#number 1: vanessa
sholangagaga · 2 years
Idea 6: Vanny hates Vanessa for existing and tries to make her experience as horrible as possible.
A concept that I have also seen very little of is the dynamic between Vanny and Vanessa during the possession.
In my mind, Glitchtrap created Vanny soon after Vanessa was transferred to the pizzaplex as someone to more willingly carry out his orders and "manage" Vanessa. He does this because he wants to spend time working out his new plan among other things.
As such, Vanny would be constantly infuriated at the start because she doesn't get the body entirely to herself. She has to deal with Vanessa trying to "wake up from this nightmare" and would come up with a way to get her to shut up and accept her new life.
She would look through Vanessa's memories and find out she used to work well with kids, and thus was close to them. That is where she would get her idea.
Vanny would make sure her knife strikes didn't kill the children immediately; instead, they would be done in a way to make them die slowly. Then she would just carry them while walking to the basement or wherever the remnant magic happens.
All the while, she would force Vanessa to focus on the child they are carrying close to her chest.
Feel their heartbeat slow.
Listen to their breathing becoming more shallow and strenuous.
Feel the blood soaking through the white rabbit fabric and staining her arms.
Watch as the light leaves their eyes…
It should be noted that there is no practical reason for doing this. Another thing to know is that Vanessa doesn't need to be "conscious" while this is occuring. Vanny, being the sadist she is, makes sure that Vanessa can see what she is doing, purely to make Vanessa suffer. All the while, she would subtly blame her for doing this. After all, she was the one who willingly collected all the tapes and put HIM back together, right? (IthoughtitwasjustagameIthoughtitwasjustagameIthoughtitwasjusta)
Ironically, this wouldn't make Vanessa shut up, she would now be more active and begging Vanny not to kill the children. You would think this would annoy Vanny even more, but she finds the joy of the experience of torturing Vanessa and the brief silence that follows worth her whining.
Another thing that Vanny does is try and target the kids that Vanessa used to teach. Then just before she stabs them she'll take off her mask, and force Vanessa to watch their faces brighten as they recognize her and then change into looks of hurt and betrayal. This pains Vanessa even more because she knows just how much potential these kids in particular have. To realize that they will never get the chance to show it because she killed them destroys her.
Yeah Vanny kinda sucks lol
There would be long standing repercussions of this after she is freed. She would likely want to stay as far from children as possible. It is not because she hates them, quite the opposite. She would be utterly terrified of being alone with a child because every time that happened in the last 7 months, they would die. She thinks that this will make Vanny come back somehow.
It's also why she would be so hesitant to hug Gregory, since again, the only living things she's held in the last few months were all dying. She would be scared that doing this will somehow kill Gregory. This doesn't make any logical sense to a normal person, but being possessed by a British furry will do that to a person.
(The only reason she can stand to be close to Gregory is because she knows that he can defend himself if something bad happens.)
One wonders what would happen if there was another lost child during her last 2 weeks as a guard at the pizzaplex and all the other animations were down for maintenance… 
As a more lighthearted aside Gregory would be the first person she hugs after it all. She would wake up from a nightmare crying and screaming. Gregory would then rush into her room, Freddy doll in hand, and see what was happening. He would then tackle Vanessa like a footballer and give her a massive hug, with Freddy giving an assist. Vanessa would want to scream at them to get away from her, "Before SHE hurts you." But she finds the hug to be really comforting, she would slowly reciprocate and all 3 of them would eventually fall asleep.
slowly kicks my Legacy bible and Au under a chair
haha who would be crazy enough to explore the inner workings of Vanny/Vanessa/whoever the fuck and how it must feel to be a puppet for peepaw totally not me
also i read that as Freddy also tackling Vanessa and I'm thinking of 7ft tall 600 pound bear Freddy and uh it was nice knowing ya Vanessa
youre really dropping some bangers here I gatta use like 70% of my wallpaper paste brain just to sponge up this tasty tasty info
8/10 (deducting two points for Vanessa's death by bear)
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cloverkingsmith · 10 months
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if you’ve ever wondered how nita’s reaction to finral’s new hairstyle went,,,,,
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puhpandas · 6 months
If we play as Vanessa again in HW2, I'm gonna be both happy and sad. Yay Vanessa, but awwww Gregory and Cassie.
id be sad that theres no gregory but like id just be too happy for the vanessa fans to be upset
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jugheads-choni · 15 days
My Top 10 Riverdale Music Numbers
1. Do You Know What It’s Like?
Sung by Madelaine Petsch, Vanessa Morgan, Casey Cott, & Karl Walcott
“I know I'll never find your lovin' in anyone else (In anyone else)
Though I'll try, oh, and I'll try
And I know I'll never find your smile in anyonе else (In anyone еlse)
Though I'll try, oh, and I'll try
If someone were to come up to me
And say that they knew how to love you better
I'd say, "Buddy, step into the ring, you're going down"
I'd fight a guy for you
I'd fight a girl for you
I'd fight myself, you know I would
If I thought it'd do any good
Oh, do you know?
Do you know what it's like when I lie in bed
And I think of you and the things you've said?
How they're almost exactly all the things that I've said too?
Oh, do you know?
How to look into your eyes?
To let go of your hand?
To start another life?
I just don't understand”
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sweet-beezus · 8 months
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New hyperfixation nuisance dropped, 50 ghosts 400 busted or something like that
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yamachan69 · 1 year
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Vanessa and Yvette continue their bestiedom, going to open mics and chatting at work.
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officermaddie23 · 1 year
Young man
Vanessa: Gregory why are you wearing a T shirt and shorts it's literally freezing out there
Gregory: I can handle it
(Ten minutes later Gregory comes out in a coat and sweatpants)
Vanessa: You look nice
Gregory: Don't even talk to me
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lizzobetumblin · 2 months
Melissa hated her feelings. 
She buried them in a chest in the 5th grade (along with her ability to express them). Other peoples' feelings on the other hand was her forte. She could process, decipher and regurgitate other peoples emotions effortlessly. This gift could’ve taken her through college, all the way to a degree in psychology. Distinguished Dr. Jefferson with a PhD and a cozy office and impressive roster of high-profile, weallthy clients was a shiny idea. Fate would have a different hand for Melissa her talents were exhausted on mediating family fights, friend group drama, and charming her way out of confronting her own feelings. 
“Feelings.” Even saying it out loud to herself seemed silly. Something reserved for ‘cry babies’ and water signs. Typical Sunday nights started tame, reading or writing fan-fiction and drinking cranapple juice. And then like clock work her father would yell her name, 
‘MELISSA!!!’ Emotionless, she’d get up dust off her Winnie the Pooh shorts and make her way downstairs. On the long walk down the hall to the stairs leading to the living room brawl, she’d go through her check list: 
1.) Don’t cry.   
 2.) Stay neutral; Deescalate
3.)Don’t take anything personal. This isn’t about you
She padded down the carpeted stairs in her old soft socks to see her mother tightlipped and tear streaked thinking, 
‘she broke rule number 1’. Her father, Michael was proud and angry, his big belly filled with self righteousness. She knew he would be unyielding in his resolve and at this point her only option was to deescalate.
 ‘Rule number 2’. Then her sister the water sign and calamity for the evening sat on the floor nearly fetal, face red and raw with emotion. 
‘Its not your fault’ Melissa wanted to say ‘You just didn’t follow the rules… you’re loved.’ But she couldn’t say that because she’d be breaking rule number 3. It wasn’t about how Melissa felt. Even though she felt like screaming,
Instead, she decide to hear every one out. She decided to help. To calm her dragon of a father down. To be a translator for her emotional sister. To not take it personal. To stay neutral. To not cry. 
9 years later, at her fathers funeral she still never broke the rules. She played her flute and spoke at his memorial. She was present for her mother because it wasn’t about her. When other peoples' emotions bubbled up she stayed neutral. She sat through both services and she did not cry. It wasn’t until she excused herself to make a phone call outside did she collapse onto the stairs of the funeral home and weep alone in the cold Detroit snow. 
It’s okay to break the rules sometimes, she reminded herself. As long as no one else sees it.
Traumas began to compact on Melissa, as they do. Humans tend to collect traumas like pebbles on a long hike. We toss them into our backpacks and keep moving forward. Some hikers would falter, but Melissa was built for this. She’d carried the stones of her family’s traumas uphill for years. She was strong. 
When men began to befriend and reject her, saying ‘you’re too good for me’ but not too good to make them feel good. She carried that. 
When childhood friends began to cut off the strings of her heart, saying ‘We can’t be friends anymore’. She carried that.
When her family separated like dandelion seeds, it seemed like they’d never be together again. Melissa slept on so many couches, floors and car seats sometimes she didn’t know if she’d see them again. 
She carried that. 
Dying was never an option though sometimes she didn’t mind the thought of it. Peace and warmth were two things she’d desperately yearned and hadn’t felt fully since the womb. Then one night in the pitch black of the hot, sweaty, roach-infested studio in southeast Houston she slept in she wondered:
‘Why can’t I break the rules?’ She’d seen everyone else in her life break them like popsicle sticks. And she didn’t just want to break the rules, she wanted to break them boldly and loudly and annoyingly and honestly and sloppily like every one else gets to do. It was in that moment, tucked in a thin jacket inside of an 8-foot high instrument cubby in the inky darkness—it hit her. 
‘Is my suffering for a high purpose? Or is my suffering trying to kill me?’ 
She cried. 
She escalated. 
She took it personal. 
But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to scream in a microphone in a sea of shadowy faces. She drank whiskey and wove her pain into rock music. 
‘Music is my boyfriend’ she declared. The only man that kept his baggage to hisself. And it healed her. It gave her voice reason and purpose. 
The pebble-laden hike became lighter with time. The incline eventually evened out to flat, beautiful landscapes where the breeze finally met her back. She knew it wasn’t gonna be easy or sunshine but even the rain cleansed her and it was beautiful too. 
Somewhere in the rain she decided rules were meant to be built and broken. Like trust and love and friendships and families. Because every thing deserves the opportunity to change and grow. 
So... She broke rule number 1 on stage while singing a beautiful song. Dr. Jefferson (PhD) screamed for her to stop but she didn’t listen and the tears flowed like rivers of emotion down her cheeks. 
Rule number 2 was broken when she grew older and saw the injustices of the world. Marching with hundreds in protest she realized not everything needs to be pacified. 
And one day when she finally fell in love, she broke rule number 3. No matter how much training she’d done she couldn't help but take every thing her lover said and did personal. But it was ok. Because in all her resistance she realized breaking rules was her power. 
Melissa began to fall for her feelings. Her feelings gave life purpose. They weren’t always logical, as feelings seldom are. They were sloppy and embarrassing and rude and so fucking uncomfortable. But they were hers. And they were real. And when she sat alone sipping wine, staring at the moon…They were the only ones still by her side. Ready to break the rules for her because they loved her. 
And she finally loved them back. 
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frogboy0 · 2 months
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ART!!!! I redesigned Vanny AGAIN and theres my desgin for Dr Rabbit/Rab :))))
Also im hypocrite #1 but after the GGY chapter in 'Tales of the Pizzaplex' im literally Gregory is patient 46 fan NUMERO UNO!!!!! I LOVE THE IDEA OF GREGORY HAVING GLITCHTRAP IN HIS HEAD, I LOVE THE IDEA OF HIM BEING DR. RABBIT, I LOVE THE IDEA OF HIM AND VANNY WORKING TOGETHER!!!!!!!!
im imagining that when Gregory was taken over by glitchtrap, he made him go on like a savage rampage and kill his parents (and obvi frame it like it was a break in or smth so Gregory didn't get sent to like,,,,, idk juvie or whatever)
By the time Gregory got possessed, Vanessa had already had glitchtrap in her mind for like,, at LEAST half a year at that point (I.E during the time of Luis' emails in FNAF AR), so Glitchtrap made Vanessa foster/adopt Gregory (bc Gregory was put into foster care) so it gave them a good cover as to why they spent time together/why they knew each other (bc it would be pretty weird hanging around a 10 year old when you yourself are like in your mid 20's and you two aren't related at all haha)
So Gregory/Dr. Rabbit is the one to hack into Fazbear Entertainment and get Vanessa a job as security guard so they could continue Glitchtrap's plans.
But when I tell you it's rough, IT'S ROUGH!!! Imagine youre living with someone, she's a killer, you're a killer, you're both getting controlled by this literal VIRUS and you never know which one of you two are gonna snap and turn into this sick and twisted crazy version of yourselves which the virus could TRIGGER AND CONTROL and could use to hurt the other or other people
But anyway, this only goes on for like a year before Gregory manages to break free from gltichtrap's control and runs away (having to basically leave behind vanessa as well). it puts a whole new meaning behind those missing posters of him that we see in ruin.......
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referrix · 2 months
I'm currently working on trying to find locations for some of the known rooms and things inside Alfea, (at the moment specifically, I'm working on the kitchen and dining hall) before I put myself through floor plans again. So I thought I'd share what some of my working out looks like behind the scenes.
And why it might be a problem that Season 8 turned these flat topped towers:
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Into these much shorter flat topped towers:
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Because I'm currently fairly certain that was the dining hall in that upper half.
Trying to figure out where the dining hall is, isn't a one room tracking operation, because we know there's a kitchen, we've seen it, we've seen the Winx Club set fire to it with their negligence. You don't typically put a food making place far from the eating place, so tracking one, should help track the other.
We first see the kitchen in episode 105, when the girls are on dinner duty (or making a spell with potato peels and a magical back-flip if you're a 4kids truther), and during dinner prep they head back to their dorm to help Stella pick an outfit.
From their dorm, they're able to smell the smoke and react, racing to the kitchen before even the chef and Griselda arrive, though not by much in Griselda's case. (Also, Bloom uses the same spell Griselda does a few episodes later back on Earth in her house while cooking with Vanessa. Just saying.)
This means, or at least suggests that the kitchens are not only in the same building as their dorm, but reasonably close by.
When we return to the kitchen in episode 115 we actually have a little zoom around the rear tower and focus in on a spot above/behind the rear most dorm balcony on the building before phasing inside to the girls walking along a hall to the kitchen.
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While the hallway is different between the two episodes, background continuity is not Winx Club's feature, but it does double down on the idea that the kitchen is in that building.
(In 105 the girls turn a corner into a short hallway, while in 115 it appears to be a long straight hallway with windows all along it. Though later in the episode the looking out view does look kindamuch the same as 105?)
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(props to Alfea for having non-magical fire extinguishers for added safety)
Or at least one of the kitchens is in that building, I wouldn't be surprised to find out there are two. Or at least a smaller communal kitchen for the other mirrored building, so the girls don't have to go across campus for a midnight snack.
Further, although the exterior and interiors of the school don't always match up exactly, in several shots of the dining hall, we can see the six bays of tall windows. Now there is a chance they could just be windows from the middle floor, one of the balconied window sets, but the shape and compactness matches much more closely with the tower's rear facing window wall, the one that leads out onto the flat balcony.
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The number of windows/bay divisions don't match up perfectly, but again, internal-external logic consistency isn't 100% at Alfea,
Additionally, in these shots from season two, we can see some smaller windows lining the upper sections of the wall opposite the window wall, which match up loosely with the windows on the rear towers, where they meet the roof of the dorm section.
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We should also talk about sizes and room dimensions.
Based on the door below the smaller windows, the windows are at least three maybe four meters off the floor. The tables run about 5 meters.
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Estimating for girls behind pillars, the most packed side holds 16 students, while the least packed has space for 13.
A quick bit of research into bench tables brought me some numbers.
The longest commercial tables I could find that came with suggested sizing by seat number suggested that for a 10 person table (4 on each long and 1 per end cap, so realistically for out count and 8 person table) would range between 2.2m, 2.6m, or 2.8m depending on how comfy or squished the seating is expected to be. Doubling those numbers to get tables to seat 16 max per side, we end up with tables ranging 4.4m, 5.2m, and 5.6m.
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Doing a quick eyeball and stamp measurement, and given that the room isn't perfectly circular, but there is at least one (suspiciously straight) hallway outside it, I'd be okay saying that we're looking at a space with a rough diameter between 9 and 15 meters.
Finally, there's the thing that might be a door opposite the teachers' dais, which I think might match up with the external door on the tower that leads up a protruding staircase to a spiral staircase that leads to the observation platform on the top of the tower.
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Or at least an elevator or internal spiral staircase up to the external door, or even a door across a corridor to the external door, depending on how big the overall dining hall really is in relation to the tower it's sitting in.
Why don't I think it leads to the kitchens?
Well, let's look at the kitchen: it looks roughly square, or at least not a whole lot longer one way than the other, so we're looking at a squarer sort of rectangle at most, and with that we can do a few quick calculations based on what's in the kitchen.
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First, my research tells me that in a commercial kitchen, like for a restaurant, recommended kitchen size is .5m² per seat. The count of the students at the table (estimated 16+14+14+13=57 plus three teachers) give us around 60 seats, which makes our estimated kitchen around 30m².
(That's a fridge in the left corner as far as I can tell, though I did for a short time assume it was stairs. Gosh darn pattern on the door, fooling me.)
Further, commercial fridges, double ovens and cupboards give me widths of 610cm for a fridge, 60.96-68.58-76.2cm for double ovens, and 1200cm for a cupboard. recommended ventilation distance between ovens is a suggested minimum of 15.24cm, and there are four ovens along one wall with the fridge and the free standing cupboard. Using the largest width for ovens, we're looking at a room of at least 5.62m across.
It's important I note here, that the room isn't actually square, while the main body of it looks that way, there's also a little alcove attached along that wall.
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Now there is a bit more space between the ovens than is recommended, enough for Musa to hide between them comfortably, but this gives us a starting base.
Even if the dining hall is 15ms across on the outside, that's still enough room to fit the kitchen in the tower given some of my other calculations which have the width of the mirrored buildings at 24-30m across, which should translate to the width of the flat topped towers.
But again, there's that zoom in, and the fact the girls come in from the side and turn left into the kitchen. I think we're looking at a kitchen position that's a little something like this:
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Although I am hoping that despite the lack of any doors in the alcove, there's actually a walk in fridge/freezer behind the back wall, because there's plenty of cooking spaces, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of food storage outside the free standing fridge in the corner, the pantry by the alcove, and the alcove.
Maybe there's more in the various short cupboards, but at least a portion of those would be for cooking utensils, crockery, cutlery, and I don't see any that are different enough to indicate cold storage vs long-life/shelf.
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i-like-turkey · 1 month
Tomorrow night (4/30) at 7 pm ET, the NCIS fandom is going to hold a power hour on Twitter to target CBS. The goal is to trend #CBSDoesNotCare along with #SaveNCISHawaii.
We NEED to trend so this campaign travels beyond the fandom. People using the CBS hashtag prior to the start time will make it more difficult for us to trend. So plan your tweets. But DO NOT send them before 7 PM ET on 4/30.
Click here if you need to know when power hour starts in your time zone.
Talking points/images/links for the trend:
#CBSDoesNotCare about:
(1) Their woman of color lead. Vanessa Lachey was the first female and first person of color to lead an NCIS franchise show. CBS blindsided her with the cancellation after she heavily promoted the NCIS franchise's 1000th episode, making three PR appearances in a single day.
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(2) The LGBTQ+ community. CBS canceled a show with a lead lesbian couple and massive LGBTQ+ following on the last day of Lesbian Visibility Week after heavily promoting the #Kacy relationship on their socials.
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CBS's cancellation of the show sent yet another reminder to queer people that we don't matter. In the words of Lucy Tara: "So why dream?"
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(3) The NCIS Cast and Crew. The cast and crew learned about the cancellation at the same time that everyone else did. CBS didn't care that many people had moved to Hawaii permanently because of the show and had families who would be impacted by the cancellation.
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(4) The local economy. The cancellation has resulted in the loss of 350-400 local jobs and will cause a substantial impact to the Hawaiian economy. (h/t Treesie) (link to video of news report with these numbers)
(5) Harassment Victims. Paramount/CBS ordered an NCIS show starring Michael Weatherly despite paying out $9.5 million in 2018 to settle harassment allegations against him.
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Links to articles and videos to include in your tweets:
ET reporting on how CBS blindsided Vanessa Lachey.
Vanessa Lachey speaking to People in March about her daughter's desire for Vanessa and her husband Nick to celebrate their wedding anniversary despite the date conflicting with season 4 filming.
People subsequently reporting on how CBS blindsided Vanessa Lachey with the cancellation.
E! News reporting on how CBS blindsided Vanessa Lachey with the cancellation.
Deadline with details about how Michael Weatherly harassed Eliza Dushku.
Hawaii News Now: Cancelation of ‘NCIS: Hawaii’ causes economic blow for Hawaii’s economy.
These talking points & images & links are just a start!!! I'm sure there are a million other ways that #CBSDoesNotCare. Yell about all those reasons as loud and as long as you can starting tomorrow night (4/30) at 7 pm ET.
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an-archaic-archivist · 5 months
OK so you know how in Security Breach's Princess Quest ending, Vanessa is super happy and is chilling on a hillside eating ice cream, seemingly free from Glitchtrap's corruption forever? Yeah, I ain't buying that shit for 1 second. Since she was under his control for so long. How long exactly? Well....
A fnaf AR email reveals that Vanessa is 23 years old during the events of that game.
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Her email handle also has the numbers "97" at the end of it.
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Usually, those numbers correspond to your own birth year. So it's most likely that Vanessa was born in 1997.
Fnaf Security Breach most likely takes place in 2035 as evidenced by this poster we see in a Security office in the game.
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If everything I just said is true, then that means Vanessa was under Glitchtrap's control for about 15 years.
Ain't no way she's ever gonna recover from him. She probably can't even think for herself anymore. Since she no longer has him breathing down her neck at every turn. I'd be genuinely surprised if she can even leave her house without having a total mental shutdown.
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tannieastrology · 2 years
Astrology Observations #2
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After a long hiatus i'm back with a few observations I've made in the time I was gone. Hope you like it:)
🥀 Neptune in the 5th house may frequently get into a unhealthy one sided love if they don't learn to stop ignoring the red flags in the person their interested in. The presence of Neptune in this house makes you delusional towards your interest and blurs the line between love and obsession. It's the fact that yall chase after people who are obviously not good for you in the first place. Remember guys, reciprocation is very important in love and if you're not their number 1 then they shouldnt be yours either. My advice would be to stop making scenarios in your head and to take them for what they show you NOT what they could be. Learn to assert your boundries and stop romanticizing people who do the bare minimum you deserve better.
🥀 Pisces Venus and getting scammed by their own love interests smh. People who have this placement need to be careful with who they get involved with. My cousin had this placement and she was dating this guy from Australia who was trying to come to America. They were in a relationship for 5 years and when they got a court marriage he got the green card and ran away. So basically he used her for her own benefit and when he got what he wanted he left. Most men she got with ended up treating her so bad but they seemed pretty nice at first. That's what Neptune does. Wherever it's in your chart could be where you are taken advantage of and easily decieved so be extra cautious.
🥀 Mars in the 12th house have terrible sleeping schedules. They're the type to stay up during night and sleep during the day and then take their anger out on everyone because they're sleep deprived. This is me telling you right now to fix your sleeping schedule and even though you might find more peace at night humans are not nocturnal. Who knows y'all not getting the right amount of sleep could be the reason why you feel so depressed.
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🥀 Capricorn moons when are you gonna stop running away from your emotions. Life would be so much easier if you just learned to deal with your trauma and forget about the expectations that your loved ones have for you. I know life is unfair to you and your parents dont give you the love you deserve, but that doesnt mean you dont deserve to be happy. It's hard for people to love you if you push them away. Having a crush on someone with this placement, if underdeveloped, is not fun especially if he's a guy because they dont understand their emotions and dont put effort to understand them either. However, these are some of the most loyal, hardworking, mature people I have ever known when developed. They'll make you feel safe and loved in their arms if the truly love and care for you. They're good people but just have a wounded innerchild, that's it. Deep down I know y'all are softies so stop hiding it. Not everyone is out to get you I promise . Also please consider therapy.
🥀 Lilith in Scorpio women give maneater energy for some reason. Its hard to explain but they have this allure to them that people cant resist. Ex- Beyonce, Anne Hathaway, Taylor Swift, Briggete Bardot, Vanessa Paradis.
🥀 Venus square ascendant people I swear your beautiful stop thinking you're ugly. Sometimes you guys dont see your own beauty and the effect you have on people. You have the ability to turn heads when you walk into a room, but you dont see that because of the unbelievably high standards you've set for yourself. You're beautiful but the way you percieve what beauty is, doesnt align with your appearance or reality. Maybe it couldve been because people always commented on your appearence growing up or you feel pressured by society. Remember that beauty is the eye of the beholder. Just because you think your ugly doesnt mean that you actually are, youre just not your own type.
🥀 Mars square Uranus combined with Venus/Moon to Pluto is the epitome of enemies to lovers in synastry. Its like you hate them so much but have this unbelievable urge to slam them against the wall and kiss them. That person will annoy the shit out of you but the attraction is always underlying there and it gets hard to ignore. If you wanna a healthy relationship though, I would steer clear from this synastry because its toxic.
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🥀 Lilith in the 2nd house/Taurus are what I would imagine a material girl to be. They love luxury things and will find a way to get what they want if they set their eye on something. Also they might get a certain job or enter a career just because it pays well. They're pretty hedonistic in general and love sex or anything Taurus/Venus related. Alot of the women here have nicely shaped bodies and lips even if theyre on the skinnier side. However, they could have eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
🥀 Leo Venus are so cute you guys remind me of a little puppy begging for attention:/ The thing is, yall are too flighty for my liking. A guy I know liked 2 girls at the same time and one of them even like him back and she asked him out, but he said no because he like the other one more like dude??? The other girl even had boyfriend but still he said no. Then he had the audacity to complain about the fact that he's never been in a relationship before. These people are more in love with the idea and attention of love then actually being in a relationship. As a Capricorn Venus this placement is a red flag sorry.
🥀 Saturn square Venus in synastry is so sad to watch its literally right person wrong time as a placement. The couple I was talking about above had this placement and they didnt end up together because they liked each other at different times and everyone ships them too but it just never happened. The girl was the Venus and the guy was Saturn.
🥀 Virgo Mars are secretly little freaks and if they have aspects from Saturn it could be someone who's into bdsm. I met a guy with this placement and he used to call me master and ma'am. For some reason i could sense the sexual undertone in his voice but idk. Virgos in general are the definition of gentlemen/lady in the streets freaky in the sheets, so keep your eye on them.
🥀 Taurus and Cancer together in the big six gives major milf energy.
🥀 Capricorn and Virgo together in the big six gives dilf energy.
🥀 I hate stereotyping placements in astrology but damn Gemini Venus men are fuckboys sorry. My bestfriend has this placement and he told me he like 4 girls at once. Also he dated all of his best friends and while one of them was in a relationship he asked her out while she was dating the other guy. He got rejected but still. I think this applies to guy with a Gemini Sun though because I've observed that Cancer Sun Gemini Venus guys behave differently.
🥀 Leo risings are not as confident as youd think. People I know with this placement are super insecure and have a love hate relationship with their hair.
🥀 10th and 11th house synastry is seriously so slept on. If you want a ride or die lover go find someone you have this synastry with. Major power couple vibes.
That's all for today don't hesitate to give feedback:)
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the-ooftroop · 11 months
Any queer/trans/enby headcanons for the very correct timeline?
Answered a similar question about specifically enby characters the other day so I'll reblog that after this for you!
As for queer characters in general, here's a list
-William is bi
-Eleanor is bi
-Michael is autosexual, to nobody's surprise and everyone's dismay
-Vanessa is lesbian
-Henry is... Henry
Some of the kids are also queer but obviously did not live long enough for this to matter much at all to them. That said, these are still canon.
-Elizabeth is lesbian
-Andrew is gay
-Charlie is pan
-Cassidy is pan
And of course, the most important animatronic pairings
-Fredbear x Springbonnie
-Freddy x Bonnie
-Mr. Hippo x Orville
And Number 1 Crate is trans.
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ranaissingle · 1 year
In My Mind
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Masterlist Summary: Reader exists in the same circle as Austin and has been head over heels in love with him for years but she never speaks up over the course of their friendship until a new years party. Rating: T Word Count: 2.1 k ( I swear this was meant to be a short whip I have no idea what happened)
Warnings: Unrequited love lol (can you tell I'm feeling angsty?) A/N: Hey girlies, it's been a hot minute haha. School kinda got in the way and then I had to learn (for the zillionth time) that men ain't shit (besides our lord and savior Austin Butler of course). I quite literally have no inspiration so please do send me some requests. I'm thinking of doing another angst fic about Hanahaki disease... How do we feel?
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When Austin told you he had started dating Vanessa Hudgens you felt like you wanted to die. Yes. Die. The world seemed to close in on you as he continued explaining how they had met and how he had asked her out. Each word was another knife in your throat and every admission of his love for her tore your heart into smaller and smaller pieces.
But you sat there and listened. You listened as he detailed their first kiss, their first date, his confession, and hers to him. It took each ounce of self-control to not get up and scream. Scream at him for not knowing how you felt and scream for the heart that had broken.
But you kept your mouth shut. You helped Austin plan all the valentines day dates, the birthday trips, and each anniversary date. Every single thing he had done for her and every girl he had been with since had been painstakingly vetted by you. You were happy to help him, but the fact that all your preparations were for another girl was a hard pill to swallow.
Everything came to a head when he started dating Kaia Gerber. She was beautiful. in every way imaginable she was conventionally attractive. Her skinny legs, straight waist, and small hips made you want to collapse in on yourself. She was perfect in every way. She was everything you were not. Tall, skinny, and beautiful.
Austin was smitten. He had developed a habit of dating skinny models and he had yet to break it. You were anything but surprised when she caught his eye when he asked you if you had her number, when he took her out for the first date, and then eventually when they started dating. It was routine for you now.
He would meet a girl, become infatuated, date her, dump her, then move on to the next one.
But at least you stayed constant. You had been constant for well over a decade at this point. That was more than any of the other girls could say. So you were content, until the New Year's of 2022. It was December 31st, 2022 and Austin had just broken up with his latest fling and had elected to spend New Year's as a free agent. You had never really had a date on new years because your previous relationships always ended before the fateful day or started after. You had grown accustomed to accompanying the same leather chair in the corner of your living room while you watched your friends with their respective partners mingle about your house. You sipped champagne as you watched couples drunkenly sway together as the countdown began to draw dangerously close to midnight.
1 hour to midnight
You spotted Austin out of the corner of your eye and you felt the iciness in your heart melt when he smiled at the people he spoke to. He was in the middle of a group of 4 other people yet still looked ethereal. His hair shone under the kitchen light and the crinkles around his eyes made you want to run your fingers over them.
You watched him. You watched how his lips moved. You traced his figure with your eyes until you reached his hands. His fingers picked at the cuticles of his nails. It was his nervous habit. He always resorted to picking at his cuticles whenever he was around people he didn't know well. It had led to many last-minute manicures before photoshoots to help deal with the redness it left.
30 minutes to midnight
You slowly pushed yourself off the comfortable chaise and made your way over to him. Maybe if you were with him he would feel so nervous, and it could save you from a last-minute call to the nail salon where you had to beg for an opening. You slid in next to him and smiled at the people around him. They barely looked away from Austin to greet you, but you were fine with that. Austin was the star, not you. You slipped your hands in his hand and tugged it behind your back to keep it out of view from those around you.
Austin thrived off of physical touch. He needed it like the air he breathed. Whenever he was feeling nervous or overwhelmed being enveloped in a hug from you or even just having your hand in his was enough to calm the nerves and allow him to breathe. Austin looked down to where you were pressed into his side.
You knew him so well that even from across the room you knew he needed grounding. His chest swelled with pride for a reason he couldn't quite pinpoint. His conversation with those around him continued without a hitch and when the countdown started to broadcast on the TV, they all made their way to their respective partners leaving you and Austin alone at the kitchen island.
15 minutes to midnight
You kept Austin's hand clasped in yours as the countdown numbers descended. Neither of you planned on moving or letting go. The warmth of his hand reached places all over your body and practically heated you up from the inside.
7 minutes to midnight
Austin leaned his head down to whisper into your ear, "If I didn't know you better I'd say that you end up single on New Year's on purpose." You heard the smile in his voice.
"Do you?"
His brown furrowed together, "Do I what?"
You matched him with a grin of your own.
"Know me better." The half tilt of your head made his stomach churn.
His laugh was smooth and boisterous. He brought his other arm around your shoulder to bring you closer to his side. Your heart slowed as you relaxed into him and abandoned your unnecessarily alcoholic drink on the kitchen counter.
5 minutes to midnight
"Hey." Austin's voice cut into the still air of the room. His eyes were trained on the TV and you looked up at his jaw as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
"Do you… do you wish you had a date? For New Year that is." The question caught you off guard and you twitched as you pressed into his side.
"uhm, I-I. I gues-" You stuttered when you couldn't seem to form a cohesive response. Your heart started to accelerate again and your breaths came out in short pants.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself once more to better be able to form a cohesive sentence.
"Well, I guess no one wants to be alone on New years. But that is just how it always seems to happen." You paused a sudden feeling of bravery came over you. The most likely culprit of such a feeling being the alcohol.
"And the person I would like to be with is almost always in a relationship during the New Year." You focused your gaze on the suddenly very interesting kitchen tiles. You had previously told Austin about someone that you had a crush on for years. You had tried to keep it yourself but Austin tended to pry when it came to matters of love but as much as he tried to wrangle the information out of you about who it was, you had kept tight-lipped and unwavering in your resistance to respond.
"Oh?" His eyebrow quirked up as he looked away. It seems he had also taken a sudden interest in the wall decor you had across the room.
"Is this the same guy you've told me about before?" His voice was deep and his throat bobbed as he spoke.
"Yes, it is actually. The very same."
"Haven't you been into this guy for years Y/N?"
"Yes, I have."
"And you are still into him? Why? He is the stupidest man in the world if he hasn't noticed by now." His chuckle was low but you could tell he didn't actually find it remotely funny.
You looked up at him and wished that he would understand from your eyes that you were talking about him, that you were in love with him.
But you had been in love with him for nigh over 10 years and the dolt had yet to come to any significant realization regarding your feelings so there was no use hoping for something like that now.
"Well, I would stop loving him if I could, but as soon as I feel like I can get over him, he does something that has been crawling back." You shrugged lightly and took another sip of your drink before placing it back on the counter.
3 minutes to midnight
"And it doesn't help that he is my best friend." You were skirting around the dangerous territory with that statement. You knew you were. But you were so tired that all the previous reservations and rules you had so painstakingly followed, disappeared.
Austin's eyes widened in confusion.
"Best friend? You have another best friend?" Austin was too slow for his own good.
You shrugged before replying, "Nope, I only have one best friend."
He let out an exasperated sigh
"So I'm not your best friend?!" Your eye twitched.
"No Austin. You are my only best friend."
"So who are you in love with?" Your fingers twitched. You were going to strangle him.
"I am in love with my one and only best friend."
Austin tensed next to you and you awaited the sting of his rejection that you had spent the better part of the last 10 years preparing for.
2 minutes to midnight
The silences echoed in the room despite the growing cheers of those around you. The timer was steadily counting down the seconds and you wanted to vomit.
The bile rose in your throat when the counter reached 30 seconds. Awaiting his rejection was arguably worse than the rejection itself.
You pushed away from him. His previously comforting warmth had twisted something in your gut and now you wanted to vomit.
His hand traced your back as you slid away before it fell back to his side. He stuttered out a "W-wait."
But you didn't want to
3 Austin yanked you back until your face was back in his chest and his arm was around your waist. He moved his head into your neck and pushed his nose into your hair before taking a deep breath.
2 Your breath caught when he pulled your head away from him to look into your eyes. 1 He kissed you. He kissed so hard you could have sworn you had fireworks behind your eyes. His hands were everywhere. Crossing your neck, cupping your hips, and splaying across your back. He kissed you until neither of you could breathe anymore. You wrenched away from each other and gulped down large breaths of fresh air.
His hand shakily pressed against your cheek and you looked up to meet his eyes. You didn't want this to be something that only happened because it was the heat of the moment. You wanted it to mean something to him. You wanted him to love you the same way you had for years. You didn't want this to be mean nothin-
"I love you." You had the timbre of his voice memorized. You knew it was Austin speaking but you still looked around you dreading the possibility of him not speaking to you.
But your face was still cupped in between his hands and his eyes were on you.
your eyes were wide as you looked at him You felt stinging and then a prick of tears in your eyes. They fell slowly down your cheeks one by one and Austin kissed each of them away.
All at once you need him on you all over again. You had gone years without so much as a kiss on the cheek from him and you would be damned if you continued in that fashion.
So you pulled his lips hard against you and kissed him until your lips were numb and swollen, and even then you didn't want him off of you.
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well, this was probably shitty so forgive me. It has been a while since I posted so figured I needed to back in the groove of things haha. I think I might do a professor x university student Austin fic next so watch out for that lol.
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Summary: It’s your birthday, and Vanessa wants to make something special. She decides to bake you a cake even if she has never baked anything before. What could go wrong? | Words: 759.
Warnings: Cursing, fluff, kissing, a little hurt/comfort??? Established relationship. Fem!Reader.
A/N: Hey! This is super short. Honestly this is just self-indulgent. A gift for myself since today is my birthday! I hope you enjoy. Also the title is a reference to that one FNAF 1 poster that says "Celebrate."
Main Masterlist | Vanessa Masterlist | AO3
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When she first found the recipe online, Vanessa was sure she would be able to pull it off perfectly.
But she was wrong.
At first it seemed easy enough.
She bought all the ingredients after you left for work. When she arrived home, she prepared her work area, and soon enough she was ready to begin.
“Preheat the oven,” she read on the recipe. Vanessa raised her eyebrows slightly. “Exactly how much time do I have to preheat it?” She thought, but did it nevertheless.
Vanessa also realized you two didn’t own an electric mixer, so she had to make the cake's icing by hand. She scratched her head, sighing and decided that the best thing to do was to start as soon as possible.
She followed the instructions for the icing adding the eggs on at a time when she realized that the mix looked off. She realized that the recipe said “only the egg yolks” while she had used the whole eggs. Vanessa contemplated it for a moment, before deciding that a little mistake was not worth scrapping the whole thing, so she kept mixing, hoping that that would fix it.
It ended up looking thinner than the website showed, but she shrugged it off.
Next up was the cake mix. She added all the ingredients at once, and started mixing.
An impressive number of lumps formed in the mixture, and Vanessa had to whisk until her arm grew tired to try and break them apart. In an attempt to ease it, she added more milk than needed, and now it had a texture that was too watery. So she added more flour, but when inserting the measuring spoon into the bag, it became unstable and ended up falling off the table, spilling half of its content onto the kitchen floor.
She groaned, staring at the mess. Vanessa was starting to get frustrated. This was supposed to be something easy for her. She wanted it to be perfect for you. Because you deserved it.
Vanessa did her best to fix the disaster, and then she continued working on the cake.
This was not going the way she expected. She ended up with a cake with a burnt bottom, an undercooked top and the icing was thin and too liquidy.
She felt like crying, and looked at the watch on her wrist. It was almost time for you to come home, there was no way she could fix the cake in time.
The sudden jingle of your keys snapped her out of her desperate trance. You were home.
She sighed, looking at her “masterpiece.”
“Darling, I’m home,” she heard you say from the living room. Her heartbeat quickened, she felt the need to hide or run away but she resisted it.
Vanessa tried to calm her nerves as she took off her apron, and at that moment, you entered the kitchen. “Hey, Ness, what–”
You stopped in the middle of your sentence, staring at the mess in the kitchen. Dirty dishes, eggshells on the counter, some spilled cake mix and finally, the cake itself in all its messy glory. Your eyes widened.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she said with a wry smile. “I tried to make something special for you.” She pointed to the sad cake on the kitchen counter.
You opened your mouth, but no sound came out of it, and for her that was the last straw. Vanessa let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and sobbed.
You broke out of your astonishment. Quickly approaching her, you asked, “Oh, no. Darling, are you okay?”
She sobbed again, “I tried to do something nice for you. But I failed.” Vanessa tried to wipe the tears out of her face. “It didn’t matter how hard I tried, I kept messing up. You deserve better than this.”
You let out a shaky breath, and pulled her into an embrace. You stroked her back, drawing circles to help her calm down.
“Ness, you don’t need to do everything perfectly. Just the fact that you try is enough.” You reassured her. “Not everything is achieved on the first try, and to me, your intentions are what mean the most. We’re here to support each other in every step of the way, right?”
She pulled away slightly, her face was tear stained but there was a small smile on her lips. “Right,” she whispered.
“Thank you for the cake, love.” You murmured, looking down at her lips.
She smiled more broadly and leaned in to kiss you softly.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
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A/N: Reblogs are appreciated!
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