#now i just have to catch up on the holiday replies/answers waiting on me
byanyan · 9 months
the consistent themes i found in most if not all of the christmas asks i've sent? sparkly pink ribbons and extra gifts for pets. ...and also me writing like two more paragraphs than necessary.
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onyourowndaisymae · 9 months
mistletoe mayhem
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a/n: i wanted to get out a festive little piece before the holidays are over. sorry for the lack of posting-- i am so sleepy all the time. also i just got my wisdom teeth out so if this is nonsensical i do apologize. i am on several pain meds
characters + content: lucifer, satan, asmo, solomon, simeon x gn!reader
word count: ~1.3k
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prompt: it's christmas at the demon lord's castle. drinks are flowing, music is blasting, and you're caught up in the fun of the party with everyone in the main hall. when you slip away to grab yourself another drink, however, you collide with another body in the doorway. who is that? and what's that above your head, dangling from the doorway... is that... mistletoe?
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colliding with the solid chest in front of you knocks some of the breath from your lungs. yet, you don't tumble to the unforgiving ground. you look up and see red eyes searching your face, gloved hands steadying you by the underside of your arms to keep you on your feet.
he breathes your name easily. "watch your step."
"my bad," you reply. you didn't even realize you were clutching the front of his coat until you let him go. lucifer's lips curl into an easy smirk as he crosses his arms.
you readjust your clothes and start to wander off with a polite nod, but his hand catches your arm again. "wait a moment."
his gloved finger points above you to the top of the doorframe. there, dangling above your head, is a bundle of mistletoe. you should have known lord diavolo would have the place decorated in such a way-- he'd been asking you for weeks about human traditions for the festive season. you must have told him about this one somewhere along the way. judging by the look on lucifer's face, he knows what exactly that leafy sprig means.
"mistletoe, is it not?" lucifer starts, then seems satisfied when you nod. "i owe you a kiss. if you'll allow it, of course." the smoothness of his offer makes your cheeks split with a delighted grin.
"i'd be offended if you didn't."
"and we can't have that, now can we? not during the holidays." and with that, his lips meet yours.
a sharp swear hits your ears as strong hands catch you, gripping your shoulders with startling intensity as he somewhat forcibly props you back onto your own two feet.
satan's cheeks are flushed as he looks you up and down once more to make sure you're alright. his fingers find your shirt and dust you off once more for good measure.
"are you alright?"
"i'm okay," you answer, now secure in your own footing. "thank you for catching me."
"sorry for running into you in the first place."
there's a gap of silence. he shifts awkwardly on his feet, eyes flickering up above your heads to the top of the doorframe.
"is there something up there?" you ask. your gaze flits up above you to find a leafy sprig adorning the doorframe.
"if i'm not mistaken," satan says lowly, cheeks aflame and eyes darting from yours, "that's mistletoe. there's a human tradition where two people kiss if they're caught under it together-- i assume you've heard it?"
"i have."
there's another beat of silence where satan looks hesitant-- his body is angled towards yours, leaned in ever so slightly in interest, but his mouth doesn't move. the words won't come out. you can tell he's interested in the tradition, but he doesn't want to pressure you because of the tumble you almost took. you'd find it more endearing if it wasn't so silly.
"... do you want to give it a try? 'tis the season and all."
he lets out a breath you had noticed him holding and nods, scarlet in the cheeks as his fingers brush against yours. satan's lips find yours-- soft, grateful, melting into your touch as voices of your friends and family fade into the background.
two arms wind around your body, pressing you against him as the two of you fumble together lightly. you eventually find yourself unscathed and on your feet once more.
"sorry, hon, i didn't see you coming," asmo murmurs, fingers flitting over your form to help fix your hair and crumpled outfit.
"i'm sorry, too. i wasn't paying attention when i came around that corner. are you okay?"
"i'll be okay. now that i've got you alone, actually, i've been meaning to ask you about something."
a delighted little smile crosses his lips, and he takes your hands in his to coax you closer.
"anything, asmo. what's on your mind?"
"this whole mistletoe tradition solomon was telling me about, is it true? you really make out with someone under this plant? it sounds to me like one of the best human traditions i've heard in awhile."
"it's more of a kiss than a full make-out, but yes, sure, i do suppose it's an interesting tradition."
"and what's the plant look like?"
"uh, it's this leafy green little thing, usually tied up somewhere on the ceiling or in doorframes."
"like that?" asmo lifts a finger from your intertwined hands to point up with a devious grin. sure enough, above your head, you spot a sprig of mistletoe.
"you knew that was there, didn't you?"
"well i wanted to try out the tradition myself. and there's no one i'd rather do it with than you! so maybe i bumped into you on purpose to get you under here with me. is that so bad?"
as you find yourself leaning in to ring in the holiday season, you can't help but think maybe bumping into asmo under the mistletoe was a gift itself, even if it was a silly plot on his part.
your bodies bump together uncomfortably, and the two of you fumble together to stay standing. solomon's boyish laugh rings through the area, and you can't help but laugh a little yourself at the absurdity of almost bowling each other down on your way through the doorframe.
"are you alright?" he asks, giggles subsiding into a softness as his eyes scan you for any minor bruises or bumps.
"I'm alright. are you?"
"i am. better now that i have you alone."
"oh? and what is that supposed to mean?"
"did you happen to notice the mistletoe above us as you were walking this way?" solomon asks. your eyes drift upwards with his to see the plant hanging above your heads-- probably mistletoe, considering it's decorating the castle for the party, but honestly you'd never been close enough to know what it's really supposed to look like.
"not until now. assuming that's what that is."
"you think i'd lie about that?" he teases.
"oh, for sure. anything to get a kiss."
"ouch," solomon whines, pressing his hand against his chest to cover the emotional wound your words left. "i would never go so far as to deceive you. if i wanted a kiss, all i'd have to do is ask."
"that's true," you murmur, leaning in as he brushes his knuckles against your cheek.
"anyways," solomon starts, pulling away with a chesire grin and turning on his heel.
"solomon! you bastard! i thought you were gonna--!"
before you can protest further, his lips are on yours, grinning and kissing you senseless as he backs you up against that very doorframe-- to ensure you stay caught under the mistletoe, of course.
a gasp comes from the body you collide with, as sharp and unexpected as the collision you found yourself in. the body bumps into the doorframe with a muffled noise of surprise.
"oh, i'm so sorry! i didn't see you coming!" the apology is out of your mouth before simeon's fully steadied himself on his feet, but he's already chuckling jovially and reaching out to comfort you despite nearly tumbling to the ground.
"i'm sorry," he replies. "i should have been paying more attention."
he reaches behind him to adjust his cape, but his gloved fingers brush something caught in his hair and he frowns. you pull it out for him-- it's a decoration. leafy, green, christmas-y. you look above you to see the hook from which it hung in the doorframe now swinging empty after your collision.
"did i knock that over? i'll have to apologize to barbatos." simeon mutters. then, after a moment, "what is that?"
"mistletoe, i think."
"it's a human realm plant," you tell the angel, twirling it in your fingers. "we hang it up around christmas time. it's for couples. when you stand underneath it together, you're supposed to kiss."
"oh," simeon answers quietly, cheeks heating up at your simple explanation. he looks pensive for a moment. "should i hang it back up?"
"well it sounds like a good excuse to kiss you, and i'm not one to let that chance pass me by. or can we just--?"
he gingerly slips the mistletoe from your fingers and holds it up above you, grinning bashfully. no more words are needed-- you answer the angel with a sweet kiss to mark the occasion.
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jobean12-blog · 9 months
The Best First Date
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 638
Summary: You're on your first official first date with Bucky and he has you flustered in the best way.
Author's Note: This is just a little somethin' because I've missed writing this past week with all the Holiday insanity. Also. I LOVE HANDS and hand holding and smiles. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: soft and sweet fluff
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Bucky reaches down and grabs your hand, pulling you forward. It isn’t a simple grab. One where he wraps his fingers around yours and simply tugs. Instead, he intertwines your fingers with his and smiles back at you.
His eyes crinkle at the corners and the bright blue color sparkles.
Your heart beats wildly against your chest.
When you reach the table and he takes his hand from yours to pull out your chair, it literally makes you ache.
You scoot your chair in and wait until he sits then your eyes drop down to his hand…the one that just held yours.
“What doll?” he asks.
His question pulls you from your trance and you meet his eyes. His head is tilted to the side and he stares intently.
“What?” you ask in return, feigning ignorance.
He leans back and folds his arms across his broad chest. His biceps bulge under the restricting material of his Henley and you can’t help but stare back.
“I was just wondering what you were thinkin.’ You were looking at my hands like you wanted to cut them off.”
His metal fingers twitch along his flexing bicep muscle and you lick your lips.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks but you keep your chin up.
“I was just thinking…” you reply.
“That’s what I said,” he teases. “But I wanna know what you were thinkin’ about.”
“I didn’t realize you were this nosy.”
He smiles again. “Well when it comes to the safety of my limbs…” and he wiggles his metal fingers at you playfully, “yeah. I am.”
You giggle, pressing your hands against your thighs to stop yourself from reaching across the table and for his hand again…right or left.
“Well, I definitely wasn’t thinking I wanted to cut off any body parts…if that makes you feel any better.”
He continues to study you. “Tell me doll face.”
“Someone is pushy,” you fire back before picking up the menu and holding it in front of your face.
His long and thick fingers slide over the top of the menu and he pulls it down.
You sigh dramatically.
His eyes narrow and he leans forward, dancing his fingers closer.
“Should I not have held your hand doll? Did it bother you?”
“It definitely didn’t bother me,” you answer far too quickly.
You pull your gaze away and pick up the menu again.
You can still feel his fingers laced with yours, the rough skin of his palm and fingertips pressed against yours. The tingle that started in your hand has now covered every inch of you and your entire body trembles.
“Fine then. Don’t tell.”
He shoots you a smile that’s on the verge of seductive. Maybe even a little smug.
You catch yourself staring at his lips for a second too long and his smile widens.
“Don’t smile at me like that,” you huff.
“So no smiling and no holding hands?” he asks with raised brows. “That doesn’t sound like a very good first date.”
You purse your lips and take a deep breath.
“I like it way too much when you hold my hand and smile at me,” you say quietly but with a frustrated tone.
Your eyes drop back to the menu and you scream internally, his silence making you want to slide under the table and disappear.
The scrape of his chair along the floor makes your gaze fly up as you see him moving around the table until he’s closer to you.
His hand reaches out for yours and he entangles your fingers with his, softly brushing his thumb across your knuckles.
He smiles.
Your heart stops.
“I’d sit right next to ya doll but then I wouldn’t be able to see your face so well and you’re way too gorgeous not to look at.”  
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@randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @goldylions @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @lizette50
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hey! if you're taking requests, i'd like to make one:
with the latest natasha you've written (nerdy!amab!nat) wearing a compression shirt and grey sweatpants 😩😭🥵 and reader obviously can't do anything else but give her head
In a trance
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Warnings: oral (n receiving) sub! Natasha, fluff, deepthroating, That's it I think
Pairings: Intersex Beefy Natasha Romanoff (she has a dick) x fem reader.
An: Thank you for the request, please keep them coming innn
Word count: 1.7k
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You were making your way to your girlfriend's house. She wanted to watch some movies with you and maybe take you to an ice skating rink. The frigid air nipped at your nose and cheeks. Despite the cold, you felt a warmth in my heart knowing that I would soon be spending some quality time with her. The snowflakes gently fell from the sky, adding to the atmosphere of the holiday season.
You knocked on her door a few times when you arrived at her doorstep, waiting a couple of minutes for her to answer the door. "Hi, Y/n! sorry it took me so long to get the door, Yelena was being annoying as usual and was blocking my way." She told you before bringing you into a hug. Your head buried in her chest.
"It's okay Nat, as long as I get to see you I'm fine." You tell her with a smile on your face, her face lighting up as you say that.
As you and Natasha talk, you catch a good glimpse of her outfit. Her glasses have fogged up slightly, She's dressed in a sleek Nike compression shirt, which highlights her toned muscles and defined abs. The black sleeves of the shirt hug her biceps snugly, accentuating her strength. It still shocks you that she has such a muscular build, she doesn't look like the type of person to work out.
Her sweatpants are loose, but you can still see the prominent bulge in her pants. She's totally oblivious to the fact that her outfit is so revealing.
"Is everything okay y/n? Are you gonna come in?" She asks you, her cheeks starting to become red from the chilling air.
"Mhm - I was just thinking about something sorry." You tell Natasha and walk into her house. As you enter, you notice that it is already adorned with festive decorations, indicative of the upcoming holiday. Upon glancing over to the side, you see Melina diligently preparing a meal in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Alexi sits comfortably at the island counter, engaged in conversation with her with a bottle of beer In his hand.
His head turning around when he heard the front door close.
"Oh hi Y/n. How are you?" He asks, a smile igniting his face as he talks to you.
"Y/n's here? Why didn't you tell me, Natalia? I would've already had dinner done. Hi, y/n!" Melina tells Natasha. She rolls her eyes a bit and waits for you to finish your conversation with her parents. Her arms snake up around your waist and hug it as she places her head in the crook of your neck.
"Natalia, don't roll your eyes at your mother. I saw that." Alexi told Natasha before looking back at you.
"Hi Alexi, Hi Melina, I'm fine just a little cold." You tell him, bringing your hands up to Natasha's arms and holding them in place.
"Well, it should warm up in a few minutes, Melina is cooking dinner if you wanna stay for that." He asks you before getting up to throw away the empty beer bottle in the trash can.
"Sure, thank you for letting me stay for dinner, Alexi." You tell him and he replies with a simple nod, turning his head back to talk with Melina.
"Can we go into my room nowww," Natasha whines in your ear, unwrapping her hand from your waist and turning you around so she could look at your face.
"Please?" You ask her, and Natasha immediately picks you up and brings you to her room, laughs come out of both of your mouths as she runs with you in her arms.
When she gets into her room she puts you down on the bed cautiously, and plops on the bed herself, rolling over to her side to look at you.
"You look so pretty right now y/n," Natasha tells you before sitting upright on the bed. You smile at her and give her a quick kiss. Blush making its way across Natasha's face.
"But you look so sexy in the outfit Nat, you should wear it more." You tell her before sitting on her lap and resting your head on her shoulder.
She lets out a small groan and grabs the Tv remote, trying hard to ignore how your little shifts on her lap caused her to get hard.
"What do you wanna watch?" She asked you, turning on the tv and scrolling through all of the channels she had on the device.
"Ummm, can we watch y/f/m?" You tell her and turn your head back a bit to see her face, shifting your lower body in the process. Natasha's breath became uneven and shaky as you moved your hips. Her head moves up and down avoiding contact with your eyes.
A smirk came upon your face as you felt something poke your back. You sat back in your original position and rested your head on her shoulder once more.
As the movie progressed, Natasha grew increasingly restless in her seat, letting out the occasional audible groans. She became more touchy at the moment too, her veiny hands inching higher and higher up to your breasts.
"What's wrong Natasha? You feeling okay." You ask her, trying to act oblivious to the fact that she had a raging hard-on right now.
"Yeah - I feel fine, thanks for asking y/n/n." Her words came out shaky as she spoke to you thrusting her hips slightly into your body.
"Are you sure you okay baby? Your face is turning all red." You tell her, turning your whole body around to face her, making sure your lower body grinds over her cock.
She lets out a low moan and her hands grab her bed sheets, squeezing the tightly as you move your body.
"Y-yes y/n. I promise you I feel fine." Her face starting become a deeper shade of red, embarrassment washing over her.
You slide your body down her legs a couple of inches and look down at her crotch. A tent appeared in her sweatpants, your hand coming up to meet her cock, slowly grabbing it and moving your hand.
Natasha let out a loud moan, your hand shot up to cover her mouth as she threw her head back against the pillows.
"What happened Nat? Though you said you were fine." You tell her before moving your hand away from her clothed cock. A muffled whine left her mouth when she felt the pleasure go away.
"You gotta be quiet Tasha, okay? Don't want your parents to hear you. You tell her before letting your hand that covered her mouth go. Moving both of your hands around her waistband, slowly pulling down her sweatpants.
"Please y/n, it's starting to hurt." Her hips move every time you touch her.
"I got you okay? Just gotta be quiet for me that's it."
She nodded her head and looked down to see what you were doing. Your hands were coming back up to the waistband of her Calvin Klein boxers, slowly pulling them down. Her cock sprang out and hit her shirt, covering it with her pre-cum.
You immediately go down on Natasha, kitten licking her tip for a few minutes, before taking her fully. She was so big and girthy, it was always hard to take her cock fully, but you were always determined to.
"Oh god y/n, y-your mouth feels so good." She moans out to you, her hands making their way up to your hair only to rest them. She was still too shy to push your head down to the base of her cock because she didn't want to hurt you.
Your head bobs up and down on her cock. You feel the throbbing veins in her cock as it hits the back of your throat. You look up at her with hollowed cheeks seeing her face contort in pleasure. Her moans got louder and louder the more you took her. Your hands come up to her thighs, stabilizing them as you sucked her off.
Natasha's hand shoots up to her mouth as groans leave her mouth, her eyes start to close and her hips buck up even with your hands holding them down, she still manages to move them. Her cock goes further into your throat your hands grip tighter around her thighs as you continue to take her. She watches you with hazy eyes, lips sealed around her, and takes her to the base.
The grip she had on your hair got tighter. Her breathing got faster as she trusted herself with you. Your eyes become glassy at her movements. One of your hands moving
"Fuck y/n i-"
With an attempt at a warning, Natasha cums into your mouth. Hot spurts of her cum fill your mouth, some spilling out on the side of your lips. You pull your head away from her cock as you swallow her cum, seeing that it's semi-hard.
"Thank you y/n. felt so good." She tells you before pulling her boxers and sweatpants back up. Her cheeks still being flushed with red from the humid air in her room.
"You're welcome, Nat. Anything for you baby, let's just hope your parents didn't hear you.
"Was I that loud?"
"Yes, you were that loud. But it was cute, I like it when you're that loud for me." You tell her with a smile on your face as you moved to sit next to her.
She let out a sigh before looking over at you and smiling, giving you a small peck on the lips. Natasha scoots closer to you and places one of her hands on your thigh.
"Wait, what about you? Can I repay the favor?" She asks you, a concerned look coming over her face.
"It's fine my love, plus I don't think your parents would be happy hearing us fuck right now." You say as you look up at her face.
She lets out a small laugh and brings you closer to her body.
"I'm just saying, Natasha! I think they already heard you."
"Well, we can't go back and change that, guess we are stuck up here for the whole night."
"I'm not mad about that." You tell her, burying your head into her shoulder as you focus back on the movie that was left running.
"Me either." She whispers into your ear while smiling and looking back up at the screen.
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satans-helper · 7 months
Eat You Up
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader x Sam Kiszka
Word Count: ~5k
Warnings: this is a threeway with HEAVY slash ft. fingering, food play (is that a term? Idk. It's whipped cream. Y'all know I'm not big on fetishes lol), oral sex, unprotected penetrative sex, facial, dirty talking. 18+ only <3
Thanks for the V-Day request, @brokebellsgvf ❤️💕 I spent zero time working yesterday and today. Instead, I wrote this LOL I really hope you enjoy!
Your heart buzzed with excitement when you opened the front door and stepped onto the beginning of a trail of red and pink rose petals. You bent down to pick one up, feeling the silky softness between your fingers, and smiled to yourself as you imagined what might lie at the end of the trail, undoubtedly in the bedroom–a bottle of champagne, perhaps? A box of chocolates? Or maybe even chocolate sauce and whipped cream, and maybe some strawberries too, since sugar and your boyfriend just went so well together regardless of it being Valentine’s Day or not. But Danny always knew how to make each holiday exceptional, especially Valentine’s Day–he loved every aspect of it, no matter how tacky or commercial, because it meant he had even more of a reason to dote on you, to show how much he adored your and how much he enamored you. 
Too bad he wasn’t home yet, you thought as you dropped your bag and hung up your coat, then walked down the length of the rose petal trail. It would be difficult to not break into whatever was waiting down the hall for you without him, but he’d be home soon enough and then you two had the entire night together, and it wouldn’t be a short one. 
But when you opened the bedroom door and flicked the light on, it wasn’t a pile of romantic gifts on the bed that you saw–it was Sam, spread out and lounging atop a big smattering of those rose petals, and he was chewing on a strawberry in nothing more than a pair of bright red boxers.
“Samuel!” you shouted, bringing a hand to your chest. Totally unexpected in every way, his sudden appearance had given you quite the fright. Sam having his own key to yours and Danny’s place sometimes proved to be a total disruption. “What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you,” he answered, sitting up and crossing his legs. “And waiting for Daniel.” 
Since you’d been given a moment to catch your breath, you could see the bowl of strawberries next to him and the bottle of champagne, the box of chocolates and a can of whipped cream all on the floor–you’d guessed correctly about those. You just hadn’t guessed right about your boyfriend’s best friend being there too, because that thought had never entered your mind.
“What? Why?” you asked, remaining standing in the doorway, arms crossed over your chest. You loved Sam with all your heart, but Danny had your heart and soul, and you’d really been looking forward to Valentine’s Day with JUST your boyfriend. 
“He said he didn’t want you to have to spend one single minute of Valentine’s day alone,” Sam told you, then patted the empty space next to him. “Join me, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for fucking ever.”
“Sam, you know I get off work at five,” you replied, still motionless and still feeling bristly from this unexpected turn of events. All day, you’d been thinking about Danny, not his best friend.
“Ah, that’s right. I forgot.” Sam grinned, those Bambi eyes turning scandalous as he looked at you. “Well, between now and whenever Danny gets home, I could also get you off for real. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
You sighed with more irritation than was sincere, because a tingle was already between your legs at the thought of that and at the image of Sam before you, always so beautiful even when he was annoying and obscenely intrusive. It wouldn’t be cheating. You and Danny had an arrangement–both of you could fool around with Sam and only Sam whenever you wanted as long as the other knew about it and gave permission. It had never been an issue, primarily because the two of you had always involved Sam together, not separately. Sam proposing some one-on-one time with you was brand new. 
“Did Danny say that was okay? Really?”
Sam nodded fervently. “He said we can do anything and everything until he gets here. So what do ya say?” He gestured to the nightstand lamp that was glowing a soft, warm yellow light. “And turn the light off–you ruined the mood.” 
You considered all of that, lips pursing as you narrowed your eyes at him. You unlocked your phone and swiped to Danny’s number. “I’m gonna call him. Just to be safe,” you said, and you caught Sam rolling his eyes in response. 
“Hey, babe,” Danny said when he picked up, so casual–like he hadn’t orchestrated all of this. So had he really?
“Hello, my love. I have a quick question,” you said, eyeing Sam, who looked way too comfortable nearly naked and on your bed without Danny. “Did you really invite Sam over here?”
Danny laughed. “Yeah, I did. It was a surprise! I just didn’t want you to be alone. But I’ll be home soon.” His pitch dropped and his words slowed just a bit as he asked, “Are you guys having a good time?”
You were in shock all over again, but at least Sam hadn’t been sneaky about any of this. Well, so it seemed. You still had some questions: “So you’re okay with us…killing some time together? Just the two of us?”
Sam grinned in front of you, leaning back on his elbows against the mattress, while Danny said, “Sure. Just one thing–hands only.”
“Oh?” you chirped, glancing down at Sam’s big yet graceful and lithe hands spread out over the comforter. 
“Kissing is also allowed,” Danny told you. Even though he was talking about you and Sam, his voice had returned to being deep and seductive, making that tingle between your legs return. “But not down there. You know? Not until I come home, anyway.”
Before you could reply, Sam chimed in with, “Ask him if we can drink the champagne.”
“I heard that. Tell him no,” Danny answered. “And don’t tell him about the other bottle in the fridge. All good, princess?”
“Yes, all good. This was all just so surprising,” you admitted. “How much longer ‘til you’re home?”
“Probably another hour. I’ll text you when I leave but I, personally, won’t be surprised if you don’t check your phone.” Danny let out a soft chuckle before he added, “Have fun. Just not too much fun.”
“Okay. Love you,” you said, only hanging up after Danny said it right back. Suddenly you were a bundle of nerves with this new venture, and you wished you could crack into the champagne without Sam hogging it for himself. Instead, you reminded yourself that this was just Sam, one of your best friends, Danny’s own best friend, and someone you’d already kissed and touched more than enough times to be comfortable with doing all that again.
“Danny said to save the champagne,” you said as you flipped the ceiling light off. Then you were stepping forward; Sam was watching, eyebrows slightly raised. “He also said hands only.”
Sam tsked and rolled his eyes again. “Oh, come on.” 
You were directly in front of him now; you placed your hands on his bare shoulders. “Those are the rules, Sammy, and we’re gonna follow ‘em.”
Sam’s head turned, his eyes landing on your right hand on his shoulder; when he looked back up at you, dark eyes wide with what you surmised as his own version of surprise, his visage of smugness totally fell away. That was all it took for your nerves to cool off, and it didn’t take more than a few moments until you were also just in your undergarments, the two of you lying on the bed with your hands all over one another. Things always moved quickly when Sam was around.
“No special V-day lingerie?” he asked as he ran one finger down your bra strap. He was on top, straddling you, and his apparent erection was tenting his boxers and pressing right into your thigh. 
“I was going to put something on,” you said. “But just for my boyfriend.” It was true–you had a matching set of red and pink lace tucked away in the dresser. Instead, you were now still in basic black, though you knew that it was nothing for Sam to complain about. He was lucky to see you in anything–or nothing–at all, especially with Danny being absent. 
“I’m your boyfriend right now,” Sam replied, slick and easy, and you laughed and shook your head. He chuckled and brought his hands lower to squeeze your breasts, making your heartbeat speed up. “What do you think he’s gonna wear for you? Do you think he’s got some sexy briefs on right now or something?”
You looked up behind yourself, thinking about it for a moment, imagining what Danny truly might be wearing beneath his innocent blue jeans. “Maybe. He’s clearly full of surprises. Besides, he might want to top what he wore for me last year.”
Sam wiggled on top of you a little bit. “What’d he wear last year?”
You could still see it so clearly in your mind. “A purple crushed velvet g-string.”
Sam’s jaw dropped. “He did not.”
You laughed and ran your hands up and down Sam’s arms. “He did! It was made for men, but it still barely covered his junk. I loved it. It was also totally unexpected.”
Sam hummed in thought before he said, “Yeah. Danny does have a really big cock.”
It’d been a while since you’d heard Sam say that word, and it had the same effect on you as it always did–sweeping arousal that made you blush furiously. You could feel the flush spreading up your chest to your neck and face, and Sam, of course, took note. He bent down, cupping your face in his hands, and pressed a long, soft kiss to your lips. 
Although it had taken only seconds for Sam to help you strip down to your bra and panties and climb on top of you, his kisses remained slow and lingering–also surprising. It was as if he was a little nervous too, though he was skilled at playing it off and masquerading as confident, even cocky. Instead of the rushed, over-eager gnashing of teeth and tongue you’d imagined, he was gentle and considering with each brush of his lips and small swipe of his tongue; his hands were the same along your body, with those longer fingers dancing over your skin, his palms skating gracefully over the the planes and curves of your muscles and flesh. 
You reciprocated, touching him wherever you could. Sam’s shoulders were slighter than Danny’s and his back was narrower and, unencumbered by anyone else, you were able to touch him completely freely. His skin was satiny and warm, inviting beneath your fingers, which slipped lower and lower, traveling down his waist, over his belly, then finally to linger at the elastic waistband of his boxers.
“Should I take them off?” Sam asked, his lips pressed against your chin while the kisses were paused. 
“I think,” you said as you indeed thought about it, quickly coming to a conclusion while Sam ground against you. “We should leave what we have on, on. Let Danny unwrap us both when he gets home. It’s the least we can do.”
Sam gave a huff of disapproval, but your hand wrapping around his cock cut the noise short. He sighed with what sounded like relief instead and nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath warm against your ear as he said, “Fair enough. A few scraps of fabric have never truly impeded me.” 
“You hate clothes,” you said with a small laugh. You caressed Sam’s upper back with one hand while the other still managed to stroke him down below, the weight and structure of his dick still very obvious in your hand despite the layer of cotton acting as a barrier. 
“Yeah, but I like you enough to respect your wishes.” Sam hummed and humped into your hand as his nose brushed against the side of your neck. “This feels good, but you sliding your hand down there might feel better.”
To spare him from chafing and ruining the whole night, you obliged and, when you did, Sam reciprocated by slipping his fingers beneath the top of your panties. Though the contact was expected, your breath still hitched at the sensation, then a quiet moan slipped out when Sam’s middle finger slid right over your clit. 
It was a little funny, or that was the best word you could come up with in your Sam-filled haze, that just as you were fully relaxing into everything, Sam said, “This is kinda weird without him, isn’t it?” You didn’t have time to reply before he deliberately circled your clit and went on: “If Danny was here now, what do you think he’d be doing?”
It didn’t take long to conjure the image in your head which you relayed to Sam: “I’d have my head in his lap…and he’d be leaning over me to kiss you.”
Sam popped up, looking into your eyes now with rejuvenated excitement. “You think so?” He glanced up while his fingers slid down, spreading through your warmth and wetness. “Yeah, I could see that.
Your groin tightened as Sam, seemingly unknowingly, teased you, still looking up as though he were still musing to himself. “Do you like kissing Danny?” you asked, already knowing the answer. Sam never did anything he didn’t want to do, and he had kissed Danny a lot. You were pretty sure the two of them had kissed long before you and Danny had kissed. 
Sam’s eyes met yours, and a tiny smile just barely curled one side of his mouth. “Fuck yeah, I do.” He dove back down to plant a kiss on your mouth–this one was searing, stealing your breath away, and you didn’t doubt the sudden surge of passion was inspired by him just thinking about kissing your boyfriend again. Soon, that would be reality for both of you.
As you fisted Sam’s cock beneath his boxers and the kisses carried on, a dribble of precum helped the slide and you imagined Danny behind him, holding him and kissing his neck. You moaned softly against Sam’s mouth as your imagination kept constructing those pictures behind your closed eyes, and as two of Sam’s fingers slid inside you to curl and pump slowly. 
The slightly distant sound of the front door opening and closing made you both pause. You turned your cheek, breaking your swollen, tender lips away from Sam’s, and Sam also turned his head to listen. When Danny’s gentle footsteps sounded over the wooden floorboards, he looked back down at you with a broad smile, white teeth gleaming. He winked before he rolled off you and laid on his back, tucking his arms behind his head and staring at the open doorway. 
You stood up, legs slightly shaky, and met Danny just before he could step inside the room. He smiled even bigger than Sam had, eyes brightening as soon as he looked at you, and scooped you into a tight hug with his face pressed into your hair.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” you said against his shoulder. One of Danny’s hands trailed down your waist to your ass, giving it a squeeze, and you sighed. You leaned back and reached to touch his face, guiding it to yours, and the kiss your boyfriend gave you felt like the only gift you really needed. Everything else was a bonus.
Danny pulled back, that one hand still on your ass while the other caressed your hair and the nape of your neck. “Happy Valentine’s day, babe. What have I been missing?”
“We’ve been thinking about you, big man,” Sam announced from the bed, and Danny peered past you to look at him. You pivoted to lean against Danny’s side and look back at his best friend. 
Danny laughed, but you caught him also blatantly raking his eyes up and down Sam’s long, nearly-naked form, then your own. “Red boxers, Sam–so festive.”
Sam held his hands up over his head. “You said hands only, so I kept them on.” 
“Appreciate it,” Danny said, hooking his arm around your waist and holding you close, his eyes still fixed on Sam.
“We have to get your clothes off,” you declared, revved up by just the unwavering and smoldering eye contact those two boys were sharing. You tugged at the hem of Danny’s sweater, lifting it up past his stomach, then Sam was shifting in your peripheral vision. A second later he was standing there next to you, unbuckling Danny’s belt as you got the sweater completely up and over his head. 
Once Danny’s upper body was clothing-free and his jeans were being yanked down by Sam, he grabbed a handful of Sam’s hair and pulled him up. You watched, thighs pressing together with an ache, as Danny enraptured his mouth–he held the side of Sam’s sharp, pretty face while their lips moved together and a slip of their tongues interrupted, and Sam’s hands gripped Danny’s hips tight, his fingers digging into his lower back. 
You and Sam ended up both swarming Danny with hands and mouths; Danny had to cajole the two of you to the bed and he ended up on his back with you on one side, Sam on the other. Both the boys’ boxers were discarded, then Danny’s hands were back on you, tearing your panties away and unhooking your bra. 
“I waited all day for this,” Danny said, cupping the back of your head and bringing you closer for a sweet kiss that made you melt against him. 
“Me fucking too,” you heard Sam say, then you glanced toward him, watching him latch his mouth to Danny’s neck. His hand roamed down Danny’s body to grab his cock and Danny gasped while he threw his spare arm out to clasp Sam’s shoulders. 
“I still can’t believe you guys planned this without me,” you said, sliding down the bed on your knees. You pulled one of Danny’s legs to the side to kneel between them, giving Sam another minute of stroking your boyfriend’s cock before you knocked him away and took it over for yourself. 
“We both felt pretty confident you’d be into it,” Danny explained, then exhaled deeply. He was idly running his fingers over Sam’s shoulder while he watched you jerk him off, then his thighs quivered around you when you sent a trail of saliva dripping down over the head of his cock. “Oh fuck,” Danny said softly, transfixed on you for another moment until he looked at Sam, Danny’s dark eyelashes fluttering while Sam stared right back at him and licked his lips. Sam’s hands found Danny’s chest, fingers toying with his nipples while he leaned forward and stole your boyfriend away into a sequence of heated kisses that made that ache in your belly intensify.
You just couldn’t take much more. It’d been a while since the three of you had gotten together like this, and you hadn’t clearly remembered how viscerally turned on and bewitched just watching those two made you. Their kisses were fluid and full of passion, so much history and love between them that, every once in a while, got the most profound physical outlet and expression–how could you be even slightly annoyed at Sam’s interruption of Valentine’s Day when what you were witnessing was so beautiful?
A few more strokes, then you were hiking yourself over Danny’s hips and sinking down onto his spit-slick cock. Neither he nor Sam expected it–Danny groaned, peeling himself away from Sam’s flurry of kisses, and both of them were looking at you now. You had to glance away for a second, biting your lip as Danny’s impressive size stretched you out and instantly hit all the little sensitive spots–the extension of your tender pussy lips, the slight brush of his shaft against your clit, the jab of the head of his cock against your g-spot when you leaned forward. Everything sent shudders and tingles up your spine.
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, hands planted firmly on Danny’s chest, then you were whisked away by his hands on your waist and his mouth on your cheek. Soft kisses spread over your face to your mouth, then everything was interrupted by a sharp grunt.
“And you think I move fast!” Sam remarked with a hand in Danny’s hair, tugging it hard enough to make your boyfriend wince and grunt again.
Danny’s hands flailed upwards to cease Sam’s torment. “Jeez, Sam. Chill with that. Tell me what you want.”
Sam looked down at him with a grin. “The whipped cream.” Before either you or Danny could reply, Sam hopped off the bed, dick swinging, and retrieved the can of it, nearly forgotten, from the foot of the bed. 
Danny’s eyes found yours, his hands gentle on your waist. “What do you think he’s gonna do with that?”
“Eat you up, apparently,” you replied, because Sam was working fast too. He shook the can and uncapped it, then sprayed a line of foamy, white cream up Danny’s sternum and neck.
“That’s right,” Sam agreed, bending down to drag the tip of his tongue through just a little bit of it over Danny’s chest. Then he straightened and pulled you into a kiss, knocking you forward more; you gasped sharply at the pressure of Danny’s cock inside you, then Sam said, “And you are too, right?” 
Well, how could you not? Danny had clearly thought about using that whipped cream for more than just strawberries too, and though it was strange, the perfect white cream that was already starting to melt over his golden skin and through his dark chest hair did make him look even more delectable. 
You bent down too, licking up his sternum, getting him clean, then licked up the streak of whipped cream from the warm column of his neck. You could feel one of Sam’s hands in your hair while Danny’s hands moved down to squeeze your ass again; when you were sliding your tongue up the underside of Danny’s chin, you felt him pulled to the side. Sam was the culprit again–his other hand was caught in Danny’s curls, tugging him closer, and then his hand in your hair was gone to wrap around his own cock instead.
“Oh my god,” you said, transfixed as Sam squirted some whipped cream onto the head of his cock and Danny wasted no time. He swapped one of his hands for Sam’s ass too, urging him forward while he stuck his tongue out; he slid it around Sam’s sweetened cock, slurping the whipped cream up, then Sam pushed forward, sliding himself deeper into Danny’s mouth. 
Sam’s head tilted back, his lips parted in ecstasy, eyes closed and cheeks flushed. “Fuck yeah, Danny. Show her how much you love sucking my dick.” You trembled on top of Danny, feeling paralyzed and so tight with red-hot arousal. Your own mouth fell open in endless surprise when Sam, dropping his head forward, hair hanging in his face, went on with, “Fuck up into Y/N while you suck me off, okay, beautiful?”
Danny could only let out a stifled moan in response. You were stuck on studying both of their faces–Sam’s plush, pink lips still parted as he gazed down at Danny, his dark eyes even darker with stormy arousal. Danny’s long lashes were pressed beneath his eyes, his strong brows knitted slightly with his effort, his cheeks hollowed. Beneath your hands, you could see his chest was flushed and still a little shiny with leftover spit and remnants of that whipped cream, then you saw his ribs press against his skin when his hips shoved up, taking Sam’s request seriously. He started to fuck up into you and a moan tore out of your chest, and one hand flung out to grab Sam’s arm.
Sam twisted his upper body to meet you, his long fingers finding your cheek, stroking your own heated skin, then tangling in your hair. You made him taste the whipped cream on your lips and tongue and swallow your shallow moans as Danny kept thrusting upward, apparently unencumbered by the dick in his mouth. His hand on your ass found your clit, his thumb brushing over it while his fingers splayed over your belly, and Sam began to moan more freely too while he was, undoubtedly, brought closer and closer to the pinnacle of his pleasure.
Suddenly Sam hissed and shook himself away from you. His head fell back again and his entire body was shuddering while he tugged on your hair and tugged on Danny’s with the other; you saw Danny’s eyes open and look up at him. That shared, prolific stare and Danny’s thumb circling your clit with his hard cock deep inside you, repeatedly jutting against your walls, had you mentally scrambled and physically in shambles. 
Danny popped off Sam’s dick to say, “Oh man. You two are gonna come at the same time, aren’t you?” and that expert prediction was timed perfectly with your shuddering orgasm, your pussy squeezing tight around Danny, and Sam’s very vocalized one to match. As Danny jerked him off and gave little licks to the tip of his cock, Sam huffed and groaned, whimpered and whined, and as the aftershocks of your own orgasm were running through you, another, wilder shock shot through as Sam came all over Danny’s face and into his mouth.
Everything seemed beyond your control, really–Sam and Danny were such an enchanting duo that you were lost, wrapped up in them, uninhibited and free to feel as much as you wanted. And there was a lot to feel, and a lot to give, and one thing you thought Danny deserved was to feel just a little less messy. Though he really did look beautiful like that, Sam’s cum painted over his cheekbone and jaw, a dribble caught on his bottom lip, so you took in the image for another moment before you lowered yourself and licked all of it away.
“Wow, Sammy,” you said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You wanted to give more, to ride Danny now and make HIM come, but your whole body felt like jelly. “You taste better than I remember.”
“Clean living,” Sam said breathlessly, his eyes still closed, staying closed as he collapsed back onto the bed next to Danny in a heap. He seemed to forego that clean living for now, because he opened his eyes and reached for the whipped cream to uncap it and spray a heaping glob of it into his mouth. He turned and blinked slowly at Danny as he swallowed, then said, “Why didn’t you finish?”
“I was close,” Danny said. You were going to offer to get him there as you were, still clenching around his cock and steady over his hips, but he rolled you over instead. He started to move his hips again, giving shallow but dense thrusts into you; he whipped his head to the side to look at Sam and added, “You shooting your load all over my face distracted me.”
Sam snorted and crawled over to meet the two of you, his hair hanging above your face, his throat bobbing slightly as he tilted his chin up and replied with, “You loved it, Daniel.” Then he peered down at you and touched your forehead, petting your hair back, as you caressed Danny’s biceps and hooked your legs around his hips. “But I won’t be insulted when you love coming inside Y/N even more.”
Danny chuckled, then he gritted out, “God–fuck!” You chuckled too, gazing up at him, who was only blatantly blasphemous while in bed. As his own warm slick filled you up, you pulled him down and let him pant in your ear as you kissed and nibbled on his neck, then down to his shoulder, letting his thrusts die down into tiny rocking motions. 
You wished you could see what Sam saw too, though–how Danny’s traps locked up for a second, how his shoulders squared before slumping, how his thighs and ass tightened just as his cock and balls swelled before softening. But what you actually saw was good as well, even more so when Danny lifted himself up and smiled at you–that perfect, charming, sweet-as-sugar smile was the cherry on top. 
Or maybe the strawberry, which Sam was eating another one of, coming back to life in full lines, shapes and color once Danny moved off you and took you in his arms. Sam met you two against the headboard, leaning on your right side as Danny leaned on your left, and topped a strawberry with whipped cream before he extended his hand to feed it to you. You chewed and relaxed between your boys; Sam prepared another strawberry and passed it off to Danny.
“So can we open that champagne now?” Sam asked, resting his head on your shoulder. “Or are you guys gonna kick me out now for your own little love fest?”
You exchanged a glance with Danny, who then leaned forward and said to Sam, “I mean, you’re already here. You could stick around for a while longer.”
“And yes, we can open the champagne,” you added, to which Sam gave a victorious smile.
“Excellent,” he said with a contented sigh. A moment of bizarrely comfortable silence passed between you three unorthodox, codependent, brazen and deeply adoring people before he asked, “Does this mean I can see you in that lingerie?”
Tagging: @mackalah @brokebellsgvf @sparrowofrhiannon @starbuggie @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sanguinebats @gvfrry @mindastreamofcolours @clairesjointshurt @bizzielisteningtogreta
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joocomics · 8 months
off my face in love with you (18+)
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from ─ ⋆ dinna’s holiday special *ੈ✩
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pairings: jungsu x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 3k
summary: your neighbour finds out you’re alone on new years eve, because you and your bf broke up, and invites you to join his party
contains: sub!reader, unprotected sex, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, body shots, light exhibitionism kink, pet names, creampie, ft. gaon in one scene
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For the first time you’re alone on New Year’s Eve and it feels strange.
Since your now ex boyfriend decided to cut ties with you just the day before you’re not even able to make new plans. Yes, you can easily go celebrate with some of your friends, but the thought of having to spend half the night answering everyone’s questions about why are you not with him, and why did you break up after three months, exhausted you enough already.
As you hold up your bag to search for your keys, you hear the door of the apartment next to yours unlock.
“Hey, Y/N.” The familiar voice rings nicely in the hallway. “Long time, no see.”
“Hey, Jungsu,” you say, not able to hold back from checking him out when he turns around to lock the door.
“What are you and your boyfriend doing tonight?” He asks, glancing at you with interest.
The sudden mention of your ex catches you off guard, and you stay silent for a while. You haven’t told anyone yet.
“Uhm actually… We’re not together anymore, so...”
“Oh, sorry.” Jungsu furrows his brows, and tucks hands into the pockets of his ripped jeans.
“Don’t worry about it.” You force a chuckle.
“Wait, are you celebrating alone?” He takes a peek at the wine bottles before shooting you a questionable look.
You nod, but before you get the chance to let him know that you don’t mind it, he scoffs.
“That’s not right! You should come at my place then.” He takes a step forward, making the distance between you smaller. “I’m having a small party with friends it would be fun.”
“Oh, are you sure? I don’t want to—”
“Please,” he cuts you off. “You can’t stay alone on New Year’s Eve, I’d love it if you join.”
You give him a warm smile as you hold the bottles against your chest. It sounds nice, you could really use some distraction.
You accept his invitation, telling him you’ll be there.
For a moment you don’t even realise both of you are maintaining eye contact with ease. The interest you had towards him when he moved in the building last year comes back again with a spark that has you already anticipating the night. You’ve always spoken to each other like regular neighbours despite the fact you both attend the same university, and often times, you’ve found yourself wondering about him; about his mysterious personality, about his life. But then you met your ex, and the questions you imagined one day asking Jungsu left your mind.
“Cool,” he runs a hand through his hair, heading to the staircase. “Can’t wait to see you again, Y/N.”
You watch him disappear down the stairs, and realise that there’s still something very appealing about him that seems to pull you in just as much as it did before.
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He mentioned the party was going to be small, but it looks quite bigger than what you imagined.
“You have a lot of friends.” Your eyes roam around the room as you both stand behind the kitchen counter.
He pours you a drink and you don’t hesitate to sip it. Jungsu is the only person you know here, and you have to loosen up. It would be nice to expand your circle, you don’t remember when was the last time you made a new friend.
“Most of them are friends from my faculty, but some of them I’m not sure I actually know to be honest. Another one?” Jungsu smirks after you nod and slide your empty glass towards him. “So when did you split up If you don’t mind me asking?”
“Yesterday.” You reply, looking down flustered. “But we both knew it was coming, so it feels like it’s been longer than that.”
Jungsu stays silent. He takes his drink in hand and lifts it up.
“His loss,” his softer tone gets muffled from the blasting music and everyone trying to speak over it, but you still hear him, and you instantly blush. “Cheers.”
You both swallow your second drink, and you feel how your body becomes lighter.
A dark haired stranger headed towards you with a wide grin catches your attention. He’s holding a bottle of tequila in one hand and a colorful bowl in the other.
“Body shots!” He yells and immediately more people begin to gather in the kitchen. “Who’s going first?”
“This is my new roommate by the way,” Jungsu turns to you, then back to the guy who’s already preparing the ingredients. “You’re going to see him more often unfortunately.”
“Kwak Jiseok, my pleasure.” He winks at you playfully, jerking up the bowl.
“Y/N,” you smile, trying to figure out if your guess about what could be inside is correct.
“Wanna go first, Y/N?” Jiseok reaches over the counter.
You gulp nervously looking at the cut up white paper, attempting to gather the courage to just go for it. You want this night to be fun; you don’t want to hold back, because you were dumped the day before New Year’s Eve by someone who’s not even worth it.
“No pressure.” Jungsu puts a hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“No,” your lips curl up, as you shove your fingers into the bowl. You pull out a sheet of paper, and Jiseok whistles excitedly while clearing up the counter. “I want to.” You meet Jungsu’s gaze for a moment, before unfolding it.
“Who are you gonna choose as your partner?” Jiseok asks.
Even if you knew some of the people in this room, you’re almost sure you would’ve still picked Jungsu.
You turn to face him with a raised brow, and he smirks in agreement. He leans against the counter, crossing arms in front of his chest.
“Great, now tell us Y/N, where are you or Jungsu…” Jiseok makes a pause for a fake dramatic moment, “… drinking from.”
You look down, almost swallowing your tongue. The more you reread the words, the more your heart speeds up its rhythm.
“Belly button.”
“Classic,” Jiseok comments while others cheer you on.
“You choose.” Jungsu says, getting rid of his sweater that was on top of a plain white t-shirt.
It seems like the better option is you to drink off of him - the shot will help you loosen up some more, and it will also let you get used to having physical contact with him, even if it’s just a little.
“I’ll take the shot.”
You try not to stare too obviously at Jungsu who is now suddenly shirtless. He walks past you with his toned upper body, and swiftly gets on top of the kitchen counter.
Your palms start to sweat, as you get closer, and your attention instantly fixates upon his black jeans that nicely form his thighs and waist. You’re having a hard time even blinking.
“Don’t forget the lime.” Jiseok slides the plate in your direction, and you carefully grab one.
You know where to begin, you’ve seen people do this before, but Jungsu laying on full display like this with his perfect figure slows down your actions to the point you forget what you’re supposed to do.
When you guide the piece to his mouth, Jungsu parts his lips, taking it between his teeth.
You continue onto the next step by licking over the surface of his chest. You run your tongue without putting too much thought into where exactly - every part of his naked skin excites and intimidates you the same way. You sprinkle salt on the same area, then grab the bottle to pour the booze in his navel.
Blocking out the view of multiple eyes following your every action, you lean over to lick off the salt with the top half of your tongue before going for the shot.
Droplets of tequila slide down Jungsu’s lower abdomen when you begin lapping it up. The burning sensation invades your mouth the more you slurp of the drink, trying to swallow all of it as quickly as possible.
After you’re done with the shot - your lips marking his skin with one last kiss at the end - you shift position in order to take the pulp side of the lime wedge from his mouth into yours.
At this point your body is so electrified you move as if you’re on autopilot mode with everything feeling as strong as ever at the same time.
Jungsu feels your soft lips gently touching his, as you lean in to pull the lime away. Some of your sweet scented hair falls to tickle his face, but he completely ignores it when he feels your hand unintentionally brush over his belt, as you hover over him.
He sits up, watching you suck the citrus fruit with your eyes squeezed while the audience applauds your performance.
“Well done,” Jiseok whistles, this time handing the bowl to his roommate. “You’re next.”
Jungsu doesn’t waste time in shuffling the papers, and instead pulls the first one he touches.
“Chest,” he tosses the paper onto the surface. One word, but it made his skin run dangerously hot.
He has to admit, something in him shifts after you quietly and without hesitation jump on the counter and sit in front of him with your legs dangling on both sides of his body. Your eyes sparkle with subtle delight, but also something more.
“I’ll have to take this off.”
“Do it,” you tell him with a little courage from the liquor.
Jungsu opens up your shirt one button at a time until it falls off your shoulders, and his gaze captures the arousing sight of your breasts inside the pretty lace.
When his tongue finds a spot on your neck you instantly get covered in goosebumps. It’s like he pressed a button inside you, that doubled the arousal lingering under your skin.
For this step, one lick is enough, but Jungsu makes another stripe, and another, until they turn into a soft nibble, that really allows him to get a taste of you. The texture, the sweet taste, and the way your breaths hitch under his mouth, they’re all so addictive he finds it difficult to stop.
After he pulls away he notices that your face got even redder than it was a moment ago, but you couldn’t control it - every time no matter if it’s physical or eye contact that you two make, your heart skips a beat.
He carefully creates a trail of salt on the wet side of your neck, then lets you bite on the lime, before giving you a signal to push your boobs together. The liquor falls into your cleavage, forming a pool of alcohol Jungsu couldn’t wait to drink from.
In a matter of one second he licks off the salty trail, then buries his tongue into the crook of your breasts, slurping the shot and simultaneously sucking on your skin. Your brain turns into mush from the unison of all the things he does with his mouth, and the multiple different feelings they awaken inside you. If this is how he drinks a body shot, then how does he kiss?
A moment later he nips on the lime wedge, but instead of pulling, he leaves the piece to rest between your teeth, as he sucks on it, subtly touching your lips with his.
If it wasn’t for the booze that gradually helped you become more shameless, you would’ve contained yourself from letting the lime fall from your mouth, so Jungsu can press his lips into yours.
You make the first move, but he’s the one to deepen the kiss right away.
Once you begin to move in sync, exchanging alcoholic taste and saliva between sloppy kisses, the adrenaline really hits you. You’re in need of more touch; more closure; more him, so your legs wrap themselves tight around his lower body.
His hands move up your thighs, eventually crawling up your bare spine. They brush over your bra, while yours get lost into his hair.
At this point both of you are completely numb to your surroundings; the only thing you can feel outside your bodies was the thick sexual tension in the air, that’s also more than obvious for everyone else in the room. You hear whistles from different directions; whispers and excited chatter, but they all fade down when Jungsu speaks against your ear.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.” The tipsiness starts to creep into his voice, and now it sounds low and even more seductive. “Unless having an audience is what you want. I won’t judge.”
“No… Only you.”
Jungsu’s lips curl up from satisfaction. He wants you; a lot, and he was ready to have you right there and then if he had to.
“Just asking,” he says, peeking at Jiseok who’s trying to distract people from staring at you too much. “Thought you might be into it since I’ve witnessed a few of your fucks.”
You stare at his smug smile, trying to make sense from his words.
“You’re vocal, sweetheart.” Jungsu chuckles meeting your wide eyes.
“You’ve heard us have sex?” You cover up your blushed face after he nods at you amused. “Oh my god, this is embarrassing.”
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Jungsu takes your hands, pulling them down with a gentle grip. “I like your voice… I like it a lot.”
It doesn’t take long for both of you to move to his bedroom.
While Jungsu locks the door, you take off your pants and lay down on the bed, eager to feel him on top of you.
When he turns around his jaw drops, not expecting to see you already in your panties for him. The corners of his eyes crinkle, as he watches you spread your legs seductively.
“Aren’t you coming?” You tease him, tilting your head to the side. It seems like he unbuckles his belt too slowly, and as if it takes him extra time to walk to the bed.
Or your desire for him has just reached its highest point.
“I am.” He smirks, still eating up your curves with his gaze. “You’re so beautiful…” His weight falls slightly on top of you, as he settles between your legs. “I’ve wanted to tell you that the day I saw you for the first time.”
You think of asking why he didn’t, but the urge to kiss him is stronger, and you smash your lips against his mouth. His palm travels all over your body, from your thigh to your breasts and neck; the more he touches you, the more your desire builds up, leading you into swaying your hips.
Jungsu slides down your underwear with one hand, and when he finally reaches for your sensitive spot you cannot help, but moan right away.
He rubs slow gentle circles on your clit, making you not only more wet, but also more needy and impatient. Because of that, you’re the one to break the kiss, arching your spine.
Hearing you moan his name makes him instantly smile in the crook of your neck, as his lips brush against your skin. His fingers speed up their pace, as he begins to cover you in wet smooches. He sucks aimlessly, creating scarlet patches on the surface of your neck, simultaneously groaning at the increasing pressure in his pants.
Soon enough he lets his fingertips glide down to find your soaked entrance.
“F-Fuck…” Your voice comes out desperate; deep from your throat like you’ve been starving for touch and attention.
The way he bents them swiftly before pumping them furiously inside you makes your mouth open for a silent wail. Going silent for a moment helps you notice how the squelching pool of arousal fills the room with lewd noises.
“Ah, baby… You feel so good,” Jungsu grunts, biting the sensitive flesh under your ear. “So tight… Can’t wait to fill you up.”
His comments turn your head even more woozy than it already was, and you keep your eyes shut.
Jungsu lifts up to kneel between your legs. You squirm so much, and your head is constantly moving and tilting left to right, as if you’re dreaming. As he keeps up the steady pace of his fingers moving in and out of you, he decides to double the sensation by using his other hand to stimulate your clit.
He rubs the soft bundle of nerves with three fingers in a pretty quick way, that has you gripping on the cushions.
“Ahh, d-don’t stop, p-please, Jungsu… please…”
When you feel you’re about to crumble, you hurry to cover your mouth with your palms.
No one can hear you from the loud gathering on the other side of the door, but you’ve never felt the need to cry out so much before and you weren’t sure how to handle it.
Jungsu makes sure to not stop thrusting as you go through your climax. He gnaws on his lips, as your tight pussy keeps his fingers nicely sucked in with its intense pulses. He’s knuckles deep, and the squelch from the slipping pleasure is like music to his ears, while you on the other hand are feeling so ecstatic that you don’t even notice it anymore.
He takes out his fingers all sticky with strings of your arousal. Your thighs tremble as he spreads them in teasingly slow motions.
“Did you like it?” He asks, enjoying how wet you are.
“A lot,” you say through a raspy voice.
After he takes off his boxers Jungsu sees you sitting up.
“Wanna get on top of me?” He raises a brow, hoping you’ll say yes, although it’s written everywhere on your face.
You nod, biting your lip.
The second you sit on his erection, you both gasp in sync at how amazingly it fills you with ease. You reach behind your back to remove your bra.
Jungsu humms satisfied to finally see what’s underneath.
You watch him lower his attention to your hips rolling up and down his length, that’s making you feel warmer with each passing moment.
“Mhmm, baby… feels so good,” he groans, shutting his eyes, but not letting go of your waist. His fingers grip harsher from the on going gentle sounds you produce, getting him more worked up.
His cockhead presses lightly against your cervix, teasing the warm knot that’s forming in his tummy, but it’s not enough; he needs more than that.
Jungsu pulls you by the arms, and you gasp surprised to suddenly drop on both palms. Your fingers instantly grip the cushion for support when he gropes your butt cheeks, separating them as much as possible, and starts fucking up into you with force.
“Fuck, J-Jungsu—“
His hands hold you steady in place, letting his cock move in and out of you from the perfect angle.
The pleasure intensifies with every thrust against your sweet spot. It invades your entire body, and you begin to sweat everywhere. The only thing that hasn’t melted away from your mind is the realisation that you’ve never felt anything like this before. The delight is so strong, so satisfying and it only keeps getting better to the point you feel there’s a possibility of you braking down.
“J-Jungsu.. gonna… I—“
The cushion muffles your whine when his hips freeze while yours are pushed all the way down his cock, kept steady in one place.
Jungsu pants heavily in your ear from delaying his climax.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” He caresses your hair after one of his hands moves up your back. “But I want to feel you a little bit longer.”
He humms in bliss from the way you clench around him as you rest on top of his chest. He keeps twitching and teasing your walls too; you’re both so close to cumming, but if you do, you know you’ll have to return to the party.
Just when Jungsu shifts his feet to start moving again, you unexpectedly speak out.
“I lied,” you mutter, lifting a little bit to face his confused expression. “Not to you, to my ex. All of my orgasms were fake.”
Jungsu’s suspicious features soften after you finish your sentence.
“I had to pretend every time and finish myself off while he was in the shower.”
He blinks at you a few times as his pretty reddened lips slid upwards the more you speak. He cannot resist the laughter, remembering all the times he heard you acting your orgasms from the other side of the wall. You did an impressive job.
The lazy laughter slips from his lips, and it sounds so addictive you can’t help but laugh along with him. You manage to catch your breath after his hands cup your warm face.
“I won’t let this happen to you again, beautiful.”
As your bodies stick to each other from sweat, he gently moves your hips up a bit, and wraps his arms tightly around your figure. His eyes stop on your soft parted lips, and drink from your whimpers after his cock meets your g-spot once again.
This time the rush comes in an even more overwhelming wave. It washes over you, forcing Jungsu to quicken his hips as much as possible.
You cuss under your breath when his hand grabs a handful of your hair to pull on. The rough, but still gentle action makes the sensation even better. You don’t even realise when you’ve started whining his name again, but Jungsu did. It sounds so captivating coming from your mouth in such weak pleasing melody.
He can get used to it.
“Fuck, should I—“
“Cum inside me,” you cut him off. “Please, cum inside me, Jung—“
Jungsu buries his face against your neck. Your skin muffles his last few moans, as he shoots his orgasm the second he hears your begging. His fingers grip on your hair and hips harshly, as you reach your peak not long after. Your walls hug around him tightly from overstimulation while he loads up your void with his warm essence.
It feels heavenly. Your heart races so quick, as if it’s close to bursting from having to bare such intense emotions.
You’re not able to resist the temptation to glide on Jungsu’s length a few times, feeling his cum spill from you all the way down.
You look into each other’s faces - flushed, woozy and glistening from sweat and lust.
Your eyes widen at the same time when you hear everyone from the living room starting to count the remaining seconds to midnight, and the sound of the fireworks exploding in the sky.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
30 days til’ Christmas
baking christmas cookies with song mingi⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Chilly winter afternoons with Mingi usually consisted of being wrapped up in warm blankets and staying in. But staying in also meant having everyone around.
You loved the guys but sometimes you just wished it could be you and Mingi. Your relationship was lacking alone time. Mingi quickly caught on to this so the next time he invited you over, he was the only one home. "What's going on? Where is everyone?" you asked cluelessly.
"They went out to eat and I wanted to take this as an opportunity to spend some alone time with you,” he replied as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Hmm, I’ve missed you baby, but I won’t miss Wooyoung and Jongho singing karaoke and shattering my eardrums,” you joked. Mingi's laughter followed.
"Cmon' I got something good planned for us mama," he said as he ushered you into the kitchen where baking ingredients sat on the table as well as cookie cutters and holiday-colored icing.
"We're baking?! You? Baking?" you questioned excitedly.
In this relationship, Mingi was the cook and you were the baker. There was no in-between. Mingi was amazing at cooking, you, not so much. Baking was your true calling, Mingi can't even make a cookie right.
"I know I suck at baking, but I also know you love baking just as much as you love Christmas," he answered.
What did I do to deserve this perfect man? You asked yourself. The two of you got straight to work making your holiday sugar cookies. Of course, you were a pro at this but Mingi wasn't so bright... "Why did you add so much vanilla extract?" you asked seeing that he poured enough to make 50 sugar cookies.
"Well I'm just adding to taste," he answered unbothered. You put your palm to your head and laughed to yourself.
"I love you," you confessed suddenly as you pecked his cheek.
The two of you attempted to make the sugar cookies together with you ripping your hair out because of how bad Mingi was at baking. The cookies thankfully ended up cut out and in the oven. The two of you cleaned up waiting for the cookies.
"You're like the Gordon Ramsey of desserts, you scare me," he started as the two of you sat on the couch together to catch a break while the cookies were baking.
"Well how was I supposed to react to you getting like a million shells in the batter?" you asked, poking him playfully.
"It was like two shells, and all is well," he rebutted. You let out a long sigh and rested your head on his shoulder.
"I missed this," you admitted as you took his hand, he planted a kiss into it.
"Me too, I should get the guys out more often," he chuckled.
Just then the oven beeped signifying the cookies were done. The two of you got up and took the cookies out. "These look beautiful Mingi! We did such a good job," you cheered as he hugged you from behind.
The two of you got straight to work and began to decorate the cookies with icing and sprinkles. Your ears were filled with Mingi's laughter and the crackle-pop of the fireplace. You were focused on making a reindeer cookie. You could feel his eyes on you as you worked diligently. He was admiring your skill and focus. He was looking at your eyes, while they were focused on something else yet he felt an overwhelming sense of love.
Seeing his girl doing what she loved brought him great joy. "Do I have something on my face?" you asked as you finished the last details, put the piping bag down, and looked Mingi in the eyes.
"You do now," he quipped as he swiped some icing on your nose.
"Mingi!" you squealed as you attacked his cheek with some icing. The two of you laughed together while finishing up the rest of the cookies. You took the first bite and almost vomited in your mouth.
"Mingi these are terrible," you cackled. You couldn't stop laughing. You didn't know what was wrong but you found it so funny how they turned out. Mingi took a bite afterward and spit it out in the trash.
"Oh God, those suck," he chuckled.
"You know what we should do with them?" you asked mischievously. Like he had read your mind he answered,
"Give them to the guys and say they taste amazing?"
"Yeah," you giggled.
Mingi probably got dragged into Hongjoong's room afterward, but his reaction was priceless. You even got it on camera!
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hanilessa · 5 days
before reading please pay attention to the series masterlist, to make sure you have read the previous chapters!
your likes, reblogs and replies are greatly appreciated! i hope you like it, enjoy reading!
HALF AN HOUR FOR LOVE — Childe x F!Reader Chapter 26. One and only
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A calm silence was filling your childhood bedroom — it was still very early in the morning, so the moon and stars were looking at the Earth outside the window, watching large snowflakes fall to the ground. It was dark, but the nightlight you left on for the night continued to dimly illuminate the room, so Ajax, albeit with some effort, could make out the outlines of the objects that filled your bedroom. His blue eyes kept catching on something that seemed interesting to him and reminded him of you. It seemed to Childe that right now your childhood bedroom was a book that was telling him the story of your life.
Your head rested on his bare chest, and your measured breathing warmed his skin, and you looked absolutely charming, all asleep and peaceful. It wasn't even seven in the morning, Childe had woken up some time ago, but he didn't want to tear you out of your sweet sleep, wanting you to have a good rest after such a tiring period of work. So he just held you in his arms, enjoying how soft and comfortable it was for both of you in your warm bed. Stroking your head with smooth movements, the ginger man inhaled the pleasant pine scent that penetrated the house from the outside. There was something romantic in this quiet and calm moment.
To Tartaglia's displeasure, immediately after thoughts of romance, irritating thoughts about your childhood friend suddenly crept into his head. No, Ajax never doubted himself, and his self-confidence could be the envy of any person, but... Why did he feel somehow lost now when he thought about how sweetly you laughed yesterday with Thoma, discussing the years passed in separation? Childe had no doubt about your feelings, but his own fear didn't allow him to calm down, constantly reminding him of that very "what if…?"
Relax, Ajax. We love each other, the man thought and took a deep breath to cope with his thoughts and feelings. During these holidays, he wanted nothing more than to just be with you and enjoy every happy moment. So a moment later, he tried to tune himself to positive thoughts.
Time passed unnoticed while he was thinking, and now the dawn lit up the horizon with an orange-red stripe, illuminating the cold ground. The ringing voices of winter birds, singing melodic trills, filled the morning silence, awakening the world from sleep. Your morning, drawn-out moan reached the man's ears, and he felt you stir in his arms. Your eyelashes fluttered when the dawn rays of the sun illuminated your face, and you finally opened your eyes. Your absentminded, sleep-drunk gaze ran first around your room, assessing the situation, after which you finally looked at the man, patiently waiting for you to pay your attention to him.
"Good morning, princess." A teasing smile appeared on Childe's lips when you sleepily looked into his eyes. You stretched sweetly, like a flexible cat, and smiled too.
"Good morning. How did you sleep?" You asked, yawning widely and rubbing your sleepy eyes with your fist. The man exhaled in fascination — how charming.
"Next to you, I sleep so well and sweetly, like I have never slept in my life." He answered, for which he received a light, playful hit in the side from you. The man groaned slightly from a little pain and said, "I'm honest with you, baby!"
You chuckled and decided not to tease the man anymore, moving a little closer to him, "Okay, okay, I believe you. I'm glad you feel comfortable next to me."
Your lips found Tartaglia's in a morning greeting kiss, and you both relaxed, enjoying the moment. There was a pleasant forest freshness and coolness in the air, which made the parts of your bodies that were not covered by a down blanket get goosebumps. But it was a trifle compared to the warm hugs and sweet kisses that woke you both up from sleep. Your muscles ached pleasantly after a long sleep, so you let out a light moan when your lover pulled you closer to him, wrapping his strong arm around your waist.
"What are our plans for today?" The ginger man asked when you pulled away from his lips. You looked thoughtful as Ajax was running his fingers through the strands of your hair, enjoying the feeling of its softness and silkiness.
"I think we should start decorating the house for Christmas and go shopping for the festive dinner. I also wanted to show you around the town and my favorite places." You listed off some of the things you could think of for today, using your fingers to count.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Childe gave you an encouraging smile, causing a smile to appear on your face back, and you allowed yourself to rise from his warm chest — a part of you didn't want to do that at all.
The two of you slowly finished your morning bath routine and were lazily pulling on your clothes, you suddenly remembered one more thing you wanted to do today.
"Oh, right!" Ajax turned to you, raising an eyebrow in question. "Let's stop by Thoma's mom's bakery on the way, okay? Her baking is something special! I wish you could try a little more than yesterday's buns."
The ginger man tensed internally when you mentioned the annoying blond, but he tried not to show it, so as not to make you worry. But you knew Ajax better than anyone, so you immediately noticed how his body tensed and his brows furrowed. He swallowed, causing his adam's apple to twitch nervously, thus letting you know that the man was thinking about something that made him feel uncomfortable. Childe put on his hoodie, and then immediately met your gaze.
"Is something bothering you?" You asked, moving a little closer to him and looking into his blue eyes. For some reason, a sense of déjà vu took hold of your heart when you remembered that after your first night together, he also looked somewhat dejected the next morning. A primal fear crept into your heart that he might regret deciding to be with you... But a moment later, you scolded yourself for daring to doubt your lover and his feelings for you, and pushed away these sticky intrusive thoughts. Trying not to think about anything bad, you touched his cheek in the hope of getting an answer.
Childe flinched slightly from your touch and clutched a small velvet box in his fist, which was in the pocket of his pants. Was this the right moment? Or should he wait a little with this? The ginger man was truly confused about the situation with your childhood friend, so he wanted you to be able to see this box as soon as possible.
Your skin felt the softness of his rough lips as he pressed your palm to his lips to leave a soothing kiss, "It's okay, Y/n. Just still a little sleepy." He winked playfully at you, causing you to blush a little.
"Okay, if that's the case." You smiled, relaxing. Feeling the comfort of your pajamas, you carefully opened your bedroom door, looking back at the man. "Are you coming?"
"Of course, princess. Give me a minute." Ajax smiled awkwardly, ruffling his ginger bangs. Nodding, you walked out of your bedroom, leaving the man alone.
Tartaglia bit his lip. It was a little unusual for him to feel worried about someone outside of his family, but you were part of his family now too — at least until you found out about the bet and hated him with all your soul. So he was terrified that you would leave him alone, and that fear continued to tear him apart. Childe carefully took the red box out of his pocket and lingered his gaze on it for a few more seconds.
The velvet fabric felt nice in his hands, and he briefly imagined how happy you would be when you saw this box. A blush colored his cheeks and neck as your smiling face appeared in his mind. He wanted to tell you that he would do anything to keep you smiling, but... He would be the one to hurt you the most. Ajax's heart felt heavy as this thought flashed through his mind, so he hurriedly hid the red box in his bag and left the room.
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After a delicious breakfast of hot pancakes and aromatic tea, you and Childe started getting ready for a walk. As you pulled on your soft sweater, you didn't notice your mother appear in the doorway of your room. The woman leaned on the door frame and smiled when you finally paid attention to her.
"Going for a walk?" She asked with a smile. You adjusted your sweater and smiled back at her, nodding.
"I wanted to show Ajax around the town." You smiled shyly, heat spreading across your cheeks as you voiced your desire. Your mother smiled understandingly.
"Do you mind if Xiao joins you two?" The woman asked. She looked a little worried, so you looked into her eyes with a question. "I'm a little worried about him studying all the time and hardly resting. So I thought it would be nice if you went shopping with him and he could relax and unwind a bit."
"Sure, mom, don't worry." You smiled knowingly, thinking about how stubborn and persistent your brother could be when it came to studying. But Christmas was coming up, and he really needed some rest. So you were more than willing to forcefully tear Xiao away from his books and drag him outside to get some fresh air.
"Thank you, dear." Your mom smiled gratefully at you as you kissed her cheek. "I gave the grocery list to Ajax, he's waiting for you in the living room."
"Okay!" You nodded, grabbing your bag from the table. "We'll be back soon."
"Don't worry, honey, I'll start cooking the festive dinner. Have fun!"
Excited about the exciting day and the events that would fill it, you fluttered out of your bedroom, going down to the first floor. At the front door, Xiao was shuffling his feet, his hands in his pockets, wearing a cute fur hat. You walked a little closer to him, not hiding a teasing smile. Your brother looked absolutely adorable, and you wondered what would happen if Ayaka saw him like this right now?
A small giggle escaped your lips when you imagined Xiao's crimson cheeks and frowning brows. You wanted to tease him a little, but before you could, strong arms hugged you, and it was your turn to be embarrassed.
"Well, shall we go?" The sweet voice of your lover penetrated your ears, and you felt your entire being filled with an excited tremor. Xiao was embarrassed when you and Childe lovingly intertwined your fingers together, and with a snort, he opened the door, letting in the frosty freshness into the warm house.
Snow fell in large white flakes from the sky, which was covered with thick clouds, but this didn't ruin your good mood and the excited enthusiasm filling your heart as the three of you strolled along the streets of your hometown. Your brother kicked small clumps of snow, walking ahead of you, while you and your lover walked leisurely along the snowy sidewalk, swinging your clasped hands back and forth. Tartaglia's blue eyes kept catching on to something new as you enthusiastically talked about every thing around you that was, in one way or another, part of your memories.
Your eyes couldn't help but catch on to something familiar, and you smiled with a bit of sadness as a small brick building came into view. It housed most of your childhood and teenage memories.
"Here, this is my school." You pointed at the building with your finger, and the man's eyes followed the direction you were pointing. Your school was small and a bit rundown, and it was completely different from the Academy where Childe studied. The contrast between your two worlds was insurmountable, but Ajax was truly grateful to fate for being kind enough to allow the two of you to cross the borders of your worlds and meet.
"Do you miss that time?" The ginger man asked, catching nostalgia in your gaze.
"Sometimes." You answered thoughtfully. Yes, your childhood was great and there were many dear memories, but now that you've grown up, you have many new friends and a person you love with all your heart. So, thinking about the fact that if you had the chance to go back to your teenage years, you would confidently refuse, saying that you are quite happy with your current life.
You smiled and squeezed Tartaglia's hand tighter. "But I'm long past that stage of my life, and now I want to enjoy my time with you."
A surprised squeak escaped your mouth as your feet immediately left the ground and the man lifted you by the waist, holding you tightly to him. He slowly twirled you from side to side, whispering about how lucky he is to have you.
"A-ajax—!" You excitedly exclaimed as the man once again spun around, nuzzling his nose into your chest.
"I love you so much. You know that, right?" The declarations of love couldn't stop coming out of his mouth, the surprised looks and whispers of passersby didn't seem to bother him at all as the ginger man lovingly held you close to him like the most precious treasure in the world.
A little taken aback by his sudden surge of all-consuming love, you giggled, stroking his ginger, soft hair. "I know, love, I know." The man purred affectionately, hearing your words of affection, and spun you around again, enjoying the giggles that poured from your lips.
"Hey, you two." Xiao's embarrassed and slightly dissatisfied voice was heard from the side, and Tartaglia reluctantly stopped, and you both looked at your brother, who was standing at the entrance to Thoma's mother's bakery. "Let's hurry up." The remark from your brother made you blush a little. Looking at Childe, you noticed that your lover's cheeks were also red.
It was unexpected to see Ajax so obedient, because you were sure that if any other person had made a remark to the two of you at that moment, the ginger man would have ignored it with a hundred percent probability, continuing to do what he was doing. But it seemed that Tartaglia was truly worried and concerned about what your brother thought of him. And this, to some extent, made your heart melt.
Xiao, without saying anything else, entered the warm premises of the bakery, leaving the two of you alone. Ajax bit his lip, unsure of what your brother's reaction was. Childe's reaction struck a chord with you and you quickly kissed his cheek to cheer him up.
"It's okay, just be yourself." You said. Exchanging smiles, you both hurried into the bakery.
The smell of fragrant buns, sweet cakes, and pancakes filled your lungs as you finally entered the small premises. The selection of pastries was truly amazing, and your eyes darted in different directions as you looked at the colorfully decorated cakes and pastries with stars in your eyes. Despite the heavy breakfast, you felt like you could start drooling because of hunger at this point.
"Y/n, darling!" The woman behind the counter, whom you immediately recognized as Thoma's mother, immediately perked up and greeted you with a smile on her face.
"Hello, ma'am!" You smiled happily, holding your lover's hand. "I'm glad to see you."
"I'm glad to see you too! You've grown so much, such a big girl now..." The woman began to lament sentimentally, seemingly lost in memories of how cute and small you and Thoma had once been. "I remember when you two were so little, running here after school to have cocoa and cakes..."
You smiled awkwardly. "Your buns were wonderful! Can we order some cakes and a pie for the festive dinner?"
"Of course, my dear, anything for you!" Thoma's mother quickly looked around the several counters in search of sweet cakes.
Xiao boredly munched on the muffin she had kindly given him, waiting for you and the ginger man to place your order. Ajax awkwardly was shifting from one foot to the other next to you. The man was still a little nervous about the recent moment and your brother's reaction, and it seemed like the situation couldn't get any worse, but ironically, he was very wrong.
"Thoma! Where are you?!" The woman exclaimed sternly, causing the three of you to flinch in fear. Hurried footsteps were heard from the adjacent room, and a moment later, a blond man appeared in your field of vision. "Didn't you put the cakes on the counter?"
Thoma, flustered and disheveled, didn't understand what he had done to deserve his mother's anger until he finally noticed your presence. A joyful smile instantly appeared on his face.
"Y/n, hello!" You smiled and raised your palm in greeting.
"Take care of Y/n and her order properly, my son." The woman said, winking at her son without anyone noticing, and then, humming, disappeared into the adjacent room. Thoma's ears instantly turned red, and he glanced in your direction with concern, noticing with displeasure the presence of the ginger man next to you.
Tartaglia narrowed his blue eyes in warning as he met the blond man's gaze. The tension between the two men was still there — it would seem that electric charges of mutual irritation sparkle between them.
"So you were heading to the mall?" Thoma asked, packing the pastries and pie you had ordered into a big, beautifully decorated box. It was Christmas-themed.
"Yes! We wanted to do some shopping for tomorrow's feast, and I also wanted to show Ajax my favorite places." You smiled, leaning your head against your lover's chest, and Childe felt his heart beat faster in his chest. You couldn't know it, but the way you showed other people your affection for him was making the ginger man burn alive with his love for you.
"Do you mind if I join you? Mom asked me to do some Christmas shopping too." The green-eyed man laughed awkwardly, ruffling his hair.
"We mind, to be hon—" Tartaglia whispered, and you frowned, lightly punching him in the side, causing the man to let out a strangled breath.
"Childe!" You shushed him, completely unaware that you had forgotten yourself again and used his nickname instead of his real name.
"Hm, Childe, yeah, baby?" You were taken aback, visibly nervous, and this made the ginger man smile slyly, anticipating the sweet kiss you were both about to share. He was about to lean in closer to your lips to receive his well-deserved kiss, but was stopped by your hand.
"I-I meant Ajax." Maintaining a more or less confident appearance, you glanced at your brother and Thoma out of the corner of your eye and, turning to your lover, said, "We'll talk about this a little later."
"But, princess..." You frowned sternly, pushing the man's lips away from your face with a slightly insistent movement of your index finger, and finally paid your attention to your childhood friend.
"Of course, we'll be glad if you join us!" You smiled good-naturedly, making Thoma nod his head happily and finally hand you the box of sweet cakes.
"Then please wait here for a couple of minutes." You nodded with a smile, and the blond hurried to disappear into the adjacent room. Ajax snorted in irritation — this was starting to irritate him.
The wait wasn't too long, and now you all were in a large mall, decorated for the upcoming holidays. A Christmas atmosphere was filling the store, and the variety of products on offer made your eyes dart from side to side. You checked the grocery list and unanimously decided to split up for a while to get all the necessary products. You were about to head to the candy stand, when you felt yourself being pulled into a tight embrace.
Tartaglia's warm lips found yours in an eager kiss, causing you to let out an excited squeak. His arms were holding you tightly to his body, as if he was afraid that if he let you go, you would slip away from him forever, like a fleeting dream. Your cheeks turned a shade of red as you imagined the number of people who had unintentionally witnessed your kiss. Childe didn't seem to care as he nipped your bottom lip lightly with his teeth before finally pulling away from your lips, lingering for a moment at your ear.
"We'll talk about this a little later, angel." He whispered hoarsely. And turning towards the dairy section, the man left you alone with your thoughts and your rapidly beating heart in your chest.
You were pouting in annoyance as you passed the stands with various goods, feeling the heat of embarrassment spreading throughout your entire body. The skin of your lips still retained the warmth of the kiss you and Ajax had shared, making your insides curl with excitement and love.
Fool, fool, fool, you thought, patting your cheeks, hot because of embarrassment, when your attention was suddenly drawn to a colorful stand with keychains.
There were a lot of different keychains on the stand, but it was the small fox keychain that caught your attention, and it instantly reminded you of Ajax. Tartaglia was exactly like a fox — ginger, cunning and impossibly seductive. A predator that is willing to do anything to catch his prey.
You shook your head from side to side to stop thinking about embarrassing things and reached out for the keychain. It was a great Christmas present for him! You smiled happily and carefully packed the keychain in a gift box, choosing a red one that reminded you of the earring in his left ear.
Pleased with an unexpectedly found gift that satisfied you, you hurried to your destination — the stand with sweets. The list of necessary goods included quite a lot of things, so you already regretted not taking the shopping cart. Holding a few packs of cookies in your hands, you reached up to the top shelf to grab a pack of candies.
Unfortunately, even for you, the shelf was quite high, so you had to balance on one leg. The stand seemed so high, and there was no one around to help you. You bit your lip as you almost managed to grab the stupid pack of candies, but suddenly your legs buckled and you felt yourself losing your balance with squeak of fear. The packs of cookies fell to the floor.
"Watch out!"
Ajax walked slowly between the aisles of goods, looking for the dairy section. His handsome face was frowning, and even the sweetness and softness of your lips, your timid whine and innocent look didn't help him relax. All Tartaglia really wanted was to spend Christmas with you, to enjoy every second of your happiness together, but now, seeing another man next to you, his heart was painfully squeezing. But at the same time... Did he have the right to be jealous of you when he himself was engaged to another woman?
Standing in front of the ice cream counter, the ginger man sighed tiredly. Little children ran past him, laughing and giggling happily. This made Ajax smile furtively, reminding him of his brothers and sister, who were in Fontaine right now.
He missed them, but Childe sincerely hoped that they were having a good time now, enjoying the bright sun and warm water. Memories of his beloved siblings drove away bad thoughts, so the man enthusiastically hurried to take several buckets of ice cream of different flavors from the counter and quickly find you and the others.
Everyone was in anticipation of Christmas. Joyful smiles on the faces of children and their parents were blooming here and there, foreshadowing the Christmas holidays. Tartaglia's cheeks were slightly sprinkled with a pink blush when he imagined himself and you in these people's place. He wondered what your children would look like.
Finally, your figure appeared between the shelves with sweets, and the ginger man felt an unexpected desire to quickly feel you in his arms again. He quickened his pace and a moment later noticed something was wrong. You were standing on the tip of your foot, balancing above the floor, with several boxes in your hands, trying to reach a pack of candies.
Everything about your posture screamed that you had no chance of holding on like that for very long, and when Childe realized this a moment later, your legs inevitably gave way and you quickly began to lose your balance, threatening to fall onto the concrete floor.
The man instantly threw the ice cream buckets into the nearest shopping cart, earning an indignant shout from the petite old lady. But he really didn't care as he hurried towards you, pushing past the shop's customers. All he cared about now was catching you before you fell onto the cold floor. There was too much distance between the two of you, and the only thing Ajax could do was stretch out his hand towards you in fear and let out a frightened shout.
"Y/n!" He shouted.
"Watch out!"
Childe's heart stopped for a moment, then continued beating at an incredible speed as he watched Thoma's strong arms hold you just above the cold concrete floor. The ginger man felt like his whole life flashed before his eyes.
The fear on your face was forever imprinted on Ajax's heart, like a mark, as a reminder that at the moment when he should have been next to you, he wasn't there. Everything around you — torn boxes of cookies and a grocery list lying on the floor — reminded of what happened, while Tartaglia watched from the side as you, with trembling legs, managed to get upright with the help of Thoma.
"Are you okay, Y/n?!" The blond worriedly examined you for possible injuries, holding your hand. "God, I was so scared for you..."
"Yeah, I-I think I'm okay." You said haltingly, gradually recovering from the fear you had experienced. Your heart was beating faster in your chest, and all you could do was try to stay on your feet, gratefully accepting your friend's help. "Thank you, Thoma."
"Please, be more careful next time." The blond man said excitedly as you bent down to pick up the cookie boxes and grocery list from the floor. You exhaled, glad that you had managed to avoid trouble.
"I will!" A smile appeared on your face as you stood upright again, unexpectedly approaching Thoma and hugging him tightly. "Thank you again."
And in that moment, Ajax forgot how to breathe. He watched as your lips spread into the most beautiful smile that he thought you gave only to him, when Thoma sheepishly smiled and ruffled his hair. Tartaglia's heart squeezed painfully in his chest, while he became a witness to the sweet conversation of two childhood friends.
The only thing Ajax really wanted was to be your one and only. The one who is ready to protect you and do anything for you. But for some reason now it seemed to him as if he had never been truly capable of anything.
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— taglist: @httpmitsuya @gojoandelsalovechilde @duckyyyx @i-x4o @chishiyawifesworld @ajaxstar @kiryoutann @xiaosonlybeloved @aloveablechaos @obervation-subject-753 @beyaaaafr @silverbladexyz @funicidals @simpfully-heartbroken @r0ttenhearts @cocoanvt @5sausefandom @yevene @hamsuigok @stxwpid @childeismylove @chickoritasy @randomhumans-blog @nxwiqv @kiokiee @lillunna @pookiebearcave @shanieveh
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horanghater · 9 months
hi bambi this is zeta <3
is it okay to write smth about wonwoo taking care of his gf bcs their holiday plans were thrown out of the window due to her catching a cold? just overall fluff and comfort :((
okay that's all bye ilysm💖
▸ Pairing: Wonwoo x F!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 13+ / fluff / established relationship
If you are a minor AND/OR if your account has no age in the bio, you will be blocked upon interacting (liking/reblogging) with this post.
▸ Warnings: none
▸ Word Count: 605
▸ A/N: Zeta darling I'm SO sorry I couldn't get this done before the end of the year. You were sick and then so was I 😭 Just pretend this was published like 2 weeks ago pls. @shuadotcom - beta for life, etc etc ♥️
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Wonwoo stops in your bedroom doorway, bowl in hand, to survey you. Or rather, to survey the lump in the center of the bed that’s covered by your duvet. “Sweetheart, lunch.” He sighs when the only response is the quiet noise of the television. “Come on, you have to eat something.”
Something between a muffled groan and growl fills the room and then the lump moves. The top of your head slowly peeks out from under the duvet and rests on the pillow at the top of the bed. Wonwoo smiles to himself as he watches your exposed eyebrows furrow before you drag the fabric back up to envelop yourself once more. 
You hear Wonwoo sigh, then the gentle clink of earthenware being set on your nightstand before long fingers reach into your comforter and peel it back to reveal your face. Your hair is disheveled and you’re a bit pale, but the pout that’s settled onto your features as you return his bemused stare makes his heart flip.
“Wonwoo,” you finally rasp after being exposed, “I’m dying.”
He sits gingerly on the bed next to you, planting a kiss on your forehead before replying. “You’re not dying, sweetheart. But you will if you don’t eat.”
The press of his warm lips on your forehead is soothing, but does little to assuage your disappointment about all the plans you’ve had to cancel this week. “What’s the point in eating if I can’t have the seasonal stuff I’ve been waiting all year for?” 
“What do you mean? Chicken noodle soup is seasonal.” 
“Is not,” you whine, ignoring the way he smirks down at you playfully. A little teasing and faux ignorance have always been his way of making you giggle even when you don’t want to. And now you actually do want to, but the pang of missed opportunity is still at the forefront of your mind. “We were supposed to go look at Christmas lights and go caroling and ice skating and make gingerbread houses and just… There’s so much stuff I wanted to do, but I’m stuck here.”
Wonwoo pushes his glasses up his nose and sniffles, hurt. “‘Stuck’? You hate being with me that much?”
You sigh, sitting up to look at him better. Behind the warmth in his eyes is a hint of worry. Even though you know Wonwoo’s joking, you feel a pang of guilt for making him concerned in the first place. Suddenly not-seasonal soup is more appealing. “You know that’s not it, babe. There’s just…so much that we’re missing, you know? There’s so much that I wanted to do.”
Wonwoo doesn’t miss the way you tilt your head toward the nightstand, attempting to take more whiffs of the lunch he’s prepared for you through your stuffy nose. He moves to fluff the pillows behind your back before taking the spoon in his hand to feed you. Raised eyebrows above his lenses is all it takes for your weak glower to transform into an open, waiting mouth. Even on your worst days, he’s always there to comfort you. When you accept a few spoonfuls, Wonwoo is satisfied enough to answer. “We can do plenty of stuff here, you know. Movies, hot chocolate…some more soup, maybe.”
“That’s nice in theory, but you’ll get sick too.”
“Well–” he says thoughtfully, stirring your lunch again before taking some for himself, “– now it’s guaranteed. We can be sick together. So, how about that movie date?”
For the first time in days, your smile reaches your eyes as you return the warmth that Wonwoo continues to show you again and again. “It’s a date, then.”
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the-journal-in-law · 2 years
Are We Not Enemies?
"You left me!" the villain accused, eyes narrowed and lined with the faintest hint of tears as they jabbed a finger towards their nemesis.
The hero's expression, however, remained bewildered. "I went on holiday..."
"You didn't tell me!" the villain snapped.
"I was gone for a week--"
"I thought you were dead! I thought Supervillain had killed you so I hunted them down and I killed them to get revenge for you!"
The hero's mouth fell open wordlessly, eyes going wide. "Y-You did what?"
"What? Was I supposed to just let your killer go?"
The hero spluttered. "That's what I expected, yes!"
The villain went quiet at that, tilting their head down so the hero couldn't see what they were feeling. Hoarsely, they repeated, "I thought you were dead..."
"Are you - are you crying?" the hero said incredulously.
"Shut up!" The villain wiped their eyes on their sleeve. "I wouldn't have had to do it if you hadn't disappeared on me!"
The hero was speechless. Then, in a confused voice, they said, "Did I miss something? Are we friends? Heck, lovers?"
The villain fixed a blank look on them. "Excuse me?"
"It's just...the way you're reacting is more like a concerned wife than a murderous maniac." The hero gestured helplessly.
Really, all they did was respond to an emergency call right after getting off the plane. And - surprise, surprise - the first villain they had to fight after their holiday was the one the hero was often called to apprehend.
What did surprise them was when the villain suddenly stopped their monologue upon catching sight of the hero. Then, the villain had teleported them to an abandoned warehouse where they proceeded to rant about taking a break off work without telling them.
"I'm really sorry if I did miss something. You know, my friend calls me an oblivious idiot on good days, and with you being - well, a villain - I never considered you would want to date me?" The hero's voice went high. "Not that you being a villain means I don't want to date you. Just that I kinda wasn't expecting it? N-not that I think you want to date me. We can be friends! If you're open to it. It might be a bit weird, what with us being on opposing sides, but I'm sure we can--"
"Hero," the villain interrupted. "Breathe."
The hero gasped in a huge breath. With a weak smile, they said, "S-sorry. I tend to ramble a lot."
"I know," the villain said. "It's not like you haven't kept an entire conversation going during our fights - by yourself while fighting. This is a pretty late apology."
"I do that?" the hero wondered, then shook their head. "Nevermind! Can we go back to the fact that you killed Supervillain?"
The villain crossed their arms. "I figured it was past time for someone to topple their throne."
"Wait, no," the hero said. "You're not getting away that easily. You said and I quote, that you killed Supervillain to get revenge for me."
"Did you seriously say 'and I quote?'"
"Answer my question."
The villain stared consideringly at the hero, and it almost seemed as if they were going to comply. "I don't remember you asking a question."
"Did you get soft?" the hero pushed. "Did I melt your cold heart and now you have warm, fuzzy--"
"No!" the villain yelled. "As if I would get feelings for you."
"Wow, harsh," the hero replied, a little hurt. "Is me being a hero turning you off that much?"
"It's not about you being a hero," the villain hissed. "I couldn't care less about that. It's about your little holiday jaunt forcing me to take over a criminal empire!"
The hero gaped. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I killed Supervillain!" the villain shouted. "That means every one of their supporters and whoever else who wanted their position is going after me now."
"I-I'm sorry?" the hero stuttered, not sure if they were actually to blame but knowing better than to voice that out loud. "Do you...do you want to go on a date?" they blurted.
The villain raised a brow. "A date."
The hero winced. "Yes, a date. For compensation?"
The silence stretched long enough for the hero to nearly take back the offer.
"A date," the villain repeated, this time a little manic. "Yeah, why not? A date with a hero..."
"Is that a 'yes?'"
"Yes," the villain said, finally allowing themselves a small smile.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Baxter is a daaaaaaaddy part 2: Holiday Edition
So I really had a very good time writing about Baxter becoming a father, and since Thanksgiving is coming up in the US, I decided to write another part with Baxter, MC and their daughter. Because reasons.
Takes place when Baby Ward is 4. She broke her arm when Baxter took her to the park and now it's a new reason why he hates himself. You know Baxter.
Part one here!
"Daddy, can I have marshmallow?"
"Not yet, Penny," you answered from the passenger seat of Baxter's car as he drove to your parents' home in Sunset Bird. "They're not just marshmallows, they're part of the casserole."
"I asked Daddy," your daughter replied, the sass in her voice unmistakable.
You were about to turn around to talk to her, but Baxter chuckled and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a bag of miniature marshmallows.
"Daddy!" Penny cheered, throwing her good arm in the air and patiently waiting for him to fish out a few and hand them back to her.
"Seriously?" you asked him.
"It's Thanksgiving," he smirked, shooting you a quick glimpse. "If my girl wants to be thankful for marshmallows, far be it from me to stand in her way."
"She has you wrapped around her finger, you know that?"
"Like mother, like daughter."
You smiled and took the hand that he laid in your lap.
Your little family of three was heading over to celebrate the holiday with your moms, but it would be a full house. Liz had flown home for a few days, and Cliff always came over. Cove was coming too, and he was planning on bringing Xavier -- the two had gotten close over the years since Jude and Scott's wedding.
When you arrived, you saw Cove's car and texted him to come out and help carry things -- as always, Baxter had made several dishes to bring over. He and Xavier came out soon after, and after quick hugs, you started bringing the food in while Baxter gingerly unbuckled Penny from her car seat and carried her inside.
"Did your mom tell you I had a pink cast too when I broke my arm?" Cove asked Penny, gently nudging her.
"How did you break your arm?" she asked.
"I just had a little accident when I was little like you," he answered.
You saw Baxter bristle a bit. He still blamed himself for being the one taking care of her when she'd fallen and broken her arm. No matter how many times you told him it was just an accident, he still beat himself up over it.
Xavier noticed the slight change in his demeanor too, and they leaned past Cove to talk to Penny.
"I hope you save room for dessert!" they said cheerily.
Penny gasped and her eyes widened. Cove may have been the biggest fan of Xavier's baking skills, but your little girl was a close second.
When you got inside, you saw that everyone else had beaten you there. Liz and your mom were setting the table while Ma and Cliff were finishing up in the kitchen. Baxter put Penny down, and she darted towards the counter. Before you could catch up to her, she found a platter of Xavier's cookies and snatched one up.
"Let her have a cookie," Baxter smiled, taking the dish you held and finding a place for it on the table. "Just one cookie won't hurt."
"Is Baxter spoiling the baby again?" Liz asked as she approached you for a hug.
"Literally every second of every day ever," you replied.
"I say spoil them while you can," Cliff said, joining the conversation. "They're only little for a little while, and they turn out OK in the end."
Cove smiled smugly, and Penny yelled, "Thank you Grandpa Cliff!" before stuffing another cookie in her mouth.
After dinner, everyone chipped in to clean up -- or almost everyone. Penny had brought toys, and she, Cove and Liz were in the living room playing princesses.
"Cove looks pretty cute in a tiara," you told Xavier, who was helping you wash dishes.
"He looks pretty cute in anything," they responded, giving you a big smile.
Before you could say anything else, you heard a sharp squeal coming from the living room. You instinctively dropped what you were doing and ran over to see what had happened, as had Baxter.
Penny was clutching the arm that was in a cast, tears welling up in her big brown eyes. Liz was already kneeling down next to her, holding her hand, while Cove looked on nervously.
"What happened?" you asked, kneeling beside Liz.
"It hurts," your daughter whined, holding up her broken arm to you.
"We were dancing around and she bumped her cast against the coffee table," Liz explained. "I think it scared her more than anything."
"She really didn't hit hard enough to do any damage," Cove agreed, looking over to Baxter. "We wouldn't have let her get hurt."
There it was -- that same bristle as before. Cove didn't notice, his attention going back to Penny, but you and Liz shared a look.
"Hey, listen," you said softly to Penny. "Are you all right?"
"No," she whimpered.
"Are you hurt or did you get nervous?"
Penny looked at you and then up to Baxter, who offered a stiff smile.
"Nervous, I think," she answered.
You checked her over and talked to her more to make sure she was really fine before standing back up, satisfied that the situation had resolved itself. She went back to playing, and when you turned around you saw that everyone had moved over towards you to make sure everything was OK.
When you moved towards Baxter, he took a small step back.
"I believe I'm just going to step outside for a quick breath of fresh air," he said, smiling weakly. "I'll be back in two shakes."
You moved to follow him, but Cliff held up a hand.
"Let me," he told you quietly. "I think I know a thing or two about what might be bothering him."
You stayed put as Cliff followed Baxter outside. Catching a glimpse of them through the window, you saw them begin a conversation.
"Mommy, will you play too?"
"Of course."
As the four of you played -- the seven of you, once Xavier and your moms finished up in the kitchen -- you kept an eye on the window. You saw Baxter wipe at his eyes a few times but since Cliff had such an earnest expression on his face, you decided not to interrupt them.
Once you glanced over and saw them hugging, Cliff clapping a hand on Baxter's back and smiling.
"Oh great, Dad adopted another kid," Cove quipped, coming up beside you.
Soon after, they came back inside, and not long after that, you decided to leave -- it was almost Penny's bedtime, a fact made apparent when she fell asleep before you left the neighborhood.
"You OK?" you asked when you were sure she was out.
"I am," he replied, once again putting his hand in your lap.
"What did you and Cliff talk about?"
He considered the question for a moment, then said, "He talked to me about being a father."
You waited for him to elaborate, and eventually he did.
"I believe you've noticed that I've still been feeling guilty about Penny's accident," he began, his eyes focusing on the road but his hand gripping yours tighter. "Cliff told me he felt the same way when Cove broke his arm. That he'd always felt so protective over him from the moment he was born, and how that's never gone away, even now. And how ... devastating it can feel when you fail in protecting your child."
You wanted to cut in, to tell him again that what had happened wasn't his fault, but you felt he was in the middle of something important and you decided against interrupting.
"I'm sure it also won't come as a surprise for you to hear that I've often worried about being a father ... that I'd fail," he continued, his voice quieter. "I never had a great role model for that, you understand. I've read all the baby books, all the parentings books I could find, but there's only so much the written word can express when it comes to matters like these."
He glanced at Penny in the rearview mirror and said, "I love her more than life itself. I would die for her with no hesitation. I fully plan on dedicated the rest of my days to making sure she and you have everything you ever want or need. But I ... I do sometimes fear I'm not good enough. That's what Cliff talked to me about."
"Did he help?" you asked.
"He did."
The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence, his hand in yours. You could write books about how good Baxter was, and you definitely never let him forget that you thought he was the most amazing man in the world, but sometimes when he got like this, it was best to let things sit for a bit before singing his praises.
When you got home, you climbed out of the car as quietly as possible, and Baxter unbuckled Penny, trying his best not to wake her. You unlocked the door and held it up while he carried her inside, and she didn't wake up until he laid her down.
"Daddy," she said sleepily, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly when he tried to let her go.
"You're in bed, sweetheart," he whispered, gently placing her arms at her sides and kissing her forehead. "Go back to sleep, we'll play in the morning.
"I love you is all," she said before cozying up under her blankets and shutting her eyes again.
Baxter turned around again, smiling ear to ear. You both left your daughter's room, shutting the door softly behind you.
When you were in the hall, he wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you in close and giving you a long, deep kiss.
"What was that for?" you asked when he pulled back a bit.
"I love you is all," he answered, resting his forehead against yours.
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dc418writes · 9 months
A Home for the Holidays✨
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✨Pairing✨: fighter!Curtis Everettxblack!reader
Summary🪄: Since he could remember, the holidays were never merry or bright for Curtis. That is until this year
⚠️: 18+ NO MINORS!, mentions of past childhood/domestic abuse, bit of angst, cursing (only 2 words), ends in fluff tho because it’s the Holidays💕 lol
A/N🎙️: timeline wise this takes place years before the events of “Where’s the Love?” Hope everyone enjoys! I’m gonna try to put out more holiday themed pieces that I’ve had ideas for, but then again we’ll see since I don’t have much free time 😬
*DISCLAIMER!: although visual/collage made by me, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of media used as they were all found via Pinterest and Tumblr*
Curtis was pleasantly surprised entering his bedroom to find his side of the bed occupied by you beautifully resting in his white tank. The one you usually slept in when you stayed the night
Presumably, you must’ve let yourself in whenever you were done with your family’s holiday festivities and he was still working the shipyard
Quietly - to not wake you -, he slides off his coat then work boots before discarding them in his closet. The rest of his clothes are shed in the adjoining bathroom before stepping into the lukewarm shower to wash the day’s work away
As soon as he gets his blanket over your body, you’re sleepily turning to face him with squinted eyes and then a tired smile. Curtis adoringly chuckles sweeping your wild curls from your face with his warm fingertips
“Thought I could wait for you.”
“S’alright. Go back to sleep,” he replies pulling you closer to kiss your forehead. You answer by placing a couple pecks under his bearded jaw before your even breaths signal you’ve fallen back asleep
Curtis’ rest isn’t as quick to come though, which isn’t a surprise. Working at all hours, throughout his life, it was fairly difficult sticking to a scheduled bedtime
However, having you here in his arms, he didn’t mind the restlessness tonight. Curtis took it as his limited moment of peace savoring your sweet scent as his fingers slowly glided along the span of your back. He stayed this way - occasionally leaving loving pecks to the top of your head - until the digital clock flashed midnight officially bringing Christmas Day
And with it, all the memories and trauma Curtis couldn’t seem to get away from
The monotonous, high pitched beep of the fire detector has Curtis jumping out of bed before he can even register what’s happening
His head a bit fuzzy and swimming from the fast movements so suddenly as he stops just outside the bedroom watching you stand on a chair trying to fan the smoke away from the detector
“You okay?”
“Yea,” you sigh letting him help you down - with arms wrapped around your legs - before he easily stretches up to remove the device from the wall permanently ending its annoying sound. “I was trying to make you toast in the oven, but then I got caught up prepping for dinner and burned it. I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Eyes now fully focused, he notices the eggs and strips of bacon waiting on a plate. A carton of orange juice on the counter beside it along with the cup he usually used
On the opposite counter behind you, a small roast along with potatoes, carrots, and cans of stewed tomatoes
“What’s all this?,” he softly asks. Clearly you stopped by the grocery store as well since he definitely didn’t have all these ingredients when he left yesterday
“Breakfast,” you smile nervously twisting the hem of his tank on your body around your finger. “My uh family usually makes a big one on Christmas Day and I wanted to do that with you…if you’re hungry that is.”
He’s silent for a few seconds with strong arms crossed on his equally built chest, which makes you even more nervous that maybe your surprise isn’t being well received
“They know you’re here?”
The gruff question catches you off guard causing a confused tilt to your head. “They know I’m not with them…” you slowly answer. “Why?”
“‘Cause I don’t need them knocking down my damn door trying to find you,” he retorts as if your presence is now a bother.
So much for that perfect Christmas morning you envisioned
“Sorry to intrude then.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“You sure?,” you ask, with a quivering bottom lip, before brushing past him towards the bedroom. Curtis manages to grab your arm, but you pull free with the jerk of your shoulder.
As his tone rises calling you back, the voice leaving his mouth is no longer his but instead his father’s. With that same timbre of aggression and roughness used on him, his mother, and his younger brother.
In that moment he’s reverted to one of his earliest holiday memories. Him watching his two-year-old brother, Carter, in their shared bedroom while their parents argued in the adjoining living room. Well moreso his father.
A slight slur to his words - thanks to his trusty flask - he claimed the decorations were ridiculous and “a waste of the money they already didn’t have”.
His mother just brushed him off with a roll of her blue eyes so similar to Curtis’ and unfazed by the addition to her husband’s daily complaints. The older man didn’t take too kindly to such disrespect though.
Loud smacks turned into yelling and fussing then cries as his mother pleaded for him to stop.
“You mind your husband!,” he yelled - always needing to have the final word. Turning to walk away, his strong hand yanks down the string lights hanging on the wall along with the brightly lit tree making the plastic ornaments bounce and clatter on the floor. Meanwhile his mother sat crumbled on the shagged carpet with hands covering her probably already swollen face.
When his dark eyes locked with then four-year-old Curtis, rightfully filled with fear as he protectively held onto his baby brother, his father dared chuckle. Lightly shaking his head before walking out the front door going God knows where.
From then on, Christmas was cold inside just as much as the weather was outside. And it only seemed to get colder with each passing year.
Duffle bag on your shoulder, you finally exited the bedroom quickly wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks as you steadily walk towards the front door. All the while acting as if he wasn’t there when stepping past him. You’re nearly out the door with hand gripping the metal knob when the low rumble of his voice breaks the silence surrounding both of you.
“I don’t want you to go Dex.”
You hate how that nickname passing from his lips - and only his - instantly makes you soft. Your shoulders less tense and grip loosening until your arm drops to your side while you continue to look forward
“What happened between last night and this morning?”
A heavy, frustrated sigh leaves his lungs as he leans against the bar in front of the kitchen sink searching for his words
“You know I’m no good at this.”
“Try,” you respond turning to meet his sincere eyes containing a hint of sadness
That was always your response whenever your relationship came to a bump. Admittedly, usually caused by Curtis and his bad habit of pushing you away.
At times he hated when you said it, wondering why you didn’t just leave like the few who tried to be with him before. Instead, you challenged his resistance and wouldn’t back down unless necessary.
And deep down he appreciated it. You weren’t giving up on him, or your relationship, seeing something more in him than he could see in himself.
“Your parents don’t want you anywhere near me-,”
“And like I’ve said I don’t care what they want for me. This is my life to live and I wanna do that with you Curtis.”
“How can you truly say that? I mean look at you,” he begins, gesturing at everything you’ve done so far. “You’re waking up early trying to cook Christmas breakfast and dinner for me like some movie. Probably even have a gift for me somewhere when I can’t do this holiday shit. I never have.”
“I’m not solely with you because of your holiday cheer Curtis,” you reply stepping closer. “And what do you mean you can’t? Because you’re not rich? That doesn’t matter.”
“No, because..,” he pauses not wanting to explain any further, but with your concerned, brown eyes gazing into his the uncomfortable itch beneath his skin from such vulnerability begins to slowly disappear. He knew you loved him and bravely took all his baggage as if it were your own trying to help him through it.
You were proving that now, just as you’ve tried since you first got together.
“You’ve met my dad so you’ve seen how he can be. That was only a portion though. The first Christmas I can remember, he trashed all the decorations and tree before leaving my mom crying and bruised on the floor and me holding my little brother.”
“Holidays only got worse each year and after all this time part of me wonders…”
You toss your bag towards the wall before stepping in front of him to comfortingly place your hands on each bearded cheek. Just a small gesture showing he had your full attention. “Wonders what?,” you whisper.
“Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be for me,” he shrugs. “That the twisted part of me sharing his DNA only has so long until he’s showing his face.”
His confession has you close to tears as you immediately stretch up to place your lips on his. Your tender kiss warming him from the inside out while his arms wrap around your back pressing your body against his.
“For you to think about that, and be concerned, that shows you’ll be nothing like him Curtis. You think if I saw him in you I’d still be here?”
This makes a huff of a small chuckle leave his lips as he shakes his head and forehead falls to touch yours. Yes you were kind and the sweetest woman he’d ever met, but after watching you stand up to his father - not afraid in the slightest - he knew you’d go to hell and back for those you cared for.
It was also then he could feel himself fall even more for you.
“And no, that’s not how it’s ever supposed to be,” you add pecking his lips again. “I’m sorry he made you believe that.”
“Can’t pick our families can we?,” he simply replies in that nonchalant attitude he typically wore.
“Not our biological ones. But we have chosen families too.” This time it’s him capturing your lips with his and leaving little nips that make you giggle.
“I’m sorry I made you think I didn’t want you here. That’s not true.”
“I appreciate it, but I should’ve texted first. Might’ve saved us from all this,” you nervously laugh.
“Dex you never have to ask to come here, alright? I want this to be your place like it is mine.”
Looking up at the man in front of you, your eyes excitedly gleam and face brightens - reminiscent of a child opening a present - hearing those words. It tickles Curtis watching you immediately try to calm yourself and play it cool replying with a relaxed “okay” as you switch your focus to the pendant hanging just below the dip at the base of his neck that sat perfectly in your line of vision.
“Y-You mean it?,” you quietly ask carefully tracing the intricate lines with your fingernail. You sounded so delicate and fragile, making him squeeze you comfortably tighter while he kissed the top of your head.
“Of course. You’re all the family I have.”
Being there in his arms, you can’t help but contently sigh snuggling your face deeper in his chest. Your heart warm and full standing with the man you loved so dearly.
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slowlyhardgoatee · 9 months
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A friend of my dad’s is sitting in our living room when I come downstairs. 
He’s dressed in a Santa outfit. 
‘Mr Harris?’ I ask, bewildered. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Hey, son,’ he says, winking at me. ‘I know your parents aren’t around for the holidays and I had a spare key, so just wanted to stop in and see how you’re doing. You wanna come over here and tell Santa what you want for Christmas?’ 
I laugh and turn towards the kitchen. ‘No thanks, I’m 21. I think I’m a little old for Father Christmas, don’t you?’
‘Suit yourself,’ he says, and stands up and stretches. I hadn’t really noticed until now, but the suit is half unbuttoned, and I can see his big, hairy, powerful chest straining against it as he stretches. 
He catches me staring and I blush. 
‘Hehe,’ he chuckles. ‘You sure you don’t wanna come sit up on my knee, son?’ 
I hesitate. My mouth is dry. Secretly, I’ve had a crush on my dad’s friend for years but I never thought anything would ever come of it. 
‘At least tell me which list to put you on,’ he says as I walk slowly back toward him. 
He pulls me down onto his lap. ‘Naughty or nice’, he says. 
Firmly holding me on his lap, he slowly starts to bounce me up and down on his knee. 
‘N-naughty’, I stammer, looking into his eyes.
‘Yeah?’ He murmurs in my ear. ‘You been a naughty boy, have you, eh?’
‘Yes, Sir’, I choke out. I suddenly realise I’m rock hard. 
‘And what do you think naughty boys should get?’
He’s still moving his knee up and down so that I have to put my hand on his chest to steady myself. 
‘A spanking,’ I reply without thinking. 
He laughs, another dry, dirty chuckle. ‘Yeah? Over my knee for a good hiding, is that it, boy? I think we can do better than that. I think,’ he murmurs into my ear again, ‘bad boys like you need a good hard fuck. What do you say to that?’
I whimper a little as his hand strays towards my crotch. As he caresses the bulge in my jeans he says, ‘Oh, I don’t think you need to say anything at all.’ 
He orders me to strip and get on all fours. I hear the sound of a belt buckle coming undone behind me, and he says, ‘You ready for my cock, faggot?’
I nod imperceptibly. Before I know it, I feel his full weight on top of me and he gets a fistful of my hair and pulls gently, forcing me to arch my back. Again he speaks, low, into my ear. ‘When I ask you a question, boy, the answer is ‘Yes, Sir’. Is that clear, faggot?’
‘Yes, Sir,’ I reply instantly. 
‘Good’. Then the weight shifts slightly, and that’s when I feel his thick, hard cock resting in the cleft of my arse. ‘Now, why don’t you tell me where you want my cock, boy? Nice and loud.’
‘Deep up my faggot cunt, please, SIR!’ I shout. 
‘Yeah? That where you want it, boy?’ 
‘Yes please, Sir.’
‘Yeah? Bareback?’
‘YES SIR!’ I am trembling with anticipation.
‘Good boy. Here it fucking comes.’ 
He slides into my cunt, balls deep. ‘Thank you SIR!’ I scream. 
‘God, I’ve been wanting to fuck you for a couple of years now, son. Been biding my time. And now, here we are. Christ, that’s a tight cunt. You’re a virgin, ain’t’cha boy?’
‘Yes Sir,’ I reply, feeling him thrust into my hole. 
He chuckles again. ‘Yeah, just my fuckin’ type. Dirty whore.’ 
He keeps going, holding onto my hips and thrusting hard. Several minutes pass, during which he keeps pulling my hair to keep my back arched so he can thrust deeper into my cunt. 
‘You ready for me to flood your fucking guts for you, faggot?’ 
‘Yes Sir’, I reply, whimpering in pleasure.
‘Good, because I’m about three thrusts from breeding your cunt.’
I feel him thrust twice, and then he pulls out. I wait a second, then turn my head to look at him behind me. He’s breathing heavily, that gorgeous furry chest rising and falling.
‘What’s the matter?’ I ask. 
He looks me right in the eyes. ‘Beg for it, faggot. Beg me to breed that hole.’
I catch on quickly. ‘Please, Sir,’ I beg, giving him my best fuck-me eyes, ‘please dump that load up my faggot cunt. I need that fucking seed please Sir. Spunk in my fucking guts. Fucking knock me up, please Sir.’
He grabs hold of my hips and thrusts into my cunt, balls deep. As he thrusts, I tense and squeeze my arse muscles so I’m extra tight for him. 
‘Oh, you dirty little slut’, he mutters as he realises what I’ve done. And then, ‘FFFFFUUUUUUUUCK’, he shouts, and I feel him shoot his load deep in my arse. He thrusts a time or two more, just enough so he knows every last drop is dumped up my cunt, and then I feel him get off me. 
‘Thank you, Sir’, I say. He sits down on the chair again and pulls me onto his lap. 
‘We can’t tell your parents about this, boy. Not yet, at least. Understand?’
We’re kissing, deep and passionately. ‘Yes Sir,’ I reply. ‘Anything you say.’
‘So, have you learned your lesson, boy? You gonna be a good boy from now on?’
I smile cheekily at him, before saying ‘No. If anything, I’m gonna be as bad as possible.’ I reposition myself on his knee so I can duck my mouth down to his right nipple, which I start licking, sucking and lightly biting.
‘Then I guess I’ll have to keep fucking you, boy. Once a week at least, until - careful, boy. You’re going the right way for another good hard fuck.’
‘Mmm-hmm’, I murmur, my mouth still working his nipple while my hands explore that big, hairy chest. I slide off his knee, release his nipple from my mouth and say, ‘I’m counting on it.’ Then I kiss my way down his body until I’m kneeling in front of him. 
I look up. ‘The next load of cream you shoot is gonna be right down the back of my faggot throat, Sir. All over my fucking tonsils. I’ll swallow it all.’ 
‘Good boy,’ he says, and I feel his hands on the back of my neck, ensuring I won’t be going anywhere for a while. I open my mouth, and deep throat his thick cock. My hands instantly go to tug on his nipples while he fucks my throat. ‘Good fucking boy.’ 
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eirist · 9 months
One More Sleep
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: A ZoNa Holiday Events is up at Tumblr for the month of December. We got selected themes for each day and we’d love other ZoNa shippers to join and celebrate our favorite couple with holiday-themed fanarts and fanfics! Feel free to check it here: @zonamievents
Unexpectedly wrote this one just this Christmas dawn/morning (my timezone) because I can’t sleep from too much eating. And coffee. Zoned out once this is done. It’s what I would say a go figure work and definitely smells of a companion one-shot.
 Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone!
Theme: # 25 - Hibernate
Summary: “Why don’t you go up and check on him?” “Why does everybody keep telling me that?”
“Is he still asleep?”
Nami raised one eyebrow as she directed the question to the tinkering sniper. Usopp momentarily paused from what he was doing and blinked up at her.
She just continued looking at him, waiting for an answer. The curly-haired lad shrugged his shoulders in response. “Probably,” he said as went back to adjusting the screws on his latest invention. “Didn’t hear any sound coming from the nest since this morning.”
Nami pursed her lips at that. It was already late afternoon. Scratch that. It was nearing sun set to be more precise.
“Seems overboard even for him.” She flicked a glance at the crow’s nest before her eyes riveted to Usopp. “Are we sure he’s still alive in there?”
Now Usopp stopped working, shooting her an incredulous look. Then his face broke into a grin that Nami finds a bit irritating.
“You seemed concern? Why not go up and check on him?” He suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
Nami fought the urge to punch him on the head. “I am so not! I’m just wondering why he hasn’t lugged his stupid ass down here, being a nuisance and pissing Sanji-kun off!”
“O-kay,” Usopp mouthed looking like he’s not buying her explanation. He studied Nami for a moment and snickered when he saw her looking up at the crow’s nest again.
“What?” Nami asked in a sharp tone when she heard it. She glared daggers at her so-called friend knowing full well that he plans to subject her to some teasing.
“Nothing.” Usopp was quick to answer and he immediately went back to his work, feigning concentration.
“Urgh,” Nami groaned. “What a waste of time.” She muttered before stomping away from him to head at the galley.
Behind her Usopp snickered again.
She didn’t bother turning around to confront him or scare the shit out of him. Instead she just said, “All that snickering’s gonna cost you Usopp.”
She ignored the shout of protest that came from behind her.
“Is he still not up?”
Nami asked that question again. Only this time she directed it to her captain instead of the long-nosed sniper.
Luffy blinked back at her. Almost the same as what Usopp did earlier, exactly three hours ago.
He looked a bit confused as if he did not comprehend what she was asking.
And based from his answer… he definitely did not. “Who?” Her idiotic captain questioned back. A nerve ticked on Nami’s forehead before she replied. “Zoro.” Luffy paused for a moment, before he broke into a grin and laughed. “Oh. Zoro! Shishishi! Guess not. I haven’t seen him since…” he tilted his head, as if pondering. “Uhm…” “Stop that.” Nami instantly decided to put a stop to his thinking with a slight wave of her hand. Or they’ll be at it until… some other things manage to catch Luffy’s attention. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Why would I hurt myself?”
“Ugh, never mind.”
Luffy was looking at her strange. Then he blurted out. “Oi! Have you seen Zoro, Nami?”
Nami stared at him disbelievingly. Her fist throbbed from the effort of holding back and preventing herself from thumping him on the head. “I already asked you that Luffy! So that means I haven’t.”
“Oh! Why are you looking for him?”
“Because I haven’t seen him since…” she trailed off. Sweet heavens! Did she really fell into the Luffy loop where they’ll just keep asking each other, confusing each other and actually ending up with no clear answer?
Luffy was looking at her eagerly.
She exhaled loudly. “You know what; Sanji-kun is cooking something delicious in the kitchen for tomorrow.” Nami decided to just distract her ever gluttonous captain. “You might want to check it out.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially.
That perked the rubber man up. “Really?” His eyes went wide and Nami could swear she can see meat in them.
She nodded and just like that Luffy went bounding towards the galley, shouting meat at the top of his lungs.
There were a lot of cursing coming from the kitchen and something about ‘It’s way past dinnertime!’ and ‘That food is for tomorrow!’ and ‘Luffy you idiot captain!’. Then some sounds of scuffle and a few thuds here and there.
Nami just shrugged like it wasn’t her fault.
Sorry Sanji-kun! She internally apologized for distracting Luffy with their chef.
------------------------ “No one’s seen him since yesterday.”
“Huh?” This time it’s Nami’s turn to blink in surprise at the sudden information. She had just stepped inside the girl’s room after spending the rest of the night in the library working on one of her maps. It was almost midnight when she finally decided to get some rest and finish the other charts tomorrow.
The whole day passed and still the person she was looking for haven’t shown himself. Not during breakfast, lunch or even dinner that Sanji-kun was a bit peeved since ‘that stupid marimo is wasting food’—his exact words. Yet, the blond cook did not bother going up the nest to check on him. ‘That idiot is a grown man after all and the hell with him!’. He had grumbled while in the middle of dinner.
Robin was sitting on one of their comfy sofas; the round coffee table in front of her was filled with open books. She was poring over a thick history volume when Nami entered.
“What was that?” Nami prompted when Robin did not say anything after what she declared.
The raven-haired beauty lifted her head to regard Nami. She smiled. “Zoro. He hasn’t gone down the nest since yesterday.”
“Uhm… I wasn’t…” the navigator began.
Robin raised a curious eyebrow at her. “You’ve been asking around.”
Nami felt her face heat up at that. She was about to say she wasn’t. Besides she made sure to ask their crewmates randomly and one by one to appear surreptitious and not pique their curiosity so much on why she’s inquiring about their green-haired swordsman.
But the archaeologist was sneakier than her, for she had known exactly what Nami is up to.
So lying definitely won’t work. Robin knows everything and anything that goes in their ship with her convenient ability to produce her eyes and ears everywhere.
That or maybe Franky tipped her off after she asked him earlier. That speedo-wearing pervert!
“Why don’t you go up and check on him?” Robin spoke again as she flipped a page of her book.
Nami pouted as she plopped down her bed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why does everybody keep telling me that?”
“Maybe because it’s the obvious thing to do instead of going around and asking everybody about him.” Robin threw her a small smile as her tone emphasized the word ‘everybody’. “Would’ve saved you the trouble.”
The orange-haired girl flinched slightly at that. Robin had caught her slip. Well, it’s not like she didn’t know already.
And did she really went around and asked everyone on the ship? She only questioned Usopp and Luffy… … and Sanji-kun and Chopper and Franky and Brook and Jinbei…
Her shoulders slumped at her realization. That’s the whole crew… almost.
Robin was looking at her expectantly. “We’re nearing a winter island right? Weather’s been too cold these last few days…”
Nami stared at her. “Yeah we are,” she agreed with a nod of her head. She considered what the older woman just said. “What? You mean he’s like hibernating or something?” Nami’s eyebrow lifted high at that, disappearing behind her orange bangs. “What is he? A bear?!”
Robin laughed softly before returning to her book. “With the weather this cold, he’d definitely prefer sleeping. Can’t blame him right?” She lifted her eyes again and looked at her pointedly. “He’s probably just catching up on sleep. After all he’s been pulling double shifts these last few days,” she tilted her head slightly, still gazing at Nami meaningfully. “Isn’t he?”
Nami winced. Zoro was indeed pulling double night-watch shifts lately. But no one knows that.
Except her and him.
And Robin… apparently.
She didn’t answer so as not to affirm what Robin was saying.
“Can’t be that comfortable on the nest’s floor.” Robin murmured, that certain smile never leaving her face even as she perused her book again.
Nami’s brows furrowed at that.
“How about a nice pillow and one of those wonderful blankets we got from Sherpa Island?” She suggested and multiple hands sprouted to open their closet door to pull one out, lightly throwing it at Nami.
“Eeeh?” Nami retorted even if she held out her arms to catch it. She gaped in surprise when Robin’s hands made a grab for her pillow and placed it in her arms.  
“He’d probably sleep until he’s on watch again.” Robin smiled at her. “You can bring it up with you. I’m sure you’re going to go up there to finally check on him.”
“Ara, aren’t you planning to do that?” Robin now has a cheeky smile on her face. “Or do you need me asleep before you sneak out?” She gave Nami a wink.
The map maker was speechless. How much does Robin knows???
“It wouldn’t hurt to make sure he gets a good rest right? After all it’s your shift he’s been covering.”
Nami blushed hard at that. Zoro was indeed covering her watch shifts. But only because HE said he WILL!
“For the record. He insisted.” Nami explained with frown as she bundled the blanket and pillow in her arms. “I did not force him to!” “Oh? Then that’s sweet of him to offer don’t you think?”
Nami blushed harder than she ever thought possible.
“He just… I just… He…” she stuttered before finally finding her ground.
“Why am I even explaining?!”
Robin looked at her knowingly, mischievously. “Why indeed?”
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Day 1: Donatello + Mistletoe
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Summary: Donnie catches you under the mistletoe with him!
Warnings: None!
Note: Yes I did make that banner in Canva, I tried my best! 😅
You stood back on the top step on the lair's entrance marveling at your work with a victorious grin. Somehow, you'd managed to convince Splinter to let you throw the guys a Christmas party, and you couldn't be more pleased with yourself. Of course there was a very tight guest list, but that's to be expected when you the hosts are mutants who shouldn't exist. Casey and April would be arriving shortly, and everything was decorated, it was nearly time. And to think, you'd managed to keep it all a surprise, just between you, the humans, and the rat.
"Guys, c'mere!" you shouted with uncontained glee. One by one, all the turtles filed in, each filled with wonder at the state of the living room. "Merry Christmas!" You chirped, exchanging an excited grin with their father, who had come in with them. "Well, don't be strangers! I put on some carols, we got a hot chocolate bar, and I even picked out a few movies for us to watch!"
"Wait-" Mikey froze, his eyes darting to the kitchen island, practically drooling over the assortment of cookies, hot milk, chocolate and toppings. "We get to make our own hot chocolate?!"
"Well, duh!" you laughed, walking over to him.
"Oh my gosh," he gushed, rocking on his heels and barely containing his enthusiasm. "That's so boss! I've never made hot chocolate before! Hey, by the way, what's hot chocolate?" Your jaw dropped as you scanned the boys' faces, all of them showing signs of confusion.
"You guys..." you chuckled, taking a cup from the selection. "C'mere, I'll show you." You demonstrated the process of making the treat, dropping a ball of chocolate into your mug, before pouring boiling milk over it. To their awe, the shell of melted to reveal a brown dust that floated around atop the liquid. After mixing it, you dropped a handful of marshmallows into the drink, before topping it with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. After you finished, you took a sip, humming with delight, beofre wiping away a small milk mustache. "That's just how I do it, but you can do it how ever you want! It's better with milk than water, though."
You barely had the chance to move out of the way before the bar was ransacked by grabbing hands, a chorus of bickering to accompany. You giggled, shaking your head and heading to the sofa, just in time for Casey and April to arrive.
"So you guys have never celebrated Christmas before?" the ginger asked curiously, sipping her coco.
"Not exactly," Leo answered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Not like this at least."
"Christmas is a little different in Japan," Donnie explained. "Master Splinter's culture is the only one we know. Plus it's hard to celebrate anything when you live in the sewers."
"We still get gifts though!" Mikey boasted, hoisting up his skateboard and pointing to a sticker on the bottom of it. "Master Splinter gave me this last year."
"It's more about spending time with family for us," Raph added with a playful smirk. "Now matter how much it hurts."
The conversation droned on, everyone sharing a bit of what the holiday meant to them, or how they normally celebrated. Eventually it shifted to traditions, and symbols and the stories behind them. "So all this stuff has a meaning to it?" the eldest turtle asked, glancing around the room. "Even the star on top of the tree?"
You hummed in response. "Mhm! It's supposed to symbolize the star of Bethlehem, from the story of the birth of Christ. It's a Christian thing, but I just think it looks pretty!"
"What about that little plant hanging from the doorway to the lab?" Raph asked, cocking a brow and tossing a thumb towards it.
"Oh, that's just mistletoe." you replied nonchalantly.
"Wait," Donnie objected, brows furrowing together. "Isn't mistletoe poisonous?"
"Only if you eat it," you snickered. "I strongly advise against eating any of the decorations though."
"What does it symbolize?" he asked, tilting his head as he looked down at you from his seat to your left.
"Peace and fertility, I think." you answered, tapping your chin to ensure you remembered correctly. "It originated in Greece. When two people get walk under it at the same time, their supposed to kiss and make peace with each other."
The terrapin's face heated as he imagined sharing his first kiss over such an occasion. "Seems like somebody's just dyin' to make peace with you, (Y/N)." Raph chided, nudging his younger brother's side. You simply laughed them off as they began to argue.
You hummed softly to the carols that were playing on the radio as you bustled around the lair cleaning up after the party. All the attendees had retired to where ever it was they chose to rest, and Casey and April had gone home for the night. You decided to sleep over, claiming the couch as yours.
Suddenly, a soft voice made you jump as you dropped the dish you were washing. "Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Donnie," you recognized, before turning back to the sink. "Mind giving me a hand with the clean up? You guys really did a number on this kitchen."
His eyes fell downcast, before perking back up to look at you again. Maybe if he persisted, you'd notice. "Um, sure but first can you-"
"Don, sweetie, you're gonna have to speak up, I can't hear you over this water." you called from over your shoulder, wishing he'd just come to you and talk so you didn't have to yell.
"S-Sorry," he muttered, before clearing his throat and upped his volume by a few notches. He felt so embarrassed shouting the words he needed to say. "Uh, could you come over here for just a-"
Finally, your shoulders slumped with frustration, and you shut of the water, drying your hands on a towel. When you turned to face him. it took you a moment to process, and you, unfortunately needed it spelt out for you. "Um, (Y/N)? W-Would you come over here with me for just a minute?"
Your cheeks caught fire at the sight of him standing there timidly, patiently waiting for you to kiss him under the mistletoe. "D-Donnie... I-"
"Y-You don't have to," he stated, losing all his courage. "Sorry, this was a stupid idea, just forget about it."
"I'd love to..." you paused, deciding to rephrase, lest you let on to having the wrong idea. "Come over there with you..."
Your heart pounded in your head as you approached him, each step seemingly getting you no closer. Finally, you were standing directly in front of him, both of you sharing an awestruck expression. Suddenly, he cleared his throat, almost as if he had a reversed speech to recite. "Oh, look," he said nervously, his voice meek and barely there. "Looks like we're under the mistletoe..."
"Guess that means we gotta make peace then..." you trailed awkwardly.
"Guess so..." he replied, glancing around for anything he could use to buy him a little bit of time to calm down. "Guess we should-uh, k-kiss now?"
"Probably..." you encouraged, waiting less than patiently for your first kiss. Eventually, you sighed, shoulders dropping with the realization that he'd chickened out. And you couldn't be the one to initiate, since he was the one that invited you, it'd be weird! Right?
Donnie fought a war with himself, one part telling him to just buck up and go for it, and the other telling him it wasn't the right time, and that he'd made a fool of himself. When he finally glanced back at you and noticed the sadness in your eyes, and you body language queued that you were going to depart, he decided to go with the former.
"Aw screw it," he suddenly snapped, swiftly wrapping an arm around your waist, while his free hand came up to cup your cheek as he dipped you slightly, looming over you with the calmest expression. You were entranced by how suave he'd managed to become at the drop of a dime, staring up at him through half lidded eyes, lips parted and more than ready. With no more hesitation, his lips came down and claimed yours, holding that connection for a few moments.
To the both of you, it felt like hours could have ticked by in the span of just a few seconds. When you finally parted, you gasped, having forgotten about the need for air almost completely. As you collected your breath, you began to feel his touch leaving you, prompting you to leap forward and catch him in another kiss, this one much shorter.
"Sorry," you blushed, pulling back. "I've just been waiting for that for a while."
"Well, if I would've known, you wouldn't have." he chuckled, pulling you into his chest for an embrace. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."
@sunshinesdaydream @helpyaw @thelaundrybitch @momii @camillahorne26 @turtle-babe83 @fyreball66 @sharpwindow @roseygardenfan @pheradream15 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @hyunonion
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thecrystalquill · 2 years
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A/N: TCMOY/NA part 4!! A little shorter than the last one but the next should be longer. Don’t forget the intros! And let me know what you think :) happy reading
Masterlist     Series Masterlist     Series Intro    Your Hogwarts First Years’ Letter
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Chapter Four ~ Preparation
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The party had been even bigger than she had thought. Every relative and family friend had been invited, and all with a plus-one. There was dancing and fancy drinks and a feast enough to feed the entire town; the band played countless songs, and her parents even let her have her first champagne. It was absolutely disgusting, but she drank it. She even managed to make it through her father’s speech, explaining to everyone just how proud he was, without expressively cringing. Overall, it was a good night – as all of their parties were – but come early hours of the morning, (Y/N) still found herself relieved to see their guests out. After an early start to the day, she was so tired that all she wanted to do was crash into her pillows. In fact, she was so tired that she almost slept through lunch the next day. It was a good thing that she remembered to close her curtains.
Now that the party was over, (Y/N) only had a week to get ready for her leave, and her nerves built with each passing day. Currently, Morticia and Wednesday were helping her pack her bags, Wednesday was making and checking lists as her mother made suggestions. “Don’t forget to pack your bat. The one with the barbed wire – never know when you might need it.”
“Of course, Mother,” (Y/N) answered, taking the tool from under her bed and finding a place for it in her case among her other things, a separate one from her clothes case – she had rather a lot of things. She’d packed her spare uniform robes, and plenty of her clothes, her books (there were quite a lot of them), some of her collections, and various other things that may come in handy. Jinxy sat at his place on the windowsill, watching curiously as they shuffled about the room. “Oh! Did we get a cage for Jinxy? You know how he likes to wander off,” she asked while packing some peculiar looking jars and bottles into a trunk, letting Wednesday tick them off, then slip another in.
Her mother nodded, picking out some clothes from the wardrobe and packing them up. “Yes, darling. Lurch dug up the old bat cage, it’s quite small but it will do for your travels.” At that, Jinx’s ears perked up and he paused in the middle of licking his paw, tongue still poking out.
“Why do you have to go so far for so long?” Wednesday whined, picking up ‘The Collective Works of Edgar Allan Poe’ and dropping it on the bed. “How am I supposed to put up with Pugsley on my own? Who am I going to practise my sword skills with? You know he isn’t a good opponent, he doesn’t take it seriously enough,” she complained in a low, bored voice.
“Oh don’t worry, Wednesday,” (Y/N) replied, contemplating whether or not she should pack her crossbow, “I’ll be back for the Christmas holidays, we can catch up then. And I’m sure Father will be more than willing to fill in for me with your fights.” She couldn’t wait to be back for the holidays. “Oh! Catnip!” She exclaimed, then rushed downstairs, likely going to the greenhouse.
“It’s alright, Wednesday,” said her mother as she packed away her daughter’s set of knives, not forgetting the sharpening tools, “she’ll be home before you know it.”
“It’s not like I’m gonna miss her or anything…” Wednesday muttered.
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Two days left before she had to leave, and (Y/N) almost felt like crying – which she absolutely refused to do; but she could almost feel like it in private. She was sat on the wall of the graveyard, overlooking the whole area; from this angle she could see the whole of the Addams residence, along with the town, the coast, and the Abbey. It was one of her favourite spots, where she could watch over everything around her like a gargoyle atop a tower.
She had been reading her new textbooks over the last few weeks, studying everything with fascination and daydreaming about when she would get to explore these new topics fully, somehow it eased her worries a little. She had a herbology book open in front of her, letting the wind turn the pages as she focused her attention on her surroundings. She wondered what her time at Hogwarts would be like; would she enjoy her classes? Make some friends? A few enemies maybe? What house would she be put in? Wednesday had showed her some of the family history books from their library; many family members that attended Hogwarts were placed into Slytherin, of course this doesn’t mean to say that there weren’t any in the other houses – the family tree had its fair share of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and even Hufflepuffs. In fact, Wednesday said that Alexander Addams married a Hufflepuff lady in 1601, having met her when he was visiting from Beaubatons. There were many people in the family that had gone to Beaubatons – with the Addams’ being from Spanish and French descent – and some even attended Durmstrang, it was more of a personal choice where they had gone. (Y/N) wondered if she would have liked to go to Beaubatons, but that was all the way in the Pyrenees, and she didn’t know a whole lot of French (though she did have Latin and Spanish lessons with her father). There were even quite a few people on their Mother’s side that had attended Beaubatons, and even some from Illvermorny, which she found quite fascinating. (Y/N) thought she shared quite a few qualities from all of the houses at Hogwarts, but she supposed she would have to wait; she thought it was quite a shame that her family couldn’t be there for her sorting, why couldn’t they anyway? If it was so important, why couldn’t her loved ones be there? But she supposed it was just another tradition. And it would probably make it harder for her to say goodbye if they were there the whole time, so it was probably for the best.
Looking down to the swamp marsh that circled the back end of the property, (Y/N) stared into the muddy murky waters that gurgled and moved on its own, hoping that Hogwarts would feel like a second home to her in time.
“(Y/N)!” She heard from bellow, squinting in the near-darkness she spotted her brother from half-way across the graveyard, carrying a few explosives in his arms (he’d likely being playing with them before he came out).
“What is it, Pugsley?” She yelled back, still perched on the ten-foot wall as she grabbed her copy of One-Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and inspected the page on Devil’s Snare.
He grumbled and trudged forward a few more meters, touching every tombstone he passed – an old habit he developed as a toddler. “Grandmama says dinner’s nearly ready, we’re having eye of newt soup tonight, then she said she’ll make squid ink spaghetti tomorrow,” Pugsley explained, knowing that squid ink spaghetti was one of her favourites (she really hoped they made that at Hogwarts).
Hiding a sigh, (Y/N) took one last look across the view before tucking her book under her arm and expertly climbed down the high wall, using the gaps or odd shaped stones to hang onto before jumping down the last three feet. “Okay Pugsley, c’mon then,” she said, wrapping an arm over his shoulders and handing him her textbook to leaf through, “wouldn’t want our soup getting cold, would we?”
Pugsley shook his head as he looked at the illustrations in awe. “(Y/N), when will you teach me to climb the wall?” He asked, looking back to her spot – just being able to make out her name scratched into a stone half-way up.
She shrugged, keeping up her pace to the door. “How about next week?” She slyly suggested, to which Pugsley gladly agreed.
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