#not that i came up with anything spectacular but im a lot more excited about it at least
rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
home!!! home aaaaa and it turns out that the mcdo near my place has gone back to being open 24/7 so I actually got to eat something >.< that fucking bus ride home took more than double the time it took to get there hdkshsksan
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harryspet · 4 years
off to the races (2) s.rogers
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[Warnings] dark!steve rogers x reader, stripper!reader, ddlg, daddy!steve, abduction/kidnapping, mafia boss steve, bondage, a hint of peter x reader, toxic/abusive relationship, hella angst, little editing 
A/N: im mentally shutting down because of school but at least i have mob!steve :)
In which you don’t want to be Daddy’s secret anymore.
word count: 3.5k
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taglist: @cherienymphe @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011 @visintaes​  @disaster-rose​​ @sexyxseabassx​ @marvelmaree​
“Woah, dude, your room is awesome. Awe, you have all the good movies. I haven’t seen The Jungle Book in forever!” 
“Peter, look!” You waved him over to the window, ignoring his astonishment for the paradise Steve had created for you. Peter stood there dumbly for a moment before walking over to the window beside your bed. 
You heard the loud whirring of helicopter spinning blades echoing through the room even with the window closed. It was landing in the field behind the manor and you were questioning why Steve was making such a grand entrance today. You’d been stuck in this house for three weeks now and nothing this exciting had happened yet, “Who’s helicopter is that?” You looked back at Peter who’d crossed his arm nervously. 
“Uhm … probably … maybe-” You scoffed, before looking back at the view. The helicopter was a sleek, black color and, as you narrowed, your eyes could make out some words written in gold. 
“Stuh …. Stark …. Industries. Stark Industries,” You were calm as you took in the info before the realization hit you, “Stark Industries! Is Tony Stark here? Holy …. pancakes.”
Peter smiled, seemingly amused by your excitement, “Pancakes?”
“Steve doesn’t like it when I-” You stopped yourself from explaining, realizing there was a bigger situation at hand, “We have to go check things out. Get a closer look!”
“No way,” Peter shook his head, “I’m here to make sure you stay in this room.”
You rolled your eyes, “So Tony Stark must be here then, right?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny that,” Peter pressed his lips together like he was struggling to hold in all the secrets he knew. 
“How the hell does Steve know Tony Stark? Stark is dirty too? I should’ve known … flipping rich people.”
You took a step toward him and despite the fact you were wearing a pair of fairy wings, he still seemed intimidated by you, “What do you want, huh? A raise?”
“Uhm … I don’t think you can do that … can you?”
“Of course I can. Steve is wrapped around my finger.”
Peter cocked an eyebrow, “But he’s Steve Rogers …”
“Look around this room for goodness sake! He does anything I want. If I tell him all about how you’re a great worker, how you’re a good friend to me, he’ll surely be appreciative. Might even give you a promotion and maybe you won't have to play babysitter anymore.”
He considers it just for a moment, “If he does anything you want then why are you locked in this house?”
“Fine, fine, so I don’t have complete control but I have some. I could be helpful to you in the future!” 
“Y/N, if something went wrong he’d probably chop me up into little pieces and send them to my Aunt. Or he’d chop up my aunt and make me watch … depends on the kinda mood he’s in.”
You stared back at him, trying not to let the look on your face falter, “ … I’ll give you my movie collection?” 
“I’m sorry but-”
“It’s my birthday soon?”
“I can’t,” Peter stated, sighing, “I’ve got pressure on me right now, and things have to go right tonight. It’s like a huge deal. I never get to go to stuff and the party is-” He stopped his rambling when he realized he’d said too much. 
“Party?” Peter opened his mouth and closed it again. He turned away from you, eyes wide, and made his way to the door. Of course, you chased after him, placing yourself between him and the door, “What party?”
“Please move,” Peter begged, “I really can’t talk about it.”
“I won’t say anything, I promise!” You were the one begging now, “He doesn’t tell me anything at all. Can you imagine how I’m feeling? I’ll do everything you say, I won’t try anything, I just want to know what's going on …. please?”
“Steve can’t know,” You nodded eagerly and he finally gave in, probably because of your spectacular puppy dog eyes, “Tony Stark is having a party tonight, that’s where Steve’s going, and most of us are going to. A pretty important deal is happening.”
“Why doesn’t Steve want me to go?” You frowned a bit.
“I don’t think he wants anybody to know about you, to keep you safe, that kind of thing.”
“Right,” You nodded, “Even if I go crazy while he does that.”
Peter looked sympathetic, “I’m sorry.”
“I know this thing with me and Steve is not ordinary but is it crazy of me to not want to be a secret? Even after everything …”
You could tell Peter wasn’t expecting a deep question nor did he expect you’d confide in him, “I don’t think so,” Peter was trying to understand, you could see it in his eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck as if he wasn’t sure, “Obviously … you - uhm - care about him. I wouldn’t want to be the secret of someone I care about.”
He was taken aback when you suddenly hugged him. Unsure if he could hug you back, he awkwardly patted your shoulder which made you giggle, “Can I paint your nails?”
“What? No.”
“I have colors that aren’t girly.” “Hmm … can you do cool stuff like the shapes and sparkles?”
“Of course,” You smiled, “Step into my salon.”
“I didn’t get my sticker this week,” You bounced back from your toes to your heels, watching Steve as he got ready in his closet. He was fixing his tie in the mirror, making sure it was absolutely perfect, along with the rest of the look. Freshly trimmed beard and an aftershave that smells intoxicating. He smelt like money and looked like it too. That’s probably exactly how you would want to look in front of Tony Stark. 
“You skipped dinner two days in a row, doll.”
You were frowning but it wasn’t like he was focused on you anyways, “But I did better after that,” You whined.
“I know, baby, you can try again next week.”
“Maybe if you were here then I wouldn’t have missed it,” You whispered, playing with your fingernails, “But I’m stuck here and you get to go out and have your fun.”
“Have my fun?” He questioned, buttoning up his jacket. 
“You get home so late … I’m sure you go to your clubs, booze it up and talk to girls.”
He chuckled a bit, “You think I’m flirting with other women?”
“I don’t think, I know,” You leaned against the doorway, “You’re a guy, aren’t you? That’s what you do.”
He finally turned to you, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was as handsome as ever, like a movie star, “Doll, my days are long because I’m traveling from here to the city every day. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you. There isn’t and never will be anyone who I’d rather do that with.” 
As he came closer, you knew he was going to lift you into his arms. Ever since he took you from the club and you sobbed into his shoulders, you’d find solace in his arms. Even if his hands were causing your hurting, they still felt warm and loving, “You don’t mean that,” You whispered, muffled against his shoulder. 
“What can I do to prove it to you?”
“Take me with you,” You said and you felt him stiffen. 
“It’s not safe,” He tried to explain. 
“Are you embarrassed by me?” 
“No, no,” He rushed out, carrying you out of the closet and into the bedroom. “Why would you even ask that?”
“Because of what I do, what I used to do-”
“No, Y/N. I’ve never felt that way,” His tone was more concerned that it ever had been before, “Look at me, please?”
Begrudgingly, you lifted your head. You hated that you were feeling jealous or inadequate, “You took care of yourself all these years and I know you still can,” He continued, “Let me protect you now.”
“I’m not a baby.”
Steve could sense the small bit of pride still left in you and decided not to push you on it anymore, “Could’ve fooled me,” Steve smiled slightly, bouncing you in his arms, “Let me tuck you in, grumpy.”
“The sun just set!” 
“It wasn’t actually a request,” He was already carrying you away. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” You resisted, “Can I sleep in here? I’ll go to sleep right away, I promise.”Steve stopped, thinking it over for a moment, “I like that the … sheets smell like you, Daddy,” You added, knowing that was what he wanted to hear. It wasn’t fully a lie but you had other motives for not wanting to go back to your room. For one, your room locked from the outside and his didn’t. Besides that, you were almost sure that one of your stuffed bears had a camera inside its eye. 
Steve tucked you into his california king-sized bed that night and watched you fall asleep until it was time for him to go. You felt the kiss he pressed to your forehead and, for a brief moment, you thought about changing your plans. 
That feeling didn’t last long. 
For such an expensive car, you thought your ride would be a lot smoother and much more comfortable. Turns out, hiding in any trunk, no matter how luxurious, behind big boxes of unknown items, was not a pleasant experience. An hour into the drive, you finally decided that you’d had enough and you needed to get the feeling back into your limbs. Besides that, you needed to check and make sure that your hair and makeup stayed in place. 
When you climbed over the seat from the trunk to the backseat, the car instantly swerved before the driver corrected its path, “Y/N, holy shit!” Peter shouted, obviously frightened out of his mind but you were focused on making sure all the layers of your dress made it safely back into their places, “What the fuck? What the actual fuck?”
“Oh, calm down,” You said, looking at him through the rearview, “Just keep driving.”
“Are you out of your mind? If Steve sees you he’s going flip his shit!” 
“Peter, you okay in there, kid?” You heard Bucky’s staticky voice over Peter’s radio. The younger man picked it up and answered, his eyes still focused on you. 
You placed a finger over your lips and Peter gave you a death stare, “Yeah, I’m fine … I thought I saw a squirrel.”
A caravan of three cars surrounded Steve’s car as they all drove down this dark, winding road that you assumed would lead to Tony Stark’s mansion, “Did you not comprehend a single word I said?” Peter shouted, “Do you want me to get killed?”
“This is my problem,” You said, “Steve will know that you had nothing to do with it, I promise. But tonight is going to go super well so it won’t even matter. Steve is going to see me and realize he’s crazy not to show me off and then we’re going to go to the party and I’m going to charm everyone with my personality which is going to make him a ton of friends and even more money. Everyone wins.”
Peter was shaking his head the entire time as he listened to your rambling,  “Y/N, I understand that you want to be more to Steve and you don’t want to be in the dark but this isn’t the way! This isn’t some charity event or some art gala, these are dangerous people.”
“But Tony Stark-”
“Is as dirty as it gets,” Your heart began to race a bit, “And Steve cannot just let everyone know his biggest weakness, even if they are his allies.”
His biggest weakness. 
Suddenly, your mind was racing with thoughts of moments with Steve. Meeting him, going on your first dates, the hotel meetings, and the passionate kisses that always left you feeling like he felt more about you than he admitted. You never saw yourself as his weakness. 
I want to fall asleep and wake up next to you. 
When you snapped out of your trance, Peter had his walkie-talkie pressed to his chin, “Guys, uhm, we have a stowaway,” You slumped back in your seat, and when the car eventually came to a stop, you wished you were still tucked away in Steve’s bed. You think Peter was calling your name, probably apologizing and telling you how he had to follow orders but, honestly, you had tuned him out, “I-I don’t know …. I thought I checked everything …”
Your dress was adorable too, covered in pastels, while still remaining elegant. You imagined Steve's heart with flutter at the sight of you, instead, he was fuming. He was always so stoic, so full of composure, that the change frightened you. He grabbed you roughly by your upper arm, pulling you from the backseat, and slamming the door shut. Pressed against the car, you looked into those blue-green eyes that were anything except nice. 
“I didn’t mean to for all this,” Was all you could muster up the courage to say, “I just wanted to come with you-”
He shushed you before you got your words out, “We’ll talk about it later.”
You wished he would just yell at you now. He could bend you over right now and you’d prefer that over his silence and the obvious disappointment in his tone, “Later? But-” He pulled you away from the car and you stumbled in your heels as he pulled you along the dark road. 
He brought you towards the last car in the caravan and Sam stepped out from behind it, closing the trunk, before handing something shiny to Steve, “What are you doing?” You asked shakily, the cold wind of the night blowing your dress. 
“Turn around, face the car,” He ordered you and you feared whatever punishment you were about to receive would be worse if you disobeyed him. Slowly, you turned around and he wasted no time grabbing your wrist. You heard the metal click of handcuffs as they tightened around your wrist. You felt his strong hands on your waist and, as he lifted your dress, you assumed the worst. Your panties slipped down and as Steve lowered himself with them. 
“Steve, please talk to me?”
To your surprise, as you stepped out of your underwear, you felt the click of metal around your ankles. When he stood back up, he grabbed your arm again, pulling you back so you were pressed against his chest, “Daddy will deal with you later,” His breath against your ear sent shivers down your spine, “Don’t worry, doll … open your mouth.”
“If you just let me explain-”
You weren’t sure why you even wanted to. He left your brain scrambled and wondering why you even did the things that you did. 
“I won’t ask you again.”
Your lips parted and you realized he was forcing your panties into your mouth. The next thing that you knew, you were lying in the back seat of that car, your wrist hogtied to your ankles. And you thought sitting in the trunk would be uncomfortable. You were struggling and calling out for him and, as you expected, you were ignored. 
“Get her back as fast as you can. I’ll keep things short with Stark,” Were the last words you heard before the door shut close and all your screaming was muffled. 
You weren’t sure at which point you’d fallen asleep. As you laid there tied up, you thought a lot about him since there was nothing else to think about. You weren’t sure how he could love you and be so cruel at the same time.  
That next morning, you awoke to sore limbs and makeup staining your pillow. Even though the car ride back was hell, you knew your punishment wasn’t over. You debated even getting out of bed, knowing what was to come. 
You finally mustered the energy to clean yourself up, washing your face, and brushing your teeth. When you stepped back into your room, you were taken aback by what was sitting in the middle of your room. A giant, life-size brown bear was happily perched before your bed, holding balloons and a Tiffany’s gift bag. 
It was exactly the opposite of what you were expecting today. You approached it cautiously, decided to sit and open up the present. You handled the bag carefully, finding an elegant white card sitting inside. 
For my favorite girl on her birthday.
Love, Daddy. 
You sighed, knowing he probably picked all of this out before you betrayed him and probably ruined any sort of trust he had between you. You hadn’t even realized it was your birthday which was probably due to the fact that you had no phone or any contact with the outside world. There was also a jewelry box inside, a gorgeous, rose-gold tennis bracelet inside. 
As you snapped it around your wrist, covering your bruises, you promised not to ask how much it cost. It would probably make you feel even worse about yesterday. 
You finished getting dressed, deciding to head downstairs for breakfast. You found Steve sitting at a table out by the pool, reading through a newspaper like a grandpa. It seemed like he was expecting you because there were pancakes and eggs waiting on the table, “Morning,” You greeted awkwardly. 
“Good morning, doll. Happy Birthday,” He responded, his eyes still focused on the newspaper. 
“Thanks,” Taking a seat in front of him, you instantly moved to grab the syrup, but the rings on his finger caught your attention. Below, you could see his knuckles were red and purple, bruised like he’d been punching something … or someone. “Your hands …” 
He folded his newspaper, taking a look at them himself. It didn’t seem to faze him as he folded them on his stomach, leaning back in his chair, “Your wrist,” He changed the subject and you wondered if he was amused by the fear in your eyes, “Do you like my gift?”
“Yeah, it’s beautiful, I love it … thank you,” Your mind was elsewhere, “What happened to your hands? Is that from last night?”
“Last night is a blur. I was so angry after your little stunt, I had to have a few drinks to even get through the rest of the night.”
“Really?” You tried to hold in your scoff, “You seem very chipper today.”
“Only because I get to see your beautiful face,” He countered, smirking. 
Your eyes narrowed at him, “What did you do?”
“That’s a broad question-”
“Did you hurt him?”
“Him?” Steve raised an eyebrow, “You mean Peter? I thought about it … I’m still thinking about it actually. If he was smarter, yesterday would have never happened but you must’ve been pretty convincing. Poor kid, he probably thought you liked him.”
“None of it was his fault! I-I was just being stupid, I was using him and he was just trying to be a good guy. Steve, please.”
“If I did, you would probably start to actually listen. You’d never try one of those crazy stunts ever again-”
“I will listen! No more stunts, I’ll be an angel from now on,” You stood up from your chair, moving around the table, “I know you’re just trying to protect me. Peter tried to tell me that and I should’ve listened.” You grabbed a hold of his hand, squeezing it tightly. 
“That’s all I want,” He added sincerely and you nodded. 
“I’ll pinky promise,” With your other hand, you held out your pinky. You thought Peter would be your way out but, here you were, begging to stay in order to keep him alive. Your pinkies wrapped around each other and you climbed into his lap. You kissed the sides of his mouth before kissing his lips. 
“Soon, we’ll take a trip together, I know you’re itching to get away.” 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” You kissed his lips again, “Your hands … what actually happened?”
“Punching bag,” He easily explained although you were expecting a tale of horror. Holding his hand, you brought his fist to your lips, kissing them gently, “That probably wouldn’t have happened a year ago … I think you make me more gentle.”
“That’s a lot of pressure, don’t you think? Turning a beast into a prince.”
“For some reason, I have faith in you.”
“Peter!” You perked up as soon as he entered the living room, not realizing how grateful to see that he was still in one piece. Sam, Bucky, and Steve seemed to exchange confused glances from their places on the couch. 
Peter seemed baffled as well, “Am I in trouble or something?”
“No, we’re about to watch Coco. Wanna join?”
“There’s popcorn,” Sam added, stuffing his face.
“And cookies,” Bucky chimed in. 
Peter smiled, unsure, as he looked to Steve for permission, “Join us, son.”
“Awesome,” Peter clapped, making his way over to the couch, “This one always makes me cry.”
“Y/N, I thought you said this one wasn’t sad,” Bucky eyed you. You shrugged, snuggling yourself further into Steve’s side. You tried to hide a mischievous smile and act like you weren’t hoping to see three grown men tear up from a Disney movie. 
“Okay, press play,” You tapped Steve’s chest and he raised the remote. 
“Wait,” Steve paused, “Are all three of your nails painted?”
i’m thinking maybe i’ll make a christmas themed part 3, we shall see :)
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antihero-writings · 3 years
Before it Kills You Too (Ch2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3)
Fandom: Lore Olympus
Chapter Summary: When Hera gets into a car accident after a fight, Zeus has a moment to ruminate on their relationship. Written using the song “Wait” by Maroon 5 as a prompt.
Character Focus: Zeus
Please note!! This is the previous Ch2 snippets I posted + a new snippet (the new snippet starts with “I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”)
I’ve been having trouble with this chapter for a very long time, so I’ve decided to post it snippet-by-snippet, because that seems like the only way I’ll successfully finish this fic. 
While this should be as close to the final version as it can be, anything in this snippet is subject to change when the full chapter comes out. (And, hey, to that end, if there’s anything you think needs to be edited here, please kindly let me know!!)
Im really excited about this snippet!! Definitely one of my favorite parts of the chapter!!
Thanks again SO much to those who support this fic and want to read more!! The fact that you want to read more really does mean the world to me!! I appreciate your kind comments so much!!
I’d really appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I’m not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
Tagging some folks who’ve shown interest!! @jayyy007 @autumnmoon21 @sunsetsofanemoia, @lynnie51 @what-the-fuckaroni @masquejj
And please do let me know if you’d like me to add you to a taglist for this fic, or message you when new snippets/the next chapter come/s out!!
Chapter 2 Snippets 1, 2 & 3:
Hera was standing in the crowded meadow, surrounded by her friends, laughing that girly little giggle full of sunshine that just about made Zeus’ heart ooze in a puddle out of his chest.
Her blue dress made her eyes look like two shimmering sapphires.
“Have I seen her in a dress that color?” Zeus inquired excitedly from behind the bushes.
“How can we know what you’ve seen?” Aidoneus muttered. “With you creeping around, you might have seen her naked for all we know.”
Zeus punched him in the arm, (lightly).
“I don’t think she’s worn a dress that color!” Posiedon bubbled.
“Thank you, Posiedon. At least someone can answer a question.”
“I think she looks like the sea on summer day.” He put his hands on his face, them sliding slowly.
Zeus eyed him. “Alright, keep it in your toga, Little Green Man.”
“Should we really be here?” Aidoneus muttered. “We weren’t invited.”
“Oh come on,” Zeus stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “Who wouldn’t want to see the King of the gods here?”
Poseidon grinned and stood up behind his brother. “No one!”
“Hestia, Demeter… assorted sane people.” Hades muttered as he stood to follow.
“If that’s sanity I’m glad I’m insane.” Zeus trilled as he strutted up to the entrance.
A cute pink nymph—(rather well endowed in the chestal region—not that he noticed!)—greeted them at the archway.
“Oh! Zeus!” She flushed and bowed. “It’s an honor. Welcome!”
“Why it’s an honor to meet you, my lady.” He kissed her hand, and she giggled. “See?” he turned to his brothers. “They’re delighted to have us.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling.” Hades muttered.
Hera was closer now; she smelled like summer, and she looked like it too. Poseidon was right about the ocean thing; she practically shimmered as she spoke with her friends.
“I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Wait—!” Hades was soon swallowed by the crowd.
Zeus scooched behind her at lightning speed. One by one her friends began to take notice, their eyes widening.
Hera took a step back and would have tripped in surprise if he hadn’t caught her.
“Careful there, you might fall, Birthday Girl.”
“Oh, Zeus!” She looked up at him, the back of her head hitting his chest, “hi!”
That golden smile.
“I made you something!” As she spun to face him, he produced a little carving of a bird from his pocket. (And, no, he didn’t make it).
“Oh!” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, gently taking it from him, “It’s beautiful!”
All his responsibilities and stresses melted away with the sight of that smile, and he forgot there was anyone else at the party…in the world.
(…He wished he saw that smile anymore.)
Zeus’ chair was spinning empty at his desk before his assistant could say another word—
And Olympus wept, distant peals of thunder rending the sky into pieces.
Lightning crackled and cackled through his hair, creating violet tracks through the air, as Zeus sped through the sky.
It was freezing, and people were staring, but he didn’t care.
All that mattered was getting to his wife.
“My you look stunning.” Zeus sidled up behind his wife, running his fingers gently along her arm. “Is that a new dress?”
“New as that girlfriend of yours.” Hera grunted.
His eyes widened with shock, his voice with an indignant undertone to it. “Is something wrong?”
She paused a moment. He could see words fluttering behind her lips—(like they did so often, too often)—the words Yes you did something wrong, how can you not know?
He knew she wouldn’t believe him when he said he didn’t mean to hurt her.
“You weren’t invited,” she said softly.
“Not invited? Me?” He put his hand to his chest, like the thought of him ever not being welcome to somewhere was absurd. “To what?”
“The party, you nitwit!” She whirled around, her hair nearly whipping him in the face. “You just came barging in like you owned the place!”
“Well…to be fair—”
He stopped short at the look in her eyes, like two blue-hot flames.
He knew it was taking her a great amount of effort not to slap him.
“Do you know how long I’d been preparing for that?! How long it took me to get everything just right? I told you, but you never even listened, did you? And then you just barged right in!”
“Why are you so upset? What’s so important about a party?!”
“They were my friends.” Her gaze softened, and her tone became more serious. “They were—” Until she cut herself off, and her expression hardened as she whirled around, her hair billowing behind her.
“Bunny, wait!” His tone was softer too.
He wished she’d just turn around. That he could say sorry.
Was it really so hard? He should have started there.
Had he ever apologized for that?
He was always doing that; barging in where he wasn’t welcome. The world was his, yes but…he had to concede there were some parts of it he ought not just barge in on.
When he burst into the hospital, however, they wouldn’t dare tell him he wasn’t invited, wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t see her.
“Where. is my. wife?” Lightning slammed into a lamppost just outside the front door, shattering its glass box, and making the light spark, the rain pounding at the window like rabid dogs.
The desk clerk looked like she was about to pee out of sheer fear.
“Sh-sh-she’s not out of surgery yet, your majesty...I understand you want to see her, but I can’t let you…until-until they’re finished.” She was practically vibrating. “I assure you the moment she gets out, we’ll notify you.”
Surgery? He wanted to demand. She’s the queen of the gods, how could she be in surgery?
Electricity sparked in his eyes, trailing throughout his hair. He could say I demand you let me see her. He could say I don’t care! She’s my wife, and I’m not waiting! She’s fine! She’s the queen—she’s my queen—she won’t be hurt from a little car accident!
But there were some places he ought not just barge in on… and the surgeons room was probably one of them.
The lightning let out a sighing crackle, before he closed his eyes, his hair falling back upon his shoulders. It was then that he noticed he was dripping wet from head to toe. He sighed himself before muttering something like a garbled “I understand, thank you.” And turning to sit in the lobby. Behind him the desk clerk’s coworker held her to keep her from fainting.
He snapped his fingers, drying off, so as not to get their nice, barf-colored carpet all wet. Once he sat down in a chair—(the cushions didn’t have any cush to them)—a kid in the chair across from him scooched away.
He could have that kid lightly charred if he wanted.
Instead he settled for a nice glare, and reached over to pick up last month’s—(or maybe it was a few months ago)—issue of  “Goddess weekly” listening to the rain die down to a drum.
The same old gossip. Usually if he picked one of these up he’d check for any news he ought to be aware of. You know, as the king. Not to mention the ladies weren’t unappealing. Now he flicked through without seeing any of it.
Speaking of ladies, there was a nymph sitting across the room from him, her skin blue, her ears down, and a cute little half smile. She surely wasn’t in here for anything serious. She kept glancing from her own magazine to him—but not in a nervous way. If he wasn’t mistaken, she wouldn’t be opposed to a session of hide-the-German-sausage.
If he wanted he could take her there in a darkened closet in the hallway. It wouldn’t take long—(if it didn’t need to…or it could take all night). That would be a nice way to relieve the stress bubbling in his body.
—Someone was laying next to him, her skin smooth, practically glowing. There was rather a lot of it exposed.
She turned over, her eyes fluttering open, a small smile creasing her features as she rolled onto his chest, tickling his chin with her fingers.
“I had a wonderful time,” she twittered, and he practically purred, staring into those big blue eyes, glittering like river stones.
He pushed her green hair behind her ear.
“Is that all? I’d like to think a night with the King of the gods would be more than merely ‘wonderful.’”
She giggled. “No no, it was much more than wonderful! It was spectacular! Mind-blowing!” She threw her arms in the air.
“That’s more like it.” He grinned—
When was that again? Two years ago, or two days ago?
It could have been either.
Had he apologized for that?
Would it have mattered if he had? Would she have forgiven him? Would he have stopped?—
Bile rose in his throat, and he dove his nose so hard into the magazine he almost smacked himself with it.
His wife was bruised and bleeding, and potentially worse in a nearby room, at the mercy of some quack holding a scalpel and a few comforting words…and here he was thinking of betraying her for the…
How many times had it been now?
He threw the magazine back on the table and sank in the chair till his head was nearly on the bottom cushion, his lip flapping his he blew out a breath, making his hair fly up a little.
The kid and his mom got called, and seemed glad of a reason to leave.
After a healthy dose of moping he pulled out his phone. After checking fatesbook and playing a few games he decided it was time to open his messages.
He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted some sensible and non-conjugal company.
He scrolled through and clicked on a name.
A number of old conversations sprinkled the page, often detailing Zeus asking about getting together and the correspondent saying they were busy.
He thought a moment about what to say—(a rare occurrence for him)—before deciding any vague requests would probably get ignored, so he simply decided the boldfaced truth:
Hera’s been in a car accident. She’s in surgery.
“WHAT?!” The word was spoken aloud—and very loudly at that.
Hades was standing in front of him. If the king being here wasn’t enough reason for weird looks, this outburst had sent more than a few eyes their way.
Zeus did a finger wave at the nymph, before he grabbed his brother’s arm, whisking him off to a less crowded hallway.
The only thing here was a vending machine, and a few overly picturesque pictures of trees.
“How did this happen?!”  Hades shout-whispered.
“I would venture to guess she was driving too fast.”
“I could have gathered that myself, thank you very much!” Hades was clearly trying not to shout. “What was she doing?! Where was she going?!”
Zeus rolled folded his arms. “Does it matter?”
“Sure it matters! Well at least it’d be good to know!”
“…I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! What do you mean you don’t know?! She’s your wife—!”
“I said I don’t know!” he kicked the vending machine.
The air shattered and reformed itself.
Zeus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice softening. “I…I don’t know.”
Two sides of him warred. One wanted to shout at Hades. He expected him to know where she was at all times? Oh yeah, that would go over well with her. What kind of helicopter husband would he be then?
And yet, it felt wrong for him not to know. Like some sort of failure. She was his wife. Shouldn’t he? Shouldn’t he have asked? Shouldn’t he care?
Hades’ gaze softened.
“I upset her.” Zeus murmured. “We got into a fight.”
Hades leaned against the wall. He was probably resisting the urge to say he could have gathered that too.
Zeus leaned his head forward onto the glass of the vending machine, his hair falling to the side, his reflection vaguely eyeing him.
“We got into a fight and she…I hadn’t even realized she went for a drive.” He paused, observing the chocolate and chips sitting in neat rows in the machine. “Do you think she liked Twyx?”
“Do you think she liked Twyx?”
Hades pondered it a moment. “Probably. She tends to like things with caramel in them.”
Zeus smiled wryly. “See? I didn’t even know that.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to ask her all your burning questions about her favorite candy flavors very soon.”
“That’s not the point.” Zeus whispered.
Zeus was feeling a little off-kilter.
He nearly fell into a three-thousand drachma vase.
Okay, make that a lot.
The sound of heels on the staircase. The white one they’d painted for that one event…what had they been celebrating again?
His hazy gaze made her glitter even more than usual.
“Have I ever told you that you’re like the sea on a summer’s day?” Zeus’ voice came out blurry. He put his hand in his hair, trying to look sexy, you know, like the kind of guy you’d wanna forgive.
This was met by her hair slapping him in the face as she walked by him. She paused a few steps below him, turning.
“Is that alcohol I smell on your breath?”
“I may have had one—“ He hiccuped, “or five, appletinis.”
“And this is what? An intelligent conversation you’re trying to have?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Actually,” he held up a finger. The action made him feel off-balance so he leaned against the railing, trying to land in a sexy pose. “There is something I wanted to say.”
“You’re barely coherent when you’re sober, at least spare me until then.”
He rolled his eyes—(and made himself feel even dizzier).
She turned to go back up the stairs.
“Wait!” He shouted.
She stopped, looked over her shoulder, eyes narrow as a cat’s. “What?”
“I-hic!” He covered his mouth as if embarrassed. Clearly emotion was dangerous. “I wasn’t trying to get wasted! I just-hic!-needed more than three or four to say this.”
“Oh yeah? Spit it out Grape Sorbet.” She folded her arms over her chest.
“I’m…” he held on to the railing for support. “I’m sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“You…You were right.” He took a step closer.
“About what?” Her breath bated.
“I just…I didn’t want to admit it. I couldn’t…” He looked away. “I couldn’t tell you sober.”
“About what?” The words had a rough edge to them, her chest heaving with breath.
Ah. She knew. She knew what he was going to say, even before he said it.
“I…I did cheat on you.”
“Wh-What?” Her eyes tinted red…but there was so much hurt in the word.
Fear and shame rose in tandem like ocean waves, threatening to bowl him over, and he realized that the truth wasn’t going to help at all. But all he could do was let it pour out of him.
“You-hic-You asked if I was with-hic—”
“Stop.” She covered her mouth as if to keep the worst words from spilling out, tears welling in her eyes.
“But I—”
“I said stop!” Her voice rang through the room like something shattering.
Maybe something was.
Her heels against the stairs, fast and sharp, and away.
Turn around please, let me apologize, let me explain, I won’t do it again.
He threw up in the vase.
“Daddy? What was that all about?” The small voice made his blood run cold. “What did you cheat at? Were you playing a game?”
Zeus turned, horrified, to see Ares, hiding behind a crack in the door.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her.” He breathed. “It was stupid, really.”
Hades put a dollar in the vending machine and punched in a number.
“People say all kinds of things when they’re angry. Doesn’t mean you’re bad, just means you’re people. Which…” Hades looked him up and down, adding under his breath, “I wonder about sometimes.”
“...You must think I’m a terrible husband.”
Hades grabbed two chocolate bars and handed one to his brother.
“I think you need something sweet, maybe a little hydration, and some rest.”
Zeus unwrapped the bar and took a bite, not really tasting anything.
After a moment Hades sighed.
“It’s not so simple as that.” Hades said between bites, “I don’t necessarily think there’s such a thing as a ‘terrible husband’ or ‘the best husband.’ I…I don’t even think there’s such a thing as good and bad people. There’s just…people. There’s just husbands. But there are rules that come with being a person, and/or being a husband and…” he paused, trying to choose his words carefully, “you don’t always follow those rules.”
Zeus fell back against the wall, looking at the floor, denials dying in his throat.
It was raining.
No, actually it was pouring. And thundering. The lightning was like cracks in a collapsing sky, and Zeus’s gut was twisting like the snakes on the head of a gorgon.
“What? You-you think you can just undo this?!” Hera’s words were biting. “It’s done!” Her laugh was wry and sardonic, like an ache in her throat, red tainting the blue of her eyes. “You can’t just fix something like that! Once someone cheats at the game no one else just keeps playing!”
“It was a mistake! One stupid night!”
“One stupid night, huh?! Then how do you explain this?!” She held up his phone. The pictures. The…Oh Gaia.
The snakes in his gut bit down, and he bit his lip looking away. He hadn’t known she knew about that.
“You’ve got it all wrong! That was just—!”
“I thought you were different!” She bit off his excuse, the anger cracked, and the pain was bleeding through, and he wasn’t the only one making it rain: A tear fell down her face, then another, her mascara running black along her cheeks. “You made me smile, you made me laugh! You saved your brothers from your father. And I thought we could make a kingdom—a world—together!” She shook her head, grimacing, trying and failing to keep more tears from falling. “I thought we could be something!”
“We are! We have! I just made a mistake! I—!”
“No, Zeus.” There was a finality to her tone.
Tears streamed down her face now. He hated it when she cried. She didn’t do it often, and whenever she did he was ready to smite whoever hurt her but…he’d hurt her worst of all.
“I thought you were different. But you’re—“ the words were like an antique vase, riddled with cracks. “You’re just another bad guy.” She punched him in the arm, and the vase broke, the defiance into pain. She punched him in the arm…but it was weak and far too soft, and that’s how he knew she was really hurt; she could bring the sky down on him if she wanted.
She looked down at her hand, twisting her wedding ring with a finger.
“I’m staying with a friend tonight.”
Her wedding ring tinkled on the floor.
As she turned and walked away the word rang out like he was hoping his voice alone could rewrite his sins and bring her back:
She didn’t stop, didn’t turn, didn’t make any indication she’d even heard him.
“Please…Please just wait.” These were soft.
He fell to his knees on the marble, scooping up her wedding ring and enclosing it in his fingers, holding it to his forehead, and trying not to bring the sky down upon himself.
He’d seen her angry. He’d seen her sad. But this? Seeing her break for him…was so much worse.
It reminded him too much of another time. Of a scar on her stomach. How she broke herself just to be his.
—(And he wondered, for a fleeting moment, if it would have been better if he had been the one to break.)—
“There you are!” Said a voice. “You can come see her now,”—a cleared throat— “your Majesty.”
Notes: Aright, so this chapter had a few things I was unsure about I thought I’d ask about here!
1. Does anyone have any other clever play-on-words for candy brands? I feel like Zeus would know that she likes caramel in general, so it’d make more sense if Hades said “she likes [X similar candy] so she’d probably like Twyx.” But Twyx is all my brain came up with and I don’t even know that it’s all that good XD
2. I’m aware that the gods don’t call each other “people” they call each other “beings.” However, Hades’ lines don’t have as much impact with “beings.” Did the fact that I used “people” stick out too much? Should I change it to “beings”?
3. I know Ancient Greek wedding ceremonies are different from ours, and they might not even have wedding rings. But that image was so impactful for me I decided to use it. Should I remove it? Or did you find it impactful?
Please let me know if there’s anything you felt was inaccurate to their characters!!
Thanks so much for reading!! 💕💕
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Hi, Remus! It's me again. Your friendly neighborhood nonbinary demon! I brought you another stuffie, this one's certified to the waterproof. *excited whispering* It's a mini-kraken. I'll uh, I'm talking a bit more quietly today because I know you've got company. Company we're both quite fond of, might I add. How are they? How have you been also? And I'd like to ask what Remy told you and what you think about this whole situation by the way? (Though only if you'd feel comfortable telling me?)
(mentions of U!Virgil)
Your voice came through right as Remus was close to stacking all of his stuffies on top of Remy, who was still sleeping, it was a mighty tower of fluff!
The mini-kraken bounced down on top of his head. He flinched and looked up "God????" He saw the kraken "OH BA-" He stopped and lowered his voice to not wake them "oh baaaby!!! thanks! I can give her big bloody claws!"
"I have been.....good" He lied "Great even. Spectacular. Like a hypothetical public execution where they stuff me full of fireworks before making me explode into a cascade of light!"
He carefully placed the mini-kraken on top of the tower of fluff. He sat on the floor right by the couch. The air stenched of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Rowan was going to lose her mind when she came home.
"Remy is feeling kind...how do I put this.....dragged through an ocean of sharp rocks to hell and back right now. I just wanna see them be all happy again like they deserve to be. I will have you know I would sacrifice several other people's toenails to make that happen!! I don't wanna see them sad!!"
(He didn't want to see them drunk either. He honestly hated being around drunk people....but it was Remy....so that made it just a bit more bearable)
"Umh what they told me? Everything Logan has said!! So I wanna hit him with a truck! Or put a really loud airhorn by his ear so his ears explode and his head starts bleeding!"
Remus twirled the ring on his finger while biting the inside of his cheek.
"They also told me all that stuff about how uhh Virgil kinda yells at them when he gets too anxious and uh how he calls them lazy and annoying and uh stupid and a burden kinda often and uh how they ehm kinda tend to dress differently when they're with him and uhm act different since he uhh gets anxious really easily about them like leaving him or cheating or looking at other guys and stuff like that y'know"
He twirled the ring faster.
"So y'know normal stuff. Like teasing and normal arguments. Or I guess maybe they should look into some couples therapy?? A lot of arguments isn't good I think. But teasing is kinda normal y'know so yeah. I don't get Jannie's and LoLo's reactions. They're just being overemotional and delusional and stuff like that ehm yeah. I mean it's kinda sweet if he gets so anxious about Remy leaving them isn't it? Kinda cute. kinda dorky. Like a beheaded chipmunk"
Remus turned around to see Remy rubbing their eyes open. They looked delirious. And yet they tried to get up.
"i need to get home- viv is gonna be worried- he's gonna think im hurt or dead or with someone- i need to- i need to-" They slurred out.
"You need some water and sleep" He gently held them back so they laid down again "You can tell him the therapy session messed you up, you got drunk and lost time okay?"
"mhmm. sound good" They made grabby hands towards him "need my stinky boo"
Remus tensed a bit. He didn't like cuddling drunk people either. But he didn't want to say no and be rude. He laid down next to them. They churned their face into the slope of his neck and moved their arms around him, they were clinging on like a koala honestly.
"i feel so sick" They mumbled out "alcohol is too much- too much cal-"
"You'll sleep it off"
Remus looked at them. In their half awake state and realized he could probably say anything and they wouldn't remember it.
He took their hand and pressed a kiss to the circular scar on their wrist. It made them shudder from how much more they wanted.
"...Remy my fav color has always been green. Obviously. It's slime, zombies and boogers. But ehm....I didn't have a specific fav green until I saw your eyes. They're my favorite color. Ever since I met you I've been seeing that color everywhere. it makes me happy every time I see it, every time I see you" He confessed.
Remy very unceremoniously puked a bit in their mouth before passing out again. Remus stayed cuddling them, he wouldn't leave them until they told him to.
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
Since you’re about to start Lonestar soon, here’s my essay on the whole screen-time balancing issue:
So, for the original 9-1-1, the show was created specifically for Angela Bassett. They wanted to do an entire show around her, and they came up with this whole first responders thing as a result. Obviously, if they were going to focus on all aspects of first responding, then they would need some other headlining actors to lead those other areas or nobody would care about any parts of the show besides Athena’s. They got Peter Krauss and Connie Britton. Both big names. This makes it where when cop stuff is being shown, we have a big name, when firefighter/EMS stuff is being show, we have a big name, and when dispatcher stuff is being shown, we have a big name. It evenly divides the interest in all three directions. Then, Connie Britton leaves, and amazingly and very wisely, rather than replacing her with a lesser-known actress or just stopping the dispatcher scenes altogether, they snag JLH for the role. And I know there are many people out there who only started watching the show due to being a fan of her. She’s a headliner, and that’s what headliners do: pull in more audience. Anyway, this works perfectly to maintain that balance of the three areas. Now, I honestly don’t think the writers were expecting Buck to be as much of a fan-favorite as he is because now when we’re looking at the firehouse, the focus is usually more on him rather than Bobby, especially now that Bathena is a thing and a lot of their scenes are together outside of work. Regardless, the point is that they set things up really well to have that initial balance of characters in the beginning, and they did a good job of maintaining that by bringing in JLH. This foundation starts to wobble a bit with the more characters they add to the cast, the harder it gets to give everyone proper focus, and this is the main reason I’m so opposed to them giving Taylor a bunch of screen time. Anyway, it was a spectacular formula. You’d think they would try to repeat it with the spin-off, right?
Well, they tried…. I guess? Rob Lowe was obviously the centerpiece to frame the show around just like Angela Bassett had been, but he’s definitely not suited to play the role of a cop, and he has a very small handful of similarities with Bobby I guess so let’s make him the fire Captain. Okay there’s our first headliner. We need two more if we’re gonna show police and dispatch, right?
Eh, let’s just get one more, not two. They get Liv Tyler. So she’s gonna be a police officer? No. A dispatcher (which I personally would have loved)? Nope. See, the thing is, in Texas, EMS is a separate crew from firefighters. Unlike in LA where all firefighters are required to be EMTs at the bare minimum and most are also trained paramedics because they make better pay. In Texas the two are separate entities that just happen to share a fire station. So, let’s make Liv Tyler the paramedic captain. And then we’ll cast two little-known actors to play the only named cop and the only named dispatcher.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Carlos and Grace. Their actors are incredible, and when they actually get screen-time, they’re the stars of the show. But the problem is that they’re not headliners. Why would the writers give them much screen-time when it’s Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler’s big names that are pulling in the viewers. So, the focus of the show is almost entirely on the firehouse. To make matters worse, even the other firefighters have a hard time finding any attention in the midst of a Rob Lowe show.
In seasons one (I promise this won’t be spoiler-y), Carlos the sole police officer is best friends with Liv Tyler’s character and so this is the main way they bring him into the story when he’s not responding to police calls or interacting with TK as a love interest. Grace is of course married to the firefighter Judd, so that’s how she is more involved in the plot. Unfortunately, Liv leaves after season 1. Gina Torres comes in as the new paramedic captain, but this presents a huge problem for Carlos in season 2. Now, his only connection to the main story is TK. Gina’s character is best friends with Grace, so that gives Grace some better screen-time, but Carlos is virtually diminished to a love interest rather than an interesting first-responder character in his own right. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see. I honestly wish they would have brought in another big name to be Carlos’ partner on the job, and then added a secondary dispatcher character with a compelling personality similar to how they added Josh in season 2 of the original show. Anyway, I truly love all the characters on Lonestar (except Rob Lowe and his ex-wife that shows up in season 2), but the writers make it hard to care much about them with the minuscule crumbs they give us outside of anything that is Rob’s giant ego.
I know this is super long, and I’m sorry, but I’ve been ruminating on all these thoughts since season 1 of Lonestar first aired. Anyway, still excited to hear your takes on everything once you get the chance to watch it.
hi, anon!!!! first of all, sorry for the late reply, it took me a while to gather my thoughts and put them down properly, but more importantly thank you so much for remembering to send me this!!! it was a really interesting read, especially for someone like me who 1) has no idea how things in the USA work, and 2) still doesn't know much about how the show came to be
i've never really thought about it, but as far as marketing strategies go, it does actually make a lot of sense to have one big name for each area of first responding to attract the general public and make them interest in all the different storylines, so the moment they decided to bring in only 2 big names for lone star, and not 3, this could definitely have been a factor in the decision of making lone star more rob lowe centric, at least at first (if you have a well known actor in your show, it does kinda feel natural to make him the center of the story)
however, i feel like this choice can be understandable only for the first season, when the viewers don't know the other actors yet, and you can use the big name to make people interested in the show and slowly introduce all the characters so the viewers get invested in them too, slowly giving them more space and screen time
this is why i think the og series did a great job by bringing in JLH, not only because she is JLH, but because they gave maddie a lot of connections (she is buck's sister, she is chimney's love interest) and thanks to her we got to actually see more of the dispatchers and learn to care about other characters (josh, sue, etc.), to the point that now, even if for some reason you took maddie out of the show, the characters she have connections with would still work perfectly fine and have their own story to tell without her
so it's kinda upsetting to me to learn that with liv tyler's character gone, carlos has been pretty much reduced only to love interest, because it means that they didn't really take the time to give him a story of his own, and it sucks, especially when in the original ALL THE CHARACTERS get their moment to shine
okay, sorry, this is getting super long and idk if im making sense, the point is that i do agree with you on the big names, though i also feel like for some reason in lone star there's a reticence to give focus to other characters and after 2 seasons it can't be just 'they don't attract viewers', but of course i can't really give a proper opinion on this until i watch lone star myself, so.. sorry again for the long and messy reply ;;;;;;;;
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delfinodreams · 3 years
OKAY i said i would make a post about my thoughts on paper mario a while ago and im finally writing it out
ill put it under a break because its probably gonna be long-ish
update: yea this bitch is LONG
okay so overall i really really enjoyed it!! it was really solid for the first entry in the series and i could definitely see the inspiration that ttyd later took from it. one thing that i didnt know about was partners not having HP, which threw me for a little bit of a loop. partners as a whole in this game don't play as active of a role as i wouldve expected because they have so little lines but using them in battle is still very fun! another small thing but i also hadn't expected mario to be completely silent, but it later grew on me!
i'm also gonna list my experiences and opinions on each chapter so here we go!!
chapter 1 - pretty alright for an introductory chapter! i didnt find anything especially notable, apart from getting 2 partners in one chapter. navigating the koopa bros. fortress was fun, and i loved the battle at the end!! their theme is SUCH a banger i had to sit back and listen to it for a bit when the fight actually started ehe
chapter 2 - not quite a fan of this one imo? i liked the first part through the mountain, but the trek though dry dry desert kinda took it out of me. BUT the addition of my favourite partner made up for it! parakarry my beloved <3 also the cutscene where dry dry ruins rise up??? that shit was SPECTACULAR. i absolutely loved how it turned dark when it first came up, i wish it stayed like that for more than just until you entered the ruins. the boss itself wasn't too exciting for me, probably because there wasnt much of a story?? i dont know how to describe it. actually its like that for quite a few of these bosses, but its the first entry for this series, so i wont fault it too much.
chapter 3 - this might be my FAVOURITE chapter- the suspense buildup throughout the entire chapter was AMAZING holy moly!!! first through the forever forest when you have bootler ask for you, and then wandering the mansion itself. i TOTALLY thought that boos were gonna be actual enemies when i saw them floating around. sneaking around tubba blubba's castle was so so fun to do, and i legitimately panicked when you ran into him in the hall and also when he wakes up and chases you back to the windmill. i didnt actually think the heart itself was the boss, just a miniboss, so i freaked out when i left the windmill and was immediately thrown into a battle with tubba blubba. i cannot express just how much i enjoyed this chapter, seriously!!
chapter 4 - coming back to toad town with the music change threw me for a bit; i wasnt expecting action to pop up so soon! figuring out that you could actually go into the toybox was such a "wait, what??" moment for me, but like, in a positive way. it was really cool to navigate this chapter and the lantern ghost encounter genuinely creeped me out at first because it was COMPLETELY dark. the fight against general guy is also a BANGER i could listen to it all day
chapter 5 - man i LOVE the whale. just a big guy willing to take u across the ocean :^) i really appreciated how you weren't stranded on the island too, like how you were on keelhaul key in ttyd. the ravens are also funky little guys, love them too. again, the lava piranha didnt really have any substance to it BUT it was a nice fight nonetheless! when it popped up again i was shocked but i made it through!! also fuck kolorado he doesnt deserve his wife
chapter 6 - this one's formatting is really neat- one central area with lots of branching paths, which i hadnt seen in my past pm experiences! i loved the quest leading up to the big beanstalk, plus the environment was so pretty!! the little part with the sun tower popped out to me, i'm not sure why though. maybe it was the music, it was so different from the flower fields theme. at first i had actually expected to go up to the clouds earlier, maybe like midway through the chapter. i thought that would be the "dungeon" of this part, so i was a little bit let down when i realized that the fields were the majority. however, the bit of the clouds we do see is SO good i LOVE the atmosphere!! huff n puff was actually relatively easy, using parakarry and lakilester for their all-around attacks. the guitars were a nice touch for his theme as well!
chapter 7 - oh dude i LOVED this chapter. i didnt know what i was expecting when i first went into the pipe in the sewers, whether it would put me into a village immediately or if i would have to make it through some screens before. needless to say, i was relieved when it popped me out into shiver city. the whole place felt "warm" which was really nice!! i was comparing it to ttyd's chapter 7 and fahr outpost which i didn't really vibe with, so it was a nice change! the whole murder plot was also unexpected but i enjoyed the whole "whodunnit" mystery! omg as im typing this i realize just how many aspects of this chapter i love this is gonna be long,, the entire snowy atmosphere is just so PRETTY and starborn valley felt so solitary to the rest of the land, like its own little bubble. i also had no idea that ninjis were in this game so when i saw one at merlon's i was like HUH?? anyways the way up the mountain to the crystal palace kept me on my toes; i thought that was the dungeon at first! the small bit where you see madam merlar and she tells you the story of the palace really got to me i have no idea why. the music and mysticality of it all was just SO good. dont even get me started on the crystal palace itself HOLY MOLY. the whole reflection bit was SO SO clever and the moment you realize its NOt actually a mirror?? fucking magnificent. this has to be my favourite dungeon in the whole game because it has such a NEAT gimmick!! it also has my favourite mario enemies, duplighosts! FUCK the crystal king though. he stunlocked me with his freezing move because i could not get the hang of blocking it. my partners really carried me for that battle; thank god for quick change
chapter 8 - THIS CHAPTER DELIVERED. the buildup for the entire game leading to this point. OUTSTANDING. i had to sit back and admire star haven because its so pretty- did i mention i love the water graphics in this game?? it has a pixelly look but it works SO WELL. going to the ship to take you to bowser's castle really felt like a "this is it" moment. the entirety of bowser's castle was So Good, it kept me on my toes the entire time!! slowly advancing as the music got more intense REALLY pumped me up. tracks that start off with only a couple instruments and eventually add more as you progress is one way to make me go BONKERS. the one bit where you make your way outside on the bridge and the music dials down and then you re-enter on the other side to it SLAMMING you in the face- that was Great. and then the complete silence as you get outside peach's castle HOLY SHIT. and then you actually enter the palace and the music is SO EERIE and youre like OH SHIT THIS IS REALLY IT. seriously, the buildup for this entire castle is done SO magnificently. i hadn't expected to fight bowser twice, i guess it was the game's way of letting u level up One Last Time before u got to the big bad. that being said, i wasn't too worried on getting a game over since i was fucking stacked on items. but that's besides the point- the fight itself got my heart POUNDING. the effects for the star rod and the star's powers were really nice to see in action, and the little section with peach and twink was so cool! i was expecting a little interlude where you would get your stats maxed out because thats how its like in every pm game, but it was still moving :)) bowser's final battle theme fucking SLAPS. the guitar especially sounds AMAZING. you really see him as a threat here and its so badass. his healing move fucked me over multiple times- i probably ended up having to deal with double his base HP over the course of the fight.
after the fight was over and you got to see peach's castle float down with the soft music in the background, it really hit me that its done, its over. again, the effects in this game are so pretty and theyre utilized SO well for the n64. visiting toad town one last time with all the npcs was a really nice touch- for some reason i really loved being able to interact with vanna t. (chuck quizmo's toad assistant) she's ADORABLE and i will probably end up drawing her sometime :)) the credits were also something that i really enjoyed- i LOVE the ongoing theme of parades at the end. seeing everything and everyone in the game condensed into a short 8 minutes really got me, i cant remember but im pretty sure i was smiling the whole time! and a small sidenote- TOADS WITH GLOWING SPOTS ON THEIR HEAD HELLO?????? I WANNA DRAW THAT SO BAD.
the ending screen with peach and mario looking at the fireworks made me really soft and i teared up a little because i was finally finished. the addition of pop diva's solo in the track was also so touching, it was my favourite sidequest in the game so hearing it again brought up Emotions :')
one thing i wasnt sure of was if there was a post-game mode and my completionist heart was disappointed a little when i found out i couldn't advance from the end screen and was forced to reset. although not many games from this era had post-game content so i cant dock too many points for that.
the paper mario series has a fond place in my heart, and finally being able to play the game that started it all really was a special experience. it really cemented my love for the original formula and i could see many places where ttyd took inspiration from. this game really is fun, and i would highly recommend playing it yourself if you have the means!
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
Fic Rec List (Part 9) :)
Hello! I’ve gotten MANY many requests for Mobster!Bucky, which is one of my favorite AU’s! (I say that about almost every AU, I know, I’m sorry, I cant help it) I just really like AUs obviously. ANYWAYS, on this list are some of my favorite mobster stories in no specific order! Yet again this is long, I hope you lovelies enjoy! If their are any mistakes im sorry!
Run to Me by @sgtjbuccky​
I fell in love with this story immediately. The dynamic Bucky and the reader have is wonderful. She doesn’t take any nonsense, and boy is he just smitten. The way the story represents Bucky is awesome, he is cocky and full of himself, but you see the west side, the insecurities and his heart. Its not one of those fics with a whole lot of angst, its just a genuinely good read. It makes you happy, and the DRABBLES oh god the drabbles that come along with it were so cute. Also, Salina has another spectacular Mobster Bucky story called **Disbarred https://sgtjbuccky.tumblr.com/post/180246739540/disbarred which a very, very good fic as well. Makes me want to get a mobster of my own lol.
Black Serpent Universe by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
LOVE love this series. This is the first mobster AU I think I ever read, and it is literally flawless. The universe is basically on every long oneshot and accompanying drabbles/HCs. The one shot is everything I could’ve asked for in a fic, its long, well thought out, detailed, exciting, heartbreaking, fluffy, and so so realistic. I know what you’re thinking, a mobster story realistic? Okay, so maybe not the mob aspect, but the real reactions and the slow burn, its true to life, they don’t just jump into things, they live through the build up. The emotions are practical and real and I feel like they were people and not characters. Its just, really freaking good.
Petals & Bullets by @revengingbarnes
This one is really unique, and it talks about sex slave so you know that's a trigger warning. anyways it's just really well done. And like I said I've never really read anything like it and I think that's what makes it great. And when you go into reading it you really think that it's going to be dark and hard to read because it's such heavy material, but the way it's written is really good because it gives that white and makes it worth it to read. It really makes you feel a lot of emotions that I couldn't honestly pinpoint because I was angry at the situation but I loved the characters, so all in all it was just a genuinely good read, and it was really really well done. Not many people could take that subject and turn it into a really good story like that.
Stay, Gold by @the-canary
You want some angst with a side of pain? Well heres the fic for you. This one HURT. There is not a happy ending, not even close. But with all of that being said, it was beautiful. As you read, you realize whats happening and you just hurt for them, they deserve better and you want them to have better, but thats not their fate. They are a pair of lovers unfortunately a part of a tragic story, but oh sort they make the most of what time that had. I cried, a lot, but I also loved the characters. They loved each other, so much, and you could feel it in your bones. Fantastic story. 
Tangier & Redux by @softlybarnes
Theres something about this one that I love, something so unique about the reader. She’s… mysterious, ethereal, and kinda sinister but most importantly damn powerful. The way she speaks, and talks, it reminds me of a witch. Its something that you don’t see a lot in stories like these, the reader being anything but ‘innocent’. She doesn’t take any less than she knows she deserves, and he fiercely wants whats best for her. Sometimes they don’t think those are the same thing. But the chemistry they have, its so nice to read. And the scene setting in this, its perfect, you can picture exactly what it would look like. And the personification of Bucky as well, he’s no wannabe mobster, he’s ruthless, and they fit together so well. 
Someday by @221bshrlocked
This one is really good, it's Rough and violent but like that's the whole point he's a mobster he's ruthless Yet it's perfectly balanced with the fluff that's in there because at first you don't really see it but as time goes on you see all of the small nuances to how much he really likes her and how soft he is actually on the inside and it's one of those stories that you can tell was just written naturally like there wasn't a lot of structured to it and I think that's some of the best stories because it's like real life you know it just happens and you go with the flow and there's nothing jarring that pulls you out of reading. The smut scenes are also perfectly balanced between being sexy yet sensual and sweet. Really awesome fic.
Truth Set Free by @propertyofpoeandbucky
It was so hard picking one of Leilanis story to focus on, because they’ve done some absolutely spectacular ones such as “Missin’ My Girl”, “Soft To The Core”, “Burst Of Anger”, “Maybe This Time”, “How Unlikely”, and of course a fan favorite “Good Business”. However, I decided to focus on the first one I read of theirs. Its such a cool piece, the way its set up is super good I the way that its picking up sort of like in the middle of the story but you’re not lost, you gather details as you go that forms the whole picture in your head. I love the whole secretive thing it has in it, it makes it kinda mysterious to read. Then you get to the second part, and besides the drama, its sweet, he knew they were gonna be together from the beginning. And this sweetness isnt even like explicitly said, you can just see the nuances from his actions. Really good fic, and so are all of the others. 
Lil’ Anthony by @tranquil--heart
My favorite part of the mobster Trope is the whole big bad mob boss who would do anything for those he loves. And this is a perfect example of that, because he's so hard and tough and a bad guy, but when he's with her he's soft and he just melts. the violence in this is the perfect mix of descriptive without being gory, it's realistic yet not exaggerated or too much to handle. it represents the truth well because it's not  ignoring the truth to mobsters. The way they use the other characters and it is why I was awesome because you get to see the comparison between who they are in the Fic and who they are in the movies. The sexy scenes are nice too lol, and knife kink alert lol, That must be said. 
World On Fire by @beckzorz
Alright so this one is super awesome, it's not done yet but what is done of it is too amazing to not include. it's like the perfect combination of two AUs: its mob boss Bucky, and 40s Bucky all in one. What else could you want honestly?The story keeps you on your toes, you know he's secretive she's in love with him oh, you don't really know what's happening next until it happens and then you think we'll of course that's the perfect way to take the story. the way she writes to is just so amazing, it feels like you're back in time and the way she uses those sensory details is just spectacular. In the reader has secrets to so it's like as your reading your findings these things out And it's just really interesting there is no boring aspect to it.
The White Wolf by @captain-ariel-barnes
Okay so this is the first like long mobster fix that I read and it was a really good introduction to that universe. The way every aspect of this story comes together is just really amazing the plot, the dynamic between the characters, the details, the emotion it makes you feel, it's just the perfect combination of pain and fluff in it just is a really good read. it was a roller coaster of emotions, but it was worth it there wasn't just any angst to have angst it was all plot driven and necessary. Also the way it circles back to the beginning at the end is just an example of really good writing it was believable and true to mobster universe is but it also really reference to the Cinematic Universe really well because it brought in those little details and twists from the movie. And I really really love the flower aspect of it, I just really like flowers, and the fact that he loved her so much from the beginning and you could just see that throughout the whole story was just beautiful. 
His Favorite Gal by @mycupoffanfiction
Okay so there's probably nothing in the world I love more than tough guy and the waitress trope.  and this is just a really good rendition of that, it was one of those stories that like was so good that you read it all in one go and then you get to the end and you're kind of like well damn now it's over and I don't really know what to do. He loved her so much and it was one of those stories that made you feel really powerful to be a woman because it wasn't ever demeaning and it was really empowering to see her go from being a waitress to the queen of New York like that, I really like how it represented how if you have a healthy relationship then you'll both grow to be better people (besides the whole mob aspect lol) 
A Business Deal by @em-imagines
So this one was super interesting, I really loved seeing as the story went on how they were falling for each other. And honestly just like the beginning of the story that plot twist was absolutely amazing, I really like how it showed how powerful the reader can be. Because a lot of the times and fix complex where he has all the power over her, but I really like seeing them on that sort of equal plane. The dynamic between the two was also really awesome because there wasn't ever any Real damsel-in-distress moment oh, they were both really independent and capable people who came together to form that's really nice relationship. It was just a really good story to read, and there are many like it out there.
Should’ve Listened by @becs-bunker
You know as I've been saying I really like the stories where the reader isn't just completely helpless, and this is another really good example because you know like it says the reader is truly a bad ass. When you think the world that she's in the middle of and how she reacts to it it's really empowering, and the way her and Bucky interact is really nice to see. And it's really interesting to read because you can literally feel the tension between them and when is it going to happen when is it going to happen oh, and I really hope there's another part to it lol. Its really well done, and a nice funread.
Kings by @kaunis-sielu
So this one I'm going to be honest and say I didn't know if I was going to like it because I'm not a huge fan of really helpless readers but the way this was done is just really sweet. because she's not just completely helpless like she's not incapable, she just needs help because this isn't the world she's used to being in. and you know the relationship moves fast but you never get the feeling of like that went so fast, you just really feel the love in their relationship. And you see her grow into the position she got put into as his girlfriend, because you feel her gain her confidence and she becomes a real badass in the end and I love how much he loves her it was a really sweet story.
Also check out some awesome drabbles at @empyreanwritings under #Mob Monday, and at @bucky-plums-barnes under #Mobster!Bucky
Thank you guys for reading until the end, i hope you love these as much as I do!💖💖
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xpagaduanx · 4 years
                                               SYMPOSIUM 2019
The symposium of General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School is rarely to happen, it’s either once a year or within that months. The symposium talks about the reasons and why you are still living in this world no matter what happens in our life we still have a choice to do in our life. The symposium talks about life itself, our purpose, reasons, and the goodness of our life, we may have a problem in our life and struggles that we face everyday, our own family or friends that we feel embarrassed at some point of our lives, but we as a human it happens for real. Furthermore we end up suicidal thoughts and the worst is killing ourselves, I think this generation we need to act fast because depression might trigger a lot of things for instance suicidal thoughts, hurting yourself or the people that surrounds you. Then this organization called “Kabataan Iwas Droga Movement” or for short term (Kid Movement) is a non- profit organization based on cavite, the main purpose of that group I think is to Enlighten our generation that no matter what happens in our life we should not stop but to think and act that you will become successful person someday. “KID MOVEMENT” taught us to become the best version of ourselves and to the society this organization not just talk about the bad effects of drugs and how will affect your life and not just a simple symposium but the essence of how you think and act to a particular situation. God provides everything that you can imagine to your life, not just me but us. Kid movement is all about accepting God your savior in life, God gives us courage, protection anything that you can imagine. When you have a problem speak to God, when your in doubt speak to God and everything will be fine as long as you have God in your  life and accepting it. To this end the symposium taught me and us, that no matter what happens in life just keep pushing, everyday is another day that you will have to appreciate because you have a purpose in life that no matter what it takes, as long as you have God you are protected. For this end the symposium makes me have a value.
                                         CYCLING IS IN MY BLOOD
Cycling gives you freedom from anything just cycle it out! I started my cycling journey when I was 16 years old,that year was 2016 my dad bought me a bicyle because I really want to ride a bike, and at that time my birthday was coming also at a young age I learn to ride a bike. I remember when I was a child my first ever bicycle was bought by my tito ed and that was the day I learn I remember that he push me towards the road and luckily I able to balance it at that time, as the day pass by every morning I rode my bike, and practice it at that time, I remember also my sibling rode my bike and I see them on the street and I get angry I rushed to go outside and complaining why you are riding my own bike, I was selfish at that time because I only see it for myself, also I was child at that time as the day pass by I start gaining some confidence to rode a mountain bike. My childhood friend has a Mountain Bike at that time, and I tried to borrow it because it looks so cool and interesting in my eyes, my friends bike is more taller and its big that’s why I like. When I tried it I feel I nervous but in the first try I got it because my first bike is just like the same you all need to master the balance when you are riding a bike , when I tried it it feels good because I cannot believe im actually riding it. Year’s pass by I stop riding a bike because I don’t have one at that time and almost year im not actually riding a bike I miss a lot riding a bike. Lately I thought I need to buy a bike because it was my childhood companion it takes a month before my dad bought me, and luckily it was my 16years old birthday, and surely he will buy me one as a gift, I tried looking and doing some online research about some brand in bikes, there is so many wonderful bike there and expensive too, as the month passed by my dad bought one in Cartimar and famous for bikeshops around manila I feel nervous and excited because I actually riding a bike again for almost a year im not riding a bike, the bike looks is cool and I like the color and brand, and most of all the performance of the bike is also good after that im actually a biker, I started riding first with my dad because he also bought one that month after and started riding with me. Riding my bike gives me freedom from anything it gives a calm mood and a healthy physical aspects, I ride more with my bike and going places to places that I actually never done, to this end cycling gives me freedom and relaxation when I ride it to places and that’s why it is in my blood. 
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                                 REACTION TO PERSONAL NARRATIVE
                                  MY REACTION TO LALAINE CELEBRE
Lalaine’s mom said that “She deserved this punishment” I laugh at that part because it seems that her mom picking at lalaine like a joke, because lalaine is going to enrolled at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School. Lalaines mom is the best! Because mother knows best and I believe to that saying because look at lalaine now she mention that she became a Responsible student, be friends with anyone and have a confidence to speak at front, she basically get out of that comfort zones, in lalaines previous school looks like she’s on a chilling side but when she got to enrolled in pantaleon things got work out, she became good at something and I think that’s the best part is to see someone grow and grow at some point of their lives, because you never  know when you meet someone be nice always, because you only see the success not the struggles of that person. To end this reaction applaused for lalaine and his character she became good at something.
                                           FACIAL RECOGNITION
                                         CARBON, FLORIAN MAY
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     Carbon Florian May, I called him Carbs for short she was my classmate since Grade 11 I know him pretty much anything that’s why I pick him as a facial recognition topic. Florian carbon it’s not just about beauty outside but also inside that I like to him. Carbon  eyes is like a glazing stars that shines within the night and entrance to her wonderful soul. Her smile makes your day brighter than yesterday, and lastly her whole character that shines within inside and outside. That’s carbon my wonderful friend and good too, in terms of friendship and companion I would like to flex her chubby face, that’s why I use the cringe one so we basically think that beautiful face are always seen in outside but not, its always inside that lives within that.
                                        LITERARY JOURNALISM
Tokyo- Japan
Fourth person dies after being taken to a hospital that coronavirus continue to spread in cruise ship in japan, local media reported on Tuesday February 25.
Public media and other, said the victim was man in mid eighties, Yomiuri Shimbun saying the man had tested positive for the new Novel Coranavirus and died of pneumonia.
The World Health Organization respond to confirm the incident
Three more Japanese, died because of Ncov,after becoming sick on the ship. Two more confirm to have the new coronavirus, the health ministry declined to report on the following cases in Novel Coronavirus.
My family is all good at time when I was a child we go outside and have a dinner or light night trip dad was drinking at that time because he loves it to release his problem and straight it out but time passes by and we rarely do anything like we did before things got out change and we need to accept the fact that we don’t do this again because of dad been drinking all night long, I doubt myself at that time because how will I manage this kind of situation how I will act to it, but you know problems in our life, we don’t need to stay at I must move on I said in my mind, because if you stack to that you have a depression at some point of my lives so I started to make a change. I started doing small things that will end up on big things I started to manage my stress also I will tell my dad not to drink too much I started to hang out with my friends and basically to show an improvement to myself that I know it will last. I see myself before as a chill guy but now things have changed I value little things, I accept my flaws and insecurities right away, so to this end realized things that I don’t do before, I need to improve and move on unto problems and just go.
                                      VIGAN PHILIPPINES (TRAVELOGUE)
    Vigan is the oldest and coolest place I’ve ever been there are a lot of nice people and food too. We go there last february and I must day it’s the best feeling when you go there with your father, it’s a bonding time with him, ilocos sur also is my province and vigan is only a kilometer in there when you are going in there of course if you are in manila a bus trip will do. We go in ilocos for a 10hrs travel time from manila, a must say it’s sitting pretty on the bus, but you will enjoy a lot because you will see a lot of trees and scenery by the highway. After we arrive in ilocos, it’s quite cold rather than manila, but I still enjoy the nice people in there and also food, here we go we go to vigan for about an hours, so we arrive there I think afternoon and there are a lot of people in there and cobblestones there and houses too nice food and pictorial sights thatn we enjoy a lot, I recommend anyone to got there because it’s UNESCO world heritage site, that I sure you will enjoy a lot, vigan is spectacular for what I expect for, and indeed it’s fantastic.
Wesley Matthew Manansala Pagaduan
           October 26, 2001 the day when I was born on this wonderful world, my name
Inspired on the actor “Wesley Snipes” an american actor and the Matthew came from the
Bible. When I was a child, I was raise by parents and I must say it’s the best feeling when your parents raise you. When I was a child, my most memorable moments are playing with your friends and nothing compares to that, also the memorable one is i have a bike
that made my childhood awesome, as the day goes by my life changes when I was stepping into adolescence the fear and shyness comes in, because the surroudings change and the environment that made me feel inside a box. When the days passes by becoming a teenager its hard but its worth than you think cause your passion will enhance new people you will meet and lot of things that happens in your life, when we move to cavite new opportunities and new life begins, because in cavite we have a new house that I feel super welcome, to the point that iam excited about a new chapter of my life, new people,  new classmates, and new environment that I feel excited about. Cavite is the new city, there are lot of establishments and new food to taste from, that I really like in cavite, today in the present day, I thanks God for the everyday blessings in my life the another day that I have a courage to do tasks regularly, and I realize that “The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
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Hyacinth Kate Villegas Villanueva (BIOGRAPHY)
    Hyacinth Kate or Kate as her close friends and family call her is a 17-year-old girl, born on the 14th day of March year 2002 in Muntinlupa City, Alabang. She has one older sister, Gabrielle Amanda Villanueva who's in her 2nd year of college at Adamson University. Her parents are Joahanna Villegas Villanueva and Edmundo Crisostomo Villanueva who both works at The Bank of the Philippine Islands.
At age one, her family moved to Imus City, Cavite and is still residing there up until now. Growing up, she used to go to Bicol which is her mother's home town and in Bayanan, Muntinlupa which is her father's home town for vacation.
At age three, her parents decided to let her experience schooling at a daycare in Muntinlupa city, but things don't always agree with her. She wasn't ready for schooling yet, so her grandfather dropped her out. Now, she is a Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) student at Del Pilar Academy. She plans to take Broadcasting Communication in College. Ever since she was a child, she wanted to become a lawyer but fear is conquering her which made her thought twice and decided to open up for other opportunities. In her 10th grade, she was introduced to Radio Broadcasting. She joined the Division of School Press Conference (DSPC) in the Radio Broadcasting field. Her team did not win but she took this loss as an inspiration to open up new opportunities and to decide what she wants to become.
Aside from broadcasting, Kate's passion is music. As a child, her father opened her eyes to music. She listens to music every time. Her preferred genre is more on the alternative rock side. She sings and always dreamt of learning how to play instruments. But never succeeded because she thinks she lacks time on learning.
As of now, she is looking forward to accomplishing all her responsibilities not only to herself, her studies, her family and friends but also to her community happily and willingly. She expects that she's not the only one who's going to be successful in the future but also her family and friends.
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hxnjisxng · 6 years
Snowdrops || Han Jisung || The Language of the Flowers AU ||
So idk i haven’t written in a really long time but i’m really excited for this so !! This is also my first time ever writing bullet thingie so,, yeah,,, not all of these will be in the bullet format I just felt like trying out smth new !! and to stay true to my ult Han Jisung i will write about him first. In this like,,, kinda cute little series thing. Every theme will kinda just relate to the flower meaning so,,, yeet !! Also, s/o to my one and only bub @chenle who told me to tag her when my first official writing thing happened so here !!!
Genre: Bad Boy!Jisung x Piano Player!Reader au; bulleted scenario  
Warnings: none !!
Word Count: 3.2k 
| Jisung | Minho | Chan | Changbin | Jeongin | Seungmin | Felix | Woojin | Hyunjin |
{picture not mine, credits to owner}
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Snowdrop: (noun) A European flower which bears white flowers and blooms in February/early March, it signifies the end of winter and the coming of spring. Represents hope, purity, warmth, and new beginnings. 
Ever since you were little you’ve known you’ve wanted to be a pianist
It all started when you were younger and you went to see an orchestra with your parents
They 100% expected you to fall asleep in the first,,, like,,, five seconds after you came into the theater
What they did not expect is for you to sit there starry eyed staring at the person playing the piano for a whole 3 hours
They were,,, sister shook,,,,
But they didn’t think much of it, you know, like yeah they just like classical music
You know, as one does
But the second y’all got back into the car that was it
You wouldn’t stop talking about how pretty the music sounded
How much you liked the sound of pressing keys and the sound of the pedal lifting or the sound of the mallets and strings inside of the piano
You loved it
It was as though you had just found your one and only true love, y’all know, the yee to your haw
The ying to your yang
The chris to your weed
Sorry back to the point
You just couldn’t explain it, little four year old you just knew the fluttering feeling in your heart was a good one
So your parents signed you up for piano
They said they would find you the best teacher they could, one that could make you great
So that’s what they did
From a week after that concert, you started piano lessons
And you only fell more in love with the piano as time went on
So, after this little bit of context, flash back to reality 
oop there goes gravity oop
there goes rabbit he chokes
Sorry okay eminem is my calling
So it’s the end of winter, it’s been a really cold and bitter winter, but it’s around the end of february and somehow it just HaS noT gotten any warmer
And here we meet our boy jisung
Our chipmunk, our squirrel, our boi yk
But he’s a little bit of a hooligan
A bad boy if you will
You know, the leather jacket, the messy hair, the snarky attitude, the cocky jokes and the cute smile you knOW and he always always ALWAYS has a lollipop
A pink lemonade lollipop to be exact
It’s his favorite flavour
Any who, he’s one of those guys, the type of guy that almost everyone either wants to be him or with him
He’s also a part of a trio of you know bad boys at your school, the other two being his best buds Chan and Changbin
They call themselves 3RACHA
They’re as tight knit as can be, they do everything together
Skip class, hang out, throw parties
You know all that bAd bOY stUfF
He also has a slight reputation to get into fights every so often
Maybe not only so often
Maybe vERY often
But he’s trying his best okay those people just get on his nerves when they poke fun of one of his friends or his music
“I’m just a little misunderstood, okay I didn’t wanna break his nose it just sometimes happens, you know, my hand just kinda lost control of itself and hit him in the nose really really really hard. I swear.”
“Mr. Han, I distinctly remember you telling him to shove a stick up his, excuse my language, ass, and then proceeding to punch him.”
*them sitting in a perfectly silent office* “hM sorry it just got really loud in here, pardon???” :))))))
Real footage of Jisung last week after breaking some guy’s nose  
He also loves loves LoVES music
Loves all music
Except for classical and country
He’s always despised classical music, it just seemed so boring
There’s no pounding beat
No lyrics to scream along to
He just found everything about it depressing and irritating and just monotone
Well one day, as he was wandering through the school
You know, as one does when their friends were busy doing who knows what during lunch
He stumbled into the music hall
Now this was an accident
He didn’t really want to be here since the only courses your school offered in terms of music were classical ones
And again
But for some weird, strange, odd-ball, out of this world, sister shook reason
He felt like he needed to be here
That’s when he heard it
tHE hiLLS aRE aLiVE wiTH
The sound of music
Not the kind of music he liked
It was definitely classical music, so y’all, it’s disgusting
‘I should go, the music is starting to make me depressed already’ he mumbled
But his feet wouldn’t move, his body just kinda froze
It felt like something was just pulling him to that room, to that ugly boring nasty music
And it’s not like he’s never listened to classical before, he had, but this time something was weird about it
He still didn’t like it, it all still sounded the same, nothing interesting
But something for some weiRD REASON was telling him to go to that room
Like something was a little different about the way it was being played
‘Maybe,,,, I should just look for a couple seconds and,,,,,,, tell the person to stop playing that boring stuff,,,, or maybe I could just listen for a bit,,, but like obviously no that’s nasty,,,,’
The door was slightly ajar, so the music was just drifting through the air
Just calling him over
Jisung slowly walked up to the door, and peeped through the window
And there you were
You, reader, in all of your piano classical music glory
Sat there playing your heart out to the world
In that moment when he saw you with your hair slightly drifting over your face
Your eyebrows slightly scrunched up in concentration as your hands ran across the keys
His heart was screaming
Literally just like
He almost forgot about the fact he hated classical music if he could just watch you play it all day
Wait,,, what no,,,,
Gross,,,,, the Han Jisung doesn’t like people that easily,,,,,, nuh-uh thats def not him folks
And he got so scared by that feeling
The one inside of his chest
He was scared of how it made his hands feel tingly and it made him feel like he stood up too fast because his head felt so rushed and light
It felt like he was flying, but also crashing down to earth at the same time
And when I say scared
I mean terrified
This boy is mortified of catching feelings
Definitely not because in the third grade the person he liked stomped all over his heart because they wouldn’t give him a cracker,,,,, no who even thOughT tHaT hAHa
Just the thought of him truly giving his whole heart to someone ?? unacceptable
Like in this economy ?? liking someone ?? unreasonable
So he did the only logical thing
He ran away
Far back to the other side of school
And he was so out of it for the rest of the day, he just couldn’t handle it
He even went back to class next period because he was so out of it
“W-welcome Mr. Han take a seat, it’s a pleasure to have you finally join us.”
He didn’t pay attention all day though, his mind was only occupied by you
Cheesy, I know, but it was
Even when he went to hang out with Chan and Changbin
“Bro,,, where were you during lunch ?? you kinda just disappeared”
“I was uhhh,,,, in the library,,,”
“The library ?? are you good ???”
“Yeah,,,,, im fine it’s cool,,,”
“Dude, you alright you seem a little weird.”
“Yeah,,,,,,,,, im just thinking”
Jisung thInKing ??? unheard of
So, this terrified Chan and Changbin because whenever Jisung thinks it’s never good
But it’s been three days since he saw you
And he’s still thinking about you and he’s kinda emo about it
Because, of course, you occupied his thoughts, the song you were playing stuck in his mind on a loop
This is so cheesy please forgive me
It was so bad that he started hearing it everywhere, it even started placing itself into his music and the lyrics he was writing somehow all revolved around love
He’d sit there for hours writing lyrics until he realized all of it in some way tied back to you
It was bothering him
Like a lot
So now it’s been a whole six days, and trust me he’s been counting and he thought he could take it,,, you know not see you,,,
Until he’s had enough
He needed to go see you again otherwise he felt like his head would explode
And it wasn’t because he liked you or anything,,, he just wanted to see you so he wouldn’t write any more music about you,,,,, because this was just SuPeR gRoSS
So he went to the same hall, the same room, the same time, and there he saw you
Still working on the same part of the piece
It was just as beautiful as the first time he heard it and he honestly was in awe of how your hands moved across the piano as though they were as light as air
Anyone even from a million kilometers away could tell you were frustrated with this part
He wanted to tell you that you didn’t have to worry because it was beautiful
He wanted to just go in there and tell you that your playing is amazing and hold your hands and just comfort you
But he just couldn’t say anything
And he could always say something, he never stopped talking
And his heart was still doing the same flippity flop screaming thing in his chest
Big surprise, i know
But then,,,, he had a genius idea,,,, like spectacular,,,, like nobel prize winning idea,,,
“Maybe if i see them all the time,,,,, my heart will get used to it and it won’t flippity flop anymore :’D,,,,,,”
wow ,,,, genius i know you don’t have to tell him
So instead of saying anything, or ignoring you any longer, he decided
I’m just gonna come here and watch them play every day because as long as I see them and never talk to her,,,, eventually whatever weird heart thing i have will go away !!!!!
So that is exactly what he did
Every single day for the next coming three weeks,,, he would disappear during lunch and go and watch you play
Changbin and Chan were getting suspicious but they never asked,,, so Jisung thought he was so slick you know
So it’s been weeks of him doing this
It’s now around the end of February, and he planned on doing smth for Valentines day,,,
Not,, because he liked you or because it was valentines day, but because he just,,, somehow planned to do it for February 14th
He was really counting on his genius 10000+ IQ plan to work
But, surprise surprise, his plan was failing
It was almost as though he liked you APPRECIATED !! your playing even more after seeing you play :))))))
Just seeing you just so cutely hunched over the piano
Haha obviously,,,,,, not love,,,,,, who even said that y’all hear summ ????
And he realized maybe he just ReaLLY REALLY reAllY wanted to be your friend !!
Really really close friend !!
And that’s why he wanted to talk to you !! And hold you !! Like F R I E N D S do !! haha !!
And you know this mentality was really working great, until one Thursday
It was near the beginning of March when it was getting a little warmer and all that green good grass was kinda appearing from under the snow,,, these little white flowers peeking out from under the melting snow and it was just so pretty that day
And all Jisung could think about was how beautiful you would look today outside
Holding his hand
In a totally PLATONIC and FRIENDLY way because he obviously just liked you as a friend
And maybe today he would tell you how much he wanted to be your friend :D
But that lunch you just didn’t show up for half an hour ??
He was confused,,,, like really confused
And also concerned ?? where were you,,, you were always here on time,, he even makes sure to show up 5 minutes after your usual arrival time so he could calmly sit outside of the door without getting caught
But today you weren’t there and he was about to leave and chicken out until he felt a hand on his shoulder
Istg he jumped like fifty feet in the air
“Hey,, you’re that guy who always sits outside when I practice !!! Han Jisung right ?? Sorry I was late I needed to talk to Mr.Park about a science assignment I have that’s due next week,, ”
Jisung.exe has stopped working
First of all,,,
yoU kNeW ?!?!?! and he thought he was so slick
Not only that you knew his nAMe and apologized for being late ??? did you like ??? cARE ABOUT HIM A LITTLE BIT
And he also just,,, kinda loved the way you just said his name
It made him UwU in ways he didn’t understand
Oh who was he lying to at this point
Maybe he did like you just a LITTLE more than like a friend would like a friend  
so what,,, sue him,,,, 
He was so caught up in the million and five thoughts that were racing through his mind that he almost forgot to respond, so he managed to choke out the following charming and very expressive line:
“U-uh you know my name ???”
,,,,,good one Jisung,,, real smooth,,,,
You let out a light giggle and just kinda looked at him with this really soft expression
“Ofc I knew !!! I heard your foot tapping every single day and you also sat in front of an open door so,,, I kinda saw you the first day,,,”
Your hand,,,, was still on his shoulder,,, and you giggled again,,,,, how are you,,, so cute
Little did he know you freaked out the exaCt same way you saw him the first time in the hallways with his eyes closed and head leaning against the lockers
And not only that,,, he was just super pretty,,,
With the winter light perfectly hitting his face
His jacket slightly too big and it loosely drooped over his shoulders
I’m actually ruining myself imagining this wow thanks m e
So when you finally asked around after a couple days one of your friends told you who he was
The Han Jisung
The resident bad boy at your school, who liked to get into fights and allegedly also liked to play around with peoples hearts 
Which didn’t exactly scare you well maybe it did a little bit but we’re not here to expose ourselves
First of all you’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt because he’s probably just like any of us ?? people just kinda put him on a pedestal so you felt like you didn’t really need to treat him differently from anyone else
And with every time that he would sit outside of your practice room and listen you felt a little bit of that fear melting away because when he looked so relaxed and so pretty that his face just screamed UwU
But you gotta play it cool reader,,,because you’re slick and all that,,, you know
So you just kinda turn around and head into the music room without saying anything else
Which again gave him shock number 37429387129837 of the day
He was expecting you to do something,,, say something,,,,, but instead,,,,
You just smiled at him, and turned back to into the room, now sitting at the piano bench
He was confused
And mayhaps just the littlest bit disappointed  
He knew that everyone knew him, and that’s usually not the kind of reaction he gets, usually he gets a whole OH mY iT’s HaN jiSuNg scream or an angry disgusted look from people who didn’t like him
But no
Not you
Yet, what could he do
He was going to just,, sit back down in the hallway in his usual spot, or maybe just get up and leave since his cover has been blown and you probably think he’s super creepy
When your voice called out for him inside of the room
“Are you gonna come in or what?”
A small smile spread on his face as he stood up, and he noticed you had already set up a chair for him next to you at the piano
“So,,,, do you like classical music?”
“Um,, not really,, no.”
“Then,, why did you sit outside every day ??” 
You asked confused, your eyebrows slightly furrowing staring at him with intent
And he just found that so cute
So so so cute
So cute that it just made any confidence he had just disappear
“I-I justreallylikethewayyouplayitsoundsnice.”
He just really wanted you to stop looking at him like that it was going to make him actually just explode
You gave a breathy laugh at his cute antics,,, what was there not to like about this boy,,, I mean what a softie
Maybe he wasn’t too bad, ya know
Nothing to be afraid of
“You wanna hear me play one of my favorite songs?”
Jisung nodded his head, his hair lightly flopping on his forehead, kinda covering his eyes
Oh how bad you wanted to brush it out of his eyes and just pinch his cheeks but, alas, it shall not happen
Or will it ;);););;;;))))))))
So you with a light inhale you began playing on of your favorite pieces, it was strong and domineering, with an edge of superiority
If ya wanna check it out it’s actually one of my favorite pieces it’s Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23, No. 5
As soon as you started, Jisung was already in a trance, the way your hands moved, the sound of your breath hitching every huge chord or octave jump
Damn Jisung was whipped
When you smiled at him after you finished the piece
With your eyes so bright, finally breathing normally again, and just a light pink blush that swept across your face
He felt his heart beat fast again
But this time
Mayhaps he didn’t want to run away
“So, what did you think? Did you like it?”
“Do you like classical music maybe a little bit more now ??”
You asked with just the biggest grin on your face
“Hmm,, no i don’t think so,,” Jisung responded with the cheekiest smile known to mankind
“Then,,, I think you’re gonna have to come back here tomorrow so I can change your mind about that” ;)));))))))
WOWOW,, alright reader do y’all ever get tired of being so cute ??
As you continued playing the marvelous thought dawned upon Jisung
So maybe he did like classical music just a little bit more now
And,, maybe his heart beat faster with every second you looked at him
And maybe that feeling is not as bad as a thing as he thought it would be
Maybe it’s actually just the littlest bit nice
Just a little bit
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fcrvcnt · 5 years
( alex fitzalan, cismale, he/him ) i just saw KIERAN WALSH walking down the street’s of provincetown the other day playing LOST by DERMOT KENNEDY out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY-TWO year old is +ATTENTIVE, but can also be -DISTRUSTFUL — overall they’re an INTANGIBLE CONCEPT. they remind me of A GENTLE BREEZE RESURRECTING A HOT DAY, STORMY WHITE CAPPED SEAS, SMUGED FINGERPRINTS COVERING WHITE PAPER & RESTLESS NIGHTS .
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hey, hi, hello!!! i’m bronny, i’m 22, i’m from new zealand ( possibly one of the worst timezones to be in but we learn to survive!! ) and i’m so excited about this group and being able to write kieran again  ( with an fc change bc alex?? newest love of my life, who does he think he is ?? ) ?? i’ve been missing writing him and been looking for a place but just haven’t found the right place.....until now!!! enough rambling about me though, lets get onto what you’re here for......
for the first 12 years of kieran’s life, you could say that his life was pretty happy and smooth sailing?? the walsh family were nowhere near rich but they were comfortable middle class. his father was a builder and his mother worked part-time as a kindergarten teacher. his childhood was nothing spectacular but it was full of love and happiness and that was the only thing kieran really cared about?? 
but when kieran was around 13, his life took a turn no one really saw coming. whether it was the stress his father put on himself or it was old demons rearing their ugly head, kieran’s father turned to the bottle to self-medicate the darkness growing inside him.
it started off with small things. kieran’s father overreacting to tiny inconvenience at home and him coming home late at night. raised voices became the usual in the walsh household after that and kieran & amelia would both end up in his room attempting to shut it all out by going over the little cartoon strips kieran would create for amelia - eventually there was enough to make a whole little series.
slowly the walsh family drifted from middle class to lower-middle class thanks to kieran’s father losing his job and his mother retreating into herself.
kieran was 15 when he really took on the role to support amelia & his mother as best he could. kieran couldn’t care less about what happened to his father.
at 15 kieran grew up far quicker than any 15 really should. he got his first job and began trying to keep things at least just scraping by, because if he didn’t there was a real chance that he, amelia and his mother would be kicked out of their family home.
his mother did manage to help him out as best she could but his father’s actions and behaviour was taking a toll on her.
he was hellbent on not allowing amelia & his mother from suffering the full brunt of the storm their father and husband had created.
kieran thought that this would be his life forever. juggling school, work and trying to keep his whole life and family from completely collapsing but one night, one action taken too far that left kieran with a black eye given to him by his father, was all it took for kieran’s mother to kick kieran’s father out.                                                 *********************
kieran was in his last year at high school and 18 when his father left and to say kieran’s upset about not knowing where he went would be a complete lie. seeing the back of him was a blessing because even though their lives had taken a dive and it would take a lot to get back up to where they were, at least he wasn’t in amelia & his mother’s lives anymore.
but before we can go any further, there’s one thing you need to know !!! anything creative had been kieran’s saving grace over the course of his teenage years. drawing, painting, photography, music, creating, it helped settle all the emotions that raced through him, it grounded him when nothing else could and if there was one thing he knows, it’s that his ultimate dream would be to become a concept artist for films both live-action and animation but for all his life that’s just what it feels like it’ll always be—a dream and since college wasn’t exactly something on his radar—mostly because he was damn sure he couldn’t afford it and his grades weren’t good enough to get a scholarship—it felt even more out of reach.
but he wasn’t exactly going to give up on his dream that easily, especially when his younger sister wasn’t going to let him let it go that easily either, so as graduation came and went and everyone started to leave to go to college, kieran walsh stayed in provincetown and started to enrol into online courses for concept art and illustration via the online college of digital art & animation, cg spectrum and as a whole he studied three courses over the course of 3 years.
there are sometimes where he wishes he could have gotten out of provincetown and gone to college—just to experience that #collegelife. but he knows he couldn’t ever bring himself to do that because you see, even though his mother got a new job and started trying to return back to some sense of normal when kieran was 18, kieran can’t bring himself to leave?? the thought of leaving amelia and his mother on their own is too much, he’s terrified of his mother retreating back within herself and leaving amelia to look after herself—he can’t bring himself to leave them after more or less supporting the whole family for almost his whole teenage years. but he knows eventually he’ll have to go out on his own and he is in the process of it!! he’s managed to move out at least into an apartment of his own when he was 20, though it’s not all that far from his family home. but it’s a step.
though he’s still procrastinating on the finding a steady job thing, in the mean time he’s doing a lot of freelance things here and there for adverts, small indie animated videos/short movies, designed a couple things for some big name youtubers and even has helped on the illustrations for some children’s books. but he’s still holding out for his dream to come true.
an actual soft boy!!! loves his little sister & mother more than anything in the world and has literally put his own happiness and life to the side to make sure they’re happy and thriving after the shit they’ve been through. he loves with his whole heart and it’s both a blessing and a curse.
but he’s so use to being the one to take care of everyone else that he’s never stopped to take care of himself?? and to imagine someone caring about him and loving him is something he cannot get his head around??
a very private person. maybe comes across like he’d be a bit of an asshole but he’s actually relatively friendly?? probably that person you think you know everything about but in reality you actually don’t know nothing about them??
he finds it hard to let people get close and finds it hard to trust others??
may have something to do with the fact that he’s terrified of becoming life his father?? but really is far more like his mother, he just has a bit of a hard time showing it??
hasn’t ever really touched alcohol that much and doesn’t intend on doing so any time soon, he terrified of turning into his father!!!!! we love that
a little rough around the edges and takes a while to break down his walls but once you’ve managed to weed your way into his heart you’ll be there forever and he’ll love you with his whole heart.
loves the snackpack with his whole heart, his dumbass energy really comes out strong around them because YOU KNOW he’s a complete idiot underneath that hardish exterior.
proud of his friends that got out of provincetown and went to college, but also a little salty about being left behind — we don’t talk about that though
if anyone would like to plot a little something, my ims are always open, i’m also up for plotting via discord, and i’d love to plot a little something!! i swear i don’t bite so please send me an im if you’re up for something, but honestly if you give this a like i’ll come to you!!
but if you are interested in plotting, i have a plots page with loose ideas here!!
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cryingovershance · 6 years
So I love that shiro is an amazing character and represents so many minorities and is like spectacular. But question, what if the writers are just like feeding us these things we want to distract us from the fact that: 1. only Keith gets development. 2. Lance is being thrown out the window basically. 3. this isn’t really an ensemble show anymore and also someone the bonds between people are like gone. 4 also everyone is focusing on Shiro’s reveal as being gay and that’s great but WRITING
okay ngl i’ve been kinda salty about how it all went down too, but i just didn’t want to be the first to say it, y’know? i’m a salty bitch enough already, but if no one else was gonna say anything, i was gonna keep it to venting in ims.
but (this is gonna be long so imma cut it)
you’re hitting some nails there, anon. because you know what? it does feel like a fucking distraction. i’ve legit said (privately) that it feels like they release this info now, as a spoiler (rather than just in the season or w/e), as a way to distract. like…. everyone was pissed about s6, right? except for certain folks who apparently think we cant think negatively about stuff we’re literally paying to watch but whatever like. and then that bullshit article came out saying smth about shiro staying behind, that he got kicked out of his own fucking lion. that was some fucked up shit right there. 
but then… a little after the response to that has a chance to happen, they release just a quick “hey guys shiro is gay and had an male ex fiance”
like that news doesn’t actually fuck up some of their timeline stuff (which they’re already doing but aight) and seems really unplanned, BUT that’s another post
like they’re holding back the name of keith’s fucking dog for “spoiler reasons”, but this, which is p big, especially for us gay fans, they just kinda…. hand over, without a lot of fanfare. it felt very underwhelming for me, you know? like, you don’t need a whole “HE’S GAY” sign for all of this, but we don’t even get to learn about it through the show? we get it spoilered. idk, maybe this isn’t a big deal actually, but it personally bothered me. 
but so they’ve been telling us….. hey yeah you’ll get lgbt content. from the start. and they’ve fucking lied about so much other shit, so i thought this was gonna be another thing. but it isn’t. which is great!! this is important, it is. i just….. i wished it happened sooner, you know? instead of holding off until the second to last fucking season. 
because, anon, you’re right. it’s fucking suspicious. it feels like bait. 
i can’t say definitively it is, because it’s muddled, and hey, somebody told me that dreamworks didn’t agree to it at first. i kinda looked into that and couldn’t find anything, and they didn’t give me any sources, but MAYBE it’s true. maybe this is because someone was scared that something gay was going to scare off their whole viewer base or get them shit. 
but then….. if it was that….. then why is Shiro Is Gay told through a mention/trailer, instead of waiting for the ep. or sneaking it in, or something. you know? but maybe in this case they were just so excited to finally say it that they just popped it in there to be able to say it as quickly as they can. again, who knows?
but……. i’m just saying that it kinda looks like they want to make sure that people watch season 7, and that this is a good hook for a lot of people. that’s what it feels like to me. i’ve been in fandoms before where the viewers were baited, but before, it was never actual confirmation that we had lgbt characters, so that’s a step up, i guess. 
back to what you were saying 
it’s very probably a distraction from a lot of things. but you have noticed, haven’t you? that there’s hardly been any more negative shit now, now that we have this news? i’m noticing it right there with you, buddy.
and do you notice that antis really love shiro now? especially now that he can be the Gay Guru to guide kl/ance home? when they were the ones saying shit like how he’s unfit to be a paladin? 
and that… many people are now more okay with him going home, because he might have somebody waiting for him there (never mind the fact that this ex is an ex, who thinks shiro is dead, and shiro has been in space for literal years, so this ex has very likely moved on, like a healthy person would)?
i’d say….as a distraction ploy, this worked pretty well. kudos, voltron crew. 
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itsyourjoon · 6 years
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You groaned as you silenced your 7.55 alarm to get the 5 extra minutes before getting ready for the coffee date with Hoseok and the new kid you’ll be meeting - Jimin apparently. You knew nothing of the him, except that he is suppose to be a good dancer, considering how much Hoseok praises him and is excited to move him to advanced so soon. It’s not common that contemporary dancers know hip-hop so well. You and Hoseok are barely in the intermediate jazz classes after all.
The five minutes pass way too fast for the full 300 seconds that they actually are. But… a second did just pass as that thought went through your sleepy brain.
Getting ready didn’t take much effort, since you prepared the clothes for today before you went to sleep, after Hoseok texted you anyways. It was just a black printed shirt slightly (or a bit more) too big for you, black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath and of course black shoes. You didn’t aim for a spectacular impression anyways so why bother.
At nine, the café where you and Hoseok always go to (I mean no one makes a better frappuccino than the baristas here) wasn’t that overly full anyways, since most students in the campus already had class or if they didn’t, they were actually in the library studying. Wow. Dedication. You noticed Hoseok’s red mop of hair in your usual seats - a table for four, but who cares if two people sit there, the view to the street is really nice from there - and an additional blonde bundle of hair, stuck under a black beanie. You skipped your way over to them and hugged Hobi from behind leaning down to his sitting figure, when you saw he ordered your usual order already. “Thank you bub! I’m so glad you went ahead and ordered it already!” Hoseok didn’t hide his (slightly) cowardly heart and let out a yelp when he felt your arms around his neck. At that the boy in front of him opened his eyes a bit wider when he saw his companion scared but smiled, shaping his eyes into crescents after the scene unfolded infront of him. You finally remembered your manners towards strangers you’re suppose to meet and quickly bowed, apologizing to the blonde stranger infront of you. “Ah I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to be rude! Hi, I’m Y/n! Nice to meet you!” Saying that you sat down on the seat where your order was - next to Hobi and opposite of the new kid. “It’s okay don’t worry I don’t blame you. I’m Jimin by the way. Park Jimin.” He spoke with a bit of formality. Like this was an official meeting discussing science or important business. You ignored it, so you flashed him a warm smile. “So where did you come from Jimin?” You were genuinely curious about him. Others came from other Korean schools but the word in the college hallways had it that he didn’t come from Korea at all. “Oh my birthtown is Busan, but my parents are forced to travel around the world, staying at one town for around 3 months, before moving to the next because of their job, and I have no choice but to follow, so my last pit-stop was China.” Your brain needed a moment to connect his rushed and already memorized answer, so after the hamster in your head started running appropriately you let out a eureka-like ‘oooh!’ “Sounds lame to be honest. Yeah you get to see lots of stuff travelling but not while trying to maintain a stable education.” You took a sip after stating your opinion, praying for an energy boost from it alone. “Don’t worry about that Y/n! He told me he had A’s in maths classes in China, so it probably wasn’t much of a bother! Plus he now has advanced math, so that again shouldn’t be a problem for our Jiminie here too!” Hoseok butted in in the conversation praising the kid. He just offered him a shy smile, blushing a bit before taking a sip too. Meanwhile you just choked on your drink, hearing the last sentence. “Advanced math! Here!? I hope you will survive Ms. Choi’s classes, I heard she’s really strict. No cheating in any way and such.” Jimin just shrugged like it was no big deal and what he said next was something that would never come out of your mouth, talking about math anyways. “Eh, I don’t need to cheat my way to get an A… Math is my forté besides dancing anyways.” You eyes probably couldn’t be opened wider after that. It was like he was an alien. Or a miracle kid. Naahhh… definitely an alien. “Hobi he’s not human I’m scared.” Both guys just laughed at your expression and tone, leaving you confused more than ever. Hoseok was laughing loud enough for people to look at him as if he’s lost it and Jimin to just fling his body around, laughing silently. The boys calmed down and Hobi wiped away an invisible tear, mumbling to himself about aliens and stuff, but you just rolled your eyes and glared at him a bit. “So Y/n how long have you been dancing for?” Jimin asked a normal question you usually get asked. But it still threw you back to when you found your first love. “When I was 3 years old actually. I started at kids ballet but just frailing and bouncing around like that wasn’t that fun for me, so at 6 I took my first hip-hop class and loved how challenging it could get.” Jimin returned you a slightly questioning look. “It got challenging at the age of 6 already? What studio were you at? 'Give a professional choreography to a six year-old’?” It was an innocent joke that was hilarious to you. Even you don’t know how but his voice laced with sarcasm was just so funny. And to him your laugh slowly got lethal. “Oh no not that. My studio was really nice. I actually showed up at intermediate on accident that day but it went well in the end.” Jimin just gazed at you. At this point the conversation was running fluently and it was the same as if Hoseok wasn’t even there. Except that he was. “Oh yeah, you told me about that day. Everyone praised her to accept the challenge of a class, way leveled up for a kid at 6. And even praised her talent at the end of it.” If you looked at him at that moment, you knew he’d look like a proud dad watching his child win a big grand competition. That’s why you didn’t so you just hid your burning cheeks in your palms. “Aghh… stop I wasn’t that good then.” Jimin looked a bit impressed at it and the admiration he already had for you grew even more. “But you grew into what you are today.”
The more all of you talked, the more you got along with Jimin. You clicked. Even if it wasn’t on a really good trusting relationship, you became acquaintances. He was a cute and interesting person. But still reserved. If Hoseok and you got a bit touchy or cracked your inside jokes Jimin pulled on a frown for a bit. He got different vibes from the two of you. But he didn’t say anything. He just let you be. He’d just met you anyways. During class it was Hobi that asked you what you think of Jimin. And you just answered honestly. “I wish I could say for sure. But he seems like a cool kid.” He’s still younger than you anyways. “At least he’ll have 2 friends in advanced now that we both know he’s a good kid.” Hoseok smiled back at you and went back to paying attention. Advanced. So he will come huh.
Social media au (4/?)
YouTube dancer/college student!OC dancer!Hoseok - the rest of the characters coming soon!
Y/n is a hip-hop major with her childhood best friend Hoseok in the same college. People transfer to the school with a lot of other art majors: contemporary dance, music, drawing & painting and many more.
So how hard can it be to be a YouTube dancer?
Words: 1,321
OOOOKAAAY!! Being in Spain was all fun and all but finally updating is a true relief. Other than my friend no one has ever read my works (let’s leave wattpad out of this. it was a crisis of the century). If anyone asks I am shook from teh BTS LOVE YOURSELF TEAR SINGULARITY video (the danccers are dope and I have an unpopular opinion on taes dancing but won’t say it cause I know others would def hate me ;))) and WRECKED (im looking at you mr. park jimin your lane is somewhere else) from the concept photos. taes piercing is just a sin.
also i am lonely my friends pls come talk to me ;(( 
edit (cuz I’m always in rush even when not needed): i dyed my hair entirely blonde 2 days ago and everyone was shook lol
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cocona · 6 years
hey! i wanna at least try to get into kpop, to see what all the fuss is abt, and youre the first blog that comes to mind abt that stuff. do you have any recs!? or comments?? anything really, i'm interested in what you have to say
i have recs!!! first of all ty for asking me abt it hdgfs !! i’ll make u a list !! i will try to stay concise but i have bolded n linked the most important stuff since i tend to blabber a lot! there r groups i purposely didnt recommend! also! i advise you to look up who did what if you want to know why idcs abt certain artists that r big in kpop (like big//ba//ng, su//ju, bl//ock//b, ma//ma//moo & so on) tl;dr: kpop basics (spotify) + @tearera (my kpop sb)
i’ll start w some RECS but jsyk kpop as u might have heard of it is mainly composed of groups! which is why i’ll start w groups then soloists! of course u can check out most of them on spotify (u can listen to their playlist of the most famous songs atm!). please notice that the kpop industry is very ‘classic’ when it comes to concepts (cute r for gorls! badass r for boys!) so um. yeah. yikes. if i had to argue abt all the things i find wrong in this industry this post would become a manifesto, u can always pm me if u want to hear me complain lmao 
honestly…. TWICE are the first one that came to my mind when i thought of ggs to rec. they’re a 9 member group labelled under jyp entertainment n have debuted in 2015 with the bop like ooh aah… that u can listen to! their genre is mainly cute songs but dont be fooled!! they have extremely powerful songs & lyrics as well! some good starts with their music are LIKEY (2017, a bop, great melody, great rapping, one of their ult feel good songs, played @ the olympics), TT (2016, queens of halloween!), and also their most recent song WHAT IS LOVE (2018, iconic!! gay!! bop!! sweet!! great album!!). as twice are the kind that can set you off by their cuteness and playful vibes, i recommend you to check out some of their side tracks. personality wise, the girls r very fun and sweet! they’re all angels and i love them all THIS MUCH!! if u want to know, sana & dahyun r my favourite members!         
also queens, but from sm entertainment this time, Red Velvet are a 5 member gg who have debuted in 2015 with the song Happiness (at that time they were only 4 but the youngest member, Yeri, joined later on!). some very famous songs of theirs are… basically all their title tracks but i’d mainly recommend Russian Roulette, Dumb Dumb (also my fave rv music video!!), Peek-a-boo (what’s better than lesbians witches slaying men and eating pizza), Bad Boy (honestly… one of their best songs… title track of their repackaged album…good shit if u will). of course! there are some side tracks i will recommend! i will frankly say that i listen to a lot of their music and they’re my favourite musically! some faves in no particular order are automatic, cool hot sweet love, huff n puff, something kinda crazy, about love, kingdom come, little little and talk to me! they have very versatile genres and have two main themes of music, the red and the velvet, though these mix often! rlly! their music really good. they have amazing choreographies too!!!!
the third gg i will rec are one that have not debuted yet, it’s LOONA! get ready bc they are a 12 member group with one girl for every month. each girl was revealed every month staring from 2016 with a single album composed of one song and one side track that usually features another member! as this group has yet to debut, i cannot show you anything with all twelve members but! they work with units, there are three: loona 1/3, odd eye circle, and yyxy (tune in for their debut scheduled for may!) that each have an album. 1/3 r more of a cute girly concept, while odd eye circle have played strongly on the girl crush & rnb concept. we have yet to see what yyxy has for us n im frankly v excited!!! my fave singles are Around You (hyunjin), Let Me In (haseul), Singing in the rain (jinsoul, best girl), Eclipse (kim lip), and Heart Attack (by chuu!! also best girl). they have already released a lot of music so go ahead & listen to it! their music videos have a plot and it’s one of those theories fandom (loonaverse)! the positions that all the members will have wasn’t been revealed yet!
then here’s a list of ggs that’s not as detailed bc it would be too long: clc (they r…the girls….), exid (vocals, social criticism, sexy), blackpink (5 songs out but theyre all top notch), f(x) (v good music! bring them back from the war), gfriend (cute & refreshing concepts! v tight choreographies! sweet girls!), aoa, & many more! groups i dont rec bc i dont stan but that u should know of: snsd, 2ne1; that have disbanded but shouldnt have: sistar
ok i stan two boy groups so that’ll be quick! i’ll also rec plenty of music!
the main group i stan is BTS aka the bangtan boys and yes… they’re everywhere… they deserve it tbh… so theyre a 7 member boy group and they’re the first kpop group i ever stanned! they have released a lot of songs already but i’ll just mark something! bts are known for their cinematography and plot in their music videos as well as their politically/socially engaged songs. they debuted in 2013 with the youth-conscious song no more dream and um. forget the mv. the message is what’s important. secondly! my favourite eps & albums are DARK&WILD (forget abt war of hormone), The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt2, WINGS, and Love Yourself 轉 Tear (which will be released on May 18th so stay tuned!). here’s a beginner’s list to bts & their music videos: spring day, blood sweat & tears, run, fire, i need u, and intros: singularity, serendipity. i cannot recommend bts songs bc i’d be unable to pick some, but here is my bangtan favourites playlist and spotify’s This Is BTS! n their most known song atm, still on charts, DNA. another thing!! they dabble in a lot of genres! there is a constant symbolism in most of their songs and music videos, which is why there are theories! also, here are my fave choreos (x x x) & non-official releases (x x x)! also! j-hope recently released a mixtape! check it out! it’s v good! the bad thing is that the fandom is massive n it is filled with young fans so a lot of fan-created content is cringey. apart from that! theyre lovely as a band n i’m not ashamed to say that they bring me most of my joy these days!
then there is… NCT. ok, let’s dive into them. nct is the acronym for Neo Culture Technology, they’re currently an 18 member boy group but hey! don’t be scared! they too work in units and have only released one song which features all 18 of them! it is likely that the band will expand later on & that the name NCT will become a brand (like akb48 u know). so far! there are three units! NCT DREAM (based on age, with the youngest members who r still minors), NCT U (the first unit to have debuted, aka nct united, a rotative unit with no fixed genre or members list) and NCT 127 (seoul based unit, fixed, with 9 members). they’re known for their experimentative and diversified sound, which goes from ballads to… this. while each unit have their distinct genre and vibe, they’re all under the same label of nct! and um, check out spotify’s nct playlist if u want! here r some songs that are basics! bolded r the faves! jsyk i hated their music & their clothes @ first bc it’s so unique so dw if u dislike them! 
127: cherry bomb, limitless (gross hair but spectacular song), touch, back to u, 0 mile, sun & moon, angel
dream: my first and last, we young, go, dunk shot, trigger the fever, la la love
u: the 7th sense, boss, baby don’t stop, without you, yestoday
solo tracks/sm station: dream in a dream & new heroes (ten), around (taeyong)
the last group i’ll present in length n that u should know about is SEVENTEEN. they’re a 13 member boy group & work in units as well but mainly promote w all the members! they’re the fun, sweet, talented, heartfelt refreshing boys we all love tbh! so! seventeen debuted in 2015 with the bop adore u and since then it’s been great song over great song… they also have great choreos! they’re the easiest group to listen to imo bc their songs are mostly light and very similar to what you can hear on teen top radios! then, they get stuck in your head very easily! here are some songs u can listen to that will make your day! mansae, very nice, pretty u, clap, don’t wanna cry, change up, n there are many more! some of my faves are when i grow up, trauma, still lonely, rocket, crazy in love, lean on me, and uhgh rlly all of their songs tbh! three units better known as teams: hip-hop, performance and vocal, with a leader in each. they put up great performances!!
then there is shinee, mostly nicknamed the kings of kpop, i’d make a very long desc but! i suggest you to see for yourself as the fandom is v helpful!
here are some boy groups that i rec but wont go in length with: pentagon (i stan!), monsta x (edm, powerful dances), shinee, exo (great vocals, great choreos, v good music), astro (bubblegum but v heartwarming! vocals), day6 (rock band, great songs), wanna one & many more! rlly um bgs arent the thing that’s lacking in kpop! 
a bit in the middle: KARD (mixed group!!! great music & genderless, breaking the usual hardcore is for boys & cutesy is for girls concept)
more of a solo person? check out artists like hyuna (ex member of both wonder girls & 4minute), iu, heize (a personal fave!), sunmi (ex member of wonder girls), taemin (member of shinee), amber liu (current member of fx! also released a mixtape recently!) hyolyn or dean… tbh there r many! these r just the ones i can think off the top of my head! theyre honestly easy to listen to so just look up their names on yt & u should find some good things!
if u read all of this!! uhh kudos to u!! it was v long n i didnt expect it to be that long!! 
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sapphyrelily · 6 years
Five - You Are In Love
It only took me 6 months to write a new chapter orz
“Do you want to go see that movie tomorrow?”
“The action one?”
“You don’t even know its name.”
He laughs at the accusatory tone in his friend’s voice. “I’m not very caught up on what’s showing.”
“Fine. So, wanna go?”
“Sure.” Shirabu rolls over onto his stomach, fingering the edge of his blanket. “Let me know the time, I’ll be there.”
“I’ll check the timing and let you know.”
“Sure. See you then.”
The line clicks off after Iwaizumi says his goodbyes, and even after Shirabu sets his phone down, he can’t stop grinning.
He grabs his pillow to hide his smile in it, but it doesn’t work very well, and he ends up grabbing his phone again. He crosses and uncrosses his ankles as he composes a new text, making too many errors in his hurry.
His phone buzzes with a reply almost immediately, and he grins.
[Taichi]: oh, i coulfnt possibly guess
The sarcastic reply doesn’t deter him.
[Kenjirou]: Yeah, yeah, you’re salty I get it
[Taichi]: i m so much closer 2 getting a bf than u r
[Kenjirou]: lies
[Taichi]: only truths
[Kenjirou]: Forgive me if I don’t trust you
[Taichi]: u trusted me? when?
[Kenjirou]: asshat
[Taichi]: douchenugget
[Kenjirou]: I hate you and your tall ass
[Taichi]: my ass isnt tall, the rest of me is
[Kenjirou]: Spectacular. Like I needed to know that
[Taichi]: o I kno im spectacular.
[Kenjirou]: goodbye
[Taichi]: guees who else thinks im spectacular
[Kenjirou]: Not interested in ur love life
[Taichi]: but u want deets on my sex life n im happy 2 oblige
[Kenjirou]: NO THANKS
Shirabu is about to throw his phone across the room when it starts vibrating, and he curses the name on his screen.
“Taichi, no.”
“Taichi, yes.” His best friend snickers, and Shirabu collapses onto his pillow, groaning.
“So as I was saying, I am this much closer to getting a boyfriend than you are.”
“No one said I’m not making progress.” Shirabu mumbles to his pillow.
“That pretty much confirms that you’re not.”
“Look here, I’m trying–”
“Try harder.”
“Oi, not all of us are like you.”
��Hmm, I suppose I could share some of my charm with you.”
“Ew. Go back to the bin you came from.”
“Only the best for you,” he croons, and laughs at the dry retching from the other end of the line.
The door creaks open, and he tosses a careless Welcome back over his shoulder, half-listening to Kawanishi’s semi-serious cursing.
“Is that Taichi?” An amused voice asks, and Shirabu doesn’t bother to glance up before putting his friend on speaker.
“–you are absolutely hopeless and I hope you never get together with someone, for the sake of their sanity–”
Semi bursts into laughter, and the voice on the other end comes to an abrupt halt.
“Kenjirou, I’m going to kill you. Stop putting me on speaker.”
“Come to Tokyo and fight me, I dare you.”
“I’ll book a ticket right now, see if I don’t–”
“Mmhmm. I’ll let you know if the part of me that cares comes back from war.”
“You suck.”
“No more than you do.”
“On the contrary, I probably get a lot more sucking action than you do–”
Shirabu chokes and promptly turns the speaker off while Semi howls with laughter.
Semi has entered and left the room three different times, two hours have passed, and Shirabu is still on the phone.
He never thought Kawanishi had it in him to talk for that long.
He’s settling down with a book when he hears “–yeah, of course I’ll tell you all about it. And send you spoilers.”
A pause, and a burst of laughter, possibly at Kawanishi's indignation. “You do it to me all the time, asshole. It’s about time I got payback.
“Mmhmm. Right. I do no such thing, stop spreading lies about me.”
Semi begins to think that he should just listen in instead of reading. Shirabu and Kawanishi’s conversations are more amusing than a soap opera, and infinitely more interesting than his book.
“Whatever. I’m going to shower, my phone’s burning my ear off. Mm. Right. Bye.”
Shirabu tosses the phone aside and collapses on his pillow, and Semi tries very hard to immerse himself in his book.
(He gets called out anyway.)
“How long were you actually listening to us talk?”
Semi glances up, but Shirabu isn’t looking at him. It looks like he’s trying to suffocate himself with the pillow, and Semi wonders what brought that on. “Is that really a question? I walked in and out thrice and you were on the phone for two hours.”
“Hnn.” His roommate rolls over, removing himself from the possibility of suffocation, and regards him with his head on his hand. “So how much did you hear?”
“Do I look like I would really remember everything that you two were talking about–”
“Badly phrased question.” Shirabu cuts him off with a wave of his free hand. “How nosy do you want to be, before I forget whatever Taichi said?”
“Why, thank you for thinking of me and including me in the sharing of your deep, dark secrets.”
“Bye.” Shirabu rolls off the bed and heads for his dresser, while Semi snickers behind him.
“Okay, okay, I was kidding. I was curious about one thing.”
Shirabu looks up from a half-closed drawer, raising an eyebrow at him to continue.
“You’re watching a movie sometime?”
“Oh, yeah.” A hint of a smile tilts Shirabu’s lips up, right before he schools his face back into neutrality. “Tomorrow. Not sure what time yet.”
“Oh, nice. Have fun.” He smiles.
“Why do you want to know?”
“You said I could be nosy.”
“You’re never nosy without reason,” Shirabu counters, walking back to perch on the edge of his bed, his toiletries balanced on his knees. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” Semi protests. “Can I not be curious about what 'spoilers' might mean without a reason?”
“Suck it up then. There’s no other reason.”
“You’re such a pain.”
“Look who’s talking.”
“Ugh.” Shirabu heads towards the room door. “Bye.”
“I’ll still be here when you get back, you know.”
“Ew. Don’t remind me.”
Semi laughs a little as the door clicks shut behind him, putting their conversation out of mind as he finally starts reading.
Semi's phone buzzes, and he grins at the message.
It’s been a while since he heard from this friend.
He opens up the text, composing a reply, ignoring the creak as the door opens.
“What are you smiling at?”
“A friend is in Tokyo.” He continues replying to the person, snickering at their responses.
“Ooh, exciting. I didn’t know you had friends.”
Semi throws a spare pillow in his direction, uncaring if it hits its target or not.
Shirabu catches the pillow with a huff, hugging it to himself as he rubs his towel over his hair with his other hand. “Am I allowed to know who this mysterious friend is?”
“Since you were so rude, no.” Semi puts his phone down and picks his book back up, smirking at him. “Besides, you have mysterious friends too.”
“Touché.” Shirabu doesn’t comment further. He’s not ready to share the identity of his 'mysterious friend’ just yet.
He can hear the little vibrations as Semi gets new messages, but opts to tune him out as he turns their hair dryer on. It feels good to dry his hair even though they are in the heat of summer, and he shakes his dried hair out to rid it of the excess heat.
“I’m never going to get over how fluffy your hair is,” he hears. Shirabu rolls his eyes, though he knows his roommate can’t see it.
“Semi-san, you can’t really be talking to me about fluffy hair.”
“I believe I just did.”
“Have you looked in a mirror lately?”
“Does the reflection on my phone screen count?”
Semi laughs as Shirabu throws his pillow back at him with another roll of his eyes. “Okay, okay, geez. I have a serious question now.”
“Oooh, scary.”
“Shut up, Semi-san.”
“Come over here and make me.”
“Oh, gladly.”
Shirabu stalks the two strides across their room and grabs the pillow, but Semi keeps a hold on it, already guessing what he’s about to do.
They grapple back and forth for some time before Semi’s grip suddenly slackens, and Shirabu tumbles atop him. But then the pillow is up in his face, smothering him instead, and a push on his shoulder unbalances him enough that he gets rolled over, a muffled laugh above him.
“Yield,” he hears Semi say, but with his mouth full of pillow, Shirabu can only shove against it in hope of a gulp of air.
The grip on the pillow slackens as he knew it would, Semi pulling it back to allow him to breathe. Shirabu shoves weakly against his roommate, trying to dislodge him from where he and the pillow are crushing his chest. “Can’t breathe.”
“Yes, you can,” Semi says, but the pressure eases up anyway. It’s just enough for Shirabu to push the ash blond off and sit up, blocking the pillow when it comes for him again.
They push against each other, the pillow squashed between them, neither gaining an inch.
“Give up.”
“Then I guess you won’t be sleeping with this pillow tonight.”
“I have a spare, don’t worry.”
“I’ll pummel you with this.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Maybe you’re right. Too much mess to clean up.”
“I knew it. You're too lazy to clean up your normal mess, how are you going to clean up if you murder me?”
“I’ll just get someone else to murder you for me,” Shirabu says simply. “And I don’t have a ‘normal mess’, you do!”
“I don’t have that many enemies,” Semi counters, choosing to ignore the latter half of what Shirabu said.
“You’d never know.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“Did you expect anything less?”
“No,” Semi admits. “But then again, I never take puffballs seriously.”
“Look in a mirror, Shirabu.” Semi gives him a huge shove, his grin half-hidden by the pillow. The action pushes his roommate to the edge of the bed, and his hand shoots out to muss up Shirabu’s hair such that it sticks up even more. “Come back when you look more serious.”
“I’m always serious,” the brunet complains, smacking away the hand and trying to smooth the strands down. But he does get off Semi's bed to return to his own, flopping down and pulling the blanket over himself. “I refuse to talk to you any more.”
“Good riddance.”
Shirabu lifts his head to glare at him. “I will murder you myself, one day.”
“But that day is not today,” Semi guesses. The stony glare Shirabu gives him confirms this, and he snickers as he moves to turn off the light. “Well, whatever. I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow, I can’t stay up and argue with you.”
“Thank god,” Shirabu mutters. “Goodnight.”
Semi pulls his blanket over his shoulders, smiling into the darkness as he relives their tussle.
Living with Shirabu can be fun, sometimes.
Semi doesn’t notice him until he’s nearly on top of him, chocolate eyes boring into cocoa, staring, staring, waiting for a reaction.
Semi takes a step back and exhales deeply. “Koushi, could you maybe not do that?”
“Sorry, sorry,” Suga laughs. They fall into step together, heading towards the shops. “Can’t resist, you know? There’s not many people I can sneak up on.”
“I suppose Sawamura isn’t affected by it?”
“Daichi is so placid,” Suga complains. “He never reacts to anything I do.”
“Nope,” Semi says, putting his palm up in Suga's face. “I know that look. I don’t need any dirty details, thanks.”
Suga shrugs and grins. “Your loss. But you started it.”
“What can I say? You’re a bad influence.”
Suga gasps in mock-affront, putting a hand over his heart. “Eita, how dare you. I have the purest heart–”
“And the dirtiest mind.”
“You got me.” Suga drops his hand and the pretence, his grin wide. “Glad to know you haven’t changed.”
“And you.” Semi laughs.
“Anyway, how've you been?”
“Eh.” He shrugs. “Ups and downs. School life, you know?”
Suga nods. “As it is with all of us. But you know, other than school, what’s up?”
“…we met two minutes ago and you’re already asking for details on my love life?”
“You’re right, I should have asked immediately.”
Semi rolls his eyes. “You really haven’t changed.”
“Nor do you want me to.”
“So, so? Give me the details.” Suga nudges him as he steers them towards a bookshop, and Semi laughs.
“Nothing's happened. I’m too busy for a love life. My roommate is irritating, but other than that, every other part of my life is fine.”
“Ah, right. Everyone’s younger than you in your year, aren’t they?”
“Most people, yes. Would you believe that I ended up becoming friends with a few of the volleyball players we used to meet at tournaments?”
“Wow. Some luck. Who?”
“Nekoma’s second year setter and Datekou's second year captain. I think he was a middle blocker?”
“You mean when we were third years and they were second years?” Suga asks.
“Yes, yes. I keep forgetting that they became the third years after us.”
“You’re old,” his silver-haired friend teases. “Datekou’s captain, huh? I think he was a wing spiker.” Suga hums as he thinks, tapping his chin. “Yeah. Wing spiker.”
His gaze lifts, and he gives Semi an amused smile. “Kozume-kun and Futakuchi-kun, huh? What unlikely friends.”
“I know right? Wait, you know them too?”
“Kozume-kun is from Nekoma,” Suga reminds him. “Nekoma and Karasuno are ‘fated rivals’. And Datekou is a Miyagi school, same as ours. We used to have practice matches with them.”
“Come to think of it, Kenma might have told me the same thing about your schools a long time ago.”
“Oooh, first name basis. How scandalous.” Suga wiggles his eyebrows, and Semi punches his shoulder lightly. “I’ll tell Hinata, he’ll be so sad that he wasn’t told about this development.”
The ash blond rolls his eyes. “We’re not that kind of friends.”
“Bah. You’re no fun, Eita.”
“You just like gossip.”
“Now, now, let’s not go making false accusations.” Suga shakes a finger at him, a mischievous look on his face. “Tell me more about your uni life instead!”
Semi rolls his eyes and grins. He’s missed Suga’s antics. “Fine. I’ll indulge you. Where was I?”
“I don’t know. Something about your roommate?”
“Right!” Semi snaps his fingers, the words coming back to him. “So, fate decided that I'm not tormented enough and now I’m stuck with Shirabu as a roommate.”
“Shirabu… Isn’t he that underclassman of yours?”
“The one and only.” Semi rolls his eyes. “I must have offended too many people in my past life.”
“Tough luck.” Suga pats him on the arm. “Is he as awful as he was?”
“He has his good and bad days.” Semi pauses, before a smirk creeps across his face, a thought coming to mind. “Although recently, he's been very secretive about some friends of his.”
“Oh?” Suga leans in, eyes glinting.
“And apparently, he has a partner, whom none of our mutual friends know about.”
“Oh.” His friend nods knowingly. “Very curious.”
“And apparently, they’re catching a movie some time today.”
“What? Why didn’t you say so earlier? Let’s go find out who this mysterious partner is!” Suga is suddenly ten times more energetic and tries to drag him out of the bookstore, but Semi pulls him back.
“We don’t know where they went,” he points out, to which Suga rolls his eyes.
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll find out.”
“Aren’t we kind of violating his privacy by doing this?”
“You wouldn’t have told me if you didn’t want to violate his privacy at least a little,” Suga points out, phone already to his ear. He holds up a finger, turning his attention to the person he called. “Hi Tooru-chan. We need a favour.”
“Did I say 'we'? My bad, you don’t need to know who my partner in crime is today.” Suga pauses, brow furrowing at something the other person said. “Can’t help me? Just what sort of important mission are you up to that you would deny me, your best friend– Wow, you’ve got nerve. Iwaizumi’s gonna kill you if he finds out.”
Semi follows in amusement as Suga weaves between bookshelves, talking to someone whom he assumes is Oikawa. “A date? Are you certain? Well then, who’s this mysterious figure? You don’t know? Wow, the great Oikawa Tooru, stumped at last!”
Suga suddenly stops, a hand over his mouth. “No. No way. Oh man, this is too good. Text me your address, we’ll be right there. Why? I’m coming with you, you dense coconut! Plus, this is the perfect scenario for all of us. What? Then go buy tickets! Get three, we’ll be right over. Hurry up, Tooru, don’t lose him now. Bye.”
Suga turns around, then takes a step back, eyes wide at Semi’s close proximity. “Gee, you scared me. But anyway, come on! We’ve got a movie to catch.”
“What? A movie? Koushi, tell me what happened!”
“I’ll tell you on the way.” Suga grabs his wrist and drags him along. “So my informant–”
“Yes, dear old Tooru-chan. He was stalking Iwaizumi to find out who he was going out with and refused to help me, but what do you know?” Suga levels a sly grin at Semi. “The person we’re stalking just so happens to be the one Iwaizumi’s meeting up with.”
Semi stares at him blankly, and Suga uses a finger to close his hanging jaw. “You’ll catch flies. Lots of them, because it’s summer.”
“We’re in a shopping mall, there are no flies here,” Semi replies. “Are you serious, though?”
“About what Tooru-chan said? Yeah, he sounded dumbstruck. I’m pretty sure it is real.”
Semi shakes his head. He doesn’t know if he’s more confused or stunned to finally have the last piece of the puzzle. “Shirabu’s going out with Iwaizumi?”
“Only one way to find out, don’t you think?” Suga grins. “Come on, I just got the text, it’s the next mall over.”
Oikawa is on his phone and tapping his foot impatiently when they spot him. He’s poorly disguised with a white hoodie over a neon pink shirt, coupled with teal bermudas. The sunglasses on his head seem to be slipping, and he pushes them back just as Semi and Suga approach him.
“Tooru-chan. What the hell are you wearing?”
“Clothes, Koushi-chan, clothes.” Oikawa glances up from his device, then does a double-take. “Semi-chan?”
“Nice to see you too, Oikawa,” he replies drily.
Oikawa shakes his head, causing the sunglasses to fall onto his nose. “Nope. Nuh-uh. You said nothing about your partner in crime being him.”
“He is standing right here. And he’s coming with us.”
“Yes. No one’s interested in Iwaizumi’s chastity here except you, Tooru-chan. I’ll pay you back later, let’s go catch up with the lovebirds first.” Suga puts his hands on Oikawa’s shoulders and spins him around, pushing him towards the cinema.
Oikawa’s hands flail, making several pointless gestures before they stop dead, falling to his sides. “Wait, you’re here to stalk Shirabu-chan?”
“I have a vested interest in what my roommate does,” Semi tells him. “What Iwaizumi does is none of my business.”
“If the two of them are really on a date, then it’s Iwa-chan's business as well, no?”
“And that’s why, friends, we are here to stalk them and find out, yes?” Suga slings an arm around both of them, easily dragging them along though both are taller than him. “Now come on. This is prime blackmail material. Tooru-chan, which hall is it?”
“Seven. Wait, wrong direction, that’s the other way.”
With a lot more hustling and bustling and whispered arguments about their extremely pure intentions for following their friends, they make it to the movie theatre, only to find that their seats are at the bottom.
“Tooru-chan, how the heck are we supposed to spy on anyone from the bottom?” Suga whispers ferociously.
“Those were the only seats left!” Oikawa whisper-shouts back.
Semi sighs and pushes on their backs. “Just go. Keep an eye out for them as we walk, we don’t want to be spotted.”
Suga twists to wiggle his eyebrows at him. “Eita, you’re learning.”
“I don’t want Shirabu to spot us and start yelling. Not that that’s likely, but you’d never know.”
“Iwa-chan might lob something at me,” Oikawa says thoughtfully. “Best to just go.”
The theatre is already dark, the advertisements rolling. It’s hard to pick out individuals, but Semi thinks that he might have seen someone with Iwaizumi’s spiky haircut on the left upper side of the hall. He points this out to the others only when they’re seated, and the way the duo immediately spin back to check makes him groan. “You two are so not subtle.”
“Shut up, Semi-chan,” Oikawa mutters distractedly. “I don’t see anything.”
“It’s dark, my eyes may be playing tricks on me.”
“So helpful.” Oikawa turns back around, folding his arms and levelling a haughty stare at him. “Why are you here, again?”
“Not for the furthering of your agenda, that’s for sure.”
“Shh,” Suga hisses. “Even if we can’t find them, we can watch the movie. Sometimes the best part happens after movies.”
“He’s right,” Oikawa says. “Iwa-chan’s not the sort to do anything during a movie, he likes watching them too much. He won’t even let me comment during the showing!”
“I can see why,” Semi mutters. Oikawa makes no comment, and the ash blond hopes that it’s just because he didn’t hear him.
The movie is not bad, though it would have been a lot better without Oikawa’s excited murmuring. Semi can hardly focus on the dialogue with the running commentary beside him, and resolves to find the movie online at another time to rewatch.
Then the credits roll, Suga reaches over to tap his hand, and he suddenly remembers why they were all there.
The glow of the theatre screen is enough for him to make out Suga's gestured message: stay until the lights go up, and wait for Iwaizumi and Shirabu to leave before following them.
It sounds easy enough, and Semi leans back, eyes tracking the people streaming out, trying to pick out any silhouettes that look familiar.
He sees nothing of interest – there are individuals and families and the occasional couple, but he does not spot the two young men they are looking for leaving the movie theatre.
“Maybe they’re waiting for the after-credits,” Suga murmurs. “Everyone knows to wait for those.”
Oikawa snorts, motioning to those already leaving. “Not everyone, apparently.”
“Precisely. Now, brilliant as I am, I have never missed an after-credit scene.”
“And yet, you can babble loud enough for the entire cinema to pinpoint your location.”
The trio spin round at the voice, eyes landing on a nonplussed Iwaizumi, Shirabu sitting impassively beside him. Iwaizumi raises his eyebrows at his best friend’s companions. “Oh, Sugawara, Semi. Nice to see you.”
Semi manages to croak out a Hello, and Suga greets them sunnily. Iwaizumi nods to each of them in greeting before his gaze returns to Oikawa. “Oikawa, how did you manage to get them mixed up in your nefarious deeds?”
“I didn’t,” the brunet protests. “It was all– Mmprgh!”
Suga’s smile never wavers though one of his hands is clamped firmly over Oikawa’s mouth. “We were in the area, and a movie sounded like a great idea. We had no idea Tooru-chan was doing something evil.”
A snort draws their eyes to Shirabu. “Pardon me, Sugawara-san, but you’ll have to try harder than that to convince me.”
Shirabu nods in Semi’s direction. “You brought Semi-san. That’s plenty suspicious.”
“I’m not a terrorist, brat. There’s nothing suspicious about this.”
“Anything you do is suspicious.”
“Excuse me,” Semi protests. He can hear Oikawa cackling beside him, and vaguely wonders when he removed the gag that was Suga’s hand. “I was just watching a movie with friends.”
“We're hardly friends, Semi-chan.” Oikawa reminds.
“Right. A friend and an annoying acquaintance.” Oikawa lets out a squawk at the description, and Suga laughs. Iwaizumi seems to be smiling.
“I don’t believe you.” Shirabu folds his arms, and Semi can hardly suppress his eye roll.
“Believe whatever you like. I have no cause to follow you.”
Shirabu pauses, head cocked as he turns over Semi’s words in his head. “Really…? Hmm. But no one said anything about being followed, Semi-san.”
Semi presses his lips together tightly, refusing to say anything more. His guilty conscience doesn’t know what else he could say that wouldn’t sound incriminating.
“Hold the thought,” Oikawa interrupts, twisting back to face the screen. “After-credit scene.”
All five of them watch the scene in agreed-upon silence, Oikawa grabbing Suga to gush after it ends. Suga nods along but pushes him away. Oikawa is unperturbed, turning around to talk to Iwaizumi instead.
“Iwa-chan! Did you see that? Do you know what it means? I can’t wait for the next part of the series!”
“That’s another half-year to wait.”
“I know!” Oikawa wilts, slumping on Suga's shoulder. “The tragedy.”
Shirabu rolls his eyes, and Semi privately agrees. Oikawa is entirely too dramatic.
“Were you guys sitting behind us this entire time?”
The words come completely out of the blue, and Oikawa and Semi turn to stare at an unapologetic Suga, who doesn’t seem to care that they are facing down a dragon.
Iwaizumi snorts. “No, we came down during the credits. We had way better seats than you guys.” He jerks a thumb backwards, in the direction of the higher seats, but his raised eyebrows hold a question.
“It’s not my fault that all the good seats were taken!” Oikawa complains.
“Yet now all of us have sore necks thanks to you,” Semi says drily.
“You wanted to come along, you dug your own grave.” Oikawa’s smile is saccharine, and Semi has to wonder what it is that Suga sees in him. Aoba Jousai's ex-captain is even more aggravating than Shirabu.
“Yes, about that. Why did you guys follow us?” The Aggravating Underclassman’s expression is carefully blank.
“Now, now, Shirabu-kun, let’s not go making false accusations, shall we?” Suga is still cheerfully optimistic. “Maybe we just wanted to watch this movie.”
“Whatever it is, it’s done now.” Iwaizumi raises his arms in a stretch, then slumps against the seat. “Do you guys want to get dinner?”
Everyone turns to stare at him, and he shrugs. “There wasn’t any real damage done, as far as I’m concerned. Just Oikawa being his usual, nosy self.”
“Iwa-chan!” The brunet sounds scandalised. “I have only the purest of intentions for your well-being!”
“I’m twenty, I don’t need your false worrying.”
“So,” Iwaizumi claps his hands together over Oikawa’s complaints and looks around at the others. “Dinner?”
“A bit ironic to be eating fast food, don’t you think?”
“Not really. We’re poor college students, and there are always seats in a fast food joint.”
Through some unfortunate luck in drawing lots, Semi has been elected to purchase their food alongside Iwaizumi. It shouldn’t have been awkward, but given his newfound knowledge, plus the tension that had never really dissolved from their high school days… Well, maybe he was mistaken. It was definitely awkward.
Semi turns around at the sound of Suga’s laugh, and Oikawa’s complaints that follow. Shirabu is sitting stonily between them, looking as though he wants to be anywhere but there.
“Yes?” He turns back to Iwaizumi, who is wearing a curious look on his face.
“I know you’re the most honest of the three of you–” He jerks a thumb towards their friends, “So I’d like to ask: Was Oikawa up to no good?”
Semi pretends to study the menu, dragging out the moment. He sighs after a second, the words bubbling out. “Truthfully, I’m not sure. I only heard Koushi’s side of the conversation, and all I can guess is that Oikawa was curious about who you were meeting up with, so he followed you.”
“I see.” Iwaizumi looks thoughtful. “You say you only heard Sugawara’s side of the conversation?”
Semi figures that nothing worse can happen even if he tells him. “Koushi called Oikawa to ask something, but one thing led to another and suddenly we were going to watch a movie. I’m not too sure how that happened.”
Iwaizumi shakes his head. “Oikawa and Sugawara are masterminds together. I’m not surprised you got dragged into it, or that you’re not sure how it happened. It’s happened to me before.”
“Really?” Semi’s surprised. Iwaizumi doesn’t seem like the sort to be taken in by anyone’s deceit.
“It was the first time I met Sugawara outside of the court. Not an incident I’m particularly happy to recall.” Iwaizumi frowns at their friends, and as if sensing they are talking about him, Oikawa turns around and flashes his signature grin. In response, Iwaizumi turns away without acknowledging him, and Oikawa looks so affronted that Semi laughs.
“I’ve never seen Oikawa look so offended.”
Iwaizumi snorts. “Spend more time with him and Sugawara together. Every other thing Sugawara says offends him.”
“Maybe his words hit a little too close to home.”
“Maybe. Their conversations sound mostly like shit talk to me.”
“Birds of a feather flock together, isn’t that what they say?”
“Oh yes. That’s probably it. No wonder they get along so well.”
It is their turn, and their conversation halts while they place their order and move aside to wait as it is prepared. Iwaizumi drums his fingers on the countertop, and Semi waits, feeling as though he knows what question he’s going to be asked. “Why did you follow Sugawara, once you realised what he was up to?”
Semi glances back at their friends, who are now throwing verbal insults at each other. Iwaizumi follows his eyes, and snorts a little. “Oh. Were you following Shirabu-kun?”
Semi’s a bit surprised at the suffix, but doesn’t comment, storing away that information for later. “I guess so. I have no reason to follow you, but I admit I was a bit curious about Shirabu being your companion.”
“He never told anyone in our circle of friends that he knew you, so everyone jumped to conclusions about who he’s been going out with.”
“Going ou–? Oh.” A baffled look takes over Iwaizumi’s face, but he doesn’t get to comment, as their food arrives. They take a tray each and walk back to the table, steps slow to ensure nothing gets spilled.
“Semi.” Iwaizumi doesn’t look up from his path, though his words keep flowing. “You and your friends can rest assured that nothing is going on between us. We’re just friends.”
Semi snorts. “Even if you weren’t just friends, you would tell me that. But it’s your private business. There’s no need for you to tell anyone about it unless you want to.”
“Thank you. That is something that Oikawa and Sugawara wouldn’t understand.”
“We can agree on that.”
Their arrival at the table is accompanied by loud rejoicing from Oikawa, with a slightly more subdued reaction from Suga. Shirabu nods his thanks as Semi passes his meal to him though he wrinkles his nose a little, and the ash blond responds by giving him a deadpan stare.
“You two remind me of someone,” Oikawa announces suddenly, pointing at them. “What’s with this silent communication, huh?”
“You just said it, pretty boy. Silent communication. You and Iwaizumi do that too.” Suga throws a fry at him, and Oikawa pops it into his mouth with a grin.
“Aha, but Iwa-chan and I grew up together. These two haven’t. I wonder why they do that.” Oikawa wiggles his eyebrows at them, and Shirabu pins him with an unimpressed look.
“I live with Semi-san. At this point, he’s like the irritating older sibling I never wanted. Seeing him even more, in my own free time no less, is a horrific experience.”
“Watch your tongue,” Semi warns, mimicking Suga’s action and launching a fry at his roommate. “I’ll put bleach in your shampoo.”
“Save it for yourself, Semi-san. Your roots are showing.”
Suga and Oikawa burst into laughter while Semi throws more fries at Shirabu, and even Iwaizumi cracks a smile behind his burger.
Dinner passes by almost too quickly – insinuating comments and jibes thrown by Oikawa and Suga are countered either by Semi and Iwaizumi’s remarks or by Shirabu’s sharp quips. It’s almost fun, and Semi can feel himself relaxing as the evening wears on.
It’s been a while since he had this sort of easy camaraderie, especially with people his age. It’s nice.
They stay on mostly neutral topics – classes and friend groups and of course, volleyball. Semi finally learns that Oikawa and Iwaizumi go to a university pretty close to his and Shirabu’s, and they agree to ask for a practice match between campuses at some point. Their high school rivalry never did resolve, and it would be fun to settle scores now that they are in university.
“It wouldn’t be very fair to the other players, since they don’t know about the never ending feud between Seijou and Shiratorizawa.” Suga comments. “Everyone would wonder what the fuss is about.”
“It also wouldn’t be fair because we don’t have Ushijima-san any more,” Shirabu grumbles. “Semi-san is a setter, not a spiker.”
“Who said you’re going to be the setter?” Semi counters. “You can spike for once.”
“My spiking sucks!”
“Then work on it. Futakuchi can help you.”
“Ew, Futakuchi.” Shirabu wrinkles his nose, and everyone laughs.
“We still have Makki and Mattsun, so we have the advantage,” Oikawa crows. “See if your ragtag team can beat us now!”
“Do you think we can borrow Kuroo and Bokuto for this?” Semi mutters to Shirabu.
“Maybe, if they have free time.”
“I'll ask Kenma to ask.”
“You guys are cheating,” Suga quips, delighted. “Those two aren’t even from your university.”
“Koushi, shh.”
“Iwa-chan, stop them!”
“Hey, I can’t control this, don’t drag me into it.”
Their conversation derails from there. Semi and Shirabu spend so much time arguing between topics that Oikawa and Iwaizumi finally find out that not only do they attend the same university, they share a room. Oikawa pokes fun at Semi for needing to share a room – with his least favourite underclassman no less – and is promptly put in his place by both Iwaizumi and Suga when they reveal that he is sharing an apartment with three other people.
“An apartment is nothing compared to a room,” Semi argues. “You still have the advantage of more space. And privacy.”
“But Makki hogs the toilet all the time. Mattsun is always cooking and the whole apartment never stops smelling like baked goods. I swear, I never feel like eating cookies anymore!”
The brunet turns to Iwaizumi, who sips at his drink, never breaking eye contact. “And Iwa-chan thinks he’s my mum, as usual.”
“Someone has to make sure we get our deposit back.” Iwaizumi shrugs, then glances at the rest of them. “Do you know how much hair he leaves in the bathroom drain every day? It’s like living with a girl, I had no idea he had so much hair.”
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa squawks. “I am perfect! I do no such thing!”
“Oh, I know,” Suga nods, completely ignoring Oikawa. “The one time he stayed over at my house, my sister got scolded for the hair that he left in our bathroom drain.”
“How irresponsible of you, Oikawa-san. How could you let someone else take the fault for your bad manners?” Shirabu deadpans.
Oikawa launches into a tirade, cursing them and their false accusations, but everyone sees the half-smile on his face, and no one thinks he means it. Semi thinks his face is going to split from so much laughing, but he doesn’t mind. He can’t remember the last time he felt so carefree.
It’s not until later, when they’ve split into groups as they walk to the train station, that the conversation dies down. Where it was a raging river before, the straits have calmed, the rapids settling, trickling into smaller streams with gentler currents. Their pace is leisurely, comfortable, and it feels like the excitement of the day has finally caught up to them, lethargy weighing them down alongside the heaviness of their meal.
Oikawa’s not surging ahead for once, having chosen to hang back with Shirabu. The other three walk ahead, discussing something or the other.
Shirabu eyes the older boy a little suspiciously. It is not like him to be this quiet and contemplative, despite the excitement of their evening. Even during the days that their schools were rivals, he only remembers the other as this contemplative right before he launched an unexpected attack–
Oh, no.
“Shirabu-chan,” Oikawa quietly begins, eyes fixed on the distant figures of their friends, “What are your intentions with Iwa-chan?”
Shirabu refuses to let his emotions show. The change of topic is abrupt, but he can’t say it was completely unexpected. He had been expecting someone to ask, at some point. “With all due respect, Oikawa-san, that’s none of your business.”
“It isn’t,” Oikawa agrees. “But as someone who had been in love with Iwa-chan before, I want to give you a bit of advice.”
Shirabu is too stunned to say anything, too taken aback by his candour and the easiness with which he speaks of such a topic. The lack of a response encourages Oikawa to continue. “Don’t get your hopes up, is what I want to say. Iwa-chan’s a great guy, but he sees most people as nothing more than friends. You’re going to be waiting a long time if you want him to consider you at all, and I think your affections are better spent elsewhere.”
“Oikawa-san,” Shirabu says slowly, “Thank you for your words, but what makes you think that I fancy Iwaizumi-san?”
Oikawa rolls his eyes, not unkindly. “Like I said, I was there once. That face you have around him is the same one that Makki and Mattsun told me I used to make whenever I spoke to Iwa-chan, and he’s my childhood friend. Lovestruck.” He shakes his head, chuckling. “Maybe I’m wrong – I don’t think I am – but if you want to pursue him in that manner and you get rejected, just remember it’s not the end of the world.”
“Oikawa-san, I have had crushes before. I know what life after rejection feels like.”
The older grins slyly at him. “So you admit you like him?”
“I never said that. I just said I know what rejection feels like.”
“Mmhmm.” Oikawa smirks knowingly. “Of course you do. But again, a crush is a crush, and love is something more, don’t you think?”
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”
“Love is a lot easier than a crush,” Oikawa tells him. “No jittery feelings, just a blossoming warmth. It took me a long time to realise that, myself. But you know what? You’ll get there when you get there.”
“Yes.” Shirabu deadpans. “Thank you for your sagely advice.”
“You’re very welcome.” Oikawa winks and skips ahead. “Come on. I think they’ve found dessert!”
Their friends have indeed found an uncrowded ice cream shop, and they file inside, swarming the display. Shirabu's on the edge of their group, trying to peer at the flavours. He’s not short, but it’s difficult to see with the others blocking his view.
“What are you getting?”
He glances up at Iwaizumi, then turns back to frown at the glass. “I don’t know. Lychee looks interesting, but vanilla is always a safer choice.”
“Why don’t you ask for a sample, then? No point getting something that you wouldn’t like.”
“Good point.” He tries to catch the attention of the server, but Iwaizumi beats him to it. He takes the two spoons from the server with thanks, handing a spoon to Shirabu. “Here.”
“Thank you.” He bites off half the ice cream, artificial flavour exploding across his tongue. He wrinkles his nose, and Iwaizumi laughs around his own spoon.
“Not good?”
“Too sweet.” He eats the rest of the sample anyway, chewing sullenly on the plastic. “What was yours?”
“Blueberry. It’s good.”
“Hmm. Maybe I’ll try that.”
“I’ll ask for you.” Iwaizumi turns back to the server, while Shirabu reaches up to put the spoon in the bin provided.
There’s a nudge on his shoulder, and he turns, only to startle at the sight of a spoon in front of his face. Semi smirks, but shoves the spoon towards him. “You’ll like this one.”
Shirabu stares at the spoon and the teeth marks in the ice cream. “Did you already eat half of it?”
“Yeah, but I don’t like it and I think you would, so you eat it.”
“I am not your dustbin,” Shirabu complains, but closes his lips around the spoon. Semi lets it go, and Shirabu frowns at him around the burst of flavour. “Hey, this is nice.”
“It’s sea salt with something or the other. Told you you’d like it.”
Shirabu grumbles at him and puts the spoon in the bin, accepting the new sample spoon from Iwaizumi. He thinks he hears Semi go back over to where Suga is calling him as he mulls over the new flavour.
“How is it?” Iwaizumi asks.
“Not bad. Maybe I’ll get this one and the other sea salt thing.”
“You must like ice cream a lot.”
“I don’t get to have it often, Iwaizumi-san. Stop judging my diet.” Shirabu huffs.
(The other doesn’t need to know how much he loves the sweet treat.)
Iwaizumi laughs. “No judgement. I watch Oikawa eat too much milk bread daily, it’s just second nature to watch out for others’ sugar intake.”
“Once in a while is fine,” Shirabu insists.
“Yes, that’s true. But how do I know that this is your first time in a while?”
Shirabu’s about to protest when he sees Iwaizumi’s lips twitch. “You’re teasing me.”
“Absolutely not,” the older says, but he’s grinning. Shirabu holds back his initial response, rolling his eyes instead.
After sampling almost all the flavours, everyone decides on what they want. Suga and Shirabu are elected to buy the ice cream while the others go get a seat.
The wait isn’t long, but as they watch the girl prepare their dessert, Suga asks, “Was Tooru-chan lecturing you about Iwaizumi?”
Shirabu stares at him. He had just pushed that conversation to the back of his mind, and here it was being brought up again.
(He should have expected it, but at the same time, he had been hoping that it wouldn’t be brought back up.)
Suga laughs at his expression. “No, we didn’t plan this, if that’s what you’re thinking. I just happen to know how he works, and what he would have spoken to you about. He probably told you not to get your hopes up, right?”
“If you know,” Shirabu starts, “Then why would you ask about it?”
“Because I’m curious,” Suga says simply. “And because I’m as nosy as he is. Now, I haven’t faced rejection the way Tooru-chan has, so my advice is to not listen to him. Take your own feelings into account. He worries for others because he’s a little more fragile and he took that rejection badly. You, I think, are more resilient.” The silver-haired man hands him some of the ice cream cups and picks up the remainder, tilting his head towards their table with a small smile. “Think on it. But for now, shall we?”
Shirabu follows him silently, turning over the words of both young men in his mind. It’s too much for an evening, especially when he had been expecting a quiet afternoon out. He’s getting tired of all the people lecturing him on things he does not want their advice on. He’s quiet as he picks at his ice cream, and only looks up when he feels something nudge his foot.
Semi raises his eyebrows at him, his eyes holding a question, but Shirabu shakes his head. It’s nothing.
The ash blond raises an eyebrow to convey his disbelief, to which Shirabu rolls his eyes. Don’t worry about me.
Semi shrugs and turns back to the conversation that the others are having, allowing Shirabu to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present.
He has plenty of time later to worry about their advice. For now, he is going to enjoy the company of those he is with.
They say their goodbyes at the station, parting to return to their respective accommodations. Shirabu is still rather quiet, but Semi chooses to say nothing. He had seen Oikawa and Suga speaking to him earlier, and figures he doesn’t need any more 'advice'.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?”
He turns to look at Shirabu, whose eyes are closed as he rests his head against the back of the seat. Semi sighs. “No. Should I be saying anything?”
“I figured you might want to add your two cents' worth, since Oikawa-san and Sugawara-san have already done so.”
Semi snorts. “Who am I to give you advice on your love life? Do what you like.”
One eye opens to regard him. “Hmm.”
“Nothing. I don’t trust you on that, but I never trust you.” His eye closes, but Semi does not sense any ill intent coming from him.
“What do you mean, you don’t trust me?” Semi protests, half-jokingly.
“I mean, maybe you let something like that slip again…” Shirabu opens his eyes, staring at him unapologetically. “I can’t think of any other reason why Oikawa-san and Sugawara-san would be so open about giving me 'advice’ like that.”
Semi blinks at him, first in confusion, then in anger. “Is that what you’re worried about? Why they decided to give you advice?”
“It is a cause for concern–”
“And you really think that I would do that again? I said I wouldn’t, and I haven’t. Have you stopped to consider that they don’t mind talking about it because they don’t care about the gender of your partner? I get why you’d suspect I told them, but I swear I didn’t.”
“Why wouldn’t they care? It’s not a normal thing, is it?”
“I’m– What– No– Ugh.” Semi presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, groaning. “Why are you saying that?”
“Because it’s true.”
“Are you saying that whatever you or I feel for others is unnatural, then? That anyone else who is like us – who doesn’t fit society's norm – is not normal?”
“To them it is. To us, it’s perfectly fine.”
“Exactly.” Semi points at Shirabu accusingly. “So why are you so hung up on why Oikawa and Koushi decided to talk to you about it?”
“Well, I’m sorry that I don’t know if they are like us or not.” Shirabu snaps. “Is it a crime now to be on my guard?”
“No, but–”
“Let me deal with my life my own way,” Shirabu says viciously. “I was shocked that they could discuss something so openly, considering how most everyone isn’t so accepting. You can’t exactly look at someone and tell if they’re going to accept or condemn you, now, can you?”
Semi bites his words back, knowing he’s right. “No, but I can tell you that Koushi and Oikawa aren’t the sort to condemn you for that.”
“Yes.” Semi chooses to ignore the sarcastic bite in Shirabu’s tone. “They – Koushi, at least – is very accepting and open. He wouldn’t judge you for your preferences. I don’t think Oikawa is the sort either. He’s an asshole but not a hypocrite.”
“Hypocrite?” Shirabu looks like he’s beginning to understand, but Semi decides to spell it out for him, just in case.
“Neither of them can judge you when they’re both dating men.”
The silence stretches as Shirabu stares at him. Finally, he says, “Are you sure you are allowed to tell me that?”
“They’re not subtle about it, they wouldn’t mind.” Semi says. “Iwaizumi and Koushi were the ones who told me who Oikawa is dating, so I can guess that he doesn’t care that others know who his partner is. Koushi enjoys flaunting his relationship, so he definitely won’t care that I told you.”
“Okay.” Shirabu’s expression is back to neutral. “And what am I supposed to do with this information?”
“Accept that they didn’t mean any harm by giving you advice.” Semi grits out. “Of course, whether or not it’s useful advice remains to be seen, considering both their natures.”
Shirabu snorts, rolling his eyes. “I know. It was sort of useful, I think.”
“…if you think so.”
They sit in awkward silence for some minutes, neither knowing what to say.
“You're really not going to bother me about it, then?”
Semi glances over, but Shirabu’s not looking at him, his gaze trained on the wall opposite them. He sighs. “No. You don’t need advice on what to do with your life. If you want to date Iwaizumi, go ahead. There is literally no reason that you need to tell me about your love life.”
“I never said I wanted to date Iwaizumi-san.”
“I said if,” Semi points out. “You’re practically admitting it, now.”
“I am not.”
“Are too. But like I said, it’s not my business. Whether you do or don’t date him, you don’t have to tell me.”
“…you don’t care?”
“Shirabu, exactly what don’t you understand about 'It's your life, do what you want’?”
“I didn’t think you’d be that approving of my dating someone. If I was hypothetically dating someone.”
“I’m not your keeper!” Semi throws his hands up in exasperation. “Or your parent! Do whatever the heck you want! As long as you let me know when not to come back to the room and interrupt you or something, I don’t particularly care–”
“Don’t insinuate things, oh my god–”
“You want to date him, it’s bound to happen at some point–”
“Shut up, I never said that, and I’m nowhere near even confessing–”
“You just admitted you wanted to confess, so you like him, at least–”
“Shut up, shut up, I don’t know how to do this, okay–”
“You’re not stupid, just try harder, damnit–”
“You sound like Taichi, shut up–”
“Make me–”
The announcer’s voice comes on, interrupting their argument, and the train slows. Semi claps a hand over Shirabu’s mouth, cutting him off. “Argue later, it’s our stop.”
Shirabu slaps his hand away and follows him sullenly, hands in his pockets. The train station is quiet, though the streets back to the university are generously lit, the lights welcoming as they lead the way. There aren’t many people about because of the hour, and their pace is slow, unhurried.
There’s a sort of peace that surrounds them, tranquillity seeping through their skin, permeating their bones. It’s as if the serenity of the late hour is replacing the tension and weight of any other emotion, allowing them a space, a clear pool untouched by wandering thoughts. Shirabu basks in the rare bubble of tranquillity, feeling the last of the agitation from earlier slip off his shoulders.
His head tilts back, eyes lazily tracing the skyline, searching for stars that are unseen. It makes him smile a little, at the futility of his action. It’s been so long, and of course he knows that the stars are obscured, but he still can’t help looking. It reminds him of another time, almost too long ago – almost a year ago now.
(How time flies.)
“Remember when we first met in Tokyo?”
“You mean how we first found out we had to live together?”
“Oh, yes. The horror.” Shirabu sounds so sarcastic that Semi has to crack a smile. “But I was thinking of the time after that, when we went out to find ice cream and yet never did.”
“We– Oh. Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” Semi tilts his head back; his turn now, at searching for lights in the starless sky. “We’ve had ice cream lots of times after that, though.”
“Yeah.” Shirabu is quiet as he thinks. “A lot of times.”
“Enough times that I know you never try any new flavours,” Semi teases. “I was actually surprised that you got flavoured ice cream today.”
“I like trying new things once in a while, geez.” Shirabu kicks at his heel, trying to trip him.
(He doesn’t succeed.)
“No, you don’t.”
“Shut up and let me do what I want.” Shirabu grumbles, and Semi laughs.
“You’ll always do whatever you want, regardless of what I say.”
“You’ve got a point.”
They shuffle along in companionable silence, growing closer and closer to the school, passing by familiar neighbourhoods to reach their destination. There’s a tug on his sleeve and Semi looks down, but Shirabu isn’t looking back at him.
“What is it?”
“Are you going to tell Kenma and Futakuchi?”
“About what?” He thinks he knows what.
Shirabu makes an annoyed sound. “What you saw today.”
“No?” Semi’s puzzled. “Why would I?”
“Because they’re dying to know who my 'mysterious friend' is? Don’t deny it, I know they’ve asked you about it.”
“Again: why would I do that?” Semi is perplexed. “Just because they’re being nosy doesn’t mean I have to indulge them.”
“But you were curious too.”
“So sue me for wondering if you were in bad company all the times that you went out and came home so late.” Semi throws his hands up in exasperation. He seems to be doing that a lot, lately. “It’s your life. I just want to know that I won’t have to wake up to an empty room and the cops at the door because you went missing!”
Shirabu stares at him for a second, then lets out a snort. “You are so dramatic.”
“I’m worried!”
“Yeah, yeah.” His steps slow as he turns to face Semi. “Were you following us on purpose?”
“You never give up, do you?”  Semi groans, raising a hand instinctively to block the punch Shirabu throws. “No, not at first.”
“Not at first?”
“Stop being so dramatic, geez. I was just telling Koushi the usual gossip he wanted to hear and the next thing I know, he’s called Oikawa and all the pieces have fallen into place like some miracle and we’re in the movie theatre.” Semi rolls his eyes. “I had no intention of following you, but Koushi dragged me into it.”
“Oh.” That shuts him up for a bit. “Sugawara-san is a lot sneakier than I gave him credit for.”
Semi laughs. “Oh, you have no idea. You should have heard the story of how he tricked Sawamura into confessing first. That was hilarious.”
“Sugawara-san did– What?”
Semi laughs harder at Shirabu’s stunned expression. “Koushi never lets Sawamura live it down. The story goes that Sawamura was stuttering and delaying it, and Koushi egged him on until he was half-dead with embarrassment.”
“…remind me never to get on Sugawara-san's bad side. Poor Sawamura-san.”
“Well, they’re very happy together, so I wouldn’t say that,” Semi hums. “I think Sawamura came to Tokyo with Koushi, so you can go witness their lovey-dovey stuff for yourself.”
“You want me to be a third wheel? No thanks.”
“Ask Iwaizumi to go with you.”
Shirabu makes a sound like a dying duck. “Then it’s going to look like a double date. No. No, no, no, I am not doing this–”
“For goodness’ sake, you like the guy, just ask him out!”
“It’s complicated!”
“Then uncomplicate it!”
“I don’t know!”
They’re standing in the middle of the sidewalk, yelling at each other, and it suddenly occurs to Semi that they are too close to the residential areas to be making a racket, especially this late at night. His gaze darts about, and seeing no one, shushes Shirabu every time he tries to speak, dragging him along.
“We are trying not to be more of a public nuisance,” he hisses to the struggling brunet. “We probably woke up half the blocks with our yelling.”
“You started it,” Shirabu mumbles.
“No, you did.”
“No, it was you. Stop coming up with embarrassing ideas and I won’t have to yell!”
Semi shushes him again. “And if I don’t give you ideas, you’re never going to confess to him!”
“You’re not exactly the poster child for successful relationships, you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Semi winces, the memory of a certain redhead and another, broader figure coming to mind. “I know what not to do, which is why I’m telling you what you should do.”
“I will muddle my way through my own relationship mess, thank you very much. You and Taichi can keep your noses out of it.”
“I’m helping you here,” Semi says, exasperated. At this point, exasperation is going to be the only emotion he associates with Shirabu. “Ask Iwaizumi to show Koushi and Sawamura around Tokyo on my behalf because I’m busy or something. Only Koushi and you will ever know it’s a double date.”
“…you are more evil than I gave you credit for, Semi-san.”
“Blame Koushi. He’s rubbing off on me.”
They walk the rest of the way back to the dorms in silence. The quiet surrounding them is broken only by the sound of traffic, the scuffle of their shoes on the pavement, the slight whisper of the wind as it passes them by. Each is lost in his own thoughts, but soon they unite in action – pulling at the fabric that clings to their skin, shifting uncomfortably under the straps of their bags.
It is summer, and it is too hot to be in a city, where the lights add to the heat and the buildings never release their stored thermal energy fast enough. But somewhere in the midst of the cloying heat that melts brains, the duo seem to have come to a silent consensus, a remembrance of their truce – the shadow of a memory from times long past.
They trek back to their room, movements almost in sync, and it feels like they’ve found their own little glade of serenity – individualistic yet slightly interdependent. Slightly compromising, that they may coexist.
The night is warm, but they don’t want to turn on the air conditioning. They make do with the fan in their room, shuffling around until they sit comfortably before it, the wind rustling their shower-damp hair.
“Is it warm enough that we can sleep on the floor?” Shirabu asks, eyes closed in the face of the fan.
“We’re gonna catch colds.” Semi counters, but he is considering it.
“Just for one night. We can use the blankets to prevent a chill. Unless it gets too hot, then all bets are off.”
Shirabu leans over and stretches up to his bed, pulling his pillow and blanket down. The pillow is tossed near the fan, and he uses the blanket to cover the floor, much to Semi’s horror.
“The floor is dirty. You’re going to get sick.”
“I’ll do the laundry tomorrow. Do you want to sleep here or not?”
Semi groans quietly, but does not answer. He leans over to his bed and pulls his blanket off as well, making up his own nest on the floor.
It’s way too cramped on the floor for two young men, and they are almost elbow to elbow when they lie down, the fan oscillating, stirring currents above their heads. The lights from outside peek through the gaps in their blinds, playing out across the ceiling. Below the lights, wandering across the short expanse of flattened blankets, fingers shove against each other, pushing back and forth in a lazy war for dominance over the seam where their blankets meet.
One hand draws away first – there’s the sound of rustling fabric, and Semi turns his head to see that Shirabu has rolled over, resting now with his head on his folded hands.
“Maybe… Maybe we could go on that outing with Sawamura-san and Sugawara-san?”
Shirabu makes the dying duck sound. “I can’t ask Iwaizumi-san. Not yet. But I’d like to see Sawamura-san and Sugawara-san's relationship for myself, and since you’re friends with them…”
“I’m mostly friends with Koushi.”
“Still.” Shirabu makes a disgruntled sound. “Please?”
“Only if you do something for me.”
“If Koushi tries to insinuate it’s a double date, you’ll help me push him into a fountain or something.”
Shirabu makes another dying duck sound. “Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I’ll help you with that, no problem. Heaven forbid someone assumes that I’m dating you.”
Semi laughs. “Likewise. I’ll message Koushi tomorrow.”
“No problem.”
Then there’s nothing but the sound of their breathing, but the sound of the fan and its whirring. It’s still warm, but not uncomfortably so, and Semi can feel himself drifting.
He doesn’t really register it when Shirabu calls him next, too lost in the realm of half-sleep. He doesn’t really register the soft touch on his arm, thinking it to be part of a dream. He doesn’t really register the extra warmth at his side nor the shuffling that comes with it, because he is almost completely asleep.
He sleeps on. It’s only later – in the middle of the night, when he’s suddenly a tad too warm – does he realise that the burning warmth in his arms, draped across his side – it smells hauntingly familiar; and the puffs of air on his neck – they may not be the fan, after all.
And maybe he’s a little confused, because even in the space between dreams and reality, he knows, he remembers their conversation, and he knows where the affections of his roommate lie.
But he doesn’t let go, though he scoots away a little so that they might cool down. He doesn’t let go, not though he has one arm draped over the shoulders of this figure that he knows well, not though the fingers connected to that hand and arm are cupping a head, the strands of hair soft and pleasing under his fingertips. He doesn’t let go, but leans in – though he’s still half-asleep, still tangled in the tendrils of a dream – pressing his lips to the curve of skin covered by strands of wayward fringe. He thinks, at least, that this might be Shirabu’s forehead.
And as he inhales the scent of camellia and lye, his lips curve up into a smile. A guilty smile, a secret smile; a smile no one but himself and the night know about.
He drifts, and falls back to sleep.
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ohmahkpop · 7 years
Wings Tour Newark 3/23
This is just a post for myself mainly to remember everything that happened last night!
Can I just say before I begin, that this concert was the best ever. You will seriously not regret going. If you ever have a chance, you must go see BTS live. They really know how to pump up the crowd and leave you with amazing memories. 
When we first got to the venue it was around 6-6:30pm. We had seats so we didnt have to worry about standing in line. We got some ridiculously overpriced food at the venue and then since we still had about an hour and a half, we walked around looking at merchandise and taking pictures with the standees!
That was a nice surprise for me, I wasn’t aware they would have them at the Newark Venue so I got really excited. The lines for Jimin and V were the longest, so my sister and I went to our biases Suga and J-Hope first. We also got pictures with Namjoon and Jin! 
This was my first kpop concert so it was really cool to see all the fangirls in one place. A lot of people were wearing BTS merch with names on them and it was just so amazing to be around people who love and appreciate the members like you do. Everyone was super sweet! We asked a bunch of people directions on where to go as it was our first time at Prudential Center and everyone was glad to help! I saw a lot of dads and moms in the section that I was sitting which was kinda cool. I kept looking over during performances and almost of all them were pretty amazed at the dancing and all the lights and fanchants hehe :) 
Before the concert started they were playing all their music videos and the crowd was so hype lol. At 7:54, blood sweat and tears came on and everyone was like “oh this is the last video! only 6 mins left!!” that was the moment that it kinda hit me like OMG we’re here. they’re here! But the concert ended up starting a couple minutes late which was fine tbh. 
Okay the actual concert: 
-everything felt so surreal, i kept having to pinch myself and tell myself that it was real
- not today was hypeeee the crowd chanted as loud as we could
- introductions - suga did his thing where he listens to the crowd and everyone went wild lmao, jin did his flying kiss and j-hope, of course, “i’m your hope!!!” “i’m your anGELLL” ugh it was amazing namjoon’s english was spectacular as always!
- dope was soooo much fun! am i wrong and baepsae too the crowd was just loving it. I couldnt help screaming even though I wanted to save my voice for the encore stages lol. THEY ARE SO GOOD LIVE   i know this gets said a lot, but honestly, i totally see why they’re known for the dances. EVERYTHING WAS SO PERFECTLY IN SYNC. It was so beautiful to watch. J-hope and Jimin really command the attention while they’re dancing it was sooo nice to see. 
- and then solo stages
- begin- the boy can SING AND DANCE holy shit hes so stable live and he hit those moves perfectly like whaa? how can someone be this talented? 
- lie was beautiful as always, the blindfold and the part where they lifted jimin was soo cool . 
- SUGA. WOW. his voice literalllyyyy resonated through the crowd. The crowd was literally on the edge of the seats just listening, no one was singing along we were just taking in the beautiful story that he was telling us it was so amazing. (also he didn’t finish the song? like either the crowd screamed so loud and he missed the timing for the last part? or he was just so overwhelmed in the moment  and didn’t finish? idk 
 - lost they showed up in the middle stage and wowowowow they’re so beautiful. everyone was singing along and when jin’s part came up everyone screamed so loud 
- UGH SAVE ME and I NEED U the crowd was so loud you could hear everything over the music.  people were literallyy screaming the words out. “thank you uri ga twejoso” 
- REFLECTION KIM NAMJOON - this boy really knows how to command a stage. in the middle “CAN YOU ALL FEEL MY VIBE” and everyone was like YEAAHH during the “i wish i could love myself” newark armys shouted “we love you” like the Brazilian armys, it wasnt planned or anything but everyone did it which was so beautiful 
v’s solo was amazing! he hit those high notes perfectly and actually looked more confident as he did it. 
MAMA. OMG. THIS WAS PROBABLY MY FAVE PERFORMANCE. WOW. J-HOPE. it was literally an amazing experience, the crowd singing along and his smile omg. he was GLOWING. he really is the sun. 
JINS AWAKE- everyone sang along and he hit those notes amazingly too. at the end he just stared into the camera and everyone screamed so loud omg. his moving stage was amazing too. 
right after that fire, and the crowd was super loud during this part! everyone rapped along with hobi’s “ROOM ROOM” hehe it was so much fun and the dance break wow they were so good 
then the medley of all the title songs! I think something might have gone a little astray with the sound because some parts, the drums and the guitars were a little louder than the mics so it was hard to hear their voices, but it was still a lot of fun. no more dream - jungkook held the mic out during his part in the middle about going to the library and he looked so shook when everyone sang it perfectly lol .  the transition to danger was flawless and everyone was jumping and having a really good time. BOY IN LUV was really good live but so was everything so im gonna stop saying that now
ugh blood sweat tears - suga let us rap his part in the beginning and it was so much fun, everyone was screaming hella loud and singing along watch the twitter videos it was amazing
before they came out everyone put on their colored bags on their lightsticks/phone flashlights and it looked amazing! tbh i didn’t think it was gonna work out that well but it looked breathtaking!
then the boys came out and they looked genuinely surprised and touched at the rainbow! wings they had us sing along with “FLY HIGH” and it was so much fun
2,3. beautiful. spectacular. show-stopping. amazing. everyone sang along and the boys looked really touched. 
they talked for a while asking us if we enjoyed the concert and how they were so thankful about selling out. they mentioned the rainbow and how it looked so beautiful. then namjoon thanked everyone for the billboard accomplishments “the glory goes to you guys” which was super sweet of him. he also asked “WILL YOU GUYS STAY WITH BTS TILL THE END” and everyone was like YEEESS and he looked soo proud at that moment omg my poor soul
spring day everyone sang along and omg they looked so beautiful dancing contemporary. 
ending - everyone was singing the “ooohwoaah” part from spring day and they bowed. jungkook got an American flag and tied it around his shoulders and was pretending to fly with it lol what a cutie. people threw plushies? soft toys? on the stage and j-hope and v were playing with them. v also took a banner and held it up really high. they were just running around and looked really sad to leave. they made a bunch of hearts and kept waving bye. 
WOW. i was soooo happy that i got the chance to go and i know i am blessed to have been able to see them live. it was an amazing experience. 
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