#not the kindest post to protestants
a-witch-in-endor · 1 year
i have a religon question. we all have indigenous gods, right? especially in 'the east.' do abrahamic religions see these gods as fake, or just another part of god, or djinn and demons? I know there are people who are jewish or muslim or christian living in places with a large population that follows the kind of religion that respects ancestors and hometown gods; do those people also get to pay respects to those deities? do they get a pass for that because they, too, are technically protected by those indigenous gods even though they technically converted, but they're still of that land?
(could that be applied to earth kingdom spirits, bc there's so many of them?)
Hi! You are going to get a MONSTER response here, and it might not even fully answer your question, so... apologies in advance.
I want to start with your premise about indigenous gods. I think there are two elements that strike me as needing some kind of definition or clarification.
The first is: what does "indigenous gods" mean?
Please keep in mind that I am going to discuss indigenous RELIGION here, not "indigenous" as a political term.
I think there is a faulty assumption often applied to conversations around indigenous vs global religions that assumes that "indigenous religion" is polytheistic and "global religion" is monotheistic. One issue with that, in my opinion, is that "polytheistic" and "monotheistic" just aren't as meaningful as Western academia has historically stated. They are, in my opinion (though not only my opinion!), terms laden with Protestant ideology.
Protestantism and "Polytheism vs Monotheism":
Protestant religious scholarship tends to want to divide religion into the more primal, physical religious expression vs the more otherworldly, spiritual expression. Polytheism is, in Protestant academic mindset - excuse my language here, I'm making a point - a kind of barbaric, pre-enlightened, base form of religious expression. When religion gets more refined and intelligent and articulate, it sheds those earthly elements and ends up being monotheistic. This is Protestant in origin, specifically, because it is not only about how Protestant academics viewed religions like Hinduism or European indigenous religion, it's also about how they felt about Catholics and Jews. Catholics and Jews, from that mindset, might be "monotheistic", but they're holding onto the base, unrefined physicality of the old world. Catholics and Jews like physical rituals, physical prayer, rules around eating, etc. So yes, sure, they're monotheistic, but they haven't quite understood monotheism yet.
This is obviously not a nice thing to think about other peoples, but that's not what is interesting for our purposes. What's interesting is that Protestant academia has left much of the West with the above as their understanding of how religion functions. Even many atheists, by the way, will describe atheism as just the next step on that wrung; religion starts with polytheism, which is steeped in physical ritual and is obsessed with the earth, etc, then people became monotheistic and slowly let go of those earthly things, and then people got truly enlightened and realised there's no God at all. You can hear this in how some atheists will talk about believing in "one fewer god" than monotheists - that sense of the arc of progress and development.
Now, I hope you've already realised that I don't believe that's true. But let's break it down a little:
What is monotheism, and what is polytheism?
Judaism often has ascribed to it being the first monotheists. In some ways, that's true; in some ways, it isn't. There were One-God-isms that occurred elsewhere, too. Famously, in Egypt, the pharaoh Akhenaten led a religious reformation which narrowed worship down to Aten, the sun god. Nobody can agree on exactly what this was, but it was at least a focused religious expression. Likewise, Zoroastrianism was talking about a dual nature of reality in a way that could be read as monotheistic before the Jews were.
And when the Jews began to worship God as One, it wasn't exactly a clean break. It's actually fairly clear that the worship of the one we now just call God was really a slow development of theological focus, which we might now call henotheism: belief that multiple gods exist, but only worshipping one. Then that God slowly came to represent a kind of universality, especially with the experience of worshipping a land-based deity while in exile (first exile, starting c.586BCE).
So the Jewish belief in One God is a bit like Atenism: a focusing in on a particular god. Except this time, instead of one big religious revolution, it was a very slow religious development.
And if we want to divide not only into "monotheist" and "polytheist", but also into "indigenous" and "global", we're in very murky waters.
Indigenous Religion and Global Religion
Noting again that this can get politically tense because classifications of indigeneity are politically fraught. I'm interested in what makes a religion or culture indigenous, not in what that means for us politically.
Indigenous religion is difficult to define in a sentence, and so I will not try to do that. Here are multiple things that come together in indigenous religion in general instead: Indigenous religiosity is not distinguishable from culture itself. It's born of a land and developed over time. It might have its own myths about its origin (it likely will!), but those are often contradictory in some ways, because they are descriptions of important cultural narratives rather than histories. It tends to be uncentralised and is often slightly different depending on where you are in the land. It tends toward agricultural spirituality and concepts of holy soil. It is tied to an ethnic group and is generally uninterested in ideas of conversion (either into the group or out of the group); it may even be hostile to outsiders joining.
Global religions, on the other hand, tend to be much more planned-out. A global religion is born from a person or a group of people. One can see its birthplace and origin. It is devised in order to spread, and therefore is not attached to one land or to one ethnic group (so that it can move both geographically and through conversion of others into the group). It tends toward centralisation in an organisational capacity.
So. Is Atenism indigenous? ... Well, kind of yes, kind of no. Worship of Aten is born from the land of Egypt, but having a specific historical revolution makes it seem a little outside the "indigenous" definition. But it's definitely not global either. So we've immediately located something that doesn't seem to work well in a binary sense.
Is Judaism indigenous? ... Pretty clearly "yes". It's a land-based agricultural religion born of a particular land, with strong ethnic ties, that developed over time (rather than being born of a historical moment), that isn't interested in spreading or converting and wants to be in its holy land, is uncentralised and disorganised in nature, etc. But people don't tend to talk about Judaism that way, because Judaism has survived a 2,000-year exile, which is pretty unheard of. Once you've been kicked out of the land that long, it feels like it should be a global religion. But it doesn't fit any of the critera for that.
I think that Judaism being an indigenous religion that learned to survive outside the land is part of the reason that people have such a hard time understanding what Judaism is. It seems, from the outside, like it should function more similarly to Christianity and Islam. But in most ways, it just doesn't.
(Also, it would be remiss of me not to note: there's also a lot of political discomfort around calling Judaism an indigenous religion, because most indigenous cultures haven't reclaimed sacred land after being colonised, and the Modern State of Israel a) exists and b) is acting as an oppressive force. Some people will define groups as indigenous specifically only if they are currently being oppressed within their land of origin. As an academic, I think that's a poor definition, and it's certainly not helpful for defining indigenous religion. But I understand the political discomfort.)
Hinduism is also a really interesting example of this. Hinduism is similar to Judaism in some ways, as it's an indigenous, land-based religion that learned to exist outside of the sacred land. It often gets miscategorised on the basis that it's spread geographically (and unlike Judaism, that spread was not simply by outside force). In some ways, Hinduism acts like a global religion, but it doesn't really fit the bill.
a) "Indigenous religion" isn't always polytheistic (if that's even a meaningful term)
b) Some religions fit into neither category (such as Atenism)
c) Some religions fit into one category but aren't categorised that way by outsiders for various reasons (such as Judaism)
And to add another point: Buddhism is a great example of a global religion. Born of a historical person and moment, ease to spread and convert, not tied intrinsically to land. But try defining Buddhism according to the Protestant theistic categories. I dare you. So:
d) Global religions aren't always monotheistic
"Monotheism" and Global Religions
With that in mind, let's talk about Christianity and Islam. They are the major religions of the world. Christians make up around 30% of the world, and Muslims make up around 25% of the world. And frankly, the 15% of the world who call themselves secular/atheist/etc... I think meaningfully belong to Christianity and Islam, too. I know people often don't like that, but the idea that you have to believe something to belong to a religion is a specific religious idea that I don't ascribe to.
A lot of the time, the way that religion is conceptualised is therefore through a Christian or Muslim lens. (See: my point just above about "faith" in religion.) This has completely muddied the waters of how we discuss and conceptualise our own religions and cultures, let alone other peoples.
Your original question was about Abrahamic religion, so I'm going to try to address that here, but please keep in mind: in a question about indigenous gods, putting Judaism in the same realm as Christianity and Islam is dodgy territory and we need to walk it carefully.
"we all have indigenous gods, right? especially in 'the east.' do abrahamic religions see these gods as fake, or just another part of god, or djinn and demons?"
Judaism: Judaism is an evolution that occurred within Canaanite religion. It started with narrow worship of a local god and slowly universalised, especially when the Israelites were trying to survive outside the place of the local god. The seeds of that universalisation already existed before the first exile, which is likely why it worked. It had a confused relationship with the other local gods; outright worship of those "other gods" was frowned upon but still existed among the peoples, and that worship kind of melded into the narrow worship of the One God. You can see this in how many of the names of God that appear in the Bible are actually the names of the local Canaanite gods.
After the first exile, Judaism became more solid in its sense of theological universalism. Jonah is a great example of this as a book; Jonah was written post-exile (though set pre-exile), and it starts with an Israelite trying to run away from God. It seems absurd to us now, because we know that the Jewish God is universal, but the character of Jonah seems to honestly think he can escape God by leaving the land. The rest of the book is about Jonah's struggle to understand how his god also has a relationship with the people of Nineveh. It's a great example of the struggle of universalising theology.
(By-the-by, I think "universal theology" is a much more useful term than "monotheism", but that's a rant for another day.)
What began as a narrowing ("henotheism"), which was both pushing out and incorporating other local traditions, then had to contend with the worship of the oppressive forces of outside religion. Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans are all peoples who attacked, colonised, exiled, etc - and they all came in with their gods. The Greeks even instituted worship of their gods in our Temple. Our worship was made illegal by the colonisers. Relationship with "idol worship" was about relationship with those outside forces.
In short, the literature itself is very confused about what those gods actually are. Jews were certainly not supposed to worship them, and should go to great lengths to avoid them. (If we didn't, we probably wouldn't still exist, so: good shout.) Sometimes they get talked about like neighbouring gods, which is a holdover from the narrowing-days (where those other gods existed, but we worshipped our own native land-based god). Sometimes they get talked about as false idols created by people who are either misunderstanding reality or deliberately trying to have control over the divine (which developed more as the God-worship was universalised). The more universalised our theology became, the more we started shrugging of ideas of neighbouring gods that actually existed, and the more it became about the latter.
(Note: When Jews met religions that call a universal God something else, they would then tend to conclude that it's not idol worship. This developed when Judaism met Islam in more peaceful moments. The idea that non-Jewish religions could be something other than idolatry then came to include Christianity - but only kind of, because of the worshipping-a-person issue - and then religions like Sikhism much more easily. It's even arguable that religions like Hinduism aren't exactly "idol worship" for non-Jews, because many Hindus will describe what they believe in in universal terms - Brahman is first cause and all emanates from him - even if their worship includes references to "multiple gods". This does not mean Jews are allowed to worship that way.)
Christianity: Christianity was born in a specific historical moment, utilising previous Jewish and Hellenistic thought. It almost immediately became a religion of conversion (I would put that distinction at the year 50, with the Council of Jerusalem). Since it was born from a universalised theology, it already had the bones of the idea of a universal God; now, it also had the will to spread, both geographically (shrugging off major religious ties to the Holy Land) and religiously (not only could people convert, but people should convert). While Judaism was all about avoiding worship of other gods, Christianity became about converting those peoples.
Islam: Islam was born in a specific historical moment, utilising previous Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, and pre-Islamic Arabian thought. It immediately became a religion of conversion. In this sense, it's a lot more like Christianity than anything else, except Christianity developed most significantly after the death of Jesus. Islam got a lot more time in development with Mohammed. In some ways, I think this really benefitted Islam (though that's not to say some things didn't get... complicated, upon his death). It inherited from Christianity the sense that worship of other gods was something to be responded to with conversion.
"I know there are people who are jewish or muslim or christian living in places with a large population that follows the kind of religion that respects ancestors and hometown gods; do those people also get to pay respects to those deities? do they get a pass for that because they, too, are technically protected by those indigenous gods even though they technically converted, but they're still of that land?"
Short answer: no. Jews, Christians, and Muslims do not believe that those deities exist as separate to the universal God.
Longer answer for Judaism, because... well, I know more about lived Judaism than lived Christianity or Islam*:
(I recently said to someone IRL: I do have a degree in Catholic Theology, but I don't know anything about what Catholics ACTUALLY believe.)
It would be absolutely disallowed in Judaism to participate in worship of "other gods". Modern Jews will not believe those gods exist (at least, I've never come across that either IRL or in studies). However, Judaism does still hold that worship is a powerful thing and that Jews are not allowed to participate in worship of "other gods". Many Jews will say it's not worship of "other gods", it's just worship of the one universal God that is understood differently by different cultures. This does not change the fact that Jews are not allowed to participate in it.
(In fact, it's one of the three things a Jew should rather die than participate in. It's a little murkier than this, but basically: even under duress, even on pain of death, a Jew should never murder, commit sexual violence, or worship an idol.)
"(could that be applied to earth kingdom spirits, bc there's so many of them?)"
Yes, I think the Earth Kingdom in ATLA is supposed to function in an indigenous manner, specifically in indigenous religion as it acts over a wide spread of land. That is to say, like Hinduism, or like when you compare different arctic indigenous cultures or African indigenous cultures. There isn't a centralised force (like with the FN); it's local gods - or here, spirits - that have their own myths, etc.
Please note, I have avoided talking about nomadic cultures here on purpose, because this would be twice as long! This is not exhaustive at all. I hope it makes at least some sense.
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illustriousdaydreamer · 7 months
Aaron Bushnell is the first active duty servicemen to ever self-immolate. This man lit himself on fire in an attempt to stop a genocide his country was complicit in, and one that would attempt to actively force him to also become complicit. This is what he chose to post to his friends and family on Facebook before he lit himself ON FIRE in front of the Israeli embassy in DC.
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?'
The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now."
His final words were "It's Aaron Bushnell. I'm an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will NO LONGER be COMPLICIT in genocide. I'm about to engage in an EXTREME act of protest. Compared to what people are experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers it's not EXTREME AT ALL. This is what our ruling class has decided is NORMAL. FREE PALESTINE! FREE PALESTINE! FREE PALESTINE!.... FREE PALESTINE!" Before collapsing
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Talia Jane, @taliaotg, on twitter writes: "Loved ones of Aaron Bushnell, 25, reached out to me and gave me consent to post a blurred version of Bushnell’s protest today against genocide in Palestine.
“Aaron is the kindest, gentlest, silliest little kid in the Air Force,” said Errico, who met Bushnell in 2022."
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cupidzgf · 9 months
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☁︎‎‎‧₊˚ summary: satoru wakes you up on christmas morning to open presents. its 7 am and you want to sleep.
cw: mentions of sexual activity, non sorcerer au, rich!gojo, no pronouns, no smut, fluff, all of it is fluff. w/c: 1.8k a/n: my first post in a long time. ahh kinda nervous I hope you like it! merry christmas eve!
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christmas was an occasion that satoru always went above and beyond to make special.
whether it was for his sake or yours, he made sure there was no way to get out of decorating his place, baking cookies, or matching christmas pajamas. not that you mind. you savored the time away from work to bask in each other's presence uninterrupted and entirely devoted to the holiday, but what perhaps made it even more so was the slow wake of your lover beside you.
his hands, warm from where they were pressed against your midsection during slumber, trace the curve of your spine. his fingers dip between the knobs of your vertebrae gently as if trying to rouse you as well. it works because your mind slips from your unconscious state into consciousness with the kisses he presses at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. sensing the shift in your stirring frame, his kisses grow in numbers as they rise up the column of your throat, lips brushing and pressing with varying pressure on previous faded marks.
you lay on your side, facing away from him, and satoru practically climbs on top of you just as your eyes flutter open to get your attention to fall solely on him.
in the blink of an eye, you're met with an infinite void of vivid, azure irises peering at you with an expression you can only describe as childlike.
"it's christmas." a dimpled grin beams from his too-wide smile, devouring your lips in one fell swoop before you can protest. satoru vibrates with excitement, and he pours every ounce into the kiss, holding your face with a giddy glee. "merry christmas."
a sleepy grin of your own curls at your lips as you try to regain your breath from the overwhelmingly passionate kiss you just received before speaking softly in an admiration-filled voice. "merry christmas, toru."
you lay there, admiring your boyfriend, as he practically jumps off the bed and pulls your arm. "c'mon, we have to open presents! pleaseeee," he whines impatiently, tugging at your hand like a small child. you groan, still exhausted from the long night at suguru's house, and attempt to roll over.
suguru's christmas eve party the night before had left both of you exhausted, though the way satoru acts, you would never have guessed. your friend was never one to skimp out on these rare get-togethers with your friend group, formed from years enrolled at the same college. the holiday atmosphere and the rich decor lulled you into christmas cheer, which always made for great nights of booze, food, and rekindling. dripping in wealth satoru insists on buying for you, the two of you made it back in the early hours of the morning, drunk and worn out from socializing.
this, however, did not stop satoru from fucking you into the bed like he had been deprived of your touch (he had clung to you the entire night), where you both passed out after a single round.
now you're paying the price for the long night as his eyes widen comically when you avoid him. he rushes to stop you by throwing himself over you and, despite your protesting, makes you face him.
"nah, uh, where do you think you're going? it's christmas! we have presents from santa–"
"--he's not real, baby. let me sleep a couple more minutes." you chime back, and his expression drops with a huff.
"you don't know that! and we only will when we look under the tree," he states jokingly, refocusing his abundance of energy on getting you up.
you scoff, raising an incredulous eyebrow. "yeah, like you would be on the nice list."
satoru gasps, loud and dramatic, falling to his knees in front of your bed with a cry.
"how could you say such a thing? i'm the kindest, nicest person you know!" he exclaims, a hand hovering over his heart to further the theatrics, and you can't help but roll your eyes at his exaggeration.
"you weren't very nice last night."
his eyes shift, darkening by a shadow passing over his irises as they gain a mischievous gleam. satoru leans over you despite kneeling on the floor. "oh yeah? well, you didn't seem to mind when i fucked your pretty pussy so hard she was crying and screaming my name–"
"ok, time to get up!" you interrupt, mortified by the vivid personification he used to describe last night, your cheeks set aflame by his teasing. you hide from his cocky chuckle and self-satisfied smirk, embarrassment churning in your gut as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"that's what i thought, sweetheart." cocky bastard.
you rummage the floor for a shirt, the blanket covering your lower half as you throw his santa hat off the first one you can find, which coincidentally is his.
satoru whines sadly when his shirt covers your bare breasts, a frown pulling his lips down as your once naked body, decorated in hickeys, is covered. "what's the point of my hard work if you're just going to cover it?" he gestures to the bruises, pouting with the familiar solum look he uses when he wants something.
"i'm not going out there naked, toru." slipping on slippers, you stand, craning your neck to look him in the eye. your exasperation does not go unnoticed by the white-haired male.
"there's no reason you can't," he suggests, tugging you in front of him and letting his hands settle on your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. "it could be like a christmas present…to me!"
you raise an eyebrow. "i thought you wanted to open gifts?"
his face brightens as he remembers his original goal, his one-track mind making his hand tug you to the door without a second thought and newfound eagerness.
your living room is the same as you left it last night, with your cocktail dress strewn across the back of the sofa and satoru's shoes scattered across the hardwood, but what's different is the snow swirling in slow flakes outside the massive windows. it lands on the window sill, and the rest slowly descends to the world outside satoru gojo's penthouse. the bleak grey does nothing to discourage the sight of the luminescent christmas tree taking up your living room and glittering with a rainbow of lights against the grey sky in the ray of morning light.
a christmas morning crafted from a hallmark movie.
an array of presents ranging in various sizes and shapes overflows from under the tree you decorated weeks ago, and before you know it, you throw yourself into your lover's arms. a teasing remark sits at the tip of his tongue, maybe to poke fun at your elation, but he hesitates, fingers twitching at his side. in a moment so delicate it could be shattered like glass, he frames every second of the scene into memory, holding the warm and achy feeling in his chest close.
arms circle your body pressed tightly into satoru's, butterflies erupting from your stomach when you glance upwards and find him already staring.
"thank you," you muster every ounce of sincerity into your voice, swallowing the lump forming in your throat when he returns your gentle smile with his own.
"don't thank me yet. you haven't even seen what i got you!" effortlessly, he turns your attention away from the raw and achy emotions being pulled to the surface and onto you, where your eyes sparkle with eagerness.
the both of you find a seat on the floor and begin the seemingly endless presents and discarded wrapping paper; the laughter and joy that can only come from christmas morning echo off the walls you call home. and when the gifts are opened, and the faint tune of falling snow is all that's left, you are sure it can't get any better.
even as satoru nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, his lips parting to whisper the words on your skin that have never been uttered in a moment of complete clarity. "i love you."
it somehow becomes perfect.
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staring at your mountain of gifts, ranging from designer to everything under the sun you mentioned wanting during the year, piles around you, and the thrill of being spoiled by your filthy rich boyfriend quickly wears off into guilt.
was his presents thoughtful? yes. overwhelming? also yes. especially since neither the price nor the quantity of gifts you'd given him come close to what you have. so the shame of being spoiled and unable to provide the same, in turn, quiets you into an insecure ball of nerves.
"do you like it?" your heavy gaze lifts to find him, and he squirms where he sits, uncharacteristically nervous. he waits for your reaction with uncertain eyes, wringing his hands together to calm his apprehension. "i tried to get everything you wanted, but i know how you feel when i overdo things…"
"satoru," you breathe, looking over the gifts once more. the following words come in a gentle coo he's come to recognize are used to let him down easily. "i do love everything, but it is a lot. you didn't have to spend so much."
frowning, your gaze flickers to him, and his eyes dip, avoiding yours. "ah, okay. i didn't mean to upset you," he murmurs in a quiet, saddened voice, and you quickly shake your head, realizing he took it the wrong way. shuffling on your knees to where he sits, you fall into his chest. solid and well-defined arms circle your body without a word, and you hear the distinct sound of his breath hitching at the contact.
"never. you're too good to me and treat me so well, baby, but you don't have to spend all your money on me."
"trust me, i didn't," he teases, attempting to regain the lighthearted atmosphere, before adding in a more hopeful tone, "but i'm glad you like your gifts."
"oh yes, the lingerie set was especially thoughtful," you joke, and he cracks a smile at that. only your expression falls a moment later when you clear your throat. "i just hope what i got is okay. i know you've been asking for a new watch and those glasses, but it's hard to find gifts for someone who has everything. i'm sorry i didn't get you more."
the sad murmur and downcast expression made satoru's heart crack, remorse twisting his stomach into knots. "no, no, no baby, i love what you got me. i couldn't be happier with all of your thoughtful gifts." he kisses the top of your head, resting his head on yours for a quiet moment of admittance that makes you fall in love with him all over again. "but everything i want is right here with you, sweet thing."
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
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Dreaming of You • Ace x Fem!reader • (ANGST/FLUFF)
CW: post marineford spoilers ahead, reader is apart of the whitebeard pirates, a lil bit of angst, grief, kissing, Ace visits reader in her dream one night
Cee’s Note: i miss him sm 😢 i hope y’all enjoy
Song inspo: Dreaming of you- Selena
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It’s been a while since you’ve gotten proper rest. Not since…that day.
The day your entire world was turned upside down.
Every night you cried yourself to sleep, only to be awakened by nightmares of the events of the Paramount war. Reliving his death over and over again, as if your mind was trying to torture you.
It got so bad, that you dreaded sleep altogether. The skin under your eyes darkened from fatigue and your sullen features made you unrecognizable by your crew. You always had the kindest smile and was filled with so much laughter but now your eyes looked empty and you barely spoke anymore. Marco was beginning to worry for your health. The death of pops and Ace still hurt him, but he could tell you were dealing with it the worst. After all, Ace was more than just a crew mate to you.
He was your lover
One night, Marco insisted you get some rest. Before you could protest, Marco already cut you off, declaring it’s the “doctor’s order”. You reluctantly secluded in your personal quarters to turn in for the night. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you had managed to drift to sleep pretty quickly, exhaustion finally taking over. As your eyes fluttered shut, you prepared yourself for yet another dream of pirates and marines fighting and your boyfriend having a hole punched through him. However, you were met with a warm smile and gentle brown eyes.
You could faintly make out his adorable boyish grin and the freckles that decorated his nose and cheek.
“Hey sleeping beauty,” he winked.
Your eyes widened and before you knew it, you practically tackled him in a tight embrace.
“Whoa…haha…looks like someone’s excited to see me”, he chuckled, placing a kiss atop your head.
The warmth emulating from his body and his familiar scent overwhelmed your senses.
You raise your head from his neck, still in awe that it was actually him. You graze your hand against his freckled cheek before bringing your lips to his.
You missed the feeling of his toned arms holding you against him, the way his soft lips felt against yours, the way he hummed against your lips.
You couldn’t help the tears that flowed down your cheek as you had longed for his kisses for so long. When he broke the kiss, he noticed your tear stained face and concern laced his handsome features
“Y/N, hey hey,” he cooed, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as you continued to sob. You couldn’t help it. You missed him so fucking much and being able to kiss and hold him again was just too much.
“C’mon Y/N, we talked about this,” Ace sighed, thumb still swiping the tears off your cheek.
Your weeping pauses at his words, looking at him with a puzzled expression.
“I have to bring Teach to justice for what he did, you know this”, Ace continues, not catching your confused features.
Suddenly a sense of deja vu hits you at his words. You two have had this conversation already. This was the last conversation you had with Ace before he left to hunt down Blackbeard.
You remembered how upset you were about Ace going after Teach. You had a gut feeling about the whole thing and when Ace refused to listen, you remembered how angry you were with him. Looking back now, you hated that your gut feeling was right, but hated more that you couldn’t do more to stop him.
“Ace, please,” you croaked, your eyes holding so much sadness, “don’t go”
If you could just convince him, everything will be okay again.
You wouldn’t feel empty anymore.
“If I don’t do this, I could not live with myself as a commander. I know it’s hard but I really need you to believe in me”, Ace says as he holds your hands in his.
Realization dawned on you, as you gazed at the man before you. You knew him too well to know that once his mind is set, there’s no talking him out of it. You couldn’t change the outcome, no matter how much you wanted to. After all, this was just a dream.
“I do believe in you, Ace,” you squeeze his hands, your thumb rubbing circles against the back of his palm.
There’s so much you want to say to him. So many things you wished you could have said before it was too late. But for some reason, the words weren’t coming out, you just stared at him with glossy eyes as he smiles at you.
“I will be back before you know it, I could never leave my girl all alone for too long” he smirks.
‘But he did’
“Can you just lay with me, Ace”
Ace smile grows bigger and he lays you both down. Your back is against his chest as he holds you from behind. He litters soft kisses to the side of your neck and cheek.
“I love you so much Ace”
His lips pause against your neck, and he tilts his head to look you in your eyes.
“I love you too Y/N”
Your eyes well up again and you try your hardest to swallow the lump in your throat.
“Please never forget that. You are loved and you deserve the world. It is so unfair what life has thrown at you. I wish things were different but just remember how loved you are” you whisper to him.
Now his eyes started to well up and all he could do was capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
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mononijikayu · 4 months
“a life, a sparkle in your eyes/heaven coming through” — gojo satoru.
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It was a smile that spoke volumes, conveying a multitude of emotions in its simple curve. It was a smile of acceptance, of love, of unwavering support for the choices you had made. And in that smile, you found reassurance, a silent affirmation that you were cherished and adored just as you were, in every form and iteration. One that you hadn’t seen in a long time. And Satoru somehow has the kindest one you’ve ever seen before. The most precious.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: the astronaut by jin of bts
NOTE: jin of bts is returning from the military in a couple of hours and this song was on repeat and i had a satoru idea so here we are!!! anyway, i love you!!! ill see you in the next update of ashes of love <3333
u s and t h e m
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YOU REFLECT A LOT ABOUT YOUR LIFE. You lost faith in love a long time ago. You had been surrounded by love all your life, enveloped in its warmth and comfort. But then your father died, and you were taken from your mother. Your world shattered, leaving you adrift in a sea of sorrow. Then it was Kaiko and Namie who became your anchors. You clung to them desperately, finding solace in their presence and, once more, you were surrounded by love. 
But the cycle repeated itself cruelly. Somehow, no matter how you want to escape it, the same suffering was bound to repeat itself. Namie died, and Kaiko went insane, driven mad by her own grief, and left you to inflict her pain upon the world. And then you spilled her blood with your hands, trying to prevent more suffering. You were alone again, cast into the abyss of solitude. Suffering the voices in your head and the shadow of a lost love.
It was a bleak existence, a never-ending cycle of loss and heartache, until one fateful day. You found a cat stuck in a tree, its desperate cries mirroring your own silent pleas for help. As you struggled to rescue the frightened creature, a voice called out to you. It was Gojo Satoru, a first-year boy with striking white hair and a confident demeanor. He approached with an easy smile, offering his assistance without hesitation.
It was a bleak existence, a never-ending cycle of loss and heartache, until one fateful day. You found a cat stuck in a tree, its desperate cries mirroring your own silent pleas for help. As you struggled to rescue the frightened creature, a voice called out to you. It was Gojo Satoru, a first-year boy with striking white hair and a confident demeanor. It was hard to not know what he looked like. You’ve seen him enough in the clan gatherings, though never once interacted with him. And besides, the six-eyes was too hard to miss. He approached with an easy smile, offering his assistance without hesitation.
"Need some help?" Satoru called out, his voice light and friendly.
You glanced down, surprised by the sudden intrusion. "I think I can manage," you replied, though your grip on the tree branch was precarious.
Satoru chuckled, easily reading the situation. "Looks like the cat isn't the only one stuck," he teased, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Hold on, I'll get it."
Before you could protest, he effortlessly climbed up beside you. With a gentle but firm hand, he coaxed the trembling cat into his arms. "There we go, little guy," he murmured to the cat before turning to you. "And now for the other rescue."
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks as Satoru helped you down from the tree, his touch warm and reassuring. "Thank you.” you mumbled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.
"No problem," he said with a grin. "I'm Gojo Satoru, by the way. What's your name?"
You hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Zenin. Gen—”
Satoru's eyes widened slightly with recognition, but his grin only widened. "Oh! Then you’re my senpai?" he said, a playful snicker in his voice as he eyed you from head to toe. “You look pretty for a Zenin.”
The unexpected comment caught you off guard. You couldn’t believe what he’s saying. No one had ever been this blunt with you. At all. You felt like you were glitching. Your face scrunches up as you narrow your lilac eyes at him.
"Excuse me?" you replied, a mix of disbelief and curiosity coloring your tone.
Satoru shrugged nonchalantly, his smile never wavering. "Just saying, you don't have that usual 'I'm better than everyone else' Zenin aura about you. It's... refreshing. Does that make sense?"
You couldn't help but smirk at his bluntness. "Well, I don't exactly fit in with my family." you admitted, the bitterness in your voice hinting at the pain behind your words. You stopped. He was literally stranger. There’s no need to say anything. “Wait, why am I telling you this?”
“Maybe I’m just a comforting person?”
“No, No, that—”
Satoru's expression softened. "Though, I think I get you, senpai. I get that. Not everyone fits into the mold they're given. But hey, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, you’re already cooler than the rest of your ugly—”
You snicker suddenly.
He looks at you for a moment.
You cough back, waving him off.
“Just a cough, don’t worry.”
“I don’t know, Zenin-senpai. That sounds like a laugh to me.”
"And what about you, Gojo Satoru? Do you fit the mold?" You say, changing the topic. Saying too much will only be a headache.
He laughed, a sound so carefree it was almost contagious. "Me? I'm the mold-breaker," he declared confidently. "I do things my way, and if people don't like it, well, that's their problem. But who are they to stop me anyway? I’m the strongest!”
You couldn’t help but be intrigued by the boy. If it wasn’t for how genuine he is, you would think his latter comment was condescending. But you feel like there was more to him than that. His eyes tell. For the first time in a long while, you felt a glimmer of hope. A glimmer of life itself was in him and you could tell that easily.
This Gojo boy, with his easy going smile and unwavering confidence, was different. He didn't see you as just another Zenin, and that was a revelation. He reminded you of Kaiko for a bit. And that for a moment gave you heartache. But you don’t want to tell him that. You doubt it was proper.
"Maybe breaking the mold isn't such a bad idea, I think." you mused, a small smile playing on your lips.
Satoru's grin widened. "That's the spirit, senpai. Now, how about we get this cat somewhere safe and then figure out how to break a few more molds together?"
“Hm, why not?” you hummed back at him as you took the cat in your arms. The small creature purred, nestling comfortably against you, as if sensing the new bond forming between the two of you.
Satoru's presence seemed to imbue the world around him with a sense of joy and vitality. His easygoing demeanor and infectious energy were like a beacon of light in the midst of the wide echo of the school grounds. As you walked beside him, you couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly he seemed to navigate through life, as if every challenge was nothing more than a fleeting inconvenience.
It was a stark contrast to your own experiences, weighed down by the burdens of your past and the responsibilities that now rested on your shoulders. Yet, despite the heaviness that often threatened to engulf you, being in Satoru's presence brought a sense of relief, a temporary reprieve from the weight of your worries.
There was something magnetic about the way he carried himself, a confidence and self-assuredness that seemed to radiate from within. It was as if he possessed an inner strength that allowed him to face whatever challenges came his way with grace and resilience.
As you observed him, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and awe. Here was someone who had faced his own share of hardships and yet still managed to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always hope, always a reason to keep moving forward.
In Satoru's lightness, you found a source of inspiration, a reminder to embrace each moment with an open heart and a willingness to face whatever the future may hold. And as you walked beside him, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within you, a belief that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a brighter tomorrow waiting on the horizon.
"So, Zenin–senpai," Satoru began, breaking the comfortable silence, "what's your story? What makes you different from the rest of your clan?"
You glanced at him, contemplating how much to reveal. "It's a long story and too dull. I doubt it’s one to be heard." you replied cautiously. "Let's just say I don't agree with their methods. Or their values…..Or actually anything.”
Satoru nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I get that. Sometimes family can be the hardest to stand up to. But you seem strong enough to handle it. You got out.”
You gave a small, humorless laugh. "Strength isn't always enough. And I’m not yet out. I bear the last name.”
“But you don’t live in Zenin manor?” He hums, questioningly. “If you had, I would have seen you many times.”
“I did see you many times, before.”
“HUH? Then how come I haven’t seen you before?” His face contorts into a pitiful pout. “I would have noticed a Zenin like you — let alone that geezer’s eldest grandchild.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, really. But you never greet people.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. I was there.”
“Isn’t my presence enough as a greeting?” Gojo asks, almost haughtily. You want to smack him, but you hold yourself back. He’s such a brat. “I mean, I am a miracle, senpai.”
“No wonder Yaga complains about you.” You mumbled under your breath. “And it’s only the first year?”
“Hehhhhh, he complains about me?”
“Principal Gakuganji’s happier, if I’m being honest.” You look at him, as he seems curious. “Yaga complaints about you and that other boy—”
“Suguru got mentioned? Woah–”
“You both cause him high blood pressure.” You finally finished. 
Satoru's expression shifted from curiosity to amusement as you revealed the cause of Principal Gakuganji's stress. "High blood pressure, huh?" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I guess we do have a talent for causing trouble."
You nodded, a playful glint in your eye. "It's a special skill you and Geto-san seem to excel at." you teased, nudging him lightly with your elbow.
Satoru grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, what can I say? We're just too irresistible for our own good."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm. Despite the challenges and chaos that seemed to follow him wherever he went, there was something undeniably charming about Satoru's carefree attitude. It was as if he refused to let anything dampen his spirits, choosing instead to find joy in the most unexpected places. The quiet came again between the two of you.
“Sometimes, it's about finding the right people to stand with you."
“Hm?” Satoru looks at you, his cerulean blue piercing towards you.
“That would get you by.” You made it clear to him as you shifted the cat against your kimono’s sleeves. “But I suppose from what I heard, you and the other first years get along well enough. Continue that.”
Satoru's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Well, you've got me now too, senpai. And trust me, I'm pretty good at standing up to people. Aren’t I the one that made Principal Gakuganji nearly shit himself?”
“Language.” You tell him as he rolled his eyes. But he was right. Principal Gakuganji felt like he was about to whip out his guitar when he first met Gojo Satoru. At least that’s what Utahime told you. “I know you’re good at standing up to people. But I hope you’re careful, hm?”
“Oh, is that a senpai’s advice?”
“A friend’s advice.”
“You already view us as friends?” He seemed hopeful about that. His eyes were gleaming brighter than ever before.
You chuckled softly, the warmth settling between you. "I suppose I do," you admitted, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Though, if you keep pestering Principal Gakuganji, I might have to reconsider."
“Ehhhhhhhh, but I don’t like him.”
You laughed, shaking your head. "Fair enough. Just try not to give him too much of a headache, alright?"
“I can’t promise anything about that, senpai.”
As you approached the dormitory, the cat still nestled peacefully in your arms, you felt a sense of optimism that had been absent for far too long. Maybe, with Satoru by your side, you could carve out a new path, one that defied the expectations and limitations of your clan. Or at least free you, at least just a little.
Satoru opened the door for you, and you stepped inside, feeling the warmth of the building embrace you. "So, where should we take this little guy?" he asked, looking at the cat.
"There's a place in the courtyard where some of the strays gather. It should be safe there for the little one." you suggested.
Satoru nodded, and together you made your way to the courtyard. As you set the cat down gently among the other strays, it looked up at you with grateful eyes before scampering off to join its new companions.
"See? One problem has already been solved by the great Satoru!" Satoru said with a grin. "Now, onto the next one."
You turned to him, a newfound determination in your eyes. "And what's the next one, exactly?"
He shrugged, his smile never fading. "Whatever we decide it is. The sky's the limit, senpai."
As you stood there, side by side with Gojo Satoru, you felt a spark of hope ignite within you. You didn’t remember him being this expressive or at all talkative all these years ago. But then again, you hadn’t met him in years. He had time to become the boy who met you now. 
"It was nice to meet you today, Zenin-senpai. Really didn't think I'll meet you this soon!" Satoru said, setting the cat down gently. "But y'u know, I think you and this cat have something in common."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite yourself. "Oh? What's that?"
He smiled, a hint of mischief in his cerulean eyes. "Both of you need someone to look out for you."
You looked away, the truth of his words hitting a little too close to home. You can’t believe how easily he sees through you. You just met this boy today and he’s already doing so much. You lived a lonely existence, you know that much. You were content with that. At least that’s what you always say to yourself.
"Maybe." you admitted quietly.
Satoru's expression softened. "Well, how about this? I'll look out for you if you look out for the cat. Deal?"
You couldn't help but smile at his earnestness. "Deal."
You did end up adopting the cat. Despite its initial skittishness, it soon settled into your life, providing an unexpected source of comfort and companionship. You named it "Gojonyan," inspired by the snowy white fur that reminded you so much of Satoru’s hair. And even more coincidentally, Satoru’s blue eyes. 
Gojonyan had a playful and mischievous nature, always getting into places it shouldn't and constantly seeking attention. It would often curl up in your lap, purring contentedly as you stroked its soft fur, and you found solace in its presence. The cat’s energy and spirit mirrored Satoru's in uncanny ways. Just like him, Gojonyan seemed to have an endless reserve of curiosity and an unshakeable confidence, as if it knew it was meant to be part of your life.
Whenever you felt overwhelmed by the weight of your responsibilities or the shadows of your past, Gojonyan was there, a reminder of the moment your life began to change. The cat’s antics often brought a smile to your face, and its loyalty reminded you of Satoru’s steadfast support. 
One evening, as you sat in your room with Gojonyan curled up beside you, you couldn't help but think back to that day by the tree. Satoru had shown you a new way to look at the world, a way that wasn't defined by loss and heartache. He had given you hope, and in a strange way, Gojonyan had come to symbolize that hope.
You often found yourself talking to Gojonyan, sharing your thoughts and fears as if the cat could understand every word. "You know, Gojonyan," you would say, scratching behind its ears, "you’re a lot like Satoru. Always so full of life and mischief. I think you two would get along just fine."
Gojonyan would respond with a soft purr, its eyes half-closed in contentment. You didn’t know if he was agreeing with you or not. But you still found your little one very cute. And comforting too. It was as if the cat understood the significance of Gojo Satoru’s presence in your life and the role it now played in helping you heal. And you feel like you are healing. 
You often brought Gojonyan with you when you came by to Jujutsu High, especially when you had missions in Tokyo. The cat had become a familiar presence, trotting alongside you with an air of confidence that belied its small size. You enjoyed the company, and it seemed only natural to bring a piece of your new life with you.
However, you found yourself puzzled by Gojonyan’s behavior whenever Satoru was around. Despite the cat’s generally friendly disposition, it seemed to have taken a distinct dislike to him. The usually affectionate feline would arch its back and hiss whenever Satoru approached, much to his chagrin.
One afternoon, you were sitting in the common area of Jujutsu High with Gojonyan on your lap. Shoko and Suguru were there as well, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation between their duties. Satoru walked in, his usual confident swagger in place, but the moment Gojonyan spotted him, it let out a low growl and jumped off your lap, retreating to a corner.
Satoru’s shoulders slumped dramatically, and he looked at you with exaggerated sorrow. “Why does Gojonyan hate me, Gen-senpai? I thought we were friends!” His tone was a mix of genuine disappointment and playful theatrics.
Shoko chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “It’s probably your personality, Satoru. Cats can sense these things. And yours is just that bad.”
Suguru smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, Satoru. Maybe it’s because you’re too loud and flashy. Gojonyan prefers a more refined company.”
Satoru's eyebrows shot up in mock offense. "Hey now, I'll have you know my personality is top-notch! It's just that Gojonyan hasn't acquired a taste for the finer things in life yet." He flashed them a playful grin, clearly unfazed by their teasing.
“Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.” Shoko snickers, biting against her lollipop candy. 
“Suguru, defend me here!”
Suguru shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't argue with the truth, can we?" He smirked, his eyes dancing with amusement as he leaned back in his chair, clearly enjoying Satoru's playful indignation.
Satoru huffed playfully, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine, fine. But just you wait, Gojonyan will come around eventually. He'll see that I'm not so bad after all."
In the midst of all the tension and seriousness surrounding recent events, the playful banter between Satoru, Shoko, and Suguru provided a welcome reprieve. As laughter filled the room, you felt a weight lifting off your shoulders, if only for a moment. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there could still be moments of lightness and joy.
Satoru feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart in mock indignation. "Watch my words! Gojonyan will be in my hands lovingly! One day!," he retorted with a grin. "Gojonyan just needs to learn to appreciate my finer qualities."
Shoko shook her head, still smiling. "Sure, Satoru. Let that copium enter your lungs. I’m cheering for that cope!”
Suguru's smirk widened as he leaned forward, his gaze meeting yours with a knowing twinkle. "Don't worry, Genmei–senpai. We still like you, even if your taste in friends is questionable."
You rolled your eyes playfully, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging wash over you. Despite the challenges you had faced, you were grateful for moments like these — moments of laughter that reminded you that you were not alone. Not anymore.
You couldn’t help but laugh at their teasing. “I have no idea why Gojonyan doesn’t like you, Satoru. Maybe it’s just one of those things.”
Satoru sighed dramatically, plopping down on the couch with a forlorn expression. “This is tragic. I, the great Gojo Satoru, was defeated by a cat.”
Shoko leaned over and patted his shoulder mockingly. “There, there. Maybe if you try bribing Gojonyan with treats, it’ll come around.”
Satoru perked up at the suggestion, his eyes lighting up with determination. “That’s a great idea, Sho! I’ll win Gojonyan’s affection—”
“So, vote buying—” 
“—just you wait.” He stood up, already plotting his next move. Suguru just shook his head. “I’ll get the finest cat treats money can buy.”
Suguru rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. “Good luck with that. Just don’t be too heartbroken if it doesn’t work.”
Despite his efforts, Gojonyan remained indifferent to Satoru’s attempts to win it over. He brought a variety of treats, toys, and even a plush bed, but the cat was unimpressed. It would sniff the offerings disdainfully and then pointedly ignore him, much to everyone’s amusement.
One day, Satoru sat next to you, watching Gojonyan with a wistful expression. “I don’t get it, Gen-senpai. I thought all creatures loved me.”
You smiled, reaching over to pat his hand. “Maybe Gojonyan just needs more time to get used to you. Or maybe it’s just being stubborn.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “You know, I think I’m starting to like the challenge. It keeps me on my toes.”
Despite the cat’s continued aloofness, Gojo Satoru’s efforts never wavered. He took it in stride, turning it into a personal mission to win over Gojonyan. It became a running joke among your friends, a source of lighthearted banter.
But he’ll probably never get along with him.
You were right about that assumption.
Ten years of marriage, Gojonyan still hated him.
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YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HIS REACTION WOULD BE LIKE. Gojo Satoru returned from his mission late in the evening, his white hair glistening with the remnants of rain. He didn’t get to use infinity as much this time, the creature being more clever than he would have liked. And he was exhausted now. He sighed as he brushed off the thread of rain on his head. 
As Satoru stepped through the threshold of your home, the familiar comfort of your shared space wrapped around him like a warm embrace. The weight of his journey, the trials and tribulations he had faced during his time away, seemed to lift from his shoulders in an instant. Home, with you, was where he truly belonged, where the chaos of the outside world faded into insignificance against the backdrop of your love and companionship.
The soft glow of lamplight spilled into the hallway, casting gentle shadows on the walls as Satoru made his way further into the house. Tsumiki and Megumi were likely already fast asleep in their beds, the rhythmic sound of their breathing a comforting background melody to the quiet of the night. But even in their slumber, their presence filled the air, a reminder of the love and warmth that permeated every corner of your home.
And then, there was you. The thought of seeing you again after his prolonged absence filled Satoru with a sense of eager anticipation, a longing that had grown with each passing day spent apart. He could almost feel the ghost of your touch, the warmth of your smile, as he approached the living room where you were likely waiting for him.
The mere thought of being enveloped in your embrace, of feeling your arms around him and your soft breath against his skin, sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. After being so cold and alone for what felt like an eternity, the prospect of being with you again, of being surrounded by your love and warmth, filled him with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy.
With each step closer to you, Satoru's heart beats faster in his chest, his anticipation growing with every passing moment. He couldn't wait to see you, to hold you in his arms and whisper words of love and longing into your ear. For in that moment, with you by his side, he knew that he was home.
The anticipation buzzed through the air as you waited for Satoru's arrival, your heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves. The decision to cut your hair had been a bold one, a symbolic gesture of breaking free from the past and embracing a new chapter of your life with Satoru. Yet, as you watched the seconds tick by, doubts crept in, and you couldn't help but fidget with the hem of your shirt, your fingers tapping anxiously against your thigh.
The sound of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts, and you turned to see Satoru stepping into the room, a bright smile lighting up his face as his eyes met yours. But as his gaze swept over you, his expression faltered ever so slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before being replaced by curiosity.
You held your breath, your pulse quickening with anticipation as you waited for his reaction. Would he like your new look? Would he be disappointed? The uncertainty gnawed at you, and you fought the urge to chew on your lip nervously as you watched him approach.
Satoru stopped in front of you, his bright eyes locked on your face as he took in your appearance. There was a moment of silence between you, the air thick with unspoken tension as you searched his expression for any sign of approval or disapproval.
“Satoru, welcome home!” you began hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper. You turned your eyes away slowly. “I, uh…”
He stops at his tracks. “You cut your hair.”
 “I... I cut my hair.”
As Satoru turned to behold you, his eyes widened in surprise, taking in the sight of your transformed appearance. For a fleeting moment, he simply stood there, his gaze fixed upon you, as if trying to imprint the image of you with your new hairstyle into his memory. The silence between you stretched, pregnant with anticipation, as he processed the change that had taken place in his absence.
Then, like the breaking dawn after a long night, a slow, warm smile unfurled across his features. It started from the corners of his lips, spreading gradually until his entire face was illuminated with genuine delight. The smile reached his eyes, transforming them into twin pools of warmth and affection as he looked upon you.
In that moment, you could see the flicker of recognition in his gaze, the silent acknowledgment of the courage it must have taken for you to make such a bold decision. But more than that, you could sense the depth of his appreciation, the unspoken admiration for the beauty that radiated from within you, regardless of the length of your hair.
It was a smile that spoke volumes, conveying a multitude of emotions in its simple curve. It was a smile of acceptance, of love, of unwavering support for the choices you had made. And in that smile, you found reassurance, a silent affirmation that you were cherished and adored just as you were, in every form and iteration. One that you hadn’t seen in a long time. And Satoru somehow has the kindest one you’ve ever seen before. The most precious.
As Gojo Satoru crossed the room to stand before you, his smile remained firmly in place, a beacon of warmth in the quiet space between you. With each step, his love enveloped you like a protective embrace, banishing any lingering doubts or insecurities that may have lingered in the recesses of your mind.
And as he finally reached your side, he gently took your hand in his, his touch a silent reassurance of his unwavering affection. "You look beautiful," he whispered, his voice soft and filled with genuine admiration. "But then again, you always do."
Your heart swelled at his words, warmed by the sincerity in his voice. You met his gaze, finding nothing but love and acceptance reflected back at you. "Thank you," you murmured, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I was nervous about cutting it, but I'm glad you like it."
Satoru squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "You could shave your head bald and you'd still be the most beautiful person in the world to me," he said earnestly, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "It's not about your hair, darling. It's about you, and you're perfect just the way you are."
A surge of warmth flooded through you at his words, dispelling any lingering uncertainty you may have felt. With Satoru by your side, you knew that you were loved unconditionally, flaws and all. And as you stood there, hand in hand, you realized that your decision to cut your hair was not about changing who you were, but rather about embracing your true self, no matter the external appearance.
You nodded, feeling a rush of relief wash over you at his seemingly positive reaction. "Yeah, I wanted a change." you explained, your voice tinged with nervousness. "I hope you like it."
Satoru's smile widened, his fingers trailing along the curve of your jaw as he studied your face. "I love it, darling" he reassured you, his voice filled with sincerity. "It suits you well enough.”
The tension melted away at his words, replaced by a warm glow of happiness that settled in the pit of your stomach. With a grateful smile, you leaned into his touch, savoring the feeling of his hand against your skin..
You blushed, looking away. “I... I wasn’t sure. I’ve never had short hair before. I did it in front of Zenin Manor, to cut ties with them. Now that I’m married to you, I’m free.”
His smile widened, and he gently cupped your face in his hands, tilting your head up so he could look into your eyes. “You’re always beautiful to me, no matter how you wear your hair. But this... this suits you. It’s like you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life.”
Despite his words, you still felt a pang of uncertainty. “Do you really think so? You’re not just saying that?”
“I mean it,” he said firmly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You look stunning, don’t worry about it. You’re free from all of them and it shows.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, a small smile creeping onto your lips. “Thank you, Satoru.”
He held you close for a moment, his embrace warm and comforting. But then he pulled back, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I have something for you.” he said, reaching into his pocket.
You watched curiously as he pulled out a small box. Opening it, he revealed a pair of blue butterfly hair clips, delicately crafted with intricate details. “I found these on my mission and thought of you. I know you’ve cut your hair, but I thought these might still look nice.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and delight. “Satoru, they’re beautiful!”
He grinned, taking one of the clips and gently securing it in your hair. “I’m glad you like them. They remind me of how you’re spreading your wings now, free and beautiful.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at your reflection, the blue butterflies standing out against your short hair. “Thank you, Satoru. They’re perfect.”
He pulled you into another hug, his arms wrapped tightly around you. “Anything for you.”
To be known, to be seen — it's to be loved. The realization of this truth washed over you, bringing a flood of emotions that you could hardly contain. Happiness, relief, and a profound sense of belonging mingled together in a rush that made your heart race and your eyes well with unshed tears. For the first time, you felt truly like you had found a way to break that cycle — that cursed cycle of loss and heartache that had haunted you for so long.
As Satoru secured the delicate blue butterfly clip in your hair, his touch gentle and reverent, you couldn't hold back the words that had been building inside you. "I love you, Satoru," you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of your emotions. "I love you."
His bright blue eyes widened in surprise, his usually confident demeanor giving way to a rare moment of vulnerability. This was the first time you had ever expressed your feelings toward him so openly, so unequivocally. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still as he absorbed your words, the significance of them settling deep within him.
"You know," he murmured, his voice soft and filled with awe. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had escaped down your cheek. "You have no idea how much that means to me."
You leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hands against your skin, the solid presence of him grounding you in that moment. "I've never been able to say it before," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I want you to know, you mean everything to me. And I’m grateful to you. For everything.
In Satoru's gaze, there was a depth of emotion that transcended mere words. He looked at you as if you were the sun and the moon, the stars in his night sky, and the very air he breathed. It was a look that spoke of a love that knew no bounds, a love that had weathered countless trials and emerged stronger with each passing day.
In his eyes, you saw unwavering devotion, a commitment to stand by your side through thick and thin, to support you in every endeavor, and to celebrate your victories as if they were his own. It was a look that filled you with a profound sense of gratitude, knowing that you had found someone who loved you unconditionally, flaws and all.
But more than anything, in  Gojo Satoru's gaze, you saw acceptance. Acceptance of your past, your present, and your future. He saw you for who you truly were, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and loved you all the more fiercely because of it. It was a look that banished any doubts or insecurities, leaving only a sense of peace and contentment in its wake.
As you returned his gaze, you felt a bond between you that was unbreakable, a connection that transcended the physical realm and touched the very essence of your souls. In that moment, you knew with absolute certainty that you were loved, cherished, and valued beyond measure. And as you basked in the warmth of Satoru's adoring gaze, you felt a profound sense of gratitude for the gift of his love, a gift that you would treasure for all eternity.
You were so lucky in this world.
Suffering may come and go to you.
But you will be loved by him now.
He will always be there to love you.
And you could not ask for anything more.
His smile was radiant, a beacon of light that seemed to chase away the lingering shadows of your past. "I love you too, darling." he said, his voice steady and sure. "More than words can ever express."
In that moment, the bond between you felt stronger than ever, a palpable connection that went beyond mere words. You had found your way out of the darkness, breaking free from the cycle of pain and loss. With Satoru by your side, you knew that you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if he never wanted to let you go. "We'll create our own future," he whispered into your hair, his breath warm against your ear. "Together, we'll build a life filled with love and happiness. For us, for the kids. Together.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with hope and determination. "Together." you agreed, feeling the truth of that promise settle deep within you. "We'll break the cycle and create something beautiful."
As you stood there in his embrace, the blue butterfly clips shimmering in your hair, you knew that you had finally found a place where you truly belonged. In Satoru's arms, you were home, and together, you would face whatever the future held with unwavering strength and love.
Nothing else mattered to you now.
As long as you have Satoru with you, it’s all good.
As long as you could see the light in his eyes,
As long as you could see that blue spark in them,
Heaven was sure to come through in your life.
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The moment had finally arrived — the long-awaited introduction between Gojonyan and your son. Your husband Satoru was a bundle of nerves, pacing back and forth as he anxiously awaited Gojonyan's reaction. It was as if he was more nervous about this moment than he was when you gave birth to Satoshi. After all, the cat hadn't exactly warmed up to him in the past, and now they were about to meet the spitting image of Satoru himself.
You watched with amusement as Satoru fussed over his appearance, smoothing down his hair and straightening his clothes as if trying to make a good impression on a disapproving in-law. "Do you think he'll like me this time?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
You chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Relax, Satoru. Everything will be fine."
“Look, our son looks exactly like me and I’m scared, okay?”
“Gojo Satoshi is also my son, but alright.”
You couldn't help but laugh at Satoru's admission, his nerves palpable despite his attempt at nonchalance. "I'm sure Gojonyan will see past the resemblance and appreciate you for who you are," you reassured him, trying to ease his anxiety.
Satoru shot you a grateful smile, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. He pouts. "I hope so. I don't think I can handle being rejected by a cat twice."
“My love, it was more than twice.”
“I know, I know – just trying to lower the blow, okay?”
As you both prepared to introduce your son to Gojonyan, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This moment held so much significance — not just because it marked the beginning of a new chapter in your family's life, but because it symbolized the unbreakable bond that had formed between you, Satoru, and Gojonyan.
With your son cradled in your arms, you approached Gojonyan, who regarded you with his usual air of aloofness. Satoru stood by your side, his nerves evident as he watched the interaction unfold. As if on cue, Gojonyan sauntered into the room, his tail swishing lazily behind him. He regarded Satoru with a curious gaze, then turned his attention to your son, who was cradled in your arms.
Satoru held his breath, waiting for the inevitable hiss or swat of disapproval. But much to your surprise — and relief — Gojonyan's reaction was far from what you expected. Instead of recoiling at the sight of your son, the cat approached him with cautious curiosity, sniffing him delicately before nuzzling against his cheek.
Satoru's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the scene unfold. "I think... I think he actually likes him," he whispered, his voice tinged with wonder. “Oh my god, he does!”
You couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a surge of warmth and happiness wash over you. "Looks like you were worried for nothing, Satoru."
You laugh at the sight, marveling at the unexpected turn of events. "Looks like Gojonyan has a new favorite, though.”
Satoru let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he watched the unlikely bond form between his former nemesis and his beloved son. "I guess you were right," he admitted, a hint of awe in his voice. "Who would've thought that our son would be the one to finally win Gojonyan over?"
“Well, he is quite too cute to ignore.” You grinned at your husband. 
As if to confirm Satoru's observation, Gojonyan let out a contented purr, curling up beside your son as if he had known him forever. Satoru's nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and joy as he watched the unlikely bond form between his feline nemesis and his beloved son.
Your husband then pauses. "But wait…. Why does he hate me? Satoshi looks exactly like me….”
You grinned at him teasingly. “Maybe it's because he sees you as competition for my love, hm?" you teased, enjoying the playful banter with your husband. "After all, he's used to being the center of attention, and you were always the ‘Gojo' in town stealing his spotlight. Satoshi isn’t doing that, though!”
Satoru's eyes widened in mock realization, a mischievous gleam dancing in them. "Ah, I see. It's a classic case of jealousy, huh?" he remarked, playing along with your playful theory. "Well, I suppose I can't blame him. After all, who wouldn't be envious of someone as charming and handsome as me?"
You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his exaggerated self-assessment. "Oh, of course, how could I forget?" you replied with a smirk, poking fun at his inflated ego. "But, my love, I think Gojonyan just has his own unique way of showing affection. Maybe he's just a tough critic, and you'll have to work extra hard to win him over."
Satoru grinned at your suggestion, the challenge evident in his eyes. "Challenge accepted," he declared, his determination shining through. "I'll make sure Gojonyan becomes my number one fan."
“Well, ten years is a lot. But what’s another ten more, hm?”
“Yeah, why not!? Ten more years!”
You couldn't help but chuckle at your husband's enthusiasm, admiring his unwavering determination to win over Gojonyan, even if it took years. "Well, they do say patience is a virtue," you replied with a teasing grin, enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. "And who knows, maybe in ten years, you'll have Gojonyan eating out of the palm of your hand."
Satoru's grin widened at your response, his confidence unshaken. "Exactly!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Besides, what's life without a little challenge, right? And if anyone can charm Gojonyan, it's me."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of affection for your husband as you admired his unwavering optimism and resilience. "That's the spirit," you replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand affectionately. "With your charm and charisma, there's nothing you can't accomplish."
He grins at you. “Well, I am the strongest, after all!”
“You’re so silly.” You shake your head at him, smiling lovingly at him.
“But you love me, hm?”
“Unfortunately, I do.” You hummed teasingly.
He pouts as he slumps against you. “Huh!? What do you mean unfortunately? Does the vows mean nothing now? Darling….”
You couldn't help but laugh at his playful pout, finding his antics endearing as always. "Oh, you know what I mean," you teased, playfully poking his side. "You're just too irresistible for your own good."
Satoru's pout turned into a mock expression of hurt, complete with exaggerated hand gestures. "Ah, the burden of being so incredibly charming!" he lamented dramatically, earning another round of laughter from you.
"But in all seriousness," you said, your tone softening as you gazed into his bright eyes, "I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my partner in crime, my confidant, my best friend. And even on your silliest days, I wouldn't trade you for the world."
His expression softened at your heartfelt words, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Likewise, darling." he replied, reaching out to cup your cheek affectionately. "You're my rock, my anchor. I don't know where I'd be without you."
In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm. And with a playful grin, you leaned in to press a loving kiss to his lips, knowing that your bond was unshakably true as much as your love eternal.
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alixlives · 9 months
going into the new year, i want to appreciate some of my mutuals/friends.
everyone on this list means so much to me even if i havent properly expressed it. i love you guys so much & im so grateful to go into the new year with you all. (Know that even if you’re not on this list, you’re still so incredibly important to me/gen. I love all of my mutuals & im so happy to go into 2024 with y’all<3)
@wilbyscoot - I don’t even know where to start with you/pos. You’re my brother, my best friend, you really do mean a lot to me. I’m so grateful to be your friend, honestly. You’re so fun to talk to, i love messing with you/aff and despite whatever protest i may say i love when you do it back, I find the banter really fun and I always laugh and have such a wide smile on my face. You’re so sweet & one of the nicest people I’ve ever known. I love you so much<3 /p
@totallynotbat Bat you honestly really do mean a lot to me. You’re one of my closest friends and I love talking with you. I love playing roblox with you, especially when I’m kicking your ass in flee the facility^^ /j You’re honestly just such a fun person to be around, you are very sweet and such a kind person. I love you :D /p
@sketchingtothemoon I know I don’t really express it a lot but I’m so grateful to be your friend. You’re so supportive, kind, and you’re always there to simply just listen. Talking with you is always fun, I’m always smiling during it even if it doesn’t really seem like it. You’re an amazing friend and you’re like a sister to me. I love you ^^ /p
@coolbananas143 AMANDA !! I really love talking with you!! You’re very funny and so cool, a little intimidating/hj but nonetheless i really love every moment that I have talking with you. You’re like an older sibling to me and you’re an absolutely amazing friend/gen. I love you!!/p
@mochamuff1n MOCHA!!!! You are such a SILLY GUY/POS i love talking to you!! You’re an amazing friend and i dont know why you are intimidated by me but its okay cause i am intimidated by you too /pos You’re so cool and im so happy that I’m friends with you and that I get to go into the new year with you. I love u silly man!!/p
@boardmanpanic I still find it so hilarious how we both suspected that we’re in the community (and that i was right about you after months of suspicion/hj.) You’re a really cool person and i love talking with you!! You are also very funny. How do you do that/j And of course, im really grateful to go into the new year with you !!!!/gen
@snake-anon By far my fav anon I’ve ever had. You are so silly and so supportive of my writings and I’m so thankful for that. I would honestly love to talk with you more, you’re genuinely really cool and definitely a great friend^^
@orphicrublee you are so SWEET HOLY FUCK/gen . You’re one of the kindest people I know i swear, and you’re always like the first to reblog & support my fics when I post them and thank u so much for that😭🫶 I’m really happy to know you & thank you for just being you !!
@radio-to-trenchcoat-demons AAAAH. You are seriously so fuckinf nice🥹/pos You’ve always been really supportive & nice about me being in the community and i was seriously so happy to answer your questions about it & introduce you to it. You’re really fun to talk to and i’m so glad to go into 2024 with you!!^^
@hyper-raccoon23 man what a silly guy you are/pos You’re very cool and i’m so happy to know u!! You’re very sweet and you seem like such a fun person, i’d love to talk with you more :D I’m very thankful for your support on my fics of course, thank you so much. I hope 2024 treats u well ^^
I hope 2024 treats all of you well. I love you all so much, thank you for being such amazing people. Happy New Year! 🫶❤️
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fair-dinkum-mechanic · 4 months
I’m sure I’ve posted about this here before, but I’ll say it again bc it’s really playing on my mind.
I hope this comes out the right way bc I don’t want it to seem any other way.
As a whole, I like pride. As a concept, what it’s for, what it says, etc etc. It’s a protest, it’s showing who all of us are as people, it’s speaking up against the bigotry and hate etc etc, and I will go to the parade (if im able) because as a whole, politically, and what it’s for I’m there for it and want to be a part of it. (Our pride in Adelaide isn’t until November anyway tho lmao)
But on a personal level, just when I look at it through the lens of my own life and my own experiences, it’s hard to have my heart fully in it. My experience being queer and trying to find a place in our community has been painful, lonely, and distressing. When I look at the major pain I’ve had through my life it’s been caused by men, or even at times our own community, where I’m supposed to feel safe and accepted. I feel more accepted outside it at times. That’s not to say I haven’t met amazing people, and felt safe and continue to feel safe in any queer space, it’s just through my life I’ve been HURT deeply by the very places and groups that should in theory be safe. And when I have felt safe VERY rarely has it been with my own group of queer men, it’s been women, trans people, and ace people who have been the kindest and safest for me. And they need celebrating so much, because we know the cis gay men have enough visibility, but that’s also who I am! And I want to be able to fully celebrate that bc it’s who I am, but I can’t fully put my heart into it. I dunno, I feel like I’m not being clear. Has anyone else had this experience? Or does anyone else feel this way? I wanna hear if anyone else knows what I mean bc it feels so lonely
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hellonerf · 4 months
Would you be willing to share more on caname thoughts? 👀👀
how kind of you to ask... ☺️ well since im thinking about them as humans right now i like thinking about them raised in stereotypical countryside america... but im not american so apologies this is all relayed from a faraway lens. im a fan of small towns as a setting in general. i like mundaneness and routine as a start. i like usage of quiet and ambience...
anyways i don't have any particular ideas but i do like imagining caname going through day to day life in that kind of strange quiet. you get tired of the other but the day goes on. the thought of "nothing changes" is the hardwiring. ☺️(gleeful) and the others presence is seen as a permanent fixture that you dont even think twice about it. i think then if weird things were to happen they wouldn't think twice about it either. i like them... glued together... far out from everyone else that they dont even notice. i think they have a really passive relationship with god(christian protestant)
an idea on top of this idea is if they know they could be more, that ame that wants to be more 🤔 i feel like theres always an easily unlockable ambition in him. he cant just live here forever knowing he could be doing so much more... he has something waiting for him... he knows it 🤤 maybe he wants cana to come with him because theyre twins so obviously?! good place of conflict. cana doesnt want to just fall in step with him... frustrating that ame is never happy with where he is. why does he have to be so selfish 🤬😞 forced to unglue... permanently unglued? i love resentment. i love a bitter cana towards ame. even if it doesnt escalate to insanity i think i love when theres the air of uneasiness on them(like that hws strip after the revolution where ame and cana have a whole imaginary argument but theyre shaking hands irl... a favorite strip) in general i just love a caname where ame leaves home early for whatever reason while cana stays back
how i tend to think of them is i dont think they really have an idealized nostalgia with each other. a level of nostalgia is there for the kindest of childhood days maybe but i think they dont think of each other like. 😢 Wow.... We were so happy and well together back then... the nostalgia is probably more attached to the quietness of it. a just us two kind of thing. maybe except for like times of ame being a pissy teenager and drastic separation, but even so i always think they're thinking of each other like. 🤬 hes so annoying! hes so stupid hes so cowardly! hes so selfish! it feels so weird to not have him around! how could he! i miss him! i hate him! i guess the theme here is i imagine the separation somehow being able to be seen as one of their "faults", if not then the circumstance soured their view on each other. could be from how they saw the other react to it or general frustration bubbling up or maybe just copium so they dont feel so horrible about it. they dont seem it but they are attached to each other... Plz... caname shipper that likes to imagine their very young selves frolicking in the grass tralalala-ing everyday not doing anything. shocker
i love to contrast them with relationships where theyre not supposed to love each other. in caname its like theyre not supposed to hate each other. but they do but they really care about each other still. its best if they stick together but its seriously troubling. lets go our separate ways... we dont align... go chase your dreams or whatever... everyone else is far away from here but if you want to so bad then you can be alone... tsk... well i didnt say i wanted to be alone you just wont come with me... (punches each other and cries and then goes home and falls face first and cries again)
anyways. well. i think its good to have a caname that thinks of each others presence as inherent. i think this is good. 🙂‍↕️ is this marriage? this was almost a simple na brothers post with how i worded everything but actually this is still a caname heavy blog. 🙂 theyre the highest on each others priority list and even still if they romance other people. 🙂‍↕️... yeah..... im really making sense...
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theoceanoasis · 5 months
Can we get a story abt ur last post where Soundwave is rich af and rodimus his sugar baby ?
"How did you do it?"
He gave his friends a confused look. They were laying around the pool with a glass of alcohol in their hands.
"How did you become Soundwave's sugar baby?"
"What are you talking about?"
He frowned giving his friend an annoyed look. When one of his other friends butted in.
"What he means to say is. How did you get Soundwave to fall in love with you?"
Two of his friends snickered and he frowned.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. We were just wondering if Soundwave had any friends he could hook us up with."
His friends all looked at each other as though they were sharing some kind of secret. He gave them a confused look not understanding what they were implying.
"I don't know about all of you but I want to marry for love not money."
His friend gave him a pointed look and the others snickered.
He flinched knowing they were talking about him and starting to get the sinking realization about what they were talking about. Although they'd made small comments before they'd never been quite so brazen.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and Soundwave's voice right next to his ear.
"For being Hot Rods friends you don't know anything about him. He is the kindest most amazing person I've met who deserves to have the best. Unlike the rest of you who have been stinking up my home with your trashy attitudes. I think it's time you took yourselves out."
His friends looked shocked none of them moving until Soundwave called for security. They tried to protest. However he didn't stop security, finally realizing they weren't his friends.
Leaning against Soundwave his husband wrapped an arm around him.
"You are too special to be hanging out with people who don't cherish you."
Soundwave leaned down and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in his chest feeling tears fall. Soundwave just held him until he was so exhausted all he wanted to do was sleep. In which case his husband carried him to bed where they cuddled together. Soundwave reminding him all the reasons he loved him.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
okay, so explanation for everyone else LOL: nic's prompt is for me to write something based on their post found here, and then, they went an expanded on this idea by talking about mike and will slow dancing after a ball will had to attend to find potential suitors... so here ya go, nic. a little biscuit for you!
dancing is a dangerous game 
Mike doesn’t get paid enough for this.
That’s a joke… mostly. But also, it’s really not.
The job itself is fine. Sure, Mike is a little bit warm underneath his chainmail and armor, and this stupid blue cloak that he only has to wear for special ceremonies and events that he’s forced to attends is actually really fucking annoying. Seriously, it’s been over three years since he was first knighted, and sometimes, Mike still feels like a bumbling little kid when he wears this thing—like he’s going to end up tripping over the cloak or accidentally tearing it or slicing through it with his sword.
(It’s happened before. Will still won’t let him live it down.)
Anyways, the job is fine tonight. It’s nothing that Mike isn’t used to, and unlike some of the knights Mike knows, he actually enjoys his job. It’s the honor of a lifetime to be a knight and to serve and protect his kingdom, but more importantly, it’s an honor to be able to protest his best friend.
Somehow, despite the fact that he’s just Mike—some gangly, stupid kid from a family who can barely be considered nobility—he gets the opportunity to protect the prince. It’s actually quite insane when Mike stops to think about it, and even more insane to him is the fact that “Prince William” is really just… Will, Mike’s best friend.
Yes, the two of them have been best friends for over fifteen years now. No, Mike is still not used to the fact that he gets to be best friends with Will.
It’s not even just because Will’s the prince. Mike stopped caring about that a long time ago. No, it’s the fact that Will is Will, and he’s the kindest, most thoughtful, gentlest, and most caring person Mike knows.
And… well… 
Mike is in love with him.
And that, of course, is exactly why Mike has absolutely loathed tonight—the way he always loathes all these stupid royal balls and parties that Will has to attend. Will hates them more than Mike does, and rightfully so, but God, Mike hates nights like these.
And he hates this ball especially.
Because tonight isn’t just an ordinary ball. Tonight is the first of many balls aimed at finding Will a suitor. He’s nearly twenty-one years old now, so his parents (namely his asshole father) have decided that it’s time for Will to get married and potentially get shipped off to go rule some foreign country with a stupid princess.
Look, the idea of Will marrying some stupid and bubbly and all too cheerful princess makes Mike want to go outside and destroy a few training dummies. And the sight of Will dancing with beautiful woman after beautiful woman and Will gently kissing their hands and smiling his warm and gentle smile at them? Yeah, that makes Mike want to commit many, many crimes, even though he’s sworn an oath of fealty to Will’s stupid dad and even though he could be executed for breaking said oath.
(It’d be worth it, right?
Not right, unfortunately.)
It’s fine though. Mike is going to have to get used to this, because Will… Will’s a prince. He may be the second born prince, but he’s still a prince. He still has royal duties, and though Mike may have stupid dreams of always getting to be by Will’s side, that simply might not be the case. If Will leaves their home, Mike might not be able to follow him. And furthermore, though Mike might be the most important person in Will’s life right now… he won’t be that forever.
Someday, Will is going to marry a beautiful woman, and he’s going to have children with her. They’ll start a family, the way Will is expected to, and eventually, Mike will do the same with some beautiful woman his parents find for him too. Whatever sort of life Mike imagines every time he finds himself disappearing into his own daydreams is simply that. 
A dream.
It’s never going to happen, so Mike might as well get used to it now.
The party seems to go on for forever, but finally, it begins to slow down. People trickle out of the ballroom, including Will’s parents. After that, everyone seems to take the hint that the ball is over, and Mike breathes a sigh of relief, looking around the room and trying to find Will.
“Shit,” Mike swears, turning around and meeting his best friend’s eyes. Will smirks at him, and Mike narrows his eyes. “You scared me.”
“Should I be concerned that it was that easy to sneak up on you?” Will asks dryly. “What happens if we’re out and someone tries to attack me?”
Mike rolls his eyes. “It’s happened before,” he reminds, his own voice just as dry, “and we’re both still alive. Barely… but we’re still alive.”
Will chuckles, his eyes crinkling as he smiles, and Mike feels his heart rate pick up. “Walk with me back to my room?” Will asks, his voice soft.
“Of course.” Mike nods, and his best friend smiles again, walking towards the exit. Together, the two of them make their way through the long corridors of the palace. Servants that they pass by bow or curtsy at Will, and like always, he just offers them a warm smile and a little “hello” in return,
It’s one of the things Mike most loves about Will—how he has a way of seeing people, even if they’re far below his status. Will… doesn’t see any of that stupid hierarchical bullshit like his dad does. No, he’s always taken after his mom in that regard, and it’s why he’s so well-loved by the people of their kingdom.
Finally, the two of them make it back to Will’s chambers, and he opens the door, exhaling as soon as both of them are safely inside. “Have I mentioned how much I hate parties?” Will groans.
Mike chuckles, turning to look at his best friend. “Only about a few thousand times,” he says dryly. “But you’re welcome to say it as many times as you’d like since you have to deal with them so often.”
“They’re just so pointless,” Will gripes, an (admittedly adorable) pout on his face. “I mean… I guess they’re not technically pointless, but they feel pointless. And my feet hurt by the end of them. And my cheeks hurt by the end of them. And they’re not fun, because none of these people actually care about me, but if I’m not on my best behavior, then my dad will…”
His voice trails off, and Mike grits his teeth, fighting the urge to reach for his fucking sword. Even just the slightest mention of Will’s father and his treatment of Will is enough to really make Mike consider regicide. It’s… something he and Lucas have discussed before. Not that anyone needs to know that.
“Your dad will act like the royal asshole he is,” Mike finishes. 
“Mike.” Will gives him a look, and Mike rolls his eyes.
“Hey, that was nice for me,” he reminds, holding up his hands defensively. “I could say much worse things about your father.”
“And you could end up on the gallows for doing that,” Will points out, but there’s a smile on his face. “I can only do so much to protect you, you know.”
Mike rolls his eyes. “I know, I know,” he reassures. “I’m not stupid enough to say anything around him or anyone we don’t trust. But have I mentioned how much I hate him?”
“Only about a few thousand times,” Will deadpans, an echo of Mike’s own words. “You know how I feel about him too, but… he’s still my dad. And more importantly, he’s the king, so… I have to be on my best behavior at all these stupid balls. Who knows. Maybe I met my future wife tonight.”
A bitter smile forms on Will’s face, right as an uncomfortable lump forms in the back of Mike’s throat. “Maybe,” Mike manages to say. “And… how do you feel about that?”
Will scoffs. “I hate it,” he sighs. “I can’t tell anyone that though… no except for you and maybe Jonathan. But he’s got it so much worse than I do, so I feel bad complaining to him, but it’s just like… like…”
An exasperated little huff escapes Will’s lips, and he runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with any of those women,” he admits, his voice soft. “I mean… there… there’s only one person I could spend the rest of my life with and actually see myself being happy with.”
The lump in the back of Mike’s throat grows, as does the jealous monster lurking and living inside his chest. Will has never told him this before, which… which is fine. Will is allowed to have his secrets. But surely, he would’ve told Mike if he was secretly seeing someone, wouldn’t he? And when would he have run off to see some women? He and Mike are almost always around each other.
“You… you can’t be with her?” Mike asks softly. “Would… your dad not approve?”
Will’s lips quirk up into a small smile. “Mike,” he says, his voice sad and quiet. There’s a curious look on his voice, and as Mike raises a brow, Will huffs out a little laugh. “No, he wouldn’t approve, so… I’d never be able to be with him.”
All at once, Mike feels his face grow warm, and he stares at Will, trying to read his best friend’s expression. “Oh,” Mike says dumbly. “You… um… oh, okay. That’s… that’s cool. I mean, it’s not; it’s not cool, because of your dad… But… but you being in love with… this man… that’s okay. And I’m okay with that.”
The question, Who is he?, hangs in the air between them, but Mike doesn’t dare ask it. He doesn’t think he wants to know.
Will raises a brow. There’s a smile tugging at his lips, and he takes a step towards Mike, so the two of them are barely a foot away from each other now. “Mike,” Will says, still just as soft, “would you care to dance with me?”
Mike’s breath catches. He hesitantly meets Will’s eyes, and Will just stares back at him, smiling that warm and familiar and oh so Will smile that he always does. There’s something a bit teasing but also fond in Will’s eyes, and… 
And suddenly, it clicks.
“You… you mean,” Mike stammers, his face getting warmer. “Wait, are you…. talking about…”
Will laughs again, a fond look in his eyes. “Yes,” he says, his voice a bit teasing. “And I mean... my dad told me I should dance with all my potential suitors tonight, so… if you’d like to… I saved the last dance for you.”
For a moment, Mike just stares at his best friend’s outstretched hand, trying to process exactly what is happening. 
Will… is in love with him.
Will is in love with him.
Holy shit.
Mike’s head still feels like it’s spinning, but hesitantly, he takes Will’s hand and allows his best friend to pull him close. “I should let you know I’m really bad at dancing,” Mike jokes, his voice impossibly quiet. 
Another warm smile forms on Will’s face, and he gently squeezes Mike’s hand, before resting his other hand on the small of Mike’s back. “That’s okay,” Will reassures, soft and gentle. “I… I can lead. Just trust me.”
“Always,” Mike whispers back, and Will just smiles.
And so, with no music and with not a single person watching the two of them, Mike and Will dance and dance and dance around the bedroom, never once taking their eyes off each other.
The rest of the world disappears until it’s just the two of them.
And though he has no idea what will become of the two of him, Mike doesn't care. Right now, all he can do is fall deeper and deeper into love with his best friend.
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welcome-to-ratterrock · 2 months
imagine if the characters had access to Tiktok 😣
I Wonder what they would do on there, i think Sorcha would be an influencer ngl 🤷‍♀️
Oh, she absolutely would be an influencer, but a very specific kind of influencer - think Dita Von Teese as an influencer. Lots of Golden Hollywood glamour, exploring the world of theater and singing and burlesque, lots of Day In The Life Of A Chanteuse TikToks, shopping in high end boutiques and finding gorgeous vintage finds. One of her most famous TikTok’s is doing her makeup routine whilst handling her butterfly knife, singing an Irish cover of “Young and Beautiful.”
Lor would be all about Boxing/Gym Life, his matches and workout routines along with whatever trend tickles his fancy. LOTS of practical jokes and shenanigans directed at his siblings and his best mate Brig (“I DON’T WANNA BE ON BLOODY CAMARA, PISS OFF!”) and mixing of cocktails and bartending tricks.
Also lots of TikTok’s about his amazing, spectacular, gorgeous girlfriend. “Ain’t she the best? Rilla, show them your gorgeous smile, can’t believe a mug like me has this girlie on me arm…” The most popular TikTok of his featuring her is when he’s trying to teach her how to properly throw a punch. At the end Rilla leaps at the punching bag and holds onto it like a koala while Lorcan falls to the floor laughing.
Rilla’s TikToks are all about ballet and dancing and fashion, she had a huge following and she adores her fans. She loves to do TikTok’s of getting ready for her barre exercises whilst wearing a flower crown and telling about her latest adventure at the club, and is very big into promoting body positivity and body neutrality, and is always ready to be a cheerleader for anyone who is feeling down.
She also has countless ones about her sweet, loving, passionate boyfriend, “He’s as handsome as the devil but his heart is the kindest in the whole wide world! Look at those eyes! Oh, but they make me weak in the knees…!” The most popular TikTok of hers featuring him is when Rilla gave him a spa day, which meant a manicure, pedicure, a facial and massage and a full cosmetic makeover - Lorcan adored it.
Saoirse’s account is focused on activism, lots of marches and protests and lifting up grassroots movements and go fund me’s, showing ways to give back to the community and help those who don’t have housing or resources. She has to be careful with her TikTok’s because the police are aware enough about her and her influence to consider her a troublemaker…
Locke’s TikToks all about True Crime and whatever else he wants to info dump about - medieval executions and instruments of torture, the history of poisons, how the Victorians were obsessed with death, what it would take to actually reanimate dead tissue like in Frankenstein, et cetera.
He’s very confused by any attempts at flirting and is notorious about his beef with one Padraic Regal. And yet, he gets VERY bitchy to those who gush about Regal (“You’re NOT his type! Not…not that I…know about his - humph!- type…”) or insult him in anyway. Regal is his to insult, that’s all…
Padraic, meanwhile, holds off on posting anything on his account because he doesn’t want any kind of incriminating evidence that the police and or his rivals/competitors could use against him. But when he does, oh man…
Hashtags about him start going viral, people immediately falling over themselves about him. He becomes infamous for his cutting criticism of modern media, his witty observations and banter, his debonair fashion, his cultured charm, his flawless grooming/cosmetics, and Being That Bitch. Followers are quick to pick up on and note how he and Locke cross paths a lot despite their…tension. There’s a lot of teasing done, and some of Padraic’s more ardent supporters begin to harass Locke.
And then those followers disappear. And everyone learns that Padraic Regal is the only one allowed to fuck with Sage Locke.
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gean-grey-blog · 1 year
hello i just wanted to say i super appreciated your addition to the post about getting involved in your community and how it doesn’t always necessarily have to happen outside one’s home. i have been struggling with this a lot lately. i am neurodivergent and am severely socially anxious but i want to be more active in my community. do you have any tips for where i could get started with being involved from home? i really appreciate your time and wish you a lovely day 🌞
Sorry this took so long to reply to, life shit is an adventure lol
So the best advice I have, is that a lot of activism and outreach is NOT in fact going to protests. Protests are like the one night stand of activism. You show up for a night of passion, maybe you make some connections, maybe you work some stuff out of your system. But long term, lasting change, rarely happens directly because of just protests. So just right there, set aside any guilt about that being what “showing up” means. 
Virtual courtwatching, mailer stuffing, phonebanking, cleaning up data to add to phone bank lists, printing fliers, working on websites, filling out grant applications, cooking for a mutual aid kitchen, tutoring, helping people with their resumes, fundraising, captioning or writing descriptions, translating materials…especially since covid, so much is done remotely on even a national level. The work that can’t be done from home is less than that that can. 
Find groups you like, who are working on what matters to you. Meet the people over text or vidchat. Be honest about what you can and want to do and usually you’ll just get a list of the next sixteen courtwatch dates they need filled. Don’t be afraid to trust your instincts and not run with people if you don’t like their vibe. Not everyone knows what they are doing, not everyone has their own shit taken care of, and sometimes there are outside agitators or cops who try to provoke people into doing stupid shit. But by and large people are there for the right reasons and the people who are out there taking care of each other are some of the kindest people you will ever meet, if also some of the weirdest. 
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kopivie · 9 months
okay. so. i think i may have posted about my atla ocs once before, but we've gone through many changes, so this is an updated version! :D
first, we have yukika; first princess of the fire nation and only daughter of fire lord kazuo. she is the youngest of kazuo's children and half-sister to second prince ryohei and first prince ryuji.
as far as appearance goes, yukika looks like this:
Tumblr media
she has slightly tanner skin and freckles compared to her brothers since they don't have the same mother. but she also wears longer garments when she's not in her official dress due to the burn scars that cover her body. (more on that later.)
outwardly, yukika appears like any princess should. her voice is stern, her expression is composed and often difficult to decipher, and she carries herself with the strength of a fierce warrior and the grace of a fire nation princess. however, she is timid and highly distrustful of others. she's the half-sister of the elder princes, so she tries to keep her head down so as to stay out of their way. but despite her efforts to do so, she cannot hide the fact that she is a natural prodigy.
without trying, yukika excels as virtually everything, from academics to combat. to make matters worse (in her eyes), she is officially recognized as the avatar at the age of 13. the eldest son and heir to the throne, ryuji, antagonizes her severely as he perceives her as a threat to his succession (despite it already being set in stone) while the second son, ryohei, does his best to provide her with the familial warmth that she deprives herself of.
yukika's own mother is kinda insane? she's the reason why yukika literally cannot fail at something, even if she puts in minimal effort. she drilled into her the idea that she must be the best at everything she does from a young age. and even after yukika's mother married the fire lord, she still forced her to shine despite the princess's protests. upon learning that her daughter was the avatar, yukika's mother became even more crazy, trying to get her daughter to master the elements as soon as possible so as to become the best avatar in history and rule the world.
because of the lack of actual love between yukika and her mother, ryohei did his best ever since he met his little sister to actually treat her as such. outside of sparring sessions and shared academic lessons, he did his best to include yukika in gatherings, outings, and things of the like that he thinks she might enjoy. yukika doesn't trust him or his aide in the slightest, however. she feels that ryohei and his aide want something from her.
ryuji, the heir to the throne, is also weirdly deranged for reasons that i don't think matter. it seems like in actual atla canon, there's always some person in the fire nation royal bloodline who is needlessly ruthless and crazy for no real reason, so that's ryuji. (perhaps i'll make it canon to my universe? some kind of blood curse...) he bullies yukika in every way imaginable. he's the reason why she has burn and lightning scars under her clothes, why she yields in every fight against him, and why she never shows her face unless she's summoned by her father or mother.
ryohei's aide is named touma and he is just... he has the second male lead vibe. the long brown hair, the captivating emeral eyes. he was raised in the fire nation by a high ranking fire nation government official and her wife who emigrated from omashu. he's an earthbender who can also lavabend, actually! he's got the kindest soul ever and he's been in love with the elusive fire nation princess since they were children. he befriended ryohei during their time in the academy and was named as his most trusted friend and aide shortly after they became friends. however, touma is another victim of ryuji's bullying, as he lost his sight in his right eye at the age of 15. his right eye is scarred and silver, which he covers with an eyepatch to this day. he doesn't need to, really, but he worries that the sight of the damage will freak people (yukika) out. and someday, he plans to ask fire lord kazuo for yukika's hand in marriage. (fire lord kazuo would ABSOLUTELY) agree btw.
i just. i adore my babies and i am so excited to write the way yukika blossoms into her avatar-self and learns to love others and herself. her story -- this fic -- is about self-love. and i hope that i can write it well ☺️
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d3kusite · 1 year
STILL MINE x hanta sero
summary: after hearing of your recent engagement w/ iida, your ex boyfriend, sero, sneaks into your room.
18+// mdni
word count: 1442
content: cheating, dub con, possessiveness, spanking, clit slapping, usage of the word ‘slut’, (raw) vaginal sex, degradation? creampie, orgasm denial, manipulation?
pairing: hanta sero x fem!reader
note: hi!! my first nsfw post for mha. i’ve had this idea stuck in my head for months… hope y’all like ^ - ^ yes, this is inspired by romeo santos’ “eres mia” .
you should’ve known something was amiss. everything was going too well. the engagement, and the planning of the event, down to both the bachelor and bachelorette parties. even the rehearsal dinner had gone well. less than twenty-four hours remain before you tie the knot with tenya. tenya, who is the kindest man you’ve ever met. tenya, who, somehow, prioritizes you while keeping on top of his hero work. not at all like your last ex. you shake your head, forcing thoughts of him out of your mind as you change into your sleeping wear in your room. today had been the rehearsal dinner, and it had gone as perfectly as you want.
a slight breeze brings a shiver to your body. a breeze, that shouldn’t have existed, not when you know when you left your room earlier today, your windows had been closed. walking towards your windows, your heart falls to your stomach as you notice the open window. before you can retrace your actions from the day, a hand covers your mouth. your scream is muffled as you try to fight against the intruder. 
“shh, baby, it’s me, it’s me,” the intruder’s voice is both breathy and raspy, with an underlying amused tone. his body is pressed behind yours, his free arm wrapped around your waist. you hate how after months, it’s still so familiar. “i can’t believe i leave for the states only for you to get engaged to the iida. iida. really? he’s so boring, baby.”
he continues speaking as he starts playing pressing light kisses to your exposed shoulders, “he’s so cold too… doesn’t deserve you.”
he finally uncovers your mouth and you immediately speak with venom on your tongue, “he’s a much better man than you are, sero.”
“sero, huh? no longer “hanta”?” he chuckles as he moves onto your neck, “kirishima was telling me how iida’s a jealous man. did you know he banned me from the venue? he must think i’ll steal his girl…” he bites down on your shoulder, drawing a gasp from you. you bite back a whine as you feel him smirk against your lips. “i guess he was right, huh?”
“why are you in my room?” you whisper as he switches to remove your clothes. he throws you onto your bed, and in the back of your mind, you know this is wrong. you’re engaged to iida. not sero. “we broke up.”
“did we?” he mutters under his breath as he starts unbuckling his belt. he laughs as he sees you hungrily eye him, “for someone who is getting married tomorrow, you sure are acting sluttily for a man who isn’t your fiance.”
he must have used some kind of quirk on you because why can’t you move? he must’ve bewitched you. you’d never cheat. never. but… you can’t help it as you moan as he presses his lips to your breasts. he hungrily laps at your nipples, drawing a moan out from you. he’s still in his hero uniform as he presses his boner against you. 
“have you fucked him?” sero asks as he unlatches from your nipples. his smile falls when you nod. your surroundings spin as he flips you over. “guess i’ll have to claim you again.”
“s-sero-,” you begin to protest but he pushes your face into the sheets. you whimper as he presses his hardon against your ass, and you can’t help but squirm a bit. it seems to set him off and you can only yelp against your sheets as he forcedly enters you. there’s already some wetness dripping down your things and your face warms with embarrassment. 
his grip is tight on your hips as he begins fucking you without mercy. you move your hips back, meeting him as he thrusts inside you. whimpers and groans along with the sound of skin slapping skin resound through the room. 
“such a slut,” sero says as he increases his pace. one of his hands reaches out to your shoulder, lifting you up slightly. you moan freely, no longer caring as he continues remolding your pussy into the shape of his dick again. “fuck, i missed this pussy so much. dropped an entire mission to fucking see you again. shit-so tight-, you sure you let him hit?” 
“y-you have the biggest ego,” you manage to say as he leans down to suck a hickey into your shoulder, ignoring your whines of protest. 
“do i?” his voice is cocky as he leans back up. he grabs one of your legs and lifts them enough for him to get deeper inside you. “is it egotistical to just want you back?”
“i’m not yours anymore,” you say, but it’s weak. you know he doesn’t buy it either as he laughs and the sound only makes your stomach churn. 
“please, playing stupid doesn’t fit you,” he hisses as he thrusts harder, “you’re mine and you know it,” a particularly hard thrust has you seeing stars. it only boosts his ego, “there it is. did he ever find that spot?”
any reservations you had are gone now and you shake your head. you can barely recognize your voice as you sob, “no, he never did.”
“thought so. did he ever even make you cum?” he doesn’t wait for an answer as he continues fucking you. 
“‘m gonna cum,” you whisper as you start to move a hand down towards your clit. he slaps it away before you can. “‘m gonna cum’,” he mocks you before turning you on your back. “no, you’re not. you’re gonna cum on my dick alone.’
he pushes his cock into you again, cursing as he does. you wrap your legs around his waist and you can’t find yourself caring about the smug look he gives you as you do. he leans forward to kiss your tears away, “tomorrow, what do you think will happen if i sneak into the reception? if i tell your husband that the woman he loves is only a loan because you’re still mine?”
“y-you wouldn’t dare!” you hiccup as you wrap your arms around his neck. his thrusts only get quicker and harder as he laughs against your neck.
“you know it’s true,” he says as he sucks a hickey into your neck, “you know you still love me,” he thrusts again at the end of the sentence, and you throw your head back in pleasure. “c’mon baby, i know you’re close. such a slut, letting yourself get fucked by someone who isn’t your fiance.”
“‘m…not yours,” you lie. both of you know it’s a lie as his moans become airy and shaky. he calls you out on it, “liar. this pussy,” he reaches down to slap your clit, making you cry out, “is mine,” his hand moves down to your ass and he slaps it, “so is this ass,” his lips move down to your chest, pressing a kiss, “and so is your heart. it’s never been iida’s. never.”
the pleasure from his dick constantly hitting your spot with his words make you cum, immediately clenching down on him. he swears and you recognize the familiar tremble in his body as he cums inside of you. it only makes both of you moan louder as he marks you again as his. he collapses on top of you, limp as you close your eyes tiredly. you don’t have the energy to move him away from you as he grabs your chin. “hey,” he says quietly.
“what?” you ask tearfully as you gain clairty post-orgasm.
“i was serious earlier. i want you back,” he says and you shake your head. 
“don’t say that.”
“don’t marry him. i’ll prove to you i’ve changed,” his voice is gentle and warm, but you know if you continue listening you’ll just fall for empty promises again. “don’t get married tomorrow. stand him up. i’m sure uraraka or someone else can mend his heart back together. maybe aoyama.”
“no, hanta. get out.”
“baby, please-”
“get the fuck out!” you yell as you manage to push him off, avoiding eye contact with him as you cover yourself up with your sheets. “you abandoned me and i didn’t even get an explanation. i don’t care what you have to say.”
he doesn’t respond as he gets out of your bed, silently redressing. once he’s done, he walks over to your window, beginning to leave. he pauses when he hears you sniffle.
“i’ll be waiting back at our old place,” is all he says as he slips out your window, not sparing you another glance. 
he knew from the second you said his first name again that he’d have you back in no time. 
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stardustandash · 1 year
Through Darkness Unknown - The Bad Batch
Omega and Crosshair are just trying to survive Dr. Hemlock when it's revealed that their brother may not be as dead as initially thought.
Meanwhile Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo evaluate the cost of avoiding a war, and the lengths they will go to in order to get their own back.
Tags: Post s2, hurt/comfort, whump, medical procedures
Chapter 1 - Ground Rules (ao3 link)
“Omega?” the thin voice from behind her broke the spell that kept Omega staring at the other female clone.
Omega turned to the bed. Crosshair was still held down by several black restraints but his eyes were open and locked on her. Omega grabbed for his shoulders, both trying to offer and take comfort. Her brother was here, he recognized her.
“Omega, what are you doing here,” hissed Crosshair.
She didn’t know how to answer him. Instead her eyes drifted down towards the restraints.
“Tech’s gone,” was what she came up with, though it wasn’t the answer either of them were looking for.
“What?” said Crosshair. His eyes went wide. “What did you say?”
Emotions bubbled up in Omega’s chest. Everything from the last day was starting to sink in, from the infiltration attempt, to Tech’s sacrifice, to her capture. She didn’t know where the others had ended up, she could only hope AZ got to Echo in time to warn him. With several swallows around the thick lump in her throat Omega managed to keep the emotions from overwhelming her.
“Omega. It’s time to go,” said the other clone.
“Wait! Let me talk to him,” cried Omega. “I want to stay with Crosshair.”
The woman stepped closer, trapping Omega between herself and the exam bed Crosshair was strapped to. A hand clamped around Omega’s shoulder. The clone woman, while looking far daintier, had the strength of their brothers in her grip. Omega tried twisting herself out of the grip but stopped when her leg gave a sharp twinge of protest.
“Please, Doctor Hemlock has asked me to treat your wounds. You may have the chance to see Crosshair again later, if both of you behave,” said the clone. The words were a hollow promise and Omega didn’t believe them for a second.  
“Wounds? What did you do to her?” growled Crosshair.
“Try and rest, Crosshair, you’re recovering yourself,” replied the woman.
The hand on Omega’s shoulder forced her to move away. She tried to look back at Crosshair as she was guided away but couldn’t quite get her head to rotate that far without her neck seizing. She could hear him though. Growling and grunting and cursing as he struggled against the restraints.
Omega was silent while she was treated. The clone woman had taken her away from the large room holding Crosshair and the other clones to a smaller lab room and sat her up on an exam table. The room was bright, but the dark walls were a far cry from the bland white of the labs in Tipoca city. There were questions at first, but as it became apparent Omega wasn’t going to answer any of them the clone had stopped asking, instead only speaking to direct Omega. The red lenses of the clone’s glasses hid her eyes, and despite her revealing to Omega that they were sisters the clone’s actions could not be more clinical. The kindest thing she’d done so far was offer Omega a damp cloth to wipe the dirt from her face.
“This may hurt,” said the clone in a clipped tone as she pulled a large machine closer to the bed.
Omega recognized the machine as a bone knitter. She’d used the one on Kamino. It had been used on her, too. She’d cried then, though Nala Se had told her that she was being silly. She set her jaw as the clone brought the bone knitter over her leg where AZ had splinted it at Cid’s and prepared for the sensation of her bones being forced to grow back together.
The sensation was worse than Omega remembered. The bone was vibrating beneath her skin, and she could feel it slowly growing and fusing back together like a thousand needles stabbing her muscles from the inside out. She ground her teeth but refused to cry out. Her brothers wouldn’t cry if they were in her position and neither would she. It felt like it took forever, the stabbing sensations ceaseless as they healed her. By the time it did end, what felt like rotations later, Omega was panting through her nose and her fingernails had dug bloody crescents into her palms.
The clone woman sighed as she saw Omega’s hands and grabbed a couple bacta patches from a cupboard and placed them over the new cuts.
“There’s no need to hurt yourself, Omega.”
Omega glared in response.
“Fine. This is the last thing before you can go rest,” said the clone. She was holding up an injector half-full of a clear substance.
Omega’s breath hitched. Up until this point it had been simple reflex tests, bacta, bandages, and the bone knitter. Her mind conjured up moments in Nala Se’s private laboratory where new types of medicines and painkillers needed their first human test subject. Some of them had been harmless, working as intended. Some of them had not.
Omega scrambled backwards on the table until her back hit the wall. What would Hunter do? He’d look for a weapon first, then an escape. Omega scanned the small lab for anything that could be of use. Her eyes landed on a tray of tools left on the counter. The light glittered off something sharp, a scalpel blade. Perfect. Omega sprang forward, knocking the clone off balance and sending the injector clattering to the ground. Her fingers closed around the handle of the scalpel and she launched herself at the door. Thankfully the other clone hadn’t thought to lock it behind her.
Omega burst into the hallway and scanned left and right. Clear. She took the path to the right, trying to remember the path from the large room they were holding Crosshair to the smaller lab. She moved as her brothers had taught her: keeping low and favouring stealth over speed. She was small enough that she could tuck herself into the dark corners created by the metal halls and doors when a company of troopers marched by. Omega counted ten seconds after they passed before moving out of her hiding spot and continuing on.
She was almost back at the big lab. She could feel it. Omega’s heart hammered in her chest as she moved and she had to adjust her grip on the scalpel and wipe the sweat from her palm on her pants. Maybe she could grab Crosshair and find her way to the communications room she could get a message out to Echo, Wrecker, and Hunter, or even Rex. Someone.
The moment her attention to her surroundings lapsed was the moment it was over. She rounded a corner nearly straight into a squad of troopers.
“Hey! Stop right there!” One cried as they all raised their blasters.
Omega startled, but quickly refocussed. She tried to recall every single moment of the very few lessons Hunter had given her with his knife. Be sure of the grip, blade away from her body, pick the softest target. Simple observation of trooper armour, whether clone or these new storm troopers, had very noticeable gaps in the joints. So Omega raised her knife like she’d seen Hunter do a hundred times, and launched herself at the closest trooper. Her scalpel dug into the soft spot between pauldron and chest plate, right beneath the shoulder into the armpit. She knew it was a good spot to aim for, close to the lungs, and if the blade was long enough, potentially the heart.
Her blade was not very long, and while the trooper screamed and stumbled back, he was not knocked off his feet. Rough hands grabbed at Omega, pinning her arms back and lifting her off her feet. Her shoulders, already sore from the train crash, ached in protest though she hardly spared it a thought as she kicked out for all she was worth.
“This one is feisty,” one of the troopers said.
“What do we do with her? Take her to one of the cells or one of Doctor Hemlock’s rooms?” asked another.
Omega did not want to go to either place and managed to finally make contact with the armoured leg of the trooper that was holding her. The crack that echoed off the metal walls and the way her whole foot went numb made Omega think that she might have to re-evaluate kicking things as a strategy in hand to hand with anyone in armour.
“Troopers, thank you for catching Omega,” called a voice Omega had hoped she’d left behind.
The trooper holding Omega turned so she could see the other female clone coming down the hallway, looking perfectly unruffled. She nodded her thanks to the trooper.
“If you don’t mind, please escort Omega and I to Doctor Hemlock’s office,” said the clone before pointing at another two members of the squad. “And you two, fetch CT-9904, the Doctor would like both of them present.”
“Yes, Doctor Karr,” responded the troopers before marching off.
The trip through the base was long and seemed to take a disorganized path, going up a lift here, down a lift there, snaking left and right though hallways. Omega couldn’t help but think that perhaps the other clone, this Dr. Karr, was leading them on a purposefully confusing route to ensure what just happened wouldn’t happen again.
The small group landed at an unmarked door that seemed no different from the many that had preceded it. Dr. Karr raised her hand and rapped two short knocks. The door slid open with a soft whoosh and Omega was pushed inside by the trooper still holding her arm.
Omega hadn’t seen much of Dr. Hemlock on the flight from Ord Mantell. That had been due to the fact that she had been unconscious for most of it from the stun bolt and kept shackled to a jump seat in the back of the transport away from everyone else, but in the little interaction she’d had with him he had made her skin crawl with uneasiness. It was no different now as she was frog marched into his office and shoved into a waiting chair. Dr. Hemlock regarded her with a face that said disinterest and too-blue eyes that said otherwise. He was seated at a desk that was empty aside from a small stack of data pads and a thin, economical lamp. In fact, as Omega took in the room, the whole thing seemed very stark. There was nothing on the walls or shelves to indicate anything of the character of the man who spent his time in it. Just a simple set up of desk, shelves with nothing but a few flimsy books, and two chairs facing the desk. Turning her attention back to Dr. Hemlock Omega shivered to find his eyes still studying her like she was the most fascinating thing to ever walk through the doors of his lair.
The stare was only broken when the door whooshed again and Crosshair was shoved into the chair beside Omega. She glanced over at him, but he was glaring straight ahead at Dr. Hemlock. Omega slowly turned back as well, dread pooling in her stomach.
For a moment Dr. Hemlock made them stew in the silence. His gaze passed between the two of them as he absently rubbed at his glove covered hand. He took a deep breath in and out, lacing his hands together and placing them on the desk in front of him.
“I must say, I am very disappointed in you, Omega. I asked that you be taken care of here in this facility, your hurts healed, and you turned around and attacked my men. I can see the similarities between you and your brother,” began Dr. Hemlock in a voice that was soft as the falling of twilight.
Omega said nothing. The look on the doctor’s face had left her mouth dry and her palms began to sweat again. She resisted the temptation to wipe them on her pants again.
“I didn’t think we would need to set rules in place so early, but you have forced my hand.”
One of the troopers that had brought in Crosshair stepped up beside him and gripped his arm. Crosshair struggled, but the other pinned him against the chair.
“When you defy me, and the rules of my facility, the consequences you face are not just yours, Omega. Know that if you try what you did again, if you attack anyone in this facility, if you resist tests, this will pale in comparison to what is in store,” said Dr. Hemlock, voice unwavering from its smooth cadence.
He raised a finger at the trooper holding Crosshair’s arm. The trooper nodded and in a flash of movement and crunch of bone broke Crosshair’s pinky finger. Crosshair let out a choked hiss.
“No!” yelled Omega.
“I am afraid that there are consequences to your actions. The sooner you learn this, the better things will be, for everyone.”
“You bastard,” growled Crosshair. The trooper released his arm and he drew it up to his chest protectively.
“That reminds me, Crosshair. Your little escapade does not need to be repeated, and I think we can really drive that lesson home now, don’t you think?”
“Don’t you dare!”
Omega had only half a second to realize what was about to happen before it did. The trooper behind her chair had a bruising hold on her arm and wrapped his hand around her pinky finger. Omega felt the bone snap in a flare of sharp fire. She couldn’t hold back the undignified yelp that tore from her throat, nor the tears that sprang to her eyes. She folded herself over her injured hand, the other coming up to tenderly probe the break. Her finger rested at an odd angle and Omega knew it would need to be set before it could begin healing.
“Sir, I think-“ began Dr. Karr.
“I know what you think, Emerie,” said Dr. Hemlock. “Don’t treat those injuries. Let them have the pain as a reminder. You may put them together in cell 6855 for now. But know if there continues to be trouble, you will be separated.”
Dr. Hemlock looked down in a clear dismissal. He reached for a data pad and powered it up, no longer paying any attention to what was happening in front of him. Omega and Crosshair were both shoved to their feet and marched out of the office. The door whooshed closed behind them, and for the first time since leaving Kamino with her brothers Omega felt the crushing weight of helplessness settle over her shoulders.
Next Chapter 
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mysticwaffles · 2 years
I saw you were looking for some Bests headcanons, you're in luck bc I have a whole bunch:
General hcs:
- about 50-55 years old
- transgender, gay
- born an only child
- had a strained relationship with his family, especially his father. He was v closeted as a kid and was semi closeted when he moved out. He knew he liked men and men only but never really dated anyone or hooked up with anyone til after his passing, mainly bc of his religion.
- despite being a priest, he has a conflicting relationship with religion, mainly due to his own father. He was on the brink of snapping right before his death and completely abandoned his faith after his death.
- Still likes to wear his robes, but to him it symbolizes something different, it's more like a costume to him than anything, a persona.
- Has a complete crush on Belzer post-film (uhh this is self indulgent btw also i lowkey ship them)
Bunch of sick hcs I made up when I got sick:
- when he gets sick he absolutely shuts down. He tries to pretend that he's completely fine but it's super obvious that he's sick since his voice goes down to a whisper and his body slows down.
- he gets super emotional, poor guy just curls up into a lil ball and cries.
- it's hard for him to accept help from others when he's like this. He will protest and insist he can take care of himself until he nearly faints.
- when he does finally accept that he's sick, he'll lie in bed all day and  watch his lil soap operas and take lil catnaps.
- he happens to get ill frequently, especially during the colder months.
Some Demon Bests au stuff:
- Not really malicious, moreso mischievous. He wouldn't actively kill a guy (unless warrented,, and even then he's less likely to do it himself, he'd rather send someone else to do the job) but he will knock shit over, drink your communion wine, and play ABBA on the church organ at 3am.
- Hangs mainly around the old cemetery when he surfaces, he visits RBC regularly as well to make sure everything is well, doesn't really stick around much bc he's terrified of Manberg (despite him retiring the whole demon hunter thing post-film)
- besides Kat, Helley was one of the first to know about Bests' transformation.
- Mainly sticks with Belzer, he would hang with W&W more often but they rope him into all of their plans.
- Belzer actively protects him from his children's shenanigans, he loves his kids ofc, but he also loves Bests and knows that his kids aren't the kindest souls, especially to the formerly holy.
- Bests is actually the first turned soul he's had in decades. He's not much into the practice compared to other demon lords, but if there's someone he truly deems worthy, he's up for it.
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