#now pardon me while i continue to get emotional over these words
koji-haru · 12 days
Time Travel AU Part: 13
[I struggled writing this. Again! I feel like all this science stuff I'm doing again is draining my creativity 🥲]
It had only been one day since Eve’s banishment from Eden, and yet the angels were all already discussing the future of humanity, the garden and Adam himself. Adam was sat beside Michael in the circle of stressed angels, all too engaged in their debate. Adam wasn’t even initially supposed to present in this meeting, but apparently Michael, ever so thoughtful, suggested that the first man be involved in the discussion regarding his possible future. And Adam would appreciate the gesture if only he didn’t have to bear witness and suffer through Heaven’s bureaucracy. It was one of the few things he actually hated when he used to be an angel. The meeting began early in the morning and the afternoon was fast approaching, and yet they still haven’t broached the topic about Adam. 
Damn angels and their obsession with order. Adam could feel his eyes drooping, his head nodding off, the discussion a soothing background noise; boredom and exhaustion weighed heavily on him. Beside him, Michael noticed Adam’s quickly slipping attention. Humans after all, didn’t have the same stamina and durability that angels had.
“Pardon me, I’m sure these are all very important, but can we get to the topic about Adam? It’s why he’s here to begin with,” Michael gestured towards the sleepy human. “We can continue the discussion about the others after this.”
Seeing Adam’s drained figure, the angels all agreed to pause their current discussion for later and put away their current notes, switching them for ones related to the new topic. As usual, Sera was the one to start the dialogue. With a clap of her hands, the attention focused back on her as she began to talk.
“Alright. Following Eve’s banishment from the garden of Eden, we were faced with a problem regarding their propagation. Eve’s new companion, who will be created using a part of her, will be made in the following days.” Sera placed both of her hands on the table as she looked at Adam. “Adam, you are now without a companion. We planned on creating a new companion for you but…” She glanced at Michael. “Michael had suggested we consult you first. He mentioned something about your possibly…troubled state.”
A new partner for him in Eden? Someone untainted by the fruit of knowledge? While the idea of being with someone, who was also safe and away from both Lucifer and Lilith, didn’t seem so bad, it was also someone new. Someone Adam would know nothing about, meaning another unpredictable factor. Who knows, maybe this new person would be similar to Eve or they could also turn out to be like Lilith. Either way, they would be an unknown factor. And after finally securing Eden for himself, he didn’t want to add more potential risks, especially not when he was already in uncharted territory. That and, well, the idea of opening up to someone like that again hadn’t crossed his mind for over many millennia now, and he sure wasn’t going to start again.
Adam adjusted himself on his seat, carefully thinking about the words he would say and the emotions he should express in front of the angels. With downcast eyes he answered, “I…after Eve…I don’t think I could ever be ready to be with someone new again.” Adam let a few tears slide down his cheeks, a little sniffle here and there, maybe some subtle trembling. Really, anything to gain the angels’ sympathy and pity. 
The sight of Adam seemingly in anguish over Eve’s betrayal and absence crushed many of the angels’ hearts. How pitiful. For such a delicate creature to experience such a horrible tragedy. They couldn’t imagine the scars that such events had placed on his little heart. God’s most perfect creation, traumatised under the clutches of Lucifer and Lilith. Sera placed a hand over her own heart, clearly affected by Adam’s act. “Adam, are you certain you don’t wish for a new partner?”
Adam meekly shook his head. “I think I’ve had enough.”
The late afternoon sun’s gradually cooling rays shone over the serenity of the garden, coating everything in its soft orange hue. Adam leaned back against a tree as he watched the other inhabitants of the garden prepare for the incoming darkness. It was a bit odd. To have all of the garden to himself in peaceful silence. He had gotten used to a high pitched voice that used to always eagerly drag him along the garden in search of new things to try out. It was about this time of the day when he would join Eve, along with Amora, to gather tonight’s dinner. Adam felt a heavy nudge on his shoulder, and was greeted with large yellow eyes when he turned. 
“Guess it’s just you and me now, huh?,” muttered Adam as he allowed the big cat to lay its head on his lap. “What? Are you trying to comfort me?,” he chuckled. His fingers lazily petted the jaguar’s soft fur, the warmth a welcome presence in Eden’s gradually cooling air. 
Now what? Adam had achieved what he wanted, and of course he was happy that could stay in Eden away from both Lilith and Lucifer, he was also happy not to have to suffer a harsh life outside the garden. But he also couldn’t help but be a little anxious about the future. This was where things would start to really change, and while he was confident in himself, he could still only hope that this future he had carved for himself would be better than the one he had previously.
A familiar flapping of three pairs of wings interrupted Adam’s musings. He knew the owner of those wings. Only he would visit the first man in the garden at such a time. Adam turned to face the angel; a knowing look and a silent nod for a greeting. It seemed suitable enough for the late afternoon’s current undertone. 
Michael found himself a spot beside the first man, close but not too close. The two sat in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the sinking sun as it tinted everything in orange, before the angel uttered a word. “About your decision earlier… Are you certain with what you’ve decided?”
Adam kept his gaze on the horizon, his figure drowning in the sinking rays as it painted him all over like melting gold in a hot furnace. “I’m certain,” he uttered. 
It was one of the few things he was certain of in his newly carved future. He had lived for 10,000 years, and not once did he ever need it. There were some similar things, like his relationship with his exorcists. Each and every one of his girls were dear to him, even that traitorous Vaggie used to have a spot in his heart. Then there was Lute, who he had doted on the most. And while all of those ties were real in their own right, none of them were ever introduced to the cavernous depths of his soul. After living for so long, he realised he didn’t need it, or maybe it simply just wasn’t meant for him. That was fine for him, it was less messy that way, and he intended to keep things neat in this life too.
“But won’t you feel lonely?,” Michael asked. “Being the only one… of your kind I mean.”
Though the words were directed at Adam, Michael’s wistful gaze divulged another story. Even ever since his body was formed from stardust and golden ichor first flowed throughout his body, Michael always hadn’t been the most sociable angel. He got along fine with the rest, but there was always a disconnect. Lucifer’s fall seemed to have resulted in only widening that gap, with others seemingly keeping their distance on purpose after knowing what he was capable of. He supposed that was to be expected, he was, after all, the only angel in Heaven who had the blood of his own kin in his hands. True, he had no choice in the matter, it couldn’t be helped, but the others also couldn’t help what they felt.
Adam mulled over Michael’s words. He wasn’t sure if he would call it loneliness, but being the only person in the garden did make him feel isolated at times. Though he supposed it wasn’t really that bad. He looked back down at Amora who was snuggling on his lap, a content look on her furry face. The slow rise and fall of her chest, the warmth from her large body that she happily shared with him. Adam may be very different from the rest of Eden’s inhabitants, but he felt very welcomed and at home all the same. 
“It’s not so bad,” Adam answered, a faint smile on his lips as he brushed Amora’s fur. “I’ve got the animals with me. They never let me feel lonely. And then there’s also you.”
“And that’s enough for you?”
“I’m just happy to have a home.” Adam would want for more. He had always yearned for more, to learn and experience more new things. It was why he invented so many things. From useless decorative items to important life saving techniques. In fact, one of the reasons he proposed the exterminations, besides wanting to fuck with Lucifer and Lilith, was to escape the monotony of Heaven. The exterminations allowed him to experience new things; sinners with their grotesque forms, hellish food that could kill you in a variety of ways, a chaotic society that easily shifted day by day. It was fun, plain and simple, but it was also a wandering kind of fun. If fun new things meant he would lose paradise, his home, then he would rather not take it. Dying and waking back up in Eden made him realise how he lived like a wanderer in his previous life. Moving from place to place in search of something different, but never truly having a permanent place for himself. He would have to learn to hold back some of his inclinations and unnecessary wants this time, now that he got a hold of his home back. Having a place to belong far outweighed ‘the fun stuff’. Besides, Eden was fun in its own right. It had all kinds of animals that would happily play with him despite being deadly if they were outside the garden, the garden itself was big enough to contain various landscapes from rainforests to open deserts, and most importantly, it didn’t have other people who would ruin his day, at least not anymore anyway.
There was this inexplicable look in Adam’s eyes when he answered Michael’s question. Like a wistful longing; something akin to nostalgia, like he was holding something dear that he had only found again. Just at this moment, with the sinking sun reflecting on his already golden eyes, Michael saw in Adam, just an inkling, what seemed to be an eternity of life and experience. It was surreal, it was as if there was a whole other world within the human unbeknownst to anyone but the man himself, though he knew it couldn’t be possible. So instead, he turned his gaze back to the slowly fading sun. 
What was home?
The archangel, of course, had Heaven, the place he first woke up in, the place he had spent the most time in, and the place he always returned to. Though with the recent events, that place had become a little less comforting, a little more alienating. It was still the same but also different. It was like Lucifer had never fallen, but the void of his absence permeated the atmosphere. Heaven had become uncomfortable. But Eden remained a simple comfort. Michael wrapped his wings around himself. The garden was still here and so were the animals. Then there was also Adam. Maybe that was also enough for him.
Part 12
Part 14
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
hi hi!! i saw that you take requests(sorta), but if you don’t, please delete this ask or ignore it!!
so, recently it emerged the rumor that diluc and donna are gonna get married, or are in a possible engagement fruit from some sort of contract
now, supposing that my last supposition is correct (the contract), how would the reader reacted when diluc tells them about it, while they both are in a relationship with each other? (basically a tiny angst)
again, if you do not take requests or are too busy for them, or simply the prompt isn’t to your appeal, feel free to ignore/delete it!!
"I love you more than words can say..."
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
Pairing: Diluc x (gn!) Reader
Tags: SFW, angst to comfort, both Reader and Diluc are crying, lots of fluff, cuddles and confessions at the end.
A/N: I know this has been sitting in my ask box since September but I meant to write something for it for so long already and now I finally had time to do so. I hope you still get to see and read this. I always feel guilty for keeping some requests in my inbox for so long 😣
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“Did you already hear that the young Ragnvindr is going to be wed our Donna soon? That must mean he and his current fling must’ve broken up.”
“Oh, pray tell?”
You froze in place as you heard the gossip of some oblivious bypassers. You were just standing in front of Good Hunter, buying some groceries as you heard a sentence that made your heart throb while simultaneously causing your thoughts to race a thousand miles per hour. You almost dropped the bag with groceries you were holding because of the sheer wave of panic and shock those words had inflicted upon you.
“... hey, is everything alright?”, Sara asked worriedly.
“Sorry. What did you say?”, you shook your head in order to get back to the here and now. Surely this was just one of those weird rumors without any substance again. Diluc would’ve told you if it was true, right?
“You suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence and looked like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Ah, pardon me. I thought I heard something.”
You continued putting the remaining groceries in your bag in silence. You were so startled you even forgot what you and Sara even had been talking about prior to this incident. You paused as you considered asking Sara about the rumor and whether she has heard about it, too.
“Say, did you happen to hear about the marriage of Donna and Diluc, too?”, you hesitantly inquired after giving it some thought.
“Oh, that one. Yeah, of course. Everyone’s already been waiting forever for it to happen. After all, you don’t get to see someone marry the richest person in the entirety of Mondstadt every day. It’s pretty exciting if you ask me. Don’t you think?”
“Yes, very… exciting.”
You gulped loudly as you hurried off to the Angel’s Share where you hoped to find Diluc to confront him directly if what you just heard bore any truth. And you prayed to Celestia it doesn’t.
Not only would it mean he kept it from you the entire time and essentially lied to you, but also that he just used you. But it was just a stupid rumor, right? It had to be.
You basically barged into the Angel’s Share with panic evident on your face. It wasn’t open for business yet seeing as it was still pretty early in the day, so the only one present inside was the one you were looking for. Diluc was just carrying some things into the store room when you arrived and he immediately dropped everything to rush over to you.
“Love? Are you alright?”, he attempted to take your hand but you yanked it away. The expression on his face shifted to one of great concern.
“Don’t touch me!”, you yelled. “Stop pretending and playing me for a fool!”
Hot tears welled up in your eyes and flowed down your cheeks. You had tried to hold them back but it proved to be impossible. Even more so when you didn’t know where to put all these emotions in your heart. Anger and sadness mixed with the unsurmountable love you felt for the man before you who had also betrayed your trust.
“I don’t quite follow.”, he said, shook his head, and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Bullshit.”, you hissed. “How long do you intend to play with my heart? Just stop I know the truth…”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean is you being engaged to Donna!”, you said with your voice barely above a whisper. Your throat felt constricted from all the things you wanted to scream out but couldn't. “What even am I to you, Diluc?”
He rubbed his hands over his eyes and let out a long sigh. You noticed that they too had become red and puffy. You had completely missed that he had started crying too and you didn’t know how to react or interpret it. Did he want to be pitied, was he just frustrated that he got caught, or was it something else?
“It is not what it sounds like.”, he breathed out as his eyes continued to fill with tears. But you were done, you didn't want to hear any excuses that he would probably just make up as well. You turned around and headed for the door as you felt him holding onto your arm to keep you from leaving.
“Please - please listen to me.”, he begged and you could feel his grip tighten on your arm in desperation.
“I’ll give you two minutes.”, you stated coldly.
You walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools, looking at him expectantly. And he better had a damn good excuse or this will be the last time he’d ever get to see you.
He exhaled shakily before facing you and taking both your hands in his.
“What you heard was once true… however, it is no longer. I never loved Donna, nor will I ever. You’re the only one I love and you’re the one I want to marry. I’m sorry you had to find all of this out the way you did, I should’ve told you about it way earlier. But I didn’t think it would ever resurface. My father was the one who arranged the marriage but after his passing, it sunk into oblivion and I thought it would stay there for good because I never wanted to marry someone I don't love.”
You were still shaken up but you were watching his expression carefully as he spoke and your gut was telling you that he was speaking the truth.
“Recently... Donna came up to me again and wanted me to fulfill that arrangement which I politely declined and told her I wouldn't want to marry anyone but you. She left in an angered state but I didn’t think she would go as far as to start spreading rumors. She must've intended to put me under the pressure of the public eye or cause you to leave me.”, he continued to explain with frustration in his voice.
He deeply sighed once more and reassuringly squeezed your hands a little tighter. He looked deep into your eyes and a soft smile seeped through his pained expression before he spoke again.
“So, I beg you to believe me when I say there is no other person I love. There is only room for you in my heart and there only ever will be. I don’t know what I would do if you left me. You complete me like no other.”
He wiped the tears out of his eyes with the back of his hand before looking at you once more with a heartbroken expression looking back at your equally shattered expression. So you both stood there crying, unsure whether it was out of relief or aftershocks of the initial fight had.
“You idiot.”, you sniffled through your tears as you nudged his shoulder with your fist and made an effort to throw him a playful smile. “You should’ve just told me!”
“Yes, I know… I'm so sorry.”
You got up from the stool and embraced him in a mind-numbingly tight hug while nuzzling your face into his chest and soaking in his scent. He was quick to return your embrace with a sigh of relief. He patted down your back and kissed the crown of your head softly. You felt like ten stones were lifted off your chest at once and you were finally able to breathe again.
“I love you so much, it almost kills me.”
“I love you too, Diluc. More than words can say.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated.
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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loonatic260 · 4 months
So often, I think about how Thomas's relationship with Edward (the blind soldier in season 2) would have gone if Edward was permitted to stay and recover at the hospital. I mean, really, there's so many different scenarios of how things *could* have gone for Thomas if his love interests loved him back (and stuck around long enough to make it work).
During the confrontation in the courtyard (S2E2)... Corporal Barrow to his left, Nurse Crawley to his right, and a badgering doctor in front of him, Edward speaks his mind about wanting to stay. "Please— don't send me away. Not yet," the soldier states, contorlling his emotions. And instead of Thomas being cut off this time, he continues to speak, "Sir, surely we... can still take care of him, until the time comes that he is fully recovered." Thomas looks over to Edward, for the response in his gaze that supports and appreciates his efforts, but is quickly reminded that a look of condolence is hard to get out of a blind man. "Corporal Barrow, you will not speak out of turn—" his tone shifts, "every one of our beds is needed for the injurred and dying. Lieutenant, you will make your recovery at Farley. Corporal, I will see you in my office." The doctor pats Edward's shoulder and turns away, leaving the three in silence. Sybil looks to Thomas, then to Edward, "We are fully capable of keeping you here to treat you until you are better. Thomas, I'm sure we can find a way to change the doctor's mind." Thomas takes a long moment to think of what could be said, but Edward breaks his thought by looking up towards him. Thomas knows those bright eyes can't see him, but Edward's longing for an answer, and longing for some way to stay, are clearly conveyed by that deep stare. Thomas distracts himself from the way the light shown across his face and illuminated his scars. "I don't want to leave, Corporal, not right yet. I don't feel fully recovered yet— a convalescent home won't help me." Thomas looks to Sybil. They both know Edward's outlook on his own life; it isn't good, and if they can get him to stay under their care, they'd know he'd be a healthier man of it.
"Please, one man staying here to recover- or convalesce, as you put it- is not getting in the way of us taking care of other injurred soldiers." Thomas stands opposite of the doctor, only a desk between them but many dense layers of invisible emotions as well. "We have the equipment and time to continue to tend to Edward while caring for others' just as well," Sybil enters the office eagerly to back him up. "I am taken aback by both of your confidence. Nurse Crawley, you may be used to having the social upper-hand, but not here. My decision is final in keeping Ed—" The clicking heels of an adamant, old woman can be heard stomping nearer, alerting Clarkson of his likely misjudgment. "Doctor Clarkson, I do beg your pardon, but have you tended to Lieutenant Courtenay as closely as Corporal Barrow or Nurse Crawley?" Her distinct tone sends exaughst from every hole of the doctor's body. "I do recall Thomas talking with the Lieutenant, reading him his letters, and offering condolences, therefore giving him an accurate assessment of Lieutenant Courtenay's mental health." Sybil looks to Thomas from behind, looking to see even the slightest smile peaking through his cheeks, but Corporal Barrow stays straight-faced. Sybil knows they've won this argument now. "And Nurse Crawley has tended to his physical needs and growth in his condition, so she should be more than qualified- in this circumstance- to claim whether or not Lieutenant Courtenay should continue to be seen here, so if she claims he is still of our assistance, then we shall grant him that." Without much more word from Doctor Clarkson— at least not much anything that Thomas had to listen to due to smirking and showing Sybil his slight excitement— Corporal Barrow met Lieutenant Courtenay at his cot.
"Are you happy to be out of your bandages, Lieutenant Courtenay?" Thomas smiled towards Edward, finding himself repeating natural mannerisms from his service at Downton when it wasn't always necessary, especially right now. "Please, don't call me 'Lieutenant.' I've lost that privilege of title the moment I wasn't able to perform my duties properly anymore." Slouching halfway out from under his sheets, he turned away from the sound of Thomas's voice, imagining the disappointment. "You can call me 'Edward'," the soldier finished. Thomas furrowed his brows, "I told you not to be so hard on yourself. I won't lie to you, and I won't tell you that you'll be able to perform your duties properly again, but I can say that you will- and do- have the opportunity to live a good life." Thomas laid his palms on Edward's knuckles, carefully centered on the soldier's knee as if to plead. "I already told you: don't let other's drag you down. It doesn't matter what they think of ya, or do to ya, so you'll resolve things with your brother and mother—" Thomas saw the muscles in Edward's face start to quiver, "Or else I'll have to go knock some sense into them, and they don't want that!" A chuckle was pulled out of Edward as a tear strolled down his cheek, and Thomas gave a laugh of relief to be able to make Edward smile. "We'll take care of you as long as we can, Edward. We'll make things work. Despite what Clarkson thinks is best for someone he doesn't know."
Sybil smiled from the doorway, watching their interaction, and glad of their soldier's brightened spirits. She'd never seen Thomas so emotional before, but it was an effective way of getting through to Edward. Surprisingly, the doctor listened to Isobel once again; it seems that only Isobel can truly get through to Doctor Clarkson.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 7
In this final part of the chapter Samir gets a visit from his adoptive mother and brother, reminding all of us that Reece is the only one able to get more than one word or sentence from him. Samir gets ready for another shift where he tries to keep hold of his humanity.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Kawikani: Maybe he’s not home
Yesenia: Of course he’ll be home
Samir: Visitors?
Yesenia: Better not be calling us that or you’ll disappear in two seconds flat. Come here honey, are you doing okay? You eating properly
Samir: Suppose
Kawikani: Still a man of few words huh bro
Yesenia: Now where is that boyfriend of yours? It really is high time I meet the boy my son is living with
Samir: Fishing
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Having seen guests approaching the house Reece packs up his gear and jogs back from the lake.
Yesenia: Oh look at these photos, very nice dude (she's a bro sim btw)
Samir: *smiles* Reece looks nice
Yesenia: Don’t be modest honey, you’re up here to
Samir: Suppose
Yesenia: I’m so proud of you for being brave enough to claim your home back, you know that right
Samir: *nods* Hmm
Kawikani: Reece, dude! Nice threads
Reece: Thanks
Yesenia: Is that my boys boyfriend?
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Reece: Hi Ms Mireles, I’m Reece
Yesenia: Gosh, you’re a lot… younger than I expected *looks at Samir with concern*
Kawikani: Scoring a younger partner, nice one
Samir: *blushes* Yeah. We fit together *blows kiss*
Reece: Aww, thanks
Yesenia continues to look worried and at a loss for words. Samir's brother however sees nothing wrong.
Kawikani: two sentences at once bro? This day is full of surprises
Yesenia: Now Kawikani, you know your brother doesn’t like to talk, don’t make fun
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Kawikani: Any updates on your parents case
Samir: Yes… werewolves?
Yesenia: I beg your pardon
Samir looks pleadingly at Reece who promptly takes over sharing what they’ve found. Samir figures Reece is better with words anyway, that's one reason why he loves to hear him talk. When Reece gets to the part about Samir turning into a werewolf Reece can feel Samir tense up, waiting on a response from his family.
Yesenia: Hopefully this will help you find some answers then. No matter what, I'll be your mother. But I know you need to know what happened to your birth parents
Samir: You don’t… mind?
Kawikani: Course we don’t bro, come here
Kawikani pulls his brother into a hug and Samir feels his chest lighten just a bit.
Kawikani: Besides, when have we ever been a typical family unit? Why not add werewolf to the mix. I seriously hope you find the bastard who killed your folks, I know you’ve always wanted a why
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Kawikani and Yesenia get talking and Reece pulls Samir aside.
Reece: You need to go for a run right? You're getting restless
Samir: But blondie I get the feeling mum...
Reece: Thinks I'm immature? Yeah, me to. But hey the best way to change that is for me to talk to her right
Samir: Just know I love you, no matter what she thinks
Reece: I know. I love you to, regardless of others approval or disapproval
Samir heads out for a run while Reece tries to win over Yesenia. She’s in a tense mood so Reece attempts to calm her emotions. She’s much happier after that and Reece hopes it’s a step in the right direction.
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Samir: They gone
Reece: Yep, the house is ours
Samir: Good because I need to mark again
Reece: *smiles* I have to admit, I find the claiming territory thing attractive as hell, even though puddles are included. You letting the other thousands of werewolves know this house is in your territory
Samir: You’re my territory blondie *howls* everyone out there should know *howls*
Reece: *blushes* but seriously, do you think there are others out there? Apart from whoever bit you
Samir: *shrugs* Maybe. There are... a lot of smells in those woods
Reece: Do you want to like-
Samir: Cozy up and make a werewolf bff pack, nope. You know I don’t do crowds
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Samir: I see you got books, good boy
Reece: And a bookshelf to put them in boss
Samir: Wait... why are half of them romance
Reece: *chuckles* You really wonder why I'd like to read about woohooing werewolves
Samir: Well... yeah. Why read when I can show you whenever your needy self wants?
Reece: *laughs* Not that I could ever say no to you but these books could help. Myths, legends and folklore have to come from somewhere right?
Samir: I mean that sound like the excuse of a- wait... I feel like there’s something in the margins here. Do you see?
Reece: I can't see what you're seeing
Samir: I can’t see it properly enough to read it… but it’s there
Reece: Maybe your eyes are still changing, give it time
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Reece: One sausage and peppers for me, one raw steak for you
Samir: *eating* thanks, it’s all I really feel like
Reece: Maybe I was wrong, if you catch all the food you eat then grocery cost shouldn’t be a challenge
Samir: Plus, the plate disappears, no dishes
Reece: Guess I’ll clean up my single dish before we head outside then, hey!
Samir: *eating* what
Reece: I thought you didn’t want to eat the meal
Samir: *chewing* I can’t resist food in front of me though
Reece: You’ll get an angry moodlet
Samir: *swallowing* worth it. Always worth it
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Samir: Okay, one planter box. How hard can that be really
Reece: Just remember to keep it all square
Samir: What’s a square again
Reece: *sarcastically* Wow, you’re hilarious
Samir: I’m glad you see- ouch
Reece: What happened
Samir: I got distracted by the plant evolving lights and hit my head
Reece: Blame the watcher, I normally do
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Reece: You ready for bed
Samir: Yeah. I just… it feels like I could turn tomorrow
Reece: If you do, you do. We’ll handle it
Samir: Any genius ideas of how
Reece: You take the house, I’ll take the outdoors?
Samir: *laughs* Fine, you get outside, this time. I suppose that makes sense if I’m not wanting to scare people. Now, you mentioned something about bed… woohoo and cuddles? But only cuddles after if you’re good
Reece: *giggles* such a task master
Samir: Come on. You show me what you think those books have taught you, and I'll show you some stuff I've read up on that involves your birthday gift
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In the morning Samir feels his internal rage nearing its peak and marks his territory out of habit before going to find Reece.
Samir: Hey gorgeous I don’t know how long I’ll be rampaging
Reece: I should have done scouts, then we could have used smoke signals
Samir: I mean... phones exist
Reece: Have it your way, but I'll still be listening out for when the howling stops
Following breakfast Reece heads outside and makes sure the external doors are locked. More than just wanting Samir to be safe inside, he doesn’t want any nosy sims trying to check out the howling. Especially not Sheriff Captain. The dew collector has broken, again, so he fixes it before foraging for wild berries.
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Samir has some leftover meat for breakfast. Not the freshest but still fresh enough. He wants to go hunting but doesn’t trust himself around others when he’s not in control of the fury within. He figures if he’s stuck inside, he may as well stress clean. He’s just finished in the bedroom when he feels the rage boil over and his body starts to shift.
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Reece spends the morning fishing, or trying to fish while listening to the semi regular howls. He could always catch something in Sulani, even if he’s nowhere near as skilled as his dad. In Moonwood Mill however the fish are having fun alluding him. After a very unproductive hour at the lake he decides to switch to the river that runs through town. While he gets a change of scenery he doesn’t have any luck catching more than seaweed.
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We need to mark what’s ours! No, no, we already did that. We need to do it again! Howl so Reece knows it’s not safe yet. No, howl so whoever that killer is they know not to mess with us.
Poor Samir deals with the battling voices in his head for an hour, marking his territory repeatedly and howling so much that he shoots up to being a prime werewolf! With more power seems to come more control and with a series of collecting breaths Samir is able to calm himself down, returning to his human form and unlocking transformation mastery.
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Adjusting back to his human form, Samir realises he’s standing amidst an abundance of puddles. He looks around, hoping he broke the sink. Nope, sink is fine, they have to be from him. Rather than feel ashamed at the mess Samir feels something resembling… pride? (his latest temperament is prideful) Of course he managed to pee more than could actually fit in his bladder, he’s clearly going to be a wolf not to be messed with. With a smug smile he sets about starting to mop up, the marking will stay but he doesn’t need the puddles damaging the already dodgy floor.
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Reece: *knocks* Can I come back in now
Samir: Sure blondie just… watch your step
Reece: I see you went to town with marking
Samir: And howling, my throat is killing me. But… I managed to turn back by myself!
Reece: That’s great! So it means you're getting some control over it, right?
Samir: It feels like it
Reece: Although that probably means whoever killed your parents…
Samir: Chose to do it in wolf form. Yeah. Hey, I need to get out of here. Come on a date with me?
The couple head back to the park in Cooperdale where they had their first not date of skipping prom together.
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The two take a seat and as per normal begin flirting up a storm with each other. It helps that the rain has kept most people away from the park, as Samir really doesn’t do crowds. When Reece pulls out some mistletoe for a special kiss however, Samir realises he does really do romance, cementing his identity as a romantic sim!
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Samir: So tell me blondie, are you truly okay with all that’s happened to us since we moved in together
Reece: I mean, it’s been a lot… *chuckles* wilder than I was anticipating, but yes. I’m better than okay, I’m with the guy I love. I’m happy
Samir: I love you to. Now you are still going to apply to university right
Reece: If you insist
Samir: I do. I don’t want trying to find out who killed my parents stop you from flourishing into the genius you are. Plus, there’s many ways we can study biology together
Reece: Have some ideas for that do you
Samir: *smiles wickedly* always
Reece: I mean there is a public bathroom over there if you felt like getting a head start on the curriculum
Samir: *kisses* clearly we still need to work on your patience. Let's go home
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Separate dinners eaten together, some wild and playful woohoo, and Reece and Samir fall asleep happy, if on the wrong sides of the bed. This is the end of their first chapter living together, but they’ve got many more stories ahead.
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Previous ... Next (Knightstone)
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Chapter 1 - A Fox In Hell
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( Before anyone asks, yes, this is an edited picture of Yae Miko from Genshin Impact. I've had a Miko character for a long time, but I never got around to draw her - Not that I'm that great at drawing anyway - So when Yae came out, I instantly fell in love with her design and personality so much that I got her cosplay. We're alike in many ways, and I love it. )
Where am I...? Kitsune thought to herself, as she found her way in what looked like the inside of a grand Western castle. One second she was doing a ritual at her shrine, and now, here she was, facing some strangers dressed in similar suits. Something wasn't right. The air was feeling heavier than back home, and the atmosphere was tense. What in the world could be happening - No, better asked, how did she get in this place?
"Welcome to the Devildom, Kitsune!" a man with auburn hair and amber eyes, towering over her with his rather muscular body addressed her with a firm yet gentle and friendly tone. "Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" he frowned slightly in understanding. Kitsune looked at him, her green eyes looking deep into his own, and she shuddered. For the first time in her long life, she was afraid. It wasn't the tremendous power that he radiated, but rather, the awfully abundant, dark, ice-cold, yet also fiery rage that was buried deep inside of his heart. By the way he was behaving so jovial, she could only imagine he was supposed to be a sweet man, kind to everyone, but Kitsune could sense emotions better than most. She remembered being called an Esper, at some point, but no - She was nothing more than a fox.
And, most of all - How does he know her name? Was she summoned here, by him? And of course... Why her, of all people? Well, perhaps 'people' isn't the right term to address herself, and them as well. She wasn't human, per se, and neither were they.
"...How do you expect me to answer?" the girl asked, her long, fluffy tails appearing and wrapping themselves protectively around her. "I believe the right term for this would go along the way of... Kidnapping? Maybe?" she continued, one eyebrow arched, questioning the man. "Ah, yes, forgive me - We have taken you by surprise, it's only understandable you would be confused." the man's eyes widened in realisation at his mistake. "You are not quite human, yet you have been living among them for a while, yes?" he asked, earning a short nod as an answer. "It may take a while for you to get used to the things around Devildom." Kitsune could only sneer at the man who was speaking so jovially, yet beating around the bush so serenely, as if he wasn't hearing a word she was saying. "Why am I here? You haven't answered my question. In fact - Where IS here, anyway? And what gives you the right to kidnap me from my home and act all innocent about it?" although her voice was harsh, the man wasn't taken aback, nor upset. He merely smiled brightly and began speaking again. "I apologise,I should have introduced myself first. My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." the way he spoke, without a care in the world, as if nothing he said could be out of place, shocked the girl enough for her fox features to disappear entirely, and she straightened up, looking at him with a confused and distorted expression. "What the hell are you on about? If you brought me here, I'm sure you know that I'm a Shrine Maiden. I'm the Kitsune Guuji. I exorcise demons. Are you trying to take revenge on me for your kin or what?" she asked, blinking as if trying to wake up from an absurd dream. "Ahh, no, nothing of the sort - In fact, I believe I should clear out some misunderstandings. The 'demons' you exorcise aren't quite the same as us. In fact, what you do is pacify the remnant of a vengeful spirit that has possessed a living human, or that has taken the shape of one, more or less. It may seem like quite the culture shock, for someone who never met, nor has heard of our kind, or of Angels or the Grim Reaper, but you will get used to it soon enough, I'm sure." he held an encouraging smile on his face. "Yeah, I know what I was doing, you don't have to explain that to me. I've been doing it for centuries, no need to patronise me. Once again, you're still not telling me the reason for bringing me here." she pushed once again, making the man sweatdrop, his smile vanishing in disappointment.
"I'm not trying to patronise you, and if it appeared that way, I apologise. You are inside the Royal Academy of Diavolo... Though, we just call it RAD." he said, as the girl scoffed in mock amusement. "You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we, officers of the student council, hold out meetings and conduct our business. I'm the president of the Student Council." his words were only giving Kitsune a headache - Despite the years of technology and development, she was still an ancient entity who performed rites and rituals and took care of the shrines that she visited all over the country. She was a divine being that was blessing people and aiding the spirits of the deceased find rest -- So she never attended any official education before. This was, by far, the worst horror scenario she could imagine. "... I never went to school, let alone an Academy. I doubt I'm even qualified to join your ranks... It seems to me that's why you have brought me here... For who knows what reason." she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. "I will explain everything to you." a new deep, suave voice came from another place, revealing a brunet man with piercing eyes, dressed sharply in his military-looking school uniform. She could feel a profound sense of pride, mixed with guilt, sorrow and remorse. He looked to be a pitiful man on the inside, despite his confident and firm appearance. "Kitsune, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride." Diavolo explains. "He is also the vice president of the Student Council and my Right-hand man... And not just in title, I assure you. Beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend!" the easy-going man laughed, earning a sad expression from the other one. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo." he muttered, before shifting his gaze at the fox girl, as his upset face changed to one of smugness and confidence. His title fits him. "Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours, I offer you a most heartfelt welcome, Kitsune." Lucifer smiled with a fake-welcoming smile. "Both of you, I would appreciate it if you would stop faking your personalities. I can sense what you're feeling - And you're not impressing me in the least. Besides - You still didn't really answer my question. For the last time - WHY am I here" the girl pointed out, slightly angry. "First of all, while you are spot on with my disposition, Diavolo is being genuine in greeting you with open arms. He believes that we, demons, should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm. As a first step towards this goal, we've decided to institute an exchange program. We've sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm." he began explaining, as Kitsune hummed in understanding. "Still, I'm not a human. I'm not sure how great of a representative of human kind I can be, considering I'm more or less a trickster spirit." the girl seemed to relax visibly, looking more passive at the two speakers. "Yet you still inhabit the Human Realm, and have been doing so for centuries. You have experienced more than any human can hope to - In fact, our other human exchange student is a wizard that has reached immortality centuries ago." Diavolo explained, rather proud of himself. "Although I'm pretty sure bringing immortal beings into your programme outright beats the point of bringing the Three Realms together..." Kitsune fidgeted in her spot, looking around with slight worry in her eyes. "I shall only remain, should you allow me free reigns to leave whenever I wish to. The shrines all over the country depend on me. Festivals and rituals depend on me to perform for them. Not only that... I need sunlight to survive... To some extent." she explained, much more passively than before. "Yes, of course, that can be arranged. I'm glad you've warmed up to this idea so easily!" Diavolo smiled widely... Why did he seem so genuine, yet his heart was telling otherwise?
"Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom." Lucifer states, but the red haired kitsune remained quiet for a little while.
"I have never attended official educational programmes before. I have no idea what you're talking about. Not only that, I will need a guide... Or a tutor... Or any kind of aid, to be able to adjust to such a drastic environment change. The air around is heavy, even for someone like me, and I am not familiar with any kind of technology." Kitsune explained the obvious downsides of her being there. "It's not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon. He's the Avatar of Greed and...How should I put it...? Oh well, you'll understand soon enough." he scoffed slightly, looking visibly upset. "I refuse." her reply was deadpan and strong. "You... Refuse?" Lucifer arched a questioning brow. "Diavolo is the one who brought me here. He should take accountability for his actions. He is the future King of this place, and the President of... Whatever. If there is no one else more qualified than him, then he should be the one to be my guide around this place. Accept it, and I stay. Refuse, and I leave. These are my conditions." for the first time since she's arrived, the corner of her mouth curled upwards, showing a mischievous, cunning vixen smirk. "Don't you think you're being rather rude and imposing, considering you are a guest here, in Lord Diavolo's own home, in which he so humbly welcomed you with all the kindness and understanding existent?" Lucifer seems to have been irked by her comment. "I didn't ASK to be here. You people kidnapped me. You are taking me away from my life. You could have just as easily picked another human in my stead - But you didn't. Besides, what are you, the Devil's Advocate - Quite literally speaking? I was speaking to Diavolo. I want to hear HIS answer, not yours." her poisonous tongue seemed to greatly anger the Avatar of Pride, whose authority felt trampled, yet Diavolo merely laughed heartily. "If that's what Kitsune wants, then I agree! I must confess to you, once Lucifer showed me he has chosen you as one of the students here, I was overcome with joy! Your resume seemed fantastic, and I was eager to learn more about you." the man smiled enthusiastically. "Then it's settled, little lordling. Is there anything of interest that I should know, before I embark on this rather... Peculiar journey in the Netherworld?" the fox girl looked seemingly bored, yet was feeling rather giddy with excitement. "Here, take this device. It's called a D.D.D. It's a lot like the cell phones of your world. This will be yours to use for as long as you're here. Now, go ahead and try calling Diavolo with it." he urges the girl to try it out, but she only stared at the small, rectangular, black object that lay in her hands. "... What's a cell phone...?" the trickster's question only made those present widen their eyes - They were aware of her not being in touch with technology, but to be so completely unaware of even a cell phone? 
"Don't worry, Lucifer, I'll teach her how to use it." Diavolo smiled reassuringly at the girl. His smile was bright and beaming, and he radiated, what she remembers some of her younger maidens that have joined the shrine, 'Golden Retriever Energy'. "Do you have any question right now, Kitsune? If not, you can always ask me, or anyone from the student council, whenever you have any queries." the man explained, making the girl scan the room carefully. "Who are these people?" she pointed towards the other people dressed in similar clothing. "Ah, yes, of course, well spotted. This, right here, is Barbatos. He is my butler. And... We still need to introduce you to Lucifer's brothers. And...It's probably better that you do that instead of me, wouldn't you say?" Diavolo smiled at Lucifer, who frowned, looking gloomy. "Yes... As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right." he grumbled, but before anyone else could say anything, the pitched voice of a man whined jokingly. "Oh, come on. Really? You should be honoured that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!" a man with a long, strawberry blond fringe and peach eyes called out. Looking at him, Kitsune could feel an almost-scary amount of narcissism and desire. This one tried so hard to be liked by everyone that it almost felt as if he had the lowest self-esteem of all. "This one here is Asmodeus. He's the 5th eldest. He is the Avatar of Lust." hearing that, the girl almost let out a huff of amusement, realising how spot-on she was. "Wh...! I can't believe you just totally ignored what I said! And not only that, you referred to me as this one! How rude!" the man cried out with a frown. "Hmph. At least he didn't ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?" a man with untamed blond hair and piercing emerald eyes called out, upset. There was a tremendous amount of pure, raw hatred and anger bubbling inside of his soul, and if he were to let it out, the world might be wrecked - And even still, it didn't compare to how scary the Prince felt. "That one there is Satan, the 4th eldest. At first glance, he may seem like responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving." Lucifer warned, but the fox girl didn't know what to do with such an information. "Aha, so I'm that one, am I? Nice to meet you, Kitsune. I'm Satan, the Avatar of Wrath." Satan looked at her passively, but at least he noticed her presence, unlike the Lust Aspect. "It's nice to meet you as well, Satan." Kitsune bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement, watching the devious smile on his face. "Hey may flash you a pretty smile like that, but you had better be careful because it is all an act." Lucifer warned once again about his brother, who only smiled poison at the brunet man. "If you continue saying such nonsense, you'll just scare Kitsune." he shook his head in annoyance. "I've seen far worse than any of you, before." whether that was a truth or a lie, it held no meaning. "Don't take him too seriously, Kitsune. Lucifer enjoys speaking ill of his brothers. He is the Avatar of Pride, after all." he said that with a pretty smile on his face, and yet, a dark aura was evident around him, as the atmosphere thickened considerably.
"Are you done?" Lucifer sighed. "Now, the one there with the very grumpy look on his face is Beelzebub. He's the 6th oldest." he explained, nodding towards his orange haired brother. This one, in anti-thesis with all his other brothers, looked about the most intimidating, yet his aura felt pure, innocent and absolutely inoffensive. This one had only good intentions, it seemed. "Lucifer, I'm hungry." he grumbled simply. "That's too bad. Now behave yourself." Lucifer glared at him. "I'm Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony." his stomach rumbled as he looked down in sorrow, introducing himself. "Wonderful meeting all of you." the girl nodded in response. "So... There are 7 of us brothers in all, and I'm the eldest. Mammon, the 2nd oldest of us, will be there soon. My other brothers aren't here at the moment, but... Well... We can get to them later. All in good time." he looked away with a shady look. "That's okay... I think that's enough social interaction for a while" the girl chuckled softly. "During your stay in the Devildom, the 7 brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you are to stay with them at the House of Lamentation." Diavolo explained, but my eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Keep me... Safe...?" Kitsune let out an amused exhale. "The day I need help from anyone, is the day that I leave this world." "You may say so, little fox, but it might just be so. Most agree with Diavolo, but that doesn't mean that there aren't vulgar demons out there who wouldn't harm you. If anything were to happen to you, it would be our responsibility. And I won't betray Diavolo's expectations. So, I will do everything in my power to make sure you survive your stay here in Devildom." hearing the Pride Avatar speak to her as if she was nothing more than a defenseless mortal, Kitsune's tails appeared once more, wagging erratically, as a great, light blue spirit fox fire ignited all around her.  "The, I'm sure you wouldn't be opposed to me cremating those... Vulgar demons, as you call them, am I correct? Surely, it would be seen as a means for this human representative to defend herself by any means necessary. Would that be any problem with you, Lucifer? No paperwork involved if some puny, lesser wretchling goes missing after breaking the rules, but if, Heavens forbid, something happens to ME... Well, we wouldn't want to get THAT far, now, do we~?" she smirked, prowling in front of the man, provoking him with a flash of her pristine grin. "All the better, less work for me, although I'd prefer if things remained... Civil. For all of our sakes. Now comes the last part of this introduction -  Although we will all be living together, you should still have the means to reach us at any given time. All our phone numbers are in your D.D.D. already. It also has a messaging app. Make sure to add all of us, as soon as Diavolo shows you how to use it." Lucifer explained the basics, as I took out the D.D.D. and fidgeted easily with it. "Isn't that great, Kitsune? You're gonna be friends with the future king of the Devildom!" Satan chimed sarcastically, but the red haired girl merely scoffed.
"... All my friends have already left the world of the living. All that I see from you is constant bickering. You call yourselves brothers, but can you imagine life without one another? If you cannot, then... Mayhaps you should start acting with more regards to each other. Maybe then, you will realise how precious life really is." maybe she was taking things too seriously, and she really needed a break - Regardless, her little speech created a deep silence all throughout the room... Until the door was slammed open and a loud, obnoxious man with white hair barged in - Just like Beelzebub, despite how brash he looked... He was, by far, the softest and most tender out of all of them. How peculiar. "Well, it seems the idiot has arrived as well." Lucifer looked at me with a dead inside expression. "Hey! You've got a lotta nerve summoning the GREAT Mammon!" he yapped like an annoyed puppy getting awaken from his sleep. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then you'll hand over all of your money now! And anything else of value, too! Otherwise I'll wipe that stupid, happy-go-lucky look right off your face... By eatin' you! Startin' at your head and working my way down, until-" Mammon kept threatening, making Kitsune roll her eyes and sigh. Despite being the most innocent of them all, he sure was annoying. To put him in his place, Kitsune poofed right behind him, patting him on the shoulder, startling him. As he yelped in fear, he turned around, yelling, only to see no one there... Only another pat on the shoulder from behind. This action repeated a few times, with the white haired male getting angrier and angrier by the second, until he was ultimately tripped, and the girl placed her shoe on his neck. "If you value your life, don't threaten me. I'll burn you alive." her voice was low and scary, making him whimper, as he watched the way  "Who the hell do ya think you ar-" he continued, a bit louder, but was soon stopped by Lucifer sucker-punching him. "Damn... That was a good blow to the liver." the girl wolf-whistled, which seemed to earn a smirk. "GAH, OWW! Hey, what's the big idea?!" Mammon pouted, as if he was just an innocent soft boy. "Kitsune, Mammon here is the Avatar of Greed. He governs and oversees all forms of it. Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They're left without a Grimm to their name." Satan informed me, yet he seemed to mock him. "That's Devildom's currency, in case you weren't aware." he continued with a clarification. "And he's also a masochist. That part's important." Asmodeus teased with a gleeful look on his face. "Y'all, stop telling lies! I ain't asked for that punch and I AIN'T a masochist!" Mammon pouted like a kicked puppy, and Kitsune almost felt bad for him. "I believe this teasing has gone too far. I shall retreat to my room, if possible. As I said, enough social interaction, you people are tiring me." she patted Mammon's ruffled up hair, before stepping in front of Diavolo. "Shall we?" "Yes, we shall, Kitsune. Lucifer, could you wrap up things around here? Since it's weekend tomorrow, I'll take the liberty of showing Kitsune around myself, and she'll be staying the night at the castle. Could you make sure everything is settled around for her dormitory in the House of Lamentations?" Diavolo asked, putting his arm around the girl, ready to exit the great hall. "Yes, of course. Until next time, Kitsune." thus, Lucifer and all of his brothers were dismissed, and with that, Kitsune was guided by the Demon Prince through the labyrinthine halls of the Academy, and whilst she tried to memorise her way around the place... Not only was she directionally challenged, but she was also incredibly lost, from start to finish. Hopefully, they will install some arrows with the way needed to be taken for each class, otherwise, who knows where she'll be finding herself.
Next, they found themselves outside - The view was breathtaking, the sky looked like a dark abyss embellished with little twinkling pearls - And the city was illuminated with hundreds of bright lights of every colour. Somewhere in the distance, a large castle could be seen. Imposing, dark, as if it belonged to some malefic villain... Was that Diavolo's castle? If so, the exterior design didn't match his aesthetic in the least. It only needed an abundant amount of dark clouds and lightning, and it would have made for the perfect horror movie.
The man spoke, here and there, but Kitsune's mind was far too preoccupied with the beautiful landscapes that she was allowed to witness. Yes, whatever information he may have been telling must be important, but so is admiring everything around. The air was warm and refreshing, and the calming sound of the night breeze rustling through the tree leaves was making the girl close her eyes and smile in content, feeling at peace. The heavy atmosphere from inside the Academy wasn't as hard to bear with outside - In fact, it almost felt like a normal walk through the village back home. It seems that she is going to take quite a few walks around this city.
She wasn't sure how fast time flew, but she wasn't tired by the time they arrived in front of the castle gates - She looked up, but the tallest tower was lost into the sky, that's how immense the building was. "What do you do with so much space?" she muttered softly, as she was welcomed inside the castle grounds. Left and right of the paved path towards the castle, beautifully attended gardens with shining flowers were captivating Kitsune's eyes. Completely forgetting of the Prince's existence, she stopped dead in her tracks and stepped onto the soft green grass, towards a far away flower - It was lonely, but beautiful, blooming on the top of a black archway. Light blue and glowing, it completely stole her attention, as she gazed fondly at it.
"Do you like it?" she was startled out of her reverie, as she found the man, wearing a soft smile, on the either side of the archway, looking down at the flower as well. "Yes, I can see why you like it. It's a very rare flower that Barbatos found for me. It's found in a very dangerous forest, somewhere deep, where only the bravest demons dare venture. Or so he said." he chuckled lightly, watching the girl nod reluctantly. "It's... Beautiful. I have never seen anything like it before. Is it magic?" the girl spoke in a soft voice. "All plants in Devildom have some percentage of magic, more or less. Demon magic. But this one is a bit different. The story goes that an angel shed a tear and it fell into the human world, where this flower was first in bloom. Humans couldn't appreciate it, however, for it was one of its kind, and they wanted to make profit of it, so before the flower wilted, the last human owner sold it to the devil, who brought it here." he explained the brief history behind it. "Something tells me none of that is real. But that's the fun of human stories. They're so ridiculous, it's impossible not to enjoy them, to some extent." the corners of her mouth turned upwards just the littlest bit. "Hmmm... I have an idea!" with such an exclamation, Diavolo reached his hands out towards the flower - Realising his intent, Kitsune immediately stopped him by grabbing them. "Don't take it away!" she pleaded with him. "If you do, it will wilt. It would be a pity if such a beautiful flower should die because of our whims." "Don't worry, it won't wilt. It has magic protecting it." he spoke, feeling the girl's hands slowly leave his, allowing him to carefully cut off the flower - He then stepped from behind the archway, and with one hand cupping her face, he put a strand of her hair behind her ear, along with the glowing flower. "There, now you're both glowing with beauty!" his laughed seemed so innocent and pure, and he complimented her with such ease, that she couldn't help but look away, hiding her rosy cheeks. "Don't speak such words so freely." she ushered, scolding him. At least now she understood why Lucifer was so uncomfortable whenever Diavolo spoke so highly of him. "Well, Kitsune, take it this way - Since the flower won't wilt, it won't be alone anymore, on the arch. It will stay with someone that can properly appreciate its beauty, and everywhere you go, others will be able to look at it and admire it as well!" he explained his logic, earning a slow nod from her. "... Thank you." her voice was barely above a whisper from the embarrassment, but much to his glee, the demon prince heard her words, and beamed with happiness. "Come on, let me show you your temporary home - But your chamber will be yours for as long as you stay in Devildom, so if you ever want to visit me, you won't have to worry about returning to the House of Lamentations!" he exclaimed happily. "You are very considerate." she pointed out, more as a fact than a compliment. "I will one day truly rule Devildom, so I have to know how to take care of all of my people's needs." his never-faltering smile still remained on his face as strong and vibrant, even as he showed her her new bedroom, the halls, his study room... Or his own bedroom, where they remained for a cup of tea, some snacks, and a basic tutorial on how to use her new cell phone. Just as before, the man was incredibly patient, understanding that she never was in direct contact with any modern technology, so she needs to take it easy and ease into this new world, new life... New everything, little by little.
By the end of the evening, it seemed that the girl was already getting the gist of her device - At least she always been proud of how much of a fast learned she always was. "Okay, Kitsune, I'll go ahead and send you a message!" Diavolo exclaimed excitedly, as she looked up and offered him a shy grin. "I sent you a... Sticker in return! Did it get sent? ... I think here it says that you have also seen it." she explained what she was seeing on her screen, making Diavolo laugh in happiness. "Yes, very well, I did get it, you're doing great!" the prince praised her, patting her hair like a child, timid but happy with her achievements. "Thank you... For your patience." she bowed her head lightly at him. "It's my pleasure!" he chuckled, only for Barbatos to enter the room, telling the two that it was getting late and they should be sleeping. As Kitsune was halfway out of the room, Diavolo stopped her. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me, Kitsune?" as she turned her head to look at him, she realised that his eyes were peering right into her soul, as if he could read whether she was being genuine or not. She felt like a specimen under a hawk's watch, ready to be devoured at the littlest mistake. Instead, she merely smiled and wiggled her fingers lazily at him. 'Sweet Dreams, little lordling.' she said, closing the door behind her. 
Not a lie, nor a truth to his question, but merely an avoidance. It wasn't the right time to tell him what she felt... Or rather, what she could feel that he was feeling, deep inside his repressed emotions. Thus, she went down the stairs, looking around for her temporary bedroom, admiring the opulent and luxurious architecture that made the castle look so royal and fantastic - It was so different than the palaces around Japan, China or Korea... Everything was so different, but she knew this was very similar to Western architecture. Despite not being well versed in technology, there were enough bookstores and libraries around for her to do all kinds of research.
Problem was... She was lost.
Slapping her forehead in disdain, she looked around the place and realised she was in a very unfamiliar hallway... They definitely didn't go through there. Sighing, she took out her D.D.D. and messaged the Prince some stickers. First, came this <Sticker> ; And then, this <Sticker>.
Diavolo: What happened, Kitsune? Kitsune: I... Kitsune: ... Diavolo: Kitsune, are you alright? Kitsune: No. Kitsune: I'm a mess.  Kitsune: I'm awful. Kitsune: I need a map and a tour guide everywhere I go. Diavolo: Kitsune... Did you get lost on your way to the bedroom? Kitsune: ... Yes. Diavolo: It's alright, the castle is huge, even I get lost sometimes! Diavolo: Can you tell me where you are? Kitsune: If I could, I wouldn't be in distress. Kitsune: It looks like a... What do you call it...  Kitsune: Event room? Kitsune: It's almost fully golden, the ceiling is very high, and there are chandeliers everywhere. Kitsune: And a grand piano. Diavolo: Ah, you're in the ballroom! Hold up, I'll come get you! Kitsune: Thanks... And sorry for the problem. Diavolo: It's never a problem helping you, Kitsune!
Thus, Kitsune started walking around the giant 'Ballroom' as he called it, and admired the place. She remembers some pictured from a French castle, called 'Versailles', and the gold, the mirrors, the carvings, the paintings, the crystals... Everything screamed that there lived a King. She could only wonder, if this is the degree of opulence that this single room displayed, how elegant were the guests, and how extravagant the parties held were.
She had no idea how long she strolled around, admiring the room, smiling as she imagined couples dancing merrily on the marble floor - So much that she began the hum the tune of 'Waltz of the Flowers' by Tchaikovsky, and remembering how her little apprentices would oftentimes get drunk and pull her to dance to all the random things, she learnt some of the most unusual dance styles... Including the Viennese Waltz. Even if she wasn't wearing whatever puffy, lavished outfits that princesses wore, and she was merely wearing her stylised priestess outfit, she still enjoyed twirling around in the four steps, pretending to dance with someone.
Her day-dreaming was disturbed once more by the sound of footsteps echoing on the floor, as the Demon Prince, now wearing only his pyjama pants and a half-buttoned, sleeves rolled up black shirt, stepped towards her - He bent at the waist in front of her, and extended his hand towards her. "May I have this dance?" he asked, making Kitsune's eyes grow wide with surprise an embarrassment. "O-Oh, uhm... I-I'm not sure it's really proper... To share such an intimate dance with a stranger." she fumbled, taking one step backwards to create some distance between them. "Really, now? I wasn't aware. Is that how it is in the human world?" he asked, straightening up, not at all offended by the refusal. "Either way, you danced beautifully, bravo!" he then applauded her performance, making her cheeks redden even more. "That was not something worth of praise... I never danced anything like this before. It is not something that originated in my country... But a few drunk girls thought it fun to use me as a teaching instrument." she coughed, changing the subject for a while. "And no, it's not a problem of the human world, it's a problem of mine, and the traditions that I was brought up into, many hundreds of years ago." she explained, awkwardly. "Well, that's understandable! Very well, let's get you back to your room, you must be exhausted. Don't worry about a thing tomorrow, Barbatos will come bring you breakfast, so you can sleep in as much as you wish. When you're ready to get out, just text me and I'll come pick you up, alright?" the man smiled sweetly at her, as he escorted her to her bedroom. "... Alright. Thank you again for your troubles, Diavolo. I hope I won't have to disturb you again." she chuckled nervously in shame at her own misdemeanours. "By all means, please do. Good night, Kitsune." he grinned, patting her head before leaving.
This allowed the girl to close the door and step inside her bedroom, admiring how absolutely gorgeous her new bedroom was. She never thought she could ever see anything so simple, yet so beautiful and elegant in its own classy way, despite it being so unfamiliar to anything that she ever encountered during the ages in her own country. It was fascinating.
Noticing the silk nightgown that was placed on the bed, Kitsune picked it and went to take a relaxing bubble bath, before turning in for the night - It was only then, when she got in the cloud-like bed, that she realised how absolutely drained she felt. She wasn't sure if it was the Devildom air, or all the new things all at once, or how much she got lost... But she knew, that night, she was going to sleep like a child.
Still, there was only one thing that was going through her head, at that was Diavolo - Or rather... How could such a kind and attentive man harbour such awful, painful, damaging emotions, such unquenchable wrath and rage that could make the whole universe freeze over - Something so overbearing that would make even the embodiment of Wrath that she met just a few hours prior, tremble in fear before him. She couldn't understand him. The more he approached her, the more hear heart wanted her to get closer to him, only for her instincts to yell at her in fear, making her tremble all over at the potential threat. Diavolo could simply blink the wrong way, and it could make the whole Human Realm dissipate into thin dust. He didn't seem the type to act on a whim, clearly, but what in the world could have created such negative feelings in his heart, so bad that he can't seem to appease them in any way?
No matter, this wasn't the type to be playing the esper detective, nor should she care, to begin with. For the night, she needed rest, and nothing more.
Next Chapter >
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tekeruthechaotictrap · 11 months
Quick little note: If you saw this already published. I have no idea what happened, that was incomplete and it resulted in me accidentally losing progress for the chapter. This is me, trying desperately to do this again. (I should really start using like, a word document for this shouldn't I?). Anyways, without further ado:
Lament of a Nobody (chapter 4)
Meeting Viktor Vasko and Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Ivy and John finished walking towards the bar where there were two men. John focused on the one that was the bartender at first, he was a giant man in shabby clothing, with a permanently angry face and an eyepatch. Clearly, being welcoming and easy to look at wasn't his strong suit.
Turning his attention to the second gentleman, John noticed he was slumped over. Presumably having passed out drunk. He wore crimson trousers and a matching suit vest and hat. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned and all of his clothing was creased and messed up.
Ivy would notice John's eyes on the passed out man and speak.
"That's Zib, we'll get to him later... hopefully when he's already awake. For now, I'm introducing you to Viktor!" Ivy would motion to the bartender drawing John's attention back to him.
"John, this is Viktor. Viktor this is John. He'll be working with us starting today!"
Viktor would look downwards to the Russian Blue, scowl remaining unmoving. There would be silence for a while as both members seemed to stare at each other.
Ivy spoke after a few minutes, "Is no one going to-"
"He is small." Viktor would interrupt Ivy's complaint. He spoke in a deep accented voice, John struggled to identify where it's from. Russian? Perhaps Slovakia? Some area close by to those most likely.
However he wouldn't think it over for long, as this retort caused John to show clear annoyance, his ears flattening against his head and his eyebrows furrowing as he frowned displaying the first genuine emotion he's displayed thus far. Ivy immediately noticed and turned to John.
"Ignore him he's just a grumpy old man! One who doesn't know how to make a good first impression!" Ivy said, clearly attempting to get some reaction out of Viktor. But she recieved nothing, resuming the silence that was there just a few minutes before. Conversation never seemed to be something Viktor was very good at, Ivy knew that for certain. Still she at least hoped he'd try.
"What vill you be doing?" Viktor asked John.
"Of course work is what gets you talking." Ivy would complain, before asking, "Although, I am a bit curious too."
Upon hearing them both ask, John would regain his composure, going back to his emotionless yet polite way of speaking. "Anything really, as long as Mrs. May tells me to. Her wish is my command so to speak."
"Vould you get the drinks?" Viktor asked
"You mean bootlegging?... If Mrs. May asked me to, yes."
"You know how to shoot?" Viktor would continue asking, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Yes, somewhat. I have never had to shoot a moving target before so, if things get dicey out there I would most likely struggle a bit."
"Still better than spaghetti arms."
At this point slight confusion crossed John's face. "Spaghetti arms?"
Ivy would chuckle "It's what Viktor calls Rocky sometimes."
"Would you all keep it down?" The passed out man spoke up. "Some of us are trying to get rid of a headache."
"Now's not the time Zib! There's a new guy!" Ivy would tell him, causing Zib to lift himself up slightly and turning to the three other people near him.
"A new face huh? That's rare. Who would have guessed Mitzi could bring in strays too."
"Pardon?" John would ask
"Nothing, ignore me kid. Just an old joke around here."
"O....k...." John would outstretch a hand for a handshake. "In that case, my name's John. Pleasure to meet you."
Zib would half-heartedly return the handshake. "Zib. I'm the band's lead."
Ivy would take the opportunity annoy Zib a little. "You mean the band that's currently all drinking doing nothing?" She'd say with a big grin.
"You try performing without an audience."
"Honestly I'm glad you aren't performing," John would state, "I dislike music."
At this point Ivy and Zib would look puzzled.
"That's one you don't hear to often." Zib said
"What?! You don't like music?!" Ivy would yell in surprise.
"Uhm..." John was not expecting such a major reaction. "I mean, honestly everytime I've been hearing music lately I just... haven't been in the best of moods? I'm still willing to give it a shot."
"Well in that case." Ivy would say clearly plotting, "Maybe Zib and the band could perform for you when you are in the mood?"
Zib would pipe up immediately, "Do I have to?"
"Yes, it's happening, I've decided." Ivy would reply. "So, what do you think John?"
"Sure, I suppose."
"Great! Now, I should probably introduce you to the rest of the band!" Ivy would say beginning to drag John yet again.
"In that case, I'll see you two later?" John would say, accepting that he has no choice here. Viktor would barely acknowledge John said anything, while Zib simply raised his hand up in a tired wave.
"I'll start telling you about them as we go along." Ivy would say beginning to point out certain members of the band, "That's Sy, he plays trumpet. That's JJ, he plays the trombone. That over there is Ben, he's on Bass. And last, but not least Mozzie on Piano-"
At the end of pointing out the band something drew Ivy's attention, John looked to where she was staring. He saw a face he recognised as Rocky, alongside a ginger cat with a young face.
"It's Freckle! Let's go!" Ivy would say, swiftly changing directions to the other duo.
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lingerxng · 1 year
"Come here. We aren't done yet."
Guy squinted. "Beg pardon?"
"You heard me." Nohemi hadn't broken her stride. "We aren't done yet. I need a favor."
"Why should I give you one?" She could hear the scoff in his voice as he hurried to catch up.
"Because I just bought you new clothes and gave you new armor," she said, pulling open the door to the tavern the four were staying in.
"Aye, because*you* won't let me handle any money."
She stopped, fixing him with a flat look. "Fine. How about because I'm loaning you that body?"
He held her gaze for a moment, deliberating, then relented and stepped in. Nohemi led him to a table in the corner. It was midday now; too early for lunch, so no one would bother them, hopefully. Guy got them two ales while Nohemi dug in her bag, pulling out a parchment, a pen, and ink, all newly bought, and setting them at the seat across from her.
Guy looked... unimpressed, handing her one mug. "What's this?"
Nohemi took a breath. Then a drink. Then another breath. She made eye contact with Guy. "I'm about to be very vulnerable with you."
"Oh, gods."
"I have a favor to ask. I could have asked Silv or Jade, but I'm asking you. I'm asking you, Guy-- dear Guy--"
He was starting to look a little smug.
"--because you are an asshole."
The expression collapsed, and Nohemi took no small delight in it. She continued. "I don't like admitting my faults. So this is going to be hard for me. I'm asking you this, because you don't give a shit about me. We aren't friends. You aren't going to get emotional, like they would. And I *really* need someone who's just... who's gonna be impassive about this."
Green eyes fixed on her, face unreadable. It was still unsettling, seeing those eyes in a face she knew so well. She didn't think she'd ever get used to it; hopefully, she wouldn't have to.
Finally, Guy nodded. "What's the favor."
"I need you to write a letter for me."
"Can't do it yourself?"
"No. I can't write. Or read."
Her voice had an edge to it, like she was daring him to say anything. Guy McCheer, with his ivory tower education; Guy McCheer, so certain he was better than everyone; Guy McCheer, who took pleasure in punching down.
He didn't say anything. He fixed Nohemi with a look for a few long seconds, then unscrewed the inkwell, dipped the pen in, and poised his hand. "To whom am I addressing this letter?"
Nohemi swallowed, and began to dictate.
"Dear Ms. Tigenon,
"I am so, so sorry.
"I have spent weeks trying to find the words to say this, but I still don't have them. It is my fault. You know this as well as I do. And for that, I am so, so sorry."
She took a breath, staring at his hand as he scribbled. She had no way of knowing if he was actually writing what she spoke. She had to trust him. Had to trust that she *could* trust him.
She cleared her throat.
"I know--" She bit her lip. Started over. "I know nothing I say or do can bring him back. I am not asking forgiveness, or penance. This doesn't fix it. But I'm enclosing some money to help. You deserve it more. It's all I can give."
She took another steadying breath, quickly wiping her face. Nohemi was not about to cry in front of him. "I wish I could change things. I wish I could have taken his place. I don't know if it will bring you comfort, but know that I have to look what I did in the face every day and live with myself for it." She saw his hand falter, just for a moment. There was no scratch on the paper, but Guy took a second, looking up at Nohemi, before continuing his notation.
Another wipe to her face. "It won't fix things. But I'm bringing him home. As soon as I can, I'm bringing Taavi home.
"...From, Nohemi."
It took a few moments for Guy's hand to catch up, but he hesitated at the last moment. "Do you want to sign it?" he offered, glancing up.
Nohemi shook her head. "No, uhm. I told you, I don't know how."
"Not even your name?"
"No, Guy, not even my fucking name."
"Alright, alright..." He held one hand up defensively, then carefully scribbled out one final word. He blew on the paper carefully, letting the ink dry before it could smear. It was folded and sealed with a piece of wax Nohemi pulled from her pocket and heated over the candle.
He looked thoughtful as he handed over the sealed letter. Guy opened his mouth to say something, but Nohemi took the parchment from his grasp, mumbled a "thank you", and left back outside.
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lp-benitez · 1 year
Blond Girl
A blond girl sat at the bar in a tight, sleeveless dress, wincing as the loud music did its best to make her go deaf. "This is a terrible spot" the girl thought to herself. Her eyes darted around the room as she sipped her Manhattan. The terrible drink was doing very little to distract her from the fact that not a singular soul in the crowded pub caught her fancy "A terrible spot indeed" the girl shook her head. swirling her drink as her mobile vibrated: 'Dolsen' the screen read, and she rejected the call immediately.
– Hey, excuse me! – A large, brown-haired man had seemingly materialized next to her, his green eyes staring at her intensively. – Can I just say, you look gorgeous?
– Thank you – The girl responds, moving her body slowly away from him.
– I mean, just ‘hmm’. Wow. – The young woman smiles softly, showing no teeth. – So… Can I buy you a drink?
– No. – She answered quickly, pointing to the martini glass with her nearly untouched manhattan – I’m all set.
– C'mon. You don't take drinks from strangers? – He said getting even more uncomfortably closer– Here, Travis, good to meet ya. See, now you give me your name and we're friends here.
– Amy – She said, looking around and trying not to make a scene.
– Almost as beautiful as you.
– Thanks, mate. Look, you're lovely, but I'm just gonna get this one and go back to my room. – Her jaw was clenched but the smile was still there. Mostly.
– I know, I know. You're a good girl and you're probably just doing what your dad thought you and I can respect that. It’s just, where are you from?
She took a deep breath, all signs of the emulated smile gone – I'm from England.
– You mean like London and shit? I knew I liked your fuckin’ sexy accent. Pardon my language.
– Well, thanks mate, but I really got to get going. Long flight tomorrow – She replied, finishing her drink in one gulp and standing up.
– OK, Amy from London. Let me just show you something American first. I saw you like that sweet sugary stuff so I bet you're gonna love this one. Best America has to offer. Besides myself – A cosmopolitan for the lady here.
– You know, we actually have cosmos in England.
– Not like this one you don't. You know what, your make-up is a bit messy, right here – He raised his hand to touch the side of her face, close to the corner of her left eye. She flinched and he immediately put both hands up – no need to get defensive, babe. You know what, don’t take my word for it. There is a toilet right over there. You can see it for yourself. Don't worry, I'll be right here. – She pursed her lips and started moving away.
– You know, I should really get going – She said while quickly making her way outside.
The pub wasn’t so crowded as to give her any trouble getting out, but as soon as she took one step out into the clear night she could feel her arm being pulled hard and turned to see Travis staring at her with a malicious smile.
– It’s not nice to walk away from people like that, you know? – He said with the street light making his face a sinister yellow.
– Let go of me – She protested, trying to pull her arm, but he had her in a tight grasp.
– Now wait a minute– He continued, grabbing her again and with an increasingly aggressive voice – I was being really nice and you are just gonna be a bitch about it?! – He continued, shoving her towards an alley next to the bar.
– Please – Her shrill voice begged in the night – Just let me go
– Oh! So now you know how to be polite? – He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.
– Does that make you feel good about yourself? – She asked, her high-pitched voice sounding bored as the shadows of the alley seem to smother him – Do you enjoy beating women you find in bars? – She looked at him as she got up with no sign of emotion in her eyes and sighed – No, you don’t – She sounded utterly uninterested while approaching him as he paced backwards until he hit the wall – You are just a petty egomaniac who likes to feel strong and powerful by hurting little girls.
– You bitch.. Shut up! – He tried to silence her with a heavy-handed slap, but his hand and his sentence were interrupted by her left hand grabbing him firmly by the collar of his shirt.
– Why hunt if you don’t enjoy hunting? – he tried fruitlessly to pull her hand away, but it was like trying to bend stone – Why hurt if you don’t enjoy hurting? – She asked dropping her clutch purse, and suddenly there was a black knife in her hand, the blade of which was nearly as long as her forearm. He would have screamed, but she cut the air out of his throat.
Somewhere deep in his mind, he heard the knife scratch the brick wall behind him. His arms and legs went limp like a puppet with its strings suddenly cut.
He groaned as his body slid powerlessly to the ground. He tried to call for help but only managed to cough out blood.
– It’s not even fun to watch you die. – She said, crouching next to him looking disappointed. She grabbed her purse, but in his current state, Travis could not have noticed that the knife was once again gone without a trace. It didn’t take long for the life to leave his eyes, and she sighed loudly. “What an absolutely terrible hunting spot”.
A minute later, her mobile rang once more, but this time she took it, her night off had already been ruined anyway.
– What?
– Always a pleasure to talk to you, Irina – The croaky voice replied
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gazrgaley · 1 year
Manifestation of a Monster (chapter 49)
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Ma'at was silent as the sun rose over the hillside and cornfield beyond the tiny farm window. Her physical condition was improving over time. Still, she needed Malachi's assistance. Having to rely on other people made her feel bad, and this made her angry at herself. She was frustrated because she had almost completed her plan, but nothing the moment slipped threw her fingers like grains of sand. And her feelings toward Alu and Wakhakwi were muddled. Since she had last seen them, it seemed like both seconds and eternity had passed.
From a hard chair, she ran her finger along the worn surface of the table. Her eyes were on the sun as it rose over the fields of corn. She was still processing her feelings about leaving the church for the farm. And just like the church, She would have to become accustomed to modern design.
Malachi walked somberly into the room after tapping at the door a few seconds later. "Most of them had been slaughtered last night." referring to the zompires. He lowered his head like he did first thing in morning.
Ma'at spoke quietly and uninterested. "Oh." She could care less about what he had to say. She cared not at all about the welfare of those she turned. They were only a body, a soldier for her cause. Kill or be killed, it made no difference to her.
"I'll have our people picking up what's left," Malachi continued, trying to get her attention. "Even though I realize it's impossible to rapidly increase our population, I have faith that we can do it again in due time."
"Until Alu destroys them all within seconds," Ma'at answered her attention now on the white lace doily in the centre of the table. She had every right to be upset with him. But in regards to the night before, she harboured no anger. While lying in wait, she was aware of the extent to which her abilities had developed. She reasoned that the pair must be significantly stronger than that.
Ma'at sighed heavily and looked up at Malachi. "I know we can't control everything, but I still can't help but feel frustrated. My plan was so close to coming to fruition, and now it's all falling apart."
Malachi nodded in understanding. "I know it's difficult, Ma'at. But we can't give up. We have to keep pushing forward and find a way to make our plan work. In the meantime, we need to focus on rebuilding and protecting our people."
During their conversation, a man in a black business suit entered the room as they were talking. He didn't speak a word as he moved to the far corner, where he leaned against the wall like a fly.
Ma'at nodded, her mind now focused on the tasks at hand. She would have to put her personal feelings aside and do what was necessary for the greater good. "You're right, Malachi. We can't let our emotions get in the way. We'll just have to keep moving forward and do our best to succeed."
"You could have helped," Malachi said to the man in the shadow, not looking at him but instead focusing on Ma'at.
"I beg your pardon?" Richard roared. "I couldn't have done it. And don't try to blame your failure on me. I did my job. I was supposed to bring them to you."
Malachi began to protest. "If you could just-" Richard swooped in from the shadows, closing in on the priest.
"What if I just what?" Richard's voice was calm but foreboding. "You were the one who failed." Malachi stepped back. "If I had done anything else, they would have realised I was betraying them. I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on them if I did anything else. So don't even think of questioning me. As things stand now, I'm putting a lot on the line."
"What about your wife?" In an effort to equal Richard's intensity, Malachi questioned, fixing his gaze squarely on the man.
A guttural menacing sound came from the depths within Richard as he spoke. "what about her?"
"Does she agree?" At ease, Malachi posed the question. "It seems like you're balancing on a tightrope. After all, the one, Grendel was the vampire who made you. What makes us think she," For emphasis, he cleared his throat. "would be ok with betraying your family and friends like this?"
There was some doubt as to whether or not the priest had seen Richard's swaying, but Ma'at had seen it all. He straightened his tie and reached quickly with his hands as if seeking something that wasn't there. "My wife does as she is told."
Ma'at watched the exchange between the two men with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. She hadn't known Richard for a long time, but she could tell that he was not one to be underestimated. His loyalty to her was questionable, and she also knew that he was not without his own motivations.
"I see," Ma'at said calmly, "it seems that you both have your own agendas. But let's not forget that our ultimate goal is the same. We need to find a way to rebuild our community and protect ourselves from Alu and Wakhakwi, along with the rest of them. We can't let our personal differences get in the way of that."
Richard nodded in agreement, his anger subsiding. "You're right, Ma'at. We need to work together and find a way to succeed. I'll do whatever it takes to help you achieve your goal."
Malachi nodded as well, his expression solemn. "We all have a part to play in this. And we can't afford to let our personal issues get in the way. We need to focus on the greater good and do what needs to be done to protect our people."
The door opened, and another man came in. The robe he was wearing concealed his face. In a respectful bow, he addressed Ma'at. "Goddess, your room is ready." He said quickly before leaving the room.
"Goddess, do you wish to be taken to your room?" Malachi asked, his eyes shining. She sank back into her chair unconsciously. She didn't want to be back in his arms, but she did want to get out of that uncomfortable chair and into her bed.
As they spoke Richard walked toward the window. Gently pulling aside the satin curtains as he gazed upon the cornfields with interest. "What is that?"
"What?" Asked Malachi.
"I was under the impression that there would be only the four of us in this estate," Richard replied.
Malachi lunged for the window as Richard stepped aside. "Where did they go?" As Malachi looked around frantically, Richard pointed inside the fields. "I can't see anything from here," Malachi answered in frustration.
Richard took the seat next to Ma'at as Malachi raced out of the room. She gave him a puzzled expression. "There are no people out there." She was well aware of this. She had been staring out the window all day and was still doing so when he made the accusation.
"I know," Richard replied, a slight grin forming on the corner of his mouth.
"You just didn't seem to keen on him taking you to your room."As the front door flew open, Malachi dashed from the porch, through the driveway, and into the fields, there was stillness between the two.
"You are welcome to wait for him to return if I'm miss reading anything."
She looked at him for a time, unsure what to say, then shook her head.
"No, I think it's best if I go to my room now. I need some time to rest and think about our next steps." Ma'at said, pushing herself to the edge of her chair with a sigh. She didn't want to be dependent on anyone, but she was still recovering and needed help getting around.
Richard nodded and stood up, offering her his arm. "I'll be happy to assist you, Ma'at. Let's go to your room." With that, he lifted her from the chair. She couldn't help but noticed the differences between the two. She could feel every uncomfortable thought in Malachi's brain. Richard had none. Instead, she felt a sense of comfort from him.
Together, they made their way down the hallway to her designated room. As they walked, Ma'at wondered, she didn't trust Richard completely, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he had ulterior motives. But for now, she would have to rely on him and hope that he was truly on her side.https://www.wattpad.com/1297794332-manifestation-of-a-monster-warm-blooded-vampires
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pentechnics · 2 years
Bestie you can’t keep DOING THIS TO ME 😭😭😭 How do you make everything so SWEET 😩 I’m blushing like a damn FOOL. You have such a brilliant way of building romantic suspense and injecting butterflies into every character interaction. I just want books upon books filled with your writing stacked on my shelves forever. Seeing that you updated Latch was like coming home after a long day and seeing that someone you love left you a vase of flowers. I genuinely just love everything you do. The way you manage to keep everyone in-character?? While still adding your special touch to them and the world they’re in? Absolutely immaculate. If/when you write a novel of your own I MUST be one of the first to read it and write a review, because you deserve nothing less than GLOWING praise. You are so so so talented and you leave me speechless every time I read your work. Aghhhh I can’t even find the words to tell you how much I love it! Your writing is the first kiss to leave the reader breathless and floating; like holding a dear friend’s hand for the millionth time, but this time something feels different in the best way. I feel like I can appreciate the birds singing again after I read what you have to say. I truly can’t get enough. One day I won’t be so shy and I’ll come off anon to tell you directly, but just know that you’re one of the best writers I’ve come across in a really long time, and you’ve inspired me to express myself creatively again. You are so lovely. A brilliant mind and a kind soul make for the best kind of artist. All of my love, ❤️🍯🐝
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Okay okay
Hold on
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Sweetie, you say that, yet you keep coming into my inbox and dropping literally the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful and ethereal praise I will ever receive that BRINGS ME TO TEARS EVERY TIME LIKE HOW DO YOU KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS SDFGHJKL
You do understand why I had to keep this one a bit longer, yeah? You recognize how beautiful your words are all the time, right? And the impact they leave on me? I say it every time but it bears repeating — you are the most wonderful soul and I feel so lucky to have someone like you reading my work, let alone taking the time to come tell me what you think of it. I’m in some serious tears rn I’m not even exaggerating! 😭 whenever I see that you’ve sent me something it’s like finding something I love that I lost years ago, that feeling of pure joy and relief when it’s finally in my hands again. It’s like getting a hand-written letter from a long distance friend in the mail, something that is filled with so much love and personal kindness that i will forever treasure and reread when times get bad and I need a reminder of life’s brighter spots! I mean, I guess this is essentially the digital equivalent of that but I hope the point still comes across lol!
I am hopeful that the day I write my own book will come, and trust me, when it does you are getting a first edition signed copy okay I’m dead serious sdfghjkl
I love you, Honey. So much. I hope you realize just how much i value your presence in my inbox and that your words stick with me long after I’ve answered them. Every time! And I always keep them, so when I’m feeling unmotivated or when the imposter syndrome kicks in, they ground me once again and serve as a reminder of why I’m still doing this! I wish I was more articulate right now, I’m just always so overwhelmed by your gorgeous words! 😭
It especially makes me happy that you are expressing yourself creatively. The idea of my work having that kind of influence is honestly the greatest compliment and accomplishment it could ever achieve. You go out there and do that, Honey, you change the world with your creative vision!
There will always be a place for you here, anon or otherwise, don’t you fret! I am just so appreciative to hear from you at all because I definitely understand that interacting can be anxiety-provoking. I’m extremely lucky to get these messages and I will always feel that way!
I hope life is treating you with nothing less than the absolute best because that is what a person with a heart as sweet as yours deserves! ❤️❤️❤️
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
Making Amends
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Plot: Bucky walks back into your life, and with it, your past, along with all the feelings that were there.
Warnings: smut; tfatws!bucky, i never know how to end fics, heartbreak, tension, love making, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 5908
A/N: It’s 12am and I definitely did not proof read this - I take responsibility for any and all mistakes
Okay so with Bucky they used to be together when he was the winter soldier but then he just up and left without a trace so she married into riches but her husband died?! So now she lives alone in a big ol house
“Excuse me, Y/N.” The soft voice caught the woman’s attention as it echoed through the room. Y/N looked up, noticing the petite, older maid standing in the dimly lit wooden frame of the doorway.
“What is it Mary?” Y/N gave her a welcoming smile, looking up at the maid expectantly as she sat up a little straighter in the grand armchair. She delicately folded in the corner of the page of the mystery novel she was reading before neatly placing it down on the side table next to her.
“I do apologise for bothering you at this hour, but you have a visitor.” Y/N noticed the way Mary played nervously with her apron, her unusual jitteriness aroused suspicion in Y/N. Y/N listened intently as she took her reading glasses from her face, placing them on top of her book. “I told him to come back another time, but he’s quite persistent.” She noticed Mary look down the hall to her left as she spoke, as if being intimidated by a figure that was unseen to Y/N. Something definitely wasn’t right.
“He?” Y/N’s ears perked up as a warm flush of both anxiety and excitement washed over her body. She quickly moved to wrap the silk dressing gown tighter around her body, hiding the lace trimmed nightgown she wore underneath. No. It couldn’t be him.
“Yes, he…he said you’d want to-“ The figure of a man emerged in front of Mary, cutting her sentence off. Y/N froze from where she sat, her heart stopping momentarily as she watched a secret part of her past walk into the room. James Buchanan Barnes. The Winter Soldier. Her first lover. Her partner in crime. Her everything. Here. After all this time. After all the heartbreak. She hadn’t seen Bucky since he’d abandoned her late one night while she slept, disappearing without a trace. She searched for him, terrified that one of his enemies had caught up to him. She spent night after night awake hoping that he’d walk back through the door, but he didn’t. He never came back for her.
She had to stop her heart from leaping out of her chest as she sat there, speechless. All of their memories flooded through her mind. Their first kiss. Their first mission. Their first time having sex. The adventures. The soft touches. The sweet nothings. The plans they made. The heartache. The pain. The agonising months spent trying to forget him. 
“Bucky.” Her voice cracked as she took in his changed appearance, looking him up and down. He’d cut his hair. His once clean shaven face now covered in stubble. His eyes seemed softer. He looked older.
Bucky’s chest heaved beneath his leather jacket, noticing the pain in Y/N’s eyes. He glanced down at his hands as he slipped off his gloves, a sigh leaving his lips as he second guessed his decision to come here. Damn his therapist and her stupid idea to make peace with his past. 
“Thank you.” Bucky nodded towards Mary, signalling for her to leave. Poor Mary looked like she would burst into tears at any moment, terrified of both being told off by Y/N for letting this happen and of being killed by the intimidating visitor. She looked over at Y/N for guidance, not wanting to leave her alone without her consent. Y/N nodded reassuringly with a soft smile at Mary, who’s eyes softened with worry as she quickly moved out of the doorframe, obeying Y/N’s wishes as she shut the door behind her.
Bucky turned his head back towards Y/N, his gorgeous blue eyes making her heart skip a beat. She dropped her head from his gaze, her cheeks heating up as she forced herself to ignore the way he made her stomach flutter with butterflies. “Y/N.” He smiled softly, sensing the trepidation extruding from her as he stepped further into the room, placing his gloves down on the coffee table.
Bucky grumbled to himself as she ignored him, the reality of facing her was a lot harder than he ever imagined it would be. His eye caught view of the teapot sitting on the silver tray, leaning down to pour himself a cup silently to buy himself some time.
Y/N scoffed with a roll of her eyes at his confidence to make himself at home, shaking her head as she felt her eyes getting slightly teary. “Help yourself.” She spat sarcastically as she avoided his gaze, resting her body back against the chair.
Bucky chanced a quick look up at her before lifting the teacup to his lips, sipping the half cold liquid. He chose to ignore her comment, he deserved it, and so much more. “You been keeping well?”
She bit the inside of her cheeks as she kept quiet, keeping up the heartless facade for as long as she could. She refused to let him know how much it pained her to see him, how much she still longed for the kind of love that they’d once shared.
“I think about you a lot, Y/N.” Bucky broke the silence as he placed the teacup onto the table, slumping down onto the couch opposite her, spreading his legs as he adjusted the leather jacket to make himself more comfortable. “My therapist says it actually seems to help with my nightmares.” He continued, a pout on his lips as he cupped his hands together, relaxing into the chair.
“You have a therapist?” She raised her eyebrows accusingly, crossing her arms over her body as she felt her heart beat quicken with anger. Her blood boiled as she watched him sitting there as if he hadn’t broken her heart. 
Bucky raised his eyebrow as a response, a subtle nod of his head as he clenched his jaw. “It’s a condition of my pardon.” He spoke matter-of-factly as he shrugged his shoulders. He hated this. He hated how shut off she’d made herself. He hated having to play the part of an asshole, knowing her well enough to know it was the only way to keep her talking.
“She’s got me going through this amends list,” He mumbled with a sigh of exasperation, letting his head rest against the back of the couch. “she’s even given me three rules to to obey in the process.” He let out a chuckle of amusement as he mocked the Doctor’s orders. 
Y/N let out a sigh of aggravation, rubbing her fingers against her temple as she closed her eyes. it was too late in the night for her to handle this kind of emotional turmoil. “Bucky, why are you-”
“The first rule is that I can’t do anything illegal.” He cut her off, he didn’t want to have to answer her questions. Questions he didn’t know the answers to. He shifted quickly to sit forward in his seat, picking up the teacup to take another sip of his tea. He noticed her make no effort to cut him off, his plan was working. “The second is that nobody gets hurt.” He smirked as he looked down at the cold liquid, swirling it around in the cup.
Y/N crossed her legs as she sat forward, leaning in to listen to his speech as she kept her eyes focused on her fingers. She noticed the slight tan line on her ring finger, where her wedding band once sat, a million thoughts filling her mind. Bucky wasn’t the only one that had to make amends with his past. He wasn’t the only one that had tried to move on. 
Bucky sensed her walls crumbling as she got used to his presence again. He lifted his eyes as he placed his teacup on the table once more, his eyes lifting to her body, admiring her as he always had done. He’d left to protect her. To save her from the inevitable doom they faced as assassins. He was terrified of not being in control of his own mind. He was terrified of hurting her. Something he’d ended up doing anyway.
He never stopped thinking about her. Ever. It didn’t matter where he was or what he was doing, he always thought about her. Like everything else that was going on around him was just noise, a distraction keeping him from her. With everyday that passed the longing to be with her seemed to grow. Without her, all he had was war, assassination, fights, destruction, death. Without her, that’s the only thing he had to focus on. 
“Do you remember the first time we went on a mission together?” Bucky smiled softly, feeling his heart thud against his chest as the memories flooded through his mind, bringing back all the emotion. 
Y/N’s eyes welled with tears as she swallowed the lump in her throat, the tension in the room rising so high she found it hard to breathe. “I told you I’d die for you.” She relived the memory in her mind, her head spinning as she smiled so subtly that it was unnoticeable to Bucky. After that first mission, she’d seen the worst of Bucky. She’d seen him as the heartless Hydra assassin. She’d seen that he was just as broken as her, and she fell in love with him in that moment.
Bucky’s stomach fluttered with butterflies, a fire of hope igniting inside of him as she slowly started opening up to him. “and I told you that you’d never have to.” He added with a shaky breath, his metal fingers tapping anxiously against his thigh. One wrong move and he’d be shoved from the room and out of her life for good. “Because I’d kill anyone that even looked at you the wrong way.” He chuckled softly at the memory, remembering so vividly how bright she’d made his dark world in that moment.
They sat in silence for a moment, both lost in the memory of each other. In a time where they’d had little control of their minds, with what Hydra was forcing the super soldier’s to do, they found refuge in each other. They found love in the darkest place, a love so rare and beautiful. A love that was impossible to get over.
“And you did,” Y/N’s voice dropped to almost a whisper, clenching her jaw to fight back the tears as she sat there, hurt and angry. How dare he come back into her life without warning, bringing up all of their precious memories that it had taken her a lifetime to forget. “Until you left.”
Bucky closed his eyes as he fought off the reminder. He’d woken up from a nightmare, his body glistening with sweat, his metal hand tightly wrapped around her throat. She was sleeping peacefully next to him, as she always did. It wasn’t the first time he’d choked her in her sleep. But there was a fear in his eyes, born from the lack of control that caused him to never want to hurt her again. He couldn’t help his nightmares, he couldn’t stop the lack of control he had over his mind. The only thing he could do was leave. To let her carry on with her life, without him.
“Do you miss me?” Bucky asked suddenly, his eyes opening to watch her intently. He had spent the last few years fighting to find a way to get back control of his mind, a small glimmer of hope alive in his heart that they’d find their way back to each other somehow, and he’d be fixed when they did. 
She shook her head, a small ironic chuckle passed her lips as his words cut through her like a knife. “Don’t.” She whispered sadly, the loneliness of the last few years engulfing her body. He’d been on her mind everyday. She’d always hoped he’d somehow find her, that he’d bring back the love he ripped from her. “Don’t do that.” She sighed softly, blinking rapidly to stop her tears from flowing down her face. Even when she’d tried to move on, live a normal life, marry a wealthy man who adored her, she felt nothing. When her husband passed away suddenly, leaving to her his whole estate, she felt nothing. She’d never been able to feel anything, apart from when she was with Bucky. “Don’t come here, after all these years, acting like nothing hap-”
“Answer the question.” He demanded with a tone of frustration as his metal fist slammed against the coffee table, desperate to hear her say it. He’d lived without her for long enough, the fear of losing her again was too much to bare. He could tell she was losing control by the way her lips pursed together, trying to maintain her strong appearance.
“What do you want from me?” She sighed in defeat, hesitant to opening herself back up to being hurt again. She felt his warmth from across the table, the familiarity of him was something that brought her comfort, and something she desperately craved more of.
“Yes or no, Y/N, do you miss me?” He kept his eyes focused on her intensely, his jaw clenching as he watched her break. Bucky knew exactly what he was doing. He knew he was her weakness. He knew that she couldn’t say no to him. “Because if it’s a no, I will walk out that door and never come back.”
“Yes.” She whispered shakily, the fear of him leaving proved too much as the room fell completely silent. “I miss you, okay. I’ve always missed you. It took me a lifetime try and get over you leaving, to forget you and to be honest Buck, I’m still not sure it worked. I miss you every single day and it kills me inside. Are you happy now?” 
“No,” Bucky spoke back instantly, his face as straight as an arrow as he rested his back against the chair. He watched single a tear slowly roll down her cheek, her eyes closing as her head dropped in defeat. “Come and whisper it to me.” 
If there was one thing she knew about Bucky, it was that he wouldn’t stop until he got his way. She sighed as a sign of surrender, standing to her feet as she self consciously adjusted her dressing gown to cover her body.
She slowly padded over to stand in front of him, her heart racing as she chanced a glance up at his face. His features looked even more beautiful up close, her hands itching to reach out and touch him. She fiddled with her fingers nervously, cautiously leaning towards him, breathing in his intoxicating scent as her lips gently brushed against his ear lobe. “I still miss you, James.” I whispered.
She let her lips linger close to his skin for longer than necessary. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but yet she still made no effort to move. Bucky’s hot breath tickled her neck as she closed her eyes, her head spinning in a euphoria of his presence. It was something she could never tire of, something that made her drunk, something that left her addicted.
She riskily turned her head to face his, their breathing the only sound breaking the silence as her hand slid up to hold onto the metal of his shoulder outside of his leather jacket. Bucky tested the boundaries, following her movements as he turned his head to face her, their lips almost brushing.
Y/N gulped as her tongue brushed over her lips, her eyebrows arching in anticipation as her eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes. She needed him. All of him. 
“Don’t take it away from me now.” Y/N begged in a whisper against his lips, her fingers digging into his shoulder as she felt him shuffle to the edge of the seat. His eyes didn’t leave hers as he moved, his metal hand lifting cautiously to rest gently on her hip. Bucky’s heart fluttered with happiness, her longing for his love and affection making him feel euphoric. He’d longed for the day to have her wrapped up in his arms again, to have her soft skin on his.
“I miss you, doll.” Bucky whispered against her lips, causing her heart and tummy to flutter as she admired him with doe eyes, like he was the only thing in the world. His words marked the tipping point, her self control demolished as she nudged her face against his, connecting their lips for what felt like the first time. 
Bucky wasted no time in kissing her back gently, both of them lost in the desperation of making the most of every second. He naturally took control, his flesh hand lifting to cup her cheek as she let her hand drift to the back of his neck. All of their memories came flooding like a tidal wave through their minds, their passion just as intense as when they were together, almost as though nothing had changed, as if he’d never left. 
Bucky pulled her down into his lap as he sat back against the couch, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her body, feeling as much of her body as he could get his hands on. She adjusted her thighs to straddle his lap, ignoring the way her nightie rode up her thighs, revealing more of her silky flesh to the super soldier. The sudden intimacy didn’t scare her, it didn’t make her feel vulnerable or exposed. With Bucky, she felt safe. She felt loved. She felt like nothing could ever bring her harm.
Bucky’s breathing hitched as she bravely rocked her hips down to meet his, feeling his bulge rub against her thinly clothed pussy. Y/N let out a soft moan, feeling herself already coming apart for him, only ever getting so aroused for Bucky.
Bucky reacted to every slight movement of her body, using his grip on her hips to pull her even closer to him. Their chests pressed together as her hands cupped the sides of his neck, a hum of satisfaction erupted from her lips as they continued to softly kiss.
Y/N felt her arousal drench onto her panties from the familiar feeling of his big cock pressing achingly against her core. Their tongues played as they desperately grabbed at each other’s bodies, both craving the raw love they could only get from each other.
Y/N slid her hands down his chest as she pulled back from the kiss, her pupils glazed over with lust as they both caught their breaths. Bucky stared her down, his lips parted, his chest heaving as he panted. He was slightly nervous that she’d changed her mind until he watched her tug on the rope of her dressing gown, letting it slip off of her body and onto the floor. Bucky groaned softly, feeling his cock twitch, desperate the feel her wet walls clenching around him. He used the opportunity to admire her body, running his hands over her thighs and up under her nightie. His flesh fingertips burned into her bare skin, his metal digits like ice as she rocked her hips back and forth slowly, keeping her eyes locked on his.
Bucky breathed out shakily, leaning up to reconnect their lips as he ran his hands over the round of her ass, pulling her harder against him as he grew needier with every second. She arched her back into his touch, pressing her chest back against his as she felt the strap of her nightie drops to her shoulder, revealing a little more of her chest.
She sucked sensually on Bucky’s tongue as he let her hands roam over his sides teasingly, feeling him smile at the loving gesture. His fingers hooked into her panties, her hips jolting in response as she assisted him in making quick work to tug them down her legs.
“Not here.” She quickly moved to grab hold of his wrist, her breath shaky against his lips as her eyelids fluttered in weakness. Bucky watched curiously as she leaned back, shuffling off of his lap to stand up, holding her hand out for Bucky to take. Drunk in each other’s presence, they felt complete in a broken world, Bucky took her hand as stood up, admiring the innocent look in her eyes. Y/N used his hand to balance as she stepped out of her panties, licking her lips to conceal a cheeky smile as a thought crossed her mind. She bent down to pick up her discarded underwear, stepping closer to him as she kept her eyes on his. Bucky smirked deviously in amusement as she shoved the panties into the pocket of his leather jacket, rolling his eyes as he tried to contain how desperate he was for her.
His smile didn’t fade as he watched her turn around, following close behind her as she lead them out of the room and down the hallway.
Bucky’s hands wrapped around her waist as they reached the bottom of the stairs, forcing her to turn around and face him. “I miss you.” He whispered softly as she noticed the way his chest rose and fell rapidly, the long lost feeling of love proved overwhelming for the metal armed soldier as he pressed his lips desperately against hers, his strength making it easy for him to lift her up.
She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, whimpering into the kiss as he walked them up the grand staircase on the house. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers massaging the back of his head as she sucked on his lip seductively.
She gasped as her back hit the door, Bucky’s strength momentarily faltering as his head spun with pleasure. His hand fiddled with the handle, twisting it to open the door as he kept her wrapped around his body.
Bucky walked them over to the neatly made bed in the middle of the room, throwing her down onto the mattress as he moved to stand between her open legs.
Y/N watched as he took off his coat, his eyes focused on her body as he threw the leather jacket carelessly onto the floor. She bit her lip, her pussy clenching in need as she slowly lifted her legs to press her heels flat against the mattress. Bucky’s eyes glanced between her legs, his pupils displaying as he caught an unobstructed view of her silky, wet pussy.
“You got a new arm.” She whispered softly as her eyes ran over his metal arm, it wasn’t the same as the one she remembered. This one was black, with gold detailing, much more subtle than the red starred, silver arm she knew. She licked her lips with anticipation, mesmerised with the sleek style of his upgraded metal appendage.
Bucky’s eyes stayed glued between her legs, pressing his lips together in a hard line as he watched her mound move with every clench of her needy cunt. He hummed in response to her comment, too turned on to focus on her words as he tugged his t-shirt over his head.
Bucky’s jaw clenched as he watched her sit up, her legs staying in place as she snaked her nightie up her body at a teasingly slow pace. Bucky dropped his hands to his belt buckle, their eyes glued to each other as they removed the last of their clothing, leaving them both naked.
She reached forward, her fingers delicately tracing the part of his shoulder where his flesh fused with the metal of his arm. Bucky’s chest heaved at the delicate nature of her touch, his emotions overwhelming him as he cupped her wrist in his hand. His eyes caught her gaze as she used his grip on her arm to tug him towards her, leaning in to press her lips against his abs with delicate kisses. Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, his breath hitching in his throat as her lips travelled lower.
Y/N hummed against his skin, her clit throbbing for attention as Bucky took the hint, pushing her back down onto the mattress as he climbed on top of her. He cupped her jaw as he pressed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss, his hard cock pressing against her slick.
Her nails dug into his skin as her hands explored his bare flesh, whimpering into the kiss as she lifted her hips to meet his. The movement of their hips rubbing together caused a friction that caused both of them to gasp out in pleasure, hungry for more.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, bucking her hips desperately to meet his as Bucky let out a weak moan. He leaned up to press his metal hand into the mattress next to her head, his flesh hand sliding up her waist to cup her boobs, squeezing them gently.
“Bucky,” Her eyes fluttered closed as she let herself sink back into the mattress, overwhelmed with pleasure and need as she squeezed her thighs around his hips. “I need you inside of me.”
“You’ve got me.” Bucky reassured her sweetly as he restrained himself from completely letting go and fucking her hard into the mattress. There would be time for that later, but right now, they both needed to take their time, to feel each other’s love.
He let his thick cock slide up and down her folds, drenching his length in her wetness. He dropped his head to her neck, kissing her soft skin delicately as his tip nudged between her folds.
Bucky’s eyebrows arched as he tried to stay in control of his primal instincts, his hand fisting into the mattress as he let out a guttural moan. He slowly moved his hips forward, pressing his thick length into her as she gasped under him.
Her hand flew up to grip his bicep, her lips parting as her back arched from the mattress, her walls pulsing around his length. “Bucky.” She moaned out his name breathlessly as he slid deeper inside of her, his lips sloppily kissing her shoulder as he moved to thrust his cock in and out of her slowly.
His tongue swiped along her collarbone before his lips moved lower, leaving gentle kisses over her chest. “I’m no longer the winter soldier.” Bucky mumbled against her chest, licking over her nipples which sent an overwhelming wave of pleasure through her body. He lifted his head back to hers, their lips colliding as she traced every detail of his chest with her delicate fingers.
She remembered every detail of his body. Every muscle, every scar, ever definition of his perfect skin. She felt his cock buried deep inside of her, filling her up as Bucky let out a groan, his hand moving up to cup her chin as he forced her to look up at him.
Bucky stopped his movements, gazing deep into her eyes as their souls connected, an intense feeling of satisfaction filling their bodies as his lips came crashing down onto hers again. She whimpered as she pulled him closer, their chests pressing against each other as Bucky let out a desperate groan, moving his hips to fuck her.
Y/N let out a shaky cry as her fingers dug into his skin, she’d forgotten just how big his cock was. He filled her up with every thrust, breathing heavily against her lips as little moans erupted from within his throat. 
Her legs wrapped around his hips as her pussy clenched around his length, trying to accommodate his size. Y/N pecked his lips over and over soothingly as he fucked into her, the sounds of their bodies slapping together with every thrust. She poured out her love for him, the love that never went away, and he felt it, with every kiss.
Bucky’s stomach clenched as his tip nudged against her cervix, his cock throbbing as he felt how her body reacted to every one of his movements. Her tits bounced with every hard thrust of his hips, her clit rubbing against his skin as she hugged his body tight against hers.
He growled between kisses, thrusting into her so deep that the bed hit the wall with a bang every time he fucked into her. She tried to roll her hips, her body weakening under his as she chased her release that was already building in her stomach.
Bucky’s balls tightened as he slid easily in and out of her drenched pussy, in awe of the way her body was clinging to him as though she’d never let him go. He was already close to his climax, he hadn’t been with anyone since her, his cock marvelling in the feeling of being back inside of her.
“My name is James Bucky Barnes.” His balls slapped against her as he grunted the words through gritted teeth, the sound filling the room as Y/N’s mouth dropped open with a gasp of pleasure. Their breaths mixed together as Bucky’s hips stuttered, his eyes squeezing shut at the overwhelming amount of pleasure coursing through his veins.
Bucky groaned weakly as he brought his knees up to rest under hers, keeping her impaled on his cock as he dropped his mouth to her chest. Y/N bit down on her lip as her eyes mirrored the weakness of her body, watching him fuck up into her at a slower pace.
She moaned at the feeling of his lips sucking at her sensitive nubs, her eyes almost rolling back in pleasure as his tongue swirled around her hardened nipples.
“And you’re part of my efforts to make amends.” Bucky moaned at the feeling of the deeper angle, cuddling her against his chest as he fucked into her. The pair were blinded by the sheer feeling of ecstasy, nothing on earth had ever felt as good as making love to each other.
Bucky moaned as he felt his orgasm approaching, his hips jolting automatically as his metal hand flew forward to grip the wooden headboard. Y/N’s back fell against the mattress again as Bucky held her down by her hip, giving him more leverage to thrust into her with such depth she thought her legs would split in two.
“Bucky.” She breathed out shakily, arching her body into his as her head flew back to press into the pillow. Bucky’s head fell softly into the crook of her neck, his little grunts intensified by his lips on the shell of her ear.
Her hand pressed against his tummy as he pounded into her, a shiver shooting down her spine as she tried to control her impending orgasm, not wanting the night with him to end. She tugged on his hair roughly, desperately trying to feel every part of him.
Her eyes were forced open as Bucky suddenly stopped all of his movements, a look of panic washing over her face as Bucky looked down at her breathlessly. He slid his hand between her body at the mattress, supporting her back as he moved to sit back on his knees, lifting her up to keep her against his chest, his cock still deeply buried inside of her.
Y/N let out a moan at the pleasure of the new angle, clinging tightly to his body as her wetness dripped down onto his balls. Bucky pressed his lips against hers, slowly thrusting up into her as he fucked her deeper in the new position. Soft grunts left Bucky’s lips as he felt her pussy twitching around him, her clit overstimulated from the way it was rubbing against his skin.
“Bucky,” Y/N whimpered his name as a warning, her fingers digging into his skin as she looks up at him helplessly, feeling her orgasm taking over. “Hold me,” She begged softly, her eyes glazing over as wave upon wave of pleasure crashed over her body. “I’m gunna cum.” She cried loudly as her head flew back, her lips parted as her moans flowed freely for him.
Her pussy fluttered around his cock as her tits bounced with each of his thrusts, his hands holding her hips tightly to fuck her down onto him.
Waves of pleasure hit her one after the other, his eyes glued to watching her face come undone as he guided her to ride him. She felt herself tighten around him, moments away from her peak as Bucky lost control, jolting his hips erratically inside of her.
Y/N cried out in pleasure as her orgasm took over her body, her tight pussy pulsating on him as she rode out her mind blowing high. She kissed him deeply, their tongues fighting for dominance as Bucky held her in place as he fucked her through her orgasm. Bucky’s face fell into her neck with a loud moan, the feeling of her pussy throbbing around his cock proving too good as he felt his warm cum spurting deep inside of her. She sighed in relief as Bucky grunted, satisfied with the loaded waves of his cum that was filling her hole.
He dropped her back onto the bed, collapsing on top of her, both of them an exhausted, fucked out mess. Bucky moaned at the euphoric feeling, keeping her close as he spun them over so that his back was lying on the mattress with her on his chest.
She turned her head to face him as they both tried to catch their breaths, smiling sweetly as she kissed his swollen lips. She cupped his sharp jaw, pecking his lips over and over, his dick still buried deep inside of her sensitive pussy.
“Was that all this was?” She whispered after a moment of silence, her fingers tracing the metal infused skin of his shoulder as she pressed her lips to his once more. “Just part of your therapeutic methods of making amends?”
Bucky’s heart ached at the thought of her thinking he’d just used her like that, he hated himself for ever making her think he was capable of such a thing. “No. That’s not all it was.” Bucky mumbled against her lips as he sighed sadly, his eyes softening as he cupped her jaw. “I love you, Y/N.” Bucky whispered shakily with a hopeful smile, his words causing her to freeze. She’d never expected to hear him say that, not even after what they just did. “I always have and I always will.” His thumb rubbed soothingly over her cheek, taking the time to admire her beauty.
“I love you too.” She admitted vulnerably, swallowing the lump in her throat she hadn’t even known was there. She didn’t know why he’d left her, she didn’t know why he’d been so hard to forget. She didn’t know why he’d waited all this time to come back, she didn’t know if he was telling the truth or feeding her lies. In a world of disaster and uncertainty all she did know was that she loved him.
“I just have one question, Bucky.” She spoke with a curious tone, shuffling to rest her head on his chest as her fingers traced over his metal shoulder, admiring the intricate beauty. “How did you know which room was my bedroom?”
Bucky’s heart sunk into his stomach, a shy blush of pink hitting his cheeks as he gave her a guilty smile. Y/N couldn’t help but watch with amusement, his shy side was rare to see, and something that she never took for granted. “I may have stopped by your house once or twice before, just to make sure you were safe.”
@harrysthiccthighss​ @annestine​ @bestofbucky​ @velvetcardiganbucky​ @sexwithhiddlesbatch​ @be-patient-be-good​ @codyl-angdon​ @marveljunkieee​ @melchills-j​ @krislhurt​ @patzammit​
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reaperintheroses · 3 years
Shaking Confessions
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Druig x reader x Makkari word count: 1272 warnings: ANGST, crying, nightmares, abandonment issues, shirtless druig, druig calls reader sweetheart, no use of y/n, robin writing in an in-laws induced rage (ง'̀-'́)ง A/N: the reader views Druig and Makkari as parental figures and is in a younger body (think teenagerish). This isn’t poly, they’re concerned for someone who they basically view as their child/someone they’re very protective over. I would also like to ask the court to ignore how I wrote this within the span of an hour and had no intention of posting it because I was pissed off and here we are now. 
“You haven’t been okay recently,” Druig states from across the room. “I’m sorry?” You look up from your desk to face him, quirking your eyebrow. “You’ve been quieter, more resigned.” Makkari signs. “I just lost two close family members and had another backstab us before flying into the sun, so pardon me if I haven’t been ‘okay’ recently.” you jab back at her. “Don’t take it out on her, she's just concerned.” Druig fired back with the same energy, ever ready to defend Makkari from your emotions. “I just need space, I only need space for a little while and then I’ll be back to my chipper self.” Makkari's face twisted, her eyes scrunched. “I don’t believe that,” her hands began to move again, “you’ve been like this since we found you.” You opened your mouth to defend yourself before the anger and realization won over all common sense. “Please just get out, I’m tired and I don’t need a lecture right now.” Druig looked ready to protest again but Makkari beat him to the punch, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the room. You collapsed onto the corner edge of your bed, rubbing your hand over your shoulder to calm yourself down. You don’t owe them an explanation. Hell, Druig was the one who left. He caused your whole family to break up. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. You're allowed to be upset. You nodded to the air before you jumped up and started to get yourself ready for bed. ‘What do they care anyway,’ you thought to yourself, ‘they have each other, always have. They didn’t need to worry about you.’ You changed into one of Druigs old shirts that you stole a few weeks ago and a pair of shorts, continuing to pace around your room. Trying to convince yourself you were in the right. It’s only when the lights are off and you're hidden underneath the warmth of your blankets does the smallest bit of guilt seep in. You can feel how tired you are peak in between the edges of your forming sadness. The bad feeling makes you uncomfortable, makes your skin crawl and your body squirm. You don’t like sitting in the feelings because that requires you to, well feel them. You let sleep win over, going down easy. Little did you know that the guilt wouldn’t throw in the towel so fast. That it would follow you to your dreams and transform them to nightmares. 
You can feel the dirt beneath your feet, seeping in between your toes. Frogs croak all around you, the humidity making your hair frizz. You turn to look over your shoulder when you hear the first scream. Your head whips in the direction that it came from. Smoke dances across the sky, accompanied by more screaming and crying. You look over to the other eternals but they’re frozen in place next to you. You're trying to move- trying to help the people, Ajaks rules be damned, but you can’t. Your feet are cemented in place. You call out to Druig, begging him to make it stop, to end these peoples suffering. You cry out about how you don’t care that it will cause your family to break apart, that these people shouldn’t have to die. He doesn’t acknowledge you. You turn to look at Makkari, lifting your hands to sign. They are frozen to your sides. The other eternals turn around to walk away. You tried to call out to them again. Tried to plead to end the madness that was unfolding in front of you, but your mouth was stuck too.
 You became a statue, subjected to watch the genocide unfold and then watch civilization build atop of Tenochtitlan. Watch the forest around you become apartment buildings, grocery stores, jewelry shops. And at the center of it all you watched yourself move in across the street, a darkness surrounded you as you took in the sights of where your family fell apart centuries ago. You sat, silent and still as a statue. You watched the world forget the tragedy that occurred right beneath their feet. And eventually, they forgot you too. 
 You awoke with a small cry. Your chest heaved as tears slid down your face. You placed your elbows on your knees and raked your fingers across your scalp, trying to forget the visions of you being abandoned and cemented in place. You let out a loud sob, your mouth betraying your command you’d sent to your body to suppress your emotions. The cries kept on coming as you saw flashes of your dream, over and over again. You threw your blankets off of your bed and placed your feet on the cold floor hoping it would ground you, but all you could feel was the dirt between your toes and your cries grew louder. You placed a hand over your mouth to muffle yourself before standing up to look for some water, something to help remind you that this was reality.
 When your search came up empty your tears just began to flow faster. You threw open your door and flew into the hallway, towards the room that Druig and Makkari shared. Their door was left slightly ajar. You placed your hand on the cold stone before a dark voice in your head whispered ‘What if Druig’s still mad that you were rude to Makkari,’ you sucked in a gasp as the voice continued, ‘what if they’re tired of you pushing them away.’ You slid down the wall outside their door, “please stop,” you begged the voice. ‘They don’t love you anymore.’ Your body jolted forward with more crying. You knew, deep down, that you were just being ridiculous and that the voice was just a result of your heightened emotions and looming hysteria. You couldn’t distinguish that right now, though. You stood up and turned to go back to your room and stop bothering everyone with the sounds of your crying, as the door opened. You were greeted with a shirtless Druig, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and looking around to find the source of the sound that was, no doubt, keeping him up. “What’s going- hey what’s wrong, sweetheart?” He picked you up and placed you on your feet. “I just had a bit of a bad dream,” you sniffled, “I’m going back to my room now, sorry if I woke you up.” He considered you for a moment with concerned eyes before stopping you. “Why were you down here in the first place,” you shut your eyes before whispering, “I just didn’t want to be alone.” You felt strong hands maneuver you around and into Druigs chest. He soothed his hand up and down your back, shushing your gentle cries. “It’s all going to be okay, sweetheart, it’s all going to be just fine.” He walked the two of you backwards into the room before lifting you off of your feet and walking you over to the bed. He placed you on the mattress and you turned around to face a worried Makkari. “What happened,” She signed. “Bad dream,” you moved your hands in response as she wiped the tears off of your face. Your lip trembled and you moved underneath their covers, hiding your face in Makkari’s chest hoping to suppress your tears. Druig rubbed his hand up and down your back as he slid into the bed next to you. “You were right,” you sobbed. “What do you mean,” Druig responded looking at Makkari with a concerned look that you couldn’t see. “I’m not okay.” 
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banqdanfnfic · 4 years
which, as they kiss, consume | jjk
you just wanted to get a tattoo from your boyfriend
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pairing: tattoo artist!jk x reader
genre: established relationships au, tattoo artist au, smut
word count: 4k
warnings: unprotected sex, biting, making out, grinding, licking, nipple play, jk has a lip ring, oral (f receiving), fingering, shy jk and oc, sexual tension, slight choking, slight aftercare
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♫ : Streets by Doja Cat, Candy by Doja Cat
♡ Aesthetics: Playlist | Moodboard
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He visibly chokes on his glass of beer as he almost snaps his neck to meet your gaze. He could say that you were awfully drunk and hence the sudden confession out of the blue, but behind your heavy lidded eyes, Jungkook could sense that you were serious.
“You what?”, he gulps abruptly, moving closer to your face, doe eyes pleading to repeat yourself.
“Yes Kook. I want that tattoo on my breasts. I’ve decided”.
It’s not that Jungkook didn’t have experience in his career with inking on different parts of a human body. He just had never given a tattoo to someone who is romantically associated with him and the thought of seeing you half naked made him chuck down the rest of his drink in one go.
The most physical he had ever gotten with you was a kiss shared occasionally since it’s only been over two weeks you had started dating. Okay maybe you made out once in his car but that’s it. It never got to the point of shedding clothes or anything intense.
“Are you sure?”
You giggle at the sudden hoarseness in his voice and nod positive. Ironic how his aura never matched his personality. His inked skin, athletic body proportions covered in black monochrome bad boy outfits gave out default energy that he is a local heartthrob with multiple chicks wrapped around his finger each night and a heavy demeanor to carry in his smirk.
You were one of those believers until Jungkook asked you out in the most hopeless romantic way possible after constantly visiting the café you work in, a few shops besides his parlor. He was a gentleman with respectful boundaries, warm hands to hold yours and sweet sensual kisses though you are pretty sure he probably has a good game.
For any outsider it looked like those cliché bad boy and shy girl love stories, but for real both of you were a good percentage of introverts.
Jungkook runs his tongue around his lip ring while he is stressfully ruffling his dark locks into a mess. He is trying to explain his reasons to postpone your decision considering how shy he got at this point. But then that’s exactly why you were requesting him with soft eyes, it would be so uncomfortable to be shirtless in front of anybody else. Or maybe it’s your way of saying the relationship is open for higher levels of physical affection.
After debating around in vain, he finally hums and clears one of his slots for his beloved client.
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Friday approaches way quicker than you assumed and now your heart is beating in your throat. Right after you are done cleaning the tables, you have to make it to Jungkook’s parlor for your appointment.
Running on three hours of sleep, black under eyes even after a decent amount of makeup, you groan as you check yourself out in the mirror. You opted for a simple shirt and skirt (also known as the outfit you bought for occasions with Jungkook), light beach waves resting on your shoulders. Hoping that a few cups of coffee will save you, you stride across the street to stop before the infamous parlor he worked in. Hopefully the full body shave and chocolate body butter has kept its excellence on your skin below the clothing.
The door chimes as it opens with a dragged creak on the musky wooden flooring. It felt like an otherworld where air smelled like men’s perfume and faint tint of cigarettes. In other words, intoxicating.
You ask the first person you meet at the reception, one of Jungkook’s companions at the shop and he assists you to his cabin located at a comfortably remote location.
His space is hidden with a simple black curtain. You are met with Jungkook’s back facing you, working determinately on a client’s arm and cares to spare a glance only when the guy with you is informing him about your presence.
“This will be over in a few”, he grins to your face and goes back to focusing his coil on the skin of a woman in her late twenties laying down his chair. The vibration from his inking machine fills in the silence and you excuse yourself to sit on a small black couch beside them.
This was the first time watching him at work and now you can understand why people rumored so much about his attitude because damn it is intimidating.
Brows knit together and inked muscles flex as he drags the needles around for finishing touches. Meanwhile you can pretty much smell the drool from the woman who is shamelessly checking out your boyfriend. Though you are pretty sure Jungkook gets such glances more than he can count every day, you can’t help but feel jealous. Partly because of the childish possessiveness and partly because you want to be the reason behind his dark eyes and intricate concentration, in profession or not.
To stop from mentally throwing daggers on the client’s way, you grab a random fashion magazine from the side table and flip through pages, though other four senses are inclined on your man. With a close attention to his low sigh you conclude that he is done.
The customer with now a fresh tattoo on her arm is discussing random useless topics to get him to talk, a very vain job realizing how Jungkook doesn’t bat a friendly lash at anybody, especially to those who hit on him. To be honest a large part of the ink business was linked with the obsession to attractive people who worked here, even if it meant trading an area of your skin. You grip the edges of the magazine a bit hard, not able to contain the sanity particularly at the high pitch voice she mumbles in before finally leaving his cabin.
A little excited and a lot nervous, you stand up as Jungkook bids goodbye to the third person.
He is quick to notice your discomfort, though not sure if it was the woman or the thought of finally getting the tattoo, he knew you were nervous and surviving in several cups of espresso by the dark circles slowly showing through the faded layers of your concealer. But nothing pulls down the opinion he has about you, beautiful and simple, no dramatics attached.
“Hey are you okay?”
You nod as soon as you sit down on the black tattoo chair, shifting a little to find a comfortable position. He is taking out a box full of equipment and fine needles, already making you break a sweat at the side of your forehead.
But more than that, it’s the way he is sharp and professional that catches your attention more.
You have never seen Jungkook this serious before. The choice of his vetiver perfume digging through your nostrils was driving you insane. If he doesn’t smile soon, you are going to melt into a puddle at his gaze.
“Are you nervous?”, he smirks this time, a newfound reason for your worsening gut health.
It’s mostly going in cycles at this point. Every bit of his skilled motion causes a vigorous hormonal reaction which initiates his next set of effortless teasing.
“I’m a little nervous”, you say, fiddling with your freshly painted nude nails.
“Me too”
It’s something you least expect to come out of his mouth observing how confident he looks right now. He basically has you cornered with his gaze. But whenever he had been truthful about his emotions it felt like a hug.
“I can take off my shirt too, so that we are even. Is that okay?”
He said it so softly like he is handling a child and the duality of the situation had your mind fogged and limbs frozen for a few minutes.
“Yeah it’s okay” It’s far beyond than okay. It’s great actually.
Jeon Jungkook is ripped, a Greek God sculptured masterpiece covered in self designed artwork you are more than happy to wake up to every morning. He hears you gulp at the feast before your eyes while he discards his black t-shirt to a nearby chair.
Now you don’t know if this whole thing is supposed to warm your heart or make you play several erotic fantasies like a movie before your eyes.
Both of you share a small smile while his long fingers are tugging at the hem of your shirt and pulling it up over your head.
He almost wishes you don’t opt to wear a bra but he is met with lacy black, a-bit-over your-usual-budget fabric hugging the roundness of your breasts.
It seemed like you were way too competitive about today. Anything less than complete awe from Jungkook for you was straight disappointment, you don't want anything less.
Well it seems like it did from how blown his pupils were at this point. He peels his gaze off your chest with a sharp gulp to look at your eyes suddenly devoid of any fear and staring back at him with all ease. He is filled with an exapnse of warmth and he isn't sure why does spending just a little amount of time with you had such a grip on him. He can’t wait to propose the idea of getting a couple tattoo together soon and as far as you know how Jungkook is, he is very serious with his body art so apparently he does trust you a lot already.
“Where exactly are you trying to get it?”, his voice is a lot deeper suddenly as he waits for your fingers to guide to his canvas.
You softly trace the spot at the upper circumference of your right boob, “Here”.
You suck a breath through your nose as his own fingers are mimicking your gesture, lightly pulling down the lace to inspect the fitting of the design at hand.
These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Jungkook traces each word on your burning skin, now leaning dangerously close which was questioning your control to put your palms flat on his pecs. He doesn’t notice that though, his mind is busy creating his own fantasies about the women under him.
After two minutes and twenty four second long of inspection and mutual thirst, Jungkook is selecting a bunch of needles to set into the rotary machine. Five fine sharp like a painter's brush moves in and out at a set regularity as Jungkook tests it out.
The next of his actions had you flushed into a pool of crimson. He gently lifts up your resting torso with one hand while the other is unclasping the hook of your bra, making you half naked for the sake of the tattoo.
"I'm going to start", he says shyly.
You still have time to save yourself from the growing phobia for the object, but another unlogical part of your brain says it's a piece of cake considering you have a whole distracting full course meal in front of you.
It stings at first. Well, okay it hurts like hell but your face is devoid of any indication, except your right hand is gripping on the rim of the chair for dear life.
Jungkook on the other hand had never felt this much diversion of mind during his work. He knows that you are probably hurting very badly, especially for a first timer. He is biting into his lip ring, trying to get this over with for the well-being of your pain and his hormones.
After he had scribed one word into your dermis, you are no longer able to contain the ache so you give out a small squeak out of your glossed lips and the vibration of the machine at his hands stops as he looks at you.
"You want me to stop? ", he is relaxing his face as he cups yours with one hand. You don't want to answer that question, but the drumroll of the current situation is making your heart flutter and everything about the little burn on your chest is forgotten.
"No. It does hurt but I'll be fine I guess", you whisper. His breath is mixing with yours slowly as he is leaning more towards your face. If it isn't for a kiss then you are likely to be disappointed.
"It'll be over before you know it. I'll make it quick", and then he kisses you, a small act to get off the pressure of sexual tension between your bare upper bodies.
Before you think of any tongue in the act, he is breaking off the contact and returns to his position on your chest. He misses the pout that forms on your mouth but right now both of your heads are in cloud nine.
The pain starts again, only this time you are busy reliving how his lips felt in yours; soft, firm and controlled.
You gasp when you feel one of his hands cupping your right breast to further his design but it's lowkey an act empowered by lust which is straining behind the so called professional eyes.
You just sit there flustered out of your mind and then Jungkook is suddenly squeezing, full palm hiding your breasts like it's a protected treasure, but he isn't showing the slightest facial expression other than determined eyes and his lower lip caught between his teeth.
Fuck you can't take it anymore. Jungkook can feel your nipples harden against his hand and his brain isn't helping much to concentrate on the design. But by the grace of some positive karma left on his side, he makes it through the long text and when he is letting go of your chest and standing tall, your skin is popping out with redness on the places the text lays embedded.
He fishes out a mirror for you to look.
"It looks beautiful thank you Jungkook", you smile.
"Can I give you one more tattoo on your left one?", he asks while you are contemplating whether going through the pain is worth it, not to mention you really want to get back at a private space with Jungkook as soon as possible.
"It won't hurt I promise", and then he is kissing you a lot filthier than before; all tongue and teeth, while his hands are grazing on the skin of your waist, pressing a little firmer than before.
The coldness of his lip ring rivaled around your mouth, and you try sucking on it to which Jungkook responds with a growl and pushes his body adamantly against yours.
Skin to skin, you are lost in euphoria of everything happening and finally, you roam your eager hands around his body, to his pecs and the definition of abs.
As your fingers scraped against his scalp, Jungkook is biting eagerly down your jawline to your collarbone and continues his ministrations at a particular spot which is bringing out melodic moan variation from you.
He is going down your skin, licking on your left boob before he starts planting violet tattoos as he had promised. As if it couldn't get better, he is massaging the right breast, in a way to soothe pain.
He loses it when you stutter his name, but he is just a fucking tease when it comes to making love and doing anything in a public space is the last thing he wants to do. There isn't much room for all that he wants right now.
"Why did you choose this particular tattoo Y/n?", he rasps while he is planting small pecks on his artwork, and you reply when he is finally eye level with you
"I just felt like it's a good one", your breaths are uneven and mostly caught in your neck. He pecks your lips before speaking, "Those are lines from Romeo and Juliet".
He takes your hands to trace over a line of text among the many designs on his chest.
which, as they kiss, consume
"We pretty much have a couple tattoo now Y/n", his breath is matched with your pace and you are not very sure how to respond to this new knowledge.
"That's… hot"
You break into giggles along with him, he just can't stop dragging his lips around your skin, but he isn't able to word his feelings right now either.
"I have some aftercare healing ointment for the tattoo at my place, wanna come over?" Now that may be a little lame of an excuse to get his little friend out of his pants but you are too unfazed to analyse any of that.
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His hands find place on your ass under the skirt as soon as the door to his apartment closes, and before you know it, you are in his bedroom, sitting on the soft mattress and tongue lost devouring each other.
While eagerly getting rid of every article of clothing, Jungkook notices that you don't have your bra on beneath the shirt, so it's probably back at the parlour, but none of you have the slightest care for it, might as well make an excuse with it later to fuck you in his cabin.
He is pushing you farther towards the headboard, him on top, grinding sensenslesy while your lips mould with his. Though he has his whole body pressed against you, you can't seem to feel his weight at the slightest, every one of his actions were just balanced and perfect.
As Jungkook goes down on you, his smile is evident against your skin, finally able to find out how every one of those scenarios in his head will come to look like. He lets out a satisfied hum being finally able to suck on your tits, your fingers finding place on his hair, twisting it out of stimulation.
His pelvis is flushed harshly against yours, grinding and rubbing against your pussy for as long as he is rejoicing the feeling of moving his tongue around both the nipples.
He stops rubbing after some point and you whimper at the loss but his fingers are soon to meet your core as a quick apology. All your later moans are muffled on his mouth once again.
Feeling the controlled movements of his fingers on your clit, you dig your nails down on his toned shoulders. It's becoming impossible to reciprocate his lewd movements of tongue on your lips at this point as the excitement between your thighs is growing every passing second.
Your mouth remains slightly parted as he removes his face to watch you squirm underneath, lips swollen, deep red and glossy from all the saliva.
He pecks at the shell of your ear before going down past your navel.
You haven't had much heads in the twenty years of your life, most of the guys being completely against the idea which made you feel insecure to bring up the topic in bed, but Jungkook does it like his life depends on it.
He growls at the sight of you dripping into his sheets and he seems to enjoy the idea of being the influence behind it. But none is going through your head at the moment, not the metal on his lips grazing against your folds, or the fact that Jungkook is grinning each time you cry his name, it feels unreal to feel something like this.
His mouth is wrapping against your entrance and he is balancing your lower body on his palms to help him reach the right depths inside you. While all you can muster up is the strength to grope the bedsheets in your fist and close your eyes at the pleasure.
Jungkook brings his head higher to give some attention to the throbbing clit, catching it between his teeth and triggering the bundle of nerves just the perfect dose to have your hips jolting up to his face.
He can't take it himself when you are now whining and chasing for your release, so he is slightly humping against the bed to get some friction.
He licks a slow stripe up till your abdomen and slowly raises to your face, already fucked out and dishevelled to keep up with his dominant orbs.
He swears he had never felt so much warmth and care for sex with any of his previous partners, in relationship or not, all he could think is how good can he treat the pleading eyes underneath him.
"Is there something you like that you want me to do?", he says, fingers grazing once again to your crotch to not deny you from his contact. Only this time he is exploring the tightness of your pretty cunt with two skillful fingers.
Is there? You are not sure. Or in other words you are too caught up at the sense of him fingering you. It's not like you had enough experience or people who cared enough to ask that question. It astounds you that never in this entire foreplay he asked for any favor for himself.
"I'm not sure…", you whisper and then maybe you have something on your mind " um I guess I would like to be choked" Okay this felt embarrassing.
He smiles before sliding his free hand from your lips to your neck, and applies slight force, careful to not hurt you in the slightest bit.
"Is that fine?"
"Yeah", you muffle through the decreasing course of air.
He pulls up your face by the throat to attach lips once more. He just can't seem to get enough of kissing you senseless. Then, the tip of his long ignored cock is teasing the length of your pussy twice before it's stretching you out to the brim.
Bodies flushed and hot, his pace is deep and slow, making sure to kiss the cervix every time he is inside.
He watches as your eyes close shut and flutters around whenever he is grazing against your sweet spot. Both of your ears lost and eager for the moans looming out of each other, his more like what he sounds at the gym. Nice observation Y/n.
In this span of sexual energy you shared, you can make some obvious conclusions. Sex with him was surreal, both in terms of domination and the care he had. Rocking against him and keeping up with his hips was attainable— Compared to the intense eye contact he tries to hold, or the way he cups the side of your face and rubs the pad of his thumb on your cheeks while he kisses you during sinking back in, or the way his eyes glow at the beauty of your body open for him. It makes you feel special and it's difficult to respond to these gestures when you never felt this way before.
Jungkook could tell that from your face, but he hopes he lasts with you enough to help you know the worth you hold. You couldn't think too much about anything when you are busy squeezing around his length and coming twice in the first ten minutes.
By the third orgasm Jungkook is nearing his own and he pulls out to pump a few times before coming on your stomach.
"Was it okay?", his voice is all over the place, still balancing his body on his arms while you are amazed by his strength.
"It was amazing Jungkook", you smile. You have known a lot about Jungkook over the few dates you spent with him. That he likes literature, classics and philosophy, designs tattoos as a subconscious thing, that his game is A-1, and he likes working out almost three hours a day. Good for you. But it wasn't until now you know him to be gentle, like he is afraid to crush you under a feather touch. You don't know him as someone who is staring deep into your face after a good fuck, speaks nothing, smiles widely, and plants a peck on your forehead before getting off the bed.
He does the honors of cleaning both of your bodies with a towel, it's not like you have any strength left in you anyway. And then pulls out an ointment from the bedside table and plops next to your body.
"There. You need this to protect the tattoo", he takes off the nozzle and applies a required amount against the words on your chest and massages against them.
"Now go to sleep Juliet", he mocks, pulling up the sheets over you both "good night".
You snuggle against his hard chest, kissing his pecs before resting on it, "Good night Romeo".
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thank you so much for reading!! please leave a feedback!!
★ taglist: @pjmochii (dm, ask or comment to enter the tl!)
★ credits: @/rainbeary on spotify : songs that'll make you feel everything's in slow motion playlist
★ banner & boards: by me :)
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a/n: this is my first time writing smut and i basically died of second hand embarrassment during the process. pardon for my untalented ass, i tried this wip continuously for a week and i seriously don't think it could get anything better though it's probably not much.
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© banqdanfnfic 2021, all rights reserved. do not modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
A Change of Heart (post-”Miraculous New York”)
"Kaalki, divide!"
Ladybug felt Kaalki's light wash over her, the kwami emerging and flying a small distance away. They were up on one of the rooftops in New York, overlooking an interview that was happening on the street.
Kaalki hummed in interest, taking the time to see the tall buildings. "What a grand city." Then, her gaze dropped down and she squinted, adding with distaste, "Quite crowded though."
"There's an interview going on right now. That's why. One of their supervillains was just taken down," Ladybug explained, placing her foot up on the edge of the building and peering down to look at the crowd.
"And, what precisely are we here for?" Kaalki asked, hovering near Ladybug's face to follow her gaze.
"Not what, but who. We’re here to see Eagle," Ladybug answered, pointing at the eagle-themed superheroine being interviewed. The crowd was enthusiastically cheering at just about every answer Eagle was giving, and Ladybug couldn't help smiling at the fact that the person she gave the miraculous to was still doing well.
As the interview came to an end, Eagle's eyes shifted from the interviewer to Ladybug, who had made sure to be where the red-and-black of her suit would stand out; she wasn't exactly the definition of "stealthy," and it worked to her advantage in this case.
Eagle jumped up to the nearest rooftop, then waited for the crowd to disperse before leaping over to where Ladybug was. "Hey, Ladybug! What are you doing here?" Her brows creased in seriousness, and she held her fists up like she was raring for a fight. "Did Hawk Moth come back to New York?"
Ladybug waved dismissively. "No, no, it's nothing like—"
"Pardon me," Kaalki said, making sure she was loud enough to be heard. She puffed her chest out haughtily and gestured to herself with a hoof. "I'm Kaalki, the kwami of migration. Pleased to meet you," she said, her tone forced as to imply that she didn't appreciate being ignored.
"Uh... hi," Eagle greeted flatly, then looked to Ladybug for an explanation.
"Sorry about her. She was my ride." Grabbing Eagle's wrist and leading her to the center of the rooftop, where they were less likely to be seen from the streets, she explained, "Anyway, I came here because I was hoping that I could get your help."
Eagle leaned to the side, curious. "My help? What for?"
"Well..." Ladybug hesitated. "This is going to sound like a weird request, but..."
Eagle crossed her arms in thought, still seemingly absorbing the explanation. "You want me to use Liberation on you? To get rid of your—"
"—romantic attachments," Ladybug cut in stiffly, the word 'crush' and 'love' sounding extremely un-Ladybug-like. She blushed in embarrassment and looked away, bringing a hand up to partly hide her face. "Listen, I know you probably don't get this sort of thing. It's already awkward to talk about it while I'm Ladybug, but—"
"No, I get it," Eagle assured, though her expression was neutral.
Ladybug looked at her in surprise. "You do?"
With a slight roll of her eyes, Eagle replied, "Okay, so I don't get all the love stuff exactly, but Uncanny Valley has her own thing for me to deal with. She always wants to help people; she can't help it. Besides, Liiri says that there's always something stopping people from reaching their full potential. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's good, and it's my job to figure out what it is." She glanced Ladybug up and down, as if to gauge something. "You really think it's that bad?"
Ladybug responded with a wince, bad memories already starting to surface.
"Alright, wow," Eagle said, hands raised as she took a step back, the reaction having already convinced her while she herself clearly wanted no details about it. "Are you ready then? You know this is only going to last five minutes, right?"
"Wait—" Ladybug blinked in surprise. "You're really going to help me?"
"Yeah?" Eagle replied. Half-offended, she asked, "Did you really think I wouldn't?"
"No! Sorry!" Ladybug rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "You'd be... surprised, by how bad this stuff usually goes for me."
For a moment, Eagle looked tempted to ask, but shook off the thought just as quickly. Placing her fists to her chest, her gaze went firm, showing that she was ready.
Ladybug stood in place, almost nervous at the prospect of doing this. She was essentially taking out a piece of herself, but it was the only way to test it; the only way to know for sure.
"Liberation!" Eagle called out, spreading her arms as a single light burst out of her.
Ladybug flinched, her fighting instinct kicking in, but she held firm and let the light touch her. For a moment, she was frozen, able to sense Eagle's presence in her mind and even hear her voice. Eagle's voice was calm, but tempting, offering the freedom so desperately desired.
"Ladybug, your love has taken over your life. I release you from it!"
Marinette quickly stashed the glasses in her purse as she checked her phone's timer. She had four minutes and forty-five seconds to do this, and she took a steady breath before stepping out of the alley she'd been hiding in.
As she raced across the street, the fencing students were just filing out out of Françoise Dupont. The moment she saw Kagami and Adrien leaving, she raised a hand, raising her voice so she'd be heard. "Hey, Adrien!"
Adrien and Kagami stopped and glanced her way. Adrien turned to Kagami, saying something and briefly tilting his head in Marinette's direction. Kagami nodded at him in response, and they separated, Kagami heading in one direction and Adrien heading in Marinette's.
At first, Marinette was nervous, her worst case scenario being that Liberation had truly failed or worn off when she de-transformed, or that her feelings were somehow so strong or messed up that even Liberation somehow couldn't help her.
Yet, as Adrien approached, she found that she wasn't shaky at all. Her heart wasn't pounding either. She didn't even feel the slightest bit of awe from his presence.
She was normal. She was okay.
"Hey, Marinette," Adrien greeted with a smile. "Did you need something?"
It took her a moment to answer, still stunned that it'd worked and she'd truly been freed of her crush, even if it was for five minutes. "Oh. No, actually, just..." She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone, checking the time, then kept it at her side as she asked genuinely, "How was fencing?"
Adrien looked briefly caught off guard, though whether he was surprised at her acting differently or just the question was anyone's guess. He then brightened, replying excitedly, "It was great! I got paired up with Kagami again, and you know how Mr. D'Argencourt is with fencing, so he..."
The conversation continued as nothing but casual from there, and Marinette almost felt silly at how amazed she was by such a simple thing. It was actually like she was Adrien's friend; like they were on the same page and she could actually hold a conversation with him. He looked and talked the same way he always did, yet she was perfectly fine. Students passed by and maybe tossed them a brief glance, but completely ignored them otherwise because she wasn't acting "weird."
At worst, she was grinning just a little wider out of the pleasant surprise of the whole thing.
When she'd first thought to "liberate" herself of her feelings for Adrien, she was certain she'd be disappointed by it. She honestly thought that she would see Adrien and miss the heart fluttering, the weak knees, and the sheer dreaminess he used to radiate.
But she was wrong. With her crush gone, she could see herself from an outside perspective and reflect without fretting over the things she would've otherwise. Where she thought there'd be disappointment, there was relief that she could actually breathe and not turn into a mess around him. Her mind wasn't clouded with thoughts, and her eyes could drift wherever she wanted without some brainless thought intruding and warning her that she might miss Adrien blinking if she looked away.
She'd needed this. It was nice; more than nice even. Is this how it could be all the time if she truly moved on from him? No more mocking, no more jealousy, no more "crazy Marinette"? It'd be like a celebrity crush that she grew out of; an embarrassing memory of the past and nothing more.
More importantly, she would remember this. She would remember this feeling; the sanity of not being in love with Adrien, or not feeling whatever that emotion was actually called. To say the word "love" seemed so... wrong.
Still mid-discussion with Adrien, Marinette's phone suddenly beeped with a warning message. She turned it in her hand, seeing that she'd properly set the timer earlier to warn her when there was a minute and half left of Liberation.
Adrien leaned over to look at the screen, but jumped when a loud honking noise abruptly sounded off from behind him. Marinette tried not to snicker, but it was difficult; seeing someone else be the jumpy one was quite the experience, and she'd have to remember that too.
Adrien looked over his shoulder at his limo waiting for him, then glanced back at her apologetically. "Sorry, I gotta go. Can we talk later?"
"Oh, sure! Definitely!" Marinette stashed her phone back in her purse, then waved to him. "See you tomorrow!"
"Bye, Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, waving as he rushed off. "It was fun talking to you!"
"You too!"
Marinette pursed her lips, trying to contain herself as she watched Adrien get into the limo and ride off down the street. She waited until it was out of earshot, then let herself start squealing, even hopping around and doing a twirl for effect.
"M-marinette?!" Tikki called, concerned. "Did it wear off? There's still time—"
"I'm gonna delete all my Adrien pictures!" Marinette exclaimed. "And take down that disaster of a wallpaper!"
"W-wHA—!!" Tikki gaped. "Marinette, when your feelings come back—"
"That's future Marinette's problem! This feels great!" Marinette cheered, having to suppress her excitement just so she could talk. Raising one hand dramatically, she placed the other to her chest, saying to no one in particular, "Oh, what's that? Me, crushing on Adrien? Ew, no way! We're just friends!"
She laughed triumphantly, a bounce in her step that made it seem almost like she were jogging. She crossed the street, reaching for the bakery door's handle and practically singing to herself, "Just friends~ We're just friends~ Me and Ad~ri~en are just good—"
She paused as she opened the door, seeing a familiar mix of blue and black standing at the counter and talking to her parents. At the chime of the bell, all three looked over at her, Luka's smile welcoming and his lips partially coated in white from what seemed to be a powdered donut.
"Hey, Marinette," he greeted. "We were just talking about you."
"Oh, he's such a sweetheart," Sabine cooed. "He came all the way here just to see you."
Luka blushed a light shade of pink at the obvious teasing, Tom jumping in to exclaim, "And he really thought he had to pay us for sweets! I told him, you're friends with our daughter, you better not put a single coin on that counter, young man!"
The three had a laugh together; clearly, they'd been getting along before she came in.
Yet, Marinette's smile fell from her face, a mental 'oh' echoing in her mind.
She hadn't even considered Luka when she'd thought of taking away her crush on Adrien, but it made sense; Eagle had said love, and Marinette wasn't foolish enough to think that she hadn't felt anything romantic for Luka. It only made sense that her crush on him would go too.
But it wasn't the same. The relief didn't follow the lack of feeling. With Luka, there'd always be a little leap in her heart, then a wave of calm washing over her, but neither were there and she couldn't help feeling disappointed.
Luka's smile disappeared as he noticed her expression. He approached, concern written all over his features. "Marinette?"
They were friends at that very moment; that was all the feeling she had on the matter, but she wanted what she'd had before. She remembered his confession at the TV station and yearned for the warmth in her cheeks when he stared at her and told her how much he loved her with words that were entirely his own; words that told her that he loved her as herself and filled her with a confidence she seldom had outside of being Ladybug.
Everything clicked. Her crush on Adrien represented stress, anxiety, and losing herself, but her crush on Luka represented peace, happiness, and being herself.
She missed how she felt about Luka. She didn't miss how she felt about Adrien.
That was all the answer she needed.
Almost on cue, her phone beeped again, this time to signal that Liberation was over. Marinette took in a shaky breath as she felt pleasantly familiar emotions rush through her again, and she welcomed them back like she would an old friend.
Luka's blue eyes gained vibrance and allure, his lips being coated in powdered sugar suddenly became incredibly cute, and she could think of him as no less than the most handsome boy in the world.
"...Sorry," she said breathlessly, waving a hand to assure him that she was alright. "Let's just say I went through a lot of emotions today. I'm happy to see you, really!"
Luka's smile came back, filling her with its warmth. "I'm glad," he said in relief. Then, taking a glance at her purse, which was still letting out a muffled, melodic beeping noise, he asked, "Sorry, do you have to be somewhere?"
"Hm? Oh, no, not really." She took out her phone to shut off the timer, then flashed him the screen before closing the app and storing the phone back in her purse. That done, she paused to consider things, then dared a glance back at him. "Hey... can we walk for a while?"
He blinked, mildly surprised, but nodded. "Sure. Did—" He froze, apparently only now realizing that he had powdered sugar on his lips. He swished his tongue around to lick it off, then started over with, "Did you want to talk about something?"
Smiling almost smugly in response, she felt confident enough to offer him her arm, as if he were a damsel she was leading around. She'd never seen his eyes widen quite so much before, but he also didn't protest, happily taking hold of her arm.
Knowing that her parents would just be giving their looks of approval if she glanced back, she stepped out of the bakery and led Luka towards the park.
"So, it took a little longer than I hoped, but... do you remember when you were talking about me getting clarity?"
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watercolorfreckles · 3 years
An idea:
Hero and Villain going to the same therapist but don’t know about the other. The therapist knows both of their secret identities obviously and has to deal with them complaining about each other separately
Bonus scene:
Villain finds out that therapist knows Hero’s secret identity and tries to trick the therapist into revealing Hero (can be flirting, snooping in the office, etc)
Btw, I think you’re doing fantastic with your writing! I honestly can’t believe you haven’t written in so long— your recent work flowed perfectly. Thank you for sharing your talent for writing on tumblr!!! Also I just realized how long this ask is sorry I didn’t mean to overwhelm you lol
Answering my first ask (((finally)). I'm kinda nervous lol! Thank you so much for the sweet words, @glowing-alpaca (it wont let me tag you), that makes me so happy to hear. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you pictured, but this is the direction my brain wanted to go lol I haven't written anything based specifically on someone's request before so I really hope you like this!!
The villain blinked and Doctor Meadows' office came back into focus. He shook his head slightly to dispel the thoughts nagging his attention.
"Sorry, what?"
"I asked whether you gave what we spoke about last week a try? We talked about finding productive ways to express your negative emotions." Her voice was soft and void of judgment. "You have a creative mind, have you tried anything that has seemed to help you so far?"
Villain's gaze followed the curve of her pen as the therapist jotted a note down on her notepad.
"How can I possibly be productive when that fool in colored spandex is always barging in, getting in my way? What am I supposed to do, mm? Throw some pottery at him?"
The therapist's hands folded in her lap. "Even if you can't control the situation in the moment, you can still find ways to better prepare yourself, then you'll be equipped to process the aftermath in a healthy way. You can't keep Hero from doing things that act as triggers for you, but you can implement some techniques to control yourself better."
Villain scoffed. "What, you want me to try soaking with a bath bomb, sing kumbaya? Nothing will change until that cockroach is out of my way."
Despite the chill to his voice, doctor Meadow's expression was warm and gentle as she regarded him. She was much more sincere than the cold and demeaning therapists he'd met with at the previous facility he'd tried; or the doctor who cowered in fear when he showed up to his first appointment.
"I am confident that with time and effort, we can find a solution that will help you, villain. But you have to put your best foot forward. You have to invest enough in yourself to sow the desired outcome." Doctor Meadows held his gaze without fear, kind eyes and soft smile settling his restless energy.
She always had a way of snuffing out the tension that corded through him and wound him tight.
They had a connection, and Meadows seemed genuine in her care for him. Sometimes he even wondered if she felt more for him than that.
Villain huffed and glanced around the room, taking in the colorful artwork on the walls, the comforting throw rugs, pillows with silly inspiring catchphrases, and soft furnishings making the space feel inviting. He found it far more disarming than the sterile white, desolate offices he'd visited before.
The therapist continued after allowing him a moment of quiet to consider her words. "I understand that we are a ways away from you being in a place where you feel comfortable giving up your...occupation. I believe that we can work our way there, but for now, we have to take steps to minimize your destructive behavior. The intent behind your actions is the key to why you are compelled to do the things that you do. If we start there, we can make changes that are healthier for you and those around you. What things best calm you and make you feel grounded?"
You, he thought, but didn't say.
"Chaos," he said instead, dazzling her with a sharp smile. He crossed his legs, leaning back on the plush lilac couch.
Doctor Meadows didn't flinch. "So when you feel like your life and personal environment are no longer in your control, it comforts you to inflict that same helplessness on other people? To help you feel less alone."
Villain stared at her. Anyone else would have run and hidden at the look on his face.
Doctor Meadows waited patiently for his response. "Do you feel that that is a correct assesment?" she prompted.
Villain straightened to lean forward in his seat. When he spoke, his voice was low. "What gives you that impression?"
"When Mr. Ma--" her eyes widened as she cut herself off, correcting herself, "--when [Hero's superhero name] isn't around, you--"
"What did you say?"
For once, the therapist's blood ran cold at her mistake. "Pardon?"
Villain braced his hands on the table between them, slowly rising to his feet. He towered over her. "Hero. You know his name. Tell me his name."
Doctor Meadows pursed her lips. "I can't do that, Villain. Doctor-patient confidentiality states--"
"--He's your patient," Villain interrupted again, his smile something too sweet, too manic, to be sincere. Like poison.
The therapist tracked his movements while still looking steady and unshaken.
"Doctor Meadows. Juliet. You want to help me, don't you?" he purred, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "If I knew who he was, I could solve all my problems. Not to hurt him, just to keep him out of my way."
His fingers trailed up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin. She shuddered in a soft breath, a blush creeping over her cheeks.
"I am not at liberty to share my patient's information. You should be grateful that I don't share yours."
"Sweetheart, let's not pretend I'm just any client." Villain gently took the pencil and notepad out of her hands, setting them aside. Their gazes interlocked.
"Juliet," he countered, voice honeyed. His free hand landed at the small of her back and he could feel a shiver run through her.
"Villain," she said, tone giving no room to argue. "If you are not willing to respect my rules and the policies I am required to follow, I will be forced to transfer you elsewhere."
He paused at that. The silence stretched. Could he stomach losing her? His therapist, his Juliet, the only person who came close to understanding him?
How dare she threaten to abandon him?
Finally, she shifted slightly under the dangerous look he studied her with.
"Villain. Do you understand?"
Slowly, he lowered himself back into his seat. He clenched his hands at his sides.
She smiled again, and it looked like home. "Good. Take a deep breath. Let's try a few new exercises together to help you manage your emotions."
Part 2
General Taglist: @writing-on-the-wahl , @valiantlytransparentwhispers , @distance-does-not-matter , @redbircl , @lilaccatholic , @crazytwentythrees , @thelazywitchphotographer , @deadlygemuwu, @chibicelloking , @lolafaiy , @thinkwrite5 , @putridghost , @tobeornottobeateacher , @sunflower1000 , @bouncyartist , @thanatoastie , @vlerlove-deactivated20210701, @feyriddle, yet-another-heathen
You're on this list if you've asked to be tagged in any of my writing before. I prefer doing a general list instead of individual ones since that is tedious to keep track of. Let me know if you want to be added or removed. :)
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silkylious · 3 years
“I love you. Truly, deeply, eternally.” (Lucifer x Reader)
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fandom: obey me! shall we date?
pairing: lucifer x gn reader
warnings: angst, fluff (mildly lol), suggestive (nothing explicit though!), bittersweet, ambiguous ending (??), unedited 
wc: 2.1k
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“Lucifer?” you called out to him on a whim, eyes trailing the seconds ticking away on his grandfather-clock.
“Yes?” he didn’t spare you a glance as he worked methodically through his second hill of paperwork; a heaping stack of duties assigned to him by Diavolo, endless bills–a consequence of Mammon’s latest spending spree, you ought to talk to him about those soon–and the sort piled neatly on his pristine desk, slowly but surely decreasing in size as Lucifer burned through the tedious task with unwavering efficiency. You felt exhausted just watching him work. Lucifer? He hadn’t so much as blinked more than three times in the past five minutes (yes, you counted). Obsidian sleeves rolled up just past his elbows, hair perfectly framing his face with one strand slightly out of place–hot–and a gentle crease between his brows (the only observable hint alluding to the mounting stress on his shoulders). He looked positively delectable, nothing like someone who’s been working diligently for hours without any breaks. But that just served as a testament to the fundamental difference between the two of you, you supposed.
“I’m in love with you,”
That made his meticulous fingers pause in their tracks.
As it turned out, his ears hadn’t, in fact, deceived him. You repeated the confession as if it weighed nothing on your tongue. You were strangely calm given the words you’d just blurted out; he almost didn’t recognize you. An unfamiliar shade of desperation painted all over your face, and yet your voice bared to him a serene conviction, one he’d never heard from you before. Lucifer’s heartbeat stumbled in your wake.
Basking in your courageous display just a second longer, he sighed. Too bad he’d have to mutilate such a pretty sight so soon.
That didn’t go exactly as he’d planned. The harsh rejection barely deterred you, leaving only a petulant pout on your lips and a promise that you’d come talk to him later.
Lucifer was anything but stupid. He knew that he let things stray too far between you, knew it was his fault for not pulling away from your kisses and instead indulging you (and himself) to the fullest. His fault for ignoring the guilt that settled deep in his gut like hunks of steel when you looked at him like he’d never experienced before. Lucifer had lived for many millennia, had relished the warmth of countless passionate lovers and faceless hookups, none of which had ever set him alight from the inside out like your adoring gaze had. It terrified him how after all these years, watching humans thrive and collapse over and over again, he thought he’d seen everything there is to see, all that humans had to offer. And then you come along, reinventing what love meant right before his eyes, with a simple look no less.
He never intended for you to fall in love with him, and he never intended to reciprocate. Had he been mortal, maybe things wouldn’t be so complicated. But life dealt a cruel hand, and he wasn’t. A relationship like yours was doomed to crumble in heartache from the start, it was best to stop it before things went too far. That was the plan anyway.
You didn’t share the same sentiment.
With one last exasperated sigh, Lucifer focused his attention back on his duties. He didn’t know how long he could hold up against your persistence, and honestly he preferred not to dwell on it. Whatever outcome lied for the both of you in the near future, itching one step closer with each tick on the clock, he’d face it head on when it was time.
Meanwhile, you laid wide awake, in your bed, rethinking every decision that led you here. You didn’t regret your confession, nor were you keen on giving up, but Lucifer’s ruthless rejection, his vehement claim that a relationship between a human and a demon is destined to end in tragedy festered a bud of doubt in you. You noted pettily that he hadn’t outright denied any feelings for you. How could he? Lucifer was many, ugly things but a liar’s not one of them; you wouldn’t believe him even if he did lie, not with how delicately he holds your hand in his gloved one, not with how heartbreakingly beautiful he was when he lets you in at his lowest, stripped completely of his pride.
You knew though, that as much as Lucifer was a creature of the past, he was a creature of regrets.
Somehow, you’d managed to reach the heart of the Avatar of Pride himself, bestowing a porcelain touch on it and subsequently rocking the monotony of his endless life. Despite the acknowledgment of both your feelings, you weren’t naïve enough to dismiss how his heart drums thousands of years apart from yours and would continue to do so long after yours gave its last valiant pump.
He was a creature of the past you realized; humans intently watch minutes, hours, years approach because there’s only so much of them live out, there’s only so much to do in a lifetime. Naturally it would be counterintuitive to waste scarce time on the past. The immortal have no such concern. When time is limitless, and life is all but a blur of recycled events, its only instinctive to lose interest in what’s to come. And you guessed, maybe there was a strange comfort in the predictability of eternity, maybe that’s why Lucifer was so offput by the notion of something serious yet temporary, especially romance.
You decided. You wouldn’t let him look back and ponder what ifs in that stubborn head of his, not while you were still breathing. With regained determination, you glanced one last time at your countertop alarm and entered a dreamless slumber.
Not even two days later, three consecutive raps on his door made Lucifer rub at his temples for the nth time and begrudgingly called for you to enter. Piled on his desk were several stacks of papers (as was the usual), though, that night he was in a particularly sour mood. Ever since your confession, he’d been feeling uneasy, Diavolo hurling more work at him last minute was only pushing him to his wit’s end.
“Lucifer,” he hummed in response, not bothering to conceal his growing agitation. “we need to talk,”
Ah, there it was. He was wondering when you’d confront him again.
“I believe I made myself quite clear last time,” he sighed, dropping his pen and finally meeting your eyes. “If this is about your feelings again then I’m sorry but I can’t–”
“But why? Can you really say that what we have isn’t special at all?” your lower lip quivered just a bit and Lucifer had to fight the immediate reflex of holding you close and hushing your worries. His impassiveness quickly arose frustration out of you. “God Damnit, Lucifer! All I want is to be with you while I still can! To die with no regrets, knowing you’ll be there with me, but it’s very fucking hard to do that when you’re too scared of the future to do something about–about us!”
It was a low blow to go after his pride, you knew that, but he wasn’t giving you much to work with.. Rubbing salt in a ghastly wound had certainly done the trick, the dimmed crimson that pooled just below his pupil began to shine scarlet. You would have found it gorgeous had it not been imbued with near murderous intent. Lucifer’s poker face was rapidly breaking, a horrid mix of anger and melancholy sat heavy in his throat. He was looking straight at you, but his eyes were somewhere else, some time else. He was staring hundreds of years behind you at an unhealed, poorly bandaged cut. An everlasting guilt he carried with him everywhere.
“What would you know about regret?” he breathed out the words like they’re bullets, whatever restraint he’d managed to scarp together deteriorating. He stepped closer, each stride bigger than the last as he closed the distance between you, a perfect diamond manifesting on his forehead and you could see the beginnings of black feathers sprouting from his back. “Do you have the slightest clue what a blessing mortality is? Do you have any idea how agonizing it is to live with your regrets and not be able to die with them?”
“You’re right. I don’t,” you stood your ground. “But, do you really want to live with one more regret to bear?”
He kissed you. He kissed you like he hated you, animosity and anger and pain and, most prominently, pining spilling from his lips. Lucifer parted from you just as quickly as he’d initiated the kiss, taking the time to let his irritation bleed out of him, until he was left grappling with (frankly terrifying) longing and adoration. Just this once, he’d take a leap of faith, he’d break his own rigorous code and take the risk of undying heartache in the future to be with you in the now.
One kiss turned into many, and soon you found yourselves stumbling your way from his office to his bedroom. He couldn’t get enough of you, the thought that some day he would be deprived of you broke him and made him yearn to cherish you just as much. Precious things aren’t meant for longevity, he learned. All the more reason to treasure them when given the chance. You were pushed onto his bed and not once did his hands and mouth and breath leave your skin; he couldn’t bear sever that connection.
Before long, your hands were pined to the mattress, fingers tightly laced with his as if he was petrified the moment will break and a thousand years would pass you by the instant he let go.
“I love you. Truly and deeply.”
Neither of you heard the clock strike midnight.
Lucifer was well-acquainted with sleepless nights. He was no stranger to the prick at the corner of his eye, excruciatingly familiar with midnight’s cold, lonely touch. But this one was different. Where usually lied a cool emptiness in his sheets, your warm, inviting body was just in reach. Where the corners of his mind were usually plagued by past mistakes and sorrowful repentance, you were all he could think about. He reflected on your words now that the high of emotions had worn off. He still disagreed with you on many things and, if he was being true to himself, it would take more than one night to abandon his reluctance, much more. But he was willing to put in his fair share of effort. He was willing to do many things for you, he mused. You were right about one thing though, regardless of whether or not he acted on his feelings, your parting would hurt all the same. Part of him was still resentful that he let himself fall so deeply in love with you, and a part of him knew it couldn’t be helped. You’d carved a home for yourself out of his heart, invited yourself in and declared pompously you’d be there to stay, and he’d be damned to hell all over again if he said he didn’t like that.
Pulling you closer to leech off your warmth, for the first time in forever, he dreamt of the future, a future with you.
Snapping out his reverie, Lucifer refocused his vision on the framed picture before him. It’s been a couple dozen years, the pain dulled into a hollow longing, and yet not a single regret weighed on his back. He was astonished, how you, who had lived but a fraction of his own lifetime, had such impeccable foresight. He lays in bed every night and morning thanking you for not giving up, knowing that if you had, he’d be spending the rest of his infinite days in self-loathing regret.
All Lucifer could ask for now is a little guidance. What was he to do now? Was he even capable of falling in love again after you? Would he allow it? All questions that began frequenting his head since you’re no longer there to occupy it. He only knew is that he’d love you, and love you, and love you until this world fell apart. He toyed with the idea of reincarnation. It certainly wasn’t out of the realm of possibility; he saw you in everything he did. Strange how you’d taught him more about appreciating every day’s mundanities than he had in the many eons he’s been alive. Lucifer wonders about the possibility of you donning the same white wings he once had back in the Celestial Realm. If you ever did, he wonders about the complications that would arise from that, he wonders if you’d even remember him. All Lucifer was left with was a simple truth. If you ever came back, whichever form you may take, he’d welcome you back into the adobe of his heart without a second thought.
He ran his thumb over your smile, a bittersweet acceptance in his own.
“I love you. Truly, deeply, eternally.”
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