#now the guy i like is tryin to be like hey whats wrong we should meet up & im like AHAHAH
hereticsgravesite · 7 months
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aeoki · 1 month
Number Eight - Prologue
Characters: Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku & Niki Location: Inside helicopter Season: Winter Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Rinne makes an error with the idiom; the original idiom is about filial piety (a virtue of exhibiting love and respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors) and not brotherhood.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< One day at the beginning of March. Up in the air. >
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Rinne: Hey, Niki. There’s something I wanna tell ya since it’s gonna be the end.
We might seriously be in danger.
Niki: Huh? What’s wrong? Why’re you saying that all of a sudden?
…You said “the end”, but this is our ride there. Don’t you mean “the beginning”?
Rinne: No, no. What I’m tryin’ to say is that this situation is weird.
Come on, think about it. They blindfolded us and then shoved us into a bus, a plane and then a helicopter.
This doesn’t sound like a simple overseas shoot at all.
Maybe we unknowingly offended our CosPro boss, so we’re getting buried out in the middle of nowhere. 
Geez, if I knew this was gonna happen, I should’ve said goodbye to my cute lil’ brother. You know what they say: You realise it’s too late by the time you wanna be a good older brother[⁎]!
Niki: How can the entertainment industry be so heartless…? They’re way too cruel! Does this mean we’re not needed anymore!?
I wish they prepared a final meal for us at least. I don’t wanna die on an empty stomach~!
Kohaku: You two are overreactin’. We’re just headin’ to our next shoot.
We simply received an offer to appear in a variety show that’s similar to “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth”, since it seems it was unexpectedly popular, and people enjoyed seein’ us do ridiculous things.
I bet they’re schemin’ because they wanna make us do somethin’ similar…
Rinne: Woah~ Looks like we’ve got a little bee who can’t read the room!
The super entertaining Rinne-kun was just trying to put on a good show~ I did all that to trick Niki and now my hard work’s gone down the drain.
Niki: What? All that pessimistic stuff you said earlier was a lie!?
I can’t believe you tricked me! If you’re gonna make fun of people like that, then you’re just gonna die a worthless death, you hear!
HiMERU: Amagi, Shiina, Oukawa. Can you three be quiet for a moment?
I’d like to rest while I can. If this is going to be a repeat of “The Minotaur’s Labyrinth”, then it’s surely going to be another stamina test.
We should preserve our energy as much as we can while we’re on the move. That’s the secret to working successfully.
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, you’re adaptin’ to the situation right away.
HiMERU: But, of course. HiMERU would like to resolve everything in a smart and resourceful manner.
Had I not been kidnapped by Amagi, I would have loved to be away, doing my own solo work.
Rinne: Things don’t work out like that in the real world, ya know ♪ We’re in the same unit – and that means we’ll ride and die together ♪
Niki: You really bring bad luck wherever you go, Rinne-kun.
Anyway, I’m glad we’re not gonna die.
Come to think of it, they checked our passports when we got on the plane here. I’ll be fine as long as I get to eat a bunch of local specialties~♪
Kohaku: All you have on your mind is food, huh, Niki-han.
I’d like to rest once we land, but…
Niki: What’s wrong, Kohaku-chan? Did you spot a delicious-looking animal or something?
Kohaku: No. Look over there.
There’s some sort of big banner on the ground.
Niki: “COME HERE”...? What does that mean?
HiMERU: Hmm. Apparently, the pilot says that it's supposed to be “used as a landing pad”.
Rinne: “Used as a landing pad”...? Sounds like something for parachuting.
So that means the real stuff is coming up, right? Alright, we’ve done a lotta different stuff, but parachuting will be a first!
I accept the challenge, so follow me, you guys ♪
Niki: Ah, wait a minute, Rinne-kun! Don’t start putting the parachuting equipment on!
I’m not mentally ready to jump off just yet!
Rinne: Details come later!
Come on, the instructor’s tellin’ us to hurry up too!
Niki: What? Those people weren’t here to film us, but they’re here to help us with the parachute!?
Rinne: I can flyyyy…☆
Niki: Rinne-kun! He just jumped off without listening to what I had to say!
His arrogance knows no bounds. Should we talk to the pilot and ask them to drop us off somewhere closer?
Kohaku: Ko ko ko. This is my first time parachuting as well ♪
It’ll be a valuable experience. If we can’t say no, then all that’s left is to give it a go and jump ♪
Niki: Not you too, Kohaku-chan!?
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HiMERU: Stop looking so surprised, Shiina. You should put on your parachuting equipment.
It seems we don’t have a choice yet again. I think it would be wise to do what the show wants us to do instead of prolonging the conversation.
Niki: What? You’re gonna jump off too, HiMERU-kun?
I don’t wanna use my calories to do something like parachuting… Oh, geez. I guess I don’t have a choice, huh~
Okay. I just have to do it, don’t I!?
In exchange, they better let me have a taste of the delicious local specialties here!
I can flyyyy…!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext Chapter →
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huskynotwolf · 9 months
When I first met a Watcher — Scar
From my Fanfic Watchers and Hunters on Quotev
The world is weird. 
Like, for example, the day me and Martyn found a Watcher. 
We were, as usual, patrolling around to see if there is anything wrong. Martyn was complaining about it being boring, but Xisuma told him he had to otherwise, so he couldn’t argue with that. Impulse said he had other jobs, so he didn’t join us.
I mumbled as I went down to weaponry to get myself crossbows because I thought it would come in handy. I found Scott enchanting shields and tridents in a corner, with Cleo next to him, holding an axe. “Hey come on, don’t stare,” Martyn mumbled, grabbed a bow and a stack of arrows and started up the stairs. Cleo gave me a brief wave before walking away to another chest. 
We were walking through the forest, with Martyn murdering any chicken we came about. “Look, I don’t know the point of hunting Watchers. They’re not really messing with us, right?” He grumbled. I elbowed him hard in the ribs and grunted. “You never know when they attack. They hit hard.” I touched the long scars on my face. It was from a hawkling Watcher a bit back ago, when I got attacked by it and then my buddies had to save me. I kept my distance ever since, but I won’t hesitate to kill if I got attacked. 
There was a rustle of leaves up front, and Martin stopped torturing a nearby rabbit. “What’s that?” He perked up, walking closer to me. I pulled out my crossbow, just in case, when a swishing sound followed by the hiss of a creeper came behind up. I jumped and tried to pull Martyn away, when a multicolour blur shot past me, slammed into the creeper and knocked it into a tree. It screeched, then vanished in a puff of smoke. 
“Whew! That was close. Careful next time, travellers. Creepers are nasty in my forest.” He said, waving a hand and sweeping leaves off his red shirt. He had brown beady eyes and a pair of jeans, but sprouting behind him was a pair of giant, red-yellow-green parrot wings sprouting behind him. He had bird talons instead of legs as well. 
There is a Watcher right in front of us. 
“Ahhh!” Martyn screamed and lashed out his sword. The Watcher yelped and leapt up a tree, claws scraping against the branch. “Woah woah woah woah woah… I save your lives and now you wanna kill me? Wow, should’ve just left you there.” The Watcher mumbled. Martyn held his sword high. “Gimme a reason not to kill you right now.” He growled, poison seeping in every word. “Eh, I know you won’t. Anyway, be grateful. Now get out of my forest.” He flicked his hand in a ‘shoo’ motion. 
I raised my voice. “Wait, Martin, stop.” I pushed his sword downwards. “Sorry. You have a name?” I turned towards the mystery guy that apparently owns this forest. “What’s yours?” He replied, playing with a stick. “Scar. That’s Martyn. We’re Hunters.” I said, trying to keep my excitement. I’ve never managed to talk to a Watcher for more than thirty seconds! Most of the time they’re trying to kill me!
”Grian,” he mused. “I’d better be off. Just in case someone tries to find my base and steal all of my stuff.” He flapped his wings. Martyn stared at his wings in awe as he stretched them. “Bye!” Grian laughed and launched off the branch, sending leaves and sticks showering down onto the floor. 
“Well, should we tell Xisuma?” Martyn asked, shaking his head. “Nah. Tryin’ keep that secret.” I mumbled. He shook me. “Dude! How can you be so calm about that?!” I only held up a finger. “He seems harmless.” He slapped my hand. “Hey! You know what happened to your face? No one wants that again.” He growled. “You’re the one who said nothing will happen.” I pointed out. He scratched his head then looked down. “Yeah whatever.”
”Let’s get back to base.”
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beebobeebo · 5 days
Title: The One Where Nothin' Happens
Fandom: Justified
Characters: Raylan Givens & Tim Gutterson
Sometimes a lot of somethin' happens in the middle of nothin'.
Also, you get recently met fools.
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Raylan Givens is a goddamn mess. He hides it well under eighteen layers of archetypes pulled from some distant era. If you only skim the surface, he is the very avatar of the American ideal of justice. That lone man leaning against a doorway, hat tipped down, waiting for the precise moment to speak or raise a hand in a gesture that rights all wrongs. Which is great and all, but right now he's passed out on Tim's couch.
"Hey, man," Tim says pushing at his shoulder. "You're on my book."
Raylan looks up at him bleary-eyed. "Book?"
"Your drunk ass is on top of my book. The thing I read with the words in it." Tim pantomimes reading before giving up and trying to extricate his poor paperback from under the drunken paragon of righteousness. He's almost certain this is the most he's ever said to Givens that wasn't work-related.
"Hands," Raylan says in what was most likely intended to be a threatening growl but actually sounded like indigestion.
"Book." Tim yanks the Zane Grey novel free from its Levi-clad trap. He barely resists the urge to hit Raylan's hip with the flat of the book.
"That one got a princess or a wizard? Another unicorn?"
"Outlaws and cowboys." Tim opens the book to exactly where he left off. It's a useless skill knowing just where you're at, but a skill nonetheless. He moves Raylan's booted feet off his couch and settles down. "It's not very realistic, but I don't believe that's the point."
Raylan, slightly green, but oddly statuesque, sits up and looks over at the man who dared rouse him."What's the point?"
Tim sighs and slides a finger into the book. "The point is you're too drunk to have this conversation but drunk enough for me to tell you so."
Raylan looks bemused. "If I didn't know better I'd say you're insultin' me? Based on makin' somethin' look better than it is. Somethin' bygone?"
"You said it." Tim's face is still directed at the book in his hand, but he cuts his eyes toward the other man.
"Even in the folly of youth we know that nothing lasts, but … even in that folly we are afraid that maybe Nothing will last, that maybe Nothing will last forever, and anything is better than Nothing. 'S Faulkner," Raylan says seeming to gain his metaphorical sea legs as he stands. "Maybe remember you're young."
"Maybe I'm the Nothing and you're just drunk," Tim mumbles as he turns a page.
"That's a fuckin' terrifyin' combination." That earns Raylan a one-shoulder shrug.
"Faulkner, not McCarthy?"
"Makin' a point not pickin' a dinner guest," Raylan says pivoting to gesture in the direction of where the bathroom should be.
"Yeah, first door," Tim watches him walk down what passes for a hallway in his apartment. He opens the book, and before he can even concern himself with whether purple sage is actually purple, he looks back over his shoulder. This whole thing was fucking weird. Random ass phone call from a blocked number and he stupidly picks up. The guy who made work explode needs a ride. Work was the one comforting thing Tim had until Walmart Wyatt Earp rocked up in a Stetson. Now this.
Raylan remerges his face slightly damp. His short goatee is fucking glistening. The rest of him looks like a cologne ad's idea of rumpled. "You get sick?"
"Nah. Tryin' to sober up. Get out of your hair." He rolls his wrist as he sits on the opposite end of the couch from Tim. "Leave you to your book."
They look at each other for a long moment before Tim asks, "Why did you call me? Most I've said to you was to annoy you about paperwork."
"You can keep your mouth shut," Raylan says reseating his hat. That goddamn hat. "I know your name and that you're a crack shot. You like to read books written for thirteen years old girls. And that's it. Only guessin' that Tim is your real name."
"So you know that I won't join in on the office gossip?" Tim closes his book again. "Why's that?"
"Because someone might ask you a question about you," Raylan drawls in that self-important way he has. Tim can tell he's certain that he has found him out.
"Fair," Tim finally gives up on his book for the moment. "Now what?"
"You take me back to my place now that I'm not at death's drunken door," Raylan replies. "We act like this never happened."
"Bed's right down the hall." Tim jerks a thumb in the direction of the bedroom. "Right by the bathroom. Promise you won't puke, it's yours."
"I'm not taking your bed. Where would you sleep?" Raylan asks giving him a searching look.
"Thought I'd curl up on your chest like a cat," Tim deadpans. "No, I'll take the couch. Got my book. And you look like shit."
"Ah, here I thought I'd charmed you enough with Faulkner to get some company," Raylan leans back into the couch.
"Not my type," Tim says pointedly getting his book open and in front of him. "Kinda wiry. Nothin' to hold onto."
Raylan snorts. "Tim?"
"Thank you. I ain't takin' your bed, and I'd like to have this hangover alone if it's not asking too much."
"No problem. We'll give it another minute so you don't puke in my truck." Tim turns a page and looks at his book. "Why? Why did you get so shit-faced? It's Wednesday."
"It's Wednesday?" Raylan pulls a face that lets you see far too much of the whites of his eyes.
"Yes, Raylan Givens, there is a Santa Claus," Tim, who is never going to get to read, sighs out. "It is Wednesday. It comes after the less popular Tuesday."
"Ah, that Wednesday. Let's call it personal reasons." Raylan tilts his hat back. Tim is tempted to see if the hat will go down the garbage disposal. He's never had one before and this seems like the perfect test.
"Personal reasons." Tim nods.
"See. Not a damn question one," Raylan says. "Anyone else would feel the need to ask politely as to if they can inquire about those reasons. You just nodded because I might ask why there's nothing in your apartment but a couch, a TV on a milk crate, and a dining table I think came with the place."
Tim frowns. "You can ask anything you like. Not really into answering."
"Not even about the dining table?" Raylan looks pleased with himself.
"Oh, that I got from Ali Baba's cave," Tim says dryly as he leans his head back against the couch. "Of course, it came with the place. The milk crate did, too."
"So you only had a TV, this couch, that's actually a futon, a toothbrush, and I'm guessing a bed from the earlier offer?"
"And you'll continue guessin'. Missed out on the bedroom snoopin'." He looks at Raylan and offers, "I also have a trash can with the fancy built-in step-to-open feature."
"How very cosmopolitan," Raylan says, rubbing his chin."Any other thrilling household items?"
"No." Tim wrinkles his brow. "You live in a motel."
"I haven't found a place yet," Raylan says brushing the comment off.
"You don't want to be from here, again." It's Tim's turn to look like he's figured someone out. He's tired and still a little annoyed, but he's also damn certain. "For personal reasons," he answers the hanging question for Raylan.
"Personal reasons, "Raylan repeats. "Where are you from?"
"Nowhere," Tim answers with a sudden burst of sincerity.
"That near here?"
"Not any farther than it is near." Tim takes an even breath and plops his book down beside him. "We need to get you back to your hole in the wall before you start asking my mother's maiden name and what street I grew up on."
Raylan pushes to his feet. He has that annoying stance with one hip forward and a hand hovering ready at the draw out of habit. "I'm going to steal your non-existent identity?"
"Non-existent?" Tim says going to grab his coat. "That's ignorin' the incredibly detailed file Uncle Sam has on me."
"So tomorrow I can just—"
"Look at a lot of black lines on paper. Redacted."
Raylan snorts. "You even got the Army playing your game. I'm a little impressed."
Tim walks over to the kitchen counter to grab his wallet and keys. "Ready?" He makes the short trip to the door.
Raylan nods. "Better get out of here before we form a human connection."
Tim rolls his eyes and heads out to his truck expecting Raylan to follow at his sauntering pace. He unlocks the doors and sits down to wait. When Raylan slips in like he owns the damn thing, Tim is already shifting into reverse.
At a stoplight, Raylan swoops off his hat and brushes back his hair. He looks good without the hat. There's something more real there, less performative. Tim snaps his eyes forward when he sees a smirk begin to form on his passenger's lips.
"I was wrong."
"I feel like I'm going to need to record you sayin' that for future use." Tim drums his fingers on the wheel at another light. "Wrong about what?"
"You want to tell someone all your bullshit." Raylan puts the fucking hat back on his head. "You just don't let anyone close enough to deserve to hear it." The way he looks at Tim is uncomfortably knowing.
"You're drunk," Tim mutters as he hits the turn signal. Raylan, thankfully, shuts his mouth as Tim turns in and pulls into the space in front of the room that's wordlessly pointed out.
Raylan gets out of the truck and heads to the door. Tim sighs at the sudden comfort of being alone. Then here comes Raylan strutting back to knock on his window. He rolls the window down and the other man leans on the door.
"My Mama died thirty years ago. I wasn't supposed to be here for that memory. Supposed to be the hell out of here."
Tim frowns. "Givens—"
Raylan pats the open window and leans back. "Bye, Tim. Thanks for the ride, but keep this—"
"Between us," Tim finishes. "I was never here. Bye, Raylan."
The Dollar Store Doc Holliday gives a wave as he heads to his room.
Tim sighs. He makes sure Raylan makes it inside before he puts the truck in reverse.
Raylan Givens is a goddamn mess, but maybe he doesn't hide it as well as Tim thought. Maybe he knows that he's putting on a show. Maybe he let Tim know that he knows. Shit.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Rook Hunt Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 2
"The true culprit... is you!"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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Rook: Hm, this is quite the case… This seems to be a declaration of war!!
Epel: So, you're saying that someone who hates the film club destroyed the costume…? Who would do that…?
Film Club Member A: Hey, when you look at that ripped up costume… Doesn't it look like it might have been done by sharp claws?
Film Club Member B: Claws…? Then, maybe it's the work of a Savanaclaw student. But, why…?
Film Club Member A: ...What about the guys from yesterday?
Epel: You talking about those guys that came up to us during yoga…?
Film Club Member A: Yeah. Don't you remember what that Savanaclaw guys said then?
Film Club Member A: He said, "Beauty ain't nothing useful."
Film Club Member B: You mean that those Savanaclaw students from yesterday held a grudge?
Film Club Member B: And they wrote that message on the wall, and destroyed Vil-senpai's costume?
Epel: If they got a problem with something, they should just say it. This is just low.
Film Club Member A: Epel-kun, you're a good guy. You're not even part of the film club, but you're getting angry on our behalf.
Epel: Well, I ain't gonna let 'em get away with tryin' ta hit us like this… I-I mean, we cannot let them get away with this.
Film Club Member C: You're right. We can't just sit idly by as they ruin our precious costumes!
Epel: Yeah! Let's go find those guys from yesterday and confront them!
Film Club Members:YEAH!
Film Club Member A: Eh, hey, wait, everyb… They're gone.
Rook: Oh my, how passionate they all are.
Film Club Member A: Rook-senpai, will you not join them?
Rook: I do not believe I will be able to move for a while, after losing such a beautiful thing.
Film Club Member A: …I see. Well then, I'll go try to stop Epel-kun and the others.
Rook: Ah, well, I cannot believe something like this happened while Vil was away with work.
Rook: No― Perhaps it was because he was not here.
Rook: Still… "Inadequate beauty," hm.
Rook: I should resolve this case before Vil returns. Let me see if there is any evidence here that would point to the culprit.
Rook: First, I'll take a look at where the costume was ripped. …As I thought. It may be similar, but these are not claw rips.
Rook: This was done by a pair of scissors 25cm long, with a 9cm cutting edge.
Rook: From the angle at which the cuts were done, one can assume they were right-handed.
Rook: If they held the costume that was hanging on the mannequin with their left hand, and cut with their right from shoulder to hip…
Rook: The culprit's height would most likely fall between 168~172cm. That narrows it down slightly!
Rook: Fufufu… No matter how many times I track down my prey like this, it still oh so very exhilarating
Rook: Ah, my. I must focus, I cannot get sidetracked from my investigation…
Rook: …Sniff, sniff. I see…
Rook: Fufu, I've determined my prey. Now― Time to hunt!
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Savanaclaw Student A: Shut it! We didn't do it. We don't care one bit 'bout your costumes!
Epel: If there's something you want to say to us, you should have told us straight to our face, instead of harassing us like this… Not very manly of you.
Savanaclaw Student A: Whaddya just say!?
Film Club Member B: If we can't get on the same wavelength by talking… Looks like we gotta duel them instead!!!!
Savanaclaw Student B: Hah, fine, let's go then. There's no way any of you culture club types'll be any match against us, though.
Savanaclaw Student A: Wha…
Film Club Member A: All our magic disappeared!?
Epel: Rook-san!?
Rook: All of you, put your magical pens away. Magic is forbidden to be used in personal squabbles.
Rook: Moreover, it would be wrong to accost these Savanaclaw students.
Rook: Because they are not the culprits in this incident.
Epel: Eh…
Savanaclaw Student B: Feh! Don't get us all wrapped into your mess, then. If we don't have nothing to do with this, then we're outta here.
Film Club Member B: …Don't be stupid! If it wasn't them, then who are you saying would do such a terrible thing!
Rook: This is a tragic case of profound devotion.
Rook: The true culprit is… You!
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Dark [06]
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ー The scene starts in the big hall at Eden
Yui: Things only Azusa-kun can do, huh...?
I guess we really have to do as Ruki-kun says and hope that Azusa-kun will slowly but surely begin to understand the extends of his own capabilities and adapt his mentality...
Yuma: ...Nah, he’s wrong. While I do get where Ruki’s comin’ from, I don’t think that’ll be ‘nough.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: What matters to Azusa most is whether he can prove himself useful to his family and ya, right?
Since he’s limited in the things he can do, wouldn’t it be way better to give him that sense of satisfaction from bein’ able to just that, rather than tryin’ to get him to make that connection inside his head?
Kou: I mean, it’s true that because of what happened in the past, Azusa-kun has a bad habit of always wanting to reconfirm his own value amongst his friends.
...Ah! Which means that as long as he can feel confident that he’s being there for us.
It might change his outlook a little and he’ll feel better again?
Yuma: There ya have it.
That bein’ said, I can’t think of a way to accomplish that, so I doubt it’ll be easy.
Kou: Right...
Yui: ( Something that’ll help him regain his confidence. I hope we can find something... )
→ Try thinking of something (❦)
Yui: ( I’ll try and come up with something myself. )
( I wonder what would help him regain confidence in himself...? )
→ Ask the two of them 
Yui: Do you guys have any ideas? Something that could help him regain confidence...
Kou: Hmー...
Yuma: We’re not great at that sorta thing like Ruki is...
Yui: ( Seems like I’ll have to come up with something instead. )
Yui: ...Ah!
Now that I think about it, Ruki-kun said that he’ll be going to the Sakamaki Castle tomorrow, right?
How about having Azusa-kun deliver something to him, for example...?
Yuma: Ya wanna ask Azusa to bring Ruki somethin’ he forgot?
Yui: Y-Yeah.
I’m sure Ruki-kun will say no if we bring it to him, so we’ll have to do it in secret but...
Kou: I like that idea! I agree!
Yuma: Yeah, me too. I’m pretty sure Azusa can handle goin’ to the Sakamaki Castle.
Besides, I’m pretty sure that helpin’ Ruki out will be a great opportunity for Azusa to gain some confidence in himself!
Kou: Our plan goes into action tomorrow then! Let’s all try our best for Azusa-kun’s sake!
Yui: Yes! Thanks, you two!
( I hope our plan goes well and it can cheer Azusa-kun up a little... )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Azusa: ...
Yui: ( I guess he’s still hung up over what happened yesterday... )
( But if the plan we came up with succeeds... )
Kou: We should get going soon, M-neko-chan.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Yuma: Hey, Azusa. Got a minute right now?
Azusa: I do but...What’s wrong?
Kou: Listen, there’s something we really want to ask you.
Yui: Seems like Ruki-kun forgot to take something very important with him to the Sakamaki Castle.
So could you please deliver it to him?
Azusa: Eh...?
You want me to do it...?
Yuma: Don’t say that. You’re the perfect man for this job.
Kou: Exactly. We’ve kind of got our hands tied right now, and we can’t ask M-neko-chan to leave the Castle either.
That’s why we’d like to ask you. ...You don’t want to?
Azusa: No, I’ll go! Please...Let me go.
Kou: Really? Thanks! You’re helping us out a bunch!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: This is the thing Ruki-kun forgot. It’s very important so take good care of it, okay?
Yuma: We’re countin’ on ya, Azusa.
Azusa: ...Yes.
I’ll go after Ruki right away. I promise...I’ll make sure to deliver it to him.
Yui: Be careful out there, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: ...I’ll get going.
ー Azusa leaves
Yui: ( ...He’ll be okay, right? )
( He’s headed towards the Sakamaki Castle and Ruki-kun will be there as well. )
ーー ‘I’ll get going’. 
Exactly, as he spoke those words to us,
the expression on his face,
was one of pure joy (嬉しそう). 
I suposse that this whole time,
he really just wanted for us to rely on him. 
Just like Ruki-kun said,
if we manage to find something,
which only Azusa-kun can do...
I hope that this can somehow help boost his confidence (自身).
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] The King Below the Moonlight/Chapter 1
Rei Sakuma 2nd Feature Scout
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Summary: The photos for Rei's Feature Live are mostly lax, candid shots, and the Producer can't quite articulate this to him. It's probably best for Rei to reconsider...
Season: Winter
Location: Cafeteria
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Rei: Hmm. What to do…
Koga: Oi. Have you still not made up your mind? Haven’t ya agonised over this for long enough? I don’t wanna pressure ya or anythin’ but it’ll be best if you just decide.
Rei: I’m afraid it’s not that easy. The employee’s cafeteria has such a wide selection of food that I'm overwhelmed by the choices. I’m not sure what to get.
See, just looking at the menu is enough to quell my hunger.
Koga: Oi oi… Ain’t you getting your priorities twisted?
Rei: Right then, Koga. This is now a stakeout mission. Go around the cafeteria and see what everyone else is eating!
Koga: Aye aye! Leave it t’me.
—Is that your idea of a prank!? Why'dya even think about tryin’ to get me to do that!?
Rei: You got me. A shame. What made you realise…? Sit down, Wanko.
—Hm? Who was that? I heard my name…
Oya, it’s Jou-chan. Yes yes, thank you for all your hard work. Was it you who was calling out to me?
It’s lunch at the moment, so how about joining us?
Koga: Hey, somethin’ wrong? Yer face looks all sad. Whassup?
Rei: Huh? Ah, you’ve brought the photographs from the Feature Live shoot.
Koga: What the-. Give us a smile then. Your job and expression should match, y’know?
Rei: Umu. Is there more you’d like to say, Jou-chan? Is there something amiss?
Hm? There’s a problem with the photographs, and they can no longer be used?
I see. There’s not much I can do without seeing them first. Could I take a peek?
Koga: Lemme see too…
—The hell are these?
This one is of the vampire bastard meltin’ under the studio lights, and this one’s him sleepin’ in the coffin I brought t’the waiting room!
Is this you jus’ tryna seem cute ‘n innocent to cover up for the mistakes you made…? Are there actually no decent pictures~?
Well, if these are meant t’be Sakuma-senpai’s offstage persona, then they’ll do. But otherwise? Useless.
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Rei: Ehhh~... That’s untrue. They’re still candid photos, and it’s gap moe. Look, don’t you think this is cute?
Koga: Well uh. You gotta consider havin’ the right balance.
Even though it's for the solo live, all the other guys’ have charmin’ photos, so it's lame if yours is the only one that’s so relaxed, right?
Showing a side of ya not seen on stage doesn’t mean bein’ lazy ‘bout it. Ain’t you the leader of an extreme and immoral unit?
Rei: Hmm. Do you share the same opinion as Koga, Jou-chan?
I see. Dearie me… How troublesome. But if that’s what you both believe, I suppose I’ll retake them…
Well then, Jou-chan. Could you squeeze me into your schedule once more?
Time: One week later
Location: RhyLink Office
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Kuro: Huh? Yo, Sakuma.
Rei: Ah, Kiryu-kun. Though we share the same office space, I haven’t seen much of you lately. There’s something refreshing about it.
Kuro: Well, if we don’t see each other here, we will at the dorms.
Rei: What are you working on?
Kuro: Huh? Me? I got told to come pick up the script for next week’s recordin’. Speakin’ a which, weren’t you part of it too?
Rei: Ahh, so this is the script I received just now?
So in other words, we’ll be working together with AKATSUKI? I look forward to that.
Kuro: Ah yeah, same here.
Rei: Hm? Is that Jou-chan, hiding behind Kiryu-kun’s large frame?
Kuro: Ha?---Oh, Jou-chan. You scared me.
Oh, am I in your way? If so, my bad.
Rei: I see. You were looking for me? Again?
Ah, you have the new photographs we took. Come, come, show me.
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Kuro: Heh. Feels real Sakuma-like. Fans’ll be real happy, right?
Rei: Yes. If we’ve received Kiryu-kun’s stamp of approval, then surely these will do.
Oya? It seems Jou-chan is still unsure about it…?
Kukuku… I don’t believe there’s anything wrong.
Not only does the Producer look up to the idol, the idol also looks up to the Producer.
What’s causing you trouble, Jou-chan?
I see… You don’t think it’s me enough…? I’m missing that secret ingredient to really make it pop… hm…
Yes, it’s quite hard to say.
Eh? Nevermind? Well, what are you concerned about then?
I see. So that’s why the photographs are fine? Everything’s dandy then.
No…I understand. Please, continue as you are.
If Jou-chan the producer says it’s fine, then I shall take her word for it.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
and writing prompts??? anything crutchie wise :3 he’s my little silly!!!!
Ty for the prompt!! It’s been a couple of days but I hope you enjoy :D
“You alright Crutchie?”
Crutchie blinked. Suddenly he was back on the rooftop, with the usual wind blowing in his hair and the usual distant din of New York City on the streets below them.
“Yeah. Fine. Good.” He hesitated a second, and then pride be damned. “You ask me something?”
“Only a million times.”
“Ah make it a million n’ one.”
“Yeah yeah, just for you. You eat anything yet?”
“Oh. Nah. I uh- I ain’t been that hungry the last few days.”
Jack studied him. The look was familiar, and it took a moment for him to place it but it was that same one that Jack got mid winter when his leg decided to act up, like Jack thought that if he could just stare at him long enough he’d be able to work out if something was wrong.
“Finch still has a copy of that pape we’re on if you wanna stare at me Jackie.”
“Shuddup, you look tired.”
He snorted, “Yeah, cuz I sleep near you n’ you don’t shut up.”
The grin that spread across his face was smooth and practised and easy to fall into.
“Look Jack I like the moon as much as the next guy but with the way you talk about it all hours of the mornin’ you’d think Kathy had competition-“
Something glinted in Jack’s eyes at that, maybe it was the light from the moon and wouldn’t that be ironic. He knew it was more likely one of them street lamps but maybe Jack’s poetics were rubbing off on him.
“Yeah well tell her that, she don’t believe I’m a romantic, like the moon ain’t the most romantic thing we’se ever gonna see.”
“Cept Katherine’s eyes Jack, important you don’t leave that part out otherwise ain’t no wonder she’d get jealous.”
Jack pulled a face and leant heavy against the railing of the fire escape.
“Okay, stop tellin’ me how to flirt with my girl-“
Crutchie shrugged, nonchalant, innocent. “I’m just saying-“
“And stop tryin’ to distract me from you not eating.”
All at once the joking tone was gone. Crutchie readjusted the crutch under his arm.
“I’m not distracting no one. I’m just not hungry. That a crime to not be hungry?”
Something on Jack’s face hardened. “When youse just outta the refuge it is.”
Crutchie’s blood went cold, the easy grin on his face falling.
“We ain’t talking bout this right now.”
“We ever gonna?”
Crutchie barked out a laugh. “No. There’s nothing to talk about.”
“We both know that’s not true.”
Crutchie scoffed because Jack was alotta good things, but he was also a hypocrite. Always after them about lookin’ after themselves while standing with gaunt cheeks and dark circled eyes for weeks after he got out of the refuge last time. “You gonna talk about your time in there then?” He shot back, voice level and intentional. “I mean I still hear you wake up from nightmares, Jack. An’ I know that’s why you don’t sleep inside cuz you don’t wanna wake no one up.”
Jack stopped. “Crutch-“
“What? It’s different for you huh?” Harsh. Too harsh, but maybe he needed to hear it.
He let out a breath and redirected his gaze to his feet. “I’m fine Jack I swear, just ain’t hungry. Nothin’ more n’ that.”
That look was back again. “Okay.” Jack shook his head a little. “Okay. Whatever you say. I’m takin’ your word for it.”
“Good.” His smile was an apology and forgiveness all at once. “You should.”
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reserved-system · 2 years
i havent even listened to magnus archives yet [its literally the next podcast im planning to listen to dw] but i am obsessed with this fic. its actually so cute despite the poor guy being in distress most of the time.
i will now theorise and talk about ur fic in ur ask box if thats ok sjdbhdhdhhedjbdjdb
🤔🤔 i wonder why jon was put for a day instead of respawning immidiately? maybe the server was struggling to connect him for the first time or somethin? or xisuma was tryin to block him or somethin? idk, itd be funny if it was The Universe forcing him to get some sleep for once. actually yea i hope thats it.
itll be very funny [or angsty depending on how yall spin it] to see jon realise that death is a consequence-less action in this world, either he watches someone die or dies himself. bros in shock like,,,, my brother in christ i just witness a death 😱😨😱☹️😟😱, but then the person rematerialises in a nearby bed like,,, a second later like,,,, oopsie daisies 😅😅 just got pranked and exploded along side my house 😝😝 mustve been that pesky bird 🤭🤭🤭 I'll be back, just have to collect my stuff 😮‍💨😮‍💨 and jons sitting there like (,,#゚Д゚)
BAHAHAHA if jon was shocked at the ears and tail on ren then i cannot wait to see his reaction to doc adfsfjakggkagkkgaakgagakg
*clapping!!* Cub!! my favourite basement dweller!!
Omg i didnt even Think of how people casually talking about mining for supplies would sound!! very thoughtful on yalls part :D
Woooo!!! map mechanics!!!!
also!!! cub saying that jon would make it to Tangos by sun set IF he doesnt get lost feels like,,,,, foreshadowing,,,, where jon gets lost and has to deal with zombies and skeletons and spiders™️ 👀👀👀 bro will not survive the night sjdbjdbdhdhd
lmao no pressure to answer this but just know that i very much enjoyed the reading !!
WAAAHHHH JBSDJGBJDG Hi! I'm sorry, we were not expecting to wake up to anything this morning. We are extremely flattered!! We're going to try to talk/answer any of your questions or theories without spoiling anything we have planned but firstly! You should definitely listen to The Magnus Archives it's such a good podcast. You don't have to worry about our fic containing spoilers for any of the events in the podcast (to my knowledge, at least. Anyone is free to correct me).
____ 1) Our main reason for having him wait a day before respawning was so THIS MAN COULD SLEEP. This man hasn't had a proper 8 hours of sleep in weeks at this point and needed the rest. The Universe spoke and said he needs to sleep.
2) We're actually going to start to explore people dying in the next chapter and we are VERY very exciting to start on that. What I think will be funny even going forward is seeing how terrified Jon is of seeing people die verse how laid back the hermits are about it. Cause realistically this is what, their ninth season so I'd say they're pretty desensitized to it.
3) I think about his reaction to Doc a lot cuz here comes this shirtless creeper goat cyborg with crocs. IT'S JUST TOO PERFECT. We haven't pin pointed when we're going to introduce the two but when we do it's going to be so much fun to write.
4) Cub <3 <3 <3 So far Cub has been our favorite hermit to write cuz he's just so chill. He could say the most out there sentence and you'll be looking at him and he's just got a blank expression. You'll look at him like did you not just hear what came out of your mouth and he'll look like he's said nothing wrong. Love his guy
5) It's just a few things we think about the difference between hermits and non hermits. For hermits mining for resources is an (at least) a once a week things. Non hermits haven't needed to mine for resources by hand since what, since heavy machinery was introduced on the scene. So it's not something they think about unless their job is to mine for those resources / work those heavy machines.
6) I wouldn't say it's foreshadowing but mainly a light jab at Jon cuz maybe he looks like the kind of guy who you'd give him simply directions and he still gets lost.
(We are those people. Driving downtown is confusing even with a gps)
But yes, maybe Jon does have an encounter with some mobs later on. Who's to say? Hehe.
Anyways, I'm super glad that you've been enjoying our fic so far! Super exciting to get back to writing it more often now that we have a lot more free time.
Hope you have a good rest of your day/evening <3
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hellofanidea · 10 months
oh PLEASE tell me teddy an leyendecker is baout teddy being a model for him PLEASE the implications of that
but pls hit me with the inception AU Please
sorry for the typos i am 2 comsopolitans in and very drunk i went thru this 5 times to amke sure it make ssense
Sam I love you, have fun, stay safe!
And I WISH 'Teddy and Leyendecker' was about the actual guy but I'm afraid I was simply thinking about him when I needed to name this doc. It's more about Teddy being compared to a Leyendecker. It's also about him being a nerd and reciting Whitman at Arthur and Natalie when they go to visit. I'll put an excerpt and the Inception AU under a readmore.
“I too many and many a time cross’d the river of old,” Teddy sighed with a smile. “Whitman?” Arthur turned to Natalie. “It’s usually Whitman.” Teddy clicked his tongue in disapproval. “You absolutely ought to know that by now. Did I teach you nothing?” He chided. Now picking up an eyebrow pencil, he cleared his throat and started to recite again, in earnest: “I too had receiv’d identity by my body, That I was I knew was of my body, and what I should be I knew I should be of my body.” “Yeah, yeah, real clever,” Arthur conceded.
THE INCEPTION AU(s). Oh boy. I have two versions of this with two different casts (in the same draft file because I'm messy like that). There is, of course, the Webgott AU we discussed, with Joe spiraling out of control as Shade!Web infiltrates his dreamscape. The slightly less dramatic and slightly more procedural fic that is focused on a crew doing multiple unrelated jobs is the one with our OCs in it. Since it's you (...and its the one I have the most written for), that's the one I'll share a bit of.
"What were you even playing with?" Arthur asked, curiosity briefly winning out over suffering. "Longevity?" "Intensity," Toye admitted, becoming slightly more animated as he talked about his work. "One of our biggest problems is a target realizing they're in a dream. I figure there has to be a way to adjust the drug to make it more vivid, or at least keep their minds too busy to make the connection." Well. That would explain- No. Compartmentalization. That was how this worked. "Huh," Arthur said, letting himself sound impressed. "Certainly make my job easier." Something flickered on Toye's stony face, a barely perceptible twitch up at the corner of his mouth. Just in that fraction of a second he almost looked like Arthur's Joe, and the memory of his smile hit him like a haymaker. Then it was gone, and Toye was straightening up, looking concernedly over Arthur's shoulder before stepping away. Arthur turned, and saw what chased him off. Natalie looked like she was one wrong word from blowing a gasket. He opened his mouth, then quickly snapped it shut. "What the hell are you playing at?" She hissed. It seemed like a rhetorical question, so Arthur fought to keep quiet. "Are you tryin' to get us thrown off this crew?" That was less rhetorical, and Arthur made an indignant noise. "Hey, it's not-" "Do not turn up hungover again," Natalie snapped. When Arthur opened his mouth again, she leaned in real close. "From booze or the machine." That was enough to shut Arthur up properly, and he watched her storm over to Winters with a building sense of guilt and dread.
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part i
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: pseudocest, stepcest, cheating, wombfucking, semi-public sex (in an alley), extremely light dumbification, breeding kink, spit kink, Osamu has a dick piercing
4.5k words. thanks to @waka-chan-out and @vanilleswtmacaron for beta reading this and reassuring me that it doesn’t suck lol
ao3 link here (aha its not too long mobile just sucks!!) part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
You sighed as you tapped your fingers on the table. Your mom had decided it was high time for you to meet your new stepdad, who you had put off meeting for the past three years. You smiled as you remembered the perfectly timed appendicitis that had you missing the wedding. You couldn’t have planned it better if you tried. 
Your dad had only passed away a little under four years ago, leaving your mom to remarry only six months later. You’d opted to live with your grandmother, citing her health as a reason to live with her on her farm. Your plan had worked perfectly, and you hadn’t had to meet Osamu for three years.
Now though, with your grandmother in the hospital, your mom thought it was a great time for you to come and visit and finally meet the great Osamu.
“Osamu should be home any minute,” your mom said, smiling happily over the takoyaki she was making. “He’s bringing your favourite!”
“Yay,” you said, unenthusiastically. You glanced at the time on your phone. You were almost wishing Osamu to be here so you wouldn’t have to spend another awkward second with your mom.
You and your mom hadn’t been close to begin with, you always being a daddy’s girl from the day you were born. And after remarrying so quickly, you’d drifted even further apart. At this point, you had nothing to speak to her about.
“I’m home!” Someone called. The door slid shut behind them and you glanced around, waiting for them to appear in the kitchen. “And I brought umeboshi onigiri!”
The man who stepped into the kitchen nearly knocked you out of your seat.
He was handsome. Devastatingly, heartachingly, handsome. He was tall, with brown hair and deep grey eyes, and thick. His t-shirt was pulled taut over his broad shoulders and his thighs in his shorts were almost indecent. 
The next thing you noticed was that he was young. Probably only a handful of years older than your twenty-one, definitely closer to your age than your mom’s.
God, why had you put this meeting off? Had you known your mom was married to an actual god, you would’ve actually visited.
“Hey, honey,” your mom greeted, smiling at him. Your stomach twisted as she leaned over, puckering her lips for a kiss. Osamu pecked her lips quickly and turned towards you.
“Hey, I’m Osamu,” he greeted, smiling widely at you. Your heart skipped. “I heard ya like umeboshi onigiri so I made you some.”
“Th-thank you,” you stuttered. “I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to finally meet ya,” Osamu said. “Was starting to think ya were avoiding me!”
“More like she was avoiding me,” your mom said. “She was always a daddy’s girl.”
“Oh?” Osamu asked, looking at you. Your cheeks burned. “Well, I’d never try to replace yer dad, but if ya ever need some daddy/daughter time, I’m here for ya.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something stupid. 
“I really appreciate that,” you said. 
“Oh, I’m so glad you two are getting along already!” Your mom squealed. She carried the takoyaki to the table and smiled as she sat down. “Dinner is finally ready.”
“Itadakimasu,” you mumbled, already loading your plate up with onigiri and the other food on the table. 
“So, how is university going?” Your mom asked. 
You shrugged as you slurped up some noodles. “It’s going. Made nationals.”
“Oh? What sport do ya play? I don’t think yer mom ever mentioned,” Osamu said. You rolled your eyes. Of course she hadn’t mentioned volleyball, it wasn’t like you’d been playing since elementary school or anything.
“Volleyball,” you said. “I was on the Niiyama girls team in high school. Hoping to go pro after uni.”
“Volleyball? I played in high school! My brother, Atsumu, and I were on the Inarizaki team,” Osamu exclaimed. 
“Not Miya Atsumu, right?” You asked, excitedly. “MSBY Black Jackals Miya Atsumu?”
“The very one!” Osamu said.
“No way! They’re my favourite team! I have a signed poster in my room, it’s my prized possession!” I exclaimed. “I heard a few members are going to the Olympics this year.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me she plays volleyball,” Osamu said, glancing at your mom.
“Must’ve slipped my mind,” your mom said.
“We should go to a game sometimes,” Osamu said. “I can get an extra ticket to the MSBY, Adlers game later this week.”
“That sounds great!” You said, smiling widely.
Your mom ate in relative silence as you and Osamu traded stories about your volleyball times, only ever inputting something every once in a while. After dinner, Osamu found a Sendai Frogs match. 
“I’m currently in the nation’s top 3 setters,” you said, proudly. “I’m number two behind Takao Michi.”
“I’ll have to start coming to yer games,” Osamu said. “See ya in action.”
“I’d like that,” you said, honestly. 
“Why don’t ya come to work with me tomorrow? I can introduce ya to a few of my friends that are in town,” Osamu said.
“Absolutely,” you said.
“Don’t get me wrong though, I’m putting ya to work while yer there,” Osamu said. Your mom yawned.
“You all have me worn out from all this volleyball talk,” she said. “I’m going to bed.”
“Night, mom,” you said as she stood up.
“Osamu?” She questioned, turning back to glance at him.
“Oh, we’re going to stay up a bit longer,” he said. “The Schweinden Adlers have a match after the Frogs.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. You could hear the disappointment in her voice.
Osamu waited until you heard the bedroom door click shut before speaking.
“I know this is probably too much information about yer mom but she must think I’m some sex robot,” Osamu said, huffing. “A guy can only do so much.”
You crinkled your nose. “Gross, I did not need to know that.” You tried to hold steady but laughter bubbled up through your lips. Osamu laughed loudly and you joined him, holding your gut with how hard you were laughing.
“We need- we need to be- to be quiet!” Osamu laughed. “She’s trying to- tryin’ to sleep.”
You giggled a few more times before quieting down.
“So, how old are ya?” Osamu asked, standing up. “Old enough for a beer?”
“I’m twenty-one,” you said. “Old enough for a beer.”
“We got wine coolers if ya would rather have that,” Osamu said, stepping into the kitchen.
“Please,” you said. “So, how old are you? Can’t help but notice you’re quite a bit younger than my mom.”
“Twenty-five, twenty-six in October,” he said, grabbing a beer and a wine cooler out of the fridge.
“Follow up question,” you said, “and I don’t mean any offence, I’m sure she’s great in some ways, but why my mom? I mean, surely there’s no shortage of people your age that are wanting you.”
Osamu took a long drink from his beer before answering. “Ask me after I’ve drunk a few of these.”
You pursed your lips and took a sip of your fruity drink. “Fine,” you said. “Then let’s play a game. Every time the Adlers score, I’ll ask you a question and every time the Tachibana Red Falcons score, you get to ask me a question.”
“Deal,” Osamu said.
“Oh! Score!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up. “Another untouchable spike by Ushiwaka!”
“Shush, yer mom,” Osamu giggled. You rolled your eyes and chugged the rest of your fifth drink.
“You shush, it’s my turn,” you said, plopping down on the couch next to Osamu. “So, now tell me,” You hiccupped. “My bad. Now tell me, why my mom? Why not someone your age? Because I’m gonna- I’m gonna be honest, you’re hot and my mom is, like, she’s not, like, ugly, but, like, she’s, like, fifty.”
“I could just like cougars,” Osamu teased. You rolled your eyes and popped the top on your next drink.
“Tell the, the truth, ‘Samu,” you slurred. 
“Fine, but this stays between us, as best friends,” he said.
“Bee ef efs,” you slurred.
“Yer mom helped fund my restaurant,” he said. “So, I felt bad. She’s so nice and sweet. So, I married her.”
“Now you have a step kid that’s only four years younger than you,” you said. 
“Yeah, she didn’t really mention ya before we got married,” he said. Osamu leaned in close to you. “She didn’t mention how attractive ya were either.”
Your cheeks flushed. You turned your head away from him, looking back to the television.
“Oh, Falcons scored,” you said. “It’s your turn to ask a question.”
Osamu took a sip of his beer before speaking. “Why have ya been avoidin’ yer mom?”
You took a large gulp from your drink. “I haven’t been avoiding her,” you lied. Osamu blinked at you slowly. 
“Fine, fine!” You exclaimed. You sipped from your drink, then responded, “Mainly because she remarried so quickly after Dad died. And to someone only four years older than me. But we’ve never been close. She and I never really saw eye-to-eye. She was the love of my dad’s life and he was just another guy to her. Not to mention, she’s never been remotely interested in anything in my life, she’s always been so self-absorbed. I doubt she even knew I still played volleyball, that’s probably why she didn’t mention it to you.”
Osamu stayed silent as you chugged the remainder of your drink.
“I know it’s probably not comforting, but I’ll be there for ya if ya need me,” Osamu said. “Even if yer mom and I separate, I consider ya a friend now.”
Osamu’s words were oddly comforting. You nodded as you reached for yet another wine cooler. 
“I’m oddly comforted,” you said, popping the top easily. You fiddled with the top, thinking of what to say next.
“Another Falcons score,” Osamu said. “My turn again.”
“Question away,” you said. 
“Can’t think of any,” Osamu said. He yawned.
“Tired already?” You teased, elbowing him in the side. “Old man.”
“I’m twenty-five,” he argued, yawning again. “But I am going to bed. Let’s call a rain check on our game.”
“Deal,” you said, raising your bottle to him. “Might as well go to bed, too. Night, Samu.”
“Night, Y/n,” Osamu said, standing up. He stretched out before padding down the hallway to your mom’s room. 
You sighed loudly once you heard the door click shut. You gulped down your drink. “Good going, Y/n. You finally found a guy you like and he’s your stepdad.”
You finished your drink before gathering all the empty bottles and cans, throwing them in the recycling before walking towards your room. You collapsed onto your unmade bed and passed out before your head hit the pillow. 
“Two salted salmon onigiri,” you said, placing the plate in front of the professional volleyball player. “And onion soup.”
“Go ahead and join them,” Osamu said, placing a few plates on the same table. “I’ll bring you out some umeboshi onigiri.”
“Thanks,” you said. You could barely contain your excitement as you took a seat between Miya Atsumu and Bokuto Koutarou.
“So, yer a setter?” Atsumu asked, taking a bite of his onigiri. You nodded.
“Number two in the nation,” you said.
“She’s better than you were, Tsumu!” Hinata Shoyo exclaimed. You smiled widely.
“In high school, I was ranked number one under nineteen in my second and third years,” you said. “I even got to play in the junior Olympics in high school. We only won silver, though.”
“We’re playing the Olympics this year,” Bokuto said. “And a few of our friends from the Adlers.”
“Kageyama Tobio, Ushijima Wakatoshi, and Hoshimiumi Kourai?” You asked. “I’ve been keeping up with everyone considered for the Olympics.”
“Maybe you’ll be playing in the next Olympics,” Sakusa said. 
“That’s the goal,” you said, smiling. Osamu set a plate in front of you. “Thank you.”
“So our little star setter is here for the next week,” Osamu said, placing a strong hand on your shoulder. “We should play a game while she’s down, see how good she really is.”
“I’m game!” Bokuto exclaimed. “I wanna see those number two in the nation skills!”
“Probably nowhere near the level of you guys,” you said.
“We do have a few years on ya,” Atsumu said, ruffling your hair. 
“Literally only four,” you said, fixing your hair.
“Leave the kid alone, Tsumu,” Osamu said.
“Hey, she’s my niece now, I reserve the right to tease her,” Atsumu said.
“Uncle Tsumu,” you teased.
“That’s right, Uncle Tsumu and Daddy Samu,” Atsumu said. 
Your stomach flipped as the MSBY boys laughed. Osamu looked down at you and winked. You clenched your thighs together.
“All right, quiet down before ya disturb my payin’ guests,” Osamu said. 
“Lunch on Samu-kun!” Hinata exclaimed. Osamu rolled his eyes.
“Once yer finished, I want ya back in the kitchen,” Osamu said. He rubbed your back before walking into the kitchen.
“So, you plan on going professional after university?” Bokuto asked.
You nodded as the table fell into casual conversation.
“I already have offers to go play in France and Brazil,” you said, taking a bite of your onigiri.
“Brazil is fantastic,” Hinata said. “I played there for a while.”
“You liked it? I’ve been debating back and forth between the two. Can’t decide which one I would enjoy more,” you said. “Does Brazil have good food?”
“The best! Unless you’re looking for Japanese food,” Hinata said. “There’s no good Japanese food.”
“Noted,” you said, smiling.
“What are you studying in school?” Sakusa asked.
“Education,” you said. “If volleyball doesn’t work out I want to teach Japanese in another country.”
“Smart,” Sakusa said.
“So, any boyfriends? Girlfriends? Significant others?” Atsumu asked.
You laughed. “With what time?”
“Oh, come on, there has to be someone!” Atsumu exclaimed. “We all find time for a lil’ somethin’.”
“There was a girl,” you admitted. “On my volleyball team, but we both cared more about volleyball than each other.”
“Any crushes?” Bokuto asked. He winked at you and flexed his arms playfully.
You pursed your lips. “And why should I tell you if I do?”
“Because we’re all best friends now!” Hinata shouted, slamming his hand on the table. He ignored the looks from the other customers.
“There is this guy I have my eye on,” you said. “He’s tall, nice, and beefy as hell.”
“Ooo, tell us more,” Bokuto said.
You shook your head. “No use talking about him. He’s strictly off limits.”
“He’s gay,” Atsumu said, nodding his head.
“What?! No!” You laughed. “He’s taken.”
“Ah, university relationships aren’t always serious, you can probably still get him,” Hinata said, waving away your worries.
“He’s married,” you said. The boys all hissed in sympathy.
“Ask for a threesome,” Atsumu said. Your face must’ve shown your disgust because the boys all laughed at you.
“She must be ugly,” Bokuto said.
“We don’t get along the best,” you said. You sighed as you looked down at your empty plate.
“Better get to work before Daddy Samu grounds you,” Atsumu teased.
You rolled your eyes, but stood up. 
“It was nice meeting you guys,” you said. “I hope we can get a game together before I leave.”
“Oh, we definitely will,” Bokuto said.
“I’ll hold you to it,” you said, smiling. You waved bye to them as you entered the kitchen.
Osamu was leaned over the stove top, stirring a large pot of soup.
“Have fun?” He asked, wiping sweat off his brow with the towel thrown over his shoulder. You nodded.
“They were all super nice,” you said. “I feel like we’re actually friends now.”
“That’s good,” Osamu said, smiling at you. “Ya wanna start putting together a couple of onigiri?”
“No problem,” you said, washing your hands quickly. 
“We need five salted salmon and three umeboshi,” Osamu said. “And then out to table three.”
“Got it,” you said.
The rest of the day went by relatively quickly and smoothly. It was finally around midnight when the last customers finally left and you and Osamu could close down shop.
“Come into my office and I’ll show you how to count all the money,” Osamu said, locking the main doors. 
You followed him into his small office. 
“Okay, whenever you count the money, make sure the door is closed and locked behind you,” Osamu said, closing the door behind him. 
You held your breath as he slowly slid past you, your chest brushing against his.
“A lil’ cramped in here, sorry,” Osamu said, sitting at his desk.
“It’s fine,” you mumbled, sitting in the folding chair next to him.
“So, d’ya have a good day?” Osamu asked, casually thumbing through bills.
You nodded. “It was good! It was nice meeting your friends. I really liked them.”
“Ooo, any of ‘em catch yer eye?” Osamu teased. You rolled your eyes.
“I already have my eye on someone,” you said.
“Oh?” Osamu questioned.
“He’s taken though,” you said. “Strictly off limits.”
“Ask for a threesome,” he said.
You laughed loudly. “Funny, Atsumu said the same thing. But no, I don’t get along with his wife.”
“Wife? That sucks,” he said, placing a wad of cash in an envelope. 
“Yeah,” you agreed.
“Well, I, for one, think yer a catch,” Osamu said, sealing the envelope. “Anyone would be lucky to have ya.”
“Thanks, Samu,” you said, face burning. He patted your thigh.
“Anytime, princess,” Osamu said. You clenched your thighs together at the new nickname. “Well, we’re all done here, let’s get home.”
You trailed after him like a lost puppy as he double checked all the appliances were off and flipping the lights off.
You shivered as you stepped into the cool, night air. 
“Cold?” Osamu asked, already peeling off his Onigiri Miya hoodie.
“Yeah, a little,” you said, gladly taking the hoodie from him. You tugged it over your head and breathed deeply. “Smells good. Half expected it to smell like onigiri.”
“It will soon,” Osamu said, smiling. “It’s new. Just got the shipment in last week.”
“I’ll have to get one,” you said.
“Keep it,” Osamu said. “Ya look cute in it.”
You blushed deeply. You bumped his shoulder with yours gently.
“It’s like, way too big,” you said.
Osamu shrugged. “Oversized is in. Besides, I thought girls loved to steal guys’ hoodies.”
“Yeah, guys they like,” you said.
“Well, ya took it from me,” Osamu said, bumping your shoulder. “Ya must like me a little.”
“Whatever,” you said, cheeks burning. Osamu laughed.
“Someone has a crush!” He sang.
“Shut up! I don’t have a crush on you,” you said.
“Ya did call me hot last night,” he said.
“I was drunk, so it doesn’t count,” you said. He rolled his eyes obnoxiously.
“Ya have a crush on me, just admit it,” Osamu said. “I won’t tell anyone, pinky promise.”
“You’re my stepdad, in case you forgot,” you replied. “That’s basically incest, isn’t it?”
“So ya admit it?” Osamu asked. You shoved him playfully.
“I actually have a crush on Atsumu,” you said. “He’s the hotter twin.”
Osamu pushed you into an alley and caged you against the cool bricks of a building.
“Oh?” Osamu said. “Ya think Atsumu is the hotter twin?”
You nodded slowly as Osamu looked down at you.
“It’s the hair,” you squeaked.
“Oh, yeah, forgot that girls love a guy who doesn’t know what toner is,” Osamu said, leaning down. “I think yer lying.” His nose was nearly touching yours.
“I’m not,” you mumbled. Osamu’s hands moved from either side of your head to your hips. 
“You are,” Osamu whispered, lips brushing against your ear. You shivered.
“And if I am?” You asked.
“I don’t like bad girls,” Osamu said. “Lying is grounds for punishment.”
“Punishment?” You asked.
“I’d bend ya over my knee and spank ya until ya begged for mercy,” he said. You sucked in a sharp breath.
“It’s a good thing I’m not lying, then,” you said. By now, Osamu’s lips were nearly against yours, so close you could feel the heat from his breath on your lips.
Osamu ground his hips against yours, firmly pressing his hard on against you.
You bit your lip and glanced down. His cock was straining against his jeans, eager to be released.
“Tell the truth and I’ll think about not putting ya over my knee,” Osamu said, lips softly brushing against yours. 
“You’re the hotter twin,” you said, putting your arms around his neck. “And I have a crush on you. And I want you to fuck me in this alley.”
“There we go,” Osamu said. He finally kissed you roughly, like he wanted to devour you. You moaned as he ground against you.
“Samu,” you moaned, pulling back. He wasted no time, kissing down your neck, sucking and biting at your sensitive skin.
“Been thinkin’ about pushin’ this lil’ skirt up all day,” he growled, pushing your skirt up around your waist, revealing the pretty pink lace of your underwear. 
“Please,” you gasped as he shoved his jeans and underwear down, releasing his cock. You nearly moaned at the sight of it, long and thick and leaking precum from the swollen tip.
“Gonna wreck this cute little cunt,” Osamu said, tugging your underwear down and letting them fall to the ground. He dragged the tip of his cock through your wet folds, teasing your clit and hole.
“Is- Is that a piercing I feel?” You asked, feeling cool metal against your warm folds.
“I’ll give ya a closer look later,” he said, teasingly pushing the tip in and out of your hole. “Wanna be in ya now.”
“Fill me up, please, Samu,” you begged, digging your fingernails into his skin. Your walls fluttered around nothing as he lifted you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Good girl,” he muttered, lining his cock up with your hole. “Beg for my cock, princess.”
“Please, please, please!” You cried. “Want your cock in me, need it! Please, Samu, want you to fill me up.”
“Of course, baby girl, anything for my princess,” Osamu said, kissing you softly. He rutted his hips up into you, stretching you out suddenly.
You moaned loudly and let your head fall on Osamu's broad shoulder. 
“So big,” you moaned. “Hurts.”
“Shh, shh, yer takin’ me so well, baby,” Osamu said. “Squeezin’ me so tight, wanna bust just bein’ in ya.”
You whimpered as Osamu slowly pulled out. He pushed back in slowly, giving you time to adjust to each inch. Your walls clenched around him, sucking him in deeper and deeper until the swollen tip was kissing your cervix.
“Fuck,” he hissed. “Gonna ruin ya.” Osamu pulled out until just the tip was in and slammed back into you.
You gasped loudly as his cock breached your cervix, going deeper than anything had ever been in you and stretching you more than anything ever had.
“Samu!” You cried, throwing your head back and digging your nails into the nape of his neck. “Fuck, harder, please!”
“Feel that, baby? I’m so deep in ya,” Osamu said. “Fuckin’ past your cervix, yeah?”
You nodded as you bit back your moans as Osamu pounded into you. You buried your head into his shoulder and bit down, quieting your too loud moans.
“Next time, ‘m gonna have ya somewhere ya can be loud as ya want,” Osamu grunted. “Wanna hear yer pretty, little moans.”
You let out a soft moan in his ear and he snapped his hips up harder into you.
“Ah, Samu,” you moaned, struggling to keep your volume down. “Gonna cum.”
He pinched your clit as you gushed around his cock. You looked down to where your bodies met and watched as your juices leaked down his cock, dripping on his heavy balls. You moaned.
“Gonna fill ya up, baby,” he growled lowly. “Come ‘ere.”
He pulled your head up by your hair and squeezed your cheeks until your mouth fell open, tongue lolling out. He gathered spit in his mouth and spat it on your waiting tongue.
“Don’t swallow,” he said. He kissed you deeply, licking into your mouth and sucking your tongue. He kissed you messily, spit running down your chin and a thin strand of it connecting you two when he finally pulled back. 
“Such a messy, little slut,” he said, slamming his hips against yours. “Taking my spit so well. Gonna take my cum like that?”
You nodded, unable to speak beyond gasps and moans as his cock abused your cunt.
“Can’t speak? Fucked ya dumb, huh?” Osamu asked. He chuckled. “My cock makin’ ya dumb, little baby?”
You whined. God, you wanted him to fill you up so bad. 
“Cum. Inside.” You gasped out.
“Oh? Want me t’ breed ya? Make ya big and swollen with my baby?” Osamu asked, hips moving faster.
You nodded furiously. He rubbed your clit in tight, fast circles.
“Cream ‘round my cock one more time, baby,” he grunted. 
“Samu!” You exclaimed. Your stomach tightened as your walls fluttered like crazy.
“Yeah? Gonna cum again for me?” Osamu asked. You let out a high pitched moan as the coil in your stomach snapped.
“Fill me up, please!” You moaned as you came. Osamu’s hips stuttered as he pushed into you deeply before painting your womb white. You cried out, letting your head rest against his shoulder as he moaned.
“Fuck, yer still so tight around my cock,” he hissed. Your walls fluttered. “Perfect little cunt, princess. Milkin’ me dry like a good girl.”
You whimpered as he slowly pulled out. Your legs went limp, falling from his waist.
“Can’t stand,” you mumbled, legs shaking with the weak attempt you made. Osamu held you up as he pulled his pants back up and pulled your panties back on.
“Come here, baby,” he said, swooping you up bridal style. “Let’s go home, princess.”
You nodded lamely as he carried you. You must’ve fallen asleep, because the next thing you heard was Osamu talking to your mother.
“She was practically dead on her feet,” Osamu said. “Fell asleep while I was counting the money.”
“You could’ve called, I would’ve brought the car,” your mom said. You felt Osamu shrug.
“It was no problem,” Osamu said. 
“Well, go lay her down in her bed,” your mom said. “Then maybe she’ll be out for the rest of the night.” You frowned at her suggestive tone and cuddled deeper into Osamu’s chest.
“I’ll go lay her down,” Osamu said. He carried you down the hall and entered your bedroom carefully.
As he laid you down, you grabbed his arm and whined, “Don’t go.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered. “I gotta go to my own bed.”
“Don’t- Don’t fuck her,” you mumbled. “Please.”
“Don’t worry, princess,” he said, softly brushing your hair out of your face. “It’s only you from now on.” You nodded. Osamu kissed your forehead before leaving you alone.
You blinked once, twice, before you were asleep.
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Time for Gentiste Origins chapter one! This covers vignettes of them meeting and developing a friendship/ attraction
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Genji: Ange- Oh. Greetings Ang: Oh! Genji, this is jean baptiste augustin! The medic I’ve talked about
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Genji: An honor to meet you. Bap: Same to you Ang: If you have time, can you show him where the dorms are? Genji: Of course! Come with me! Bap: You are a veteran of Overwatch, yes? Genji: Yes. I have returned to help... for now
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Genji: What brought you to abandon Talon? Bap: It’s a part of my life I wish to leave behind. Genji: I know what it is to leave behind a past you are not proud of. Bap: So, let’s focus on the future, hmm?
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Jess: Genjamin! Genji: Good to see you, mccree. Lena: I have so much to tell you, Genji!! Em got a dog! Mei: Hi, Genji! Bap: You’re a popular guy. Genji: I’m exhausted
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Genji: I’m going to show you how to remove my armor. I’m sorry in advanced. Bap: I’ll do my best. Genji: This whole front comes off in one piece this way
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Genji: The main attachments are at my temple and jaw. Then this peels back
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Genji: It’s shocking, i know. Bap: No! The way you talk about your body, I didnt expect a handsome face. Genji: [scoff] Anyway, next is-... And that’s everything. Bap: Oof! No problem. I’m begging you to stay conscious though
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Genji:I make no promises. Bap: I need assistance. Stuck on the cliff. Genji: I’m close. Be right there.
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Genji: well well well, you were not kidding Bap: harhar Genji: I’ve got you. Bap: Nice catch!
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I’ce rescued many cats from trees.... you are slightly heavier Jess: I’m tryin’ to mop, Genj Genji: I’ll be quick! I need my juice!
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[splatter] Genji: I’m sorry!! Bap: Run. Genji: What?
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Jess: Don’t forget your- Genji: I’M SORR- Jess: JUICE! [bonk] Genji: Curse his aim. Bap: I feel bad for laughing Genji: no, it was funny
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Bap: We’re going drinking if you wish to join Lucio: We need a cyberninja for the entourage! Bap: I owe you a drink Genji: Very well
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Bap: There you are! I’ll block you, so you can remove your visor to drink. Genji: Oh! thank-you! picked up on that fast
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Bap: You like being in the background. Genji: Is it that obvious? Bap: I’m a people watcher too! Come sit with me! Lucio: wh-what IS that??
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Bap: I have to take this Sombra: Hey, Bestie! Bad news...
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Lena: We’re headed out! you want Rein to grab Genji? Bap: Ok. I can stay. Where is he? Lena: Right here! Bap: OH! I can get him back. You go.
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Bap: Genji [genji groans] Can you stand? Can I get a water? [bartender answers] A lightweight? Genji: I didnt used to be. I really havent drank in this body. It all hit me at once.
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Bap: Genji, you should have paced yourself then! You could have poisoned yourself missing so much of you. Genji: I had fun! I wanted to... participate ‘cause you asked so nicely. you have a warm voice. Where’s my-
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Genji: uwah, that’s better. I think i’m ok now Bap: you’re literally falling over. Hold onto me.
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Genji: Despair. Jess: Here’s breakfast and ibuprofen. the essential
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Bap:  This way! stay calm! Genji: Did I look lonely? Bap: Maybe i was? [blatant flirting]
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Bap: How did you manage a busted lip? Genji: I’m very talented... Your office is depressing. I got you some plants
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pharah: You overdid it again Genji: I did.
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Bap: What’s wrong? you look upset. Genji: I know this is helping Hanzo, and this is what I wanted. But him wanting nothing to do with me... acting like I don’t exist. It’s um... It’s just hard. Seeing him. I dont know what i’m supposed to do. I dont want the team to hate him, but it is getting to me
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Bap: You’re so strong. This is alot for anyone to handle. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, Genji. Everyone is here to support you Genji: I’m sorry [sniff]
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Genji: I’m sorry again. Thankyou for listening. Bap:You can talk to me, genji, it’s fine Genji: Compensation. Bap: WHERE were you storing that?
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey! I have a really loud and particular laugh that seems to carry quite literally throughout my house and there have been many times people have bought it up with me (I can’t help it my laugh is just loud & contagious!!). Could I request the bros reaction to MC who quite literally is unable to laugh quietly and ends up being heard through the whole of the house? Thank you!🥰
This is so sweet, geez imma get cavities. I also have a very loud laugh and I startle people a lot when I start laughing so I get what you mean!
These HCs are probably written a lot better because suddenly I’m full energy and motivation-
The Brothers with an MC who has a loud and particular laugh:
-He’ll never admit it but whenever you start laughing or even smiling, he can’t really stop himself from doing it too
-Like, he looks at you as you start cackling about a funny meme Levi just showed you and he’s holding back a smile-
-Because, even though you have such a loud and some would say ‘obnoxious’ laugh, he thinks you just sound so precious
-He really struggles to show that he’s not affected by you as much as he actually is
-Even if you start laughing at an inappropriate time, he’d likely not even tell you off properly
- Would never say anything of the sort to your face, but he low-key admires you
-He thinks it’s amazing that a simple human like you that has experienced so many horrible things every since they arrived in literal hell, can have the ability to laugh so heartily even now
-If you’re in public and start doing your boisterous laugh, he will keep a stoic expression on his face
-There’s a hint of a blush on his cheeks if you look close enough, though I doubt anyone is crazy enough to point it out
-In private though? Appreciate these moments y’all, because it’s one of the few rare times you’ll see him laugh freely
-Even when he’s around his brothers and trying to keep a straight face, you can see his lips threatening to curve upwards
-Basically, he thinks you’re baby and your laugh makes him feel at ease
-I head canon that he also has a very particular laugh because he gives off those kind of vibes
-He probably doesn’t even notice how loud you are when you start wheezing
-Normally, he’d join in and start laughing with you as the rest of the brothers take out their sound blocking ear muffs for the third time that day
-You two are loud ok?
-Poor Lucifer who not only has insomnia and is a workaholic, he also has two idiots giggling to themselves in the middle of the night
-When I said Mammon is trying to get a laugh out of you any hour of the day
-I mean any hour
-He will wake you up to just hear your voice and then proceed to run out as you start yelling at him
-Even if he were to notice it, the worst reaction you’re gonna get out of him is a bit of teasing
-“Ya sound like you’re dyin’ over there human. You alright?”
-When in reality, he’s even more smitten with you because your laugh is just another one of your amazing qualities
-Mammon does the stupidest shit in front of you to make you and hear you laugh because it warms his heart
-Even if he wouldn’t admit it, to you or to himself
-The only time he ‘doesn’t like’ it when you laugh is if you’re poking fun at him with his brothers
-That gets him all huffy puffy and sad
-For a minute, before he’s thrown himself onto you again
-Greedy for money and greedy for affection of course
-Catch him rambling about it for five minutes straight
-Before stopping abruptly, flushing from head to toe and starting to stutter like he forgot how to speak
-This usually has you laughing again, in a more sympathetic and encouraging way and he just...dies
-He doesn’t like his laugh, at all
-He thinks it sounds really awkward and tense
-So he’s low-key jealous about your rather impulsive laugh because it’s so sweet??? And amazing and cute??? Just like you???
-But at the same time, it’s hard for him to be jealous of it when he loves it so much
-Why do you think he keeps coming to you whenever he finds funny memes or compilations online???
-“I don’t expect a normie like you to understand but look at this.”
-He gets a stupidly cute kick out of knowing that he is the one making you laugh
-I suggest trying not to laugh too much while he’s playing video games because your laugh distracts him so much
-And he will throw his headset at you
-Affectionately of course
-He doesn’t give much of a reaction besides a quirked eyebrow and a quiet ‘Oh?’
-Sure, he doesn’t really like it when his brothers are being noisy either because they’re laughing too loudly or because they are fighting gladiator style outside his room
-But you’re the exception
-The only person in that household that could get away with interrupting his reading/work is you
-May come as a surprise to some, but sometimes Satan does get worried for you
-If he hasn’t seen you in a while he might start thinking that something is wrong
-But then he’d hear you laughing from downstairs and he’d smile and think “Eh they’re alright.”
-He thinks your laugh sounds so much more endearing than his own psychotic laugh 🥰🥰🥰
-Will throw one of his precious books at any of his brothers if they make fun of the way you laugh
-Basically, he has the biggest heart eyes for you but he’s too good at hiding it
-Laugh with him whenever something embarrassing happens to Lucifer and he will be so pleased and happy for the rest of the day
-“MC my dear, has anyone mentioned what a wonderfully charming laugh you have? And that says something coming from me.”
-Asmo also has a very noticeable laugh
-Not exactly loud but it could be considered obnoxious (to his brothers) and he giggles all the time when he’s very excited
-Having Asmodeous as your partner is basically the same thing as dating your best friend
-Despite being the Avatar of Lust, your relationship with him is super healthy and even he takes comfort in that
-You’d both be chuckling to yourselves in Majolish or something because this bïtch is hilarious if he wants to be
-“Oh my Lord Diavolo! MC, look! I found the perfect outfit for Mammon!!”
-And it’s a Disney princess dress the size of a fuckn toddler
-You guys laughed so hard you got kicked out >:(
-But you ended up buying that dress for Mammon anyway lmaoo
-Spending too much time with Asmo is similar to the whole “I’m trying to be quiet in class but me and my friend keep laughing every time we look at each other”
-The way both of you have to strain yourselves from full on cackling when Lucifer has a go at either of you 😌
-Except you seriously can’t laugh because you will be ✨murdered✨
-That’s the kind of hype he gives you all day every day
-The first time he properly heard you laugh was when you started making puns and you were laughing like crazy at your own jokes (samesies)
-And he just loves seeing you this happy because he gets happy and then he doesn’t even want to eat anymore, he just wants to hug you
-“I like your laugh. Do it again for me?”
-Your heart went doki doki
-It’s common for Beel to make you all flustered without meaning to and then you nervously start laughing again because you feel so awkward
-BUT your face brightens up so much when you start laughing or even smiling and he can’t help himself from complimenting you
-Your joyous and loud chuckles always cheer him up
-To the point where he completely forgets how hungry he is
-Took you a while to figure this one out but his mood sort of changes with yours??
-If you’re visibly sadder than usual, he his morale is also surprisingly low and he starts eating more than usual
-In comparison to when you’re all bubbly and doing that beautiful laugh of yours and he gets like these butterflies in his stomach instead of the usual pangs of pain and hunger
-So now he just wants to hear your voice in general on repeat for the rest of eternity
-Im not crying you are
-“You’re too loud dumbass, I’m tryin’ to nap here.”
-Will deadass throw a pillow at your face if you wake him up
-Like hes so rude and for what?
-He loves you and your annoying as fuck laugh, he really does I promise
-It’s a special, unique part of you and all that sappy crap
-But keep it up and you will have a very cranky boyfriend to deal with for the rest of the month
-He can be such an ass at times if he’s in a bad mood
-“I should tape your mouth shut.”
-“Shut up.”
-But as much as he hates being woken up by somebody else, he would much prefer waking up to your voice rather anyone else’s
-You usually wake him up in the mornings to get ready for RAD and you start giggling every time he pulls a face at you and complains that he doesn’t wanna
-“What are you? An alarm clock?”
-And then he just sort of pulls you to him and goes with a completely straight face:
-“You’re annoying but you can be my alarm clock if you want to.”
-He’s either flirting or is so sleepy he’s being unusually soft hELP
Thank you for reading! And for all the reblogs and follows. You guys don’t even know how much I appreciate your support. Especially at times when I’m not as motivated to write and now that the fandom has fizzled out a bit.
Also imma have to make a master list soon or something
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Idia Shroud Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 2
"It's all about aesthetics."
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Interior Hallway]
Grim: Ugggh, I lost rock-paper-scissors again… Next time I'll definitely throw out scissors, yanno.
Grim: Ace and [Yuu] are both so cold-hearted, makin' me go on a snack run at this time of night!
Grim: If I don't hurry back, I bet they'll continue watching the movie without me.
Grim: The evil genius scientist died but was still doing terrifying experiments, even as a ghost… What's he gonna do next!?
Grim: He already possessed another human and used his own body as a test subject. Crazy.
Grim: And that dirty lab coat after he finished that experiment… Traumatizing!
Grim: The vengeful spirit of a mad scientist is just too much, yanno.
Grim: Ahh~ I'm scared, but I gotta know what happens next! I gotta hurry and buy the juice from the vending ma…
[step… step…]
Grim: Hm? Footsteps? …This late at night?
Grim: …
Grim: I-I'm not scared, or nothin'. It's totally gotta be the ghosts tryin' to scare me like usual.
Grim: Eh? Wait… Those guys wouldn't make footsteps…
[idia zooms by]
Grim: Funya!!!
Grim: W-W-Wait, that white shadow just now… Was that a lab coat? No, there's no way!
Grim: Hey, who's that out there trying to scare me? Don't mess around, come out!
???: …ome her…
Grim: Eh?
???: …Come… Come over here…
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Grim: Wh-Wha-Wha…
Idia: Come here… I'm not scary…
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Grim: …Urk.
Idia: …Oh, G-Grim-shi. Man, so it wasn't a cat.
Idia: I thought I was going to be able to enjoy some supreme cuddle-time… Too bad.
Idia: But speaking of which, G-Grim-shi… You're really unusually quiet today…
Grim: …
Idia: Grim-shi? …Heeeey.
Grim: …
Idia: H-he's… He's unconscious.
Idia: Oh, wait, is this maybe my fault?
???: Heeey, Grim~! Where are you?
Idia: Geh! It's a p-person… Grim-shi is one thing, but I'm not at all prepped to talk to a p-p-person…
Idia: Urk, there's no way I'd be able to think of any small talk, and plus, I'm dressed like this… Wh-Wh-What should I do…
Idia: …Forget it! All I wanted to do was pet a cat, I didn't do nothing wrong! Time to escape!
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Ace: Geez, he can't even go on a snack run without causing a problem. It shouldn't take this long, man, I'm so thirsty.
Ace: I even went and rented the super popular horror movie and we had to pause it just when it was getting good.
Ace: [Yuu], did you find Grim?
1. Ah, look! 2. Somethings on the ground there.
Ace: Eh? …Hey, Grim! Yo, what are you doing collapsed in the middle of the hallway like this?
Grim: The mad scientist's evil spirit… He reached out to me… Uuuuu.
Ace: …He's passed out. Was he having a nightmare or something?
Ace: Or maybe…
1. We should go exorcise him right away. 2. Gulp…
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[rabble, rabble…]
Heartslabyul Student A: Hey, did you hear the story of the Laboratory of No Return…?
Heartslabyul Student A: Apparently, an evil spirit wearing a white lab coat with a bluish flame aura roams the hallways at midnight.
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Ortho: Hm? Bluish flames?
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Heartslabyul Student B: Yeah, I heard about that. They say that the mad scientist's evil spirit roams the school looking for subjects to experiment on.
Heartslabyul Student B: If he catches you, you're done, you'll never come home alive… I wonder if it's real.
Heartslabyul Student A: Who knows. I also heard that it's blue flame aura flickers mournfully as it reaches for you, saying "Come… Come here…"
Heartslabyul Student B: Scaaaaary!
Heartslabyul Student A: The Headmaster was panicking too, saying "If the rest of the world finds out that there is a vengeful spirit here on campus, our reputation will be tarnished!"
Heartslabyul Student A: Even the ghosts were trembling in fear, saying "There's no way we'd be able to beat an evil spirit that scary~"
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Ortho: A white lab coat, at midnight… Now that I think about it, Nii-san was acting a bit strange the other day. Could it be…?
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Ortho: Hey, Nii-san? That rumor of an evil spirit… That's really you, isn't it?
Idia: …N-no way. You got no proof of…
Ortho: Heart rate: elevated. Muscle tension: increased. The subject's vital signs are all abnormal.
Ortho: …You can't lie to me.
Idia: Urr… Urgh. Yeah, that's right, I ran into Grim-shi on the way home from the vending machine, and…
Idia: I thought he was a cat, so when I smiled nicely at him, he screamed and fainted right away. Don't you think that's rude?
Ortho: I told you not to go wander outside in your lab coat, right?
Idia: No, wait, that was just an unfortunate event…
Ortho: No more excuses. You can't be trusted anymore, so outside of class, I will hold onto your lab coat!
Idia: Wait, you're going to take away my greatest creation!? Have you no compassion?!
Ortho: If people find out that it's you, you're going to be in trouble, Nii-san. The professors will definitely get mad at you!
Idia: Yeah… Goodbye forever, my comfy and carefree life…
(Part 1) Part 2
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ayato Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in an alley
Yui: A-Ayato-kun. If you walk that fast, the umbrella will...
( He’ll get wet... )
Ayato: Ah? I don’t need an umbrella.
I won’t catch a cold unlike you. 
Yui: ...
→ Right... (❦)
Yui: Right...
Ayato: Hehe. What? Are you disappointed or something?
Yui: Eh? I’m no...Kyah!
ー He moves underneath the umbrella with her
Ayato: I bet you wanted me to join you under there, didn’t you? You should have just said so then. 
Yui: Eeh...!?
→ But... 
Yui: But...
Ayato: Hah. ‘But’, what? God, you always have to be so vague. Here, scoot closer!
Yui: Eh? ...Kyah!
Ayato: Guess I have no other choice but to go home together with you. 
Walking as close to you as I can, see? 
Yui: ( Geez, Ayato-kun...! He’s once again getting a kick out of teasing me! )
( However, I’m glad that he seems to be his old self again... )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Ayato: Hey, we’re back!
ー The other Sakamaki’s have all gathered
Subaru: ...Ayato...
Yui: ( ...It’s rare for everyone to have come together like this. I wonder what happened...? )
Shuu: ...Where have you been this whole time?
Ayato: ...Where, you ask...? I mean, does it even matter? 
Anyway, what’s the deal? Did somethin’ happen for all of you to have gathered here? 
Laito: How to put it...Right?
Reiji: ...Uncle has passed away.
Yui: ...!?
Ayato: Richter’s...dead? Is that true...?
Reiji: Yes. We received word of his passing from a Familiar earlier. On top of that, his corpse...
Kanato: Apparently they found him stabbed on the peak of Kaminashi Tower. Serves him right. 
Subaru: ...The culprit tryin’ to show off, huh?
Yui: No way...
( Show off...? Who would do such a horrific thing...? )
Laito: It’s hard to believe that guy is gone just like that.
Right when he actually seemed to be acting like a proper Uncle as of late...
I mean, it did leave me wondering what he would surprise us with next~? (1)
Shuu: ...Guess he shouldn’t have stepped out of his comfort zone. 
Well, during his stay at the manor, that lunatic was actually being reasonable for once.
Too bad that the person he was trying to help, didn’t bother to listen at all. Pwah...
Ayato: What!? You’ve got a problem with me!?
Shuu: ...Haah. Stop shouting every two seconds. 
Reiji: ...While I was never particularly fond of the man either.
Now that he has passed away, I still find myself wishing that I would have consulted him more often. 
At the very least, it cannot be denied that he spent much more time with our late Father than we did.
I am sure there was so much we could learn from him. 
Laito: Actually, thinking that he had to deal with having that man as his older brother, I kind of feel bad for Lord Richter. 
I can imagine that getting involved with ‘that woman’ was kind of his way to get back at him?
I would never want to be the younger brother of the King of the Demon World, you see? 
Ah, but...That’ll happen sooner or later, won’t it? Ayato-kun’s going to be the next King after all.
...Maybe I’ll get to actually sympathize with Lord Richter from the bottom of my heart one day. 
Ayato: Oi, what do you mean by that!? Do you have a problem with me!?
Laito: No, not really? Nothing.
Ayato: Hmph...So, Reiji. Who’s the bastard who killed him?
Reiji: Good question...I do not know that much.
However, seeing as they were capable of killing him with little to no effort, I can only assume...It was a fellow Demon. 
The shadow we spotted at the manor the other day...Perhaps that could also be...
Subaru: Are you tryin’ to say they wanted to scout the place ‘cause they knew Richter would come here? 
Reiji: We cannot rule out said possibility. 
Ayato: Nah, you’re wrong. I know what’s goin’ on here.
Richter was schemin’ somethin’ behind the scenes after all. I’m positive about that!
Laito: Then, in other words...You want to say that the shadow we spotted was actually one of his allies? 
Then why was he murdered? 
Ayato: Isn’t that obvious? They had an argument and split up!
It’s obvious he was up to somethin’. I was suspicious of him this whole time. 
...But instead he got himself killed like an idiot. It’s hilarious, honestly. 
Yui: Ayato-kun, I think that might be...
( Going a little too far, right...? )
Lord Richter is dead (死んだ). 
I was overcome,
by feelings of disbelief. 
Amidst all of that,
the others continued arguing with each other. 
While we do not know the reason,
I simply could not bring myself,
to focus on that right now. 
A feeling of anxiety (不安) runs through my heart,
knowing that behind our backs,
something terrible has been set into motion.
Translation notes
(1) Literally he says ‘I was wondering if we’d be in for snow soon?’, which is an expression used to convey one’s amazement with a situation. 
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bakusquad-assemble · 4 years
hiya lol could you write a bakugou x reader and (they're dating already) and he's just being soft for her and cuddling in his dorm and he starts tickling her and she's screaming n stuff so the class rush in and are totally not expecting to see bakugou practically sat on reader and tickling her, lol no pressure obvs lol
Ahhhh thank you so so much for the request,lovely!! I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you like it! Soft boy Bakugou has my whole heart! I’m very slowly making my way through my request inbox, but feel free to send me more prompts to get the creative juices flowin!
Bakugou Katsuki was never one to show affection so openly like his other classmates would with their significant others. He was a reserved person, and the idea of PDA had always embarrassed him. So when the two of you had started dating, you were very aware of how he reacted to being touched, and respected him enough to never poke or prod in public. What took you by surprise though, was how different he was in your private company. The once prickly and standoffish boy couldn’t keep his hands off of you. At first it was jarring, his warm arms around you feeling so foreign and new, but you couldn’t help but relish in it. Sometimes you even found yourself teasing the poor touch deprived boy to see how much he needed your body against his. It was cruel, sure, but also incredibly validating to have Bakugou huff and puff until you paid attention to him. Today was one of those days.
Bakugou made his way to your dorm room after class as he did everyday, his textbooks from class slung over his shoulder in his book bag, fully intent to study and spend some quality time with you. Just being in your presence always had a calming effect on the explosive boy, so he found himself drawn to you every chance he got. He knocked once on your door before letting himself in, tossing his bag to the floor and locking his crimson eyes onto your form. You were already sitting at your desk, head buried in your book and head nestled in the palm of your hand. You made no movement in his direction, instead keeping your eyes glued to the pages before you.
“Hey, Suki.” You smiled softly at his presence, earning a grunt in return. He threw himself onto your bed, looking over at you longingly but still said nothing as he pulled out his own papers and got to work. The two of you sat in silence for a bit, a smirk ever present on your face. You could feel the boy's frustration radiating off his body and knew that it would only be a matter of time before he got sick of the lack of contact. Bakugou cleared his throat and you lifted your head ever so slightly.
“You okay? You need some water or something?” You teased, finally turning to look at him over your shoulder. He was looking at you with furrowed brows, a light flush spread across his cheeks.
“why the fuck are you still sitting over there?” He asked, trying his best not to sound desperate, but a little seeped through. You could’ve melted on the spot from his tone.
“I’m doing my work.” You stated plainly, turning your back to him once more to hide your smile. You could hear him growl at your response.
“Yeah no shit dumbass, but why are you doing it over there? You don’t want to spend time with me or somethin?” He tried his best to look anywhere but you, feeling the embarrassment overtake him. You could hear the distress in his voice and you couldn’t help but let out the laugh you’ve been stifling. He was so needy and you loved it. You put down your pen on the desk and turned completely in your chair, finally facing your red faced boyfriend.
“the fuck you laughing at?” He looked confused, trying to flesh out the meaning of your behavior.
“Aw what’s the matter, Katsuki? Does someone need attention?” You teased again, your head cocked to the side toyingly. You saw his demeanor change immediately. The once confused expression was replaced with a devious grin as realization hit him like a ton of bricks. You were fucking with him.
“Oh, you little shit!” Bakugou jumped off of his place on the bed and rushed at you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you from the chair roughly. You couldn’t stop the loud scream that escaped your mouth, echoing throughout the room and cascading down the hallway of the dorms.
“Tryin to mess with me, huh?” He snickered into your ear, holding you against his body tightly as you tried to fight against his hold. Laughter bubbled out of your throat as Bakugou picked you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulder and making his way back to his previous spot in the room. Despite your kicking and playful fighting, Bakugou’s grip on you barely wavered. He slammed your body down onto the bed and climbed on top of you, a shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“Well now I’m gonna make you pay for that.” His voice was sinister, dangerous, and you had no doubt that he meant business. Panic washed over you, and your fighting against the blondes grip got more frantic.
“No no no!” You laughed nervously, the sound mimicking that of a person in immediate danger, a scream of terror, but you were smiling and so was your boyfriend.
“Too late, you made me mad and now you’ve got to pay for it.” He let his hands live on your hips for a second, relishing in the feeling of your presence, before digging his calloused fingers into the sides of your body. Bakugou’s tickles were vicious, but there was still a certain softness to his hands. He let them roam your body, feeling every curve and smooth expanse of skin. His laugh cascaded around you like snow flurries, beautiful but bitting. To everyone but you, the sound was devious, Filled with malicious intent, but you knew better. So you laughed too. You laughed so hard that you could barely breathe.
“S-stop! Stop please, it hurts!” You felt your lungs burning, your chest tightening uncomfortably as Bakugou’s tickles only got more intense. You let out another scream, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you tried to fight off the strong blonde boy on top of you. It was no use though, he easily overpowered you in your current state. You thought about using your quirk to get him off of you, but honestly you didn’t really want him to stop. You loved feeling his hands wander your body, feeling his hot breath against the crook of your neck. It was intoxicating.
“In your dreams, y/n! You’re fucking dead!” You screamed once again, this time much louder, cowering from the anticipation of his punishment, but it never came. Instead you heard your door swing open, hitting the wall with some force. Both of you jumped at the sudden noise, and the sudden appearance of some familiar faces standing on high alert in your doorway. Bakugou made no motion to move from on top of you, instead shooting a dangerous glare towards the four idiots that had just made their appearance, their voices ringing in his ears like gunfire.
“Y/n?? Are you okay?” Mina’s voice echoed throughout the room immediately
“We heard screaming! Is everyone alright?” Kirishima spoke up next, his voice laced with obvious concern. The four figures froze in the doorway as they took in the actuality of the scene, a blush fighting its way fervently up Bakugou’s neck. Kaminari and Sero attempted to stifle their laughter, but to no avail.
“Oh ho ho, shit!” Looks like we had the wrong idea!” Kaminari snickered, bumping Sero in the side with his elbow.
“Damn, you two sure do have a weird way of gettin it on!” Sero chuckled, causing Kaminari to laugh even harder.
“Come on man, don’t kink shame them!” Kaminari’s stupid voice had Bakugou seething with rage.
“DON'T YOU FUCKERS KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?” Bakugou’s voice bellowed throughout the room, causing you to wince just from sheer proximity. Your face was a light shade of pink from being found in a compromising position, but Bakugou’s was fire engine red. Kirishima shifted awkwardly in his spot, bumping Kaminari hard in an attempt to get him to stop laughing.
“We’re sorry, Bro! It just...sounded like Y/n needed help! that’s all! We were all chilling in Mina’s room down the hall and heard her screaming!” Kirishima pleaded apologetically, clearly shaken that he had overstepped in such a personal way for the angry blonde. The last thing he ever wanted to do was make his best friend angry or uncomfortable.
“JUST GET OUT BEFORE I KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!” Bakugou yelled again, this time effectively stifling the laughter coming from Kaminari and Sero. Mina let out a soft giggle, ushering the terrified boys out of the room in one swift motion, feigning confidence to hide her own fear of being blown to bits.
“Alright guys, nothin’ to see here! I think we should give these two love birds their privacy.” You could feel Bakugou growl softly at her words, causing you to chuckle into your hand. Mina gave you a wink and a flirty little wave as she closed the door behind her, leaving you and Bakugou alone once more. Bakugou quickly took a pillow from your bed and chucked it at the door as it closed as hard as he could, making contact with a loud thud and earning a screech of terror from the other side of the door.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before laughter cascaded from your lips. Bakugou looked back at you with wild eyes, clearly confused by the sudden noise of happiness.
“The fuck are you laughing about now?” You shook your head and wiped your eyes before looking back at him, a smile ever present on your face.
“It’s just...of course they had to barge in like that! They never cease to amaze me. ” You let your smile fade slightly as your hand reached out to caress his cheek. He hesitated for a second before allowing his form to melt into your touch.
“I’m sorry, Katsuki. Are you okay? I know you don’t like letting people see you like that. ” Your soft voice enveloped him, causing him to nod ever so slightly into your hand.
“M’fine. Those dumbasses just get under my fucking skin.” You let out a soft laugh, nodding with him.
“I mean, at least we know they’d come save me if I was ever being murdered.” Bakugou let an exhale of breath from his nose, the corners of his lips upturning ever so slightly.
“I’d get there first.” His confident tone was masked with warmth, a tone you recognized all too well. It was the same tone he talked in when he talked about your future together. It was filled with love. You rolled your eyes, but you still let the smile rest on your lips. You pulled Bakugou down next to you, keeping your eyes locked onto his crimson ones.
“ I know you would.” You whispered before bringing your lips to meet his in a loving kiss. It was short-lived contact, but still sent a shiver up Bakugou’s spine. He never expected to fall in love, never once imagined he’d let himself be so vulnerable in front of another human, but there was something about you that broke him down. Every single wall he had made that he believed to be impenetrable, you demolished with a single kind and understanding smile. And while Bakugou never imagined himself falling in love, he had unequivocally and irrevocably, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He pulled you in close to his chest, letting you rest your head there as he let himself savour the gentle sounds of your breath. He ran his hands through your hair gently as he felt you speak up once more, the words escaping your mouth causing a surge of pride to rush through the blonde boy's body.
“you’re my hero, after all.”
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