#now my discord and tumblr match
mediocrecrime · 8 months
i’ve fallen victim to the autism (surprise rebrand)
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mbirnsings-71 · 29 days
I really do apologize to anyone who's not gonna recognize me because I changed my profile picture
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bloo-the-dragon · 10 months
Okidokie! Thanks! We’ve banned the impersonator and are deleting the art they stole and reposted. (If we’re super wrong and that WAS you on the Security Breach Show Discord, please let us know so we can apologize and unban you.)
Hiya! No that wasn't me it was an impersonator - i just finished talking with another of your mods about having my art removed from that server i'm glad to see it got resolved already! So sorry for the late reply i have been a bit inactive lately
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#i mentioend earlier i liked my fit today yes but did i mention i love my earrings too. cute flowers i boufht yesterday#matching w apollo n theirs is pink while mine's blue n the ppl selling them called us cute when we told them we were twins literally#THEY WERE SO AMUSED.... WE GOT A DISCOUNT 😭🫶🏼#i ramble so much don't i#idk i don't mind if it's just to myself but i hate doing it in a place where#like. a small gro or directly bcs it's not like you cld ignore if i say smth#like yk smaller grps nah nahhhhhh or like yk rlly publicly or wtvr#like maybe smth more indirect like in discord statuses or in spotofy playlists or best of all#tumblr tags bcs bro i can kust ramble sm jere#yk i rmb back in middle school wnvr i'd be shy or anxious or like nervous i'd#fiddle w my watch while walking n pretend i'm looking at the time but nah#now i think i usually just tap along to some beat in my head or#play around w some stuff in general#i used to bite my nails in middle school i remember#now i think i'll be playing around w this. uh. is it w necklace. j think so yeah#i rmb i've always had a small.. weird thing or wtvr w the way i'd blink sometimes#like there's#IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT 😭#n then w my throat i've always done this weird thing too#in the past my parents thought i'd blink a lot weirdly like this bcs my eyes wrre dry but#idk. i've never done it bcs it's dry there's just smth weird sometimes that i feel nni have to do SOMETHINF in order to. idk. yk#i don't know why my thoughts r like this sorry i just thought of trees all of a sudden !!!! i ramble so much it's unreal#can tou tell why i wna read more of virginia woolf ig after that story we had to read in lit#that rlly touched me so much :c n then in the lecture w that i uestion that had smth to do w relating w what it means to be human#sorry that last bit was redundant w my phrasing but yes you get what i mean so#AGHH JUST ONE OF MY FAV MEMORIES 🥺 IM STILL PROUD OF THAT MOMENT IM RLLY HAPPY I SHARED MY THOUGHTS THEN#right now i am fine too thankfully. don't feel like crying every fucking second.#gna go out to walk in a bit i nearly forgot but i wna see the stray cats again theyre so. aaaa im so excited to help feed them soon yh#recently i'm happy that yk ive been less shy? or like i care less. i know whats more important.#i'm still so confused but for now j just want to take my mind off it. still hurts just as much but ill try not to think of it rn. yeah..
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kuwdora · 4 months
A Vidding Primer
A guide written for @wren-of-the-woods who asked for advice about how to start vidding! This is far from comprehensive and I tried not to make it too dense because it's a big subject. I still wanted to share a variety of topics about getting into vidding because it's a hobby and art that is near and dear to my heart.
First Piece of Advice
watch a lot of vids and rewatch vids multiple times. Seek out vids on YouTube, AO3, Watch the TikTok and Twitter/X vids that show up on tumblr or wherever you’re browsing. They all have distinct styles and tools/techniques they use to make their vids and edits. Rewatch the vids and ask yourself what you like or dislike about them. The song, the editing, the source. That can give you a good starting point about how you might want to approach making your own fanvids. The TikTok style of 30 and 40 second edits are very different what you find on YouTube. YouTube editors tend to use a full song and a lot more effects and a lot more overlapping dialogue. Whereas the fanvids - Vids - from people who came into vidding in the mid 2000s/2010s have their own culture, different ways they approach song choice, clip choices and narrative. I also suggest watching vids for shows/films you’re not familiar with as well as your fandom favorites. You can learn a lot about how vidders try to tell a story even when you might not grasp the context behind certain scenes but you can still follow along with the emotional arc of the vid.
Second Piece of Advice
Have fun and enjoy yourself. Everyone starts a new hobby as a newbie. It can be a lot of effort to make 30 seconds or a 3 minute vid, but it’s such a unique type of fanwork that is fun to watch and fun to make. It can also be migraine inducing because of all the learning and technical issues along the way. But!! omg when you make a clip fall on the perfect beat with your blorbo crying that perfect tear or you find an idea and sources for the bestest perfect lyrics of the song, it’s a magnificent high. It can make you feel like a god. At least that’s how I feel a lot of times!
There are about 10 steps* to creating** a fanvid/edit:
• select your platform and software (phone/computer video editors) • gather your video and audio files • create a new project in your video editor • import audio into the editor • import the video into the software and mute audio tracks that contain your video’s audio • review, label and cut up the video into shorter clips - this step is known as ‘clipping’ in vidding parlance, but it’s also optional. Some people pull in movies and scrub through the whole film and just pull it directly onto the timeline • move the various video clips around on the timeline to match the audio track you’ve chosen for your project, add video effects and additional dialogue if you like • export the finished timeline • upload the video to a streaming platform and/or downloadable service • share your project!!! posting to ao3 and/or social media or share on discord, etc * there are a lot more steps involved with each of these steps. What what software to use, where to find video, how to deal with copyright blocks on Youtube, etc. Some of that will be covered in the links below but is not comprehensive. That would require separate posts and links and I don’t want to drop an encyclopedia on you right now! I’m happy to provide more resources that I can curate if you want more direction and pointers to resources and amazing vidders.
** like any hobby, there can and will be a learning curve and frustrations. Blank page for a writer, blank timeline for a vidder. Is anything you put down is any good, self esteem and confusion about what actually makes sense is part and parcel for any creative work. Once you're in the vidding process and committed, as long as you're enjoying yourself you gotta just keep going to get it done.
Getting Started Vidding
My knowledge and background and learning how to vid from people on livejournal and dreamwidth from 2007. I don’t have any experience in editing with a phone but if that’s something you’re interested in, YouTube will be a place for you to start finding tutorials for various apps and tools. Probably discord communities, too. Vidding Workshop - a great how-to/guide when you're starting out. This is on dreamwidth from the WisCon vidparty in 2014. Some of the tech discussions might be a little outdated but there’s a ton of relevant information. It covers technical subjects as well as developing vid ideas and actually getting started. If you have any questions about what you’re reading you can leave an anonymous comment and ask - some of these vidders responding inthe threads are still active. You can find them on AO3/YouTube, tumblr, discord and actually leave them questions about their vids. Many vidders are more than thrilled to talk about their vids and answer questions. Vexcercises - this is a dreamwidth community for short-form vid excercises. This is a very structured way of introducing vid concepts and constraints so that you can produce a vidlet. I highly recommend you check this out and participate! There’s even an AO3 collection so you can check out how people have done the different exercises, too.
The Process of Vidding
Watch Me Edit - @limblogs put together a fantastic playlist of YouTube editors who will show you beginning to end how they made their vid. A lot of these editors appear to be using Sony Vegas but the general process of vidding end-to-end will be similar with other nonlinear editors like DaVinci Resolve, Premiere, etc. It’s a great way to actually see the vid come together if you don’t know what that even looks like. Every vidder will develop their own workflow and approach (which might even change from vid to vid), but it’s useful to see in video how people actually DO the thing. @limblogs also created a handy YouTube playlist some vidders from Bradcpu’s Vidder Profiles (Fanlore page). These profiles are basically like a director’s DVD commentary on their vidding process, featuring the vidders talking over their own vids! So cool. Phenomnal insights from these vidders about how they choose song, use effects, think about their narratives.
Self Rec: I recently did a vidding textpost series called: do it for the process - a naked vid draft: What (Yennefer of Vengerberg). How I Edit by @vimesbootstheory is another textpost about their vidding process. Self rec: Here’s my text interview: Vidder Profile - Kuwdora 2011. I talk about my process with a lot of specific examples from my previous work and lots of screenshots. This profile is over a decade old but a lot of this still holds true for me today! videlicet - this is an incredible vidding zine that @limblogs put togegther with a lot of amazing contributors. These articles and discuss about specific vids and aspects of vidding. It’s really detailed and a fantastic piece of vidding culture. I highly reading recommend the Demystifying Vidding article by lim and the A History of Vidding by @meeedeee and…pretty much every article in the zine!
Doing the vidding!
I recommend joining exchanges and watching vids that come out of exchanges and checking out fannish cons that have vidshows and discords to get more exposure to vidders and vids. Many people have joined @festivids (AO3 collection here) and made their very first vid, it's a very fun and great way to get into vidding. It’s not quite festivids season right now but time flies and it will be time to nominate sources and do sign-ups in the blink of an eye. Follow @festivids and check out the AO3 collection and see what people are making. Join the Vexcercises community and make some short vids and share them on your tumblr or on discord or somewhere and bask in the thrill of making your first fanvids. Check out who reblogged the vidder ask game - go and read other vidders responses and ask some new-to-you vidders questions. Everyone has their own take on process and tech and everything. It's great to hear and see what a lot people are doing and making.
Final Advice - talking about vids and doing the vidding
• watch vids • rewatch vids • leave a comment and ask a question about something you saw in their vid! • Again: find someone’s AO3 page of fanvids and ask them something about their vid in a comment or send them asks on tumblr (people usually have the same alias or link to their tumblr or dreamwidth pages somewhere.) • YouTube can be a valuable resource for tutorials so if you don't know something, there is likely someone who has made a tutorial about how to use a cross dissolve transition or anything else you might want to replicate in a video that you've seen in a vid. • start making a vid, scream and cry, ask for help, and keep going until you get it done. Celebrate and bask in your completed vid and share it with everyone! • Follow vidders on tumblr that you find from the vidder ask game • Check out the vidding discord for community and questions and vid recs and news about vidding exchanges and cons. • Have fun!
Hope this helps you get started! Thank you so much for the ask! Let me know if you have more questions and I can help you out or send you to cool vidders who have great advice and suggestions. And please send me your vid if you make one!
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pictureamoebae · 1 year
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GREENHOUSE BUILD SET in Image Spectra by amoebae
I used the slatted wall from the Greenhouse Haven kit in my last build and thought it could do with some more colours. Then I realised I should really do the windows and doors to match. And then I remembered the gable end. And the roof. And the plain wall.
So here they are! They all come in the Image Spectra palette. The windows and doors have separate catalogue entries for the different types of glazing: clear, lattice (shown in screenshot), and mesh. That leads to lots of package files, so I've merged them together.
The roof looks funky. I can never get them right. They're always too bright. It looks fine from inside, but you might want to avoid the lighter colours if you're planning on taking screenshots of the outside. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.
TOU, requirements, and credits: Share and use as you wish, but please do so freely and always allowing others to do the same with your resulting content. Requires the Greenhouse Haven kit. With thanks to @fiddlefolk for the Image Spectra palette.
Find me here:
pictureamoebae @ tumblr
amoebae @ twitter
amoebae @ ko-fi
amoebae @ patreon
amoebae's TS4 screenshots @ flickr
amoebae's cc, builds and ReShade presets in one place @ flickr
amoebae's amoebas discord server
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elfarons · 4 days
Flipping the Tables
[redacted] knows you like the back of their hand, which also means he knows just what to say to reduce you to a blushing mess. but he makes you flustered way too often! so naturally you make it your mission to get them back...
cw: gender neutral reader, fluff, reader sits on [redacted]'s lap, both of you are called 'pretty'
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it's a lazy sunday evening with your wonderful boyfriend. you're rewatching your favorite movies while u both cuddle on the couch. him leaning back on the cushions with one arm around you, practically melting into his side.
when you feel [redacted] slightly shift to get more comfy, you look up at him while he's absorbed in whatever is happening on screen. he's so beautiful you think to yourself. his silky hair, his soft pink lips, his straight nose, his powdery blue eyes, his everything... so pretty so perfect.
he chuckles and looks down at you, slightest hue of red covering his cheeks. "hmm? you think im pretty?" oops, said it outloud. he finds your hand closest to his, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles so softly while looking into your eyes. "i don't really see how i'm pretty,,,i'd have to argue you're the prettiest one here, angel."
you blush and bury your head into his chest to hide from his teasing. but you do take notice that he doesnt exactly take the compliment... and how he was so adorable when he blushed. you realize you rarely get to see them blush compared to how much you do.
what if we flipped the tables?
recovering with a newfound determination, you lock your gaze onto his, "well, i think you're so cute that it hurts." they smile, accepting your challenge "i think you're so cute i want to eat you."
"your beauty could start wars."
"i could try for an eternity but i'd never find someone as angelic as you."
you're about to give in, getting more embarassed, but you stay determined! you grab his face with your hands and move around to straddle their lap. "i think you're so perfect that i want to kiss you right now!"
leaving no time for him to respond (and possibly fluster you further), you start kissing his face between words, purposefully avoiding his lips. "YOU muah ARE muah SO muah GORGEOUS muah TO ME muah" forehead, cheek, nose, other cheek, chin. staying an inch from his lips, you quietly say "do you believe you're the most beautiful, perfect boyfriend yet?"
dumbfounded from your sudden praise and kisses, they just stare up at you completely flushed from the neck up, their hands resting on your sides. it worked. he chases your lips to get a kiss, but you pull away and he pouts. chuckling, you move one hand down from his warm face to feel his heartbeat wildly thumping against your hand.
you leaned down to whisper in their ear. "c'mon answer me, or you're never gonna get that kiss." he hides his flushed face in the crevice between your shoulder and neck then takes a deep breath to compose himself. "..i-i'm your beautiful and perfect boyfriend."
"see? it wasn't that hard was it?" you finally lean down and he sighs into the kiss. his lips are always just as soft as they look. after you pull away, they gaze adoringly into your eyes. you giggle, "you're so cute when you blush."
[redacted] will hatch a plan to get back at you later when his brain isn't overheating, but he decides to let you relish in your victory for a while longer. besides, he likes seeing you confident enough to be bold with him. he can't deny he's in love with every side of you, much like how you feel about him.
they gently nudge you to lay down on the couch with his head on your chest. "love you so much, angel." your heartbeats speed up, matching in rhythm.
you decide to grant him his own small victory too by not bringing up how the flush returns to his face. that was enough teasing. "i love you too."
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author's note: hiee :3 this is my first tumblr fic ever ! i got inspired from the 14DWY discord server when we were discussing different ways of making redacted speechless, so this is for them teehee <3 i hope i didn't make them too ooc !!
dividers by @/enchanthings
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
A Misdemeanor Of The Heart, Chapter 4 (Human!Alastor x reader)
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Banner Alastors done by @blobin456drawz, banner done by @redvexillum <3 Human Alastor x married reader Rated Adult Chapter Trigger Warnings: Domestic Violence AN: Next week we will be moving updates from Wednesdays to Fridays. To accommodate this, readers can expect an update twice next week. Tag list is open and tags will be in the comments to accommodate a tumblr glitch resulting in only five mentions working at a time.
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord. Come hang out with some amazing writers, artists, readers and viewers while we talk Vox and the rest of the Hazbin crew and maybe stumble upon some sneak peeks! And my friend runs a Hazbin Fic Community
Audio fic by Nyx Productions, read by @nyx-umbrakinesis found here:  Part 1, Part 2 Masterlist AO3 KoFi
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The radio in the living room sent smooth jazz through the first floor of the home. Music while you took care of housework or cooking was a rare luxury you allowed yourself. The little joys in your life were far and few between, but when you have the chance to cling to one, you did not hesitate to hold it close whenever it was safe to. 
 Laurence didn’t care for radio or jazz, much preferring orchestral music on the rare occasion where he allowed the silence to be broken. With him out of the house, you could indulge as you sat at the work desk in the kitchen, kneading bread one handedly as best as you could. 
It would be much easier if you could put your weight into it or even just use both hands, but your shoulder screamed at you if you so much as made a move to try. You had a shawl tied into a makeshift sling, taking the weight off the joint and a sack of hot dry rice tucked into your top, tied against your shoulder, soothing the aching joint with the radiating heat. 
The bottle of aspirin sat at the back of the table, an ever-present reminder of the constant pain you were in. You’d need to go to the pharmacy soon and pick up some more to refill the bottle. The last thing you wanted was to risk Laurence noticing the bottle was getting low and to get on you for taking too much. 
Right now you were riding the slight fog that the tincture left in the pain’s wake. You didn’t dare take a full drop, only dabbing the tip if your tongue against the side of the glass dropper before putting the tincture back on Laurence’s side of the sink, spending minutes to line the bottom of the bottle up with the ring of discoloration it had left stained into the surface. 
You didn’t know if he would notice if it wasn’t just so, but finding out wasn’t high on your list of priorities. Laurence could be particular about some of the strangest things. Often you wouldn’t find out what those things were until you had set him off. 
You knew he didn’t want you taking the drops he took for his back pain. It was his opinion that the aftermath of neither his fists nor his affection did not leave enough pain behind for you to need them. 
After setting the bread aside to rise, you turned to the stove. It was a beast of an appliance, but it was a modernization you were grateful for. Turning a knob to open the gas valve under a burner, you listened to the hiss of the gas as you reached for the matches. It took a few tries to light the large match, hand trembling as you ran the match head over the rough side of the stove each time before you lit the burner, then the oven. 
Grabbing the heavy iron kettle off the counter, you braced it on your hip to help carry the large pot as if it was a small child. You set on the stove before shoving it over the burner to heat while you clumsily chopped the vegetables as evenly as you could. 
That was a battle in itself. Between the way your hand shook and not having use of your other arm to brace the vegetables with, your knife cuts were a mess. Laurence would be angry if he saw the sloppy work or the mess of vegetables that fell to the ground, wasted. 
Blinking back tears, you tried your best. There was no use crying over it. It was all you could do to do your best. It had to be good enough. Your best had to be enough. 
Dinner had to be perfect, you reminded yourself as you spread flour over the workspace and prepared to roll the roast in it. Every step of preparing your home for a guest and preparing the dinner was challenging, and this was no different. 
You needed to get the roast searing and take a few more pills for the pain, then you could face cleaning up the mess of the kitchen. You were ahead of the pain right now, but you had to stay ahead of it if you were going to get through this dinner without embarrassing Laurence. 
You loathed to dirty yet another dish that you would have to wash tonight, but with one hand you couldn’t pick up the hunk of beef very well at all. Rolling the flour covered roast onto a plater, you braced it against your hip as you carried it to the stove. 
It would all be so much easier if you would just use your other hand, but the shoulder was still so weak. It was better to keep the weight and stress off the joint as long as possible. There were a few more hours until Laurence would be back with the guest, one Mr. Moreau, who you were nervous to meet. 
Having guests was uncommon, as Laurence preferred to meet business associates outside of the home. On the occasion when he would bring you, you were an accessory to be shown off, seen but not heard. Just as was your role during your frequent dinners and trips to the cinema.
As the pork fat bubbled in the kettle, you set the plater on an unused burner, saying a quick prayer that the iron wouldn’t be hot enough to shatter it. There was no graceful way to wrestle the meat up into your arm, wet flour and blood smearing against your day dress.
The meat fell into the pan with a thud. The sound of sizzling meat filled the kitchen as you gathered the dishes and dropped them into the waiting sink, full of sudsy water. Washing them was just another chore on your list of things to do. Mechanically, you slowly set to work cleaning your workspace one handedly.
The fog in your mind gave shape to a sharp face and warm eyes you found your mind returning to often enough. When you cleaned, that was when you let your mind run free, knowing that you were least likely to be disturbed. 
It’s when you let yourself daydream. You let yourself think about the ways your life could have been different. It was when you let yourself be ungrateful for all the things Laurence had provided for you and how hard he worked to do so. 
You thought about what it would have felt like to fall in love and if falling in love was even something that really happened outside of story books read to children. What sort of man would you have fallen in love with? Would he have a square face like Laurence, or would he be sharp and angular, like the man at the butcher shop? Would you have fallen in love with someone with kind eyes and fluffy hair?
Would you fall in love with a man like the man you kept getting glimpses of? What sort of man was he? He was tall; you remembered how he towered over you even as he leaned down to ensure you had a good grip on his arm as he walked you out of the butcher shop. 
Was he as kind as he seemed? Was he as kind as he looked?
Or was it all a show? It was a show with Laurence. He had been so kind when you had first met, offering sweet smiles and sweeter promises. He courted you quickly, promising the world and while everything happened too fast to say you had fallen in love, you thought love was on the horizon as your parents accepted his proposal of marriage. The wedding followed shortly after. 
What did it feel like to fall in love? The question and image of fluffy brown hair circled your mind as you dumped the vegetables into the kettle. It took multiple trips to the sink to cover the roast with water that would become the gravy. 
With the music playing, you hadn’t heard Laurence’s car pull up in front of the house or the front door opening. What you heard was it slam shut.
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You fussed with your hair in the large living room mirror and dabbed more cover-up over the redness that was quickly spreading on your face. Laurence hadn’t been less than impressed with your choice of meal and even less impressed with your arm in the makeshift sling. 
He had accused you of playing up the pain, voice climbing into a roar as he stormed into the kitchen after turning off the music. Accusations of wanting to look battered and beaten to make him look bad bounced off the walls as he loomed closer. 
There was only a moment for you to cringe back as he slapped you across the face, the force of the blow splitting your lip open. Laurence wouldn’t like the bright red lipstick you wore now as you stood waiting for the guest, but it was the only thing that could hide the cut. It wouldn’t do for him to see the evidence of how you angered Laurence. Sleeves and bangles obscured the rest of the fading, healing marks on your arms that told a story of your prior transgressions. 
Mr. Moreau was coming to do business with Laurence. If you were lucky, he would hardly spare a glance at you to notice the hidden marks and you could eat while ignored. If he didn’t look too closely, you could hope he wouldn’t notice anything that would take away from the air of perfection. 
Laurence didn’t tell you anything about the man that was coming, leaving you waiting for the unknown man to walk through your door with your husband. 
The sound of the door opening startled you out of your thoughts. You flinched, causing pain to shoot through your shoulder. Swallowing the groan, just as you always tried to do when Laurence might hear, you tried to pull yourself together. 
It took everything in you to spread the smile across your face and force your feet up off the ground with each step toward the door. Your black heels click clacked across the hardwood floor, reinforcing to you that been picking your feet up with each step, something you struggled to do naturally through the pain in your legs. Laurance hated when you would shuffle your feet, dragging your fingertips along the furniture for an added sense of security in the aftermath of his anger. 
It wouldn’t stop you from falling if your knees gave out again, but you were not above pretending it would. There was no kind man here to help scoop you off the floor and put you back on your feet if that were to happen. 
As Laurence stepped through the door, you tried to make your small steps look normal and elegant and not painfully cautious. 
“Welcome home.” You pulled the smile tighter across your face, trying to force it into your eyes as your husband’s eyes made a quick pass over you before he turned to welcome the guest inside. Hopefully, he found your appearance acceptable. 
A tall man stepped through the door, tanned hand reaching up to pluck the hat from his head, revealing a fluffy brown hair and a pointed nose. Laurence took his hat from him and hung it on the coat tree by the door. 
Your breath caught in your lungs as his warm brown eyes locked with yours, a smile spreading wider across his face. Would he say anything? Would he mention your fall at the butcher’s shop? Would he comment at all on your prior meeting?
“My Darling,” Laurence held his hand out for you. You tried and failed to walk smoothly to him, knees knocking together as you tripped and stumbled slightly over your own two feet. Thankfully, his attention was on the guest shrugging out of his coat. “This is Mr. More-”
“Alastor Moreau,” the man interrupted Laurance, reaching out for your hand as soon as he hung his coat on the tree by the door. “A pleasure to meet you. Quite a pleasure indeed!”
“Oh,” you startled when he took your hand, far from used to such bold and forward actions from Laurence’s business partners. The bangles around your wrist clattered together as he pulled your hand up while leaning down at the waist, placing a kiss on the back of your hand. His eyes closed, long dark lashes fanning against his cheeks as you felt your face grow warm. “That’s not-” 
His eyes fluttered open slowly. You watched helplessly as his eyes lingered on your wrist. Could he see the marks under the shiny metal and glittering beads? You hoped not, but feared he could. It felt like he could see everything. 
When it felt like you couldn’t stand it anymore, his eyes moved again and he slowly stood tall, towering over you. It felt like his eyes were looking past everything and right into your soul. What did he see? What did he know? 
Laurence’s hand wrapped around your waist as Alastor dropped your hand. You cringed at this touch, pain shooting through your shoulder when your husband pressed it into his side. His fingers dug into your hip possessively. 
You flinched in pain; the smile faltering on your face as Laurence jostled you against him. He was saying something, but you lost the words in the sea of pain. 
Brown eyes moved between you and your husband. His sharp eyebrow rose as he cocked his head to the side. What was he thinking? What was he seeing?
“This is my darling wife.” Your mind was finally catching up with the words being said. 
“Mr. Moreau,” you started, only to get cut off again.
“Alastor, please. For the lovely lady of the house, it simply cannot be anything other than Alastor.” 
“Alastor, then.” Laurence started only to be cut off by a sharp laugh. Was the only soft part of this strange man in his hair and eyes? 
“I did not know you were the Lady of this house!” 
Laurence stuttered, tripping over his words. Thankfully, his hand fell from around your waist as he gaped at Alastor, mouth opening and closing like a freshly caught fish. 
You allowed yourself one shuffling step away from your husband now that you were out from under his touch. It was a little room to breathe. Not much, but better than nothing. 
“Alastor,” you pulled your face into what you hoped was a warm and welcoming smile as you drew the guest’s attention from your husband’s reddening face. “I’m afraid dinner isn’t quite finished. It shouldn’t be long yet. Please, do make yourself at home.” 
“Of course, my dear. And a lovely home you’ve got for me to make myself at home in!” Alastor’s smile was wide and warm and yet it felt sharp to you at that moment. It felt calculating, cutting, but you couldn’t understand why that would be the case. 
“Yes, well,” Laurence cleared his throat, and you felt your shoulders slump. You were taking too much attention for yourself while you had attempted to buy your husband time to collect himself. 
You hadn’t intended to. You were just trying to be a good hostess. You were just trying to be a good wife. 
“Shall we get down to business?” Laurence held out his arm, directing Alastor to the stairs and away from you. 
“Yes, yes- of course. The details must be worked out.” Alastor’s eyes lingered on you as he turned. 
“Darling, we’ll be in my study. Be a dear and bring us up some drinks? Alastor and I-” 
“Mr. Moreau for you. Unless there’s something I’m not aware of,” Alastor again corrected.
“Mr. Moreau and I will be talking business while you finish up preparing the meal.” 
“Of course,” you bow your head for a moment before stepping away to get the ice for their drinks, willing each step to look more steady than they felt as Laurence leads the way through the living room toward the stairs. 
You were so focused on your steps that you didn’t notice the eyes following you or the way Alastor lingered behind Laurence, letting the gap between the men grow larger than expected as he watched you. Though you tried, you couldn’t hide the way you reached out, steading yourself in the doorway. It was one of the many things Alastor saw that you were not aware of. 
That bit of information was catalogued away in the mental file he was building on your household. Alastor was a sharp man, always noticing things. It had a tendency to get him in trouble in the past, but as a man, he found it rather useful. 
Laurence was possessive of you. A little kiss to your hand had gotten under your husband’s skin, yet he was willing to offer you as collateral on a loan? The idea was almost enough to draw a laugh from Alastor as he began to climb the stairs after Laurence. 
Was he that sure of his ability to be good for the money or just arrogant? And oh, how the man seethed at not getting the same privileges as his wife, forced to pay Alastor more respect than was required of you. It was backward from social norms, but that just made it even more amusing. 
Perhaps the loan would be worth making after all. The entertainment could be worthwhile and oh, what a lovely game this could birth. 
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Next? Masterlist
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Am I the asshole for cutting off a mutual for threatening suicide?
I know it sounds bad, but please bear with me.
I stumbled across somebody on Tumblr who shared the same obscure interests as me, and we became mutuals pretty quickly. We hardly interacted outside of liking each other's posts sometimes, which seems to be par for the course for Tumblr mutuals. I had a Discord server with my partners and me in it and we decided to invite them to it in an attempt to be closer friends.
Things were okay for a while, but I noticed a few red flags right off the bat. They'd had a bad experience with their last group of friends and vented about it a lot - that in and of itself is fine, but it got to a point where it was all they would talk about. The vent channel in the server was completely occupied by them, and neither me nor my partners felt comfortable venting there ourselves. Alongside this venting about their old friends, they would continuously insinuate we would be just like them, and would leave them just like their old friends did. Again, I don't have a problem with people asking for reassurance, but this was CONSTANT. When I say it was all they would talk about, I mean it. That kind of mistrust in their supposed friends was mentally draining and made me feel like they didn't value our friendship.
And now we get to the threatening suicide part. This person was very clearly mentally ill, needed help, and lived in an unsupportive home. I had all the sympathy in the world for them, and still hope they manage to get out of it. However, if we did not respond to the constant venting in our Discord server, they would go on Twitter and Tumblr and talk about how everyone was ignoring them, and they were going to kill themselves. Several times. This happened a few times before I approached them and asked them kindly not to vague post about me, as I have "trauma" (put in quotes because the vague posting was not the root cause of it) surrounding people pretending to be my friend and shit-talking me in vague posts. They apologized, and agreed to try and cut down on doing it.
But it didn't stop. A week would pass, and they would go right back to it. Their suicide threats were made near daily, and while I don't mind talking someone down from suicide, being expected to do it every single day was taking a massive toll on my mental health.
Eventually, my partners and I decided we weren't cut out to be friends with this person. A message was sent to the Discord server, explaining we made a collective decision that we were not a good match, and that we'd be deleting the server. Cue the final breakdown - as soon as they saw the message, they started to freak out, threatening to kill themselves, begging not to leave them, saying they'd be alone without us, etc. The server was deleted and they moved to my partner's DMs, still threatening suicide and generally being nasty.
After blocking them on socmed, things were quiet for a while. Occasionally, they will send me or my partners asks telling them they're going to kill themselves and how they just want to "make things right" between us. Obviously these threats are empty. The last one they sent me was on Roblox of all things because I'd blocked them everywhere else.
So, am I the asshole? Should I have continued to stay in this friendship and tried harder to make it work?
What are these acronyms?
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whiterexpper · 3 months
Here we go...
Edit2 : removed the nevermore tag for a reason vv
Edit; removed the nevermore tag because
1) nevermore has NOTHING to do with this situation, nevermore is a comic, this is completely different drama that involves a horrible person. Nevermore is a GREAT webtoon that brought a second family together for me, Im not hating on the comic. Im only involving the tag to gather attention to another side issue (its not bigger than the crimson issue. That issue is the main issue and the victims need more focus than anything).
So I haven't said anything about previous events so far, and my point still stands as I will remain quiet as everything has just come to a head with it all. It'll still sit here and marinate and reveal everything about the drama. A lot of people don't know, but all of this drama that happened? (Not the crimson drama, the previous drama about the mass ban) Has happened because Nora (or Sardonyx) personally went out of her way to lie and tell everyone what was happening. Most of the bans were innocent, if not all. And I was scooped up into it by nora herself and told the same shit, and I was only told the right issues involving it because someone who is close friends came forward about it all, and told me and showed me the truth.
Nora(Sardonyx) has had a hold on every dramatic situation, she has lied, been a hypocrite, a two face, and has shown she cannot be trusted. She has decided to talk shit and speak about all of this to a 13 year old, and Nora is 27. Everyone knows this, she is a manipulator who will try her best to make others look bad to get the heat off her back. Another issue with nora is previous conversations I've had with her, in light of them, some of the conversations we've had, she has made toxic remarks towards others. Bad mouthed almost every patreon, and has dragged me into it. I tried to match her jokes, tried to be friendly and laugh along with her. And in that, I'm sorry on my end. I never intended to hurt others, but she has. Again, I dont have any of these screenshots because I did leave any server I was associated with her in, and can't prove it on my end. She probably could, with cherry picked screenshots and edited ones as well.
I again apologize on my end for that, she has manipulated me through every part of our dms and has influenced me to be just as bad of a person. I've learned to be better, and I have talked with one of the people she has talked bad about and we are both on good terms. If no one knows this by now, she is still in the main server, after showing proof of her Threatening to kidnap and torture, her nasty remarks, she has tried to tell others that another person is Homophobic, which was untrue and that would have resulted in a ban. In the end, she's still there. And She's getting away with threats and others. I highly recommended staying away from her, as she has lied, manipulated and bought her way through everyone.
Another issue with nora is her banner situation, she has used NSFW fan art as a banner, fully exposed, unblurred fan art. Not going at the artist, but Nora using that art as her main banner on discord has resulted in minors seeing it. She has spoken to two people who asked her to change in, because they and others were uncomfortable and this was her response.
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She used the main nevermore discord, a server that had NOTHING to do with the situation. Also her lying in this reply, she talks to minors. (Not in the crimson disgusting way-) but she does actively dm minors at the time it happened. She wasn't considerate. And the kidnap and torture mention, well. She never got banned for threatening two people.
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I blocked out the other person and the victims names, as I don't know if they want to be named or not. Some people know who she is but for the sake of tumblr, I'm blurring her out. Through some of mine and her dms, there was some playful flirting going back and forth. Note on playful, by the way, but her being engaged and having a partner and telling me she thought all of it was real? Someone needs to hold her hand when they tell her this....(not me, dont let me go near that crazy woman she might K&T me too...)
But yeah, they were playful, pretty heavy flirting and it got detailed, SURE, its PLAYFUL FLIRTING. it happens. But her saying she's a "lesbian in a straight relationship"? Someone needs to hold her hand and to tell her AGAIN because this just aint it...
But she's still there, I've left the main nevermore server because of her. Because of her lies and manipulation, she has dragged others into this. People who had no involvement in this, but thats her way. She has done it before, DMing other people because she can't fight her own battles. She has to have others do it.
In the end, all I have to say is, Nora (sardonyx) is the one behind all the drama that happens, and will continue to be the one and will continue to get away with it. I highly advise to keep your distance from her , if not well...none of this would have been posted if she didn't go around acting like a 14 year old and spreading rumors about me.
Nora, if you're reading this, tell Eric i feel so bad for him to end up with someone as pathetic as you. And that the person you wanted to get freaky with found out how much of a horrible person you are. And I hope others do the same.
anyway..be careful with her or you might end up kidnapped and tortured <3
(stay safe)
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flecks-of-stardust · 3 months
Donation Commissions for Palestine (PAUSED)
I am opening commissions in exchange for donations to any particular fundraiser I choose for any given day. I am not asking you to donate to me. Payment involves showing proof of donation to the selected channels, and we will discuss from there.
I am opening commissions primarily for writing and fiber arts patterns. If you are unfamiliar with my written work, my old pinned post has links to the work I've done in the past. Additionally, my AO3 is flecks_of_stardust. I am focusing on fanfiction for writing commissions.
The general run down of this process is as follows: You have the option to donate to either the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund or a selected fundraiser for the day. I will change the fundraiser selected for any particular day at 11 am Pacific Time. The selected fundraiser is chosen from the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List. To commission me, you must donate to either the PCRF or the chosen fundraiser and send proof of donation to me through DMs. Please ensure that the fundraiser you donate to matches the one I have selected for today. Once I have received proof of your donation, we can discuss the commission.
More specifics on donations are under the cut.
The fundraiser for now is for the Abu Ramadan family.
General Policies
I am but one person, so there are limits to what I can do. For each donation category, there are a limited number of commission slots that can be taken up. Once those slots are filled up, I will temporarily close commissions for that category. Proof of donation is accepted based on the time you DM me. However, if all my slots are taken, even if you have sent me appropriate proof of donation, I cannot take on your commission until a slot is open. I will notify you when I've taken on your commission should this happen to you.
In the event that this happens to anyone, I will list the overflow slots next to the commission slots. Overflow slots indicate how many people have shown me proper proof of donation, but are not currently having their commission being worked on. This is an estimate of how long it may take for me to get to your commission.
Some notes and rules that apply to all the commission categories:
Donation to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund does not include the processing fee. You must donate the whole dollar to PCRF. This means that if you're donating only a dollar, your actual charge is going to be around 1.35 USD. Keep this in mind for the donation categories; if less than 1 USD goes to PCRF, I cannot accept your donation. Similarly, PCRF must receive at least 2 USD in full for me to accept your donation for the lowest writing commission category.
I will not make anything involving NSFW content, but I am okay with a certain extent of gore and violence. Discuss it with me. I have the right to refuse to create anything I'm uncomfortable with, but I am willing to negotiate.
You will not get anything extra from donating more than the commission category you're asking for, but it's very kind of you if you choose to do so.
I am extremely aromantic. Please keep that in mind if you want me to create something romantic. It is highly likely I cannot deliver, and I recommend you ask someone else.
Do not send me an ask with proof of donation. I need a reliable means to discuss with you, and an ask is not that. You have to DM me. You may request to communicate over Discord if you already know what my username is there, but primarily I will be communicating through Tumblr DMs.
Though all prices are listed in USD, I do not need you to pay in USD. This is just a relative measure of pricing. If your native currency is not USD and/or the payment doesn't display in USD, please let me know what it is so I can confirm how much you've donated.
I will refuse all offers for extensions. While the gesture is sweet, my goal is to get more donations out, not to polish every commission I do to the best I could manage. Quantity over quality, if you will. While I'll make sure to make my commission pieces as high quality as I can manage, if you're really concerned about the quality of what I create, I suggest you commission someone else.
In general, these are the media I am comfortable doing commissions for:
Hollow Knight
Rain World (Downpour included)
Bug Fables
If you'd like to request something that isn't on this list, note that I will only be accepting commission requests for fan media that I am familiar with, and where an exchange of money is allowed. One example is Team Cherry's explicit permission for small scale selling of fan merch. If I cannot confirm it and you do not show me proof that it is allowed, I will refuse your request.
If you at any point violate the rules I have stated in this post and any additional rules I may issue upon discussion of the commission, I reserve the right to refuse future requests to take your commissions even with proper proof of donation. If you do not respect my time and energy, I will not entertain you.
If you are unable to donate yourself, please spread this post around, and I welcome you to follow my lead! There's more than one way to get donations to the people that need it.
Writing (0/3)
Because I want to get through these commissions fast, I will not be spending more than 3 days or 12 total writing hours, whichever comes first, on each commission. I will be churning out these commissions as fast as possible while maintaining as satisfactory a level of writing quality as I can manage. To reflect this, the word counts and the prices for each word count are relatively low:
2 USD - approximately 500 words (hard limit 800) [must donate to PCRF due to donation limitations]
5 USD - approximately 1000 words (hard limit 1500)
10 USD - approximately 2000 words (hard limit 2500)
In the interest of time, I will not be taking original fiction requests. I will allow OCs, but you must let me know specifics on how you'd like me to write them. I am most confident working with canon characters, but please specify the type of characterization you want if you don't want me to use my own characterization.
Once the commission is complete, the completed work will be posted to a Donations for Palestine collection on AO3 unless you decline it. Additionally, you are discouraged from posting the finished commission in public spaces, but if you do so, then you must credit me without making edits to my writing. If you post it on Tumblr, please tag me in your post.
Fiber Arts Patterns (0/2)
I'm also willing to provide you with crochet or knitting amigurumi patterns. I will not send you the finished product. I will, however, send a picture of the finished product alongside the pattern. I will spend a maximum of 10 days on each pattern, and the resulting product will not be larger than 4"x4"x4"/10cmx10cmx10cm in approximate size. Pricing guidelines are as follows:
Baseline price: 12 USD
3 or more colors on the design: +3 USD (be warned that I may not have these colors)
Knitted pattern: +5 USD
I am most comfortable making little animals, and am significantly more familiar with crocheting little dolls than I am with knitting them, though I'm willing to try my hand at that too. I will also try my best to make characters from the above listed media; if you've browsed my crochet and knitting tags, you'll see that I've already made many characters from these franchises, but in much larger dimensions. If I think I'll need the doll to be bigger than my listed dimension limits for the pattern to be viable, I will refuse your request. In either case, please provide a reference picture/drawing of what you'd like me to make, and I'll match it as closely as I'm able to.
The pattern will be delivered to you through a File Garden link to a PDF; please download this PDF, as I may accidentally delete the link later on. Once you have received the pattern, you are not allowed to post it in public spaces. You may, however, post the finished product created from the pattern with credit to me. If you post it on Tumblr, please tag me in the post.
Bonus: Shitty Doodles
If you have less than 2 USD lying around but would still like to donate something, you can still show me proof of donation to PCRF of whatever amount that is for a shitty 10 minute doodle of anything you choose. I will set a timer for 10 minutes and scribble as fast as I can, and what comes out the other side is your commission piece. Do note that this will be a pencil sketch. While I have drawn in the past and consider myself a semi-decent visual artist, it is very much not my forte, hence why I'm not offering it as a serious commission. But if you're down for it, I'm willing to do this too. Just don't expect it to have any sort of quality. Be as ridiculous as you want (as long as you adhere to the above rules)! This is meant to be silly, so pretty much anything goes.
If you have any further questions or concerns, shoot me an ask or a DM. These guidelines will likely be refined as I gain more experience with this.
Major edit on July 10th: I finally noticed that the donation limit for GFM is 5 USD minimum. I have updated the guidelines to allow donation to PCRF as well.
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vegafan69 · 2 months
luna’s submission post for @plaqying ‘s redacted awards !! ★
hii, i am luna aka vegafan69 🙏 and just as my name suggests, i will be listing reasons why i believe i should win the category for THE vega fan AND the most 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎 ❤️
if you find my post convincing, i hope you will vote for me !! tysm <3
I am saving up $60+ for a custom necklace, earring and bracelet set based on vega’s theme colors
my username and bio. go check for yourself
scroll through the redacted vega tag on my account. that’s like 50% of the proof you need
vega is an interesting character and i laugh at every “he beat caelum!!” comment. like what he did was not okay but what if i reduced david to just a grumpy daddy’s boy with anger issues? yall would not like that lol
i received so many vega art for my birthday and non-birthdays from friends and tumblr mutuals who i’m not even close with?? 😭❤️🙏
i don’t think i’ve seen anyone on redacted tumblr as unhinged and freaky as i am. yet. we can battle it out to the death :3
me and vega are dating in alternate universes such as miitopia and tomodachi. we are married in tomodachi, and he said he is very proud to be my boyfriend/husband ❤️
my pfp is vega - drawn by my fren min on my bday 😫‼️💖
i am an emotional masochist. i am a perfect fit for vega. he aint never gon go hungry with me by his side.
i headcanon him (like a few others do) that he has claws. dark deep black claws. i painted my acrylics black to match him !! ^o^ oh btw my haircut as of now kinda looks like his on the games lol
@messenger-of-stupidity (sorry for the tag!!) made me a personal Vega period comfort fic. so like…i’m winning asl 😝
I have a phat ass not that it matters i just thought i’d add it in
i think im developing an unhealthy relationship with him but its ok guys 😁 he matches my freak too well
i’m just a delusional monster fucker :p
here are some miitopia and tomodachi photos of us 🙏 2 art bday presents included 😫 ily guyssssss AAAA. i wish i could add all the vega gifts i got but it only lets us post 10 photos
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proof of my 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃ℯ𝓈𝓈 under the cut. nsfw warning for the discord messages!!!
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taglist !! @huxleaf @deezbignutz @heartf0ul @annahxredaxted @youeverjustseeadog @mhmmaybe @jaxfart @laskosprettygirl @mokozroach @everything-redacted00 @darlin-collins @infinitelovewiithoutfulfilmentt sorry if i forgot anyone
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psychedelic-ink · 3 months
Hi everyone!
Due to hours being cut at work, I've decided to open up commissions again! Since these commissions are more of a necessity, they'll be 14% off my original pricing.
So basically:
2k-3k words: Originally 35 USD, now 30 USD
4k-5k words: Originally 45 USD, now 40 USD
6k-7k words: Originally 55 USD, now 50 USD
Special Offers:
If you order 2 fics of the same word count, you get a 20% discount on the total price:
2k-3k words: 48 USD for two fics (20% off the total of 60 USD)
4k-5k words: 64 USD for two fics (20% off the total of 80 USD)
6k-7k words: 80 USD for two fics (20% off the total of 100 USD)
If you mix and match word counts, you'll get a 10% discount on the total price. For example:
One 2k-3k fic (30 USD) + one 4k-5k fic (40 USD) = 70 USD
With a 10% discount: 70 USD - 10% = 63 USD
Limited Spots: I will be taking on 10 commissions at a time. Once I finish these 10 commissions, I'll open up spots again. This is to ensure timely delivery and quality of work.
Sorry if that doesn't seem like much of a discount, but that's all I can do for now. Due to my current workload and mid-packing, I won't be writing anything longer than 6k-7k words. I apologize for any inconvenience.
I'll only be accepting commissions for Marvel, DC, and Pedro Pascal characters since I am most comfortable with those. You can request your fics to be character x character, character x OC, character x self-insert, or character x reader.
When asking for a commission:
Plotline: Please provide the plotline and any specific scenes you wish to see in the fic.
Default: My default is reader x character unless asked otherwise.
Word Count: Let me know the number of words you want.
Timeline: Please specify if you want it finished in a particular time.
Payments: Payments are through PayPal or Zelle only.
OC or Self-Insert: If you want an OC or self-insert, please give me a description or a photo (optional); a Picrew would also do.
Spicy Scenes: For spicy scenes, please let me know your icks or specific kinks you want (you must be 18+ to request these types of fics).
You can reach out to me through tumblr or if you have my discord, through discord! Thank you for your understanding and support!
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williamkisser · 3 months
♡— The Mercenary and Forward when they’re sick
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♡— I don’t know how to start…. here we are. I was talking with @fishermanshook some time ago on discord about random stuff as always when i expressed that i feel like writing something. I discussed it a little, i started writing a draft on tumblr and ended up writing something completely diffrent lol. But anyways. If you know me from my @williaml0ver account you’re most likely aware i retired from writing like… three months ago? I just gave up on doing it. But now that time passes i feel quite rested and ready to write something silly. Maybe from time to time i may write something more. Either way, i hope you all enjoy writing my goofy fic.
♡— Warnings: g/n reader, short fluffy hcs, a little over 400 words for each character
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♡— You instantly received some mixed signals from the rugby player when he refused to wear warmer clothes on the way to his match. Sure, the days were still fairly warm, however at nights it could get really cold. William, who seemed very bold before going out, is now tucked in his bed with two blankets on.
♡— At first, the Forward feels embarrassed. He should have listened. William would like to pretend everything if fine to save his pride, but he can’t hide the symptoms even if his life depended on it. When he sneezes, it’s like if there was a small earthquake in the room - at least from what you can hear in the other room.
♡— This man leads a healthy lifestyle. Obviously, he is an athlete. He also eats a lot, mostly healthy food and has a consistent diet. You barely see him ill. But when he IS, he can be very unbearable, only calm when he’s asleep. Thank god he gets back to his shape swiftly.
♡— Inevitably, the signs of William’s illness grow stronger with time. Still, it’s just an ordinary cold, but judging by his dramatic behaviour you’d think you’ve got a victorian baby about to die from fever.
♡— That’s right. Being sick is never a fun thing, but William plans to make the best out of it. He loves being babied by you. He’s a cute menace. Constantly whimpering or whining that he’s dying and needs cuddles and kisses. He will convince you to snuggle together, knowing there’s a risk of you catching the cold as well.
♡— Whenever you’re not around, he would play with his plushies by throwing them up the ceiling and then catch them. Obviously, if one of them falls on the floor, he will specifically call for you to pick them up. Later on, he claims to already feel better, which obviously is not true. He’d get scolded for going to the toilet on bare feet, without slippers on. Much to your horror, William even takes off his fuzzy pajama and starts walking around only with his boxers on. He claims the sweat is unbearable. To avoid such situations, he needs some entertainment. Maybe play board games together? Or just have a nice chat. He’d also appreciate it if you read him a bedtime story and cuddled together.
♡— When it comes to medicine, William struggles with swallowing pills. For some reason, he just can’t do it. He needs all of his medicine as liquid, and still he would complain a little, claiming the taste is unbearable. If there’s no drinkable alternative, you may as well attempt to blackmail him into swallowing. Just say you won’t cuddle with him anymore, he’ll swallow those pills immediately.
♡— Overall, when sick, William turns into a baby. Like i said, he’s only calm when he’s sleeping.
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♡— As a Mercenary, Naib has to deal and interact with a lot of people, dead and alive. He is, of course, always very cautious. There is literally no room for a mistake at a job like this, which means he pays a lot of attention to hygiene. Obviously, even if someone tries to avoid illness, everyone can get sick sometimes. Mercenaries included.
♡— When Naib’s approaching home, he begins to feel some sort of weird feeling in his throat. One thing leads to another and quickly enough he starts sneezing and feeling cold. The first feeling that comes to his head is confusion. Is this sickness going to develop further? Will he be able to continue his duties the next day? As soon as he comes home, he actually seeks medicine, but he doesn’t explicitly tell you that he’s caught a cold - though there will be signs. There’s just a growing feeling of unnecessary shame in his mind. He wishes for both of you to live peacefully, without worrying for money, so he considers to continue, despite being sick.
♡— Naib, just like William is a healthy man. He has his routine and is fit, he also eats healthy. He gets ill a little more often than the Forward, but still, it’s a rather rare occurence when you see him coughing. Surprisingly enough, when you realize he’s sick, he doesn’t protest when you tell him to rest. Naib is actually calm and obedient. As much as weak and uncomfortable the virus makes him feel, he probably enjoys not having to be in charge from time to time. He as well heals fast.
♡— The Mercenary tries to stop the cold before it starts to intensify. He stays in bed and takes the needed medicine, but it is sadly no help. Yet, he won’t make a big scene of it. You might hear him complain about having a sore throat here and there, but it’s not constant.
♡— He won’t mind, and will be actually grateful when you take care of him, but he’s capable of healing on his own. It’s up to you if you want to take the risk and cuddle with him, Naib won’t force you, although he’d like it a lot. Usually, you’re the one clinging to the Mercenary when sleeping, to your surprise, for this period he becomes a greedy cuddle bug. You may tell him that he’s gripping you a little to rough.
♡— Whenever you’re not around, at first he’d probably find a way to kill time. Would appreciate it if you brought him a book. While going through illness, his appetite, which already is quite big by default, would raise drastically. You should control him a little, unless you want to see him running to the toilet every ten minutes. After some time, Naib states that he already feels stronger and wants to help around the house, which you should not allow him to. Make sure he’s not overworking himself. While he usually prefers to sleep in boxers and a tank top, for sick days he actually dresses up in his pajama.
♡— About medicine, he won’t complain about it and will take whatever you offer him, Naib however is an avid enjoyer of natural medicine, saying that the factory-made one doesn’t taste that great. Both ways are fine though. Maybe prepare some warm tea for him?
♡— Overall, taking care of a sick Naib is a pleasant experience. He is very calm and doesn’t make much hustle.
Idv x reader tag how are you guys feeling today……. im kind of eepy…….. it’s almost 2am yippee
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mcytblraufest · 11 months
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And our mcytblr-wide holiday exchange is now live! Brought to you by a mod team drawn from the holiday exchange last year, the 48 hour exchange, and more! We're excited about this!
The sign-up form is now open, and you can get to it through our discord, found below.
Discord: here!
Why a discord? Because we've run this exchange twice using tumblr's messaging options, and both times we got shadowbanned, and the last time I had to grovel on my stomach in front of staff while they looked at the records and were like "haven't you been locked down for spamming before" and I went "I promise it was just for an event I just like organizing things please please please I'll be good" and then they gave my blog back. So. NEVER AGAIN. This year we organize through a discord, not tumblr DMs.
We are open, and we are open to every segment of MCYTBLR! 
Really into lifesteal? Contrats on your fandom breaking 1k fics on the archive! We would love to have you. Your duolingo spanish streak starts on the day of the QSMP server launch, you love the cubitos? Welcome. Let us attempt to match you to other QSMP lovers. Loyally posting in the DSMP fiances mines? If you recruit two other fiances lovers, we can get an exchange going between you! You just feel that Soup Group is really important to you? Come request the perfect fic from someone else who also loves block men and rebellion on the hermitcraft server.
Assignments are sent out by the 26th of November, and then you have one check-in before the posting week between the 24th of December and the 1st of January. 
Artists, writers, playlist-makers, web-weavers, moodboard artists— join us! Everyone is welcome! Tell your friends!
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radaverse · 2 months
When is Tower of mistakes gonna be done, I CAN'T WAIT! :3
Huh, looks like it's time for a
And I'm pleased to announce that
THE HIATUS IS OVER!!! (mostly)
So, it's been kind of long since we got the last update, hasn't it? Well, you don't have to continue waiting so much anymore! I've got ideas, motivation and a remake release date!
First, lemme tell you what I've been doing meanwhile.
As many of you know there's a Samurai Jack AU comic on the works as well (Paws of Magic), I've been cooking with my 2 teammates and we're making sure to cook something great! ✨ Then, I heard about this "artfight" thing around tumblr, I checked it out and decided to join! It surely helped me improve my style and my ways of organizing works and schedules.
Now that I'm "free" (back at uni lol. no big deal tho), I can work on things like paws of magic and ofc, the tower of mistakes remake.
I've got some ToM updates:
The hiatus is gonna be over in less of a month. That is
September 6, 2024!
This way the remake's release date matches the original's and the fact that it matches my birthday (I had a feeling ToM could get important so decided to start it on my bday lol, I was kinda right wasn't it? omggg)
The art style gets some REAL changes!
I'm no longer going to use a sketchbook to draw the lineart and then color it digitally. The comic will now be 100% digital! Which means the page formatting and style will get an improvement boost!
Schedule. Schedule...
I used to upload the pages every time I finished one, which led to rushing, hiatus and burnout. I'm not doing that anymore. I'll be working on a bunch of pages/a full chapter beforehand, then batch upload them from each chapter's release date to the last of its pages, 1 page a day. This way you guys don't get extremely long waits and I don't get extreme burnout 😭
So, these are the updates for Tower of Mistakes!
As for the rest of blog, I'll be drawing the ToM pages, doodling random stuff and working on Paws of Magic as well!
And if you realllyyyy can't wait until that day to check ToM stuff, then join the Discord Server! ✨
There you can get new friends (like me ofc vjdfd), get comic emojis, have fun and you might or might not get some comic wips hmmm
This is gonna get wild :)
Tumblr media
now a random poll xd
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