#now THAT was some toxic yaoi shit. what the fuck.
officialpenisenvy · 2 months
presence 1976 aka the first jimbert fanfiction in recorded history
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p4nishers · 2 months
vimes realizing he's in love with vetinari. now that. hmm. listen. how long it took for him to ACTUALLY fall in love with sybil? oh he liked her, he loved her SO much, but he wasn't IN love with her till jingo. he just thought he was in love. (that doesn't mean he loved her any less or that their love is any less, it means he didn't know her, didn't really have the time for her till he made it so. till he wanted it. really, truly wanted it.) but what would it take for vimes to realizes he's in love with vetinari? well, to be honest with you, not one damn fucking thing. like vetinari's is quite literally the thing he's the MOST stubborn about. he only starts to begrudgingly like him in fucking THUD! that's the SEVENTH book in the watch series. like my man is NOT here to play about his feelings (or, what he'd like to think, the lack thereof) for vetinari. so, what would it TAKE??
another attempt on vetinari's life? this time a SERIOUS one? or vetinari ACTIVELY saving someone sam loves? like young sam? would that. would that ever happen and how would vimes feel about it?? or would it be bc of some kind of jealousy?? or or or OR WHAT
like this is driving me insane i cant fucking figure it out bc there's no universe for me where sam vimes isn't freakishly in love with his boss but how the actual FUCK does that happen and how do i get it thru his thick skull that it's happening??? HOW
what if they like go on ambassador shit together like idk to lancre (bc this is me we're talking abt what did u expect of COURSE imma bring the old women into this) (listen. yes vetinari wouldn't ever go bc why tf would he that's why he has fucking ambassadors and VIMES but. just give me this one thing please and thank you) and sybil outright refuses to go bc sam i have Things to Take Care Of and and you can jolly well run along and do your job and and and. right. yup. go on (she wants them to spent time together for fuck's sake what will it TAKE for them to stop this bloody silly dance already she is so so so tired of toxic yaoi. give her a break) and so they go and sam is perpetually angry bc his Emotional Support Wife basically kicked him out of the house and now he has to endure this bloody fucking trip with his boss who he has Feelings that he would rather not think about and vetinari keeps bloody smiling and being bloody cheerful and bloody handsome in the sunlight and– nope. Not Gonna Go There.
so anyway they arrive whatever it's fine but obviously there was some misunderstanding some (willful) spelling error on vetinari's part and turns out everyone thinks the patriarch and his HUSBAND came to the princess's wedding which is. fine. totally and utterly fine. everyone is suupper normal about it. especially since esme is marrying A Girl. wild, right? so you can imagine how vimes is feeling. how many walls has he punched? who knows we can never know (none bc vetinari Raised His Eyebrows and he had to settle for kicking a few trees and almost rolling down the mountain. Gracefully, of course).
obviously there's the There Was Only One Bed trope. obviously there's victorian woman having gay thoughts for the first time yearning (repressed). of course there's the beast (repressed. for now). of course there's a moonlight conversation which inevitably leads to the Slight Softening of Sam Vimes's Heart and the next day which turns out to be Sam Vimes's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day. it's the evening before the wedding. a party. with nobs. and idiotic clothes and vetinari and stares and nosy witches and vetinari and awkward conversations and vetinari and vetinari asking (ordering) him to dance and oh shit oh fuck oh what the bloody shit is this why is the bastard SO GOOD+??!!??! does he practice has he practiced will he practice and want a partner– no. no. No. NOO not happening vimes is perfectly sane and Will Not Fucking GO THERE!!!
anyway of course shit happens. of course it ends with vimes and vetinari trudging thru the forest, drenched in rain and mud and fuck knows what else and both of them have fuck all idea about mountains and vimes is fucking Pissed bc his lordship shouldn't be here i dont need his lordship here this is bloody fucking daft. sir. and he gets nothing but that infuriating fucking smile in return and a "ah, but your grace, i am simply enjoying a brisk walk. i wasn't aware that was crime" and he's fucking COVERED in mud and his clothes are sticking to him and vimes had never actually seen him WET before and there's mud on his CHEEK and his hair is mussed and. vimes walks into a tree. gets tangled up in a few tree branches, perhaps. trips and falls flat on his ass, even. vetinari laughs at him in that way of his where he's not laughing but you can tell, deep down, he IS. and vimes is still pissed. and suddenly vetinari is helping him up and looking at him from up close with that expression of his that suggests he has inside jokes with himself and he. kisses him.
what the FUCK, right? well. surprise element and all that. vimes' first instinct obviously is to fucking fight him. then he's like. oh wait oh what the fuck. THEN he's like. vetinari is actually a good kisser and im gonna fucking faint. Actually. then vetinari pulls away and goes on business as usual like not a thing happened. if vimes wasn't so fucking dazed and tingling throughout his whole body he'd bash his skull in but well. he just stumbles after him and tries to not have a heart attack.
unfortunately he doesn't have time to think about it bc fucking CENTAURS attack them. yeah. it's not a pretty fight. by the time they get back to the castle vimes is angry and tired and his whole body feels like a bruise and he's STILL fucking thinking about that kiss but he's so tired he actively cannot fucking speak so instead of punching vetinari's perfect fucking face like he planned to he falls headfirst into their bed and goes the fuck to sleep. of course when he wakes up the bed is empty next to him and he remembers last nights events and he just looks and looks and looks at vetinari's side of the bed and has this horrible sick feeling like Uh Oh. i would do anything to see how he looks like asleep. how he looks like minutes after he wakes up. the weight of his body. vimes has the weird thought that he's actually JEALOUS of a fucking bed for feeling vetinari's weight and has to go walk around the castle 5 times. while in his drawers. it's...he could've been more diplomatic about it, is all.
so he spends the whole day in this out of body shock and avoids the fuck out of vetinari and instead goes to do literally anything he can. he talks to shawn. he talks to hodgesargh. he talks to the princess about love and freaks the absolute fuck out. he tears out every root in the entire back garden in a burst of mania. he walks up and down the mountains. he eventually ends up talking to nanny and she implements her bottomless wisdom on him ('fine lad you got there, your graciousness, wanna share 'im? oh, come on i'm just having laugh no need to be like that. you wanna lock it down, if you ask me, that whole fruit basket is RIPE wink wink') which makes him reevaluate his entire life and walk up and down more fucking mountains.
this leads him. nowhere. he hasn't figured out SHIT. he doesn't even know WHAT he's supposed to be figuring out but it sure as shit something and he has this insistent urge to see vetinari but also he WILL punch a wall if he sees him with his entire Unaffected Self so he goes and roams the halls of the castle and he's going room from room searching for something he doesn't even know about until he comes across quiet voices talking and he looks inside and it's bloody fucking vetinari comforting esme's fiancee, nina, and he just. watches. he never knew vetinari could be so gentle. and it's bc he doesn't have to pretend with nina. she doesn't know who he is just that he saw her struggling with some sewing and he helped and they got to talking and she opened up about her fears for being a queen someday and he was just SO kind. and as sam watches this he quietly, quietly realizes that he's in love. and it doesn't hurt him, not like he thought it would. maybe it will, eventually, but this, seeing vetinari like this, doesn't hurt. it can't.
he walks away before he can be seen (though, no doubt, vetinari already sensed him) and just. goes and has a cigarette and tries very hard not to make a big deal out of it. but it is a big deal. and he cant tell anyone.
so its the night of the wedding, ceremony blah blah blah its all a blur until vetinari intertwines their fingers as they walk down the aisle as guests of honor and vimes' whole world narrows down to that one point of contact until vetinari drops it again as they sit down and blah blah blah its the reception the brides are flushed and dancing and happy and happy and vimes is watching them and thinking of his own wedding and also vetinari vetinari vetinari and then of course vetinari stands next to him and he's more scared than he's ever been in his life and vetinari takes his hand again and it is So Over for vimes. they fucking hold hands while saying nothing and it kills vimes but also it's the most alive he's ever felt and maybe there wont ever be more than this but if he has this he'll be fine. and he is. and they are. the end.
so what i'm saying with this is. maybe vimes just needs a few quiet moments where he can see glimpses of vetinari he hadn't let himself see before and also he needs to be hit over the head with feelings otherwise it wont work. vetinari NEEDS to make the first move bc our dear duke will never. ever ever. he doesn't even let himself THINK he wants it he won't do it unless vetinari Plagues him with the Images.
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shadowqnights · 27 days
May I ask what are your favorite MCD or Mystreet Ships or just Platonic Relationships? I love seeing people’s opinions on different characters relationships. I’ll occasionally see one that I never saw before and I think it’s so neat.
hello welcome to bee's fav ship masterlist
I’m sorry this ask took so long, this is the one that had all my progress deleted before I could save it anywhere during a blackout. So I didn’t try again to write it for a little while. I know you mentioned MyStreet but I want to make a Separate post for that so I might reblog this later with additions but for now I’m just gonna focus on the MCD side because I know my thoughts better on that and already have plenty to say about it.
Here’s like a little masterlist of my favourite ships + platonic relationships in MCD plus some itty bitty summaries with my thoughts on them. As always I’m down to elaborate on any of these if anyone has questions! I can always make more posts specifically about any of these pairings to fully like. Flesh out and brainstorm rewrite stuff. Some characters might overlap cause multiship win. Also these might sound non-canon because this is how I write them, a lot of this is in beeland not canonical jessland. And I've probably forgotten a shitton but fuck it we ball.
Romantic/Sexual Pairings
Garroth x Laurance. No surprises here, I’m predictable, not much to say other than what I say every other time. Enemies to friends to lovers dynamic, they’re toxic and bloody and they are obsessed with each other. They are codependent. They need each other. There is something so insane about enemies to lovers when they literally have seen the worst of each other and fall in love anyway, providing a foundation for such an intimate trust because they spent so long memorising each other for the sake of hatred. Now they would die for each other, now they are black holes for each other - I never really ship Garroth with anyone else in MCD specifically because they are completely absorbed in each other, and Laur only in like alternate timelines where Garrance aren’t quite as insane for each other and are capable of being normal exes. A delicious religious corruption sun x moon guard4guard freak4freak meal for me. Rich with hungry dog metaphors and plenty of blood. I will defend them to the death. In beeland general rewrite (not Loverman, sorry), they get to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere having an honest but peaceful life. They have a couple of kids, including Malachi<3 and once they’re old they are NOT fucking bothered by plot shit again. They go through many hells and then they finally get to rest. They are so fucking in love with each other that it makes me sickened how Jess accidentally gave me source material for the most insane yaoi that would take over my life for a multitude of years. I don’t know what to even summarise here because like. I’ve written a 500k fanfiction about them that is still ongoing like I don’t know what else to say about them that I haven’t already yapped on about. There’s probably more to talk about because I never stfu about them. No one is surprised.
Katelyn x Aphiah. More enemies to lovers but also in a more guard4princess dynamic, and if you squint also worshipper4god if you consider Katelyn devout. Katelyn enters as her assassin and does literally come close to killing her multiple times only to become her target’s most dutiful loyal guard. Their magicks call to each other. Katelyn teaches her how to fight and forces Aph to confront parts of herself that were unacknowledged before their meeting. Confident that with the amount of devotion, desire and pure angry emotion that I give Katelyn, if Laurance hadn’t been at the werewolf wedding in Season 2, she easily could have had a similar outburst and take his place there to save Aph. Katelyn is obsessed with her from the start, no matter whether considering Aph a symbol, then an enemy, then finally a friend, lord and lover. And Aph is utterly captivated by Katelyn, not just her beauty, but her power. Plus, majority of the things you like about Garmau and Laurmau can be translated to Katemau but better if you try.
Dante x Nicole. No enemies here, just lovers, oh god I love these two. They are both runaways haunted by their ‘past lives’, trying to create new names for themselves and heal. I associate them both with animals - Nicole quite literally as a fox, and Dante more metaphorically as a dog or coyote. They are best friends for YEARS before anything even happens between them, and I understand why Jess saw their vibe as an innocent young love/fling but also nooo………………….. I see the visions………………. They heal together… they understand each other’s vulnerabilities and insecurities so well….. they rescue each other…. they are adoring and energetic pure t4t love formed off years of friendship and mutual respect and like. They loved each other as friends and then they loved each other More and just very naturally became partners. They’re both very playful and adventurous when they open up, and even at their most different they’re this lovely dynamic of Nicole unable to stop yapping while Dante stares quiet and adoringly at her. And they fight together side by side!!!! (Hypnosis eyes for you to think more about mcd dancole)
Those are my big three holy trinity right nowwww but. Here are some more smaller-scale MCD ship dynamics that I also looove.
(Jeffory and Katelyn are also on this list but I talked about them yesterday in that other essay so I don't feel like repeating myself. Just know that they're included.)
Vylad x Laurance, errrr it’s complicated you already know what’s going on here. soul bonded or whatever, went through hell together. don’t know each other yet understand each other better than anyone, which isn’t saying much in vylad’s case, since no one comes close to ever really understanding him but if anyone’s going to pretend to, it’ll be laur. they are each other’s hopeful fantasy, like sitting in a dark cell and saying ‘do you think that, in another life-’. in this life, you will always have some kind of self-inflicted divide (you don’t know what the divide is blocking, because it’s not exactly friendship or romance but some third secret scary thing), but the thought will never die. you’re not even friends. in another life, maybe you could have gotten along somehow, but in this life you make stupid, foolish promises about freedom. you leave each other behind eventually, as is natural. vylad had far more clarity and knowledge of shadow knights that garroth never fully grasped, that made laurance feel seen. they make him feel seen in different ways. those damn ro’meaves.
Katelyn x Travis, nooo ha ha wow it’d be so funny if we were both burdened by years of pain and sacrifice thinking that we will never receive love only to find it in an unexpected place. it’d be so funny if you managed to save each other after years of being hurt. to the point that one of you feels that she wasted her only chance at love and the other is afraid that after years of isolation he will never know what it feels like. what if you realise that what you thought was frustrating and annoying is actually exactly what you need right now. maybe he was waiting for you his whole life. maybe he feels like letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding for so long. oomf if you keep on cracking the stupidest flirty jokes i might have to let down my tough exterior to actually smile a tiny bit if only in wry amusement but still, he gets her smiling. let’s go swimming and heal together oomfie!!!
Cadenza x Sasha, tragic sun x moon lovers forcefully separated. like your entire friend group was definitely all in love with both of these zvahl siblings at some point but like. instead of both of you being the fascination of this nerd freak one after the other, you two were meant to be together but could never voice it. you were such close friends that everyone already thought you were a package deal. not to be separated. only for everything to go wrong just as you are about to bring those feelings to light and now you will never get the chance because the girl you love just came back Wrong. and worse, she is so convinced that its Your fault that maybe it is, because if she believes it so forcefully it has to be true. without even knowing about gene altering her memories, you just let go because its the easiest thing to do. doesn’t make it hurt any less.
Laurance x Travis, but only in like a certain AU where Garroth is his ex but they’re not fucked up enough to be entirely obsessed with each other still. I don’t really indulge in Laurance or Garroth ships often because I am so ride or die for Garrance but I think in some world Laurance and Travis fit so nicely together, the same way that Laurance has that complicated relationship with Vylad but only in the circumstance that he’s not with Garroth. You have to hear me out here as I tell you that I understand Laurance on a deep insane level and you need to trust me when I say that he’s interested in science. He spends years ruling by emotion and temper. He’s searching for something logical, something with a straightforward answer that doesn’t depend on keeping his heart in check. He’s tired of being told to meditate or do yoga or whatever, thanks Vylad, he wants something tangible. Everyone is so busy worrying about him being this dangerous, volatile ticking time bomb that needs to calm down or leave when he’s already been through an emotional washing machine’s worth of hell that season alone. He’s tired and he wants a solution to a problem that is very much emotional, something that can’t just be fixed. Shadow Knights are made out of emotion, and ugly emotions at that, and now more than ever Laurance is so exhausted by the constant of it.
(Interesting to talk about later that Garroth and Laurance essentially swap, despite their respective emotional reputations, that Garroth’s leaving is emotionally driven and while Laurance’s is triggered by emotion, as per the Shadow Knight overreaction, his actual leaving is far more logical and straightforward, making it less emotionally destructive. Despite the notion that he is more emotional and Garroth is far more repressed, their breakdowns kind of reverse. It’s a little funny. Truly made for each other. Ok sorry no more garrance.)
And oh look who it is its Travis fist deep in the dirt hunting for worms with books and maps strapped to his back conducting the most fucked up science experiment known to man, someone who is very used to putting up a kind of faux performance to survive while having an incredible amount of burdens and sacrifices hidden beneath that carefully curated persona. They’re both incredibly clever, and despite those personas being playful and flirty, they know when to lock in to get the job done. And Travis is that perfect intruiging mix of heart and logic, because he’s blunt and straightforward especially when it comes to reciting things he knows from books, but when he gets passionate he can yap for hours. He is incredibly brave and sweet but also very studious and not very emotionally intelligent. He sees that Laurance has a problem and works himself to the bone to try and fix it for him, even when Laurance is trying to explain that its something unfixable. They’re kind of rivals at first that turn into besties who study each other sometimes. They are considering dissecting each other to figure out wtf is going on in the other’s brain. In a time period where literally everyone’s waiting for Laurance to snap, and he really does snap on Travis, it’s kind of comforting for someone to be fascinated by the Shadow Knight rather than afraid of it, and wants to approach it with science and reason rather than with emotion, fear or merely just projecting their own shames onto him. Their demon sides like each other or something.
Kiki x Cadenza, they’re pretty simple and cute. Sweet little background couple both passionate about nature - obviously Kiki loves animals, and Caddie is more interested in plants and gardening. They both have these almost-dormant magicks that emerge in very beautiful, caring ways. They are soft and tender with each other and also the idea of them meeting via Cadenza being a literal hen is kind of funny. They should throw rocks at Zane together.
Lucinda x KC, except I haven’t fuuuully thought about their endgame, just that they are so cute. Rivals to friends to rivals again, then friends AGAIN, then business partners/besties for many many years. And then when they’re older, lovers. They are stronger together, their magicks respond well to each other, and their individual business ventures actually work best when combined rather than competing. They don’t get together until they’re older ladies and, while Lucinda would still be working through some teacher-related conflicts, she’d be more willing to settle after years of wandering and long after being the White Witch, she might feel more comfortable sticking to one place. But even so they’re the kind of yuri that never has an explicit conversation about it and never tell anyone, it just happens so naturally, they’re old women who live together and have a dual witchcraft store + bakery and finally get to live in a place where they don’t have to feel ashamed of themselves or be in constant competition, even playfully, they can just Live. And also owl x cat dynamic is so cute.
Platonic/Familial Pairings
I feel like a couple of these I have talked about in more detail before so these will be kiiind of brief. Here are some of my favourite platonic dynamics and I am CERTAIN I've forgotten a lot of nice little underrated friendships but fuck it here's a top three.
Dante, Aphiah & Aaron, their dumb dog-core little found family - Aaron becoming this old, gruff older brother figure for the both of them. After being alone for so long and bearing so much suffering, he finds solace and the beginning of a healing journey in both of them. None of them are replacing what has been lost per say, but fill the gaps of pieces missing in certain ways. Aphiah the amnesiac who, if she ever had a family at all, has literally no one now, getting to have a sibling dynamic with Dante, who waits so dutifully for his sister to come home. She looks to Aaron as a mentor figure, someone who can understand her feeling of otherworldliness and how she often feels alienated from the rest of the cast while also empathising with her as a Lord and a parent. She and Dante follow him and learn from him very attentively - and for Dante, to have an older brother figure that isn’t Gene. They take care of each other. An old wolf and the cubs that started following him around one day and while gruff and stubborn as to ignoring them at first, slowly learning to open up to them, thus earning their trust.
Vylad & Katelyn, give it up for EMOTIONALLY REPRESSED BESTIESSSSS. Every time I’ve brainstormed and thought about them with oomf I’ve been so genuinely pleased at the idea of locking them in a room together where they literally would just sit in silence and not be able to start a conversation. Such a painfully stubborn, awkward silence. Every scene they have together is so fucking funny do NOT put these guys on a boat together. They’re both gods of obsessing over their stony unfeeling tough exteriors to spare themselves of feeling. Kings of having tragic ass pasts and significant people in said pasts that haunt their respective narratives in a way that they feel no one will ever understand. So they can sit Close to each other sort of and continue to not understand each other but yet be the exact fucking same. GO TO THERAPY LOSERS.
Lucinda & Dante, go get therapy pt. 2, Dante you have to stop latching onto all of these caring figures that are a little older than you and provide some sort of semblance to a sibling, Dante stop it. She picks up on his subtle fear of witchcraft really quickly and decides to teach him more about what she does. He’s able to divulge parts of his past to her that he could never tell anyone about and she’s able to offer some comfort. I do appreciate that it’s not entirely one-sided - like yeah Dante is seeking comfort and understanding which he hasn’t really been able to take before, but he’s also there as a supportive shoulder for her, too, the way that his friendship with Aaron also starts out as mutual transaction. He notices that Lucinda has been feeling a little bit outcast by the town, even though she thinks thats what she has to be yet longs to be involved in the community, so he makes an effort to include her and spend time with her. He’s not really her apprentice, but he’s definitely willing to help out when he’s around, picking herbs and such. It’s a little funny that Dante is so insecure that he thinks of himself as undesirable and unloveable but a vast majority of town is literally a Dante fanclub willing to die for him and take him under their wing. Like oh baby. Your awkward charm is undeniable.
Stayed up late writing another ask answer yet again yippee. As always inbox is open for more asks if you feel brave enough to receive an answer of this average length and insanity :3 Stick your hand in my cage. I don't bite :).
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mychlapci · 5 months
Megatitties! Apologies for the 2nd post sent recently cause i wanna add onto the other anon who spoke about the megaboobs.
Megatron would definitely feed his bitlets whenever they demanded it, 100% spoiling them because they’re so demanding and he’s proud of their angry, half-babbled glyphs repeated until their carrier finally scoops them up, opens his chest-plates and let them greedily drink from his nozzles, giving the odd growl when they didnt share with their eachother. Him being oddly soft when one of the sparklings falls asleep, still sleepily trying to hoard a nozzle for itself, that he ends up sitting on his throne, going over some datawork with sleeping bitlets cuddling against his titties <3
Maybe it gets out to the autobots that Megatron has bitties, and now theres faction wide interrogation, clearly led by prowl and Maybe Optimus, because why do 4/5 of the bitties have blue optics. Unless Megatron carries that gene (he 100% doesnt since 1 little bitty has red optics) the sire is an autobot. Prowl has his suspicions and intel-reports show that these tiny bitlets share a decent amount of red..
Nobody admits it, nobody wants to admit it. But when a intel-report comes in saying Megatron is sparked again, all hell breaks loose in the middle of a battlefield. Nobody can do anything to stop prowl as he storms over to Optimus and DEMANDS an explanation. The Decepticons have definitely made bets on who would be bold enough to fuck their leader until he was sparked up, Who would put their spike anywhere near their crazy, stubborn, psychotic leader’s valve? And who would do it TWICE? But now they’re all making bets on how many times both leaders have gone at it away from the battlefield, or even on the battlefield depending on the horny meter. And making bets on when Prowl is gonna crash / bluescreen.
- Chase anon <3
Also, whats your opinion on Megaratch and Megop? I definitely favourite Megaratch but rambling about the two leaders, because technically they can say them fucking isnt treason since they make the rules, is needed.
oh god, Megatron's angry little bitlets rocking red plating and blue optics, which isn't something that the autobots find out until someone who was in Megatron's capture escapes and explains to the high command that one of their comrades, not pointing any fingers, seemed to have put their dick inside Megatron and created these oddly adorable abominations. The decepticons clearly realize that their leader's sparklings were co-created by an autobot, but none of them are going to say anything about it, what are you, nuts? The only one who says anything is Starscream, and he got his ass kicked by Megatron the moment the words “autobot spike” left his mouth. So everyone is just silently placing bets, but they're pretty sure it's gotta be Optimus. They theorized Prowl for a while, but the guy just isn't red enough. 
Prowl literally realizing it must be Optimus the first time he sees the sparklings on a recording Jazz brought back from a spy mission, but he tries to not jump to conclusions. Until rumour comes around that Megatron is sparkled again. This means that sometime during their last big battle, Optimus and Megatron must have strayed into the shadows and their dear, beloved, righteous leader shoved his spike into Megatron, out of all bots, and made him mewl over and over again until his gestation tank was so full his frame had no choice but to start making another batch of bitlets. The first batch is still getting breastfed, Optimus, what the fuck - Prowl, probably, in a fit of rage, not really aware what he's even saying anymore.
also btw Chase anon… why must your brain be so big. i am now forced to admit that megaratch is actually my guilty pleasure ship. I love megop dearly with my life, theyre my toxic old man yaoi, but… shit, you hit the nail on the head. Can I just indulge and say... Prowl screaming at Optimus, demanding to know what was he thinking, and Optimus is thoroughly confused until Prowl just straight up asks him if he'd fucked Megatron. Everyone's so angry that their bets fell through when Optimus swears he didn't. Well... then who did the blue optics and red paint come from?
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
I know a lot of the fandom already shits on BlitzStrike but I think that Blitz x Verosika gets more shit from Stolitz fans especially when people prefer Blitzsika over Stolitz and they try to say shit like it's just because it's straight or some shit despite the fact Blitz is pan and Verosika is probably also bi or pan since it's been implied she likes women but it was also shown in the most misogynistic way with Blitz's line about her "smelling like fish" which is actually a derogatory insult towards sapphic women so shows how much Vivzie respects not only women but lesbians especially and how apparently it's homophobic to prefer a ship over the popular gay ship just because it's "straight passing" because you can't be LGBT and attracted to the opposite sex apparently but then again criticising Helluva has always been "homophobic."
I even saw a commission artist say they refused to draw "toxic" ships like Blitzrika but they were perfectly fine with drawing Stolitz since they were a major shipper but you know what's funny? Blitzrika is actually more healthy than fucking Stolitz ever was! Sure they may hate eachother and are toxic but they are exes so it's perfectly reasonable that they hate eachother and it's only because Blitz fucked Verosika over and they had a major breakup but here's one thing that will piss Stolitz fans off... BLITZ ACTUALLY LIKED VEROSIKA! and not only that... HE ACTUALLY WANTED TO HAVE SEX WITH HER! Sure we may not know what their relationship was fully like but it was clear they actually had mutual feelings for eachother and Verosika liked Blitz so much she literally got his name tattooed on her! And clearly the reason she hates Blitz so much is because he used her! Sure Verosika may be a bitch but she has ever right to hate Blitz for what he did to her and there isn't any bullshitting around that even in the show! And it's clear Blitz feels bad for what he does for how he reacted when she called him a "wreckless heartbreaking freak" or how he still has guilt in his subconscious because if he didn't give a shit about Verosika. Why would he feel bad? Even if he hates her he still clearly does feels some remorse for what he did. And this is shit you can gather from the fucking subtext in comparison to the actual screentime you get with Stolitz. Blitz has been shown more times to have actually been shown to care about Verosika than fucking Stolas? What does that tell you?
Even if they have a fucked up relationship this was only after they broke up in comparison to whatever the hell Stolitz has going on! At least Blitz actually chose to be with Verosika and they clearly had consent! You know it's bad when toxic exes somehow have a better relationship than your so called main forbidden gay love story. Yet the fandom thinks an yaoi sex slave ship is somehow healthy gay representation but exes who happen to have had a messy "straight passing" relationship and now resent eachother over something the other did and are now toxic towards eachother and yet it's clearly shown they do still care about eachother on a surface face level which is something that is actually happens in real life is a homophobic straight ship?
I don't even ship it but I'd take it any day over what ever the hell Stolitz is and them getting back together would actually be much more believable than Blitz having feelings for Stolas will ever be. I honestly think it would be funny if someone pointed out that Blitz has been shown to love Verosika more than he has Stolas as while I do agree BlitzStrike is probably the best ship. Verosika is the only character that Blitz has so far been show to have actually had mutual feelings for unless Fizzarolli counts? But then again they have that weird sort of foster siblings implication going on so who cares? And even then there was still more evidence before Season 2 that Blitz had more feelings for Verosika than anyone else especially Stolas and I am not counting attraction since Blitz is almost always horny so whatever. Still Blitz feeling remorse and even showing that he at one point enjoyed spending time with Verosika is more convincing than whatever love confession they make Blitz give to Stolas.
Sorry for this awful rant.
No need for apologies, Anon, it was a good rant.
Striker, Verosika, Fizz...at this point, I would ship Wally-goddamn-Wackford with Blitz over Stolitz. Anything, anything but that.
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garfeildfanpage · 4 months
To kind of add onto the Aoiaoi post from earlier I just wanted to include a few things I didn’t mention cause discourse
Akane didn’t strangle Aoi, but he still pushed her over, and proceeded to grab her by the neck and forced her upwards, hence the coughing. That’s still bad, actually!
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Tbhktwt is having a moment right now, and I feel like a lot of people are either overblowing / diluting the conflict in the chapter. Akane is being forceful, both physically and not, and that’s not good! It’s obvious to say that in no other situation would Aoi have confronted her issues, but that doesn’t take away from the invasive act of it. He isn’t just forcing her to confront her feelings, he’s distressing her on purpose to prove his point, no matter his intentions he’s still doing something wrong. They’re both incredibly messed up individuals, and Aoi has a lot of blood on her hands as well.
Aoi intended on killing herself, and when Akane got in her way, she took him with her.
I’ve reread Akane & Aoi multiple times and still sit on the conclusion that their confrontation solved nothing. Akane is upset at Aoi for lying to people, but he doesn’t once try to rationalize why she’s doing so. Instead, he puts all the blame on her. He claims to understand her so deeply yet not once does he show her an ounce of grace. All he does is make her problems a “what about me?”, he doesn’t ask her anything, it’s all just what he thinks. “Why do you act like this?” Would’ve been a lot better than just getting in her face to yell, I think. Aoi has reasons for the way she acts, not excuses, but she tells him why she thinks that way and he still doesn’t get it. He repeatedly dismisses her distress, and gets in her space when she doesn’t want him to. She isn’t flustered, she’s uncomfortable. Which should be obvious considering the difference between the expressions she makes when she is! This chapter, and I really can’t stress this enough, is the farthest thing from romantic, and absolutely eons away from being even remotely healthy. This chapter is a hard and uncomfortable read, because of how deeply gross it is.
Aoiaoi is an incredibly complex relationship that shows two people in a toxic codependency, and Akane & Aoi is the absolute breaking point. They’re both fucked up in ways that only being apart can fix, and when forcing them to “confront” their issues, it’s just going to get messy. The objective view of them as peers is muddled when you focus on the imbalance between the two. Aoi has dealt with constant harassment from childhood, and as shown in the chapter, and has assumedly been mostly sexual harassment. And for Akane show such a clear disregard of her comfort is gross in basically every way. That is the rock bottom of Aoiaoi, and I am so tired of people justifying what happens just because they like them.
And I can repeat this a thousand times, every relationship in tbhk is flawed. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the bad behavior in them, and using it as an excuse is exhausted and weird. You can like Aoiaoi all you want, but that doesn’t mean you should justify the bad shit! Every relationship is flawed, but that doesn’t mean they’re all flawed the same. Not everything is toxic yaoi, some things are just toxic, and acknowledging that is really important. Don’t justify abuse or mistreatment! I think!
I could restate the whole end-part of the original Aoiaoi post but I don’t feel like it. Uhmmmm I don’t hate Aoiaoi I just personally think they should be treated by the fandom at large with more tact and care. They’re volatile and in a lot of cases I see people just, ignore the toxicity, in favor of a cute ship and that’s not great. Understanding flaws within characters is important, don’t be dense, don’t be misogynistic! Cause Aoi hate is usually that! Akane hate isn’t though as much as I love him he has his,,,low points (this entire post) and deserves getting thrown through multiple stained glass windows
Uh ninja out bye
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chaoticcoins · 16 days
Omg if you ever wanna infodump about companions (in-sys / out-sys, objectum / non-objectum, etc) take this ask as an opportunity :33 I'd love to learn more
crackles knuckles...
POSIC meaning "Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness" it's a mouth full..
this carrd (link) has some information on what it is.
before i ramble about my companions take this from the carrd previously mentioned above:
Objectum and Posic are sisters, not synonyms. Posic does not denote any attraction to objects whereas Objectum requires at least one form of attraction to objects.
most if not all of our companions we're dating, but there's a few we aren't lol. i also touch on some object s/o's we have that we don't perceive as sentient.
when it comes to my MAIN companion it's probably our Rick Sanchez build a bear...he is my boyfie and i love him. he's been with me a good while, since my birthday to be exact, iirc. rick sanchez is my main fictional other and has been for a LONG time.
my fuggler sully/fug, we are in the worlds worst relationship. toxic yaoi. our relationship is very strictly mlm4mlm & cistrans4cistrans?? idk why.
my teddybear honey, aka morty; he's my only queerplatonic partner ive ever had that i've..understood. like when others talk about qprs honey comes to mind. we dont experience platonic attraction much, and morty is excluded from that. i'd consider him my best friend in the most alloplatonic sense along with my qpr.
then there's snow, i genuinely dunno what we are. we're a very sensual couple, and it can get suggestive to say the least but we're not parnters nor fwb/fuck buddies. idk. we basically grew up together, i'd put it that way, i got him as a valentines day gift when i was at least 12 years old. he's very old. i love him in ways i cannot explain period. dare i say it's a nostalgic based attraction.
what i DON'T consider sentient, but still am with:
my insignia remote controller...i have no argument. i love her she is my girlfriend. i like her buttons.
my coffee cup. she holds my coffee. best girlfriend although kinda enables my coffee addiction...9/10 (/silly)
food. this bounces between what i'm usually attracted, not with, whatever my autism is hyperfixating on food wise lol.
shit i dont understand:
most if not all of my stuffed animals are alive to us but not sentient. the ones that're sentient are sentient, but the ones that aren't still have soul and are in some form alive. we personally hold a belief that if you love and care for something (no matter what) hard enough it gains a soul.
whatever the fuck our stuffed animal paracosm is. that's for another post because that paracosm is so confusing and we only have tofus story explained. we consider them sentient to a degree, only because like they do shit on their own sometimes.
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monsterkissed · 2 years
look i love fandom and fandom history as much as the next autistic queer but some of the “fandom elder tells you about how it was in the good old days” posts are straight-up historical revisionism. “back then fancreators and their readers/fans had healthy relationships where we respected free labour and didn’t harass people over what they made or liked and we had healthy communities uwu” literally what are you talking about. where. when.
i’m not even talking about the rampant bigotry (do you remember the reason “this contains yaoi m/m don’t like don’t read!!” was a common refrain?) i mean the entire comms that existed solely for insulting bad fanart or “sporking” bad fic. these weren’t just people outside fandoms mocking it, those calls were coming from inside the house and those comms were Popular. going thru ff or deviantart to find some poor kid’s mediocre work so you could put it up there for scores of other people to laugh at was a bonding activity. people put “no flames plz” in their descriptions and summaries because ye olde fandom loved to burn people to the ground for shits and giggles, c’mon
and it wasn’t one-way either. aside from fancreators picking on their peers, writers and artists could be plenty shitty to their fans. whenever i see those posts about how authors love comments on ao3 i am reminded of being back in the day on ff where certain BNFs would be openly hostile to the “wrong” kind of reviews. “don’t just say ‘i loved this!’, that tells me nothing, which is an insult to all the hard work i put in. but don’t leave long reviews trying to sound smart about it either, you don’t know my work better than me.” in fact the entire BNF ecosystem in general was an absolute toxic cesspit on fandom as a whole, as any given scandal from that era makes readily apparent. there were cliques and harassment campaigns and discourse and drama comms and tracing and plagiarism and suicide baiting and literal fucking cults and also the aforementioned rampant bigotry
there was no golden era that got ruined, you were just too young back then to realise how fucked up so much of it was at the time and now you’re old enough to see how fucked up the current stuff is. stop lying to children on tumblr dot com.
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deathzgf · 7 months
( almost ) ALL MY AMREV + FREV WIPS ( 12 october - 5 november 2023 ) ! ! ! ! !
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WARNING : long ass post jFDSFLKJSLF ( will all be under the cut )
NOTE : not everything is here ! a lot of my amrev + frev drawings are doodles ive done in class ( which i cant find ) + i Do Not Like a lot of them + Tumblr only allows so many images T___T
ah yes . . . the doodle that started it all . . . my good omens sona in the french revolution ! except i had no idea what i was doing at ALL and had no historical context ! which i now do have and it makes me ENRAGED for how good omens handled that era . . . why are they in the bastille in 1793 . . . ANYWAYS ! YEAH !
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aaand because of that doodle , i researched frev fashion ! and guess what ! that robespierre fashion video came up ! wooo robespierre ! and then this was the first fucking thing i drew of him i cant . I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW THE FUCK HE MISSED SO BAD + HOW THE BULLET WOULD LOOK
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BECAUSE after that i drew this ! pookie ! ! !
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first saint just drawing . i was listening to angel with a shotgun on loop . . . and i thought . . . angel with a guillotine . . . get it cuz hes . hes angel of the terror . and . and . a
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i dont have any explanation for this
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i hate this . but first robespierre AND saint just drawing wahoo
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first frev oc except the hair on that one drawing is red because i went back and changed it cuz i made their name Jules Le Roux and . You know . Red hair . yeah
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jules and calixte ! ! ! calixte is @toastytrusty ' s oc and my sweet sweet little baby i love them dearly
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. . . saint just doodle i forgor to come back to
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miku binder robespierre
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saint just painting robespierres nails because :3
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WE INTO THE AMREV NOW WOOO . anyways me when ive married and icarus and hes flown too close to the sun lol ( his wings are meant to be burning letters btw . yeah )
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jules , calixte , and leonard interaction ! ! ! ! !
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which didnt go well
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this turned out gayer than intended i genuinely dont know what happened here
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i wanted to continue this so bad but i fucking forgot about it but Uhhh uhhhhh uhhh
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you know those vamp ! robespierre and vamp hunter ! saint just aus ? yeah
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PLEASE STOP SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK IVE NEVER DRAWN A VIOLIN BEFORE PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE . anyways he playsss theee violinnn he tucks it right underr hisss chinnnnn
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winning the idgaf war . unbothered . living his best life
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theres a storytime for this drawing but ill save that for later . john adams ( 2008 ) scene redraw but instead of jefferson grabbing adams elbow its his waist except it looks awful and i need to redo it soo baddd
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vamp ! robespierre and saint just ( ? ? ? i guess vamp hunter ! saint just cuz thats usually what goes with vamp ! robespierre but idk man ) . they were meant to be on like some moonlit picnic or some shit but then class ended and i forgor about this
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donald trump , alexander hamilton , and thomas jefferson . need i say more ?
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the ORIGINAL toxic doomed yaoi ( hamburr )
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burr . boobies :3
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that one scene from saint just et la forces des choses BUT AGAIN this turned out gayer than intended . why do they keep doing this
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hey girl i think theres something wrong with your leg
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semi modern band ! gay trio . . . thing . . . ? girl idk . but i gave up
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making jules a proper ref ! who cheered !
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let me know if . you want me to finish any of these because otherwise theyre probably going to rot in my gallery HELP
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bitchapalooza · 4 months
I love Giovanni x Nanu but only if it’s the specific flavor of Nanu, undercover as a rocket grunt, pulling out masterfully faked charm because he actually lacks charm all together, in order to slowly gain Giovanni’s trust and enter his circle of “friends”(aka rich ppl he just takes advantage of because they have some kind of connection; like mother like son, Madam Boss taught him so well!). But then it kind of takes a different turn and Giovanni takes a romantic interest in Nanu instead and he just leans into that because hey whatever works, plus he’s gay he’s comfortable enough to act this out. And it really does work. He’s undercover playing as a grunt and the boyfriendtoy of the big boss’s son/heir for about 3 years and realizes in a panic that oh shit he actually has fallen for the guy. But oh well, their operation is coming to a close and his devotion to interpol is unwavering, he has no problem pushing his feelings aside as he puts a gun to his back as a team raids the Celadon City game corner to take down the now boss of Team Rocket— oh fuck he just let his emotions get the better of him and let Giovanni escape sonuvabitch. Well either he takes this to the cave or he admits his treason and— he’s shooting himself in the leg to make it look like Giovanni got the upper hand and took his gun. Well shit. What the fuck kind of mess did he put himself in? All because of a stupid guy? It’s a good thing he’s good at keeping secrets….
Anyway doomed yaoi turns toxic when they meet again years later :)
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imsogayyippee · 24 days
playlist anon back again here's the highlights
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Will Wood (you ever see those videos of cosplays where one person is sitting on a chair and the other person is walking around them kinda pushing them around while this plays? Yeah that.)
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
Trees II - McCafferty (this is just vibe but I think it makes sense)
Choke - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (my friend says this is THE timlex song)
505 - Arctic Monkeys ("I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" / "or I did last time I checked")
Milk Carton - Mercy Necromancy
GAHHH sorry im gonna yap about butch 4 butch n more gay shit i hope youdont mind.
"My sweetheart's piano is rat filled/And mine is infested with bugs/The music we make is unnatural/But it sounds just like falling in love"
"Tomorrow we'll dig through the garbage/And we'll fish out all kinds of neat trash/And when we go back to my apartment/She'll probably kick my fucking ass"
"I sing her songs in my garage/And make her fall in love with me/And once we're done/The sun is gone/We both just sit so nervously/I talk real slow/And speak real low/Hoping she'll lean into me/But we just laugh cause/What was that/We can't take ourselves seriously"
"She makes me go weak in the knees/But I can't let her see me swoon/Or else she will think I am sweet"
anyways. i love you like an alcoholic
"Cast that first glance: your smile, my veins"
entry 84. it was love at first sight btw. yeah im right it's canon.
"Kissed that first night/And then the rain opened up the sky to get"
RAIN??? LIKE ENTRY 54? 😦😦😦😦
"I need you like I need a broken leg"
adding this cause it's funny
"Some handsome dark stranger/You were standing there on the corner/You had those compelling magnetized/Eyes you must have lost when you got older"
um. what role did alex immediately give tim when they met. yeah
"Seven blocks in, my fingers brushed your hand/I blushed and you laughed/But you seemed a little sad/I ain't one to jump a ship/But I absolutely knew/I was six steps in when I fell into you"
anyways i listened to laplace's angel (i didn't remember which song it was even if i had heard it bfore. btw no i havent seen those videos sorry 😭😭) and um. kills them with my mind
"Could you take a look at me?/Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad?/And now we're singing, ooh, whatever you think of me/If you were in my shoes, you'd walk the same damn miles I do"
"It doesn't take a killer to murder/It only takes a reason to kill"
"The only ones in need of love are those who don't receive enough/So evil ones should get a little more"
"If you were in my shoes, you’d see I wear the same size as you"
sorry i would talk about baby hotline but the kind of lyrics it has are kinda hard to "analyze" like im doing with other songs 😭
"Cute guy, nice face/Wrong time, wrong place/I knew in a matter of a minute/His face was smashed/His skin was burnt/His shirt was torn in the dirt"
oh. ok then,dies
"I need you more than you need me/You're beautiful and smart and kind/While I am ugly, full of lies" "And I can't be with you anymore/I can't live like this anymore/I can't hold your heart anymore/I need you to go on without me"
read the lyrics of choke um. yeah i see it. all i have to say is toxic old men yaoi except theyre not old
"I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck/Or I did last time I checked" "But I crumble completely when you cry/It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye"
"When you put a knife to my neck/My stomach doesn't fill with dread/It's fill with butterflies instead/And when you threaten to do things to me/I don't scream"
anyways. that's it i hope yuo liked me talkig about gay peopel like and subscribe for more!!!!!!
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crehador · 2 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: high card s2
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tl;dr very flashy and aesthetic, consistently good in that regard, but the story was not always gripping to me. however, with the ultimate payoff in the last three eps, totally worth it imo
full review:
wow wow wow i'm kind of glad i fell way behind on anime and had the last three eps of s2 to binge all at once because hoooly shit i enjoyed that immensely
at no point did i think high card was bad, but it definitely had moments where it didn't fully grab me. there were times when it felt like all flash, no substance
and it's definitely not perfect, i have some serious and fairly significant gripes with it. mainly i'm really bummed that leo, wendy, and vijay never really got fully fleshed out. i mean i get it, finn's the main character and chris is the thinly veiled love interest also important so obviously they're going to take up most of the time, but i really feel like the other members of the crew had so much unexplored potential (especially wendy and vijay, because leo did sort of get his moment as a factor in the old man yaoi situation)
speaking of which THE OLD MAN YAOI!! man there were a lot of moving pieces in this show, and sometimes they came together in messy ways (or didn't really come together at all... some bits do still feel pretty disjointed and jumpy to me, tbh)
but overall the payoff of the s2 finale was absolutely worth it to me, particularly since it dealt with my favorites of those moving pieces: the old man yaoi and the sudden YANDERE ONIISAN ARC
i find myself really wishing the show had gone harder on both of those threads sooner, but like... honestly i'm not disappointed with how they played out. the whole theodore and ban thing could not have been more tropey (YEARS of loathing only for a "the one i wanted to protect all along was... you" and then dying for each other like HELLO yes an absolute tropefest BUT TROPES THAT I LOVE. GOOD FOR THOSE TOXIC DOOMED YAOI MFERS)
tilt has always been fascinating to me right from the character design and i am more or less satisfied with how things played out for him too, though i kind of wish we'd had more of this development spread throughout the series. i guess it was there, but... i dunno. in some ways feels like there could have been More (but i may be biased)
like you gotta feel bad for him, it's a sad story, but also that extreeemely creepy unhinged yandere oniisan "i have been stalking you i literally have a wall with giant blown up photos of you i hate the other guy who is calling himself your brother" sequence was SO FUCKING DELICIOUS LIKE WTF??? stunned and absolutely blown away by how hard they went on that, what a delight
(ironically it makes me think about how unhinged matakara in bucchigiri?! just doesn't work while unhinged tilt in high card works super well, but this is not about bucchigiri?! so i won't get too into that)
i am still admittedly just. kind of like. idk. i go back and forth on finn and chris, as characters and as partners. i don't dislike them but they aren't always all that compelling to me. sometimes they definitely are, but sometimes they just fall a bit flat to me. this probably isn't an issue with them as characters, though, just a matter of taste. i occasionally found the chemistry between them lacking as well, but sometimes it was really on point
same feeling about the crew dynamics in general. i looove a good like heist crew or spy agency crew, whatever it is, when the dynamics just click. and sometimes they didn't, here. i am too sleepy to articulate it properly right now but it just felt like there was something missing, some pieces not really fitting together. i didn't dislike any of the characters, but just... i guess wanted more team shenanigans? maybe there was no time for that but it would have been nice (like this is one show that could have done with a few filler and/or fluff episodes, imo!)
anyway. christ. my eye emoji-ing at tilt based solely on his character design finally paid off after two gay ass seasons lmao. good night
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keikakudom · 1 month
Agsudisg I'm so glad you liked it, Kazi, I literally sat down the moment I finished reading and started drawing cuz you freaking killed me, I MEAN, vox being stubborn and denying help, and Alastor stubbornly giving him the aid he needs, but crouched in their respective toxic egos and self-image? So delicious. Alastor, who needs to know why he was left behind, and vox who's desperately pouring himself into the new thing... Ahhhh...
The part where he implies he really was running off to die...and Alastor goes all soft...the shared frequency, the antenna petting... I reread that multiple times bc it's so good...and the claws, the claws, vox denies wanting help from alastor to the last, but the claws!
(also we tots need full seasons and reruns of 'Let's Shit on Vox', I bet Alastor even encourages to call in with more info, not that anyone would bc they're too scared. Hey, does carmilla have to listen his obsession LOL)
Btw for the artist questions, if you want, 9, 14, 30?
YOU NEVER FAIL TO MAKE ME GUSH, ES AAAA...oh lemme tell you when I lock-in, i do NOT fuck around with toxic old men yaoi. When I get better at writing, I hope to capture all their glory✨
I have never really written in this particular weird genre, I don't even know what to call it? Disgustingly intimate love/hate? At least, that's what I aspire for it to be XD
Heheh the part where "Alastor goes all soft" is also a little on the part of RR!AU characterization, so it's a bit exaggerated. He's trying to ween his way in appealing to Vox again, but RR!AU Vox is just so tired. Alastor keeps bringing up the past....This was kind of a wacky scenario to write because it does skip/make you infer a lot of stages of development, but the AU is close enough to canon that I think it's not far to imagine filling in the gaps hhh....
LMFAO yes, Alastor def encourages call-ins, "The 'Let's Shit on Vox' show, your one-stop opportunity to diss Hell's most saturated overlord!" -- on the rare occasion someone actually called in, Alastor killed whoever said something off about Vox that wasn't to his "flavor" of hate.
Carmilla has already read through these two idiots and just rolls her eyes at their immaturity. If she's there for Alastor's radio show, she's just in the background, utterly done and convinced they're playing everything up for entertainment at this point. Now that has me thinking, if Alastor ever started feeling something unfamiliar and god-forbid genuinely *good*(????), he would probably consult Rosie or Carmilla for it first........and Vox would ask Charlie.....oh..........
Aaaand Artist Questions under the cut, TYSM for the ask <33
9. What are your file name conventions?
I have terrible file organization. Many of them are named "a", "aa3", "asgv", "fhgh", or other random keyboard smashes. Recently, I have a bad habit of naming files "sketch1", "sk1", "skht1", or some misspelled way-- it's gotten so bad I'm up to "sketch22".... I find things by icon only.
14. Any favorite motifs?
Straight edges and shapes, maybe? I started drawing with an anime style though I'm mostly into western media-- I think it's very satisfying to have nice shape design/silhouettes though, but I don't draw in a super cartoony or exaggerated style so it's kind of hard to tell that I like and have fun doing it. I'm kind of scattered and like to dip my foot into everything unfortunately.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
None really, but if I had to pick one for HH, maybe this one.
For my older art, definitely this one. I mean, I don't love it anymore, but I really thought I ATE with the concept at the time.
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iwatchanime30 · 2 years
Never EVER I am considering the toxic yaoi/yuri shippers to be a part of the lgbt community. LGBT community, which I have seen in general are very fun loving and are a mature community. Sometimes, in times of some issues I shared with them before, they have actually given me advice on how to overcome a particular situation, they are a really a great community of amazing, strong and down-right mature and cool people. They are brave for withstanding their ideals and all in all are a community of amazing people.
But you know what ISN'T great?
Weird yaoi/yuri shippers.
I don't even know at this point what to think about them. Even if they see two male or female characters they will on to shipping the two of them saying shit like "so gay" and all that. AND yaoi/yuri ships always get double standards. Take akuhigu and shin soukoku. If you go to the shipping website for akuhigu, it will most likely be called a toxic ship because Akutagawa slapped Higuchi once. In the same manner, when Akutagawa has shown explicit distaste in Atsushi, and has cut of his leg, tried to MURDER him countless times, there is hardly any criticism for that ship! You know why? Because they are always in said to be gay and in a "romantic relationship." People have no problem in forgetting that shit and writing cringy fetish fanfiction/making people believe in which Atsushi is a submissive pussy lil bitch and Akutagawa is a yandere rapist. And what's worse? If Atsushi and Akutagawa were opposite genders, this would be the most hated ship in the fandom. Let's take another example. Sasusaku . Ah yes. good old times. If Sakura was a BOY or if Sasuke was a GIRL, people would have no fucking problem with the ship being canon, it would most likely be positively memed around and would be called the best ship. People have legit said this to me: "Well if both Sasuke and Sakura were females, then I'd ship it." Like WHAT? Take Izuocha. If Ochaco and Izuku were the same gender again, this would probably be the most wholesome gay ship to ever exist! But the amount of criticism for Izuocha in exhausting and it's been called "puppy love" on instances. But if it was gay, there'd be no problem! Take todomomo, people always complain like "nO this isn't canon they hardly have any screentime!!!" But mfs would start shipping it if they were "gay" or som shit. Akuhigu's criticism would practically be non-existent if they were both the same gender. Yaoi/Yuri get irritated if they see any straight or hetero ship and start saying stuff like: "but aren't they gay tho." "you guys must be crazy to ship this shit." "y'all need to learn friendships." "gayest of besties." or "nah more like mean bisexual or meaner lesbian." Go to the itakugi or yutamaki pages. Nobamaki or Itafushi shippers get so irritated that they just can't stand the sight of seeing people not shipping yaoi/yuri. They have legit said that "fr, people shipping yutamaki should choke on a log." like can't you leave the hetero shippers be? I ALSO ship m/m and f/f ships like YmiHisu and Uenomoya x Mafuyu, Victuuri etc. Not tryna brag, but atleast my homo-ships make SENSE considering the storyline and the characters. Now, I've ALSO seen aggressive hetero-shippers like erehisu shippers or narusaku shippers. I mean NaruSakus have calmed down a bit, they ain't as aggressiveas they were, but they've still shitted a alot. But erehisu shippers are just the worst. I mean y'all gotta stop harassing eremikas for no reason and stop spreading false shit on the internet.
So kindly stop with the toxic shipping. Shipping is for fun not for bullshitting and harrasing people.
Edit: Okay so I noticed a lot of people are getting the wrong idea of what I said so let me clear something up:
1)About yaoi/yuri wording. I am so incredibly sorry about that. I wasn't sure about wording and I typed some stupid shit. I really don't know how to apologize about that I am REALLY SORRY. (I don't fetishize I promise! I mostly write angsts with happy ending stories,)
2)This blog wasn't meant to offend any homo-ships out there! I am just saying that double standards are not cool. I mean, consider an example of itakugi or yutamaki, if you go to that related media which shows them to be romantic, people will start typing things like, "nah brotp" like I don't really ship anyone in jjk tbh. So, when a place is there to talk about a romantic ship, some people suddenly jump of the bandwagon and start telling stuff like this (mentioned above.)
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twixitativi · 4 months
- so I wasn’t entirely sure whether playgrounds in the 80s had mulch, so I was referring to my parents. My dad said it was usually just dirt. This detail is vital to me /j
- not me looking up videos of dogs attacking other dogs for the dog attack scene. Sobbing
- and ofc looking up torture methods because what else do you do on the weekends
- did you know that dostoevsky went through a mock execution at one point? Because holy shit
- n is a bottom and pan absolutely fucks him in the ass
- yes im a member of the pann ship. bet you didnt expect to see that one today. toxic homophobic evil scientist yaoi go brrr
- lu says i gotta write the pann smut chapter now so expect that to be a bonus chapter at some point
- i have deadass had this planned since the very beginning. i wasn't kidding when i said you wouldn't be able to read the fic the same way again... because now everything with chuuya has an ENTIRELY different context
- praying i wrote this well enough. im posting it late at night because i finally got it done
- im fairly certain this is the longest chapter so far at 50k words. sorry
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mangora · 25 days
Finally watching episode 9 so here are some live notes:
•Aiden falling over when Tess gave him the water bucket was a peak visual gag
•Alec??? Alec hello???
•Yul with Kai’s shirt…toxic yaoi scraps…
•Oh my god fuck this guy
•Grett you poor baby holy shit???
•Riya looked up to Grett omg…
•FUCK HIM UP ALEC oh my god I hate Yul Grett needs to dump his sorry ass
•I don’t really know how I feel about how they’re portraying Gabby’s mental health. Idk it’s just kinda off
•I love Jake but how much longer are we going to do this TomJake subplot fuck me it’s so boring
•The Ally and Jake beef is kinda sucky too. Also what’s Jake been doing for the last nine episodes if not trying to improve? Wh
•Jake I could fix you
•Tom’s totally lying about his boyfriend huh
•YEP okay
•Also Aiden and Tom bonding over their scars is kinda cute
•Tom still thinks about him??? Okay we’re getting somewhere I’ll let them cook
•Emily I love you so much Emily. Trevor too. Power friendship
•Girl why are you eating a raw carrot. Creature
•I’m still sad that we didn’t get any real Jake/Ellie interactions after they set up a rivalry between them in season one. Come on. Toxic friends. Or rivals who can’t let go of a past platonic bond
•When are we going to get a non-elimination episode it’s been like eight eliminations in a row now I think
•“Ok ok I’m sorry” immediately when Ashley tells him what to do. He’s such a lapdog I love him
•I’m so proud of him
•Tom <3 I don’t really like him this season but he’s still my cutie patootie yk
•Can you guys tell who my favorite team is yet
•I feel like Gabby isn’t really acting villainous yet. Kinda let down on that front tbh
•Yul kinda seems vaguely attracted to Tom
•If Riya goes home…
•Why has no one voted for Yul yet
•Sorry but when did Grett like make up with Gabby? Wouldn’t it make sense for Gabby to still hold a grudge against her for season one? She holds grudges, we know she does, she did it in season one and she’s doing it now
•Listen I get Gabby’s anger but Tess, Aiden, and Tom are right like all of these people would betray Gabby at any other point given the chance and Alec fucked Ellie over multiple times
•Man I miss their friendship actually
•ONC stop voting off some of your strongest characters before the merge challenge fuck off I’m so sick of these eliminations
•Gabby kinda ate tho
•“Someone say bye to Ally for me” sobbing
•Gabby you’re so babygirl I’m going to miss your friendship with Tom so much
•Wait are Tom and Jake going to talk next episode then? I mean I guess I’m excited but…also not really because it’s probably going to end how it always does. With them just moping and not resolving anything. Augh
Overall the episode was okay I guess? Animation is wonderful as always but I’m really sick of the same like three plot threads being drawn out and of an interesting character going home every single episode without being fully developed beforehand. I feel like the writers— as much effort and love as they’re putting in— aren’t very organized and could use a lore Bible or a clearer outline, because some plots and character arcs are just dropped randomly, and some aren’t resolved in a very sensible or well-paced fashion. That’s not to say the writing is entirely bad, the writers clearly have some good ideas and the dialogue gets better every episode, but I think they need to balance the story better and plan out what they’re going to do with each character more effectively— it would also be nice to have some more relationships between characters instead of each character having 1-2 focal relationships with a few vague allies or enemies outside of that, considering how much time we have left with the season still. But that’s just a matter of preference on my end, I <3 complex relationship webs.
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