt lick
-I'm soft
-I guess salt would be a new ore???
•Bird feeders
-idk I think it would be cool
-excess seeds used for SOMETHING
-The coolness of wolves, the chaos of foxes, the cunning of cats
-be gay do crimes
-can open chests (trigger trap chests to catch them?)
-Fantastic little shits
-Not tameable but will trust players like foxes do
-I know it's a lot to ask and it would be hard to make them look good
-But??? Imagine a tiny lil garter snake in your garden
-unlikely but would be so fantastic
-please Mojang we need this so badly
-imagine the ships? The bridges? The bell towers and everything?
-super easy to add, just reskin vines and add a string crafting recipie
•Butterflies and Moths
-Bflies could be a unique mob to flower forests and friends with bees
-if moobloom is added they would all be BEST BUDS
-get it "buds" ahahaha
-help with flower polination but just gives a TON of life to flower forests
-We literally have lanterns in minecraft why do we NOT have moths? Such a cool aesthetic addition.
-helps fill both the daytime and nighttime sky
-fourth member of BEST BUDS
-just soft baby
-i love birbs okay
-the only avian who does not work for the bourgeoisie
-10 million of them please
-they give great hugs
-adds so much atmosphere to the night world
-We have milk
-We have, presumably, goat milk
-Quit being cowards and add butter and cheese
-Butter churn job block for villagers
-V funny bc they have no arms to churn with?? Oh well
-Something decorative and beautiful that could 1) liven up beaches and 2) have snails and crabs inside!
-Mojang plz do not add sand dollars to the game people already don't know how to tell if they're still alive before trying to take them home
-Imagine something as massive as the ender dragon but peaceful. Allows you to stand on them (idk how but make it happen Jeb)
-Being so deep and far out into the ocean, and when the moon is high in the sky and you're sitting in your boat, you just hear the beautiful melancholy sounds of the whales in the distance
-Idk if y'all know this but the glow squid is a bad idea
-Dream buddy you fucked up, please use your influence to get in contact with Mojang and have them redo the vote. People would have so much regained respect for you if you tried to fix your mistake.
-Also why does a speedrunner get to tell millions of people what mob would bring more life to Minecraft? He's only playing the game for 5 minutes smh
-Jellyfish could literally do everything the glow squid is going to and look better for it AND possibly be neutral instead of peaceful
-Not much to say but it would liven up the frozen water biomes a bit
-You already know why
-Imagine giving a new home to all the Club Penguin players? Legendary.
-Gender doesn't exist in Minecraft but we all know penguins would be hella gay
-I think they would be cute
-Never going to happen since passive mobs are generally real life animals but it would be so cool
-they can hold hands
-brings life to the rivers
-super cute
•Frogs and possibly toads
-Swamp gods
-Absolute mad lads
-maybe grow from tadpoles
-wouldn't do much but needed
•Fairy Forests
-NOT Twilight Forests. Not a new dimension.
-Just gentle hidden groves in forests
•Big cats
-Tigers, lions, bobcats, panthers
-Literally anything that could finally add a strong predator possibility to savannahs and jungles
•Zebras and Giraffes
-Shy and skittish
-cannot ride (their skeletal structure is NOT MADE FOR CARRYING HUMANS)
-Super cute tho, brings much needed life to savannahs
-The better llama
-Can honestly just be a reskin
-brings much needed life to the desert
-spits and wears carpet and forms caravans like llamas
-Easier to add to "jungles" than monkeys
-it would be really cool if we could just get a Rainforest biome
-King Julian stans awaken
•Red pandas
-we need them
-cuter than normal pandas and you can @ me
-better idea than sloths or koalas
•More Eldritch Horror Hostile Mobs
-Fun fact time
-The enchanting table language already has Lovecraftian references
-"phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn" is literally a quote from the enchanting table
-translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
-Bet you didn't know that fun fact
-aNYWAYS add the Kraken to Minecraft instead of the shitty guardians. Thanks.
-imagine how cool it would be to see lights slowly extinguish as something terrifying and dangerous slowly moves in for the kill
-torches get extinguished and can get relit
-if not relit fast enough Something will be waiting
•Ice statues
-We have giant fossils and ship wrecks and cool stuff like that but please imagine finding a GIANT humanoid ice sculpture in an ice spikes biome
-maybe bones inside to show you that... That wasn't carved or naturally generated.
-Not a mob but a decoration block
-Found in temples, mineshafts, and caves
-implied to be the remains of miners and explorers
-also implies that every skeleton you kill has some backstory since they look the same
-Not real world star maps but completely unique to Minecraft
-chance for LOTS of fun references
-The stars are your only companions in an apocalyptic world where you are the last of your kind
-Space is gay minecraft is gay thus minecraft space is gay
-we have butter in this list
-we have salt in this list
-popcorn. That is all.
And finally
-mostly a joke but would be a cool crop
-100% a reference to Hatsune Miku the creator of Minecraft
DISCLAIMER: I recognize that mobs are added to Minecraft to serve a purpose within the game and that many of these mobs would be better in mods and such, but I also feel like many of these suggestions would really bring so much more life to parts of the game that really need it. Even if they don't serve a huge purpose, they would still be really amazing additions imo.
I would love to see the ideas and suggestions that other people have for what they want added to Minecraft, please TAG ME if you make a post like this, I wanna hear and read it!
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nishaapologist · 3 years
Tumblr media
The new Overboss, in Nisha's mind, is too young to be as monstrous as she is; she looks like some young lamb, her flesh soft and tender under the harsh edge of a blade, and Nisha doesn't expect her to survive the cruelty of their world, bathed in blood and steel as it is. Yet, when she slaughters Colter with all the skill of an abattoir butcher, and smiles as brightly as a machete's glint in the light, it's clear there's more behind those big dark eyes than anyone could ever come to expect.
By their fruits shall ye know them, and all that.
Even hundreds of years after the bombs turned back the clock on what-once-was America, people still often underestimate the ambitions of dark-eyed little girls with a taste for poor behaviour. Andrea Jiménez intends to prove she’s the worst of them all.
A Fallout 4/Nuka-World DLC series about raiders getting everything they ever wanted, and maybe a little bit more. Featuring Nisha/f!Overboss, he/him lesbians, and a whole damn amusement park of queer people. It's going to be a great summer season of 2287.
FICS (full length):
The Work of Wolves (ongoing)
FICS (short length):
Welcome to Flavourtown
Kinktober 2022
Rottweiler Bandogge (your local Pack dog breeder)
A Quadruplet of Rotts
Andrea Jiménez Concepts
Nisha Concepts
There They Go, Kidnapping Baby Molerats Again
I'm Something of an Asshole
Nisha, Local Menace
Andrea, Nisha, Mason (1920x1080 wallpapers)
With Arms Like Those, Who Needs Knives?
Itty Bitty Overboss
The Work of Wolves, Cover Art
Nisha's Fat T*ts
S U C C (i'm sorry i draw memes sometimes)
so true best tits :)
Got Me Confused
i got worms :(
Andy Andy Andy
The Kill and Grill
Bite Bite
+3 Charisma Drip
Thonkin' (i'm still drawing memes my bad)
The Work of Wolves, Cover Art V2
heehoo pupper :3
Cut Here
Lamb, She-Wolf, Overboss, Warlord
Batch of Andys
Valentine's 2022
Nisha's Haircut
Andy's Hangout
Local Twink
Open Jacket
Andy + Alejo
do you see this shit alejo
Sorry Girls
cover them up, slut
Stupid Boy
Gender Envy
Nisha, Local Menace V2
Who Would Win?
Fun With Knives
The Jiménez Twins (2078 AU)
Itty Bitty Nisha
Lame-Ass Boyfriend
Off The Leash
Nisha, Growing Up
Playing With Dolls
Bestial Warmonger
60: Feeling Lucky? 61: Andrea Jiménez Concepts, Redrawn 62: Andrea, Nisha, Mason: Redrawn (1920 x 1080 wallpapers) 63: Andy, Getting Older 64: YOUR OVERBOSS NEEDS YOU! (Fallout Roleplaying) 65: Perfect Seat 66: F.B.I (Female Body Inspector)
The Work of Wolves tag
Cover art V1/V2
Andrea + Friends: Fallout Roleplaying stickers/emojis
"I love these little murder gremlins. Your characterization remains spot on. Great job murph ily"
"Reading this makes me regret short-changing the disciples at every turn. But it's really nice to see the Commonwealth's resident murder queen unrestricted loathing. This is superb."
"got a VERY strong opening on andy's hot girl summer here i think id like to dip her low and kiss her so sweetly in the moonlight"
"ha, gay."
"They're gonna kiss while just covered in blood aren't they?"
"you can't catch me kinky thoughts!!! I am too fast!!!"
"This? THIS? Is the shit I've been looking, PRAYING, for, and oh boy, have I found it. JOLY.GOOD.SHOW."
[you can help add more testimonials by commenting on AO3!]
The Sole Survivor, aka Nate/Nora, does NOT show up in this series in any meaningful capacity. Also, pretty much every character unless implied/mentioned otherwise is queer, and the vast majority of the Pack are nonbinary because they tripped over and spilled all the gender juice. Whoops.
Given the nature of this content and subject matter, there are standing content warnings for explicit and bloody violence, drug use, alcohol abuse, mentions/scenes of murder/torture/suicide, sexual content (severity of which will be marked ahead of time), extremely bad language all the time, and people making bad decisions, intentionally, for profit. There are also tags and warnings for individual chapters on AO3.
Finally, this fic updates in batches because I am a chronic double-drafter, so there will be hiatuses between batches whilst I build a buffer! However, when chapters do go up, they will be (more or less) posted every Saturday at 4pm GMT (or 4pm BST if you're reading this between March and October), so look out for that!
If you like my fic or my art, why not leave some kudos, drop a comment, and reblog? It means the world to me! ♥️
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Find Familiar: ch 1
Rating: E
Summary: Nines cast the spell Find Familiar, but instead of an animal, they accidentally summoned a werewolf. Gavin is just happy to have finally found his mate and start pack bonding with the half-elf wizard. His best idea for a fun bonding activity? Touching his dick of course!
Gavin wakes up with a warm, breathing body pressed against his own, and it's all he ever wanted.
Then reality seeps in like cold rain and he realizes it's just the one person, not a dog pile, because he doesn't have a pack. Only a wizard who maybe sort of magically owns him now.
So that's a great start to the morning.
He gets a stew started like he promised, once he finds some potatoes and carrots, one lonely haunch of meat in an icebox, and no spices beyond salt. There aren't many places to look, since the whole room is five, maybe six hundred square feet.
Gods. Gavin's a lone wolf living half-feral without a tent or even a fire half the time, and he still thinks this is pathetic.
He knows better than to touch any of the books scattered around—fucking wizards—so he doesn't try to clean anything while he waits for his new … boss? Alpha?? person, to wake up.
(He does risk moving a stack of papers to sit in front of the black leather collar on the desk. Not hidden. Just. Out of sight.)
"No celery?" the wizard asks.
Gavin bites down on a flinch and a few choice swears. Sweet Selûne shift him. Who the fuck goes from asleep to awake completely silent like that?
"No," he growls.
Nines blinks themself more awake. "Is your negative an agreement to my question or simply a negative?"
"Baby, I have no idea what the fuck you mean, but there's not any celery."
"Oh. Thank you."
The conversation ends there when he dishes out a bowl of stew, that Nines eats at their desk, one agonizingly slow bite at a time, almost as an afterthought as they work on creating papers and papers of writing.
Since the wizard is so absorbed in their scribbles they can barely notice food, Gavin strips down and takes a bath. The water runs hot straight out of the faucet, even without any signs of pipes. Sinking into a whole tub of it feels goddamn luxurious.
He's half-shifted before he even realizes, but Nines probably wouldn't notice he got out and swung his dick around like a propeller, so he doesn't force himself back. His hybrid form always feels better anyway, the best of both animals, with human hands and wolf senses, still able to stand and walk upright but with stronger muscles and thicker protective body hair.
He's still sunk down and amusing himself by blowing bubbles in the water with his near-snout when Nines finally surfaces for air on their own side of the tower.
They turn around and blink at him. Gavin hunkers down lower in the water and prepares to force himself back, but even without actively poking the bond, he can tell there isn't any fear or revulsion from the wizard. He still pulls his snout of out the water and scents the air just to check, but … nothing.
"Good. Yes. Feel free to utilize any of the …" Nines pauses, stuck on the words. "Accommodations. Can you read?"
It's probably a fair question—especially since the answer is barely—but Gavin still hauls himself out of the bathtub and onto the sand pit so Nines will have to look at him. All the scars, the body hair almost thick enough to be a pelt, the way his bone structure is clearly halfway between one form and the other right now.
But instead of making the wizard flinch away and stop asking questions, Nines just grabs a different notebook and begins sketching him.
"Why?" Gavin growls out.
He can still speak, but just like his amount of literacy, the amount is barely. With lots of effort.
Nines looks up. Sort of. They lift their head at least, but their eyes stay focused down on their notebook, reluctantly dragged up at the very last second.
"Mm? Oh. Yes, here is your contract," they say.
They place the small stack of papers they'd written onto the dining table in the center of the room, then the two of them meet in the middle, each awkwardly taking a seat across from each other at the table, then staring at each other even more awkwardly.
"That is my brother's seat," Nines says.
Gavin raises an eyebrow but doesn't move his ass out of it. At least he put pants on before sitting down.
"I have never had another visitor," the wizard continues. "So. That has always been …"
They trail off, then grab their notebook and begin reading from it.
"My name is Nines. I am a wizard. I am thirty-two year half-elf. I do not have a gender. I use they-them pronouns. Pause for—"
They stop abruptly and look back up at him.
"… Gavin," he says. "I'm a fighter, thirty-six, werewolf. Born, not turned, so we don't really keep track of any races. You're either a wolf or you're not. Probably human though. Uh, he-him."
If they don't bother with human binary genders, maybe they'd understand just … switching genders? He thinks about it while Nines writes down what he'd said, like anything he says is actually important enough to be recorded.
Maybe he should let them get a little more attached to him before he tells them about the other crazy, evil wizard with a claim on him—and all the transformations they'd done on his body.
"Does your entire pack consist of born lycanthropes?" they ask, drawing him back into the conversation.
"Can just say wolves," Gavin grumbles. "And yeah. Haven't taken in a stray for a while."
No one does. That's why he's still—ugh, stop it. Fucking feeling sorry for himself.
"Is there a significant cultural difference between born and turned … wolves?"
Gavin stares at the wizard. Significant cultural difference, Selûne shift and collar him.
"Turned wolves don't have a pack," he finally says. "No one to share the mental load—most of the poor fuckers don't even know what's happening until they're already shifted and scared and starving. They've got just enough instinct to go back home, and then the screaming and running starts …"
He assumes he doesn't have to finish it from there. A hungry wolf sees something run, and they think prey, not child.
"I apologize if I ask simple questions," Nines states while still writing. "But I have never had the opportunity to meet a wolf in person, and so my knowledge is likely biased and incorrect. Is a coastal environment a suitable habitat for you?"
Gavin shrugs. "Sure. You gonna let me run around outside at some point?"
"Yes, of course. You may come and go as you please," Nines says. "How much land will your pack need? I do own the surrounding—"
His pack? Gavin stares at Nines as they ramble on about this land they own and how it's too rocky to support farming but has access to a cove, and the ensuing treaty with the local pod of merfolk, and—
And his pack. He has no idea what game the wizard is playing, but he never imagined it would include letting him "come and go as you please" and providing land for his—
"I don't have a pack," he blurts out.
Nines stops and blinks at him.
"Got kicked out."
He doesn't explain. It's impossible to explain just one thing, because it's all tangled together, in his mind, the words stuck in his throat. Refusing his pack's Alpha, bargaining to have his body changed and transformed, his womb scooped out so he could never be bred, never ever—
And where exactly that got him. They sit together in silence for a long, horrible moment.
"No one has need of a ninth child," Nines finally says.
"You really call yourself that?" Gavin asks in return, for lack of anything less dick-ish to say.
"Yes." Nines looks at him without any self-pity and factually adds, "It states all that most need to know. They do not need me, and I do not need them."
Gavin nods. "Fuck 'em."
"Yes. Well. I—" Nines stops and abruptly pushes the small pile of paperwork closer to his side of the table. "Here is your contract. It details what I … do need. And, expectations. I suppose the fifth clause is no longer necessary, unless you intend to create your own."
"My own … pack?" Gavin asks slowly.
He snorts. "I'm not going to run around and start turning people."
"Yes, that is included in the clause," Nines says. "Subsection A. Not to offend, but I thought it best to lay out a certain number of precautions first. B notes that you will be beholden to all the same laws as any other citizen, and C states you will make adequate arrangements for the full moon with myself or Knight Commander Anderson."
Gavin pulls a face at the rank. That shit's almost definitely a paladin. No sense of humor, holier than thou, and allergic to critical thinking. Just because you pledged allegiance to a deity society deemed "Good" doesn't actually mean literally everything you do is always going to be right or kind or morally just.
"He is also a lycan—" Nines stops and corrects, "A turned wolf, you called it? If expecting the two of you to … have commonalities … is unreasonable, then the subsection can be adjusted accordingly. The point is merely that you arrange for a safe and secure location each month."
"Yeah, we're not going to sniff each other's butts and be best friends," Gavin tells him. "It's probably how you feel about sorcerers and warlocks. Magic just looks like magic to me, but—yeah."
He stops when he sees Nines's face collapse into itself in the purest form of affronted disgust he's ever seen. This time, he can't stop a chuckle before it slips out.
"I can just stay here though?" he asks.
Nines unfurls their face enough to nod. "Yes. My power may be my own, achieved through my own studies, but I was sent to the same monastery as my twin. I acknowledge you have been sent by my patron deity, and I will fulfill my responsibilities to you thusly."
Gavin's eyebrows shoot up. "You're religious?"
"I worship Selûne," Nines answers.
Gavin stares at the wizard.
"Children born under the full moon often have enhanced magical ability," they explain. "She is also the goddess of navigation, quests, and all who work by night. It was the battle with her own twin that caused the formation of Mystral, the goddess of all magic. Many arcane users still worship her as such."
"And werewolves," Gavin says as how this shit all happened clicks into place.
"Your duties outlined in the contract." Nines stops and clears their throat. "Every power has a price, and mine was enacted at my birth. I have always needed certain accommodations. I realize now a mere animal would not be enough to serve as my familiar, yet a person has never been summoned before. A familiar that is both animal and person, however …"
Gavin nods at the stack of papers. "So am I your familiar or your employee?"
"Well, both," Nines answers. "You are magically bound to me, but you obviously are not a simple animal. I have made adjustments due to these extenuating circumstances, but this is a standard contract for all minions, assistants, and others employed by wizards."
He snorts. "Do I have a union?"
"Yes, subsection E, although you will need to opt-in," Nines replies, very sincerely.
Gavin taps the top paper to make a point when he asks his next question, and the paper suddenly yells the word "HEREFORE" at him.
"Oh, my apologies." Nines takes the stack from him and scribbles a few marks in the top corner. "There, the volume should be properly adjusted."
Gavin cautiously slides the papers back over, being careful to only touch the sides of the stack. He takes the first page off the top and pokes his name, one of the few words he recognizes.
"Gavin," the paper announces.
"I have paperwork I must complete to officially register you as both my familiar and my new minion," Nines tells him. "I trust you can be left to your own devices to review our contract?"
"Yeah," Gavin says.
"Very good."
Nines gets up and returns to their desk. Still no collar, only … this contract. Gavin runs his finger along the first line.
"The entity known as Gavin, herefore referred to as THE FAMILIAR, will enter into a magically binding contract with Nines, herefore referred to as THE WIZARD, to serve in the capacities of both a FAMILIAR and a MINION, as outlined by the Wizard Coalition of …"
Gavin nuzzles into his bed and groans. Three days of barely stopping to hunt and sleep to get here, and now it's been another three days of slowly figuring each other out.
Which hasn't been bad or anything. He got to run around outside, do a few laps around the borders of Nines's land. Cold, wet, and rocky, but he has to admit, he's kind of digging the melodramatic sea-side vibe. The air smells like salt and storms all the time, crowding out all the memories of soft earth and dense forest.
And he's got a contract. A "boss." That's the word Nines wants to use, so Gavin says that, but they both know he means Alpha.
It's good to have a job, food, and a bed, blah blah blah, he's really grateful and all, it's just—
Maybe not everyone has them or wants to indulge in them, but Gavin does for both.
And it's been nearly a week.
"Nines," he finally says.
He pokes at their bond too for good measure. The wizard won't pay attention to him unless he does. They'll look up and point their face at his face, but somehow their hand will keep writing in the scroll and they won't hear a goddamn word he says.
Even with the mental prodding, Nines barely turns their head. "Hmm?"
"I need to jack off."
Nines keeps writing for half a second before they blink and actually look at him. "… now?"
Gavin half-shrugs, still laying down. "I mean, tonight, yeah."
He's a werewolf using testosterone cream—kept in a jar in his coin purse, which was much more important to enchant to shift with him than shoes—who just formed a mental pack bond again. Full moon already past or no, his hormones are screaming at him that he needs to fuck.
But that's probably not Nines's idea of a fun bonding activity.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks, then continues with narrowed eyes before he can even reply, "Do not use my spell components."
Gavin barks out a laugh. "What—I'm gonna jack it with oblex ooze? That'd melt my fucking dick off!"
"Yes, it would."
He pauses. "Do … you know that for sure?"
Nines sighs. Deeply. "I attended an academy meant to train paladins, clerics, and perhaps the odd druid."
"All the most repressed spellcasters, huh?"
Nines doesn't deny it. Gavin snorts, imagining all the magically-inclined tithe-children being told to keep themselves pure so they can be properly donated to the gods turning into magically-inclined teenagers hit with guilt and libido in equal measure—and all the idiot fuckery they probably got up to without any actual education about their bodies.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks again. "I do not keep supplies for that on hand."
"You don't keep supplies or you don't uh, keep anything on hand?" Gavin wiggles his eyebrows.
Nines flushes and glares like they're still a prefect at that academy. "I—that is not—"
Gavin raises his own hands to prove they're above the sheets. "If that's not any of my business, sure. Figured that, honestly. Which is why I'm telling you that I've got needs, but I can just go downstairs if you want."
"Downstairs?" Nines frowns less furiously.
"That little entranceway at the door is large enou—"
"I'm not going to send you out into the hall," Nines says, like that's what will make them clutch their pearls in shock. "You can stay in your own bed."
"Yeah?" Gavin gives the wizard a once over. "I'm good with that. So good. But what I'm willing to do with pack and what you think is appropriate for a roommate probably isn't the same thing."
Nines's frown turns more calculating, like they're correcting the runes in a spell. "We are discussing you staying in your bed to masturbate while I continue my studies, correct?"
"… yeah?"
"Are you going to call me names, attempt to touch me, or—"
"No, no," Gavin rushes to reassure them. "I can just …"
He moves his hand down and cups himself, just to demonstrate that he's only going to be touching his own body, before he remembers that's not socially acceptable around humans either. Nines only cocks their head to the side though, a mild curiosity leaking through their mental bond.
And fuck, just his hand feels good right now. It's been nearly a goddamn week.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks.
Gavin shivers under the sound of their voice. "Don't need it. Get wet enough myself."
He feels the bond pulse again with that academic sort of curiosity, like Nines is going to start taking notes on him again while he jacks off. He pushes his trousers down, moving slowly enough to give his boss plenty of time to look away. He isn't wearing smalls of course. They'd just be another piece he'd have to pay to get enchanted.
Nines eyes his cock like they might sketch it in exact anatomical detail.
Gavin doesn't mention how he got it—his bargain and the Collar, the collapsed tower, the vows of vengeance—he'll get around to confessing it all eventually. But in the meantime: a fun bonding activity.
Gavin grips his cock and gives it a few strokes. Nines blinks in a way that's more like shutting their eyes repeatedly. He exhales slowly and makes himself stop, although he does still keep his hand held loosely around the base.
"If you don't want echoes, you'll have to wall off your mind on your own end," he advises Nines. "I'm uh … a little too busy here to concentrate."
"Echoes," Nines repeats.
Shit, right. Human. Doesn't seem to specialize in any divination or enchantment magic—so they probably don't have any experience being inside someone else's head.
"Yeah, that's why I offered to," He jerks his chin at the door. "Distance helps, some."
Nines does that tiny little head tilt again. "May I observe?"
Gavin licks his lips. "Yeah."
"May I ignore you?" they ask next.
"Uh, sure?"
He doesn't have any human hangups about nudity, but he's not going to whip his dick out and waggle it at anyone who doesn't want to see it. Jacking off in the same room is probably already pushing it, but then again, the rules seem to be different in boarding schools and barracks and sometimes bars but sometimes not—humans have so many weird fucking rules.
"Then," Nines says. "You do as you please, and I will do the same."
"Works for me."
Gavin gives his cock another squeeze, and Nines turns back to their scroll. Yeah, he's a little disappointed about that, but it's enough just to have his pack in the same room and know he's not alone.
Since the wizard isn't watching anyway, Gavin rolls over and shoves a blanket down around his crotch. He has a whole nest of them, all piled up on top of a mattress Nines insisted he have. They'd tried to bring in an actual bed, but it's just weird, sleeping so high up and away from the ground for no reason.
He gets a soft little mound built up and grips himself again through the blanket. Even if Nines makes him wash it after, this will make his bed smell like him and home and—
Gavin buries his face into his pillow and inhales. It still has Nines's scent on it. All the blankets do too, so now they'll smell like the both of them, like pack.
He feels a fresh jab of interest spike back through their bond and guesses Nines is watching him again. Maybe jacking off right in front of them like that was a little too much, but with everything mostly out of view now, they're back to curious again.
It only takes him a minute to build up a steady rhythm, rutting into the blankets and his own hand. He groans into the pillow and hears Nines breathe in sharply.
Echoes. He grins and keeps going.
He doesn't know what kind of needs Nines has or wants to fulfill, but he likes the thought of making them feel good. Would like it even better if he could crawl over between the wizard's legs and find out what they're working with by licking it.
"Gavin …"
The wolf whines in response to his name in his Alpha's mouth. He squeezes his hand tighter at the base of his cock against the knot trying to plump up there, just in case Nines wants it.
"Yeah, baby?" Gavin manages to growl.
Nines breathes the word, and Gavin can feel a small simmer of arousal bounce back and forth between them—this time from the wizard's end, not his.
"Does it always feel like this?" they ask.
He groans in answer, the only response he has to the soft wonder in their voice. He knows humans' senses are weak and dull, that they don't get hit with lust and frenzy the same way wolves do.
But hearing the awe in his human's voice the first time they feel it too makes him want to show them how good it can really feel.
"Yeah," he bites out. "Better with … you."
His canines get in the way of the words, the partial shift rippling through his body. He's never had particularly good control of it, so there's no stopping the change now when his blood's up.
"Are you wet?"
The question stabs through him. Gavin loses his rhythm with a whimper, nearly overcome with the instinct to crawl over and show his Alpha, present his cock or his mouth or whatever hole they want to use.
And he is wet. He can feel it dripping down the length of his cock, more pooling at the head, smearing into the palm of his hand.
"Uh huh," he pants.
Gavin bites down into the blankets as he ruts harder, but a sharply clicked tongue brings him back to awareness. He turns his head to the side and blearily stares up at Nines as he continues fucking his own hand.
"I would like to hear you," Nines says.
"Baby," Gavin breathes in reply.
Nines closes their eyes and shivers. Well, if they like his voice …
"Wanna lick you," he says. "Suck on you and make you—ahhh, make you feel good."
"I—" Nines stares at him with wide eyes.
"Shh, shhh." Gavin keeps making the noise in a low mumble as he slows down his pace into a dirty grind. "Gotcha baby, get my mouth on your nipples an' your neck, your mouth, make you wet too."
"I don't usually like to be touched," Nines admits.
Gavin's brain snatches onto the word usually, but he doesn't want to push. There's some shit he knows for sure he won't ever do, but then there's a lot more he just doesn't know if he really doesn't want, or maybe only in the right situation, with the right pronouns and body parts, the right person, but then how is he supposed to know if he wants it enough to try it if he won't know if he actually wants it until he's already tried it?
So that's a whole big nest of wyverns, and neither of them need to try to sort it out right this moment.
"Can give you this though, yeah?" Gavin asks.
He twists his wrist on the upstroke against the head, but then stops and holds completely still. Nines tries to strangle a whine in their throat at the lost sensation.
"… yes."
That confession sounds much better. Gavin grins at the wizard and starts thrusting again, still looking at them. Their long eyelashes and shoulder-length hair almost soften their face into pretty, but then thin lips, a straight nose, and strong jaw sharpen the effect back up again. And the ice-blue eyes set against pale skin and black hair just sends it all careening past beautiful or handsome into big words about being scary-haunting-magical that the wolf can't think of right now.
He can feel his orgasm building up, drowning in those eyes staring right back at him, but he squeezes harshly at the base of his cock. The sensation strangles at the root, like the little moans Nines won't let escape their mouth.
He probably shouldn't tempt it, but he sinks into the feeling of tightening and loosening his grip around his knot and the waves of pleasure that sends rolling through them both.
"You," Nines says but can't seem to find anymore words.
"Mmgff." Gavin huffs into the pillow and tries to make his own words work. "Good, feels good. Sorry. Won't knot if—fffuck."
If that scares you. Disgusts you. Bores you, to be stuck listening to him come and come and come while the exasperated wizard is trying to focus on their studies.
He pries his eyes back open when he hears footsteps and stares up at Nines paused in an awkward-half crouch over him, like they're not sure if they're allowed to touch. His tail makes the decision for both of them by immediately wagging in anticipation of pets and attention.
"May I touch you?" Nines still asks.
Gavin nods past a desperate whine. A hand slides up the back of his neck first, while another soothes over his bare flank. Must've kicked off his trousers at some point. All that matters is the hand on the back of his neck, pinning him down, holding him place, exactly where he should be for his Alpha.
His tail wags harder.
"May I see?"
The hands urge him to roll over, and he does, without hesitation, like a dog showing his belly when his master comes home.
Laying on his back like this, he knows the partial shift is even more apparent. Just about everything humans think they know is bullshit, but his hybrid form really does look like those shitty illustrations of big scary wolf men.
And that's without the thick, hairy cock jutting out between his legs.
He's proud of it, wanted it, needed it, but that was for himself. He wasn't trying to impress anyone, and he's not expecting a human to like it.
"Does your phallus typically have this appearance, or is it increasingly engorged due to your partial transformation?" Nines asks.
Gavin stares up at them and tries to impress through their mental bond just how many fucking words that was.
Nines flushes and tries again. "Does it get bigger when you shift?"
"Yeah," he says. "Touch me?"
He holds his cock slightly out toward the wizard in offering. Nines hums in consideration but doesn't make any move toward it. That's fair.
"Do you knot without …" They struggle with the words again. "Sex?"
Gavin strokes himself, tugging upward and pause at the head. It leaves his knot free below, not quite there yet, but noticeably swollen under the attention.
"Can. Sometimes."
"Will you show me?"
Nines stares down at him and meeting their eyes is like looking at the moon. Humans want so badly to sort everything into Good or Bad, even the deities they worship. But some things aren't good or bad, only intense.
Gavin nods, mouth slack and panting. He wraps his left hand around his knot to work it while his right keeps stroking the rest. Nines's eyes sweep up and down him like a search light scanning for a rogue.
"Feel … good?" he asks between pants.
Maybe he's already asked, but it's hard to think right now. He tugs at the bond, trying to pull Nines's mind closer to him, get them to come down out of the sky and feel it with him. The wizard's hands clench into the robes draped over their kneeling legs.
Then they open their eyes again, and Gavin could swear their irises really have turned a silvery-blue.
The order thunders down their bond and into his chest. Gavin groans, the tightness coiled inside him easing another measure. He's not quite ready to unspool, but maybe—maybe just a little?
"I am asking about you."
Nines's voice changes from questioning and a little stilted to informing him of how it is, like casting a spell. Gavin doesn't have any ability himself, but as far as he knows, that's kind of how they do it. Spell casting is just telling reality what to do with enough conviction that reality up and does it.
"Do you want to be mine?"
Gavin thrusts into his hands in answer. It's sloppy and a little pathetic, because there's nothing for him to rut into. But he starts nodding again, just in case that wasn't enough.
"Like this?" Nines touches him for the second time, one hand gently curling around his throat. "To be mine."
He's coming undone. Falling apart. Food and shelter and an Alpha, their own little pack of two, someone touching him and promising to claim him.
"Suh … 'posed to be … yours."
He knows it's true, it's true, true. The call in his mind, their contract, both of them bound by Selûne.
"Yes," Nines confirms. "Show me."
Gavin comes almost before they finish speaking. He tries to hold eye contact as long as he can, but eventually his own squeeze shut as he curls in on himself with a shudder. The first wave passes deceptively quick, with just a few spurts from his cock.
But he's not done.
"Good boy."
Those hands are back again, just like before, this time encouraging him to roll back onto his belly. They stroke through his hair and scritch behind his ears when he obeys, and he thinks life couldn't possibly get any better until there's a warm body sliding onto the mattress behind him.
Then he's being spooned and everything inside him unravels without any warning.
When he's done coming for the second time, he's aware of a few things: the hand wrapped back around his throat, first. That the gangly half-human, half-elf is tall enough to almost envelope him completely. The soft murmur of praise in his ear, shifted halfway up his head now and nearly wolf-like.
It's harder to send the thought out when he's only partially shifted. Even with other wolves, they all share best as animals, some basic concepts as hybrids, and only faint echoes when unshifted.
But being the wizard's familiar must be different, since he'd heard the summons in his head from damn near across the country, in all forms, while Nines can't shift at all.
You are mine. I will take care of you, if you allow me to keep you.
Oh yeah, that's definitely different. Wolves share senses and feelings, not full sentences.
Keep me, Gavin manages to think back.
"Yes," Nines murmurs aloud.
The third wave hits him, and he sobs as he comes for his Alpha. His body is just doing the best it can to please, still managing to pump out another two shots of cum. He can finally feel a tinge of mild revulsion from Nines, but it seems to be aimed more at the mess than himself. Bold feelings from a wizard who left a hunk of bread to mold so long they mistook it for a stoneshroom.
"Perhaps I should invest in a toy," they muse. "A sleeve somewhat akin to a bag of holding, so that it can contain all this mess."
Gavin groans in a not-sexy way. "Don't make me fuck a void."
"No, the pocket dimension would only be applied at the tip of the—"
He can't help but start laughing. Pocket dimension applied at the tip—and said completely straight. Goddamn wizards.
Nines expresses their irritation at being laughed at by nipping his ear, and yep, there's wave number four. To their credit, they do continue to hold him until he gets another brief reprieve.
"How many times does this occur?" they ask when he's done.
"Depends," Gavin scrapes together enough brain matter to say. "More with … partner."
"Hmm," Nines says, like the feral scientist they are.
Gavin flips off his pride and goes straight to begging. "Please."
He's not sure what exactly he's begging for though—not to be forced into multiple orgasms while Nines observes or takes notes, or that the wizard will get started on that right away.
"Please, please, baby."
Nines pulls him back to rest half on top of their body, which lets them switch their right hand for their left hand around his throat without him laying on top of their arm. And that in turn frees up their right hand to drop down to his cock.
"Yours, yours," he mumbles. "Alpha."
"What do you need?"
Their hand brushes his own, the one gripping his knot. He lets go for an agonizing second to press their hand against it instead. Nines lets him wrap his hand back around theirs, using both of their hands to squeeze and lightly tug the knot.
"Ah … ahhh …"
"Ask properly," Nines orders.
He practically wails the word, shaking apart in Nines's arms and beneath their hand, but he can't now, it's not enough on his own anymore, not without permission.
Gavin cries freely, but doesn't make Nines grip him tighter or stroke him off. His Alpha will give him what he needs, and he'll take what he's given, like a good boy.
But that doesn't mean he can't ask for more.
"Baby," he groans. "Need it, need it, I—phck, please!"
The final wave sweeps over him so hard he goes blind, or his eyes shut, or he's back on his belly again, face smushed into the pillow, Nines's hand still around him and the blankets beneath his cock to rut into and it's not the last because Nines tells him Again and Again, until he's coming dry, throat hoarse from crying.
And then once more after that.
When he regains consciousness again, his whole body feels sore in the best possible way. There's drool running down his chin, tacky and drying to the pillow. He has his knees tucked up beneath him, but that's OK, because this is how he's supposed to present anyway.
Except the hand reaching between his legs doesn't breach him. Something soft and wet swipes over him instead, and he can't even muster up the mental energy to be scared, to explain why that's still there, that he managed to bargain for a working cock and all his insides scooped out, but that's still—
"Hush." Nines soothes him with another hand rubbing his back. "You did very well. All you must do now is rest."
Gavin sinks back down into the delicious ache and doesn't move while Nines cleans the slick from between his thighs, then further up to his cock. The blankets he'd rutted into have already been removed at some point. He knows from experience not even the best wizard on the material plane could wash his scent out though and takes a moment to feel a little smug about it.
"Yes, you came a truly impressive amount," Nines says. "Excessive, actually."
Gavin smacks his mouth before he can speak. "Your fault."
Nines stands when he's done and moves away. Gavin manages to flop onto his side and curl up. His boss did say he could sleep now. He just needs a little nap.
He gets a flask of water shoved in his face instead. The hand petting him goes back awkward again, pat-pat-pat instead of real pets. Nines doesn't seem to know exactly what to do now that they're done, but clean up and water was still really nice of them.
Gavin finishes gulping down the flask and heaves in air.
"I have work I need to finish," Nines informs him. "Have your needs been sufficiently met?"
Sufficiently met? Fuck, he's had orgies that didn't wear him out this good.
"Yeah," Gavin answers. "Need to sleep now."
Nines smiles at him. "Excellent. Good boy."
Gavin grins lazily back at them. "And when I wake up, I'm gonna crawl over between your legs and make you feel good too."
Nines flushes and half opens their mouth to protest.
"When you need a break from your scroll-thingy, and only if you let me," he adds.
Nines closes their mouth. They don't say anything else, but that means they also don't say no. Their blush doesn't go away either. They simply stand back up and sit down at their desk, spending far too much concentration fussing over the exact alignment of all their inks and quills instead of looking at Gavin.
Who keeps grinning, even as he yawns and snuggles down in his bed. He just needs a little nap, and then after that … he has all sorts of ideas for fun bonding activities.
This fic was commissioned by one of my followers to continue the first drabble! Subscribers to my Patreon get early access to all my commissioned fics 2 weeks before they’re posted to AO3 and tumblr ^^
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Brotherhood of the Wolf (a review? Furious posting? Who knows? I know that film is 19 years old but anyway, #spoilers ahead). Buckle up for a long post!
Yesterday I watched “Brotherhood of the Wolf” for the first (and probably last) time. It definitely looked like my type of thing - period drama, XVIII century, horror elements, I knew some of the cast are good actors, so I decided to give it a try.
According to Wikipedia:
“Brotherhood of the Wolf (French: Le Pacte des loups) is a 2001 French period action horror film[3][4] directed by Christophe Gans, co-written by Gans and Stéphane Cabel, and starring Samuel Le Bihan, Mark Dacascos, Émilie Dequenne, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. The story takes place in 18th-century France, where the Chevalier de Fronsac and Mani of the Iroquois tribe are sent to investigate the mysterious slaughter of hundreds by an unknown creature in the province of Gévaudan. The plot is loosely based on a real-life series of killings that took place in France in the 18th century and the famous legend of the beast of Gévaudan; parts of the film were shot at Château de Roquetaillade. The film has several extended swashbuckling fight scenes, with martial arts performances by the cast mixed in, making it unusual for a historical drama. The special effects for the creature are a combination of computer generated imagery, as well as puppetry and animatronics designed by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.”
So while the martial arts (of which I’m a big fan, everyone who knows me well knows that) and animatronics seemed atypical for such a film, I decided to watch anyway. And it was good fun while it lasted (2 and a half hour is waaay too long, by the way, at least for my taste), but then I was finished, which left me sleep deprived (now I know it wasn’t that worth it), and so it begins.
There’s too much of everything stuffed into that film. Swashbuckling fight scenes, period drama, horror, Gothic themed scenes (and a lot of them, which made my little creepy heart happy), martial arts, Native American rituals and beliefs, an animatronic beast (??? I mean, at least they could have made it CGI, for crying out loud), a dangerous religious sect, and way too much unnecessary violence towards innocent wolves (I know they weren’t innocent in the eyes of those who killed them, but the film makers could at least decide not to show it explicitly). So much going.
And I’m fuming, because it could have been so easily a wonderful Gothic horror kind of film! With better writing and less fiddling about the plot it could have been something like “Jane Eyre” or "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", or “Crimson Peak”, but no. Nooo. They had to make it sell, hence a lot of special effects and unnecessary (in my eyes) fight scenes.
So what did we have that could have made “Brotherhood of the Wolf” a great, believable Gothic horror piece of cinema?
the protagonist (Grégoire de Fronsac) and his loyal, mysterious friend (Mani), that is much more interesting than the protagonist really (and is a Native American from the Iroquois tribe, who possesses magic powers? He’s got that powerful connection with nature and spirits. Idk how that’s supposed to fit into the Gothic, but eh, Mani was an awesome character and I’m not going to let him out of this)
the feisty heroine (Marianne de Morangias)
the disabled/disfigured antagonist with tragic past ( Jean-François de Morangias, THANK YOU VINCENT CASSEL)
the mysterious, badass courtesan (bowing down to Monica Belucci for this one)
the horror story AND the space for the horror that’s unravelling (the beast killing people in the province of Gévaudan, the province itself + the castle)
the (almost tragic) love story (de Fronsac + Marianne)
the duality of good and evil (kinda) in one character (Jean-François being all cute and easy on the eyes and more-less civil before he reveals his disfigurations to Marianne and oh boy. I’d love to say Jekyll&Hyde, but it wasn’t a thing until 1886, so let’s say a two-face kind of situation, because doppelgänger would be a stretch here.)
incest/incestous attraction -  (I know, it’s fucking horrible, but it was quite common in XIX century literature  - vide writings of François-René de Chateaubriand (for example René , 1805), and, unfortunately, in life, so you can look up Byron and his sister, and it was used in “Crimson Peak” as well
a lot of sexy banter and intellectual talk in general (one should never underestimate the tension it creates!)
Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls™ 
So yeah, this sums up more less what could have been...
Now what went wrong.
Grégoire de Fronsac is boring. Just plain boring, at least in my eyes. I appreciate that he went straight up berserk to avenge Mani though. That was Good Shit.
Marianne de Morangias. Feisty and stubborn, yes. Intelligent, without a doubt. Sensitive, still a bit naive and putting on a shield because she’s growing up in an unfavourable environment. But I have a feeling that she wasn’t exactly written well enough and she’s ends up being at least a bit of an annoying, privileged, poutty child. So there’s that, maybe I’m nitpicking.
Jean-François de Morangias. Simply a wasted character, because Vincent Cassel’s acting was GORGEOUS. He could have been a great antagonist/villain if given a chance, and it was ruined by too much protagonist, running around aimlessly, swashbuckling and kicking through the scenes. Him being the commander of the beast wasn’t explained well enough (because the beast had a commander). And they ended up giving Jean-François the weirdest weapon in the final fight with de Fronsac, which ruined his image entirely and just. Didn’t stick, just what the fuck was that? What the fuck was that nunchaku-sword made of bones????
That beast. It was just laughable. I’m sorry, I was sympathizing the fuck with it, it was a tortured animal put into heavy armour and trained to kill, but just. Wtf was that armour?? Who made that thing and decided it was good to put that into the film???
Too much martial arts, again. What was that for?
I feel like, besides Mani, most of the Native American/POC were depicted in a racist manner, like they weren’t even talking, just fighting, drinking, partying, not talking AT ALL most of the time but growling at each other or others, laughing like maniacs, acting agressive, like animals, even the sexual behaviours shown on the screen were vulgar. I don’t know if it was supposed to show POC through the lens of the white people of that time, but it was awful anyway.
Scenes pointlessly fading one into the other. Probably made to look artistic. Didn’t make sense most of the time.
The plot was full of holes. Just wear a bullet-proof vest next time.
If I can sum this up in any way... Watch it for the beautiful pictures, music, costumes, Vincent Cassel, Monica Bellucci and Mark Dacascos. And don’t  expect too much from the plot.
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