#now that i have more solid ideas in mind and have also practically turned them into ocs
dyketubbo · 1 year
just had an amazing idea for a cbeeduo fanchild like shoot into my mind. good stuff
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httpdwaekki · 7 months
soothe | h.j.
summary: you were well aware of jisung's anxiety, but you notice he takes a certain interest in the ink on your skin.
wc: 966
warnings: brief mentions of anxiety, mentions of the reader having tattoos. not proofread at all. lowercase intended.
a/n: i used to color and trace my tattoos when i got anxious so i was just thinking about ji doin the same thing. also it is very late and i'm running on a solid 4 hours of sleep but i wanted to write something so now we have this LMAO. anyway i hope u enjoy and as always, drink water, eat something, and take ur meds. <3
my library
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
you were well aware of jisung's anxiety. you yourself suffered from it so you understood, the feelings and frustrations that came along with the sinking feel.
you weren't always sure what would trigger the uneasy feeling in the boy, but you were there no matter what. you knew sometimes you just had to put on an anime and hold him until he felt better.
other times you'd sit and listen as he voiced this thoughts running rampant in his head.
however there was something new that you noticed you would lay with him. he'd trace the ink along your skin, drawing every line and every shading etched into your soft skin.
you noticed it when you were laying on your bed one day when the ugly feeling settled in his tummy once again. jisung was in front of you, his back to your chest, yours leaning against the head board, arms wrapped loosely around his torso, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on his stomach.
jisung was barely paying attention the show lowly playing on the screen. not that you were either, hyper focused to gage any change in his demeanor, making sure he was relaxing.
that's when you felt it, the soft brush on your arm, right where your favorite flower was inked into the skin of your forearm. you glance down, watching for a moment, as he traced the lines one by one before moving on to the next section of art.
you couldn't help the heat the rose to your cheek, as he careful recreated the marks so beautifully etched onto your skin. as you watched you had an idea. you place a soft kiss to his hair before lightly tapping his tummy.
"get up for a second bub, i'm gonna grab something quick." you felt him tense, turning his head towards you, hesitating for a moment. "i'll be right back jagiya, i promise. less than 2 minutes." he slightly nodded before sitting up. you place a kiss on his shoulder as you scoot out from behind him.
quickly making your way to your office, you find exactly what you were looking for. you quickly grab it, making your way back to your room. you find jisung in the same place you left him, expect he looked zoned out, toying with the strings of his hoodie.
you sit beside him, placing a gentle hand to his puffy cheek. you looks up, boba eyes shining with worry. you could practically see the thoughts clouding his pretty mind. you give him a smile before placing the bag of colorful markers in his lap.
he looks down at the bag and back to you, confusion now present in his eyes. "so you could color them in if you want." you shrugged, getting up, kissing his forehead before moving to lay behind him once more.
you lightly pull him back into your embrace, arms finding home around him once more. his head positioned on your collarbone, under your chin, relaxing into your touch.
a few moments later you hear the sound of plastic rustling and the familiar sound of markers clashing against each other. once he found the color he was looking for, quietly taking the top off, and begin carefully coloring each one in.
you had a perfect view at his art from above him. your other hand continuing the soothing circles on the skin of his stomach. you smile and you watch him go from coloring to watching the tv. you place a kiss to his hair once more, as he finishes coloring in your ghost. he caps the marker, placing it back in the bag, before carefully setting the colorful ink on your bedside table.
he turns around as he makes his return to you, his turn to wrap his arms around you. you gladly take him into your arms as he shoves his face into your neck. you stay there for a moment before he places a kiss in the junction of you neck and shoulder.
"you okay, ji?" you asked softly. he nods, "i'm okay baby, thank you." he gives you one more squeeze before pulling back.
"what would i do without you, hm?" he asks, placing peck to your lips. your lip turn upwards slightly, "i'm just helping you, jagi, you deserve to be happy." he kisses you once more, this time with a bit more passion.
"you're gonna make me start crying." he mumbles against your plush lips. "okay well don't do that, cause that'd make me sad." you shake your head. "how about i order us some take out and we just stay like this for the rest of the night?" you offer, staring into his boba eyes.
"and if you wanna talk later, i'm here to listen okay?" he nods, falling back into your embrace. "i love you okay? i'm always here, whenever, where ever, you say the word i'm there." you place a kiss to the side of his head.
you feel his breathing start to become uneven, panic arising in your chest. "ji? hey, hey, talk to me baby." you pull him back to look at you. big eyes now brimmed with tears. "what's going on in that head of yours, hm?" ask, rubbing his cheeks.
he shakes his head. "nothing, i just really fucking love you. i don't know what i ever did to deserve you." he says, tears slowly making their way down his face.
"you're you, you deserve everything i can give you and more, okay?" he closes his eyes, nodding his head. you place kisses over each eye lid and finally his forehead.
you pull him back to you, and that's where you stay for the rest of the night. wrapped up in each other, eating ramen before falling asleep in each other's arms.
p.s. new username ah !! i used to be voidreams but i wanted a change hehe. but i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are always appreciated but never expected :3
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holdinbacksecrets · 5 months
your writing makes me feel safe, thank you. if i could request something? it’s totally ok if you aren’t comfortable but i was wondering how you think seventeen would react seeing their s/o’s self harm scars? but not the act of doing it; i’ve just been feeling a bit unworthy because of my own from my past and my mind wandered (but absolutely no worries if this is out of your comfort zone. i know self harm scars can be a trigger for sure (and you don’t have to reply in that case either)) <3 thank you either way
thank you for sharing kind words and requesting! i'm sorry for taking over a year to answer this... hopefully you still see this >.< i also hope my interpretation of your request is ok. sending you all my love 🥺 i hope you’ve been feeling better these days. you’re deserving of all the good things
seventeen: seeing your self harm scars for the first time
tw: mentions of self harming (no details of the act itself) and scars
seungcheol: he’d trace them with his lips, allowing his love to sink into the scars and caress their edges. he’d ask if they still hurt—if the memories are still piercing
jeonghan: “you turned your scar into a butterfly?” “yeah, it always made sense to get a tattoo, and it’s a reminder that pain and discomfort are fleeting. i’m never stuck.” “you’ve always had a thing for flying, haven’t you?” “yoon jeonghan, i’d exchange my arms for wings if i could.” “you’ll need me for so much more than reaching things on the highest shelf.” “you’re right… not the most practical idea.”
joshua: walks with you through the park after seeing the small x on the kitchen calendar, marking the passage of another year, and the feeling is overwhelming as painful memories flood your mind
jun: “so these aren’t from a bike wreck?” “i can’t believe you remember that…” “everything you tell me… i can’t forget anything.” “it was only our second date. i didn’t want to scare you away.” “you wouldn’t have, but i understand why you worried. i wish you didn’t have to.” “what do you think you would’ve said? would’ve thought?” “i would’ve admired you. i can’t imagine that’s an easy thing to share with anyone, let alone a person you just started dating. i would’ve felt honored that you trusted me with something so… intimate, something that leaves room for conclusions being made that you aren’t in control of.”
soonyoung: he asks if you’re ok now and immediately wonders if that was too simplistic of a question, but he means it. he wants to know if you wake up and feel peace or dread. he wants to know about the cracks in your smile. he wants to know if you’re proud of yourself now. if you were before. if he can do anything to make the dreadful moments with forced smiles easier
wonwoo: thank you for being here is the last thing you hear before drifting off, carried away by a current of warm dreams
jihoon: he cries for you and his childhood friend with similar scars. a man he hasn’t seen in years but thinks about the last week of every october—reminded of his birthday, hoping he’s celebrating well
seokmin: he holds you. he doesn’t want to let go until his tears have stopped. he doesn’t want you to know that the thought of you harming yourself pierces his heart, stops his breath, stays heavy on his shoulders, and keeps him awake while you sleep
mingyu: he wants you to know that no feeling you meet will ever scare him away. you don’t need the reminder, but he tells you anyway: you can always come to me. he will be your solid ground, the maker of comforting words and sweet distractions
minghao: will you believe him if he says you’re the strongest person he knows?
hansol: he doesn’t know what to say, and he’s suddenly afraid of his ability to support you. he hopes you can’t tell because this moment isn’t about him. the last thing he’d ever want is for you to turn to another if he’s unable to give you what you need. “it’s ok. you don’t have to have the perfect words. they don’t exist. i just want you to know. i’m so much better now. i’ve never been happier, truly, but the words were starting to itch and pull me out of present moments. summer’s coming, and i know you’ll see them soon. i just want you to know.”
seungkwan: so many questions roll around in his head. they stick to the back of his throat, and he searches your eyes for any signs of the capacity you have for sharing in this moment. you smile softly and offer a nod of encouragement. he takes a deep breath and asks the first one
chan: “do you ever…” “think about doing it again? i do, but i made a list of things to do instead.” “can i hear it?” “make tea, watch the sky, turn music on, call a friend, think about something yummy to make for my next meal, ride the train and stop as close as i can get to the library… i have a playlist of seventeen videos on my phone too.” “you’ve thought about it that recently? y/n…” “i didn’t make the playlist for that purpose alone. it started out of missing you, but i know it’ll help if i start to slip.” “you can always call me. call me first and call again if i don’t answer.”
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deadboy-edwin · 3 months
I have this idea for payneland:
Both of them get hit with some kind of spell of sorts that makes them "human" for 24 hours (basically like when they were alive: people can see them, hear them, touch them, they can taste and feel things again, the works)
What do you think they'd do in that time? Maybe taste their fav foods again?
So please bear with me as this will be more of brainrot than an actual fic because I just want to yap- but in my head, it would be kinda funny if the gang was able to get Tragic Mick to turn back into a walrus. The goddess Sedna would then "punish" the boys for daring to defy her- since she had said that Mick would never return to the sea if he chose to leave.
I feel like Sedna would lowkey have a soft spot for abused children, and would also see Mick's love for the sea, and on the inside not really be that mad tbh. Hence the "punishment". She'd "curse" Edwin and Charles to be alive once more.
They don't really know if it's permanent or whatever, but can you imagine the hilarity of Edwin being so used to phasing through walls and doors, then him just walking straight into a door and smacking into it because he's solid- Crystal would have a field day ribbing him for it.
I think, them being human would make them quite unable to take on cases, since admittedly them being regular humans (not everyone can be Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft okay) makes them vulnerable to beings like demons. So they'd have some downtime. That gives Charles time to think.
Being fully corporeal also allows Crystal to hang out with them like she would with living people. It also allows Crystal to notice things about them that would not have been possible when they were ghosts- like Charles blushing when Edwin adjusts his collar so it's up. Or how the two boys are so tactile. Sure, they'd always been tactile, but why does it seem Charles is extra touchy, now that both boys can feel physical touch?
I think Edwin, bitchy little nerd that he is (and we love him for it) would have a field day with Google. He'd struggle with whatever the fuck a laptop is, and how LED screens strain his poor eyes, and probs get those anti-blue light glasses, and Charles would have a bisexual awakening because Edwin in glasses???
Charles, on the other hand. I feel like boy would want to party. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would be fun at parties, and he'd probably drag the gang to a nightclub after spending the entire day eating different kinds of food (I think he'd enjoy cookie dough ice cream- but that's just me projecting my own cravings).
At the club, Charles might be a bit sulky because Edwin had spent a lot of the day on Crystal's laptop, despite them switching restaurants so that they could try everything- and he's thankful that the laptop is not present at the club.
Unfortunately, Edwin is Edwin, and his brand of anti-rizz also works on the living. You have living people coming up to him left and right, and Charles wonders why this hasn't happened much in death.
Crystal is fast to point out that it's because ghosts are invisible to regular humans. Edwin is not a ghost at the moment, so he's not invisible. She also makes it a point to tell Charles about exactly how many people had simped for Edwin in the afterlife (Monty, the Cat King, hello????)
I think Charles would then get drunk. One, because he's been a ghost for some thirty-odd years. Dude has no fucking clue what his alcohol tolerance levels are. Two, because he gets annoyed that Edwin is getting hit on so much.
There is a third reason that comes to mind once he's fully inebriated, and it's the fact that the following thoughts aren't exactly heterosexual
Getting pouty when your best mate isn't paying attention to you while you are having a meal together
Staring and practically drooling when your best mate is wearing glasses
Getting upset when guys and girls (despite Edwin's lack of interest in the latter) keep flirting with Edwin
Wanting to feel Edwin's touch while he has all his senses at full blast
The plot twist here is that since Edwin is also alive and fully corporeal, our repressed Edwardian boy has actually been icing Charles out because as a human, he does not have the luxury of willing erections away.
I think though, because it seems like immortal beings in the DBDA universe have a sense of humor (hi, Cat King and Esther- wicked as her sense of humor is), when Charles finally makes a move and pulls Edwin away from the admittedly gorgeous guy that had been chatting him up with a "He's in love with me, and vice versa, I'm afraid" and kissing Edwin in the middle of the dance floor, is when they turn back into ghosts.
Even though they're now invisible to most humans once more, Edwin is still quick to berate Charles on the PDA- though there's a softness to his berating.
They end up discovering that as ghosts, they can still feel physical sensations if there's enough emotion involved.
That is a fortunate discovery for all parties involved, especially for our girl Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft, who walks into the office a few days after the club debacle, and sees Edwin pressing Charles up against a bookcase, snogging him with a fervor, his thigh working its way in between Charles' legs---
"Hot," Crystal comments with a smirk, causing the two boys to jump apart with matching sheepish grins on their faces. "If I'd known Edwin kissed like that, I would've gotten it on with him instead."
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So the poll for the next part of the Breakdown x Reader x Bumblebee fic came in and here are the results!
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The winner was the swimming hole! I wrote more cute and silly fluff because heaven knows we need more of it, I hope you enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
Also if you were among those who liked the first part and wanted to be tagged in the sequel I apologize because Tumblr is NOT letting me tag people right now!!
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"You look good."
"Do you think so?" Bumblebee asked earnestly, turning in the mirror to scrutinize his perfectly buffed finish as his uncertainty continued to get the better of him. Having spent the last few hours watching his partner fret over every last perceived flaw in his finish, Breakdown merely rolled his optics with a grin, conveniently ignoring how much time he'd spent perfecting his own appearance and worrying if their date would approve. In their shared defense, it was hard to properly prepare with only a single human sized mirror hanging on the wall of their tiny bedroom in the Dugout. Making a sound of frustration as he tried and failed to get a better look at his doorwings, the Scout turned to him for feedback. "I didn't miss anything, did I?"
"Bee, you cleared out two bottles of polish, any more and you won't need your headlights." he replied with a laugh. Bumblebee frowned in the adorably pouty way he did when he was more frustrated than mad, and Breakdown softened his smirk into a more comforting playful grin. "Don't be so nervous, you've got me here. There's no way they'll resist my charm."
"Right…" Bumblebee replied more confidently, turning back to the mirror and meeting his gaze through the reflection. "The same charm that gets your voice box glitching every time Y/N looks your way?"
Breakdown had his defenses low enough that he widened his optics in surprise at the question. It was true that he had the hardest time finding his usually ample words every time he saw you, but he wasn't going to admit that, not even to Bumblebee. A forced chuckle and a broad shrug of his shoulders dismissed the very idea.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied with mock ease, confident that this afternoon would be different.
The words came back to bite him the second they pulled up to your house, where you were waiting on the front porch for their arrival. When you stood up and waved in greeting the Stunticon felt his spark go supernova as his processor went completely blank, enough so that he sat in a daze for a solid few seconds before realizing Bumblebee had already transformed, compelling him to do the same in a rush. Thankfully the sunlight was at the perfect angle to hide the glow of his blush as he faced you directly. 
"Hey guys, right on time!" you said eagerly, your bright smile nearly overwhelming both mechs as they beheld your outfit. While you'd chosen something practical that wasn't all that much fancier than your normal clothes, the fact that you'd put it on for them was simply too much for the lovestruck bots, who were both struggling to find their words as you approached. Just able to suppress a knowing but loving grin at their response, you kept talking to spare them an awkward silence. "You didn't specify where you wanted to go, Breakdown, so I hope you don't mind that I picked something out for us."
"Definitely!" Bumblebee agreed enthusiastically, not needing any context to agree with anything you wanted to say. Catching himself when Breakdown smirked at his expense, he returned the gesture with a well earned bit of side-optic and subtle sass, calling back to the antics that had gotten them into this situation. "This was a little… unexpected, after all."
Breakdown faltered at the reminder, expression betraying his fluster when you chuckled at the memory of him sauntering over to ask for a date for Bumblebee, completely oblivious to his own feelings for you before they'd become too overwhelming to ignore. Ever quick to repair his reputation, he coughed and put a characteristic spin on the memory. "Yeah, but uh, who doesn't love a bit of unexpected adventure?" Putting his servos on his hips for some added confidence, he refocused on the original topic at hand. "Where are we adventuring to, anyway?"
"Seeing as how it's supposed to get pretty warm once the sun is fully up, I thought the two of you might enjoy a trip to a shady swimming spot up the way." you explained, taking a look skyward to emphasize the growing heat as the sun continued rising. It had taken some thought to come up with an ideal date for one human and two bots, but you were confident the three of you could have fun without fear of being disturbed, and explained as much with an added benefit to sweeten the deal. "It's very private, and there's some valleys nearby for racing if you aren't feeling a dip."
Both mechs perked up at what sounded like a delightful afternoon, almost buzzing over the idea of having you all to themselves. Even if bots didn't swim thanks to their density, cool water was still a pleasant respite from the heat, and unlike earth vehicles they didn't need to fear rust from simply being exposed to water. Keeping his giddiness subdued, Breakdown replied for both of them, which was quite helpful seeing as how Bumblebee had briefly lost his voice from elation. "Sounds like a good time, you got the coordinates?"
"Right here." you said as you pulled out your phone, sending the text you'd prepared to their respective communication channels. You'd have to provide some directions to reach the swimming hole, as there was hardly a Google Maps route along the back roads, but you were confident these two had plenty of experience hunting down remote locations. It was your own turn to be bashful as you gestured to the supplies at your side, which you'd made as compact as possible but were still ungainly enough that you felt bad making an admittedly necessary request. "I've also got a bag and a cooler with everything I'll need. Would one of you mind carrying them?"
Thankfully the ask wasn't taken badly, and if anything, both bots looked elated at the opportunity to assist.
"I've got it!" Breakdown offered in a flash, beating Bumblebee before the latter could even open his mouth. A smug smirk was met with a brief pout, but the Scout got the last laugh as soon as his infuriating boyfriend had your things carefully balanced in his palm. 
"And I've got you." Bumblebee declared confidently before transforming, opening up his passenger side door with a flourish so dramatic it immediately trumped the smirk Breakdown had given him. It was now the Stunticons turn to pout, something you pretended not to notice as you wondered if these two would be competing with each other all day. Bumblebee conceded a small amount of ground to his partner to give you hope they intended to be somewhat reasonable. "We can swap who carries what on the way back."
"Sounds great! Let's get going!" you agreed, clapping your hands together in excitement. Breakdown bounced your items on his palm to test their weight before transforming around them, doing so in such a way both the cooler and bag ended up securely buckled on his passenger side. Unsure how such a feat could be accomplished but quite impressed, you rounded Bumblebee to approach his passenger side door, and in so doing caught the Scout off guard.
"Uh, right!" he fumbled as the reality of giving you your first ride in his cabin hit him like a wrecking ball. When just the touch of your hand on his door made his spark flare like a collapsing star, he knew he was in over his helm, yet he tried to sound nothing but exuberant as he adjusted the seat for maximum comfort. "Hop in!"
You quickly complied, and didn't miss how nervous he was as you stepped inside, the flow of cool air from his AC unit hitching like a nervous gasp as you settled against the comfortable leather. The Scout was in a daze for as long as it took you to buckle up, and by then Breakdown had pulled ahead on the driveway to secure the spot in front. 
-Enjoying your passenger, Lovebug?- the Stunticon teased over their private comm link, not missing how Bumblebee was more or less frozen to the spot by his crush. A surprised and sarcastic flurry of static retorted over the link before the Scout found his voice. 
-Jealous, Breakdown?- he replied as the two of them made their way down the long dirt road. Though they rarely pushed each other to the point of actual hurt feelings, Bumblebee found himself far too delighted by your presence to be miffed for more than a few seconds, a sentiment that was apparently shared by his partner based on how swiftly his own tone shifted. 
-No.- he said somewhat lamely, briefly driving at pace with Bee to look inside his passenger window. You were busy getting the directions pulled up on your phone, and the excitement for the day ahead was apparent on your beaming smile. Seeing you so happy quickly softened his sass, and he finished his earlier statement with much more open affection. -Just… drive carefully, yeah? That's some precious cargo.-
Bumblebee would have smiled if he was in bot mode, and turned his internal visual sensors back to look at you as he replied, his voice equally affectionate and soft over the private channel. -I know.-
"Alright, I think I've got the best way to get there!" you announced, bringing both mechs to the present as Bumblebee transferred your words to Breakdown in real time. Having calculated a course across back roads and partly through the woods, you were confident the three of you could find your way, and were quite eager to get going as the sun crept higher in the sky. Your enthusiasm was matched by both bots, who quickly set about combining your information with their own experience to chart a course to the swimming hole. It took less than an hour for them to find the overgrown dirt path you'd once used in the past, laughing and joking about asking for directions all the while, and by the time they approached the end you were almost bursting with excitement. 
"There it is!" you announced as a gap in the trees gave way to a giant dip in the forest floor. Bumblebee was careful to apply his brakes as he nosed up to the rocky edge of an apparent cliff, the sound of rushing water meeting his audials as his tires went from dirt to smoothly eroded stone. Breakdown kept an equal pace at his side as they both arrived at the edge.
A sizable waterfall had worn out a stony chasm in the earth that was broad and deep, allowing the creek to gather about twenty feet below in a pool where the clear blue water rested before it tumbled over a second waterfall at the far edge. Broad expanses of flat, smooth stone in the shade were coated in soft moss while those in the sun collected the heat. It was a human's dream swimming spot, but you only hoped a bot might find it similarly inviting. "What do you think? Does it look big enough for bots?"
"I could go for a dip. Bee?" Breakdown inquired as he spotted a bot sized expanse of flat stone in the shallow water. The spot would be perfect for lounging in the sun without having to worry about his armor growing scalding to the touch, and he was even confident the pool had enough depth for them to submerge up to their chests after its sharp drop off from the shallows.
"Nothing showing up on my scanner, we're in the clear." Bumblebee confirmed after a final check for peace of mind. Beyond the expected denizens of the forest, they were the only ones present for miles, meaning the three of you could relax without any fear of disturbance. Opening his door so you could exit, Bumblebee transformed into bot mode as Breakdown did the same, looking over the edge to determine the best way down the sheer slope. Finding it easiest to climb, he offered you his servo, allowing you to climb on so he could place you on his shoulders. Having you so close almost made it impossible to speak without the giddiness seeping into his voice. "Hold on tight."
You grabbed a hold of his horns for support, and the Scout stiffened with a blush, a reaction Breakdown found adorable enough to let out a small chuckle. He knew just how sensitive those horns could be, and was endlessly amused at his partner's harmless expense as they scaled the stone wall, especially with Bumblebee biting his lip from more than concentration the entire way down. Keeping your items expertly balanced on his broad shoulder, the big mech had no trouble finding his own way to the bottom, where his pedes met solid stone and he righted himself for a look around.
"Right, where do these go?" he said as he noticed several potential spots that would allow the three of you to relax together.
You were oblivious to the slight hesitation from Bumblebee before he helped you down to the ground, your excitement quickening your steps as you led the way to a patch of shaded stone beneath a solid outcrop on the far side of the waterfall. Walking around the rim of the pool, you arrived and took your things back from Breakdown to start unpacking, opening your bag and reaching past the towels and lawn chair to grab the essentials. "It's comfiest under that shady spot. How about you two have a look around while I change and get my sunscreen on?"
Though he hadn't a clue what you meant by "change" or "sunscreen", Breakdown had little time to think on it as he and Bumblebee stepped away to explore the scenic swimming hole, his partner's earlier blush still lingering with a dazed smile. Snickering to himself, he gave the Scout a playful nudge as soon as you were out of earshot. "You good?"
"Fine!" Bumblebee hissed, shaking his helm and clearing his vents to return himself to the present. Looking over the pool and to the second waterfall it fed, his optics lingered on the clear view of the treetops above, which were bursting with lush emerald green leaves that swayed in the gentle breeze. He turned his helm back to Breakdown as the Stunticon kneeled to test the water with his digits. "Nice place, huh?"
"Yeah, really digging the scenery." Breakdown joked as he swirled his servo in the warm shallows, subtly glancing back at you to make his point.
Once more the mech's confidence proved his undoing, as he had not been prepared to see you stripping away your clothes to reveal something much smaller and more form fitting underneath. Yellow optics went wide at the sight of more of you than he'd ever expected to behold, and he snapped his helm back around just in time to avoid getting caught staring. "What are they-?"
It was Bumblebee's turn to chuckle at his boyfriend's expense, even if he was similarly affected by your exposure the second he caught a glimpse in the corner of his optics. "Humans don't swim with their clothes on, Breakdown."
"Oh." the Stunticon said simply, unsure how he was going to survive the afternoon and tempted to let himself sink to the depths of the pool to save himself the embarrassment that was definitely coming his way.
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mad-c1oud · 8 months
perhaps a “Don’t freak out, please” from the injury prompts list for karaoke duo :3 only if you want ofc
yes yes yes YES Went a completely different route (This isn't really an injury but uh you'll see) for fun and man, wanted to turn this one into a full oneshot but alas- kept it short for the sake of practice but who knows, this one was fun.
Thank you for the ask anon!!!!!
“Don’t freak out, please.”
Charlie feels a little hysterical at how calm Baghera is right now with all— this. “Don’t freak out? I’m not freaking out I am so completely and utterly calm right now.”
“Good!” She cheers, “It isn’t a big deal, right? We’ll be okay.” Baghera says happily as she’s actively melting into the ground, limbs turning a translucent yellow as her bones start poking out of what was always solid skin. Charlie whimpers a little at the sight, unable to acknowledge the new appendages at his back or along the side of his face. He can’t even talk about the fact that his bones are firmly in place. What he would give to pull a rib or three out in stress right now.
“Is slime like come. Or the feeling of breast milk? What if it was?”
“Baghera.” Charlie doesn’t even know how to continue that or even begin to reply, “You’re a piss-yellow more than anything. Go that direction, at least.”
The pile of goop bubbles and gurgles happily and holy fuck this is weird, knowing she’s laughing, amused and silly silly silly, but not being about to understand anything else than surface-level emotions. Something bubbles up in his own throat and he has to swallow it, panicked. The pile of lemon jello ripples happily and Charlie desperately needs someone more adult than them here. Phil. Where is Philza Minecraft. He can fix this switch-a-roo they’re stuck in.
“Were you going to chirp? You swallowed like you were going to chirp, Charlie.”
“Stop watching me swallow, you’re weird.”
Baghera sounds too delighted when she talks back, “Not until you chirp. Oh! Maybe you can fly! You are not a duck, but you still have w-“
Charlie groans loudly, “Don’t say it. Don’t.”
The pile of Baghera stays quiet and Charlie worries she lost her voice box in the mess of bones and organs, but he’s not that lucky. The mound bubbles.
“Your wings look like they belong to a little bird, like a hummingbird or a green bee-eater-”
“Baghera Jones what did I just-”
It’s fine. This is all fine. The wings at his back flutter anxiously and the ones at his temple keep trying to block his face like they want to protect him. Charlie wants to throw himself off of cliff to see if he can fly or just to die in general, but he has no idea how avian hybrids work. There’s no time for tests when his best friend is becoming one with the ground, also.
“Okay, enough goofing, it’s bucket time, Jones.”
“Oh, I have never had bucket time, I’m so excited! How many will it take? Can we bring my bones, please?”
Despite the situation they’ve found themselves in, Charlie smiles hard enough for it to hurt. He’s happy Baghera is here with him.
“At least five buckets. And of course, we can bring your bones.”
Her happy chittering doesn’t stop the entire trip it takes to find another islander to help them. And if Charlie lets out a few accidental chirps and trills too, there’s only one other person around to hear, and he’ll never mind that it’s Baghera.
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slasherbat · 3 months
Werewolf designs pt 3 electric boogaloo!!!
Part One × Part Two
And I'm back once again rating werewolf designs! These posts are always fun to do, and so I'm glad to be doing part 3. Today's selection is from various movies, two of which I got to watch for the first time because of this! Any werewolf recommendations will be welcomed, but for now, here are some more werewolf ratings with a small bonus of my thoughts on the movies.
Werewolves Within (2021)
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Werewolves Within is a very fun little movie, building up on mystery, bringing in a whodunnit vibe and this is one of the most unique werewolf design I have for this part specifically.
I was quite surprised by how much I liked this design and found the build up to be more worth it than anything else.
For me, werewolf designs either make or break a movie for me, depending on my experience so far, but honestly everything before the werewolf reveal was fun. I find this design to be a perfect blend between human and wolf, with such a monster-heavy appearance and incredibly human eyes it makes the design so much better. Yes it's a terrifying monster, but it's also a human underneath.
Bad Moon (1996)
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Bad Moon is a werewolf movie I saw a lot of, but never gave the chance until now because I needed some werewolf movies. I truly wish I had gone ahead and watched this earlier. With an insane first two minutes, this movie was nothing but a fun ride and uses the fuck out of this werewolf, and it's always amazing seeing it on screen. You see him quite a bit too, since this film follows the route of the 1941 film where man turns into wolf every night.
Every time this guy is on screen, it's so worth it. The transformation scene sucks, but it wasn't even what the director wanted, but the practical effects and suit make this film worth it. I love how much it reminds of the werewolf from The Cabin In The Woods, this one just has a slightly better head.
I love when suits are used for these monsters and honestly, werewolf movies need to put more people in suits. It brings the monster to life, giving it a more human feel with movement.
Overall great design.
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010)
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This is quite honestly one of the best movies to come out of Nickelodeon and one of the first ever actual werewolf introductions I had as a kid besides Monster High.
For a kid's movie, they went all out on the werewolves for this movie and I love and appreciate that so much. I enjoy how the werewolves look different from one another, going for different heads and faces. Even without the full-fledged werewolf and it sticks with the mid-transformation it's still pretty solid, and reminiscent of the 1941 Wolfman, but a little bit better.
These designs could work for just a regular horror movie with a more older target audience in mind. Either in a campy comedy way or a more serious terrifying matter.
No werewolf design in a movie with kids as the target audience could ever beat the ones this film had. These designs are honestly what made me re-watch this movie because they're what I remembered the most.
Trick 'R Treat (2007)
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I quite frankly could not care how awful these werewolf designs could have been. This transformation scene should be on the level of An American Werewolf In London known and admired. With that, I have nothing, but good things to say about this design. I adore this movie because of these werewolves.
You don't see much of them, but it's still a great design. Most of the werewolves in this post all hold a similar idea or concept with their appearance.
Out of all the designs in this post, I have to say the Trick 'r Treat werewolf is my favorite. I love how the transformation is just the human body being ripped off like a costume, it's fun and unique and out of all the scenes in this movie, this is the first one that will come to mind.
A Werewolf In England (2020)
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This was quite possibly the worst werewolf movie I have ever seen, and honestly, I would rather watch The Mist 2007 than have to watch this again. Truly, what the fuck. I'll spare you all the details from this movie, and check this out of your own free will, but I do NOT recommend it. It's just something not for me.
Now into the werewolf design. It's practical, which is great and always welcomed. They move quite strangely, constantly swaying and bouncing up and down like you were hovering a cursor over a character in a video game. These designs are solid, unlike the movie, and honestly do not make it worth the watch.
You see them quite a bit when they show up, and it's great to see how different they can look from one another when smaller details are added.
The only good thing I can say about this movie is the score was the best part due to how over-dramatic it was in these very underwhelming scenes. The transformation was also decent, and that is my praise for this awful movie.
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nikoisme · 8 months
Not animation anon but asking about animation. Do you have any tips? I've tried once and it went as horribly as it could go, so I was wondering if you could share some wisdom? Your animations are wonderful!
Y'all are way too nice :')) Now I mostly do animation as a hobby so take everything with a grain of salt. I'd recommend getting familiar with the 12 principles of animation. This is a great video showcasing them all! It might seem a lot at first, but after some time and practice it will click and just become second nature.
Now onto some more random ones that personally helped me a lot.
Start with an idea in mind. I like to have a very clear visual of what i want to animate and i will play it over and over in my head. I find it quite tough to just start from scratch without a solid vision.
Start small. If you're just starting animation, i really recommend just doing small stuff at first. I know you probably want to animate all the cool stuff in your head (i'm guilty of this), but it's almost impossible to go that big without at least some small practice. Animate bouncing balls, eyes blinking, head turns, stickmen etc. This is a great way to also practice the principles of animation! It's quick, not too hard and can give you a feel for animating. And then slowly build up from that.
This one literally taught me most of animation. Watch animation in slow motion. Find some animated videos and play them in slow motion. And watch how the frames are moving. Take little (mental) notes about how the objects are moving and subtly changing. This really made me think "in frames" aka my mind immediately translates any movement into frames. It's hard to explain but i find this one really helpful!
Also acting something out can also help a lot. Pay attention to how the movement works, you will understand the situation (gravity, weight, speed) if you act it out yourself.
Exaggerate movement. This really depends on the person, but I prefer not to go too realistic with movements. Instead I like to exaggerate it as it becomes more dynamic and pleasing to watch. Sometimes you'll have to throw anatomy in the trash and just draw bone-breaking, unhuman positions to get the action right. That's fine. Also, you don't have to make frames detailed. They will only be there for less than a second after all. So just draw the key features.
This is usually a rule of thumb i go by: more movement = less frames, and less movement = more frames. The more frames you draw, the slower it will be. It might be tempting to just lower the fps (frames per second) to change the speed, but it will just end up looking crusty and stiff.
You're going to draw a lot of frames. And I mean a lot. You will have to draw the same frames over and over again, or with very subtle changes. Sometimes it might even feel relaxing but sometimes it's going to be hell. You're giving up a little bit of sanity by doing animation but usually it's really worth it!
Yeah! That's kind of all i have right now haha!Animation can be really intimidating, discouraging and tough at first and it will take practice to get in the groove. But once you do, it becomes really rewarding and fun! :D
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fluffle-writes · 7 months
Hey fluffle, I'm a BIG fan of your Twisted Wonderland x Sky: Cotl! (Sorry if my english isn't good), and I have multiple questions. You don't have to answer all of them.
I have seen your post about nrc boy seeing the Aurora concert and I wonder if they also turned into light creatures since you know some of the song like "All is soft inside". The sky kid's turns into different creatures.
Also imagine the sky kid's playing in the Spelldrive tournament (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!! Those little kiddos are going to be like
"It's our time to shine people!"
OMG!! Can't forgot how they can just grab the disk and fly towards the goal while dodging most attacks.
OH!! Imagine that one of the sky kids is really tall but wearing a chibi mask and when they take off the mask people are like "Wait! Your THAT Tall!!!"
I have a headcancon that the cape can be made by sky children only l, where they just like gathering wax and lights making it into threads then using something like loom to create a cape
Now! Imagine that the sky kids made capes for the Octavinelle trio since we all know what they are bad at flying
And I think that's all, if I have more I'll be going here since it's fun to share ideas with each other 😄
Hi! :D I'm so glad you like my little AU (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I'll put some stuff under a readmore 👍
I feel like, in an Aurora concert, the TWST boys wouldn't be experiencing it physically, but their soul or mind would be experiencing it if that makes sense? Like an out-of-body experience where they're all pulled in to experience a shared dream or memory.
So, they'd experience being in the different forms alongside the sky kids, and their bodies would physically remain in the stadium during each song - until the ending in the stadium!
Ahh the spelldrive tournament would be so fun! I feel like they'd be a force to reckon with after enough practice. Especially if one of them is practiced in krill dodging! The speed and finesse they have over their movements through the air would probably impress some of the sportier guys!
Ooh, the chibi mask surprise is fun to imagine! Like, imagine if a veteran with a chibi mask and a moth on the taller side ended up at NRC. The utter confusion when they explain that the taller of the two was, essentially, brand new to the concept of existence would be fun. (Haha Lilia and Malleus parallels)
And I love your headcanon for capes! That's a great take on how they'd work - the image of the magic of the candles transforming into something like threads and being interwoven is beautiful to picture! I can imagine that the capes could take a form based on the soul or magic of the wearer, and it 'locks' onto the first person it matches the energy of.
(E.g. Vil receives a cape made by a sky kid, and when he wears it, it connects to his magic and transforms to look as if it was a peacock train. It would also mean his flight stamina/number of wings is dependent on their magic level)
As for the octo trio - I feel like they wouldn't be too fond of the idea of flying with the capes lol. It'd probably feel less secure than having a solid broom to hold onto lmao. If the sky kids ever want revenge for their schemes in chapter 2, I can imagine them surprise kidnapping one of them by grabbing their hand and flying up into the air to float around with them because of the acrophobia lol.
AAA these were all really fun to think about! \⁠(⁠°▽⁠°⁠)⁠/ please feel free to share any more thoughts about the AU if you wanna, I love recieving asks about this AU (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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bettercostume · 1 year
Mars, I need help. Thoughts on kunessi dynamics 🎤
Meb i thought about this on the train to work and the train home from work and iiiiii have so many thoughts.
Literally Kun is his second wife. Or first wife, actually, since I think he's know Leo since Leo was the quiet kid who barely spoke and sat at the same table with him at the under 19s training, and who from that moment forward was his best boy, his right hand, his soulmate, his---i'm drawing a blank at romantic couples of history here but you get the idea.
Basically Kun is the mouth. He's never uncomfortable, and even though i get the sense he takes everything in deeply, he can rally like an inflatable punching clown. He does the practical jokes. He's the HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES, but delivered with a backslap and a blinding grin. You feel compelled to like the guy. He's a rascal. He's also astonishingly good at football, and it takes a guy like Messi to make him look like an also ran. He is leo's number one fan forever, amen. He is fuck it we ride, ready to fight, but also there to pick him up and take him to the airport at 2 am with the radio on low and hot water already in a thermos on the console. It's nothing, pa, you know I love speeding through toll roads at night.
I think Leo really gravitates towards people who are the opposite of his persona, and his seemingly internal focus and observational participation in social stuff as a kid. As a fully formed adult, both he and Kun have become both more of their caricatures and less at the same time, mellowing out into people who can reverse card each other with expectations, but have a rock-solid bond. I think it would take like, kun murdering leo's kids in front of him for them to have a fallout.
There's the apocryphal story (that kun loves to tell. he loves building the kunessi lore) where they're at that lunch table i mentioned and kun is like hey who are you anyway? and leo is like, leo. everyone else twigs to who he is, the wunderkid shipped back from barca, but kun is like oh word? but like what's your last name? and it takes like three more repetitions for kun to be like OHHHH, WORD??? Which sums up their dynamic pretty well, I think. But after this I think really Leo has the opportunity to hurt Kun more: he's less overtly affectionate, imho, and he doesn't verbalize the love he feels. Sorry to self plagiarize but in the fic i wrote i basically say that leo is like it should be obvious i love you even if i don't call or text, because why would i stop? and kun, who wants to be needed and coveted, is like, ok but i wouldn't mind the princess treatment SOME of the time. and leo is like your wish is my command, i moved your suite to mine and you're living with me now happy world cup btw we will have adjoining mansions in miami when we retire.
I think the fact that Kun isn't afraid to look like an idiot, turns the party, and also has kind of a bitchy edge that resonates with what i believe to be the nougaty, spoiled princess interior of leo--i think all these things endeared him to the other and that leo was like. ok. kun is my friend forever IMMEDIATELY. I also know with that trust and affection they practiced kissing each other and whipped it out to compare length, width, and accuracy. KNOW AND TRUST THEY HAVE EXPLORED EACH OTHERS BODIES. The love is real and long-term but I think also they would absolutely be bucknasty filthy, still. IMHO they have a kind of macho old boys club thing where they don't talk about the physical sex as much, its so obvious, but then also are like yeah you love that tight little hole you homo you sissy etc during and it makes them so insanely hot when they're with their wives that even if months intervene they still freak like it's 1999. That's one read, the other is that they make love with lots of eye contact and kun cries the entire time. POR QUE NO LOS DOS. Sorry I sounded like the weeknd in his bad tv show there for a moment but you get the vibe.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 3 months
hi! I love your blog! I didn't ever think of writing about ttrpg on my writeblr blog, so thank you for sending me down that tunnel! It's making me see my table top characters in whole new ways to think of them as oc's. (and honestly inspired by you im thinking of rebranding my blog to include ttrpg stuff now yay) Quick actual question, since this is an ask after all, how do you like to get to know a new oc when you have first created them?
aww, thank you! glad to know i can offer some inspiration there, and i look forward to learning about your PCs/campaigns too if you do end up posting stuff about them! 🥰
and ooh, that's a great question. there's a few different things i like
for my PCs, i usually only have vague ideas at first, so the process generally starts with me pouring over the rulebooks for the right class/subclass, background, feats, etc. to match the vibe i have in mind. this helps me narrow in on a more specific vision of the character and sometimes even gives me some new ideas to play around with. from there, it's often a lot of just writing things down, either in the character sheet or on my designated backstory doc, until it's time to actually play. it can take a few sessions to feel out a new PC and settle on how i play them, but i never really fully know them until i've "been" them, ya know?
if i'm getting ansty or want to do more character work in between sessions, i like working through lists of questions (especially when they're DM-provided). i really enjoy Ginny Di's POV Roleplay video series, especially this one: POV Roleplay: You're treated by a healer video link, as a more interactive style of questionnaire. essentially, Ginny takes on the role of a D&D-style NPC and has a "conversation" with you, with pauses in the video to allow you to respond in character. it can feel kinda silly at first, like a bizarro adult version of Dora the Explorer, but once you get comfortable with it, it's a pretty fun way to get into the character's headspace and explore how they think and interact with others in a zero-stakes, non-canon environment.
finally, i tend to do a lot of daydreaming and expanding their backstory doc. like, when i say that i am mentally ill about Cerris or Ariel, i am not exaggerating. i have hyperfocused on them to the degree that for, like, a month at a time, any time i wasn't actively focusing on something else, i was thinking about one of my boys. it's how i'd deal with long public transit to and from work when i didn't have headphones (and at least once missing my stop because i was too engrossed in blorbothinking). it's how i'd fall asleep. it's how a quick shower would turn into twenty minutes of me standing under the hot water not actually bathing, just thinking about character things. and Ariel's backstory doc (which also contains a good amount of worldbuilding content, as i got to help the DM develop the country he's from) has ballooned from its original, like, 4 pages to a solid 18-20. i have family crests and pedigrees and height comparison charts and explanations of noble social customs and naming conventions. it's ridiculous.
in a similar vein, i'll sometimes write letters and journal entries from their perspective, or random backstory scenes. these are especially helpful in getting a feel for the character's voice, which is a key part of writing and roleplay for me!
for non-PC characters, both player-created NPCs and OCs for non-TTRPG projects, i'll do some of the same things, but a lot of it ends up revolving around the simple question: what do i need them to do in the story i'm trying to tell? what characteristics and storytelling elements are going to best allow them to fulfill that goal? it sounds very formulaic and detached when i write it out like that, but in practice it feels much more personal, like helping a character discover their purpose in life
anyway TLDR: basically i give myself free reign to hyperfixate on the character and think about nothing else for at least a week straight 😂 when you spend that much time thinking about a character, it's hard to not figure out almost everything about them!
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bonefall · 2 years
I was wondering about some of the PO3 cast and what their personalities will be like in the rewrite. Firstly, Poppyfrost; I've seen a lot of people complain about her being initially described as "fearless" only for that to be forgotten as soon as she had kits so she could turn into a generic, constantly worrying mom. I wonder what you have planned for her in the rewrite besides the relationship with Jayfeather. Also Cinderheart, since so much of her canon story was based on the weird ableist reincarnation arc, and finally Heathertail, who kind of gets dropped by the plot in canon after falling out with Lionblaze but is supposed to have a more important role in your rewrite.
Been sitting on this ask for a bit because I didn't have a good answer at the time, and sat on it until the newest reworks came up so now I have more solid ideas
I have a solid trait that I want to work with; Bonefall Poppyfrost dislikes getting involved in conflict. There's plenty of argumentative, brave cats around her who are going to be arguing with Bramblestar in particular and having large opinions on the direction the Clan is turning in, so I want to make sure there are more "neutral" cats and Poppyfrost feels right to me.
I think she's inquisitive. She likes learning and knowing the truth about things, but isn't fond of battles and debates. What she likes about Jayfeather is that he speaks his mind; and their outdoorsy, practical natures mesh very well together. She is probably one of the people who helps with his garden.
She only gets involved in conflict after TBC, when Cherryfall and Berrynose die pointlessly and she can't stay quiet anymore
She's still a bit of a WIP, though it seems like the direction she's currently leaning in is going to have that "fearlessness" be less about being brave and more about being curious.
I have another ask I'm going to answer about why I've given her BPD because it's an interesting story; but without getting into the process of why we chose her, Cinderheart is getting that reincarnation plotline utterly removed and replaced with a story more based on how she handles her emotions
I don't have a full story yet here; just the knowledge of the sorts of scenes I want to write and the interactions she has with others
Cinderheart's role in the story is as a major supporting character in the slice-of-life-esque Po3, and later she's the mother of Dovewing and Ivypool in OotS. I initially planned for her and Lionblaze to be a romantic couple, but their chemistry hasn't really clicked yet so I'm considering them being... something else
Jaypaw comes up with the water therapy for her broken leg while he's a warrior apprentice (foreshadowing that he's an incredible medic), but Lionpaw is the one who helps push her through it
They adopt Jay and Poppy's kits together, less as mates and more because they want their siblings to still access the kittens. They come into conflict later as Jay and Lion push them into harm's way, and in AVoS, Cinderheart has Lionblaze's litter (Hollylark, not sure what siblings they're keeping) and is tentative about letting him be involved with their early childhoods.
I would also like to make sure she gets advancement unrelated to just Lionblaze and her children, too, though it's going to end up being a big part of her as only a supporting character. She will probably end up becoming an above-average, very reliable warrior
Heathertail is going to have a bigger role in AVoS. It was a massive waste that she's the child Onestar acknowledges and she has no noteworthy feelings about Darktail
Even Onestar's Confession just has Heather and White go, "it is bad you lied but we forgive you :)"
Heather is going to get wrapped up in the Kin somehow and Darktail is going to hurt her in some way. This is going to be tied to the way Onestar refuses to help ShadowClan when they really need the aid. Breezepelt is going to do something to save her, turning against the Kin to save multiple cats.
Through Po3, OotS, and AVoS, Heathertail struggles with the idea of serving her Clan and father over doing what's right. She considers what she wants to do with her legacy and the purpose of forgiveness, and what these things mean to her.
She's brave, assertive, and calculating. I think this will work well with Breezepelt, who's also brave and assertive, but rash and emotional.
With these three I have a good opportunity to set them up, because Po3, OotS, and AVoS is the point in Warriors where we get a consistent cast for several books and I'm willing to go even further to yank the POVs away from completely new characters. All of them will get dedicated "episodes" in Po3.
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manor-tea-time · 5 months
Descendants of the Dark Essence
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Gemstones twinkle in a mischievous delight as a new holder of an ancient amulet is passed down from generation to generation. What madness would its curse create? The rule of a vampiric countess? A recluse who vented their frustrations into artistic enigmas? Its all so unclear as this time, a lone Lord closes the auction’s bid for the piece. After all, his late wife would have loved such a piece.
Rules: -Contact me to claim roles via inbox, dm, replies, or on discord! -Please only submit one person per blog (sorry fellow multi-character blogs). If slots are still empty by the time I get major progress done on the line up, I will allow more slots to be claimed. -If you have any preferences/important things you'd want me to know for how you'd like your character to be drawn, please let me know! I would like to get them as accurate as possible for you guys. -Don't be rude to anyone if you don't get your first pick on roles. Not only is this first come first serve, but it's also all for fun! Notes: -Character genders aren't solid! Send whoever you'd like for whatever role! -If you have any questions about any role or the essence in general please don't hesitate to ask me! -Costume designs may take a while as I'd be designing them in between work and classes. -Due to this line up automatically having more of my lads than the last one, you are more than welcome to pitch ideas if you desperately want a lad to be in the essence. (Although, I would prefer you wait till the spots are full before doing so).
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In-Store S Tier: The Cursed Amulet - {Tatya Baudelair / @tatya-time } “A vampire of old was once said to be trapped within a lone amulet, ending the reign of her coven. While a fictitious tale, what one would do to own such a powerful artifact!” Character Description: A vampire of old, credited to be one of the original vampires, that is now trapped within a glittering prison. While weakened greatly, she was able to put a curse upon her glittering tomb. Causing anyone foolish enough to put the amulet on to become her next vampiric puppet. Warnings: This character is a lead cause of the vampire turnings throughout the storyline.                 ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· S Tier: Stolen Humanity - { The Shadowed Man / @manor-tea-time } A man of wealth and stature blinded by a want for a past long gone. Character Description: An eccentric Lord, known for collecting ancient antiquities, since his family’s unfortunate passing. Now the newest owner of the cursed amulet, his humanity has begun to fade, slowly being replaced by that of a creature of the night. With no cure in sight, the Lord is convinced the only way to move forward is to build a strong bloodline to protect both himself and the necklace that has influenced his mind. Warnings: This character is turned into a vampire during the beginning of the plotline. They also commit multiple murders, kidnapping,vampire turnings, ect.                                        
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A Tier: Vampiric Fanatic - {Florian / @askthemanorresidents } “Are the rumors true?! Could I really become a vampire?!” Character Description: Often described as a crazed fanatic, this researcher has been known to teeter on the edge of fascination with vampires, to wanting to become one themselves. So when the opportunity presented itself to become one of the possible heirs to the Lord’s coven, they practically jumped on the opportunity to be turned. After all, what better way to gather information on the supernatural than to become one? Warning: Character has been willingly turned into a vampire. As such they do a few normal vampire things afterwards (ex. Drinking blood, being a bat, ect).
A Tier: Naive Victim - {Neville Linton / @h3smoremyselfthaniam} “I should have found it strange that we only met under the darkness of the moon.” Character Description: Once a resident in a nearby village, they’d always been told they’d become a possible heir when a terrible plague befel their village. However, despite many of their memories of the event are fuzzy, they distinctly remember the Lord being more to blame for the event than he lets on. Making him wary of the true happenings of the estate. Warning: Character has been turned into a vampire. They additionally have amnesia from an event involving some sort of injury that happened when their village was attacked.
A Tier: Eternal Youth - {Ian varon / @idv-fifis-toybox} Peter Pan once expressed their wish to never grow up, but this lone vampire never expected such a phrase to be applicable to them. Character Description: A lone child who grew up within an orphanage, given pity and adopted by the eccentric lord before their turning. While at first kept in the dark about the more supernatural happenings within the castle, the child soon became gravely ill. Forcing the hand of the Lord to turn them into the final vampiric heir. Warning: Character has been turned into a vampire to save them from a serious/deathly illness.
A Tier: Fallen Exorcist - { Archer / @ask-archer-idv }
What a beautiful twist of fate, to become the thing you’d once loathed. Character Description: Once a powerful exorcist of the area, their death - followed by vampirism fell upon them as they tried to slay the newly turned vampire lord. Despite this failed attempt, they, along with several others within the castle walls, have slowly begun to continue to attempt their original objective. Warning: Character has been killed / turned into a vampire.
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B Tier: Exorcist’s Revenge - {Beth Anastazja/ @ask-idv-baker} After the death of their mentor, they wish to slay the beast that killed them once and for all. Character Description: Now leading what once was their mentor’s team, they hope to be able to reach the castle their mentor perished in and avenge them properly. While they do their best to keep a level head, with all of the sabotages many members of their team keep facing, it's hard not to slightly fear for their safety.
B Tier: Forsaken Scientist - { Delilah Fowler / @manor-tea-time} “Why force yourself to be a victim to the supernatural when science is just at your fingertips!” Character Description: A scientist enveloped by their studies. It's hardly a wonder that when bitten by a rogue vampire she would desperately try to find a cure for it herself rather than blindly join the forming coven.Convinced science can have its space within battling the supernatural, she was brought onto the exorcists team - albeit more so as a weapon’s master.
Warning: This character is slowly turning into a vampire. She additionally has friendly relations with the Lost Moonlight Traveler and Exorcist's Revenge.
B Tier: Lost Moonlight Traveler - {Arvin Oakes / @sunnypepper} The howling of wolves makes a foreboding prediction for those lost along the darkened woodland path. Character Description: Despite their newfound lycanthropy, this traveler was prepared to wander place to place until they stumbled upon a cure. However, as they were soon discovered by a local exorcist group, its scientist took an interest in their case and promised to find a cure for them once their mission concluded. Warning: This character has friendly relations with the Forsaken Scientist.
B Tier: Rouge Vampire - { } “With the dizzying call of the night and hunger feuling you, why on earth would you want to follow a snob’s rules?!” Character Description: A rogue fledgling that is known to terrorize the land surrounding the Lord’s castle. While the vampire does occasionally report to the Lord and sabotage exorcists trying to slay him, they don’t particularly like the man. Warning: This character was turned into a Vampire.
B Tier: Vampiric Maid - { } Spick and Span. Tidy and Clean. Character Description: One of the many maids that reside within the castle walls. Their jobs are many and their knowledge of the estate vast. While they mainly keep to themselves, a new butler they’re training seems to be slightly suspicious to them. Warning: This character was turned into a Vampire.
B Tier: Vampiric Butler - { } Mop? Check. Broom, Check. Wooden Stake? Triple Check. Character Description: An undercover rookie exorcist that has found themselves a bit over their head. While they are taken room to room collecting information alongside the Maid training them, they have a sneaking suspicion that they might be onto them.
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
Howdy friends. Should I be working on the main fic? Yeah probably. Am I still working on moving next week and also working with my friends on trying to restructure everything on my fic outline as the ocs develop more? Also yes. So uh have a drabble I wrote today bc why not. Please accept my humble offerings.
The old Impala finally parked in the driveway and Iris cut the engine, leaning back in her seat for a moment. Exhaustion had been setting in since the flight back to the city, and now had driven itself deep into her bones, muscles, heart. Her thumb and index finger massaged closed eyelids, trying to bid away the strain as well as a headache coming on.
If she didn't have a job to worry about going back to in the morning, she'd happily take a week long coma after all of that absolute nonsense. Tournaments and Dueling could be fun, she knew; there was a reason everyone kept coming back to the game. She enjoyed the game.
But having multiple people fall into comas because their minds got sent to some evil dark dimension that she was 90% sure was just the actual realms of hell, her father and the other old douchebags come back to try and kill her, her family's collective trauma thrown back into and her siblings face with the reveal they had another brother that was a complete shithead that had also wanted them dead, and then her brother blowing up the last remnants of the old KaibaCorp and making the others believe he was dead for a solid 60 seconds (she had it timed, she had kept looking at her watch because she knew he wouldn't) had been enough for her to not want anymore adventures for a while.
Logically, she should have just gone home. River and Flora had gone back with her Dad while Mokuba and Seto had flown out to a different branch of their company to start work on the new and improved Kaibaland, ready to make a real amusement park and not the indoor one. Their Mama was probably worried about them. Really, she could have gone back, had a quick dinner, cleansed herself of the bullshit with a shower and some work at her alter and gone to bed before going back to work the next day.
But. She also had clothes at Alister's house and it was closer. She just wanted to be held for a while. It felt like a better idea to go stay at her boyfriend's and just relax for the night because he understood more what being low energy meant for her.
She grabbed her bag out of the passenger's seat before she climbed out of the car. It was a small walk to the door, and she took note to see most of the lights were out. Alister said he was home, but he was probably upstairs or something, since his room was at the back half of the house. There was no way he was asleep -- he slept a max of about four hours and didn't start trying to sleep until at least midnight. He was probably reading or something.
She jammed her key into the door, twisting the lock and set her purse down on the console table. She busied herself with undoing the buckles on her boots before kicking them off and setting them by her work shoes still sitting there from her last overnight stay -- something that was becoming more and more frequent, really.
(Her mother wasn't entirely wrong with her comment about the two of them practically living together since they got together.)
Iris brushed her bangs back, turning to go towards the stairs only to stop as she realized there was a faint light at the end of the hall.
...To be honest, she sometimes forgot there was a proper dining room in the house. The windowed doors to it were always closed and they never bothered using it -- most of the time they ate in the breakfast nook in the kitchen or on the couch. But there it was, this soft glow of light that instantly screamed candles, accompanied by a scent of cinnamon, apple, cidar and pear as she got closer.
"Alister?" She called out, a brow arched in confusion as she neared.
He didn't respond. She walked closer, stepping into the doorway of the dining room to find him standing there finishing off lighting one more candle and setting it back on the table. He had been dressed in a dark blue sweater that cropped right above his abs, and a nicer pair of black jeans. He had even styled his hair to show off the layers he had -- something she only ever saw first thing in the morning, before he'd style it into the more boxy cut he had.
The table was set with nicer plates they never used and wine glasses, along with table runners and napkins she hadn't seen before ever. The two plates were topped with salmon, alfredo spooned perfectly, and bacon wrapped asparagus. There was enough space on the plate for the salad he had in a separate bowl, along with garlic bread he had on a cutting board. There was a platter with mint chocolate fudge for dessert and a vase with fresh red orchids.
His gaze softened as he looked up at her, hand going to set on the back of a chair. "Hey."
"Hey," she greeted, leaning against the doorway for support. She did a final sweep over the table before she met his gaze, taking a step forward. "What's all this for?"
"Well, contrary to what my brothers will tell you, I do, in fact, have a singular romantic bone in my body," he drawled playfully, a smirk tugging at his lips. "And I figured I should use it to give my girlfriend a nice night in with an attempt at a fancy dinner after what I'm gathering was a shitshow tournament."
She tucked her hair behind her ear, coming up to stand in front of him. "Everything that could go wrong in that tournament went nine more levels of wrong we didn't know were possible."
"Yeah, I had to try and fix the camera footage your brother wanted," he agreed. "I saw part of it. The whole thing was made up of...interesting choices on his part."
"That's one way to put it."
Iris relaxed a bit as she studied him. Most of the time, they did a lot of simple cooking and just enjoying each other's presence. They always put in the effort for each other, but this...this was nice.
She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. One arm looped around her waist while the other moved to cradle the back of her head, pulling her close to him.
It was funny. She had always felt comfortable around him. Ever since their friendship first started, it felt like she never had to put on the mask or keep a sizeable amount of distance she did with everyone. He was safe.
But the feeling of peace that washed over her, melting away the tension of the last few days, and the warmth that bloomed in her chest was the realization that once upon a time she would have laughed anyone out of the room if they told her she'd someday feel it -- or scare her deep to the core.
But now...
He pulled back slightly, her hands going to her cheeks as he kissed her softly. When they broke the kiss, their gazes met once more, a small air of comfortable silence falling over them.
His hands dropped after a moment as he reached for the chair. "Come on, let's--"
"I love you."
It fell quietly from her lips, but it was loud enough she couldn't make up some lie about it. She hadn't even meant to say it out loud, the words having played on a loop in her mind until her voice decided to just act on it.
Oh my God, what is wrong with you?! It's too early! It took you HOW LONG to start dating--
He stared at her in disbelief. She could have sworn she could see the gears turning in his mind, his cheeks faintly dusted pink.
Iris bit her lip, looking away as her arms dropped back to her side. "I...you don't have to say it back," she covered, feigning nonchalance. "I just--"
His fingers found her chin, gently guiding her to look at him again. His expression had cleared, pulling her back to him with his free hand at the small of her back. Her hands moved to his chest to steady herself at the sudden push, feeling his heartbeat quickening under her palms.
"I love you, too, Iris." His voice was soft and genuine. He wasn't just saying it to say it, even if he was probably just as nervous as her over it.
Her own cheeks flushed red, the rest of her mind practically cheering in victory. "...Ah."
He snorted, kissing her forehead. "I do," he promised her. "I just...didn't know when to tell you. So thanks for breaking that ice for me."
"Yeah, it's um...it's a little freaky to get that out there, I get that." She managed, clearing her throat.
"Terrifying, honestly."
"Even if that did seem only natural to say after we've been dating for a while now and are basically living with each other."
"And everyone in our lives thought we were dating only a week after we met."
"I'm pretty sure Rie in accounting has had our wedding planned since then, actually."
"Oh, she'll be happy then."
They watched each other for a moment before they both laughed, her head leaning against his shoulder. "Fuck, we're bad at this."
"Oh, the worst," he agreed. "I think that's why we love each other."
"One of a few reasons," she quipped. She leaned up after a moment, kissing him once more, this time with a bit more passion behind it. His hands drifted, keeping her held close to him.
They loved each other. They loved each other.
She never thought she'd see the day. Yet, now, rather than it being some world ending concept that she always imagined it was -- the idea of everything being stripped away from her and everything burning down in an inferno...it was just as natural as breathing. Being by his side made everything else feel right.
Once the kiss ended, he looked her over, debating something before he pulled the chair out for her. "Alright. Let's get some food in you," he said, softly. "After dinner, we're taking a bath and going to bed. How's that sound?"
She smiled, a genuine smile that only ever seemed to be reserved for him as she took her seat. "I can't think of anything better."
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lussterpurge · 7 months
So what are your thoughts on lysandre and his plans for eorld ending and stuffs?? What do you think of his sick mind??
Have a nice day!!
I also love this question! I may live my life slandering pokeani Lysandre but his psychology can be pretty interesting. I’m not exactly good at explaining stuff like this though so this might be very chaotic.
So to put it shortly… Lysandre is an elitist fuck. Supposedly the only people in canon that were supposed to survive were Team Flare and Ash, iirc, but no like in my head the people that would survive would be Team Flare, Ash, and a few other rich people cause he thinks they deserve life more. It’s not exactly about resource distribution, ‘cause he slowly stops caring abt that, and turns more into who deserves to live and who doesn’t (based on his sick fucked up mindset).
Supposedly in canon he did social work pre-canon, and I can see that as a solid idea but I don’t think he did it for too long. His patience is short, and he started with his crazy ideals super quickly. Even if his mindset had changed, however, he continued to present himself as an awesome guy who just wants to help. Not even Team Flare members were aware of his true nature.
The only people who truly knew this were Malva, and the scientists (Xerosic knowing the most, while the other girls (my beloveds) only knew a vague idea).
Lysandre does not gaf abt anyone or anything. He just cares about his plans for the future of Kalos, and he is (well.. was), willing to do ANYTHING for it. That’s why he manipulated and lied to two teenagers, a grown ass champion, and two whole regions too. He’s crazy.
He’s also incredibly impatient as stated earlier, and he wants his world. He wants it NOW. So he overworks practically everyone working under him, and even himself, believe it or not. He’s sort of like a toddler in that aspect.
Also random hc Malva and Lysandre are childhood friends and that’s why she’s the one that knows the most. She sucks too though ‘cause she watched him fool a whole region and did nothing like ok girl wtf.
I have more ideas I just don’t know how to put them into words rn and this is turning rlly long okbye and have a great day too !
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Overcoming an Art Block
Ok maybe you don't sound like that but have you ever felt frustrated because you don't know what to draw. I got you fam.As someone who always know what to write or draw I'm going to give you some tips that helped me and hopefully they will help you. So letssss goooo!!
Social media
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Come on if you ain't looking here then where were you looking? And no Instagram and Facebook aren't the only ones. I'm talking about Pinterest, Art Station, Twitter, should I continue??
Even with the controversial AI you can type in keywords into Chatgpt and they can give you a prompt to draw about, like how cool is that?
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Uh Mcutie excuse me....read? Yes peeps grab a book! Mangas and Comic books are all over even if you don't read them you can browse through them or even just look at the covers and be inspired. Classical literature has some of the most beautiful pieces of writing inside.
Eg:("maybe it'sour imperfections that makes us perfect of each other." Mr Nightly from Emma a Jane Austen Story)
Try searching on Google by typing "classical literature quotes" maybe you can find a quote that resonates with you and who knows ding ding ding, you're inspired!
Watch Films/Cartoons
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Easier said than done I'm I right? What to watch? Come on guyyssss there's tons on of recommendations on Tiktok, #movierecommendations, watch a few of those videos and see if something stood out to you. If you're an anime fan like myself then you will have no problem in this department lol. (Drop some recommendations in the comments below.)
Touch grass
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Bet you never saw that one coming. But real talk go outside whether day or night look at creation and be inspired. Look at the fun clouds, the elegant stars or the loyal moon, there's so much to learn and create from these marvelous wonders of creation. So get up stretch your legs and go outside. It's even good for your health lol.
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Yes you heard me doodle. Sometimes these doodles can turn out into something greater. My teacher taught us this method in school called "skating the page" granted this a warm up activity but sometimes you may find little deisgns in them. Another great warm up is drawing solid drawings this is great especially when you need practice on your form which leads me into another tip.
Draw Your Poses!!!
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Man go study anatomy! It can be fun I promise, just look for fun poses online and find one that interests you there's a ton of them on YouTube and Pinterest.
Make an OC
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This is by far the easiest one there's alot of oc generators out there that can help you out. Maybe that simple game can lead you out of your art block.
That's a Wrap
Now I have more tips but that's enough for you, in the time being try them out see if they work, in fact let me know the comments do you have more tips? Let others know
Ps: I have a Pinterest board that also help with this, I organize boards for artist from beginner to advance check it out and follow so you don't miss an update^^
Stay healthy and Stay Cute🌿
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