#now i just need to not check out of work until then
sailorrhansol · 3 days
Chat, is that Rizz? | jww (m)
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Pairing: Streamer!Wonwoo x Streamer! F.reader 
❀ Summary: Your rivalry with Wonwoo has existed for as long as you’ve been streaming. It’s fun, and both of your communities love it. Wonwoo is happy to play along - at least until you question his rizz while live, and he feels like he should remind you just how much rizz he has.
❀ Word Count: 5,366
❀ Genre: Established Relationship, Faux Rivals 
❀ Type: Smut, a hint of fluff
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging in and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
❀ Warnings: This is so cheesy and stupid and I don’t care!! Explicit language, teasing and light antagonization, gamer and streamer speak in spots, sexually explicit content including spanking, fingering, unprotected sex, hint of overstimulation, playful banter and teasing during sex, bodily fluids, soft dom if you squint. UNEDITED.
❀ A/N: I don’t care that parts of this are kind of cringe, @daechwitatamic tells me to write so I write and I needed to  get out of a writing slump. Yes the game they are playing is Valorant. No I did not call it Valorant. Have I played Valorant in the last year? No! Anyway, please enjoy this shameless porn no plot! Also please don't arrest me for the fucking TERRIBLE puns.
❀ Disclaimer: Disclaimer: All members of Seventeen are faces and name claims for stories. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios. Moreover, none of my works accurately reflect, represent or take a stance on the nuances of Korean culture, cities, people etc. Seventeen members are not Seventeen culturally, intellectually, physically, or representationally in my stories, and should be considered name and face stand-ins for made up characters.
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“You’re never going to hit Immortal with that strat, Wonwoo,” you tease, cringing as he gets gunned down by the enemy team’s Reyna. “Rotated too early.” 
“Here they go,” Seungcheol mutters into the mic, his exasperation making you grin as you fix your eyes on the screen. Like both you and Wonwoo, Seungcheol has already died in the round, watching as Mingyu navigates the map to pick up the bomb to attempt to save the round. 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you while you were dead,” Wonwoo shoots back. You scrunch your nose, knowing that it is, unfortunately, true. “I was in the land of the living. You know. Because I didn’t dry peek long and die.” 
“Seungcheol told me to push site!”
“Maybe push with util, though? Or be better.”
On the right side of your screen, you can see your chat blowing up. You grin and roll your eyes - you aren’t actually bothered by Wonwoo and you know he isn’t mad either. Playing games with him always elicits teasing and a steady back and forth.
Once upon a time, his poking might bother you. Now, you’ve played enough games with Wonwoo over the last two years to know better. It’s all in good faith, and it’s part of the joke, this ongoing way the two of you bicker and go tit for tat. 
“I am nothing if not an accommodating teammate,” you offer back. Mingyu manages to get to the site, swinging wildly to check for enemies. “I’m a helper. I like to help people.”
“You can help me by shutting up,” Mingyu mutters. 
“Yeah,” Wonwoo echos, a smirk prominent in his voice. “Shut up.” 
“No I’m talking to you too,” Mingyu assures. “And you did rotate without me and too early. So she’s right.”
That shuts Wonwoo up, a chorus of laughter echoing in the headset as your team watches Mingyu try and go for the clutch. Your laughter fades and you mute yourself on Discord in an attempt not to distract Mingyu, eyes flicking over to the comments flooding in on your stream.
It’s a rewarding feeling to see how many there are, donation notifications popping up on the top of your screen making your heart stutter a little. You can see Seokmin moderating as usual in the chat, reminding people the commands for frequently asked questions and removing anything weird. 
There is a lot of weird. 
“Thank you for the dono, Shaezy98. Yes, PiCheolwinning, I hit Immortal a few days ago! What do you guys think about doing a nonstop stream until I hit Radiant? Would that be fun?” 
Resounding yes responses flood the comments. You grin, pulling your legs up into the chair to make small talk with the community you’ve so carefully built over the last few years. You see a suggestion in the comments that makes you laugh, leaning forward to unmute yourself in Discord. 
“Hey Wonwoo,” you ask. “My chat wants us to try 1v1 where we customize each other’s settings. Thoughts?” 
It’s a common question. People love the dynamic you and Wonwoo specifically have, enjoying seeing the friendly rivalry grow over the years. You can recall several streams you’ve done just playing together, hosting charity events and promoting new games as a dynamic duo. 
Some wonder if you’re together. There’s no hard evidence, but there's chemistry there. A lightness to your banter that comes with a familiarity your fans try to piece together, a gentleness that sounds the edges of your insults to make sure the other knows your kidding. 
Wonwoo lets out a deep hum. “You’re gonna go demon mode on my settings. Then I’d have to change them back.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. Of course he’s worried about his settings, as if he can’t export them. “Is that a no?”
“What’s in it for me? Besides my fucked up settings and the risk you change all my weapon skins.”
Clearing your throat, you put on your best telemarketer voice. “The benefits to this offer are endless. For a limited time only, you can take advantage  of quality time spent with me-” 
“Not a benefit.” 
You ignore his interruption, a vein in your forehead ticking at the comment. “You can protect your honor and pride as a gamer, and as a special early bird offer, I’ll give all donations from that stream to a charity of your choosing. Thoughts?” 
Mingyu ends up losing the round, earning a resounding sigh and curse from everyone on the team. You move your mouse around to click through weapons and set yourself up for the next round. “They’re going to force,” you say, momentarily distracted from your sales pitch by strategy. “Wonwoo I can buy you a marshall.”
You make the transaction for him and drop the weapon so he can pick it up, noting the comments coming in from viewers.
NoLo88: See, she always does stuff for him - I swear they’re together!!!
EzBoyZ: No way would she date him.
NoLo88: Are you kidding? Have you seen Wonwoo? He’s like the hottest streamer ever.
LoLPog69: Ugh I hope they’re not dating, she’s better single. 
 “See, I’m fun. I’m nice. I’m a team player who helps win games. What do you say?” 
“Fine, it’s a date.” 
The way he so casually says it makes your stomach flip. You hesitate for a moment, blinking in surprise before you realize he’s said it without really thinking about it. Biting  your bottom lip to fight a smile, you ask, “Oh? A date? Chat, is that rizz?” 
“Oh fuck off,” Wonwoo huffs, trying to cover up his mistake. You can’t help it - your smile spreads as he rushes to gloss over what he said. “It’s a figure of speech.” 
“He’s trying to rizz me, chat!”
“In your dreams.”
“You should change your tag from WonuWizard to WonuRizzard.” Wonwoo curses as he gets killed. You cackle, killing an enemy and taking their gun. “Oo, an operator. Do you want this, Wonwoo? What about changing your tag to RizzardOfOz?” 
Wonwoo groans on the other end of the mic and you can imagine the way he pushes back in his chair, sinking a little further down as he spectates the match. “Yes, save the op for me, please. Also, get your chat out of mine. I’m going to get a Rizzstraining order.” 
You note the way he says for me when he asks for the weapon you’ve picked up to keep for him. It is a favor to him, intended for him. Your viewers notice. 
Seungcheol swears. “You two are insufferable to play with sometimes. We’re trying to win a game.” 
Mingyu huffs. “Just stop Rizzsponding, Cheol. They’ll shut up eventually.” 
With a laugh, you settle in and focus on the game. Even as the teasing dies down, you and Wonwoo fall into a comfortable give and take, working together to win the next few rounds and eventually, the entire match after Wonwoo closes out the game with an ace. 
“Wow.” You lean back in your chair, stretching. It’s getting late at night, and you feel a little tired. “Mad Rizzpect, Wonwoo. Up your rizz game and maybe I’ll go on a date with you.” 
“Up my rizz game?” His tone has shifted as everyone starts talking over one another, Seungcheol and Mingyu getting into it over something sports related. You’re focused on the soft purr of Wonwoo’s voice, though. The raspiness of it. “If I wanted to rizz you, I would.” 
Fuck. His voice. You shift a little in your seat, clicking around your secondary monitor that is off stream to pull up Wonwoo’s stream. It loads, immediately showing his dark room with slow pulsing RGB lights in the background and shelving displaying different collectible items. 
Wonwoo looks like he always does: leaned back casually in his seat, the glow of his computer reflecting in the lens of his black-frame glasses. Dark bangs hang in his eyes, the rest of his hair hidden by the hood that is pulled up over his head. He’s chewing on one of the strings of his hoodie as he talks to his chat, voice gentle.
His hoodie has a little animated version of him over the left side of the chest, the character winking and giving finger hearts. You feel your lips twitch - you always loved the little cartoon version of himself. As always, he looks totally at ease. It’s the same even in an intense game, Wonwoo never feeling the need to lean closer to the screen or showing the tension in his shoulders.
Calm. Cool. Collected.
Except when you can force a rise out of him, of course. 
A bunch of notifications flood in your chat. You look over to them, reading through them and grinning. You pull your mic toward you, shaking your head. “Ugh I have all the Wonwoo apologists in my chat defending your rizz.” 
“Good” he shoots back. You watch in delayed time as he smirks on his end. He so rarely does a full smile, but you know it’s beautiful when he does. “You need to take Rizzponsibility for implying I have no rizz.” 
“No way,” Mingyu gasps. “Two Wonwoo puns in a single night?”
“Puns and attempted rizz?” You ask, cocking your head. “Huge day for Wonwoo fans everywhere.” 
“Again, that wasn’t rizz. You’ll know it when I use it.”  
“Sure, sure. Or maybe you just… don’t have any.” 
You watch the tick in Wonwoo’s jaw. A grin spreads across your face and you try to suppress it, knee bouncing in anticipation as you watch the minute changes in his expression. He drums his fingers on the armrest of his gaming chair, hypnotizing you for a moment. He has long, elegant fingers paired with a beautiful set of hands. 
“You really think I have no rizz?” he asks, voice low and oh you know that voice. You suppress a shiver and shake your head ‘no’ before realizing that he can’t see you. Or he does - because he says, “Use your words like a big girl.” 
If you weren’t on stream, your eyes might roll back in your head at the soft purr of his voice, the way in which he immediately switches gears, put out by your accusations that you already know are false. 
And because you’re you, you push him a little more, interested to see where it goes.  “Are you watching my stream, Jeon Wonwoo?”
“Mhmm. Trying to learn rizz, since apparently I have none. Go on, show the class. What have you got?”
Seungcheol and Mingyu both ooo and quiet down, putting you on the spot. Heat tiptoes up your neck to your ears. Being a streamer by nature is being under the spotlight, especially when you have a high follower account. This is different though, the pressure suddenly flipped to you as your friends settle in, waiting. 
“It’s all about the charizzma,” you joke, voice a little raspy. You swallow, eyes flicking to your secondary monitor where you can see Wonwoo watching his screen with a growing grin. “I can’t teach you how to have that, Jeon.” 
“What can you teach me, Angel?” 
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You know that commanding tone anywhere, the soft shift from teasing to something a little darker, a little sharper. He doesn’t care that you’re both on the screen for live viewers, that this will be recorded, or that you have friends on the call, who have taken a backseat to watch the fencing match. 
And the angel. Sure, it’s a small part of your brand and gamertag, but the way Wonwoo says it implies something intimate. Darker. A gentle caress of the word against your skin. 
When you come up with nothing, Wonwoo grins on screen, devastatingly handsome. He knows he’s surprised you. “Not a problem,” he quips. “I’m an excellent teacher. I can teach you how to rizzpond to a direct question.” 
He surprises you by ending the stream suddenly. You blink in surprise, both Seungcheol and Mingyu calling Wonwoo’s name, assuming his internet has gone out or has been interrupted. With shaking hands, you remove one side of your headphones, listening. Heavy footsteps sound in the hall and you squeak, hitting the hotkey to show be right back on your stream.
Wonwoo stands in the doorway. He gives you a single, lopsided smirk before waltzing toward you, a predator stalking prey. His dark eyes are focused on you, drinking you in. 
“Noooo,” you yell at him, giddy and panicked all at the same time. You hold your hands out to push him away but he links your fingers instead pressing his palms against yours and pulls you toward him. He jerks your computer chair toward him, your knees crashing against his. “Hiiiii.” 
“No rizz, huh?” his voice is barely a murmur. 
“Ummm,” you glance over to your set up where the be right back glows. Wonwoo follows your line of sight before dropping his gaze back to you, eyes asking a question. “Do you… want to?”
Elation falls across his face. “I’m down if you are. You know that.” 
Chewing your lip, you smile and nod. You’ve long been planning to reveal that the two of you have been dating for a long time, and the present feels right. Not to mention the implication of him ending the stream and you slamming the be right back on at the same time. 
Wonwoo leans down and grabs the arms of your computer chair, spinning it around and pushing you back into the frame. He leans over your shoulder, the smell of sandalwood and lavender enveloping you, making your head spin. He hits the hotkey to turn your stream and mic back on. 
Your eyes drop to where you’re displayed in the camera, Wonwoo leans against the back of your chair, chest pressed to your shoulder as he grins at the camera. Your thighs clench, seeing that same cocky smirk you’re used to making a brief appearance on camera. 
“Sorry chat,” Wonwoo announces. “Sorry Cheol, Mingyu. I have to handle the disrizzspect going on in my own home. Say byeeee to chat, Angel.” 
“Byeeee,” you squeak on instinct, watching as he waves while your comments explode. He closes out the stream and cuts off the Discord call where Seungcheol and Mingyu are screeching, shutting down your computer entirely so there’s no chance for accidents. 
Stomach fluttering, you take off your headphones and look up at Wonwoo to find he’s already staring down at you, dark eyes hungry. You slide down a little in your chair, feeling your mouth go dry. You got what you wanted, but now that he’s there and you can feel the intensity crackling between you, you can’t help but balk just a little.
“What?” he asks, lips twitching at the corner. “Rizz got your tongue?” 
“I guess maybe you have a little rizz.”
“Ohhh, I see.” Wonwoo pulls your seat backward, spinning your chair around so that you face the bed. He lets go of the chair and walks backward, sitting on the edge of your bed. You stare at him, heart beating, breath quickening. “Now that there’s no one here I have rizz.” 
You pout. “It’s our brand.”
“Mhmm.” He leans back on your bed, the mattress dimpling under his weight. He pats his thigh with one hand. “You just love getting under my skin, don’t you?”
You climb out of your computer chair, stumbling a little as the blood starts to flow from where they were crisscrossed. He tsks at you as you regain your footing, padding over to where he sits, legs spread, thighs straining against his athletic shorts. 
Carefully, you climb into his lap. Your body buzzes as you settle over him, one knee on either side of his hips. You lean your weight into him, hands resting on top of his shoulders. Even through his hoodie, you can feel how warm his skin is. 
“Are you happy now?” 
One of his hands leaves the bed and cracks against your ass, starling you. You squeak and lean forward, the sting making your eyelids flutter. “You’re not even listening, are you?” 
“I wasn’t.” 
His hand kneads your ass through your shorts, soothing the sting from the slap. “I asked, are you happy now? Did you get what you wanted?” You nodded, letting your head hang down, burying your face in his neck. It’s warm and safe there, your thoughts sticky as his hand continues to explore your ass. “Remember when I said use your words like a big girl?”
“Yes. Yes, I got what I wanted.”
“And what was it you wanted?”
When you hesitate to answer, too focused on your slamming heart and stuttered breathing, his hand comes down across your ass again. You curse, melting into him, letting him bear your weight entirely. “Wanted to rile you up.”
“It worked.”
“I can tell.” 
Wonwoo’s hand trails to the edge of your shorts, fingers dancing along your thighs. You’re hype aware of his touch and the way it sends fire through you, stomach in knots and cunt aching between your legs as he fingers the hem of your shorts. 
“Is it okay that I interrupted your stream?”
The question is so much softer than he was a second ago. You lift your head to look at him. His face swims into focus, a momentary flicker of nervousness. Wonwoo is rarely impulsive, but the move to announce your rivalry is more romantic than most people knew was unplanned and spur of the moment. 
“It’s definitely okay. Is it okay with you?”
He nods, leaning forward to run his nose up the side of your neck. He inhales, taking in your scent and humming while the hand running along your shorts pulls at the fabric. “Just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be upset.”
“No. Now the people in your chat know you’re mine.”
“Yours?” His mouth brushes against the hollow of your throat, hot and wet. Your head tilts back, lips parting as his tongue flicks against your skin. “Just wanted to claim me, is that it?”
“Your fans are horny?”
He nips your neck and a moan drips from you. “Yours aren’t?” 
“Not like yours.” 
“Too bad for them. There’s only one angel who can get under my skin.” Wonwoo takes you by the waist and rolls you over. Your breath leaves you in a huff as your back hits the mattress. He leans over you, knees caging you in on either side of your hips as he presses his mouth to your jawline, sucking kisses up toward your ear. “Only one drawback - she thinks I have no rizz.” 
You bring your hands to the hem of his hoodie, desperate to feel him. Sliding your hands under the fabric, you press your palms against his stomach, feeling his muscle flex as his skin warms your hands. His mouth is wet against your skin, teeth nipping your earlobe teasingly, drawing a raspy sound from you. 
“I think,” you gasp as he drops a hand between your legs to press against your clothed cunt, “That she might be wrong about the rizz.”
Wonwoo’s fingers apply pressure, barely circling your clit through the fabric. It worsens the ache between your legs, your thoughts getting scattered as you squirm underneath him. He brings his mouth to yours, stealing a greedy kiss. 
This is the part of Wonwoo that you know only you see. Where the calm and collected gamer turns into an all consuming force, stealing the breath from your lungs as his tongue presses against yours. You kiss him back with equal want, whimpering into his mouth as he presses his fingers a little harder against you. 
“Please,” you breathe against his mouth between kisses. “I know I was mean but please.”
“Why should I?”
“Because I’m sorry!”
“Are you, though?” He mouths down your neck to your collarbone, the sting of his teeth soothed by the rough pass of his tongue. “You got exactly what you wanted and more.” 
“I ammmm.”
His laughter is rough. The hand between your legs comes up to the top of your shorts, dipping past the waistline to sink downward. He groans when he feels the dampness of your underwear, the way he’s already worked you up. 
“No rizz,” he mutters to himself. You throb when you feel his fingers pull your underwear to the side, knuckles running up your wet folds where he stops at your clit to press down. Your nails scrap against his abs, body tensing under the stimulation. “This is a wet fucking fucking pussy for someone who has no rizz.” 
You can’t think of a response, mind reeling as Wonwoo plays with you properly. You writhe in his hands, melting as his fingers brush up and down your slit before coming back up to gently circle your clit. Your feet kick a little under him, unable to sit still as he works you - teases you. 
Fuck you realize he might do this all night. 
“You have a lot of rizz,” you breath, pressing the back of your head into the bed, gasping in surprise as he sinks a finger into your entrance. Already you’re clenching down on him, wanting more. “Fuck.” 
“I don’t know… maybe I just… lack what you need.”
“No,” you answer quickly. “Just… ugh like that.” 
The ease at which he knows how to touch you makes everything feel tenfold. Wonwoo knows you like the back of your hand, both intimately and mentally. What had started as two streamers annoying one another had turned into friendship at some point - you’d met him at a convention and realized he was far gentler and softer than you imagine. 
That had turned into something further - something deeper. The want when you were around him was something that you hadn’t expected, but it hasn’t gone away since. Even though you get to have him like this, finger stroking your inner walls and palm pressed against your clit, you always want more. Can’t stop wanting him. 
“Want,” you mutter, the only word you can think of. You feel the smile pressed against your skin, the wetness slicking his fingers as he presses in a second, stretching you. Your hips can’t off the bed but he pushes you back down, making you whine. 
“Why should I?” 
“Not a good enough answer.” 
Wonwoo starts to retract his hand and you scramble, digging your nails into his hip to claw him back toward you. “Cause I love you.” 
“Cause I want you.”
“So close.”
“Cause I need you.” 
He hums in thought. “Good enough. Help me take these fucking shorts off.” 
Wonwoo pulls his hand out of your shorts and leans upward. You rip your hands from his hoodie to slide your shorts off, peeling your underwear down as you do. He taps you on the thigh, fingers sticky from your arousal as he shifts higher. You know what he’s asking, scooting backward on the mattress to give yourself more real estate.
His mouth comes back down to yours, lips soft. You love kissing him, tongue tangling as you bring your hands up to slide your fingers through his hair. He makes an appreciative sound, one hand supporting his weight as he hovers over you while the other slots back between your legs to resume where he left off.
Unrestricted by your shorts, he’s able to thrust his fingers properly. Your gasps break his kisses, hips rolling to meet the stroke of his fingers. He’s always been skilled with his hands, able to peel you apart, pressing the pads of his fingers into that sweet spot over and over again. 
His thumb presses against your clit, adding stimulation as he moves it from side to side slowly, aided by the wetness gathered there. You let yourself get lost in him, pressure tightening in your stomach as you climb toward an orgasm. 
Your hands are everywhere - pulling at his hair, pulling at his shoulders, pulling at his arms. He lets you grip at him, lets you squirm beneath his ministrations, letting you have free reign. It’s a favor to you, in a way. He’s letting you get away with your earlier teasing, not drawing it out like he’s known to do, not making you beg.
Moans bracket the wet sound his fingers make in your cunt as he works you to the edge. Your breaths come out in short hisses behind clenched teeth and your thighs squeeze his hand. He’s unfettered, laughing roughly against your ear, breath hot.
“What would your chat say?” he asks. “Huh? What would they say if they knew you fell apart like this? That your cunt melts around my fingers.”
“Fuck,” you whisper, so close to your orgasm that your ears are starting to buzz. 
“All this time they thought we were frenemies. Have no idea I get to have you like this whenever I want.”
“I’m gonna-”
“Yeah, you’re gonna.” His fingers press harder, the pressure mounting further. “Gonna come all over my fingers, yeah? Just like you always do?” 
You do. 
Everything comes together in one, cohesive snap. You arch into him, muscles squeezing, teeth clenched, eyes shut. It feels good when you unravel, coming around his fingers as they fuck you through it, determind to extend your high for as long as he can. 
Your breathing is ragged by the time you start to come down, shirt sticking to your skin and neck and face flushed as you try to escape him. He laughs a little, hand slowing until his fingers are still inside you, pressed deep. 
When you open your eyes, the room is spinning. It takes you a second to focus on him. His head is hanging, gaze focused where his fingers are still shoved in your pussy. You can see your arousal shining on his wrist and feel where you drip down the curve of your ass. 
“A lot of cum for someone with no rizz,” he notes, lifting his head to grin at you. 
“Oh shut up.” 
He retracts his hand and you make a pitiful sound at the loss. He stands up, suddenly leaving you cold and shivering. He brings his fingers to his mouth absently, popping them between rosy lips as he sucks your fluid off easily, making an appreciative sound. 
“I mean if you want me to leave-”
“No, no! No need for that.” He smirks. “You’re already… here and stuff.”
“And stuff.” 
Rolling his eyes, he peels the hoodie up and over his head. You watch, suddenly entranced by the blue tint on his tan skin and the way his muscles flex when he leans to kick off his sweats. Wonwoo is beautiful, his body made up of equal parts streamlined edges and softness. 
Sleeper build, you’d joke the first time you saw him shirtless. On stream, he’s always hidden in baggy shirts and hoodies. You’d never realized he was hiding a body that was at peak athletic form, oversized clothing giving way to rippling arms and a hard chest. 
Naked, he shuffles back to the bed. You let him pull you out of your top, thankful for the warmth of his hands skating over your chilled skin. Your nipples tighten in the cool air, your toes curling at the sensation as you lay back on the bed and look up at him.
Haloed by blue light, Wonwoo looks like some sort of demon or angel. You’re not sure - perhaps he’s equal parts. His hands reach behind your thighs and lift, pressing your legs upward toward your chest. The stretch feels good but it also pries you open, making you writhe when you feel the weight of his cock on your pussy. 
“Hold yourself open for me,” he murmurs gently. Your hands reach behind the back of your knees, pulling. He gives you a lopsided grin, leaning over you to press his weight into the backs of your thighs, helping. “Stay just like that, fuck.” 
You do as he says. You have no other choice, especially when he presses the head of his cock into your entrance, sinking in slowly. You let out a loan moan shaped in his name as he presses in, the fit tight and the pressure delirious. 
Wonwoo bottoms out, holding himself to you, hips to ass for a second. He presses in all of his weight, the mattress creaking under you as he does. He drops his chin to his chest, curses as he takes a few deep breaths, chest heaving. 
You fuck him up too. You know it and you love it, watching as he looks up at you, eyes glazed over with lust, but still full of love. It simmers right at the surface, so obvious that you wonder how anyone could ever not see it when it’s right there.
Slowly, he starts to move. You suck in a breath, head falling to the side. Your fingers ache where you grip your thighs, knuckles shaking. A light sheen of sweat wicks your legs, making your hold slip a little. It’s okay, though. Wonwoo leans into you, keeping you pried open as his hips fuck into you at a steady pace. 
Each thrust feels like it punches the air from your lungs. You draw in deep breaths when you remember, otherwise distracted with the way he crowds you in, crushing you to the mattress. The feeling of him is insane, your thoughts cobwebbing together, the only word you can think of being his name. 
He pants, his arms scooping around your shoulders to pull you into him. A curse leaves your mouth. He’s got you folded in half, no escape from the drill of his hips, the air turning to static between you. Wonwoo is pressed close and you somehow wish you were closer, wanting to drop the grip on your thighs to hold him instead.
Wonwoo reads you like a book. “Go ahead,” he hisses between thrusts. 
“Thank you,” you gasp, dropping your legs in favor of sliding your hands through his sweaty hair, nails scratching his scalp. You feel him shiver and you do it again, pulling his face to you so that you can brush your mouth against his, barely a kiss. “Fuuuuuuck, Wonwoo I-”
“I know.” 
“Close close close.”
He doesn’t pick up his pace but he throws his weight into you more, fucking you deep and hard. You see stars, squeezing your eyes shut as you slide against one another, muscles aching, lungs screaming. You feel like you can’t breathe but you don’t care, skating the line of your second orgasm so close.
Your heart pounds in your ears. Your breath scrapes your throat. There is a moment of absolute nothing but white noise and then you’re crashing, slamming into your orgasm with enough force to knock your head with his when you lurch forward.
It doesn’t even hurt, the electric pleasure outweighing the knock to your head as his fingers dig into your shoulders, cradling you harder as he pistons faster, getting himself to peak. You go limp, held tilted back as he growls your name and loses a rhythm, breath hissing between his teeth. 
For a moment everything is disjointed until he slows to a stop, letting you unfold but pressing his body down onto yours. His weight is comforting, grounding you as your thoughts wander, a little confused and without navigation as your system reboots from the orgasm, tired and staticky. 
Wonwoo kisses your jaw lightly, a gentle contrast to seconds ago when he folded you in half. 
Slowly, he slides to the side, giving you room to breathe. Your body is slick all over - especially between your legs - and the room cools your over-warm skin. You crane your neck to face him, eyes fluttering open as you come back to, a little more lucid. 
His dark eyes find yours and he grins before tossing an arm over your waist just to keep you connected. You place your hand on his arm, returning the gesture, just wanting to touch him. 
“I think I died,” you joke, voice rough. “God.” 
“Yeah? Hey chat,” Wonwoo hums, a grin splitting his face. “How about that for rizz?” 
@jespecially @asyre @eoieopda @todorokiskitten @pyeonghongrie-main @sebbyswifu
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bigwishes · 2 days
Big Man on Campus
(a trade with @alphajocklover)
Trent had been going to college for almost 4 years at this point, he was 21 and steadily approaching his 22nd birthday and approaching his graduation even faster. He had spent most of his time inside, working on his computer engineering degree or gaming. He didn't really care for the college party scene, he'd much rather stay in his tidy little single all weekend until monday classes.
but when it finally sank in how close it was to being over Trent couldn't help but have a little bit of regret, should he have hit the gym with the other guys on his floor? should he have joined the casual rowing team just for some fun and exercise? was computer science really what he wanted a degree in? Senior doubt and regret flooded his mind, but there was still an upside. 4 months were left, 4 months he'd make the most of.
Trent went on the college forums looking for something to do, he thought about a few of the options but found two that he really liked. The first was a dungeons and dragons club the second was listen as an exercise club but it also seemed to be a project for two sport science students.
Transformation Experiment Ground: "Our names are Brody and Clark, we are looking for young males on campus who are out of shape looking to get in shape and help with our experiment. Come form a sense of community, get the body you desire and help us with our research!" Monday came and classes went. Normally Trent would go home and smash out a few ours gaming but it was time for his clubs to start. First he had the sport experiment thing, the only issue was he only had a few minutes to get to the dnd club across campus, but he wasn't sure how sweaty he'd get or if he'd need a shower. He just had to hope there was a shower at the campus gym.
Trent checked his phone, he thought he was going to the campus gym but the address was for a room in the athlete scholarship dorms. Trent walked passed the gym and into the building next to it. The halls had photos of previous college athletes plastered up between the doors.
Finally he arrived, right on time, room 223. Trent raised his hand to knock when the door suddenly swung open. Standing before him was a jacked guy with spiked blonde hair in a black tank and grey sweat pants and standing next to him just slightly down the hall was an equally jacked dude with shaggy brown hair in the same outfit.
"hey bro what's up I'm Brody and just over there is Clark"
Brody stuck out his hand but when Trent went to shake it he realised Brody was waiting for a fist bump not a hand shake, Trent awkwardly closed up his hand and bumped Brody's fist. Clark let out a douchey laugh that echoed out the door.
"Come in man, come in"
"You are, the only one comin" Clark sighed
"oh, was I the only one who signed up?"
Trent started to get anxious, guys who looked like this normally bullied him and now he was going to be on his own with them for an hour. Trent made his way into the room, following Brody and Clark.
The athlete dorms were so much bigger than the other rooms he'd been in. There was a large lounge space with a small kitchen, a door to a private bathroom and two bedrooms either side of the lounge.
In the corner of the lounge there was a small fold out chair and table. On the table were 5 green vials and what looked to be an oculus rift stripped down to its basic components.
"so ummm, where do we start with like a workout plan?"
"nah dude, I mean I can totally write you one but this is a bit more of a series of practice experiments" Brody said as he walked over to the small table
"get him hooked up man, I'm gonna grab my laptop with the video"
Trent followed Brody over to the small fold out chair
"its nothing too fancy but our class mates got the actual sports lab, apparently our experiment is pseudo-science"
"what exactly are you guys studying?"
"we are trying to see if active suggestion and nutrients redirection can get people to actively pursue fitness"
"oh damn, I just thought this was like, a workout class" Trent sat down as Brody began setting up the make shift visor. "if you don't mind me asking, what are you guys majoring in?"
"well I'm getting a double major in bio-chemistry and psychology"
"and I'm getting a double major in computer engineering and software development" Clark said as he walked back in carrying an open laptop
Trent's jaw almost dropped to the floor, he'd come here thinking he was going to be made to workout by two dumb jocks who were just going to scribble times on a napkin, but instead he's participating in a proper experiment designed by two people probably leagues smarter than him.
"okay man its real easy, we are gonna hook up an image display for a few minutes and you'll take a shot of this" Clark said as he handed over one of the small green vials.
"errrr, is it safe?"
Clark burst out laughing and Brody couldn't help but crack a smile.
"yeah man, its just a diet supplement you can get offline, fda approved, basically it tells your muscles they want to hold water and your fat cells to burn"
Trent downed the green liquid as Clark flicked the visor down over his eyes. There was a short beep sound before images began to flash on the visor. Flashes of guys working out, of dumbbells and the words you are a jock and you love working out and muscle.
Trent couldn't help it, he burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry guys this is so corny" He laughed.
The other two began to chuckle as well as the room filled with laughter.
"Look dude, Its the closest thing I could find on YouTube, its about the suggestions" Clark laughed
Suddenly the lights in the room began to flicker and all 3 globes in the lounge burnt out at once.
"what the-" Brody and Clark said in unison, but they were interrupted when sparks began to fly off the oculus. They rushed to try and take it off Trent but were shocked by the electricity. Sparks shout out of the power point in the wall and the two boys watched helplessly as Trent began to convulse in his seat.
Trent let out a painful and stalled out moan as the electricity travelled over the oculus and shocked his temples.
The room was dark was illuminated every few seconds by a shock or spark and the two boys could swear they could see something, something happening to Trent's body. A few more seconds passed before it finally stopped.
Brody and Clark stood there stunned, the sound of beeping could be heard from the kitchen as the oven entered safety mode, but a more concerning noise echoed in the boys ears. The sound of sizzling. Clark carefully walked over to the curtains and opened them, the room filling with light and showing them what had happened to Trent.
He sat in the chair with his head slumped forward, his chin hitting his chest as smoke was rising off the device on his head and all over his body. But what the two saw in the dark wasn't a trick of the light, Trent had indeed gotten bigger. His skinny fat body had expanded, he'd become more lean, his muscles more pronounced and most of the fat on his body had melted away.
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Trent let out a moan as a string of drool fell from his mouth
"OH THANK FUCK HE'S ALIVE" Clark cried out with a sigh of relief.
The two rushed over and pulled the device off his head. Trent's eyes instantly responded as he looked up at the two of them.
"wooahh bro, huhu, that was intence" Trent mumbled
"yeah, thank god you're okay" said Brody.
Trent lifted his arm to the side and flexed his bicep and let out a dumb chuckle.
"errr, dude, real quick, what's your name?"
"Trent, duuuhuhuhu, you fuckin forgetful bro?"
Trent seemed okay but something was wrong, even with the short interaction the three of them had, Clark and Brody knew something had happened to him.
"hey Trent, what are you" Brody asked
Trent smirked as he lifted his other arm, completing a double bicep pose.
"a jock, duuuhuhuhu"
Trent stood up and effortlessly pushed passed the two as he started heading towards the door.
"well at least we know his motor functions weren't damaged"
Clark and Brody quickly followed him
"Dude, I really think you should go to the medical centre"
"Nah bro, I got dnd like NOW I gotta boost"
"wait Trent!" Clark yelled out "err, dnd thats an interesting hobbie for a jock, what else are you into"
Trent spun around on the spot with a big smirk on his face
"glad you asked dude, I love three things, gymmin, gamin, dndenin..dndin.....dndining....." Trent's voice trailed off as he tried to finish forming his catchy sentence
"and, what about your major? what are you studying?" Brody asked
"errr huhuhu, like, what's a major?" Trent said turning around to leave again
"I mean, yeah, but it seems like his core interests and that jock hypno video have combined into a new personality, I dunno if we friend his brain more, re-wrote it"
Trent walked out the door into the crowded hallway. Students were all talking over the top of each other in front of their dorm rooms trying to work out what was going on. The two boys raced out to follow Trent.
"Trent dude wait!, errr, tell me about your dnd character" Brody called out desperately trying to stop him from leaving
Trent continued to power forward through the crowd, pushing through them like water with his new powerful body.
"well bro, I was gonna play some like, lil spell caster dude, but like, i dunno bro, numbers are hard, so like, I think I'm just gonna play, like, some sick fucking, roided out minotaur with a huge axe"
Brody was struggling to keep up with Trent, they both had already lost Clark to the sea of students. Brody grabbed onto the back of Trent's shirt which caused him to stop and turn around.
"woah lil dude, if you wanted some action all you had to do was ask, I got an 8 inch python with your na-"
"WHAT!, ha, oh, no dude, errr, that's" Brody's face turned bright red as he got flustered.
"no? damn too bad, you lil fuckin, science dudes are kinda cute"
Brody was stunned, some how all this muscle and new persona had also added a level of charm to Trent that dug right through to his core. But it was too late to grab his attention again. Trent had already pulled away and gone off out of Brody's sight...
One week had passed since the extreme power surge that had hit the Athlete Scholarship Dorms. There almost wasn't a single incident other than a few blown light bulbs and some damaged electronics....almost. The college had found out about Trent, no matter how hard Brody and Clark tried to hide it. However the two got off lucky. Both the College and the investigation into what happened deemed it was an accident that unfortunately resulted in what was being called "Personality Death". Trent had an entirely healthy body and brain with no signs of damages, but something had happen to completely re-write who and what he was.
The college couldn't let Trent graduate, he couldn't even remember what he had enrolled for, but the college still found a purpose for him. The hid the extreme and sudden body transformation from the investigation and gave Trent a 'job'. His official title was research assistant but he was too stupid for any serious work. His real job was to sit there and be injected with experimental steroids. Forced to grow like some roided out lab rat. Not that he cared, every time Trent put on even an ounce of muscle he'd spend hours in the mirror flexing. He was the biggest guy on campus.
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[6 years later]
"okay babe, just hold still"
"aahhh, fuck, it feels so good when it goes in"
"you are so weird, I hate getting injections"
"well huhuhu, when you got a sexy lil piece of meat to do em, its a huge fuckin turn on dude"
Brody stood up from the kitchen table and began to clean up the injection kit, chuckling as he did it.
"Trent, that's so cheesy"
Trent stood up, the sound of wood scraping against the floor filled the room as he effortlessly and accidentally moved the entire dining table.
"will it make me look like Captain America huhuhu?"
"babe...seriously, I think we passed the Captain America stage about 150 pounds ago"
"then hit me with all 6 and make me the hulk" Trent pressed his body against Brody and the table.
Brody was no stranger to 300+ pounds pressing against him "I said no Trent" a slight grin cracked across Brody's face, 'besides, for all I know that one shot will add another 50 pounds, we gotta wait and see."
Trent stood there staring into Brody's eyes with an expression that could only be described as a computer failing to load a basic program 10 times in a row.
"Then jab me with all 6 and give me" Trent stopped to count on his fingers, "120 pounds of muscle" a large smirk crept across his face, proud he was able to do the math in his head.
Brody rolled his eyes and chuckled
"that'd be 300 pounds babe" Brody packed up the rest of the kit and left the kitchen.
Trent went to follow after him, he had hit the gym already today so no other thoughts existed in his mind other than getting attention for how big he was from Brody, but as he walked out the kitchen he caught a glimpse of himself and began flexing in the lounge room mirror, completely forgetting what he had been doing just 2 seconds again...
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He was so proud of the roided lab rat he had become...
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Reflections - e.e
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‣ emily engstler x reader
‣ wc: 2958
‣‣ synopsis: emily had no choice but to bail on your planned day together, so you decide to get a little revenge, leaving your reflection as the only thing on her mind all day.
‣‣‣ a/n: sorry this took SO LONG to release, i was a little nervous to write smut for the first time so hopefully this isn't too bad! i'm still working on more fics and hopefully i can still follow my plan to release one a day!
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You adjusted the position of your body in front of the mirror, lifting Emily's shirt to reveal just a sliver of your boobs as you posed for your selfie in your lacy thong. You weren't posing for a social media post or anything of the sort, you were just trying to torture your poor girlfriend a little bit.
The two of you had planned a day-long date today, as she wasn't supposed to go in for practice or any sort of team events, but her coaches had changed their mind, calling the team early in the morning for mid-day practice, followed by a workout session, ice baths and checkups with their athletic trainer, and a film session to end their packed day.
Unfortunately for you, the text had come in during an early morning makeout session, causing Emily to leave the comfort of your bed to eat breakfast, get ready, and head out for her long day. Leaving you a needy, pleading mess for her in the process. You knew the change in plans wasn't her fault, nor was it in her control.
You were just seeking revenge for the fact that she chose to leave you orgasmless before heading out, promising to finish what the two of you had started later in the evening.
Grinning as you finally got the perfect shot, you sent off a text to Emily, containing both the selfie and a short text that read, can't wait for you to get back Em. Now, all you had to do was wait for her response, which you knew wouldn't come until a little later, when she finally got the chance to check her phone during a water break.
To your delight, Emily's response came in sooner than you had expected, not even ten minutes after you had sent the text, your phone pinged with a new text. you better find a way to wait, don't you dare touch yourself without me.
You knew that was one of Emily's "rules", if she wasn't away for a game, your pleasure was hers and hers only. And usually, that was always enough for you, as you had no need to get yourself off either by hand or with any of the toys hidden in your shared closet, Emily was always there to take care of you. But today, you found yourself struggling to hold off on relieving the deep ache that had settled in your core.
You swear you did everything in attempt to pass by the time that Emily was gone. You ate breakfast, dusted nearly every surface in your apartment, wiped down every mirror, scrubbed down the bathrooms, ate lunch, cooked dinner for you two to enjoy later, took an everything shower, and finally settled down in on your bed to watch t.v. around four in the afternoon, knowing Emily would be home before six.
Just as your eyes began to shut, drifting off into a light sleep, you heard the front door open as Emily entered the apartment, dropping the keys in the little ceramic bowl you had bought for the apartment and taking off her shoes, walking towards your bedroom.
You shot up in bed, eager for Emily to walk through the door so you could capture her in your grasp and lure her into bed, finally able to relieve the throbbing between your legs. She greeted you as she entered the room, dropping her practice bag over by the laundry hamper before making her way to you, not that you were paying attention.
You leaned in and grabbed the back of her neck, smashing your lips onto hers the second she was close enough. She climbed onto the bed with you, laying her body over yours as you continued to make out, her tongue intertwined with yours as her hands moved up and down, from kneading your braless tits to squeezing your waist, the two of you just couldn't get enough of each other.
You whined as she pulled away from your kiss, she chuckled before ducking her head down to kiss across your jaw to your ear, "missed me that much baby?" She questioned smugly as she moved her lips under your ear, alternating between sharply nipping at your skin, open mouthed kisses, and soothing licks over the trail of reddish-purple marks she left behind.
"Please Em, don't tease. Been waiting for you all day," you begged, arching your chest into her, hoping she would get the hint. She popped her lips off your neck with a smirk, gazing at your needy expression before moving her hands to pull her t-shirt off your body, uncovering your perky nipples, begging for her touch.
Her lips began a trail of kisses, licking, biting, and sucking her way down from the base of your neck to your chest, leaving hickeys at the very tops of your breast before finally latching her mouth onto your right nipple, her hand coming up to twist and tug at the other.
Your hands flew to her ponytail, gripping it as you moaned at her teasing, urging her head to continue its descent down to where you needed her the most. Thankfully, she continued to kiss down your abdomen, stopping at the edge of your lace thong to nip at the fat of your hips. She continued to tease you, leaving hickeys around the perimeter of your inner thighs as you whimpered the arousal continuing to pool within your panties, yet Emily purposely avoided your throbbing pussy.
“God Em, please I can’t take it anymore, need you so bad,” you propped yourself up on your elbows to look down at her as you pleaded, your mind far too hazy to feel embarrassed of how desperate you sounded. She propped herself, perching herself to the perfect position in between your thighs as she finally ran her fingers up and down your lace-covered slit, feeling the wetness that had begun to soak through.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this baby,” she hummed, “Wanna try something different with you, that okay?” She asked as she pulled your thong down, a strand of your slick sticking to the fabric. "You're this wet for me and I haven't even touched you yet baby," Emily rose to lean back on her knees, moving her hands to rest upon your thighs.
“Please Em, do anything, I just need you,” you whispered back, sitting up as you watched her rise from the bed, walking over to the floor length mirror you had taken the picture in. She picked it up and adjusted it so that it leaned against the wall in front of your bed, such that you were now gazing at your own naked reflection.
Your attention, however, was quickly drawn back to Emily, who had now stripped her t-shirt and sweatpants off her body, leaving her in just a plain black sports bra and a matching pair of boxers. She walked back over to the bed, settling against the headboard and planting her feet flat on the bed to take a seat behind you.
"Come here baby," she requested, and with such a low, sultry tone, how could you resist for even a second? You quickly turned onto your hands and knees, crawling up the expanse of your California king bed to kneel in between her thighs, capturing her lips once again.
You took the chance to tease Emily back a bit, taking control of the kiss by biting and dragging out her bottom lip before slipping your tongue back into her mouth, moaning eagerly into her as your hands tugged at the straps of her sports bra.
She didn't allow you to continue for long, grabbing your waist and manhandling your back into her front before you could take off her bra. She traced her hands down your body, grabbing the back of your thighs to rest them over her bent legs, spreading you open in front of the mirror.
"You see how wrecked you are for me?" She mumbled into your ear, you watched as her tattooed hands kneaded at your hickey covered tits, pinching and tugging at your nipples once again. "Mhm," you nodded, biting your bottom lip to hold back the moans threatening to spill from your lips.
Emily, however, wouldn't accept that as an answer. She grabbed your jaw firmly with her right hand, using her thumb to pull your lip out in between your teeth. "None of that tonight ma, I wanna hear you properly, whether your answering me," she spoke softly, beginning to suck hickeys into the unmarked side of your neck, "swearing," she flicked her tongue out to soothe a particularly rough area, the skin already turning purple, "or moaning my name, begging me for more," she whispered into your ear.
Your brain turned to mush at her words, which meant you didn't notice how her left hand dropped from massaging your breast to reach your cunt as she was whispering filthy things into your ear, turning you on even more. A borderline pornographic moan tore from the back of your through as Emily finally pressed her middle and ring fingers onto your clit, rubbing small circles at first.
You threw your head back against her shoulder as your body arched against her, desperate moans spilling from your lips as your hips moved upwards to search for more friction in her touch. Her right hand wrapped around your waist, holding down your bottom have before she quickly lifted her fingers from rubbing circles on your clit to lightly slapping it, not nearly hard enough to hurt, but the pressure was enough for your head to shoot up at the sparks it sent through your core.
"I want you to watch yourself in the mirror, you stop looking and I stop touching you, okay baby?" Emily insisted, her fingers only moving down from your clit to trace your folds after you agreed, dragging her fingers to collect the arousal dripping from your entrance back up to your clit, this time adding more pressure onto your clit.
Your body squirmed in her hold, your mouth emitting a near constant stream of desperate whines, begging Emily for more. "C'mon ma, tell me what you want from me," she murmured, her breath warm against the bruised skin of your neck. "Fuck me, please Emily, need you to fuck me so bad I," your words were cut off by a guttural moan leaving your mouth as she plunged two fingers into your sopping heat, the prolonged foreplay had made you so wet she slipped in without any discomfort.
Your eyes fluttered, as your body melted into hers, illegible pleas, swears, and cries of ecstasy continuously fell from your lips, all the while maintaining eye contact with Emily through the mirror. Her fingers increasing their speed as she plunged a third into you, continuing to pump in and out of you, curling into you with such precision you preened her grasp, rolling your hips forward to meet her thrusts. In the process, the heel of her palm brushed against your clit, causing you to writhe in her arms, all the while Emily ducked her head down to suck at your sweet spot.
Her name fell from your lips repeatedly, the coil in your abdomen was so close to snapping, you could almost taste how close your orgasm was. Sensing this from how tight your cunt was squeezing her fingers, she moves her unoccupied hand up to your nipples, roughly tugging at them while she moved her lips up to whisper filth into your ear.
"Just like that baby... see how pretty you look while taking my fingers, my dirty little slut getting off on being finger fucked in front of a mirror, thought about fucking you like this all day... such a good girl for me," her continuous praise and encouragements, combined with the sensation of her playing with your tits, her fingers curling so deep inside of you, and her palm providing friction to your clit was all too much for you to withstand any longer.
Your moans turned into near screams as you finally came, your orgasm hitting you full-force as your legs shook on top of Emily's, full body shudders coursing through you as Emily continued to fuck into you at the same pace, insistent on having you ride out the full extent of your orgasm.
As your orgasm finally began to subside, your body going limp against hers, Emily slowed the pace of her fingers until they stilled within you. To distract you from the emptiness she knew you felt as she withdrew her fingers from your soaking cunt, she peppered kisses along the side of your face and placed a few gentle pecks on you lips accompanied with soft praises as you tuned to face her.
She brought her fingers up to your lips, shoving them into your mouth so you could clean off your own slick, humming as she felt your tongue swirling around her fingers. After popping your mouth off her fingers, you removed your legs from on top of hers, twisting your body around in her grip to face her as your hands reached upwards to cup her face, pulling her mouth down to yours in a searing kiss, all the while your knee pressed into her core.
You were acutely aware of the fact that you hadn't even touched Emily yet, and as stubborn as she was, you could feel the throbbing of her pussy against your knee, and you would be damned if you didn't get her off after the earth-shattering orgasm she gave you.
Your lips continue to move roughly against hers, attempting to establish dominance and only separating when you tugged her sports bra over head. Your lips met the soft skin of her neck, peppering gentle kisses as you knew you couldn't leave hickeys on such a visible area just two days before her next game.
You continued placing kisses to her chest, circling her nipple with your tongue as right hand reached down to cup her warm cunt through her boxers, forcing an airy moan from her. You were able to feel through the fabric how aroused she had gotten from making you cum.
You paused your ministrations to retract your hands from her body, moving to grab at the waistband of her boxers, the only material still separating the two of you. You looked up at her glazed over eyes, nonverbally checking for her consent. Emily's past relationships and hookups always had the same dynamic, she gave a lot more than she received, if they even made an effort to reciprocate her pleasure.
With you, that was never the case. You were just as concerned with Emily's satisfaction as she was yours, despite her having the more dominant personality, you almost never allowed her to leave without at least one orgasm.
With her approval and the slight lift of her hips, you discarded her underwear, laying down on your stomach and spreading open her thighs to be eye-level with her glistening cunt. "All this just from watching my reflection Em?" You teased, your breath warm against her inner thighs as you sucked and nipped at the skin closest to her center, knowing no one would be able to see the bruises left there.
"Yeah baby, it's all for you," she breathed our, grabbing your tousled hair into a makeshift ponytail, using it to guide you closer to her sopping pussy. Even now, she still Deciding she had waited long enough, you dove your tongue into her, licking a long stripe from her entrance up to her throbbing clit, causing her to throw her head back into the headboard as she moaned deeply.
"Right there ma, just like that," she encouraged as you devoured her, running your tongue through her folds to lap at her leaking arousal like a woman starved. You gather her wetness to move up and press your tongue flat against her clit, sucking and lapping at her bud. "Oh fuck baby, doing so good for me," her hips moving up to meet your mouth.
She groaned loudly as you began to hum against her clit, holding her hips tighter as moved down to her entrance again, dipping your tongue to curl into her as your nose moved against her clit, her orgasm quickly approaching from the friction you provided. You moved back up to her clit, knowing just what she needed to be pushed over the edge.
You latched onto her nub, sucking and slightly grazing her with your teeth, humming and pressing into her as she came with a throaty moan, pushing your head deeper into her to draw out as much of her orgasm as possible.
You continued to suck at her for a few moments after, slowly reducing your touch to a few soft kitten licks as her body went limp against the headboard, relaxing fully as you detached your lips from her, rubbing your hands up and down her thighs.
Her thumb wiped the slick that covered your lips and dripped down your chin, grinning at your wrecked state. “Worth the wait ma?” Her smug but somehow genuine demeanor took in the blissed out expression on your face, exhausted from your previous activities.
“Well worth Em, should mess with you more often if this is what happens,” you beamed, only half joking. “Yea right, try that again and I won’t be so nice next time, I could barely make a single shot at practice,” she grumbled, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your lips, crawling off the bed to grab a washcloth from your joint bathroom. Your reflection had truly served you well today.
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finelinefae · 2 days
Could we please get a check in with the aviator? I love them like no other i swear
synopsis: y/n finds out she's pregnant with Aviator!Hs baby.
wordcount: 2.6 k
a/n: this isn't really a check-in more so something that happens a year into their relationship because i think about this moment a lot and i needed to write about it !!!!
also first one shot for the aviator whoop!!
. . .
It was the middle of the night. 
Y/N had been up since dinner, laying beside the toilet bowl so she could vomit the contents of her stomach every ten minutes. She’d stuck the thermometer under her armpit to check if she had a fever, only to find it at a completely normal temperature. 
She was tired and frustrated and her head hurt from throwing up so much. She hadn’t had a wink of sleep and she still had to get to work in the morning. 
The door swung open and Y/N lifted her tired eyes to find Nancy looking down at her, “You’ve been throwing up since dinner,” She held out a glass of cold water and Y/N gladly took it. 
“Sorry,” Y/N groaned, after taking a sip, “I’ve tried taking medicine but nothing seems to be working.”
Nancy sighed, “You don’t need to apologise, do you want me to call Harry?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head, “He’s been working all week, he’s probably exhausted.”
“Okay well you can’t just sit by the toilet all night, do you want me to warm you up some ginger ale?” Y/N sighed, considering her offer before pushing herself up from the floor and following Nancy to the kitchen.
She sat at the table, clutching her stomach and ignoring the nausea she felt. Nancy took out some ginger ale and began to heat in a saucepan over the stovetop. “I just don’t understand how I can feel like this but not even have a fever,” Y/N huffed. 
Nancy shrugged, “Are you due? Normally I feel pretty sick a week or so before my period starts,”
A dip forms between Y/N’s brows, “I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure-” Y/N paused, thinking back to the last time she had had her period. She had been waiting for it to arrive this week but one glance at the calendar on the kitchen refrigerator revealed that it was already a week late. 
Panic surged through her, “Nancy,” She gasped, looking up at her roommate and friend, “It’s late.”
Nancy’s eyes widened, “Are you sure?”
Y/N’s mind was racing to try and piece together the days but she knew that she was right and her period was over a week late.
Y/N didn’t have to say anything for Nancy to understand what she was thinking. “W-what am I going to do?” Y/N panicked as dread ensued her, “I-I can’t have a baby, I can’t.”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” Nancy crouched down on the floor in front of her and took her hands, “It’s going to be okay. Tomorrow morning we’ll go down to the clinic and ask them to take a test to make sure.”
Y/N shook her head, “Not the morning, Harry will know and he’ll-” She covered her mouth, “Oh God, Harry, what if he hates me?”
Nancy scoffed, “How could he possibly hate you? I’ve never seen someone as in love with somebody as he is with you,”
“But Nancy, a baby. It’s too soon and he’s still got Elise and-” Y/N’s mind was whirring with thoughts as she thought about how her life was about to change if she really was pregnant. Elise was only four and their relationship was still relatively new - they’d only celebrated their year anniversary a month ago which was more than likely to be the reason that got her in this predicament. 
“Y/N, calm down,” Nancy soothed her, “Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll deal with these things after we find out whether you really are pregnant or not. For now, we’ll go to bed and think about it in the morning, okay?”
Y/N nodded slowly, trying to digest the words she was hearing. Nancy was right, she needed to not worry until she had confirmation from the nurse that she really was pregnant. She tried to pause her worries until the morning but not a wink of sleep occurred when her mind was whirring with thoughts about how Harry would react to the possibility of it all. 
. . .
Y/N felt sick to her stomach as she walked to the hangar where she knew Harry would be working. She’d been so many times now that she knew exactly where to go, following the path through the doors and round the back.
“Evening Y/N,” One of the boys said as she walked past, tipping his hat. Y/N forced a smile onto her face in reply.
She walked through the back doors and found Harry outside smoking a cigarette on his own, the sun setting behind him. Unlike how she usually felt whenever she was around him, Y/N began to panic wondering whether she should turn back now before she told him something that would change both their lives forever. 
Harry’s head lifted and a smile carved onto his face when his eyes landed on her. He threw his cigarette on the ground and stubbed it with his foot, “Hi birdy,” He walked over and embraced her in a hug, pressing a kiss to her lips. 
Y/N knew Harry had sensed something was wrong from how stiff she felt in his embrace. He pulled back but his arms stayed looped around her, “Wha’s wrong?” He frowned, “Y’okay?” He cupped her face in his hands and looked her in the eye.
Y/N pulled away, “I’m okay,” She lied and Harry immediately knew something was wrong when she took a step away from him. Usually, whenever they were together there was barely any space between them.  
“Hey, when do y’ lie to me?” He forced a smile, a pit of dread forming in his stomach.
Y/N’s eyes glistened, she sniffled and scrunched her nose to try and prevent herself from crying. “I just missed you is all,” 
“Birdy,” A dip formed between his brows, “M always right here y’ know that. Did something happen at work today?” 
Y/N shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself, “No,” She replied, “I-I need to tell you something.”
This time Harry really did begin to panic. He thought back to the past few months and wondered if he had done anything wrong to upset her in that time but every day had been as blissfully sweet as the last. He was so in love with Y/N and that love continued to grow every passing day. She was the first person he woke up to in the morning and the last person he saw at night - every day it was Y/N, the love of his life. 
So he couldn’t understand what had currently gotten her so distant with him or why she was being so vague and secretive whenever she was with Nancy, “Are you…Are you breaking up with me?” Harry voiced his biggest concern out loud.
Y/N almost gasped, reaching for his hand and holding it to her chest, “God Harry, no. No, of course not.”
He relaxed slightly but still wondered what was going on in her head that was so difficult to tell, “Wha’s wrong then baby?”
Y/N released a shuddery breath, looking away from him and down at the hand she was currently holding. She twisted the ring on his pinkie finger, one lone tear rolling down her cheek that she quickly brushed away. “Harry, I'm pregnant.” She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. 
Her heart thudded against her chest when she felt his hand stiffen. She could barely look up at him as she waited for him to say something.
Two rough hands cupped her cheeks and lifted her head up. Her eyes met his, lips parting to see tears rolling down his cheeks and the biggest smile she had ever seen stretched across his face, “We’re havin’ a baby?” He whispered in disbelief.
Y/N nodded slowly, “I found out this afternoon.”
A laugh escaped his lips, “Holy shit,” He let go of her and ran his fingers through his hair before covering his face with his hands and smiling beneath them.
Y/N stood waiting, still a little tense until he took one step towards her and picked her up in his arms, her dress twirling as he spun them round, “Holy shit we’re having a baby.” 
A wave of relief washed over her, Y/N finally mirrored the smile on his face when she saw the excitement on his face. 
He set her back on her feet, “You’re not mad?” Y/N asked. 
“Why would I be mad? This is my dream, I’ve always wanted to be a dad.” Harry was unable to rid himself of the smile on his face.
“I know but we’ve been together a year and-” 
Harry silenced her by smashing their lips together in a messy kiss, “I love you bigger than the whole sky Birdy, there is not a single person in this entire world I would rather have as the mother of my child.”
Y/N’s eyes watered and tears began to fall as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands fell to her tummy, “I can’t believe there’s a tiny human in there,” Harry chuckled in disbelief. 
“I love you so much Harry,” Y/N murmured, wondering why she was ever nervous to tell him in the first place. 
. . .
Safe to say, Harry had become somewhat even more obsessed with Y/N than he had ever been before.
“Tha’s my baby mama!” He whistled, wearing his grease-covered overalls as he slid off the wing of the plane and ran towards Y/N who was only a month pregnant.
Y/N’s cheeks heated, eyes darting around, “Shh, what if someone hears you?” 
They had yet to tell any of their friends or Harry’s brothers that Y/N was pregnant.  Nancy had been sworn to secrecy despite her boyfriend constantly pestering her over telling him what they were always whispering about whenever Y/N refused a drink at a party. Harry struggled to keep such a big secret from his siblings since he had always told them everything, but Y/N wanted to make sure everything was okay before they let the world know another baby would be entering their little family. 
“There’s no one around, don’t worry.” Harry smiled, a dimple carving into his cheek. 
She had the tiniest bump, barely even noticeable unless she was bloated, but he was obsessed all the same. His hands reached for her sides, feeling the small curve of her tiny bump as he held her. “Hi Harry,” Y/N grinned, “Thought we could walk to the clinic together.”
Today they would be having their first appointment together with their assigned midwife. Harry had been close to a kid at Christmas as he counted down the days until he got to hear his baby’s heartbeat. “Yeah, I’ll pack my stuff away and we’ll head on down,” He nodded but stopped to kiss her quickly, “Missed y’,” He murmured. 
Y/N laughed, “You saw me three hours ago,” 
“Much too long,” He countered, slipping away from her and going to pack his things away. 
He returned in a fresh white t-shirt and jeans, reaching for her hand and threading their fingers together as they walked down to the clinic. 
Harry could feel Y/N’s nerves bouncing off of her as they sat in the waiting room of the small office waiting for their midwife to call them in. She fiddled with her fingers in her lap, tapped her foot against the floor and chewed on her bottom lip. Every now and then her eyes would glance to the door like she was desperate to get out. 
He reached for her hand, holding it in his lap and playing with the small ring on her index finger. His thumb traced the mole in the middle of her wrist, her pulse fluttering beneath it. “Y’ okay?” He murmured.
“Jus’ nervous,” She admitted, “I don’t like doctor’s offices all that much.”
“Y’ not having second thoughts about the baby are you? Because if you were there are things we can do and talk about. I-I’d never force y’ to have a baby, y’know that right Birdy?” Harry said. 
Y/N’s eyes softened, she cupped his cheek in her hand, “I want this baby with you more than I want anything ever.”
Harry smiled, “Y’ mean that?” He needed that reassurance from her more than anything. 
“I mean it,” She kissed him quickly. 
The door clicked open and in walked the midwife, “Y/N Y/L/N?” 
Y/N took a deep breath, squeezing Harry’s hand as they stood up. The midwife, an older woman with kind eyes, gestured for them to follow her into a small room. There was a simple examination bed and a tall metal stand with a strange, trumpet-like device hanging from it.
“This is a fetal stethoscope,” the midwife explained, picking up the device. “It’s how we’ll listen to your baby’s heartbeat.”
Y/N climbed onto the bed, her heart racing. Harry stood by her side, never letting go of her hand. The midwife placed the wide end of the stethoscope on Y/N’s abdomen and pressed her ear to the other end.
The room was silent as the midwife concentrated. Then, her face lit up with a smile. “There it is,” she said, turning to the expectant parents. “Your baby’s heartbeat. Would you like to listen?”
Harry’s eyes widened as he nodded eagerly. The midwife handed him the earpiece, and he leaned down, his expression changing from nervousness to awe as he heard the rapid, steady thump of their baby’s heart.
“Our baby,” Harry whispered, his voice thick with emotion. 
Y/N could feel her eyes welling up as she watched him. Her hand reached out to thread through his curls as he pressed his ear to the earpiece once more and listened for the faint sound of a beating heart they had created, “Can y’ hear it?” Y/N smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks. 
“Tha’s our baby,” He repeated like he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.
“Tha’s right, H.” Y/N said softly.
Harry reached for her bump, placing both of his big, heavy palms on it. He lowered his head and pressed a small kiss to the spot above her belly button, “Hello baby,” He murmured, “How can I love you this much when all I can hear is y’ heart?” 
Y/N smiled, letting him have his moment, “Promise I’ll take such good care of it,” He continued to speak soft and slow, “Both yours and mamas,”
Harry reached for Y/N’s hand and held it in his own, his other palm resting right over her bump. He felt Y/N give his hand a gentle squeeze and wondered if she could hear just how fast his heart beat for her even without the earpiece.
“Don’t cry,” Harry smiled, reaching to wipe away Y/N’s tears. 
“I’m just happy,” Y/N sniffled, “You’re going to be such a good dad, Harry, I hope you know that.”
The words settled something in him. All his nerves seemed to melt away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and anticipation for the new life they were about to bring into the world together. 
A family of his own. 
“I love you birdy,” He leans down and speaks to the bump once more, “and I love you too, baby birdy.” Y/N laughed and watched as Harry continued in conversation with their baby, hearing nothing but a gentle heartbeat in reply to his voice.
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jarofstyles · 3 days
Miss jars!!! Can you do something about Harry seeing you interact w kids and he’s weirdly quiet when they leave and she thinks something’s wrong but he really is just thinking about wanting one of their own hehe
Oh yes yes yes.
Check out our Patreon
Harry was oddly quiet on the way home.
It wasn’t like he was upset, per say, because when he was it was something she could click immediately. His jaw wasn’t clenched, his hands weren’t gripping the wheel until his knuckles were white, he wasn’t controlling his breathing. Yes, his brow was slightly furrowed and he was lost in his head, but that wasn’t abnormal.
The man was always in his head thinking of his next projects, his work, his family- her. She was leaning towards that, considering he hadn’t even noticed her gaze on him yet. Big Yellow Taxi was playing and there wasn’t much to react to except the subconscious tapping at the wheel in beat to the song.
“H?” She asked as they approached a red light so she didn’t startle him. His eyes blinked a few times before he turned to look at her, the little smile on his face before she could even realize it. Okay- definitely not mad at her.
“What’s up, dove?” His tone was light as he gave her his attention for the first time in the drive.
“Are you alright?” Y/N kept her tone soft, not wanting to irritated anything if there was something wrong. “You’re just being quiet, is all. You’re usually more chirpy after we see your family.”
That was an understatement. Harry was usually giggly and in the best mood after they left his mum’s house, kissing on her and bringing her home. Sometimes they danced in the kitchen because the good mood was that infectious. It wasn’t normal for him to be so reserved and quiet after a gathering and it made her wonder what or who was on his mind.
“Oh, I’m great. Trust me.” He assured her, dropping his hand to her thigh for a squeeze. “Nothing is wrong at all. I’m just thinking about something.”
Y/N gave him a look, but let it go for now. There pulling onto their street so she kept quiet about it and put her hand on top of his, threading their fingers together before bringing it to her lips to kiss the back of it. She could see the dimple in his cheek from the action before he took their joined hands and returned the gesture, moving it back to her lap when he pulled into the garage.
The silence was comfortable as they went inside, Y/N knowing better than to get her own door as Harry opened it for her. She followed him inside, the leftover cake his mum sent with them in her hand to put into the fridge- but as soon as they got into the kitchen it was taken from her hand and his palms gripped her face, bringing their mouths together.
Harry stole her breath as he kissed her fully. It wasn’t sloppy or messy, not like the ones he did before things were about to turn into bedroom time, but like he needed to do it. Like he was feeling the urge so fully that he was keeping her lips glued to his, a weak sigh leaving her nose as she melted into his grip. What brought it on? She had no clue. But she wasn’t going to question it.
“I was thinkin’ about how good you were with the kids today.” His little cousins and his niece and nephew. She had spent a lot of time with them today, playing and entertaining them whilst Harry caught up with family. Y/N loved them, it was no chore, but she had no idea he’d been laying so close attention.
“Oh?” She asked breathlessly, knees a little weak from the kiss allowing him to push her back into the kitchen island.
“Mhm. It was…” he shook his head. “Saw you as a mum. Imagined what it would be like when you were runnin’ after our own little ones. How good you’d be with ‘em. You’d make such a good mumma, my love.” And- oh. She felt him against her stomach, a gasp leaving her lips. He shook his head again, catching her lips in another kiss- albeit shorter and a little heavier. “And I was thinking about how soon you’d let me do it to you. Make you a proper mumma. Had me thinking about starting soon so we can have our own little family together. Cause… god, it made me crazy.” The groan was loud as he rested his forehead against hers.
“There’s nothing sexier than seeing you act like that. I dunno why it makes me feel so worked up, but I had to stop myself from taking us home early and begging you to let me give you a baby on the way home. I was bein’ quiet because I knew if I spoke, that’s what would come out of my mouth. And I’d rather us be home for a discussion like that.”
Y/N was shocked by his admission, but also slightly not. The man had been hinting at it slightly and while she had been weighing in if it was the right time or not- she had been waiting for a sign. A clear one. This seemed to be as good of one as any.
“Well.. let’s talk about it then.” She replied, swallowing the arousal he had set off in her throat. “Cause as much as I want to say fuck it and take my clothes off… we need to have a discussion first.”
“Of course.” He nodded eagerly. “But it’s not a no, yeah?” The hope in his eyes made her laugh out loud, cupping his face for another kiss. The man was shameless, it seemed.
“It’s not a no, H. But let me put the cake away first before we plan a family, yeah?”
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
If you had to pick one of your stories to redo, either a portion or change the whole direction, which one would it be?
Ohhhhh, this is a good thought-inducing question. Ironically, some of my work results from thinking, "You know what? This would be hilarious if I didn't stick to plan and went off the deep end," and creating a new AU. (How Danny's grill came to be. It was based on The Bakery is a front with the same idea of Tim being undercover at Danny's food-based business, but instead of looking for proof of lawbreaking, he's looking for evidence that Danny is not human, and the bats freaking out about it)
But I would pick Freelance Inventor just to make it all through the Justice League's POV of Batman and his mysterious lover. They talk in the break room around the water cooler about how the Robins all at one point mentioned "B's Not-Boyfriend" and wonder what that means.
The League would see the Gotham heroes casually threaten Batman by telling on him to "Not-Boyfriend" and watch the Batman actually become the "Let's not be too hasty." meme.
They watch as the crazy, controlling Batman shake his head and sigh when he notices that his calendar was changed by "Not-Boyfried" to force him to stop going up to the Watchtower for meetings and instead go to "Photograph Award show, "Zoo day with youngest" "Cook for the father that raised you, you lazy city dweller who lacks respect."
Flash screenshot of the last one because the previous day, it was marked as "Speedster training and combat counters". Flash needed proof for those who would miss the massacre about to happen. He thought that he would witness Batman drag the poor unfortunate soul to dare mess with his Calander app down to hell, and instead saw him googling British recipes because he needs to have a meal plan out now.
It wouldn't just be the Justice League- though it starts with them from founding day to well over a decade- but all hero communities would begin to hear about Not-Boyfriend.
At different times, the Robins would grumble about doing class work on the extended space trips because Not-Boyfriend would be disappointed in them. They don't care if they piss off Batman, but Not-Boyfriend's sad, letdown eyes would haunt the Robins.
These are the same people who would swing themselves at monsters who were sometimes actually gods of myth with nothing but spandex and spite.
The Teen Titans witness Robin leave with his Not-Boyfriend during the Big Fight, which eventually leads to him becoming Nightwing. They start treating Robin like a Divorce Kid. Batman is the bum dad in that situation.
The Outsiders witness Robin go from anger to a protective, gleeful Redhood when Not-Boyfriend calls to check up on him. They are all welcome to stay in Not-Boyfriend's houses—he owns many properties worldwide for his travels—and he becomes the remarkable, safe adult house. They just never speak to him face to face.
Young Justice's Robin has some serious self-esteem issues. They all sort of do as the ones the older heroes forget about. This is why when Robin shows up one day asking if they would do a random fashion blog to trick Not-Boyfriend, they jump at the chance to make a more solid identity besides the clone, the time traveler, and the daughter of Zues. Then Not-Boyfriend, whom they never met and shouldn't care about, starts sending gifts, and I'm so proud of you kids through Robin up until he becomes Red Robin, they realize he's the cooler dad.
SuperSons Robin will respect no one- not even Batman or Nightwing- as he does Not-Boyfriend. They can get him to listen and calm down after noticing his siblings using the "I'm telling Not-Boyfriend on you" trick that worked on his father.
The heroes know so much about Not-Boyfriend but know nothing. He's like Big-Foot. Everyone knows who Big-Foot legend is, but no one can prove Big-Foot.
Of course, over the seventeen years of Justice Leauge's founding, heroes would assume Not-Boyfriend was helping Batman raise his children and, for some reason, couldn't be married (The rise in heroes demanding equal marriage helped legalize same-sex marriage after a bitter sixteen-year fight).
They accept he's Batman's husband, who may be a civilian, a hero, or even a villain.
They accept that Batman and Not-Boyfriend may be divorced and share custody of the children.
They accept that Batman may not be over his partner and is still, to this day, trying to win him back.
They accept that Not-Boyfriend forgave Batman years ago and are back together.
They accept that there was never a split, and the two just argued that Young-Robins blew out of proportion.
The hero community literally accepts any theory if presented well and backed enough with suitable examples. At one point, it was a tradition of trying to decipher what was going on with Batman and Not-Boyfriend.
It's even wilder when Batman reveals himself as Bruce Wayne because he is known for not having any dates despite the number of people who have tried to fling themselves at him. He's notorious for putting a lid on his playboy tendencies- showing growth, and his new persona changed to Ditzy Dad of Gotham- back when he took in Dick Grayson, but now they know it's because he had Not-Boyfriend?
Then finding out Not-Boyfriend is Danny Fenton, the Willy Wonka-esque of the inventing world???????
This man who disappears from the public eye only shows up somewhere in a jungle with an invention that low-key solves the issue of contaminated water? This man, who freelances to anyone and everyone, things that come straight out of sci-fi without a blink?
The same man who people years ago accused Bruce Wayne of sleeping with, only to be told point black by Bruce, "I wish I was sleeping with him. Have you seen him?," and people thought he was joking on live TV?
They lose their minds.
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guksfairy · 1 day
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word count: 1k
notes: JK is 24, OC is 22, Tsuki is Jungkook’s sister, secret relationship, mentions of a nsfw Polaroid, I love them and will most likely be turning this into a drabble series 💕 (not proof read yet!)
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who happened to always be around when you come over to hang out with his sister, Tsuki, even though he had a job and was an active final year university student
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who would keep a constant eye on you two so the second Tsuki would step out of a room he’d make his way to you and grab your waist before kissing you with all his might telling you how much he misses and needs you
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who knows your whereabouts 24/7 and consistently confuses Tsuki when he’s aware where you’re at but she doesn’t
“Ugh Y/N left her work jacket here. I’m gonna go to her place before she goes in,” Tsuki, grabbing her keys, making her way to the front door is stopped when her brother answers, “She’s already working,” nonchalantly while cutting up some fruit he craved.
Tsuki stood frozen with her hand on the door knob before slowly turning back to face Jungkook with her eyebrows furrowed.
With a subtle panic Jungkook quickly fixes his composure and replies, “Uh I ran into her earlier and she told me she was called in to cover someone’s last hour,” avoiding eye contact he clears his throat hoping it’s enough for his sister to not ask him anything else.
“Okay well regardless I’m still gonna take it to her and probably grab a bite to eat. You want anything?” Jungkook shakes his head waiting for the second Tsuki walks out the door to run to his phone and text you.
Koo 💕: baby my sister is on her way to your work
Koo 💕: just take off my sweater before she gets there sweetheart
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who lies to his entire family before going on their annual family vacation that he was feeling a little under the weather in order for his parents and sister to leave him home alone. His parents and Tsuki reluctantly leaving him alone with little worry. Tsuki texting you the day of.
Tsuki my baby🤍: hey babe you think you can go check in on Jk later today? He’s not feeling the hottest 😕
Your phone pings moving your attention from your boyfriends’ lips to your screen. Reading the text makes you giggle peaking your sweet Jungkook’s attention as he reads the screen. If only his sister knew the second his family’s car was out of view he had already called you to come over with a duffel bag full of clothes enough for 4 days and 3 nights.
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who carries a Polaroid he took of you in quite the intimate moment. You laying on his bed on your back, his cock clearly deep in you with your face showing nothing but pleasure.
“Pleaseee I just want an energy drink!” Tsuki begging Jungkook for the nth time to buy her a drink. She didn’t have the best sleep the night before due to staying up all night trying to finish a paper she put off until the last minute. Her brother refusing to because “energy drinks aren’t good for you”.
“I’ll buy. I’m craving some gummy bears,” you’re heard from the back seat as Jungkook parks the car in front of the store.
“Really?” Tsuki’a face lighting up with joy before her brother takes out his wallet handing it to you.
“It’s fine. Here,” his sister staring awkwardly at his hand extended to you instead of his own blood relative before snatching it making him panic.
“Give it back,” his tone was supposed to be stern but his sister unbuckles her seatbelt before leaving the car with the promise of grabbing your desired snack as well.
“Are you trying to be obvious baby?” you giggle hitting his shoulder lightly.
“Sweetheart I suggest you chase after Tsuki right now and grab my wallet,”
“What? Why? She’s just gonna get snacks,”
“Your Polaroid is in there,”
“The one you took of us at our picnic date?” already in a slight panic you get ready to catch up to your friend.
“No, the one where I’m fucking you raw,” he says it like it’s almost nothing before laughing when you whine his name and get out of the car as fast as you could to get your boyfriend’s wallet out of his sister’s grip.
Best Friend’s Older Brother JK who pokes the inside of his cheek when his sister tries to talk you into a date with a guy from her graphic design class.
“Oh he’s so dreamy! Besides you need some,” she stirs the pancake mix she’s preparing for her best friend and brother.
Her brother, with his eyes on his phone screen, trying to block out his sister’s intention of setting up his girlfriend with another guy. Clearly not being able to when he slams him phone on the table placing all his attention to your conversation.
“Why don’t you date him then?” Jungkook says before you could even answer her previous suggestion.
“No. Seongmin is cute but he’d be way better with Y/N. I mean he did ask for your name last week when you walked me to class,” she smiles and winks at you before turning to the stove ready to make the delicious breakfast.
“He did?” your response made Jungkook look at you clearly reading why do you care?
“He did! Oh Y/N you’re so getting a boyfriend,” your friends excitement was cute but your boyfriend who had a pout on his cute face made you melt.
“I don’t think I need one,” getting up from your chair you give a quiet kiss to Jungkook’s temple and make your way to help Tsuki.
Jungkook’s cheek a shade of pink while his pout disappears and is replaced with a cheeky smile.
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Retrogression by Dazai Osamu
Translated by A. L. Raye
"He was not an old man. He was only around 25 years old, but at the same time he was, undoubtedly, an old man. For every year that a normal person lived, this old man lived it three times over." - Dazai Osamu, "Retrogression"
"And so, through Dazai’s own efforts, I hope that a day will come to pass where Dazai’s work will be instinctively understood by a great many people." - Satō Haruo, "A Respectable Yet Tormented Soul: Regarding Dazai Osamu"
"Having been metaphorically torn apart by his critics, every time he finished writing anything - anything at all - regardless of public opinion, the wounds of his humiliation would ache more and more, so keenly and so painfully, that the unfulfilled hollow in his heart spread further and deeper until finally, he died. He was deceived by the illusion of a masterpiece, enchanted by an eternal beauty, carried away by a fever cream and ultimately couldn't even save himself..." - Dazai Osamu, "Retrogression"
"I’ll stab him! I thought. What an absolute scoundrel! It didn’t take long however before I suddenly felt the hot and twisted love you bore towards me, an intense love which reminded me of Nellie from Dostoyevsky’s Humiliated and Insulted, a love that I felt deep within my heart. No. No, how could this be? I couldn’t believe it, I shook my head but that love of yours, concealed behind that cold exterior, felt Dostoyevskian in its deranged passion and made my body burn feverishly at the thought. And of course, you were completely unaware of any of this." - Dazai Osamu, "Letter to Kawabata Yasunari"
"Don’t say behind someone’s back what you can’t say to their face. I followed this principle and for that I was thrown into the looney bin." - Dazai Osamu, "Human Lost"
"Somebody put a live snake in my letterbox. I’m furious! This must be the work of someone who enjoys making fun of unpopular writers who feel the need to check their letterboxes twenty times a day. I was in a strange mood after that, and spent the rest of the day in bed." - Dazai Osamu, "Diary of My Distress"
"I’m jumping at shadows. I feel like my body has been ground up and picked clean, right down to the bone." - Dazai Osamu, "Human Lost"
"It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It really wasn’t supposed to be this way. You of all people should be clearly aware that being a writer exists within a perpetual state of ‘foolishness’." - Dazai Osamu, "Letter to Kawabata Yasunari"
"The cicada realised in the afternoon that it was going to die soon. Ah, it would have been better if I had been happier! I should have fooled around more, with nary a care in the world. Oh, do forgive me, I just wish to fall asleep among the flowers." - Dazai Osamu, "Human Lost"
"He has the kind of romantic spirit of a selfish, good-for-nothing wastrel, but more than that, he has let this seep deep down into the very marrow of his being. The uninhibited yet fragile self flows out of control, and it is the lot in life of this particular variety of man to continually contemplate himself until his self-awareness becomes intertwined with his bones." - Satō Haruo, "A Respectable Yet Tormented Soul: Regarding Dazai Osamu"
"Now, within the limits I have allowed myself, I believe I have accomplished everything I set out to do. As for the rest, I calmly entrust myself to fate." - Dazai Osamu, "January Letter to Satō Haruo from Dazai Osamu"
From the Introduction by translator A. L. Raye:
"This book aims to piece together the fractured and disorderly lifestyle of one of history's greatest romantics and pairs it with a particular moment in his life; losing the Akutagawa Prize. The ensuing drama that unfolded through private letters, newspaper articles, diaries, obituaries, and fiction created a scandal that disturbed the early Showa literati with its coarse and indecent honesty. Dazai's fiction, fiction about Dazai, speculation and reality intertwined to create an explosive event that not only changed the desired trajectory of his life but also raised issues of discrimination within prominent literary circles and the treatment of mental illness in 1930s Japan."
"If we encounter Dazai without taking into account modern ideas of disability, there is a danger we might subject him to the same myth-making mindset that surrounds Van Gough; that of a tortured genius who needed to suffer for his art - or, perhaps more accurately, for our entertainment."
"Dazai was a complicated man, a man who couldn't even decide for himself who he was."
Retrogression also includes annotations and background information on every story, letter, diary, and eulogy, adding history and insights that are difficult to find available in other English translations so far.
You can find more information and free translations on Yobanashi Café. Retrogression is available for purchase in either paperback or eBook format on Amazon.
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singukieee · 14 hours
—my all time favourite bts fics (pt. 1) ᯓᡣ𐭩
consists of my personal favourite bts fics that I've read countless of times. including those from other platforms, such as Wattpad, AO3, and Patreon.
For some works that are cross-posted between tumblr and wp/ao3, I'd only link them to the latters bcs I find it easier to read and navigate the stories on those. but I also tagged all the authors I know are here and linked the rest so you can check their blogs out yourself!
I'll also separate this list into several parts simply because there's too many... So it'd be easier for you guys to navigate!
red means unfinished
blue means finished
🗯️ editor's note
(sorted by alphabetical order)
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A Place Called Home by @agustdakasuga
Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Accidental Friends by Erakun06
Meet Bangtan, international superstars, the pride of South Korea, the love and hope in the dark of many lives, the role model and celebrity crush of so many people, and a group of people you often stumble across in your day to day life. You become acquaintances, slowly become friends, and- that's it. You are in a platonic friendship with Bangtan. Let me say it again. clears throat PLATONIC. Or One day, you meet a member of Bangtan, the next day, another, and another, and another, and one day, they become a group of people you often stumble across in your life. They become your acquaintances. Then your friends. Then your source of comfort, just like they are the source of comfort of millions of people in the world. What you didn't expect is that you become the same to them. It's inevitable. You are friends.
🗯️ a theme that I don't find much of, and this one was excecuted quite neatly I'd say
Ace For Hire by tokki-maknae
Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood? The answers simple, well for you at least, because you are Ace. When you're not busy blurring yourself into the background noises of school, you were making a killing in the underground, both literally and figuratively. For years now Ace has become an infamous name among the other gangs and holds the reputation of being lethal and untouchable. But that all changes after a slip up that causes you to attract the unwanted attention of one persistent seven member gang. A gang that's been dying to know, who is Ace?
🗯️ badassss
At Your Service by @untaemedqueen
In which Yn is looking for an escort to accompany her to her nightmare ex and ex best friend's wedding, only to ended up falling in love with him.
Baby (you complete us) by @purpleyoonn
Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches. Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Back Home by AlexLorchan / @alexlwrites
Secretly, he was selfishly hoping that you didn’t age well. Dealing with a small crush was easy enough when he was young and knew next to nothing about girls, when you were just a cute albeit slightly weird girl he had a soft spot for. But he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if his feelings came back with a vengeance while you were living together. God, he would probably lock himself with Jungkook until you went away. OR The one where, after living abroad for years, you move back to Korea and your old high school friend Namjoon offers you his place to stay while you get settled, casually forgetting to mention that: a) he still had a massive crush on you. b) he lived with six other guys.
🗯️ crack fic! my fave category and this one makes me giggle in both funny way and butterfly-in-my-stomach kinda way
Beauty of Love by @imnotlauriane
When you cross eyes with your soulmate, you get flashes of memories that have yet to happen. You can't see the same memory as the other and it can be either good or bad. It's not always terrible, but a thing is for sure. No matter what you do, it will happen. But are things always what they seem to be?
Between The Bloodshed series by @agustdakasuga
🗯️ this series... I just love. plot is super neat, relationship doesn't feel forced, etc etc
❶ Between The Bloodshed
Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that you would have to leave your life behind and build a new one.
❷ Everything Between Us
They left you hanging, they broke your heart. You didn’t get your happily ever after. But now they’re back and they’re searching for you to make things right. Could you look past the betrayal to take them back into your life and back into your heart?
Beyond The Stage by Alysheart
Alexis was going through the days simply. She was a college student in Florida, working towards her degree. When she scored tickets to the BTS concert in Korea, she didn't hesitate. She never expected to be soulmates with the seven idols.
Bound by Blood by PurpleQueenie
In a world where vampires and humans have to co-exist, where the line between tolerance and animosity blurs, how can you ever expect to get your happily ever after when your soulmates hate your very existence?
🗯️ love all the details, the slow burn, gosh just so good
Boyfriend For Hire by @remedyx
Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you'd least expected.
Breakthrough by Alphathyx
"My dreams haunt me like past memories that never existed" The Memory Dive, an invention that allows the user to dive into anyone's memories just from the collection of their DNA. Made by Professor Kim Seokjin, he created this device for the worlds secret service to solve mysteries that the ordinary field agents are unable to. With seven agents, ranging from ex military, to a university professor, college student and even a criminal, only these seven are able to use this machine to extract memories of others. They are also the only people that know how to escape it. Discover through their eyes of uncovering the darkest truths of the world, through the minds of victims.
🗯️ this one's super neat plot with complecated and technical world, just so good
Bright Colors and Loud Soulmates by Mostmouse
You resented soulmates, the whole damn concept. It just wasn't your thing, and you couldn't help but feel jealous of those who were born without soulmates, who could see the world as it was intended to be from birth. When you run into your soulmate, you're determined to stay in your own sphere of the world. Focusing on you. But, because nothing is simple in your life, it turns out he's one of seven - better yet, your seven soulmates are the globally famous band BTS. Because why wouldn't they be? OR you learn how to let your soulmates past your carefully crafted walls, and they’re more than happy to show you what a loving and supportive relationship should look like.
🗯️ a funny and cute one! (with extra h0rny characters lol)
BTS Office CEO AU by @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue
You work for seven CEOs who have called you into their office due to a complaint
Can't Wait To See You Again by AlexLorchan / @alexlwrites
The one where Jungkook develops a huge crush on a Youtuber he found after falling into the rabbit hole of his recommended videos. Unbeknownst to him, you were also recommended to his hyungs. Unbeknownst to you, all across the world seven idols were slowly falling in love with you.
🗯️ I just love the concept of the boys being fanboys :3
Choco Bun by @nunchiimagines
When you moved to Korea after finishing college to continue pursuing latte art and baking, the last thing you were expecting was to open up your very own coffee shop under BTS Corp, Korea’s biggest entertainment service company for idols, models, singers, and more. Thanks to your hard work, creativity, and approachable personality you managed to become friendly with some pretty big named individuals as well as up and coming talent. As exciting and fun as it was for you, you slowly began to realize how much your 7 bosses weren’t particularly fond of this, acts of jealousy, pettiness, and aggression poking through in the most unsuspecting of ways. But what could 7 big named dragons want with a little foreign bunny?
Combined Beings by @numinousher
You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. the bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentioned you to the other 6.
Hybrids have been introduced into society for a handful of years now, the fighting for their rights is still happening but doesn't look promising. But when one girl finds a hybrid in danger she jumps at the chance to help, yet what she didn't know was how upside down her life was about to become. But a word of advice, not everything is as it seems.
🗯️ minus the bullying elements, this story is like a comforting sweet cloud
Comfort by http-lostforever
Could We Be Together Someday? series by BTS_Mommy / @babyboy-bangtan
🗯️ mann Idk what to write lol. this is another one that I've re-read thousand times, bcs some of the boys started as fanboys then became clingy friends. also yn's so supportive I just lovee.
❶ By Chance
A misunderstanding gone viral puts you on BTS's radar, which leads to a series of events that finally culminate with you meeting them for the first time.
❷ The Moments in Between
As you become close friends with BTS, you begin to realize that the feelings you have for them are slowly turning into something you're not ready to deal with. Unbeknownst to you, the same is happening to them.
Crave by sweetinsanityy
The boys don't do well with being controlled, but for their group, they'll bite their tongue and put on a smile for management. Yet when you, a new little rookie, stumble upon them, they're like a pack of hungry wolves. Or, the boys are all Doms and they want you to be their perfect little sub.
Cursed Fate by PurpleQueenie
The universe has designed soulmates- someone that completes you. But what happens when you don't have one but seven? And all you want to do is run in the opposite direction when you see them...
🗯️ queenie's stories are just so good, you should check them all out! this one also has such great details and writing.
Deep Down by sleepingbearandbunny
Jae, unlike everyone else, has nothing against the hybrid species. She likes being alone, where she is safe from ridicule and her controlling father. When a group of hybrids save her from some trouble, fate brings them together once more.
🗯️ a harsh and complecated world this one, so they went through a lot together and I love that!
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haikyu-mp4 · 7 hours
Until we meet again
word count; 913 – f!reader
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It was a slow evening in Tendo’s chocolate shop. The tall man rested against the counter and hummed under his breath as he watched people walk past his shop. All the necessary batches of chocolate were already in the fridge and he just got over the lunch rush, which seemed to last for hours in France. Business was good, but the evenings were always calmer.
The bell above the door rang and he lifted his head, curious eyes on you as he said his practised greeting. “Bienvenue!” (Welcome!).
However, he pursed his lips when he saw you were on the phone, speaking quickly in French and not sounding particularly satisfied.
You met Tendo’s eyes and flashed him a quick apologetic smile before you kept rambling and put your stuff down at one of the few tables so you could sit down. Five minutes later you were still arguing and Tendo had an idea.
At this point, you were pinching between your eyes in frustration when you heard porcelain hit the table, looking up in surprise to see the redheaded chocolatier’s smile. He had given you a plate of two chocolates that looked mouth-watering, and you gave him the most thankful eyes you could while still doing your best to pay attention to your colleague on the phone. You whispered “Merci, cher.” (Thank you, dear.) before getting back to your business.
You picked up a piece of chocolate as Tendo got back behind the counter and watched as you ate the first piece. Somehow, it seemed like you melted along with the chocolate in your mouth and it might have been one of his proudest moments in this line of work. It seemed to him like your tone changed as well, and five minutes later, you finally said a determined dismissal before putting the phone face down on the table. You picked up the other piece of chocolate before meeting Tendo’s eyes. No one ever looked at him that softly before, it made him twiddle his thumbs in front of him, flustered.
“I am so sorry for disturbing your peace, how much are those chocolates?” you asked, standing up from your seat and moving over to the counter in front of him. Your French accent sat heavy on your tongue, Tendo was entranced by your presence.
“It’s on the house,” he said and tilted his head with a cute smile, hoping you wouldn’t argue too much about it. “Seemed like you needed it.”
“Thank you.” You breathed out a heavy chuckle, making him laugh as well to ease the tension. Luckily for him, you thought he had some samples lying around to get people to buy more anyway, thus deciding not to argue. “And you have no idea. There’s this big project...” You held your palm to your forehead, shaking your head. “But I won’t bother you with that.” His heart fluttered when you looked at him again. It felt like your eyes danced together for a moment, settling in each other’s presence until the sound of a car honking outside brought you both back to the moment at hand.
“Not that I would mind listening to you rant about your job, but was there anything else you came in here for?” he asked, leaning a bit forward and laughing softly again when you blushed.
“Right! Three croissants au chocolate and…” you moved to the glass cases showing off his beautiful creations. He watched as your tongue poked out from between your lips in thought, looking away when you stood back in front of him as if he was checking some notes. “..a box of six with whatever you recommend, please.” you asked and got your wallet out, watching Tendo’s eyes light up. And what a pretty sight that was.
Of course, people sometimes asked for his recommendations, but being blindly trusted never stopped making him excited. He felt inspiration bubbling in his fingertips, so now it was his turn to glance between you and his selection of chocolates. After setting it up so you could pay, he moved over to get everything for you.
Tendo readied three fluffy chocolate croissants and then started picking chocolates in a separate box. He chose some of his favourites that go well together, naturally making two of them hearts. Finally, he closed everything off and added stickers with his logo to keep them closed wherever you were going. You watched his hands intently as he worked, oddly entranced by the shop’s atmosphere.
“Thank you so much,…” you sharpened your eyes to look at the little badge on his apron for his name, only to see that it was embroidered. Fancy. In red letters, it said Satori Tendo. “Tendo.”
The man bowed his head slightly, a French the pleasure is all mine slipping off his tongue. “But you can call me Satori.”
Your head tilted curiously, a small smile playing on your lips. Tendo blinked back at you, unsure what question was running through your head. “Very well, Satori,” you purred. “I hope I’ll see you again soon.”
“You know where to find me.” He tapped the counter nervously when you turned to leave. “Wait, mademoiselle! May I have your name?”
You giggled, lightly hitting your forehead with your palm at your impoliteness. With a red flush over your nose, you told him your name and it left just enough of a sweet taste on his tongue for him to let you leave. Until we meet again…
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stellayuta · 2 days
Love on The Grid - Formula 1 AU! Yuta Okkotsu - Pt 4
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Your likes, comments and reblogs really encourage me to write more! So do interact with this post and let me know your thoughts 🧡
PART 1 ||| PART 2 ||| PART 3
synopsis: One-night stands were nothing but a necessary painkiller for your inability to cross paths with true love. Your most recent find at a Vegas Club was no different. He was boring, obedient, SLOW! You leave him high and hanging hoping you'd never see him again until you find yourself gawking at a supersized billboard of him on a Vegas highway with the title 'LEGEND RETURNS TO VEGAS'.
genre: microscopic amounts of fluff and lots of angst
content: 18+ only. Some Verbal Ab*se(read at your own discretion), Formula one driver! Yuta x f! reader, angst angst angst, swearing, mentions of s*x, panic attack description and discussion of mental health <3
word count: 4.6k
a/n: part 4's out buddies. enjoy. For this part i wanted a.n.g.s.t and some necessary conversations. this part made me so sad yuck, i took multiple breaks. hugs for YUTA
The morning sun, a soft orange, peers through the ceiling window and you watch night slowly blossom into day, minute by minute. You are cocooned within Yuta's cage of arms as he breathes deep and quick against your chest, fast asleep. The rest of your body is cushioned by fluffy blankets, pillows and his bare body that glows bronze in the sunlight. You let him have this moment one last time.
You keep watching the sun rise as you have been, staring at the window all night long with barely any sleep, as the sky goes from a deep blue to a pale blue to a bright blue. You didn't get a wink of sleep after last night. Your heart beats steadily as you caress Yuta's fluffy black hair, and he groans in his sleep.
You feel a terrible knot in your stomach for some reason.
Deciding to get some fresh air to treat your anxiety, you try sliding Yuta's arm off, but he only wants to hold on tighter to you, his brows knitting together in what seems like an expression of worry.
You frown at him.
"Yuta, I need to use the restroom..."
He buries himself closer to your chest. "Go later..."
Each time you hear him speak; you feel your heart crack a little in the weak spots. If you could, you would just stay here with him forever. But you need to stick to your decision.
"It's morning, Yuta..." you speak, lips brushing against his soft hair. "Let's wake up."
"It's press day... Let me sleep in, with you, just a while longer." He raises, raising his head a bit and looking at you with puppy eyes. He leans in for a kiss and wants to hold on to it.
You hold on to his face, losing your train of thought as soon as you see his helpless-lover boy eyes. The dumbfounded way he smiles at you like he would kiss your feet.
The heated moment though, just as your fingers find his hair, gets interrupted by a beeping sound coming from your watch.
*New Message*
You check your watch, irritably. And your eyes widen at the name that pops up.
"What's wrong?" Yuta asks, grabbing your wrist lightly.
"I'll have to respond." You state. "It's from work."
Getting out of bed, you quickly put a shirt on, his, and head out the lavish hotel suite. "I'll be back." you leave Yuta in his bed, with a smile.
You take frantic steps as you pace through the lobby scrolling through the messages that were left unread on your watch. There are a good 10 messages from Megumi. You recall that you left your phone with your friends to keep Megumi's relentless contacting at bay while you ran off with Yuta. Now, while unknowingly holding your breath, you open his messages.
"Why won't you answer your phone?"
"Y/N. What's wrong? Are you alright? I haven't heard from you at all. Just tell me if you're okay. I'm worried. Reply ASAP."
Now he's worried? You suppress a chortle.
"Y/N. I just got in contact with someone from your office. Your other friends are unreachable. They said you've taken a personal leave? Where the hell have you gone!"
"... Nobara told me that she heard from a few people at your office that you've left for Vegas. Why the hell did you do that? Pick up my calls!"
You scroll further up to find the latest messages
"Oh, someone sent me these. So that's what you're up to?"
*Attached file* You open it to see a grainy picture of you and Yuta entering the casino from last night.
"Really, Y/N? You had the balls to run away from me, acting like I'm sort of criminal when you were up to this? What good are you anyway? You're no different than me!" Your blood curdles as you keep reading the messages.
"Getting caught cozying up to some strange man? Have you no shame? What am I supposed to tell the people here now when they find out? Do you ever think about the consequences of your actions."
"Hope he fucks you up and leaves you out on the street, naked, for everyone to see."
That was it. That was your last straw. Your hand is shaking so hard, you push the watch off of your hand and it clatters across the floor. You gasp at it but don't make an effort to retrieve it. You look around, suddenly feeling claustrophobic amidst the hotel walls and quicken your pace. Holding your hand to your mouth, you keep pacing till you find an open balcony that overlooks the dusty, morning skyline of Vegas. Your heart thrums against your ribcage loud and wild as you try to reign yourself in. You want to scream out, but no voice would come out. You want to cry but no tears would leak. What are you supposed to do now? What if you go back to the room to find out Yuta has deserted you? What if that was his idea all along?
What if...
"Hey there, miss." A soft, husky voice calls out to you from behind and you turn to look, with bleary eyes. "Um... is this yours?" he holds out your watch to you. You stare at it but don't take it back.
"Are you alright? Do you need help or something?" He asks, concerned. He has narrow, serpentine eyes and beautiful features for his delicate face frame. He has long hair that he ties half-up and let's the bottom half flow free. He's dressed in baggy, warm clothes - dark blue and red. Just like the car from the race.
"I'm sorry, I-I'm alright..." you manage to croak out, with a dry throat.
"Thank you for this. Sorry, again for any trouble." you say, accepting your watch with a tight smile.
"Well, you don't look to good. What's wrong?" he asks with a subtle smile, making his way towards the railing and leaning on it, watching the sunrays illuminate a desert like Vegas.
"I've never seen a girl in distress after being with Okkotsu. So it must be something else." He says, maintaining his gaze at the sky.
"Wh- How do you know about Yuta?"
"That's the shirt I gifted him last year." He says bitterly, pointing at the shirt you're wearing. "And well, I saw you at the party last night. Glued to him. I hate to admit it but I have to keep an eye on his activities since he's the number one competition after all." He says, smiling unconvincingly to the point his eyes crinkle and form crescents.
"Who are you again?" you ask, narrowing your eyes at him.
You raise a brow at him.
"Did Okkotsu say nothing about me? That's offensive. I am Geto from RedBull. Number 2 at the race, remember now?" he gives some more information, and it finally clicks in your brain.
"Oh, I get it." you exclaim. "Why would Yuta tell me about you?"
"He hasn't told you anything? Are you even dating him woman?"
".... I'm not?"
"What?" Now his narrow eyes go wide for a moment. "Seriously?"
"Why, what's wrong?" you prod, curious now.
"Well by the look of it, he seemed to be pretty smitten with you. It's usually the other way around. Girls get smitten by him because they love a Romeo. They love to be pampered and treated with chivalry. But this is the first I've seen him actively trying to woo someone. I thought you two were a sealed deal." he says. It makes pink rise up your cheeks.
"Well, we aren't dating..." you admit to him and he shakes his head.
"That's too bad." Geto smirks. "After years of unknowingly wooing every driver's girl on the grid - including mine and Gojo's, the girl he likes doesn't like him back."
"Well, we're just friends." You try to steer the discussion.
"Friends don't look at each other like they would start eating each other out any minute. Believe me, if there was even a slight chance that you appeared to be available, Gojo would have made his move on you." You wrinkle your nose at the notion and Geto lets out a laugh.
"Why do you care though?" You ask. "I thought y'all are supposed to be enemies or something."
"On the grid, sure." He states. "But we are friends away from it. Plus, we go way back. Trained together, grew up together. Okkotsu had a knack for being the father of the group even back then, although he's younger by a few years."
"He's a good lad." Geto comments, finally looking at you.
"I don't want to hear more about it..." you say. The more you know about Yuta, the harder it will be to let go of him.
"If I start talking about his green flags, we will be out here all day. And I have press to attend to." Geto says, leaning away from the railing now.
"I mean, I don't know much about anything other than cars and race craft. But, yes, get rid of your ex, he seems salty. And don't let go of golden opportunities. That's call stupidity."
Your jaw pops open. "H-How did you know about-"
"You left your watch screen open. Anyway, Ciao." He says, deserting you in the balcony. One thing he did accomplish was completely erase your panic attack. Maybe you will thank him someday, after you punch him for reading your messages.
You hurry back to your room and find Yuta already dressed up in a navy-blue jacket, white tee and jeans. His hair has been gelled to the side again and looks like he took a nice long shower. He's just done applying his intoxicating cologne when you peer through the door.
"Done with your office call, baby?" He asks, fixing the collar of his jacket in the mirror. He looks so good today; you can't help but smile sheepishly.
You remember as if it was yesterday (it was) when you found him all clueless, in that club.
"Yeah, I'm done." You say, keeping your eyes to the ground as you walk in. One of his shirts and pants should do. A bit oversized perhaps, but they will do. You start rummaging through his closet to pick some colors that would flatter you.
"It was your ex wasn't it?" He asks out of nowhere and your hand freezes on one of the cloth hangers.
"W-what are you talking about?" you ask, without turning around to face. "It wasn't him, haha, of course not, Yuta!"
You hear Yuta's bare feet walking towards you as you feel a chill run up your spine. He hugs you from behind and you feel warm and fuzzy all of a sudden.
"I'm not going to make you tell him this since I don't want you talking to him at all, but-" He whispers against your eye. "If he reaches out to you again or says anything that even makes you twitch your eye or crease your forehead, I'm sending assassins after him."
"Or a high-profile restraining order, whichever you pick." He makes you turn around to face him, greeting you with a grin but you are already teary eyed.
"Shoot, did I overstep?" He asks, concerned, wiping away at your tears.
"How did you even know about him?" You ask, half-laughing by how absurdly worried he looks at having made you cry.
"You told me all about him on the first night we met, on the way to our first- ahem..." He says. "Well, you were quite passionate about your hatred about him."
"And you remember all of that?"
"Of course. It was plenty entertaining. Hearing you destroy that git. Plus, you said you wanted a hot hookup to get over it." He smirks at you.
"What!" you scowl at him. "Who said you are hot?"
"Apparently, tipsy Y/N is franker about her feelings." He laughs. "But you immediately started apologizing fervently for making me uncomfortable by making weird remarks. It was cute. Plus, not once did you badmouth the girl, he cheated on you with. It was dignified on your part."
"Wow, I don't remember anything about that at all..." you admit. "But I'm so surprised you remember so much of it."
"It's the first time someone was so raw with me. I haven't felt this human in so long..." Yuta says, pressing his forehead to mine.
"Shut up..." I whisper against his face. "... Or I'll fall for-" you stop yourself in time.
"Hm?" He mumbles, closing his eyes.
"Look at the time, Yuta!" you shriek once your eyes land on the wall clock. "Press conference starts at 11:30. It's 11:10!"
The two of you look at each other, burst out laughing and make haste. You pick out one of his light teal shirts and blue jeans. The two of you hurry down the hotel and as Yuta makes dash for the driver's seat of his lambo, he is pulled away by Toji who stuffs him in the back along with you. The drive is quick and stressless and the two of you get out and separately enter the arena where what seems like a thousand photographers and journalists have gathered. You pull a black cap onto your head to maintain some privacy as you walk twenty paces behind Yuta, having Toji as your company.
You slip through the crowd, feeling the buzz of excitement in the air. The press conference room is abuzz with journalists, photographers, and fans, all eager to catch a glimpse of their favorite Formula One drivers. Toji walks beside you, his large frame providing a sense of protection from the sea of people. You adjust your black cap, hoping to stay inconspicuous amidst the chaos.
As you approach the main stage, you spot Gojo and Geto already seated, microphones in front of them, Geto clothed sleekly in a black suit and his face calm and composed despite the flashing cameras and Gojo decked out in a flashy red jacket and white cargo pants. They answer questions with practiced ease, their camaraderie evident as they occasionally share a laugh. The audience is captivated, hanging on their every word.
You find a spot at the back of the room, not too far from the stage but far enough to avoid drawing attention. Toji stands nearby, his eyes scanning the room with a bodyguard’s vigilance. You shift your focus to the stage just as the spotlight shifts to Yuta, who takes his seat with a confident smile.
The moderator welcomes him warmly, congratulating him on his recent win. The room erupts in applause, and you can’t help but feel a swell of pride. Yuta, your Yuta, is the center of attention, and he handles it with grace. A lock of hair falls onto his forehead, it has a habit of doing that, you adore it.
The questions come quickly. Reporters ask about his strategy, his thoughts on the race, and his plans for the future.
"How's the car doing this season? Do we expect to see any upgrades for the Singapore Grand Prix next weekend?"
"Well Mercedes is planning to test out some new components. The car is quick at the corners but keeps sticking to ground in the straights so we'll have to see."
"Do you see yourself beating the Redbull dominance this season?"
"I think we have a fair shot, yes." Yuta says with a hint of mischief, waving at Geto next stage, who shakes his head.
Yuta answers each question thoughtfully, his charm winning over even the most skeptical journalists. You can tell that the crowd absolutely loves him and you don't blame them. You even see a few of the girls and guys carry hand-made gifts that they'd want to give to Yuta later and it brings a smile to your face.
Then, a question from a reporter in the front row catches your attention.
"Talking about the main event, Yuta, congratulations on your win! We’ve heard a lot about your professional achievements, but we’re curious about your personal life. Aren't we all?" The journalist asks the crowd and recieves a resounding roar.
"Is there anyone special in your life right now?"
You hold your breath, heart pounding. Yuta’s eyes scan the crowd, and for a fleeting moment, they lock with yours. His smile softens, a private look that only you would recognize.
“Well,” he begins, pausing to gather his thoughts. He bites his lip sheepishly.
"There's this amazing woman that I absolutely can't stop thinking about. I don't think she knows it."
"Is there anyone who would ever turn down a driving legend like you? You're quite the lover-boy aren't you?" The journalist comments in jest.
"I hope she doesn't." Yuta admits.
The room buzzes with curiosity, but Yuta doesn’t elaborate. Instead, he moves on to the next question, skillfully deflecting further inquiries into his private life. It’s surreal, hearing him acknowledge you in such a public setting, even if no one else knows it’s you.
But whatever it is, he has now made it public. There's no going back now. If it has to stop, it has to stop here, before any damage is done.
The press conference continues, with Gojo and Geto fielding more questions. They discuss their rivalry and friendship, making the audience laugh with their banter. You can’t help but admire their ease and confidence, traits that Yuta shares.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur. The press conference area is vibrant with activity beyond the main stage. Tables selling F1 merchandise line the sides, displaying caps, T-shirts, posters, and model cars. A photobooth nearby draws fans, capturing moments with fun props and themed backdrops. A meet-and-greet section is bustling, where fans eagerly await autographs and photos with their favorite drivers. Excitement peaks at the game round booth, where fans compete in F1-themed challenges, like tire-changing races and simulator laps.
You find him standing with his team, his expression relaxed but his eyes searching. When he spots you, his face lights up with a smile that makes your heart skip a beat. You walk up to him, feeling the weight of the moment.
[Music Recommendation: ]
“Nice job in there,” you say, your voice low.
“Thanks,” he replies, his smile turning into a smirk. “Did you like my answer?”
You laugh, feeling the tension melt away. “It was very diplomatic.”
He leans in, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I meant every word.”
You feel your smile dropping now. You pull him to the side for a bit.
"Yuta, I must leave today. I have a flight. Will you come to see me off?" you say, with an air of seriousness.
The smiles fades away from Yuta's face too as he hears this, but he perks himself right up.
"Gotcha. I'll see you out in a few... Wait in the car."
Sure enough, Yuta isn't late by more than five minutes. He dismisses Toji saying he wants some privacy with you.
"Wow. What a day!" Yuta laughs, running a hand through his hair and seating himself beside you in his car. The two of you start for the airport, having told him that you are to depart for home today and that your friends have already taken all your luggage with them.
Yuta doesn't seem all too worried and drives smoothly, playing with your fingers with his free hand, smiling merrily to himself. He rolls down the window so you could let your hair fly out again at top speed.
You gulp hard as you see the lanes of the road widening and buildings getting sparser - indicating that the airport is now close.
Yuta's shiny Lambo joins the queue of cars waiting to drop someone off and you spot a lot of onlookers whistle at the car.
"So, this is it, then." Yuta says and shrugs his shoulders.
"Mind writing your number on the notepad there, Y/N. I am about to call you every day." He says, lost in his fantasies as he parks on the side of the departure lane and gets out of the car to open the door for you.
He helps you out of the car and your lips quiver in anxiety. There is no point in delaying it anymore. Now is your final chance to do this right.
"Hope you wrote the number right!" Yuta grins at you gleefully, not letting go of your hand. "Oh, and-"
He brings out a card and slips it into the front pocket of your shirt.
"That's my contact info, in case. The Singapore GP is next week, I thought you'd like to come perhaps? You can call me and we can get your tickets book. I will make sure to respond, just-"
"Yuta, I'm not leaving my number with you." you finally blurt it out.
"We're not meeting again after this." you add, your lips shaking. "Ever."
Yuta looks blank for a minute until it suddenly dawns on him.
"Y/N..." He holds both of your shoulders as the cars behind him start honking. The both of you pay no heed to it.
"I don't understand..." He swallows, his eyes glassy. "D-do you not want to? I- I thought..."
You have two choices now. Lie to him that you were just using him as a casual outlet and reaffirm everything Megumi has said about you. Or, tell Yuta the truth he deserves to know.
Instead, you pick the third option.
"You are a celebrity, Yuta. I am a commoner, a nobody. You will be busy, find many, many better people. My life is much more static than your fast paced one." You say, trying to make it sound convincing. He looks far from convinced though.
"If it's just that, you don't have to worry, Y/N... Drivers can have private lives. We can think of a work-around. You don't have to-"
"No, you don't get it, Yuta. That's not all."
I love you.
"I-I... I am still in love with Megumi. I'm not over him yet." you say with a straight face. Mentally, you want to throw up, stab yourself for saying that. Even the mere thought is disturbing. Yuta looks utterly confused now.
"You are not, Y/N. What are you saying!" He leans in, trying to reason with you.
"You don't love that asshole... "
You are right. I love you.
"You don't have to be stuck on him, Y/N. Let go. You will only hurt yourself." He tries to plead but you know where it's going to lead. He asks you one more time.
"Do you... love me, Y/N?"
I love you. But I don't love myself. It will take time. Time for me to put myself together. Time for me to stop having panic attacks. Time to see myself as beautiful, as worthy. Time that you can use to better yourself. Find someone better. You are a champion and I can't be the obstacle on your track. Don't wait for me. I won't make you wait. I love you that much.
The words stay stuck in your mouth for you know that if you were to reveal your feelings - Yuta would convince you that he would wait.
So, you just shake your head.
"I'm sorry. I apologize, I truly do." you say as your eyes go dull, not looking anywhere, not at Yuta's quivering eyes, not at the mob that is closing in realizing that the person in front of them is THE racer Yuta.
You slowly separate yourself from Yuta and purse yourself, stifling a sob as you jog away from him, not looking back.
You choose to go deaf until you are inside the airport.
That is when you finally break down crying.
The flight back to your crampy, old town in a remote state is rather suffocating. Your friends are seated together in two rows while you share your row with a knocked out, snoring lady.
You stare out the window and at the clouds, dejected and feeling an empty hole in your stomach that you don't know if it will ever get filled.
You get to your dimly lit apartment complex at around 9 PM, when most of the town has gone to sleep and it's rather dangerous to be out.
You take in a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the upcoming altercation and ring the bell.
A very tired looking but equally shocked Megumi opens the door and immediately scowls at you.
"So, you've returned?"
"I have come to take my stuff out, as much as I can for now." you say, emotionlessly. The more to the point this conversation is, the better.
"It's quite late, Y/N." He mentions, softly. You almost see the old Megumi for a second, but no matter which version of Megumi shows up in front of you right now, your heart lies somewhere else. Plus, you'd rather Megumi eat shit then ever smile at him again.
"Stay the night at least, I'll drop you off wherever you want in the morning." He suggests but you remain firm.
"Megumi, I'll burn the house down if you even look at me. Move out of the way."
He doesn't try to engage in small talk after that and scurries out of your way.
It takes some time get all your essentials in place and the minute you leave the door of this apartment that you have lived and loved in for the past three years, it's like your life starts accelerating beyond your control, akin to one of Yuta's races.
One year for the both of you go by fairly quickly and yet at the same time, painfully, torturously slowly.
While the hectic days of your life begin to take a toll on your health - finding a new place, settling for a shitty temporary stay till you get a new lease, constant troubles at work, loss of job, moving around to find work, having to do everything by yourself, all magnified by an immense sense of loneliness have become a cause for you to regret living.
On the other hand, Yuta has become a devil on the track, partaking in dangerous race strategies and putting himself, his car and his team at risk, bringing in tons of negative press for his risky driving. His wins are completely overshadowed by poor sportsmanship and his inability to entertain interviews and questions. He loses out on the championship win that year.
The two of you sleep in each night, shedding silent tears, wondering when either of you will be able to return to normalcy and just why, a fleeting romance of three days was enough to affect the two of you in this manner.
The two of you slept, troubled by the fact that each day you spent without each other, the body's tendency to hold on would only get more stubborn.
He missed you, your softness, your sarcastic remarks, your blatant disregard for his celebrity status and your acceptance for what he is and more so what he is not.
You missed the unconditional way in which Yuta cared for you and listened to you, in the small time you were together. The way that he would look at you like the world revolved around you and he needed nothing else to live on.
The two of you had no choice but to move on though, after all, time waits for no one...
And yet, time has the power to heal everything.
But certainly.
The next time you see dark blue eyes look up at you from the TV screen, your heart has been set free and reborn.
To be continued...FINAL CHAPTER NEXT GUYS!
a/n: stupid ariana, forever making me cry. anyway, how was this? I can't write any fic without angst - key weakness. another weakness - my love for popular songs lmao
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lees-chaotic-brain · 6 hours
hall pass?! (pt. one, ft. yuuji itadori)
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summary: you explain the concept of a hall pass to him, then decide to play a little prank on him...
cw: cheating i guess, except no one actually cheats, fluff, crack, not beta read
word count: 614
note: hi guys i have emerged to post this before slithering back to where i came from. i promise i have actual fics in the makings. thank you for being so patient with me, i love you all <33. this is also inspired by a youtube short i saw a LONG time ago, but if any of you know what i'm talking about and don't mind sending me the link that would be amazing!! also at some point i'll probably make this a mini series with a couple of other characters!!
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"Hey, Yuu." He perks up at the sound of your voice. "What's up?"
"I just realized we haven't talked about hall passes. Do you know what they are?"
He tilts his head slightly to the side as he considers the question. "I think so. Nobara explained them to me once. It's like a free pass to sleep with one person who's not your partner without consequences, right?"
"Pretty much. The only other thing is you have to establish who that one person is beforehand, so you can't just randomly cheat and claim it was your hall pass."
"Okay..." He looks a little confused. "But why are we talking about hall passes? I only want to be with you..."
Your heart melts, and you feel a little bad about where you were going with this line of conversation but you hadn't pranked him in a little while. "I know baby, but I'm curious. If you had to pick someone, who would it be?"
"Jennifer Lawrence, obviously, but only because I had a massive crush on her when I was a teenager and I know it will never happen."
"That makes sense." You nod, trying not to smile. He was a little bit too predictable at times.
"But what about you?" He blurts. "Who would your hall pass be?"
"Oh me?" You do your best to sound nonchalant. "Probably John."
"John? Who's John?"
"Oh, just some guy I work with." You glance at your phone as if you're checking the time. "Speaking of which, I need to go meet up with him to discuss something right about now."
Getting up from the couch, you sling your bag over your shoulder head towards the front door, leaving your poor boyfriend sitting on the couch, gobsmacked.
"Anyways, see you later babe! This might take a little while so don't wait up for me-"
180 pounds of sunshine and muscle tackle you to the ground before you can even make it to your shoes. You lay sandwiched between the cold hardwood floor and the warm weight of your boyfriend, completely unable to move.
"Yuuji?? What are you doing..."
"DON'T GO!" He nuzzles into the back of your neck, and you can feel the pout on his lips.
"I'm sorry I said I would sleep with Jennifer Lawrence if I could get the chance. Please don't go and hang out with John...I love you."
The desperation in his voice breaks your resolve, and you give in. "Yuuji...baby...it was a prank. I'm sorry."
He freezes, then you can feel all the tension leave his body as he cuddles up against your back. "Oh. That's good. It wasn't very funny though."
"I know. I'm sorry." You attempt to shift, trying to alleviate the painful press of the hardwood floors against your hip bones. "Could you maybe get off though? The ground hurts and I do actually need to meet up with John, who's a sixty five year old man I do NOT find attractive in any shape or form."
"I don't care." He presses himself harder against you, but you notice that he slips his arms between you and the floor to cushion you. "I won't let you go until you promise to take me with you."
Glancing at the clock, you realize you're going to be late unless you leave within the next two minutes.
"Fine...you can come. But you have to be on your best behavior and leave us alone, okay?"
As you walk to your meeting with your boyfriend happily bouncing along at your side, you can't help but regret your past decisions.
That was the last prank you pulled for a little while.
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taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight @hotvinimon @m0k0k0 @starlightanyaaa
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Lie to Me
*Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader
*Summary: Reader can't ignore her boyfriend's weird behavior anymore. What she can do is delude herself into thinking everything is okay and still believe his lies.
*Warnings: Swearing, drinking, inferred cheating (no actual cheating), light angst. I think that's it, but let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: So I listened to Lie to Me by Ne-Yo a lot while writing this. A bit of a life update here: I'm about to start my last year of law school! It's crazy to think I started writing fanfics when I was just about to start high school and now here I am. Anyways, hope you guys like this one!
Tip Jar
There was something weird going on with your boyfriend. Sure, there had been his odd little quirks when you’d visited him before - like rushing to pick up only one bundle of clothes on the floor when you came in - but things really seemed to ramp up when you moved in with him. There were times when the two of you would be relaxing before bed, when he’d get a phone call and then be rushing out the door with a half-baked excuse. There would be times when you’d wake up to him leaving in the middle of the night, or coming back right before your alarm was supposed to go off for work. Maybe it was weird, but he was a cop, right? Maybe there were just emergencies he was needed for, maybe there were things he couldn’t talk about with you.
Maybe you were a fool.
You couldn’t exactly pin when the insecurity started really hitting you, but maybe it was the fact that you lived with him that made it really noticeable. When you brought it up to your friends, you got those knowing little pitying looks that you knew what they meant, but they didn’t want to say it out loud. The most you would get out of your friends was ‘talk to him’, but how could you talk to him when you were convinced you were making a big deal out of nothing?
The two of you were cuddled on the couch, watching a movie to round out a long awaited date night. You were enjoying the proximity, work really taking you through the wringer for the past week and you just needed this. About halfway through the movie, you could feel the vibrations from Dick’s phone ringing. He took a glance at the screen before sending it to voicemail. You looked up at him, but he just shook his head. “It’s not important.”
But apparently it was, because whoever it was called him three more times before he finally got up to answer the phone. That took you back a bit, because he normally was fine taking work calls in front of you. When he had been gone for a few minutes, you paused the movie and got up to go check on him. The door to your bedroom was cracked open, and you could hear Dick’s whispers to the person on the other side of the call. “Listen, I can’t go. I promised her I’d spend the night with her.”
You didn’t want to interrupt, so you just sat there, waiting for him. You felt a little weird listening in, but there was something in you telling you to stay. 
“Babs, you know I normally would, but-” Dick’s sentence was cut off, but after a few seconds he spoke again. “Alright, fine, I’ll be there. I’ll just make something up again.”
You could hear Dick’s groan of frustration, and that snapped you out of it before you could spiral. You made your way back to your spot on the couch, eyes unfocused on the movie in front of you. Dick’s footsteps were your cue to look up, trying to hide any signs of your heartache. “So what was that?”
“I’m sorry, baby, they just made an arrest for a case I’m on,” Dick apologized, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. It just broke you even more knowing how easily the lies spilled from his lips, not even needing time to think about it.
“They can’t handle it?” You slipped up, unable to hide your attitude for the second. You grimaced, realizing you should have waited until he was gone and you had room to process everything on your own. Instead, Dick was now moving in front of you, kneeling so he could be face-level with you. The concern was so quickly painted on his face that you couldn’t help but feel that little tug in you. You were the reason he was worried. You needed to fix it.
“I’m really sorry, I tried to get out of it but they really need me to come in.” You looked away from his intense gaze, trying to will away the tears that were threatening to build up. “Baby, c’mon, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. You should go before you get in trouble,” you told him in a small voice.
“Please look at me?” Dick practically pleaded, placing his hand on your knee. You forced yourself to meet his blue eyes, trying to soothe his worry. The sooner he was out of the apartment, the sooner you could let yourself fall apart.
“Sorry, it’s just been a while since we’ve been able to hang out and I was looking forward to it,” you told him, placing your hand over his. “I know your job’s important, you should get going.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too.” As soon as Dick was satisfied that you were okay, he went about grabbing his things for work. When the front door closed behind him, you let out a deep sigh. You knew who Barbara was, and you’d already gone through your fit of insecurity about her when you and Dick first got together. You knew her and Dick had been an item for a while before the two of you had met, and things ended when he moved to Blüdhaven.
Dick had been so good at soothing your worries, always letting you know if she was going to be at the same events as him (she normally was) or what they were chatting about since they were still friends. You weren’t personally friends with her, but when you finally met her, she had really eased all your worries. She just seemed like such a good person, and she immediately put you at ease. But now you couldn’t help but think it was all for show. 
It wasn’t unusual for Barbara to randomly call Dick, but why was she so insistent that he go to her right now? What did Dick mean by make something up again? Was every work emergency a lie? Your heart felt heavy in your chest, but you couldn’t find it in you to move or find something to distract yourself with. You laid on your side, the movie still playing on the television in front of you, but you didn’t care about it anymore. Eventually the movie ended, but you didn’t care enough to change it to something else. The recommended titles screen played trailers for movies you didn’t care about, but you didn’t need the apartment to be completely silent, so you didn’t bother to turn it off. 
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you woke up the next morning with Dick’s arm around your waist, his deep breaths fanning over the back of your neck. He must have carried you back to the bed whenever he got back, and you felt the warmth creeping into your cheeks at his thoughtfulness. If you woke him up, you’d have to ask questions about what time he got in last night. Technically, all you had right now were suspicions. You could ignore them, turn a blind eye to his nights gone and enjoy when he was here, or you could confront him, and risk blowing up everything you’d come to love. If he continued lying to you, you could pretend you didn’t know. You felt his arm tighten around you, and you made your decision. You closed your eyes, trying to will yourself back to sleep. You would enjoy this while you had it, ignore what you knew. 
It was nice to pretend nothing was wrong. Dick was still the nearly perfect boyfriend he had always been - bringing you little surprises after a rough day at work, showing you plenty of affection, never afraid to shower you with words of affirmation - and now you chose not to question the not-so-perfect parts. There was still the little ache when Dick would suddenly announce he was needed at work, but you just gave him a soft smile and a kiss on his way out the door, telling him to get home safely.
Things had gone like that for a couple months before a true challenge to your delusion appeared. Dick came home from work, letting you know that the two of you were invited to Bruce’s for (yet another) Wayne Foundation event. You had to admit that you were excited, it had been a while since you had seen everyone, and Dick’s brothers were just chaotic enough to keep you entertained for the whole night. Your excitement dipped a little when Dick told you Barbara would also be there. It was easy to pretend they didn’t have anything going on when she lived in a different city, but with the two of them in the same room, seeing the two of them together, you didn’t know just how long you’d be able to hold onto your delusion.
The first night you were there was nice. It was just you and the various Wayne children (though some of them weren’t necessarily children anymore), everyone joking around and just enjoying being in the same house. When you went to call it a night, tired from traveling and the general chaos of the Wayne household, Dick followed you up. 
“I forgot how wild you all are,” you joked, changing into your pajamas, which was just one of Dick’s shirts and a pair of shorts.
“Yeah, you know how it gets when all of us are together,” Dick laughed. “I’m glad you’re having fun, you’ve been kind of off for a while.”
That made you pause. You thought you’d been doing a good job at hiding what you knew, but maybe that was just more of your own delusions. “What?”
“Yeah, you’ve just been a bit off, but I figured you’d tell me when you’re ready,” Dick explained, taking you in his arms. “I’m here for you, you know. I’m not gonna make you tell me what’s wrong, but I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk about it.”
Your breath hitched at his reassurances, and you were sure that any other time it would have made you melt and just tell him what’s on your mind. But you couldn’t exactly share what was wrong when he was at the center of it. Without him confirming it, it didn’t have to be true, and you could pretend just a little longer. You stayed quiet, needing that peace for now.
Later that night, when Dick moved you out of his arms when he was sure you were asleep, you woke up the slightest bit. You didn’t say anything, and you didn’t say anything when you felt him leave the bed, or when you heard the door close behind him. It wasn’t until he’d been gone for a good while that you accepted he wasn’t going to come back until the early hours of the morning. When the tears built up, you didn’t stop them from falling, soaking the pillowcase beside you. 
You didn’t question where he’d gone when you woke up the next morning to him climbing back into bed. You didn’t move when he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. But of course he noticed you were awake, and of course he couldn’t just stay quiet like you had. “Baby, it’s early. C’mon, let’s go back to sleep.”
Going through the motions was easy, but the others noticed something was off about you. You could tell it in the way they treated you like you were one wrong move from breaking, and they weren’t technically wrong. The only ones not handling you with caution were Damian and Jason, but they normally weren’t ones to handle you with too much care anyways. Luckily, there wasn’t much time to linger around the heavy weight in your heart with the time for the gala quickly approaching.
“Alright, what gives?” Jason asked, holding out a champagne glass to you. You jumped a little, startled out of your thoughts as you looked at Dick and Barbara across the room, laughing with each other.
“You’re acting weird, what’s going on.” Jason didn’t give you any room to try to weasel your way out of the conversation, pinning you to the spot with his stare. Even though the two of you were decent enough friends, this whole issue was concerning his brother, so you’d rather not bring it up to him. Or anyone for that matter.
“It’s nothing, really-”
“Bullshit and we both know it. Now spill.” Damn Jason.
“I think I need to-”
“I think you need to tell me what’s going on. Spill.” Bastard.
“Okay, fine! Damn, you’re stubborn.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Alright. So, uh, what can you tell me about Dick and Barbara?” You immediately took a sip of the champagne, trying to hide your face.
“You heard me.” “Yeah, but I thought you and Dick already talked about all that.”
“Humor me.”
“They dated in high school, but she works with us so we’re all pretty close to her,” Jason explained.
“Like she works at Wayne Enterprises?”
“Wait, he hasn’t told you?”
“Hasn’t told me what, Jason? Listen, I overheard him on a call with her a bit ago and then he made an excuse to go meet her. Can you just tell me if you know anything or not?”
“Listen, Dick’s a fucking idiot for going this long without telling you, but he’s not cheating on you if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Then what isn’t he telling me?”
“He’s your boyfriend, why don’t you just ask him?”
“He’s your brother, why don’t you just tell me if you know?” Jason laughed, taking a drink.
“Trust me, if I tell you, you won’t believe me. Just ask him before you drive yourself insane.” And just as quickly as he appeared, the man made his way back into the crowd, leaving you with your half drunk champagne and more questions than answers. But one thing was for certain, you couldn’t put this off for much longer, and if that meant breaking your illusion of a happy, perfect relationship, then so be it.
There was a certain lightness to knowing that, by the end of the night, you would have your answers. The facade you’d been putting on would finally fade away, and maybe you’d be able to breathe a little easier. When Dick returned to your side later that night, asking for a dance, he held you like you were precious, but not like you were broken. You would miss this.
The time wasn’t right until the last of the absurdly rich people were ushered into their cars, and you and the rest of the Wayne clan were returning to your rooms upstairs. Dick helped you out of your dress, pressing a kiss to the skin that was revealed to him, and it was all so tender that it made you want to cry. He passed you one of his t shirts to sleep in, and once you were dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed, you took a deep breath.
“Hey, so uh, I think I’m ready to talk about what’s been going on,” you told him as he was about to turn off the light. Immediately he crossed the room, kneeling to look up at you.
“Okay, take all the time you need.”
“So, a while ago when we were watching a movie, you got up to take a call, and I kind of overheard it,” you started, trailing off. Dick squeezed your knee, encouraging you to continue. “I know you haven’t been leaving for work emergencies. If something’s wrong here, then could you at least tell me instead of running to Barbara in the middle of the night?”
You chanced a glance at your boyfriend’s face, and there was nothing there but confusion. Dick was a smart guy, but damn was he stupid.
“Could you please just tell me what’s going on?” you asked, pulling his hand from your knee and into your own. You could feel the tears building again, but ignored it for now. “I just can’t take anymore lies.”
“I should’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t know how you’d take it,” Dick started, pressing a kiss to your hand. “Please don’t cry, baby. I’m not cheating on you, not with Barbara, not with anyone.”
“Then why do you keep sneaking out? You’re gone all night, and it’s not work-”
“Get up, put on some pants. I wanna show you something.” The sudden decisiveness was jarring, especially with how Dick had been kneeling at your feet mere moments before.
“Like, real pants?” Dick just stared at you, and you had to blame it on the emotional whiplash you were currently going through. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, you opted to grab a pair of sweats from the top of your bag. 
As soon as your slippers were on, Dick took your hand and led you through the halls of the manor. The place seemed so much lonelier when Bruce wasn’t hosting something, your footsteps echoing through the halls. You didn’t know the house well enough to know where exactly Dick was taking you, but eventually he stopped in the main hall.
“Alright, so what do you want to show me?” You asked, still trying to process what exactly was going on here. Surely the explanation couldn’t be so complicated as to have you running around the Wayne Manor.
“Wait just a second, I promise.” Dick turned to the grandfather clock, opening the glass door on its body and messing with something. Before you could ask what he was doing, he closed the door again and held up a finger for you to wait. A panel behind the grandfather clock opened, revealing a sleek elevator with blue lights accenting it. Before you could question it further, Dick pulled you into the elevator and pressed the button to start the descent.
“Rich people are so fucking weird, I swear,” you mumbled as the elevator just kept going down. “Dick, where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see in just a second.”
“That’s what you keep saying!” As if the world wanted to prove you to be an ass, the doors opened to reveal what you could describe as nothing other than a cave. Well, if a cave had very high-tech capabilities and various platforms showing off expensive equipment. “What the actual fuck?”
“So, uh, I wanted to tell you, but I also didn’t because it’s kind of weird and a little unbelievable,” Dick explained, once again taking you by the hand. Of course you recognized what this was, it was a little hard not to recognize something like the Batmobile. Your mind immediately scrambled for answers, but you couldn’t really rationalize all this the way you wanted to. It wasn’t until Dick stopped in front of the display cases of different suits that it fully sunk in.
“No fucking way.”
“Yeah. First things first, not Batman. But I think you can put together the fact that we live in Blüdhaven and-”
“You’re Nightwing.”
“Yeah. Listen, I’m really sorry I lied to you for so long, but I honestly thought I was keeping you safe and-”
“You’re an idiot,” you cut him off, not really meaning it. Well, you still kind of meant it. “I should’ve known there was no way you got that beat up from being a detective.”
Dick laughed, relief flooding his features. “Yeah, I’m not that bad at my day job.”
“So, that call with Barbara…”
“I was really trying to take the night off, but then Barbara got some information about a meeting happening that night and I had to go. I promise, she’s our informant and kind of runs a lot of things around here,” Dick explained. “It kind of works that I did the big reveal here. Showing you that locked trunk I have in the closet just doesn’t hit the same as coming here.”
“Yeah, I bet it doesn’t,” you agreed, laughing. You really didn’t know how to process the flood of emotions running through you, try as hard as you might. Of course you were a little miffed about the fact that Dick had been lying to you for years, but you also understood this wasn’t exactly the kind of thing you could really be open about. You were still emotionally drained from all the turmoil you’d gone through lately, but mostly you were relieved. Your boyfriend hadn’t found someone else. You weren’t going to be left as an afterthought. Things were going to be (kind of) the same.
Except for the fact that now you knew your boyfriend wore spandex on a near nightly basis.
“I completely understand if you need some time to process all this, but if you still want me, I promise I’ll never hide something like this from you again.” Dick turned to face you fully, taking your hand in his and holding it to his chest. “I’ll do whatever I need to make it up to you, please, I love you.”
“Dick, the last thing I ever want to do is break up with you. That’s why it took me so long to say something in the first place. I was willing to look past it all if it meant that you stayed, and if that makes me stupid, then yeah, I’m stupid.” You were glad when Dick interrupted you by pulling you into him, pressing his lips to yours.
Just as you were taking the time to enjoy the kiss, you heard a wolf whistle coming from somewhere else in the cave. “It’s about damn time you told her, but could you not do that right in front of the suits?”
Fucking Jason. 
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Burning Hearts Chapter 19
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You’ve spent a year with Law and the Heart Pirates now. Law is still pressing to unlock the full capabilities of your devil fruit powers as a mythical loan type, but you’ve got other things on your mind. You’ve uncovered Law’s plan to kill Doflamingo, but you’ve resigned to stop him and accept the way things are meant to be. He needs you. Your heart lies half with Law, but half at home with the Straw Hats. 
Taglist: @zoros-fourth-sword @cottoncandyloverrrr @airwolf92 @nothing-but-brass @tuskjohnny
WC: 4200 This should have been two chapters but idk I'm the author.
Burning Hearts Chapter 19: Finally
— — 
You couldn’t sleep that night. You had spent a year here with Law and his crew. How could you keep the secret that he was planning to abandon his own crew to take on Doflamingo alone? It was surely destined to fail… as strong as he was, you knew he was no match for the dangerous warlord. 
You tossed and turned until the sun rose and you threw the comforter off your body in defeat. You had to meet Law for training. You couldn’t let him know you knew about his plans… not yet. You didn’t know what to say. Do you try to convince him to stay? Do you tell the rest of the crew and have them join you in your efforts?
Law was so stubborn. He’s changed his mind less times than you could count on two hands. 
*knock knock*
You hopped out of bed and scurried to check the peephole in your door. It was Law. You suck in an anxious breath. 
You let him in. 
“Hi.” You say shyly as you close the door behind him. 
“Hi back.” He says with a slight smile. 
You try to return the smile but fail to look in his eyes. You backpedal a few feet and lean against the back of your bed. 
“So…. What’s up?” You ask as he stands awkwardly in your room. 
“I.. was wondering if you wanted to take the Tang out with me tomorrow night? Just us? Like… a date, maybe?” Law took a step towards you and placed a gentle, cold hand on your waist. 
“I… yeah sure.. should I pack anything?” You flinch involuntarily and he recoils his hand. You still haven’t made eye contact, keeping your eyes at Law’s chest level. 
“Probably just an overnight bag…” Law takes his free hand and tilts your chin up softly so you can meet his gaze. “You okay?” He asks. 
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well.” You lie. “Makes me kind of jumpy, I guess.” You feign a laugh, obvious to both you and Law that it was artificial. 
“We don’t have to go out tomorrow, we can do it some other time-“
“No! It’s okay.” You respond quickly, not wanting to draw more attention to your distraction. “I have a bunch of work in the garden to get done. So I would have to skip training today in order to finish in time to go out tomorrow…” You couldn’t help but at least try to give yourself an out. You move over to your desk and start putting on your apron and grabbing your gardening tools. 
“That’s fine.… well I’m going to be gone tonight but I’ll have the snail if you need me. I’ll pick you up tomorrow when the sun’s down, I should be back by then.” Law tries to push past your skeptical tone. 
“Where are you going.” You state firmly, finally make eye contact with Law and you stop shuffling through your gardening gear. You straighten your back and look deep into his grey eyes. 
“I have a meeting.” Law swallows. “World government stuff.” Law’s eyes flick to the floor, to the east wall of your room, then back to your harsh gaze. 
“Hmm.” You huff. Should you bring it up now? What was even the point? He’d never abandon his plan for you, so you probably shouldn’t bother. He was trying to be sweet… ask you out for a late night submarine trip alone… but he was still lying to you. You could tell. 
Love had been clouding your judgement- no, lust? It wasn’t love. You barely knew him, you were realizing now. Lust had been blinding you to the fact that Law only cared about his own goal. A man that cared about you wouldn’t haul his ass to a foreign country to let himself get brutally murdered after abandoning his lover and his loyal crew… you knew that much. 
There was an uncomfortable silence. 
A dry, choking feeling crept up your throat. You couldn’t show him that you knew.. he couldn’t know that you were upset… not yet. You sniffed, swiped your face with your hand to fake an innocent runny nose. 
“Right well, see you tomorrow then. I have to get to work. Have fun at your meeting.” You usher Law out of your room and close the door behind the two of you. You start walking quickly down the hall with your gardening tools in your arms before he could notice the tears welling in your eyes. 
“Yeah. Tomorrow, then.” Law mumbles as you walk away. 
But unbeknownst to you, of course Law had seen the tears.
— —  
You toiled away all day in the garden. Winter was here but you still had potatoes and winter melons to tend to along with the hardy evergreen plants. You threw yourself into your work to take your mind off of Law. Things had been so good until you discovered his plans to invade Dressrosa and the finality of your ‘relationship’ had become so real in your mind. 
The outdoor plants were fed and happy so you retreated to the shed where your prized plants were kept warm against the elements with heat lamps and hydroponic irrigation (a complicated system that Penguin had helped you set up). 
You spend the next hour or so trimming your marijuana plants and didn’t notice the sun setting outside the frost covered greenhouse windows. You reach inside your jumpsuit pocket and retrieve your rolling papers. 
You sigh and slide down against the shed’s wooden wall in a damp corner of your makeshift greenhouse. You roll yourself a joint as carefully as possibly with shaking, anxious hands. 
With trembling hands, you placed the joint between your chapped lips and fished out your butane lighter. You looked down and ran your thumb over the lighter’s gold engravings, and smiled weakly remembering the thoughtful crew mate who had gifted it to you years ago now. 
You push down the pangs of remembrance and light the joint. You take a long drag and let your head fall back against the wall. 
You exhale and catch yourself letting out a sob. You bring your hand to cover your nose and mouth, trying to keep it all in. Tears stream down your cheeks and slip over your fingers like water in a creek after a heavy rain. 
The door creaked open. 
“Hey… D? Are you in here? People are eating dinner and wondering where you are…” Ikkaku’s voice comes from the doorway. 
Ikkaku scans the shed and finds you clutching your knees to your chest in the corner, obviously crying. 
“Oh, honey…” Ikkaku’s curly hair bounces behind her as she rushes over to you and squats down next to your huddled form. “What’s wrong?” She reaches out to push your grey streak of hair out of your eyes gently. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” You manage to choke out after removing your hand from your mouth. You lean into Ikkaku’s chest and sob harder. She pulls you close into her arms. 
“It’s okay… let it out…” 
Ikkaku lets you cry violently into her body for several minutes until she finally pulls you back and wipes snot from your nose with the off-white sleeve of her jumpsuit. 
“Now what did he do this time? I thought he was taking you out tomorrow night?” 
“I-I can’t go.. it’s too much.. I’m leaving soon….” You whisper between sniffles. 
“Soon? In a year?” She cocks her head and asks. 
You nod. 
“Baby that’s then, this is now. Love has never had a place in the New World. It’s the shitty nature of it all. You’re going to have to make a choice. Do you want to just be happy for a year and then miserable forever, or miserable forever starting now?” Ikkaku tries to dry your cheeks the best she can with one hand as she strokes your back with the other. 
You cry harder at the thought of making that choice. 
“Just go with him. If he’s asking you to go, it’s because he needs you.”
You look up through wet eyelashes at your friend and weakly nod. 
“T-thank you…” 
“Any time. Now finish up in here and I’ll bring dinner to your room. I don’t need all those nosy ass boys gossiping about why you’re upset.” 
— — 
The Next Day…
You leaned with your forehead against the steamy shower tile fore awhile. Ikkaku’s words rang in your ears. “Do you want to be happy for a year and then miserable forever, or miserable forever starting now?” 
All you wanted more than anything in the world was to give yourself fully to Law, body and mind… but you couldn’t stop that gnawing feeling in your gut about the heartbreak you’ll inevitably receive hearing about his death. You had to push it aside as much as you knew it would hurt one day. But Ikkaku was right, you would regret it for the rest of your life if you didn’t see how far this could go. 
With a sigh you finished shaving your legs and trimming everything else, washed off the remaining body wash and turned off the scalding water. Steam radiated off your damp skin as you stepped out of the shower stall. 
You dried off and applied your favorite vanilla cashmere lotion all over your freshly smooth skin. As apprehensive as you were… he did refer to it as a date after all…
You got dressed in something cozy, not wanting to doll up too much due to the cold, and packed a small bag of overnight essentials. You tossed in your hair brush, tooth brush, fresh underwear and leggings, and an ornate cigarette case full of rolled joints and your butane lighter. 
You wave bye to Ikkaku and Penguin on your way out, Ikkaku giving you a sympathetic, comforting smile. 
You push open the heavy metal door to the base and pull the hood of your sweatshirt up to keep the brisk air from nipping at your ears. You could easily fly to where Law asked you to meet him and be there in a quarter of the time, but for your mind was telling you to walk. You trudged through the frozen field to the dock and cleared your head with each fall of your boots. 
— — 
Eventually you made it to the dock where indeed the large yellow submarine was anchored and waiting for you. You flitted up to the top deck and let yourself in the door. You slinked through the metal corridors of the ship and ended up at the control room. 
You knock twice but open the door immediately, feeling anxious. 
Law was standing with his back to you the same clothes he was wearing when he left. He turned upon hearing you open the door. He drops his hands from the wheel of the ship and stepped towards you. 
“Hey..” He sighs out softly as he starts to smile tiredly. You see that the bags under his eyes were even darker than usual. He looked exhausted. Law lifted his arms weakly towards you. You instinctively throw yourself into his embrace. One hand wrapped around your torso tightly while the other immediately went to grip the back of your head to pull you closely into him. You could tell how much he really did need you right now. 
Oh gods! You were so selfish! All you were worried about was your own inevitable heartbreak that you didn’t even think about how taxing this whole thing would be on Law. Bringing up so much past trauma and so many bad memories compounded with the thoughts of his own mortality… you almost teared up at the idea of him struggling with his feelings alone. 
“Missed you…” Law mumbled into your neck after giving it a quick kiss and a nuzzle. 
“Gods… must have been some meeting… you look like shit…” You say softly, still caught in his tight embrace. Law chuckles. 
“You could have said something like ‘I missed you too.’”
“I know I could have. I said what I said.” You smiled as you pulled back so you could look at his tired face. You cup his cheek gently. “Let’s just get out of here.” 
— — 
You look curiously at the abyssal ocean out of the Tang’s front windows as Law had been piloting the ship for some minutes now. Occasionally you see a fish or eel skittering out of the way in the dim blue light coming from the submarine’s windows illuminating the surrounding water. 
“So where exactly are we going?” You asked without turning away from the bay windows. 
“Nowhere.” Law responds before you hear different knobs and switches being turned and flipped behind you. 
“I beg your finest pardon?” You ask as you turn towards Law and rise to your feet. 
Law steps toward you and brushes your hair over your ear before kissing you gently. 
“I’m tired of everything getting in the way. No one can bother us out here.” Law leans back in to kiss your lips more firmly this time. You put your hands on his chest. 
“So you’re planning on wooing me at the bottom of the ocean?” You cock your head. 
“At this point it seemed like the only option… that or maybe the moon…” Law leans in again but this time kisses your jaw and down your neck. You huff out a laugh.
“And who is going to be piloting the ship while you’re indisposed?” You ask.
“It’s on auto-pilot, obviously.” Law remarks as he runs his hand through your hair. 
“Okay okay lover boy, you need to go clean up and change first.” You pull yourself from his grasp.
Law rolled his eyes. “No no, come on, off you go.” You turn him by his shoulder and push him towards the door to the hallway. “I’ll wait in your room, I promise.” You smile softly as you both enter the ship’s main hall. You playfully push him off to the bathroom and you turn to your right and enter the captain’s quarters. 
The captain’s chambers on the tang were a mirror image to his bedroom at the base. A rough hewn wooden desk was surrounded by bookshelves along the walls, the surface of the desk messily covered in papers. On the opposite side of the bedroom was a queen sized bed fitted with navy sheets and a quilt, made with surgical poison. The only difference from Law’s room at the base was the large windows that allowed for a fine surveillance of the ocean floor on the starboard side of the ship. 
You slipped off your sweatshirt over your head and dropped it to the floor. In just your sports bra and leggings, you flop onto Law’s bed on your stomach and gaze at the sea life floating around the windows. You notice a family of seahorses in a row frolicking across the sea floor and smile. So cute the little ones were as they followed their father in a neat row… You rolled onto your back and grabbed your cigarette case out of your pocket. 
You curled your feet up onto the bed and lit a joint. You laid back fully on the bed and watched the fish swim past as you smoked. You had no idea how much time passed, but you were down to half your marijuana cigarette. The door to the bedroom swings open. 
“I had a feeling you’d be doing that.” Law comes in with jeans hung low on his wait and ruffles a white towel through his wet hair before throwing it towards his desk. 
“A submarine ride is far more enjoyable under the influence, I’ve learned.” You smile and sit up and cross your legs. 
Law smirks. “I can’t argue with that.” Law walks towards his desk. He pulls out a drawer and roots around for a moment before fishing out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He sets them on his desk and uncorks the whiskey. He pours two hefty glasses before bringing them over to you on his bed. He hands you one. 
“Is this technically sailing while under the influence?” You remark as you take the glass from Law’s outstretched hand. 
“I’ve violated several world government laws in the last few hours… I don’t think this one matters that much.” Law clinks his glass with yours. 
You outstretch your hand that contained the half joint. “A little? One puff?” You goad Law. 
“After what happened last time and I thought I had to switch my breathing from automatic to manual?” Law raises an eyebrow. 
“That was over 100 milligrams of straight herb, this is just a hit. I promise you’ll be fine.” You gesture the lit joint towards Law again. 
Law rolls his eyes and takes the joint form your soft fingertips. He inhales and passes it back to you.
“Wow, if you could see yourself a year ago…” You chuckle. Law exhales a large cloud of smoke and takes a swig of his whiskey. 
“Shut up.” 
“Make me.” You playfully retort and take a sip of your drink. It burns your throat but it helps you push the feelings of anxiety aside. For tonight it would just be you and Law. 
Silence goes by again and you snuff out the joint. 
“Daisy… I need to tell you something…” Law says as he turns his body fully towards you, his eyes still on the rocks glass in his hand. 
“Oh?” You inquire… knowing he’s going to tell you of his plan to kill Doflamingo and you were going to have to act surprised, how the hell were you supposed to-
“I love you.” 
The world stopped. You pick up your head and look at Law in the eye, suddenly incredibly sober. What did he say?
“W-what-“ You manage to get out, but it sounded more like a cough. 
“I love you, Daisy. I-I don’t know how else to tell you how I feel I just.. you don’t have to say anything back, I just-“ Law stutters out after seeing your shocked expression. He shuffles closer to you on the bed and places his hand on your cheek. You weren’t even remotely prepared to hear that phrase from Law’s lips… shit, anyone’s lips, as long as you were alive. He was being foolish… he couldn’t possibly mean it..
“Love me enough to stay away from Dressrosa?” You spit out without thinking. 
Law’s tender hand recoils from your face. 
You grab his hand and return it to your cheek. 
“I know I can’t convince you to stay… I just want you to stop hiding it from me…” You say as you nuzzle your blush-tinted nose into the warlord’s cold palm. 
“Y-you know…” Law whispers.
“I do. I don’t want to talk about it right now. We have a long time, don’t we?” You smile and press a kiss against Law’s lips. 
“W-we do… Daisy I… I do love you… I don’t know what else to say… I’m sorry…” Law says as he presses his forehead against yours and paws at your hips. You could almost swear you saw a wet twinkling in his eyes. 
“I love you too, Law.” You say softly up at him, unsure of the words even as they left your lips… but they felt so natural. It felt foreign. You bring your fingertips up to your lips to try and even believe that you said it out loud.
You lay back against the pillows and pull Law on top of you with your arms around his shoulders. “I want you, Law.” 
Law flops a bit clumsily on top of you. 
“A-are you sure?” He asks. 
“Yes.” You say confidently. “Please make love to me.” You grasp his hat and toss if off to the side of the bed before pulling him into a searing kiss. Law returns the kiss by slipping his hot tongue into your eager mouth and letting your head fall fully against the pillow behind you. 
Law kisses down your jaw as he pushes his hands under your torso to remove your bra. Once discarded, he pulls down your leggings and leaves them on the floor with the rest of your clothes, leaving you fully exposed. 
Law leans back and sucks in a breath as he sees your naked form before him. He freezes in place. 
“And you?” You chide as you pull at the button of his jeans. 
Law snaps out of his trance. 
“R-right.” Law undoes his pants and pulls them down swiftly along with his briefs so that you could both finally see each other bare. He approaches you again on the bed and strokes your thigh, not looking you in the eyes. 
“Wow…” You couldn’t help but remark. 
“I-it’s alright?” Law asks nervously. 
“It’s more than alright.” You couldn’t help but chuckle as Law’s impressively large member bobbed eagerly in front of you. You swallowed at the thought of that fitting inside of you… not having anything bigger than a single finger for several years. “I-I just might need a little help…” You smile and grab at Law’s wrist. You bring his trembling hand to your sex, encouraging him to touch you further. 
“Right… of course…” Law returns to his analytical self as he begins to stroke up and down your naked slit with two fingers, warming you up to his intimate touch. You shudder a bit at his cold hands, but you warm to them quickly as you feel Law’s tender touch grip your breast with his other hand. After a few moments of rubbing through your wet folds, Law inserts his fingers inside of you with precision, like he had been preparing for this very moment. 
“Oh!” You gasp out. 
Law pinches your nipple in one hand while he gently taps into your sweet spot with the other. He stretches your walls delicately and gently while he slowly coaxes more wetness from your insides with his fingers. 
“Shit, Law-“ You groan in pleasure and grip Law by the hair on the back of his neck with both hands, bringing his head close to you. He grunts and begins to place messy kisses down the column of your throat. “F-faster… honey please…” You beg as you buck your hips into Law’s precise touch. Law obliges and pulls his fingers into your g-spot firmly and quickly, you feel the pressure of your orgasm built faster than you were anticipated. 
“Law, I’m- I’m-Fuck-“ You cry out as you reach your peak. 
“Yes, give it to me…” Law presses his face into yours and captures your lips in a needy kiss as you release all over his waiting palm. Chilly doctors fingers finally warmed by your insides, he pulls himself from you slowly. You breath heavily as you come down from your high, giggling slightly as you relax your head on the pillows of Law’s bed. 
“Good , b-baby?” Law awkwardly asks, realizing he’s going to now be asked to perform for the main event. 
“Yes… but I want you now. Please…” You grab further down Law’s back trying to pull him up over you fully. He shifts in compliance with your touch so your hips are aligned. “I can take it…” You whisper as you sign Law’s weeping cock up with your entrance. You couldn’t believe this was really happening… but you knew this was what you wanted…
“Y-your legs are shaking… are you sure? We don’t have-“ Law stutters out as he unconsciously rubs his head against your soaked pussy. 
“I want this. I want you.” You assure him. “Just do it.” 
Law nods. 
He pushes into you fully to the hilt in one swift motion. 
“Ahhh-“ Law groans the instant he feels your wet walls wrapped around him. 
“Fuck-“ You cry out, not fully physically or mentally prepared to have a man inside of you or on top of you again, regardless of who it was. You slam your eyes shut and your body goes rigid. Law senses your change in demeanor. 
“O-open your eyes. It’s just me.” Law whispers down at you as he supports himself on his arms above you. “It’s just us…” 
You open your eyes. 
Seeing Law gaze at you with such adoration and lust, all insecurities and past anxieties melted away in his ice crew eyes. You bring up your hand and cup Law’s jaw. 
“I love you, Law…” You whisper. 
“I love you too, Daisy.” Law replies as he gently pulls himself out of you and begins to tentatively thrust his hips. “So much…” His eyes move from your mismatched ones to where his cock was settled inside of you. “Shit-“ 
“Oh, fuck, Law…” You moan at the feeling of his thick length sliding in and out of your tender walls.
“I-I can’t last…” Law stutters out, embarrassed. 
“That’s okay…” You reassure your anxious lover and stroke his back. 
“Fuck!” Law quickly removes himself from you and you gasp at the sudden absence of sensation. You crane your neck down and see that Law gas empties himself all over your stomach, ropes of cum shooting so far that it decorated the underside of your breasts. 
Law collapses on top of you, sandwiching his own spend between the two of you but not caring enough to move. Law rolls out of you, pulling you into his chest without cleaning of either of your messes. 
You laid in his embrace for a long time, just enjoying the feeling of his sharp breaths and sweaty skin against yours. This man loved you, and you loved him… and so it shall be… until the end of things…
— — 
*A/N* WOOOO THEY DID IT! 19 CHAPTERS LATER!!! THANKS FOR STAYING ALONG FOR THE RIDE YALL! It’s gonna get angsty in the next chapter ugh I’m sorry guys… but enjoy the sexy time and the fun while we’re here! I promise there will be better smut in the future this was just their cutie pie first time :)
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akookminsupporter · 2 hours
Wait sorry what issues with Jimin’s album?
Well, the list is quite extensive.
Firstly, the last time I checked, there had been no restock or reactivation of the preorder option for Jimin's album in various outlets such as Target. This is quite disheartening, especially considering the high demand and the eagerness of fans to purchase his work. It's not just about the physical availability; it's a matter of respect and acknowledgement of Jimin's hard work and artistry.
Additionally, there's the issue with SMERALDO GARDEN MARCHING BAND, which is set to be released in a few days. Despite this imminent release, there has been virtually no promotion beyond a mere mention in the album's release schedule. This lack of visibility is troubling. Other members have received comprehensive promotional campaigns, including preorder links for both digital and CD formats. It's bewildering and frustrating that Jimin's work isn't receiving the same level of attention and support.
To date, there has been no promotion on social media platforms regarding this song's release. Not a single mention from the official BH accounts. Moreover, there are no pre-save or pre-add links available, which are crucial for ensuring that the song reaches a wide audience upon release. All of this for a song that is supposed to be released on 28th June—time is running out, and the silence is deafening.
If that wasn't enough, many fans have been vocal about these issues for several days now. One particular incident stands out: an account tagged an executive from GEFFE RECORDS, specifically the head of streaming. Rather than addressing the concerns, the executive responded by posting a link to a song that two Western artists are releasing. The insensitivity of this response caused a pandemonium within the fanbase. It's not just a matter of disappointment; it's a feeling of being disregarded and disrespected.
We are all incredibly frustrated with GEFFE, Hybe, and Bighit. These companies are supposed to support Jimin, yet their actions—or lack thereof—suggest otherwise. So far, there has been no response to our concerns, which only fuels our discontent. If any of you have accounts on Twitter or X, as it is now called, I urge you to post about this issue. We need to amplify our voices and demand that Jimin's work be treated with the respect it deserves.
Jimin is an exceptional artist who deserves respect and fair treatment. We are exhausted by the constant issues that seem to plague his projects, always with the companies that are supposed to be supporting him at the centre of the problem. It's unacceptable that Jimin, despite his immense talent and dedication, is consistently let down by those who should be his biggest advocates. This is not just about one song or one album; it's about recognising and valuing an artist who has given so much to his craft and his fans.
Jimin's contributions to music and his influence as an artist are significant. His work resonates with millions of fans worldwide, and he has continually demonstrated his commitment to excellence. Therefore, it is not too much to ask that the companies responsible for promoting and distributing his work do their jobs effectively. We demand better treatment for Jimin and we will not be silenced until our voices are heard and our concerns are addressed. Jimin deserves nothing less than the best, and we, as his fans, will continue to advocate for him until he receives the respect and recognition he rightfully deserves.
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mindofadoll · 9 hours
I've been craving some Alpha/Omega play which has caused me to be thinking about how much I want to be coerced into letting an Alpha "help" with my heat after I've pushed everyone who's tried away. Which lead to this fantasy :
Like always in this fantasy I'm in a program for disobedient wayward omegas. However this time Im having a persistent heat, one that I can't shake by myself. And despite the programs efforts, they can't manage to find a Alpha that can subdue me long enough to take me in my feral and fearful state. To add to the mess none of the tranquilizers they've been feeding me has calmed me down.
Due to the failed efforts the people of the program are starting to lose hope in taming me. That is until a college graduate and prodigy who majored in Omega psychology and physiology volunteers to help. The female Alpha read a paper on my case and had been intrigued.
She goes to the program and asked the doctors how I've managed to fight off all the other Alphas.
"She's cunning for Omega pretending to submit with a kiss only to bite their tongues, busting a light bulb about a Alpha suitors heads and scratching through the cuffs of the breeding bench. "
"Hmm I like her. How long has she been in heat?"
"She's been in heat on and off for about 4 months but it's usually only for 3 days at a time. This is the first time she's been in this state for a more than a week, 2 weeks in fact. "
"Aww poor baby! Her body knows what she needs. *sigh* Poor stupid omega trying to think with her brain. Turn on the air condition, get me soft blankets, pillows, plushies, and t-shirts, her favorite snacks and drinks, lots of water bottles and condoms. Despite how satisfy it would be to breed her body needs to balance out after we get her off her heat. "
The doctor agrees and with in minutes she's outside my door with a wagon load of stuff. I imagine I can smell her through the door causing me to already be on high alert before she walks in. As the door creeks open and she rolles the stuff in I sink further back into the corner. She then closes the door before turning to me.
"Hi Angel."
At her words I begin to take a defensive stance.
"Uh uh none of that Omega, now I've brought you some things."
I slightly peer over at this statement.
"Things for you nest. "
Slowly I scoot a little from the corner and look at her confused.
"I know sweetheart, the program has a misconception of you. They say only good girls get to make their nest. But you my angel are a good girl. "
I shutter at the praise that washes over me. Still I don't move from the spot I've settled myself in.
"*sigh* it's ok Omega here. " she says as she begins to throw the blankets, pillows and plushies cautiously over to me. "See you don't have to move yet. "
Slowly while keeping my eyes on her I gather the blankets pillows and plushies.
"Go ahead baby, I'm not going to touch you while you make your nest."
I continue to look at her before slowly switching working on my best and looking at her. However soon I'm consumed by the process. This blanket is the based, these the walls, the plushies go here and the pillows lines the blank walls and... I stop as I pick up a T-shirt smothered in her scent. Slowly while checking to make sure she's not paying attention as she scrolls through her phone I take the shirt. And put it up to my nose letting out a quiet moan as I take in her scent. I look back at her to check again. She's still scrolling. I quietly begin to look for more t-shirts finding 2 no 3 and then the holy grail a T-shirt stained with her cum. I whine at the sight before looking over to her only to find her eyes starring back at mine. Her eye's making the heat in my stomach burn hotter.
"Aww did you like your present Angel. It's all for you, in fact I have more presents, you must be so hungry Omega after all the doctors said you've been laying there curled in a ball for hours just touching yourself. " she says while pulling out some snacks and drinks.
Setting them in the middle of the room, still closer to her than before.
I try to convince my self I'm not interested, that it's all a trap but she's right I am hungry. With such precautions I step closer to her and the food closer and closer. Before grabbing a bag of gummies and a bottle of lemonade and bolting back to the safety of my nest.
"Good Omega, eat. "
I look away as I tear into the bag and take the occasional chug of lemonade.
"Good Omega, such a good girl. Look at my pretty Omega in her pretty nest the best one by far. "
I begin to feel a twinge of pride at her words. The praise getting to me starts to go lower. As I feel a little slick run down my leg the scent meeting the air causing the alpha to take a deep breath in. To my dismay I begin to glare at her once more.
"Now Omega stop that. We both know what you need and it's not more food it's this " she says as she pulls her leggings down letting her cock flop out.
Again I start to back up.
"Now now angel I'm not going to force it. "
I look at her eyes full of doubt.
"Truly I'm not, but then again I don't have too. You know how good of a mate I am. Deep down you know, I can take care of you. " she says taking steady steps toward my nest
"I can give you everything thing you need, food, shelter what ever you need... Pups. "
I let out a long whine at the statement. As she approaches me closer.
"That was a good response Omega, is that what you want? My pups inside of you. Oh you'd look even more beautiful. "
I begin to close my eyes and hold my hand over my leaking pussy as she kneels down to my level.
"I know it's hard to say it baby. But I already know. " she says before gentle grabbing my chin making me look up at her "I know what your body needs. "
I begin to shake my head no as she leans in a kisses me letting out a deep moan as she does. As the kiss continues she deepens it sticking her tongue in my mouth before moving her hands down to my nipples. Only breaking the kiss when she's fully on top of me.
"Delicious, sweet but sour like Kiwis and lemons. "
I can even begin to push her off as I'm left panting from the kiss.
"I wonder if your whole body tastes like that. " she says as she leans down and leaves dark hickeys on my chest moving further down to my nipples her mouth only adding to the heat in my stomach as I double over with pain. Looking up at her for help.
"Ssh I know baby I can help you. " she says slightly pulling away from me allow her room for her hands to trail down to my unclothed cunt.
I gasp and bite my lip as her fingers lightly ghost over my already sensitive clit.
"Aww look at my girl, her clit is swollen all ready. Did you play with it that much?" She teases still moving her fingers.
"The doctors told me you didn't use any of the penetration toys they left for you, are you scared of it? The stretch? "
After a minute of her waiting patiently i slowly nod.
"It's okay angel your body can take it it's what it's for." She says rubbing her fingers up and down my slit as I try to squirm away to no use.
How did I let this happen I think to myself. Especially as she starts to sink a finger inside of me.
"See it went in with ease. " she proves by fucking her finger in and out.
Watching intently as she moves her finger in and out. After a while she puts her mouth to my clit make me squirm. Distracting me as she sinks two more fingers in.
"See sweetheart, you take it like a champ. Such a good Omega"
She begins to set a fast pace fucking her fingers into me with earnest. Stretching and kissing my cunt in the process
"Such a good fucking girl! " she says as she herself becomes more and more undone. "So fucking wet for my knot. Practically begging for it! "
She says before pulling her fingers out and lining up. As tears of fear run down my face.
"It's ok, shhhh, your good." She whispers in my ear as she sinks inside me.
I let out I whine as she just keeps going, when am I going to hit the base?
She groans "So fucking tight, warm and tight! "
Then finally our hips met. As tears continue to drip down my cheeks.
"See dumb little Omega, you took it so well."
I continue to sob as she runs her fingers through my hair before pulling out and slamming back in to my dismay.
"Ssh it's okay I'm gonna mold this pretty cunt to the shape of my cock and your going to lay there and take it like a good girl. "She whispers as she sets a brutal pace for my already heat wrecked little body.
Causing me to whine and gasp with each thrust. However, despite my original dismay the original pain from my heat starts to evaporate with every pound. I breathe a sigh of relief until my Alpha - no the Alpha reaches down and plays with my clit causing me to scream more.
"That's it baby make so noises for me. Fuck you get even. Fucking. Tighter. I have to keep you! " she announces as she leans down towards my neck.
Causing me to flinch away and whine.
"No baby, this is happening! I'm going to claim you and your sweet body and your going to lay there and milk my knot! " she states grabbing my hair to give her better access to my neck.
All while continuing to pound and rub as she attempts to make me ready for her knot.
"Good stubborn girls like you need structure an Alpha. And I'll be that little Omega. I'll give you everything that you need discipline, pleasure, punishment, protection, pups and most importantly I'll love you! " she says so sweetly before sinking her teeth in and shoving her knot in as I moan.
Pleasure and satisfaction begins to wash through me as I feel her cock leak into me - no a condom. I let out a displeased sound at the realization.
She laughs "I know baby, don't worry I'm going to breed that cunt nice and full when the doctors clear you. "
I groan but accept her words as she our bond knot still locking us together. I purr as she runs her hands through my hair. Hearing the door open but paying no mind as this Spacey pleasure continues to flood my mind.
"Ah doctors, nice timing. Did you enjoy the show? Anyway my mate needs actual food before I take her home with me. " I vaguely hear the Alpha state before the door closes.
I continue to live in the pleasure that is till the knot goes down and my Alpha tries to pull out. I whine and grab at her.
"So needy, good Omega let go allow me to give you everything." She says before getting me in position to be taken again.
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