#not the one right before dusa came back but the one before that
ryndicate · 1 year
Hypothermic ⨳ Todoroki Touya
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“Still thinkin’ about running?”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, zombie apoc au (ofc), assault, enemies to not quite enemies, gun mentions, choking, quirkless au (no scars), blood mentions, dry humping, make out, starts out dubcon as in he doesnt ask first but she doesnt tell him to stop, and a semi ungodly pov switch but let’s run with it
event: @medusashima’s Rise of the Dead collab! Click the link for similiar lovely works!
notes: thank you for being so accommodating of me Dusa!! this came right from my soul. Love how its somehow a zombie au fic with no direct contact with zombies but like.... it works. and im over the moon about it (himmm)
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The first thing Touya notices, besides the glaringly obvious there’s an intruder—is that somehow, you’re both pretty and don’t look like much. Pretty in a way that wiggles old thoughts into his brain, old from long gone time where’d hesitate to hurt a little thing like you. But there’s a more prominent, high prevailing relief that he’s confident he can, because he has to. Because of that stupid little ramen cup that you’re helping yourself to right now. Because there’s no way you’d have that right now now unless—unless…
The undead corpses on his front lawn had been his first clue to something being wrong. Shoto doesn’t leave the zombie fuckers to rot if he can help it, an annoyance Touya’s barked at plenty of times as a waste of time and energy, only for his words to be met with quiet disapproval. So to find four of the disgusting things still pouring putrid black and stenching up the frost on his front porch…well, it gave Touya reason to be cautious. Swallowing a burst of nostalgia, he quietly opens the kitchen window—the back door squeaks loud enough to wake the dead—and climbs through with perfect silence, a skill earned in a long forgotten world that had been nothing but a blessing in the world it had turned into. The slow movements it requires give his swirling panicking mind a moment to gauge all the what if's, but when he discovers that the person sitting in his house is not his little brother it's impossible not to come to a single grim conclusion. 
That’s how he was lucky enough to get the drop on you, sitting in front of the makeshift fireplace in his beaten up living room, slurping up that ramen cup like it’s the only thing you’ve eaten in days—and given how his last run went, it’s pretty fucking likely that's how it is. Touya had already been in a pretty foul mood on his return to the safehouse, leaving to find the one thing they’re always running out of. And for the first time, he had nothing to fucking show for it. Clouds on the horizon sent him trekking home empty-handed. Scavengers fearing the approaching cold probably cleared everything out before he could get a look in. Everything they had left to eat, which wasn't much, he’d left with Shoto—who'd promised him that stupid instant ramen on his return. Said he'd save it for last. And damn it all if he couldn’t trust everything that came from his brother’s mouth, even in a world like this. 
The seconds are dragging past in Touya's mind but he knows in real time you'll notice him any moment now. By luck or skill, you've survived this long, and that counts for something. He can't give you the benefit of the doubt. He’s got a gun, secured in the waist of his jeans, but it’s been out of bullets for ages now. It’s mainly been a deterrent for strangers, kept in vain hope that he finds more ammo one day. He’d use it now, if he wanted to scare you.
But he doesn’t. Touya’s past that now. His knife comes off his belt just as silently as he came through the window. Stepping quickly on the balls of his feet, Touya crosses the room towards you, and you react a mere breath before the blade finds a new home in your neck.
Your body twists, and his reach slashes too wide. Before he can redirect the arc you’ve got your hands braced on his arm, forcing it straight with a strength he couldn’t have expected from you. Touya snarls at the combination of anger and fear on your face. You have no right. 
“The fuck’re you doing?” you growl at him through grit teeth. There’s evident strain in your voice so Touya doubles down and your wince sends a blistering satisfaction tearing through his body. When your grip weakens, he lets the blade fall and tackles you to the carpet. 
You let out a muffled yell as your back hits the ground hard, and Touya is quick to plant himself over your center mass, hands bearing down on your throat. You buck and thrash, trying to dislodge his weight, movements limited as you try to block him from cutting off your air. Touya spits a curse down at you as your nails shred at his wrists and the back of his hands. It’s incredibly difficult to keep hold of you. You’re like a fucking animal, choking and wheezing and hissing and fucking growling at him as you fight him off. With ridiculous effort, you manage to shove one of his hands off and get leverage with your feet on the ground, using his own weight to send him in an ungainly tumble to the floor.
It’s startling how quickly you react after that, gasping for air and lunging for him, putting a fist in his gut. The force of it shoves air and spittle from his lungs and has him sucking in air desperately. He rolls away from you as you pounce at him again, your shoulder checking his chin and giving him the taste of blood in his mouth before he gets a solid shove at your chest, resulting in a moan of pain. There’s a brief pause as he staggers to his feet and he freezes as his eyes lock with the gun you now have pointed at him.
You seem to have frozen as well, joints locked and chest heaving.
After a long moment Touya scoffs. “What? You just gonna point the thing at m—”
The gun clicks; time shifts; Touya jerks. 
There’s no gunshot, and your eyes fly wide in obvious fear. Time slows down just enough for him to realize that he recognizes that gun, patting his waistband. His eyes narrow, and you react, whipping the gun right at him.
Touya dodges and you turn and sprint from the living room. He lunges after you, skidding nimbly into the hall as you make a run for it. He grabs at the back your jacket, howling a curse as you jerk out of his grip, the material making an audible ripping sound and snagging at one of his nails instead, forcing him to falter. Blood wells up out of the cuticle and drips down his hand; Touya grips it tightly, hissing through his teeth and tearing after you again, catching up with you right as you start slamming a door on him. He gets his weight against the door and there’s a mad struggle as you both become opposing forces, but there’s a moment where he loses traction, the blood from his finger making his hand slide.
The door slams shut and Touya slams his fist against the wood as fury overtakes him.
“Where’s my brother, you fucking bitch!” 
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Fucker was carrying an empty gun!
You wildly look around the small space that you despairingly realize is a bathroom. The man is still pounding on the door, shouting, and shaking the handle. You have no idea what he’s talking about and you need a fix before he stops being pissed enough to figure out that a few solid kicks is all it would take to get through the flimsy wood. You rip down the grimy plastic shower curtain and twist it tightly around the handle, looping it through the towel bar above the sink, hosting a pair of decrepit floral washcloths that look like they haven’t been used since patient zero. You continue weaving the figure eight until you’re forced to tie it off as you run out of length. It’s not much, but it’ll buy you an extra minute or two if you’re lucky. 
The handle creaks with one last aggravated twist. There’s a short silence that follows as you stare at the door, heart beating out of your chest. Then his voice filters through the door, a throaty rasp full of a rage that makes you quake with adrenaline and fear.
“Ain’t nowhere for you to go, lady. Get the fuck out here and maybe I won’t kill ‘ya.”
This not what you’d bargained for. “Like I’m gonna trust the guy who tried to stab me without so much as a hello.”
He chuckles, a soft sound that you’d find pretty if it weren’t for the way your skin breaks out in goosebumps that have nothing to do with the cold. “You want a hello? Come get one.”
Ignoring him—and the way your body tremors—you turn and start trying to peel away the board covering what must be a small window. If you’re lucky enough to get it off, maybe you can drop out through the window. 
But after a solid half hour of tugging, scraping and peeling, and nothing more to show for it than torn and bloody fingernails, you admit defeat. Wincing, you carefully wipe away the blood on your jeans and listen to see if he’s still outside the door. It’s hard to tell anything over your thumping pulse in your own ears, but it sounds quiet. 
It’s better not to risk it. You settle against the back of the tub and sit; if you wait long enough, he’ll pass out and you can slip out quietly. Moving quietly and disappearing is the only thing that’s kept you alive this far, especially after the last group you left. The last thing you want to do is be out at night, between the cold and poor visibility—that’s just asking to get killed. But no part of you can deny that facing that deranged stranger outside this door would be doing more than just asking. 
Time passes slowly, painfully. Ever since the turn, dozing off idly became a thing of the past, something dangerous. You’re stuck being alert and aware of every little creak, every little sigh this house can produce. The wind tears around outside and your fingertips have become numb. It’s gotten much colder tonight that it has in the past few days, and you dig your arms from your sleeves into the body of your clothing in an attempt to keep warm.
A light tapping puts you on edge before you realize you’re shaking so hard that the buttons on your jacket are clacking against the floor. You clench your jaw. You have to try now; if you wait any longer it’ll be too cold to make it down the street, let alone how far you’ll need to get away from this place to feel comfortable ever again. Your joints protest as you stand as silently as you can, after sitting for so long. It’s much more painstaking to get the shower curtain from the door; it’s like trying to tiptoe with a windbreaker, but eventually you manage and crack the door open. 
The house is dark, but even after a few moments no one shoves the door open, so pull it wider and peek out. There’s no sign of him. You step quietly out and feel your way down the wall, back towards the living room. There’s no chance you’ll get your pack back, not much in it besides clothes and water anyways, but you’ll have to make do. You inch into the kitchen where you remember seeing a backdoor, and gently turn the lock before pulling the door open. The hinges squeak so painfully loud that you suck in a breath, heart thudding in panic, but that’s not what has you frozen, shivering in the doorway.
What you heard from the bathroom floor wasn’t just wind, but a full blown snowstorm. It’s too early for snow, at least you’d thought, but here it is swirling so thick that you can’t see more than a couple of feet into the yard, and there’s already about a foot of snow. The moon highlights your breath getting swept away in the wind.
“Still thinkin’ about running?”
You shut the door and warily face him, not deigning to answer. The chances of making it more than a couple of blocks without freezing to death are slim. You can’t see much but his silhouette and a mess of pale hair, so it’s hard to make out what he’s thinking. All you know is that he hasn’t wrapped his hands around your neck yet.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t go pointing a gun at me again, and I won’t kill you tonight.”
“Try not to stab me then.”
You think he’s smiling. “No promises.” 
Another shudder wracks through you and you try to tighten your jacket around your body. There’s a tear somewhere near the underarm seam—another reason why running is a terrible option.
“C’mon. It won’t last the night, but I’ve got a small fire going.” He turns his back on you, and you have no choice but to follow him. “Name’s Touya, by the way.”
The “fire” Touya’s got up is nothing but a few table legs crumbling into ember, but you have to admit it’s much warmer in here than it was in the bathroom. The soft light gives you your best look at him yet, and you notice he’s far more handsome than he should be. Hair a bright white, his skin is fair beneath the light grime, and he has piercing green, maybe blue eyes—it’s hard to tell in the flickering orange glow. 
He glances at your raised eyebrow and scoffs. “Look, it’s all I had left. Shoto was supposed to be gathering wood while I was gone.”
You sit slowly a small distance away from him, as close to the fire as you can get. He tosses you a ratty blanket that had been hanging off the back of the couch. “Is Shoto your brother?”
He looks at you and scowls. “Yeah he is, and the only reason I haven’t come after you again is because I have no leads if you’re dead. I need you, if I’m gonna find out what happened to him.”
“Is that why you attacked me?” you ask him quietly. He’s throwing a couple of torn book covers into the embers, light flickering brighter as they catch and blaze. “You think I—”
“An eye for an eye,” Touya chuckles, his expression hardening into something devoid, something frightening. 
“I didn’t kill your brother.” You tell him softly, wondering how you’re supposed to convince him when he’s already convinced himself. You have no idea who he is. He simply stares at you.
“Look when I got here, there were a bunch of zoms in the yard. I barely got past them, my knife broke in one of their heads. I figured the place was empty and needed somewhere to hole up. I never saw your brother, I swear.” Touya’s expression is still hard, but his eyes have begun to flicker with doubt. “Bet you went through my bag already. You know I don’t have any weapons. I’ve got no reason to lie.”
“Other than to save your own neck.”
“Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do?” You glare at him. “Look, if he was here, I would’ve asked him to let me in. I’ve never… I’ve never killed someone like that before.”
“Like what?” He looks at you now, eyebrows slackening at the tremble in your voice. “You were all too willing to pull the trigger on me.”
“Self-defense is different.” You look away, curling your legs to your chest. “I’ve never…murdered someone. I’ve seen it happen before, but I can’t. That’s why I’m so good at running.”
Touya stills, seemingly taking in your words, sifting through them like one would examine sand through a looking a glass. Finally, he sighs.  
“He’s not dead.” You glance at him; that didn’t really seem like he was talking to you, so you let it rest in the air like that. His eyes shine in the dying fire before they flicker and pin themselves to you.
“So that’s why’re you alone, then? Couldn’t kill someone?”
Your lips twist into a frown, and you look away from him, resting your chin on your knees. Your mind is a swirl of blazing violet eyes, crimson full of rage, viridian vexed of indecision. “My last group was falling apart. Left before things got ugly, been on my own since.”
“How long ago was that?” Touya asks quietly.
You peek at him warily. “Long enough.”
He nods at you at that, grunting as he lays down and gets comfortable. You take that as his signal that conversation is over and follow suit, inching closer to the tiny flames that you vainly pray will last the night.
The night passes but sleep does not come for you, held at bay by memories that you wish would fade as quickly as the fire seems to, a deep cold settling over you as the embers turn to smoke. You pull the blanket tighter around you, now scared to sleep in case you don’t wake up.
“Well fuck,” Touya sighs, sitting up and leaning on his palms. You can hear his teeth chattering. With the fire gone you can’t see his face, there’s no lighting coming through the covered windows either. “Daylight’s still a few hours off. That sucks, ain’t nothing for it.”
He rolls into your space and you try to scramble away from him, only for him to yank you to his chest and curl and arm around your back.
“You’re fucking insane.”
“No, I’m fucking freezing, and not interested in dying. You interested in dying? Or I don’t know, losing a few fingers and toes?”
You glare into his chest, clenching your jaw to keep your teeth from echoing his own chattering.
“That’s what I thought.”
After your racing heart settles, you hate to admit that it’s the only way. Wrapped up in his arms, tugged tight to his chest like this…it’s still cold, but an endurable kind of cold, the kind that has you worming your way closer to him to make it less uncomfortable. 
“Don’t,” you warn him as you feel his cheek stretch into a grin against your temple.
“Alright, alright. Fine. Could make this nicer, you know. Just sayin’.”
Suspicion blooms in your chest at his cheeky attempt at charm. “What are you talking about?”
A growl tears up your throat as he rolls you onto your back, ready to shove him off but you tense in shock as he leans down and closes his lips on the spot right beneath your ear. You exhale sharply on instinct. You haven’t been touched like this since—you slam your mind closed on those thoughts and try to think through his tongue tracing over your pulse point.
“Wh– what are you doing?”
“‘M gonna make you warm,” he whispers, nosing up and nipping lightly at the shell of your ear.
“Holy fuck, you are crazy. I’m not sleeping with you,” you hiss sharply, trying to wiggle away from him.
Touya tosses his head back in a wry laugh. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m dropping my pants in a blizzard, you’re crazier than me.”
“Then, then wh—”
“Shut up and stop thinking for a minute, won’tcha?” Touya grumbles and lowers himself back towards you, capturing your lips and working your mouth open with a little rumble of approval when you relax back to the floor. One hand comes up to hold your cheek, fingers cradled around the back of your head and the way he groans into your mouth sends a heatwave of embarrassment and arousal crackling across your body.
He paws at your covered chest, something warm and hard digging into your thigh as he grinds against you, and you resist the insane urge to wrap your legs around his waist.
Like he’s reading your mind, long fingers dig into one of your thighs and hike it up, and you gasp into his mouth as he shifts and suddenly his clothed dick is pressed hard against your core.
“Oh, you ain’t so hard are you?” Touya chuckles as you bite his lower lip in retaliation. You can almost imagine his eyes flashing at you as he begins to grind against you in slow, controlled motions. Your clit throbs underneath the rub of denim, and you can feel yourself slowly soaking through the material of your panties. “Still fiesty though. ‘S nice.”
“Fuck you.”
Touya groans, fingers digging into your hips as if trying to pull you up into him. “Don’t make me think about that, darlin’”
“Not your darling.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep reminding me darlin’.”
He moans low and sweet into into your neck, suckling softly in one spot and continually moving to the next. It’s maddening and you keep shifting and rocking your body into to his, feeling pleasure unfurl in you so hot and deep, clit pulsing and sensitive, sparking until you’re sure it’s going to take you apart.
Touya stiffens, hips jumping before he grits his teeth and collapses gently over your chest, fists curled tight on either side of your head. The swirling ball of pleasure that had been moments from reach boils and begins to fade, leaving you gasping in frustration.
“Seriously, you’re stopping now?” you whine, squirming when he holds you in place. 
“‘M not interest in finding out how fast my pants would freeze to my dick with spunk all twisted up in there,” he snarls under his breath, biting back the urge to keep rutting against your body. “Believe me, sweetheart. Blueballing myself is not the end goal here. Fuck. You’re warm now, yeah?”
You’re struggling to get your heavy breaths under control, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. You’re warm all over, but you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. 
Touya grabs the ends of the blankets and makes sure they’re tucked around you both, shifting so that he’s no longer on top of you, but on his side next to you. “Then fucking sleep, okay? I know you haven’t yet. We’ll figure it out later. Deal?”
You snort. By figure it out, you wonder if he’s talking about the thing still twitching against your hip, or the whole mess of a situation. But either way, you’re heeding him. As the rush slowly drifts from your system, exhaustion takes over and you find yourself dead asleep, tucked under his arm. 
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theycallmeratt · 4 months
For the ask game 👀
3. how you feel about your current wip 4. a story idea you haven't written yet
14. where do you get your inspiration? 30. share a fic you're especially proud of
3: Feelings about my current WIP
I currently have 3 that I'm actively working on.
The first, Arcanus Fisticuffus, I'm loving. It's very light hearted and silly and it's a breath of fresh air after weeks of smut and more dramatic stuff.
The second is another chapter of the Bandit Queen which is also very silly. It's a Rugan fic and I'm trying so hard to lean into him being a bad person but still charming (I've mentioned this before). It hurts so good, like picking a scab.
The third is a fic involving the thieflings from BG3, where they go into the Shadowfell to release the souls of the tieflings who died to the Shadow-Curse. I've been working on this since February and all the big stuff is written, I'm just struggling with the tinier scenes and the ending. I'm so excited for this fic, but I've definitely reached the point that I've almost built it up too much! Currently I'm stepping back and trying to hang out with more 7-10 year olds to really get a feel for how they talk.
4: Story idea I haven't written yet
So many
1) I want to write two more Zelda stories, one where Zelda is the antagonist and one where Link is. The games pretty much explore "but what if ambition was evil?" and I want to do wisdom and courage. I kind of have the Zelda one figured out; it would be set during Ocarina of Time and involve her basically trying to manipulate/frame Ganondorf as an enemy of the state using Link (culminating in Ganondorf's "execution" from twilight princess, but having his bad ass escape be a victory)
2) I just started playing Hades(the first one) and I'm obsessed. I'm not all the way through the game so my ideas might be a little silly but I'd love to do a funny one featuring Hypnos and Dusa trying to help Zag and just low key dropping the ball.
3) I have an idea set post BG3 involving Zevlor where he and Cerys (and a few others) are investigating a series of mysterious, gruesome murders where all the victims are people who were previously tadpoled/reformed members of the Absolute.
4) And Minthara and Araj teaming up to take back Minthara's rightful place in her house. Minthara would have Araj help her to request Lloth and assassinations, and eventually they would kiss.
14. Where do I get inspiration?
1) Daydreaming. Whenever I do anything physical I daydream and a lot of that is "what if this character did this?" Most of them are silly but if I get a scene I like I'll write it and that might turn into something. I try to not dismiss any idea.
2) I get it a lot of inspiration from other people. Shadows of the Lost came from a post about imperialism and the Gerudos' relationship with death/zonai came from a post about lore theories. Flowers was based on a tumblr post about flower language. Arcanus Fisticuffus was from the MMMay posts, Wine, Iron and Other Damnables from a post about enchanted weapons. Stranger Flames have Burned was from a @naughtybg3confessions post. I always try to link my sources in fics!
3) Talking with people, especially joking about things. I feel like I'm always taking my jokes to absurd levels, but in Arcanus Fisticuffus the idea for Liam and Cal to be filling everyone's heads with stories about Rolan came from a bit where they were going to make sure he won (as well as the incoming cobra kai jokes). Honeypot came from a joking demand for a thirst fic. Hornoscopes from joking about horoscopes. Sometimes an individual inspires a fic and I usually gift that fic to them.
4) Going off that, writing absurd stuff and trying to make it work, like when Astarion and Minthara crash a patriar party to make sure Wyll is getting the respect he deserves in Dance, or when I explain the "fade to black" sex scenes at Sharess's Caress... and then involve shovel (Sharess's Mess).
5) Exchanges! I've written a lot for exchanges.
6) Fixing problems I have with the story or finding solutions to things that make me uncomfortable. Like, I don't want to write overly gendered language/insults. That led to my current fic-canon (which I don't remember if it made it into my published fics but if not, I'm going to fix that) where Ganondorf being male doesn't make him the leader; it's that he's Ganondorf, the same guy, reincarnated. And that led to Gerudo having a huge reincarnation culture that lined up nicely with the lore post I linked above.
30 A fic I'm proud of
Flowers - not a team up I would expect, Lae'zel's way of speaking is hard-ish for me to write, but I love the result
Embers that Never Go Out - I'm just really proud of it :')
Shadows of the Lost - it has its problems but this fic got me going. It's like a lynch pin, without the others it wouldn't exist, and I had so much flipping fun writing it. I often think fondly of revisiting it and cleaning it up.
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kleio-writes · 11 months
Medusa recovering after a bad mission.
Something that wouldn't get out of my mind when talking to @arturhunter about our characters in the MWII AU getting hurt.
This one is about Medusa, specifically. And I will be writing one for Hermes this week.
This is also a little part of the AU story that we're having fun with. So these characters are already in the TF141 (or at least used for some missions). On this specific one Medusa was deployed but not Hermes. This is after a week of Medusa being at the hospital (awake). Y'all have to wait until I write the whole background about what happened with the squad Hermes and Medusa were in before. But maybe that's after this gets some attraction.
The sound of the IV dripping fills the room and the smell of the antiseptic burns her nostrils each time she inhales. Medusa was recovering in the hospital bed of a private room Hermes had asked specifically for her when she was brought out of surgery. 
She should have been dead with the amount of blood she lost but the MedEvac brought her just in time. Another scar decorated her body now, another reminder of her brush with death. Looks like it’s what she always attracted to herself, ever since birth.
She was looking out the window absentmindedly when someone knocked at the door. She looked over, thinking it was a Nurse or Doctor. Or even Ghost who was guarding her since she was brought in. If it was because of Price’s orders or just because of his guilty conscience, she didn’t know.
-Hey ‘Dusa it’s me. 
The person didn’t need to say much, she recognized the voice of her brother. The only person that would have cared about her untimely death, maybe the 141 would have cared a bit but she was nothing more but another Soldier to them. A means to an end.
She stared blankly at the door before speaking, her voice hoarse.
-Yeah come in..
Medusa goes back to staring out the window as she hears the door open. She almost wants to look and try to see if Ghost is still out there but fears showing her face even more in the process. She couldn’t trust anyone. Fuck, why can’t she just have her mask here.
 On the bright side her family thought she was dead and buried after this last mission, right after going against them too. 
Morrigan. Her last name haunted her.
Hermes entered the room with some containers in his hand. Shaking them a bit, enough to hear the inside contents move. Medusa only looks back at her brother when she hears the door close.
-Brought you some of my delicious home cooked meals, the gods know you won’t be well fed with the hospital food or the MRE later on. 
Hermes says that with his normal voice. Excited, joking a little even. It was just how his booming voice sounded. Medusa found comfort in it, even if he was too loud at the times her brain was overstimulated. But anything was better than the constant buzzing in her ears and the arrival of her chronic headaches right now.
-Oh yeah ? Finally some good food..
Medusa responds with her quiet raspy voice and smiles, her lips cracked and with a little scar that was definitely staying. Another one adorning her features. 
She hasn’t talked that much since she was isolated in this bleak hospital room for recovery. 
Ghost sure didn’t talk to her or even bother to enter the room since the day she was brought in. The same day Hermes came to visit her with a disheveled look. All rage and concern and grief by just imagining she could have died. 
Ghost hasn’t spoken to her since the day the three of them talked when she woke up from her surgery. The day when Medusa asked for Ghost to stay when he wanted to give them both privacy, when she had her face in the open. All bruises and no mask.
She tried to shake the thought of someone other than Hermes actually looking at her.
Medusa tried to get up a bit to a sitting position, she winced from the pain. Her stitches and inflamed skin were giving her hell. Of course it had to be right in her abdomen, she had been a fool in her mission.
Hermes puts the containers on the bedside table when noticing her discomfort and helps her a bit. Medusa pulls a face at the sting.
-Easy there ‘Dusa.
-I’m trying..
Now she knew why she hadn’t  attempted to talk, even breathing hurt.
After successfully sitting on the bed she finally opens her eyes and actually looks at Hermes.
-No helmet or mask again, huh ?
-What can I say, I have a pretty face.
He makes a pause and focuses on the containers with food. Not really staring at them but lost in thought. Hermes looks at Medusa again after a bit.
-Plus, what’s the point if the team already saw my pretty mug when I came looking for you ?
She hums at his answer.
He sits down on a chair next to her and starts opening the containers, using the space on the bed next to her as a table. The sound of the plastic fills the room. She takes a look.
-Damn, not even metal utensils ?
-Nope, they search us up and down before entering. I love me a bit of a wandering hand but even I think it’s excessive.
She snorts at that and winces automatically.  Damn stitches. Hermes chuckles.
Both of them eat in silence for a while until Hermes breaks the silence.
-They’re worried about you, you know ?
Medusa doesn’t say anything, just hums and eats her food. Yeah right.
-I know you think they don’t after what happened to our last squad… Those motherfuckers were just a bunch of turncoats.
He continues. She continued to chew on her food. Medusa didn’t really like reviving memories and Hermes knew it.
-What I’m trying to say is…They were really shaken up with what happened. We all thought you weren’t going to make it ‘Dusa. Hell, I was not okay but the team certainly wasn’t better. Ghost blames himself you know ?
She swallows her food thickly and puts the plastic fork down.
-That’s his job, he’s the Lieutenant. He was responsible for the mission.
-Yeah but--
-Then he’s just doing his job.
-‘Dusa you don’t understand. He’s been at the door for the past week--
-Because of Price’s orders--
Medusa just stares at Hermes after their back and forth. Her green gaze saying ‘You know better’ by his outburst. He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a sharp breath, groaning right after.  Getting up he paces around while speaking loudly to Medusa.
-Why can’t you understand the concept of affection when it comes from other people!? These guys actually like us, why must you be so uptight about it !? For fuck’s sake, Ghost saved your ass out there. If it wasn’t for him checking in on you at that moment and called the MedEvac you would have died Mona.
Medusa closes her eyes, trying not to wince at the screaming. She knew that. She remembers having her eyes shut from the pain, trying to hold onto her wound to make pressure but being too weak for it. She remembers how the Lieutenant shouted her callsign and dropped to his knees beside her, grabbing her and putting his hands on hers to try to stop the bleeding, but it was bad. 
She remembers his gruff voice saying “Keep your eyes open Sargeant” and “C’mon ‘Dusa don’t fall asleep”. She wanted to remove those words from her brain. The softness and the distress of his tone along with them... Was that why she allowed him to see her face when she woke up ?
Medusa looked straight at Hermes, he had used her name, he had screamed at her too. Why couldn’t he just have his mouth shut.
-You know exactly why I can’t trust them. Both of us know.
Hermes remembers. He pales at the memory and swallows dryly.
-‘Dusa look, I’m sorry--
-‘Dusa please--
-I said out. I’m tired.
The Operator didn’t say anything else as the Sniper put the container of food on the bedside table and got herself laid down. Her back turned. 
-I’ll be back tomorrow…Maybe Soap and Gaz will visit with me. Price still has some things to work with Laswell but he will appear by the end of the week.
That was all that was said before Hermes opened the door and left Medusa alone. She sighed, wincing again at the pain.
On the other side of the door, Ghost stood there waiting, guarding. He saw Hermes getting out by his peripheral vison.
-So ?
-So, she’s on her bullshit again. Seemed a bit better though hurting a lot from the wound, but she’ll live. That’s Medusa for yah.
Ghost looked down at Hermes, face unreadable from the plain black balaclava he was using. It was weird for him not seeing Ghost with his famous skull mask. Reminding the Operator of the uncanny valley concept. Humanoid but not really Human.
Ghost’s brown eyes stared intently at Hermes. As if asking permission for something. Would the Lieutenant ever use his own words ?
-You can enter, she won’t mind since she permitted you to see her face properly before. She is cranky and a bit mad right now so just beware. Snakes bite when threatened and all of that.
Was all Hermes said before going back to base.
Do not Repost.
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zukoandtheoc · 2 years
dusa back :)
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
Tangled starlights
(working title)
Also hc that Hypnos is also working when he sleeping, he does his job as God of sleep. He can also do a normal sleep so he can get rest. But he doesn't get nearly as much he needs.
Part four of marriage AU
No beta.
You stood in the dusty room as Hypnos floated around, lighting the candles on the walls. 
You didn't think you would return to this room. Not after what happened a few days ago. Your stomach twisted in anxiety. You weren't upset exactly but you didn't expect such a strong response. 
"And no one has kept up with the library?" You asked. You didn't want to think about *it* right now.
You walked along the shelfs, the scrolls seemed to be calling for you. 
"Mother made this place before Hades took over the house for her and he didn't deem any of this stuff important." He replied, and pointed to a door at the far end of the room. 
Hypnos waved a hand around. "There are more in that room also. When she was younger, she used to collect as many stories and knowledge as she could. But she never took the time to actually organize it." 
Hypnos lit the last candle and floated down to stand. He kept some distance between You and him. Only his bright eyes followed you around the room as you wondered.
"If you don't want to, it's totally fine. This is a lot-" 
"N-no. I want to!" You shook your head. "I helped Athens with her library the few times she needed to update it." 
You stopped and turned with a smile. "Also I like a good story and I don't doubt that your mother has some great ones in here." 
Hypnos returned your smile and you tried not to think about how close he was last night.
"Great! I'll get Dusa to help you clean up the dust in here."  He glanced around the room, "And maybe some chairs and tables." 
"Yes. Might be helpful." You teased him. And felt a little warm at his laugh.
Several hours in and you were bone tired and dusty.  
"Hey Dusa! How is it looking up there?" You called out.  Dusa quickly floated to You. Her green, shiny skin was now dark gray with dust but that didn't stop the beaming smile. 
You smiled back, already so fond of Dusa. It felt like You had spent a day with one of your sisters. 
"I think we got all the dust! I'm just sorry we had to remove all the scrolls out of their place."  She glanced at the piles of scrolls in the corner, carefully stacked together.
You shook your head, "It's okay. I've been told it was already a bit of a mess so no harm done."
"O-oh good!" She bobbed in the air. " I think-"
"Oh wow, I didn't realize we had so many scrolls."  An male voice drifted through the door. 
You and Dusa both turned toward the door, surprised at the visitor. 
Zagreus stood, hands on hips as he looked at the pile that loomed over him. 
"O-oh Prince! Be careful!" Dusa rushed over to him. You followed, of course he will show up when you and Dusa were both a mess. 
"Don't worry, I won't touch it." Zagreus smiled at You. " Sorry for coming at a bad time. I heard from Mother Nyx that Hypnos' wife was taking over the library. And I realized I haven't induced myself yet. I'm Zagreus.
"My name is Y/N and I would shake your hand but…" You held up your hands, covered in dust and grime. 
"Of course. If you ever need anything, just let me know." Zagreus' mismatched eyes studied your face as he said it.
"Thank you, Prince Zagreus. Dusa has been an amazing help already."  You tilted your head to Dusa who blushed.
"O-oh it is not a problem! I'm happy to help!" Dusa murmured.
"Dusa is amazing isn't she? Our hardest worker for sure." Zagreus praised, he sounded so proud of her. 
"Oh oh my, excuse me! I- I need to get cleaned up." Dusa rushed out, her blush visible even with the dust
"Oh dear." Zagreus said. "We might have been a bit much. But it is good that she hears it. Goodness knows Father doesn't understand how hard she works for this house."
You weren't quite sure what to say. You didn't want to take sides yet or ever if it can be avoided. You have seen too many times what happens when two gods get into a fight with each other. 
"You'll have to forgive me but Dusa is right. A hot bath sounds like a dream right now." You smiled at him, glad for the excuse. 
"Of course! I will leave you to it, Y/N!" Zagreus nodded and waved goodbye as he left.
You sighed. Hopefully this room will be worth the trouble.
You couldn't remember the last time you felt so relaxed. There was nothing like a hot bath, you mused.
You tore off a part of the warm bread and popped it into your mouth. You eyed the pomegranate but went for the olive. Save the best for last you thought.
You laid on top of the covers, feeling like the most spoiled being alive. You went for another olive.
What a day.  But at least you were moving forward and now there was a job for you to do. 
inevitably, you thought about Hypnos. He was still at work, you last heard. You knew he slept on the job but that wasn't a rest. Not really. 
You thought about what he said before. How being more powerful than your sisters. No one ever said that, why would they? It is clear what the gods liked. 
Hermes may have the only exception (at least until Hypnos) that enjoyed her powers but even then he never said what Hypnos did. 
Hermes had always pushed a little more, made her try harder to be a little more quick and clever. Your older brother in everything but blood. Hermes had been one of the few people You missed other than your sisters.
He did travel to the underworld sometimes. Maybe you could see him again. Give him letters for your sisters. 
Your eyes drifted closed, the dark red 
canopy were the last thing you saw before sleep overtook You. 
There were sounds outside your door. You blinked at the candles by your bedside. They were much lower than before you went to sleep. The only sign that any time had passed at all.
You frowned at your door. It sounded like an argument. You stood and quietly walked to the door. You pressed your ear against it. 
But the bloody thing was so thick, you weren't sure what was being said. 
But you weren't going to just stand there especially after being woken up so rudely. You looked around your chambers for a weapon. Just in case.
You frowned when you realized there was nothing. You would just have to be ready to slam the doors.
With a deep breath, you pushed your bedchambers open. 
The two men outside went quiet. Hypnos and another man You didn't know stood before you.
"Great, just great. Now look at what you did." Hypnos snapped at the other man. 
"Me?" The man snapped back. He was about the same height as Hypnos but unlike Hypnos he wore only dark colors. His scythe loomed over all three as it gleamed even the candlelight. 
"Yes you!" Hypnos grumbled. He turned to You, his normal smile gone. And you couldn't help but notice how much deeper the black circles have gotten. 
"Y/N, I'm sorry. You will have to forgive us for our lack of manners. You can go back to sleep now." Hypnos turned back to the man. "Brother, I think our 'little talk' is done for now. You should be getting back to work right?" Hypnos' tone was sharp.
You didn't realize he could sound like that. Also brother? 
The man frowned, and looked at You then at Hypnos.
"Fine, but you have a duty to the house. You need to grow up at some point." 
Then he turned on his foot and walked away. 
Once he was out of sight, Hypnos sighed as he looked at you. He was floating, the candles highlighted his face.
"I didn't know you had a brother." You stepped out of your bedchambers. You were only in a draped linen gown, a little inappropriate but you were too curious not to know.
"Two brothers, Thanatos and Charon. You just 'met' my twin, Thanatos." Hypnos said.
You could hear the exhaustion in his voice and your heart twisted. You will ask more about his brothers later. 
"Have you gotten any sleep?" You felt silly asking the god of sleep if he got any rest.  But those dark circles were all the proof you needed.
"Sure, I fall asleep on all time especially on the job!" Hypnos' smiled meanly, his hands spread out in a mock shrug.
"I mean real sleep." You crossed your arms. "Surely, the naps you take aren't enough." 
Almost out of nowhere, a thought came. 
"Wait, what exactly are you doing when you napping?" You asked. 
Hypnos raised an eyebrow and silent took over.
"Does it matter?" He finally responded. 
"It matters. At least to me." You didn't know what to make of this whole argument. There was something you were missing but you don't know what.
Hypnos was silent as he stopped floating. He walked closer, his light golden eyes not leaving your own eyes. You resisted stepping back, staying in place with your arms crossed. You cursed how warm you felt when Hypnos stopped in front of you. 
"My brother is the God of Death. He gets those last few minutes of a human's life. Unbelievably terrifying for those poor humans I imagine." Hypnos leaned forward, his hand pressed against the wall, next to your waist. 
You could feel a blush crawl up your neck and cheeks. "And what do you get?" You asked, hating the small tremble in your voice. 
"One third. Sometimes more than that. Slowly over the years. When I sleep, I can go to humans and give them sleep or take away any sleep they want." 
Hypnos' eyes were beautiful and you felt so exposed.
"So you haven't been getting much real sleep at all." You said, tearing your eyes away. On impulse, you reached up to touch the obol. You heard his breath hitched. 
You had to put a stop to this. Or you would do something very foolish.
"Right then come along." You grabbed his wrist and pulled him into your bedchamber.
"Ah…" Hypnos sounded unsure. 
"You need some sleep. I can't trust that you will if I leave you alone in your bedroom." Your blush was getting worse.  "Also I doubt I will be able to get any more sleep. So I'm just going to keep an eye on you while I finish up some letters." 
You cleared off the bed and gestured towards your bed. 
Hypnos just stood there. "You don't-"
You waved his words away. "No one will bother you in here, so just try to get a nap in." 
You sat down at your desk, feeling very foolish. You grabbed a blank paper and started writing down tasks for the library.
You heard Hypnos moved around and settled in your bed. You thought you heard him murmured something but didn't turned around to look. 
Eventually you heard his soft breathing. This time you did look. He didn't get under the cover but did take one of the pillows and was on the opposite side you slept on. 
If anyone asked why you allowed this, you just say you were helping your husband as a wife should.
Nothing more, nothing less.
You nodded, and tried not to think how your heart fluttered earlier.
Your eyes blinked open. Frowning in confusion, you looked down at your papers.  A blanket slipped off your shoulders and pooled around your feet. 
Last night ( or day) memories flooded back. You had fell asleep at your desk. 
You turned to look at your bed but Hypnos was gone. You didn't like how disappointed you felt. No need for that for that, you scolded yourself. You grapped the blanket to return it. 
Only when you got closer, did you see what Hypnos left behind. 
On the bed, a bottle of nectar and a note was tucked under the bottle.
'Thanks.' No name or anything, not that You needed one. 
There was however a picture of an smiling face next to it.
"Oh Hypnos." You laughed. 
Oh dear what have You gotten yourself into to?
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thevermilionwitch · 3 years
Okay, this has been living in my head rent free
Imagine Makaria and Melinoë in the Hades game
So, imagine that Hades has that class game where you get to choose which class you will choose in a save file. Instead of one character, you can choose either of the three for the rest of the game that fits your style.
Makaria, the goddess of blessed death
Class: Mage or Sorceress. Any class title that uses magic.
Makaria is the calmest and soft spoken, maybe shaken up to her father's stern voice and grown accustomed to it over time. She works in Elysium to accommodate the shades there and comes home through Charon. Amongst the three, she has the most share of face from Persephone, almost like a splitting image of her. Golden locks, green eyes, which brings a lot of pain for Hades to look at and just quickly sent her forth to Elysium for her responsibilities. She rarely see her siblings and she felt like she doesn't belong in the family for her looks and capabilities.
Makaria would be working along side with Thanatos, of course. Her main arsenal would be a scythe (or nothing) and uses magic based from the boons. Unlike Zagreus, whose boons empowers his physical aspect and weaponry, she has spells and summonings that fights for her (e.g. Poseidon boons would give her the ability to send a tidal wave etc). Instead of using the Daedalus hammer to empower her arsenal, she uses Hekate's torch. She can probably romance Thanatos or help him to get together with Zagreus. It's not Hades if you didn't reunite or counsel some couples in your House.
There are exclusive boons that can only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Apollo - gives boons that could blind or stun enemies
Eros - boons that can make enemies fight for you temporarily
Melinoë, the goddess of nightmares and madness
Class: assassin or rogue. She is probably has the highest based offense stats but, squishy af
Melinoë has the same trait as Zagreus. Having the heterochromia but the opposite. Identical and having that twinsies vibe with him. She is probably closer in terms of relationship with Zagreus and probably the first one to be heartbroken when Zagreus decided to leave.
The most vicious among siblings, Melinoë would be working along side with the Furies sisters, which punishing to those who committed the heaviest acts. She would wield whips or dual handed weaponry. The boons would empower her weaponry and physique much like Zagreus. However, she can wield two different boons in the same attack type (e.g. You can have Curse of Agony and Heartbreak Strike at the same time). However, if you are going to change or sell your attack boons, you'll lose both of it. This can only apply on the attack slot. Instead of using Daedalus hammer to upgrade your weapons, Melinoë is using Hephaestus' anvil. She can probably romance Meg or help her get together with Zagreus instead.
There are exclusive boons that could only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Eris - boons that can confuse enemies and strike others instead
Hestia -boons involving pyrokinesis
Why would these two escape? Despite having decent jobs in the House (and probably doing better than Zagreus), they would get sick of their father's neglect and striving for perfection in the House. Melinoë would jump in to defend Zagreus about her father's treatment on him. Makaria would want to talk the sense out of his father but, only to be shut down. So, what is the perfect way to speak about what you feel? Wreck your father's place to get his attention of what you want to say.
How would they be born? Remember about Dusa?
Tumblr media
They have the similar situation, but only the three was successfully saved by Nyx. They thought it was only Zagreus but, the Fates had some twisted intentions to it. The two came from Zagreus blood and came forth, forming their own bodies and mind. So Nyx decided to saved the three and bounded into the Underworld. The prophecy did said that Hades will not have an heir of his throne. It is because that Melinoë and Makaria are already doing best with what they were doing. They would probably would not like the throne even if their father forced it upon them.
The siblings would be NPCs in each other's runs (or save file) of course. I would imagine it be like:
In Zagreus route, he will try to fix and creating a bond with his sisters, especially to Melinoë who is heartbroken with his attempts to escape.
The sisters would either be a boss (Melinoë in Tartarus along side with the Furies, and Makaria being a mini boss in Elysium just like Asterius. She wanted to see if you are ready for the champions and for Hades up ahead.) Or, helpful chamber NPCs (like the keepsakes at the end of each boss fights, they bring weapons for Zagreus to change in mid run. They are all over the Underworld and hard to find. Most likely, Makaria would be the one bringing Zagreus the weapons.)
Melinoë's keepsake would be a dagger or a necklace. Whilst Makaria's keepsake would be a bracelet with white butterflies (opposed ro Thanatos' purple butterfly keepsake.
Zagreus as the sisters' miniboss would be similar to Makaria. He wanted to see if his sisters are actually capable of facing their father. Zagreus as an NPC is, ofc, being his sisters' weapons. He is 100% supportive of the escape but, he wanted to see if they are actually ready for it.
Zagreus' keepsake for them is similar to the 3 headed shoulder pad he has on. (SIBLING SHOULDER PADS!!)
They all have different reactions when they learned about their birthmother. Melinoë would be furious at Nyx but, subsided quickly and apologize. Makaria would be confused and feel a bit distant to Nyx, but recovered quickly as she helped her escape
Hades' interactions will be different to each sibling. He is both disappointed in them though, since they were perfectly fine and just decided to escape. Makaria would have some tame and heartfelt interactions with Hades. Saying that she looked like her mother and how it pains him to see her everyday, and decided to shut her down entirely, repeating the same thing what he did to Persephone. Melinoë would be harsh but, tame too. Insults left and right, and downright saying he is weak for letting fear getting the best out of him.
Persephone would recognize them cause of their fiery feet since it is how she remembered her stillborn child before she left. She learned the truth when the sisters spoke about Zagreus, the name Persephone had given to her son.
After she learned that she actually have three children, she was so heartbroken to know she actually left not only 1 but, 3 of them. Melinoë would be definitely feel awkward and sheepish around Persephone while Makaria feels so loved and warm.
This give the sisters a purpose to go back there whatever it takes, leaving their purpose and jobs entirely to know the truth.
Once the siblings knew the truth, they find ways to help one another.
I finally let it out oml. This will stop haunting me at night.
Feel free to add more! This could be a potential fanfiction but, my writing skills are not the best of it. I can only give ideas
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Led to You
As a child, everyone finds their "soulmate guide," an animal meant to lead your soulmate to you. And one morning, Janus and Remus wake up to see a stranger's guide in their homes.
Written for Day 3 of @dukeceitweek​ : snakes/bugs
AO3 link
Pairings: Dukeceit, Familial Creativitwins, Platonic Loceit, Moceit, and Dukexiety
Warnings: Some Remus-typical violent thoughts, scorpions/tarantulas/snakes
Word count: 4228
Janus woke up to something brushing against his hand. He groaned and batted Dusa away while muttering "Five more minutes"
But when it brushed against his hand again, he noticed it was definitely not the headbutt from a snake. His eyes snapped open and he glanced down to see a fucking scorpion on his bed holy shit-
If his roommate asked if that was him that made the high pitched squeal that morning, no it wasn't.
He scrambled out of bed to look around for something to try and trap the scorpion under, but he didn't want to get near it what the fuck-
Janus paused. The scorpion was staring at him. At least, it looked like the scorpion was staring at him. It at least didn't look like it was trying to attack him.
Did... did it wave?
Now that Janus had calmed down, he noticed the scorpion was a deep, emerald green. Janus didn't know much about bugs, never had a reason to, but he never heard of a green scorpion before.
Could it be...?
"Hey, Logan?"
Footsteps came from the kitchen down the hallway.
"I was wondering when you were going to call me in," Logan said as he opened the door, his deep blue raven perched on top of his head, "What happened?"
"Can scorpions be green?"
"Why would I know that, Janus?"
"Because you know everything."
"Why are you asking?"
Janus pointed to his bed, and when Logan looked down he jumped back with a startled shout, disturbing the raven on his head.
The scorpion turned towards Logan and, yeah, the scorpion definitely waved.
After calming himself (and his bird), Logan slowly approached Janus' bed.
"...While I have heard of scorpions glowing green under ultraviolet light-"
"Oh, so you did know, you asshole-"
"I haven't seen a scorpion that looks like this, no," Logan said, crouching down next to the bed, "Is Dusa here? She was not under her heat lamp."
"Dusa? Come here, darling."
Dusa didn't crawl out of hiding, and Janus' room and the living room under her heat lamp were the only places she liked to be first thing in the morning.
"I guess she isn't."
Logan's raven, Minerva, hopped off his head onto the bed to examine the scorpion. She leaned down and the scorpion gently bumped heads. Minerva let out a happy chirp.
"My soulmate guide is a scorpion."
"Fascinating," Logan muttered as the scorpion and Minerva playfully chased each other around the bed, "I haven't heard of a bug guide before."
Janus glanced at the clock and put his hand down on the bed. The scorpion immediately ran onto his palm.
"I have class in an hour," he said as he cupped his hands and lifted the scorpion, "So how do you feel about business, corporate, and commercial law?"
 ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Remus woke up to Roman screaming. After a moment of debating whether to go back to sleep or not, he decided that, yeah, he probably should go check on the well being of his brother. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Remus trudged towards the living room to see a snake curled up on the couch, with Roman's robin perched on its head.
"Peter, please come here!" Roman pleaded. But the little bird seemed perfectly content on top of the snake. The snake started to slither off the couch, making roman shout again. The robin flew onto Roman's hand and he relaxed a bit as he held the bird to his chest.
Roman took his gaze off his brother back to the snake and- oh look at that it. It was headed towards him.
"Remus stop standing there what is wrong with you-"
The snake was around four feet long with yellow-and-black stripes. Quite gorgeous, really.
Remus decided he wanted to pick it up.
He knelt down and outstretched his arm (as Roman continued to shout at him), letting the snake crawl up and around his shoulders. The snake nuzzled its head against Remus' cheek.
Roman stared at him, eyes wide and mouth opened.
"You're insane."
"And you're a chickenshit. You've lived with a scorpion as a roommate your whole life and you're gonna freak out over a snake guide?"
"How was I supposed to know it was a guide!?"
Remus stepped over and placed a hand on Roman's shoulder. "...You're a moron."
Roman shoved him.
"Peter was fine. And we should be expecting to find strange animals in our apartment at this age."
"Oh, piss off to find your soulmate and stop bothering me for a while."
Remus turned to go back to his bedroom.
"...I'm really happy for you, you know."
Remus stopped and groaned. "Roman, no sentimental bullshit before nine."
"But I mean it. You deserve this."
"...Thanks, you idiotic bastard."
Roman gave him a gentle smile as Peter hopped onto Remus' head and nestled into his wild mess of bedhead.
"Also you screamed like a little girl."
"Fuck off-"
Remus cackled as Roman shoved him again. Peter gave Remus a petulant little peck on the top of his head.
Peter flew back over to Roman while Remus held out his arms go guide the snake in front of his face.
"Are you gonna lead me to my soulmate?" Remus asked with a large grin, which only grew wider when the snake nodded.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Janus was very much enjoying having a scorpion on his shoulder. People instinctively stepped away from him, even more so than with Dusa, meaning he didn't have to fight his way through the crowded sidewalks.
The scorpion had been upset that Janus didn't follow its directions. It scuttled frantically from one shoulder to the other. It calmed only when Janus explained he had to go to class, but would follow its directions immediately after.
Janus was stopped in his tracks, though, by a corgi running up to him and jumping on his knees.
"Hi, Peachy," Janus said as he scratched behind her ears. The scorpion crawled down his arm in curiosity.
if someone's guide was a common house pet like a dog or cat, they were issued a special white collar to show they were a soulmate guide to be allowed in public places along with service animals.
But this dog didn't have such a collar. She was just a dog.
"Hey, Janus!" someone called out. Janus looked up to see Patton jogging down the sidewalk, his guide right beside him.
"Hello, Patton. Hello, Cookie," Janus said to his friend and the capybara standing next to him.
Patton had been Logan's friend first, and Janus hadn't been too keen on his... optimistic personality at first. But dammit, the guy's too sweet.
"Miss Peachy! What have I told you about running off?" Patton said with a light scowl as he reattached her leash. But of course, unlike a guide, she couldn't actually understand. She jumped off Janus' legs to go lick the capybara's face.
Janus didn't understand the appeal of keeping animals that weren't your guide, but to each their own, he supposed.
Patton's eyes fell to Janus' shoulder, and after the instinctive fear vanished a large smile took over his face.
"Oh! You've got your soulmate guide!!"
"Yep," Janus said as he resumed walking down the sidewalk. Patton followed.
"Ohmygosh, this is so exciting!" Patton exclaimed, practically bouncing as he walked, "How long have you been out trying to find them? Do you think you're close?"
"I'm going to class, actually."
"Really? Gosh, you've got more self control than me," Patton laughed, "I don't think I'd be able to wait."
"I've got exams soon, Patton. I can't risk missing anything."
"Oh, I'm not trying to change your mind! You do what you think is best. But aren't you excited?"
Janus was convinced Patton was smiling so hard his face was going to get stuck like that. But when Janus didn't answer immediately, his frown dampened.
"Hey, are you okay, Jan?"
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh, honey. You're nervous, aren't you?" Patton asked as his smile turned empathetic, which Janus thought was almost worse than excited.
The scorpion nuzzled against his neck, which was an odd sensation for sure, but Janus appreciated the sentiment.
"Of course I'm not nervous. I have no reason to be."
Patton tilted his head down slightly and gave him that look. The soft-smile dad-friend look that meant you were about to be comforted, whether you like it or not. Janus sighed.
"Okay, fine. A little," he conceded. He probably should be worried about how close that scorpion and its stinger was against his neck as it cuddled closer. But he'd never heard of a soulmate guide killing anyone, so he chose not to.
"Oh, sweetie," Patton said in that annoyingly soft tone. He wrapped an arm around Janus' and led him over to a bench. Peachy promptly hopped up to sit on Patton's lap while Cookie plopped against Patton's legs, giving Janus a soft nudge with her nose.
"It's not a big deal," Janus huffed, "I just think its reasonable to be nervous about meeting some stranger I am now expected to spend my life with."
"You have every right to feel what you're feeling. Such a big life change can be scary. But I'm certain your soulmate will understand your reservations and will go at any pace you're comfortable with."
While yes, the idea of a soulmate was a pleasant one, it was also a bit... concerning, to say the least. Janus was quite happy with where he was in life, and he wasn't too keen on the idea of something changing it all completely.
He was a bit surprised Logan wasn't his soulmate. He was the perfect roommate: neat, consistent, punctual. And Janus felt enough fondness for Logan that he was sort of expecting to wake up one day and have their guides just push them into each others' arms.
Alas, apparently not.
Janus bit his lip, debating. It would be good to talk about his worries. And as much as Janus pretended, he was actually quite fond of Patton.
"Patton, what if we don't work?"
"What do you mean, hon?"
"This person is supposedly meant to complete me. To make me better. But I'm perfectly fine the way I am now. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. What if I meet them and they just want to... to fix me? Because I'm expected to change for them?"
"Janus, your soulmate is meant to compliment you. Not complete you. You aren't missing any parts of yourself, because you're already your own complete person. And you certainly don't need to be 'fixed.'"
The scorpion crawled down to Janus' hands, and Janus ran his thumb over its back to pet it.
"But what if... what if we meet and nothing happens? Everyone always talks about their 'immediate romantic connections' but I don't buy it. What if we're doomed to always be strangers? After all, I'm not particularly good with people, Pat. What did I call you when we first met? A-"
"An annoying, self-righteous, dependent puppy with no boundaries?"
Janus winced. "Yeah. That."
A gentle smile grew on Patton's face as he held his arms out for a hug. Janus hesitated for only a moment before accepting.
"You don't need to worry about anything. Soulmates don't always mean romantic. Even if you don't feel romance at first, even if you never do, you two are going to share a tight bond and a special relationship different from anyone else you know. Nothing gets to take that from you."
"...Thank you, Patton. For taking the time to talk to me."
"Of course! What are friends for?"
Patton gave him a soft smile, and Janus gave him a rare, genuine one in return.
"Oh! I hope I didn't make you late for class!"
Janus looked at his watch. "I'll be fine if I hurry. Thank you. Again. Goodbye, Cookie. Bye, Peachy."
Peachy didn't react. Cookie gave him one last gentle nudge.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
The snake in Remus' arms couldn't guide in front of him like Roman's bird would or any sort of animal with wings or legs. While he could let it slither on the ground, it would be dangerous with how busy the sidewalk was. And Remus really didn't need to return the snake to his soulmate all squished.
So it was wrapped around his shoulders, reaching down his arms, and rested in his hands, guiding him down the street like a compass.
The snake turned back to look at Remus.
"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked as he kept walking, the snake shaking its head urgently. Only for someone to grab the back of his jacket and yank him back, pulling him off the street and narrowly missing oncoming traffic.
"Watch where you're going, asshole," the person muttered. Remus turned, ready to start shit, but instead broke into a goofy grin when he saw Virgil.
"Hey, emo!"
Besides Roman, Virgil was Remus' only friend. Most people were too put off by Remus', well, everything.
And Virgil had been too, at first. But the two bonded over their soulmate's guides being creatures most of the public feared and the stigma that came with that. And now he was used to Remus' bullshit.
"And hey, Helena," he said to the tarantula sitting on Virgil's shoulder.
"So. You found your soulmate guide," Virgil said. The snake reached over to inspect Virgil and he scratched under its chin, the snake then nuzzling against Virgil's cheek.
"On your way to find your soulmate?" he asked as the snake and tarantula started inspecting each other.
"Are you nervous?"
Virgil squinted at him, searching for any sign of dishonesty, but all he saw was the normal, excitable Remus.
"Shit, you're lucky, man. I've been psyching myself out over meeting mine."
"But aren't they, like, made for you?"
"Supposedly. But you know me. I can't stop thinking about all the bad things. Like what if they don't like me?"
"Well, that would be a them problem."
Virgil let out an amused huff. "Really? You wouldn't be bothered?"
"Well, yeah," Remus said as he watched the snake and Helena play peekaboo behind Virgil's neck. "But like, it's not like I'm not used to people not liking me. And if I don't know this person, what would I lose, really? So actually, this can only go up for me."
Virgil cast him a sad smile. Remus hated it.
"It'll be good for you," Virgil said as the two crossed the street. "You are a strange fucking creature, but you're a good dude. Mostly. Partially? Mostly."
"It'll be good for you, too, then. Cause you're better than me."
Virgil nudged him with his shoulder.
"Ultimately, I know it will be. My brain just hates me."
"You and me both, emo."
The snake curled back against Remus after booping Helena and resumed its role as soulmate compass.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Remus ended up on his old school campus.
He had dropped out, and he had hoped he would never have to step foot back here again. Oh, well, C'est la vie, or whatever the fuck.
Though you needed to swipe a student ID to unlock the doors, Remus knew if he yanked hard enough the doors would give. He had managed to make it through a whole semester without his ID after he lost it.
A grimace grew on Remus' face as he walked back into the Taylor Building for the first time in over a year. It was named after his least favorite professor, and he had a lot of bad memories in this building.
Time to find his soulmate and get the fuck out.
He was just about to head upstairs when someone shouted at him.
"Excuse me! Only students and faculty are allowed in this building."
Yeah, Remus supposed he didn't look like the typical law majors that took up a majority of the classes here. Not with his spiked leather jacket and ripped jeans. He turned to see who had yelled at him.
And speak of the devil.
"Hey, you're Taylor!"
The man straightened his shoulders.
"Yes, I am. Were you a student of mine?"
"Yeah! I hated your fuckin' guts."
The man looked like he had been slapped before a sneering look of recognition appeared on his face.
"Remus Kingsley."
"Aw, I'm flattered you remember me. Especially since I dropped out. You encouraged me to, remember? Right after you called me a, what was it, 'moronic good-for-nothing- imbecile that would never amount to anything?'"
"You need to leave immediately."
Taylor had reached out to grab Remus but he bolted up the stairs, making sure he had a tight grip on the snake.
He wasn't about to give up on his soulmate that easy.
As they ran down the upstairs hallway, Taylor continued to shout at him. But Remus wasn't worried. He was clearly much faster.
He turned to see the disheveled man chasing behind him and laughed. This was kinda fun!
Then he had to turn around and run face first into the chest of a campus officer.
Well, bitchtits.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Janus' class was nothing out of the ordinary, except that his surrounding classmates had inched as far away from this as they could, and Janus was enjoying the extra space.
The scorpion had been still on his shoulder for the most part, settling in where Janus' neck and shoulder met. But now it stood, rushing down Janus' arm to the desk and running around in circles.
"What is it?" he whispered.
Right after he asked that, shouting was heard down the hallway. The professor and students all turned their heads in time to see someone running past the door, laughing, with Professor Taylor chasing after them.
"...Okay, then," The professor said, "Now back to your review material."
Janus hardly listened as the professor spoke. He was more focused on the scorpion that kept switching between running in circles and scuttling onto Janus' hand.
When the professor dismissed the class, Janus hung back. He preferred to let the crowd of students leave before him instead of trying to fight his way through.
By the time he walked into the hallway, it was mostly empty. Janus was holding the scorpion in the palm of his hands and it jumped to get his attention. It gestured with its body to go down the hallway.
"Alright, let's go."
The scorpion led him down a couple of hallways, and Janus heard shouting and the sound of running footsteps against the tile.
A man ran around the corner, his neon green combat boots skidding on the floor as he tried to stop. He had a mustache above a wild grin, with a streak of white through his hair.
He also had Dusa wrapped around his neck.
Janus stared. The man stopped in front of him.
"Fluffy!" he said to the scorpion in Janus' hands, who was alternating between running in circles again and hopping in excitement.
He looked up at Janus with a manic grin. "Hey! I'm Remus. I'd love to stop and chat but I'm afraid I've found myself wrapped up with something."
Two campus officers rounded the corner.
What the fuck.
Janus took the scorpion - Fluffy - in one hand and held it against his chest, grabbing Remus' wrist with the other and bolting.
Remus let out a delighted laugh as he let Janus pull him down the hallway and down a set of stairs.
Jesus, what did Janus get himself into?
He was heading towards one of the student parking lots, cutting through the Union. There would be lots of students and he hoped they could get lost in the crowd. But with two idiots running across the yard with a snake and a scorpion, people were parting a path for them. Which made them more obvious but at least let them through.
When Janus looked behind him, he couldn't see the officers, but he didn't want to risk it. It wasn't exactly hard to identify them: one with a large scar on the left side of his face and the other, with, well, a lot of fucking identifiable traits.
Logan would probably get mad at him for this, but Janus was sure he would be forgiven that same day if he made Logan thumbprint cookies. So Janus let go of Remus' hand to dig in his pocket, finding the spare key to Logan's car he gave Janus only for emergencies. Janus would consider this an emergency. Logan probably would not.
Janus unlocked the car and Remus got in without question. Remus hardly stopped laughing.
Great. So his soulmate was a maniac.
Janus pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, gunning it out of there as Remus shouted in excitement.
"Fuck, yeah, dude!" he yelled. His seat-belt was not on, by the way.
"What the hell did you do?"
"Trespass, technically. But it would've been fine if that bitchass Taylor hadn't come along. And then I maybe assaulted an officer, but could it really be assault if I just whacked him when he tried to grab me? Anyways I already have three offenses - I guess four now - and I didn't want to go to jail or anything so I started running-"
"God, I'm going to miss my next class," Janus groaned, "What if they try to find me tomorrow?"
"How's your track record?"
"It's clean. Unlike someone, I don't get caught."
"Psh, then you're probably fine. you're a white law student."
Janus took a deep breath as he tried to collect his thoughts. What was even happening right now?
"...Okay, I may have fucked this up," Remus started, and he at least had the decency to sound sheepish, "I didn't mean to drag you into this mess, even though I was purposefully... searching... for you... Shit, I didn't even think about that. I don't think a lot, actually. I mean, I wasn't even paying attention on the way to find you. I almost got hit by a car. Could you imagine, Fluffy leading you to me only to find your soulmate and guide squashed by a car and our blood and guts everywhere-"
"Sorry, sorry," he groaned as his hands went to grab his hair, "I was really excited to meet you, and even when being chased by police my dumb brain only wanted to focus on finding you because I don't have many friends cause most people get weirded out since I can't control my thoughts or my mouth so, like, all the weird shit that pops int my brain just comes right out and I was really looking forward to meeting someone who wouldn't leave-"
"Remus, it's okay," Janus interrupted, "Deep breaths, okay?"
Remus took a couple deep breaths.
Then Janus let out a short laugh. He felt bad for laughing, but he couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. The situation just caught up to me: You're my soulmate, we just ran from the police, and we just took my friend's car and wow. Can't say this is how I expected this to go."
Remus grimaced. "Sorry."
"No, actually. This is better than the sappy shit I was thinking about."
Remus perked up a bit. "Yeah?"
"Is it always like this with you? Am I sentenced to spend my life digging you out of trouble, now?"
"Yeah, probably."
Janus laughed again as he pulled into the parking lot of a shopping center. He had no clear idea where he was going, and at least this place had plenty of people and plenty of parking. When he stopped, the scorpion hopped off his shoulder and scuttled to Remus.
"Hey, Fluffy," he said with a smile as he put the scorpion in his lap.
"Hey, actually, let's talk about that," Janus said, "You named your scorpion Fluffy?"
"Yeah. I named him that to trick people. Scared the shit out of my mom when he first showed up. 'Hey, meet Fluffy,' then I pull a scorpion out from behind my back. It never gets old."
Janus couldn't stop smiling, and he was sure his face was disgustingly close to Patton's in terms of fondness, but he couldn't do anything to help that.
"I'm Janus. The lovely lady on your shoulders is Dusa."
"Janus. That's a badass name," Remus said as he scritched Dusa under her chin.
"Thank you for your help today, Dusa," Janus said with a grin as she slithered back over to wrap around Janus, "And you, too, Fluffy."
"Fuck yeah. Thanks guys. Shit, Dusa was awesome. I'm pretty sure that while I was running, she flicked her tail to open a door and it hit one of the officers in the face."
Janus glanced down at her. "You are an enabler."
She stuck her tongue out.
"Well, since we're already here, would you like to go on a date or something? It seems like you have stories to tell," Janus said as he gestured to the mall in front of them.
"Yeah," Remus said with a fond grin, "Are you hungry? I'm starving. Wanna go to the food court. On me. We'll have to be careful, though. I'm pretty sure I'm banned from this mall."
Janus stared at him before bursting out laughing again. This was his life now, and how exciting that thought was.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to."
Thanks for reading! Requests are open in my inbox. Hope you enjoyed <3
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
To Have and To hold
Hypnos x female!reader
Word count: 900
Summary: Power can drive even a god to maddess.
Warning:War, dead people and children, Ares ( let be real, that guy is a warning all on his own) kissing and sexual themes, no beta
A/N: This is a part of the Marriage AU. You can find the first arc in the tags.
This is a time skip, Persephone has returned. Hypnos and y/n are still not fully together, like early stage dating If that makes sense. Next part is in the works. It will take longer since I am also working on requests as well.
I hope you enjoy it!
The war had turned into some ugly and brutal nightmare as it neared the end. The few talks between Hypnos and Thanatos that you were able to eavesdrop on made your gut twisted.
You rolled the scroll up with a sigh, not able to focus. Your eyes went back to the bag of melomakarona or honey cookies as Hypnos called them. Attached to the bag, a note from your husband with apologies for not being able to stop by or even really talk to you for the last few weeks.
And with the amount of new dead to care for, Hypnos had been busy. You wondered if he was even able to work on his godly duties in the meantime.
You felt so foolish. You had requested Hypnos to let you and him have a courting period, even if you were already married. You had wanted to take it slow, to really know the god who was your husband.
Now what has seemed like in matters of months, the world above you had gone mad. It truly felt like they were trying to send everyone and everything to their doom.
And you felt like a silly little girl who wanted flowers.
You rubbed your eyes, and with guilt weighing on your shoulders, called it a night (or morning, it was impossible to tell.). You picked up your things, including the bag of cookies and was about to leave when the door opened to reveal Hypnos, exhausted and sullen.
You dropped everything on the table and hurried to him. He floated in and met you in a hug.
You buried your face in his shoulder, and just held on. For several minutes, neither one of you said anything.
He gave you a small squeeze before he pulled away. "I cannot tell you how badly I needed that." He smiled and your heart twisted.
You reached up and held his face between your hands to study him. His permanent dark circles had gotten worse and his normally bright eyes had become dull with the lack of rest. "Oh Hypnos." You muttered, your thumbs rubbing his face.
Hypnos closed his eyes and sighed. "I wish I was coming to tell you that it is finally over but it looks like it might be ongoing for a little longer."
You shook your head. "Goodness. Are they finally giving you a break?" You asked hopefully. You could get him to get some sleep and food in him before he had to start again.
"No, love. I'm afraid not." Hypnos covered your hands with his own. "I just came to check on you. Are you heading to your chambers?"
"I was but nevermind, I can still get some work done." You replied, some tea should wake you up.
"No. I want you to get some rest. Darkness knows we will need someone who still has energy afterwards to get the house back in order because it isn't going to be me."
Hypnos pulled your hands down and held them in his own hands. He pressed a kiss on both and you blushed at how carefully he held your hands.
"Gather your things, I can take you to your chambers before I am needed back." Hypnos all but ordered. You thought about arguing back but the exhaustion in his face held your tongue.
"Have a cookie." You shoved the bag to his face. He blinked before laughing, "Didn't I give these cookies to you?"
You smiled, "Yes and you should have some." Hypnos opened the bag as you closed up the library. He hummed happily as he chewed, and immediately popped another one in.
"Have you received any more news?" You asked hopefully, walking down the hallway while he floated next to you.
"Just the normal horrible stuff that humans are doing to each other." Hypnos said. "I know I've joked about having them all die so I don't have to keep working but now they actually seem trying."
You raised a brow, "Wouldn't that mean you won't be able to do the thing you like? Helping humans sleep?"
"That right, no one else will bother me ever again and I can just sleep. Forever." His happy tone made you laugh despite yourself.
He chewed another cookie, "You know it's nothing to worry about right? This stuff just happens sometimes."
You gave him a doubtful look, you knew he was holding back the more ugly details. "I know but the amount of people coming, that's unusual isn't it?" You bit your lip, "Isn't there anything I can help with?"
You sighed when Hypnos shook his head.
"It is unusual but enough about that horrible stuff, I need my mind taken off of it for a bit. Tell me about your day." Hypnos held out a cookie for you.
You took the cookie, pouting little a bit at least you could help him forget a bit.
*Hypnos' pov*
He should have expected the line waiting for him to get back but he still groaned at the amount of shades waiting for him.
The only reason Hades hadn't ripped his head off for leaving his post was because of Queen Persephone. Both of their heads were bent close, looking over the scroll Charon delivered for Hermes.
Hypnos pulled his quills out and gestured to a shade to step forward.
Even with Dusa and some of the worker shades' help, there were still far too many humans waiting.
He could hear some of the children crying, some with their families but more without. Normally, he and Dusa didn't talk or even like the other that much, Hypnos admitted to himself, but the grimaces they shared made him soften just a bit.
This just made him more sure in his decision not to have Y/N help with this mess that Ares created. She was already too kind for her own good and the crying children and grief-sick humans would break her heart.
The farther he could keep Y/N away from this, the better.
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Fated Epilogue
Ares x reader
Word Count: 2041
Summary: Time skip to Zag running around trying to fix everything; then he gets a weird message from Ares.
The affair known to most of the Underworld’s population as The Confusion of Zagreus started as most things in his life did, on a run through the place as he tested the defenses against an escaping entity for what felt like the thousandth time. He’d had Ares’ vial with him, so naturally he’d gotten a fair few of the war god’s boons. Nothing too unusual, right? That’s what he thought right up until Ares said the most curious thing.
“When next you see Thanatos, tell him that his sister wants him to visit more.”
Sister? Zagreus wondered. Than doesn’t speak to his . . . Wait, Nemesis . . . But why would Lord Ares have messages from her?
When he mentioned it to his lover, Thanatos just chuckled. “I suppose it has been a while since I last saw her,” was all he had to say on the matter.
And that set the trend that continued for a while. He’d get a message from Ares to Than, pass it on, and get some cryptic non-answer in return. It was absolutely maddening. Even when he asked others, all they had to say was that it wasn’t any of his business, which was fair, but that didn’t aid his curiosity.
Finally, all that started changing when he managed to squeeze a drop of information out of Than when he asked, “So why does Ares see your sister more than you?” while they were dining together one evening.
And without really thinking, Death Incarnate reflexively replied, “Because she lives with him in Thrace instead of here.” Of course, immediately after that, Thanatos realized what he’d just admitted and promptly clammed up, but it was something at least.
Then Demeter let slip something else in one of her messages after he’d accepted several of Ares’ boons yet again. “Ares is aiding you when you get injured, is he? I’d be surprised if Nemesis didn’t have a hand in that sort of attack.”
And that set him thinking. Revenge was her area of expertise, after all. And many of Ares’ such boons were noticeably more powerful in dealing direct damage instead of causing various other effects. Could Than’s sister have been indirectly aiding him through Ares all this time?
Then came another piece of knowledge, this one from his mother upon inquiring why Thanatos and Lord Ares seemed to be so close. 
“Well War and Death were always bound to meet frequently just from their natures, I suppose, but it could also have been because of that mess where he saved poor Thanatos from being chained in a box. I’d wager that was a big help to making their friendship grow.” Before he could ask just what that was about, she continued, “Though it could have also started back when Lord Ares almost passed away, too. I remember Thanatos being quite concerned for both him and Nemesis during all that.”
“What do you mean Lord Ares almost died? He’s an Olympian!”
“He is, but the day Hermes found him was a day that stoked fear in the heart of every Olympian,” Persephone said gravely. “They all worried about Ares’ fate despite how they regularly ridicule the man, because if he could die that meant any of them could.”
Zagreus suddenly found his mouth extremely dry and couldn’t form a response.
“Yes, that was definitely the start of their friendship now that I think on it. It was very kind of Thanatos to linger without threatening the poor dears. From what I heard, he was very calm during the whole affair even in the face of such shocking news.”
“Yes, I suppose learning even the great Olympians might die would be quite dramatic,” he murmured, shoulders sagging.
“No, that’s not--ah! You don’t know, do you?”
He perked back up. “Know what, Mother?” he prompted innocently.
She smiled kindly as she patted his forearm. “It’s not my place to tell you if they haven’t already; I’d forgotten how much they value their privacy when they can get it.”
Who is ‘they’? Zagreus wanted to scream while yanking his hair out. Thanatos and his sister? Her and Ares? Thanatos and Ares?? But he didn’t. Instead, he just smiled stiffly and nodded.
It wasn’t until he managed to broker a peace between the Chthonic gods and the Olympians that he finally got answers.
There was a party you were supposed to be preparing for, but you were having a hard time working up the gumption to move from your current position. Because of said celebration, you and your husband--how you’d never tire of calling him that--had arranged your schedules so that they aligned, which of course was the reason you found yourself lying in bed perpendicular to the man, using one arm as a pillow under your head on his chest while the other hand played with his hair.
His gleaming red eyes flicked over to the open, brightly illuminated window where sheer white curtains swayed softly in the breeze. “We really should be dressing; I have a feeling your brother-in-law wants to meet us sooner rather than later.”
“Yes, but it’s so rare that we get time like this to ourselves.”
His hand found the one you’d been carding through his hair and brought it to his lips to kiss. “You and I have an eternity full of moments like this ahead of us; we can spare an evening for the boy.”
You huffed dramatically. “Let it never be said that you’re not a man of your word.” A sigh left your lips, but still you pried yourself out of bed without further complaint. “Are we doing full regalia or casual?” When there was no answer, you glanced back to see that he was transfixed by the sight of your naked form heading towards the shared closet. “Ares!” you laughed, snapping his attention back to reality.
“Darling, I take it all back; you must come back to bed at once. There’s a rather pressing matter that needs your attention at once.”
Now, you rolled your eyes. “Well that pressing matter can wait until we return. Are we doing armor or not?”
From there, there were a lot of kisses, gropes, and laughter between that moment and being fully clothed--in light leather greaves and cloth chitons rather than the usual full armor, after all, Ares so hated to be unprotected or unarmed--but neither of you were really complaining.
“Boys!” Ares called down the hallway with you tucked under his arm.
Two heads of wild silver hair just like their father’s appeared from the same doorway. “Yes, Father?” they chorused.
“We’re leaving. I trust you can manage things until our return?”
“Of course, Father.” And then they were gone from sight, their snickering still echoing in their absence.
Ares chuckled as he shook his head. “Little terrors, the both of them.”
Though they weren’t yours, you’d grown to love both of the twins the moment you met them. With Aphrodite being so absent in their lives, you’d taken up the role of ‘mother figure’ quickly, and the two were practically your own by now. “Well, to be fair, one of them is Panic.” 
You were unsurprised at the Olympian turnout at the party; most arrived near the time when you did, but none stayed particularly long. As fond as they were of Zagreus in theory, their detest of the Underworld would always be greater. Only Ares and Demeter attended from the mountain and stayed past the pleasantries and feast. Otherwise, it was entirely the subjects of the House of Hades that were present. Fortunately, they seemed to be enjoying themselves nonetheless judging from the way Meg and Dusa had quickly roped you and Ares into conversation.
Zagreus hadn’t seemed to notice your arrival yet--too wrapped up in getting to know his mother and grandmother, you assumed--but you caught sight of Hades glaring at Ares every now and then. Every time you caught him, the harsh threat he’d delivered to Ares rang through your ears once more. 
“Set foot outside this house, boy, and you shall find yourself in a fate worse than death.” Neither of you were surprised by the warning. He was, after all, still angry about the whole ‘bursting into the Underworld without permission to save Thanatos’ fiasco.
Eventually, you and Ares found yourselves alone for a moment once Achilles and Patroclus excused themselves. You tugged the glass from his fingers to steal a sip of his ambrosia, something that’d been quite hard to find the last time you’d visited. You didn’t want a full glass, and Ares never complained about sharing.
He pressed a kiss to your temple, clearly worried about you partaking in a drink you’d never really managed to develop a taste for. “Are you alright?” he asked quietly. The drinking coupled with the knowledge of how much you hated being dragged to these things had likely set him on edge.
“I’m fine,” you assured him with a genuine smile. “These are my family, remember? Much nicer to be around than yours.”
“That’s quite true,” he murmured. No doubt, he was remembering when he and Aphrodite had been paraded around and humiliated as the entertainment at one of his family’s gatherings. His gaze flickered up as he noticed something before you did: Zagreus approaching at last. “And there’s the man of the hour!” he greeted warmly. It was hard to mistake the boy for any other given his attire was his family’s colors and the way he absolutely looked like a mix of his parents.
“Lord Ares!” Zag’s face was alight with happiness. “I’m glad you were able to make it; it’s an honor to meet you properly.” His eyes shifted to you. “You must be Than’s lovely sister I’ve heard very little about.”
You laughed lightly. You like this kid already. “I suppose that’s me, yes.”
“Frankly, I’m amazed I haven’t seen you around the House before now,” he probed curiously.
You decided to indulge him; it was a celebration in his honor after all. “I pop by to visit Mother and Hypnos from time to time, but I see Than enough that lingering isn’t worth it. I’ve gathered that you’re usually gone from the House as much as he is.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” he chuckled. “Makes sense you wouldn’t just lurk around when you put it like that.”
“Have to budget that precious time off somehow.””
“Plus, it’s sort of my fault that she resides in Thrace since I stole her all those years ago,” Ares teased.
“Stole her, sir?” Oh, how the poor boy looked so confused at those words. You were willing to bet his mind was just running back over Persephone’s situation and comparing it to yours.
Your brows furrowed. “Zag, has no one told you about Ares and I?”
“No!” his voice was laughing but had a manic edge to it. “Everyone keeps hinting at there being something going on with you two, but no one wants to clue me in! I’ve tried to respect your privacy by not asking directly, but it’s driving me crazy!”
“Oh, for Father’s sake.” Ares rolled his eyes. “I’m going to have a word with your brother about this,” he announced as he started pulling away from you.
“Wait! You’re not mad at Than are you?” Zagreus fretted. “Because I’d hate to cause strife between you because of my own curiosity, and--”
“Relax, Zag,” you soothed.
“Thanatos is the only being I would ever call my friend outside of her,” he gestured toward you. “I thought it went without saying that he didn’t have to keep secrets from you for my benefit, but apparently that isn’t the case. I’m simply going to tell him that. I’ll be right back, my darling.” With a kiss to your temple, he stalked over to where Than was loitering with his sleeping brother at the edge of the room.
When you looked back at Zagreus, he was staring at you absolutely slack-jawed, probably at Ares’ display of affection. “Blood and darkness, my Lady,” he managed to wheeze, “what is going on?”
You snorted a little, amused slightly by his turmoil. “Zagreus, Ares is my Fated. He’s my husband.”
His eyes went a little crossed as he realized it was just that simple. “Oh, is that all?!”
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mysunfreckle · 3 years
Between Life and Death
5.6k of Zagreus and Thanatos finally getting their shit together, with some much needed help from Meg and Dusa.
Canon Compliant, Thanatos/Zagreus and Megaera/Zagreus.
Sometimes Zagreus wondered if everyone else's minds were also so distractingly fast. It was so incessant that moments like this, when everything felt slow and easy, were blessing purer than ambrosia.
“So, after this, will you do something about what you’ve been moping about?”
Zagreus blinked his eyes open, slowly shedding the drowsiness that had pulled him under while he lay with his head in Megaera’s lap. He could not look up at her like this, lying on his stomach with his head turned to the side, but he was very unwilling to move. More than enough time had passed for him to comfortably roll onto his back by now, but he just really didn’t feel like it.
“I’m not moping?” he mumbled into her skirt, genuinely confused. There hadn’t been a single thought in his head just now. Nothing but the sensation of slowly melting heat dispersed through his whole body that being with Meg always seemed to inject into the base of his neck.
“Not right now, you aren’t.” Meg’s smirk was audible in her voice and Zagreus smiled at the sound, still slightly drunk on her. The way her hand came to rest against his head called him back to attention though. “But you were before,” she continued. “I could tell from a dochilos off.”
Zagreus didn’t answer and Megaera didn’t make him. He lay in her lap and let the drowsy warmth slowly slip away. When it was gone, his head was clear again. Clearer than it had been before, too. That was always a wonderful side effect.
Than hadn’t been down from the surface since they last spoke. Or if he had, he must have been avoiding him on purpose. With good reason, probably.
He’d come back eventually though. He would.
Finally, Zagreus rolled onto his back, looking up at Megaera where she sat glancing down at him, her tied up hair just a little out of order. “Yeah, okay,” he muttered.
One corner of her perfectly painted mouth quirked. “Yeah okay, you were moping, or yeah okay, you’re going to do something about it?”
Zagreus pulled a face at her, but spoiled the effect by smiling at the fond amusement in her eyes. “Both.”
Megaera hummed and raked her fingers through his hair. “Good.”
[Read the full fic on AO3]
22 notes · View notes
hypnoticwinter · 4 years
Down the Rabbit Hole part 34
“Roan?” Elena repeats. “I thought I heard – Roan? Are you - ?”
I’ve dropped the radio. I kneel and fumble at it with my nervous hands. My breath is coming too quickly and my nose is plugging and hot tears are welling in my eyes. I reach up and slap the quick-release on the helmet and it clatters to the ground, leaving a wet thud ringing in my ears as it squashes into a fatty outcropping of flesh pooling on the third step down.
“El-Elena,” I mumble. My fingers are sweating so badly inside the suit gloves that I can’t push down the transmit button.
“Roan?” Elena asks again. All of the sudden cheer that had burst in her voice like a newborn sun when she had heard me calling her name is rapidly draining out of it. “Roan, is that – is that you?”
I can’t bear to listen to the agony in her voice, I have to, I have to push this fucking button…
I rip the glove off with my teeth and squeeze the radio tight enough that the hard plastic cuts into the soft flesh of my thumb. “Elena,” I say. I swallow hard and then try again. “Elena, I’m here. It’s me. I came down to get you.”
For a moment I hear nothing, just the crackling hiss of static and, a little muffled but still audible, the wailing of the siren down in the baths. “Elena?” I ask, trying not to let terror creep into my voice. What if something happened and right now she’s –
The radio squawks and inside it I can hear a sob. “Roan,” she manages to get out, “Roan, y-you came back?”
“To get you, yes,” I tell her. I can’t stop smiling or crying. I want terribly to hold her. “I’m coming to get you, don’t worry.”
“You should have stayed –“
“I wasn’t going to leave you,” I tell her softly. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise. I’m going to get you out. But Elena, where –“
“I’m at DUSA,” she says.
“At DUSA?” I ask, stupidly.
The autodoctor unit. Of course.
“Yeah,” she says. I hear her sniff. “It’s a – well, it’s sort of a secret installation down here where they –“
“I know what it is, I was there just seven or eight hours ago.”
“You were here?”
“Yeah, Makado came down to get me so I could take the fall for her, but I was pretty fucked up so she had to get me to DUSA so she could use the autodoc to heal me and set my leg and –“
I hear Elena splutter for a moment. “You used all the ballast? That was you?”
“Yes, Makado threw me in it, I was poisoned and I’d been breathing spores and it was – it was a lot. Listen to me, I remember seeing it when she took me out, I know there was ballast left in it, are you okay? Was it able to fix that gunshot wound?”
“It got the bullet out,” she says, “but there wasn’t enough left to heal it fully. It’s –“
“Are you okay?” I blurt, feeling a sudden clench of desperation in my gut. “Elena, are you - ?”
“I’m okay,” she tells me, “I’m okay, but I need to see a real doctor. Soon. I was down in the pleasure domes, or what’s left of them, for a while, but there are a lot of fucking critters down there and I needed to get the bullet out and I couldn’t – I couldn’t make myself do it with a knife. So I –“
“Okay,” I tell her. “Okay, I’ll come get you and we can haul ass all the way back up and get you to a doctor.”
“Roan, you –“ I hear a note of steel return to her voice. “No, I’m okay. I need to just rest a little and then I can try to make my way back up. If you got hurt or if you died –“
“No!” I bark. I wipe my eyes and sniff hard. “No,” I say, a little calmer. “I came this far to get you, I am not going to turn around now.”
“What do I do if you die?” she says. For the first time, I can hear fear in her voice. “What do I do, huh? If I know that you died down here, got eaten by a triocanth or a shamble or something, because of me?”
“What do I do if you do?” I murmur, and for a long while, long enough that I check to make sure my radio hasn’t died, Elena is silent.
“I thought you were going to be safe,” Elena says finally. “When I said goodbye to you two days ago I thought you would be safe. I got to a call box as soon as I could and told Makado what was going on and she said she would send a team down and get you out. I thought –“
“That bitch,” I spit. “She came straight down here and –“
“Hang on, what did she set you up with? What do you mean –“
I blow out my breath. “Look,” I tell her. “It’s a long story and we don’t have any time. I’ll tell you everything on the way up. I’ll be down to get you, I don’t – I don’t know if I can make it today but I’m going to try. I’ll be there.”
“I’m okay here for now,” she reminds me. “You don’t have to rush, I’m okay. If you want to go back up to the surface and –“
“That just – that isn’t an option right now. Just trust me. Please?”
“Okay. Do you even know how to get down here?”
“I have a map, I can figure it out,” I bluster. I’m tapping at the map trying to orient myself but the three-dimensional model is just giving me a headache.
“Are you sure? The map can be a little tricky –“
“I think I’ve got it. I’m at the ballast bulbs right now so –“
“You’re at the bulbs? Roan, be careful, there’s a fucking enormous siren down there.”
I laugh a little wryly. “Already found it, thanks.”
“Okay. Just – be careful, you know? They can be really nasty.”
“Don’t worry, I made it all this way, I’m not going to let myself get eaten.”
“Okay, but –“
“Elena,” I tell her. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”
“I – okay.”
“I’m going to head out. Call me if you need anything, alright?”
“Alright, Roan. I – “
I glance down at the radio and then set my helmet back down again. “Yeah?”
“Nothing. I’ll tell you when you get here.”
“If it’s something important –“
“It is important,” she says. Somehow, through the static, I get the sense that she’s smiling. “But I’ll tell you when you get here. Out,” she adds, before I can reply, and then the line collapses into a crackly hiss of interference. I get to my feet, snap my helmet back on, and start to climb.
 * * *
 I don’t make it very far before I have to stop and sit down and spend a solid twenty minutes poring over the map to try and actually figure out how the hell I’m going to get down to DUSA from here. I’m no slouch when it comes to maps, I never had trouble reading an interstate map or one of those horrible little area maps you pay out the nose for when you go camping – really camping, that is – but something in my brain just isn’t clicking with the loopy, curvy 3-D model of the Pit displayed on the screen embedded in the arm of the suit.
Part of the issue is that I have no sense of scale. With a little fumbling I can pull up a scale, and then with more fumbling I can use a tool that tells me the distance between two points and will construct a route between them, but trying to use it takes forever, and whenever the line crosses one of the hazy sections on the map where the coverage is either spotty or nonexistent, it screams flashing red warnings at me and won’t let me path my way through those areas. The jargon it uses is intense and multisyllabic. That area there is blocked due to an ambulatory hematomid cluster, whatever that is, this giant hazy spot that looks like an octopus is extremely dangerous due to an outbreak of seven-legged mortuary mites, that spot there is blocked off by a bile geyser eruption (ongoing)…everywhere I look there are errors and warnings and tags and it’s all a bit overwhelming.
If I find DUSA and try to path my way there directly it kicks up about a dozen errors relating to dangerous zones that it’s trying to go through. Begs the question why it can’t just path around them, but there can’t be that much computing power in the thing – maybe it’s easier to have it just kick up an error and make the ranger in the suit figure out how to go around it.
I’m sweating in this horrible suit, even with the climate control kicked up all the way. It’s probably because I’m still breathing outside air. The suit has air tanks so you can turn it into a closed-circuit if you really need to but the tanks are small and I don’t want to waste them. The air intakes go through a filter but even so you can still smell and taste and feel the Pit on it. It’s easy to imagine it coating your throat as you breathe, sending little fruiting blossoms up in the bronchial jungle of your lungs. Something about the image makes me shudder and I shake my head, frown at the map, bring my two fingers together and send it whizzing past the point I wanted to examine. I let out a muffled curse and drag it back to where I wanted to look – the thing is so damn sensitive that even the slightest motion will make the viewpoint do a 360, and then getting control back from there is an exercise in patience.
I wipe my sweaty fingers on the thick orange rubber of my thigh and then resume tapping. I think I’ve almost got it, if I path here first to avoid this annoying blob labeled [signal lost, presumed total muscular infarction] and then down to here, I can –
There is a quiet, subtle noise behind me and I freeze. All of a sudden I can hear my very, very loud heartbeat throbbing heavily in my ears, and it occurs to me just how quiet it is. Sure there are drips and drops and, someplace far off, the groan of stretched, anguished muscle, but right here at the upper landing of the stairs, it’s absolutely still.
I turn slowly and scan the red, inflamed-looking passage leading back the way Fumi and I had came. Nothing is immediately apparent; no big scary monster sneaking up on me, no Leechman peeking his throbbing, writhing head around the corner like Mike Myers.
“Huh,” I mutter. The sound had been almost too quiet to hear but something about its tone had made me prick my ears up – a sort of subtle, wet slipping sound. It was a guilty sound, a sound that immediately made me think whatever had made it hadn’t wanted me to hear it.
Or perhaps my already frayed nerves are giving way a little further. God, it’ll be a miracle if I come out of this without PTSD or something similar. The last time I managed to get some sleep, back in DUSA, I had woken with the fading aftershock of a nameless dream still stamped into my mind, but it had departed quickly and I hadn’t remembered much of it until now. Even now I don’t, but I remember that it had to do with leeches. And Peter – god, poor Peter…
It hadn’t even felt real, when we had happened upon him, down there in the dark, I hadn’t felt like I was there, I felt like I was watching it all happen from a great distance away. When Erica had shone her flashlight on Peter’s face and I had seen the – I had seen the wreckage the leeches had left of it, I felt as though I were going to go –
There’s the sound again.
I whip around, rising into a low crouch, my hand darting down to the holster slung low along my thigh, and when I remember that I had lost the pistol down in the ballast bulbs I try to ignore the icy stab of fear piercing upwards into my throat like a fishhook. Part of me wants to freeze, part of me wants to scream, out of terror and frustration and exhaustion, but I push them both back down and force myself to reach down the other side of my belt and grab the long savage bowie knife from its streamlined scabbard. The edge catches the light as I draw it and it makes an exaggerated swish, the air parting across the blade as I transfer it to my right hand.
I still don’t see anything unusual down the passage. It’s returned to the same level of stillness as before, the same utter, eerie silence. All the way up here I can’t hear the ballast siren any more, its screams are smothered by the overwhelming weight of flesh above us. I shine my flashlight carefully along the ceiling, along the walls, along the floor. There isn’t –
Something I had initially thought was a weird little polypous growth about head-height up on the left wall opens a set of six faceted eyes and looks at me, and my mouth drops open because I know what this is, I know what is about to happen, but the knowledge isn’t enough to save me. The triocanth bursts from its bored-out hide in the wall, trailing ichor and slime behind it and slams like a football straight into my chest. I think I feel a rib creak under the sudden pressure, and I stumble and fall flat on my ass, the air whooshing out of my lungs and leaving me gasping.
It fixes one tentacle like a whip around my left wrist and crunches the other one inward around my neck, but before it can do more than tug itself forward against me I slam the knife six inches deep into its abdomen, the force knocking it sideways and tugging me after it. It vomits a frothy purple bile all down my front, its tentacles writhing in shock, and then slowly its dull eyes turn even duller and the rhythmic slap of the tentacles slows to a writhing stop.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I murmur to myself. I try to haul the thing off of me but its blood has made it slippery and I end up completely covered in it before I can finally toss its weighty carcass off of me and get to my feet. I look down at myself, down at the thing, the hilt of my knife sticking straight upwards like a morbid Excalibur, and then pop the helmet’s quick release and vomit.
“God damn,” I murmur when I’m done. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and watch it tremble. Even when I make a fist there’s still a little shudder there, a little shakiness. A week ago I was fine, I was rock-solid.
I move on. There are arteries and canals and veins and chutes. Some of them have stuff inside, gunk and blood and lymph and other nameless substances that I can do little more than wrinkle my nose at and wade through, while others are crinkled and lifeless and dry.
My leg hurts. It’s a dull, bone-deep ache and just the harbinger of something worse, but its throbbing reminds me that I really only have a limited window to go down and get Elena and get her out. If I stay too long I’ll end up as something’s dinner, I’m sure of it.
Sometimes I see things, down here in the dark, in the tubes and tunnels and vast fleshy protuberances I travel through. The marker on the HUD in the helmet will blink right on top of a wiry, long-limbed copepod (the lesser variety, thankfully), staring at me with a baleful look, but nothing has been brave enough to try me, everything so far has sized me up and then turned and scuttled or crawled or slithered the other way.
It’s an environment that reminds me a lot of the nature documentary I watched that one time over at Thor’s place about the very bottom of the ocean. Something something Abyss. Enter the Abyss? I forget. It had a British man with a soothing voice narrating, but not David Attenborough, because I know his voice and it was someone else.
Everything down there is an optimization monster because there’s such little resources available. Something like a shark wouldn’t be able to survive at that depth, even if you ignore the pressure that would squish it, there isn’t enough energy for a big alpha predator like that. Everything is waiting in ambush, black and midnighted and serrated. It made me shiver a little, watching the crabs clustering over a whale carcass that had fallen all the way down, watching the black, invisible fish that are ninety percent teeth, floating and floating until they happen to spot something or something happens to spot them.
Here is the same, just the same, everything is so – so desperate here. Or perhaps that’s just how I perceive it; I’m sure to one of these overgrown lice there’s no desperation, just calculation and analysis and arithmetic. Can I eat this or will it eat me? Do I have enough energy to just sit here motionless and wait for something stupid enough to walk beneath me or do I have to actually hunt?
It seems like a very clean sort of life but not one I have the stomach for.
I make it to the ranger station I had waypointed at nine at night. At least that’s what the suit tells me; as far as I know it could be three in the afternoon and I’d never be able to tell. The only thing that matters to me is that I’m dog tired. I’ve dodged three (fairly halfhearted) copepod attacks, noticed and avoided two more triocanths, stopped and hit to let a bumble of macrobacteria pass by, and once stood stock-still and trembling as a massive shadow, lit by the pale red glow of – of something, I don’t know what – slipped past, projected on the wall before me, all many-legged and sinuous and nameless. I didn’t know what it was, only that it was big and that it awoke some kind of primal fear within me that I desperately, desperately wanted not to confront.
But it passed me by. And who knows, I reason, thinking of the enormous slimy lizards, lurking down at the bottom of the Pit, feasting on the toxic mushrooms, perhaps it was some sort of bottom-feeder, some kind of thing that just lives off the Pit itself.
I’d seen things like that, here and there, not quite as common as I might have otherwise expected, considering I’m inside an enormous edible environment. There are things like ticks, bloated and heaving, suckered onto one of the pale blue veins that crisscross the Pit’s innards in wavy spiderwebbed patterns, great clusters of them like bunches of hideous grapes, swaying gently with the motion of, I discovered to my horror, their lapping suction at the Pit’s veins. I would occasionally see one or two of them, sated, unhook themselves and scuttle downwards on chitinous legs, their bulbous abdomens bobbing like balloons in the wind, and scurry off to some hidden cranny to hide and digest.
Maybe the Pit’s flesh is just poisonous, or gamy, or…or whatever. Otherwise you’d think this place would be an Eden, or at least a kind of Eden. Eden for the copepods. If they could just pluck a handful of flesh out of the wall and chow down, why bother being that big? Why bother being so cantankerous? Why bother being intelligent? No, it makes sense that the Pit’s flesh isn’t edible except for a couple of these strange little bottomfeeders. And then things eat the bottomfeeders, and things eat the things, and bigger things eat the other things, and…
The ranger station looms ahead of me and I cast my flashlight warily over it. It looks as though it hasn’t seen human habitation since way before 2007. Maybe it hasn’t; maybe it’s just been abandoned, ditched for being too out of the way and hard to get to and so on. There’s grime on the thick safety windows and an enamel-like coating of hardened slime on the sterile grey surfaces. The exposed metal of the beams is rusted to shit, and it looks as though it’s about to collapse if I breathe on it wrong.
I shove the door open, crumpling a horrible crinkly film of ichor behind it, pivoting on squealing, rusted hinges, and move through two dusty, disheveled rooms before I find a serviceable cot waiting for me. I had been expecting that I’d have to sleep on the grimy, moldy floor, but if there’s a bed I can use instead I’m all for it. I’m dog tired, bone tired, and though I had initially planned to just power through it and make it down to DUSA today without having to take any breaks, the deeper down I went the more obvious it became that that was just not going to happen.
I peel out of the suit, down to my panties and my tank top, and then I fiddle with the radio, squawk it on and off. “Elena,” I say. “Elena, come in.”
I wait. Five, ten, fifteen seconds. There’s a little pinprick of fear down deep in my gut but I smother it. “Elena?” I ask again. The radio blares static back at me.
“It’s okay,” I murmur, staring at the radio. “It’s okay,” I tell myself. “She’s asleep, or there’s no signal, or…”
I look away from the three full bars of signal displaying in the upper right corner of the LCD screen on the radio’s front. “Fuck,” I murmur.
I call her name two more times before I give up. She just isn’t there, I reason.
Nothing to panic about.
I fall into the cot and sneeze as it kicks up a cloud of dust. I lay there for a while, trying to get the worry out of my system, before I flick my eyes down to the door and get up again, wedge a chair underneath the doorknob. I look around at my things, holding the flashlight loosely in my left hand, and then settle with leaving the knife underneath the pillow and the flashlight on the floor right by the bed, right where I can reach it. I crawl again into the cot. I think briefly about masturbating so I can get to sleep more quickly but after a few experimental gropes at my breasts I conclude that turning myself on would be more effort than it’s worth.
I shut my eyes and try to think of nothing, but I keep worrying about Elena. It’s pitch-black in here without the flashlight and so I can barely tell the difference between shutting my eyelids and leaving them open. I wonder briefly if I could sleep with them open but then I realize my eyes would dry out and shut them again. Plus, of course, it takes too much energy to just hold them open…
God, if I get down there tomorrow and she’s – she’s gone, I’m going to –
In the dark I let my lips curl back in a silent snarl of laughter. I’m going to what? What’s the end of the sentence? I’d kill myself? Pathetic. Even when I thought I had HIV and I…well, I guess I still have HIV. I’d just sort of pushed it out of my mind. Ironic.
I’d toyed with the thought, of course, back when I got the letter. That same sort of weighty finality shifting heavily, like a center of gravity too far over an edge. But ultimately I’d realized I was too much of a coward to ever go through with something like that, or that if I did work up the nerve to give it a shot I’d just take a bottle of Advil, wash it down with a glass of wine and fall asleep in the bathtub after giving myself a small scratch on the wrist with a dull knife. Or would the Advil actually kill me? I don’t know. Somehow I doubt it but I don’t know. It’d be ineffectual and pathetic and a cry for help and attention, that’s all, and I’d hate myself when I woke up the next morning.
I can’t tie myself to Elena, even if I want to. Whenever I love someone my impulse is to offer everything up to them to make them better while asking nothing in return but I can’t keep doing that. If she dies I have to live, out of – out of sheer bloody-mindedness, I guess.
I yawn.
It’s all so ridiculous. Get a grip, Roan. Either she’s dead or she isn’t. If she isn’t, great. If she is, have a cry and then drag yourself out of here. It’s so callous but it’s what you’d end up doing. Even if you really do love her you’re not going to play Juliet to her Romeo and dagger yourself at the end of the play. Or does Juliet poison herself? I don’t remember.
I shift in the bed, roll over onto my side. My leg twinges warningly and I freeze, holding it still, and then carefully maneuver it away so it has space to itself.
I want to burst into tears at the very thought of her even possibly being dead, despite my hard-edged nitrogen queen pep-talk. Instead I fall asleep.
 * * *
 In the dream I’m falling into a very deep pit. I can’t see the sides of it and the light at the mouth is far too dim for me to really make out anything at all, but I know I’m falling, I can feel the lurch of it in my gut, the way I reflexively seize up. I get the sense that I’m falling toward something, there’s a sense of impendingness hurtling at me like a brick wall across a highway. I want to try and twist over onto my back so I can at least see it coming but halfway through the motion I stop myself, wondering if it might be worse if I can see it coming.
I’m in that weird sort of half-state where some part of me is aware that I’m dreaming but it isn’t a significant enough part to override the animal inside of me that thinks that it’s really truly falling to its death.
I slowly force myself to turn, and there below me is a vast plain of slowly writhing leeches, black and inky and horrible, leaving castings of slime on each other as they slop endlessly across the hidden ground. There is a crack of thunder and I scream, and for a moment I think that that is what brings me crashing awake, the sound boiling up out of my throat, but as my brain hurriedly clears the cobwebs from its sleep-dulled senses, I realize very quickly that what I had thought was thunder was really the crash of the chair being knocked to the floor and the creak of the door slipping open. My heart leaps up into my throat instantly but I resist the urge to freeze. Instead I grab the knife from beneath my pillow and dart downwards to the floor next to the bed. My hands sweep over empty space for a moment before after what feels like ages I brush the flashlight with the tips of my fingers and finally gather it up and snap it on.
The beam flashes over the rugose, squamous head of a venous shamble, shoved through the gap in the door and regarding me curiously, and I scream again, getting to my feet on top of the cot. I stumble and nearly pitch sideways but I reach out and steady myself against the wall.
The shamble presses a little more of its bulk into the room, its swaying, delicate tendrils extending stealthily towards me.
This is the point where I freeze. I can feel my eyes bugging out and my voice catching in my throat as it comes even closer, the tendrils slipping up onto the bed and reaching for my foot before I manage to take a faltering step backwards. My back is against the far wall now, and I have to hunch a little to not hit my head on the bulky, crenelated ceiling. I just can’t – force myself to move, I’m absolutely terrified. It’s a miracle I haven’t wet myself like a baby. Something about the thing’s eyes is – is eating at me, there’s a tremendous depth to them, like a fifty-foot-deep vat of red gelatin, with little sparks and currents and intricacies hovering inside it. I can feel my hands shaking, I can see the cone of the flashlight shuddering as I struggle to force my traitorous muscles to move –
The tendrils wrap around my ankle and something about their shuddering, slimy touch wakes me from whatever trance I had fallen into. I can feel my lip curl in disgust. I tug my foot back once again but the shamble holds on tight. More tendrils are slithering towards my arms and legs and neck and torso and from a tiny, plated orifice something like a horrible, sucking proboscis is emerging from the middle of the shamble’s head. Its eyes are still boring into mine but something is different, something about the, about the tone of them is different, and I realize that I can -
I bring the knife sweeping up in a long, wide arc, with as much force behind it as I can muster, and slam it into the underside of the shamble’s head. The light leaves the thing’s eyes as quickly as if it were switched off, and the tendrils around my ankle and my waist fall off of me like coils of rope. There is a horrible sort of jelly leaking from the wound in its head, a great string of it shot outward and splattered onto the ceiling from the force I had used to shove the knife in.
I stand there on the cot, staring, as the thing shudders and writhes and shrivels, and then, ten minutes later, I get down and put my suit back on and retrieve my knife and I leave.
 * * *
 DUSA is easier to get to than I thought it would be. Although the route the suit computer plotted for me looks torturously circuitous, it turned out to be a wide, clean, spiraling ramp of sorts at a very agreeable grade, the flesh beneath seemingly encased in some kind of resin or enamel. I can feel a wide tread evenly spread in two spots all the way down, so I conclude this must have been some sort of route used to construct DUSA to begin with. The reinforcements are wide and clean and strong-looking, evenly spaced every twenty feet or so.
Once again I boggle at the sheer scale of this place. It must have taken so much effort and resources to put all of this in place, and then to lose it just because of a titanic hiccough, because of pure chance…
Two hours of walking and the suit guides me to a branching offshoot of the main route that leads me across a wide bridge over a vein, full with pounding carmine liquid, thick and sticky and glutinous, and then down a steep ramp and into the sordid, fleshy grotto that holds the cylindrical lozenge of DUSA. I’d tried to call Elena two more times on the way down, but the timbre of the static I get back is thicker. A few times I think I hear something between it, some attempt at a reply, but I can’t make it out. I abandon that after a few attempts and try to keep myself cheery by imagining how good it’ll be to see her again, to hold her again, how good her lips will feel against mine.
When my weary flashlight beam finally rakes over the stained, pitted metal of the outpost, I can feel tears coming to my eyes and for a moment, just a moment, I let myself wallow in hopelessness.
Something has stomped into the organ and torn a massive chunk out of DUSA’s side like it were nothing, left the curved blunt metal bury itself halfway into the Pit’s flesh like a knife dropped point-down. DUSA’s innards are ominously dark, but I can see lights flickering inside and for a moment, just a moment, I think I can see something moving within.
I call out for Elena at least a dozen times but nobody comes to the vast rent made in DUSA’s side to see what all the racket is. Eventually, my hands trembling with a horrible, horrible anticipation of what I might find, I force myself to go in.
Inside, DUSA is a mess. It looks as though a tornado has swept through, leaving shelves knocked onto the floor with their papery guts spilling out like crime scenes, leaving dents in the foot-thick metal walls, leaving scattered debris and mess everywhere. The crater I had climbed in through was worrying enough but seeing the trail of destruction leading down to the stairwell in the back, which itself is crushed and mangled beyond recognition, leaves me practically quivering with trepidation. I clamber down the stairs, making a hell of a racket with the clunky boot banging off the crumpled metal steps.
In the floor below me, the room with the autodoctor unit, a trail of rubble leads over to the autodoc, which itself is crushed to hard-shelled plasticky smithereens. There is someone in an orange ranger suit, standing there in the middle of the room, examining a small chunk of something. As I watch they drop it and start towards the autodoc. “Elena!” I call out, my heart leaping, and the person spins, their hand darting down to their pistol and drawing it on me. “Hey, it’s me,” I tell her, my smile losing a couple of molars. I clamber out of the staircase and come fully into the room, my hands held wide, palms out, empty. “Elena, it’s me,” I repeat.
My heart is beating very quickly. I can feel a bead of sweat trickle down the back of my neck and nestle under the lip of my tank top.
I am only just now realizing that the person ahead of me is much, much shorter than Elena.
“Yes,” Makado agrees, slipping her helmet off, revealing a set of hard, hard eyes and a mouth twisted into an ugly scowl, keeping the pistol trained on me with her other hand. “It’s you.”
Continue with Part 35
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The kids pt 2
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BB: we're back all you weirdos that enjoy senpai's blog! Here again to show you the kiddos with this convoluted lore dump of post Chaldea life for senpai and his family!
Mari: please, stop talking in such a stupid way...
BB, ignoring her: a lots happen since the last time we did this! We even learned where lovely lil Maria's name came from. And daaaaww, wasn't that a sweet story?
Ed: BB, can we please get started? Sis is eyeing that water bottle and I'm afraid of what she'll do with it and our computer if you don't hurry.
BB: fine fine! Dang Mari you are just no fun huh? Anyways, just like before we're discussing the others who got a second chance at life and how they're viewed through the eyes of these two! So who first? How about, my lil darlings! The first 3 members of the Sakura 5!
Mari: why only the first 3?
BB: spoilers!
Mari: stupid. Well we've seen that Melt became a famous ice skating performer. We don't see her much but the few times we do it's pretty nice.
Ed: sometimes she acts like a big shot celebrity out in the open, but she seems more humble around us.
BB: yeah, that's melty for ya. I gave her a good amount of tsun! Have you seen the picture of her before this tho?
Mari: yeah... pretty weird. Why did you give her huge blades for legs and no hands?
BB: I guess it's just a part of my twisted lil personality!
Ed: and you wonder why Mom wants you gone from our computers.
Mari: and Lip seems happy, she's found love with someone, and her partner seems to truly love her. So that's nice.
Ed: and she's changed even more from before. No huge metal claws and a slimmer body.
Mari: again, wtf BB?
BB: pls stop asking me questions.
Ed: and Protea is also happily in a more normal body then before. But for her it was just too big.
Mari: she still acts like a Kaiju sometimes.
BB: yes, those three are in such happy lives. As their mother I'm so happy for them.
Mari: stop lying or I'm pouring root beer all over the computer.
BB: do not! Moving devices is a pain in the ass!
BB: *sigh* anyways, whose next? Hmmm... what about lil miss Gorgon?
Mari: we don't see her much, the only times we do she's forcefully dragged by mom and her friends.
Ed: and she's always hiding her face and such. She has self esteem issues for some reason.
BB: yeah, and those reasons are called "Stheno" and "Euryale"
Mari: such shitty sisters. Where do they get off messing with 'Dusa about her height?
BB: who knows?
Ed: she isn't even that tall... mom's taller and she's never self conscious.
BB: have you not heard the heaps of praise your father gives her about that?! It's so much I get sick hearing it!
Mari: oh be quiet! What I wouldn't give to have such a beautiful relationship!
Ed: woah! This is the first time hearing you say something like that!
Mari: ...well yeah... when I was young I kinda did that silly kid thing of being grossed out by their affection. It was so much I honestly thought they overdid it in front of us just to mess with us. But growing up... and seeing them still like that and the old videos from Chaldea and how everyone else talks about them... that's real genuine love! I hope one day to find a partner like that.
Ed: yeah, I'm so happy we were born into a genuinely loving family! Sometimes I hear stories of kids born because their parents thought it'd save their relatives, when they should've gone to therapy or something instead!
BB: this conversations nice and all but can we get back on topic? It's almost time for you to walk the lil mutts.
Mari: right... now who?
BB: well speaking of mutts, what about that lil dog Lobo?
Ed: lil!? He's huge! Biggest wolf I've ever seen!
Mari: and they said he was bigger back in chaldea too! Like holy crap!
BB: yeah, he got huge.
Mari: now he's at this wolf sanctuary and seems to be fine with humans now.
Ed: yeah, and he's found a nice mate again. White just like La Blanca!
Mari: you think he used his grail wish to be reunited with her? And she's the same wolf?
BB: why wouldn't that be cute? Anyways, let's do one last servant. Hmmm... actually! Why don't you talk about your dear 'ol mother?
Mari: mom? OK, I guess technically that'd fit.
Ed: well after she reincarnated she became a famous luchadora! She was an unstoppable force in the ring!
Mari: yeah, she was unbeatable! Never suffering a single defeat for her whole career!
BB: buuuuut! She retired! Care to say why?
Ed: well... after she became pregnant with us... she had to leave the ring.
Mari: and... the responsibility of taking care of us didn't allow for time to return to fighting... so she hasn't come back since.
BB: yeah, that's the thing about childcare, it can get in the way of other things.
???: BB, you better not be messing with the children!
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Mari: oh hey mom!
Ed: what's going on?
Quetz: it's time to walk the dogs, come on your father's already outside!
Mari: crap! Sorry!
Ed: we're going now!
After the kids went out, Quetz had more words for the ai.
Quetz: you just can't help but try to mess around huh?!
BB: all I did was tell the truth! Can't control their reactions!
Quetz: do this again and I'm burning every device you've been in! I don't care if we lose some data, you're gone if you go too far!
BB: fine! Don't need to take it that far!
Quetz: this is you were dealing with here
Rex, from outside: mi corazon! Come on!
Quetz: coming!
Quetz then goes outside to join the family
A/N: more of the kiddos. Along with what Quetz got up to in between this and Chaldea. BB can get a bit too Mischievous at times.
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @nureenarts @kierakaz @valiantstrawberrymilk
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o-wyrmlight · 4 years
Tempted to ask about Elian headcanons. But I shall also request Juno and Zagreus headcanons to give a bit more variety
I hope I did this right, lol
Headcanon A:  realistic
If Elian didn’t grow up to be a warrior, he would absolutely have been a chef or a cook instead. Considering that he grew up during a literal famine and has his own complicated relationship with food, he’d be one of those chefs who cooks food for people who can’t afford it. Charity work? Hell yeah!
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He would probably also raise his own animals if he were a chef and end up never using their meat in his food because he feels so bad doing it. This man has developed a bond with his animals unlike any other. He will never kill this pig, this pig loves him and will hunt for truffles and mushrooms for him.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
When Elian finally does die, it will be many, many years in the future. It will be a quiet death, a forgettable one. It will be following a battle that he never wanted to fight. It will be without the memory of Talon or Nania. He will have forgotten his past, his roots, where he came from. He will know that he is missing something, but he doesn’t know what, and he will never have the chance find out. He will not know what he was fighting for. He will die defending Gresha, and Gresha will have long forgotten him. He will die for nothing. He will die for everything. And he will not be remembered.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Elian has a photograph and a journal with nothing but his memories of Nania and Talon because FUCK YOU HE WILL NOT FORGET THEM IN HIS IMMORTALITY.
Juno Steel
Headcanon A:  realistic
Juno has always been quietly, hopelessly bi and a sucker for romantic notions. He is a man who has always wanted and craved a romance that is something good and worthwhile. He is a lady who has always longed for someone to hold him, assure that his trauma is okay, and it is valid, and he is valid, and he is worth fighting for. He has always been scared, though, what the case would be if they wouldn’t. So he tries hard to ignore it all as best he can.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He and Rita met when Juno was just starting out in the private eye business. After they met, Rita tried to become his mom friend and ended up becoming his little sister--despite being older. I’m pretty sure she’s older. Right? Juno had absolutely no idea what to think of her and the weird way she handled herself and situations she found herself in, and it took him ages to adapt and get used to it. He still isn’t used to it. He doesn’t care. He wouldn’t trade her hard work and dedication for anything.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Juno became a private eye because he thinks he’s better at solving others’ problems than he is at solving his own. He uses PI work as an excuse to not focus on himself. He doesn’t want to work on himself. He wants to distract himself. He wants to solve problems, but never, ever his own. He’s fine--don’t worry about it. Tell him about your problems. Let him figure out how to help. Don’t you dare try to help him, you monster.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Juno experimented with his gender a lot when he was younger. He and his twin played dress-up together, did each others’ hair and make-up, had a hell of a time doing it. No wonder his mom got confused between who was who. No wonder she killed the wrong one.
Headcanon A: realistic
Even though Zag wants to leave Hell to find his birthmother in the hopes that she can somehow fix everything wrong with his life, he does still see Nyx as his mother. He does love her. He does appreciate her. Nyx will always be his mother, just as Zagreus will always be her son, and they love and care for each other very deeply. But Zag has always known, deep, deep down, that he is different from her other children. After all, Achilles’ journal itself says that she rarely shows favoritism. Rarely shows maternity. So why does she treat him with exception?
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He is super fucking dumb when it comes to realizing people have crushes on him. Even when it’s right in front of his stupid face. Dusa, you are not subtle, not at all. Sweetheart, you’re so lucky Zagreus is a fucking idiot. Zagreus, I will punch you, you stupid fucking idiot. There are literally hearts coming from her when she speaks. She literally tried to ask you out on a date. Zagreus, you’re stupid, so, so stupid. I love you, you stupid, stupid man. Are you a himbo? I want to say you are.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Zagreus and Hades used to get along to some extent, when Zag was a young, young child, before things changed, before he started noticing that he is different from everyone else. Hades used to try to be kinder. Try to understand his son. It was hard. Hades misses Persephone. He still loves her. She was always the more maternal of the two. Maybe Zag could feel like something was missing even back then. Maybe Hades could even see that, and that’s why he distanced himself so harshly from his son. Maybe it’s easier for Hades to deal with, but Zagreus suffered as a result, and they grew bitter toward each other because of that. Zagreus doesn’t remember those better times. Hades does.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Cerberus taught Zagreus how to say ‘fuck you, Dad’ and get away with it. That’s it. That’s the theory. Make Dad mad when you were a kid? Give the good ol’ puppydog eyes after destroying the lounge. Guaranteed, Hades will go a little bit easier on you. Until he doesn’t, because you’re growing up and should know better, you stupid, stupid boy, you absolute buffoon. You dumb, queer mess. I am screaming.
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pizza9798 · 4 years
The Cleaner
The House of Hades was an immaculate place, a near supernatural feat considering a few of it’s... colorful residents. Sometimes, even the prince’s chambers found themselves irregularly sanitary.
It was all down to one little shade, a little gorgon by the name of Dusa that worked tirelessly. She was tiny, 3 inches tall, and lived in the walls and rafters, in perfect secret.
Sure, she sometimes made off with a few scraps and trinkets, but all the work she did made it alright, right?
And that was where she was today, scurrying across the floor of the recently messy lounge, hoping to get done with her work and get out before the large, red fluffy beast in the corner awoke.
Cerberus was scary, big, overwhelming and scary. She’d never even been near him, he’d eat her right? The little green critter scooped up some parchment scraps and bits of dog toy, taking a look over at the red mound as he let out three separate sneezes in quick succession.
She tensed, looking about at the looming counters and unaware shades that floated about around the walls.Her snakes hissed a little uncomfortably, and she turned to hurry off.
Behind her, one fluffy head’s ears pricked up, her little pants and breaths alerting the Guardian of the Underworld. She saw her entryway up into the rafters not far away, it’d be a quick climb up to the ceiling and she’d be free.
Then came the canine whines, large, bestial noises emanating from behind. Dusa turned around, a yelp escaping the tiny gorgon as she noticed the three-headed beast grow closer, and closer, and closer.
Before she could take any more steps, his shadow fell over her, and she dropped to her knees with a whimper. Her snakes didn’t seem all too calm either. 
Then Cerberus licked her. A gigantic, sloppy tongue wet her body, evoking a squeaky cry from the little gorgon. She scrambled back, and was about to get running when a red paw blocked her way, playfully pushing her over.
“I-I, I’m not a toy!” She squeaked, squirming under the hound’s paw as he nuzzled and nudged at her, hopefully someone like the Prince wouldn’t show up, or worse... his Father.
((Woah look a Hades AU where Dusa has limbs and is a borrower. I felt like doing a tiny bit of writing, so here it is))
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
Part five of marriage AU. Sorry for being gone for so long, I'm moving rn and my dog had to go the vet so I been busy. Hope you enjoy. Part six should out later this week.. net part will have more hypnos x reader.
Time passed much quickly here. Almost too fast. Weeks had passed into a full month before You knew it.
Dusa came every other day to dust and You looked forward to your chats.
The library was coming together nicely. Even though You did have to read every scroll since no one, not even Nyx knew what they held.
Nyx had been surprised by how much there was. You thought you even saw the faintest of blush on her cheeks.
"I knew I had a big collection but I didn't realize how many I've picked over the years." Nyx murmured. "I was so busy raising several children along with Zagreus once he came later with Hypnos and his brother."
You also found out that Hypnos had way more siblings, way way more than you had sisters. But you haven't quite gotten the story about why he talked only about two of his brothers.
You peeked over the scroll you were reading in hopes that maybe somehow it had gotten smaller.
The pile still loomed threatenly the corner.
You tsk when you saw it was still the same as before.
Slowly, the gods and shades of the underworld were becoming friends of sorts.
Zagreus, much like Hypnos, had also become a regular to your library. Often with questions about your former home and any advice you may have.
You knew you weren't getting the full story of why he really wanted out but all in due time.
Charon, a god that Hermes often talked about, was nerve wracking to meet at first but he warmed up quickly to You when sharing stories of Hermes.
Nyx, even as your mother in law, had become someone who You looked forward to having the chats with. The both of you talked over the scrolls and you quite enjoyed the stories of her youth, the rare times she talked about it.
And there was Dusa, Achilles (even after that embarrassing day), even Cerberus would give you a small single wag in greeting.
And so many others. They felt more… honest. Your old home had rules and politics that you were never able to quite grasp.
You never felt right at home, with a different father than all of your sisters and a different power from all of them.
But they loved you and you loved them in return.
Homesick as you were, You were embarrassed to admit there was someone else on your mind.
You haven't seen Hypnos since that night he slept in your bed. Not really anyway.
He came once a day for a few minutes, made a quick comment on the library or at Zagreus if the prince was going through the scrolls when he came in. But that's it. You felt almost like a pet that Hypnos just made sure was still alive before taking off to wherever.
You blinked at the scroll as you realized that you didn't read a single word. Your mind had drifted away from the scrolls and back to Hypnos.
"Do you have anything on a thing called a Bone Hydra?" Zagreus had asked one day out of the blue, his desperation was clear in his voice.
You put down your tasks list to look at him. "I know what a hydra is but what do you mean by a bone hydra?"
Zagreus slumped, "It is this horrible thing that-"
"Didn't I already tell you what you needed to do?" Hypnos interrupted. "Just don't get hit or die!" He floated to the pile and plucked some scrolls from the top.
Zagreus sighed, "I know, I know. Don't die. It doesn't help as much as you think, Hypnos."
Hypnos dropped the scrolls on the table for you. Slowly but surely the piles had been going down. However, it was helpful to have someone who can easily get to the top.
"Maybe the issue is that you're not moving fast enough." Hypnos said.
"Yes, I am sure that is exactly why, Hypnos. Thank you, all my problems are now solved." Zagreus rolled his eyes.
"Fantastic! Glad to be of service!" Hypnos laughed.
You had to cover a smile before you looked back at Zagreus.
"Zagreus, if I find anything on this bone hydra you will be the first to know." You said.
"Y/N, you're being too kind to Zagreus. Like I said, just move faster."
You laughed at Zagreus' eye roll.
"So this is where you been hiding boy." Hades stepped in the room despite being almost too tall to do.
The energy in the room changed in a way you never felt before. The sheer anger that came from both father and son made the room feel so small.
All three of you stood but it was Hypnos who moved toward you. He blocked you from Hades' sight, his smile never leaving his face. But there was a tightness to his smile. You peeked around him, eyes focused on Zagreus and his father.
Zagreus scoffed, "Oh good Father you were able find the library, would you like some help reading or -"
"Watch your mouth, boy." Hades growled. Then he turned to look directly at you and Hypnos.
You tighten your hands, hoping your nervousness won't show.
"Y/N. Correct?" Hades asked but not in a way that was a question.
You pushed past Hypnos and You ignored his look, you did tell him you couldn't hide from Hades forever.
"Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Hades."
For a moment, no one said anything.
Then finally Hades spoke, "I heard from Nix about your work on the library."
"Yes, I have some experience with libraries and thank you for the opportunity." You replied, grateful that your voice stayed calm.
"Hmm." Hades looked around the library and You wanted to hide behind Hypnos but resisted the urge.
"Father, what is it that you want?" Zagreus sighed, "Can't you tell you are making everyone uncomfortable?"
Hades' eyes snapped back to Zagreus, "Silent! Your rudeness is what makes people uncomfortable."
Without taking his eyes off his son, Hades said to You. "Y/N, you may continue your work."
"Yes sir, t-thank you." You said, your heart racing, still not convinced father and son will start fighting in the library.
You felt Hypnos' hand on your back, warm and steady, and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in.
"Well!" Hypnos said cheerfully, "Y/N needs to get back to work and I know I certainly do."
Hades sighed, "Yes You do. In fact, Hypnos. I need to have a word with you. Alone."
Without waiting for Hypnos' agreement, Hades turned and walked off.
"I'm sorry about my Father." Zagreus' hands in
"No. It's fine. Went as well as it could have." You said, glad the whole event was over.
Zagreus murmured his excuses and quickly left the library.
A moment passed and you turned your head to look up at Hypnos, his hand still on your back.
"Thank you." You whispered, a blush on your cheeks.
"Oh, sure. Hades takes some getting used to." Hypnos grinned. "I've to go see what Hades wants from me."
"Are you okay with being alone with...him?" You asked. You would happily never share a room with Hades ever again, let alone a one on one meeting.
His hand moved away and you found yourself already missing the warmth.
"Of course, he loves my charming wit." Hypnos waved a hand in farewell.
You laughed and watched Hypnos floated off.
With a sigh, you fell into your chair. Not even the underworld gods were spared of politics and drama.
"So- so could I ask you a question?" Dusa asked, her duster moved in quick, neat movements.
You pulled your eyes away from the new take list you made. Since the library was getting closer and closer to being done, you had thought about opening it up but there was still much to do. Also you weren't sure of the best to keep track of who borrowed what. And you still needed to ask Nix but you pushed the thoughts out.
"Of course, Dusa. Is there a scroll you're looking for?"
"Well, no. I wanted to ask… how did you and Hypnos meet? I wasn't aware he was seeing anyone let alone getting married." Dusa bit her lip, "But don't feel like you have to talk about it if you don't want to! I know it is not any of my business."
"No. No, it's fine. I didn't meet him until our wedding or at least I think so." You put down your quill. You couldn't help but feel like you met him before that but for the life of you, you couldn't remember. "It was an arranged marriage. I… I've been told he did a favor for my mother during a war, one she would have lost if not for him."
Dusa bobbed next to you, "I'm sorry. I don't know why people or gods act like their daughters are things to trade. It's like they don't even see their daughters as full people."
You blinked, surprised at Dusa's tone. But you smiled, liking the more fiery side of your friend.
"I don't know either. But at least he is kind to me. And he hasn't been pushy if you know what I mean or anything like that. It could have been worse."
"That's good!" Dusa sighed, "Hypnos and I don't exactly get along really but I'm glad to know he has been kind to you."
"You don't? Is there a reason?" You cupped your face in your hands, elbows eyes on Dusa.
Hypnos didn't talk about other people in the house, other than his mother and brother. You wanted to know more but couldn't get him to crack in the few minutes you saw him every day.
"Well I mean." Dusa paused as if trying to find the words. "He isn't mean but you can tell he doesn't care about his work. And he doesn't seem to understand why anyone else cares. He… I don't know. I'm making it sound worse than it is. I'm sorry, Y/N."
She bobbed again nervously. "He is a good guy! He and I just don't click at all."
You smiled even as a knot formed in your chest. Is that what Hades wanted with Hypnos a few weeks ago? Again you cursed yourself for not being able to get Hypnosis to talk to you.
"It's okay, Dusa. It is not a big deal."
After a few more minutes of chitchat, Dusa left, her duster still working madly.
You sat down and stared down at your list. The words might as well be scribbles for all of the sense it made to you.
With a sigh, you pushed away the papers. Why in the world do you care that Hypnos wouldn't talk to you? Or that you still didn't understand a bloody thing about the god.
Why do you care at all?
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Hey, hey, hey, look what I finished yesterday! Finally done, here is the epilogue to Slave to your Heart. Which, you know since you clicked on it...
Anyway, so I have a few fics to chose from for next and I was assured these were wanted to be heard. Or rather read. Please keep in mind, the sequel to Bad Karma, Terrible Fate, and Cell Mates isn't on this list because they will be posted next along with the ones I'm listing here for consideration. I like to do a cannon based fic and an AU in tandem when posting. Or try to anyway, I'm also still posting for SM and working on originals so this might get a back seat from time to time.
So here's what I got (none of these are finished yet but close):
The Shogan's Daughter: Kagome agrees to marry a man, sight unseen so that her village falls under his protection. With a steady rice supply and a few soldiers to protect them, she leaves home and enters the house of one Inuyasha Tenoe. Married life is made so much more difficult with enemy threats hoping to take Tenoe's title from him, ex-lovers weakening Kagome's resolve, and falling in love with your husband no matter how hard you try not to. Set in a Feudal Japan.
Beautiful Hell (working title): She was free. It almost killed her but she had escaped and now she just had to stay out of the dark clutches of her former king. And not be discovered for what she was by the new one. Too bad the Prince is a glutton for punishment, meeting the fiery Kagome, and doing what? Putting her in his harem of course! The setting is a made-up world but hints at Arabic tones.
Hidden Demons: Kagome was doing as commanded, going deep into the Vragoli territory and entering the fabled Crnac Mountains. But she is there to ensure peace, wanting nothing more than to keep her home, Fatamorgora from any more attacks. Her first time in Nema Dusa and yet, the King feels so familiar. Confused, she'll have plenty of time to figure it out, or will she? Her mind slipping all around with dreams that feel more like memories of a past she never had! The setting is made-up here as well but similar to The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings kind of vibes.
All of these are romances and have lemons btw. Let me know what you guys think?
Thanks @lemonlushff​ for the pointer. Loving this new cover and the Canva app! 
Links to fanfiction click HERE for AO3 click HERE
Trudging off the elevator, I let my irritation roll off me in spades. Inuyasha's secretary didn't even try to stop me. Maybe he had already warned her of my coming? She knew better than to try to hold me back.
I took some of my anger out on the door, his door, and enjoyed how he jumped a little from my entrance. "Alright, I'm here. Where is it?"
He pointed and I went straight for it, quickly finding Moroha's much-needed school book. "I had hoped you'd bring the baby with you." I stopped, only to flash him a look then grabbed up Moroha's large French book. "She's doing this on purpose you know."
I sighed because he was right. "I know."
"She doesn't want to leave me."
"I know."
"We should probably do something…"
"We are doing something about it!" I fumed.
Inuyasha sat back, a grin pulling at his lips, "You're really upset being here? Forced to see me?"
"Right now I am!" I softened at that because it wasn't his fault. "We're doing what's best for us and that's best for the kids. This is what I want."
His grin faded and he lifted a dark brow. "What you want?"
"You gave me the choice…"
"You're right." He conceded, quicker than he used to. Maybe he was finally giving up? "You can always...stay. Here. With me."
Or maybe not, "Thank you, but no."
His smile was small as he nodded. "I'll see you this weekend then?"
"Of course. I do have plans. Big ones."
"I know. I'll be waiting to see you and the kids again."
He would always wait for me. Two years later and that would never change, I was certain.
The apartment was small. Especially for four people even if three of them were very small.
"Do we have to stay here?!"
"Moroha, it's a few more days. Now finish your broccoli."
With a frown, she did as told. Sota was morose as well. At this point, I was mostly used to it but it still ate at me. Haori was busy getting her peas all over herself while we all sat together at the small table just off the even smaller kitchen. "It's just until the weekend. Then you'll be back at Daddy's"
Nothing more was said but I knew she had more. Waiting until bedtime, I came to tuck her in last. Sitting on the edge of her bed, I leaned my back against the headboard. "Alright, Haori could wake any second now so make it quick."
My toddler was teething, sleeping through the night was impossible these days. Moroha stared at her fingers a moment longer, twisting them in the sheets before throwing her head back to look at me. "You're really going to marry him?"
I huffed, wrapping an arm around my firstborn. She took after her father with her mood swings. "Because I love him. And it will be good for us. All of us."
"Everything is going to change."
"No. Nothing is going to change. Other than us moving out of this place."
I glanced around at the half-filled suitcase. Moroha still needed to pack. "Things will change! I just know it!"
She was pouting and I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, so some things will change. But they'll be for the better. I promise."
"So...this really is what you want? What Daddy wants? Being apart like this?"
I couldn't speak for Inuyasha but I knew he would lie and support me on this if need be. "Yes. It's what we both want."
Sango entered in the door right behind me as I stood staring at myself in the full-length mirror. "Do I look stupid?"
Her mouth was still dropped to the floor so she shook it instead of saying anything.
"I look stupid," I answered for her, pulling at the long white gown.
Quick to my side, she slapped my hands away. "Stop it! You look gorgeous!"
"I shouldn't have picked white. Everyone knows I'm not a virgin!"
"Who cares! You still look as pure as the day I met you."
"Sango. I had already lost my 'purity' when you met me."
"Exactly." I released a nervous giggle and she laughed, twisting a fallen curl behind my ear. "You do look beautiful. And ready."
"Yeah. I am. I've been ready for this for months now."
"He's a great man," Sango said with a sad smile.
"Oh god don't you start!"
She was dabbing at her eyes but the tears were still coming. "Sorry. Hormones."
A few tears of my own threatened, "Just because you had twins doesn't mean you beat me when it comes to 'mommy tears'. You're going to make me ruin my makeup!"
Sango quickly sobered at that, coming in close to fluff my dress. "How is Inuyasha handling all of this?"
I focused on my reflection instead of the skip inside my chest. "Don't know. But I'm sure he's doing the same as when we spoke about it last. He's not pleased about it but he wants me to be happy. It'll all be over soon and he will move on from this. "
"I guess that's as good as you're going to get," Sango said with a small chuckle.
Kanna, the wedding organizer, appeared in the doorway. "It's time, Kagome."
With Sango my maid of honor and only bride's maid, it was a short procession. I walked alone down the aisle, the rows of pews of the small church filled on both sides. On the groom's side, I mostly recognized faces while forgetting names. But on my side, I saw all the faces of the friends I had made throughout my life smiling back at me brightly. Most I had made in the last two years, gaining my freedom from Inuyasha's home. Then there were ones like Kaede and the girls from the home that I knew from long ago as well.
I looked to the front of the church, my groom waiting for me. He had his hair freshly cut, the shaggy short locks something I had gotten used to after having long ones draped over me night after night. A good change, I had told myself from the first time.
His hand out, I took it with little hesitation, glancing back at my three children seated in the front row. Moroha gave me a small but happy smile while holding little Haori tight. Sota was just happy I was happy, my little momma's boy. If I had chosen anyone else, I think he would have been more protective but he couldn't find fault in my new husband and neither could I.
Wrapped around his arm, I was led by my hand to stand fully in front of the preacher. Neither of us were truly religious but wanted a real and official wedding in front of everyone. As the man spoke, I stared at my mate, my husband. Inuyasha could fuss all he wanted but I would never regret this choice or the other choices I had made years ago.
I was happy.
Two years ago exactly...
The day was waning and Inuyasha's words were still ringing in my brain. Of course, they were, it was a lot. Inuyasha had been there the night my family died. He considered himself responsible.
In a way, he was.
And he had been watching over me as best he could ever since. I suppose that made him my guardian angel of sorts.
He took me in when things were the bleakest, loved me, cared for me even if it was done in the strangest manner possible. He was the only man I had ever known, my entire life was spent waiting for him without me even realizing it.
He had married someone else; he had more experiences than I had. That left a bitter seed in my chest, small and unkempt. It was why when I was 'sold' I believed it, because I didn't know why he ever married Kikyo. Now, knowing he did it to protect me, that seed withered quickly and died.
It didn't change the fact that there was much in this life I had little experience in. Or that he had lied to me for as long as I had known him.
Inuyasha surely expected me to take days to answer him. But I knew what I wanted by the time the kids were in bed asleep.
It didn't take long to find him, expecting him to be in bed but instead he was in the bathroom. The soft buzzing sound coming from it quickly gained my attention. I walked into a massacre.
He jumped a little but luckily not too much, an electric razor in his hand against his scalp. His long mane was in a bundle, tied and cut off, lying on the counter next to the sink. While he cut the rest off with his razor, short sprigs all around.
"I thought… it was time for a change?" My mouth just hung open and he turned his eyes back to him in the mirror to finish. "I'm almost done."
He shrugged and buzzed the remaining longer hairs off. "Long hair was a family… statement so I had it this way for most of my life. Then I kept it to help with the Naraku case whenever I could, as long hair was still a family trait and would get me into places for evidence. Now that Naraku is locked away… I don't want it anymore."
I picked up the discarded mane off the counter. It was still warm from when it rested against his back. "I've only ever known you like this though."
"Should I have asked you?"
Finished, he faced me, covered in white hair. "No, but you could at least have gone to a salon! Aren't you a millionaire or something?"
He chuckled, taking a step closer but keeping his distance at the same time. "I didn't want to wait."
"Really?" I asked, twerking an eyebrow up at him. "Busy waiting for something else?"
Reaching out a brave hand, he ran his fingers down my arm from my bicep to my elbow. "I'll always wait for you, as long as it takes."
"Then… can you wait a year? Or two?" Fear and confusion mixed on his face and I giggled, quickly closing the gap between to be taken instantly into his arms. "I want to have this baby and lose the weight before we get married. And I want Naraku firmly locked away behind bars so my family is safe…"
"But… you want to marry me?"
He was still confused and I found it adorable. "I love you, Inuyasha."
"What about… your family?"
"You can blame yourself all you want for that but it was your father, not you. If you had been there, you never would have let it happen. You're not that kind of person. Yes, I miss them but I also let go of their deaths long ago. So, even if I was to blame you, I've moved on. I've forgiven you and all those responsible." The tension in his shoulders released as did his fear I imagine he'd had for years now. "Plus, you have more than made up for it; you've given me a beautiful family."
His forehead pressed heavily to mine and I tried not to mourn the missing locks that used to drape over us when he did this. "You're the one that gave me a beautiful family. When you got pregnant with Moroha… I was so happy I thought I would die. And then terrified you would get taken along with her."
Kissing the tip of his nose, I stayed on my toes, closer to him. "You've been afraid for a long time, haven't you?"
He was rubbing my back as if to make sure I was real. "Yes. And I almost lost you so now I know my fears were well-founded."
"Inuyasha… all of that is over. You have to let it go, let me go. I don't want to spend the rest of my life stuck inside this house."
"I know," he said but still gripped my shirt tight as if he would never let go, "but it will be hard."
"You can come with us, we'll all go out together. As a family. Until you're comfortable with it."
"And with bodyguards after."
"I love you so fucking much, Kagome."
I pushed his head back with mine to suck his bottom lip into my teeth. The action got me crushed to him, the arms already around me tightening and pulling me hard. I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck, his shorter hairs sticking into my skin with each twist of his head to get more of my mouth. Like the animals in heat that we were, we lapped at each other, our tongues twisting together between our mouths. My ass hit the countertop, Inuyasha lifting me and setting me down on it for more use of his hands. They grabbed the hem of my shirt and ripped it up and off.
Topless, I sat in nothing more than my cloth shorts, my legs around him as I pulled his shirt off in response. I was looking at his skin, running my hands slowly over his muscled stomach, chest, and arms, enjoying myself thoroughly. "I should take a shower. Get this hair off of me."
Looking up from his adonis shaped body, I looked right back into his burning eyes. Turning like the molten lead as they always did when I was even the slightest bit naked.
"Let me help you with that." I offered, popping the button on his jeans off and working them off his hips.
He chuckled, the first in what felt like forever as the last of his worry melted away with our heat. "I do love how horny you get when you're pregnant."
"This has nothing to do with that. I just want you. Always."
He bent me back with his kiss, my back gently hitting the mirror behind. My shorts and underwear between, he ground his hard shaft against my core, throwing gas on my flames. I dug my nails into his shoulders, showing my appreciation that was mixed with frustration.
Okay, so some of this might have been hormones, feeling like I would burst into ash if he didn't fuck me soon.
But Inuyasha never made me wait, lifting me up and off the counter to take us to the shower. My shorts were wet inside and now out as he held us under the spray. Pressing me against the wall of the shower now. His long, hard cock rubbed painfully against me and I could take no more, pushing him back. My shorts and panties almost hit the tiled floor before my feet, if that were physically possible.
I was spun less than a heartbeat after, my hands on the tile before me as Inuyasha bent me over and thrusted in. His pelvis was flush with my ass in an instant and I cried hard, arching my back to give him more of myself. He was slapping my ass with his hips, the sound echoing off the walls as were my cries. I listened intently, wanting to hear his grunts and groans in kind. They were loud and made me swell with pride. I loved making him lose his mind.
An arm wrapped around my ribs, pulling me upright while another lifted my legs. Now, both hands were under my thighs, bouncing me. My hands-free and my legs held apart, I reached down and rubbed my clit, a loud groan from Inuyasha in appreciation when the action had me tightening around him.
My head fell back on his shoulder, calling out his name in reverence as I came. He was slow to stop, lowering my legs back to the ground but not pulling out, not yet. His body was wrapped around me, arms around my ribs that I held in place while his chest covered my back. His head on my shoulder, he had his lips pressed to my ear, whispering so he could save his breath as much as possible.
"I know you might be mad… but I never cared about protection with you. I wanted you almost all my life. And I wanted a family with you just as long."
I patted his arms around me. "If it ever bothered me, I would have said so long ago."
"Then why do you always hide it from me? Were you scared?" I slowly nodded. "Each time?"
"I didn't know what to say with Moroha. We were just… I thought we were just fucking. That I was your slave. With Sota… well, not telling you worked out so well the first time. I was going to tell you about this one but then you told me about your wife…"
"It just didn't seem like the time…"
"You didn't want me to know. Either of the times. But I guess that was my fault." His hold tightened a little, running a hand over my belly that was still too flat to notice. "Will you tell me next time? Before you're months along?"
"Next time?!"
He pressed a hard kiss to my neck and pulled out, spinning me in his hold so he could press an equally hard kiss to my lips. I ran my hands through his remaining hair, acclimating myself to the new length. It was different, one of the many changes that were coming our way. But we would be facing them all together.
And I was happy.
Taking a break, I sat at the table assigned for the bridal party and watched the crowd around me. Mostly, I watched Kagome as she went around from friend to friend, letting them congratulate her and then sticking around for a few more moments to talk and laugh.
God, she was beautiful. And mine, the gold band I twisted on my finger only a symbol that I felt we really didn't need. But we both wanted it.
Moroha was dancing with a few other kids she invited from her class. She was just as beautiful as her mother even with my hair. Sota was getting another piece of cake and little Haori was currently getting bounced on my lap. She really did look like her mother, big teal eyes that stared up at me with wonder as dark curls framed her round face. I quickly wiped her chin of drool for the thousandth time in what was a losing battle. Poor baby was teething, which was why I let her gum my finger, a few small sharp teeth just starting to peek out and pressing into my bone from time to time.
Kagome's eyes found mine, catching me staring but I didn't care, she was glowing with happiness. I felt no shame in watching my new bride sway her way to us, Haori holding out her hands for her mother to take her as soon as Kagome was near. Now on her mother's hip, she gurgled a 'mama' and I watched from my seat in awe.
I was so damn happy I could die.
"I think I should put this one to bed soon."
Her eyes on Haori's face, I watched as Kagome cooed towards the toddler. "You going to cave and just nurse her to sleep? I don't blame you but you'll never get her weaned if you..."
"I wasn't talking about the baby." She said with a smirk that she soon turned towards me. "I've been ready to leave this place since we got here."
I chuckled, even as I got hard from her words and my imagination. "Funny, I've been ready for a week now."
Her smirk turned into a grin at that, "And now tonight is going to be special."
"Kagome, it would have been special regardless. Forget what you in that dress is doing to me, you pledged your life to me today, of course, I'm going to go crazy. But we'll be high in the sky tonight."
She shrugged, turning her attention back to Haori. "I don't regret my choice. The week apart made this feel more real."
"And how did you find it? Living on your own with the kids?"
Her smile faltered for a second but shook it away quickly. "Well, that wasn't fun. They missed you a lot."
There was sadness in her tone so I jumped to my feet and wrapped my arms around the two of them. "They still saw me every day. And even Moroha was clever enough to force you to see me this week."
I was laughing but Kagome wasn't pleased. "I probably should have just brought us all home after that. Kinda defeats the purpose of not seeing one another until the wedding if I have to go into your office in the middle of it."
"Do you know how hard it was not to bend you over my desk when you walked in? I didn't get any work done before or after you left. I was thinking about it so much!" Her cheeks turned a slight pink at that. I loved how she still blushed when I talked dirty to her. "It doesn't matter now, Kagome. The week is over. We're married and will never be apart again."
"None of us," she cooed to the baby, "even Haori missed her Daddy."
"And I missed her," I said, leaning over and giving the baby a kiss.
Then I leaned down and gave my wife one. Seconds away from reaching down the front of her dress and grabbing a breast, the crowd burst into applause, reminding me we weren't alone. Even though I felt like I was always alone with Kagome, her putting me in a bubble that made it easy to forget the outside world.
I released her, the crowd clapping for our kiss when we hadn't done it for them, not at all. Out of my stupor, I quickly found my other children, Moroha still with her friends while Sota had returned to the seat next to my vacated one, shoveling in cake. The kid was going through a growth spurt and was always eating these days.
Kagome released a frustrated sigh, shaking with her need as I was. I couldn't help but grin. She was the one who wanted a week apart before the wedding, taking the kids with her to stay in Sango's old apartment. So, it was her own fault really and I just had to laugh as she shifted her weight and it wasn't to accommodate the baby on her hip.
"You guys dropped your stuff back at the house, right?"
"Yes. We're all ready to go as soon as we are released."
I chuckled again, making it sound like a prison sentence. "We could leave anytime we want, it's our reception."
She glanced around and then back at me. "I am feeling a bit… tired."
I caught on quick, "Oh yeah, so tired."
I had my arms around her again, praying people didn't applaud us again just for touching. Kagome was so far gone, she moaned when I squeezed her hip. "Inuyasha…"
Just to be a dick, I leaned in and nipped her neck. She gasped and for a second, I worried she'd drop the baby. Instead, she reached around and grabbed my cock through my slacks. Now I was the one moaning and it wasn't nearly as soft as Kagome's had been. Shit, I wanted her but that was nothing new. My desire and need for Kagome would never change or falter. If there was one thing I had learned all these years, it was that.
I carefully pulled her hand away after I let her stroke me a few times because fuck it felt good. "We should go say our goodbyes."
I could care less about letting people know we were leaving. But the kids needed to get ready, Moroha telling her friends bye and Sota washing his sugar covered face. He had a few friends here too that he left to find. Kagome went around, Haori on her hip, and hugged each person she came across. I went to the one person that I truly liked the most.
Helping greatly in putting Naraku away for seven consecutive life sentences, he was my best friend. "Well, we're off."
He turned long black ponytail currently in the hands and mouth of his six-month-old, the youngest. The twins had to be around here somewhere. "Already? Party is just getting started."
"Yeah, well, there's another party I'd much rather be attending, currently, in my pants."
Miroku chuckled, shaking his head, "I don't blame you. If Sango cut me off for a week… actually she's done that a few times and it's not fun."
"Kagome never cuts me off. Not like this."
His free hand clapped my shoulder, "You're a lucky man, my friend. Not many would have a situation like yours turn out so well."
"My situation…"
"I was there remember? Did you think I missed your 'purchase'? You must think I'm a terrible detective…"
"I just thought you were a better one, focusing on the case instead of the auction like I was."
The smile Miroku wore was broad, "Thanks. The highest of compliments coming from you." He took a step closer and leaned in to whisper. "While I have you, I thought you'd like to know that Interpol arrested Kikyo last night."
"What?! On what charge?"
"Drugs. Turns out, without Naraku backing her, she's a terrible drug mule."
I shook my head, "I still can't believe the two of them were… well, it makes sense and it doesn't. How else would Kikyo have known to look into me when she hadn't given a shit in years?"
"And then know to send Kagome to Naraku. Did you ever figure out you gave you up?"
I laughed but it was hollow. "Yeah, it was Moroha actually. Phone records showed Kikyo calling the house a few times over the years when I wasn't home. Sota was too young and Kagome never answered the phone. When Moroha was three, she had a fascination with anything that made a noise. She used to steal my cell phone all the time and play with it. Best I can figure, she answered Kikyo's calls a few times and talked to a stranger just like any other kid her age would, babbling on about her life and family."
"And then Kikyo set up that 'sale' with Naraku…"
"I'll get in contact with Interpol when we get back, set up a few more charges for Kikyo like kidnapping. And endangering a child, she scared the shit out of Sota. I couldn't get him out of the closet for hours!"
Rage swelled in me at the memory but I forced a few deep breaths to calm down. Today wasn't about this, it was a happy day.
I glanced around at my family, the four of them slowly coming together. Moroha played sweetly with Haori while Sota held tight to his mother. Such a beautiful family, it was hard to believe they were mine sometimes and this was one of those times.
Now instead of anger, I was fighting back joy because I was close to tears.
The crowd was sending us off, finally free as the sun slipped below the horizon. A quick change of clothes and we were off again, all of us on our way to the airport. The kids were all sound asleep by the time we were in the air. Which allowed me and my wife to slip off to the small bedroom inside the private plane. A wedding gift from Sesshomaru, allowing us to use his. It was a bad look, the DA using a known mobster's plane but I would regret it later. Now I was busy being balls deep in Kagome, pressing a hand to her mouth to muffle her so she didn't wake the kids.
She was so fucking wet, I struggled to contain myself, nearly coming as soon as my tip hit her womb. We weren't naked in case one of the kids woke up but we were on the bed, allowing me to hold her tight to me. Moroha and Sota had their own room at the hotel so once Haori was asleep, I would pound our naked flesh together hard every night on this honeymoon/vacation. That allowed me to be okay with the clothes between us now, her panties the only thing fully off our bodies while my shorts and briefs wrapped around my knees.
God bless nursing bras, pulling her stretchy neckline down and unhooking the cup of her bra like a pro. I had to move the pad she had pressed to her nipple for leaks but I didn't care, this was far from the first time we fucked hard enough to make her milk-filled breasts leak a little.
Careful not to suck, I got as much of her mound in my mouth and licked, tasting a little of her milk. Extra sensitive, she threw her head back but must have bitten her lip to keep from crying out like she normally would.
Her hands were around my head, digging into the short strands I now rocked, and trying to tug. Two years and she still hadn't gotten used to my shorter hairstyle. I was pretty sure it was her way of telling me to grow it back out.
Didn't stop either of us from coming. Fast and hard, it had been a week, she moaned out my name as quietly as possible. I watched for a moment as her eyes rolled back and her mouth parted wide before I lost myself and my load.
Panting, we held each other tight, knowing we would have to get our asses back out front in a minute. Kagome took less than that, pulling from my hold and picking her panties off the floor. "How… many children do you want?"
The question threw me. It wasn't the first time we had this conversation but I had a habit of keeping my answers vague. "Shit, I don't know. A bit early for that isn't it? We haven't even gotten to the honeymoon yet…"
"I'm serious. Because you keep coming inside me with no protection between us…"
"I didn't think it bothered you. You said you would tell me if it did…"
"I'm just getting a little tired of getting knocked up all the time. I feel like a baby factory!"
The moment of euphoria, finally having sex, was over so I pulled my pants back up and got off my ass. "Alright, fine. I'll start pulling out until you go on birth control.."
"Why do I have to go on birth control? Why don't you use condoms?"
"Condoms suck! You can't feel shit!"
Her arms crossed over her chest. For some reason, she was now in a pissed off mood. "I wouldn't know. We've never used them!"
Well, shit I walked right into that one. "I'm going to need a drink if we're going to continue this conversation," I said, rubbing my temples as I passed.
She grabbed me before I got far, remorse on her face. "I'm sorry. A few hours in and we're already fighting."
"We're far more than a few hours in, Baby." She kissed my cheek and then walked before me. I followed her, forever her lap puppy. "If you want me to wear a condom, I will…"
"There's no point now."
"I meant next time…"
"No, I mean… I'm pregnant."
Shock didn't even cover it. I was lucky my ass landed in a chair instead of the floor. "I'm never going to be able to retire." Her mouth twisted into a frown and I hopped up to grab her hard. "I'm kidding! How far along are you? Two months? I'm surprised you lasted a week, it's far more impressive now…"
"I took the test yesterday." A smile, I was unable to contain, slowly broke out on my face. "You said you wanted to know. But I honestly didn't think we would have any more. Not this soon, I'm still weaning Haori off!"
She was flustered, spiraling quickly and I had to hold her up from the floor. "Baby, it's fine. So we're having another kid, more to love."
"I don't think I want more to love."
"Don't say that you're just in shock."
She shook all over and I had to tighten my hold again. "Three is already a lot. Four sounds like… death. Death of my body, our time, rest, and our sex life."
"Hey hey hey, our sex life will survive everything. I'm sure of that. You being pregnant again proves it."
"I just kinda thought… we'd take some time. Be a married couple. But that was a ridiculous thought anyway, we're not a normal married couple."
I got her into a seat just as we hit some turbulence. Her nails dug into my skin, reminding me that this was also her first time in an airplane. Once our world stopped shaking, her head flopped to the side, looking at me. I did the same.
"You know that... no matter what happens, I got you Kagome Tenoe?"
A tired smile stretched on her mouth, closing her eyes. I took in her beautiful, slumbering face for the thousandth time, knowing I would never tire of it or find it any less stunning. "I know. You always have my back. Always."
The End
Sorry if I had you worried there! I kinda like doing that, messing with my readers lol. Happy ending though! In more than one way!
Thanks again @inukag-week! This was the best week writing challenge I’ve been apart of. 
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