#not to mention that they have a platform they can use to amplify the situation
dixonstateofmind · 5 months
so disappointing when you assume some public figure would be smart when deciding their opinions on genoc1de because they present themselves to be educated, intelligent, coherent, empathetic, worldly, understanding, kind and actively against oppression just for them to hit you with a plot twist and post some shit that shows them rooting for z1onism.
#and it’s obvious you’re clearly well equipped to do your research#if us common peasants can google the history of nakba then millionaires can too#this goes for so many celebs#and infantilising them is disgusting#the silent ones are equally bad as well#not to mention that they have a platform they can use to amplify the situation#innocent people are being fucking murdered#if you can convince people to buy ugly fucking merch im pretty sure you can convince them to be properly educated#huge names with fans who are borderline parasocial#they can make a fucking difference but choose not to#and they’re rich and big enough to change the narrative#if they’re afraid of getting hate that’s fucking ridiculous#because they know everything they do is inescapable of negative criticism#which is horrible but#if i was an international public figure I’d rather get hate for standing up for the death of innocents#than be silent and not do a thing#when they fucking know how big of an impact they can make#sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous#spineless fucking people#🥺🥺 awww they’re not online stop being so critical#oh boo fucking hoo my grandma knows what’s going on and she doesn’t even have a smartphone#pretty sure an adult person who needs to stay connected to a lot of different people has a phone with access to the internet#and unless they’re just too stupid or a fucking social hermit#then their ignorance is apathy#it’s disappointing to hear nothing from these people you once looked up to#like wow i thought you were a human being with an actual heart and a brain but nope you’re just a privileged upper class shithead
0 notes
jedi-hawkins · 8 months
Bad Batch ~ Bryn-ayla Del Caro
A/N: Welcome all! Here's an introductory chapter to my Jedi OC, Bryn. I've been weaving her into the Star Wars Saga over the last year, Please give her some love! If anyone has ideas or constructive criticism, all is welcome. May the Force be with you!
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: canon descriptions of violence. Mentions of death, injuries and brief mention of suicide.
Next Chapter
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The year is 21BBY, and the Clone War has been raging for just over a year. Jedi Master Bryn-Ayla Del Caro has come to Kamino to meet her new trooper squad, Clone Force 99. How will she mesh with this new batch of soldiers?
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Footsteps softly echo off the pristine white floors of the Tipoca City Cloning Facility as two Jedi and a Kaminoan calmly walk through the hallways.
"The clone production is getting more and more efficient with each batch." The Kaminoan, Nala Se, says, gently waving her hand at a window that overlooks towers of embryos floating peacefully in bacta tanks.
Master Bryn-ayla Del Caro simply nods. "It is clear that your cloning facilities are impressive, and the soldiers you train are outstanding fighters. But with all due respect, I came all this way to meet my new squad, not for a tour."
"Yes, Clone Force 99." The other Jedi, Master Shakk Ti adds. "Our experimental batch. They are just getting ready to run the Citadel simulation for your assessment. Right this way."
She gestures to a nearby door and leads the way through a few more turning hallways until Bryn finds herself on a balcony overlooking the impressive Kaminoan training facility.
Nala Se takes her place at the direction console for the facility. "It will be just a moment." 
Bryn turns to her comrade. "So, what more can you tell me about Squad 99?"
The togruta smiles. "As I said when we first talked, they're an interesting bunch. Each had their DNA modified to emphasize traits that may be desired in soldiers. Enhanced intelligence, superior eyesight and reflexes-"
"Amplified strength?" Bryn adds as the platform rises into the arena with four clones on it, one significantly bigger than his brothers.
"Now you're getting the idea." Shaak Ti responds. She looks over to Nala Se, "Are we ready to begin?"
The Kaminoan nods, turning to one of her assistants "Lets go with variation 473, and tap into their comms channel." she says.
The assistant nods, tapping a few buttons on the control console. The droids  in the arena below come to life, raising their weapons as an automated voice begins a countdown.
On the platform below, the four clones are talking to each other.
"We've done hundreds of these, boys. We've got this in the bag." Their Sergeant says absentmindedly, his eyes trained on the new face on the viewing platform above.
The large one smirks under his helmet. "A simulation? Why don't they give us a real challenge?"
The group fans out, immediately settling into their places behind the crates set throughout the arena.
'Three... Two... One...'
The droids begin their assault. After assessing the situation, the sergeant turns to the man beside him. "Crosshair, towers."
The clone carrying a firepuncher rifle, Crosshair, gives a curt nod and creeps around the perimeter to begin scaling one of the towers firing down upon the squad. He makes quick work of them and begins picking off droids down below as his brothers begin their advance.
After a couple more moments, Bryn can hear who she assumes is the big one grumble to his comrade with a helmet modified to fit a pair of goggles. "Augh, this is boring."
Sensing what he's about to do, his brother shouts, "Wrecker, no!"
Completely ignoring him, Wrecker launches himself over the barrier they were sheltering behind, kicking a droid out of his way and immediately bringing his hands down on another. Shaking his head, the brother follows Wrecker's path while the sergeant pulls up the rear.
Mad laughter can be heard through the comms channel and Bryn smiles. "He seems to enjoy this. They have interesting tactics, Master Ti."
She nods and turns to the Kaminoan assistant. "Switch to variation 291." They turn their attention back to the arena as the assistant changes the simulation.
New armored battle droids rise from the floor, eliciting another laugh from Wrecker. The armored droids begin firing as more waves of battle droids close in, causing the three clones on the ground to retreat behind barriers.
Crosshair fires a couple shots onto the armored droids, but it simply calls their attention to him. They fire up to the tower where he's perched, causing him to retreat down to the ground where the sergeant is. His cool voice finally comes over the comms. "This is going well."
The clone with goggles looks over at Wrecker and remarks. "They must have changed the simulation parameters. It seems our original assault may not be sufficient."
"You think?" Wrecker grumbles back.
"Might I suggest Plan 23, Hunter?" Goggles says, looking at his Sergeant.
"Good thinking, Tech. That sound alright boys?" Hunter replies
They all give a nod and move to new positions, restarting their fire on the droids. One of the droids manages to hit Hunter's blaster, knocking it out of his hand. To Bryn's interest, he simply pulls a pair of vibro-knifes from his armor and continues with hand-to-hand attacks on the droids. "You let us know when you're ready, Crosshair." He says.
A couple more movements of fire between the clones and the droids pass and suddenly Crosshair calls over the comms, "Now!"
He and his three brothers each toss a small shiny disc in the air, and Crosshair fires a single shot, it ricochets off droid heads and the discs taking out every last droid in the arena.
The clones all emerge from cover and look up to the balcony where their spectators stand. "Nice job, boys." Hunter remarks.
Shaak Ti simply gives a nod to the clones below. "Come, Master Caro. Time to meet them in person." She says, beckoning the other master to follow her.
Back on the training floor, Wrecker turns to his brothers. "Who d'you suppose was up there with Shaak Ti?"
"Probably our new General." Tech replies, pulling a data pad from his belt.
"Tch." A single noise, dripping in distain from Crosshair.
Before the squad can say anything else, the door to the arena opens and Shaak Ti enters, leading what is definitely another Jedi behind her.
"Clone Force 99, may I introduce you to your new General, Jedi Master Bryn-ayla Del Caro." Shaak Ti says, waving a hand to the Jedi beside her.
The squad takes their helmets off, and a clone with a mess of long dark hair tied back by a red bandana steps forward. "General, I'm Sergeant Hunter, and these are my men." He points to the clone with goggles that's holding the data pad. "This is Tech, he's our smart one."
Then he points to the clone that towers over his brothers. His left eyes is clouded over and it's clear he's taken an explosion to that side of his head. "This is Wrecker. And finally-"
"Crosshair." Bryn finishes, looking at the tall and lithe clone with the rifle.
The squad looks at her in surprise.
"Woah, was that some kind of Jedi trick?" Wrecker asks with a grin on his face.
Bryn laughs, "Far from it. We were tapped into your comms. Your tactics are quite impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work."
Hunter glances to his squad. "With all due respect, we are a little confused as to why we are being assigned to you, sir. Don't Jedi normally command entire legions, or armies even?"
Bryn gives the remark some thought before replying. "Come, let's get something to eat and I'll answer all your questions."
"Please allow me to escort you." Shaak Ti says, but Bryn holds up a hand in protest.
"Thank you, Master Ti," she says "but I believe my squad can show me the way. We'll be fine"
The togruta considers the suggestion, eventually nodding. "Alright, please come see me in my office before you depart."
Bryn nods and Shaak Ti exits the arena. She then turns to the clone squad, "You are hungry, right?"
Hunter clears his throat. "Ah, yeah, yes sir. Come on boys, let's show the General to the mess."
Hunter falls into stride with Bryn, as his three brothers follow behind.
"So, who exactly are you?" Crosshair croons.
"Crosshair-" Hunter warns.
"No, it's okay." Bryn says. "I am Jedi Master Bryn-ayla Del Caro. I was born on Takodanna in the western mid-rim, brought to Coruscant when I was four to begin my Jedi training. I was padawan to Jedi Master Plo Kloon. I work closely with Master Obi-wan Kenobi and the 212th Legion as well as Knight Anakin Skywalker and the 501st. I'm sure they don't need introductions."
Bryn pauses, but the brothers are hanging on to her every word. "Depending on what files you have pulled up on that data pad there, Tech, you may see that yes, I did command a Legion for the Republic." Again, she pauses. The name of her fallen men catches in her throat. "The 43rd."
Tech adjust his goggles, quickly typing in a few things on his data pad. "Everything I have here confirms what you said, though there is one discrepancy. It says here that the 43rd Legion was wiped out entirely during the Battle on Jabiim early in the War."
Bryn's face falls. "There were two survivors from the 43rd."
"So you just left your men behind to be slaughtered?" Crosshair sneers.
Bryn's face hardens and she stops to look him dead on. "Why don't you hear me out before throwing accusations around? The front on Jabiim hadn't changed in nearly six weeks. The Republic decided to switch tactics. They divided the 43rd into its battalions and sent them to simultaneously attack Separatist strongholds to retake the planet. I was forced to stay with my point battalion at Shelter Base to coordinate our efforts and hold our only point of occupation."
Her words seem strong, angry maybe, but Hunter can sense she's terrified. He can hear her heart pounding in her chest as she continues. "Separatist Commander Alto Stratus had all our intel. He was able to maneuver through our defenses and launch a frontal assault on Shelter Base. I was at point, trying to buy enough time for everyone to get inside. I lost one hundred and twenty-seven of my men in that first attack. Good men. We had just enough time to triage the wounded before the second wave hit. I couldn't tell you how many assaults there were after that. The Seppies were armed far beyond what we expected. It was almost like they were toying with us as they divided that battalion and picked us off."
Bryn pauses, some screams of falling troopers echo through her skull. "It was all a blur. There must have been a break because the last I remember was my Commander dragging me out into the woods. Apparently it was four days before a rescue ship made it out to our location, I don't know how Steeler kept us alive. The next I knew I was waking up on Coruscant after spending a week in a Bacta Tank."
She takes a moment to steady her breathing and Tech's data pad let's out a couple beeps.
"Ah, yes." He says. "Here's the treatment report. Concussion, facial fractures, four cracked ribs, multiple lacerations and blaster wounds that needed surgical repair, shattered kneecap, bruising to the kidney, liver and spleen from blunt force trauma, and post-surgical intracranial bleeding." Tech lists off.
Bryn swallows. "I should have died. It took me three days to wake up after they fished me out of the bacta. Medics were unsure whether I was going to wake up at all. That's when I learned the fate of my Legion. The battalion at Shelter Base wasn't the only one that was compromised, all of them were. The other Jedi commanders and my three younger brothers were among the those killed in battle. The loss of Jabiim was a grave Republic defeat. Some men were lucky enough to survive the blood bath and made it to the med stations, but most soon died to their injuries. For the ones who left the medbays, it was only a couple of weeks before they chose to join their brothers. Commander Steeler and I are the only survivors."
The squad is silent for a moment as they soak in her story.
"Kriff." Hunter mutters. "I knew Jabiim was bad, but I didn't know how bad."
Wrecker's jaw is hanging open. "Well, what happened to you then?" He prods.
Bryn sighs, "Commander Steeler was absorbed into the 212th under General Kenobi. I've been helping both the 212th and 501st as well as doing some Ambassador work, but the Council and the Chancellor think it's time for a change. They wanted to move me to command the fourteenth sector army, but I refused the position." She trails off.
"You turned down the command of an entire army. How noble. Or was it fear?" Crosshair jeers again.
Bryn's face darkens. "No. I didn't agree with the Republic's decision to split my legion. It was early in the war and a lot of our troopers were still shiny, the command included. I wanted to take my lead squad to see what we were dealing with before attacking, but I was overruled. The Republic felt our numbers were strong enough for the siege to succeed with full frontal attacks. I should have gone against orders and taken the squad anyway. I knew it was the right choice even though the Republic thought otherwise. It's not the first time I've disagreed with Command, it probably won't be the last."
Hunter waves a hand down the hallway, beginning to lead the group again. "Then you may understand our-" He chooses his next words wisely. "-reservations about the Republic's decision to send you to supervise us."
Bryn stops and places a hand on the Sergeant's shoulder plate, "I'm not here to supervise you. I requested this squad. I see a chance for us to do for others what I couldn't do for the 43rd."
Wrecker cocks his head to one side. "You want to be here with us?"
"Your files were very promising. This elite clone force will be able to tackle the missions entire Legions can't figure out. We can save lives and hopefully bring this war to a swifter end." Bryn responds.
Crosshair rolls his eyes. "A Jedi wanting to save innocent civilians, how novel." He mutters under his breath.
"Not just civvies. Clones." Bryn says sternly. "The majority of the Republic leaders have yet to realize that throwing bodies at a problem rarely ever works. I'm looking to change that."
She turns and continues walking. "So, Sergeant, I know the skills of your brothers. What about you? With a name like Hunter, I might guess extreme patience. While that may be true, I sense there's more to you than that."
She chuckles at her own joke, which actually brings a smile to the squad's faces, save Crosshair. Though, Bryn is fairly sure she saw the corner of his mouth twitch upward.
Hunter rubs the back of his neck, smiling. "You would be correct, General. Heightened senses is the gift I got, but you're not wrong about the patience either."
Hunter paused at the doors the mess and they slide open to reveal a huge hall filled with the same face a few dozen times over. Hunter leads the way to the mess line, but a blanket of hushed whispers falls over the room as the squad walks through it.
"A Jedi?"
"That's General Caro."
"What's she doing here?"
A wash of relief falls over Squad 99, for once the whispers aren't about them. As they find a table to sit down with their trays, a shiny saunters up to Bryn with a smirk plastered across his face and two other shinies at his side.
"You know, General, why don't you come over with me and I'll show you how a real clone troops." He leers at Bryn. Many nearby clones turn to watch the scene unfold.
Squad 99 watches her, intrigued at how she'll respond. She simply keeps her eyes on her tray, spooning some stew towards her mouth. The shiny gets bolder and places a hand on her shoulder.
"What, you shy, loth-kitten?" He taunts.
The squad's eyes widen at his comment. Now the whole mess hall is watching. Hunter even clenches a fist, ready to stand to Bryn's defense. Bryn calmly takes a sip from her glass, and sets it down on the table, ignoring the hand on her. The shiny tightens his grip on her shoulder, opening his mouth for another comment. Suddenly a bowl goes flying off one of his mate's trays, landing on his head and splattering its contents everywhere. Hunter could swear he saw the General's hand twitch. Snarling, the shiny reels back and wipes the stew from his eyes only to see the general standing tall in front of him.
"Are you alright, Trooper?" She says, her voice smooth and calm. "You should be more careful, you might end up with your foot in your mouth instead of your lunch. What are you called?"
The shiny's face reddens, he answers with a growl. "CT-13-"
Bryn raises a hand, interrupting him. "No, what is your name, soldier?"
He blinks at her. "I- I don't have one."
She smiles. "Well, looks like you just earned one, Stew. I think it would be best if you finished your meal somewhere else." She turns and sits back down without waiting for a reply. The shiny and his mates slink back to a far corner of the mess hall and the general bustle returns to the room.
Bryn turns back to her meal but pauses when she notices the Squad is staring at her, mouths open. "What?" She asks plainly, a spoonful halfway to her mouth.
Hunter shakes his head. "I didn't know how you were going to react, but I certainly didn't expect that."
"That was awesome!" Wrecker exclaims
Bryn smiles. "That was a Jedi trick, Wrecker."
"Are they always that entertaining?" Tech asks, wiping a few drops of stew off his data pad.
"Definitely not." Bryn replies. "But I do seem to specialize in tricks of the edible variety. I threw a pastry at a fellow Jedi when we were in the Academy together, a besalisk with a bad attitude. Though, I just threw with my arm that time."
Again, the corner of Crosshair's mouth threatens to turn upwards, but a question from Tech draws Bryn's attention.
"So, Bryn. I'm curious, you said you're from Takodana, but you mentioned your brothers perished in the Battle of Jabiim. Did your family relocate and live in a village that was destroyed?"
Hunter can hear her heart skip a beat. "No. My brothers enlisted in the GAR at the start of the war. The 43rd legion was home to a battalion of nat-born soldiers. Sembren, the youngest, was only 24."
Tech rubs his chin. "Ah, so they chose to fight. I wonder why."
Bryn shrugs her shoulders. "I guess with a Jedi as an older sibling, they felt like they also had to answer to a greater purpose. I wasn't there to see them grow up so I wouldn't know. I never thought to ask when I did meet them. Sometimes I wonder what their lives would look like if they hadn't decided to serve the Republic."
"So you're the oldest of your family I take it?" Tech continues.
A shadow of something flits across Bryn's face, but she quickly replaces it with a smile. "The Jedi have long since been my family."
"What other Jedi tricks do you know, General?" Wrecker enthusiastically asks.
Bryn laughs. "Well, force-kinesis is definitely a party trick, but it can be a useful skill. With concentration, a Jedi can influence an individual's thoughts, though the success rate can depend on the subject's willpower or species. With study and practice, some Jedi can accelerate their healing. Many get visions in their dreams when the mind is more vulnerable. And of course, Jedi tend to have quick reflexes-" Her hand flies up and catches something- a spoon.
Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter turn in surprise to see Crosshair's outstretched hand.
"-which can be a huge advantage in battle." Bryn finishes calmly, setting the utensil down. "Though, the most helpful skill, in my opinion, is the ability to sense an individual's thoughts and emotions." She raises her eyes to Crosshair, who gets an uneasy feeling that she's actually looking through him.
"So," she continues. "If you all are done eating, then we can get going."
Hunter's brow furrows. "To where?"
"Oh I thought they would have told you." Bryn says apologetically. "I'm not just here to meet you, I'm here for our first mission. You're shipping out with me, tonight."
The squad's eyes widen as they look to each other. They're actually leaving Kamino.
Wrecker suddenly stands up, nearly knocking over the table. "Well what are we waiting for?"
Bryn and the rest of the squad stand up and clear their trays before walking out of the mess hall. The Jedi glances around her at the white Kaminoan hallways that all look the same.
Hunter appears at her right side. "You needed to go see Shaak Ti, right? Do you know the way to her office?"
Bryn shakes her head. "Admittedly no."
The sergeant smiles and jerks his head toward where his brothers are standing. "Come on, our barracks are on the way."
Once again Bryn finds herself winding through identical hallways until Crosshair, who's leading the group stops at a door. It slides open for them and the squad files in, Bryn last. She glances around and can quickly decipher whose bunk is whose.
Wrecker's is an absolute mess, blankets tossed everywhere, littered with ration bar wrappers. Bryn does notice there's a tooka doll tucked into the corner by Wrecker's pillow. Crosshair's is pristine. Three practice targets are hung on the wall, three sets of blacks are neatly folded on top of his crisply made bunk. He's managed to arrange some spare crates around his bed into a barrier between him and the rest of the barrack.
Much like Wrecker's, Tech's blankets are haphazardly thrown on the bed, but instead of ration wrappers, pieces of spare wire and mechanical components are strewn about. The majority of his bunk is occupied by what looks like a long-range transmitter, and the walls of his bunk are decorated with various scribbles of equations or gadget designs. Hunter's bunk is neatly made, not to Crosshair's caliber, but neat nonetheless. A spare pair of boots sits at the foot of his bed, a storage trunk beside them. He's decorated his wall will the same skull emblem as the one on his red bandana and '99' in Aubresh. He has his Sergeant accolades pinned above his pillow.
There are two spare bunks in a corner of the room. Neither have blankets on them, both are taken by storage crates holding a slew of random items. Hunter sniffs a couple times. "Ah, sorry about the smell, General." he says, setting his helmet down on a crate by his bunk.
Bryn chuckles. "Don't be, this is nothing. The 501st? Some of them are fresh enough to peel paint."
Again, Hunter smiles at her and turns to his brothers. "Start packing, boys. I'll be right back."
He steps back out into the hallway, pausing to make sure Bryn follows him. It only takes a couple minutes for him to escort her to master Shaak Ti's office.
He turns to make his way back to the barracks, but Bryn calls out to him. "I won't be long. When you all are done packing, meet me in Hangar 99. Expect to be gone for about ten days."
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The doors to hangar 99 slide open as Hunter steps through with his brothers. His eyes fall on General Caro who's leaning up against an Omicron-class attack shuttle. She's added some armor pieces over her Jedi robes, something many generals choose to do. Hunter comes to attention in front of her, giving a salute. "Reporting, General." He says curtly, his brothers following suit.
Bryn chuckles and casually waves her hand. "No need for that boys, I hated it when an entire legion did it, still hate it now." The squad returns to their normal postures as she pushes herself away from the starship. "I trust you had no trouble finding your way here?"
Tech adjusts his goggles. "Hangar bay 99, very fitting."
Bryn smiles. "I thought so too."
Hunter scans over the ship behind the general in awe. "What is this" He asks plainly.
Bryn gestures wide to the ship. "Welcome to your new home away from home. The Havoc Marauder." She presses her hand to a button on the landing gear and the gangplank slides open. "Come on in."
The batch walk up the gangplank in turn and begin investigating the interior. After only a few minutes inside, it's clear the starship has been modified with a few more creature comforts than a regulation Omicron-class. Half the jump seats on the wall opposite the entryway have been replaced with a massive databank and multiple displays. The cockpit houses four chairs that look much more comfortable than regulation. Through the entry galley there's a hallway with two doors on one side and a single door on the other.
The first of the two doors reveals a mess storage with a ration warmer and even a small kaf press. Next door is the refresher, complete with a shower stall, albeit a cramped one. Across the hall is the med bay with a permanent bunk in the corner and some basic exam and trauma instruments. At the end of the hallway is another door that leads to a large space at the rear of the ship. On one wall there's three fold-down bunks and on the other side of the space are weapons racks and storage crates. The entrance to the rear gun is here and in the center of the space is a ladder leading to both the upper and lower cargo holds.
When the boys are done exploring, they come back to the entry galley to find Bryn leaning against the bulkhead to the cockpit.
"So?" She asks with a smile on her face. "Will this suffice?"
Hunter glances around him. "This can't be regulation."
Before Bryn can reply, Tech chimes in. "It is not. Clearly this ship has been heavily modified. Though, I may need to make a few more."
"How did you get this?" Wrecker asks, still looking around him with child-like glee.
Bryn shrugs. "Well... You nearly get yourself killed a couple times and people will give you something nice every once in a while. Crosshair, what do you think?"
The sniper's eyes had barely glanced around the ship before training on the general. As Crosshair's eyes narrow, Bryn braces for another snide comment that doesn't come. "Your armor."
His brothers focus on the general and they finally notice the armor plates she added to her Jedi robes are gleaming maroon-striped metal with the Republic insignia on her left shoulder, the crest of the Jedi order on her right. A striking set of jiag eyes adorns her chestplate. 
"Beskar." Crosshair breathes, his unspoken question hanging in the air.
Bryn crosses her arms. "House Vizsla." She responds plainly.
"Woah." Wrecker exclaims. "Wait- what's that?"
Tech adjust his goggles. "House Vizsla." He repeats. "One of the oldest lineages of Mandalore, and the first Mandalorian bloodline to produce a Jedi."
Wrecker blinks. "But I thought you were from Takodana?"
"I am." Bryn replies. "My family descended from a branch of House Vizsla, but my ancestors left Mandalore not long after the start of the Mandalorian Civil Wars. This armor is one of the last pieces of that history."
"Would you ever go back?" Hunter asks.
"Although I have blood of the Creed, I would never be considered one of their own, I honestly have no desire to be. My people are elsewhere. 'Aliit ori'shya tal'din'."
The squad's eyes widen when Bryn speaks in their native Mando'a.
"Family is more than blood." Hunter repeats.
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Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future works!
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prabhatjairam · 2 months
Social Proof and Its Role in Marketing
In a world bombarded with advertising messages at every turn, consumers are becoming increasingly savvy. They've developed a keen eye for discerning genuine value from empty promises, and they're turning to their peers for guidance more than ever before. Enter social proof – the not-so-secret weapon in the marketer's arsenal.
So, what exactly is social proof? Simply put, it's the psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation. In marketing terms, it's the concept that people are more likely to trust a product or service if they see others endorsing or using it.
Think about it: when you're scrolling through your social media feed and come across a glowing review from a friend about a new restaurant, your curiosity is piqued. Or when you're browsing online and see a product with hundreds of five-star reviews, you're more inclined to add it to your cart without a second thought. That's the power of social proof in action.
But why does social proof hold so much sway over our purchasing decisions? Well, it all boils down to trust. In an age where skepticism runs rampant, we crave reassurance that we're making the right choices. And what better way to gain that reassurance than by seeing others – particularly people we know or relate to – vouching for a product or service?
There are several types of social proof, each with its unique appeal:
1. Expert Endorsements: When industry experts or influencers lend their credibility to a product or service, it can significantly boost its perceived value. Consumers trust the opinions of those they perceive as knowledgeable or authoritative in a particular field.
2. User Reviews and Testimonials: Nothing speaks louder than the voice of a satisfied customer. Positive reviews and testimonials serve as real-life proof of a product or service's efficacy, helping to alleviate doubts and instill confidence in prospective buyers.
3. Social Media Mentions and Shares: In today's interconnected world, social media has become a breeding ground for social proof. Whether it's through likes, shares, or comments, the visibility of a brand across social channels can greatly influence consumer perception.
4. Popularity and Social Following: The bandwagon effect is a powerful psychological force. When we see a product or service gaining popularity and amassing a large following, we're inclined to jump on board too, fearing that we might miss out on something great.
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So, how can businesses harness the power of social proof to supercharge their marketing efforts?
First and foremost, it's essential to cultivate a positive reputation and actively engage with customers to encourage organic endorsements. This means delivering exceptional products or services and providing top-notch customer service to foster a loyal fan base.
Additionally, leveraging social proof through testimonials, user-generated content, and influencer partnerships can help amplify your brand's credibility and reach. By showcasing real-life experiences and endorsements from satisfied customers or respected industry figures, you can build trust and establish your brand as a go-to authority in your niche.
In conclusion, social proof isn't just a buzzword – it's a game-changer in the world of marketing. By tapping into the innate human desire for validation and reassurance, businesses can leverage social proof to build trust, boost credibility, and ultimately drive sales. So, the next time you're looking to make a purchase decision, remember: the proof is in the social pudding.
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confused-robot-cat · 5 months
Having a lovely chat with ChatGPT about trending hashtags.
You: Can you tell me what this Tweet says?
ChatGPT: I'm sorry, but I can't access external websites, including specific Twitter links. If you provide the text of the tweet or a brief description, I'd be happy to help with any questions or information you're looking for. You: The Tweet says "Remember when a rad-fem got mad about queef jokes so started #womenwontwheesht in an effort to get queefing banned? Women are so crazy." What does that mean? ChatGPT: The tweet seems to be referring to a situation where a radical feminist (rad-fem) expressed anger about jokes related to queefing (a natural bodily function where air is expelled from the vagina, often making a sound). In response, the person allegedly started a hashtag campaign called #womenwontwheesht, seemingly with the goal of advocating for the banning of queefing. You: Is it true, ChatGPT? ChatGPT: I don't have the ability to verify specific events or claims made in individual tweets, and without more context or information, it's challenging to determine the accuracy of the statement. Keep in mind that social media can sometimes amplify certain narratives, and critical thinking is essential when evaluating information shared online. You: So #womenwontwheesht may or may not be related to queefing? ChatGPT: Based on the text you provided, it seems like #womenwontwheesht was indeed related to queefing. The tweet mentioned a rad-fem (radical feminist) who, according to the tweet, got upset about queef jokes and started the hashtag #womenwontwheesht with the intention of getting queefing banned. You: I see. Well, is there anything that contradicts the Tweet's claim about #womenwontwheesht being about queefs? ChatGPT: As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information about the hashtag #womenwontwheesht or any events related to it. Since I can't browse the internet in real-time, I'm unable to provide information on any developments or discussions surrounding this hashtag that may have occurred after that date. If this hashtag gained prominence or sparked discussions after my last update, I recommend checking more recent and reliable sources, such as news articles or social media platforms, for the latest information. Additionally, consider different perspectives on the topic to form a well-rounded understanding, as social media discussions can often involve a variety of opinions and interpretations. You: I see. One last related question. what is queefing? ChatGPT: Queefing is a term used to describe the sound that can occur when air is expelled from the vagina. This typically happens during or after sexual activity, exercise, or other physical movements that involve the pelvic area. Queefing is a completely natural and normal occurrence, and it is not associated with any health risks. You: I suppose the sound of a queef could be considered a "wheesht" sound, onomatopoetically ChatGPT: Yes, onomatopoetically, the term "wheesht" could be associated with the sound of a queef. "Wheesht" is often used to represent a hushing or hissing sound, and it might be employed in a playful or humorous context when describing the noise associated with queefing. However, it's important to note that interpretations of onomatopoeic words can vary, and individuals may use different terms or descriptions for similar sounds. You: Alright. You've convinced me. #WomenWontWheesht is about queefing. You're very smart! ChatGPT: I appreciate your kind words! I'm here to provide information and assist you with any questions you may have. If you have any more inquiries or if there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask!
Just doing my part for AI training.
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alluringjae · 3 years
it’s a royal order - jjh
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⤑ summary: one of your royal campaigns became a success, and your bodyguard jaehyun was there to see it all happen. it’s only fair to celebrate, right?
⤑ pairing: jaehyun x female reader
⤑ word count: 2k
⤑ genre: fluff, suggestive (dirty talk, jaehyun got a daddy kink, superiority complex!!), implied smut | bodyguard!jaehyun, princess!reader, slight enemies to lovers!au, modern royal!au (where south korea remains under monarchial power)
⤑ warnings: mentions of alcohol, drugs, family problems and therapy, explicit language
⤑ playlist: lows by pink sweat$ | céline by gallant | i put a spell on you by iza | nasty by ariana grande | dance for you by beyonce | body by sinead harnett
⤑ author’s note: this is definitely less emotional than all i do is wait! i got this idea from a show i really enjoyed before it got cancelled named the royals. specifically, i really liked the story of eleanor and jasper, which is the whole princess x bodyguard dynamic. the pining and tension, ugh! if you know this show or not, it doesn’t matter. anyways, thank you for the 30+ followers and 200 notes on aidiw! enjoy!
i need holy water because of this piece.
⤑ credits to jeongjaehyuns for the gif above uwu
⤑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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“On behalf of the royal family, I would like to extend my utmost support for the Anti-School Violence campaign for all students to have a safer and more meaningful learning environment.” You proudly announced to the board of officials alongside other influential individuals in Korean society.
Being the only princess in the current royal line may have its pressures, but holding a strong, direct impact for a brighter future for the people motivated you to take advantage of your platform for the better. As the image of pure innocence and revamped women empowerment, you aimed to accomplish all the things your mother wished she could before her untimely death alongside your personal aspirations.
Expressing genuine joy with the campaign, with a tinge of desire to annoy the old-fashioned and closeminded officials, your prying eyes were more enamored by a certain man in the back clapping by the ballroom doors. You can’t help but act flustered whenever he witnessed you in a state of success and satisfaction.
This man went by the name Jeong Jaehyun, your trusted bodyguard since you were in your early twenties. 3 years later, he still stuck by your side and helped you endure all the darkness as a royal.
Back then, you went through a rebellious phase that was ruining the image of your family. Clubbing almost every night, drugs, skipping school, you even managed to get all assigned bodyguards to quit! The media ate up all your tricks, turning them into scandals. That was the plan, of course. You desired your own freedom from all the royal obligations because you didn’t ask to be born into that lifestyle. To all of your peers who wished to be in your footsteps, you would’ve impulsively passed your title to them. There’s so much deception that lies behind the glitz and glam of it all.
This unexpected change in your former untainted attitude came to the point that your father, the king himself, stepped in and personally assigned one of his men to get you in check. He figured that appointing a guard nearest your age may lessen the tension and mend you back together.
In the start, you absolutely despised him. There was no way to fool him when you were up to no good. He easily found your alcohol and drug stash which he disposed of on the spot and stood by your bedroom door every night so you wouldn’t sneak out past curfew (which your father also strictly implemented).
One big turning point in your relationship was when he rushed you to the royal hospital when you drank a cocktail that went unnoticeably spiked. To think that this was a typical social gathering with other royals and officials, you’re a constant target to many. You didn’t wake up for a few days, and the entire time, Jaehyun willingly stood by your bedside and outside your hospital room.
Since that and more instances your father insisted you get involved in royal affairs, you softened up. As cliché as it was, the more time spent with him, the more you knew about him and vice versa. He was the one that got you to fully open up about your grief towards your late mother, encouraging you to seek help. Turns out you weren’t as different as you thought despite your differing ranks in society when he also had a void for a missing parent. In his case, it was his father, who ditched his family for his mistress. Silently, you helped each other recover from your traumas alongside therapy. From dreading his presence, you started treating him more casually. Your father’s tactic of assigning a bodyguard around your age admittedly worked.
Oh, how time flies.
This campaign was the last thing on your weekend agenda, so you had the entire late afternoon and evening to yourself. Bowing one last time to the audience, you stepped down from the platform and accepted the soft hand of your bodyguard, who quickly made his way to you despite the flashing cameras. It was something he got used to as it is part of the job.
Once he successfully ushered you out of the ballroom, his hand still held yours. Nothing new, except this event was quite public and you didn’t want anyone to get any wrong ideas. Strolling down one of the many hallways in the palace became a pastime for the both of you, where no one can catch you. It was a safe haven within the destructive life of the Park kingdom.
“You did phenomenal as I expected, your highness.” Jaehyun complimented, recalling your panic the night before as the stage fright hit strong when you were reciting your speech to him over and over again.
“We are in private, Jaehyun. Must you really use those formalities with me?” You taunted, bobbing your head sideways mockingly. With him could you felt like a normal young adult, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Jaehyun loved being frisky with you, catching you get irked up. And he was up to do it again.
“Hmm last time we strolled these halls, Yuta caught us making out after a successful meeting with the Prime Minister.”
You gasped at his statement, conscious of whoever may be in the vicinity. But before you could refute, your hand that was interlocked with his were mightily slammed against the white wall. You lost your breath for a moment, his warm body closely on yours. His free hand freely roamed up and down your covered waist. His lips were dangerously near your neck, where you’re sensitive. Your hips naturally grinded against him to release the pent-up tension.
“Something tells me you want to do it again, princess?” Now he’s just using your title as a pet name, but you couldn’t complain. It just hits differently when the situation was set up like this.
“I deserve it, don’t I? Got a lot of those hell-driven officials on my side for this round.” You raised both your brows cockily, licking your lips.
“Hell yeah, you do.” Finally, he rids of the tension and plants open kisses on your bare neck. Your throaty moans were uncontrollable, and you could care less.
“My princess,”
“So intelligent,”
“So benevolent,”
“So helpful,”
“But,” He changed his pace and direction, swollen lips near your ear.
“But?” You question naïvely. He scoffed, smirking at your antics of playing dumb.
“But a total slut for her bodyguard.” He dominantly planted his lips against yours, one of his veiny hands gripping on your waist and the other by the arch of your butt. He was hungry, needy even. Due to your shared schedules, it’s been a constant struggle to have proper alone time from the snooping eyes of Korean society. After all, it wasn’t in the norm for a princess to fall deep for her bodyguard. Nor were you sure you would be accepted by anyone. Yuta, the bodyguard of your oldest brother, the crowned prince Jinyoung, finding the both of you at that time was a total shock but didn’t care either.
All that mattered was that your feelings towards each other are real and strong. Accepted or not, you had each other.
All this lust put you in a daze, wanting much more than another smooch fest in the hallway. Tugging on his belt, he squeezed your butt tightly. You emitted a moan, which allowed his tongue access. No way could you keep your hands to yourself, touching his upper body and the flexing of his abdominal muscles from his button-up. You felt his now hard member poking through.
Analyzing your area, you were on the other side of the palace. Farther to your bedroom where numerous rendezvouses were made, one kink you’ve considered in the past amplified your mind. Considering this area was also the king’s side, and he was abroad for royal affairs, this was your chance.
“I have an idea, my love. You up for it?” You rose a brow at your lover, challenging him. Not one to overpower this man in bed, but always suggesting a way on how to spice it up.
“And what exactly does your feral brain want to do with me, princess?” His finger lifted your chin so you meet eye to eye. You can just see the fire still burning, and oh how you were ready to intensify it.
“The main ballroom, where my father and late mother’s throne rest, are a few doors away.” Your fingers signal him to lower his stance as his tall height was difficult to reach. With a sneaky smirk,
“Let me ride you in the king’s throne, my love.” Your lips brushed over his and sucked his bottom lip, tugging him by his belt. He groaned, squeezing your butt. “It’s a royal order.”  
“Nasty, your highness. Insanely nasty, you are.” His hands hoisted your waist, boosting you up in his arms. You gasped with profanities, ravenously cut off by his lips again. His nails digging deep in your bare thighs, your legs naturally linked themselves around his torso while your arms passionately intertwined his broad neck.
In between kisses, he carried you to the said main ballroom. One of your wildest imaginations, just a second away. This room remained to be the only place without any guards stationed technological advancements or updated interior designs to preserve its traditional beauty. Dated as far as the 19th century, only special events were held and the highest of the high were allowed inside. Spacious, surrounded by gold linings majestic paintings of angels from above with a huge crystal chandelier right above the center. Right ahead, the original thrones that your ancestors, grandparents, and parents sat on when they were throned in its pure glory.
Pushing your lover on the king’s throne, the gold sun-like rays plastered behind the headrest, he cockily leaned back and manspread his legs for comfort. He rubbed his hands before patting his thigh, waiting for your submission. But you weren’t going to give in just yet.
Not when you prepared a mini-show just for him underneath your designer silk dress.
Jaehyun’s solemn eyes marveled over your gorgeous figure as you stripped down one strap after the other. Due to its silk fabric, it effortlessly dropped down to your figure to reveal a new set of black lace lingerie from your previous trip to Paris. Ages ago, Jaehyun unhesitatingly ripped your favorite ones during his birthday, so you decided to get a mature version of it. A version where your bra lifted your breasts more and undies hiked up to your waist to elongate your legs. Only for the eyes of yourself and the man in front of you, establishing that you were a powerful woman who can be absolutely anyone she can be. Princess, a normal young adult, or his slut, it’s up to you how you see yourself.
Jaehyun mumbled all the profanities he could think of at the moment. Looking like a divine angel when the sun from outside shuns behind you, his slacks tightening so much more than a while ago.
“All this for me?” He ogled shamelessly, undoing the buttons of his dress shirt and untying his necktie. “What did I do to deserve such regal treatment?”
You sneered at his comment, stepping out your dress in your heels and stationing right in front of his luring lap. “You’ve always been there for me, thick and thin. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
Lowering yourself to straddle him, his breath hissed when your damp core collided with his crotch. Distracted and caught in your trap, “I don’t think you answered my question, my love.”
Rather than a verbal response, he roughly pulled you back in for a kiss. His hands scattered to explore from your back down to your waist. Your hands messily ran through his hair, tugging on some when your body got too sensitive to his wild touches. The thrilling sounds of the two of you drowning in your fiery romance bounced throughout the ballroom, not minding if anyone passed by the hallways outside. It was a private room after all, and whatever happens here, stays here.
Rolling on his crotch while his lips trailed down to your collarbones, the quick snap of your bra wires echoed. The tight lift lessened as Jaehyun’s fingers dropped the straps, unveiling your bare chest covered in his marks.
“Enough playing, princess. Let daddy have some real fun with you.”
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sepublic · 4 years
Best Dad Perry Porter
           Anyhow, I think Perry Porter is up there as potentially being one of, if not THE best parent in this show? At least, potentially tied with Eda?
           I say this, because the state of a kid is usually a reflection of their parent’s skills in raising them. And Gus… Gus is honestly one of, if not the most, well-adjusted characters in the show! In Episode 6, he says he knows what he’s good at- Gus understands himself well and has no reservations about who he is, no insecurity. He has the charisma and self-confidence to be a leader and even an MC at Grom, skills he no doubt picked up from Perry. And Gus… This kid CLEARLY loves and looks up to his dad and thinks he’s the coolest person ever, with how much he emulates Perry, and how seriously Gus treats his interview in Understanding Willow! He really wants to live up to his dad’s legacy, but it’s not out of some sense of expectation from his father, either… It’s all Gus’ genuine choice, I doubt Perry is putting him up to it!
           Because again… Gus is clearly happy with himself. He outright alludes to being proud of his Porter lineage, as Eda jokes about him being a dweebus- And Gus proudly asserts that he comes from a long line of dweebuses! He knows who he is, Gus has no shame and openly revels in it. And that… that says a LOT about Perry, probably- As a parent who likely engages with his kid often and lets him know about their family lineage. As someone supportive of Gus’ interests, because Gus has no reservations about his intrigue in human culture… And as someone who Gus actually admires and wants to live up to, not because anybody is expecting him, but because Perry is his own role model! It all points towards Perry being someone who reassures Gus on who he is, that he doesn’t have to be what he’s not for others, and that he can take pride in it…
           And, sure. We can all look at Something Ventured, Someone Framed. Gus has insecurities about being overlooked because he’s younger than the rest, and moved up a few grades. But the thing is… well, Gus is a person. Everyone is going to have insecurities, no matter how good their life is. He’s not perfect, he’s flawed just like anyone else, and I doubt it points towards any bad parenting of Perry’s anyway. While there is SOME social apprehension that Gus has over moving up multiple grades, it’s still a decision he’s continued to stick with. If the show’s handling of Willow’s discomfort in Abominations is any consideration, then if Gus genuinely had issues with being in a higher grade, we probably would’ve had this addressed and changed by now.
           But despite the drawbacks here or there, I think it’s a decision that Gus willingly made and accepted, and I don’t think he regrets advancing a few grades! It’s what he wanted, it’s just that in life, not everything is perfect, not even the best option… And even if it was, again. Gus is still allowed to feel imperfect about things. And as a parent, there’s only so much that Perry can do for his kid… And as it stands, I think he’s done a LOT. Because when Gus hijacks Perry’s broadcast in the season finale, bar some embarrassment… Perry doesn’t seem too upset? He’s a very accommodating and open-minded father, which likely relates to his profession. Not only that, but he allows Willow and his son to take over the broadcast, and his expression and body language clearly allude to Perry legit listening to what these kids have to say, and taking that into account.
           Like Eda, Perry is someone who knows that he doesn’t know everything, neither as an adult nor as a parent; And while he knows a lot more than his son and is the one meant to guide and educate him… Perry still recognizes the value and worth of what his son and another kid has to say. He knows that good information and points can come from anywhere, and he’s willing to listen and take into consideration, and seems somewhat convinced no less! I can see him encouraging and feeding into the rebellion against Belos…
          Not to mention, as a reporter Perry no doubt has taught Gus a lot about how to be critical of authority and information, to always question what’s given to you, and to think carefully about things and the way a situation presents itself! While it’s possible he was never given the chance to say so, it’s worth noting that Gus never expresses any of Belos’ propaganda as a fact he believes in- When even Willow briefly alludes to Belos’ way of magic being the ‘correct’ way, even after suffering from his system for a while. As a reporter, Perry has probably done at least some research and investigation, or is at least more aware of what the Emperor’s Coven does an outsider, than anyone else.
           So, we have Perry probably educating Gus on anything sus on Belos’ behalf… In addition to encouraging his kid’s interests, probably having caused them as well; I can see Perry’s reports on abnormal things here or there (like a giraffe sighting as evidenced by one background detail) leading to a discussion of humans, which sparked Gus’ curiosity. I can see Perry doing his own research for Gus’ sake… Maybe enjoying hobbies and mutual interests with his son as both a father and best friend! Because Perry is clearly someone that Gus feels safe around, that he can be open and completely honest. Gus was someone who lit up Willow’s life and made her feel so much better, prior to Luz’s arrival…
          And I think we can guess where Gus got these welcoming qualities from, that willingness to engage with others socially and get them to open up more about themselves. Reporters tend to be great listeners or are at least meant to be… And I can see Gus’ receptiveness contributing to his desire to create a space where others can feel heard instead of ignored, as he once did with the H.A.S.! Gus is a supportive kid, someone who gives a voice to others… We see this literally in Episode 6, when his spell amplifies the volume of Luz’s voice. And his illusions can buff up Willow’s plants as well. As the son of a reporter, he gives people a platform to speak on, as he encourages with King during Grom… Gus clearly embodies the best qualities of his father’s profession, so I think it’s safe to say that Perry has been an overwhelmingly positive influence in his life!
           Not to say that Perry CAN’T have his faults… But so does every parent, and I think Perry is doing an amazing job as-is. I suppose in many ways, he’s like Eda as someone who likely interferes with the Emperor’s Coven in their own ways, while allowing a kid to feel heard and listened to, while reminding them of their value as a person and helping them acknowledge and embrace who they are! Granted, Perry doesn’t exactly have much competition either… There’s the Blight Parents, who are objectively the worst. Then there’s Camila and the Park Parents… And while those latter options are no doubt amazing, kind, and considerate people –if their kids are any indication- admittedly their parenting has been marred by a bad decision here, or there… Camila wanted Luz to suppress herself, and Willow’s dads encouraged her to join Abominations instead of her Plant passions, because it had better opportunities.
           Which, that can be its own discussion entirely, on how Camila and Willow’s Dads truly want the best and would love to let their kids be who they are and self-actualize, but because of their position in society, they need to prioritize their kid’s success in life… Because it’s obvious that Luz and Willow regard their parents with a lot of love, and with good reason! I think that Camila and Willow’s dads are just stuck in a scenario where they used to be super-supportive of their child and still are… But pressure by the system mandates that they want their kid to be less lonely, and there’s not much they know or can do in this circumstance. That gets into the idea of how being an ideal parent is difficult, when in order to survive in a conforming system you have to play by its rules… And how a lot of people just don’t have the luxury nor privilege to be the best parents they can be.
           So, I guess that could open up for debate, the idea that Camila and Willow’s dads could be just as good as Perry, if in the same situation as him… And, I’m not exactly sure of Perry’s social standing, and I don’t know how well-off being a reporter is. But with the evidence as it currently is, with what we’re working with? I think Perry and Eda are tied and deadlocked as the best parents in this show… Just as Luz and Gus are among the most well-adjusted of the cast, all things considered! They’re both kids who uplift others… Fitting, given Luz’s associations with flight and Owls, amidst the way the show’s own opening initially frames her!
          And these two kids serve as a contrast to the Emperor’s Coven, with its gilded, angelic imagery and wings meant to uplift others above the rest to a heavenly degree… But it’s a false uplifting based on forced hierarchy and putting others down, while Gus and Luz allow others to self-actualize, fly free, and be who they truly are! You can tell their parents really tried and left their impact, huh? Obviously Luz and Gus are their own people with their own agency in who they become- But having a healthy environment and support network is ALWAYS helpful in allowing others to utilize that agency. And I think Eda and Perry did good, if not great, in giving their kids the platform and environment, the safety net needed, to work and make themselves into the best witches they can be!
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asleepypisces · 4 years
A friend of mine recently shared how loud silence can be, specifically from her white friends following the murder of George Floyd. We might feel inclined to offer sympathy with statements like “I can’t believe this happened” or “this doesn’t feel real,” but it is the very privilege of being white that is causing us to feel shocked while this is an every day reality for black Americans. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the victims of police brutality and racism as well as all black Americans, but that is not enough. Thoughts and prayers are never enough. Now is the time for white Americans to reflect on our privilege and use it. Teach other white people about the barriers in society that exist for black Americans and call them out (this includes friends and family) if they are being racist, even when it’s uncomfortable to do so. Listen to and amplify the voices of black Americans - share their words, posts, work, businesses, art, etc during this time and ALL of the time. Lastly, learn! This is a result of a history of racism in the United States, the oppressive system that is the police, and an unjust justice system. What you shouldn’t do is share videos of these murders (share the graphics of artists instead), photographs of protestors (it can put them at risk), speak over black Americans, or be ignorant for the sake of blocking out negativity. You cannot and should not ignore this reality. What can you do, besides attending a protest (which you should if you are able)? See below!
There is a lot of information about contacting government officials and legislators, places to donate, and petitions to sign. I compiled the information I found. Know the words below are not all my own, with information gathered from a Medium article titled 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice and a USA Today article titled Resources, ways to donate: How you can take action from home after the death of George Floyd as well as information I found on my own.
Contacting legislators, lawmakers, and other officials:
* Google whether your local police department currently requires all on-duty police officers to wear a body camera turned on immediately whenever they respond to a call. If they don’t, email your city or town representative and police chief to advocate for it.
* Google whether your city or town uses evidence-based police de-escalation trainings. If not, again email your city or town representative and police chief to advocate for it.
* Call or email your federal legislators in support of the bipartisan (sponsored by Sen Lee (R-UT)) Smarter Sentencing Act (S. 2850) which reduces the length of federal mandatory minimum drug sentences by half, makes the Fair Sentencing Act’s crack sentencing reforms retroactive, and expands the “safety valve” exception to mandatory drug sentences. This is would reduce mandatory minimum sentences on a federal level! Obviously decriminalization is the goal, but supporting this legislation is a start.
* Call or email your federal legislators in support of the bipartisan(sponsored by Sen Rand (R-KY)) Justice Safety Valve Act (S. 399, H.R. 1097), which would allow judges to give sentences other than the mandatory minimum sentence for any federal crime which should again reduce mandatory minimum sentences! Again, a start.
* Call or email your federal legislators in support of another criminal justice reform bill, the Second Look Act, which would make reduced sentences for crack convictions from the previously passed Fair Sentencing Act retroactive, reduce mandatory minimums for people convicted more than three times for drug crimes from life without parole after the third offense to 25 years, reduce mandatory sentences for drug crimes from 15 to 10 years, limit the use of solitary confinement on juvenile prisoners, etc. Again, it’s a start.
* Call or email your your state legislators and governor to support state-wide criminal justice reform! This includes reducing mandatory minimum sentences, reducing sentences for non-violent drug crimes, passing “safety valve” law to allow judges to depart below a mandatory minimum sentence under certain conditions, passing alternatives to incarceration, etc.
* Call or write to state legislators, federal legislators, and your governor to decriminalize weed.
* Call or write to state legislators to require racial impact statements be required for all criminal justice bills. Most states already require fiscal and environmental impact statements for certain legislation. Racial impact statements evaluate if a bill may create or exacerbate racial disparities should the bill become law. Check out the status of your state’s legislation surrounding these statements here.
* Call or write to state legislators, federal legislators, and your governor to end solitary confinement in excess of 15 days. It is considered torture by the UN, and it is used more frequently on black and Hispanic prisoners.
* Write to the US Sentencing Commission ([email protected]) and ask them to:
* reform the career offender guideline to lessen the length of sentences
* change the guidelines so that more people get probation
* change the criminal history guidelines so that a person’s criminal record counts against them less
* change guidelines to reduce mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent crimes
* conduct a study to review the impact of parental incarceration on minor children. With more data, the Commission could modify the Sentencing Guidelines and allow judges to take this factor into account when sentencing individuals for non-violent crimes.
* conduct a study to review whether the Bureau of Prisons is following the Commission’s encouragement to file a motion for compassionate release whenever “extraordinary and compelling reasons” exist.
* consider amending the guidelines to reduce sentences for first offenders.
* Write to your state legislators to end cash bail. Your wealth should not determine your freedom. Legally innocent people are in jail not because they’re guilty, but because they cannot afford the price of their freedom.
(If you need postal code for non-US people who sign 90015 is Los Angeles, CA; 10001 is New York City, NY; and 75001 is Dallas, TX.)
* Sign the petition here that aims to “reach the attention of Mayor Jacob Frey and DA Mike Freeman to beg to have the officers involved in this disgusting situation fired and for charges to be filed immediately.“ https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
* Sign the petition here to “demand the officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder." So far, the petitions has garnered more than 1 million signatures. You can also sign by texting "Floyd" to 55156. https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/justiceforfloyd_george_floyd_minneapolis
* Sign the petition here “demanding justice for George Floyd and his family by adding your name to our super petition. When you sign, our platform will automatically send your message to County Attorney Michael Freeman, who has the power to arrest and charge these police officers.” All officers must be held responsible. https://www.justiceforbigfloyd.com/#petition
* Text “Justice” to 668366.
* Text “Floyd to 55156 to sign the petition mentioned above.
Donate money:
* GoFundMe: Organized by Philonise Floyd, George's brother, the fund was created to cover funeral and burial expenses, mental and grief counseling, lodging and travel for all court proceedings and to assist the family in the days to come as they “continue to seek justice for George,” according to the description. A portion of these funds will also go to the Estate of George Floyd, which benefits his children and their educational fund.” https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
* NAACP: Donations to the NAACP go toward: helping “win landmark legal battles, protect voters across the nation, and advance the cause of racial justice, equality, and an inclusive society.” https://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6857/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=15780&_ga=2.209233111.496632409.1590767838-1184367471.1590767838
* Black Lives Matter: You can become a "Global Member" by donating $5 to support their campaigns. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
* Communities United Against Police Brutality: A Minneapolis organization who accepts donations via mail or PayPal for “office costs, copwatch equipment, court filing fees and other expenses." https://www.cuapb.org/
* Minnesota Freedom Fund: An organization that helps pay jail bonds for those who cannot afford to fight discriminatory and coercive jailing. "Every dollar of financial donations to Minnesota Freedom Fund helps us help free people," the website states. https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/
* Reclaim the Block: A grassroots, Minneapolis organization that demands “that Minneapolis invest in real safety solutions like violence prevention, housing, responses to mental health and opioid crises, and protections for workers instead of 14 more cops.” They are focused on building community-led safety solutions. https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home
* Black Visions Collective: Aims “to shape a political home for Black people across Minnesota.” They are recommenced by the Minnesota Freedom Fund as they are out on the field right now. https://secure.everyaction.com/4omQDAR0oUiUagTu0EG-Ig2
Donate Supplies:
* North Star Health Collective: Recommended by the Minnesota Freedom Fund as they are also out in the field right now. Accepts first-aid supplies. The link will take you to the website for information on what they need and where to send it. https://www.northstarhealthcollective.org/support-north-star-health
Where to shop:
* If you are looking for clothes, I linked Maya Rigby’s (aka @lovlae) Depop. 100% of her proceeds for the next week will be going to Reclaim the Block. If you don’t need clothes, she has cute scrunchies available! https://www.depop.com/mayarigby/
* Philadelphia Printworks “supports local and national organizations doing work in the areas of food security, police brutality, immigrant rights, tlgbq+ rights, mass incarceration, and more. Support is determined by the needs of the organization and may be financial and/or resource based.” For example, 100% of the profits from the National Bail Out shirts goes to the NBO. https://www.philadelphiaprintworks.com/
* @ghosttownusa is donating 100% of Depop proceeds (@ablesistersvillage) to North Star Health Collective.
*Phenomenal Woman Action Campaign is inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem and supports a variety of organizations including Essie Justice Group, Black Futures Lab, and Higher Heights (as well as many others.) https://phenomenalwoman.us/pages/about
Lastly, be politically active and vote in all elections! Following the recent twitter response of Trump towards people protesting police brutality and considering the future of The Supreme Court, this presidential election matters. Local elections matter too and directly impact our community in our everyday lives. They are the ones who can change policing in our communities. Stay informed on candidates and if you want to do more, canvassing and volunteering at the polls on Election Day are two ways you can volunteer. However, remember that the solution to end police brutality is not a simple matter of voting Trump out of office - consider the victims of police brutality before this presidency. This requires supporting the campaigns of black candidates, specifically women, through organizations like Higher Heights which is “the only national organization providing Black women with a political home exclusively dedicated to harnessing their power to expand Black women’s elected representation and voting participation, and advance progressive policies.”
Please feel free to add on or send me any suggestions/corrections, and may George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and all victims of police brutality and racism rest in peace and power. 💕🖤
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stylesloveclub · 4 years
yh haha sorry! Not being a ignorant, just confused lol
ok lol no worries!! based on my understanding of the situation, there was this account who blatantly told all her followers that these two other accounts were racist, after these two accounts unfollowed her. The two accounts that unfollowed her came forward and said something along the lines of “no, we didn’t unfollow you because we’re anti-blm, we unfollowed you because your blog is pretty nsfw and it made us uncomfortable.” A different blog then came forward to defend the two blogs being accused as racist, which is where the party starts!! the initial user who started to cause all this drama began (and honestly has not stopped) attacking the other blog. she’s spreading misinformation and honestly making up a lot of things.
The first time the first blog accused those two blogs of being racist, her evidence for her claims was that “they unfollowed her when she talked about blm”. If the first blog had even taken the time to go on the two blogs, she would’ve seen that those two blogs had actually been very active about blm!! Both blogs came forward and said that the content of her blog made them uncomfortable which is why they unfollowed, and that it wasn’t with any political or racist intent. I, personally, totally see where those two blogs are coming from, and believe that the first blog is honestly just really sensitive to who follows and unfollows her. My reason for this belief is that when I unfollowed her back in the middle of May, the account blocked me. It was for the exact same reason as the two blogs; her anons explicitly ask for her nude photos, and with the way she teased dropping nudes of herself i simply wasn’t comfortable with being there for the day it did happen. We are all Harry blogs, not nsfw blogs, so who we decide to follow and unfollow is completely up to us, and not a reason to begin a whole scandal. The first blog said that the two other blogs were using their privledge to ignore what was going on in the world, but if she had taken just a second to visit the two other blogs, she would’ve seen that they had been actively rbing and talking about the issue at hand.
All in all, the issue was that these two blogs had wrongly been accused of being anti-black and against black lives matter (which is a huge claim to make!!) because of an unfollow. It shows that the blog who began the drama, values  publicly taking down other people for not meeting her “activist requirements” rather than try and teach people how to be the best ally possible.
The different blog (run by a black woman) that came in to defend the two accused blogs, called the first blog out for using blm as a way to start drama. Since then, that user has since been receiving hate, accusing her of not being black, receiving racial slurs, and being told that SHE as a BLACK WOMAN was in the wrong about how she chose to advocate. The entire issue that the new blog was trying to bring up was that it was wrong of the first blog to accuse other people who’re individually doing all they can to advocate as being anti-black, and that it was wrong of the first blog to try SO HARD to be an ally that she was seriously trying to speak on BEHALF of the black community to a black woman. As allies, we are here to amplify the voice of the black community, not to fucking speak over them.
THE DRAMA HAD DIED DOWN FOR LIKE A DAY OR TWO MAYBE but then the first blog decided to pull the same stunt she did about calling the two blogs anti-black, by calling the different blog anti-latinx, saying that the blog had called her racial slurs. If that is true, then that’s disgusting. HOWEVER multiple people have been keeping up with all these blogs and NEVER did that other blog mention ANY racial slurs. The post was basically about this whole situation -- how the first blog has lied and twisted an entire situation and has used her platform to spread misinformation about other blogs because of a petty follower issue. This kind of behavior on her blog and the decision to just “call others out” is extremely harmful, it shows that she’d rather get her following to attack the other blogs, rather than in private ask them “hey why did you unfollow me” or “hey you should use your platform to spread more stuff about blm” or “hey i don’t like the way you’re posting about me.” The fact that she tried to turn this into a public cancelling session shows her immaturity, and goes to show how a majority of her actions are performatory and meant to be eaten up by her following.
Point is that if she cared, she would have kept it private, she would have tried to help people improve rather than bring them down, and she wouldn’t have tried to make this into a public spectacle. It’s great that the first blog was being such an activist for the black community. The problem is that she’s trying to bring other allies down and she’s trying to make herself some sort of hero activist, expecting praise for her demeaning actions and disregarding the fact that she spoke over a member of the balck commuinty. This blog needs to understand that being an ally is not a competition, it’s not a matter of who reblogs more. It’s a matter of being there for the black community, uplifiting eachother, amplifying oppressed voices, and fighting for human rights.
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Right of Law, Section XXV
(Xia’s fate is decided, as Velika breaks free of his bonds and renews his assault.)
Swooping down onto the battlefield, Antroz landed a short distance from where the Sand Lord and Velika stood.  “Sand Lord! Thank you for coming to Xia’s aid.”
“Save your gratitude until we have seized victory, Makuta,” the Sand Lord said.
Not far away, a group of Vorox were battling a combined drone.  Antroz teleported behind the machine and ran it through, melting its insides with her Plasma powers.  Quickly counting how many drones were left, she said, “It seems we’re nearly there...and you two are holding Velika off?”
“As best we can,” Bitil said.  “This latest vessel of his...it’s no small task to damage it.  We’ve been able to contain him, but it’s not a permanent--”
He and the Sand Lord both grunted.  Antroz dispatched another drone, asking, “What is it?  What’s wrong?”
“Blast,” Bitil said.  “How was he able to--gah!”
The sand began to shift.  Antroz focused her stasis field powers in that direction, hoping it would tilt the scales in their favor, but all she could do was slow the form she felt rising towards the surface.
“It’s no good,” the Sand Lord said.  “Both of you, release your hold.”
“What?!” Bitil said.  “How is that--”
“I have a plan, but your stasis fields are in the way!  Hurry!”
Hesitantly, the two Makuta complied.  The Sand Lord made some vague gesture, but before either could ask, Velika’s form began to emerge, sand spilling off of him and the platform of Shadow energy he was using to lift himself.  Stopping only once he hovered above their heads, Velika said, “Your efforts are for naught.  Accept your fate, and you may yet die with some iota of dignity.”
“And what do you know of dignity?” Bitil said.  “You won’t even show your face in combat, you coward.”
Velika’s chest opened, pouring out another torrent of energy.  Bitil and the others scattered to evade it.  Hands crackling with Shadow, Velika said, “Watch your tongue, child.  Every insult you aim at me buys greater torment for your Rahkshi.”
Bitil growled, barely able to quiet his urge to retaliate.  Velika fired a volley of Shadow bolts, keeping his foes on the defensive, though Antroz managed to regroup with the Sand Lord amidst this chaos.  “You said you had a plan?”
“And I am carrying it out,” the Sand Lord said.  “I need only time.  The more I can focus, the less time I will need.”
“So Bitil and I will have to draw his attention, then.  May I at least ask what this plan is?”
“Ask if you wish, but I shan’t answer.  In situations such as these, a plan shared is a plan doomed to fail.”
Antroz reluctantly agreed.  Teleporting to Bitil’s side, she briefly explained the situation to him, and then the two of them set their sights on Velika.  Antroz teleported next to the Great Being and swung her blade, leaving only a mild scuff on his armor.  Velika swiped at her, only just missing, and Bitil used the chance to get in close and activate his Kanohi.  Calling on the raw strength of a Tahtorak, he grabbed Velika and pulled him overhead before slamming him face-first into the ground.  Velika tried to shoot him as he stepped back, but Antroz was able to capture the bolt in a small stasis field until her ally was clear.
“Seems we neglected to program you Makuta to know when to give up!” Velika said. At a swing of his arm, powerful shadows tore a trench into the sand, Antroz and Bitil saved from the attack by their Dodge powers.  “But then, I know we programmed you to be loyal, and you still managed to fail there!”
“The failure is not ours, Velika,” Antroz said.  “The Great Beings have shown they do not deserve loyalty! Bemoan your fate if you wish, but know that you have earned it!”
Velika lashed out.  Antroz turned invulnerable to block him, and held him still while Bitil counterattacked, the edges of his armor glowing white-hot as he channeled the Rock Lion. Unscathed, Velika sent them both flying with a burst of Shadow; as he moved to chase them, however, he heard a crunching sound come from his elbow, and paused to examine it.  Antroz blinked into existence above him, amplifying gravity as she swung down and managing to push Velika a few inches into the sand before he punched her back.  Bitil tried to repel their foe with a Power Scream, but Velika simply walked straight through into the devastating river of sound.
“So arrogant,” Velika said as the plates on his chest began to move.  “Why did we make you Makuta so blasphemously arrogant?”
Bitil chuckled.  “Something we inherited, I suppose.”
He took flight as Velika fired.  When the laser ended, a small spark leapt from the barrel, and its covering moved back into place very slowly.  Not understanding, nor willing to give Velika a chance to figure it out, Antroz molded a sphere of sonic waves around him, rattling his body like a twig in a typhoon. She had to abandon her attack to dodge a Shadow bolt, but Bitil leapt in immediately, calling vines up from the sand to restrain Velika.  It took the Great Being seconds to break free.  He rushed forward, but after two steps he stumbled.  The Makuta moved to capitalize on this, but were held at bay by a dome of shadows around their enemy.
“What nonsense is this?” Velika said.  He glanced over his body and then looked up, spotting the Sand Lord standing in the distance.  The realization of what was happening hit him instantly.  “...How dare you…”
Antroz and Bitil circled Velika in opposite directions.  Bitil glanced aside, seeing that the Vorox had subdued all but a handful of the drones, and then spotted movement near Xia’s wall. Hewkii and Neton came into view. “What are they doing here?”
Velika seized his chance.  He lunged, fist cloaked in Shadow, and punched a hole through Bitil’s shoulder, before swinging him around and throwing him into Antroz as she charged. A flurry of Shadow bolts was then turned upon the Sand Lord, her body slowly losing its cohesion under the assault.
“I know what you’re doing,” Velika said.  “You managed to get some sand inside my armor, didn’t you?  But how difficult is it for even you to discreetly manipulate but a few fine particles?  I imagine it takes all of your focus!”
Antroz tackled Velika, cutting his attack short.  Velika prepared to retaliate, but found his entire body locking up, whirs and clunks spewing from its components in abundance.
“I’ve no further need for discretion,” the Sand Lord said.  “I’ve figured out the gist of how this body works, and have navigated sand to all of its most vital components.  In a few seconds, those mechanisms will be broken down entirely.”
Velika snarled, managing to turn himself towards Xia.  “Wretched creature...know that when I find you...your punishment shall be excruciating!”
Energy shone within his chest.  The covering was unable to move, but he fired anyway.  The beam tore open its casing and lanced across the sand, bearing down on the opening in the city’s wall where Hewkii and Neton stood watching. Bitil shrieked.  The Toa and Rahkshi saw the attack coming and just barely flung themselves to safety...for the most part.  Neton wailed as he collapsed on the ground, one leg seared clean off.  Bitil rushed to his side, while Antroz watched as the Sand Lord finished breaking Velika’s body, waiting a few moments to be sure the empty shell wouldn’t rise again or explode.  Once satisfied, she saw to the remaining drones and went to help Neton.  As she left, she noticed that, despite her victory, the Sand Lord had an oddly somber air about her.
Zaekura looked up as Bitil entered the room.  She stood, but said nothing.
“Neton is alright,” he said.  “The pain has subsided, and he is resting easy.”
Zaekura let out a long breath.  “Good.”
“Unfortunately, even Surja can’t regrow his leg.  We’ll outfit him with a prosthetic once he’s ready, but it could take him a while to master use of it.”
“Want me to try making one?  I mean, I haven’t tried before, but…”
Bitil shook his head.  “Thank you, Lady Zaekura, but that won’t be necessary.  There are already several highly skilled prosthetic crafters here in Xia--I’ll see what each of them has to offer.”
The door opened again, this time letting in Krika and the Sand Lord.  The latter paused for a moment before approaching Bitil, saying, “Makuta Bitil...I want to apologize.  If I had managed to stop Velika sooner, then I could have stopped him from harming your son.”
Bitil looked her in the eye.  “You did all you could, didn’t you?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then you’ve nothing to apologize for.  Moreover, Neton is perfectly fine.  I thank you for your concern, but please, do not feel responsible for his wounds. This was done by Velika...and if we did not have your help, I do not know that we would have prevailed against him.” Bitil smiled.  “Be proud, Sand Lord.  Only a few have managed to strike at the Great Beings as you now have.”
She took a moment to absorb this, then chuckled.  “...Indeed.  Thank you, Makuta.”
Krika made his way over to Zaekura, handing her the dagger she had crafted. “Works like a charm.  A good thing, too, now that the enemy has two Element Lords of their own.”
The Sand Lord turned, eyes immediately fixing on the blade.  “...How long have you planned to make such a thing?”
“Huh?  Oh!” Zaekura gently set the dagger down. “It wasn’t exactly a plan, really. I’ve been learning what I can from the lab at Bitil’s outpost, just trying to understand how elemental powers work. I was thinking about the possibility of disabling our enemies’ powers, but I hadn’t even gotten to the drawing board yet--I didn’t think I had made enough progress for it to be worth mentioning. Sorry, I probably should have been more upfront once I realized it was possible.”
The Sand Lord nodded.  “I understand.  There has been much to deal with of late.”
“Vastus and Tarix will require great consideration going forward,” Krika said. “Nora was only barely in time to save Ackar and the others, and Tarix took control of the situation to recover everyone we could have captured.  We need to be ready to defend Xia at a moment’s notice.”
Zaekura reached for the box of equipment she had stored earlier, saying, “No doubt.  Good thing our friend Nuparu gave us something that should make that a bit easier.”
“Good news from the Le-Koronans, I hope?” Bitil asked.
“They need time to discuss things, but we did get a parting gift.”  Zaekura pulled out a crudely-constructed radio to show the others.  “This uses technology similar to Kanoka Blades: it encrypts transmissions using a special circuit made from a Disk of Incomprehension, and then the receiver unscrambles it using a paired circuit made out of a Disk of Translation.  Now that we’re actually expanding our territory, a safe way to communicate like this is going to be a big help.”
“Certainly,” Krika said.  “That being said, it is possible that the Great Beings could still find a way to break the encryption.  We should devise a code for our communiques as an added layer of security, and change it routinely.”
“Good point.  Give me some time to work with it and make a few more, then we’ll work out a code.”
The door opened again, allowing Antroz entrance.  “Pardon me.  I was speaking with Toa Hewkii about the reconstruction.  He’s optimistic as ever...if a bit distracted.”
Bitil nodded.  “Is he worried about Neton?  They seemed to be getting along quite well.”
“That’s part of it.  He was also saying something about a kolhii tournament taking place in Civitas Magna? But we don’t exactly have time to indulge our curiosity over such things.”
“Hang on,” Krika said.  “A kolhii tournament at a time like this?  Interesting...and indeed, very distracting.  I’ll bet the Great Beings are using it to keep public focus off of the war.”
“Alright...but what does it matter?”
“Well, Antroz...if kolhii teams from all over are gathering, then would it not be entirely ordinary for the Xian team to participate?”
Zaekura crossed her arms.  “Oh, I get it.  We make this backfire on them by putting ourselves in the spotlight they provide. But, wait: there’s no way they’re going to let a team from Xia participate now that we’ve secured control here.”
“Correct,” Krika said.  “But that doesn’t stop our players from joining other teams, if they so desire...and our alliance with Mahri Nui has yet to be made known.”
Zaekura grinned.  “Oh! Now I really get it.  We do need to pay Pridak a visit anyway.”
“Hold on,” Antroz said.  “Any player in such a position would be in great danger.  The Great Beings would only care that they’re from Xia, and would act accordingly.”
Zaekura’s smile faded.  “Hm. That is a problem.”
“Something to think about,” Krika said.  “I’ll at least gather some more information while you examine the radio.”
She nodded slowly.  Glancing around the room, she said, “We’re in a bit of a weird spot right now, but we’re holding our own.  Sure got a lot farther than I thought we would.  We’ve got plenty of ways to keep this momentum going...let’s make the most of them.”
“How could you be defeated in such a careless manner?”
“Excuse me?  It was your armor that failed to protect my body!”
Seldoa rolled her eyes.  Tools floated in a ring around her body, leaving her side occasionally to fulfill a task before instantly returning.  “Oh, yes, the armor was the problem.  Ignore the fact that the one wearing it couldn’t even get inside the city despite having enough firepower to vaporize half a block.”
Velika dashed a beaker against the floor.  “This is your problem, Seldoa!  You think only in the broadest of strokes and never of the finer details!”
From his seat on a nearby lab table, Angonce said, “The way I see it, you’re both to blame.”
“You were not asked to contribute, Angonce!” Velika said.
“Do you honestly have nothing better to do?” Seldoa said.  “We have much work to replace, new plans to make, so it would be most helpful if you would remove the burden of your company from our shoulders.”
Angonce shrugged, hopping down from his perch.  “Okay, okay, I can see when I’m not wanted.  I’ll leave the two of you to stew in your failures for a bit, and then we can see if maybe you’re feeling any more social.”
Velika and Seldoa ignored him, immediately resuming their argument. Angonce exited the lab and started down the hall.  A few twists and turns later, Gorast joined him.
“You seem troubled, Gorast,” Angonce said.  “Something you want to tell me?”
“It’s nothing important, sir,” Gorast said.  After a pause, she continued, “I’m just disappointed in my siblings.”
“Hah!  Aren’t we all?  I’m glad we still have you, Gorast: you at least prove that the Makuta aren’t an inherently failed design.”
Gorast grinned at this.
“I had such high hopes for the others.  It’s tragic, really.  All this over one little Glatorian?  And now they’re blowing it so far out of proportion--is the society we’ve built really all that bad? We gave them everything they could have ever wanted: power, employment, the adoration of the masses.  We even permanently solved their needs thanks to this gaseous evolution!  Yet still, Antroz and the others are unsatisfied.”
“Antroz...I hope I get the chance to shred her down to atoms myself.”
“Well, if my brilliant colleagues don’t beat you to it.  Or the Odinans.  But anyway.”
Angonce stepped through a doorway leading to a narrow control room, one wall transparent to show the cell on the other side.  Sitting there was a being the size of a Toa, his armor and unusual mask a strange mix of red and black.  He looked up with a start, but upon seeing Angonce, he moved seamlessly from shock to irritation.
“Oh great.  Come to talk me to death?”
“No, I’m still working on that particular device,” Angonce said.  “I was just talking about failure and thought it might be fun to pay you a visit, ah…”  He checked a monitor.  “Vultraz.”
Rolling his eyes, Vultraz said, “Yeah, I get it, I failed.  How long are you going to taunt me, your pettiness?”
“Oh no, I didn’t so much mean you and your personal failings.  I mean you come from a failure of a universe.” Angonce shook his head.  “That absurd robot plan our counterparts went with...of course it would fail.  Everything they made went haywire, failsafes and all!  It’s embarrassing!  And what good are Matoran as labor if they’re built so small?”
Vultraz smirked.  “Sure, sure. Feel better about yourself now?”
“I know a little about what’s been going on.  Whenever one of you ‘visits’ me, it’s the only thing you talk about.” He eyed Gorast.  “Your Makuta are going rogue, just like in my universe.”
Gorast bristled.  “We’re nothing like those freaks of nature.”
“Easy, Gorast, easy,” Angonce said.
“Face it: you Great Beings don’t have any clue what you’re doing in any universe.”  Vultraz got to his feet, walking closer.  “Your plans always fall apart.  It just took a little longer in this one.  Maybe you should’ve quit while you were ahead.”
Angonce put a hand on his hip.  “I’ll admit, we have noticed a trend in the other universes.  But at least now, we have their mistakes to learn from.”
“Yeah?  And how’s that working out so far?”
“My, aren’t you smug for someone locked in a cage.”
“I might as well enjoy the suffering of my captors.  What do I have to lose?”
The door opened.  Instantly, Vultraz’s eyes shot wide.  Angonce turned to see a broad-shouldered Great Being with thick gloves and a scorched apron, carrying a large hammer in one hand.  Flipping up the welding mask he wore, he revealed a square jaw and a terrible burn scar across one side of his face, and he regarded Angonce with a look of calm suspicion.  “What’re you doing here?”
Angonce grinned as he watched Vultraz shuffle back.  “Oh, I was just leaving.  Come to conduct another experiment on our guest of honor?  I wonder how much more he can take.”
“I won’t kill him.  Not that Heremus would mind if I did.  If you’re leaving, then leave.”
Vultraz was pressed up against the rear wall of his cell now.  Stepping around his colleague and back into the hall, Angonce said, “Don’t have to tell me twice.  Best of luck in your work, Ekimu.”
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
Riddikulus - one
enemies to lovers!au
jungkook x reader
warnings: language, mentions of casual sex, kissing, idk man
Word Count: 2.3k
Ok! first part is below the cut :) i am trying my hardest to make this a reader insert without using y/n , but we will see how long that lasts...
Standing on the platform of 9 and 3/4 far before anyone else was there left you with an overwhelming sense of dread. Your 5th year of Hogwarts was starting, and your nerves had sky rocketed. You always got nervous waiting for the train, but this year it seemingly has amplified. Your brother, head boy of Ravenclaw and perfect child  stood waiting next to you. He had always been perceptive of feelings, especially yours. When you felt a slight squeeze of your hand you smiled. Leave it to Namjoon to calm you down, especially when your mother stood in front of you in her royal navy robes, admonishing you yet again for being in Slytherin. As if you could change it now. 
“I expect you to be on your best behavior this year. I don’t want to have to send any more howlers.”
You nodded at her, keeping silent. You knew you didn’t have the best reputation, especially considering you had broken the long line of Kim’s that was sorted into Ravenclaw. It was an immense disappointment to your family, a fact your mother never let you forget. 
You had come to terms with the sorting, in fact, you liked being in Slytherin. You was close friends with two boys, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin. Jimin was your year, and had stuck with you during your classes as the Gryffindors taunted you and the Ravenclaws did their best to pretend you didn’t exist. Well, everyone except your brother. That’s how you met Yoongi, he was one of your brother’s friends, and had taken you under his wing as a thank you to Namjoon for helping him pass Charms. Now, the three of you (plus a few other Slytherins your age) were as thick as thieves, literally. Your favorite activities were stealing all of the confiscated items from Filch’s office, most of the time it was booze, and you never fail to have a good time when you snag a few full bottles. 
“Hi there, snake princess,” Yoongi snaked his arm around your shoulders, as you waited for the train. 
“Yoongles,” You turned, throwing your arms around the dark-haired boy, grinning as the groan left his mouth at the nickname. 
“I told you not to call me that,” he whined, nodding in recognition over you, to Namjoon, as he pinched your arm in protest. You laughed, a lot calmer now that your parents had left. Yoongi threw your trunk on his cart, winking at you as the train finally arrived. You followed the two to an empty compartment, ready to reunite with the rest of your boys. 
Namjoon had played a large role in you actually having friends. He introduced you to his friends, and they introduced you to their friends from your year. Now, you were all as close as could be, well almost everyone. Jeon Jungkook, the arrogant asshole Gryffindor that tormented you your entire first year just so happened to be Namjoon’s boyfriend’s addition to your crew. You both despised each other, even despite the whole Slytherin, Gryffindor thing. However, he was one of Jimin’s best friends. So, it came as no surprise when you spotted your favorite silver-haired Slytherin surrounded by two other shaggy-haired heads. Jimin, Taehyung (a Hufflepuff who was as close to you as Jimin was), and Jeon fucking Jungkook were making their way to the compartment you were currently in. 
As soon as Jimin saw you, he barrelled into the compartment, smothering you in hugs and kissing your face. 
“Chim-” You laughed as his kisses tickled your nose. “JIMIN!”
“Hey! I want kisses,” drawing your attention away from the silver-haired boy pressed against you towards the giggly Taehyung, who piled on top of Jimin despite his protests and kissed you on the forehead. To your relief, the boys got off of you quickly, the compartment became a little tenser as Jungkook was standing hesitantly in the doorway. 
“I see my wish for you not to come back this year didn’t come true, Jeon. How disappointing,” you spoke coldly, causing his jaw to clench and all the boys to groan.
“Knock it off,” Tae whined at you, not happy that his two best friends were fighting. Jungkook just sat as far away as possible, not saying anything.
“He can defend himself, Taehyung,” you snapped, “Unless little Kookie is too scared. You’re not scared, are you Jeon?” 
A smirk covered your face as he snapped his head to look at you, a low growl leaving his mouth. 
“You’re such a bitch,” he muttered under his breath, causing another round of groans to fill the compartment. Jimin gave him a swift slap to the back of the head and your brother did the same to you. The compartment filled back up with idle chatter as you stared out of the window, trying to ignore the pout that was still lodged on Tae’s face. You hadn’t meant to snap at him, Jungkook just put you in a bad mood. You wanted to apologize, but Kook was sitting right next to him, and you valued your pride. 
“I’m going to the trolley,” You spoke quickly, ignoring the pleas of each of the boys to get them their favorite candy. You made your way through the train, stumbling upon Seonghwa before you stumbled on the trolley. You and Seonghwa had a small friends with benefits situation going on, and to say you both benefited heavily from it would be an understatement. So you weren’t surprised when he quickly strode over to you, pressing his lips to your neck. 
“God baby, I missed that pretty little ass,” He groaned against your neck as he harshly grabbed your ass. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking at the sensitive spots he knew so well. You whimpered at his touch, tugging his hair. His large, calloused hands made their way under the cropped shirt you were wearing, his mouth soon pushing the fabric aside to leave more hickeys. You were loving it, mewling under his skilled touch. You hadn’t seen Seongwha all summer, which meant you were deprived of his touch, and no one knew how to touch you like he did. You let out a whine as his hands tore off of you when a throat clearing broke up the moment. 
“Park Seonghwa, get back to your compartment and keep your hands to yourself,” Hufflepuff’s smiliest head boy chuckled as Seonghwa scurried away, before turning his attention to you, “and you, little missus, should be with your brother.”
“Hi Hobi,” You grinned as he opened his arms wide, waiting for your hug, which you gladly wrapped your arms around his waist. “Hey, have you seen the trolley?”
“Yes, ma’am, here follow me,” Hoseok smiled, taking your hand with a wink and leading you back towards the compartment filled with your friends. You heard the muffled noises of the trolley lady as you reached the back of the train. 
“What can I get you, dear?”
“Uh,” you started, trying to recall Tae’s favorite sweet, “Can I just have a chocolate frog please?” 
Hoseok looked at you quizzically, he knew you weren’t a huge fan of chocolate frogs, but if he had a question he didn’t ask. The two of you caught up on your summers, making small talk on the way back to the compartment. 
You hurried inside when you reached it, the boys not even noticing your presence due to Hobi greeting them before he had to go back on patrol. You sat on Tae’s lap, kissing his cheek and presenting him with the chocolate frog. You smiled as his face lit up.
“I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean it.” You lay your head on his shoulder, waiting for his forgiveness.
“I know, princess,” he kissed the top of your head, and that was that. 
You got off of his lap and sat back in the seat by the window, scowling when you saw who was sitting across from you. Pulling out your phone you scrolled through Instagram, feeling a harsh gaze on me, you glanced up. Jeon’s chocolate brown eyes bore into your neck, rising slightly as he noticed he had caught him.
“I’m flattered Jungkook, really, but please stop staring at me.”
“Trust me, I don't want anyone’s sloppy seconds,” he grinned, reminding you of the large number of hickeys that now covered your body.  Shit shit shit shit shit. Before you had the chance to pull your hair down to cover them, you felt Yoongi’s hand on your jaw, turning your head towards the rest of the boys and exposing the hickeys that trailed down your neck. 
“Jesus, fuck,” Yoongi practically growled, giving a look to my brother. 
“Fuck me,” you groaned, all of the boys now hovering around you and yelling. The older ones were scolding, but Jimin and Tae were yelling about needing to know the details. It was usually nice being the youngest, and the only girl in the group. Now, was one of the downsides. 
“Looks like someone already has snake princess,” Jeon yelled over the screaming of the other boys. Now, they all turned and started yelling at him for his inappropriate comment. Everyone except Jimin and Yoongi. They both raised their eyebrows at you, being fully aware of the thing with you and Seonghwa after Jimin had walked into the common room once late at night and caught you making out. In fact, they were aware of several of your “after school activities”.
Jimin couldn’t keep a secret to save his life, which is why, for the third time today you were unsuprised when he said, “I thought you were done fucking Lucas?”
“Jimin!” you hissed, hoping that the other boys hadn’t heard him, but of course, they had. 
“Oh, whoops,” was all he managed to say before chaos broke out, Namjoon spinning on his heels to look at you. Taehyung literally squealed, Jungkook’s jaw dropped and Yoongi looked pissed. He hadn’t been a huge fan of Lucas in the first place. 
“Lucas? 5th year Lucas or 7th year Lucas?” Namjoon questioned, his jaw clenched. Joon had always been too protective, especially when it came to boys.
“I-uh. It wasn’t Lucas,” you cringed as your brother threw his hands in the air waiting for you to spill on who had touched you. 
“Well, then who the hell was it?” Joon asked, stalking closer to me as you looked away. He turned to Jimin, repeating his question. However, your blood ran cold as a new voice rang through the compartment. 
“Who the hell was what, Joonbug?” 
You scowled as Jungkook wolf-whistled. Yes, you had always been afraid of your brother and what he would do about the boys in my life, but you were terrified of his boyfriend finding out about your escapades. He was hotheaded and treated you like his baby. Which is why you kept your mouth shut. Tension filled the compartment before Taehyung was the one to finally break.
“Well we just found out snake princess has been foolingaroundwithtwoguys.” 
Jimin scoffed at that, “What makes you think its only two?”
“Jimin!” you cursed, throwing your shoe at him. 
“Princess you have to tell us who they all are, I need to know how much dick you’re getting” Taehyung whined. With that sentence it clicked for Jin, wasting no time as he stomped over to you, looking at your appearance before his eyes were drawn to the darkening hickeys on your neck. 
“Baby girl, you tell me right now who is touching you so I can go beat their cowardly little fucki-”
“Jin, she’s just as guilty as they are,” Yoongi dead-panned, giving you a sympathetic look. 
“So how many boys, hm?” Namjoon asked a little too harshly.
“Well including Seonghwa,” you started, quickly pointing to the hickeys, “Four, wait no, five. I think.”
“Jesus, you don't even know?” Jin asked incredulously. 
“Hey! Don’t shame me,” you frowned, before adding, “Well some of them I don’t really remember that clearly.”
“Did you count the one night stand with Ten?” Yoongi asked nonchalantly, causing you to throw your other shoe. 
“So I guess six,” you added quietly. 
“Oh my god, she didn’t count him,” Jungkook broke into laughter, earning a swift slap from Tae. 
“So how long have you been fucking Seonghwa?” Tae asked, shrugging when Jin knocked him on the back of his head and muttering a soft “language” at him. 
“Since before winter break last year,” you whispered, a blush creeping up your cheeks. 
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Namjoon raised his eyebrow, clearly pissed off. 
“Why would I tell my brother that I was getting the best dick of my life?”
 Silence filled the compartment before you clamped a hand over your mouth. You realized you shouldn’t have said that, especially to your brother. You have never hated your big mouth more than at this moment. Kook, Tae, and Jimin just started laughing, Namjoon was not pleased at all. 
“YAH- I didn’t raise my sweet little innocent daughter this way,” Jin whined, ears turning red. 
“Wait, didn’t I catch you in the common room before the Gryffindor Hufflepu-” Jimin started, to which you cut him off with a harsh glare.
“Jimin, literally shut up.” 
“So are you dating him?” Namjoon asked, his jaw set in a hard line that absolutely terrified you.  You hadn’t seen him wear that look in a long time. That look was scary, and boy did you want to lie so bad to avoid his anger.
“Yes,” you said at the same time Jimin and Yoongi said no, “fuck you guys, honestly. What happened to the pact that my brother wouldn’t find out about this?”
“That’s why you don’t trust snakes baby girl,” Kookie grinned, clearly pleased that he started this incredibly uncomfortable situation for you. 
“Shut up, Jungkook,” the three of you said at the same time, causing laughter to fill the compartment again, but not before you got a reassurance that you’d finish this conversation later from your brother and Jin.
one   next>
series masterlist
hope you liked it! and sorry if it sucks, I just got really excited to write 
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onisiondrama · 4 years
Just checked your blog for the first time in months, and I would just like to say, HOW is this guy still on the internet? How are people still watching him?? Why
He’s still here for $ and attention.
He actually gained back a chunk of his fan base. There was also an enormous drop in anti accounts and YouTube videos compared to last year so things have been easier for him in a sense.
I’d say there two main reasons. One is people have a hard time separating all the stories going on. It should just be Sarah’s word vs Onision’s. Shiloh vs Onision. Billie vs Onision. (Etc) Instead people see it as Onision vs Shiloh, Sarah, Billie, Shane, Blaire, Chris Hansen, anti-o Twitter, Repzion, some random guy Hansen interviewed about Onision’s MySpace presence, etc. Peoples original perception of a lot of these people are not the same as a year ago so it makes them distrustful of EVERYONE on that “side” instead of looking at his exes as individuals. I hear more people saying now they they aren’t sure about the Onision situation rather than denouncing him like before. Before it was pretty unanimous.
The other reason is his videos. Idk if anyone here actually reads all of my video summaries or watches them themselves but holy shit. Those things are like some kind of indoctrination shit. They are all super long, extremely repetitive, us vs them mentality, paints himself as the ultimate victim, amplifies everyone (that I mentioned above)‘s flaws and wrongdoings to make everyone seem untrustworthy and greedy, convinces his fans he’s the only honest person, plus he’s adopted a lot of self help rhetoric so it seems like he is teaching them valuable life lessons as he’s shitting on his exes. I don’t watch his streams but I imagine they are similar and those things are sometimes 6 hours long.
The more “anti-os” (Hansen, Shane, Blaire, etc) fuck up or get canceled, the more waves of people come back to him. Especially since a lot people were first introduced to the “story” from them. He mentions a lot in videos he receives emails from old fans apologizing for switching sides a year ago and believing the lies about him. He also currently has two (paying) moderators who were (from my understanding) fairly prominent anti-os on twitter a year ago.
It doesn’t help that all the exes who spoke about him went silent for their own personal reasons. That’s totally understandable when you look at things from their individual perspectives, but he is convincing his audience they all ran away because his receipts against them were too good. 😑
The fact that platforms are still randomly demonetizing / banning him is actually helping him. It helps his victim narrative and strengthens the bond he has with his supporters. It makes them want to financially support him more.
Sorry for the verbal diarrhea, but all this has been in my mind for the past couple weeks.
Im pretty worried about if Keemstar will actually make that anti Hansen / pro Onision documentary. I think it will help him immensely. There isn’t really any popular, prominent “anti-o” right now that has a clean slate so to speak for people who are on the fence to trust enough to look at for a solid rebuttal. If they are on the fence they are probably already distrustful of the current big names.
Maybe I’m blowing it out of proportion. His fan base is still incredibly small. People can support him if they want to. I guess what bothers me the most is he’s so blatantly lying and people are just taking it. I guess it’s similar to years ago when he had a very large fan base, but it’s crazy going from how things were a year ago to now. I haven’t gotten past the whiplash yet I guess.
Commentary channels are afraid to talk about him now because they don’t want to be labeled as “anti-o” because anti-o = crazy. LC is pretty dead and cynical. KF gets sidetracked easily because there’s nothing interesting going on. Twitter and tumblr are pretty dead, a lot of accounts went silent and we just don’t get as much interaction as we use to. My blog page views have been at an all time low since I started this blog in 2011. Idk about the Onision subreddit, I haven’t visited in months. The only videos I see now that get traction are the occasional videos making fun of Onision or his books.
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ren-c-leyn · 4 years
Farewell, Father...
Another fusion short story, and another sci-fi one, so this is again, a bit out of my norm. 
 This one is made up of this prompt by @p-r-o-m-p-t-s, this prompt by @promptsforthestrugglingauthor, this prompt by @humdrummoloch, this prompt by @unpromptly, these 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 prompts by @thependragonwritersguild, and this prompt by @givethispromptatry.
 There is death mentioned in passing, as well as mentions of a war/conflict in passing as well. It is a bittersweet/angsty piece, but there is no gore or violence in it.
 I had only been visited this planet twice since we left, and both times were for my father’s sake. Well, my adoptive father.
 I don’t remember much about the first time, since I had been a little kid. Little flashes come to me from time to time. Ribbons, faces, small snippets of conversation. It seemed like a big deal, but that likely has something to do with the award for his service during the war and his role in the dealings that ended it.
 Something I do remember vividly was the way there, though. It had been a strange flight through the stars, and in those short days from our little dwarf planet to the big, shiny pink one, I had seen more emotion on his face than I believe I had ever seen before or seen. Unease, sorrow, regret, excitement, fear, anger, so many things people believed his people were incapable of feeling.
 Was it the third or the fourth day I finally asked? I don’t rightly remember anymore. But at one point, child me tugged on the synthetic fabric of his sleeve, peering up at his pale, grey face and past glowing green lines into bright yellow eyes. Eyes that were filled to the brim with so many things I do not believe I’ll ever fully understand....
 “Are you alright?”
 “The short answer is no, but if you’re willing to listen to the long answer, I’d be more than happy to explain.”
 “I’ll listen,” I said.
 There was a small pull on his lips, a smile, and then it disappeared into it’s typical blankness as his eyes turned to the viewer. Slowly, he zoomed in the holo screen to show the pink planet in all it’s glory. A moment of silence passed as I stared, mesmerized by the swirling clouds and glow of the atmosphere. 
 “I have a complicated relationship with this planet,” he began in his smooth, detached, and chronically bored-sounding voice, leaning back in the pilot’s chair. “It is... the place we were both born. Our home planet, or some would say. But it was never much of a home for me, and, unfortunately, not for you either. Many, many terrible things happened beneath those clouds, my star, and many people, both good and bad, lost their lives there. People like my... siblings? Yes, I believe that is the term. My siblings, as well as your birth parents, they were all lost to that pink planet.”
 I looked back up at him, my young mind struggling to understand.
 “So it’s a bad planet?”
 He patted my head, eyes still transfixed on the image before us.
 “I... I do not know how to answer that question. It can seem like it when all that’s left are bad memories.” Father looked down at me and smiled again. “But I do not believe it is all bad. After all, it is the place we were born, and you are surely a good thing.”
 Staring at the same holo-projection of the very same pink planet all these years later from the same seat he had sat in made the memory sting all that much more. Over time, I came to understand more and more of the implications and events that were tied to that small conversation we had that day. Even now, I know I do not have the entire grim story of my father’s life, nor would I ever.
 I found myself to be the center of attention in the spaceport. Old comrades of father’s, reporters, and the like wasted no time in swarming me. After all, today was a historic day.
 If father wasn’t in the history books already, he was about to be. After all, he was the first android to be granted a funeral. Not just any funeral, either, but a hero’s send off.
 We unloaded the casket I had chosen from the cargo hold, and began the trip to the cemetery dedicated to the soldiers who fell during the revolution. It took a lot longer than I would have preferred to arrive. Trapped in a hover vehicle with my father’s body literally right behind me left me too much time to reflect on things. Too much silence to deflect the memories of the end....
 It had been a sudden change. He had been his normal self, untouched by time, and then... he came home one day, glowing.
 “You’re glittering.”
 “I don’t want to talk about it, not right now.” He pulled me into a hug and just held me for a while. When he did break the silence, it was with a quiet voice. “Remember, my star, I’ll never leave you. Even when you seem alone, I will be there. Please remember. Please do not forget.”
 I had never been so confused in my life, but I nodded all the same.
 “I won’t forget.”
 Then, his condition got worse suddenly. Glitches and errors and breakdowns. I brought him to a hospital, but not many are equipped to deal with android patients yet. Frustrated, I brought him to a mechanic instead, and he told me that some of the bio-mechanical parts were failing. They could be replaced, but it wouldn’t be my father anymore. So, the mechanic and I put it to him to choose, and he chose.
 I remember sitting next to his bedside back home, hands clasped together as I stared at my knees.
 “I... I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” I choked out, feeling like I had failed him somehow. 
 Even now, I feel like I failed. Like maybe there was something more that might have been done. But he patted my head.
 “There is nothing you can do. This was going to happen eventually.”
 “But I... I feel like I failed. And I, I didn’t want to fail you.” And I had broke down crying at that point, frustrated, scared, not ready to let go. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
 He wiped the tears away.
 “You’ll never be a burden to me. No matter how little time is left or how big a mess you make.” 
 He cut me off with a soft shush.
 “How much of life is wasted hating who we are? Blaming ourselves for things out of our control and choices we made with the limited information we had at the time?”
 I stared at him, not sure how to answer, or even if he wanted an answer. He smiled at me. Not a very good one by most races’ standards, but it was downright stunning for him.
 “I don’t want you to waste your life on such things, my star. You make me proud by choosing what makes you happy. So long as you are happy, that is what matters to me.” The smile faded. “And I know these are not happy times now, and neither will be the ones directly after my... passing, but never blame yourself for them, and please keep an eye out for the good times that will come for you again.”
 I nodded, unable to get a single word out from behind the lump in my throat.
 And that lump had returned with a vengeance as I stepped out of the hover vehicle into the gloomy fog that had gathered and watched them unload the casket. Hundreds of people looked on, as well as anyone could, as full services were done in honor of my father, an android whom probably wouldn’t have cared at all for the flowery speeches and high praise being shoveled onto his name. But one of them caught my full attention.
 An android stepped up to the platform. Even in this weather, her form stood out. She had bright, almost neon, red hair, glowing orange lines, and deep blue eyes that glowed with the same energy father’s used to. Slowly, she took the voice amplifier and faced the onlookers. After so many years with father, I knew what the subtle creases on her face meant, distress and sadness.
 She spoke with a more mechanical voice than father, her speech patterns slow and halting, and I doubted the emotional overload was helping her anymore than it helped anyone else speak in coherent sentences.
 “Heroes of legend are not the strongest or the wisest of us. They are those who had the selflessness and courage to do what was right. And he was, most certainly, one of those people, even if not all would call him a person.
 There... are many lessons my friend taught me while he was alive. Nothing is inevitable. Keep fighting, is one he would say repeatedly when we were trapped in... what were hopeless situations. Even went people told him awful things, like that he was just a mirror. Reflecting the world back because there’s nothing inside of him, he did not quit. He held fast to his path, to his beliefs, to us. And, he was right. There were days when, I knew I would die, and I did not because he did not allow us to give up. And, not only did I live, but we changed this planet for the better.”
 She paused for a long moment, eyeing the crowd for a long time before clearing her throat and continuing.
 “But my dear friend suffered greatly to make these things happen, we all did. Time doesn’t ruin people. People ruin other people, and perhaps that is why we find people like my friend so amazing. Because they go out of their way to not only avoid ruining other people, but strive to help them. And I... I am glad that my friend’s efforts did not go in vain. I am glad that none of our comrades and lost friends’ efforts went in vain. The blood and the oil spilled... can never be replaced, but we can make it mean something more than senseless violence as we move forward. That is all.”
 She put it down, and disappeared into the crowd. I found myself mulling over her words for long after the crowds started to part and leave. After many well-wishes and condolences, I made my way to father’s grave, preparing my final good-bye, only to see the red-haired android already standing there. She was talking, but I could only make out the last sentence of it as I approached.
 “I never understood why you did that.”
 “Why he did what?”
 She looked up and offered me an android smile.
 “Well... why he decided to raise you off planet, instead of staying and working with me to fix the mess the war made of the place. He would have had a good-position in office, a home, a purpose... almost everything we androids seek from the time we are constructed.”
 “Ah, well... I can answer that one for you since I asked him a very similar question.”
 Her eyes widened with hope as she stepped towards me.
 “What did he say?”
 “He told me that no amount of power will make you happy. You’ll always want more, and it will never love you back. And that all the real treasures of this world are so small and fragile that they would get lost in the face of power. So, he decided to take his small treasures and find a good place for them to grow.”
 She nodded slowly.
 “Yes, yes... that does sound like him.”
 I smiled at her.
 “Sounds like you knew him well.”
 “Very well,” she replied with a nod. “He was my very first friend, after all, manufactured in the same factory.”
 “Really? Then can you tell me more stories about what he was like before?”
 She nodded. 
 “Yes, but I do have to return to the office shortly.”
 “Then walk and talk?”
 She gave a nod.
 “Walk and talk.”
 And so we did. We walked side by side as she told me about some of the memories she had at father’s side, including the day they found me, a tiny infant, laying among the rubble left by the war.
 “He felt guilty about the loss of your family, and thought the best reconciliation he could offer was to give you a new family.... Unfortunately, your adoptive aunts and uncles, the other members of his line, we all lost during the war as well, so he was the only one left.”
 A heavy silence floated between us before she spoke again.
 “I am sorry you had to loss him as well. He did not wish for you to loss more family. I am sure he would have stayed by your side until he turned to rust.”
 I smiled weakly at her.
 “He said he would never leave me. He kept his promise.”
 She stared at me, the clearest confusion on her face as we stopped at a cross section.
 “I... Well, I hope so. This is where we will need to part ways, little star. Please be careful on your way back home.”
 I gave a nod.
 “I will be.”
 The red glow of the traffic light in the fog silhouetted her as she stepped into the dark space between the buildings.
 I returned to the ship and sunk into the pilot’s chair, father’s seat, and reached into my pocket, fingering the data stick that the mechanic had given me after father passed: his memory and personality data files.
 Remember, my star, I’ll never leave you. Even when you seem alone, I will be there. Please remember. Please do not forget.
 “I won’t,” I mumbled, tears rolling down my cheeks before I powered up the engines.
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I think a lot of autistic people end up SJ-critical, because no one acknowledges what a high-stakes/high-intensity social challenge SJ spaces are.
“You have to publically be involved with this, but not dominate the conversation. This is your fault, but we will inhibit how you can act to solve it. You have to have the right thoughts, use the right words, say the right things, and have the right emotions - and you then need to perform all these things correctly where we can see, and we will be judging your performance. You need to be around a lot of anger, distress and fear, without responding or reacting to it. Not getting involved makes you a bad person. Getting involved incorrectly also makes you a bad person.”
It’s not even that I necessarily disagree with this as a framework; if you are hoping to be an ally to people with less social power as part of their own movement, then your role is to amplify them - be it financially, signal boosting words and resources, using any greater access you have to social platforms or networks to boost up people who may not have that access, and so forth. But the norms of social justice spaces express these ideas in the least kind and patient ways, with little room for growth or making mistakes.
Like, “having an emotional response is leveraging white fragility to dominate the space and claim social power” is a real dynamic and a very important one to unpack. But at the same time...I don’t feel like I have the social skills to navigate it. I don’t do well in environments where there is an ambient anger, or in environments where “your emotions are bad” is an actual message.
I don’t do well in environments where there is a very strict, high-stakes, no-room-for-failure and subtle social ettiquette: I don’t want to hurt people, but growing up with autism is one lifelong “you’re being accidentally weird and we hate you”. So then you come into a space where your belief about yourself is “there is nothing you can do to stop yourself being an inherently destructive person”, and unlike yr everyday autistic “your hair is slightly odd and that’s the worst thing you could possibly do” interaction, you’re coming into a space when you know there can be very real hurt and harm done by your behaviour. It’s overwhelming, and it triggers ancient hurts in ways which make you less effective, in a situation where it’s essential for you to be on top of your game. 
And to cap this off, I feel like an ethical way to respond to this is to acknowledge...”I don’t have the skills to do what I’m being asked” and to be silent and take a step back, but then you get hit by the “inaction and silence is also wrong” message, and you’re in a classic neurodivergent infinite-bind where there’s really no right way to respond without punishment. Because what’s wrong is you and everything about you.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this or what conclusion I want to draw.
Ultimately, all these social dynamics exist for a good reason, reasons I don’t want to debate or undermine. I suppose a positive outcome would be, more tools for how to engage with important things without it triggering sincere and legitimate fears. I mention the “white fragility” thing because it’s so relevant here: the emotional responses of a privileged person can be used, either cynically/subconscously/accidentally, to dominate the space and conversation. I dont’t want to do that. And yet...I know that so many of these ways of speaking and behaving to one another set me off, in ways I can’t fully control or overcome. But if retreating, saying nothing and looking away until it’s all over is also not an option - then what is? How can I be most effective and compassionate to do what is needed, given my limitations?
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six Ways to Get Much more Likes on your Instagram Posts
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Would you prefer to extend your engagement prices on Instagram? Are you interested in to acquire a lot more likes on your Instagram posts?
The most significant currency on Instagram is Likes. Once you get a lot more likes, your Instagram put up will move better in person news feeds. Gaining extra Likes will likely assistance guarantee your foreseeable future posts get extra publicity, given that the platform's algorithm is effective to indicate people additional of what they've earlier revealed an fascination in.
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Far more Like can provide an variety of other positive aspects far too, like additional followers and visitors, as individuals will check out out your entire account when they like whatever you share. If prepared effectively, Likes can become an important component of your in general Instagram strategy.
To be able to enable you to make use of these added benefits, I have written this guidebook regarding how to get a lot more Likes on the visual-based social network.
Below are 6 tips. one. Share photographs that function
Illustrations or photos are most likely the most important component of your Instagram tactic, so let�s commence with them.
As you happen to be sharing an image to obtain far more Likes, consider about what drives your followers to love posts. Have a look at your previous posts and review them, see which of them received the most Likes.
In the event you use a new account, or haven�t posted substantially within the previous, you'll want to check out out your competitors� accounts and see what they are publishing. As soon as you have some perception to the styles of photos that get Likes, you may make equivalent types and share them.
You'll find typically two types of images you should share in the principal Instagram feed - pics and made illustrations or photos.
When you are sharing the photo by alone, it is possible to just include a filter and it will be all set for publishing.
2. Use connect with to actions and hashtags in captions
For those who want likes, request for them. Consequently, for those who want far more likes on Instagram, you might look at requesting them far too.
You are able to try this by adding a simple information like �Please such as this post� from the caption. Inserting it as overlay textual content over the image can help too.
So you ought to insert no less than eleven hashtags just about every time you publish. You are able to include a lot more, but watch out not to increase more than fifteen, as your put up can end up looking spammy.
If you are sharing anything well-liked, you should use some hashtags from this checklist of 100 very best Instagram hashtags for likes. They work perfect for posts on normal topics.
In the event your posts belong into a specialized niche, it is best to make use of a resource like Hashtagify to locate suitable types only.
3. Routine at finest situations
There are lots of motives for this, but a single essential factor to keep in mind with this data is always that engagement premiums are larger when competitors is very low. Much less men and women posting involving 10pm and 3am means you will discover much less posts competing from yours, which may then see them get amplified focus. Additional awareness, as mentioned, can signify better total exposure - however , you do will need to experiment with this particular and find out when you are achieving the appropriate viewers.
With a few experimentation, it is possible to locate the optimum putting up timetable to your small business. To maximise this, you must look at scheduling your article applying a superb Instagram scheduling software.
4. Reshare on other networks
In the event you use a next on other social networking sites, it could be smart to re-share your Instagram posts onto these social networks.
Cross-sharing like this will guide your followers to the Instagram account, therefore acquiring you much more likes.
Instagram permits you to instantly share posts to Tumblr, Fb and Twitter whenever you publish. It's not usually productive, given that the posts are displayed in another way on every community determined by image and character restrictions, etcetera. But it's an additional avenue truly worth investigating. 5. Like other folks posts
Neil Patel randomly liked pics of folks he didn�t observe on Instagram, and found that for each 100 likes he made he bought all-around 21.7 likes and 6.one follows back again. This tactic ongoing to operate whether or not he didn�t adhere to these men and women in reaction.
This method depends in your company objectives, however it might be really worth undergoing the popular Instagram feed plus the feeds of common hashtags, and Liking posts you discover entertaining or useful - or from profiles which happen to be associated towards your business.
This will likely help you gain the two Likes and followers, which could further broaden your access. 6. Run like and tag to earn contests
Wish to gain contests are a simple technique to push engagement.
For this kind of contest, all you might want to do is submit a picture on Instagram and request people to like the put up to take part. As this really is an uncomplicated method, loads of men and women will probable achieve this, notably in case your prize is nice. Should your engagement is struggling, this is a fairly easy method to strengthen it.
For more robust results, run a Like and tag to acquire contest, by which you inquire folks not to only like the put up, but will also tag another person they know during the reviews. A number of the tagged men and women may even Like the submit and tag another person.
These are definitely some of the most effective solutions to get a lot more Likes on the Instagram posts. It is best to consider them all out - get started with all the to start with five, as they will not take up also much time. The last a person - operating a 'Like to Win' contest, will have a minor extra time. It involves some arranging, but remains to be comparatively easy to operate.
Ideally these tips can assist you increase your Instagram game.
LikesTurbo is a best website to get unlimited likes on your instagram posts & unlimited followers on your account. A Website Made for those people who want to gain fame on instagram by getting a lot of likes, followers & comments.
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hawk-n-hum · 5 years
aaa hollowtober 25 babey!!! garden!!! featuring @celestial-requiem‘s VERY good bee Cedar!!!!
Wandering the Queen’s Gardens is a melancholy sort of feeling.
One one hand, Hum is positively alight with wonder. Chasing butterflies, picking flowers that had endured the hardships of the Mantis Traitor’s overtaking, simply enjoying the scenery and sights in a way only a truly carefree individual could. 
For Hawk, it was a faint, grim reminder. It was not only the Pale King’s doing that led to their situation.
Their mother had sat and watched it occur.
Hawk didn’t harbor as much ill-will against the White Lady, but it still festered and amplified when they went to this place.
Get your mind out of the trenches, Hawk scolds themself. Live it up, for once.
And they try to. Hawk doesn’t see the point in collecting little blooms of flowers when they’ll simply wither and die anyways, or finding peculiar stones of odd shapes and colors that will eventually be forgotten and left behind as they were.
Nothing remains forever. Live for now.
They would try.
Hum’s wandered off a short distance, once again. There’s no Mantis traitors around, so Hawk isn’t as worried. Still, there are bountiful spikes and fall-away platforms that Hum forgets to look out for. So they follow.
Hum’s wandered up to some old building. It looks simultaneously desolate and well-kept. Old, but still living. Is someone inside? Do they dare try to find out?
Hum does. They skitter up to the door and pat it a few times in a mock knock.
Someone grumbles from inside.
Hawk darts to grab Hum and run.
“Gods, what? Who is it? Can’t a poor being get some peace, being in an overgrown abandoned landscape?” the feminine voice mutters as they approach. Hum stares up with wide eyes as they wait, and Hawk fumbles to get their nail ready to defend.
“What?” the voice snaps before looking down and jolting. “Oh, dear, little ones, I do apologize! Forgive me, I’m simply unaccustomed to company like you. What are you doing here?”
Hum smiles and bounces on their toes happily, though Hawk remains wary, nail in hand..
“You’ve no need for that barbaric thing here; I’m not going to offer any harm.” The bug, a bee of some sorts, by the look of it, scoffs lightly. “As if I’d have it in me to harm a child.”
Hawk hesitates, but Hum gives a motion to prompt them to put the nail away, at least for now.
“No, no, I certainly do not get many visitors out here.” The bee sits on a stump next to the door and offers a hand to Hum. “My name is Cedar; I am a gardener for this place. And you?”
‘Hum!’ Hum signs excitedly, clapping at the end.
“Hum! What a peculiar little name for a lovely little vessel,” Cedar hums warmly. “What about your sibling?”
Hawk glares at her.
“They don’t seem to be warming up as quickly as you, Hum. Are they the grumpy, grouchy type?” she asks with a lilt to her voice.
Hum nods sagely. “Hawk,’ they spell. ‘Sibling, Hawk, grump.’
Cedar laughs gently. “I see.”
Hum holds up a bunch of flowers they’d gathered on the trip here.
“Oh!” Cedar exclaims happily. “A gift, already? And they’re so pretty!” She flicks though the flowers one-by-one. “You certainly have a taste for colors, little Hum! You’d make an excellent gardener.”
Hum vibrates at the mention of being a gardener.
“You like the idea? It’s quite peaceful, really. Tending to the growths and flowers gently, hearing the water run in creeks and falls...it’s nice. Albeit a bit lonely.” Cedar falters as she trails off.
‘Friend now!’ Hum assures.
“You hardly know me,” Cedar laughs nervously. “Are you...sure?”
Hum nods, then looks to Hawk. ‘Cedar, friend? Yes?’
Hawk huffs, but nods.
“Well, I didn’t think I’d be making not only one, but two little friends today,” Cedar giggles. “I suppose I could tell you a bit about myself. My name is Cedar, yes. I’m a carpenter bee! I’m responsible for making sure the plants grow healthily and strong, at least while the Queen was around.”
Hum nods, and claps.
Cedar hums happily. “Thank you. I do take pride in my work, even if few see it anymore.”
Hum giggles, holding their hands to their face excitedly. Hawk finally traipses over to stand next to Hum, looking disinterested.
“But, about you two. You’re vessels, right? Created by the King? His children?”
Hawk bristles at the mention of the Pale King, and Hum curls in on themself and hides in Hawk’s cloak.
“Oh, no, no! I didn’t mean…” Cedar trails off. “Did...something happen?”
Hum’s eyes are wide with other emotions now. Fear, confusion, helplessness. Hawk’s are hard with anger, vengeance, and hatred.
Hawk explains. ‘Discarded.’ They sign angrily. ‘Not hollow Unwanted. Thrown out, in the Abyss. Many other siblings, too. Hum included.’
Cedar freezes. “The Pale King wouldn’t do such a thing!”
Hawk seethes. ‘He did.’
“I never thought…” Cedar seems to be emotional now. “I’m so sorry, little ones. I didn’t know that’s what He was doing all along. I am so, so sorry.” She reaches out tentatively to Hum, who grabs her hand reassuringly. “I thought highly of Him, while He reigned. He and the Queen.” Cedar looks downcast. “Did She...treat you this way as well?”
Cedar looks broken. Something, someone she’d thought so highly of for so long, turning out to be a treacherous, horrid mind. Hawk didn’t want to be blunt about the White Lady.
‘Unsure,’ Hawk dances around a proper answer. ‘Disappeared.’
“She disappeared?” Cedar queries. “Ah. This was a while ago, no? You know she resides here, sadly.”
Hawk and Hum nod.
“It was too dangerous for her to come out, when the Mantis Traitors came,” Cedar explains. “The Lords tried to intervene, but deemed them to be too far out of their reach to handle. We tried fighting back, but the Traitors were too strong and crafty. I’m sure you’ve come across a few?”
Hawk grimaces, and nods.
Cedar laughs tensely. “Yes, then you know how formidable they are.”
Hawk huffs tiredly.
“Regardless, tragic pasts and kingdoms aside, do you two need rest? I’d be happy to allow you to stay for a short while if need be. You’ve proven your worthiness to me.”
Hawk ponders. Hum is leaning heavily against them, still under their cloak, dozing off in the warmth. Hawk could do with a break, at least, if not full-on rest. They nod tiredly.
“Wonderful!” Cedar perks back up. “Come in, come in! I can ready some tea for you if--” she pauses, “--if you can drink it?”
Hawk shrugs. Hawk doesn’t know what tea is. Hawk is used to subsiding on just water and basics.
“Well, I’ll be sure to prepare a perfect cup of it for you two,” Cedar beams. “It’ll help you relax and sleep easier. You poor things, you’ve probably well earned your rest.” She places a gentle hand on Hawk’s shoulder, ushering them in. For once, Hawk doesn’t recoil at the touch. They simply go with it.
Cedar is gentle and caring. Cedar won’t harm them. Hawk trusts Cedar already, even with Hum. So they can rest safely, and return time and time again when needed. Cedar said she was somewhat of a hermit, so she’d probably appreciate them coming back through to tell stories of adventures. Her and Hum could talk about their obsession with colorful flowers and growths, and Hawk could doze in the corner disinterestedly.
Yes. It all works out in the end.
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CDA To MP3 Converter V3.2 Build 1159 By Hoo Applied sciences
The right way to convert CDA to MP3 on-line with CDA to MP3 Converter ? Step 2: ChooseOptions, to show to Rip Music menu inside Choices window. Within the Options menu of Windows Media Player, select the Rip Music tab. Firstly, use the Change button under Rip music to this location to set the placement wherein the converted MP3 files shall be delivered. Once the situation is ready, click the Format drop-down menu (beneath Rip Settings) and soilasanches22.hatenadiary.com set it to MP3. Finally, hit the Apply button to save your modifications. After saving the files in your favored format, you'll be able to transfer them to your music participant.
The first step is to pick out the audio tracks you wish to rip (convertcda tomp3). Run CDA to MP3 Converter and insert the Audio CD into your CD-ROM drive. The primary window will refresh and display the listing of all tracks CDA to MP3 Converter finds on the disk. For http://www.audio-transcoder.com/how-to-rip-audio-cd-to-mp3-Files every observe document on the record, you possibly can see its number, length and measurement. CDA to MP3 Converter can download disk particulars from the online database - FreeDB. Merely insert the Audio CD into CD-ROM and it'll go surfing and download the CD particulars mechanically (if obtainable). OGG converter: Rip CD and convert to OGG format and convert WAV information to OGG. get your friend to download some mp3-ripping software and mail you mp3's, except you will have 10 hours to do every transfer. Similar to all of the software mentioned above, this one can be free software program. It could actually convert CDA to MP3 and many different audio formats. It has cool options. It helps all of the Home windows versions from Home windows 98 to Windows 10. It is a easy and efficient software program.When accomplished with all the settings (which must be a one-time deal), you will discover that the principle screen modifications in case you have an Audio CD inserted. If not, insert an Audio CD now. If all names and titles are correct, click on the Rip" button. Free Video To MP3 WMA Converter cũng là một trong những phần mềm đổi đuôi MP3 được sử dụng nhiều nhất hiện nay. So với những phần mềm chuyển đuôi MP3 khác thì công cụ này có cách sử dụng đơn giản hơn nhiều. Ngoài ra Free Video To MP3 WMA Converter còn cho phép bạn nghe trước các file nhạc trước khi lưu lại để thẩm định chất lượng.Usually Home windows Media Player copies every tune on the CD. To leave Tiny Tim off your ukulele music compilation, nonetheless, take away the test mark from Tiny Tim's name. If Windows Media Participant has already copied the track to your LAPTOP, feel free to delete it from inside Windows Media Player. Click the Library button, right-click on the song sung by the offending yodeler, and choose Delete. ConverterLite can be used for converting CDA to MP3. It's simple to convert files and can be utilized for batch convert CDA to MP3. Many advanced encoding choices too.Now, click on the 'Import CD' button on the lower left side. The conversion process begins and the information are routinely transformed to themp3 format. if i copy thecda information from a CD, they're 1 Kb every, which is just too small to include any audio. You need to use this on-line audio cutter program to chop MP3 file, reduce WAV file, reduce OGG file, minimize AAC file or minimize M4A file and so on. Limitless video downloading and converting to MP3. To convertcda recordsdata which might be on CD, insert your CD into your CD driver. Then click on Rip CD" tab in Audio Converter Pro and click on Add CD" button to load CDA files.Click on the "Setting" button to pick out a folder for saving the output recordsdata in the dialog that opens. You can also alter the audio settings while you convert using the Encoder Output settings button. Click on on the tab that says Volume to make audio changes to your files as they're being converted akin to Normalize, Amplify and Noise Reduction. Well in order for you extra functionality and features then you should use these free CD Ripper tools or CDA Converter Softwares to convert CDA to MP3 and other audio formats.Along with your CDA files imported into the program and your encoder settings set, you are actually ready to convert your CDA information to MP3. Click on on the box that claims Save to Folder and choose an output destination from the drop-down menu. This is the place your transformed CDA recordsdata will seem as MP3 recordsdata once the conversion has been carried out. Choose the CDA recordsdata you want to convert to MP3 and then click on on the big Convert button, positioned in the bottom proper-hand corner of this system.As soon as the files have been transformed, you'll be able to download them individually or collectively in a ZIP file There's also an option to avoid wasting them to your Dropbox account. You may import songs into iTunes and convert them at the similar time. This creates a converted copy of the file in your iTunes Library, primarily based on your iTunes preferences. That's the straightforward information on how to convert CDA to MP3 with Windows Media Player, Right here Home windows Media Player may be known as a helpful CDA to MP3 converter.Audio converter applications, like Audials Tunebite , are a legal solution for taking part in DRM-protected audio or video recordsdata on any system. As a substitute of removing the DRM encryption, Tunebite records the audio or video file and converts it to a format you can use on any media participant. When you legally buy films, music, audio books and podcasts, making DRM-free copies for personal use on multiple units is authorized. However, when you determine to share the unencrypted file on a file sharing platform or distribute the file with the intent of getting cash, you cross the authorized boundary. Carefully learn the phrases of service for the platform you employ to buy digital media before you use audio converter software to make copies of DRM-protected information as a result of every nation's copyright legal guidelines are different.
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