#not to alter it but to enhance it
fakeoldmanfucker · 2 years
Almost-3-am-thought by Finn:
The privacy and censorship issues in social media are not a result of these websites/apps/programs being imperfect. In fact they so perfectly mimic the behavior of human interaction, magnified to a global scale. It is our society's behavior that is wrong and destructive, not necessarily the website's/app's.
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tallykale · 4 months
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i made them into stevens universes too if anyone cares
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masquerade-flags · 25 days
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___ Holder, ___ Neutralizer, ___ Enhancer,
___ Enjoyer, ___ Manager
We just wanted to make general flags for these types of roles
In terms of design
The Holder flag uses darker colors as we have seen many that do.
The Neutralizer is loosely the reversed color of the Holder flag recognized
The Enhancer is the Holder flag's colors but lighter
Enjoyer uses the top two colors between the Enhancer and Holder flag, with the orange at the bottom for enjoyment
Manager flag has more controlled colors to represent control and managing the experience
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fortunaestalta · 2 months
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rpgbabe · 3 months
im not trying to be mean/insulted but the fact that u can just... not drink, not do drugs, not wear makeup, not get tattoos.. and there needs to be like some 'reason' why to ppl like... if u dont do that they will be like ooohh so like what's your deal are you like a puritan or? lmao like.... no im literally just...... myself? i was born with this face and this body and this mind and... i never felt any need to alter it?
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braveclementine · 3 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
One of the guys in front of me, a blond guy with his shirt opened up reached out to touch me.
Quick as a whip, I twisted his wrist, yanking his arm down over my knee and there was a horrid snapping noise as his knee was broken. He let out a girl-like scream, falling to his knees and clutching his arm.
I felt a hand grab me from behind. I turned, pushing down the pepper spray straight into his eyes. He screeched, tumbling backwards, landing on his ass on the ground.
The other two decided it would be better if they tackled me at the same time and I found myself falling on the ground, face forward.
I hit my knees first and I hissed in pain. I had no protection and the sharp stones stuck points into my knees caps.
Taking advantage of the pain, one of the young men cinched my arms up behind my back and despite his drunken state, his grip was strong. I could feel the other man behind me and I jerked my back leg upward- incredibly flexible from a bit of gymnastics- and my foot connected with his groin.
He fell on top of me, his knees digging into my back. I yelped, trying to get him off.
"Hold her down." One of the other ones snarled. The blond guy whose arm I had broken. I couldn't see his face as he knelt in front of me as I could only face sideways.
The man's grip loosened on my arms and I wrenched out, turning on my back, knocking the other guy off of me and kicking out, getting the one who had been holding my arms in the stomach.
The blond guy raised his foot, going to stomp down on my face. I threw my hands up, catching his bare foot- yuck- and twisted it in my hands. There was another snapping sound. I had now broken his ankle and his arm.
The man whose stomach I had kicked pushed me to the ground, my head smacking against the concrete. I had a little blood trickling down from my nose but I couldn't be distracted. Surely Bella had run into someone by now.
"If you just held still this would be over with soon." he hissed. I punched him in the face, his head snapping back. He was out like a light. So was the guy whose ankle and arm I'd broken.
That left the guy I'd kicked in the groin and the pepper sprayed guy.
The guy who'd I'd pepper sprayed decided he wanted round two. His face was blotchy, his eyes a burning red as he came over, grabbing my legs and spreading them apart, kneeling to make sure that I couldn't kick him.
His hands went down on my wrists, and though I struggled, I could not get out of the hold.
"Ready?" He had a maniac glint in his eyes, his brown hair tussled, his lips drawn back. I could smell alcohol and I remember my distinct distaste for the stuff.
The other guy came, kneeling by my head, and though I couldn't see him, I heard the sound of a zipper being undone.
His hands were on my face and I squeezed my eyes closed. It was a knee-jerk reaction, not wanting to see his filthy dick. I turned my head as I felt his dickhead- literally-touch my lips.
"Get her mouth open." He hissed.
And then, there was a grunt and I heard the sound of someone smacking against the wall. I blinked my eyes open when I felt the weight of the man who had been on me was gone. Dr. Cullen was holding him up by the throat, his eyes black as night.
Carlisle P.O.V.
"Go to Port Angeles with Edward." Alice had instructed, thrusting a bottle of Advil into my hands. "Go."
Edward had become increasingly worried about Bella's safety and had decided to stalk her in the city. I didn't particularly approve, but I wasn't going to doubt Alice on this and resigned myself to going.
Edward was impatient in the car, trying to keep tabs on Bella through her friend Jessica's mind. Meanwhile, I was busy staring through the parking lot at Davina.
She was a beauty, that was for sure. I had never seen her wear an outfit like this. The knee high boots, the skirt, the shirt that was tucked into the skirt. I wasn't entirely sure about the style or the. . .belt? That attached from another belt to her leg. I'd have to ask Alice what it was called later.
My phone dinged.
:It's called a garter.
Eventually, Edward discovered that her and Bella had separated from the group and we arrived at a native bookstore. Edward was increasingly worried as he couldn't get a read on either of their minds.
"Edward, they're going to be fine." I said, trying to get him to relax.
"Bella is a danger magnet." Edward muttered.
I sighed. He wasn't going to listen to me on this one. So instead, I thought about what Davina had asked me in the hospital about a vampire's enemy and how I had suggested a werewolf and then she revealed that she had already known that I was a vampire. But how?
"I think she overheard in the hospital when she was unconscious. I suppose it's our fault really," Edward said, answering my thoughts, "We shouldn't have talked about it where someone else could hear us. Honestly though, she probably would've figured it out anyways. She's very. . . interesting."
Yes, I knew as much based on how my kids talked about her to me and my sister Esme. Quoting different books and TV shows. Alice had researched into Netflix, but hadn't gotten it yet because she didn't want to watch it without Davina.
Suddenly, Edward's hands froze on the steering wheel, "Edward?"
Edward didn't answer, looking deep in thought, his knuckles growing whiter by the second. I didn't dare interrupt. He would share when he was ready.
"I saw. . .I saw Bella's face in a man's head." Edward said, choking the words out. "He wanted-"
I felt sick. "But he wasn't thinking about Davina?"
Edward shook his head the slightest millisecond, "No, there's four. All of them had Bella, none of them had Davina."
Though I felt bad for Edward and Bella, I felt horribly relieved about Davina. "Can we find them?"
"It was a past thought, back from before. He was just thinking about her. I don't know. . . I wish I could read her mind!"
"What about Davina's?"
"I can't get mom's mind either." Edward muttered. "I can read her mind, but not here. I can't find it here."
"Start driving. Go deeper into the town." I commanded.
Edward nodded, pulling out of the parking space sharply, heading into the downtown until the traffic started to stop. I lowered my window a bit, trying to find Davina's scent. There was quite a bit of trash, a horrible smell but I soldiered on.
Finally, we saw a figure running up the sidewalk. "Bella." Edward breathed, pulling the car up short.
"Bella!" Edward called. The young girl skidded to a stop, dashing to Edwards side.
"Davina! She's back at the- the alley. She told me to run while she distracted- some men- and-"
I didn't wait around to hear the rest. I was out of the car in seconds, the door still opened behind me. I sprinted- more like vampire sped- in the direction Bella had come from. Davina's scent hit me hard, but the Lord was coming out when I heard the voice of a man say, "Get her mouth open!"
I zoomed around the corner. In just seconds, I took in the two men unconscious on the ground and the two men that were crouched over someone. The one who had his back to me had his pants down around his ankles, trying to nudge something- something I was going to rip off- into her mouth, as I sped forward.
Lord had completely taken over by now, grabbing his collar and throwing him face first into the brick wall where he collapsed, unconscious. I grabbed the other guy off of Davina, holding him up in the air, my hand wrapped around his neck.
"If you ever, lay a hand on her again, I will snap your neck." And then I tossed him to join his friend's body at the bottom of the brick wall.
Lord was still angry, fighting me as I tried to get him to calm down. I didn't want to scare Davina with the black eyes and found she was already staring up at me.
"That was so hot." She murmured and Lord submitted immediately, sinking back down, letting me take complete control again.
"Are you alright?" I asked, helping her sit up.
"Mm, headache." She muttered, wincing gingerly as the blood rushed to her head. I could smell the blood from a small wound in the back of her head, the scrapes on her knees, and a dried trail from her nose.
I pulled out the bottle of advil and asked, "Do you want this now or with something to drink?"
"If I dry swallow it'll just dissolve in my throat and give me a sore throat. I can take it later." She mumbled, putting a hand on my arm to help herself to her feet. I helped her instead, picking her up before setting her back down.
Dry swallow. Oh holly shit I was so fucked.
"Aren't you affected?" She asked quizzically.
"My blood."
"Not really. I've had three hundred years to grow immune to the smell of blood. I barely notice it anymore. Although, yours is particularly strong to me but not to the kids."
"Because I'm your soulmate?" She questioned.
I blinked. "You-"
"I'm sorry if I disappoint you." She murmured quietly, not meeting my eyes and I was confused, taken aback. "I'm sure if you wanted a soulmate, she'd be blond and tall and pretty and extremely smart and not qu- strange like me."
"Actually, I quite like you." I murmured softly. "But I was afraid to get to close to you."
One of the guys started to stir, the one whose ankle and arm looked and probably were broken.
"Did you do that?"
"I took Tae Kwon Do. I was a second degree black belt." She muttered. "Unfortunately, most of the time I've only practiced doing one on three so four was a bit much."
I scooped her up in my arms, vamping away so that they didn't see us and assumed she was long gone.
"I'm impressed." I said quietly.
She smiled at me. Edward and Bella were still waiting in the car.
"Are you okay?" Bella asked Davina.
She nodded, "I'm fine, don't worry but. . . we're supposed to be meeting our friends at an Italian restaurant and I'm sure they're worried."
"Are they dead?" Edward asked me.
I shook my head, "No. Although Davina did a number on them."
She blushed.
Edward sniffed attentively. "I think she's bleeding."
"She is." I murmured.
I pulled her into the backseat with me. She took Edward's water, downing the two advils while I attended to her knees first, bandaging them before wiping the blood off her face. Then, as she turned around, I started to clean the blood from her hair and find the source of the wound. "It's shallow. Won't even need stitches."
She shuddered, "Good."
"We're here." Edward said and Bella was quickly tossing the door open. "Jess! Ang!"
Edward parked the car, climbing out as well.
"Are you okay?" Davina asked quietly.
I chuckled, "I'm not the one who just had to fight four people at once."
"Your eyes were black."
She sounded like she was stating a fact or talking to me about hospital records. There was zero fear, almost no curiosity. It was like she'd just accepted it. Maybe she was in shock.
"My alter ego, Lord." I murmured. "He's protective, especially of you."
Davina nodded before turning to face me, "But you're okay now?"
I nodded, "You're safe after all."
I could Edward tell me under his breath that he was taking Bella in to eat and had told Jessica and Angela that I was in the car with him.
"I should get you something to eat." I muttered.
"But you can't eat." She pointed out.
I smirked, "So do you not plan on eating since I can't?"
"I'm not hungry. And besides, aren't you supposed to turn me into a vampire soon?"
Her stomach growled and I grinned, though I was surprised she was so quick about the vampire thing. "I'm getting you something to eat."
I took her arm, helping her out of the car, shutting the door behind her.
"Davina, are you alright?" Jessica asked, looking between the two of us. I knew they were raking in her outfit, the scruffs in her shoes, and the bandages on her knees.
"I took a spill." She lied rather easily with a bit of a smile. "I'm being forced to eat so Dr. Cullen is going to drive me home with Bella and Edward. But I'll take my things to put in his car."
Jessica nodded, dashing to her car and coming back with several bags. "Here."
"Thanks." Davina said, "I'll see you two in school tomorrow."
Jessica looked rather excited for some reason, practically dragging Angelina off.
"That's a lot of bags." I commented, helping her load everything into the car.
She flushed, "Ah, well I needed new clothes." She looked down at her boots, grimacing. "I should've kept my old combat boots on. I just bought these and they're ruined."
She sighed, rummaging in the boxes and pulling out her familiar combat boots, switching them out. "Alright, let's go eat."
To my surprise, she slipped her hand into mine, smiling up at me. I smiled back. I felt more comfortable than I ever had.
Davina P.O.V.
I was afraid of being to forward, but I also wanted him to be comfortable with me. I was so excited I could barely contain it. I was going to be a vampire! Sure, I knew I would have to control some things, but if beauty and love came with this transformation, I was certainly looking forward to it. Plus, the speed would probably be exhilarating.
And I'd get Carlisle as my soul mate.
The men had already faded into the back of my head like the event hadn't even happened. But I was very good at pushing unpleasant events into the back of my head, covering it up with cheerfulness and such.
Entering the restaurant, the hostess did a double take at Dr. Cullen and started to blush furiously. I felt a jealousy start to burn up inside of me and it took all my control not to act possessively.
"Table for two." Dr. Cullen said in that flattering voice that I could listen to all day. It reminded me of all the comments surrounding Snape's voice. How his voice was so entrancing you could jump off a bridge if he told you to do it. Dr. Cullen had the same voice, but lighter and friendlier than Snape's was of course. "Preferably somewhere quiet."
The hostess seemed almost disappointed, leading us to an almost abandoned part of the restaurant.
Dr. Cullen slid into his seat with grace and, unfortunately, I slid across from him with less grace. The hostess was grinning at my obvious lack of grace.
"What can I get you started off with?" She asked, her back mostly to me which Dr. Cullen noted and motioned to me.
"Umm," I glanced quickly at the menu and said, "Dr. Pepper."
She was off in a flounce.
"Unusual choice." He murmured.
"I'm not normal." I said with a smirk.
"I'd say you are far more normal than I am." Dr. Cullen said in a hushed voice.
"Just cause you're different doesn't mean you're not normal. I'd say you're far more normal than I am." I argue with a slight frown.
"How did you find out, about everything?"
"In the hospital. I pick up on things very quickly. I had already started my suspicions with the cold marble skin and unnatural beauty. And of course, the inhuman intoxicating smells you all throw off."
"You don't seemed disturbed." Dr. Cullen said, his fair eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "I admit. . . I thought this would be much harder to tell you about. You accepted everything so easily."
"I've always believed in magic." I said nonchalantly. "Though I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter." I then blushed and bit the inside of my cheek, "See, this is what I'm talking about! I'm like. . . a little kid! Don't you want someone more. . . proper?"
At that moment, the waitress appeared, a brunette who blushed at the sight of Dr. Cullen. I scowled at the dark corner of the room, trying to get my emotions in check. The Dr. Pepper was set down in front of me along with breadsticks that I eyed hungrily. I wasn't a huge fan of bread, but breadsticks were delicious.
"W- what can I get you two to eat?" She asked. Unlike the hostess, she didn't put her back to me, almost as though she needed to look at both of us and compare us.
Once again, Dr. Cullen motioned to me.
"Just spaghetti and meatballs." I murmured loud enough so she could hear it.
"And for you sir?"
"Just some fried mozzarella sticks." He replied.
I raised an eyebrow at that reply. She wrote it down and dispersed, "Can you eat?"
"Tastes like dirt. But I thought you might like them."
I flushed.
"And to answer your question, I really do like you Davina. I think you're absolutely stunning and brilliant and maybe you quote books and movies I've never read or seen, but it just completes your character and makes me laugh."
His words made my cheeks warm. "But I admit," He continued, "I am. . .older and I don't mean three hundred years. Even if I was human, everyone believes I'm thirty-three."
"So?" I asked softly. "It does not matter much to me. I prefer older guys."
He didn't relax. "And I'm a monster. I'm a vampire after all. I drink blood."
"Animal blood." I countered.
"I could still slip. I could hurt you."
I fiddled with one of the breadsticks nervously. He thought he was a monster? Ha, wait until he met my alter ego.
"All of us live with a demon inside," I replied softly. "Some days you control the demon. And other days it controls you. And it is always hungry. . . and once it has turned your loved ones into enemies, the demon has consumed you whole."
I was mostly talking to myself, talking about myself. My monster had consumed me. I looked up at him, "I'm more likely to hurt you than anything else. If you wanted to hurt me you already would have."
"Hi, my names Azim, it means defender, what's yours?"
"I'm Davina, it means beloved."
"That's a quirky name."
"Yeah, well I'm a quirky person." I snarked, sassy for a ten year old. He was older, maybe eleven.
He laughed, "My dad is an important general."
"My dad's a soldier, a colonel."
"Do you want to be friends? I think we're going to be on this army base for a long time. And I bet you know all the best hiding spots."
"I do, wanna see?"
I blinked, wiping away the tear that had come from my eye, "Sorry."
"Was it something I said?"
"No. Memories." I whispered. Then I smirked, "Sorry, I'm not usually a mood killer."
Dr. Cullen tilted his head to the side, "I have to ask a question, I don't mean to offend you."
"It's pretty hard to do that, go ahead."
"Do you have bipolar disorder? I've noticed your mood changes very quickly."
I laughed, "Maybe. I don't know. I've never thought about it. But I prefer being cheerful and I tend to bounce back very quickly from things."
The food arrived and I stared at my plate hesitantly. Dr. Cullen looked at me softly. I blushed, "I have a bit of a. . . insecurity about eating in front of people. Sorry."
"I can close my eyes?" he offered. He was so sincere that I had to hold back my laughs.
I laughed softly. "No, don't worry, it's fine."
I picked up a fork, twirling it in the spaghetti. "So, when do I become a vampire?"
"It depends on you. I would rather wait. I'd hate to have to change you while you're still in High School. And of course, turning you would break the treaty so we'd have to get permission from Sam."
I blinked, "Sam? Why?"
"He's the pack leader. I suppose you haven't talked to him yet?"
I shook my head, "I was going to visit tomorrow."
There was a bit of silence and then Dr. Cullen said, "So you truly are okay with being with. . . well me?"
I smiled a bit. "You do realize you're perfect? And kind."
"Where did you get that idea from?"
"A great man once said, 'If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals'. You're strong, fast, better than you know, normals I suppose." I glanced around to make sure no one was overhearing me, "but you save our weak lives and you care of us. You treat us as equals. And that makes you a good man."
"Who was this man?" Dr. Cullen asked curiously.
"His name was Sirius Black." I said, trying not to laugh.
"I don't think I've ever heard of him." Dr. Cullen replied.
I smiled a little bit. "Spend more time with me and you'll learn all about him, but anyways. Can you tell me more about. . . your condition? I want to compare it to what I researched."
"What would you want to know?"
"The sun?"
"We sparkle."
I stared at him. "Like a. . . fairy?"
"Er- like diamonds I think."
"You'll have to show me that sometime. What about sleeping?"
"We don't sleep."
"And you don't blush."
"You don't have to breathe either, do you." I stated it like a fact and he gave me a questioning look.
"I pay attention when we work together. Sometimes you don't breathe for minutes at a time, other times your breaths are rather shallow. I think it must be because of my blood. It's different for you?"
"You're my blood singer." Dr. Cullen replied. "It means your blood is more enticing to me than any other."
"Are all soulmates blood singers?"
"I don't know. Most vampires soulmates are already vampires as well."
"How are you killed?"
"Being torn apart and burned. If we aren't burned our bodies can reform."
"Interesting. No stakes through the heart?"
"Our hearts don't beat. I doubt you could get a stake through a vampires back anyways."
I nodded. "So if you don't have to breathe, could you potentially stay underwater for long periods of time?"
"I could swim the entire Atlantic or Pacific ocean if I wanted to." He amended, "I did swim the channel to France, although people do that all the time."
"You're British? I knew you had an accent!"
I was actually quite happy he was British.
He chuckled, "Yes, born in 1640. My father was a priest."
"I'm assuming that's why your alter ego is nicknamed 'The Lord'?"
"Quite. Though it also comes from my time with The Volturi. They're. . . I suppose royalty in the vampire world. I was with them for a few years. Lord was the one who came out when they. . . executed their rulings. I don't really want to tell you everything about them yet." He paused and then continued, "I wish to know more about you."
"Ask away Doctor."
"Call me Carlisle."
I paused for a moment and then said, "Carlisle."
The name felt unique on my tongue, a buildup of pressure on the car with the lisle being loose and fluttery. He smiled gently.
"Do you have a favorite colour?"
"I like to say yellow because I'm a Hufflepuff, but it doesn't look good on me." I replied, taking a sip of my soda.
"My Hogwarts house. For the kind and loyal. Hmm, I should make you test yourself and see what you get."
I sighed, "I will make you read every Harry Potter book available and then we'll watch the movies."
Carlisle's eyes flicked towards the wall and then he said, "Edward says they're almost ready to go."
I flushed, looking at my pretty much full plate. We'd been mostly talking instead of eating but I felt to self-conscious to try and shove everything in my mouth like I might've done with Sam.
"Ah, I'll get a to-go box and eat it at home." I murmured. "Anything else I should know about Vampires?"
"Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, and Jasper can control emotions. All vampires have an ability, just some are different than others. Emmett's would be his brute strength, Rosalie is more beautiful than any other vampire, my sister Esme has the strong ability to love passionately."
"What about you?" I questioned.
"Edward claims I have an elevated sense of compassion." Carlisle replied while signaling that we were ready for the check and a to-go box.
"What about Lord? Does he have an ability?"
"He comes out when he feels I won't be harsh enough on those who hurt the ones I love." Carlisle said with a bit of a smile.
I nodded as we stood, exiting the restaurant. This time, he took my hand as we walked, his other holding the bag of food.
Edward and Bella were in the front seat of the car while Carlisle and I slid into the back seat. I don't really know what happened because as Edward started driving, the adrenaline rush settled and I soon fell asleep.
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mihai-florescu · 8 months
If I may be so bold as to ask, what are your favourite Eichi stories?
Fav eichi stories... every story eichi is in is blessed and made wonderful by his presence alone... that aside, jingle bells and milky way and of course element & checkmate my favorite reminis... black tea too is a favorite. OH. EP:LINK how could i forget my darling...my darlink if u will... but theres also circus and quarrel fes i loved...daydream..............
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kimjiwoong · 2 years
it's truly so disheartening how many ig filters forcefully alter your facial features and skin texture. like please I just want cute flowers on this picture's borders I don't wanna look like I'm made of plastic and have a nose worth a million dollars leave me aloneeee. today I tried a filter that had cute drawings and the smoothing was so strong it made my top look like it was made of paper like pls just stop it
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surinderbhalla · 4 months
5 Surprising Ways Meditation Reshapes Your Brain
In our modern society, where we are constantly bombarded with distractions and constantly connected through technology, meditation provides a way to find inner calmness and develop mindfulness. It involves directing our attention and letting go of the constant stream of thoughts that often occupy our minds. The blog: “5 Surprising Ways Meditation Reshapes Your Brain” highlights how meditation…
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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nocturnal-desolation · 6 months
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k0uhi · 6 months
i rly have to laugh at yozakura family 218 did hitsuji-sensei get a bunch of comments saying they wanna see more older!alpha? did they not get enough comments that they want to see older!hifumi?
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noralaylaph · 11 months
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the-ancient-dragons · 10 days
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The last Overcomplicated Pantalan tribe; LeafWings!
You know how it goes. I'm just me and Joy and Tui are awesome and amazing.
Details and explanation below.
Otherwise, next week is something new! You'll get to meet one of my fantribes >:)
More overcomplicated dragons.
With the LeafWing, I struggled to decide what approach to take. Should I do something closer to canon or go crazy and do 100% my go-to headcanon?
Because my go-to headcanon is that LeafWings should have four wings. I found it odd that they and SilkWings both come from Pyrrhia, but SilkWings (technically BeetleWings) were the only tribe that evolved four wings? I hesitated to even mention this in my HiveWing post because idk how popular this opinion is, but even the fact that Clearsight's arrival somehow split the BeetheWings into two WILDLY different tribes is astounding, with how long dragons live.
But that's not the point of this post. We're here for LeafWings and buckle up, it's a doozy.
So first of all, the reason I justified a four-winged LeafWing is to help it camouflage as a plant better. I'll eventually provide a sheet of this, but it would have two main defence modes, the first being a single-leaf version where they lie flat on the ground or stand still with their wings drooping, creating the silhouette of a single leaf, or a version where they hang on the end of a branch and hold their wings and tail out.
It isn't just their wings that creates this look. I took the original single sail and split it in two, based on the ribs of a draco lizard, and had them run along the sides of its neck. When spread, they are a part of the single-leaf camouflage and bridge the gap between the head and shoulders. They would also have more similar frills on their front and back legs in case they need to camouflage standing up. They could use this for hunting or hiding...
Continuing with the bug-avian beak mix, I referenced african parrot species and leafcutter ants. The highly altered head is based on horned frogs and leaf geckos, and I obviously based the colouration and patterning on leaf insects (though the lighting kind of hides it on the back of the head, lol). Last but not least, I wanted to preserve and enhance the leaf cell design Joy used for the scattered body scales (at least, I'm 90% sure it's for that purpose, it seems most obvious). So, like any sane human, I found photos of plant cells under microscopes and used the rectangular-ish shapes for the main body scales.
I had so much fun making this series. It seems like a lot of people enjoyed it as much as I did. I learned a lot about external anatomy and mixing different creatures to achieve unified designs.
School is doing its best to murder me (I can't do big pieces) so from now on I'll have to stick to loose sketches I can do in-class or doodle within an hour. But once we learn more about bones and muscles I'll be able to take a crack at analyzing the full bodies of some of the tribes. I'll go in whatever order I see fit.
In the meantime, I've got some Fantribes for you, starting next week! See you then!
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sisyphus-prime · 2 years
God.maybe I should redesign that gem oc I made in... 9th???? Grade??????? I think
I dunno, willy concept i could do better now
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laokim · 27 days
Experience an event before it happens.
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The habit of seeing only what our senses allow makes us completely blind to what we could otherwise perceive. To develop the ability to see the invisible, we should deliberately detach our minds from sensory evidence and focus on an invisible state, mentally feeling and perceiving it until it acquires the same clarity as tangible reality.
Serious and focused thought in a particular direction excludes other sensations, making them disappear. We only need to concentrate on the desired state to see it.
The habit of shifting attention from sensory experiences to the invisible develops our spiritual perspective and allows us to go beyond the sensory world and perceive what is unseen. As it is written, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen” (Rom. 1:20). This vision is entirely independent of our natural faculties. Open it and enhance its power!
With a little practice, we will realize that by controlling our imagination, we can reconfigure our future in alignment with our desires. Desire is the engine of action. We couldn’t move a single finger without the desire to do so. Whatever we do, we follow the desire that dominates our mind at that moment. When we break a habit, our desire to change is stronger than our desire to continue the habit.
Desires that drive us to act are those that capture our attention. A desire is merely the awareness of something we lack and need to make our lives more pleasant. Desires always aim at some personal gain; the greater the expected benefit, the stronger the desire. No desire is completely selfless. Where there is nothing to gain, there is no desire, and therefore, no action.
By assuming the feeling of our desire fulfilled and then living and acting according to this conviction, we alter the future to align with our assumption. Assumptions awaken what they affirm. As soon as a person assumes the feeling of their desire fulfilled, their four-dimensional self finds ways to achieve it and discovers methods for its realization.
There is no clearer definition of how we achieve our desires than LIVING IN THE IMAGINATION WHAT WE WOULD EXPERIENCE IN THE FLESH IF WE ACHIEVED OUR GOAL. This imaginative experience of the end with acceptance determines the means. The four-dimensional self then constructs the necessary means to achieve the accepted end.
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