#nothing really needed but each other’s company
nonuify · 2 days
ᝰ.ᐟ — SVT ⟢ dates with them
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› sfw is included ┆ fluff — requested ꩜.
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now we all now cheolie loves spoiling you so so much !!, so I think he will take you to a fancy restaurant dinner.
he does all the classics he will give you a breathtaking bouquet of flowers with a shiny beautiful set of jewelry that he will probably fuck you later lols.
+ he’s heavy in pda while one a date either he has to hold your hand or waist, or even gripping your thigh, he thinks its a must that everyone knows you are taken by him.
hannie loves nightwalks with you it’s his favorite time to go on a date with you, occasionally stopping at a lovely cafe to talk about everything with his favorite person.
deep conversations would submerge as the night goes by with you two, nothing seems better then having company with the person you trust the most, pouring your heart out in whatever conversation comes by.
+ he holds your hand to show a sign of affection for you, or the occasional “i love yous” throughout the date, or anything that you’d find romantic he will do it just to make you happy.
beach dates. that’s it. he’s so surfer boyfriend !!
having a lil picnic on the sand, talking to each other about anything that pops up, with sometimes wine glasses if your really feeling it, then going swimming & surfing with him, obvi most of the time you’ll be oogling your gorgeous boyfriend when he’s surfing.
+ takes you on dinner or lunch with an amazing view of the sea, he would hold your hand caressing it on the way of walking towards the restaurant.
cat café’s, yall are both cat lovers isn’t this already heaven??
having cats in your laps, all smiley & laughing with each other, enjoying the company of each other & your furry friends!!, taking pictures of each other & you admiring how cute & adorable your boyfriend is.
+ jun would be sulky if you pay attention to cats more than him, good luck for making it up to him by cuddling & kisses.
you & soonyoung would have a lil dance practice with each other, with you being one of seventeens choreographer it’s almost a perfect date for you both.
with him getting frustrated by not getting the move & you calmly telling him not to worry, the hyper bf & calm gf duo what’s more?, you guys then would sit in a corner eating takeout food & laying on each-other.
+ he needs kisses when he does the move right or he will sulk away, beware of the sulky tiger!!
duh isn’t it obvious? sitting in home playing video games with each-other then cuddling till you sleep.
of course you have to sit on his lap while playing, he needs his fav person holding him in whatever way possible!, you would neck kisses from him here & there, & when you win the big prize is making out with the one only wonwoo.
+ when you guys finish, you build a cozy fort where you both cuddle & talk about anything to each other sometimes you guys would sleep almost instantly, with the loving warmth of each other.
dinner dates at home where you guys make the food!!, uji comes home tired from work all he needs is a relaxing time with his lover.
i in-vision you & him making pizza dough, splattering the flour on each other while having the time of your lives, then him snaking his hand around your waist when you go to the furnace to cook up the side dishes & giving you the sweetest kisses.
+ when your both done with the food, your too lazy to clean it up so it’s just you & him going to bed not having worries till tomorrow, cuddling & warming up each other while watching a movie ( you both know, you won’t watch the movie ifykwim ;) ).
oh totally little picnics in a park or a garden have you seen his insta pics?, my man is always with nature !!.
setting up the prettiest view in the park where you guys can just relax & be comfortable with each other & do whatever crosses your mind like playing games, talking or even just staring at the pretty scenery while enjoying each others company.
+ i think you & seokmin would go to a karaoke bar when night sets to party the night away with each other, singing your hearts out, mostly you admiring his beautiful voice.
I don’t know why but he will take you to Paris to do whatever you’d like too, what’s important is you with him.
in the city of love where you explore every restaurant, café, museum & streets with your own love, & yall know mingyu is gonna pull some romantic strings here & there making a reservation at the classiest restaurant where you both can see the Eiffel Tower & enjoy yourselves.
+ I think mingyu will do that cheesy flowers on bed thing when you guys go to your hotel & of course some bottles of wine will be there, chilling on the bed with him till eventually yk…
he will take you to a museum to admire the beauties of the arts infront of you when you know he’s the real beauty here.
going to each exhibit and him explaining how the painting is & how each and different elements of it was added while you sit there staring at the handsome figure infront of you, & you just stop & start smiling like an idiot questioning how lucky you are to have him.
+ I think you guys would do also a painting session with each other splattering it on each other laughing & you covering minghao with hundreds of kisses giving him a prize for his work.
oh we know you guys are going to a lovely concert where you dance the night away with yourselves.
taking several videos & photos with him while singing your hearts out & dancing & giggling like the perfect couple you are then at the end where your favorite song played you guys hug welcoming each others embrace.
+ I think seungkwan would go to heaven while the melody would play through his ears while also watching you thinking how the song reminds him of you so much then pulling you into a really passionate kiss.
wether it’s at home or a whole ass cinema you didn’t care as long if it’s a movie with hansol you’d be happy.
cuddling & warming up with each other as the movie goes on, feeling his heart beating whilst laying your head on his chest then smiling warmly as you began to cherish every moment with him then him kissing your forehead & feeling him smile while doing so.
+ you & vernon would sleep in the middle of it idk why it’s just so you guys lol, but always cuddling while sleeping never forget that you guys would cling onto one another till the next day.
corny yes but I think chan is such a sucker for taking you out to carnivals & such.
I think you guys would do the photos where you take silly pictures with each other to cherish those memories & try winning some teddy bears for you guys to stash in your apartment soon.
+ oh chan is soooo clingy the whole date holding your hand or waist or whatever but at the end of the day he needs to hold you in some kind of way, also I think he’ll just buy a balloon for you there so when he gets lost he can see you from the balloon lol.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! hehe new setup kind of.
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misfitgirlwrites · 3 days
Lucifer Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'M NOT--
It's time for my fictional love and life and all I hold dear in my daydreams. Bitches, bros, nonbinary hoes, and genderfluid fucks, I present to you the Big Dick in Charge
I may reference works that I've read and when I do I'll drop their @ and link to their story it is law that you read it if you read mine, I don't make the rules
CW: none, slightly angsty but nothing too intense!
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Alright, doves, this is post-season one. Lucifer now resides in the hotel with everyone and is slowly adjusting to being graced with Alejandro's Alastor's presence every day.
Let's be honest, our baby pays attention but puts in minimal effort. Saying that the days went by in a blur would be an understatement. Even conversations would be forgotten after a few short moments. On to the next task. Full focus on this thing. Once that's done? Well onto the next task! No tasks? Free time to spend with Charlie!
Things would start slow, and to really interact, you'd most likely start to approach him first. Maybe you've spent long enough watching the blond anxiously bounce around the hotel and graciously give himself a bit too much for even the Big Boss of Hell.
A timid approach from you, offering to help with whatever he's currently doing. Maybe you make snacks for everyone in the hotel and hand him his personally :)
And so it begins! A greeting here, a greeting there, slightly awkward conversations that slowly start to feel less forced with the little information you learn about each other along the way.
It's...nice! Refreshing! Lucifer would be more excited than anything and talking to you would become a part of his regular routine without much thought on the matter. You'd occasionally be on his mind just a little more, and he'd start to seek you out himself too.
I know you're already seeking him out. Bitch I'M seeking him out.
Helping with chores around the hotel quickly turns into simply enjoying the other's company.
One day you gift him his very own ceramic duck! You could have paid for it from somewhere or made it yourself.
Either way, he'd fucking LOVE it! Honestly, if you decide to try your hand at making it, he'd love it even more with all the rough edges and little bumps (it was made out of love for my babies who never touched clay in their lives)
In response, please expect many gifts in return. I like to think it's been a while since he's gotten a genuine gift like this
(Bonus headcanon: Charlie will see this and will come to you the next day with a list of things she wants to gift him and you two are unofficially officially the Buy Lucifer Anything Duck-Themed duo)
Lucifer loves how you react when he gifts you your very own rubber duck. Your smile and happiness always seemed contagious to him. It only led to him making/getting you more things.
You will have a rubber duck collection by the end of this, but what can you really say? Each one of them is based on something you mentioned before. A movie character, a book character, a cartoon character, even friends or family members if they were mentioned. The gesture is way too sweet for you to turn down, even if it is the 30th duck you've received.
Now prepare for what I like to call the "get along t-shirt" phase but both parties are willing LMAO.
Lucifer will be by your side as long as you'll accept the company and if you're reading this and we brain the same, that will be all the time.
I love the GenZ!Reader memes and fics. Someone show this man bacon pancakes and if it was already done, SHOW ME.
Between his relationship with Charlie and with you, Lucifer actually feels the need and wants to be a little more present bit by bit. He notices that he is spending less time in his head, but he continues on in fear of fucking it up if he thinks too hard about it.
So instead he'll 100% focus on the little familiarity of happiness, as small as those moments may be sometimes. This is EXACTLY why the thought of him potentially feeling romantic interest again goes right over his head.
Who notices first, you ask? Charlie, of course. You slowly but surely became one of his main topics in conversation, it wasn't hard for her to pick up on it and ask.
Baby boy would straight up deny it at first. Him?? Liking someone else??? LMAO, am I right? Of course, after he does this, he'll have the time to actually pay attention to his actions.
So then he'll notice how excited he is every morning knowing that you'll be the first face he sees. He'll notice how he managed to fit you into any task he had to do. When he'd get lunch for himself and Charlie he'd have the automatic thought of making something for you as well. Even when the day was over, he'd be thinking about spending the next day with you. To be frank, you were constantly on his mind. 
Once he notices it's a big mental "fuck". Nothing about you is wrong of course, it's him, or so he thinks.
Let's start with the elephant in the room, or shall I say the ring on his finger lmao
In Lucifer's mind, he's still married technically. Even thinking about it in a technical term was a new development and it made him feel absolutely horrible. Lilith left, sure, but who knows what happened? Regardless of how he felt, he didn't want to hurt her.
But at the same time what about him? Lucifer hasn't been happy in a long time and he's finally building that again, not just with Charlie, but with you as well. He didn't want to just cut you out, he didn't want to hurt you either.
Plus, did you even like him? How would he even approach you? If he wanted to, even after thinking about everything.
Who was he kidding, of course, he still wanted you!
@liveontelevision *drops to my knees and bows* they worded it extremely well here and if you're reading this but you haven't read this already or you clicked the link then clicked back here, go back and read it. I don't care how long it is. Do the thing then come back.
Welcome back. It was good, wasn't it? I know.
The only awkward period for you two is the week-long contemplation of everything (half him attempting not to do what he always does when stressed but by the time he realizes he already made like 30 ducks--)
He would clearly go out of his way to either try and talk to you or avoid you. Or a cute mixture of both where he makes a scene approaching you, realizes he's not ready yet, then makes a scene so he can disappear *finger guns*
A little crisis here, a few little rubber ducks there, and a looooonnnggg conversation with Charlie and Maggie Vaggie.
Those are the ingredients to a semi-stable Lucifer with enough bravado to talk to you normally again.
He'd apologize for the times he basically pulled a Houdini in your face and he'd explain himself fully, all while also confessing his love for you.
It's choppy, it's fast-paced in some areas, and the poor blond was ready to disappear at any given moment, but that's what made it so real for you.
The weight that's lifted off of him couldn't be described, and neither could the joy that welled in him the moment he saw your beautiful smile and heard nothing but your acceptance and love.
What an emotional roller-coaster, am I right?
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Lucifer Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @heart-of-the-morningstar
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Lucifer or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
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ninuwrites · 1 day
Moth to a flame LN4
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summary: charles makes you realise that lando is not treating you right
warnings: angst and fluff
a/n: FINALLY i finished this and i hate it tbh. but idc really i am just happy i wrote it. SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR MISTAKES feel free to correct me🙏🙏so enjoy and i love you all, sending kisses💋💋
1:30 AM
L Norris
«Can i call you?»
you looked at Charles that was cuddling to your side. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. you didn’t even have time to reply, your phone already vibrating.
you carefully left your bed and went to the bathroom. you looked at yourself in the mirror, the feeling of guilt spreading through your body.
Lando was like a virus that you couldn’t get out your body. it was never anything serious between you two. you were just very good friends that decided to start hooking up.
you always had some attraction to Lando, who would not. he was handsome and charismatic young man. the problem was that you started to develop feelings for him during your “relationship”. and that was it for you.
first of all you knew that he definitely didn’t want anything serious, at least nothing serious with you and second of all you knew that you weren’t the only girl he hooked up with and after you caught feelings it was something you could not stand.
so you distanced yourself a bit but lando knew what was happening and somehow you were spending more and more time with him.
you felt special, who wouldn’t, he took you everywhere and he was treating you like a princess . you went to see his races, he took you on holidays with him and you even got to know his parents.
but apparently…
you weren’t the only one.
one evening you had planned a date because you haven’t seen each other in a while but lando wasn’t picking up his phone and didn’t reply on your massages.
it started to make sense when your friend sent you paparazzi pick of lando and some girl holding hands and having dinner in restaurant YOU should have been in with HIM.
that was the first strike.
you needed time off, you didn’t want to see him, hear from him or meet him. you were hurt and offended. did he really forget about your date and just took some other girl with him?
after three days he started to call and text you but you just ghosted him until he showed up at your door.
he showed up with the most beautiful bouquet and beautiful necklaces.
and that’s how it always was.
he did something, you ignored him, he came to apologise and you fucked.
it was exhausting, you really tried to change your relationship but it never worked out.
and than you met charles.
you got to know him on a party of landos first win. you shared room with lando and all evening he talked about how he’s so lucky to have you and that he can’t wait to celebrate with you.
but somehow when you were in the club he disappeared from your sight and you couldn’t find him anywhere. you gave up and went to sit on some couches with a drink in your hand.
“ do you mind if i keep you some company?” you looked up and saw clearly tired charles.
“i would actually love some company right now.” you smiled
you talked for hours. he listened to you, you listened to him. you always had something to talk about.
you started to feel tired so charles decided to accompany you to your room.
as you came upstairs you took the room card from your purse. as you came closer to your room you already felt off so you hoped that lando was there and okay.
well he was more than okay.
you stood in front of the room door and clearly heard a woman moaning landos name from your room. you just stayed still and tried not to cry.
charles took your hand and led you to his room. as he closed the door you hugged him and started crying like a child.
you explained your relationship with lando to charles and he listened carefully to everything you had to say.
he didn’t understand why would someone play with you like that. he wanted to help you, he wanted to show you that it doesn’t have to be like that with everyone.
you slept at charleses room that night.
in the morning he ordered breakfast straight to your room and you ate at on a balcony with beautiful view and sunny weather.
after you finished you knew that you should go and pick up your bags from yours and landos room but you really didn’t have the mood to deal with him. you thought about every possible way of how to not go to go there but none of them seemed to work.
“what are you thinking about?” charleses soft voice snapped you back from your thoughts.
“nothing important, i just need to get my stuff and i really don’t want to see him.” you sighed and closed your eyes.
“i’ll go for them.” charles said and immediately stood up.
“no no no you don’t have to, i will get them in a minute.” you didn’t want to bother him with such a stupid thing.
“i want to do it for you. i’ll be right back.” he said and before you could answer he was gone.
i want to do it for you. this sentence meant everything to you. you’ve never met a man who would really took an action and not just say sweet words.
he came back minutes later with your bags and you went straight up to him. you hugged him tight and said “thank you charles.” you looked up “for taking care of me.”
“that is what you deserve chérie.”
and that’s how your soon to call relationship started.
you started going out on dates and few trips and to be honest you never felt better in your life.
charles was sweet, caring and his love for you is true. but he doesn’t know that you still call lando from time to time.
charles understands that you still need somee time to get over him and he doesn’t want to rush things.
after that night in miami lando tried to reach out many many times but you’ve never replied. you were really hurt and he was annoying you with every call and text more and more.
until he showed up at your doorstep and you felt like you’re reliving the same moment every month.
“can we talk, please?” he asked giving you flowers. you nod at him to come inside and while he’s sitting on a couch you put the bouquet in a vase with water.
“so… you and charles…” he started but you immediately cut him off.
“lando if you came here just to talk shit you can leave.” you were pissed off. the audacity this man had. unbelievable.
“sorry… i mean, i missed you and i just can’t go on without being either you.” he said while look into your eyes.
you hated the soft spot you developed for him. you didn’t even listened to what he was saying because every time it was the same, but he looked so handsome in his white button up shirt, two buttons unbuttoned, his tan skin peeking through and his messy hair.
“can i kiss you?” he asked and you went straight in. you didn’t want to admit but you missed his soft lips and curls. you straddled his hips and kissed his neck slowly.
“i hate you norris.”
“i know.”
after that you gave him some rules on how your relationship will be working.
first of all texts and calls only at night. second of all no day to day communication and third just sex. nothing more, nothing less.
you knew that this wasn’t right, that you needed to get rid off him and keep no contact but somehow you just couldn’t let go of your past.
soon enough your love for charles seemed to grow more every day. he treated you like a princess and he gave you reasons to fall in love with him more and more.
but as your lando situation was never solved you could not devote your heart to charles for 100%.
you haven’t seen lando in two months just photos of him and his new girl on the socials.
until the call.
“hello? babe are you there?” he asked as if you were full on his girlfriend.
“i’m here. how are you? ” you whispered.
“fine, portugal is beautiful, i’ll take you here some time.” he said confidently.
you laughed. “when are you coming back?” you asked.
“next week. what miss me that much?” you could hear him smirking.
“yeah right, i just need to talk to you about something.” you said while closing your eyes.
“oh, okay, can’t wait. i need to go love see you next week. love ya.” he replied and hung up.
“everything okay ma belle?” you heard charles outside the bathroom and the guilt just grew bigger.
“yes baby everything alright.” you said, turned off the light and opened the door. he hugged you and kissed you on top of your head.
“can sleep without you.” he murmured and you giggled and hugged him tighter.
“let’s go back to sleep.”
the thing you wanted to talk about with lando was breaking everything up. it was draining you, the relationship you kept just for nothing. you felt guilty because of charles and you could not keep it up anymore.
you truly loved charles and you to stop loving lando you needed to let him go.
you were in his apartment laying on the couch. “so what did you want to talk about?” he asked definitely bot expecting what you were going to say.
“listen, i really like you lan, i really do but i can’t do this anymore. i want a relationship, i want someone i can rely on any time, any day and i do not want just simple hook ups. i loved you enough and i’m not willing to spend any more of my love on someone who does not feel the same way i do.” your eyes started to water. “it was very hard for me to come up with this topic because i still have some feelings for you but in past months i’ve realised that there are people out there who can treat me better.” you finished with tears streaming down your cheeks.
lando just looked at you, too stunned to speak. he was in shock.
“so… you want to break up?” he asked.
“we were never together lando, i never had you.” you whispered.
“you have me now.” he whispered back, his eyes watering too.
“it’s too late lan, i waited too long and i went through too much pain because of you.” you smiled through the tears.
“no i it’s not i want you, just you. it was always you.” he said, and cupped your cheeks. you were slipping out of his grasp and he could do nothing to save you.
“lan stop with this nonsense, just last week you were with some new model, or we never discussed your night in miami.” you laughed at him.
“please, don’t end this.” he hugged you and cried on your shoulder.
you stayed like that for maybe minutes maybe hours. “i need to go lan.” you moved away and caressed his cheek.
“i know, i’m sorry… for everything.” he said and walked you to the door.
you stayed by the door for a few minutes just looking at each other. until you kissed him one last time.
“i’ll always have a soft spot for you norris.” you smiled.
“i’ll always be one call away baby.” he sniffled and smiled back and you closed the door behind you.
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stellewriites · 1 day
simon “ghost” riley tattoo thoughts (ghoap)
cw: slight mention of canon character deaths and slight suggestion of canon (?) historical child abuse
tattoo examples at the bottom.
‘chin up’ - this was one he got after joining the army and after gaining the ghost moniker. by far not his first tattoo in my opinion, probably got it after he finished off his sleeve.
i’m imagining a captain he admired when he first joined up said it one too many times and it just sticks. he repeats it in his head so often over the years he decides he needs it engrained on him as well as in him. a permanent, physical reminder that he didn’t need to make himself small anymore, that there was no one left he needed to try and hide from.
i do think price has seen it, though he wasn’t the inspiration for it; dealer’s choice how and why, but i think because of it he picked up the phrase himself subconsciously. the sight of the thick lettering had ran through his mind for days and now he catches himself teasingly saying chin up to laswell over the comms, to kyle when his footy team loses, and to johnny until he sees how the scot’s eyes flicker to simon every time without fail.
he wouldn’t say it to ghost, it wouldn’t feel right. instead he’d chuck him under the chin when he was being a moody bastard, pause just long enough to give him a look before moving on as if nothing happened. it was always enough.
waist/hip flowers - they’d be scottish thistles, and johnny would guffaw the first time he caught sight of them while on a mission, call him a prickly bastard inside an’ out.
but hoursdaysweeks later, finally behind closed doors back on base, when they’re no longer in forced close company with price and gaz, he’d trace the scratchy lines of them. he’d dig his fingers deep into simon’s hips where the thistles would’ve been sharpest and coo how simon’s his very own flower o’ scotland now.
that he was johnny’s, he’d marked himself so.
simon would give him a minute longer to admire them and crack another joke or two before flipping them over and biting down hard on the meat johnny’s shoulder, pinning his arms and legs to the bed ‘til he was satisfied it’d bruise ugly and jarring. he’d maybe mumble against the sore skin about who was marked by who now, but johnny would only buck up into him and moan at the throbbing pain. ask him to do the other side too, s’only fair they be matchin’ in that regard.
two headed calf - i wholeheartedly and unironically believe simon has this tattoo and got it maybe the third or fourth time i he had an appointment for his sleeve.
he would be choosing artists and studios not based on reviews or friendliness, but on how cheap they were and how quick they could book him in during his leave; probably went to a different studio each time depending on what city he was in when he had the cash too so the quality of his sleeve would wildly vary.
but i think it’s safe to assume given his criteria for a tattoo artist, he could’ve had apprentices doing his first job lot of tats. and maybe the artist had a flash sheet sale going and they offered it to him when he mentioned offhand that he needed ideas to further fill up his arm, not really expecting him of all people to want any of their designs given how different the style and content was to what he had circling his bicep already, but trying their luck either way. shy bairns get nowt, even simon knew that.
he’d have grunted at the calf, eyes caught on it’s softly sketched, placid faces as the artist explained the poem to him, maybe even read it off their phone when he pushed for more about it. and it’ll have just all snapped into place for him.
it’s him. and it’s acceptance and resilience and it’s tommy.
so i think he has the calf on his thigh where he can see it when he needs the reminder without having to twist about in the mirror, can just look down and know it’s there.
but also i think he likes when the 141 pat his leg when they’re pushing up from the couch after too long sat in the rec room or reassuringly in the helo after a long mission, how the weight of their palms sometimes catch the tattoo. and it feels like they’re accepting him as he is, welcoming the part of him that hides behind the mask, that reminds him too much of tommy sometimes. he covets the friendly pats that are then asking not just for him but for his brother to keep up, to come for drinks, silently telling the pair of them they did a good job making it back.
it feels like his brother’s still here all the same to simon.
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considered the idea he’d get a dove put in his sleeve after johnny died too but
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froggywritesstuff · 3 days
Can you please do headcanons for Loona x Male Sinner Vampire Reader? Thanks, love your writing!
sorry for the wait and i hope you enjoy these
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ship/pairing: loona x male!vampire!sinner
fandom: Helluva Boss
request: anon: Can you please do headcanons for Loona x Male Sinner Vampire Reader? Thanks, love your writing!
warnings: basic vampire lore, biting, mainly fluff, mentions of murder, swearing
word count: 343
A/N: the musical i was in is over so i legally have no excuse for not writing anything anymore
after you've been dating for a while, she'll introduce you to Blitzø
she doesn't explain to Blitzø that you're a vampire just to freak him out when you do meet
though he's extremely cautious at first, he eventually becomes tolerant with the concept of you dating Loona
when you two get into fights or you forget to do something she’s asked you to do, she’ll cover your side of the bed with garlic for a week or until you apologise 
though she is very protective of you 
doesn't let you go outside until she knows you've got an umbrella
she buys you big hats that'll look really dumb (she teases you relentlessly but won't hesitate to fight anyone else who gives you shit for it) but will protect you whatever hell's equivalent to a sun is
you bite each other (affectionately)
it mainly happens when one of you are bored of doing nothing together on your phones
she rolls her eyes and mutters about how much of a fucking weirdo you are
when she bites you she'll growl at you if you say anything or try to move 
and she 100% finds your fangs sexy and tells you at the most random times to really fluster you
depending on the day she’s had, sometimes she stays up all night talking to you
she knows how lonely you can get at night with no desire to sleep so she wants to keep you company 
she’ll never admit it but she loves just being with you in the middle of the night, just the two of you with no one to disturb you
her dad's job is literally to kill people so whenever you need to feed she just asks Blitzø for a body 
she'll eventually suggests that you work for I.M.P. so you can feed whenever you need and so she can spend more time with you
if you do start working for I.M.P. and you become friends or get close with Blitzø, she'll act pissed but secretly she's happy
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lyxchen · 20 days
You know I feel like it really shows how some people can't really comprehend being really close as friends without any romantic feelings in how they ship actors and famous people. Because yes, these people seem to be close and are touchy and they joke around and spend a lot of time together... because they are probably really good friends. Are you gonna tell me that I'm in love with my best friend because I sometimes lean my head on her shoulder when we sit next to each other? I make flirty jokes with friends too and I'm still not in love with them. I get shipping in fiction, you can ship the hell out of any characters, that's totally okay. But with real live people it's just like. I don't get it. No, I don't ship these people and no, they're not secretly in love with each other. They Are Friends. Because that's how friends act around each other. And I think that's absolutely lovely. I love watching actors who are friends interact with each other, it's adorable. But I'm honestly not sorry to tell you that these people are not in love
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kayzero · 5 months
ohhhh, i only ship them with the protagonist because i have an issue separating myself from the perspective character. i don’t like them together necessarily, i just like Her and i think i’m Them. i gotcha.
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rotisseries · 11 months
i want to be a body for you...
#there’s a lot of stunning quotes in tihylttw but that line really stuck with me for some reason#I want to be a body for you. it goes hand in hand with the other one about being alone together. hang on a minute#''I sought loneliness when I was young. you've seen me there: on my promontory‚ patient and unaware.#but when I think of you‚ I want to be alone together. I want to strive against and for. I want to live in contact.#I want to be a context for you‚ and you for me''#<- yeah that one#it's just. oh my god. I want to be a body for you. I sought loneliness but when I think of you I want to be alone together#I want to be a body for you. I want to be something you can perceive I want to be something you can hold#I want to be a body with all of the sensations and feelings that come with it so I can experience you. I want to be a body for you#I sought loneliness but when I think of you I want to be alone together#I've lived my life as nothing more than a consciousness floating from temporary body to temporary body. each body built to perfection#and cutting out the extraneous nuisances and needs that come with such a body. and even then I've sought solitude#I've sought loneliness but when I think of you I want to be alone together. I've never wanted the company of others but I need yours#I craved anonymity but I want to be seen and perceived by you and you alone.#it's about being known and perceived its about being a thing that CAN be known and perceived#I WANT TO BE A BODY FOR YOU. GOD#A BODY HAS ONLY EVER BEEN AN INCONVENIENT NECESSITY FOR ME BUT FOR YOU I *WANT* TO BE A BODY#I WANT TO BE A BODY FOR YOU#this is how you lose the time war#tihylttw
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butchhansolo · 1 year
mild malding because i LIKE the idea of phee/tech but imo it's being poorly set up... like headscratch theres potential for a really great dynamic here that's just not being explored in their interactions because the interactions are kinda just flirting to the point that since we have so little of them interacting without that that it feels a little. forced? like i can seeeeeee the concept and i DO like it i just agh please take more time with it
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
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I found myself having, not exactly an argument recently, but a highly opinionated conversation with someone who did not believe my assertion that once upon a time there were official Hello Kitty vibrators. With the aid of the Wayback Machine, I found this article, and thought the world at large might enjoy it too...
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Here's the text of the article:
The history of the Hello Kitty vibrator
By Peter Payne October 4, 2004
Sanrio is one of the top character licensors in the world, having more or less created the business model of doing business by creating something that doesn't really exist and licensing its use to other companies. Sanrio produces nothing -- all their characters, like the Little Twin Star, Minna no Ta-bo, Bad Batz-Maru, exist as legal entities and nothing more. Their most successful character, Hello Kitty, or Kitty-chan as she's known in Japan, is now now thirty years old.
One of the many companies that license Sanrio's characters for their products was a Japanese company called Genyo Co. Ltd. Genyo made a wide variety of products, from bento boxes to children's toys to chopsticks, many with the Hello Kitty character on them. They scored big in the late 1990's with an off-the-wall hit, a series of Hello Kitty toys which featured a different Kitty figure from each of Japan's 47 prefectures, each representing something the prefecture was famous for. (The figure from Gunma Prefecture, where we live, represented a wooden kokeshi doll.)
In 1997, Genyo designed a product that would live in infamy: the Hello Kitty vibrating shoulder massager, which really is a shoulder massager (trust us -- it says so on the package). Sanrio approved this design without batting an eye, and the product enjoyed modest sales in toy shops and in family restaurants like Denny's and Coco's. It wasn't until 1999 or so that people began to catch on to the fact that the Hello Kitty massager had other potential uses, and with amazing speed, they started popping up in adult videos in Japan. The next thing anyone knew, they had changed into a cult adult item, sold in vending machines in love hotels -- after all, what self-respecting man wouldn't buy his girl a Hello Kitty vibrator when she asked him for one?
The emergence of the Hello Kitty vibrator as a cult adult item caused friction between Sanrio and Genyo, and Sanrio ordered the company to stop making the units. Genyo refused, since it had paid a lot of money to license Kitty for their products. There seemed nothing Sanrio could do, since they had approved the item for sale (see the official Sanrio sticker on the boxes). The answer came when the Japanese tax authorities raided Genyo on suspicion of tax evasion. It seems that some creative accounting was going on between the president of the company, a Mr. Nakamura, his vice president, and the owner of the factory in China where the units were made. All three were arrested, and Sanrio had the excuse needed to yank Genyo's license. They seized the molds used to make the vibrators and destroyed them.
And so, the sad, weird chapter of the Hello Kitty vibrator is at an end. The last of the Kitty vibes are gone, so now what will the world do for wacky comic -- and sexual -- relief?
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fagofgod · 1 year
honestly the way people are so weird abt horde catradora would be funny if it wasnt so absolutely awful. you see a situation where one girls safety is completely dependent on the other one liking her enough to be used as a bargaining chip and think she's the one that has power in that relationship? you think she's the one who's a danger to the other? ok. cool! :|
#obv im talking abt c/a antis mainly here but. idk it applies to people who like catradora too honestly. they're pretty weird abt the horde-#-period. like making it seem like they were always/mostly happy and healthy b4 the sword is a little weird since we SEE their horde dynamic#they obviously enjoy each others company and care for each other but. bc of their fundamental misunderstanding atp they cant be what each-#other wants/needs catra doesnt understand why adora is Like That and gets upset at adora bc she thinks adora getting unfair privilege AGAIN#-and shes RIGHT. but neither her or adora rly grasp that this isn't actly a good thing. so catras jabs r gg to hurt adora who believes shes#-actly HELPING catra. and even ignoring that she *blames catra for SW's abuse*. she still doesn't really try to understand why catra is mad#-at all. (its bc adora is getting unfair advantages over her. again.) < which ofc adora doesn't acknowledge. she cant! not without breaking#-the idea that she CAN protect catra from SW. that the horde is fair and good. so ofc she brushes catras hurt aside to make it abt herself.#and from the way they both seem. used to this dynamic. were meant to get that this is what its always like right.#them blaming each other for things they cant rly control. etc etc.#but. idk. theres a tendency in post series content to erase that adora actually harms catra quite a lot.#and they either make it seem like Nothing Was Wrong in the horde btwn them or that somehow catra had the upper hand in the relationship.#which. again. the point of the post.#ok wow i shld never talk again what is all this#spop#ughhhh
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nereidprinc3ss · 1 month
do you believe me now? | 6
in which spencer reid and inexperienced!fem reader are finally honest with each other. complete with tears and more than a few make-up kisses.
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this series is 18+ warnings/tags: angst but mostly fluff, i think this qualifies as hurt/comfort, HHEHHEHHEH, lots of kissing, so cheesy, you jokingly imply he's a slut, i need him expeditiously a/n: thank you guys for being patient with me!! ilysm!! i edited this until i hated it but i hope it's satisfactory for YOU guys..... as always please please let me know what you think!! and i already started the next part hehehe
The car ride is the worst of your life. 
Neither of you speak. 
And you find yourself wishing, pleading to god that one of you will say something to fix this—but each minute ticks by and the streets get familiar and a quiet song ends and you realize you were silly to ever think a twenty minute car ride would change anything. 
Spencer was the luckiest you’d ever been and your relationship is floating away like a balloon you forgot to hold on to—nothing more than a red dot lost to the vast blue. 
Maybe for him it’s easier. You’re pretty sure it is, as you risk one or two glances at his unreadable profile that turn into lingering, obsessive looks because you’re panicking and realizing you’ll maybe never see him this close again. It’s funny and terrible how quickly you’re remembering what it was like to see him at the coffee shop for the first time—how he was nothing but a beautiful stranger, completely unknown to you and worlds away. Now you’ve had him, sort of, and you’re turning into the girl who could never have him all over again. 
When he turns onto your street reality begins to sink in. Your heart is a short fuse inside your chest as he pulls into a spot and parks the car. The rumble of the engine cuts. The headlights stay on. 
For a moment, everything is quiet. You wish you could insert your own reality into the silence—one where you’re simply enjoying each other’s company and there’s no sense of impending doom to take your breath away. 
“Do you want to talk?” Spencer asks, looking pointedly ahead where the lights shine off the back of some other person’s car. A wayward moth dips and swirls into the high beams. You watch Spencer track it with his eyes. 
“I’m not sure what to say,” you admit quietly. The weight of everything you’d like to say sits in your stomach like lead, too heavy to divulge. It’s only been a few weeks of having to carry the truth around with you and your muscles are already fatiguing. The idea of carrying it around indefinitely makes your eyes sting. You’re already exhausted. 
Maybe a stronger person would find that last bit of energy to make a final push, to save the relationship just before it falls apart. 
But you never claimed to be strong.
Deep down, you must’ve known you weren’t ready for a real relationship. You can’t handle all of this pretending to be okay with things that hurt. Even if that's the grown-up thing to do.
“I tried. I really did, I’m sorry—I’m—”
Before you can get the words out your throat tightens around them and you bury your face in your hands. 
The sound of his seatbelt unlocking and whirring back surprises you—but you’re even more surprised when he undoes yours. Still, you move your arm so it can snap back into place and then he’s pulling you into him. 
“It’s okay,” he murmurs, one hand on the back of your head as you lean over the small gap between the seats, unable to stop yourself from shedding more tears. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry.”
He’s sorry. 
For not loving you?
If it’s not your fault he doesn’t love you back—then whose fault is it? Who’ll take the fall?
But still, he’s holding you so carefully, like you’re made of porcelain. Something to be protected. Or at the very least, something to be mourned even after it’s in pieces. 
As you lean against him, lulled by the slow in and out of his breath, the inverse of yours, and the way he slips his thumb over the back of your hair in silence for a few minutes—you wonder what’s missing. Why he’s not satisfied. 
“I don’t understand you.”
The words come out flat, muffled by his coat, garbled with leftover tears. 
“What was that?” Spencer asks gently, still playing with your hair. You sniffle, adjusting your head so your cheek is to his shoulder and your lips are no longer smushed. 
“I just… I want you to explain it to me.”
“Explain what?”
You sit up just enough to meet his eyes. The movement seems to take him by surprise, but he keeps his hands on you—one slipping to your cheek and the other still loyal to your back. He brushes his fingers over the delicate skin beneath your eye and you cover them with your own in an effort to get him to stop treating you so kindly. But even now, when you’re mad at him for being so gentle in the way that he hurts you, you can’t help but seek the familiar callus on the side of his trigger finger. It’s an odd thing to anticipate missing, but you’ll miss all of him. You can’t imagine holding a hand without that familiar anomaly—a cairn to show you where he’s been and who you’re holding. 
He curls his warm hand around yours and you hold your joined fist out for him in emphasis, speaking louder than either of you were prepared for. 
“This! You! I understand that we don’t feel the same way about each other and maybe I can’t change that. But then you do this and I don’t understand why. I don’t understand why this isn’t enough for you, because it’s enough for me, and I just—I don’t know what else I can give you. I don’t know what else there is. I don’t understand why I’m not... enough.” The tears are back and flowing freely, but you forge breathlessly ahead, because you’ve finally found a way to be honest and you’re not going to stop now. Spencer is frowning, lips parted and clearly confused or shocked or something, but you continue your confessional before he has the chance to interrupt. “I want to be enough, but you didn’t even give me the chance, and I don’t think it’s fair that we’re breaking up when you didn’t let me try. Maybe if you just told me, if you explained what’s missing I could fix it and you could love me back, and—please. I just want to try. Please, Spencer.”
A car engine revs somewhere far away, echoing down the street. It reverberates for several seconds, unimpeded by any other noise. Any word, any breath. 
His voice is thin when he responds a moment later, still studying your face with a kind of scrutiny that is so indecipherable you don’t know how you expect him to respond. 
“Love you back?”
You blink. 
Your stomach drops. 
For all that you’d revealed, for all that you’d willingly humiliated yourself with your pathetic supplication—you’d meant to keep that four letter word to yourself. 
What a way to make an exit from your relationship. 
Spencer is still looking at you, keeping you pinned to your seat, and as much as you wish it wasn’t the case he’s not going to let you off the hook this time. He’s going to demand an answer, and you have a 0% chance of bursting into mist before you have to provide an explanation, so you have no choice but to say something. 
What, exactly, you’re going to say—you don’t know. 
“I didn’t…”
“You didn’t mean it.”
The response comes so quickly, sharp as a slap, that you jump back slightly, a deep frown twisting your brow. Spencer makes no effort to keep his hand in yours as you slip from his grasp. 
“That’s not what I was—”
“Just say what you mean.” Silence. “Tell me.”
It’s like he’s got an ice pick to your chest. It’s like he wants you to humiliate yourself even further, to punish you for your messy indiscretions. 
It’s a warning. You’re giving him a chance to stop this before he hurts you sadistically. Before he becomes unrecognizable. 
He swallows. 
“Please.” And then, a second later, when you’re still trying to process the quiet pain in his voice and suddenly faced with the unexpected question of who is hurting who, “please, just… tell me if you meant it.”
For the first time tonight, you notice how exhausted he looks. Slightly gaunt, even paler than usual. Shadows pool deeper in the hollows of his face. His eyes look glossy, dark crescents below awaiting to catch tears you realize you’ve never seen fall. The tonal shift has you so disoriented, so out of your body like you’re seeing yourself in his own injuries—the truth becomes the only humane answer. Even if it hurts you.
“Yes. I meant it. You know I mean it.”
“I don’t know that,” he says on a shaky exhale. “How would I know that?”
And he’s got the ice pick back at your sternum. It’s tipped in poison. The mallet trembles in the air. So does your voice. 
“You told me you didn’t feel the same. You said it was new for me and different and I was going to make things complicated and you treated me like I was a stupid kid, and—and it doesn’t even matter. This was dumb. I’m sorry I said anything, I don’t… I don’t know what I’m doing. I just.. I can’t do this.”
You’re about to open the door, every muscle tense as you wonder what the hell is wrong with you. What reduced you to the weepy, pathetic girl, begging a boy to love her despite knowing it doesn’t work like that—the same girl you’ve looked down your nose at in every film and TV show and in every high school and college hallway since you learned what self-superiority meant. Before you knew exactly what it felt like to be her. 
He says your name.  
And of course you pause. 
You want a reason to stay. If you had more self-respect, you wouldn’t. But you know you’ll give him as many chances to give you an excuse as he’s willing to take. You knew that before your fingers met the metal of the door handle. 
“Just—hold on a second. Can you look at me?” 
You sniffle and wipe your eyes with the heel of your palm before turning around to face him once more. You wonder if anyone will ever have the kind of power he has over you ever again. 
The despair leaves only wisps of itself on his face—mostly he looks like he’s thinking hard about something. It’s jarring. 
“You’re talking about our phone call on Sunday, right?”
You nod petulantly with a quick teary eye-roll because obviously that’s what you’re talking about. 
Something lights in his own dark eyes as he inhales, parts his lips as if to speak, and stops himself again. Like he’s got news that he’s not sure how to break. 
“The things I said, on that call… I wasn’t talking… about you.”
Your insides feel like tangled yarn as you stare at him uncomprehendingly. 
“I mean, I was. I was talking about us. But not in the way you think, it was—” he stops, rubbing his eyes and taking a frazzled breath. “I know what it’s like to be the one who cares more. I have to assume that I’m the one who cares more because when I don’t, I ruin things. And with you, I felt like—the stakes were so high, and I thought it’d be safer for me to not say anything until I knew you felt the same. But I know that’s not fair to you so I tried to tell you over the phone that if you didn’t feel the same way it was okay. And now I’m—I’m realizing the way I phrased it was incredibly unclear and misleading, and somehow I fucked it up in a completely new way. But I wasn’t referring to you. I just didn’t want you to feel stuck with someone who can’t give you casual when you have so much ahead of you. I had no idea you felt that way about me. And I am so, so sorry that I hurt you. I never meant for that to happen.”
You blink. 
And for some reason, begin sobbing. 
Spencer freezes for a moment, then tells you to stay there and you barely have the capacity to wonder what he means as you hear his own door opening then slamming shut again. A moment later he’s on the passenger side, opening your door and leaning in. 
“Hey,” he whispers, gently pulling your hands from your face and making you turn your head to look at him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. But that’s good news, right? Why all the tears, lovely? What’s wrong? Please talk to me.”
You take a shuddering breath. 
“This is all my fault, I ruined everything because I was too scared to tell you before and now—and now—”
Stroking your cheeks to wipe away the tears is a futile effort because they just keep coming, but Spencer does it anyway, and he speaks so kindly, so evenly it somehow hurts deeper. 
You were terrible to him. And he had been prepared to accept that. He thought you didn’t love him, and he was still willing to be the subject of all your cryptic frostiness and inexplicable cruelty. 
“It is not your fault. You didn’t ruin anything. I’m still right here. We’re okay.”
“But we’re breaking up, and—and I was so mean to you. That’s not okay, Spencer.”
You finally look at him. He’s close, eyes warm and wide as he looks directly into your own teary gaze, shaking his head earnestly. 
“You were confused, honey. So was I. It was just a misunderstanding. But… I know I was unkind to you. I cannot express how sorry I am for that, and the last thing I want is for us to break up, but if you think that’s what’s best, I’ll… I’ll understand.”
His voice is dangerously thin by the end, strained with impending tears of his own. But he’s eternally kind—backlit by the streetlamps and beautiful like an angel.  Whatever you want, he’ll give you. Even if it’s this. 
“I don’t want that. I don’t.” You sigh, closing your eyes briefly against the world as you realize the impending breakup had been a delusion all along. That you were going to let your insecurities and some sick pride end the relationship for you. All that despair had been for nothing. Or—maybe not nothing. You realize he still hasn’t said it back. But you won’t be a coward. It’s not worth losing him. You open your eyes.  “I just—I want us to be on the same page. And if you don’t love me yet or if you don’t wanna say it, or if you can’t, I get it—it’s okay, but if you don’t could you maybe just tell me? So that I’ll know—”
Before you can process it Spencer is leaning in, head angled to accommodate you, pressing his lips to yours so softly your breath catches and your stomach flips. Maybe softer than he ever has before, and it’s like taking a deep breath after holding it through a dark tunnel. You exhale a tentatively soft sigh against him, releasing air you don't have along with the fraught tension in most of your body. All too quickly he’s pulling away, hands still cupping your cheeks and thumbs stroking over your skin. When he speaks it’s not quite a whisper, but secret-soft. 
“How could I not be so in love with you?” 
Suddenly you can feel the world turning underneath you. Or maybe you’re just dizzy from lack of oxygen. Either way it feels good. A drop of warmth makes a splash in your stomach and slowly spreads through every vein and capillary until you’re sure you’re glowing gold. 
“Of course really. I’m—” he takes a breath of his own, and you realize how difficult this must be after what happened the last time he professed his love for a girl. Your chest aches for him. His voice is low and solicitous, but it wavers slightly. “I should have told you sooner. I wanted to, but I was worried—I was worried the way I felt for you was… too much. I am so in love with you it scares me. I still don’t know what to say or how to act around you. When I’m gone, sometimes I imagine quitting my job, just so I can come home and see you sooner. When I have a gun in my hands, I start thinking about all the things I would do to keep you safe, or—or just because you asked me to. And if what you wanted was for me to leave you alone, I would have done that. If you wanted me to drop everything and everyone to be with you I would have done that. And I know you’d never ask those things of me. But any of them, I’d do in a heartbeat. Which is… it’s a little scary, huh?”
The final sentence is a nervous self-effacing chuckle, which you can match in sound only—one breathy attempt at a laugh from your slackened jaw. 
When that’s the only response you can manage, he clears his throat. 
“Too honest?”
You shake your head as if in a fog. 
“No. Not too honest. But I’m just… I’m trying not to cry again.”
He smooths over your hair fondly. His own eyes are shiny and full of wonder as he studies you for a short while, like you're doing something much more awe-inspiring than sniffling in the passenger seat of his car. Then one hand is dropped to your shoulder and the other braced against your seat back. Finally, he pulls back to a more reasonable distance with a shaky sigh. It’s a sound of relief. You want to hug him, and all the past hims who have ever been hurt by anyone. 
“You, um—you need to rehydrate. Do you have anything that will rebalance your electrolytes? If you don’t I can go to the store—”
“You don’t need to do that,” you assure him with a small, watery laugh, loosely grabbing the wrist that brushes your shoulder. 
“But you need to take care of yourself. And I know you haven’t been drinking enough water because you never do.”
There’s a lingering overwrought shakiness to his voice, but it’s still the most relaxed he’s sounded since he came home, and you realize that the worst is behind you. The storm that you’d been so sure you couldn’t weather is somehow clearing up. 
“I can’t believe we almost just broke up.”
He hangs his head, dropping it to the curve of your neck and groaning. 
“Don’t say that. Let’s not think about that right now. Just—” when he raises his head again, and shakes it slightly to get his hair out of his eyes, they’ve cleared, like he’s on a mission to change the subject. “Let’s go upstairs. Will you let me take care of you?”
You give him an exaggerated nod, still sniffing, and the smile that grows on his face is like seeing the sun rise above the ocean. You love his smile. You love him. 
Spencer kisses you on the cheek. 
“Okay. Let me lock the car and then we can go up.”
As soon as you get into your apartment and turn on the light Spencer goes to the kitchen. It’s a small unit, but antique and nice enough, though you prefer Spencer’s. There’s still some tension as you observe him filling a glass with water, kicking your boots off by the door—but not necessarily the bad kind. You’re not sure exactly what it is. 
“Where are you going?” He asks as you pass the kitchen area to turn on a standing lamp in the opposite corner of the room. 
“I don’t like the big light.” A warm glow emanates through stained glass as you flick it on. 
“I know that. I just didn’t realize it was a higher priority than your wellbeing.” His tone is sardonic but he’s already switching off the overhead lighting for you. You give him a wry smirk as you finally approach and take the proffered glass from his waiting hand. 
“Ambience over everything, baby.”
His brows pinch at the cavalier sentiment—you never call him baby, so you're sure he knows it’s a joke—and he shakes his head with a humorous little huff of air through his nose, watching as you drink deeply. Your hand is shaking. Spencer notices and covers it with both of his, taking the half empty glass with one and grabbing your hand with the other. 
“Adrenaline,” he murmurs, kissing your knuckles. “It’ll go away soon. Did you get enough?”
You nod, smiling small but genuinely. Emotionally exhausted or not, you’re happy. 
Spencer strays, not far, to set the glass on the counter. Then he turns to face you, bracing his palms on the ledge and just watching you for a moment with the kind of smile that makes you nervous in the best way.
He beckons you to him with nothing more than a quick tilt of his head, and you shuffle across the floor in your socks til you’re toe to toe. Without your shoes on, he feels much taller. Still he just watches you for a moment—not that you mind. Your view isn’t half-bad. The faint warm glow from the lamp casts shadows over his face, highlighting all the perfect angles, deep brown eyes framed by dark lashes, and lips that still make you feel like a girl with a crush when you look at him. His hair is getting long. You’re unreasonably glad you still get to look at him like this. 
“Hi,” you whisper—something about the intimate dark of the room feels like a place for secrets. 
“Hi, pretty.” Spencer tucks hair behind your ear, eyes soft wherever they focus on your face like if he even looks at you too sharply you might break. “Have I told you how much I missed you while I was gone?”
He knows he hasn’t.
“Even when I was being a heinous bitch?”
Spencer laughs and it makes you smile too. The way his smile changes the landscape of his whole face will never feel any less like observing a natural phenomenon. It’s unfair how beautiful he is, and how you’re keeping him all to yourself in the dark on the fourth floor of an apartment building in DC. 
“Even then. Not sure that’s the wording I would have used.”
“I missed you too,” you admit softly. 
He maps your face with wandering eyes like he’s done a hundred times. Vaguely you wonder if he sees the same kind of beauty in you that you see in him. If he sees landmarks in your flaws and stars beyond the observable universe in your eyes. 
Spencer sweeps your hair over your shoulder, fingertips grazing your neck. 
“Can I kiss you?” He murmurs. 
Butterflies fill your stomach and you nod shyly, unsure of what would come out if you tried to speak.
His free hand settles on your lower back and brings you into him until you’re chest to chest. With his other on your jaw, he bows his head, and you angle yours up, allowing your eyes to flutter shut. 
Spencer kisses you so gently it aches in your chest, still cupping your face and stroking your cheek. You can’t help wrapping your arms around his middle—before he’s pulling away far too soon. 
And he’s laughing. 
“What were you drinking?”
You frown, flustered and trying to remember a time before his lips were on yours.
“Before that, baby. At the bar.”
You think back even further, head muddled even more by the endearment so that it takes you a moment to recall. 
“A Shirley Temple. Derek brought it to me. Why? Is that bad?”
“No,” he says, still smiling as his lips brush yours. “You’re perfect. You taste like candy. It’s cute.”
Oh. You feel warm as he presses another kiss to your lips—and this time you insist on him staying awhile. He’s happy to oblige. 
Spencer kisses you soft and careful at first, and then deeper, but still so slow, until you can’t help the way you’re bunching the fabric of his shirt between your fingers and rising on your toes to try and get impossibly closer. He kisses you the way you’ve been needing him to since he left, long and unhurried and sweet—and takes everything you give him, siphoning away all your leftover turmoil and angst until you’re weightless. You’re deprived of oxygen, you’re dizzy, and you don’t care at all. 
“I love you,” you breathe against him before he captures your lips again with a hum that flips your stomach, his hand rubbing over your hip. 
“Say it again,” he mutters against your mouth a second later, brushing hair away from your face. 
It comes out a little mumbled this time between kisses, but it comes out all the same. 
“Love you.”
He sighs into you—relief that mirrors your own. 
“I love you.”
It seems like the kind of thing that will never stop sounding perfect from his lips. 
A final deep kiss shortens into a series of smaller ones, and then he’s pulling away slowly, brushing the corner of your mouth affectionately. 
Both of you require a few deep breaths—a moment to let your sparkling eyes wildly chart each familiar curve and convex and shade and shadow of the other’s face—before either of you can speak. Spencer breaks the silence first. 
“I’m sorry.”
You frown, stirred from your brainless bliss by his unexpected apology. 
“For what?”
The fiery glow in his eyes dampens slightly. 
“For what I said at the bar.”
It feels like a lifetime away—memories seen through someone else’s eyes. Words like blows from a less familiar mouth. 
You look away. For a while, you’d forgotten about that. Ideally he wouldn’t have reminded you. 
At least he doesn’t make you look at him. He just strokes your hair, watching you examine the tiled counter. His voice is soft and soothing, like he’s appealing to a scared rabbit. Or maybe something angrier and with more teeth. 
“You’re not immature, or badly behaved, or thoughtless. I was having an emotional reaction, I got defensive, and I lashed out. It was unfair and unkind of me to throw those things back in your face when I know how much trust it takes for you to be vulnerable with me. There’s nothing I can say or do that will adequately make up for that, but I want you to understand that I didn’t say any of it because it was the truth. I said it because I didn’t understand how you were feeling and I was hurt. I was insecure and I acted juvenile. I am so, so sorry, honey. You don’t have to forgive me, but you do need to know that none of it is true.”
Once you bite your lip long enough to be sure you won’t cry again, you speak. 
“It’s okay,” you insist with a cheerfulness as natural as hard plastic, something in your chest twinging. “I was mean too. Like you said, we were both confused.”
“It is not. I made you cry.”
Sometimes you forget that he’s not like other people. He’ll never accept anything less than the barest truth. So you look back up at him and speak with a level of honesty that you hope satisfies him. 
“I forgive you. You didn’t mean it. And I have insurance because Derek said he and Emily would kick your ass if you’re mean to me again.”
You hear the sad humor in his voice. His hand runs up and down your back. 
“If I’m ever mean to you again, I personally invite you to kick my ass. And then let Derek and Emily have their turn.” He thumbs at your cheek, studying you in silence for a moment. “I can’t tell you how much I wish I could take it back.”
You stand up a little straighter. Spencer tracks you with his eyes, noting the way you smile slightly. 
“You’ll find a way to make it up to me.”
“I’ll do anything for you,” he admits, barely a whisper and the truth of it so heavy you can feel it too. 
But for tonight you can’t contend with more weight. 
“You know what you could do right now?”
The mischief in your tone is obvious, and he hesitates, like he’s not sure he wants to let you move on from this so quickly. But eventually he plays along, pressing his thumb into the dip of your back and speaks lowly, just as you’d hoped he would. 
“What’s that?”
You smile slyly. 
“You could kiss me again.”
“Hm… I don’t know, three times in one night? Sounds a little excessive.”
“Do you want to be forgiven or not?” You huff. He smiles lazily, already dipping his head to press his lips to yours. 
“I thought I was already forgiven.”
“Apologies can be retracted.”
“Ah.” His next words are mumbled as his lips ghost yours. “Well we wouldn’t want that.”
Spencer puts you out of your misery, not bothering to warm you up to it before he’s kissing you with a deep need. It’s still languid, and not hungry, exactly—it’s more like an aching, mind-numbing thirst. It’s all-consuming, overwhelming to have all of his burning focus pinpointed on you like this. Both hands come to cup your face and you wonder if he wants you in ways that he doesn’t entirely understand, just as you want him. You wonder if anything could possibly sate this desire to possess him completely and for him to possess you, to trade corporeal forms—or if it’s just something you’ll have to live with like a metaphysical itch you can’t scratch. As he forces you to tip your head back for him, using his height to his advantage, breathing deeply against you and attempting to push himself impossibly closer, you begin to think he understands exactly how you feel. 
As soon as you’d sensed he wanted it, your lips had parted for him. He knows he could have any part of you. He knows how eager you are to give yourself to him. You’ve done everything to prove it, and yet you’ve never needed him quite like you do ask he pushes off the counter and slowly backs you against the wall, protecting your head with a hand as the paintings rattle ever so slightly. You gasp into his mouth and he kisses you greedier still, but his hands don’t stray from your cheeks. 
Not until, that is, you hook your right leg around his left, and he catches it, fingers wrapping under the bend of your knee. 
Never in your life have you regretted picking jeans rather than a skirt more than you do right now. 
But to your disappointment, Spencer slows down to a halt—pulling his lips from yours like they’d been stuck by molasses until he’s far enough away to study you wildly, panting just as you are. His hair hangs over his smoldering eyes. He’s disheveled. It’s sexy. 
“What?” You whisper, voice surprisingly hoarse.
He looses a dry, abashed laugh. The flush he’s sporting is incredibly charming. 
“I’m supposed to be playing nice with you.”
Spencer says it like it’s a mild hindrance. Something frissons in your core. You smile a little wider as you continue to catch your breath, which seems to please him. 
“Playing nice?”
“Being gentle. I’m not supposed to push my favorite things against walls when they’re delicate.”
Your face heats at the way he speaks of you—if it weren’t Spencer, if you didn’t know he really doesn’t think of you as an object, you’d be pissed. But instead all you can think about is how good it feels when he calls you his. 
“According to who?”
His eyes dart between yours and then down to your lips several times before he averts them to the wall beside you with an intensity that could burn holes through the plaster. Is that how he looks at you?
“According to me. I think… god, you're going to hate me for this. But I think I need you to kick me out.”
You drop your leg at the same time as you do your heart. 
“I know,” he says, over-apologetically, “I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let that escalate. But we can’t… do anything tonight.” Before you can protest, he rushes to explain himself. “It’s just that it’s been a long day. It’s been a long week, actually, and I doubt either of us have slept very much, and I think you’re really drained, and probably not thinking super clearly. I don’t think you’re in the best place for decision making.”
You look pointedly down to where he still has you pressed to the wall. 
“I think I’m in a great place.”
At that he steps back, but lets his hands find yours and pulls you away from the wall—just not quite as close as before. His nose bumps against yours as he speaks low and sweet. 
“I understand that you want me to stay right now. But it’s not a good idea to associate fighting with physical pleasure. That can set some really dangerous patterns.”
“We’re not fighting,” you plead, matching his tone as you look up at him with big eyes. His fingers lace with yours. 
“You’re right. Maybe fighting was the wrong word. But we had some pretty intense conversations today, didn’t we?”
Reluctantly you nod. 
“Right,” he agrees. “Same premise. We need to be able to have those conversations without getting distracted.”
In a last ditch attempt to get him to change his mind, you give him your best approximation of the imploring, wide-eyed gaze he sometimes uses on you. Something not entirely smile and not entirely smirk twists the corners of his mouth. When he ducks down to kiss you quickly, you reciprocate, but you lack the enthusiasm of earlier. 
“Hm,” you respond, dejectedly. 
“Don’t get all grumpy because I don’t put out.”
That puts a disgruntled little smile on your face as he probably knew it would. 
“I guess you just gave it up easy to all those other women.”
He grabs your chin and gives you a final peck. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never been with other women.”
“Mhm,” you grumble good-naturedly, pushing away from him and going to the door to undo the deadbolt. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
“Wow. I really must have overstayed my welcome if that’s the goodbye I get.”
You turn back around, brows raised. 
“Oh, I was prepared to be very welcoming. This is your doing.”
“Uh-huh. Come here.”
Happily you skitter back across the few feet of wooden flooring and wrap your arms tightly around him one more time, pressing your cheek to his chest. He’s ready, winding his arms over yours and rubbing your back. It’s eerily similar, you realize as he presses his face into the concave of your shoulder, to when he’d left on that most recent case. 
But at the same time—everything’s different. 
And you won’t make the same mistake twice. 
“Hey,” you smile, resting your head on his shoulder. Spencer pulls back to look at you, a similar grin on his face. 
“Hey what?”
“I remembered what I was gonna say.”
The grin widens. He knows exactly what you’re talking about. 
“Tell me.”
“I was going to tell you that I love you. And—I hope you’re not one of those people who’s uncomfortable being told that often. Because if that’s the case I’m really going to annoy you.”
“I’m not that kind of person,” he assures. “Tell me as often as you can.”
“But you should say it back. It’s more polite that way.”
“I love you,” he murmurs, in a voice more serious than your teasing tones had been but still soft and sweet around the edges. “You know, people talk about love as if it’s completely irrational and illogical. But with you… I think the world actually makes more sense than it used to. I understand things I never did before. You’ve taught me a lot.”
It’s like a lightshow in your stomach. You wonder if he has any idea the effect his casual musings have on you.
“You already knew everything.”
“Not everything,” Spencer whispers. “Not about the things that matter.”
And you’re fresh out of teases. All you can do is look up at him with big eyes again, in awe of the fact that you get to keep him after all. 
“Will you text me when you get home?” You request, voice reverent in the wake of an admission you could never hope to top. 
“I will. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nod, because it doesn’t even matter if you had other plans tomorrow. They’re as good as cancelled. 
Spencer kisses your cheek, and you get the sense that things are still being left unfinished. There’s an unresolved tension that you can’t shake, even after all the apologies and kisses and sweet words. Still, he made a point with his talk about not mixing argument with pleasure, and you’d like to respect those wishes because you respect him—even if every atom of your being shakes with desire to keep him locked in your bedroom, hidden away from the world together, for as long as you can possibly manage. 
Eventually, you loosen your hold, and you let him go. He lingers at the door, hands in his pockets, just watching you and mirroring your small smile as you hold onto the counter with an iron grip to keep yourself in check. After he finally peels his gaze away from yours and silently closes the door behind him, you stand there, staring at the wood for at least a minute.
Once you manage to shake yourself from your revery with a deep breath, you grab your glass from earlier and stand in front of the sink, watching it fill with a white jet of water. It’d be a shame to admit it to him, but maybe Spencer is right. Maybe you do need time to emotionally digest today. After all—that was technically your first argument. It seems to have left you sort of wound up. Not in a bad way, per se—maybe you just need to take a shower, let the hot water roll over your shoulders and wash away the frenetic energy that clings to you. 
Still, something tells you that you won’t be getting much sleep tonight, even if you do take the world’s longest shower. You’re simply too high-strung. You wonder if having Spencer here would fix that or make it worse. But ultimately, he’d made the call that it was a bad idea for him to stay, and you’re generally inclined to trust his judgement. 
The thought makes you laugh into your cup as you drink. Even after the debacle that was the past week, you trust him to know what he’s doing. Maybe you need to rethink that, at least temporarily, until he’s had a chance to redeem himself. 
Just then, your front door is opening with absolutely zero warning and slamming shut again before you can finish whipping around. Your heart threatens to choke you and you almost drop your glass, clutching your chest. 
“Jesus, you—”
But the words die in your throat as Spencer storms toward you, shrugging his coat off with a white-hot chill in his eyes. It’s enough to freeze you in place, heart drumming against the confines of your ribs. 
“You really need to start locking that door,” he breathes, tossing his jacket on the counter before grabbing your face and crashing his lips into yours, palms pressed to your jaw and fingers pushing into your hair. You stand there, hands hovering in air before you gain the wherewithal to blindly set the glass down behind you. Your heart is pounding as you immediately submit to the kiss, whining softly against his lips and cautiously seeking stability in the fabric of his shirt. Spencer pulls away only briefly, allowing you to gasp for much-needed air. His brown eyes are like molten gold on you, pupils blown wide and wild as he scans your face, taking heavy breaths of his own. “Anyone could just walk in.”
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ramonathinks · 7 days
just a tiny reposted drabble lol
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kento nanami is your dad’s boss … you meet him at a important dinner once that your dad forces you to come along to and he always holds a dark look in his eyes whenever he talk to you, he talks to you about the company, briefly says how pretty you are before he sips on his drink and licks his lips, you try to avoid him but for some reason he keeps trying to talk to you even though it’s clear you can’t hold a conversation with this man. so when your dad sprains his back and needs you to fill in for him, for a month max, he swears, you do it, never really realizing how much time the two spend with each other. you know little to nothing about the position or even what is it that these men do.
all you know is that you’re the only girl there… wearing a tight knee length skirt wasn’t the brightest of plans but it was hot outside and you just came to get some papers, sign them and fax a few of them. you’d be gone in less than two hours. you weren’t expecting Nanami to come into your dad’s office with yet another stack of papers, grumbling how important they were, about how he needed this done by the end of the day.
“did you work my dad like this? no wonder he sprained his back! i know he has desk work and has to go into the field with you and i don’t appreciate this!” you give him a piece of your mind and you know you shouldn’t, he’s your boss… at least for now, but more importantly he’s your dad’s boss, he could lose his job. but your mouth was moving faster than your brain. you can’t believe how selfish this man is.
“you never worked a day in your life huh?” he rolls his eyes. “i can tell that a cute little thing like yourself never so much a lifted your finger, you think he sprained his back because of me? what about that new bedroom set you pleaded with him to build you?” and that stops you dead in your tracks as you narrow your eyes at the man.
suddenly more annoyed than you ever been. “listen here! you don’t know me. you don’t know what i do! my daddy’s not expendable, this job is his life.” your eyes feel moist and your lips are quivering, he cups your face.
and you don’t know exactly how it happens but then…
he’s sinking in deep inside of you and he’s finally just like “well maybe i should give your dad a raise—fuck, maybe a bonus too…” you’re squeezing him so tight and he says: “he is a good worker, the fucking best. fuck… you’re so—fuck. you’re so damn tight…! pretty little thing like you milking my cock like you own it.”
“if i offered you a position,” his hips moving quick as he ruts deeper inside of you. “a permeant position…would you take it? work for me. Daddy’s not getting any younger babydoll. I’ll make sure he works one last good year and then you can return his favor. Just keep sucking me in just like that and I’ll just pay him all out, right now.”
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rkvriki · 7 months
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ things that make their heart flutter
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HI I KNOW I'M BARELY ACTIVE ON THE TIMELINE IM SO SORRY LMAO. something really intersting is coming very soon so keep an eye out hehe!!! make sure to leave feedback and reblog! my requests are closed and my talk box is always open so lets talk!
WARNINGS ! mentions of hoon feeling down; my inspiration to write this was very low so the las ones ended up being longer than the first three im so sorry :'); mentions of won being stressed; ni-ki not being proud of himself :(
word count: 1.5k
– kissing him when he’s still half-asleep
the sun rays started shining through the curtains, hitting your eyes. you slowly opened them trying to adjust to the strong (late) morning light. it had been a long week and you needed to sleep as much as you could, giving your body the rest it needed. you stretched your body before turning to the side, seeing your boyfriend still asleep with his arms stretched by his head. you smiled softly at the sight before you, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. when you pulled back you watched as his eyes fluttered, still in between sleep and reality. heeseung opened his eyes, trying to look at you, but sleep was stronger than him and his eyes closed back again. you let out a quiet laugh and leaned down to kiss his pouty lips this time. the corners of his lips twitched upwards and his cheeks were getting warmer, making you chuckle at him before kissing his cheek and getting up to start your day.
– looking at him from across the table
you and jay had been invited to a dinner with all of your friends. it was in a very fancy restaurant. high ceilings and big chandeliers. you were sat with your girlfriends while he sat with his friends, further from you. you hadn’t seen them in what felt like forever, work had been keeping all of you busy now that the year was ending. you were all engaged in a conversation, keeping up with everything going on with each other and spilling the latest gossip at work. you were so immersed in the conversation you kind of forgot jay was there too and this wasn’t just a casual dinner with your friends so you looked behind you and saw jay with his sleeves rolled up, laughing with his own friends. it was in moments like this you wondered how you had scored a man like this. too lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice jay looking back at you. when his eyes made contact with yours, you playfully winked at him, making him look away while blushing, making you laugh at his behaviour as you tuned back into the conversation.
– brushing his hair away
it was one of those peaceful days where both you and jake had a day off from work. jake had slept over at your house and you two spent the whole day basically doing nothing but enjoying each other company, which is something rare since lately he’s had a busy schedule because comeback is just around the corner. you had a whole movie marathon planned for the day and you were already on your fourth movie. the clock had just hit 7pm and you were starting to feel sleepy. jake was currently lying with his head on your lap as you were sat with your legs spread on the couch. you looked down at him, seeing him focused on the movie, his cheeks flushed from sleepiness. you smiled softly at the sight, your hand making its own way down to his cheek, caressing the soft skin. he looked up at you, smiling softly as he tried to rub the sleep off his eyes. his hair was falling on his eyes so your hand moved upwards to brush his hair away from his eyes. he closed his eyes at the touch as he felt his cheeks warm up and his heart flutter at the simple yet affectionate action.
— running your hands through his hair as he speaks
today had been a long day for sunghoon. everything felt like it was going wrong. from the way his day started with him forgetting to bring his umbrella and getting soaked on his walk from work, him continuously making mistakes during dance practice to him spilling his drink he had ordered along with some food for lunch. his day was not bound to go well and he had already accepted his fate. he was so frustrated with himself. hoe could he keep making stupid mistakes during rehearsal? even though everyone kept reassuring him it was fine to have off days he just couldn’t be easy on himself. he just needed nothing but spend time with you and feel your confronting presence. sunghoon was currently lying down in your bed as you sat on the edge of it by his head. you were letting him ramble about his day. since the moment he stepped inside your house you knew something was up with him and if you didn’t insist on him he would just bottle all those feelings up. he was ranting about all his unpleasant events of the day as you looked down at him with a soft gaze. as he spoke he felt your hand starting to caress his hair until it was running smoothly through its strands, making him stutter his words. you laughed at him as he covered his face, hiding his blushing cheeks.
– the way you stare at him when he speaks
sunoo is a very talkative person and he isn’t ashamed of it. he loves talking about the things he loves and sharing them with you. every time he is telling you about something that happened to him he will not miss any details. you obviously didn’t mind, you loved listening to him talk and you would do it for hours (as if you didn’t already). every time you didn’t see each other for a long time, like when he went on tour he would tell you everything that happened while he was abroad. it was happening today. sunoo had just come back from tour and you both missed each other more than anything so you took a day off to spend together. you both walked through the centre of the city, walking by the river as you watched all the people gathered there. you went shopping and stopped by a plush store and sunoo literally begged you to let him buy you one just because it resembled you. now, you were both taking a break in a cafe, eating every kind of pastry while drinking hot drinks as sunoo told you funny stories that happened during their concerts. you watched as he spoke with such a happy face, showing just how much he loved what he did. your head was propped in your hand as you stared at him lovingly. he stopped talking, hiding his blushing cheeks, scolding you for looking at him in such a manner. you just smiled and leaned forward to leave a peck on his lips.
– holding his hand when he’s stressed
being a leader is probably the hardest position to be in a group, especially when you’re a young one. now, jungwon loves being a leader, he loves to know that the members rely on and trust him like no one, but when he is expected to give speeches wherever they go, it gets him really anxious and even stressed. he’s done it multiple times and he almost always used to it, but sometimes, like today, he needs to talk to a bigger crowd in a bigger event. he’s been restless for the whole day, reading his script over and over again, trying to memorize it. you heard it so many times you could probably do the speech yourself without looking at the paper. he was sitting next to you on a couch backstage. his leg was bouncing up and down and he was sighing way too many times. you were getting worried he would get it all wrong just because of stupid nerves. you grabbed his hand, making him still in his movements. he looked at you and you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, making him smile and nod at you appreciating the comfort you were trying to bring him.
– communicating without words
ni-ki loved performing more than anything in this world. it was what he did for a living and he couldn’t be more grateful for that. everyone, even without an artistic eye, could tell he was damn good at what he did, but somehow, he was never proud of his work. he would always point out flaws here and there that nobody noticed. he was too hard on himself and it made you sad that he couldn't see how good he does when he’s on stage. today was an important performance for him, he was going to have a solo dance project and he had been practicing so hard for it there was no way he would make a mistake. ni-ki had invited you to watch the recording and you gladly accepted. you watched him as he danced with the two backup dancers with such good chemistry. when the recording wrapped up he had to walk straight to an interview. he was walking past you and from the looks of it he wasn’t too happy with the result of things. he turned to look at you, seeing you nod proudly at him as you silently clapped and gave him a thumbs up with a grim, making him smile as looked down to the floor, visibly flustered and warmed up cheeks.
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dysfunctionalnerd · 1 year
man ok. the family visit has been fun but. id like to go home now
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