#note that kitsune can grow up to nine tails
window-view-orion · 1 month
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From the Kayla X “Legendary Spirits” blind box figure collection:
Her name is Fatality.
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This one is so obvious it basically goes without saying, but she's a nine-tailed fox! Similar to, though distinct from, the Japanese kitsune, the nine-tailed fox is a mythical Chinese beast with the power to shapeshift into the form of a human. The older the fox grows, the more powerful it becomes and the more beautiful its human form. It's usually depicted transforming into a beautiful woman, with the goal of eating humans.
Sometimes the nine-tailed fox is a positive, auspicious sign, while other times it's a bad omen. The Youyang Zazu, a book of East Asian legends and natural phenomena written during the Tang Dynasty, describes the nine-tailed fox as serving in the heavenly Palace of the Sun and Moon.
The Shanhaijing, an early collection of mythical creatures in China, commented on by the mystic and scholar Guo Pu, says this:
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That English translation is quoted from a 2006 book about the fox-worshipping religion which still survives in parts of China to this day, "The cult of the fox: Power, gender, and popular religion in late imperial and modern China" by Xiaofei Kang. Another book I'd really love to read.
As much as it pains me, I'm really only summarizing and quoting Wikipedia for this, so I'll leave it there. Doing these little investigations into the identity of all these blind box figures have really made me miss the access to massive academic databases that being a university student gave me. C'est la vie, now I must survive on what's publicly available like everyone else.
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toothpastecanyon · 3 months
Hi! I’d like to start with the fact that your writing is PHENOMENAL, the way every first chapter is designed to grab the readers attention, with a mystery or a cozy little opening, establishing where the character is in life and their motives, or a sneak peek at the problem the characters must overcome.
I’m really bad at articulating my thoughts, but ur characters are really well written and I’d like to make more fanart of them, but I’m not quite sure what they look like.
(The only fics of your la that i KNOW you wrote are Unto Dust, and The Comfort of Agony (both of which are really good btw, I also love how you write existing characters, and your portrayal of them(especially Lucy Ann))
Anyway, because there are so many interpretations of species used in TAU, I got a little mixed up on what the non-human characters look like.
Darceus- in Lucy Ann and the Lunch Bunch, there is a Kitsune named Felicity, who is described as “looking a kind of like a human, and kind of like a fox” which my interpretation of is shown below. I forgot that that isn’t typical for kitsune characters in tau (even though she’s the only one since yours) and drew her in a similar way. ( also, are there any distinctive features on her nieces?) btw the LION idea is phenomenal, also do you think she has a mane? They’re fun to draw.
June- how big is she? I assumed she was the size of a human based on her interactions, but then I realized she might be looking down of people because she can fly. But then I remembered that it says she walks around. So then I confused myself. Also, skin tone, hair color/texture, eyes?
Beatrice- SHE IS SO WELL WRITTEN I felt genuinely angry while reading her meeting with Lucy Ann (in a good way) and she seems like someone you would meet in real life, totally obnoxious! Also, I don’t really know how TAU elves usually look so, idk anything about her skin tone or hair or eyes.
Here are pictures of my doodles in case you want to take a look, try to ignore the paper texture please.
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Also, an old picture of Felicity:
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Sorry if any of this is worded weird, im not that good at talking, but could you please give a solid description of the major/cool characters in Unto Dust?
(And in case I didn’t say it before, the Comfort of Agony is SO WELL WRITTEN there is too much for me to say about it!)
Oh wow, this is all so kind of you to say! Thank you so much - I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my writing, and I love the sketches you've done! You already have a lot of great designs and the characters look super expressive!
It's really exciting to be asked more of what my characters look like and I'll give you the best description I can, but I do want to note I often don't have a clear idea of what my characters look like - I like that writing lets a reader come up with their own spins on what a character looks like! So while I'm adding my own interpretation of my characters here, if you have a different idea you think works better or just looks cooler to you, I say go for it!
I'll organise my thoughts by each character:
Darceus: I was definitely inspired by @feferipeixes' character Felicity to make a kitsune character! I really like the mane idea you have going in your sketches, and female lions do occasionally grow manes! I like the way you've drawn her formal attire, with the nine tails spread out behind her like a sort of cape! You really brought her to life!
I probably still imagine her with a fox's colouration - I liked the lion imagery to evoke the broader facial features and just overall stockier build than an average kitsune.
The nieces: They're probably both young adults of average height. I don't have a clear idea of what they look like, but it might be fun to draw them as a different type or species of fox - silver foxes look really pretty with distinctive markings! They probably have less tails than Darceus, maybe three or so.
June: I definitely had the idea of her being average sized - I think writing it from Lucy Ann's perspective makes her seem taller as a lot of characters have to look down on her (sorry Lucy Ann!). I really like the wings you drew for her! She's a middle-aged lady with a little grey in her red hair, and probably likes wearing a lot of running gear - gotta train for that 10K!
Beatrice: I really like the long ears you've given her, that looks super distinctive! The loose t-shirt is really good. I probably imagine her with more of a pear shaped build with dark brown eyes and hair. If she does magic like in her appearances with Noie I like to think it'd look a lot how Mod V's elf OC Florian does it.
Also I definitely am looking for Lucy Ann to start wearing a glove! I'm not sure whether it would be fun to have it be a red glove to match the rest of her outfit, or if it's black or some other clashing colour to illustrate how she sees it as something unwanted and forced upon her.
That's all I can think of, but if you'd like anything more specific I'd be more than happy to help! Thank you again for this ask and your awesome sketches - if you end up drawing anything else I'd really love to see it!
Have a great day! :D
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beastiary · 9 days
Fox spirits:
Below are linked sources. In each name is further info.
Vulpine or fox spirits in Japan are normally referred to as "Koshin" [狐神], from the Chinese equivalent of "Yāohú" [妖狐] . Koshin, are neutral in nature. Where as their Chinese counterpart are more inclined to bring harm. Koshin are widely worshiped in Japan.
Aslo funny note, foxes can't growl. They just drop their jaws and scream. It's very funny.
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The specifics:
Kitsune ([狐] [きつね])
Foxes, or kitsune, are found all across Japan. They are identical to wild foxes found elsewhere in the world apart from their incredible magical powers
There are two major variations of kitsune.
Holy foxes are servants of the Shinto deity Inari. Legends tell of celestial foxes providing wisdom or service to good and pious humans. These holy foxes act as messengers of the gods and mediums between the celestial and human worlds.
More common are the wild foxes, which delight in mischief, pranks, or evil. There are stories in which wild foxes trick or even possess humans and cause them to behave strangely.
Yōko ([妖狐] [ようこ]) sometimes spelled Yako
The Kitsune, the ones who like fried tofu even as omnivores, also bake gitsune is used for
With a literal translating of "strange fox" this is the vulpine from folklore used in most Western culture if somewhat incorrectly,
Yōko appear identical to ordinary, non-magical foxes. As they grow older and more powerful, they undergo physical changes. For every hundred years of life, they acquire an additional tail, up to a maximum of nine. This holds true against all gitsune unless stated otherwise.
Kinko ([金狐] [きんこ])
Kingitsune, with the translation meaning gold fox.
They are theriosed to represent the sun, and their counterpart ginko represent the moon; in a yin-yang essence. Though ginko are not considered evil.
They are pure, holy spirits. They represent the moon and sun and usually work together as a pair.
Ginko ([銀狐] [ぎんこ])
The silver fox, or the gingitsune.
Ginko are popularly believed to symbolize the moon, serving as a counterpart to kinko, who symbolize the sun.
Byakko ([白狐] [びゃっこ]) the fox not tiger.
Also called the shirogitsune, Shiro usually means grey but used as white here, the white fox.
White coat vulpine, 1-9 tails dependent on age.
Byakko are seen as messengers of the gods, or vessels of the gods, and therefore seen as good.
Kokuko ([黒狐] [こくこ])
Black fox, kurogitsune, kuroko, kokko, genko. All names of the Kokuko.
They are rare kitsune that only show during the rain of a peaceful leader. With a thick black coat and are larger than any other fox.
They have pure, good hearts.
Zenko ([善狐] [ぜんこ])
The good fox, virtuous fox. Called also Reiko [霊狐] and inari kitsune.
The older a kitsune grows, they seem to be more benevolent and noble.
Tenko ([天狐] [てんこ])
Heavenly fox, possessing devine power and knowledge these beings are pure and kind.
Usually holding at least for tails. Possessing golden, silver, or white fur. Even appearing as beautiful godess like women there to protect and care.
Tenko are seen as goddesses or god-like.
Kiko ([気狐] [きこ])
Sometimes called senko (wizard fox) or spirit fox. Most kiko are white-furred foxes (byakko)
Kiko are good kitsune, less power then tenko and kūko. In general, kiko are between five hundred and one thousand years of age. They are spiritual beings without true physical bodies, and can take many different forms.
When a kitsune gains the rank of kiko, it sheds its body and begins to live a spiritual existence. Their duty is to act as servants and messengers
Chiko ([地狐] [ちこ])
The earth fox
No longer do these kitsune look like ordinary, non-magical foxes, as they begin to sprout additional tails based on their age. This is the highest rank which wicked foxes, or nogitsune, can achieve.
Most chiko are between one hundred and five hundred years of age. For kitsune who wish to continue to advance in society, this is a period of intense ascetic practice.
Nogitsune ([野狐] [のぎつね])
wild fox, alternatively called yako, yakan; many local variations exist as well.
Low ranking, wild kitsune that do not have a divine soul or serve as messengers of the gods. In folktales where humans are tormented, tricked, or possessed by kitsune, the culprit is almost always a nogitsune.
Kitsunetsuki—possession by a fox spirit—is also commonly performed by nogitsune. Sometimes it is to punish humans they don’t like, other times it is just for the nogitsune’s own amusement.
Nogitsune are cautious creatures with a keen danger sense. They dislike bright light, and hide from the sun during the daytime. They are also afraid of bladed objects, and will avoid swords and knives.
Kūko ([空狐] [くうこ])
The sky fox, Inari kūko.
Kūko are zenko, or good kitsune, which have lived for an extremely long time and achieved the highest ranks of kitsune society.
They do not have physical bodies and exist as being of pure spirit. They are telepathic and clairvoyant and can even see into the future. Their level of magical power is the highest it will ever be: on par with the gods.
Ashirei ([阿紫霊] [あしれい])
“Azi” spirit, ashi, ashireiko.
It is one of the only purely carnivorous kitsune. Ashirei are low ranking kitsune. They are for the most part indistinguishable from non-magical foxes. Ashirei is the lowest social rank of kitsune. It is held from infancy until the age of one hundred
Other notes:
Yao no kitsune are powerful kitsune with eight tails.
Kitsune tsuki ([狐憑き] [きつねつき]) Translation: fox possession
Articles are linked below, though the validity is questionable.
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veiledfox · 7 months
An Experiment Most Marvelous [ II ]
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"Sixty feet, twenty meters. Lady Kyuushi has reached the depth necessary for her to suffer the effects of the Curse of the Abyss. According to the notes she shared with me from her prior experiments, she experiences the earlier effects of the Curse sooner and sooner with each layer. After her experience with the Fifth's Curse, she should be experiencing the dizziness and nausea of the First upon first beginning her ascent."
Hotaru spoke clear, precise, aloud. Keeping information clear and understandable for the Sovreign behind her. Monitoring the Kitsune's vitals every second, eyes darting from reading to reading quickly. Heart rate elevated a little higher than normal, cortisol still high, oxygen in her blood slowly draining. Everything was fine otherwise so far.
"It's admirable that Lady Kyuushi took such thorough notes of her experience with the Curse. No one would willingly put themselves through the pain it can cause just to understand how it effects them in our 'Realm' as you two call it." Bondrewd spoke up to comment in compliment.
"Lady Kyuushi also asked that you remain quiet. I need to focus and keep watch on her vitals." A slight hint of annoyance in the Doll's otherwise polite tone. Glancing to the distance between her and the Kitsune, seeing it start to be reduced. Immediately catching her heart rate and cortisol both rising further. "She's ascending."
"Fifty feet. Second Layer Curse." Another rise in her heartrate and cortisol. Nothing too alarming still, thankfully, but the more it climbed the closer it got to being dangerous. Even for a Kitsune, who could normally handle much more extreme vitals than Humans could. Hotaru's eyes were glued to the conjured display, keeping track of everything.
"Fourty feet, her ascent is slowing a little. Third Layer Curse." Looking over the readings, her cortisol had thankfully seemed to lower some, but her heartrate kept at the increased pace. Other readings showing hints of odd brain activity and... a hint of dopamine? Whatever was going on, she was growing curious. Though she kept her focus, and she could sense the Sovreign was getting more and more invested in what was happening too, hearing his boots shuffle a bit and a deep long hum.
"Thirty feet. Fourth Layer Curse... Hemoglobin starting to fall... she's bleeding somewhere. It's minor right now thankfully, and... fluctuating? Lady Kyuushi must be using active healing Magicks." The instant she said such a word, the Doll could hear Bondrewd perk up with interest.
"Yes, Magic, it's a very natural thing in our Realm and Kitsune's generate large quantities of it. Their Magic also becomes stronger the more tails they have. Regenerative capabilities included in their natural repitoir, they reach their peak in such field throughout their seventh, eigth, and ninth tails. Lady Kyuushi, possessing eight of her nine, seems to be utilizing her healing to fend off the effects of the Curse as much as she can."
"Twenty feet. Fifth Layer Curse. Sensory Deprivation should be kicking in about now according to known knowledge of the curse and her notes. Her ascent has slowed to a stop..." Heartrate rising, cortisol climbing again, brain firing off in panic and fear, adrenaline surging through her system. Hotaru could see it all, see how her body was working, fighting against the Curse to continue. "Slow ascent, oxygen starting to run low."
Worry was starting to truly take hold of the Doll seeing the state the Kitsune was in begin deteriorating so quickly. Shifting on her feet, starting to tap a foot on the ground below her, even raising a hand to gnaw at a knuckle a bit. She knew Kyuushi was capable, but this...? Even this was starting to look too dangerous for her.
"Ten feet." Glancing ever so quickly down to the water in front of her, catching sight of bubbles rising to the surface then returning immediately back to the vitals. "Sixth Layer Curse... theoretically..." Kyuushi's status just got worse and worse the more she watched on. Heart rate climbing dangerously high, oxygen and hemoglobin dropping, Kyuushi was somehow still ascending though.
At least, she was. A sudden spike in heartrate and surge in brain activity making the vitals display flash red. Hotaru, immediately, moves to the water's edge to look down into the waters. Bubbles, countless bubbles rising from the Kitsune who, from what it seemed, was within five feet of the surface.
Getting down onto the ground, Hotaru lays herself out flat on her front reaching a hand deep into the water, up to her shoulder, trying to reach for Kyuushi. Calling upon some of her own Magic to extend an ethereal grasp for the Kitsune, feeling around until suddenly he feels an arm. Quickly grabbing on, she uses all her strength to pull the Woman up and out of the water.
Once she had her out of the waters, though, the Kitsune's screaming became clear right away. Horrid, blood curdling, loud. Her body convulsing, twitching, twisting this way and that, Hotaru struggled to move her much further from the waters with it all. Though before the could start attempting to do anything to help her charge, blue flames would suddenly erupt around her, not mere ethereal fire, but true and proper flame.
A pyre, a pillar of blue raging fire, all from Kyuushi's body as it writhes and contorts. The Doll and the Lord of Dawn witness to the pillar climbing higher and higher, growing brighter and brighter, and the searing heat it was giving off. It would be difficult to see through the flames with how bright they were getting, but within was still Kyuushi.
The Kitsune, who's body was creaking, groaning, snapping. Her form starting to shift rapidly and uncontrollably. Her Human guise dropping and giving way to her true Humanoid figure, Kitsune and Oni features both clear as day. Her body shrinking down and changing to her true form. Figure shifting and bending to any and all states that it could possibly take between them.
Skin splitting and healing time and again, bones snaping and setting, hair and fur growing longer, falling out in patches, and regrowing. Limbs twisting in ways they shouldn't, fingers bending impossibly, blood that was being spilled burning away almost instantly upon leaving her body within the inferno. Nothing that was happening should've been possible. It was horrid to watch, but it was all that Hotaru could do, watch on as the Woman who had commissioned her creation broke over and over. As her body degraded, regenerated, and changed.
The Curse of the Sixth layer was anything but a joke, this was cruel, terrifying. She didn't even want to attempt imagining what this could do to a regular person from this Realm. Yet the Man standing just meters away had subjected people to this for his experiments? If not for her concern for Kyuushi, Hotaru felt as if she could tear the foul 'Scientist' limb from limb for what he had been doing.
Between the screams of excrutiating pain, the roaring blue pyre, and the disturbing cackling that had begun from the Sovreign of Dawn, she could hardly hear the high pitched whine starting and stopping from the vitals display. Once they had registered in her mind though, her attention was drawn to the readings. To a heartrate flatlining, spiking into such a rapid pace, evening out, and fluctuating wildly between the three states without any rhyme or reason. To brain activity that was flaring across every part of the mind and other readings registering as errors impossible to track.
She was dying, but at the same time she was fine? A disturbing limbo between life and death that was tearing her body appart while it fought to keep itself together at the same time. This level of healing Magicks though, it shouldn't be possible, not for a Kitsune with eight tails, or even a Kitsune with nine. Not from what Hotaru had researched of healing Magicks. Ancient or modern, it didn't matter which, nothing was as strong as this save for the most powerful artifacts in their World.
Whatever was keeping Kyuushi alive, it couldn't have been her own Magicks. Not at the rate this was going, there was no way she was conscious enough to control her Magick like this. She wanted to wonder what it was, what was keeping her from perishing, but right now all she could bring herself to care for was whether she would survive in the end.
All the while the Lord of Dawn seemed to be thriving as he watched this all unfold. His laughter never ending as he approaches the pillar of flame, arms outstretched as he seems to take in the raging heat it was putting out. "Marvelous! Truly marvelous!" He shouts over it all. "The Abyss demands it's sacrifice! Even from a being not of our world! Yet it can't seem to claim it's demanded life, the Abyss is being denied! What will relent first, I wonder?! The Abyss?! Or our dear Lady Kyuushi?!"
It was almost as if the White Whistle had given a command to the Abyss, as mere seconds would pass after he speaks before everything suddenly calms. The raging pyre becoming reduced from the inferno it had become to a mere enveloping flame as the Kitsune's body goes still. The wildly fluctuating readings on the conjured display stabilizing. Heartrate weak, brain activity low, but the Kitsune was alive.
Turning her attention back to the Woman herself, Hotaru hurries to her side. Carefully reaching toward the still flame-enveloped Mythos, the fires were still warm, but not painfully so anymore. Easing her hand into the flame... ethereal, safe to reach into and touch Kyuushi. Which she would, reaching for the Woman's shoulder to oh so gently turn her over.
Humanoid form again, as she had been when this experiment began. Though her inhuman features were present now, as her Human guise had been undone amid everything that was happening. Beyond checking the Woman's body for any remaining injuries, she would take in and make note of anything that had changed from before.
Looking carefully over her features, her Oni horns looked... longer? They had stood at the same height as her ears, an added six inches above the top of her head, originally. Now they appeared to be twice the length, and to curl further back over the head. Still a shallow curve, but certainly more noticeable now. The blue gradient of skin on her forehead having spread, now reaching down to her brows suggesting it was the entire top of her head now this coloration.
Carefully prying an eye lid open, her sclera were black now instead of white, bloodshot, pupils vacant in her unconscious state. Easing her jaw open, her teeth seemed fine, though her canines seemed sharper now. The Vestigial Oni fangs longer, more prominent, like a secondary set of canines. Continuing her examination of the Kitsune with the sides of her head, briefly feeling the back, then continuing along her neck toward her torso.
Noticing quickly all the fresh wounds healing over, dark marks across her body as the flesh recovers bit by bit. Pressing gently at various spots along her collar, chest, abdomen, and stomach. Her muscular structure seemed more... defined? She took only a quick glance to Kyuushi's arms, only needed a quick glance, to notice the blue gradient that had been crawling up her hands was now farther up her arms too. From what she could see through the sleeves of her shirt, it reached her elbows now.
Had the Curse... given her a 'blessing' instead? Did it utilize her Oni genetics to do so? Her claws were even longer now, larger and sharper too. Yet... if this was the 'blessing' she was given, why was it so different from what transformation Bondrewd had experienced? Why did it leave her so intact and relatively unchanged? Did her adaptation perhaps finally take hold amid everything?
Ever so carefully she would turn Kyuushi onto her side and rested against her knees briefly, moving a hand to retrieve her tails and pull them out from under her. First to count them, then to check their condition. Though right away she could feel that they were heavier, longer, and their core seemed thicker. Their fur longer too, a strange mix of soft and rough, denser for sure.
One, two, three from the central base.
Four, five, six from the right base.
Seven, eight, nine from the left base.
Nine tails. The experiment was an ordeal severe enough to grant the Kitsune her last tail. At only one year past her first century too. It made the Doll worry what the future may have in store for the Kitsune, for her to have her nine tails just past her first century. In what little record of Kitsune history still existed in their Realm, not one notable Kitsune had their full set of tails this soon, and most the population had simply just gained their tails over time, back when their population was more abundant.
It didn't seem Kyuushi was going to wake any time soon, however, nor did she expect that she would. Though with her condition having stabilized, and her healing Magicks clearly subconsciously working to repair whatever damage she was still suffering from, it would surely just take time. Time best spent in the Shrine Lands, instead of here in the cold dark depths of the Abyss under the Sovreign of Dawn's ever present gaze.
"Marvelous!" His damned voice rising again, hands clapping together in applause. His boots clacking against the stone as he makes approach. "The Abyss is defeated! Lady Kyuushi yet lives, and though minor... it does appear she has experienced some changes. I do wonder if she has received the Abyss' blessing in this endeavor. Though I suppose we won't be able to tell unless she awakens and returns to test the Curse again. I would most certainly enjoy being present for such experimentation, whenever it may occur."
Hotaru, hardly paying him any mind, had started to cautiously ease her arms under Kyuushi to get a proper hold and lift her. Carrying her sideways across both arms, held closely and securely to her so she could move back over to where the Kitsune's belongings had been set down. Easing down with her so that she could retrieve everything, setting it in the Woman's lap to be able to bring it with them as she stands again.
"I will be sure to inform her of your... disturbing interest in her suffering." She responds finally, malice on her tongue as she glares back at the White Whistle. "But in her current state, Lady Kyuushi needs rest and care. Good day, Lord of Dawn." Taking a step as a tear opens in reality, letting her step through and closing shut behind her. Leaving Bondrewd on his own, looking over the scorched space where Kyuushi had been while her body was ravaged by the Curse.
The Doll carefully stepping out under the Tori at the center of the lake onto the surface of the water below. Quickly starting to make way back to the homestead atop the white sands to the left. To return Kyuushi to her room, her bed, so that she may rest and be cared for as needed.
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Roleplaying Races 10: Kitsune
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 We’re back to Japanese folklore today with another race based on a youkai, specifically one of the other major magical shapeshifting animals, the kitsune!
Much like the tengu, kitsune have been a lot of things to a lot of people, so before we get to their depiction in Pathfinder, let’s first take a look at the history of their real-world folklore!
Like many others, kitsune started off as an imported figure from China, of magical shapeshifting fox spirits that took on their own lore in the early days of Japan. They are tricksters both malevolent and good-natured, as well as mystical guardians. Indeed, kitsune are often divided into two distinct types, the zenko, or “good foxes” which serve as the servants of the fox kami Inari as her emmisaries, handmaidens, and advisors with their own hierarchy… and the yako kitsune, sometimes known as nogitsune, which are the “bad foxes” or “field foxes”, which act as tricksters and even monstrous tormentors and murderers.
No matter their disposition, kitsune are well-known for their magic, including their mystical foxfire which they use to befuddle and injure foes, as well as various illusion spells. Their most famous magical trick, however, is their shapeshifting, having a knack for taking human form in order to cause mischief or protect mortals without them being the wiser. Depending on the story, they might have trouble hiding their ears and tail.
Such infiltration stories run the gamut of a wayward traveller being lured in by a malicious kitsune, someone falling for a trick in their foolishness and hubris, or even someone getting married to a beautiful woman only to find out later that she is a kitsune, or a kitsune pining for a girl from afar, taking the form of a handmaiden to be by her side even if she can never truly be with her.
It’s also worth noting that the magic of kitsune increases with age, with every 100 years the fox spirit growing a new tail, up to 9, indicating how powerful they have become.
 It is interesting, then, to see how kitsune shape up in Pathfinder with the choice to make them a playable race.
In Pathfinder, kitsune are a mortal race, their supposed status as unearthly spirits being born from their elusiveness and love of trickery. They even have their own Inari-analogue in the form of a patron goddess called Daikitsu.
While many kitsune do live in hidden communities far from the civilization of other races, others live among the other ancestries, either openly revealing their true forms, or living in disguise. This combination of elusiveness and using deception to get by tends to give them a mysterious, sometimes sinister reputation, but while there are indeed some evil kitsune, for most, their pranks are good-natured, and they actually prize honestly-given loyalty above all else.
Physically, kitsune resemble humanoid foxes, though they also have the ability to take the form of another humanoid race, most commonly a unique human form. While in their true forms, certain kitsune that choose to focus on their natural magics grow extra tails, up to nine total, which is considered a living mark of prestige among their people.
Society-wise, kitsune that live among their own follow their spiritual leaders, and the deep spiritual connections they hold are their source of their racial magic, as is their friendship with kami and other spiritual beings, whom they look to for guidance and to better understand and live alongside nature.
 Agile and charming, kitsune are quick of body and of tongue, though they tend not to be very strong.
Kitsune are shapeshifters, by default they possess a single alternate form, that of a single humanoid of the same gender as their true form. While their alternate form is instantly recognizable as them to those in the know, they can use this form to blend in with another culture and species.
Skilled leapers and tumblrs, kitsune tend to be hard to pin down, in addition to other feats of acrobatics.
At their base power, kitsune are able to summon illusionary lamps of foxfire to light their way with their magic.
While it is of no use in their other form, kitsune do possess jaws strong enough to leave a mark on foes.
Of course, there is plenty of variety among kitsune. Some are more cunning and agile than they are charming, while others have a knack for making friends beyond their charm. Others might eschew agility and magic in favor of learning more skills to blend in with other cultures. Some are skilled linguists, and some are even greater masters of disguise. Some can shift between forms much faster than their kin, and some have a natural knack for also taking on the form of a mundane fox.
 With their curiosity and knack for trickery, kitsune can make excellent adventurers, typically in agile and sneaky classes, but also those based on charisma, particularly bards, mesmerists, and sorcerers. A good number belong to divine classes as well, particularly oracles and shamans. Their lack of physical might makes them less inclined to fight up close with strength, though, so combat builds most likely rely on dexterity and weapon finesse. The magical tail feats, which grant additional tails as well as new spell-like abilities, can make any kitsune at least halfway decent at illusions and other forms of magical deception, and the nine-tailed heir sorcerer puts them on the fast track to doing just that. Meanwhile, the kitsune trickster rogue adds a little magical edge to their deceptions and lies. They even have their own sneaky combat style feat set as well.
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Fated To You
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Pairing | Kitsune!Yuta x Human, gn!Reader
Warning(s) | depictions of violence, minor character death, supernatural character, blood, mentions of stabbing, mentions of murder
Synopsis | You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you found the injured fox hiding away in the forest. However, after accepting the fox pup into your life as a new member of your home, you quickly realized that there was more to him than just an adorable fox with an odd number of tails.
Genre: supernatural au, fluff, angst, soulmates au
Author's Notes | I have had quite a longing to write a supernatural character, and, while my favorite supernatural creatures are werewolves (they're majestic amazing creatures, shush), I wanted to do something a little different, thus, Kitsune Yuta was born! This has also been posted on NCTA under the name Tori, so if you see it there, it's me. I really hope you enjoy this piece!
Word Count | 6.5k
Tag List: @treasuretaeil
The moon began to rise over the land, casting grotesque shadows over the forest as your feet moved carefully over roots that protruded from the mossy earth. Your hands held strong to the green flashlight clasped tightly in your fingers, lighting the way through the darkened trees as the sun continued to fade.
It had never been your intention to stay out this late. Fresh air. That’s all you had needed. Air to clear your head and calm you down from the near panic attack you’d thrust yourself into as you thought about all the papers and assignments you’d have to complete within the next few weeks.
It was a lot; juggling a full-time job and part-time university. You’d known it was going to be when you’d decided to finally finish your degree. What you hadn’t anticipated was everything piling up at the end, making you truly stretch yourself to get everything done correctly and on time without losing your job and crumbling under the impending weight of unemployment.
Luckily for you, behind your rented out house, was a forest. You weren’t exactly sure how far it stretched, nor had you ever explored it before, but you had a certain affinity for nature. When you began to lose yourself, you slammed your book shut and got up with a huff, grabbing your unused backpack out of the closet and setting out into the woods, hoping immersing yourself in nature would calm you down.
It had. Walking about, listening to the birds sing and the trees grow had soothed your mind and allowed you to relax for the first time in several weeks. You’d gotten so relaxed that, as you sat against a sturdy oak for water and a snack, you found yourself drifting off.
It was only recently that you had awoken. Your eyes blinked open as the sounds changed and the peaceful chirping birds were replaced with the soft, yet creepy, hoots of owls and the howls of wolves.
You’d never meant to be out there that long, but as you pulled yourself off the ground, you were thankful you were smart enough to have a packed back full of extra water, a few snacks, a rope just in case, a compass, a hunting knife, and a flashlight along with batteries.
As the sun descended, you pulled the flashlight from your backpack and here you were, wandering the woods at dusk, navigating your way back to your house in a forest you’d never been in before.
Perhaps it was the start of a disaster. Or perhaps it was keeping you away from your books for just a little longer.
Whatever the reason, you tried not to panic as you made your way through the woods in a direction you assumed was home but honestly, you were too sure.
You scanned your beaming light over varying trees, looking for the mark you’d left on a particularly girthy oak, a mark that would signal your correct direction and your soon entrance into the backyard of your home.
As your light hit along the trees, searching high and low, it caught the glow of a pair of glassy eyes not three feet from where you stood. With a shriek, you jumped back, stumbling over a tree root and falling back onto your bum, letting out a whine at the pain.
You shined your light back on the spot you’d saw the eyes and found them again, wide, yellow eyes staring back at you in, what you could only assume was fear. Fear that pulled at your heartstrings, because this wasn’t any regular fear of humans. This was absolute terror.
Slowly, you pulled yourself up onto your knees, dusting the dirt off of the bottom of your jeans as you carefully inched forward, careful not to spook the animal which you assumed to be a mistreated cat or an abused dog.
The animal didn’t move, seeming to be frozen in place as you moved closer. It was only when you managed to shift the bush it was hiding in that you realized what it actually was.
A fox. A small, dull orange fox that still resembled a pup. It had greying pointed ears and a dirt covered orange coat. As your eyes trailed over the body of the fox, they landed on the tail, or shall you say, tails! By your count, nine, although you knew that couldn’t be right! It’s tail was likely matted in nine big places! You pushed the question of tails out of your mind and roved over its body, finding surprisingly small paws and a muzzle covered in a crusty red which you quickly realized was blood. That fact alone should have sent you running, but as your eyes scanned it’s body, you quickly realized the source. An opened gash on the foxes side, just above it’s hip, steadily weeped a bright red liquid that would claim the fox’s life if kept untreated.
Your heart broke for the poor animal and you knew you couldn’t simply leave it to die. Carefully, you offered your hand for the fox to sniff and, as soon as he did, he seemed to trust you a little more.
You’d taken several animal science classes while pursuing your degree, and you knew the technical way animals seemed to trust a human just by sniffing them, but you always found yourself fascinated by the way an animal could get to know someone simply by sniffing their palm.
“I can’t leave you out here. You’ll die from your wounds if I do. Would it be alright if you come home with me?” you asked softly.
Part of you felt silly for speaking to a fox that couldn’t understand you, but as the fox nodded to your question, you felt relieved-
Wait… nodded?!
You stared wide eyed as the fox, who apparently could understand you, slowly crept from under the bush, small whimpers leaving it’s throat as it moved its hind legs. It no doubt hurt, especially with the placement of the wound.
“I doubt any animal hospital would be open right now,” you muttered, more to yourself than anything, but the fox froze in place, fear once again in its eyes.
“You don’t want to go to the animal hospital, do you?” you asked.
The fox shook his head-- you were really going to have to get used to that.
Sighing to yourself, you reached a hand out to gently stroke the orange fur, something the fox stiffened at before all together relaxing in your touch.
That was all it took for you to know you couldn’t let anything happen to this gentle fox.
“Can I pick you up?” you asked. “It may help get you back home with minimal bleeding.”
The fox seemed to pause, as if pondering and you were beginning to odd just how strange this fox truly was. Not like any other wild animal you’d ever happened upon, which, in turn, led you to believe that this was not just another wild animal.
The fox moved closer to you and touched its nose lightly to your hand. You took this as the ‘go-ahead’ and, very gently, you lifted to fox pup up into your arms.
It whimpered slightly, but as you pressed it’s wounded side purposely against your torso to still the bleeding, it relaxed in your arms.
You didn’t know how you were going to get him home. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure where home was, but as you shined your flashlight carefully clenched between your teeth, your eyes landed on the jagged ‘X’ you’d etched into the pine.
With a breath of hope, you moved toward the mark and within a few paces, you were standing in the yard of your house.
Carrying the fox through the yard was made easier by the darkness. You flicked off your flashlight, relying on memory so as not to draw your neighbor’s attention to yourself or the orange mass in your arms. When you finally made it to the front door, you opened the latch and let yourself into your messy living room covered in stay books and disposable coffee cups you hadn’t yet gotten rid of.
You latched the door behind you carefully and carried the fox going scarily limp in your arms through the house and into the bathroom.
“Don’t go to sleep, please,” you begged the droopy-eyed fox as you placed it in the bathtub.
It seemed to struggle to stand and you knew you had to work fast. Helping it lay down surrounded by the porcelain walls, you moved to the sing, ripping open the medicine cabinets and began rifling through everything you had, which wasn’t too much. You may have been training to be a veterinarian, but that didn’t mean you were already practicing.
Luckily, after shuffling around, you managed to find basic rubbing alcohol and peroxide along with several large bandages, gauze, and, the best find yet, suture thread with a needle.
Pulling on a pair of gloves you usually used to dye your hair, you turned back to the tub with your utensils only to find the fox had drifted off to sleep, pants leaving its mouth. It didn’t have much time left and you’d be damned if you let it die in your house.
Grabbing a towel and a pair of scissors, you knelt by the tub. With the scissors, you hastily cut away the fur surrounding the wound, getting yourself a better image of the wound itself while also making it easier to clean.
Once the wound was exposed, you didn’t know whether you were relieved or panicked, staring at the long gash clearly having been made from a sharp knife. This was no animal fight as you’d first thought. This was intentional and likely had been done by a human. No wonder it had been so scared, yet it begged the question, why had it trusted you?
You pressed a towel to the still weeping wound, pressing down hard to still the bleeding. Once it was mostly halted, you poured peroxide on the wound, flushing out any dirt and grime before washing it with rubbing alcohol that surely would have hurt like hell had the animal been conscious.
With the wound cleaned, you sterilized the suture kit with the rubbing alcohol and threaded your needle. You’d done suture’s before, but only on test dummies. Having a real patient had your stomach twisting in knots, but you didn’t have time to worry about it.
Bringing the needle to the skin, you began to stitch up the now cleaned wound, careful not to injure the fox further. The stitches weren’t pretty by the time you’d finished. A professional could have done a much better job, but at least the wound was closed. You placed a bandage over the wound before wrapping the gauze carefully around the fox’s waist, keeping it loose enough it didn’t constrict him, but tight enough to keep pressure on the wound.
Time was still sensitive. You very well may not have gotten to it before it lost too much blood and you had no way of administering a transfusion. It was solely up to the fox now whether it lived or died.
As it slept in the tub, you ran your fingers through it’s fur, too scared to leave it alone. As you stroked around the foxes neck, your fingers gazed over metal beads buried deep in the fur. Curiosity got the better of you and carefully, you pulled at the beads until you unveiled a dark metal necklace that resembled a collar only slightly.
Inquisitively, you trailed your fingers along the beaded necklace of a collar until you gripped the base, the end that hung down at the fox’s chest. It was then that you saw it.
Resting at the base of the necklace was a dog tag with only one marking. A marking that spelled out a name.
As you ran the tag over in your hands, careful to not disturb the fox, you found no address or number to call. There was nothing to give you any information about who this pup belonged to. However, you supposed, whoever it was wasn’t a very good owner if the knife wound were anything to go by.
Letting the necklace drop from your hold, you ran your hands over the fox’s head.
“Yuta,” you mumbled to yourself.
The name had a nice ring. A name that seemed to roll off your tongue as though your tongue was meant to speak it. And perhaps that holds true as the moment the last syllable left your throat, the fox was stirring, shifting as it-he slowly regained consciousness until his yellow eyes met yours.
Something seemed to stir inside you at that moment and you found yourself reaching out to touch the animal again, a touch the fox shifted into, nuzzling against your hand as if he wholly trusted you. You didn’t really know why the fox would trust you, but your heart beamed with joy. A joy that you knew meant you wouldn’t be letting this fox run back out into the wild unless it’s something he truly wanted, but you could already tell, the fox was going nowhere.
That statement seemed to hold true as the next few days passed and Yuta was finally able to walk around a bit more. He tired easily and had a bit of a limp, but he’d managed to walk from one room to another easy enough before giving you a look that begged you to pick him up. Even now, as you sat on the living room couch, laptop perched on your thighs, surrounded by mountains of resource material books, Yuta made his way from napping in the bedroom to where you sat.
You didn’t notice him at first, too caught up in your work that you were slightly unaware of your surroundings, but as he pressed his cold nose against your exposed ankle, you took in a sharp breath, eyes glancing down at the mischievous fox who had learned just how to get his way.
“What do you want?” you asked.
It had become normal for you to ask him questions you’d ask a human. The fox seemed more and more human every day, which made him likely the most intelligent animal you’d ever encountered. He truly was one of a kind.
‘Pick me up.’
A masculine voice suddenly permeated your made, making you yelp out at the suddenness of it all, head shaking as you dropped your computer onto the ground, hand coming up to hit lightly against your head.
That was a voice you’d never heard before and most definitely was not your consciousness.
‘Calm down human, it’s only me.’
The voice spoke again, eliciting yet another yelp from your lips as you looked around. There was no one in your house save for yourself and Yuta. No windows or doors were left open and, unless someone was hiding in your closet and speaking, there was no one around. The voice itself was too vivid, too clear to be heard through your ears anyways which ultimately lead you to the conclusion that the voice was in your head, although that didn’t make anything better.
“I’ve finally gone crazy!” you murmured to yourself, eyes wide with worry and fear. “I’m hearing voices! It’s only a matter of time before they lock me up!”
‘(y/n), calm down! It’s only me! Yuta!’
“What?!” you screeched.
You didn’t bother looking down at the fox on the floor. There was absolutely no possible way the voice in your mind was the voice of an injured fox named Yuta who’d come to live with you a few days ago! There was no possible way! You were just-
‘Would you stop saying you're crazy before you really upset me!’
“Leave me alone!” you squealed.
You jumped up off the couch when suddenly, a rush of tranquility washed over you, ebbing the panic away as the masculine voice was once again in your mind, this time, in a much gentler tone.
‘Calm down before you hurt yourself. Look down at me on the floor. Look into my eyes and you’ll understand.’
You don’t know whether it was the sudden sense of calm that had you keeping cool, curiosity, or sheer trust that had you lowering your gaze to the floor where they met Yuta’s yellow ones. As soon as your eyes locked on his, a rush of comforting heat surged through your body, spreading from your eyes down to your toes while washing over your brain. Your knees buckled and your body crashed against the couch as thoughts and memories surged through you, eventually knocking you unconscious, head lulling against the couch cushions.
Two Hundred Years Earlier
When you opened your eyes, your living room was nowhere in sight. Instead, you were standing in a deep, open space painted a galaxy shade of purple. Beside you was a handsome man with long, dark hair that touched his shoulders. He had a lean face and boxy jaw leading to a square chin that only added to his handsomeness. His shoulders were broad but he wasn’t all that muscular, rather, he was lean. A grey shirt wrapped around his frame, long black shorts flowed to a stop below his knees.
“Who are you?” your voice cracked.
“I am Yuta,” said the man, the voice the same one you’d heard in your mind earlier.
“W-what- How-...?” you couldn’t seem to conjugate the words properly.
“I wasn’t going to tell you until later. But I am Yuta, and the fox version of myself… well that’s technically my natural form. While injured, I take that form,” he explained.
You still couldn’t quite wrap your head around it. This Yuta was your Yuta… Your Yuta had a human form… Your Yuta… the fox you’d been sharing your bed with… had a human form…
“Easy now, I’m not sure what happens if you pass out when you're not awake!” the man said, hands grabbing your shoulders to still your wobbling form.
“But how-- I…”
“I’m going to show you,” he spoke softly.
With that, he snapped his fingers and the purple room evaporated from sight. You let out a small screech as it was replaced with air rushing around your face as your bodies hurtled straight from the sky into a forest you’d never seen before. A forest that certainly wasn’t in your backyard.
You touched ground without so much of a wince, your feet settling gently on the plush, mossy earth.
“You’ll get used to that,” Yuta promised as he clasped an arm around your waist to hold your quivering body steady.
“W-where are we…”
“Japan. 200 years in the past.”
“WHAT?! But-”
You trailed off as your eyes caught sight of a beautiful fox with nine tails flowing proudly from her backside strode up in front of your prying eyes, a young fox pup not too far behind, accompanied by his father who kept nudging at the pups hindquarters playfully, earning small little yips from the pup.
“They’re so adorable! Who are they?!”
Yuta didn’t answer for a long moment and when you looked at his face, you caught the fading wisps of a painful memory.
“The pup is me…” he spoke. “And my parents.”
You were about to open your mouth to ask about them when there was a rustle in the trees and a group of six men appeared, each one looking meaner than the next.
Yuta’s father turned away from the pup, who was drawn closer by his mother, as his father approached the men.
“Do you wish to honor our son?” you could hear the father ask although you knew he wasn’t physically speaking.
“Freak!! Unnatural piece of nature!!” screamed one of the men, drawing his sword.
“Hey! Show some respect!” you wailed, fist clenched as you glared at the man who seemed to not even notice you.
Yuta’s arm tugged on your waist, pulling you against his side.
“This is a memory… My memory… There’s nothing we can do or say that will change the past…” he whispered.
“You don’t want to do that!” Yuta’s father exclaimed. “We are kitsunes! We are luck and fortune!”
“Freak!!” the man squealed, swinging his sword at Yuta’s father, who turned to flee from the men, ready to protect his family with his power when another man slashed a sword at the fox’s backside, slashing through all nine tails.
You let out a squeak, hands coming to cover your mouth as a pained cry left the fox’s mouth moments before his body hit the ground and life left his body. You could see the spirit of the fox lifting, rising into the trees, where it would rest as a ghost, keeping watch on it’s family.
The men howled with glee and charged over the fox’s body, trampling it as they made their way for the mother and her pup.
The blaze of a campfire suddenly sparked from the place Yuta’s mother was planning on cooking dinner. A ball of fire lunged at the men, who dodged, and the fire only made them angrier.
The female, just as strong as her husband, held the men at bay with a wall of fire, managing to severely burn four of the six men before the kindling in the fire had died and all was left was embers. She could bend fire, but not without a fire.
“Looks like you’re all out of ideas,” one man, the man who’d killed his father chuckled.
The pup whimpered and burrowed itself in his mothers side, not quite old enough to possess all the powers of his parents.
Frantically, the female fox turned to the pup and, without hesitating, bit down onto its scruff. The pup cried out at the sudden jostle, but his mother did nothing but squeeze tighter. With her pup held close, she leaped over the fallen men and darted into the forest, putting as much distance between herself and the men as she could.
The air around you and Yuta rustled past your faces and suddenly, without moving your feet, your bodies were standing beside a fox and her pup who were now both panting, far from the men that would come searching for them.
“Yuta, listen to me child. The humans are turning on us, but you mustn’t let that stop you from being yourself, from being a true and great kitsune!” the fox’s voice permeated your mind. “The humans will hurt you, try to kill you as it has been prophesied, but you mustn’t let their ways sway you from your duties.”
“Mom!” the fox cried.
He could tell, even at such a tender age, what his mother was about to do.
“You will find your soulmate, who will be human, and you must make the human understand who and what you are. They must understand where you come from. And, if they accept you, bonds between man and fox will be restored once more!”
Her voice was urgent as the sounds of the men tracking them grew louder. Your heart hammered in your chest. You knew what was going to happen, but your heart wept at the fate of the family torn apart. Yuta’s arm around your waist fastened to you tighter, although you weren’t sure if he was holding you or himself together.
You don’t know what spurred you to move, but you turned toward him slightly, enough to unpin your arm from your side, and wrapped both of your arms around his middle, hugging him tightly as together, you watched his mother kiss her pups head softly before dashing off toward the men.
There were yells along with a high pitched whimper before her spirit rose into the air to join her mates, leaving the young pup all alone.
You buried your face in Yuta’s shoulder, squeezing him tighter as a few tears slipped from your eyes, dropping onto his shirt. You’d only witnessed a memory. Yuta had been there. You couldn’t imagine the pain he felt the day both of his parents were killed by greedy, uneducated humans.
Present Day
You stood there, embracing Yuta for what seemed like hours before the air was shifting around you again and, by this time, you knew what that meant.
When the air stopped and you opened your eyes, pulling your face from Yuta’s neck, you were standing against the wall of a small little shop that resembled what you would have imagined to be an apothecary’s shop. White-wicked candles burned around the tiny, clutter-filled room, casting a smoky glow around the shop, surrounding the shelved knick-knacks and bottles of liquid medicine. Inside the shop, sitting behind a desk stacked with papers, was a middle-aged man with snow white hair and tan, wrinkled skin, so many wrinkles it looked as though he were shedding. The bags under his eyes were drooping low on his face, making his entire face seem to sag.
“Who is he?” you asked.
“His name’s Mr. Huang.”
Yuta seemed to know that that didn’t answer your question, but you didn’t have time to inquire further before the door to the shop was opening and Yuta, your Yuta, walked in, dressed the exact same as he was now.
This must have been recent…
“Good afternoon, Mr. Huang,” Yuta greeted, giving him a respectful bow.
“What do you want, boy?”
Mr. Huang’s voice was mean and cruel, riddled with an angry snarl as his now beady snake eyes looked up to pierce Yuta’s brown ones.
“Is Mrs. Huang nearby? I had a few more questions about the prophecy regarding my soulmate,” Yuta said, seemingly unfazed by the man's harsh tone.
The question only seemed to make Mr. Huang angrier as stood up with, slamming his hands down on the desk.
“Mrs. Huang died this morning,” he snarled.
Yuta’s face dropped, skin growing pale as the man stalked toward him.
“You promised us she wouldn’t die!” the man hissed, slowly approaching Yuta.
Yuta backed up slowly, his eyes racing around the room, looking for something he could use for leverage when his eyes landed on an envelope with his name scrawled onto it.
Discreetly, he picked up the envelope and slid it into his back pocket.
“Mr. Huang, I did everything that I could do. I promised you’d I’d do my best to heal her! But she had lung cancer! I gave her as much life as I could!” Yuta said.
“That’s not good enough!” Mr. Huang yelled.
He reached into his back pocket and produced a long knife with a jagged edge. You gasped loudly as the man lunged at Yuta. Yuta, carefully dodged the first and the second jab, but by the third, his back was pressed against a wall. Mr. Huang stabbed the knife into Yuta’s side, right above his hip. Yuta cried out on pain, clutching his side.
“Let’s see how you fare against pure silver!” Mr. Huang snarled.
Silver wouldn’t kill him, but it would slow his healing way down. His body could be unable to atone for the wound. That coupled with his young form without having a soulmate to help him heal faster would prohibit him from healing much faster than a normal human.
With the blade still lodged in his side, Yuta shoved past the man and bolted for the door, running straight into the forest, careful not to be seen by any other human.
You followed this Yuta’s movements, your Yuta holding close to you as together, you watched this Yuta drop to his knees and pull the blade from his side, crying out at the pain before dropping it.
The boy cried out as he clutched his side in pain, slowing the bleeding as much as he could before leaning himself against a tree, the same tree near the bush where you’d found him.
His body began to shake with the weight of blood loss and you wanted to run to him, but your Yuta held you back.
“It gets better,” he whispered in your ear.
You didn’t like it. You hated watching the man die, but there was nothing you could do. This may be happening in front of you, but it had already happened in the past.
With shaky fingers, Yuta used his free hand to dig the now wrinkled envelope out of his pocket, specks of blood dotting the starch white.
He opened the envelope with that one hand and pulled out the letter inside. Somehow, you managed to see the letter from here.
If you can find it in your heart to forgive my husband for what he has done, please do. I know that he can have a temper, and he isn’t the best when it comes to dealing with his emotions, but he means well, usually anyways. I have no doubt that he has tried (if not succeeded) to commit bodily harm after my passing. He will likely be unable to handle himself after my death.
The truth is, I’ve always known there was nothing you could do about my condition. Guess that comes with the territory of being an old witch. You know when you’re going to die. But don’t worry, sweetheart, today is not your time. You still have that soulmate of yours to meet.
Your mother was right about the prophecy. I do apologize that I could not speak of it with you. The fact is, my husband is one of those humans that will be swayed when you meet your soulmate, and as such, I couldn’t have you or him finding too much information out. The future is tricky like that.
I just thought you should know, dear boy, that your soulmate will appear to you soon. I cannot say when. Yes, I know, but again, the future can be a tricky thing. When they do show up, they won’t hesitate to show you compassion and kindness. You will also find yourself drawn to their gentle soul. And they will be drawn to you, although they will not be able to explain. Go easy on them, hun. They are human after all. Humans are not as good at understanding things like this as you and I are. Be gentle. Ease them into it.
While all of this is nice, I do also have to give you a warning. When your soulmate is revealed to you, you will know almost immediately. However, it may take them a bit, especially if you aren’t as a human. Be patient. However, if all else fails, show them this letter. I will write your soulmate's name at the bottom. The future will allow that.
My second warning is to tell them your past. The burden is not yours to bear alone. Prophecy says that when you meet your human soulmate, humans will stop trying to kill you and those like you. Conspiracy says this is because they will understand who you are and what you are set on this earth to do. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The gods have seen what terrible things humans can do, and it has swayed their opinions (for the better in my opinion). Rather than revealing your purpose to the humans, only a varying few will know the truth, your soulmate being one of them. The memories of Kitsune’s and other supernatural creatures will be erased from the minds of most humans, so you must be careful with this new chance in life. You must hide your identity as a Kitsune from everyone except family.
Now Yuta, I want you to know that these last two years have meant the world to me. I love you my dear boy and I will always be watching over you along with your parents.
Find your soulmate, and love them as hard and as deeply as you can.
Mrs. Huang
Ps: your soulmate's name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Treat them well.
Your eyes widened at the last note of the letter before Yuta folded it up and put it back in his pocket.
“(Y-Y/N)... but… that’s my name…” you muttered.
The man beside you didn’t utter a word as the Yuta you were watching suddenly began to quiver even harder than he already was and, within a few seconds, in his place was the same fox pup you’d rescued a few days ago.
“Wait… so… the pup… you really are the pup!” you exclaimed.
Yuta turned to stare at you, eyebrow raised.
“Tell me you didn’t just get that.”
You didn’t say anything back, instead trained your eyes back on the pup who was crawling under the bush to hide. Time suddenly began to speed up and within a few moments, you saw yourself kneeling in front of the bush in the dark, peering at the fox.
“So I… I was meant to find you… We’re connected…”
Yuta nodded.
“You’re my soulmate, and I am yours.”
You didn’t say anything. Your voice felt like it was locked in your throat as a rush of air once again brushed past your face, taking you somewhere new, although you weren’t sure what else was left to see.
“The future is a tricky thing,” Yuta’s voice whispered as the world became a blur of shapes and colors as you were taken to someplace new to see more sights that would expand your outlook on life itself.
Undetermined time in the future
The wind stopped brushing past your cheek and you stood in front of a small, cozy house with a broad backyard and a large forest filled with thick trees, perfect for running. You saw yourself, or rather, an older version of yourself, sitting on a pink and purple throw blanket in the middle of the backyard. Beside you sat a brown picnic basket waiting to be opened and a vacant seat on the other side of the blanket. The older you smiled softly as the clouds in the sky parted and a beam of sunlight shone down, warming your body naturally.
Older you looked far too happy to be on that picnic alone, so your eyes scanned the valley for someone you hoped was there.
“I haven’t seen this yet either,” Yuta whispered.
He brought his arm back around your waist, keeping you fixed to his side, not that you were complaining. Somehow, it felt you belonged at his side.
As your eyes scanned the yard, you almost missed the two bodies emerging from the forest. One was the body of a tall man, a body you immediately recognized to be Yuta’s. The other was a much smaller body, the body of a young girl whom you couldn’t see all that clearly.
Yuta’s breath hitched and you turned to look at him.
“Do you know her?”
He shook his head, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the two as they approached the picnic blanket where the older you waited, waving your hand to the two with a bright grin on your face.
Yuta’s reaction to the girl had you pausing to take a closer look at him, waiting for him to tell you who this young girl was. When he seemingly noticed you staring, he turned to look at you.
“I honestly don’t know her. But she has been prophesied many times,” he spoke, voice shaking with emotion.
“She wasn’t in the prophecy I heard,” you conjured.
Yuta shook his head, a smile breaking out across his face.
“There’s not just one prophecy,” he answered. “There are many, about many different things that allow us a glimpse into our fate, but somehow, they never play out the way you think they will.”
“Can you tell me the other prophecies?”
Yuta turned his attention back to the scene and urged you to do the same, but you caught him nodding to your question as the little girl jumped into your lap, laughing and giggling as you began to tickle her.
“I will tell you all of them,” he promised.
The scene before you was nothing like what you’d seen earlier. There was no blood or death or attempted murder. No sacrifices or ominous warnings. There was nothing but peace and love, and if that was your fate, you were happy with it.
The older Yuta sat down beside you on the picnic blanket and, as the young girl became distracted chasing a butterfly, he dipped a finger under your chin and lifted your face to his.
“I love you, my Flower,” he spoke softly.
“I love you too, my Fox.”
He pressed a soft kiss against your lips, a kiss so soft you felt as though you were prying just by watching, and, although it didn’t last long and your own lips hadn’t felt the gentle touch, you knew there was no kiss quite as sweet as the ones from Yuta.
The backyard disintegrated into an array of pickles before your eyes fluttered open and you were staring at the ceiling of the same rental house you’d spent the last three years.
“Was it all a dream?”
“Yes and no,” a familiar voice spoke next to you.
This time, you didn’t jump at the sound of the voice, although you weren’t sure if it was because it was familiar, or if it was because it wasn’t in your head this time.
Turning your head, you caught the sight of Yuta, standing just as he had been in your dream, wearing clothes that were coated in blood, likely the same ones he’d been wearing when he was stabbed.
“How are you not a fox anymore?” you asked.
He smiled as he knelt down on the couch where you were still sprawled out.
“Your human mind couldn't accept the truth earlier. That’s why you freaked out when I began speaking into your mind, which is something I can only do in fox form,” he added. “When I calmed you down by accessing your nervous system, I realized you were going to have to see the truth, so I knocked you out and took you on the journey with me. You had to live through that one way or another,” he explained.
You didn’t understand, not really anyways, not the full story, at least. What you did understand was 1) Yuta was a kitsune, 2) he had a very dark past, and 3) you were his soulmate and, although you hadn’t known him for very long, you were 100% ok with that.
“Now, do you think you can stay calm long enough for me to do something I was dying to do the entire time?” he asked.
Without further exchange of words, Yuta’s plump lips were on yours and, for the first time through the whole ordeal, you could feel it. And you knew it wouldn’t take much until you were addicted. Because he was Nakamoto Yuta. Kitsune. And your soulmate.
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aonesteddybear · 4 years
Little Maiden
tanaka ryuunosuke x  female reader
warnings: 18+ smut ahead, highly dub-con. fairy tale/red riding hood au with kitsune!tanaka (breeding, innocent!reader, knotting, manipulation, oral sex, vaginal sex, request for others)
word count: 7575
notes: this is for the hq server collab, which the prompt was fantasy. tanaka was my pick and i saw this delicous piece of artwork for kitsune tanaka...and i knew what must be done. this has some crack moments but is mostly pwp and please heed the warnings! (also spot daichi in this!) be sure to check out the masterlist here and see all the other great writings and artwork done!
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Once upon a time, there was a young maiden who lived within a village on the outskirts of a forest. It was a bustling town, with plenty of travelers that came to it and held many stories. Despite this cluster of activities, the town knew not to let any of their ladies wander into the forest, and certainly not every third moon cycle when even the animals within the forest seemed jumpy and on edge. The ladies that did stray off on their own, often came back with clothes torn and speaking of a beast with nine tails disguised as a man who would trick them into performing lewd activities with him, taking their status as a maiden and leaving them heavy with child. Those that encountered him, almost never were the same, lusting after what they encountered. Often they would disappear later on, back into the woods in an attempt to find the creature, never to return.
These stories are of course whispered from adult to adult, careful not to let young ears hear in case they would seek out the beast itself to find out the source of the stories. Most travelers believed the story to be made up, a legend to account for women who sought out companionship of men before they were wed, and had to deal with the consequences when they started to present. Yet the town remained insistent, that there was a beast within the woods, and it was determined to corrupt the maidens within it.
You of course knew the whispers, or just the stories and repeated instructions to never enter by yourself. “Always take your brother,” your parents insisted, “And don’t stray from each other's sight.”
It was that mantra which was told to you yet again, as your mother fixed your cloak around your neck. “Do not leave the path, and Daichi, please do not harass your sister anymore. Stick together, closely. I need you to get this to Grandma. Go straight to her house, don’t dawdle, and do not talk to anyone, Y/N I mean it. The woods are dangerous.” Your mother insisted, pressing a kiss to your hair line as she slipped the basket into your arm. “I will see you both tomorrow.”
Your brother rolled his eyes, ruffling your hair as you walked past as you slapped at him even as your mother tsked at both of you. You waved at your mother one last time before you skipped after your brother with a call of “Wait up!”
As you both disappeared into the woods, your mother's voice of “Be safe! Don’t talk to strangers!” called after you.
The start of your journey was uneventful, the trees whispering to you both as you wandered further and further along the path into the woods. Despite the forest darkening as you continued within it, the foliage along it continued to grow. Soft flowers bloomed along the path, butterflies flitting to and from them as you watched in awe.
Anytime your step would falter, convinced to go smell them your brother’s hand was firm on your back pushing you along. “Come on, we have to make it before nightfall.” He urged, and you reluctantly continued on.
As if the forest seemed to hear your internal struggles, it seemed each time the path curved a new batch would be there, with more flowers blooming within it as if you couldn’t resist the next plot. Eventually your brother opted to walk in front of you, not wanting to slow to your pace. Still he would call out for you, a “Y/N, hurry up!” anytime you would slow too much to look at the intricate  blossoms.
Still as his pace continued steady, you fell further and further behind him. Until, this time when you stopped to bend over to look at the flower stalks, his voice didn’t call out to you. You lifted your head, squinting at the darkness of the forest as you followed the path around the curve.
It will be alright, you thought to yourself, He is surely just ahead. I can smell these and then run and catch up with him.
Yet as you leaned over again, a hand reaching out to grip the orangish flower, a shadow fell over you.
“They’re foxtails.” A voice mused from behind you, causing you to jump slightly, stumbling forward as you landed in the patch as you spun around to stare up at the man who spoke.
His hair was shaved down, short which drew attention to his face instead. Sharp brows were arched as he looked down at you, who was still sprawled upon the ground, but dark lines framed his eyes, sharpening his appearance. “Here, let me help you up.” He offered a hand out, and you carefully took it.
Subconsciously, you realize just how warm the man was as he pulled you up, and you examined his clothing in confusion. His pants were baggy, hanging off his frame and he wore only a vest which revealed his stomach and arms to your view. “Are you a traveler?” You blurt out, and he smirked, looking down at his own appearance thoughtfully.
“I suppose so.” He decides on, eyeing you. “And what about you? What is a young-” he paused, inhaling softly as he eyed you up and down before he continued, “maiden, doing out here all alone?”
You flushed at his words, smoothing your hands on your dress as you looked down. “I’m not alone.” You stated, “My brother is just ahead. We’re going to Grandma’s.”
He raises an eyebrow, “You surely look alone. I do not see anyone. Just you and myself, young maiden.”
Do not talk to strangers. Your mother's words float back to you as he stepped forward closer towards you, and you stumbled back. “I-I should go.” You stuttered out and he laughed softly, “No, stay. It is alright.” He promised, reaching down to pluck one of the flowers off to hold up to your face.
“They’re foxtails.” He repeated, “I personally think they’re lovely. Don’t you?” He questioned, waving it in front of your nose, and you felt your eyes cross as you try to examine it.
“Yes,” you admitted, and he grinned as if you just complimented him. “There are  even prettier flowers further along here.” He purred out and your eyes followed his hand where he pointed, further off the path and deeper into the foliage.
You stared longingly at the flowers, foot shifting as if you would head in the direction before you hesitated, shaking your head. “I shouldn’t, my brother will surely be looking for me and my mother says I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
The stranger frowned, irritation flicking over his face before it faded just as quickly. “My apologies, I must have forgotten my manners. You may call me...Ryuunosuke Tanaka.” He offered, “Surely your brother hasn’t gone far, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to see the flowers and be back before he comes looking for you. Now, little maiden, shall we?”
Your nose crinkled slightly as he stepped into you, “My name is not ‘Little Maiden’.” You retorted, “My name is Y/N.”
The man smiled, a foxish grin appearing on his face. “You are a maiden though, are you not, Y/N? You’re also rather little compared to me. Therefore...” his words trail off as he eyed you with a certain hunger, and you stepped back slightly at the close proximity of him.
You looked away in embarrassment, back towards the path where your brother had left, but the man’s presence next to you had you looking back at him for guidance. “You know my name. Now, we are no longer strangers, right? Come. Let’s go see them together.” He coaxed, voice soft as it washed over you and you nodded, taking his hand as he led you through the flowers and further off the path.
As he continued to guide you, the slightest uneasiness bubbled up in your stomach as he led you deeper into the woods and away from the way you were supposed to have been going. Anytime you attempted to turn to look behind you he’d jerk your arm, causing you to tumble into him as you attempted to not fall. “Sir-” you started, but a soft tsk from him had your words dying off as he interrupted you. “We’ll be there soon little kit, do not worry.”
As if his words were understood a bit too literal, the woods opened up around you and instead revealed a meadow of flowers. “Oh, it’s beautiful!” you exclaimed, pulling from his hand to instead investigate further into the field, bending over to sniff them as you went.
The traveler (Tanaka he said his name was, you reminded yourself) followed you around as you flit between each flower, but it isn’t until his hand gently touched your hip that you gasped and turned to stare up at him in confusion. “Do you smell that?” He questioned pulling you into him closer, and you flushed as you are pulled into his chest.
The warmth of his body is evident even through your clothing. Your hands came up to attempt to push at his chest, even as he held you tighter to him. “Do you smell that?” He repeats, voice a low rumble in his chest and you paused your wiggling to inhale deeply.
The smell of the forest dominated your nose, overwhelming you with an earthy scent of rain even with the proximity of the flowers surrounding you. Underneath it all you could smell the hint of spices, (Cinnamon a voice in the back of your head states) and the touch of wood smoke as you inhaled again. Confused still though, you look up at him. “Smell what, Sir?”
He licked his lips, looking down at you as a smile appeared over his lips and once again, you wiggled slightly, attempting to pull away as his head leaned down to press into your hair. “I don’t know,” he mused. “It smells sweet. Like..a treat.”
His face moved down your head, nuzzling along your ear and down into your neck even as you giggled at the tickling sensation, attempting to wiggle away from him. “Sir-!” you attempted again, even as his hands tightened on your flesh.
His body dips as his face moved down your body, opting to press his face into the valley of your breasts even as you gasped, hands pushing at his head. “W-Wait! You can’t do that!” You gasped as his tongue flicked out, running along your skin.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, voice monotone. “I’m just trying to find..the source of that delicious scent.”
His hands tightened on your body even as you attempted to squirm away from him and he continued his path down. He paused at your stomach, inhaling through the fabric, and you aren’t able to see how his pupils dilated at the scent. His hands gripped painfully tight on your waist before he shoved you back, allowing you to sprawl out on the bed of flowers which caught your weight as if it was a bed rather than solid ground.
He ignored your soft cry of objection, his hands bunching your skirt up as he pushed it up and his head dips down in between your legs, seeking out the source. “You can’t!” you attempted to argue, but the feeling of warm, wet muscle sliding over your underwear had you gasping and pushing at his head in objection. “S-sir!”
He looked up at you, annoyance clear on his face. “What?” he questioned and you quickly shake your head, attempting to wiggle backwards even as he grabbed at your hips, attempting to prevent you from moving away. “You can’t!” you insisted again, your voice dropping. “It’s...indecent.” You whispered out.
The traveler snorted, eyes rolling as he grabbed at your clothes, tugging them down even as you let out a squeak of objection, “It’s alright. Look, I found what smells so sweet. I wonder if it’ll taste just as sweet,” He questioned, his head dipping down as he licked a stripe up your folds even as you cried out.
“I-Sir! You...you shouldn’t!” you again attempted to argue, even as he held your hips to his face, licking and sucking at your core as you trembled. “Mother...Mother says I shouldn’t touch myself there. You shouldn’t lick there.” You whimpered out, eyes filling in tears upset by his action.
Sensing your distraughtness, his head raised and you feel your cheeks heat up as you realize his face is wet as he sits back.  “What is wrong? Does it not feel good? Surely your mother just didn’t want you to get hurt.” His tongue flicked out then, and not for the first time you feel your stomach turn in anxiety at his tongue, a bit too long to be fully human.
One of his hands slid down your body, rubbing at your thigh as you wince. “Did it feel good?” he asked again and you shrugged slightly. “It felt funny.” You repeated, and he smirked at that. Your eyes flicked down to his mouth again, eyebrows knitted together in confusion at the point of teeth you could have sworn weren’t there earlier when he smiled.
“Did it feel good?” He repeated, his hand moving over your mound, his fingers dipping into your folds as he rubbed at a spot that had you gasping and attempting to jerk away from him in response. “Look how good it feels.” He purred, his words filling you with warmth. “If it doesn’t feel good, I’ll stop. Okay?”
When you nodded in a hesitant response, his eyes glinted in excitement, leaning forward once more as he pulled you close to his face as he licked a new stripe up your cunt, holding you firmly even as you gasped and attempted to pull away. “Does it feel bad?” His voice against your core sent trembles up your spine as you shook your head in response as he continued his lapping.
You watched curiously as his own hips grind against the ground in earnest. Your focus diverted for a moment, quickly back to his face as you felt his tongue press against you, and slide into you as you jerk, attempting to pull back. “W-wait!” You cried out in surprise. Pushing at him as he held you to his face, eyes flicking up to make contact with yours, even as you attempted to get away.
His tongue continued worming it’s way into your body, stroking at areas you didn’t know existed as you whimpered for him to stop. “It feels weird!” You manage out, panting as he watched you with eyes that are blank and emotionless. His hands were painfully tight on your hips, preventing you from moving as you effectively grind against his face instead.
As your legs trembled around him, you began to feel a tightening in your stomach. “S-Sir...Wait! It….I...stop….it feels...too much!” You attempted to whine out a coherent sentence even as he continued, nose bumping into your clit rhythmically as he nuzzled into it.
One of his hands removed from your hip, opting to slide down as he pressed a finger into you alongside his tongue as you cried out, jerking as both of them curled, stroking opposite walls. As he pushed in another finger you cried out, not sure what exactly you were crying for as a wave of euphoria poured over your body.
He held you with his free hand, refusing to let your hips part from his face as he eagerly drank up your cum. As he attempted to add a third finger inside you, you let out a squeal.
“Your fingers! They’re so big!” You managed out in overstimulation, and he smirked this time, pulling back as he sat back for the second time, sliding them out of you as he raised them to his face. His tongue wrapped around them as he lapped off your juices from them. “Better to finger you with little maiden,” He purred out as you flushed.
“You are, right? A maiden?” He clarified. “Never had anyone else touch you like this.” His eyes narrowed dangerously, and you swallowed as you nodded. He hummed in appreciation at your answer. “Good, I don’t like to share.”
His hands reached down to his pants, pushing them down and you quickly averted your eyes as he wrapped his hand around his straining cock. “What’s wrong?” His voice was teasing, “Have you never seen a cock before?”
You shook your head in embarrassment, “No, Sir.”
He hummed in excitement, energy radiating off him as he inched closer to you, reaching out he grabbed your hand. Jerking you forward to wrap your hand around his cock, alongside his. “Here, feel. What does it feel like?” He questioned, hand enclosing around yours as he instructed you how to stroke him.
Warm, “It feels warm.” You admitted, and he hummed, hips pressing his cock up into you harder. “What else?” He asked and you swallowed nervously, looking from where your hand was wrapped around him to his eyes. “It’s...big.” you decide on and this time his amusement is clear. “Better to fuck you with.” He explained bluntly, grinning as your eyes darted away in embarrassment.
He shifted, standing and you flinched back slightly as his cock became eye level with you. A hand found the back of your head, preventing you from pulling back further and instead nudged you forward in encouragement.
“C’mon, little maiden.” He purred out, and you swallowed looking up at him in confusion, unsure of what he had wanted. “Take it in your mouth.”
You paused, looking at it again as if you were considering it before you looked up at him once more, “I’ve never done it before though, Sir.”
He tsked his tongue, stepping forward and tapping the head of his cock against your lips as you flinched, pulling back, but his hand was there again, pushing you back against it as he rubbed the beading precum against your pursed lips.
“That’s alright, you can practice.” He promised, his words comforting despite your situation. “"Now, didn't your mother ever tell you it's good to try new things?” He scolded and you flushed at his words, nodding your head reluctantly as his cock pushed at your lips.
He rubbed his cock against the softness of your lips, coaxing you to open your mouth for him. “Look, it's leaking milk just for you,” and he was right. You could see the white fluid bubbling out the tip, and being rubbed over your lips.  “Go on little kit, drink up…” He encouraged and you allowed your lips to part as he pressed it into your mouth and you immediately attempted to recoil at the bitter taste of his precum.
A firm hand on the back of your head prevented you from moving as your eyes fluttered up to him in panic. “Doesn't it taste good?" He asked, his other hand leaving the base of his cock and opting to brush fondly over your cheek bone, as he allowed you to pull back.
You immediately made a face, your hand moving up to wipe off your face as you avoided his face, instead opting to look past his hips. However, your thoughts were paused by the sight of what appeared to be a tail hanging from his hip, and as you watched it split into three separate ones.
You stared at them curiously, at their see through form, and as you watched one curled around towards you. The tip of the tail coming forward but before it could brush against your nose, a hand on your head was pulling you back into reality, and when you flicked back to look at the tails they were gone.
“I asked you a question, little kit,” Tanaka repeated, except this time, his voice was light as if he was on the verge of laughing. You hesitated, “Um,” your eyes flicked back to his hips in confusion at the illusion you had seen. “I..No. It didn’t taste good.” You admitted and this time the man snorted, an attempt to stifle his laugh.
“Now, that isn’t a very nice thing to say to someone who just offered you something to eat. Certainly not to someone who already ate you, little kit.” His voice was amused as his thumb ran over your lips, pressing on the bottom one as you parted for him again. “You know, you should know better. Didn’t your mother teach you to have better manners?” He questioned gently and you felt your eyes burn at the scolding words, tears welling up in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” You whispered out, and this time as his thumb moved into your mouth and pushed down on your tongue he looked excited. “It’s okay. I know what you can do to make it up to me.”
You looked up at him, in confusion at his words. “What? Really?” You asked around his finger, and he smiled, head cocking to the side and you blinked at the glint of light as it wrapped around his head, the illusion of ears appearing just as quickly as it disappeared.  
“Yeah.” He whispered out, “Close your eyes, hold open your mouth.”
You obeyed, and as his thumb left your mouth, you’re empty for only a moment before a new heavy weight is pressing into your mouth the saltiness returns. As your eyes fluttered open in curiosity, your head is pushed forward, the soft head of his cock hitting the back of your throat as you jerked backwards into his hand which remained steady in pressure in an attempt to hold you on his cock.
Your hands found purchase on his thighs, pushing on them even as they rolled against your face, forcing you to take more of his cock into your mouth and throat as you gagged. Saliva ran down your lips, tears trickling out your face as you looked up at him in panic as you struggled against him. “Shh it’s okay, just relax. You’ll get it,” He insisted, his free hand petting tears from your cheekbone as the other holds painfully tight in your hair.
As his cock hit a particularly sensitive area of your mouth, you gagged, your hands fly out, grabbing at his legs and as your fingers brush against fur you grab at it. The man stiffened underneath your other hand, body jerking in response as you pulled at what you held.
A shaky noise escaped his body and as he released your head, allowing you to pull off his cock with a gasp as you looked up at him. Slowly you process the fact that the noise he made was a whine. He looked just as startled as you were, your eyes tracking from his face to your hand which currently held- “A tail.” You blurted out, the words escaping from your mouth before you could stop it.
He looked unamused at this statement, the tail twitching underneath your grasp as it writhed. “Yes,” he stated plainly. “Now, you should do that again, please.” He requested, pulling your head forward once more towards his cock, and as you opened your mouth to object his cock was pushed into your mouth again, except this time he was much rougher.
His thrusts were unpredictable, and excited as he forced your head down on his cock in sync with his thrusts. Your hands blindly fumbled at him, the fur warm under your one as you tugged at it in objection, and that only seemed to further spur him on. New fur brushed against your other hand, and you obeyed the silent request to grab at it with the other side.
His noises of pleasure only increased as he fucked into your face, you tugging at the-, no, his tails. You whimpered in objection as his thrusts became uneven. You could feel the trembles in his body, and as he hit the back of your throat yet again you couldn’t help but jerk on both of his tails. Fingers fisted in them tightly as you pulled at them in objection at the treatment.
His hips stuttered as he gasped, and just as suddenly warmth flooded your mouth as he allowed you to jerk away. Coughing at the taste you spat out what you could, looking up at him through teary eyes as he sighed, taking a step back as he yawned.
This time you could see the fangs protruding where his canines would be, much too long to be human. If that wasn’t a big enough of a hint, his eyes were dark, pupils slitted fully now and behind him...multiple tails swayed behind him, trembling with energy.
“You have a tail!” You accused, still coughing, voice scratchy as the man snorted in amusement. “I have nine actually, can’t you count?” He mocked and you bit your lip, trying to stop the tears that were already threatening to spill.
“What are you?” You questioned, trying to sound brave despite the quiver in your voice and he grinned. “Guess,” he demanded and you couldn’t help the pout of your lower lip. “I don’t know.” You admitted, and the man rolled his eyes. “That’s no fun. That’s not even a guess.”
He frowned, rubbing his own arm as he considered for a moment. “Fine though. I’ll tell you, but only because no one has played with them in a while and I’m in a good mood.” He leaned forward, gripping your face tightly in his hand and you winced as long nails (Claws, a voice told you) pinched into your skin.
He smiled, leaning forward as he pressed his lips to you, kissing you softly. “I’m a fox. A trickster god. A kitsune, don’t ‘cha know.” He whispered to your lips, and as a tear spilled from your eye, his free hand came up to wipe it away. “And right now, it is breeding season, sweetheart. You caught me right at the start of my rut. I very much do appreciate the help, but I’m not even close to done, yet.”
“I don’t want to help. I want to go home.” You decided, and the man let out a bark of a laugh. “Oh silly little kit,” He mused, petting your cheek again even as you attempted to flinch back from him in fear of what he’d do next. “I may be a trickster, but I didn’t even have to trick you here with me did I?” He purred out, voice dripping like honey over you.
Your lip trembled as you held back your tears, “It’s late. My brother will be worried. I have to go.” You insisted, and the fox god scoffed now, tails lashing in annoyance at his plans being interrupted. “You help me, and I’ll get you back before they even notice you are gone. They won’t know a thing.” He offered, “Deal?”
You hesitate, before you nodded, “Deal.”
A smile spread across his face, tongue flicking out to lick at his lips as he eyed you, and you can’t help but feel once again you’ve made a terrible mistake. “Good. That makes this much easier.” He purred out.
“Makes what easier?” You question nervously, eyes shifting from his looming figure to the empty meadow you were in. “This,” His voice was deep, dangerous as it wrapped around you.
He moved forward forcing you back as he grabbed your legs, spreading them roughly apart as you gasped. One of his hands slid down, running along the inside of your thigh and back towards your cunt as you attempted to close your thighs around him. “Stop it.” His words were harsh, and you froze at the command. “You agreed to this.” He reminded and you swallowed, suddenly regretting your words from just a few moments ago.
“You haven’t told me what this even is!” You accused as he shifted to fit himself in between your thighs preventing you from closing as he forced a finger back into your cunt.
He ignored the squeal that fell from your lips as your hand came up to push at his shoulder, “It hurts!” You yelped and he ignored you, pulling back only long enough to add another as you cried out his name this time.
“Did I not already tell you? It is breeding season.” He stated plainly, bored as he curled his fingers inside of you appreciating the squeal you let out at the sensation again. “I have no interest in making you behave, or fighting with you honestly. I really only want to stuff this little cunt of yours with my cock.” His words were punctuated with particular hard curls of his fingers causing you to whimper, “I’m going to knot you, and see how you drip with my cum, and look swollen with my seed.”
His words have you shivering, trying to form coherent sentences as he continued to play with your hole. He pulled back again, this time forcing a third finger in as you whined at the stretch, your hands flying up to your mouth as you tried to silence your noise this time. His eyes flick from where you were stretched on his fingers, to your face as you covered it.
An amused expression crossed his face as he cocked his head to the side, “You know, no one is going to hear you here. Feel free to be as loud as you want. No one will find us.” He promised, and if he realized how much his words filled you with dread he didn’t seem to care. In fact, he seemed quite happy at this fact that no one would stumble upon your acts.
Still you couldn’t help but let out a sharp gasp at a particularly hard thrust of his hand, his long fingers hitting a spot inside of you that made you wince in pain. Satisfied with your response, he pulled back licking at his fingers again as you panted underneath him watching in confusion as he mused. “You’re ready.” he stated simply.
“Ready for what?” You question again, and this time he doesn’t try to hide his annoyance at your repeated question. “Ready to be fucked open by my cock, that’s what, Little Maiden.”
This time the name is mocking, as if he was taking great glee of the fact he was about to take your maidenhood status, and as you attempted to push back slightly on the ground his hand was grabbing at your skin painfully tight, in a bruising grip.
“Shh, it’s okay. Don’t be scared, little kit. It won’t hurt much.” He promised, fingers coming up to smooth over your cheek as he fitted himself between your thighs. His other hand fit between your two bodies, brushing up against your sensitive bundle of nerves as he palmed his own cock.
“I could have been rude, not tried to make you feel good and stretch you out a little. I told you I would, right?” He questioned, touching your face fondly, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch, feeding on his words.
“Of course, it’s not going to help when I knot you. Can’t exactly prepare human bodies for that before it happens.” He muses on, more to himself as his words drop and you feel your face contort in confusion. “Knot?” You question and he smiles, his face bright at that. “Oh yes, I’m going to split you open on my knot, little kit. Fill you with my kits.”
You start to ask what he means once again but a pressure on your core had you attempting to scoot back. His hand connected with your shoulder holding you steady as he pushed up, and into you.
You gasped in pain, tears welling up in your eyes as you grabbed at him. “W-wait, sir!” You attempted to call out, hands flying up to grasp at his body and arms as he pushed you down with the same force he was pushing his hips up with.
The stretch was painful, and you could feel as he pushed each new inch inside. Even though he had used three fingers inside of you, it felt nothing compared to the stretch of his cock as he made your cunt provide room for him.
If he cared for your whimpers, or the soft tears flowing down your face he didn’t comment on them. His own head dipping down as his eyes fluttered shut at the velvety sensation wrapping around him. “You feel so good,” He purred out, eyes fluttering open to look up at you and even through your tears you could see the unnatural glint to his eyes.
You swallowed, trying to hold back your whimpers as his hips pressed flush against yours. You felt like you were going to be split open, the sensation uncomfortable as his cock pressed firmly against your cervix. “Hmm? Why are you crying now?” He questioned, his thumb coming up to wipe at your tears as your lower lip trembled.
“It hurts.” You stated plainly and he tsked softly, “We’ve barely begun, I told you this.” He attempted to soothe. You could see his tails lashing in anticipation behind him, the goldish red of his fur catching your attention. Drawing your focus away from throbbing dull ache in between your legs  “Now, quit crying little kit. You barely have anything to cry about. I haven’t even moved, you can cry later.” He promises, and once again you start to question his words, lips parting to ask what he meant by that.
However, his hips drew back, causing you to yelp softly at the sudden removal of pressure and new friction from your body. “W-Wait-!” You start to object, as his hips snapped back into you causing the air to leave your lungs as you stared up at him.
“There, see? Don’t cry.” His voice was light, teasing as he pushed himself up on his arms, shifting to a new position as he started to roll his hips in earnest, head cocking as he listened to your squeaks of objection as you attempted to form a coherent sentence.
“What is it? You have to tell me.” You knew he was mocking you as your hands gripped at the flowers beside you, trying to find purchase as he fucked you in order to ground yourself. “Oh? Nothing. Hm, disappointing. Well if you’re not objecting….”
His voice trailed off, as he suddenly pulled out, grabbing you by your hips as he flipped your body over. You started to object again as his body covered you, his cock pressing  up against your thigh for a moment before it entered you just as suddenly. One of his hands gripped your hip, holding you tightly as the other found the spot in between your shoulder blades, shoving you down before he gripped the back of your neck.
The new position caused him to groan at the tightened sensation, a soft praise of “That’s a good girl, just like that.” as he encouraged you to hold the position as he draped over you. His hips slapping into you as he fucked into your body.
Your soft mewls of pain slowly turned into pleasure, trembling underneath him at the odd pressure as he drilled into your core, pressing up against your cervix with each thrust. His presence was warm, stifling as he covered you.
As if he could sense your discomfort, his hands moved to pull at your clothing. Ripping it down the seam along the back as he shoved to the side. Your protesting words were cut off as he pushed your face further into the ground with a soft snarl of “Quit complaining.”
His words left your stomach flipping as he undressed you, pausing only briefly with his thrusts before he leant back over you his skin flush against yours. The smell of cinnamon and smoke clouded your head as he pressed his face into your neck. You could feel the soft rumble of a growl in his chest, his hips stuttering against you as he found a new pace which had you both gasping for air.
Chills trembled through your body as his hands wrapped around you, grabbing at your chest and pinching at your nipples as you whined in objection. “W-wait, please slow down. I-I can’t.” Your words were whimpers, barely formed as your fingers dug into soft soil as he pounded away into your sopping cunt.
You couldn’t see it as his fingers dug into your neck pushing further into the ground, his eyes rolling in annoyance. “Can you shut up, and just whine for me instead?” He questioned, each word punctuated with a thrust, the finals one hammering directly into your cervix as you sobbed out for him.
Pleasure and pain mixing together in a ball in your stomach as he fucked into you with skilled rolls of his hips. As pleasure continued to grow in you, you could feel his thrusts begin to change. Rather than fucking you with a speed and intensity that left you struggling to breathe, they became much more targeted as he grinds into you with his hips.
Each press you could feel the nudge of something at your folds. You attempted to turn your head, looking back in curiosity at the new sensation but his hand was immediately there pressing your face further into the ground. “Stay,” His words were a soft growl that vibrated through you as he held you firmly and you found yourself nodding weakly even as he continued pressing into you. Soft fur ran against your legs, and you could feel his tails wrap around you, an attempt at a comforting gesture.
His grinding became more insistent as his lazy thrusts continued, and as it built you couldn’t help but push back against it, the pressure rubbing against your clit. This action of yours seemed to please him greatly as he leaned back over you, covering you effectively as he purred praises into your ears.
It wasn’t until he started to push it forward into your hole with purpose that it clicked in your mind that he was attempting to fit it inside you. You hadn’t seen what this new pressure was, but you could feel your hole painfully stretching at the pressure and your instincts told you that it was going to hurt.
As if he could sense your panicky thoughts, his hands were suddenly back on you holding you painfully down, his weight on your back as he continued to shove his hips against yours. “Don’t even think about it.” His words chilled you but the pain had you continuing to squirm as he tightened his grip on you, tails running against your skin.
As the pressure increased on your cunt, your breathing started to increase. Tears rolling down your cheeks and onto the ground at the burning pain continued. “Relax, it’s only going to hurt worse if you fight me on this. You’ll be okay. Breathe.” His words were attempting to be calming to you as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
His fingers dug into you as you attempted to calm your breathing as he instructed but the pressure only increased as your eyes squeezed shut. Your teeth gritted together for a moment before a sob of pain escaped. “It hurts!” You accused and he hummed, licking at your skin. “I know, you’re doing so good.” He promised.
“You said it wouldn’t!” You sobbed out, and he snorted in amusement.
“Did not...I told you I was going to split you open on my knot, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.”
Your lower lip trembled as he continued to push into you, “It hurts really bad, please stop.” You attempt again he shushes you pressing his lips against yours, “Shhh little kit, it’ll be okay. It’ll be done soon, I promise.” He whispers against you, leaning up to lick the tears leaking from your eyes and down your face. “Go on now, cry for me. I told you, you could cry later. Didn’t I?” His words were spoken into your skin, soothing as his fingers release from their bruising grips rubbing at your skin in soft circles instead.
For the briefest moment, the pressure alleviates and you make the mistake of letting out a soft exhale, thinking he had stopped. Eyes fluttering shut as you let out a soft “Thank you.” However, as his hips snapback forward connecting you two firmly again, you feel your mind blank for the briefest moment before light explodes behind your eyelids.
Pain clouds your mind, and you are convinced you definitely were just split open as the knot at the base of his cock pushes into you, sinking past your hole and into your cunt. As blinding as the pain is, the shuddering euphoria washes over you following it, a sharp sob escapes from you as his teeth dig into your neck.
His hands pinning you to the ground under his weight preventing you from pulling away as you cum around him spasming underneath him. His noises of pleasure fill your ears, muffled as his teeth puncture your skin. His body trembles over you, his scent of cinnamon and smoke overwhelming you as he effectively ties the two of you together, his tails sliding against both of your skin before falling slackly.
As both of your orgasms wash over you, the pain returns as a dull throb in your cunt. As his fingers loosen on his hold of you, his weight sagging slightly you squirm attempting to pull away from him but just as quickly his fingers are back bruisingly tight on your hip and shoulder. His teeth dig in further into your skin making you cry out in pain. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare. You’re gonna hurt both of us.” He snarls, his voice muffled by your skin. “Stay still.” He hisses out, breath uneven as his hips ground into you once more, his movements limited now but not prevented.
With each half-hearted roll of his hips, tugging at your hole you whimpered in pain. You could feel the warmth filling your stomach, and after a few more minutes you could feel it dripping down your legs. Sensing the fluid leaking also, the man shifted. His arms wrapping around your body as he rolled to the side, pulling you with him as his hands ran over your belly fondly cupping it lightly as he held your firmly to his chest.
As both of your breathing lowered back to normal, his hands continued to rub softly at your skin. His tails wrapping around to tickle at your skin as well. He was much more gentle now, his touches almost loving, but you still couldn’t help the soft tears roll down your face at your bruised skin. Sensing your emotions the man nuzzled into your throat, tongue running along the bite mark he had left. One of his tails reached up, brushing off your cheek of your tears as you turned away from it.
“What’s wrong, little kit?” He purred out, his words sleepy and you shrugged in response. When a few seconds passed and you didn’t continue on with an answer, he pinched at your skin lightly as he pressed a kiss to your jaw. “Come on now, talk to me.”
You let out a soft sight, turning to look at the man, your lower lip trembling and he immediately stiffened in concern. His tail coming up to brush against your face again, as he nuzzled into you. “Oh stop, you’re okay. I promise.” He soothed, fingers running over your body in encouragement. “You did so good.”
“I want to go home now, Sir.” you whispered softly, and the man laughed gently at the statement. “You know you don’t have to call me ‘Sir’. I gave you my name,” he pointed out, avoiding your request. “Oh...I’m sorry, Tanaka.” You decide on and he hums, pressing another kiss to the corner of your eye. “Ryuunosuke is fine.”
“I’m sorry, Ryuunosuke.” You repeat, and he hums happily rubbing his face against you. You two laid in silence for longer, his fingers running up and down your body as he held you to his body.  His lips pressing soft kisses against the skin he could reach, his tails rubbing against your legs, and wrapping around your body providing warmth to you both as your eyelids drooped against your will.
“Ryuunosuke?” You questioned, voice slurred with sleep. “Hmm? What is it, little kit?” The kitsune questions you, his fingers brushing against your cheek as he presses a soft kiss to your cheekbone. “When can I go home?” You ask and the man laughs softly.
It was a sound that warms your body as you feel your body drift into unconsciousness, his head moving to rub down over your stomach fondly, and the soft bulge still there from the kitsune’s actions earlier. As you feel the world fade to black, it is his words in the background, a soft whisper into your skin that guides you into sleep.
“Oh silly kit, you’re not going anywhere just yet. You’re not leaving until you’re heavy with my kits. Then you can return to your realm, just like I promised.”
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unearthly-space · 3 years
RDR2 - Monsters AU - Van der Linde Monstrous Statuses; Pt.2/2
Pt.2/2 of the Van der Linde gang’s Monstrous statuses.
Abigail Roberts: A swan maiden. Yeah, not really “monstrous”, but not every cryptid is grotesquely horrifying. Swan maidens shapeshift from their human to swan forms (well, most cryptids do, but here me out). The key to her transformation is some sort of garment made of her own swan feathers. If one were to take away her garment, she would be trapped as she is, unable to transform or fly away/swim away without it. Many men hunt the swan maidens to force one to become his wife in such a way.
Jack Marston: A hellhound pup. Cutesy little Jack takes after his father in this regard. Typical hellhound features include mangled black fur, glowing red eyes, super strength and speed, and ghostly or phantom characteristics. Some say that if you stare into a hellhound’s eyes three times or more, you will surely die. Still, though, Jack is but a pup and most of these abilities and characteristics have yet to rear their head. Though he does have the terrifying red eyes and is quite a fast little one.
Susan Grimshaw: A Futakuchi-onna. There’s nothing I really tied this one to miss Grimshaw with, I just thought it would be an interesting and different creature. A Futakuchi-onna is a mostly humanoid monster with two mouths, their normal one located on their face, and their second one hidden away on the back of their head beneath their hair. The Futakuchi-onna’s skull splits apart and forms lips, teeth, a tongue, ect. It creates a completely functional second mouth one can eat with.
Simon Pearson: A shen. This one was more as a joke, but still funny and the idea is growing on me. A shen is a sort of clam monster from from chinese mythology. They’re a shapeshifting “dragon or sea monster” believed to create mirages. 
Leopold Strauss: A Nachtkrapp. A south German and Austrian bugbear creature. They’re supposed to be a tale meant to scare children off and up to their bedrooms to sleep. Several variations exist, but we will be (mainly) focusing on this - “In most legends, the Nachtkrapp is described as a giant, nocturnal raven-like bird. In Norse mythology, the, Nachtkrapp (Swedish "Nattramnen", Norwegian "Nattravnen") is depicted with no eyes which if looked into cause death. It is also depicted with holes in its wings which cause illness and disease if looked at.” - quoted straight from Wikipedia until I can get a more valid source.
Josiah Trelawny: A Djinn (Genie). A thing to note about the Djinn cryptids is that they are neither innately evil nor innately good. They’re usually held responsible for misfortune, possession and diseases, ect. However, the djinn are sometimes supportive and benevolent. They are frequently mentioned to be summoned and bound to a sorcerer with some form of brass object. (i.e. a lamp.)
Orville Swanson: Ghillie Dhu. A solitary male fairy. Kindly and reticent, yet sometimes wild in character but had a gentle devotion to children. They typically have dark hair and are clothed in leaves and moss. A rather unusual nature spirit (most commonly of the mountains), that lived in a birch wood he lived in a birch wood within the Gairloch and Loch a Druing area of the north-west highlands of Scotland. 
Kieran Duffy: A dullahan. I will accept all hate for this horrible, horrible thing I did. For those who don’t know, a dullahan is depicted as a headless horse rider, usually on a black steed, who carries their own head in their arms. The ancient Irish believed that wherever a dullahan stopped riding, a person was to die. They all but have to call out that person’s name which draws there mortal soul from their body, making them drop dead. It is also said that golden objects can force a dullahan to dissapear. I’ve always loved dullahans (thanks to lots of research after watching DRRR), and I couldn’t help but make Kieran one for this AU. Very befitting, due to his in-game fate. 
Molly O’Shea: A banshee. “Woman of the fairy mound”, “fairy woman”. Banshees were female spirits of Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by wailing, shrieking, or keening. I liked the idea of Molly being a banshee, especially because of her downward spiral further into the game.
Davey Callander: Cerberus. I really wanted to include these next few deceased members just  for a storyline’s sake and as respect for the characters we never new. Cerberus, as most would probably know, is the three-headed hound of Hades that guards the gates to the Underworld. A common description includes - three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from multiple parts of his body.
Mac Callander: Orthrus. I contemplated Davey and Mac both being separate heads of Cerberus, but decided to use Orthrus as inspiration, the lesser known brother of Cerberus. Orthrus, though, is only two-headed and guarded Geryon’s cattle in myths, until he was killed by Heracles, that is.
Jenny Kirk: A harpy. I would have loved to see Jenny and Lenny in the game, but sadly we were robbed of it. Harpies were half-human, half-bird personifications of storm winds. Generally speaking, they were depicted as birds with the heads of maidens, faces pale with hunger and long claws on their hands. Pottery art depicting the harpies featured beautiful women with wings. Ovid described them as human-vultures. 
Annabelle: A siren. Oh how I love sirens. They were dangerous sea dwellers that enjoyed luring sailors to a watery grave with their enchanting voices and songs. I liked that being the idea of how her and Dutch met, her intentionally trying to drown him in a lake or some sort, before falling in love with him.
Bessie Matthews: A kitsune. I thought it would be cute with Hosea as a majestic centaur with a beautiful nine-tailed fox as his bride. Kitsunes are usually seen as intelligent legendary beings that have up to as many as nine tails. According to some folktales, Kitsune are usually seen employing their shapeshifting ability to trick humans, but others (that I favor for Bessie) portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.
That’s it for the Van der Lindes. As for other characters, I’ve only figured out Mary Linton’s status if I decide to make her a Cryptid.
I also want to make Albert Mason (I’m weak for this cinnamon bun) a Cryptid, but I’m at a loss of what he should be. Any ideas?
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salenakingston · 4 years
The Future: Theories and Predictions
Boy what a wild ride this has been hasn’t it? The Future has been out for a few days now and I’ve seen a lot of interesting discussion going on about it. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to toss in my two cents about some things that I have noticed, a few theories/food for thought, and some predictions I have for the next video. Yeah we’ve got a while before then, but that gives us all plenty of time to expand on theories and ideas. Anyways, onto the rambling. I apologize if I am repeating some stuff that other people have already said <3.
1. Shiromori and Mystery
This seems to arguably be the biggest mystery (haha) that’s still present in these videos. A lot of what we can gleam from them is some interactions and still image flashbacks. It’s clear there’s a connection between her and mystery’s blood, and I’m pretty sure we can assume mystery is the one that brought her to life with his blood. And given the third image that is shown to us in Hellbent, I think it’s safe to assume they had some kind of symbiotic relationship, at least in the past.
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But now with the release of future, there seems to be much more going on between them. I know these details have been pointed out by many other people, so I won’t drag on too long about this, but rather go over some things that stood out to me. I had seen one user point out the fact that Mystery hesitated to join the fight between Vivi and Shiromori at the start, only stepping in once Vivi’s face got cut again, and again when the vines started coming towards them.
It’s like Mystery doesn’t want to fight her, and this seems further supported after Shiromori loses her arms and they get frozen over. He steps in and protects her, something that surprises her and Vivi. He cares about her, even if he is afraid of her to some degree. There is more evidence to this when Shiromori’s body is destroyed (I’ll come back to this bit shortly). The look he gives is shock/horror at what happened. Sorry I am not good with description words.
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One other interesting thing to note is that when Shiromori attacks Mystery when he snaps is that she can be shown crying. So she to some level cares about Mystery as well, to the point where yes she wanted his blood, but not want him dead. Just an interesting detail.
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So with all that being said do I have any predictions about this going into the next video? Honestly not really, at least not at the moment. Considering how the ending of the Future is set up, I’m not sure how much more information we will get on these two. I know the main creators have mentioned the possibility of doing more after this current arc. Maybe this would be something to explore if more is not shared. One thing I will say about Shiromori is I don’t believe she is dead. Yes, we see her body disintegrate, but her heart remained in tact. After all Vivi, only hit it and didn’t break it as far as we could see.
2. Mystery and his tails
Now, I will say upfront that I know next to nothing about kitsunes and their lore, so for a lot of this I’ll just be going off what we see in the videos. I do know that the tails in lore connect with a kitsune’s age, but I am not sure if that plays a role here, as many have already pointed out that in the Shiromori flashbacks he has nine, in the Ghost flashback he has six, and present he has seven, which become nine at the end of the Future. Since that all has been talked about, I have something more to chew on in terms of this and Mystery’s heart itself.
It seems that to Mystery, his tails are connected to other beings, beings that he cares about, as evident to him growing his eighth tail when Vivi gets injured and his ninth when Shiromori “dies.” Each person is represented by a stream of color coming out of his heart.
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I do find it interesting that of all the colors, those are the two with patches on them, making me wonder if this also ties into his connection with Mushi and Mystery’s past, but I don’t have enough to go off with that. What I am more interested in are the other colored streams. A lot of people have been connecting colors to others we know, like magenta/purple being Lewis and yellow/oragne being Arthur, something I also support. Green might be linked to ??? but that makes me wonder something I’ll get into in another bullet point.
Bringing this all back to my point, this is just something to think about more than a theory. If we assume that this is the case, then did Mystery grow to six tails after everything that happened in the cave, or did he start out with six? Along with this, if we assume who some of these colors belong to, who got hurt or killed between the time in the cave and present day to make Mystery have seven tails? I could just be looking too deep into this, but thought it was interesting to look at when put into the context of the previous videos.
3. Mystery and ???/Multiple ???
I know that header might seem a bit confusing but stick with me on this one. There’s a clear connection between Mystery and ??? that is more of less confirmed by the end of the video when ??? reaches out and grabs Mystery’s heart. It’s clear that ??? has got a hold on Mystery... but my question is how? The last time we saw it was in Freaking Out, and it wasn’t for very long. It was sure quick to run away when Shiromori popped out of the ground, looking very worried. Almost as worried as someone else we know.
More importantly though is how did ??? not only find the Mystery Skulls gang, but catch up to them running around as just an arm? He has been hanging out at the cave until Shiromori even showed up. We at least know Shiromori was able to track them due to the flowers she spawned, and was fast enough underground to keep up with two moving cars going at a very high speed. I find it a bit hard to believe that ??? was following them the whole time, or was even able to keep up.
I will admit that there is still not a lot we know about ??? and it is very possible that there is more that will be shown in the next video, but this does give me a couple theories that are worth looking into.
Either ??? might have been a part of Mystery the whole time, or the events of the cave left a bit of ??? not just in Mystery, but Arthur’s arm as well, which would mean there’s two... pieces for lack of a better word, running around. I’m not swayed towards one theory over the other, as both seem to have a good backing to them. There is a clear connection between the two of them though as evidence from a couple frames that pass rather quick after Mystery grows his eighth tail.
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He’s already changing at this point, and it only fully goes through at the end once Mystery’s passed out. I assume that is because it is a point when ??? could easily take over. But that also harkens back to my second theory. How? If all of ??? is still trapped in Arthur’s arm, how would Mystery be changing like this? There’s no way the arm was somehow able to get inside him off screen right? It makes me wonder if the arm (the physical arm, not just ???) will turn up in the next video and expand more on how it was able to do this.
4. Arthur’s arm/??? and Lewis
And that finally leads me to my final point, being Arthur’s own arm, specifically the left one in both senses. Yes, it’s metal now, but that doesn’t mean he’s got full control over it. At the end of the Future, when Mystery starts to transform, Arthur’s arm really starts to freak out. I only really noticed when @ectoimp​ and @arthurtristankingsmen​ pointed it out on my feed, but the arm seems to be moving on its own and pulling him towards Lewis.
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Now I’ve seen a couple theories floating around about this. One thing I would like to point out is the color of the sparks. I’ve seen people tribute this to Arthur himself, but I think it’s just simply a show of the metal arm itself. It’s metal and it’s a show of it sparking and malfunctioning. Yes, we saw this when Lewis’ sparks when into Arthur’s arm and shorted it out, but he’s a ghost and that was his power. These may just be normal mechanical sparks coming out.
Another theory was that it was pulling Arthur towards his friends. While yes, I could see that, there’s one key detail, and that’s Arthur pulling his arm away from Lewis once he sees what it’s doing. Now why would he be physically holding his arm back if it only wanted him to be back with his friends?
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I’m more inclined to believe that Arthur’s arm might still be possessed in some way, or ??? still has some kind of influence over it, even if it is metal. With that in mind, something to think about, why is it still going for Lewis? We know it was used to push Lewis off the cliff and kill him, but Lewis is dead now. Granted he is a ghost, but what can Arthur’s arm do to him? It can physically touch him as we saw in Hellbent, but what else? Is there some connection between Lewis and ??? that we don’t know about? Or is it perhaps ??? trying to get rid of another threat since Lewis is still around? Maybe Vivi as well? Just some things to think about.
Also, I wonder if this has a deeper meaning between Mystery, ???, and Arthur given the “vision” we see in Freaking Out where Arthur’s arm can also be seen sparking at the sight of Mystery in kitsune form. Perhaps more than just clever foreshadowing?
5. Predictions
This is mere speculations now, but what can I see coming out of this and going to the next video? Boy we’re hitting the climax and I’m super excited. Ok, so most of the new videos have been starting with some kind of intro before the actual song starts. I imagine the next one will as well. About what I am not sure.
Now this is purely based on a post made by @heilos​, but the word designs was used. Designs, plural. We’ve already seen Murder Mystery, so who else could it be? I’ve got three guesses on who could be getting some kind of design. Arthur: if something is really going on with his arm and ??? starts to take over again, ??? itself: maybe getting a look of his own rather than just being a walking arm, and Lewis: hell, if Mystery can change forms and is a supernatural being, then why can’t Lewis do the same? Especially if Arthur and Vivi play some kind of role in that.
I also think Arthur might play some kind of larger role than just being the one running away. I image his will still do that, but think about it. He’s had experience with ???, he’s got a soft spot for Mystery, even after what was done to his arm, and maybe that could lead to him being a key to helping bring Mystery back to himself.
Holy shit that got long. Sorry for my rambling, but I love sharing about something I care this much about. We may have to wait another two years, but the wait is always worth it! Please let me know your thoughts if you have any or expand on some of these ideas! <3
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ready-to-rally · 3 years
Overwatch Possible New Hero Teaser: Toshiro Yagami
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Letter translation below
Haikei, Toshiro, beloved husband:
The cherry blossoms are in glorious bloom after a gentle winter, soft clouds of pink against the green trees on the hillside. The season returns me to the winter day when the Hashimoto took you away from us, when snowflakes fell as the petals do now.
Strange that we are so close, yet we can visit you only when our current “masters” wish it. I hope they value your work enough to bring us together soon. Our daughter appreciated your recent gift, though I pray the blades you forge for the Hashimoto aren’t nearly so sharp, that what you craft for them is only equal to their sordid selves.
The forge of Yamagami Blades remains locked up tight, and since we last saw you in the autumn, we have moved into the upper level. It helps us feel close to you in many ways. In other ways, I feel your absence even more keenly. The musical hammering of the hot tamahagane, the song of the steel, is missing from this place. So is your own voice, your singing to the sword as you brushed it with yakibatsuchi, and the crackle of the fire when the blade hit the forge and the hiss as it cooled in the water. Sometimes I think I hear you there, yet it is always only the wind.
But I will not linger here. For as winter leads to spring, let me write a letter of lightness—a warm breeze bearing drifting blossoms. Perhaps it will grant us both a little peace, even as I turn my blade to keep the peace here from shattering altogether.
Many things remain unchanged, of course, in these eight years since your last trip home. You will doubtless be pleased to hear that Ichiko refuses to change the family recipe at Gozan Ramen, and the black garlic oil is as delicious as ever. It was crowded today, as many have come to celebrate the cherry blossoms. Yui’s dog, Mochi, is getting on in years, but his likeness still spins on the sign of the pottery school. Most of our favorite places are kept alive thanks to the tourists who delight in visiting quaint old towns such as ours. They eat ice cream from the cat café and burn their yen at the arcade or the new shopping mall you have yet to behold. Then, happy with their souvenirs, these day visitors skitter back onto the train before nightfall, when the lanterns flicker to life and the Hashimoto pound on closed shop doors, taking their “share” of what is earned by the labor of others and funneling it up to their betters through the aptly named Tora no Sumika.
Shimada Castle still sits high in its place of glory, overlooking our city like a stalwart stone temple awaiting a benevolent deity. You and I know well enough, we two who make and wield the sword, that while their castle was indeed strong stone, the Shimada were no gods, but people—and criminals at that. But the Shimada understood that honor and loyalty forge the strongest bond between ruler and ruled.
Lately, the Shimada have consumed my idle thoughts. They asked much of those who followed them, but they inspired us to give it. And in return, the Shimada clan led with integrity and treated us with respect. As you know, my mother and hers before her were honored to tend the fox shrine far from the clamor of town. But when it was clear my soul longed for the sword and I excelled at kenjutsu, the Shimada chose me over all others as their swordmaster. They knew that Kanezaka was not just the seat of their power, it was their home . . . and ours, too.
But where the Shimada gave, the Hashimoto take. After all, when one has many homes, one has none—and the Hashimoto clan claws at nearly every city in this nation. We are nothing special to them; one day they will drink us dry and move on, leaving us empty and broken. Even now, some twelve years on, I see the mark they have left on our city.
I regret that, even though the old part of Kanezaka appears outwardly unchanged, it has suffered under the cruel hand of the Hashimoto. Our view of the motherly mountain now encompasses the jut and arrogance of skyscrapers and neon, not the warm comfort of wood and wind and stone as it once did.
I stand, as Kanezaka itself does, between the old ways of the mountain and the Shimada and the new, sharp, hard ways of the city and the Hashimoto. We both know that the Hashimoto have you in their “care” not only for your skills, but also to keep me in my place—to ensure that I do not falter in their charge to keep peace in this city, among these people whom I respect so much. I will obey our current masters, for to do anything else will put both you and our friends here at risk.
I had hoped that over time the Hashimoto would grow lazy. That they would see we are an honest people whom they need not oppress.
Not even the most faithful dog could take such a beating without biting back—and the people of Kanezaka are great of heart. We are being worn down. The demands upon the populace are increasing, and tempers are rising. Missed payments are met with more vicious abuses. And now someone has given the Hashimoto further reason for anger.
Over the last few months, shipments of Hashimoto contraband have gone missing. Their men have been badly beaten or robbed when returning from their rounds. Perhaps most boldly of all, messages painted in bright, conspicuous colors have started to appear, though they are quickly painted over.
These fools are not so subtly throwing in-nen at the Hashimoto, and their acts are received as well as you would expect. These vigilantes think to rise strong against a tide of violence. Instead they strike fast—and hide faster—while the good people of Kanezaka take their penance. And so my job—to keep our own people, our friends, in submission—has become both more delicate and more vital with each passing day. There are moments when I can scarce believe the world in which I walk now: You, making beautiful work for undeserving pigs. I, who trained the scions of Sojiro Shimada, forced to turn my swordmaster’s blade against my own. The children of this town, growing to adulthood with only the brutal, thoughtless Hashimoto to determine what is good or bad . . . our daughter among them. It is dangerous in this city now.
I will walk through Kanezaka today not simply to imagine you walking beside me or to greet our neighbors. I have made an offering to take to the Tetsuzan Shrine of my ancestors: A bowl coated with brilliant blue-green yuyaku from the pottery school, into which Ichiko has ladled a splash of dashi. A rice ball from our neighbor. From Kenta, a piece of red bean mochi—our daughter’s favorite. To all this I have added a generous pour of sake. I may have poured a small cup for myself as well.
I will ask the fox spirit for strength to continue this fight and for wisdom for myself and for all of us. Then, after sunset, I will take the sword that you gave me so long ago at our yuino and patrol the streets of this place that both fills my heart and breaks it. I will find these self-appointed “guardians,” who, if not deterred from this path, may be the spark of a misguided and deadly fire that will consume us all.
May you and I both be as your blades are: strong and sharp. Obey the Hashimoto, as I must, and give them the outward show of respect, even if you cannot give true respect a home in your heart.
I will close on the lighter note that I promised and say that I know if you were here you would remind me, “The kitsune can change your luck with a flick of even one of her tails.” May she flick all nine of them and send some much-needed good fortune our way.
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crossoverworldtree · 3 years
Kitsune (Teen Wolf version): 20 Point Quality
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Kitsune are animal spirits that have taken human form or have overtaken a human body. The method varies.  They can’t change between forms until they ‘advance’ in age and ability, using the human form to do so more quickly.  As they grow in power, they gain more tails to represent their mastery different abilities.  These are visually seen while in human form through their aura, which they manifest around their human body.  Once they reach 8, they learn how to turn into a fox again through shapeshifting.
When they call upon their animal spirit, they gain a +2 to Strength, +3 to Dexterity and Constitution, and +1 to Perception.  They may raise these attributes to superhuman levels and have up to 10 levels of Hard to Kill.  Without calling it up, they are still potent, but not as much. They recover their Constitution in Life Points every Minute and can live for well over a thousand years. They have an instinctive gift for combat, having a +1 to Kung Fu, Acrobatics, and Getting Medieval.  
They also have Innate Magic, Specialized Magic (choose 1 element), and they take 1/5th damage from that element.  
On the negative side, they tend to operate on their own wavelength.  Often called tricksters, they simply have a code of honor that outsiders find hard to deal with.  This gives them the Honorable (minimal) and Mild Delusions (Weird – Kitsune Honor Code) to represent both the code itself and how odd it is.  What that code of honor entails is determined when the character is created.
Kitsune (Folklore Version): Variable Quality
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In a wider spectrum of Folklore and Mythology, Kistune are similar to the Fae of England in terms of overall cultural role but are wholly different physically. Firstly, they are not normally human-like, but Foxes with great age and wisdom. They adopt a human form for mischievous or formal purposes (a fox cannot do this until it is at least 50 years of age). These forms tend to fall into two categories: that of a young maiden or an old man. Neither of which bespeaks to the gender of the fox. Like the fairy, they are split into two groups, but these are not formal courts. One group, the Myoubu Kitsune, or Inari Kitsune are similar to court Fairies, but bound to Inari, the god of rice. They began as Inari's messengers and high-ranking servants, but time has passed so that Inari him-or-her-self is now a mighty Nine-tailed fox. The Myoubu Kitsune have a white coat and are noted for their prowess in warding off evil.
The other type of Kitsune are the Nogitsune or "Field Foxes". These foxes are golden in color and not affiliated with Inari. They can still be good, but many of them are also mischievous, or, in some cases even malevolent and villainous.
Many tales center around Kitsune. Some involve people making pacts with the spirits--being tricked by illusory money they are given (which turn into leaves and stones after they leave or when they are passed to another), granting people knowledge and wisdom, tricking the proud, or even taking mortal husbands. Other stories deal with Kistunesuki, or fox possession. Sometimes, Kitsune pose as women of the night (in fact, people were told to be wary of women met at night for fear they might be a Kitsune). Kitsune marriages and lovers are occasionally common. Sometimes the wife is treated as any other fairy wife is in such stories, with their halfling children inheriting either spiritual or intellectual prowess. Other stories end with the husband being let out of an illusionary world after several years--alone and disoriented upon discovering that his wife is a fox spirit.
Kitsune come in two different qualities. The Inari or Myoubu Kitsune cost 15 points to start with. They are innately magical and are able to take the form of a normal fox, or a monstrous multi-tailed (base 2, player characters tend to end at 4) fox the size of a large wolf or horse (as Beast Form, but limited to these forms, using their physical stats, but with both bite and claw attacks). They are master illusions (starting with the basic Glamour ability) and can regenerate 1 point per constitution level per hour. They gain a +2 to Dexterity and Willpower and a +1 to Intelligence. They are honorable (serious) in their manner and have an obligation to the god Inari as their messengers, but gain the other servants as contacts (Supernatural Contacts 2). They may not directly petition Inari for aid, however, unless they do so in a very formal manner and it is not something to be done lightly.
Nogistune is a 14-point quality. They are similar to Myoubu Kitsune many respects. They do not have an obligation to Inari, nor do they have a network of contacts. They are not as honorable as their servitor cousins (Honorable: Minimal), but are tricksters at heart (Anti-social Impulses: Deceit).  Some have several levels of cruelty on top of this, but that is optional.
Kitsune, as they grow in power, can gain many supernatural powers. Most of these involve complex illusions/glamours; fire and lighting-based abilities and spells (their "Fairy Fire" or "Fox Fire" is colored white for Inari and blue for Nogitsune); the ability to enter dreams and alter them; flight; and invisibility.  No matter their form, they have access to their spells and supernatural abilities.
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springtwirling · 2 years
I feel like talking about Kairos’ Pokemon team, so. ♥
Preface/context for his team: his team has been influenced either directly by Kairos’ magic or the magic of his family, and has been trained to defend him and his family from not just Pokemon, but humans, monsters, aliens, and especially demonic and without question ELDRITCH threats. Thus, their development and personalities and movesets revolve around such. 
Another note: I’m using ANIME rules. This is where it has been shown that more than four moves can be used by trained Pokemon (8 in a battle, up to 10 out of battle). However, in a SANCTIONED battle, only four may be used. If it’s not sanctioned, there are no rules; not to this party.
That said. All bolded moves are ones used in sanctioned battles.
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Level: 100 Classification: Legendary / Guardian Height / Weight: 7′3″ / 262kg Nature: Jolly Ability: Intimidate IVs: 13 / 13 / 17 / 10 / 10 / 16 EVs: 105 / 85 / 85 / 50 / 85 / 100 Moveset: Extreme Speed, Bulldoze, Dragon Pulse, Psychic Fangs, Roar, Wild Charge, Flamethrower Item: Gear Necklace (Legendary Item associated with him specifically; Provides a bonus to Sp. Atk and HP)
Summary: Given to Kairos when he was a Growlithe, he was the first to be exposed to the boy’s wildly growing magic, in all it’s twists and turns, in all it’s rapid changes and surges and everything that changed in the boy’s life. He was there, through all of it. Learning, watching, listening, being patient, never making the same mistake more than twice lest he wish ill on his trainer or his trainer’s family. One might call this stressful. He saw this as an exercise in calm of mind. He would be the grounding point for the family, the anchor, the liferaft, safe harbor. No harm would come to his trainer or his family. It certainly helps that he can shapeshift into a human when he needs to actually talk, too.
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Level: 75 Classification: Pseudo-Legendary / Kitsune Height / Weight: 3′11″ / 22kg Nature: Bold Ability: Snow Cloak IVs: 11 / 12 / 13 / 18 / 17 / 22 EVs: 105 / 25 / 70 / 125 / 100 / 65 Moveset: Safeguard, Icy Wind, Aurora Beam, Sheer Cold, Agility, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory Item: Lax Incense (10% Evasion Chance)
Summary: A Pokemon that approached him while he was getting away from working with too many stuffy Alolan technicians, this particularly Ninetales found Kairos both amusing and curious, as despite seeming to hate the cold of the high mountains, he still griped and bemoaned how the the tourists were treating the landscape and used his magic to quickly clean up the space, then laying down in the snow. Once again, even though he seemed to visibly despise the cold. She then came over to him, with all of her nine tails, and sprawled across him to keep him warm. This obviously didn’t work, as she had ice in her coat, but she ended up being a part of the family after that and protecting him, as he had protected her land.
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Level: 70 Classification: game freak stop fucking with me that’s a DRAGON Height / Weight: 6′4″ / 125kg Nature: Relaxed Ability: Blaze IVs: 11 / 18 / 11 / 18 / 11 / 15 EVs: 85 / 100 / 125 / 100 / 50 / 50 Moveset: Steel Wing, Shadow Claw, Protect, Dragon Dance, Hurricane, Counter Item: Focus Sash (prevents the holder from fainting in one hit)
Summary: A Pokemon gifted to him half as a snide joke from shaded faces and half as what he saw as a test of his ability to truly care for a being that in some places would be considered a god without being one. At first, it was merely that. A game. A puzzle. A test. One he’d succeed in. But then he saw the Charizard for who she really was. A caring, doting woman who fiercely defends what’s hers, even though she’s not the most heavily scaled dragon around, and would likely go down easier than most. She’s become one of the focus points in his defense.
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Level: ???? Classification: Unknown. Due to a sudden absence in a god of dreams and a god of nightmares, one can be inclined to believe that this one had a hand in their disappearance... but she’s not talking. Height / Weight: 2′4″ / 20kg Nature: Quiet Ability: Magic Bounce IVs: 15 / 12 / 16 / 27 / 31 / 10 EVs: ?? / ?? / ?? / 150 / ?? / ?? Moveset: Psychic, Yawn, Dream Eater / Nightmare (situation depending), Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Focus Energy, Stored Power Item: None. She doesn’t need one. :)
Summary: Another Pokemon gifted to Kairos years ago. She showed up one day when he was asleep on his living room couch, and when he woke up, she was just ... there. Staring at him. He stopped questioning things by that point, and she joined his team, no pokeball needed. She had seamlessly transitioned into eating his dreams and nightmares, leaving him in a state of ... neutrally rested? Not well rested or exceptionally tired, but functioning. It was always odd to have your dreams eaten by something. Especially when you don’t know about it. In return, whenever he needs her help in a battle, she happily obliges... and for some reason, she’s strong enough to take hits from legendaries and direct hits from gods and not even flinch. How strange.
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Level: 66 Classification: Aura Healer Height / Weight: 3′10″ / 62kg Nature: Brave Ability: Inner Focus IVs: 12 / 16 / 11 / 17 / 13 / 13 EVs: 50 / 100 / 50 / 100 / 100 / 110 Moveset: Aura Sphere, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Helping Hand, Endure, Focus Blast Item: 
Summary: Reol, or Riri as Kairos calls her, is the youngest of the group, and the one who joined the team only a few months before he disappeared from reality / the multiverse for several years. He had been requested by the Riolu’s mother directly to take care of her daughter after poachers were hunting in the region and taking everything they could find, and Kairos had been raising Reol since she was a baby because of that. After a few months however, Kairos was taken back into the Depths. When Reol learned of what had happened from Dream and Flare, the only two of the Pokemon team who fully remembered and knew of the deal’s terms, she trained herself with them and strengthened her healing and her aura powers to be able to help her trainer when he got back. These days, she’s dutiful in helping keep Kairos’ daily pain to a minimum with the help of his medication, rarely participating in battles, as most of her moves focus on aid and healing and repelling.
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awildhanmonster · 6 years
More Ado about Characters:
Alright, now for round 2!  The following characters are all more one-offs and have no direct relation to each other quite the same was as Nell/Leonora/Barnes do, so let’s see if I can keep this under novel length.  
Remy Green, aka Remy:  17 years old in current canon, and still in the last leg of high school, Remy is, for lack of any better term, a reverse werewolf: perpetually stuck in the form of a gangly wolfdog monster on all nights save the brightest of full moons.  Originally just a “normal” human kid just trying to survive through graduation, her entire life wound up turned on its head when an out of control werewolf attacked and bit her while out with friends one night.  He was subdued and arrested, even later charged for the negligence and violent assault, but the damage had been done and the virus passed on— in the worst ways.
Remy essentially suffered the equivalent of a severe allergic reaction and anaphylaxis during the first shift, which took hours (normal were shifts should be minutes) and resulted in her parents frantically driving her to the ER in tears.  She survived, though the diagnosis— for a fragile kid with shaky self esteem— was, at the time, seemingly a fate worse than death.  Despite her form, she never seems to suffer the loss of mindfulness or weakened inhibitions of most werefolk during “peak” moon periods.  
Remy has since started learning how to cope with life in a new form she didn’t really want or ask for, and she has the full, unwavering support of her parents, though it’s still a lot for a teenaged kid to handle.  I’m pretty sure she wound up being pulled from high school and is trying to finish out her last year and a half or so at home, though she could really use some friends she doesn’t think are “obligated” to love her like her parents are.  I think she’s pretty lonely and dealing with a lot of depression issues.  Luckily she’ll fall in with Wayne at some point, who’s like a sweet (greasy stoner) older brother, and he and the rest of the Losers can adopt the hell out of her as a little sister and teach her how to not give a fuck about what humans think when you’re a weirdo.  She’ll earn her happy ending eventually.  
Rose Lund:  Absolutely 100% a retooling/transplant of one of my dearest, most beloved, super shitty/earnest self-insert characters as a 12 year old on Neopets and I have NO SHAME AT ALL.  Rose is a human mage (they do exist!) around 30 or so, a pale/skinny English-Caucasian mutt with green eyes, straight brown hair, and a penchant for fancifully extra looking dyed bang fringies because she’s stopped giving a fuck.  She’s one of those rare people who can strike up a conversation with just about anyone, blessed by a very… unique way with words that’s unintentionally contributed to her internet fame as a slice of life blogger about the day to day trials of pet dragon (well, wyrm) ownership.  
Rose has been passionate about rare and magical exotic creatures since she was a wee girl, and developed an obsession with dragons (‘wyrms’ being the correct term for all non-sentient varieties) before she was out of grade school.  In college she double majored cryptobiology and spell artistry, then upon graduation, acquired a pair of rare pygmy wyrms— from temperate and tundra subspecies— respectively, as pets, both for personal reasons and to aid in her pursuit of a master’s degree in cryptobiological husbandy.
Pygmy wyrms, it should be noted, are generally terrible pets.  While only growing to approximately the size of a house cat (10-12 pounds on average) and sporting the appearance of beautifully miniaturized mythological six-limbed dragons any fantasy nut would fall in love with, they are far from domesticated, exasperatingly precocious, and have the charming habit of expelling flammable gas from a myriad of orifices when startled.  They have a distinctive, vaguely musky sulfurous smell about them regardless of cleanliness and are just clever enough to ignore training commands when convenient.  Imagine giving a very ornery, very clever raccoon flappy wings with a several foot wingspan, feeding it rotten eggs, and strapping a flamethrower to both ends, then rigging it all with an excitable hair trigger.  That is a pygmy wyrm.  Rose owns two in an apartment complex: Ice Pack (Packy), who is a pale milk white/ice blue, and Sharky (Sharkbite), who is black and burgundy/red.  
Needless to say they’re the loves of her lives and she revolves around them, having garnered a massive internet following thanks to her daily posts about their antics and the realities of exotic pet care.  They’re harness trained now and reasonably polite, though this is only due to years of hard work and constant reinforcement.  She hopes one day to breed more biddable specimens and help contribute to the conservation of the species worldwide.  Also, they’ve made her very good at anti-flammability hexes.  
Shun —: known only by her first name, a kitsune who moved into the apartment complex fairly recently with her pet pipe fox, Yuzu.  It should be noted that kitsune are particularly long lived among mythicals, though how long exactly that is tends to be hotly debated and unknown by all but the foxes themselves.  What is known is how they are extremely slow to age after reaching their peak maturity/fitness, with certain individuals reported over 500 years old and, apparently, showing very little of their age beyond a massive swath of grown tails (nine being the highest on known record).  Kitsune typically grow to around 30-40 lbs, outwardly resembling a much large. leggier, more willowy silhouette than traditional foxes, and will begin life with a single tail that splits or “buds” and multiplies over time.  
Neurologically they are fairly unique among mammals, possessing a kind of distributed intelligence throughout the body that can give the tails a “mind of their own”, so to speak, in much the same way as octopi or other related cephalopods do.  In fact, due to the extremely slow rate of cell death/turnover, a severed kitsune tail will continue to move and attempt “functioning” for weeks, even years by some reports, under correct conditions.  Which I’ll get into shortly.  
Swerving back to Shun herself, she’s an artist by trade who zigzags between traditional and digital freelance work for a living.  Conservation of mass is still in place for humanoid shifts— which all kitsune can voluntarily assume— with predictably small, delicate, androgynous bodies that rarely get above 4’5’’ or so in stature.  Features like pointed ears or slit pupils/exposed tails can be morphed or shown as desired, though the chronic perception of being childlike or “cute” regardless of how old they are is a pretty common occurrence.  Shun is no stranger to this either, and hates shopping for clothes at non-mythical-specific places because she has to do so in the *really* young children’s department for anything to fit.  
Back on the subject of pipe foxes, though— Shun is a kitsune with 3 and 3/4 tails.  She had an unspecified accident several years ago in which she lost the final quarter of her fourth tail, but managed to retrieve the piece after several weeks of searching, at which point it was already trying to become a pipe fox.  Pipe foxes (at least in this world) are the result of a severed kitsune tail’s survival instincts going horribly wrong (or right) and attempting to restructure themselves for survival, and the amount of tail there (i.e. how much was separated from the body) will determine what becomes of it, though the “starting” process is pretty identical no matter what you do.  
If a severed piece of tail has no food, eventually, with time, it will die.  If, however, you keep it somewhere safe (like a drawer) and you present it with food (which could be, I don’t know, a chicken leg), it will sense it, and you will see the start of a small, gaping fanged mouth begin to grow from the stump.  Once this has formed, the tail will wriggle itself to its prize and devour everything it can, sustaining it.  Keep feeding the tail and it will continue to grow legs, organs, features, and a face— though not necessarily in that order.  Eventually, you will have a small— usually mouse to rat sized— beautiful white magic fox, prized heavily by black market collectors for its splendor and apparent luck giving properties.  A true quarter-tailed pipe fox will live somewhere between 5-40 years, unpredictably.  The distributed intelligence of the tail will reform/conglomerate into a brain relatively on par with a modern pet dog, possibly smarter (or much dumber) depending on your luck.  
If, however, there is MORE than roughly a quarter tail chopped off, with more of the nervous tissue and mass intact, the pipe fox resulting may appear larger and more robust.  Many exotic buyers have been lured into purchasing these creatures from traders without realizing, and years later the unlucky recipient will find their precious fox’s skin suddenly flaccid on the ground like a shed cocoon, having erupted into 75 tinier pipe foxes that will summarily swarm the accessible property to spirit off with literally anything they decide is valuable, never to be found again, often raging like an infestation for days or WEEKS before vanishing forever.  
Rumor has it that feeding an entire severed tail will result in 75 tiny pipe foxes bursting forth from the cocoon shell that will each burst into 75 more bug sized foxes each, resulting in a plague of nigh biblical proportions.  But that’s never actually been confirmed on record.  
Needless to say the kitsune have a lot of protocols for dealing with severed tails and will usually destroy half-formed pipe foxes of unknown origin on the spot.  Shun keeps Yuzu as a pet due to being intimately aware of the little rat-sized creature’s origins, and she still had to sign SO many extra insurance papers and wavers before the complex would let her move in.  
I am not good at keeping it short, am I?  Wow.  Well, there you have it!  I’d be happy to answer any extra stuff I forgot too if someone has a question.  I do love these nerds.  
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forksofwisdom · 6 years
What do you think witches and mermaids would have been like in the Twiverse? Do you think SM should have included other species?
Despite being a very pragmatic person, I am obsessed with mythologies of any kind, and I loved this idea so much that I took the time to do some research! And BOY did it get out of hands!
Note that I’m not a professional and most of my knowledge comes from scouring the internet, which is fraught with misinformation and I barely scratch the surface for the sake of brevity. I do mention things from my own culture - Icelandic folklore to be exact - but I encourage you to tag onto this post if you have something to add or want to make a correction! :D
I think SM kept a very narrow scope because she never intended Twilight to be anything more than a teenage romance between Bella and Edward. I for one am happy that she didn’t branch out beyond vampires, wolf-shifters, and the Children of the Moon because she was already on thin ice with her appropriation of the Quileute Tribe’s creation story. 
I also think that including more too many species and characters would have overwhelmed SM. Her side characters have spotty backstories, and I have a feeling that she wrote most of their history as an afterthought. Why else would SM have only mentioned Esme’s past in the Official Guide and not included the crucial information that Esme met Carlisle while she was STILL human in the story? 
If I’m honest, I would have loved to see different ending for New Moon and have SM do more character development in Eclipse. Bella’s quick recovery from her crippling depression was unrealistic in my opinion and her desperation to spend the rest of eternity with the Cullens seemed so shallow considering the fact she knew next to nothing about them and their past.
That being said, I still have some headcanons now that you got me thinking about this. I’m fascinated with the idea that some myths and legends around the world were born from encounters with real supernatural beings. 
Based on SM’s idea about the Quileute spirit warriors, there should be more types of shifters in the Twiverse since the Quileutes weren’t the only ones who founded their belief on having descended from wolves. 
Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings changing into animals via shapeshifting. This concept has been around for centuries, dating back so far that there are cave paintings that depict the transformation of men into animals. (x)
One of the most popular types of shapeshifting seems to be changing into wolves, and subsequently, there are a LOT of werewolf myths or The Children of the Moon as SM refers to them. (I’ve already written an entire post dedicated to them so I won’t talk about them here.) 
I won’t go much farther into Origin Stories than I have above since it’ll take over the entire post. There are so fricking many different tales, especially about randy gods - seriously, it’s wild - that it’s difficult to decide what would lead to becoming a Shifter and what would be considered fables in the Twiverse.
For the sake of clarity, I have made a short list below which includes a few types of shapeshifters from different cultures that people may be familiar with:
· In Chinese Mythology, it is believed that all things are capable of acquiring human forms through shapeshifting. There are the Huli Jing, which is a nine-tailed fox spirit, from which the Japanese derived their Kitsune (any fellow Naruto fan here???) and the Korean Kumiho.
· Selkies are a favorite of mine (Please watch Song of the Sea - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried during that movie) since they sometimes feature in Icelandic myths. Selkies are primarily thought to be women who live in the sea as seals but shed their coats and turn into humans on land. They aren’t able to shapeshift without their coats. Most of the tales aren’t happy and are about men who steal the selkie’s coats and hide them to coerce the woman into marriage.
· Nāga from Indian religions are thought to sometimes shapeshift from snakes, most often King Cobras, into humans.
Witchcraft is tied to many religions, but as an atheist, I only have a layman’s knowledge of the practices that are still in use today. I’m highly skeptical when it comes to spiritual healing in real life, and I’m not at all a fan of the cult cultures that frequently surround religion.
Here’s a brief history lesson: 
Witches were the women who served the goddesses in the earliest centuries of human civilization and were revered throughout their communities. In the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, priestesses trained in the sacred arts and partook in the holiest of rituals. They were seen as benevolent, and wise women who helped deliver babies, and saw to people’s health.
What’s interesting about them is that they are so clearly understood to be positive figures in their society. No king could be without their counsel, no army could recover from a defeat without their ritual activity, no baby could be born without their presence. (x)
The fear of witches stems from the deep-seated misogyny born from male-centric and monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Judaism. The panic spread to Europe and spiked to a level of hysteria with the outbreaks of plagues. (x) Witch-hunts, especially in Central Europe, resulted in the trial, torture, and execution of tens of thousands of victims. About three-quarters of whom were women. (x)
Witch-hunts still claim thousands of lives every year, especially in developing countries that have an inadequate education system. (x) I recommend watching this documentary if you’re interested in learning about a Tanzanian witch-hunt that happened in 2017.
Keeping this gruesom history in mind, I think there would be hidden communities of witches and warlocks in the Twiverse. I’m not here to dictate what sort of magic they would use - I’ll leave the world building up to the writers!
Here are just a couple of examples of witchcraft:
· Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world. (x)(x)
· Druidism is a spiritual or religious movement that generally promotes harmony, connection, and reverence for the natural world. (x) You can learn more about modern Druidry here: (x)
· Wicca is contemporary witchcraft and is one of the fastest-growing religions in the Western world today. (x) Wicca spirituality is earth-based enlightenment. Note that not all Witches are Wiccans. (x) I’m not a practitioner myself, but I quite like the idea of being more in tune with yourself and nature. You can take a test here if you’re curious to see whether Wicca would work for you.
In Iceland, we had what we called Völva (seiðkonur or seiðkarl, depending on the gender) who were seers. Most of their practices were based on herbalism and the use of runes. 
For those of you who are curious about Norse Mythology which hasn’t been altered by the likes of Marvel and Hollywood, I recommend reading Völuspá, which literally translates to Prophecy of Völva. It’s the fundamental source for the study of Norse Mythology because it tells the story of the creation of the world to Ragnarök (end of the world). You’ll also have the chance to learn some freaky shit about Loki - like that time he gave birth to a eight-legged horse - and see that he wasn’t really that much of a dick compared to the other gods *cough* Óðinn *cough* - also Þór once gatecrashed a wedding by dressing up as the bride. 
· Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. In other folk traditions, they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans.
The Little Mermaid (the H.C Andersen version) happened in the Twiverse and that is a fact!
· Sirens! (You thought I could go through an entire post without mentioning Greek Mythology??? Think again!) They were beautiful but dangerous creatures that lured the sailors with their beautiful voices to their doom, causing the ships to crash on the reefs near their island.(x) This connection to the sea is why many confuse them with mermaids when instead they were believed to be a combination of women and birds.(x)
I can totally see them chilling on Greek islands singing their songs and luring horny sailors to their demise.
· Huldufólk (hidden people) played a crucial part in Icelandic folklore. They were the spirits of the land and shouldn’t be confused with fairies. Huldufólk wore normal Icelandic clothing and used the power of words to cast spells on people - either blessing or a curse, depending on how they judge the person’s behavior. They lived inside the stones. To prevent any naughty behavior, it’s said that Huldufólk would kidnap infants and replace them with wizened old elves that pretended to be normal children. They would behave like wild brats, kicking and screaming, and nothing but a good beating could bring back the human child.
These oral tales were used to prevent many children from wandering away from human habitations and instilled fear and respect for the harsh powers of nature. (x)(x)
Contrary to popular belief, Icelanders don’t actually believe in the existence of elves, or anything tbh, we just like to mess with foreigners. So if you’re a tourist then “YES, I am a believer in elves. HoW DarE yOU qUeSTioN my FAith! You dare sit on our precious boulders? Tainting the sacred houses of our elves by touching them with your filthy behind!”
· Tröllskessur (mountain trolls) are usually female, hence skessur. Trolls turn into stone if the sunlight hits them and their tales were used to explain the natural phenomena in Icelandic nature, f.ex. a stone caught between two pillars or the outlines of a face on the side of mountains. (x)
Tröllskessur are extinct in my headcanon but I just think it’s nifty if these stories were true in the Twiverse. 
Don’t fight me on this!! I have no idea how they would be kept hidden in the Twiverse but they’re out there!
· Spirits (as in the soul) and Yōkai
I’ve watched Spirited Away too many times to leave them out of the Twiverse. They’re probably out there chilling somewhere in a Supernatural Spa Resort…
This was a fun question to answer, anon! Thank you for sticking with me to the end of this post! The sleep deprivation got to me in the end… ಥ∀ಥ
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lilgreenfox · 7 years
D&D 5e Homebrew Kitsune
Hi! I know it’s been a little bit since I last posted something here (it’s been a busy week), but to make up for it I’m finally posting my first bit of writing!
What I have for you today is a write-up for a playable Kitsune race in D&D5e, inspired heavily by the Pathfinder Kitsune.
DISCLAIMER: This race is completely untested! DMs, allow play at your own risk, and feel free to allow/ban any features as you see fit. Also, if you utilize this please lemme know how it goes!~
Additionally, I don’t describe them as Kitsune in the writing itself, instead referring to them as Voxen (Vortex Isles). This is because in me and @captainmista’s homebrew DnD realm Kitsune are a variant race off of Voxen, a wolf-based humanoid player race. For all intensive purposes, though, you may call them Kitsune in your own games. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Not unlike their kin from Kaiken, the vulpine Voxen of the Vortex Isles are cunning individuals who use their natural talents in charisma and trickery to get their way. Though they are an incredibly rare sight, they can be spotted on all four corners of the Big Stretch as they seek out arcane power, riches, or whatever other treasures they may seek. Though they have a nose for trouble and an attitude to match, few can deny the fox variant of Voxen’s charm and inherent magical abilities.
Physical Features
Like Kaiken’s Voxen, the fox Voxen have furred, padded hands and long ears. Unlike the Kaiken variant, however, the claws of a fox Voxen are retractable. Combine that with a means of hiding their ears and tail(s), and one could easily mask themselves as human without any magic. While the range in appearance can vary, most fox Voxen also tend to have shorter, more manageable fur than a wolf’s, easily groomed if time is taken throughout the day.
The oddest feature of a Vortex Voxen that differentiates it from its lupine relatives is the arcane potential that is reflected by their tails. As a Voxen grows there are certain “checkpoints” in its life that cause its tails to magically split, multiplying as they become more accomplished. What exactly causes this is unknown, but is attributed to the race’s constant hunger for its personal goals. The more tails a Voxen grows, the more powerful they become, being able to cast spells even if they’ve never touched an arcane tome in their life. It’s rumored that if a Voxen can manage to obtain a total of 9 tails they become immortal, but no case has ever been properly recorded.
The sclera of a fox Voxen changes as they age. Children and young adults' eyes are hardly different from a human’s, with the only noticeable different being the odd iris color variations and of course occasionally slit pupils. As they age and their tails begin to split, the sclera starts to tinge the color of the iris, and when the fox reaches it’s “maximum potential” the sclera blends into the iris completely to form fully one-colored eyes.
Fur color and ear size varies based on the physical build of the fox. Shorter breeds (around 4’-5’) tend to have larger ears and lighter colored fur, usually white or tan. As the size increases (5’-6’), the hue darkens to oranges and browns. The largest of the breed cap out about about 6’6” and can be as dark as midnight, with black or navy-blue fur. The patterns in a fox Voxen’s fur vary based on the individual, but usually they have “caps” or “mittens” on their tails, hands and ears that are a significantly lighter/darker shade than the rest of their fur. Spots on the fur and skin are also common, though they’re often mistaken as freckles or vitiligo.
Vulpine Voxen don’t have much of their own culture- unlike the wolves of Kaiken they don’t have established territories or even villages. Instead, they stay with their guardians in small families until they find out their heart’s ambition. Once it’s been discovered they set out, either on their own or with the support of their family or party of friends. They pursue their goal, often referenced as their “Ambition”, until either they die or are completely incapable of pursuing it further. When a Voxen is incapable of pursuing their Ambition further, they typically settle down wherever they were stopped. Usually they do so believing that someday they may be able to continue their pursuit.
Children of Vortex Isle Voxen are similar to Tieflings in that when one parent is Voxen, the child always comes out 100% Voxen. The only manipulable traits of the non-Voxen parent, if any, usually is the height and therefore the color pattern of the child. A Voxen’s Ambition is also heavily based on the aspirations of their parents, whomever’s is stronger. The kits are born in sets of 2-6, with closed eyes, folded-over ears, and single, nearly hairless tail. Their growth directly correlates with the pressure to grow up in whatever community they’ve been placed in, capping at as early as 16 in stressful or war-torn territories. Their personalities, like Plantfolk, meld to match said community as well.
In whichever lands they grow in, Voxen are known to be passionate perfectionists in whatever crafts they apply themselves to. They’re excellent performers, being especially sensitive to pitch and tune thanks to their large, perky ears. They also can be seen enjoying craftmaking that requires a quick and dexterous hand, such as jewelry and glassblowing. On top of that, many Voxen are born gifted with arcane skill, pursuing magical power as their personal Ambition.
Playing a Voxen
Vortex Isle Voxen are so rare that it’s hard to really pin a stereotype to them. But like their lupine kin, they have a penchant for getting into trouble for their shenanigans. Luckily for them their wit and natural charm help them squeeze out of sticky situations. These Voxen are also very adaptable, allowing them to squeeze into any niche that a potential party of allies may require. As a Vortex Isle Voxen, you believe your future is yours for the taking, as long as you’ve got the willpower to continue chasing it.
Ability Score Increase You get a plus 2 to Charisma and a plus 1 to Dexterity Age Vortex Isle Voxen reach maturity at around 18-20 years of age. With a single tail, they live for up to 60 years- but for each extra tail they manage to obtain, their life expectancy doubles. It’s speculated that a nine-tailed Voxen is functionally immortal, with how long they can live. Alignment Fox Voxen lean towards the chaotic side, driven by the primal arcane urges that allow them to sprout more tails. Size Though there are very few Voxen in existence at a time, their sizes have a great range. They can be anywhere between 4’-6’6” in height, with weights that vary with their body types. Language You speak Common and Voxen, along with one third spoken language related to your travels or upbringing. Speed You’ve got quick feet and can move at 35 ft/round. Darkvision You have darkvision, which allows you to see up to 60 ft around you even in complete darkness. This vision allows you to see things in that radius but only in black and white. Retractable Claws You are born with a set of slim but dangerous claws that can be retracted to look like normal, albeit sharp fingernails. It’s a free action to sheathe or extend your claws. In combat you are proficient with them, and on a hit they deal 1d4 and have the Finesse property. In addition, if you are proficient in Sleight of Hand you can use them to pick locks, though they do not provide any bonuses to the check itself. Fox Form While fox Voxen don’t have the same bonuses to senses or the counter-charm ability as their wolf brethren, they have the unique ability to shift into the form of a fox. While they appear to be a completely normal fox when transformed, those proficient in magic can detect their true form using a Perception check (competing with a DC equal to the fox’s Charisma modifier + their Proficiency modifier + 10). Your particular fox form is based solely upon your height, listed below. (Note: These are the “default” settings for deciding form. If you’d like to be a different height than the forms assigned, go ahead! Rules were meant to be broken)
The abilities you obtain while in Fox Form, which you only have in Fox Form, are listed below:
All forms have the Pounce Ability, with a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency mod + Dex mod
Pounce: If the fox moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the fox can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
All forms use the base stats for a Cat, except for these changes:
Intelligence of 4
Wisdom of 14
No climb speed
d6 hit die
Claw attack deals 1d4 + Dex mod damage, and can be used as if they were a weapon with Finesse
4′11″ and under: Fennec Fox Form
You have a Burrow speed of 15 ft, which increases to 30 ft in sand
Keen Hearing: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on sound
5′-6′: Arctic Fox Form
You have advantage on Stealth checks when outside
You have either a Summer (brown) or Winter (white) coat
The Summer coat gives you resistance to fire damage
The Winter coat gives you resistance to cold damage
6′1″+: Red Fox Form
Your size is Small instead of Tiny, and your Dexterity is 16.
You have proficiency in Survival, and advantage on Survival checks done in urban areas.
When in Fox Form, the items on your person meld into yourself and become inaccessible till you transform back. The rules on your transformation are the same as a Druid’s Wild Shape ability. However, some things are different- you can speak the same languages you do in humanoid form, and you can transform into this form as many times as you’d like per day, though it costs a full round action rather than a bonus. In addition, you must be able to concentrate on holding the Fox Form while in it. You automatically lose concentration on any concentration-based spells you’re casting in humanoid form, and if anything were to overly distract from your concentration (ie, being knocked prone, taking damage, getting drunk/laughing too hard, or becoming incapacitated) you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC determined by the DM based on the distracting force, or be forced back into humanoid form.
Vulpine Ambition The ultimate way a Vortex Isle Voxen shows it’s true power is through the usage and display of their tails, which are earned by making progress in their personal Vulpine Ambition. This Ambition must be a broad goal that can be segmented into proper milestones. For example, a Voxen Bard may have their Ambition be “to become famous, a household name that everyone recognizes”. Proper milestones are up to DM discretion, but it’s advisable to pace them so that the player can obtain their 5th tail at about 12th level, and their 9th tail around level 18-20. Each milestone should have a requirement that’s far better than the previous one.
Continuing the bard example:
Their second tail could be earned by performing at a nice restaurant,
Their third by drawing a crowd in a fairly large town,
Their fourth being asked for an autograph in a town they’ve never visited before,
Their fifth performing for a duke or other noble,
Their sixth by being offered great sums of money by multiple people to the point where they have to turn down very wealthy individuals,
Their seventh by playing for and impressing a king or likewise ultimate ruler
Their eighth by abruptly ending a great battle or war with their music, and
Their ninth and final tail by appeasing an almighty force such as an ancient dragon or a god, stopping them from causing an apocalypse.
These milestones can be set by the DM, or simply rewarded whenever the player does something especially incredible. Lastly, all Voxen grow at a different pace, and so earning multiple tails while the same level, not learning any for a long time, or even not earning all tails by the end of the story are all fine and natural.
When a tail is obtained, the Voxen obtains a spell-like ability that is usable twice per day, per tail. They are born with their first tail and obtain more as they complete their Ambitions.
Dancing Lights
Disguise Self
Charm Person
Nyustul’s Magic Aura
Mirror Image
Greater Invisibility
Dominate Person
Your caster level for these spells is equal to your hit dice, and your spellcasting modifier and DCs are based on your Charisma.
I know the abilities of the race are pretty complex, but they were the best I could do to mirror the power level and flexibility of the Pathfinder Kitsune. I do hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you have criticism or wish to utilize this race just let me know. Thanks!
-Christian Byrnes, aka Lilgreenfox
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