#now rectified >:33
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It’s Zisu Zunday?? And I forgor to share this?? Unacceptable. Be deprived no more! Now it’s here for your eyes! >:3c
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discoidal · 8 months
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just found this mag and i love itttt it's in the mood a magazine about media and they have a page with the names of the films that's linked to the stuff like essays or poetry or reviews written abt said films (< forgot how to explain anything coherently) somehow they dont have anything on ginger snaps rn tho
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^^ like so! i think u guys might like to read stuff or submit to this or whatever, havent worked w/ them or anything so idk how they handle submissions ive just been enjoying reading thru the names i recognize
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I KNOW RIGHT hes the funniest ever... hes like a human in a muppet movie <3 i hope u saw some of his more famous quotes they get sooo disdainful its amazing
"how do we summon you, jenkins?" / "well, the train has four goddamn cars, so just open all the doors and yell"
"--so is it, like, a magic word, or like a whistle?" / [sigh] "yes, a witch kissed me and cursed me so that anytime anyone yells a secret word, I have to attend to their every need, and that word is my fucking name: Jenkins"
every time i hear these i lose my SHIT... god. the guy ever. the 47-y/o elf train attendant ever. i cannot get enough of his beleaguered smarmy ass. tysm for the ask <33
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Hi unpaid social media intern, when writing TFIOS did you slip in a Terminator reference? The internet is not giving me any answers, so I'm hoping you will know!
Thank you (and btw, I love your coffee!)
I don't know. Maybe? Can you remind me of the passage? I spent ten years writing that book off and on, and so there was plenty of time for insertion of references and resonances of all sorts. But that was over a decade ago. When I started writing tfios, I was 23. When I finished it, I was 33. Now, I am 45. A roaring sea of time has passed between me and that book, and so I do not remember too much about it.
In some ways, the person who wrote that book is so strange to me. He was so angry, so grief-stricken, so furiously unreconciled to a world where injustice is twisted into God's Plan or the Universe's Will or whatever. I remember that person, and I care for him, and I am still unreconciled to this world, but for me writing the book was a way of saying what I needed to tell myself: It is not only long lives that can be full lives, and not only old love that can be real love.
I am still very angry about injustice. But at this juncture in my life, my focus is on the injustice that we as a human community are choosing and causing. We are choosing and causing a world where 1 in 20 Sierra Leonean women can expect to die in pregnancy or childbirth. We are choosing and causing a world where 1,500,000 people die every year of tuberculosis, a disease that is seen as a past-tense phenomenon in most of the rich world. I do not know how to write books about this horror, at least not yet, but it is the focus of my life right now and the reason I have become, for instance, an unpaid intern of a coffee company that donates its profits toward rectifying the horrific injustice of the global maternal mortality crisis.
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thepromptswhisperer · 11 months
Partner X You, & Your Friends Prompts
1. “I know we have plans, but I haven’t seen my friends in forever.”
2. Your friend tells your partner an embarrassing/etc. story about you.
3. You find out that your partner kept a secret from you – one that their friend helped covering up.
4. Your friends are so.done. with hearing you gush about your partner.
5. Your partner cannot fathom how you’re still friends with your ex.
6. (You feel like) Your partner spends more time with their friends than they do with you.
7. “So I’ve heard. [Your partner/crush] hasn’t stopped talking about you since [your date/etc.].”
8. You realize that your partner treats their friends and strangers better than they do you.
9. Your friend and partner (seem to) become best friends.
10. You are attracted to/fall in love with your partner’s friend.
11. Your partner becomes a different person when they are around their/your friend(s).
12. “I don’t mind you guys hanging out here, but could you tone it down a little? (It’s late and I have work tomorrow.)”
13. You’ve been with your partner for months now, and they’ve never invited you to come along to meet their friends.
14. Your partner and your friend have an argument.
15. Your friends test your new partner.
16. Your partner has a set day each week/month/year on which they meet their friends. It’s important to them, so you always try to make it possible for them to attend.
17. “They’ll love you. I promise.”
18. You tell your friends that you’re together with your partner.
19. Your friend gives your new partner the whole ‘don’t hurt them’ speech.
20. Navigating the aftermath of your breakup is difficult, as you and your ex-partner share the same friend group.
21. You couldn’t have made a worse first impression on your partner’s friends. (You try to rectify it when you meet them again.)
22. Your friends encourage you to ask out [your crush].
23. When you arrive home after having spent time with your friends, your partner is right there, waiting for you and eager to hear the newest gossip.
24. “Be honest. What do you think of them?”
25. Your friend and partner have both complained to you about someone. You didn’t know they were talking about the other, and they didn’t know the ‘someone’ was an important person in your life. Now, however, you introduce your new partner to your friend.
26. You told your friend/partner a secret and made them promise to not tell anyone about it. Later, however, you find out that they told their partner/friend.
27. You don’t like your partner’s friends.
28. After an argument with your partner, your friends cheer you up/give you advice.
29. Your partner cheats on you with your/their friend.
30. “Go. Have fun. I’ll be fine.”
31. You overhear your partner’s friends give them a stern talking to after they upset you.
32. You find out that your partner and your friend dated/had sex/etc. before you met/got together with the former.
33. After your breakup, you thought you’d never hear from your ex-partner’s friends again. You were wrong.
34. Your friends seem to like your partner so that you start feeling jealous. (They were your friends first!)
35. Your friend seems to immediately not like your partner, leaving you to wonder why that is.
36. You try to convince your partner, who intends to spend the evening/etc. with their friends, to stay with you (and use unfair methods to achieve your goal).
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Got it a couple months ago for $9
Now it’s $33 or $58 for medium heat before postage to Australia
Is there an Amazon issue? Or is my device glitching?
It was the cheapest plan despite being the newest iPhone at the time
I assume you're talking about Hunger Pangs.
With regard to paperbacks, this has nothing to do with your mobile app. It's just the cost of physical print and third-party sellers.
If you got a paperback for $9 you likely got it used or on sale because the current listing price is $17.99 across the board, which in Australia works out at about $25-ish with the exchange rate. Before that, the minimum price was $14.99, which in Aus was $20.
The increase from $14.99 to $17.99 was due to the cost of printing going up again this year. Prior to that, I was earning 1 cent from my US paperbacks. I now earn 90 cents.
The $50 paperbacks are not being sold by Amazon Au Print. They're being imported from Amazon Germany for some reason. I have no idea why. The increase in price is likely a reflection of shipping costs. Hopefully, it should rectify itself at some point, but I have no control over it in the meantime. Also, sometimes, you'll see third-party retailers listing books well above the asking price. Authors also have no control over that. Our minimum pricing is often just taken as a suggestion. Retailers can't go under our minimum price unless there's a sale on, but they can always go over it if they want.
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magpigment · 7 months
a straightforward guide to rectifying your own (un)ending: by william wisp
1. accept that nothing you ever thought you were is permanent. you're in a constant state of flux (or at least, a constant state of decline. what's the difference between transformation and decomposition, really?)
2. you are already familiar with grieving, both in yourself and others. (you'll never forget the sounds of your mother crying over her baby boy that died in the room across from your bedroom. you put your hand to your chest and feel your pitter pattering heartbeat in the long nights after 'the accident'.) youre very familiar with grief, indeed.
3. get used to feeling like youre haunting your own life, like youre possessing your own body, like youre a ghost trying to remember what it feels like to be the person youre scared you no longer are. it never goes away. you know youll hope for it to, anyway.
4. your joints are stiff. you remember reading about rigor mortis a while back (you cant forget it. you cant forget any of it. youve tried).
5. arent you tired? youre scared to fall asleep. youre scared you wont wake up.
6. if youre not already accustomed with shame, youll learn soon enough. you already hated most things about yourself before you died. you think you hate this part most of all. (you feel it festering where your heart is meant to be. you dont want to check if you still have a pulse.)
7. you want to help people. you try to help people. you fail to help people. rinse. repeat. youre not a hero. you dont have superpowers. youre just a dead kid. you really thought youd be good for anything other than haunting the people you care about?
8. you shouldve stayed in the dirt. (you know youd just crawl right back out. there's still mud under your nails. in your lungs.)
9. your name is on a tombstone. you stare at it. you stare at it. you stare at it. you dont blink.
10. your older brother thinks youre a freak. you dont tell him that you agree. you dont tell him anything. you dont tell him anything at all anymore. it's not really such a big difference to how it was before.
11. youre nothing but a bad omen. you dont know how everybody else keeps missing the signs. (you cant feel your fingers.)
12. the stages of decomposition are fresh, bloat, putrefaction, advanced decay, and skeletonization. you dont know which stage youre at. you dont even know if that applies to you anymore. (you cant feel your fingers.)
13. youre scared. (when are you not? you know youre a coward. you cant feel your fingers.)
14. rules of three. before, during, after. limbo. maybe it's all limbo. there's nothing left for you here. there's nothing left for you there. you dont know which is worse, lingering or passing on. you really are just a ghost, arent you?
15. avoid your reflection like the plague. you were never really pretty before, but now you look ghastly, all gaunt skin and eyebags and twitching tendons. (rigor mortis. you cant tell if the shudder that runs through you is from revulsion or a dying muscle spasm.)
16. you dont sleep anymore. youre pretty sure you dont need to anymore. youre still tired.
17. ignore the chill that never goes away.
18. ignore the way you reek of death. animals never go near you, now. you see vultures circling ahead that disappear when you blink. (just a carcass with the audacity to still walk around.)
19. ignore your friends concern. if you pretend everything is fine enough, maybe itll be true.
20. ignore how hopeless it all feels. youve seen the afterlife. there's nothing waiting for you there, so dont even think about it.
21. ignore the way your hands shake.
22. ignore the fact your chest doesnt move from breaths.
23. ignore that your wounds dont heal quite right.
24. ignore the disgust you feel whenever you move and your joints dont bend the way theyre meant to.
25. ignore your shame, ignore your fear, ignore the fact your heart doesnt beat anymore-
26. ignore it all
27. you cant
28. you cant
32. you try anyway
34. rinse. repeat.
35. ....
36. accept this crypt of a person youve become. you think, maybe, that this fate hangs over you like a guillotine- like this death was meant to happen, like you were always meant to become this. it all seems too perfect to be coincidence, right?
37. 'william wisp, the one meant to be the wisperer, keeper of the wispering woods, born and raised (and killed) in deadwood.' it's all so cliche.
38. that dread builds in your throat like phlegm. you cant accept it, but what other choice do you really have?
39. after all, you couldn't have ended up any other way!
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love-toxin · 2 years
very horny thought but....i must speak my truth <33
(cws: dom/sub, f!angelface, breeding, anal)
big, pretty, lovey-dovey boyfriend Steve that loves to be sweet on you, loves to go slow and gentle and be the "please you all day long" kinda dom, and you've both agreed that you want to take a big step in your relationship and try for a baby. which is perfect news for Steve, cause duh. but you can be a bit bratty and spoiled at times, so he comes up with the perfect incentive and punishment: be a good girl all day, and you get to be bred that night. but if you're a brat, and if you give him attitude, then he'll just fuck your ass instead to punish you. and when that happens, he has free reign to mock you as much as he wants while he does it, not only humiliating you for looking so ruined and whiny when he's rough on you back there, but also teasing you with the fact that you could be getting your pussy eaten right now, you could be making a baby--but instead you're choosing to be a spoiled little bitchy brat, and he's gonna have to rectify that behavior one ruined cumshot at a time </3
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
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"For someone who loved words as much as I did, it was amazing how often they failed me."
-- If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
“Because freedom, I am told, is nothing but the distance between the hunter and its prey.”
-- On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
and as for poetry, i like to talk about "Written in my Dreams by W. C. Williams" by Allen Ginsberg with other people because it's short and rolls over the tongue nicely and i like to come back to it, puts a smile on my face, you know?
i'll also never forget "A Carcass" by Charles Baudelaire from when we read it at school years ago and then again in high school and i have now chosen Les Fleurs du mal as one of the books for my oral school leaving exam, so it's definitely one of those authors i read once and was never able to get out of my head
and last but not least, Louise Glück (may she rest in peace) and her "Theory of Memory" which includes the ending "Right now you are a child holding hands with a fortune-teller. All the rest is hypothesis and dream." and i simply don't have a choice but to love this one
i have so many more favourites, but these are the ones i can think of right now hehe <33
what r ur favourite poems and quotes??
those are brilliant actually
mine are quite, different to what one may think but i like finding meaning in things that other people think are only surface level :
思い出なんか いらん - we don't need memories
this is from the anime haikyuu LMAO which is a fucking volleyball anime and it is the team motto of one of the teams. It is quite honestly my life motto at this point. I used to live in the past, excused people for thing they do now because they were different in the past. they were different in my memories. I was so focused on the past i forgot to enjoy my present. I am done doing that. My memories hold me back. I am tired of it.
"to love and lose and still be kind" - warsan shire
this is pretty self explanatory. i dont think I've had a hard life. but i certainly haven't had an easy one. i have a habit of giving too much of myself to people. I'm working on rectifying that whilst still being kind.
"but i cut people out like tags on my clothing" - conan gray
I LOVE people watching its one of my favourite songs. but this line is really important to me. I've cut the tags off of my clothing for as long as I can remember. ever since i was a kid. I also have a habit of cutting out people the second they break my trust. as easy as cutting off tags from my clothing. I don't think its a good habit or a bad habit. it just. is.
"It's always the ones who are quietest who often have the greatest things to say" - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This is from one of my favourite books of all time. I was a quiet child for a while. I never got excited for anything and after a while my parents suspected I had childhood depression, we still don't know for sure if I did. It makes a lot of sense though. It took me a while to become confident in my own voice and my own opinions. this quote is really important to me.
"Men don't cry. My daddy taught me that. Men don't cry because they don't have time to cry.
I must not have been a man yet because I cried. I bowed my head and cried." - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This isn't personal to me in anyway, I just really, really love this part of the book and these two lines in particular.
"I'll be your hands." "I'll be your sanity." - TJ Klune, Ravensong
love has always been something I've read about. but this quote takes the damn cake.
as for poems,
At a Funeral by Dennis Brutus
I analyzed this poem for an English Lit class and the story behind why it was written really stuck with me. It was written after the death of Valencia Majombozi who was shot on the day of her graduation from nursing school. Its a protest poem and it just hits really fucking hard.
Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney
This was the first poem that i ever took inspiration from. I had of course written before, but I really enjoyed Heaney's writing style so it strongly influenced my poem Quietude, which I am planning to submit to the empty inkwell publication...hopefully lol
Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish
This poem is written as a form of protest poetry as well. Mahmoud Darwish was a Palestinian poet, for those of you who do not know and he wrote this poem about being asked for his identity card by Israeli Officers. Its really, really good.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
HP Astro # 23: Snack (or Snirius) A Fine Line Between Love and Hate
In the unholy name of the lord, what the ever-loving heck is this????
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Okay, so it's a synastry chart. For Sirius Black and Severus Snape. But also...what??? Is happening??? Are they...compatible, actually??? As @ashesandhackles kindly reminded me: "They are intentional narrative parallels with many traits in common between them" so like I guess.
No ship shaming ever, but there are a handful of ships that, while I can see the appeal of on paper, they just never clicked in me. Snack is one of them. I always thought "okay enemies with benefits, but beyond that??? Pffff." To me, it seemed like there is too much mutual loathing to move past. And far too much history.
It does help to remember that "there's a fine line between love and hate" and also: "all's fair in love and war." So now I'm going to deep dive and see why two men with so many arguably harmonious aspects ended up such vehement adversaries. And what, if anything, can rectify what went wrong?
Part 1: Aspects
Now, when I say "harmonious aspects", what does that mean? In astrology, aspects are the relationship between planets. Every planet falls within a degree and minute of a sign; and planets within a certain number of degrees from one another form angles, or aspects.
General compatibility works on the concept of "sign-based aspects", meaning that water + earth get along, and fire + air get along. Water + water = trine, water + earth = sextile. Water nourishes earth, air feeds fire. But water + fire?? Not the best idea, right?
But proper aspects are forming those angles, usually within what we call an "orb." You generally have an orb of within 10 degrees, so aspects don't have to be exact to form aspects, but they do have to be close.
And obviously, when it comes to relationships, the relationship between your planets will be very important. And looking at Sirius's and Severus' charts, they have 33 aspects. I'll break down what this looks like, though this is more to give you an idea of their points of connection. I'll later go into a bit more detail about important and interesting points.
Oppositions: just what it sounds like. Planets opposite one another. Oddly, they have no oppositions in their synastry. Oppositions are generally thought to be unharmonious, but to me I think of it as being more intense "love or hate" potential.
Squares: unharmonious aspect. These are planets 90 degrees from one another. Squares are always in the same mode (cardinal, fixed, or mutable.) Squares create tension and conflict. (Aspects will all be listed with Severus' first and Sirius' second.)
Sun square Ascendant
Mars square Venus
Venus square Pluto
Ascendant square Uranus
Moon square Uranus
Jupiter square Venus
Pluto square Mercury
Pluto square Jupiter
Trines: harmonious aspect. Planets 120 degrees apart. Generally in the same sign. This gives a vibe of synchronicity. Water understands water, fire understands fire.
Sun trine Venus
Moon trine Venus
Mars trine Ascendant
Jupiter trine Ascendant
Uranus trine Ascendant
Uranus trine Moon
Mercury trine Pluto
Mars trine Uranus
Jupiter trine Uranus
Saturn trine Pluto
Pluto trine Saturn
Sextile: harmonious aspect. 60 degrees apart. In compatible elements (water + earth, fire + air.) Where trines are about similarities, sextile is more about being complementary. And can be argued to be a better connection, being both harmonious, but also offering a bit of spice with their differences.
Ascendant sextile Venus
Mercury sextile Sun
Pluto sextile Mars
Mercury sextile Mars
Saturn sextile Sun
Saturn sextile Mars
Mercury sextile Neptune
Saturn sextile Neptune
Conjunction: harmonious. Planets within 0 degrees of one another. Same sign. Very similar, but arguably too similar.
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Venus conjunct Mercury
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Jupiter conjunct Moon
Neptune conjunct Sun
Neptune conjunct Mars
Which gives us 8 unharmonious aspects and 25 harmonious. Which, at first glance, really shocked me! There's so much hatred between them. Why, when there should be so much connection?
This brings us to a key difference between modern astrology and ancient astrology. Ancient astrology had a big focus on benefic and malefic points in a chart. It was a very good/bad, black/white ideology. Whereas modern astrology looks at "ease vs struggle" and the pros and cons of both. So while there this is immediate sense of "harmonious is good", we have to remember the weaknesses there. Harmony can lead to boredom, stagnation, complacency. So, when I thought about it for more than two seconds, it started to make a bit more sense.
Arguably the most powerful point of connection we see is an unharmonious one: Severus' Sun squaring Sirius' ascendant. Severus' sense of self and core identity at odds with Sirius' outward nature. That innermost core of him getting its hackles up at what he sees of Sirius at first glance. The arrogance and reckless nature of Aries Rising pitted against Severus' very stable, responsible Capricorn Sun.
We also see Severus' Mars (aggression and sexuality) squaring Sirius' Venus (love and pleasure.) You see this really hot, vibrant sense of attraction, but the needs of those planets struggle to align. Sagittarius Mars (Severus) is driven by purpose, a need to travel and be free, to philosophize, to be creative. He is driven by fiery passionate purpose. Whereas Virgo Venus (Sirius) is about structure and routine and organization. Sagittarius Mars wants adventure. Virgo Venus is acts of service, and a bit more subtle and grounded.
However, Sirius' Virgo Venus has happier connections to Severus' Capricorn Sun (trine), Scorpio Rising (sextile), and Taurus Moon (trine.) So the sense of who Severus is (at his core) is quite ambitious and purposed and grounded. That same earthy reliability as Virgo. Then we see his Taurus Moon (moon, being the center of emotion) in sensual, romantic Taurus. Taurus, an earth sign, just as focused on security as Virgo. And Scorpio Rising, Severus' outer nature, in mysterious and intuitive Scorpio. More reserved and inner-focused, like Virgo. And perceptive, able to sense those Virgoan needs.
Next up: Severus' Sagittarius Mars trines Sirius' Aries Rising. This gives a sense of mutual interests. Mars being drive and action, rising being outward focus and appearance. Both very outer focused. Mars rules action, rising rules reaction. Both in fiery signs. That similar passion and creativity and energy.
On a similar vein we see Severus' Capricorn Mercury sextile Sirius' Scorpio Sun. Another area of mutual interest, but also more importantly of understanding. Mercury is knowledge and communication. There's this idea of being able to share and express ideas, and ability to cooperate. Because Severus can see and meet Sirius at the core of who he is.
So there is a great potential here. All of those sextiles and trines can be heaven! Even the conjunctions could be, but I think the conjunctions might be spelling trouble.
So let's break it down a little more. Severus' Mercury (learning, communication) conjunct Sirius' Saturn (discipline, responsibility) in Capricorn. This is the most dire one, I think. Mercury is learning. Saturn is life lessons. So...let me ask you: does learning life lessons sound fun to you? (Makes me cringe, personally, but y'know.) There is also this sense of, Mercury's aim is to learn, so perhaps Mercury seeks to learn from Saturn, and perhaps gets more than it bargained for (i.e. Saturn being the taskmaster.)
We also see Jupiter (Severus) conjunct Moon (Sirius) in Sagittarius. Jupiter rules expansion and excess, while the Moon rules emotion and the subconscious. There is a sense of optimism to Jupiter, but also wisdom, and the idea of Jupiter being able to enlighten the Moon. This can result in the Moon's emotional range broadening.
So, this can be great if it unfolds smoothly. Both can help each other learn and grow. With Mercury (Severus) it is the sense of wanting to learn, whereas with the Moon (Sirius) there is this level of vulnerability and feeling comforted and healed. Then we see the bigger, broader planets playing the role of "teacher" or "guru." Jupiter (Severus) being fortune and expansion; a great sharing and abundance. Saturn (Sirius) is about teaching and being shaped by life and the ordeals we overcome. Both play the role of "student" and "teacher" for each other, in different areas and in different ways.
This also, as you can imagine, creates a sense of imbalance. Between Mercury and Saturn, there is a sense of Mercury needing to gain Saturn's respect. And, if I could hazard a guess, Saturn being "above" Mercury in the realm of morality (which Saturn governs.) While Jupiter might feel "above" the Moon, in being more enlightened and wise. Saturn's is an arrogance of the body and rule of law. Jupiter is a sense of arrogance by way of mind and spirit (philosophy, spirituality.)
So if you have that sameness of energy (Capricorn and Sagittarius) but in areas that might be argued as being at different levels (smaller planets like Mercury and the Moon versus larger planets like Jupiter and Saturn), well...of course there's that potential to be at odds and rub each other the wrong way. Especially if you're seeing parts of yourself in the worst light, in how it's expressed by another person.
Part 2: Houses
Another thing we can look at is where each of their planets falls into the other's houses. I won't go through each one, but I did see a few worth noting. The most telling of all, in my opinion, are Severus' Chiron in Sirius' Eleventh House, and Sirius' Mars in Severus' Twelfth House. But first I'll hit the high notes on a few other points.
Sirius' Moon (emotions) are in Severus' First House (House of Self); and the reverse is also true, with Severus' moon being in Sirius' First House. This sort of implies a sense of ease, caring, acceptance. This could be good potential, I think, at being able to really have a place to come together and connect once they break through other barriers.
Severus' Sun (ego, core) in Sirius' Tenth House (House of Status), which leads to Severus seeing Sirius as having some sense of authority (whether he's conscious of it or not.) This seems odd, but you can see it perhaps by way of their enmity. Sirius is in a position of power. Wealthy pureblood versus the poor half-blood? C'mon. Sirius is handsome and popular and backed by his ever-loyal friends. Severus does not fit society's ideals of beauty, and he's far from charming or well-liked. So there is this very overt sense of Sirius is above him, but more by real-life application than moon-eyed subservience. There is also the implication of the Sun Person (Severus) giving creed to what the Tenth House Person (Sirius) says, and can be very detrimental if we see it as all of Sirius' insults and jibes really sinking into Severus' head, so that he fully believes all of the nasty things Sirius says about him. And you really see Severus' self (sun) pitted against Sirius in the arena of Sirius' public image and reputation, his house of status and success. This could shift into a happier vibe if worked on, but as it stands...Not such a fun place to be.
Weirdly enough, Sirius' Venus (love, pleasure) is in Severus' Tenth House. Sirius sees Severus as someone who can help him attain his goals. If we look at their history at Hogwarts, we can see this at its worst, as Sirius using Severus to boost his own image. If we imagine his bullying makes him top dog and if Severus is meant to be a lesson to others. Or if others hate Severus so much they enjoy seeing him taken down a peg. (This is, of course, speculation.) It does sort of imply happier tidings later on, if they work on things, and an ability to work well together.
Meanwhile, Severus' Venus is in Sirius' Eighth House (House of SEX.) (Yep. House of Sex. Also House of Taboos, Secrets, and Death.) This is really friggin' intense. This sort of shows Severus (where he feels love) is captivated by Sirius (in the realms of sex and secrets.) Sirius gives Severus this sense of being able to experience all forms of deep and dark pleasures. And Sirius knows this and feels empowered by it. But however arrogant this might make him, this placement it mutually impactful. Venus rules love, yes, but the Eighth House reveals a need for deeply intimate connections. The Eighth House rules all manner of intensities from death to transformation to secrets and taboos. This is deeply personal and vulnerable. This suggests a highly sexual charge between them (whether they surrender to it or not) that is extremely emotionally meaningful to them both, and very transformative for them both. Neither gets away unscathed.
And here we can maybe see seeds of the problem. Between Sirius' sense of power over Severus (in a conscious way) and perhaps unconsciously aware of how much of a threat it could be for him to give in. This very high level of sexual tension, that might drive both a bit batty if left unresolved. And if Sirius is aware of how explosive this relationship could be, perhaps part of it is fear, and so he pulls back, and actively pushes Severus away? And that level of fear is quite dangerous in the Eighth House. House of Death, remember? (Near death experience, anyone?) (You know...the Shrieking Shack, maybe??)
Two left I want to examine.
Next we see Severus' Chiron (old wounds) in Sirius' Eleventh House (House of Friendship.) Chiron represents what hurt us early on in our lives, and how we heal. The Eleventh House further covers organizations and community. The more positive spin in modern astrology makes this placement seem happy enough. How mutually beneficial it is for Chiron (Severus) to help Eleven (Sirius) overcome through social networks. And how Eleven (Sirius) helps Chiron (Severus) heal through encouraging them to take part of something bigger than themselves.
But if you get to the root of it, and hold it up against their past. Can't we maybe see how...Severus' Chiron (in Aquarius, which makes his the Wound of Belonging) was if not created, but further damaged by Sirius & co?
Severus left a very traumatic upbringing for Hogwarts, which was meant to be the land of hope, only for hope to be dashed almost immediately by Sirius and James. And he would spend years being tormented by the Marauders at Hogwarts. Torment/trauma = wounds = Chiron. The Eleventh House = Friendship = the Marauders. There is potential here, yes. Potential for good, yeah. But this also shows how every area has it's good and bad. I literally cannot see Severus' Chiron in Sirius' Eleventh House and not see how horribly wounded he was by the Marauders, and particularly Sirius.
We'll round out this section with my favorite part, which is arguably the worst part: Sirius' Mars in Severus' Twelfth House. Mars, planet of action and drive. Twelfth House: the House of the Unseen Realm.
(As someone whose moon and Chiron are both in the Twelfth House, let me tell you...ancient astrologers went a bit too hard with this good/bad nonsense but they had it right with Twelve: this House is Actual Hell.) (Not to be dramatic or anything.)
The Twelfth House governs the following: fantasies, hidden desires, dreams, nightmares, fears, secrets, shadows, sorrow, karma, endings, surrender, and invisible enemies. All things that exist without physical form. All things awful and horrible, please help. It is also called The House of Self-Undoing, and The House of Reckoning.
This indicates passionate and secret love affairs. There is a strong sexual desire, and deep need to explore each other's inner depths, and explore each other's secrets. Secrets such as hidden desires, and fears, both of which could be used against you. Mars represents drive and aggression. There is a high level of conflict potential, and potential for misunderstandings.
So we really see the crux of all issues here, I think. Sirius' Mars (domicile in Scorpio btw, so his Mars is like...boosted) is assertive and challenging and barging in and trampling over all these very deep, vulnerable parts of Severus. All that hurts him and haunts him. Sirius pokes and prods at it (intentional or not.) In its best light we can see it as curiosity and adventure that makes Sirius a bit reckless, and Severus perhaps lashing out because Sirius is awakening and harming sensitive areas.
There is potential benefit here, in Sirius being able to help Severus understand himself better, and help shed light on all those shadows, and help him explore them safely. They have a lot of baggage and history to wade through first, but they are more or less built for this. There is so much potential between them that, while they perhaps ran rampant and broke pieces of each other along the way, they still have the ability to conquer that and help each other grow and feel connected once they move past it all and work together.
Part III: Chart Ruler
I want to end with my personal favorite subject, and one I found very fascinating here.
The Rising sign determines the chart ruler.
Sirius has Aries Rising. Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is the chart ruler.
Severus has Scorpio Rising. Scorpio is ruled (modernly by Pluto, but traditionally) by Mars. Mars is the chart ruler.
Both of them share a chart ruler. But both of them got that ruler by different means.
Both of their ascendants are colored by that Martian rulership. Mars (again) being aggression, action, drive, and sexuality. For Sirius this is Aries, the cardinal (forward moving) fire sign (energy, spirit.) For Severus, this is Scorpio, the fixed (stubborn) water sign (emotion, intuition.) In war, Sirius is the warrior, and Severus is the spymaster. Bold brash Aries. Subtle, dangerous Scorpio.
And where is Sirius' Mars? In Scorpio. Where it is domicile. They're too far apart to be conjunct, but Sirius' chart ruler is domicile in Scorpio, and Severus' ascendant is also Scorpio (ruled by Mars.) I'm not quite sure what it means exactly, but there's a vibe there, imo.
Then Severus' Mars is in Sagittarius, a fire sign. A fire planet in a fire sign, it works. But then also: Severus' Mars trines Sirius' ascendant! Severus' fiery Mars finding common ground with Sirius' fiery ascendant.
Fire is quite passionate and water quite intense, so there's a lot of energy and emotion running rampant here. In the way they express themselves and interact with each other. There's a spark there for sure and it's intriguing to see that very bold Martial energy shared between them, albeit in different ways.
If you like, you can explore their individual horoscopes: Severus | Sirius
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tanetime · 1 year
Wyneer’s “Character Refresh” is “Coming Soon”!
EDIT: Hi! If you are in the future and are reading this, this was an April Fools joke. The MSPaint skin however is real! If this shitpost is the first time you are seeing my mod character: I am so, so sorry.
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You may be wondering how a mod character who isn’t even on the workshop yet can receive a character refresh – very good question! Well,
Anyway, let’s get onto the changes coming in this update:
Firstly, art. The majority of Wyneer’s sprites are a year or two old, and look pretty dated. To rectify this, Wyneer will be receiving a brand new skin that looks even worse so that the original will look better in comparison!
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I’m overjoyed to announce that this skin is compatible with all of Wyneer’s masks, so you can be sure he will look his worst no matter what!
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There are also some gameplay changes, but for brevity I’ll put those under the Read More!
Now to get on to the gameplay changes:
To craft his masks, Wyneer now relies on the glue provided from his character-specific Glue Meter. The spent glue equates to the complexity of the mask – the more decoration Wyneer must add to the mask, the more glue he needs.
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Wyneer can either Consume bone-related items or kill mobs such as Beefalo to fill his meter. If combat isn’t your thing, don’t fret – the meter will slowly passively refill to prevent player frustration and encourage player confusion and general feelings of unease.
Each of Wyneer’s forms will also be receiving additional tweaks based on play-tester feedback and my vision for Wyneer as a character in the future, as well as bug fixes!
Base form Wyneer:
Fixed bug causing Wyneer to speak in English.
To make his mod-incarnation more canon-friendly, attacking an enemy as Wyneer now has a 1/13 chance to cause their appendix to explode.
Amended name pronunciation from “Win-EER” to “Weiner.”
Blank Mask:
By popular demand, this mask can now be worn. It does nothing.
The stress of wearing such a useless mask causes Wyneer’s sanity to slowly drain.
Fright n Flight Mask:
Fixed bug causing Fright’s damage multiplier to be erroneously set to 0.25x. It is now 250x as intended.
To balance Fright’s high speed, any movement has a 1% chance to cause Fright to trip. This chance increases to 1.25% if Fright suddenly changes direction.
Laborious Mask:
Equipping this mask causes Lay to begin riding a Beefalo that will disappear when the mask is removed. Getting down from the Beefalo will automatically unequip this mask.
This will address play-tester concerns of his work speed being too fast by making him unable to work at all.
Brave Face:
Equipping this mask turns Wyneer into Wigfrid permanently. This drains Wigfrid’s sanity.
About Face:
Fixed bug causing this mask to work correctly when in high-sanity form. His code now does nothing as intended.
Turning into low-sanity form automatically prompts other players with the option to votekick the offending Boutey from the server.
Azure Mask and Crimson Mask:
Play-testers responded negatively to Azure and Crimson automatically destroying held thermal stones, citing the feature as being annoying. To prevent player frustration, picking up or holding a thermal stone when these masks are equipped will destroy the stone, then remove the thermal stone crafting recipe from Wyneer’s menu permanently to prevent the player losing further stones.
Having a palpable void in his memory will drain Wyneer’s sanity.
Azure Mask:
Reintroduced bug where unequipping Azure and then being hit by an ice attack would cause Wyneer to be frozen until he starved to death, because it was funnier like that.
Crimson Mask:
Increased chance of setting attackers on fire from 33% to 100%.
Increased chance of setting attacked mobs on fire from 0% to 100%.
Haunting this mask will bring a dead Wyneer back to life, but will immediately set him on fire.
Please stop drawing him smoking fat blunts my church pastor doesn’t like it when you do that.
Jet Black Mask:
Removed Blake’s ability to put other mobs to sleep, as it wasn’t useful and nobody used it.
Instead, right clicking this mask while it is being worn will cause Blake to teleport to any random location on the map, including ocean tiles. This is to better reflect his crafting components.
Wearing this mask increases the volume of Wyneer’s voice by 50db.
Saffron Mask:
This mask no longer breaks at 0 durability, but instead switches off and loses its perks. Its durability now drains faster.
Instead of refuelling the mask with nightmare fuel, Saffron now regains durability when Wyneer eats nitre while wearing this mask. This is to make the mask more lore-friendly and better in-line with Winona’s generators. The resulting stomach ulcers cause Wyneer’s sanity to drain.
To answer some criticisms on Saffron’s name not matching the actual shade of yellow found on his feathers, this mask is being renamed to Jet Black Mask. I am satisfied that this change will cause less confusion.
Nightmare Face:
To make him more in-line with established canon, Night cannot open gates.
Night will always be able to attack Witt players regardless of PVP settings.
Wearing this mask causes Wyneer’s sanity to drain. It always did that, but I thought I’d remind you.
Radiant Face:
This mask’s placeholder assets have been removed and replaced with the “Lunar IOU.”
The Lunar IOU can be redeemed for one Radiant Face at your nearest Lunar Altar when that mask is implemented. Subject to availability, terms and conditions apply.
Finally, I’m excited to announce a brand new mask that is exclusive to this refresh: the Rock Face!
Rock Face is a combat-orientated mask made out of the new Dreadstone and Pure Horror items. Complimenting thematically with Nightmare Face and Radiant Face, this mask is a true terror on the battlefield!
While this mask raises Wyneer’s stats to astronomically high levels, it – much like the other dreadstone items – is a featureless hunk of rock with no decoration, so this mask has no eyes and cannot see.
Here’s a sneak peak of Wyneer wearing this new mask in-game:
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I’m planning to release this update when I’m done playing Minecraft, so it should be releasing around April 24th 2074, give or take a week. However, the skin will be available when Wyneer himself is: approximately uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh from now!
That’s all! Hope you enjoy!
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haggishlyhagging · 11 months
The Directors' Guild of America report on diversity for the 2014-15 TV season revealed that while 16 percent of all episodes that year were directed by women, 84 percent of first-time directors were men—suggesting that, much like with movies, the men tend to end up with a disproportionate vote of confidence from above. The Center for the Study of Film and Television numbers for the same season noted that women created 20 percent of all shows and comprised 23 percent of all executive producers; meanwhile, they accounted for 13 percent of directors and 17 percent of editors, with a whole 2 percent working as directors of photography.
In other words, the Golden Age of Feminist Television is thrilling to watch and gratifying to hear its creators discuss, but, as with TV itself, things are often much better looking on the surface. It's absolutely crucial for people—young people, in particular—to see that the creators of shows that they love are people who look like their parents and teachers and friends, to be able to see themselves in the position to construct their own stories and worlds for TV. But the flip side is that too much emphasis on all the good stuff can lead us to gloss over how many intractable barriers remain. "It's still not enough women creators, not enough women writers," emphasizes Women in Hollywood's Melissa Silverstein. And, she adds, the dialogue that exists around these numbers is evidence enough that core attitudes that have informed the industry still run deep. "You don't hear people say to the showrunner, 'Listen, you have enough male writers on this TV show.' But I've had showrunners regularly tell me stories about being told, 'You have enough female writers now.'" The fear of a conference room in which men hear the voices of more than one woman and imagine dozens is a perception fallacy that exists in many spaces, but it's so endemic to film and television production it's even been studied.
Geena Davis left a celebrated career of roles in films, like 1991’s Thelma & Louise, that were supposed to change everything for women in Hollywood. They didn't, of course, and she founded the Geena Davis Institute for Media Studies in 2004 to research and quantify gender imbalance and find ways to rectify it. More often than not, she found that male producers and studio heads with whom she spoke were shocked—shocked!—to hear how few women appeared in their movies. They scratched their heads over the Institute's finding that in family-rated movies, women and girls comprise only 17 percent of any given crowd. "If there's 17 percent women, the men in the group think it's 50-50," Davis revealed on an episode of NPR's The Frame. And if there's more than that, well, it may as well be a full-blown matriarchy; Davis found that in a group that was 33 percent women, men perceived themselves outnumbered.
-Andi Zeisler, We Were Feminists Once
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
im glad i come to you since wattpad and now people are recommending your fics here and im so happy!!!
what bd have and others dont?
good story line (id say unique and my style sksksk)
good ass long series (i love long series???!!!!)
fast updateee (i love youuuuuu, thanks so much)
approachable writer (she reply to me?!!)
cute chapter cover? (idk how to say this but the pic is so cuteeee on every chapter? iykyk)
good writing style (i love details?!!! so i enjoy reading them)
available on wp and tumblr (girl i enjoy to read on wattpad bcs the comment is so funny af and i enjoy leave the comment too, and i enjoy to send you ask here in tumblr)
there’s a lot more but ill end the discussion here sksksk bye
anywayyy, i hope you got the motivation to write and everything and everyone please read bad decision ohmygod ARGHHHH i love them and i miss them… muahhhhh ❣️
this is??? so ?? kind ?!!! ㅠㅠ
he he the fast updates are literally because I loveeee this couple and I want them to succeed!! but can't stop setting them up to fail!! then needing to rectify my ... bad decisions (badum tsskk 🥁)
also I literally love making the bd chapter header pictures (and not to give anything away but recently they've started having clues for the epilogue in them 👀)
honestly the main reason for me having tumblr is because of the ask function!!
I'm writing for bd 47 today!! I'm busy over the weekend so I have no idea when it will be done!! but I do think we get date #2 and #3 in the next update he he
thank you so much for your kind words!! I really do appreciate them <33
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eonars · 6 months
13, 17, 26, 33
13: Biggest turn ons
I had to go look up what this shit was called again cause I keep forgetting but when people have that anatomical snuffbox all hollowed out on their hands it makes me CRAAAAAAZZZYYYYY. I also go crazy for people who give a shit about something idec what it is it could be being super good at battlefield 1 or keeping african land snails as long as you fucking care about anything that isn't just your standard come home watch TV pass out rinse repeat
17: Someone you miss
It's coming up on one year now since I saw the homies in the flesh.....this is about to be rectified but it wounds me still. I don't miss any of the people I no longer talk to, they're either incredibly hard to be around and bad for my brain or just our friendship ran its natural course and I'm happy for what we had and wouldn't want to force anything more
26: My biggest pet peeves
When people spell it sneak peak 💀 also short girls who make it their entire personality randomly deciding to use me as some sort of grotesque comparison for how dainty and small their hands/legs/feet/whatever are
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
I am not entirely sure what this is asking but if I'm reading this right then honestly as shallow as it is any positive comments on my appearance 🤡 I experience it so rarely its so few and far between that anyone actually finds me beautiful and SAYS something about it that I worry I could be a little rat that gets pied pipered anywhere off a few compliments
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
Random Prompt List
Five days before the end of NANOWRIMO I decided to start a random prompt list. I figured if I did ten a day, I would have fifty when I was done and I could post them for people to use as they saw fit - inspiration, challenges to friends, text on memes....whatever.
I was 100% successful except for the part where I forgot to post then when I was finished. Oops. Rectifying that now! Now, clearly these are rather Downton Abbey themed, but most of them are vague enough to apply to any fandom you like and even where there are names, those can be swapped out, so if you feel something you like for, say, Star Trek or something, don’t feel like it’s off limits. Go for it. If people are having fun, success has been had.
1. "If Mrs. Patmore murders you, I'm telling the jury it was suicide."
2. "Let the numbers be off! I'm not sitting at the same table as that man!"
3. "Oh bother."
4. "Downton's been a convalescence home and a movie studio. Why not this?"
5. "Where are we going to get a spare butler at this time of night?"
6. "There's not enough wine in the wine cellar for this."
7. "For the last time, put that back where you found it."
8. "Just don't tell the police. Or Carson."
9. "There is a God!"
10. "Help me with this and you can keep your job."
11. "I'd bet a year's wages it was Lady Mary."
12. "Don't you dare try to blame this on the dog!"
13. "Just think, we're getting paid to do this."
14. "Well, this situation calls for tea. And possibly a bludgeoning instrument of some sort."
15. "That's a grand idea. Why don't we simply teach the dog to carry a tray?"
16. "Did she give in gracefully, or do you need help burying the body?"
17. "Just imagine if we were American and buying nine Worth dresses per season."
18. "It could be worse, just don't ask me how."
19. "Are you certain this is a good idea?"
20. "How many bets Mrs. Patmore quits over this one?"
21. "What sort of mad suggestion are you going to make next? We get a cat?"
22. "Reading? Heavens, don't hurt yourself."
23. "You've not touched your food. Are you dying?"
24. "Try the blue one instead."
25. "That's hideous. Buy it."
26. "I hate arm garters. Why can't they just make shirts that fit?"
27. "Knife? Oh no, I slipped and cut myself on a collar."
28. "I'm not shaving in the dark, I'd be lucky if I slit my throat!"
29. "Oh, well, thank you Sweeny Todd."
30. "As if you'd survive reading anything less than Milton. A penny dreadful would finish you off!"
31. "You weren't a son either, so we're both failures."
32. "Oh dear, my actions had consequences. Blub blub."
33. "What's it like to have parents who care about you?"
34. "You want it so badly? Here. Enjoy."
35. "What do you mean she's run away to join the circus?"
36. "Well the surprise worked..."
37. "You're lucky I love you."
38. "That is not where that goes!"
39. "Dare I ask what happened to your dress?"
40. "Oh don't do that, it would make a mess of the roses."
41. "Dukes don't just vanish, unfortunately."
42. "I'm not paid enough to care about that."
43. "Now that the wireless is catching on, you should try and do something in that field. You have the face for it."
44. "Are you going to sell me into slavery if I ask for more?"
45. "If you want me to love you more then stop screaming when I have a headache."
46. "Oh don't do that! You'll hurt yourself."
47. "Oh go for it, I won't tattle."
48. "I was just committing the unholy sin of enjoying life for a few seconds."
49. "Would it kill you to smile? Wait, never mind, of course it would."
50. "Does anyone in this house happen to have some spare sanity?"
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a-fall-of-stars · 7 months
You were the first person I became mutuals with when I joined this site almost a year ago. I’ve not interacted with you until now, because when I first joined tumblr I didn’t have enough confidence to talk with anyone. Then once I did, I worried that I had left it too long to start engaging with you. But I wanted to rectify that now. Have a wonderful day/night. 💚
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oh this is the sweetest!!! and if there is anything i've learned, is that there is no time limit for talking to someone <33
I hope you have an amazing day/night too, love 💖💖
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