#<- it is rectified
I KNOW RIGHT hes the funniest ever... hes like a human in a muppet movie <3 i hope u saw some of his more famous quotes they get sooo disdainful its amazing
"how do we summon you, jenkins?" / "well, the train has four goddamn cars, so just open all the doors and yell"
"--so is it, like, a magic word, or like a whistle?" / [sigh] "yes, a witch kissed me and cursed me so that anytime anyone yells a secret word, I have to attend to their every need, and that word is my fucking name: Jenkins"
every time i hear these i lose my SHIT... god. the guy ever. the 47-y/o elf train attendant ever. i cannot get enough of his beleaguered smarmy ass. tysm for the ask <33
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greyphitus · 9 months
Hey guys
There's a post going around about something called the "Invertebrate Studies Institute" needing help. A few comments made on the post made me curious, so I checked it out and it seems sketchy to me. (ETA: the post's OP is now aware of the situation and is trying to rectify things on their end, and are ok with my post getting more exposure. Read the notes for more info too!)
The institute is a startup and the owner has displayed misogynistic behavior. He made a company and received "$1.3 million in research grants from the USDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" in 2011, but there aren't any research papers listed on the ISI website more recent than 2012 (sources: ISI website, People Behind the Science podcast transcript, All Things Bugs LLC webpage). It's possible his research is still a work in progress, but I would expect to see some genome sequencing work at the least since that seems to be a major focus.
Also, it's possible to ship frozen specimens in dry ice and have them be fine. Even stuff for molecular work and genome sequencing. So the inability to get help from other research groups, to where they're asking for a local freezer plug-in, is a bit weird to me.
Some screenshots below the cut, didn't screenshot everything since it's mostly just text, but I did cite the sources if you wanna read them yourself.
Not sure what the overall point is of this post is besides "seems sketch to me" but I saw a lot of people worrying on the initial post so I wanted to at least mention this stuff.
Comments from the tumblr post which sparked my initial concerns.
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Screenshots from the LinkedIn link, with the initial contact and follow-up legal threat.
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Screenshot from the ISI website talking about their facility and "initiative" (I noticed a lot of the wording on the website sounded like they hadn't done significant research, which also gave me pause).
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And, for fun, the CDC guide on shipping frozen specimens.
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kathaynesart · 4 months
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The real reason.
I’ve seen a lot of comments saying that canon future Donnie looks more like he’s wearing waders rather than overalls and if that’s the case then he’s smarter and more prepared than any of us are giving him credit for. King is keepin’ it clean.
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kiivg · 7 months
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.”I want more than to fight at your side, or sit around the campfire with you.”.
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lylahammar · 8 months
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for all the man likers 💖 the monsterfucker in chief
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zyphnn · 3 months
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saying goodbye
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mabsart · 2 months
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Make sure to throughly inspect your caviler every day.
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nancywheeeler · 2 years
hopeless time loop. the way out isn’t to save everyone. the way out isn’t to save even one person. the way out isn’t to change anything. the way out is accepting how it happened the first time is how it always will be. that’s how you acted, that’s how they acted, that’s how you would have acted every time if you weren’t given the curse of hindsight. the way out is accepting you can’t fix the past; you can only forgive yourself for it.
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milkywayes · 8 months
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objective: interspecies communication. status: successful [prints]
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cheebuss · 8 months
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Here we go again.
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saltyfryz · 6 months
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insideparcferme · 3 months
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oscar + memes 2.0
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
Y'all holy shit
This might already be common knowledge and only news to me as a recent trekkie but before the day is over in most time zones, well...
I had assumed that all the lizards were puppets and the babies might be (couldn't find anything that would indicate otherwise) but. Salamander Janeway and Paris were played by human beings in costumes.
Susan Rossitto and Cindy Sorensen are the ones who played the Threshold lizards.
Both of them went uncredited and Susan Rossitto also passed away in 2013, but here are pictures of them:
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Everyone say "Thank you Susan and Cindy!" 🫡
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peachdues · 3 months
a glimpse at some soon-to-come Hashira interaction and a wee predicament in Compass
CW: slight reference to/implied roofie-ing • protective Sanemi • violently protective Sanemi • bad boy/gang AU • slight mention of throwing up
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“Y/N?” Sanemi catches you right as you stumble once more. He brings you in against him, keeping you upright with his body as your knees give way.
“Y/N. Hey, hey.” He lightly slaps your cheek, cool and clammy under his touch.
Your eyes have rolled back and you’re muttering and moaning incoherently under your breath, but you manage a single, whimpered “Sanemi.”
“I’m here, I’m here, baby’. I’ve got you.” Sanemi loops your arm around his shoulders, allowing you to fully sink into his side. His other arm anchors itself around your waist. “What happened? Did you drink something?”
You mumble again, your head rolling heavily into his shoulder.
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He sidesteps with Iguro, blocking him while keeping you in his arms.
“The diner on 12th street. Tomorrow night. Seven.”
And Sanemi knows, by the way his fellow Hashira’s eyes widen — marginally so — that he’s struck a chord.
Good, Sanemi thinks. Let him know that he has leverage of his own; an ace in his back pocket, should Iguro decide to test the limits of his patience.
His raven haired companion only responds with a tight nod that Sanemi returns before he turns toward your apartment building, and carries you inside.
“We’re home, baby,” he soothes, cheek pressed to your clammy temple as he carries you toward the door.
Sanemi doesn’t let himself think about the mental slip he’d just made, by telling you that you were both home; as though he has some claim to your apartment. As though he deserves to, especially after he failed to be with you tonight, when you needed him most.
He sets you down only for a moment to rummage his pocket for the key he’d had made to unlock your door, before he lifts you back up into his arms and totes you inside.
He makes a mental note to check your jacket for your own keys, as well as your wallet — to ensure they’re still on you and haven’t been swiped by whomever targeted you, lest they think it wise to return.
Some brutal, violent part of him dares them to try; let them come for you again. His reputation is brutal enough as applied to the lowlifes he’s tasked with breaking; let them see what he can do when someone he loves is threatened.
He’ll show them a monster.
But first, he needs to get you situated.
He makes for your bed, resolving to strip you free of your clothes and find one of the sweaters or shirts he knows you’ve swiped over the last few months when you begin squirming in his arms.
“Throw up,” you moan, pushing weakly against his chest. “Gonna — up —“
With lightning speed, Sanemi whips around and makes a beeline for your bathroom. He barely has time to set you down in front your toilet and flip open its lid before you’re retching into the bowl.
Sanemi sighs and settles in behind you, his hand gathering your hair together and sweeping it back, holding it out of your way. His other hand rests solidly against your back, occasionally rubbing soothing circles in between your great, shuddering gasps.
At some point, he helps you peel your sweater off of your sweat-dampened skin, leaving you in nothing but your bra and jeans as you continue heaving your guts into the toilet.
Sanemi leans forward and presses his lips against your sticky shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
You moan in some vague attempt at a response, though he’s not entirely sure you’ve heard him. You only rest your cheek against the cool porcelain of your toilet, your eyelids heavy as your breathing eases.
When an hour passed without you vomiting up your insides, Sanemi decides it’s likely safe to try and move you to your bed. He would be concerned by the heavy way you rest in his arms, dead to the world, if it wasn’t your steady breathing.
Once he’s stripped you of your jeans and underwear and found you his worn, white and black sweater to wear, he strips himself down to his briefs and climbs into bed with you.
You don’t move, even as he slides his arms under you to bring you to his chest , still too worried that you may throw up at some point in the night and be unable to roll to your side. But Sanemi basks in the temporary relief of knowing you’re here, warm and safe in his arms.
Whoever did this to you should be grateful Sanemi can’t unglue himself from your side right now. He will kill them regardless, and it will hurt; of that, he is certain.
But if he’d had the chance to hunt them down right then, Sanemi was fairly sure there would be no mercy. No where they could run, no where they could hide, where Sanemi would not hunt them down and make them pay.
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Annnd Iguro knows about her
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synthaphone · 5 months
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it begins anew
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They should invent adult friends that are easy to make
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