#null the echidna
smileythefirst · 2 years
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More art from my DA, part 
This is an AU I made named Sonic Inverse, and it’s basically a “what if?” AU based on what Scourge’s Universe would be like if it existed after the Archie Sonic Reboot. Btw, most of these aren’t final designs, and mostly concepts.
More facts and stuff:
This universe also has things borrowed from other iterations of Sonic, such as ideas in Sonic The Comic. This means I used some of the characters in there as well, such as Turbo and Extra Life Sonic, who gets renamed Xeno. Turbo still has the Alien hedgehog thing going on, and ultimately works as a “space cop” of sorts. Extra Life Sonic’s 1-up box is found by the Alien race enslaving Turbo (which I still haven’t given a name). This lead’s to him being captured, as well. The alien race also find a prototype Metal Scourge. Turbo get’s partnered with Extra Life Sonic, who is now referred as Xeno, after being named by Turbo when Xeno tells him he doesn’t really have a name, as he’s just a copy of another person. Turbo and Xeno have a brother relationship. Xeno does have a plan to break out, as he originally only got captured willingly, thinking that the alien race might have had info on Sonic.
Reck The Tasmanian is supposed to replace Shadow’s role as Scourge’s rival. He was also an experiment, but somehow managed to escape when he was younger. This was because during the time, Dr. Ivo was being defunded by the King, meaning all of his labs were raided. Both him and Shimmer are orphans, in a sense, as Shimmer lost her parents, and Reck is an experiment. Shimmer The Bunny is supposed to be Reck’s younger adopted sister, and takes Cream’s role!
Prower hates Scourge, because of an incident that happened between them when they were younger. This also goes with Pentas The Hellion, the Amy Rose of this universe, as she also hates Scourge because of an incident between them. (Mind you, I still haven’t posted the concept art for her, because, again, my phone is broke and I can’t take pictures of the art unless I ask my friends but I don’t want to bother them.)
Scourge’s dad is King Maurice, who basically manipulates Scourge as he grows up. Alisson Acorn, Sally’s counterpart, is the General of the King’s army in this Au and she’s in charge of training Scourge. She’s mostly forced to ignore the abuse that go between King Maurice and Scourge, which leads to Scourge hating her.
The Zone Cops do exist, and I have my own version of Zamy, who is more of a partner to Zonic. She befriends Pentas The Hellion at some point, but is exiled from the Zone Cops themselves after she helps Pentas break out of the prison.
The Blaze of this universe, Lilac, does have rivalry with Pentas.
I know this might sound dumb, but I’m also using Coldsteel in this universe. He’s an experiment as well, but is mostly locked away in the King’s castle because of how catastrophic he can be. He’s mostly a trump card against the other kingdoms. Scourge does eventually use him whenever he gains control over the kingdom after he gets rid of his father.
Prower isn’t a tech guy in this universe, he’s a biologist/chemist. Null, the Knuckles of this universe, is the tech guy.
Null has a sister, and his clan still exist, except he was banished after rejecting the idea of being the guardian, as he was forced to deal with violence. Null hates violence for anything, and hates that it was an ideal that the clan thought that was supposed to be practiced. This does break the ties he has with his sister, but he does try to help her leave the clan at some point.
Rouge has her own clan, as well, and they’re enemies with the echidnas. She takes role of the guardian in this universe.
Honey The Cat and Breezie do exist, as well, named Maple The Cat and I’m still working on Breezie’s character. Maple and Inverse Breezie do have a rivalry, as well, as Maple is a crime leader who works undercover for the King, and Breezie does the opposite, and tries to limit crime. 
King Maurice is extremely manipulative and influences most of the kingdom to fit his own wants, even as going as far as building a bad reputation for his “son”. This means that even if Scourge does call him out on the shady things he does, no one believes him as he’s painted as a troublemaker. Scourge does try to sabotage his father’s plans at times, and that gets him in plenty of trouble.
Antonio De Corales, Antoine D’Coolette’s Inverse counterpart, is one of the most high ranking soldiers in the army. He’s mostly against Scourge, especially whenever he becomes King. He starts out not trusting the people who want to remove Scourge from the position as King, though, because he still honors his job. He does come around at the end and helps the rest of the gang (Prower, Null, Reck, Shimmer, Pentas) defeat Scourge. (I still haven’t made a Bunnie for this Au, though)
I still have a lot of things to explain, but I’ll leave it at that, thanks for reading ^^
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beastblogging · 2 months
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context for this one: we were making in character opinion charts for eachother so thats what the near-unreadable text is for. also time-wise this around the beginning of s3 for both leagues, so things have changed since then! posting more for the doodles i did than anything
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
Everything You Know
"Transcription will show interviewer as agent Roque. Time is 0832 hours, interview room 01. Conducting interview of agent Rouge on subject of Mobians and relevant threat assessment per the interests of new administration. Also present is G.U.N. Commander"
"How much longer are you going to keep a lady waiting?"
"Proceed, agent Roque."
"Yes sir."
"I'm all yours, hon."
"Right. Agent Rouge; you stated before that you have intel on active Mobians that G.U.N. might find useful."
"I'm the best there is."
"Various teams have already performed thorough research"
"Oh, I'm sure you have a file for everyone. Even little old me, don't you?"
". . ."
"That's our thing. But those files are still works in progress, and I think you've stalled out for a while."
". . ."
"What information do you have?"
"First, the Chaotix."
"That's an agency consisting of one Vector the crocodile, Espio the chameleon and Charmy bee."
"Frankly, the three of them together are nearly as adept at gathering intel as G.U.N.'s whole intelligence branch."
"What sort of resources do they have access to?"
"Ours make theirs look almost analog; which just speaks to how skilled they are."
". . ."
"Don't frown, Commander; I said nearly. They're not as good as me."
"And individually?"
"Vector's deceptively organized. No one would think it by looking at him, but his attention to detail is second to none. Espio can fully control his camouflage at will and claims he's a trained ninja. I've never seen him kill before, but then, most people don't see me, either."
". . ."
"And Charmy?"
"He's six."
"He's six. What more do you want? I'm not doing a detailed report on any children."
"Does that include"
"My cutoff is seven years old."
". . .Does that include Cream the Rabbit?"
"Nauseatingly sweet. Jot that on a post-it for your files."
"All right; let's move on, then."
". . . those kids can fly carrying upwards of 400 pounds. . ."
"Excuse me?"
"Never mind, big boy. You were saying?"
"Right. Let's see. Amy Rose; her name has appeared on an impressive number of reports."
"Ha! I'm not surprised. That girl basically fears nothing, or at least no authority of any kind. She's got an odd kind of charisma that somehow draws others into helping her. Nothing like mine, of course, but I'm a bit more selective about who I work with."
"I'm seeing several counts of criminal activity here."
"All null and void per the last administration, hon. She's been good as far as the law's concerned since then. No telling how long that'll last."
"And how would you assess her through the lens of being a possible threat?"
"Hard to know; like I said, there's no telling what she might pursue next. If any of her goals brought her in contention with G.U.N. though, I doubt that would stop her trying."
"What about this friend of hers, a Big the Cat?"
"Seriously? We've got one for him? He's a teddy bear. Literally only cares about his pet frog and good fishing. He's nil as a threat to anyone except tuna."
"Okay. Just a few more"
"Let me guess. Knuckles the Echidna."
"Do you have anything on him?"
"Amateur treasure hunter. Militant, dedicated to his job; which keeps him out of most of the business we're interested in anyway, since he lives on a floating island. By my estimate, he's the strongest thing alive."
". . . !"
"Not that he can't be handled. Insofar as we'd ever need to handle a recluse."
"Is he really an echidna?"
"He seems to think so."
"Thank you. That just leaves"
"Little fox boy for last, hm?"
"Tails, birth name Miles Prower. The reason my cutoff age is seven; he's at least as smart as Eggman, if not more so. Kid works with less of a budget than the Chaotix and he can still build better aircraft, mechanical units and weaponry than the Doctor. If he wasn't such a goody-two-shoes, I might want to teach him a few things myself."
"That's quite a statement."
"And not a word of exaggeration."
". . ."
"That's everyone, huh, stud?"
"Thanks for this little date, Roque; would've been more fun with some wine and sans chaperone."
"Agent Rouge, I have to ask"
"That's me clocked out for the day, boys; you know where to find me."
"Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Of all active Mobians, any information on him is the highest priority. What have you got on him?"
"Agent Rouge."
"I believe it would be in G.U.N.'s best interest for me to keep hold of my intel on subject Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Very well. That will be all."
"She's right, agent Roque; she is among our best. That's why we have a file on her in the first place."
- - - - -
Rouge sighed, rolling out her neck and flexing her wings once the door shut behind her. G.U.N. used exactly the same chairs in their interview rooms as in their interrogation cells, and they left her stiff if she sat too long.
No doubt the nerds working on a contingency plan for Sonic would be crying again tonight, but it wasn't her problem. There really wasn't much to learn about him anyway.
She could have told them that his friends-particularly the girl and his pocket genius-were the nearest he had to any kind of vulnerability or weak point, but at best it was a moot point. At worst, G.U.N. would do far more harm than good with the information.
She'd pieced together herself what Eggman must've figured out years ago:
The consequences for going after Sonic's so-called "weak points" weren't worth any prize.
Rouge tucked in her wings and made her way down the hall. All told, it hadn't been the way she wanted to spend her morning, but it'd been necessary. The new administration had been acting a little shifty toward Mobians compared to the previous.
Volunteering for a verbal report would put her-and if only by proxy, Shadow and Omega-into G.U.N.'s good-or at least neutral-books.
It'd also serve as a reminder of just how skilled she was; and how much damage she could cause on the way out if need be.
Best of all, doing so had cost her next to nothing save a few shiny tidbits.
She might've given G.U.N. all they knew about Mobians.
But she'd hardly given them all she knew.
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diamond-draws · 1 year
I've got a fun little story/headcanon for the Joker outfit in Sonic Forces!
One night after a successful heist Ren Amamiya went to bed. However he wakes up in a very unfamiliar world a world that was in chaos and not only that, but he soon discovers that he has become a humanoid black wolf of some sort. He suddenly gets caught up in a battle with the cause of the chaos a very powerful jackal donning a strange mask and a gem of sorts on his chest, everyone in the battle had quickly scurried off in fear leaving him to the jackal and he raising anxiety. Knowing rather well his powers as a Phantom Thief can't serve him here made him very nervous, eventually he was met with a familiar red echidna named Knuckles and was offered to join the resistance. It was then he knew where he was, he was in the world of his childhood series Sonic the Hedgehog and his help was needed, he accepts the invitation and is given gear powered by wisps. Sonic was his favorite and hearing that the jackal called Infinite was able to take him out (in the worst was imaginable) has really rattled and motivated him to join the fight. He's later sent on a rescue mission to infiltrate the Death Egg and save Sonic. He adapted to the use of the wispons rather well and quick and despite being called 'Rookie' the whole time Knuckles and the others admired his skills in battle and infiltration, Joker then meets with Sonic and they're next mission is to raid the weapons factory in the pyramid. Working with his childhood hero was an honor and a dream come true for Joker that he tried so hard not to fanboy so much. After another rescue mission Joker is sent off on a solo mission down the Aqua Road of Mystic Jungle to find a hidden laboratory and find it he did, along with a gen just like the one Infinite uses and two new individuals; Tails and the classic version of Sonic. The next day was Operation Big Wave at Capital City, however Eggman & Infinite had other plans involving the Phantom Ruby and Infinite was able to foil Operation Big Wave. Joker was then met with Infinite who taunts him with fear and terror but with Sonic's words of motivation Joker gained the courage to face Infinite and win, Infinite then remembers their first encounter and how scared Ren was, he attempts to finish him off only for the Phantom Ruby prototype he held to cancel it out. Later Joker and Sonic deploy for Red Bridge Gate in pursue of Metal Sonic with the two heroes working together the illusion of Metal was no match. Joker afterwards journeys across Guardian Rock to divert a battle mech away from the Resistance as they're on their way to Chemical Plant and eliminate the source that powers the Phantom Ruby, of course he does more than just distract it, he defeats it. He later finds Sonic on the verge of being sent into a black hole like void and jumps in to save him only to get sent to null space too. They manage to break out and go after Eggman. The the final battle had arrived the Resistance vs the army of illusions created by Infinite who then summons a live sun to fall onto the battlefield and eliminate everyone, luckily Tails & Joker had found out that Joker is able to active the prototype Phantom Ruby and use with his own will, Joker leaps into battle and up the Tower to cancel out the sun and succeeds! Joker and Sonic join forces to defeat Infinite once and for all and destroy the reactor the gives the Phantom Ruby power, with that the battle was won or so they thought. Eggman shows up with his new Death Egg Robot powered by the Phantom Ruby, Joker and Sonic both Classic and Modern then join forces and triple boost the Death Egg Robot into a giant scrap heap and the battle officially won, The Resistance disbands, Classic Sonic returned to his home dimension and it was time for Ren to find a way back home to his, after all he too has friends who would need his help as well eventually after departing with his buddy sonic he had woken up in his own room his body was no longer that of a mobian wolf and it morning. Confused by everything he assumes that the whole thing was a dream until he finds a familiar gem in is hand, maybe it was no dream after all...
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ajentmm · 1 year
Aug '23 Refine Review
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Oh boy, this is nice. Link to my theorycraft
Seliph is crazy. He now gets TD = Atk 15%, Null C-Disrupt and heals 8 HP per hit, meaning 16, 24, or 32 Hp healed in combat, assuming his At War's End II triggers, and the foe doesn't die to the first hit. He got the Miracle I predicted, but only on enemy phase, when he's in 3 tiles of an ally, and is above 50% HP. With the new healing, he needs to hit the foe three times to loop miracle, but it doesn't matter, cuz he is restricted to doing so once per turn. Thankful, you don't need to trigger it more than once, since he has 80% DR vs Mages/Staff, and 40% vs the rest (Excluding AoE specials). This DR is conditional on if he initiates or there is a foe in 3 tiles. If he get him to 4 or more HP, and then he just needs to tap twice to get above 50% HP, or if he's on 12 or more, the one counterattack is fine.
Freyja definitely got an update, but will it be enough, now that we have 3 new goats running a muck? As I mentioned in my theorycraft, Freyja has both DC for enemy phase, the old beast transformation in player phase, and [Dodge] and a Foe Buff stealer effect in both phase. This mix phase form of spd tanking would be good on an infantry, but not a gen 4 calvary, and obviously, all the conditions were solo condition. She's now getting the Special CD-1 and NFU like I predicted, and the new Cavalry Beast Transformation effect like everyone predicted. She's also getting [Canto (Rem. +1)] since her B slot is taken by her perf skill. She can now reach 58% damage reduction with her weapon, and 74% when including Spd Smoke's effect. So, is all of this enough to make her top tier? Probably not. For the role she is playing as a jack-of-all-trades combat light mythic hero, she does well, but that role doesn't get you put on the team. I didn't even mention her lack of supportive abilities that mythic live and die on. All Freyja as is a counter to Buffed up foes, something any cavalry beast can do thanks to Arcane Nihility. I really think, due to DC in her weapon, she can't be a killer queen, nor an unkillable tank. Oh well, she's going to be fine.
Spring Est is something else. She has the supportive ability to apply Def/Res-6 and [Exposure] on nearest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes, which gives her and her allies 16 more damage delt. She also gets [Canto (1)], which is great for warping, guaranteed follow-up (which was better than my NFU as her speed wasn't up to snuff) and if the foe has [Penalty], the foe cannot counterattack. This is great.
Mareeta's Sword got a refine that does make her different from her two other alts. Null Guard, NFU, Lull Spd/Def, is all there, but the TD = 10% of her Spd, and the applying "Deadeye" to any Special is what makes her unique. We didn't get the brave sword I expected, but this makes her a God Sword Slayer like As!Fir.
Ced's WInds of Silesse is not the support tome I imagined. It's very much like Forsetii, but it uses [Bonuses] to get that effect. Atk/Spd+6, [Desperation], and [Sp Charge +1] is all there to make him a nuke, but the cherry on top is the penalty on foe's Spd Res equal to 20% of his Spd. Out of the box, that's -8, but at max investment, it's -10. Epic.
Echidna? What happen? You got +8 all stats, 30% DR on first hit, that transfers to TD on your next hit, then heal 7 HP after combat. You then have Unity and Sp Charge +1. Like, that's amazing, what did you do to bribe I.S.? I think Ross is jealous.
Travant got flyer effectiveness negation? I didn't think wyvern generals got that in Thracia but okay. He also get to lower foe's attack by 15% of his Def stat, so -6 to -8 Atk penalties. After that, he's just has +8 all stats with Special fighter and guaranteed follow-up. Overall, very nice.
I also want to add, we got new versions of Desperation in new banner, Desperation 4, which adds "Spd-4 on foe" and the condition of moving 2 or more spaces to initiate, and Flow Desperation, that takes Desperation 4 and add "Def-4 on foe" and Half-NFU like the other flow skills. I might as well change up my Frenzy 4 theorycraft to match the change.
Frenzy 4: Inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat. If a skill compares unit's Spd to foe or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 5 (max 50%). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 75% and unit initiates combat, or number of spaces from unit's start position to end position ≥ 2 and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.
Lysithia also got a new perf A-slot, which makes theorycrafting her original version's refine a lot easier. I will get to that banner . . . eventually.
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roseydanes · 1 year
Team Diamond's Mascot
Character Type: Villain
Parents: Infinite and Tikal
Attributes: Huge flirt and trouble maker, reckless, echidna-super strength, literally ALWAYS grounded
Enjoys: Parties, dancing, pro-wrestling both guys and girls, ruffling her parents' feathers
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There's a guy version (androgynous and gay) and a girl version (glam-tomboy). They look and act exactly the same.  There's also a human version (female) who is naughty like the anthro versions.
Excuse me, there WAS a humansona. Her name was Mave and she died.
This was published in a newspaper somewhere in Null Space:
Sterling's humansona met an untimely death after she was pushed off the bell tower at Our Lady Walrus of Jump City, Catholic Boarding School... by none other than... Omellete! Yes, Eggman's daughter, Omellete murdered "Mave," Sterling's human shell. It was tragic and intense and Infinite got revenge by executing Omellete in the school corridors. Eggman then grieved for approximately a week, finding solace after shooting her cremated ashes into space. Sterling ended up in her dad's office, being that the Jackal Man is also Anubis, God of the Dead. She's home safe now.
Gerbert puts flowers at Mave's grave daily. Yes, the chicken nugget, Gerbert.
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The lore, man, the LORE. It produces more questions than answers, as it should.
On Aug. 5th 2024, hear the tragic story of Sterling interpreted through song.
Disclaimer This video cannot be monetized. This song is not for sale by Team Diamond or any individual member of Team Diamond. This video and audio are just for fun.
If you'd like to hear an original arrangement with actual human vocals, here's a trippy/magicy take on the Teen Titans Theme
Trash-Talking Queen, an AI generated song about Sterling. This is the original generated track made by Suno AI with zero editing. Sonic OC, Art, Lyrics by RoseyDanes.
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hydeousprophecy · 2 years
Ok, this one is a little iffy, for obvious reasons.
*Darkness Falls* ARC
This ARC would be backed up by a miniseries called The Forgotten Ones. It takes place within Null Space, showing Infinite's victims, and various other oddities. (perfect opportunity for some obscure references). And at the end we get a teaser of whats to come, a Phantom Ruby portal dripping an inky black substance. (you already know)
The ARC itself is the long-awaited return of Mephiles The Dark. After being wiped from true existence, he was sent to a place where nothing exists. Null Space.
Once he escapes, his first order of business is to get revenge on Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. In order to do so, he takes a page from Infinite's book and gathers some of the group's most hateful villains. Neo Metal Sonic, Zavok (he's an echidna now, btw), and Black Doom. Behind them, the previously mentioned gang led by Clutch. Mephiles himself plans to destroy the whole world, but first, he'll make the mortals that dared defy him suffer in return. He spends the first half of the ARC getting in the heads of the heroes, stretching them thin with spread out attacks and incidents, remaining secret. Then (in a similar fashion to Spider-Man PS4) the big baddies attack their foes directly. Neo goes straight for Sonic, Black Doom gets Shadow, and Zavok torments Silver. When they're beaten down, Mephiles finally reveals himself to the trio. And the end times begin here.
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frostthearcticwolf · 5 years
Team frost
I always had a hard time decided who should make up first team so I think I'm happy with this one
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We have frost as the speed , she also uses her ice power to fight and fly. She is supposedly the last member of a pack of Artic wolves that once guarded a sacred gem known as the ice sappire. She wears a shard of it around her neck, it allows her to use her super form .
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A post-lab break out Null the cat, she's flight, she used her telekinetic power to levitate her and her friends. This little kitty was created in a lab and experimented on by some mad scientists until frost saved her one day while on a mission. She seems too have adjusted to normal life and thinks frost as her sister .
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Another denizen of angel island, she is a descendant of the pachacamac tribe, she is the strength member of the team. Her punches and kicks can break rocks. She's very tough and onwry but does care deeply about her home and friends .
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' precious gemstone
Anarchy Beryl is the Moebius equivalent of Chaos Emeralds, both gems giving the user an immense surge of power, and both opposites. Chaos Emeralds only come in 7, however, Anarchy Beryl is the opposite, there's tons of it, 100s, thousands, maybe millions of pieces of the gem around Moebius.
But yet, Anarchy Beryl is only seen once, and in that one Apprearnce, the design is just bad. Officially in Archie, Anarchy Beryl just looks like the green Chaos Emerald, nothing special about it design wise, and I'm here to change that.
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The official design of Anarchy Beryl is the green Chaos Emeralds, but just alot of them, and to me? That's pretty uncreative! So, what did I do to it?
I flipped it. I've made the colour purple instead of green, and created 2 forms of Anarchy Beryl, Refined and Unrefined. So, let's get into the Unrefined Anarchy Beryl first.
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Unrefined Anarchy Beryl
This is Anarchy Beryl in its unrefined form, less powerful then the Refined version but far more common, this is his you would find the gem just out in the world. In this state Anarchy Beryl is pretty dangerous, sure it looks nice and would make for a neat decoration, but actually using it would be very, insanely dangerous. The gem like this is pretty unstable, and actually absorbing and using its power could give the user tons of side effects, tons of possible issues to face later in life.
Scourge actually used it, when he went Super, this is what he had stashed in his throne, completely unrefined Anarchy Beryl. The only reason it hasn't ruined his life is thanks to his previous exposure to the Master Emeralds power, it helped null the affects of the Anarchy Beryls issue's. However, if you do survive using the gem, and by the end of your Super transformation, you will lose all your energy, strength and overall just become really weak for a little while.
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Refined Anarchy Beryl
This is Anarchy Beryl after it has been refined. In this state Anarchy Beryl is useful, not just for world takeover, but for every day use. Anarchy Beryl like this is what you want to use, because now it works like Chaos Emeralds, Strong and Powerful, while not hurting the user, however it is stronger than the Chaos Emeralds, significantly so. You can teleport farther, Super forms last longer, etc, but because of its increased strength it still causes you to feel weaker per use, and once you come out of your Super form you will be completely worn out, unlike the Chaos Emeralds.
The shape of the Gem matters, it can come in many different shapes, and depending on that changes how strong the gem is in that field. The Anarchy Beryl is great at everything no matter the shape, but the shape makes one area amazing. For example, sharp Anarchy Beryl increases the gem's power, how strong you get from the gem, sharp Anarchy Beryl allows the user to tap into its Super Strength easier. Then there are the Oval ones, these allow easier and stronger access into Anarchy Beryl's Anarchy Force, E.G the equivalent of Shadow's abilities, like teleportation, time manipulation, magical attacks. The next form is the Marquise Anarchy Beryl leans towards the Speed aspect of the Gem, allowing you to react and move significantly faster than before, and for Speedsters (Such as Scourge) it can make them go far beyond their limit. Then the last one I'll talk about here is the Radient Anarchy Beryl, this version of the Gem is best if you're looking for one that focuses on all areas of Anarchy, it's Great in everything, but not amazing in anything, basically it's what you want to start learning how to use Anarchy Beryl with.
Now, there are more types, each different Shape you make Anarchy Beryl into can change the outcome. There's Round, Emerald, Asscher, Princess, Pear and heart left, and I'll leave that up to your guys.
Monarchy Beryl
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The Monarchy Beryl, Moebius' Master Emerald. This artifact, this powerful gem, the ruler of Anarchy, hasn't been seen in 100's of years. Why? It was destroyed, in a war, centuries ago.
Back in the old days of Moebius, long before any of the Suppression Squad were born, there was a tribe of Echidna, isolated on Angel Island, the floating Island above the ocean. The tribe were peaceful, looking out for eachother, sworn to pacifism and always willing to help a stranger, they were the guardians, the protectors of the Monarchy Beryl, and it was their God.
Then, the "Land Dwellers" as the Echidna's called them, they were selfish, in it for themselves and wanted power, and there was a race guarding the most powerful thing on the planet, so what did they do? They attacked, they raided Angel Island, they went to war with the Tribes. This war went of the weeks, ending with alot of lives lost, but the Echidna's victory. But...the Land Dweller's were not having this loss. If they can't have the Monarchy Beryl, no-one can.
One last time the Land Dweller's went to Angel Island, but not for a fight, but a terrorist attack. Using new technology they sent a handful of bombers, and sent them straight to the Gem, and, they blew it up, into tiny pieces to broken to ever put the Gem back together. And...we all know what happens when Angel Island's Gem is destroyed...the Island fell, straight into the ocean, the force of the fall, the force of the landing, the tidal waves and all the rubble and destruction caused by this wiped out the majority of the Echidna race. This was a mass extinction event, and, a couple 100 years later, only one Echidna Remains. O'Knux, Sunken Island's protector. And all he wants is to uncover his extinct race's history before he dies, taking the Echidna's with him.
The Monarchy Beryl no longer exists by the time of the Suppression Squad, it's lost to time, only in what little remaining artwork and writing survived the Echidna Extinction. No Chaos, no Tikal, Just Moebians fighting over power.
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The history of Anarchy Beryl
Anarchy was Discovered early in Moebius' documented history, thanks to it being naturally stronger in some Moebians, and this lead early philosophicers to believe there was more to it, eventually finding the the rock underground, in mountains, cliffs, even boulders, it was everywhere. They learnt the 2 were connected because the Beryl glowed when In contact with a Moebian strong with the Anarchy Force, and this led to test after test, all culminating with Anarchy Beryl becoming one of Moebius' most expensive gemstones, if not one of the most expensive things, even though it's high in quantity. Anarchy Beryl was tested on lots, and only a couple hundred years after its discovery was it learnt that the gem acts differently when in different shapes, this being used to the advantage of the people. Anarchy Beryl was quickly integrated into every day life, and it still is to this very day.
Before the days of the Suppression Squad, Anarchy Beryl was used as tool for any everyday folk, it being useful for any task, and anyone could use it because it was so easy to get. However, once the Suppression Squad came into the picture, Anarchy Beryl was one of their favourite tools. So, they took it. They took almost all of the world's Anarchy Beryl for themselves and if someone didn't give theirs to them? They'd hurt, maim and make a message out of them, showing they won't have people say no. The Suppression Squad took it for themselves because it allows them to have easy access to Power. However, Once Scourge started going too far, making himself ruler instead of Alicia, taking Actual lives, attacking peaceful people and overall being awful, the Suppression Squad hid the Anarchy Beryl across the globe, and made sure Scourge had no idea where it was, unfortunately for them, he had a stash in his throne.
What actually is "Anarchy" on Moebius?
Anarchy on Moebius is just like Chaos on Mobius, but to the 2 universes, they're looked at differently. Anarchy and Chaos is the mystical energy that allows both universes to exist, it's the all-encompasing energy of the universe. Everyone has it. Scourge has it, Miles has it, even Boomer has it, you could have that power too. These forces are in everyone, stronger in others, it's more or less every magical ability we see in Sonic, for Example, Shadows abilities are Chaos, he has them from his strong connection to the Chaos Force. Same all goes for Moebius, Anarchy and Chaos are the same, just named differently.
Wrap up
Whelp. That's my take on Anarchy Beryl, what did you think? Is it an improvement? Is it a downgrade? What about design wise, do you prefer the official or my designs?
Honestly, I kinda wish we saw it more (wow shocker), but in all seriousness I think it did deserve more time to shine. I'd of loved to see how it was different to Chaos Emeralds, I'd of loved to see how a Mobian reacts to it, stuff like that! The idea of an Anti/opposite Chaos Emerald is neat in my opinion, but like most of Moebius, it was underused and then the lawsuit happened, causing it to be forgotten.
But anyway, thanks for reading! This took me abit, soooo I hope you liked it! Ima leave you with some extra notes now, bye!
-Anarchy Beryl is found in clusters.
-Mobians can use it, but it is far weaker on them then it is on Moebians.
-Before the Suppression Squad, Anarchy Beryl was Moebius' most precious Gem.
-The Monarchy Beryl's existence is more of a legend than a fact.
-Sonic Universe's 25 years later "Light Mobius" References an "Anarchy Beryl bomb" located under Castle Mobius.
-It was Referenced in the Sonic Forces tie-in comic, but that actually turned out to just be a coincidence.
-All Anarchy Beryl art was drawn by me
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agoddamn · 3 years
What skills do you recommend on Libra in FEH?
Depends on what you want to do with him.
His big advantage is mixed bulk and rounded stats, though strictly speaking he's a few generations behind now (Summer Ylgr, Echidna, Ninja Kazahana, and now Ninja Shamir have all crept past him by a point or two here and there). I run him as a Null-C Disrupt tank; DC, NCD, Attack Smoke, Noontime. Relatively cheap by current standards.
He's not the best for hyper-offensive stuff; if you want someone to be a GF nuker, there's probably a better option. I think he's a decent option for the speed DR skills, though; he has the bulk to handle surviving a hit and good enough speed to be invested into.
One of the most popular and versatile setups right now seems to be the Catch/DR/Menace wombo combo; you can slap Atk/Spd Catch 4 and Atk/Spd Menace on someone and shit on a lot of opponents.
He's also due for a refine sometime soonish, isn't he? Next few months, I think. Given current trends, you can probably expect some combination of Wo Dao + Slaying + some kinda spectrum boost, which will prime him for a special nuking niche.
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limeinaltime · 4 years
Instead of Aspects, Liminal Space has Realms, or reigons of power that release a specific type of energy. The form of the player, if they’re able to last long enough to ascend, will be affected by the energy their parasite is most drawn to, and on the player’s own individual traits and characteristics.
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Pit: A firey, unpredictable pit, embodies chaos and inner strength, Chaotic-bound are ambitious, inspiring and passionate at best, power-hungry, brutal and selfish at worst, powers are aligned with fire and destruction. The Pit tests the player’s ability to control and harness the chaos around them, but also secretly tests their integrity in the face of great power. Their greatest desire is power, strength and freedom.
Pit-aligned Denizens include Cetus and Hephaestus
Abyss: A hidden world where most of Liminal Space’s lifeforms originate, embodies unlimited potential and empathy, Abyssal-bound are empathetic, courageous and strong-minded at best, emotionally distant, volatile and unforgiving, powers are aligned with nature and can be aligned with both destruction and creation, usually creation-dominant. The Abyss tests the player’s ability to empathize and understand those around them, but also secretly tests their own self-acceptance and control over themselves. Their greatest desire is social connection, acceptance and individuality.
Abyss-aligned Denizens include Typheus and Echidna
Shade: A mysterious void where no light can touch, embodies mystery and the power of the mind, Tenebrous-bound are wise, intuitive and charismatic at best, uncommited, manipulative and unconcerned with how their actions can impact others. Powers are aligned with darkness and can be aligned with both destruction and creation, typically destruction-dominant. The Shade test’s the player’s foresight and ability to trust their insticts, but also secretly tests their ability to involve others and trust their teammates. Their greatest desire is independence, intelligence and secrecy.
Shade-aligned Denizens include Nix and Yaldabaoth
Cosmos: An ever-shifting realm of stars and light, embodies creation and true beauty, Cosmic-bound are creative, patient and enthusiastic at best, clingly, controlling and demanding at worst, powers are aligned with the stars and creation, the Cosmos tests the player’s ability to think outside the box, but also secretly tests their own ability to adapt and relinquish their control when necessary. Their greatest desire is understanding, knowledge and control.
Cosmos-aligned Denizens include Hemera and Abraxas
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Null: A primordial form of Liminal Energy from which Abyss, Cosmos, Shade and Pit energy originate. Only exists in the void beyond Liminal and Paradox Space. The most flexible form of Liminal Energy, is everything and nothing all at once, only someone who defies the conformity of both realms can bond with and harness it.
No being from Liminal Space has ever harnesses Null Energy.
Corrupted: If a player fails to ascend, they are drained of their own Liminal Energy, and Corrupted Energy will expand and fill the void. It is the most powerful form of energy in Liminal Space, but it comes at a high cost. To accept this power, one must relinquish their own humanity and control, and will become a savage husk of who they once were. No voice, mind or individuality. Just a bloodthirsty flesh puppet with a drive to consume all in sight.
Apofis is able to harness Corrupted Energy.
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smileythefirst · 2 years
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Wow, more AU stuff?! (Yeah-) + Needlemouse cuz yes
Also the Pentas sketch was just me figuring out her color palette so the sketch was hella rushed (first time drawing a comic, too, I know it sucks 😭)
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beastblogging · 28 days
Dingo's beastlife zone
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this is both my personal beastposting outlet and an attempt at a searchable archive of beast art, clips, and writing. to skip the beastposts and just scroll through the awesome art- just browse the #beastart tag characters are tagged for searching purposes more than accuracy, jfyi (as in, some beasts have separately named characters placed under one tag)
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magiciaa · 4 years
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fuit gummi
here’s Echidna, she used to work for Bronze but ditched her for Null because it was boring
I’m back to posting art because I don’t really do much else, but it’ll be a bit less often because I don’t want to burn myself out again
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ultraviolet-phantom · 4 years
((eh think with a bit of normal dog thrown in there too!! for the chaos!)) Null: good! this is Limedrop Blades and LightingStrike! *to the three!* activate boot up run personality matrix! welcome to the world of the living! now you three? who's the master of the multiverse? ((LimeDrop is gremlin baby! Blades really just like Echidna tho 100% evil! and LightingStrike's feral murder doggo/guard dog! with three heads!))
Blades: you
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I had a rouge of space having the land of fir trees and fox fire. Most of their quest was to learn how to use space powers as a form of ninjustu and the deity of the land is named amatarasu.
Again, do remember- Unless there was another Space Player in the Session, and even then we don’t know how SBURB would deal with that- That a Space Player tends to have Frogs in their Land and Echidna as their Denizen, merely because it’s a requirement to actually win the game. If you’re going for a Null or Void Session straight off the bat, though, that’d work.
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